Full text of "Science"
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EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: S. NEwcomsB, Mathematics; R. 8S. Woopwarp, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING,
Astronomy ; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THURSTON, Engineering ; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry ;
J. LE ConTE, Geology ; W. M. DAvis, Physiography ; HENRY F. OsBorN, Paleontology ; W. K.
Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; 8. H. SCUDDER, Entomology ; C. E. BessEy, N. L.
BRITTON, Botany ; C. 8S. Minot, Embryology, Histology ; H. P. Bowpitcn, Physiology ;
J. S. Bruurnes, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology ; DANIEL G. BRIN-
TON, J. W.. POWELL, Anthropology.
ae Z
N.S. VOL, [x.—JANUARY TO JUNE, 1899.
The Names of Contributors are Printed in Small Capitals.
ABBE, CLEVELAND, Catalogue for Meteorology, 871
ADLER, Cyrus, The International Catalogue of Scien-
tific Literature 761, 799
Age of the Earth, Lorp KELVIN, 665, 704; T. C.
Allen, Alfred H., Commercial Organic Analysis, W.
A. NOYES, 63, 818
ALLEN, J. A., Birds, A. H. Evans, 647
‘American Association for the Advancement of Science,
28, 628, 881
Amerind— A Designation for the Aboriginal Tribes
of the American Hemisphere, 795
Ames, J. S., Text-book of Physics, Charles S. Hast-
ings and F. E. Beach, 545 ; Catalogue for Physics,
Anatomists, American, Association, D. S. LAMB, 320
Angot, Alfred, Météorologie, FRANK WALDO, 743
Anschiitz, R., Organic Chemistry, E. RENOUF, 749
Anthropological, Section of the American Association,
145 ; Society of Washington, J. H. McCoRMIcK,
218, 590
Anthropology, Current Notes on, D. G. BRINTON,
37, 117, 156, 185, 227, 266, 299, 338 ; Advances
in Methods of Teaching, FRANZ Boas, 93
Arc of Peru, Remeasurement of, 916
Astronomical Notes, WINSLOW UPTON, 36, 224; E.
C. PICKERING, 417, 456
Atomic Weights, FERDINAND G. WIECHMANN, 23 ;
Quarter Century’s Progress, F. P. VENABLE, 477
B., H. C., The Statistical Method in Zoology, 74
Bailey, L. H., The Principles of Agriculture, ELISHA
Bailey, Solon I., Peruvian Meteorology, R. DeC.
WARD, 715
BARROWS, FRANKLIN W., New York State Science
Teachers Association, 811
BaRus, CARL, The Objective Presentation of Har-
monic Motion, 385
BatTuHer, F. A., Zoological Bibliography, 154 ; The
Storage of Pamphlets, 720; Some Smithsonian
Publications, 775
BAvER, L. A., Trowbridge’s Theory of the Earth’s
Magnetism, 264
BEAN, TARLETON H., Fishes of the South Shore of
Long Island, 52; Identity of Common and Lab-
rador White Fish, 416
Beddard, F. E., Structure and Classification of Birds,
F. A. Lucas, 212; Elementary Zoology, CHAS.
Bell, Alexander Graham, on the Development by Se-
lection of Supernumerary Mamme in Sheep, 637
BERKEY, CHARLES P., Minnesota Academy of Nat-
ural Sciences, 623
Berry, Arthur, A Short History of Astronomy, DAvrp
P. Topp, 682
BESSEY, CHARLES E., 74, 226, 555, 689, 880; The
North American Potentillez, per Axel Rydberg,
548 ; The Evolution of Plants, D. Campbell, 618
Binet, Na L’ Année psychologique, 292
Biological, Stations of Brittany, JoHN H. GER-
OULD, 165 ; Society of Washington, O. F. Coox,
257, 486, 847; Fresh Water Stations of the
World, Henry B. WARD, 497; Text-Books and
Teachers, O. F. Cook, 541 ; Bulletin, 652
Biology, Section of the N. Y. Acad. of Sci., GARY N.
CALKINS, 718 ; FRANCIS E. Luoyn, 912 ; of the
Great Lakes, JACOB REIGHARD, 906
BLACKFORD, EUGENE G., Note on the Spawning
Season of the Eel, 740
Biss, C. B., Section of Psychology and Anthropology,
New York Academy of Sciences, 219, 376
Boas, FRANZ, Teaching of Anthropology, 93
Botton, H. CARRINGTON, and W. P. CUTTER, Cata-
logue for Chemistry, 867
Boston. Society of Natural History, SAMUEL HEN-
SHAW, 624
Botanical Club, Torrey, E. S. BURGESS, 33, 295, 520,
591, 819, 876; of Washington, CHARLES LoUIs
POLLARD, 291, 914 ; of the University of Chi-
cago, 413 ; Notes, CHARLES E. BESSEY, 74, 226,
555, 689, Bee Gazette, 376, 589, 620
BouTWELL, Ap , Geological Conference and Stu-
dents’ weer aif Harvard University, 33, 113, 335,
519, 591, 719, 752, 786
BRIGHAM, A. IRS Physical Geography, W. M. Davis
and H. W. Snyder, 410
BRINTON, D. G., Current Notes on Anthropology, 37,
76, 117, 156, 185, 227, 266, 299, 338
BRITCHER, H. W., Onondaga Academy, 114, 376
Brooks, W. K., Truth and Error, 121 ; The Wonder-
ful Century, A. R. Wallace, 511
Brunissure of the Vine, ALBERT F. Woops, 508
Bumpus, H. C., Marine Biological Laboratory, 228
BurGess, E. 8., Torrey Botanical Club, 33, 295, 520,
591, 819, 876
Burnside, W., Theory of Groups of Finite Order, F
N. CoLe, 106
Butler, A. W., Birds of Indiana, F. M. C., 66
C., C. G., Practical Astronomy, W. W. Campbell, 842
Oly F.C., ’ Physical Notes, 116, 378, 493, 555
C., F. M., Birds of Indiana, A.W. Butler, 66
C., H. W., Bacteriology, Ferdinand Hueppe, 513
Casont, FLORIAN, Carl Friedrich Gauss and his
Children, 697
CALKINS, GARY N., Biological Section of the New
York Academy of Sciences, 718
CHAMBERLIN, T. C., Lord Kelvin’s Address on the
Age of the Earth as an Abode fitted for Life, 889
Campbell, D. H., The Evolution of Plants, CHARLES
E. BESSEY, 618
Campbell, W. W., Astronomy, G. C. C., 842
Card, Fred. W., Bush Fruits, B. D. HALSTED, 109
Catalogue, International of Scientific Literature, 187 ;
Cyrus ADLER, 761, 799; J. VicrToR CARUvSs, 825,
Physics, J. S. AMEs, 864, Chemistry, H. CAr-
Lors, 908
CATTELL, J. MCKEEN, Degrees in Science in Harvard
University, 522
Cayley, Arthur, Collected Mathematical Papers,
Chemical, Society of Washington, WILLIAM H. Krue,
32, 517, 622, 751; Society, American, DURAND
WoopMAN, General Meeting, 58 ; N. Y. Section
of, 258, 487, 654, 820, 913; Journal American,
151, 257, 451, 620, 718, 712
Chemistry, Notes on Inorganic, J. L. H., 71, 155, 185,
266, 297, 337, 457, 595, 623, 652, 656, 688 ; Phys-
ical, Journal of, 151, 293 ; Organic, The Revival
of, H. N. STOKES, 601
Dana, 147; Report of Official State Bureaus, 162
CLEMENT, FREDERIC E., Pflanzengeographie, A. F.
W. Schimper, 747
Climatological Ass. Amer., GUY HINSDALE, 774
CocKERELL, T. D. A., The Chinch Bug, F. M. Web-
ster, 175; North American Rhopalocera, Henry
Skinner, 373; A Date-palm Scale Insect, 417 ;
Color in Nature, Marion J. Newbiggin, 448
Cor, W. R., The Time of Breeding of some Common
New England Nemerteans, 167
CoE, F. N., The American Mathematical. Society,
57, 322, 684 ; Theory of Groups of Finite Order,
W. Burnside, 106
Cole, R. S., Photographic Optics, FRANK WALDO,
Collins, Joseph, Faculty of Speech, E. W. F., 745
Congdon, Ernest, A Qualitative Analysis, W. A.
CONKLIN, EDWIN G., Advances in Methods of Teach-
ing Zoology, 81
Cook, O. F., Biological Society of Washington, 257,
332, 468, 847; Biological Text-books and Teachers,
CRANDALL, CHARLES §., Storing Pamphlets, 115
CREIGHTON, J. E., The Groundwork of Science, St.
George Mivart, 147
Creighton, J. E., Logic, GEORGE REBEC, 779
Cummings John, WM. H. NILES, 24
logue for Chemistry, 867
D., A. St. C., Notes on Physics, 225, 419, 655, 687
D., T., The Choice of Elements, 418
DALL, WM. H., Zoological Nomenclature, 221
Dana, James D., Revised Text-book of Geology, W.
B. CLARK. 147
DAVENPORT, CHAS. B., Specific Place Modes, 415
Davenport, Charles B., Experimental Morphology,
T. H. MorGAN, 648
Davis, W. M., and H. W. Snyder, Physical Geogra-
DAWSON, GEORGE M., Duplication of Geologic For-
mation Names, 592
Day, WM. S., Section of Astronomy and Physics of
the New York Academy of Sciences, 653, 850
DEAN, BASHFORD, Amer, Morphological Soc., 311,
364 ; Lamprey Macrophthalmia Chilensis, 740
DEARBORN, G. V. N., The Origin of Nightmare, 455
DEGARMO, CHARLES, Talks to Teachers on Psychol-
ogy, William James, 909
Delage, Ives, L’ Année biologique, 292
Derventer, Ch. van, Physical Chemistry for Beginners,
Harry C. JONES, 750
Dewar, on Liquid Hydrogen, 914
DILLER, J. 8., Stalactites of Sand, 371 ; Latest Vol-
canic Eruptions of the Pacific Coast, 639
Discussion and Correspondence, 34, 70, 114, 154, 184,
221, 259, 297, 376, 415, 455, 488, 520, 553, 592,
624, 686, 720, 752, 787, 820, 850, 877
DODGE, CHARLES WRIGHT, Elementary Zoology,
Frank E. Beddard, 329
DopGE, RicHArD E., Rivers of North America,-
Israel C. Russell, 214; New York Academy of
Sciences, 452 ; Suggestions for Scientific Semin-
ars, 520
Doo.uitrxe, C. L., National Observatory, 471
Durand, J. P., Taxonomie générale, F. A. L., 150
DwiGut, THoMAs, Human Anatomy, Henry Morris,
EASTMAN, C. R., Plastiline, 211; Some New Amer--
ican Fossil Fishes, 642
Eel, Spawning Season of the, EUGENE G. BLACKFORD,
740 ; Larval Stage of the THEO. GILL, 820
EIGENMANN, CARL H., A Case of Convergence, 280
ELKIN, W. L., National Observatory, 475
Embouchure, N. A. Indian Flageolets, E. H. Haw-
LEY, 742
Entomological Society of Washington, L.O. Howarp,
181, 413
Evans, A. H., Birds, J. A. Allen, 647
Explosions caused by commonly occurring Substan-
F., W. H., Industrial Electricity, Henry de Graffig-
ny, 374
F., W. S., Notes on Physics, 336, 378, 418, 457
FARRAND, LIVINGSTON, American Psychological As-
sociation, 249 ; Indians of Western Washington,
Fatigue, Mental, EDWARD THORNDIKE, 712
Furnt, A. 8., Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, 179
Folwell, A. P., Sewerage, M. M., 64
Food Adulteration, Senatorial Investigation of, 793
FOWKE, GERARD, Archeological Investigations on
the Amoor River, 539
FRANKLIN, W.S., The Sensation of Motion and its
Reversal, 70; Etherion, 297 ; Fundamental Law
of Temperature for Gaseous Celestial Bodies, 594
Fuertes, E. A., National Observatory, 475
FULLER, M. L., Rapidity of Sand-plain Growth, 643
G., J. E., Freezing-point, Boiling-point and Conduct-
ivity Methods, Harry C. Jones, 150
GALLOWAY, B. T., Enzymes as Remedies in Infec-
tious Diseases, 379
Ganona, W. F., Methods of Teaching Botany, 96 ;
Columbia Meeting of the Society for Plant Mor-
phology and Physiology, 169
GARDINER, Epw. G., Plymouth, England, and its
Marine Biological Laboratory, 488
VoL. IX.
Gauss, Carl F iedrich and his Children, FLORIAN
CAJoRI, 697
Geological, Conference and Student’s Club of Harvard
University, J. M. BOUTWELL, 33, 113, 335, 519,
591, 719, 752, 786; Soc. of ‘Amer., J. F, KEMP,
100, 138 ; Soc, of Washington, Wm. F. MorseEtu,
152, 454, 551, 622; Survey, Publications, 177;
of Maryland, BAILEY WILLIS, 252; In Alaska,
W.F. M., 628; Club, University of Minnesota,
F. W. Sardeson, 412; Expedition to the Philip-
pines, W. F. M., 722°
Geologist, American, 111, 517.
Geology, ‘Journal of, 375, 783, 911; and Mineralogy,
Section of the 'N. Y. Acad. of Sci., ALEXIS A.
JULIEN, 719, 818.
GEROULD, JOHN pe The Biological Stations of Brit-
tany, 165
GIDDINGS, FRANKLIN H., The Psychology of So-
ciety, 16
GILL, THEO., Larval Stage of the Eel, 820
Gorvon, REGINALD, Section of ‘Astronomy and
Physics of the N. Y. Acad. of Sci., 219, 488
GRAFFIGNY, HENRY DE, Industrial Electricity, W.
H. F., 374
Groos, Karl, Die Spiele der Menschen, HrrRAm M.
Guyer, MICHAEL F., Ovarian Structure in an Ab-
normal Pigeon, 876
H. J. L., Notes on Inorganic Chemistry, 71, 155,
185, 266, 297, 337, 457, 595, 623, 652, 656, 688
Hagen, J. G., Atlas of Variable Stars, 29
Hacun, ARNOLD, The Early Tertiary Volcanoes of
the Absaroka’ Range, 425
HALL, ASAPH, National Observatory, 468
HALuock, WILLIAM, Kirchoff’s Principle, 210 ; Re-
ception and Exhibition of the N. Y. Acad. of
Sci., 616
HALsteD, B. D., Bush Fruits, Fred. W. Card, 109
HALSTED, GEORGE BRUCE, Mathematical Papers, 59 ;
La vie sur les hauts plateaux, A. L. Herrera and
D. V. Lope, 255 ; Sophus Lie, 447 ; N. I. Lobat-
schefski, 813
HARSHBERGER, JOHN W., Transmitted Characteris-
tics in a White Angora Cat, 554
Hastings, Charles, 8.. and F. E. Beach, Text-Book of
General Physics, J.S. AMES, 545
Hawley, E. H., Embouchure in N. A. Indian Flageo-
lets, 742
Hay, O. P., Fossil Vertebrates, 593
Hellmann G., Wetter Prognosen, A. L. Rotcn, 910
Helmholtz, Hermann von, Brain of, 557
HENSHAW, SAMUEL, Boston Society of Natural His-
tory, 624
Herrera, A. L., and D. V. Lope, La vie sur les hauts
Hill, Robert T., Cuba and Porto Rico, WJ M., 65;
and T. W., Vaughan, The Lower Cretaceous
Grypheeas of the Texas Region, F. W. SIMONDs,
110 ; Geology of the Edwards Plateau and Rio
Grande Plain, FREDERIC W. Simonps, 481
HINSDALE, Guy, Medical Climatology, S. Edwin
Solly, 485 ; Amer. Climatological Association, 774
Hopes, WM. H., Science Club of the University of
Wisconsin, 875
Holland, W. J, The Butterfly Book, SAMUEL H.
HOLMAN, Siias W.,
Work, 154
Matter, Energy, Force and
Holman, Silas W., Matter, Energy, Force and Work,
T. C. M., 24
Howarp, L. O., Entomological Soc. of Washing-
ton, 181, 413 ; Economic Status of Insects, 233
Hueppe, Ferdinand, Principles of Bacteriology, H.
W.C., 513
Huntington, Geo. S., Teaching of Anatomy, 85
JAMES, WILLIAM, Lehmann and Hansen on Tele-
pathy, 654 ; Telepathy Once More, 752
James, William, Talks to Teachers on Psychology,
Jesup, North Pacific Expedition, L. FARRAND, 533;
JOHNSON, ROSWELL, H., Two-headed snakes, 625
Jones, HArRy C., Physical Chemistry, J. L. R.
Morgan, 717; Physical Chemistry Ch. van Der-
venter, 750
Jones, Harry C., Freezing Point, Boiling Point and
Conductivity Methods, J. E. G., 150
JORDAN, DAvip STarr, A Sage in Science, 529 ;
A Posthom Phantom, a Study in the Spontan-
eous Activity of Shadows, 674
JORDAN, EDWIN O., Examination of Water, William
P. Mason, 548
Jupp, CHas. H., Sub-Section of Anthropology and
Psychology of the N. Y. Acad. of Sci., 553, 685
JUDD, SYLVESTER D., Birds as Weed Destroyers, 905
JULIEN, ALEXIS A., Section of Geology and Miner-
alogy of the N. Y. Acad. of Sci., 719, 818
KEELER, JAMES E., National Observatory, 476
KELVIN, Lorp, The Age of the Earth, 665, 704
Kelvin, Lord, Address on the Age of the Earth, Pro-
Kemp, J. F., Geological Society of America, 100, 138
KEYSER, C. J., Infinitesimal Analysis, W. B. Smith,
KRoEBER, A. L., Anthropological Section of the
American Association, 145
KRuG, WILLIAM H., Chemical Society of Washing-
ton, 32, 333, 517, 622, 751 i
L., F. A., The New York Zoological Park, 73 ; Taxo-
nomie, J. P. Durand, 150; Neomylodon Listai, 459 —
LAmp, D.8., Association of Amer. Anatomists, 320
LAWRENCE, RALPH E., Mercury Pump, 510
LEE, FREDERIC’S., Amer. Physiological Society,
286; Laboratory Exercises in Anatomy and
Physiology, J. E. Peabody, 331
Leland Stanford Jr. University, 916
Leroux, Ernest, Codex Borbonicus, M. H. SAVILLE,
LITTLEHALES, G. W., The Prospective Place of the
Solar Azimuth Tables in the Problem of Ac-
celerating Ocean Transit, 640
Lioyp, FRANCIS E., Section of Biology of the N.
Y. Acad. of Sci., 913
Lobatschefski, Nikolai Ivanovitsch,
Lockwoop, M. H., and E. B. WHEPLER, On the
Action of the Coherer, 624 f
Locy, Wm. A., Northwestern University Science
Club, 31 ;
Logs, JACQUES, Catalogue for Physiology, 908
Loew, OSCAR, ‘What is the Cause of the so- -called™
Tobacco Fermentation, 376
Loew, Oscar, Die chemische Energie der Lebenden
Zellen, ALBERT F. Woops, 409
LorinG, J. ALDEN, Virginia Opossum, 71
Lucas, F. A., Structure and Classification of Birds,
F. E. Beddard, 212; Nomenclature of the
Hyoid in Birds, 323 ; Biological Society of Wash-
ington, 785
Lusk, GRAHAM, Physiology, E. A. Schiifer, 291
M., F., Sanitary Engineering, Mansfield Merriman,
M. M., Sewerage, A. P. Folwell, 64
M., T.C., Metric System, 377 ; Matter, Energy, Force
and Work, Silas W. Holman, 24
M., W. F., Geological, Survey Work in Alaska, 628;
Expedition to the Philippines, 722
M., W J, Cuba and Porto Rico, Robert T. Hill, 65
MacDouaat, D. 'T., Physiology, Max Verworn, 650
head, 324
MACLOSKIE, GEORGE, Physiological Osmosis, 206 ;
Osmotic Solutions, 554
Marine Biological Laboratory, H. C. Bumpus,
228 ; of Plymouth, Eng., Epw. G. GARDINER,
488; A New, HuGH M SmiruH, 658; Wood’s
Holl, 721
MARLATT, C. L., Some Common Sources of Error in
recent Work on Coccidze, 825
Marr, J. E., Stratigraphical Geology, HENRY S. WIL-
_ LIAmMs, 547
Mars, the Planet, G. SCHTAPARELLI, 633
Marsh, Othniel Charles, J. L. WorTMAN, 561
Mason, William P., The Examination of Water,
Mathematical Society, The American, F. N. Cone,
57, 322; Transactions of, 375; Bulletin, 412,
450, 751
McCLENAHAN, Howarp, On the Wehnelt Current
Breaker, 753
McCormick, J. H., Anthropological Society of
Washington, 218, 590
MENDENHALL, T. C., National Observatory, 469
MERCER, HENRY C., Men of Science and Anti-Vivi-
section, 221
Mercury Pump, Ralph R. Lawrence, 510
MERRIAM, C. Hart, Zone Temperatures, 116
Merriman, Mansfield, Sanitary Engineering, M., 109
MERRITT, ERNEST The Discharge of Electricity
through Gases, J. J. Thomson, 289
Meteorology, Current Notes on, R. DE C. WARD, 72,
116, 298, 458, 627, 657, 787, 878 ; Catalogue of,
Minnesota Academy, CHARLES P. BERKEY, 623
MINoT, CHARLES S., Anatomy and Histology of the
Mouth and Teeth, J. Norman Broomall, 216
Mivart, St. George, The Groundwork of Science, J.
Morgan, J. L. R., Elements of Physical Chemistry,
MorGan, T. H., Experimental Morphology, Charles
B. Davenport, 648
Morris, Henry, Human Anatomy, THomMas Dwiaut,
Morse, ELISHA WILSON, The Principles of Agricul-
ture, L. H. Bailey, 328
MOoRSELL, W. F., Geological Society of Washington,
152, 454, 551, 622
MUNROE, CHARLES E., Explosions Caused by Com-
monly Occurring Substances, 345
MUNSTERBERG, HuGo, Methods of Teaching Psychol-
ogy, 91; Physiological Basis of Mental Life, 442
Myers, G. W., National Observatory, 474
National Academy of Sciences, 621
Newbiggin, Marion J., Color in Nature, T. D. A.
NEWcomB, Simon, National Observatory, 467
Newcomb, Professor Simon, 851
NEWELL, W. W., American Folk-lore Society, 173
Newth, G. S., Quantitative and Qualitative Chemical
Analysis, HENRY Fay, 176
New York Acad. of Sci., Section of Astronomy
and Physics, W. S. Day, 653, 850; R. GorDoN,
219, 488; of Psychology and Anthropology,
C. B. Briss, 219, 376; C. H. Jupp. 553, 685 ;
of Biology, G. N. CALKINS, 718; FRANCIS E.
Lioyp, 912; of Geology and Mineralogy, A.
A. JULIEN, 719, 818; Annual Meeting R. E.
Dopar, 452; Reception and Exhibition, W1L-
Nives, Wo. H., John Cummings, 24
NoLan, EDWARD J., Philadelphia Academy of Nat-
ural Sciences, 68, 181, 336
Norris, JAMEs F., The Spirit of Organic Chemistry,
Arthur Lachman, 817
Noyes, W. A., Qualitative Analysis, Ernest A. Cong-
don, 26; Commercial Organic Analysis, Alfred
H. Allen, 63, 818; Industrial Chemistry, 160
O., C. A., Defective Eyesight, St. Jonn Roosa, 846
O., H. F., The Removal of Dr. Wortman to the Car-
negie Museum, 755
Observatory, The United States Naval, A. N. SKIN-
NER, 1, 857; A National, 465; Discussion of a, 467;
Stmon Nrewcomp, 468; ASAPH HALL, 468; C. A.
YouneG, 468; T. C. MENDENHALL, 469; R. S.
WoopwarD, 470 ; C. L. DooLirTLE, 471; W. H.
W. Very, 473; Davip P. Topp, 473; G. W.
Myers, 474; E. A. Fuertes, 475; W. L.
Opossum, Virginia, J. ALDEN LorIN@, 71
OsBoRN, HENRY F., Frontal Horn on Aceratherium
Incisivum, 161
OsBorN, H. L., A Remarkable Sun-dog, 521
OsBURN, R. C., Ohio Academy of Science, 180
P., T. S., Wild Animals I have known, Ernest Seton
Thompson, 26
PATRICK, G. T. W., Degeneracy, Eugene S. Talbot,
Patten, Simon N., The Development of English
Thought, R. M. WENLEY, 713
PEARSON, KARL, Reproductive Selection, 283
Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, EDWARD
J. NOLAN, 68 ; Exposition of 1900, 649
Philosophical Society of Washington, E. D. PRESTON,
218, 296, 454, 621, 652, 686, 846
Physical Society, American, A. G. WEBSTER, 784
Physics, Notes on, 116, 225, 336, 377, 378, 418, 456,
493, 555, 655, 687; Club of New York, A. T.
SEYMOUR, 553 ; Catalogue for, J. S. AMES, 864
Physiological, Society, American, The N. Y. Meeting
of, FREDERIC S. LEE, 286 ; Basis of Mental Life,
PICKERING, E. C., Astronomical Notes, 417, 456
PICKERING, W. H., National Observatory, 47
VoL. IX.
PIERPONT, JAMES, Analytic Functions, J. Harkness
and F. Morley, 586
Plant Morphology, and Physiology, The Society of,
W. F. GANONG, 169
POLLARD, CHARLES Louis, Botanical Club of Wash-
ington, 294, 487, 652, 914
PorTER, Wo. T., Methods of Teaching Physiology,
PoWELL, J. W., Reply to Critics, 259
Powell, J. W., Truth and Error, W. K. Brooks,
121 ; Lester F. WARD, 126
PRESTON, E. D., Philosophical Society of Washing-
ton, 218, 621, 296, 454,652, 686, 846 ; Geodetic
Operations in the United States, 305
PritcHETT, HENRY S., Magnetic Survey of the
United States by the Coast and Geodetic Survey,
Pumas of Western United States, WITMER STONE, 34
RAMALEY, FRANCIS, Scientific Society of the Uni-
versity of Colorado, 720
RAMSAY, WILLIAM, The Recently Discovered Gases
and their Relation to the Periodic Law, 273
Rauh, F., La psychologie des sentiments, H. M. STAN-
LEY, 683
REBEC, GEORGE, Introductory Logic, 779
REIGHARD, JAcoB, Biology of the Great Lakes, 906
RENovrF, E., Organic Chemistry, R. Anschitz, 749
Roosa, St. JOHN, Defective Eyesight, C. A. O., 846
Rorcn, A. L., Wetterprognosen und Wetterberichte,
G. Hellmann, 910
Russell, Israel C., Rivers of North America, RICHARD
E. DopGE, 214
SAFFORD, TRUMAN HeEnRy, On the Total Solar
Eclipse of May 28, 1900, 115
SARDESON, F. W., Geological Club of the University
of Minnesota, 412
SAVILLE, M. H., Codex Borbonicus, Ernest Leroux,
Schafer, E. A., Physiology, GRAHAM LUSK, 291
SCHIAPARELLI, G., Observations of Planet Mars, 633
Schimper, A. F. W., Pflanzengeographie, FREDERIC
Schnabel, Carl, Metallurgy, J. STRUTHERS, 588
Science, Nebraska Academy of, 29; Club of North-
western University, WM. A. Locy, 31; and poli-
tics, S. W. WILLISTON, 114; Academy of St.
Louis, WILLIAM TRELEASE, 114, 220, 415, 488,
624, 720, 786; Onondaga Academy of, H. W.
BRITCHER, 114 ; Work, 152 ; Natural, 152 ; Ohio
Academy of, R. C. OsBuRN, 180; American
Journal of, 517, 652; Degrees in, at Harvard
University, J. MCKEEN CATTELL, 522; A Sage
in, DAVID STARR JORDAN, 529; American As-
sociation for the Advancement of, 628: Ab-
stracts, 784 ; Teachers Association of N. Y. State,
FRANKLIN W. BaArrkows, 811; Club of the
University of Wisconsin. WM. H. Hopss, 875.
Sciences, Natural, Philadelphia Academy of, EDWARD
J. NOLAN, 68; Minnesota Academy of, CHARLES
P. BERKEY, 623; Arts and Letters, Wisconsin
Academy of, A. S. FLINT, 179 ; Texas Academy
of, FREDERIC W. SIMONDS, 217 ; National Acad-
emy of, 621; New York Academy of ; Section of
Astronomy and Physics, R. GoRDON, 219, 488 ;
W.S. Day, 653, 850 ; of Psychology and Anthro-
pology, C. B. BLIss, 219, 376; C. H. JUDD, 553,
685 ; of Geology and Mineralogy, A. A. JULIEN,
719, 818; of Biology, G. N. CALKINS, 718; An-
nual Meeting, RICHARD EH. DopGE, 452 ; Recep-
tion and Exhibition, WILLIAM HALLOCK, 616
Scientific, Books, 24, 59, 106, 147, 174, 212, 252, 289,
324, 372, 409, 448, 481, 511, 545, 586, 618, 682,
713, 743, 755, 813, 842, 872, 909 ; Journals and
Articles, 29, 67, 111, 151, 178, 217, 257, 293, 375,
450, 485, 517, 549, 589, 620, 718, 750, 783, 911;
Notes and News, 38, 76, 118, 157, 188, 267, 300,
339, 379, 420, 460, 494, 524, 557, 597, 628, 692,
724, 755, 788, 820, 851, 883, 917; Seminars and
Conferences, RICHARD E. DODGE, 520 ; Appoint-
ments under the Government, 523; Alliance of
New York, 550, 629 ; Society of the University
of Colorado, FRANCIS RAMALEY, 720
ScRIPTURE, E W., The Anesthetic Effects of a
Sinusoidal Current of High Frequency, 377;
Color-Weakness and Color-Blindness, 771 ; Cere-
bral Light, 850; Arousal of Instinct by Taste, 878
SCUDDER, SAMUEL H., The Butterfly Book, W. J.
Holland, 66
SEARLE, ARTHUR, National Observatory, 472
Seg, T. J. J., An Extension of Helmholtz’s Theory
of the Heat of the Sun, 737
SEyMmourR, A. T., Physics Club of New York, 553
SHALER, N.S8., Geology and Geography in the Inter-
national Catalogue of Scientific Literature, 907
SHARPE, B. F., A Double Instrument and a Double
Method for the Measurement of Sound, 808
Stmonps, F. W., The Lower Cretaceous Gryphzas
of the Texas Region, 110; Texas Academy of
Sciences, 217 ; Geology of the Edwards Plateau
and Rio Grande Plain, Robt. T. Hill and W. T.
Vaughan, 481
SKINNER, A. N., The U. S. Naval Observatory, 1
SMITH, EuGENE A., Alabama Industrial and Scien-
tific Society, 296
SmirH, Haran I,, Collections of the Provincial
Museum of Victoria, British Columbia, 156 ;
Archeological Investigations on the North
Pacific Coast of America, 535
SmitH, HuaH M., A New Marine Biological Labora-
tory, 658; Exploring Expedition to the Md-
Pacific Ocean, 796
Smith, W. B., Infinitesimal Analysis, C. J. KEYSER,
Societies and Academies, 29, 68, 112, 152, 179, 217,
257, 294, 332, 376, 412, 452, 486, 517, 550, 590,
621, 684, 718, 751, 784, 818, 847, 875, 912
Solly, S. Edwin, Medical Climatology, Guy H1ns-
DALE, 485
Solutions, M. A. W1ILLcox, 455 ; Osmotic, G. Ma-
CLOSKIE, 554 '
Sound, A Double Instrument and a Double Method
for the Measurement of, B. F. SHARPE, 808
Specific Place Modes, CHARLES B. DAVENPORT, 415
STANLEY, Hiram M., Artificial Dreams, 263 ; Evo-
lution of Modesty, 553; Die Spiele der Men-
schen, 619 ; La psychologie des sentiments, 683 ;
Totemism, 877
Steam-Engine, Theory of the, R. H. THURSTON, 659
‘Steam-gas,’ R. H. THURSTON, 753
StEvENS, W. LE Conte, Physics—Sound, J. H.
Poynting and J. J. Thomson, 872
STEVENSON, J. J., Our Society, 41
STILEs, CH. WARDELL, Tuberculosis Conference, 491
St. Louis Academy of Science, WILLIAM TRELEASE,
114, 220, 415, 488, 624, 720, 786
SrokeEs, H. N., Revival of Inorganic Chemistry, 601
Srone, WitMER, Pumas of the Western United
States, 34
Schnabel, 588
Handbook of Metallurgy, Carl
T., E. W., Faculty of Speech, Joseph Collins, 745
T., Kk. H., Anti-Friction Alloys, 247; Automatic
Ship Propulsion, 915
Talbot, Eugene S., Degeneracy, G. T. W. PATRICK,
Thompson, Ernest Seton, Wild Animals
Known, T. 8. P., 26
TuHomeson, M. T., Breeding of Animals at Wood’s
Hole during the Month of September, 1898, 581
Thomson, J. J., The Dis:harge of Electricity through
THORNDIKE, EDWARD, The Dawn of Reason, James
Weir, 450; Mental Fatigue, 712; The Mental
Fatigue due to School Work, 862
Thorp, Frank, Industrial Chemistry, W. A. NoYEs,
Tuurston, R. H., The Suppression of Smoke, 55 ;
Professional Schools vs. Business, 207; Engineer-
ing and the Professions in Education, 407 ; Agri-
cultural Electro-technics, 480; Economics in
Manufactures, 583; Theory of the Steam Engine,
659; Thermodynamic Action of Steam Gas, 753
TITCHENER, E. B., Lehmann and Hansen on ‘the T: I-
epathic Problem,’ 36 ; Professor James on Tele-
pathy, 686 ; The Telepathic question, 787
Topp, Davip P., Discussion of a National Observa-
tory, 473; A Short History of Astronomy, Ar-
thur Berry, 682
Torrey Botanical Club, E. 8. BURGESS, 33, 295, 520,
591, 819, 876
'TRELEASE, WILLIAM, Academy of Science of St.
Louis, 114, 220, 415, 488, 624, 720, 786
Trowbridge’s Theory of the Earth’s Magnetism, L.
True, A. C., Agricultural Experiment Stations, 199 ;
The Scientific Study of Irrigation, 798
I have
University and Educational News, 40, 80, 120, 160,
192, 271, 304, 341, 383, 424, 464, 496, 528, 559,
600, 631, 695, 728, 759, 791, 824, 856, 887
Upton, WINSLOW, Astronomical Notes, 36, 224, 492;
The Storing of Pamphlets, 184
VENABLE, F. P., Atomic Weights, A Quarter Cen-
tury’s Progress, 477
Verworn, Max, General Physiology, D. T. Mac-
Dougal, 650
VERY, FRANK, W., National Observatory, 473
WaALpo, FRANK, Météorologie, Alfred Angot, 743 ;
Photographie Optics, R. S. Cole, 874
Wallace, A. R., The Wonderful Century, W. K.
Brooks, 511
Warp, Henry B., The Fresh-water Biological Sta-
tions of the World, 497
WARD, LESTER F., Truth and Error, 126
WARD, R. DEC., Current Notes on Meteorology, 72,
116, 298, 458, 627, 657, 787, 878; Peruvian
Meteorology. Solon I. Bailey, 715
WASHBURN, F. L., Hermaphroditism in Ostrea
Lurida, 478
Webster, F. M., The Chinch Bug, T. D. A. Cock-
ERELL, 175
WEEKS, F. B., Duplication of Geologic Formation
names, 490, 625
Weir, James, The Dawn of Reason, EDWARD THORN-
DIKE, 450
WENLEY, R. M., The Development of English
Thought, Simon N. Patten, 713
Whitehead, A. N., A Treatise on Universal Algebra,
WHITMAN, FRANK P., On the Brightness of. Pigments
by Oblique Vision, 734
WIECHMANN, FERDINAND, G., Atomic Weights, 23
WILDER, BurT G., Some Misapprehensions as to the
simplified Nomenclature of Anatomy, 566;
Two Corrections, 655
Willcox, M. A., The Making of Solutions, 455
Williams, Talcott, The Primitive Savage, 37
WILLIAMS, HENRY §., Stratigraphical Geology, J.
E. Marr, 547
WILLIs, BAILEY, Geological Survey of Maryland,
WILLISTON, S. W., Science and Politics, 114; Red-
Beds of Kansas, 221
WILLSON, FRED’K N., The Elements of Graphic
Statics, 515
Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, A. S. FLINT, 179
Woop, R. W., The Diffraction Process of Color Pho-
tography, 859
WoopMAN, DURAND, The American Chemical So-
ciety, 58; N. Y. Section of the American Chem-
ical Society, 258, 487, 654, 820, 913
Woops, ALBERT F., Die chemische Energie der leben-
den Zellen, Oscar Loew, 409 ; Brunissure of the
Vine and other Plants, 508
WOODWARD, R. S., National Observatory, 470
WoopwortH, J. B., Kalendar fiir Geologen, K. Keil-
hack, 174
WortTMAN, J. L., Othniel Charles Marsh, 561
Wortman, Dr., H. F. O., 755
Youna, C. A., National Observatory, 468
Zone Temperatures, C. HART MERRIAM, 116
Zoological, Notes, F. A. L., 73; H. C. B., 73, 156,
266, 459; Bibliography, F. A. BATHER, 154;
Club, University of Chicago, MARY M. STURGES,
183; R.S. LILLIe, 183; MIcHAEL F. GUYER,
876 ; Station at Naples, 596
Zoo'ogy, Methods of Teaching, EDWIN G. CONKLIN, 81
EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: S. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WooDWARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING,
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THuRSTON, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. LE ContE, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; O. C. MArsH, Paleontology; W. K. Brooks,
C. Hart MERRIAM, Zoology; 8S. H. ScupDER, Entomology; C. E. Bessey, N. L. Brirron,
Botany; HENRY F. OsBorRN, General Biology; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology;
H. P. Bownitcu, Physiology; J. S. Brnuinas, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL,
Psychology; DANIEL G. BRINTON, J. W. POWELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, JANUARY 6, 1899.
The United States Naval Observatory: PROFESSOR
PAVE NGG OKUUNINEDR irasncsteesscesesesestercsttceresssecscseas 1
The Psychology of Society: PROFESSOR FRANKLIN
Tay (GSUDDIENCIS) cedooababobslcascHoonbucaadeicn oosdcadacoc sere 16
Atomic Weights: DR. FERDINAND G. WIECH-
RVLAIIRY 9 nepsocsonsdoboppSudndoboenacoobdaconiEscqnn6sceqqn9H00 23
John Cummings: PROFESSOR Wm. H. NILEs...... 24
Scientific Books :—
Holman on Matter, Energy, Force and Work: T.
C. M. Congdon’s Qualitative Analysis; Muter’s
Manual of Analytical Chemistry: PROFESSOR W.
A. Noyes. Thompson’s Wild Animals I have
known: T. 8. PP. Morris’s Human Anatomy:
PROFESSOR THOMAS DWIGHT. Generdl.......... 24
Scientific Journals and Articles :.....sccceceeeeeeseeeeeeees 29
Societies and Academies :—
The Nebraska Academy of Sciences; Science Club
of Northwestern University: PROFESSOR W. A.
Locy. The Chemical Society of Washington:
WintiAM A. Krua@. Students’? Geological Club
and Conference of Harvard University: J. M.
BoOUTWELL. Torrey Botanical Club: E. 8. BuR-
GHUES) ccoscocodbandodasd daobegsdedadassndano snobagedecoougbo0d 29
Discussion and Correspondence :—
The Pumas of the Western United States: Wu1t-
MER STONE. The Schmidt-Dickert Moon Model:
OLIVER C. FARRINGTON. Lehmann and Hansen
on ‘the Telepathic Problem’: PROFESSOR E. B.
ALETENQORS TOAST, hoon denqnconsodpaddonooxdeasebocdonobadseds56060 34
Astronomical Notes :—
The November Meteors; Chase’s Comet (J. 1898) ;
Stellar Motions : PROFESSOR WINSLOW UPTON... 36
Current Notes on Anthropology :—
The American Hero-Myth ; The Primitive Savage ;
A Booklet on Ethnology: PROFESSOR D. G.
TSISVENEORT coocggonancadcosaabansosbbddossbooncoadseqcoonbqdes 37
ScientaficrNotesand News mcsssenaisvectsccsececsesss ene sees 38
University and E.lucational News........cscsceeeeeeeeeeees 40
MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended
for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
zor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
ALTHOUGH much interest was shown by
individuals in the science of astronomy in
the early history of our country, this in-
terest did not culminate in the founding
of any astronomical observatories until
the third and fourth decades of the present
century. About 1835 Professors Olmsted
and Loomis observed Halley’s comet with
a five-inch telescope placed in the steeple
of one of the buildings of Yale College at
New Haven, Connecticut, but the observa-
tory erected by Professor Albert Hopkins
of Williams College, in 1836, was probably
the earliest establishment of the kind in the
United States. It was 48 feet long by 20
in breadth, and*consisted of acentral apart-
ment surmounted by a revolving dome and
flanked by two wings. The dome con-
tained an equatorially mounted Herschelian
telescope of 10-feet focus, and a 3.5-inch
transit instrument was set up in one of the
wings. Only two years later Professor
Loomis built a small observatory at Hud-
son, Ohio, and furnished it with a 4-inch
equatorial telescope and a 2.7-inch transit
circle. The longitude and latitude of this
observatory was determined by Professor
Loomis, and he observed five comets and
sixteen occultations in the brief intervals of
leisure left from his regular class work in
the Western Reserve College. Another
indication of the zeal of individuals in the
advancement of science by actual astro-
nomical observation is shown by a paper
published in the ‘Transactions’ of the
American Philosophical Society, New Series,
Vol. VII., pp. 165-213, detailing observa-
tions of nebulze made by H. L. Smith and E.
P. Mason at New Haven, Connecticut, with
a 12-inch reflector. This memoir contains
carefully executed plates of several nebule,
on which the stars are accurately plotted.
Among those in our country who re-
peatedly urged the foundation of an astro-
nomical observatory in the United States
was John Quincy Adams. While Secre-
tary of State, as early as 18238, he offered
personally to contribute $1,000 towards the
establishment of an astronomical observa-
tory in connection with Harvard College,
provided the requisite amount for complet-
ing the work should be raised within two
years, but this effort failed. In 1825, in his
first message to Congress after becoming
President of the United States, he made
recommendations for the establishment of
a national observatory, a uniform standard
of weights and measures, a naval academy,
a nautical almanac and a national univer-
sity. Party rancor prevented the carrying-
out of any of these far-reaching plans at
that time, but all of them) except that of a
national university, were executed by our
government at a later date. It was some
years after this notable message of Presi-
dent Adams before Emperor Nicholas, of
Russia, entered upon the preliminary steps
which culminated in the creation of the
celebrated Pulkowa Observatory.
Even after leaving the Presidential chair,
President Adams never once relaxed his
efforts towards the founding of a national
observatory. In 1838 our
England announced that he had received
the money bequeathed to the American peo-
ple by James Smithson for the increase and
diffusion of knowledge among men. Mr.
Adams immediately urged that this fund
should be devoted to the founding of an
Minister to.
[N. S. Vou. 1X. No. 210.
astronomical observatory and a nautical
almanac, and, as chairman of the select com-
mittee on the Smithson fund, he advocated
that plan on three different occasions be-
tween 1838 and 1842. It is interesting to
note that Senator Preston, of South Caro-
lina, violently opposed these recommenda-
tions of Mr. Adams, but that in 1842 Mr.
Preston gave the weight of his influence in
favor of the bill which finally created a
national observatory under the name of ‘ A
Depot of Charts and Instruments of the
Navy of the United States.’ Let us trace
the circumstances leading up to this event.
In 1830, under orders from the Navy De-
partment, Lieutenant Goldsborough estab-
lished a depot of charts and instruments in
the western part of the City of Washington,
in the square bounded by 24th and 25th
Streets, Pennsylvania Avenue and K Street
Northwest. Here, in a small circular build-
ing, on a brick pier with a foundation 20
feet below the surface, he mounted a 30-
inch transit instrument made by R. Patten,
of New York City. Goldsborough was suc-
ceeded in 1833 by Lieutenant Wilkes, who
removed the depot to a site on Capitol Hill,
on the west side of North Capitol Street,
between B and C Streets north, about 1,200
feet, north, 5° west, from the center of the
Capitol. The dimensions of the small ob-
servatory erected by Lieutenant Wilkes
were 14 feet by 185 feet, and 10 feet from
the floor to the eaves, and its outfit was
as follows: <A transit instrument of 3%
inches’ aperture and 63 inches’ focal length,
made by Troughton under Hassler’s direc-
tion for the U. 8. Coast Survey in 1815,
which was loaned to the Navy Department
and mounted on massive piers. A Borda’s
circle presented by Troughton to Mr.
Hassler in 1815; a 34-foot achromatic
portable telescope by Jones; a portable
transit instrument made by Richard Pat-
ten, and a sidereal clock. The Patten
transit instrument had previously been
JANUARY 6, 1899.]
mounted by Lieutenant Goldsborough in the
depot of charts and instruments established
by him, and was now mounted near the
south door of the observatory for the use of
the assistants. The sidereal clock was
bolted to the western pier of the Troughton
transit instrument, but it never performed
On assuming command of the United
States Exploring Fxpedition, in 1838,
Lieutenant Wilkes turned over the di-
rection of this observatory to Lieutenant
J. M. Gilliss. To perfect and complete the
instrumental outfit Gilliss was permitted
by the Navy Department to order the fol-
lowing instruments: From Parkinson and
Frodsham, of London, a sidereal clock and
a meantime clock; from Ertel and Son, of
Munich, a meridian circle of 4.5 inches’
aperture, furnished with circles 30 inches’
in diameter, one of which was graduated to
three minutes; from William Simms a
portable achromatic telescope of 34 inches’
aperture and 42 inches’ focal length. On
the parapet of the Capitol building a
south meridian mark was made, which was
viewed by reducing the aperture of the
transit instrument to 0.9 inch, and at a
distance of 2,302 yards a north mark was
erected, which could be viewed with the
full aperture of the transit instrument.
The north mark consisted of an obelisk of
sandstone 18 feet high and 14 inches square
at the top, having painted on its south face
five black lines, three inches apart.
Up to 1838 the work at the ‘Depot of
Charts and Instruments’ consisted of such
astronomical observations as were needed
for the rating of chronometers. In the be-
ginning of that year instructions, prepared
by Lieutenant Charles Wilkes, were trans-
mitted through the Navy Department to
Lieutenant Gilliss, directing him to coop-
erate with the United States Exploring
Expedition during the years 1838 to 1842
by systematically observing the following
named objects: (1) The Moon and moon-
culminating stars. (2) Falling stars, par-
ticularly the periodic ones in November.
(3) All eclipses of the Sun and Moon. (4)
Eclipses of Jupiter’s satellites. (5) Occul-
tations of the larger stars. In addition to
the work required by these instructions
Lieutenant Gilliss determined the right as-
censions of 1,248 stars, which were reduced
to the epoch January 1, 1840, compared
with the right ascensions of the British As-
sociation Catalogue and published in 1846
in an 8vo. volume of astronomical observa-
tions containing xxv-+671 pages. Dur-
ing the years 1840 to 1842 Gilliss also
made at the ‘ Depot of Charts and Instru-
ments,’ a fine series of magnetic observa-
tions, which were published in 1845 in an
8vo. volume of xxviii+ 648 pages.
The facilities for scientific work at the
little observatory on Capitol Hill were very
limited, but Gilliss used them most assid-
uously. He endeavored by actual achieve-
ment to demonstrate to the Navy Depart-
ment and to Congress the desirability
of providing an observatory especially
equipped for executing the most refined
astronomical work, and in this he was suc-
cessful. On the 15th of March, 1842, the
House Committee on Naval Affairs reported
to the House of Representatives a bill ‘to
authorize the construction of a Depot for
Charts and Instruments of the Navy of the
United States,’ together with a written re-
port which stated at some length that the
present ‘ Depot’ and its observatory are in-
adequate for the purposes intended, and are
unsafe for the protection of the valuable in-
struments; that we are indebted to other
nations for the data which enable our ves-
sels to cross the ocean ; that an observatory
is absolutely essential to the performance of
the duties which devolve upon the ‘ Depot ;’
that the existing observatory was erected at
private expense, and that facilities should
be provided for the execution of magnetic
observations. The wording of the bill
which accompanied the report and became
a law August 31, 1842, was as follows:
‘Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre-
sentatives of the United States of America in Congress
assembled : That the Secretary of the Navy be and he
is hereby authorized to contract for the building of a
suitable house for a depot of charts and instruments
of the Navy of the United States on a plan not exceed-
ing in cost the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars.
‘‘And be it further enacted: That the sum of ten
thousand dollars be and is hereby appropriated of any
money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated
towards carrying this law into effect.
“And be it further enacted: That the said estab-
lishment may be located on any portion of the public
land in the District of Columbia which the President
of the United States may deem suited to the purpose.’?
The Secretary of the Navy immediately
placed the preparation of the plans for the
new observatory in the hands of Lieuten-
ant Gilliss, who, after consulting with as-
tronomers in America, visited Europe to
obtain the views of those competent to
advise in these matters. In March, 1843,
he returned home, having ordered the
instruments under authority from the Sec-
retary of the Navy. Only eighteen months
were consumed in the erection of the
buildings, the mounting of the instruments
and the procuring of a library, and on the
7th of February, 1845, Gilliss presented a
detailed report of his labors (Senate Docu-
ment, No. 114, 28th Congress, 2d session,
Vol. VII.) which contains a careful de-
scription of the buildings and instruments,
illustrated by accurate drawings. The site
selected for the building was a reservation
between 23d and 25th Streets west, extend-
ing from E Street north to the Potomac
river. The area of the plot was 17.85
acres. The elevation of the ground on the
building site was about 100 feet above the
Potomac. Gilliss stated that the new
equipment was as follows: Ist, an achro-
matic equatorial telescope by Merz and
Mahler, Munich, of 9.6 inches’ aperture.
2d, a meridian transit instrument of 54
[N. 8. Vou. IX. No. 210.
inches’ aperture by Ertel, of Munich. 3d,
a prime vertical transit instrument of 4.9
inches’ aperture by Pistor and Martins,
Berlin. 4th, a mural circle by Troughton
and Simms, London, with a telescope of
4.1 inches’ aperture, and a circle 5 feet in
diameter divided to 5’ and read by six
micrometer microscopes. 5th, a comet
seeker of 4 inches’ aperture by Utzschneider
and Fraunhofer, Munich. 6th, magnetic
instruments. 7th, meteorological instru-
ments. 8th, books. In addition to those
items purchased, there belonged to the
‘Depot of Charts and Instruments’ a port-
able transit and two clocks, purchased by
Lieutenant Wilkes for the Exploring Expe-
dition, and a 30-inch transit circle and two
clocks ordered by Gilliss for the ‘ Depot.’
At the close of September, 1844, Gilliss
reported the observatory completed, with
the instruments mounted and ready for use.
On the Ist of October, 1844, Lieutenant M.
F. Maury was ordered to take charge of
the institution, and directed to remove to it
all the nautical books, charts and instru-
ments of the then-existing depot.
In reviewing the history of the Naval Ob-
servatory during Maury’s administration,
we shall first notice the instrumental equip-
ment, in the selection of which it is probable
that Gilliss was principally influenced by
English advisers. Instrumental construc-
tion was just then passing through a crit-
ical period. The Observatory of Pulkowa,
which was completed in 1838, following the
German school of construction, rejected the
mural circle, and supplied its place with
the celebrated Ertel vertical circle. An
Ertel transit instrument and a Repsold
meridian circle completed the outfit of Pul-
kowa for meridian work, and these instru-
ments were amply provided with horizontal
collimators and azimuth marks distant 550
feet, which were rendered visible by the in-
terposition of lenses of corresponding foca
length. In contrast with this, the Naval
JANUARY 6, 1899. ]
Observatory followed English precedent,
and was supplied with a mural circle which
remained its principal declination instru-
mentuntil 1865. The remaining equipment
was the Ertel transit instrument, of first-
class construction, but without horizontal
collimators and azimuth marks; the small
Ertel meridian circle, which had been
ordered by Gilliss for the Observatory on
Capitol Hill; the Pistorand Martins prime-
vertical transit instrument, identical in de-
sign with the similar instrument at Pulkowa;
and the Merz and Mahler equatorial refract-
ing telescope. The Ertel meridian circle
showed such serious defects of construction
that it was subsequently sold, and the Merz
and Mahler equatorial was much smaller
than the refractors at Pulkowa and Harvard
College Observatories, one of which was
erected a little before and the other a little
after that at the Naval Observatory. It
may also be mentioned that instead of mak-
ing the walls of its observing rooms of
brick, the Naval Observatory might advan-
tageously have followed the example of Pul-
kowa by making them of wood, the use of
sheet metal for such purposes being then
Now, for a passing glance at the person-
nel of the astronomical corps, which was
composed of three more or less distinct
classes, namely, line officers and staff offi-
cers of the United States Navy and civilians.
After years of persistent labor, Gilliss had
“created an astronomical observatory only
to have it snatched from his grasp when it
was ready for work. Lieutenant Matthew
F. Maury, who was ordered to take charge
of the new ‘Depot of Charts and Instru-
ments’ as its Superintendent on October 1,
1844, was then thirty-eight years old. He
was possessed of great energy, together
with a high degree of native ability, and
was well versed in naval affairs, but was
very scantily informed in regard to the
great advances in astronomical science
which had recently been made in Europe.
From the line of the navy three lieutenants
and six midshipmen were detailed as his
assistants. These gentlemen entered upon
their work with energy, but their tour of
duty was so limited by the rules of the
Navy Department that they were obliged
to return to their nautical work when they
had barely familiarized themselves with
their astronomical duties. Among their
names will be recognized many who at a
later date attained distinction during the
Civil War. To these line officers were
added Professors of Mathematics Coffin,
Keith and Hubbard, who were staff offi-
cers in the Navy. The corps of Professors
of Mathematics in the United States Navy
was originally created to supply instructors
for midshipmen afloat and ashore, and all
of them served in that capacity, until the
founding of the Naval Academy in 1845
closed their seafaring career and gave the
Navy Department an opportunity to utilize
a part of the corps in other duties. Pro-
fessor Coffin had instructed midshipmen on
shipboard for some half dozen years before
he was ordered to assist Lieutenant Gilliss
in 18438 in fitting up the new Observatory.
Hubbard, a recent graduate of Yale Col-
lege, was appointed Professor of Mathe-
matics, U. 8. N., in 1845, and was im-
mediately ordered to the Observatory.
Keith, who had just graduated from Mid-
dlebury College, Vt.,. received his ap-
pointment as Professor of Mathematics,
U.S. N., in 1847. These gentlemen were
each possessed of a high degree of mathe-
matical ability and were destined to leave
a lasting impress on the work of the
Observatory. At that time the only civil
appointee attached to the Observatory was
Mr. Sears Cook Walker, who was em-
ployed as a computer and observer. He
was one of the ablest, and certainly the
most experienced, of the corps of astrono-
mers, but unfortunate differences with
Lieutenant Maury led to his resignation
after a service of only fourteen months. In
1848 Mr. James Ferguson received the ci-
vilian appointment of Assistant Observer,
and later that of Assistant Astronomer. He
proved an indefatigable observer, and the
records of the Observatory show a vast
amount of valuable and painstaking work
with the equatorial by him. In 1851 Pro-
fessor Yarnall, U.S.N., was ordered to the
Observatory, and in the most untiring and
conscientious manner he made substantially
all the observations obtained with the
mural circle and the Ertel transit instru-
ment during the decade from 1850 to 1860.
Professor Keith withdrew from the Obser-
vatory in 1853, and Professor Coffin was
obliged to give up astronomical observing in
1850 on account of an affection of his eyes.
The work of the Observatory as published
during Maury’s administration is contained
in the following volumes: The Observa-
tions for 1845, published in 1846 ; the Obser-
vations for 1846, published in 1851; the
observations for 1847, published in 1853;
the observations for 1848, published in 1856;
the observations for 1849-1850 (one vol-
ume), published in 1859. It is worth noting
that in the published volumes from 1845 to
1848 inclusive the institution is designated
as the National Observatory, but on Decem-
ber 12, 1854, the Hon. J. C. Dobbins, Sec-
retary of the Navy, directed that its official
designation should be ‘The United States
Naval Observatory and Hydrographical
Office,’ and accordingly all subsequent vol-
umes have been issued as the work of the
United States Naval Observatory.
The scheme of work arranged by Maury
was as follows: To observe regularly in the
meridian the positions of the Sun, Moon,
planets and moon-culminating stars; to ob-
serve a Lyre regularly with the prime ver-
tical transit, to determine with that instru-
ment the declinations of a catalogue of
zenith stars, and to review the Dorpat
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 210.
Catalogue of double stars with the equato-
rial telescope.
The meridian observations of the Sun,
Moon and planets were commenced in 1845
with some degree of ardor, and kept up
with decreasing persistency for several
years, but after 1850 only a few scattering
observations occur in the published records.
The prime vertical transit was also em-
ployed for a few years, but soon after 1850
it fell into disuse.
The equatorial was used continuously
during the entire period from 1845 to 1861.
Assistant Astronomer Ferguson had charge
of it during a large portion of this time, and
the records show an unbroken series of care-
fully executed observations of comets, minor
planets and occultations of stars by the
Moon. The assiduity of Ferguson is at-
tested by his discovery of three minor
planets, viz: Euphrosyne, No. 31, on Sep:
tember 1, 1854; Virginia, No. 50, on Octo-
ber 4,1857; Echo, No. 60, on September 14,
Tt would be an act of injustice to pass by
unmentioned the numerous items of per-
sonal work which enrich the published
records. In them we find Coffin’s refrac-
tion tables founded on Bessel; tables for
aiding in the reduction of the apparent
‘places of stars to mean places, by Coffin,
Keith and Hubbard ; an investigation of the
latitude of the observatory and a discussion
of the errors of standard thermometers, by
S. C. Walker; and last, but not least, we
must mention 8. C. Walker’s discovery, on
February 4, 1847, that certain stars observed
by Lalande at Paris on May 8 and 10,
1795, were the recently discovered planet
Neptune ; thus extending the observations
of that planet over an interval of fifty years,
and thereby making the determination of
its elements much more precise.
By far the most ambitious task which
Maury set for the new observatory was de-
tailed in his letter to George Bancroft, Sec-
JANUARY 6, 1899. ]
retary of the Navy, July 28, 1846. Speak-
ing of the regular work upon the Sun, Moon
and planets, he adds: “A regular series of
observations is continued on these objects
and the time which is not occupied in the
round with them has, with your approval,
been devoted to cataloguing ; to this end a
regular and systematic exploration of the
whole heavens from 45° south has been
commenced, with the intention of penetra-
ting with the telescope every point of space
from that parallel of declination up to the
north pole, and of assigning position to every
star, down to the 10th magnitude, that shall
pass through the field of view.’’ Theamount
of labor involved in this colossal under-
taking was entirely beyond the capacity of
any one observatory to accomplish in a
generation. Maury would never have un-
dertaken it if he had possessed an intimate
knowledge of the herculean labor in respect
to observation and computation which its
execution demanded. The result was that
the observation of the zones was continued
with some degree of energy through the
years 1846, °47, ’48 and ’49 with the transit
instrument, the mural circle and the merid-
ian circle, by some eleven different obsery-
ers, two of whom were experienced, and the
remainder quite inexperienced. The num-
ber of observations accumulated unreduced
in these four years was fully 38,000.
Maury did not publish any results until
1860, when he issued the meridian circle
zones observed in 1846, containing about
4,000 observations. The publication of the
remaining zone work was delayed until
1873, when it was printed under the super-
vision of Professor Asaph Hall, who re-
marks : “ On account of the inexperience of
some of the observers and the lack of good
organization these observations contain
many errors, and the whole work needs a
careful revision.’”’ To furnish material for
this revision, four hundred and fifteen zero
stars were selected by Professor Hall from
the zones, and their places have since been
determined, but as yet the revision has not
been accomplished. In contrast with this
we may recall that during the decade 1850
to 1860 Argelander, of the Bonn Observa-
tory, in accordance with a carefully con-
ceived plan, observed and published the
approximate positions of more than 450,000
stars of the first nine magnitudes betweeu
23° of south declination and the north pole
of the heavens. Maury failed because his
scheme was entirely too herculean to be ac-
complished with the means at his command,
while Argelander achieved success by bring-
ing the scope and precision of his work
within the limits possible of execution.
A review of this period would be incom-
plete without a reference to the invention
of the chronographic method of registering
star transits and the general application of
electro-magnetism to the transmission of
time signals for the determination of differ-
ences of longitude. Soon after the inven-
tion of the telegraph several persons at
about the same time conceived the idea of
applying its fundamental principles to the
transmission of clock signals and the regis-
tering of star transits. Among them were
Walker, Bache, Bond, Mitchell, Saxton and
Locke. Lieutenant Maury became inter-
ested in the labors of the last-named gentle-
man, and induced Congress to appropriate
$10,000 on March 3, 1849, to pay Dr. Locke,
of Cincinnati, for the construction and use
at the National Observatory of a magnetic
clock, a fillet chronograph and a cylinder
chronograph. These instruments, although
not perfect in details, embraced the essential
features of the chronographs in actual use
at the present time.
We come now to the third period of the
history of the Observatory—namely, from
Maury’s resignation to the removal to the
new site. On April 20, 1861, Maury sud-
denly resigned his commission and went
south to join the Rebellion, and on April
23 Commander J. M. Gilliss, who had
built the Observatory some sixteen years
before, was ordered to assume charge. For
ten years previous to his withdrawal Maury
had ceased to have an active interest in
astronomical work, and had been wholly
absorbed in hydrographic studies. Upon
the accession of Gilliss new life was im-
mediately infused into the institution. He
resumed meridian observations of the Sun,
Moon and planets, which had been prac-
tically suspended, and made it one of his
first tasks to press the completion of all the
unfinished work, which had been accumu-
lating since 1852. At the same time he car-
ried on with equal zeal the nautical work of
the Observatory, which the Civil War, then
just beginning, had very largely increased.
Until June 21, 1866, when the Hydro-
graphic Office was created, an important
part of the duties of the Naval Observatory
had been to care for and issue to the Navy
all charts, sailing directions, compasses,
chronometers, sextants, spy-glasses and
other nautical instruments. At the date
above mentioned the care of all this ma-
terial, except chronometers, was transferred
from the Observatory, but most of it was
returned in 1883, and since then the Ob-
servatory has had charge of all nautical in-
struments of the Navy, except charts and
compasses. Since January 1, 1884, all
chronometers have been regularly subjected
to a temperature test ranging from 45° to
95° Fahrenheit.
During the Civil War, from 1861 to 1865,
the duties devolving on the Observatory, in
connection with the inspection and issue of
all varieties of nautical instruments, were
especially arduous, and the constant atten-
tion of a number of officers was required to
supply each of our several hundred war
vessels with their needed outfits.
Since August, 1865, in accordance with a
plan originated by Professor Harkness, the
Naval Observatory has transmitted time
(N.S. Von. 1X. No. 210.
signals daily, except Sundays and holidays,
over the telegraph lines running into the
chronometer room. Up to the latter part
of the year 1879 these signals were trans-
mitted by hand, but since that date they
have been sent by an automatic apparatus
in connection with the transmitting clock
devised by Professor J. R. Eastman. Time
ballsin a large number of the principal cities
of the country are dropped by them.
In 1862 Congress authorized the appoint-
ment of three civilians, called aids, to assist
in meeting the increased demands on the
Observatory on account of the war. Some
of the changes in the personnel during this
period were as follows:
Simon Newcomb was appointed Professor
of Mathematics, U. 5. N., in 1861; Asaph
Hall, William Harkness and J. R Eastman
received appointments as aids in 1862. Hall
and Harkness were promoted in 1863, and
Eastman in 1865, to be Professors of Mathe-
matics, U.S. N. In 1863 the Observatory
lost by death the gifted Professor Hubbard,
whose labors had been restricted for years
by a frail body.
The later additions to the personnel were
as follows: Edgar Frisby was appointed
Assistant Astronomer in 1868; A. N. Skin-
ner in 1870 and H. M. Paul in 1875.
Frisby was promoted to be Professor of
Mathematics, U. S. N., in 1878, on the re-
tirement of Professor Yarnall.
Soon after Gilliss’ accession to the super-
intendency it became apparent that in order
to meet the demands of science the Observa-
tory needed a first-class meridian circle,
and he took steps to remedy this defect in
its equipment. The result was the sale
of the small Ertel meridian circle, and the
mounting in 1865 of a Pistor and Martins
meridian circle 8.52 inches’ aperture. The
Ertel transit instrument was moved to the
east wing and the new meridian circle took
its place in the west wing.
In 1873 the Observatory received the
JANUARY 6, 1899.]
great 26-inch eqtatorial refractor by Alvan
Clark & Sons, which was then the largest
telescope in the world.
A continuous series of Sun, Moon and
planet meridian observations was carried
on from 1861 to 1865 with the mural circle
and the transit justrument. In the begin-
ning of 1866 the new Pistor and Martins
meridian circle was put in service, and ob-
servations were made with it in the old
west transit room until 1869, June 5. It
was then removed to the new transit room,
where it was used from February 2 to
August 15, 1870, when observations were
suspended for some repairs on the instru-
ment. They were resumed in 1871, August
1, and then continued until 1891, June 28,
when the instrument was dismounted for
removal to the new Observatory. In con-
nection with the Sun, Moon and planet ob-
servations, there were made on this instru-
ment extensive determinations of the posi-
tions of the Ephemeris stars and of large
numbers of miscellaneous stars. When the
mural circle and transit instrument were
relieved of the planet work, Professor Yar-
nall devoted them to the completion of the
determination of the positions of all miscel-
laneous stars which had been observed with
them since 1845. These collected observa-
tions form Yarnall’s catalogue, which was
published later. The equatorials were as-
siduously employed on the observation of
asteroids, comets, occultations, double stars,
satellites, and other work for which they
were especially adapted.
The annual volumes of observations were
published regularly from 1861 to 1890, and
the principal memoirs and researches of
greater or less extent appearing in them
during this period are as follows :
The solar parallax ; from equatorial observations
of Mars, 8.8415!’ by Professor Hall, Washington Ob-
servatory 1863, p. XI; from meridian observations
of Mars, 8.8310’ by Assistant Astronomer Ferguson,
Washington Observations, 1863, p. XI.
Discussion of the solar parallax by all known
methods, 8.848// by Professor Newcomb, Washington
Observations, 1865, App. IT.
A catalogue of the positions of 151 stars in Praesepe
by Professor Hall, Washington Observations, 1867,
App. IV.
Reports on the solar eclipse of 1869, August 7 ;
Washington Observations, 1867, App. I.
Reports on the solar eclipse of 1870, December 22 ;
Washington Observations, 1869, App. I.
Reports on the solar eclipse of 1873, July 29 ;
Washington Observations, 1876, App. III.
Reports on the solar eclipse of 1880, January 11 ;
Washington Observations, 1876, App. III.
The following embrace all of Hall’s double-star
work with the 26-inch equatorial ; Washington Ob-
servations, 1876, App IV., and Washington Observa-
tions, 1888, App. I.
The time of rotation of Saturn on its axis was de-
termined by Professor Hall by means of an equatorial
spot which was visible from 1876, December 7, to
1877, January 2. The period deduced was 10°14™
23.8 mean solar time. The paper may be found in
the Astronomische Nachrichten No. 2146.
On the right ascensions of the equatorial funda-
mental stars, by Professor Newcomb, Washington
Observations, 1870, App. III.
Researches on the motion of the Moon, by Professor
Newcomb, Washington Observations, 1875, App. II.
The Uranian and Neptunian systems, Professor
Newcomb, Washington Observations, 1873, App. I.
The central parts of the nebula of Orion, Professor
Holden, Washington Observations, 1878, App. I.
A catalogue of 10,964 stars from observations on
the mural circle and transit instrument, by Professor
Yarnall, revised edition by Professor Frisby, Wash-
ington Observations, 1884, App. I.
A catalogue of 1963 stars observed by Gilliss, at
Santiago, Chili, edited by Professor Harkness, 1868,
App. I.
Observations and orbits of the satellites of Mars,
Washington 1878. This memoir is bound with some
copies of Washington Observations, 1875.
The two satellites of Mars were discovered by
Professor Hall in August, 1877, with the 26-inch
The six inner satellites of Saturn, by Professor
Hall, Washington Observations, 1883, App. I.
Saturn and its rings, by Professor Hall, Washington
Observations, 1885, App. I.
Observations for stellar parallax, by Professor Hall,
Washington Observations, 1883, App. II.
The solar parallax and its related constants, by
Professor Harkness, Washington Observations, 1885,
App. III.
Reports on the observations of Encke’s comet dur-
ing its return in 1871, by Professors Hall and Hark-
ness, Washington Observations, 1870, App. II.
Chronometer rates as effected by changes of tem-
perature and other causes, by Commander C. H. Davis,
Jr., Washington Observations, 1875, App. III.
The following differences of Longitude
have been determined between Washington
Havana, Cuba, Professor Harkness, Washington
Observations, 1867, App. I.
St. Louis, Professor Harkness, Washington Obser-
vations, 1870, App. I.
Detroit, Mich. pee Eastman, Washington
Carlin, Nev. Observations, 1872, App. Il.
Austin, Nev.
Ogden, Utah, Professor Eastman, Washington Ob-
servations, 1874, App. II.
Sayre Observatory, South Bethlehem, Pa.; Profes-
sor Eastman, Washington Observations, 1875, App. I.
Cincinnati Observatory, Professor Eastman ; Wash-
ington Observations, 1876, App. IV.
Morrison Observatory, Glasgow, Mo.; Professor
Eastman, Washington Observations, 1876, App. V.
Observatory Princeton, N. J.; Assistant Astronomer
Paul, Washington Observations, 1878, App. II.
The zone observations made in 1846-1849 were pub-
lished as follows :
Meridian circle zones observed in 1846 (a separate
publication) contains 4,054 stars, 1860.
Mural circle zones 14,804 stars, Washington Ob-
servations, 1869, App. II.
Transit zones, 12,033 stars, Washington Observa-
tions, 1870, App. IV.
Meridian circle zones observed in 1847, ’48, 749,
7,390 stars, Washington Observations, 1871, App. I.
Results of observations made with the transit in-
trument and mural circle, 1853 to 1860 inclusive,
Washington Observations, 1871, App. II.
Report of Lieut. A. G. Winterhalter as delegate of
the United States Naval Observatory to the Astrophoto-
graphic Congress held in Paris 1887 ; with a report on
European observatories, Washington Observations,
1885, App. I.
Announcement of the discovery in April 1888, and
the subsequent determination of the elements, of a
new short-period variable star, S Antliz = No. 3407
of Chandler’s catalogue ; by Assistant Astronomer H.
M. Paul, Astronomical Journal No. 215.
A magnetic observatory was arranged by
Maury in 1845, but its construction was so
faulty and inadequate that its use was soon
discontinued. Nothing further was done
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 210.
in reference to magnetic observations un-
til 1887, when the Bureau of Navigation
erected on the grounds of the Naval Ob-
servatory a complete magnetic outfit which
was provided with facilities for obtaining
continuous photographic records of declina-
tion, inclination and horizontal force. In-
struments were also provided for the neces-
sary absolute determinations of the magnetic
elements. This magnetic outfit was turned
over to the Observatory in July, 1887. Ob-
servations were commenced soon after that
date, and continued until September, 1892,
when the instruments were removed to the
new site.
The preparations for the observations of
the transits of Venus of 1874 and 1882, by
the United States Transit of Venus Com-
mission, were made at the Naval Observa-
tory as the headquarters of the operations
of the Commission, but although this work
was done principally by Professors New-
comb and Harkness, it was entirely distinct
from the work of the Observatory.
During the years 1885, 1886 and 1887
Professor S. J. Brown, U. S. N., was per-
mitted by courtesy of the Superintendent
of the Naval Academy to use its 4-inch
Repsold meridian circle as an adjunct of
the Naval Observatory in making a series
of determinations of the positions of the
3803 stars which had been selected to serve
as the basis of the German Astronomical
Society’s southern zones.
When it became known that the work of
the Naval Observatory would be inter-
rupted by its removal to a new site the
trustees of the Washburn Observatory, of
Madison, Wis., very considerately offered
the free use of the instruments of the Wash-
burn Observatory to the staff of the Naval
Observatory during that period. In ac-
ceptance of this invitation Professor S. J.
Brown went to Madison on the conclusion
of his Annapolis work, and from October,
1887, to October, 1890, conducted a series of
JANUARY 6, 1899. ]
observations with the 4.8-inch Repsold
meridian circle on the ‘ zusatz’ stars Nos.
337 to 539 of the Berlin Jahrbuch.
Principally through the exertions of Rear
Admiral John Rodgers, during his superin-
tendency, Congress purchased a new site
for the Naval Observatory on Georgetown
Heights in 1881. Appropriations for the
construction of new buildings on this site
were made by Congress in 1886, plans for
them were prepared by the celebrated New
York architect, R. M. Hunt, and in the be-
ginning of 1893 they were sufficiently com-
plete to warrant the transfer of the establish-
ment to the new site.
We come now to the fourth period in the
history of the Observatory, namely, from
‘its change of location to the present time.
The new site is distant about two miles
in a northwesterly direction from the old
Observatory, and occupies 69.78 acres on
Georgetown Heights, the buildings being
situated on ground elevated from 260 to 280
feet above the Potomac River. Theshape
of the tract is so irregular that its reentrant
angles occasionally approach the buildings
more closely than is desirable, and, to rem-
edy this, Congress has enacted a Jaw au-
thorizing the laying out of a circle having
a radius of one thousand feet about the
center of the clock room, and the acquiring
for the Observatory of all the land included
therein which is not now owned by the gov-
ernment. This consists principally of two
tracts, one of 1.70 acres and the other of
7.87 acres, and the area included in the
proposed circle will closely equal that of the
original irregular tract. The plans adopted
for the new Observatory involved the erec-
tion of one building principally for offices,
and a separate cluster of isolated buildings
for the principal instruments. The main
building has the library on its eastern end,
and a tower for the smaller equatorial on
its western end, with an adjoining meridian
room still further west. About 410 feet
-azimuth instrument.
northwest of the center of the main build-
ing is the clock room, which occupies the
center of the cluster of instrument build-
ings. It is flanked on the east and on the
west by connecting observers’ rooms, which
the observers occupy in the intervals be-
tween observations ; the chronographs be-
ing installed therein, and the rooms being
heated by steam. Twenty-five feet to the
east of the east observers’ room is the en-
tirely isolated East Transit House, and at
the same distance west of the west ob-
servers’ room is the similarly isolated West
Transit House.
Fifty feet to the north of the center of
the clock room is the entirely isolated Prime
Vertical Transit House ; and 175 feet to the
south of the clock room is the dome of the
26-inch equatorial, with two connecting
rooms for the use of the astronomer in
charge. About 275 feet northwest of the
center of the clock room is a circular
wooden building 11.5 feet in diameter, sur-
mounted by a revolving dome, for the alt-
Four hundred feet to
the southeast of the clock room is mounted
the horizontal photoheliograph, and 250
feet south of this is the magnetic observa-
tory. Six hundred and fifty feet north of
the main building is the Superintendent’s
residence, and 250 feet southeast of the li-
brary are quarters occupied respectively by
the professors of mathematics in charge of
the 26-inch equatorial and the 9-inch me-
ridian cirele. About 200 feet northeast of
the library is the boiler house, where steam
is generated for heating most of the build-
ings on the grounds. The main building
and the 26-inch equatorial building are
constructed of white marble, but the four
transit houses are built entirely of metal,
having iron frames, with double walls and
roofs of corrugated metallic plates, which
have proved very effective in preserving an
equality between the outside and inside
temperatures. The carefully constructed
foundations for supporting the piers of the
instruments are unusually massive and give
unsurpassed stability. All the revolving
domes and the shutter machinery of the
transit houses were made by Warner and
Swasey, of Cleveland, Ohio, and operate in
the most satisfactory manner.
Passing now to the instrumental equip-
ment, the 9.6-inch equatorial refractor is
replaced by a telescope having a 12-inch
object-glass made by Clark and equatorially
mounted by Saegmuller. This instrument
occupies a 26-foot dome on the tower at the
west end of the main building. The 26-inch
equatorial is provided with a new mounting
by Warner and Swasey, and a powerful
spectroscope by Brashear. Its dome is forty-
five feet in diameter, and is provided with
an hydraulic elevating floor having a range
of motion of twelve feet. The Ertel transit
instrument is remounted without change in
the meridian room at the west end of the
main building. The Pistor and Martins
meridian circle has received the following
modifications: The 8.5-inch object-glass of
12-feet focal length has been replaced by a
9.14-inch Clark object-glass of 107 inches
focal length, and the tube has been short-
ened accordingly ; the arms for supporting
the microscopes have been replaced by a
brass alidade, on the edge of which the
microscopes may be clamped in any posi-
tion ; the old collimators of 24 inches aper-
ture have been replaced by new ones of 4
inches aperture, for which new mountings
have been provided, and the apertures in
the cube of the instrument have been corre-
spondingly enlarged. The shortening of
the telescope made it necessary to reduce
the height of the piers, and new marble
piers have been provided for the collima-
tors. A vertical collimator has also been
added, together with a north meridian mark
erected at a distance of 380 feet, which is
viewed by means of a lens of the same focal
length, having an aperture of six inches,
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 210.
and mounted on the north collimator pier
immediately below the collimator.
Two new instruments have been provided
which were designed solely by Professor
William Harkness, and built by Warner
and Swasey, viz.: 1. A meridian circle, con-
structed entirely of steel, which is mounted
in the west transit house. The object-glass
has a clear aperture of six inches, and the
instrument has two circles each 26 inches
in diameter and each graduated to two
minutes. Itis provided with two horizontal
collimators 3.5 inches in aperture, a vertical
collimator, and a north meridian mark dis-
tant 380 feet. The latter is viewed through
a lens of corresponding focal length, which
is mounted on the north collimator pier
immediately below the collimator. 2. The
other new instrument designed by Professor
Harkness, and built by Warner and Swasey,
is the alt-azimuth. This, like the new six-
inch meridian circle, is constructed entirely
of steel. The aperture of its object-glass is
five inches, and the diameters of its vertical
and horizontal circles are 26 inches, each
being graduated to two minutes.
One of the Transit of Venus 40-foot hori-
zontal photoheliographs is mounted with all
its accessories in the location previously in-
dicated, and to the south of it a well designed
magnetic observatory has been built, as
mentioned above.
From its inception until July 22, 1863,
the Naval Observatory was under the
Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography ;
from July 22, 1868, to July 1, 1889, it was
under the Bureau of Navigation; from
July 1, 1889, to the present time, it has
been under the Bureau of Equipment and
Recruiting, whose name was changed July
1, 1890, to the Bureau of Equipment.
Before considering the present organiza-
tion of the Naval Observatory it will be con-
venient to give the following list of those
who have held the office of Superintend-
ent :
JANUARY 6, 1899. ]
Lieutenant, later Commander, M. F. Maury, Oc-
tober 1, 1844, to his resignation April 20, 1861.
Commander, later Captain, J. M. Gilliss, April 23,
1861, to his death February 9, 1865.
Rear Admiral C. H. Davis, April 28, 1865, to May
8, 1867.
Commodore, later Rear Admiral, B. F. Sands, May
8, 1867, to his retirement February 11, 1874.
Rear Admiral C. H. Davis, February 16, 1874, to
his death, February 18, 1877.
Rear Admiral John Rodgers, May 1, 1877, to his
death May 5, 1882.
Vice Admiral 8. C. Rowan, July 1, 1882, to May 1,
Rear Admiral R. W. Shufeldt, May 1, 1883, to
February 21, 1884.
Commodore S. R. Franklin, February 21, 1884, to
March 31, 1885.
Commodore George E. Belknap, June 1, 1885, to
June 7, 1886.
Captain R. L. Phythian, November 15, 1886, to
June 28, 1890.
Captain F. V. MoNair, June 28, 1890, to Novem-
ber 21, 1894.
Commodore R. L. Phythian, November 21, 1894, to
July 19, 1897.
Commander, later Captain, C. H. Davis, from July
19, 1897, the present incumbent.
From its foundation until 1894 the Super-
intendent was the sole head of the Observa-
tory. On March 3, 1847, Congress enacted
that he must be either a captain, a com-
mander or a leutenant in the Navy, but
on March 8, 1865, that restriction was re-
pealed, and it was enacted that: ‘‘ The offi-
cer of the Navy employed as Superintend-
ent shall receive as salary only the shore-
duty pay of his grade.”
The work of the Observatory is distrib-
uted under the following Heads of Depart-
ments: The Astronomical Director, the
Heads of the Departments of Nautical In-
struments, of Chronometers and Time Ser-
vice, and of Magnetism and Meteorology.
The duties of these Heads of Departments
are as follows :
The Astronomical Director. This office
was created by an order of the Secretary
of the Navy, September 20, 1894, which de-
fined the duties of the incumbent as fol-
lows: The Astronomical Director has charge
of and is responsible for the direction, scope,
character, quantity and preparation for
publication of all work purely astronomical
which is performed at the Naval Observa-
tory. He has charge of the 26-inch and 12-
inch equatorial telescopes, the 6-inch and
9-inch transit circles, the prime-vertical in-
strument, the photoheliograph, and all other
instruments and accessories used in his de-
partment, together with the construction,
remounting and repairing of all astronom-
ical instruments placed in his charge. He
personally inspects, both day and night, the
methods of observation and computation in
all the astronomical departments.
The Head of the Department of Nautica
Instruments sees that all nautical instru-
ments issued from the Observatory, except
chronometers, are thoroughly inspected and
tested before issue.
The Head of the Department of Chro-
nometers and Time Service has charge of
the chronometers deposited at the Naval
Observatory; he inspects, tests, rates and
prepares them for issue; he has charge of
the transmission of the daily time signals
and the apparatus pertaining to them;
finally he makes all necessary determina-
tions of local time for use in his depart-
ment, and for this purpose has the use of
the 5-inch Ertel transit instrument, which
is mounted in the meridian room at the
west end of the main building.
The Head of the Department of Magnet-
ism and Meteorology has charge of all the
magnetic and meteorological apparatus and
The Superintendent as commanding offi-
cer is charged with the general superin-
tendence and government of the Observa-
tory. The heads of departments, naval
officers, assistant astronomers, computers
and employes performing duty at the Ob-
servatory are subject to him, and he is re-
sponsible for the disbursement of all moneys
14 °
appropriated by Congress to sustain the
The present personnel is as follows: Su-
perintendent, Captain C. H. Davis, U. 8. N.;
Lieutenant A. N. Mayer, U.S. N., in charge
of the chronometers and time service, and
also general storekeeper and inspector of
nautical instruments ; Professor H. M. Paul,
U.S. N., in charge of magnetic and mete-
orologicai observations; Computer M. E.
Porter; Instrument-maker William F.
The Astronomical Director is Professor
William Harkness, U. S. N., and imme-
diately under him are Professor Edgar
Frisby, U.S. N., in charge of the 12-inch
equatorial refractor ; Professor S. J. Brown,
U.S. N.,in charge of the 26-inch equatorial
refractor; Professor A. N. Skinner, U.S. N.,
in charge of the 9-inch meridian circle;
Assistant Astronomer G. A. Hill, in charge
of the prime-vertical transit and the alt-
azimuth ; Assistant Astronomers T. I. King
and F. B. Littell; Computers E. A. Boeger,
G. K. Lawton, William M. Brown and F.
H. Parsons; Photographer George H. Peters.
The 6-inch transit circle is not yet ready
for use.
The work of the Observatory since its re-
moval to the new site, in the beginning of
1898, has been as follows:
In 1888 the management of the Naval
Observatory acceded to a request from the
German Astronomical Society to determine,
in accordance with its general program,
the positions of the stars in the zone —13°
50’ to —18° 10’ of declination. Various
difficulties prevented the execution of this
work at the old Observatory, but as soon
as the 9-inch transit circle was got into
working order at the new site the Superin-
tendent, Captain F. V. McNair, directed
Assistant Astronomer A. N. Skinner to
proceed with the observations, and gave
him the assistance of Computers T. I. King
and F. B. Littell for that purpose. The
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 210.
first zone was observed January 138, 1894,
and with the exception of a few scattering
stars, the entire work was completed in
182 zones, the last of which was observed
on May 26, 1897. The program involved
the determination of the position of 8,689
stars, with at least two observations of each.
The number of observations actually made
was 19,762, of which 18,062 were zone stars
and 1,700 were zero stars. The reduction
of these observations is about three-fourths
completed. In the course of the zone ob-
servations Assistant Astronomer Skinner
discovered the variability of the following
stars :
X Hydre, announced in the Astronomical Journal,
No. 332.
W Ceti, announced in the Astronomical Journal,
No. 342.
RT Libree, announced in the Astronomical Journal,
No. 352.
Z Capricorni, announced in the Astronomical Jour-
nal, No. 358.
The meridian observations of the Sun,
Moon and planets were necessarily inter-
rupted by the removal to the new site. As
stated above, these observations were sus-
pended June 29, 1891, and it was not found
expedient to resume them until after the
appointment of the Astronomical Director
in September, 1894. During the progress
of the observations of the German zone,
other meridian observations could not be
pushed energetically, and until the zone
reductions are completed they will be lim-
ited to the Sun, Moon and planets, the
necessary ephemeris stars, and a few mis-
cellaneous stars. The Sun and major plan-
ets are now observed on the meridian every
day, except Sundays and holidays, and the
Moon is observed at every visible transit.
The reductions of these observations are
nearly completed to within a few months of
The 12-inch equatorial has been continu-
ously employed by Professor Frisby on ob-
servations of asteroids, comets, occultations
JANUARY. 6, 1899. ]
of stars by the Moon, and eclipses of Jupi-
ter’s satellites. Much of the current work
of this instrument may be found in the
Astronomical Journal.
The 26-inch equatorial has been continu-
ously employed by Professor Brown on ob-
servations of the more difficult asteroids,
on double stars, and on the satellites of
Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. In
recent months some spectroscopic work has
been done.
Assistant Astronomer George A. Hill has
charge of the Prime Vertical transit instru-
ment and thealt-azimuth. With the Prime
Vertical transit from July 24, 1893, to No-
vember 20, 1898, he has made 1,140 obser-
vations of « Lyre, @ Aurige, « Canum
Venaticorum, » Andromedee and ; Bootis.
With the alt-azimuth instrument from Feb-
ruary 24, 1898, to November 20, 1898, he
has made 425 vertical-circle observations of
American Ephemerisstars, and from Novem-
ber 22, 1894, to November 20, 1898, he has
also made 599 zenith telescope observations
of pairs of stars selected in groups as sug-
gested by Kustner.
As at the old Observatory, meteorological
observations are taken every three hours
by the watchman on duty. After removal
to the new site magnetic observations were
resumed, but it was soon found that the
influence of the suburban electric roads in
the vicinity entirely vitiated the photo-
graphic records, and they were discontinued
in the summer of 1898.
The annual volume of Observations for
the year 1889 was published in 1893, and
that for 1890 was published in 1895. The
latter contained an important appendix en-
titled ‘A catalogue of 16,748 stars, deduced
by the Naval Observatory from zone obser-
vations made at Santiago de Chili by the
United States Naval Astronomical Expedi-
tion to the Southern Hemisphere during the
years 1849, ’50, ’51, ’52, Lieut. J. M. Gil-
liss, U.S.N., Superintendent.’ Advantage
was taken of the interruption of the work
of the Observatory by reason of its removal
to a new site, to complete the reduction of
these zone observations. Among the many
persons who have shared in the computa-
tions Professors Harkness, Frisby and
Brown have performed the most important
In November, 1898, was published Ap-
pendix I to the Washington Observations
for 1892, entitled ‘The Second Washington
Catalogue of Stars, together with the an-
nual results upon which it is based ; the
whole derived from observations made at
the United States Naval Observatory with
the 8.5-inch Transit Circle during the years
1866 to 1891 and reduced to the epoch
1875.0, prepared under the direction of
John R. Eastman, Professor of Mathemat-
ies, U.S.N.’ This catalogue contains the
positions of 5,151 stars which have been
derived from 72,941 observations, being the
entire series made while the Pistor and
Martins transit circle was located at the old
It will be noted that the Naval Observa-
tory owes its existence primarily to an at-
tempt on the part of naval officers to pro-
vide a depot for the care and issue of charts
and nautical instruments. This naturally
involved the equipment of the Depot with
such astronomical instruments as are neces-
sary for rating chronometers, but the needs
of the Wilkes Exploring Expedition of 1838
to 1842, and the inception of the American
Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac ten years
later, soon showed the necessity for an in-
strumental equipment sufficient to cope with
all astronomical problems, and that followed
in due time. The principal aim of the Na-
val Observatory has always been to carry
forward a continuous series of Meridian ob-
servations on the Sun, Moon and planets,
such as can only be undertaken by great
government observatories, like those of
Greenwich and Paris. Since 1861 this work
has been kept up assiduously, and in recent
years the number of meridian observations
of the Moon has largely surpassed those
made anywhere else.
In spite of this limitation in the scope of
its operations, the Naval Observatory has
not been unmindful of other lines of work.
As instances of this may be cited the brill-
lant discovery of the moons of Mars by
Professor Hall; the extensive work upon
the satellites of the outer planets by Profes-
sors Hall, Newcomb and Brown; and
finally the star catalogues of Professors
Yarnal] and Kastman and the contribution
to the great star catalogue of the German
Astronomical Society in the observation of
the zone of stars from 13° 50’ to 18° 10’ of
south declinations. KON GeiNnaR
THE attempt to construct a science of
society by means of biological analogies has
been abandoned by all serious investigators
of social phenomena. It was one of those
misdirected efforts that must be looked
upon as inevitable in the development of
any branch of knowledge. The notion of a
universal evolution compelled those who
accepted it to try to find some other expla-
nation of our social relations than that
dogma of an original covenant which had
come down to us from Hobbes and Locke.
Biology supplied most of the facts and ideas
of which the evolutionary thought was con-
structed; and naturally, therefore, biolog-
ical conceptions were first made use of in
formal Sociology. At present, however, all
serious work in Sociology starts from psy-
chological data, and proceeds by a combina-
tion of psychological with statistical and
historical methods.
Psychology has had a development some-
what similar. Beginning with purely meta-
physical terms and reasonings, it became a
natural science with the advent of evolu-
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 210.
tionary thought, and for a long time drew
its best materials and its most fruitful
hypotheses from physiological data. Phys-
iological Psychology was the only psy-
chology very well worth attention. George
Henry Lewes was one of the first writers
to argue, as he did with great force and
brilliancy in the ‘Problems of Life and
Mind,’ that the physiological explanations
of mind must be supplemented by explana-
tions drawn from the study of society. At
the present time the social interpretation
of mental development is an important part
of psychological activity.
Psychological and sociological investiga-
tions have thus converged upon certain
common problems, namely: The problem of
the social nature of the individual mind,
and the problem of the psychical nature of
social relations. Any new contribution to
either Psychology or Sociology is likely to
be found also a contribution to the other,
and we may look in the near future for a
number of books of which it will be difficult
to say whether they are primarily works
on Psychology or on Sociology.
This is eminently true of Professor Bald-
win’s ‘Social and Ethical Interpretations,’
the second volume of his work on ‘ Mental
Development.’ The first volume, on ‘ Meth-
ods and Processes,’ was definitely a study
in Psychology. The problem dealt with
was that of mental development through
the interaction of physical and social causes,
and the importance of social factors was
emphasized throughout. In the volume on
‘Social and Ethical Interpretations’ we
again find the same problem. The develop-
ment of the individual mind through its
social relations and activities is further con-
sidered. In this volume, however, the
opposite problem also is introduced. The
development of social relations and activi-
ties through the outgoing of the individual
is discussed, and the nature of society is
subjected to a critical examination.
JANUARY 6, 1899.]
A division of the volume into two books
corresponds to the above distinction of the
problems dealt with. Book I. is a study of
the person, public and private; Book IT. is
a study of society. The four formal parts
of Book I. deal respectively with the imi-
tative person, the inventive person, the
person’s equipment and the person’s sanc-
tions. The three formal parts of Book
II. deal respectively with the person in
action, social organization and practical con-
I shall not attempt in the present article
to review Professor Baldwin’s treatment of
all these subjects, or even to summarize his
conclusions. I shall examine only the two
conceptions that are of chief interest to the
sociologist. These, of course, are the con-
ception of the social nature of the self, or
individual personality, and the conception
of the psychic nature of society.
Psychology, some time ago, got beyond
the conundrum
«Should I be I or should I be
One-tenth another and nine-tenths me’’
if my great-grandmother had married an-
other suitor? It seems to be agreed on all
hands that in any case the ego is nine-tenths
or more somebody else. That is to say, his
individual personality is for the most part
a product of his intercourse with other per-
sonalities. Professor Baldwin, as readers
of his earlier works are aware, goes even
beyond writers like Ribot and James in his
account of the composite origin of the self.
He holds that not only does the self incor-
porate elements from other personalities, 80
that, at any given time, it includes thoughts
and feelings derived from others, and acts
in imitation of the conduct of others, but
also that its very thought of itself is merely
one pole of a consciousness ‘of a sense of
personality generally,’ the other pole of
which is the thought of some other person
or alter.
This comprehensive sense of personality
at first is merely projective—to use Pro-
fessor Baldwin’s term ; it is a mass of more
or less vague impressions received from
persons who are encountered and observed.
It is secondly subjective; the ego, by its
imitations of observed persons, incorpo-
rates their peculiarities to some extent in
itself. It is thirdly ejective; the self in-
terprets observed persons in terms of its
own feelings, thoughts and habits. This
give and take between the individual and
his fellows Professor Baldwin calls ‘ the dia-
lectic of personal growth ;’ and’‘he says it
may be read thus: ‘ My thought of self is
in the main, as to its character as a personal
self, filled up with my thought of others,
distributed variously as individuals; and
my thought of others, as persons, is mainly
filled up with myself. In other words, but
for certain minor distinctions in the filling,
and for certain compelling distinctions be-
tween that which is immediate and that
which is objective, the ego and the alter are
to our thought one and the same thing.”
Thus the individual is always a socius, and
not merely because, after reaching adult
life, the necessity of cooperating with his
fellow-men compels him to adapt himself to
them and to modify an original egoism by
the cultivation of social habits, but because,
from his earliest infancy, his own develop-
ment as a self-conscious person has been
incorporating social elements and creating
within himself a social no less than an in-
dividual point of view.
When adult life is reached, however, the
process does not cease. The dialectic of
personal growth continues to determine all
our thinking, our social no less than our
individual judgments; that is to say, in ar-
riving at any judgment, we incorporate in
our thought the judgments of other men;
and we interpret the judgments of other
men by our own.
It follows that all of those social rela-
tions and policies which are products of
18 SCIENCE. [N. §. Von. IX. No. 210.
reflection no less than of feeling are deter-
mined by the ‘ dialectic of personal growth,’
and that, like judgments of things in gen-
eral, they are, in the thought of indi-
viduals, highly composite products of sub-
jective and ejective views of the same
Approaching the study of society in this
way, Professor Baldwin is naturally led to
discriminate between the substance, con-
tent, stuff, or material of society, and the
functional method or process of organiza-
tion of the social material. He criticises
the sociologists for not having definitely
enough discriminated these two problems.
Consistently with his conception of our
social judgments, he describes the matter
of social organization as follows: ‘The
matter of social organization consists of
thoughts ; by which is meant all sorts of
intellectual states, such as imagination,
knowledges and informations.’ This ‘ mat-
ter,’ he thinks, is found only in human
groups, which only, therefore, can be called
societies. Animal communities he would
call ‘companies.’ The functional method
or process of organization of the social
material he is satisfied to find in the process
of imitation as subjectively contained in
the ‘ dialectic of personal growth,’ and ob-
jectively described, in sociological terms,
by M. Tarde. Social evolution results from
the interaction of the individual as a par-
ticularizing force and society as a general-
izing force. Allsolidarity and conservation
are due to the generalizing force ; all varia-
tion to the particularizing force. Progress
is a dialectic of give and take between these
two elements.
In examining these conceptions I shall
admit their general or substantial truth,
and inquire only whether they need modifi-
cation, limitation or expansion. Do they
sufficiently and precisely express the whole
truth and nothing but the truth?
Is the thought of self quite so largely a
product of the social relation as Professor
Baldwin represents? Is it accurate to say
that *‘my thought of self is, in the main,
filled up with my thought of others,’’ even
if we admit ‘ minor distinctions in the fill-
ing’ and ‘‘ certain compelling distinctions
between that which is immediate and that
which is objective ?’’? What are these com-
pelling distinctions of the immediate ? Ob-
viously, they are those presentations in
consciousness which arise from organic con-
ditions rather than from social relations.
Hunger is a state of consciousness which
can subvert the entire product of the ‘ dia-
lectic of personal growth ;’ and the sociolo-
gist is unable to lose sight of the fact that
when men who have been developed by that
dialectic into socii are confronted by star-
vation they are liable to have thoughts of
self which can hardly be construed as filled
up mainly with thoughts of others, unless
he is prepared to accept a cannibal’s defini-
tion of others. The sociologist, then, must
continue to think of the individual as being
both an ego and a socius, and yet as be-
ing at all times more ego than socius.
The importance of this modification of
Professor Baldwin’s formula is chiefly for
purposes of economic theory. No econo-
mist will be able to accept Professor Bald-
win’s contention (bottom of page 13) that
it is illegitimate to ‘endeavor to reach a
theory of value based on a calculus of the
desire of one individual to gratify his indi-
vidual wants, multiplied into the number
of such individuals.’ The truth is that, for
most purposes of economic theory, this pro-
cedure is not only legitimate, but is the
only one psychologically possible. The
compelling wants that political economy
has chiefly to consider are those which arise
from the organic nature and which, there-
fore, magnify the ego at the expense of the
The modification is necessary also for
purposes of ethical theory. Professor Bald-
JANUARY 6, 1899.]
win, if I rightly understand him, derives
all ethical phenomena from social relations.
This I believe to be an error. Economic
motives are specific cravings of particular
organs or groups of organs. Complete
satisfaction of economic wants may deprive
other organs of their due satisfaction. The
protest of the neglected organs and the
hunger of the entire organism for integral
satisfaction is, I believe, the original source
of all ethical motive, which, therefore, is in-
definitely developed by, but not initiated
in, the ‘ dialectic of personal growth.’ *
It seems probable, then, that in ‘ the dia-
lectic of personal growth,’ the original ego
with which the dialectic starts, plays
throughout a controlling part; and that,
after all, the process of developing a socius
is one which consists essentially in modify-
ing, by means of social relations and activi-
ties, an originally independent self.
The modification, however, is undoubt-
edly produced by the process of give and
take between egoand alter. The question,
then, that I wish next to raise is: Is the give
and take, in which the ego engages, carried
on indiscriminately with any alter, or is
there, from the very beginning of conscious
life, a tendency to discriminate between one
and another alter, and to limit the condi-
tions of personal growth by that state of
consciousness which may be described as a
consciousness of similars or of kind? Scat-
tered throughout Professor Baldwin’s writ-
ings are many intimations that he has
suspected, or perhaps even been definitely
aware of, such limitations. I do not find,
however, that he has anywhere endeavored
to formulate them or to bring them system-
atically within the formulas of his dialectic.
What, then, are some of the inquiries
which should be made in regard to these
limitations ?
*T have considered this subject at greater length in
an article on ‘ The Ethical Motive,’ in the International
Journal of Ethics, April, 1898.
First, I think that we should inquire
whether, long before any discriminations of
kind have become possible, a preparation
for them and a tendency toward them is
made in conscious experience. Of the sen-
sations which first arise in consciousness
some are received from the bodily organism
which the self inhabits ; some are received
from similar bodily organisms, and some
are received from wholly unlike objects in
the external world. Now, we know that
many sensations received from self are so
nearly like sensations received from like-
selves that, merely as sensations, they can
be distinguished only with difficulty. If,
for example, I strike with my voice a cer-
tain note of the musical scale, and another
person a moment after strikes the same note
with his voice, my auditory sensations in
the two cases will be very nearly alike. If
I ery out in pain, and then hear another
man like myself cry out in pain, my audi-
tory sensations will be nearly alike. If,
however, I hear a dog bark the sensation
will be different from that which I have re-
ceived from my own voice. If I walk with
my friend down the street, and happen to
notice the motion of my feet as I take suc-
cessive steps, and then to notice the motion
of my friend’s feet, the visual sensations
will, in these two cases, be closely alike.
If, however, I happen to notice the trotting
of a horse that is being driven by me the
visual sensation will be different from that
which I have received in observing my own
steps. If I stroke the back of my hand, and
then stroke the back of my friend’s hand, I
shall receive tactual sensations that are
closely alike. If, then, I stroke the fur of a
cat or the mane of a horse, or touch the paw
of a cat or the hoof of a horse, I shall re-
ceive sensations very different from those
received from the back of my hand. It ap-
pears, then, that before there is any power
to make discriminations of any kind, even
to think of differences of sensation, sensa-
tions themselves fall into different group-
ings. At the very beginning of conscious
life certain elements which are to enter into
a consciousness of kind begin to appear in
experience. They consist of like sensations
received from self and from others who re-
semble self.
On the basis of these experiences there
are developed others that call for investiga-
tion from the same point of view. When
suggestion begins to play an important part
in mental life are suggestions from persons
very unlike self equally efficacious with
suggestions from persons nearly like self?
There is here a great field for investigation.
A thousand familiar observations strongly
indicate the superiority of suggestions that
come from those whose neural organiza-
tion resembles that of the person affected.
Why, for example, does Maudsley venture
to say, without offering the slightest proof,
that, while men are as liable as silly sheep
to fall into panic when they see panic among
their fellows, they are not similarly liable
when they perceive panic among sheep?
Obviously, because facts of this general
character are so familiar that no one would
think of questioning them. In like man-
ner, a child who objects to performing a
certain task which his father asks him to
do will do it without hesitation if he sees
other boys in the street engaged in the same.
work. Phenomena like these, of course,
have their origin in a like responsiveness
of like organisms to the same stimulus.
A third class of experiences and activi-
ties, which are ultimately to enter into a
consciousness of kind, and that are already
very probably dominating ‘ the dialectic of
personal growth,’ are imitations. Here,
also, there is room for exact investigation ;
but we may predict at the outset that in-
vestigation will verify the common opinion
that we chiefly imitate our similars. The
equally familiar fact that we do not always
do so is of immense importance for the the-
{[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 210.
ory of variation, invention and originality.
And this theory, I believe, is not to be con-
structed without referring back to the truth
mentioned aboye, that the ego is at all times
the original and dominant element in the
‘dialectic of personal growth.’ I am not
at present prepared to give my reasons, but
T expect that it will be shown that in the
same reaction of the organism upon the or-
gan which is the source of ethical motive
will be found the source of originality, vari-
ation and the occasional imitation of those
who differ from, rather than resemble, our-
The factors thus far considered, namely,
like responsiveness of like organisms to
the same stimulus, like sensations received
from self and from others who resemble
self, a greater responsiveness to suggestions
from like selves than from not-like selves,
and a greater readiness to imitate like
selves than to imitate not-like selves, to-
gether make up the organic sympathy that
is a bond of union in those groups of animals
that Professor Baldwin calls companies, and
the bond of union of men who act together
impulsively rather than reflectively—the
bond, in short, of the mob. It is certain
that organic sympathy depends on organic
likeness, and the phenomena that have
been named above are the psychological
correlatives of organic likeness.
How is organic sympathy converted into
a higher or reflectivesympathy ? The true
answer, I think, is : Through the mediation
of that perception of resemblance which
is the initial stage in the conversion of a
mere sensational experience or likeness into
a reflective consciousness of kind. When
the power to perceive relations and to make
discriminations arises, the perception of
resemblances and differences among one’s
fellow-beings becomes an all-important fac-
tor in the further development of social
relations and in the ‘ dialectic of personal
growth.’ From that moment organic sym-
JANUARY 6, 1899. ]
pathy becomes a function of the perception
of resemblance ; and sympathy becomes, to
a certain extent, reflective. Hyven in mob
action the reaction of the perception of
kind may be seen with the utmost clear-
ness. When, for example, a mass of men
simultaneously respond to a party cry or
symbol the action for the moment is merely
a like responsiveness to the same stimulus.
An instant later, when each man perceives
that his fellow-beings are, in this respect,
resembling himself in feeling and in action,
his own emotion is enormously intensified.
It is this which gives to all symbols and
shibboleths their tremendous social impor-
tance. ‘The phenomenon has been very well
described in the concluding pages of Dr.
Boris Sidis’s ‘ Psychology of Suggestion.’
Let us pass, now, to the conception of the
psychical stuff or substance of society.
Professor Baldwin’s thesis, as we have
seen, is that ‘‘ the matter of social organiza-
tion consists of thoughts, all kinds of knowl-
edges and informations.’’ He thus places
himself in definite opposition to those writers
who have made sympathy, or any kind of
emotion, the psychological stuff of society.
It is for this reason that he makes a sharp
distinction between animal ‘ companies’ and
human societies. Criticism of this thesis
may be made from two points of view : one,
the historical, supported by observations
from animal cegmmunities; the other, the
psychological, supported by those analyses
of the relations of sympathy and perception
which I have sketched above. From the
standpoint of the observer of animal and
primitive human societies it is difficult, if
not impossible, to establish a line of demar-
cation between the more highly organized
bands of animals, like troops of monkeys, or
herds of elephants, or bands of wild horses,
and the simplest hordes of human beings,
like Bushmen or Australian Blackfellows.
No one can say when, in the development
of man from brute, sympathy ceased to be
the chief stuff or substance of the social re-
lationship, and thoughts in the form of in-
ventions and knowledges began to assume
that important place. In like manner, when
modern human society is looked at from the
psychological view-point, it is often, indeed
usually, impossible to say whether sympathy
or thought predominates in the intercerebral
action of the associating individuals. Pro-
fessor Baldwin’s thesis would compel him
to maintain that the same individuals are a
‘society ’ one day and merely a ‘company ’
another. At one time they are thoughtful
and self-controlled ; at another time they are
an audience swept by emotion, or a mob
given over tofury. Shall we, then, say that
the stuff of society is thought merely, or feel-
ing merely, or some combination of the two?
Surely the last of these possibilities is the
one that is most consistent both with evolu-
tionary hypotheses and with psychological
conclusions. The substance of society at
first is sympathy and instinct mainly. At
its best estate society may rise to a level
where thought has for the moment com-
pletely subordinated feeling. But usually,
and throughout the greater part of its career,
society is sympathy and instinct more or
less organized, more or less directed, more
or less controlled, by thought. When the
thought element appears society has become
reflective, and a better way to mark the dis-
tinction between the lowest and the highest
societies than that which restricts the word
‘society’ to the latter and calls the former
‘companies’ is one which indicates this ele-
ment of reflection. Animal and primitive
human communities are, for the most part,
sympathetic or non-reflective societies ; pro-
gressive human communities in general are
reflective societies. The reflective stage cor-
responds to the appearance of the perception
of kind and to reflective sympathy.
But even if we were to accept the thesis
that the social stuff is exclusively intellec-
tual we could not possibly admit that it
consists of all sorts of thoughts and knowl-
edges indiscriminately. It undoubtedly in-
cludes all sorts of thoughts and knowledges,
but not all sorts of thoughts and knowledges
in and of themselves make society or the
social stuff. The social stuff, so far as it is
intellectual, is one kind of knowledge in
particular, namely, knowledge of resem-
blances, knowledge of those modes of like-
mindedness that make cooperation possible.
The same logic that leads Professor Baldwin
to try to separate the social stuff from other
kinds of stuff should lead him further to
distinguish the thought that is essentially
social and capable of organizing all other
thoughts and knowledges into social ma-
terial from the thought and knowledge that
have no such inherent power.
Perhaps, however, it is in his few remarks
about the social process that Professor Bald-
win has been most unjust to himself, and
has missed an opportunity to make a really
important contribution to social science.
He is willing to grant that the social pro-
cess consists inimitation. Yet, if the earlier
chapters of ‘Social and Ethical Interpreta-
tions’ prove anything at all, they prove
that imitations are progressively controlled,
as individual development proceeds, by the
process of ejective interpretation. Tocarry
this thought into sociological interpretation
it is necessary to bear in mind the function
of resemblance, especially of mental and
moral resemblance, in controlling relation-
ships. In the ejective processes of the
‘dialectic of personal growth’ not all of
our acquaintances are indiscriminately util-
ized. We detect the difference between
those who, in ways important to ourselves,
resemble us and those who, in ways im-
portant to ourselves, differ from us. Our
ejective interpretations, therefore, are ac-
companied at every step by a process of
ejective selection. These ejective selections
are the psychological basis of all social
groupings, not only of those of the more
[N. 8. Vou. IX. No.-210.-
intimate sort, such as personal friendships,
but those also of the purely utilitarian sort,
like business partnerships. Ina word, while
imitation is a process that penetrates so-
ciety through and through, it is not a dis-
tinctively social process. It is wider than
the social process, just as thought is more
comprehensive than the social stuff. The
distinctive social process is an ejective in-
terpretation and selection. In its widest
form it includes imitation controlled by or
made a function of ejective selection.
I may now very briefly indicate the fur-
ther criticisms which, in pursuance of this
thought, must be made upon Professor
Baldwin’s views—criticisms, namely, that
apply to his treatment of social policy. No
exception is to be taken to the analysis
which describes the individual as the par-
ticularizing social force, and society in its
entirety as the generalizing social force.
But I fail to discover in Professor Baldwin’s
account of the subject any adequate recogni-
tion of the social causation of individuality.
That causation must be sought in the phe-
noma of unlikeness in the social population.
Throughout human history individuality
and the possibility of social variation have
been due to the commingling of ethnic ele-
ments, or, within the same nationality, to
the commingling of elements long exposed
to different local environments. The com-
mingling itself is brought about by emigra-
tion and immigration. If the biological
phenomenon of panmixia is all that Weis-
mann, Galton and other investigators have
represented to be, its levelling effects are
counteracted and social progress is made
possible only by continual groupings and
regroupings in the population under the in-
fluence of ejective selection.
Finally, there is no possible explanation
of social policy which leaves out of account
the facts of mental and moral resemblance
and the consciousness of kind. Without
like-mindedness there can be neither spon-
JANUARY 6, 1899. ]
taneous nor reflective cooperation. Not
only must there be an agreement of
thought, but for most, if not for all, public
cooperation there must be a vast mass of
sympathies and agreeing emotions. Men
must have like sensations, be similarly sen-
sitive to suggestion from resembling fellows,
and enter subtly into like judgments with-
out always being fully conscious of the pro-
cess by which their conclusions are reached.
The greater part of all public action must
be described as a consequence of sympa-
thetic and half-reflective agreement in plans
and purposes, rather than as a consequence
of systematic deliberation Moreover, it
must not be forgotten that all public policy
is a means to an end, proximate or ulti-
mate; and that the ultimate end in every
case is the maintenance and development
of a certain type of man. That type itself
is a rode of resemblance; and the recogni-
tion of it, which directs and controls all
policies, is a mode of the consciousness of
kind. FrANKiIN H. Gipprnes.
Tue following table of values is recom-
mended for general adoption in analytical
Name. Symbol. Weight. Name.
Aluminium............ Al 27.1 Helium (?)...........
Antimony...... coo fh!) 120. Hydrogen.... 30
Argon (?)... eee AY 40. Indium.......
Arsenic ... AS OsmmePLOGIN Closcsacne-tin=
Barium ...... Ba 137.4 Ivridium............
Bismuth .... Bi 20S DeelrON cesses «sess
Boron ........ B 11. Lanthanum...
Bromine .... Br 79.96 Lead.............
Cadmium ... Ca oi2seithinm:......-.
Ceesium ..... Cs 133. Magnesium ...
Calcium... Ca 40. Manganese.....
Carbon.. Cc 12.00 Mercury........ $09
Cerium... Ce 140. Molybdenum........
Chlorine..... Cl 35.45 Neodymium (?).....
Chromium..... Cr SPAT INHGMAlS eistedacoosaonse
Cobalt ............ Co 59.) Nitrogen...............
Columbium Cb 94. Osmium.....
Copper.........- Cu 63.6 Oxygen......
Erbium (?). Er 166. Palladium..
Fluorine..... F 19. Phosphorus...
Gallium........ aoa (ER 70. Platinum ......
Germanium ........... Ge 72. Potassium.............
Glucinum ooo (El 9.1 Presodymium (?)..
(GOI! peccconadabocseda009 Au 197.2 Rhodium.............
practice by a commission appointed by the
German Chemical Society consisting of H.
Landolt, W. Ostwald and K. Seubert. (Ber.
d. D. Chem. Ges. 7898, 31, 2761.)
The commission recommends that :
1. The atomic weight of oxygen be taken
as 16.000, and that the atomic weights of
the other elements be calculated on the
basis of their combining ratios with oxygen,
directly or indirectly determined.
2, The following atomic weights of the
elements be adopted in practice, as they are
probably the most correct values known at
the present time.
These numbers are, as a rule, given only
with so many decimals that even the last
one may be regarded as accurate. In con-
sequence, the atomic weights determined
by Stas, in which the errors amount to from
3 to 6 units in the third decimal, are
given with two decimals; the other atomic
weights which have been more accurately
determined are given with one decimal,
and those less accurately determined are
given without decimals. Exceptions to this
rule have been made only in the cases of
nickel, bismuth and tin, marked with an
asterisk in the table.
Atomic Atomic
Symbol. Weight. Name. Symbol. Weight.
He Ate RUDIGIUM Mee cecceceiees Rb 85.4
HH 1.01 Ruthenium............ RU Oled
In 114. Samarium(?).......... Sa 150.
I 126.85 Scandium......... Se 44.1
Ir 193.0 Selenium......... Se 79.1
Fe 5GL0l SILICON) ..s.ccecs esas Si 28.4
Haye A Seawesilver..... Ag = 107.93
Pb 206.9 Sodium.... Na 23.05
Li 7.03 Strontium. sa itsye 87.6
Mg 24.36 Sulphur...... SEAMS) 32.06
Mn 55.0 Tantalum.... peivitie Be) 183.
He 200.3 Tellurium .. Re eee 127.
Mo 96On Dhallinmerccsccnecsess Tl 204.1
Nd N4AL DED OLIUM sc enresenes's ng 232:
Ni teh pei rb sacnscinboado Sn Tale} sy
N 14.04 Titannium .. ann 48.1
Os 191. Tungsten....... a. NS 184.
O 16.00 Uranium.......... Roe tee} 239.5
Pd 106. Vanadinum....... Bak a, 51.2
12) 31.0 Ytterbium... WA” Ae}
Pt 194.8 Yttrium... we 89.
ein aH SOM SYZINC Termeseresiens 7 65.4
1249 140. Zirconium ............ Zr 90.6
cee 03:0
In the case of nickel this was done in
order to emphasize the difference between
the atomic weights of cobalt and nickel,
although in both values there may be
possible deviations of +0.2. The true
atomic weights of bismuth and tin are not
correct to a certainty, to within 0.1. The
value of hydrogen is 1.008, correct to within
0.001, but the approximation of 1.01 has
been regarded as permissible for the re-
quirements of practice, as it involves an
error of only one-fifth of one per cent. The
values given for the elements marked in
the table with interrogation points are not
necessarily exact within whole units of the
atomic weights assigned.
In the decease of Hon. John Cummings,
of Woburn, Mass., on the 21st of December,
there terminated a life which has been note-
worthy for the encouragement it has given
to the study and teaching of science. In
the early part of his manhood days Mr.
Cummings acquired a reputation for honor-
able dealing and for his success in the
manufacture of leather in his native town
of Woburn. To that town he was always
loyal and generous, but his intelligence and
his activity led him into larger circles until
he became favorably known and his influ-
ence was felt in a large and populous com-
munity. He became acquainted with the
late William B. Rogers, for whom he al-
ways cherished an admiration and a pro-
foundregard. Healso knew Louis Agassiz,
Jeffries Wyman, Asa Gray and others, and
he soon became a student as well as a lover
of nature. The offices of trust and of busi-
ness responsibility which he filled make a
long and notable list, but his large affairs
did not prevent him from cultivatiug a love
for science, and they aided him in multi-
plying his gifts to the cause of education.
Through his attachment for William B.
. the close of the Civil War.
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 210.
Rogers he was interested in the founding of
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
and he became one of its most substantial
supporters, contributing to its financial
needs and serving as its Treasurer for 17
years. It was through his generosity that
the Boston Society of Natural History
started its ‘Teachers’ School of Science,’
and it was through his liberality that its
botanical collection was developed and that
it has received special care to the present
day. He was actively and generously in-
terested in the work of public instruction,
and he extended his aid to the South after
In one instance
he purchased a building and supplied teach-
ers, urging them to work for the estab-
lishment of free public schools, and when
this was about to be accomplished he do-
nated the building to the cause. His gifts
and his efforts were never calculated to at-
tract attention to himself, and many of his
good deeds were scarcely known even by
his friends. He was one of a class of honor-
able and broad-minded business men who
have been magnanimous in their support of
science education, and who have found time
to participate in the acquisition of knowl-
edge, while aiding others to means for the
prosecution of their studies or investiga-
Wa. H. Nizzs.
Matter, Energy, Force and Work. By StLas
W. Houtman, Professor (Emeritus) Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology. New
York, The Macmillan Company.
Lovers of exact science are already indebted
to Professor Holman for numerous important
contributions to our knowledge of physics and
especially for valuable suggestions as to the
best treatment of the experimental solution of
physical problems. His most pretentious work
thus far is that on ‘ Precision of Measurements,’
which is everywhere recognized as a standard
and which ought to be in the hands of every
JANUARY 6, 1899.]
one who is preparing to do something in the
way of experimental research. In the vol-
ume now under consideration he has entered
a different field, and with such success as
to deserve and, I have no doubt, to win the
approval of all interested in the fundamental
principles and concepts of physical science. In
addition to an excellent review of current
theories of the nature of matter, energy, force,
etc., in which the vortex theory and Le Sage’s
theory of gravitation are exceptionally well
presented, the work includes much that is new
and original, a few proposed additions to the
nomenclature of science and many extremely
suggestive discussions.
Professor Holman departs from the usual
practice in the very beginning when he defines
matter as ‘the inert constituent of substance.’
By ‘substance’ he means ‘ that which is inferred
as existing in space, and as endued with powers
to affect portions of itself,’ and it is made out
of matter by theaddition of something. ‘ Con-
tinuous, uniform and permanent occupancy of
space’ is the ultimate and sole property of
matter. ‘Mass’ is defined as ‘quantity of
matter,’ and as matter has really no signifi-
cance until it becomes ‘substance’ the word
‘mass’ is practically banished.
Atoms are ‘ permanent aggregations of matter
differentiated from matter by some mode of
motion’ (vortex motion), and they combine to
make ‘substance.’ ‘ Bodies’ are limited por-
tions of ‘substance.’ The ‘something’ which
distinguishes substance from matter is energy.
“A designated quantity of substance consists
of a definite quantity of matter in permanent
association with a definite quantity of energy
or motion.’?’ The two words ‘or motion’
render this statement somewhat obscure.
What is meant by a ‘definite quantity of
motion?’ Professor Holman’s definition of
‘motion’ is that of nearly all writers, namely,
‘change of relative position.’ It is a curious
but common practice to define it in this way
and then to define its ‘ quantity’ by associating
with it something (matter, mass) absolutely
unlike it in every respect. It is certainly not
in this sense that he means to use it in the phrase
above quoted.
To all ‘substance’ he attributes a ‘ capacity
for kinetic energy’ and to this capacity he ap-
plies the term ‘ kinergety,’ of which much use is
made in all subsequent discussions. Mass is
assumed to be proportional to kinergety and the
latter thus affords a means of measuring the
former or rather of comparing different quanti-
ties of it.
Quantities of substance may also be com-
pared by means of the force called ‘ weight,’
and a quantity thus determined by means of
the equal-arm balance is called weightal.
The ‘ International Kilogramme’ and the ‘Im-
perial Pound’ are spoken of as standards of
‘Kinergety’ and weightal is shown to be pro-
portional to ‘Kinergety.’ What is commonly
known as ‘the ether,’ the medium by which
radiant energy is transmitted, is regarded as a
kind of substance, and hence not the continuous
uniform substratum of ‘matter’ from which all
substance is evolved.
It is impossible in a brief notice to make ex-
tensive quotations, but especial attention ought
to be invited to the author’s remarks on the
various forms of energy. They are extremely
interesting and suggestive, and particularly so
in the exhibit which is made of the importance
of the energy of elasticity as an intermediate
stage of all energy transformations. The defi-
nition of ‘force’ as related to energy will not
fail to attract attention and possibly enable
many readers to possess a reasonably satisfying
concept of that much-abused word. Reference
has already been made to the very full presen-
tation of the vortex theory of matter, in the
possibilities of which the author evidently has
great confidence. The principal results of the
splendid work of Professor J. J. Thomson in
the application of this theory to chemical phe-
nomena are here given in clear and simple lan-
guage, without the mathematical backing upon
which it leans. The singularly clear and satis-
factory discussion of Le Sage’s theory of grayi-
tation as affected by the vortex theory of
atoms would alone put the volume on the
shelves of every physical library, but the more
distinctly original portions of it, the nature of
which has only been hinted at in this notice,
will fully justify its careful perusal by students
of physical science.
I think there can be no impropriety in a brief
word in reference to the circumstances under
which this book was written. It is well known
among his many friends that Professor Hol-
man’s active participation in the work of the
Rogers Laboratory of Physics was arrested two
or three years ago by the development of an
illness from which, unfortunately, he has not
yet recovered. During this time he has been
confined to a reclining chair, and, in his own
characteristic words, ‘even the familiar utili-
zation of the convenient gamut of ether waves’
has been denied. Although unable to move
and unable to see, his courage has never fal-
tered. There has been no loss in his power of
thought, and he has gone on thinking the many
fine things which he has put into this book, for
which, even if it had not been prepared under
conditions that would have defeated most men,
all physicists, friends and strangers alike, will
ever be his debtor.
A Brief Course in Qualitative Analysis. By ER-
NEST A. CONGDON, PH.B., Professor of Chem-
istry in the Drexel Institute. New York,
Henry Holt & Co. 1898.
The method of treatment adopted in this
book consists in giving, first, a clear, concise
statement of the most important reaction for
each metal and acid, and then tables giving one
or more schemes of analysis for each group.
The tables are supplemented by explanatory
notes. At the end of the book a series of ques-
tions, well designed to test the student’s grasp
of the subject, are given. While the tabular
form always has the advantage of presenting
the scheme for analysis very clearly, in the
opinion of the writer, the same object is better
attained by a tabular record prepared by the
student. Because of their concise form, tables
necessarily omit many details which are essen-
tial for the successful execution of an analysis,
and the notes which follow do not entirely over-
come this difficulty.
The selection of reactions and of schemes for
analysis is excellent, and in the hands of good
teachers the book will prove a useful one.
A Short Manual of Analytical Chemistry, Quali-
tative and Quantitative, Inorganic and Organic,
following the Course of Instruction given in
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 210.
the Laboratories of the South London School of
Pharmacy. By JouN MutTer, Pa.D. Second
American Edition. Illustrated. Adapted
from the Eighth British Edition. Philadel-
phia, P. Blakiston’s Sons & Co. 1898. Pp.
xiii 228. Price, $1.25.
As the title implies, a very large amount of
information is compressed into comparatively
little space in this volume. In the qualitative
portion the statements giving the deportment of
metals and of acids toward reagents are given ;
consecutively and are followed by tables of
schemes for analysis. Then follow directions
for the identification of alkaloids and of a num-
ber of common organic compounds. The quan-
titative portion includes volumetric and gravi-
metric analysis, ultimate organic analysis, and
directions for the examination of air, water, food,
alcoholic liquors, ete. It is in this portion that
American chemists will find most to criticise ;
Gooch crucibles are nowhere described, not
even for the cases where they should be used
in place of weighed filters. Directions for the
determination of ‘citrate soluble phosphoric
acid’ are not given under the analysis of ‘ ma-
nures,’ and no reference is made to the ‘ offi-
cial methods.’ The old uranium acetate
method is given for the volumetric estimation
of phosphoric acid instead of the more satis-
factory methods with a reductor or with a
standard alkali. Metaphenylene diamine is
recommended for the detection of nitrites in
water analysis, although the reagent is not suffi-
ciently sensitive to be of any practical use in
many cases. But, while the authors do not
appear to be conversant with the best Ameri-
can practice in these and some other cases, and
while some of the directions appear to be too
much abbreviated for the satisfactory use of a
beginner, it would be difficult to find another
book which compresses so much information
about analysis into so small a space and for so
moderate a price. W. A. Noyes.
Wild Animals I have known. By ERNEST
SeTon THompson. New York, Charles Scrib-
ner’s Sons. 1898. Square 12mo. Pp. 359.
200 illustrations. Price, $2.00.
Rarely are the qualities of naturalist, writer
and artist combined in one person, but Mr.
JANUARY 6, 1899.]
Ernest Seton Thompson has won distinction in
all three réles. Asa naturalist he has enjoyed
opportunities for study and observation both in
Canada and the United States, chiefly in On-
tario, Manitoba and New Mexico. Asa writer
he is known as the author of ‘Birds of Mani-
toba,’ ‘Mammals of Manitoba,’ and numerous
articles contributed to magazines and scientific
journals. As an artist he is perhaps still more
widely known through his ‘ Art of Taxidermy,’
and work in illustrating several popular books
on natural history, more especially on birds.
His latest book is original in conception and
execution. Here he has brought together some
of his most interesting adventures and field ex-
periences, woven them into entertaining and
instructive stories, and illustrated them in a
manner entirely unique. Under the title of
‘Wild Animals I have known’ Mr. Thompson
has departed from the beaten path of natural
history description, and given us an insight
into the habits and daily lives of some of the
lower animals with which he has been on more
or less familiar terms. He describes his friends
from what might be termed the human stand-
point, 7. e., not as mere objects, but as individ-
uals endowed with personality and reason.
‘(What satisfaction,’? he asks in the prefatory
note, ‘‘would be derived from a ten- page sketch
of the habits and customs of Man? How much
more profitable it would be to devote that
space to the life of some one great man. This
is the principle I have endeavored to apply to
my animals.’’
The book consists of eight stories detailing
the adventures of Lobo, King of Currumpaw ;
Silverspot, a crow; Raggylug, a rabbit; Bingo
and Wully, two dogs; The Springfield fox ; the
pacing mustang; and Redruff, a partridge.
Lobo was a large wolf well known to the cat-
tlemen of northern New Mexico who suffered
from his depredations ; Silverspot, an old crow,
has received his name on account of a con-
spicuous white spot on the side of his head ;
Raggylug, a rabbit with a ragged ear. Each
animal and bird had some peculiarity by which
it could be readily distinguished and thus kept
under observation, sometimes for several years.
The stories are told in a delightfully interesting
style and contain many new facts and observa-
tions. Nearly all end tragically, for, as the
author explains, the end of a wild animal is usu-
ally tragic. The book is not, and is not intended
to be, a scientific treatise on mammals. The
reader is assured that the stories are true, but
this does not necessarily imply that every de-
tail was based on actual observation. In fact,
it would be practically impossible to observe
some of the scenes depicted in the biographies
of the rabbit and the fox. In describing the
habits of a particular animal there is little more
than a skeleton of fact on which to build. The
record is so fragmentary that an author is com-
pelled to fill in the gaps from his general
knowledge of the species and to represent the
characters as he conceives them to be. Such
descriptions are of necessity composite and
subject to personal equation and imagination.
The book is copiously illustrated with 29 half-
tone plates and a large number of marginal
sketches. The type bed is narrow and the mar-
gins are utilized for sketches which are some-
times mere outlines or suggestions, but so skill-
fully executed as to make it possible to follow
certain parts of the story merely by the illus-
trations. Noone can fail to notice the author’s
careful attention to details and his skill in
woodcraft. The student of natural history will
find many things of interest in the descriptions
and illustrations, and the general reader will
not regret an introduction to some of the ani-
mals Mr. Thompson has known.
dts She 18
Human Anatomy. Edited by HENRY Morris,
M.A. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston’s Sons &
Co. 1898. Second Edition.
The appearance of a revised and enlarged
second edition of this work within less than six
years from its original entry into the arena is in
itself a sign of success. The well-known text-
books of human anatomy which have held
almost undisputed sway since the memory of
the oldest teacher, continually enlarging their
field with the lapse of years, are so strongly in-
trenched that the prospects of a new rival at
first can hardly have appeared hopeful. Not
only have they done their work very well, but
their methods have become so familiar to teach-
ers, and the latter have got so habituated to
them, that a new text-book is like a new pair
of shoes, which have to be broken in before they
can be called a comfort to their owners. There
can be no question that this process is likely not
to be a very rapid one. It is clear that this
book has stood this preliminary test. It is writ-
ten by several authors, but is fairly homogene-
ous. The aim is to disregard microscopic anat-
omy and to offer a text book which shall present
the facts of gross anatomy both in a practical
and in a scientific way. It is needless to say
that the latter requires references both to em-
bryology and to comparative anatomy. The
section on the bones by Sutton is remarkably
welldone. When we say that the joints are the
work of the editor we have said enough to
vouch for excellence—to all, at least, who know
his earlier monograph (now unhappily out of
print) on that subject. The peritoneum is the
work of Treeves, which, again, issaying enough.
We mean no slight to the other able writers
whom we do not more particularly mention.
The first edition concluded with a section on
surgical and topographical anatomy which can-
not but be welcome. In the present edition this
is followed by a too short chapter on vestigial
and abnormal structures. Variations of the
muscles, of the vessels, and some of those of
bones are considered in their respective sec-
tions. The book is a very good one. We could,
perhaps, find flaws here and there, but a search
for them is uncalled for, as most of our readers
are not professed anatomists. We have but one
serious criticism to make, namely, that in the
section on the nervous system the most recent
(but generally accepted) fundamental doctrines
of the structure of that system have not re-
ceived due recognition.
The illustrations are a most important part of
a text-book onanatomy. Weare happy to give
these very high praise. We were on the point
of making special mention of those of certain
sections, but they are so good as a whole that
we refrain.
To what extent this book will displace old
and established favorites the future will show.
It is a matter eminently unsafe to prophesy
about, but the success already attained is, no
doubt, an earnest of future progress.
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 210.
THE proceedings of the forty-seventh meet-
ing and fiftieth anniversary of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science
have been sent to members by the Permanent
Secretary, Dr. L. O. Howard. The volume,
which contains introductory matter extending
to 83 pages and 658 pages of text, appears very
promptly, the address of President Eliot given
before the Association on ‘ Destructive and
Constructive Energies of our Government com-
pared,’ being here printed before the January
issue of the Atlantic Monthly, which also con-
tains it.
Lavy WELBY has printed for private cireula-
tion a pamphlet extending to 61 pages, entitled
‘The Witness of Science to Linguistic Anarchy.’
The introduction opens with the statement:
“The following collection of extracts, chiefly
from Nature, SCIENCE and Natural Science have
been selected from a much larger number, with
the object of bringing together, in convenient
form, evidence of an almost incredible state of
things in the scientific world.’’? We find an in-
teresting collection of quotations on scientific
nomenclature, showing a certain amount of
diversity and conflict. Still they. scarcely bear
witness to a ‘paralyzing nightmare of impo-
tence,’ and it does not follow as suggested by
Professor Foster that an international tribunal
should ‘stamp the coin of science’ by defining
every new name. New words must come and
language must be flexible if science is to grow.
Certainly men of science should realize their
responsibility and be careful in their use of
terms, but words were made for science and not
science for words. Those interested can prob-
ably obtain a copy of Lady Welby’s pamphlet
by addressing her at Denton Manor, Grantham,
WE have received for review a copy of ‘ Life’s
Comedy,’ Third Series (Charles Scribner’s Sons).
Life, from the issues of which this Christmas
book is a reprint, does not hesitate to leave its
own field and display ignorance by attacking
men of science who practice vivisection, which
should warn us against tresspassing on foreign
territory. As Punch treats the anti-vivisection-
ists from the point of view that commends itself
JANUARY 6, 1899.]
to men of science, we may be prejudiced,
but it does seem that ‘Mr. Punch’ is always a
gentleman, whereas Life is on occasion distinctly
THE Rey. J. G. Hagen, of the Georgetown
College Observatory, announces that the first
series of charts of his Atlas of Variable Stars is
nearly printed and will be issued in a few
weeks. The cost of engraving and printing
the whole Atlas will be about $7,000 and, though
one-fourth of this sum has been given by Miss
Catherine Bruce, it is necessary that one hun-
dred subscribers to the entire series be obtained
in order that expenses of engraving and print-
ing can be guaranteed and its completion se-
cured. The present series contains twenty-four
charts and is sold to subscribers to the whole
series at one Mark per chart. The work is
published by Herr. F. L. Dames, of Berlin, but
subscriptions may be sent through the Harvard
College Observatory or through the George-
town College Observatory.
Terrestrial Magnetism for December, 1898,
contains the following articles: ‘Report of the
Permanent Committee on Terrestrial Magnet-
ism and Atmospheric Electricity to the Inter-
national Meteorological Conference ;’ ‘The To-
ronto Magnetic Observatory,’ R. F. Stupart ;
‘The Attitude of the Aurora above the Earth’s
Surface’ (concluded), C. Abbe; ‘Bigelow’s
Solar and Terrestrial Magnetism,’ reviewed by
Arthur Schuster; ‘Notes on the Magnetic
Storm of November 21st-22d, and on the Secular
Motion of a Free Magnetic Needle,’ by L. A.
Bauer. Mr. Stupart in his article describes the
new Toronto Magnetic Observatory, situated at
Agincourt, nine miles northeast of the old and
disturbed site. Beginning with March, 1899, the
name of the journal is to be changed to Terres-
trial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity. It
has been found necessary to enlarge the period-
ical somewhat, and, in consequence, the sub-
scription price has been increased from $2 to
$2.50. It will be conducted, as heretofore, by
L. A. Bauer and Thomas French, Jr., both of
the University of Cincinnati. The editors will
be asssisted by Messrs. Eschenhagen (Pots-
dam), Moureaux (Paris), Littlehales (Washing-
ton), Schuster (Manchester), Elster and Geitel
(Wolfenbiittel), McAdie (New Orleans), and by
an international council consisting of Rucker
(England), von Bezold (Germany), Mascart
(France), Rykatschew (Russia), Mendenhall and
Schott (America).
The American Journal of Science for January
contains the following articles :
‘Thermodynamic Relations of Hydrated Glass,’
by C. Barus; ‘Platinum and Iridium in Meteoric
Tron,’ by J. M. Davison ; ‘Studies in the Cyperacez,’
by T. Holm ; ‘Regnault’s Calorie and our Knowl-
edge of the Specific Volumes of Steam,’ by G. P.
Starkweather ; ‘ Estimation of Boric Acid,’ by F. A.
Gooch and L. C. Jones ; ‘ Descriptions of imperfectly
known and new Actinians,’ with critical notes and
other species, II.; by A. E. Verrill; ‘ Mineralogical
Notes,’ by W. F. Hillebrand; ‘ What is the Loess ?’
by F. W. Sardeson ; ‘Absorption of Gases in a High
Vacuum,’ by C. C. Hutchins.
Appleton’s Popular Science Monthly for Janu-
ary gives as a frontispiece a portrait of August
Kekulé and a sketch of his life and contribu-
tions to science follows. Among the other arti-
cles in the number are ‘The Mind’s Eye,’ by
Professor Joseph Jastrow, illustrating the part
played by mental processes in visual percep-
tion ; an argument by Professor G. T. W. Pat-
rick, maintaining that children under ten should
not be taught to read and write; and nature
study in the Philadelphia Normal School, by
Mrs. L. L. W. Wilson.
THE ninth annual meeting of the Nebraska
Academy of Sciences was held at Lincoln, No-
vember 25 and 26, 1898.
The address of the retiring President, Dr.
H. B. Ward, was upon the ‘ Fresh-water Bio-
logical Stations of the World.’
These were divided into individual resorts for
independent investigation, periodical resorts
where groups of scientists go for a portion of
the year, and permanent stations where work
is carried on throughout the year by resident
investigators. The best results can only be ex-
pected in the latter class, which are necessarily
under government protection.
On the evening of November 25th, after a
banquet tendered to members of the Academy
and their wives by the Lincoln members, an
address was given before the Academy by Pro-
fessor Lawrence Bruner, on the ‘Flora and
Fauna of Argentina, S. A.,’ where he has spent
the past year investigating a grasshopper plague.
Professor Bruner first gave a few facts regard-
ing the location and shape of Argentina, its
climate and the effect of the climate on plant
and animal life. A very large portion of Argen-
tina has an average of less than eight inches of
rainfall per annum; another portion has an
average rainfall of from eight to twenty-four
inches, while another has from twenty-four
inches to sixty. Still all this territory is inhab-
ited and is well supplied with plant and animal
life. Here evolution in plant and animal life is
most noticeable, every form of vegetation and all
kinds of animal life changing as the climate
changes in traveling from one portion of the
country to the other. Argentina was a conntry
where everything protected itself and was fitted
by nature to do so. The trees had thorns, the
grasses and weeds were provided with thorns,
and pointed, sharp blades and herbaceous plants
were shielded with burrs. In the dryest parts of
Argentina Professor Bruner said he had found
plant and animal lifeabundant. Forests of large
trees could be found where rain was scarcest, and
he had been told that when heavy rains fell the
trees would die from too much moisture. Many
forms of animal life thrived best where there
was no moisture. Plants were found without
leaves, and birds of the same order as our
water fowl that avoided water. In no other
country on the earth, excepting perhaps Aus-
tralia, could forms of animal life be found that
compared with what was to be found there.
Many kinds of birds were provided with spurs
on their wings, and to illustrate some of these
wonders the stereopticon was introduced and a
number of views of strange animal life shown.
Other papers on the program were as fol-
lows: ‘Methods of Collecting and Preserving
Water- Mites,’ by Dr. Robert H. Wolcott, with
exhibition of new forms of collecting apparatus.
‘The Discovery of the Southern Maidenhair
Fern in the Black Hills,’ by Dr. Charles E.
Bessey. It had been reported to him that it
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 210.
grew there in profusion, but as its northern
limit was about 36 degrees, or the southern
line of Missouri, he took a thousand-mile jour-
ney that he might be able to state scientifically
that it was there. He found it growing in pro-
fusion on the banks of a stream fed by warm
springs, beside the buffalo berry of the north.
C. J. Elmore read the second chapter of his
serial, begun last year, on ‘The Second Year’s
Flora of a Dried-up Millpond,’ and was re-
quested to continue the subject next year.
‘One to One Correspondence,’ by Dr. Ellery
Davis. ‘A Determination of the Latitude of
the Observatory,’ by Professor G. D. Swezey.
The reduction of fifty-nine observations for the
latitude of the observatory on the University
grounds, made with a small universal instru-
ment, gave as a result 40° 497 9.“9+ 0.4.
Over a hundred additional observations have
been taken which haye not yet been reduced.
A joint paper by Abel A. Hunter and G. E.
Hedgecock on ‘Thorea,’ a seaweed found by
Mr. Hunter in the northeastern part of Lan-
caster county the past summer, was submitted.
This very rare and exceedingly interesting sea-
weed is now found for the first time in Ne-
braska and the second time with certainty in
North America.
‘What is Phytogeography,’ by Dr. Roscoe
Pound. A discussion of the province of phy-
togeography and of the various names that
have been used to designate this and other
closely related lines of investigation.
‘The Growth of Children,’ by Dr. William
W. Hastings. Observations made in European
cities and in the larger cities of this country,
with the results of experience in the University
and public schools of Lincoln. From two to
sixteen years the growth of children is very
regular, but from sixteen to seventeen it is re-
tarded. The full growth of man does not cease
until after he is twenty-five. Athletics extend
the growing period to thirty years. Affluence
increases and deprivation and hard work de-
creases the growth. Size diminishes between
the age of fifty and sixty. The speaker men-
tioned the phenomenal increase of five and
seven-eighths inches chest measure in a 15-year-
old boy, but the discussion brought out the fact
that his grade marks were only seventy-five.
JANUARY 6, 1899. ]
Ernest A. Bessey, in ‘How some Pistils close
up,’ gave a study of the pistils of the buttercup
and larkspur.
“Observations on the Leonid Meteors of
1898,’ by Professor G. D. Swezey. Observations
made simultaneously at Lincoln, Crete and Bea-
trice, from which the heights and actual paths
of a number of the meteors was determined.
A. B. Lewis read a paper on ‘The Occur-
rence of a Fresh-water Nemertine in Nebraska,’
which described a marine animal which has been
discovered in fresh water near the round house.
Miss Carrie Barbour showed geodes from the
Bad Lands, formations which are called by the
cowboys blossom-stones.
Notes on the ‘ Falling of Leaves from a Cot-
tonwood Tree,’ by C. J. Elmore, described a
tree sixteen inches in diameter and forty-five
feet high. The cottonwood was shown to
adapt itself to climates and conditions and to
be unaffected by the change of seasons.
Dr. R. H. Wolcott, of the zoological depart-
ment, read a paper on ‘The Hydrachnide of
Nebraska.’ He had already found sixteen new
species and one new genus.
The geology of Lincoln’s surroundings, as de-
scribed last year by C. A. Fisher, was illus-
trated by charts and outlines by Miss Barbour.
The following papers were read by title only:
‘Botanical Notes for the Year 1898,’ by Dr. C.
E. Bessey. ‘Fossil Bryozoans of Nebraska,’
by Mr. G. E. Condra. ‘Some new Grasshop-
pers and other related Insects from Argentina,’
by Professor Lawrence Bruner. ‘A new Bird
Tape Worn,’ by Mr. Geo. E. Condra. ‘On the
Poisonousness of Pure Water,’ by Dr. A. 8.
von Mansfelde.’ ‘Obituary of Professor Wells
H. Skinner;’ by Mr. A. T. Bell.
The following persons were elected to honor-
ary membership in the Academy: Alexander
Agassiz, LL.D.; John M. Coulter, LL.D.; Pro-
fessor Samuel H. Scudder; Joseph Le Conte,
LL.D.; Simon Newcomb, LL.D.; Dr. Otto
Kunze; Professor Victor Hensen.
The election for officers resulted as follows:
President, Professor G. D. Swezey, of Lincoln ;
Vice-President, Dr. H. Gifford, of Omaha; Sec-
retary and Custodian, Professor Lawrence
Bruner, of Lincoln ; Treasurer, G. A. Loveland ;
Directors, Professor Charles Fordyce, of Univer-
sity Place, and Professor J. H. Powers, of Crete ;
Professor H. Brownell, of Peru.
AT the December meeting of the Science
Club, of Northwestern University, Professor A,
R. Crook, of the department of mineralogy,
read a paper on ‘ Notes on Russian Geology.’
Until within recent years the number of Rus-
sians working in geology has been insignificant.
The results of their work have for the most
part been published in a language inaccessible
to non-Russians. The police barrier erected by
the government against travelers has kept out
foreign geologists. Hence our knowledge of
Russian geology has been meagre. The meet-
ing of the International Geological Congress in
St. Petersburg was an event of great impor-
tance. A hundred workers from other lands
visited mines and formations from one part of
the country to the other, and thus gained a per-
sonal knowledge of Russian geology, an ac-
quaintance with the tasks and methods of work
of Russian geologists, and an inclination to
learn the Russian language. Russian geology
offers interesting material in paleontology,
mineralogy and general geology. The first
contains less of importance than the last two.
The topaz, turmaline, emerald, alexandrite,
phenacite, amethyst, rhodonite, malachite,
platinum, gold and a hundred other less valu-
able minerals found in the Urals shed light
upon the association, occurrence and genesis of
minerals, while exhibiting the species in most
perfect form.
The crystallines and eruptives of Finland and
the Urals, the question of the Silurian in the
Urals, the development of the Permian, the
Carboniferous of South Russia, the igneous
rocks of the Caucasus, together with their pres-
ent glaciers, and the glacial deposits which
cover the larger part of Russia, court investiga-
tion and attract the petrologist, the glaciologist,
the stratigrapher, the physiographer, the pale-
Natural and cut gems, maps and lantern
slides were used in illustration.
Wm. A. Locy,
Tur regular meeting was held on November
10, 1898. :
The first paper of the evening was read by Mr.
F. K. Cameron, and was entitled ‘Some Boiling-
point Curves for Mixtures of Miscible Liquids.’
The general properties and significance of
pressure-concentration and temperature-con-
centration curves for pairs of perfectly miscible
liquids were indicated, and the researches
of Konowaloff, Nernst and others briefly cited.
All the possible types now known were illus-
trated by some as-yet-unpublished data from a
preliminary investigation by Cameron and
Thayer. A significant fact brought out by cer-
tain of these curves, notably the one for alco-
hol-chloroform mixtures, is that they possess
not only a maximum and minimum point, but
there is a decided sag in the opposite direction
at another portion of the curve. So far no
such curve is known which has both a maximum
and minimum point, and the possibility of such
a case has been denied by some authorities.
But the fact just cited shows an indubitable
tendency towards such a case and indicates
that by a suitable choice of the constant factor
(temperature or pressure) for some pair of
liquids such a curve may yet be found. The
great desirability of further experimental work
in this field, both for theoretical and practical
reasons, was indicated.
The second paper was by Mr. F. K. Cam-
eron, and was entitled ‘A Ternary Mix-
ture.’ Given a mixture of two perfectly
miscible liquids, A and B, and a third sub-
stance, C, soluble in one constituent of the
pair, at a definite temperature there will be
a separation of the liquid mixture into its con-
stituents, this definite temperature being de-
pendent on the relative concentrations of the
solution. By keeping C in excess of the amount
soluble the problem is somewhat simplified.
The results of a preliminary investigation on
the curve for temperature of separation-con-
centration, presence of a third substance solu-
ble in only one constituent, were presented.
Further, the third substance, C, was varied for
certain concentrations. And, finally, mixtures
of the substances which had been used as C
were tried. The results were interesting, but
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 210.
no causal connection could be detected. It is
essential that more experimental evidence shall
be in our possession before a satisfactory theory
of the phenomena will be possible.
The third paper was read by Dr. T. M.
Chatard and was entitled ‘Note on the Rate
of Loss in Cyanide Solutions.’ Dr. Chatard ex-
hibited a sheet of curves representing the rate
of loss of cyanide in solutions used for the ex-
traction of gold in the electrolytic sluice. There
is always a certain loss due to oxidation of the
cyanide through agitation of the solution dur-
ing the operation of the apparatus. Another
loss results from the action of the ore on the
solution. An electric current of about 0.2 amp.
per sq. ft. of cathode plate and of about 2 volts
is employed, and it is desirable to know what
effect such a current has upon the solutions
which usually contain from 0.20 to 0.25 per
cent. KCN at the start. Samples of the solu-
tion were taken at regular intervals during
each run, the percentage of cyanide giving
points of the curve. When ore is treated, the
curves usually show a rapid loss of cyanide dur-
ing the first period of fifteen minutes, due to the
action of the ore, the rate of loss then decreas-
ing so that the final result is often a fairly reg-
ular curve. When the solution is run with
neither ore nor current the fall in strength is
usually regular, so that the line connecting any
three consecutive points is practically straight.
Using the customary current but no ore, other
conditions being alike, the results indicate that
the cyanide losses are lessened even though the
tests are, as yet, too few for positive evidence.
It may, however, be stated with confidence that
the use of electricity, so important for the ex-
traction of precious metals from ores and solu-
tions, is not attended by any increased loss of
the expensive cyanide.
The last paper was read by Dr. C. E. Munroe
and was entitled ‘The Examination of Acid
for Use in the Manufacture of Gun-cotton.’
Dr. Munroe’s paper contained a summary of
work done by his assistants, Mr. G. W. Patter-
son and Mr. J. J. Tobin, and by him. The
specifications for the acids given were accom-
panied by descriptions of the analytical methods
and methods of calculation to be followed in
the inspection of the acids supplied, and a com-
JANUARY 6, 1899. ]
parison was made between these methods and
others that have been proposed. Attention was
called to the necessity of defining the sub-
stances present by the methods by which they
are to be determined and reckoned, as it not in-
frequently happens that there are differences of
opinion as to the form in which they occur and
the methods for determining them, and a dis-
pute is most easily avoided by a prior technical
convention. Thus there is a difference of opin-
ion as to the form in which a portion of the
nitrogen present in these acids occurs, some re-
garding it asin the form of hyponitrous acid,
others as nitrosulphuric acid, but without ex-
pressing any opinion on this point the specifica-
tions simply required that it should be deter-
mined in a carefully prescribed manner and
reckoned as N,O,, and that as thus determined
and reckoned it should not exceed a certain
percentage of the mixture. The data of a con-
siderable number of analyses showing the per-
centage composition and specific gravities of
both original acids and spent acids from the gun-
cotton manufacture was given, and the differ-
ences between the amounts of sulphuric acid in
the different operations was seen to be remark-
ably constant, showing the mixture to be well
proportioned for this purpose, Observations
were made on the permanency of composition
of the mixed acids stored in darkness and in
sunlight ; on the color of the acids as a criterion
of the amount of nitrogen oxides present; on
the change of color produced by heating them ;
on the freezing of the acids and the rate of ex-
pansion of different mixtures. The specific-
gravity bottle used, which was devised by Pro-
fessor Barker, and which was_ particularly
adapted to this work, was exhibited.
Mr. P. 8. Smirx described ‘ An Occurrence of
Corundum in Kyanite.’ This paper will be
published soon in full. Mr. J. M. Boutwell
spoke on ‘ Tides: Their Character and Cause.’
After reviewing our incomplete knowledge of
tides in the open ocean, he explained a method
of expressing, with plotted curves, certain facts
obtained from observations on tides, as they
traverse continental and estuaries.
These curves show a perfect homology between
wind waves and true tidal waves in form, range, ~
length (better termed breadth) and velocity.
Under the cause of tides, the main points of the
explanation advocated by Hagen, Airy, Dar-
win and others were presented.
Geological Conference, December 13, 1898.—In
a communication entitled ‘Dikes and Veins,’
Professor Shaler considered the origin of fissures
occupied by these bodies. Field observation
near the Spokane Placer, Montana, shows that
intrusives part rocks along bedding planes more
readily than transverse to them. Professor
Shaler suggests that water, mechanically in-
cluded in beds at the time of their deposition,
becomes heated by an approaching, intrusive
mass; and that by expanding it opens the way
for the intrusion along previously existing,
structural planes. According to this theory, in
a region where the intrusives are of different
age, the earliest intrusive should show evidence
of its easy entrance along fissures opened by
expanded water; and subsequent intrusives
should exhibit signs of more difficult entrance,
owing to the exhaustion of assisting waters.
Mr. Robert DeC. Ward presented ‘Some Ob-
servations on the Médanos of Peru,’ which will
be published in a future issue of this JOURNAL.
J. M. BouTWwELL,
Recording Secretary.
On discussion of enlargement of the program
for excursions, it was arranged that field meet-
ings be provided on Saturdays after the first of
January, for the purpose of studies of crypto-
gams and of winter stages of higher plants.
The first paper was by Mr. Marshall A.
Howe, ‘Remarks on some Undescribed Califor-
nian Hepaticze,’ and consisted of the description
of three new species, soon to be published.
Beautiful plates illustrating these species were
exhibited, the work of Mr. Howe, to form part
of the forthcoming volume of the Memoirs of
the Torrey Club.
The second paper was by Professor Francis.
E. Lloyd, on ‘The Nucleus in Certain, Myxo-
mycetes and Schizophycee.’ Mr. Lloyd re-
marked that the work of Strasburger (1884),and
later of Lister, gives evidence that the nucleus
of the Myxomycetes is a definite organ possessed
of a nuclear membrane and containing chroma-
tin. During cell-division the chromatin is seg-
regated into rounded masses lying in the nu-
clear plate. A spindle is formed. After the
formation of a fine nuclear membrane the
spindle fibres gradually disappear. The small
number of these parallel fibres and absence of a
cell-plate led Strasburger to compare the nu-
cleus to the animal rather than the plant type.
Precisely similar conditions are, however, found
in some plant cells.
The presence of a nucleus in the Schizophyta
has been a point of controversy. Biutschli as-
serts the nuclear character of the central body,
and regards the red granules as chromatin. A.
Fischer denies the accuracy of the former’s con-
clusions, the question remaining an open one.
When our knowledge is complete it is highly
probable that the nucleus will be found to be of
the distributed type, of a type, therefore, com-
parable to that of the simpler protozoa. In any
case the nucleus of the lowly plants is much
more primitive than that of the Myxomycetes.
We are led, therefore, to regard these curious,
much-debated forms, the Myxomycetes, as
either plants of a higher type than the Schizo-
phyta, which have degenerated, or as animals
related probably to the sporozoa. For the for-
mer view there is now little evidence.
The Secretary addressed the Club briefly re-
garding the discarded species Aster gracilentus,
T. & G., and exhibited its typespecimen, which
formed a sheet of the herbarium of M. A. Cur-
tis, now at Princeton, and was exhibited
through the courtesy of Professor George Mac-
loskie, of that University.
Mr. Howe exhibited a number of examples of
Wolffia, discovered floating in Van Cortlandt
Lake, constituting the third recorded collection
within New York State of this minutest of
flowering plants.
Dr. Rusby exhibited a Paulownia blossom in
which half an anther had grown on the outside
of the corolla. Dr. Britton reported two inter-
esting additions to the collections of the New
York Botanic Garden: Ist, a valuable collec-
[N. 8. Vou. IX. No. 210.
tion of photographs illustrating the cultivation
of the poppy in Asia Minor; and 2d, a gift to
the Garden from Mr. Peter Barr, the English
horticulturist, of a collection of Narcissus and
Peonia for planting in the Botanic Garden.
The claim of free entry as museum material
was at first refused by the New York custom
house ; but, after five different appeals, the final
decision was that the material was proper to an
outdoor museum, and free entry was granted.
A RECENT examination of Rafinesque’s de-
scription of Felis Oregonensis (Atlantic Journal,
Vol. 1, No. 2, page 62, summer of 1832) brings
up an interesting question as to the relationship
of this name and those recently proposed by Dr.
C. Hart Merriam for the Pumas of our Western
Rafinesque in the above article describes two
species. The second of these is Felis macroura,
based on an account in Leraye’s Travels, of an
animal resembling the Conguar of the Alle-
ghanies, but not larger than a cat, ‘with tail as
long as the body, which is from one to two feet
long only.’ The source of this information is
unreliable and the probability is that no such
animal existed.
The first species described is, however, of
more importance. Rafinesque’s description is
as follows:
“1. Var. Oregonensis. Dark brown, nearly
black on the back, belly white; body six feet
long, three high, tail two or three feet long. A
large and ferocious animal of the mountains.
Is it not a peculiar species? Felix [sic] orego-
In the introductory paragraph of the article
he says: ‘‘In addition to the article on our
Couguars, page 19, I have to state that several
other varieties of tygers are found in the west-
ern wilds of the Oregon mountains, or east and
west of them, which deserve to be noticed. I
find in my notes that two other varieties of Cou-
guar have been seen there east of the moun-
The Felis macroura, he states distinctly,
JANUARY 6, 1899.]
dwells on the plains east of the Oregon moun-
tains, but no definite locality is given under the
description of F. oregonensis.
The indefiniteness of the opening paragraph
where the forms are stated to occur, both east
and west of the mountains, makes this name
apparently applicable to either the Puma of the
Rocky Mountains or the Northwest coast re-
gion. However, the fact that the other species
(macroura) is said to occur east of the mountains,
gives this form the benefit of whatever the use
of the word ‘ west’ was intended to imply, and,
furthermore, the dark color which is distinctly
pointed out would seem to fix the name orego-
nensis on the Northwest coast form.*
Dr. Merriam, in Proceedings of the Biological
Society of Washington, July 15, 1897, p. 219-
220, proposed the name felis hippolestes for the
Puma of the Rocky Mountains, and Felis hippo-
lestes olympus for the Northwest coast form, ap-
parently overlooking the paper by Rafinesque.
In view of the evidence here set forth, it
seems that Rafinesque’s name must be recog-
nized, and I would, therefore, suggest that the
proper names for the two animals should be
Felis oregonensis (Raf.) Northwest Coast
Felis oregonensis hippolestes (Merr.) Rocky
Mountain Puma.
PHILADELPHIA, December 9, 1898.
TuHE installation of the Schmidt-Dickert relief
model of the moon in a scientific institution de-
serves, perhaps, a passing notice. This seems
the more desirable since in so generally accu-
rate a work as‘Webb’s Celestial Objects for Com-
mon Telescopes,’ edition of 1896, the statement
is made that this model isin Bonn. It has not
been in Bonn for fully twenty years, and for
most of that time has been in this country.
While occasionally exhibitions have been made
of the model during this time they have been of
short duration and in different cities, so that,
for this time at least, it has been practically
lost to the world. Through the generosity of
** Oregon’ of this date, of course, included the pres-
ent State of Washington and much of British Colum-
Mr. Lewis Reese, a citizen of Chicago, the
model has now come into the possession of the
Field Columbian Museum and has lately been
installed in this institution. It is now, there-
fore, freely available for purposes of study and
instruction. Since it has been so long/lost from
view some facts regarding the model may be of
interest. It was constructed in 1854 by Th.
Dickert, Curator of the National History Mu-
seum in Bonn, under the direction and with
the cooperation of Dr. J. F. Julius Schmidt.
The name of the latter is of itself sufficient
guarantee of the accuracy and perfection of de-
tail exhibited by the model, especially as Dr.
Schmidt states that he tested with his own hand
the accuracy of nearly all the measurements.
So much labor was necessary in order to insure
accuracy in the details that the work of model-
ling and construction occupied five years. The
model is in the form of a hemisphere, 18 Paris
feet (19.2 English feet), in diameter. Its hor-
izontal scale bears the ratio to that of the moon
of 1:600,000, the vertical 1:200,000. It is made
up of 116 sections, each 15 degrees in length by
15 degrees in breadth. The consecutively joined
edges of these sections serve to mark upon the
surface of the model, parallels and meridians.
The different colors exhibited by different parts
of the moon are also depicted upon the model,
the prevailing color being a dull yellow, broken
by gray-green where the ‘seas’ occur, and by
representations in lighter yellow of the bright
streaks which radiate so prominently from some
of the craters. The orientation which has been
adopted for the model is the normal one of the
moon, not inverted as it is when seen through
an astronomical telescope. The north pole
of the hemisphere is therefore above, the
south pole below; east is to the left, and
west to the right. The surface details of
relief shown upon the model are based upon
the charts of Beer and Madler, but many new
localities were added from the observations of
Dr. Schmidt himself. In all over 20,000 dis-
tinct localities are represented, modelled pro-
portionally according to the relief which they
present upon the moon. One may, therefore,
study the relief with the greatest confidence
that the actual topography of the moon is rep-
resented, and is spared the confusion arising
from the varying effects of shadows which make
the study of the moon itself possible only to
specialists. With the advance which has taken
place in the interpretation of topographic forms
in the last twenty years, it seems not too much
to hope, now that this model has been made ac-
cessible to students of science, that its study
will bring to light new facts regarding the
nature and history of our satellite..
Professor James that I do not knowingly leave
unread anything that he or Professor Sidgwick
writes. I carefully considered the two papers
to which he refers, at the time of their appear-
ance, and have recently turned to them again.
I am afraid, however, that I cannot make the
admission that Professor James expects. Even
if I granted all the contentions of criticism and
report I should still see no reason to change
the wording of my reference to Lehmann and
Hansen. But there is a great deal that I can-
not grant. While, like Stevenson’s Silver, ‘I
wouldn’t set no limits to what a virtuous char-
acter might consider argument,’ I must confess
that, in the present instance, the grounds for
such consideration have not seldom escaped me.
Professor James rules that the Phil. Studien
article is ‘exploded.’ I have tried to take up
the position of an impartial onlooker; and,
from that position, I have seen Professor James
and Professor Sidgwick and Herr Parish hand-
ling the fuse, but I have not yet heard the
Reports of meteor observations made this
year between the 11th and 16th have been
published from England, France and the United
States. These are sufficient to show the char-
acteristics of the display and to furnish hints
as to the methods which should be followed
in future years. The “ greatest number of
meteors was noted on the morning of the
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 210.
15th (civil reckoning), when the rate reached
two each minute at some stations in the United
States. A single observer could count forty or
more per hour. It is probable that the max-
imum had already passed, as more meteors
were noted on the preceding than on the fol-
lowing night at the few stations where the skies
were clear on those nights. On the 14th a
single observer at Lyons, France, noted 134
between 1:04 a. m. and 4:05 a. m. On account
of the cloudy weather at Paris M. Janssen
made a balloon ascension and observed above
the clouds. We are told that this plan of se-
curing clear skies will be used more extensively
next year. The number observed this year is
fully ten times as great as those observed in
1897 and is about the same as that noted at
Grenwich in 1865, the year preceding the great
shower of 1866. This augurs well for the year
Observers report several interesting facts:
(1) Many meteors with the characteristics of
the Leonids did not proceed from the radiant
area within the ‘Sickle of Leo.’ The discrep-
ancies in locating the radiant point are not to
be wholly explained by the errors to which all
eye estimates of meteor tracks are liable, but
arein part real. (2) The radiant area has for
its center a point which is farther south than
that calculated from the observations of 1866,
which was R A. 10h. 0 min., Decl. + 22°.9.
The records this year, as far as known, range
between 9 h. 50 min. and 10h. 20 min. in R. A.
and + 18° to 22° in Decl. A preliminary de-
termination from the photographed trails of
four meteors made at Harvard Observatory
gives 10h. 6.8 min., Decl. + 22°16”. (8) There
were very few brilliant meteors compared with
the total number. At Providence fourteen only
out of nearly five hundred were brighter than
the first magnitude.
The practicability of the photographic method
of studying meteors needed no demonstration,
but its possibilities are greater than was sup-
posed. An ordinary camera, such as those in
use by amateurs, will photograph the brighter
meteors. Thus one with an aperture of only
one inch and focal length of nine inches, if care-
fully focussed, will give trails of meteors as
bright as the 0 magnitude. The camera need
JANUARY 6, 1899.]
not be driven by clockwork if the time of the
appearance of the brightest meteors in the region
towards which the camera is directed is noted.
For then the exact positions of the comparison
stars in their curved trails while the plate is
exposed is known. Amateur assistance in me-
teor photography is, therefore, valuable.’ Of
still greater value is the photographic record by
the largerinstruments. Not only can the paths
of the meteors be located with accuracy and the
position of the radiant points determined, but
special characteristics of the trails may be
studied. Thus the Harvard Circular, No. 35,
mentions that the light attained a maximum
and then diminished as rapidly as it increased ;
that sudden changes due to explosions are well
shown ; that the trail is sometimes surrounded
by a sheath of light, and that in one case the
trail remained after the meteor had passed.
That these characteristics, which have been
noted visually heretofore, should now submit
to a permanent photographic record shows that
photography will have a large place in this
branch of astronomical study.
CHASE’S COMET (J. 1898).
THE discovery of this comet on the plates
exposed at New Haven, on the radiant region
of the Leonids, is the most interesting episode
of the meteor observations. The photographic
brightness was estimated to be equal to a star
of the 11th magnitude, but it was much fainter
in a visual telescope. It was hoped that it
might be connected with the meteor stream,
but its orbit shows that it simply chanced to be
in that direction when observed. The pre-
liminary orbits thus far published are unusually
discordant, perhaps due to the combination of
the photographic and visual determinations of
position. é
PRoFEsSOR W. W. CAMPBELL, of the Lick Ob-
servatory, in the publications of the Astronom-
ical Society of the Pacific, announces the rapid
movement towards us of two stars, 7 Cephei and
¢ Herculis. From four photographs of their
spectra he determines a relative velocity of 53.9
miles per second for the former and 48.7 for the
latter. Allowing for the motion of the solar
system, these figures are reduced to 46.0 miles
per second and 33.5 miles per second respec-
December 16, 1898.
Two studies have lately appeared on the
widely diffused myth of the ‘culture-hero’ in
America. The one is by the Count de Charen-
cey, on the legend of Huitzilopochtli, printed
in the Proceedings of the French Association for
the Advancement of Science, 1897 ; the other is
by Dr. Franz Boas, reprinted from the Memoirs
of the American Folk-lore Society, Vol. VI.,
and treats of the Salish Raven Myth and others
from the Northwestern tribes.
All these myths are strikingly alike in many
details, and both these writers agree that ‘it is
inconceivable that they originated independ-
ently.’ Hence Dr. Boas claims that the various
raven and coyote tales have a common source ;
and with precisely the same and equally strong
arguments M. de Charencey shows that the
myths of the Mayas and Nahuas originated in
eastern Asia.
To my thinking, not the similarities (for
these we should expect from the constitution of
the human mind), but the differences in such
myths are what should command our chief
‘Was primitive man a modern savage?’ is
the question asked by Dr. Talcott Williams in
the Smithsonian Report, just issued, and an-
swered by him in a constructive negative. To
Dr. Williams, primitive man was a peaceful,
happy creature, knowing not war or cannibal-
ism, witha ‘surprising primitive development,’
which later on degenerated into civilization.
This early man enjoyed ‘a juster conception of
the divine’ than his descendants. His gods
were peaceful, communication free, hospitality
open. ‘The earth was still empty and happy
and young.’’
If Dr. Williams intends this as a pleasant,
humorous sketch, it Will pass; if a serious in-
ference from the ascertained facts of prehistoric
investigation, its author is about a century be-
hind time, as every student of the actual re-
mains of earliest man knows the painful but
irrefutable evidence of his worse than barbar-
ous, his really brutal, condition, apart from all
comparisons with modern savages.
Dr. MicHarL HABERLANDT is a ‘ Privatdo-
cent’ in the University of Vienna and also
Curator of the Ethnographic Collection in the
Royal Museum of that city. A few months
ago there appeared from his pen a duodecimo
treatise on Ethnography which offers much the
best summary of the science which I have any-
where seen. Of its 200 pages half are devoted
to general principles, those which belong to
‘Ethnology ;’ and the remainder to descriptive
ethnography. Both are characterized by thor-
ough familiarity with the facts, and careful, in-
dependent reflection on them. The introduc-
tion discusses, with remarkable clearness, the
principles of social degeneration and evolution.
Just such brief, clear, up-to-date books as
this are what we need in anthropology in this
country. It is better to write them than to
translate them, and it is unfortunate that we
still lack them. (Voélkerkunde, G. F. Goschen,
Leipzig. 1898.)
In the present issue of ScleENCE—which opens
anew volume—the short notes are placed at
the end, in the part of the number which is the
last to be printed. These notes should contain
reliable, prompt and full information, and men
of science in America and abroad are requested
to contribute items of news whose publication
will forward the objects of this JOURNAL.
Tue Paris Academy of Sciences has awarded
its Lalande prize to Dr. 8. C. Chandler, of Cam-
bridge, Mass., and the Damoiseau prize to Dr.
George W. Hill, of Columbia University.
Proressor G. W. FArtow, of Harvard Uni-
versity, has been elected President of the Amer-
ican Society of Naturalists. Professor H. C.
Bumpus, of Brown University, to whom the
recent growth and successful meetings of the
[N.S. Von. IX. No, 210.
Society have been in large measure due, has
resigned the Secretaryship and is succeeded by
Professor T. H. Morgan, of Bryn Mawr Col-
PrRoFEssoR R. S. Woopwarp, of Columbia
University, has been elected President of the
American Mathematical Society in succession to
Professor Simon Newcomb.
Proressor JOHN DEWEY, of the University
of Chicago, has been elected President of the
An.erican Psychological Association.
THE office of Mr. W. T. Hornaday, Director
of the New York Zoological Park, has been
moved from 69 Wall Street to the Park, South-
ern Boulevard and 183d Street, and communi-
cations should now be sent to this address. The
offices are temporarily established in the Elk
House, near the southwest corner of the Park.
THE Rey. Dr. Bartholomew Price, Master
of Pembroke College, Oxford, and until last
year Sedleian professor of natural philosophy,
died on December 29th in his 81st year. He
was the author of works on dynamics and on
the calculus.
Dr. JoHn B. HAMILTON, formerly Surgeon-
General of the U. S. Marine Hospital Service,
editor of the Journal of the American Medical
Association and professor of surgery at the Rush
Medical College, Chicago, died at Elgin, IIl.,
on December 24th.
Dr. WILLIAM MuNK, the well-known London
physician, died on December 20th, aged 73.
He was formerly Librarian of the Harveian Li-
brary of the Royal College of Physicians and
author of the Roll of the College and other
works, both of a biographical character and on
medical subjects.
Tur New York Section of the American
Chemical Society was able to receive the So-
ciety at its recent New York meeting in the
Chemists’ Club, newly established in the build-
ing at 108 West 55th Street. The club-house
contains a large assembly room for meetings,
smaller rooms and accommodation for the li-
brary, which it is expected will be deposited
there. The President of the Club is Professor
Charles F. Chandler, of Columbia University.
Tue Royal Institution, London, was founded
JANUARY 6, 1899.]
in 1799 and will this year celebrate its cente-
nary by special exercises, the character of which
has not yet been announced.
THE Boston Medical Committee has awarded
its prize to Dr. Guy Hinsdale, of Philadelphia,
for an essay on Acromegaly, which has just
been published. For 1900 two prizes are of-
fered by the Committee : (1) A prize of one hun-
dred and fifty dollars for the best dissertation
on ‘The Results of Original Work in Anatomy,
Physiology or Pathology,’ the subject to be
chosen by the writer. (2) A prize of one hun-
dred and fifty dollars for the best dissertation
on ‘The Method of Origin of Serpentine Ar-
teries and the Structural Changes to be found
in them; Their Relation to Arteria-capillary
Fibrosis, Obliterating Endarteritis and to En-
darteritis Deformans.’ Dissertations on these
subjects must be sent on or before January 1,
1900, to the Secretary of the Committee, Dr.
W. F. Whitney, Harvard Medical School, Bos-
ton, Mass.
THE Paris Academy of Medicine has held its
annual public meeting for 1898 and awarded
the large number of prizes at its disposal. No
less than forty prizes were given, not including
a large number of medals.
Dr. NouAN has presented to the Philadelphia
Academy of Natural Sciences, as a memorial of
the late Dr. Joseph Leidy, five volumes of
biographical notices, portraits, autograph let-
ters and original drawings. The first volume
contains several addresses and articles prepared
on the occasion of Dr. Leidy’s death and other
interesting biographical material. The second
volume contains botanical drawings and notes
and the remaining three volumes zoological
drawings and notes.
. fully indexed.
AT the next meeting of the British Medical
Association, which will be held at Portsmouth
“from the Ist to the 4th of August, the address
in medicine will be given by Sir Richard Powell
and the address in surgery by Professor Alex-
ander Ogston.
The volumes are care-
AMONG those who will give Friday evening
discourses before the Royal Institution, London,
during the present season are Lord Rayleigh,
Professor H. L. Callandar, Mr, Victor Horsley,
Professor H. 8. Hele-Shaw and Professor Dewar,
who will give the first lecture on January 20th,
on Liquid Hydrogen.
Tuer English papers contain details of the
meeting to further the objects of the National
Association for the Prevention of Consumption,
held at Marlborough House on December 20th.
The Prince of Wales presided, and addresses
were made by Sir William Broadbent, Sir
Granger Stewart, President of the British Med-
ical Association, Dr. Moore, President of the
Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, Sir
James Sawyer, Dr. Andrew, President of the
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, and
Professor McFadyean. The Marquis of Salis-
bury moved the following resolution’: ‘This
meeting desires to express its approval of the
effort which is being made by ‘The National
Association for the Prevention of Consumption
and other Forms of Tuberculosis’ to check the
spread of the diseases due to tubercle, and to
promote the recovery of those suffering from
consumption and tuberculous disease generally.
It also commends the method adopted by the
Association of instructing public opinion and
stimulating public interest rather than the ad-
vocacy of measures of compulsion.’’? This reso-
lution was seconded by Sir Samuel Wilkes,
President of the Royal College of Physicians,
and carried unanimously. Remarks were made
by Lord Rosebery, Mr. Walter Long, M. P.,
and the Prince of Wales. It was announced
that the London partners of Werner, Beit & Co.
had contributed £20,000 for the erection of a
sanitarium to be administered by the Associa-
AccorDING to cablegrams to the London
Times, Colonel Lawrie, Plague Commissioner in
Haidarabad, gave evidence on December 19th
before the Plague Commission. He stated that
the first indigenous case occurred in January,
1897. The measures adopted were evacuation,
disinfection, and the burning of floors and walls
in kilns. Haffkine’s fluid was not aserum, but a
putrescent organic liquid containing micrococci
of putrefaction and occasionally pathogenic or-
ganisms. It was, therefore, directly against
modern medicine and antiseptic surgery to
inject the fluid. Inoculation had not been
adopted. The burning process was found sat-
isfactory as a means of destroying the plague.
Mr. Stevens, Deputy-Commissioner, said that
68 villages in Haidarabad territory had been
attacked during 1898. Disinfection by burning
in kilns had absolutely destroyed all germs.
No bacteria were found in the ashes; the
plague never reappeared, and the villages were
completely disinfected by the kilns. The
plague fugitives were sent back in charge of the
police. The classes most affected were low-
caste Hindus. Mohammedans were not so liable
to infection, nor were the herdsmen, who lived
in the open air. Age and sex made no apparent
difference. Captain Johnson, on December 20th,
described experiments which had been made to
determine whether living organisms were found
in Haffkine’s fluid. Out of six bottles five
showed a distinct growth; the other was doubt-
ful. Mazhar Husain, a native practitioner,
stated that in the villages in the Naldrug dis-
trict corpses and their appendages were burnt
where such a course was not forbidden by re-
ligion ; in other cases the dead bodies were
buried eight feet deep. The kiln process was
adopted with all houses irrespective of individ-
ual infection. After the evacuation the fall in
mortality was striking. The villages were re-
occupied two months after the cessation of
deaths. No case occurred among infants. Fair
success was obtained by treatment with red
iodide of mercury pills. Colonel Lawrie, re-
called, expressed his willingness to use Haff-
kine’s fluid if it were rendered sterile, provided
it was proved to retain its prophylactic power
under those conditions. He admitted that the
fluid as now used afforded considerable protec-
tion, but denied that it gave immunity. Sterili-
zation, he thought, might render it useless.
The plague returns for the second week in De-
cember showed a further rise for Bombay city
and district, and also for Madras and the Cen-
tral Provinces. There was a considerable fall
in the returns from Mysore.
In addition to the million dollars given by
Lord Strathcona for the endowment of the
Royal Victoria College for Women, McGill Uni-
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 210.
versity and the endowment of a chair of history
by Sir William MacDonald, already announced
in this JOURNAL, we are informed that at the
same time Lady Strathcona and the Hon. Mrs.
Howard each gave $50,000 for the Faculty of
Medicine and that the Board of Governors of the
University gave $200,000 for general endow-
AT a recent conference on secondary educa-
tion convened by Victoria University at Owens
College, Manchester, on December 3d, a resolu-
tion was passed recommending that the educa-
tion department should be represented by a
Minister of Education of Cabinet rank.
GOVERNOR ROOSEVELT will, it is understood,
serve actively on the Board of Regents of the
University of the State of New York, of which
he is ex-officio a member, and will accept the
Chairmanship of the Committee on the State
Library. Recent Governors of the State have
neglected this duty.
At Trinity College, Cambridge, the Coutts
Trotter studentship of the value of £250 for
the promotion of original research in natural
science, open to graduates of the College not
being Fellows, has been divided between H. H.
Dale, B.A. (zoology and physiology), and the
Hon. R. J. Strutt, B.A. (physics), both scholars
of the College.
Dr. EvuGen Dupots has been called to a pro-
fessorship in geology in the University of Am-
sterdam. Dr. Kippenberger has been ap-
pointed professor of chemistry in the University
of Breslau. Dr. Wagner has qualified as do-
cent in physical chemistry in the University of
Leipzig and Dr. Weinschenk in mineralogy
and geology in the Polytechnic Institute at
Munich. In the University of Paris, M. Vidal
de la Blache has been appointed professor of
geography and M. Seailles has been made pro-
fessor of philosophy. M. Lacour has been made
associate professor in the Faculty of Science at
Nancy. In University College, London, Mr.
W. G. Savage has buen appointed as assistant
in the department of bacteriology and Mr. G.
Bertram Hunt, M.D., has been appointed as-
sistant in the department of pathological his-
EDITORIAL ComMMITTEE: S. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WoopwaARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING,
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THuRsTon, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. LE Conte, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; O. C. MArsH, Paleontology; W. K. Brooks,
C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; 8S. H. ScuDDER, Entomology; C. E. Bessey, N. L. BRritron,
Botany; HENRY F. OsBorN, General Biology; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology;
H. P. BowpitcH, Physiology; J. S. Brnuinas, Hygiene; J. McKEEN CATTELL,
Psychology; DANIEL G. BRINTON, J. W. PowrELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, JANUARY 138, 1899.
Our Society: PROFESSOR J. J. STEVENSON.........- 41
Fishes of the South Shore of Long Island: Dr.
IDARLETONP EWAN a ccesctscssncscaseosresccasoosease: 52
Suppression of Smoke: PROFESSOR R. H. THURS-
GROIST noe cocounosaqcnnagodosaoopbonadsobdy daosupedcotoousneaobodd 55
American Mathematical Society: PROFESSOR F. N.
COTM Pi ieee ier sees ennceier eter ee setnerdetesonsesceet sees 57
General Meeting of the American Chemical Society :
DR. DURAND WOODMAN ......cccsscececseeeecseceeeee 58
Scientific Books :—
Cayley’s Collected Mathematical Papers: PROFES-
cial Organic Analysis : PROFESSOR W. A. NOYES.
Folwell on Sewerage: M. M. Hill on Cuba and
Porto Rico: W J M. Butler on the Birds of In-
diana: F. M. C. Holland’s Butterfly Book:
PrRoFEssOR 8. H. SCUDDER. Books received ..... 59
Scientific Journals and Articles 2....scceceeerecsceeseeeees 67
Societies and Academies :—
The Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences :
DRIED WalIERNOWAN ts ssccacccncssesscsrssssecscevessss 68
Discussion and Correspondence :—
The Sensation of Motion and its Reversal: PRo-
FESSOR W. 8. FRANKLIN. Occurrence of the
Virginia Opossum in Southern Central New York:
Je ALDEN PUORING 2. c-cseneccsssseceese = deon -7A0)
Notes on Inorganic Chemistry: J. Ls H.........e0eee ee 71
Current Notes on Meteorology :—
Climate and Hygiene of the Congo Free State ; A
New Mountain Aneroid Barometer:
Zoological Notes :
The New York Zoological Park: F. A. L. The
Statistical Method in Zoology: H. C. B...........+. ve)
Botanical Notes :—
A Botanical Almanac; Check List of Forest
Trees; Cretaceous and Tertiary Plants; Lewis
and Clark’s Plants: PROFESSOR CHARLEs E.
TBIUSESTON cnsnesoaoadbooepoda¢oouadboanpbddcbanoadbebqadRONaGD 74
Current Notes on Anthropology :—
Arrow Feathering in South America; A Study of
the Lips; Physiology of Criminals: PROFESSOR
1D}, (Ch, 1BSTRIGN KOK ssnpaqdoaqssbacbodcoducecoboodedapadooDde: 76
Scientific Notes and News :—
The Endowment of the Jenner Institute. General 76
University and Educational News......cccccvereseseseneees 80
SrveRAL travellers of the eighteenth
century, among them especially Guettard,
Alexander and Schoepf, gave more or less
important information respecting the geo-
logical structure and mineral resources of
our country ; but geological work, properly
so-called, began only with Maclure’s studies
in 1806. Born in Scotland, Maclure came
to this country in early youth and, embark-
ing in business, acquired a fortune long be-
fore reaching middle age. He returned to
Europe to spend several years in the study
of natural science, but came again to Amer-
ica in 1806 to take up his geological work,
which continued until 1808.
The publication of his results, presented
to the American Philosophical Society on
January 20, 1809, led others to make stud-
ies and soon afterwards there appeared
numerous papers dealing with geological
subjects. Professor Samuel L. Mitchell, a
devoted follower of Werner, infused much
of his enthusiasm into a group of youthful
students in New York and induced Profes-
sor Archibald Bruce to establish the Amer-
ican Journal of Mineralogy, which, beginning
in 1810, reached its fourth and last num-
ber in February, 1814. Though small and
short-lived, this journal served a useful
purpose; it contained good papers by
* Presidential address delivered at the annual
meeting of the Geological Society of America, New
York, December 28, 1898.
Akerly, Gibbs, Godon, Mitchell, Silliman
and others; it did much to nurse the scien-
tifie tendency which led to founding the
New York Lyceum of Natural History in
1817, and some have thought that it aided
in like manner the founding of the Phila-
delphia Academy in 1812. Bruce’s Journal
was succeeded in 1818 by Silliman’s Amer-
ican Journal of Science, which from the be-
ginning exerted a notable influence upon
the development of geological thought and
work in our country.
By 1820 students of geology had become
so numerous that the American Geological
Society was organized in New Haven, Con-
necticut,where meetings were held certainly
until the end of 1828. The last survivor
of this Society died in New Haven only a
few weeks before the formal organization of
our Society in 1888. The prominent men
in 1820 were Ackerly, Bruce, Cornelius,
Cleveland, the two Danas, Dewey, Eaton,
Gibbs, Godon, Hitchcoek, Maclure, Mitch-
ell, Rafinesque, Schoolcraft, Silliman and
Steinhauer, but there were some young
men who began to publish within two or
three years afterwards and who were des-
tined to occupy prominent places in geolog-
ical literature ; of these, Emmons, Harlan,
Lea, Morton, Troost and Vanuxem were
already engaged in investigation.
Before another decade had passed there
were groups of geologists in New England,
New York and Pennsylvania, while Olm-
stead and Vanuxem had made preliminary
surveys in North Carolina and South Caro-
lina, Troost had begun the survey of Ten-
nessee and Hitchcock that of Massachu-
In 1832 the Pennsylvania geologists,
feeling much in need of an official survey
of their State, organized the Geological So-
ciety of Pennsylvania, to arouse public in-
terest and so to bring about the survey.
The volume of publications contains papers
which attack geological and economic prob-
[N. 8. Vou. 1X. No. 211.
lems of the first order. The investigations
were not confined to Pennsylvania, but
committees were appointed to examine im-
portant matters in other States, that the
worth of geological work might be made ob-
vious. Beyond doubt, the efforts of this So-
ciety had much to do with securing the First
Geological Survey of Pennsylvania, though
no member of the Society was appointed on
on the staff. It is the fashion now and
then to laugh at these old papers. True
enough, in the light of our present knowl-
edge, many of the statements respecting
Appalachian structure are absurd, but they
were made by men who, without State aid,
without instruments and without maps,
laid a foundation upon which the keen-eyed
men of the First Pennsylvania Survey built
the superstructure, which endured close
re-examination by the second survey and
proved the honesty and ability with which
the work had been performed.
But geology was becoming too broad in
scope and its workers too numerous to be
embraced in a merely local society, even
though the list of correspondents was as
large as that of the active members. The
work in Massachusetts was approaching
completion; that in New Jersey had been
completed ; the Surveys of Maine, Connecti-
cut, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland,
Delaware, Virginia, Ohio, Michigan and
Indiana had been begun, and before 1840
New Brunswick, Rhode Island and Ken-
tucky were added to the list. Several of
these Surveys had large corps of workers,
pushing their studies with all the enthu-
siasm of anew calling. In the Appalachian
region of Massachusetts, New York, Penn-
sylvania and Virginia serious problems
were encountered which could not be solved
within the compass of a single State. A
right understanding of the work done in
one State was necessary to a right under-
standing of the work done in the adjoining
State. Correspondence proved a failure;
JANUARY 13, 1899.]
incidental or casual talks led to misunder-
standings ; systematic conference was neces-
sary with generous contribution by each of
his knowledge to the other.
On April 2, 1840, as the result of a con-
ference held at Albany in 1839, eighteen
geologists met at the Franklin Institute,
Philadelphia, and organized the Association
of American Geologists, with Professor Ed-
ward Hitcheock as the first Chairman ;
among these were the State Geologist of
Massachusetts, six geologists of the New
York Survey, six of the Pennsylvania Sur-
vey, two of the Michigan and three not con-
nected with any public work. Mr. Martin
H. Boye is the only survivor of the eighteen.
The succeeding meetings in Philadelphia
and Boston were attended by many geolo-
gists, of whom only Boye, O. P. Hubbard
and J. P. Lesley remain. A volume pub-
lished in 1843 contains several papers which
made a deep impress on American geology ;
here are the five great memoirs on Appala-
chian conditions by the Rogers brothers ;
Hall’s noteworthy discussion of the Missis-
sippi basin section; Hitchcock’s elaborate
discussion of the ‘ Drift;’ as well as num-
erous contributions by other members.
Professor Hall said on one occasion that
the inspiriting effect of these meetings could
not be overestimated. As one of the young-
est members, he was impressed by the
mental power of those great men, all un-
trained in geology, except Taylor, whose
training under William Smith proved ad-
vantageous in many ways but very disad-
vantageous in others, as it had provided
him with a generous stock of well-set opin-
ions. Though wholly self-taught, working
in a country sparsely settled, without ba-
rometers, without railroad cuts, oil borings,
mine shafts or any of the advantages so
necessary for us, those men had elaborated
systems, had made broad generalizations,
had learned much respecting the succession
of life and had discovered the keys which,
in later years, were to open mysterious re-
cesses in European geology.
But the geologists were not permitted to
flock by themselves. The advantages of
contact were so manifest that the natural-
ists asserted their claims to relationship
with sufficient energy to secure admission
in 1841, and the name Association of
American Geologists and Naturalists ap-
peared in the constitution adopted at the
1842 meeting. The number of scientific
men was still comparatively small, and in
most of the colleges the several branches of
natural science were embraced in one
chair, so that there were many professors
who could lay claim to the title of geologist,
physicist, naturalist or chemist, as_ they
pleased. Men of this type, as well as
physicists, chemists and mathematicians,
constantly urged the propriety of broaden-
ing the scope of the Association so as to ad-
mit workers in all branches of science.
In 1842 the first series of surveys practic-
ally came to an end, and the geologists
were scattered, many of the younger men
being compelled to enter other callings.
The Association held its meetings regularly,
but its strength diminished, and in 1848 it
yielded to the outside pressure, becoming
merged into the American Association for
the Advancement of Science, which threw
its doors wide open to all entertaining an
interest in any branch of science. The
first meeting of the new organization had a
roll of 461 members.
Comparatively little was done in geolog-
ical work between 1842 and the close of the
Civil War. Professor Hall maintained the
New York Survey, after a fashion, but at
very considerable pecuniary cost to him-
self; surveys were carried on in a number
of States, but, except in Illinois and Cal-
ifornia, they were mostly reconnaissances
by small corps; the annual appropriations
in several instances were little more than
enough to pay travelling expenses, so that
the work and the reports were practically
gifts to the States. The Federal Govern-
ment sent topographic expeditions into the
Western country, most of them accompanied
by a surgeon who had more or less knowl-
edge of geology. Under such conditions
the number of geologists did not increase,
and when the American Association was
divided into sections, in 1875, the geologists
and naturalists became not Section A, but
Section B.
The rapid development of the country’s
internal resources during the war and the
attendant growth in manufacturing inter-
ests made necessary increased efficiency in
scientific training, and enormous gifts were
made to our leading institutions for that
purpose. The importance of geological
knowledge had become very evident during
the development of iron, coal and oil re-
sources, and the geologist found himself ele-
vated suddenly from a place surrounded by
suspicion toa post of honor. As an out-
growth of the restless activity due to the
war came anxiety to learn more accurately
the resources of our Western domain be-
yond the 100th meridian. The War De-
partment, through its Engineer Corps, or-
ganized the Fortieth Parallel Survey, in
charge of Clarence King, and two years
afterwards authorized Lieutenant (now
Major) George M. Wheeler to undertake
what afterwards became the United States
Geographical Surveys West of the 100th
Meridian. Mr. King’s survey was _ pri-
marily for geological work, that of Lieu-
tenant Wheeler primarily for topographical
work, but each in its own field did all the
work, geological or topographical, necessary
to the accomplishment of the allotted task.
The Interior Department had charge of Dr.
F. V. Hayden’s surveys, beginning in 1867,
as well as of the work prosecuted by Major
J. W. Powell after 1870. The consolida-
tion, in 1879, of all the organizations then
existing put an end to useless rivalries
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 211.
and made possible the formation and exe-
cution of broad plans requiring a high
grade of preparation in those engaged upon
the work. But while these surveys were
advancing in the Far West great activity
prevailed in the older area. Within a de-
cade after the war ended State Surveys
were undertaken in New Hampshire, New
Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Ken-
tucky, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Iowa, Missouri and other States, while the
Canadian Survey, which had gone on unin-
terruptedly from the early forties, was made
more extended in character. Several of
the State Surveys, being well supported by
generous appropriations, employed large
corps of assistants, paid and volunteer, and
were prosecuted with great energy. Under
these conditions Section E, that of Geology
and Geography, grew rapidly and soon be-
came one of the strongest portions of the
American Association.
The conditions which rendered impera-
tive an association of geologists in 1840
were the present conditions in 1880, but
more oppressive. The problems of 1840
were chiefly those of a narrow strip within
the Appalachian area; those of 1880 con-
cerned the whole continent. Geologists
were increasing in numbers, but opportuni-
ties for making personal acquaintance were
few; meetings of societies in midsummer
could be attended only by those who were
not connected with official surveys or were
detached for office work. Workers were
gathering into little groups on geographical
lines, and there was danger that our geology
would become provincialized. Members of
one group regarded those of another with a
feeling not altogether unrelated to suspicion;
letter-writing took the place of personal
communication, with too often the not-un-
usual result of complete misunderstanding,
with the attendant personal irritation or
In 1881 the tension was such that several
JANUARY 13, 1899. ]
geologists connected with official surveys
urged the formation of a geological society
to bring about closer bonds among geol-
ogists ; and they succeeded, at the meeting
of the American Association, in securing
the appointment of a committee to consider
the matter. The geologists of the country
were consulted, and a report, showing that
the consensus of the replies favored the or-
ganization of such a society, was presented
in 1882 as well as in 1883, but without any
result. The Association’s Committee on
the International Geological Congress con-
sidered the question in 1887 and announced
approval. Professors N. H. Winchell and
C. H. Hitchcock, as Chairman and Secre-
tary of the 1881 Committee, issued a call
asking geologists to assemble at Cleveland,
Ohio, on August 14, 1888, to form a Geolog-
ical Society.
A large number of geologists and other
members of Section E assembled on the af-
ternoon of that day. Professor Alex. Win-
chell presided and Dr. Julius Pohlman was
Secretary. An earnest discussion respect-
ing the type of society to be founded occu-
pied most of the afternoon. The plan
suggested in the call looked only to an
expansion of Section E of the American
Association by holding meetings at times
better suited than summer to the conven-
ience of geologists. But a difference of
opinion quickly developed, for some knew
that no such expedient would suffice, that
the conditions called for something more
definite. Loyalty to the American Associa-
tion, which for forty years had been the
bond between scientific men, held many
back from an extreme position. Yet every
one recognized that little injury could come
to the Association, as, at best, only a few
geologists could attend summer meetings.
In any event, it was clear that the interests
of geology required the formation of a so-
ciety with severe restrictions upon mem-
bership and with publications which would
be a credit to American science. A com-
promise prevailed, whereby the Original
members, entitled to take part in organiza-
tion, must be members of Section E of the
American Association, and that all mem-
bers of Section E might enroll prior to the
first meeting if they so desired. This last
provision caused not a little anxiety, as
membership in any section of the Associa-
tion predicates nothing more than a friendly
feeling for science—whatever that may
A committee* was appointed to prepare
a plan of organization with a provisional
constitution. The committee’s report, on
the morning of the 15th, provoked debate,
as the provisional constitution placed a
positive limit upon the membership by per-
mitting, after the organization, only work-
ing geologists and teachers of geology to
become members and by requiring a three-
fourths vote for election. The organization
was to be effected when the list of Original
members contained one hundred names.
The provisional constitution, with a few un-
important amendments, was agreed to
unanimously and a committee continued as
a committee of organization. The details
of arrangements were placed in the hands
of Professors A. Winchell and Stevenson.
Happily the high dues and general belief
that no society could be formed on the pro-
posed basis kept the list of Original Fel-
lows from being swollen by those whose
relation to geology began and ended with
attendance upon the American Associa-
tion’s meetings. The committee was en-
abled from the very outset practically to
choose the men who should make the so-
ciety. The required number having been
obtained by the 1st of December, a meet-
ing was held at Ithaca, New York, on De-
cember 27, 1888. Only thirteen were pres-
* This committee consisted of Alexander Winchell,
J. J. Stevenson, C. H. Hitchcock, John R. Procter
and Edward Orton.
ent, but ballots of preference had been
received from seventy-two Fellows, in ac-
cordance with which the organization was
completed by the election of President,
James Hall; Vice-Presidents, James D.
Dana and Alexander Winchell ; Secretary,
John J. Stevenson; Treasurer, Henry S&S.
Williams; Councillors, John 8. Newberry,
John W. Powell and Charles H. Hitchcock.
The matter of publication was discussed
at great length, but no definite decision
could be reached, and a committee was ap-
pointed to consider the whole question, with
instructions to present a report at the sum-
mer meeting. Another committee was ap-
pointed to prepare a permanent consti-
tution, to be presented at the next meeting.
The Advisory Committee on Publication,
another name for Professor W J McGee,
made an elaborate investigation of the whole
question of publication and,in August at To-
ronto, presented the report, accompanied by
a printed exampleof the form recommended.
This report was adopted and, at the close
of the following meeting, Dr. McGee was
chosen as first Editor that the reecommend-
ations might be carried out faithfully. Our
Bulletin, which marked a new stage in
scientific publications, owes its excellence
of form and accuracy of method to his in-
defatigable persistence. His determination
to secure exactness in all respects proved
not wholly satisfactory to many of us, but,
before he demitted his charge, the justice
of his requirements was conceded on all
sides. The discipline to which the Fellows
of this Society were subjected by the first
Editor has served its purpose, and editors
of other scientific publications have found
their labors lightened and their bands
strengthened in efforts to produce similar
reforms elsewhere.
Fears and misgivings abounded when it
was discovered that this Society was a suc-
cess from the start. The American Asso-
ciation for the Advancement of Science had
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 211.
been the one society for so many years that
attempts at differentiation seemed to be
efforts to cut away the pillars of scientific
order. But the fears were merely night-
mare. Our Society has proved itself an
efficient ally of the Association.
Our net membership at the close of the
first year was 187. The new constitution
placed severer restrictions upon member-
ship by requiring a nine-tenths vote for
election, the ballot being by correspondence
and shared in byall the Fellows. This has
kept the number within reasonable limits,
and we now have 237 Fellows, our roll in-
eluding almost all of those, who, by strict
construction of our constitution, are quali-
fied for membership. Owing to the rigid ad-
ministration of our affairs by Professor
Fairchild and Dr. White, who have piloted
us for eight years, our financial condition is
satisfactory, and the income from the perma-
nent fund now goes far toward covering the
cost of administration.
Throughout, the Society has held closely
to investigation; the recondite problems,
those of little interest to many, of no inter-
est to most, are those which have held the
attention of our Fellows—work in pure
rather than in applied sciences ; there has
been no trenching upon the field of the
mining engineer. As a storehouse of fact
and of broad, just generalization the vol-
umes of our Bulletin are excelled by those
of no similar publication.
We close our first decade justly gratified
by success and full of hope for the future.
Some of those who led us and gave us rep-
utation at the beginning are no longer with
us; Hall, Dana and Winchell, the first
three Presidents, passed away in reverse
order ; Cope, Cook, Sterry-Hunt, Newberry
and a few others have gone from us, but the
Society retains its membership with changes
unusually small, showing no ordinary de-
gree of physical force and esprit du corps
on the part of its Fellows. As we look back
JANUARY 13, 1899.]
we recognize how far this Society has been
of service to us as men; in nota few in-
stances misunderstandings have been re-
moved and coldness or suspicion has been
replaced by personal friendship. American
geologists are no longer a disorderly lot of
irregwars marching in awkward squads,
but form a reasonably compact body,
though as individuals they may owe allegi-
ance to Canada, the United States, Mexico
or Brazil. Every one of us has felt the in-
spiriting influence of personal contact.
But our Society has to do with the world
outside of itself and outside of its immedi-
ate line of thought. It must have more to
do with that world in the future if the out-
come for science is to be what it should be,
for the time is approaching rapidly when
we must seek large sums for aid in prose-
euting our work. To retain the respect of
the community and to retain influence for
good we must be able to justify the exist-
ence of a society devoted to investigation
as distinguished from application. The
question Cui bono? will be asked, and the
answer cannot be avoided.
This is a utilitarian age—not utilitarian
as understood by those who bemoan the
decay of eesthetic taste ; or of those who feel
that in the passing of Aristotle and Seneca
there has come the loss of intellectual re-
finement; or of those others who bewail the
degeneracy of a generation which has not
produced a Kant, a Newton, an Aristotle,
a Laplace, a Humboldt or an Agassiz; all
regarding the decadence as due to the de-
grading influence of material development
and overpowering commercial interests.
These pessimists stand at a poor point of
view, where the angle of vision is narrowed
by many lateral projections. One may say,
without fear of successful contradiction,
that, in so far as actual knowledge is con-
cerned, students of our day receiving grad-
uate degrees in the more advanced univer-
sities stand on a somewhat higher plane,
each in his own group, than did the cele-
brated men just named. The student now
reaches beyond where they ended, and still
is at only the threshold; for, in most in-
stances, years of labor are required of him
before he can receive recognition as an effi-
cient co-worker. Men towering far above
their fellows and covering the whole field
of knowledge will never be known again.
Kant, Newton, Humboldt stand out from
their fellows as sharply as lighthouses on
a level shore; but there are many Kants,
Newtons and Humboldts to-day. Prior to
the last seventy-five years the field of
actual knowledge was insignificant and a
man possessing large powers of observation
grasped the whole. Seventy-five years ago
one man was expected to cover the whole
field of natural science in an American col-
lege. Should any man pretend to-day to
possess such ability he would expose him-
self to ridicule.
It may be true that this century has
given to the world no great philosopher—
that is, no great philosopher after the old
pattern. But one must not forget that
philosophy has to face a difficulty which
was unknown in the last century. The
unrestrained soaring of philosophers into
the far-away regions of mysticism is no
longer possible, for facts abound and the
knowledge which is abroad in the land
must be considered in any well constructed
system. Some have maintained, if not in
direct statement, certainly in effect, that
study of material things unfits one for
metaphysical investigation. Undoubtedly
it would hamper him in some kinds of
metaphysical research, as it would fetter
him with a respect for actualities, but it
would fit him well for other kinds. Aris-
totle, Kant and, in our own time, McCosh
and Spencer attained to high position as
philosophers and in each case possessed re-
markable knowledge in respect to material
The assertion of lost intellectual refine-
ment and of depraved esthetic taste is but
the wail for an abandoned cult. It is but
a variation of the familiar song which has
sounded down the generations. The world
was going to destruction when copper ceased
to be legal tender, as well as when Latin
ceased to be the language of university
lectures ; art disappeared when men ceased
idealizing and began to paint nature as it
is; religion was doomed to contempt when
the Bible was translated into the vulgar
tongue ; and the pillars of the earth were
removed when the American Republic was
But in a proper sense this is a utilitarian
age. Everywhere the feeling grows that
the earth is for man, for the rich and for the
poor alike; that those things only are good
which benefit mankind by elevating the
mental or physical conditions. Until the
present century the importance of the
purely intellectual side of man was overes-
timated by scholars, and matters connected
with his material side were contemned.
With our century the reaction was too
great, for even educated men sneered at ab-
stract studies as absurdities, while they
thought material things alone worthy of in-
vestigation. But the balance is steadying
itself, and at each oscillation the index
approaches more closely to the mean be-
tween the so-called intellectual and material
sides. Devotees of pure science no longer
regard devotees of applied science as rather
distant relations who have taken up with
low-born associates.
There appears, at first glance, to be very
little connection between great manufactu-
ring interests, on one hand, and stone peck-
ing at the roadside or the counting of strize on
a fossil, on the other. Yeta geologist rarely
publishes the results of a vacation study
without enabling somebody else to improve
his condition. About twenty years ago one
of our Fellows began to give the results of
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 211.
reconnaissance studies made during vaca-
tions. These concerned certain fault lines,
and the notes included studies upon coal
beds and other matters of economic interest
involved in the faults. The coal beds were
all bought up ; railroads were constructed ;
mines were operated ; towns were built ; a
great population was supplied with work at
good wages, and many men were enriched. -
But according to the latest information no
one has offered to re-imburse the geologist
his expenses, nor has any paper in the
whole region suggested that the geologist
had anything to do with bringing about
the development.
Geological work in this as in other lands
was originally vacation work, but eventu-
ally the investigations became too extensive
and the problems too broad for the usually
limited means of the students. Meanwhile,
it became manifest, as in the case just re-
ferred to, that important economic results
were almost certain to follow publication
of matters discovered by geologists, so that
men interested in economics were ready to
assist in securing State aid to advance geo-
logical work. As one of our Fellows re-
marked the other day, economic geology
has been the breastwerk behind which
scientific geology has been developed by
State aid.
Ducatel’s reconnaissance proved the im-
portance of Maryland’s coal field and the
survey was ordered ; the Pennsylvania
Geological Society discussed coal fields until
the Legislature gave the State a survey ;
the geologists of New York promised to
settle, finally, the question of the occur-
rence of coal within the State; and so in
many other States.
The United States Geological Survey had
a somewhat different origin, for the eco-
nomic side did not attain importance until
alate period. Soon after the annexation
of California the necessity for railroad com-
munication with the Pacific became appar-
JANUARY 13, 1899. ]
ent, and Congress ordered exploration of
several lines across the Rocky Mountain
rezion. At that time, the early ’fifties, the
perplexities of American geologists had
reacheda maximum. Most of the old State
surveys had come to a close, rich in eco-
nomic results and still richer in problems
to be solved only by elaborate investigation,
too extended and too costly for those days.
The observations made by Wislezenus and
army officers in New Mexico, by Fremont
and Stansbury farther north in the Rocky
Mountain and Plateau regions, as well as
by Culbertson and Norwood in the Dakota
country, had stirred the curiosity and awak-
ened the interest of geologists everywhere.
Strong pressure was brought to bear on the
Secretary of War for the appointment of
geologists to positions on the several parties.
The efforts were successful and the appoint-
ments were made, though in most instances
the geologists were physicians and ap-
pointed as acting surgeons in the army.
This was an important advance in scien-
tific work, for, almost without exception,
exploring parties under the War Depart-
ment from that time were accompanied by
naturalists. The Civil War brought the
Western work to a close, but when peace re-
turned it was taken up again and geology
was recognized as a necessary part of it,
until at last the fragmentary works were
placed in one organization and the Survey
established as it now exists.
In all of the later geological surveys the
element of economics entered more largely
into consideration and was emphasized in
the legislative enactments. Men recognized
that geological investigation had led to the
discovery of laws, most important from the
economic standpoint, and they were anxious
to have the knowledge utilized in a broad
Looking over the history of the old sur-
veys one sees clearly that their origin was
due solely to a desire for solution of prob-
lems in pure science. The credit for the
economic outcome of the scientific work is
due to the geologist alone, to whom the ap-
propriations were given, practically as a gift.
The Legislators soothed their consciences by
lofty speeches respecting the duty of the
Commonwealth to foster the study of Na-
ture, but they generally had an aside to be
utilized as a justification before their con-
stituents— especially when there is a very
reasonable chance that something of value
will be discovered to the advantage of our
The New York survey had for its possible
outcome the determination of the coal area.
The work ‘was completed with great exact-
ness, for it proved that the State contains
no coal area whatever. Though only nega-
tive in results for the State, this survey has
proved of incalculable service to the coun-
try at large, forit first elaborated the lower
and middle Paleozoic sections; the scientific
work, continued along the biological line,
defined accurately the vertical limits of fos-
sils and provided means for removal of dif-
ficulties where the succession is incomplete
and for tentative correlatiou in widely sep-
arated localities, an apparatus whose use-
fulness cannot be overestimated from an
economic standpoint. ,
Tf the man who makes two blades of
grass grow where only one grew before bea
public benefactor, what shall be said of the
geologist who turns a desert into a garden ?
This was done by the first survey of New
Jersey, which differentiated and mapped the
marls of that State, giving a complete dis-
cussion of their nature and value. Great
areas of the ‘ whites and barrens’ have been
converted not into mere farm lands, but into
richly productive garden spots. In later
years the second survey, now almost forty
years old, did, as it is still doing, admirable
work along the same lines; the study of
structural geology gave a clue to the causes
of restrained drainage, and in not a few in-
stances showed that relief from malaria
could be obtained with unsuspected ease,
and that many miles of noxious swamp
could be converted into lands well fitted for
The first survey of Pennsylvania was
purely scientific in inception and execution.
Economic questions had little of interest
for its head, and in the work their place was
very subordinate to those in pure science ;
yet the outcome was inevitable. The study
of the Appalachian folds and the discovery
of the steeper northwesterly dip revealed
the structure of the anthracite region and
made it possible to determine the relations
of the anthracite beds ; the vast extent
of the bituminous area and the importance
of the Pittsburg coal bed were ascertained
during the search for facts to explain the
origin of the coal measures; the ores of the
central part of the State were studied with
rigorous attention to detail that the prob-
lem of their origin might be solved. But
these and other scientific studies brought
out a mass of facts which were seen at once
to possess immense importance, and the re-
ports were published broadcast. New in-
dustries were established; old ones, pre-
viously uncertain, became certain and de-
veloped prodigiously ; the coal and iron
interests moved at once to the front, so that,
within two or three years after the survey
ended, ‘ Tariff’ became the burning polit-
ical question throughout the State. The
results of the second survey were even
more remarkable in their influence upon
the development of the Commonwealth and
the increased comfort of the population.
Among the earliest results of the first
survey of Michigan was the determination
of the value of the salt lands and the an-
nouncement of iron ore in the Upper Penin-
sula. The successors to this survey, but
under the United States supervision, made
studies of numerous localities and de-
termined the excellence of the ores. Un-
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 211.
questionably, the importance of the deposit
became known to capitalists very largely
through the reports of this survey, though
at that time economic geology had no
charms for its head. Much of the enor-
mous development of the Lake Superior
iron region was due to the influence of the
later survey between 1869 and 1873.
The first Ohio survey, made sixty years -
ago, was at greater disadvantage than the
Pennsylvania survey, yet in the first year
the coal area was defined and during the
second the geologists determined the distri-
bution of the several limestones and sand-
stones which, as building stones, have be-
come so important. The second survey
was made effective at once by the tracing
and identification of the Hocking Valley
coal, which brought into the State a vast
amount of new capital and changed the
face of a great district. The third survey
determined the distribution of oil and gas,
the relations of the coal beds and the char-
acteristics of the clay deposits in such fash-
ion as to remake the manufacturing in-
terests of the State.
The Mesabi and Vermilion ranges of
Minnesota contain deposits of iron ore
which, for the present at least, appear to
be even more important than those of north-
ern Michigan. Almost fifty years ago J.
G. Norwood, while studying the easterly
end of the region, discovered the Mesabi
ores ; a few years later Whittlesey, after a
detailed examination farther west, pre-
dicted the discovery of similar ores, a dis-
covery actually made in 1866 by Eames,
who was then State Geologist and engaged
in studying the Vermilion range. Though
not utilized at once, these announcements
were not forgotten and systematic explora-
tion was begun in 1875, when the need of
high-grade ores at low prices made neces-
sary the opening of new areas. Almost at
once, the State Geological Survey deter-
mined the extent of the ore-bearing region,
JANUARY 13, 1899.]
differentiated the deposits and removed
erroneous impressions respecting the extent
and distribution of the ores. The effect of
discussion and of the positive fixing of areas
has been to increase development and to
cheapen ores of the best quality so far that
Bessemer steel can be manufactured more
cheaply in the United States than elsewhere,
in spite of the fact that wages are still
higher, not simply numerically, but in pur-
chasing power, than in any other iron-pro-
ducing country. An examination of the
reports which have brought about this re-
sult compels one to say that the anxiety for
economic results does not appear to have
been an impelling motive during the work.
There were perplexing geological problems
to be worked out, and the solutions could
be discovered only by the most painstaking
work. This investigation led to the eco-
nomic results.
The United States Survey retained its
original character for a number of years,
the studies being devoted almost wholly to
pure science. There were those who looked
upon the elaborate petrographical work as
merely an elaborate waste of public funds ;
who, like the member of the Ohio Legisla-
ture, regarded fossils only as ‘clams and
salamanders’ and considered the diagrams
of sections as merely bewildering humbug,
while they asserted that attention ought to
be given to other matters, which, however,
they were not always ready to designate.
But the outcome of these studies was the
inevitable ; petrography has its applications
now in the investigation of building stones,
and it has proved of service in aiding to de-
termine the source of precious metals at
more than one important locality. The de-
termination of fossils has led to the proper
definition of the great coal horizons of the
Upper Cretaceous ; the close study of strati-
graphical relations made possible a wide
development of artesian well systems in
the Dakotas, just as similar work in Eng-
land led to the same practical result; while
the study of climatic and structural condi-
tions was brought to bear on the great
problem of our arid lands with no mean
But these illustrations must suffice, not
because they exhaust the material—for
every official survey on the continent affords
illustrations—but because this is an ad-
dress, not a history, and already the time
allotted has been exceeded.
It is the old story—the same in geology
as in other branches. The kind of work
for which this Society stands lies more
closely to the welfare of the community
than is supposed even by men in high posi-
tion and of far more than average intelli-
gence. This work is responsible in large
part for the industrial progress of our con-
tinent, which we must regard, in spite of
protests from those who lament the domi-
nance of commercialism, as the force which
has made possible our great advance in
physical comfort as well as the equally
great advance in literary culture and «s-
thetic taste. Coal, iron and oil, chief
among our products, have been so much
the objects of minute study by closet inves-
tigators that improvement in processes of
manufacture has not been a growth, but
rather a series of leaps.
We give all honor to applied science, yet
we cannot forget that it is but a follower of
pure science. The worker in pure science
discovers; his fellow in applied science
utilizes; the former receives little credit
outside of a narrow circle; pecuniary reward
is not his object and rarely falls to his lot ;
the latter has a double possibility as an
incentive, large pecuniary reward and popu-
lar reputation in case of noteworthy suc-
cess. The two conditions are well repre-
sented by Henry, the investigator, and
Morse, the inventor and promoter.
Men are ignorant of their debt to closet
workers because the facts have never been
presented. As geologists and as citizens of
no mean countries we ought to present this
matter clearly to men whose fortunes have
come through application of principles dis-
covered by obscure workers. Such men
are quick to perceive the justice of the
claim and usually are ready to pay a rea-
sonable interest on the debt.
The world must advance or retrograde ;
it cannot stand still. Continued advance
in physical comfort and intellectual power
can come only through intenser application
to investigation along the lines of pure
science, which can be made possible only
by affording increased opportunities for re-
search in our colleges and by the expansion
of research funds held by societies such as
INVESTIGATIONS carried on by the New
York State Museum from July to Septem-
ber and continued by the U. S. Fish Com-
mission until near the close of October,
1898, in the waters of the southern part of
Long Island resulted in the collection of
eighty-four species of fishes belonging to the
The work of collecting began July 21st,
at Southampton, from which place excur-
sions were made to Shinnecock, Mecox and
Peconic Bays and to the ocean beach. The
writer was assisted by Mr. Barton A. Bean,
on behalf of the U. S. National Museum,
during the first month of the explorations.
Great South Bay was the scene of opera-
tions from August 12th until October 19th.
Fine-meshed seines, a gill net of two-inch
stretch-mesh and a trawl line with about
200 hooks were the principal means of cap-
turing the fishes, and a few interesting
species were obtained from the haul seines
and set nets of fishermen on the ocean
(N.S. Von. TX. No. 211.
beach and the pound nets in Great South
A noteworthy feature was the absence of
many fishes which had been taken during
the summer and fall months in previous
years. Among them are: Albula vulpes,
Etrumeus sadina, Clupea harengus, Pomolobus
estivalis, Stolephorus argyrophanus, Fistularia
tabacaria, Sphyrena borealis, Decapterus punc-
tatus, Vomer setipinnis, Trachinotus faleatus,
Trachinotus argenteus, Lagodon rhomboides, Lei-
ostomus xanthurus, Acanthocottus eneus, Hemi-
tripterus americanus and Platophrys ocellatus.
Two things contributed to this condition,
the prevalence of southerly winds, causing
rough seas on the ocean beaches, and high
water temperature which kept the migra-
tory fishes well to the north of Long Island
until late in October. A very serious hin-
drance to seining in most parts of the bays
was the abundance of living and dead sea
weeds near the shores, and another great
obstacle was found in the sunken stakes
scattered by ice and storms from the fences
used as sea-weed collectors.
The sand shark ( Carcharias littoralis) was
abundant on the grassy shallows south of
Toby’s Flat until the middle of September,
when it migrated westward. It preyed
upon mullet, eels and flatfish, and, on ac-
count of its habit of swimming slowly near
the surface, was easily captured by spears
from a row boat. A young mackerel shark
(Lamna cornubica), about three feet long,
was caught in a gill net set in the ocean off
Southampton. Other sharks secured were
the dusky shark ( Carcharhinus obscurus), the
smooth dogfish (Jfustelus canis) and the
horned dogfish (Squalus acanthias) .
The skates represented three species,
Raja erinacea, ocellata and eglanteria, all of
which were sufficiently common. They
were often found feeding in shallow water
near the shores, especially in the evening
and night. A large male was taken by the
hands, on the night of October 17th, in a
JANUARY 13, 1899. ]
small dug-out creek emptying into Clam
Pond Cove. It was at the edge of the shore
and partly out of water, having followed
the channel to the head of the creek and
then failed to discover a way out.
A large menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus)
was captured by an osprey in Great South
Bay and carried through the air fully two
miles. The osprey was struck by a charge
of shot and dropped its prey, which was
then found to be alive. The young of the
menhaden were migrating westward in
large schools, swimming near the surface of
the bay, on October Ist.
The lizard fish (Synodus fatens), which
was obtained almost everywhere in Great
South Bay in 1890, was almost entirely
absent, only a single example having been
The half-beak (Hyporhamphus roberti) was
found in small numbers and was occasion-
ally seen swimming in the water. Its
movements are closely similar to those of
the silver gar (Tylosurus marinus). This is
one of the species captured at night by the
use of a large reflector lantern. The light
apparently dazes the fish so that it can
easily be taken out of the water with a dip-
The small silverside (Menidia beryllina)
occurs abundantly in fresh and brackish
waters throughout the region explored and
was once seined in salt water near Fire
Island. On September 24th a young indi-
vidual from Swan River measured one and
one-sixteenth inches in length. The rough
silverside (Kirtlandia laciniata) was added
to the New York fauna by the capture of
an adult example in Mecox Bay, August
Ist. This has the following characters:
DMV, L,7 3 Ay 1, 20: Bel4 Vi Id: scales
7—47. It was associated with the common
silverside (Menidia notata).
The red mullet (Mullus auratus) was ob-
tained, October 17th, from a fish pound near
Clam Pond Cove. Although the species
occurs occasionally as far north as Cape
Cod,it seems to be recorded now for the
first time from Long Island. It was seined
by the writer at Sandy Hook, October 8,
1897, and was reported by fishermen to
have been abundant there in September and
October of that year.
The saurel (Trachurus trachurus) was se-
cured in a gill net, October 16th, in Clam
Pond Cove, along with young bluefish and
menhaden. Young horse-crevallé (Caranx
hippos) were obtained at several localities
in Great South Bay,and the common cre-
vallé (Carana ecrysos) was brought from a
pound near Clam Pond Cove late in October.
The thread-fish (Alectis ciliaris) is repre-
sented by two individuals from a pound near
Islip. The look-down (Selene vomer) was
seined at Duncan’s Creek, August 29th.
The common compano ( Trachinotus carolinus )
made its appearance in October in the
vicinity of Fire Island Inlet. Only the
young were obtained.
The black rudder fish (Palinurichthys perct-
formis), usually occurring off shore under
floating logs and boxes, made its way into
Great South Bay, and one example was
caught in Clam Pond Cove, October 11th,
by Captain George Yarrington. Eucinos-
tomus gula, formerly so abundant in north-
ern waters in mid-summer, is represented
in the collection by a single, very small in-
dividual, seined in Clam Pond Cove, Au-
gust 22d.
The yellow tail or silver perch (Bairdiella
chrysura), Which was plentiful in all parts of
Great South Bay in 1890, proved to be
scarce everywhere except at Nichols’ Point,
where the young were collected in moder-
ate numbers, September Ist.
A single Chetodon (C. ocellatus) was ob-
tained from a pound near Clam Pond Cove,
October17th. This is conspicuously beauti-
ful on account of the orange color of its fins
contrasting sharply with the dark bands on
the head and body. ‘The species was taken
also in Gravesend Bay in October, by Mr.
W.I. De Nyse, who informs me that the
roundish black spot in the soft dorsal re-
mains fixed under all conditions, while the
band extending from it to the anal fin
sometimes disappears. The whole body of
the fish at times appears to have an orange
tinge, but at other times it is gray.
The rabbit-fish (Lagocephalus levigatus)
was not seen until October 14th, when a
large individual was received from a pound
near Clam Pond Cove. This was the only
one obtained during the season.
The small-mouthed flounder ( Citharich-
thys microstomus )-was found in and near Fire
Island Inlet on September 30th and Octo-
ber llth. Ten individuals were taken, of
which the largest is about four inches long.
In 1890 this species was more abundant
and occurred as far west as the Blue Point
Life-Saving Station. In 1898 all but one
of the recorded specimens were collected in
a single haul of the seine.
The following record will serve as,an_ il-
lustration of the sudden changes occurring
during the fall migrations : On October 11th,
with southerly winds shifting to southwest-
erly and strong, two hauls were made with
the gill net and three with the twenty-
fathom seine; the fishes obtained were
Mugil cephalus, Mugil cwrema, Alutera schepfii,
Prionotus carolinus, Prionotus strigatus, Me-
nidia notata, Fundulus majalis, Fundulus het-
eroclitus, Tautoga onitis young, Tylosurus
marinus, Spheroides maculatus, Siphostoma fus-
Pseudopleuronectes americanus,
cum, Hippocampus hudsonius,
Bothus maculatus, Stenotomus chrysops young,
Synodus fatens, Menticirrhus saxatilis, Centro-
pristes striatus young. ‘To these were added,
on the same day, at Clam Pond Cove, several
miles farther east, Palinurichthys perciformis,
Pomatomus saltatrix, Opsanus tau, Brevoortia
tyrannus young, and Bairdiella chrysura.
On October 17th we worked over the
same ground, the wind blowing from the
[N. 8. Vou. IX. No. 211.
northeast, but gradually moderating. The
gill net was hauled, but caught nothing.
An orange filefish (Alutera schepfii) was
speared. We then looked around east and
west along the shore and saw no fish ex-
cept Fundulus majalis and Menidia notata.
It should be noted, however, that on the
same date a pound near Clam Pond Cove
furnished us with Chetodon ocellatus, Mullus
auratus, Elops saurus, Carana erysos, Raia
Raia Alutera schepfit,
ocellata, erinacea,
*Mustelus canis and Stenotomus chrysops, while
the saurel (Trachurus trachurus) was pres-
ent in Clam Pond Cove on the preceding
A large reflector lantern used for ‘ fire-
lighting’ eels at night was found useful for
the capture of other fishes and for studying
their attitudes and movements in the water.
On the night of September 16th the lantern
was held over the side of our sloop in Clam
Pond Cove, and it attracted to us silver gar
( Tylosurus marinus), killifish (Fundulus maja-
lis and F. heteroclitus), silverside (Menidia
notata), half beak (Hyporhamphus roberti),
annelids (Nereis sp.), erabs, shrimp, beetles
and moths. By means of a dip net it was
easy to take any of the species. On the
night of October 13th we were on the south
shore of Great South Bay near Horsefoot
Creek, spearing eels with the help ofthe
We took about twenty pounds of large
eels, and nearly all of them were in very
shallow water, close to the shore, hiding
in the grass or on the sand bottom. One
large eel, at the mouth of Horsefoot Creek,
was standing on its head, boring for worms
when it was speared. The silver gars and
silversides played around the light, follow-
ing it persistently in a semi-dazed fashion.
Killifish, toadfish and many crabs were seen
resting on the bottom, the toadfish some-
times lying on its side, with its tail curled
toward itshead. Young bluefish were seen
darting out of the way occasionally. Sev-
JANUARY 13, 1899.]
eral quawks were fascinated by the lantern,
and we pushed up close to them before they
started off with owl-like motion and dis-
cordant cries.
The writer is now able, from personal
studies, to report 163 species of fishes in
waters extending from Gravesend Bay east-
ward to Mecox bay, and refers to his ar-
ticles published in the Nineteenth Annual
Report of the New York Fish Commission
(1890) and the Bulletin for 1897 of the
American Museum of Natural History,
New York City.
The marine fishes now certainly known
in the New York fauna represent 200 spe-
cies. The fresh waters contain 116 species,
and there are, besides, 13 anadromous
forms. The list might be further increased
by the addition of the following fishes con-
cerning whose pertinence to the fauna there
is more or less doubt: Lucius vermiculatus,
Seriola lalandi, Coryphena equisetis, Boleosoma
nigrum, Polyprion americanus, Epinephelus
niveatus, Dules auriga, Zenopsis ocellatus, Sphe-
roides trichocephalus, Aspidophoroides monop-
terygius, Ulvaria subbifurcata, Sticheus pune-
tatus, Leptoblennius serpentinus, Cryptacan-
thodes maculatus, Anarhichas lupus, Trigla
cuculus, Brosmius brosme, Hippoglossoides pla-
tessoides, Ogcocephalus vespertilio.*
Thus, a catalogue of the New York
fishes, based upon our present knowledge
and including the foregoing 19 forms doubt-
fully assigned to the fauna, will contain 348
species. It should be remembered that no
systematic account of the fishes has been
published since 1842, and many large re-
gions of the State are almost, or altogether,
unknown to the ichthyologist.
*The bat-fish must be transferred to the list of
species known to occur in New York. Dr. Theodore
Gill, in the mid-summer of 1854 or 1855, saw a re- -
cently-caught example of it at a wharf at the foot of
27th Street, East River, New York. No record of its
occurrence was published.
Tue devising of practicable methods of
reduction of the ‘smoke nuisance’ has be-
come one of the most important problems
in applied science for our time, and has
been a subject of experiment and of legis-
lation for many years past. Of late, some
success has been met with on both sides the
Atlantic. In St. Louis, perhaps, as great
success has been attained as in any city in
the United States, through the public-spir-
ited cooperation of the city government,
the Board of Trade and the scientific men
and leading engineers of the place; but
there remains much to be done and inves-
tigations are still in progress, some of which
areimportant. Recent discussions at Phil-
adelphia, under the auspices of the Frank-
lin Institute,* have thrown much light upon
the subject and have afforded many valu-
able facts and data.
We have now the published results of
another and formal investigation by a com-
mission, organized at Paris, composed of
MM. Huet, Brull, Hirsch, Humblot, Lam-
ouroux, Michel-Levy and DeTavernier, all
holding important positions in the municipal
administration, or in the great schools of
mines and engineering, or as leading mem-
bers of the Society of Civil Engineers. The
commission was in session, at intervals,
from June, 1894, to October, 1897. It made
a study of reports and documents bearing
upon the subject, conducted important ex-
periments, reduced them to order and stud-
ied out definite conclusions, and also inves-
tigated the origin, state and the progress of
the art, completing its report at the last-
named date. This document of over 150
pages, large 8vo, with 25 plates, is now in
process of distribution. +
Although more or less attention had been
* Journal Franklin Institute, June, 1897.
+ ‘‘Concours pour la suppression des fumées pro-
duites par les foyers de chaudiéres 4 vapeur. Rapport
de la Commission technique. Prefecture du Depart-
given the subject by the municipal govern-
ment for years, nothing had been accom-
plished, and it was, in this instance, proposed
to organize a technical commission to con-
duct competitive tests of various methods
and apparatus having for their object the
suppression of smoke from boiler-furnaces.
The above-named commission was accord-
ingly formed and was assigned a credit of
8,050 franes for expenses. The commission
was to select acceptable forms of furnace
and report to the city government for their
license and use. One hundred and ten
competitors appeared, their schemes includ-
ing the following :
(1) Mechanical feed and methodical combustion. 16
(2) Supplementary injection of air, hot or cold.. 20
(3) Injection of steam, with or without air..... 5
(4) iStirring: thei gasessi . «cle ci rie1c'e «cle lel eteieislors'ore 7
(5) Gas producers and heating the gases........ 7
(6) Combustion of dust fuel... ........ ..... 2
((G)) Washing: “the ’smoke: <..)..c:5,...!ssse)s-s.sis sss 16
(8) Various other systems.................+.- 37
Of the total, three-fourths were French
devices, one-fifth English, 3 American, and
the others of various European nation-
alities. A preliminary study led to the
careful test of ten. These were tested to
ascertain whether they were capable of
burning ordinary fuels without smoke and
whether they were suitable for use in steam-
They were tested with rapid and with
slow combustion, with operatives supplied
by the makers and with firemen furnished
by the commission, under the direction of
first the one and then the other. The in-
tensity of the smoke was observed and
noted on a scale of five points. The usual
standard methods of determining the effi-
ciency of the apparatus were employed.
The corps of observation was detailed from
ment de la Seine, Ville de Paris, République Fran-
caise—Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.’’ n. d.
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 211.
the offices of the city administration, or-
ganized and directed by the commission.
The history of legislation, as given, traces
the progress of the subject in England from
the time of Charles II., who, two hundred
years ago, inaugurated repressive measures.
In France this form of legislation began
with an imperial decree in 1810. Both
countries now have well-considered laws
for suppression of smoke in cities. The
technical history, curiously enough, begins
with plans by Denis Papin. The next in-
ventor to follow this illustrious man of
science was James Watt, with his inverted
draught and later arrangement of ‘ dead-
plate.’ The ‘automatic stokers,’ ‘ tres usités
en Amérique,’ are referred to and their inci-
dental but none the less effective, smoke
reductions are described. Legislation now
exists in all civilized countries, and many
more or less effective devices and methods
are in use for suppression of smoke.
A commission of distinguished engineers
and scientific men was organized by the
German government, in 1892, which, after
prolonged experimental investigation, con-
cluded that success had not been attained,
but that the way to success was clearly in-
dicated. This commission, in computing
the heating power of combustibles from
analyses, adopted the formula: 8000 C +
29000 (H — 0/8) + 2500 S — 600 W; where
W is moisture.
The outcome of the work of the French
Commission was the refusal to assign a first
prize, the awarding of two second prizes, of
two first mentions and of one second men-
tion. The conclusions formulated indicate
that the Commission is not satisfied that a
real success has been achieved, but never-
theless the researches were not without
value. Like the German Commission of
1892-4, it is concluded that ‘‘ The work of
the Commission should be considered only
as a contribution to the study of ‘ fumivo-
rité,’ and it is to be hoped that these re-
JANUARY 13, 1899.]
searches may continue. There remains much
to be done and a part of this collection of
exhibits has very nearly attained the object
Among the specific conclusions are these:
Smoke cannot be suppressed without considerable
excess of cost.
Special fuels, as anthracite, coke, fuel-gas and
mineral oils, may be resorted to, and with success,
where cost is not objectionable.
The chimney-top should be visible to the man at
the furnace.
Prolonged trials should supplement such investiga-
tions as those prosecuted by this Commission, to as-
certain the durability of the apparatus and of its effi-
Existing legislation, well enforced, is advised,
rather than any specific new legislation.
The appendix to the report is an elaborate
presentation of the logs, tables and draw-
ings of the apparatus of the trials described
in the text. The whole constitutes a very
valuable contribution to the literature of
the subject, in the department of applied
science, and deserves to be permanently
preserved in every library of applied science,
beside the reports of the Franklin Institute
R. H. Tuurston.
Tur fifth annual meeting of the American
Mathematical Society was held in Fayer-
weather Hall of Columbia University, on
Wednesday, December 28, 1898. On the
two following days the Chicago Section of
the Society held its fourth regular meeting
in the Ryerson Physical Labratory of the
Yniversity of Chicago. At the election
held at the annual meeting the following
officers and members of the Council were
chosen: President, R.S. Woodward; First
Vice-President, E. H. Moore ; Second Vice-
President, T. S. Fiske; Secretary, F. N.
Cole ; Treasurer, Harold Jacoby ; Librarian,
Pomeroy Ladue ; Committee of Publication,
T.S. Fiske, F. N. Cole, Alexander Ziwet;
members of the Council to serve for three
years, Maxime Bocher, James Pierpont,
Charlotte Angas Scott.
The Society has now completed its tenth
year of continuous existence, having been
organized as the New York Mathematical
Society in November, 1888, and reorganized
under its present title in July, 1894. The
Bulletin is now in its eighth annual volume ;
the first number appeared in October, 1891.
The present membership of the Society is 315.
About ninety papers have been presented at
its meetings during the past year. The
Chicago Section was organized in April,
1897, and has proved from the beginning a
valued addition to the Society’s strength.
At the annual meeting the following
papers were read:
(1) Proressor M. I. Pupin: ‘On multiple reso-
nance.’ ;
(2) Dr. A. S. CHEssIN : ‘On the development of the
perturbative function in terms of the eccentric
(3) Dr. A. S. CHEssIN : ‘On some points of the the-
ory of functions.’
(4) Proressor E. O. Loverr: ‘On the transforma-
tion of straight lines into spheres.’
(5) Dr. E. J. Wriczynskr: ‘A generalization of
Appell’s factorial functions.’
(6) PRoFEssoR ORMOND STONE: ‘On the solution
of Delaunay’s canonical system of equations.’
(7) Dr. Virein SNyDER: ‘ Asymptotic lines on
ruled surfaces having two rectilinear generators.’
(8) Dr. G. A. MILLER: ‘On a memoir on the sub-
stitution groups whose degree is less than nine.’
(9) Dr. W. Scuutz: ‘On the partial differential
3y? — ew
and its connection with Dirichlet’s principle.’
The following is a list of the papers read
before the Chicago Section :
(1) Dr. L. E. Dickson: ‘The determination of the
structure of all linear homogeneous groups in a
Galois field which possess a quadratic invariant,
with the announcement of two new systems of
simple groups.’
(2) Mr. Cart C. EncBeRG: ‘The Cartesian oval
and the auxiliary parabola.’
(3) Proressor ARTHUR S. HATHAWAY: ‘A new
way of presenting the principles of the calculus.’
(4) PRoressor H. MAscuKE: ‘Some general the-
orems concerning linear substitution-groups of
finite order.’
(5) Prorgssor E. H. Moore: ‘Concerning Klein’s
groups of n! (n—1)-ary collineations.’
(6) Prorgessor E. H. Moore: ‘The decomposition
of a modular system connected with the doubly
generalized Fermat theorem.’
(7) Proressor H. B. Newson: ‘Normal forms of
projective transformation (second communica-
(8) Proressor H. B. Newson: ‘A new solution
of the Riemann-Helmholtz problem.’
(9) PRoFEessor H. B. Newson: ‘ What constitutes
a continuous group ?’
(10) ProrEssor JAMES B. SHAW: ‘Some quater-
nion integrals and their related classes of func-
(11) Dr. H. F. Strecker : ‘ Non-Euclidean images
of plane cubics on rotation surfaces of constant
negative curvature.’
(12) Prorrssor HENRY S. WHITE: ‘Note on cer-
tain relations among fundamental covariants of
a ternary cubic.’
(13) Proressor J. W. A. Youn@: ‘The teaching
of mathematics in the higher schools of Prussia.’
F. N. Cots,
Tue eighteenth general meeting of the
American Chemical Society was held in
New York on the 27th and 28th of Decem-
ber, and was in every respect a most suc-
cessful and notable gathering.
The opening session was held at the rooms
of the Chemists’ Club, 108 West 55th Street,
with an attendance of about one hundred
and fifty members and visitors.
Dr. McMurtrie welcomed the visitors and
then introduced Mr. Randolph Guggen-
heimer, President of the Council, who wel-
comed the Society to the city. Professor
Alexander 8. Webb, of the College of the
City of New York, welcomed the Society to
the educational and scientific institutions
of ithe city. President C. E. Munroe re-
[N. 8. Vou. IX. No. 211.
sponded in behalf of the Society, after which
the following papers were read :
‘A New Method for the Separation of
Arsenic, Antimony, Selenium and Tellu-
rium from one another and from other
Metals,’ A. E. Knorr; ‘Separation of Im-
purities in the Electrolytic Refining of Cop-
per,’ by P. de P. Ricketts; ‘The Prepara-
tion of Metallic Tellurium,’ Victor Lebner.
The meeting was then adjourned to take
a special train to the New Jersey Zine and
Iron Company’s works at Newark, N. J.,
where a luncheon was served, and the pro-
cess of manufacture of zine oxide was
shown. Parties were also made up to visit
the Wetherill Concentrator Works, Murphy ~
Varnish Company, Lister’s Agricultural
Chemical Works and others.
In the evening a business session was
held at the club rooms, at which reports
were received from standing committees
and the retiring President made his ad-
dress. M. Raoul Pictet gave an interesting
discourse on the ‘ Retardation of Chemical
Activities at Low Temperatures.’ His sub-
ject was illustrated by a lantern projection
showing a piece of metallic sodium held on
a steel needle and both immersed in hydro-
chlorie acid which had been cooled to the
lowest temperature obtainable by means of
solidified carbon dioxide. There was no
reaction between acid and sodium or the
iron until a considerable rise of temper-
ature had taken place.
The second day’s session was held at
Havemeyer Hall, Columbia University, at
which the following papers were read :
‘Measurement of Turbidity in Water,’
W.P. Mason ; ‘ The Assay of Nux Vomica,’
E. R. Squibb ; ‘The Potato and Cassava
Starch Industries in the United States,’ H.
W. Wiley; ‘Notes on the Estimation of Car-
bohydrates,’ Traphagen and Cobleigh ; ‘ The
Action of Iodine on the Fatty Amines,’ J.
F. Norris; ‘On the Constitution of Some
Canadian Baryto-Celestites, C. W. Volney ;
JANUARY 13, 1899.]
‘ Laboratory Notes, A. C. Langmuir;
‘Flame Colorations by Bromides and
Chlorides of Nickel and Cobalt,’ A. S.
Cushman; ‘Classen’s Reaction as an
Aid to Determination of Constitution of
Terpene Ketones,’ M. C. Burt; ‘Sixth An-
nual Report of Committee on Atomic
Weight,’ F. W. Clarke.
A luncheon was provided by the New
York Section, which was served in the
Industrial Laboratory, after which visits
to various manufacturing establishments
and a demonstration of the properties of
liquid air at the College of the City of
New York occupied the rest of the day,
and a dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria in
the evening closed the official program of a
meeting which had been successful beyond
the expectations of the most sanguine of
those who had worked for it.
The attendance was not less than one
hundred and fifty at any of the sessions,
and among them a number of ladies, who
also graced the dinner with their presence.
Duranp WoopMAn.
The Collected Mathematical Papers of ARTHUR
CAYLEY. 4to. 13 Vols., each $6.25. Supple-
mentary Vol., containing Titles of Papers
and Index. New York, Macmillan Co. $2.50.
This republication by the Cambridge Univer-
sity Press of Cayley’s papers, in collected form,
is the most fitting monument of his splendid
He must ever rank as one of the greatest
mathematicians of all time. Cayley exceedingly
appreciated this action of the Syndics of the
Press, and seven of the large quarto volumes
appeared under his own editorship.
As to what these thirteen volumes contain it
seems vain to attempt even asummary. They
cover the whole range of pure mathematics,
algebra, analysis, mathematical astronomy, dy-
namics, and in particular groups, quadratic
forms, quantics, etc., ete.
Though abreast of Sylvester as an analyst, he
was, what Sylvester was not, also a geometer.
Again and again we find the pure geometric
methods of Poncelet and Chasles, though, per-
haps, not full assimilation of that greater one
than they who has now absorbed them-—-von
Cayley not only made additions to every im-
portant subject of pure mathematics, but whole
new subjects, now of the most importance, owe
their existence to him. It is said that he is
actually now the author most frequently quoted
in the living world of mathematicians. His
name is, perhaps, most closely linked with the
word invariant, due to his great brother-in-arms,
Boole, in 1841, had shown the invariance of
all discriminants and given a method of deduc-
ing some other such functions. This paper of
Boole’s suggested to Cayley the more general
question, to find ‘all the derivatives of any
number of functions which have the property of
preserving their form unaltered after any linear
transformation of the variables.’ His first re-
sults, relating to what we now call invariants,
he published in 1845. A second set of results,
relating to what Sylvester called covariants, he
published in 1846. Not until four or five years
later did Sylvester take up this matter, but
then came such a burst of genius that after his
series of publications, in 1851-4, the giant theory
of Invariants and Covariants was in the world
completely equipped.
The check came when Cayley, in his second
Memoir on Quantics, came to the erroneous
conclusion that the number of the asyzygetic
invariants of binary quantics beyond the sixth
order was infinite, ‘thereby,’ as Sylvester says,
‘arresting for many years the progress of the
triumphal car which he had played a principal
part in setting in motion.’
The passages supposed to prove this are
marked ‘incorrect’ in the Collected Mathemat-
ical Papers. But this error was not corrected
until 1869 [Crelle, Vol. 69, pp. 323-354] by
Gordan in his Memoir [dated 8th June, 1868]:
“‘Beweis dass jede Covariante und Invariante
einer binaeren Form eine ganze Function mit
numerischen Coefficienten einer endlichen An-
zahl solcher Formen ist.’’
Cayley at once returned to the question, found
the source of his mistake, the unsuspected and
so neglected interdependence of certain syzygies,
and devoted his Ninth Memoir on Quanties (7th
April, 1870) to the correction of his error and
a further development of the theory in the light
of Gordan’s results.
The whole of this primal theory of invariants
may now be regarded as a natural and elegant
application of Lie’s theory of continuous groups.
The differential parameters, which in the or-
dinary theory of binary forms enable us to cal-
culate new invariants from known ones, appear
in a simple way as differential invariants of
certain linear groups. The Lie theory may be
illustrated by a simple example.
Consider the binary quadratic form
f Hox? + 2a, ay + any?
Applying to f the linear transformation
(1) wax! + fy’, y = yx! + oy’,
we obtain the quadratic form
if =e A F 2a’ x!y! + a! ay”,
where the coefficients are readily found to be
a’, =a’a, + 2aya, + yan,
(2) a’; =aBay + (a5 + By) a, + yay,
a’, = Bay + 20a, + Pa2. \
We may easily verify the following identity :
a’ a’, —a’?, = (ad — By)? (aya, —a?,).
Hence a,a, —a’, is an invariant of the form
f. In the group theory it is an invariant of the
group of linear homogeneous transformations
(2) on the three parameters a@,, a,, a,.
The only covariant of f is known to be f itself.
In the Lie theory it appears as the invariant of a
linear homogeneous group on five variables, x,
Y, 4, 4,, @,, the transformations being defined
by the equations (2), together with (1) when in-
In general, the invariants of a binary form of
degree n are defined by a linear homogeneous
group on its n + 1 coefficients, its covariants by
a group on n+ 8 variables.
As in all problems in continuous groups, the
detailed developments are greatly simplified by
employing the infinitesimal transformations of
the groups concerned.
It is readily proven by the group theory that
all invariants and covariants are expressible in
terms of a finite number of them.
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 211.
This result is, however, not equivalent to the
algebraic result that all rational integral in-
variants (including covariants) are expressible
rationally and integrally in terms of a finite
number of such invariants.
Twenty years ago, in my ‘ Bibliography of
Hyper Space and Non-Euclidean Geometry’
(American Journal of Mathematics, Vol. I., Nos.
2 and 8, 1878), I cited seven of Cayley’s
papers written before 1873 : ‘
I. Chapters in the Analytical Geometry of
(n) Dimensions. Camb. Math. Jour., Vol. IV.,
1845, pp. 119-127.
II. Sixth Memoir on Quanties.
Vol. 149, pp. 61-90 (1859).
III. Note on Lobatchevsky’s Imaginary
Geometry. Phil. Mag. XXIX., pp. 231-233
TV. On the rational transformation between
two spaces. Lond. Math. Soc. Proc. III., pp.
127-180 (1869-71).
V. A Memoir on Abstract Geometry. Phil.
Trans. CLX., pp. 51-638 (1870).
VI. On the superlines of a quadric surface in
five dimensional space. Quar. Jour., Vol. XIL.,
pp. 176-180 (1871-72).
VII. On the Non-Euclidean Geometry.
Clebsch Math. Ann. V., pp. 680-634 (1872).
Four of these pertain to Hyper-Space, and in
that Bibliography I quoted Cayley as to its
geometry as follows :
“The science presents itself in two ways—
as a legitimate extension of the ordinary two-
and three-dimensional geometries, and as a need
in these geometries and in analysis gener-
ally. In fact, whenever we are concerned with
quantities connected together in any manner,
and which are or are considered as variable or
determinable, then the nature of the relation
between the quantities is frequently rendered
more intelligible by regarding them (if only two
or three in number) as the coordinates of a
point in a plane or in space: for more than
three quantities there is, from the greater com-
plexity of the case, the greater need of such a
representation ; but this can only be obtained
by means of the notion of a space of the proper
dimensionality ; and to use such a representa-
tion we require the geometry of such space.
An important instance in plane geometry has
Phil. Trans.,
JANUARY 13, 1899.]
actually presented itself in the question of the
determination of the number of curves which
satisfy given conditions; the conditions imply
relations between the coefficients in the equa-
tion of the curve ; and for the better under-
standing of these relations it was expedient to~-
consider the coefficients as the coordinates of a
point in a space of the proper dimensionality.’’
For a dozen years after it was written the
Sixth Memoir on Quantics would not have been
enumerated in a Bibliography of non-Euclidean
geometry, for its author did not see that it gave
a generalization which was identifiable with
that initiated by Bolyai and Lobachévski, though
afterwards, in his address to the British Asso-
ciation, in 1883, he attributes the fundamental
idea involved to Riemann, whose paper was
written in 1854.
Says Cayley: ‘‘In regarding the physical
space of our experience as possibly non-Euclid-
ean, Riemann’s idea seems to be that of modify-
ing the notion of distance, not that of treating
it as a locus in four-dimensional space.’’
What the Sixth Memoir was meant to do was
to base a generalized theory of metrical geome-
try on a generalized definition of distance.
As Cayley himself says: ‘* * * * the
theory in effect is that the metrical properties
of a figure are not the properties of the figure
considered per se apart from everything else,
but its properties when considered in connection
with another figure, viz., the conic termed the
The fundamental idea that a metrical property
could be looked at as a projective property of
an extended system had occurred in the French
school of geometers. Thus Laguerre (1853) so
expresses an angle. Cayley generalized this
French idea, expressing all metrical properties
as projective relations to a fundamental config-
We may illustrate by tracing how Cayley
arrives at his projective definition of distance. —
Two projective primal figures of the same kind
of elements and both on the same bearer are
called conjective. When in two conjective
primal figures one particular element has the
same mate to whichever figure it be regarded
as belonging, then every element has this
Two conjective figures, such that the elements
are mutually paired (coupled), form an involu-
tion. If two figures forming an involution have
self-correlated elements these are called the
double elements of the involution.
An involution has at most two double ele-
ments, for were three self-correlated all would
be self-correlated. If an involution has two
double elements these separate harmonically
any two coupled elements. An involution is
completely determined by two couples.
From all this it follows that two point-pairs A,
Band A,, B, define an involution whose double
points D, D, are determined as that point-pair
which is harmonically related to the two given
Let the pair A, B be fixed and called the
Absolute. Two new points 4,, B, are said (by
definition) to be equidistant from a double point
D defined as above. D issaid to be the ‘center’
of the pair A,, B,. Inversely, if A, and D be
given, B, is uniquely determined.
Thus, starting from two points Pand P,, we
determine P, such that P, isthe center of P and.
P,, then determine P; so that P, is the center of
P,and P3, etc.; also in the opposite direction
we determine an analogous series of points
P—,, P—,,.... Wehave, therefore, a series
of points
my) pay Ia P, P,, P,, Ps, POY
at ‘equal intervals of distance.’ Taking the
points P, P, to be indefinitely near to each other,
the entire line will be divided into a series of
equal infinitesimal elements.
In determining an analytic expression for the
distance of two points Cayley introduced the
inverse cosine of a certain function of the coor-
dinates, but in the Note which he added in the
Collected Papers he recognizes the improve-
ment gained by adopting Klein’s assumed defi-
nition for the distance of any two points P, Q:
dist. (PQ) =c log ope
where 4, B are the two fixed points giving the
This definition preserves the fundamental re-
dist. (PQ) + dist. (QR) = dist. (PR).
In this note (Col. Math. Papers, Vol. 2, p.
604) Cayley discusses the question whether the
new definitions of distance depend upon that of
distance in the ordinary sense, since it is obvi-
ously unsatisfactory to use one conception of
distance in defining a more general conception
of distance,
His earlier view was to regard coordinates
‘not as distances or ratios of distances, but as
an assumed fundamental notion, not requiring
or admitting of explanation.’ Later he re-
garded them as ‘mere numerical values, at-
tached arbitrarily to the point, in such wise
that for any given point the ratio 7: y has a de~
terminate numerical value,’ and inversely.
But in 1871 Klein had explicitly recognized
this difficulty and indicated its solution. He
says: ‘‘ The cross ratios (the sole fixed ele-
ments of projective geometry) naturally must
not here be defined, as ordinarily happens, as
ratios of sects, since this would assume the
knowledge of a measurement. In von Staudt’s
Beitrigen zur Geometrie der Lage (% 27. n.
398), however, the necessary materials are given
for defining a cross ratio as a pure number.
Then from cross ratios we may pass to homo-
geneous point- and plane-coordinates, which, in-
deed, are nothing else than the relative values
of certain cross ratios, as von Staudt has like-
wise shown (Beitraege, 3 29. n. 411).”’
This solution was not satisfactory to Cayley,
who did not think the difficulty removed by the
observations of von Staudt that the cross ratio
(A, B, P, Q) has ‘independently of any notion
of distance the fundamental properties of a
numerical magnitude, viz.: any two such ratios
have a sum and also a product, such sum and
product being each of them a like ratio of four
points determinable by purely descriptive con-
Consider, for example, the product of the
ratioss(Ay BP. O)sand (As Bsr 40). a We
can construct a point R such that (4,’ B,’ P,’
Q’) = (A, B, Q, R). The product of (4, B, P, Q)
and (A, B, Q, R) is said to be (4, B, P, R).
This last definition of a product of two cross
ratios, Cayley remarks, is in effect equivalent
to the assumption of the relation dist. (PQ)
+ dist. (QR) = dist. (PR).
The original importance of this memoir to
Cayley lay entirely in its exhibiting metric as a
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 211.
branch of descriptive geometry. That this gen-
eralization of distance gave pangeometry was
first pointed out by Klein in 1871.
Klein showed that if Cayley’s Absolute be
real we get Bolyai’s system ; if it be imaginary
we get either spheric or a new system called by
Klein single elliptic ; if the Absolute be an im-
aginary point pair we get parabolic geometry ;
and if, in particular, the point pair be the cir-
cular points we get ordinary Euclid.
It is maintained by B. A. W. Russell, in his
powerful essay on the Foundations of Geometry
(Cambridge, 1897), ‘‘that the reduction of met-
rical to projective properties, even when, as in
hyperbolic geometry, the Absolute is real, is
only apparent, and has merely a technical
Cayley first gave evidence of acquaintance
with non-Euclidean geometry in 1865 in the
paper in the Philosophical Magazine, above-men-
Though this is six years after the Sixth Me-
moir, and though another six was to elapse
before the two were connected, yet this is, I
think, the very first appreciation of Lobachév-
sky in any mathematical journal.
Baltzer has received deserved honor for in
1866 calling the attention of Hotiel to Lobachéy-
sky’s ‘Geometrische Untersuchungen,’ and from
the spring thus opened actually flowed the flood
of ever-broadening non-Euclidean research.
But whether or not Cayley’s path to these
gold-fields was ever followed by any one else,
still he had therein marked out a claim for
himself a whole year before the others.
In 1872, after the connection with the Sixth
Memoir had been set up, Cayley takes up the
matter in his paper, in the Mathematische An-
nalen,‘ On the Non- Euclidean Geometry,’ which
begins as follows: ‘‘The theory of the non-
Euclidean geometry,as developed in Dr. Klein’s
paper ‘ Ueber die Nicht-Euclidische Geometrie,’
may be illustrated by showing how in sucha
system we actually measure a distance and an
angle, and by establishing the trigonometry of
such a system.’’
I confine myself to the ‘hyperbolic’ case of
plane geometry : viz., the Absolute is here a real
conic, which for simplicity I take to bea circle ;
and I attend to the points within the circle.
JANUARY 13, 1899.]
I use the simple letters, a, 4, . . to denote
(linear or angular) distances measured in the
ordinary manner; and the same letters with a
superscript stroke @, A, . . to denote the same
distances measured according to the theory.
The radius of the Absolute is for convenience
taken to be = 1; the distance of any point from
the center can, therefore, be represented as the
sine of an angle.
The distance BC, or say d, of any two points
B,C is by definition as follows :
(where J, J are the intersections of the line BC
with the circle).
As for the trigonometry ‘‘ the formule are, in
fact, similar to those of spherical trigonometry
with only cosh a, sinh @, etc., instead of cos a,
sin a, ete.”’
Cayley returned again to this matter in his
celebrated Presidential Address to the British
Association (1883), saying there: ‘‘It is well
known that Euclid’s twelfth axiom, even in
Playfair’s form of it, has been considered as
needing demonstration; and that Lobatschév-
sky constructed a perfectly consistent theory,
wherein this axiom was assumed not to hold
good, or say a system of non-Euclidean plane
geometry. There is a like system of non-
Euclidean solid geometry.’’
“But suppose the physical space of our ex-
perience to be thus only approximately Euclid-
ean space, what is the consequence which fol-
lows?”? j
The very next year this ever-interesting sub-
ject recurs in the paper (May 27, 1884) ‘On the
Non-Euclidean Plane Geometry.’ ‘‘Thus the
geometry of the pseudo-sphere, using the ex-
pression straight line to denote a geodesic of
the surface, is the Lobatschévskian geometry;
or, rather, I would say this in regard to the
metrical geometry, or trigonometry, of the sur-
face; for in regard to the descriptive geometry
the statement requires some qualification * * *
this is not identical with the Lobatschévskian
geometry, but corresponds to it ina manner such
as that in which the geometry of the surface of
the circular cylinder corresponds to that of the
I would remark that this realization of .
the Lobatschévskian geometry sustains the
opinion that Euclid’s twelfth axiom is un-
But here this necessarily brief notice must
abruptly stop. Cayley, in addition to his won-
drous originality, was assuredly the most learned
and erudite of mathematicians. Of him in his
science it might be said he knew everything,
and he was the very last man who ever will
know everything. His was a very gentle,
sweet character. Sylvester told me he never
saw him angry but once, and that was (both
were practicing law!) when a messenger broke
in on one of their interviews with a mass of
legal documents—new business for Cayley. In
an access of disgust, Cayley dashed the docu-
ments upon the floor.
Commercial Organic Analysis. A treatise on the
properties, proximate analytical examina-
tion, and modes of assaying the various or-
ganic chemicals and products employed in
the arts, manufactures, medicine, with concise
methods for the detection and determination
of their impurities, adulterations and prod-
ucts of decomposition. By ALFRED H. ALLEN,
F.1.C., F.C.S. Third Edition. Illustrated.
With revisions and addenda by the author
and Henry LerrMann, M.A., M.D. Phila-
delphia, P. Blakiston’s Son & Co. 1898.
Volume I., Introductions, alcohols, neutral
alcoholic derivatives, sugars, starch and its
isomers, vegetable acids, etc.; pp. xii+ 557;
Price, $4.50. Volume IV., The proteids
and albuminous principles; Second Edition;
pp. xi+584; Price, $4.50.
The immediate reason for the present publi-
cation of the first volume of the third edition of
this well-known work has been the appearance |
ofan unauthorized reprint of the second edition.
As the second edition was printed in 1885 it is
out of date on some points, and many desirable
additions and corrections have been made,
partly by Mr. Allen, partly by Dr. Leffmann.
The plan of the book not only includes careful
directions for the analysis of commercial organic
substances, and in many cases a discussion of
various methods which have been proposed,
but it also gives very many illustrations of
actual cases of adulteration, and of difficult
problems in analysis which have come under
the observation of the author and of others.
These features of the work make it almost in-
dispensable for any chemist who has occasion
to make analyses in this field. Any one inter-
ested in organic chemistry, indeed, will find
very many things in the work which are valu-
able and useful.
In a work of such extent, and especially in
one which has grown to its present form during
many years under the hands of a busy ana-
lyst, it would be impossible that there should
not be some things which do not correspond to
the best present knowledge. Thus, the same
principle which led the author to give Victor
Meyer’s air-displacement method for the deter-
mination of molecular weights should have been
the occasion for giving the freezing-point and
boiling-point methods, which would be much
more generally useful for analytical purposes.
On p. 210 arsenic (from the red phosphorus
used in its preparation) should have been given
as an impurity to be looked for in ethyl bro-
mide. On p. 247 arabinose is incorrectly given
as a hexose. On p. 342 ‘alumina cream’ is
given as a reagent with a reference to p. 357,
but directions for its preparation cannot be
found on that page or by means of the index.
Some other criticisms of a similar sort might be
made, but it would be a thankless task for a
reviewer to select, among thousands of state-
ments which are correct and valuable, a few
which might be improved.
The fourth volume is the last of the second
edition. It discusses the analysis of proteids
and albuminous principles. The first portion
of the book gives the classification and general
analytical reactions of the proteids. Then fol-
low directions for the analytical examination
of the proteids of eggs, blood plasma, urine,
plants, milk, meat, of digestion ( pepsin, pep-
tones, etc.) and of blood. Under the head of
proteoids or albuminoids, such substances as
gelatine, glue, silk, hair and wool are consid-
ered. The following statement from the preface
is especially significant: ‘‘I may here repeat
that I am fully conscious that much of the mat-
ter of Volume IV. is scarcely such as might be
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 211.
expected to be contained in a work purporting
to treat of Commercial Analysis, but I have
thought it better to include all facts possessing
for me an analytical or practical interest, be-
lieving that what I find useful myself will also
be of value or interest to others.’? It is just
because Mr. Allen has made these books in-
clusive rather than exclusive that they prove so
useful to the experienced chemist.
W. A. Noyes.
Sewerage: The Designing, Construction and
Maintenance of Sewerage Systems. ‘By A.
PRESCOTT FOLWELL. New York, John Wiley
& Sons. 1898. 8vo. Pp. x +872. Price, $3.00.
The whole subject of sewerage is naturally
divided into three parts: first, the plumbing and
drainage of houses; second, the street con-
duits and their appurtenances ; third, the dis-
posal and purification of the sewage. This
volume deals with the second part of the sub-
ject almost exclusively, only seven pages being
devoted to the first and sixteen pages to the
third. The facts and discussions are hence
‘mainly from the point of view of the construct-
ing engineer rather than from the sanitary side,
and the object is to give directions for building
an efficient plant for the removal of sewage
from a town and maintaining it in proper re-
pair and cleanliness. This object is accom-
plished in avery satisfactory manner.
The use of cesspools as a receptacle for the
refuse of houses is severely condemned; the
author has found the soil of a city street col-
ored black by the liquid from a cesspool 75 feet
distant, which must have passed under or
around the cellar of a house. The pail sys-
tems of removal, used somewhat in France and
England, asalso the earth-closet system, are re-
garded as vastly preferable to the cesspool and
privy methods which are so generally used in
villages, and it is recommended that towns
without a water supply should introduce them
asa temporary measure. Towns having a good
supply of water should introduce a water-car-
riage system in preference to all other methods
on account of its great sanitary advantages.
The two water-carriage systems in common
use, called the combined system and the sep-
arate system, are described and compared, and
JANUARY 13, 1899.]
the methods for designing and constructing
sewers for each are presented in full detail.
The combined system carries both the house
sewage and the storm water, while the separate
system carries only the former, with a small ad-
ditional amount of water for flushing. The
first system may be the more advantageous
when the conditions require an underground sys-
tem of conduits to dispose of the flood water,
and the second may be better when the storm
water can be easily carried away through the
street gutters. In general, theseparate system
has been found lower in cost than the combined
one for small towns, and hence its extensive use
during recent years.
The author’s treatment of methods of flush-
ing and cleaning sewers is full and thorough.
With respect to ventilation he concludes that
chimneys, fans and other devices have been un-
successful and that no method better than al-
lowing free egress and ingress of air through
manholes, street basins and house-roof pipes,
has yet been found. Analyses of sewer air
have failed to show greater impurity than that
in the air of a crowded city street, whether car-
bon dioxide or number of bacteria be taken as
the basis of comparison, and hence no objection
except that due to sentiment can be made to
this method of ventilation. The methods of
cleaning street basins and sewers and of remov-
ing obstructions are explained at length ; for
the small pipe sewers wooden balls called
‘pills’ are run through with the current, each
successive one being greater in size than the
preceding ; for those larger than one foot in
diameter a cylindrical carriage traveling on
wheels is employed. The annual cost of clean-
ing such pipe sewers is said to range from $4 to
$15 per mile.
The book is carefully written, well illustrated,
and contains many tables for facilitating com-
putations. It is the only American work which
deals in detail with the construction of the
sewers of both the combined and separate sys-
tems. This is the correct plan of treatment, for
there is no inherent reason why one is prefer-
able to the other, and the engineer, in each
particular case, must determine from the local
conditions the most economic and efficient sys-
tem. M. M.
Cuba and Porto Rico, with the other Islands of the
West Indies: Their Topography, Climate, Flora,
Products, Industries, Cities, People, Political
Conditions, etc. By Robert T. HILt, of the
United States Geological Survey. New York,
The Century Company. 1898. S8vo. Pp.
xxviii+ 429. 2maps. 79 plates.
Although popular in treatment, this book
contains much information of value to specialists
in geology and anthropology. Based primarily
on personal observation during several ex-
tended journeys through the West Indies, it is
enriched by large acquaintance with the litera-
ture of the West Indies covering the centuries
since the discovery of the New World and the
planting of the first European colony on the
Island of Martinique. In his first chapter
(‘The Geographic Relations of the West In-
dies’) the author emphasizes his own general-
ization as to the genetic independence of the
three great regions of the western hemisphere,
North America, Central America with its An-
tillean extension, and South America; in the
next three chapters (‘ The West Indian Waters,’
‘The Classification of the West Indian Islands,’
and ‘The Great Antilles’) the subject is ex-
panded and illustrated by details; while the
thirty-sixth chapter (‘Geological Features of
the West Indies’) is the most convenient sum-
mary extant of the geologic history, struc-
ture and mineral resources of this half-sub-
merged portion of the mid-American continent.
Additional facts concerning the geology of the
islands are scattered through many of the chap-
ters, with significant details concerning the
flora, fauna and climate. In the eleventh
chapter (‘ The People of Cuba’), the eighteenth
chapter (‘The People of Porto Rico’), the
twenty-second chapter (‘Cities and People of
Jamaica’) the description of the Republic of
Haiti, and the thirty-seventh chapter (‘ Race
Problems in the West Indies’), as well as in
other portions of the book, the population is
described in a notably appreciative way, the
mythology and industries receiving especial
attention. Throughout, the volume gives
evidence of careful observation and mature
thought, as well as a strong grasp of the scien-
tific and social problems of the region ; it gives
promise of becoming not merely the most
useful current hand-book on the West Indies,
but a contribution of permanent value to the
literature of that part of the western hemi-
sphere. It is admirably printed, artistically
bound, amply illustrated, satisfactorily indexed,
and well arranged for reference, as well as for
consecutive reading.
The Birds of Indiana. By Amos W. BurLEerR.
22d Report of the Department of Geology
and Natural Resources of Indiana. 1897.
8vo. Pp. 515-1187. 5 plates and numerous
cuts in the text.
Commissions for the preparation of State Nat-
ural History Reports so often fall into incom-
petent hands that all ornithologists, and par-
ticularly those students of birds residing in the
State of Indiana, may congratulate themselves
that a person so well qualified as Mr. Butler
was selected to write the work under consider-
The matter relating to the birds known to
occur in Indiana is preceded by sections on the
‘Indiana Bird Law,’ the physiography of
the State (from Dryer’s ‘Studies in Indiana
Geography’), ‘ Peculiarities affecting Bird Dis-
tribution,’ ‘Changes in Bird- Life,’ ‘ Destruction
of Birds,’ ‘Zoological Areas’ and ‘ Bird Migra-
tion.’ There is also a bibliography giving some
212 titles.
This is followed by keys to the orders, fam-
ilies, genera and spetvies, and biographies of the
321 species recorded from Indiana, including
descriptions of their plumages, general and
local ranges, nests, eggs, times and manner of
occurrences and habits. The report, in fact, is
a complete ornithology of Indiana.
Mr. Butler has followed the excellent plan of
securing the best available material, for the use
of which he makes ample acknowledgment.
Thus his keys are taken from Ridgway’s and
Jordan’s ‘Manuals,’ his illustrations from the
publications of the U. 8. Biological Survey and
Coues’s ‘Key,’ while the number of local ob-
servers quoted assures us that the work con-
tains all existing and desired information and
that it will long remain the standard authority
on Indiana birds. We trust, therefore, that a
sufficiently large edition has been printed to
[N.S. Vou. 1X. No. 211.
prevent its early classification with other State
lists, which become ‘ out-of-print’ before those
who could make the best use of them learn of
their existence.
F, M. C.
The Butterfly Book, A Popular Guide to a Knowl-
edge of the Butterflies of North America. By
W. J. HOLLAND. New York, Doubleday &
McClure Co. 1898. Imp. 8vo. Pp. xx +
382. 48 colored plates. 183 figures in the
text. Price, $3.00.
As the secondary title indicates, this work
was prepared to meet a popular need. The pref-
ace says: ‘‘Itis essentially popular in its char-
acter. Those wko seek a more technical treat-
ment must resort to the writings of others.?’
Nevertheless, it will ‘have utility also for the
scientific student,’-since ‘the successful develop-
ment in recent months of the process of repro-
ducing in colors photographic representations of
objects has been, to a certain degree, the argu-
ment for the publication’ of the work. The
forty-eight plates have been reproduced by the
new process known popularly as ‘three-color
printing,’ and this is its first application so far
as we know—certainly on such a scale—to but-
terflies. It is, however, an unquestionable and
surprising success, destined—if the extraordi-
narily low price at which the book is sold be any
guide—to come into very general use. The rep-
resentation of the colors as well as of the pattern
outstrips all that can be done by chromolithog-
raphy, and has the added value of an accuracy
unattainable except at the high cost of the very
best workmanship. As the photographic method
employed requires the use of a screen, as in so-
called ‘half-tone’ work, there is a certain loss
of vividness, but it appears to be even less than
is ordinarily the case with half-tones from a
photographic print. This may be seen by an
examination of the five plates of caterpillars
and chrysalids copied from my ‘ Butterflies of the
Eastern United States,’ where direct comparison
is available. There are, it is true, a few, but
very few, unaccountable and generally very
slight changes in tint (as in Pl. 2, Fig. 20; Pl.
3, Fig. 18, and Pl. 5, Fig. 3), and occasionally a
blurring, or at least a loss of sharpness, due to
imperfect registering, but such mishaps would
JANUARY 13, 1899.]
ordinarily be noticed only by an expert, so that
we must welcome this new process as a great
boon. How different copies agree we have not
We have spoken thus in detail regarding the
plates, not only from our hope regarding this
new process, but because of their special value
from a scientifie point of view; a large number
of the figures being, Chancellor Holland states,
photographic reproductions from the types of
the butterflies described. Strange to say, it is
only in a very few instances that the author
has specified which these are, and so he has lost
an easy opportunity of adding greatly to their
Not all the North American species are de-
scribed or figured in the work, the author quail-
ing before the numerous and rather insignificant
Hesperide, of which but little more than one-
half are treated, and omitting many others
found in our lists, but either of doubtful specific
validity or differing from their allies by distinc-
tions too fine for any but the expert. This is
in the interest of the popular audience to which
the work appeals. It is, in fact, an iconography
of all the forms interesting an amateur, and
more. The only really desirable addition would
have been to give more figures of the under-
surface where this is characteristic, but one
should not quarrel with the generosity here
displayed; none can possibly complain that he
does not get his money’s worth, at least.
As to the text of the work, the first fifth of
the book is given up to introductory matter on
structure, collecting, etc., and the remainder
(except a few interspersed essays) to asystematic
but very general account of the insects figured,
with very many text illustrations, principally
of neuration. The different groups are de-
scribed as well as the species—a desirable fea-
ture, but one not altogether common in popular
works; and the classification used is more
modern than in most of such books. The au-
thor’s use of genera is not equal, and is ‘con-
servative’—that is, there are many magazine
genera here and there, but with a tendency to
the discrimination of later times. The descrip-
tions of the species are short—often very short;
and attention is paid to the early stages, but
almost absolutely none at all to life-histories,
which should be one of the principal aims in a
popular treatise.
The work will surely command a large sale
and prove a great stimulus to the study of but-
terflies. Certainly we have never before had
such a generous aid to those wishing to cover
the whole field. Why should the publishers
stamp the cover ‘The Butter-Fly Book?’ The
author surely is not responsible for this, for the
proofs have been well read. The publishers have,
otherwise, done their part well; the topography
is clear and careful, and there is a good index.
Michael Faraday, his Life and Works. SYLVANUS P.
TuHompson. New York, The Macmillan Co. 1898.
Pp. x + 308.
The Elements of Physics.) EDWARD L. NicHots and
WILLIAM S- FRANKLIN. Vol. I., Mechanics
and Heat. Wew edition, revised with additions.
New York, The Macmillan Co. 1898. Pp. xiii-+
219. $1.50.
Principles of Plant Culture.
The Author.
E. S. GoFr.
1899. Pp. 287.
THE Psychological Review for January opens
with Professor Minsterberg’s presidential ad-
dress before the American Psychological Asso-
ciation, the subject being ‘Psychology and
History.’ This address, together with other
articles that Professor Miinsterberg has recently
published in the Atlantic Monthly and elsewhere
on the subject-matter of psychology and its re-
lations to other sciences and to philosophy, will
shortly be issued in book form by Messrs. Hough-
ton, Mifflin & Co. Professor J. R. Angell and
MissH. B. Thompson contribute from the labora-
tory of the University of Chicago a study of the
relations between certain organic processes and
consciousness, elaborately illustrated with trac-
ings of pulse and breathing. Mrs. C. Ladd
Franklin publishes her paper on Professor Mul-
ler’s ‘Theory of the Light-sense,’ read before
the recent meeting of the American Associa-
tion. There are other articles on ‘Theories of
Play,’ by Mr. H. M. Stanley; on ‘ Eucken’s
Struggle for a Spiritual Content of Life,’ by
Professor Francis Kennedy, and on ‘ The Effects
of Ether.’
THE Educational Review for January, which
is the first number of the seventeenth volume,
opens with an article by Dr. W. T. Harris on
the future of the normal school, reviewing ‘the
five stages’ in education. Dr. Harris quotes
for edification the anecdotes of Newton and the
apple and Cuvier reconstructing an extinct ani-
mal from asingle bone. Professor Thurston con-
tributes the paper on professional and academic
schools read by him at the Association of Col-
leges and Preparatory Schools of the Middle
States and Maryland, and Dr. E. L. Thorndike
points out the sentimentality of nature study,
which interferes with the teaching of science.
THE Macmillan Company announces the pub-
lication, in February, under the editorship of
Mr. Frank M. Chapman, of the first number of
a popular bi-monthly magazine, addressed to
observers rather than to collectors of birds.
The contributors will include John Burroughs,
Dr. Henry Van Dyke, Bradford Torrey, Olive
Thorne Miller, Mabel Osgood Wright, Annie
Trumbull Slosson, Florence A. Merriam, J. A.
Allen, William Brewster, Henry Nehrling, Ern-
est Seton’ Thompson, Otto Widmann and numer-
ous other writers.
A YEARBOOK of Neurology and Psychiatry
is announced by 8. Karger, Berlin, edited by
Drs. Flatau and Jacobsohn, under the direction
of Professor Mendel. The work is prepared
with the cooperation of a large number of lead-
ing German neurologists, and will perform a
useful function, owing to the wide dispersion in
many journals of publications on the subjects
included. It will give not only a bibliography
of some thirty-five hundred titles of the litera-
ture of 1897, but also short reviews of their
October 4. Mr. LouIS WOOLMAN, reporting on
a specimen of the earth said to be eaten in the
South, received through Mr. Wilfred H.
Harned from Davidson county, N. C., stated
that the substance is not diatomaceous. It had
been found, on examination by Mr. S. H.
Hamilton, to be composed of twenty per cent..
[N. S. Voz. IX. No. 211.
silica and eighty per cent. of kaolin, witha trace
of alum.
Mr. Epw. GoLpsMITH spoke of the igneous
origin of the rocks on the Massachusetts coast.
He suggested that they are of the same age as
the Pennsylvania traps and may, therefore,
furnish evidence of the existence of craters.
October 11. Mr. Puttre P. CALVERT, in con-
nection with the meeting of the Entomological
Section, presented, a statement on recent study
of neuroptera, reviewing the work of the last
three years, or since 1895, when a synopsis of
the natural history of the dragon-flies was given
before the International Congress of Zoology by
Dr. De Selys Longchamp, whose work on these
insects extends over a period of sixty-seven
years. He has described at least one-half of
the two thousand recognized species. The im-
portant papers published since the date given
were reviewed and their scope commented on.
Mr. CHARLES S. WELLES described a vast
swarm of the larve of Daremma Catalpx ob-
served during the summer at Media. The de-
velopment and distribution of the insect were
described and illustrated by specimens.
Dr. HENRY SKINNER further commented on
the life-history of the species.
Mr. WITMER Stone spoke of the distribution
and relationship of Neotoma pennsylvanica and its
separation from the fossil Neotoma magister, de-
scribed by Baird from the caves of Pennsylvania.
October 18. Dr. Epw. J. NOLAN presented to
the Academy five volumes prepared as a me-
morial of the late Dr. Joseph Leidy. They con-
sist of a collection of biographical notices,
portraits, autograph letters, manuscripts, ori-
ginal drawings of botanical and zoological sub-
jects and notes, the latter having been con-
tributed for the most part by Mrs. Leidy. After
describing the contents of the volumes, Dr.
Nolan commented on the attainments and per-
sonal character of the distinguished naturalist
out of loving regard for whom they had been
Mr. Joun A. SHULZE called attention to
specimens of Isthmia nervosa from Hudson’s
Strait. The species was formerly supposed to
be confined to the western coast. Its georaph-
ical distribution was further considered by Mr.
Lewis Woolman and Mr. Frank J. Keeley.
JANUARY 13, 1899. ]
Mr. N. H. HArNeEp and Dr. J. C. Morris
spoke of the effect of a plentiful supply of water
on the growth of trees.
October 25, DR. DANIEL G. BRINTON made a
communication, illustrated by specimens from
the Academy’s collections, on the ethnography
and resources of the Philippine Islands.
Proressor J. WHARTON JAMES, by invita-
tion, spoke of the Enchanted Meza and con-
sidered the statements of Professors Libbey and
Hodge on the subject. He believed that, while
there was evidence of the former presence of
man on the Meza, the weight of testimony was
entirely opposed to his ever having had perma-
nent places of abode there.
PROFESSOR LIBBEY, who was present, being
called on by the President, recounted his ex-
perience in exploring the Meza and dwelt on
the care with which he had reached his results.
He declared that the cairn described by Hodge
and Lummis has been built by himself. He
agreed with Professor James that the top might
have been temporarily occupied, but he was
sure it never was a place of residence.
November 1. Mr. STEwARDSON BRowN de-
scribed the results of a recent botanical explora-
tion of the South Mountain region of Somerset
County, Pa., a district curiously distinct in its
vegetation. The characteristic plants were
Mr. JOSEPH WILLCOX spoke of the use of
fresh-water mussels in the manufacture of pearl
November 8. Mr. H. A. Pitspry described
the physical characters of the Roan Mountain
region of North Carolina, and dwelt in detail
on the mollusca collected there. Even when
the species are widely distributed they are here
remarkable as presenting mountain modifica-
tions varying from racial characters to those
of distinct species. The carinated forms of
Polygyra, for instance, are extremely character-
istic and found nowhere else. The district,
in fact, has more peculiar species than any other
outside the tropics. He was at a loss to account
for this individuality.
Mr. ARTHUR ERWIN Brown called attention
to the specific characters of the Ourang, his
observations being based on specimens in the
Zoological Garden of Philadelphia and the
museum of the Academy. He believed in the
existence of two well-marked species, the
Simia Satyris of Linnzeus and the Simia Wurmbii
of Geoffroy St. Hilaire.
November 15. Mr. 8S. D. HOLMAN communi-
cated the life-history of Plewromonas as observed
in covered life-slides.
Mr. Purvip P. CALVERT and Dr. BENJAMIN
SHARP spoke on the subject of cutaneous respira-
November 22. Dr. A. F. W1TMER, under the
auspices of the Anthropological Section, made a
communication on involution and the diseases
of senility, dwelling on the atavistic tendency
to certain diseases with special reference to
forms of neurasthenia and their pathological
Dr. Henry C. CHAPMAN spoke of the modern
theory of the neuron, placing himself on record
as believing that it rests on no foundation
November 29. A symposium was held on the
natural history of the Philippines illustrated by
specimens from the Academy’s collections. Mr.
Pilsbry spoke of the distribution and characters
of the mollusca; Mr. Witmer Stone of the birds
and mammals; Mr. Stewardson Brown of the
plants; Dr. Henry Skinner of the lepidoptera,
and Mr. P. P. Calvert of the dragon-flies.
Mr. Stone placed on record the recent finding
of a small rodent, Oryzimus palustris, in New
Jersey. It had been discovered in 1816 by
Bachman in South Carolina, and the specimen
belonging to the Academy, described by Harlan,
had been regarded as incorrectly labelled, re-
peated search having failed to find the form in
New Jersey until a week ago, when a number
were collected in the southern part of the State
by Mr. Henry W. Warrington.
December 6. Dr. FLORENCE BAscom called
the attention of the meeting to the determina-
tion of rock constituents with special reference
to optical methods, the application of polarized
light to the work being particularly dwelt on
and illustrated.
December 13. Dr. J. C. Morris presented, in
connection with the meeting of the Biological
and Microscopical Section, a history of micro-
scopic study and the development of microscopes
and microscopic preparations during the last
fifty years, dwelling particularly on the work
accomplished by Leidy, Goddard, Neill, Hyrtl
and Gibbons Hunt before the recent improve-
ments in methods and instruments were heard
of. The communication was illustrated by a
large number of instruments and slides and was
fully discussed by Messrs. Goldsmith, Keeley,
Calvert and Dixon.
Papers under the following titles have re-
cently been presented for publication:
Some Cuban Species of Cerion. By H. A.
Pilsbry and E. G. Vanatta.
Notes on the Growth of the Hobble-bush,
Viburnum lantanoides. By Ida A. Keller.
The Occurrence of Marcasite in the Raritan
Formation. By 8S. H. Hamilton.
Margarita Sharpii, a new Alaskan Gastropod.
By H. A. Pilsbry.
The Bone-Cave at Port Kennedy, Pennsyl-
vania, and its partial examination in 1894,
1895 and 1896. By Henry C. Mercer.
Observations on the Classification of Birds.
By Dr. R. W. Shufeldt.
A Study of the Type Specimens of Birds in
the Collection of the Academy, with a brief
history of the Collection. By Witmer Stone.
Mr. Mercer’s paper will be published in the
Journal of the Academy, the others in the Pro-
has for a number of years noticed, during rail-
way journeys, a very peculiar reversal of sensa-
tions of motion received through the eye, of
which he has never seen any description or ex-
planation. The following description and ex-
planation may, therefore, interest the readers of
Science. A sensation of reversed motion of
stationary points in the field of vision is per-
ceived by the writer after gazing fixedly out of
a car window at a moving landscape. This
sensation is quite intense when the eyes are
first turned away from the window, dies away
gradually, and is greatly weakened by atten-
tive vision. For example, when looking out of
the rear door of the train the various objects in
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 211.
the visual field appear to move towards the
center of the field, and upon turning the eyes
upon an object in the car everything seems to
move away from the center of the visual field ;
if the train comes to a quick stop while the
eyes gaze steadily out at a window the motion
of the landscape and the inferred motion
of the train appears to be momentarily reversed
at stopping, ete.
The existence of this sensation of motion of
stationary objects seems to indicate that neither
the succession of stimuli nor the stimulation of
successive nerve elements is the fundamental
fact in the sensation of motion, but rather
that the sensation of motion, like other
specific sensations, depends upon a state of
nervous commotion, a state which has, of course,
resulted from and is the integral effect of a suc-
cession of stimuli. A concrete notion of the
character of this state of nervous commotion is
as follows :
End organs.
Cx Si ie ia oD.
Cells @ tee organ
Let the dots A B represent the end organs of
sight—rods and cones—and the crosses C D the
nerve cells of the central organ. We may im-
agine each end organ to be connected, either
directly or through ganglion cells, with a num-
ber of the cells of the central organ. Let us
consider the connections indicated by the diag-
onal full lines and dotted lines. A succession
of stimuli of the end organs from A to B and
a succession from B to A would result in radi-
cally different states of nervous commotion,
especially if the cross connections are not en-
tirely symmetrical or if the connecting nerve
fibers are loaded with ganglion cells. Also
during a succession of stimuli from A to B the
fibers represented by the full lines might be fa-
tigued, while the ones indicated by the dotted
lines might be saved by inhibition due to the
(outgoing) commotion to which they are sub-
jected in advance of the meving stimulus, so
that the effects of this moving stimulus reach
JANUARY 13, 1899.]
the central organs mainly through the full-line
connections. A simultaneous stimulus of all the
end organ from A to B would then reach the
central organ mainly through the dotted con-
nections just as would a stimulus moving from
Bto A. .
DurRING the present year several Virginia
opossums (Didelphis virginiana) have been killed
near Owego, Tioga Co., N.Y. Some twelve years
ago a farmer residing near here told me he had
killed one. Last fall a large female was killed
ona mountain side two miles east of this vil-
lage, and while myself hunting a mile farther
east, on December 3d, I met a hunter who had
just caught two. He had tracked them a mile
or so through the snow, and finally dug them
out of a woodchuck’s hole. They were both
dead when found, probably having starved, as
their stomachs were empty. Their skulls are
in my possession. Several days later he secured
another, an old one, the sex Ido not know. It
was taken four miles west of where the two
young ones were captured. The animal is
alive andin his possession. This man is an old-
time hunter and trapper, and considered truth-
ful. He told me he had seen their tracks sev-
eral times before. I have failed to learn of any-
one who has liberated a pair of these animals
or even had a pair in captivity. The capture
of two, early in the fall, has come to me, but I
cannot say if it is authentic.
I wish particularly to note that this record
comes from Owego, N. Y., not Oswego, two
widely separated places.
OweEco, N. Y.
THE December number of the Journal of the
American Chemical Society contains an extended
review of the year’s progress in applied chem-
istry by Dr. Wm. McMurtrie. Development
along these lines is going on more rapidly
than ever before, and it is encouraging to note
that this country is taking its place as an im-
portant factor in chemical technology. While
Germany will long hold the first place in
those industries in which chemistry plays an
important part, America has already become
an important factor, especially in the field of
electro-chemistry, and it requires little effort of
the imagination to see, in the not-far-distant
future, the supremacy crossing the water. Dr.
McMurtrie’s review is well worth careful perusal
by the economist as well as the chemist. Only
a few points can be noticed in this column. In
Germany, at the close of 1896, 96 chemical
works, with $64,000,000 capital, gave a return
of nearly $8,000,000, an average of 12.3% as
against 8.9% for 1897. Of these the coal tar
industries gave the highest returns, 24%, while
the fertilizer industries gave the lowest. An
interesting announcement has been made by
Dupre that gold can be extracted from ores
by an inexpensive solution containing sodium
thiosulfate, ferric halids, with an acetate. The
solution extracts fifteen to twenty times as much
gold as a cyanid solution in the same time, and
does not attack sulfids ; hence, if the success of
the process is confirmed, it may be expected to
replace the cyanid and chlorination processes
for low grade and sulfid ores. Great progress
has been made in the metallurgy of zinc, and
there is every reason to believe that within a
few years the old and unsatisfactory process
will be entirely displaced, except for very pure
ores. The use of the electric furnace is revo-
lutionizing the preparation of phosphorus, and
with the increased production in France and
Russia, and prospective developments in Ger-
many and at Niagara Falls, the English mo-
nopoly is seriously threatened. The advantages
of the new processes are both the reduction of
price and the increased protection of the health
of the operatives. The electrolytic alkali in-
dustry is still in an experimental stage, but
with the certainty of future success, indeed, it
may be said that the great question to-day is
the selection and development of the best elec-
trolytic method. Already in the manufacture
of potassium chlorate the electrolytic methods
have taken the lead, with a consequent marked
fall in price. The commercial production of
liquid air and of oxygen on a large scale will
render possible many new developments along
many lines. The production of calcium carbid
and acetylene continues to attract much atten-
tion. Ten French factories are now making cal-
cium earbid and four more are being built, and it
is said two French villages are lighted wholly by
acetylene gas, at a cost of 50 per cent. less than
coal gas. On the other hand, Welsbach is mak-
ing improvements in his burner, and Nernst
gives hope of a yet more brilliant and econom-
ical source of light, as has already been de-
scribed in the columns of ScreNcE. In conclu-
sion, Dr. McMurtrie says: ‘‘In every direction
industrial progress is suggestive, and we may
expect advancement in all directions with in-
creasing intensity. Commercial artificial indigo,
commercial artificial silk, commercial mercer-
ized cotton in its various forms, the new colors
and medicinal substances from carbon com-
pounds, new concentrated nutritive substances,
synthetic albumen, the various toxins and ex-
tracts of animal matters of therapeutic value, all
claim a large share of attention; and so do
hundreds of other substances and processes in
which the principles of chemistry find applica-
tion to human needs.”’
In the Italian Gazetta Rebuffat contributes an
exhaustive study of hydraulic cements. These
he divides into two classes: (1) amorphous,
compact cements, which consist of lime, calci-
um orthosilicate and calcium aluminate, in
which, however, the free lime may be wanting ;
this class contains the hydraulic limes and quick
settling cements. (2) Crystalline cements, con-
sisting of a crystalline compound of calcium
orthosilicate and lime, with a varying quantity
of calcium aluminate ; this class contains Port-
land cements and those rich in silica. After
hardening, however, all these cements have the
same qualitative composition, consisting of a
mixture of calcium hydrate, hydrated calcium
silicate of the formula 2(SiO,, 2CaO),H,O, and
hydrated calcium aluminate, with a small
amount of inert matter. In cements rich in
silica a small amount of a double silicate of
calcium and aluminum is present, which ac-
counts for the resistance of these cements to
sea water. The hardening of cements is chiefly
due to the hydrating of the calcium silicate,
and to a lesser degree to the hydrating of the
calcium aluminate.
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 211.
In a recent English patent Weil and Levy
claim to electroplate aluminum in baths to
which various organic substances are added.
Thus for the deposition of silver, hydroquinol
is added toan ammoniacal cyanid solution ; for
copper, ammonium gallate or pyrogallate is
used; for nickel, milk sugar, and the same for
dp by al
AN important volume on the climate, soil and
hygiene of the Congo Free State has been issued
as the second part of the Proceedings of the Con-
grés National d’ Hygiene et de Climatologie Médi-
cale de la Belgique et du Congo, held in Brussels,
August 9-14, 1897. The investigation, of which
the results are embodied in this report, was
undertaken by a commission of the Société royale
de Médicine publique et de Topographie médicale
de Belgique. On this commission meteorology
was represented by M. Lancaster, Director of
the Meteorological Service of Belgium, which is
equivalent to saying that whatever concerns
meteorology and climatology in this report is
admirably done. As a whole, this volume gives
us the most complete and most scientific account
of the meteorology and medical climatology of
this interesting district that has yet appeared.
The first chapter, of 404 pages, is devoted to
the meteorology, and presents a careful sum-
mary of what is known concerning the at-
mospheric conditions and phenomena of the re
gion, including many tables and diagrams.
This portion of Africa is one of great interest
to meteorologists on account of the seasonal
migration of the belt of equatorial rains, and
the data concerning the rainfall at Vivi and
other stations are, therefore, especially wel-
come. Chapter II., of twenty pages, is de-
voted to the geology and soil conditions. Over
400 pages are concerned with the medical cli-
matology and hygiene of the region in general
and of the different stations in particular. This
last chapter is an extremely valuable one. Of
especial interest at the present time is the evi-
dence afforded (p. 464-5) by the result of
European colonization in the Congo Free State
JANUARY 13, 1899.]
that, contrary to the general rule, northern
Europeans have succeeded there better than
southern Europeans. Italian laborers on the
railroad are reported as having suffered more
from the climate than many Scandinavians em-
ployed on the river. It must be remembered,
however, that, of the two occupations, railroad
construction and steamboat service, the latter
is usually far more healthy, especially in a
tropical climate, and a higher disease and death
rate are naturally to be expected among per-
sons engaged in the former occupation.
WuyYmMPER, in the London Times of December
17, 1898, describes a new mountain aneroid
which gives results of astonishing accuracy.
The ordinary aneroid is well known as being a
very inaccurate instrument at high altitudes.
In Appendix C (‘Comparisons of the Aneroid
against the Mercurial Barometer’), in his ‘Tray-
els amongst the Great Andes of the Equator,’
Whymper himself says that ‘‘ with aneroids of
the present construction it is unlikely that de-
cent approximations to the truth will be ob-
tained at low pressures, even when employing
a large number of instruments.’’ The errors
in Whymper’s whole series of observations
amounted in the worst cases to as much as two
inches, as compared with the mercurial barom-
eter. The new barometer is the invention of
Col. H. Watkin, C.B., Chief Inspector of Po-
sition-Finding in the (British) War Department.
It is so constructed that it can be thrown out
of action when not in use, and put in action
when required. When out of action no varia-
tions in atmospheric pressure, however large,
produce any effect on it. This adjustment is
effected by having the lower portion of the
vacuum box so arranged that it can rise, instead
of having it fixed, as is usually the case. A
screw arrangement is attached to the lower
portion of the vacuum chamber, and under
ordinary conditions this screw is released and
the chamber put out of strain. When a reading
is to be made, the screw is turned as far as it
will go, thus bringing the instrument into the
normal condition in which it was graduated.
Whymper has made a large number of readings
with the new aneroid and finds the error, in
the mean of 65 observations, below + 0.0 in.
He feels confident that, ‘‘in the hand of those
who will give the requisite attention, extra-
ordinary results may be obtained from Watkin’s
Mountain Aneroid in observations made for
altitude and in determining differences of
level.’’? The instrument is made by J. J. Hicks,
8 Hatton Garden, London.
BULLETIN 3 of the New York Zoological
Society bears testimony to the rapid progress
that has been made since July 1, 1898, as may
be seen by the following statement of work
completed up to December 1, 1898. The Elk
House has been practically finished. The Bird
House is ready to receive its roof. The founda-
tion walls of the Reptile House have been com-
pleted, and the steel floor-beams put in place.
All excavating for the first series of Bear
Dens has been completed, also all plumbing for
drainage and water-supply. The brick walls
of the bathing-pools have been built, and stone
walls to carry the iron work. The excavation
of ponds for the Ducks’ Aviary and the con-
struction of three islands have been completed.
On the south island twelve enclosures have
been laid out, with suitable shelter-houses, and
about one hundred native shrubs have been
planted. Astone wall, going down to bed rock,
has been constructed around the Prairie Dogs’
Knoll (eighty feet in diameter), and capped
with cut stone. Excavations have been made
for the walls and stone work of eight Wolf
and Fox Dens, and the walls have been laid
ready for the cage work. One sleeping den
for wolves has been constructed. About five
hundred cubic yards of sandy earth has been
hauled to the Pheasant’s Aviary, to make dry
ground for therunways. This was remoyed by
necessity from the Bear Dens, at no cost to the
Aviary. The excavation for the Beaver Pond
has been completed, and all the grading ne-
cessary thereto. The excavation necessary
for the Buffalo House has been made. A
trench nine hundred and sixty-three feet
in length, has been dug for the stone walls to
support the iron fence for the Beaver Pond.
The Society is in urgent need of an antelope
house and a monkey house, and it is hoped that
these will come as gifts from individuals, as
the provision hitherto made is for the accommo-
dation of American quadrupeds and birds, and
this will exhaust the $106,000 at the disposal of
the Society.
The most elaborate of the structures com-
menced is, by all odds, the Reptile House ;
this will have a length of 146 feet and a width
of 100. . It is being constructed of buff mottled
brick, combined with granite and terra-cotta.
It will be roofed with slate, heated by hot water,
and its cost, with cages, will be about $40,000.
It is beautifully situated on the edge of a forest
of great oaks, very near the geographical center
of the park. Close to the southeastern corner
of the building is a natural pool in a wide out-
crop of granite rock, which will speedily be
converted into a summer home for saurians.
It is hoped that the Reptile House can be
completed by April, 1899, in time to receive its
cages and collections for the opening of the
park in May.
The Director has found it necessary to give a
chapter ‘concerning the purchase of wild ani-
mals,’ which deserves to be widely read, since
with the proper changes it may be made to ap-
ply to collectors in various branches of history.
The gist of it is contained in the following
‘Not unfrequently it happens that a hunter
who captures an animal that to him is strange
imagines that it is worth double its real value,
and feels indignant when a zoological garden
offers him what is really a fair price. In about
nineteen cases out of every twenty the man
who captures a wild animal thinks it is worth
far more than it really is. For example, if we
were to offer a farmer’s boy $2.50 for a wild
goose that he had caught and cooped, the
chances are he would be highly indignant; but
at this moment we know of thirty-two wild
geese for sale, property crated, at that price.
If we were asked to name the greatest small
annoyance that comes in the daily mail of a
zoological park we would reply: The letters
which say, ‘‘ What will you give me for it?”
Very often not the slightest clue is given to the
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 211.
size, age, sex or condition of the captive ani-
mal. All these are left to be divined by the
man who is asked to submit an offer.’’
F. A. L.
THE statistical method of biographical inves-
tigation has recently been used by Walter Gar-
stang, the naturalist in charge of the fishery
investigation of the Plymouth Laboratory, with
great success. He claims that it is possible to
identify the different schools of fish which ap-
proach the shore, even when these schools are
made up of individuals which appear to be
quite alike. He shows that the mackerel of
the American coast are really different from the
animals of the same name found along the
European coast, and he further shows that the
mackerel which frequent the shores of the Brit-
ish Isles may be sub-divided into two principal
races, an Irish race and a race frequenting the
English Channel and the North Sea. It thus
seems that a species heretofore supposed to be
widely distributed and given to migrating over
long distances of the ocean is really cut up into
a number of races, which probably do not in-
termingle and which may have very limited
ranges. If it can be proved—and it now ap-
pears to be proved—that the local representa-
tives of each species of animals are branded
with indices of consanguinity, which indices
may be detected through the plotting of curves
of frequency, a new and most fascinating line
of investigation is opened to the zoologist, the
comparative anatomist and the student of geo-
graphical distribution.
H. C. B.
A HANDY little book, bearing the title of
‘Deutscher Botaniker- Kalender fiir 1899,’ has
been prepared by Paul Sydow, of Berlin. It is
modeled after the well-known ‘Chemiker Kal-
ender’ of Dr. Biedermann, which for twenty
years has been well-nigh indispensable to the
chemists and physicists. This botanical alma-
nac includes a diary (in which notable events,
as the births and deaths of great botanists, are
recorded), a money table, tables of weights and
JANUARY 13, 1899.]
measures, the ‘Berlin Rules,’ catalogue of ex-
siccati, catalogues of botanic gardens, botanical
museums, botanical collections and places where
deposited. The publishers (Borntraeger, Ber-
lin) have done their part well, both in printing
and binding. The light-colored linen cover and
its conventionalized water-lily ornamentation
are in most excellent taste.
A VERY convenient, revised and condensed
edition of Sudworth’s ‘ Arborescent Flora of the
United States’ has recently been issued by the
Division of Forestry, under the title ‘Check
List of the Forest Trees of the United States.’
It makes use of the modern nomenclature,
gives lists of common names, and includes notes
as to the range of each species. The following
corrections should be made in a later edition :
Pinus ponderosa scopulorum Engelm., add in Ne-
braska eastward along the Niobrara River to the 99th
meridian, and to the 103d meridian on the North
Platte and Lodge Pole Rivers.
Hicoria ovata ( Mill.) Britt., change to southeastern
instead of northeastern Nebraska.
Hicoria laciniosa (Michx. f.) Sarg., add south-
eastern Nebraska.
Hicoria alba (Linn.) Britt., add southeastern Ne-
Populus tremuloides Michx., change from south-
ern to western Nebraska.
Quercus velutina Lam., add southeastern Nebraska.
Asimina triloba (Linn.) Dunal., add southeastern
Pyrus coronaria Linn. This species is recorded in
local catalogues as occurring in eastern Nebraska, but
it is P. ioensis (Wood) Bailey, if this is to be regarded
as a distinct species.
Prunus demissa (Nutt.) Walp., add from central
Nebraska westward.
Cercis canadensis Linn., add southeastern Nebraska.
Rhus copailina Linn., add southeastern Nebraska.
Acer saccharum Marsh., strike out eastern Ne-
braska, as this species does not occur in this region
in the wild state, although freely planted.
Acer rubrum Linn., strike out eastern Nebraska,
as this species does not occur in this region in the
wild state, nor is it often planted.
sculus glabra Willd., add southeastern Nebraska.
This check list will render a good service not
only to botany, but still more to forestry and
horticulture, in giving currency to the revised
nomenclature of our forest trees.
F. H. KNowrron, phytopaleontologist of the
United States Geological Survey, publishes, in
Bulletin 152 of the Department of the Interior,
a most valuable catalogue of the Cretaceous and
Tertiary plants of North America. In Lesquer-
eux’s catalogue of twenty years ago but seven
hundred and six species were included, of which
one hundred and fifty seven are from the Cre-
taceous, and five hundred and forty-nine from
the Tertiary. In the list before us about twenty-
five hundred species are included. The list is
strictly alphabetical and is not divided so as to
enable one to easily estimate the number from
each period. The date and place of publica-
tion of each genus and species are given with
much care. The modern nomenclature is used,
even to trinomials and the double citation
of authors. Much attention is given to syn-
onymy, and to the citation of the more impor-
tant references, especially to such as include
descriptions and figures.
THoMAS MEEHAN was fortunate enough to
discover, some time ago, in the custody of the
American Philosophical Society, some packages
of dried plants which, on examination, turn out
to be the long-lost collection made by Lewis
and Clark, in 1803 to 1806, during their expedi-
tion across the Western country from St. Louis
to the mouth of the Columbia River. They
were examined by Dr. B. L. Robinson and J. M.
Greenman, of the Herbarium of Harvard Uni-
versity, and compared with Pursh’s treatment
of this collection, in his Mlora Americe Septentrio-
nalis in 1814, and the results have been published
in the Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences
of Philadelphia (January, 1898). Mr. Meehan
notes that ‘this collection contains all but six-
teen of Lewis’s plants as described by Pursh in
his Flora,’ and of the missing numbers seven
are represented in the herbarium of the Academy
by authentic specimens from Lambert’s herba-
rium. Mr. Meehan says further that ‘only a
few of these seven missing ones are of material
importance,’ and that ‘for all practical pur-
poses all the plants of Lewis and Clark’s expe-
dition are now deposited in the Academy.’
AN excellent study of this subject by Herman
Meyer has been translated and published in the
Smithsonian Report for 1896 (just issued). Dif-
ferent’ methods of feathering, seven in number,
are shown to have prevailed among the native
tribes, each occupying its own area and gener-
ally embracing tribes of contrasted affinities in
other respects. A map is added indicating
these areas. The explanation of this is that
many tribes first learned the use of the bow
from their neighbors, but that there were as
many centers of its invention as there were
modes of feathering. At least, this is the sim-
plest explanation, and it is one supported by
language, as we find, in the Catoquina, for in-
stance, the words for bow and arrow are both
Tupi, and their people have the Tupi plan of
feathering. The paper is valuable for other
suggestions on native culture.
WE are all familiar with the teaching of the
physiognomists that thick lips indicate a sen-
sual disposition, and delicate, finely formed lips
coincide with a certain spirituality, firmness
and elevation of character. Dr. A. Bloch, ina
thorough study of the lips from an anthropo-
logical point of view, believes that all such in-
dications are imaginary. The form, size and
color of these organs belong to race distinctions
quite as muchas the shape and dimensions of the
nose. In fact, they are often in correlation. The
pigmentation is notably different in the various
sub-species of man, varying from a delicate rose
toadark brown. In hybridity, like many other
traits, the lips of one or the other parent may
reappear in full character in the child. Really
thick lips never occur, except as an anomaly,
in the white race. (Bull. Soc. Anthropologie de
Paris, 1898; Fasc. 3.)
AN eminent criminal lawyer once told me
that the criminals, as a rule, were better look-
ing men than the ‘gentlemen of the jury.’ The
assertion seemed jocose, but now comes the
proof of it. Dr. J. Marty, a French criminolo-
gist, reports his examination of 4,000 delin-
{[N.S. Von. IX. No. 211.
quents in the French army. His results are
curious. In height, in weight, in breast meas-
ure, in muscular power and in general condi-
tion these rascals averaged decidedly better
than the well-behaved soldiers of the army !
But Dr. Marty is ready with an ingenious
suggestion. Not that criminals are ‘by nature’
a finer lot physically than non-criminals, but
the condition of criminal families is so much
more wretched than respectable ones that only
the uncommonly strong survive! Ingenious,
but not quite satisfying. (Centralblatt fiir An-
thropologie, Heft. 4.)
WE announced in a recent issue a gift by
Lord Iveagh of £250,000 for the endowment of
the Jenner Institute of Preventive Medicine.
Further details of this important gift are given
by Lord Lister, Chairman of the Council, and
Sir Henry E. Roscoe, Treasurer, in the follow-
ing letter to the press :
‘We ask permission to announce in your columns a
splendid offer in aid of scientific research which has
been placed in our hands. :
British and Irish men of science have long deplored
the fact that the opportunities in this country for re-
search directed to the prevention of disease are not
equal to those possessed by foreign nations.
Lord Iveagh wishes to help in removing this re-
proach to our country, and, on the conditions named
below, has offered the sum of £250,000 (two hundred
and fifty thousand pounds) for the purposes of the
highest research in bacteriology and other forms of
biology as bearing upon the causes, nature, preven-
tion and treatment of disease.
He has proposed to the Council of the Jenner Insti-
tute (lately the British Institute) of Preventive
Medicine—a body which includes leading men in
medicine and allied sciences in the British Isles—
that the donation shall be handed over to the Insti-
tute on condition that in future the control and man-
agement of the affairs of the Institute shall be placed
in the hands of a new board of seven trustees—three
of the seven to be chosen by the Council of the Insti-
tute, three by the donor, and one by the Council of
the Royal Society.
The offer has been cordially accepted at a meeting
of the Council.
JANUARY 13, 1899. ]
The donor further proposes that part of the new
fund shall be appropriated to the enlargement of the
buildings of the Institute at Chelsea, part to increas-
ing the at present sadly inadequate salaries of the Di-
rector and other members of the scientific staff, part
to the expenses of administration and maintenance,
and the remainder chiefly to founding valuable
fellowships and studentships, tenable for limited
periods, for research either in the laboratories of the
Institute or in centers of outbreaks of disease, whether
at home or abroad.
The conditions on which these fellowships and
studentships may be held are not yet determined
upon, but it is hoped to open them to all classes of
her Majesty’s subjects.
Lord Iveagh, in our opinion, deserves the gratitude
of the nation for thus munificently providing for the
cultivation, in the British dominions, of biology and
allied sciences for the good of mankind in an institu-
tion which henceforth will compare favorably with
any similar establishment in other parts of the world.
It will be remembered that the British Insti-
tute of Preventive Medicine received from the
Jenner Memorial Committee the funds that it
had collected and altered its name in honor of
Jenner. It has recently taken possession of
new buildings on the Chelsea Embankment.
Dr. Allan Macfadyen is the Director.
Lord Iveagh has at the same time under-
taken to rebuild the most unhygienic district
of Dublin, erecting upon it model workmen’s
dwellings, recreation halls, ete. The cost of
the improvements are estimated at over £250,-
PROFEssOR B. K. EMErson, of Amherst Col-
lege, has been elected President of the American
Geological Society in succession to Professor J.
J. Stevenson, whose address on ‘Our Society’
is published in the present number of SCIENCE.
Tue American Society of Naturalists at its
recent meeting appropriated $50 towards the
support of the American University Table at
Naples, and $50 towards the support of the
Naturalists’ Table at the Marine Biological
Laboratory at Woods Holl. It was voted that
the place of the next meeting be left with the
Secretaries of the several societies, who will
probably select New Haven. The following is
a full list of the officers for the ensuing year:
President, W. G. Farlow; Vice-Presideuts, H.
C. Bumpus, W. H. Howell, F. H. Gerrish}
Secretary, T. H. Morgan; Treasurer, John B.
Smith; Members of the Executive Committee
elected from the Society-at-large, Bashford
Dean, F. H. Herrick.
At the annual public meeting of the Paris
Academy of Sciences, on December 19th, the
Permanent Secretary, M. Berthelot, read a me-
morial notice of Brown-Sequard, the eminent
physiologist, who, it will be remembered, was
the son of a citizen of Philadelphia. Brown-
Sequard led a life full of vicissitudes, crossing
the Atlantic more than sixty times, until in
1878 he was elected Professor in the University
of Paris and was naturalized as a citizen of
France. The President of the Academy, M.
Wolf, called attention to the approaching bi-
centennial of the Academy and paid tributes to
the members who had died during the year:
MM. Aimé Girard, Souillard, Pomel and Cohn,
of Breslau.
AT the same meeting of the Academy the
prizes for the current year were awarded.
Three of these, as we have already announced,
were given to Americans—the Lalande prize to
Dr. Seth C. Chandler, the Damoiseau prize to Dr.
George W. Hill and the Henry Wilde prize to
Mr. Charles A. Schott. Another prize, the
Lallemand prize, was divided, and one half
given to Mr. Edward P. Allis, of Milwaukee,
Wis., for his memoir on ‘The cranial muscles
and cranial first spinal nerves of Amia calva.’
In addition to these four prizes coming to Amer-
ica, apparently only two other prizes were given
outside of France—the Janssen medal to A.
Belopolsky, of the Observatory at Pulkova, for
his contributions to astronomy, and the Des-
maziére prize to Professor de Toni, of Padua,
for his Sylloge Algarum.
Tue Academy offered in all about fifty prizes,
the largest of these, the Bréant prize, of 100,000
fr., was in part given to M. Phisalux for his re-
searches on chemical vaccines. The LeConte
prize, of 50,000 fr., for an important scientific
discovery, was not awarded. The grand mathe-
matical prize (6,000 fr.) was awarded to M.
Morel, and the Poncelet prize (2,000 fr.), also
in mathematics, to M. Hadam. The Jecker
prize in organic chemistry (10,000 fr.) was di-
vided among MM. Bertrand, Buisine and D.
Berthelot. The Vaillant prize in geology (4,000
fr.) was given to M. Cayeux, and the Estrade-
Deleros prize (8,000 fr.) to M. Munier Chalmas
for his work on paleontology and geology.
dress before the German Chemical Society,
Berlin, on December 20th, describing the newly
discovered gases and their relation to the peri-
odic law. He also gave a popular lecture on
the subject.
Mr. Sypnry RowLanp has been appointed
Assistant Bacteriologist at the Jenner Institute
of Preventive Medicine.
M. Troosr has received an anonymous gift
of 4,000 fr. for researches on the liquefaction of
THE Honorable R. J. Strutt, who, as we re-
corded last week, has been awarded the Coutts-
Trotter Studentship in Science at Trinity Col-
lege, Cambridge, is a son of Lord Rayleigh, the
eminent, physicist, formerly professor at Cam-
bridge University.
Dr. ALFRED A, KANTHACK, professor of pa-
thology in the University of Cambridge and
Fellow of King’s College, died at Cambridge,
on December 21st, at the early age of thirty-five
years. Dr. Kanthack was elected to the profes-
sorship in Cambridge a little more than a year
ago, succeeding the late Professor Roy. He is the
author of a ‘Manual of Morbid Anatomy’ and
ofa ‘Hand-book of Bacteriology’ and of numer-
ous and important original contributions to
these sciences.
WE regret also to record the death at Phila-
delphia, on January 5th, of Dr. E. Otis Ken-
dall, in his eighty-first year. He had been for
more than fifty years professor of mathematics
in the University of Pennsylvania, though re-
cently he had relinquished active duties. He
had also held the chair of astronomy in the Uni-
versity, was long dean of the scientific depart-
ment, and was in 18838 elected vice-provost, be-
ing honorary vice-provost at the time of his
death. Dr. Kendall was for twenty-eight years
one of the Secretaries of the American Philo-
sophical Society, and for the following twenty-
one years one of its Vice-Presidents. He was
the author of a text-book of astronomy and of
(N.S. Von. TX. .No. 211.
various contributions to mathematics, as well as
of computations for the U. S. Nautical Alma-
nac and the U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Dr. Kendall will, however, be best remem-
bered as a teacher, being greatly honored and
beloved by many generations of college stu-
THE death is also announced, at the age of
sixty-four years, of Professor H. W. Vogel, of
the Institute of Technology at Berlin, known
for his researches in photography and spectros-
GrounpD for the Horticultural Hall of the
New York Botanical Gardens was broken on
January 3d. The building will be 512 feet long,
60 feet wide, with a dome 90 feet high.
THE following lectures will be given during
the present season at the American Museum of
Natural History at three o’clock on Saturday
Jan. 7.—An Exploration for Dinosaurs in the Rocky
Mountain Plateau Region..Dr. J. L. WORTMAN.
Jan. 14.—A Hunt for Fossil Camels and Horses in
Kansas and Colorado...... Dr. W. D. MATTHEW.
Jan. 21.—The Bird Rocks of the Gulf of St. Law-
MCMCCssseemraseneestescs Mr. FRANK M. CHAPMAN.
Jan. 28.—Exploration of Zapotecan Tombs of South-
Ghied WIIG a1 600) scosdoodasoneenaaar Mr. M. H. SAVILLE.
Feb. 4.—The Jesup North Pacific Expedition: Ar-
chological Exploration in British Columbia,
Feb. 11.—The Jesup North Pacific Expedition : The
Indian Tribes of the State of Washington,
Feb. 18.—Rocks of the State of New York as illus-
trated in the Museum...... Mr. L. P. GRATACAP.
Feb. 25.—A Collecting Trip in Europe,
Dr. E. O. Hovey.
Mar. 4.—The Squirrels of North America,
Dr. J. A. ALLEN.
Mar. 11.—The Life Histories of Butterfliesand Moths
of the Vicinity of New York,
Mar. 18.—The Hyde Expedition : Exploration of the
Ruins of the Pueblo of Bonito, New Mexico,
Mar. 25.—Peoples of Asia—The Philippines to Japan,
On Thursday evening at eight o’clock lec-
tures will be given as follows :
The New York Zoological Society.
Jan. 12.—The Zoological Parks of Europe and The
New Zoological Park of New York City
JANUARY 13, 1899. ]
Linnean Society of New York City.
Jan. 19.—A Naturalist in Florida
Jan. 26.—A Naturalist in Labrador
Dr. Ropert T. MorRIs.
Feb. 2.—A Naturalist on the Pacific Coast
Feb. 9.—A Naturalist in Wyoming
New York Botanical Garden.
April 6 and 13.—Subjects and lecturers to be an-
nounced later.
Members’ Course—1899.
partment of Public Instruction.
Feb. 16 —Newfoundland and Labrador.
Feb. 23.—Gulf and River of St. Lawrence.
Mar. 2.—The Great Lakes.
Mar. 9.—Ceutral California—San Francisco
and Yosemite Valley.
Proressor A. C. HADDON writes to Nature
that the members of the Cambridge Anthro-
pological Expedition to Torres Straits have
now completed their investigations in the
Straits. Dr. Rivers and Mr. Wilkin have left
for England, while the other members of the
expedition have proceeded to Borneo to study
the anthropology of the Baram district of Sara-
wak. The health of the party has been excel-
lent. The natives of Murray Island were studied
with most detail, as, owing to their isolation,
they have been less modified by contact with
alien races. Some of the party stayed about
four months on the island, while others had
only a couple of months, owing to a trip
having been made to the mainland of New
Guinea. The New Guinea contingent visited
the coast tribes between Kerepunu and the
Mekeo district, and several excursions were
made for short distances inland. There was
not enough time spent at any spot for a thorough
investigation of the natives, but a considerable
amount of information was obtained in most of
the branches of anthropology with which the
expedition is concerned, which will prove of
value for purposes of comparison. The re-
searches on the Murray islanders were fairly
thorough and will form a basis for comparison
with the other islanders and allied peoples.
Over a month was spent in Mabuiag (Jervis
Island) by all the party, with the exception of
Messrs. Myers and MacDougall, who had
previously started for Borneo. Although the
time spent in Mabuiag was short, a satisfactory
amount of work was accomplished owing to
the conditions being favorable. Observations
were also made on several other islands in
Torres Straits and Kiwai, which is situated in
the mouth of the Fly River. <A large number
of photographs have been taken, and consider-
able collections have been made, which are now
on their way to Cambridge. i
In a recent address before the British Orni-
thologists’ Club Mr. Sclater, after referring to
the expedition to Socotra and southern Arabia,
with Dr. Forbes and Mr. Ogilvie Grant as its
leaders, referred to other expeditions of British
ornithologists. Captain Boyd Alexander, who
has worked in the Cape Verde Islands, is strug-
gling through the middle of Africa from the
Cape to Cairo. Under present circumstances
he seems likely to come out successfully, and
will, no doubt, bring information on birds, if
not specimens, with him. Mr. Lort Phillips
hopes to return to his favorite quarters in
Somaliland during the course of the present
winter, and expects to get together the supple-
mentary materials still required for the prepara-
tion of his proposed work on the birds of that
most interesting country. Mr. John White-
head, who has added so much to our knowledge
of the zoology of the Philippines, proposes to
return to the same country very shortly, in
order to continue his researches in a field which
he knows so well and in which he takes such
great interest. Mr. Alfred Sharpe, C.B., who
is shortly returning to his post in Nyassaland,
promises to continue the employment of col-
lectors in different parts of that Protectorate,
the zoology of which he, following in the foot-
steps of Sir Harry Johnston, has already done
so much to investigate.
WE learn from the British Medical Journal
that an International Congress on Tuberculosis
and the methods for combating it will be
held in Berlin from May 23d to 27th next year.
The Imperior Chancellor, Prince Hohenlohe,
will preside, and will be supported by an in-
fluential committee, headed by the Duke of
Ratibon and Professor von Leydon. Five di-
visions of the subject have been agreed on:
(1) Propagation, (2) Etiology, (3) Prophylaxis,
(4) Therapeutics, (5) Sanatoria. Each of these
questions will be introduced by a short and
concise address, so as to leave ample time for
free discussion and debate. Membership of the
Congress is not to be confined to any particular
class; any person interested in that terrible
scourge of all nations, tuberculosis, can become
a member by simply taking a ticket at the office
of the Central Committee for Lung Sanatoria.
As in the case of the Leprosy Conference a
couple of years ago, foreign governments will
be officially informed of the proposed Congress
and requested to send delegates.
THE Berlin correspondent of the London
Times states that the official organ of the Prus-
sian Ministry of the Interior gives some account
of the work accomplished since its constitution .
three years ago by the German Central Com-
mittee for the establishment of sanatoria for
consumptives under the protection of the Ger-
man Empress and the presidency of the Imperial
Chancellor, Prince Hchenlohe. The great ob-
ject of the Central Committee was to promote
the establishment of a sufficient number of
sanatoria throughout the German Empire.
Their efforts have been most successful, owing
to the cooperation of wide circles of the public,
and more particularly owing to the measures
taken by the Imperial German Working People’s
Insurance Office in providing hospitals and con-
valescent homes for those of the insured who
are attacked by illness and prevented from
earning their living. A large number of sana-
toria which are already receiving patients have
demonstrated that Germans who suffer from
tuberculous diseases do not require to go abroad
in search of health, but can secure the best
medical treatment in the immediate neighbor-
hood of the place where they have to live and
work. There will presently be some 50 sana-
toria in Germany for persons in straightened
circumstances. The Central Committee has co-
operated in various degrees in the development
of these institutions by placing at their disposal
information and, where it was requisite, by
making grants for their support. It has thus
been found possible, while consulting in every
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 211.
case the special nature of local necessities, to
establish the institution of sanatoria for con-
sumptives in Germany on a sound and perma-
nent basis. A meeting of the Central Committee,
at which Her Majesty, the Empress, will be
present, will be held on January 9th. President
Gabel, of the Imperial Insurance Office, will
make a report on the new rules to be adopted,
the object of which is to extend the sphere of
the Committee’s operations on the lines which
they have hitherto followed.
AT the twenty-seventh convocation of the
University of Chicago, on January 4th, Presi-
dent Harper announced two gifts of land, one
by Mr. N. A. Ryerson, valued at $34,000, and
one by Marshall Field, valued at $135,000. A
gymnasium will be erected on the latter site.
The enrollment of the University is 1,621, an
increase of 450 over last year.
Mr. H. O. ArMouR has given $20,000 to
Whitworth College, a Presbyterian institution
at Sumner, Wash. The sum of $75,000 has
been collected for Arcadia University, a Baptist
institution at Wolfeville, N. 8., $15,000 having
been given by Mr. John D. Rockefeller.
THE alumni of Harvard College, by a vote of
2,782 to 1,481, have reversed their previous
vote extending the franchise in voting for over-
seers of the University to the graduates of all
theschools. President Eliot and most members
of the faculty who are alumni voted with the
THE annual catalogue of Harvard University
records 411 officers and 4,660 students, an in-
crease of 7 officers and 84 students over last
year. These figures include the summer school,
but not Radcliffe College, the enrollment of
which is 411 students. There are 1,851 students
in the College and 560 in the medical school.
THE new catalogue of the University of Penn-
sylvania, about to be issued, will show that
there are 258 officers and 2,790 students, of
whom 1,337 are in the departments of medicine
and dentistry. There are in the School of Arts
365, in the Towne Scientific School 284 and in
the Department of Philosophy 158 students.
EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: S. NEwcomsB, Mathematics; R. S. WooDWARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING,
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THuRsron, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. LE ContveE, Geology; W. M. DAvis, Physiography; O. C. MARSH, Paleontology; W. K. Brooks,
' C. Hart Merriam, Zoology; 8. H. ScuppER, Entomology; C. E. Bessey, N. L. BRITTON,
Botany; Henry F. Osporn, General Biology; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology;
H. P. Bowpitcn, Physiology; J. S. Brnnrnas, Hygiene; J. McKEEN CATTELL,
Psychology; DANIEL G. BRINTON, J. W. POWELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, JANUARY 20, 1899.
Advances in Methods of Teaching :—
Physiology: PROFESSOR WM. T. PORTER........ 87
Anthropology: DR. FRANZ BOAS.........: Vee
Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of
« America (I.): PROFESSOR J. F. KEMpP........... 100
Scientific Books :— :
Burnside’s Theory of Groups of Finite Order:
PROFESSOR F. N. Cote. Merriman’s Elements
of Sanitary Engineering: M. Card on Bush
and Vaughan on the Lower Cretaceous Grypheus
of the Texas Regions: PROFESSOR FREDERIC
W. Smmonps. Books Received........csecceseeees ... 106
Scientific Journals and Articles 2.....ccsceceessecseeesees 111
Societies and Academies :—
The National Geographic Society ; Harvard Uni-
versity, Students’ Geological Club: J. M. Bour-
WELL. Onondaga Academy of Sciences: H. W.
BRITCHER. The Academy of Science of St. Louis:
PROFESSOR WILLIAM TRELEASE ...........0..006+ 112
Discussion and Correspondence :—
Science and Politics: PROFESSOR S. W. WIL-
LISTON. The Storing of Pamphlets: PROFES-
atures: DR. C. HART MERRIAM...........-..0.0068 114
EPRYSUCAUPNOLES os EN Ow Ospenesscesanctestocdecstasanestaers 116
Current Notes on Meteorology :—
The Windward Islands Hurricane of September,
1898 ; Probable State of the Sky along the Path of
the Eclipse, May 28, 1900; Notes: R. DEC.
\NWANTSD) ponongasabedenodnods bpopaceodsa6ponndacsdcpuCudbeHed
Current Notes on Anthropology :—
The Oldest Skull-form in Europe; The Supposed
‘Otter Trap ;’ Anthropological Sludy of TFeeble-
minded Children: PROFESSOR D. G. BRINTON... 117
Scientific Notes and News...........00scsececescsececesenees 118
.-- 120
MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended
for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N.Y.
By advances in teaching I understand the
use of desirable methods not now generally
employed, for while the common methods
of this generation are advances over those
of a preceding one a discussion of this fact
could have no possible value and only an
historical interest to us.
I take it that the common method of
teaching zoology is by means of laboratory
work supplemented by lectures or recita-
tions, and, further, that both teacher and
institution are well equipped for this work ;
these are prerequisites, the need of which
need not be emphasized here. Beyond and
in addition to these common provisions
what advances in teaching zoology are both
possible and desirable? Many minor fea-
tures might be considered, such as certain
improvements in laboratory and museum
methods, the best sequence of subjects, the
relations of lectures to laboratory work, ete.;
but I prefer to emphasize two, and only two,
main features, viz.: (1) the relations of re-
search to teaching, and (2) the study of the
whole of zoology.
I. One of the greatest possible advances
in teaching zoology would be the promotion
of research work in all institutions of col-
lege or university grade and the establish-
ment of the closest possible relations be-
* Discussion before the New York meeting of the
American Naturalists and Affiliated Societies, Decem-
ber, 1898.
tween teaching and research. Advances in
‘teaching must be, in the main, founded up-
on advances in research. Objects which
. every beginner in zoology sees and studies
to-day were known to only a few investiga-
tors ten years ago. Methods which are
common property now were then being
worked out for the first time. The interest
and value of teaching is directly propor-
tional to the teacher’s acquaintance with
original sources of knowledge. The all too
common method of leaning—or rather rid-
ing—upon a text-book violates the whole
laboratory idea, and the more advanced
custom of relying upon original papers with-
out making any attempt to see the things
described is but little better. Every teacher
should endeavor to see and know for him-
self, and to give his students opportunity to
see and know the classical objects upon
which important doctrines of zoology rest.
But the relation of the teacher to re-
search should not be merely that of a hearer
of the word, but of a doer also. Research
work on the part of the teacher and, if pos-
sible, by at least a few advanced students
should be a part of the teaching equipment of
every college and university. Too frequently
and indiscriminately hasit been maintained
that the qualities which makea man a good
investigator ruin him as a teacher. The
examples of Agassiz, Huxley, Leuckart and
many others, both here and abroad, show
how erroneous is such a view. Great ability
as an investigator may be united with quali-
ties which are ruinous to the teacher, but
these are not qualities essential to research.
On the other hand, a good teacher must be,
at least to a certain extent, an investigator
also. The ability to make a subject plain
is not the first nor, indeed, the most impor-
tant function of a college or university
teacher ; his first duty is to arouse interest
in his subject, to direct students to reliable
sources of information and to encourage
them in independent work. For all of these
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 212.
purposes research is of the utmost value.
A new fact discovered in a laboratory is a
stimulus to faithful and independent work,
such as nothing else in the world can be;
whatever other requirements colleges and
universities may make upon their teachers,
they might safely require that they be con-
tributors to knowledge. The greatest mis-
take which a college or university teacher
can make is to talk and act as if his science
were a closed and finished one. A subject
which seems old and stale to the teacher will
seem uninteresting and unimportant to the
learner. To the teacher who has only a text-
book knowledge of things all subjects soon
seem finished, fixed, bottled and labelled ;
once a year, perhaps, he wearily exhibits
these dead and changeless things before
his suffering class. But the teacher who real-
izes how little we know about any subject
and how much remains to be learned—who,
while accurately presenting what is known,
can by both precept and example help to
extend the bounds of knowledge—will never
find his subject stale nor his class uninter-
It will be objected that in many subjects
and in most institutions such a course is
impossible. Undoubtedly it is more dif-
ficult to make discoveries in some fields
than in others, but it is one of the particu-
lar charms of the biological sciences that
the opportunities for research here are
greater than in most other subjects. The
great amount of teaching and of adminis-
trative work which is required of many
teachers is the greatest obstacle to this plan;
and yet I know persons who teach from
twenty-five to thirty hours a week and who
yet find time to do research work, if in
no other way, at least by keeping their
eyes open for new points in the material
used in their classes.
It is sometimes maintained that there is
a fundamental difference in kind between
graduate and undergraduate teaching, and
JANUARY 20, 1899. ]
that the former alone can have any rela-
tions to independent work or research,
while the latter must consist of information
courses merely. But whatever may be true
of other subjects, it is certain that biological
studies encourage and develop independ-
ence in observations and reflections from
the beginning. I maintain, even at the
risk of being charged with holding low
ideals of graduate work, that the distinction
between graduate and undergraduade work
in biology is one of degree and not of kind.
Of course, elementary students cannot do
research work of any great value, and yet
they may catch the spirit of research and
assist in carrying out work of importance.
Some valuable work of the last few years
has grown out of the careful and independ-
ent study, in undergraduate classes, of the
structure, development and variations of
well-known animals. The knowledge that
new facts may be discovered even in ele-
mentary work is an inspiration to both stu-
dent and teacher. I pity the man who has
to teach a finished science; I wonder how
either he or his students stand it. The
zoologist has here an advantage which he
cannot afford to throw away. If it is fur-
ther objected that this method would induce
students to neglect well-known facts in
ridiculous attempts to find new ones, or
that it would assist an ignorant or lazy
teacher to fill up gaps in his information
by ingenious speculations, I can only reply
that such an abuse should be credited to
the teacher and not to the system. The
thesis which I defend is simply and com-
prehensively this: The spirit of zoological
teaching should be the inquiring, independ-
ent, alert spirit of research.
II. Another advance not less important
than the one just emphasized would be found
in increased facilities for studying the whole
of zoology. The time was when zoology
meant merely classification; at present it
means little more than morphology ; a great
advance will have been made we all realize,
and succeed in getting our institutions to
realize, that these subjects, however im-
portant, are but a part of zoology and that
a large and important field is still almost
unoccupied. The usual laboratory work in
zoology, viz. : the anatomy of a few alcoholic
specimens, is less than one-half of the sci-
ence and in all respects the least interest-
ing and important half. Research to-day
is tending more and more to the study of
living things, and in this respect, as in so
many others, research points out the way
for advances in teaching. The study of liv-
ing animals; of their actual development
under normal and experimentally altered
conditions; of their food and the manner of
getting it; their enemies and friends, para-
sites and messmates; their mating, breeding
and care of young; the effects of isolation,
crossing and close breeding on structure
and habits; the effects of varying light,
color, temperature, density of medium, etc.,
on color, size and structure of every part;
the daily and nightly activities of animals ;
the origin and nature of peculiar habits and
instincts—in short, the study of all the
varied ways in which animals live and
adapt themselves to their environment is
an integral part of zoology; and who can
doubt that together these things form its
most important part, and yet there are few
if any places where any systematic attempt
is made to give instruction in these sub-
Practically the only attempt which is
made in most institutions to meet these
needs is by means of field work. The value
of such work cannot be overestimated and
it must always remain an indispensable
part of any broad zoological training, but it
is not in itself sufficient. In large cities
and during the colder part of the year it is
especially difficult to carry on field work,
and inno case is it possible to have animals
under observation for considerable periods
of time or to carry on experiments with
them in the field. Field work must consist
largely of collection, classification and scat-
tered observations ; more serious work must
be transferred to the laboratory.
A most useful and important adjunct to
zoological teaching is an animal house, or
vivarium, in which may be found fresh and
salt-water aquaria ; terraria for small land
forms; hives for bees, ants and other in-
sects ; rooms for various amphibia, reptiles,
birds and small mammals; hatcheries for
the eggs of various vertebrates and inverte-
brates, and various appliances for the ex-
perimental study of living animals. Such
a vivarium might contain a synoptic col-
lection of living animals, worth vastly
more for teaching purposes than the or-
dinary museum or laboratory. Botanists
have long recognized the necessity of green-
houses for teaching purposes, and the need
of having living material for study is quite
as great in zovlogy as in botany. Some
such vivarium is a necessity if zoology is
to be studied in any broad way. It is usual
in building laboratories to provide an ani-
mal room in some small, dark corner of the
cellar,while the whole of the building proper
is devoted to lecture rooms, laboratories
and museums. It is sad to think that such
a disposition of space represents the popu-
lar view of the importance of the study of
living animals. In a very important sense
a vivarium is the most essential part of any
laboratory of zoology, representing that for
which all the rest exists. In cases where it
is not possible to have a separate building
or large, well-lighted rooms for this purpose
a greenhouse and animal house could be
combined ; and in all cases a few well-
stocked ponds in the immediate vicinity of
the laboratory can usually be provided
without trouble or expense, which will fur-
nish a never-failing supply of living ma-
But under the most favorable circumstan-
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 212.
ces the number of living animals which can
be kept in or near the laboratory is not large;
for making extensive studies on large num-
bers of animals, recourse must be had to ex-
perimental farms and to marine and fresh-
water stations. Little has yet been donein
the way of establishing experimental farms
for purposes of pure science, though I believe
they are destined to play a very important
part in the development of our science in
the future, but the establishment of biolog-
ical stations has done more to advance the
study of zoology than any other one thing
in this generation. While the laboratory,
the vivarium and perhaps also the experi-
mental farm are things which each uni-
versity must provide for itself, the marine
and fresh-water stations can reach their
greatest usefulness through the cooperation
of many institutions. Without inany way
disparaging the work done by other stations
of a similar kind, I think it may truthfully
and modestly be said that the Woods Holl
Station, in the measure of cooperation which
it represents; in the close relations which
there exist between teaching and research,
and in the fullness with which the whole of
zoology is represented, has done more to ad-
vance the teaching of zoology in this country
than has any other institution or factor.
The professor of anatomy in one of our best
medical schools said to me a few days ago:
“Tn all my teaching I try to follow the
general methods employed in the classes at
the Woods Holl Laboratory ; those methods
are models of good teaching.” If this can
be said for the teaching of human anatomy
how much more is it true of the studies
which are there directly represented. Some
of the greatest possible advances in teach-
ing zoology will be found in realizing in
every college and university the Woods
Holl ideal.
Epwin G. ConkKLIn.
JANUARY 20, 1899. ]
Ir is not too broad a statement to say that
the modern methods of teaching anatomy
reflect the general progress of that science
during the past decade. In the limited
time at my disposal I am only able to ac-
centuate some of the main facts as they
pertain to instruction in human anatomy.
In this branch the revolution in the spirit
and method of our teaching is primarily
based on the recognition of man’s scientific
position in the vertebrate series. We have
ceased, as teachers, to regard the human
body as a thing apart and by itself, and the
study of its structure and of the functions
of its parts is no longer attempted without
the aid which comparative anatomy and
embryology so abundantly offer. The truths
embodied in the doctrine of evolution have
long furnished the quickening spirit of scien-
tific morphological study and research, but
their full utilization by the teacher of hu-
man anatomy as his most valuable guides
is of so comparatively recent date that I
feel justified in citing their pedagogic adop-
tion as the most important and funda-
mental advance in late years in the methods
of anatomical instruction.
It is so evident that every complete or-
ganism is only fully comprehended in all its
relations when the method of its production
and development is known, and the fact
that the simplest conditions offer the logical
starting point in learning or teaching compli-
cated structural details is so in accord with
our daily experience, that the disregard of
phylogeny and embryology by teachers of
human anatomy seems little short of incom-
prehensible. And yet in my own experience
as a teacher of human anatomy I remember
grave academic deliberations as to the pro-
priety of placing the study on the scientific
basis which we occupy to-day, and some
doubtful queries as to whether after all it
would not be more advisable to uphold the
traditional method, somewhat as the Mos-
lem Kadis have continued to teach the
Koran since the day of Mahomet. Human
anatomy, considered from the standpoint of
the instructor, has coursed through a curi-
ous cycle since Vesalius in the 14th century
raised it to the dignity of a science.
From the point where he left it the
knowledge of man’s structure continued to
develop during the succeeding centuries.
The details of human gross anatomy were
elaborated until every minute portion of
the human frame received its complete de-
scription, and at least one more or less ap-
propriate and lengthy name. The teach-
ing of the science progressed along the same
lines, and the increase in the details of
descriptive anatomy found its response in
the anatomical text-book. Edition suc-
ceeded edition, each containing somewhat
more erudite and minute information than
its predecessor, and this accumulated mass
of facts confronted the student at the out-
set of his course. It is not remarkable that
under these conditions the important funda-
mental structural lines of the subject were
obscured and overshadowed by the quantity
of detail, nor that the study of anatomy
appeared to resolve itself into a more or
less successful effort at memorizing the
largest possible quantity of facts without
special regard to their quality or impor-
I well remember in my own student days
that every man with any pretensions to
anatomical prowess could glibly and ac-
curately describe the five surfaces of the
orbital process of the palate bone and give
their boundaries, but I doubt if many of us
realized that said process was extremely
lucky if it attained the size of a respectable
pea, and a still smaller minority would
have passed with credit through a practical
demonstration on the skull. In the same
way the knowledge that the artery of the
vas deferens arises from the superior vesical
was a never-failing source of satisfaction to
its possessor, while a student who faced west
on Madison Square had no occasion to strain
his descriptive faculties in the least in order
to enumerate the Fifth Avenue Hotel in its
correct position among the structures re-
lated to his common carotid artery. But
the morphological connection and the mu-
tual relation existing between prosenceph-
alon and diencephalon, the principles gov-
erning the development and structure of
the lung and vascular system, the disposi-
tion of the peritoneal membrane, and many
like problems, were regarded in much the
same light.
What knowledge of these structures the
student obtained he gained in the most dif-
ficult manner, by a pure effort of memory.
He had no constructive details at his com-
mand, no series of stages which, while dem-
onstrating the road by which a complicated
human structure reached its highest degree
of development or regression, enabled him
at the same time to grasp and hold the de-
tails of that structure as a permanent and
lasting addition to his knowledge, not as
facts memorized and hence to be forgotten.
In this sense teaching by comparison and
development marks our most important
and fundamental advance in methods of in-
struction. That this advance will be pro-
gressive lies in the very essence of its char-
acter. We all recognize the practical
importance of careful descriptive detail in
teaching human anatomy. But in striving
after the necessary accuracy and elabora-
tion the minutize should not be permitted
to obscure and hide the broad morpholog-
ical and functional principles which under-
lie the construction of the animal body.
They, after all, form the fundamental
lines upon which the student must build
his anatomical knowledge if the same is to
be enduring, and these lines, if once firmly
established, readily and logically permit
the addition of the necessary details. The
function of comparative anatomy and em-
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 212.
bryology, as aids in the teaching of human
anatomy, is to define clearly and demon-
strate, beyond question or doubt, the cardi-
nal morphological principles upon which
the structure of the vertebrate body is
reared. I can merely refer in passing to
the development of the equipment neces-
sary to the vitality and success of the
method. Perhaps no other single fact ac-
centuates the advances in morphological
education more than the change which is
to be observed in the spirit and purpose of
the anatomical museum. It has ceased to
be astorehouse for a heterogeneous associa-
tion of curios, and has assumed its proper
place as an important factor in scientific
education, presenting the cardinal strue-
tural and functional principles of the verte-
brate body in concrete serial form. From
a collection it has become a library in which
he who runs may read.
While we are justified in characterizing
this fundamental change in the spirit and
conception of anatomical instruction as our
most pronounced methodical advance in re-
cent years, anumber of other improvements
are entitled to your consideration. Hardly
secondary in importance to the principle of
the comparative and developmental method
of teaching is the application of the princi-
ple in practice. I need not detain this au-
dience with illustrative examples, which
will suggest themselves, but I may be per-
mitted to emphasize the fact that we have
advanced materially in substituting true
object-teaching for theoretical instruction.
Perhaps nowhere more than in anatomy is
lasting and valuable knowledge gained only
by direct and personal examination of the
object of the study.
Not only have our courses in practical
anatomy increased in the time and material
required and improved in the application of
a thorough test by practical examination,
but we have carried the same cardinai prin-
ciple of sound anatomical instruction into
JANUARY 20, 1899.]
the details of the didactic course. It is
probably true that, under proper conditions
of environment, a parrot could be taught a
hymn, for we have proof of his power in
acquiring a secular vocabulary. In the
same way, undoubtedly, a student can be
taught a certain kind of anatomy by lecture,
diagrams and models. But I question
whether he will find this knowledge much
more useful than the parrot hishymn. As-
similation of anatomical knowledge requires
demonstration of the actual structures, toa
limited number of students, for the purpose
of enabling each to see and examine the
objects themselves with which he is to be-
come familiar, not models ordiagrams. ‘I
asked for bread and they gave me a stone”’
—or a model—is a saying which no student
of anatomy should have occasion to apply
to his own case.
This reason has led to the replacement of
the didactic lecture by the section demon-
stration. I still concede to the lecture,
modified and supplemented by demonstra-
tion, an important function in furnishing
the orderly, logical and systematic presen-
tation of the subject which is to serve as
the guiding thread in the student’s individ-
ual examination of the structures, It is the
proper place for the elaboration of the broad
morphological principles of vertebrate struc-
ture, but these should be illustrated and
emphasized by the direct examination of
the structures involved. The lecture should
indicate clearly the main facts of which the
student is to satisfy himself by personal
observation in the demonstration. Both
conducted side by side are mutual supple-
Such, in brief, I conceive to be the main
factors in the advance of anatomical teach-
ing. Many secondary aids, such as the
complete pedagogic separation of elemen-
tary and advanced students, the modern
methods of preservation of material, the im-
proved technique of preparations, the intro-
duction of elective and optional courses in
general morphology and others would de-
mand consideration if more time were at
our disposal.
But, however brief and insufficient my
presentation of the subject may appear,
teachers of anatomical science feel that the
advance along the lines indicated is a ma-
terial gain and that, under the broad spirit
of our universities, it will be progressive.
Gero. 8. Huntineron.
THE paper which I have had the honor
of preparing for this occasion consists of
three parts ; the first gives a critical review
of the present unsatisfactory methods of
teaching physiology in medical schools (in
which institutions most of the physiological
teaching is done); the second presents a
detailed proposal for instruction in accord-
ance with what are believed to be correct
pedagogical principles; and the third dis-
cusses ways and means, and demonstrates
that the proposed changes are within the
present means of any successful school.
The time allotted to each speaker requires
the omission of the critical account of
present methods and the discussion of ways
and means. Only the second part of the
paper can be given here.* |
The picture I have drawn of the instruc-
tion in physiology in medical schools will
not be challenged by teachers of that science.
The sense that our methods of instruction
neither develop nor much inform the mind
is general. It is time that discussion of the
difficulties and the way to remedy them
should also be general. Physiology is the
most highly developed rational discipline in
medicine—not a merely descriptive science
like anatomy and is well adapted to train
the mind in scientific procedure, in the
setting of problems for research, in the
*The full paper is printed in the Boston Medical
and Surgical Journal, December 29, 1898.
criticism of methods and results, and in the
tests which lay bare shallowness— matters
of great moment to men who shall practice
an applied experimental science in the
midst of quackery, illusion and pretence.
Careful inquiry should therefore be made
to determine how far defects of instruction
can be remedied with the means at our dis-
posal. The problem is: How far can the
correct theory be realized in practice? To
what extent can medical students of physi-
ology be taught in the manner in which men
are trained to be professional physiologists ?
Evidently physiologists are likely to study
their own subject in the most profitable and
labor-saving way.
Much can be done to reconcile theory to
practice, but not everything. The size of
physiology has broken it into specialties.
Even professional physiologists can no
longer have personal acquaintance with the
whole subject or even a relatively large part
of it. The truth of this will be obvious
when it is remembered that since January
1, 1894, more than three hundred researches
have been published on the physiology of
the heart alone. To a considerable degree
the physiologist himself must acquire his
information from reading the work of
others. It would therefore be idle to ex-
pect the student of medicine to get a per-
sonal experimental knowledge of the whole
subject. He has but a year for physiology
and must share that time with anatomy.
Grave economic laws demand this time
shall not be lengthened, and the day of
self-support postponed. The time which
he now has must be used chiefly for train-
ing and not chiefly for the acquisition of
facts, as at present, and this training must
follow the lines laid down by physiologists
for their own development.
The way of the physiologist is not pe-
culiar. The method of getting a real educa-
tion is the same from the kindergarten to
the specialist. The principle is to train ‘ for
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 212.
power,’ to use President Eliot’s phrase, and
not primarily for information. | Deal so far
as possible with the phenomena themselves
and not with descriptions of them. Use as
the basis of professional instruction the facts
and methods which shall be used by the
student in earning his living. Teach the
elements by practical work. Associate facts
which the student can observe for himself
with the facts which he cannot observe. Con-
trol the progress of the student, remove his
difficulties, and stimulate him to collateral
reading by personal intercourse in the labo-
ratory, by occasional glimpses of the re-
searches in progress in the laboratory, and
by daily conferences or seminaries. Give
the student careful descriptions of the
method of performing his experiments, but
require him to set down the results for him-
self in a laboratory notebook, which, to-
gether with the graphic records of his
experiment, is to form a requirement for
the Doctorate. Choose one sufliciently
limited field in which experimental work
shall be thorough and comprehensive, afford-
ing a strong grasp of that special subject.
Add to this the typical, fundamental ex-
periments in other fields.
When the student has come thus far, let
him choose one of several electives affording
advanced training in the physiology of the
medical specialities, such as opthalmology,
laryngology, the digestive tract, the nervous
system, ete. These courses should be thor-
ough, should contain the physiology re-
quired of the best specialists, and above all
should deal with nature directly. For ex-
ample, in studying the physiology of the
stomach, the gastric juice should be taken
with the stomach-tube directly from the
human object, and not obtained merely by
adding hydrochloric acid to scrapings of
the mucous membrane of swine. This spe-
cial instruction should be directed by dis-
tinguished specialists. Thus the student will
be brought into contact with that which will
JANUARY 20, 1899. ]
interest him most, the every-day methods
of the best physicians, and the specialist
will keep his own foundations in repair.
It is in connection with these courses that
didactic lectures should be given. Up to
this point in his work the student is not
ripe. Let there be one to four lectures of
not more than forty-five minutes, the sub-
ject very limited, so that each set shall
present all the existing knowledge on the
subject. The purpose of these lectures is
to show the student the historical develop-
ment of scientific problems, the nature of
scientific evidence, and the canons of criti-
cism that shall help him to sift the wheat
from the chaff of controversy. Lectures of
this kind cannot profitably be given by men
who have not made experimental investiga-
tions in the subject of the lecture; so far as
practicable they should be given by the
specialists who advise the physiological
staff concerning the special courses.
Each student should be required to pre-
sent one written discussion of some very
small and sufficiently isolated thesis, giving
the work of the original investigators, to-
gether with any observations the student
has made for himself. The way of dealing
with the sources at first hand will thus be
The student’s reading should be corre-
lated strictly with his practical work and
should be done in the laboratory in connec-
tion with that work. It should not be
memorizing, as at present, but the study
of graphic records, physiological-anatomical
preparations and other physiological mate-
rial, with the aid of the text-book. The cor-
rections necessary to bring the book up to
date and to correlate it with the practical
work can be furnished in printed or mimeo-
graphed notes.
Such are the lines along which sound
theory directs that the teaching of physi-
ology in medical schools should proceed.
With such a training the student can safely
find his way through the constantly aug-
menting horde of facts and draw vicarious
profit from those who are face to face with
the mysteries of nature. Such instruction
meets also the needs of men intending to
make a profession of biological .sciences
other than medicine. It will be observed
that the course offers: (1) thorough ex-
perimental acquaintance with one field, say
the physiology of nerve and muscle, giving
the point of view, the general physiological
method, training in technique, a basis of
analogy, adequate knowledge of one living
tissue and thus the elements of all; (2) the
fundamental elementary experiments in the
remaining fields; with the key which the
first course gives, these will unlock much ;
(8) thorough experimental acquaintance
with one special subject; (4) various com-
plementary gains, of which may be men-
tioned experience in reaching the original
sources and in marshalling facts, a certain
degree of skill in the methods used by
practitioners, direct correlation between
physiology and practical medicine. Much
might be said of the value of this group,
particularly of the correlation just men-
tioned, but we must hasten on to the
demonstration of how these ends are to be
attained practically.
The first problem to be solved in plan-
ning instruction is whether the student’s
time is to be given wholly or only in part
to the subject taught. Men in training for
professional physiology commonly concen-
trate their energies for a sufficient period
on this one subject, and this is regarded
as the most economical way of mastering
any science, for the ground gained by one
day’s work is still fresh in the mind when
the next day’s work begins, and continuity
of thought is not disturbed. The plea that
the instruction in one subject should be
broken by the injection of other subjects in
order that the instruction in each may have
‘time to sink in’ need not be entertained ;
experience shows that much of it sinks in
so far that it cannot be got up again with-
out the loss of valuable energy. A more
serious objection is that the method of con-
tinuous application is highly fruitful in the
case of men of exceptional powers, who are
keen in spite of protracted effort, but is
wasteful for the average brain, which is
fatigued and unreceptive after some hours
of unremitting labor. The truth of this
must be allowed, but the objection does not
apply to wide-ranging sciences, such as anat-
omy and physiology, which are not narrow,
hedged-in areas, but which consist rather
of broad and diversified domains composed
of many contiguous fields, the varied nature
of which is a perpetual refreshment. In
practice the student of anatomy may divide
his time between general anatomy, descrip-
tive human anatomy, histology and embry-
ology, all of which are now taught in the
medical curriculum, and the student of
physiology may pass from general and
special physiology to physiological chem-
istry, thus resting the mind without inter-
rupting the continuity of effort essential to
instruction that must be both rich and
I would propose, then, that the first year
in medical schools be divided equally be-
tween anatomy and physiology, the first
four months being given to general anat-
omy, descriptive human anatomy, histology
and embryology ; the second four to physi-
ology and physiological chemistry, studies
which cannot be pursued without a knowl-
edge of anatomy.
In accordance with the principles already
outlined, the instruction in physiology
should be divided into three parts. Part I,
of five weeks’ duration, should consist of a
thorough drill in the physiology of nerve
and muscle, the hours from 9 to 11 being
devoted to experiments, the hour from 11
to 12 to study of materia physiologica
(physiological preparations, graphic rec-
[N.S. Vout. IX. No. 212.
ords, etc.), and the time from 12 to 12:45 to
a conference or seminary, which should be
part lecture, part recitation. In the con-
ference the bearing of the experimental
work just done should be developed by
systematic progressive questioning accom-
panied by running comments, to clear up
any possible fog. A brief account of other
experiments which add to the truth estab-
lished by those which the student has done
for himself, but which are too complex or
too protracted to lie within the student’s
powers, should be brought in here.
Part II, of seven weeks’ duration, should
comprise carefully-arranged fundamental
experiments giving in turn the elements of
each field in physiology except that of nerve
and muscle, which has just been studied.
As before, the whole class works from 9 to
11 upon experiments, from 11 to 12 studies
all possible means of illustrating the subject
of the day, and from 12 to 12:45 attends the
conference or seminary. In the forty-two
days covering this part of the course in-
structors who find the mixture of lecture
and Socratic method unsympathetic may
abandon their questioning and fill the time
with their own remarks; even such instruc-
tion would be far more fruitful than the
present lectures, for the student would have
had experience in anatomy and would be
well grounded in experimental physiology,
through his work on nerve and muscle, be-
fore the talk began; but the seminary is
much more effective than the lecture.
In Part III, covering the remaining four
weeks of the term, the instruction is di-
vided into special’ courses on the physiology
of the eye, ear, larynx, digestion, the spinal
cord, the innervation of the heart, ete.
Each course should consist of experimental
work from 9 to 11, the study of prepara-
tions and other aids from 11 to 12, and a
conference from 12 to 12:45. Each course
should be long enough to include all the
practicable experiments that should find a
JANUARY 20, 1899. ]
place in a systematic, thorough study of the
subject. The number of such experiments,
and hence the length of the special courses,
will naturally be very different in the
various instances ; thus experimental physi-
ology of the eye will occupy more time than
the physiology of the larynx. As many
courses should be given at one time as there
are instructors in the department. The
student may elect the subjects that most
interest him, but must choose a suflicient
number to occupy him during the entire
four weeks of instruction.
The afternoons of the days on which
physiology is taught are devoted to physio-
logical chemistry.
Wu. T. Porter. *
THE invitation to talk about the methods
of teaching psychology was to me in one
way very welcome. All the year long I
have done nothing with fuller conviction
than to tell the psychologists that they
ought not to meddle with methods of teach-
ing, as they can hardly offer any aid. But
there is one exception, and here I have at
last a welcome chance to make the neces-
sary appendix to my year’s sermon; the
psychologists ought not to trouble them-
selves with the methods of teaching which
the other men apply, but they ought, in the
highest degree, look out for the methods
which they use themselves, as there is per-
haps no science in which bad methods are
so confusing and dangerous.
But the invitation came also as an em-
barrassment. The methods of psychology,
on account of the many changes in recent
years, have so far not had the time to erys-
tallize; they have not reached the stage of
an objective form about which the psychol-
ogists themselves agree, and it is a hopeless
task to seek there anything which is more
than a reflex of personal experiences. I
felt this difficulty strongly and cannot offer,
therefore, anything but an expression of
my subjective convictions, which can claim
in their favor nothing but the fact that they
are based on observations in a university
where the rather uncritical rush towards
psychology has reached unexpected propor-
The time is too short to demonstrate here,
what even every outsider ought to know,
that a scientific psychology is to-day in first
line experimental psychology and that col-
lections of instruments are thus the neces-
sary, full laboratories the desirable back-
ground of teaching psychology. The audi-
ence, on the other hand, is here too various
to allow a description of special important
pieces of apparatus. I want, therefore, to
emphasize merely questions of principle.
Such a question of principle it is to ask
which place this experimental psychology
ought to have in the lecture courses of the
university. To say the experimental work
ought to be the whole is absurd; that is
possible for physics or physiology, but it is
impossible for psychology. The physical
sciences start with fundamental conceptions
and presuppositions which are acknowl-
edged without difficulty, while in psychology
just the basal conceptions like conscious-
ness, psychical causality, psychical elements,
psychophysical parallelism are full of dif-
ficulties and certainly not open to experi-
mental treatment. The usual way now is
that the elementary treatment of mental
life deals with this general theoretical book-
psychology, while the more advanced lec-
ture courses go forward to an exact experi-
mental study of the special facts.
This seems to me a methodological blun-
der; the order ought to be just the op-
posite. I think, firstly, that the treatment
of the theoretical questions in psychology is
of no value whatever if it is given in an
elementary way; every problem leads here
to epistemological discussions which go far
beyond a sophomoric mind, and which are
not simplified by avoiding the difficulties,
but trivialized and falsified. Theoretical
psychology isan advanced course for seniors
and graduates. On the other hand, I think
that experimental psychology can never be
the object of a really advanced treatment
ina lecture course. In physies or physiology
the lecturer can reach the most advanced
points because he can follow up the most
difficult problems under scientific discussion
with his experiments ; notso in psychology.
We must not forget that a psychological ex-
periment is nothing but self-observation
under artificial conditions. The lecture
room cannot produce the conditions for any
careful self-observation of every student be-
yond the most elementary questions. We
can produce tone-sensations or color-sensa-
tions, or associations and space judgments,
in a rough way for the whole class. If we
try more we can do two things. Either we
make demonstrations on one subject—for
instance, reactions; then the whole class
may see the person on whom the experiment
is made, but the one person is really the
only one who goes through the experience
of the experiment ; it isan illusion to think
that the others get the advantage of the ex-
periment too because they are in the same
room. Or we choose experiments which every
one can make individually at the same time
—for instance, touch sensations ; but it is
clear that here only the most elementary
problems are in question. Thus, wherever
we come to a more complicated experimen-
tal question, the possibilities of the lecture
room are at an end,and we have either to
talk about experiments without making
them—certainly a very bad scheme—or we
have to shift them over to the laboratory
courses, the only correct way. No other
experimental science can come into this
troublesome situation, because no other
deals with self-observation, but we psychol-
ogists ought to confess that the experimental
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 212.
work of the lecture room cannot go beyond
the first elements of psychology, and is of a
simplicity that every high school boy can un-
derstand. We must give up the pose that our
psychological work becomes difficult on the
introduction of a chronoscope and a kymo-
graph and a color wheel. It is logically
endlessly simpler than even the ‘slightest
serious discussion of theoretical psychology.
Of course, I am speaking of experimental
psychology, which must not be confused
with physiological psychology. The latter,
in its narrower sense dealing with mind
and brain, is either a theoretical discussion
of the psycho physical parallelism, and as
such fully dependent upon philosophical
arguments and independent of empirical
observations, or it is a study of the special
localizations and functions of the brain
parts. The first belongs to advanced theo-
retical psychology ; the second does not be-
long to a student’s course on psychology at
all, but to physiology. It is mere coquetry
if we decorate our real psychological courses
with physiological bric-a-brac.
My method of teaching psychology in
Harvard is as follows: I give a large ele-
mentary course in psychology which hardly
mentions the brain, but which is from the
beginning to the end an experimental
course, and it is our special aim to con-
struct instruments on a large scale, allow-
ing every student in the audience to go
through the self-observational experience
of the simple experiments. Theoretical
problems are there not discussed, but only
touched. Those who have passed this ele-
mentary course have now no opportunity
to cover the same experimental ground
once more in advanced lecture courses,
hearing three decimals where at first only
one was given. No, they have two alterna-
tives before them. They either enter the
laboratory or they go on with lectures
called ‘advanced psychology,’ hearing there
hardly a single word about experiments,
JANUARY 20, 1899.]
and certainly never seeing an instrument
in the lecture room. The advanced course
is a theoretical discussion of the funda-
mental conceptions in psycholgy. The
course is very difficult, but the fact that
about one hundred advanced students take
the course this year shows sufficiently how
earnestly they feel the need, in our time—in
which a thoughtless playing with psy-
chology has become the fad of society—of
discussing the principles of that science
from a higher standpoint, and not only as
a superficial introduction into experimental
Those who are interested in the details
of the experimental work and want to fol-
low it beyond the first elements which the
lectures offered enter the training course in
the laboratory, performing a prescribed set
of individual experiments, working in
groups of two. The question how far this
training course ought to lead offers again
methodological difficulties. We tried dif-
ferent schemes. My assistants gave last
year two courses, the first training merely
in well-known experiments, the second
training in the scholarly attitude of the
psychological investigator by carrying out’
some small investigations from which no
gain for science was expected. This year
we have dropped the second course and
welcome every one, already after a-half
year’s elementary training course, to the
regular original research work of the lab-
oratory, in which, of course, everything is
adapted to the effort to work towards the
progress of science. We have come to this
shorter circuit because with regard to the
pedagogical value of original research work
psychology has again quite an exceptional
position ; the self-observation factor, which
stands in the way of the experimental work
in the lecture room, becomes the greatest
advantage for the psychological education
in the research work. In physics or
physiology you take the part of the in-
vestigator or you are outside ; in psychology
you can take a different part—you may be the
investigator or the self-observing subject.
And this subject part is, as every experi-
ment is self-observation, in no way a less
important and less scientific factor of the
research, and yet it is still free from the
administrative responsibilities of the in-
vestigator who carries on the experiment.
To work for a time as subject in different
investigations—every student of my labora-
tory takes part in at least three different
investigations of different fields—is thus
the very best bridge between the simple
training course and the work which points
towards publication and the Ph.D. My ad-
vice is thus to open the doors of the research
laboratory rather earlier than the other ex-
act sciences would wish to do; to work un-
der constant supervision some time as sub-
ject seems to me even a better preparation
than any special training course. The
psychological seminary finally has to ac-
company this highest stage by advanced
debates and papers ; this work, in Professor
James’ hand, alternates in Harvard be- |
tween more general questions and problems
of abnormal psychology. The only defect
which I must regret in this scheme is that
we have so far no specialists for animal,
child and social psychology. Child psy-
chology finds a refuge in the department of
pedagogy, social psychology in the depart-
ment of sociology. They find in many uni-
versities to-day a very large amount of
good will in both departments, but—and
that is the last methodological principle
which I wish to lay down—good will alone
is also for psychological studies not always
sufficient. 4
ANTHROPOLOGY is one of the subjects that
have been added to the university curricu-
lum quite recently. For this reason I will
devote my remarks to a consideration of the
field that anthropological instruction is in-
tended to cover and of its relations to al-
lied sciences rather than to a discussion of
methods of instruction.
According to purely theoretical defini-
tions, anthropology is the science of man
and might be understood to cover a vast
range of subjects. The physical as well as
the mental characters of man may be con-
sidered in a certain way as the proper field
of anthropology. But sciences do not grow
up according to definitions. They are the
result of historical development. The sub-
ject-matter of anthropology has been. ac-
cumulated principally by travellers who
have made us acquainted with the people
inhabiting distant countries. Another part
of the subject-matter of anthropology is
due to the investigation of prehistoric re-
mains found in civilized countries. Only
after certain methods had developed which
were based largely on the information thus
collected was the white race made the sub-
ject of investigation.
For this reason the aim of anthropology
has been largely to explain the phenomena °
observed among tribes of foreign culture.
These phenomena are naturally divided
into three groups: (1) the physical appear-
ance of man; (2) the language of man,
and (3) the customs and beliefs of man.
In this manner three branches of anthro-
pology have developed: (1) somatology, or
physical anthropology ; (2) linguistics, and
(3) ethnology. Up to this time anthropo-
logical investigation has dealt almost ex-
clusively with subjects that may be classed
under these three headings. These subjects
are not taken up by any other branch of
science, and in developing them anthro-
pology fills a vacant place in the system @
The treatment of these three subjects re-
quires close cooperation between anthro-
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 212.
pology and a number of sciences. The in-
vestigation of the physical characteristics
of man has also been taken up by anato-
mists, but the point of view of the an-
atomist and that of the anthropologist are
quite different. While the former is pri-
marily interested in the occurrence of cer-
tain modifications of the human form and
in their genetic interpretation, the anthro-
pologist is interested in the geographical
distribution of varieties of form, in the
variability of the human species in differ-
ent areas and in their interpretation. The
thorough study of physical anthropology,
or somatology, requires the combined train-
ing of the anatomist and of che anthropol-
In the study of linguistics the anthropol-
ogist deals with a subject that has been
partially taken up by the student of special
linguistic stocks. The study of the struc-
ture of the Aryan languages, of the Semitic
languages and of the Mongol languages has
been carried on with great success by phil-
ologists ; but the anthropological problem
is a wider one—it deals with the general
question of human language.
In the study of ethnology the field of
investigation of the anthropologist adjoins
that of the field of research of the psychol-
ogist and of the sociologist. The develop-
ment of a truly empirical psychology makes
it necessary to draw largely upon material
furnished by anthropological studies. On
the other hand, sociologists have found that
the analysis of the culture of civilized so-
ciety cannot be carried out successfully
without a comparative study of primitive
society, which is the subject-matter of an-
thropological research.
The method of anthropology is an in-
ductive method, and the science must be
placed side by side with the other inductive
sciences. Our conclusions are based on
comparisons between the forms of develop-
ment of the human body, of human lan-
JANUARY 20, 1899.]
guage, of human activities, and must be as
truly inductive as those of any other sci-
ence. By including psychology and an-
thropology in the present discussion on the
methods of teaching science, we have given
expression to the conviction that the method
of investigation of mental phenomena must
be no less an inductive method than that of
physical phenomena.
The teaching of anthropology may be
made to supplement in many ways the
teaching of allied subjects, and I will
briefly outline its functions in the uni-
versity curriculum.
Physical anthropology has come to be
primarily a study of the varieties of man.
The differences between different types of
man, defined either geographically or so-
cially, are slight—so slight, indeed, that the
biologist, until quite recent times, would
have disregarded them entirely. Slight
differences in type have been of importance
to the student of anthropology at an earlier
time than to the student of zoology, be-
cause we are more deeply interested in the
slight differences that occur in our own
species than among animals. This has led
to the result that in anthropology sooner
than in zoology the insufficiency of descrip-
tion was felt. Anthropology was the first
of the biological sciences to substitute meas-
urement for description and the exact num-
ber for the vague word. The method of
measuring variable phenomena—in the case
_ of anthropology, of the variations compos-
ing a type—had to be developed. It is
only natural that in the course of this de-
velopment mistakes were committed which
had to be rectified, and that the sound
method of metric description developed
slowly. It would seem that at present we
have reached the stage where the methods
of metric description may be clearly recog-
nized, and we may, therefore, expect confi-
dently a rapid and wholesome development
of physical anthropology. <A glance at
recent biological literature shows very
clearly that descriptive zoology and descrip-
tive botany are passing at present to the
substitution of metric description for ver-
bal description that took place in anthro-
pology some time ago. The study of
anthropological methods may prevent biol-
ogists from repeating the same errors that
were committed in the early days of an-
thropology. Anthropological subjects will,
for a long time to come, remain the most
available material for metrical studies of
variations in the higher forms of life, be-
cause the material can be obtained in
greater numbers and with greater ease than
in studies of most of the higher animal
forms. The metric method, which is at
present principally an anthropological
method, will, in a very short time, become
of great importance to the student of
biology, who ought, for this reason, to profit
by the experiences of the anthropologist.
The fuller development of physical an-
thropology will lead to a study of the
physiology and experimental psychology of
the races of man. But in these lines of
work we have hardly made a beginning.
The relation of these inquiries to physiology
and to psychology will be the same as that
of physical anthropology to anatomy.
I may be allowed to pass by briefly the
relations of the linguistic method of an-
thropology to other sciences. You will
recognize at once that this subject, as well
as its methods, must have a stimulating
effect upon the teaching of philology, be-
cause its conclusions are based upon the
broad grounds of human language; not on
the studies of a single family of languages.
The science of linguistics is growing slowly
on account of its intrinsic difficulties. These
difficulties are based as well on the lack of
satisfactory material as on the amount of
labor involved in the acquisition of knowl-
edge in its particular line of research.
Work in this field is most urgently needed,
because the languages of primitive man
are disappearing rapidly, thus depriving us
of valuable material for comparative study.
Ethnology, the last division of anthro-
pology, covers a vast field. Its main ob-
ject may be briefly described as the dis-
covery of the laws governing the activities
of the human mind, and also the recon-
struction of the history of human culture
and civilization. The methods applied by
ethnologists are twofold. The investiga-
tion of the history of the culture of definite
areas is carried on by means of geographical
and of archeological methods. The methods
are geographical in so far as the types
inhabiting a country, their languages and
their customs, are compared to those of
neighboring tribes. They are archeeological
in so far as they deal with the prehistoric
remains found in the country in question.
In this case we apply inductive methods for
the solution of historical questions. The
investigation of the laws governing the
growth of human culture is carried out by
means of comparative methods, and is
based on the results of the historical analy-
sis referred to before. These laws are
largely of a psychological nature. Their
great value for the study of the human mind
lies in the fact that the forms of thought
which are the subject of investigation have
grown up entirely outside of the conditions
whice govern our own thoughts. They
furnish, therefore, material for a truly com-
parative psychology. The results of the
study of comparative linguistics form an
important portion of this material, because
the forms of thought find their clearest ex-
pressions in the forms of language.
It appears, from these brief statements of
the scope and methods of anthropological
research, that an acquaintance with the
whole field is indispensable for the sociolo-
gist ; that a knowledge of results and meth-
ods will be of advantage to the psycholo-
gist, and that the statistical method de-
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 212.
veloped in physical anthropology will be
very helpful to the student of biology. In
a general way, a knowledge of the outlines
of anthropology seems to be of educational
value, particularly in so far as it broadens
the historical views of the student, because
it extends his view over cultures and civ-
ilizations that have grown up uninfluenced
by our own. The advances made by our
own race will appear to him in a truer light
when he is able to compare them with the
work done by other races, and if he under-
stands how much our own civilization owes
to the achievements of people whoappear to
be at present ona low level of culture. The
methodological value of the teaching of
anthropology lies in the fact that it shows
the possibility of applying inductive meth-
ods to the study of social phenomena.
Franz Boas.
THERE are some phases of botanical
teaching that do not belong in the present
discussion. University teaching, where se-
lected, well-trained, devoted students pur-
sue original investigation under the criti-
cism and advice of great specialists, is
excluded, for there is here no question of
methods, but only of men. It represents
the ideal relation of teacher to student, the
true ideal for all botanical teaching. We
have in this country some, but far too little
of it. Again, college work proper, consist-
ing in advanced thorough courses upon the
practicum plan and in the investigation
spirit, hardly belongs here. Such work has
been stimulated by university example to a
high degree of excellence, and in botany
much of it is being done to-day in our col-
leges, a fact with an important bearing upon
our present subject, for thus are being
trained the teachers of the near future who
are to elevate the teaching of the schools.
But in the teaching of systematic elemen-
tary courses in botany, where these are not
JANUARY 20, 1899.]
under the direct control of teachers educa-
ted thoroughly and in the modern spirit,
that is, in the elementary courses in many
of the smailer colleges and in most high
schools, there are questions and problems
enough. Just here lies the center of dis-
cussion, effort and advance in methods of
botanical teaching at the present time. Be-
low the high schools, in primary and gram-
mar grades, where systematic courses in the
sciences are wisely not attempted, but a
foundation is laid for them in continuous
and thorough courses of ‘ Nature Study,’
there are problems, too, but of a simpler
sort, whose solution will follow upon the
solution of those of the high school. Just
as university teaching has elevated col-
lege teaching, both through example and
through training teachers for it, just as in
the same manner it is college teaching to-
day that is elevating high-school teaching,
so in the future will good high-school teach-
ing improve that of the lower grades.
In describing the quality of most elemen-
tary botanical teaching I would not call it
bad, but simply insufficient. It is not true
that it commonly teaches error, or is useless
as training, but it is true that it is far be-
hind and unrepresentative of the present
state of the science. This backwardness is
illustrated in many ways, of which I shall
mention but two. First, it is, as a study,
low in public opinion, good public opinion,
which regards it as synonymous with the
study of the names of flowers, and hence as
a discipline peculiarly fitted to the minds of
school girls, or as an appropriate hobby for
elderly persons of leisure. Second, it has
stood iow in the estimation of many univer-
sity and college authorities, as shown by
their frequent neglect to provide for its
proper teaching, while amply providing for
the sister science zoology, and some of the
leading universities have not considered it
as of particular value as an element in
training in biology. It must be confessed
that these opinions are in the main just.
Botany, as taught, has been too much the
study of the names of flowers, and it has
had very little to contribute of value for
biological training. The reason for this
backwardness is plain enough and most in-
structive—it is the result of an almost ex-
clusive cultivation of a single phase of the
science, entailing an abortion of other phases
and an inability of the whole to respond
elastically to the science as it broadens.
This one phase has been classification of the
higher plants, a phase determined by the
overpowering influence of Dr. Gray, who for
two generations towered so far above all
other leaders of botany in America as to set
his work as the standard, both for investiga-
tors and teachers. Systematic work in-
volves an extreme attention to terminology
and a concentration upon the statical as-
pects of plant structure. In the hands of
poorly trained or overworked teachers it
has run much to the filling-out of blanks,
collection of herbaria and memorizing of
lists of terms, thus becoming educationally
little better than a system of mnemonics,
or the working-out of mechanical puzzles.
This sort of thing is not necessarily bad,
but it is woefully uneconomical, one-sided,
and neglectful of those other phases of the
science that are attractive, useful and illumi-
nating as knowledge, and rich in breadth
and sympathy as training.
But these conditions have recently begun
to change, and to-day are improving with
a rapidity not realized outside of a few
centers. The movement is with the ex-
panding science, especially towards the
study of the plant alive and in action. Its
best evidence is to be found in the most re-
cent elementary text-books, of which a
large number, of increasing excellence, have
appeared in the past two or three years. A
comparison of the works, but a few weeks
old, of Barnes or of Atkinson, with the best
works of five years ago will show how rapid,
how great and in what direction the change
is. Chief of the several causes of the ad-
vance is this: University and college teach-
ers, imbued with the newer and broader
spirit, are taking an interest in the ele-
mentary teaching of their subject not only
in their own colleges, but also in the schools.
If we consider the elementary text-books of
approved standing and widest use in this
country that have appeared within the past
three years, those by Spalding, Bergen,
Strasburger, Vines, Setchell, Curtis, L. H.
Bailey, Barnes and Atkinson, we find that
with but one exception, they are by uni-
versity or college teachers. It is, of course,
but presumption for any college teacher to
attempt to instruct a school teacher in
methods of imparting knowledge to school
children ; but the college teacher, with his
broader horizon, larger command of the
sources of knowledge, and better facilities
for experiment, can best set forth what the
science has to offer to education, and the
most useful proportioning and treatment of
topics. The new school teacher can be
trusted to take care of his own methods.
This is the spirit of the newer books; they
do not seek to impose any system upon
teacher or student, but are storehouses of
knowledge and advice to be drawn upon by
all according to their needs.
We turn next to a summary of advances
actually being made in elementary botan-
ical teaching, and of tendencies likely to be
of importance in the near future. I need
hardly speak of the continuous spread of
laboratory and decline of rote instruction ;
happily this is now a matter of course. Aside
from this, the first and greatest of current
advances is the shifting of the point of view
from the static to the dynamic side of the
plant, entailing a great increase of attention
to physiology and ecology. We are ceasing
to look upon the plant as, first of all, a strue-
ture to whose parts certain functions attach,
and are beginning to see it as a living thing
EN. S. Von. TEXu) No, 212:
whose functions determine its structure,
a working, struggling organism, plastic,
though with an hereditary stiffness, to out-
side influences, not striving to realize some
ideal plan, but simply to fit itself to the
conditions that exist. Thus the leaf, from
one point of view a structure of such a
shape, size, venation, cellular composition,
ete., carrying on the work of photosynthe-
sis, is from another a mechanism so built
as to expose a large amount of green tissue
to light and to protect, support, supply and
aerate it, and any given leaf is a resultant
of the working of all these factors upon it,
and as any one of them varies with the
external influences so does the leaf vary.
Now the clue to this view of the leaf lies in
the necessity for light in the formation of
starch, the food and sole source of energy
of the plant, and this can be appreciated by
a student only after experiment upon the
relation of light to starch formation, ex-
periment that happily is very easy and
everywhere practicable. Thus approached,
leaf-structure becomes luminous. In the
same way it is absorption of liquids by
osmosis that explains the root, and the re-
sultant between the physical requirements
of this osmosis and the varying external
conditions under which roots are forced to
grow, explains why a given root is the form,
size and texture it is. Again, it is observa-
tion of modes of locomotion of pollen in
effecting cross-fertilization, and secondary
conditions connected therewith that explain
the flower, and soon. Experience is show-
ing that the only road to an objective un-
derstanding of anatomy and morphology
lies through physiology and ecology. And
this conception of the plant, as a living,
working, struggling, plastic being is not
only the truest, the most objective concep-
tion of it, but is, as well, the one that ex-
cites the greatest human sympathy and in-
terest, and, therefore, is in itself the best
‘method’ the science has to offer.
JANUARY 20, 1899.]
It is sometimes objected that practical
difficulties in thus teaching the science are
too great to be overcome, for teachers are
untrained, experiment is difficult and appli-
ances are expensive. All this is in great
measure true, but rapidly coming to be less
so, and. no one expects, nor is it desirable,
that changes should come too rapidly. Many
colleges are now training teachers in this
knowledge and spirit, and simpler, less ex-
pensive and more logically conclusive ex-
periments for demonstrating the funda-
mental principles of physiology are being
invented. There is, however, one difficulty
which must be admitted to be very real,
namely, the present unorganized state of
ecology. At present this division of the
science is little better than a series of huge
guesses ; very little really conclusive work
has been done in it, and no distinct methods
of ecological experiment nor principles of
ecological evidence have been formulated.
Just here lies one of the most attractive
fields open to botanists to-day, one whose
returns will be of priceless value to botan-
ical teaching.
A second advance is towards a more nat-
ural morphology. Next after classification
the phase of botany most taught in elemen-
tary courses is morphology. But morphol-
ogy as taught in our schools is dominated
by a rigid formalism based on the idealistic
system introduced into botany by Goethe, a
system easy to teach and one that appeals
to a certain stage of culture in both race
and individual, but one objectively un-
true, and one that, if allowed to dominate
and direct morphological conceptions, is
actually pernicious and sterilizing. It is
only through an approach to structure
from its statical or systematic side that
one can be satisfied with the conception of
plant morphology which views the higher
plant as a combination of elements so im-
mutable as to retain their nature through
the most extreme changes and combinations,
even to the point of being present when in-
visible, that can find carpel and calyx in
all inferior ovaries, can homologize the
parts of a stamen with the parts of a green
leaf, or ovules with something on the leafy
shoot. From this formalism the newer
books have broken away ; their morphology
conforms to the observed facts of plant de-
velopment, which show adaptation not to a
plan, but to conditions as they have existed.
Among minor advances may be men-
tioned a wider use of the inductive inves-
tigating spirit showing itself in the growing
custom of placing new matter before the
student in the form of problems so arranged
that their solution comes just within the
scope of his own powers. Another is a
greater flexibility in laboratory methods.
The day of published laboratory guides to
be put into the hands of students is, I be-
lieve, passing; they will be replaced by out-
lines made by the teacher for each exercise
to fit his particular mode of instruction and
the material in hand. There is greater
nicety and exactness, too, in the laboratory
work; the ‘rough sketch’ is less heard of,
and drawings whatever else they may be,
must be diagrammatically accurate. An-
other is a better proportioning of laboratory
and text-book work. There is a reaction
from the tendency to make laboratory work
everything and to scorn the text-book, and
the latter, for supplementary reading after
the laboratory work, is again in favor, and
it is for this purpose the newer and better
books are written. All of these advances
and tendencies are most healthful and in
the line of real advance.
I shall close this subject by pointing out
three marked tendencies, not of botany
alone, but of education in general, which,
in my opinion, are most rich in promise for
the advancement of botanical teaching, and
which, therefore, all botanists should unite
to promote. The first is the tendency to
pay less attention to methods and more to
men; to obtain better material for the mak-
ing of teachers; to educate them thoroughly
in the spirit and matter of some one
subject or limited group of subjects, and to
leave them free to develop their own meth-
ods, judging them only by their results.
This is what the universities have done with
such signal success, what the colleges are
now doing and what the schools must do if
they are to advance. It is not methods
that teach, but men and women. The second
is toward the establishment of thorough and
continuous courses in Nature Study through
all grades from the kindergarten to the
high school. There are two reasons for
this from our present point of view. Thus
only can students acquire a knowledge of
the more obvious facts and phenomena of
Animal and Plant life, Physical Geography,
Physics and Chemistry so valuable as a
basis for the systematic study of some one
of the sciences in the high school. But,
far more important than this is the use of
Nature Study to preserve the natural in-
ductive facilities of children unimpaired
through school life, not to speak of improv-
ing these facuties through training. No
fact about our later and better courses of
elementary botanical study is more striking
than the unanimity with which they begin
with exercises adapted to train observation,
comparison, ete.—in a word, induction.
Now, these are powers that children possess
naturally, the most universal of human
faculties, those by which new knowledge is
won; those by which self-made men succeed;
those which surely above everything educa-
tion ought to cherish and develop. But, as
a matter of fact, these faculties somewhere
between the primary and high school are
so effectually throttled out of nine-tenths of
our students that the first need of the high-
school or college teacher is to redevelop
them. This suppression is, of course, the
result of excessive text-book and deductive
work, which always tends to make students
[N. 8S. Von. 1X. No, 212..
distrustful of their own powers and leads
them to regard as the only real sources of
knowledge the thoughts of others properly
recorded in printed books. Thorough and
properly taught Nature Study is, in my opin-
ion, the first need in all education to-day.
Third of the tendencies I have mentioned
is this: The movement among the colleges
to require, or at least accept, some one thor-
oughly-taught science for entrance, amongst
which botany is always included. This will
compel preparatory schools to improve their
teaching, for the science offered must be
“enough in quantity and quality to allow stu-
dents to omit the elementary course in the
college and enter upon second courses. More-
over, this movement will allow college teach-
ers to exert more influence than ever upon
school teaching, for, controlling admission,
they can state which topics are to be stud-
ied and what general methods are to be
followed. <A great part of the value to
botanical teaching of this movement will,
however, be lost, unless, in the very near
future, the colleges, through their proper
representatives, agree upon approximately-
equivalent requirements, so that the pre-
paratory schools may not be distracted and
weakened by widely-differing demands.
Though botanists are thus eagerly striv-
ing to promote the interests of their science,
it is not their desire unduly to magnify its
importance, but only to give it its proper
place in education and among the sciences.
Their aim, I believe, may be thus expressed:
Let education advance; let science ad-
vance; let botany advance.
W. F. Ganone.
Tuer Geological Society of America com-
pleted the first year of its second decade with
JANUARY 20, 1899. ]
the eleventh annual meeting at Columbia
University, December 28th. Just nine years
had elapsed since its last session in New
York, which was held at the American
Museum of Natural History. The Society
assembled this year at 10 a. m., on Wed-
nesday, the 28th, in the large lecture room
of Schermerhorn Hall ; Professor J. J. Ste-
venson, the retiring President, in the chair.
President Low was introduced and in a few
happily chosen remarks welcomed the So-
ciety to Columbia. After the usual routine
business, President Stevenson read a me-
morial of the late Professor James Hall, so
long State Geologist of New York and the
first President of the Society. At the con-
clusion of the memorial Professor Steven-
son delivered his presidential address upon
the subject ‘ Our Society.’ He sketched the
rise and development of geological organiza-
tions in North America and discussed the
important influence that they have exercised
in the material progress of the country.
The address appeared in full in the last
number of Scrmnce.
The reading of papers was at once begun,
as a list of fifty titles had accumulated.
The Archean-Potsdam Contact in the Vicinity
of Manitou, Colorado. W.O. Crospy, Bos-
ton, Mass.
THE speaker described the remarkably
plane character of the contact of the Ar-
chean granite and Potsdam _ sandstone,
which is in striking contrast with the exist-
ing topography of the granite even in
coastal regions. He distinguished and de-
scribed in detail, with numerous illustra-
tions, the original and secondary irregular-
ities, the latter including a few flexures
and numerous small faults which throw
important light upon the origin of the sand-
stone dikes of the Manitou district. The
original irregularities of the contact are all
small, and, as a rule, are evidently related
to the existence in the Archzean granite of
a coarse concentric or spheroidal structure-
The plane type of erosion-unconformity,
although probably of rather widespread and
common occurrence, appears to have at-
tracted less attention than it merits. It
suggests interesting possibilities as regards
the development of peneplain surfaces in
early times and invites a renewed com-
parison of the relative efficiency in base-
leveling of subaerial and marine agencies.
These more theoretical aspects of the sub-
ject were embraced within the scope of the
paper, and the general conclusion was that
the Archzean land surface must have passed
with extreme slowness beneath the waves
of the Potsdam sea.
The paper was illustrated with maps and
lantern slides and excited great interest, but
did not arouse discussion.
Outline of the Geology of Hudson’s Bay and
Strait. Rosperr Beii, Ottawa, Canada.
Tue author described the general nature
of the depression of Hudson’s Bay; the
contrasted characters of the opposite shores;
the Huronian areas on both sides; the In-
termediate Formation; the Animikie and
Nipigon series; the Trenton group in Hud-
son’s Bay and Strait; the middle Silurian
rocks on the east, west and north sides
of the Bay and in Baffinland; the large
Devonian area southwest of James Bay;
the Devonian rocks on Southampton Is-
land; and the geology of the islands in the
Bay. He gavea general geological descrip-
tion of Hudson’s Strait and of the rocks of
its north shore, or southern Baffinland. He
also took up the Laurentian and older
Cambrian strata of the Ungava district.
Under the head of the economic minerals
of the regions described, some details of the
rich iron-ore deposits, involving carbonates,
hematites and magnetites, were presented.
In connection with the glacial geology of
Hudson’s Bay and Strait he sought to show
the source of the ice that had yielded the
scratches and its direction of movement.
The Quaternary deposits and the question
as to the rate of elevation of the land re-
ceived somewhat extended discussion. The
author believes in the recognizable elevation
within the historic period and briefly ad-
duced the phenomena on which he based
his conclusion.
In discussion B. K. Emerson stated that
he was somewhat familiar with the rocks
of the region from the collections of the
Hall and Kane expeditions which are de-
posited at Amherst, and from others gath-
ered years ago by English officers. In the
latter were fossils of the Utica epoch. J.
B. Tyrrell opposed the idea of the recent rise
in the west shore of Hudson’s Bay, basing
his argument uponan old map of the region
about Fort Churchill which showed rela-
tions like the present ones. David White
inquired about the presence of lower Silurian
rocks about Frobisher’s Bay, and mentioned
fossils of the Trenton period which had been
identified by Schuchert. H. S. Williams
asked if no strata above the Devonian were
known. In reply, Dr. Bell again upheld
the view that the land was rising and men-
tioned many arguments in support of it.
The Trenton fossils, he said, had come from
the northwest in the drift, and that no
Carboniferous or later rocks, except Pleisto-
ecene, were known.
The Society then adjourned for lunch,
and at the afternoon session begun at once
the reading and discussion of papers.
The Faunas of the Upper Ordovician in the
Lake Champlain Valley. THropore G.
Wuire, New York City.
Tue results of a detailed study of the con-
secutive faunas contained in each stratum
at numerous localities throughout the length
of the valley were presented after a prelim-
inary description of the general geology.
A complete section is afforded from the
base of the Black River formation through
[N.S. Vou. EX. No. 212.
the Trenton and terminating in the Utica.
Species hitherto reported only from Cana-
dian localities are found associated with
those characteristic of the Trenton Falls
type-province, showing the Champlain con-
nection with Ordovician seas. Several zones
characterized by restricted species are lo-
cated, and also ‘ Conglomeratic zones.’ The
fauna is very abundant and supplies a basis
of comparison for similar detailed study
from other provinces. The occurrence of
the Hudson River and Oneida groups in
the region is questioned.
In discussion H. M. Seely spoke of the
attractiveness of the region and of its in-
teresting problems and of the need of close
paleontological study of the faunas. H.
P. Cushing spoke in the same strain, and
H. M. Ami remarked the close relationships
of the faunas with those of Canada. C.S.
Prosser remarked the resemblances and the
contrasts with those of the Mohawk Valley.
The Newark System in New York and New
Jersey. Henry B. Kummet, Chicago, Ill.
Tue paper presented a general summary
of the petrology, stratigraphy and condi-
tions of origin of the Newark rocks in New
York and New Jersey. The rocks form a
northwestward dipping monocline, inter-
rupted by gentle folds and many faults, two
of which have a throw of several thousand
feet. The lithological character varies
greatly, so that sub-divisions established in
one area do not hold for the entire field, and
yet sub-divisions based on lithological char-
acteristics are the only ones possible. The
author classified them into the Stockton, the
Lockatong and the Brunswick formations,
together with the traps. Both extrusive
and intrusive trap sheets occur and their
relations to the sedimentary beds are in-
structive. The question of thickness is com-
plicated by the faulting. Estimates vary
from 12,000 to 15,000 feet. Thestrata were
probably accumulated under estuarine con-
JANUARY 20, 1899.]
ditions in shallow water. The surround-
ing land areas seem to have been reduced
nearly to base-level and deeply covered with
residuary materials immediately preceding
the deposition of these beds, but during
their deposition subsidence of the estuary
and elevation of the surrounding areas was
in progress. The paper was illustrated by
lantern slides.
In discussion B. Kk. Emerson brought out
many points of resemblance with the Jura-
trias strata of the Connecticut Valley and
N.S. Shaler compared them with those of
the Richmond, Va., basin. He argued
against their marine origin and in favor
of lakes either salt or fresh. A. Heilprin
spoke of the fishes which were considered
as probably marine by Cope, but N. 38.
Shaler stated in reply that near Richmond
the fish were found in association with vege-
table remains. No definite view was reached
on this point, although B. K. Emerson re-
marked that the casts of salt crystals were
often seen in the shales in New England.
I. C. Russell raised the point of the former
extension of the Newark strata of New
Jersey to the eastward, but the author had
no light to throw on the question. J. E.
Wolff and J. F. Kemp discussed the distri-
bution of the boulders from the trap and its
contacts over New York City and Long Is-
Discovery of Fossiti Fish in the Jurassic of the
Black Hills. N. H. Darron, Washing-
ton, D.C.
Tue speaker exhibited several specimens
of the recently discovered fossil fish and
described their occurrence in the Jurassic
beds on the confines of the Black Hills.
The fish are now being investigated by
specialists. The paper was immediately
followed by the next one.
Mesozoic Stratigraphy in the Southeastern Black
Hills. N. H. Darton, Washington, D.C.
Tue author exhibited a diagram of details
of stratigraphy determined in 1898. The
investigation resulted in the discovery of
marine Jurassic in the southern Black Hills,
and of an horizon of large vertebrates in
the lower Cretaceous. The paper was beau-
tifully illustrated by lantern slides, and on
its conclusion the Society adjourned un-
tii the following day.
In the evening the Fellows attended the
reception, which was most hospitably ex-
tended to the visiting scientific societies by
the authorities of the American Museum,
and listened with great interest to the ad-
dresses of Mr. Morris K. Jesup and Pro-
fessor Henry F. Osborn. They also at-
tended the reception given by Professor
Osborn, at his residence, at the close of the
On reassembling Thursday morning the
reading of papers was at once resumed,
the following two contributions being pre-
sented together :
Relations of Tertiary Formations in the Western
Nebraska Regions. N.H. Darron, Wash-
ington, D.C.
Tuis paper presented the results of sev-
eral seasons’ investigations of the White
River and the Loup Fork formations, ex-
tending from the South Platte River into
the Bad Lands of South Dakota.
Shorelines of Tertiary Lakes on the Slopes of the
Black Hills. N. H. Darton, Washington,
Dourine the season of 1898 the author dis-
covered extensive and beautiful shorelines
and deposits of the Tertiary lakes far up
the slopes of the Black Hills. They throw
interesting light on certain stages of physio-
graphic development of the Black Hills and
the origin and condition of deposttion of
some of the White River sediments.
No discussion resulted.
General Geology of the Cascade Mowntains in
Northern Washington. Isrann C. RussELL,
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Tue region under discussion covers an
area from the Northern Pacifie Railroad to
the Canadian boundary, sixty miles. east
and west by one hundred and twenty north
andsouth. The following topics were taken
up: TerrRaANes—A. Eruptive, general ab-
sence of basalt, the schists, granites and
gneisses, greenstones, andesite of Glacier
Peak, volcanic tuff and dust, acid and basic
dikes, the source of the Columbia lava. B.
Sedimentary, Pretertiary, i. e., Carboniferous
and Triassic strata, including the Similka-
meen system and the Ventura system. C.
Tertiary strata, including Snoqualame slate,
Winthrop sandstone, Camus sandstone,
Swank sandstone, Roslyn sandstone, Ellens-
burg sandstone. Abundance of fossil leaves.
D. Pleistocene strata, moraines and valley
SrructuRAL GroLogy.—Domes, includ-
ing the Cascade dome, the Wenatchee
dome. Folds and faults. Physiography: The
Cascade peneplain, the Cascade plateau,
dissection of the Cascade plateau. Mature
topography. Low-grade valleys.
Ancient GLActeRS.—On the east side of
the Cascades: Yakima glacier, Wenatchee
mountain glacier, Icicle glacier, Wenatchee,
Chelan, Methow, Okanogan glaciers. On the
west side of the Cascades: Sauk glacier,
Skagit glacier, confluent ice sheet. Absence
of northern drift. Gravel deposits.
Trrraces.—Great terraces of the Colum-
bia, the Snake and Spokane, due to climatic
changes. No evidence of recent submerg-
ence; absence of white silt.
Existine Guacrers of the Wenatchee
mountains and the Cascades.
CrimatE.—The rainy western slope with
dense forests and the dryer eastern slope
with open forests and grass.
Economic GroLogy.—Coal, gold, copper,
iron, building stone, clays, ete.
In discussion Bailey Willis expressed
doubts as to the divisibility of the Tertiary
sandstones into so many distinct members,
[N.&8. Von. TX. No. 212.
believing that combination would be neces-
sary. He also argued that the domes were
due to cross-folding rather than to lacco-
lithic uplift, as urged by Russell. S&S. F.
Emmons suggested lava dams as the cause
of the terraces rather than submergence or
change of climate. G. M. Dawson said
that the white silt was not to be expected
in the region under discussion and favored
submergence and glacial ice as the causes
of the terraces. In reply I. C. Russell
stated that the lava flows were older than
the terraces, as the terrace gravels were
present in cafions cut in the lava. He ad-
mitted that Willis’s views regarding the
sandstones and the uplifts might prove cor-
rect and that the causes of the terraces was
obscure. ;
The Society then adjourned for lunch. On
reassembling the subject-matter of W J
McGee’s paper was introduced by W. H.
Holmes. Holmes described the discovery
of bones and artefacts on the surface in the
vicinity of the California gravels that had
yielded buried skulls and implements, and
detailed the stories of old residents regard-
ing the large part that practical jokes
played in the discovery of the remains. He
illustrated the geology of the Table Moun-
tain region by sections, and developed the
general argument that the relics were those
of Digger Indians, who are still in resi-
dence,or were within the period of the gold
miners. He was followed by W J McGee
before discussion opened.
Geology and Archeology of the California Gold
Belt. W J McGer, Washington, D. C.
In continuing the paper of Holmes the
speaker sketched the geological history of
the Western Sierras, emphasizing the Ter-
tiary age of the gravels, the ancient drain-
age; the inflow of tuffs and lavas ; the sub-
sequent erosion of the present steep river
cafions to a depth of 2,000 feet. He stated
that in this time the fauna and flora had
JANUARY 20, 1899.]
entirely changed, no species, and, so far as
he knew, no genus lasting through to the
present except that most variable of all
genera, Homo, and the species most sensi-
tive of all, to physical changes, sapiens. Not
only this, but the relics were those of the
men, the Digger Indians, living there to-
day, and when not bones the objects were
those connected with the acorn industry of
the present tribes. From all these consid-
erations a sweeping argument supporting
the general improbability of the geological
antiquity of the remains was adduced.
In discussion W. H. Brewer spoke of the
circumstances under which the discovery of
the Calaveras skull was made, he hav-
ing been at the time on the California Geo-
logical Survey. He described its fossilized
condition and its contained cemented grav-
els and stated his belief in its very consid-
erable age even if not Tertiary. He also
gave an interesting account of the great
theological and ecclesiastical opposition to
Professor Whitney that the announcement
of the geological age of the skull aroused,
amounting almost to persecution. The dis-
covery came shortly after the publication of
Darwin’s views on the descent of man and
in the midst of the excitement that these
views aroused.
Major Powell recounted a number of his
experiences with discovered relics and the
tendency of collectors to palm off modern
things as antiquities either in joke or as a
fraud. He emphasized the need of depend-
ing absolutely on geologists for all reliable
testimony as to authentic occurrences in
sedimentary deposits. J. A. Holmes spoke
in support of the Major’s view and related
the recently recorded discovery of imple-
ments in marl pits and Eocene limestone in
North Carolina, the same being attested by
affidavits of reputable citizens.
Geology of the Lake Region of Central America.
C. WiLtarp Hayes, Washington, D. C.
Tue speaker discussed the following topics,
illustrating his remarks by a fine map. His
data had been accumulated while in the
service of the Nicaragua Canal Commission
and especially from test borings: Introduc-
tion: general relations of the country under
discussion. Topography: the coastal plain ;
the Chontales hills; the Tola hills; the
Costa Rican volcanic range; the Nicaraguan
voleanie range; the Jinotepe plateau; the
lake basin; the Rivas plain. ~Climate: the
eastern section of heavy rainfall and dense
forests; the western of lighter rainfall and
savannahs. Lock formations: Tertiary sedi-
ments including the older Brito formation
and the later Machuca formation; Tertiary
igneous rocks, dacites, andesites, basalts,
voleanic breccias and conglomerates; recent
sediments, alluvium; recent igneous rocks,
trachytes, basalts, tuffs and pumice. The
Regolith: the conditions favor rock decay;
the great depth of weathering; red and blue
residual clays ; concerning weathering in ig-
neous and sedimentary rocks. Recent geologic
history of the region: early Tertiary deposition;
Tertiary erosion; late Tertiary and post-Ter-
tiary uplift and dissection of uplands; recent
submergence and alluviation; recent vol-
canic activity; formation of lakes and shift
of divide to westward. Characteristics of San
Juan Valley: the upperflood-plain; the Cas-
tillo-Ochoa gorge; the lower flood-plain.
The paper aroused the liveliest interest
from the great importance of the project of
the international canal. J. E. Wolff asked
about the nature of the rock decay and
whether silica, the alkaline bases and iron
were removed, leaving beauxite, or whether
hydrated silicates resulted. Mr. Hayes re-
plied that he thought the latter, but that
no analyses had yet been made of his many
samples. Inquiries were raised about the
recency of the volcanic outbreaks and the
nature of the lava. The reply was that
the lava was basalt and the last outbreak
about fifteen years ago.
An Unrecognized Process in Glacial Erosion.
Witiarp D. Jounson, Washington, D.
Tue glacial topography of mountains was
analyzed, and the more distinctive forms
discriminated from those of aqueous erosion.
The recognized process, that of scour, its
action downward and forward with the
glacial advance, was described. Glacial
scour and aqueous erosion were regarded
as alike incompetent to bring about the re-
sults and as a rule inimical to the produc-
tion of known forms. An unrecognized
process was set forth, that of sapping, whose
action is horizontal and backward. The
tendency of glacial scour is to produce
sweeping curves and eventually a graded
slope. The tendency of the sapping process
is to produce benches and cliffs. Sapping
is altogether dominant over scour. Under
varying conditions, however, its developing
forms become obsolescent ; their modifica-
tion, then, by rounding off of angles, puts
them seemingly into the category of scour
forms. An hypothesis was advanced as to
the cause of glacial sapping. The ultimate
effect is truncation at the lower level of
glacial generation. A second analysis and
a more appreciative classification of transi-
tion types terminated the paper.
Before discussion the next paper was read
because it dealt with allied phenomena.
The hour, however, being late, the discus-
sion went over till the next day.
Geology of the Yosemite National Park. H.
W. Turner, Washington, D.C.
By means of lantern slides the author
illustrated the topography of the granite
areas in the high Sierras and the Yosemite
and other allied gorges. He developed the
view that joints had chiefly caused the
precipitous cliffs, and concentric shelling
off, the domes. Minor forms were also ex-
plained. He opposed the view that fault-
ing had caused the gorges.
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 212.
Gold Mining in the Klondike District. J. B.
TYRRELL, Ottawa, Ont.
By means of a fine series of lantern
slides the author illustrated the geograph-
ical situation and the geology of the Klon-
dike gold-bearing gravels. The stream
gravels are the usual type of placers, but
the bench gravels are small lateral. mo-
raines left by glaciers. The gold has not
been derived from any distance.
The Nashua Valley Glacial Lake.
CrosBy, Boston, Mass.
By means of lantern slides from photo-
graphs and from maps and profiles based
on bore-holes made by the officials of
the Boston department of municipal water
supply, the speaker described the bed-rock
surface, the overlying gravels on the
Nashua River, and the characters of the old
glacial lake of whose former existence they
gave evidence. ;
On the conclusion of the paper, at 5:45
p. m., the Society adjourned until the fol-
lowing day. In the evening about one
hundred Fellows, many with their wives,
gathered at the Hotel Logerot for the an-
nual dinner. Under the presiding oversight
of Professor B. K. Emerson, the past grand
master of all the toastmasters, another en-
joyable gathering was added to the list of
those previously held.
WwW. O,
J. F. Kemp.
(To be Concluded. )
Theory of Groups of Finite Order. By W. BURN-
SIDE, M.A., F.R.S., Professor of Mathematics
at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich.
Cambridge, The University Press. 1897. 8Vvo.
Pp. xvi+888. Price, $3.75.
If, assuming a single but elevated point of
view, we describe mathematics as the science of
formal law, then the theory of operations easily
commands the field, for it is the quintessence
of mathematical form, the comparative anatomy,
JANUARY 20, 1899. ]
so tospeak, of the mathematical sciences. Orig-
inally appearing under the special guise of the
theory of substitutions and developed in this
form by the labors of Galois, Cauchy, Serret
and Jordan with reference chiefly to its applica-
tion to the theory of equations, it has of more
recent years overleaped at once its scientific
and its national limitations and, receiving new
impulse at the hands of Kronecker and Cayley,
has been developed largely by Klein and Lie
into one of the chief general instruments of
mathematical research. In every branch of
mathematics the point of view of the theory of
operations is now predominant; it is employed
in almost every form of mathematical investiga-
tion, and by the reaction the science is in turn
constantly enriched. Conspicuous instances are
Kléin’s theory of the modular equations and
Lie’s theory of differential equations.
The number of separate works devoted wholly
or in part to the theory of operations is com-
paratively very small. Serret’s Algebra held
the field alone down to the appearance in 1870
of Jordan’s classical Traité. Netto’s Theory of
Substitutions, published in 1882, was the first
German book on the subject and represents, as
regards its special subject, the German (Kro-
necker) standpoint down to that date. The
American translation (1892) of Netto’s book
was the first separate work in English to touch
the field ; in fact, it was almost the first presenta-
tion of the subject in any form in English. In
1895-96 appeared the two volumes of Weber’s
Algebra, a work the value of which as a sys-
tematic and modern treatment of the various
branches of algebraic science cannot be over-
stated. To this work, rich in other treasures,
belongs the distinction of being the first treatise
to present the theory of operations in general
form independent of the particular content to
which the operation might be applied. Closely
following the work of Weber, comes now the
second English book on the algebra of opera-
tions, Burnside’s Theory of Groups of Finite
Order. Professor Burnside’s work is a doubly
welcome contribution to the literature of the
subject. It not only opens up to the English
reader a great and hitherto almost foreign
field, but it presents in a form often original
and always valuable the most recent develop-
ments in that field, to which the author him-
self has, in fact, made no insignificant additions.
Many portions of the subject, otherwise only to
be gathered piecemeal from the journals, are
here brought together for the first time in
orderly sequence. Proofs have been recast and
simplified or extended, and. the book contains
an abundance of those special*details and ex-
amples, perhaps too familiar in English mathe-
matical works, but very acceptable here in the
midst of a highly abstract theory.
To the reader whose vocation or avocations
have not lead him into this remote region of
serene thought a short excursion among the
groups may be instructive and more or less
agreeable. Let him, then, first become familiar
with the idea of the ‘product’ of two opera-
tions. This is simply the single operation which
alone produces the same effect as the successive
performance of the two given operations. If it
be asked: ‘‘ What sort of operations do you
mean?’’? JI reply with unction: ‘‘Any kind
you please, and the more general the concep-
tion the better.’’ Algebraic, geometric, phys-
ical, chemical, even metaphysical or ‘socio-
logical’ operations, if nothing better offers, all
are taken in one net. But to condescend from
this lofty altitude, let us take for an example
the rotations of a sphere about its diameters.
Choosing any two of them, and applying them
successively to the sphere, regarded as a rigid
body, the resulting, or resultant, displacement
of the sphere is equivalent to a third rotation
about a proper diameter. This third rotation
is, then, the product of the two given ones.
The rotations of the sphere, taken all together
as a system, serve also to exemplify the next
important notion, that of a ‘group.’ When a
system of operations is so constituted that the
product of any two of them is itself an opera-
tion of the system, so that the system is a closed
one with respect to the process of forming prod-
ucts, then if a couple of minor conditions are
also satisfied, the system forms a group. And
now the theory of operations in its present
form concerns itself not with all kinds of opera-
tions, but with these groups. Examples of groups
are not far to seek, after the idea is grasped.
Noscienceis exempt from them; in mathematics
they simply tumble over each other. Transfor-
mations of coordinates in geometry form a group;
so do the projections of a plane or of space; the
motions of space as a rigid body form the Eu-
clidean group of motions; the n! permutations
of n letters form a group; the eight permuta-
tions of 2, 2, %,, %, which leave the function
% v, + a, x, unchanged in form, form a group;
the multiplication table, the operations of the
post office, the theory of the tides, psychological
phenomena, all embody characteristic groups.
A specially important class of groups, which
may serve to close the list, is that of the linear
transformations (which are formally identical
with geometric projections and with various
other operations). Thus the equation
aE B
yy az
yz +o
may be looked upon as defining an operation by
which any number z is connected into a corre-
sponding number z’. If we have two of these
operations, and if, having applied the one to z,
getting 2’ as a result, we apply the other to 2’,
getting 2’’ as a result, then an examination will
show that 2’ is itself a linear function of z, 7. e.,
the product of two linear transformations is a
linear transformation.
Prepare now for a step into the abstract. In
expressing ourselves in terms of ‘operations’
we have been walking on the crutches of the
concrete. But if we designate the operations
of a group by 4, B, C,. . . , their products A B,
BC,.. . have a definite mode of formation,
constituting an algebra, and we will now throw
away the ‘operations’ and keep the symbols
and their algebra. The symbols are now ‘ele-
ments,’ and if these elements form a group
the product AB is identified by the algebra with
some element C of the same group. Two other
properties have to be added to make the defini-
tion of a group precise: (1) the algebra must be
associative, 7. e., (AB).C= A.(BC), and (2) if
AB = AC then B= Cand if AB=CB then A
=C. Algebras can, of course, be constructed
which omit these conditions, but they are not
algebras of groups.
The order of a group is the number of its ele-
ments. A group may be of finite or infinite
order, e. g., all the rotations of a sphere about
its diameter form an infinite group; those of
[N.S. Von. 1X. No. 212.
them which turn into itself a regular polyhedron
inscribed in the sphere form a finite group. In-
finite groups are only touched on in Burnside’s
book. Access to their theory is most readily
had through Lie’s works. Burnside’s opening
chapter on abstract groups (Chapter 2) is not so
happily executed as Weber’s treatment (Vol. II.,
Chapter 1), which is a masterpiece (Cf. also
Frobenius’s ‘Ueber endliche Gruppen,’ Berliner
Sitzungsberichte, 1895, p. 163). Burnside re-
tains the operations and makes use of their con-
crete qualities in discussing properties which
are better treated in the pure abstract.
From the mere definition of a group itis pos-
sible to raise a considerable crop of properties
without any artificial fertilizer. Add the ideas
of isomorphism and transformation, and con-
sider the groups whose elements are commuta-
tive (Chapter 3), and those whose orders are
powers of single prime numbers (Chapter 4),
and the wilderness fairly blooms. Even the
non-specialist may rapidly make his way
through the easy roads and add valuable ideas
to his stock as he goes. He can hardly do bet-
ter than to read this book, which gives a very
clear and straightforward treatment of these
general matters. But this is mere surface pro-
duction. Underneath is gold, but only the
Frobenius brand of dynamite will reach that.
More than twenty-five years ago a solitary pros-
pector, Sylow, found the lode and worked it
with good results as far as he could follow it.
Others have tried new leads, but none have
accomplished anything remarkable until the
work of Frobenius, who in the past ten years
or so, and more particularly in his articles pub-
lished in the Berliner Sitzungsberichte for 1895-6
has opened up a vast wealth of new relations,
at the same time revising and enriching the ear-
lier methods, nomenclature, and general point of
view. Some of the most prominent of Frobeni-
us’s results are discussed in Chapter 6. Another
line of ideas, which, however, dates back in its
beginning as far as Galois, and has been im-
proved especially by Holder, the theory of com-
position of a group, is discussed in Chapter 7.
The three following chapters are devoted to an
extensive discussion of substitution groups,
whose theory has also been considerably ex-
tended of recent years. The theory of isomor-
JANUARY 20, 1899. ]
phism of a group with itself, also a very recent
notion, is given a full chapter. The scene then
shifts to the graphical representation of groups,
exploited by Klein in his treatment of the auto-
morphic functions, and treated separately by
Dyck, whose methods are here employed,
Cayley’s color groups also receive attention,
A chapter follows on the linear group, following
Jordan’s classical discussion. Finally, Sylow’s
theorem and its derivatives are applied to the
determination of the composition of groups
whose order are resolved into prime factors.
The book concludes with a useful trilingual
table of equivalent technical terms and a still
more useful Index. The publishers have done
their full duty ; the type is large and clear, and
the paper gives a good impression. The text
would have been improved by the introduction
of descriptive section headings, and frequently
the reader is not kept comfortably informed of
what the author has in view, and must suspend
judgment for a too lengthy interval.
The small public to which such a work ap-
peals makes it unlikely that books on the theory
of groups should ever become very numerous.
Itis fortunate, therefore, that in Professor Burn-
side’s treatise we have a work of genuine and
permanent value from which many a future
student may draw wholesome inspiration.
F. N. Coe.
Elements of Sanitary Engineering. By MAns-
FIELD MERRIMAN. John Wiley & Sons.
The book opens with an interesting and, for a
student, instructive series of historical notes.
This is followed by a section dealing with ‘ clas-
sification of disease,’ wherein may be found the
novel proposition that ‘disease is normal and
health ideal—’ a view that will call forth much
The illustrations distinguishing between con-
tagion and infection are good, but the sugges-
tion that goitre is probably due to the use of
limestone water is hardly warranted ; for, were
it a fact, the hard waters of southern England
should produce the disease abundantly.
An excellent and timely statement is given
in the table on page 17, showing how much
more serious is consumption than sundry other
diseases against which we take far greater pains
to guard.
The relation of filth to disease is well put,
and the illustrations are striking. The chapter
on ‘drinking water and disease’ is in terse
form, suitable for class-room work, but the re-
marks concerning the Hamburg cholera epi-
demic need to be supplemented by a map of
the city, in order to grasp fully what may be
learned from that instructive outbreak.
The book is evidently intended for use as a
student’s text-book, and excellent questions are
inserted at frequent intervals, which require the
student to make use of a reference library.
This is a very valuable feature, and one but
rarely found. There is, unfortunately, no.
index. M.
Bush Fruits : A Horticultural Monograph of Rasp-
Blackberries, Dewberries, Currants,
Gooseberries and other Shrub-like Fruits. By
Frep. W. Carp, Professor of Horticulture,
Rhode Island College of Agriculture. The
Macmillan Company. 1898. Pp. xii + 537-
Price, $1.50.
Under this concise and somewhat descrip-
tive title another book is added to the list
upon small fruits, from which, in this instance,
are excluded the grapes, strawberries and cran-
The contents are divided into three parts,
namely, (I.) General Considerations, (II.) The
Brambles and (III.) The Groselles. The last
name is adopted from the French, includes both
the currants and gooseberries, and is a con-
venient term as a heading for a book division,
but will scarcely be of much service elsewhere.
Under brambles, of course, the red rasp-
berries, black raspberries, blackberries and
dewberries are considered each with its sepa-
rate chapter.
Part I. deals with the consideration of loca-
tion, fertilizers, planting, tillage tools, pruning,
propagation, thinning, spraying, picking,
packing and marketing of fruit, with a few
closing pages upon the methods of crossing
and the results of such blending of the varieties
and species.
Many of the above-mentioned points ars
again more specifically treated under the chap-
ters devoted to the separate groups of bush
fruits, and the whole book is so planned that
the practical grower may quickly reach replies
to the questions in hand by means of a full in-
dex even to the varieties of each sort of fruit
embraced by the work.
The more scientific portions of the volume
are kept as far as possible by themselves, set
in smaller type and include histories of the
various sorts of fruits, their insect enemies and
fungous diseases. This separation isa wise pro-
vision for the convenience of the grower, for
whom the book is especially written and who is
more interested in theart of producing a profit-
able crop than the underlying principles of bot-
any upon which the art securely rests. For ex-
ample, there are nearly fifty pages of descrip-
tive text of species of Ribes set under the
chapter title of ‘The Botany of the Groselles,’
and many of the species are figured. Such
portions of the work as this are of much value
to all who desire to advance American horti-
culture by introducing new species to cultiva-
tion or extending the range of hybridization.
In the more practical part it may be noted
that special stress is placed upon the evapora-
tion of the fruit, and several illustrations are
given of the apparatus employed in this grow-
ing industry. In the preface, by the editor of
‘The Rural Science Series,’ of which the ‘ Bush
Fruits’ is the sixth volume, Professor Bailey
states that ‘the aim has been to treat general
truths and principles rather than mere details of
- practice.’
The book is written by one who has both an
experience with bush fruits and a knowledge of
the best things that have been thought and said
along the lines he has followed out to a success-
ful issue in the volume in hand.
Byron D. HAtsrep.
The Lower Cretaceous Gryphxas of the Texas Re-
gion. By Ropert THoMAS HILi and THomas
WAYLAND VAUGHAN. Bulletin of the United
States Geological Survey, No. 151. Wash-
ington, Government Printing Office. 1898.
Pp woGw bl scxxvs
The main object of the authors in publishing
this brochure is to set aright the confusion that
has long existed regarding the classification and
[N. 8S. Von. IX. No. 212.
stratigraphic position of a series of fossil oysters
commonly assigned to a single species, Gryphea
pitcheri, Morton. They occur in especial abun-
dance in the Lower Cretaceous formations of
Texas, and when properly classified are found
to be of great value in determining the position
of strata. From forms heretofore known as G.
pitchert at least eight species are here recog-
nized (Table, pp. 45-46), viz.. G. vesicularis,
Lam., 1806; G. newberryi, Stanton, 18938; G.
mucronata, Gabb, 1869; G. washitaensis, Hill,
1889; G. navia, Hall, 1856; G. corrugata, Say,
1823; G. marcoui, Hill and Vaughan, 1898 ;
G. wardi, H & V, 1898. It is found, further-
more, that even Morton’s species (so long con-
sidered the type) must be abandoned in favor of
Say’s G. corrugata.
The introduction, dealing historically with
the controversy of many years’ duration con-
cerning G. pitcheri and the formations in which
it occurs, is not without a moral, inasmuch as
it plainly shows that an inadequate description,
with a poor figure, may become a fruitful source
of error, which, as in the case of the species
under consideration, may be greatly augmented
by the want of proper stratigraphical knowl-
edge on the part of collectors.
An account of the fossil oysters of the Texas
region and a classification of the Ostreide fol-
lows. The difficulties encountered by the au-
thors are not underestimated: ‘‘In undertaking
the study of the Ostreidz one is soon confronted
with the question: What constitutes species and
genera in this group? The variation of species
is much greater in the Ostreidz than in other
molluscan genera. No other group presents
such unsatisfactory criteria for specific differen-
tiation. These forms, judging from their strati-
graphic occurrence as well as their habits, seem
to adopt new variations of shape with every
change in physical condition of habitat, as is
illustrated in the variations of our living spe-
cies. Changes similar to those occurring at the
present time have occurred in the past, and no
doubt many species have arisen by some of these
local variations becoming fixed and persistent.
Large suites of specimens often show that two
species usually considered very distinct may
grade into each other. The intergradations
are of such a kind that frequently it can easily
JANUARY 20, 1899.]
be shown that the two species have been de-
rived from a common ancestor; in other cases
one species is evidently derived from another
occurring stratigraphically below it.’’
Contrary to the prevailing opinion that fossil
oysters, on account of their great variation, are
of little value in the recognition of strata, our
authors are led by their observations to conclude
‘‘that certain forms of the Ostreidz possess
very distinct specific characters, have definite
geologic horizons, and are of the greatest value
in stratigraphic work.’’ They recognize the
fact, also, that no scheme of classification can
be entirely satisfactory until both fossil and
recent oysters have been ‘‘ the subject of thor-
ough investigation from a phylogenetic and
morphologic standpoint, according to the lines
of research followed out by Hyatt in the cepha-
lopods, Jackson in the pelecypods, Beecher and
Schuchert in the brachiopods and Von Koch in
the stony corals.’’
Sixty-one accepted species and varieties of
fossil oysters are listed as occurring in the
Texas Cretaceous, and twenty-three indefinite
and abandoned species. Of the former forty-
seven are tabulated as characteristic of definite
horizons (p. 31).
Under the caption ‘ Historical Statement of
the Discovery in the Texan Region of the Forms
referred to Gryphza pitcheri, Morton,’ the con-
fusion of various authors concerning this famous
fossil is clearly presented and the sources of
error pointed out. The following topics of more
than ordinary interest are also discussed: ‘ Dif-
ferentiation,’ ‘Geographic and Stratigraphic
Distribution of the Lower Cretaceous Gry phas,’
‘Specific Classification and Evolution of the
Lower Cretaceous Gryphveas,’ and the bulletin
closes with careful descriptions of six species,
characteristic of the Lower Cretaceous, which
the authors believe to merit recognition, sup-
plemented by a brief statement of their rela-
tionship. The excellent and copious illustra-
tions which accompany this paper deserve
especial commendation. Of thirty-five plates,
thirty, including copies of figures from Hall,
Marcou and Roemer, are devoted to Grypheeas ;
of the remainder, one is a view of a living
oyster bed, showing the profusion of molluscan
growth, the others sections showing the strati-
graphic occurrence of the Texas Cretaceous
de généralisation. G. OLTRAMARE.
1899. Pp. viii+191.
Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year
1896-97. Washington, Government Printing Office.
1898. Vol. II. Pp. 1137-2390.
The Human Body. H. NeEwELt MARTIN. Fifth
Edition, revised by GEORGE WELLS Firz. New
York, Henry Holt & Co. 1898. Pp. xiv-+408.
Elements of Graphic Statics. PROFESSOR L. M. Hos-
KINS. New York and London, The Macmillan
Company. 1899. Pp. viii+199, and eight plates.
THE American Naturalist for January opens
with an article by Dr. Arthur Hollick discuss-
ing the relation between forestry and geology
in New Jersey. Professor W. M. Wheeler
gives a biographical sketch of the late George
Baur, which is accompanied by a biographical
sketch containing 144 titles. Articles follow by
Miss Julia B. Platt, describing certain phe-
nomena of geotaxis ; by Professor Cockerell, on
‘Vernal Phenomena in the Arid Regions,’ and
by Professor E. W. MacBride, reviewing Seitaro
Goto’s work on the development of Asterias
THE American Geologist for January opens its
twenty-third volume with a notice of Edward
Drinker Cope, by Miss Helen Dean King, with
a portrait and a bibliography containing 815
titles. There follow articles by Dr. N. H.
Winchell, on ‘ Thalite and Bolingite from the
North Shore of Lake Superior,’ and by Mr.
Marsden Monson, on ‘The Loss of Climatic
THE Journal of the Boston Society of the
Medical Sciences for December, 1898, contains
an abstract of an interesting paper by Dr.
Morton Prince entitled ‘ An Experimental Study
of Visions,’ also an important paper by Dr.
Franklin W. White upon ‘the Germicidal
Properties of Blood Serum.’ Among the con-
clusions reached are these: Human _ blood
serum differs greatly in its germicidal action
upon various bacteria ; in fatal diseases it some-
times loses part of its germicidal power for the
colon bacillus shortly before death, but more
frequently retains this power for several hours
after death ; human blood serum does not lose its
germicidal power for typhoid and colon bacilli,
even in the late stages of chronic wasting disease.
THE Philadelphia Medical Journal, which dur-
ing its first year has secured a high position
among medical journals, will hereafter publish
a monthly supplement of 60 pages containing
original articles.
6, 1899.
‘THE Work of Glaciers in High Mountains :’
By Willard D. Johnson. The greater number
of the imposing forms in the summit regions of
nearly all high mountains are of unknown
origin. They are, however, strictly confined to
tracts which either have in the recent past been
glaciated or are glaciated now. Presumably,
therefore, they are of glacial origin. But the
difficulty is that, according to the known laws
of glacial erosion, they are unintelligible.
The recognized process in glacial erosion is
scour. This process, like aqueous corrasion,
must always tend—in uniformly resistant and
unfractured material—to produce graded slopes.
But in glaciated summit regions, especially in
granite and in tracts of that rock which answer
most nearly to ideal condition$ of uniform hard-
ness, the topography is essentially that of flat
valley floors and of upright cliffs, transverse as
well as longitudinal to the direction of flow.
In sound rock both glacial scour and aqueous
corrasion will be not only incompetent but in-
imical to the production of such forms.
An unrecognized process appears to be that
of sapping. The transverse, and therefore
buried, cliff’ in the glacier’s pathway, as well
as the amphitheatral cliff at its head, are
cliffs of recession. The action of scour is
downward and outward with the glacial ad-
vance, but the action of sapping is horizontal
and backward. It is seldom lateral, and then
only for a brief space. The flat valley bottom,
as well as the parallel valley walls (where sub-
Vou. IX. No. 212.
sequent scour has not dulled their upright
profiles), are by-products of recession of the
transverse cliff.
So long as, along any advancing line, it con-
tinues active, sapping will be altogether domi-
nant over scour, accomplishing large results in
excavation; but its action, apparently, is by
successive attacks, from point to point, and has
relatively brief duration. Its forms, thereafter,
arrested in development, become obsolescent
under the contiuous action of scour, and the
rounding-off of angles puts them seemingly into
the category of scour forms.
The following hypothesis is advanced as to
the cause of glacial sapping: The glacier pro-
tects its bed against the sharp variations of
temperature which, by mechanical disintegra-
tion, waste exposed slopes. At the same time
the covered rock surface is maintained close to
zero, Centigrade—a critical temperature. By
tearing away at its head from the mountain
slope, and by reason of initial irregularities of
bed along its line of flow, the glacier is broken
across. If the depth of ice be not too great
these breaks, or crevasses, will penetrate to the
bottom. Along the narrow transverse line of
bed, or floor, thus exposed—during summer,
while the crevasse is open—there will be oscil-
lations of temperature, between day and night
perhaps, accomplishing an alternation of freez-
ing and thawing. This alternation across the
freezing point, at the crevasse foot, will be
much more frequent than upon the exposed
slopes without—a diurnal, rather than a
seasonal, change. The crevasse foot will thus
be a line of sharply localized and abnormally
vigorous weathering, by coarse mechanical dis-
integration. The glacier is an agent here,
directly, only in the removal of waste products.
Frost-fracturing acts vertically downward, as
well as horizontally backward, into the cliff,
which it thus undercuts ; but the products of its
downward work are much less readily removed,
and failure to remove operates to defeat down-
ward action. Thus the cliff recedes, leaving in
its trail an approximately flat and horizontal
floor. In the slight unevennesses of this floor,
after glacial conditions have passed and the
cafion has become emptied, rock-basin lakes
JANUARY 20, 1899.]
By recession at the amphitheatre head—and
the glacier makes the amphitheatre, rather than
merely occupies it—the amphitheatral wall
is carried backward, and divides are cut through.
A summit region, upon either slope of which
glacial streams are extended, will be trenched
by streams heading thus in opposition. A first
effect of the meeting of an opposing pair will be
the aréte, or thin comb—the most evanescent of
mountain forms; the final effect will be the col
—a low-level pass between walls. The ulti-
mate result of continued glaciation must be
truncation of the crest region, close to the lower
level of the glacial generation. Transitional
forms will be not only the aréte and the col, but
the aiguille, or minaret, the residual table, the
cafion of diverted discharge, the cafion of
Yosemite type, and the towering peak of Mat-
terhorn type, against which divergent streams
will burrow at their heads, scalloping its base,
and maintaining its sinking summitas the sharp
apex of a slender and fluted pyramid.
CLUB, DECEMBER 19, 1898.
UNDER the general title, ‘Geological Results
of the Recent Storm upon the Massachusetts
Coast,’ five members reported observations.
Mr. R. B. Earle described results noted on the
Winthrop and Beachmont shores. Winthrop
Beach, usually sandy and of gentle slope, bore
a series of gravel cusps, terminated on the sea-
ward side by spits that pointed toward, the
southeast. Whenever these cusps were com-
posed of coarse gravel they were high and near
together; when of fine material they were low
and far apart. In the Beachmont Bluff, at
similar intervals, was a series of cavern-like
undercuttings. A portion of the beach, be-
low the Bluff, was covered with heaps of sea-
weed shaped into cuspate forms, but another
portion was degraded to a depth of three feet.
Mr. A. W. G. Wilson visited the south shore
from Windmill Point to Cohasset Harbor. At
the former locality sand and gravel were thrown
inland thirty feet. The railroad track that ran
close to high-tide level, along the front of the
drumlin upon which the town of Hull is located,
was protected by a breakwater of granite and
diorite blocks. From this breakwater, some
blocks, which weigh approximately a ton or
more, were moved back ten feet and raised be-
tween one and two feet. Nantasket Beach, in
front of Strawberry Hill, was cut down four
feet, and back in places twenty feet, for a dis-
tance along the beach of five hundred yards.
Sections of sewer pipe thus revealed afforded a
basis for measurement. At the southern end of
Nantasket, where most of the wrecks were
washed up, large quantities of thoroughly
rounded, soft coal were imbedded in the beach
sand to a depth of at least ten inches. <A short
distance east of Gun Rock, half a mile from Nan-
tasket, some houses stand one hundred yards
inland and from six to ten feet above normal
high water level. Coarse gravel accumulated
against these houses in heaps three feet high
and buried a neighboring road between two and
three feet deep. At Hull and in the region of
Gun Rock, where a salt marsh and a pond, re-
spectively, lay back of the beach, new, storm-
built beaches have encroached upon the marsh
and pond, in the form of well-marked series of
gravel spits from one to five feet in height) -%:
Mr. J. M. Boutwell offered three records of
height of water. At Lynn Beach the position
of pebbles and débris indicates the submergence
ofits Nahant end. At its Lynn end, according
to the statement of an eye witness, the water
rose over the road to a depth of three feet and
swept completely across the beach. At Milton,
in the Neponset River, a rod has been so placed
that its top marks the height reached by the
high tide of 1851. One eye witness states that
during the recent storm the water rose to within
three inches of the top of this rod; another
affirms that he saw it rise over the top. At the
Boston end of the West Boston bridge the
water in the Charles River rose to within one
inch of the street level. The tide predicted for
November 27th was the normal high-tide, ten
feet two inches at Boston. Had the storm
passed at the time of spring-tide, about two
days later, the water would have risen fully a
foot higher. As it was, the concomitant effect
of an imminent spring-tide, a strong, low pres-
sure area and an onshore wind was to raise the
water higher, at some points, than it was during
the high tide of 1851, J.M. BouTWELL,
Av the November meeting of the Academy
Professor P. F. Schneider read a paper on
‘Onondaga Whetstones,’ giving a short history
of the use of whetstones and comparing the
various commercial stones. The Labrador stone
is found at the southern border of the county
and is manufactured in a nearby town. It
makes an excellent ‘table stone.’ The Arkan-
sas stone is also manufactured by the same com-
pany, the 60,000 pounds annually shipped here
yielding about 20,000 pounds of the finished
At the December meeting of the Academy
Professor Schneider spoke on ‘ Palzeobotany of
Onondaga County,’ illustrating his remarks by
about a dozen plant remains from the local Si-
lurian and Devonian rocks.
Mrs. L. L. Goodrich spoke on,‘ Variations in
Trilliums,’ and exhibited specimens ranging
from the typical Trillium grandiflorum through
gradations of petioled leaved forms to extreme
forms with purely radical leaves. In nearly all
cases the petals were more or less marked with
green, and various degrees of reduplication
and suppression, of floral parts were noted as
common occurrences.
Dr. A. A. Tyler spoke on ‘The Origin of
Species Through ,Variations,’ after which the
topics of the evening were discussed by Dr. W.
M. Beauchamp and Dr. Hargitt.
Corresponding Secretary.
Av the meeting of the Academy of Science
of St. Louis, of January 9, 1899, the following
officers were declared elected for the current
year: President, Edmund A. Engler; Vice-
Presidents, Robert Moore, D. 8. H. Smith; Re-
cording Secretary, William Trelease; Corre-
sponding Secretary, Joseph Grindon ; Treasurer,
Enno Sander; Librarian, G. Hambach; Cura-
tors, G. Hambach, Julius Hurter, Hermann von
Schrenk ; Directors, M. H. Post, Amand Ravold.
Mr. Hermann von Schrenk presented infor-
mally the results of a study of a sclerotium di-
sease of beech roots which he had observed in
southeastern New York during the past summer.
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 212.
The sclerotia, which were formed by the web-
bing together of rootlets by sterile mycelial
threads, were stated by the speaker to have ap-
parently no connection with the mycorrhiza of
the beech. Mr. von Schrenck’s remarks were
illustrated by drawings and alcoholic and sec-
tioned specimens.
Recording Secretary.
ArT the last biennial session of the Legislature
of Kansas there was passed what is known as
the State uniform text-book law. A commis-
sion was appointed whose duty it was to select
the text-books of all grades used in the public
schools of the State, which were to be furnished
at a stipulated price to all pupils. No other
texts than the one selected may be used by any
school under pain of severe penalties. The law
has now been in force for two years and these
books are being used by several hundred thous-
and pupils. So far as I can learn, specialists
or experts were not consulted in the choice of
the texts. Wide latitude was given to the
commission, the one important stipulation be-
ing that the books should be cheap! Protests
have been made, but in vain—the books must
be used in every case where prior contracts are
not in force. Let us examine the wisdom of
the Kansas Solons in one case; I am told that
others are like it.
The text in Physiology used in all grammar
grades is one by a C. L. Hoxie, whoever he
may be. As he is the author of text-books in
Physics, doubtless his name will be familiar to
the physicists of the country! The work had
the benefit of revision by two high-school teach-
ers of St. Louis. The part they took in the re-
vision ought certainly to elevate them from
We can sympathize strongly in the introduc-
tory statement by the author that the ‘‘ value
of a thorough knowledge of physiology in all of
its departments can scarcely be estimated. If
one be well a knowledge of physiology will
keep him so. If one be sick the same knowl-
edge will enable him to regain that priceless
treasure—good health.’? One must suspect
JANUARY 20, 1899. ]
that the author is a confirmed invalid! His
definition of physiology is certainly unique:
‘¢Physiology proper naturally divides itself
into three departments, Anatomy, Physiology
and Hygiene.’’ ‘‘ Bones, like all other organic
structures, consist of cells ; the cells are more
or less of a hexagonal form.’’ He seems es-
pecially hazy about the lymphatic system :
“The lymphatics perform the office of absorp-
tion, chiefly in the skin.’’ At one time he has
the lymph ‘poured into the blood through the
thoracic duct into the vana cava in the neck,’
but farther on he modifies this by saying that
the lacteals ‘terminate in two ducts, which
open into the large veins, and finally into the
heart,’ one on the right side and the other on
the left side of the chest! ‘‘ The liver performs
the double office of separating impurities from
the blood and secreting bile.’? The ‘bile acts
as a solvent of the fatty portions of food,’ while
we are informed that ‘fat is an oily concrete
substance, composed of stearine and elaine!’
One of the chief functions of the saliva is to
‘quench thirst,’ and the ‘ epiglottis serves to
deaden sound!’ Among other ‘important facts’
the author says that the ‘heart of quadrupeds
lies in the middle line, and not to the left, as in
man.’ ‘‘ All reptiles have two auricles and one
ventricle.’’? From the fact ‘that coagulation
is greater in the lower animals’ he derives the
very interesting conclusion that ‘this seems to
be a wise provision, since these animals can
not stop a flow of blood from a wound by arti-
ficial means.’
But enough. These few examples are chosen
almost at random. The book contains more
poor English, wild and loose statements of fact,
errors and absurdities than I ever saw before
in a text-book of modern times. One might be
amused at such stuff, published as ‘science’
were it not that tens of thousands of children
in this State are compelled to learn it, usually
taught by teachers whose ignorance of the sub-
ject is greater than that shown by the author
Everywhere that a moral can be lugged in
by the ears or tail the baneful effects of the
poison alcohol are urged. Can such a book be
expected to serve any useful purpose in teach-
ing the principles of temperance ?
And this is what politics may do for science
in the public schools !
ON reading Professor Minot’s explanation of
his method of storing pamphlets as given in the
issue of December 380th I feel inclined to add a
word in commendation of the method. I began
using these boxes six or seven years ago and
now have 152 upon my shelves. About one-
half are devoted to Experiment Station bulle-
tins, the boxes being labeled by States and
arranged alphabetically. The other half is used
for miscellaneous pamphlets on subjects pertain-
ing tomy line of work. The boxes have proved
perfectly satisfactory in every way, and as a
simple time-saving device they are worth many
times the cost. My system of pamphlet arrange-
ment differs in some ways from that adopted
by Professor Minot and has been adopted only
after trial of several other methods.
Each case is labeled and is also given a num-
ber. The pamphlets are numbered consecu-
tively and arranged in the cases, as far as pos-
sible, by subjects, and each one is stamped with
the number of the case in which it belongs.
The location of each is, therefore, permanent.
It is always returned to the same case and the
same relative position as regards others in the
In a convenient drawer of my desk is a card
index where all papers are recorded by author
and by title. Each ecard carries the pamphlet
number and the case number, thus indicating
the exact location of the pamphlet desired.
Often a dozen or more pamphlets may be in
use, scattered over my work table for several
days ; when ready to be returned, the numbers
direct to the case and to the correct position
within the case. If each pamphlet contained
but a single article the alphabetical arrange-
ment would be the most simple; but many
contain more than one title, often several, and
not infrequently by different authors. These
were a sourse of annoyance until the present
system was adopted. I do not find the system
cumbersome, and the time employed in keep-
ing it up is saved many times over by the
facility with which reference is made.
My attention has been recently called by Dr.
Walter H. Evans, of the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture, to an error in the temper-
ature tables accompanying my paper on the
‘Laws of Temperature Control of the Geo-
graphic Distribution of Animals and Plants,’ an
abstract of which was printed in my recent
bulletin on ‘ Life Zones and Crop Zones.’ The
error in question relates to the effective temper-
ature or ‘sum of normal mean daily tempera-
ture above 6°C.’ In the tables bearing the
above heading the quantities actually given are
the sums of normal mean daily temperatures
(without deducting the 6°C. each day) for the
period during which the mean daily tempera-
ture exceeds 6°C.
The temperature data, as stated on the first
page of my original paper, were furnished by
the Weather Bureau. Not being of a mathemat-
ical turn of mind, I did not detect the error
until my attention was called to it by Dr.
Evans. Corrected tables will be given in the
next edition of ‘Life Zones and Crop Zones.’
Dr. OLIVER LopGs, in a recent paper before
the Institution of Electrical Engineers, speaks
of the probable importance of leakage currents
in the usual methods of telegraphing by mag-
netic inductance through space. This form of
wireless telegraphy has usually been accom-
plished with long parallel wires on poles and
ground returns. In some experiments made
by Stephenson near Edinburgh horizontal coils
of wire were used and signals transmitted half
a wile with a morse key in one coil and a tele-
phone receiver in the other. Mr, Lodge used
similar coils covering areas of about 4,500
square yards and transmitted signals about
two miles. The characteristics of his method
are the use of an alternating current of arather
high frequency, about 380, and the tuning of
the line to this frequency by the use of con-
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 212.
densers, that is, the balancing of the inductance
so that the current becomes equal to the induced
E. M. F. divided by the ohmic resistance. As
a result, he gets much greater effects than where
the current is principally determined by the
inductance of the circuits. This he shows by
mathematical determination will be the case,
the value of 27a the frequency, coming in one
instance in the denominator, while in the other
it comes in the numerator of the expression
giving the ratio between the secondary current
and the impressed primary E. M. F.
TEMBER, 1898.
THE practical advantages gained by the es-
tablishment of the new West Indian Service of
our Weather Bureau are forcibly illustrated in
the account of the hurricane of September 10th
and 11th last, published in the September num-
ber of the Monthly Weather Review. The Weather
Bureau Observer at Bridgetown, Barbados,
sent a special cable to Washington at 12:40 p.
m., September 10th, announcing the approach
of a hurricane. Warnings were immediately
cabled to Weather Bureau stations in the Lesser
Antilles, and the officials in charge were di-
rected to give the widest possible distribution
to the warnings. Advisory messages were sent
to other islands, as far west as Jamaica and
eastern Cuba, to points on the South American
coast of the Caribbean Sea, and to Admiral
Watson’s fleet, lying in the harbor of Caimanera,
Cuba. The careful reports of the Weather
Bureau Observers at Kingston, Jamaica, at
St. Kitts and other stations also made possible
an early and complete record of the hurricane.
In this connection another paper, in the same
number of the Review, is of interest. It con-
cerns the telegraph service of the Weather
Bureau with the West Indies, and is illustrated
by a chart showing the routes of the submarine
cables over which reports are transmitted and
the points at which the cables connect with the
land lines.
At the December meeting of the Royal
Meteorological Society (London) Captain A.
Carpenter, R. N., gave an account of this dis-
astrous hurricane.
JANUARY 20, 1899.]
Its diameter was 80 miles as it approached
Barbados, and 170 miles after leaving St. Vin-
cent. The actual storm center, in which the
force of the wind greatly increased, was only
85 miles in diameter until St. Vincent was
passed, but after that the strength of the wind
extended to 170 miles from the center, The
diameter of the calm vortex was not less than
four miles. The storm was accompanied by
very heavy rainfall, the amount at St. Vincent
being about 14 inches in 24 hours. In Barbados
11,400 houses were swept away or blown down
and 115 lives were lost, and in St. Vincent 6,000
houses were blown down or damaged beyond
repair, and-200 lives were lost.
THE ECLIPSE, MAY 28, 1900.
ProFressor F, H. BiGELow, in the Monthly
Weather Review for September, considers the
probable state of the sky along the path of the
total eclipse of the sun, May 28, 1900. His
conclusion is as follows: ‘‘It would be much
safer for the eclipse expeditions to locate their
stations in the northern portions of Georgia and
Alabama, upon the southern end of the Appa-
lachian Mountains, where the track crosses ele-
vated areas, than nearer the coast line in either
direction northeastward toward the Atlantic
coast, or southwestward toward the Gulf coast ;
on the coast itself the weather is more unfavor-
able than in any other portion of the track.”
Professor Bigelow’s paper is illustrated by means
of a chart. ;
THE November number of Climate and Crops,
Illinois Section, in commenting upon the statis-
tics of losses by lightning in Illinois during
1898, says: ‘‘ A survey of the reports shows a
very marked increase in the loss of stock due
to the wire fence, and the urgent need of fre-
quent ground wires in those in use.’’ (See
note in this connection in ScIENCE, Dec. 2,
1898, p. 785.) R. DEC. WARD.
In the Centralblatt fiir Anthropologie (Heft. 4,
1898) are some abstracts touching the skull-
form which is believed to be the oldest in
Europe. It is represented most perfectly by
the remains found at Spy. The characteristics
are: uncommon length, moderate width, very
limited height, retreating forehead, prominent
but depressed supra-orbital ridges and narrowed
post-orbital diameter. Dr. Fraipont argues
sharply for the genuine ancient character of the
Neanderthall skull, and Dr. Schwalbe does not
regard that found at Egisheim as a good type.
As for modern examples simulating the Nean-
derthal skull the latter asserts that, while they
may resemble it in one or another point, they
never present the group of inferior criteria
which characterize its measurements.
Dr. Ropert Munro in his excellent work,
Prehistoric Problems, has a chapter on a curious
object found in the peat bogs of Kurope, from
Italy to Scotland and North Germany. He has
recently supplemented that chapter by an article
describing further examples. (Jour. Roy. Soe.
Antiquaries of Ireland, September, 1898.)
The object is a thick board or plank, two to
three feet long, in the center of which is an
oblong aperture four to six inches wide, closed
by one or two valvular doors. The purpose of
thisarrangementis obscure Dr. Munro argues
that it is an otter or beaver trap, while others
have explained it as a boat-model, a sluice-box,
a float for lines, etc.
The suggestion which I would offer for its use
differs from any I have seen. It is doubtful
that the valves could hold firmly an otter or
any such animal. The purpose for which it
would be entirely suited would be that of the
inlet to a fish-weir. The valves, opening in-
ward, would allow the fish to enter and would
prevent their exit. Similar, though not iden-
tical, devices are in common use.
In a supplement of the 48th annual report
of the managers of the Syracuse State Institu-
tion for feeble-minded Children, Dr. Alex. Hrd-
licka presents an anthropological study of a
long series of these unfortunates. It includes
their family conditions, the supposed etiolog-
ical factors of the deficiency, and the physical
examination of the subjects.
While the report is very instructive on many
individual features, it admits of few general
conclusions other than that we need much more
extended investigations than have heretofore
been prosecuted, in order to reach positive
opinions as to the causation and the status of
the feeble-minded ; and this is Dr. Hrdlicka’s
own decision (p. 95).
M. VaAwn TIEGHEM, the eminent botanist,
succeeds M. Wolf as President of the Paris
Academy of Science, while M. Lévy has been
elected Vice-President.
AT its meeting on January 11th the Amer-
ican Academy of Arts and Sciences elected
Charles Doolittle Walcott, of Washington, an
Associate Fellow in place of the late Professor
James Hall, and Oliver Heaviside, of Newton
Abbot, England, a Foreign Honorary Member.
Ir is proposed to erect a monument in mem-
ory of Félix Tisserand, Member of the Institute
of France, and of the Bureau of Longitude, and
Director of the Observatory of Paris, at Nuits
Saint-Georges (COte-d’Or), his native place.
Subscriptions will be received at Nuits-Saint-
Georges, by M. Desmazures, Receveur Muniei-
pal; at the Observatory of Paris, by M. Frais-
sinet, and at Dijon, by M. Ragot (rue Colson).
in Cuba inspecting the hospitals and arranging
for a new yellow fever hospital and a depot for
medical supplies in Havana.
THE Permanent Secretary of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science,
Dr. L.O. Howard, would be glad to learn of
the address of José de Riviera, who was elected
a life member of the Association at the Boston’
meeting of 1880.
THE Chemical Sociéty of Washington, at the
annual meeting held on Thursday, January 12,
1899, elected the following officers for the en-
suing year: President, Dr. H. N. Stokes;
Vice-Presidents, Dr. P. Fireman, Dr. H. C.
Bolton; Secretary, Mr. William H. Krug;
. [N. 8. Von. 1X. No. 212.
Treasurer, Mr. W. P. Cutter; Executive Com-
mittee, the above officers and Dr. C. E. Munroe,
Dr. E. A. de Schweinitz, Mr. Wirt Tassin and
Dr. F. W. Hillebrand, ex-officio.
PROFESSORS VON Kuprer, of Munich; F.
Klein, of Gottingen, and E. Fischer, of Berlin,
have been made members of the Bavarian
Maximilian Order of Science and Art.
Proressor M. E. Coouey, of the engineer-
ing department of the University of Michigan,
who has been Chief Engineer on the United
States auxiliary steamer Yosemite since the
outbreak of the Spanish-American war, will re-
turn to the University in time to begin work
with the second semester. He was detached
from the Yosemite December 23d, since which
date he has been doing temporary work at the
League Island Navy Yard. He expects to be
relieved from duty by the first of next month.
Mr. Wm. T. Hornapay, Director of the
New York Zoological Park, has been elected a
corresponding member of the London Zoolog-
ical Society.
Nature states that Mr. Frederick G. Jackson,
the leader of the Jackson-Harmsworth expedi-
tion, has been presented with a first class of
the Royal Order of St. Olaf by King Oscar of
Sweden and Norway.
THE Paris Academy of Sciences has nominated
for the chair of chemistry in the Conservatoire
des Arts et Métiers as first choice M. Florent,
and as second choice M. Joannis.
Mr. JoHN Barrow, F.R.S., the author of
works on travel and physiography, has died at
the advanced age of 91 years.
PRoFrEssoR JOSEPH BALDWIN, who held the
chair of pedagogy in the University of Texas,
died on January 14th, aged 70 years.
AT the annual meeting of the Indiana Acad-
emy of Science held at Indianapolis during
Christmas week, Mr.W. W. Woollen announced
that he had set aside forty-four acres of land
situated nine miles from the center of Indianap-
olis, for a garden of birds and botany. He pro-
poses to develop the garden and present it to
the city of Indianapolis, to be placed under the
control of the Superintendent of Schools, the
President of Butler College, and the President
JANUARY 20, 1899.]
of the Academy of Science, for the use of the
bodies represented by them.
THE Association for maintaining the Ameri-
can women’s table at the zoological station at
Naples announces that it is prepared to receive
applications for use of the table, which should
be addressed to the Secretary, Miss Ida H.
Hyde, 1 Berkeley St., Cambridge. The Execu-
tive Board has at its disposal a small fund for the
aid of scholars of the Association who may need
assistance to meet the expenses of travel and of
residence in Naples. The first two scholars of
the Association were Professor Mary Alice Wil-
cox, of Wellesley College, and Miss Florence
Peebles, European Fellow of Bryn Mawr College.
THE late Baron Ferdinand Rothschild has
bequeathed to the British Museum art collec-
tions valued at $1,500,000.
THE French Society for the encouragement
of national industry has been presented with a
sum of 20,000 fr. by M. Gilbert.
JuDGE JOHN HANDLEY, of Scranton, Pa.,
left $250,000 for a public library at Winchester,
Va., and made the city his residuary legatee.
It has been decided in the Courts that the latter
bequest is valid, and the city will receive about
$250,000 additional to the public library.
Mr. ANDREW CARNEGIE has offered to give
$250,000 for the construction of a building for
the Washington Public Library if Congress will
furnish a suitable site and provide for the main-
tenance of the library.
THE Imperial Academy of Military Medicine,
St. Petersburg, celebrated on December 30th the
centenary of its foundation, in the presence of
official delegates from Germany, France and
other nations. The Director of the Academy,
Professor Ponchatine, made an address, giving
a brief history of the institution and an account
of the work that it had accomplished.
THE Proceedings of the second annual meet-
ing of the Association of Experiment Station
Veterinarians, held at Omaha, Neb., September
8, 1898, have recently been published by the
U. S. Department of Agriculture (Bureau of
Animal Industry, Bul. No. 22). Among the
papers are those on ‘Growing Tubercle Bacilli
for Tuberculin,’ by C. A. Cary ; ‘Feeding Wild
Plants to Sheep,’ by 8. B. Nelson, and ‘ Lab-
oratory Records for Veterinarians,’ by A. W.
THE meeting of teachers of chemistry held at
the University of Michigan on December 27 and
28, 1898, proved to be of great interest. A con-
siderable number of high schools in Michigan
were represented in the meeting. Among the
institutions sending teachers were the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin ; Lake Forest University ; Chi-
cago University ; Notre Dame, Ind. ; Ohio State
University ; Kenyon College, Ohio; Otterbein
University, Ohio; Olivet College, and Lewis
Institute, Chicago. There were also reports
and papers from the University of Chicago.
The discussions were limited to the subjects and
methods of teaching chemistry in high schools
and colleges.
AN International Conference on Child Study
will be held in Buda-Pesth next September.
Ir is reported from Sydney that the private
yacht Lady St. Aubyn has discovered some
relics of the French navigator La Pérouse at
Vanikoro Islands. The objects found include
flint-lock muskets and Spanish and French
Tue Russian Imperial Geographical Society
announces that neither the expedition of Strad-
ling nor of Brede has been able to find in
Siberia traces of Andrée. In the meanwhile an
expedition has been organized at Copenhagen,
under the direction of Dr. Daniel Brunn, to
search for traces of Andrée in eastern Green-
THE Division of Statistics of the U. 8S. De-
partment of Agriculture reports that the acre-
age devoted to cotton in the United States in
1897 was 24,819,584, an increase of 1,046,875
over that for 1896. The number of bales pro-
duced was in 1897 10,897,857, an increase of
2,365,152 bales. There was an increase in al-
most every State, being especially noticeable in
Arkansas and Indian Territory. The investiga-
tion of the amount of cotton purchased by mills
located in the cotton-growing States shows that
1,277,674 bales were taken from the current
crop. This is 295,683 bales, or 380.1 per cent.
more than was purchased by these mills in
1896-97. Without an exception every State
shows increased purchases, the per cent. of in-
crease ranging from 7.7 in Louisiana to 65.2 in
Missouri. In the States of greatest consump-
tion the increase is especially marked, that in
Alabama being 41.9, in Georgia 25.2, North
Carolina 36.6, and South Carolina 33.8 per cent.
During the year there were 425 mills in opera-
tion, as compared with 402 in 1896-97.
THE Board of Health of New York City has
obtained a conviction in the Courts for violating
the law forbidding the burning of soft coal, a
fine of $25.00 being imposed.
A CORRESPONDENT writes to the London Times:
“‘ Asit is just 100 years since Pestalozzi began at
Stanz, on the Lake of Lucerne, the work among
the orphan children which so deeply influenced
the aims and methods of elementary education
in German-speaking Europe and indirectly in
Great Britain and America, it is intended to cele-
brate the centenary by a public meeting, which
will be held, by permission of the Council, in the
large hall of the College of Preceptors, Blooms-
bury-square, on Wednesday, January 4th, at 8
p-m. Though many of Pestalozzi’s hopes have
been unfulfilled and modern psychology is far
from confirming some of his attempted general-
izations, his labors at Stanz will always form one
of the most inspiring chapters in educational his-
tory. His work there emphasized the fact that
religious influences are essential to all educa-
tion which aims at strengthening the will and
at elevating character, and that no educational
instrument is so powerful as the self-devotion
of the teacher. Sir Joshua Fitch will preside
at the meeting, at which short addresses will
be given by Professor Wilhelm Rein, of the
University of Jena; Lady Isabel Margesson ;
Miss Herford (Manchester), and Messrs. A.
Sonnenschein, R. L. Morant, E. Cooke and
THE sum of £115,000 has been subscribed
towards establishing a university at Birming-
THE late Henry Clark Warren, of Boston, an
accomplished Oriental scholar, has left to Har-
vard University a large sum principally for the
Sanserit department, but including $10,000 for
the Peabody Museum of American archeology
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 212.
and ethnology and $10,000 for the Dental
School. The Sanscrit department is to have
$15,000 for the endowment of the Harvard
Oriental Series, and the balance, which is said
to be large, is to be used for the benefit of the
HARVARD UNIVERSITY receives $5,000 by the
will of the late Susan B. Lyman, Dedham,
Mass., and $10,000 by the will of the late Mrs.
Mary Ann P. Weld, of Boston, the latter sum
being for the purpose of founding a Christopher
Minot Weld Scholarship, which is to be awarded
each year to some worthy student.
Tue Teachers College of Columbia University
has received an anonymous gift of $10,000.
CoLuMBIA UNIVERSITY has established sixty-
three benefactors’ scholarships and twenty-two
faculty scholarships, in order to place the re-
mission of tuition fees hitherto made on amore
permanent basis.
THE appropriation of the State for the Uni-
versity of Georgia has this year been reduced
by $14,000. The appropriation for the schools
has also been greatly reduced.
WE have received the calendar of the Tokyo
Imperial University for 1897-98, which is
printed in English. There were 2,239 students
in the University, distributed as follows: Uni-
versity, 177; the College of Law, 744; College
of Medicine, 313 ; College of Engineering, 386 ;
College of Literature, 279; College of Science,
105; College of Agriculture, 235. There are
90 professors and 41 assistant professors. The
library now contains about 223,000 volumes.
The Journal of the College of Science, estab-
lished in 1887 and now in its tenth volume, has
published many important contributions, which
are written in English or in German.
Atv Harvard University, Dr. R. W. Willson has
been appointed assistant professor of astronomy,
and Dr. C. R. Sanger, assistant professor of
Mr. L. B. Witson has been appointed
demonstrator in pathology and bacteriology in
the University of Minnesota.
Dr. WILHELM THIERMANN, of the Technical
Institute at Hanover, has been made professor.
EDITORIAL ComMMITTEE: S. NEwcomsB, Mathematics; R. S. Woopwarp, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING,
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. ToHursToN, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry ;
J. LE ConTE, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; O. C. MARSH, Paleontology; W. K. Brooks,
C. Hart Merriam, Zoology; S. H. ScupDER, Entomology; C. E. Bessey, N. L. Britton,
Botany; Henry F. Oszorn, General Biology; C. 8. Minot, Embryology, Histology;
H. P. Bowprrcu, Physiology; J. S. Binurnes, Hygiene ; J. MCKEEN CATTELL,
Psychology; DANIEL G. BRINTON, J. W. POWELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, JANUARY 27, 1899.
Truth and Error :—
Inconsiderate Legislation on Birds, .......sccsceeeeeeees 137
Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of
America (II.): PRorEssor J. F. KEMP......... 138
The Winter Meeting of the Anthropological Section
of the American Association: A. L. KROEBER.... 145
Scientific Books :—
Dana’s Teat-Book of Geology: PROFESSOR W.
B. CLARK. Mivart on the Groundwork of Science :
ing-point, Boiling-point and Conductivity Meth-
ods: J. E.G. Thorp’s Outlines of Industrial
Chemistry: PROFESSOR W. A. NOYES. Du-
rand’s Apergus de taxonomie générale: F. A.
PU CAS EBOOKS) HCCEWUEDsnedeesnctscenenacestssceceene's 147
Scientific Journals and Articles. .....ccccccoecsereeeceees 151
Societies and Academies :—
Geological Society of Washington: DR. W. F
IMMORSETTipeccateste cons naetaast ee satosceacadcaccidn cass 152
Discussion and Correspondence :—
Matter, Energy, Force and Work: PROFESSOR
Sizas W. HOLMAN. Zoological Bibliography :
ep AlT DATHE Rectesrsscscscnsectusrettandrelccattedesecstes 154
Notes on Inorganic Chemistry: J. L. H.......eeee 155
SZ OOLOGLCAIPIN OL ES ee ene ee ccanei cece ones dcisececntiacesset ss 156
Current Notes on Anthropology :—
Another Mexican Codex; The Progressive Wo-
man; The Seat of the Soul: PRrorressor D. G.
IB UNIO Nienc tees cacecs sracscieaclie dec tatremercsceet te 156
Collections of the Provincial Musewm of Victoria,
British Columbia: DR. HARLAN I. SMITH...... 156
Scientific Notes and News.........0.coscssscoseescsesonecere 157
University and Educational News. .......csceeeseeeeeeeee 160
MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended
for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N.Y.
‘Tr to do were as easy as to know what
were good to do, chapels had been churches,
and poor men’s cottages princes’ palaces.
It is a good divine that follows his own in-
struction. I can easier teach twenty what
were good to be done than be one of the
twenty to,follow mine own teaching.”’
‘* Science,” says Powell, ‘‘ deals with re-
alities. These are bodies and their proper-
ties. Known realities are those about which
mankind have knowledge; scientific re-
search is the endeavor to increase knowl-
edge, and its methods are experience, ob-
servation and verification.”
While most men of science admit all this
as good precept, history warns them that
they must be on their guard, lest they fall
unknowingly into the dream-land of the
‘ philosophers ;’ for our author tells us that
“The dream of intellectual intoxication
seems to some to be more real and more
worthy of the human mind than the simple
truths discovered by science.”
While rebuking the metaphysicians, our
author does not spare those men of science
who assert that while science deals with
the properties of matter the real nature of
matter—what it is in itself—is quite un-
known: ‘‘As though its properties did not
constitute its essential nature.”
“Would a sane person,” he asks, ‘“‘ speak
* By J. W. Powell.
lishing Co., 1898.
Chicago, The Open Court Pub-
of the horse and head, the horse and body,
the horse and legs, the horse and tail, and
then consider the horse as one thing, the
head, body, legs and tail as other things?
Yet this is the error of those who consider
matter as one thing and properties as other
“As it is of matter, so it is of space: One
man sees the disc of the moon when it is
riding high as having the size of the top of
a teacup, another as large as a cartwheel.
But the moon will be seen larger than a
barn if it is seen behind a distant barn, or
it may seem to be as large as a great moun-
tain when it rises behind such a mountain.
As the moon rides the heavens it seems to
be this side of the surface of the sky, al-
though we know that there is’no such sur-
face. Such habitual judgments of space
and time seem to contradict each other.
By a natural process of fallacious judg-
ment the idea of space as void is developed
as an existing thing or body. This is the
ghost of space—the creation of an entity
out of nothing. The space of which we
speak is occupied. We can by no possibil-
ity consider true space or void as a term of
reality. If we reason about itsmathemat-
ically, and ‘call it «, the meaning of « in
the equation is finally resolved%by express-
ing it in terms of body as they are repre-
sented by surface. This non-space has no
number; it is not one or many in one—
itis nothing. It is not extension as figure
or structure—it is nothing. The fallacy
concerning space is born of careless reason-
ing. No harm is done by this popular mis-
conception of space until we use if in rea-
soning as a term of reality ; then the attri-
butes of space may be anything because
they are nothing.”
‘““The universe is a concourse of related
factors composed of related particles. <A
relation cannot exist independent of terms
We may consider a relation abstractly, but
it cannot exist abstractly. To affirm a re-
[N.&. Von. IX. No. 213.
lation the terms must be implied. When
an abstract is reified, that is supposed to
exist by itself independent of other essen-
tials, and the illusion is entertained that
there is something independent of the es-
sentials which supports them, a mythology
is created so subtle as to simulate reality.
So when relations are reified and supposed
to exist independent of terms the mind is
astray in the realm of fallacies.”
All this seems to me to be so important
and significant that it cannot be said too
often, for it is all so essential to clear think-
ing upon the significance of science that I
believe the author has done good service in
repeating it, although it was all said long
ago in still simpler and clearer words.
Berkeley tells us that ‘‘what seems to
have had a chief part in rendering specula-
tion intricate and perplexed, and to have
occasioned innumerable errors and diffi-
culties in almost all parts of knowledge,
is the opinion that the mind hath a power
of framing abstract ideas or notions of things.
He who is not a perfect stranger to the
writings and disputes of the philosophers
most needs acknowledge that no small part
of them are spent about abstract ideas.
These are in a more especial manner
thought to be the object of those exercises
which go by the name of Logic and Meta-
physics, and of all that which passes under
the notion of the most abstract and sublime
learning. Whether others have this won-
derful faculty of abstracting their ideas
they can best tell ; as for myself I dare be
confident I have it not.’”’ (‘Human Knowl-
edge,’ Introduction, 6-10.)
“JT am tempted to think nobody else can
form these ideas any more than I can. Pray,
Alciphron, which are those things you would
call absolutely impossible ?”’
“Such as include a contradiction.”’
“Can you form an idea of what includes
a contradiction ?”
“ T can not.”
JANUARY 27, 1899. ]
‘*Consequently, whatever is absolutely
impossible you cannot form an idea of?”
“This I grant.”
“But can a color ora triangle, such as
you describe these abstract general ideas,
really exist ?”
“Tt is absolutely impossible such things
exist in nature.”
“ Should it not follow, then, that they can
not exist in your mind, or, in other words,
that you cannot conceive or frame an idea
of them? I do not perceive that I can, by
any faculty, whether intellect or imagina-
tion, conceive or form an idea of that which
is impossible and ineludes a contradiction.”
(Alciphron VII., 6.)
“T am of a vulgar cast, simple enough to
believe my senses and to leave things as I
find them. To be plain, it is my opinion
that‘ the real things are the very things I
see and feel and perceive by my senses.
These I know and, finding they answer all
the necessities and purposes of life, have no
reason to be solicitous about any other un-
known beings. A piece of sensible bread,
for instance, would stay my stomach better
than ten thousand times as much of that
insensible, unintelligible real bread you
speak of. It is likewise my opinion that
colors and other sensible qualities are in the
objects. I cannot, for my life, help thinking
that snow is white and fire hot. Away, then,
with all that skepticism, all those ridicu-
lous philosophical doubts. I might as well
doubt my own being as the being of those
things I actually see and feel.” (Three
Dialogues, III.)
While we are unable to doubt the being
of those things we see and feel, we do con-
tinually doubt or question the evidence of
our senses, for error and illusion and hal-
lucination are, unfortunately, as real as
truth ; and the part of Powell’s book
which deals with illusions is that which the
reader will find most attractive and sug-
‘When a youth, as I was breaking prairie
with an ox team, my labor was interrupted
by a rattlesnake, and, during the day, I
saw and killed several of these serpents.
At one time the lash of my whip flew off.
In trying to pick it up I grasped a stick.
The fear of being bitten by a snake, and the
degree of expectant attention to which I
was wrought, caused me to interpret the
sense impression of touch as caused by a
rattlesnake. At the same time I distinctly
heard the rattle of the snake.”’
‘‘A soldier in the suspense which precedes
the battle, when sharpshooters are now and
then picking off a man, may have his gun
or his clothing touched by a rifle ball and
in the suspense of the occasion may imagine
that he has received a serious, perhaps a
deadly wound, and may shriek with pain.
A mustard plaster on the head may cause
a man to dream of an Indian conflict in
which he is sealped, as I have observed.”
All savages believe that hallucinations are
a means of divination, and, as many intox-
icants produce hallucinations, all of the
North American tribes make use of these,
supplemented with many rites, such as
dancing, singing, ululation, the beating of
drums, and the tormenting of the body by
various painful operations, all designed to
produce ecstatic states and the consequent
If the Society for Psychical Research
were to make acensus of those who believe
that hallucinations often reveal the un-
known past or future, Powell tells us that
they would find among the North American
Indians one hundred per cent. ready to
testify to the truth of this opinion.
Erroneous judgments once made may be
repeated in perpetuating fallacies,and myths
are invented to explain them. Then the
myths become sacred, and the moral nature
is enlisted in their defense.
‘“The stars were seen to move along the
firmament, or the surface of a solid, from
east to west, as men run along the surface
of the earth at will. But the heavenly
bodies move by constantly repeated paths,
and so primitive man invents myths to ex-
plain these repeated paths.”
‘Fallacies are,’ as our. author clearly
points out, ‘‘ erroneous inferences in relation
to things known. If there were no realities
about which inferences are made, fallacies
would not be possible. The history of sci-
ence is the discovery of the simple and the
true; in its progress fallacies are dispelled
and certitude remains.”’
These extracts from Powell’s book will
show how much that is valuable and
suggestive and instructive is to be found
in it. I regret that I am forced to form
a very different estimate of the construc-
tive part of the book, for, as the author
expounds his own system of philosophy, he
seems to me to be one of those ungracious
pastors who, while pointing out to others the
steep and thorny way, themselves the
primrose path of dalliance tread, and reck
not their own read.
The book begins with a delightful and
instructive anecdote of a party of Indians
throwing stones across a cafion. The dis-
tance from the brink to the opposite wall
did not seem very great, yet no man could
throw a stone across the chasm, though
Chuar, the Indian Chief, could strike the
opposite wall very near its brink. The
stones thrown by others fell into the depths
of the cafion. “I discussed these feats
with Chuar, leading him to an explanation
of gravity. Now Chuar believed that he
could throw a stone much farther along the
level of the plateau than over the cafion.
His first illusion was thus one very common
among mountain travelers—an underesti-
mate of the distance of towering and mas-
sive rocks when the eye has no intervening
object to divide space into parts as measure
of the whole.”
“T did not venture,’’ says our author, ‘“ to
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 213,
correct Chuar’s judgment, but simply sought
to discuss his method of reasoning.”’
He explained that the stone could not go
far over the cafion, because the empty
space pulled it down, and, interpreting
subjective fear of falling as an objective
pull, he pointed out how strongly the empty
void pulls upon the man who stands on the
brink of a lofty cliff.
‘* Now, in the language of Chuar’s people,
a wise man is said to bea traveler, for such
is the metaphor by which they express great
wisdom, as they suppose that a man must
learn by journeying much. Soin the moon-
light of the last evening’s sojourn in the
camp on the brink of the cafion, I told
Chuar that he was a great traveler, and
that I knew of two other great travelers
among the seers of the East, one by the
name of Hegel, and another by the name of
Spencer, and that I should ever remember
these three wise men, who spoke like words
of wisdom, for it passed through my mind
that all three of these philosophers had rei-
fied void and founded a philosophy thereon.”’
The system of philosophy which it is the
aim of this book to expound is, so far as I
can gather it from a single reading, about
as follows :
“Tt was more than chance,” our author
tells us, ‘‘ that produced the decimal system,
for the universe is pentalogic, as all of the
fundamental series discovered in nature are
pentalogic by reason of the five concomitant
properties. The origin of the decimal sys-
tem was the recognition by primitive man
of the reciprocal pentalogic system involved
in the two hands of the human body.” P.
“Thus, in geonomy, p. 48, we deal with an
earth composed of five encapsulated globes
enclosing a nucleus, and presenting: (1) the
centrosphere, (2) the lithosphere, (3) the
hydrosphere, (4) the atmosphere, (5) the
“In the human mind, again, we have the
JANUARY 27, 1899. ]
five psychic faculties: (1) sensation, (2)
perception, (3) apprehension, (4) reflec-
tion and (5) ideation.” P. 418.
‘¢These five psychic faculties arise in the
mind through the cognition of the five
properties of the ultimate particles of
matter. Every body, whether it be a
stellar system or an atom of hydrogen, has
certain fundamental characteristics found
in all. These are number, space, motion,
time (p. 13), and (p. 14) the fifth property
here called judgment.’’
‘All particles of plants, soils and stars
have judgment as _ consciousness and
choice; but having no organization for the
psychical functions, they have not recollec-
tion or inference; they, therefore, do not
have intellections or emotions. Only ani-
mal beings have these psychical functions.
Molecules, stars, stones and plants do
not think; that which we have attributed
to them as consciousness and choice is only
the judgment of particles, but it is the
ground, the foundation, the substrate of
that which appears in animals when they
are organized for conception.” P. 413.
“These things are necessary to a primitive
judgment: First, a sense impression ; sec-
ond, a consciousness of that impression ;
third, a desire to know its cause; fourth, a
choice of a cause; fifth, a consciousness of
the concept of that cause; sixth, a com-
parison of one conscious term with the
other; and seventh, a judgment of likeness
or of unlikeness.”’
For all I know, that which chemists call
affinity may be the ‘ choice of particles to
associate in bodies.’ All the chemist tells
us of the matter is that the word ‘ affinity ’
is a sign or symbol to generalize his obser-
vations and experiments, and it is clear
that this is no reason why he who finds
reason to do so may not regard it as evi-
dence of consciousness and choice. The
"question the chemist is likely to ask is
whether Major Powell can so play on the
emotions of an atom of hydrogen as to per-
suade it to do anything which we have
not every reason to expect in course of na-
ture. If he cannot do this his hypothesis is
worthless, not because we can disprove it,
but because we find no evidence of its truth
and no value in its practical application.
In fact, it seems to me to be one of the
‘reified voids’ of which he has warned
“The Utes say that the Sun could once
go where he pleased, but when he came
near the people he burned them. Tevots,
the Rabbit-god, fought with the Sun and
compelled him to travel by an appointed
path along the surface of the sky, so that
there might be night and day.”
Truly, “It is a good divine that follows
his own instruction. If to do were as easy
as to know what were good to do, chapels
had been churches, and poor men’s cottages
princes’ palaces. I can easier teach twenty
what were good to be done than be one of
the twenty to follow mine own teach-
Powell tells us that he has been robbed
of his ‘beautiful world’ by Bishop Berkeley,
but his attempt to neutralize the evils of
‘idealism’ by a new philosophy seems to
me to be anything but a happy one, for the
application of his own principles to his
system of philosophy seems to carry ideal-
ism to dizzy heights where even Berkeley
never dared to soar.
If every particle of matter has conscious
judgment of number, space, motion and
time, as he tells us that it has, what be-
comes of these concomitant properties?
Why may not an ultimate particle assert
that, while it cannot doubt the reality of
the number, space, motion and time of
which it is conscious, belief in these proper-
ties, as distinct from the judgment of par-
ticles, ‘ reifies a void’ and carries us into the
realm of ‘ ghosts,’ since the essence of these
properties is to be perceived or known, in-
asmuch as every particle knows them, and
it is only as known that they exist.
According to our author’s own principles
and assumptions, space or time, or number
or motion, which are not the consciousness
of particles are but the ghosts of judgment,
the creation of entities out of nothing, for
if he is right the esse of these properties
must be percipt.
It must not be inferred that Iam myself
an idealist, for nothing could be farther
from the truth. I seek to be neither an
idealist nor a materialist, nor a realist nor
a monist, but a naturalist, believing that it
will be time to have an opinion as to the
relation between mind and matter after we
have found out.
For all I know to the contrary, Powell
may be right, and every particle of matter
may have judgment as consciousness and
choice ; but the test of truth is evidence,
and not the absence of disproof, and belief
in the judgment of particles does not con-
cern me.
Our author’s belief that all mind is mat-
ter in motion, and all matter in motion
mind, or, at least, the raw material of mind,
isnot new. In fact, it seems to be the most
characteristic ‘ philosophy ’ of our day.
‘“« All systems of philosophy are vanity,”
say the students of science ; but to Sam
Weller’s question : ‘‘ What is your particu-
lar vanity ?”’ they all, with one accord, be-
gin to cry ‘ Monism !’
If I seem to some to have devoted more
space to this new book on ‘philosophy ’
than it deserves; if I sit patiently among
the audience, listening attentively as the
philosophers play out their little plays ; it is
because of my hope that they may destroy
each other like Kilkenny cats before the
curtain drops, and that, in the last act,
they who are no philosophers, but simple
honest folks, may come by their own and
live at ease.
Because of this hope I study the philoso-
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 213.
phers as well as I can that I may be the
better able to do my part in bringing the
desired end about.
W. K. Brooks.
WHATEVER else may be thought or said,
all will probably agree that this is a unique
and remarkable book. It is intensely orig-
inal. The author is omniscient and dis-
cusses the universe. He treats, like Scal-
iger of old, de omni re scibili et quibusdam
aliis, As a specimen of what Kant called
‘architectonic symmetry ’it probably has
never been excelled. It is essentially a
philosophic or scientific terminology, but
all the terms are new, for even where old
terms are used they are invariably given
new meanings. The whole book is, there-
fore, like a foreign language, and the read-
er’s first task is to learn the language.
Everything that has been said or done by
man is rejected as unsatisfactory and the
temple of philosophy is entirely rebuilt
out of new bricks cast in new molds. The
friction thus caused in reading the book
will, therefore, probably deter many from
making so great an effort, and one of the
objects of a sympathetic treatment should
be to point out that the effort will be re-
Notwithstanding, however, this ‘archi-
tectonic symmetry,’ the reader has a right
justly to complain that his path has not
been made as easy as it might have been.
The terms are generally defined, it is true,
but the definitions are scattered through
the text and have to be hunted up many
times, as they cannot be remembered on
once reading. They should have been all
collected together in one place and arranged
in alphabetical order as acomplete glossary.
*Truth and Error, or the Science of Intellection.
By J. W. Powell. Chicago, The Open Court Pub-
lishing Company.
JANUARY 27, 1899.]
As it is, even the index is absolutely
worthless. But this is not the worst fault
of method. The terms are all interrelated
and these interrelations are set forth in
divers ways and places in the text, but
there are no tabular exhibits of the rela-
tions, no graphic or diagrammatic repre-
sentations. The reader is compelled to
earry in his mind all these never-before-
heard-of correlations among ideas expressed
in wholly unaccustomed language. Whether
the author wrote his book from such a con-
densed scheme or not, he should have drawn
it up for the use of others who have never
dreamed of these things before. There are
indications, however, that he worked en-
tirely from a system evolved in his own
mind, and certain passages show that he
would have written it better if he had first
worked it out in schedules, tables and
It is, of course, no part of our duty to
undertake the task of tabulating the con-
tents of a book, and few would probably
be capable of doing this in the present
case, but some attempt or stagger at this
seems to be the only way of condensing the
enormous mass of matter that the book
contains into the compass of a reasonable
summary. All the manifold terms em-
ployed stand for principles, laws, relations,
facts, or phenomena, and these are of widely
different character, making it very diffi-
cult to find any one term that will embrace
them all. For want of a better one, and
because little used by the author, let us
call them all principles. In the second place,
all these different kinds of principles are ar-
ranged in series, or groups, or classes, each
series, group, or class being distinct from
any other. In the third place, each series,
group or class consists of exactly five terms,
standing for five principles, which have a
definite and invariable order in the series.
The universe is found to be quinary, or, as
he calls it, pentalogic. Each principle in any
series is related to the ones standing before
and after it, but if it has any relation to
those of other series it must be to those oc-
cupying the same place in the series, and
not to any others. There are, therefore,
vertical and horizontal relationships, but
there can be no diagonal or oblique ones.
There are, at least, twenty of these pen-
talogic series, each of five terms, which
alone would raise the number of terms to
one hundred, but there are, of course, many
other terms employed in defining and dis-
cussing these primary ones. The author
nowhere tells us the order in which the nu-
merous pentalogic series should stand, and
every one must arrange them as seems most
logical. The following attempt in this di-
rection makes no claim to infallibility.
I. It seems clear that the first series must
be that which relates to the constitution of
matter. The five principles here involved
are what he calls the constituents of matter,
but which he quite as frequently denomi-
nates concomitants, because, as he explains,
they always go together and cannot be sepa-
rated. These five constituents are: (1)
number ; (2) space ; (3) motion ; (4) time;
(5) judgment.
IL. Without stopping to discuss the first
series we may pass to another, the terms of
which are correlated, 7%. ¢., horizontally re-
lated, to the first. It embraces what he
calls essentials or manifestations, and which,
he says, are absolute. They are: (1) unity;
(2) extension; (3) speed; (4) persistence ;
(5) consciousness.
III. Corresponding to these five essen-
tials, which are absolute, there are five
variables, which are relative, and stand as
follows: (1) plurality ; (2) position ; (3)
path ; (4) change; (5) choice.
IV. Next in order seem to come what he
calls the five categories, to which everything
in the universe must be referred. These
are: (1) kinds; (2) forms; (3) forces; (4)
causations; (5) concepts. They also corre-
spond to the five constituents, the five essen-
tials, and the five variables, number by
V. Thus far the order of the series seems
tolerably clear, but from this point on there
may be room for difference. We will re-
gard as the next and fifth series what he
calls particles, and, without apologizing for
the word, proceed to enumerate them as
follows : (1) ethereal ; (2) stellar; (3) ter-
restrial (geonomic); (4) vegetal; (5) ani-
VI. He has also a series of what he calls
natural bodies, which are not precisely par-
allel with the series of particles. These are:
(1) celestial; (2) terrestrial; (3) vegetal;
(4) animal; (5) social. The first term here
corresponds to the second in the last series,
and so on through to the last term, which is
not represented in series V.
VII. To the five particles (series V)
there are five corresponding states, as fol-
lows: (1) ethereal ; (2) fluid; (3) solid;
(4) vital; (5) motile.
VIII. Several series could probably be
worked out, representing principles inher-
ing in ethereal, stellar and terrestrial par-
ticles, but to find clear statements of them
in the book would be a difficult task. The
author was anxious to reach the higher,
psychological aspects of the subject, and
hastened to deal with animal particles. In
these he finds five processes, or operations,
which he calls animal principles. These are:
(1) metabolism; (2) reconstruction; (3)
motility ; (4) reproduction ; (5) conception.
IX. These might have been called func-
tions, and for carrying them on there are
five corresponding systems of organs, as fol-
lows: (1) digestive; (2) circulatory ; (3)
motor; (4) generative ; (5) cogitative (not
his word).
X. Adhering to the psychic elements,
the five senses may be next considered.
These vary slightly from the traditional five
senses in very properly grouping taste and
[N. 8S. Von. IX. No. 213.
smell together as one and recognizing the
muscular sense: (1) taste and smell; (2)
touch; (8) the muscular sense ; (4) hear-
ing ; (5) sight.
XI. Parallel to these are the five modes of
appeal to the senses, the senses representing
subjective states, modes of appeal objective
properties: (1) savors; (2) odors; (3)
pressures ; (4) sounds ; (5) colors.
XII. Major Powell distinguishes between
sensations and feelings. The former term
he confines to the subjective states residing
in the end organs of sense (of course re-
ferred to the brain), while the other he re-
stricts to internal states, such as most psy-
chologists recognize as emotional states in
a broad sense. Without stopping to show
that such a classification is illogical, we
may enumerate here what he calls feeling
impressions, of which there are, of course, ex-
actly five. Expressed adjectively, they are:
(1) metabolic; (2) circulatory; (3) mo-
tor; (4) reproductive ; (5) cognitional. The
reader cannot fail to note the close resem-
blance of these terms to those describing the
five systems of animal organs.
XIII. The twelve series of principles
thus far enumerated, though falling far
short of the whole number that a closer
analysis of the book would probably reveal,
only bring us up abreast of the subject of
mind in its intellectual manifestation, 7. e.,
intellection. The first series to be consid-
ered here is that of the faculties. Of these
there are also five, viz.: (1) sensation;
(2) perception; (8) apprehension ; (4) re-
flection ; (5) ideation.
XIV. Each faculty probably has five ele-
ments or factors, but only three of them
seem to be treated from this point of view.
In harmony with the fifth and last primary
constituent of matter, judgment, all opera-
tions of the mind, including sensations, are
judgments, and the five elements of a judg-
ment of sensation are: (1) choice of a past
concept; (2) the consciousness of this
JANUARY 27, 1899.]
choice; (3) the choice of another concept ‘
(4) a consciousness of this; (5) the com-
parison of the one with the other.
XV. The five elements of a judgment of per-
ception, Which he says are the same as for
apprehension, are these: (1) conscious-
ness of a concept ; (2) choice or recollection
of another concept; (8) consciousness of
the second concept; (4) comparison of the
two concepts ; (5) the final judgment.
XVI. In addition to these there are
enumerated the five elements of a judgment
proper (for he does not always use the word
judgment in the same sense). They are:
(1) consciousness of a sense impression ;
(2) desire to know its cause; (8) guess or
choice as to its cause, reviving the con-
sciousness of the concept of the object
chosen ; (4) comparison of this second con-
sciousness with the first; (5) judgment of
the likeness or unlikeness of the terms com-
Sixteen cosmic series have now been
enumerated, each consisting of five princi-
ples expressed by five terms or phrases, the
whole forming a kind of diapason rising
from the primary constituents of matter
and culminating in an act of mind, or in-
tellection. These sixteen series may now,
for clearer comprehension, be re-enumerated
without the pentalogic terms :
. Constituents of matter.
. Essentials or manifestations (absolute).
. Variables (relative).
. Categories.
. Particles.
. Natural bodies.
. States of the natural bodies.
. Animal principles.
. Systems of organs,
. Senses.
. Modes of appeal to the senses.
12, Feeling impressions.
13 Faculties.
14. Elements of a judgment of sensation.
Als, f sf a ‘* perception.
16. af us “ “* intellection.
As already remarked, there are many in-
terrelations among the series, and it may
be next inquired what are some of the most
important of these. All after the first are
connected in one way or another with that
as the basis of the entire system, but the
exact hierarchical dependence of the several
series is not worked out. The constituents
of matter—number, space, motion, time, and
judgment—all belong to everything and are
always concomitant in the sense that noth-
ing can lack any of them and have exist-
ence. [This is many times repeated, and
yet there are passages, as near the bottom
of page 13, from which it may be inferred
that judgment only inheres in animate
bodies.] The essentials, however—unity,
extension, speed, persistence, and conscious-
ness—are simply the manifestations of
things and constitute the substrates of the
next series, viz., the variables—plurality,
position, path, change and choice. That
is, unity is the substrate of plurality, exten-
sion is the substrate of position, and so on
through the series.
The categories, or classific properties—
kinds, forms, forces, causations, and con-
cepts—also correspond, term for term, with
the constituents, and several attempts are
made to show their interrelations with the
other series, but these can best be discussed
a little later. The five species of particles—
ethereal, stellar, terrestrial, vegetal and ani-
mal—are arranged in an ascending series,
such that each term after the first contains
all that is contained in the preceding term
and something in addition, a differenti of its
own. This differentia in every case is re-
lated to the corresponding term of the pri-
mary series, 7. e., the constituents. Par-
ticles are organized, and each class is more
highly organized than the preceding class
in that the next higher constituent is em-
braced in the organization. In ethereal
particles, which, he says, are probably ulti-
mate, numbers alone are organized. In
the stars numbers and spaces are organized.
In geonomic bodies numbers, spaces, and mo-
tions are organized. In plants numbers,
spaces, motions, and times are organized. In
animals numbers, spaces, motions, times,
and judgments are organized. All this
seems to a layman to contradict the defini-
tion of the five constituents as necessary
concomitants of one another, which would
predicate them all even of the first term, or
ethereal particles, but the author could prob-
ably explain the apparent discrepancy. He
has not done so in his book.
He sometimes distinguishes between par-
ticles and bodies, and when he does so the
bodies are composed of particles, but in his
discussion of the natural bodies he ex-
pressly excludes the first term of the series
of particles, the ethereal, and begins with
the second, giving us celestial, terrestrial,
vegetal, animal, and social bodies, this last
being added apparently to make the neces-
sary five. These bodies are what he calls
‘incorporated,’ and the order of the terms
is an ascending order in the mode or degree
of incorporation. This depends upon the
character of the respective particles. The
terms used describe this as follows :
. Celestial bodies have molecular particles.
Terrestrial bodies have petrologic particles.
. Vegetal bodies have inorganic particles.
. Animal bodies have vegetal particles.
. Social bodies have ideal particles.
oO FP Ww
He does not use these words in all cases
and his terminology is here mixed and
more or less confusing, but the above seems
to be a fair statement of his meaning.
If we continue to neglect the first class,
ethereal bodies, and to begin with the
second, celestial bodies, the corresponding
states will be: (1) fluid; (2) solid; (3)
vital ; (4) motile ; (5) social. Major Powel,
never uses the word social nor the word col-
lective, although he clearly understands this
stage of development. His classification of
the sciences, or scientific hierarchy, is as
follows: (1) etheronomy ; (2) astronomy ;
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 213.
(3) geonomy; (4) phytonomy; (5) zo
onomy ; (6) demonomy.** Why he did not
reduce this to five by combining phytonomy
and zoonomy under the term bionomy (since
from the standpoint of biology there is no
distinction between them) is rather sur-
prising, but explainable. We are here
concerned only with the last term, demon-
omy, which he prefers to socionomy, and
throughout expresses the conception of col-
lectivity by derivatives from the Greek
word ojos, using the adjective demotic, and
even extending it to animal societies, colo-
nies, etc., to which it obviously does not
Passing over the animal principles, or
functions, and their respective organs,
whose bare enumeration above must suf-
fice, we come to the senses. Here it is im-
portant to point out that the senses are
simply the organs of the categories in their
numerical order, thus:
. Taste (including smell) is the organ of kind.
. Touch is the organ of form.
. The muscular sense is the organ of force.
. Hearing is the organ of causation.
. Sight is the organ of conception.
Major Powell does not say quite all of
this in terms, but it can be safely inferred
from the discyssion on page 279.
When we come to the faculties we have
another example of architectonic symmetry.
We perceive that the faculties are simply
cognitions of the categories, term for term:
ar WW
1. Sensation is cognition of kind.
. Perception is cognition of form.
. Apprehension is cognition of force.
Reflection is cognition of causation.
. Ideation is cognition of conception.
Oe 0 Ww
The special treatment of the cosmic series
need not be carried farther, but it is of
interest to note a few of the more general
correlations that may be, with sufficient
pains and effort, worked out of different
* Compare the proposed classification given in the
American Journal of Sociology for July, 1896, Vol. II.,
p. 82.
JANUARY 27, 1899.]
passages in the book. In the chapter on
Intellections, after all the faculties have
been dealt with, the author makes a number
of wide sweeps across the whole field to
show the numerous and complicated asso-
ciations that arise among the various series.
No tabular exhibits are offered, and the
reader is asked to carry in his mind all
that has gone before and to put things to-
gether for himself. There are many gaps
in the terminology which he must supply,
and several new series come out that appear
not to have been dealt with before. A care-
ful digest of this chapter, and especially of
the matter on pages 302 and 3803, seem to
justify the following table of correlations.
The five points of view are: (1) classifica-
tion ; (2) morphology ; (3) dynamics; (4)
evolution; (5) intellection. If by mor-
phology he means about the same as ho-
mology, these correspond to five of his chap-
ters, viz., Chapters IX, X, XI, XIII and
Some of the terms have been dealt with in
previous chapters. The last terms of these
series are the two highest faculties, reflec-
tion and ideation. Metamorphosis and
metagenesis are treated in Chapter V as
processes or properties of geonomic bodies,
along with other apparently coordinate pro-
cesses, such as metalogisis (an etymologically
impossible word) and metaphysisis (for which
metaphysis would have done as well and been
correct); but these do not appear in the
present connection. Cooperation is the
subject of Chapter XII, and development
does not so greatly differ from evolution,
which is the thing with which it is said to
be associated, and is the subject of Chapter
XIII. These two new series seem to be-
long immediately after the categories. The
first may be called processes: (1) series ; (2)
metamorphoses; (3) energies or powers ;
(4) metageneses ; (5) reflections. The sec-
ond may, perhaps, be called products or re-
XVIII. The pentalogies are as follows: sultant conditions: (1) classes; (2) organ-
Associations I. Il. III. IV. Vv.
considered in Essentials. Constituents. Categories. Processes. Products.
1. Classification: Units. Numbers. Kinds. Series. Classes.
2. Morphology : Extensions. Spaces. Forms Metamorphoses. Organisms.
3. Dynamics: “Speeds. Motions. Forces. Energies or Powers. Cooperations.
4. Evolution : Persistences. Times. Causations. Metageneses. Developments.
5. Intellection : Sensations. Perceptions. | Apprehensions, Reflections. Ideations.
It will be perceived that the first three of
these columns of associations correspond to
series 2, 1 and 3, respectively, viz., essen-
tials,constituents, and categories, except the
fifth and last term in each case, where sen-
sation is substituted for consciousness, per-
ception for judgment, and apprehensions
for concepts. It will be further observed
that the five associations considered in in-
tellection are neither more nor less than
the five faculties of intellection. We have,
however, in this presentation, two series of
principles that have not been previously
considered among the pentalogic properties.
These are seen in the two last columns.
isms ; (3) cooperations ; (4) developments ;
(5) ideations.
In his final summary (p. 418) the au-
thor throws some further light upon his
general conception of these interrelated
principles. He says that the constituents
‘develop into’ the categories, and that in
so doing both the essentials and the vari-
ables ‘become’ something else, which gives
rise to two other new series, here intro-
duced for the first time in any systematic
way, although, as in the cases last consid-
ered, many of the terms have been dis-
cussed, and several of them are the same
in form at least as the terms of other series,
but seem here to have entirely different
connotations. From his language at this
point the following tabular arrangement
seems justified :
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 213.
does not correctly represent the scheme it
shows at least that the scheme cannot be
understood in its present form. Even
should this presentation be accepted in its
Constituents. Categories. Essentials. Varieties.
1. As number develops into class unity becomes kind and plurality series
2. As space ‘ i form extension rs figure ‘« position structure
3. As motion We i" force speed ae velocity “path inertia
4. As time “ Hi causation persistence te state “« change event
5. Asjudgment ‘ ee conception consciousness tf recollection ‘‘ choice inference.
No names are given to the series
represented by the fourth and sixth col-
umns of this table. The first, third and
fifth columns are those respectively of the
constituents, the essentials and the vari-
ables. The second column would corre-
spond to the categories had he not trans-
ferred the first term, kind, to the fourth
column, and put ‘class’ in its place. Per-
haps the reverse was intended, and this
would seem every way more logical. Mak-
ing this change we would have as one of the
new series: (1) class ; (2) figure ; (3) veloc-
ity ; (4) state ; (5) recollection, and as the
other: (1) series ; (2) structure ; (3) inertia ;
(4) event; (5) inference.
Twenty of these cosmic series of philo-
sophie principles have now been enumer-
ated. Others could probably be worked
out of the text even as it stands, and the
author is doubtless conscious of many more.
It may be well to repeat that all these cor-
relations are stated in the form of simple
discussions and the tabulation has been
made from these. Gaps are often left that
must be supplied from remote parts of the
book, and in a few cases terms are wanting
and have had to be selected from the obvious
meaning of the context. The author will,
therefore, probably criticise these condensa-
tions or perhaps repudiate many of them
altogether. The only apology that can be
made is that this seemed the only way of
putting the contents of the book into a form
which could be readily grasped, and if it
main aspects it seems doubtful whether it
will convey a clear idea to all minds. The
terminology is so different from any hitherto
employed that attention is constantly ar-
rested on the words at the expense of the
meaning. The practice of neoterism has
been aptly compared to putting cannon
balls inside of bales of cotton whereby their
force and effectiveness are destroyed. The
strongest writers are not those who use the
greatest number of new words, and such a
style as Huxley’s abundantly proves that
the English language, clumsy genetic prod-
uct as it is, is capable of conveying the
deepest scientific and philosophic truth and
of expressing the highest and finest shades
of thought. The golden rule is never to
introduce a new word when an old one will
serve the purpose. Major Powell’s method
reverses this, and he seems never to use a
word that has a popular acceptance if he
can find a synonym, however rare, or can
coin a new term. His use of demotie for
social, already pointed out, is simply one
example in a hundred that might be named.
More confusing still, perhaps, is his employ-
ment of old words in new senses, as, for
example, his use of apprehension as a mental
faculty, with its opposite misapprehension,
both of which are in common use with
definite though highly derivative significa-
tions. His category kind, in place of the
Kantian quality, conveys to the average
mind scarcely any idea at all.
We know what his answer to all this
JANUARY 27, 1899.]
would be, as he never tires of repeating it,
viz., that the bane of all thinking is the use of
the same word in different senses, whereby
the ideas are confused by the sounds of the
words. Butmust we make a new language
to obviate this? Is it not due to the mud-
dle-headedness of those who use the words?
And will not order come out of this chaos
when people learn to think clearly irrre-
spective of words? It may be compared to
the agitation about phonetics. Our lan-
guage has only 26 letters, but over 40
sounds, and yet many of these letters have
several sounds. The spelling reformers say
this is illogical. There should be just as
many letters as sounds, and each letter
should have one sound and one only. All
this is true, and no one disputes it. But it
is a condition and not a theory that con-
fronts us, and it is found that our alphabet,
with all its admitted defects, is capable of
forming all the words of the language. Both
the forms and the meanings of words are
products of evolution and have had their
history and genesis, and this evolution is
constantly going on far more rapidly than
the radical reformers suspect in the direc-
tion of rationality and logicality. It is, in-
deed, observed that attempts at hasty re-
form in orthography tend to arrest natural
development and fossilize language, as wit-
ness the practice of dropping the syllable a/in
all adjectives in ical, which interferes with
an obvious natural differentiation in the
meaning of the short and long forms, clearly
seen in the difference already acquired be-
tween such words as historic and historical,
politic and political, microscopic and microscop-
ical (what, for example, would a microscopic
society be?).
The natural impulse is to ignore the de-
ficiencies that one sees in a work of this
nature and take up the enumeration of the
many sterling qualities that it so manifestly
possesses, but aside from the fact that this
would be quite useless to the reader, since
he will see them for himself, one is here
confronted with so many actual difficulties
in the way of the comprehension of the
scheme that it seems necessary to devote
whatever space may be left after this at-
tempt at exposition to the consideration of
a few at least of these difficulties. There
is certainly one salient feature of the work
that demands a passing notice. It claims
to be ‘the Philosophy of Science,’ as op-
posed to ‘Idealism,’ on the one hand, and
‘ Materialism,’ on the other, anda large part
of it is devoted to soundly belaboring both
these spurious systems, but especially what
the author calls metaphysics, which rests upon
idealism. The arch-enemy of Truth and
chief source of Error is the philosophy which
reduces the universe toa subjective state of
the thinking or knowing mind. What is
elsewhere called ‘ epistemology,’ and is de-
fined as ‘the theory of knowledge,’ proves
uniformly to be a theory of no-knowledge,
or a proof that the mind can know nothing
but its own states. Major Powell calls this
book a treatise on epistemology (which is
always written ‘ epistomology,’ as if it had
to do with the digestive rather than the
cogitative apparatus). But, unlike the cur-
rent epistemology, its aim is to show that
there is an objective, knowable world, the
world with which science so effectively
deals. All this is well, and no scientific
man can object toit. But how does he suc-
ceed in this? When, as at the thresh-
old, he approaches the nature of mat-
ter he is baffled as completely as the
school boy, or as the other savants who
have grappled with this problem. He
seems to think, however, that he has found
a way out of the difficulty. Between the
thesis and the antithesis of the second
Kantian antinomy he thinks he has found
a Hegelian synthesis. This compromise or
reconciliation consists in maintaining, as
the term implies, that the five ‘ constituents ’
constitute matter. These constituents, as
we have seen, are number, space, motion,
time and judgment. They must all exist
in every particle, but besides and beyond
them there is nothing. They are matter.
Sometimes (e. g.,on p. 119) he calls these
the ‘ properties of matter.’ At other times
he seems to talk as though it were rather
the five ‘essentials’ or ‘manifestations’
(unity, extension, speed, persistence, con-
sciousness) that really ‘ constitute the par-
ticle’ (p. 183). But at any rate there is
nothing but these properties or manifesta-
tions, and when he speaks of ‘ substrates’
he calls the essentials the substrates of the
corresponding variables (plurality, position,
path, change, choice), and does not mean
any real substrate of which any one or all
of these attributes can be predicated. Now,
to the ordinary mind, or naive intellect,
such things as space, time, motion, or as
extension and speed (rate of motion), seem
to be wholly immaterial. Some of them, as
space and time, are mere conditions under
which things exist. Motion we must agree
with him in regarding as a state in which
all matter always exists. Extension is a
property that matter possesses. But when
Major Powell refers to space he says he
does not mean ‘ void space,’ which he says
is a pseud-idea. Yet most persons can
clearly conceive of void space. He must
refer to the matter that is in space. This
is simply a question of language. When
he speaks of time he says he does not mean
‘void time, but the time of states and
events’ (p. 253). But any one can ‘ think
away’ the whole universe of matter and
both space and time will remain. He says
there is no such thing as void space, and
many passages indicate that he accepts the
plenum. Although this is inconsistent with
motion, and even with number, except
unity, it will seem to many that if matter is
made up of such intangible constituents as
space, time, extension, speed, and judgment
it makes very little difference whether the
[N. 8. Vou. IX. No. 218.
universe is full of them or not. Like the
deathless Shades of Walhalla, hack and
hew them as you may, they will instantly
regain their forms and return to the combat.
By thus constructing the material uni-
verse out of five immaterial elements Major
Powell seems to think that he has made
his peace with the idealists and won the
right to turn upon the materialists. It can-
not be denied that he has evolved a system
as thoroughly ideal as that of Berkeley, and
about the only difference between it and
the Berkeleyan idealism is that it consists
of five nothings instead of one. For the
last of the PRowellian nothings, judgment,
consciousness, etc., is the whole of the
Berkeleyan nothing, mind, and the Hegelian
Nichts, thought. But are not consciousness,
mind, thought, real things and important
things? Undoubtedly, and so are justice,
honor, truth, freedom, yet no one thinks of
making these the constituents of matter
and the contents of the material universe.
All these numberless terms of elevated and
refined thought and sentiment stand for
relations subsisting among material things,
but which are themselves necessarily im-
material, as much so as distance or direc-
tion. The number and kinds of relations
are innumerable. By a little convenient
expansion the term may be made to include
space, time, motion, extension, velocity,
persistence, resistance, judgment, conscious-
ness, feeling, thought, mind, love, sympathy,
virtue, justice, truth, liberty, peace, ambi-
tion, character—all the higher and more
evolved coneeptions of intellectual and
emotional beings. But if any one prefers
to call them properties, attributes, or even
qualities, there need be no objection; they
may be any of these things, but they are
not matter nor the constituents of matter.
Major Powell says that the metaphysicians
‘reify’ mere properties or attributes. He
has reified abstract relations and constructed
a phantom world out of nothing.
JANUARY 27, 1899. ]
There is one other favorite idea in this
book which it is difficult to resist touching
upon, however lightly. It is the doctrine
of hylozoism, which the author approaches
at first haltingly and doubtingly, but which
before the close assumes the form of a full-
fledged dogma without the acceptance of
which it is almost admitted the whole struc-
ture falls to the ground. Really there was
no occasion for the initial timidity, as the
doctrine is backed up by a long line of the
best thinkers of all ages. In fact, it is one
of those conceptions which cannot be es-
caped by the mind if only it goes on to the
logical term in its reasoning, and it has
never been gainsaid in any legitimate argu-
mentation. There need, therefore, be no
quarrel as to the notion itself that the high-
est attribute of nature, call it mind, soul,
spirit, thought, or what you may, resides
also in the lowest and simplest form of ex-
istence. No true philosopher will or can
deny this proposition. The ‘fallacies,’ to
use Major Powell’s regular word for the er-
rors of human reasoning, all occur in the
mode of approaching this great truth. It
is so in the present case. His fallacy lurks
at the outset in the fifth and last term of
the first three or four series of cosmic prin-
ciples—in the terms judgment, conscious-
ness, concept, choice, ete.—terms which
connote psychie processes not introduced in
the course of evolution until the cosmic
stage had been passed and the organic stage
had been ushered in. The fallacy is most
manifest in the discussion of the terms ‘ affin-
ity’ and ‘choice.’ Here our author becomes
thoroughly metaphysical. On pages 40 and
41 he says: ‘“‘ We have now discovered that
there is an additional property of the inani-
mate particle when it is incorporated, and
that this is affinity. All we know of affinity
is that it is the choice of one particle for an-
other as its associate or as their mutual
choice. Here we are introduced to the
multitudinous phenomena of affinity which
can be explained only as choice.” On
pages 188 and 189 he further says: ‘The pri-
mal law of evolution seems to be psychic.
We shall call it the law of affinity and de-
fine it as choice of particles to associate in
bodies.” Finally, on page 267, he asserts
that “the ultimate particles of inanimate
bodies have self-activity in so far as they
manifest choice or affinity.”? Now this is
not ‘ reification,’ which belongs to the meta-
physical stage of thought in Comte’s cele-
brated trois états; it is ‘imputation,’ which
belongs to the first or fetishistic phase of
the theological stage, which, as Major
Powell has elsewhere so ably shown, char-
acterizes the thinking of the primordial
savage. To the glorious company of Chuar,
Spencer and Hegel, Powell must surely be
added !
The whole idea of choice or affinity is
anthropomorphic. It is to be compared
with the popular idea of attraction, or
gravitation as produced by one body draw-
ing another through void space ; an idea, by
the way, which Major Powell justly assails
as essentially metaphysical, involving the
actio in distans, and demanding a belief in
some sort of magic. There is no difference
between the attraction of bodies and the
affinities of atoms, so far as this principle
is concerned. To call it ‘psychic’ is an
anachronism. To say that the action of a
magnet or an attracting body, or the be-
havior of chemical substances toward one
another, is judgment, or consciousness, or
choice, except metaphorically, is to ignore
the vast series of steps in evolution which
separate the chemical atom from protoplasm
and span the chasm between the inorganic
and the organic worlds. Hylozoism simply
asserts that the elements and raw materials
are there, even at the bottom of the scale,
but it does not say that a bank of clay is a
house of brick, or that a block of marble is
a Venus of Milo. The worst feature of
this doctrine, which pervades the work and
affects the whole scheme, is that it is quite
unnecessary and superfluous. If, as the
law of the conservation of energy demon-
strates, all matter exists in a state of mo-
tion which is as unchangeable and inde-
structible as matter itself, is its one essen-
tial attribute, what more is required? Is
not this the true ‘self-activity,’ the true
hylozoism? Everything else follows from
this. Every higher manifestation is the re-
sult of aggregation, of compounding and re-
compounding—in a word, of organization,
first chemical, then biotic, then psychic.
All differences are differences of degree, and
the universe is one.
The last question to be asked is: Why
pentalogic? Is the universe really a quin-
cunx? Or has it been forced to take this
form? We all know how strong the love
of symmetry is in man, and too great sym-
metry in a treatise claiming to be scientific
stamps it as artificial if nothing more. It
has been said that nature makes only in-
dividuals and man make species, genera,
families. The real world will not fit into
our square or round or oval frames. The
mind strains to make it fit. The search
for analogies has been universal. The
old cosmologies largely go by numbers—by
threes, or fours, or fives, or sevens, or
twelves. Reasons for this are always at
hand—the number of fates, of points to the
compass, of fingers on the hand, of days in
the week, of tribes of Israel, of apostles,
ete. There has never been any difficulty
in making a philosophical system conform
to any of these charmed numbers. Instead,
therefore, of strengthening his argument
by referring (p. 112) to the well-known
origin of the decimal system in the number
of digits, and declaring that ‘ the universe
is pentalogic,’ Major Powell has thereby
greatly weakened it by an analogy devoid
of the least causal connection. Every
biologist knows that it was an accident that
in the phylogenetic development of the
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 213.
higher animals, from the many-boned fins
of fishes through the multidigitate Dipneusta
to the five-toed Batrachians, the reduction
of digits happened to be arrested at this
stage. Really, though, it never was ar-
rested, but went on through the cloven-
footed ungulates, until in the horse the
number was reduced to one; so that the
horse is the most highly developed animal,
as Professor Cope and Dean Swift agreed
in asserting. But this theological argu-
ment is further demolished by the superi-
ority of other than pentalogic systems, the
duodecimal, and especially the octonal. If
four instead of five had been the magic
number no one can calculate the economy
it would have wrought in human affairs.
The direct study of nature reveals every-
where irregularity, heterogeneity, amor-
phism, chaos; and however laudable the
effort to reduce this anarchy to law and
this chaos to cosmos, any attempt in this
direction which goes beyond the limit set
by concrete facts is, by minds trained to
the scientific habit, dismissed at once as not
science, whatever else it may be.
It seems a pity that a book which is ob-
viously the product of such prolonged and
profound philosophical meditation by a
mind so well stored with scientific knowl-
edge and direct experience with the real
world should be handicapped in the manner
here pointed out. The above specifications
in this regard are not meant for criticisms.
They are made rather to prepare the reader
for what he may expect in the hope that he
may ignore them as far as possible and
persevere to the end, assuring him that,
read in the right spirit, this book will
furnish food for reflection and new views of
science and philosophy. Meanwhile we
commend to the author the two following
passages from his book :
“For some purposes of discussion a
schematization may be of more or less
value, but it easily degenerates into illogical
JANUARY 27, 1899.]
classification, especially when it becomes
the foundation of a philosophy.’ (Pp.
“The true method of classification is not
by invention, but by discovery.” (P. 113.)
Lester F. Warp.
Tue following bill has passed the House,
and, as amended by Senator Hoar, has met
with the approval of the Senate. If the
amended bill meets with the approval of
the House Conferees it will probably be-
come a law:
An Act to Extend the Powers and Duties of the
Commission of Fish and Fisheries to Include
Game Birds and Other Wild Birds Useful to
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of America
in Congress assembled, that the United States
Commission of Fish and Fisheries shall here-
after be known and designated as the United
States Commission of Fish, Fisheries and Birds.
The duties and powers of said commission are
hereby enlarged so as to include the propaga-
tion, distribution, transportation, introduction
and restoration of game birds and other wild
birds useful to man. For such purposes they
may purchase, or cause to be captured, such
game birds and other wild birds as they may
require therefor, subject, however, to the
laws of the various States and Territories in
which they may conduct such operations.
The object and purpose of this Act is to aid
in the restoration of such birds in those parts of
the United States adapted thereto where the
same have become scarce or extinct, and also
to aid in the introduction of new and valuable
varieties or species of American or foreign birds
in localities where they have not heretofore
Said Commission shall from time to time col-
lect and publish useful information as to the
propagation, uses and preservation of such
And the said Commission shall make and
publish all needful rules and regulations for
carrying out the purposes of this Act, and shall
expend for said purposes such sums as Congress
may appropriate therefor.
The Amendments are as follows :
That the importation into the United States
of birds, feathers or parts of birds for orna-
mental purposes be and the same is hereby
prohibited: Provided, however, That nothing
herein contained shall be construed as prohibit-
ing the importation of birds for museums,
zoological gardens, or scientific collections, or
the importation of living birds or of feathers
taken from living birds without injury to the
bird. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby
authorized to make regulations for carrying
into effect the provisions of this section.
That the transportation of birds, feathers or
parts of birds, to be used or sold from any State
or Territory of the United States is hereby pro-
hibited. Whoever shall violate the provisions
of this section shall, upon conviction in the
district where the offense shall have been com-
mitted, be punished for each such offense by a
fine of $50.
That the sale, keeping or offering for sale,
within any Territory of the United States, or
within the District of Columbia, of birds,
feathers or parts of birds for ornamental pur-
poses, except such as are excepted in the first
section of this Act, be and the same is hereby
prohibited. Whoever shall violate the pro-
visions of this section shall, upon conviction, be
punished for such offense by a fine of $50.
In view of the high grade of ornithological
work which the Department of Agriculture
has already performed, and of the eminently
scientific character of its personnel, it seems
a great pity that work so clearly of an agri-
cultural nature should be given to the Fish
Commission, a department which has
neither the experiment stations, the men
nor the means to effectively undertake such
duties, and whose hatcheries are in locali-
ties so remote from sources of supply that
the work can only be done, if at all, at a
great sacrifice of time, money and energy.
The introduction of new species into a
country is, in any case, a dangerous ex-
periment—as witness the English Sparrow
—and if undertaken at all should be done
only under that branch of the govern-
ment service which for many years has
been charged by Congress with investiga-
tions of the economic status of birds
and mammals. While we should gladly
see feathers and parts of birds obtained by
killing the birds no longer used for orna-
mental purposes, it is probable that legisla-
tion would accomplish nothing. On the
whole, the bill appears useless, and the new
functions given to the Fish Commission are
extremely ill-advised. Such bills should be
referred to a committee of the National
Academy of Sciences for an opinion.
Origin of the Grahamite in Ritchie Co., W.
Va. I. C. Wurtz, Morgantown, W. Va.
Tus mineral, resembling coal in physical
aspect, and extending, in a vertical fissure
two to three feet wide, downward to an un-
known depth, was shown to be a residual
product derived from the evaporation of
petroleum. Its location is near the ‘ Oil-
break’ anticline of Andrews, and it prob-
ably tapped off oil from the ‘ Saltwater
Sandstone’ of the drillers. This sandstone
is now the source of productive wells lo-
cated near the Grahamite vein.
The paper led to the discussion of asphal-,
tic deposits in fissures and to the source of
graphite and other hydro-carbons in peg-
matite veins. A. P. Coleman cited the an-
thraxolite of the Sudbury region, an ultra-
anthracitic materialin fissures. J.S. Diller
mentioned the pitch-coal of the Coos Bay:
lignite mines, Oregon, which cuts the lignite
in veins. J. F. Kemp brought up the gra-
phitic pegmatites of the Adirondacks, the
presence of small amounts of carbon in
[N. 8S. Von. IX. No. 213.
the gabbros and the tarry material in the
Branchville, Conn., quartz. M. E. Wads-
worth referred to carbon in meteorites.
Structure of the Lola Gas Field, Allen Co.,
Kansas. Epwarp Orton, Columbus, O.
Read by I. C. White, in the absence of the
NATURAL gas is more widely distributed,
geologically and geographically, and exists
in larger quantity than any one would
have claimed 20 or even 10 years ago. Its
productive horizons cover the entire Pale-
ozoic column of the country. Cities sup-
plied, at least partially, with natural gas
for fuel and light are no longer uncommon.
Two distinct divisions can be made of its
accumulations, viz.: That which is stored in
impervious rocks as shales, most limestones,
ete., and that which is fownd in porous rocks.
These divisions may be provisionally styled
Shale gas and Reservoir gas, each having
characteristics of its own. Shale gas occurs
in comparatively small wells. Its wells
lack uniformity of rock pressure. It does
not occupy definite horizons; it exists in-
dependently of petroleum in many cases,
has staying properties, does not depend on
the structural arrangement of the strata
that contain it. Reservoir gas is found in
great wells, approaches uniformity of rock
pressure in each subdivision of territory,
occupies definite horizons, is accompanied
by oil, its wells generally come to a sudden
end, is entirely controlled by the structure
of the rocks in which it is accumulated.
Two structural phases of rocks are specially
important in this connection, the anticline
and the terrace. The time has come for the
acknowledgment of structure in reservoir gas
fields even in advance of measurements.
The Iola gas field is one of great promise.
Its source is in a sandstone of the Cherokee
shales, or near the bottom of the coal meas-
ures. It proves to bea terrace of well-marked '
character. For seven miles the top of the
JANUARY 27, 1899.]
gas rock has an elevation of 131 feet above
tide, rising at no point more than 45 feet
above this. At this summit the largest
well of the field is located. The relations
were shown by a geological cross-section.
The importance of the fuel to the local zine
industry was described.
There was no important discussion.
The Conshohocken Plastie Clays. T. C. Hop-
KINS, State College, Pa.
Tue plastic clays near Conshohocken, Pa.,
form an isolated deposit. The resemblances
to the New Jersey and Gay Head clays in
colors, texture and structural features sug-
gest clays of the same age. The location
and character of the deposits were briefly
described. There was no discussion.
A Remarkable Landslip on the Rivivre Blanche,
Portneuf County, Quebec. GrorcE M.
Dawson, Ottawa, Ont.
In this paper a brief account was given
of the landslip that occurred on May 7th,
last. It affected the thick deposit of Leda
clay that floors this part of the St. Law-
rence plain and serves to indicate that
a clay: of this character may, under
certain circumstances, for a short time, be-
have almost as aliquid. The paper was
illustrated by the lantern and threw light
on disturbed glacial or post-glacial deposits
Ripple-Marks and Cross-Bedding. G. K. Gri-
BERT, Washington, D. C.
Tue general theory of ripple-marks, as
developed by Darwin and others, was out-
lined and the relation of ripple-mark dimen-
sions to dimensions of water oscillation was
set forth. In general the distance between
the crests of the ripple-marks is half the
height of the wave that causes them. At
the surface the particles sharing in the wave
describe circles. In depths the circles flat-
ten to ellipses and at last to forward and
backward oscillations, which develop the
ripple-marks. Giant ripple-marks of Me-
dina sandstones were described, with crests
up to 30 feet apart. The physical condi-
tions in which they were developed were
inferred, and waves up to 60 feet high were
indicated. When ordinary wind waves are
complicated by currents, compound and
complex cross-bedding is caused by deposi-
tion on rippled surface. The tops of the rip-
ple-marks are cut off and deposited on the
flanks of the ridges and lead to cross-bed-
ding of variable dip and strike, which in
this way differs from the cross-bedding of
deltas and currents. The paper was illus-
trated by the lantern.
Volcanoes of Southeastern Russia. HARrry
Frevpine Rerp, Baltimore, Md.
Durine the Russian excursion of 1897
the author visited the three very high vol-
canic mountains, Elbruz and Kazbek, in
the Caucasus, and Ararat, farther south.
This paper gives a brief description of these
mountains and was illustrated by lantern
views. The physiography of the region
traversed, its lake basins and glaciers were
all described. Special attention was given
to Mt. Ararat. The supposed thawing of
its snow fields by the heat developed from
oxididizing pyrites was set before the So-
ciety and discussion asked, and the question
of the abundance of fulgurites on one peak
of Ararat and their scarcity elsewhere was
proposed to the Society for explanation.
L. V. Pirsson and others dismissed the
pyrites as a source of heat on account of
its manifest and absurd inefficiency, despite
the fact that it had been seriously advanced
abroad. Experience in the Sierras led C.
D. Walcott to attribute the absence of snow
in certain spots to the action of wind. E.
O. Hovey spoke of the occurrence of the
fulgurites on Little Ararat, and A. Heilprin
remarked their independence of the kind of
rock and cited the unusually large ones he
had met in the desert of Sahara. He also
spoke of the similarity of the profile of
Ararat to that of Shasta, and others said
the same of Shishaldin.
The Society then adjourned for lunch.
On reassembling for the afternoon session.
the Society divided into two sections, in
order to finish the program. The petro-
graphic section listened to the following
papers :
Differences in Batholitic Granites According to
Depth of Erosion. B. K. Emerson, Am-
herst, Mass.
THE speaker reviewed the distribution of
granitic rocks in Massachusetts, illustrating
his remarks with a sketch map of it and of
the neighboring States to the south. He
commented on the tonalite near Northamp-
ton, the Cape Ann area, the Quincy area
and the extension of quartz porphyries and
felsites to the southwest of the last. He
outlined another belt of igneous rocks that
passes near Worcester. He then developed
the idea regarding the tonalite that it had
fused its way upward, involving in itself
the overlying schists to such a degree that
zones can be traced around the granite
proper that mark the various stages of ab-
sorption or metamorphism of the schists.
From the granite outward there is a fibro-
litic zone, then a chiastolitic, next an an-
dalusitic and lastly the schists. Given one
of these zones, such as the chiastolitic at
Lancaster, the presence of the granite may
be confidently predicted in depth, although
not actually visible. The demarcation of
the zones is sharp enough to admit of
The next two papers followed before dis-
Metamorphosed Basie Dikes in the Manhattan
Schists, New York City. J. F. Kemp, New
York City.
HorNBLENDE schists in narrow belts have
long been known in the prevailing mica-
schists of Manhattan Island. This paper
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 213.
describes one special occurrence on Morn-
ingside Park, between 118th and 119th
Streets, near the Columbia University Cam-
pus. A small detailed map was shown,
together with analyses and petrographic
details of the amphibolite and of the mica-
schists. The speaker stated that the am-
phibolite must be referred to an igneous in-
trusion or to limey bands in the schists.
The most reasonable interpretation seemed
to him to be the igneous. The rocks were
illustrated by projecting thin sections with
a polarizing microscopic lantern.
The Granites on the North Shore of Long
Island Sound, with some Observations on the
Granites of the Atlantic Coast in General.
J. F. Kemp, New York City.
Tue general character of the crystalline
rocks along the sound from New Haven to
Narragansett Bay was outlined, and it was
shown that they are chiefly granitic gneisses,
with pronounced foliation, but with some
augen-gneiss and considerable basic horn-
blendic and biotitic schist. The granites
at Niantic and Westerly, R. I., and at
New London, Millstone Point, Stony Creek
and some minor localities in Connecticut
were discussed. They were shown to be
biotite-granites of several varieties. Al-
though they have nearly or quite the same
mineralogy as the prevailing gneiss of the
region, their intrusive character was shown
by their relations to the wall-rocks and by
their peculiar inclusions of the basic horn-
blendic and biotitic schists. The supposed
Carboniferous age of the Connecticut gran-
ite,asadvanced by Pirsson,was mentioned as
perhaps indicating a fairly late age for those
in the gneissic areas. Slides of the rocks dis-
cussed were afterwards thrown on the screen
with the polarizing microscope. Theremark-
able development of pegmatites that every-
where characterize the region was also dis-
cussed, both as regards mineralogy and
geological relations. They vary from coarse
JANUARY 27, 1899.]
aggregates of pink microcline, natron-ortho-
clase, quartz, biotite and ilmenite to prac-
tically pure quartz, intermediate varieties
being present. The paper concluded with
a general review of the granites of the At-
lantic sea-board and stated that they are
with few exceptions biotite granites. Such
analyses as are available were used in il-
In discussion of the last three papers M.
E. Wadsworth remarked with regard to
the amphibolites of the second paper the
similar changes in peridotite dikes on Lake
Superior and their clear igneous character.
In reply J. F. Kemp mentioned the serpen-
tines near New York, which have lately
been shown by D. H. Newland to contain
recognizable olivine, and which are prob-
ably altered basic, igneous rocks. Whit-
man Cross stated that the Colorado granites
with which he was familiar had sharp con-
tacts with the wall rocks and showed no
such infusion as described by Professor
Emerson. They resembled rather the gran-
ites of the Long Island Sound region. M.
EK. Wadsworth remarked that he had al-
ways been able to find evidence of the in-
trusive nature of massive granites wherever
he had searched for it and he controverted
the idea that metamorphism was respon-
sible for them. Referring to the supposed
post-Carboniferous age of the Conanicut
granite J. KE. Wolff stated that he and his
associates at Cambridge had reached the
conclusion that the granite intruded Cam-
brian and not Carboniferous strata. In re-
ply to the remarks of Whitman Cross, B.
K. Emerson again reviewed his interpreta-
tion of the Massachusetts phenomena.
Augite-syenite near Loon Lake, N. Y. H. P.
CusHine, Cleveland, O.
Aw interesting section exposed in a rail-
road cut near Loon Lake shows an intru-
sive rock which has caught up fragments
of the Grenville series. The rock is related
to the augite-syenites but the chemical,
analysis shows some unusual features. A.
large area of anorthosite mapped in Frank-
lin county, N. Y., the past summer, was
found to grade into similar rocks on all
sides, and they are, therefore, regarded as
variants of the gabbro magma. They present
a range from rocks of the acidity of granite
to basic gabbros. The analysis quoted was
by E. W. Morley and was as follows:
SiO, 63.45, TiO, 0.07, Al,O, 18.31, Fe,O,
0.42, FeO 3.56, MnO none, CaO 2.93, BaO
0.13, MgO 0.35, K,O 5.15, Na,O 5.06. Loss,
0.30. Total, 99.73. The rock is composed
of microperthite, quartz, hyperstheme, a
pyroxene near diallage and a little plagio-
clase. It was compared with Cape Ann
and Norwegian relatives.
In discussion J. F. Kemp remarked the
presence of related rocks in the Adirondack
region south of Professor Cushing’s area
and the possibility of others having been
pinched into the gneisses and disguised by
metamorphism. H.S. Washington empha-
sized their close parallelism with the Cape
Ann varieties described by him. M. E.
Wadsworth discussed the passage of Min-
nesota gabbros into rocks of this type, and
N. H. Winchell gave a most interesting re-
view of recent results in the study of the
Minnesota gabbros and their relatives. Be-
ginning with anorthosites be showed their
passage into gabbros and their occurrence
both as inclusions and as segregations in
diabases. The gabbros grade into the
‘muscovadites ’ of the Minnesota geologists
and the muscovadites into greenstones and
perhaps into jaspilite and iron ore. R. A.
Daly remarked the presence of the same
rocks as those described by Cushing in Mt.
Ascutney, Vt., and quoted an analysis that
was very much like Cushing’s. He outlined
the curious change in color that the rock
undergoes when quarried. He stated that
it also occurs at Cuttingsville in the Kil-
lingly Peaks, Vt.
142 ,
On the Phenocrysts of Intrusive Igneous Rocks.
L. V. Prrsson, New Haven, Conn.
Tue speaker argued for the formation of
phenocrysts at or near the places where
they are found in rocks, and against the
necessity of the generally accepted idea
that they are deep-seated and older erystal-
lizations brought up by the magma, 7. e.,
against the necessary ‘ intratelluric’ nature
of them. He distinguished the ‘single’
type which does not occur as a mineral of
the ground mass and the ‘recurrent’ type
which does. As incompatible with an in-
tratelluric origin, he advanced the follow-
ing well-known phenomena: (1) Absence
of phenocrysts from contact zones. (2) Ab-
sence from dikes and sheets whose parent
laccolite is richly provided with them. (3)
The throngs of small rod-like crystals that
surround phenocrysts and are not flow-
phenomena, but due to crowding back, by
growth of phenocrysts; further tabular
phenocrysts which occur in all orienta-
tions in a rock. (4) Phenocrysts of pro-
phyritic granites may or may not be intra-
telluric, according as we view porphy-
ritic rocks as differing from granitoid in
kind or in degree. (5) Micro-structure,
both internal as regards inclusions and ex-
ternal as regards surrounding crystals, may
be explained by formation near the surface.
The arguments for an intratelluric origin,
viz.: (1) Large size, and (2) flow-arrange-
ment and resorption-phenomena, were dis-
cussed. As opposed to the views of the
French petrographers, that there are two
distinct periods in the crystallization of
every igneous rock, and of the Germans,
that there are two for the porphyritic and
one for the granitoid, Pirsson argued for
only one for each, and emphasized the vis-
cosity of the magma as an important factor
in conditioning the epoch of crystallization,
and the rate of cooling as of great influence
on the result. With a long time, i. e., slow
cooling, the granitoid texture results; with
[N. 8. Vou. IX. No. 213.
a short period, the porphyritic or felsitic.
The presence of water-vapor is also impor-
tant. With a quick fall in temperature the
earliest minerals to begin have the best
chance to develop; the later ones are hurried
or are cut off. Hence, single phenocrysts
result. Mass action isalsoimportant. The
most abundant minerals have a predominant
tendency to develop. Too great regularity
is not, however, to be expected in Nature.
The speaker closed with a statement that
he had no hopes of the Section agreeing
with him, but he courted discussion. He
was mildly thunder-struck to find very
general agreement and approval as evinced
in remarks by J. P. Iddings and Whitman
Cross, although, the hour being late, the
paper could not receive the attention that
its importance and interest merited.
The last paper of the Section was the
following :
The Mica Deposits of the United States. J.
A. Hotes, Chapel Hill, N. C.
Tuer speaker stated that to-day all the
commercial mica produced in the United
States is derived from North Carolina. It
is universally obtained from pegmatite
dikes, in which as a maximum not or over
1 or 14 per cent. of the dike is mica, and
about 0.1 per cent. is the rule. About 5 per
cent. of this mica or less is merchantable as
sheets; the rest, if utilized, is ground. The
chief defects are the crushing and warping
due to dynamic processes, and the so-called
‘ruling’ or cleavage which runs across the
leaves and is probably due to pressure.
The speaker described in particular the
mica deposits of New Mexico, where the
pegmatites are associated with granites at
the base of the Grand Cafion series and are
older than the Algonkian. They are dam-
aged by folding and pressure, which, how-
ever, largely fail in the Appalachian belt.
The hour being late, no discussion followed,
and after a vote of thanks to the authori-
JANUARY 27, 1899.]
ties of Columbia University the section ad-
In the other section, before which papers
bearing on glacial geology and some more
general topics were read, the following pro-
gram was presented. The notes of the
section on which the following account is
chiefly based were kept by Arthur Hollick,
but by a misunderstanding they are less
complete than those for the previous papers:
Pre- Cambrian Fossiliferous Formations. Cras.
D. Watcotr, Washington, D.C.
A DESCRIPTION was given of the pre-Cam-
brian formations which have yielded traces
of life, including the announcement of the
discovery of fossils indicating highly organ-
ized life in the pre-Cambrian belt terrane
of Montana. The fossils occur in a fissile
black shale or slate called the Empire shales
and are of eurypteroid forms. The paper
_ was illustrated by geological sections and
by photographs and specimens of the fossils.
It was discussed by J. A. Holmes, H. 8.
Williams, Bailey Willis and H. M. Ami.
After the reading of the paper oppor-
tunity was given for the discussion of the
papers presented the day before by W. D.
Johnson and H. W. Turner. The discus-
sion was participated in by I. C. Russell,
H. F. Reid, G. K. Gilbert and W. D.
Ice Sculpture in Western New York. G. K.
GitBerT, Washington, D.C.
CaREFUL study of the Niagara escarp-
ment in Niagara county shows that its
greater features are pre-glacial, but glacial
erosion has wrought important modification.
The Medina shale has been so deeply seulp-
tured as to obliterate its pre-glacial relief
and substitute a broad fluting in the direc-
tion of ice movement. At Thirty Mile
Point a mass of strata several hundred feet
broad has been moved by theice. The paper
was illustrated by charts and was discussed
H. F. Reid and Robert Bell.
The Wind Deposits of Eastern Minnesota. C.
W. Hatt and F. W. Sarpeson, Min-
neapolis, Minn.
TuE paper treated of the character, origin
and age of the lag gravels and dune sands
so frequently seen in eastern Minnesota—
more particularly in the district between
the Mississippi and St. Croix Rivers. These
deposits in the vicinity of Minneapolis have
been more particularly studied and their
relations to some fossiliferous post-glacial
water deposits were considered. The paper
was illustrated by photographs and was
discussed by Arthur Hollick and J. B.
The Iroquois Beach at Toronto and its Fossils.
A. P. Coteman, Toronto, Canada.
Tue Iroquois beach north of Lake On-
tario was long ago mapped in outline by
Spencer, but many details in this shoreline
remain to be filled in. Near Toronto two
bays are found, one near Carlton on the
west, the other near York on the east.
Each has an area of several square miles
and is cut off from the main lake by a
gravel bar like the present Toronto Island.
Horns of caribou are common in the Carl-
ton bar, and teeth of the mammoth have
been found in the bar near York. Fresh-
water shells of four species—Campeloma
decisa the most common—are found in beach
gravels of Iroquois age near Reservoir
Park, Toronto. These are the fresh-water
fossils found without doubt in the Iroquois
beach deposits. As the main Pleistocene
beaches from Agassiz to Iroquois contain
fresh-water shells, they must have been
formed in lakes and not arms of the sea.
The numerous marine shell-bearing de-
posits of the east of Canada cease before
Lake Ontario is reached. The paper was
illustrated by diagrams and by fossil shells.
It was discussed by G. K. Gilbert, Robert
Bell and J. B. Woodworth.
Thames River Terraces. F. P. GULLIVER,
Southboro’, Mass.
Cuts have recently been made for a new
line of railway on the east bank of the
Thames river between New London and
Norwich. They expose the structure of
many terraces which were regarded as
Champlain deposits by the late Professor
J. D. Dana, and which were referred to the
post-glacial, flooded rivers. The presence
of eskers at lower levels has, however, al-
ways been a fact difficult of explanation on
this hypothesis. The railway cuts expose
many delta lobes of fine sand which point
down stream and toward the sides of the
old valley and rest upon its covering of
till. In instances their axes point up side
valleys and away from the central axis of the
main valley. The fine sand is covered by
coarse boulders, such as are found in front
of Alaska glaciers. The speaker explained
them as due to a retreating glacier which
filled the center of the main valley and dis-
charged its waters and sediment laterally
as well as longitudinally. This raised the
question of possible side-ponds to the glacier,
at one or several altitudes and of the cor-
responding new interpretation of the ter-
races that would follow as a result of the
The Gold-bearing Veins of Bag Bay, Western
Ontario. Prrer McKetiar, Fort Wil-
liam, Ont.
Tue object of this paper is to show the
peculiarities of the gold-bearing veins in the
granite area at Bag Bay, Shoal Lake, west
of the Lake of the Woods, Ontario. These
veins are characterized by the smallness of
the quartz fissures compared with the quan-
tity of valuable ore they yield under devel-
opment. The paper was read by Robert
Bell in the absence of the author. At its
conclusion the following were read by title:
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 213.
Stratigraphy of the Pottsville Series in Kentucky.
Martius R. CampsBett, Washington, D. C.
American Homotaxial Equivalents of the Orig-
inal Permian. CHARLES R. Keyes, Des
Moines, Iowa.
Geology and Physiography of the West Indies.
Rosert T. Hitt, Washington, D. C.
Surface Features of Northern Kentucky. Ma-
rius R. CAMPBELL, Washington, D. C.
Conditions of Formation of Dykes and Vein
Fissures. N.S. SHALeR, Cambridge, Mass.
Geology of the Crystalline Rocks of Manhattan
Island and Vicinity. FrepErick J. H.
MeErrRIL1, Albany, N. Y.
Origin of the Highland Gorge of the Hudson
River. Freprerick J. H. Merrizy, Al-
bany, N. Y.
The Iowan Drift.
City, Iowa.
SAMUEL Carvin, Iowa
Loess Deposits of Montana. N. S. SHALER,
Cambridge, Mass.
Spacing of Rivers with Reference to the Hypoth-
esis of Baseleveling. N.S. SHALER, Cam-
bridge, Mass.
Glacial Phenomena of the Yukon Valley. J.
B. Tyrrett, Ottawa, Canada.
The section then adjourned, after a vote
of thanks to the authorities of Columbia
The meeting proved a very successful
one, 75 Fellows of the 280 of the Society
being present.
The following officers were announced as
elected for the ensuing year: President, B.
K. Emerson, of Amherst College; First Vice-
President, G. M. Dawson, Canadian Geolog-
ical Survey; Second Vice-President, C. D.
Walcott, United States Geological Survey ;
Secretary, H. L. Fairchild, Rochester Uni-
versity ; Treasurer, I. C. White, West Vir-
ginia Geological Survey ; Editor, J. Stanley
Brown, Washington, D. C.; Librarian, H.
P. Cushing, Western Reserve University ;
Councillors, J. S. Diller, J. M. Safford, W.
JANUARY 27, 1899. ]
B. Scott, M. E. Wadsworth, W. S. Davis,
J. A. Holmes.
The following nominees were elected Fel-
lows: A. R. Crook, Evanston, Ill.; N. F.
Drake, Tientsin, China; A. H. Elftman,
Grand Marais, Minn.; M. L. Fuller, Bos-
ton, Mass.; A. W. Grabau, Cambridge,
Mass.; J. H. Pratt, Chapel Hill, N. C. ;
F. C. Smith, Deadwood, 8S. D.; F. B. Van
Horn, Cleveland, Ohio; T. G. White, New
York ; 8S. W. Williston, Lawrence, Kansas.
J. F. Kemp.
Tue third winter meeting of the Anthro-
pological Section of the American Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Science was
held in New York on December 27th and
28th. The sessions, which were three in
number, and were immediately followed by
the meeting of the American Folk-lore So-
ciety, took place in the buildings of Colum-
bia University. The attendance was ma-
terially greater than at Ithaca last winter,
and in general the meeting was successful
and enjoyable. The chairman, Professor
Cattell, presided, and Dr. M. H. Saville was
Eleven papers were presented, two read
in abstract, and several read by title. A
commendable feature of the program was
its grouping of related papers. Thus the
first session was devoted to physical anthro-
pology, the second to archeology and the
third was generally ethnological. It was
found impracticable to follow this scheme
rigidly, but it was observed sufficiently to
give the discussions more distinct tenden-
cies and greater coherence.
The first paper read—one of more than
ordinary value and interest on account of its
dealing with aims and methods rather than
material—was by Dr. Franz Boas, and was
entitled ‘Some Recent Criticisms of Physical
Anthropology.’ The first objection consid-
ered was the assertion that any classifica-
tion of mankind by physical anthropology
must be valueless because it has been found
impossible to identify positively an indi-
vidual, at least from his skeleton, as belong-
ing to a group. The answer to this criti-
cism was found in the fact that the physical
anthropologist studies not individuals, but
geographical or social groups. He does not
concern himself with assigning individuals
to groups, but with marking the differences
and relationships of groups as such. That
is to say, physical anthropology deals with
types, not persons, and the types can be
clearly distinguished and classified. Of
course, the significance of the type or group
depends largely on its stability, and whether
there is such stability depends upon the
question whether heredity or environment
influences anatomical changes to a greater
degree, and this question can be finally
solved only by an exhaustive statistical
study of several generations. Meanwhile,
however, heredity would seem to be the
more potent, as various evidence instanced
appears to show. Hence it is concluded
that the types studied by the physical an-
thropologist are permanent and not fortu-
itous or meaningless, and, therefore, allow
of classification. The rest of the paper was
devoted to a consideration of objections to
the metrical method. The values of this
method, especially in giving information
obtainable in no other way, were insisted
upon. But the necessity of all measure-
ments made having some biological signifi-
cance was strenuously urged. Especially
useless, even harmful, were sweeping classi-
fications by merely one arbitrarily-chosen
measurement, such as those based upon the
cephalic index alone.
Dr. Ales Hrdlicka followed with a paper
upon the ‘Negro Problem.’ Dr. Hrdlicka
analyzed and refuted the common belief
that, relatively to the white, the negro is
decreasing. The greater increase among
whites is due in large part to immigration.
Without this factor, which has generally
been overlooked, white increase is smaller
than negro. This is borne out by the
higher birth-rate among negroes. The
present compensation of a higher infant
mortality will tend to disappear as the
negro is raised. Consequently we shall
soon be confronted with the circumstance
of an ever greater proportion of negro
population. The author reviewed various
methods of dealing with the negro problem,
finally advocating that of dispersion.
Dr. Thomas Wilson presented a paper
upon modes of lighting museums, embody-
ing the results of investigations made by
him upon the transparency of kinds of
glass, illustrated by photographs. A paper
by Mr. Roland B. Dixon upon ‘ Color Sym-
bolism of the Cardinal Points’ concluded
the morning’s session. The paper was de-
voted largely to a discussion of the various
bases of association of colors with direc-
tions, such as light, climate, geographical
position, religion; with the conclusion,
reached also in the ensuing discussion, that
there is nosuch principle of association that
is universal.
The afternoon session was devoted to
— archeology, and it is perhaps a significant
fact that all the papers dealt with the ex-
treme western portion of the continent.
Dr. M. H. Saville presented a brief paper
upon the ‘ Mexican Stone Yoke,’ which he
concluded to be a symbol of death. The
other papers on the program were: ‘ Con-
tents of a Room Excavated in the Ruins
of Pueblo Bonito, showing a Specialized
Form of Pottery,’ by Mr. J. H. Pepper ;
‘ Archeological Investigations on the North
Pacific Coast of America,’ by Mr. H. I.
Smith ; ‘ The California Indians,’ by Profes-
sor McGee ; and‘ Archeological Problems of
California,’ by Professor Holmes, the last
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 213.
mentioned being postponed to the following
session. Professor McGee’s extremely in-
teresting paper opened a discussion as to
the causes of the linguistic diversity of
certain regions, such as California; and
Professor Holmes demonstrated very clearly
the great improbability of the remains in
California auriferous gravels, including the
Calaveras skull, dating back, as has been
claimed, to Middle Tertiary times. Owing to
the specialized and generally miscellaneous
character of all these papers, it is impossi-
ble even to attempt a summary of them.
But one point which they all made and
emphasized in common seems to deserve
mention: the complete, or at least great, re-
semblance of the archzological finds to
articles of culture of the present time in the
same localities.
The second day’s session, at which Pro-
fessor McGee presided, was opened by
Major Powell, with a paper on the‘ Science
of Estheology.’ Major Powell’s entire paper
was schematic, as well as. exhaustive, and
this, together with the fact that the system
he presented is but part of a larger system-
atization, renders it impossible to do it
justice by reference to one or two of its
points. Mr. James Mooney discussed the
Indian Congress at Omaha. He spoke of
the growing recognition which this method
of ethnologic exhibition was gaining, and
dwelt upon the especial opportunities at ex-
positions. The Omaha Congress deserved
high praise for the general arrangement
of the exhibits and the ingenuity of many
of the plans. The unrepresentativeness of
the tribes collected, however, was a serious,
and on the whole, avoidable defect.
Papers by Miss Cornelia Horsford, on
‘Cairus in Southwestern Norway,’ which
reveal great likeness to those found on the
Massachusetts coast, and by A. S. Gatchet,
devoted to showing the radical identity, in
various American languages, of the terms
for real and true, and male, were read in
JANUARY 27, 1899.]
abstract. The following papers were read
by title: ‘The Structural Peculiarities of
the Eskimo of Smith Sound,’ by Dr. G.S.
Huntington ; ‘On the Names Glooscap and
Ma Tichi Uira Cocha,’ by Mr. Stansbury
Hagar ; and ‘ Belief in Will-Power Among
the Pawnees,’ by Miss Alice C. Fletcher.
Dr. Boas represented the anthropologists in
the discussion before the Society of Nat-
uralists, and the Section took part in the
other exercises and entertainments provided
for the affiliated societies.
A. L. KRorser.
Revised Text-Book of Geology. By JAMES D.
DANA. Edited by Wm. Nortu Rice. Amer-
ican Book Company.
It is now more than sixty years since the late
Professor Dana produced, in 1837, his first im-
portant work, a System of Mineralogy. Dur-
ing subsequent years, down almost to the day
of his death, in 1895, he was engaged at fre-
quent intervals in writing or revising the sev-
eral important text-books of geology and min-
eralogy that have done so much during the last
half century to arouse among English-speaking
students an intelligent interest in those subjects.
The first edition of ‘A Manual of Geology’
was published in 1862, the more elementary
work, ‘The Text-Book of Geology,’ following
in 1864. So great has been the popularity of
the briefer work that extensive revisions were
made by the author in 1874 and 1883, while the
final revision, begun by him just before his
death, has been admirably carried to comple-
tion, in the spirit of his old master, by Professor
Wu. North Rice, of Wesleyan University.
Professor Rice started out with the plan of re-
taining the distinctive characteristics of the
book, bringing it down to the present time as
regards its facts, but still expressing Professor
Dana’s well-known opinions. Although the
general plan of arrangement has been kept un-
altered in the main, some radical changes have
been made in the interpretation of geological
phenomena. Especially is this shown in the
treatment of the subject of metamorphism,
where the editor takes a very different view
from that held by Professor Dana, and one in
harmony with modern thought, when he states
that the crystalline schists are ‘undoubtedly
derived in some cases from granites and other
plutonic rocks, a schistose structure being de-
veloped by pressure and shearing.’
Another change less radical in its character,
but affecting the whole work, is the fuller rec-
ognition given to evolution as a factor in geo-
logical history. The editor states that from
this standpoint he has entirely rewritten the
closing chapter, in which the general bearing of
paleontology upon evolution is discussed.
The zoological and botanical classifications
are much modernized, although the angticized
terminology used by Professor Dana in earlier
editions is for the most part followed. Professor
Dana’s plan of terminating names of rocks in
yte in distinction from the names of minerals
which terminate in ite is abandoned on the
ground that the innovation in nomenclature
has not been adopted by other writers. ‘
In general, however, Professor Rice has
faithfully reproduced the well-known opinions
of Professor Dana in his revision, but has in-
troduced enough in the way of modern views
to make the book a most acceptable addition to
our list of elementary text-books of geology.
It is not an easy task to revise the work of an-
other, and it often involves much more labor
than writing the entire book anew. Professor
Rice is to be congratulated on the success of
his labor of love in revising ‘The Text-Book of
Geology,’ which, from the earlier relations of
teacher and student, he states was entered upon
with something like a feeling of filial obligation.
The Groundwork of Science. A Study of Episte-
mology. By Sr. George Miyart, M.D.,
Pu.D., F. R.S. New York, G. P. Putnam’s
Sons; London, Bliss, Sands & Co. 1898.
Pp. xviii + 328.
This book forms the second volume of ‘ The
Science Series,’ which is now appearing under
the editorial supervision of Professor Cattell
and Mr. F. E. Beddard. ‘‘ Each volume of
this series,’’? the prospectus sets forth, ‘‘ will
treat some department of science with refer-
ence to the most recent advances, and will be
contributed by an author of acknowledged
authority.’”? The book before us represents
epistemology, or the science of knowledge, in
this series. It does not, as one might perhaps
expect from the title, treat primarily of the
methods of science, or of the fundamental
conceptions which science employs, but deals
with the essential nature of knowledge, or
‘science’ in the broader sense, as developed by
the human mind, in its relation to a world of
real objects.
The table of contents shows the following
list of chapters: (I.) Introductory; (II.) An
Enumeration of the Sciences; (III.) The Ob-
jects of Science; ([V.) The Methods of Science;
(V.) The Physical Antecedents of Science ;
(VI.) The Psychical Antecedents of Science ;
(VII.) Language and Science; (VIII.) Intel-
lectual Antecedents of Science; (IX.) Causes
of Scientific Knowledge; (X.) The Nature of
the Groundwork of Science. The author re-
gards as futile all attempts to furnish either a
systematic or a historical classification of the
sciences. He, therefore, contents himself with
an enumeration of them, indicating briefly at
the same time some of their more general log-
ical relations.
Tt will be of advantage to state at once the
principal results of the book, and thus to show
the main theses which the author defends
against what he regards as certain more or less
widely prevalent tendencies of the present age.
These are as follows: (1) The continuous exist-
ence of the Self or Ego; (2) the existence of a real
world of extended things in themselves; (3) the
necessity of assuming as intuitively known cer-
tain propositions which cannot be proved ; (4)
the possibility of absolute scientific certainty
about some things ; (5) the existence of breaches
of continuity at certain points in the world-pro-
cess, as, for example, between the organic and
the inorganic, between insentient and sentient
organisms, and especially between merely sensu-
ous and emotional states of consciousness and
the intellectual or rational life; (6) the inad-
equacy of a purely mechanical or naturalistic
theory of evolution, and especially the impos-
sibility of explaining in this way the various
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 213.
forms of life, and the intellectual and moral
nature of man.
We may now look a little more closely at one
or two of these propositions. The long chap-
ter, ‘The Objects of Science’ (pp. 34-88), is
occupied almost wholly with a refutation of
idealism. The author feels ‘‘ that if idealism
were true, the authority and certainty of other
self-evident truths would be gravely compro-
mised, especially if a truth so self-evident as the
existence of our own body (as we and most men
understand that body to exist) were but an illu-
sion and self-deception of the mind’’(p. viii). Un-
fortunately, Mr. Mivart is here fighting a prod-
uct of his own imagination. He regards ideal-
ism as the doctrine which denies the existence
of an external world, and which can be summed
up in Berkeley’s somewhat unfortunate phrase,
‘the esse of things is their percipi.’ His own ar-
guments consist mainly in an oft-repeated decla-
ration that ‘‘ we have an intuitive knowledge of
the external world as extended. ‘‘ This, of
course, is as obvious an example of ignoratio
elenchias were the appeals of the Scottish philos-
ophers to ‘Common Sense’ in behalf of what
neither Berkeley nor anyone else has ever
dreamed of denying. Moreover, the assertion
in this chapter that there is a world of things in
themselves, existing apart, and not dependent
upon any mind, is sufficiently refuted by the
passage with which the book closes. There we
are told that ‘‘the action of an all-pervading
but unimaginable intelligence alone affords us
any satisfactory conception of the universe as a
whole, or of any single portion of the cosmos
which may be selected for exclusive study’’
(p. 821). In spite of the author’s protestations,
then, we shall have to regard him as an idealist,
in exactly the same sense as we regard Aristotle
and Hegel as idealists.
Numerous discussions are devoted to the
question of intuitively certain or self-evident
truths. The author’s position seems to be that
all inference rests upon the existence of certain
indemonstrable propositions, which have to be
accepted as intuitively self-evident (pp. vi, 103
ff, 240 f., 309). These truths are of an entirely
different order from the facts known to us by
perception or by inference. Each is known as
certain and necessary in itself, and this cer-
JANUARY 27, 1899.]
tainty and necessity are not derived from its
relation to anything else. Moreover, these
truths are directly apprehended by our power
of intellectual intuition (p. 104). It is those
fundamental certainties which constitute ‘the
groundwork of science,’ and the author enu-
merates the list several times with what appears
to be slight variations (pp. 106, 241 ff., 810 ff).
In this list are found: (1) the possibility of ab-
solute certainty ; (2) the existence of an ex-
ternal world of real objects ; (8) our own sub-
stantial and continuous personal existence ; (4)
the possibility of drawing conclusions from
premises; (5) the existence of self-evident
truths; (6) the law of contradiction ; (7) self-
evident axioms ; (8) the principle of causality ;
(9) the principle of uniformity ; (10) the fact
that some things are contingent and some
It is well-known that Aristotle maintained
that all knowledge presupposes the existence
of certain self-evident propositions which
neither require nor are capable of proof. The
earlier Scottish philosophers, also, adopting the
same position, made several attempts to furnish
lists of self-evident truths. But this doctrine
no more belongs to the philosophical thought
of to-day than does ‘phlogiston’ to modern
chemistry, or ‘ vital force’ to biology. In the
first place, experience has shown that each
thinker who defends intuitive truths is likely
to have certain propositions of his own which
seem to him specially sacred, and which he is
anxious to place beyond the pale of examina-
tion and criticism. Secondly, what we believe
to be a truer conception of the nature of mind,
has led us to see that all knowledge is organic
—that all of the facts of our experience are in-
terrelated and mutually dependent. There
are no truths, then, which are isolated and
self-sufficient; every fact is known to be true
and necessary only through its connection
with other facts. The so-called self-evident
propositions must be proved and justified in
exactly the same way in which scientific hy-
pothesis are shown to be true. Thus, for ex-
ample, when I say that it is self-evident that
an external world exists, or that nature is uni-
form, I mean that these propositions are ob-
viously true because in no other way can I
account for the facts of my experience. The
proof in these cases may be easier and more
convincing than the demonstration of the natu-
ral-selection hypothesis, but the former are no
more self-evident than the latter.
If space permitted, I should like to examine
in some detail the doctrine of new beginnings,
‘breaches of continuity,’ at certain points in
the world process. Here, again, it seems to me
that the conclusions reached by Mr. Mivart
are not in accord with the results of modern
scientific and philosophical thought. The
modern defender of teleology does not, it seems
to me, rest his case upon breaches of continuity
in natural law, or upon new beginnings at this
point or that. He rather insists that no part
of the world—not even the inorganic—can be
completely understood without regarding it as
the manifestation of an energy in some way
analogous, at least, to his own intelligence. If
Mr. Mivart had made use of the idealistic prin-
ciple which he so clearly expresses at the end
of his book, and to which I have already re-
ferred, he would have found a surer defence
against materialism, and would have avoided
what must seem to many scientists an attempt
to introduce final causes into the field of natural
In conclusion, I can not refrain from saying
that it seems to me unfortunate that this book
should represent Epistemology in a series which
undertakes to deal’with the most recent advances
in the various sciences. The volume doubtless
contains a good deal that is interesting and sug-
gestive ; but, at the same time, it is at once evi-
dent that the writer’s special work has been in
a different field from that of Epistemology. It
seems to me that it is sufficiently clear, from
what has been already said, that the author
has not followed at all the epistemological dis-
cussions of the last twenty years. I add two or
three illustrations of very serious confusions
with regard to the facts and problems of mod-
ern philosophical systems which are not un-
common in the book. ‘‘The whole philos-
ophy of Germany and Holland,’’ we are in-
formed, ‘‘ from Spinoza to Hartmann, has been
the result of the mental seed first sown in men’s
minds by Berkeley, who explicitly produced
what was implicitly contained in Jiocke’’ (pp.
40-41). This is truly wonderful in view of the
fact that Spinoza was dead eight years before
Berkeley was born! But even with regard to
the later philosophers, the statement is thor-
oughly misleading. Again, the author might
have learned from any standard history of phi-
losophy, without even looking inside Fichte’s
works, that the statement that ‘Solipsism was
first developed and upheld by Fichte, though
he ultimately abandoned it’ (p. 88), is wholly
unwarranted. Finally, Mr. Mivart in denounc-
ing the futility of the question : ‘How is ex-
perience possible ?’? supposes that Kant and
others who have formulated the epistemolog-
ical problem in this form raised an absurd ques-
tion as to whether knowledge does or does not
exist, and apparently does not at all understand
that they were inquiring what conditions its
actual existence implies (pp. 56, 275).
Why should one write on a philosophical
subject without special knowledge, any more
than on biology or physics?
The Freezing-point, Boiling-point and Conduc-
tivity Methods. By Harry ©. Jones, In-
structor in Physical Chemistry in Johns Hop-
kins University. Easton, Pa., Chemical
Publishing Co. Pp. 64. Price, 75 cents.
In this book, which is intended as a labora-
tory guide, the author has not only included
the mechanical processes, but has discussed
briefly the principles upon which these methods
are based. The subject is treated under three
heads. In the first part the historical develop-
ment and applications of the freezing-point
method are discussed, as is the boiling-point
method in a similar manner in the second part.
In the third part the method used to determine
the conductivity of solutions and the applica-
tions of this method are described. An ap-
paratus for use in the boiling-point method is
described by the author which is much simpler
than the Beckmann apparatus and very rapid
and accurate in its results. The methods de-
scribed in this book can be carried out in a
short time and should be tried by every student
of chemistry who is interested in the methods
which have done so much to advance our ideas
of the nature of solutions. J. E. G.
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 213
Outlines of Industrial Chemistry. A Text-book
for Students. By FRANK THorpP, PH.D., In-
structor in Industrial Chemistry in the Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology. New York,
The Macmillan Co. 1898. Pp. xx+543.
This book aims to furnish an elementary
course in Industrial Chemistry suitable for stu-
dents in the schools of technology. The sub-
jects treated are broadly classified under the
heads, ‘Inorganic Industries’ and ‘ Organic In-
dustries,’ about one-half of the book being de-
voted to each. Metallurgy has been entirely
omitted. Otherwise the topics selected for dis-
cussion are essentially the same as in other sim-
ilar works. The descriptions of processes,
while necessarily concise, are clear and inter-
esting. The author has evidently made a care-
ful study of recent methods of manufacture as
well as of older, standard processes. The fre-
quent reference to American practice is an im-
portant feature which distinguishes the book
from other works on chemical technology. A
select bibliography follows each subject, and
will be found very useful to those wishing to
study any topic in greater detail.
W. A. NOYEs.
Pari (Jeg
Felix Alcan,
Apergus de taxinomie générale.
DuRAND (de Gros). Paris,
Editeur. 1899.
The title of this book leaves one somewhat
in the dark as to the nature of its contents, but
a brief perusal shows that its mission is not so
much to tell us how to classify as how not to
classify. Not that the author does not believe
in classification ; on the contrary, he considers
that everything should be classified and may be
classified, provided we adopt the proper meth-
ods. What these methods are we are not told;
for, after exhorting us to set about fashioning
the general science of classification without de-
lay, M. Durand hastens to add that he himself
proposes to take no hand in so important an
undertaking, preferring rather to stand by and
criticise the efforts of others. Towards all
existing schemes the attitude of the author is
very much like that of the ship-wrecked Irish-
man who, as he crawled up the beach of the
desert island, waved a piece of driftwood about
his head, exclaiming : ‘‘ Whatever form of gov-
JANUARY 27, 1899.]
ernment I’m under I object to it!”’ This general
dissatisfaction with the present order of things
is evinced even in the title, where we find
taxinomy instead of taxonomy, this latter
word being rejected on the ground that its for-
mation is vicious, a view that should meet
with the approval of sticklers for nomencla-
torial purity.
Nevertheless, four chapters are devoted to as
many orders, or categories, of classification,
namely, those of resemblance, structure, degree,
(hierarchie) and phylogeny (evolution), all of
which are treated as if they were new discover-
ies. These chapters contain numerous familiar
examples of tiéxonomic methods as well as sun-
dry ingenious diagrams, all very good in their
way, but all more or less familiar to everyone
who has hat do explain the principles of zoolog-
ical classification. We are, then, given a dis-
course on ‘the ternary correlation of the four
taxonomic orders,’ after which M. Durand pro-
ceeds to pour the vials of his wrath upon taxon-
omists and taxonomic systems in general and
Haeckel and his genealogical tree in particular.
After this we are told that genealogical classifi-
cation is the only natural method, those founded
upon remembrances all being artificial, since
they are based upon arbitrarily chosen charac-
ters. Itis hardly worth while to pursue the
subject further, but it may safely be predicted
that few will share the author’s conviction that
hisstatements are definite and firmly-established
facts upon which we may confidently build.
F. A. L.
Minerva, Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt. Edited by K.
TRUBNER and F. MEntTz. Strassburg, Karl J.
Triibner; New York, Lemckeand Buechner. 1899.
Eighth year, 1698-1899. Pp. xxiv-+1139.
Transactions of the American Climatological Association
for the year 1898. Philadelphia, Printed for the
Association. 1898. Pp. xxxiii+243.
The Second Washington Catalogue of Stars, together with
the annual results upon which it is based. Prepared
under the direction of JoHN R. EASTMAN. Wash-
ington, Government Printing Office. 1898. Pp.
The Last Link, Our Present Knowledge of the Descent of
Man. ERNST HAECKEL. With notes and bio-
graphical sketches by HANS GApDow. London,
Adam and Charles Black; New York, The Macmil-
lan Company. 1898. Pp. 158. $1.00.
The Principles of Agriculture. L. H. BAILEY. New
York, The Macmillan Company. 1898. Pp. xx+-
The History of Mankind. FRIEDRICH RATZEL. Trans-
lated from the second German edition by A. J.
ButLER. With introduction by E. B. TyLor. Lon-
don and New York, The Macmillan Company.
1898. Vol. III. Pp. xiii+-599.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry, November.
‘Potassium Chlorid in Aqueous Acetone,’ by
J. F. Snell; a study of what the author calls,
at Professor E. B. Titchener’s suggestion, the
dineric surface for the system potassium chlorid,
acetone, and water. ‘On the Heat of Solution
of Liquid Hydriodie Acid,’ by F. G. Cottrell ;
liquid hydriodic acid proves to be an endother-
mic compound with reference to gaseous hydro-
gen and solid iodine, but its heat of decompo-
sition is only a little more than a quarter of
that of the acid in the form of gas. ‘Note on
the Transference Number of Hydrogen,’ by
Wilder D. Bancroft. ‘Alcohol, Water, and
Potassium Nitrate,’ by Norman Dodge and L.
C. Graton ; a study of the concentration-curve.
December. ‘The Conversion of Ammonium
Thiocyanate into Thiourea and of Thiourea
into Thiocyanate,’ by John Waddell; the con-
version of thiocyanate into thiourea takes place
very slowly, if atall, below 110°, but above 150°
is rapid and equilibrium is reached, whether
starting from the thiocyanate or from thiourea,
when the product contains a little more than
20 per cent. of thiourea. ‘Solution Densities,’
by H. T. Barnes and A. P. Scott; a study of
the density curves for different concentrations
of solutions of zinc, magnesium, cadmium, po-
tassium and sodium sulfates, magnesium, zinc,
potassium and sodium nitrates, potassium and
sodium chlorids, hydrochloric and_ sulfuric
acids. ‘Electromotive Force between Amal-
gams,’ by Hamilton P. Cady.
American Chemical Journal, January. ‘ Meta-
thetic Relations between certain Salts in Solu-
tion in Liquid Ammonia:’ By E. C. Franklin
and C. A. Kraus. ‘Some Properties of Liquid
Ammonia:’ By E. C. Franklin and C, A. Kraus.
The great similarity of liquid ammonia and
water in their dissociating power has led toa
thorough study of the properties of liquid am-
monia. It was found that in a considerable
number of cases the nitrates of the metals were
acted upon, when in solution in liquid am-
monia, by the ammonium salts and a salt pre-
cipitated as a result of the metathetic reactions,
if the salt formed was insoluble in ammonia.
It was also found that many of the physical
constants, which in the case of water are so en-
tirely different from those of all other liquids,
are almost as strongly characterized in the
case of ammonia as in that of water. ‘On
the Constitution of the Phenylhydragones: ’
By P. C. Freer. ‘Note on the Action of
Liquid Hydriodic Acidon Ethylether:’ By
F. G. Cottrell and R. R. Rogers. In this case
there was a partial conversion of the ether
into ethyliodide. ‘Contributions to our Knowl-
edge of the Oil of Lemon-Grass:’ By W. Stiehl.
Isolation of the three aldehydes: Citriodoric
aldehyde, Geranial and Allo-lemonal. The
American Chemical Journal will hereafter ap-
pear monthly, and two volumes will be issued
We have received the first issue of Science
Work, a Monthly Review of Scientific Literature,
edited by Mr. Waller Jeffs and published at
Manchester by Messrs. Robert Aiken & Com-
pany. It is stated in the introduction that the
Journal ‘ will aim to give a general review of the
world of science and present the reader as it were
with the cream of the scientific press,’ but we
fear that it will be difficult to do this within the
limits of eight pages published twelve times
a year. 4
Natural Science, now published by Mr. Henry
J. Pentland at Edinburgh, and still edited anon-
ymously, but under new auspices, opens with
the issue for January its fourteenth volume.
The general character of the contents, which
has always made Natural Science interesting
and profitable, is well maintained.
AT the regular meeting of this Society held in
Washington, D. C., January 11, 1899, Mr. Wil-
lard D. Johnson, U. S. G. S., read a paper on
[N. 8. Vou. IX. No. 213.
‘Subsidence Basis of the High Plains,’ and Dr.C.
Willard Hayes, U.S. G. 8., oneon the ‘Lake Re-
gion in Central America.’ Dr. Hayes’ paper was
based upon observations made recently in Cen-
tral America while working under detail as
geologist to the Nicaraguan Canal Commission.
Abstracts of both papers follow.
Subsidence Basins of the High Piains.—The
Great Plains structural slope has been super-
ficially modified by streams from the Rocky
Mountains, in three stages of gradation—a first
stage, in which a hard-rock topography was de-
veloped by degradation; a second, in which
this topography, by aggradation, became buried
under an alluvial waste sheet to depths within
its valleys as great as 300 feet; the third and
present stage, in which the mountain streams
are again engaged in cutting and have trenched
the aggradation plain with parallel valleys,
wide apart. But left thus above grade, this
flat surface, in the greater part, has been eroded
also by the drainage from its local precipita-
tion. In notable exception isa transverse, mid-
slope belt. Here the flat surface suffers no
erosion from its local precipitation and has vir-
tually no local drainage. It therefore stands
in light relief. Transected by the mountain
streams into broad plateaus of faint elevation, it
forms a belt of residual tables or upland flats of
survival. The Staked Plains plateau, of north-
western Texas, constitutes the best individual
example. These are the High Plains—to some
extent locally so-called. The Great Plains slope
has a graduated climate—from humid to arid,
east to west. The High Plains correspond in
position to its ‘subhumid’ belt.
In the arid belt to the westward the vegeta-
tion—of grass and brush—grows in tufts. It
affords but slight protection against the feeble
precipitation, and the surface is conspicuously
eroded. Upon the High Plains, within the sub-
humid belt, however, vegetation is wholly of
grass, which forms a universal, close-knit sod.
This vegetal cover affords complete protection
against the considerable local precipitation.
The High Plains are distinctively the ‘short-
grass country.’ Asa residual topographic belt,
within the climatic belt, they are held by their
sod. The local precipitation—so much of it as
does not evaporate—is absorbed.
JANUARY 27, 1899.]
These uneroded tables, however, have a faint
topography due to subsidence. The flat surface
is extensively pitted with saucer-form depres-
sions. Their dimensions vary from a foot or
two in depth and a breadth of 100 feet to 75
feet in depth and a breadth of two or three
miles. Wind action is plainly to be excluded.
Occasionally they are surrounded, upon the
hard, sod flats, by concentric cracks, deep
enough to cause injury to cattle and to entrap
These forms, large and small, without differ-
ences in type, are attributed to the operation of
two distinct and unrelated processes: (1) set-
tlement and compacting within the deep and
unconsolidated mass of silt sand and gravel,
through instrumentality of the ground-water ;
and (2) solution of salt and gypsum, and conse-
quent caving, within the rocks of the floor,
where those rocks are the Red Beds.
The concurrence of two unusual causes, to
produce, alike, within a limited area, a result
so unusual, appears, however, to be intelligible
on this assumption, viz.: These processes are,
in fact, of universal operation ; they are at the
same time of too light effect to stand a chance
in competition with erosive agency; but the
sod-covered, subhumid plains, remarkable in
that they retain a flat surface unscored by
erosion, afford exceptional opportunity for the
preservation of their delicate record.
The Lake Region in Central America.—The
region described includes southern Nicaragua
and northern Costa Rica, extending from 10
degrees and 30 minutes to 12 degrees and 30
minutes north latitude, and from the Carribean
to the Pacific. It includes the route of the pro-
jected Nicaragua Canal and the largest lakes of
the western hemisphere south of the glaciated
region of North America. The region is char-
acterized by two types of topography, viz.: (1)
the recent volcanic ranges and plateaus in which
the original constructional forms are more or
less perfectly preserved ; and (2) the areas of
Tertiary, igneous and sedimentary rocks in
which the drainage is mature and the forms are
due to long continued subaerial erosion, A note-
worthy feature is the absence of any continuous
mountain range or chain of dominant peaks
through this portion of the isthmus, A shallow
depression occupies the western portion of the
region, its longer axis being nearly parallel with
the Pacific coast. This contains Lakes Nica-
ragua and Managua. The former is 110 miles
in length, with an area of 3,000 square miles
and a mean altitude of 106 feet. Its greatest
depth is 200 feet.
The climate of the region is tropical and in-
sular, the annual range of temperature being
small. The rainfall is greatest on the east coast,
nearly 300 inches at Greytown, and decreases
somewhat uniformly westward, being less than
80 inches on the west coast. Connected with
the decrease in the rainfall there is a striking
change in the character of the vegetation, the
dense tropical jungle of the east coast giving
place to open forests and savannahs in the west.
No rocks older than the Tertiary are formed
along the line of the canal. They consist of
eruptive and sedimentary formations, the former
including basalt, andesite and dacite, and the
latter calcarious sandstones and shales. In ad-
dition to these Tertiary rocks there are exten-
sive recent alluvial deposits and the tuffs and
lavas of the modern volcanoes. The conditions
throughout the region, 'but particularly in its
eastern portion, are favorable for rock decay,
and the regolith is unusually extensive.
The late geologic history of the region is
briefly as follows: In early Tertiary time this
portion of the isthmus may have been wholly
submerged. At any rate, marine sediments
were deposited throughout a considerable part
of its extent, and this was accompanied by
intense volcanic activity. In middle Tertiary
time there was an uplift and long continued
erosion, the constructional voleanic topography
being obliterated, and the region, at least
toward the south, being reduced to one of low
relief. The present basin of Lake Nicaragua
was then occupied in part by a gulf connected
with the Pacific to the northwest and in part by
the valleys of tributary streams. The conti-
nental divide then occupied the hilly or moun-
tainous region east of the lake, crossing the
present San Juan valley near Castillo. In late
Tertiary or post-Tertiary time the isthmus was
elevated at least 300 feet and deeply dissected.
Following the elevation was a renewal of vol-
canic activity. A series of vents opened on the
Pacifie side and their ejecta built a dam across
the outlet of the gulf, thereby forming the lake
basin. As this dam increased in height the
waters behind it were raised until they over-
topped the continental divide and escaped to
the Atlantic, forming the present San Juan.
The region has suffered a recent depression by
which the rivers were drowned, and their estu-
aries thus formed have since been silted up.
Wa. F. MoRsELL.
To THE EpIToR OF SCIENCE: In the generous
and appreciative review by Professor Menden-
hall (in SCIENCE, p. 24, January 6) of my book
on ‘Matter, Energy, Force and Work’ there
occurs a line to which I would like to advert
briefly. ‘‘‘The something’ which distin-
guishes substance from matter is energy. ‘A
designated quantity of substance consists of a
definite quantity of matter in permanent as-
sociation with a definite quantity of energy or
motion.’ The two words ‘or motion’ render
this statement somewhat obscure. What is
meant by a ‘definite quantity of motion?’ Pro-
fessor Holman’s definition of motion is that of
nearly all writers, namely, ‘change of relative
position.’ It is a curious but common practice
to define it in this way and then to define its
‘quantity’ by associating with it something
(matter, mass) absolutely unlike it in every re-
spect. It is certainly not in this sense that he
means to use it in the phrase above quoted.”’
I desire to express my assent to this comment
and to reply to the query therein contained, or
rather to remove, if I may, the obscurity.
This result will, I think, be effected if for the
words ‘of motion’ in the description of sub-
stance be substituted the phrase: or permanently
endued with some definite mode of motion.
May I also add, to preclude possible misap-
prehension, that the proposition ‘ Continuous,
uniform, and permanent occupancy of space,’
quoted at page 25, is one which I do not ad-
vance as a definition of matter, or asa logical
deduction from known premises, but only as a
possible view of matter if the wnproved hy-
pothesis of the kinetic nature of all energy be
adopted as a step in the inference.
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 213.
With sincere thanks for your courtesy in pre-
senting this review, I am
Yours truly,
Sitas W. HoLMAN.
BROOKLINE, Mass., January 17, 1899.
To THE EDITOR OF SCIENCE: Dr. Dall’s ‘ tol-
erably active and rather long experience’ has
been singularly blessed if he has never met with
an advance copy of a paper issued at an uncer-
tain date, not offered for sale, and conflicting
in its contents with some other paper offered
for sale at a known date about the same period;
if he or the libraries he frequents have always
been able to purchase without a delay of more
than one year the new books or pamphlets that
he wanted to see ; if he has always had so much
as a printed postcard in reply from authors
whose works he has sought in exchange for his
own; and if he has always been able to find
the address of every writer with whom he
wished to communicate. <A restricted and short
experience has acquainted me far too thoroughly
with all these difficulties, but, as this is not an
autobiography, the details need not be inflicted
on yourreaders. Dr. Dall shall have them if
he wishes.
Apart from his scepticism, Dr. Dall appears to
agree, at least in spirit, with the proposal that
he has now twice criticised. But two remarks
of his seem to call for reply.
My committee has not yet definitely pro-
nounced on the question: What constitutes
publication? But it is safe to say that it does
not regard printing as publication, and therefore
sees no great value in placing ‘the actual date
of printing’ on every signature. This, too, may
be said: That a British Association Committtee
would never recommend an author to sell his
papers without an express agreement with the
society that has been at the expense of setting
up the type, and perhaps of drawing the plates.
In our country this may be done, but it is not
regarded as particularly creditable to the au-
thor that does it. Customs are, no doubt, dif-
ferent elsewhere ; but our proposal was an
attempt to render the speediest possible
publication compatible with commercial mo-
rality as recognized here. Perhaps it is this
JANUARY 27, 1899. ]
difference in the point of view that has made
our report (as reprinted, not ‘abstracted,’ in
SCIENCE), so unintelligible to Dr. Dall. Another
argument for due recognition of the publishing
society may be found in such facts as this: A
scientific library recently purchased three sep-
arate papers, which had been advertised as in-
dependent publications and enquired for by
_readers ; all these have since arrived in the
regular manner in the report of a society, and
the library has as good as thrown away seven
shillings through no fault of the librarian. The
constant recurrence of this kind of thing ren-
ders the authorities very chary of purchasing
separately-issued pamphlets, and the workers,
few of whom can afford to buy for themselves,
have to suffer. Surely any proposal to remedy
this should meet with support.
BritisH Museum (Nav. Hisv.),
January 10, 1899.
A PAPER was read by Dr. Morris W. Travers
before the Royal Society, November 24th, on
the origin of the gases evolved in heating
mineral substances, meteorites, etc. According
to the theory of Professor Tilden these gases
are enclosed in minute cavities at high pres-
sure. It is known that some minerals, as
quartz, contain liquid hydro-carbons and
carbon dioxid, enclosed in cavities, but from a
series of exhaustive experiments Dr. Travers
concludes that this cannot be the case with the
more permanent gases, such as hydrogen,
carbon monoxid, nitrogen, helium and argon.
He proposes the theory that in the majority
of cases where a mineral substance evolves gas
under the influence of heat the gas is the
product of the decomposition or interaction of
its non-gaseous constituents at the moment of
the experiment. In cleveite and other min-
erals which contain helium only about one-
half this gas is evolved by heat, and hence it
would seem that it exists in the form of a com-
pound which is only partially decomposable by
In a series of analyses of atmospheric air from
different sources Armand Gautier, in the Comp-
tes Rendus, finds that combustible gases con-
taining carbon are present to a variable degree ;
on high mountains and over the ocean only
traces are found, but a decided quantity in the
air of cities. More remarkable, and contrary
to previous observers, Gautier finds hydrogen
as a constant constituent. The amount he
gives is 1.5 volumes in 10,000, or half as great
as that of carbon dioxid. Fuller particulars
are promised in a later article, which will be
looked forward to with no little interest.
THE confusion which attends the use of the
sign % for both per cent. of weight and per cent.
of volume is patent to all chemists as well as
others. At the Congress of Applied Chemistry
at Vienna it was proposed by Otto Bleier to
confine the use of the sign % to per cent. by
weight and to use %, for volume per cent.
This was opposed in the discussion by Wein-
stein. In a recent Chemiker-Zeitung Bleier
makes a number of proposals, some one of
which he hopes will so commend itself to chem-
ists that uniformity may be secured. The pro-
posals, in addition to his original one, are as
follows: a. %g or %p (or */g or */p) for weight
per cent., and 9°, (or »/.) for volume per cent.;
b. 9/o or P/o (or 9/. or P/o) for weight percent.,
and °/p (or %/.) for volume per cent. ; ¢. 9/g or
P|» for weight per cent., and %/, for volume per
cent.; d. % for weight per cent., and ‘/. for
volume per cent., or vice versa; e. °/g or °/p
for weight per cent., and % for volume per
cent. Since the sign % is used so much more
frequently to indicate per cent. by weight, it
would seem that Bleier’s original proposal,
which is to confine the use of % to weight and
to adopt 9/, for volume, would be most simple
and would speedily reduce the present con-
fusion to a minimum.
THE bacteriological test for the presence of
arsenic proposed by Gosio has been further in-
vestigated by F. Abba and the results published
in the November number of the Centralblatt fiir
Bakteriologie und Parasitenkunde. The method
consists in growing Penicillium brevicaule close
to the substance to be examined for arsenic.
arsenic is present a strong garlic odor is devel-
oped. The method was found to be successful
in testing a series of over a hundred dried
hides. As regards its delicacy it was found far
superior to Marsh’s test, as was shown in one
case when a piece of hide one centimeter square
gave a distinct test by the bacteriological test,
while five times the quantity failed to respond
to Marsh’s test. It would be interesting to com-
pare this test with that of Reinsch, which has
been found by me decidedly sharper and more
to be depended on than that of Marsh.
dao as
Dr. CARLOS BERG notes several occurrences of
the Antarctic seal, Lobodon carcinophaga, well to
the northward of its usual habitat, one example
having been taken in the La Plata, near Puerto
de Ensenada, and another to the northward of
Buenos Ayres in lat. 84° 28S. This latter was
a male captured in June, 1898, and must, from
its size, 2.65 meters long, have been an adult
THE Zoological Record, Vol. 34, containing a
list of the zoological papers which appeared in
1897, has just been issued. Amid the rumors
of the many good things that the working zool-
ogist is soon to enjoy, itis a great satisfaction
to continue to receive this valuable publication
‘of the Zoological Society of London. Surely,
‘A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.’
From a personal letter I learn that Dr. Nico-
las Leon, well known for his many contribu-
tions to Mexican archeology and history, has
discovered a hitherto unknown Mexican Codex
in hieroglyphic characters, of which he will soon
publish a photo-lithographic reproduction. It
dates from the year 1545, and relates to the
tributes paid by the town of Tepeai. The proper
names of places are written in the usual rebus,
or ‘ikonomatic’ method. They present com-
binations not found in any of the other known
documents of the kind, and some of them are
quite puzzling. This discovery will make a
welcome addition to the comparatively few
specimens of the Mexican graphic method at
that date.
A LITTLE book, ‘Le Feminisme,’ published
lately in Paris (Colin et Cie, 1898), has some in-
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 213.
terest to the student of sociology. Its author,
Mlle. Kaethe Schirmacher, gives an accurate
sketch of the advance of womankind in social
position throughout the world of civilization,
beginning with the United States and passing to
France, Great Britain, Sweden and Russia. Of
our own country she says in her preface that
she speaks from personal knowledge. We are
gratified, therefore, to know that the character-
istics of American women are courage (hardi-
esse), the spirit of initiative and capacity for or-
ganization. In France ‘feminism’ has been
principally cultivated by the men, not the
women ; in Sweden very few women are inter-
ested in it, though the King favors it; in Eng-
land it is opposed by the learned institutions,
while in Russia they all favor it. On the
whole, the outlook for full and equal rights and
opportunities for her sex the author considers
UNDERSTANDING by ‘soul’ the highest intel-
lectual faculties, it is worth considerable trouble
to find out where these functions are located.
Savages believe that it is in the liver or the
heart ; cynics suggest that it is in the stomach ;
phrenologists place them in the front part of
the brain ; but the most advanced physiologists
are now inclined to teach that the posterior
cerebral lobes have the highest intellectual
value. Dr. C. Clapham’s arguments to this ef-
fect are quoted with approval in the Central-
blatt fiir Anthropologie (1898, Heft 4). These
arguments are that man has the most highly
developed posterior lobes, and this is conspicu-
ous in men of marked ability and in the highest
races. In idiots the lobes are imperfectly de-
veloped, and in chronic dementia these portions
of the brain reveal frequent lesions. Numerous
authorities are quoted in support of these and
allied statements.
A PRELIMINARY Catalogue of the Collections
of Natural History and Ethnology in the Pro-
vincial Museum, Victoria, British Columbia, 196
JANUARY 27, 1899.]
pages, 1898, is now being issued. As it deals
only with the British Columbian specimens of
the exhibition series, the value of the entire col-
lection is much greater than is suggested by the
The list of mammals includes information as
to the source of each specimen and the distribu-
tion of the species. The catalogue and index of
birds, including 3389 species and sub-species, is
of all those in British Columbia, while the spe-
cies not represented in the Museum collection
are specially indicated by a check mark. It is
this mark which will enable the friends of the
institution to devote their energies to securing
the desired lacking specimens. Very little is
known of the birds of the northeastern part of
the province. It thus presents an attractive
field for research. There are seven cases of
bird groups. The catalogue of the study series
of 740 bird skins is not published, but it is avail-
able to students. The eggs are listed.
Reptilia, Batrachia, Tunicata, Lepidoptera,
Beterocera, Coleoptera, Crustacea, Echinoder-
mata, Mollusca are all catalogued. The lists of
fish, trees and plants, alge and the paleonto-
logical specimens are extensive.
The ethnological collection is classified in the
list under ceremony, dress, amusement, crani-
ology, houses, monuments, fishing, war, travel,
domestic utensils and industries. In the intro-
duction to the list of ethnological specimens the
visitor is cautioned against assuming that the
Indians of British Columbia resemble the
Japanese or were influenced by foreigners prior
to European contact. Their difference from the
Indians of the Plains is mentioned.
It is gratifying to have accessible so complete
a list of the natural history and ethnological
specimens of the whole province of British
Columbia and to know where most of the speci-
mens listed are available.
PRESIDENT MCKINLEY has appointed as civil-
jan members of a commission to report on the
condition of the Philippine Islands: President
Schurman, of Cornell University; Professor
Dean C. Worcester, associate professor of zool-
ogy in the University of Michigan, and Colonel
Denby, for many years United States Minister
to China. President Schurman, who is chairman
of the commission, has been granted leave of
absence until the end of the present year, and
Professor T, F, Crane will during the year per-
form the duties of President.
THE sculptor Herr Ernst Herter has com-
pleted the statue of von Helmholtz, which is
to be erected in the court of the University of
Berlin, between the statues of the two Hum-
boldts. The monument will be unveiled in the
SENATOR PLATT, of Connecticut, has been
appointed a Regent of the Smithsonian Institu-
tion in the room of the late Senator Morrill, of
made Director of the Observatory of the Vati-
M. Pawnas has been installed as President of
the Paris Academy of Medicine, while M.
Marey, the physiologist, becomes Vice-Presi-
THE following officers have been nominated
by the French government for its ‘ Bureau des
longitudes ;’ President, M. Poincaré; Vice-Presi-
dent, M. Faye; Secretary, M. Lippmann.
Proressor A. A. MicHELson, of the Univer-
sity of Chicago, will give, during March, at Bos-
ton, a course of Lowell lectures on ‘ Light
Waves and their Uses.’
Nature states that the recent retirement of
Sir John Evans from the Treasurership of the
Royal Society, after a period of service of
twenty years, has given an opportunity for
Fellows of the Society to show their apprecia-
tion of the efficient manner in which he dis-
charged the duties of his office. It is proposed
to have his portrait painted in oil colors, and
to hang it on the walls of the Society’s apart-
ments at Burlington House.
THE honors annually conferred on New Year’s
Day in Great Britain include a K.C.B. on Pro-
fessor W. C. Roberts-Austin, professor of metal-
lurgy in the Royal College of Science, and a
K.C.M.G. on Mr. W. T. Thistleton-Dyer, Di-
rector of the Kew Botanic Gardens. Sir Henry
Thompson, a surgeon, who has also painted
pictures and written novels, has been given a
baronetcy, and Dr. Herman Weber, known for
his work on the prevention of consumption, has
been knighted. Sir Charles Cameron, Medical
Officer of Health of Dublin, has been made C.B.
regius professor of natural history at the Uni-
versity of Aberdeen, died on January 19th, aged
fifty-four years. He was in 1871 called to the
chair of natural history in the University of
Toronto, and afterwards to Aberdeen. He was
the author of important contributions to paleon-
Masor Jeb. HorcuKiss, who in 1895 was
Vice-President for Geology of the American As-
sociation for the Advancement of Science, and
who was the author of contributions to eco-
nomic geology and engineering, died on January
18th, aged 71 years.
Dr. WILHELM Dames, professor of geology
and paleontology in the University of Berlin,
died on December 22d, aged 55 years.
Sir JAMES Movat, K. C. B., a distinguished
army surgeon, formerly Inspector-General of
Hospitals in Great Britain, died in London on
January 4th, aged 84 years.
THE death is announced of Dr. Eugen F. A.
Obach, at the age of 46 years. He had made
important contributions to electrical engineer-
ing and had made a thorough study of the
chemistry of gutta percha.
Dr. GIUSEPPE Bosso, of the Turin University,
died on January 17th, from infection contracted
while cultivating bacilli in his laboratory.
Drs. EHLERT AND MONNICH have lost their
lives by an Alpine accident on the Susten Pass.
Dr. Ehlert had made valuable contributions to
seismology, working at the University of Stras-
burg. Dr. Ménnich was Assistant to the Ba-
varian Meteorological Central Station.
THE directors of the Benjamin Apthorp Gould
fund, which, it will be remembered, Miss Alice
Bache Gould gave somewhat more than a year
ago to the National Academy of Sciences, an-
nounce that they are now prepared to receive
applications for appropriations from the income
of the fund, which will amount to about $1,000
[N.S. Von. 1X. No. 213.
annually. Preference will be given to investi-
gators working in America or to Americans
working abroad, and to work in the astronomy
of precision rather than in astrophysics.
directors of the fund, to one of whom applica-
tions should be addressed, are Messrs. Lewis
Boss, Seth C. Chandler and Asaph Hall.
THE Cartwright prize of the Alumni of the
College of Physicians and Surgeons, the Med-
ical Department of Columbia University, will
be awarded for an essay received not later than
April 1st, of the present year. The essay must
contain original investigations made by the
writer. The value of the prize is $500 and is
open to universal competition.
THE Swiss Society of Chemical Industry of-
fers a prize of 2,000 fr. for an essay that will
promote electro-chemical interests in Switzer-
land. Essays must be sent by May 1, 1900,
to the President of the Society, Mitlodi, Swit-
THE Washington Botanical Club was organ-
ized by a gathering of botanists held at the
residence of one of its members November 11,
1898. The limit of membership was fixed at
20, and it was determined that the meetings
should be, for the present at least, of a dis-
tinctly social and informal nature, with free
scope for discussion and the general interchange
of ideas. Ata subsequent meeting, held De-
cember 14th, the organization was perfected by
the election of Professor Edward L. Greene as
President and Mr. Charles L. Pollard as Secre-
tary. The Club is to hold monthly sessions,
devoting itself chiefly to systematic and eco-
logical work, the field of plant physiology and
pathology being covered by the already existing
Botanical Seminar. ;
At the annual meeting of the American
Geographical Society, on January 16th, Judge
Charles P. Daly, whose services to the Society
have beenso important, was re-elected President.
The other officers elected are: Vice-President,
the Rev. C. C. Tiffany ; Treasurer, Walter T.
Jones; Secretary, Chandler Roberts; Council-
ors, Rear-Admiral Bancroft Gherardi, William
Hamilton, Henry Holt, Clarence King and
Charles A. Peabody.
AT the annual meeting of the Philadelphia
The -
JANUARY 27, 1899.]
Academy of Natural Sciences the following
officers, Councillors and members of the Finance
Committee, to serve during 1899, were elected :
President, Samuel G. Dixon, M.D. ; Vice Presidents,
Thomas Meehan, Rev. Henry C. McCook, D.D.; Re-
cording Secretary, Edward J. Nolan, M.D.; Corre-
sponding Secretary, Benjamin Sharp, M.D.; Treas-
urer, George Vaux, Jr.; Librarian, Edward J. Nolan,
M.D.; Curators, Henry A. Pilsbry, Henry C. Chap-
man, M.D., Arthur Erwin Brown, Samuel G. Dixon,
M.D.; Councillors to serve three years, Charles E.
Smith, Uselma C. Smith, John Cadwalder, William
Sellers ; Finance Committee, Charles Morris, Chas.
E. Smith, Uselma C. Smith, William Sellers, Charles
Roberts ; Councillor for unexpired term of two years,
Charles Schaffer, M.D.
The following standing committees were ap-
pointed for the year :
Publications : Thomas Meehan, Charles E. Smith,
Henry A. Pilsbry, Henry Skinner, M. D., Edward J.
Nolan, M. D.
Library : Arthur Erwin Brown, Thomas A. Robin-
son, Henry C. Chapman, M. D., Dr. C. Newlin Peirce
and Charles Schaffer, M. D.
Instruction and Lectures: UselmaC. Smith, Benj.
Smith Lymann, Samuel G. Dixon, M. D., Philip P.
Calvert and Charles Morris.
Committee of Council on By-Laws: Isaac J. Wis-
tar, Theodore D. Rand, Arthur Erwin Brown and
Benjamin Sharp, M. D.
THE Ninth International Congress of Oph-
thalmology will be held at Utrecht from August
14 to 18, 1899. The scientific work of the
Congress will be divided among three sections,
as follows: (1) Anatomy, Pathological Anatomy
and Bacteriology; (2) Optics and Physiology ;
(3) Clinical and Operative Methods.
THE annual meeting of the Board of Man-
agers of the New York Zoological Society was
held on January 17th, with the Hon. Levi P.
Morton, the President of the Society, in the
chair. The Chairman of the Executive Com-
mittee, Professor Henry F. Osborn, reported
the important progress in the construction of
buildings and other installations, to which we
recently called attention. It was announced
at the meeting that Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt
had contributed $5,000 toward the building fund.
THE Finance Committee of the Philadelphia
City Council has reported favorably upon a
proposed loan of $200,000 by the city for
the buildings and equipments of the Phila-
delphia Museums. The bill will probably
be passed by the Council, and this insures the
raising of the $300,000 required under the Act
of Congress appropriating $300,000 towards the
aid of the exposition of manufactured products
of the United States to be held in Philadelphia
next autumn. $50,000 has been appropriated
by the State Legislature and $50,000 has been
collected by private subscription. The United
States government has also appropriated a
further sum of $50,000 for the purchase of sam-
ples of foreign goods to show the kind of goods
that should be exported. Dr. W. P. Wilson,
Director of the Museums, will be Director-Gen-
eral of the Exposition.
A CHEMICAL and pharmaceutical laboratory
has been opened in Rajkote, in western India,
30,000 rupees have been given for the con-
struction of the building by Azam Laxmon
Meran. The equipmentis paid for by the state.
Mr. H. L. Lee has been appointed director of
the laboratory.
M. Emite Dupois has introduced into the
French Chamber of Deputies a bill providing
for the creation in each department of France
of one or more bacteriological laboratories, with
a view to the repression and prevention of con-
tagious diseases, particularly tuberculosis.
E. C. Stumons, ex-Mayor of Kenosha, Wis.,
has offered to build and present to that city a
library building and to purchase 25,000 vol-
umes for it. The estimated cost of the gift is
THE Amesbury (Mass.) publie library will
receive $10,000 by the will of the late Mary
A. Barnard.
THE corner stone of the School of Practical
Horticulture was laid at Hyeres on January
8th, in the presence of M. Viger, the French
Minister of Agyiculture.
Tue Field Columbian Museum, Chicago, has
secured, through the generosity of Mr. Stanley
R. McCormick, a valuable collection of articles
from the Moqui tribes of the Pueblo Indians.
It was made by a missionary and represents the
arts of the tribes from their earliest association
with the pioneers up to the present time.
A TELEGRAM from Sydney has been received
at the Royal Society stating that the boring into
the coral atoll of Funafuti had been discon-
tinued on reaching a depth of 1,114 feet. Cores
had been obtained, and the material traversed
is described as ‘coral reef’ rock.
THE English papers state that arrangements
are being made, under the direction of Signor
Marconi, at the South Foreland lighthouse and
on board the South Goodwin lightship for a
series of experiments in wireless telegraphy.
If the experiments are considered satisfactory,
it is stated that the wireless system will be
adopted forthwith as a means of communica-
tion between the South Foreland lighthouse and
the South Sands Head lightship. The points
of communication are about three miles apart.
THE British Medical Journal reports that M.
Cruppi recently laid before the French Cham-
ber of Deputies a bill for reforming medical ex-
pert evidence. M. Cruppi proposes that a list
of medical experts should be drawn up every
year. None but men of undoubted scientific
ability should be on the list ; the accused person
should have the right to name his or her own
expert, who should work in cooperation with
the expert named by the Judge. In cases where
the two experts do not agree the matter should
be decided by a committee composed of emi-
ment scientific men. The Commission of Judi-
cial Reform is considering the question.
MEN of science will not be surprised to learn
that an examination of the late John W.
Keeley’s exhibition room has brought to light
tubes and other arrangements by which com-
pressed air could have been used to run his
motor. Wheels went round without doing any
work and could have been readily turned by
compressed air or in other ways, in the exhibi-
tion made some years ago to the present writer.
It was at the time indicated that he would be
given $5,000 if he would state over his signa-
ture that the operations could not be accounted
for by known natural forces.
Ir is stated in the daily papers that Mr. Elmer
Gates, Washington, wishes to form a commercial
company to obtain money to enable him to pro-
ceed with the invention of his microscope,
which he is said to say magnifies 3,000,000 di-
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 213.
WE regret to learn that the California Courts
have decided that the trust clause in the will of
the late Adolph Sutro, giving Sutro Heights as
a public park to the city of San Francisco, and
San Miguel Ranch to support a scientific school,
is invalid, and the property will now go into
the residuary estate and be divided among six
children. Perhaps these children will set the
Courts an example by fulfilling the wishes of
their father.
THE late Miss Rebecca Flower Squiers, of
London, has bequeathed £2,000 for scholarships
for students at Oxford or Cambridge, and the
residue of her estate, the amount of which is
not stated, for the benefit of these universi- ,
the Johns Hopkins University his valuable col-
lection of books, journals and pamphlets rela-
ting to meteorology. The library has also re-
ceived an anonymous gift of $5,000 for the pur-
chase of books.
Rey. Dr. GeorcGe E. MERRILL, of Newton,
Mass., has accepted the call to the presidency
of Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y.
Proressor J. B. Jonson, who holds the
the chair of engineering in Washington Uni-
versity, St. Louis, has been called to the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, where he will be made
Dean of the College of Engineering.
Mr. G. F. Srour, Anderson lecturer on com-
parative psychology at Aberdeen and formerly
lecturer on psychology at Cambridge, has been
appointed to the newly established Wilde lec-
tureship of mental philosophy at Oxford.
THE professorship of physics in the University
of Sydney, New South Wales, is vacant. In ac-
cordance with the British custom, applications
for the position, with eight copies of all testi-
monials, must be received not later than Febru-
ary 18th by Sir Daniel Cooper, acting agent-
general for New South Wales, 9 Victoria St.,
London, 8S. W. The salary of the professorship
is £900 per annum, with a conditional pension of
£400. Candidates must be under 35 years of
age. We presume that citizens of the United
States are eligible.
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EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: S. NEWcomsB, Mathematics; R. S. WoopwARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING,
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THuRsTOoN, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. LE Conte, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; O. C. MARSH, Paleontology; W. K. Brooks,
C. Hart MERRIAM, Zoology; 8S. H. ScupDDER, Entomology; C. E. Brssry, N. L. BRiTTon,
Botany; HENRY F. OsBorN, General Biology; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology;
H. P. Bowpitcn, Physiology; J. S. BILLinas, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL,
Psychology; DANIEL G. BRINTON, J. W. POWELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, FEBRUARY 3, 1899.
Frontal Horn on Aceratherium ineisivum (with
Plate I) : PROFESSOR HENRY F. OSBORN......... 161
Report concerning the Official State Bureaus con-
nected with the Johns Hopkins University: PRo-
The Biological Stations of Brittany: DR. JoHN H.
GEROUID Pree cces-cnesreocusetecsss nsccessssteaaionson tee 165
Notes on the Times of Breeding of some Common
New England Nemerteans: DR. W. R. CoEk......
The Columbia Meeting of the Society for Plant Mor-
phology and Physiology: PROFESSOR W. F.
(EH NIRTOINIC) cuscadoasboosuopoqonosdobprubasdonnacsbaasunoHonage
Eleventh Annual Meeting of the American Folk-lore
ISOCLELY TSM AW WVfel NED WWE Li Laos ts Seeisistesietsiicesisisecieciotse cies 173
Scientific Books :—
Keithack’s Kalender fiir Geologen, Paliéontologen
und Mineralogen: J.B. WOODWORTH. Webster
on the Chinch Bug: PRoressor T. D. A.
COCKERELL. Newth’s Manual of Chemical Anal-
ysis: DR. HENRY FAy. Recent Publications of
the U. 8. Geological Survey. Books Received.
Scientific Journals and Articles. .....ccecceceecseseeeeees
Societies and Academies :—
Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters:
Dr. A.S. FLINT. The Ohio Academy of Science:
PROFESSOR R. C. OSBURN. Entomological So-
ciety of Washington: Dr. L. O. HOWARD.
The Academy of Sciences of Philadelphia: DR.
Epw. J. NoLAN. Zoological Club of the Uni-
versity of Chicago: MARY M. STURGES, PRO-
BESSOR) Rey Ss AUUGLEi is. .sseceedesessceescecsssiensns oes 179
Discussion and Correspondence :—
The Storing of Pamphlets: PROFESSOR WINSLOW
WWEEERG) JooopanncSubceicdonacbocasbustobedbogbopdSanbocnouandece 184
Notes on Inorganic Chemistry: J. L. Hu.........ee 185
Current Notes on Anthropology :—
Bad Form in Anthropological Writings; The
Mangyans of Mindoro; The Jew and the Gypsy:
PROFESSOR D. G. BRINTON ........-0seccoscseesseees 185
Agricultural Education in Russid......-..sc0ccceeceeeees
The International Catalogue of Scientific Literature.. 187
Scientific Notes and News..........scescsssceeceecesccnesees 188
University and Educational News. ......ssscceseceseeeees 192
MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended
for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
In the classical collection of the Museum
of Darmstadt there are the two type skulls
of Aceratherium incisivum, Kaup, which have
hardly been disturbed since the death of that
distinguished paleontologist. Through the
kindness of Professor G. Richard Lepsius,
the writer was recently enabled to carefully
examine these skulls, which are in a fragile
condition. A slight rugosity was observed
upon the frontal bones just behind their
junction with the nasals, and a very careful
examination demonstrated to both Professor
Lepsius and the writer the undoubted pres-
ence of a rudimentary frontal horn in this
typical hornless type. Even more distinct-
ive proof of the existence of a horn is afforded
by the characteristic convergence towards
the center of the rugosity of a number of
small grooves which indicate the course of
the blood vessels which supplied the horn.
The support of a horn is further indicated
by a distinct swelling of the skull above the
orbits which is observed with especial dis-
tinctness in the profile view. This swelling
will probably be found to consist of a thick-
ening of the frontals at this point.
This discovery is of the very greatest in-
terest. In the first place it practically
removes this typical Acerathere from the
group to which it has given its name and
places it among the Rhinoceroses. Second,
the precocious development of the frontal
horn, and the marked reduction of the
nasals, at once suggested to the writer that
this animal may possibly represent an an-
eestor of Elasmotherium, which, as is well
known, was distinguished from all other
Rhinoceroses by the smooth, narrow nasals
and enormously developed frontal horns, as
shown in the accompaning figures. It is
true that in A. incisivum the horns are small,
the rugosity, or horn core, being rudimen-
tary; but in paleontology a rudiment is
almost invariably prophetic of a fully de-
veloped organ in a later horizon. The
* question whether this type actually marks
the first branching-off of the Elasmotheres
from the Aceratheres turns, therefore, upon
a detailed comparison of the skull and
skeleton of the two types. Both skulls are
dolichocephalic with high occiputs. <A
marked difference is seen in the very narrow
space between the orbit and narial opening
in A. incisivum, as compared with the broad
space in Elasmotherium. These and other
differences may be due to profound changes
which occurred during the Pliocene period,
for Elasmotherium is a well-advanced Pleis-
tocene type. Other profound changes which
would be involved in such a transformation
are in the loss of old cutting teeth and the
folding of the enamel in the-molar teeth, so
characteristic of the Pleistocene form.
Taken altogether, the evidence that A.
incisiwum is an ancestral Elasmothere is,
however, decidedly slender at present, and
we must probably await the discovery of
intermediate stages in the Pliocene of Eu-
rope or Asia. Henry F. Osporn.
I susmir for your information the follow-
ing report concerning the Maryland Geo-
* A report presented to the President of the Johns
Hopkins University.
[N.S. Von. 1X. No. 214.
logical Survey and the Maryland Weather
Service during the past year. Much of the
work of these bureaus is carried on in co-
operation with the Geological Department,
and the offices are provided by the Univer-
sity free of all charges to the State.
The Maryland Geological Survey, which
was established by an act of the General
Assembly of 1896, began operations upon
March 25th of that year, when, by the ac-
tion of the Commission designated by the
act, the organization of the Survey was for-
mally effected. The General Assembly of
1898 passed two additional acts which
added largely to the powers of the State
Survey Commission by providing for the
construction of topographic maps and the
investigation of the question of proper
highways for the State. By the first act an
additional appropriation of $5,000 annually
was granted, while the second act appropri-
ated $10,000 annually, the original appro-
priation of $10,000 annually by the As-
sembly of 1896 still remaining in force. By
these acts the Survey received the very gen-
erous appropriation of $25,000 annually.
During the two and a-half years that the
Survey has been in operation several lines
of investigation have been taken up, some
of which have already been followed to a
conclusion. The preliminary survey of the
State, in which general information in re-
gard to the geology and economic resources
was secured, placed the Survey in a position
to inaugurate those lines of investigation
which would prove most beneficial to the
people of the State and at the same time
would contribute most largely to the sum
of knowledge regarding the stratigraphy
and structure of Maryland. In connection
with this general survey there has been
maintained a system of collection of statis-
tical data regarding the output of each in-
dustry that has to do with the mineral
FEBRUARY 3, 1899. ]
wealth of the State. Forms are annually
placed in the hands of the producers of
mineral products, which upon their return
are filed at the office of the Survey. In this
manner an accurate account is kept of the
mineral products of the State, which aggre-
gate in value from six to seven million dol-
lars annually.
The work ofthe Survey has been system-
atically divided and a competent man
placed in charge of each one of the divi-
sions. Dr. E. B. Mathews, in addition to
his duties as Assistant State Geologist, is
Chief of the Division of Geology of the
Piedmont Plateau ; Professor Charles 8.
Prosser is in charge of the Division of Ge-
ology of the Appalachian Region, and Dr.
George B. Shattuck is in charge of the
Division of the Coastal Plain. The work
of the Survey embraces many subjects re-
lated to geology,among which is the in-
vestigation of our highways, Dr. H. F. Reid
being Chief of the important Division of
Highways. Dr. L. A. Bauer is in charge
of the Division of Terrestrial Magnetism.
Several special assistants in charge of in-
dependent lines of work are also employed :
Mr. A. N. Johnson in Highway Engineer-
ing; Dr. Cleveland Abbe, Jr., in Physiog-
raphy, and Messrs. Basil Sollers and B. W.
Barton in Botany.
At the same time active cooperation is
maintained with several of the Washington
bureaus, especially with the U.S. Geolog-
ical Survey and the bureaus and divisions
of the U. S. Department of Agriculture.
The aid which has been rendered by the
Washington scientific departments has been
of great importance to the successful prose-
cution of the State work.
The topographic work of the Survey has
been much extended during the past year,
an area of several hundred square miles
haying been surveyed upon a scale of one
mile to an inch in western Allegany and
Garrett counties. The surveying force is
provided by the U. S. Geological Survey
through a plan of cooperation between the
national bureau and the Maryland Geolog-
ical Survey.
The magnetic work under the charge of
Dr. Bauer was continued in the western
part of Maryland. Dr. Bauer completed
his work on the western boundary of the
State during 1897, and was able to be of
great service to the Attorney-General of
Maryland, who had the matter in charge.
All the magnetic and astronomical work
was placed in charge of Dr. Bauer, and he
was throughout recognized as the scientific
authority upon the State force. During the
summer of 1898 a part of Dr. Bauer’s time
was taken up in the survey of the boundary
line between Allegany and Garrett coun-
ties, which had been authorized by a spe-
cial act of the last General Assembly. This
work, which had been many times unsuc-
cessfully attempted, was satisfactorily ac-
complished, and a report published in Sep-
The more strictly geological work of the
Survey was carried on by the instructors
and students of the Geological Department
of the University, with such cooperation as
was deemed necessary along special lines.
Professor George P. Merrill, of the United
States National Museum, rendered the Sur-
vey a very important service in the conduct
of the investigations upon the building and
decorative stones of the State. Extensive
areal and economic work was conducted
both in the western and central counties of
the State. Surveys of Allegany and Gar-
rett counties were completed and a large
amount of data collected for the special
economic reports which will appear later.
The highway investigations have occu-
pied the attention of the Survey since the
spring of the present year, and a consider-
able force was employed under the direction
of Dr. Reid and his associate, Mr. Johnson,
in the study of the highway conditions of
Maryland. The distribution of those rocks
which are adapted for highway construction
has been carefully surveyed and points for
the subsequent locations of quarries of road
metals indicated.
The agricultural conditions of the State
have also been considered and a study made
of many of the relations of the geological
formations to the soils derived from them.
This classification of the soils has been con-
ducted under a plan of cooperation with
Professor Milton Whitney, of the U. S. De-
partment of Agriculture and the Maryland
Experiment Station, and, outside of its
scientific interest, will prove of much prac-
tical benefit to the agricultural interests of
the State.
The distribution of plant and animal life
is so closely connected with the soils and
geology that the Survey plans a study of
the fauna and flora from this standpoint.
Already some work has been done under
the direction of Messrs. Sollers and Barton
upon the botany of Maryland, more partic-
ularly in the western counties. It is planned
in the future to carry on this work in co-
operation with the newly organized State
Horticultural Bureau.
Much advance was made during the year
in the preparation of the manuscript for
subsequent volumes. Professor Merrill
completed his work upon the Building and
Decorative Stones of Maryland, and Mr.
Henry Gannett, of the U. 8. Geological
Survey, furnished an elaborate treatise upon
the Aims and Methods of Topographic
Work for the report upon the cartography
of the State. These and other reports by
the regular staff of the Survey are now be-
ing collected for the second volume, which
will be brought out during the autumn of
The Maryland Weather Service was es-
tablished in May, 1891, under the joint
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 214.
auspices of the Johns Hopkins University,
the Maryland Agricultural College and the
United States Weather Bureau, and became
an official organization by an act of the
General Assembly approved by the Gover-
nor April 6, 1892. Under authority granted
by this act the Maryland Weather Service
was permanently established at the Johns
Hopkins University, under the direction of
a Board of Control nominated by the heads
of the institutions above mentioned and
commissioned by the Governor.
During the first five years of the exist-
ence of the Service the investigations were
confined largely to a study of the general
meteorological conditions of the State.
Numerous stations were established in the
different counties, volunteer observers hav-
ing been obtained at a sufficient number of
points to render it possible to determine the
more important features of the climate of the
State. Throughout the same time monthly
Meteorological Reports, extending through
the year, and weekly Crop Bulletins, cover-
ing the growing and harvesting seasons,
were published. Two biennial reports to the
General Assemblies of 1894 and 1896 were
also prepared and subsequently printed with
the necessary maps, diagrams and tables. A
series of large Climatic Charts was also
published and placed on exhibition in the
Maryland Building in Chicago at the time
of the Columbian Exposition, and copies of
the same were subsequently distributed.
Somewhat over a year ago an entire
reorganization of the work of the Maryland
Weather Service was effected. It seemed
desirable to transfer the accumulation of
the general climatic data to the Climate and
Crop Service of the Weather Bureau, which
is much more fully equipped for carrying
on that phase of the work, and to devote
the money and energies of the Maryland
Weather Service to the study of special
problems connected with the climatology of
the State. It was thought possible, by con-
FEBRUARY 3, 1899. ]
ducting the work in close cooperation with
the State Geological Survey; the State agri-
cultural institutions and the United States
Department of Agriculture, to take up lines
of research that would be of much perma-
nent value to the people of the State. Ar-
rangements were made for the publication
of these investigations\in a new series of re-
ports which should conform in all particu-
lars to those already adopted for the State
Geological Survey. These volumes, for
which arrangements have now been per-
fected, will contain the results of investiga-
tions upon the climate of the State and will
include reports upon the physiography,
meteorology, medical climatology, agricul-
tural soils, forestry, hydrography, crop con-
ditions, botany and zoology of Maryland.
The reports upon physiography and me-
teorology are already largely prepared and
will constitute the first volume of the series.
Dr. Cleveland Abbe, Jr., has prepared a
report upon the physiography, while the
longer and more elaborate statement re-
garding the meteorology of the State is di-
vided into three parts, the general treat-
ment of the subject being from the pen of
the distinguished Professor Cleveland Abbe,
of the U. S. Weather Bureau. Mr. F. J.
Waltz, the Local Forecast Official of the U.
S. Weather Bureau in Baltimore and the
Meteorologist of the State Weather Service,
will contribute the part relating to the me-
teorology of the State; while Mr. O. L.
Fassig, his associate, will prepare those
chapters which relate to the history of me-
teorological investigations in Maryland
since early colonial days. The cordial sup-
port of Professor Willis L. Moore, Chief of
the U.S. Weather Bureau, has been secured
in this work, as well as in many of the
lines of special investigations which will be
later pursued.
The investigation of the agricultural
soils of the State, already referred to in
connection with the State Geological Sur-
vey, are closely related to many of the
climatological problems which will be con-
sidered in the future, and the active coop-
eration of Professor Whitney along these
lines will add much to the effectiveness of
the State work. Mr. C. W. Dorsey, of the
State Agricultural Experiment Station, has
been carrying on investigations in this field
under the supervision of Professor Whitney,
and the results of their combined work will
be later brought out in the reports of the
State Weather Service.
The questions of hydrography are closely
related to those of climatology, and already
considerable progress has been made in the
study of the drainage basins of Maryland
through the cooperation secured from Pro-
fessor Newell, in charge of the Division of
Hydrography of the U.S. Geological Sur-
vey, and special reports upon this subject
will be incorporated in a later volume of
the State Weather Service.
The other lines of investigation above
referred to have been projected, but little
work has been done upon them thus far.
They will occupy the attention of the local
Service during the coming and subsequent
Wm. Buttock CuLarK,
State Geologist and Director State Weather
Tue marine laboratories of the coasts of
France and England can be reached with
so little loss of time by students of zoology
and botany who live near the Atlantic sea-
board in America that a knowledge of the
facilities for work at these stations and of
their accessibility is of great importance to
Aside from the hygienic advantages of
the ocean voyage and a complete change of
scene to a hard-working naturalist who de-
votes his summer vacations to scientific re-
search, one will in many cases find at soine
of the marine laboratories of France or of
Great Britain such favorable conditions for
his work as cannot be obtained in connec-
tion with our own excellent laboratories.
It is with this thought in mind that I eall
the attention of the readers of ScrencE to
two of the stations for the study of marine
biology which are situated in Brittany.
The Laboratoire de Zoologie Expérimentale at
Roscoff, in Finistére, is under the direction
of its founder, Monsieur le professeur de
Lacaze-Duthiers, of the Sorbonne, whose
hospitality to foreigners is most generous.
Roscoff may be quickly reached from
Southampton by the boat to St. Malo, a
Breton seaport, or from Harve via Paris.
It is a quaint old town, with a port devoted
to the export of vegetables to England ; its
narrow streets, among the ancient buildings
of the village, are busy with the activities
of the honest, sturdy Breton peasantry.
The picturesque surrounding country, with
its dolmens and menhirs, medieval chateaux
and churches, attracts during the summer
large numbers of tourists.
The laboratory at Roscoff is a building
of the 16th century which faces, on the
east, the principal public square. Ivy cov-
ered gables and round towers project be-
hind into an enclosed garden. Between the
garden and the sea, at the north, is a large
grass-roofed aquarium room, with two spa-
cious stone basins in the middle and numer-
ous tanks along the north and south sides
of the building. These are supplied with
running seawater, which is pumped from a
large stone vivarium situated between the
aquarium and the sea.
Opening into the aquarium room is the
main laboratory for investigators, with eight
tables, in addition to which four private
work rooms are at the disposal of the Di-
rector, besides those of himself and of his
staff. The laboratory, which, like the other
marine laboratories in France, is supported
by the State, is well equipped with reagents,
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 214.
stains, glassware, etc., and a dark room is
provided for photographie work.
As regards the fauna, the fact is to
be emphasized that for plankton studies
Roscoff is badly situated, whereas for
shore collecting its position is admirable.
The invertebrate fauna, especially, is very
rich. The coast is diversified with numer-
ous rocky islands and with bays which
have a bottom of mud, sand or shingle.
The spring tides at Roscoff rise and fall, at
their maximum, about nine meters, so that
a very large area is exposed at low tide.
Thirty-one investigators and elementary
students during the summer of 1898 availed
themselves of the advantages of this excel-
lent laboratory. The venerable Director of
the station made a brief visit in August.
The following were engaged with special
studies :
Monsieur L. Boutan, the Embryology of
Aecmea, Haliotis and Scallaria; Professor
Y. Delage, Experiments upon Fertilization
of the Egg of Echinus; Doctor Dominici,
Hematopoesis in the Chordata (Selachians
and Amphioxus); Professor P. Francotte,
of Brussels, Maturation and Fertilization
of the Egg in Turbellaria; Dr. J. Georgé-
vitsch, of Belgrade, Embryology of Den-
talium ; Dr. N. Koltzoff, of St. Petersburg,
Embryology of the Head of Elasmobranchs;
Monsieur A. Robert, Embryology of Trochus;
Monsieur P. Vignon, Excretion in the Crus-
The present writer was occupied with the
Embryology of Phascolosoma.
Professor Chalon, of Brussels, studied
aud made collections of the Alge.
The Laboratoire de Zoologie et de Physiologie
maritimes at Concarnean is under the charge
of Professor Fabre-Domergue, of the Collége
de France. Founded in 1859 by Monsieur
Coste, it is said to be the oldest marine
laboratory in existence.
Concarneau is a village of southern Brit-
tany, near the picturesque and beautiful
FEBRUARY 3, 1899. ]
town of Quimper. Like Roscoff, it can be
easily reached by the way of Southampton
and St. Malo or from Havre via Paris.
Fishing and sardine packing are the prin-
cipal industries of the place. The port
and the surrounding country are so pictur-
esquely beautiful that many artists make
their permanent residence in the vicinity.
The laboratory is chiefly devoted to fish
culture and the study of fishes, although
work at the station is by no means restricted
to this group. The building has two floors ;
the first story is devoted to the scientific
apparatus, to spacious private rooms for a
small number of investigators, a library
anda dark room for photography ; and the
basement contains large stone tanks and
other aquaria, provided with running sea-
water. Large vivaria, designed for hold-
ing fish, lobsters, etc., for scientific purposes
and for the use of fishermen, adjoin the
laboratory and extend out into the sea.
The station is well equipped for scientific
research. Here Selenka and other eminent
zoologists have done much of their best
The plankton at Concarneau is said to be
very rich, and certain forms of invertebrates
which inhabit a sandy shore and which do
not occur at Roscoff are found in abundance
at Concarneau.
Finally, it should be said that the Direc-
tors of these and of other marine stations
in France which it has been the good for-
tune of the present writer to visit are most
hospitable and generous to American zo-
ologists. One may be assured that if he
goes to the coast of France to study he will
receive a hearty welcome.
NAPLES, December 8, 1898.
SEVERAL papers by Professor Bumpus
have appeared in this JouRNAL on the
times of breeding of invertebrates at Woods
Holl, Mass. In connection with these the
following notes on the nemerteans may
prove of interest to some who may desire
to carry on researches on the embryology
of this neglected group of worms.
It does not seem to be generally known
that the eggs of some of our nemerteans
can be obtained in abundance at almost any
season of the year; that those of many
species can be artificially fertilized, and
that they will develop readily in confine-
ment. Even in the case of those which
undergo an indirect course of development
the embryos can readily be reared to the
early pilidium-stage. The eggs of some of
the common species, moreover, are so very
transparent that many of the phenomena
involved in maturation, fertilization and
cleavage can be followed in the living ovum
without the use of stains. For these rea-
sons they afford most promising objects for
embryological and cytological investigation.
1. The eggs of Amphiporus ochraceus Verr.
are laid during the months of May and
June (or sometimes earlier) in the vicinity
of New Haven. Worms which are kept in
captivity sometimes deposit their ova in
clusters of forty or more imbedded in a
common mass of mucus. They develop
readily in confinement, and the young
worms may be kept alive until they attain
a considerable size. As in most other
Hoplonemerteans the development is di-
2. Amphiporus virescens Verr. Eggs ma-
ture at Woods Holl in July and August.
They develop readily when laid in captivity,
although the number of eggs produced by a
single worm is small.
3. Tetrastemma candidum Oersted. Ma-
ture in July and August at Woods Holl
and New Haven.
4. Tetrastemma vermiculus (Quatr.) Stimp.
Common on piles at Woods Holl with ripe
ova in August.
Several other species of Tetrastemma and
Amphiporus have been found mature in mid-
5. Emplectonema giganteum Verr. has been
found by Professor Verrill with large eggs
in August.
6. Lineus viridis Johnson = L. gesserensis
Muller = Nemertes obscura Desor = Lineus
obscurus Barrois. On the Coast of Maine
Verrill* has found the eggs of this species
very abundant under stones at low-water
mark. These were imbedded in mucus and
were deposited in mid-summer. At Woods
Holl during three summers I have exam-
ined thousands of specimens but have found
no eggs. On the northern coast of Europe
the eggs are mature from March to
May. The development of this species
was studied by Desort as early as 1848
from material which he collected near Bos-
ton in February. lBarrois{ and, later,
Hubrecht§ have published detailed descrip-
tions of its embryology.
7. Lineus socialis (Leidy) Verr. The
eggs mature in mid-winter at New Haven,
and are sometimes deposited in captivity in
masses of mucus. They develop readily at
least to the stage of swimming gastrule.
8. Lineus bicolor Verr. Specimens dredged
in Vineyard Sound in July, 1898, contained
mature genital products.
9. Micrura affinis Verr. Specimens taken
off Salem by Professor Verrill contained
fully developed eggs and spermatozoa in
10. Mierura ceca Verr. Matures its geni-
tal products at Woods Holl during August.
The eggs of this species are beautifully
clear and transparent and develop readily
when artificially fertilized. The cleavage
* Trans. Connecticut Acad., Vol. 8, 1892.
+ Boston Journ, Nat. Hist., Vol. 6, 1848.
{Recherches sur l’embryologie des Nemertes.
Lille, 1877.
9 Proeve eener
Lineus obscurus.
Utrecht, 1885.
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 214.
is of the regular spiral type, of which these
eggs furnish an almost ideal illustration.
The pilidium which results will live two
weeks or more in confinement.
11. Cerebratulus lacteus Verr. The eggs
are ripe at New Haven during February,
March and April. On the coast of Maine
the species is said to breed in early summer.
I have never observed that the eggs are de-
posited in captivity. Specimens filled with’
eggs have been kept alive in the laboratory
for more than two months after the time
of full maturity of the sexual products
without discharging their eggs. Whether
they would be capable of normal develop-
ment after this length of time I was unable
to determine, because all the males which
could be obtained had long since discharged
their spermatozoa. The worms attain an
enormous size (up to 22 feet in length and
an inch in breadth, according to Verrill)
and consequently produce an immense
number of ova. JI should estimate the
number to be obtained from a fair-sized
worm—say, 5 feet long—to lie between
fifty thousand and a quarter of a million.
A single individual, or even a small frag-
ment, will thus furnish all the material
required for an elaborate investigation. The
eggs are easily fertilized artificially, and
will develop into the pilidium-stage without
12. Cerebratulus Leidyi Verr. Breeds
commonly at Woods Holl in July and
early in August. In 1898 the majority of
the individuals which I found at Woods
Holl had discharged their genital products
earlier than July, and in 1894 a few speci-
mens at New Haven retained their ova as
late as October. Among the nemerteans
that I know, the eggs of this species are
equalled in beauty and regularity of de-
velopment only by those of Mierwra ceca.
The first division occurs about one hour
and ten minutes after fertilization, or in 55
minutes if the eggs have been allowed to
FEBRUARY 3, 1899. ]
remain in the water until the formation of
the first polar spindle, before being fertilized.
The second cleavage takes place about 24
minutes later ; the third cleavage occurs af-
ter 50 minutes more; the fourth after another
35 or 40 minutes; and after a further lapse of
about 50 minutes, or in a little less than 34
hours after fertilization, the fifth division,
with its resulting 32 cells, is completed. A
very symmetrical blastula appears about 74
hours after the eggs are fertilized, and in
14 hours more the embryos begin to swim.
The third cleavage, which is distinctly right-
handed, shows the first differentiation of
the cells in regard to size ; the upper four, or
those next to the polar bodies, being slightly,
though perceptibly, larger than the lower
four. The cleavage is typically spiral and
almost perfectly regular. There are only
the slightest indications of a vitelline mem-
brane, so that the polar bodies are lost at
an early stage. The near equality in the
size of the blastomeres also tends to in-
crease the difficulties encountered in follow-
ing out the details of the cell-lineage. The
pilidium with peculiarly short side-lobes,
which develops from these eggs, will live for
two weeks or more in the laboratory, al-
though I have never seen the young nemer-
tean develop within it.
13. Cerebratulusluridus Verr. Specimens
collected in Cape Cod Bay by Professor
Verrill contained apparently ripe eggs in
14. Carinella pellucida Coe ripens its sex-
ual elements in July at New Haven and
Woods Holl.
15. Parapolia aurantiaca Coe. Genital
products mature in August at Woods Holl.
16. Valencinia rubens Coe. A_ single
specimen found at Woods Holl in August
1894 was filled with ripe spermatozoa.
17. Cephalothrix linearis Oersted. At
Woods Holl this species commonly ma-
tures its genital products in August. The
eges may be artificially fertilized. The
development is direct and may be readily
followed. McIntosh* has published figures
of the embryos of this species.
The above includes merely those dates
at which genital products have been found
mature, and should by no means give the
impression that they may not be found in
some of the species at other times, both
earlier and later than is here indicated.
The times when the eggs are normally de-
posited is certainly lable to considerable
variation. Amphiporus ochraceus, for exam-
ple, has on one occasion been found mature
as early as January, although the eggs are
produced more abundantly four or five
months later. In this respect the nemer-
teans agree with many other invertebrates.
In some others, as Cerebratulus lacteus, the
time during which the eggs can be fertilized
lasts for a few weeks at the most, and this
period, at New Haven, varies from Feb-
ruary to April according to some undeter-
mined peculiarity of the season.
It will be seen that of the common species
recorded here nearly all become sexually
mature on the southern coast of New Eng-
land during the summer months. Only
one lays its eggs in mid-winter and only
two in the very early spring.
W. BR. Coz.
THE second annual meeting of this So-
ciety was held in conjunction with the
meetings of the American Society of Natu-
ralists and the Affiliated Societies at Colum-
bia University, December 27 to 30, 1898.
On the evening of December 27th a reception
was tendered to the members of the Society
and visiting botanists by the Torrey Botan-
ical Club of New York, and the Society
* British Annelids ; Part I., Nemerteans. Ray So-
ciety, 1873.
joined with the Affiliated Societies in the
entertainments of Wednesday and Thurs-
day evenings, and in the annual discussion
on Thursday afternoon. On Friday a visit
was made to the New York Botanical
Garden, where the grounds and buildings
were shown and explained by the Director,
Dr. N. L. Britton. At the business meet-
ing the following officers were elected for
the ensuing year: President, Dr. J. M.
Macfarlane; Vice-Presidents, Professor G.
F. Atkinson and Professor D. P. Penhallow;
Secretary, Dr. W. F. Ganong. The following
new members were elected: Messrs. F. C.
Stewart, C. O. Townsend, F.C. Newcombe,
B. D. Halsted, J. B. Pollock, D. 8. John-
son, L. M. Underwood, M. B. Waite. The
President, Dr. W. G. Farlow, presided over
the sessions, at which the following papers
were read. Detailed abstracts of these will
appear in the February number of the
Botanical Gazette:
Some Peculiar Morphological Features of Pau-
lownia imperialis: Dr. J. W. HARSHBERGER,
University of Pennsylvania.—This paper
contained a discussion of noteworthy ana-
tomical, ecological and morphological fea-
tures in this introduced tree, particularly in
buds, flowers, fruits and petioles.
The Life-history of Leuchtenbergia principis
(abstract): Dr. W. F. Ganone, Smith
College.—This paper is an attempt at a
complete life-history of this rare and highly
specialized species of Cactaceae, whose de-
velopment has hitherto been quite unknown.
This contribution is offered as the first of
a series of life-histories in this family in-
tended to supply data for a better under-
standing of phylogeny and of principles of
morphology and ecology.
Observations upon Root-tubercles: PROFES-
sor B. D. Hatstep, New Jersey Agricultural
College.—The author’s observations showed
that the root tubercles on spring-grown
beans of a certain variety are much more
abundant than upon autumn-grown plants
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 214.
of the same variety grown in the same soil.
He discusses the reasons for this, finding
that of temperature, directly or indirectly,
most important, and points out the bearing
of his facts upon some others which have
puzzled students of the subject.
Further Notes on the Embryology of the Rubi-
acee: Mr. F. E. Lioyn, Teachers’ College.
—The author described very peculiar fea-
tures in the development of the ovule and
seed in several members of this family, in-
eluding the development of as many as
eight or ten macrospores in one ovule, very
large antipodal cells, and the development
of haustoria from the suspensor which
absorb the endosperm.
The Inflorescences and Flowers of Polygala
polygama: Mr. CHARLES H. Suaw, University
of Pennsylvania.—In this paper it is pointed
out that in this well-known species there
are, in addition to the commonly recognized
aerial and subterranean cleistogamic blos-
soms, other green cleistogamic blossoms
borne above ground, the characters of which
are remarkably intermediate between those
of the other two kinds. A full comparison
of characters makes this plain.
Observations on some Monocotyledonous Em-
bryo-sacs: Mr. R. E. B. McKenney, Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania.—The author de-
scribed an unusual method of development
of the embryo-sac in two species of Scilla,
and discussed its significance. Incidentally
he gave attention to the centrosome ques-
tion, and was unable to find them in any
of the stages studied, thus confirming the
work of Mottier and others who doubt their
occurrence in the higher plants.
The Structure and Relation of the Crystal Cells
in Sensitive Plants: Mr. R. E. B. McKen-
NEY, University of Pennsylvania.—It is
here pointed out that the crystals in cells
sheathing the phloem in sensitive plants
are insoluble in the ordinary reagents and
possibly are made of insoluble silicates.
They are also more abundant in the more
FEBRUARY 3, 1899.]
sensitive species, and peculiar features are
found in the cells containing them. The
author thinks it probable they are con-
nected with the transmission of stimuli,
the real place and nature of which are not
yet known.
The Structure and Parasitism of <Aphyllon
uniflorum: Miss AmetiA B. Surre, Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania.—This paper, prelimi-
nary in character, described the anatomy
of this species and its characters of degen-
eration due to its parasitism upon a species
of Aster.
On the Occurrence of Tubers in the Hepati-
ce: Dr. M. A. Hows, Columbia Univer-
sity.—The author calls attention to the few
known cases of tuber formation in Hepati-
cx, and gives a detailed account of the anat-
omy of the tubers in Anthoceros phymatodes,
a California species. He interprets these
tubers as structures adapted to carry the
life of the plant over a season of drought
and also as playing a part in vegetative
propagation. :
Morphology of the Genus Viola: Dr. Henry
Krarmer, Philadelphia College of Phar-
macy.—The author has made a detailed
microscopical examination of selected char-
acters, particularly in the flower, in several
species of the genus Viola as a basis for the
determination of the phylogeny of those spe-
cies, and he gives a preliminary classification
of those investigated. The work is the con-
tinuation of earlier published studies, and
is part of a detailed investigation the author
expects to make of the entire genus.
Influence of Electricity upon Plants: Dr.
G. E. Sronr, Massachusetts Agricultural
College.—The paper contains the results of
experiments upon some 20,000 germinating
plants to which electrical stimuli were ap-
plied by various methods and in different
intensities. The author shows, by careful
quantitative methods, that, within certain
limits, germination is accelerated by the
application of electricity ; that there is a
latent period anda minimum, optimum and
maximum response, and that the relation
between perception and stimulus follows
Weber’s Law.
Notes on the Germination of Spores: Dr.
C. O. TownsenpD, Maryland Experiment Sta-
tion.—The author describes results of ex-
periments made to determine the effect
upon their germination of exposure of
spores in distilled water to different ex-
ternal conditions. Such exposure, as shown
by comparison with control experiments,
produced no appreciable effect upon the
power of the spores to germinate, except’
when they were frozen, in which case they
failed to germinate at all.
Sensitiveness of certain Parasites to the Acid
Juices of the Host Plants: Dr. Erwin F.
Smriru, Department of Agriculture.—This
paper describes the author’s experiments
made to determine whether his hypothe-
sis, based upon observation, is correct, that
the slow progress of some bacterial diseases
of plants is due to the restraining influence
of the acid juices of the host plants. By
comparison with the results of cultures in
solutions of known acidity, he was able to
confirm this belief.
Further Observations on the Relations of
Turgor to Growth: Dr. Carterton C. Cur-
Tis, Columbia University.—The author de-
scribed the results of experiments in alter-
ing the strength of solutions in which
certain fungi were being cultivated, and the
effects of the transfer upon growth and
turgor force.
Symbiosis and Saprophytism: Prorrssor D.
T. MacDovueat, University of Minnesota.—
The author points out that the term sapro-
phyte, or holosaprophyte, should be applied
only to those forms that obtain organic prod-
ucts without the aid of mycorrhiza, etce.,
and that hitherto but a single seed-forming
plant has been placed in this category. To
this, however, the author now adds Cepha-
lanthera as result of his researches.
Influence of Inversions of Temperature and
Vertical Currents of Air wpon the Distribution
of Plants: Prorressor D. T. MacDovueat,
University of Minnesota.—As a result of
observations made at Flagstaff, Arizona,
the author concludes that inversions of
temperature through diurnal changes and
resultant air currents are more important
in affecting plant distribution than has
hitherto been supposed. Such changes
tend to give minor highlands a more equa-
ble temperature than adjoining hills and
cations; to deflect zonal boundaries on great
level plains and among minor topographical
features, and to favor the growth of mois-
ture-loving species along the margins of
table-lands bordering on valleys.
Peculiarities of the Distribution of Marine
Alge in North America: Presidential Ad-
dress, Dk. W. G. Fartow, Harvard Uni-
versity.—This address, illustrated by maps,
discussed the distribution of NorthA merican
Marine Algz with particular reference to
the factors, temperature, direction of ocean
eurrents, character of coasts, etc., deter-
mining it. It is expected that it will later
be published in full.
Some Appliances for the Elementary Study of
Plant Physiology: Dr. W. F. Ganone, Smith
College.—The author exhibited and de-
scribed some simple and inexpensive ap-
pliances invented by him for illustrating
some of the more fundamental physiological
facts and phenomena of plants. These in-
cluded a temperature stage,a clinostat, a self-
recording auxanometer, an osmometer, a
way of demonstrating the exchange of gases
in respiration, a germination box, a useful
way of preparing plants for transpiration
weighings, and an efficient way of gradua-
ting growing roots, ete.
Some Notes on the Reproduction and Develop-
ment of Nereocystis: PROFESSOR CONWAY
MacMitian, University of Minnesota.—
The author described his observations upon
the life-history of this species, giving par-
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 214.
ticular attention to the ecological aspects
of the subject.
The Formation and Structure of the Dissepi-
ment in Porothelium: Dr. E. A. Burt, Mid-
dlebury College.—The author traced the
development of the fructifications of Porothe-
lium fimbriatum from their origin to the tube
stage, and contrasted the structure of the
dissepiment in different cases.
Gelatin Culture Media: Dr. Erwin F.
SmirH, Department of Agriculture.—The
author spoke of the value of gelatin cul-
ture-media and pointed out certain precau-
tions to be observed in its use, particularly
with reference to the fixing of the melting-
point, the occurrence in it of sugar and of
acid salts, and how the influence of these
may be overcome.
Notes on the Relative Infrequence of Fungi
upon the Trans-Missourt Plains and the Adja-
cent Foothills of the Rocky Mountain Region:
Dr. CHartes E. Bessey, University of
Nebraska.—An abstract of this paper, given
by Dr. Erwin F. Smith, showed that the
author had noted, in the course of his four-
teen years’ collecting of fungi in the region
named, that the number of species of fungi
is large while the number of individuals is
small, exactly the opposite of what is true
in the same region for the flowering plants.
Different Types of Plant Diseases Due to a
Common Rhizoctonia : Messrs. B. M. Dueear,
Cornell University, and F. C. Srewart,
New York Experiment Station.—The stud-
ies of the authors have shown that a stem
rot of the carnation is due to a fungus
agreeing precisely with Rhizoctonia Bete,
which has caused a serious rot of sugar
beets in New York during the past year.
The fungus is described and suggestions
given for its treatment.
The Stem Rot Diseases of the Carnation: Mr.
F. C. Srewart, New York Experiment
Station.—The author points out that two
distinct diseases of carnations have been
confused. One is that described by him-
FEBRUARY 3, 1899.]
self and Mr. Duggar (in the preceding
paper), and another is due to a Fusarium.
The differences in the effects of the two are
W. F. Ganone,
Tus meeting, held in connection with
the affiliated societies, at Columbia College,
on December 28th and 29th, was indica-
tive of progress. According to the report
of the Council the number of members
had remained about constant, amounting
to about five hundred. The report of the
Treasurer showed that annual receipts and
expenses were about equal. As the next
volume of the series of Memoirs of the So-
ciety was announced a second part of ‘ Cur-
rent Superstitions,’ by Mrs. Fanny D. Ber-
gen, including those relating to animals
and plants; the first part of this work forms
the fourth volume of the Memoirs, of which
six volumes have now appeared.
As officers for 1899 were elected Professor
C. L. Edwards, of the University of Cin-
cinnati, President; Miss Alice C. Fletcher,
Washington, First Vice-President; Mr. C.
F. Lummis, Los Angeles, Cal., Second Vice-
President. The Secretary and Treasurer
hold over.
A committee was appointed to take into
consideration the subject of the collection
and record of folk-music, and to propose
plans for the more adequate collection of
negro folk-music in America.
The address of the retiring President, Dr.
Henry Wood, of Johns Hopkins University,
dealt with ‘ Folk-lore and metaphor in lit-
erary style.’ The object of the speaker was
to exhibit the dependence of the consciously
artistic metaphor of literature to the tradi-
tional metaphor which forms its underlying
Among papers read may be mentioned
observations on ‘ The study of ethics among
the lower races,’ contributed by Dr. Wash-
ington Matthews. The writer considered
the study of myths and traditions to be the
safest guide in this field, which as yet has
scarcely been traversed; but in the use of
such material it is necessary to proceed
with caution and employ the critical meth-
ods of modern science. If the gods of the
tribe are considered as approving any ac-
tion, or if the author of the tale appears to
look for the approbation of his audience, it
may be concluded that the act is regarded
as possessing a moral quality, however,
repulsive it may appear according to our
ideas. That there exists a strong sense of
the morality of conduct is obvious from the
security of life; thus the Navahoes live in
entire peace withouts courts or punish-
ments. With this people there exists no
penalty for theft; the thief is merely re-
quired to restore the stolen property. Ac-
cording to the myths incest is presumed
to be confined to witches and cannibals.
Truthfulness is not inculcated as a duty,
yet Dr. Matthews had found the veracity
of the people to be about equal to that of
the whites. Expectation of reward in a
future life does not exist. Conscience forms
an effective power. The tales attest the
frequency of active benevolence.
Mr. W. W. Newell offered some observa-
tions on the relation, in sun-myths, of the
visual impression to the symbulic concep-
tion. He pointed out the antiquity and
universality of the radiant disk as a solar
symbol, arguing that the effect on the sight
must have been constant. He considered
the variety of the myths to be the result of
causal explanations, the orb being consid-
ered as an object somehow to be got through
the sky, treating of the Indian myths re-
garding the sun-bearer, who is often con-
founded with the orb he carries. Dr. Boas
observed that among the Kootenay, for
example, the sun is regarded as an animal;
but perhaps it was conceived that the light
emanated from a certain part of the crea-
ture, just as in the numerous myths where
the luminous disk is regarded as part of
the decoration of a sun-bearer.
Mr. A. L. Kroeber presented a collection
of animal tales of Eskimo, in part as made
by himself from Smith Sound Eskimo. In
these tales there is a contrast between
Indian and Eskimo conceptions. Among
Indians animals play an important part
and are conceived as human in character.
With Eskimo, on the contrary, animal
stories are few; they belong chiefly to two
classes, the first describing a marriage be-
tween a human being and an animal, the
second answering to European beast fables.
The paucity and brevity of the latter differ-
entiate them from the Indian narratives.
Dr. Kroeber subjoined a list of recorded
Eskimo animal tales.
Dr. Livingston Farrand read a paper on
the ‘ Mythology of the Chilcotin,’ in which
the relations of the tales of this people with
those of their neighbors was disscussed,
with a view to obtaining a criterion in re-
gard to the vexed question of diffusion or
independent origination of similar myths.
Dr. Farrand concluded that identity of
theme was of minor importance as proof
of borrowing, while agreement in details,
among races contiguous or in cummunica-
tion, could be explained only on ‘the hy-
pothesis of diffusion.
Notes on American Indian names of
white men and women were presented by
Dr. A. F. Chamberlain, of Clark University,
and ‘Contributions toward a bibliography
of folk-lore relating to women,’ by Mrs.
Isabel Cushman Chamberlain.
Miss Cornelia Horsford communicated
information in regard to traditions con-
nected with an apparent footprint on a
rock of Shelter Island.
Other papers were offered by Dr. Robert
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 214.
Bell, Professor Thomas Wilson and Mrs.’
F. D. Bergen. Demonstrations were made
of phonographic records of Indian song.
Kalender fiir Geologen, Paliéontologen und Miner-
alogen. Herausgegeben von Dr. K. KEIL-
HACK. 2d annual edition, 1899, with a por-
trait of Professor C.W. v. Giimbel. Leipzig,
1899, published by Max Weg. Pp. 288, with
blank pages for notes. Price, 3 Marks.
A handbook for geologists comparable to the
numerous pocket aids, edited for the use of en-
gineers, has never been issued. Dr. Keilhack
began in 1898 the work, which is here described,
in such a way as to fill some of the needs for
such a book of reference. The list of contents
of the present edition will serve as a sufficient
notice of the booklet. The work gives a list
of the official geological surveys of all coun-
tries, including the American States, with their
officers, the maps published, the prices of the
maps and information concerning the other
publications of the surveys. Where possible,
the annual money allotment is stated. Sec-
ondly, a list of the professors and instructors
in geology, paleontology and mineralogy in
the colleges and high schools of the world,
alphabetically arranged by towns. It is to be
noted that the American high schools do not
rank as ‘high schools’ of European grade.
Hence American high-school teachers are not
here named. Thirdly, a list of geological,
paleontological and mineralogical societies,
with a brief account of their publications and
membership. Fourth, the addresses of geolo-
gists, etc., of Germany, Holland, Australia,
Switzerland and Hungary. Fifth, the public
and private geological, mineral and paleonto-
logical collections of the countries just named.
Sixth, the subdivisions of the greater geological
formations in Europe. Seventh, a tabular view
of the massive rocks, after Zirkel. Eighth,
the characteristics of common minerals, giving
their system of crystallization, specific gravity,
hardness, chemical composition, streak color
and the crystallographic position of their leaf
cleavage. Ninth, a comparative table of the
FEBRUARY 3, 1899.]
erytallographic systems of Naumann, Weiss
and Miller, with formulas for converting the
symbols of one system into those of another.
Tenth, atomic weights of the elements.
Eleventh, an essay on the history of the
names of geologic formations, by J. Walther.
Twelfth, rules for the termination of proper
names in scientific literature. Thirteenth, a
brief notice of the advance of geology for the
year. Fourteenth, list of geologists who have
died since October 1, 1897. Fifteenth, table of
the commonly-used measures of length. Six-
teenth, isogonic chart of Europe for 1899.
Seventeenth, lists of periodicals now published.
Eighteenth, a list of geological, paleontological
and mineralogical literature for 1898. (Very
incomplete, particularly as regards America,
and frequently useless because name of period-
ical is not given.) Following is a chart of map
scales, a daily calendar, a few blank pages for
accounts, and blank and cross-section pages for
geologic notes. Then come 26 pages of adver-
tisements of German materials for use in geologic
investigation and teaching. Worthy of notice
among these advertisements is Professor Dames’
Geological Globe, of 34 cm. diameter, which
will be useful in every geological laboratory.
The writer found the first edition of this
book an invaluable vade mecum in a European
trip. At home the book serves as a valuable
check-list for the sending of separates, for in-
formation concerning geologic maps, and while
it is not particularly adapted to the American
geologist it is a welcome addition to the refer-
ence books one keeps about his desk. A hand-
book for the field geologist has yet to be writ-
ten. Just what such a book should contain is
probably difficult to ascertain.
J. B. WoopworrtH.
The Chinch Bug. By F. M. Wepster. Bull.
No. 15, N.8., Div. of Entomology, U.S. Dept.
of Agriculture. [November] 1898. Pp. 82,
This excellent bulletin deals with a subject of
perennial interest to farmers and entomologists ;
and although the literature of the chinch bug is
already large, Professor Webster has found
plenty of new and interesting things to say
aboutit. Inthe most interesting and convincing
way, he shows how the insect may have origi-
nated in Central America, and spread northward
in three columns, one along the Pacific coast,
the second over the prairie region east of the
Rocky Mountains, and the third along the
shores of the Gulf of Mexicoand Atlantic ocean.
On p. 72a map is given illustrating these mi-
grations. The Pacific column appears to be
weak, and is little known, but the other two
are strong in numbers. In the course of these
migrations the insects have become modified,
and it is clearly shown that the Atlantic and
prairie hordes differ both in habits and struc-
ture. Just at this point the present writer is
inclined to disagree with Professor Webster’s
opinion, that there is only one species of Blissus
in North America. There are reasons for be-
lieving that we have at least three species, and
Montandon (Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., XXXVIL.,
1893) has described as new B. hirtus from North
America, and B. pulchellus from Central and
South America. Unfortunately, I have not ac-
cess to these descriptions, but from the data
furnished by Professor Webster we may sepa-
rate the following :
1. Form of Central America and the West
Indies: Macropterous, perhaps of larger aver-
age size than the North American type. This
may be Montandon’s pulchellus.
2. Form of the prairie region of North
America, probably also of California: Macrop-
terous, more slender and less hairy than the
coast insect. This is doubtless Le Baron’s Rhy-
parochromus devastator, and will be called Blissus
devastator (Le Baron). This insect occurs in
small numbers,and is evidently native, along the
eastern base of the Rocky Mountains, in Colo-
rado and New Mexico. Like the Colorado po-
tato beetle, it has become destructive when,
moving eastwards, it found the cultivated fields
of the central States. Professor Webster shows
that it is very destructive to wheat and corn,
but rarely attacks timothy. It has two annual
3. Form of the coast region and northeastern
States. This is doubtless the true Blissus leu-
copterus, Say. It has both brachypterous and
macropterous forms, and is somewhat broader
and decidedly more hairy than devastator. It
depredates almost exclusively upon timothy
grass and is single-brooded.
4, Another brachypterous sea-coast form,
quite hairy and with colorational peculiarities,
has been found at Lake Worth, Florida, and
Fortress Monroe, Virginia, as recorded by Dr.
L. O. Howard. I do not know whether this is
Montandon’s hirtus.
It seems to the writer that the probability of
there being at least three species among the
above insects is great enough to deserve serious
consideration. If those who have the material
will boil up a number of each in caustic potash,
and examine the structural characters under
the microscope by transmitted light, it is prob-
able that new differences will appear, especially
in the male genitalia. If it can be established
that the seriously destructive insect of recent
years is B. devastator, and not B. leucopterus at
all, and that the former is still migrating east-
wards, the fact will not only be of scientific but
of economic importance.*
November 24, 1898.
Postscript, December 9th. Dr. L. O. Howard
writes me: ‘The eastern form [lewcopterus] injures
many plants, including rice. That it is apparently
more resistant to fungus attack, however, was shown
in a curious way last summer, when it damaged grass
lawns in the heart of the City of Brooklyn in an ab-
normally wet season and in spite of repeated drench-
ings from the sprinkler hose.’’
A Manual of Chemical Analysis, Qualitative and
Quantitative. By G.S. NEwTH, Demonstrator
in the Royal College of Science, London.
New York, Longmans, Green & Co. 1898.
Pp. vii + 462.
This book is a decided departure from the
usual manuals of qualitative and quantitative
analysis. The author has endeavored, and
with much success, to present a book which
will teach the theoretical as well as the prac-
tical side of analytical chemistry and to avoid
as far as possible teaching mechanical opera-
* On p. 50 Professor Webster notes that few chinch
bugs died from the parasitic fungus in the timothy
meadows of northern Ohio. These were the B. leucop-
terus, which, coming from a relatively damp region,
may have acquired greater powers of resistance to the
fungus attack than Bb. from the dry
prairies of the far West.
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 214.
tions. He has divided the volume into two
parts: Book I., of 136 pages, treating of qualita-
tive analysis; and Book II., giving the methods of
gravimetric and volumetric analysis of inorganic
substances, including the analysis of the more
simple gases, of the determination of carbon,
hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur and the halogens
in organic compounds, and of some simple
physico-chemical experiments.
The subject of qalitative analysis is treated
in a broad way, and the student who follows
the text conscientiously will obtain a wide
knowledge of general chemistry. The author
first shows how the subject ean be classified ac-
cording to the reaction with the group re-
agents, and then considers the properties of
the separate elements. The general chemistry
of each of the more common elements is dis-
cussed, giving only those properties which are
useful for the separation and identification of
the elements in analysis, and after having con-
sidered the properties of a group of elements
there is given a summary of the particular
properties which are utilized in separating the
members of the group. The general reactions
taking place, the properties of the substances
and their compounds are so clearly stated and
the subject is so logically developed that the
qualitative separation of the substances fol-
lows naturally, and the quantitative separation
is but a step further. This is particularly true
of that portion of the book which treats of the
oxidation and reduction of iron, chromium and
manganese compounds. The reactions of chro-
mium and the separation in the presence of
phosphates, which are often difficult points for
the student to grasp, are fully and satisfactorily
explained. The separation of iron, chromium
and aluminium is based upon the oxidation of
chromium to chromic acid by sodium peroxide
and the solubility of aluminium hydroxide in
sodium hydroxide, and should commend itself
more favorably than the usual methods of
separation for this group. Another point
which deserves special mention is the fact that
after each group follows an appendix in which
the properties of the rarer elements of that
group are considered. The concluding chapter
of the portion of the book devoted to qualita-
tive analysis is full of sound advice on the in-
FEBRUARY 3, 1899. ]
telligent interpretation of results and on the
cultivation and development of habits of obser-
There are some points on which the author
has either not laid enough stress or where a
better method of procedure might have been
offered. The difficulties produced by the
simultaneous presence of chromium and zinc
are not mentioned, and it would have been
much better to have given here, as an alterna-
tive method, the barium carbonate process, not
only for the separation of zinc from chromium,
but also for the separation in the presence of
phosphates. Again the Fresenius method for
separating small amounts of barium, calcium
and strontium would prove more accurate than
the separation by means of potassium chromate
and acetic acid. The preliminary tests and
operations necessary to get a substance into so-
lution are systematically treated, but no men-
tion is made of fusion with acid potassium sul-
phate. There are two portions of Book I. which
reflect on the intelligence of the student, and
the book would have been much better without
them, viz.: the tables at the end of each chap-
ter giving an outline of the process ; and Chap-
ter I., which treats of filtration, solution, evap-
oration, fusion, precipitation, ignition and
neutralization, processes, which properly belong
to experimental general chemistry. If thestu-
dent had not already been over the ground
here given he would not be fitted to begin
qualitative analysis.
There will undoubtedly be a difference of
opinion concerning that portion of the book de-
voted to quantitative analysis, particularly in
regard to the selection of the gravimetric
analyses and to the details necessary to carry
them out. After the preliminary operations of
weighing and preparation of pure salts the
gravimetric determination of the more common
metals and acids is studied in detail, and then
follows a chapter on the determination of the
constituents of silver coin, solder, German
silver, bronze, dolomite, zinc blende and an in-
soluble silicate containing the alkalies. The
well known typical methods of volumetric
analysis are given. By excluding many de-
scriptive details and by conciseness and clear-
ness of expression the author has condensed a
great deal into this portion of the book, which,
if followed under the guidance of an instructor,
should give any student a good general knowl-
edge of quantitative methods.
Following the gravimetric and volumetric
methods, the physico-chemical methods for the
determination of specific gravity, boiling point,
melting point and vapor density are given.
The author could very advantageously, and
should, have included here the determination
of molecular weights by boiling- or freezing-
point methods, and then followed it by a brief
résumé of the more recent applications of theo-
retical chemistry to quantitative analysis.
Such a chapter would have been in harmony
with the rest of the book and would have in-
creased its value greatly.
In his preface the author says, ‘t I have care-
fully avoided the use of those symbolic abbrevi-
ated expressions, such as H,O (oxalic acid),
H,,T (tartaric acid),’’ etc., and nevertheless he
uses the formula ‘Cy’ instead of CN, offering
as an excuse that ‘Cy’ is a recognized and con-
venient symbol for the radical (CN) cyanogen.
He is further inconsistent in the uses of the
doubled formule for the hydroxides of iron,
chromium and aluminium, as Fe,(OH),, etc.,
while perhaps in the same equation he will use
the single formula for the chloride FCl,,.
The author it seems takes unusual precau-
tions in igniting filter papers apart from the
main portion of the precipitate. This tedious
operation might have been avoided in many
cases by the use of the Gooch crucible, which
receives no mention.
As a whole the book is remarkably free from
objectionable points, and isa distinct advance
in the scientific treatment of analytical chemis-
Henry Fay.
Tue following bulletins have been recently
issued by the U. 8. Geological Survey :
Bulletin 89. ‘Some Lava Flows of the Western
Slope of the Sierra Nevada, California,’ F.
L. Ransome.
The author describes a series of lava sheets,
one of which forms the celebrated Table Moun-
tain, in Tuolumne county, California, and
which has been usually described as_ basalt.
The rocks are intermediate between the tra-
chytes and andesites and are specially named
‘Jatites.’ Inasmuch as six other names have
already been proposed for rocks of this general
character, the author had a magnificent oppor-
tunity to resist the temptation to make a new
Bulletin 149. ‘ Bibliography and Index of North
American Geology, Paleontology, Petrology
and Mineralogy for 1896,’ F. B. Weeks.
This bulletin continues the excellent series
already represented by Nos. 127, 130, 135 and
Bulletin 150. ‘The Educational Series of Rock
Specimens, collected and distributed by the
U.S. Geological Survey,’ J. 8. Diller.
The petrography of the series is set forth by
Mr. Diller and others. The work will be more
fully reviewed elsewhere in SCIENCE.
Bulletin 151. ‘The Lower Cretaceous Gryphxas
of the Texas Region,’ R. T. Hill and T. W.
This Bulletin has been reviewed in SCIENCE
for January 20, 1899 (p. 110), by Professor
Frederic W. Simonds.
Bulletin 152. ‘Catalogue of the Cretaceous
Plants of North America,’ F. H. Knowlton.
Bulletin 153. ‘ Bibliographic Index of North
American Carboniferous Invertebrates,’
Stuart Weller.
Bulletin 154. ‘A Gazetteer of Kansas,’ Henry
Bulletin 155. ‘Earthquakes in California in
1896 and 1897,’ Charles D. Perrine.
Bulletin 156. ‘ Bibliography and Index of North
American Geology, Paleontology, Petrology
and Mineralogy for 1897,’ Fred. B. Weeks.
The titles of Nos. 152-156 inclusive indicate
the contents. ,
THE Macmillan Company announce the early
publication of the second part of Dr. Day-
enport’s ‘Experimental Morphology, which
treats of the effect of chemical and physical
agents upon growth. They also announce ‘A
History of Physics ; in its Elementary Branches
Including the Evolution of Physical Labora-
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 214.
tories’ which has just been completed by
Florian Cajori, Ph.D., professor of physics in
Colorado College and ‘author of ‘A History of
THE Open Court Publishing Company have
now in press the ‘ Principles of Bacteriology,’
by Professor Ferdinand Hueppe, of the Uni-
versity of Prague, translated by Professor E.
O. Jordan, of the University of Chicago.
Hand-book of Metallurgy. CARL SCHNABEL. Trans-
lated by HENRY LEwis. London and New York,
The Macmillan Company. 1898. Vol. I., pp.
xvi-+ 876. Vol. II., pp. xiv-+ 732. $10.00.
A Guide to the Study of the Geological Collections of the
New York State Museum. FREDERICK J. H. MER-
RILL. Albany, University of the State of New
York. 1898. Pp. 207+ 65 plates. 40 cents.
Earthenware of the New York Aborigines. WILLIAM
M. BEAUCHAMP. Albany, University of the State
of New York. 1898. Pp. 76-4142. 245 illustra-
tions. 25 cents.
The Last Link, our present Knowledge of the Descent of
Man. ERNEST HAECKEL. London, Adam and
Charles Black; New York, The Macmillan Com-
pany. 1898. Pp. 156. $1.00
The Principles of Stratigraphical Geology. J.E. MARR.
Cambridge, The University Press; New York,
The Macmillan Co. 1898. Pp. 304. $1.60.
Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education
Sixth Annual Meeting, Vol. VI. Edited by T. C.
Published by the Society. 1898. Pp. xxvii +324.
Traité de zoologie concréte. YVES DELAGE and ED-
UARD HeROUARD. Vol. VIII., Les procordes.
Paris, Schleicher Fréres. 1898. Pp. vii +379.
THE New England Botanical Club has estab-
lished a journal to encourage the study of the
local flora. It has been given the name Rhodora
and will be published monthly at 740 Exchange
Building, Boston. The editor-in-chief is Mr.
B. L. Robinson, with Messrs. F. 8S. Collins, M.
L. Fernald and Hollis Webster as associate
editors. The first number, which contain twenty
pages and two plates, opens with an editorial
announcement, followed by a number of inter-
FEBRUARY 3, 1899. ]
esting articles and notes on the flora of New
THE initial number of the Builetin of the
Cooper Ornithological Club of California con-
tains a biographical sketch, with portrait of
Dr. James C. Cooper, after whom the Club is
named. Among the other contributions is one
‘on the ‘ Nesting of the Fulvous Tree-Duck,’
showing that this species frequently deposits its
eggs in the nests of other species, and also that
it is either more prolific than any other duck, or
that several females lay in one nest, 28 to 32
eggs being found on several occasions.
THE publication of the Osprey for December,
1898, brings this magazine down to date, and
we are promised that there will be no delays in
the future. The leading article, by E. W. Nel-
son, is devoted toa ‘ Morning with the birds on
Mount Orizaba,’ and there is an interesting ac-
count of the Sea-birds off the New England
coast by H. K. Job. A fine plate of blue jays,
by Fuertes, closes the number, but this, like the
other illustrations, has suffered in the printing.
THE Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission
for 1897, Vol. XVII. of the series, is mainly oc-
cupied with the papers read at the National
Fisheries Congress, held at Tampa, Fla., in
January, 1898. Among the other papers are
accounts of the Salmon Investigation of the Co-
lumbia River Basin in 1896, and of the Salmon
Fishery of Penobscot River and Bay in 1895
and 1896.
THe February number of The Open Court con-
tains an article by Professor R. M. Wenley, of
the University of Michigan, on the Gifford Lec-
tureships, established with an endowment of
$400,000, by the late Lord Gifford, in the four
Scottish’ Universities, for the purpose of en-
couraging research in natural theology. In his
will Lord Gifford stated that he wished the lec-
turers to treat their subject strictly as a natural
science—as astronomy or chemistry is treated.
The present incumbents of the lectureships are :
At St. Andrews, the Hebrew scholar, Profes-
sor Wellhausen, of Marburg; at Glasgow, the
physiologist, Professor Foster, of Cambridge ;
at Aberdeen and Edinburgh, Professors Royce
and James, respectively, professors of philoso-
phy and psychology at Harvard University.
THE 29th annual meeting of the Academy
was held on December 27th and 28th last, at
Milwaukee, with the President, Professor C.
Dwight Marsh, of Ripon College, in the chair.
Professor E. A. Birge, Director of the State
Geological and Natural History Survey, made
a report on the general progress of the Survey.
Dr. E. R. Buckley followed with a special re-
port on Wisconsin building stones and Professor
D. P. Nicholson on lake investigations. Pro-
fessor C, R. Van Hise and others urged that the
recommendation of the Academy for the con-
tinuation and extension of the Survey be pre-
sented formally to the Legislature. A com-
mittee was appointed for this purpose.
It was voted as the sense of the meeting that
the library of the Academy should be put in the
custody of the State Historical Society when
the latter should remove its own library to the
new building provided for it by the State. The
library of the Acadamy has become important,
especially in the line of transactions of foreign
societies, and it is expected that suitable rooms
will be available for it in the new building.
Mr. Ernest Bruncken, Secretary of the State
Forestry Commission, reported on the legisla-
tion which the Commission will endeavor to gain
the present winter. Three lines of effort will
be recommended : (1) to establish a complete
corps of fire wardens and efficient supervision
thereof; (2) to study conditions of forest
growth, both in the forest itself and at experi-
ment stations ; (8) to educate public opinion.
The program of the meeting contained, to-
gether with other papers, the following of a
scientific nature :
‘Lake temperatures.’ HE. A. Birge.
‘Contributions from the histological laboratory
of the University of Wisconsin.’ W.S. Miller.
‘Further facts in relation to the succession-
period of generations.’ C. H. Chandler.
‘Lantern Projections of Three Dimensional
Curves and Surfaces,’ and ‘ Theoretical Investi-
gation on the Motion of Ground Waters—III,
Mutual Interference of two or more Artesian
Wells.’ C.S. Slichter.
‘The Maximum Gravitational Attraction at
the Pole of a Spheroid.’ E. F. Chandler.
‘Combinations of Pythagorean Triangles as
giving Exercises in Computation.’ TT. H. Saf-
“A Study of the Class of Electric and Mag-
netic Oscillations known as Aphotic.’ J. E.
‘Some Factsin Regard to the Development of
Epischura.’ C. Dwight Marsh.
‘The Block System of Arranging Insect Col-
lections.’ Harriet B. Merrill.
‘Spines of Trilobites and their Significance.’
G. L. Collie.
‘The Crystallography of a Gold Telluride from
Cripple Creek,’ and ‘The Crystallography of
a new Reduction Product of Terpene.’ W. H.
‘The Volume Relations of Original and Sec-
ondary Minerals in Rocks.’ C. R. Van Hise.
‘The Electrical Properties of Non-Aqueous
Solutions’. A. T. Lincoln.
‘The Effects of the Presence of pure Metals
upon Plants.’ Louis Kahlenberg and E. B.
‘Revision of the Pronouns, with Special Con-
sideration of Relatives and Relative Clauses.’ E.
T. Owen.
The number of new members elected was 14.
The active members of the Academy now num-
ber 200.
THE Ohio Academy of Science held its eighth
annual meeting at Columbus, Ohio, on Decem-
ber 29 and 30, 1898, in Orton and Zoological
Halls of the Ohio State University. Eighteen
new members were elected. Hon. Emerson
MeMillen, a life member of the society, donated
the sum of $250 to be applied as the trustees of
the Society may see fit, for the encouragement
of investigation. Officers were elected for the
coming year as follows: President, Professor
G. Frederick Wright, of Oberlin; Vice-Presi-
dents, Chas E. Albright, of Columbus, and A.
D. Selby, of Wooster; Secretary, E. L. Mosely,
of Sandusky ; Treasurer, Professor Herbert Os-
SCIENCE. cist eh
Vou. IX. No. 214..
born, of Columbus ; Executive Committee, E.
E. Masterman and G. H. Holferty ; Publication
Committee, F. M. Webster, of Wooster.
Professor W. G. Tight, of Dennison Univer-
sity, delivered the retiring President’s address
on the subject ‘ Geographical Teaching and the
Geography of Ohio.’
The following papers were read: ‘A Deep
Pre-Glacial Channel in Western Ohio and East-
ern Indiana,’ by J. A. Bownocker; ‘The Di-
vision of the Macrospore Nucleus of Erythro-
nium,’ ‘Two Interesting Filamentous Bacteria
from Columbus’ and ‘Nutation of the Cultivated
Sunflower,’ by John H. Schaffner; ‘Some Re-
cently Discovered Pre-Glacial Cols in Ohio,’
“A Galenite Geode from Muskingum Co.’ and
‘A Pocket Instrument for the Approximate De-
termination of Distance by Triangulation,’ by
W. G. Tight; ‘Some Observations on Unio
subovatus,’ by F. L. Landacre; ‘Some Obser-
vations on the Topography of Athens and Vi-
cinity,’ by H. E. Chapin and C. H. Stearns;
‘The Laboratory and the Field—Their Relative
Importance,’ by H. E. Chapin; ‘ A Contribu-
tion to the Knowledge of the Faunistic Ento-
mology of Ohio,’ ‘Some Notes on the Grape
Cane Gall Maker, Ampeloglypter sesostris,’ and
‘Some Apparent Relations of Ants to Peach
aphis, A. persiceniger,’ by F. M. Webster;
‘Some Observations on the Pre-Glacial Drain-
age of Wayne and Associate Counties,’ by J.
H. Todd ; ‘A Plea for Science Teaching in the
Public Schools,’ by Miss Mary E. Law ; ‘ Notes
on Ecological Plant Geography of Summit,
Wayne and Medina Counties’ and ‘ Field
Notes,’ by A. D. Selby; ‘Some Sources of the
Ohio Flora,’*by A. D. Selby and J. W. T. Du-
vel; ‘Notes on Fasciation,’ ‘Some Abnormal
Plant Specimens’ and ‘ Further Studies in Em-
bryology,’ by Miss L. C. Riddle ; ‘ Distribution
of the Microscopic Fungi,’ ‘Reliability of Spore
Measurements of the Fleshy Fungi,’ ‘ The IIli-
nois Biological Station’ and ‘Occurrence of
Phalli near Cleveland,’ by H. C. Beardsley ;
‘Climate of the Philippine Islands,’ ‘ Life in the
Philippines’ and ‘Some Rare Ohio Plants,’ by
E. L. Mosely ; ‘Development of the Micro-
sporangium of Hemerocallis fulva,’ by E. J. Full-
mer; ‘ Lichens New to Ohio,’ ‘ List of Phaeno-
gams New to Ohio or Rare in and New to Coun-
FEBRUARY 3, 1899.]
ties in Northern Ohio’ and ‘ Lists of Erysipheze
and Uredinex of Cuyahoga and other Counties
of Northern Ohio,’ by Edo Claassen ; ‘ Studies of
Ustilago Reiliana,’ by W. A. and K. F. Keller-
man ; ‘ Plants New to the Ohio Flora’ and ‘ Ob-
servations on the Ohio Flora,’ by W. A. Kel-
lerman ; ‘ A Descriptive List of the Fishes of the
Big Jelloway Creek System,’ by J. B. Parker,
E. B. Williamson and R. C. Osburn; ‘ Addi-
tional Notes on Franklin County Fishes,’ by
E. B. Williamson and R. C. Osburn; ‘ Ad-
ditional Notes on the Crayfish of Ohio,’ by
E. B. Williamson; ‘ Additions to the Ohio
List of Dragonflies,’ ‘ Additions to the Ohio
List of Butterflies’ and ‘Twenty-five Species
of Syrphide not Previously Reported for Ohio,’
by J. S. Hine; ‘Remarks on the Hemipterous
Fauna of Ohio, with a Preliminary Record of
Species,’ by Herbert Osborn; ‘A Bat New to
Ohio,’ by J. F. Cunningham; ‘ A Female of the
Purslain Sawfly, Schizocerus Sp ?, with a Male
Antenna,’ by C. W. Mally ; ‘The Waste or Re-
fuse in Fruit and Nuts,’ by W. R. Lazenby ;
‘On the Occurrence of the Black-Capped Petrel,
Bstrelate hasitata, at Cincinnati, Ohio,’ by Joshua
R. C. OsBuRN.
January 12, 1899.—Under the head of exhibi-
tion of specimens Mr. Schwarz showed a true
queen of an undescribed species of Termes
which had been found by Mr. H. G. Hubbard
in the Madera Caiion of the Santa Rita Moun-
tains, Arizona. This is the first true Termite
queen which has been found in North America.
Mr. Heidemann exhibited a species of the
genus Hoplinus found by Mr. Schwarz in south-
ern Arizona (Catalina Mountains). This is a
curious species thickly covered with spines, on
account of which Mr. Ashmead suggested that,
as the vegetation of that region is spiny, the
presence of this armatured bug indicated a case
of protective resemblance. <A long discussion
ensued on the subject of mimicry and protec-
tive resemblance among insects, participated in
by Messrs. Gill, Ashmead, Judd and Howard.
Dr. Dyar presented some notes on the phyl-
logeny of the Lasiocampidee. Apropos of Mr.
Tutt’s recent article on the subject he had gone
over the group and established a genealogical
tree based principally upon the larval charac-
ters and the wing venation. The discussion of
this paper took the form of a continuation of
the subject of protective resemblance suggested
by Dr. Dyar’s remarks about the larvee of this
group of Lepidoptera, especially in relation to
the sub-lateral structures developed as a means
of eliminating the shadow cast by the caterpil-
lars, consisting in one group of larve of a longi-
tudinal white line and in others of lateral pro-
cesses. Further discussion, by Messrs. Gill,
Ashmead and Dyar, considered the larval
characters of the Lepidoptera, Dr. Dyar stat-
ing that the most generalized larva is tubercu-
late, tubercules being lost and hairs being de-
veloped in the process of specialization.
Mr. Schwarz read a paper by Mr. H. G.
Hubbard on the luminosity of a larviform Cole-
opter supposed to be the female of Mastino-
cerus, and supplemented Mr. Hubbard’s note
by general remarks on the females of Lampyrid
beetles. Discussion followed, relating espe-
cially to the question as to whether luminosity
in the Lampyride is a specialized condition, Dr.
Gill taking the stand that from its more or less
isolated occurrence in several groups of this
family it is more likely to have been an original
condition which has been lost perhaps by a ma-
jority of species in the process of specialization,
calling attention to the analogy between this
phenomenon in the Lampyride and Elateride
to the phenomenon of electricity in the fishes,
occurring as it does here and there in several
groups. Mr. Schwarz stated that the relation-
ship between the luminous Lampyride and the
Elateridze was closer than perhaps has hitherto
been suspected and called attention to the fact
that the larviform female of Phengodes was
originally described by Le Conte as an Elaterid.
Mr. Howard considered that from the fact that
the species which lack this physiological quality
correspond to the normal coleopterous type and
that since the larviform females possess what
may be termed highly degradational characteris-
tics comparable to those acquired by a life of
parasitism, for example, the luminosity should
probably be considered a high specialization of
comparatively recent origin.
The final paper of the evening was presented
by Mr. Howard who exhibited a series of Aus-
tralian insects of economic importance and made
a brief statement of the present condition of
economic entomology in the Australian colo-
nies. He called attention to the fact that the
introduction of agriculture on a large scale in
this comparatively new region had resulted in
the attacks of many native species upon culti-
vated crops. The specimens shown had been
sent him by Mr. W. W. Froggatt, the Ento-
mologist of the Department of Agriculture of
Sydney, New South Wales, and included a
number of species of great economic importance.
He noted the curious habit of the apple root-
borer (Leptops hopei) in laying its eggs in the
folded leaf of the apple, the newly hatched
larvee dropping to the ground and entering the
roots ; the damage done by the orange bug
(Oncosalis sulciventris), the vine moth (Agarista
glycina) and a number of other species, showing
among other things that the so-called climbing
cut-worm named by Mr. Froggatt Plusia verti-
serrata is apparently nothing but our North
American Prodenia lineatella. In briefly dis-
cussing this paper Mr. Schwarz drew a com-
parison between the large number of native
species which, by a change of habit, have at-
tacked cultivated crops in Australia and the
extremely small number which have similarly
changed their habits in our own Northwest.
He recalled no native species in Washington
and Oregon which have become crop pests.
Y L. O. Howarp,
December 20, 1898. PROFESSOR ANGELO
HEILPRIN made a communication on the phys-
ical geography and geology of the Klondike
region, with incidents of a summer trip to
Dawson City. The general features of the
country traversed were described and profusely
illustrated by lantern views.
A paper entitled ‘Synopsis of the United
States species of the Hymenopterous genus
Centris Fabricius,’ by William J. Fox, was pre-
sented for publication.
January 10, 1899. PROFESSOR H. A. PILSBRY
described a New Mexican Helicoid land shell
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 214.
received from Professor Cockerell. A dissec-
tion showed that the form agreed with the Epi-
phragmophora in the structure of the genera-
tive organs and the form of the kidney, while
the shell closely resembles Polygyra. The
new genus thus defined was named Ashmun-
ella in recognition of the services of the col-
Dr. WILLIAM H. DAtu referred to the discus-
sion at the recent meetingof the Geological
Society of America of the authenticity of the
Calveras skull, and described the specimen as
examined by him immediately after it came into
the possession of Professor Whitney, of the Geo-
logical Survey of California. The speaker
believed that so far no sufficient reason had
been adduced for doubting the genuine charac-
ter of the skull and its original situs below the
lava, though the question of the coexistence of
man and the extinct mammals whose remains
have been found in the same gravels is entirely
distinct and may reasonably be left open.
The subject was discussed by Mr. Lewis
Woolman, who also referred to recent ineffec-
tual attempts to find implements of human
manufacture in the Trenton gravels.
A paper entitled ‘New and _ Interesting
Species in the Isaac Lea Collection of Eocene
Mollusca,’ by Charles W. Johnson, was pre-
sented for publication.
January 17, 1899. Mr. CHARLES 8. BOYER
read a paper on the general study of diatoms
and on the characters of the forms found in the
neighborhood of the mouth of Pensauken creek
and elsewhere near Philadelphia.
Mr. Louts WooLMAN dwelt on the geological
position and characters of the deposits contain-
ing the forms enumerated by Mr. Boyer and ex-
hibited microscopic preparations in illustration
of his remarks.
Dr. Dall’s communication on the Calaveras
skull, recounted the arguments for and against
its authenticity recently presented to the Geo-
logical Society of America. Heregarded the pres-
ent evidence of the miners as worthless. He had
calculated the age of the cafion to be quite con-
sistent with the existence of Indians cotem-
poraneous with the deposit of the skull, al-
though he agrees with Dr. Dall that, with the
FEBRUARY 3, 1899. ]
evidence now in our possession, the question
could not be definitely settled.
Mr. P. P. CALverRT referred to a recently
published paper on the structure of the gizzard
of dragon flies and recounted the results of the
recorded observations. He had been able to
dissect out the gizzard, in good condition for
study, from dried specimens, one having been
obtained from a fly captured in Burmah in 1889.
The ridges, which form a prominent feature of
the organ, do not seem to be smoothed away
by food, their function being probably that of a
Epw. J. NoLAn,
Recording Secretary.
Polymorphic Nuclei in Embryonic Germ-cells.—
While studying the oogenesis of Loligo pealet
Les., the squid common at Woods Holl, Mass.,
Tnoticed that the embryonic germ-cells showed
nuclei much lobed and contorted—a condition
which has been observed in other germ-cells
and variously accounted for as due to amitosis ;
to deterioration with accompanying fragmenta-
tion, to increase of the assimilating surface, ete.
I wish here briefly to call attention to this con-
dition in the squid. An account of the oogene-
sis will soon be completed.
Sex first becomes distinct shortly after hatch-
ing, the embryonic germ-cells being apparently
indifferent. During and for a short time after
the embryonic period the genital gland rests
upon the left tongue of the internal yolk-lobe.
Nourishment is evidently direct through the
yolk-epithelium, the genital blood-vessels de-
veloping toward the end of this period. During
this time the nuclei of the germ-cells enlarge
rapidly and show marked lobes, bays and con-
tortions, a centrosome occurring in one bay of
each nucleus. Their descendants, the oo- and
spermatogonia, also show a polymorphism of
the nuclei which becomes less striking as the
number of generations increases and the size of
the cellsdecreases. These cells always lie near
the blood- vessels of the gland, and their chroma-
tin, like that of the parent cells, is never finely
divided, but massed in clumps, a large clump
lying near each bay of the nucleus. A similar
though less marked polymorphism exists in
nearly all the somatic nuclei at this embryonic
period, and is conspicuous in those rapidly pro-
liferating stroma-cells at the hilum in which
the blood-vessels form.
This condition of the nuclei in the germ-
cells of the squid is due neither to deterioration
nor to amitosis, for it is shown by all the germ-
cells, which after attaining a large size divide
by mitosis, giving rise to the oo- or spermato-
gonia. It seems probable that it is here caused
by the rapid growth of the nucleus, together
with the retention of the centrosome and massed
condition of the chromatin in these rapidly
dividing embryonic cells.
Mary M. STuRGEs.
Larve of Arenicola cristata.—The highly
resistant organization of these larve renders
them remarkably well fitted for artificial
rearing. They may be reared from the egg
in sea water kept aerated by Ulva up to a
stage where the structure and habits of the
adult are practically complete. Addition of
carmine powder to the sea water seems to ac-
celerate development up to a certain point,
probably on account of the increased food sup-
ply which is thus furnished to the developing
They leave the egg-strings as slightly elon-
gated, strongly heliotropic larvee with two eye-
spots and three body segments, each with two
pairs of sete. Prototroch and paratroch, to-
gether with a median ventral band of cilia, are
present, and by their aid the larvee swim about,
actively rotating on the long axis at the same
time. After a day or two they settle down and
begin to form the tubes in the interior of which
they undergo the remainder of their develop-
ment. These tubes are of very simple construc-
tion, being composed of any convenient foreign
particles united by a glutinous substance se-
creted apparently by certain large clear cells,
situated anteriorly, which are to be regarded as
gland-cells. From now on development pro-
gresses uniformly and growth proceeds as usual
by the addition of segments at the posterior
end. The opacity resulting from the presence
of the yolk gradually diminishes as the yolk
becomes absorbed, and when twelve segments
or so are present the larvee have become almost
perfectly transparent. By this time the mouth
and anus have appeared and the three divisions
of the intestine are established, the mid-gut, or
stomach, which is very early distinguishable,
being sharply marked off from the fore- and
hind-guts, the latter of which is ciliated. The
anterior part of the fore-gut is eversible and
forms a proboscis, which appears at an early
stage, and by its activity the neighboring par-
ticles of débris are taken into the intestine, and
as they pass through the latter the food mate-
rial is extracted, just as in the adult.
The essential habits of the adult are thus as-
sumed at a very early stage. As the larva
grows older the uniform segmentation of the
body undergoes an alteration, and by the time
thirty segments or so are attained there is per-
ceptible a division of the body into two quite
distinct regions, which correspond to a similar
division in the adult, where the anterior part
of the body, including the first eighteen seg-
ments, is of considerably greater diameter than
the remaining posterior part, which consists of a
large and inconstant number of very short seg-
ments of similar structure. This division grad-
ually becomes more definitely established, and
at the same time the gills make their appear-
ance a simple thin-walled outgrowth of the
body-wall, which gradually become branched in
a more and more complex manner. There are
thus formed eleven pairs of these structures,
situated in segments 8 to 18 inclusive and con-
taining looped blood-vessels derived from the
main vascular trunks. The nephridea are al-
ready visible through the transparent body-
wall, as six pairs of somewhat elongated sac-
like structures situated in segments 5 to 10.
The otocysts are now clearly visible ; the circu-
lation of the blood, with the contractions of the
dorsal vessel and of the two ‘hearts,’ can be
readily seen, as can also the secondary external
division of each of the anterior segments into
five by superficial circular grooves. Atthisstage,
in fact, apart from this small size (12 to 18 mm.)
and complete transparency, the larve are in
both habits and structure practically identical
with the adult. R. 8. LILvie.
The following papers were also presented
during the quarter: ‘Caspar Friedrich Wolff
(N.S. Vou. 1X. No. 214.
and the Theoria Generationis,’ Dr. W. M.
Wheeler ; ‘ Field Work at Turkey Lake and a
Series of Turtle Embryos from that Locality,’
Miss E. R. Gregory; ‘Recent Literature on
Spermatogenesis,’ M. F. Guyer; ‘EHisig on the
Development of the Capitellids,’ Dr. C. M.
Child; ‘Early History of the Optic Vesicles
and Accessory, Eye-like Vesicles in Verte-
brates,’ Dr. W. A. Locy, of Northwestern Uni-
versity; ‘ Characteristic Features of Mitosis and
Amitosis,’ Dr. S. Watasé; ‘The Field Colum-
bian Museum Expedition to Africa in 1896,’
Dr. D. G. Elliott, Director of the Expedition ;
‘Protective Coloration,’ Dr. W. H. Dudley.
A CHEAPER grade of pamphlet box than
those described by Dr. Minot can be obtained,
made of pasteboard instead of light wood.
They are strong enough for ordinary service.
Those which I use were obtained at a local
bindery, not made to order, but kept in stock,
and measures 11x 7x3 inches. They are open
at the back; the front face, 11 x 3, is covered
with black cloth, to which a label is easily at-
For pamphlets of quarto size, too large to get
in these boxes, and not taking kindly to a ver-
tical position, I have procured covers with
pasteboard sides and a partly flexible back.
The two sides measure each 12 x 10 inches, and
the back, attached to 12-inch edges, is 3 inches
wide. The outside is of black cloth, two thick-
nesses of which make the flexible part of the
back. <A strip of pasteboard one-inch wide
gives stiffness to the middle of the back anda
place for the label. When first put into ser-
vice a sufficient number of pamphlets must be
put in each cover to fill one inch indepth. The
flexible part of the back, one inch on either side
of the pasteboard strip, will allow an expan-
sion of two inches before the contents require
reassorting. The covers may be placed one
upon another on the shelves, arranged in
groups of subjects. These I find very service-
able for the larger pamphlets.
January 28, 1899.
FEBRUARY 3, 1899. ]
SEVERAL months ago M. and Mme. Curie
separated from pitch blende a strongly radio-
active substance for which they proposed
the name polonium. In the Comptes Rendus
for December 26th, in conjunction with
M. Bémont, they describe another suppos-
edly new element in pitch blende for which
they propose the name radium, while the
elementary character of polonium is con-
firmed. Polonium in its chemical nature seems
to resemble bismuth, while radium is analytic-
ally indistinguishable from barium. Indeed, it
would appear, especially as the spectrum of
the new substance is apparently identical with
that of barium, except one line, that in their
samples radium is present only in small pro-
portion and as an impurity in barium. The
claim that it is a new element is based upon the
radio-activity of the substance. Barium is not
radio-active, while the substance obtained from
pitch blende is extremely radio-active. By so-
lution of the chlorid in water and precipitation
with alcohol the substance may be fractioned
until the chlorid is 200 times more active than
uranium. In the spectrum of this substance
Demarcy finds a line whose wave-length is
3814.8, and which is not due to any known
substance. The further the chlorid is frac-
tioned the stronger this line appears. An
atomic weight determination showed a varia-
tion from that of barium only within the limits
of experimental error.
In the January number of the American Chem-
ical Journal the work of E. C. Franklin and C.
A. Kraus on liquid ammonia (already noticed
in this JOURNAL) is continued. Since many in-
organic salts are soluble in liquid ammonia,
the probability of metathetic reactions, analo-
gous to those in water, would be great. Such
the authors find actually take place. Using
the nitrates of sixteen metals, and the sulfid,
ehlorid, bromid, iodid, chromate and borate of
ammonium as precipitant, it is found that those
salts which are insoluble in ammonia are readily
precipitated. The reactions with ammonium
sulfid present the most interest, as the com-
pounds formed differ in many cases at least
from those formed in aqueous solution, as is
evidenced by their color ; for example, that with
cobalt is pink, with nickel and with cadmium,
white. The cobalt and the cadmium compound
assume the normal color of the sulfid on adding
water. These seem to be complex compounds,
as the precipitate from magnesium nitrate with
ammonium sulfid was examined and found to
correspond best to the formula 2MgS, (NH,),S,
x«NH,, where xis 9 or 10.
CONSIDERING in a second paper some of the
properties in liquid ammonia the authors show
its close relation to water. As a solvent for
salts it is only surpassed by water ; it closely
approaches water in its power of dissociating
electrolytes ; indeed, some salts conduct elec-
tricity better in ammonia solution than in
aqueous solution ; in many compounds it plays
the same part as water of crystallization ; its
specific heat is as great as that of water and its
molecular elevation constant is lower than that
of any other substance yet measured. As a
solvent it differs from water in not dissolving
the sulfates and sulfites, the alkaline carbonates,
phosphates and oxalates, and hydroxids. In its
solvent power for organic substances it comes
nearer alcohol than water. The solidammonia
is not, like water, specifically lighter than the
liquid, nor does it exhibit a maximum density
above its melting point. Altogether, the inves-
tigations which Professor Franklin is carrying
out on liquid ammonia promise to enrich our
chemical knowledge in no small degree.
Oy ap) dale
In a note to one of his recent articles Dr. 8.
R. Steinmetz criticises, with just severity, two
faults conspicuous in some writers on anthro-
pology (though surely not peculiar to works in
this branch). The one is the appropriation,
without any or sufficient acknowledgment, of
the work of others. This may arise from inad-
equate preparation, an ignorance of what others
have written, or a half- knowledge of it, as well
as from deliberate intent.
The second fault is constant self-repetition
and self-reference. I can name a writer whose
references to his own writings exceed those to
all other authors combined. Whether this is
vanity, or simply because he does not read the
works of others, may be left an open question.
An author who omits references to what his
predecessors have accomplished should be read
with constant suspicion and distrust.
THOSE who have read ‘Professor D, C. Wor-
cester’s account of the Mangyans of the Island
of Mindoro, in the Philippines, which he con-
tributed to the National Geographic Magazine
(1898, No. 6), must have finished his article
with the impression that these were about the
lowest savages belonging to the human species.
Professor Worcester, however, does not men-
tion the remarkable and redeeming fact that
these people are literary ; that they have and
have had, so long as they have been known, a
phonetic alphabet and written records. I have
a copy of a document in this alphabet before me,
given in the appendix to Paterno’s work, ‘ Los
Itas’ (Madrid, 1890) ; and in 1895 Dr. Foy pub-
lished a study of it, with numerous examples,
in the ‘Abhandlungen’ of the Ethnographic
Museum of Dresden. A brief article on the
subject, by the eminent specialist, Professor
Blumentritt, may be found in Globus, March,
1896 (No. 11). We cannot place such a people
in the status of savagery.
UNDER the above promising title, Mr. W. H.
Wilkins edits a volume of the literary remains
of Sir Richard F. Burton (H. F. Stone & Co.,
Chicago). Nearly 300 pages are devoted to
these two wandering peoples. The reader who
expects new and entertaining facts from Bur-
ton’s wide experience will be disappointed. The
essay on the Jew contains nothing that has not
appeared elsewhere, and that on the Gypsy is
largely taken up with an ancient and barren
controversy. The only portion of the former
article which contained original observations
the editor thought fit to suppress.
Burton’s work in ethnology, though varied
and abundant, was superficial and prejudiced.
He was not thorough, and his enthusiasm, for
and against, led him repeatedly to adopt and
defend untenable opinions. Probably the most
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 214.
carefully studied work of his life was that which
his widow burned immediately after his death.
THE forthcoming number of the Experiment
Station Record describes the plans of the gov-
ernment of Russia for the establishment of a
system of agricultural education. At a recent
meeting of the Agricultural Council, an ad-
visory body, of which the Minister of Agricul-
ture is Chairman, an outline presented by the
Minister was considered at length and a general
plan of agricultural education was elaborated.
The introductory to this document states that
notwithstanding the fundamental importance of
agriculture to Russia and the great fertility of
some of the Russian soils, ‘‘ the crops obtained
even on the black soil are only one-third to
one-half as large as those harvested from the
incomparably inferior soils of western Europe.
Almost everywhere in Russia the primitive
processes of farming are persistently followed
by the farmers, while the number of persons
who are fitted by education and training to dis-
seminate information on the rational methods
of agriculture is comparatively insignificant.’’
The scheme is outlined for (1) higher education,
furnished by independent agricultural institutes
located in the chief agricultural zones of Russia,
and by chairs of agriculture and allied sciences
in the universities; (2) agricultural high schools,
which are in the nature of technical schools
and schools with courses in agriculture; (38)
lower agricultural schools ; and (4) the diffusion
of general agricultural information. The schools
for the so-called lower education include (a)
secondary agricultural schools, (b) primary
agricultural schools, (c) agricultural classes, and
(d) practical agricultural courses. These lower
schools are to be under the jurisdiction of the
Minister of Agricultural and Imperial Domains.
They are to be maintained at the expense of
municipalities, local communities, associations,
etc., but may receive a part of their support
from the government. They are to have the
franking privilege for official mail matter and
packages not exceeding 36 pounds in weight.
The secondary schools are to be established on
FEBRUARY 3, 1899.]
government land or land donated for that pur-
pose. The other lower agricultural schools
may be established on private estates. The
secondary schools are open to young men of all
conditions who have completed the course in
the primary public schools. The course of
instruction covers four years, and includes
in addition to the general studies the ele-
ments of the natural sciences, agricultural
and rural economy, cattle raising, veterinary,
agricultural law, horticulture, gardening, etc.,
together with carpentry and blacksmithing in
their application to agricultural machinery. The
primary agricultural schools are open to all who
can read and write and have a knowledge of
arithmetic as far as fractions. The courses last
from one to three years. They include, aside
from general studies, instruction in the ele-
ments of agriculture, with practical exercises.
The classes in agriculture are intended for the
instruction of young men of the peasant class.
The course does not last longer than two years,
and consists in the study of the rudimentary
principles of agriculture and their application to
the local conditions. The successful comple-
tion of the course in these three grades of the
lower agricultural schools carries with it certain
reductions in the military requirement, depend-
ent upon the grade. The practical agricultural
courses are designed to impart popular informa-
tion in particular branches of agriculture. The
instruction does not continue for more than a
year, and consists in demonstrations, talks and
practical exercises in different branches of agri-
culture in their application to local conditions,
and especially to the conditions of the peasants.
The diffusion of general agricultural informa-
tion is to be provided for by : (1) the organization
of public readings or lectures on agricultural
questions for the benefit of different classes of
the population ; (2) instruction of the teachers
in the public schools in agriculture, horticulture,
gardening, apiculture, etc., and providing the
public schools with small plats of land and
means for cultivating the same ; (3) the teaching
of agriculture in the normal schools, and (4) the
introduction of supplementary courses in agri-
culture in the village schools. There are now
in Russia 3 schools for higher agricultural in-
struction, 9 agricultural high schools, 83 lower
schools and 59 special courses. Steps have
already been taken for the establishment of
about 50 additional agricultural schools.
THROUGH the courtesy of the Secretaries of the
Royal Society, we have received a copy of the
Acta of the Second International Conference ona
Catalogue of Scientific Literature, together with
the report of the committee of the Royal So-
ciety, with schedules of classification, and hope
to give full consideration to a subject which is
probably the most important now before men
of science. It is to be hoped that the verbatim
report of the proceedings of the second confer-
ence will be printed promptly and freely dis-
tributed among men of science and scientific
journals. This is especially important in view
of the short time, now less than one year before
the plans of the Conference are to be put into
effect. In connection with this subject we
quote the following editorial note from the last
number of Natural Science :
“Tn our last number we gave a short account
of the proceedings at the International Confer-
ence on Scientific Literature convened by the
Royal Society. We did not think it necessary
to say that we had abstracted this account from
our highly valued contemporary Nature, since
we assumed that the procés-verbaux were public
property, and that copies would be distributed
to the press, especially the scientific press, in
due course. No copy has yet reached us, and
we gather from SCIENCE, as well as from other
sources, that no attempt has been made by the
Royal Society to furnish the scientific public
with any account of the work carried on by this
Congress. We now recall the strange fact that
the elaborate ‘Report of the Committee of the
Royal Society of London, with Schedules of
Classification,’ though bearing date March 30,
1898, was never heard of by many of those
most interested until late on in the year (vide
articles in ScrmncE, and by Professor Victor
Carus in Zoologischer Anzeiger). It seems to us
that the Royal Society does not realize its re-
sponsibilities. Why this shrinking from the
public gaze? Are the members of the commit-
tees so afraid of criticism? This is a scheme
that appeals to the whole world of science ; it
will have to be supported by money ; it will re-
quire the ardent cooperation of numerous in-
dividuals. To say the very least, it is not wise
of the Royal Society to put on its usual airs of
superiority and indifference in a matter of this
kind. We have excellent reason for believing
that the eminent and courteous Secretaries of
the Royal Society are not responsible for this
darkness where there should be light. Who,
then, is the culprit ?”’
Mrs. EsrHer HERRMAN has given $10,000 to
the building fund of the Scientific Alliance of
New York City. It will be remembered that
about a year ago we gave an account of the
plans for erecting a building for the different
scientific societies of New York. Such a scien-
tific center is greatly needed, and it is to be
hoped that Mrs. Esther Herrman’s generous
gift will be followed by others.
Mr. Epwarp E. AYER has resigned the presi-
dency of the Field Columbian Museum, Chi-
cago. A successor has not yet been elected.
Proressor A. E. TORNEBOHM has_ been
elected President of the Swedish Geological So-
ciety for 1899.
Mr. W. ANDERSON, of the Geological Survey
of India, has been appointed director of a sur-
vey of Natal about to be undertaken by the
Tue Academy of Science of St. Petersburg
has elected as honorary members the King of
Sweden, the Queen of Roumania, Fridjof Nan-
sen and M. Emile Sénart, member of the Insti-
tute of France.
M.A. LoreEAv, President in 1898 of the French
Society of Civil Engineers,and Count A. de Dax,
Secretary of the Society, have been made by the
Emperor of Russia a commander and a knight,
respectively, of the order of St. Stanislas.
Mr. R. T. BAker has been made Curator of
the Technological Museum of Sydney, N.S. W.
THE death is announced of Dr. Dumontpallier,
an eminent Paris physician and an author of
contributions to pathology, especially of the
nervous system, at the age of 74 years ; and of
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 214.
Lieut.-Col. Robert Pringle, M.D., of the British
army, the author of numerous papers on the
hygiene and diseases of India.
WE learn from the Botanical Gazette of the
deaths of three foreign botanists, M. F. Gay, of
the University of Montpellier, at the age of 40
years, a student of the green algie, Pastor
Christian Kaurin, of Sande Jarlsberg, Norway,
at the age of 66, a well-known student of Scan-
dinavian bryology, and Professor T. Carnel,
professor of botany and director of the botanic
garden at Florence,
Tue London Times gives the following details
concerning the Rey. Bartholomew Price, F.R.S.,
whose death we recently recorded: Born at
Cole St. Dennis, Gloucestershire, in 1818, Mr.
Price was educated privately and at Pembroke
College, whence he obtained a first class in
mathematics in 1840. He gained the Univer-
sity Mathematical Scholarship in 1842, and two
years later was elected Fellow of his College.
In 1844 he became tutor and ten years after-
wards Sedleian professor of natural philosophy.
In 1852 appeared the first volume of his elabo-
rate work on the infinitesimal calculus ; the last
of the four was not published till ten years later.
This book obtained for him a considerable repu-
tation in the mathematical world ; but his prin-
cipal work in life was practical, and he will be
remembered rather as the active Secretary of
the University Press during the years of its first
great activities after the death of Dean Gaisford,
than as a mathematical professor. Bartholo-
mew Price was a keen yet cautious man of busi-
ness, and in his best days did much for the in-
terests of the University both at the Press and
as member of the Hebdomadal Council. Prob-
ably nobody of his time filled the latter post
during so many years as he, or was so often
called upon to be the spokesman of the Council
in proposing new statutes and decrees to Con-
WE learn from Natural Science that at a meet-
ing in Edinburgh, on November 8th, a com-
mittee was appointed to consider the feasibility
of establishing a Scottish Zoological Garden.
‘The idea of a ‘ Zoological Society’ was mooted,
but did not, we are pleased to learn, find sup-
port. There are already three or four societies
FEBRUARY 3, 1899.]
in Edinburgh which have to do with Zoology,
and any attempt to insinuate another would
simply alienate the sympathies of those who
weuld be glad to see a well-considered Zoolog-
ical Garden instituted. A committee, includ-
ing Professor Cossar Ewart, Dr. Ramsay Tra-
quair, Professor A. E. Mettam, Mr. Fairgrieve,
Mr. W. 8. Bruce, Mr. Hope Findlay and oth-
ers, Was appointed, and we wish them success.
We venture to predict that a successful site is
to be found in the direction where holidayers
do most resort. Proximity to the sea would
also be a great advantage. We hope the enthu-
siasts and the capitalists may come to terms,
and that more may soon be heard of this excel-
lent scheme.’’
AT the recent annual meeting of the New
York Academy of Medicine both the retiring
President, Dr. E. G. Janeway, and the incom-
ing President, Dr. William H. Thomson, advo-
cated the establishment of a research laboratory
in connection with the Academy. The library
of the Academy now contains 70,360 books,
being one of the most extensive medical li-
braries in the world.
THE Chelsea Physics Garden, established in
1721 by Sir Hans Sloan, at present forms the
site of the garden and buildings of the Society
of Apothecaries, occupied by them at a nominal
rent of £5, on condition that the garden be
maintained for the purpose of botanical and
medicinal study, and supply the Royal Society
with specimens of fresh plants every year. The
Society wishing to be relieved of the trust, the
London County Council has drawn up a plan
for its further maintenance. The scheme pro-
vides that the City Parochial Foundation, which
is prepared to madea grant of a capital sum and
a maximum yearly amount of £800 for main-
tenance, shall be the trustees. It is proposed
to provide a museum, a lecture theatre, a bo-
tanical laboratory and a biological laboratory,
partly in the existing buildings and partly in
new buildings, which, it is anticipated, will en-
croach on the garden to the extent of only one-
eighth of an acre. The trust is to be adminis-
tered by the trustees and by a committee of
management that will include representatives
from the Royal Society, the’ Royal College of
Physicians and other institutions. “Provision is
made for the appointment of a Curator and other
THE New England Association of Chemistry
Teachers held their first annual meeting at
Boston on January 28th. The following officers
wereelected: President, Dr. Lyman C. Newell;
Vice-President, Rufus P. Williams, of Boston ;
Secretary, M. A. Stone, Watertown; Treasurer,
E. F. Holden, Charlestown; Executive Com-
mittee, William H. Snyder, Worcester, Miss
Delia M. Stickney, Cambridge, and Charles R.
Allen, of New Bedford. The Association now
numbers 49 members.
THE centennial anniversary of the Medical
and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland will be cele-
brated in Baltimore, April 25th, 26th and 27th.
A NUMBER of cases of bubonic plague have
occurred on the Island of Mauritius.
Dr. CARL PETERS has left London with a
well-equipped expedition to explore the Afri-
can territory south of the Zambesi River with
a special view to the discovery of gold.
Natural Science states that Sven Hedin is
classifying his geological specimens, which he
will present to the High School of Stockholm,
and is preparing a detailed account of his jour-
ney from Kathgar to Khotam for Petermann’s
Mittheilungen. His archzeological collection and
manuscripts will be arranged by Professor
Grunwedel and exhibited in the Berlin Museum,
whilst Dr. Ekholm is dealing with the meteoro-
logical notes. The maps and charts, covering
552 sheets, have been confided for enlargement
and reproduction to Justus Perthes, of Gotha.
Dr. Hedin proposes to start on his next journey
of Asian exploration about the middle of 1899.
He intends to cross the Taklamakan desert
twice, thoroughly explore one of the largest
rivers of Turkestan, and again study the inter-
esting Lob Nor problem. The most important
part of the work will, however, be explora-
tions in the north and interior parts of Tibet.
Dr. Hedin hopes to be able to spend a winter in
some of the highest alpine regions of Tibet
at a height of about 15,000 feet. Then he will
pay a visit to the new Viceroy of India, and
will return over Himalaya, Karakoram and
Kashgar. Dr. Hedin will again go alone, and
he calculates that his three years’ travel will
cost no more than £2,500.
Ir is proposed to establish in University Col-
lege, Liverpool, a class for students who will de-
vote themselves to the investigation of tropical
diseases, to which end a special lecturer will be
appointed, and the students will have the ad-
vantage of watching cases and their treatment
in the Royal Southern Hospital. Mr. A. L.
Jones, well known in the West African trade,
has offered to contribute £350 a year towards
the expenses of the intended special school. A
general committee has been formed, which, in
conjunction with a committee of the Royal
Southern Hospital, will make adequate arrange-
ments for the work in new buildings to be
erected for the hospital.
AT a meeting of the central committee for
establishing sanatoria for consumptives on
January 9th, says the London Times, it was
stated in the annual report that there were al-
ready 20 sanatoriain Germany for consumptive
patients. Regret was expressed that accommo-
dation was chiefly provided for male patients,
and attention was called to the urgent neces-
sity of establishing sanatoria for women. A
committee of ladies under the presidency of
Princess Elizabeth zu Hohenlohe had carried
on a good work in providing for the families of
those who, as patients in the sanatoria, were
debarred from earning their living. <A large
number of towns and also of provincial districts
throughout the Empire had, through their rep-
resentatives, given their adhesion to the central
committee, which now numbered 466 members.
At the close of the year 1898 the funds
amounted to 250,000 Marks. A sum of 224,500
Marks had already been devoted to subsidizing
new sanatoria, and 70,000 Marks had been
promised for the same purpose. The Duke of
Ratibor, the nephew of the Chancellor, made a
statement regarding the congress on tuber-
culosis, its dangers and its prevention, which
will meet in Berlin at Whitsuntide under his
presidency. Invitations to attend this congress
will be addressed to foreign countries. Profes-
sor von Leyden spoke on the same subject and
expressed a hope that the congress would con-
tribute to make the success of the national
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 214.
movement for combating tuberculosis in Ger-
many more widely known and that it would
secure fresh supporters for this work of
CoNSUL-GENERAL Gowpy, of Paris, in his
annual report, says that during the past year
there has been a marked increase in the adop-
tion of automobiles, not only as pleasure ve-
hicles, but for practical application in the way
of cabs serving the public in the city of Paris,
and for business purposes in the way of delivery
wagons, especially those for long distances. It
is announced that at the beginning of next year
there are to be 100 motor cars driven by electric
power running in the streets of Paris, and, if the
experiment be successful, the cabs will be in-
creased to 1,000. With this project in view, a
large plot of ground has been acquired, where
the building of works necessary for the housing
of the cabs and the machinery for the electric
supply are being rapidly completed. A train-
ing ground has also been made for the cabmen.
This is laid out with every possible form of pay-
ing, wood, asphalt, stone, etc., including two
steep hills. Here and there are dotted about a
number of dummy figures, and in and out of
these the cabmen have to maneuver, under the
orders of an instructor. As arule, in four les-
sons, it is stated, the driver is ready to navigate
Paris and after ten lessons is considered thor-
oughly competent, Each cab is supplied with
sufficient power to be driven 30 miles at about
8 miles an hour.
THE London Times states that Dr. Ferras,
who has been in practice in Calcutta since
18538, in his evidence before the Plague Com-
mission, on January 4th, expressed the opinion
that there had never been plague cases in Cal-
cutta, but simply cases of malignant fever. He
remembered seeing similar cases when a student
in Caleutta which were indistinguishable from
plague except bacteriologically. There had been
no bacteriological experts in India since the time
of Dr. Cunningham. Unless Calcutta was im-
proved structurally and the bustis were cleared
and the overcrowded areas opened out, there was
no chance that malignant fever would disappear.
Captain Bingley, who had been employed on
plague duty in Bombay, recommended munici-
FEBRUARY 3, 1899. ]
pal camps as a remedy for overcrowding.
They had been tried at Bombay, but were not
successful, as they were started too late. A
camp in his own district was very successful.
The people willingly paid two rupees a month,
which covered the expenses and paid the in-
terest. The plague increased after the season
of the export of grain, because the rats then
left the bandars and spread through the town
in their search of food, carrying the infection
with them. The bandars were the foci of the
plague. Mr. Griesbach, Director of the Geo-
logical Survey of India, gave evidence as to the
formation of the soil in the infected areas which
pointed to the trap and crystalline area being
specially adapted to the spread of the disease,
but the witness explained that Bombay was
situated near the center of the Deccan trap
formation. On the alarm of the plague the
people naturally spread fanlike over the adjoin-
ing country. There was abundant evidence
that the tenacity with which epidemics clung
to localities was influenced by the geological
THE University of the State of New York an-
nounces that one of the most important of the
twenty-two bulletins issued by the museum is
sent to the schools this month. This is a large
octavo of 156 pages, entitled a ‘Guide to the
study of the geologic collections of the New
York State Museum,’ by Dr. Frederick J. H.
Merrill, Director. In the front pocket is a
folded relief map showing the boundaries of the
geologic systems on a scale of twenty-four miles
to an inch, and the entire volume is profusely il-
lustrated with half-tone photographs of geologic
features. The general plan is such that it will
serve as a guide to any other geologic collections
in New York, and will also be useful to teachers
in New York secondary schools who wish to
direct the attention of their studentsto local geol-
ogy. It gives briefly a digest of the New York
geologic reports, with much useful introductory
matter, and is meant, not in any sense to re-
place the small text-books, but to supplement
them by giving information found as a rule only
either in the larger and more expensive books
which are not accessible to most teachers and
students, or in a multitude of scientific pa-
From a Blue Book on the Straits Settlements
Nature learns that the Perak Museum at Tai-
ping is now overcrowded, and that there is con-
sequently much difficulty in arranging the
collections in their natural sequence, while
there is practically no room for new specimens.
The Taiping collections are specially rich in the
ethnological and mineralogical branches, and
the zoological specimens have recently been
greatly improved. The photographic and botan-
ical branches were extended during the year,
and the museum now contains a valuable sec-
tion allotted to economic botany. Investiga-
tions were carried out, with satisfactory results,
on the subject of insects attacking coffee, rice
and other agricultural products, and some ex-
periments were made in connection with tap-
ping rubber. Discussion has been going on as
to constituting the museum at Taiping a central
museum, supported by all the Federated Malay
States. The curator at Taiping suggests that
local museums, of which one has been in ex-
istence forseveral years at Selangor, and which,
it is hoped, will soon be established in the other
States, might either be affiliated to, or form
branches of, the Federal Museum. On the
other hand, the British Resident at Selango
urges that the existence of a local museum
creates and sustains in the minds of the com-
munity an interest in local products, their
sources and uses, which cannot fail to be bene-
ficial and deserving of encouragement, and it
cannot be urged that people in Selangor or the
Negri Sembalin will obtain any advantage from
a museum in Perak, however complete, which
few of them will probably ever see.
In the museum of the Royal Agriculture and
Commercial Society of British Guiana at Deme-
rara, says Natural Science, various changes
have recently been introduced. The exhibited
series of birds has been revised according to the
British Museum catalogue, and over 200 speci-
mens have been remounted. Other groups
have been partially revised, so far asis possible
in the absence of modern literature. It is
hoped that the issue of a revised edition of the
British Museum Catalogue of Fishes will enable
the Curator to work up those animals as com-
pletely as the birds; meanwhile a comprehen-
hensive collection of British Guiana fishes is
being made, and preserved for the most part in
formalin. Exhibition space in this museum has
been extended by the addition of an upper
gallery. Chief among recent acquisitions is a
large series of rocks collected in the Northwest
District by J. B. Harrison and H. I. Perkins,
to illustrate a government report. The chief
difficulty in the curatorial work of this museum
is presented by atmospheric changes and over
much moisture. It is satisfactory to learn that
many inquiries are made at the museum, both
personally and by correspondence, and that it
is becoming more and more a general educating
force in the colony.
AT the annual meeting of the Board of Re-
gents of the Smithsonian Institution, held in
Washington on January 25th, an inquiry was
raised as to the propriety and expediency of
taking action toward the establishment of a
national university, and a committee was ap-
pointed to investigate and report at the next
meeting. The committee is: John B. Hender-
son, of Washington ; Alexander Graham Bell, of
Washington ; William L. Wilson, of Virginia
(the three members of the Executive Committee
of the Board of Regents); James B. Angell, of
Michigan, and Robert R. Hitt, of Illinois.
CoLuMBIA University is making plans to es-
tablish a summer school during and after the
summer of 1900. The courses, as is usual in
summer schools, will be planned with special
reference to the needs of teachers, and the re-
sources of the Teachers College will be fully
THe Cornell Medical College proposes to es-
tablish a summer schvol of medicine to be given
in New York hospitals and dispensaries.
THE State University of lowa announces a
course of lectures on the Elements of Anthro-
pology, to be delivered early in March by W
J McGee, Ethnologist in charge, Bureau of
American Ethnology.
Dr. E. B. McGitvary, of the University of
California, has been called to the Sage profes-
sorship of moral philosophy at Cornell Univer-
sity, vacant by the removal of Professor Seth
to the University of Edinburgh.
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 214.
Proressor C, A. KEFFER, of the Division of
Forestry, Department of Agriculture, has been
elected professor of agriculture and horticul-
ture in the New Mexico Agricultural College.
Mr. J. S. E. Townsenp, B.A., of Trinity
College, Cambridge, has been elected to the
Clerk Maxwell scholarship.
Dr. G. Meyer, till now first assistant in the
Physical Institute, has been elected to an assist-
ant professorship of physical chemistry in the
University of Freiburg. Dr. Zehinder, assist-
ant professor of physics at Freiburg, in Br.,
has been called to Wirzburg as first assistant
to Professor Rontgen. Dr. Otto Wiedeburg,
docent in physics in the University at Leipzig,
has been promoted to an assistant professorship.
Dr. Sidler, assistant professor of astronomy at
Berne, has been given an honorary professor-
ship. In the Faculty of Science at Nancy the
following changes have been made: M. Flo-
quet, professor of pure mathematics, has been
made professor of analytical mathematics; M.
Molk, professor of applied mathematics, has
been made professor of mechanics; M. Haller,
professor of chemistry, is professor of organic
chemistry, and M. Gintz has been appointed
professor of mineralogical chemistry.
Two of the more important chairs at Oxford
are vacant—the Sedleian professorship of
natural philosophy, so long filled by the late
Dr. Bartholomew Price, and the Linacre pro-
fessorship of comparative anatomy, vacant by
the removal of Professor Ray Lankester to the
British Museum. Natural Science reports that
the past students of Professor W.F. R. Weldon,
of University College, London, are signing a
testimonial to their former teacher in view of his
candidature for the latter chair. Among others
whose names are mentioned as candidates are Mr.
F. E. Beddard, prosector to the Zoological Society
of London; Mr. G. C. Bourne, who for many
years has been demonstrator and lecturer at
Oxford ; and Mr. W. Baldwin Spencer, formerly
demonstrator to Professor Moseley and now
professor of zoology at Melbourne. The last
mentioned is now visiting Great Britain. The
method of filling chairs at Oxford is not above
criticism. On the board appointing a successor
to Professor Lankester theology and medicine
are well represented, but not natural science.
EDITORIAL CoMMITTEE: S. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. Woopwarp, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING,
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THuRsTON, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. LE Conve, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; O. C. MarsH, Paleontology; W. K. Brooks,
C. Hart MERRIAM, Zoology; 8. H. ScuppDER, Entomology; C. E. Bessey, N. L. BRirron,
Botany; HENRY F. OsBorNn, General Biology; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology;
H. P. Bowpircu, Physiology; J. S. Brntrnas, Hygiene ; J. MCKEEN CATTELL,
Psychology; DANIEL G. BRINTON, J. W. PowELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, Fesruary 10, 1899.
The Smithsonian Institution ........cccsccceceeeeeeneeeees 193
Agricultural Experiment Stations: Dr. A. C. TRUE 199
Physiological Osmosis : PROFESSOR GEORGE M Ac-
THOS AOS) cssqanqcbenbsouodosonbonaubupdedadedgansHoudocOGHeHO 206
Professional Schools vs. Business: PROFESSOR R. H.
SREUUIRSTONisssesscecsrsersossessaneessncocscoeshesesenes ses 207
Mechanical Illustration of Kirchoff’s Principle:
PROFESSOR WILLIAM HALLOCK..............22006 210
Plastiline, a New Modeling Compound: Dr. C. R.
IWPASTMUAIN atcseseneccsncasietesscoscssncseusesteccscaren ses
Scientific Books :—
Beddard on the Structure and Classification of
Birds: F.A.LUCAS. Russell on The Rivers of North
America: PROFESSOR R. E. DopGE. Broomell’s
Anatomy and Histology of the Mouth and Teeth:
PROFESSOR CHARLES 8S. Minor. Books Received. 212
Scientific Journals and Articles .....ccccccceeceeereeeeees 217
Societies and Academies :—
The Texas Academy of Sciences: PROFESSOR
FREDERIC W. Stmonbs. Philosophical Society
of Washington: E. D. PRESTON. The Anthro-
pological Society of Washington. DR. J. H. Mc-
CoRMICK. The New York Academy of Sciences,
Section of Psychology and Anthropology: DR. C.
B. Buiss. Section of Astromony and Physics :
Dr. REGINALD GORDON. Academy of Science
Discussion and Correspondence :—
Zoological Nomenclature: Dr. W. H. DALL.
The Red Beds of Kansas: PROFESSOR S. W.
WILLISTON. Jen of Science and Anti-vivisec-
tion: HENRY C. MERCER. ....0.....:cscccsseceseeeees 221
Astronomical Notes :—
Reports of Observatories ; The Planet DQ: PRo-
FESSOR WINSLOW UPTON.........:.sccscscosscesseees 224
Notes on Physics :
Some Recent Investigations upon the Becquerel
J HOT R AS Nets Ohl DS Rate sen seen epacauccuccucondodaonaada 225
Botanical Notes :—
Sargent’s Silva of North America; Commendable
Free-Seea Distribution; The Study of Towa Sedges ;
North American Seaweeds ; Arthur and Holway’s
Rusts : PROFESSOR CHARLES E. BESSEY......... 226
Current Notes on, Anthropology:—
Courses at the Ecole d’ Anthropologie; The Mean-
ing of Race; The Extinction of the Polynesian:
PROFESSOR D. G. BRINTON.........0ccceeeecoeeseees 227
Meeting of the Trustees of the Marine Biological
LABOnALOTY) <ewoncurscevertanstincuoresemrece tee 228
Scientific Notes and News.........+++ «+. 228
University and Educational News ........cccceseeeeeeeees 232
MSS. intended for publication and books, ete., intended
for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
THE permanent funds of the Institution
are as follows:
Bequest of Smithson, 1846.......... $515, 169.00
Residuary legacy of Smithson, 1867.. 26,210.63
Deposits from savings of income, 1867 108,620.37
Bequest of James Hamil-
POMS MoLe aisles wel Outen $1,000.00
Accumulated interest on
Hamilton fund, 1895. ... 1,000.00
Bequest of Simeon Habel, 1880...... 500.00
Deposits from proceeds of sale of
bondsHal SS lessee dee cicrst 51,500.00
Gift of Thomas G. Hodgkins, 1891... 200,000.00
Portion of residuary legacy, T. G.
odgkinse1 B94 oe (re sci wisieiee ays ciel 8,000.00
Total permanent fund........ - 912,000.00
The appropriations made by Congress for
the fiscal year 1899 were as follows:
International Exchanges, Smithsonian
Imstibution Le99e cas ocelot -. $21,000
American Ethnology, Smithsonian In-
SLC UGIOMs pS O Om eretlatetepaietele eter crestor 50,000
Astrophysical Observatory, Smithsonian
AMStibUbON; COON. syoislerstrelslercnslevetstarses 10,000
National Museum, Smithsonian Institu-
tion, 1899 :
Furniture and fixtures............ 35,000
Heating and lighting............. 14,000
*From the report of S. P., Langley, Secretary of
the Smithsonian Institution, for the year ending June
30, 1898.
Preservation of collections ........ 165,000
IPOSbAL Clr A-peilorstetaieveste atstersters)sielels 500
Galleries} sie saciclsxielsictsieie siciviele: +12)» 10,000
Books wy ppotetieietinterreeheiersteres 2,000
Rent of workshops...........2+e05 4,500
Building repairs. ei... ieee fee 4,000
Purchase of library of the late G.
Brown Goode............s0.00: ,000
National Zoological Park, 1899.......... 65,000
The original amount of $1,000, the be-
quest of Mr. James Hamilton, of Pennsyl-
vania, received by the Institution in 187%,
was increased in 1895 to $2,000 by the
addition of accumulated interest under
authority given by the Regents in their
meeting of January 23, 1895, the sum of
$150 expended from the income of fund in
1876 for explorations having been re-
funded. The present income, together
with interest accumulated since 1895, seems
to warrant some definite application of the
interest on the bequest, and I am now con-
sidering a plan of lectureships in accord-
ance with the testator’s purpose.
Concerning the Avery fund I have to re-
port that by a decision of the Supreme
Court of the United States the Institution
has obtained a clear title to the property
on Capitol Hill claimed by the heirs of
Mrs. Avery.
It may be recalled that the testator,
while leaving his property absolutely at the
disposal of the Regents, expressed a wish
that it might be made useful in promoting
researches on the Ether, after certain math-
matical and phonetic publications and cer-
tain researches connected with a special
form of telescope have been made. ‘The
moneys received from the estate are as yet
too small to carry out any part of this pur-
pose but the last.
No alterations were made in the Smith-
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 215.
sonian Building during the year except such
slight repairs as seemed necessary to keep
it in good condition. The space in the rear
of the building, however, which for a num-
ber of years had been occupied by unsightly
and dangerous storage sheds and workshops,
has been cleared of these and graded into a
lawn, thus greatly improving the surround-
In the park south of the building, and at
a distance sufficient to prevent annoyance,
there has been erected a temporary wooden
building of two stories for the use of the
taxidermists and for other purposes.
The investigations being prosecuted in
the Astrophysical Observatory requiring
more space than is available in the old struc-
ture, plans have been approved and some
progress made toward the erection of some
very simple additions authorized by Con-
gress at its last session by a clause permit-
ting the expenditure for this purpose of an
unexpended balance.
Four additional galleries have been
erected in the Museum building, three for
exhibition purposes and one to serve as an
increase for the quarters for the Library,
thus adding 6,650 square feet to the floor
space of the Museum, 6,040 square feet of
which is available research for exhibition
The promotion of original research has
always been one of the principal functions
of the Institution. Investigations in the
anthropological, biological and geological
divisions of science have been extensively
carried on through the departments of the
National Museum, and in the Bureau of
American Ethnology there have also been
special inquiries into Indian customs and
languages. These lines of research being
well represented by its bureaus, it has re-
mained for the Institution proper to devote
its energies more especially to some of the
physical sciences.
The Secretary himself has carried on re-
FEBRUARY 10, 1899.]
searches in the solar spectrum, which, by
the active assistance of the aid in charge,
have produced results now shortly to be
published. They are believed to be im-
portant and are referred to in another por-
tion of this report.
The Secretary has not wholly discon-
tinued the studies which he has made in
regard to aerodromic experiments, and it is
perhaps not improper that he should state
that these have attracted the attention of
other departments so far that during the
war with Spain a commission was directed
by the Secretaries of War and the Navy to
inquire into them with a view of their pos-
sible utility in war. This is not the place
to state the results of these inquiries.
The Secretary desires to repeat, however,
that his time is almost solely given to ad-
ministrative work, and that what he has
been able to do in these directions has been
done largely in hours which he might con-
sider his own.
Although the Hodgkins fund competi-
tion announced by the Institution in the
widely distributed circular of March 31,
1893, was definitely closed so long ago as
December 31, 1894, a very general interest
is still expressed in the subject, and spe-
cialists in our own and other countries
not infrequently forward copies of their
original published memoirs as contributions
to the Hodgkins fund library of the Insti-
Frequent applications for grants are re-
ceived, and, notwithstanding the fact that
the limitations on the use of the fund do
not permit it to be employed for the sup-
port of an investigation, unless under the
exceptional conditions of the first published
announcement, it has still been found prac-
ticable to approve several awards during
the past year.
As noted in my last report, in July, 1897,
an additional grant of $400 was made
to Mr. A. Lawrence Rotch, of the Blue
Hill Meteorological Observatory, Readville,
Mass., and in the following October a fur-
ther grant of $250 was approved to Mr.
Rotch. These sums are to be devoted to
experiments with automatic kites, for de-
termining, by means of self-recording in-
struments, meteorological data in atmos-
pheric strata inaccessible except by some
mechanical method of exploring the atmos-
phere, and it will be of possible interest to
the Board to learn that during the past
year, and (to slightly anticipate), shortly
after its close, experiments of remarkable
success and interest have been made by
Mr. Rotch, and, among others, that kites
have been flown to the unprecedented height
of 11,086 feet above the station, carrying
up with them meteorological instruments
which recorded the height, the pressure of
the wind, the dew point, and other facts of
interest at these great altitudes.
Those who remember the situation at
Blue Hill, one of the highest landmarks on
the Atlantic coast north of the southern
shores of the Gulf, and the aspect of the
hills, blue with the distance from which
they take their name, may be struck by the
certainly notable fact that in these experi-
ments the kites sent up from Blue Hill, and
held there at the station, were occasionally
directly over the distant ocean.
November 1, 1897, a grant of $500 was
made to Professor William Hallock, of
Columbia University, New York City, for
an investigation having for its object the
complete analysis of a particle of air under
the influence of articulate sounds, thus
contributing a study of the atmosphere in
one of its most important functions, that of
a conveyer of speech.
In February, 1898, a final grant of $250
was made to Drs. Lummer and Pringsheim,
of the Physical Institute of the University
of Berlin. The investigation begun by
them, in 1893, to determine the ratio of the
specific heats, at constant pressure and
volume, for air, oxygen, carbon dioxide and
hydrogen has now so far progressed that
the memoir submitted by Drs. Lummer
and Pringsheim, noting the results already
attained by them, has been published by
the Institution in the Smithsonian Contri-
butions to Knowledge.
A German edition of this original me-
moir, with the consent of the Institution,
is to be published by the authors, and it is
understood that, if found desirable, their
researches will be further prosecuted under
the direction of the Physikalisch-Tech-
nische Reichsanstalt, of Berlin, Professor
Dr. Kohlrausch, the President, having
courteously signified the readiness of that
institution to furnish the means necessary
for the purpose.
In February, 1898, an additional grant
was made to Mr. H.C. C. Baly, of Uni-
versity College, London, to enable him to
continue his research upon the decomposi-
tion of the atmosphere by electricity and
upon the ozonizing of mercury. The report
of Mr. Baly stating the result of these inves-
tigations is now awaited by the Institution.
A grant of $250 to Professor Arthur G.
Webster, of Clark University, Worcester,
Mass., was approved in May, 1898, for the
continuation of a research on the properties
of air in connection with the propagation of
sound, special effort being directed to the
securing of data relating to the influence of
the viscosity of air on expiring or vanishing
sounds. An instrument devised by Profes-
sor Webster for use in this investigation
gives the physical measure of sound, not
only when constant, but when rapidly vary-
ing. It is expected that this research will
furnish results of high practical value in
connection with the question of the acou-
stics of auditoriums, and will contribute
information upon points that have not
heretofore been satisfactorily investigated.
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 215.
A paper embodying the results of the in-
teresting research, described in the Secre-
tary’s report for 1894, primarily conducted
under a grant from the Hodgkins fund to
Dr. J. S. Billings and Dr. S. Weir Mitchell,
and continued, under their supervision, by
Dr. D. H. Bergey, of the Laboratory of
Hygiene, University of Pennsylvania, has
been published in the Smithsonian Miscel-
laneous Collections.
Among the applications for the occu-
pancy of the Smithsonian seat at the Na-
ples table during the years 1897-98, the
following have been favorably acted upon :
Dr. Bradley M. Martin, of the University
of Chicago, whose work has been chiefly in
the field of the algz, and who has pub-
lished several papers detailing his re-
searches, was appointed for November,
1897, his period at Naples to be supple-
mented by additional investigation in the
laboratory of Dr. Strasburger, of the Uni-
versity at Bonn.
Dr. H. W. Conn, of the department of
biology, Wesleyan University, received the
appointment for six weeks early in the year
1898; Dr. Dohrn, the Superintendent of the
station, kindly arranging for his accommo-
dation, although the Smithsonian table was
occupied at that time. The fact that Dr.
Dohrn finds himself not only willing, but
able, to provide for two or, as in this case,
even three students at the Smithsonian
table during the same period is a courtesy
much appreciated by the Institution.
Dr. D. M. Mottier, of the State Univer-
sity of Indiana, who wished to supplement
his investigations at Bonn and Leipzig by
some weeks at Naples, was appointed for
the months of March and April, 1898.
Dr. W. T. Swingle, of the United States
Department of Agriculture, now honorary
custodian of algee in the United States Na-
tional Museum, occupied the Smithsonian
FEBRUARY 10, 1899.]
seat at Naples for an additional month dur-
ing the spring of 1898. z
Dr. J. H. Gerould, of Dartmouth College,
who prosecuted his investigations in the
laboratory of Professor De Lacaze-Du-
thiers, at Roscoff, Finisterre, France, dur-
ing the summer, was appointed to the
Smithsonian table at Naples for the month
of November, 1898.
In the plan of organization of the Insti-
tution, among examples of objects for
which appropriations may be made, are
Explorations in descriptive natural history and
geological, magnetical and topographical surveys to
collect materials for the formation of a Physical Atlas
of the United States.
Ethnological researches, particularly with refer-
ence to the different men in North America ; also ex-
plorations and accurate surveys of the mounds and
other remains of the ancient people of our country.*
The first grant made by the Institution
for scientific exploration and field research
was in 1848 to Spencer F. Baird, of Car-
lisle, for exploration of the bone caves and
the local natural history of southeastern
Pennsylvania; and during the half century
that has elapsed since the grant to that
eminent man, who afterwards became the
Secretary of the Institution, every possible
encouragement and support has been given
to natural history and ethnological ex-
plorations in America and throughout the
world. The income of the Institution has
not permitted the expenditure of large
sums for this purpose, but valuable advice
and instructions have been freely given to
explorers connected with Government and
private expeditions, and agents of the In-
stitution have in very many cases partici-
pated in these explorations. In recent
years a vast amount of such work has been
carried on by the bureaus under direction
of the Institution, a work made possible by
*Smithsonian Report, 1846, pp. 6. 7.
Congressional appropriations for this pur-
As soon as there seemed a possibility of
acquiring new territories as a result of the
present Spanish-American war I began
formulating plans for exploring the possible
new regions, and in my next estimates to
be sent to Congress I expect to ask defi-
nitely for appropriations under which ex-
ploring parties may be sent to them.
It is hardly necessary to recall the last-
ing impression that the French Govern-
ment made throught the researches of the
corps of savants sent along with the expe-
dition to Egypt. It would seem incumbent
upon this Government, not only from prac-
tical economic purposes, but as a contri-
bution to the general intelligence of man-
kind, to institute scientific inquiry as to
the natural history, geology, geography,
ethnology, archeology and scientific utili-
ties of any new possessions it may acquire.
These inquiries should be made coherently
and without clashing on the part of the
various Government interests involved.
During the present year investigations
among the American Indians have been
conducted by the Bureau of Ethnology,
and several collaborators of the Institution
have made natural history explorations.
Secretary Henry said: ‘It is chiefly by
the publications of the Institution that its
fame is to be spread through the world,
and the monument most befitting the name
of Smithson erected to his memory.” From
the beginning of the Institution a consid-
erable portion of its annual income has
been expended in publishing the Smith-
sonian Contributions to Knowledge and
the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections.
Through these series, supplemented by the
Annual Reports printed at the direct ex-
pense of the Government, and the publica-
tions of the National Museum, the Bureau
of Ethnology and the American Histor-
ical Association, issued under the direc-
tion of the Institution, nearly all branches 0
human knowledge are represented in the
works published during the last fifty years,
which form a library of nearly 250 volumes,
besides several hundred pamphlet reprints
of the memoirs and articles contained in
the serial volumes.
Contributions to Knowledge.—One new mem-
oir of this series was unpublished during the
year, the result of the investigations by
Drs. Lummer and Pringsheim, of Charlot-
tenburg, Germany, on the ratio of the
specific heats at constant pressure and at
constant volume of air, oxygen, carbon
dioxide and hydrogen. This research was
aided by a grant from the Hodgkins fund
of the Smithsonian Institution. After a
period of notable advance the kinetic
theory of gases seems to have fallen into
temporary abeyance, possibly from a funda-
mentally imperfect understanding of their
behavior. Progress in the knowledge of
this fundamental nature of gases may rea-
sonably be looked for from interpretative
researches on their thermal capacity, and
this paper may be considered as a step in
this direction. Aside from its exceptional
portance in thermodynamics, the heat ratio
is of interest as affording a clue to the char-
acter of the molecule, and Drs. Lummer and
Pringsheim, using a new method, appear to
have for the first time reached coincident
results on the incoercible gases examined.
The original edition of the Secretary’s
memoir on ‘The Internal Work of the
Wind,’ published in 1893, having become
exhausted, some additional copies have
been printed from the stereotype plates, in
which a few minor changes have been made.
The Secretary now has in preparation for
this series a review of his investigations in
aerodynamics, and in particular of experi-
ments in developing the principles and
methods of mechanical flight.
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 215.
Miscellaneous Collections.—In this series
five works have been published since my
last report. These are a Catalogue of
Scientific and Technical Periodicals, by Dr.
H. C. Bolton; Catalogue of Pacific Coast
Earthquakes, by Professor E. S. Holden ;
Review and Bibliography of Metallic Car-
bides, by Professor J. A. Mathews ; Bibli-
ography of Metals of the Platinum Group,
by Professor J. L. Howe, and a report by
Dr. D. H. Bergey on the results of experi-
ments to determine whether impure atmos-
phere produees a detrimental influence upon
the animal organism as shown in greater
susceptibility to certain diseases.
There have been also reprinted from the
stereotype plates new editions of the Smith-
sonian Meteorological, Geographical and
Physical Tables. A Supplement to the
Bibliography of Chemistry, by Dr. H. C.
Bolton, containing about 4,000 additional
titles, is in hand, and about half of the
volume had been printed at the close of the
Smithsonian Reports.—The annual reports
of the Institution for the year 1896 and
1897 had not been issued at the close of the
fiscal year, although the volume for 1896
was in the Government bindery and press-
work was in progress on the report for
1897, their completion having been delayed
by the imperative need of supplying docu-
ments required by Congress for the military
departments by reason of the Spanish-
American war.
National Musewm Publications.—In addi-
tion to the Museum volume of the Smith-
sonian report, two series of publications are
issued directly by the Museum, the Pro-
ceedings and the Bulletin. Of the first
series Volume XIX. was completed in
bound form, the separate papers having
previously been isssued as pamphlets, and
seventeen papers comprising Volume XX.
were distributed in pamphlet form during
the year. A pamphlet containing instruc-
FEBRUARY 10, 1899. ]
tions for collecting scale insects was pub-
lished as Part L. of Bulletin 39, and a cir-
cular was issued relating to the collection
and preservation of the bones and teeth of
the Mastodon and Mammoth.
Bureau of Ethnology reports—The seven-
teenth report of the Bureau of Ethnology,
for the year ending June 30, 1896, was
sent to the Public Printer on July 6, 1897,
and proof reading was completed before
June 30, 1898, but actual presswork has
not begun. The eighteenth report is also
in the printers’ hands, but no progress has
been made beyond the revision of some first
Astrophysical Observatory publications. —
There has been prepared and is now ready
for publication a full report on the results
of the researches carried on in the Astro-
physical Observatory since its establish-
ment and this work will probably be printed
in quarto form during the next fiscal year,
the cost of the publication being charged to
the appropriation for the Observatory under
authority of Congress.
The number of accessions to the library
has been greater than at any time hereto-
fore, the total entries of volumes, parts of
volumes, pamphlets and charts reaching
40,715, an increase of nearly 5,000 over the
previous year. The greater part of this
has been sent to the Library of Congress to
be placed with the Smithsonian deposit.
The Museum library shows a greatly in-
creased use over last year. The limited
quarters assigned for library purposes in
the Museum are so greatly crowded that it
has become necessary to provide additional
book room, for which purpose a gallery
directly adjoining the library has been
erected and fitted with shelves, where space
is provided for 18,000 volumes. This is
rendered necessary by the purchase for
the Museum, by Congressional appro-
priation, of the scientific library of the
late Dr. G. Brown Goode. The In-
stitution is especially fortunate in being
able to obtain this library and the Museum
now has the benefit of possessing the collec-
tions of books both of Professor Baird and
Dr. Goode.
Tuts is the fourth annual report on the
work and expenditures of the agricultural
experiment stations in the United States,
made by the Director of the Office of Ex-
periment Stations, under instructions from
the Secretary of Agriculture. As hereto-
fore, the report is based on three sources of
information, viz, the annual financial state-
ments of the stations, rendered on the
schedules prescribed by the Secretary of
Agriculture, in accordance with the Act of
Congress ; the printed reports and bulletins
of the stations, and the reports of personal
examinations of the work and expenditures
of the stations made during the past year
by the Director, Assistant Director and
one other expert officer of the Office of Ex-
periment Stations. The stations in all the
States and Territories were visited since
the previous report was transmitted to
During the past year the stations have,
as a rule, steadily pursued their investiga-
tions. There have been a smaller number
of changes in the workers; the general man-
agement has been less subject to radical
and unwise changes ; much useful work has
been accomplished, and the facilities for in-
vestigations have been increased.
There has been much activity during the
past year in the developing and strength-
ening of courses of instruction in agricul-
* From Report to Congress on Work and Expendi-
tures of Agricultural Experiment Stations for 1898.
ture in the land-grant colleges with which
the stations are connected. This has been
to the advantage of the stations in a num-
ber of ways. The buildings and equipment
of the colleges have been materially in-
creased, and this has given the stations
better facilities for their work. The in-
struction in agriculture has been specialized,
which has necessitated the employment of
a larger number of well-trained officers,
many of whom have devoted a portion of
their time to station work. The governing
boards and general officers of the colleges
are coming to see more clearly the real sig-
nificance and importance of experiment
station work. They have, therefore, been
more willing to make proper arrangements
for the efficient conduct of this work and
to pursue a more liberal policy toward the
stations. In a number of instances there
has been a more definite separation of the
operations on the farms and in the barns,
creameries, laboratories, etc., so that a
definite place has been made for original
investigations in agriculture, and these
have been clearly differentiated from the
work and facilities connected with instruc-
tion. It is coming also to be more clearly
seen that care must be taken lest the rou-
tine duties connected with instruction shall
so exhaust the energies of the officer em-
ployed in both college and station that he
will not be able to devote his best energies
to the more difficult task of originating and
conducting successful investigations in ag-
ricultural science. The outlook is, there-
fore, more hopeful for the building up, in
connection with these institutions, of strong
departments of original investigation on
behalf of agriculture, which shall not only
accomplish great good by the practical re-
sults of the investigations disseminated
among the farmers, but shall also materially
aid in the proper development of courses of
instruction in agriculture in the land-grant
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 215.
The year past has shown considerable
progress in the importance and thorough-
ness of the original investigations pursued
at our stations. The number of officers
competent to undertake such investigations
has been increased. There has been greater
specialization of the work assigned to these
officers. There have also been encouraging
indications that cooperation between the
officers engaged in different lines of inves-
tigation is being more efficiently secured.
More attention is being given to the con-
sideration of problems which affect in a
general way important agricultural inter-
ests in the several States or are of funda-
mental importance in different branches of
agriculture wherever pursued. It is be-
coming more clear that it is much better
for an individual station to undertake
thorough original investigations in a few
lines and hold steadily to these until defi-
nite results are secured than to scatter the
work among a variety of small operations.
If a station can make itself preeminent for
original work in even one or two lines it
gains strength in its own State and else-
where which it could get in no other way ;
and now, that general information regarding
the work of all the stations is more widely
disseminated, there is less reason why any
one station should attempt very many lines
of work. The success of those stations
which have devoted themselves most largely
to original investigations has, without
doubt, been a powerful factor in stimulating
the general adoption of sucha policy. The
wisdom of the framers of the Hatch Act in
limiting the work of the stations organized
under that act to original and scientific in-
vestigations which shall either attack ag-
ricultural problems in a new way or have
reference to the application of ascertained
facts or principles to particular or local
phases of these problems is more and more
FEBRUARY 10, 1899.]
apparent. Every dollar of the fund thus
given from the National Treasury is needed
for thorough original investigations on be-
half of eh Ya and varied interests of ag-
riculture in this country and the dissemi-
nation of the results of such investigations.
The more strictly this fund is applied to
these purposes the more rapid development
will our agriculture have along the lines of
permanent success.
As the work of the stations develops it is
seen that more adequate provision should
be made for the application of the results
obtained by the stations in actual practice
in different localities, in order that the best
methods of local application of these results
may be worked out, and that the farmers
may be taught how to make the best use of
the work of the stations. It is in this direc-
tion that there is the greatest need for a
generous policy on the part of the States
toward the stations. By supplementing the
Hatch fund for work of this kind the States
in a number of cases have greatly hastened
the direct application of the results of orig-
inal investigations to actual farm practice,
and have done much toward arousing the
farmers to a keener sense of the practical
value of station work. With the aid of
funds furnished by the States and by this De-
partment thousands of the more simple ex-
periments in the growing of different crops,
such as sugar beets, and the use of fertil-
izers, have been made by farmers in differ-
ent parts of the country. It is much to be
hoped that the States will more fully take
up this work, and thatit will be more thor-
oughly organized, as is being done, for ex-
ample, in the State of New York, where
special appropriations have been made for
experiments of this character under the di-
rection of the stations. A great deal of the
work of the testing of varieties of agricul-
tural and horticultural plants, to be of any
practical value, needs to be carried on in a
number of different localities in each State,
and this can probably be most economically
and efficiently done with the cooperation of
intelligent practical farmers and horticul-
turists. While cooperative experiments
may often be of value in connection with
original investigations, they will most often
be of use in determining the extent to which
the results of such investigations may be
applied in actual practice.
The Hatch Act expressly provides that a
portion of the funds granted the stations by
the United States shall be expended for
printing and distributing reports and bul-
letins, but limits the scope of the informa-
tion to be thus published to the ‘ results’ of
their investigations. The act further grants
the stations the franking privilege for the
distribution of their publications. Circum-
stances have compelled the stations to go
far beyond the limit set by the Act of Con-
gress as regards the character of the infor-
mation which they have disseminated. A
number of causes have contributed to make
a very heavy demand upon the stations for
information regarding every detail of farm
theory and practice. The successful issue
of many of the investigations of the stations
has been a very important factor in creating
this demand. There has also been the ne-
cessity of giving the farmers preliminary
information along the line of many investi-
gations, in order that they might clearly
understand the practical application of the
new results which,-the stations had ob-
tained. But beyond this there has been
during the last decade a remarkable awak-
ening of our farmers to the desirability of
having more definite information regarding
all matters connected with their business.
The result has been that the stations and
this Department have been led to publish a
vast amount of information, both old and
20) Dees SCIENCE.
new, which has been freely distributed to
farmers in’ every county of the Union.
Nothing like it has ever been seen before.
No country has ever before attempted so
systematic and thorough a distribution of
information to its agricultural population,
and no masses of farmers have ever so
eagerly sought for information as have our
own within the past few years; and not
only has the free information furnished by
the stations and the Department been
eagerly sought for, but this period has also
been remarkable for the amount of accurate
information distributed to the farmers
through the agricultural press and other
newspapers and the number of good books
on farming which have been published.
Besides this, the agricultural societies,
granges, farmers’ institutes, and other as-
sociations have been more active than ever
before in discussing the problems of agri-
culture and in securing the services of ex-
perts and successful practical men to lay
before them the fruits of science and expe-
rience for the more successful conduct of
the art of agriculture. Such an intellec-
tual awakening must have most important
results, and there is every indication that
it will go on increasing in volume and force
until it has thoroughly permeated the entire
agricultural population of the country.
To secure the best results such a move-
ment needs the wisest leadership to guide
its aspirations in the best directions. For-
tunately the facilities for agricultural edu-
cation of a high order have been greatly
increased within a few years, and there is
to-day a much larger number of well-
trained men who are competent to give the
farmers the information which they demand
than was the case ten years ago. What is
especially needed now is the more thorough
organization of the agencies for the diffu-
sion of information among the farmers.
Thus far the officers of our agricultural col-
leges and experiment stations have had to
[N. 8. Vou. IX. No. 215.
bear the heaviest portion of this burden,
and it is much to be wondered at that they
have so well discharged the great variety
of duties imposed upon them ; but the time
has come when there must be a specializa-
tion of work in this as in other directions if
we are to have the most efficient agencies
for the securing as well as for the dissemi-
nating of agricultural information.
Everybody now admits that much may
be done to advance agriculture by scientific
investigations, but the absorbing character
of this work, if it is to be well done, is not
as yet thoroughly appreciated. The dis-
covery of new truth is the chief function of
our experiment stations, but the amount of
new truth which they will discover will be
very largely determined by the extent to
which the investigators are left to pursue
their investigations without interruption.
The same is true regarding the teacher in
our agricultural colleges. He must have
time to keep pace with the increasing vol-
ume of new information which is being
published, and be able to give his best ener-
gies to the planning of courses of study,
and come before his pupils with an active
mind, in order that he may not only im-
part knowledge to them, but may inspire
them with something of his own enthusiasm
regarding the subjects which he teaches.
The writer of popular bulletins and books
for farmers must not only have ample
knowledge, but he must have had time to
acquire the most complete sympathy with
his readers and a style of composition
which is confessedly the most difficult to
attain. The farmers’ institute worker
should not only have wide familiarity with
the science and practice of agriculture, but
he should also have a ready wit and the
fine art of putting things in a clear light
and changing his point of view according to
his audience, which can only come through
natural aptitude combined with much ex-
perience in public asking. Many of our
FEBRUARY 10, 1899. ]
best investigators and teachers have a won-
derful versatility, so that they succeed pretty
well in a number of different lines of work,
but after all there is some one direction in
which they excel, and one or the other
feature of their work is almost sure to suffer
if they attempt a great variety of perform-
ances. We must in the future leave the
investigators more fully to their investiga-
ting, the teachers to their teaching, the
writers of agricultural publications to their
writing, and the farmers’ institute workers
to their speaking.
Already the movement in this direction
has begun. In our colleges changes are be-
ing made by which the experiment station
offices are given more time for their inves-
tigations, and additional teachers are being
employed. One of our stations has recently
employed an officer whose chief business it
is to edit the station publications and pre-
pare popular bulletins for the farmers. At
another institution the superintendent of
farmers’ institutes is a separate officer, and
in a few States a corps of institute workers,
exclusive of the college and station officers,
has been organized. This movement should
be encouraged, and the governing boards
should see to it that the officers of stations
are protected against unreasonable de-
mands on their time, which would take
them away from the planning and con-
ducting of thorough original investiga-
We do not urge this because we wish to
limit the disseminatian of compiled infor-
mation to our farmers. We fully recog-
nize the importance of this, and we would
have the States and the National Govern-
ment make ample provision for compiling
and publishing all the information which
our farmers ought to have. But we would
insist more strongly than ever that original
investigations by our experiment stations
should be made more thorough and in-
creased in number, in order that the stream
of new information may increase in purity
and volume with every year.
One of the most encouraging things con-
nected with the progress of our experiment
stations has been the disposition of the
State Legislatures to deal more liberally
with them as the importance of their
work has become more apparent. This
liberality has manifested itself in a number
of ways. ‘There have been large grants of
money directly for experiment-station pur-
poses. In the erection of buildings for the
colleges provision has often been made for
increasing the facilities for experiment-sta-
tion work. The printing of station publi-
cations is regularly done in a number of
States at the public expense. The laws re-
lating to inspection of agricultural com-
modities have been so framed that a con-
siderable revenue has accrued to the sta-
tions for purposes of investigation. The
increased means thus acquired have en-
abled the stations in a number of States to
push their work far beyond what could
have been accomplished with the Hatch
fund alone. In comparing the work of dif-
ferent stations this factor should always be
taken into account, and communities in
which a more narrow policy has been pur-
sued must not expect that their stations
will be able to do as much for their agricul-
ture as is accomplished by stations receiv-
ing more liberal treatment.
We believe that under our American sys-
tem nothing can be more promotive of the
highest interests of the stations than that
the States should take a just pride in
strengthening and developing their opera-
tions, and thus prove to the world that
scientific institutions based upon the sup-
port of the people can be made as strong and
efficient as those which are directly main-
tained under the centralized authority of
the General Government.
While asa rule our stations have been
free from the baneful influence of the intro-
duction of political considerations into their
management, there are still some States and
Territories in which politics have been a
disturbing element in the affairs of the sta-
tions during the past year. This has re-
sulted in unreasonable changes in the mem-
bership of the governing boards, the re-
moval of efficient officers without cause or
on inconsequential pretexts, and, in a few
cases, in the appointment of notoriously in-
competent men as station officers. This
Department has consistently held that
where such an unsettled state of affairs ex-
ists the real objects of the Hatch Act can
not be attained, since these involve, first of
all, a corps of competent specialists working
under a well-defined policy, outlined to
cover a series of years of interrupted inves-
tigation, and having an assuranee that their
work will be judged on its merits. It was
not hesitated to protest against the action
of governing boards wherever there was a
plain case of violation of the proper princi-
ples of station management. The communi-
ties which permit such things, of course, reap
their reward in the weakness or inefficiency
of the operations of the stations. The rem-
edy lies very largely with the people, and
every effort should be made to form intelli-
gent public sentiment on this subject.
For the past two years Congress has in-
cluded in the appropriation for agricultural
experiment stations an item for investiga-
tions regarding the agricultural capabilities
of Alaska, with the special object of deter-
mining the desirability and feasibility of
establishing agricultural experiment sta-
tions in that Territory. With the first year’s
appropriation a preliminary agricultural
and botanical survey of Alaska was made, a
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 215.
report on which was transmitted to Con-
gress. The results of this reconnoissance
were so encouraging that the appropriation
for this work was doubled, and during the
present year not only has the survey been
continued, but reservations of land have
been made at Sitka, Kadiak and Kenai in
Cook Inlet, and some successful experi-
ments in growing and maturing barley,
oats, flax, potatoes and other vegetables
have been made, and excellent clover and
grasses have been grown under cultivation.
The detailed report of this work will soon
be transmitted to Congress, and it is hoped
that hereafter Alaska will receive at least
the same financial support for experiments
in agriculture as is given to the other por-
tions of the United States by the National
The Hawaiian Islands having been an-
nexed to the United States, the question of
the development of their agriculture through
experimental inquiries, conducted on the
same plan as in other parts of the United
States, has become an important one. It
seems proper, therefore, in this connection
to call attention to the fact that an experi-
ment station has been in successful opera-
tion at Honolulu since 1895. This station
is under the direction of the Hawaiian
Sugar Planters’ Association, which supplies
the funds for its maintenance. The Direc-
tor and Chief Chemist is Dr. Walter Max-
well, formerly an assistant in the Division
of Chemistry in this Department, and later
one of the chemists of the Louisiana Exper-
iment Stations. The other members of the
staff are two chemists and a field assistant.
This station has studied especially the
problems relating to the culture of sugar
cane and the manufacture of cane sugar,
but there have also been experiments with
fertilizers, and a comprehensive investiga-
tion of the soils of the Islands. The results
FEBRUARY 10, 1899.]
of the station’s work have been published
in the Hawaiian Planters’ Monthly, and in
bulletin form. The station has been ably
directed, and its work has been systematic-
ally and successfully pursued.
Besides the work done in the supervision
of expenditures of the stations and in con-
ferences and correspondence with station
officers, this office has continued to collect
and disseminate information regarding the
progress of agricultural investigations
throughout the world. Not only has this
feature of its work been made more
thorough, as regards the review of the
literature of agricultural science for the
benefit of our station workers, but the
preparation of popular réswmés of station
work has been more systematically pur-
sued. A series of such publications, de-
nominated Experiment-Station Work, has
been begun in connection withthe Farmers’
Bulletins issued by the Department.
During the year the office issued about
43 documents, aggregating 2,920 pages.
These include 13 numbers of the Experi-
ment Station Record, with detailed index,
12 bulletins, 7 Farmers’ Bulletins (includ-
ing 4 numbers of the subseries entitled
‘Experiment Station Work’), 1 circular, 4
articles for the Year Book of the Depart-
ment, the annual report of the Director, a
report to Congress on the work and ex-
penditures of the experiment stations, and
4 special articles published as separates.
The ninth volume of the Experiment
Station Record comprises 1,214 pages, and
contains abstracts of 317 bulletins and 56
annual reports of 53 experiment stations in
the United States, 201 publications of the
Department of Agriculture, and 842 reports
of foreign investigations. The total num-
ber of pages in these publications is 56,569.
The total number of articles abstracted is
1,810, classified as follows: Chemistry,
121; botany, 86; fermentation and bac
teriology, 28; zoology, 31; meteorology,
57; water and soils, 72; fertilizers, 85;
field crops, 153; horticulture, 138; fores-
try, 16; seeds and weeds, 41; diseases of
plants, 107; entomology, 252; foods and
animal production, 186; dairy farming and
dairying, 151; veterinary science, 134 ;
technology, 11; agricultural engineering,
38; statistics, 103. Classified lists of arti-
cles, in some cases with brief abstracts, are
also given in each number. The aggre-
gate number of titles thus reported is
Agricultural experiment stations are now
in operation, under the Act of Congress of
March 2, 1887, in all the States and Terri-
tories. As stated above, agricultural ex-
periments have been begun in Alaska with
the aid of national funds, and an experi-
ment station is in operation in Hawaii
under private auspices. In each of the
States of Alabama, Connecticut, New
Jersey and New York a separate station
is maintained, wholly or in part, by State
funds, and in Louisiana a station for sugar
experiments is maintained, partly by funds
contributed by sugar planters. Excluding
the branch stations established in several
States, the total number of stations in the
United States is 54. Of these, 52 receive
the appropriation provided for in the Act of
Congress above mentioned. The total in-
come of the stations during 1898 was $1,-
210,921.17, of which $720,000.00 was re-
ceived from the National Government; the
remainder, $490,921.17, coming from the
following sources: State governments,
$341,897.94; individuals and communi-
ties, $177.20; fees for analyses of fertili-
zers, $93,677.00 ; sales of farm products,
$65,358.25 ; miscellaneous, $20,312.48. In
addition to this the Office of Experiment
Stations had an appropriation of $35,000
for the past fiscal year, including $5,000 for
the Alaskan investigation. The value of
additions to equipment of the stations in
1898 is estimated as follows: Buildings,
$109,851.65; libraries, $11,700.73; appa-
ratus, $19,195.48 ; farm implements, $10,-
800.27; live stock, $13,151.33; miscel-
laneous, $11,972.97 ; total, $176,469.41.
The stations employ 669 persons in the
work of administration and inquiry. The
number of officers engaged in the different
lines of work is as follows: Directors, 75;
chemists, 148; agriculturists, 71; experts
in animal husbandry, 10; horticulturists,
77; farm foremen, 29; dairymen, 21; bot-
anists, 50; entomologists, 46; veterina-
rians, 26; meteorologists, 20 ; biologists, 11 ;
physicists, 11; geologists, 6; mycologists
and bacteriologists, 19; irrigation engi-
neers, 7; in charge of substations, 15 ; sec-
retaries and treasurers, 23; librarians, 10,
and clerks, 46. There are also 21 persons
classified under the head of ‘“ miscellan-
eous,”’ including superintendents of gardens,
grounds and buildings, apiarists, herdsmen,
ete. Three hundred and five station officers
do more or less teaching in the colleges with
which the stations are connected.
During 1898 the stations published 406
annual reports and bulletins. Besides reg-
ular reports and bulletins, a number of the
stations issued press bulletins, which were
widely reproduced in the agricultural and
county papers. The mailing lists of the
stations now aggregate half a million
names. Correspondence with farmers
steadily increases, and calls upon station
officers for public addresses at institutes
and other meetings of farmers are more
numerous each year. The station officers
continue to contribute many articles on
special topics to agricultural and scientific
journals. A number of books on agricul-
tural subjects, written by station officers,
have been published during the past year.
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 215.
In going over this subject I have discov-
ered a very simple method, which I would
offer as an improvement on that of van’t
Hoff, referred to, and its results given by
Starling in Schaefer’s ‘ Physiology.’
All methods as to osmotic pressure are
an application of the discovery that it is
the largeness or smallness of the chemical
molecules of solutes (matters in solution)
that determines whether they shall be
estopped by or shall pass through mem-
branes. Citing common-places of chemis-
try, we know that a gram-molecule of
hydrogen gas, with a numerical value of 2,
has the same volume as a gram-molecule of
oxygen, weighing 382 per molecule, and as a
gram-molecule of cane sugar dissolved in
water, having a molecular weight of 342 and
when in solution acting like a gas. The
common volume of a gram-molecule of
each of these substances, at 0°C. and ordi-
nary barometric pressure, is 22.32 liters ;
if the gases be compressed to the volume
of 1 liter they will exercise a pressure of
22.32 atmospheres per gram-molecule. This
is the result with all solutions in water
when taken according to their molecular
pressure. But it will not apply to electro-
lytes, as these are broken up by the water ;
thus for sodium chlorid the value is 1.6
times this amount.
Taking as an example a 1 per cent. solu-
tion of cane-sugar in water, a gram-mole-
cule, that is 342 grams, of the sugar are
dissolved in 34,200 grams of water, or
1, of a gram-molecule in a liter of water.
This will, therefore, exert #9, of 22.32
atmospheres of pressure; or taking 10.33
meters of water pressure for an atmos-
phere, we find from the osmotic pressure
of the solution at 0°C. p= 38; xX 22.32 x
10.383 = 6.748 meters of water-pressure.
At the ordinary temperature of the body,
37°C., this will be increased by 375 of
FEBRUARY 10, 1899.]
itself, giving 7.662 water-meters, or about
25 feet of water-pressure.
For any other solute than sugar we have
only to substitute its molecular weight for
the denomination 342 in the above work.
Substituting 2 for it, for hydrogen, the re-
sult is 1153 water-meters, a forcible token
of its lively diffusibility.
The Freezing-Point.—Though this has no
connection with physiology, the lowering of
the freezing-point in solution is cited by
Starling as a step towards finding osmotic-
pressure, which we have seen to be de-
terminable in a less troublesome way. We
give the converse case; having found the
pressure, to ascertain by its aid the freez-
ing point of a 1 p. ec. solution of cane-
The law of thermodynamics gives this
proportion :
Work done __
Heat during it —
Lowering (A) of Total Heat
Total Heat.
In this case the work done is 6.748 water-
meters-pressure (as was found above). The
heat doing it is the latent part of water,
79.9 calories per gram, which is reduced to
water-meters-pressure by multiplying by
The total heat is the absolute tempera-
ture at 0°C.; this is 273. Thus the propor-
tion becomes
427 (79.9) 278,
giving A = 0°.054C. This result is substan-
tially identical with that cited by Starling
from vyan’t Hoff, and signifies that the par-
ticular solution of sugar in water lowers
the freezing-point more than one-twentieth
of a degree. If the solution had repre-
sented a gram-molecule of sugar in a liter
of water the depression of the freezing-
point would be nearly 2°C., a constant
well-known to physicists.
Writers on physiology usually state that
processes of absorption within the body are
more rapid than can be fully explained by
experiments on diffusion. A partial ex-
planation of this peculiarity will, I think,
be found in the fact that experiments are
made on dead and comparatively rigid
membranes, and the living membranes of
the body are almost fluid in their soft-
ness. Whether osmosis be by a transitory
combination or by passing through tem-
porary pores, it involves in the living body a
minimum of friction. We know how much
more rapidly blood. can pass through flexi-
ble, living vessels than through rigid tubes.
(1 am indebted to my colleague Professor
E. H. Loomis for advice.)
January 5, 1899.
Aw exceedingly interesting and instrue-
tive experiment has been in progress dur-
ing the last few years at Sibley College,
Cornell University, the outcome of which
will perhaps have peculiar interest for all
who are concerned with education and pro-
fessional training, the data of which experi-
ment are exhibited in the accompanying
diagram, showing the growth in numbers
of that college from its date of reorganiza-
tion as a professional school, in 1885, to the
present time. The diagram is taken from
the paper read before the Association of
Promotion of Engineering Education, at
the Boston meeting of 1898, by the writer.
Up to the year 1885 Sibley College was
without expert direction, a definite policy,
a settled curriculum or a systematically
organized faculty. It had been established
as a ‘school of the mechanic arts’ for
many years, but had not graduated a hun-
dred students in its whole career. In 1885
the Trustees of the University found them-
selves in a position to undertake the work
of reorganization and reconstruction on
a higher plane and in a more modern way.
Mr. H. Sibley had enlarged and improved
the College buildings and greatly added to
the outfit of laboratory apparatus and work-
shops, and it was considered practicable to
undertake the inauguration of schools of
undergraduate and post-graduate work in
the various branches of mechanical engi-
neering and the mechanic arts. Space was
‘available and the apparatus was sufficient
to meet the needs, as was thought, of as
many as 200 students in its various depart-
ments. The institution was placed in the
hands of a Faculty composed entirely of
professional experts ; the course was recon-
structed and made mainly technical; the
entrance requirements were made to ac-
cord, as closely as was thought practicable,
with those of the most advanced of existing
schools of a similar class, and the equip-
ment was made modern in character and
exceptionally extensive in each of its pro-
fessional branches.
Later, special courses were established,
undergraduate and advanced, in electrical
engineering, in marine engineering, in rail-
way machine construction, etc., and the
College was brought into the form now
familiar to our professional educators and
technical men.
The immediate result of this reconstruc-
tion of the institution was to bring up the
attendance from an average, for the earlier
years, of about a dozen, with an average of
five in the graduating classes, to about a
hundred ; while the graduating classes in
the course of the next four years ran up to
30, in ten years to 100, and while the stu-
dent-list increased to 400 in five years and
to 634 in less than ten. In two years the
College had reached its originally estimated
limit, and the Director was compelled to
notify the Trustees that some means must
be found to prevent overcrowding. It was
attempted to restrict admissions to the
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 215.
freshman class ; but this proved ineffective,
as students would then enter other depart-
ments of the University, and, later, transfer
to the upper classes of Sibley College.
Meantime the numbers increased ; the fac-
ulty was enlarged, new buildings were
added and equipment greatly increased,
without relief from the continual overcrowd-
ing and pressure in all departments and in
every phase of work.
Finally it was concluded to adopt a rad-
ical and certain method of checking an
influx of students which threatened to de-
moralize the institution by flooding all
departments and overworking the whole
staff, while, hardly less serious, making
heavy inroads upon the always hard-pressed
income of the University, which was
already overloaded by the enormous de-
mands of the State of New York for State ©
scholarships — now 600 in number — for
which no compensation was made to the
University. The immediate outcome was
the cutting-down of the entering classes 40
per cent., by demanding of them an addi-
tional year in mathematics ; permitting the
freshmen to take up analytical geometry
and the calculus, and the sophomores to
give their time for the year, in that branch,
to applied mechanics, the backbone of every
technical course. This was done in 1893,
and classes which would have entered about
175 strong were pruned down, by this ex-
clusion of the weakest applicants, to some-
thing above 100. The ‘ cream was skimmed’
and a magnificent body of students thus
secured ; but the result, on the other hand,
was then and later the compelling of hun-
dreds of young men to go directly into busi-
ness, who, otherwise, would have secured a
systematic and scientific preparation for
their life’s work. The facts of this very in-
teresting case are shown in the accompany-
ing diagram, originally from the report of
the Director of Sibley College to the Board
of Trustees of Cornell University, June,
FEBRUARY 10, 1899.]
1898. The experiment, in so definite and
conclusive a form, is so unexampled and
the results so exceedingly instructive and
suggestive to faculties, or others proposing
to deal in a radical manner with so delicate
a subject, that it has been thought that a
wide circulation of these facts would prove
acceptable and useful in many ways.
In illustration of the sensitiveness of the
average technical college to changes in
entrance requirements and consequent
changes in its relations to the preparatory
schools as now customarily conducted,
ignoring demands of any other than aca-
entrance and of the course itself, meantime.
Referring to the diagram: Following the
upper line, A, we observe that the total
registration began rising instantly upon the
establishment of an engineering course,
from about 100, in 1886, to 200, nearly, in
1887, 300 in ’89, 400 in 790, 500 in ’92, and
to 638 in the year terminating June, 1894.
At this point the non-professional entrance
requirements were raised by demanding an
additional year of higher mathematics,
thus permitting the freshmen to take up
analytical geometry and the calculus, and
the sophomore class to study and complete
amt T b
Togo | os
oe §
900 “5
3} oy
800 -3| —R3y i—
2 i] or
700 c 1%
~ VY
& , 2
me EL—<o<a — 4
| | i pees ee
500 2 s g a
a ie} eo ara hy
400 3 “3 $e Le
Tc 3) on “7
' Q Ca 2 ot O
300 oto lemmines 2 Lenten
gi w 9 1 CPL “+
po Mlyass Zen | ere” &
200 = per im fs =|
(ae es em in en ee
100 @ G=Clraduatss in M: 7 en |
D — Graduates jin M\M.E. |----+--7"
18% 86 87 88 89 1890 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 $9 1900
demic colleges and universities, it will be
instructive to study the accompanying dia-
grammatic representation of the working
of such a change compelled by the increase
in numbers of students beyond what was at
the time thought a limit for good work and
of suitable equipment and accommodations.
The accompanying diagram presents
the statistics of growth of Sibley College
from 1885, the date of its organization upon
its present basis, to 1897-8, and the pre-
sumptive changes to A. D. 1900, assuming
no further modification of the conditions of
applied mechanics—a change which proved
of enormous advantage in improvement of
the course of study. But the registration
necessarily at once dropped off to lower fig-
ures, until, in the year 1896-7, the registra-
tion of undergraduates was less than 500.
On the other hand, the numbers of the
graduating classes continued to rise until
this change had its full effect, and num-
bered 125 in June, 797, but will not exceed,
probably, 95 in ’99; after which date it may
be expected to again resume its upward
march. Curves B and C show the num-
bers of these classes at graduation and at
their entrance into the College.
The line a 6 indicates what might have
been expected had no such radical and un-
precedented increase of the demands at
entrance been made. The College would,
at its then rate of growth, have attained a
census of 1,000 students in 1898 or 1900,
possibly 1,200 in the latter year. Numbers
were then restricted by thus cutting the ex-
pectant entrance-class in half and its num-
bers fell as shown, and the dotted line, ¢ d,
indicates where the figures will probably
reach, at those dates, as now thus reduced.
Similarly, the lines f h and g i show what
numbers were promised, between the speci-
fied dates, under the one, and what under
the later, arrangement. The lines 7 kand/ m
show what shouid have been and what actu-
ally will probably be the magnitude of the
graduating classes, in 1898 to 1900, inclusive.
The line D indicates the number of students
taking the Master’s degree. The peculiar
‘hump’ at the date’89, on B, indicates the ef-
fect of the unsuccessful attempt to restrict
numbers at that date by limiting the num-
ber accepted.
Just what is to be considered the real
balance between advantage and disadvan-
tage due the noted elevation of the entrance
requirements, in ’94, is perhaps difficult to
decide. It has given a vastly better course ;
but the difference between the lines a 6 and
ed shows that the College has lost the op-
portunity to benefit many hundreds of stu-
dents who have, as it is, been compelled, in
most cases, probably, to go into business
without professional training and who are
thus placed almost hopelessly in the rear of
their more fortunate fellows in their strug-
gle for success through life.*
R. H. Tourston.
UNIVERSITY, January 2, 1898.
* Proceedings Society for Promotion of Engineering
Education, 1898.
[N. 8. Von. 1X. No. 215.
In teaching the reversal of the metallic
lines in the Fraunhofer spectrum it is often
difficult for the student to get a concrete
idea of the principle that a molecule or
atom will absorb especially radiant energy
whose period is identical with the inherent
period of the molecule itself.
A customary method of illustrating this
point is with two tuning forks upon reso-
nance boxes, but this requires very careful
manipulation and is not altogether satisfac-
tory. The following method has proved
quite satisfactory :
The suggestion of Lord Kelvin for a me-
chanical illustration of a molecule having
inherent periods of vibration is used, re-
placing his spherical shells by rings. Such
a molecule with one rate is shown in Fig. I.
The ring A is about 20 em. in diameter and
made of brass rod about 1 cm. in diameter ;
the ball B is preferably somewhere near the
same mass as the ring A. The three spiral
springs S are wound about 2 cm. diameter
of about No. 22 hard brass wire.
Such a molecule has a rate of vibration
of about 4 or 5 per second when suspended
on along string as at D. A close spiral
spring C, similar to S, but about 50 cm.
long, is attached to the ring at LZ, the other
end being held between the thumb and finger
at TF.
While holding this spring slightly tense
it can be set into longitudinal stationary
waves by compressing the part at P toward
TF and then letting go. The period of
these vibrations depends upon the length
TF to E. Commencing with this length
about 15 to 20 em., it will be observed that
the stationary waves in C do not effect the
molecule. Taking C longer and longer a
point is reached where the waves in C are
taken up and a decided vibration is set up
between A and B. That is, the molecule
absorbs the energy from C when its period
FEBRUARY 10, 1899.]
is the same as its own inherent period. If
the length of C be now slightly changed,
the phenomenon of beats is readily apparent.
An electric are will throw a sharp shadow
of this apparatus upon a screen and make
the experiment visible to a large audience.
The spring C may be replaced by an electri-
casts or impressions. The materials com-
monly used for this purpose are beeswax
(either pure or mixed with some stiffening
substance, such as ozocerite or paraffine),
dentists’ modeling composition (which must
first be softened in water heated nearly to
the boiling point), glue, gelatine, melted
cally excited tuning fork or other mechan-
ical appliance.
The armature of a small electro-magnet
may be attached to the ring at H and the
current interrupted by some mechanical
circuit breaker whose rate can be varied.
A molecule like Fig. 2 would have several
inherent rates depending upon the relative
masses of A, B, C, Dand upon their con-
necting springs. Ingenuity will suggest
many variations or improvements upon
these suggestions.
Wiui1AmM HALuoce.
PALEONTOLOGISTS have constantly to deal
with organic remains preserved in the
rock in the form of natural casts, molds
and impressions, for the proper study of
which it is indispensable to take reverse
sulphur, and, of course, the common plaster
of paris. One writer* has suggested the
use of tinfoil for taking repoussé impres-
sions, the foil being afterwards coated with
varnish to insure retention of its shape.
Each of the above-named substances has
its own special advantages and applicability
in certain cases. Buta comparatively new
plastic material which is especially well
adapted for modeling purposes, and hence
is of interest to the taxidermist, cartog-
rapher and others, is that known as plasti-
line. This is the invention of Professor
Luighi Giudice, of Genoa, Italy, by whom
it has recently been perfected, and is,
* Goodchild, H. G., How to take Impressions of Fos-
sils (Geol. Mag. [3], Vol. IX., p. 206), 1892. See
also, for various hints on modeling: Osborn, H. F.,
Models of extinct Vertebrates (SCIENCE, Vol. VII.,
p. 841), 1897. Davis, W. M., and Curtis, G. C., The
Harvard Geographical Models ( Proc. Boston Soc. Nat.
Hist., Vol. XXVIII., p. 85), 1897.
we believe, exclusively prepared. It was
brought to the writer’s attention not long
since through his friend Miss Hyatt, the
well-known sculptor of Cambridge, who
states that it has come into general use
among artists during the past few years.
It does not appear, however, to have be-
come known, or at least extensively em-
ployed in natural history laboratories, as it
certainly deserves to be.
The following properties are claimed for
plastiline in a circular obtained by the
principal dealers in this country, Messrs.
L. P. Pastorini & Co., of 1140 Third Ave-
nue, New York :
“Tt is lighter than clay, does not dry nor contract,
and remains firmly attached where it is placed, what-
ever be the quantity employed. It will not mildew
nor produce any other fungus growth ; will preserve
indefinitely the shape given it, its color, and its ad-
hesive and plastic properties. Heat or cold, and
dryness or moisture of the atmosphere, have no effect
upon it, whether exposed or hermetically sealed,
Another great advantage is its harmlessness to
‘*Plastiline is used in exactly the same way as
clay. A layer or two of painters’ glue applied upon
the wooden framework of the model or base will
prevent any absorption of plastiline and greatly
facilitate the latter’s adhesion. To take the impres-
sion of an object and to prevent the composition from
adhering to the original, powder the plastiline with
pulverized talcum (glove powder). Plastiline does
not adhere to the plaster when a cast is made. To
insure the easy removal of the latter, simply bathe
with water the outside of the plaster cast, when it
will detach readily.* To give afiner finish to certain
parts of the model, the application of a brush with
alcohol or spirits of turpentine is reeommended.”’
Plastiline is supplied in three grades of
consistency ; No. 1 being the softest, or
about the same as glazier’s putty; No. 2
being medium soft, and No. 3 medium hard.
For taking impressions of fossils we have
found No. 2 very satisfactory, but to render
it more plastic one has only to knead it with
a little vaseline or sweet oil. The best
*For taking plaster casts directly from natural
objects no better lubricant can be employed than a
mixture of vaseline and refined kerosene oil.
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 215.
modeling tools are those used by sculptors,
which consist of fine iron or brass wire
wound evenly about a stiff wire loop and
fastened to a short handle. One should
always make his own tools, however, tak-
ing care to get the coils fine and even. Box-
wood spatulas, sand-papered down toa thin
edge, or even steel ones, such as plasterers
use, are convenient for shaping in the rough.
The chief advantages of this compound
consist in its non-liability to crack or dry
up—hence it retains the most delicate im-
pressions indefinitely ; in its durability, as
the same material can be used over again ;
in the ease with which plaster casts can be
taken from it; and finally in its general con-
venience, being always ready for use and
not requiring any care. For these reasons
we have thought it worth while to bring it
more prominently before the notice of nat-
C. R. EasTMan.
The Structure and Classification of Birds. By
FRANK E. BEDDARD, M.A., F.R.S., Prosec-
tor and Vice-Secretary of the Zoological
Society of London. London, New York and
Bombay, Longmans, Green and Co. 1898.
Pp. xx + 548, with 252 text figures. Price,
Mr. Beddard is to be congratulated upon
haying brought to a successful issue a task
contemplated, and even commenced, by his
predecessors, Garrod and Forbes, and as these
by their labors have done much to further the
work, and as their note-books have been freely
drawn upon, they too may be credited with a
share in the finished product. While we may
admit that a hand-book on avian anatomy is
scarcely so much needed now as it was when
conceived by Garrod, the present volume is none
the less welcome. The monumental treatise of
Fuerbringer and the detailed work of Gadow
are not at everyone’s disposal, and there are
still ornithologists who, to their sorrow, have
failed to acquire that knowledge of German
which is now almost indispensable to the orni-
FEBRUARY 10, 1899.]
thologist. Hence this book, replete with
anatomical facts, is one that no working orni-
thologist can afford to do without. Not only
does it contain a vast amount of original work,
but a host of references to that of others, and if,
as stated in the preface, one bird is occasionally
described under two names this is of small con-
sequence. It is a poor bird that does not re-
joice in at least two names, and there is no
danger now-a-days that questions of nomen-
clature will suffer from neglect.
The first 158 pages are devoted to the struc-
ture of birds, their more common anatomical
features being described under such heads as
pterylosis, alimentary canal, respiratory system,
ete. Then follow 376 pages on the classifica-
tion of birds where the structural characters of
each group are given in detail and the affini-
ties of each division discussed at some length.
As Beddard and his immediate predecessors in
the prosectorial chair have been more deeply in-
terested in the soft anatomy of birds than in their
osteology, it is not surprising to find the book
particularly strong in those portions relating to
myology and to the detailed structure of the
syrinx and alimentary canal. The amount of
original research displayed in these directions
can but excite the admiration of anyone who
has tried his hand at the dissection of small
birds and found how trying it is alike to tem-
per and eyesight.
This being the case the occasional slighting of
osteological characters—for instance, little or
nothing is said concerning the hypotarsus—
may be readily forgiven, as well as the rare
errors, mostly due to generalizations based on
insufficient data. For example, almost on the
first page we find the time-worn misstatement
that in the Swifts all four toes are directed for-
ward when this applies mainly, or wholly, to
the true Swifts, Micropodinx, since Hemiprocne,
and probably Macropteryx, cannot, and the com-
mon species of Chztura do not, turn the first toe
forward. Dr. Stejneger and Dr. Coues have
both stated the case correctly, and it is a pity to
have this error perpetuated. That the patella
of the Comorants is perforated by the tendon of
the ambiens is but partially true ; it is thus per-
forated in carbo, dilophus and vigua ; it is not in
urite, penicillatus, punctatus and melanoleucus,
while the orifice is minute in magellanicus and
A slip of another kind is made in describ-
ing the hyoid, where the text neither agrees
with the facts nor with the figure on the oppo-
site page; this last, however, is hardly to be
wondered at when scarcely any two writers are
agreed as to the nomenclature of the parts of a
bird’s hyoid, and the majority seem in some par-
ticular to be incorrect. These little errors are
pointed out merely to emphasize the danger of
generalizations from observations on a few
members of an apparently homogeneous group,
and to note that the field of avian anatomy is
so large that even the most diligent laborer
therein may overlook some of the distant cor-
Passing to the portion on classification it may
be said in the main that the groups are those
adopted by Fuerbringer and Stejneger. Bed-
dard’s divisions (orders?), corresponding, in a
general way, to the super-families of Stejneger
as given in the Standard Natural History.
There is naturally some shifting about of de-
batable forms, for it is not probable that any two
writers would agree on all points of classifica-
tion, this largely because birds, as a class, are so
homogeneous, while their minor modifications
are so infinite, that their arrangement is a diffi-
cult matter. To add to the difficulty, the ten-
dency is for convenience to pitch the divisions
ou too high a key, so that they are not compa-
rable to those of other vertebrates.
The two principal divisions are, like those of
Fuerbringer, Sawrure and Ornithure, the latter
being sub-divided into Anomalogonate and Ho-
malogonate, although, by a strange oversight,
the latter group is only incidentally defined
(p. 95), and is not even mentioned in the con-
tents, and only by the process of elimination
can we ascertain what birds belong to it.
A similar lapse occurs in treating of the Galli,
where, on page 302, we are told the Alectoro-
podes may readily be divided into three groups
and only two groups are given, while, to com-
plicate matters still further, four families are
spoken of a little later on.
Perhaps this may be considered as atoned for
by the casting overboard of the divisions
Ratile and Carinat# and the placing of Tina-
mous, next the Ostriches, since the above
groups have been clung to with a pertinacity
worthy a better cause, while the breastbone
of the Tinamous has too often barred them
from associating with their next of kin. It is
also gratifying to read that the likeness of
Hesperornis to the Ratites seems mainly to rest
upon the degenerate structure of the wings and
that it cannot be put down definitely as the an-
cestral form whence both grebes and divers have
branched off. The author might perhaps have
gone a little farther and said that the extreme
specialization of Hesperornis seems to indicate
that it represents one offshoot from the main
stem which terminated then and there. The
gulls are placed among the Limicole, but the
auks are omitted, although this may strike
some as showing undue _ partiality, while
the placing of the Flamingo with the Hero-
diones will be commended by some and con-
demned by others. The balance of evidence,
however, including some recent observations
on the feathers, seems to lean towards the as-
sociation here given, and this, like many other
instances, may well serve to illustrate the diffi-
culties that beset the classification of birds. In
writing of the skull of woodpeckers the author
apparently accepts the validity of the ‘sau-
rognathous’ type, but, later on, in discussing
the Hesperornithes, his allusions to ‘the pre-
sumed vomers of the woodpeckers’ shows that
he does not feel quite convinced, and for our
own part we agree with Shufeldt in considering
the so-called vomers as purely adventitious
ossifications. It may be here remarked that
Mr. Beddard is preeminently fair in his discus-
sion of all matters, the pros and cons of doubt-
ful questions being impartially considered, the
book being entirely free from any didactic
It would have been well in defining the groups
to have followed some uniform plan and, in-
stead of setting down characters indiscrimi-
nately, to have, so far as possible, given the
same characters, osteological, myological or
cecal, in the same order. This would have
facilitated comparison and enabled any one to
form a better estimate of the value of the vari-
ous groups. But while we may differ from Mr.
Beddard in the manner of using facts, we are
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 215.
deeply indebted to him for the vast number he
has placed at our disposal.
The mechanical execution of the book is ex-
cellent, the type clear and open, while the use
of black-faced type for family names and of
italics for anatomical characters is of great aid
to the reader. The table of contents, however,
is faulty, and it could be wished that the index
was more than an index to species.
F. A. Lucas.
Rivers of North America. A Reading Lesson for
Students of Geography and Geology. By
IsRAEL C. RussELL. New York, G. P. Put-
nam’s Sons; London, John Murray. 1898.
Pp. xix+ 327. 17 plates, 1 table and 23
figures in the text.
The third volume in The Science Series,
edited by Professor J. McK. Cattell, is the very
welcome monograph by Professor Israel C. Rus-
sell, the full title of which is quoted above. In
this, the fourth volume that Professor Russell
has given us concerning the greater topographic
forms of North America, we have a treatise that
has long been needed for every-day use, particu-
larly by those of us who are teachers. The
particular serviceableness of the book, however,
does not lie in the fact that Professor Russell
has given us a single-volume reference book
concerning American rivers, but because he first,
in this country, bas here presented a general
consideration of the work, function and phe-
nomena of rivers in general. Indeed, this vol-
ume is the best popular and yet scientific treat-
ment we know of the origin and development of
land forms, and we immediately adopted it as
the best available text-book for a college course
in physiography.
The nine chapters treat the many aspects of
rivers and drainage in a logical, concise, clear
and appealing manner, and, though in part they
must be read closely,are very attractive to begin-
ners because of the very apparent spirit in which
the book was written. No beginner in earth sci-
ence could gather from such a treatment the
common conception that geography deals with
‘dead things’ only. The book is full of life
and vigor, and shows the sympathetic touch of
a man deeply in love with nature. As we ex-
pected such a naturalist’s treatment, we turned
FERRUARY 10, 1899.]
first in our reading to one of the later chapters,
entitled ‘The Life History of a River,’ in
which Professor Russell has given us a de-
lightful summary of a river history as seen by
a supposed being sufficiently long-lived to have
outlived the river. In spite of the imagination
demanded for the writing or reading, or per-
haps better, because of the necessary imagina-
tion, the chapter in question is of exceptional
value in emphasizing the comparative lives of
man and earth forms, and the difficulty of gain-
ing proper ideas of time. It is, however, a
chapter that should be read as a summary and
not as an introduction by a beginner; for a
body of facts is necessary in order to have such
a broad view properly understood and appre-
The plan of the book is very logical and
practical, the first seven chapters being devoted
to a careful account of the details of river
work under the following larger headings:
The Disintegration and Decay of Rocks, Laws
Governing the Streams, Influence of Inequali-
ties in the Hardness of Rocks on Riverside
Scenery, Material Carried by Streams in Sus-
pension and in Solution, Stream Deposits,
Stream Terraces and Stream Development.
The last two chapters are devoted to consider-
ing the more important American rivers, and
the Life History ofa River, in whicha summary
use is made of the principles that have been
previously developed.
The first chapter is devoted toa consideration
of the processes of mechanical and chemical dis-
integration and the consequences of such work,
and forms a natural and necessary introduction
to the especial treatment of rivers, which
really begins in Chapter II. Here we finda
good treatment of the processes and results of
river erosion and transportation, and the impor-
tant controls of such river work. Especial
and perhaps a little too emphatic emphasis is
given to the effect of the rotation of the earth
upon river cutting, particularly as seen on
Long Island. From such a forceful exposition
of this control the beginner might uncon-
sciously gather an erroneous impression of its
importance in general.
The chapter devoted to the loads of rivers is
very detailed and one of the most important of
the book. In spite of numerous analyses and
tables, the text does not lose its interest, and
the treatment is not above the ability of the
average reader. The chapter is sufficiently
inclusive for general needs, and yet free from
the mathematical difficulties that scare the
student so frequently in text-book considera-
tions of this difficult subject. y.
In the consideration of river deposits the
author gives a whole chapter to one group,
namely, terraces, which, although of great
interest, are not of such world-wide significance
as the other greater groups considered together
in Chapter Y. In spite of this seeming divorce
of related subjects, the arrangement is good,
because the more normal conditions of river
deposition can thus be considered in extenso,
without too serious modification of the idea of
ariver’s life cycle. We are glad to see the
river deposits treated causally and inclusively.
The consideration of deltas is particularly help-
ful and to the point. The classification is good,
clear and workable, and one to be commended.
The influences of climate, elevation and de-
pression are treated at length, and the chapter
closes with a summary devoted to the cross and
longitudinal profiles of rivers illustrated with
a few clear diagrams.
The most helpful chapter in the book is that
devoted to stream development. Here we have
for the first time available for public use the
theory and the details of the newer classifica-
tion of land forms. The questions of stream
development and adjustment, the stages in
river history and the topographic forms to be
found in the various instances are considered
concisely and clearly. The newer terminology
is used with discretion and success. Only those
terms that have to a certain extent been estab-
lished by usage are included, and these are not
given dogmatically in technicallanguage. The
author has not written his chapter to explain
the terms to be found in the literature of his
subject, as is so often the case, but has given
each suggested term at the close of a clear ex-
position of a composite fact as a shorthand
method “of indicating the composite. The
student reader of this chapter would not, we
think, be led to use any term with quotation
marks, either oral or written, but would avoid
a concise method of expression until his ideas
were so clear that a short handle appealed to
him, not as a possible, but as a necessary con-
venience. The chapter as a whole is a very
serviceable text-book on modern physiography
and is of exceptional value to all who have
previously been embarassed by the inaccessi-
bility of the literature on this subject.
The footnote references are many and well
selected, and, although not complete, give a
good introduction to the general literature. The
illustrations are, on the whole, excellent, and
the form of reproduction has been unusually
successful. The book could well have been en-
riched with more illustrations of normal river
topography, and would then have been much
more valuable, both to student and teacher.
The typography is clear and pleasing, and the
book very attractive in its general form. A
good index completes the volume.
We read the book through almost at one sit-
ting, and laid it down with but two regrets:
first, that there was not more; and second,
that this, the best of the series of four mono-
graphs by Professor Russell, was not uniform in
general appearance with its predecessors. It is
certainly a misfortune that three publishers
should have issued these four books. Had they
been uniform in appearance, they would have
been of greater interest to the general reader,
especially to those who get pleasure from the
shelf as well as the hand appearance of a row
of related books.
We know of but few books that are so nearly
what one would desire as this book. Adverse
criticism can only be directed to details, and
lamentation over details is out of place when a
book is so generally pleasing as this.
Anatomy and Histology of the Mouth and Teeth.
By J. NorMAN BRooMELL, D. D. 8. Phila-
delphia, P. Blakiston’s Sons & Co. 1898.
With 234 Illustrations. 8vo. Pp. viii + 428.
The book contains the best account of the
teeth of man, which has yet appearéd in the
English language. It includes the treatment of
oral anatomy and of dental histology and de-
velopment. It is illustrated chiefly by original
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 215.
photographs engraved in half-tone. The most
important and most meritorious part of the
book is comprised in Chapters VIII.-XI. (pages:
131-280), which offer detailed and valuable
descriptions of the teeth, marred only by a.
fantastic subdivision of the incisors, canines
and first bicuspids of the upper jaw into four
types, bilious, nervous, sanguineous and lym-
phatic, an astonishing revival this of medi-
eeval pseudo-science in the midst of a work
otherwise serious and intelligent. The au-
thor’s descriptions are clear and admirable,
and by their thoroughness meet a real need.
In fact, it has long seemed singular that there
should be no adequate detailed account of
human teeth, but the need seems to be now
well supplied. A
The chapters on the teeth, above referred to,
are preceded by the seven which deal with the
anatomy of the oral region, and are followed
by six chapters on the development of the teeth,
the histology of oral structures and the his-
tology of the teeth. Dr. Broomell’s attempt
to apply photography for histological illustra-
tions is not encouraging, all of the figures of
microscopic structure being very far inferior to
cuts from drawings. Theaccount of the devel-
opment of the teeth is fairly good, but noq
equal to the standard of the anatomical part.
Some minor errors appear in the embryological
portions, for example, ‘ tooth band’ is used in-
stead of ‘dental shelf ;’ the tooth germ in Fig.
180 is so distorted that it gives no idea of the
true relations; in Fig. 181 the hole between the
tooth and the shrunken enamel organ is labeled
enamel. But it is not worth while to dwell
upon these defects in a work of solid merit.
The publisher’s share has been well executed,
the general appearance of the volume being
dignified and attractive, the printing excellent.
The Foundations of Zoology. WILLIAM KEITH
Brooks. Columbia University Biological Series.
Vol. V. New York, The Macmillan Company.
1899. $2.50.
The Native Tribes of Central Australia. BALDWIN
SPENCER and F. J. GILEN. London and New
York, The Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp.
x +671. $6.50.
FEBRUARY 10, 1899.]
Die Spiele der
Gustav Fischer.
Menschen. KARL GrRoos. Jena,
1899. Pp. iv-+538. Mark 10.
Zoological Results based on Material from New Britain,
New Guinea, Loyalty Islands and Elsewhere, collected
during the Years 1895-1897. ARTHUR WILLEY.
Cambridge University Press. 1899. Pt. 2. Pp.
121-206. 12s. 6d.
Lectures on the Evolution of Plants. DouGLAS HouGH-
TON CAMPBELL. New York and London, The
Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. viii+319.
Mental Arithmetic. J. A. MCLELLAN and A. F.
AMES. New York and London, The Macmillan
Company. 1899. Pp.x-+138.
New York State Museum. Forty-ninth Annual Re-
port of the Regents, 1895. Vol. 2, Report of State
Geologist, Albany. University of the State of
New York. 1898. Pp. 738.
Physical Chemistry for Beginners. DR. CH. VAN
DERVENTER. With an Introduction by PROFEs-
sor J. H VAN’? Horr. Translated by BERTRAM
B. Borarow. New York, John Wiley & Sons;
London, Chapman & Co. 1899. Pp. x+154.
THE Auk for January is an unusually large
number, and consequently is a little late in mak-
ing its appearance. It commences with Mr.
Chapman’s discussion of the ‘ Relationships of
Ammodramus maritimus and its Allies,’ which is
followed by Mr. O. B. Warren’s ‘ Chapter in the
Life History of the Canada Jay.’ Mr. Ober-
holser has a paper on ‘ The Blue Honey-Creep-
ers of Tropical America,’ for which the new gen-
eric name Cyanerpes is proposed, and Dr. Gill
considers the generic names Pediocetes and Poo-
extes, concluding that they must give way to
Pedioecetes and Pooecetes. Many new species
and subspecies are described, a New Hylocichla
by Mr. Oberholser, a number of new forms from
Mexico by Mr. Nelson, and several new species
and subspecies of N. A. Fringillidx by Mr. Ridg-
way. Under the caption ‘ Truth versus Error,’
Mr. Elliot and Dr. Allen continue the discussion
of the propriety of correcting mis-spelled scien-
tific names. Mr. Witmer Stone presents a
long report, very encouraging in parts, on ‘The
Protection of North American Birds,’ and,
finally, is the Ninth Supplement to the A. O.
U. Check List. This contains a long list of
changes, the most startling of which, perhaps,
is at the outset, where the generic oame for
the Loons is decided to be Gavia and the family
name Gaviide.
THE contents of The American Journal of
Science for February are as follows:
‘Contribution to the Study of Contact Metamor-
phism,’ by J. M. Clements.
‘Origin of Mammals,’ by H. F. Osborn.
‘Chemical Composition of Tourmaline,’ by S. L.
Penfield and H. W. Foote.
‘Littoral Mollusks from Cape Fairweather, Pata-
gonia, by H. A. Pilsbry.
‘Thermodynamic Relations for Steam,’ by G. P.
Stark weather.
‘Descriptions of imperfectly known and new
Actinians, with critical notes on other species, III,’ by
A. E. Verrill.
‘Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Boric
Acid,’ by L. C. Jones.
THE midwinter meeting of the Texas Acad-
emy of Science was held in Austin during the
last week of December. The program was as
follows :
Tuesday, December 27th.—(1) ‘Do the Reac-
tions of the Lower Animals due to Injury
indicate Pain Sensations?’ Professor W. W.
Norman, University of Texas. Numerous ex-
periments upon living animals were described
in detail and the conclusion reached that so far
as the invertebrates and the lower vertebrates
are concerned the reactions due to injury do not
necessarily indicate pain. (2) ‘Three Recent
Gifts to the University of Texas,’ Dr. W. J.
Battle. The gifts described in this paper con-
sisted of, 1st, a storage amphora from the cellar
of the Courts of Justinian in Constantinople ;
2d, a stone bearing an inscription recording the
gift of a crown to one Lysagoras by the people
of Ilium, and 3d, a twelfth century manuscript
of the Gospels from the Island of Prinkipos,
Sea of Marmora. These interesting objects
were presented to the University by the Hon.
Alexander Terrell, late Minister of the United
States to Turkey.
Wednesday, December 28th.—(1) ‘Some New
Measurements of Electric Waves,’ Regent R.
S. Hyer, Southwestern University. This valu-
able paper is already in the hands of the printer
and will soon be ready for distribution. (2)
‘Variations of Indian Corn when brought from
New York to Texas,’ Professor H. Ness, Agri-
cultural and Mechanical College of Texas.
The experiments here described were begun in
1896 at the suggestion of Professor L. H.
Bailey, of Cornell University. Corn, of the
same varieties, was planted at Ithaca, New
York, and College Station, Texas ; comparative
notes taken, and the results carefully tabulated.
(3) ‘An Analysis of the Factors determining
the Geographical Distribution of Plants in
Texas’ (read by title), Dr. William L. Bray,
University of Texas. (4) ‘Note onthe Descent
of Erythronium Bulbs into the Soil,’ Professor
O. C. Charlton, Baylor University. (5) ‘A Re-
view of Bulletin, No. 151, of the United States
Geological Survey,’ ‘The Lower Cretaceous
Grypheeas of the Texas Region,’ by Robert T.
Hill and T. Wayland Vaughan, Dr. Frederic
W. Simonds, University of Texas.
The recent publications of the Academy are:
‘Applications of Non-Euclidean Geometry,’ by
Dr. George Bruce Halsted; Address before
the Academy, by President L.S. Ross; ‘The
Essential Differences between Man and Other
Animals,’ by Dr. S. E. Mezes; ‘ Pedagogical
Notes on Mensuration,’ by Arthur Lefevre,
C.E.; ‘Science and the State,’ by the Presi-
dent of the Academy, Professor T. U. Taylor.
THE 494th meeting of the Society was held
January 21st, at8 p.m., at the Cosmos Club. An
informal communication ofan exceedingly inter-
esting character was given by Surgeon: General
Sternberg on Radiographs, accompanied by the
exhibition of some remarkable photographs by
the X-Rays. The first regular paper was by Dr,
L. A. Bauer (read by Mr. J. F. Hayford, of the
Coast and Geodetic Survey), the subject being
‘The Decomposition of the Earth’s Permanent
Magnetic Field.’ This paper was an attempt
to resolve the Earth’s permanent magnetic field
into component ones physically interpretable,
The normal distribution of the Earth’s magnet-
ism is defined as that which can be regarded
usresulting from a uniform magnetization about
(N.S. Von. 1X. No. 215.
a diameter inclined to the rotation axis. The
normal magnetic components (northerly, east-
erly and vertical) are next computed for 1800
points on the Earth’s surface between parallels
60° N. and 60° 8. These are then subtracted
from the observed values and thus the residual
components are obtained. With the aid of
these is mapped out that portion of the Earth’s
magnetism which cannot be referred to a uni-
form magnetization (or to equivalent effects)
about a diameter inclined to the Earth’s axis.
The residual field consists mainly of two trans-
verse magnetizations, one magnetic system lying
in the northern hemisphere, the north end at-
tracting pole being east of the south end at-
tracting pole, and the second system lying in
the southern hemisphere, the direction of
magnetization being the reverse of the former.
Striking coincidences manifest themselves be-
tween the characteristics of the residual field
and those of the diurnal variation field as de-
termined by Schuster. The foci of both fields
lie near parallels 40° (N. and 8.) As the author
is conducting other related investigations, he
refrains from drawing definite conclusions un-
til these investigations have been completed.
The second paper was by Mr. C. F. Marvin and
was a description of the apparatus employed at
several Weather Bureau stations during the
past summer for the purpose of making a pre-
liminary survey of meteorological conditions in
the upper air. The results obtained from these
investigations are now being classified and
worked up. <A special form of Hargrave cellu-
lar kite was employed and controlled in flight
from a convenient form of hand windlass. The
automatic records were obtained by means of a
special kite meteorograph, of the author’s de-
sign, and adapted to record the temperature,
pressure and humidity of the air and wind
velocity. The meteorograph was attached
firmly to the kite. Its weight, complete, was
2.1 pounds; that of the kite, about 8 pounds.
THE 284th regular meeting of the Anthropo-
logical Society was held Tuesday evening, Jan-
FEBRUARY 10, 1899. ]
uary 38, 1899. The members of the Woman’s
Anthropological Society were elected to mem-
bership in the Society, the former Society as a
body being absorbed by the Anthropological
Society. Miss Alice Fletcher read a paper on
‘A Pawnee Ritual,’ in which she laid stress
upon the fact that a literal translation of the
ritual did not convey the true meaning, did not
express the poetic thoughts or the real phil-
osophy of the ritual, and these could only be
obtained by a free translation, based upon an
intimate knowledge of the Indian’s picturesque
and poetic expression of his thoughts.
Mr. Francis La Flesche sang a part of the
ritual, to show the manner in which the Priest
rendered it. i
Discussed by Mr. Cushing.
Mr. W. H. Holmes read a paper on ‘One
Step in the Evolution of the Maya Temple.’
Mr. Holmes described the remarkable edifices
the ruins of which are found in numerous ancient
cities of the Maya territory, and dwelt briefly
upon their origin and development, but the
chief object of the paper was to indicate the
very pronounced influence of the corbelled
arch, sometimes called the Maya arch, on the
buildings. Without stopping to discuss the
question as to whether the suggestion of this
method of spanning chamber spaces came from
within or without the Maya province, the man-
ner in which it would probably supplant the
horizontal beam of wood or the slab of stone
was pointed out. Offsetting the upper stones
of a wall enabled the builder to span the space
with shorter beams or stones and led finally to
the exclusive use of stone, a great step in the
direction of permanency. The effect of the
arch upon the chambers was to widen them
considerably and greatly to increase their
height ; but the most remarkable result was ex-
terior, as the height was more than doubled.
The doorways were not changed, however, and
the original fagade remained the same, being
limited above by a heavy cornice representing
the ends of the horizontal beams or eaves of the
early period. ‘The added upper wall, carried
up vertically in Yucatan and at a high angle in
more southern sections, was devoted entirely
to ornament and became the most remarkable
feature of the structures, affording the builders
no end of opportunities for displaying their
genius for sculpture and their devotion to sym-
Discussed by Messrs. Cushing and McGee.
J. H. McCormicr,
THERE was an unusually good attendance at
the regular meeting of the Section. From the
psychologists there were papers by Chas. H.
Judd, of New York University, on ‘ The Visual
Perception of Linear Distances ;’ by B. B. Breese,
of Columbia, on ‘Some Experiments in the Vol-
untary Control of Retinal Rivalry,’ and by C. B.
Bliss, on ‘A Modification of one of the Psycho-
physical Methods.’
On the part of the anthropologists there was
a brief report by the returning members of the
expedition sent out by the American Museum
of Natural History to study the Gilliak tribes
of eastern Asia. A paper was then read by
A. Hrdlicka, of the Museum, giving the result
of a study of the custom of painting bones.
Two other papers on anthropology contained
in the program went over to the next meeting
for lack of time. C. B. Buiss,
2, 1899.
THE section was called to order by Chairman
Dudley, 19 persons being present. In the ab-
sence of the Secretary, Mr. T. G. White was
elected Secretary pro tem.
The first paper of the evening was by Pro-
fessor Wm. Hallock, printed on page 210.
In the discussion which followed, Professor
D. W. Hering suggested connecting the string
or spiral by which impulses are imparted to the
ring, to a tuning fork, the rate of vibration of
which could be regulated by weighing and
which could be operated electrically, for re-
ciprocating motion of small amplitude and of a
known rate.
The second paper was by Dr. F. L. Tufts on
the ‘ Absorption and reflection of sound waves
by porous materials.’ This paper gave the re-
sults of experiments on the transmission and re-
flection of sound by such materials as flour,
sand, sawdust, shot and a few different kinds
of cloths. It was stated that when sound waves
strike against materials pervious to air they
act very much like a pneumatic pressure, and
that the amount of sand transmitted through
such materials is inversely proportional to the
resistance offered by the materials to the pass-
age of a direct current of air. The results of
the experiments upon the reflection of sound
from the same materials showed that those ma-
terials that transmitted the greatest amount of
sound reflected the least. The paper also
contained an account of some experiments in
which the sound waves had to pass through
some pervious material, such as the curtains
upon a wall, and were then reflected back
through the same by the impervious wall.
In the discussion that followed the reading of
the paper Professor Hallock suggested the
practical application to the improvement of the
acoustics of rooms which might result from
these investigations, and the futility of the
method of string wires in large halls to break
up echoes, which had been often advised, but
which was disproved by these experiments.
Mr. Dudley also spoke of the attempts that
had been made to obtain materials absorptive
of sound, to deaden the noise in railroad cars.
The third paper was by Mr. P. H. Dudley, on
‘Translative curves of counter balance and
crank pins in running locomotives.’ It was
profusely illustrated by lantern views of loco-
motives in the various positions described.
These showed the loci of the center of gravity
of the counter weights, crank pins and driving
axles in running locomotives. Some of the
photographs showed the position of the counter
weights in the driving wheels of running loco-
motives in reference to the stremmatograph
under the rail. The counter weights added to
the driving wheels to balance the reciprocating
parts, crank pins, main and side connecting
rods, when the engine is running, besides ro-
tating around the axles, move along the rails
per revolution a distance equal to the circum-
ference of the drivers. The locus of the center
of gravity of the counter weights six inches from
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 215.
the tread of the tire in a seven-feet driving
wheel travels above the locus of the driving
axle more than three times as far as it does
below. The locus of the center of gravity of the
crank pin for 24-inch stroke of piston in a driv-
ing wheel of 7-feet diameter travels 44 per cent.
more above the locus of the driving axle than
below it.
The above cited facts show that the relative
velocities of the center of gravity of the counter
weights and crank pins are not constant for
each portion of a revolution as in the stationary
engine, but are unequal and constantly chang-
ing. Therefore, the forces generated are un-
equal, and perfect counter balance does not
obtain in the locomotive. Part of the unbal-
anced forces must be absorbed by the locomo-
tive itself and part by the permanent way.
The upper portion of the driving wheel moves
much faster than the lower portion running on
and in contact with the rail, in striking con-
trast to the uniform velocity of the rim of the
fly wheel of a stationary engine.
Dr. Dudley also showed lantern views of
running locomotives, in which the lower spokes
of the driving wheels were sharply defined,
while the upper ones, running so much faster,
were not stopped for the same exposure.
AT the meeting of the Academy of Science of
St. Louis of January 23, 1899, a paper by
Professor A. S. Hitchcock, entitled ‘Studies
on Subterranean Organs, Part I, Composite
of the vicinity of Manhattan, Kansas,’ dealing
with the structure of a number of rootstocks
with reference to their environment, was pre-
sented in abstract. Mr. C. H. Thompson also
spoke of some plants the flowers of which orig-
inate endogenously. He mentioned several
species of Rhipsalis in which the much reduced
leaves grow on triangular or cylindrical very
succulent stems, their axillary buds originating
deep down in the soft tissue and sometimes
having a passage-way extending toward the
surface. In two species of Rhipsalis (R. para-
doxa and R. floccosa) there is no such passage-
way, and the bud, in developing, breaks
FEBRUARY 10, 1899. ]
through the epidermis. In Rhipsalia glaucosa
a number of accessory abortive flowers were
found. Cuscuta glomerata was mentioned as the
only other plant in which, so far as the speaker
knew, subepidermal flowers occur.
One person was elected to active member-
Recording Secretary.
EpIToR oF Science: I fear that the sub-
ject may verge on becoming tedious to your
readers, but will ask the privilege of conclud-
ing my part in the discussion by a few com-
ments on two points raised in Mr. Bather’s
communication of January 10th (p. 154).
It will hardly be denied that the date of
printing will always be useful to the systema-
tist in noting a period earlier than which pub-
lication of a paper cannot be claimed, even if
we ignore the obvious fact that in nearly every
case it will now-a-days closely approach the
date of distribution or actual publication.
Hence, the committee should consider well be-
fore minimizing its value.
Secondly, it has been held, with some plausi-
bility, that the distribution by favor alone
should not constitute publication, but that the
ability of any one interested to procure a paper
by purchase is essential to an effective publica-
tion. If now, by a doctrine of ethics which ig
certainly novel to me, the committee decides
that no paper can be regarded as published
until the society which prints it is ready to sell
the complete volume of which it may form a
part, it is obvious that the committee has it in
contemplation to put a quietus on the prompt
publication of separate papers, unless this is
done commercially by the society in question,
in the first place. To this proposition I believe
it will be impossible to obtain the assent of
workers in systematic natural history, and
justly so.
The reasons are obvious and need not be
enlarged upon. I think it is not unfair to add
that most libraries in this country would rather
pride themselves on procuring, even at the cost
of seven shillings, at the earliest practicable
moment, a paper demanded by their readers ;
and would consider its belated acquisition in
the miscellaneous volume of a scientific so-
ciety, subsequently, as no reflection upon their
performance of their duties to the public,
Wo. H. Dat.
THE correlation of the Red-Beds of Kansas
has hitherto been impossible to satisfactorily
settle, as has been stated by Professor Prosser
in his admirable report upon them in the second
volume of the University Geological Survey of
Kansas. Many persons have diligently sought
for fossils in them, but entirely without success
until recently. About two years ago Mr. C. N.
Gould discovered a horizon just south of the
Kansas line and at the base of the Kansas
series, containing large numbers of a small
phyllopod crustacean, examples of which, when
referred to Professor T. Rupert Jones, through
Professor Prosser, were determined as Estheria
minuta with some doubt, as stated in his paper
in the Geological Magazine (1898, p. 291).
Associated with these crustacean remains, the
blocks sent with the skeleton showing numer-
ous specimens, was a large part of the skeleton
ofan amphibian. This specimen is now in the
University of Kansas collection, but so far has
been only partly freed from its matrix, a work
of much tediousness. The parts already brought
to light, however, enable me to determine it as
Eryops megacephalus Cope, a form described
from the ‘ Permian’ of Texas.
This identification settles once for all the
horizon whence it came as Permian, if the
Texas beds be really of that age. There are
several hundred feet of deposits in Kansas above
this horizon that. still possibly may be con-
sidered as Triassic, but there is no reason for
so doing. LEstheria minuta is a Triassic species,
but, even if correctly determined, its value is
slight in comparison with that of the vertebrate
in the correlation of the beds. It must be re-
membered, however, that Eryops is by no means
necessarily characteristic of the Permian,
8S. W. WILLIsTon.
Ir, according to my critic (ScIENCE, Dec. 16,
1898, p. 878), the efforts of the anti-vivisection-
ists are to be regarded as antics, or as the idiotic
spot upon the brain of many people, the writer
lacked wisdom in urging that men of science,
thus far only cognizant at second hand of the
points at issue, should divest themselves of the
bias of esprit-de-corps, and, emerging from the
influences exerted upon them by a sub-division
of their colleagues, decide, through their own
investigation, for or against experiments on liv-
ing animals.
In the writer’s opinion, however, not fully
expressed in the number of SCIENCE referred to,
the adequate hearing, which has not been,
should be given to the allegations of the anti-
vivisectionists, namely: (1) That the experi-
ments have not helped medical or scientific
knowledge. (2) That the experiments are not
properly restrained, and can be pursued in the
United States not only by scientific men, but
by tyros, or by others in an undue, excessive
and superficial manner. (3) That whether to
the advantage of scientific knowledge or not,
the practice of painful experiment on unwilling
living creatures, by a human mind aware of the
significance of pain upon the higher animals, is
an act founded on no right and degrading to
that human mind.
In the latter allegation, passing by here the
two preceding it, the writer sees the real issue.
Denying such tendency of the experiment on
the experimenter, seeming willing to leave to
the latter his present unrestricted latitude, the
advocate of vivisection, apparently under sanc-
tion of the National Academy of Sciences, as-
serts not only an excuse, but a right for the ex-
periments in their alleged advantage to science
and the human race.
This is to fortify the practice in one of the
strongest ways possible, since the thought trend
of the human majority makes naturally toward
a magnification of its own successes, and a jus-
tification of the latter even when demonstrably
achieved at the expense of insignificant and un-
voiced suffering. The right of communities to
advantage (amuse) themselves by human pain
still exists among certain savage and barbarous
peoples. The right of nations, proceeding, for
their own alleged advantage, to practice felony
and murder (according to their rule laid down
for individuals), to act frequently upon the
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 215.
abused precepts of Machiavelli, while proclaim-
ing Christianity, is not potently questioned
throughout Christendom, while the notion of
restraining the alleged rights of civilized com-
munities and individuals to advantage (amuse)
themselves by the infliction of great pain on
lower forms of life has entered the heads of but
few of those thus advantaged. Nevertheless,
some ameliorations have been made in certain
cases towards the alleviation of the pain, which
has been supposed to confer the benefit upon its
inflictor, and the attempt of the human friend
of animals, in this instance, to set limits to the
gains of humanity is not more unreasonable
than the existence of certain limits already set
by humanity itselfto its own gains.
When human public opinion forbids by law
the practice of forcible vivisection upon a felon
condemned to death, it limits the advance of
scientific knowledge by ruling off the dissect-
ing table a class of fiber and tissue more val-
uable for medical study, while not demonstrably
more significant to the community, than the
fiber and tissue of a dog. If we forbid the
hypnotist to learn by experiment upon the hu-
man subject, whether the latter can be mes-
merically influenced to steal, commit adultery,
lie, or otherwise yield to inborn passions, we
again obstruct science.’ When society denies
the right of doctors to test theories and modes
of treatment, or to advance scientific knowledge,
by occasionally killing or paining moribund hu-
man patients in hospitals, it retards scientific
knowledge by limiting a class of experiment
more valuable to the experimenter than similar
inflictions by analogy upon animals. At the
same time the restraint acts upon a principle no
more logical, no less so, than that which moves
the anti-vivisectionist.
But in its deeper sense the late movement in
defense of animals justifies itself not in logic,
which has not yet solved the mystery of pain,
torture and death, but rather in the expansion
of the very potent principle of love or sym-
Raising clearly and fully a momentous ques-
tion which, it is to be regretted, Science did not
honor herself by raising for them, the defenders
of animals proclaim that the whole question of
the ravages of Homo sapiens (who seems to have
FEBRUARY 10, 1899.]
lost touch with fellow animals somewhere in
the stone or bonze age, since which time he has
ceased to domesticate them) upon the lower forms
of life needs revision ; that many of the ravages
are unjust, nay cruel and degrading; that in
many cases they should be ameliorated through
human education, while in other indefensible
instances they should be abolished by human
In this agitation the observer of humanity,
from the widening point of view of anthropo-
logical science, sees not a fanatical outbust, but
an extension of one of the potent familiar fac-
tors of human development, an evolution of the
ancient and ever-growing protest against the al-
leged right of extreme might, constituting itself
the judge, whether as populace, or despot,
priest or tyrant, egotist or felon, science or
creed, to forcibly inflict pain upon insignificant
or helpless victims.
Science, since Darwin at least, admits no such
chasm as theology formally alleged, between
animals and man, while, with the wider study
of nature, the attitude of mind which has pre-
viously circumscribed the activity of human re-
dress to human ills fades away.
It is the effort which affected the abolition of
gladitorial combats, burnings at the stake, tor-
ture chambers, the Inquisition, serfdom, the
abatement of slavery and the persecution of
Jews, which is now seen to expand. Long
limited in sympathy to the groans of man, it is
now led, by the power of expanding knowledge,
to listen to the cry of man’s speechless victim,
the tortured brute.
Suddenly and strangely, at the close of the
nineteenth century, we mark, throughout civil-
ized peoples, the uprising of societies and indi-
viduals who, again rejuvenating the thought of
Buddha, appear unselfishly to strive to extend
human sympathy beyond the human barrier.
But the outgrowths are not spontaneous. It is
because of one of the most potent of the forces
which has led man from darkness toward civil-
ization that they exist. It is because of a prin-
ciple that should be dear to the heart of a man
of science, and for which Science herself has
suffered, that the idea of the human being ad-
vancing his own knowledge by acts so selfish
as vivisection meets with self-condemnation.
Flint (Text-book of Physiology) frequently
exposing the nerve roots of dogs in public dem-
onstrations ; Castex (Archives Gen. de Medicine,
Jan. and Feb., 1892) clubbing out of joint the
shoulders of unnarcotized dogs to show how to
massage them; B. A. Watson (Experimental
Study of lesions arising from severe concussion,
1890) dropping living dogs from heights so as to
produce and then study on them concussion of the
spine ; cutting the intestines of living dogs and
then sewing the ends together with dull needles
in certain ways, to study circular sutures ;
Phelps’ fixing the joints of living dogs in
cramped positions for six weeks and five months,
to see if anchylosis would ensue ; Porter (Jour-
nal of Physiologists, April 6, 1895) exposing for
its entire length the cervical cord of a narco-
tized dog and severing it at the sixth cervical
vertebra ; seizing the phrenic nerve of thirteen
lightly narcotized dogs and rabbits and tearing
it out of the chest; studying respiration (Report
Royal Humane Society, 1865, pp. 31-66) by
plunging the heads of seventy-six living ani-
mals in liquid plaster-of-paris until suffocation
ensued by the hardening of the plaster in the
bronchial tubes in four minutes; Chauveau
(Wilberforce to the Zoologist, London, July,
1892) studying excitement of spinal marrow
upon eighty living horses and asses by chiseling
open the vertebree and exposing the marrow;
washing out parts of the brains of living dogs
and studying their future action in subsequent
days or weeks (Pfluger’ Archives, 1888, p. 303).
These are acts which, when known in the light
of widening sympathy, gradually become intol-
erable to the human mind.
Henry C. MERCER.
SITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, January 9, 1899.
[It is desirable for this JOURNAL to admit
discussion of scientific questions, however little
the point of view may commend itself to most
Mercer states that the
anti-vivisection movement does not justify itself
men of science. Mr.
in logic, and hence argument seems somewhat
If any of our readers are influenced by
Mercer’s remarks we recommend them
first to try to verify the references given at the
end, in which they will fail, and second to read
‘ Vivisection : a statement in behalf of Science,’
published in the issue of this JouRNAL for
March 20, 1896, and endorsed by President
Eliot, of Harvard University, and the late
Francis A. Walker, President of the Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology.—ED. SCIENCE. ]
THE annual reports of three of the most ac-
tive observatories of the world are at hand.
1. Report of Her Majesty’s Astronomer at the
Cape of Good Hope for the year 1897.—The
astrophotographic telescope was used for
chart plates, catalogue plates, variables, and
with a 20-degree prism for a spectroscopic
survey of stars to 34 magnitude. The tran-
sit circle was used for stars needed for the
measurement of plates to complete the Cape
zones, —40° to —52°. 9,000 standard stars
will be included in this area. The 7-inch
equatorial has been chiefly used to look
up discrepancies in the photographic plates
and in checking missing stars. Among the re-
sults obtained was the confirmation of the large
proper motion of 9’ in the star which Kapteyn
had detected on the plates. The heliometer
was used chiefly in triangulation of comparison
stars for observations of planets at opposition.
Preparations were making for the mounting of
the new McLean telescope, constructed by
Grubb, and the new transit circle by Troughton
and Simms. The computations were chiefly
upon the meridian observations of former years,
and upon heliometer observations for parallax.
Dr. Gill has eleven regular assistants and com-
puters, with other computers occasionally em-
ployed. The observatory carries on an exten-
sive system of time signals, and the geodetic
survey of South Africa will be under the direc-
tion of the government astronomer.
2. Report of the Superintendent of the U. S.
Naval Observatory for the year ending June 80,
1898.—The 26-inch equatorial has been used for
micrometric observations of the faint comets,
satellites, close doubles and the diameters of
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 215.
Venus and Mercury. The 12-inch telescope
has been similarly used for astercids and comets.
The 9-inch transit has been used for sun, moon,
planets and certain stars. The new 6-inch
steel transit is in process of erection. The 5-
inch altazimuth has been used as a, zenith tele-
scope and asa vertical circle. The opinion is
expressed that declinations can be obtained with
greater accuracy by this instrument than by a
meridian circle. The astronomical work has
been materially lessened by the detachment of
line officers for active service in the recent war,
necessitating the care of nautical instruments,
chronometers and time service by the astro-
nomical staff. This report goes into minute
detail regarding the work of the Observatory,
even mentioning such minor matters as the
mounting of a new thermometer, and the re-
pairing of the wooden cases of clocks, the glue
in which had deteriorated. The Nautical Al-
manac has been under the care of the Astro:
nomical Director, Professor Harkness. The
chief publication has been the Catalogue of
Stars from observations made from 1866-1891,
prepared by Professor Eastman.
3. Fifty-third annual report of the Director of
the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College,
for year ending September 30, 1898.—The 15-inch
equatorial has been used for photometric obser-
vations chiefly of variables. The 6-inch equa-
torial has been used for observations of variables
by the method of eye estimates. The meridian
circle has been used to complete the observa-
tions for the southern zone—9°50’ to—14°10/.
The meridian photometer has been devoted to
the reobservation of the stars in the Harvard
Photometry and other stars fainter than those
in that catalogue. The 8-inch and 11-inch
photographie telescope, working under the
Henry Draper Memorial, have obtained more
than 3,000 plates. Their study has resulted in
various discoveries, such as twelve variables,
stars of peculiar spectra, one spectroscopic
binary, one spectrum of a meteor with five
bright lines, one spectrum of the aurora with
four bright lines. At Arequipa, Peru, more
than 2,400 plates have been made with the
8-inch, 13-inch and 24-inch telescopes. Profes-
sor Bailey’s study of variables in clusters has
revealed 509 variables in 20 clusters ; the light
FEBRUARY 10, 1899.]
curves of 125 variables in w Centauri have been
Among other matters discussed by Professor
Pickering in his report is the organization of
the Observatory. The Harvard College Observ-
atory is not, like many other observatories,
divided into departments each under an as-
tronomer of high grade. The Director himself
is in immediate charge of all the departments,
in many cases making a daily inspection and
planning the work in detail. The assistants
become skilful each ina particular work, and
three or four times as many can be employed
at a given expenditure as under the depart-
mental system. The report mentions the ad-
vantages and disadvantages of each plan and
advises that the plan in operation at Harvard
should continue to be followed in one large
observatory. Thecorps of assistants at Harvard
and at the Southern Station, in Peru, includes
~ forty persons.
TuIs planet has been named Eros. The As
tronomical Journal and Circular 36 of the Har-
vard Observatory contain the gratifying an-
nouncement that numerous observations of the
planet have been found on the Harvard plates
in 1894 and 1896. In 1894 the planet was at
its most favorable position for observation, and
of the 7th magnitude when nearest. Observa-
tions have been found extending for more than
four months, making it possible to determine an
accurate orbit for that opposition alone. Dr.
Chandler has undertaken the rigid discussion
of all available data, and will bring the calcula-
tion down to the 1900 opposition, so that the
observations then to be made will be under the
best knowledge of the theory of the planet’s
This research has justified the policy of Pro-
fessor Pickering in having the whole sky photo-
graphed at frequent intervals. That the plates
thus accumulating contain a vast amount of
material which the future needs of astronomy
will utilize is quite evident. That many new
facts can be obtained from their examination is
shown by the discovery during the search for
the planet Eros of two variables and two stars
which are not in the Durchmusterung catalogue,
besides observations of asteroids previously dis-
Winstow UPTon.
BROWN UNIVERSITY, January 27, 1899.
RUTHERFORD (Phil. Mag., Jan., 1899), in an
important and interesting paper, shows experi-
mentally that in a mass of gas exposed to the
radiation from uranium, thorium or their com-
pounds the following statements hold good:
1. Charged carriers produced through the
volume of gas.
2. Ionization proportional to the intensity of
the radiation and the pressure.
3. Absorption of the radiation proportional
to pressure.
4, Existence of a saturation current; 7. e., a
current passing through the ionized gas, whose
magnitude is such that all of the carriers pro-
duced by the radiation reach the electrodes.
5. Rate of combination of the ions propor-
tional to the square of the number present.
6. Partial separation of positive and negative
7. Disturbance of potential gradient under
certain conditions between two plates exposed
to the radiation.
‘ It is also shown that the radiation given off
by both uranium and thorium is complex, con-
sisting of two varieties which the author calls
a and £ respectively; 8 being the one of greater
penetrative power, whiie @ is the one chiefly in-
strumental in causing ionization in gases. The
intensity of the a radiation seems to depend
chiefly upon the amount of surface of the uran-
ium, while the / radiation depends upon the
thickness of the layer.
In Wied. Ann., No. 12, for 1898, Elster and
Geitel give an account of a research undertaken
by them to test the validity of two suppositions
which have been made as to the cause of the
Becquerel rays. Madame Curie (Comptes Rendus,
CXVI., p. 1101) has suggested that the con-
tinuous radiation from uranium, thorium and
their compounds may be explained by suppos-
ing all space to be filled with a sort of modified
Rontgen radiation which possesses the power
of penetrating ordinary media to a much higher
degree than the usual X-rays, and that in at-
tempting to traverse substances having high
atomic weights, like uranium and thorium, a
portion of the incident energy is transformed
into radiation having the power of affecting
photographic plates, ionizing gases, etc. Elster
and Geitel have tested this by examining the
intensity of the uranium radiation by both the
electrical and photographic methods, the ap-
paratus being placed first upon the surface of
the earth and then several hundred meters
underground in a mine, their idea being that
the intensity of the radiation incident upon the
uranium would be weakened by passing through
the overlying mass of earth. No difference was
found in the intensity of the uranium radiations
under the two conditions.
To test the hypothesis of Crookes as to the
radiation being caused by a transformation by
the uranium of a portion of the kinetic energy
of the molecules of air, the intensity of the
radiation emitted by the uranium when in a
vacuum was compared with that emitted when
the metal was in the air. No difference was
The results of this work are hence unfavorable
to either hypothesis.
M. and Mme. Curie have shown (Comptes
Rendus, CXXYVII., p. 175) that in pitchblende
there is a substance similar in properties to bis-
muth, but which is strongly radio-active, and
for it they have proposed the name Polonium,
In Comptes Rendus, CX XYVII., p. 1255, they give
an account of their more recent researches in
which they have been associated with M. G.
Bémont upon this subject. They are led to the
conclusion that there is still another new sub-
stance present, similar in properties to pure
barium, but whose chloride is about nine hun-
dred times as active as that of uranium. The
new substance, provisionally called Radium, is
distinguished by a hitherto unknown line in its
spectrum. AS STACl 3D:
THE appearance of Volume XII. of this mag-
nificent work again directs attention to what
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 215.
will, forall time, be a monument to both author
and publishers. Hight years ago the first volume
appeared, and at more or less regular intervals
the succeeding volumes, until the present one,
which was originally designed to be the last. In
these volumes we have 620 plates, thus more
than making good the promise of author and
publishers of fifty plates per volume. We have
now the pleasant announcement by the pub-
lishers that, ‘‘as it has been found impracticable
to include in this twelfth volume of Professor
Sargent’s great work the general index to the
entire work, a thirteenth volume containing this
index, together with descriptions and illustra-
tions of recently discovered species, and such
corrections of the original volumes as recent
explorations have made necessary will be sent to
subscribers without change as soon as ready.’’
The present volume includes descriptions and
plates of Larix (3 species), Picea (7 species),
Tsuga (4 species), Pseudotsuga (2 species) and
Abies (10 species). We shall look with great
interest for the appearance of the supplementary
AT last the United States Department of
Agriculture has made a free distribution of
seeds, which must commend itself to every sci-
entific botanist or horticulturist in the country.
We refer to the distribution to colleges of the
sets of ‘ Economic Seeds,’ prepared in the Seed
Laboratory of the Division of Botany, by the
lamented Gilbert H. Hicks, under the direction
of Frederick V. Coville. The set as issued
cousists of five centuries, each enclosed in a
shallow tray-like box, which is divided into
rectangular spaces, each large enough to con-
tain the seed-tubes. Each tube is numbered
and labeled, and on the lid of the tray is an al-
phabetical list of all the species arranged under
their appropriate families. It is a pleasure to
note, moreover, that the most scrupulous care
has been taken to secure accuracy in the no-
menclature, which is of the strictly modern
school, including double citation of authors and
the uniform decapitalization of specific names.
This distribution is a worthy and commendable
labor of the National Department of Agricul-
ture, and it reflects great credit upon the officers
FEBRUARY 10, 1899. ]
who are responsible for its inception and suc-
cessful execution.
In a recent bulletin of the Laboratories of
Natural History of the State University of
Towa, Mr. R. I. Cratty contributes a valuable
paper upon the sedges of Iowa.
The list includes the results of about thirty
years of work by Iowa botanists, and brings to-
gether data relating to ten genera and one hun-
dred and fourteen species. With regard to the
nature of the sedge flora of Iowa, the author
says that it is ‘‘ characteristically Eastern and
corresponds quite closely with that of the bor-
dering States, and, though lying just east of the
Great Plains, but one species, Carex stenophylla
Wahl., has yet been found which does not occur
east of the Mississippi River. The richest por-
tion of the State in sedges is that bordering on
this great waterway. This may be accounted
for partly because of the greater diversity of
soil, surface, woodland and prairie in that
‘region, and partly because the natural agencies
for the distribution of seeds and the greater
rainfall combine to favor that portion of the
Wir the distribution of the eleventh fascicle
of Phytotheca Boreali-Americana by Messrs. Col-
lins, Holden and Setchell there comes the an-
nouncement of a new series, to consist of larger
specimens, including such plants as Nereocystis,
Laminaria, Fucus, Agarum, Dictyoneuron, etc.
The fascicles of this series will be designated by
letters, A, B, C, etc., and the specimens num-
bered with Roman numerals, I., II., III., etc.,
so as to avoid confusion with the other series.
Moreover, the fascicles of the new series will
contain twenty-five numbers each, instead of
fifty, as in the old series. There will thus be
two series running side by side, and the an-
nouncement is made that either one may be
subscribed for separately or both may be taken
Four years ago Dr. J. C. Arthur and Mr. E.
W. D. Holway issued fascicle I of a distribution
of specimens and figures of the Rusts under the
title ‘Uredineze Exsiccateze et Icones.’ A few
days ago the second fascicle was received, and
it is so noteworthy as to call for a word here.
It contains fifty-two packets of specimens, each
accompanied by enlarged drawings of the
spores, and in addition thirteen photomicro-
graphs taken directly from prepared slides.
When we remember that this fascicle is sent to
subscribers for three dollars we may realize
that it is entirely a labor of love. Its value to
students of the Rusts is incalculable.
TuHE following courses, public and gratuitous,
are given this winter at the School of Anthro-
pology, Paris: (1) Prehistoric anthropology :
its general principles and methods (Professor
Capitan). (2) Zoological anthropology: Origin
of man (Professor Mahoudeau). (3) Ethno-
graphy and Linguistics: French language and
culture in the 12th and 13th centuries (Profes-
sor Lefévre). (4) Ethnology: The Basques
and Aquitanians (Professor Hervé). (5) Bio-
logical Anthropology: The struggle for life
(Professor Laborde). (6) Anthropological Geo-
graphy : America (Professor Schrader). — (7)
Physiological Anthropology: The sexes (Pro-
fessor Manouvrier). (8) Sociology : China (Pro-
fessor Letourneau). An extra course on North
Africa will be given by Professor Zaborowski.
There are two lectures a day on five days of
the week.
THAT much abused word, ‘race,’ has been
the stumbling-block of many writers. Anthro-
pologists try to make it a zoological term, con-
noting certain identical physical features. How
far this is from general acceptance is illustrated
in the presidential address of Mr. Alfred Nutt
before the Folk-lore Society. He says: ‘‘ Out-
side the record of history, of literature, of art,
of systematized thought, the word ‘ race ’.is, for
me, void of meaning. When I speak of ‘race’
I have in mind a community which for a definite
number of centuries has manifested itself in
clearly defined products of the mind—has set
upon the universal human material of specula-
tion and fancy its special stamp and impress.
Such a manifestation is by no means necessarily
conditioned by blood-kinship.”’
It is to be regretted that such a divergence of
opinion as to the proper signification of this
word exists in two branches of the same science.
Does it not show the necessity of an improved
terminology ?
A HUNDRED years ago the Hawaiian Islands
were said to have had 400,000 native popula-
tion ; now 30,000 is a high estimate. The same
fearful diminution has been going on through
Polynesia. Dr. Tautain has recently studied its
causes in the Marquesas Islands L’ Anthropolo-
gie, 1898, No. 4). The principal are the follow-
ing: (1) Leprosy, which leads to impotence
and sterility ; (2) tuberculosis, which is emi-
nently contagious and destructive ; (3) syphilis,
which is less marked than might be supposed ;
(4) licentiousness, the consequences of which
are very visible in developing metritis and ster-
ility or abortion. This last is the most injuri-
ous of all the causes, and Dr. Tautain places it
as the principal factor in leading to diminished
natality. The total absence of sexual morality
operates in many directions to undermine the
viability of the race.
AT a recent meeting of the Board of Trustees
of the Marine Biological Laboratory, held at
Columbia University, the report of the Treas-
urer showed that the funds of the institution
were in a satisfactory condition. Professor S.
F. Clarke, of Williams College, very generously
contributed $400 to defray the expenses of cer-
tain necessary alterations and repairs in and
about the laboratory buildings, and a rising
vote of thanks was given, as an expression of
the gratitude of the Board for the very accept-
able gift.
The following minute relative to the death
of Professor Peck, the Assistant Director, was
unanimously adopted :
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 215.
“The Trustees of the Marine Biological Laboratory
have heard with profound sorrow of the death of their
colleague, Professor James I. Peck, of Williams Col-
lege. They wish to record their appreciation of the
invaluable service which he rendered to the Marine
Biological Laboratory, and especially to express their
high regard for the generous and unfailing way in
which as Assistant Director he devoted himself to the
maintenance and development of the Laboratory.
They feel the deepest sympathy with Williams Col-
lege and with his family in the loss which both have
By special vote the Board expressed itself as
favorable to the establishment of more intimate
relations between the Laboratory and the Zoo-
logical Bulletin. Circulars explaining these
relations, and announcements for the forthcom-
ing season, will be issued to members of the
Corporation, and to others interested, at an
early date.
The election of an Assistant Director was re-
ferred to a committee with power, and since
the meeting Dr. Ulric Dahlgren, of Princeton
University, for three years one of the instruc-
tors at Woods Holl in the department of in-
vertebrate zoology, has been appointed to the
position. H. C. Bumpvus,
Dean C. Worcester arrived at Vancouver on Jan-
uary 30th, and immediately embarked on the
steamship ‘Empress of Japan’ on their way to
the Philippines.
Proressor D. T. MAcDouGAL, of the Uni-
versity of Minnesota, has been appointed to be
director of the laboratories of the New York
York Botanical Garden. He will enter upon
the duties of the new position next July, by
which time it is believed the new museum
building will be ready for occupancy. The
laboratory system occupies the greater por-
tion of the upper floor, connecting with the
library rooms and the herbarium.
PROFESSOR G. H. DARWIN has been elected
President of the Royal Astronomical Society,
has been elected a correspondent in the Section
FEBRUARY 10, 1899.]
of Chemistry of the Paris Academy of Sciences, in
the room of the late Professor Kékulé. Professor
Mendelejev received twenty-eight votes; Pro-
fessor Fischer, of Berlin, twenty-two, and Sir
William Crookes, five.
Ir is expected that either M. Risler, Direc-
tor of the Agricultural School, or M. Roux,
Sub-director of the Pasteur Institute, will be
elected to the chair in the Section of Agricul-
ture of the Paris Academy of Sciences, in the
room of the late M. Aimé Girard.
WE learn from Nature that Mr. J. G. Baker,
F. R. §., has retired from the post of curator of
the herbarium at Kew, in which he is succeeded
by Mr. W. Botting Hemsley, F. R. 8.
THE Swiney prize has been awarded for the
present year to Dr. I. Dixon Mann for his book
on forensic medicine and toxicology. The prize,
which is awarded every fifth year by the So-
ciety of Arts and the Royal College of Physi-
cians, is of the value of £200.
THE Geological Society, London, will this
year make its awards as follows: The Wollas-
ton Medal to Professor Charles Lapworth ; the
Murchison Medal to Mr. B. N. Peach, and a
second Murchison Medal to Mr. John Horne ;
the Lyell Medal to Lieut.-General C. A. Mc-
Mahon; the Bigsby Medal to Professor T. W.
Edgeworth David; the Wollaston Fund to
Professor J. B. Harrison ; the Murchison Fund
to Mr. James Bennie ; the Lyell Fund is divided
between Mr. Frederick Chapman and Mr. John
THE annual meeting of the New York Acad-
emy of Sciences will be held on February 27th.
The President, Professor H. F. Osborn, will
make the annual address, the subject being ‘The
Succession of Mammalian Fauna in America
compared with that in Europe during the Ter-
tiary Period.’
Mr. Ropert L. JAcK, Government Geologist
of Queensland, has been appointed to supervise
the collection of exhibits sent by Queensland
to the forthcoming Greater Britain Exhibition in
London. Mr. Jack expects to reach England
this month.
Mr. S. A. KwaApp, a special agent of the
Department of Agriculture, has arrived at San
Francisco, returning from an expedition to
Asia, where he has secured seeds of agricultural
products that might with advantage be culti-
vated in the United States.
THE St. Petersburg Academy of Medicine has
elected as honorary members from Great Britain
Sir Willian. MacCormac, Sir William Tur-
ner, Lord Rayleigh, Sir William Stokes, Dr.
MacEwen, Dr. Thompson and Dr. Lauder
Brunton, and from Germany Professors Walde-
yer, of Berlin; Streda, of Kénigsberg; Kuhne,
of Heidelberg, and Schwalba, of Strasburg.
THE death is announced at the age of 53 of
Dr. Joseph Coats, since 1894 professor of pa-
thology at the University of Glasgow. He was
the author of a well-known manual of pathol-
ogy and of a work on tuberculosis as well as
of numerous minor contributions. The death
is also announced of Sir Alfred Roberts, one of
the most eminent members of the medical pro-
fession in Australia.
WE also learn with regret of the deaths of
Dr. Gottlieb Gluge, emeritus professor of phys-
iology and anatomy in the University of Brus-
sels, at the age of 86 years, and of Dr. Constan-
tine Vousakis, professor of physiology in the
University of Athens.
News has reached Paris of the death of M.
Potter, killed while making geographical ex-
plorations in Central Africa.
THE will of the late M. Louis Pierson, of
Mircourt, gives 100,000 fr. to the Paris Acad-
emy of Sciences for a biennial prize to be
award to the Frenchman who has made the
most important discovery in physical science.
By the will of the late C. T. Mitchell, of
Hillsdale, Mich., that city receives his resi-
dence and an endowment of $10,000 for a
public library.
THe Physical Society of Berlin, established
in 1845, decided at its meeting of January 5th
that it would hereafter be known as The Ger-
man Physical Society. The object of the
Society is to advance physical science by the
following means: (1) The publication of pro-
ceedings especially for the prompt issue of
short communications. (2) The publication of
a year-book on the progress of physics. (3)
Cooperation in the publication of De Annalen
der Physik und Chemie. (4) Participation in the
meetings of the Section of Physics, of the Ger-
man Society of Men of Science and Physicians.
(5) Regular meetings in Berlin, and (6) A jour-
nal club.
THE Biological Laboratory of the Brooklyn
Institute of Arts and Sciences, situated at Cold
Spring, L. I., will open its tenth session on July
5th. The regular class work will last for six
weeks, but special work may be begun earlier
and continued afterwards. Dr. Charles B. Dav-
enport, of Harvard University, is director of the
laboratory, and the staff of instructors includes
Dr. D. 8. Johnson, of Johns Hopkins University;
Professor C. P. Sigerfoos, University of Minne-
sota; Professor Henry 8. Pratt, Haverford Col-
lege; W. H.C. Pynchon, Trinity College; Nel-
son F, Davis, Bucknell University ; Mrs. Ger-
trude Crotty, Davenport; Stephen R. Williams,
Harvard University, and Professor Frederick
O. Grover, Oberlin College.
AT a meeting of the Royal Dublin Society on
January 20th Sir Howard Grubb, F. R. §., Vice-
President of the Society, described a plan by
which the Marconi system of wireless telegra-
phy could be used for controlling public and
other clocks.
THE Prince of Monaco reported to the Paris
Academy on January 23d on the scientific re-
sults of the first expedition of his yacht, the
Princess Alice II. He left Havre at the end of
July and returned in the middle of September,
going as far north as Spitzbergen. The fauna
both of the sea and the fresh water was care-
fully studied. Professor Brandt, of Kiel, ac-
companied the expedition.
THE following lectures are being given under
the auspices of Columbia University at the
American Museum of Natural History, New
York, on Saturday evenings: February 4th,
‘The Transmission of Light in Crystals,’ Pro-
fessor Alfred J. Moses; February 11th, ‘Char-
acters of Minerals in Rock Sections,’ Dr. Lea
MclI. Luquer; February 18th, ‘Methods Em-
ployed in Investigation of Minerals,’ Professor
S. L. Penfield; February 25th, ‘Testing Min-
erals,’ Professor A. J. Moses.
THE British Treasury have approved the use
of the electric light in the Natural History
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 215.
Museum, South Kensington. It will be first
introduced into the offices and workshops and
later into the public galleries.
AT a recent meeting of the Council of the
Royal College of Surgeons, England, it was re-
ported that fifteen investigators are at present
carrying on original research in the laboratories
of the two Royal Colleges.
OFFICIALS of the Treasury Department, cus-
toms division, have decided that books are the
only articles subject to duty which can be
legally imported into the United States in the
mails. All other dutiable mail matter must be
seized. This decision may cause some incon-
venience to scientific men.
THE Publishers’ Circular records 6,008 new
books published in Great Britain in 1898, 236
less thanin 1897. Under the class called vaguely
arts, sciences and illustrated works, 263 books
were published, a decrease of 25 as compared
with the preceding year. For the United
States in the year named the total number of
new books published amounted to 4,886, a total
smaller than that of any year since 1894. On
the other hand, there was an increase over 1897
of about 1,000 books in France, the number for
1898 being 14,781. As the books published in
Great Britain and the United States are mostly
the same it appears that France with not half
the population of the Anglo-Saxon races pub-
lishes twice as many books,
THE annual meeting of the New England
Anti-vivisection Society is thus reported, in
part, in the Boston Transcript: ‘‘ Back into the
room again swarmed the rest of the gentlemen,
and soon another wrangle was going on in which
old gentlemen in silk hats talked loudly and vig-
orously to oneanother. Threats were beginning
to be made—threats of violence. Secretary
Brazier finally secured a hearing: ‘As cus-
todian of all the property in this room, I ask
every one present to leave,’ said he, and sim-
ultaneously several women arose and started to
leave the room. But Mr. Greene again had the
floor. ‘Don’t go, ladies; he has no right to
order your departure.’ * * * Several per-
sonal altercations followed, one of which
seemed about to culminate in violence, when
the meeting broke up in confusion.’’
FEBRUARY 10, 1899. ]
THE Jamaica correspondent of the London
Times writes that a conference at Barbados,
under the auspices of the new Imperial Depart-
ment of Agriculture in the West Indies was
called for January 7th and 9th. The chief chem-
ical and botanical officers in the West Indies
have been invited to take part in it. These in-
clude the officers in Jamaica, British Guinea,
Trinidad and Antigua as well as Barbados.
The object is to devise means for the prosecu-
tion of a policy of cooperative effort in the eco-
nomic interests of the various colonies. Dr.
Morris, the Commissioner of Agriculture, wisely
holds that the teaching of scientific agriculture
is a subject that requires very careful consider-
ation, and has, therefore, extended the invita-
tion to some of the principals of high schools
and colleges. The delegates from Jamaica
are: Mr. W. Fawcett, B.Sc., F.L.S., Direc-
tor of Public Gardens and Plantations; Mr. F.
Watts, Government Analyst, and the Rev.
W. Simms, M.A., Principal of University Col-
lege. Among the subjects to be discussed are
the cultural and chemical experiments to be
undertaken to improve the saccharine con-
tents of the sugar cane; the scientific teach-
ing of agriculture in colleges and schools; a
more skilful treatment of the soil and use of
manure ; and concerted action to prevent the
rapid spread of fungoid and insect pests. There
is no doubt that definite conclusions will be ar-
rived at on these important points and common
action determined on which may prove of the
greatest possible service in developing the re-
sources of the West Indies. Although the Im-
perial Department of Agriculture has been estab-
lished with the specific aim of assisting the Wind-
wardand Leeward colonies and to enable experi-
ments in cane cultivation to be carried on in
continuation of former efforts in British Guiana,
Barbados and Antigua, the fact that Jamaica
has been invited to send representatives to the
conference has been taken here as a justifica-
tion for assuming that this colony may also
come within the scope of its operations. It
is thought that the Imperial Government
should establish at least an experimental sta-
tion in this island, seeing that the taxpayers
already pay so much for the maintenance ofa se-
ries of botanical gardens, a chemical department
and an agricultural society. Despite the ex-
istence of these organizations, practically noth-
ing is known yet regarding the varied character
and possibilities of the soil.
Mr. ALBERT B, LLoyp, a young English-
man, who has just returned after traversing
Stanley’s great pigmy forest. He is reported
by Reuter’s Agency to have said: ‘‘I was 20
days walking through its gloomy shades. I
saw a great many of the little pigmies, but gen-
erally speaking, they kept out of the way as
much as possible. At one little place in the
middle of the forest, called Holenga, I stayed
at a village of a few huts occupied by so-called
Arabs. There I came upon a great number of
pygmies who came to see me. They told me
that, unknown to myself, they had been watch-
ing me for five days, peering through the
growth of the primeval forest at our caravan.
They appeared to be very much frightened, and
even when speaking covered their faces. I
slept at this village, and in the morning I asked
the chief to allow me to photograph the dwarfs.
He brought ten or fifteen of them together, and
Iwas enabled to secure a snapshot. I could
not give a time exposure, as the pygmies would
not stand still. Then, with great difficulty, I
tried to measure them, and I found not one of
them over four feet in height. All were fully
developed. The women were somewhat
slighter than the men, but were equally well
formed. I was amazed at their sturdiness.
Their arms and chest were splendidly de-
veloped, as much so as in a good speci-
men of an Englishman. These men have
long beards halfway down the chest, which
imparts to them a strange appearance. They
are very timid and cannot look a stranger
in the face. Their eyes are constantly shifting
as in the case of monkeys. They are fairly in-
telligent. I had a long talk with the chief, and
he conversed intelligently about the extent of
the forest and the number of his tribe. I asked
him several times about the Belgians, but to
these questions he made no reply. Except for
a tiny strip of bark cloth, men and women are
quite nude. They are armed with bows and
arrows—the latter tipped with deadly poison—
and carry small spears. They are entirely no-
madic, sheltering at night in small huts, 2ft.-to
3 ft. in height. They never go outside the
forest. During the whole time I was with them
they were perfectly friendly.”’
Tue British Medical Journal reports that all
observations up to the present time tend to
show that the presence of tubercle bacilli in
butter is a rare event. Rabinowitsch, whose
previous work on this subject was published in
1897, has lately conducted some further experi-
ments in Berlin with the object of testing pre-
vious investigations. Fourteen butter manu-
factories were examined, and 15 experiments
made. The produce of one factory was thus
examined twice, and tubercle bacilli were found
on both occasions in the butter. The remain-
ing 13 showed no trace of true living tubercle
bacilli, but in many instances pseudo-tuber-
culous bacilli were found. Inoculation experi-
ments were made in allcases. During June and
July the daily produce coming from the infected
factory wasexamined. The result showed that
70 per cent. of the butter contained living
tubercle bacilli. Professor Koch thought this
result so remarkable that he requested Rabino-
witsch to inspect another factory. In this sec-
ond experiment no tubercle bacilli were found,
but in some instances pseudo-tubercle bacilli had
to be carefully differentiated from the true
bacilli. Animals when injected with this
pseudo-tuberculous material died of peritonitis.
The ‘isolation’ of this butter factory in Berlin,
which is a source of danger to the community,
is certainly a triumph for the scientific method
of food examination. The questiun whether
the pseudo-tuberculous material so often present
in butter is harmful to human beings will be a
matter for future investigation.
THE sum of $50,000 is given to the Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology by the will of the
late Edward B. Hosmer, of Boston.
By the will of Mr. David Aicheson £10,000
is left to the University of Melbourne for the
foundation of scholarships.
THE convocation of the University of the
State of New York will be held on June 26th to
28th. President Harper, of the University of
Chicago, will deliver the annual address, his
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 215.
subject being ‘Waste in Education.’ Superin-
tendent Horace S. Tarbell will present a paper
on the schools of that city, describing their
methods of dealing with especially bright and
especially backward students.
HARVARD UNIVERSITY will spend $175,000
in the erection of a new building for the de-
partment of engineering of the Lawrence Scien-
tific School. The building will be situated on
Holmes Field.
THE number of students matriculated at the
University of Edinburgh during the past year
was 2,813, of whom 211 are women. The en-
rollment in the different Faculties is as fol-
lows: Arts, 817; science, 147; divinity, 63;
law, 373; medicine, 1,387; music, 26.
AT a recent meeting of convocation of the
University of London the following resolution
was carried: That the value of the B.A. de-
gree has been distinctly lowered by the recent
changes in the final examination, which enable
a candidate to obtain the degree without taking
any of those subjects (e. g., mathematics and
mental and moral science) which involve a
discipline in the more abstract kind of thought.
HARVARD UNIVERSITY some time since estab-
lished a class somewhat similar to the docents
of the German University, though the lecture-
ships are limited to a period not exceeding four
months, and the University does not even collect
such fees as may be charged. ‘The first lectures
under this system are now announced. They
are a course on the geology and geography
of the oceans by Dr. R. A. Daly and a course on
history of the philosophical tendencies of the
19th century by Dr. W. P. Montague.
THE resignation of Dr. D. T. MacDougal, to
accept a position in the New York Botanical
Garden, leaves a vacancy in the assistant pro-
fessorship of botany at the University of Min-
nesota. It will probably be filled at the April
meeting of the Board of Regents.
Dr. J. TAFEL has been promoted to an
assistant professorship of chemistry in the Uni-
versity at Wirzberg, and Dr. E. O. Schmidt,
of Leipzig, has been made professor of chem-
istry in the medical school at Cairo. Dr. Otto
Nasse, professor of pharmacology in the Univer-
sity at Rostock, has retired.
EDITORIAL ComMiItrEE: §. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. 8S. WoopDWARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING,
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THURSTON, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. Le Conte, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; O. C. MARSH, Paleontology; W. K. Brooks,
C. Hart MERRIAM, Zoology; S. H. ScupDER, Entomology; C. E. Bessey, N. L. Brirron,
Botany; HENRY F. OsBorN, General Biology; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology;
f H. P. Bowpitcu, Physiology; J. S. Brntinas, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL,
Psychology; DANIEL G. BRINTON, J. W. POWELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, Fresruary 17, 1899.
The Economic Status of Insects as a Class: L. O.
HOWARD rccate veceacsvcctenosacsassceseetenoasacce stress 233
Anti-friction Alloys: R.-EL. T.......0..ccccesccsenseseee 247
Annual Meeting of the American Psychological As-
sociation: DR. LIVINGSTON FARRAND...........- 249
Scientific Books :—
The New Maryland Geological Survey: BAILEY
WIiLLIs. La vie sur les hauts plateaux: PRoO-
(GIST LD ShanogadaneneenSbodouSde Tacos prec CuHOCaScrED EB Sesded 252
Scientifie Journals and Articles ......s0.cceeeeeeeeeeeceee 257
Societies and Academies :—
The Biological Society of Washington: Dr. O.
F. Cook. The New York Section of the Amer-
ican Chemical Society: DR. DURAND Woop-
Discussion and Correspondence :—
Reply to Critics: MAJoR J. W. POWELL. Ar-
tificial Dreams: DR. HIRAM M. STANLEY.
Trowbridge’s Theory of the Earth’s Magnetism :
PPROW BRIDGE ers scsnsec semen veledesticnoneeoesteeeae eee 259
Notes on Inorganic Chemistry: J. L. H............00 266
PZOOLOGUCAL MN OLESsaseas Jaenasi-ensacisceidten scence eee eee 266
Current Notes on Anthropology:—
Ethnography of Liberia; The Significance of
Skull-masks ; The Svastica in America: PRo-
FESSOR D: G. BRINTON. .0.0....0:-c0-+ocecnseceesesre 267
Setentific Notes and News....00:..c0rcscsssorcccaseescenaree 267
University and Educational News.........cscecsecseseees 271
MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended
for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
sor J. McKeen Cattell."Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
Tue popular conception of insects in gen-
eral is undoubtedly that they are injurious.
Many writers, it is true, have pointed out
the benefits derived from insects, but we
think of their damage to crops and of their
annoyance to man and animals, and this as-
pect of the subject is at once apt to prepon-
derate in our minds. It is more than 80
years since Kirby and Spence contrasted
the injuries caused by insects with the bene-
fits derived from them, and it has not been
comprehensively done since. In the mean-
time, whole groups of important injuries
have been developed and whole classes of
beneficial work have been discovered.
Moreover, the tendency of modern thought
has not taken this direction. The biologic,
taxonomic and phylogenetic, and other as-
pects of large groups of forms of life have
been considered to the exclusion of the eco-
nomic aspect, and even where this side has
attracted attention investigators have con-
fined themselves to specific problems and
have not generalized. It may be interest-
ing, therefore, once more to contrast the in-
jurious insects with the beneficial ones in an
effort to gain a clearer idea of the status of
the group in its relations with man.
In a broad way, we may consider the sub-
ject under the following heads:
* Address of the retiring President of the Biological
Society of Washington, delivered January 18, 1899.
Insects are injurious :
1. As destroyers of crops and other val-
uable plant life.
2. As destroyers of stored foods, dwell-
ings, clothes, books, etc.
3. As injuring live stock and other useful
4, As annoying man.
5. As carriers of disease.
Insects are beneficial :
1. As destroyers of injurious insects.
2. As destroyers of noxious plants.
3. As pollenizers of plants.
4, As scavengers.
5. As makers of soil.
6. As food (both for man and for poultry,
song birds and food fishes) and as clothing,
and as used in the arts.
“In the present balance of nature one of
the chief functions of insect life is to keep
down superabundant vegetation. Almost
every kind of plant has its insect enemies,
and has had such enemies for many thous-
ands of years. So soon as man began to
make an effort to upset nature’s balance by
cultivating certain plants at the expense of
others he encountered nature’s opposition
by means of the increase of insect enemies
of the particular plant cultivated, and al-
most as early as there is any record of agri-
culture in literature there is also mention
of the destruction to crops caused by insects.
Witness the writings of the prophet Joel,
who might almost be termed an agricul-
tural pessimist.
At the present time almost every culti-
vated crop has not only its thousands upon
thousands of individual insect enemies, but
it is affected by scores and even hundreds of
species. A mere tabulation of the insect
enemies of the apple already recognized in
this country shows 281 species, of clover 82
species, and of so new a crop as the sugar
~ beet 70 species.
[N.S. Vou. TX. No. 216.
The insects of the vine, of
the orange, of the wheat crop, and, in fact,
of all of our prominent staples, show equally
startling figures.
The actual damage which is done by in-
sects in this way is difficult to express.
Many attempts have been made by writers
on economic entomology to express it in
money values. For example, it was esti-
mated by the late Professor Riley that the
average annual damage to cultivated crops
by injurious insects in the United States
amounted to three hundred millions of dol-
lars. The loss from the ravages of one
species alone, the chinch bug, during one
year was estimated at sixty millions of
dollars. While it is true that the combined
losses of individual growers might reach
such enormous sums as these, there is an
element in the total loss which we must
not fail to take into consideration, and that
is the enhanced value of the portion of the
crop which remains. Even in the case of
an individual a man may lose, for example,
half of his crop through the work of the
chinch bug, and yet, through widespread
damage by this insect, the money value of
the portion harvested may reach an amount
almost as great as would have been gained
through the low prices of a successful year
of no insect damage, As this applies to an
individual, it applies much more strongly
to a State or to the country at large, so that
even in the year when the grain crop of
the country was said to have been damaged
to the extent of sixty millions of dollars
it is safe to say that the total price gained
for the crop was as great as it would other-
wise have been. These estimates of dam-
age, therefore, would much better be ex-
pressed in terms of bushels, or some other
measure, than in money value.
It is this aspect of our subject, the dam-
age done by injurious insects to agriculture,
that has given rise to the comparatively
new branch of applied science which we
FEBRUARY 17, 1899. ]
now know as economic entomology, and
which, although originating in Europe, has
been encouraged to such an extent in our
own country, owing partly to our greater
necessities and partly to our practical turn
of mind, that it is safe to say that at present
America leads the rest of the world in this
It is undoubtedly true that this enormous
injury to crops is the chief item in a general
consideration of the injuries brought about
by insects.
It is safe to say that there is hardly any
product of man’s ingenuity, hardly one of
the thousands of useful materials upon
which depend his comfort and happiness,
which is not damaged, directly or indirectly,
by insects. The timbers of which his
dwellings are built, nearly all of his house-
hold utensils, his garments, practically
everything which he uses as food, many of
the liquids used as drink, his books, the
ornaments with which he surrounds himself,
the medicines which he takes when sick,
the very tobacco with which he solaces him-
self—all are destroyed or injuriously af-
fected by insects. There is, perhaps, one
group of exceptions, and that is those articles
which are composed wholly of metal, and
yet even here insects may occasionally play
an injurious part, since instances are on
record of the destruction of lead pipes by
insect larvee, and the perforation of the
metal linings of water tanks by small
Such injuries to human products are more
frequent and serious in tropical regions than
in temperate zones, but even here insects
of this nature cause very serious inconven-
ience and great annual loss. It will answer
our purpose, perhaps, to list some of the
varying substances which are damaged in
this way, to get an idea of their almost uni-
versal character: Ham, cheese, salted
fish, butter, lard, dried mushrooms, rye
bread, sweetmeats and preserves, powdered
coffee, almonds and other nuts, raisins,
breakfast foods, chocolate, ginger, rhubarb,
black pepper, vinegar, sugar, wines, canned
soups, tobacco, snuff, licorice, peppermint,
aromatic cardamon, aniseed, aconite, bella-
donna, musk, opium, ginseng, chamomile,
boneset, hides, shoes, gloves and other
leather articles, furniture, carpets, drawings
and paintings, paint brushes, gun wads,
combs, ete., made of horn; hay, oats, straw,
willow baskets, ax handles, ladders, wheel
spokes and all sorts of agriculural imple-
ments with wooden handles, barrels, wine
casks, corks of wine bottles, sheets of cork,
natural history collections, including skele-
tons and mummies, and even Persian insect
powder! The mention of this well-known
insecticide reminds one of the latest discov-
ery, which is that certain flies in California
breed in the crude petroleum pools in the
vicinity of oil wells, a fact which is almost
paradoxical in view of the extensive use of
petroleum as an insecticide.
Every species of animal which has be-
come domesticated and is of value to man
possesses its insect parasites and enemies.
These in many cases are the same species
’ which affect man and which we will men-
tion in the next section ; others are specific
to the animals or groups of animals which
they affect. Horses, cattle, sheep, all
possess insect enemies which are not only
very deleterious to their health, but fre-
quently cause their death in numbers.
The disgusting bot fly of the horse, whose
maggots live in incredible numbers in the
stomach and intestines of this noble friend
of the human race; the bot fly of the ox,
which causes innumerable sores on the
backs of cattle and by its perforations ruins
their hides for commercial use; the bot fly
of the sheep, which inhabits the nasal and
orbital sinuses of the sheep and produces
insanity and death—will instantly be re-
called by those who are familiar with stock
raising, while hundreds of other species,
some in no less degree, as the horn fly, the
numerous gad flies, including the Tsetse fly
of Africa, the screw worm fly of our South-
western country, unite to make the lives of
domestic animals a burden to themselves
and a trial and a loss to their owners.
An interesting attempt was made some
years ago by a prominent Western agri-
cultural newspaper, The Farmers’ Review, to
estimate approximately the pecuniary loss
from the attacks of a single one of these
insects—the ox bot fly, or ox warble—on
the cattle received at the Union Stock
Yards, of Chicago. It was estimated that
50 per cent. of the cattle received each year
are affected. The number of cattle received
at the yards during six months of the year
1889 was 1,335,026; the average value of
the hide was $3.90 ; the usual deduction for
hides damaged by the ox warble was one-
third. Estimating at less than one-third, say
$1.00, the actual loss during six months on
hides alone was $667,513. When to this
was added the loss for depreciation in value
and lessened quantity of beef, the loss for
each infested animal was put at $5.00,a
very low estimate, indicating the total loss
from the animals in the Union Stock Yards,
of Chicago, for a period of six months of
There are very few regions of the habit-
able globe where man is not personally
subject to more or less annoyance by in-
sects. In this part of the world we natu-
rally think at once of mosquitoes, house flies,
fleas, and of a certain other species which
it will not be necessary to name.
A susceptible individual some years ago
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 216.
wrote to the Department of Agriculture
and said that he had come over from the _
old country and settled in New Jersey, but
that the mosquitoes bothered him so greatly
that on the advice of friends he moved to
northern New York. Here he found that
during a certain portion of the year black
flies made life unendurable; thereupon he
packed his household effects and moved to
North Carolina. Here, however, in the
summer months red bugs, or jiggers, both-
ered him to such an extent that he feared
he would go crazy, and in this desperate
condition he applied to this office to learn
whether there existed in the United States
a locality where a sensitive individual could
find peace from attacks of insects. He said
that he had been told that in the Western
country the buffalo gnat was greatly to be
feared, while certain other biting flies would
be sure to keep him in a constant state of
dermal irritation; that further south he
knew that peaceful nights were to be gained
in the summer time only under the protec-
tion of mosquito bars. He had thought of
the newly developing country of Alaska, but
had recently seen an account in the news-
paper of the ferocity of the Alaskan mos-
- quitoes, which had practically destroyed his
last hope.
Accustomed as most of us are to the mos-
quitoes of temperate North America, we
hardly realize the impression which they
made upon the early English travellers. A
story told by Kirby and Spence, to the
effect that Mr. Weld in his travels relates
from General Washington that in one place
the mosquitoes were so powerful as to pierce
through his boots, has always excited my
interest and curiosity, and I recently took
the trouble to consult the original publica-
tion, which is ‘Isaac Weld’s Travels through
North America, 1795-1797,’ London, 1799.
In speaking of Skenesborough, in northern
New York, Mr. Weld dilates upon the
number and ferocity of the mosquitoes, and
FEBRUARY 17, 1899.]
makes use of the following words: ‘ Gen-
eral Washington told me that he never was
so much annoyed by mosquitoes in any
part of America as in Skenesborough, for
that they used to bite through the thickest
boot.”” Now, knowing that the boots of
those days were very thick and that the
mosquitoes of that time must have been
structurally identical with those of to-day,
there arises instantly a question of veracity
between Mr. Weld and General Washing-
ton; and as we know from Dr. Weems’
veracious history that General Washington
was 80 constituted that he could not tell a
lie, it looks very much as though Mr. Weld,
like many another English traveller who
has written a book on his return home, has
been inclined to overstate the truth.
In these days of comparative personal
cleanliness some of the most disgusting of
the insect annoyers of man have dropped out
of sight. The lice, which in former days
were common in all classes of society, from
king to peasant, are now comparatively un-
known. The itch disease, which carried off
many a famous character in history, is
equally rare. That it still persists, how-
ever, is shown by an occasional case re-
ported in medical journals. For example,
Dr. Robert Hessler, of Indianapolis, re-
ported in 1892 a case in his own practice
of typical Norway itch in which the itch
mites were present in the skin of the patient
in enormous numbers. A rough estimate
showed seven million eggs and two million
Those of us who live in a reasonably civil-
ized way are confined, in our experience of
annoying insects, largely to the forms men-
_ tioned in our opening paragraph, namely,
mosquitoes and house flies and rarely fleas ;
but a glance through the medical literature
reveals the existence of more or less fre-
quent cases of such a nature that they are
little less than horrible. Prominent among
these are the cases of so-called Myasis, and
especially those resulting from the attacks
of the screw worm fly, Compsomyia macel-
Residents of temperate regions are fortu-
nate as compared with those of tropical
regions in respect to the personally annoy-
ing insects. Our troubles from these indi-
vidually insignificant causes are intensified
to a degree in warmer countries, where the
comfort of the individual absolutely depends
upon the adoption of measures, always dif-
ficult and frequently impracticable, to ex-
clude insects from his person and from his
food. This is so well known in these days
of numerous books of travel that I will
close this aspect of our question simply
with a quotation from a poet of the Indies,
written many years ago:
‘On every dish the booming beetle falls,
The cockroach plays, or caterpillar crawls:
A thousand shapes of variegated hues
Parade the table and inspect the stews:
To living walls the swarming hundreds stick,
Or court, a dainty meal, the oily wick ;
Heaps over heaps their slimy bodies drench,
Out go the lamps with suffocating stench.
When hideous insects every plate defile,
The laugh how empty, and how forced the smile !’’
Manson’s demonstrated transmission of
the filaria diseases of the East (elephan-
tiasis, chyluria and lymph scrotum) by in-
sects ; the discovery by Salmon and Smith
of the carriage of the germ of Texas fever
by the well-known Southern cattle tick;
the discovery by Koch of the fact that the
Tsetse fly of Africa is so destructive to
animals, not by its bite alone, but by carry-
ing into the circulation of the animal that
it attacks the micro-organisms of disease ;
the demonstration by Howe and others of
the previously suspected fact that the puru-
lent conjunctivitis of the Egyptians is spread
by the house fly ; the partly proven hypoth-
esis of Manson and Grassi of the relation
existing between mosquitoes and malaria;
the circumstantially proven carriage of the
germs of Asiatic cholera and typhoid fever
by flies; the demonstration claimed by
Finlay of the carriage of a mild type of
yellow fever by mosquitoes; the suggestion
by Hubbard that the ‘pink eye’ of the
South is spread by Hippelates; the well-
recognized fact among the Europeans of the
Fiji Islands that without a veil a serious
native eye disease will spread through the
medium of gnats ; the suggestion by Symond
of the agency of fleas in the spread of
the bubonic plague; the demonstration of
anthrax bacilli in malignant pustules in
human beings, caused by the bite of Taba-
nus and Stomoxys—all indicate an impor-
tant and very injurious function of insects
practically unsuspected until comparatively
recent years. It is, in fact, a rapidly in-
creasing field of investigations, the possi-
bilities of which cannot be accurately estab-
lished at the present time. It is, however,
not a field which should be left entirely to
the medical bacteriologist ; the entomolo-
gist should haveashare. The life histories
and habits of the insects concerned in the
damage should be thoroughly understood,
since it is not impossible that otherwise the
medical investigators may find themselves
arriving at perhaps unwarranted conclu-
sions. For example, it is a fact probably
unknown to the medical men who may be
strongly impressed by the suggested car-
riage of typhoid germs by flies, that the
house fly, so common in our dining rooms,
does not breed in and rarely visits human
excrement, while those other kinds of flies,
which do so breed, are rarely attracted to
articles of food used by human beings. In
the crowded and unnatural conditions of
army camps, however, and especially where
cavalry regiments are stationed, so that
there are great amounts of horse manure,
the house fly may breed in such enormous
numbers as to render of very likely occur-
rence a departure from the normal food
habits of the adult.
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 216.
Enough has been shown, however, to em-
phasize the potentiality of this phase of
insect injury.
The economic bearings of insect enemies
of insects are very great, and perhaps this
is, all things considered, the most important
of the beneficial function of insects as a
In the eternal warfare of organism upon
organism, in the perpetual strife of species,
one preying upon another and that upon a
third, the complications of relations of
forms which determine the abundance of
one species and the scarcity of another are
nowhere more marked than among the in-
sects. In fact, to the student of insects who
has followed out even a single chain of these
inter-relationships the thought must neces-
sarily come that upon its organic environ-
ment, and especially upon its relations with
its living neighbors of the animal kingdom,
depend the chances of a species not only for
increase, but for survival almost to no lesser
degree than upon its inorganic environment.
Temperature is the great factor which con-
trols the geographical distribution of life,
and temperature is at the back of all these
apparent living first causes which control
the abundance ofa species in a given region,
provided we trace them far enough. Yet
these living causes, themselves affected by
other living causes in an almost endless
chain, sometimes, to all appearance, dwarf
even temperature as a controlling factor.
There is not a species of insect that has
not its natural enemies in the guise of other
insects; there is not one of these other in-
sects which has not its own insect foes.
From a single species of Bombycid moth,
the larve of which frequently damage
forests in Europe to an alarming extent,
there have been reared no less than sixty
species of hymenopterous parasites. From a
FEBRUARY 17, 1899. ]
single caterpillar of Plusia brassice have been
reared 2,528 individuals of a little hymen-
opterous parasite, Copidosoma truncatellum.*
Outbreaks of injurious insects are fre-
quently stopped as though by magic by the
work of insect enemies of the species.
Hubbard found, in 1880, that a minute par-
asite, Trichogramma pretiosa, alone and un-
aided, almost annihilated the fifth brood of
the cotton worm in Florida, fully ninety
per cent. of the eggs of this prolific crop
enemy being infested by the parasite. Not
longer ago than 1895, in the city of Wash-
ington, more than ninety-seven per cent. of
the caterpillars of one of our most important
shade-tree pests were destroyed by para-
sitic insects, tothe complete relief of the city
the following year. The Hessian fly, that
destructive enemy to wheat crops in the
United States, is practically unconsidered
by the wheat growers of certain States, for
the reason that whenever its numbers be-
gin to be injuriously great its parasites in-
crease to such a degree as to prevent ap-
preciable damage.
The control of a plant-feeding insect by
its insect enemies is an extremely compli-
cated matter, since, as we have already
hinted, the parasites of the parasites play
an important part. The undue multiplica-
tion of a vegetable feeder is followed by
the undue multiplication of parasites, and
their increase is followed by the increase of
hyperparasites. Following the very in-
stance of the multiplication of the shade-
tree caterpillar just mentioned, the writer
was able to determine this parasitic chain
during the next season down to quaternary
parasitism. Beyond this point, true internal
parasitism probably did not exist, but even
* This observation, which for some years ‘held the
record,’ as the expression is, was made by Mr. Per-
gande, of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Re.
cently, however, Professor A. Giard, of Paris, has
more than 3,000 specimens of the same parasite reared
from a Plusia caterpillar.
these quaternary parasites were subject to
bacterial or fungus disease and to the at-
tacks of predatory insects.
The prime cause of the abundance or
scarcity of a leaf-feeding species is, there-
fore, obscure, since it is hindered by an
abundance of primary parasites, favored by
an abundance of secondary parasites (since
these will destroy the primary parasites),
hindered again by an abundance of tertiary
parasites, and favored again by an abun-
dance of quaternary parasites.
The subject of practical handling of in-
sect enemies of insects has come into great
prominence during the past ten years. The
suggestion by the Rev. Dr. Bethune, of
Canada, many years ago, of the desirability
of importing the European parasite of the
wheat midge into America was probably
the first published international suggestion
of this nature, and, although some subse-
quent correspondence between English and
American entomologists ensued, no parasites
were actually sent over. Later, attempts
were made by LeBaron in the case of a
parasite of the oyster-shell bark-louse of
the apple, and by Professor Riley in the
case of a parasite of the plum curculio, to
transport parasites from one section of the
United States to another, both attempts
meeting with some slight success.
In 1873 Planchon and Riley introduced
an American predatory mite, which feeds
in this country on the grape vine Phyllozera,
into France, where it became established,
but where it accomplished no appreciable
results in the way of checking the spread of
this famous vine pest.
In 1874 efforts were made to send certain
parasites of plant-lice from England to New
Zealand, without recorded results of value.
In 1880, in an article upon the para-
sites of American scale insects, the writer
showed that international transportation is
especially easy, and especially desirable in
the case of these insects.
In 1883 Dr. Riley succeeded in importing
a common European parasite of the im-
ported cabbage worm into this country,
where it established itself and has since
proved tobe a valuable addition to our fauna.
In 1891 the same distinguished entomol-
ogist brought about the importation of one
of the European parasites of the Hessian
fly through the assistance of Mr. Fred.
Enock, of London. This parasite main-
tained itself in this country certainly as
late as 1895, but has accomplished no ap-
preciable good,so far as has beenascertained,
in limiting the increase of this destructive
enemy to wheat.
All previous experiments of this nature
were dwarfed into insignificance by the as-
tounding success of the importation of Novius
(Vedalia) cardinalis, a ladybird beetle, from
Australia into California in 1889. This
importation was made, as will be remem-
bered, by Mr. Albert Koebele, an attaché
of the Division of Entomology of the United
States Department of Agriculture, whose ex-
penses, however, were paid out of a fund
appropriated to the Department of State,
for the purpose of securing a representation
from this country at the Melbourne Expo-
sition. A California man, the late Mr.
Frank MecCoppin, happened to be at the
head of the Exposition Commission ; and,
while the late Dr. C. V. Riley was endeay-
oring in Washington to induce the Depart-
ment of State to set aside a sum, from the
Exposition fund, for the expenses of Mr.
Koebele, representatives of the State Board
of Horticulture of California were pressing
the same facts upon Mr. McCoppin, the
head of the Commission. These efforts
were being made independently and with-
out consultation, hence it happened that
after Mr. Koebele had succeeded in sending
live Vedalias to California, and after these
insects, by their rapid multiplication and
voracious habits, had absolutely destroyed
the cottony cushion scale in the orange
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 216.
groves of the State, a result which prac-
tically saved millions of dollars to Califor-
nia, and which attracted the attention of
everyone interested in science or agricul-
ture, a most unfortunate controversy en-
sued between Dr. Riley and the California
State Board of Horticulture as to the placing
of the credit of carrying out this wonder-
fully successful experiment. This contro-
versy embittered the last days of both Dr.
Riley and Mr. McCoppin, and was the cause
of a disturbance of the formerly pleasant
relations between the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture and the State Board of
Horticulture of California, which has only
recently been overcome.
Following this successful experiment, the
same insect, Novius cardinalis, was sent to
South Africa, where it exterminated the
white or fluted scale in that colony. The
next year if was sent to Egypt, where it
exterminated a congeneric scale insect in
the gardens of Alexandria.
The following year Mr. Koebele, still an
agent of the United States Department of
Agriculture, was sent with the°consent of
the Honorable Jeremiah Rusk, but at the
expense of the California State Board of
Horticulture, to Australia, New Zealand
and the Fiji Islands, for the purpose. of
securing other valuable beneficial insects
for importation into California. Thousands
of such insects, comprising a number of
different species, nearly all, however, of
them Coccinellids, or ladybirds, were sent
over and established in California. Several
of these species are still living in different
parts of the State. The overwhelming suc-
cess of the importation of Novius cardinalis.
was not repeated, but one of the insects
brought over at that time, namely, Rhizobius
ventralis, has unquestionably ridden many
olive groves of the destructive black scale,
and is to-day present in many other orchards
in such numbers that the scale practically
makes no headway.
FEBRUARY 17, 1899.]
After this second Oriental trip the rela-
tions between the Department of Agricul-
ture and the State Board of Horticulture of
California became so strained that the Cali-
fornia agents of the Department were given
their choice by the Honorable Secretary of
Agriculture to resign their positions or be
transferred to Washington. Mr. Koebele
resigned and was soon after employed by
the then newly established Hawaiian Re-
public for the purpose of travelling in dif-
ferent countries and collecting beneficial
insects to be introduced into Hawaii for the
purpose of destroying injurious insects. It
is difficult at this time to ascertain the
exact results of the more recent portion of
this work. Mr. Koebele’s own published
reports have dealt less with results than
with the details of the introduction of in-
sects, and anonymous newspaper reports
are not to be accepted as scientific evidence.
Fortunately, however, one of the collectors
of the British Association for the Advance-
ment of Science, Mr. R. E. C. Perkins, was
in Hawaii during 1896 and made a report
on Mr. Koebele’s work to the committee ap-
pointed by the Royal Society and the Brit-
ish Association for investigating the fauna
of the Sandwich Islands, which was pub-
lished in Nature for March 25,1897. From
this report it appears that the introduction
of Coccinella repanda from Ceylon, Australia
and China was so successful in the extermi-
nation of plant-lice upon sugar cane and
other crops as to obviate all necessity for
spraying. The introduction of Cryptolemus
montrouziert from Australia resulted in the
entire recovery of the coffee plants and
other trees which were on the point of be-
ing totally destroyed by the scale insect
known as Pulvinaria psidii. Hight other
introduced species had at the date of writ-
ing (November, 1896) been entirely natu-
ralized and were reported as doing good
work against certain scale insects. A Chal-
cis fly, Chaleis obscurata, introduced from
China and Japan, multiplied enormously at
the expense of an injurious caterpillar
which had severely attacked banana and
palm trees. Mr. Koebele, when visiting
Washington during November, 1898, men-
tioned a number of other importations of
beneficial insects into Hawaii, about which
it is as yet too early to speak.
A very recent instance of an international
importation of striking value is the sending
of Novius cardinalis from this country to
Portugal, where the white or fluted scale
has been checked and in many orchards ex-
terminated in the course of a single year.
This importation was made by the writer
with the invaluable assistance of the Cali-
fornia State Board of Horticulture.
Other experiments in this line are under
way. A parasite of certain wax scales,
which are abundant and injurious in the
South, has been imported by the writer
from Italy, with the cooperation of Pro-
fessor Antonio Berlese, of the Royal Scuola
di Agricoltura di Portici ; while an effort is
being made to bring from Europe insects
which will prey upon the Gipsy moth which
has been so great a plague about Boston ;
and other parasites of injurious scale insects
in foreign countries are being studied with
the purpose of eventually obtaining their
introduction into the United States.
Just as we have shown how important is
the réle played by insects in the destruction
of cultivated and useful plants, it will be
easy to indicate their importance as de-
stroyers of weeds and other noxious plants.
We need only mention the common and
cosmopolitan thistle butterfly (Pyrameis car-
dui), the equally common milkweed butter-
fly (Anosia plexippus), the purslane cater-
pillar (Copidryas glovert) , the burdock beetle
( Gastroidea cyanea), and the purslane sphinx
moth (Deilephila lineata) to recall to the
mind of the experienced entomologist many
other species which do similar work. They
are here, as in the former case, perhaps the
principal agents in preventing the undue
increase of any one species of plant, but as
we find here not an effort of man to combat
Nature, as it were, by increasing the growth
and spread of one species at the expense of
the others, but the exact opposite, so, here
also, to a degree we find Nature arrayed
against man, and insects thus play by no
means the same part in the destruction of
weeds that they doin the destruction of
cultivated crops. Nevertheless, they have
an important function in this direction, and
it is safe to say that the benefit which the
agriculturist derives from their work in this
way is very great. As long ago as the be-
ginning of the century it was pointed out by
Sparrman that a region in Africa, which
had been choked up by shrubs, perennial
plants and hard, half-withered and unpal-
atable grasses, after being made bare by a
visitation of destructive grasshoppers, soon
appeared in a far more beautiful dress,
clothed .with new herbs, superb lilies and
fresh annual grasses, affording delicious
herbage for the wild cattle and game.
In a similar way Riley has called atten-
tion to the fact that after the great grass-
hopper invasions of Colorado and other
Western States in the years 1874 to 1876
there were wonderful changes in the char-
acter of the vegetation, the grasshopper dey-
astations being followed by a great preva-
lence of plants which in ordinary seasons
were scarcely noticed. It is true that some
of these plants were dangerous weeds, but
others were most valuable as forage for the
half-starved live stock. Moreover, other
plants, and especially short or recumbent
grasses, took on a new habit and grew lux-
uriantly ; one species, for example, Hragrostis
powoides, ordinarily recumbent and scarcely
noted, grew in profusion to a height of three
and a-half feet.
An important, but not generally realized,
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 216.
benefit which is derived from the insects
may be mentioned under this head, though
not strictly belonging here. Kirby showed,
75 years ago, that the insects that attacked
the roots of grasses, such as wireworms,
white grubs, etc., in ordinary seasons only
devour so much as_is necessary to make
room for fresh shoots and the product
of new herbage, in this manner maintain-
ing a constant succession of young plants
and causing an annual though partial reno-
vation of our meadows and pastures, ‘so
that, when in moderate numbers, these in-
sects do no more harm to the grass than
would the sharp-toothed harrows which it
has sometimes been obliged to apply to hide-
bound pastures, and the beneficial operation
of which in loosening the subsoil these in-
sect borers closely imitate.”
It can no longer be doubted that cross
fertilization is one of the very most impor-
tant elements in the progressive develop-
ment and continued health of the great
majority of flowering plants, and, indeed,
that it is with some almost a condition of
existence. Opposition to this view, at no
time especially strong since the publication
of Darwin’s great work, has become feebler
and more feeble until at the present it is
not worth considering.
Comparative pepe ec ator with self-
fertilizing and cross-fertilizing plants, re-
peated with many species and genera, have
shown a superior growth and vitality on
the part of those subjected to cross-fertili-
zation of such a degree as to leave not a
semblance of a doubt; while in individual
cases self- fertilization has been scientifically
shown to even result in a deterioration so
marked that it has been compared to poi-
In this condition of affairs it at once be-
comes evident that the good offices of in-
sects in this direction are of incalculable
FEBRUARY 17, 1899. ]
importance, since it must be plain that of
the natural agencies by which cross-fertili-
zation of plants is accomplished insects are
far and away the most prominent. Every
investigation which has been undertaken
of recent years, and activity in this field is
increasing by leaps and bounds, has shown
the most marvelous adaptations between
the structure of flowers and the structure
of their insect visitants, all in the line of
facilitating or really enforcing the collect-
ing and carriage of pollen by flower-visiting
insects from one plant to another. An esti-
mate of the numbers of the species of insects
engaged in this work would include the
forms belonging to whole families and al-
most orders, and if we could imagine the
race of flower-visiting insects wiped out of
existence the disastrous effect upon plant
growth would be beyond estimate. I am
not prepared to state that insects benefit
plants in this way to such an extent as to
overcome the results of the work of the
plant-destroying species, but if it were pos-
sible to compare in any way the results of
these two classes of work itis safe to say
that the effect would be surprising.
We must, therefore, without going further
into detail, place this pollenization of plants
as one of the very most important beneficial
functions of insects in their relations to
Another beneficial function of insects, the
importance of which can hardly be overesti-
mated, is their value to humanity in doing
away with, and rendering innocuous, dead
matter of both plant and animal origin.
This subject has never been discussed with-
out reference to the famous statement by
Linnzeus that the offspring of three blow-
flies would destroy the carcass of a horse
as quickly as would a lion; and while the
exact statement in its details is open to
doubt, still it serves to illustrate, in a strik-
ing way, the good offices of insects, and it is
certainly true that after the offspring of the
blow-fly have finished with the horse’s car-
cass this would be left ina much less offen-
sive condition than after the departure of
the lion.
There are inhabited regions in which the
climate is so dry that dead bodies of ani-
mals never become offensive, but, by natural
mummification, remain simply as cumberers
of the earth. In such regions insects play
little part. Wherever, however, there is
sufficient moisture to produce a natural de-
cay, there insects occur in swarms and
hasten the destruction of the decomposing
mass ina marked degree. Were the bodies
of dead animals not destroyed by insects in
this way, and, still more, were the destruc-
tion of dead vegetation not hastened as it
is by the attacks of countless insects, it is
perfectly easy to see that the earth would
not be inhabitable, its surface would be
covered with the indestructible remains of
what was once life in some form.
Large groups of insects, comprising many
thousands of species, take part in this in-
estimable work, and it will probably be un-
necessary in order to bring about a realiza-
tion of this value to dwell further upon the
It is a fact not generally realized that
insects must take an important part in the
changes in the character of the soil which
are constantly going on. Occurring in such
countless millions, as they do, constantly
penetrating the soil in all directions, fre-
quently dragging vegetation below the sur-
face and bringing the subsoil up to the
surface, changing the character of the soil
humus by passing it through their bodies,
and fertilizing the earth by their own death
and decay, it is probable that insects are
responsible for even more soil change than
are the earth worms, which Darwin has
placed before us in such an important light.
Insects are found beneath the ground in
incredible numbers; some of them pass
their whole life underground, feeding upon
roots and rootlets, upon dead and decaying
vegetable matter, upon soil humus and
upon other insects; many of them have
their nests underground, although they get
their food elsewhere; while others hide
their eggs or pupee underground.
The depth to which they penetrate is
something surprising; the minute insects
of the family Poduridz have been found
swarming literally by the million at a depth
of six to eight feet in a stiff clay subsoil.
In this réle insects play an important
part. Insects as food, and their products
as clothing, are well known to all. The
great silk industry of the world is derived
wholly from insects, and almost entirely
from a single species, the silkworm of com-
As food, insects have formed articles of
diet for certain savage peoples since the
beginning of the human race. Hope, in
1842, catalogued forty-six species of insects
used as food, and Wallace, in 1854, showed
that insects of six different Orders were used
as food by the Indians of the Amazon.
Semi-civilized peoples to-day use certain in-
sects as food, as witness the consumption
of Corixa eggs by the Mexicans, and a book
has been written under the caption ‘Why
not eat insects?’ for the purpose of show-
ing that many possibilities in the way of
dietetics are being ignored to-day. M. de
Fontvielle, in addressing the Société d’In-
sectologie, in 1883, expressed regret that the
attempts made to popularize the use of in-
sects as food have made so little progress,
and said that we ought not to forget the
remark of the Roman Emperor who said
that the body of an enemy never tasted
bad, and that the banquet of the Society
would always lack something so long as
[N.S. Von. LX. No. 216.
there was not placed before them at least
some grasshopper farina and fried white
A single insect, the honey bee, furnishes
a notable article of food, and is the basis of
a great and world-wide industry.
As food for poultry, song birds and food
fish, insects are indirectly of great benefit
to man. Not only do they provide living
food for such animals, but Coriza mercenaria,
a water bug, is now being imported by the
ton from Mexico into England as food for
birds, poultry, game and fish. One ton of
these bugs has been computed by Mr. G.
W. Kirkaidy to contain 250,000,000 of in-
sects (Entomologists’ Monthly Magazine, Au-
gust, 1898).
In the days of pure empiricism in medi-
cine, insects were used extensively, and we
have only to mention the Spanish fly to
‘show that they are still of some value.
In the arts, shellac and Chinese white
wax, as is well known, are insect products,
as also are the formerly greatly used coch-
ineal dye and Polish berry dye, the so-called
berry in this case being an insect and not a
The last-named instances are all derived
from scale insects, a group of astonishing
capacity for multiplication, the commercial
possibilities of which are by no means ex-
hausted, as I took pleasure in showing in a
paper read before the American Association
for the Advancement of Sciencein 1897. It
should be noted here, also, that there is
good reason to believe that the manna of
the Bible, upon which the Children of Israel
subsisted while in the Wilderness, was also
the secretion of a scale insect.
After this general account, arranged under
the classes of damage and classes of benefits
brought about by insects, it will be well to
attempt an arrangement of the subject in a
somewhat different manner, in order to gain,
FEBRUARY 17, 1899.]
if possible, some light as to the relative
proportion of insects which are injurious or
It will be manifestly impossible to cata-
logue the species or the genera in this way,
and it will be obvious that a classification
from families will be lacking in exactness,
since some of the families are very large in
number of species and others exceedingly
small; but, taking the groups as a whole,
no better and speedier means suggests itself
than to summarize the habits by families.
Another difficulty, however, which arises
in such a classification is the fact that some
orders are in a much more advanced stage
of classification than others, and the force
which is given to a family as a taxonomic
group varies with the views of the latest
monographer. Nevertheless, taking only
the older and generally accepted families
and analyzing habits, we find the situation
to be as follows :
Of 33 families of Hymenoptera, but two
are strictly plant-feeding ; the Cynipide, or
gall flies, are in the main injurious to
plants, but some forms are parasitic ; nine
families are strictly parasitic upon other
insects; fifteen are predatory upon other
insects ; two, comprising the bees, have no
other especial vaiue in their relations with
man than as pollenizers of plants, or pro-
ducers of honey ; three, comprising the ants,
are beneficial as scavengers, but injurious
in their other relations. It must be re-
membered, however, that at least 27 of the
33 families are of the greatest value in the
eross-fertilization of plants, in which work
the insects of this order perhaps take the
In the Coleoptera, or beetles, considering
82 families, the insects of nine families on
the whole are injurious, and of 23 families
on the whole are beneficial as destroying
injurious insects; 10 families are beneficial
as scavengers, and 30, or more, mostly small
groups of little importance, contain some
scavengers and many neutral forms of prac-
tically no economic importance, although
certain of them visit flowers; two families
contain both injurious and beneficial forms,
as well as many that are neutral.
In the Siphonaptera, or fleas, the species
of the single family are parasitic upon
warm-blooded animals.
In the Diptera, or true flies, if we classify
the families according to habits of the
majority of the species in each, we get ap-
proximately : injurious families, 10; preda-
ceous families, 11; parasitic family, 1; scav-
engers, 19. In point of numbers, of indi-
viduals in this order, as well as in the
Coleoptera, no doubt the injurious will ex-
ceed the predaceous ; while in the Diptera
the scavengers will probably equal all of
the others put together.
In the Lepidoptera practically all of the
60 odd families are injurious through the
damage done by their larvze to vegetation,
but here again it must be remembered—and
the same comment holds for many of the
Diptera which we have just considered—that
the adult insects are among the most active
and frequent visitors of flowers and have a
great and beneficial effect on cross-fertiliza-
In the Trichoptera the insects of the
single family feed upon aquatic plants and
have no economic value except as furnish-
ing food for food fishes.
The insects of the single family in the
order Mecoptera are indifferent in their
economic relations, though probably slightly
In the Neuroptera all of the seven fami-
lies are beneficial through their predaceous
habits, with the exception of the Sialide,
which, since their larve are aquatic, may
be termed indifferent or neutral, though it
has both a beneficial and an injurious rela-
tion to food fishes.
In the Homoptera we have nine families,
all of which are injurious except that here
and there a species has had a commercial
value, like the lac and dye insects.
In the Heteroptera there are 11 fami-
lies which are strictly plant feeders; 8 are
strictly predaceous; 3 are both injurious
and predaceous; while the economic value
of 18 is more or less doubtful. Most of
these last are aquatic and have some value
as fish food.
The insects of the single family of the
order Physaptera are injurious.
In the Orthoptera we have one family of
strictly predaceous habits ; one which has
a mixed food and is partly injurious and
partly beneficial as its species become scav-
engers; the habits of 1 family are unknown;
while in the 4 remaining families the species
are all injurious as destroyers of vegetation.
The insects of the single family of the
order Euplexoptera are probably beneficial
as predatory forms and scavengers.
The single family of the order Malloph-
aga is injurious, containing parasites of
birds and mammals.
In the Corrodentia the habits of the in-
sects of the single family are on the whole
of little economic importance, though the
species are to be classified in the main as
In the Isoptera the forms belonging to
the two families are injurious.
In the Order Plecoptera the species of
the single family are practically neutral in
their economic relations, although they
possess some value as fish food.
All of the insects of the single family of
the order Odonata may be called beneficial ;
the adults are predaceous upon other in-
sects and are thus strictly beneficial, but the
larvee may in a sense be termed injurious,
since they are aquatic and prey upon other
aquatic insects which themselves may be
food for fishes. y
The insects of the single family of the order
Ephemerida are of little economic value,
except that they are important fish food.
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 216.
Lastly, the insects of eight of the fami-
lies of Thysanura are beneficial as scaven-
gers and soil markers, while some of the
species of one family are somewhat harmful
from the damage which they do in house-
Tabulating the facts thus gained we have
the following:
Injurious as feeding upon cultivated and
useful plants, the insects of 112 families.
Injurious as parasitic upon warm-blooded
animals, the insects of 1 family.
Beueficial as preying upon other insects,
the insects of 79 families.
Beneficial as scavengers, the insects of 32
Beneficial as pollenizers only, the insects
of 2 families.
Beneficial as forming food for food fishes,
the insects of 3 families.
Of undetermined economic importance,
the insects of 49 families.
Families containing both injurious and
beneficial forms, 22.
The totals are:
Beneficial, the insects of 118 families.
Injurious, the insects of 116 families.
Both, or undetermined, the insects of 71
And now the question is: Are we any
nearer the answer of the query in the title
of this paper than we were at the start?
We have, perhaps, gained by this summary
a clearer idea of the economic importance
of the class Insecta, and possibly it may
appear by this contrasting method that the
benefits derived from insects entirely offset
their injuries ; but we cannot, in our present
stage of enlightenment (and I say it with all
reverence), complacently and piously adopt,
with the good old rector of Barham, the
view that insects, with all the lower ani-
mals, were created for man’s benefit, God
permitting occasional injuries, to use Kirby’s
Fepruary 17, 1899. ]
words, ‘‘ not merely with punitive views, but
also to show us what mighty effects he can
produce by instruments so insignificant,
thus calling on us to glorify his power,
wisdom and goodness.”
Contrast with this view the view of Pro-
fessor Bailey, in one of his charming essays
in the volume entitled ‘The Survival of the
Unlike :’ ‘‘ We are now prepared to admit
that this whole question of enemy and
friend is a relative one, and does not depend
upon right and wrong, but simply upon our
own relationships to the given animals and
plants. An insect which eats our potatoes
is an enemy because we want the potatoes
too; the insect has as much right to the
potatoes as we have. He is pressed by the
common necessity of maintaining himself,
and there is every evidence that the potato
was made as much for the insect as for the
human kind. Dame Nature is quite as much
interested in the insect as in man. ‘ What
a pretty bug!’ she. exclaims; ‘send him
over to Smith’s potato patch.’ Buta bug
which eats this insect is beneficial; that is,
he is beneficial to man, not to the insect.
Thus everything in nature is a benefit to
something and an injury to something; and
every time that conditions of life are modi-
fied the relationships readjust themselves.”’
In these words Bailey, with his accustomed
felicity, has expressed the situation admi-
rably. Man is but one of the forms of life
struggling for existence, at continual war-
fare with surrounding forms; but by virtue
of his surpassing intelligence—itself as grad-
ually evolved as have been the physical
characteristics of any given species—he has
overrun the earth, has accommodated him-
self to the most unnatural environments ;
he has dominated all other species in na-
ture; he has turned to his own uses and
encouraged or hastened the evolution of
species useful to him or of useful qualities
in such species; he has wiped out of exist-
ence certain inimical forms, and is gaining
the control of others. He is the dominant
type,and types whose existence and methods
of life are opposed to his interests are being
pushed to the wall. It is the culmination
of a history which has many times repeated
itself in past ages. The struggle of other
forms of life to accommodate themselves to
the conditions brought about by the rapid
development of this dominant type is one
the most interesting fields of study open to
the biologist to-day. It would seem as if,
in man’s efforts to make the face of the
earth his own, all the complicated elements
of life were arrayed against him, and the
great and ultimate result of the labor of the
biologist in his study of the relations of the
different forms of life and the laws which
govern their development will be to bring
about the absolute control of all other life
by man. Thus it is not only the economic
worker who looks for immediate results of a
practical kind from his labor—the scientific
agriculturist, the horticulturist, the eco-
nomic zoologist, the medical bacteriologist
—who should command the respect of even
the practical-minded man, but the biologist
in whatever field, however restricted it
may be, whether he is working towards the
understanding of broad principles and gen-
eral laws, or whether in some narrow corner
of research, he is accumulating material
which will help ultimately to lead to wider
understandings—all are working helpfully
and practically towards the perfect well-
being of the human race.
L. O. Howarp.
M. G. Cuarpy, the well-known investi-
gator in this field, publishes in the Bulletin
de la Société d’ Encouragement pour UV Industrie
Nationale, for June, 1898, an extensive paper
on the ‘ Travaua de la Commission des Alliages,’
of which the following are some of the main
points :
The purpose of the investigation was
largely that of finding a way of applying to
alloys for bearings the tests previously de-
duced respecting relations of fusibility and
other properties. General experience has
shown that white alloys, customarily used
for bearings in machinery, are much less
frequently overheated than those made, as
previously common, of bronze, while they
are found also to reduce friction something
like 20 per cent. In some instances the
reported accidents with the two classes of
metal are but 24 with the white metal as
compared with 100 with the yellow in ordi-
nary railroad work. Their wear is also but
about 0.4 that of the bronze. Solong, how-
ever, as a layer of oil remains in effective
depth, on the rubbing surface, the coeffi-
cient of friction is substantially the same
with all bearing metals. Flooded journals
give immunity from friction, safety from
heating and wear, and independence of the
nature of the rubbing metals, except so far
as their conductivity affects the removal of
heat developed by friction.
Charpy gives an extensive table of the
composition of various anti-friction alloys
as reported by the authorities, including
substantially all those reported by Dudley,
Ledebur and Thurston. His own investi-
gations are upon alloys of lead and anti-
mony; of lead, tin and bismuth; of tin, cop-
per and antimony; of lead, copper and an-
timony; of zinc, tin and antimony, and of
copper, tin and lead; all of which are
studied under compression and wear, and
micrographically. Admirable prints are
given of the micrographic development,
and the ‘stress-strain’ diagrams, both for
the binary and ternary alloys, are exhibited;
the writer using the Thurston ‘tri-axial’ dia-
gram, and the corresponding ‘glyptic’ rep-
resentation in the solid, to illustrate his
work.* The paper abounds in most inter-
*See Transactions Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., No.
DCCLXXVII., Vol. XIX., 1898. Sauveur, in this
[N.S. Vou. IX. No, 216.
esting and helpful illustrations of these
He concludes substantially as follows :
(1) All these alloys, when fitted for use
as anti-friction metal, exhibit the same
general characteristics. They are made up
of hard particles set in a soft and plastic
alloy. The load is taken by the hard metal,
while the friction is reduced by the com-
paratively low coefficient of friction and by
the power which is given by the soft alloy
of adapting the loaded surface to the posi-
tion of the journal and to its deformations.
The ternary alloys are thought better than
the binary.
(2) The limits of practically useful al-
loys and mixtures are determined by this
method of investigation and the best com-
positions are identified.
(3) The processes adopted are mainly
graphic and micrographic, to ascertain
whether the quality is suitable and the
composition such as has been found de-
sirable, and compressive tests to ascertain
whether it has the needed power of resist-
ing pressure, without serious deformation
under ordinary conditions of use. ‘ Cooling
curves’ were found very helpful.
(4) Alloys of lead and antimony should
contain between 15 and 25 per cent. anti-
mony. Those containing more of this con-
stituent are too hard and those containing
more lead are too soft; the one will lead to
brittleness and fracture, the other to crush-
ing and cutting.
(5) The copper-tin-antimony alloy of
best proportions is considered to be that
containing Cu. 5.55; Sn. 83.33 and Sb. 11.11
by weight. It is strong and tough, cor-
responding with the alloys empirically se-
lected for railroad journals by some railway
(6) The lead-tin-antimony alloys should
contain between 15 and 90 per cent. tin, and
country, has most extensively employed these meth-
ods of micrography in the work of his laboratory.
FERRUARY 17, 1899.]
not above 15 or 18 per cent. of antimony.
An alloy employed for metallic packing
contains Pb. 80; Sn. 12; Sb. 8.
(7) The copper-lead-antimony alloy
should not contain above 10 per cent. cop-
per. One tested alloy of good character is
Cu. 10; Sb. 25; Pb. 65. It has been used
successfully on railway axles.
(8) The copper-tin-lead alloys are the
usual bronzes of anti-friction metal makers.
The lead is probably a necessary constituent
for highest efficiency. They contain from
75 to 90 per cent. copper; 8 to 12.5 per cent.
tin, and 0 to 15 per cent. lead. Fluxing with
arsenic or phosphorus is usually advanta-
geous, the amount found in such alloy aver-
aging about 0.8 per cent.
Tv) dala),
Tue American Psychological Association
held its seventh annual meeting at Colum-
bia University, New York City, on Decem-
ber 28-30, 1898. Over fifty members were
in attendance at the various sessions, this
being the largest number at any meeting
since the organization of the Association.
Owing to the number offered, the sessions
were entirely given up to the reading and
discussion of papers, but the members were
present at the discussion before the Ameri-
can Society of Naturalists in ‘Advances in
Methods of Teaching,’ being represented in
the discussion by the President of the As-
sociation, Professor Munsterberg. Many of
the members also attended the reception
given by Professor and Mrs. Henry F. Os-
born to the Affiliated Societies on Wednes-
day evening, and were present at the dinner
of the Societies at the Hotel Savoy on
Thursday evening. At the business meet-
ing Professor John Dewey, of the Univer-
sity of Chicago, was elected President for
the ensuing year; Dr. Livingston Farrand,
of Columbia University, Secretary and
- ontological.
Treasurer ; and Professors J. McK. Cattell,
of Columbia University, and H. N. Gardi-
ner, of Smith College, members of the
Besides other business transacted, there
was appointed, on motion of Professor J.
M. Baldwin, a Standing Committee of Pay-
chological and Philosophical Terminology,
consisting of Professors Minsterberg, Cat-
tell, Sanford, Creighton, Royce, Minot and
Baldwin. The duties of this committee are
to recommend from time to time new terms
and choice of alternative terms in psychol-
ogy and philosophy ; to recommend foreign
equivalents for translation both into Eng-
lish and into foreign languages, and to keep
the Association informed as to the growth
of terminology in other departments, espe-
cially in neurology.
Professor J. McK. Cattell, Chairman of
the Committee on Physical and Mental
Tests, reported on the work of the Com-
mittee during the year and described the
progress in this field in the different labora-
Professor Munsterberg, who presided at
the meeting read his presidential address
on Wednesday afternoon, taking as his sub-
ject ‘Psychology and History.’ Professor
Munsterberg argued that the psychological
and historical views of human life are
necessarily in conflict; for the one the per-
sonality is a complex of elements and caus-
ally determined ; for the other it is a unity
and free. He held that claims of recent
writers that psychology and history are two
coordinated ways of dealing with the same
problem are untenable; that the difference
between the two is not methodological, but
The materials are different.
The material of psychology consists of ob-
jects which as such can be described and
explained ; the material of history consists
of subjective will acts which can merely be
interpreted and appreciated. Our interest
in the two is different. The investigation
of the material of history brings us to a
teleological system in which every will act
is linked with every other will act and the
general fact is not a causal law but a will
The subject of the ‘ discussion ’ which fol-
lowed the address of the President was ‘The
Relations of Will to Belief.’ Professors
James and Miller, who were to have taken
part, were unavoidably detained from the
meeting, and the discussion was carried on
by Professors Ladd, Hibben, Caldwell and
Armstrong. The first three speakers pre-
sented their views on the question, especial
reference being paid to Professor James’
essay, ‘The Will to Believe,’ while Profes-
sor Armstrong closed the debate with a his-
torical summary of the subject.
Of the regular meetings of the Associa-
tion for the reading of papers the first
was on Wednesday morning and was
opened by Mr. E. A. Kirkpatrick on ‘ The
Development of Voluntary Movement.’
After describing the case of a young child
upon which he based his views, the speaker
argued that movements, such as walking,
that seem to be learned are in reality
largely inherited, and that other nervous
and muscular connections are less a matter
of experience than is usually thought.
Professor E. B. Delabarre reported certain
experiments made upon himself with Can-
nabis Indica, and attributed the effects to
the hyperexcitability of the nervous system
induced by the drug. There was a gradual
increase in sensory, intellectual, emotional
and motor activity, lasting about half the
total duration of the main influence, and
followed by a gradual decrease to normal
or below.
Professor George T. Ladd read a paper
in which he held that psychology was not
making the progress in this country which
might reasonably be expected, and held that
the hindrances are, in part at least, matters
of personnel in the body of professional
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 216.
psychologists. The particular hindrances
mentioned by Professor Ladd were, in brief,
the excessive scholastic spirit among psy-
chologists and the consequent ignorance of
the mental life of the great body of the
people, the great number of publications by
authors of insufficient training, the injury
done to the science in the eyes of the laity
by methods of discussion and controversy,
the invasion of the commercial spirit and
the maintenance of an improper attitude
toward the other most closely allied sciences.
In a paper on ‘ Reason a Mode of In-
stinct,’ Mr. Henry Rutgers Marshall argued
that the objective mark of an instinct is
that it determines in an organism typical
reactions of biological significance to the
organism ; that opposition to instinct ex-
hibits itself in variation from typical reac-
tion, and is indicated by hesitancy and then
choice. Reason is the psychic coincident
of the physical process antecedent to choice.
Variation and reasoning both appear as re-
actions of a part of a complex physical and
psychical system. Variation is statable in
terms of instinct, and hence reason itself
must be looked upon as a mode of instinct,
the observed opposition between the two
being due to the complexity of the organic
connections of the phenomena.
Professor Wesley Mills spoke on ‘ Animal
Intelligence and Methods of Investigation,’
emphasizing the importance of normal con-
ditions in experimenting with lower ani-
mals, and objecting to the recent work of
Dr. E. L. Thorndike, on the ground that he
had violated this fundamental principle.
The speaker further argued in general for
greater caution in drawing conclusions from
observations on animals.
Professor Mary Whiton Calkins read a
technical paper on ‘ Psychological Classifi-
cation,’ dealing particularly with the attri-
butes of sensation.
On Thursday morning, December 29th,
the members of the American Physiological
FEBRUARY 17, 1899.]
Society who were meeting in New York
were invited to hold a joint session with
the Psychologists in the Psychological Lab-
oratory in Schermerhorn Hall, for the read-
ing, by members of both societies, of papers
which might have a common interest. This
joint meeting was successfully carried out,
with President Chittenden, of the Physiolo-
gists, in the chair. Professor J. McK.
Cattell opened the session with an exhibi-
tion of certain new instruments of his own
designing, for the study of movement and
fatigue, and a brief description of certain
researches now in progress in the psycho-
logical laboratory at Columbia. Among
other instruments was a spring ergometer,
intended to replace the Mosso ergograph,
and a dynamometer, in which the pressures
are contiuually added and counted, mak-
ing the study of muscular fatigue and the
effect of mental conditions on fatigue pos-
sible without elaborate apparatus.
The other psychological papers presented
at this session were by Professors Munster-
berg, Patrick and Scripture. Professor
Mimsterberg spoke on the ‘ Physiological
Basis of Mental Life,’ pointing out certain
fundamental objections to current physio-
logical theories of brain processes, and sug-
gesting several modifications which would
account for more of the factors in psycho-
physiological activity than is now the
Professor G. T. W. Patrick reported ex-
periments on tastes and odors made in the
laboratory of the University of Iowa upon
a subject with complete congenital anosenia.
Among other conclusions he drew the fol-
lowing: That what commonly passes for
taste sensations, so far as their discrimina-
tive or intellectual value is concerned, is
the composite result of the mingling of sen-
sations of smell, touch, temperature, sight
and taste; the latter, however, playing little
or no part in the discrimination of our com-
mon foods and drinks. Taste sensations
. ported the work at Yale.
furnish rather the emotional element in the
total conscious effect.
Dr. E. W. Scripture gave a lantern exhi-
bition of his methods of demonstrating the
the physiology and psychology of color, and
by special invitation Professor Ogden N.
Rood, of Columbia University, demonstrated
his ‘ Flicker Photometer.’
Physiological papers were read by Profes-
sor F. 8. Lee on ‘The Nature of Muscle
Fatigue,’ by Professor G. C. Huber on the
‘Innervation of the Intracranial Vessels,’
by Professor C. F. Hodge on ‘ Possible
Ameceboid Movements of the Dendritic Pro-
cesses of Cortical Nerve-cells’ and by Pro-
fessor G. W. Fitz on ‘A New Chronoscope.’
At the meeting on Friday morning Mr.
J. E. Lough reported experiments made at
Wellesley College, on the changes in rate
of respiration during mental activity started
by visual stimuli. There was in every case
an increase in the rate during stimulation
and areturn to the normal afterward, the
amount of the increase produced by a given
stimulus corresponding in a general way to
the degree of mental activity produced.
Dr. Robert MacDougall described re-
searches now in progress in the laboratory
at Harvard, and Dr. E. W. Scripture re-
Among other in-
vestigations Dr. Scripture reported interest-
ing results from passing alternating currents
of high frequency through the human body,
producing practical anesthesia and anal-
gesia to touch and cold, though apparently
not to heat. The speaker called attention
to the possible value of this method in pro-
ducing analgesia for surgical purposes. Dr.
J.P. Hylan gave an account of the work
in the laboratory of the University of
Illinois, and was followed by Dr. G. V.
Dearborn, who described experiments on
recognition under objective reversal, using
chance blots of ink on white cards, arranged
in series of ten and reversed in each of the
four quadrants and in the mirror, and
always in a plane at right angles to the
visual axis. He found that an object is
recognized more readily when inverted than
when in either of the two intermediate
positions, and more readily also than in the
erect mirror reversal or in that position
Dr. Arthur MacDonald reported further
measurements of pain and gave tables and
results. Two purely philosophical papers
were presented, one by Professor W. A.
Hammond on the theory of the will in Ar-
istotle’s Ethics, and the other by Professor
W. G. Everett on ‘Ethical Scepticism.’
These papers closed the morning session.
In the afternoon Professor W. Caldwell
read an appreciative criticism of Professor
J. Mark Baldwin’s recent work on Social
and Ethical Interpretation. A paper on the
genetic determination of the self, which had
been announced by Professor Baldwin, he
was forced to abandon on account of illness.
In a ‘Study of Geometrical Illusions,’
Professor Charles H. Judd upheld the thesis
that the underestimation of acute angles
and overestimation of obtuse angles, which
isa common feature of many illusions, is
not a fundamental fact, but is to be ex-
plained as due to the false estimation of the
length of the sides of the angles.
Professor Margaret F. Washburn spoke
on ‘Subjective Colors and the After Image,’
and Professor Ladd closed the meeting with
a description of a new color illusion.
Livineston FARRAND.
The New Maryland Geological Survey. Volume
I., 1897. Volume II.,1898. Johns Hopkins
The plan and the organization of the Mary-
land Geological Survey are set forth in the in-
troduction to the first volume of the reports.
In many respects they present admirable ex-
amples of common sense in scientific work.
The business of a State Survey, if successful,
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 216.
must be conducted so that it nets the people a
fair return for their money. It may neither
soar to abstruse and doubtfully profitable specu-
lation nor sink to polities for spoils only. Fail-
ing to avoid one or the other unbusiness-like
extreme, many State Surveys have died. The
Maryland Survey appears to have struck a
course between Scylla and Charybdis.
According to the organic law the name is the
State Geological and Economic Survey. The
control is in the hands of a commission, con-
sisting of the Governor and Comptroller of the
Stateand the presidents of two principal edu-
cational institutions—of Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity and the Maryland Agricultural College.
The commissioners shall appoint as superin-
tendent a geologist of established reputation,
who shall nominate for appointment by them
such assistants as they deem necessary; and
they shall determine compensation of employees
and may remove them. The objects of the Sur-
vey are defined in six articles, of which three
relate to appropriate investigations having prac-
tical bearing, two give authority to publish
maps and reports, and the sixth confers special
authority to consider ‘such other scientific and
economic questions as in the judgment of the
commissioners shall be deemed of value to the
people of the State.’ Among other sections is
one appropriating $10,000 per annum for the
purpose of executing the provisions of the act.
This section must be repealed before the appro-
priations for the support of the Survey can
By this law a board of commissioners, which
is equally divided between the educational and
executive or political leaders of the State, is
given unrestricted authority to carry on ap-
propriate observations for the benefit of the
people. The scope is unlimited, their power is
absolute, their responsibility is direct.
The Commission organized the Survey to in-
sure practical and thorough work. Professor
Wn. B. Clark, of Johns Hopkins, was appointed
State Geologist. It was resolved that there
should be no salaried officers, all services to be
paid at per diem rates for the time employed.
The scope of the Survey was determined to
be economic and educational. The economic
character was sufficiently prescribed by the law ;
FEBRUARY 17, 1899.]
but an educational purpose has rarely, if ever,
been so frankly assumed by a State Survey.
The necessity to enlighten the general public as
to the ends of a geological survey, though well
understood, is generally stated in an aside.
The position taken by the Maryland Survey
gives it strength and a broader opportunity, It
will be thought by many who know him that
President Gilman has exercised a controlling
influence in this as in other wise decisions of the
Strong in its close relations with the Mary-
land Agricultural College and Johns Hopkins
University, the Maryland Survey has sought
still further to strengthen itself by cooperation
with the scientific bureaus of the National Gov-
ernment. The Agricultural Department, the
Weather Bureau and the Geological Survey
have met the State Survey’s advances cordially,
and the work of Professor Clark and his col-
leagues is supplemented by that of members of
the several National organizations.
Maryland undertakes no new. task in organ-
izing this economic survey. Exploration and
mapping have been in progress since the earliest
days of settlement and thus cover more than
two centuries anda half. Logically planned,
the reports open with an historical account of
this progress, which begins with the voyage of
Captain John Smith in 1608. Reading the
early accounts of the region about the Chesa-
peake one is reminded of recent descriptions
of Alaska or the Phillipines. The degree of
knowledge expressed issimilar. In 1635 it was
written of Maryland :
“The Countrey is generally plaine and even,
and yet hath some pritty small hills and risings ;
It’s full of Rivers and Creekes and hath store of
Springs and smaller Brookes.”’
“The Mineralls have not yet beene much
searched after, yet there is discovered Iron
Oare ; and Earth fitt to make Allum, Terra
lemnia, and a red soile like Bolearmonicke,
with sundry other sorts of Mineralls, which wee
have not yet beene able to make any tryall of
* * * and to conclude, there is nothing that
can be reasonably expected in a place lying in
the latitude which this doth, but you shall
either find it here to grow naturally ; or In-
dustry, and good husbandry will produce it.’’
Modern events were perhaps prophesied in
the note on Herman’s map of Maryland (1670) :
“Certain it is that as the Spaniard is pos-
sessed of great Store of Mineralls at the other
side of these mountaines the same Treasures
they may in process of time afford also to us
here on this side when occupyed which is Rec-
omended to Posterity to Remember.’’
The first geological survey of Maryland was
authorized by law in 1834. It is interesting to
compare that act of the Assembly with the act
passed with the same object sixty-two years
later. The Act of 1834 authorizes the Governor
and Council to appoint an Engineer and a Ge-
ologist at salaries of $2,000 each ; it prescribes
the duties of the engineer and even more pre-
cisely those of the geologist. The latter shall
‘make a complete and minute geological survey
of the whole State, commencing with that por-
tion which belongs to the Tertiary order of geo-
logical formations, and with the southern divi-
sion thereof, and progressing regularly with
the course of the waters of the Potomac and
Chesapeake through that region, and thence
through the other subdivisions of the State,
with as much expedition and despatch as may
be consistent with minuteness and accuracy.’’
By a special section of the act the Geologist is
instructed to analyze mineral substances or
soils left at his office or residence by any citizen
of the State ; he is to report all ‘remarkable
discoveries,’’ a command whose phraseology
sufficiently indicates the common understand-
ing of asurvey’sraison d’étre. The expenses of
the Engineer and Geologist are to be paid, ‘‘ so
far as they may be deemed just, equitable and
proper, to an amount not exceeding one thous-
and dollars per annum. But the official ser-
vices of these gentlemen shall cease at the end
of one year, unless the act be re-enacted by the
next Legislature.
In strong contrast with the petty control thus
assumed by the Assembly of 1834 is the freedom
of action granted in 1896, and not less striking
is the personal tone of the former act when
compared with the impersonal character of the
latter one. The one might have been entitled :
An act to hamper a State Geologist ; the other
has created a State Survey.
The historical account is brought down to
the date of writing by sketches of the work of
all existing institutions which are contributing
to a knowledge of Maryland’s resources. The
valuable work of the late Professor G. H. Wil-
liams is appropriately set forth at length. The
sketch closes with lists of the surveys and
maps relating to Maryland made by the U.
S. Coast and Geodetic Survey and the U. S.
Geological Survey, and these lists are sup-
plemented by excellent index maps of the
State, showing the triangulation and the ar-
rangement of map sheets.
Following this historical article by Professor
Clark is a second, on the present knowledge of
the physical features of Maryland, embracing
an account of the physiography, geology and
mineral resources. Of this it need only be said
that it is concise, complete and accurate, so far
as the data now available permit. This report
frankly recognizes the existing information con-
cerning the State as the seed from which future
knowledge must grow. An excellent geologic
map lithographed by Hoen & Co. illustrates the
A bibliography and account of cartography of
Maryland, by Dr. E. B. Matthews, logically
completes the historical portion of the volume
and constitutes an important work of refer-
An earnest of the important results which
the Maryland Survey is to accomplish is con-
tained in the article by L. A. Bauer on a mag-
netic survey of the State. Including an ac-.
count of the history and objects of magnetic
surveys, this preliminary report is of broad
general interest. Declination and dip of the
needle and intensity of the magnetic forces are
defined. A history of magnetic surveys and an
account of methods follow. There is an ex-
tended account of variations of magnetic decli-
nation. The distribution of the declination in
Maryland is described and illustrated by a map.
And, finally, the economic value of the work is
set forth in a discussion of the establishment of
surveyor’s meridian lines.
The second volume of the Maryland Survey
reports, when compared with the first, is a
demonstration of the wisdom of doing one thing
well and the next thing better. Both volumes
are superior in utility and appearance to any
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 216.
State report previously issued. That the Mary-
land Survey has already won the confidence of
the people and the Legislature is shown by the
appropriations of $5,000 to promote topographic
surveys and $10,000 to conduct investigations
for bettermentin highways. These sums, added
to the appropriation of $10,000 for geology,
place in the hands of the Geological Survey
Commission annually $25,000 to be spent for
the benefit of the people of the State. That it
will be expended in securing authoritative in-
formation appears from the contents of the sec-
ond report.
Dr. G. P. Merrill, an authority on building
stones, contributes an article on the physical,
chemical and economic properties of building
stones in general, with special reference to the
needs of the Maryland industry. This article
is of general interest, as furnishing information
of primary importance to capitalists, quarry-
men and users of stone. It is followed by an
exhaustive description by Dr. Mathews of the
quarry products of Maryland considered with
reference to their qualities, accessibility and
adaptation. The subject is treated in detail, be-
ing classified under the headings: ‘ Granites and
Gneisses,’ ‘ Marbles and Limestones,’ ‘Sand-
stones,’ ‘Slate,’ and the ‘Building Stone
Trade,’ and further subclassified by localities
throughout the State. The author personally
examined each quarry and made his observa-
tions with expert knowledge. The report is
very beautifully illustrated, not only by the
usual photographs of quarries, but also by
photomicrographs of the rocks and by full-page
colored heliotypes which represent the texture
and color of the stone as they appear in a
smoothed specimen.
The appropriation of large sums to prepare a
topographic map of Maryland affords a reason
for stating the objects of such a map, and such
a statement might suffice simply as an explana-
tion. But to meet the educational purpose of
the Maryland Survey more is required, and
this something more is supplied by Mr. Gan-
nett’s article on the aims and methods of car-
tography with especial reference to topographic
maps. The methods now in use in extensive
surveys were developed by Mr. Gannett and
his assistants and are characteristically original.
FEBRUARY 17, 1899.]
In their present development they constitute
the most practical methods known, because
they are the most economic while they are also
adequately accurate.
The succeeding article by Dr. Mathews on
‘Maps and Map Makers of Maryland’ is of
much historic interest. Dr. Mathews has ably
assisted Professor Clark in his effort to make
the Survey of Maryland a success, and to them
both, as well as to the Geological Commission,
belongs the credit of raising the standard of
economic surveys to a grade that few can reach
and none have surpassed.
La vie sur les hauts plateaux, Par le PROFESSOR
Published by A. L. Herrera, Museo Nacional,
Mexico. 1899. 4to. Pp. 786. Price, $6.
This remarkable work won the Hodgkins
prize of the Smithsonian Institution, and now,
translated from Spanish into French, is pub-
lished in beautiful form through the munificence
of President Diaz, of Mexico, to whom it is ap-
propriately dedicated.
Professor Herrera, as the best type of a man
of science, is an honor to our sister republic.
His epoch-making ideas on the subject of mu-
seums have been very influential in France.
The present important volume is on matters
for whose investigation the authors are most
advantageously situated, having lived that life
on the high plateaux of which they so ably
The book opens with a chapter on the relief
of both continents; the distribution of the great
plateaux; their relations, ethnographic and
hygienic. Chapter II. is on the vertical distri-
bution of vegetable life and the phenomena of
adaptation in the species of high altitudes.
This is particularly rich in regard to the flora of
Mexico and especially the Valley of Mexico.
The action of the increased intensity of the sun-
light is exhaustively studied.
Chapter III. devotes two hundred pages to the
vertical distribution of animals, with the phe-
nomena of adaptation, and in particular the in-
fluence of rarefied air. A study is made of
mountain sickness as exhibited by animals.
Chapter IV. passes to the vertical distribu-
tion of mankind. Chapter V. is devoted to
anthropometry and physiology of man at high
altitudes. Worthy of note is the part on diges-
tion, illustrated by considerations on the food
supply of the City of Mexico. Chapter VI. is
very short, treating of atmospheric pressure in
geologic epochs and its supposed influence on
organic evolution. Chapter VII. is largely
taken up with experiments on the action of
rarefied air. Chapter VIII. is on combustion
and fermentation at high altitudes. Book II.,
applications, begins with Chapter IX., on typhus
and scrofula at high altitudes. But of intense
interest, of universal importance, is the matter
of Chapter X., on the treatment of tuberculosis
by altitude.
Statistics prove that the maximum of mor-
tality from this dread destroyer pertains to low
regions, the minimum to high. In more than
60 cases the curve of mortality rises as that of
altitude descends.
In Mexico, even among the poor and the
soldiers, there are less deaths from tuberculosis
than in the low regions of Europe. For a
thousand victims in regions below 500 meters
there are only 255 in regions above 500. In
Mexico out of 100 persons the parents of 3 will
have died of tuberculosis ; in Lima the parents
of 18.
A residence at high altitudes is indicated for
persons with hereditary or any other predisposi-
tion toward tuberculosis ; for persons with de-
fective chest-conformation or respiratory ca-
pacity, or in whom inflammatory affections have
been incompletely cured. Even for animals
the data show at high altitudes a certain im-
munity against tuberculosis.
In 1885 of 73,000 cattle killed at the general
abattoir of the City of Mexico only 45 were
tuberculous, while in England the proportion
rises as high as 20 in 100
It is known, say our authors, that in tuber-
culosis the climate of high altitudes, even for
those far advanced, prolongs life. What is it,
then, that can diminish the number of cases
or help those already attacked? Our authors
attack this momentous question in the true
spirit of experimental science. The illumina-
tion by the solar rays attains its maximum at
high altitudes, and experiment proves that light
kills the bacilli and their spores with incredi-
ble rapidity. The dryness and cold also work
against the existence of microbes.
But how can the rarefied air influence favor-
ably pulmonary tuberculosis? After prolonged
experimental study our authors sum up their
results in certain theorems, which are discussed
separately: (I.) Lessening pressure increases the
circulation of air in the lungs, dilates them and
obliges torpid parts to functionize. (II.) Lessen-
ing pressure determines a greater quantity of
blood to the lungs. (III.) Lessening pressure,
dilating the lungs, permits a uniform distribu-
tion of blood, makes regular its circulation and
thus combats congestion. ([V.) Lessening pres-
sure diminishes intrapulmonary tension in gen-
eral and in particular intravascular tension.
(V.) Augumentation of red globules and white
globules. (VI.) Desiccation of mucous surfaces.
The favoring of evaporation.
Numerous experiments on animals were fol-
lowed by the actual treatment of tuberculosis
by rarefied air, diminution of pressure. The
results were highly encouraging and remark-
able. Of the 13 healthy persons and numerous
consumptives submitted to the action of rarefied
air not one experienced the alarming symp-
toms described by P. Bert (Pression baromét-
rique, p. 750). The experiments of Paul Bert
having been credited, put a stop to all progress
in these matters, and the whole world is in-
debted to Herrera and Lope for removing the
embargo and smashing the tabu.
Of 18 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis treated
by baths of rarefied air only one lost weight,
one remained stationary, eleven increased most
notably in weight, one increasing 300 gr. each
day, one increasing 28 gr. each day during 4
months of treatment.
Our authors hold that the acclimation of
plants, animals and man to the atmospheric con-
ditions of high altitudes is rapid and in general
perfect, without the slightest loss of vigor.
The vegetable kingdom reaches its maximum
at high altitudes. As for mere size we need
only mention the great tree of Tula and the
tree of Montezuma. Any limitation is question
of temperature, not atmospheric density. Spe-
cies ascend the summits as they approach the
equator. This is a pregnant hint for scientific
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 216.
agriculture. The more intense light of the alti-
tudes, as also the dryness and decreased pres-
sure, influence favorably the formation of chloro-
phyl, the decomposition of carbonic acid, the
formation of amidon, the movement of proto-
plasm, the multiplication of epidermic cells, the
force of transpiration, the absorption of oxygen.
As for animals, the fact that many species
emigrate periodically to high altitudes and
. flourish there proves that often acclimation is
exceedingly quick. Mammals are subject to
‘mal des montagnes’ and then must undergo a
period of acclimation more or less troublesome:
The symptoms are analogous to those in man.
But the result is perfectadaptation. Longevity
is not decreased, nor fecundity, nor secretions
(e. g- milk),
In the blood the number of red globules aug-
ments with the altitude. There is an exact
proportion between this number and the baro-
metric pressure of the locality. This is so little
known that in Mexico reputable physicians
have declared patients not suffering from
anemia despite most evident symptons, simply
because microscopic examination of the blood
disclosed the number of the globules considered
as normal in Europe! ‘The tension of the blood
diminishes with the altitude. On the other
hand, the intensity of intra-organic combustion,
the temperature, the colorification is exactly
the same for inhabitants of the City of Mexico,
at an elevation of 7,350 feet, as for man at the
low European levels.
This whole book is so unexpectedly rich in
scientific contributions of the most momentous
practical importance that no one working in
any of the subjects touched can afford to be
without it, and our sister republic deserves to
be publicly congratulated on its appearance.
A History of Physics. FLORIAN CAgoRI. New York
and London, The Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp.
viii + 322. $1.60.
The Microscopy of Drinking Water. GEORGE CHAND-
LER WHIPPLE. New York, John Wiley & Sons ;
London, Chapman & Hall, Ltd. 1899. Pp. xii-+
300 and 19 plates.
FEBRUARY 17, 1899.]
Who’s Who, 18992 Edited by DoUGLAS SLADEN.
London, Adam and Charles Black ; New York, The
Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. xx + 1014. $1.75.
Laboratory Manual in Astronomy. Mary E. ByRpD.
Boston, Ginn & Co. 1899. Pp. ix-+ 273.
Experimental Morphology. Part II. Effect of Chem-
ical and Physical Agents on Growth. CHARLES
BENEDICT DAVENPORT. New York and London,
The Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. xviii + 508.
American Chemical Journal, February: ‘On
the Constitution of the Salts of Imido-Ethers
and other Carbimide Derivatives,’ by Julius
Stieglitz. ‘On the Hydrochlorides of Carbo-
phenylimid Derivatives,’ by H. N. McCoy.
‘On the Solubility of Argentic Bromide and
Chloride in Solutions of Sodic Thiosulphate,’ by
T. W. Richards and H. B. Faber. From astudy
of the solubility and effect upon the freezing
points of solutions caused by these salts certain
conclusions have been drawn as to the probable
nature of the substances present in solution.
‘Note on the Spectra of Hydrogen,’ by T. W.
Richards. The author considers the presence
of the red spectrum to be due to a breaking-
down of water vapor forming atomic hydrogen,
which gives the red spectrum. If the gas is
perfectly dry the white spectrum alone is ob-
tained. J. E. GILPin.
THE first number of Bird Lore, edited by
Mr. F. M. Chapman, and devoted to popular
ornithology, has just appeared. As the official
organ of the Audubon Society, and in appeal-
ing to young readers as well as old, Bird Lore
essays to cover anew field. The frontispiece
is a view of John Burroughs at ‘Slab Sides,’
and the first article, ‘In Warbler Time,’ is from
his pen. There are two articles illustrated by
photographs from life, by Dr. T. 8. Roberts
and H. W. Menke; Miss Isabel Eaton has a
department for teachers and students, and Miss
Florence A. Merriam one for young observers;
Notes, Reviews and Editorials follow ; while the
Audubon Department, edited by Mrs. Mabel
Osgood Wright, concludes the number.
WE have received the first number of The School
World, published in Great Britain, by Messrs.
Macmillan & Co., and addressed especially to
teachers in the secondary schools. The first
number presents an interesting table of con-
tents including articles on ‘The Teaching of Al-
gebra,’ by Professor G. B. Mathews, F.R.S.;
‘Physical Observations of Brain Conditions of
Boys and Girls in Schools,’ by Dr. Francis
Warner; ‘Bimanual Training in Schools,’ by
Mr. H. Bloomfield Barry; ‘Elementary Ex-
perimental Science,’ by Professor R. A. Greg-
ory and Mr. A. T. Simmons; and ‘Current
Geographical Topics,’ by Dr. A. J. Herbertson.
THE Annual Report of the Director of the
Field Columbian Museum for 1897-98 notes
good progress, particularly in the Departments
of Anthropology, Geology and Botany. Two
of Mr. Akeley’s fine groups have been added to
the exhibition series, one of the Oryx and one
of Waller’s Gazelle, the latter very striking from
the pose of the principal figure and from the
extreme length of neck and limbs obtained by
these animals. One of the plates in the report
shows the large model of the moon recently
noticed in Screnck. The Director notes that
special attention has been given to what he
aptly terms the ‘ highly important but uninter-
esting and endless labor’ of cataloguing, inven-
torying and labelling
THE 300th regular meeting of the Biological
Society of Washington was held January 14,
1899, President Frederick V. Coville in the
chair. Brief notes were presented by the fol-
lowing members: Ashmead, Bailey, Pollard,
Erwin F. Smith, Chesnut and Cook. Mr. Ash-
mead exhibited specimens of a very rare South
American wasp (Chirodamus), the type of which
was secured by Charles Darwin during the voy-
age of the ‘Beagle.’ The new specimens were
secured by the U. S. Fish Commission and be-
long to the National Museum.
Mr. Vernon Bailey described a case of pro-
tective coloration in Ochotona, a coney native
to the mountains of California. One of the
broken pieces of the rocks among which the
animals live was shown in comparison with a
stuffed specimen. Mr. Chesnut submitted pho-
tographs and fruits of the California Laurel
258 SCIENCE. [N. 8. Vou. IX. No. 216.
(Umbellularia californica), a small tree of the
olive family. A volatile oil is distilled from the
leaves and used for medicinal purposes, while
the fruits are eaten by the Indians after being
roasted to destroy an acrid principle which they
In the regular program Mr. C. L. Marlatt
explained the difficulty and confusion which
has appeared in connection with previous at-
tempts at designating numerically the broods of
the Seventeen- Year Locust, or Periodical Cicada,
This insect presents two distinct races, or sub-
species, the more southern of which has a
thirteen-year period. Mr. Marlatt proposes to
use the Roman numerals from I to XVII for
the seventeen-year broods and then continue
from XVIII to XXX for the thirteen-year series,
thus providing a fixed designation for every
possible brood. Preceding nomenclatures of
the subject were compared with the new sug-
gestions by means of charts. The paper was
discussed by Messrs. Howard, Lucas, Gill,
Waite, Ashmead and Cook.
Dr. E. A. de Schweinitz explained the practi-
cal working of the serum treatment for swine
plague and hogcholera. In the previous season
(1897) about 200 animals were treated, with a
loss of about 20 per cent., while of the re-
corded cases of uninoculated animals about 80
per cent. died. During the past season the
treatment was given to about 2,000, with a
loss of about 23 per cent., while of 4,000 un-
treated about 40 per cent. died. The slightly
greater percentage of loss this season is ex-
plained by the fact that the conditions of the
experiment were not as carefully controlled.
The difficulty of diagnosis renders it desirable
to use a mixture of the serums prepared for the
two diseases.
Dr. Erwin F. Smith discussed ‘The Effect
of Acid Media on the Growth of Certain Plant
Parasites.’ Extended experiments with sev-
eral bacterial diseases of plants demonstrate
that some species of these are exceedingly sus-
ceptible to an excess of acid in the culture me-
dium. The very slow progress of some such
diseases was explained by the fact that they are
limited at first to the vascular system, the fluids
of which are alkaline, while those of the paren-
chyma are acid. Some of the germs refused, in
fact, to grow at all in the media prepared with
the juices of their own host-plants, until the
acidity had been artifically neutralized, while
in others growth was greatly retarded. A
chart was exhibited showing the comparative
reactions of the various species studied, with
reference to a definite scale of acidity and
O. F. Coox,
Corresponding Secretary.
THE January meeting of the New York Sec-
tion of the American Chemical Society was
held on Friday evening, the 13th ult., in the
Assembly Hall of the Chemists’ Club, 108 West
55th street, Dr. Wm. MeMurtrie presiding.
An arrangement for holding the meetings of
the Society regularly in the club building was
announced and ratified by unanimous vote, Re-
ports were made showing that the funds con-
tributed for the expenses of the midwinter meet-
ing had been sufficient ; that the library had
been moved to the club rooms, where it was
undergoing classification and arrangement, and
that the resident membership had reached one
hundred, and the non-resident nearly, if not
quite, as many more.
The following papers were read: ‘ Determi-
nation of the Bromine Absorption of Fats,’ P.
C. Mcllhiney; ‘Indicators,’ John Waddell;
‘Exhibition of Apparatus for Washing Precipi-
tates,’ etc., W. D. Horne.
Mr. Mcllhiney recommends the bromine
number instead of the iodine number for identi-
fying oils and fats, on account of the greater
rapidity of reaction, greater stability of the
bromine-carbon tetrachloride solution both be-
fore and during use, and the want of differen-
tiation by iodine, between addition and substi-
tution compounds in the reaction.
Mr. Waddell showed some very pretty ex-
periments illustrating the behavior of indica-
tors, and explanatory of their adaptability to
acid or alkaline reaction, according to their re-
spective constitution.
Phenolphthalein, a weak acid, reacts red by
dissociation in presence of a strong alkali; in
presence of ammonia and alcohol the reaction
FEBRUARY 17, 1899.]
may be restrained and again developed by ad-
dition of water.
Methyl orange, cyanine and coralline were
similarly demonstrated.
A letter was read from the General Secretary
stating that ‘‘ at the closing session of the mid-
winter meeting at Columbia University, Decem-
ber 28th, by unanimous vote, the cordial thanks
of the Society were extended to the New York
Section for the bountiful hospitalities of the
Section, which were so heartily enjoyed by the
members of the Society during the eighteenth
general meeting.”’
Suppose a house just finished is empty; sup-
pose that it is painted inside and out so as to
conceal from vision everything but the paint.
Suppose I come upon such a house for the first
time and consider it a body of paint, for paint
is the only thing that appears at first! In time
I discover that it is made of bricks. At first it
had the appearance of paint; now it has the
appearance of paint and bricks. After further
investigation I find that it is partly of wood,
for wood appears in its structure. Now, I con-
clude that it is paint, bricks and wood. By
further investigation I find that it is composed
partly of iron. Now, I consider it as paint,
bricks, wood and iron. Then I might investi-
gate paint, bricks, wood and iron to discover
their chemical constitution and the biological
history of wood, and new facts would appear.
I might go on indefinitely to show how new
things are discovered in the building, both in
structure and in purpose, and the new things
discovered will appear to me. Those already
mentioned are enough for this illustration.
Common sense says that paint:is paint. The
metaphysician says that paint is appearance ;
that there is no paint as paint, or at least all we
know about it is appearance. The same may
be said with regard to the bricks. Common
sense says bricks are bricks, whether they ap-
pear or not; the metaphysician says the bricks
are only appearances. Common sense says
there is wood, whether it appears or not; the
metaphysician says no, it is only appearance.
When we discover the iron, common sense says
there is iron in this structure, whether it appears
or not ; the metaphysician says no, there is only
Let us get a learned name for appearance.
Let us call appearance ‘phenomenon,’ for that
is the Greek word meaning appearance. Now,
common sense says that paint, bricks, wood and
iron are paint, bricks, wood and iron, respect-
ively, and that appearance is appearance ; but
our metaphysician says that all of these things
are only appearance and we call appearances
phenomena ; therefore, this house, with all its
appearance, is only a concatenation of phe-
nomena. Ofttimes it is asserted that the world
is a phenomenal world. Those who make this
assertion believe that the world is only appear-
ance. Common sense says that all things of the
world exist and manifest themselves by appear-
ance, but that they exist whether they manifest
themselves or not. Metaphysic says that the
things of the world do not exist as they appear,
but that their substrates exist, and that these
substrates manifest properties which are not
the things themselves. The properties are only
illusions—there is no iron, but there is a sub-
strate of iron which manifests certain attributes
which are illusions.
In modern times there are two ways in which
these supposed illusions are explained. In one
way the attempt is made to show that the sub-
strate of things is psychosis or abstract mind;
the other is the attempt to explain that the sub-
strate is force or motion. Thus, metaphysicians
may be classified as idealists and not materialists.
Common sense says that we may know a
body imperfectly and by investigation cognize
more and more about it, and, however, simple
a body it may be, we may, by investigation,
learn very much about it and still not know all.
The idealist says this is true, but by further
investigation everything will turn into appear-
ance until we resolve the body into a substrate,
and its substrate will be found to be psychosis,
which is timeless and spaceless.
The materialists say we know more and more
about a body until we resolve it into motion or
force, some holding that force creates motion,
others that force is a mode of motion; so that
this school is divided into two classes—those
who believe force to be the substrate of bodies,
and those who believe motion to be the sub-
strate of bodies. Those who believe that force
is a substrate believe that force is attraction
and repulsion; those who believe that motion
is the substrate believe that attraction can be
resolved into repulsion and hence that force is
a mode of motion.
The idealist believes also that force is attrac-
tion and repulsion, for this seems necessary to
his doctrine that psychosis is the substrate of
In SCIENCE for January 27th two eminent men
review my little book on ‘Truth and Error.’
One seems to be an idealist, for he is marked
with the paint- pot of this philosophy, though he
repudiates it. The other seems to be a ma-
terialist as the term was defined in the book.
Of course, the terms used do not characterize
their theology or their religion, but only their
philosophy. The philosophy of the second
writer would be characterized better if it were
called dynamism; but the popular designation
is materialism, and the use of the term dynam-
ism would probably offend Mr. Ward. Mr.
Ward is the most illustrious champion of this
philosophy in America, and he has written a
work on this subject, entitled ‘Dynamic Soci-
ology,’ which is dynamic philosophy applied to
During the last decade of this century great
activity has been developed in scientific psy-
chology. The new science is confronted with
this problem, which is solved in the way I have
tried to indicate. All psychologists are drawn
into a whirlpool of disputation, and those scien-
tific men engaged in other departments of re-
search often drift into it.
Usually the idealist sneers at a philosophy
of science, for ‘science deals only with phe-
nomena,’ mere appearance—and philosophy
deals with the substrate, the thing in itself—
psychosis. Dynamism always advocates a me-
chanical philosophy when its votaries attempt
to philosophize, as Ward has done and as Spencer
did before him.
In the same number of SCIENCE to which
reference has been made there is a review of
Mivart’s book, probably from the standpoint of
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 216.
a dynamist, but perhaps from the standpoint
of an idealist, for this philosophy is of many
kinds. Notwithstanding the denial by the
idealist of a possibility of a philosophy other
than idealism, the warfare between the two
philosophies is rife, and at the present day is
the subject of disputation, as evolution was the
subject a few years ago. Every new publica-
tion on the broader aspect of science takes up
the gauntlet for one or another of these sub-
jects. Now, I believe that these metaphysical
philosophies are mutually destructive, like the
cats of whom Mr. Brooks speaks; yet I believe
that both contain an element of truth, and that
the Kantian doctrine of antinomies, which was
elaborated into a doctrine of contradictories by
Hegel, is a fallacious logic.
Of course, I do not expect to please the ideal-
ist or the dynamist, nor do I expect to kindle the
love of those who believe that all philosophizing
isin vain, but of this class there are compara-
tively few. There are engaged in scientific re-
search many men who cultivate a special field
and who attempt to harmonize opinions only
within that field. There are others who survey
larger fields and make wider attempts to arrive
at congruities, and there are still others who
attempt to make all fundamental doctrines of
science congruous, and this is what I have at-
tempted to do in my book.
Consciousness and choice, as the fundamental
judgment, certainly inhere in animals, and I
have proposed as an hypothesis worthy of con-
sideration that all particles have these elements
of judgment. Besides animals there are other
bodies in the universe; these are molecules,
stars, rocks and plants. In the science of
chemistry it is universally recognized that there
is a phenomenon in chemical reaction which is
called affinity and which eminent chemists be-
lieve to be choice. The late T. Sterry Hunt
was an advocate of this doctrine. If there is
choice of one particle for another there must
be consciousness, and this is the doctrine held
by Hunt. I merely cite the example and affirm
that there are many such chemists. Chemistry
is not my special field of investigation, but the
doctrine which I learned from chemists and
which has been advocated by many others,
especially physicists, like Herschel, is taken by
FEBRUARY 17, 1899. ]
me as an hypothesis to be applied in the new
science of psychology, which I do try to culti-
I have already set forth that choice is the re-
lational element which corresponds to the es-
sential element—consciousness. Now, by this
hypothesis, consciousness inheres in every par-
ticle of matter. It does not inhere in bodies
themsélves as such, but only in their several
particles, unless they are animals, for both re-
quire an organization for the faculties of mind
in order that they should have judgments and
concepts. The faculties of mind do not exist
in molecules, stars, rocks and plants as bodies.
The element of consciousness, together with
the element of choice as inference, is exhibited
only in the particles of what I call mechanical
bodies to distinguish them from animal bodies.
In molecules we have the affinity of the par-
ticles, but the particles themselves are incor-
porated only as numbers. The many particles
constitute the organ of the one molecule.
Hence chemistry is the science of kinds, but of
natural kinds as distinguished from conventional
kinds employed by man in the arts. In the
molecules we discover a discrete degree of in-
corporation and organization, because in nature
incorporation or evolution is accomplished in
stages by properties.
The molecule has not consciousness as a body
or kind, but it has consciousness in its several
particles. Here we must understand the dis-
tinction between organization and incorporation.
When we consider incorporation we consider
the one body ; when we consider organization
we consider the many particles of the one body.
Organization and incorporation are thus re-
ciprocals. When we consider organization we
consider the relation of parts to one another ;
when we consider incorporation we consider
the whole body. The incorporation of a mole-
cule is by the affinity of its particles, and the
particles are the organs of the molecule, and
they make of the molecule a new kind of sub-
stance. Modern chemistry recognizes this fact,
for itis taught that when molecules combine
with molecules to make molecules in a higher
order or kind, the combination is of ultimate
particles and not a mere juxtaposition of con-
stituent molecules. So I interpret the teach-
ings of the new chemistry. For example,
solution is now held to be chemical action and
to involve affinity, and is not a mere mechanical
mixture of the matter held in solution. This
molecule is a body with organs; as particles
they perform the function of incorporation for
the molecule.
The nature of incorporation and organization
may be illustrated. A hundred persons may
meet to organize themselves into a society.
They organize by first electing a president, the
executive officer who governs the body; then
they elect a secretary, who is the memory of
the body ; they may elect a treasurer and other
officers; I need not extend the subject beyond
the president, secretary and treasurer. Now,
a group of members constitute a body organized
with a president and secretary. In this man-
ner the hundred individuals become one body.
In the same manner in every body of nature—
molecules, stars, rocks, trees or animals—there
is an incorporation which is effected by organ-
The particles of the society are its individual
members; every one has consciousness, but the
body itself has no consciousness ; so the mole-
cule has consciousness in its particles, but there
is no consciousness by the molecule. In nature
all the particles of a body are organized ; but
in social bodies all the members become the
body, and every one is an organ of the body.
In stars, kinds of molecules are incorporated
into forms as globes; the kinds thus become
the organs of form. Here we have another
discrete degree of incorporation or evolution.
While the forms as bodies or stars are consid-
ered when we consider the incorporation, the
parts of the body as molecules are considered
when we consider its organization. In the
stars there are no organs of mind, but there
are organs of form which are molecules, and in
the molecules there are organs of kind which
are the particles. So the star body has con-
sciousness and choice only in its ultimate par-
ticles, for it has as a body no organs of mind.
In rocks, forms are incorporated as forces in
which stresses and strains are produced. The
forms are organs of force. Here we have a
third discrete degree of incorporation and or-
ganization. To see how this incorporation is
effected by organization we must consider the
spheres of geonomy. They are the centro-
sphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere
and ethrosphere. These are organs of stress
and strain which cooperate with one another
in producing a succession of changes. Strains
are set up in one geonomic sphere which pro-
duce stresses in another, and thus we have
organs of force. These organs of force are
forms, so that incorporation implies organiza-
tion, and organization implies incorporation.
Here we have no organs of mind ; but we have
organs of force, which are forms, and organs of
forms, which are kinds, and organs of kinds,
which are ultimate particles.
Plants are incorporated as causations in which
an antecedent is followed by a like consequent.
The child, or consequent, is like the parent,
or antecedent, thus developing heredity. The
forces now are the organs of causation, and we
have a fourth discrete degree of incorporation
and organization. Still, there are no organs of
mind, but only organs of force. The forces
have organs of form, the forms have organs of
kind, and the kinds have organs of particles ;
consciousness and choice, therefore, still inhere
only in the particles.
Animal bodies are incorporated as minds, and
the organs of minds are causations. Here we
have a fifth degree of incorporation and also of
organization. With bodies incorporated with
organs of mind, which are causations, and with
bodies of causation incorporated with organs,
which are forces, and with forces incorporated
with organs, which are forms, and with forms
incorporated with organs, which are kinds, and
with kinds incorporated with organs, which are
particles, all of the properties of matter are
incorporated. Now, the animal body has con-
sciousness because it has organs for the function,
while the particles themselves have conscious-
ness. Thus the body has consciousness as a
body, as well as the particles, severally, of
which it is composed. All of the mechanical
bodies have consciousness and choice, but only
in their particles; but animal bodies have or-
ganized consciousness, which is mind.
This is the conclusion we reach: Molecules,
stars, rocks and plants have consciousness and
choice only in their particles, but in animals
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 216.
consciousness and choice are organized as
Hegel taught in his Phenomenology that every
word, whenever used, has all its meanings, and
he proceeded on this theory in the development
of his logic. Mr. Ward seems to hold the same
doctrine. I hold that whenever a word used
in science is fundamental it should be used only
in one sense, and this one sense should be re-
tained throughout the discussion. Let me illus-
trate this: In metaphysic the word quality is
used as synonymous with property; sometimes
it is used to signify all of the properties and
sometimes only one of them. Kind, as I have
shown, is one of the properties, and it is very
often used as a synonym for kind. I have tried
to show in this book that it is used also to show
the relation of bodies in their properties to
human purposes, which relations are always
either good or evil depending upon the point
of view. Now, I have attempted and suc-
ceeded, as I believe, in using three terms for
these three different meanings: Properties for
the name of attributes that inhere in the object ;
kinds for the name of one property in all its
degrees of relativity, and qualities to designate
those attributes which arise through the rela-
tion of properties to purposes. I use the word
attribute as a generic term which has two spe-
cies—qualities and properties; and each of
these species is again composed of five sub-
species. This is offensive to Mr. Ward, not
only in this particular case, but in all similar
cases. In the book under consideration I have
coined very few words, but I have tried in all
fundamental cases to use a word always with
the same meaning. There cannot be a science
of psychology until its terms are used with con-
stant meanings.
In folklore we often find seven to be a mag-
ical number; in the same manner we find nine
and other numbers are considered magical—that
is, they have occult meanings. The origin of
these meanings goes back to savage cosmology.
Now, Mr. Ward supposes that I use the num-
ber five as if it were magical. But let me as-
sure him that the magic is not in the number.
If I pay five dollars to every one of a hundred
men because of labor performed, I shall not be
accused of using five as a magical number, but
FEBRUARY 17, 1899. ]
my conduct will be interpreted as my judgment
of compensation. The significance of the terms
used depends on the fact that there are five
essential constants of matter found in every
particle of the universe; these are unity, ex-
tension, speed, persistence, and consciousness.
If the hypothesis that affinity is consciousness
and choice fails, and affinity is still unexplained
and consciousness is found only in animal bod-
ies, then there are but four essentials in inani-
mate matter, while there are five in animate
matter, and whenever a new animal body is
evolved a fifth essential is evolved.
If the five essentials of properties are found
in every body this should appear not only as
affinity, but it should appear in a series in all
bodies. This I have tried to show. I have
called the essentials concomitants, and this term
seems to offend Mr. Ward, but the term con-
comitant is used in the same sense in all modern
and scientific psychology. Again, I have tried
to show the nature of reciprocality ; as, for ex-
ample, when I set forth that quantities or prop-
erties that can be measured are the reciprocals
of categories, or properties that can be classified.
When I come to the second volume I shall
greatly multiply these series and shall then
systematize them into an argument ; but I shall
try not to make a pentalogic series where none
exists, as Mr. Ward has done in the tables which
he thinks he has compiled from my book. I
find scientific men marshalled in three camps—
one as champions of idealism, another as cham-
pions of dynamism, and a third rejecting all
philosophy as vain. Ihave begun on the attempt
to propound a Philosophy of Science.
some others have, to a certain extent, experi-
mented on artificial dreams, but, at my instance,
my students, Messrs. Matthews and Morley,
undertook a series of experiments which may
have some value in further illustrating the
subject and pointing the way to further work.
The method employed was for the one at an
early hour in the morning to stimulate sensa-
tion in the other for a brief period, often 30
seconds, and then waken the dreamer, who at
once recorded the dream. In general, the
dreamer did not know beforehand what stimulus
was to be applied.
The olfactory element in dreams being little
recorded by experimenters, particular attention
was paid to this point. Smell was slightly
stimulated with heliotrope, and visual images
mostly resulted, but in ten cases the dream was
also olfactory, twice the dream being of a bunch
of Violets and of smelling them. In a very
strong stimulation of heliotrope the dream was
of being choked with smell of perfume. This
dream was in its early part composed of re-
markable and vivid visualimages. The dreamer
flew on an air-ship through a snow-storm, and
then over a country covered with white enamel
and filled with white elephants, one of which
pulled down the air-ship but soon released it,
and then the whole herd flew off ‘like somany
butterflies.’ This imagery has the characteris-
tic quality of opium dreams.
In taste stimulation by salt and water there
was a dream of eating olives.
In stimulating hearing repeatedly with a
middle C tuning fork, within an interval of two
weeks, a visual-auditory dream was repeated
in ‘every detail.’ A fork in a lower octave
gave dream of hearing fog horn, but no visual
image. Another time it was the roar ofa lion,
but no visual image. |
The record gives for temperature stimulation
2 pure temperature dreams, and 8 visual and
temperature; for pressure stimulation 2 visual
and pressure, for smell stimulation 1 pure
smell and 6 pure visual and 10 visual and olfac-
tory ; for hearing stimulation 7 pure auditory,
6 visual and auditory.
These reports suggest that artificial dreams
may be divided into three classes: First, the
simple dream, where the stimulus is removed at
the least sign of reaction, and the consequent
dream is usually vague andmomentary. Second,
the cumulative dream, where the stimulus is
continued and made to increase to even the
highest point of excitation, and the dream has
a definite intensifying development till the
waking point. (An interesting dream would
probably be produced by a metronome brought
nearer and nearer, either directly or through a
tube connected with the dreamer’s ear.) The
third class is the complex dream which may be
determined by different kinds of stimuli succes-
sively applied. These reports also suggest a
practical matter that those who find dream
pleasures a necessity, as the opium eater, might
obtain a large measure of such pleasures by per-
fume and other stimuli which do not leave un-
healthy reactions.
As to my own dreams I may mention a few
facts which may be suggestive. My dreaming
is commonly of places and persons which are
totally unknown, but, of course, the types are fa-
miliar. I often dream of being in a crowd and
studying faces which I have never seen before.
Similarly I dream of being in a bookstore and
picking up new books which I have never seen,
and reading many pages, and looking at strange
pictures. I once awoke from a vivid dream of
this sort, and was able to recall several sen-
tences, and to notice that they were far from
my own style of writing, and had an individu-
ality of their own which I could not recognize.
But all this merely means that those in whom
the constructive imagination is strong exercise
it freely in sleep.
A singular case of dream stimulation is this :
I dreamed of being in a strange hilly country,
and a man appeared driving a tandem. In
vain he sought to get up the hills, and the horses
became so ludicrously tangled that I burst into
loud laughter; this was heard in another room.
In my laughter I heard other voices laughing,
all from a single direction, but there was no
visual image. It is highly probable that my
dream of hearing others’ laughter was stimu-
lated by hearing my own laughter.
Maury makes the ‘embryogeny of the dream’
to consist in ‘hypnagogic hallucination,’ that is,
in the stage of waking just previous to sleep
visual and auditory hallucinations occur which
are carried into sleep, but it appears to me that
he lays much too great stress on the point. I
noticed the other morning during a succession
of cat-naps that the formation was not in any
wise hallucinatory. Awake for a few seconds
I thought of dressing, and had the images of
the process but not hallucinatory, but knowing
them to be ideas to be realized, but the senses
quickly falling asleep, these images constituted
a dream reality, I was really dressing. Very
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 216.
commonly our last waking thoughts turn into
dream without any hallucinatory stage.
LAKE Forest, ILL., January 23, 1899.
In an article entitled ‘The Upper Regions of
the Air,’ in the January number of the Forum,
Professor John Trowbridge proposes a new
theory to account for the phenomena of the
earth’s magnetism, of the northern lights and
of thunder storms.
His theory, briefly stated, is that those waves
of energy coming from the sun whose wave-
lengths are of the order of those concerned in
the X-ray phenomena are completely absorbed
by the atmosphere and transformed into elec-
tric and magnetic energy in the upper regions
of the air, and that being thus transformed they
fail to manifest themselves as light at lower
altitudes. According to Perrin and Winkel-
mann, the X-rays have the property of commu-
nicating an electric charge to conductors. ‘‘If,
therefore, X-rays reach the earth from the sun
they are competent to give an electrical charge
to our atmosphere. The side, therefore, of the
earth turned toward the sun would receive a
charge in the upper good-conducting regions of
the air. This charge would tend to dissipation,
and there would be a flow of electricity toward
the side of the earth not turned to the sun.
The rotation of the earth on its axis from west
to east would bring forward at each revolution
fresh regions of the upper air to receive the
electrical charging from the sun. There would
be an accumulation of electricity on one side of
the earth and a diminution of electricity on the
other. The conditions of the equalization of
the electrical charge, or the flow of electricity,
might be determined by the direction of rotation
of the earth. If this flow took place from east to
west, just opposite to the direction of rotation
of the earth, and were sufficiently powerful, it
would produce the magnetic north and south
poles. It has been found that air submitted to
the action of the X-rays continues for some
time to manifest their influence. We should,
therefore, expect a fall of electric pressure be-
tween the regions just entering into daylight
FEBRUARY 17, 1899. ]
and those in the full glare of the sun. This
condition would direct the resulting electric
current from east to west, or in the direction
opposite to that of the earth’s rotation,”’
The author says we have no good theory to
account for the earth’s magnetism unless we are
ready to accept the one he has proposed. Let
us see, then, how the well-known magnetic phe-
nomena of the earth are accounted for by this
First. The north end of the compass needle
points approximately toward the north. Ap-
plying Ampere’s rule to Trowbridge’s currents
flowing in the upper regions of the air from
east to west we find that the north end of the
needle would point south. Hence the author’s
currents must be reversed, 7. e., they must flow
from west to east, or in the same direction as
that of the earth’s rotation.
Second. The north end of the dip needle
points down in our datitude; hence applying
Ampere’s rule again, the electric currents must
go in the clockwise direction around the needle,
or, in other words, must proceed from east to
west, or contrary to the direction of the earth’s
rotation. Weshould have, then, here a peculiar
state of things. In order to satisfy the phe-
nomena of the horizontal needle, Trowbridge’s
currents must go from west to east ; to account,
however, for the known facts of the dipping
needle, they must simultaneously go in a con-
trary direction.
In short, if electric currents produce the ob-
served phenomena of the compass and of the dip
needle they cannot be in the atmosphere, but must
be inside the earth’s crust and proceed from east to
these currents and he will find that they will
now completely represent the known magnetic
The fact that the causes of the earth’s mag-
netism must be almost entirely within the earth’s
crust was shown mathematicalty by Gauss half
a century ago and has been amply verified by
the recent investigations of Schmidt. His
elaborate mathematical analysis has resulted in
the following conclusions:
The earth’s magnetic force consists of three
parts, viz: (1.) The greatest part ; this is to be
referred to causes within the earth’s crust, and
Let the author apply Ampere’s rule to °
possesses a potential. (2.) The smallest part’
about 1-40 of the entire force; this is due to
causes outside the earth’s crust, and likewise
possesses a potential. (3.) A somewhat larger
part than the preceding ; this does not possess a
potential, and, in consequence, points to the
existence of vertical earth-air electric currents.
These currents amount, on the average, for the
entire earth’s surface, to one-sixth of an ampere
per sq. km.
I AM much obliged to Professor Bauer for his
courteous criticism of my theory of terrestrial
magnetism, and I am inclined to give great con-
sideration to the opinion of such an authority
on the earth’s magnetism. I imagined, how-
ever, that the electrical currents were largely
localized at the region of the astronomical poles
of the earth, and I supposed, also, that the
earth, as a whole, is para-magnetic.
Fie. 1.
According to my theory, poles M and N,
Fig. 1, might, perhaps, be formed in this mag-
netic matter, which would be competent to
produce both inclination and declination of a
magnet 4 B. Considerations of the earth’s ro-
tation and the temperature of the air currents
led me to localize, so to speak, the electrical
action at the poles of the earth. It has always
seemed to me that Gauss’ theory may be con-
sidered a mathematical theory, which would be
true, considering the limited number of obser-
vations he had to work with, whether we sup-
pose the earth’s magnetic poles to be formed
by currents in the crust of the earth or by ro-
tary phenomena in the medium outside the
FURTHER studies of hydrozoic acid, HN,, are
given in the Journal fiir praktische Chemie by
Professor Curtius and Dr. Rissom. All of its
salts as far as known are anhydrous. Lithium
hydrazoate explodes violently on heating, and
thallium hydrozoate detonates by percussion ;
the other hydrazoates of the alkalies and alka-
line earths are comparatively stable. When
they are heated carefully in small quantities in
thin glass tubes they decompose quietly with
evolution of nitrogen and the metal is left in a
pure condition. This is pointed out as being
the easiest method of preparing small quantities
of barium, strontium and calcium. In the
light of Moissan’s recent researches, it would
be interesting to know if the residual substance
on heating calcium hydrozoate is really metallic
ealcium, or calcium nitrid, which might read-
ily be formed under these circumstances. The
authors further find that a solution of the free
hydrozoie acid decomposes to some extent on
heating with dilute mineral acids, hence the
amount of free acid obtained in this way from
the salts is much less than the theoretical.
AN interesting synthesis from acetylene has
been accomplished by Berthelot, according to
the Comptes Rendus. Acetylene is led into fum-
ing sulfuric acid, and the potassium salt of
the acid thus formed is fused for a short time
at 200° C. On acidification and distillation,
phenol is easily recognized. This synthesis is
peculiarly interesting from the fact that it is
accomplished at such a low temperature.
THE work of Hantzsch and of others on the re-
actions of inorganic salts in other than aqueous
solutions, and especially in solutions of non-elec-
trolytes, is bearing much fruit in enabling the
preparation of new inorganic compounds.
Hantzsch has just described, in the Zeitschrift fiir
anorganische Chemie, the disulfid of silver Ag,S,,
corresponding to the recently discovered di-
oxid, Ag,O,. It is readily precipitated from a
solution of silver nitrate in benzonitril, on add-
ing a solution of sulfur in carbon bisulfid. Itis
a brown amorphous powder, insoluble in ordi-
nary solvents, melts ata fairly high tempera-
ture, but rapidly decomposes, and oxidizes with
great rapidity in the air when moist or in water.
Other solvents, including pyridin, were tried in
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 216.
its preparation, but benzonitril was the only
one found in which the disulfid could be
dg, 1p, del
Proressors W. C. HERDMAN and Rupert
Boyce have presented to the Royal Society a
further study of Oysters and Diseases (pub-
lished in Nature), from which we take the fol-
lowing :
Although we did not find the bacillus typho-
sus in any oysters obtained from the sea or from
the markets, yet in our experimental oysters
inoculated with typhoid we were able to re-
cover the organism from the body of the oyster
up to the tenth day. We show that the ty-
phoid bacillus does not increase in the body or
in the tissues of the oyster, and our figures in-
dicate that the bacilli perish in the intestine.
Our experiments showed that the sea-water
was inimical to the growth of the typhoid ba-
cilli. Although their presence was demonstra-
ted in one case on the twenty-first day after
addition to the water, still there appeared to be
no initial or subsequent multiplication of the
bacilli. :
In our experiments in washing infected oys-
sters in a stream of clean sea-water the results
were definite and uniform; there was a great
diminution or total disappearance of the typhoid
bacilli in from one to seven days.
The colon group of bacilli is frequently found
in shell-fish as sold in towns, and especially in
the oyster ; but we have no evidence that it oc-
curs in mollusca living in pure sea-water. The
natural inference that the presence of the colon
bacillus invariably indicates sewage contamina-
tion must, however, not be considered estab-
lished without further investigation.
The colon group may be separated in two
divisions: (1) those giving the typical reactions
of the colon bacillus, and (2) those giving cor-
responding negative reactions, and so approach-
ing the typhoid type; but in no case was an
organism giving all the reactions of the B.
typhosus isolated. It ought to be remembered,
however, that our samples of oysters, although
of various kinds and from different sources,
were in no case, so far as we are aware, derived
FEBRUARY 17, 1899. ]
from a bed known to be contaminated or sus-
pected of typhoid.
We have shown also the frequent occurrence,
in various shell-fish from the shops, of anaerobic
spore-bearing bacilli giving the characteristics
of the B. enteriitidis sporogenes recently de-
scribed by Klein.
As the result of our work, we make certain
recommendations as to the sanitary regulation
and registration of the oyster beds, and as to
quarantine for oysters imported from abroad.
In L’ Anthropologie, for August, the French
Consular Agent at Monrovia, M. Delafosse,
gives a sketch of the present ethnography of
Liberia. The colored immigrants from the
United States, usually with more or less white
blood in their veins, have mixed indiscrimi-
nately and largely ‘de la main gauche’ with
the native inhabitants. They form a parti-
colored population, not of a promising charac-
ter. The indigenous languages belong to four
stocks, the Mande, the Kru, the Gola and the
Guele, the last mentioned being that of the
cannibal tribes on the southeast. The original
people of this part of the coast were the Dé,
who were related to the Kru tribes and those
of the Ivory Coast. The Vei belong to the
Mande (or Mandingo) stocks, and are interest-
ing as using a peculiar syllabic alphabet, first
observed by Lieutenant Forbes, U.S. N. M.
Delafosse says that it was not their invention,
as has been stated, but was borrowed by them
from some tribe near the source of the Niger.
THE use of skulls, or imitations of them, as
masks, was not uncommon in America, and is
quite frequent in Polynesia. Their symbolism
and signification are examined by L. Frobenius
in the Internat. Archiv fiir Ethnographie (1898,
Heft IV.). Rejecting former and incomplete
suggestions, he finds this custom arose from that
of the adoration of skulls themselves. It is
well known that in primitive religion the skulls
of men and animals are conspicuous objects of
worship, as representing the spirits of the de-
parted. This was connected with the religious
homage to ancestors, to deceased chieftains
and to the brute eponymous forefathers of the
totem. Sometimes the symbolism of the skull
in the mask was reduced merely to the inser-
tion of teeth or some such single feature.
THAT a simple figure, like the Svastika, may
arise independently, representing quite different
objects, is again illustrated by Mr. Wm. W.
Tooker in an article in the American Antiqua-
rian for December. Among the marks which
were tattooed on the backs of the Virginian
Indians as totemic designs we find the Svastika,
as Mr. Tooker says, ‘in full bloom.’ In this
instance, from other figures given, the design
seems to represent four tomahawks crossed in
pairs, the blades in opposite directions. But,
as Mr. Tooker remarks, ‘‘It.is a simple figure
which, when compared with others of aborig-
inal origin, might be evolved from an Indian’s
brain,’’ without evoking the hypothesis of a for-
eign immigration. As a ‘symbol’ it has no
constant and universal meaning, and the mys-
tical importance which has been attached to it
by some imaginative writers has no foundation
in facts.
Dr. P. L. SHERMAN, formerly instructor in
general chemistry in the University of Mich-
igan, has gone with Professor Worcester to the
Philippines as his secretary.
Dr. I. BoRNMULLER has gone to northern
Persia on a botanical expedition.
THE Berlin Academy of Sciences has made a
grant of 2,400 Marks toward the expenses of a
botanical expedition to Java by Dr. Paul
THE herbarium of Professor Chodat, of the
University of Geneva, has been destroyed by
Massachusetts, will be appointed Librarian of
the National Library. This is regarded as an
excellent appointment, that will insure the con-
duct of the Library without reference to politi-
cal considerations. The position was first of-
offered to Mr. Herbert Putnam, head of the
Boston Public Library.
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, has ac-
cepted an invitation to deliver the Cavendish
lecture for 1899, before the West London
Medico-Chirurgical Society.
THE report is circulated that the remains of
Andrée and his companions and the car of the
balloon have been found between Kemo and
Pit, in the province of Yeniseisk, Siberia.
Dr. R. F. Ciaus, the eminent zoologist pro-
fessor in the University of Vienna, has died at
the age of 63 years.
Tue London Times announces the death of
the Rev. Thomas Hincks, F.R.8., at Clifton, on
January 26th. He was the son of the late Rev.
William MHincks, F.L.8., and was born at
Exeter in 1818. He was for many years a Uni-
tarian minister, but had a wide reputation as an
authority in several departments of marine zo-
ology, being the author of a history of the
British Hydroid Zoophytes, published in 1868,
and a history of the British Marine Polyzoa,
published in 1889. Both these books are
largely the results of his own investigations.
He was elected into the Royal Society in 1872,
and continued to be an active worker in science
until very lately.
WE regret also to record the death of Dr.
Hampe, professor of chemistry in the School of
Mines at Clausthal, aged 57 years.
THE House Committee on Appropriations has
recommended an increase of $4,200 in the an-
nual appropriation for scientific work of the
United States Fish Commission; the entire
amount now available for the Department of
Scientific Inquiry being $15,000. This increase
is the more gratifying since it is made after an
examination of the practical results that have
attended the lines of scientific research carried
on during the past year.
A BILL has been introduced into the New
York Assembly appropriating $30,000 to con-
tinue the promotion of the sugar beet industry,
of which $2,500 is devoted to making experi-
ments by the Commissioner of Agriculture.
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 216.
THE American Mathematical Society will
hold a regular meeting in Room 301 of Fayer-
weather Hall, Columbia University, on Satur-
day, February 25th. The two sessions begin at
10:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. m.
AT the annual meeting of the Washington
Academy of Sciences recently held, the follow-
ing officers were elected for the ensuing year:
President, Chas. D. Walcott ; Vice-Presidents :
Anthropological Society, W J McGee ; Biolog-
ical Society, F. V. Coville ; Chemical Society,
H. N. Stokes; Entomological Society, Dr. H.
G. Dyar; Geographic Society, G. K. Gilbert;
Historical Society, A. R. Spofford ; Medical So-
ciety, Dr. S. C. Busey; Philosophical Society,
O. H. Tittmann; Secretary, Frank Baker ;
Treasurer, Bernard R. Green ; Managers: Class
of 1902: L. O. Howard, J. W. Powell, Carroll
D. Wright; Class of 1901: Marcus Baker,
Henry 8. Pritchett, Geo. M. Sternberg; Class
of 1900: F. W. Clarke, C. Hart Merriam, Les-
ter F. Ward. The Academy has arranged for
a course of popular lectures on scientific sub-
jects to be given during the months of March
and April. A number of demonstrations will
also be given on topics of special interest. The
first of these was held on the evening of January
31st, and related to Developments in the Art of
Recording and Reproducing Sounds, with an ex-
hibition of the new graphophone recently per-
fected in the Volta Bureau of Mr. Alex. Graham
Bell. A welcome donation to the Academy
was recently made by Mrs. Gardiner Hubbard,
who in view of the life-long interest in science
shown by her deceased husband, presented the
sum of $1,000 as a token of her desire to aid in
the advancement of science and the union of
the scientific interests in Washington. The
Academy showed its appreciation of her gener-
osity by at once electing her a patron. Ar-
rangements have been made for the publication
of the Proceedings of the Academy. The
‘brochure’ plan will be adopted, each separate
to have its own pagination as well as that of
the volume, and to be dated with the actual
date of delivery to members. Several papers
have already been presented for publication,
and it is evident that more funds than are at
present available could advantageously be spent
for this purpose.
FEBRUARY 17, 1899. ]
Tue Anthropological Society of Washington
and the Woman’s Anthropological Society have
recently united for scientific work, the latter
discontinuing separate scientific meetings, and
the former modifying its by-laws in such man-
ner as to combine the functions hitherto per-
formed by the two organizations. The union
was definitely completed at the annual meeting
of the Anthropological Society of Washington
on January 17, 1899, at which the modified by-
laws were adopted, and at which representatives
of both societies were recognized in the ensuing
election of officers. The officers for the year
are as follows: President, W J McGee ; Vice-
Presidents—Section A, Somatology, Dr. Frank
Baker; Section B, Psychology, Lester F.
Ward ; Section C, Esthetology, W. H. Holmes;
Section D, Technology, Frank Hamilton Cush-
ing; Section E, Sociology, Dr. George M.
Kober; Section F, Philology, Major J. W.
Powell ; Section E, Sophiology, Alice C. Fletch-
er; General Secretary, Jessie Moore Holton ;
Treasurer, Perry B. Pierce ; Curator, Mariana
P. Seaman ; Secretary of the Board of Managers,
Dr. J. H. McCormick ; Councilors, J. Walter
Fewkes, Weston Flint, F. W. Hodge, George
R. Stetson, Edith C. Westcott, Thomas Wilson ;
Ex-Officio Members of the Board (as Ex-Presi-
dents), Robert Fletcher, Otis T. Mason.
THE National Geographic Society offers two
prizes for the best essays on Norse discoveries
in America—a first prize of $150 and a second
prize of $75. Essays submitted in competition
for these prizes should be typewritten in the
English language and should not exceed 6,000
words in length. They should be signed by a
pseudonym and must be received on December
31, 1899. The judges are: Henry Gannett,
Geographer of the U.S. Geological Survey, ete. ;
Albert Bushnell Hart, professor of history in
Harvard University ; Anita Neweomb McGee,
M. D., Acting Assistant Surgeon, U. 8. A.; John
Bach McMaster, LL. D., professor of history
in the University of Pennsylvania, and Henry
S. Pritchett, Superintendent of the U. 8. Coast
and Geodetic Survey.
A PROVISIONAL committee for the German Em-
pire, in connection with the Thirteenth Inter-
national Medical Congress, which is to be held
in Paris in 1900, has been formed, with Pro-
fessor Rudolph Virchow as President.
As we have already announced, the eighth
session of the International Geological Congress
will be held in Paris from August 16 to 28,
1900, in connection with the great Exposition.
The American Geologist states that the Com-
mittee of Organization, of which M. Albert
Gaudry is President, MM. Michel-Lévy and
Marcel Bertram, Vice-Presidents, and M.
Charles Barrois, General Secretary, has already
held several meetings. The Congress will meet
in a special pavilion, and the length of its ses-
sions will permit its members to visit the Ex-
position and the geological museums of Paris.
Three general excursions have been arranged
in addition to nineteen excursions intended
for specialists, in which the number of members
who can attend is limited to twenty. <A circu-
lar describing the plans for these excursions
will be sent out in 1899, and a guide book
written by the directors of the excursions will
be placed on sale at the beginning of 1900.
Dr. CHARLES Mone, of Mobile, Ala., Special
Agent of the Forestry Division of the United
States Department of Agriculture, has recently
presented to the Museum of Pharmacognosy of
the University of Michigan some interesting
and valuable specimens. They consist of a
section of a pine-tree trunk, showing the
American method of boxing and bleeding long-
leafed pines for turpentine ; and of samples of
the twenty different turpentine products manu-
factured in the South. The various stages of
the manufacture of turpentine are well illus-
trated by these specimens.
ConsuL AYERS, of Rosario, under date of De-
cember 9, 1898, writes the Department of State
that by reason of the continuous onslaught
made on the locusts through the efforts of the
commissions, aided by a lately developed nat-
ural enemy—the Champi beetle—the injury to
the crops so far has been very slight. The
consul incloses a letter by an American—Maj.
O. C. James—describing the beetle, which, it
appears, feeds upon the eggs of the locust. The
letter reads, in part: ‘‘The ‘Champi’ is the
most effective locust-egg destroyer we have in
Argentina. He isa dirty blackish beetle, the
larger species being a little more than 1 inch
long by half an inch broad, and must be looked
for closely where locusts are laying their eggs
or his presence may not be discovered. Both
the mature insect and its larvee feed upon the
eges of the acridian in large numbers. These
beetles belong to the genus Trox of the family
Scarabeide. Ordinarily they feed upon dead
animals and animal matter more or less desic-
eated. How they have developed the habit of
feeding upon locusts’ eggs isa mystery. Still,
it might be imagined that the steps from a car-
rion-feeding habit could develop that which the
insects now possess. In a country where hun-
dreds of dead animals are left scattered over the
pampa to decay, these insects have become plen-
tiful. The eggs of the locusts are covered with
a frothy exudation that soon becomes strong
smelling and attracts the beetles, who devour
them.’’ Under date of December 6th, Consul
Ruffin, of Asuncion, writes that among the
worst pests with which Paraguay is infested are
the grasshoppers, which are almost as large as
small birds. The name of locust is given them,
but they are more like what we call grasshop-
pers. A government commission to study the
question of their extermination has been ap-
pointed, and in the last few days a law compel-
ling everybody to help kill the grasshoppers or
pay a fine of $20 paper (equal to about $2.75
gold) has been passed. The young ones, unable
to fly, are killed, the method being to drive
them into a long trench and cover them up.
The grasshoppers, sometimes for a whole day,
obscure the brilliant tropical sun in their flight
and make it appear as though the weather were
cloudy ; they also impede railroad trains.
THE Weather Bureau office in New York
City was moved on October 15, 1898, from the
Manhattan Building, No. 66 Broadway, to the
American Surety Building, No. 100 Broadway,
_about two blocks farther north. The monthly
Weather Review gives some details in regard to
the old and the new ofiices. The office quarters
in the Manhattan Building consisted of four cir-
cular rooms, one immediately above the other, in
the tower that rises to an altitude of about 88
feet above the main roof and 355 feet above the
curbstone on Broadway. Communication be-
tween the four rooms was by means of a central
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 216.
spiral scaircase. The barometer was in the
first or lower room. Owing to the presence of
the tower and the general configuration of the
roof it was necessary to give the anemometer,
wind vane and thermometers a much greater
elevation than would be afforded by the ordi-
nary supports. The thermometer shelter sup-
port consisted of a skeleton framework of iron,
high enough to give the thermometers an eleva-
tion of 54 feet above the main roof. Ac-
cess to the shelter was secured by means
of a spiral staircase, the iron newel of which
extended upward about 34 feet above the
top of the framework as a support for
the wind yane and anemometer. The last-
named instruments were thus placed at an
elevation of 326 feet above the curb, but
still some distance below the top of the main
portion of the tower. This station was thus
occupied from March 15, 1895, to October 15,
1898. The office quarters secured in the Amer-
ican Surety Building consist of five rooms en
suite on the twentieth floor, the next but one to
the top of the building. The roof of the build-
ing on which the instruments are exposed is
almost flat and there are no projecting towers
or chimneys on the building itself or surround-
ing structures to obstruct the free sweep of the
wind. The barometer is at the same elevation
as in the Manhattan Building. The heights of
the instruments above the Pine street curb and
the roof are now as follows:
Instruments. Above curb. Above roof.
Feet. Feet.
IBATOMEFErS.cssccsarseatrer sas scs eters 276 eenitaa
Thermometer ....... 313 11.0
Anemometer cups.... we. 845 43.5
Wan evanierancannanesccerecnsse arena 322 19.8
RAIMI SAUTE cs. cusssecacssostaseeetes 305 3.2
Tue Boston Society of Natural History, in
order to meet a considerable loss of income due
to the lower rate of interest now paid upon
conservative investments, and also that the ef-
forts of the Society may keep abreast of the new
demands arising from the growth of the metro-
politan district of Boston, needs additional mem-
bers. From the statement sent with this ap-
peal we take the following facts regarding the
Society: \ The Boston Society of Natural His-
tory was founded April 28, 1830, for ‘the en-
FEBRUARY 17, 1899. ]
couragement and promotion of the science of
natural history.’ It was incorporated February
25, 1831, and has long been one of the eminent
and essentially public institutions of the com-
munity. The Society contributes at present to
the promotion of science and of public educa-
tion by the following means: (1) Meetings held
on the evenings of the first and third Wednes-
days of each month from November to May.
These meetings are devoted to the presenta-
tion of the results of scientific investigations
and to the popular expositions of such
studies as are of general public interest.
(2) Publication of Memoirs, Proceedings and
Occasional Papers, which all record the discov-
eries of members and others. These publica-
tions are widely distributed in all parts of the
world, more than four hundred copies being
sent to academies, learned societies and other
correspondents, as well as to such members of
the Society as express a wish to receive them.
(8) The Library, which contains upwards of
25,000 volumes and 12,000 pamphlets, includes
numerous extensive sets and rare works, many
of them not accessible elsewhere in this vicinity.
Members are allowed eight volumes at a time
for home use, and each volume may be retained
a month without renewal. The library priv-
ileges are granted without reference to resi-
dence. Books are sent by express at the bor-
rower’s expense. (4) The Museum contains
the collections of the Society and is open to the
public on two days of each week. The number
of visitors is large on those days. The Museum
is open to members on other days. Special
efforts have been made to display the fauna,
flora and geology of New England. To increase
the educational value of the collections, printed
guides have been placed on sale. (5) Lectures
to teachers and others, which at present are
largely maintained by the Trustees of the
Lowell Institute.
Ir is announced that a donor, whose name is
withheld, has endowed in Harvard University
a chair of hygiene.
Maxry HAtu, Brown University, has been
injured by fire, the damage being estimated at
Dr. JAMES MONROE TAYLOR has been elected
President of Brown University. Dr. Taylor
has been, since 1886, President of Vassar Col-
lege, where his administration has been very
Dr. THomMAS J. SEE, well known for his im-
portant researches in astronomy, has been
nominated fora professorship of mathematics at
the Naval Academy, Annapolis.
Mr. W. L. Cascart has been appointed ad-
junct professor of mechanical engineering in
Columbia University. At the same meeting of
the Trustees the title of Professor R. 8. Wood-
ward was changed from professor of mechanics
to professor of mechanics and mathematical
ProFressor Fritz REGEL, of Jena, and Dr,
Erich v. Drygalski, of Berlin, have been ap-
pointed to professorships of geography in the
Universities at Wurzburg and Tubingen respect-
Dr. RoBERT OTTo, professor of chemistry in
the Institute of Technology at Braunschweig, has
retired. Dr. Voswinckel has qualified as docent
in chemistry in the Institute of Technology at
ACCORDING to the new catalogue of Brown
University 925 students are enrolled, an in-
crease of 65 over last year. The increase of
the Freshman class, from 168 last year to 216
this, is especially noticeable. There are 99
graduate students.
In a recent number of the Harvard Graduates’
Magazine, Professor A. B. Hart publishes a
comparative statement of the attendance at the
leading American universities. According to
his figures the institutions rank in numbers as
Undergraduates in arts and sciences: Harvard,
2,260; Yale, 1,755; Michigan, 1,429; Wisconsin,
1,097 ; Columbia, 802 ; Chicago, 783 ; Pennsylvania,
653 ; Johns Hopkins, 187.
Graduate students : Chicago, 370; Harvard, 319 ;
Columbia, 313; Yale, 270; Johns Hopkins, 192 ;
Pennsylvania, 151; Wisconsin, 87; Michigan, 73.
The medical department: Pennsylvania, 793 ; Co-
lumbia, 695 ; Harvard, 546; Michigan, 408; Johns
Hopkins, 201 ; Yale, 112.
The law department: Michigan, 720; Harvard,
543 ; Columbia, 341; Pennsylvania, 312; Yale, 195.
TuHE following details are now given in regard
to the establishment in Bombay of an Imperial
University for India. Mr. Jamsetjee N. Tata
offers a property representing a capital of over
£200,000 and calculated to yield a yearly in-
come of nearly £10,000 for the establishment of
an Imperial University ora Research Institute,
in order to supply the want of a higher course
of post-graduate instruction in scientific re-
search for the best students of the existing uni-
versities. A provisional committee has drafted,
for the approval of the government of India, a
bill which provides for a scheme of studies with
a threefold division: (1) scientific and techno-
logical; (2) medical and sanitary, and (8) edu-
cational and philosophical. The Jast of these
branches has been included in the scheme in
order to give the institution the character of a
university. The new institution seeks to have
the power of granting degrees and diplomas,
and as it proposes to offer a strictly post-grad-
uate course of studies it will not in any way in-
terfere with the working of any of the existing
universities. The scheme of the provisional
committee involves an expenditure larger than
is provided for by Mr. Tata’s generous offer. A
grant in aid, therefore, will be asked for from
the government of India. The support of
native princes, of local governments and of the
public generally will besought. Itis estimated
that the initial expenditure required will
amount to over £100,000 and the annual charge
to about £20,000. On this basis, therefore, it
is proposed to establish the several departments
by degrees and to found subsequently special
chairs through public and private munificence.
THE following statements from a circular of
the German Colonial School at Witzerhausen
should be of special interest to Americans at the
present time, as showing what Germany is doing
to promote the education of men who intend to
engage in industrial enterprises in her colonies.
Similar institutions are maintained in Belgium
and Holland. The purpose of this school, we
quote from an announcement sent by the Division
of Publications of the Department of Agricul-
ture,is to educate young men to become practical
superintendents of estates and plantations,
planters, agriculturists, stock raisers and mer-
chants for the German colonial possessions. The
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 216.
course of study, which is completed in two years,
comprises the following studies: Plant culture
in general, including the study of soils, climate
and fertilizers, farm management, bookkeeping,
mechanics, engineering (bridge and road build-
ing, drainage, irrigation) ; special plant culture,
animal husbandry and dairying; culture, use
and value of tropical plants; establishment of
plantations; gardening; fruit culture; vege-
table culture; viticulture; forestry ; geology,
with special reference to tropical mining; bot-
any (physiology, anatomy, systematic and geo-
graphical); chemistry, with laboratory practice ;
surveying and drafting ; hygiene for tropical
countries ; veterinary science ; colonial history
and geography ; a study of the people ; the his-
tory of education, religion and missionary
work; colonial government, and commercial
laws and relations ; languages; trades (carpen-
ters, masons, blacksmiths, harness-makers,
bakers, butchers, ete.) ; practical work in field,
garden, vineyard, forest, dairy, etc. ; athletics
(sports) of all kinds.
‘Proressor W. A. HeErpMAN, F.R.S., re-
marks in the twelfth annual report of the
Liverpool Marine Biological Committee, says
Nature, that there are two practices in American
universities which excite the envy of professors
in England. One is the ‘sabbatical year’—
the one year in every seven given for purposes
of travel, study and investigation. The other
is the frequent endowment of an expedition—
or equipment of an exploring party—by an indi-
vidual man or woman who is interested in the
subject and can give a special fund for such a
purpose. Columbia University, in New York ;
the Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore ;
Yale University, in New Haven, and Har-
vard, at Cambridge, have all been benefited
immensely in the past by such exploring expe-
ditions. Nearly every year of late has seen
one or more of such, due to private generosity,
in the field; and the work they have done has
both added to general scientific knowledge, and
has also enriched with collections the labora-
tories and museums of the college to which the
expedition belonged.
Erratum: Vol. 1X., p. 174. Line 12 from bottom
of second column, for Australia read Austria.
EDITORIAL ComMiITrEE: S. NEwcomsB, Mathematics; R. S. WoopWARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THURSTON, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. LE Contr, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; O. C. MARSH, Paleontology; W. K. Brooks,
C. Hart MERRIAM, Zoology; S. H. ScupDER, Entomology; C. E. Bessy, N. L. BRITToN,
Botany; Henry F. Osporn, General Biology; C. S. Minor, Embryology, Histology;
H. P. Bowpitcu, Physiology; J. S. BILLinas, Hygiene ; J. McKEEN CATTELL,
Psychology; DANIEL G. BRINTON, J. W. POWELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, Fesruary 24, 1899.
The Recently Discovered Gases and their Relation to
SAVatesenientneesocuivascessccest sass ccserarscivecessteces 273
A Case of Convergence: PROFESSOR CARL H.
IBIGHNMAIN NG tess treccntcenchccetecsscsnerccasssiiccssaees 280
Reproductive or Genetic Selection: PROFESSOR
IKEAR TPP WAR SON cs csseatsonsseactescnscaesisencecsstsrnee 283
The New York Meeting of the American Physiolog-
ical Socicty: PROFESSOR FREDERIC 8. LEE..... 286
Scientific Books :—
Thomson on the Discharge of Electricity through
Text-book of Physiology: PROFESSOR GRAHAM
Lusk. Scientific Year-books. General. Books
PRECELUED senate mea voce cncececenemstcen ccactenncesene terest 289
Scientific Journals and Articles .....cccsecececseeseeeeees 293
Societies and Academies :—
Washington Botanical Club : DR. CHARLES LOUIS
POLLARD. Torrey Botanical Club; E.S. BuR-
GEss. Philosophical Society of Washington: E.
D. PRESTON. Alabama Industrial and Scientific
Society: PROFESSOR EUGENE A. SMITH......... 294
Discussion and Correspondence :—
Etherion: PROFESSOR W. S. FRANKLIN......... 297
Notes on Inorganic Chemistry : J. L. H.....eceeeceee 297
Current Notes on Meteorology :—
Waterspouts off the Coast of New South Wales:
Annual Report of the Chief of the Weather Bu-
reau : Meteorological Chart of the Great Lakes:
WNotest cng Rip DE} © pnWPAhDaceseaacceonectisiee seccecec sce 298
Current Notes on Anthropology:—
Megalithic Monuments : The Meaning of Primitive
Ornament ; Genealogy as a Branch of Anthropol-
ogy: PROFESSOR D. G. BRINUON..........:c00e0ee 299
Scientific Notes and News...........csscsccscseseceesseseee 300
University and Educational News .......sscccseeseeeeeees 304
MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended
for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes_
sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y. f
GENTLEMEN: It is well known to you
all how the remarkable observation of Lord
Rayleigh that nitrogen from the atmos-
phere possesses a greater density than that’
prepared from ammonia or nitrates led to
the discovery of argon, a new constituent of
the air. I need not say that had it not
been for this observation the investigations
of which I shall speak this evening would
never have been carried out, at least not by
me. You also, doubtless, will remember that
the search for some eompound of argon was
rewarded, not by the attainment of the
quest, but by the discovery, in clévite and
other rare uranium minerals, of helium, an
element whose existence in the chromo-
sphere of the sun had already been sus-
pected. And, further, I hardly need to re-
eall to your minds that the density of
helium is in round numbers 2, and that of
argon 20, and that the ratio of specific heats
of both these gases, unlike that of most
others, is 1.66.
From these figures it follows that the
atomic weight of helium is 4 and that of
argon 40. It is true that in many quarters
this conclusion is not admitted, but I have
always thought it better to recognize the
*Address delivered by Professor William Ramsay
before the Deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, De-
cember 19, 1898. Translated by J. L. H.
validity of the theory of gases and accept
the logical deductions than to deny the
truth of the present theories. The only
reason for not admitting the correctness of
these atomic weights is that that of argon is
greater than that of potassium, but this is
no severer attack upon the validity of the
periodic law than the accepted position of
iodin after, instead of before, tellurium. As
a matter of fact, all the more recent deter-
minations of the atomic weight of tellurium
give the figure 127.6, while that of iodin re-
mains unchanged at 127.
Since these new elements form no com-
pounds, it is not possible to decide the
question by purely chemical methods. Were
it only possible for us to prepare a single
volatile compound of helium or of argon our
problem would be solved. Inspite of many
attempts, I have not been able to confirm
Berthelot’s results with benzene or carbon
bisulfid. I have, however, offered to place
a liter of argon at the disposal of my dis-
tinguished colleague, that he may repeat his
experiments on a larger scale. No one can
doubt that it is exceedingly desirable that
the question of these atomic weights should
be finally decided and that by chemical
In order that the subject may not depend
wholly on physical theories, I have con-
sidered it from another standpoint. If we
assume, as from countless chemical facts we
are fully justified in doing, that the periodic
law is true, then, giving helium the atomic
weight 2 and argon 20, there is no possible
place for an element of their mean atomic
weight ; for, unless we absolutely overturn
the accepted views, there is no vacancy in
the table for such an element. This ap-
pears from the following portion of the
table :
H=1 He=2(?) Li=7 Gl=9-2 B=11 C=12
Ni 1420 — 16) —— a On Ae 120 (2)
It is true there is space enough between
He = 2 and Li=7, but it is highly im-
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 217.
probable that an element belonging to the
argon-series could have so low an atomic
weight. The difference between adjacent
members of the same group of elements is
generally from 16 to18 units, but here such
a difference is wholly excluded. If, on the
other hand, we assume He = 4 and A = 40,
it would be, in my opinion, by no means im-
probable that such an element could exist
whose atomic weight would be somewhere
about 16 units greater than that of helium,
and consequently 20 units less than that of
argon. The discovery of such an element
would be, therefore, not only a proof of the
correctness of 40 as the atomic weight of
argon, but also a confirmation of the pres-
ent views regarding the significance of the
specific heats of gases for their molecular
A glance at the periodic table will make
these considerations clear, for in the latter
case we have the following series :
Li=7 Gl=9.2 B=11 C=12 N=14
Na=23 Mg=24.3 Al=27 Si=28 P=3S81L
O=16 F=19 (?)=20
S=32 Cl=35.5 A—40
Shortly after the discovery of helium I
began the search for this suspected element
of atomic weight of about 20, at first in con-
nection with Dr. Collie, my former assistant,
and later with my present assistant, Dr.
At first it appeared not improbable that
this element might be found in those
uranium minerals from which helium had
been obtained. We did not, however, con-
fine ourselves to these minerals, but tested
all available minerals either by heating in
a vacuum or by fusion with sodium bisul-
fate. In many of these minerals helium
was found; in many, on the other hand,
only traces of hydrocarbons and hydrogen.
One mineral only, malakon, gave sufficient
argon to be recognizable by the spectro-
scope; the others which contained helium
FEBRUARY 24, 1899.]
gave off generally also a trace of argon, as
was later shown by our diffusion experi-
ments. Naturally, it was impossible to be
certain that the few cubic centimeters of
gas which we collected from these miner-
als contained no new gas, but we failed to
detect the presence of any new lines with
the spectroscope.
You will, undoubtedly, recall that, soon
after the discovery of helium, doubts were
expressed in many quarters as to whether
the gas was really uniform or a mixture.
In order to dispel these doubts and also to
search for the missing gas, Dr. Collie and I
carried out a long series of diffusion experi-
ments. Through these we reached the con-
clusion that it was, in fact, possible to sepa-
rate helium into two constituents, one of
which possessed a somewhat higher density
than the other. Later experiments, how-
ever, in conjunction with Dr. Travers,
showed that this conclusion was erroneous.
In this second series much larger quantities
of helium were at our disposal, and, to our
disappointment, we found that the heavier
fractions of our gas owed their greater
density to the presence of a trace of argon.
Here, again, we were unable to find any new
line in the spectrum, and thus far our search
was fruitless.
We next directed our attention to mete-
orites and to mineral waters. Only one out
of seven meteorites examined by Dr. Trav_
ers and myself showed the presence of
helium and with it a trace of argon; the
others gave only hydrogen and hydrocar-
bons, which were also present in the gases
from the meteorite which contained helium
and argon. Here, again, our search was in
vain. The mineral water from Bath has
been investigated by Lord Rayleigh; in the
waters from Cantarets, in the Pyrenees, Dr.
Schlosing has found both argon and helium,
Dr. Travers and I examined these gases for
new lines, but, as before, none were found.
Our patience was now well-nigh ex.
hausted. There seemed, however, to be a
single ray of hope left, in an observation
which had been made by Dr. Collie and
myself. You will recall that the atomic
weight of argon was apparently too high ;
at all events, it would be more in harmony
with the periodic law if the density of argon
were 19 instead of 20, and hence its atomic
weight 38 instead of 40. Hence, after some
fruitless attempts to separate argon into
more than one constituent by means of so-
lution in water, we undertook a systematic
diffusion of argon. We did not, however,
carry this procedure very far, for, at that
time, we believed that helium was a more
probable source of the desired gas; never-
theless, we found a slight difference in den-
sity between the gas which diffused first
and that which remained undiffused. We,
therefore, decided to prepare a large quan-
tity of argon, and, after liquefying it, to in-
vestigate carefully the different fractions on
Such an operation demands much time.
In the first place, the necessary apparatus
is not to be found in any ordinary chemical
laboratory ; the preparation cannot be car-
ried out in glass tubes in an ordinary fur-
nace, but requires iron tubes of large size
and an especial furnace ; in the second place,
the operation must be repeated several
times, for it is not convenient to work with
an excessively large quantity of magnesium.
As before, we removed the oxygen from the
air by means of copper at a red heat; the
atmospheric nitrogen remaining was col-
lected in a large gasometer holding about
200 liters; after drying over concentrated
sulfuric acid and phosphorus pentoxid, the
gas was passed through an iron tube of
5 cm. diameter, filled with magnesium fil-
ings; the gas was then passed through a
second copper oxid tube to remove the hy-
drogen; it then entered a galvanized-iron
gasometer, which was constructed like an
ordinary illuminating-gas gasometer, in or-
der that the argon should come in contact
with as little water as possible, since argon
is quite appreciably soluble in water, and,
had the ordinary form of gasometer been
used, much would have been lost in this
way. Again, the gas had to be led
over hot magnesium to reduce still further
the quantity of nitrogen; and at last it
was circulated between the gasometers,
passing on its way through a mixture of
thoroughly heated lime and magnesia at
ared heat. This is ameans of absorption,
recommended by Maquenne, to remove the
last of nitrogen. Since, however, it is not
possible to dry the lime absolutely, hydro-
gen is taken up by the gas, and this must
again be removed by copper oxid, in order
that all the hydrogen may be burned, after
which the water must again be removed by
drying tubes.
These operations required several months
and were chiefly directed by Dr. Travers.
Meanwhile, it seemed to be worth while
to make an examination as to whether the
desired gas might possibly form compounds
and be; united with the magnesium, by
which the nitrogen had been removed.
Miss Emily Aston assisted me to settle this
Some 700 grams of the magnesium nitrid
were, for this purpose, treated with water in
a large exhausted flask, in such a manner
that the evolved ammonia was absorbed in
dilute sulfuric acid which had been thor-
oughly boiled; all the other gases were
collected by a Topler pump. The total
volume of this gas was hardly 50 cem.; it
proved to be chiefly hydrogen, with a trace
of hydrocarbons, arising from the small
quantity of metallic magnesium present in
the magnesium nitrid. After the hydro-
gen had been removed by explosion, an
excess of oxygen was passed into the tube
and the nitrogen removed in the usual
manner by sparking over alkali. The
presence of nitrogen here was undoubt-
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 217.
edly due to the impossibility of perfectly
exhausting all the air from so large a flask ;
the volume of nitrogen was about 10 ccm.
There now remained but a minute bubble
of gas, and on transferring this to a vacuum
tube at very low pressure the spectrum of
argon appeared. There was here, there-
fore, no trace of a new gas to be found.
It was not deemed worth while to investi-
gate the ammonia, since I had already
prepared nitrogen out of this and Lord
Rayleigh had determined its density ; he
found this to be exactly the same as the
density of nitrogen from different chemical
sources. It remained, however, possible
that the sought-for gas could combine with
hydrogen, and that such a compound might
possess an acid character; in this case it
might have entered into combination with
the magnesium. On account of the possi-
bility that such a compound might be solu-
ble, the magnesia was extracted with water,
the solution evaporated and treated with
sulfuric acid in a vacuum. A gas was
evolved, but it proved to be exclusively
carbon dioxid. We should have carried the
treatment of the magnesium further had
not the argon at last become sufficiently
pure to subject it to the refrigerating action
of liquid air; and it seemed to me there
was more hope of finding the new substance
in the argon from the atmosphere than in
this residue of magnesia, which it would
require much time and labor to work up.
Dr. Hampson, the inventor of a very
simple and practical machine for the prepa-
ration of liquid air, which is based upon the
same principle as that of Herr Linde, was
so kind as to place large quantities of liquid
air at my disposal. In order to become
acquainted with the art of working with so
unusual a material, I asked Dr. Hampson
for a liter; with this Dr. Travers and I
practiced and made different little experi-
ments to prepare ourselves for the great
experiment of liquefying argon.
FEBRUARY 24, 1899. ]
It seemed to me a pity to boil away all the
air without collecting the last residue ; for,
thoughit seemed improbable that the looked-
for element could be here, yet it was, indeed,
possible that a heavier gas might accom-
pany the argon. This suspicion was con-
firmed. The residue from the liquid air
consisted chiefly of oxygen and argon, and,
after removing the oxygen and nitrogen, be-
side the spectrum of argon were two bril-
liant lines, one in the yellow, which was not
identical with D, of helium, and one in the
green. This gas was decidedly heavier than
argon; its density was 22.5 instead of the
20 of argon. We had, therefore, discovered
a new body, which was an element, for the
ratio between the specific heats was 1.66.
To this element we gave the name ‘ kryp-
ton.’ Up to this time we have not followed
further the study of this element; we have,
however, collected and preserved many resi-
dues which are rich in krypton. It was,
however, our first intention to examine the
lightest part of the argon. In many, how-
ever, we remarked, in passing, that the
wave-length of the green line of krypton
is exceedingly close to that of the northern
lights, being 5,570, while the latter is 5,571.
Our whole supply of argon was now lique-
fied in the following manner. The gaso-
meter containing the argon was connected
with a series of tubes in which the gas
passed over respectively hot copper oxid,
concentrated sulphuric acid and_phos-
phorus pentoxid ; it then passed by a two-
way cock into a small flask, holding about
30 cubic centimeters, which was enclosed in
a Dewar tube. By means of the other open-
ing of the cock, the flask was connected
with a mercury gasometer. By means ofa
U-shaped capillary and mercury trough, it
was also possible, through a three-way cock,
to collect the gas at will in glass tubes.
About 50 cubic centimeters of liquid air were
poured into the double-walled tube, and, by
means of a Fleuss air pump kept constantly
in action, the liquid air boiled at 10 to 15
millimeters pressure. The argon liquefied
rapidly as soon as subjected to this low tem-
perature, and in the course of half an hour
it was completely condensed. Altogether
there were about 25 cubic centimeters of a
clear, limpid, colorless liquid, in which
floated white flakes of a solid substance.
By stopping the pump, the pressure over the
liquid air was now increased, and the argon
boiled quietly, the first portions of the gas
being collected in the mercury gasometer.
Changing now the three-way cock, the
largest portion of the argon passed back
into the iron gasometer ; after nearly all the
liquid had boiled away and only the solid
substance was left in the flask, the last por-
tions of the gas were collected separately.
The solid substance remained persistently
in the flask; it was slowly volatilized by
means of a Tépler pump, which stood in
connection with the apparatus.
We first directed our attention to the
lighter fractions, for these had for us the
greatest interest. The density of this gas
was found to be 14.67; the ratio between
the specific heats was as usual 1.66, and the
spectrum showed, beside the well-known
groupings of argon, a large number of red,
orange and yellow lines of varying intensity.
Evidently, we had before us a new element,
which was contaminated with argon.
This gas was then liquefied in a similar
apparatus to that first used, but constructed
on a smaller seale ; a portion, however, re-
mained uncondensed. Even by raising the
reservoir of the mercury gasometer until
an overpressure of an atmosphere was
reached, it was impossible to convert all
the gas into a liquid, although the temper-
ature of the boiling air was reduced as low
as possible by rapid pumping. By repeated
raising and lowering of the reservoir, we
finally passed all the gas through the cooled
space, in order to free it, as far as possible,
from argon. The uncondensible gas was
collected by itself, and the remainder was
evaporated into another gasometer.
You can well imagine how eager we were
to know what the density of this purified gas
would prove to be. It was immediately
weighed. Our satisfaction can well be re-
alized when we found that its density was
9.76. Since, however, its spectrum at low
pressure still showed argon lines, though
weak, we were compelled to admit that this
number was certainly too high. It was
impossible that this gas should not contain
argon, since at the temperature used argon
possessed a measurable vapor pressure.
We have, therefore, estimated that the
density of the pure gas is 9.65. Here our
work for the time was ended by the begin-
ing of the summer holidays.
On our return we resumed the study of
this gas, which we will hereafter designate
by its name of ‘neon.’ Its spectrum was
photographed by Mr. Baly, one of my as-
sistants, by means of a spectrometer which
we had constructed during the vacation.
To our astonishment, the lines of helium
were easily recognized. A comparison
photograph showed this beyond all ques-
tion. Hence the density of the gas was in
all probability too low, owing to the pres-
ence of the helium. Since now the temper-
ature used was insufficient to liquefy the
neon, and since the argon had been removed
as far as possible, we had to face the problem
of how one could free neon from its accom-
panying impurities. A means was found
in its solubility. It is well known that the
solubility of those gases which do not react
chemically with the solvent follows in gen-
eral the same order as their condensibility.
According to this helium should have a lesser
solubility than neon, and neon than argon.
The solubility of these gases in water is,
however, too slight to be available for their
separation. We have, therefore, used liquid
oxygen asa solvent. This mixes with all
three gases and boils at a temperature not
[N.S. Von. LX No. 217.
far from the boiling point of argon. We,
therefore, mixed the gas with sufficient oxy-
gen to be almost wholly condensed at the
temperature attained by boiling air at the
lowest possible pressure. The uncondensed
portion, about one fifth of the whole, was
separated and collected as that richest in
helium; the middle portion we considered
as purified neon, while the remainder con-
sisted of a mixture of argon and neon ;
naturally, all these portions contained oxy-
gen in larger or smaller quantities.
After the removal of the oxygen, which
was accomplished by passage over hot cop-
per filings, we determined the density and
refractivity of the middle portion. The
density in two determinations was 10.04
and 10.19; the second figure was obtained
after passing the electric spark through the
gas mixed with oxygen in the presence of
caustic potash and subsequent removal of
the oxygen by phosphorus. The entire
quantity weighed was only 30 cubic centi-
meters at a pressure of 250 millimeters.
The weight was 0.0095 gram. I mention
these figures in order to show with what
an exceedingly small quantity of gas it is
possible to carry out a very satisfactory
density determination.
The refractivity of this portion with refer-
ence to the air as unity was 0.338. This
portion still showed the spectra of argon
and helium, and was, therefore, submitted to
a second purification, in which the heavier
part was more completely removed than
the lighter. Even this purification, how-
ever, did not remove all the argon, but its
quantity was decidedly diminished. The
density was somewhat diminished, and
helium was stronger in the spectrum. The
entire amount of neon had become, by these
operations, so divided up that it was not
possible to carry out a further purification
without preparing a greater quantity of
crude neon. On this Dr. Travers and I
are at present engaged.
FEBRUARY 24, 1899. ]
In the meantime Mr. Baly has made
exact measurements of the lines of the neon
spectrum, at the same time eliminating all
the lines which belong to argon and to
helium by superposed plates. The values
were compared with iron lines photographed
upon the same plate, and the measurements
were carried out by means of different pairs
of these known lines. The most important
lines are the following :
Red. Red. Red. Yellow (D;). Blue
6402 6267 6096 5853 4716*:
6383 6218 6074 Green 5401 4722
6335 6164 6030 5341 4710
6143 5331 4709
Up to the present we have had little time
to study thoroughly the other companion of
argon in the atmosphere. Dr. Travers and
I have, however, worked upon it. The
heavier fraction of the air contains three
gases, one of which appears very perplex-
ing. We have named it ‘metargon.’ This
gas remains, mixed with excess of argon,
after the evaporation of liquid air or argon.
Up to this time we have not succeeded in
obtaining it in a condition free from argon.
Its peculiarity is that when it is mixed with
oxygen and subjected to the influence of the
electric spark in presence of caustic potash
it shows constantly the ‘Swan-spectrum’
as of carbon monoxid. We have treated
a mixture of carbon monoxid and argon
in a similar way, and, after fifteen minutes’
sparking, all the carbon had disappeared ;
in a Plucker tube no trace of the carbon
spectrum could be recognized. I will, how-
ever, not yet venture to express an opinion
as to the nature of this gas. It needs
further investigation, and for this at present
we have no time.
As regards krypton, which is distin-
guished by three brilliant lines, one in red,
* The third figure in this number is probably a mis-
print (Tr. ).
one in yellow and one in green, we are in
much the same position. We have col-
lected a considerable quantity of the im-
pure gas, which shows the spectrum finely,
although that of argon is also present. We
hope that we shall soon be able to pursue
this portion of our work further. We can
merely note here that the specific gravity
of the gas which shows this spectrum in
such a marked way is not far different from
that of argon.
The heaviest of these gases we have
weighed, although in impure condition. Its
density is 32.5. I need not call your at-
tention to the fact that there is space for an
element of the helium group between bro-
min andrubidium. Such an element should
have an atomic weight of 81-83, which cor-
responds to a density of 40.5-41.5, under
the very probable supposition that, like the
other gases of this group, it is monatomic.
The spectrum of this gas, which we have
named ‘xenon’—the stranger—has many
lines; none of these are of marked inten-
sity, and in this respect the spectrum re-
sembles somewhat that of argon. It is also
analogous to argon in another particular,
that the spectrum undergoes a remarkable
change when a Leyden jar is put into the
circuit. As with argon, many new, blue
and green lines appear, while other lines,
mostly in the red, either disappear or lose
much of their intensity. Further than this
we have not proceeded in studying xenon ;
for our attention has been given chiefly to
neon, as well as to a problem regarding
“We have repeatedly met the question:
“Are the properties of argon not appreciably
changed by the presence of this new gas?”
In order to settle this question we have
fractioned 25 cubic centimeters of liquid
argon several times and have collected
separately about 200 cubic centimeters of
the lightest and as much of the heaviest
fraction. This operation was repeated three
times. By this means we hoped to have
removed the greatest part of the neon,
krypton, metargon and xenon. Then we
liquefied the argon a fourth time, and as it
boiled away collected six samples, each after
one-fifth of the whole quantity had evapo-
rated. These samples were carefully puri-
fied and weighed. The density referred to
= 16 and the refractivity to air = 1 areas
follows :
Density. Refractivity.
First fraction 19.65 0.962
Second ‘‘ 19.95 0.969
An orhys ks OPO SM msn aa
Fourth ‘‘ 19.91* es
Fifth se 19.97 0.968
Sixth pie: 19.95 0.966
The first fraction possesses, as appears
from the table, a lower density and also a
lower refractivity. The other fractions
vary very little from each other. Since
these determinations were made by using
only 30 cubic centimeters, we have weighed
160 cubic centimeters of the fifth and sixth
fractions. The first determined density of
the fifth fraction was 19.935, but at a pres-
sure of 5 millimeters the spectrum of nitro-
gen was easily recognizable in a Plucker
tube. After the gas had been again purified
by sparking, until all the nitrogen had been
removed, the density was 19.957. In two
experiments the fourth fraction of gas gave
19.952 and 19.961. We must then accept the
true density of argon as not far from 19.96.
Independently Lord Rayleigh and I found
the density of argon to be 19.94 ; soit is clear
that the impurities of neon and the heavier
gases have little influence. The somewhat
greater density of pure argon arises from
the fact that the neon, which is the chief
impurity present, has been removed; the in-
fluence of the other gases cannot be recog-
nized, owing to the insignificant quantities
present. In fact, in 15 liters of argon we
found no appreciable trace of xenon ; it can
* Contained nitrogen.
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 217.
be prepared only out of large quantities of
liquid air.
I must take this opportunity of thanking
you most sincerely for the honor you have
done me in inviting me to deliver this ad-
dress. It has been said by some scientist
that the greatest joy of life lies in dis-
covering something which is new. There
is, however, another joy almost equally
great, that of making known the results of
an investigation to one’s fellow scientists.
This joy, my friends, you have given me to
an extreme degree, and for this I express to
you my warmest thanks.
In 1859 Girard (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc.
Phila., p. 62) described a small blind fish,
Typhlichthys subterraneus, from Bowling
Green, Ky. This species has since been
found to be abundant in the subterranean
waters east of the Mississippi and south of
the Ohio.
In 1889 Garman (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool.
XVII., No. 6) gave an account of a blind
fish from some caves in Missouri. Mr.
Garman says: “Compared with specimens
from Kentucky and Tennessee, they agree
so exactly as to raise the question whether
the species was not originated in one of the
localities and thence distributed to the
others. * * * There is no doubt that the
representatives of Typhlichthys subterraneus
in the various caves were derived from
a single common ancestral species. The
doubts concern only the probability of the
existence of three or more lines of develop-
ment in as many different locations, start-
from the same species and leading to such
practical identity of result.”
Ably arguing the case from the data on
hand Garman came to the conclusion ‘“ that
these blind fishes originated in a particular
locality, and have been and are being dis-
* Contributions from the Zoological Department of
the Indiana University, No. 27.
FEBRUARY 24, 1899. ]
tributed among the caves throughout the
valley ’’ (of the Mississippi).
Two of the specimens from Missouri
served Kohl (Rudimentare Wirbelthier-
augen, 1892) for his account of the eyes of
North American blind fishes. At my re-
quest Mr. Garman sent me two of the Mis-
souri specimens.. He urged me at the same
time to make a more extensive comparison
between them and the Mammoth cave
specimens. A comparison of the eyes of
specimens from the two localities not only
proved that they represent distinct spe-
cies, but that they are of separate origin.
An announcement of the species without
further description was published (Proc.
Ind. Acad. Sci. for 1897, p. 231, 1898). The
species was “‘named rose for the rediscoy-
erer of the California Typhlogobius, a pio-.
neer in the study of Biology among women,
Fia. 1.
Mrs. Rosa Smith Eigenmann.”’ In the
spring of 1897 I visited various caves in
Missouri to secure additional material of
what was recognized as in many ways the
most interesting member of the North
American fauna. No specimens were se-
cured, but a liberal number of bottles of
alcohol and formalin were scattered over the
country. During the fall of 1898, through a
grant from the Elizabeth Thompson Science
Fund and through the courtesy of the offi-
cers of the Monon, the L. E. and St. L.
and the Frisco R. R. lines I was enabled
to visit the cave region of Missouri again.
This time I visited nine caves and secured
eight specimens. I have since received an
additional number from a correspondent.
From information gathered it would seem
that this species (or similar ones) has a
wide distribution in the subterranean waters
of the southern half of Missouri and north-
ern Arkansas, probably also the eastern
part of Kansas.
On the surface the specimens very closely
resemble Typhlichthys subterraneus from
Mammoth cave, differing slightly in the
proportion and in the pectoral and caudal
fins. These fins are longer in rose. It is,
however, quite evident from a study of their
eyes that we have to deal here with a case
of convergence of two very distinct forms.
They have converged because of the simil-
arity of their environment and especially
owing to the absence of those elements in
their environment that lead to external
Side view of Troghlichtys showing the extent and distribution of the tactile organs.
protective adaptations. The details of the
structure of the eyes of all the members of
the Amblyopside: will be published shortly,
and I need call attention here'only to the
structures that warrant the conclusion that
the cis- and trans- Mississippi forms of blind
fishes without ventral fins are of distinct
origin. The blind fish Amblyopsis may be
left out of consideration, since it is the only
member of the family that possesses ven-
tral fins. Otherwise, it would be difficult
to distinguish specimens of similar size of
this species from either subterraneus or rose.
The eye of 7. subterraneus is surrounded
by a very thin layer of tissue representing
the sclera and choroid. The two layers
are not separable. In this respect it ap-
proaches the condition in the epigean-eyed
member of the family, Chologaster. For
other reasons that need not be given here
it is quite certain that Typhlichthys is the
Fic. 2.
Fig. 3.
Fic. 2. Dorsal view of the head, with distribution
of tactile organs and location of eye.
Fic. 3. Ventral view of the head.
descendant of a Chologaster. The intensity
of coloration_and the structure of the eye
are the chief points of difference. The eye
of rose is but about 1-3 the diameter of that
of subterraneus, measuring .06 mm. or there-
about. Itis the most degenerate, as distin-
guished from undeveloped, vertebrate eye.
The point?of importance in the present in-
stance is the presence of comparatively enor-
mous scleral cartilages.* These have not
degenerated in ‘proportion to the degenera-
tion of the eye and insome cases are several
times as long as the eye, projecting far be-
yond it orZare puckered to make their dis-
proportionate [size fit the vanishing eye.
This species is unquestionably descended
from a species’ with well-developed scleral
cartilages, for it is not conceivable that the
sclera as found in Chologaster could, by
any freak or chance, give rise during de-
generation to scleral cartilages, and if it
did they would not develop several sizes
* Kohl mistook the nature of these structures, as
he did of every other connected with these eyes, ex-
cept the lens and ganglionic cells.
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 217.
too large for the eye. At present no known
epigean species of the Amblyopside pos-
sesses scleral cartilages. The ancestry of
rose is hence unknown. Amblyopsis possesses
scleral cartilages and the eye of rose passed
through a condition similar to that pos-
sessed by Amblyopsis, but the latter species
has ventral fins and is hence ruled out as a
possible ancestor of rose. The epigean an-
cestry of Amblyopsis is also unknown. The
ancestry of Typhlichthys being quite dis-
tinct from that of rose, the latter species
may be referred to anew generic name T'rog-
Judging from the degree of degeneration
of the eye Troglichthys has lived in caves
and done without the use of its eyes longer
than any other known vertebrate. (Ipnopes
being a deep-sea form is not considered.)
More than this, rose is probably the oldest
resident in the region it inhabits.
Since the specimens kindly sent by Mr.
Garman, in the course of examination have
been reduced to sections, the specimens
now in my possession, together with a few
sent to the British Museum, all having
come from the same cave, may be con-
sidered typical.
In addition to the acknowledgments
made before I wish also to thank the offi-
cers of the Louisville and Nashville R. R.
for transportation to Mammoth Cave. I
must especially express my appreciation of
the assistance rendered me by Mr. William
McDoel, General Manager of the Monon,
in enabling me to make explorations in
the numerous caves of the Lost River
region along his line and to visit caves at
greater distances. Mr. H. C. Ganter, the
manager of the Mammoth Cave Hotel, not
only granted me leave to collect in the
cave, but did everything possible to make
my trip to this cave successful.
FEBRUARY 24, 1899. ]
1. Tue object of this memoir is twofold:
first, to develop the theory of reproductive
or genetic selection} on the assumption
that fertility and fecundity may be heritable
characters ; and, secondly, to demonstrate
from two concrete examples that fertility
and fecundity actually are inherited.
The problem of whether fertility is or is
not inherited is one of very far reaching
consequences. It stands onan entirely dif-
ferent footing to the question of inheritance
of other characters. That any other organ
or character is inherited, provided that in-
heritance is not stronger for one value of
the organ or character than another, is per-
fectly consistent with the organic stability
of a community of individuals. That fer-
tility should be inherited is not consistent
with the stability of such a community, un-
less there is a differential death-rate, more
intense for the offspring of the fertile, 7. ¢.,
unless natural selection or other factor of
evolution holds reproductive selection in
check. The inheritance of fertility and the
correlation of fertility with other characters
are principles momentous in their results
for our conceptions of evolution; they
mark a continual tendency in a race to pro-
gress in a definite direction, unless equili-
brium be maintained by any other equi-
* Mathematical Contributions to the Theory of
Evolution. Part I, Theoretical: By Karl Pearson.
Part II, On the Inheritance of Fertility in Man: By
Karl Pearson and Alice Lee. Part III, On the In-
heritance of Fecundity in Thoroughbred Race-horses :
By Karl Pearson, with the assistance of Leslie Bram-
ley-Moore. Abstracts read before the Royal Society,
December 8, 1898.
+ I have retained the term ‘reproductive’ selection
here, although objection has been raised to it, be-
cause it has been used in the earlier memoirs of this
series. Mr. Galton has kindly provided me with
‘genetic’ and ‘prefertal’ selection. The term is
used to describe the selection of predominant types
owing to the different grades of reproductivity being
inherited, and without the influence of a differential
pollent factors, exhibited in the form ofa
differential death-rate on the most fertile.
Such a differential death-rate probably ex-
ists in wild life, at any rate until the en-
vironment changes and the equilibrium be-
tween natural and reproductive selection is
upset. How far it exists in civilized com-
munities of mankind is another and more
difficult problem, which I have partially
dealt with elsewhere.* Atany rate it be-
comes necessary for the biologist either to
affirm or deny the two principles stated
above. If he affirms them, then he must
look upon all races as tending to progress
in definite directions—not necessarily one,
but possibly several different directions,
according to the characters with which fer-
tility may be correlated—the moment na-
tural selection is suspended ; the organism
carries in itself, in virtue of the laws of in-
heritance and the correlation of its charac-
ters, a tendency to progressive change. If
on the other hand, the biologist denies these
principles, then he must be prepared to
meet the weight of evidence in favor of the
inheritance of fertility and fecundity con-
tained in Parts II and III of the present
2. The theory discussed in Part I opens
with the proof that if fertility be a function
of any physical characters which are them-
selves inherited according to the law of an-
cestral heredity, then it must itself be in-
herited according to that law. As fertility
would certainly appear to be associated
with physique, we have thus an @ priori
argument in favor of its inheritance.
3. In the next place the influence of
‘record’ making on apparent fertility is
considered. The mother with more off-
spring has a greater chance than one with
fewer of getting into the record which ex-
tends over several generations, and, further,
if every possible entry be taken from the
* Essay on Reproductive Selection in ‘The Chances
of Death and other Studies in Evolution,’ Vol. 1, p. 63,
record, she is again weighted with her fer-
tility. Thus a record is not a true account
of the fertility of successive generations.
The fertility of mothers is always found to
be more and their variability less than the
fertility and variability of daughters. Ac-
cordingly from the apparent fertility and
variability of the record the actual values
in each generation must be deduced. The
difficulties and the theory of this investiga-
tion are developed at some length, and
methods determined by which it can be
ascertained whether a secular change in
fertility is actually taking place. The re-
sults obtained are extended to fecundity.
4. In the case of thoroughbred horses
their number is so few and in-breeding so
great, owing to the fashion in sires and
stocks, that we have to deal with a large
array of offspring of the same sire. It is
easy accordingly to obtain 50,000 to 150,000
pairs of a given relationship, e. g., half-
sisters, and we rapidly get numbers too
large for forming correlation tables in the
usual manner. Accordingly methods are
developed for finding correlation coefficients
from the means of ‘arrays.’ These methods
are of considerable importance, for they
enable us to ascertain the correlation be-
tween a latent character in one sex anda
patent character in another, or between
characters latent in two individuals. Thus
it is shown that the correlation between the
brood-mare’s fecundity latent in two related
stallions can be deduced from the correla-
tion between the mean fecundities of their
two arrays of daughters. In this way a
numerical estimate can be formed of the
inheritance of latent characters.
5. The brood-mare is for many causes,
detailed at length in the paper, a highly ar-
tificial product, and accordingly the record
gives a considerable percentage of fictitious
fecundities. The effect of a mixture of
correlated and uncorrelated material on
correlation and and variation is next inves-
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 217.
tigated, and it is shown that the former is
more seriously affected than the latter.
Hence results based on variation are more
likely to be trustworthy than those which
use correlation. Incidently the problem of
the mixture of heterogeneous materials un-
correlated in themselves is investigated,
and it is shown that a correlation will re-
sult in the mixture. This spurious correla-
tion is of some importance for the question
of mixtures of classes in fertility problems,
but it is also significant of the general
danger of heterogeneity in bio-statistical
investigations, and further indicative of the
possibility of creating correlation between
two characters by breeding between small
heterogeneous groups in which this correla-
tion is zero. This illustration suffices to
indicate how correlation between characters
does not necessarily indicate a causal rela-
6. Part II of the memoir deals with the
inheritance of fertility in man. It is first
shown by large numbers that fertility is
undoubtedly inherited from mother to
daughter, but that if we include all types
of marriages the inheritance is largely
screened by other factors. An attempt is
made to remove one by one these factors}
and the more stringently this is done the
more nearly the regression of daughter on
mother moves up towards the value re-
quired by the law of ancestral heredity.
If we could take only marriages in which
both daughter and mother were married
during the whole of their fecund period
there is little doubt that we should find in-
heritance according to the law of ancestral
heredity. The sparseness of homogeneous
material hinders, however, such an investi-
gation. .
The inheritance of fertility from father
to son is then considered; this is really
rather an inheritance of sterility or ten-
dency to sterility, for the full fecundity of
a man is not usually exhibited in mono-
FEBRUARY 24, 1899. ]
gamic union. It is rather a problem of
whether his fecundity lasts as. long as his
wife’s. We find definite inheritance of this
sterile tendency from father to son, although
for the reason just given it falls below that
indicated by the law of ancestral heredity.
Lastly, the inheritance of fertility in the
woman through the male line is dealt with,
and it is shown that a woman’s fertility is
as highly correlated with that of her pater-
nal as with that of her maternal grand-
mother. In other words the latent char-
acter, fertility in the woman, is transmitted
through the male line, and with an in-
tensity which approximates to that required
by the law of ancestral heredity. Inci-
dentally the problem of ‘ heiresses’ is dealt
with. It is shown that in the case of wo-
men that are chiefly ‘ heiresses ’ there is at
once a considerable drop in the correlation
between their fertility and that of their
mothers, while there is a small drop only in
their average fertility. In other words, an
‘heiress’ is not to be looked upon as com-
ing in general from a sterile stock, but as
having a mother whose fertility has a fic-
titious value, 7. e., the apparent fertility of
the record is not the potential fertility, the
inherited character, in the mother. In
other words, ‘heiresses’ are not as a rule
due to sterile mothers, but in the bulk are
due to such causes as late marriages, re-
straint, incompatibility of husband and
wife, absence of sons or death of other
children, ete.
7. Part III of the memoir contains the
results of a somewhat laborious investiga-
tion into the fecundity of brood-mares,
which has been a number of years in prog-
ress. Had better material been available
for the inheritance of fecundity we would
gladly have adopted it in preferance to
dealing with such an intricate subject as
the breeding of race-horses. Unfortunately,
the absence of place and means hindered
any experimental investigation on our part
into the inheritance of fecundity in some
simpler type of life. Such investigation
ought certainly to be made by a trained
biologist, with the knowledge and the lab-
oratory at his disposal.
After discussing at length the steps taken
by us to measure and tabulate the fecundity
of brood-mares, we deduce the following
conclusions :
(i.) Fecundity in the brood-mare is in-
herited from dam to mare.
(ii.) It is also inherited from grand-dam
to mare through the dam. _
In both cases the intensity is much less
than would be indicated by the law of an-
cestral heredity, but the divergence is not
such that it could not be accounted for by
a percentage of fictitious values such as
the peculiar conditions of horse-breeding
warrant us in considering probable.
(iii.) The latent quality, fecundity in the
brood-mare, is inherited through the sire ;
this is shown not only by the correlation
between half-sisters, but by actual deter-
mination of the correlation between the
latent character in the sire and the patent
character in the daughter.
(iv.) The latent quality, fecundity in the
brood-mare, is inherited by the stallion
from his sire. This is shown not only by
the fecundity correlation between a sire’s
daughters and his half-sisters, but also by
a direct determination of the correlation
between the latent quality in the stallion
and in his sire.
In both these cases of latent qualities the
law of inheritance approaches much more
closely to that required by the Galtonian
rule. This is probably due to the fact that
the determination of the correlation is
thrown back on the calculation of the means
and variabilities of arrays, and not on the
direct calculation of the correlation between
fecundities, a large percentage of which are
probably fictitious (see § 5).
8. Parts II and III accordingly force us
to the conclusion that fertility is inherited
in man and fecundity in the horse, and,
therefore, probably that both these charac-
ters are inherited in all types of life. It
would, indeed, be difficult to explain by evo-
lution the great variety of values these
characters take in allied species if this were
not true. That they are inherited accord-
ing to the Galtonian rule seems to us very
probable, but not demonstrated to certainty.
It is a reasonable hypothesis until more
data are forthcoming.
The memoir concludes with a discussion
of the meaning of reproductive selection for
the problem of evolution and with sixteen
correlation tables, giving the dressed ma-
terial on which our conclusions are based.
Tue American Physiological Society held
its eleventh annual meeting in New York,
December 28, 29 and’ 30,1898. The first
day’s sessions were held at the physiolog-
ical laboratories of the College of Physicians
and Surgeons, the medical school of Colum-
bia University. The forenoon session of the
second day consisted ofa joint meeting of the
Society and the American Psychological As-
sociation at Schermerhorn Hall, Columbia
University ; in the afternoon the members
attended at the same place the joint meet-
ing of the Affiliated Scientific Societies. The
sessions of the third day were held at the
physiological laboratories of the University
and Bellevue Hospital Medical College. In
attendance and the number of papers pre-
sented the meeting was the most successful
yet held, and demonstrated the fact that a
large amount of research in physiology is
being carried on in the laboratories of this
The forenoon session of Wednesday, the
first day, was devoted largely to the pre-
sentation of the chemico-physiological com-
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 217.
munications. Professor J. J. Abel (Johns
Hopkins) discussed ‘Epinephrin, the ac-
tive constituent of the suprarenal capsule,
and its compounds.’ He has succeeded in
isolating from the suprarenal capsule a
specific chemical body which produces the
peculiar physiological effects heretofore
recognized with extracts of the capsule. He
has carefully determined its chemical prop-
erties and classes it with the alkaloids with
the formula C,,H,,NO,. Drs. J. B. Wallace
and W. Mogk, through Professor G. C.
Huber, presented a report of an experi-
mental study upon the ‘Action of
suprarenal extract on the mammalian
heart,’ performed in the laboratory of Pro-
fessor A. R. Cushny (Michigan University).
The extract was found to stimulate the
vagus center, thus inhibiting the heart, to
stimulate the heart muscle directly and to
cause a constriction of the systemic arteri-
oles. Dr. Walter Jones (Johns Hopkins)
and Professor R. H. Chittenden (Yale) re-
ported the results of independent investiga-
tions of the melanines, the black pigment
occurring in hair and in the skin of the
negro. The former obtained the pigment
from black horsehair by treatment with
hydrochloric acid. Fusing with caustic
potash gave a sulphur’ melaninic
free, which when oxidized in an alka-
line medium is easily decomposed into
carbonic acid and ammonia, but in an
acid medium yields certain more complex
bodies. The facts presented by Professor
Chittenden tended to show that melanines
or melanine-like pigments can be prepared
artificially from antialbumid and hemipep-
tone by long heating with 10% sul-
phuric acid at 100°C. The exact com-
position of the melanine thus formed
depends largely upon the extent of the hy-
drolytic cleavage of the proteid. By invita-
tion, Dr. Beattie Nesbitt (Toronto) read a
paper on ‘ The presence of cholin and neurin
in the intestinal canal during its complete
FEBRUARY 24, 1899. ]
obstruction.’ His experiments lead to the
belief that complete occlusion of the small
intestine at its lower end will give rise to
the occurrence of cholin, neurin, and, per-
haps, other bases, provided the food taken
contains a considerable quantity of lecithin.
Cholin is only slightly, neurin powerfully,
toxic. Professor W. T. Porter (Harvard)
reported further ‘ Experiments on the mam-
malian heart.’ Experiments on the isolated
veutricles supplied with blood through the
coronary arteries and cut in various direc-
tions show that the synchronism of the ven-
tricles is not dependent on nerve-cells, is
probably maintained through muscular and
not through nervous connections, and is not
a function of the auricles, but is managed by
the ventricles themselves. Dr. Reid Hunt
(Johns Hopkins) gave an account of his
extended researches on ‘ Direct and reflex
acceleration of the mammalian heart.’ The
accelerator nerves exert a tonic action upon
the heart. The accelerator centers show
greater resistance to the action of drugs,
ete., than do the cardio-inhibitory or the
vaso-motor centers. Continued stimulation
of the accelerator nerves causes genuine fa-
tigue in the heart, and, if long continued,
even death. Reflex acceleration is due
usually, if not always, to an inhibition of
the tonic activity of the vagi.
Dr. S. J. Meltzer (New York) opened the
afternoon session with a paper on ‘The
causes of the orderly progress of the peri-
staltic movements in the esophagus.’ The
author’s experiments tend to harmonize the
statement of Mosso, who found that division
of the cesophagus does not prevent the pro-
gress of the peristalsis below the cut and
concluded that the peristalsis is of central
origin, and the statement of Wild, who
found peristalsis to cease at the cut and
inferred that its progress is of peripheral
origin. The author proved that the differ-
ence in the results was due to the fact that
Wild experimented on animals under deep
anzesthesia, while Mosso’s animals were
only lightly anesthetized.
The greater part of the afternoon session
was devoted to demonstrations and the ex-
hibition of new apparatus. Professor G.
Carl Huber (Michigan University) demon-
strated methylene-blue preparations of sen-
sory nerve-endings in tendon —Golgi’s
“tendon corpuscles. Professor W.'T. Porter
(Harvard) demonstrated the coordination
of the ventricles in the mammalian heart.
The following exhibitions of apparatus were
made: A convenient form of non-polar-
izable electrode, by Professor W. H. Howell
(Johns Hopkins); new laboratory apparatus,
by Dr. E. W. Scripture (Yale); an improved
form of Ellis’s piston recorder, by Professor
W.P. Lombard (Michigan University); a
simple etherizing bottle, by Dr. C. C. Stew-
art (Columbia); a simple oncometer, by Pro-
fessor F. S. Lee (Columbia); a new respira-
tion apparatus, by Professor F. 8. Lee.
The papers presented at the joint session
of the Society and the American Psycho-
logical Association on the forenoon of
Thursday, the second day, were calculated
to interest both physiologists and psychol-
ogists. After an address of welcome
by Professor Minsterberg, the President
of the Psychological Association, Pro-
fessor Chittenden, the President of the
Physiological Society, was called to the
chair and the prepared program was
entered upon. Professor J. McK. Cattell
(Columbia) gave a descriptive exhibition of
instruments for the study of movement and
fatigue. Professor F. 8. Lee (Columbia)
presented the results of an extended series
of experiments upon ‘ The nature of muscle
fatigue.’ The course of fatigue in the
muscles of the frog, the turtle and the cat
shows certain differences, the common
element being a decrease of lifting power.
The chief cause of muscle fatigue appears
to be poisoning by fatigue substances.
Fatigue is a protective phenomenon, pre-
venting the oncoming of exhaustion. Pro-
fessor G. Carl Huber (Michigan) reported
his ‘ Observations on the innervation of the
intracranial vessels.’ In the pia mater
and the cranial dura mater of the dog, cat
and rabbit two kinds of nerves were found,
sensory and vasomotor, the former being
medullated, the latter non-medullated. The
-latter were found to terminate in the muscu-
lar wall of the arteries.
Hodge (Clark University) reported upon a
research undertaken with Mr. H. H. God-
dard to test the possible amceboid move-
ments of cortical nerve-cells. The brains
of rested and fatigued animals were com-
pared. All the experiments in which defi-
nite results were obtained confirmed De-
moor’s results, showing a contracted and
varicose condition of the dendrites, and,
moreover, extend our knowledge to include
effects of normal fatigue. The experiments
were fully controlled, the control specimens
showing dendrites and contact granules
uniformly expanded. Dr. G. W. Fitz (Har-
vard) exhibited a new chronoscope, in
which the time is measured by the fall of
water within a graduated glass tube. A
valve at the lower end of the tube is opened
and closed by electro-magnets connected
with the keys of the reaction apparatus.
By invitation Professor O. N. Rood (Colum-
bia) exhibited his flicker photometer. Pro-
fessor Mimnsterberg discussed ‘ The physio-
logical basis .of mental life.’ Professor G.
T. W. Patrick (Iowa) discussed ‘ The con-
fusion of tastes and odors.’ Dr. E. W.
Scripture gave an exhibition of methods of
demonstrating the physiology and psychol-
ogy of color. -
At the joint meeting of the Affiliated So-
cieties, on Thursday afternoon, in the dis-
cussion upon ‘Advances in methods of
teaching,’ Professor W. T. Porter read a
paper upon ‘ The teaching of physiology in
medical schools.’
At the first session on Friday, the third
Professor C. F.~
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 217.
day, Professor Chittenden exhibited a con-
venient form of sphygmograph. Professor
Graham Lusk (University-Bellevue), re-
ported for Mr. W. H. Parker on ‘ The max-
imum production of hippuric acid in rab-
bits.’ If benzoic acid be fed to rabbits in
quantity just sufficient to unite with the
glycocoll formed in the animal, the nitrogen
that is excreted in the hippuric acid is in a
fixed ratio of about 1 : 20 to the total nitro-
gen of the urine. This indicates that about
5 % of the nitrogen of proteid may be elim-
inated in the form of glycocoll. The latter
is probably a cleavage product of proteid
to this extent. Professor Chittenden pre-
sented the results of ‘ A chemico-physiolog-
ical study of certain derivatives of the pro-
teids.’ The paper dealt especially with the
results obtained in a careful study of the
physiological action of a large number of
specific cleavage products of proteids when
introduced directly into the circulation.
Antipeptone, antialbumid, antialbumoses,
protogelatose, deterogelatose, pure gelatine
peptone and so-called hemipeptone were
among the products studied. The influence
on the blood-pressure, blood-coagulation,
immunity, lymph flow, urinary secretion,
ete., were all carefully studied and results
of interest were obtained. Professor G. N.
Stewart (Western Reserve) presented the
results of numerous experiments on ‘The
molecular concentration and electrical con-
ductivity of certain animal liquids with
special reference to blood.’ Professer H.
P. Bowditch (Harvard) read for Dr. J. K.
Mitchell a paper on ‘The influence of mas-
sage upon the number of blood globules in
the circulating blood.’ In health massage
increases the number of red corpuscles and
to some extent their heemoglobin value. In
anemia there is a very constant and large
increase in the number of red corpuscles
after massage. Anzemia may be due to a
lack of activity or availability in the cor-
puscles. Dr. P. A. Levene (New York)
FEBRUARY 24, 1899.]
gave the results of his investigations on the
tissues of the higher animals as to their
power of combining iodide intramolecularly.
After administering potassium iodine to
fowls and analyzing during ten weeks the
eggs and later the tissues, he concludes that
the power of combining iodine in the organ-
ism belongs only to certain keratins, such as
that of the hair, to certain proteids, such as
that of the thyroid gland, and to certain
fats. Professor Wesley Mills (McGill) spoke
of the ‘Correlation of the functional and
anatomical development of the cerebrum.’
Professor Chittenden reported progress in
the investigation of the properties of the
edible and poisonous fungi which was un-
dertaken by a committee of the Society ap-
pointed for this purpose two years ago.
At the afternoon session on Friday, Pro-
fessor G. Carl Huber presented ‘ A note on
the sensory nerve-endings in the extrinsic
eye-muscles of the rabbit—atypical motor
endings of Retzius. The author has re-
peatedly observed these nerve-endings and
gave reasons for believing them to be sen-
sory and not motor. In the absence of
Professor L. B. Mendel (Yale), a paper by
him, on ‘ The paths of absorption from the
peritoneal cavity,’ was read by the Presi-
dent. In a number of experiments upon
absorption it was observed that the solution
employed appeared in the urine consider-
ably earlier thaninthelymph. The author
is inclined to the blood-vessel theory of
absorption. Drs. P. A. Levene and I.
Levin (New York), made a preliminary
communication on the absorption of the
proteids. Because of their easy identifica-
tion iodoproteids were studied, being in-
jected into a loop of the intestine and later
sought for in the lymph. The results were
negative and in so far tend to confirin the
accepted theory of absorption by the blood
system. By invitation Professor E. O. Jor-
dan (Chicago) gave the results of experi-
ments upon ‘ The production of fluorescent
pigment by bacteria.’ The presence of
both phosphorus and sulphur is essential to
the formation of this pigment. The rela-
tive fluorescigenic values of a variety of
chemical bodies were studied. ‘The pres-
ence of acid and diffuse daylight are un-
favorable to pigment production. Profes-
sor C. F. Hodge described for Mr. H. H.
Goddard a new brain microtome which is
constructed on two new principles: the
knife, which is stationary, is level in order
to carry liquid in which the section floats,
and the brain is moved against the knife.
By invitation Dr. L. J. J. Muskens (New
York) exhibited an instrument for meas-
uring muscular tonicity in man.
In addition to the above papers, a num-
ber of others were read by title. The fol-
lowing were elected members of the Society :
Professor W.O. Atwater (Wesleyan), Pro-
fessor 8S. P. Budgett (Washington), Dr. A.
M. Cleghorn (Harvard), Dr. W. J. Gies
(Columbia), Professor W.S. Hall (North-
western), Dr. Walter Jones (Johns Hop-
kins), Professor E. O. Jordan (Chicago),
Dr. A. P. Mathews (Tufts), Professor B.
Moore (Yale), Dr. C. C. Stewart (Colum-
bia) and Professor F. F. Westbrook (Min-
nesota). There were elected as members
of the Council for 1898-’99: Professors
Chittenden, Howell, Lee, Lombard and
Porter. The details of the establishment of
the American Journal of Physiology, under the
auspices of the Society, were presented and
made a part of the records. The Journal,
now in its second volume, has abundantly
justified its existence.
Freperic §. Lr,
The Discharge of Electricity through Gases. By
J. J. THomson. New York, Charles Scrib-
mner’s Sons. 1898. Small 8vo. Pp. 203.
Price, $1.00.
This volume contains, in modified form, the
four lectures delivered by Professor Thomson
on the occasion of the sesqui-centennial cele-
bration at Princeton, in October, 1896. As the
subject is one that is rapidly developing, the
author has added the results of numerous inves-
tigations that have been published since that
time ; so that the present volume gives an ex-
cellent presentation of the subject as it now
Although the electrical discharge in gases
has been investigated in its various phases ever
since the study of electricity itself began, it is
only in the last five or six years that our knowl-
edge of the subject has begun to take systematic
and satisfactory form. Careful observations had
been made by hundreds of physicists, and the
scientific literature abounded with descriptions
of phenomena of great interest and undoubted
scientific importance. But our knowledge of
the subject consisted of a mass of isolated facts ;
no satisfactory underlying theory had been
found by which these facts could be correlated.
The development of such a theory is largely
due to Professor Thomson, and I know of no
place where it is so satisfactorily treated as in
the volume before us. The book is not one re-
quiring the preparation of a specialist in order
that it may be understood; the greater part can
be read with pleasure and profit by one having
only an elementary knowledge of electrical
science. On the other hand, I should not speak
of the book as containing merely a ‘popular’
account of the subject, especially if the word
‘popular’ is to be regarded as having the same
significance as inaccurate. Writers of popular
science are, unfortunately, only too prone to
look upon the two words as synonymous. Pro-
fessor Thomson, however, possesses the rare
power of writing upon a difficult subject with
scientific accuracy, and at the same time in such
a way as to be intelligible to the lay reader.
The contents of the book are arranged under
three chief sub-divisions, namely : the Discharge
of Electricity through Gases; Photo-electric
Effects, and Cathode Rays. This classification
is not wholly satisfactory, for each sub-division
contains a great deal more than is indicated by
its title. But the numerous sub-headings, to
which reference is made in the table of con-
tents, make it a matter of no great difficulty to
find any special topic sought. <A fairly com-
[N. 8. Von. TX. No. 217.
plete series of references to original sources con-
stitutes a feature that cannot be too highly
To one unfamiliar with the subject the first
twenty pages will probably prove the most
difficult portion of the book. The topics there
discussed are the various methods by which a
gas may be electrified: for example, by chemical
processes, by electrolysis, and by the splashing
of liquids. The essential peculiarities of the
conducting power of gases are first brought into
prominence in the account of the -effect of
Rontgen rays in giving toa gas the power of
conducting electricity. Only a few weeks after
the discovery of the X-rays it was found that
an electrified body rapidly lost its charge when
exposed to these rays. This property of the
new rays was independently and almost simul-
taneously discovered by at least five different
physicists, Professor Thomson being one of
these, and has since been the subject of numer-
ous investigations. The subject is one in which
experimental errors are especially difficult to
avoid, and a great deal of confusion naturally
existed at first regarding the laws of the phe-
nomenon and the conditions of its occurrence.
Practically all of the more reliable experiments
are now seen to support the view that the dis-
charge of an electrified body by the Rontgen
rays is due to the fact that the gas surrounding
the body is made a conductor by the action of
these rays. It is thought that the condition
developed in the gas is somewhat similar to
that in an electrolyte, 7. e., ions are formed,
some carrying positive charges and others nega-
tive charges. A charged body placed in the
‘ionized’ gas would attract one kind of ions
and repel the other. Upon coming into con-
tact with the charged body the ions are sup-
posed to give up their charges and cease to
existas ions. The gas is thus rendered capable
of conducting electricity in much the same
manner that an electrolyte conducts. But an
essential difference exists between the two cases,
due to the fact that the ionized condition of the
gas is only temporary; in less than a second
after the Rontgen rays have ceased the ions
have recombined and the gas is as good an in-
sulator as ever.
Conducting power may be imparted to a gas
FEBRUARY 24, 1899. ]
not only by the action of Réntgen rays, but also
by extreme heat and by the chemical changes
that occur in flames. These cases are consid-
ered in the second part of the book. Here also
the effects are readily explained upon the
theory that the conduction is electrolytic. In
fact, it is the development of this theory in its
application to the various types of gaseous con-
duction that constitutes the most characteristic
feature of the book. An accidental error in
one of the formulas on page 37, whose conse-
quences appear also in some of the equations
on the two succeeding pages, may cause annoy-
ance to one reading hurriedly. A serious mis-
print occurs on page 42, where 10—"! appears
several times as 10".
An interesting account is given, in the second
division of the book, of the curious effect of
light in causing the discharge of negative elec-
tricity. This effect is produced chiefly by the
shorter light waves, and preeminently by the
invisible ultra-violet rays of the spectrum. It
depends not only upon the gas surrounding the
charged body, but also upon the nature of the
charged surface. The electro-positive metals,
such as zine, sodium and rubidium, show the
effect best. The fact that phosphorescent sub-
stances are especially sensitive to this effect,
though as yet unexplained, is of undoubted
The third section of the book, devoted to
cathode rays, contains an excellent account of
the recent experiments on this subject. Such
an account is of especial value because of the
extraordinary rapidity with which our knowl-
edge of these rays hasadvanced. It is interest-
ing to note that the study of cathode rays, as
well as the study of the other phenomena of
vacuum tubes, has received a fresh impetus
since the discovery of the X-rays; if this study
leads to important discoveries, as it now seems
almost certain to do, I think that these must
be regarded as indirect results of the discovery
‘of Rontgen.
Tt is quite out of the question to call atten-
tion in this brief review to the many interest-
ing and important subjects that are discussed
throughout the book. The discussion is often
brief and lacking in the detail that would be
useful to one making a specialty of the subject.
But the book is written by one whose own in-
vestigations have contributed largely to the
development of each of the topics considered,
and who is now engaged in further research
along the same lines. This fact gives to the
treatment a charm impossible of attainment
otherwise, and adds to the book a suggestive-
ness and inspiration which must appeal to all
who read it. ErneEsT MERRITT.
Edited by
Volt) sk
Text-book of Physiology.
ScHArer, LL.D., F.R.S.
York, The Macmillan Co.
This new text-book of physiology follows out
the idea of combining under one editorship the
writings of different men who treat of the spe-
cial subjects in physiology with which they
have had personal and intimate experience.
In the face of the great and ever widening
scope of the science of physiology, no work of
general authority can be written in any other
manner to-day.
In illustration of this we find in this volume,
which covers merely the chemical side of physi-
ology, reference to fully six thousand original
articles. The book is highly creditable to
the eleven English physiologists who have con-
tributed to it, and it strengthens the general
opinion that in physiology the English are sec-
ond only to the Germans. The Germans, how-
ever, have no such comprehensive and thorough
reference text-book as this. The work is hardly
one for medical students, but is intended for
the teacher, for the advanced investigator, or
for reference in the medical library.
The article on the chemistry of the digestive
processes is ably written by B. Moore. He at-
tacks the theory of the cleavage of proteid into
two molecules, the ‘hemipeptone’ and ‘anti-
peptone,’ for example, and claims that the ex-
istence of the ‘hemi-’ bodies has never been
proved. He suggests that trypsin may act on
a single molecule of albumose which may yield
a greater or lesser quantity of amido acids ac-
cording to the albumose used, and that the
residue of the molecule which cannot be further
attacked by trypsin is antipeptone. In the dis-
cussion of the composition of the faeces, Moore,
in common with almost every text-book of
physiology, makes the mistake of giving too
important a place to the residues of the food
stuffs, omitting to state that the feeces consists
rather of the residues of the excretions which
pour into the intestinal tract.
In the article on the ‘ Chemistry of Respira-
tion,’ written by M. S. Pembrey, the statement
is made that in Voit’s respiration apparatus the
moisture expired by the animal may sometimes
be deposited in the conducting tubes before
reaching the vessel where it is caught and
weighed. With proper manipulation, however,
this does not take place, and such a statement
should not be too lightly made when it tends
to invalidate a large quantity of carefully exe-
cuted work.
The articles by Schafer himself are charac-
terized by breadth of thought and a balanced
judgment which often causes him to make clear
a middle ground between opposing theories.
In his article on the ‘Mechanism of the Secre-
tion of Milk’ he is inclined to doubt that milk
is the product of the bodily disintigration of
the lactic cells, but that, as in formation of
saliva, granules are extruded from the cells,
which granules dissolve to form the milk.
J. H. Langley has written a very complete
monograph on the subject of the Salivary
Glands, which includes his own important
The other authors are W. D. Halliburton,
Arthur Gramgee, E. Weymouth Reid, E. H.
Starling, J. S. Edkins, D. Noél Paton and F.
Gowland Hopkins, all familiar names to the
working physiologist.
The edition published here is identical in
make up to that published in England and is
everything that could be desired.
THE second volume of L’ Année biologique,
edited by Professor Yves Delage and published
at Paris by Schleicher fréres, follows the ex-
cellent lines laid down in the first volume and
represents the best work accomplished hitherto
by the various yearbooks recently established
in France. The subjects are treated under
twenty chapters, each beginning with a critical
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 217.
survey, usually written by MM. Delage and
Poirault, followed by a bibliography and ab-
stracts of most of the papers. The digests are
often detailed, e. g., the notice of Cope’s Pri-
mary Factors of Organic Evolution extends to
14 pp., and the account of the contents of a
book or paper is usually clearly separated from
such criticism as is given. The subjects treated
and the number of titles given are as follows:
The cell, 171.
Sexual products and fertilization, 8.
Parthenogenesis, 6.
Asexual reproduction, 12.
Ontogenesis, 52.
Monstrosities, 71.
Regeneration, 46.
Grafting, 10.
Sex and sexual characters, 28.
Polymorphism, metamorphism and the alternation
of generations, 29.
Latent characters, vacat.
Correlation, 26.
Death, immortality, the germ plasm, 10.
Morphology and general physiology, 275.
Heredity, 57.
Variation, 78.
The origin of species, 110.
Geographie distribution, 50.
The nervous system and mental functions, 203.
General theories, 48.
It is unfortunate that this recently-issued vol-
ume refers to 1896, instead of 1897, but the
preparation of these 808 large pages represents
a great amount of labor for which all students
of the biological sciences should be grateful.
M. BInEt’s L’ Année psychologique (Schleicher,
Paris) combines the publication of special
papers with a review of the progress of psy-
chology in 1897. MM. Binet and Vaschide
contribute separately and in conjunction no less
than twenty-two researches to the present vol-
ume, and there are in addition two papers by
M. Bourdon and one by M. Leclére. The
papers, which deserve special review, are
chiefly concerned with the individual differ-
ences of school children and contain many in-
teresting suggestions, though, asarule, the work
is not carried far enough to secure definite re-
sults. The bibliography, compiled in the first
instance by Drs. Farrand and Warren for The
Psychological Review, contains 2,465 titles, and
FEBRUARY 24, 1899.]
about 90 of these papers are abstracted and re-
viewed, chiefly by M. Binet.
L’ Année philosophique, of which M. Pillon is
the editor and Alcan the publisher, in the
issue for 1897 reaches its eighth volume. It
contains articles by M. Renouvier on the idea
of God, by M. Dauriz on the philosophy of
Paul Janet, and by the editor on Bayle and the
altruism of Epicurus. The editor also offers a
review of French philosophical publications ex-
tending to 140 pages. There is no bibliography.
are the American agents of a newly established
bibliography of French periodicals, edited by
M. Jordell. The example set in America was
last year followed in Germany, and we are
now glad to welcome a similar enterprise in
France. In this first issue 146 periodicals are
included, a subject index and an authors’ in-
dex being provided. Scientific journals are not,
as a rule, considered, but it is exactly articles
that appear in the general journals that are
most likely to escape the attention of scientific
men, and the usefulness to them of such an
index is evident. It should be accessible in all
the larger libraries.
Ir is stated that progress has been made with
the preparation, for publication, of the exten-
sive scientific material collected during the voy-
age of the Fram, and that there is a likelihood
that the first volume of memoirs will be issued
during the coming summer or autumn. The
collection will be in quarto form, and the sep-
arate memoirs will be the work of a number of
specialists in the subjects treated, each being
paged separately. The total number will prob-
ably be about twenty, forming from three to
five volumes. The memoirs will be published
at the expense of the Nansen Fund for the ad-
vancement of science.
A QUARTO memoir upon Polypterus is being
projected at Columbia University as the result
of the Senff Expedition to the Nile. Specialists
in the nerves, muscles, blood vessels and vyis-
ceral anatomy will divide the work, which is
designed to be of the most exhaustive char-
acter. Mr. Harrington is taking charge
of the distribution of the Senff collection
to specialists in all parts of the country and
in Europe, with the understanding that the
results will be published by the New York
Academy of Science, and thus constitute a
special and uniform series, which can finally be
issued in compact form.
PROFESSOR TITCHENER, of Cornell University,
is prepariug for publication early in the fall ‘A
Laboratory Manual of Experimental Psychol-
ogy,’ which will be published by The Macmillan
Company. The work will be in two volumes
and will detail an elementary course of labora-
tory work. The first volume will deal with
qualitative analysis, the second with the exact
measurement of mental processes. Each vol-
ume will be published in a student’s and a
teacher’s edition, the former giving instructions
as regards the conduct of experiments, control
of introspection, ete., and the latter furnishing
references, cognate questions and exercises and
standard results.
In the Australian Bush and the Coast of the Coral Sea.
RicHARD Semon. London and New York, The
Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. xii +552. $6.50.
The Principles of Bacteriology. FERDINAND HUEPPE.
Translated by Dr. E. O. JoRDAN. Chicago, The
Open Court Publishing Co. 1899. Pp. viii ++ 467.
The Dawn of Reason or Mental Traits in the Lower
Animals. JAMES WEIR. New York and London,
The Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. xiii -+ 234.
A Brief Introduction to Modern Philosophy. ARTHUR
KENYON RoaerRs. New York and London, The
Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. viii + 360.
The Story of the Cotton Plant. F. WILKINSON.
York, D. Appleton & Co. 1899. Pp. 191.
THE Journal of Physical Chemistry, January.
‘Pressure temperature Diagrams for Binary
Systems,’ by Wilder D. Bancroft.’ ‘The Dis-
sociative Power of Solvents,’ by Louis Kahlen-
berg and Azariah T. Lincoln : a study of elec-
trical conductivity of a number of salts in
non-aqueous solutions, more fully noticed in
‘Notes on Inorganic Chemistry.’ ‘ Boiling-point
curves,’ by E. F. Thayer: the boiling point
curves for mixtures of alcohol and chloroform,
acetone and alcohol, and chloroform and ace-
tone; it is found that a mixture of benzene and
alcohol with 33.5% alcohol distils unchanged at
66.7° under 737 mm. pressure ; chloroform and
alcohol with 7% alcohol distils without change
at 58.5° under 732.5 mm. ; and chloroform and
acetone with 19% acetone distils unchanged at
63.4° under 787.1 mm.; the boiling points of
all mixtures of alcohol and acetone lie between
the boiling points of pure alcohol and pure ace-
tone. ‘Reversible Reactions,’ by John Wad-
dell: a mathematical paper on the conversion of
ammonium cyanate into urea, criticising a re-
cent paper by Walker and Hambly in the Jour-
nal of the Chemical Society.
‘ScIENTIFIC vs. Poetic Study of Education’
is the title of the opening article, by Charles
DeGarmo, in the March Educational Review
(Holt & Co.). Other articles in the number
will be: ‘The High School Principal,’ by John
Tetlow ; ‘A School-Garden in Thuringia’ (llus-
trated), by Herman T. Lukens; ‘ Educational
Value of Bird-Study,’ by Frank M. Chapman ;
‘Vacation Schools,’ by Charles Mulford Robin-
son; ‘Report of the Chicago Educational Com-
mission’; ‘Fraudulent Diplomas and State
Supervision,’ by Henry Wade Rogers ; ‘School
Supervision in New York State,’ by Walter S.
THE Geographical Association of Great Brit-
ain, at its annual meeting, on January 11th,
adopted the Journal of School Geograyhy, edited
by Professor R. E. Dodge, New York, as its
medium for the publication of information of
service to teachers of geography.
THE third regular meeting was held February
1, 1899, at the residence of Mr. J. G. Smith.
Mr. C. L. Shear exhibited and discussed a
parasitic fungus found on Abiescon color and
Picea Engelmannii in the subalpine regions of
the Rocky Mountains. This fungus attacks the
lower branches of the younger trees, first form-
ing a brown, felt-like layer over the branch
and gradually spreading until frequently a foot
or more of the branch is enveloped and killed.
The fungus is closely related to Herpotricha
[N. 8. Vou. IX. No. 217.
nigra Hartig, which is frequent on conifers in
similar regions in Europe. Though not agree-
ing exactly with the description, it seems to be
what was first described by Professor C. H.
Peck in Hayden’s Report as Sphxria Coultert.
Under the title ‘ Plant Formations of Western
Lake Erie’ a brief account was given, by Mr.
A. J. Pieters, of the swamp formation and of
the aquatic plant formation of the Put-in-Bay
region. The extensive swamps on the main
land at East Harbor are made up of various
plant associations in each of which there is a
dominant species, while in the other, dominant
species of the formation are nearly or quite ex-
cluded, though many smaller forms are present
everywhere if the depth of water does not pre-
vent. The Scirpus Americanus Association is
characteristic of the beach either when this is
subject to heavy wave action or on dry sand
bars; it also occurs in lagoons behind the bars.
Throughout the swamp the different associa-
tions succeed each other, their arrangement be-
ing sometimes dependent upon depth of water,
while at other times no relation could be de-
tected between depth of water or character of
bottom and the presence of the dominant
The aquatic plant formation was classified
provisionally into associations which were
grouped under two headings: a, free swimming
forms ; b, attached species. Three associations
were recognized under the first :
1. The Plankton. This includes the free
swimming, microscopic forms in deep water.
2. The Utricularia Association. Rootless,
fine-leaved phanerograms and masses of algze
floating free beneath the surface in quiet water.
3. The Lemna Association. Small phanero-
grams floating free on the surface of the water.
Five associations of ‘attached forms were
recognized :
4. The Cladophora Association. Algz at-
tached to stones on the bottom or to the sub-
merged stems of plants.
5. The Desmid Association. Mostly unicel-
lular algee lightly attached to fine-leaved phan-
erogams in quiet water.
6. The Chara Association. Low-growing
plants covering the bottoms of shallow bays or
FEBRUARY 24, 1899. ]
7. The Potamogeton Association. Plants
reaching nearly or quite to the surface, with
long internodes and variously shaped leaves
rooting in the mud and growing in water from
one to ten feet deep.
8. The Nelumbo Association. Plants root-
ing the bottom and having floating or both
floating and aerial leaves.
Two or more of these associations often oc-
cupy portions of the same area, but the plants
of each association differ in their habits and
usually remain distinct from those of other as-
sociations ; not infrequently new combinations
arise, the species of any association not always
remaining where it is commonly found. This
arrangement, however, expresses in the main
the grouping of the plants as found in the
waters and swamps of western Lake Erie.
Mr. C. L. Pollard exhibited specimens of two
proposed new species of Viola. One of these
is from Vermont and is related to V. blanda
Willd.; it is conspicuous, however, for its large
flowers, robust habit and unusually-developed
rootstock. The other plant comes from south-
ern California and belongs to the Chrysanthe ;
it has very glaucous foliage and flowers half
the size of V. Douglasii, its nearest congener.
The Club devoted the remainder of the even-
ing to a general discussion on certain questions
related to ecology.
NINETEEN new members were elected, and
the previous board of officers, including, as
President, Hon. Addison Brown; Treasurer,
Maturin L. Delafield, Jr.; Recording Secretary,
Edward 8. Burgess; Editor, Lucien M. Under-
wood. Annual reports were presented, that of
the Treasurer indicating a cash balance in
The Recording Secretary, Professor Burgess,
reported an average attendance of 39 at the 15
meetings held during the year, one death, a
present active membership of 193, correspond-
ing membership 140, honorary membership 38,
total 836. The 27 scientific papers presented
include 20 authors, among these non-resident
being Dr. Radlkofer, of Vienna, and Casimir De
Candolle. About 20 new species have been de-
scribed. Among the papers 6 were on taxo-
nomic and other subjects relating to cryptogams,
2 on the nucleus, 2 were accompanied by lan-
tern-views, and 2 by exhibits of photographs ;
6 were followed by symposia for which general
discussions had been prepared. Brief reports
of collections and of botanical progress num-
bered 42. Two collations had marked the
year’s history, one tendered to the Club on
March 8th, by the Teachers’ College, and one
tendered by the Club to visiting botanists,
especially to members of the Society of Plant
Morphology, at Columbia Univers ty, Decem-
ber 29th.
The editor, Professor Underwood, reported
the regular monthly issue of the Bulletin, in-
cluding 640 pages and 29 plates, with a bal-
ance to the credit of the Bulletin. Slight
changes in the Bulletin include the introduction
of author and subject head-lines, the arrange-
ment of matter to begin each new article with
a new page, and the use of improved plates.
By discontinuing book reviews and miscellan-
eous notes more space has been gained for
articles of research. The number of pages is
itself 50 in excess of those of the preceding
year. New numbers of the Memoirs are in
preparation. A series of complete volumes of
the Bulletin has been filed ready for sale, and
surplus numbers inventoried and separated to
supply the demand for single copies. An en-
dowment fund is greatly desired, by which
secure provision may be made for prompt pub-
lication and superior illustration of American
botanical researches.
The report of the Field Committee, through
its Chairman, Mr. W. A. Bastedo, enumerated
36 field meetings, all held in cooperation with
the Brooklyn Institute; 3 of these were 3-day
excursions in cooperation with the Philadelphia
botanists, viz., at Decoration Day to Point
Pleasant, N. J., at the Fourth of July to
Stroudsburg, Pa., and at Labor Day to Whit-
ing’s, N. J.
In behalf of the Committee on Local Phanero-
gamic Flora, Dr. Britton referred to the work
hitherto accomplished, as represented in Dr.
Torrey’s catalogue of 1819, and the two pre-
liminary catalogues published already by this
Club, by Mr. W. H. Leggett in 1875-6, and by
Britton, Sterns and Poggenburg in 1888. Local
catalogues within our range include those of
Suffolk County, L. I., by Miller and Young ; of
Staten Island, by Dr. Hollick and others; of
New Jersey, by Dr. Britton, Dr. Rusby and
others ; of Long Island, by Dr. Jelliffe. Special
interest attaches to Mr. Bicknell’s work on the
Westchester County Flora. It was desired that
the new committee continue and combine the
researches contributory to the ultimate publi-
cation of a comprehensive Flora of the Metro-
politan District, adding such details as possible
as to ecological and quantitative characters.
In behalf of the Committee on Local Crypto-
gamic Flora, Mrs. E. G. Britton reported that
a catalogue of the Mosses of the Botanical Gar-
den at Bronx Park is about to be published in
its annual report.
Dr. Britton read a letter which he had re-
ceived that morning from Mr. A. A. Heller,
from Ponce, Porto Rico, announcing his arrival
in health. He observed many interesting
plants, as Crotons, in the vicinity of Ponce.
Mr. Henshaw is about to join him, for further
collections, particularly of living material for
the Botanical Garden.
Dr. Britton also reported the formal opening
of work on January 3d, toward the great range
of Horticultural Houses for the Botanica
Garden, which it is hoped may be ready for in-
stallation in October.
Dr. Rusby reported his possession of a manu-
script catalogue of the economic plants of Cuba
and Porto Rico, giving the botanic names, uses
and common names, in about 8 volumes of 200
pages each. This is the work of our corre-
sponding member, Professor De la Maza, of the
University of Havana, who, although but a
young man, has formed a large collection of
plants there, comparing them carefully with the
Charles Wright collection of Cuban plants,
which is also in the University of Havana.
Dr. Britton also referred to the tour Dr. Fair-
child is now taking along the Chilian coast in
the hope of establishing some plant exchanges.
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 217.
THE 495th meeting of the Society was held at
8 p. m., at the Cosmos Club, on February 4th.
An informal communication was first presented
by Dr. L. A. Bauer, read by Mr. J. F. Hayford,
entitled ‘Is the Principal Source of the Secular
Variation of the Earth’s Magnetism Within or
Without the Earth’s Crust?’ The first regular
paper was by Mr. J. H. Gore, on the ‘ Begin-
nings of Geodesy in the United States.’ The
second paper was by Mr. E. D. Preston, on
‘Geodetic Operations in the United States.’
Both of these papers will, probably, appear in
full in SCIENCE within a short time.
THE annual meeting of the Alabama Indus-
trial and Scientific Society was held in the city
of Birmingham, Ala., on Wednesday afternoon,
February 1, 1899, with about twenty members
inattendance. In the absence of the President,
Professor M. C. Wilson, caused by a delayed
train, the meeting was called to order by ex-Pres-
ident F. M. Jackson. After the reading of the
minutes of the last meeting, the action of the So-
ciety at that meeting, recommending amend-
ments to the State mining laws for the purpose
of securing monthly returns of the production of
the various minerals of the State, was reconsid-
ered, and it was decided to recommend that the
laws be amended so as to include only yearly re-
turns of the production of coal, coke, iron ores,
pig iron, limestone, dolomite, building stones,
clays, bauxite, ete. The present law requires re-
turns only from the producers of coal and coke.
Upon recommendation of the Council, three
new members were elected and a number of
papers accepted.
Under the head of new business, a resolution
was adopted favoring the passage of United
States Senate Resolution No. 205, ‘To provide
for a Division of Mines and Mining in the United
States Geological Survey,’ and the Secretary
was instructed to communicate this resolution
to the Alabama Senators and Congressmen, and
also to bring the matter to the attention of the
Commercial Club of Birmingham, with request
that like action be taken by that body.
FEBRUARY 24, 1899. ]
Upon the arrival of President Wilson, he read
his address as retiring President, giving a gen-
eral résumé of the work of the Society during
the past year, and making some suggestions
about its future work. The importance was
also urged of establishing in the city of Birm-
ingham a School of Natural Sciences, in which
every youth in the limits of the city might
have the opportunity of acquiring some scien-
tific training, and especially in those branches
of science which bear upon the manufacture of
iron. The establishment of such a school would
cause similar schools to spring up in the smaller
towns and would be followed by industrial
Papers were then read as follows: ‘The Brown
Ores at Leeds, in Jefferson County,’ by J. W. Cas-
tleman, of the Sloss Iron and Steel Co. In
this paper an account was given of the large
deposits of brown ore recently developed by the
Sloss company. ‘On Trichina spiralis,’ by Dr.
John Y. Graham, of the State University. This
paper, based upon original investigations by Dr.
Graham, was illustrated by charts and by spec-
imens under the miscroscope. ‘On Roads and
Road Making,’ by Colonel Horace Harding.
‘British Columbia and its Mineral Resources,’
by Wm. M. Brewer. ‘A Section through Red
Mountain,’ by A. W. Haskell.
The election of officers for the ensuing term
was then taken up, with the following result:
President, J. H. Fitts, of Tuscaloosa; Vice-
Presidents, J. M. Garvin, of Rock Run, and
J. H. McCune, of Woodward ; Treasurer, Henry
McCalley, of the University of Alabama; Sec-
retary, Eugene A. Smith, University of Ala-
bama. The Society then adjourned, to meet
again on May 3d, next. After the adjourn-
ment the members of the Society and their
invited guests partook of a banquet at the Mor-
ris Hotel.
EvuGene A. SMITH,
number of ScrENCE attention was called to
what appeared to be an unreasonable attitude
on the part of the editors of Nature towards
Mr. Charles F. Brush’s paper on Etherion, an
attitude, namely, which simply refused to accept
Mr. Brush’s results until they were demon-
strated by the spectroscope. A recent criticism
by M. Smoluchowski de Smolan in Nature for
January 5th is, on the other hand, entirely rea-
sonable, being, as it -is, a fair criticism of Mr.
Brush’s work. The question whether heat
conductivity can demonstrate the existence of
an unknown thing, and the question whether
Mr. Brush really found a gas which had one
hundred times the thermal conductivity of
hydrogen at the same pressure, are very different.
It is this latter question which is raised by M.
de Smolan. Itseems probable, indeed, that the
anomalous thermal conductivity found by Mr.
Brush may have been due to his not having
rigorously excluded water vapor, thus making
his pressure determinations uncertain. We
may soon expect an answer to this point from
Mr. Brush himself.
AN extended research has been made by E.
Hintz on the effect of varying quantities of the
rare earths on the luminosity of the mantels for
the Welsbach burners. The results are pub-
lished in the Zeitschrift fiir analytische Chemie.
Comparing the oxids of thorium and cerium
alone and mixed in varying proportions, and,
using for comparison the number of liters of gas
consumed per hour per Hefner light unit, it ap-
pears that the consumption for pure thoria is
50 and for pure ceria 61. With traces of ceria
in thoria the consumption decreases, 0.1% ceria
giving 6.7; 0.2%, 3.1, and 0.5%, 2.1. On the
other hand, thoria added to ceria has much
less effect, 30% thoria requiring 48 ; 60%, 31,
and 80%,12. The minimum consumption, that
is, the greatest light efficiency, isreached with a
mixture of 99% thoria and 1% ceria, with which
the consumption of gas is only 1.4 liters per
hour per Hefner unit. Some decrease of effi-
ciency is noticed after several hundred hours’
use. As regards the addition of other oxids to
this ‘normal’ thoria-ceria mixture (99:1) 1% of
neodymia, lanthana, yttria or zirconia has no
effect; nor does 2% of the first three. Two
per cent. of zirconia, however, diminishes
slightly the efficiency. Larger proportions of
these oxids are prejudicial, especially those of
neodymia and yttria.
COMMERCIAL calcium carbid has, as is well
known, a reddish brown color. Moissan has
lately studied this color and finds that it is due
to the presence of iron, even traces of which
give it a decided tint. He finds, however, that
the pure calcium carbid crystals are colorless
and transparent.
Apropos of the disputed occurrence of cop-
per as a normal constituent of plants, Pro-
fessor G. B. Frankforter, of the University
of Minnesota, describes, in the last Chemical
News, a very interesting occurrence of metal-
lic copper disseminated in the pores of an
oak tree in Minneapolis. The tree had died,
and, on cutting it up, the presence of copper was
so noticeable as to attract attention. Micro-
scopic examination showed that only the outer
annual rings contained an appreciable quantity
of the metal, which was in the form of fine
flakes, some of them 1.5 mm. in diameter. The
copper appeared to be very pure. It seemed as
if the tree had begun to absorb the metal only
in the last few years, and that this had occa-
sioned its death. The origin of the copper was
uncertain, though the soil is known to contain
native copper. The fact that the copper was
in the native state would raise the question as
to whether this is the usual form in which it
occurs in plants. Another question might be
raised as to whether plants take up any of the
copper which is so largely used in fungicides,
and as to whether this would eventually destroy
a tree on which it was used.
Up to within acomparatively short time the
physical chemistry of solutions has been almost
confined to those in which the solvent is water.
Attention is now being turned to other solutions,
and very interesting questions arise as to the
applicability of the theory of electrolytic disso-
ciation and other theories which have been
worked out only with aqueous solutions. We
have already noticed in these columns the work
of E. C. Franklin, of the University of Kansas,
on liquid ammonia as asolvent. In the January
number of the Journal of Physical Chemistry, L.
Kahlenberg and A. T. Lincoln, of the University
of Wisconsin, detail a number of experiments
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 217.
with different non-aqueous solvents as to elec-
trical conductivity. The solvents used were
methyl and ethyl alcohol, acetone, ethyl aceto-
acetate, benzaldehyde, and nitro-benzene. The
substances dissolved were the chlorids of iron,
antimony, bismuth, arsenic, tin and phosphorus.
The molecular weights were also determined
by freezing point depression with nitrobenzene
asa solvent. The results obtained are not uni-
form enough, nor large enough in number, to
be used for any generalization, but the follow-
ing significant sentences occur at the close of
the paper: ‘‘The general outlook at present
appears to be that, in order to harmonize the
molecular-weight determinations in many non-
aqueous solutions with the relatively high elec-
trical conductivity of the latter, the assumption
that combination between solvent and dissolved
substance takes place will have to be made.
Can it be true that, after its glorious success in ex-
plaining the properties of aqueous solutions of
acids, bases and salts, the dissociation theery will
need the help of its old rival, the hydrate theory
(perhaps in a somewhat modified form), to explain
the facts in the case of non-aqueous solutions ?”’
The authors call attention to the ideas of Werner
regarding the existence of hydrated metal ions
in solution, a theory which partakes of the na-
ture of the two rival theories of solution. While
Werner’s theory may be in many respects un-
satisfactory, it deserves to be better known
among chemists, and may foreshadow something
of the direction chemical thought will take, in
the development out of the present valence
theories. Jey eles
AN incident quite unique in the history of
waterspout observation occurred on May 16,
1898, off Eden, New South Wales. On this day
fourteen complete waterspouts, and six others,
more or less incomplete, occurred in the space
of five hours. It so happened that a mining
engineer, Mr. D. R. Crichton, was engaged in
making certain observations with a theodolite
in Eden at the time when the waterspouts be-
gan to form off-shore. Mr. Crichton made the
most of his very exceptional opportunity ;
FEBRUARY 24, 1899.]
watched the spouts carefully through the tele-
scope of his theodolite, and obtained some defi-
nite measurements as to the height of the larg-
est spout. According to his calculations the
height above the sea of the top of the inverted
cone was 5,014 ft. The cones at the top and
bottom of the spout were about 100 ft. in diam-
eter, and the length of each cone from its base
to the points at which the sides of the spout ap-
peared parallel was about 250 ft. Mr. H. C.
Russell, the Government Astronomer of New
South Wales, has published an admirable, illus-
trated account of this remarkable series of
waterspouts, together with a record of previous
waterspouts, and some observations as to the
conditions under which these phenomena oc-
cur. (Journ. Roy. Soc., N.S.W., Vol. XXXII,
THE Annual Report of Professor Willis L.
Moore, Chief of the Weather Bureau, empha-
sizes once again the wide scope of the work of
the Bureau and the value of this work to the
public at large. The extension of the meteor-
ological service to include observations at vari-
ous stations in the West Indies, Mexico and
Colombia has already been referred to in these
Notes. The observations made during the In-
ternational Cloud Year are under discussion and
will soon be published. The total number of
forecasts distributed during the year, exclusive
of those published in the daily papers, was,
approximately, 23,531,500. Sixty-four per cent.
of this distribution was by logotype cards, sent
through the mail or carried by messengers ; 23 %
by maps and bulletins ; 10% through coopera-
tion of railroad, telegraph and telephone lines;
3% by telegraph and telephone lines at the ex-
pense of the Bureau. Weather maps to the
number of 5,239,800 were distributed. A sec-
tion of the Climate and Crop Service has been
established in Alaska. A meteorological chart
of the Great Lakes has been issued monthly
during the season of navigation.
THE Meteorological Chart of the Great Lakes,
dated January 4th, contains a summary, for the
year 1898, of the storms on the Lakes, the
number of disasters and of lives lost, the values
of the vessels lost, and the causes of the dis-
asters. Thirty-nine vessels were totally lost,
all as the result of gales. Of the partial losses
(104), 22 were due to fog and 82 to gales. The
number of lives lost was 96. The relative fre-
quency-of fog over the Lakes during the season
of navigation (April 1st to December 15th) is
shown by five different styles of shading.
A NOTABLE work on the physiological effects of
high altitudes has recently beenissued. Itis an
English translation—entitled ‘Life of Man onthe
High Alps’ (London, 1898)—of a book originally
written in Italian by Professor Angelo Mosso,
of Turin. According to Nature (January 26th)
this ‘‘is the first attempt that has been made
to present the various complex physiological
phenomena which man exhibits at high alti-
tudes in such a form as to be easily understood
by those who are not trained physiologists.”’
In his Presidential address before the Royal
Meteorological Society on January 18th, Mr. F.
C. Bayard stated that in the British Isles only
two shillings and sixpence per square mile is
voted by the government for the support of
meteorology. This amounts to one-third of a
farthing per head. R. DEC. WARD.
AT the last meeting of the German Anthro-
pological Society, Professor Virchow delivered
a long and elaborate address on the ‘ megalithic
monuments’ of Europe. He rejected all theo-
ries so far advanced as to their builders, and
left it as a question for the future to settle.
Mr. W. C. Borlase, probably the best authority
on the subject, is the author of a work in three
volumes on ‘The Dolmens of Ireland.’ His
descriptions are excellent, but in his search for
their constructors he loses himself in the maze
of Irish legendary lore, and falls into the com-
mon error of supposing that because the same
stories are told and the same superstitious prac-
tices obtain concerning these monuments in
Ireland, Spain, France and Germany there
must have been relations and borrowing. This
mistake in his reasoning is well pointed out by
Mr. Alfred Nutt in a review of the work in the
Folklore Journal (March, 1898). Identity of
psychology, he justly insists, is the true expla-
On few questions in ethnology is there wider
diversity of opinion than about the intention of
primitive decoration. Does it arise from a
mere love of imitation, without further idea ?
Is it mystical and symbolic, in some way an ex-
pression of the religious sentiments? Is it due
to utilitarian aims, a sort of graphic method ?
Or is it the expression of the sense of the beau-
tiful, genuinely artistic?
Each of these opinions has its defenders. In
the Internat. Archiv fiir Ethnographie (1898,
Heft II.) Van Panhuys caustically reviews the
question, and concludes with the pertinent in-
quiries: Cannot the same decorative designs
arise among peoples who have had no relations
with each other? Why must the meaning or
origin of these designs be everywhere the same?
These are, indeed, pointed and pertinent inter-
rogatories and hint at the true solution of the
In his opening address before the last meet-
ing of the German Anthropological Society,
Professor Johannes Ranke emphasized the
value of genealogical investigation as an aid to
anthropology. By it we learn the facts of
heredity, the influence of kinship, the conse-
quences of intermarriage of relations, the per-
manence or variation in family traits, psychical
and physiological peculiarities and their trans-
mission, the tendency to reversion of types, the
effect on the children of marriages at different
ages, and many more points of very great in-
For genealogy, however, to be thus promoted
to the dignity of a science it is necessary that
those who cultivate it should be willing to tell
the truth about the family trees in which they
are interested; and in America, notably in
Philadelphia, they are yet a long way off from
taking this position.
D. G. BrInTon.
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 217.
THe Berlin Academy of Sciences has con-
ferred its Helmholtz medal on Professor Vir-
chow. It was established on Helmholtz’s birth-
day in 1892, and has since been conferred on
Du Bois-Reymond, Weierstrass and Lord Kelvin.
Dr. Roux, of the Pasteur Institute, has been
elected a member of the Agricultural Section of
the Paris Academy of Sciences, in the room of
the late M. Aimé Girard. M. Risler, Director
of the Agricultural Institute, received fourteen
votes, and M. Maquenne, professor of the ap-
plications of physics to agriculture in the Paris
Museum, received two votes, as compared with
forty-one for M. Roux.
AT the last meeting of the British Institution
of Electrical Engineers, Lord Kelvin was elected
an honorary member. Lord Kelvin is the oldest
surviving past President of the Institution, hav-
ing held the office of President in 1874.
THE Hungarian Society of Natural History
has elected M. de Freycinet a corresponding
member, and has translated into Hungarian his
essay, ‘Sur la philosophie des sciences.’ This
translation is distributed among the members
of the Society, which, we are glad to learn,
number 8,000.
InviraTions have been issued for the cele-
bration, at Cambridge, of the jubilee of Profes-
sor Sir George Gabriel Stokes, to the plans.
for which we recently called attention. Sir
George Stokes was elected Lucasian professor
of mathematics on October 238, 1849. The
ceremonies will take place on June Ist and 2nd
of the present year.
M. Picarp, Commissioner-General of the
Paris Exposition of 1900, has been elected an
honorary member of the British Institution of
Civil Engineers.
Proressor E. B. Wiison, of Columbia Uni-
versity, after visiting the Naples Zoological
Station, has gone to Egypt, and is endeavoring
to follow up the work of Messrs. Hunt and
Harrington in pursuit of the life-history of
THE Berlin Academy of Sciences, with the as-
sistance of the Heckmann-Wentzel foundation,
has undertaken to explore Lake Nyassa and the
FEBRUARY 24, 1899.]
surrounding regions, with a view to studying
the fauna and flora. Dr. Fulleborn will act as
zoologist and Dr. Gétze as botanist of the expe-
Nature states that Dr. Don Francisco P.
Moreno, Director of the La Plata Museum, and
Commissioner of the Argentine Republic in the
boundary delimitation with Chile, has arrived
in London from Buenos Ayres.
Proressor F, Ktstner, Director of the Ob-
servatory at Bonn, has been appointed Director
of the Hamburg Observatory, Professor G. Riim-
ker having resigned this position on account of
ill health.
Mr. J. H. Hotianp has been appointed
Director of the Botanical Gardens in Calabar.
THE annual meeting of the Malacological So-
ciety, London, was held on February 9th. The
Presidential Address was delivered by Lieut.-
Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, F.R.S.
LeEcTURES on geology will be given at the
American Museum of Natural History during
March as follows: March 4th, Professor James
F. Kemp, on ‘The Newer Gold Regions of the
West,’ with especial reference to the Cripple
Creek country of Colorado, Mereur, Utah, and
the Yukon basin; March 11th, Mr. Walter H,
Weed, of the United States Geological Survey,
on ‘The Gold and Silver Mines of Montana ;’
March 18th, Dr. Hienrich Ries, of Cornell Uni-
versity, on ‘Clay and Its Uses ;’ March 25th,
Dr. David T. Day, on ‘The Geology of Petro-
TuE Vienna Medical Club has voted the sum
of three hundred gold crowns for the founda-
tion of a prize in memory of Dr. Hermann
Franz Muller, whose recent death from the
plague will be remembered.
WE learn from Nature that at its annual meet-
ing, on January 10th, the Russian Academy of
Sciences awarded its Helmersen premium to A.
Mickwitz for his work, ‘Die Brachiopoden.
Gattung Obolus, Eichwald’; the Lomonosoff
premium to N. I. Andrusoff for his work, ‘The
fossil and the living Dreissenidae of Eurasia’;
to E. Burinsky, for his improvements in pho-
tography ; and to P. I. Brounow, for his works
in meteorology. The large Tolstoi medal was
awarded to L. Besser and K. Ballod, for their
researches into the natality and mortality of
the populations of European Russia, the Baltic
provinces, and different countries of Europe,
including Great Britain; and the small medal
to P. G. Matsokin, for a MS. work on the half-
breeds of Transbaikalia.
Mr. E. A. MARTEL has been awarded the
grand medal of the French ‘Société de Topog-
THE second award of the Weber-Parkes prize
and medals of the Royal College of Physicians
of London (awarded triennially to the writer
of the best essay upon some subject con-
nected with the etiology, prevention, pathol-
ogy or treatment of tuberculosis, especially
with reference to pulmonary consumption in
man) will be made in 1900. The value of the
prize is 150 guineas and a silver medal. A
similar medal, distinguished as the second
medal, will be awarded to the essayist who
comes next in order of merit. '
WE learn, with regret, of the death, from pneu-
monia, of Professor Wilbur Wilson Thoburn,
professor of biomechanics, at Leland Stanford
Jr. University.
WE regret also to record the following deaths:
Dr. G. Wolffhigel, professor of hygiene in the
University at Gottingen; Dr. Rupert Bock,
professor of mechanics in the Technical Insti-
tute of Vienna, and Dr. Lench, assistant in
the Observatory at Zurich.
In the British House of Commons on Febru-
ary 8th Mr. Akers Douglas (Kent, St. Au-
gustine’s) said: ‘‘ All the new buildings for
South Kensington Museum on the east side of
the Exhibition-road will be devoted to the art
collections. The existing science building on
the east side of the road will be the only por-
tion which will continue to be used for science
purposes. The new science buildings will be
erected on the west side of the road. The
plans have been prepared by the architect in
communication with the officers of the art and
science branches, and meet with the approval
of the Lord President and his department. It
is proposed to commence the new buildings in
front of the South Kensington Museum within
the next few weeks.”’
SOMETIME since we called attention to the
appointment of a commission in France to con-
sider the question of colonial botanical gardens
and agricultural experiment stations. This
commission has now recommended that a sta-
tion be established in each of the French colo-
nies and a central station for the distribution of
seedsand plants. A decree has been issued or-
‘ ganizing such a station at Vincennes and M.
Jean Dybowski has been appointed its director.
PLANS have been made for the erection of a
State Meteorological Station on the summit of
Schneekope, one of the Riesengebirge, Silesia,
which is 1,605 meters in height. <A scientific
observer will be stationed in the observatory.
Ir is feared that the instruments of the
Manila Observatory have been injured by the
recent battles. The Observatory is well]
equipped for meteorological and seismological
observations, and its publications have been of
much scientific value.
TuE Brooklyn Institute will establish in its
museum a department in which natural history
and technology will be exhibited in a manner
that will interest and instruct children. There
are such museums in foreign cities, but not, it is
said, elsewhere in America.
Mr. ANDREW CARNEGIE, in addition to offer-
ing $250,000 for a free library in Washington,
and $100,000 for a free library at Atlanta, has
also offered to provide libraries for Richmond,
Va., and Bellefonte, Pa. Mr. Carnegie has
already given more than $8,000,000 for the
establishment of free libraries.
OPEN competitive merit examinations will be
held March ist to 7th, 1899, in various cities
throughout New York State for the positions
mentioned below. Exact dates will be fixed later
for the various cities, and candidates having
applications on file will be given ample notice
of the time and place of examination most
convenient to their place of residence. In-
tending competitors must file applications in
the office of the Commission before February
28th. Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture,
Third Division.—Applicants must be residents
of this division, which includes the counties of
Columbia, Delaware, Dutchess, Greene, Orange,
Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and part
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 217.
of Westchester. Salary, $1,500 per annum.
The examination will relate entirely to the
duties of the position, the experience of the
candidate, his knowledge of agriculture and its
interests in the division and his familiarity with
the laws relating to the Department and its
work. Assistant at the Agricultural Experiment
Station, Jamaica, N. Y.—Candidates must have
a practical knowledge of farm and garden work,
and should have some training in the funda-
mentals of botany and entomology ; they must
also have the knowledge of the care of a forcing
house, spraying and the supervision of other
experiments conducted by such a station. Sal-
ary, $600 per annum. The examination will
relate wholly to the duties of the position and
the knowledge and experience required for their
performance. Time allowed, seven hours.
Library Assistant, State Library.—Salaries,
$30 to $50 per month. The examination will
cover cataloguing, classification, indexing, li-
brary economy, indexing and handwriting.
THE Department of State has received from
the German embassy at Washington, under
date of January 21, 1899, notice of the interna-
tional veterinary congress to be held at Baden
on August 9-14, 1899. The subjects to be dis-
cussed include prophylactic measures to prevent
the spread of cattle diseases by the export of
animals, treatment of tuberculosis in domestic
animals, use of flesh and milk of animals
affected by tuberculosis and requirements for
inspection of meat, cure of foot and mouth
disease and diseases of swine, dissemination of
veterinary instruction, preparation of a uniform
anatomical nomenclature in veterinary medicine
and cure of rabies. The members of the con-
gress shall consist of delegates from foreign
countries and the German Empire, representa-
tives of veterinary schools who are designated
to the committee, delegates of veterinary and
agricultural societies, representatives of state
and communal offices of public health and pub-
lic hygienic institutes, and veterinarians who
record their names and pay 12 Marks.
AT a meeting held January 20th by the Bel-
gian Society of Electricians (M. Emile Closset,
President) it was decided to open an exposition
of electrical appliances applicable to domestic
“FEBRUARY 24, 1899.]
uses. The exposition will be held next May,
in the new post and telegraph office, Place de
la Monnaie, Brussels.
THE Twenty-eighth Congress of the German
Surgical Society will be held in the Langen-
beckhaus, Berlin, from April 5th to 8th, under
the presidency of Professor Eugen Hahn.
A suiT is being brought by the Treasurer of
the New England Anti-vivisection Society to
prevent the former President from disposing of
the funds of the Society. A lawsuit is, perhaps,
the most innocent disposition that could be
made of these funds.
FURTHER information has been sent concern-
ing the Seventh International Geographical
Congress, which will meet in Berlin at the end
of September. Among the subjects to be
brought up are: Proposal to introduce inter-
national uniformity in the methodical treat-
ment of various subjects, such as the problem
of the tides, the conventional signs on maps, the
nomenclature and delimitation of oceans and
seas, the attachment of the scale to every map, -
the mode of arranging meteorological tables,
etc. There are also suggestions for joint inter-
national work: (1) in collecting materials of
every kind referring to floating ice, to earth-
quakes, to the utilization of arid lands, ete. ;
(2) in the exploration of the Antarctic regions ;
(8) in the systematic exploration of the oceans ;
(4) a suggestion, dating from former congresses,
and which is again to be discussed at Berlin,
refers to the execution of an international geo-
graphical bibliography. It appears that this
will be finally disposed of at Berlin. (5) An-
other important subject, dating from the meet-
ing of Berne, is Professor Penck’s well-known
project for the construction of a map of the
world on the scale of 1 to 1,000,000. It is in-
tended also to make arrangements, if possible,
for the more efficient work of the committees
appointed by the Congress, as, for example, by
paying for the traveling expenses of members
in order that meetings may be held.
THE British Medical Journal reports that the
first meeting of the ‘ Association des Anato-
mistes,’ which is intended to form the nucleus
of a ‘ Latin Anatomical Association,’ was held
recently in Paris, under the presidency of the
distinguished embryologist, Professor Balbiani,
of the Collége de France. The Vice-Presidents
were Professors Mathias Duval, of Paris;
Renaut, of Lyons, and Romiti, of Pisa. Profes-
sor Nicolas, of Nancy, was appointed Secretary,
Professor Ranvier, of Paris, and Professor Van
Bambeke, of Ghent, were elected Honorary
Presidents, in addition to a considerable num-
ber of French teachers and investigators. Sev-
eral foreign anatomists were present, including
Professors Van der Stricht, of Ghent; Van
Gehuchten, of Louvain, and Mitrophanoff, of
Warsaw. The next meeting of the new Asso-
ciation will be held in connection with that of
the Anatomical Section of the International
Medical Congress to be held in Paris in 1900.
WE learn from the British Medical Journal
that on February 2d a new Bacteriological In-
stitute was formally opened in the University
of Louvain. The Institute is on a large scale,
and the installation and equipment are in ac-
cordance with the most advanced ideas. Every
facility for research is provided. The stables,
kennels and other quarters for animals are
built around a vast garden, and all the arrange-
ments show careful regard for the health and
comfort of the animals. Professor Denys began
his work fifteen years ago in two small rooms,
which later expanded into a respectable labora-
tory, and now have developed into a scientific
palace. Giving an account of the work that
had been done, he stated that more than 80
original researches had come from it, besides 25
presented for travelling scholarships, 23 of
which had gained a prize of £160. A special
department in the new Institute will be devoted
to the preparation of therapeutic serums of dif-
ferent kinds, tuberculin, etc. At the Congress
on Tuberculosis held in Paris last summer
Professor Denys gave an account of a new
tuberculin which he had used with considerable
success; he proposes to continue his work in
this field, and is hopeful of success. <A feature
in the Institute which is likely to be particularly
useful is an out-patient department for suffer-
ers from tuberculosis and other microbic dis-
eases who receive serum-therapeutic treatment
adapted to their complaints, only substances
which have been tested by experimentation on
animals being used. Already numbers of pa-
tients, mostly the subjects of phthisis, are in
regular attendance.
Tue Trustees of Trinity College have de-
cided to erect a Natural Science Hall at a cost
of $40,000.
THE bi-centennial celebration of Yale Uni-
versity will begin on Sunday, October 20, 1901,
and will continue for four days. On Wednes-
day a commemorative address will be made
and honorary degrees will be conferred.
THE fund which since 1880 has been collect-
ing for a retirement fund for professors of Har-
vard University has now reached $340,000, and
the plan will be put into effect at the beginning
of the next academic year. Professors who
have served for twenty years and who are over
sixty years old will be allowed one-third salary,
with an increase for longer terms of service,
which, however, is not to exceed two-thirds of
the salary.
THE following table shows the enrollment of
the University of Michigan, February 9, 1899:
Literary department................0.:00006 1,271
Engineering department.................. 247
Medical department 421
Thaw GepartMent.. 2. :.s.1--0.cesccrernases 745
Dental department..................seeeeeee 237
Homeopathic department................. 61
Pharmaceutical department.............. 7
Ro bal Netemercsentvac tenes ocd cess nen 3,060
A MEETING was held in London on January
31st for the purpose of forming the Cambridge
University Association, the chief object of
which is to improve the financial condition of
the University. The Duke of Devonshire,
Chancellor of the University, presided and
made an address. Other addresses were made
by Dr. Hill, the Vice-Chancellor; Professor
Jebb, Master of Trinity ; Sir Richard Webster,
Professor Allbutt, Professor Ewing, Lord
Rothschild and the Bishop of London. It was
stated that the sum of about $2,500,000 was
needed. Toward this sum the Duke of Devon-
shire and Lord Rothschild each subscribed
£10,000. It was also stated that the Drapers’
(N.S. Von. 1X. No. 217.
Company would subscribe £800 a year for ten
years in support of a professorship of agri-
culture. Since the meeting Sir Walter Gilby
has subscribed £200 for ten years for a reader-
ship of agriculture, and in addition to smaller
subscriptions £3,000 toward the general fund
has been given by Mr. Benjamin L. Cohen.
Dr. J. C. BRANNER, professor of geology in
Leland Stanford Jr. University, has been ap-
pointed Vice-President of the University.
THE chairs of pathology vacant at Cambridge,
by the death of Professor Kanthack, and at
Glasgow, by the death of Professor Coats, will
be filled during March. In accordance with
the English custom, applications for these chairs
should be presented to the University author-
M. RIEFFEL-SCHIRMER, professor of geog-
raphy at Lyons, has been appointed lecturer in
the University of Paris for the present year, in
the place of M. Gallois, who has been given
leave of absence.
THE John Lucas Walker Studentship, of the
annual value of £200, for the furtherance of
original research in pathology, has been con-
ferred upon Mr. Edward Sydney St. Barbe
Sladen, M.A., M.D., B.C., of Gonville and
Caius College. The studentship is tenable for
three years.
Dr. HOLDER, professor of mathematics of the
University at Konigsberg, has been called to
Leipzig, and will be succeeded at Kénigsberg
by Dr. Schonflies, of Géttingen. Dr, Alois
Lode has been made associate professor of
hygiene at Innsbruck, and Dr. Helferich, of
Greifswald, has been called to Kiel as successor
to Professor v. Esmarch, who has retired. Dr.
Otto Wiener, of Giessen, has been appointed to
a full professorship of physics in the University
at Leipzig, and Dr. Hans Held has been pro-
moted to an assistant professorship of anatomy
in the same University. Dr. Walter Konig has
been appointed professor of theoretical physics
in the University at Heidelberg, and Dr. Jakob
Fruh, professor of geography in the Polytechnic
Institute at Zurich. Dr. Pelikan has been pro-
moted to an assistant professorship of mineral-
ogy in the German University at Prague.
SCleNC b
EpIToRIAL CoMMITTEE: S. NEWcoms, Mathematics; R. S. Woopwarp, Mechamies; E. C. PICKERING
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THURSTON, Engineering; IRA REMsEN, Chemistry;
J. Le Conts, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; O. C. MARsH, Paleontology; W. K. Brooks,
C. Hart MERRIAM, Zoology; 8S. H. ScuppDER, Entomology; C. E. Bessry, N. L. BRITTON,
Botany; Henry F. Osporn, General Biology; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology;
H. P. BowpircH, Physiology; J. S. BILLInas, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL,
Psychology; DANIEL G. BRINTON, J. W. POWELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, Marcu 38, 1899.
Geodetic Operations in the Uniled States: E. D.
IBRESTO Neseonstsecsecetcssesessarcnscasasetensracscasses 305
The American Morphological Society (1) : PROFES-
Association of American Anatomists :
JLVNINTS), donooodotéeogdpnodhesbaaddobondabodoud ese Buodagddddes
American Mathematical Society: PROFESSOR F. N.
(COTE -.codstabnaedbonebancd daddbudbenospcrna Ganupsohesadsnag 322
The Nomenclature of the Hyoid in Birds: F. A.
TDIBKGIAS aetocndeasoobosddocagpdcadddoosoapposudanousodadsigags 323
Scientifie Books :— :
Whitehead’s Treatise on Universal Algebra: DR.
Principles of Agriculture: ELISHA WILSON
Morse. Beddard’s Elementary Zoology: PRO-
Laboratory Exe: cises in Anatomy and Physiology :
PROFESSOR FREDERIC 8. LEE. Books Received. 324
Societies and Academies :—
The Biological Society of Washington: DR. O.
F. Cook. The Chemical Society of Washington :
WILLIAM KruG. The New York Section of the
American Chemical Society; DR. DURAND Woop-
MAN. Geological Conference and Students’ Club
of Harvard University: J. M. BOUTWELL.
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia:
DRIVE UPN OLANERcovsccddecsssaseistesenesacscececee. 332
Notes on Physics :— é
The Measurement of Inductance: W.S. F......... 336
Notes on Inorganic Chemistry: J. L. H.......eeeee 337
Current Notes on Anthropology:—
Linguistics of the Chaco ; The Craniology of Crim-
inals ; The Folk-lore of the Fjort: PROFESSOR D.
GESBRINTONG-csssssssiscosccoetocenecrsccscrencsaiecce: 338
Scientific Notes and News........ccsecseccsecseenseceseesees 339
University and Educational News :—
Mr. Agassiz and Harvard University ; The Cli-
matological Laboratory of the University of New
JGEED)D CELE} eceonasodapaagonosopddodcooleasHacHnooade 341
MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended
for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
Tue geodetic operations in the United
States, as executed by the Coast and Geo-
detic Survey, may be grouped into three
distinct periods of time. The work was
authorized by Congress in 1807, but a quar-
ter of a century elapsed before anything
was done in the field worthy of the name
of Geodesy. This closed the first period,
which may be characterized as the era of
preparation and education of public senti-
ment. In 1832 operations were begun with
vigor, and the foundation was laid for a
great national work. The Survey was con-
ducted on the same general lines of policy
for eleven years, when the reorganization
of 1843 established its permanent status.
No great deviation has since been made
from this plan, which has now held for
fifty-five years. If we eliminate the Civil
War period of five years, during which
work was suspended, and regard operations
before the reorganization as of a prelimi-
nary nature, we have half a century of
geodesy. During its comparatively short
existence the Survey has been three times
under the control of the Treasury Depart-
ment, twice under the Navy, and once
under law requiring its personnel to be
army or navy officers. The direction of the
work has, however, remained throughout
* Published by permission of the Superintendent of
the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.
in the hands of a civilian, and civilian
methods have been applied in the adminis-
tration. At the present time it has been
continuously under the Treasury for a
period of sixty-two years. Although statis-
tics do not always give an adequate concep-
tion of the work to which they are sup-
posed to bear testimony, a general idea of
the activity displayed may be had from the
following statement of work done :
350,000 square miles (906,500 sq. kilo.) of triangu-
lation, embracing
15,000 stations for horizontal measures, and de-
28,500 geographical positions at which
1,000 astronomical coordinates have been ob-
38,500 square miles (99,710 sq. kilo.) of topog-
raphy, embracing
11,600 miles (18.670 kilometers) of general coast
line and more than
100,000 miles (160,900 kilometers) of shore line
(rivers, ete.), also including
51,000 miles (82,080 kilometers) of roadways.
545,000 miles (877,100 kilometers) of sounding,
164,000 square miles (424,800 sq. kilo) of area,
93,000 miles (149,700 kilometers) of deep sea
sounding, in which
14,000 bottom specimens were obtained.
4,600 original topographic and hydrographic
sheets, from which
1,300,000 charts have been made and distributed ;
30,000 original volumes of observations, including
magnetic records from
1,100 stations.
Two hundred and three base lines have
been measured, of which nineteen,on account
of their accuracy, length and geodetic con-
nection, are classed as primary. The average
length of these is 9,892 meters. The prob-
able error, which includes both that of
measurement and the comparison with the
standard, is 22.2 millimeters, or about
1/#45,000 of the length stated. Speaking
of the three types of apparatus used in the
[N. 8S. Vou. IX. No. 218.
Survey, and referring now to errors of
measurement purely, it may be said that
with the different forms of metallic bars,
compensating and otherwise, the error is
one-millionth part of the length measured.
With the tape line the accuracy may be in-
creased to 1/2,000,000, while with a rod in
melting ice 1/5,000,000 is easily attainable.
In the first form the contacts are material ;
in the last, optical; with the tape they are
linear. The cost is greatest for the rod in
melting ice, and least with metallic bars.
Attention may here be called to a new
form of base apparatus named the Duplex
and designed by Assistant William Eim-
beck. It consists of two bars, brass and
steel, five meters in length, so arranged
that the measure may be made with each
component separately and simultaneously.
It may also be employed as a Borda scale,
or the temperature may be directly ob-
served. Some unique features, which need
not here be described, are employed in its
manipulation. The Salt Lake base, meas-
ured in 1896, gave results with either com-
ponent having a probable error of less than
1/5,000,000 part of the measured length.
The shore line of the United States, ex-
clusive of Alaska, is 5,452 miles (8,774 kilo-
meters). This has been covered by tri-
angulation, with the exception of a few
hundred miles on the northwest coast. An
oblique are of 22° has been measured from
the northeast boundary in Maine, to the
southwest limit of Alabama, on the Gulf of
Mexico, and an are of 49° on the 39th par-
allel of latitude has been completed, from
the Atlantic to the Pacific. All of the New
England States, a large part of the Middle
ones, and considerable areas in the South
and West, have been covered with triangu-
lation. Adjacent regions have had careful
reconnaissance. The work in this direction
has been executed on a large and accurate
Marcu 3, 1899. ]
scale. The greatest triangle has sides of
138, 167 and 190 miles (214,269, and 306
kilometers). The highest station is over
14,000 feet (4,267 meters). Operations of
such magnitude justify the introduction of
refinements not usually employed. The
latitudes are corrected for elevation, and
the horizontal directions are changed, to
reduce them to the sea level of the observed
station. A distinctive feature in the final
adjustment is the application of weights de-
pending on both the station errors and
those arising from the closing of figures.
These are treated separately, but the final
weights consist of two parts, one resulting
from local conditions and varying with each
direction, and the other deduced from the
formation of triangles and remaining con-
stant for the network under consideration
In the California work the probable error
of a direction at any station was 0’’.081
while that from the closing of triangles was
about twice as much. The latter neces-
sarily includes the former. The two are
separated by means of the formula
ae 2 2
e, = Ve7—e,
which gives the resulting combination error
as + 0.169. e, is the probable error of a
direction from the closing of triangles, and e,
is the average probable error of an observed
direction from station adjustment. Each
direction, therefore, enters the final adjust-
ment with a weight derived from measures
at its own station, added to the above value,
which represents the constant part for the
entire figure. The cost of the transcon-
tinental are from Cape May to San Fran-
cisco was two hundred dollars per linear
mile ($124 per kilometer), three and a half
dollars per square mile ($1.35 per sq. kilo.),
and two thousand dollars per station.
A fine example of rapid expansion from
the base to a fully developed net of triangu-
lation is found in the vicinity of Salt Lake,
and is a characteristic specimen of primary
work as carried out in the Rocky Mountain
region of the United States. The average
height of the thirteen stations composing
the main scheme is 11,256 feet (3,431
meters), while the average length of the lines
connecting them is 159,734 kilometers (994
miles). The distance between Mt. Ellen
and Uncompagre is 294,104 kilometers (182?
miles). This remains to the present day
the longest line observed from both ends
and forming an integral part of a regular
system of triangulation executed by any
trigonometric survey in existence. Indeed,
the entire chain from the Sierra Nevada on
the west to the Mississippi plateau on the
east is without a parallel in similar work,
when we consider the magnitude of the
geometrical figures, the elevation of the
stations and the refinement of the individual
Referring to a part of this work—the base
net at Salt Lake, Utah—the following de-
tails are of interest:
The elevation of the base above sea level
is about 4,224 feet, while the mean height
of the stations composing the quadrilateral
is 11,088 feet. In only five steps we pass
from abase 11.2 kilometers in length to a
line 237,765 kilometers long (Pilot Peak,
Mt. Nebo). This involves an average mul-
tiplication of 44 times for each step of ex-
pansion, which is within the limit set for
development in well conditioned triangula-
tion. The resulting quadrilateral in which
the base line expansion culminates and on
which the transcontinental extension rests
contains nearly 10,500 square miles and is
the largest yet realized. The base net in-
cluding this figure (Ogden, Mt. Nebo, Ibe-
pah and Pilot) was adjusted separately
and brought out the following criteria of
accuracy :
Average probable error of a single observation
OLFAGITECLLON eralelenetslehevete/steteteloneaetelefeveheney ste = 0171
Average probable error of an adjusted di-
TECHLON aye mrcins teltem meleleeeteis ciaeetcicete =0 .10
The) largest Corrections: sis 1's > ses ajels = ste!sl* 0/’.84
And 55 per cent. of the corrections are less than. .0 .25
The probable error of the side Ibepah-
Nebo, depending on angular measures only,
is 1/280,000 of its length.
Heliotropes were continually employed,
and the angles were measured with a the-
odolite having a horizontal circle of 20”
diameter and a magnifying power of 83.
Aside from the work in practical astron-
omy incident and necessary to the opera-
tions of every trigonometrical survey, at-
tention has been given to various other
phases of the subject. It has not alone
sufficed to point out and demonstrate the
utility of the method of equal zenith dis-
tances for latitude, and of the application of
the telegraph to longitudes. The Coast and
Geodetic Survey feeling the necessity of
better star places, arising from the use of the
methods just mentioned, has devoted some
of its energy to the perfection of star cata-
logues. It is probably no exageration to
say that the declinations given in our field
lists are the best attainable anywhere.
More than fifty of the best modern cata-
logues are corrected for their systematic
errors, and each is given weight depending
on the value of the work and number of
observations. A collection of all these data,
and their consolidation into one homoge-
neous result, eliminates as far as possible all
known sources of inaccuracy, and gives us
finally the most reliable positions. A list so
constructed of several thousand stars has
been already published, many of which are
especially adapted to southern work. The
average probable error of a declination may
be given as rather less than + of a second;
a degree of precision, which enables an ob-
server to determine his latitude from 20
pairs, in one evening, with an uncertainty
of only + 10 feet. Thisis sufficient for the
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 218.
purposes of geodesy. Incidental to regular
astronomic work, the Survey has equipped
and sent out no less than 35 parties for the
observation of solar eclipses and transits of
the inferior planets,which work has required
the occupation of stations in every conti-
nent and Polynesia. The variations of
latitude have been determined at three sta-
tions, each one having been occupied more
than a year.
The legitimate field of investigation in a
geodetic service embraces many subjects
outside of those already specified. In the
execution of the task before us a free inter-
pretation has been given to the law author-
izing the work, and the kindred subjects of
Hypsometry, Magnetism, Gravity and Phys-
ical Hydrography have been pursued along
with others more strictly within our prov-
Five thousand miles (8,047 kilometers)
of precise levelling have been executed, in-
cluding four independent determinations of
the height of St. Louis. Two have been
made from the Atlantic at Sandy Hook,
and two from the Gulf of Mexico at Biloxi.
A comparison indicates that the surface
of the Gulf is somewhat higher than the
sea level at New York, and this has been
verified in character, although not precisely
in amount, by a line across the peninsula of
Florida, three times repeated. Other sub-
sidiary lines have been observed. The limit
of error has been that usually adopted in
similar work, viz..5mm../K. The heights
by spirit level have been supplemented and
controlled. by micrometric measurements
of zenith distances. In the determination
of elevations necessary to reduce the base
lines along the transcontinental arc to sea
level the latter method has been employed
across the Allegheny and Rocky Mountains.
The spirit levels are continuous from Sandy
Hook to Denver and Colorado Springs.
Marcu 3, 1899.]
They are checked by zenith distances from
the Chesapeake Bay to the Ohio River, and
supplemented by the same method from
Denver to the Pacific coast, where the spirit
levels are not yet completed.
Permanent magnetic observations have
been in operation at Philadelphia, Key
West, Madison, Los Angeles, and each one
has furnished records for five consecutive
years; with one exception a self-registering
apparatus has been continuously and ex-
cclusively employed in each locality. These
data added to records from 1,100 widely
distant points, many of which are secular
variation stations, furnish precious ma-
terial for the study of the earth’s magnet-
ism. The work of the Survey in the inves-
tigation of the force of gravity has been
carried on both within and without the
limits of the United States. Twenty-eight
foreign stations have been occupied, includ-
ing points in Europe, Asia, Africa, Aus-
tralia and many islands in both the At-
lantic and Pacific. New light on the
subject of volcanic formation, as well as on
the constitution of the earth’s crust, has
come from this work. Fifty nine-stations
have been observed at home, including a
line across the continent. Half-second
pendulums are now exclusively employed,
and the determinations are purely differen-
tial. The period of oscillation is usually
known to within a few millionths of a sec-
In the field of Physical Hydrography
most comprehensive studies have been
The exploration of the Gulf Stream, in-
cluding a study of its density, temperature
and currents, the geology of the sea bottom,
the establishment of cotidal lines, the de-
termination of the ocean depth from earth-
quake waves and other specialties in the
domain of hydrography, have been made a
part of the regular work. The hydrog-
raphy of the coast, to the head of tide-
water, has been developed side by side with
the triangulation and topography.
The practical results of the Survey are
shown in the publication of the annual re-
ports, the issue of charts, notice to mari-
ners (corrected monthly), coast pilots for
Atlantic, Pacific and Alaskan waters, tide
tables (now extended to foreign ports)
and various miscellaneous publications in
special lines of research.
A resurvey of Chesapeake Bay, the meas-
urement of an are through the United States
on the 98th meridian, and the development
of Alaskan geography, are among the proj-
ects of Dr. Pritchett, the present superin-
tendent of the organization. All these
have been carried on during the last two
years. The line of transcontinental precise
levels is being pushed westward with all
available means. Primary triangulation on
the Pacific coast has been resumed, and will
soon be completed from San Francisco to
the Mexican boundary. Hydrographic sur-
veys are in progress along the Atlantic sea-
board, on the Pacific, and at the mouth of
the Yukon in Alaska. Numerous topo-
graphic, astronomic and magnetic parties,
are employed in the interior.
An extension of the great arcs_of the
United States into Mexico and the British
possessions has been proposed by Dr.
Pritchett, and diplomatic representations
between the interested governments look-
ing towards concerted action in the near
future have already been made. This will
give to North America an additional me-
ridian are of about 55° and an oblique one
of 88°. Together with existing arcs, the
proposed material will practically exhaast
our contribution to the determination of the
earth’s figure.
In the ordinary prosecution of the field
work since 1895 about fifty parties have
been employed during the course of each
year. Added to this, the purely hydro-
graphic work has been carried on by a fleet
of sixteen vessels, of which ten are steamers.
The operations have been widely distribu-
ted, extending as far as the Pribilof Islands
in the Bering Sea. A longitude determi-
nation was made from Sitka, of Kadiak
and Unalaska, in which twenty-one chro-
nometers were carried on four successive
trips. The probable error of the resulting
longitudes was 0°.20 for the former and
0.21 for the latter. A tidal indicator,
similar to the one in New York, has been
erected at Philadelphia, and one is in proc-
ess of construction at San Francisco. The
mechanism, actuated by the tide, furnishes
the navigator at any moment, at a dis-
tance of one mile, with necessary informa-
tion as to the character and amount of the
Among the auxiliary duties of the service
may be mentioned the establishment of trial
speed courses for ships of the Navy (a num-
ber of which have been recently laid out);
the exploration of oyster beds; the fauna of
the Gulf Stream ; the administration of an
Office of Standard Weights and Measures,
from which prototypes are issued to the dif-
ferent States ; meteorological researches for
the use of the coast pilot; the study of as-
tronomical refraction ; mathematical inves-
tigations on the theory of projections, on
the equations of steady motion, on errors of
observations ; and finally, in experimental
researches in engraving, electrotyping and
lithography ; all of which knowledge finds
application in the various fields of activity
now covered by the Coast and Geodetic
Geodetic surveys have also been carried
on by the Corps of Engineers of the United
States Army. That of the Great Lakes was
completed in 1882. The work was reor-
ganized in 1892, and resurveys and exten-
Vou. IX. No. 218.
sions thereto are now in progress. Changes
in the original plan have been introduced,
chiefly in the direction of rapidity of execu-
tion. Fewer positions on the circle are now
used for horizontal angles, and adjustment
is effected by separate small figures, rather
than through any extended scheme. In the
measure of the Mackinaw base three tapes
were used, each a kilometer in length. Each
section of the tape was compared with a
standard length of 100 meters established
on the ground. This standard length was
determined by means of an 8-meter bar
packed in ice, which in turn was compared
with the Repsold meter, R 1878.
The Engineer Corps of the Army has
also had charge of the Mexican boundary
survey, and of the work done by the
Missouri and Mississippi River Commis-
sions. The report on the Mexican bound-
ary is already in type, but is not ready for
The Missouri River Commission has
completed a triangulation from St. Louis
to Three Forks, in Montana, a distance of
2,551 miles. The work follows the river
and covers the valley from bluff to bluff.
Precise levels have been run over 807 miles
of it, and ordinary levels cover the remain-
der. Ten base lines have been measured
with a standardized steel tape.
The Mississippi River Commission, utiliz-
ing some work already done by the Lake
Survey and the Coast and Geodetic Survey,
has now a complete connection from the
Gulf of Mexico to St. Paul,in Minnesota.
The total distance is about 1,600 miles.
Twenty-seven bases have been used, of
which eighteen have been measured by the
Commission with a steel tape 300 feet long.
The work has been adjusted by quadri-
laterals employing the method of least
E. D. Preston.
MARrcH 3, 1899. ]
Tue ninth meeting of the Society was
held at Columbia University, New York
City, on December 28th, 29th and 380th. Pro-
fessor H. F. Osborn was in the chair; Dr.
G. H. Parker, Secretary. In the course of
his introductory remarks, Professor Osborn
welcomed the Morphologists to the new
zoological laboratories at Columbia, and es-
pecially congratulated the Society upon the
rapid progress which morphology in all its
branches is making in this country. He
spoke of theimportant part which had been
played by the Jowrnal of Morphology during
the past eleven years, and the debt owed
by American zoologists to Mr. Allis for his
generous support. This journal now re-
quires for its maintenance the financial
support of all morphologists of this country,
all of whom should assist by subscribing.
One of the marked features of recent
progress is the rapid development of fresh-
water and marine biological stations, all of
which are contributing to our detailed
knowledge of American fauna, and in some
cases extending even tothe study of impor-
tant foreign types. The greatest defect in
recent work is the tendency to prolixity.
‘ Brevity is the soul of wit,’ and the very
expansion of zoological literature necessi-
tates as condensed a style of writing as is
consistent with completeness and clearness.
The recently collected papers of Huxley
prove that it is possible to present the most
important results in very condensed form.
In the business session the following are
the more important transactions : A resolu-
tion expressing the grateful acknowledg-
ments of the Society to Mr. Edward Phelps
Allis, Jr., for his munificent gifts towards
the founding and maintenance of the Journal
of Morphology during the first ten years of
its existence; the election to membership
of F. W. Bancroft, C. L. Bristol, G..N. Cal-
kins, J. J. Hamaker, Samuel Henshaw, C.
F. W. McClure, C. B. Wilson and M. A.
Wilcox; and the election of officers: Pres-
ident, E. G. Conklin ; Vice-President, W.
M. Wheeler; Secretary and Treasurer,
Bashford Dean; Executive Committee, J.
P. MeMurrich and G. H.Parker.
Forty-five papers were presented before
the scientific sessions, of which the greater
number are here given in summary in the
order in which they were read.
Notes on the Development of a Myxinoid.
Basurorp DEAN.
PARTICULAR reference was made to the
horn-like egg membrane as maternal in
origin ; it is traversed by pore-canals analo-
gous to those of the radiata of teleostomes.
The anchor filaments represent the greatly
specialized end-bulbs of the radial elements
of theshell. Early segmentation is confined
to a small but definite hillock of germinal
protoplasm subjacent to the micropylar
canal. In early blastula stages the cell cap
extends downward to the region of the
opercular ring. Gastrulation is noted when
a downgrowth takes place on one side ; here
the head of the embryo shortly appears, and
the trunk is laid down longitudinally as the
blastoderm progresses, now symmetrically,
toward the vegetative pole. Neural folds
are early apparent, and the brain is tubu-
lar and relatively of great length. In some
cases the tail buds out when the downgrowth
of the blastoderm has enveloped scarcely
more than the anterior half of the egg. In
others the outgrowth of the tail is notably
retarded. A primitive streak is present,
terminating behind in an ovate yolk plug;
the latter is latest apparent near the vege-
tative pole. There is no evidence of a
greater number of gill slits than the normal
On the Reproductive Habits and Development
of the Californian Land Salamander, Autodax.
W. E. Rirrer. (Presented by G. H.
Parker. )
Tur subterranean egg-burrow of this sal-
tatory urodeles resembles somewhat closely
that of Ichthyophis. The eggs are retained
in a cluster and attended and kept moist-
ened, probably with urine, by the female.
A series of embryos taken from a single bur-
row will shortly be described.
New Facts regarding the Development of the Ol-
factory Nerve. W. A. Locy.
Tue early embryonic history of the olfac-
tory nerve is known. ‘There has been little
advance in this direction since the appear-
ance of Marshall’s paper in 1878, who gave
the history of the nerve prior to the forma-
tion of the lobe and anticipated by sugges-
tion most of the views since expressed re-
garding its nature and relationships. The
chief advances have been made. in deter-
mining the source of the fibers (His, Disse
and others), and in the minute structure of
the olfactory lobe, ganglion, ete. (Cajal,
Retzius and others). But, in the meantime,
the early embryonic history has not been
elucidated, and, even to-day, we do not
possess the complete history of this nerve in
any one animal.
This paper presented in outline the his-
tory of the olfactory nerve in Acanthias
from its earliest appearance to adult condi-
tions, embracing (a) the embryonic history
of the olfactory nerve prior to the formation
of the lobe, and (b) the formation of the
olfactory lobe, its various transformations,
and the subsequent history of the nerve.
The chief point of interest consists in dem-
onstrating a hitherto unrecognized olfac-
tory nerve, and determining its history and
relationships to the olfactory bundle. The
new nerve arises from the summit of the
forebrain near the median plane, and passes
laterally into communication with the main
olfactory and thence into the olfactory cup.
It is the first one to appear and may, there-
fore, be primitive. It is ganglionated. It
was discovered by dissections of very small
[N. S.. Vou. IX. No. 218.
embryos—it lies in such a position that its
relationships would not be appreciated by
study of sections made in any of the con-
ventional planes.
There are two distinct, widely separated
connections existing simultaneously be-
tween the olfactory epithelium and _ the
brain-wall, one is dorsal and median (the
new nerve) and the other is lateral. The
latter is complex, consisting of two main
divisions. The new nerve can be demon-
strated in specimens, as early as 6-8 mm.
in length. The two brain connections are
well seen in embryos 16 mm. and upwards ;
they are very evident from 20mm. forwards,
The lobe begins in specimens about 25mm.
long; it is still small at 38mm., but well de-
veloped at 44 mm. and upwards. The fibers
of the new nerve were traced into the ol-
factory epithelium. It was also shown to
perish in the adult.
Review of Recent Evidence on the Segmentation
of the Primitive Vertebrate Brain. W. A.
Locy. (Read by title.)
The Metameric Value of the Sensory Compo-
nents of the Cranial Nerves. C. JUDSON
THE primary segmental or branchiomeric
nerve is conceived as comprising four com-
ponents : somatic motor, viscero-motor, so-
matic sensory (general cutaneous) and
viscero-sensory (communis). No cranial
nerve of any gnathostome vertebrate has
retained all these components.
In the head each sensory component, as
a physiological adaptation, has been con-
centrated so that all its fibers tend to be
related to a single center in the brain—the
fasciculus communis (f. solitarius) and
chief vagus nucleus in the ease of the vis-
ceral sensory and the spinal fifth tract and
related nuclei, chief sensory trigeminal n.
and n. funiculi, in the case of the somatic
sensory. This involves reduction of each
component in some segments and hyper-
Marci 3, 1899. ]
trophy in others. Thus, the somatic sen-
sory is represented only in the V and X
nerves and the visceral sensory in the typ-
ical branchiomeric nerves, X, IX, VII.
Now when in course of vertebrate evolu-
tion specialized sense organs appear in ad-
dition to the two primary components, their
nerves and intra-cranial centers will appear
sporadically, depending upon the distribu-
tion of the specialized sense organs in ques-
tion. These nerves will in general follow
the courses of the previously existing so-
matic or visceral nerve trunks wherever
possible, hence the formation of complex
nerve trunks containing several of the com-
ponents. Each of these cenogenetic systems
of sense organs, like the palingenetic sys-
tems, tends to be related to a single intra-
cranial center. At present we may enu-
merate the following such systems:
1. Taste buds related to the fasciculus
communis (f. solitarius) and its associated
nuclei, the chief vagus nucleus (lobus vagi
of fishes).
2. Terminal buds of the outer skin; ter-
minal relations as in the last case, plus in
some fishes the lobus facialis.
3. Lateral line organs, or neuromasts,
related to the tuberculum acusticum and
cerebellum, plus in some fishes the ‘lobus
lineze lateralis.’
4, Ear; central connection as in the last
5. Eye; related to the mesencephalon.
6. Nose; related to the primary prosen-
7. Pineal organ; related to the dien-
cephalon ?
Diagrams were exhibited illustrating the
actual relations of these components as de-
termined by reconstruction from serial sec-
tions in the bony fish, Menidia; and em-
phasis was laid upon the necessity of taking
these qualitative differences in the nerves
into account before trying to work out their
The Maxillary and Mandibular Breathing
Valves of Teleost Fishes. Utric DAHLGREN.
Tue discovery of a pair of membranous
valves placed just inside of the teeth and
working automatically to prevent water
from leaving by the mouth while they per-
mit its free entrance, has enabled the act
of breathing in fishes to be clearly described.
These valves complete the pump-like struc-
ture of the oral cavity, the other pair, or
posterior valves, being the branchiostegal
In breathing, but two muscular forces
must be applied, one to expand the oral
cavity by moving the opercular frames out-
ward and another to contract the oral cav-
ity by moving them inward ; when expand-
ing, water comes in through the mouth,
being prevented from entering through the
gill clefts by the branchiostegal membranes,
which act automatically and independently
of and contrary to the opercular frames to
which they are attached ; when contracting,
water is forced out of the gill clefts, but is
prevented from leaving through the mouth
by the valves in question, which act automat-
ically. While breathing, itis true, the fish
opens and shuts its mouth somewhat, but
this is due not to its effort to prevent a
regurgitation of the respiratory stream, but
to the relation of its mandible to the oper-
cular frames.
When the valves are cut, the fish is com-
pelled to use muscular force to prevent re-
On the Early Development of the Catfish (.No-
turus). FF. B. SuMNER.
1. No horizontal cleavage takes place till
the 64-cell stage or after, and, when it oc-
curs, does not result in a definite two-layered
condition of whole germ-disc.
2. The blastomeres resulting from the
early cleavages retain their continuity with
the protoplasmic network of the yolk. No
sharp line of separation, such as Sobotta,
Behrens and Samassa describe for the Sal-
monidze, exists in the egg of the catfish.
3. After horizontal cleavage occurs, the
lower cells resulting from this division re-
tain their continuity with the yolk, as has
been described by Kowalewski, Hoffman
and Berent (Teleosts) and Dean (Ganoids).
These partial cells (merocytes) continue to
divide by mitosis both horizontally and ver-
tically. In the former case, the upper of
the products of division is added to the
germ-dise. This process of supplementary
cleavage continues until a late segmentation
stage, cells being added to the whole lower
surface of the germ-dise.
4. The periblast arises from the resid-
ual portion of the merocytes after supple-
mentary cleavage has ceased, being thicker
under the margin of the germ-disc, but
present elsewhere from the beginning.
5. The periblast is trophic in its function,
playing only an indirect part in cell-forma-
tion. Normal mitosis soon gives place to
abnormal and this in turn to amitosis.
Transitional forms occur.
6. The subgerminal space (segmentation
cavity) does not appear till about time of
origin of germ-ring. At close of segmenta-
tion, yolk and blastodise are in close con-
tact in well-preserved specimens, although
no longer continuous with one another.
Clefts which early appear between blasto-
meres or below them are probably artifacts.
If not, they disappear later.
7. The germ-ring (mesentoderm) arises
primarily as a marginal ingrowth due to
cell-proliferation from germ-wall (Rand-
wulst). The germ-ring also receives abun-
dant additions from the overlying primary
germ-layer, even at considerable distance
from the periphery. (See Reinhard, Arch.
f. Mikr. Anat., 1898.)
8. The whole germ-ring, extra-embryonic
as well as embryonic, contains both ento-
dermal and mesodermal elements (contra
H. V. Wilson and Samassa).
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 218:
9. Kupffer’s vesicle arises, as in the
Salmonide, as a cavity completely shut in
by cells from the first. It is at first much
compressed horizontally and distinctly bi-
lobed. Inembryos with a short tail it is still
to be seen near tip of the latter, strongly
suggesting neurenteric canal of Selachii.
A second vesicle, situated in yolk under the
posterior end of the embryo, appears slightly
in advance of Kupffer’s vesicle and reaches
a size exceeding the latter. It is bounded
by periblast and perhaps contains more fluid
yolk for service of the growing end of em-
Respiratory and Breeding Habits of Polypterus
Bichir. N. R. Harrineton.
On physiological grounds Polypterus is as
fully qualified for a ‘lung-fish’ as are any
of the Dipnoans; it has also striking resem-
blances in its circulatory and respiratory
system to the Urodela. These points were
demonstrated by means of mounted prepara-
tions, the injecting of which had been done
in the field principally by Dr. Reid Hunt.
Beside the blood-supply to the lungs
(which is from the last branchial arch), the
dissections showed the very large glottis, or
ductus pneumaticus, by which the lungs
open ventrally from the cesophagus. Un-
like the swimming-bladder of fishes in an-
other respect, both the lungs are entirely
invested with peritoneum, although one
of them, the right, does occupy the normal
position for an air-bladder, viz., between
the aorta and kidneys, on the one hand, and
the alimentary canal, on the other. The
mesentery, however, in which the left lobe
should be suspended, has almost entirely
degenerated, and this somewhat smaller lobe
lies entirely free in the body-cavity.
Tt was pointed out that, while the strong-
est disproof of the Dipnoan ancestry of the
Amphibia lies in the paleontological evi-
dence which indicates that they are a par-
allel line, the same conclusion may be in-
Marcu 3, 1899. ]
ferred from the life habits of a form which
encysts during periods of drought. For
the ability to undergo suspended anima-
tion necessitates such specialization that
it is improbable that evolution operated
through such an encysting form (which is
absolutely helpless and inactive until it is
set free into the water), in bringing about
a vertebrate which breathed air the year
around. ‘
Reference was also made to the breeding
habits of Polypterus, and an accessory copula-
tory organ in the male—a modified anal fin
—was described. The breeding season fol-
lows the inundation of the Nile.
The general collections, some of which
were exhibited, brought back by the Senff
zoological expedition, are intended for
general distribution to qualified investiga-
tors, who can work up the material within
a reasonably short time. Aside from a
large collection of Nile fishes, there is ma-
terial preserved for researches in embryol-
ogy, electric organs, pseudo-electric organs,
neurology and Plankton.
The Coronary Vessels in the Hearts of Fishes.
G. H. Parker and F. K. Davis.
THE muscular substance of the heart in
mammals receives its blood from a pair
of coronary arteries which connect with
coronary veins opening into the right
auricle. The inner surfaces of the four
chambers of the mammalian heart have
upon them openings which lead into vessels
connecting with the coronary capillaries,
and especially with the veins. These ves-
sels are the veins of Thebesius. Is there a
similar system of vessels in fishes? Cor-
onary arteries were identified in the com-
mon skate, the sand shark and the mud-
fish (Amia). In the skate they may come
from various combinations of the efferent
branchial arteries of the second to the fifth
gill cleft; in the sand shark, from combina-
tions reaching from the first to the fifth
3) md
clefts ; in the mudfish, from the second bran-
chial arch. In these three species coronary
veins occur, all of which open into the
venous sinus. On inflating these, bubbling
was observed from the natural inner sur-
faces of the auricles and sometimes from
those of the ventricles. These fishes, there-
fore, have veins of Thebesius.
Longitudinal Fission in Metridium margina-
tum. G. H. PARKER.
Ten animals with double mouths were
studied. Two had each two mouths on one
oral disc, and the pedal ends of their
cesophageal tubes were united. Eight had
each completely separate oral dises and
csophageal tubes. In six the mouths were
monoglyphic ; in three one mouth was mon-
oglyphic and one diglyphic, and in one one
mouth was monoglyphic and one aglyphic.
There were about twice as many pairs of
complete mesenteries as in single mouthed
individuals. Double specimens are not the
result of fusion, for the two partial indi-
viduals are strikingly similar in color, etc.,
a condition unlikely of occurrence in chance
combinations of so variable a species. They
may be monstrosities or dividing animals.
One specimen nearly divided was kept un-
der observation two months, but showed no
advance in the process. In good collecting
localities isolated pairs agreeing in color,
marking and sex may be found. This
evidence favors the view that IZ. margina-
tum reproduces, by longitudinal fission, a
process slowly accomplished, but it does not
exclude the possibility of some double speci-
mens being monstrosities.
Additional Characters of Diplodocus, HENRY
F. Osgorn.
Tuts is one of the three types of herbivo-
rous Sauropoda or Cetiosauria, represented
by a very considerable portion of the skele-
ton of one individual found by Barnum
Brown and the writer in 1897. Thescapula,
ilium, ischium and femur are associated with
a remarkable vertebral series extending
from the 5th dorsal to the end of the tail:
(1) The center of motion is the sacrum,
where three vertebree are completely coa-
lesced to the summits of the spines, besides
a fourth rib-bearing sacral with a free
spine. The sacro-iliac union is by means of
both ribs and neuropophysial plates. The
presence of such plates in all the anterior
caudals, as first described by the writer,
proves that the sacrum is reenforced by
additions from the anterior caudals. (2)
There are more than thirty caudals and
three distinct types of chevron, instead
of the single type to which Marsh ap-
plied the generic name Diplodocus. The
tail was undoubtedly a powerful swimming
organ and also a lever by means of which
the anterior portion of the body was ele-
vated, the acetabulum serving as a fulcrum,
while the trunk was immersed in water.
This power did not exist upon land as in
the Iguanodontia.
The Ossicula Auditus of the Mammalia.
Kinestey and W. H. Ruppics.
Srupies on embryo pigs and rats show
that the incus is the quadrate, the malleus,
the proximal end of Meckel’s cartilage.
These cannot be homologized with the
columellar chain of Sauropsida, since they
are in front of the spiracular cleft and in
front of the chorda tympani, while the
columella is behind the spiracle and
chorda tympani. The incus (quadrate)
articulates with the stapes in the mam-
mals, exactly as is the case in the urodeles.
Nothing similar occurs in the Saurop-
sida. Thisis regarded as additional evi-
dence that the mammals have had an am-
phibian ancestry. The quadrate cannot
have disappeared in the glenoid fossa, as
maintained by Albrecht and Cope, as this
would involve a translation of parts impos-
sible to explain. The mammalian lower
jaw articulates by means of the dentary
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 218.
rather than by means of the articulalare,
i. €., its articulation is not homologous with
that in lower groups. A. longer summary
of the paper will appear in the American
Naturalist for March.
Notes on Mammalian Embryology. C. 8. M1-
not. (Read by title.)
Professor O. van der Stricht’s Researches on the
Human Ovum. C.S. Minor. (Read by
title.) ;
Notes on the Morphology of the Chick Brain.
5. P. Gace.
A Specific Case’ of the Elimination of the Unfit.
H. C. Bumpus.
THE results of a comparative study of one
hundred and thirty-six English sparrows,
which were rendered helpless or actually
perished during the severe storm of Feb-
ruary last, was numerically expressed, and
it was shown that there was not only a
measurable but a striking physical differ-
ence between the birds which actually suc-
cumbed and those which survived the storm.
The birds which perished were longer,
heavier, possessed of shorter heads, shorter
leg bones, of less breadth of skull and of
reduced sternum, while those which sur-
vived tended toward the possession of char-
acters opposite to these.
While these average differences between
the two groups of birds were emphasized,
attention was also called to the fact that the
individuals of extreme variability occurred
most frequently among the birds which per-
ished. The longest bird and the shortest
bird in the entire collection perished. The
same is true of the one having the greatest
and the one having the least alar extent.
The heaviest bird died; the one with the
longest and the one with the shortest head
died, and the one with the shortest humerus,
the one with the longest femur, the one with
the longest and the one with the shortest
skull, and the one with the shortest keel to
MARCH 3, 1899. ]
its sternum—all died. The average oscilla-
tion of variation around an ideal mean was
also shown to be almost invariably in excess
for the birds which perished, and the con-
clusions arrived at were as follows:
The birds which perished were not simply
accidental sufferers from the severity of the
storm, but were birds which were physically
disqualified for enduring the intensity of the
New England climate, as expressed by the
storm of February Ist, and they were con-
sequently eliminated by natural agents.
The result of this elimination produced in
this particular locality a colony of birds
measurably different from those existing be-
fore the storm, that is, the action of natural
selection resulted in the elimination of the
unfit and the survival of the fit.
On the Anatomy of the Spermatozoon of In-
vertebrates. G. W. Fretp. (With demon-
stration of the apical body.)
Tue widest diversity in the form of the
spermatozoon is found among the different
groups of the invertebrated animals. Closer
examination shows that there is, however,
one type of form which obtains in by far
the greater majority of species, and that the
aberrant forms are peculiar to those species
which have either become parasitic, e. g.,
certain worms and arthropods, or which
have acquired specially modified secondary
sexual organs, e. g., lobster, crayfish, Lim-
The common type is the familiar tailed
form, prevalent one in the groups Ccelen-
terata, Vermes, Echinoderma, Mollusca, Ar-
thropodaand Tunicata. The three general
divisions are usually distinct and readily
recognizable Rarely the spermatozoa of
all the species studied have a special struc-
ture or apical body at the anterior tip of
the head. It has been variously described
as (1) an adaptation for boring into the
egg; (2) a remnant of the cytoplasm ; (3)
fluid expressed from the nucleus upon
shrivelling; (4) a micropore surrounded
by ‘ Ringkorper;’ (5) an apical button
present in the unripe spermatozoon ; (6)
the sperm centrosome. The first five opin-
ions seem to have little importance when
considered in connection with the origin of
this apical body. While the opinion of
myself and others that it is the sperm cen-
trosome is refuted by the weight of evidence
that the sperm centrosome comes from the
middle piece of the spermatozoon, yet, so far
as I know, the function of this apical body
has not been noted by any of those who
have studied so successfully the fertiliza-
tion process. Since it has the same micro-
chemical reactions and the same. origin as
as the middle piece, it would appear as if
its fate must be of considerable consequence.
T have found this apical body in more than
forty species, representing all the groups
from the Celenterates to Amphioxus (in-
cluding Toxopneustes). By others it has
been found in upwards of twenty additional
The fact that the apical body is present
in the spermatozoon of well-nigh every
species studied indicates that it has some
very special significance which should not
be overlooked by workers on the phenomena
of fertilization.
The Middle Piece of the Urodele Spermato-
J.H. McGrecor. (Read by title.)
The Origin of the Yolk in the Egg of Molqula.
Henry E. Crampron, JR.
Tue author presented the principal re-
sults of an extended study upon the early
history of the ascidian odcyte, considered
from a chemical as well as from a purely
morphological aspect, made by means of
carefully controlled aniline staining sup-
ported by artificial digestion and other
tests. It was found that the cell-body at
the beginning of enlargement of the primary
odcyte presents no albumen reaction.
There is, however, a small albuminous gran-
ular body formed just outside the nucleus,
which enlarges by the addition of granules
similar to those found in the nucleus, until it
becomes first a cap-shaped mass and finally
surrounds the nucleus.» Zst Period : Forma-
tion of the ‘ yolk-mass.’ This body then dis-
integrates, the constituent granules being
spread evenly throughout the now highly
vacuolated cell-body. The latter was shown
to be composed probably ofa pseudo-nuclein.
2d Period : Disintegration of the yolk-mass. The
ovum assumes its final character by the
progressive vacuolization of the cell-body,
and by the enlargement of the products of
disintegration of the ‘yolk-mass’ to form the
definite ‘deutoplasm’ spheres. 3d Period:
The original was considered to be of nuclear
origin, and is probably what has been
loosely homologized in some cases with the
“corps vitellin de Balbiani,’ ete.
Protoplasmic Movement as a Factor of Differen-
tiation. Epwin G. ConkKLIN,
Various factors have been suggested by
different persons as the causes of differen-
tiation, but so far no one has shown that the
active movements of protoplasm constitute
such a factor.
The polarity of the egg and the speciali-
zations of cleavage are two of the earliest
differentiations of the developing organ-
ism. In the gasteropod Crepidula both
of these differentiations are associated with
definite and orderly movements of the pro-
Before the maturation the germinal ves-
icle lies near the center of the egg and the
yolk is uniformly distributed. With the
appearance of the centrosomes and the for-
mation of the first maturation spindle the
nuclear membrane is broken opposite the
poles of the spindle, nuclear sap escapes
into the cell and at the same time the nu-
cleus, spindle and surrounding cytoplasm
are carried bodily toward the surface of the
egg. Coincidently with this migration of the
[N.S. Von. 1X No. 218.
nuclear constituents there is a segregation
of the cytoplasm at one pole (the animal)
and of yolk at the other (the vegetal). This
separation of yolk and cytoplasm goes on
during the second maturation division and
throughout all the stages of fertilization.
The movements of the germinal vesicle
and of the maturation spindles, the separa-
tion of yolk and cytoplasm and also the ap-
proach of the pronuclei during fertilization
seem to be due to protoplasmic currents.
In the cleavage of the egg the evidence
for such currents is much more abundant
and complete. Centrosomes and Zwischen-
korpern are preserved throughout the rest-
ing period following division, and by means
of the relative positions of these bodies at
different stages, as well as the relative po-
sitions of the nuclei, yolk and cytoplasm,
the direction and extent of these movements
can be accurately determined. During the
anaphase of the first cleavage the spindle
lies at right angles to the egg axis, and the
centrosomes, chromatic plates and Zwischen-
korper arein a straight line. In later stages
the Zwischenkdrper is carried down to the
center of the egg, the centrosomes are car-
ried up to the surface and move toward
each other until they come to lie on each
side of the first cleavage plane and imme-
diately under the polar bodies; the nuclei
are also moved upward and toward each
other until they are almost in contact on
opposite sides of the first cleavage wall, and
the cytoplasm moves down into the center
of the egg, the yolk at the same time moy-
ing up atthe periphery. Such movements
could be caused only by vortical currents
in the daughter cells moving up at the sur-
face and down through the center of the
egg; the cell wall forms where these oppo-
site currents meet.
Similar vortical currents occur in every
cleavage up to a late stage,and they offer
most important evidence not only as to the
mechanics of cleavage, but also as to the me-
Marcu 3, 1899. ]
chanics of differentiation. Of the four
commonly recognized features of differen-
tial cleavage—viz.: (1) inequality, (2) non-
alternation of directions, (3) qualitative dif-
ferentiation and (4) lack of rhythm—the
first three may be correlated with these
movements. Unequal cleavages are due to
movements which, beginning with the early
anaphase, carry the nucleus out of the center
of the cell. Non-alternation is due to the
absence of currents, alternation to the regu-
lar reversal of currents during each succes-
sive division. Certain qualitative differences
of the two daughter cells of every cleavage
are also due to these movements. The re-
mains of the centrosphere (idiosome of
Meves, mother periplast of Vejdovski) in
each blastomere is carried by definite rota-
tions of the protoplasm into one only of the
two daughter cells into which the blasto-
mere divides; there is thus produced by
protoplastic movement a visible qualitative
difference in the two daughter cells formed
at every division.
The Characteristics of Mitosis and Amitosis. S.
On Hematococcus. F. H. Herrick.
OBSERVATIONS on Heematococcus began
with Girod-Chantrans in 1797 and have
been continued during the present century
by Agardh, Cohn, Braun, Rostafinski,
Butschli and others. The chief points of
contention lie in the supposed sexual char-
acter of this organism-and in the structure
and functions of the zoospores.
The following summary of results was
presented: (1) Resting cells after long sub-
mergence in water lose the power of devel-
opment. In one case, after being submerged
for two years, the cells have greatly thick-
ened walls, but no zoospores are formed. If
these cells are now dried, even for a short
time, and then returned to water develop-
ment rapidly follows. Hzematococcus has
thus become adapted to the alternation of
drought and moisture, so that desiccation or
something equivalent to this has become
necessary to bring about a normal response.
(2) Great variation not only occurs in the
form and size of the sporangium (developing
mother cell wall) and in the number of the
zoospores, but in the size of the zoospores
produced in the same sporangium. In re-
spect to size at least the terms ‘ macrozoo-
spore’ and ‘ microzoospore’ have no signifi-
eance. (3) The zoospores imbibe water
after liberation and undergo marked changes
in appearance. Before maintaining that all
zoospores have a similar structure, it may
be necessary to repeat and extend certain
experiments, but we are convinced that no
sexuality can be attributed to this form, and
that no true copulation has ever been ob-
served. (4) Monstrosities frequently occur
in the motile stage, such as twins and cells
with four or more ‘ heads’ (pairs of flagella)
in all cases due not to fusion, but to incom-
plete division of the mother cell. (5) Re-
production by internal cell division has
been observed in the motile stage in a few
cases, in one of which the zoospore-colony
consisted of four small cells freely moving
in the sac of the mother zoospore, which was
itself distinctly propelled by its own cilia.
The mother capsule soon burst setting the
young free. (6) When a motile cell comes
to rest its protoplasmic sac contracts and a
spherical resting cell is formed which secretes
its proper wall while still enclosed in the
evanescent wall of the zoospore. The flagella
break at the ‘beak,’ leaving two slender
rods united with the wall of the metamor-
phosed zoospore. These are probably elastic
cellulose tubes which serve to sustain the
flagella at the points where they pierce the
sac. (7) In the course of zoospore-forma-
tion in large cells endosmosis is very great
and the surface tension of the wall unequal.
The transparent sphere is blown out in a
‘form often resembling that of an incandes-
cent light bulb, with abundant room for the
active cells. The wall at the small end of
the bulb is still very thick, and at the mo-
ment of bursting suddenly contracts and
scatters the zoospores with a rush. (8)
Under various conditions direet develop-
ment of resting cell from resting cell seems
to occur. This looks like a process of ar-
rested development of zoospores, in which
cell division is complete, but the character-
istics of the motile cell do not appear.
Basurorp DEAN,
(To be concluded. )
Tue eleventh annual session was held in
New York City, December 28th-30th, in
conjunction with the ‘Naturalists’ and other
affiliated societies. Most of the meetings
were held at the Medical Department of
Columbia University. Forty-one members
attended and 20 new members joined, mak-
ing a total of 141, of whom 10 are honorary.
The localities and names of the new mem-
bers are as follows: From Ann Arbor, Pro-
fessor J. P. McMurrich, University of Michi-
gan; from Baltimore, Professors F. P. Mall
and L. F. Barker and associate R. G. Har-
rison, of the Johns Hopkins University ;
from Buffalo, Dr. N.S. Russell, assistant
in anatomy, University of Buffalo; from
Ithaca, Dr. L. Coville, lecturer and demon-
strator in anatomy, Cornell University Med-
ical College; from Montreal, Dr. J. G. Mac-
Carthy, senior demonstrator of anatomy,
McGill University; from New York City,
Professor J. D. Erdmann, of Bellevue Med-
ical College; Dr. Evelyn Garrigues, assist-
ant demonstrator of anatomy, Woman’s
Medical College; Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, asso-
ciate in anthropology, Pathological Insti-
tute of New York Hospitals ; and the fol-
lowing assistant demonstrators of anatomy
in Columbia University: Doctors G. E.
Brewer, C. Carmalt, H. D. Collins, G. W.
[N. Sv Von. IX. No. 218.
Crary, W. Martin, W. H. Rockwell and A.
8. Vosburgh ; from Philadelphia, Professor
J. C. Heisler, of the Medico-Chirurgical
College; from Savannah, Dr. E. R. Corson ;
from Washington, D. C., Dr. C. I. West,
demonstrator and lecturer in topographical
anatomy, Howard University.
The address of the President, Dr. Burt G.
Wilder, discussed, ‘ Misapprehensions as to
the Simplified Nomenclature ;’ the speaker
urged especially a fuller recognition of what
had been done by the English anatomists,
Barclay, Owen, Pye-Smith and T. Jeffery
Parker, and hoped the nomenclature of the
future would be called the ‘ Anglo-Ameri-
The Association voted that abstracts of
papers be required in advance, and that
brief abstracts be included in the program,
that the time for reading papers be limited
to thirty minutes; that the Secretary-Treas-
urer be allowed his railroad fare and ten
dollars toward his hotel expenses at each
meeting. The Association also accepted the
propositions of the editors of the (English)
Journal of Anatomy and Physiology as to
making that journal the official organ of
the Association, and nominated Professor
George S. Huntington as the American
editor. The details of the arrangement will
be given in a circular to be issued by the
Secretary of the Association. Dr. E. W.
Holmes, of Philadelphia, was elected mem-
ber of the Executive Committee, and the
President was authorized to fill the vacancy
in the Committee on Anatomical Nomen-
clature caused by the resignation of Dr.
‘The subject assigned for discussion, ‘ The
Teaching of Anatomy in Our Medical
Schools,’ was opened by Dr. Holmes; ‘ The
Defects of our Present Methods,’ and further
considered under ten divisions, viz: (1) Pre-
paratory education. (2) The value and place
*Dr. E. C. Spitzka, of New York City, has since been
Marcu 3, 1899.]
of General Biology and Comparative Anat-
omy. (8) Histology and Embryology in the
medical course. (4) The relative value of
didactic methods. (5) Practical Anatomy
and how to teach it. (6) The order of topics.
(7) The correlation of structure and function
in teaching. (8) The use of charts and black-
boards. (9) The qualifications requisite for
a teacher of anatomy. (10) The desirability
of terminologic consistency ; by Dr. Gerrish
(4, 6 and 8), by Dr. Huntington (2, 3,5 and
6), and by Dr. Wilder (10). In view of the
extent and importance of the subject it was
suggested that at future meetings a smaller
number of divisions be more fully con-
The following papers were read and dis-
cussed ; all were illustrated by specimens
and charts or photographs, and several by
lantern-slides or enlarged photographic
projections: By J. A. Blake, ‘ The roof and
lateral recesses of the fourth ventricle con-
sidered morphologically and embryolog-
ically ;’ by G. E. Brewer, ‘ Preliminary re-
port on the surgical relations of the duodenal
orifice of the common bile-duct ;’ by E. R.
Corson, ‘An X-ray study of the normal
movements of the carpal bones and wrist ;’
by F. Dexter, ‘ Morphology of the digestive
tract of the cat;’ by T. Dwight, ‘The
origin of numerical variations of the verte-
bree,’ and ‘The living model showing the
platysma in contraction ;’ by 8. H. Gage,
‘Further notes on the relation of the
ureters and great veins;’ by I. S.
Haynes, ‘An explanation of a new
method of cutting gross sections of the cad-
aver, with demonstration of the technique ;’
by Ales Hrdlicka, ‘The normal human
tibia ;’ by G. S. Huntington, ‘ Morphology
and phylogeny of the vertebrate ileo-colic
junction,’ ‘ Visceral and vascular variations
in human anatomy,’ and ‘the sternalis
muscle ;’ by W. Martin, ‘The czecum and
appendix in 100 subjects ;’ by J. J. Mac-
Carthy, ‘ The internal structure of the hip-
pocampus ;’ by B. B. Stroud, ‘ Note on the
staining of isolated nerve-cells,’ and ‘ Pre-
liminary account of the degenerations in
the central nervous system of frogs deprived
of the cerebrum ;’ by B. G. Wilder, ‘Some
current misapprehensions as to the objects
of the Cornell collection of brains.’ For
lack of time there were read by title only
Dr. Wilder’s paper, ‘Further tabulation
and interpretation of the paroccipital fissure
(occipital division of the intraparietal com-
plex);’ three papers by Dr. Huntington,
‘The genito-urinary system of the American
pit-viper,’ ‘ Contribution to the anatomy of
the reptilian vascular system,’ ‘ Cerebral
fissures and visceral anatomy of the Eskimo
from Smith’s Sound;’ and Dr. Haynes’ dis-
cussion of teaching.
Atits closing session, December 30th, the
Association adopted, without dissent, the
report of the Committee on Anatomical No-
menclature presented by the majority (Ger-
rish, Huntington and Wilder). It com-
prises four divisions, viz :
A. Brief statement of reasons for prefer-
ring certain terms (about fifty in number)
already adopted by the Association.
B. Recommendation of mesocelia as a
name for the cavity of the mesencephalon,
with reasons therefor.
C. Recommendation of 181 names of
bones (120) and muscles (61) identical
with those in the B. N. A. (Basel Nomina
anatomica ).*
D. Recommendation of 17 names of bones
and muscles differing from those of the B.
N. A.
D. S. Lams,
* Die anatomische Nomenclatur. Nomina anatom-
ica, Verzeichniss der von der Anatomischen Gesell-
schaft auf ihrer 1X. Versammlung in Basel angenom-
menen Namen. LEingeleitet und im Einverstindniss
mit dem Redactionsausschuss erlatitert von Wilhelm
His. Archiv. fiir Anatomie und Physiologie. Anat.
Abth., Supplement Band, 1895. O, pp. 180; 27 Figs.,
2 plates.
Tue regular meetings of the Amer-
ican Mathematical Society were formerly
held at monthly intervals from Octo-
ber to May, the program being readily
disposed of ina single afternoon session. <A
summer meeting, occupying two days, was
also held, usually in connection with that
of the American Association. At the Buf-
falo meeting in 1896 and the Boston meet-
ing in 1898 a colloquium, or course of
lectures on recent developments in mathe-
matics, was also provided. With the growth
of the Society in maturity and productive-
ness if was found advisable about two
years ago to modify this plan so far as con-
cerned the winter meetings. In order to
make the individual meetings more promi-
nent and to secure them a concentration of
interest, it was decided that they should be
held at intervals of two months, viz., on the
last Saturday of October, February and
April, and on a variable day in the last
week of December. In compensation for
the reduction in the number of meetings,
provision was made for two sessions at each
meeting, to be held in the morning and af-
ternoon. About the same time the Chicago
Section was organized, and its April and
December meetings have proved valuable
additions to the Society’s activities. The
results have fully justified the wisdom of the
new departure. The attendance has greatly
increased, the number of papers presented
at each meeting has quadrupled, and the
meetings have become more substantial and
active centers of mathematical intercourse.
This remarkable advance is in one way oc-
casioning the Society a delectable embar-
rassment. The number of papers offered for
presentation is becoming so great that the
two sessions of the meetings no longer fur-
nish anything like adequate time for their
reading and discussion. It will apparently
soon be necessary to provide longer or more
frequent meetings, against both of which
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 218.
suggestions valid objections can be urged.
Another consequence of this profusion of
mathematical riches is the growing inade-
quacy of the present facilities for publica-
tion of original mathematical articles in the
country. The Bulletin of the Society was
established as a journal of critical and his-
torical investigation, and although, by the
publication of a great number of shorter
original articles, it has widely departed
from its original purpose, it is no longer
able to keep pace with the steadily in-
creasing output without sacrificing its
proper functions, a course which cannot
be permitted. The Council of the Society
has, therefore, had for some time under con-
sideration the question of providing better
facilities for publication, and is at present
seriously contemplating the periodical pub-
lication of Transactions of the Society.
This is a project very near to the hearts
of many influential and productive mem-
bers of the Society, and the enthusiasm
which it has aroused has again contributed
to stimulate the energies of the Society and
affords gratifying evidence that the un-
dertaking will be successfully carried
A regular meeting of the Society was held
at Columbia University on Saturday, Febru-
ary 25th. The total attendance at the two
sessions was forty-seven, including thirty-
nine members of the Society. President
R. 8. Woodward, who has succeeded Presi-
dent Simon Newcomb, occupied the chair.
The Council announced the election of the
following persons to membership in the So-
ciety: Mr. John B. Faught, Bloomington,
Ind.; Professor Edward B. Fishburne,
Waynesboro’, Va.; Professor William P.
Graham, Syracuse, N. Y.; Dr. Waldemar
Schulz, Ithaca, N. Y.; Dr. Ernest J. Wilc-
zynski, Berkeley, Cal. Four nominations
for membership were received. An amend-
ment to the constitution was adopted, by
which retiring Presidents of the Society
MakcH 38, 1899.] ,
are retained in the Council for one year
after retirement.
The following papers were read at the
meeting :
(1) Proressor M. I. Purin : ‘ Electrical oscillations
on a loaded conductor.’
(2) Proresson MAxime BOcHER : ‘ An elementary
proof that Bessel’s functions of the zeroth order
have an infinite number of real roots.’
(3) Proressor J. M. PErrce: ‘Determinants of
(4) Proresson Henry TABER : ‘ Thechief theorem
of the theory of finite continuous groups.’
the imaginary of geometry.’
(6) PRoFESSOR EDGAR ODELL Lovett: ‘On a cer-
tain class of differential invariants.’
ing mathematics.’
(8) Dr. Virert SNypER: ‘Lines of curvature on
annular surfaces having two spherical direc-
(9) Proressor W. F. Osaoop: ‘On a continuous
function of a real variable whose derivative can-
not be integrated.’
(10) PRroressor ERNEST W. Brown: ‘On the prog-
ress of the calculations inthe new lunar theory.
(11) Proressor M. I. Pupin: ‘Lagrange’s equa-
tions and the principle of equality of action.’
(12) Proressor E. B. VAN VLECK: ‘On the deter-
mination of a series of Sturm’s functions by the
computation of a single determinant.’
(13) Dr. G. A. MILLER: ‘On the primitive groups
of degree 17.’
(14) Dr. L. E. Dickson : ‘Concerning the abelian
and hypoabelian groups.’
(15) Dr. F. H. SArrorp : ‘Surfaces of revolution in
the theory of Lamé’s products.’
(16) Dr. D. F. CAMPBELL: ‘On linear differential
equations of the third and fourth orders in
whose solutions exist certain homogeneous re-
(17) Mr. E. R. Heprick: ‘On three-dimensional
(18) Dr. G. H. Line: ‘An examination of groups
whose orders lie between 1093 and 2000.’
(19) Prormssor A. G. WerssteR: ‘Traces illus-
trating the motion of the top.’
The next meeting of the Society will be
held on Saturday, April29th. The Chicago
Section meets at the University of Chicago
on Saturday, April Ist.
F. N. Coxe,
Tue hyoid apparatus of birds is so sim-
ple a structure, one so long known and so
well studied, thatit would naturally be sup-
posed anatomists might agree upon the
names of its component parts. Those
who have occasion to refer to anatomical
text-books, however, are well aware that
there is a surprising, not to say bewilder-
ing, variation in the nomenclature used by
different authors, as a glance at the accom-
panying figure and table of names will
make apparent.
It is quite evident that all of these names
‘cannot be correct, and a little reflection will
show some of the changes that are certainly
needed, and others that probably should
be made. Taking the last first, let us con-
sider that part, B, termed urohyal by
Mivart and Gadow. The urohyal of fishes
is a membrane bone developed beneath the
anterior portion of the branchial arches ;
hence, it is quite evident that the name
cannot be consistently applied to a carti-
lage bone at the posterior end of the
branchial apparatus, and that Parker’s
term, second basibranchial, should stand.
Equally simple is the case of the paired
bones, D, called basibranchials by Gadow
and hypobranchials by Beddard. Basi-
branchials are unpaired bones developed in
the median line, and the term is inapplica-
ble to paired bones lying on either side of
an unpaired basal bone. As for hypo-
branchials, these are among the first seg-
ments of a branchial arch to disappear, not
being developed even in tailéd amphibians,
and it will be safe to call the lower portion
of the posterior arch of the hyoid a cerato-
branchial, and the adjoining segment an
epibranchial. The anterior pair of bones,
in the body of the tongue, C, are naturally
Fie. 1.
Hyoid of Grebe showing
component bones, much en- C
A First basibranchial.
B Second basibranchial.
C Ceratohyals.
D Ceratobranchials. A
E Epibranchials.
Basibranchial] : Par-
A 4 Basihyal: Mivart,
Gadow, Bed-
dard-figure. B
( Basibranchial 2 :
B + Urohyal: Mivart,
| Gadow, Bed-
lL dard.
( Ceratohyal : Parker,
| Mivart, Gadow, D
Cc Beddard in part.
Basihyal: Beddard
in part.
( Ceratobranchial :
| Thyrohyal : Mivart.
D | Basibranchial :
| Hypobranchial :
{ Epibranchial :
| Parker,
E 4 Ceratobranchial :
| Gadow, Bed-
{i dard, E
The next question, that of the proper
name for the anterior basal bone of the
hyoid, A, calls for some reflection, since it
involves not only the nomenclature of the
hyoid in birds, but in mammals as well.
[N. 8S. Von. IX. No. 218.
This bone is called basibranchial by Parker
and basihyal by Gadow, this latter name
being ordinarily used for the basal bone of
the mammalian hyoid.
A true basihyal, or as itis better called
from its relations, glossohyal, is found in
fishes at the upper, anterior portion of the
hyoid apparatus. It is also present in tur-
tles, where it has the same relation to the
tongue as in fishes, and where it ossifies
some little time after the first basibranchial,
with which it soon becomes confluent. It
seems a little doubtful if a true basihyal
occurs among birds, although the median
piece of cartilage contained in the fleshy
portion of the tongue and articulating with
the fused ceratohyals in such birds as
ducks may represent this bone. The ques-
tion is one which the embryologist can
readily answer. As pointed out by Parker,
the true basihyal does not occur in mam-
mals, the term being given to a bone that
is morphologically the first basibranchial.
It would seem that exact morphological
nomenclature should reject the term basi-
hyal for the first basal median bone in the
hyoid of birds and mammals, including, of
course, man, as there is no reason why hu-
man anatomy should stand as a stumbling
block in the way of the student of com-
parative anatomy, although it has often
done so.
F. A. Lucas.
A Treatise on Universal Algebra. By A. N.
WHITEHEAD, M.A., Fellow and Lecturer of
Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge, Uni-
versity Press ; New York, The Macmillan Co.
Vol. I. Pp. xxvii+586. Price, $7.50.
By ‘Universal Algebra’ is meant the various
systems of symbolic reasoning allied to ordinary
algebra, the chief examples being Hamilton’s
Quaternions, Grassmann’s Calculus of Exten-
sion and Boole’s Symbolic Logic. The present
volume contains an exposition of the general
principles of universal algebra, followed by a
MARCH 3, 1899. ]
separate detailed study of the Algebra of Logic
and of the Calculus of Extension; the second
volume will contain a separate detailed study
of Quaternions and Matrices and a detailed
comparison of the symbolic structures of the
several algebras. The main idea of the work
is not unification of the several methods, nor
generalization of ordinary algebra so as to in-
clude them, but rather the comparative study
of their several structures. But, it may be
asked, if the branches of universal algebra are
essentially distinct from ordinary algebra and
from one another, what bond is there to con-
nect them into one whole? A connecting bond
is found in the generalized conception of space;
the properties and operations involved in that
conception are found capable of forming a uni-
form method of interpretation of the various
The work is well and clearly written and,
when completed, will form an admirable presen-
tation of the subject from the formal view of
mathematical analysis. One excellent feature
is conservatism in the use of symbols; by this
means the author makes his pages easier read-
ing to those who have already studied some of
the special branches.
Another excellent feature of the volume con-
sists in the Historical Notes appended to some
of the chapters. In these Mr. Whitehead gives
a brief history of the development of the special
branch, so far as known to him, without mak-
ing an exhaustive research. The importance
of the Historical Notes probably calls for a
more exhaustive research, as the work covers a
great and growing province of mathematics
and will, when completed, be considered one of
the best authorities on its subject in the Eng-
lish language.
The feature which is most open to discussion
is the view which the author takes of the fun-
damental nature of mathematics; and it is
most important, for it determines the whole
plan of the work. In the preface the author
thus states his view, in very plain terms:
‘¢ Mathematics is the development of all types
of formal, necessary, deductive reasoning. The
reasoning is formal in the sense that the meaning
of propositions forms no part of the investiga-
tion. The sole concern of mathematics is the
inference of proposition from proposition. The
justification of the rules of inference in any
branch of mathematics is not properly part of
mathematics ; it is the business of experience or
philosophy. The business of mathematics is
simply to follow the rules. In this sense all
mathematical reasoning is necessary, namely,
it has followed the rules. Mathematical
reasoning is deductive in the sense that it
is based upon definitions which, as far as
the validity of the reasoning is concerned
(apart from any existential import), need only
the test of self-consistency. Thus no external
verification of definitions is required by mathe-
matics as long as it is considered merely as
mathematics. Mathematical definitions either
possess an existential import or are conven-
tional. A mathematical definition with an ex-
istential import is the result of an act of pure
abstraction. Such definitions are the starting
points of applied mathematical sciences ; and,
in so far as they are given this existential im-
port, they require for verification more than
the mere test of self-consistency. Hence ‘a
branch of applied mathematics, in so far as it is
applied, is not merely deductive, unless in some
sense the definitions are held to be guaranteed
a priori as being true in addition to being self-
consistent. A conventional mathematical defi-
nition has no existential import. It sets before
the mind, by an act of imagination, a set of
things with fully-defined self-consistent types
of relation. In order that a mathematical sci-
ence of any importance may be founded upon
conventional definitions, the entities created by
them must have properties which bear some
affinity to the properties of existing things.
Thus the distinction between a mathematical
definition with an existential import and a con-
ventional definition is not always very obvious
from the form in which they are stated. In
such a case the definitions and resulting prop-
ositions can be construed either as referring
to a world of ideas created by convention or
as referring exactly or approximately to the
world of existing things.’’
In reply, it may be asked: Is geometry a
part of pure mathematics? Its definitions have
a very existential import ; its terms are not con-
ventions, but denote true. ideas ; its propositions
Ne 7
32 )
are more than self-consistent—they are true or
false ; and the axioms in accordance with which
the reasoning is conducted correspond to uni-
versal properties of space. But suppose that
we confine our attention to algebraical analy-
sis—to what the treatise before us includes
under the terms ordinary algebra and universal
algebra. Are the definitions of ordinary algebra
merely self-consistent conventions? Are its
propositions merely formal without any objec-
tive truth? Are the rules according to which it
proceeds arbitrary selections of the mind? If
the definitions and rules are arbitrary, what
is the chance of their applying to anything use-
ful? The theory of probabilities informs us
that the chance must be infinitesimal, andthe
author admits that the entities created by the
conventions must have properties which bear
some affinity to the properties of existing things,
if the algebra so founded is to be of any im-
portance. The author says ‘some affinity ;’ it
may be asked how much? Unless the affinity
or correspondence is perfect, how can the one
apply to the other? How can this perfect cor-
respondence be secured, except by the conven-
tions being real definitions, the equations true
propositions, and the rules expressions of uni-
versal properties? In the last sentence quoted,
Mr. Whitehead makes a large concession to the
realist view; it is only necessary to change the
sentence into—‘‘In the case of any algebra
worthy of scientific attention the definitions
and propositions refer exactly or approximately
to the world of existing things.’’
M. Laisant, in his recent work, ‘La Mathe-
matique,’ refers to the formal view of mathe-
matical science when discussing the theory of
fractions, p. 35. He opposes it, as marching in
the direction opposite to progress, and as a
survival of the spirit of the sophist.
The realist view of mathematical science has
commended itself to me ever since I made an
exact analysis of Relationship and devised a
ealeulus which provides a notation for any
relationship, can express in the form of an
equation the relationship existing between any
two persons, and provides rules by means of
which a single equation may be transformed, or
a number of equations combined so as to yield
any equation involved in their being true
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 218.
simultaneously. The notation is made to fit
the subject, and the rules for manipulation are
derived from universal physiological laws and
the more arbitrary laws of marriage. A very
real basis, yet the analysis hasall the character-
istics of a calculus, and throws light by com-
parison on several points in ordinary algebra.
But what is the subject of which ordinary
algebra is the analysis? Quantity; and in
space we have the most complex kind of
quantity ; so that if space can be analyzed, the
analysis will serve for any less complex kind of
quantity. Mr. Whitehead admits that, as a
matter of history, mathematics has till recently
been the science of number, quantity and the
space of common experience. But ‘‘ the intro-
duction of the complex quantity of ordinary
algebra, an entity which is evidently based
upon conventional definitions, gave rise to the
wider mathematical science of to-day. Ordi-
nary algebra, in its modern development, is a
large body of propositions interrelated by de-
ductive reasoning and based upon conven-
tional definitions which are generalizations of
fundamental conceptions.”’
The imaginary quantity, more generally the
complex quantity, of ordinary algebra is the
foundation upon which the formalist builds his
theory; if it can be shown that it is rot an
entity based upon conventional definitions, but
corresponds to a reality, then his whole super-
structure falls down. The complex quantity
first arises in analysis in the solution of the
quadratic equation. The general form of the
root consists of a quantity independent of the
radical sign and a quantity affected by the rad-
ical sign. - When the quantity under the radical
sign is negative the root is said to be imagi-
nary, because it appears to be incapable of direct
addition to the part independent of the radical
In certain papers recently published I
have shown at length that the root of a quad-
ratic equation may be versor in nature or scalar
in nature. If it is versor in nature, then the
part affected by the radical involves the axis
perpendicular to the plane of reference, and
this is so, whether the radical involves the
square root of minus oneor not. In the former
case the versor is circular, in the latter hyper-
bolic. When the root is scalar in its nature
Marco 3, 1899.]
the two parts add to form the final result, but
in the case where the square root of minus one
is present the sign must be preserved in the
intermediate processes of calculation. A com-
plex index (both terms involving a sign of direc-
tion) has its meaning in an angle which is partly
circular, partly hyperbolic; and ascalar complex
quantity expresses the cosine or sine of such
complex angle. It follows that the functions
of a complex quantity can be defined really.
It has been the practice of writers to follow the
formal view, and define, for instance, the cosine
of a complex quantity as the sum of a certain
infinite series. Let 2 denote a complex quan-
tity, then, according to that view, by cos 2 is
meant the sum of the series
1— an + a — ete.
But when the cosine of a complex angle is de-
fined in the same manner as the cosine of a cir-
cular angle or of a hyperbolic angle, namely,
as the ratio of the projection of the radius-vec-
tor to the initial line, then
2? gt
cosz—1— 5, + 7,— eKe.,
becomes not a dead convention, but a living
In the first book the author states more fully
the principles of universal algebra: ‘‘ There
are certain general definitions which hold for
any process of addition and others which hold
for any process of multiplication. These are
the general principles of any branch of uni-
versal algebra. But beyond these general defi-
nitions there are other special definitions which
define special kinds of addition or multiplica-
tion. The development and comparison of
these special kinds of addition or of multipli-
cation form special branches of universal al-
gebra,’’ p. 18. The general principles are as
follows: Addition follows the commutative and
associative laws, viz: a + b—b+ aand (a+ bd)
+e=a+(b+c). Multiplication follows the
distributive law, viz: a(¢+d)—=ac-+ ad and
(a+ b)c=ac + be. Multiplication does not nec-
essarily follow the commutative and associative
laws, that is, ab = ba and (ab) c =a (bc) are laws
of special branches only. It has been main-
tained by followers of Hamilton that the asso-
ciative law is essential to multiplication. It is
true of spherical quaternions, but is not true of
the complementary branch of vector analysis.
It is satisfactory to find that Mr. Whitehead
adopts the latter view, and, indeed, it is in-
volved in his detailed exposition of vector
analysis in the concluding book of his first
But one who looks upon algebraic analysis
not as the sum of several correlated branches, but
as one logical whole, must consider the above
principles or so-called definitions as arbitrary. °
For let pand gq denote two quaternions, then
eve? is not in general equal to e%e?; conse-
quently e?+%2 is not equal to e’+?; hence the
commutative law does not hold in the addition
of these indices. Thus to define addition as
necessarily following the commutative law, and
multiplication as not necessarily following it, is
an arbitrary procedure.
In expounding the algebra of logic the author
follows largely the exposition of Dr. Schroeder
in his learned treatise, ‘Vorlesungen tber die
Algebra der Logik,’ but he does not take up
the most valuable part of that work, namely,
the Algebra of Relatives. Symbolic Logic as
expounded by Schroeder differs essentially from
the calculus devised by Boole in his ‘ Laws of
Thought.’ It was Boole’s aim to keep as close
as possible to ordinary algebra, and to make
his method the foundation of a calculus of prob-
abilities. In fact, the full title of his famous
book is ‘An Investigation of the Laws of
Thought on which are founded the mathemat-
ical theories of Logic and Probabilities.’ Ac-
cording to Boole the special peculiarity of the
algebra is that «2—2, when wx is an elementary
elective symbol. Jevons is said to have intro-
duced the further supposed law that x + 2#=—a,
which destroys the quantitative character of
the calculus. Indeed, Mr. Whitehead says that
the algebra is non-numerical, and in Dr.
Schroeder’s elaborate work no mention is made
of probabilities. According to the more recent
school a—.b supposes that b is included in a
(p. 82), whereas Boole made no such limitation.
It is a step backwards, just as it would be a
step backwards in ordinary algebra to hold
that a— b carries the supposition that 0 is less
than a.
The detailed exposition of Grassmann’s system
is excellent and will be welcomed by all who
wish to assimilate the ideas of that great master |
of space-analysis. The last book of the present
volume is on the application of the calculus of
extension to geometry, and it is evident from
the fourth chapter, entitled ‘On Pure Vector
Formule,’ that the author considers vector
analysis to be supplementary to quaternion
They are not the same thing; and
both gain when it is perceived that they are
not redundant, but supplementary to one an-
In conclusion, the work reflects great credit
on the author and on the Cambridge University
Press ; it is likely to lead to further advances
in Universal Algebra, not only by what it lays
down, but by the questions which it brings for-
ward for discussion,
The Principles of Agriculture.
New York, The Macmillan Company.
Pp. xx + 300.
‘Principles of Agriculture,’ by Professor L.
H. Bailey and his associates in Cornell Univer-
sity, isa new volume in the Rural Science Series
and in many respects is the most important one
of the series, as it serves as an introduction to
the others. The book is intended to be used as
a text-book for schools and rural societies, but
it will prove interesting and valuable for the
agriculturally inclined who have had little or
no training in the natural sciences. It is essen-
tially a book for beginners, and as such serves
its purpose better than any of the small hand-
books which have attempted to treat of the ele-
mentary principles of agricultural science.
The volume is edited by Professor Bailey and
some of the chapters are written by him; the
remaining chapters are written by his associates,
who are specialists in the departments of which
they have written. At the end of each chap-
ter are suggestions which serve to elucidate the
text for readers whose knowledge of natural
science or of rural affairs is scanty, and also
give useful hints for teachers who may use the
volume asa text-book.
In the introduction we are told that ‘‘ agricul-
ture is not itself a science, but a mosaic of many
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 218.
sciences, arts and activities, or, a composite of
sciences and arts, much as medicine and surgery
are. * * * But the prosecution of agricul-
ture must be scientific.’? The aim of the book
is to deal with ‘ fundamentals’ rather than ‘in-
cidentals.’ ‘‘The mistake is often made of
teaching how to overcome obstacles before ex-
plaining why obstacles are obstacles. * * *
The purpose of education is to improve the
farmer and not the farm.’’ Would that more
of our farmers could see the truth contained in
these statements.
The book opens witha brief treatment of the
formation of the different kinds of soils. On
page 27 the author says: ‘‘ The profit in agri-
culture often lies in making the soil produce
more abundantly than it is of itself able to do.”’
On page 202: ‘‘ In intensive and specialty farm-
ing manures may be bought.’’ These state-
ments are true, but do not consist well with
what is said about ideal agriculture on page 2.
Inorganic compounds are explained as those
which are not produced by living organisms,
and phosphoric acid is given as one example,
notwithstanding that a large amount of phos-
phorie acid used in commercial fertilizers is
made from bone. Although the chemists call
it an inorganic compound, yet because it is
found in the remains of animals the reader who.
has had no knowledge of chemistry might be
_puzzled until some further explanation was
The second chapter, which is written by Pro-
fessor Spencer, shows what is meant by ‘tex-
ture’ of the soil, why good texture is important
and how to obtain it. That ‘‘ the texture or
physical condition of the soil is nearly always
more important than its mere richness in plant
food”? is a fact not recognized by some tillers of
the soil.
The ‘moisture of the soil’ and ‘tillage’ are
next treated in a brief and creditable manner.
Several figures are given to illustrate the art of
plowing and one of an ‘ideal general purpose
plow.’ All plowmen will think that this imple-
ment might be improved upon, but the low
handles should be appreciated by everyone.
The handles of many plows are too far from the
Chapters IV. and V, treat of enriching the
MakcH 38, 1899.]
soil. The former explains the method of hand-
ling home-made manure, while the latter has to
do with commercial fertilizers only. Fig. 31
shows a ‘common type of barnyard,’ in which
home-made fertilizers are allowed to go to waste,
while in Fig. 30 is shown a model method of
protecting them ; yet the position of the water-
ing trough is not an ideal one, looking at it from
a sanitary point of view. Fig. 32 shows a
‘handy and economical stable,’ which, in reality,
is anything but desirable. It might do for a
makeshift while refitting an old barn, but it
cannot be recommended to anyone who is plan-
ning to erect a new set of buildings.
Other chapters deal with plants, their propa-
gation and subsequent care. It is misleading to
say that germs or bacteria may cause constitu-
tional troubles in the plant, as is done on page
167 and again on page 170, where we read that
constitutional diseases are usually treated by
burning the affected parts, which implies that
‘such a plant may spread the disease if not
destroyed. It is hard to see how a disease in-
herent in a plant (constitutional) can spread the
disease to other plants, unless the affected parts
of the diseased plant are used for propagation.
Bacterial diseases may affect the internal struc-
ture of the host, although ‘the cause of it is
not apparent on the exterior,’ yet such diseases
are not constitutional any more than the dis-
eases caused by the Peronosporiaceze. Some
biologists deny that there are any true consti-
tutional diseases, while here we have consti-
tutional diseases treated as something different
from contagious diseases, but what that some-
thing is is not very clear.
The life-history of one parasitic fungus given
in detail would have been a valuable addition,
for it would have helped much to explain why
it is that one plant can cause sickness in another,
a fact which is hard for any person to under-
stand who has not viewed microscopic prepara-
tions of fungi. In doing this the author would
have followed out the aim ‘to seek why before
seek how,’ as stated on page 15.
Contact insecticides is a better term than
‘caustic insecticides,’ for in many cases the in-
secticide clogs the breathing pores and causes
death by suffiocation rather than by caustie ac-
tion on the tissues. Figs. 70 and 71 pretend to
show sucking and biting insects respectively,
but the reader will not be able to see the dis-
tinction from the illustrations.
Many farmers would think twice before fol-
lowing the advice on page 187: ‘‘If the meadow
fails to return two tons of field-dried hay to the
acre, plow it up,’’ for there are local conditions
where less than two tons per acre may be a
justifiable crop.
Chapter XIV., ‘How the Animal Lives,’ by
Professor Law, and Chapter XV., ‘The Feed-
ing of Animals,’ by Professor Wing, give sum-
maries of our present knowledge of subjects of
which our farmers, as a rule, do not know
nearly so much as they should.
The last chapter, on the ‘Management of
Stock,’ is by Professor Roberts. On page 266
he says that there are two theories respecting
the number of animals to be kept on a farm,
The fact is we are beyond the theory stage
in this matter, and it can be said curtly that
there are two methods, the practice of either
one of which must depend upon local condi-
The severest criticism to be made of the book
is that nearly every subject discussed in it is
treated in too brief a manner, a result inevitable
intrying to expound the principles of agriculture
in one book of only 300 small pages, printed in
largetype. This defect has been partially reme-
died by references to other literature for further
study, although it is to be regretted that these
references are confined mainly to the work of
the editor’s immediate associates. The arrange-
ment of the contents is excellent, and on the
whole the book is superior to any of its kind.
In closing, we quote again from the preface :
‘¢ Agriculture is a business, not a science. * * *
Business cannot be taught in a book like this ;
but some of the laws of science as applied to
farm management can be taught.’’
Elementary Zoology. By FRANK E. BEDDARD.
New York, Longmans, Green & Company.
1898. 12mo. Pp. vi+208. 98 illustrations.
Every teacher examines with interest any
new text-book dealing with the subject in
which he gives instruction, and his interest is
all the greater if the book is written by a recog-
nized authority and published by a reputable
firm. He may find that the book treats the
subject in a more satisfactory manner than the
text he has been using, and hence be led to
change. Or, if he cannot adopt the new book,
he may learn from it much that is inspiring and
suggestive of better methods of teaching. There
are far too many teachers, however, who, hav-
ing to give instruction in several subjects, have
not become especially proficient in any one and
are not fitted by experience and training to be
competent judges of the merits of different
texts. Zoology is one of those studies which
are usually ‘lumped’ together and put into the
hands of the ‘teacher of science,’ who, more
often thay not, is a physicist or a chemist by
training and, consequently, not likely to be
qualified to select a good text-book in zoology.
Too often is the choice determined by the scien-
tifie reputation of the author, who may be of
undisputed ability as an investigator, but not
successful in his method of presenting his sub-
ject ; or by the business enterprise of the book
agent. Hence, it behooves those who are inter-
ested in raising the grade of instruction in the dif-
ferent scientific branches to exercise a careful
watch to prevent, if possible, the introduction of
text-books, and especially such as are elemen-
tary, which are faulty in method and inaccurate
in the statement of facts. There is no reason
why a new text-book should be issued unless it
present the subject by a better method and be a
distinct advance over those already published.
This elementary zoology ‘‘ contains an ac-
count of a few types selected from the chief
groups of the animal kingdom, followed and
accompanied by a consideration of some of the
more general conclusions of biology.’’ The
author adopts the very commendable plan of
treating the types in the ascending order, be-
ginning with a discussion of protoplasm and
the ameeba. The fifteen chapters of the book
deal with the unicellular animals ; hydra ; earth-
worm; crayfish; cockroach ; metamorphoses
of insects; pond mussel; snail; frog; skeletal
and integumentary structures of vertebrates ;
the egg, sperm, and development of the chick ;
morphology of organs ; morphology of tissues ;
classifcaticn ; classification of animals. The
most cf theses opics are discussed with a toler-
(N.S. Vou. LX. No. 218.
able degree of clearness, although paragraphs
are not infrequent which must be read more
than once before the meaning is grasped.
It is questionable whether an average high-
school pupil could comprehend the author’s
treatment of the morphology of the skull and
the development of the chick. ~The first cannot
be understood without much elaborate dissec-
tion and comparison of specimens, nor the
second without the use of sections, and the re-
construction of the latter either into a model
or in the imagination is not within the capacity
of the beginner.
There are so many grammatical and typo-
graphical errors that one is forced to believe
that the book was carelessly written and hastily
printed. For instance, a singular verb is not
infrequently burdened with a plurality of sub-
jects. The unbiased reader has his choice be-
tween ‘spermathical ’ and ‘ spermathecal’ pores
in the earthworm. Hydra is figured as con-
taining ‘interstital’ cells and ‘chromatphores,’
and anodon as having a ‘coelome.’ Several
figures, e. g., 8 and 9, do not tally with their
descriptions. Modifications of Maupas’ figures
of the conjugation of vorticella are given, but
no description of the process accompanies
them. The directions for preparing dissections
are not always accurate. On p. 23 it is stated
that ‘ when an earthworm is opened by a median
incision along the back, and the flaps of skin
turned back, the entire anatomy is revealed.’
The student will find it necessary to do more
than this before he will discover the nervous
system. Again, on p. 68, ‘when the mantle
flap of one side is removed the structures shown
in Fig. 29 are brought into view.’ The pupil
who accepts this statement in good faith will
look in vain for the liver, pedal ganglion, con-
nectives and commissures shown in the illus-
tration. An anodon shell with the lines of
growth running ‘parallel with the long axis of
the shell’ (p. 62) would be a prize for any con-
chologist. The explanation of the gaping of
the mussel shell after death (p. 62) has the ad-
vantage of novelty, if not of verity. It is in-
teresting, too, to learn that the snail is a sym-
metrical animal, that its radula bears calcified
teeth (p. 68) and that the blue color of its blood
is due to the presence of ‘ hzencyanin,’ p. 70.
MARCH 3, 1899.]
English frogs have the tongue ‘bifid at the
tip,’ and breathe in an uncommonly awkward
manner. ‘‘ When the frog breathes it fills the
mouth with air; the mouth is then closed and
the external nares, while the muscles forming
the floor of the mouth force the contained air
into the lungs’’ (p. 80). In the tadpole, respi-
ration is carried on by a ‘free flow of oxygen
containing water over the gills.’ The adult
frogs are said to have ‘two first vertebre,’
from which the student infers that they are
double-headed. On p. 103 the author says:
“The skeleton of the fore limb consists of the
pectoral girdle and of the limb which articulates
with it.’”’ The student is left to wonder which
of the two limbs enjoys this distinction and why
the other is not equally favored.
Nothing is said about geographical distribu-
tion; sponges are nowhere mentioned ; in the
chapter on histology there is no figure or de-
scription of bone, no figure of nerve cells or
fibers, of striated muscle fibers, of glandular
structures, nor of adipose tissue. There is no
index. Most of the figures are good, but there
are not enough to make certain of the subjects
clear to beginners.
There would be no excuse for giving Mr.
Beddard’s zoology an extended notice were it
not that the scientific prominence of its author
and name of its publishers are likely to carry
much weight and to lead to its introduction into
American schools in the place of other and
better books, and this should not happen until
it has been given a thorough and radical re-
Laboratory Exercises in Anatomy and Physi-
ology. By JAMES EDWARD PEABopy, A.M.,
Instructor in Biology in the High School for
Boys and Girls, New York City. New York,
Henry Holt & Co. 1898. Pp. x+79.
In view of the large amount of instruction in
physiology that is given in secondary schools
and the large number of text-books that exist,
it is surprising how few attempts have been
made to treat the subject practically by the
preparation of laboratory directions. And the
few attempts, although in several cases excel-
lent, are, without exception, inadequate. The
immediate cause of this state of things is prob-
ably the lack of a demand by teachers for aids
of this kind ; and this lack of demand is prob-
ably to be traced to a lack of realization on the
part of the majority of the teachers, themselves
imperfectly trained in this respect, of the ad-
vantages of the practical method. Not a few
teachers, however, have longed for help in
endeavoring to raise the standard of instruction
in this branch from its present alcoholic and
narcotic condition, and such progressive ones
will heartily weleome Mr. Peabody’s book.
The book is apparently intended for high-
school classes. Among the subjects treated are
the human and mammalian skeleton, the
muscles, the chemical testing of foods, diges-
tion, absorption, the heart, the blood and its
circulation, oxidation, respiration, the skin,
the kidney, excretion, touch, taste, smell,
yeast and bacteria. Directions for the use of
the microscope and a list of apparatus and
chemicals required for the exercises are added.
The book is interleaved with blank pages for
notes and is intended to be placed in the hands
of the pupil. The latter is given simple di-
rections for experimenting and, instead of
being told what to observe, is asked concerning
the results that follow. In this respect the book
is in accord with the best of the practical guides
in other departments of science. ‘‘The ques-
tions * * * have been framed with the object
of leading the student to seek the facts from the
material itself. The student should be trained
especially to distinguish in the experiments 0b-
served results from the inferences that may be
drawn from those results.’? This admirable
intention is well carried out. To illustrate the
care with which it is done one instance may be
cited. After giving directions for making and
using the common bell-jar apparatus to demon-
strate the action of the diaphragm and lungs,
the author asks the pertinent questions: ‘‘In
what respects does this model illustrate the
process of inhaling and exhaling air in our own
bodies? In what respects does the model fail
to illustrate the process of respiration ?’’
The book is preeminently a guide to the study
of human physiology, and a large number of
the experiments and observations are to be
made on the pupil’sown body. It is interesting
to see how much pure physiology, as distinct
from anatomy, can be learned in this way,
without the aid of complex apparatus, dis-
section or vivisection. Vivisection is neither
employed nor referred to in any way in the
book, and dissection only as it pertains to
bones, muscles, the heart and the kidney.
Anatomy is treated not as a finality, but as a
basis for the study of function. The directions
for the study of bacteria are excellent, and the
practical applications of bacteriology include,
among other things, the canning of fruits, the
use of the tooth-brush, the cleaning of the
streets, and the cleansing of wounds.
In the opinion of the reviewer physiology is
usually taught in high-school courses too much
as a human, and too little as a broadly bio-
logical, science. Hence some regret is un-
avoidable that in the present book more atten-
tion is not given to the comparative aspect.
Notwithstanding this lack, the book is thorough,
is calculated to arouse the interest and even
the enthusiasm of the pupil, and is to be
heartily recommended for use in schools.
A Text-book of General Physics. CHARLES S. HAs-
TINGS and FREDERICK E. Beacn. Boston, Ginn
& Co. 1899. Pp. viii+ 768. $2.95.
The Development of English Thought. Simon N. PAt-
TON. New York and London, The Macmillan
Company. 1899. Pp. xxvii+ 415.
The Shifting and Incidence of Taxation. EDWIN R. A.
SELIGMAN. New York and London, The Mac-
millan Company. 1899. Pp. xii +337. $3.00.
The Cambridge Natural History. Volume IX., Birds.
A. H. Evans. London and New York, The Mac-
millan Company. 1899. Pp. xvi+635. $3.50.
The Elements of Physical Chemistry. J. LIVINGSTON
R. Morgan. New York, John Wiley & Sons ;
London, Chapman & Hall, Ltd. 1899. Pp. xiii
+ 299.
Examination of Water. WiLur1AM P. Mason. New
York, John Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman &
Hall. 1899. Pp. 135.
De la méthode dans la psychologie des sentiments. F.
RavuH. Paris, Alean. 1899. Pp. 305.
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 218.
THE 19th anniversary meeting was held Jan-
uary 17th, under the auspices of the Washing-
ton Academy of Sciences, in the hall of the
Columbian University, the occasion being the
address of the retiring President, Dr. L. O.
Howard, entitled ‘Are Insects as a Class In-
jurious or Beneficial in their Relations with
Man?’ The paper was published in full in
SCIENCE for February 17th.
The 301st regular meeting was held January
28th and was devoted to a consideration of the
‘Great Dismal Swamp.’ Dr. David White
traced the geologic history of the swamp and
surrounding regions, showing how successive
periods of elevation and depression had resulted
in the formation of a considerable area so
slightly elevated above sea-level that the
natural drainage is insufficient to remove the
rainfall. It was stated that the present period
is considered to be one of subsidence, and it was
noted by later speakers that Lake Drummond
is evidently increasing in size.
Mr. F. D. Gardner described the soils from a
practical standpoint, with special regard to the
agricultural possibilities of the land extensively
reclaimed by drainage. Large deposits of peat
exist, which it has not been found possible to
utilize on a commercial scale. The water of
the streams and drainage ditches is very
strongly impregnated with the soluble prod-
ucts of the enormous quantities of decompos-
ing vegetable matter, and, like the soil, has a
distinctly acid reaction. This acidity of the
soil may be so excessive as to interfere with its
fertility, although inexhaustible quantities of
plant foods are present.
Mr. Thomas H. Kearney exhibited a large
series of photographs illustrating the charac-
teristics of the flora of the swamp. The vari-
ous plant-associations were enumerated and de-
scribed at length, and their relative importance
in the formation of humus was noted. Refer-
ence was also made to the possible effects of the
acidity and generally low temperature of the
water as agents likely to retard growth and to
require adaptations against excessive transpira-
tion. The woody type of vegetation predomi-
nates, there being very few herbaceous species
Marcu 3, 1899.]
and these invariably perennials. Bulbs and creep-
ing rootstocks occur, but the cespitose habit so
commonamong dry-land plantsis entirely absent.
Notwithstanding the abundance of climbing
woody vinesand bamboo-like Arundinarias which
give an aspect of tropical luxuriance, the flora is
predominantly boreal in origin. Many northern
plants have their southern limit of distribution
here, and, on the other hand, several southern
types have never been found farther north.
Mr. William Palmer continued Dr. White’s
discussion of the physiography, with particular
reference to the changes due to human agencies.
The vegetation becomes very dense along canals
and ditches where formerly the swamp was com-
paratively open, as far as undergrowth was con-
cerned. These ditching operations have been
carried on since the days of George Washing-
ton, who spent considerable time in the Dismal
Swamp in surveying and managing the work,
and who died possessed of $2,000 in stock in
the enterprise.
It was stated that the drainage of the swamp
is very intricate, the direction of the current
being not infrequently reversed in the same
channel. Miocene bivalve shells are found in
great abundance near the northern end of
the Jericho Ditch. Of existing animals there
are thirty mammals, the more prominent of
which are deer, opossums and wild cattle.
Forty-one species of birds are regular sum-
mer residents, with many more transient visi-
tors. The most characteristic bird of the swamp
is perhaps the Prothonotary Warbler, a rare
bird everywhere else, but not uncommon in the
swamp. The resident birds and mammals in
some instances show distinct characters, by
which they may be readily separated from those
of the neighboring drier regions, and have con-
sequently been described as distinct species
or subspecies. Fourteen species of fish are
known from the waters of the swamp, although
it is believed that none existed in Lake Drum-
mond until admitted through the canals.
Snakes may be said to be abundant, as Mr. Pal-
mer has counted 153 while passing along one of
the canals on a warm day. The King Snake is
very tame and sometimes climbs into boats, but
with no malicious intentions. Four frogs and
six turtles were also enumerated.
In conclusion, Mr. Palmer stated his regret
that the opportunity of holding the vicinity of
Lake Drummond as a National Park had not
been improved before its great natural beauties
were so largely destroyed.
The 302d regular meeting was held February
11th, but, owing to the unusually severe and in-
clement weather, the attendance was small, and
several members who had arranged to continue
the discussion of the Great Dismal Swamp were
absent. After electing to active membership
Dr. Oscar Loew, of Washington, and Lieutenant
Wirt Robinson, of New York, the Society
voted to postpone the discussion and adjourn.
O. F. Coox,
Corresponding Secretary.
THE’ regular meeting was held on January
12, 1899.
The first paper of the evening was read by
Dr. E. A. de Schweinitz, and was entitled
‘The Serum Treatment of Some Animal Dis-
In this paper the author gave a general re-
view of the work begun in 1890 in the study of
the substances secreted by the hog cholera and
the swine plague germ in relation to immunity.
He further pointed out the production of an
enzyme by the hog cholera and other allied
germs, and their importance in producing in
animals immunity from disease. From this
point the work was extended to a study of the
serum obtained from animals that had been
immunized to disease, and this was found to
contain an immunizing principle and exerted
curative properties upon experimental animals
affected with hog cholera and swine plague re-
spectively. Following these experiments, prac-
tical work has been carried out in the field for
several years, with very satisfactory results.
The treatment with serum was found to save
about 80 per cent. of infected herds, while in
those herds not treated which served as checks
the loss from disease was over 80 per cent.
In practical work in the field it is difficult to
decide often whether the animals are suffering
from either hog cholera or swine plague alone
or both of these diseases. To overcome this
difficulty it has appeared advisable to use a
curative serum for one of these diseases mixed
with a curative serum for the other. For pro-
tective vaccination it appears advisable to use,
in addition to the serum, the products of the
bacteria as well as their cell contents, including
the products of the secretion or excretion.
The second paper of the evening was read
by Dr. F. K. Cameron, and was entitled ‘On
the Estimation of Nicotine,’ by E. A. de
Schweinitz, J. A. Emory and F. K. Cameron.
This paper described a critical examination
of the analytical methods so far proposed, and
with special reference to the so-called ‘ Kissling
Method.’ Attempts to devise a satisfactory
method were made by formation of double salts
with metallic compounds, precipitation of an
addition compound with bromine or iodine,
precipitation with picric acid, precipitation with
phosphomolybdic or phosphotungstic acid, de-
composition of accompanying amines with ni-
trous acid, decomposition of these compounds
with hypochlorous or hypobromous acid, sepa-
ration of the ammonia as oxalate by the addi-
tion of alcohol. The results were summed up
as follows :
I. The so-called Kissling method was to be
regarded as the best so far proposed. For the
estimation of nicotine in tobacco leaves or pow-
ders it may be regarded as satisfactory, but its
application to tobacco extracts yields very un-
reliable results.
II. A complete extraction of nicotine by ether
and some other solvents is readily accomplished.
III. An evaporation of an ether extract will
afford a practicable separation from ammonia
alone, but not from other organic bases.
IV. A complete separation by distillation
with steam is much more difficult than is
usually supposed, Certain deviations from the
usual practice were suggested.
V. No method involving the precipitation of
the nicotine as an insoluble compound has been
found practicable.
VI. No method involving the decomposition
of accompanying compounds has been found
VII. The presence of tertiary amines, and
probably some pyridin derivatives in tobacco
extracts, is as yet an insurmountable obstacle
in the separation or estimation of nicotine.
[N. S. Vou. TX. No. 218.
Finally, it is to be observed that nicotine
comports itself as a tertiary amine. It does
not yield a nitroso compound. Its separation
from ammonia, primary and secondary amines,
can be more or less readily accomplished by
the adaptation of well-known general methods.
Its separation from tertiary bases must be de-
pendent on the discovery of some accidental
physical or chemical property of the substance
involved which cannot be predicated from
known general principles. It would seem thata
satisfactory solution of the problem is dependent
upon some empirical relation, and it is in this
direction that further investigation is indicated.
But it is to be hoped that a more profound
study of nicotine itself will yield satisfactory
evidence as to its true nature, and from the
knowledge thus gained the problem before the
analyst may not beso aimless or complicated as
it now seems.
THE February meeting of the New York Sec-
tion of the American Chemical Society was held
on the 10th inst., in the Assembly Room of the
Chemists’ Club, at 108 West 55th street, Dr.
Wm. MecMurtrie presiding. Inaccordance with
a resolution adopted by the Washington Section,
it was resolved ‘‘ that it be recommended to the
Council that the Society confer, through appro-
priate channels, with the Chemical Society of
London, as to the feasibility of the separate
publication of their abstracts after the manner
of the Chemische Centralblatt, the preparation of
these abstracts to be undertaken by both So-
cieties conjointly.”’
A report from the Committee on Patet Leg-
islation was read, recommending that the pres-
ent Committee be continued, with five additional
members to be appointed by the chair.
The duty of the Committee will be to prepare
such alterations and amendments as may seem
advisable and submit them to the different mem-
bers of the Committee as well as to the Sections
of the Society before the first spring meetings.
From the reports of the Sections in different
parts of the country a general report will be
MAncH 3, 1899. ]
prepared for the next session of Congress in
The following papers were read :
‘Recent Extension of Our Knowledge Regarding
Nitrates as Plant Food,’ Dr. J. A. Myers.
‘A Method for the Analysis of Canned Condensed
Milk,’ F. S. Hyde.
‘Manufacture of Ether,’ Alfred Roos.
‘Manufacture of a New Guaicol Compound,’ L. H.
Reuter. (
‘Explosibility of Nitrogen Iodide and Acetylene
Copper Compounds and Use of the Latter in Manufac-
ture of Alcohol and Ether,’ L. H. Reuter.
‘Chemistry of the Dynamite Process of Weighting
Silk,’ Rafael Granja.
‘Chemistry of the Velocitan Process—Quick Tan-
ning,’ Rafael Granja.
‘Melting Point asa Cyclic Function,’ Thos. Bayley,
England. Read by title.
Geological Conference, January 10, 1899.—
Dr. T. A. Jaggar, Jr. gave a communication on
‘The Geology of the Northern Black Hills,’
and illustrated it with many lantern views,
photographs and specimens. He dwelt espe-
cially on certain facts, discovered by him dur-
ing the past summer, which throw new light on
the general problem of intrusives. These will
be published in full later.
Students’ Geological Club, January 17, 1899.—
In a paper entitled ‘Our Present Knowledge
of the Geology of the Boston Basin,’ Mr. R. E.
Burke briefly summarized the literature on the
geology of that area.
Geological Conference, January 24, 1899.—Mr.
H. T. Burr presented some results obtained in
mapping the conglomerates of the Boston Area
with a view to determining their relative age.
The Commonwealth Avenue cut in the Roxbury
conglomerate shows a series which strikes
transversely (E-W) to similar, adjoining con-
glomerates to the north and south. Evidence
was offered to show that this structure is due to
overthrusting from the north followed by
normal faulting.
The Brighton amygdaloids have generally
been considered as flows. The speaker held,
after a detailed study of their contacts, that
these rocks are intrusive. Further, their injec-
tion was probably preceded by faulting.
In discussing this paper, Professor Shaler
favored the division of the Roxbury conglomer-
ates into formations, on the basis of recognized
periods of denudation that alternated with
periods of deposition.
Mr. Robert DeC. Ward spoke on ‘ Acclimati-
zation of the White Man in the Tropics.’ By
acclimatization is meant adaptation to a new
climate. This problem, although an old one
for Europeans, has confronted us for only a few
months. It arises as a result of physiological
changes that take place in the body, and may
be best studied from two points of view, (1) a
consideration of these physiological changes,
and (2) a study of the diseases most prevalent
in the tropics which a resident there is most
likely to contract.
In connection with the former part of the
problem the chief factors are heat and humidity.
Heat, in itself, is not dangerous ; but it becomes
so when significant humidity is added. Heat
induces evaporation and thus greater desire for
drink. Accordingly, considering a certain in-
crease in drink necessary, those nations which
drink hard liquor will suffer more than those
which use wine. Cereals afford safer food than
meats. In regard, then, to both liquid and
solid food the southern Europeans have ad-
vantages over the English. Too much or too
little exercise is extremely dangerous ; a certain
amount is absolutely necessary. The most
healthy tropical districts are high and dry.
In connection with the latter part of the prob-
lem, three diseases are especially prevalent,
namely, sunstroke, yellow fever and malaria.
Sunstroke is chiefly influenced by the rains.
Malaria, the greatest obstacle in acclimatization,
comes with the rains, but is also closely related
to soil conditions. Yellow fever, although vary-
ing with the rainy season, finds its check in ele-
vation. Thus, in the respective countries, the
following altitudes have been found to be about
the upper limit of that disease: in the United
States, 800 feet; in Mexico, 2,300 feet ; in Bra-
zil, 2,700 feet ; and in Jamaica, 4,000 feet.
The chief physiological changes resulting from
life in the tropics are increased respiration and
perspiration, a more rapid pulse, enlargement
of the liver, anzemia, and perhaps arise of body
temperature. Hygiene, as is shown by statistics,
is effective in reducing the death rate, and thus
in making life possible for white men in the
tropics. While a strong person may, with prop-
er care, live nearly anywhere in the tropics,
he does not become independent of the tropical
climate. Accordingly, authorities agree, with
only a very few exceptions, that true acclimati-
zation of the white man in the tropics is impos-
J. M. BourwE LL,
Recording Secretary.
January 24, 1899, Mr. WirMer STONE
made a communication on the Academy’s
collection of birds and its history. He quoted
from Sclater to the effect that in 1852 the
collection was the largest in existence. The
work of American ornithologists from Alex-
ander Wilson to those of our own time, most
of whom had been more or less intimately
associated with the Academy, was commented
on and two of Wilson’s types were exhibited.
They were the only ones known to the speaker
to be in existence, all the others having appar-
ently been lost on the breaking up of Peale’s
Museum, of which they formed part. After
commenting on the growth of the collection,
Mr. Stone spoke of the modes of preservation
and exhibition, dwelling on the advantage of
keeping the bulk of the specimens as flattened
skins in air-tight drawers. Fine specimens of
recent taxidermic work were exhibited and con-
trasted with the ‘stuffed’ birds of half a cen-
tury ago. The communication formed a most
interesting contribution to the history of the
Academy and will make part of the first number
of the Proceedings for 1899.
A paper entitled ‘Contributions to the Life-
History of Plants, No. XIII.,’ by Thomas
Meehan, was presented for publication.
called attention to a small collection of shells
from New Mexico and Arizona, received from
Mr. Ashmun, whose zeal as a collector had in-
creased the number of species of the region
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 218.
from about a dozen to over one hundred. The
snails are almost entirely confined to the moun-
tains and they exhibit the characters of forms
from archipelagoes, only one species of a genus
being found on one mountain range. Six spe-
cies of Pupa were from six distinct localities.
Dr. P. P. CALVERT commented on the influ-
ence of the heat of the room in hastening the
development of dragon-flies from nymphe.
A paper entitled ‘A List of Fishes collected
at Port Antonio, Jamaica,’ by Henry M. Fowler,
was presented for publication.
February 7. Messrs. GEORGE and WILLIAM
S. VAux, JR., made a communication on the
Illecellewaet and Asulkan Glaciers of British
Columbia. After Mr. George Vaux, Jr., had
exhibited a large number of beautiful lantern
views of the region, illustrating the distribution
of peaks, glaciers and ranges, Mr. William 8.
Vaux, Jr., read a paper, which was afterwards
presented for publication, describing in detail
their investigations undertaken to determine
the rate of recession of the two glaciers specially
under consideration. The paper was also satis-
factorily illustrated.
A paper entitled ‘A New American Land-
Shell,’ by Edward G. Vanatta, was presented
for publication.
February 14. Dr. P. P. CALVERT called at-
tention to the new catalogue of the dragon-
flies of New Jersey, the section of the general
catalogue of insects of that State confided to
him by Professor J. B. Smith. The number of
species of these insects has increased since the
issue of the first catalogue in 1890 from 39 to
85. Middle-southern New Jersey has been
touched but slightly and there is no doubt that
other species will be added to the list.
Epw. J. NOLAN,
Recording Secretary.
OF the various electrical measurements which
serve in the electrical testing laboratory, the
measurement of the inductance (the exact elec-
trical analogue of the moment of inertia of a
rotating wheel) of a coil of wire is perhaps the
most unsatisfactory. Mr. H. Martienssen
(Wiedemann’s Annalen, 1899, No. 1) has im-
MARCH 3, 1899. ]
proved the little known method of Puluj for
measuring inductance by means of alternating
currents. The method of Puluj was devised
independently by Professor 8. T. Moreland and
reported to Section B at the Boston meeting of
the American Association. The method, in its
simplest form, is to connect two circuits in par-
allel between alternating current mains and ad-
just non inductive resistances until the currents
in the two branches are in phase, when the in-
ductances in the two branches are directly as
the resistances. To show when the currents
are in phase an instrument called a phase indi-
cator is used, This instrument is essentially a
small induction motor without iron. It con-
sists of two small coils with their planes vertical
and at right angles to each other, surrounding
a suspended aluminum or copper rod. These
coils are connected, one in each circuit, and
when the two currents are not in phase
with each other the suspended rod is deflected.
Martienssen modifies the instrument by wind-
ing one coil with two strands of wire, each
strand being provided with separate termi-
nals. One of these strands he connects in cir-
cuit as before, and the other constitutes a sec-
ondary coil in which a current isinduced by the
current in the primary strand. This induced
current is sensibly in quadrature with the
primary current, and by the use of an adjust-
able non-inductive resistance in this secondary
circuit the instrument may be used, according
to Martienssen, for the accurate measurement
of much smaller inductions.
Puluj’s method, as modified by Martiens-
sen, is a zero method; it requires only a
single adjustment; it does not require har-
monic electromotive force, nor does the fre-
quency of the e. m. f. need to be known; and
it gives accurate results for inductances ranging
from a few hundreds to many millions of cen-
timeters. In short, we seem to have at last a
feasible laboratory method for the accurate
measurement of inductance.
W.S. F.
AN interesting discussion has been carried on
during the last few years as to the constitution
of inorganic compounds, especially of the
metal-ammonium bases, by Professor S. M.
Jorgensen, of Copenhagen, and _ Professor
Alfred Werner, of Zurich. Professor Jor-
gensen, to whom we owe so much of our
knowledge of these bases, especially those of
cobalt, chromium and rhodium, defends the
constitution based on the present ideas of
valence, which has been developed in its ap-
plication to these compounds largely by him-
self on the basis furnished by Blomstrand.
Professor Werner, feeling the insufficiency of
the theories of valence to account for most of
our complex inorganic compounds, has pro-
posed a new theory of coordinated groupings,
in which he seeks to account for the constitution
not merely of the metal-ammonium bases, but
also of all the complex inorganic compounds,
including those containing water of crystalli-
zation. The last number of the Zeitschrift fir
anorganische Chemie contains the eleventh paper
by Jorgensen and the fifteenth paper by Werner.
In the former Jérgensen reviews Werner’s
theory, replies to all the objections Werner has
raised to the valence theory as applied to the
metal-ammonium compounds, shows the in-
sufficiency of Werner’s theory, and finally, by
an ingenious piece of chemical logic, shows
that Werner’s own theory must, if consistently
carried out, lead him to Jorgensen’s own for-
mule for these compounds. In this paper, and
that of Reizenstein, recently mentioned in this
column, one may get a good view of the argu-
ments on both sides of the controversy.
WERNER’S paper in the same number of the
Zeitschrift is confined to a study of the appli-
cation of his theory to the double chlorids.
He has tabulated all the double chlorids from
the whole field of chemical literature, and
grouped them in types according to his theory,
considering also the water of crystallization
Ir is yet too soon for any final judgment to
be pronounced on Werner’s theory, especially
because the field to which it applies is so im-
mense. The limitations of the valence theory
are, however, only too keenly felt by chemists,
and Werner’s work is leading in the right di-
rection. Atall events, this lengthy controversy
is productive of much good. It has turned the
minds of many chemists to the necessity of
broader views of chemical compounds ; it has
stimulated many chemists to fuller investiga-
tions in the inorganic field, and it has led at
the hands of the two leaders to a vast enrich-
ment of our chemical knowledge of large classes
of compounds. We may add that for the most
part it has been conducted in the best spirit.
In the Trans-Caucasian region, from the
Black Sea to the Caspian, are scattered many
mud volcanoes, both in the naphtha regions
and elsewhere. In the Zeitschrift fiir anorgan-
ische Chemie, P. Melikoff describes the analyses
of the products of one of these mud volcanoes,
that of Achtala. The principal ingredients of
the water are salt and soda. The solid matter
is chiefly a plastic clay, with fine grains of cal-
cite, feldspar and quartz. The greater part of
the paper is a discussion of the origin of the
soda and of sodium carbonate deposits and
waters in general. The experiments of the au-
thor show that in the presence of ferric or
aluminum hydroxid, as well as of colloidal
substances and zeolites of the soil, sodium sul-
fate and calcium bicarbonate react readily with
formation of sodium carbonate, and the same is
true of sodium chlorid and calcium bicarbonate.
The hydroxid present, and in soils the col-
loidal substances, hold the reaction products
with different degrees of firmness, preventing
reverse reactions and allowing in natural leach-
ing process the separation of these products.
Thus in the latter reaction the ferric hydroxid
has a greater capacity for absorbing soda than
for calcium chlorid, hence the latter is first re-
moved by washing, and the later wash waters
contain largely soda. Similar reactions take place
in the presence of ammonium carbonate, which
is present in most soils. Thus the natural soda
formation is attributable to the interaction of
salt or sodium sulfate, on the carbonates dis-
solved in natural waters in the presence of the
y Ala Gy dale
THE very few students of South American
languages may be interested to learn that in
the ‘Proceedings’ of the American Philosoph-
[N.S. Voz. IX. No. 218.
ical Society for October, 1898, I have published
a paper of thirty pages, together with a lin-
guistic map, on the languages of the Chaco
region, embracing portions of the Argentine
Republic, Paraguay, Brazil and Bolivia, The
map covers the area from lat. 20° to 380° south,
and long. 56° to 66° west from Greenwich. In
this area the colors define the extensions of nine
linguistic stocks, based on the most recent in-
vestigations. Especial interest attaches to the
newly-found Ennima stock, first recognized as
such by Guido Boggiari in 1895, although vocab-
ularies of it had been printed before that date.
While this paper does not solve all the prob-
lems of the Chaco tongues, it certainly dimin-
ishes their number.
WHat are the differences between the skulls
of criminals and those of ‘respectable people’ ?
This is the question which M. E. Pitard under-
took to solve by comparing the crania of fifty-
one convicts who had died in the penal colony
of New Caledonia, with the average crania of
the citizens of Paris. Practically, there turned
out to be no constant difference at all, unless it
was that the vertical index of the criminal skulls
was slightly higher; in other words, the con-
victs were ‘ brainier’ than the good folks. There
was also the same amount of variation in the
heads of the criminals. Some were long, others
broad-skulled ; some had a notably large, others
a small cubical capacity; these variations run-
ning parallel to those of the general population.
M. Pitard’s article, with abundant data, is in
the Bulletin of the Anthropological Society of
Paris, 1898, Fasc. 3.
Tus is the title of the latest volume issued
by the Folklore Society of Great Britain. It is
written by R. E. Dennett and edited by Miss
Mary H. Kingsley. The ‘Fjort’ is the name
applied to the negro tribes of the French
Congo, who once formed the great native king-
dom of Congo. The volume is much more
than a collection of folk tales. Miss Kingsley
in the introduction and the author in his com-
mentary and notes furnish fresh and valuable
information on the religious beliefs, marriage
and burial customs and mode of life of these
MARrcH 3, 1899.]
semi-savage peoples. Their songs and stories
are carried in the memory by strings of objects
each of which corresponds to a heading or line.
These songs take us into the arcanum of the
savage mind and present a strange picture of
its psychology. The volume is illustrated and
forms a welcome addition to the series pub-
lished by the Society.
THE United States Fish Commission steamer
Fish Hawk \eft Porto Rico for the United States
on February 23d, having completed her work in
the waters about the island and having visited
all the principal ports. No details of the ex-
pedition have yet been received, but the most
interesting results are expected from the opera-
tions on the sandy submarine plateau which
extends to the eastward of the island.
THE French Geographical Society has
awarded its medals, the two chief gold medals
being given, respectively, to General Galliéni for
his work in Madagascar and to M. E. Gentil
for his explorations in Africa. The Félix Four-
nier prize has been awarded to M. Henri
Brenier for commercial explorations in China.
Mr. W. H. PREECE, C.B., F.R.S., having at-
tained his sixty-fifth birthday, has retired from
the position of Engineer-in Chief and Electrician
to the English Post Office, but it is hoped that
his services will be retained by the Postmaster-
General as consulting engineer.
University, sailed on February 21st for Europe
for ten months. He is now enjoying a sabbat-
ical year, and will spend the time in geograph-
ical study in England and Switzerland, and in
literary work for several months at Oxford. He
will probably make arrangements to be with
Professor Davis for a trip in the summer
through parts of the Alps.
ProFessor R. VON WErISTEIN, of Prague,
has been appointed Director of the Botanical
Gardens of Vienna and professor in the Univer-
versity of Strassburg, is intending, with the as-
sistance of the German Astronomical Society,
to prepare a yearbook of astronomy, giving ab-
stracts of the papers appearing during each
year, beginning with 1899.
THE death is announced of The Rey. Wil-
liam Colenso, F.R.S., at the age of 87 years.
Mr. Colenso began life as a printer, and when
the Church Missionary Society established a
press in New Zealand, in 1838, he was given
charge of this and became both printer and
missionary. He was one of the chief authori-
ties on Maori antiquities and rites, and on the
natural history of New Zealand.
WE regret also to record the following deaths :
Mr. John Kreusi, a mechanical engineer and
inventor, at Schenectady, N. Y., on January
22d, aged 56 years; Mr. Thomas Cook, a
well-known teacher of anatomy and writer on
the subject, in London, on February 8th; Dr.
L. A. Veitmeyer, a civil engineer at Berlin, and
Dr. Carl Schoenlein, of the Zoological Station
at Naples, at the age of 40 years.
Tur New York Academy of Sciences pro-
poses to hold its sixth annual exhibition in the
American Museum of Natural History on April
11th and 12th. The first evening is reserved
for members of the Academy and the second for
the Scientific Alliance and friends of science in
general. The afternoon of the 12th will offer
an opportunity for students and those who can-
not attend in the evening. The exhibition wil]
illustrate the advances during the last year
only. Any worker in the field of science who
may have material which he believes of interest
to the scientific world should communicate im-
mediately with the chairman of the committee,
Professor William Hallock, Columbia Univer-
sity, New York City. The exhibition is not
limited to the work of members of the Academy,
but the committee has final authority as to
what material will be accepted. The depart-
ments represented are: Anatomy, astronomy,
botany, chemistry, electricity, anthropology,
ethnology, experimental psychology, geology,
mineralogy, paleontology, photography, phys-
ics, physiography, physiology and zoology.
THE National Educational Association will
meet next year in Chicago: Mr. A. B. Down-
ing, Superintendent of Normal Schools, New
York City, has been elected President.
Orricers for the International Association
for Promoting the Study of Quaternions and
Allied Systems of Mathematics for the years
1889 and 1900 have been elected as follows:
President, Sir Robert Ball, of Cambridge Uni-
versity ; General Secretary, Dr. Alexander Mac-
farlane, lecturer on mathematical physics in
Lehigh University. The Secretary of the United
States is Professor Arthur S. Hathaway, of the
Rose Polytechnic Institute.
Tue Association of Polish Men of Science
and Physicians will meet at Cracow in 1900.
It will be remembered that the meeting in
Posen last year was forbidden by the Prussian
government for political reasons which scarcely
appeared to be sufficient.
THE British Board of Agriculture have ap-
pointed a Departmental Committee to inquire
into and report upon the working of the Diseases
of Animal Acts in so far as they relate to glan-
ders, and to consider whether any more effective
measures can, with advantage, be taken to pre-
vent the spread of that disease. Lord Stanley
is chairman of the committee.
A MEETING of the Fellows of the Royal Bo-
tanic Society was held on February 11th, at the
Gardens, Regent’s-park, Mr. C. Brinsley Mar-
lay presiding. Mrs. Ernest Hart exhibited a
collection of Japanese dwarfed plants grown
under certain secret methods much in vogue in
the cultivation of trees in Japan. Lach speci-
men was said to be upwards of one hundred
years old, and the tallest was less than 18 in.
in height, although possessing all the charac-
teristics of perfect plants in miniature. They
were pronounced to be the finest specimens of
this peculiar art ever seen in England. There
was also shown a seed incubator in}action in-
tended for use in connection with the ‘Seed
Control’ lectures now being given in these
‘Gardens every Monday.
THE first ordinary meeting of the}British So-
ciety of Engineers for the present year was held
on February 6th. Mr. W. W. Beaumont, the
President for 1898, occupied the chair and pre-
sented the premiums awarded for papers read
during the year, viz., the President’s gold medal
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 218:
to Mr. W. Fox, the Bessemer premium to Mr.
8. O. Cowper-Coles, the Rawlinson premium to
Dr. J. C. Thresh and a Society’s premium to
Mr. G. Thudichum, Mr. Beaumont introduced
the President for the ensuing year, Mr. John
Corry Fell, who delivered his inaugural ad-
dress. He said, as reported in the London
Times, that the financial position of the Society
was very satisfactory, and it had increased its
numbers during 1898. During the past year
they had lost six of their honorary members—
Sir William Anderson, Sir Henry Bessemer, Sir
James N. Douglas, Sir John Fowler, Lord Play-
fair and Sir Robert Rawlinson. The vacancies
thus created had been filled by Sir J. Wolfe
Barry, Sir A. J. Durston, Sir David L. Salo-
mons, Professor A. B. W. Kennedy, Mr. W. H.
Preece and Mr. A. Siemens. It was a curious
fact that civil engineers availed themselves less
than any other members of the profession of the
privileges accorded to inventors by patent,
designs or copyright protection. It had been
said that the British nation was less inventive
than the American, and prior to 1883 that view
appeared to be supported by the number of
patent applicants in the United States as com-
pared with those in Great Britain, but upon a
reduction of the fees in 1883 the applications
had reached over 30,000 per annum, and Great
Britain now took a foremost place in the inven-
tive world. With regard to successful inven-
tion the conditions should be the result of
analysis or synthesis, not mere chance dashes
into an unknown field. Mr. Fell pointed out
the necessity of having a special Court for the
trial of patent actions. He had for long past
been of opinion that such a Court should be
established, and of late the Lord Chancellor and
other Judges had expressed the same views.
They had publicly attributed the block in the
Law Courts to the increasing number of patent
cases and the inordinate time many of them
occupied. The President then gave a short
summary of the advances made of late years in
various departments of engineering. A hearty
vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. Fell.
THE annual meeting of the British Institution
of Mechanical Engineers was held on February
9th at the new building in Storey’s-gate, St.
James’s-park. Mr. S. W. Johnson, the re-
MARCH 3, 1899. ]
tiring President, being in the chair. Mr. Edgar
Worthington, the Secretary, presented the 52d
annual report, which showed that the member-
ship in all classes had reached 2,684, represent-
ing a net gain of 191 on the previous year,
The receipts for the year were £8,452, and the
expenditure £7,588, leaving a balance of £863.
The total investments and other assets amounted
to £66,462. References were made to the ex-
periments carried on by Professor Beare at
University College as to the value of the steam-
jackets, and to those of Sir William C. Roberts-
Austen, who had carried to a successful con-
clusion a long series of experiments made at
the Royal Mint on the behavior of steels during
cooling. Congratulatory allusion was made to
the summer meeting held at Derby, and it was
stated that the next summer meeting would be
held at Plymouth. The report was adopted,
after which Mr. Johnson vacated the chair in
favor of the President-elect, Sir. W. H. White.
The fifth report of the Alloys Research Com-
mittee on Steel, drawn up by Sir William
Roberts-Austen, was afterwards read.
A HYGIENIC institute is to be erected in
Posen, Prussia. According to the British Med-
ical Journal it will contain a hygienico-bac-
teriological and a pathologico-anatomical de-
partment, with the usual staff of directors and
assistants. Their sphere of work is to com-
prise supervision and improvement of water
supplies, of drainage works and the bestowal
of refuse ; soil and subsoil examination ; hy-
gienic supervision of works, factories, ware-
houses, etc.; prevention of the spread of in-
fectious diseases; post-mortem examinations ;
courses of lectures, some popular, on subjects
connected with hygiene, bacteriology and
pathological anatomy. It is hoped that the
scientifically-conducted efforts of the institute
will be successful in arresting epidemics, such as
cholera, smallpox, typhus, ete., which fre-
quently have come into Prussia from across the
Russian frontier.
THE Times states that at the South Foreland
lighthouse, in the presence of representatives
from the Councils of Dover, Ramsgate, Margate,
Broadstairs, Sandgate, etc., trials have been
made, under the supervision of Signor Marconi,
of his system of telegraphing without wires, be-
tween the East Goodwin lightship, twelve miles
out at sea, and the lighthouse. The system
acted well, the messages being received and re-
corded on the tape with absolute accuracy,
Signor Marconi had with him two assistants at
the lighthouse, Messrs. Kemp and Cohen, and
one on the lightship, Mr. Richards, but several
of the messages were sent by men on the ves-
sel who had been instructed in the work. The
height of the pole used for transmission was
130 feet, and Signor Marconi considered that
by this a message could be sent to the French
coast. The receiving wire on the lightship was
run 80 feet up the mast. During the recent
severe weather the system has worked per-
fectly, and the men on the ship have sent mes-
sages that have been transmitted to Ramsgate.
All present were impressed with the demonstra-
tion, and promises of support to a resolution
urging the Board of Trade and the Admiralty
to take up the system were given.
A LAW was recently passed in Norway, says
the New York Medical Record, prohibiting the
sale of tobacco to any boy under sixteen years
of age without a signed order from an adult
relative or employer. Even tourists who offer
cigarettes to boys render themselves liable to
prosecution. The police are instructed to con-
fiscate the pipes, cigars and cigarettes of lads
who smoke in the public streets. A fine for the
offence is also imposed, which may be as much
as twenty-five dollars.
THE following minute on the Corporation
records of Harvard University concerning the
services and gifts of Mr. Alexander Agassiz are
given in the Annual Report of President Eliot :
Voted, That in accepting from Mr. Alexander
Agassiz the deed of gift which has been read,
and which will be entered in full on the
record of this date, the Corporation wish to
enter on their records a statement of Mr.
Agassiz’s services and gifts to the Museum of
Comparative Zoology :
From 1860 to 1865 Mr. Agassiz was Agent
of the Museum and Assistant in charge of
Worms, Echinoderms and Acalephs.
During part of the year 1866 he was in
charge of the Museum while Professor Agassiz
was absent in Brazil. In 1869, on his return
from a three years’ residence at Calamut, he
was appointed Assistant in charge of Radiates,
but without salary. Early in 1874 he was
made a member of the Faculty of the Museum,
Curator, and a member of the Board of Trus-
tees. In 1876 the Museum was transferred to
the University by its Trustees. Mr. Agassiz
has never received any salary as Curator.
Between September 1, 1871, and September 1,
1897, Mr. Agassiz expended for the benefit of the
Museum from his private means, without mak-
ing any communication on the subject to the
President and Fellows, over seven hundred and
fifty thousand dollars, including his expendi-
tures on objects now formally transferred to
the Corporation, beside contributing about
fifty thousand dollars to other University ob-
jects in gifts known at the time to the President
and Fellows.
The great sum expended for the Museum is
divisible into the following items which are
taken from Mr. Agassiz’s private accounts :
Land, Buildings and Fixtures..... $219,007.00
Cases, Collections and care of same.. 223,867.00
IUD IT Cat ONS aster sisictelcvacceteyarayalcuavevetels 118,127.00
Subscriptions to Agassiz Memorial
Fund and for State grants (condi-
GLONA Tose ays eae p Mate siatcoatalcts 65,000.00
Tai branyancaters citeirelocteeteis erences 26,695.00
Dalarteswnysrcicispeteleronvaeccitctatere ais tcicrets 27,051.00
Deficits Humboldt Fund (Students). 8,260.00
DOC) Bree Sire eA HN 8 BS ee a 7,807.00
MINGELESEsfrisnsicrobetrapeyere verre mettre ie minietels 9,568.00
Laboratory Supplies......:......... 3,100.00
Naples Lables aslecteselnesieierste eieverl es 1,473.00
Wood's Hole Fish Commission Tables 500.00
Hey C-Gray Busby mictaeriactetecisteiere 355.00
Not analyzed ; old accounts not ac-
GESSUDT Os sicisierseterale See eter a ears 41,008.28
Of the total expenditure about $107,000 was
for current expenses, or expenses which cannot
now be specified; the remainder is represented
to-day by important parts of the land, building
funds, collections, cases, fixtures, publications
and library.
The Corporation record here their gratitude
for these great gifts, distributed over a period
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 218.
of twenty-six years, and for devoted services
rendered to the Museum in various capacities
ever since 1860, with one interval of three
years, 1866-1869.
DuRING the past two years the University of
New Mexico has been carrying on some work
looking toward a scientific investigation of the
climatology of the plateau, especially with re-
spect to its beneficial effects in cases of tuber-
culosis and analogous diseases. Statistical in-
formation has been collecting, and special
studies in the variation in vital capacity among
students in the University and the public
schools of the Territory have been carried on.
The biological and bacteriological departments,
under the special direction of President Herrick
and Professor Weinzirl, have taken up the
study of air and water and the conditions
of sepsis, etc. It has been hoped to extend
this investigation to include the physical and
chemical characteristics of the climate and
also a study of the blood changes due to alti-
tude, with special reference to the virulence and
curtailment of the diseases in question.
A few weeks since Mrs. Walter C. Hadley
made to the University a proposition to donate
to the institution the sum of $10,000, to be used
toward the erection of a building to contain the
laboratories for this and allied research. This
gift was conditioned upon the raising of $5,000
for the completion of the building and a similar
sum for equipment. The Regents have agreed
to establish the chair necessary to continue and
prosecute the research, and are making an
earnest effort to secure the subscription of the
amount requisite to secure Mrs. Hadley’s dona-
tion. The location of the University is prob-
ably unsurpassed for such research, and the
faculty already contains a corps of bacteriolo-
gists and biologists acquainted with the lines of
work to be opened, several of whom have per-
sonal familiarity with the beneficial results of
the climate.
One interesting result of the studies so far
made is the evidence that a residence on the
plateau during the growing years of later child-
hood serves in a large measure to correct the
MARCH 3, 1899. ]
narrow chests and limited vital capacity result-
ing from a bad heredity. It is hoped that a
considerable response in the way of subscrip-
tions will come from those interested outside
the Territory, as the recent financial stringency
has left those who would gladly respond inca-
pacitated to carry the entire burden. It is un-
derstood that subscriptions may be sent to
Hon. F. W. Clancy, Mayor of the City of Al-
buquerque, or to C. L. Herrick, President of
the University.
We are glad to learn that Washington Uni-
versity, St. Louis, has just received generous
gifts enabling it to remove to its new site facing
Forest Park. This site was purchased with a
fund of $200,000, contributed by seventy-five
different subscribers. Funds for a library, to
cost $100,000, are in the hands of the directors
by the bequest of the late Stephen Ridgley.
The following additional buildings have now
been given by members of the Board of Direc-
tors: (1) A hall of languages, costing $200,-
000, by Mr. Robert S. Brookings; (2) an en-
gineering building, costing $150,000, by Mr.
Samuel Cupples, and (8) a chemistry building,
costing $100,000, by Mr. Adolphus Busch. Mr.
Brookings has also offered $100,000 on condition
that $500,000 be subscribed at once for an en-
dowment. St. Louis is, in size, the fourth city
of the United States, and the University is now
ready to take its place among the leading insti-
tutions of America.
Mr. Putiip D. ARMouR has giveu $750,000 to
the Armour Institute of Chicago, which he had
previously endowed with $1,500,000.
THE will of the late Alexander M. Proudfit,
of New York City, gives $30,000 to Columbia
University for two fellowships, one in letters and
one for advanced studies in medicine. There are
also numerous other bequests to public institu-
tions, including $10,000 each to the Public Li-
brary and to the New York Free Circulating
Knox CoLuece, at Galesburg, Ill., has col-
lected a fund of $100,000, thus securing the ad-
ditional gift of $25,000 made by Dr. D. K. Pear-
AT a recent annual meeting of the Patent
Nut and Bolt Company (Limited), held at Bir-
mingham, the sum of £5,000 was contributed
to the fund which is being raised for the estab-
lishment of a University in the City of Bir-
PRESIDENT SeTH Low, of Columbia Univer-
sity, was the University Day Orator of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania at its annual celebration
on Washington’s Birthday.
THE Register of Lehigh University, South
Bethlehem, Pa., for the year 1898-99 shows
but few changes in the teaching force. Profes-
sor Langdon C. Stewardson has assumed the
duties of the chair of mental and moral phil-
osophy, and the new professorship of history
and economics has been filled by the election
of Mr. John L. Stewart, late lecturer in that
department. The department of mechanical
engineering has lost the services of Messrs. B.
H. Jones and L. O. Danse as instructors, and
their places are filled by Messrs. L. N. Sullivan
and J. C. Peck. Messrs. John Boyt and F. O.
Dufour have been promoted from the grade of
assistant to that of instructor, and Mr. Joseph
Barrell has been elected instructor in geology
and lithology. Solid geometry has been added
to the requirements for entrance to the Latin
Scientific course and to that in Science and
Letters ;"and it is announced that in 1900 and
thereafter the requirements for entrance- to
the course in Science and Letters, or to any
course in the School of Technology, will include
Plane Trigonometry and Logarithms, through
the solution of right and oblique triangles.
The elective system has been extended to
the Latin Scientific course, so that it now seems
to be possible for a student in either of the
literary courses to complete before graduation
one-half or more of any one of the technical
courses. Such a student might, therefore,
complete in six years the general training of
the literary course and the special training of a
professional course, and would in the end be
much better equipped for professional work than
one who had taken the technical course alone.
The principle of elective studies is introduced
also into the technical courses. In the course
of Civil Engineering the student may elect a
large amount of work in Architecture, in addi-
tion to the designing and structural work of
the regular course, and thus be fitted to take
up on graduating the profession of an archi-
tect. In the courses of Mechanical and Elec-
trical Engineering a large proportion of the
work is identical, and students in either course
may in addition elect a considerable amount of
special work in the other course, under the ad-
vice of the Faculty, as a substitute for the same
amount of work in his own course.
EFForTS are being made to persuade Presi-
dent Taylor not to leave Vassar College for
Brown University. With this end in view a
meeting of the Alumni decided to try to col-
lect the sum of $2,000,000 for the endowment
of Vassar.
Ir is announced that Mrs. Julia J. Irving will
retire from the presidency of Wellesley College
in June of the present year.
Dr. Myron D. GREEN has been appointed
lecturer on photographic chemistry in the Uni-
versity of Cincinnati. A yearly course has
been established in the subject, including each
week one lecture and one afternoon of labora-
tory or field work. Our universities are begin-
ning to recognize the importance of thorough
and exhaustive instruction in this special
branch of chemistry.
AT a meeting of the electors to the profes-
sorship of pathology of Cambridge University,
held on February 11th, Mr. German Sims
Woodhead, M.D., Edinburgh, was chosen to
succeed the late Professor Kanthack. The
London Times states that Professor Woodhead
is the eldest son of Mr. Joseph Woodhead,
formerly M.P. for Spen Valley, and was born
at Huddersfield in 1855. He was educated at
Huddersfield College and at the University of
Edinburgh. He first became a teacher in anat-
omy and then pathology, and carried on original
investigations in pathology in the Minto-house
School of Medicine, the University of Edinburgh,
the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, and the labora-
tory of the Royal College of Physicians, Edin-
burgh. For upwards of eight years he has held
the post of Director of the Laboratories of the
Conjoint Board of the Royal College of Physi-
cians and of the Royal College of Surgeons. He
was Assistant Commissioner to the Royal Com-
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 218.
mission on Tuberculosis, and his report was
published in 1895. He has published a treatise
on practical pathology, and, in conjunction with
Dr. Arthur W. Hare, has published ‘ Patho-
logical Myrology.’ He has also written on
bacteria and their products. He has held the
office of President of the Royal Medical Society.
THE Balfour studentship of Cambridge Uni-
versity, of the annual value of £200, for original
research in biology, especially animal morphol-
ogy, has been awarded to J. Stanley Gardiner,
M.A., Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, for
three years from March, 1899. Grants from the
Balfour Fund of £50 each have been made to
J.S. Budgett, B.A., of Trinity College, in aid
of his researches on the development of Polyp-
terus, and to L. A. Borradaile, M.A., of Sel-
wyn Hostel, in aid of the expenses of his pro-
posed journey in company with Mr. Gardiner,
the Balfour student.
AN examination will be held at Merton Col-
lege, on June 27th and following days, for the
purpose of electing to three open natural sci-
ence scholarships, of which one will be at Mer-
ton College, one at New College and one at
Corpus Christi College. The scholarships are
of the value of £80 per annum, and are open
to all candidates, including, we believe, those
who are not citizens of Great Britain, whose
age on July 3, 1899, will not exceed 19 years.
The subjects of examination will be: (1) chem-
istry, mechanics and physics, or (2) biology.
An English essay, and a paper in algebra and
elementary geometry, will also be set to all
candidates. Candidates will have an opportu-
nity of showing a knowledge of higher mathe-
Dr. DOMENICO SACCARDO has been appointed
professor of botany in the University of Bo-
logna; Dr. Fleurens, professor of technical chem-
istry in the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers at
Paris ; Dr. Natanson, of Vienna, assistant pro-
fessor of mathematics in the University of Cra-
cow, and Dr. Moritz Hoernes, assistant profes-
sor of prehistorical archzeology in the University
at Vienna. Dr. Bing has qualified as docent in
chemistry in the University at Bonn, and Dr.
Emden as docent in physics and meteorology in
the Technical Institute at Munich.
EpIToRIAL CoMMITTEE: S. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WoopwaARpD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THuRston, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. LE Conts, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; O. C. MARSH, Paleontology; W. K. Brooks,
C. Hart Merriam, Zoology; S. H. ScuppER, Entomology; C. E. Bessry, N. L. Britton,
Botany; Henry F. Osporn, General Biology; C. S. Minor, Embryology, Histology;
H. P. BownitcH, Physiology; J. S. Brntinas, Hygiene; J. McKEEN CATTELL,
Psychology; DANIEL G. BRINTON, J. W. POWELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, Marcu 10, 1899.
Explosions Caused by Commonly Occurring Sub-
stances: PROFESSOR CHARLES E. MUNROE...... 345
The American Morphological Society (IL): PROFES-
SOR BASHFORD DBEAN.........0....2coscaccersaseessees 364
Stalactites of Sand: J. S. DILLER...... IU tN 371
Seientifie Books :—
Talbot’s Degeneracy: PROFESSOR G. T. W.
PATRICK. Skinner’s Synonymic Catalogue of
the North American Rhopalocera : PROFESSOR T.
D. A. COCKERELL. Graffigny’s Industrial Elec-
tricity: W. H. F. General. Books Received.... 372
Scientific Journals and Articles :.....0ccccceceeeeeeeeees 375
Societies and Academies :—
Section of Anthropology and Psychology of the
New York Academy of Sciences: DR. CHAS. B.
Buss. Onondaga Academy of Science: H. W.
IB RIT OME Resets decwecsnsteasscassaradueseni eset saescesas 376
Discussion and Correspondence :—
What is the Cause of the so-called Tobacco For-
mation? DR. OscAR LOEW. The Anesthetic
Effects of a Sinusoidal Current of High Fre-
quency: DR. E. W. SCRIPTURE .......cceseeeseeeeee 376
Notes on Physics :—
The Metric System: T. C. M. The Electrolytic
Interrupter for the Induction Coil: W. S. F.
The Resistance of Carbon and Copper Brushes:
100) (Obi i caeoneeedso conde san sobudue SuacdcecaBosordesontodea 377
Enzymes as Remedies in Infectious Diseases: B. T.
GAL LOWiAGYaG.s<ccccescecedscenesesseresijnterunicscceces sone 379
Scientific Notes and News......-ssecseceserseeeeceeenseneees 379
University and Educational News.......:sccceecseeeeeee 383
MS8S. intended for publication and books, etc., intended
for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
On the sixth of November last the
country was startled by learning that an
explosion had occurred in the Capitol at
Washington which had caused extensive
damage to that magnificent and historic
building, and which, with the ensuing fire,
had destroyed some and jeopardized more
of the valuable archives with which the
building was stored. Occurrences of this
kind have long had a particular interest
for me, and I have found them to recur
with great frequency and to cause extensive
damage and destruction not only to prop-
erty but to person. Notwithstanding, there-
fore, that much that I have to say is well
known, it appears to be not inopportune to
address you on the subject of ‘ Explosions
Caused by Commonly Occurring Sub-
stances,’ ommitting entirely ‘from consid-
eration the substances commonly known
and used as explosives, and it is possible
that this repetition may serve to some ex-
tent in preventing these accidents by lead-
ing to greater precautions being taken.
From the observations on the phenomena
accompanying the combustion of solids it
is well understood that the speed of the
combustion is greatly accelerated by com-
minuting the combustible and mixing it.in-
* Address of the President before The American
Chemical Society, New York Meeting, December,
timately with the supporter of combustion,
and it is also well recognized that many
explosions are due solely to very rapid com-
bustion, yet it is only within comparatively
recent times, and since manufacturing
operations have come to be carried on upon
a very considerable scale, that we have had
it strongly demonstrated that ordinarily _
combustible solids might, when finely di-
vided and mixed with air, give rise, on
ignition, to most violent and disastrous
explosions, and it seems especially notable
that the first well demonstrated cases of
this kind should have arisen from the ap-
parently harmless operations attending the
grinding grain, and the more particularly
as flour is not looked upon as a very readily
combustible substance when compared with
other commonly used solids.
Among the many instances of this kind
which we have now on record we will cite
that which occurred on the 9th of July,
1872,* when the inhabitants of Glasgow
were startled by the report of an explosion
which was heard to a considerable distance
and which was found to have occurred in
some very extensive flour mills, the front
and back walls of which were blown out,
while the interior was reduced to ruins, and
speedily enveloped in flame which destroyed
the remaining buildings. Several persons
were killed, and a number of others were
severely, burned, or injured by the fall of
On May 2, 1878, a similar disaster oc-
curred in the enormous flour mills in Min-
neapolis, but in this case it was observed
that the explosion which originated in the
‘Washburn mill was communicated by flame
successively to the Diamond mill and to the
Humboldt mill. As a consequence of these
explosions, the walls of these mills, which
were solid masonry, six feet thick at the
base, were razed to the ground; sheets of
corrugated iron roofing, two by six feet in
* Abel, Roy. Inst., March 12, 1875.
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 219.
area, were projected to a distance of more
than two miles; a wooden building fifty feet
from the center of explosion was burst open;
stout plate glass windows one-fourth of a
mile away were torn out bodily, sash and
all, and projected into the street; an im-
mense volume of smoke and flame was pro-
jected to an estimated height of six hundred
to eight hundred feet, and finally persons
by the edge of the adjacent river observed
a displacement of water, producing a wave
estimated to be eighteen inches high, before
they heard the report of the explosion. The
concurrent testimony of persons employed
in the mills, and of the experts who were
called, proved the absence in each case of
any of the so-called explosive substances on
the premises and that the boilers had not
burst, and from the facts brought out the
origin was conclusively traced to the strik-
ing of fire by a pair of mill-stones, through
the stopping of the ‘feed,’ and the conse-
quent friction of their bare surfaces against
each other, with the result that the mixture
of air and fine flour-dust surrounding the
millstones became ignited.
This ignition alone would not suffice to
develop any violent explosive effects; for
similar ignitions which have been not in-
frequently observed in small mills, where
they have been caused by the stones ‘ strik-
ing fire’ or by the incautious use of a burn-
ing lamp near the millstones, or the meal-
spout attached to them, have not been
attended by any serious results. But in an
extensive mill, where many pairs of stones
may be at work at one time, each pair has ~
a conduit attached, which leads to a com-
mon receptacle called an exhaust box ; into
this the mixture of air and very fine flour-
dust which surrounds the millstones is
drawn by means of an exhaust fan, which
is sometimes aided by a system of air-blow-
ers. The fine flour is allowed to deposit
partially in this chamber or exhaust box,
and the air then passes into a second cham-
MARcH 10, 1899. ]
ber, called a stive room, where a further
quantity of dust is deposited. It follows
that when the mill is at work, these cham-
bers and the channels are all filled with an
inflammable mixture of the finest flour-dust
and air, and that the ignition of any por-
tion of the inflammable mixture will result
in the exceedingly rapid spread of the flame
throughout the whole, and will thus develop
an explosion. The violence of such explo-
sions depends much upon the details of con-
struction of the exhaust boxes and stive
rooms, and upon the dimensions of the
channels of communication; it must obvi-
ously be regulated by the volume of the in-
flammable mixture through which the fire
rapidly spreads, and upon the degree of
confinement. Inthe case of the catastrophe
at Glasgow the production of a blaze at a
pair of millstones was observed to be fol-
lowed by a crackling noise as the flame
spread rapidly through the conduits lead-
ing to the exhaust box upon an upper floor,
and a loud report from that direction was
almost immediately heard. Professors Ran-
kine and Macadam, who carefully investi-
gated the cause of this accident, report*
that other flour-mill explosions which they
had inquired into had been observed to
have been attended by a similar succession
of phenomena to those noticed upon this
occasion. The bursting open of the ex-
haust box by a similar though less violent
explosion, attended by injury of workmen,
the blowing out of windows and loosening
of tiles, appears to have taken place on a
previous occasion at these particular mills.
In the last and most disastrous accident,
however, the more violent explosion appears
to have been followed by others, the flame
having spread with great rapidity to distant
parts of the mills through the many chan-
nels of communication in which the air
was charged with inflammable dust, result-
ing from the cleansing and sifting opera-
* Abel, Roy. Inst., March 12, 1875.
tions carried on in different parts of the
building, and rapidly diffused through the
air by the shock and blast of the first ex-
In the experimental investigation of the
Minneapolis explosion by Professor §. F.
Peckham * it was shown that compacted
masses of flour which had become heated
and charred ignited readily and smouldered,
but were inflamed only with considerable
difficulty, though the atmosphere of the
conduit from the stones, through which a
strong current of air is being continually
drawn and which is filled with a dense
cloud of very fine particles of flour heated
to a maximum temperature of 140° F,
could be inflamed with comparative ease.
White-hot wires and glowing charcoal were
incapable of producing this inflammation,
and only burned the particlesin actual con-
tact with them, and the only means by which
the mixture, in the best proportions, could
be made to burn explosively was by contact
with flame.
The danger in thé process was found to
arise from the friction of the stones heat-
ing the last portion of the grist that re-
mained between them to a temperature
sufficient to char it or to convert it into a
substance resembling tinder, which would
readily ignite from a spark produced from
the stones striking together. Although
this burning mass could not inflame the
dust-laden atmosphere, it did ignite wood,
which a strong draught of air readily forced
into a blaze. Under the conditions de-
scribed with a draught of air passing
through the dry stones strong enough to
convey the pellets of smouldering tinder
into the wooden conductor an explosion was
a necessary consequence.
Knowing the chemical composition of
flour, we may calculate approximately the
mechanical work which a given mass of
flour can perform, and find that the con-
* Am. J. Sci. 16 (3), 301-306 ; 1878.
tents of an ordinary sack, when mixed with
4,000 cabic feet of air, will degenerate force
enough to throw 2,500 tons mass to a height
of 100 feet. If we now consider the many
tons of flour there must have been in a mill
such as the Washburn ‘ A,’ where as much
as 1,000 pounds of dust per day was col-
lected from a single pipe, we can readily
comprehend how such great destruction
could be wrought.
Tt is to be regretted that the experts who
duly considered all the circumstances con-
cluded that, while, by suitable precautions,
the frequency of these flour-mill explosions
may be diminished and the extent of the
damage inflicted may be very much re-
stricted, the nature of the operations is
such that these explosions cannot be alto-
gether prevented.
Since mixtures of wheat-dust with air
have proved to be so explosive, we should
naturally expect that analogous solids would
form similar explosive mixtures with air,
and, as a fact, we have recorded explosions
of oatmeal in the Oliver mill in Chicago, of
starch in a New York candy factory, * of
rice in rice mills, of malt dust in breweries,
of spice dust in spice mills, together with
numerous instances of sawdust explosions,
the more prominent being those which oc-
curred in the Pullman car shops and at
Geldowsky’s furniture factory in Cam-
bridge, Mass., still we should scarcely look
for an explosion from such a cause in a soap
factory. Yet a violent explosion occurred
in 1890, in a Providence soap-works, in
which the finely powdered saponaceous
substance known by the trade name of
‘Soapine’ was being prepared, and the Cor-
oner held in his finding that the explosion
through which such injury was inflicted
was caused by the ignition of soapine dust.
Experiments made in this connection
showed that this substance will explode
*L. W. Peck, Explosions from Combustible Dusts,
Pop. Sci. Month., 14, 159-166 ; 1878.
[N.S. Von. 1X No. 219.
under certain conditions with more violence
than flour and apparently with the produc-
tion of more heat.
The most unusual case of dust explosions,
however, with which we have met was that
of finely powdered metallic zine which oc-
curred at the Bethlehem Zine Works in
1854. At that time Col. Wetherill devised
a plan for utilizing the ‘ blue powder’ which
is the finely divided metallic zine that is
deposited in the prolongation of the conden-
ser by swedging the powder into blocks and
piling these blocks one above another in a
furnace where they were melted down and
run into spelter. The workmen in charge
sought to facilitate the process by feeding
the uncompressed powder directly into the
furnace, but on trying to do so an explosion
followed the loading of the first shovelful,
and with such violence that the workman
was blown from the top of the furnace and
the blade of the shovel was driven into the
roof of the building.
In pharmacy and the arts substances
have been made either knowingly or acci-
dentally from mixtures of combustible sub-
stances and supporters of combustion which
have given rise to accidents, such as those
from the parlor match and the chlorate
troches,* or from sodium peroxide and so-
dium bisulphite mixtures, as in the White-
cross Street explosion, and the latter class
of mixtures are to be particularly dreaded
as the chemical action and subsequent ex-
plosion may be incited not only by contact
with fire, but also by contact with water.
Cavazzi { points out that mixtures of sodium
nitrate and hypophosphite detonate on heat-
ing, while Violette § proposed to use a mix-
ture of sodium nitrate and acetate as a sub-
stitute for gunpowder, and these are but a
few among the many explosive mixtures
which may be compounded.
* U. S. Nav. Inst. 11, 774; 1885.
+ J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 13, 298-200 ; 1894.
{ Gaz. Chim. Ital., 1886.
2 Berthelot sur la force de la poudre (3) 2, 315.
Makrcu 10, 1899. ]
Still another source of danger arises from
the production and use in laboratories, and,
frequently in common life, of chemical sub-
stances which areexplosive per se, though not
generally recognized as such, and we have
records of accidents, among others, from
bleaching powder,* from erythryl nitrate,
which has lately come into use in the treat-
ment of Angina Pectoris,t from ammonia
nitrate, { and there are many others, such as
the organic nitrates,§ nitroso compounds,]||
diazo bodies,4) diamides,** hydrozoic acid
and its derivatives, ++ hydroxylamines, {{
chlorates,$§ carbonyl compounds,|||| per-
manganates, 9/4] peroxides,*** chlorides} +t
and iodides, {{{ occurring in the laboratories
and used to a varying extent in the arts that
are so unstable as to give rise to serious acci-
dents if incautiously handled. We may no-
tice that so well known a compound as the
cupric ammonium nitrate, a body which is
often formed in the course of analysis, was
deemed by Nobel to possess such value as
an explosive that he took out patents for
its use in blasting.
The liquid state conduces more particu-
larly to accidents taking place since bodies
in this state are liable to escape from their
receptacles and to be found in unexpected
places. If combustible, when mingled with
the atmosphere or when saturating oxidiz-
ing agents they burn with extreme rapidity
* Rept. H. M. Insp. Exp. pg. 47; 1897.
+ Rept. H. M. Insp. Exp. pg. 50 ; 1898.
tJ. Chem. Soc. 683 ; 1882.
2 Compt rend 109, 92-95 ; 1889.
|| Comp. rend 108, 857-859 ; 1889.
{ Annalen 121, 257 ; 1860.
** J, Prk. Chem. 30, 27 ; 107.
+t Bericht. 23, 3023 ; 1890.
tf Rec. d. trav. Chim. Pays Bas 10, 101; 1891,
and J. Chem. Soc. 54, 425; 1888.
22 Compte rend. 105, 813 ; 1887.
\||| Bericht. 18, 7833 ; 1885.
(J. Chem. Soc 54, 230 ; 1888.
*** Compte rend. 106, 100; 1888.
ttt Bull. Soc. Chim. 50, 635-638.
tit J. Chem. Soc. 56, 766; 1889.
and produce very violent effects. When
such liquids give off vapors at the ordinary
temperatures, or those prevailing during use,
the danger is very materially increased, as
such vapors are more vagrant and, through
diffusion, readily mingle with the atmos-
phere. These properties are especially
characteristic of many of the products ob-
tained from coal tar and from petroleum,
bodies whose cheapness, abundance and
special adaptability have led to their ex-
tended use for domestic heating and light-
ing and for many purposes in the arts, but
which have, because of this widespread use
and in consequence of their possessing the
properties named, been the cause of an
enormous number of casualties. Dr. C. F.
Chandler* showed that much of the danger
attending the use of these oils in lamps
could be avoided by the elimination of
the paraffines of low boiling points, and
though not the pioneer, yet largely through
his active efforts and the agitation which
followed them, this principle has properly
become widely embodied in legislation.
This view as to the source of danger was
confirmed by the experiments of Newbury
and Cutter,} who found that all the par-
affines below nonane formed explosive mix-
tures with air at the ordinary temperatures,
notwithstanding that the boiling point of
octane is 124°C., and that the limit of a safe
oil as fixed by the ‘flashing test’ defined
by the New York State statutes is reached
only in decane. Yet this last-named com-
pound formed a violently explosive mixture
at the legal flashing temperature if but a
small quantity of the liquid was placed in
the copper testing vessel, thus indicating
that entire safety is not assured in its use
and that accidents might occur when it
is used in lamps so constructed that the oil
chamber becomes highly heated. Dewar}
* Petroleum as an Illuminator; Rept. N. Y. City
Board of Health for 1870.
+ Am. Chem. J. 10, 356-362 ; 1888.
{ Rept. H. M. Insp. Exp. 21, 55; 1897.
holds that the relative volatility of petro-
leum oil is asubject which is not sufficiently
known and appreciated. By comparing the
loss of weight during 24 hours of oils ex-
posed in shallow vessels under similar con-
ditions, he found at 66°F. an American
water white oil of 106° flash point lost 20.4
per cent., an oil of 75° flash point lost 27.4
per cent., and a Russian oil of 84° flash
point lost 28 per cent.
In observations that I have made it was
very apparent that the form and material
of the containing vessel are most important
factors in these volatilization experiments.
I have found, for instance, that a given vol-
ume of gasoline placed in an uncorked vial
and exposed to the ordinary atmospheric
conditions of a laboratory required 10 weeks
for complete volatilization when the same
volume of the same lot of gasoline placed
in an evaporating dish standing beside the
bottle volatilized completely in 8 hours.
The rate of evaporation of various hydro-
carbons under the same conditions has been
studied by Boverton Redwood.*
A menace in the use, storage and trans-
portation of these liquids rests in the
rapidity with which their vapors diffuse
through the air and form an explosive train
which reaching out to a source of ignition
flashes back with extreme rapidity through
the entire train and to its point of origin.
Sir Frederick Abel cited an instance of thisy
which happened at the Royal College of
Chemistry in 1847 when a glass vessel in
which benzene was being converted into
nitro-benzine broke and allowed the warm
liquid to escape and flow over a large sur-
face. Though the apartment was 38 feet
long, 30 feet wide and 10 feet high, and the
only ignited gas jet was at the end of the
room most remote from the glass vessel, yet,
in a very brief space of time after the vessel
* ‘Detection of Inflammable Gas and Vapor in the
Air,’ Frank Clowes, p. 191, 1896 ; London.
+ Roy. Inst. of Great Britain, March 13, 1885.
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 219.
broke, a sheet of flame flashed from the gas
jet and traveled along the upper part of the
room to the point where the fluid lay scat-
Also he cites the explosion of benzoline
at the mineral oil store in Exeter in 1882.
The store rooms were arched caves in the
side of a bank facing a canal and separated
from it by a roadway about 50 feet wide.
There was a standing rule forbidding any
light being taken to any of these store
rooms when they contained petroleum
spirit, but on the day in question it was
desired to remove some of the benzoline in
the early morning and the foreman visited
the store rooms before daylight to make
ready for the work. Forgetful of the rule,
he carried a lighted lantern, which he placed
on the ground some 27 feet away from the
cave, and was proceeding to open the door
when he observed a strong odor of benzo-
line and almost immediately noticed a flash
of flame proceed from the lantern to the
store and had barely time to turn to escape
when an explosion took place which blew
the doors and lantern across the canal and
inflamed the spirits in the store rooms.
Of course, the distance that these vapors
will travel will be determined by the cir-
cumstances of each individual case, but in
the case of the fire at the L. & N. W. R.
R. Co.’s gas factory in February, 1897,
through which the hydrocarbons in a cyl-
inder that was being rolled across the yard
about the works became ignited, the nearest
source of ignition was found in the boiler
fires, which were 60 feet away.*
Conditions such as these are more likely
still to obtain when these inflammable and
volatile substances are stored in enclosed
spaces, such as the hold of a vessel during
transportation, and they have been the cause,
under these conditions, of many fright-
ful accidents. As an example of these we
have the case of the explosion on Novem-
* Rept. H. M. Insp. Exp. 22, 57; 1898.
MARCH 10, 1899. ]
ber 21, 1888, on the petroleum-laden ketch
‘United’ at Bristol, England, through which
the docks were blown up, three men killed
and several injured, the glass in the win-
dows shattered for a radius of upwards of
300 feet, and extensive damage done by
The accident was made the subject of a
special report by Col. V. D. Majendie*
which contains the results of his investiga-
tion and the experiments by Dr. Dupré and
Mr. Boverton Redwood, from which it ap-
pears that the material on the ‘ United’
was ‘ deodorized naptha’ in forty-two gal-
lon barrels; that the average annual leak-
age on petroleum oil in barrels amounted,
in 1874, to 8 per cent. and on petroleum
spirit to double this quantity, and that,
though there has since been a great im-
provement in the treatment of the barrels,
it is still very large; that one volume of the
liquid gives 141 volumes of vapor at ordi-
nary temperature having a specific gravity
of 3.5 to 3.8; that one volume of the liquid
will render 16,000 volumes of air inflam-
mable, 6,000 most violent explosive, 5,000
strongly explosive, and 3,000 scarcely
explosive but combustible. The naptha
vapor alone or when mixed with air in
the best proportions was not ignited by a
shower of sparks from flint and steel; by a
stream of sparks from fireworks of various
kinds burning without flame; by incandes-
cent match ends, or by incandescent plati-
num heated by electricity to a red heat.
Even red-hot coals held over and some-
times falling upon a small quantity of the
spirit spilled on a wooden floor failed usu-
ally to ignite it, and the cause in those
cases in which ignition did take place in these
red-hot coal experiments was uncertain, as
there was a fire burning in a near by room.
Ignition was, however, certainly effected by
- the application of a flame or by contact with
a platinum wire approaching incandescence.
* Hyre & Spottiswoode, London, 1889, 30 pp.
The ‘fireworks’ test makes a striking
lecture experiment, especially the one de-
vised by Mr. Redwood with ‘ vesuvians,’ or
incandescent cigar lighters. For this pur-
pose he attaches two, of the glowing variety,
to a wire so that the tip of one will be in
contact with the base of the head of the
other. The latter is lighted, and when it
ceases to flame, and only glows, the mass is
thrust into the explosive mixture, where it
remains with the combustion, progressing
from tip to base and base to tip without
other effect until, when flame bursts from
the tip of the second vesuvian, the vapor-
ous mixture surrounding it is ignited and
an explosion ensues.
Col. Majendie has properly called atten-
tion in this report to the fundamental dis-
tinctions between the danger arising in the
transportation of a cargo of dynamite and
one of petroleum spirits, since in the former
case an explosion does not take place until
fire is brought to the dynamite, while in the
latter case the dangerous vapors will travel
to a fire ata considerable distance and even
through intervening bulkheads.
For this reason mixed cargoes of which
volatile inflammable liquids and explosives
constitute a part are particularly dangerous,
as was long since shown in the explosion of
the canal boat ‘Tilbury,’ in Regent Park,
in 1874, having on board five tons of gun-
powder and four barrels of benzoline and
also having a small fire burning in the after
cabin some 35 to 40 feet from the forehold
in which the petroleum was stored. Not-
withstanding that the cargo was covered
with tarpaulins and that there was an in-
tervening bulkhead, the vapors reached the
fire and a most devastating explosion fol-
lowed. The cargo was thus made up in
spite of a similar disastrous experience
from similar causes on the ‘ Lottie Sleigh,’
at Liverpool, in 1864,* and neither of them
have proved a sufficient warning to alto-
* Abel, loc. cit.
gether prevent subsequent reckless disre-
gard of all dictates of common prudence.
Yet, because of these experiences, at-
tempts have been made in some instances,
where small lots of spirit were taken by
vessels, to avert disaster by carrying them
as deck loads, but the experience on the
‘Solway,’ which carried 24 barrels of this
article on the main deck before the poop,
shows that this does not ensure security,
for, meeting with heavy weather, the casks
broke adrift, their vapors reached the galley
or cabin fires, and the vessel, with 19 per-
sons, was lost.
Even where great precautions are taken
to prevent accidents they not infrequently
occur from inflammable substances being
met with in unexpected places, or being in-
troduced surreptitiously in admixture with
harmless bodies. Nowhere, perhaps, is more
care taken in this respect than on passenger
steamships and in the naval service, yet 18
years ago a series of accidents occurred on
board English ships, the cause of which
was for a time veiled in mystery and which,
in the then-existing state of feeling conse-
quent on the dynamite outrages, aroused
the gravest apprehensions.
In June, 1880, a ‘violent explosion took
place, without any warning or apparent
cause, in the forepeak of the Pacific Steam
Navigation Co.’s steamer ‘Coquimbo,’
shortly after her arrival in Valparaiso.
Several plates were blown out of the bow,
and other structural damage was inflicted
while the ship’s carpenter, who was the
only person apparently who would have
thrown any light on the cause of the acci-
dent, was killed.
This explosion was followed on April
26, 1881, by a much more serious one on
the man-of-war ‘ Doterel’ (while at anchor
off Sandy Point, in the Straits of Magellan),
through which eight officers and 135 men
lost their lives and the vessel was destroyed.
In May, of the same year, an explosion
(N.S. Vox. IX. No. 219.
of trifling character happened on H. M.S.
‘ Cockatrice,’ in Sheerness Dockyard ; while
in November one, which was sufficiently
severe to kill two men, dangerously wound
two more (one fatally) and injure six oth-
ers, besides doing much damage to the
ship, occurred on H. M. S. ‘ Triumph,’ then
at Coquimbo.
The first suggestion as to the real cause
of these accidents was obtained in the in-
vestigation of that on the‘ Cockatrice,’ when
it was developed that, just previous to the
explosion, a man went into the store room
with a naked light which he held close to a
small can, that was uncorked at the time,
and which contained a preparation recently
introduced into the naval service (as a
‘drier’ for use with paint) under the
name of Xerotine Siccative, and that this
largely consisted of a most volatile petro-
leum product. As it had been issued with-
out knowledge of this fact, instructions
were at once sent out by the Admirality
directing that it should be stored and
treated with the same precautions as tur-
pentine and other highly inflammable
liquids or preparations; and these instruc-
tions had but recently reached the ‘ 'Tri-
umph’ when the accident narrated hap-
pened to her. Inquiry here developed the
fact that the explosion originated in the
paint room through bringing a lantern to a
compartment in which a leaky can of Sic-
cative had been stored, and following up this
clue the explosions on the ‘ Coquimbo’ and
‘“Doterel’ were fully and definitely proved
to have been due to the presence on board
of this same substance; while experiments
with the material showed that it was ca-
pable of producing all the destructive effects
observed, except, perhaps, in the case of the
‘ Doterel,’ where, from the two reports noted
and the other resemblances to the Regent
Park explosion, there was but little doubt
that the powder magazine was also exploded.
Such accidents were not, however, con-
Marcu 10, 1899. ]
fined to British vessels, for on October 13
1891, while the U.S.S. ‘ Atlanta ’ was going
to the rescue of the wrecked ‘Tallapoosa’
an explosion occurred on the ‘ Atlanta,’
which caused her immediate return to New
York. I was at once ordered by the Secre-
tary of Navy to proceed to New York and
investigate the accident.
I learned that while the ‘Atlanta’ was
laboring in a heavy sea she sprung a leak
through the hawse pipes and the forward
collision compartment began to fill with
water ; that a handy-billy was rigged to
pump the compartment; that about mid-
night the suction pipe became plugged, and
that on lowering a common lantern into the
compartment an explosion ensued, severely
injuring two men, slightly injuring four
others and bulging the steel collision bulk-
head. I found that the collision compart-
ment had been used as a store room for
paints; that among them were spar and
damar varnishes and Japan dryer, each of
which gave off inflammable vapors at ordi-
nary temperatures ; that the packages were
sealed in a very insecure manner, aud that,
as this compartment filled and the vessel
tossed, the cans were opened and their con-
tents churned up so as to readily form ex-
plosive mixtures with the air.
I learned further that on June 15th pre-
vious a fire and explosion had taken place
on board the U. S.S. ‘ Philadelphia’ in close
proximity to her powder magazine, and
that another had occurred on the U.S. S.
‘ Bennington,’ all being evidently due to the
same material.
But notwithstanding these vigorous les-
sons the tale continues, and on April 14,
1896,* a ‘petroleum accident’ occurred on
board the Cunarder S.58. ‘Servia’ whena
party of men were engaged in painting the
inside of a water-ballast tank. The tank,
-which was 3 feet 6 inches deep, was divided
into 16 compartments, with 18 inches aper-
* Rept. H. M. Insp. Exp. 21, 53; 1897.
ture between each. The farthest com-
partment was being painted at the time, and
it was necessary to crawl through 15 of the
small apertures toreachit. The paint used
was styled Patent Bitumastic Solution, and
one of the survivors testified that it took
him four or five minutes to reach the com-
partments, ten minutes to do the painting,
and four or five minutes to return, and that
he could not stoop down any longer, as it
made him dazed and queer in his head.
All the witnesses testified that the use of
the solution in confined spaces made them
drunk and delirious if they remained any
length of time at work. This is a well-
known effect of the lighter petroleums, and
it is not surprising that the solution was
found to consist of coal tar dissolved in
crude oil, having a flashing point of 45° F.
Abel, and containing so much volatile
matter that one gallon spread over a large
surface would render 48 cubic feet of air in-
Notwithstanding this the workman went
into this inner compartment, which was
already partly covered with the freshly-laid
solution and containing a_partly-filled
bucket of it, with a lighted candle. Some
time having passed without hearing from
him, another workman went to his assist-
ance and found the place on fire and the
man burned and delirious. He was so de-
lirious as to fight against coming out, and
it took an hour and a-half with assistance
to get him through the apertures and up
the manhole, and he afterwards died in the
hospital from the effects of the disaster.
Even while writing this we learn from the
local press that a fire, preceded by an ex-
plosion, due to the use of Bitumastic Solu-
tion, occurred at the Central Market House,
Washington, D. C., on November 16, 1898.
The notorious ‘ Hair Dresser’s Accident’
of June 26, 1897, through which Mrs.
Samuelson was fatally injured in London,
by the ignition of a petroleum hair wash
which was being used as a shampoo, illus-
trates anew the manifold uses to which
these hydrocarbons are being put, and it
brought out strongly the belief of com-
petent authorities, like Lord Kelvin, that
these substances could be ignited by fric-
tional electricity ; a theory which had been
offered before in explanation of accidents in
which there was no other apparent source
of ignition.
The widespread distribution of these
spirits in the hands of retailers, or as used
for carburetters in isolated vapor-lighting
plants and as employed in the arts for sol-
vents, cleansing agents and for other pur-
poses has led to their accumulation, through
leakage or by being discharged after use,
in low places, such as cellars, cisterns, wells,
sewers and the bilges of ships, where they
have remained, in some instances for long
periods of time, unknown and unnoticed,
their origin even being completely forgotten
and untraceable, until, when, in the course
of events, these out-of-the-way places have
been reentered, these bodies have given rise
toaccidents. It is a well-known precaution
of the past before entering a well or cave to
test its atmosphere for carbon dioxide by
means of a naked candle, but this very
method of procedure has, since the intro-
duction of petroleum, been the cause of
accidents, and to be assured of security we
must now remove and test the air before
The extended consumption of naphtha for
carburretting water gas, and the ease with
which it is conveyed through pipes, has re-
sulted in the use of systems of pipe lines in
our cities to carry the oil from the trans-
portation lines or store tanks to the works.
Such a line was laid in Rochester, New
York, and on December 21, 1887, it gave
rise to an explosion which killed three men,
seriously injured twenty, destroyed three
large flour mills, tore up the streets for a
considerable distance and inflicted an esti-
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 219.
mated loss of $250,000. This pipe line,
which was made of 38-inch wrought-iron
pipe, one and one-half miles in length, had
been in successful use for six years, the
spirits being pumped through it every two
weeks in lots of from twelve to fifteen thous-
and gallons each. From the Appeal Book’
in re Ann Lee vs. The Vacuum Oil Co.,
Rochester, 1889, we learn that the convey-
ance of the naptha was complete on De-
cember 7th; on December 8th the contrac-
tors constructing a,sewer exposed a section
of the pipe line for several feet, and in
blasting beneath it a piece of rock struck
the pipe with sufficient force to bend it up
nearly nine inches at the point struck and
to separate it at a joint farther on under-
ground and closely connected with a sewer ;
that on the day fixed for the next delivery,
December 21st, the Oil Company, being
unaware of the then-existing conditions,
pumped the full supply into the pipe, none
of which reached the gas works, but, on the
contrary, found its way, by the broken joint,
into the sewers, and was thus distributed
over the city; that the pumping of the oil
began at 12:15 p. m.; the odor was noticed
shortly after 1 p. m., coming from a sewer
at a point nearly a mile distant from the
break ; the first explosion occurred at this
point at 3:20 p. m., and immediately ex-
tended westward back to the break and
eastward to the outlet of the sewers, tossing
up manhole plates, uplifting roadways and
overturning buildings; that the explosive
mixture was ignited by a fire under a steam
boiler, and that this vapor found its way
from the sewer to the fire through an un-
trapped water closet at a point where ex-
haust steam was being injected into the
At the trial, Mr. F. L. King, p. 173,
stated that crude naphtha, flashing point
13°F., percolated through earth six times as
fast as water at the same temperature, his
several experiments being made with tem-
MARcH 10, 1899. ]
peratures varying for the liquids from 38°F.
to 60°F. and for the earths from 32°F. to
60°F. Mr. George B. Selden, p. 178,
found the mixture of naptha and air in the
best proportions, to give, on explosion, a
pressure of 140 pounds per square inch,
while coal gas and air in the best propor-
tions gave 160 pounds per square inch, and
that the ignition point of the naphtha mix-
ture was 950°C. while that of the coal gas
mixture was 800°C.
I have already referred to the means
taken for ensuring the removal of the more
volatile hydrocarbons from domestic kero-
sene, a subject which has been very exhaus-
tively treated by Rudolph Weber.* It has,
however, been seriously stated that the
lighter oils, such as benzoline or naphtha,
might be rendered safe for use in lamps
by adding alum, sal ammoniac or camphor
to them, and many innocent persons have
suffered in consequence of their belief in
the efficacy of these substances. Some
years since} I tested the effect of these bod-
ies by determining their solubility in ben-
zoline, the flashing points of benzoline and
commercial kerosene when treated with
these bodies and when in their original
state, and also the readiness with which
mixtures of the oils, in the two conditions,
with air could be exploded. The results
showed that alum and sal ammoniac were
practically insoluble in the oils and pro-
duced no effect whatever upon them ; that
the camphor was soluble, one gram of ben-
zoline dissolving about 1.5 grams of cam-
phor; that an equal weight of camphor
raised the flashing point of a kerosene 12° ;
but that, on the other hand, the vapor of
this camphorated kerosene, when mixed
with air, had a lower point of ignition, and
hence exploded with greater readiness than
the original kerosene.
What is true regarding the use, storage
* Ding. poly. J. 241, 277 and 383; 1881.
} Proc. A. A. A. S. 33, 174; 1885.
and transportation of petroleum products
holds for other easily volatile liquids.
Professor Thomas Graham, in his report” on
the cause of the loss of the ‘Amazon’ on
January 4, 1852, pointed out clearly the
danger in transporting turpentine, while
the destruction of the ‘ Livadia,’ of Liver-
pool, May 11, 1891, carrying a cargo of car-
bon disulphide, emphasizes the hazard at-
tending this substance, for this heavy and
very mobile liquid gives off quite rapidly
at ordinary temperatures a vapor which is
2.64 times heavier than air, and which not
only readily collects at the bottom of any
space in which it is produced, but follows in
a stream like water.
One of the more striking characteristics
of the mixture which this vapor forms with
air is its low point of ignition. The tiniest
spark; a cinder after it has ceased to glow,
or the striking together of two pieces of
iron without sparking, are sufficient to de-
termine its ignition. This property may
be exhibited by plunging a glass rod heated
to 231° C., (450° F.) (a temperature at
which it can be touched with the bare hand)
into the mixture.
The use of ether, alcohol, acetone and al-
dehyde, with nitroglycerine and guncotton,
for the manufacture of smokeless powders,
and of the esters as solvents for pyroxylin
in the making of the varnishes that are
largely used in household decoration, are
some of the more modern forms of hazard,
while the explosion at the Hotel Endicott,
in New York, and at Newark, N. J., indi-
cate what may be expected from the more
extended use of liquefied air and liquefied
Although Dr. John Clayton, the Dean of
Kildare, in the sixteenth century, effected
the destructive distillation of coal and col-
lected and burned the gas from it, } it was
* Spontaneous Combustion and Explosions occur-
ring in Coal Cargoes, Thomas Rowan, p. 40, 1882.
} Treatise on Coal Gas, William Richards, 1877.
not till 1792 that William Murdock devised
the means for utilizing the substance and
erected a plant at Cornwall, England, with
which to light his house and office, and
alter several years of active agitation by the
energetic promoter, F. A. Winsor, that in
1810 an Act of Incorporation was obtained
for the London and: Westminster Gas-Light
and Coke Co., and the first installation ona
large scale for lighting the streets of a city
and supplying the public began, and through
the ingenuity and resources of Samuel
Clegg, the engineer, the devices were in-
vented or assembled by which the practical
manufacture, storage, distribution and use
was successfully accomplished.
From this source the use of gas for light-
ing and heating extended over the world,
reaching New York in 1834 and bringing
in its train comfort and cheer, increased
security, and added power to man, so long
as the substance was confined to its proper
channels and used in proper devices, but
carrying also the possibility of working
harm if the vigilance of its keepers was re-
laxed and it escaped from bounds; there-
fore beginning with the explosion at the
lime purifier of the Peter Street Station,
London, in 1814, through which Mr. Clegg
was injured and two 9-inch walls thrown
down, we have a vast army of explosive ac-
cidents originating in the ignition of mix-
tures of illuminating gas with air.
Owing to the circumstances attending
some of these explosions there has arisen a
vulgar opinion that illuminating gas is an
explosive ; in fact, in a recent case* counsel
cited opinions of courts deciding ‘gas’ to
be explosive ; yet every chemist knows
that it is not explosive per se and that it
cannot even be made to ignite unless in
contact with air or other supporter of com-
While we know the truth and may be
able to demonstrate the fact, itis very satis-
* Proc. U. S. Nav: Inst. 22, 638; 1896.
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 219.
factory to be able also to cite the results of
experience on a large scale; therefore the
following from the Journal of Gaslighting,
August 1, 1871, may be welcome. It ap-
pears that at the bombardment of Paris the
Governor of the city feared that the gas
holders of La Villette would endanger the
fortifications. He was assured that there
was not the smallest risk; that if a pro-
jectile penetrated a gas holder and set fire
to the gas the latter would only burn out
as a jet of flame, and that there could be no
such thing as an explosion, since the con-
stant pressure would effectually prevent
any access of air. Shortly after a shell
pierced the holder at Ivry and lighted the
gas. There was a huge jet of flame for
eight minutes; the holder sank slowly
and all was over. At La Villette a shell
penetrated a filled gas holder and burst
in the interior without igniting the gas.
At Vaugirard another shell entered, and
again there was neither ignition nor ex-
Many of the accidents from coal gas and
its congeners, ‘water gas,’ ‘ producer gas,’
and ‘generator gas,’ have been due to the
escape of the gases from the interred pipes
and mains from which they have reached
sewers, cesspools, celiars and other enclosed
places, for, though these gas conduits may
be sound and tight when laid, leakage will
in time be caused by the corrosive action of
materials in the soil, by electrolysis, by
fluctuations in temperature, by settlement
in filled ground and by seismic changes.’
The extent of this leakage from the mains
in New York City was discussed in a Legis-
lative investigation some nine years ago,
and, while the Chemist and Health Depart-
ment claimed that ten per cent. of the en-
tire annual product or one thousand million
cubic feet escaped, the gas companies’ rep-
resentatives, denied that more than one
hundred million feet were lost in each year.
* Milne, McClure’s Magazine, 11, 77-27 ; 1898.
MaARcH 10, 1899. ]
W. C. Holmes & Co.* give the allowed
leakage as five per cent. and the average
leakage as ten per cent., while H. Tobey, in
his paper on ‘ Elusive Leakages from Mains
and Services,’} which was warmly discussed
by the gas association before which it was
read, shows that the condition still exists,
and he gives illustrations showing the dan-
ger consequent on leaving abandoned sew-
ers in place.
Owing to the fact that Bunsen, Angus-
Smith, Letheby and Durand-Claye found
large quantities of methane, hydrogen sul-
phide, and sometimes carbon monoxide, in
the gases from stagnant sewage decompos-
ing under water, there has arisen a belief
that ‘sewer gas’ is explosive. Simple con-
sideration of the facts that such stagnation
cannot occur in a properly constructed
sewer, and that such a change does not take
place in flowing sewage, is sufficient to cast
doubt on the existence of such a gas. It
has been completely shown by Professor
Wm. Ripley Nichols, in his Chemical Ex-
amination of Sewer Air,{ as the result of
his own extended observations, and from the
discussion of numerous data by other in-
vestigators, that sewer air differs from ordi-
nary air only in containing a larger percent-
age of carbon dioxide, and that ‘sewer air
is neither inflammable nor explosive.’ The
air of vaults and cesspools is, of course, a
different thing, as the material in these may
become stagnant.
It was as early as 1819 that an English
patent was granted to David Gordon and
Edward Heard for compressing gas in
strong copper or other vessels fitted with
ingenious reducing valves for regulating its
rate of emission ; 30 feet of gas being com-
pressed into a volume of one cubic foot,
and gas so compressed in cylinders of two
* Instructions for the Management of Gas Works,
yp. 41, London, 1874.
ft Am. Gas Light J. 64, 767; 1896.
{ Rept. Supt. of Sewers, Boston, Mass., 1879.
cubic feet capacity were conveyed to the
houses of consumers, with which to operate
an isolated plant. Sometimes the pressure
was sufficient to liquefy the gas, and it is
interesting to note that it was in the liquid
from one of these reservoirs that Faraday
discovered benzene.
Naturally the tension of the gas itself
tends to rupture the receptacle, and many
accidents from explosions of this nature
have occurred owing to defects in the cyl-
inders, or to the exposure of the filled cyl-
inders to unduly high temperatures, or to
shocks; a recent accident that could not
be explained in any other way occurred at
Albany, N. Y. on December 6, 1893.*
With the increased demand for com-
pressed gases of various kinds under high
tensions, such as carbon dioxide, sulphur
dioxide, ammonia, chlorine, nitrogen mon-
oxide, acetylene, air and others which are
being used or introduced for commercial,
scientific or domestic purposes, there is be-
ing developed a continued improvement in
the strength and homogeneity of the cylin-
ders, so that the danger from this cause is
Although Dr. Robert Hare had invented
his oxyhydrogen blowpipe in 1801, } yet in
1834 Gordon and Deville were granted a
patent for their calcium or‘ lime’ light. It
was expected by the projectors that this
form of light would replace gas, as burned
from ordinary burners, for lighting streets,
and it caused the holders of gas securities
much anxiety, but as we are now aware the
device came to be used for geodetic, scien-
tific and exhibition purposes only.
Where the gases stored in vessels are of
an inflammable nature there is an additional
risk to that due to the tension of the gas,
since by admixture with air or oxygen an
explosion occurs on ignition. One source
of these accidents arises from the diffusion
* Proc. U. S. Nav. Inst. 22, 638 ; 1896.
t+ J. Am. Chem. Soc. 19, 779; 1897.
of one gas back into the reservoir of another
gas, but this is entirely prevented by proper
regulation of the pressure and size of the
orifice. Another arises from confusing the
cylinders when filling them, and to prevent
this the cylinders have been painted differ-
ent colors. Yet, as shown by the fatal ac-_
cident described by W. N. Hartley,* this
has not prevented the deliberate interchange
of the cylinders under the pressing demands
of trade, and the usual causalty has followed.
Therefore, he proposes that the fittings for
the two classes of cylinders be made so en-
tirely different that it will be practically
impossible to charge the cylinder with the
wrong gas, and in view of the probable in-
creased use of gas in this form, as indicated
by Mr. Thomas Fletcher,} the change should
be made. Yet I doubt if it will be, except
under compulsion of law, for I have learned
in my efforts to introduce safety explosives
in this country that the great majority will
not secure the assurance of safety if this
entails a little inconvenience and the taking
of a little more pains.
A more common source of accident has
come from impurities introduced in the
making of the oxygen, as, at Nahant, Mass.,
where pulverized stibnite was mistaken for
pyrolusite, and mixed with the potassium
chlorate. Limonsin describes an accident
at Cannes in 1880, which attracted unusual
attention from the factitious circumstance
that the gas was being prepared for the
Empress of Russia,{ and found the cause
in the evolution of hydrocarbons from the
rubber connecting tube by particles of
heated potassium perchlorate carried into
it through the turbulence of the reaction.
While Professor C. A. Young gives an ac-
count § of the explosion at Princeton while
* Chem. News, 59, 75: 1889.
+ ‘On a New Commercial Application of Oxygen.’
J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 7, 182; 1888.
£U.S. Nav. Inst. 14, 167 ; 1888.
Sci. Am., p. 369, June 11, 1887.
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 219.
filling a steel cylinder with oxygen by
means of a water-jacketed, steam force
pump, and finds the cause in oil used for
lubricating the pump being sprayed into the
gas cylinder so as to form an explosive
mixture with the oxygen. He recommends
the use of soap suds as a lubricant in place
of oil. Frankland* describes a similar in-
stance and gives a similar explanation.
Recently my attention has been called to
several accidental explosions of oxyhydro-
gen mixtures formed in the operation of
storage batteries, the detonating gas being
fired by the spark formed on breaking con-
nections at the battery.
But of all circumstances under which
explosions occur the most awful are those
which so frequently happen in mines, for if
the miner escapes instant death it too often
is but to die from suffocation, or, worse yet,
to be entombed and perish from starvation
preceded perhaps by insanity.
It has long been known that fire damp
found its way into coal mines, and in 1674
Mr. Jessop communicated to the Royal So-
ciety a description of the accident met with
by Mr. Michel, who penetrated into the gal-
lery of a coal pit, in Yorkshire, with a
naked torch and was severely burned. It
is interesting to note} that, when rescued,
he declared he had heard no noise, though
the workmen in the vicinity had been ter-
rified by a tremendous report accompanied
by a vibration of the earth. As is to be
expected, from what we now know of nat-
ural gas, inflammable gases are not confined
to coal mines, but, as shown by B. H.
Brough,t they are met with in metalliferous
mines and other excavations also.
The appalling nature of these catastrophes
led to efforts being made to at least reduce
their frequency, if not to prevent them alto-
gether, an extended account of these being
* Am. Gas Light J. 5, 289 ; 1864.
+ Treatise on Coal Gas, Wm. Richards, p. 4, 1877.
t School of Mines Quarterly 12, 13-22 ; 1890.
Marcu 10, 1899. ]
given in Mining Accidents and their Pre-
vention by Sir Frederick Abel, N. Y., 1889.
It was early recognized that the presence of
naked light was a constant source of danger,
and hence the invention of the safety
lamp by Sir Humphrey Davy, in 1816, *
was hailed as a most beneficent gift of
science, and this was soon followed by the
lamps of George Stephenson and Dr. Clauny.
When exposed but a short time in at atmos-
phere rich in gas and which is moving at a
low velocity these lamps protected the miner,
but if allowed to remain for some time in the
gas-rich atmosphere the gauze becomes
heated to the ignition point of the gas, from
the gas mixture burning within it. By the
introduction of ventilating appliances to re-
move the gas the currents of air in the
mainways frequently reach a velocity of be-
tween twenty and twenty-five feet, and be-
tween two airways it may rise to thirty-five
feet per second. In breaking down the
coal the confined gas may rush out at a
very high velocity, it being found by experi-
ment at the Boldon Colliery that the gas
may be under as great a pressure as 461
pounds to the square inch. And, finally, the
air and gas may be set in motion at a high
velocity by the firing of explosives to bring
down the rock or coal, and more especially
by a ‘blown out’ shot. Under such con-
ditions the primitive safety lamps above de-
scribed failed, but protected lamps have been
invented which have resisted currents of
even fifty feet per second for a brief period,
though it is said that these are insecure in
certain positions to which they may be
tilted in practice, and that the glass eylin-
ders are liable to fracture.
Instead of relying upon the safety lamps
for protection a better method of procedure
is to test the atmosphere of workings for the
presence of fire damp before allowing the
workmen to operate. Various methods
have been pursued, and these are resumed
* Trans. Roy. Sec. 106, 1.
in ‘The Detection and Measurement of In-
flammable Gas and Vapor in Air, by Dr.
Frank Clowes, 1896, London,’ and he there
describes a very ingenious and efficient fire
damp detector which he has devised. This
consists of a simple and convenient hydro-
gen lamp by which one can detect 1/10 of
one per cent. of methane or 25/100 of one
per cent. of coal gas in air. He attaches a
small steel cylinder (weighing about four-
teen ounces) charged with hydrogen under
100 atmospheres of pressure to the side of a
safety lamp, and leads the gas through a
minute copper tube up beside the wick
holder of the lamp, there being a reducing
valve attached to the cylinder by which to
feed the hydrogen to the lamp as desired in
order to control the height of the flame.
The lamp is lighted as usual at the oil
wick and covered; then, when the atmos-
phere which it is desired to test is reached,
the hydrogen is turned on and ignited, the
oil flame is pricked out, the hydrogen flame
adjusted to a regulation height of 10 mm.
and the flame observed through the chimney
against a black background. If an inflam-
mable gas be present it will produce a pale
blue cap about the hydrogen flame, and the
height of this cap will increase with the
per cent. of the gas in the atmophere. By
means of a scale on the chimney the height
is measured and the per cent. determined.
In his experiments Clowes obtained the
following :
Combustible gas Percentage of Method of Kindling
used. Gas in Air.
Lower Explo- Higher Explo-
sive Limit. sive Limit.
Methane 5 13 Upward.
6 11 Downward.
Coal gas Nottingham 6 29 Upward.
4 22 Downward.
Water gas 9 55 Upward.
Hydrogen 5 72 i
Carbon monoxide 13 75 “
Ethylene 4 22 se
Acetylene 3 82 Downward.
The lower ‘limit’ of inflammable gas
represents the minimum proportion which,
when mixed with air under ordinary con-
ditions, will burn rapidly, and will, under
certain couditions, produce explosions. If
the proportion of inflammable gas mixed
with the air is less than this in amount the
mixture will only burn in the immediate
neighborhood of the kindling flame, and
will not burn throughout. If, on the other
hand, the proportion of inflammable gas in
the air exceeds the maximum ‘ limit’ the
gas will only be kindled and burn where it
is in contact with an additional supply of
All proportions of gas intermediate be-
tween these limits are explosive when
mixed with air, consequently the chance of
an explosion resulting from the presence of
one of these gases in the air is the greater,
the more widely the ‘limits’ are apart,
since this gives rise to the possibility of a
larger number of explosive mixtures being
produced. Therefore, the danger of explo-
sion is least with methane and greatest
with acetylene. Methane is a safer gas
also because it has a high temperature
and a slow rate of ignition. All of these
condititions tend to lessen the number of
colliery explosions. It is to be noted that
mixtures that cannot be ignited when the
flame is applied to their upper surface may
be fired from below, and this is the method
of firing most probable to occur in coal
Few of the gases mentioned occur singly
under conditions likely to give rise to dan-
ger. More commonly the combustible gases
are present in a state of mixture, as in water
gas and in coal gas.
In giving ‘limits’ it is assumed that the
temperature of the mixture is not above
18°C. and that the pressure does not exceed
76 cm., for a gaseous mixture which is not
inflammable under these conditions may
become inflammable under increased tem-
[N.S. Vox. IX. No. 219.
perature or pressure, and also that a mix-
ture that by ordinary test appears unin-
flammable will propagate flame if a con-
siderable volume of gas be projected into it,
owing to the resulting increase in tempera-
ture and pressure.
It will be observed that Clowes’ detector
reveals the presence 6f gas in proportions
much below the danger point and gives
timely warning.
The ignition of the fire damp has been
frequently caused by the gunpowder and
‘straw’ used in blasting, for the outbursts
of gas from the shaken coal and the outrush
of flame and incandescent particles from
the blast were often coincident. The use
of electric primers and detonators remedied
entirely the evils following the use of straws
and naked fuse, and the employment of the
high explosives gave greater immunity by
reducing the frequency of the blasts.
Greater security still has followed the use
of the flameless explosives made from nitro-
substitution compounds, or dynamites in
which crystalline salts, like sodium carbon-
ate and alum, containing a larger amount of
water of crystallization, are incorporated in
the mass, or water cartridges, in which the
explosive in the bore holes is placed in a
water bag or surrounded by moss, or other
porous substances, saturated with water.
The occurrence of these mining accidents
has caused the authorities grave concern,
and several of the European governments,
notably Prussia, France and England, have
appointed many commissions, some tem-
porary and others continuous, to investi-
gate the reasons for the accidents and the
methods of prevention. Many of the most
prominent chemists of these countries
have been called to serve upon the
commissions, and their reports have
proved not only useful in the solution of
the problem in hand, but have been val-
uable contributions to chemical science.
One of the more recent consequences of
MARkcBH 10, 1899. ]
their deliberations is the establishment at
Woolwich, England, of a station for testing
all explosives offered for use in coal mines,
and hereafter no explosives but those which
successfully pass these tests can be used,
and then only in the manner minutely de-
scribed in governmental authorization.*
The closer study of the phenomena of
explosions in gases, consequent on these in-
vestigations, has developed many interest-
ing facts. Bunsen found that when mix-
tures of hydrogen and oxygen and of carbon
monoxide and oxygen in equivalent pro-
portions were inflamed the union went on
by fits and starts, and that the velocity of
propagation of the reaction, through nar-
row orifices, was 34 meters per second in
the hydrogen-oxygen mixture, and but one
meter per second in the carbon monoxide-
oxygen mixture.t Mallard tested various
mixtures of methane and air, and coal gas
and air, in the same way finding the ve-
locity of combustion to diminish rapidly as
the proportion of inert gases present in-
creased, and obtaining a maximum speed in
the case of eight volumes of air to one vol-
ume of marsh gas of 0.56 meters per second. {
Berthelot, using tubes of 40 meters in
length and 5 millimeters in diameter, ob-
tained velocities of 2,810 meters per second
for hydrogen-oxygen, 1,089 for carbon
monoxide-oxygen and 2,287 for me-
thane-oxygen, § and found that the reac-
tion could be propagated in three dif-
ferent ways: First, by combustion, as
observed by Bunsen, in which the heat
evolved is being continually lost through
radiation and conduction, and in which, con-
sequently, the pressure is exerted by the
layer of burning molecules on their adjacent
molecules, and hence their velocity of trans-
* Rept. Com. to inquire into the History of Ex-
plosives for Use in Coal Mines, London, 1897.
} Ann. Chim. Phys. (4) 14, 449.
{ Ann de Mines 8, 1871.
2 Sur la force de la poudre, 1, 153.
lation tends constantly toward a minimum.
Second, by detonation in which the heat
evolved, the pressure produced by the re-
acting molecules on contiguous molecules,
and the velocity of translation of the ex-'
plosive reaction all tend toward the max-
imum. And, finally, an intermediate stage ;
all three being marked by distinct waves.
Von Octtinger and von Gernet* have, by a
very ingenious arrangement, succeeded in
photographing, first, a fundamental one,
which they style Berthelot’s wave ; second,
more or less parallel secondary waves,
whose existence they explain on Bunsen’s
hypothesis of the reflex action of waves due
to succéssive explosions produced by the
electric spark, and which they style Bun-
sen’s waves ; and third, polygonal waves of
smaller amplitude. They obtained a veloc-
ity of 2,800 meters per second, which is of
the same magnitude as those obtained by
Berthelot and Vieille’s experiments show
that when an explosion occurs in a gaseous
mixture a number of ignited molecules are
projected ,forward with a velocity corre-
sponding with the maximum temperature
produced by the chemical combination.
The impact of these molecules causes the
ignition of the adjacent particles, and the
rate of progression of the combustion is
thus dependent upon the activity of the
chemical action.
Mallard and Le Chatelier find that the
rate of propagation of flame through an in-
flammable gaseous mixture is affected not
only by the temperature and size of the
igniting flame, but also by the mechanical
agitation or disturbance of the mixture it-
self. These results are not surprising when
it is considered that for the spread of com-
bustion in an inflammable gaseous mixture
itis necessary that the temperature of the
combustion should be sufficient to ignite the
uninflamed portion.
* Ann. der Phys.
Dr. W. H. Birchmore* has devised an
apparatus for firing gaseous mixtures which
shows many of those phenomena. He uses
two large bulbs connected by a tube of de-
termined for explosion
chamber and a large tin foil condenser for
dimension his
igniting the mixture, and he finds the phe-
nomena to be different from those observed
in tubes ignited in the ordinary way. The
reaction takes place more promptly and
sharply, and when using hydrogen and air
in variable amount not only is some of the
oxygen ozonized, but hydrogen dioxide is
produced with the water of the reaction.
When using acetylene, with sufficient air
to consume it theoretically, some of the
carbon is separated out in the solid form,
although free oxygen was found in the resi-
dues, and it was not until he had reached
eight times the volume of air required by
the theory that he got the theoretical amount
of carbon dioxide.
He also describes a form of experiment
which very cleverly illustrates the succes-
sive phenomena occurring in the acetylene
explosion at Paris.
The minimum volume of_an inflammable
gas which forms an explosive mixture with
air is very considerably reduced if fine dust
is present in the air. Buddle directed at-
tention some 90 years ago, in an account of
the Wallsend Colliery explosion, to the
destructive effect produced by the ignited
coal dust at a distance from the point of
first explosion. Robert Bald, in 1828,
pointed out} that the blast of flame from a
fire-damp explosion might ignite the coal
dust on the floor of the pit. Faraday and
Lyell, in their report on the Haswell Col-
liery explosion of September, 1844, demon-
strated that coal dust may be instrumental
in greatly extending and in increasing the
disastrous effects of fire-damp explosions.
* Am. Gas Light J. 67, 563-565 ; 1897.
{ Ed. Phil. J. 5, 107; 1828.
t{ Inst. C. E. Tracts, vol. 284.
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 219.
Abel* has shown that the presence of finely
divided incombustible mineral matter in air
containing less than 2 per cent. of fire damp
causes the latter to become explosive on igni-
tion, and Galloway has proved that a mixture
of air containing less than oneper cent. of fire
damp can be made to explode when charged
with finely divided coal dust. I have applied
this observation of the effect of the dust in
facilitating explosions to lecture experiments
with inflammable gaseous mixtures. +
The explosion at the Capitol on Novem-
ber 6th was confined to that portion of the
building known as the, Supreme Court
section and which joins the Senate wing to
the central structure. In the center of this
section isa dome which is rarely noticed,
as it is completely overshadowed by the
central dome of the Capitol. This dome is
supported in the sub-basement on piers,
while all about these piers are brick vaults
and arches of varying heights, carrying the
many partition walls and floors above them,
and these, with those radiating from under
the big dome and the connecting passages,
form a perfect labyrinth. The complexity
is increased by several of the spaces having
been enclosed with brick walls so as to carry
steam-heating coils and for other purposes.
A large part of the wall space had been
fitted with shelving, and these were filled
to overflowing with pamphlets. One space
was used as an engine room, from which to
operate a Sturtevant blower that fed air
over the coils. This engine was provided
with a woven guard screen to protect
passers-by, made from 5/16-inch wrought-
iron rods, riveted on each edge into two
wrought-iron bars, each of which was 7/8
inches wide by 7/16 inches thick. Directly
opposite this screen and leading south was
a low, narrow passage that opened into one
of the largest and highest of the vaults, in
which was stowed, in the open spaces be-
* Accident in Mines, Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., 1888.
+ Proc. U. S. Nav. Inst. 12, 429; 1886.
Marcu 10, 1899. ]
hind two supporting walls or piers, the ash
from the wood fires which were burned in
the rooms above. These hickory ash pits,
as they were styled, were south of and
directly in line with the passage leading to-
ward the iron screen. This series of com-
partments was on the extreme west of the
sub-basement. A few of the exterior com-
partments of the sub-basement received a
very little daylight, but all the rest was
wholly dependent on artificial light and
several gas jets were kept constantly ighted.
In the center of the sub-basement, under
the dome, was a large gas meter connected
to a 4-inch main and having on its outlet
end a 200-light glycerine gas governor.
This meter had not been in use for some
time, and the inlet valve was closed,
but the outlet valve was open, and it
was discovered afterwards that this outlet
pipe was also connected with a live 4-inch
main. The explosion occurred about 5:15
p- m.,and its effects were observed over
47,000 cubic feet of the basement and up-
ward quite to the dome. By the explosion
the brick arches, covered with earth and
then with heavy stone pavement slabs, were
torn up, brick partitions and supporting
walls were overthrown, stout locked doors
on the upper floors were torn open, and
there was a general wrecking of all the
lighter structural parts. Observation of
the lay of the wreckage showed conclu-
sively that it radiated in all directions from
a point about the gas meter, and that the
most violent effects were in general at the
points most distant from this center. The
most violent effect of all was on the west,
where the heavy granite screen wall form-
ing the fagade of the building was displaced
by 14 inches, and the stout wire protecting
screen about the engine was forced into a
depth of two feet from the original plane
for an area of three feet in diameter, and
many of the stout rods were ruptured.
Searching examination showed that no ex-
plosive or other explosive-forming material
than illuminating gas could have been pres-
ent ; that for thirty minutes prior to the ex-
plosion there was for some reason a gas pres-
sure of twice the normal ; that under an ex-
cessive pressure gas would flow through the
governor, and that this could furnish suffi-
cient gas to do the work accomplished
The gas had a specific gravity of 0.601,
and as it escaped it flowed through the
devious passages and compartments, filling
first the pockets with mixtures of various
proportions and settling lower and lower
until the stratum reached down to the level
of the burning gas jets where it was fired.
These were near the meter, where, of course,
the gas would be richest. Here was the
region of combustion. As the tongue of
flame rushed under the low archways and
through the passageways to the higher
vaults beyond, it produced a violent disturb-
ance of the atmosphere, thoroughly com-
mingling the gas and air and throwing a
mass of inflamed gas into their midst, thus
producing a greatly accelerated combustion
and explosion. When this tongue of flame
burst into the compartment containing the
hickory ash this dust was also intimately
commingled with the gas-laden atmosphere,
and here was produced the most violent of all
the effects manifested; for the granite
screen wall that was displaced was on the
right side of the hickory ash pits, and the
stout wire screen that was perforated was
directly in front of them and at the end of
the low and narrow passage leading from
the vault containing these pits; and fur-
ther the most violent effects produced on
the upper floors, quite to the top of the
building, were about the spiral staircase
leading from the compartment containing
the wire screen and which was but a con-
tinuation, through the low, narrow passages
of the compartment containing the hickory
ash. CuHar.es E. Munroe.
A Case of Eqg Within Egg. F. H. Herricx.
A sMALL egg of the fowl, measuring 21 by
17 mm., was taken from the yolk of an ap-
parently otherwise normal egg. The in-
cluded egg possesses a hard shell, shell
membrane, albumen and yolk. Various
kinds of inclusions belonging to this type
have been recorded in the domestic fowl
due to fusion of two egg-like bodies in the
oviduct of the hen. Small eggs of this
character are sometimes laid. They some-
times contain albumen and no yolk, and
probably never have a blastoderm. The
idea has already been expressed, and is ap-
parently well founded, that the small egg
represents the fragment of a normal egg
which was ruptured and threw off a part of
its substance at the time of leaving the
ovary, such fragments being treated in the
oviduct like full-sized ova.
Secondary Abdominal Pregnancy with Histolysis
of the Fetus. F. H. Herrick.
THE case reported occurred in the cat,
where rupture of the uterus, leading to in-
tra abdominal birth, had resulted in the
following conditions: (1) Abnormal de-
velopment of peritoneal structures (thick-
enings, adhesions, fenestration of the mem-
branes, and tag-like outgrowths over them) ;
(2) fragmentation of the fcetus, and at-
tachment of the parts to the omenta by
overgrowth, the result of extensive pro-
liferation in the constituent cells of these
membranes ; (3) the more or less complete
replacement of the soft embryonic tissues
by the proliferating cells.
On the Early Development of Cerebratulus. W.
R. Cor.
THE processes concerned in the matura-
tion and fertilization of the ovum of C. mar-
ginatus agree closely with those which have
been described by Kostanecki and Wier-
zejski for Physa, and by Chiid for Arenicola.
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 219.
The centrosome arising from the sperm-
atozoon divides early. The division of its
aster is accompanied with the formation of
a delicate central spindle. The sperm-
asters eventually degenerate, although their
rays often remain even after the cleavage-
asters have appeared. Their centrosomes
usually become lost to view. Occasionally,
however, it can be demonstrated, with a good
deal of certainty, that they do not actually
end their existence, but retain their identity
and become the centers of the cleavage
The centrospheres of the cleavage asters.
increase enormously in size. They are not
artifacts, for they may be seen in the living
egg. The centrosomes are very minute.
They divide early, and the asters of the
second cleavage begin to form about them
quite within the body of the centrosphere,
as in the Thalassema.
The eggs of Micrura ceca and Cerebratulus
leidyi furnish almost ideal examples of the
regular spiral type of cleavage. The first
two cleavages are almost exactly equal in
size. In the third division the upper four
cells are slightly larger than the lower four.
A very regular blastula results. The marked
backward inclination of the enteron is evi-
dent from the very beginning of gastrula-
At the end of the first day the enteron
becomes divided into two distinct regions.
Pseudopod-like processes of cells grow out
to separate the two cavities and almost com-
pletely. The posterior blind sack of co-
lumnar cells is not definitely cut off from
communication with the exterior, however,
and food may enter by a temporary open-
ing between the cell-processes.
Large cells of the larval mesenchyme,
which wandered into the segmentation
cavity at the beginning of the gastrulation,
multiply rapidly and arrange themselves in
certain definite positions, as in C. lacteus.
Most of them send out branching and
Marcu 10, 1899.]
anastomosing fibrous processes, which be-
come attached to the adjacent wall of the
body, or of the enteron, to form the larval
musculature. The others remain as paren-
chyma cells.
Fission and Regeneration in Cerebratulus. C.
B. WIitson.
For three years, while investigating the
embryology of Cerebratulus lacteus, Verrill,
very few perfect specimens were found at
the close of the breeding season, while there
were many with regenerating papille.
Last summer a perfect male and female
were secured and kept for ten weeks. The
genital products were discharged simulta-
neously three different times at intervals of
several days. Then both worms dismem-
bered the posterior half of their bodies
without provocation.
The anterior fragments at once regener-
ated, growing in three weeks’ time papillee
measuring 50’ mm. in the female and 38
mm. in the male. The posterior fragments
lived ten days and died without any signs
of regeneration. But others have been kept
alive several weeks under less favorable con-
ditions and have yielded perfectly healthy
sexual products. We are led to conclude,
therefore, that Cerebratulus often dismem-
bers voluntarily at the close of the breed-
ing season, but, while the anterior fragments
regularly regenerate, the posterior ones
seldom if ever do so. Careful anatomical
examination shows that actual fission is
accomplished chiefly by means of the trans-
verse muscles of the body-walls. There are
no indications of the rows of nuclei found
by Blenham in Carinella.
Sections of papille show that in regener-
ation the longitudinal muscles contain
numerous transverse fibers; in the early
stages the two kinds are about equal.
The large lateral nerve cords are regen-
erated from ectoderm cells. Two parallel
longitudinal invaginations appear on the
ventral surface of the papilla. The ecto-
derm between them contains no gland cells:
a shallow longitudinal groove soon sepa-
rates this ectoderm into halves. In the
center of each half nerve fibers are formed
from modified ectoderm cells.
They then migrate to their normal posi-
tion, while both groove and invaginations
quickly disappear and the ectoderm be-
comes filled with gland cells.
The Female Genital Tract in Melophagus. H.
S. Pratt.
MELOPHAGUS OVINUS, a dipterous insect, is
peculiar because of the unusual length of
its uterine life, the young animal being born
as a fully grown larva. This long uterine
life has been the cause of a profound modi-
fication of the entire genital tract. The
uterus is unusually large; two pairs of
glands pour a milk-like food into the uterus
which feeds the growing larva; the prox-
imal portions of the oviducts are fused and
function as a permanent receptaculum sem-
inis; the ovary possesses a very thick
peritoneal covering composed of branched
muscle and connective-tissue fibres which
forms a sac and encloses the two ovarioles ;
these are composed each of two follicles and
a germarium, no terminal thread being
present, and are attached by the germarium
to the inner distal surface of the peritoneal
sac, their lower ends hanging free within
the sac. There are thus in the two ovaries
at any one time eight follicles, each contain-
inga developing ovum. A single egg is pro-
duced every two to four weeks ; it passes into
the uterus, being fertilized on the way, and
there remains two to four weeks until the
young animal is born, an old larva. The two
ovaries, and within each ovary the two ovari-
oles, alternate in furnishing the next egg.
Intracellular Differentiations in Gland Cells
of Phascolosoma Gouldit. MARGARET LEWIS
In the epidermis of this Gephyrean are
found several well-marked forms of epider-
mal organs, one of which is characterized
by the presence of intracellular sacks or
ampulle leading into anastomosing canals.
Such organs contain both sensory and glan-
dular cells; but in the gland cells alone are
found the intracellular sacks.
These organs present several well-marked
conditions corresponding with different
stages of functional activity. One sugges-
tive condition shows the following details
of structure. In the upper part of each
gland cell are two sacks lying one within
the other and separated by a considerable
space. This intervening space is traversed
by many delicate filaments connecting the
walls of the two sacks. Theinner sack be-
comes continuous at its outer end, with a
narrow canal, while the outer sack is contin-
uous with a sheath surrounding this canal.
The several canals unite to form larger
canals, and there finally results one main
duct opening to the exterior. This duct is
surrounded by a broad sheath, which is a
continuation of the sheaths enveloping the
ampullz and primary canals. By the side
of the main duct, within its enveloping
sheath, is a large nucleus surrounded by a
clear area, which probably represents a
vacuole. Regarding this nucleus the am-
pulle, canals and sheaths the following
hypothesis is offered. The sheath of the
main duct and its branches, including the
radial vesicles surrounding the ampulle,
together constitute a cell of very irregular
shape, a cell which in form may be com-
pared toa bunch of grapes with its stem.
This single cell contains the main duct, its
branches and their terminal ampulle, and
itself reaches down flask-shaped processes
containing the ampulle, which are embed-
ded in the outer ends of the surrounding
gland cells. The walls of the outer sacks,
and their continuations as the outer wall of
the sheath, represent the boundary of this
highly differentiated cell.
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 219.
The Development of the Adhesive Organ of
Amia. JAcoB RerreHarp. (Presented
for Miss Jessie Phelps. )
Tue adhesive organ of Amia consists of a
pair of semicircular or sausage-shaped ridges
forming together an incomplete ring on the
end of the snout of the young larva. Each
ridge is a row of six to eight epithelial cups
which open on the surface of the snout.
Their cells secrete a mucus by means of
which the animal attaches itself.
The organ is formed in avery early stage
as a diverticulum of the fore gut. This
diverticulum subsequently divides into two,
each of which continues to communicate
for a time with the cavity of the foregut.
Each of the two diverticula later sepa-
rates from the foregut, becomes elongated
and curved into the form of a semicircle
and divides into from six to eight closed
vesicles. The vesicles finally open to the
exterior and are thus converted into cups.
After being functionally active for a time
the organ is pushed beneath the surface by
the thickening ectoblast, becomes infiltrated
with leucocytes, and finally disappears
Carve of 20 to 25 mm.) without leaving
any trace behind it.
The integumentary sense organs appear
in the neighboring ectoblast, quite independ-
ently of the adhesive organ.
Dean’s comparison of the cups of the ad-
hesive organ with the integumentary sense
organs is thus seen to be untenable.
Notes on Loxosoma Davenporti.
A parr of flask-shaped glandular organs
is commonly present in the American spe-
cies of Loxosoma, attached by their broader
rounded ends nearly opposite the lower end
of the stomach, one upon each side. Each
consists of a central core of 4 or 5 glandular
cells and a peripheral layer of flattened
epithelial cells continuous with the epithe-
lial body-covering of theanimal. The gland
W..S. Nick-
Marcu 10, 1899. ]
cells have basal nuclei and cytoplasm filled
with fine granules; their distal ends extend
outward to a minute pore at the extremity
of the flask. After the discharge of their
contents the central cells appear shriveled,
and it is probable that the whole organ is
soon afterwards lost. Individuals lacking
one or both flask-organs are frequently ob-
served. After being lost, the structure is
reformed in the same position. It arises as
a conical thickening of the ectoderm, of
which the central cells take on a glandular
function, and the lateral ones form the epi-
thelial covering. Similar organs have not
been described as occurring in any other
endoproct. The function of their secretion
is unknown.
On the outer surface of each tentacle just
at the margin of the lophophore there is a
single large cell which forms a slight pro-
tuberance. Its nucleus is large and situated
near the deeper surface; the cytoplasm
shows a number of delicate lines extending
through it perpendicularly toward the free
surface, which is covered by a thickened
portion of the cuticula, having the form of a
flattened disk or of a saucer with its concave
surface outward. The observation of the
living animal shows that these structures
are unicellular suckers or organs for attach-
ment by means of which the little creature
fixes itself by the margin of its expanded
lophophore while changing the position of
its foot attachment.
The reproductive system of L. Daven-
porti presents the rare condition of pro-
terogynic hermaphroditism. Both kinds of
sexual products arise in the single pair of
gonads, the ova being formed before the
sperm. The evidence for this consists in
finding in the same individual a functional |
ovary on one side of the body, while the
gonad of the other side contained, together
with an evidently degenerating ovum, a
mass of cells showing various stages of
spermatogenesis up to the mature sperma-
tozoa with tails. Animals which are func-
tionally males are relatively few during the
summer months.
Buds remain attached to the parent till
well matured. They vary in number from
lor 2to12. Abnormal buds lacking tenta-
cles, digestive organs, reproductive system,
ete., are not infrequently present. They
consist of a small rounded body borne on a
slender stalk. The proximal side of the
lophophore margin forms a blunt projection
against which the rest of the margin can be
opposed, thus closing the atrial cavity. The
epithelium lining the atrium is composed of
large glandular cells. The relation of these
buds to the parent is not different from that
of the normal buds, nor does their attach-
ment persist longer. They appear to be in-
capable of leading an independent existence
and have no known function. They are
probably manifestations of a tendency to
produce modified members of the colony
comparable with the avicularia of certain
Ectoprocta, a tendency derived from stock-
building ancestors and which has not yet
been eliminated. According to this hypothe-
sis we must regard the non-colonial habit of
life of Loxosoma as secondarily acquired,
perhaps in adaptation to its semi-parasitic
or commensal mode of life, not, as has been
assumed heretofore, as a primitive condi-
Embryos are present, attached to the
‘mammary organ’ of the parent during
July and August. Onthe embryo a pair of
buds arise very early and are fully formed
by the time it becomes free from the parent.
Soon after the buds separate from it the
embryo perishes without undergoing a meta-
On the Motor Reactions of Paramecium. H.
THE paper was an analysis of the
mechanism of reactions to stimuli in the cili-
ate infusorian Paramecium. To all classes
of stimuli Parameciwm responds with the
same motor reaction, in greater or less in-
tensity. The direction of motion after a
stimulus is determined by the structure of
the animal’s body and has no relation to the
localization of the stimulus. Paramecia
are not directly attracted by any agent;
they collect in the regions of certain condi-
tions merely in virtue of the fact that these
conditions cause no motor reactions, while
the surrounding fluid causes a motor reac-
tion that results in random movements,
which must (through the laws of chance)
eventually bring the animal into a region
where these motors cease.
Phototaxis of Daphnia. C. B. Davenport and
F. T. Lewis.
THE problem is to determine the depend-
ence of the degree of phototactic sensitive-
ness upon preceding conditions of illumina-
tion. Other conditions being similar, do
Daphnia reared in the dark respond to a
fainter illumination than those reared in
the light? Special apparatus afforded a
quantitative answer to this question. Daph-
nia reared in half-darkness moved, on the
average, nearly three times as far toward a
light of about minimal intensity as did Daph-
nia reared in the light. We may conclude:
Those individuals reared in the dark have
become attuned to a lower intensity than
those reared in the light.
The minimum intensity inducing photo-
taxis was, in the more sensitive Daphnia,
0.002 candle power at a distance of 3.5
meters, or ee = 0.00016 meter candles.
The phototropic sensitiveness of Daphnia
is quite equal to the phototropic sensitive-
ness of the most sensitive seedlings.
Early Development of Pennaria Tiarella. CHas.
W. Hareirv.
THE egg of Pennaria is of relatively large
size and heavily yolk-ladened. In color it
is of a light orange or pinkish hue. It is
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 219.
of ectodermal origin and grows by an active
absorption of other ovarian cells. The egg
is discharged almost immediately upon the
liberation of the medusa, which takes place
during the evening from seven to ten o’clock.
Fertilization occurs very soon after the egg
is discharged, or possibly in some eases be-
fore, since in many specimens the medusee
are never liberated, and the eggs seem to
be discharged with difficulty and not in-
frequently exhibit segmentation phases
while yet within the bell of the medusa.
But so far as I have been able to note, the
sperms always gain access to the egg from
the outside.
The extrusion of the polar globules is
only rarely to be noted, but occurs in an
altogether normal way. Segmentation be-
gins usually within fifteen minutes of the
access of the spermatozoon. The first
cleavage is usually into fairly normal two-
celled forms, but seldom exactly in the same
way, perhaps no two eggs exhibiting the
same cleavage features. This is peculiarly
the case in all the later phases. It is abso-
lutely indeterminate and remarkably irreg-
ular and erratic. So much so was this
that during the first series of observations
the whole lot were discarded, as probably
for some unknown reason abnormal or
pathological. A second series taken the
next night behaved in the same way, and
while still thought to be somewhat abnormal
were followed through to the completion of
the irregular cleavage, and were found the
following morning to have become perfectly
normal planule.
That they were genuine cleavage phe-
nomena was conclusively proved by sections
of the various stages and the demonstration
of mitotic figures in all phases of growth
and decline.
Somewhat similar though incomparably
less marked phenomena had been noted long
ago by Wilson in the development of Ke-
nilla, and by Metschnikoff in Rathkea and
Manrce# 10, 1899. ]
Oceania, and, incidentally, by Bunting, in
Hydractinia. The most nearly comparable
observations, so far as I have been able to
discover, are those recently reported by
Andrews in Hydra.
This work was begun at the Marine Bio-
logical Laboratory in 1897, continued during
1898, and is still in progress. It is hoped
that a fuller account, with definite illus-
trations, may soon appear.
Grafting Experiments
Cuas. W. Hareirv.
In course of previous work upon regen-
eration among the Hydromeduse, the prob-
lem of grafting was forcibly impressed upon
me, and during the summer of 1898, at the
Marine Biological Laboratory, was under-
taken and followed up during nearly two
months, and with results as briefly outlined
It was undertaken to show the practi-
cability of uniting sections of different in-
dividuals, different species and even genera.
The first work undertaken was upon
Hydroids, chiefly Tubularians, e. g., species
of Eudendrium, Pennaria, Parypha, Clava,
with only one series of experiments upon a
Campanularian. _The latter was for some
reason almost wholly negative in results.
In al) the former the results were unusually
successful, no less than 10% responding
within the limits indicated. To merely
summarize :
1. No difficulty was found in securing
perfect union between segments of the same
species in from twelve to twenty-four hours,
A delicate sheath of perisare overlapping
the proximal ends was first secreted, and
this was followed by organic union of the
ecenosare of the hydroid. The grafting was
equally successful whether made by oral,
aboral or alternating contact of the seg-
ments. Abundant heteromorphism was se-
cured along with the other results. 2.
It was equally easy to secure union of
upon Hydromeduse.
male and female specimens of the same
species. 3. If the distinctness of Agassiz’s
species of Eudendrium dispar and ramosum
is to be maintained—a fact which has seemed
to me doubtful—then there was secured a
ready grafting of different species. 4. In
no case was I able to secure successful graft-
ing between different genera. This was
tried repeatedly with several, but in each
case with negative results.
The second problem undertaken was upon
the meduse. The most accessible form was
and the results ob-
tained were on this form alone. Grafting
was made possible only by the expedient of
paralyzing the specimens by emargination
of the entire bell, thus removing the coordi-
nating centers. This done, there was no
more difficulty in securing perfect union of
different portions of the body than with the
hydroid forms. It mattered little from what
portion of the body taken, or in what rela-
tion placed, perfect union was usually se-
cured in from 24 to 48 hours. Two meduse
grafted orally recovered nervous activity,
and even exhibited a definite coordination,
the double medusa acting as one.
Gonionemus vertens,
The Life-History of Dicyema. WILLIAM
A stupy of the Dicyemidze (Dicyema colu-
ber, n. sp.; Dicyemennea Whitmanii, n. sp., and
Dicyemodeca sceptrum, n. gen. et n. sp.), par-
asitic in the kidneys of the West Coast
Octopus ( O. punctatus ),was undertaken with
a view to answering the following questions
concerning the life-history of these animals :
1. What are the relations of the nema-
togenic and rhombogenic individuals to each
other? 2. What is the meaning of the
so-called infusoriform embryo? 3. What is
the meaning of the infusorigen? An ex-
amination of the parasites of one hundred
Octopus of different ages led to the conclu-
sion that the Dicyemide first reproduce as
nematogens for several generations, but that
ultimately the same individuals become
rhombogens and thenceforth produce only
infusoriform young. Certain Dicyemids
were found to contain both vermiform and
infusoriform young. E. Van Beneden’s view,
that the infusoriform is the male Dicyemid,
was confirmed by a study of its structure
and a comparison of this form with the male
Orthonectid (Rhopalura). From the fact
that deeply staining bodies resembling the
granules of the urn of the infusoriform, and
probably for that reason spermatozoa were
found among the germ-cells of the infusori-
gen, it was inferred that the infusoriform
young may arise from fertilized ova, and
that the infusorigen may be an adaptation
for accumulating the germ-cells around a
central cell to which the spermatozoa are
also attracted, possibly by chemotaxis. It
was regarded as probable that both the male
(infusoriform ) and female Dicyemid migrate
into the kidneys of the young Octopus and
there form colonies of nematogenic females
before males are produced.
Notes on the Blind Fishes.
1. THERE is a color pattern common to all
the species of the Amblyopsidz. This pat-
tern is due to the arrangement of the chro-
matophores along the connective tissue
septa separating successive muscle seg-
ments. The result is a series of longitu-
dinal stripes where the septa are bent on
the surface and a series of zigzag cross
streaks. This pattern is best marked in
Chologaster agassizii, in which but little
color is present. It is somewhat obscure
in Chologaster cornutus on account of the
great development of pigment. It remains
only as an arrangement of chromatophores
in the blind members of the family where
color is no longer present in sufficient quan-
tity to be evident to the naked eye.
2. Chologaster agassizit, which has so far
been known from the type only, was secured
C. H. Ereen-
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 219.
through a grant from the Elizabeth Thomp-
son Science fund. It is a species with well
developed eyes living permanently in caves.
Its eye is notably smaller than that of the
other species of Chologaster which live in
open waters. The retinais very much like
that of C. papilliferus, with thinner pigment
layer. The eyes of the species of Cholo-
gaster show the following measurements :
C. papilliferus, 32mm. long. Vertical diameter,
.832 mm. Longitudinal, .880 mm.
C. agassizii, 39mm. long. Vertical diameter, .720
mm. Longitudinal, .800.
C. cornutus, 32mm. long. Vertical diameter,
-960mm. Longitudinal, 1.120.
Thickness of the retina of
C. papilliferus, 29-34 mm. long, .122 mm., 55 mm.
long, .162 mm.
C. agassizii, 38 mm. long, .107mm., 62 mm. long,
-130 mm.
C. cornutus 27 mm. long, .73 mm., 43 mm. long,
.83 mm.
3. The blind fish from Missouri is of dif-
ferent origin from the blind fishes east of
the Mississippi. The details of this part of
the paper have appeared in ScrEencr.
Regeneration and Regulation in Hydra viridis.
Herpert W. Ranp.
In a series of regeneration experiments
upon Hydra viridis it was found that the
polyps regenerate, on the average, fewer
tentacles than are originally possessed.
The more tentacles before regeneration the
greater is the mean number after regenera-
tion. Hight-tentacled Hydras showed the
greatest reduction in the number of tenta-
cles. Six-tentacled Hydras showed no re-
The average deviation from the mean
was practically the same before and after
regeneration. ‘The average deviation from
the mean after regeneration, and also the
average deviation from the original num-
ber, was greater in the eight-tentacled
groups and least in the six-tentacled.
The mean number of tentacles regener-
ated by whole six-tentacled Hydras was
MARCH 10, 1899. ]
6.0; by halves of six-tentacled Hydras,
4.6; by quarters of six-tentacled Hydras,
3.8. Of Hydras having the same number
of tentacles the larger Hydras, or parts of
them, regenerate more tentacles than the
smaller ones or corresponding parts of
them. Hydras cut longitudinally into pieces
of equal volume, but bearing different num-
bers of tentacles, regenerate as many tenta-
cles as are required to complete a normal
In the regeneration of a small fragment
of hypostome with tentacles attached, one
tentacle became thickened to form the
body. Often in the regeneration of whole
‘heads’ a tentacle whose axis came to lie
approximately in the axis of the body ap-
parently became thickened to assist in the
downward extension of the body.
In ‘heads’ severed immediately below
the tentacles forms of very abnormal ap-
pearance resulted in the process of closing
the wound. Abnormalities, consisting in
tentacles abnormally placed and in unusual
numbers of oral tentacles, persisted for a
considerable period. Regulative processes
resulted in the degeneration of abnormally
placed tentacles and in the establishment of
a normal number of oval tentacles. Tenta-
cles but slightly displaced from the circum-
oval ring were shifted back into it.
The regenerative and regulative processes
are directed toward the regaining of a per-
fectly normal form.
Notes on the Actinians of Bermuda. A. E.
On the Atlantie Palolo Worm. A. G. MAymEr.
The Origin of Blood Vessels in the Chick. LL.
H. SNowpen.
The Evolution of the Color Pattern of Columba
livia from that Preserved in C. affinis Blyth.
In Mr. Rose’s black-sand gold mine, on
the Oregon coast, about fifteen miles south
of Coos Bay, are some curious stalactites of
sand which deserve attention on account of
their exceptional character.
The mine is along an ancient beach about
160 feet above the sea level and nearly two
miles distant from the present shore. The
black sand in which the gold occurs rests
directly upon the upturned and eroded
edges of Tertiary shales. It is about 100
feet in width and four feet in thickness,
and is overlain by about thirty feet of hor-
izontal Pleistocene sand beds with some
gravel. These have to be removed before
the black sand can be reached. The black
sand at this point is composed chiefly of
garnet, with a number of other heavy ferro-
magnesian minerals. It is partially ce’
mented by oxide of iron, but may be readily
crumbled in the hand.
The gray sand by which the black sand
is immediately overlain is composed chiefly
of quartz, but contains also many grains of
feldspar besides those of other minerals and
rocks. In some places this gray sand is
cemented so firmly as to form a friable
sandstone, and when the black sand is re-
moved from beneath the exposed under sur-
face of the sandstones is found to be covered
with stalactites of sand. The cross bedding
in the sand dips gently to the west. The
stalactites incline westward at the same
angle, forming only a small angle with the
surface to which they are attached. The
forms of the stalactites are well developed ;
some are small, others nearly a foot in
length. Most of them are single, but a few
are double, as if two were united in their
development. There is no sign of a tube
down in the center, as in the case of many
stalactites of carbonate of lime.
The cementing material by means of
which the sand is held together, making
these curious forms, is not soluble in acid.
In a thin section under the microscope it is
seen that each grain of the sand is sur-
rounded by a thin coating of crystalline
quartz which fills the small interstices and
binds the whole together.
It seems altogether probable that the so-
lutions bearing silica followed the porous
layers of sand in the cross bedding, but what
determined its deposition through the sand in
the shape of an icicle is not so easily under-
stood. It is not impossible, although quite
improbable, that wind erosion had anything
to do in developing these forms. The
stalactites exposed in the mine were not so
situated as to be attacked by drifting sand.
Their local character is scarcely less diffi-
cult to explain satisfactorily than the pecu-
liar forms themselves.
J. 8. DILuer.
WASHINGTON, D. C., February 18th.
Degeneracy: Its Causes, Signs and Results. By
EvuGENE 8. Tausot, M.D., D.D.S. The
Contemporary Science Series. London,
Walter Scott, Limited; New York, Charles
Scribner’s Sons. 1898. Illustrated.
The busy reader who has dipped into the
works of Morel, Lombroso, Nordau and other
writers upon degeneracy, and who has become,
perhaps, somewhat confused by conflicting
opinions and sweeping applications of this in-
teresting biological doctrine, will receive with
delight this calm and dispassionate as well as
condensed ‘conclusion of the whole matter’
(up to date). The plan of the book is good,
giving as it does a brief survey of the whole
subject from its historical, biological, psycho-
logical and pedagogical points of view. The
author, too, is well prepared for his task, having
a wide dental and medical experience, and,
particularly, a most extensive acquaintance
with the literature of the subject, especially of
that literature which is most valuable here, viz.,
that of the medical and biological journals.
This gives the book a healthy inductive tone.
The author spends no time in the discussion of
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 219.
theories of his own or of others. He gives us
rather a summary of facts relating to the ante-
cedents and the symptoms of degeneracy in all
its forms. Of the eighteen chapters some of
the most interesting are the ones on heredity
and atavism, consanguineous and neurotic in-
termarriages, toxic agents, school strain, de-
generacy of the brain and degeneracy of men-
tality and morality. Inthe chapter on heredity
and atavism the summary of the accumulated
evidence against Weismannism is rather strik-
In a series of chapters the author discusses
the causes of degeneracy. Among these, con-
tagious and infectious diseases, led by tubercu-
losis, syphilis, typhoid fever, scarlatina, small
pox, measles and diphtheria, are the most pro-
lific. Other leading causes are toxic agents,
such as tobacco, alcohol, opium, tea and coffee,
insufficient or impure food and unfavorable
climate, and, finally, school strain among chil-
dren. The immediate consequence of these
agents is nervous exhaustion in the first gener-
ation. The offspring of these neurasthenics do
not possess the necessary vitality to carry them
through the normal process of development.
The result in the second generation is arrested
development of the nervous centers and de-
generacy of bodily structure, exhibited in the
form of reversions to primitive types. Very
full descriptions of the various stigmata of de-
generacy follow. Among them are local re-
versionary tendencies, such as anomalies of
skull, jaws, teeth, ears, etc. ; nutritive degen-
eracy, shown in cancer, gout, goitre, adenoids,
plural births and excessive fecundity ; sensory
degeneracy, such as deaf-mutism and congen-
ital color-blindness ; intellectual degeneracy,
such as paranoia, hysteria, epilepsy, idiocy and
one-sided genius ; and ethical degeneracy, such
as crime, prostitution, pauperism and inebriety.
Degeneracy caused by alcohol is less dangerous
to the community than that caused by opium
and by various contagions and infections, since,
owing to its deteriorating effects upon the re-
productive organs, it tends to exterminate itself.
This non-survival of the unfit is by no means
true of all forms of degeneracy. Healthy ata-
vism, however, is always at work and tends to
counteract the immediate results of heredity.
Marcy 10, 1899. ]
Consanguineous marriages are not in them-
selves, in perfectly healthy stock, causes of de-
generacy, but where degeneracy has begun,
such marriages, of course, accelerate its action.
The book closes with a chapter on the pre-
vention and treatment of degeneracy. The
author is not an advocate of heroic methods,
such as the legal regulation of marriage and
other still more certain methods of checking its
transmission. He proposes milder means, par-
ticularly rational forms of prophylaxis adapted
to circumstances and to individuals.
Iowa City.
A Synonymic Catalogue of the North American
Rhopalocera. ~By HENRY SKINNER. Ameri-
can Entomological Society, December, 1898.
Pp. xiv+100.
The catalogue of North American butter-
flies published by Mr. W. H. Edwards in 1884
listed 612 species from the United States and
Canada. The new catalogue, now before us,
enumerates 645; the moderate number of addi-
tions in about 14 years of great activity among
lepidopterists indicates that our butterfly fauna
is fairly well known. The additions are in
reality somewhat more numerous than the fig-
ures cited indicate, owing to the rejection of
some of the names of the earlier list; but there
is no tendency to ‘lumping’ exhibited, which
is rather surprising in consideration of some of
Dr. Skinner’s previously expressed views.
The literature is cited very fully, though we
notice a few omissions, such as that of Edwards’
account of the larva of Lycena exilis. The
genera are nearly as in the Edwards catalogue.
It is to be regretted that Pamphila is still made
to include a great number of forms, belonging
to numerous genera; but it is certainly true
that the best generic arrangement which could
be offered at the present time would be largely
An examination of the catalogue recalls and
emphasizes certain interesting features of our
butterfly fauna. Certain portions are of trop-
ical origin, while other groups belong to what
has been called the holarctic region. In the
tropics conditions have been relatively uniform
for ages, and in consequence we have a large
number of organisms in a condition of consid-
erable stability—in other words, ‘ good species.’
The writer has found, when working with
Coccidee, that the tropical species are, as a gen-
eral rule, much more easily separated than those
of temperate regions. The same is true, ap-
parently, among the butterflies. Take the
Hesperidz and Lyczenide, which are so numer-
ous in tropical America. The tropical groups
of Hesperidz, in particular, have largely in-
vaded the United States, and very many species
have been catalogued. Now Dr. Skinner him-
self has told us in another connection that
these species are, as arule, well-defined, though
frequently superficially similar. But there is
one characteristically holarctic series of Hes-
peridze—the series of Painphila comma—and here
at once we meet with innumerable local races
or weak species, with, difficulty to be separated
from one another. Soin Lyczna the holarctic
group of pseudargiolus and its allies is especially
polymorphic. When we come to the typically
holaretic genera, such as Argynnis, we find a
wilderness of plastic forms, which may be
called species or varieties according to the taste
of the student.
It thus happens that for the evolutionist
temperate regions, lately subject to glacial
desolation, are in many respects more interest-
ing than the luxuriant tropics. Here, especially,
are species in the making; here is Nature’s
kitchen and the cook at work. In the tropics,
on the other hand, we often find more numerous
and more finished products, and wonderful
adaptations, the origin of which is past our
comprehension.* The naturalist in South Amer-
ica might well think species were created as
he found them ; the naturalist of the northern
United States could hardly imagine such a
thing, unless convineed on a priori grounds.
Yet when changes have occurred in tropical
lands we find such phenomena as are common
in the north. Thesnails of the Greater Antilles,
islands that have undergone great changes of
level in recent geological periods, are almost as
confusing as the North American Argynnids.
So, it seems, we may in some measure learn the
*For plants compare Dr. E. Warming’s interest-
ing paper in the Botanical Gazette, January, 1899.
past history of a group by studying its species.
If the species are well defined and showelaborate
adaptations to the environment the group has
long existed under relatively uniform condi-
tions. If, on the other hand, the species are
defined with difficulty and connected by numer-
ous races it may be presumed that the environ-
ment of the group has changed in recent times,
and especially that it is undergoing expansion
and differentiation in new territory. In north-
ern regions the retreat of the ice has exposed
much such territory; in the Antilles it has
been the elevation of the land; in other cases
a type may have found new lands by migration,
and may thus exhibit incipient new species in
the midst of a stable ancient fauna. As an ex-
ample of the last-mentioned class may be men-
tioned Danais berenice jamaicensis in Jamaica,
as against the old Jamaican type Papilio homerus.
We have digressed from the immediate subject
of this useful catalogue, bit the interest of such
works lies largely in the suggestiveness of their
orderly and condensed array of facts.
MESILLA PARK, N. M., February 12, 1899.
Industrial Electricity. Translated and adapted
from the French of HENRY DE GRAFFIGNY.
Edited by A. G. ELuiortT, B.Sc. London and
New York, The Macmillan Company. Pp.
152. With 65 illustrations. Price, 75 cents.
This little volume, according to the editor’s
note, is the first of a series upon Electro-
mechanics, the other volumes of which will
treat the more important of the branches here
touched upon, separately and in detail. It is
divided into short chapters, and explains, in
very clear and non-mathematical language, the
various applications of electricity.
Beginning with Nature of Electricity, a
résumé of Hertz’s work is given, showing the
identity of light and electrical vibrations. Then
follow, in order, chapters on Electric Units,
Magnetism and Induction, and Practical Meas-
urement of Electrical Quantities.
Chapters V.and VI. are respectively on Chem-
ical Generators of Electricity and Accumulators,
covering the subjects of primary and storage
batteries and containing much useful information
and explicit directions as to handling and care.
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 219.
Dynamo Electric Machinery is next touched
upon, including direct current dynamos, alter-
nators, two- and three-phase generators. The
remaining five chapters merely touch upon the
following subjects: Electric Light, Electricity
as a Motive Power, Electro-chemistry and
Electro-plating, Bells and Telephones, and
Telegraphs. :
The only criticisms that can be advanced are:
1. On page 12 the table gives 10°C.G.8. units
in one Henry instead of 10°, while the table on
page 27 has many of the dimensions of the
mechanical, electro-magnetic and magnetic
unis given incorrectly.
2. Besides these lapses the volume is, with
one or two exceptions, entirely devoid of allu-
sions to American apparatus and machinery.
Taken as a whole, however, the volume is a
creditable piece of work, for the task of con-
densing so much in so small a space is, to say
the least, herculean. W. HLF.
Tue Teachers’ Professional Library, edited by
Professor Nicholas Murray Butler, of Columbia
University, is announced, by The Macmillan Co.
The books already published on ‘The Develop-
ment of the Child,’ byDr. Nathan Oppenheim ;
‘The Study of Children and their School Train-
ing,’ by Dr. Francis Walker, and a ‘ Handbook
of Nature Study,’ by O. Lange, are included in
the series and the following are announced for
early publication :
‘Tbe Practical Lessons of History,’ by William T.
Harris, LL.D., U. S. Commissioner of Education.
‘Social Phases of Education in the Home and in
the School,’ by Samuel T. Dutton, Superintendent of
Schools, Brookline, Mass.
‘Educational Aims and Educational Values,’ by
Dr. Paul H. Hanus, Harvard University.
‘The Hygiene of the School and of Instruction,’
by Edward R. Shaw, Ph.D., New York University.
‘Method in Education,’ by Walter L. Hervey,
Ph.D., Department of Education, New York City.
‘The Study and Teaching of History,’ by Miss
Lucy M. Salmon, Vassar College.
‘The Study and Teaching of Geography,’ by Dr.
Jacques W. Redway, of New York.
‘The Study and Teaching of English,’ by Percival
Chubb, of the Ethical Culture Schools, New York.
‘The Study and Teaching of Mathematics,’ by
MAnrcH 10, 1899.]
David Eugene Smith, Ph.D., State Normal School,
Brockport, N. Y.
Ir is announced that the government has
compiled a History of the Territory of Alaska,
bringing the explorations made by army officers
up to date and including an elaborate descrip-
tion of the physical resources of the Territory.
The compilation when published will make a
large octavo volume of about 500 printed pages.
The material was supplied, by the War Depart-
ment under the direction of Assistant Secretary
Meiklejohn, to the Senate.
General Physiology. MAX VERWORN. Translated
from the second German edition and edited by
FREDERIC S. Lez. New York and London, The
Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. xvi + 615. $4.00.
L'audition et ses organgs. M. E. GELLE. Paris, Al-
can. 1899. Pp. 326.
La Céramique ancienne et moderne.
The Theory of the Leisure Class: an Economic Study in
the Evolution of Institutions. THORSTEIN VEBLEN.
New York and London, The Macmillan Company.
1898. Pp. vii+400. $2.00.
Paris, Alcan. 1899. Pp.
THE American Mathematical Society is ac-
tively pushing the plans for the publication of
its Transactions, and it is probable that the
first number will appear in January next. A
committee, consisting of Messrs. T. 8. Fiske,
R. 8. Woodward, E. H. Moore, Maxime Bocher
and James Pierpont has been appointed to se-
cure the necessary financial guarantees. Sub-
scriptions of one hundred dollars annually for
a term of five years have already been pledged
by representatives and friends of each of the
following institutions: Chicago University, Co-
lumbia University, Yale University and Bryn
Mawr College. Other pledges are anticipated
and the plan is already assured of success.
The Journal of Geelogy, Vol. 7, No. 1, for Jan-
uary and February, contains the following
papers :
Frank Leverett : ‘The Lower Rapids of the
Mississippi River,’ pp. 1-20. The writer dis-
cusses the abandonment by the Mississippi
River of its pre-glacial channel just above Keo-
kuk, Ia., and the production of the newer and
more contracted channel, in which are the rap-
ids. The Kewatin ice sheet and its drift are re-
garded as the principal cause.
H. B. Kimmel: ‘The Newark Rocks of New
Jersey and New York,’ pp. 238-53. The writer
divides the strata under consideration into the
Stockton, Lockatong, Brunswick and Trap for-
mations. Their distribution, character, folding
and faulting, and the conditions prevailing dur-
ing their formation, are then discussed.
Henry S. Washington:‘ The Petrographical
Province of Essex County, Mass.,’ II., pp. 53—
64. The paper continues one that was begun in
the last number. It describes, with analyses, the
essexites, diorites, quartz-augite-diorites, por-
phyritic diorites and gabbros.
J. A. Udden: ‘The Sweetland Creek Beds,’ pp.
65-79. The beds are chiefly shale, and lie be-
tween the Cedar Valley Limestone below and
the Coal Measures above, in Muscatine county,
Ia. Fossils indicate an Upper Devonian Age.
G. H. Squier: ‘Studies in the Driftless Region
of Wisconsin,’ pp. 79-83. One glaciated boulder
has been found in a valley within the driftless
- region.
W. N. Logan: ‘ A Discussion and Correlation
of certain Subdivisions of the Colorado Forma-
tion,’ pp. 88-92. The paper discusses and cor-
relates the subdivisions of this formation in the
Kansas, Colorado, Black Hills and Iowa-Ne-
braska areas.
Editorials and reviews complete the number.
THE leading article in the American Naturalist
for February, is by Dr. W. H. Dall, and dis-
cusses ‘The Proposed University of the United
States and its possible Relations to Scientific
Bureaus of the Government.’ Dr. Arthur
Hollick continues the consideration of ‘The
Relation between Forestry and Geology in New
Jersey,’ this paper giving ‘The Historical De-
velopment of the Flora,’ concluding that the
gradual extinction of the gymnosperm type is
indicated. Professors J. H. Comstock and J.
G. Needham also continue the subject of ‘The
Wings of Insects,’ the chapter being devoted
to the specialization of wings by addition as
illustrated by the venation of the wings of
Ephemerida. Under the title of ‘The Pene-
plain: a Review’ Dr. R. A. Daly considers at
length Professor Tarr’s objections to the exist-
ence of peneplains on this earth of shifting base
levels. Professor F. L. Washburn describes and
figures the shoulder girdle of ‘A Peculiar
Toad,’ presenting the abnormality of an extra
(left) fore limb. “ The abundant literature on the
subject of the Trenton Gravels receives an ad-
dition from Dr. Frank Russell, who describes
some ‘Human Remains from the Trenton
Gravels,’ concluding that the skulls which are
figured are those of modern Indians, probably
of the Lenni Lenapé. A goodly proportion of
Notes and Reviews fill out the number.
THE Journal of the Boston Society of Medical
Sciences for January comprises two parts, each
containing a number of excellent plates. Those
illustrating the articles on the ‘ Pathological
Histology of Acute Lacunar Tonsilitis,’ by J.
L. Goodale, and the ‘ Character of the Cellular
Exudation in Acute Keratitis of the Rabbit,’ by
W. T. Councilman, are particularly fine. Our
anti-vivisection friends who discredit the exist
ence of hydrophobia would do well to read the
paper by Langdon Frothingham on ‘Rabies in the
Vicinity of Boston,’ where 20 positive cases are
noted between March, 1897, and December,
1898. An interesting series of ‘Observations
on the Effects Produced by the 6-mm. Rifle and
Projectile,’ by H. G. Beyer, is well calculated
to create respect for the new Navy arm.
THE Botanical Gazette for February contains
the following leading articles: ‘New or Little
Known North America Trees,’ C. S. Sargent
‘The Ecological Relations of the Vegetation on
the Sand Dunes of Lake Michigan,’ Henry C.
Cowles; ‘The Society for Plant Morphology
and Physiology—Columbia Meeting,’ W. F.
Ganong. The briefer articles include: ‘Notes
on the Maximusn Thermal Death-point of Spo-
rotrichum Globuliferum,’ B. M. Duggar; ‘ De-
scriptions of Two Willows from Central Amer-
ica,’ W. W. Rowlee; ‘A Peculiar Case of Spore
. Distribution,’ F. L. Stevens ; ‘A New Silphium,”’
Wm. M. Canby.
Ar the regular monthly meeting of the sec-
tion, on February 24th, papers were presented
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 219.
by R. S. Woodworth on the ‘Accuracy of Move-
ment, by F. C. Spencer on the ‘ Origin and Per-
sistent Influence of Sacred Number Concepts,’
and by F. Boas on ‘ Anthropometric Charts.’
Dr. Boas presented the results of recent in-
vestigations, which show that the anthropo-
metric charts now used in the gymnasium by
anthropologists are valueless as a means for es-
timating the development of individuals.
CuHaAs. B. Buiss,
Av the January meeting annual reports of
officers and sections were received and the fol-
lowing officers were elected: President, John
Van Duyn, M.D.; Vice-President, J. A.
Dakin; Secretary, P. F. Schneider ; Correspond-
ing Secretary, H. W. Britcher; Treasurer, Miss
L. W. Roberts; Librarian, Miss V. L. Jones.
The report of the Geological Section showed
considerable progress in the investigation of in-
teresting local problems, and cited the discov-
ery of a vein of quartz crystals in the Cornifer-
ous rock at the Onondaga Indian Reservation.
The report of the Botanical Section included
new localities for several of the rarer plants of
the county. One plant, Glaucium glaucium, was
reported as new'to the county, and two, Crepis
virens and Sanguisorba canadensis, were reported
as new to the State. Selaginella selaginoides
was also found and is probably new to the
The report of the Zoological Section con-
tained the result of feeding experiments on the
larvee of Diedamia inscripta. During the year
upwards of thirty spiders were added to the
list of Onondaga county species. Of these,
nine species had not hitherto been reported in
the State. e
Tuus far it has been generally believed that
the rise of temperature and the chemical changes
that take place when the cured tobacco leaves
are piled up in heaps are due to bacterial ac-
tion. But careful investigations of the ‘ fer-
Marcu 10, 1899. ]
menting’ leaves revealed the absence of ex-
tended bacterial colonies, the presene of which
were naturally to be expected if bacteria were
the cause of the phenomena in question. The
true cause, I have recently established beyond
a doubt, is the presence of two kinds of oxi-
dizing enzymes in the tobacco leaves. As soon
as the Bulletin describing these investigations
is published a full review will be given in this
of June 3, 1898, I had the honor of communi-
cating an observation on the anesthetic effects
of a sinusoidal current of high frequency. I
take the liberty of sending you the following
further observations.
a, The anesthetic effect may be produced
by sending the current longitudinally along the
the nerve. Thus, a current sent along one of
the nerves of the arm can be used to produce
anesthesia in parts of the arm supplied by it.
With a pleasant current of about 28,000 alter-
nations per second passing between the elbow
and the hand, a needle can be painlessly run
into the forearm.
b. At the suggestion of Professor B. Moore,
of the Yale Medical School, I applied the cur-
rent to the tongue, with a view to testing the
theory that the sensation of taste may be due
to vibratory atimuli. If the theory were
true the fluctuations in the sinusoidal current
might be expected to produce sensations of taste
of various kinds. The experiment showed that
fluctuations up to about 29,000 complete periods
per second produce no sensations of taste what-
ever; the only sensation is that of tickling and
ce. It should perhaps have been stated in my
original communication that the main purpose
of the investigations with the sinusoidal current
was to determine the various sensations at
different frequencies, They have been deter-
mined for two subjects as follows: (1) Thresh-
old of sensation of touch at a frequency of about
480 complete alternations per second; (2)
threshold of disagreeableness at about 840; (3)
threshold of pain at about 960; (4) disappear-
ance of pain at about 1,440, followed by a pe-
culiar, agreeable sensation; (5) disappearance
of agreeableness at a point not yet determined,
followed by a faint sensation ; (6) disappear-
ance of sensation at a point not yet determined.
For constant conditions these figures are quite
constant, the probable error ranging from 1, of
1% to4 %.
d. Applying the electrodes to the nerves of
the arm in a way to move the muscles of the
forearm and hand I find a similar neuro-
muscular effect. As the current rises in fre-
quency from zero the muscles contract steadily
up to a certain point, after which they gradu-
ally relax. The process is the same when we
start with a high frequency and descend to
zero. The phenomenon can hardly be due toa
diminished intensity of the high-frequency
e. It may be added that the instrument used
is a Kennelly alternator run at a very high
speed. Similar high-frequency machines have
been used by Nikola Tesla, who has not re-
corded any of the above phenomena; possibly
his machines do not produce sinusoidal currents.
f. Using another machine which simply in-
terrupted a galvanic current up to 100,000
times per second I find that above a certain
point (not yet measured) the interruptions
cease to have any effect other than merely re-
ducing the strength of the current when it is
sent through the tissues.
February 28, 1899.
Tue Hartford Steam Boiler, Inspection and
Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn., has
issued a very neat and convenient volume, of
‘pocket size,’ containing tables for the Conver-
sion of English weights and measures into their
metric equivalents, and vice versa. It opens
with a very interesting discussion of the metric
system, which lacks, however, any recognition
of the International Bureau of Weights and
Measures and the great work it has accomplished
during the past twenty-five years. Nothing is
said about the International Prototype units of
length and mass, which are the real standards
of the world to-day, and it is implied that the
meter and kilogramme are, except for practical
purposes, what they were defined to be a hun-
dred years ago. The ratios of the metric to our
customary units used, in the book, are not those
legally adopted by the U. S. Office of Weights and
Measures, but the differences are so small that
the conversion tables are not sensibly in error.
There is a growing use of the metric system in
this country, the result of an increasing trade
with foreign countries, and this book will satisfy
every demand of those who are called upon to
convert from one system to the other. The
tables are so numerous that it is difficult to
imagine a call for anything which the book does
not contain, and a convenient index renders
them quickly available. Much time is saved
by carrying the tables up to one-hundred mul-
tiples of each unit, but in a few instances space
and labor have been wasted in doing this, be-
cause of the impossibility of such conditions
ever being realized. For instance, in the table
for converting ‘grammes in a cubic centimeter
to ounces ina cubic inch,’ there does not appear
to be any necessity for going beyond 23 or 24—
as there isno known substance denser than this.
Thus more than three-quarters of this table can
be of no use, and this is true of several tables
of a similar character. On the whole the work
is exceedingly well done, and the book ought
to be much sought after. TCM:
WHEN a high electro-motive force is connected
to an electrolytic cell, one electrode of which is
very small, the rush of current which takes
place is quickly interrupted by the layer of gas
which is generated at the small electrode.
This layer of gas then collects as a bubble, the
electrolyte again comes into contact with the
electrode, a rush of current again takes place to
be interrupted as before, and so on. ‘These in-
terruptions are very abrupt, and their frequency
varies from two or three hundred to a thousand
or more per second according to the size of the
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 219.
small electrode and the inductance of the cir-
cuit. The small electrode should be the anode.
Dr. A. Wehnelt (Electrical Engineer, February
16, 1899) has applied this electrolytic inter-
rupter to the induction coil. He uses dilute
sulphuric acid, a sheet of lead as cathode, and
the tip of a small platinum wire projecting from
a glass tube as anode. The interrupter works
with entire satisfaction with eléctro-motive
forces as high as 110 volts; the condenser,
needed with the ordinary interrupter, is use-
less; and the effectiveness, especially of small
coils, is greatly increased both in length of
spark and frequency.
Dr. Wehnelt’s experiments have been re-
peated in the Physical Laboratory at Bethlehem
Pa., his results have been confirmed, and it has
been found that the primary of an induction
coil should be wound with more turns of wire
than usual to give the best results with this
electrolytic interrupter. The interrupter gives
good effects when used to supply intermittent
current to the primary of a small transformer.
Thus a small step-down transformer taking 375
watts from the mains gave out about 30 watts
from its secondary.
When the electrolytic interrupter is used to
supply intermittent current from a 110 volt
source to the primary of a transformer, the
e. m. f. which establishes the current after each
break is, of course, 110 volts, while the e. m. f.
which stops the current is the e. m. f. between
the break points and may be very greatly in
excess of 110 volts.
The effective primary e. m. f. is, therefore,
on the whole, greatly in excess of 110 volts, so
that a 1:1 transformer may give several hun-
dreds of volts at its secondary terminals when
supplied with intermittent current from a 110
volt source.
This is shown by the fact that a 220 volt
lamp, for example, may be lighted from the
secondary, and, of course, it may be lighted
equally well or even better if connected across
the primary terminals. W.S. F.
Proressor E. ARNOLD gives, in the Electrical
Zeitschrift for January 5th, a study of the ‘ Con-
Marcu 10, 1899. ]
tact Resistance of Carbon and Copper Brushes
and the Temperature Rise of the Commutator.’
He finds that the contact resistance decreases
with increase of current density, especially with
higher velocities of commutator surface ; thus,
with a velocity of 368 meters (1205 ft.) per
minute, the resistance per sq. cm. is for .7 amp.
per sq. em. .6 ohm., while for 10 amp. it be-
comes only .1 ohm., beyond which point it is
nearly constant. He finds also that for a given
current density the resistance increases with
speed to a maximum, and then decreases for
higher speeds; this he accounts for by suppos-
ing an unfavorable relation. between the weight
of the brush and the periodicity of the vibra-
tions from passing over the segments; this
theory is upheld by the fact that the same max-
imum appears at a lower speed for the heavier
copper brush. A highly polished metal surface
gives a higher resistance, which oiling increases
still further. He mentions eddy currents as pro-
ducing losses in the segments, and gives formule
for the friction losses and the rise of the tem-
DuRING the past year Drs. R. Emmerich and
Oscar Loew have been engaged upon an inter-
esting problem in connection with enzymes as
remedies in infectious diseases. The work was
carried on in Munich, and as yet the results have
not been published in full. We areindebted to
Dr. Loew for the following facts in regard to the
investigations: It has been surmised by Nencki
and by Pfeiffer that the substances leading to
recovery from infectious diseases, and producing
immunity from them, belong to the enzymes.
The latter author believed that these enzymes
-are prepared by the animal organs and not by
bacteria themselves. Dr. de Schweinitz has
observed an enzyme in cultures of the hog
cholera germ which had a potent action in
rendering guinea pigs insusceptible to this dis-
ease. However, this enzyme exhibited poison-
ous action in but little higher doses than
necessary for immunizing.
Recently Emmerich and Loew have proved
that certain kinds of bacteria, for example,
Bacillus pyocyaneus, produce enzymes which not
only dissolve these bacilli themselves, but also
other microbes, such as the germs of cholera,
typhoid fever, anthrax, diphtheria, black
plague, stapthlococci and probably also gon-
ococci. The germs of tuberculosis and many
others are not affected by this enzyme within 24
hours. Micrococcus prodigiosus can also pro-
duce a bacteriolytic enzyme, which does not ap-
pear to actso favorably as that of the Pyocyaneus.
The Micrococcus erysipelatos produces one, but
this is associated, asin many other cases, with
very poisonous qualities.* Emmerich and Loew
have demonstrated that in a rabbit first infected
with anthrax and then treated with subcutane-
ous injections of the concentrated enzyme of the
Bacillus pyocyaneus the anthrax bacilli in the
spleen are found completely broken up and
partly dissolved, exactly as it can be observed in
vitro when a dose of millions of anthrax and the
other named bacilli are transferred into a few
cubic centimeters of the concentrated and puri-
fied pyocyaneus enzyme. The latter enzyme
can, by combination with an animal protein, be
transformed into an immunizing substance.
The authors have succeeded in obtaining both
these agencies in a durable solid form. Thus
the time seems near at hand when the treat-
ment with serum will be replaced by a cheaper
and simpler method, at least in certain cases.
B. T. GALLoway.
THE refusal of Congress to establish a perma-
nent census bureau for the proper conduct of
the work has had its natural sequence in the
appointment of a politician as Director of the
Twelfth Census. The best that can be said of
ex-Governor Merriam is that he had a credit-
able record as Governor of Minnesota. The
New York Evening Post speaks of the appoint-
ment as follows: ‘‘Mr. Merriam is appointed
Director of the Census simply because there
was no other good office vacant at home or
abroad. He has never had any experience as
*The bacillus of the black plague, that of tuber-
culosis, and other kinds, seem incapable of producing
bacteriolytic enzymes, at least not to any noticeable
degree, and the serum of black plague has, therefore,
been applied without success in the cases at Vienna.
a statistician, and possesses none of those expert
qualifications which the place imperatively de-
mands. He is a spoilsman, and can be trusted
to run the bureau on a spoils basis, from top to
bottom. No appointment could be made which
would so certainly secure the failure of the next
census as a trustworthy and creditable work.’’
Mr. F. H. WINEs, who has been appointed
Assistant Director of the Census, is an expert
THE nomination of Mr. Barrows as Librarian
of Congress has failed of confirmation by the
Senate. It is to be hoped that the action of the
Senate was due to the fact that Mr. Barrows is
not a librarian by profession, and not to the
fact that he is a good executive officer, who
would probably have administered the National
Library without regard to party considerations.
THE civilian members of the United States
Philippine Commission, President Schurman, of
Cornell University ; Col. Charles Denby, and
Professor Dean C. Worcester, of the University
of Michigan, have arrived at Manila.
D. ANTON Fritscu, Director of the Natural
History Museum of Prag, who has just begun
publishing the fourth volume of his Fauna der
Gaskohle of the Permian of Bohemia, sails for
New York in the Kaiser Wilhelm on March
28th, to visit the museums of this country.
Proressor T, KE. THorPE, F.R.S., has been
nominated for the presidency of the Chemical
Society, London, and Mr. William Whitaker,
F.R.S., has been elected President of the Geo-
logical Society, London.
WE regret to learn that Dr. J. J. Valentini,
the student of Mexicana, is seriously ill with
pneumonia at St. Luke’s Hospital, New York
Dr. H. Foster BAIN, Assistant State Geolo-
gist of Iowa, is delivering a course of lectures
on economic geology to the graduate students
in geology at the University of Chicago. Dr.
W. 5S. Beyer, professor of geology and mining
in the Iowa State College of Agriculture and
Mechanic Arts, has charge of the office of the
Iowa Geological Survey at Des Moines during
Dr. Bain’s absence.
Mr. M. A. CARLETON, who has been engaged
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 219.
for several years upon an investigation of the
rusts affecting cereals, has just returned from
Russia, where he has been collecting cereals
for use in this country in connection with the
investigations now being carried on by the
Section of Seed and Plant Distribution. Mr.
Carleton has collected much valuable material
and information which will further the work
of the Division of Vegetable Physiology and
Pathology on cereal diseases and the breeding
of new and valuable varieties.
ARRANGEMENTS have been made by the
Rothschilds to send Mr. G. W. Dunn on an
expedition to the Philippine Islands for the col-
lection of objects of natural history. Mr. Dunn
has made many collecting expeditions to South
America and Mexico. He is at present 85 years
of age.
Siagnor MArcontl described and demonstrated
his method of wireless telegraphy at a meeting
of the British Society of Electrical Engineers on
March 2d.
THE Academy of Sciences of Vienna has
made a new departure in entertaining at a ban-
quet Dr. Gerhardt Hauptmann, the eminent
dramatic writer. Dr. Ed. Suess, the President,
presided and made an address in honor of Dr.
ON the retirement of Mr. W. H. Preece, C.B,
the British Postmaster-General has ‘appointed
Mr. J. Hookey, previously assistant engineer-
in-chief, to be engineer-in-chief of the post office,
and he has also appointed Mr. J. Gavey to be
assistant engineer-in-chief and electrician.
M. BouQUET DE LA GRYE has been appointed
President of the Council of the French Bureau
of Meteorology. M. Darboux has been ap-
pointed Vice-President and M. Anthoine, Secre-
mental diseases in Cornell Medical College, has
been elected a member of the Royal Society of
A CIvit SERVICE examination will be held
on April 11-12, 1899, for the position of Assist-
ant in Irrigation, Office of Experiment Stations,
Department of Agriculture, at a salary of $1,500
per annum. The examination will consist of
MARrcH 10, 1899. ]
the subjects mentioned below, which will be
rated as follows :
Subjects. Weights.
Pe Dralbin ovmetetetereretctretestccleteleiielats)s/eleloxers)sVere 30
2. Theory and practice of irrigation,....... 20
3. Irrigation engineering,.........--...--- 20
4. Essays on irrigation subject, ........... 20
5. Training and experience,........-..--.- 10
Total ye ayctasvetreroeteteleteletaleve/aVeteiricl cvetsvereYlere 100
WE learn from Nature that at the annual
meeting of the Russian Geographical Society,
on February 2d, the following medals were
awarded: The Constantine medal to Dr. Gustav
Radde, the director of the Tiflis Museum, for
his forty-five years’ work in the study of Russia ;
the Count Liitke medal to J. I. Pomerantseff,
for his researches into the forms of the earth’s
geoid in the province of Fergana ; the Semonoff
medal to M. Kleiber, for his investigations into
the periods of high water in the Volga; the
great gold medal of the Section of Ethnography
to N. L. Gondatti, for his three years’ work of
exploration of the Land of the Chuckchis; the
Przewalski medal to L. A. Jaczewski, for his
physico-geographical researches in Siberia ; and
three smal] gold medals to M. Tachaloff, for his
instruction of travellers in astronomical observa-
tions; A. A. Rostkovsky, for a map of popula-
tion in the Bitol vilayet of Turkey ; and N. A.
Zarudnyi, for researches in Persia; a number
of silver medals were awarded for minor works.
IT is proposed to establish, with the sum of
$5,000, at the University of Glasgow, a prize
in pathology in memory of the late Professor
Joseph Coats.
STEPs are being taken to found a memorial in
honor of the late Robert Hebert Quick, who
accomplished much for the advancement of
education in Great Britain. It is hoped that
£500 may be collected and used to endow a
Quick Memorial Library at the Teachers’ Guild,
London, where Mr. Quick’s educational library
is at present deposited. Subscriptions may be
sent Mr. John Russell, Cripplegate, Woking
Surrey. ;
ARRANGEMENTS are being made to collect a
fund in memory of the late Professor Kanthack.
Owing to his early death, Mrs. Kanthack is not
sufficiently provided for, and it is proposed that
the income of the fund be given to her and at
her death be used for a permanent memorial to
commemorate his important contributions to
pathology. Subscriptions may be sent to Dr. J.
H. Drysdale, 25 Welbeck-street, London, West.
8. A., formerly professor of mechanics and en-
gineering at Washington University, St. Louis,
and during and since the Civil War a distin-
guished officer of the army, died on February
26th, at the age of 77 years,
THE death is announced of Alexandre La-
boulbene, professor of the history of medicine
in the University of Paris, at the age of 73
years. Dr. Laboulbene had not only published
valuable works on the history of medicine, but
was also well known as a pathologist and ento-
mologist, having published a ‘ Traité d’ Anato-
mie Pathologique’ and a ‘Faune Entomologique
WE regret also to record the death of Dr.
William Rutherford, professor of physiology in
the University of Edinburgh, which occurred on
February 21st, from a relapse following influ-
enza. We learn from the London Times that
Professor Rutherford was born at Ancrum
Craig, Roxburgshire, in 1839, and was educated
first at Jedburgh Grammar School, and after-
wards at Edinburgh University, where he grad-
uated with honors in 1863, obtaining a gold
medal for his thesis. He held office as house
physician and house surgeon in the Edinburgh
Royal Infirmary under Dr. Rutherford Haldane
and Professor Spence, and then taught anatomy
for a year in the Surgeons’-hall under Dr.
Struthers. He afterwards went to the Conti-
nent and studied at the great medical schools of
Berlin, Vienna and Paris. In 1865 he was ap-
pointed University assistant to the late Pro-
fessor John Hughes Bennett. In 1869, when
only 80 years of age, he was appointed profes-
sor of physiology in King’s College, London, a
post which he filled for five years, during three
of which he was also Fullerian professor of
physiology in the Royal Institution, London.
His reputation as a teacher and lecturer spread
rapidly, and in 1874, on the resignation of Pro-
fessor Hughes Bennett, he was appointed to the
chair of physiology in Edinburgh University.
Here he labored till the close of his life, and did
much to develop the practical teaching of phys-
iology, both in lectures and by the institution
of practical classes. His chief work was ‘ The
Action of Drugs on the Secretion of Bile,’ and
he was also the author of ‘Outlines of Practical
Histology,’ and a ‘Text-book on Physiology,’
besides many papers on various scientific sub-
jects. His recent efforts were chiefly directed
to the study of hearing, sight and other special
senses. He was also the inventor of the freez-
ing microtome, which has proved of great value
in microscopical research and demonstration.
In 1876 Professor Rutherford was elected a Fel-
low of the Royal Society of London.
THE French Mathematical Society is making
active arrangements for the International Con-
gress of Mathematicians, to be held at Paris,
from the 6th to the 12th of August, 1900. Re-
plies have already been received from 900 in-
tending members. A meeting was recently
held at Gottingen, at which representatives of
the Academies of Vienna, Munich and Leipzig
were present for the purpose of planning a pro-
gram for the Congress.
A COMMITTEE, of which Professor Newcomb
is the chairman, is collecting information in
regard to the best methods for observing the
total eclipse of the sun on May 28, 1900. The
track of the shadow runs from New Orleans to
Norfolk and across to Spain and Algeria. Ar-
rangements are also being made by the British
Astronomical Society. A paper was read by Mr.
A. C. D. Krommelin before the Society on
February 22d. Asa result of a close study of
the weather statistics the conclusions he drew
were: (1) That Algiers was certainly worth
occupying on account of its low cloud ratio, it
accessibility and its excellent harbor; (2) that
the Portuguese stations had a higher cloud
ratio, but a longer totality (1 min. 36 sec., as
compared with 1 min. 6 sec. at Algiers) ; (3) the
region south of Madrid had a low cloud ratio,
and several railway lines cut the shadow track,
so that there would be no difficulty in trans-
porting instruments; (4) the Alicante region
seemed less clear than central Spain, but more
so than Portugal. The Association’s special
steamer could land detachments at various
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 219.
points on the Portuguese and Spanish coasts,
and then proceed to Algiers with the remainder
of the party. It could remain at Algiers as a
floating hotel to the party, and after the eclipse
return by the same route, picking up the various
American Gardening, New York City, offers
prizes amounting to $150 for papers on hybrid-
ization treated from the point of view of its
relations to science and horticulture. The
papers must be between 1,000 and 5,000 words
in length and must be sent in before April 15th.
TueE Paris Academy of Sciences has received
a legacy of 35,000 fr. from M. Paul Frédéric
Hély d’Oissel.
THE late Dr. E. F. A. Obach has bequeathed
his scientific library to the Siemens’ Engineer-
ing Society, Woolwich, with the exception of
his special library on india rubber, which, with
specimens,-etc., is left to the Botanical Museum,
THE Zoological Society of London has sub-
scribed £200 towards the fund being collected
for a British Antarctic expedition.
THE Goldsmith’s Company, London, has
made a further grant, this time of £500, for the
the continuation of experiments on the anti-
toxin treatment of diphtheria undertaken un-
der the direction of the Royal Colleges of Physi-
cians and Surgeons.
A HUNDRED-YEAR Club has been established
in New York City, and will be glad to receive
mnembers whose only duties are to pay the an-
nual fees and to try to pledge themselves to en-
deavor to live and persuade others to live more
than a hundred years. A beginning has been
made by a dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria.
In connection with the work on pear blight
conducted by Mr. M. B. Waite, of the Division
of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology, United
States Department of Agriculture, an interest-
ing feature has been developed in the way of
growing the bacillus of blight on dormant pear
shoots. The fact that the organism could be
grown in this way was discovered by Mr. Waite
about two years ago, and it furnishes means of
throwing light ona number of points connected
Marcu 10, 1899. ]
with the disease. For illustrative purposes in
class rooms or elsewhere it forms one of the
most striking examples of the effects produced
by a bacterial plant disease. Shoots the size of
a lead pencil or a little larger are cut from pear
trees, and after being washed in a clean water
their upper ends are cut in a slanting way
with a sharp sterilized knife. The shoots are
then placed in a glass containing water, with
the slanting ends free. The glass and its con-
tents are now set in a plate or dish containing
water, and a bell jar or large beaker placed
over them in such a way that the rim is im-
mersed in the water in the plate. This insures
a saturated atmosphere and other conditions
unfavorable to the shoots, but favorable to the
germs themselves. Infections with pure cul-
tures of the blight bacillus on the slanting cut
surfaces of the shoots begin to show as beautiful,
pearly-white, bead-like colonies in from 36 to 48
hours, and as the disease progresses, which it
does more or less rapidly under varying con-
ditions of heat, the changes in the host and para-
site may be easily watched.
THE new Turbinia, of 220 feet in length and
330 tons displacement, is, as we learn from the
London Times, in an advanced state of construc-
tion at Ellswick, and hopes are being enter-
tained of her being tried in two months from
the present time. The modifications found to
be desirable after the exhaustive trials of her
predecessor are considerable. The new vessel
has eight propellers on four shafts, instead of
the original Turbinia’s three shafts and nine
propellers. Her ‘going-astern’ arrangements
are far in advace of those of the pioneer boat,
whose extreme speed caused great excitment
in the Solent at the time of the Naval Review
of 1897. ;
PRESIDEN! TAYLOR, of Vassar College, has
declined the call to the presidency of Brown
Mr. A. E. H. Love. F.R.S., Fellow of St.
John’s College, Cambridge, and University lec-
turer in mathematics, has been appointed Sed-
leian professor of natural philosophy in succes-
sion to the late Professor Bartholomew Price.
Mr. A. W. Hitt has been appointed dem-
onstrator in botany in Cambridge University.
Rotiins A. Emerson, of Washington, D. C.
who was elected to the chair of horticulture in
the University of Nebraska in June, 1898, as-
sumed the duties of the position March Ist.
After resigning his position in the Division of
Experiment Stations in the Department of
Agriculture, he spent some time in study in
Cornell University before taking up his new
Dr. H. E. ANNETT has been appointed
demonstrator of tropical pathology in the newly-
founded school of tropical diseases in Liverpool.
Both Edinburgh and Aberdeen have taken steps
to establish lectureships on the diseases of
tropical climates.
THE chair of natural history at Aberdeen,
vacant by the death of Professor Nicholson, will,
it is expected, be divided, and professorships of
geology and zoology will be established.
THE late Mrs. Martha S. Pomeroy has be-
queathed to Wellesley College $60,000 for the
erection of a dormitory, and also the residue of
her estate.
WE are also glad to record the following gifts
and bequests: Miss Maria Hopper has given
$10,000 to Bryn Mawr College for the founda-
tion of a scholarship. Syracuse University has
received $5,000 from the heirs of H. H. Crary,
of Binghamton, in accordance with the wishes
he had expressed. The University of North
Carolina has been given $15,000 by Mr. Julian
S. Carr. Swarthmore College has received
$5,000 by the will of the late Daniel Underhill.
THE late Professor Rutherford has bequeathed
to Edinburgh University his valuable medical
library and his collection of physiological and
microscopical specimens.
On the fifteenth of February the University
of Nebraska celebrated its thirtieth anniversary.
It has been the custom for many years to ob-
serve ‘Charter Day’ as a holiday, and to have
parades, military exercises, addresses, etc., and
for several years degrees have been conferred
upon such students as completed their work at
this time. On the present occasion seven stu-
dents received the bachelor’s degree and two
the master’s degree. The University address
was given by Dr. A. F. Nightingale, Superin-
tendent of High Schools, Chicago. During
the evening exercises Governor Poynter made
the welcome announcement that he had that
morning signed the ‘ University Revenue Bill’
and that it was now the law of the State. This
bill is one in which all the friends of the Uni-
versity were much interested. It provides first
for the classification and handling of the funds
of the University, as follows: The permanent
endowment fund, the temporary University
fund, the University cash fund, the United
States Morrill fund and the agricultural ex-
periment station fund, and requires that the
State Treasurer shall be the custodian of all Uni-
versity funds. The second and by far the most
important provision is that by which the Uni-
versity tax is increased from three-eighths of a
mill to one mill on each dollar of valuation of
the ‘grand assessment roll’ of the State. This
will place a much larger sum in the hands of
the Regents of the University and will enable
them to plan for larger things in the future.
It is one of the most important acts of any
Legislature in Nebraska in its bearing upon
higher education.
WE hope that the following item printed in
the San Francisco Call is correct: ‘‘ Three
measures for the benefit of Stanford University
have been presented in the California Senate.
They are in the form of amendments to the po-
litical code, allowing corporations formed for
educational purposes to accept gifts and be-
quests. When the bills finally become laws
Mrs. Stanford stands ready to turn over her
own personal fortune of more than $5,000,000
to the college, and Governor Stanford’s
brother, who has made a fortune in Australia,
will turn over in installments nearly $15,000,-
000 more. This vast sum, with the present
funds at the disposal of the college, will place
it on a financial standing far beyond its com-
petitors. Under the present provisions of the
codes an educational institution cannot accept
a gift or bequest. It was the intent of the law
to prevent certain eleemosynary institutions
from securing possession of large tracts of land
and sums of money, and hold them; with no
benefit to anyone, and so when it was desired
[N.S. VoL. IX. No. 219.
to endow the University with all the Stanford
millions it was found to be impossible to do so
under the laws of the State. It was about a
year ago that the Australian Stanford first
broached the subject of adding his millions to
those of his brother. It had always been Gov-
ernor Stanford’s wish that his childless and kin-
less brother should follow his example regard-
ing the University, and a year ago it was decided
to bring the two fortunes together.’’
THE annual report of President Eliot, of Har-
vard University for 1897, is, as usual, an edu-
cational document of great importance. With
the appended reports of the deans of the facul-
ties and schools and the directors of the scien-
tific establishments it contains 322 pages, and
the report of the Treasurer is given in much de-
tail, occupying 89 pages. Among the subjects
considered is President Eliot’s favorite plan of
reducing the College course to three years, it be-
ing pointed out that more than one-third of the
students do practically complete the work re-
quired inthis time. Itis noted that men of high
scholarship are fully equal to others in physical
development, as shown by the gymnasium rec-
ords. President Eliot finds that during the past
twenty-seven years the number of members of
the faculty has increased more rapidly than the
number of students and that the average ages
of the members of the faculty has decreased
by less than one year. The instructors of the
first three classes are considerably older than
formerly, while the instructors of the senior
class are younger. The average age of the
Harvard instructor is about forty years. Dur-
ing the year the requirements for admission to
Harvard College and the Lawrence Scientific
School were revised in a manner favorable to
the sciences. The text-book study of physics
and astronomy is omitted and four new sub-
jects are offered, namely, astronomy, physiog-
raphy, meteorology and anatomy, with physi-
ology and hygiene. No reason is given for not
allowing zoology or botany to be elected, yet
these are perhaps the sciences which can be
best taught in the ordinary preparatory schools.
The terms of admission to the Lawrence Scien-
tific School will, we are glad to learn, gradually
be raised to substantial equality with those of
of the College.
Fic. 4. Adjustment for transverse space waves.
Fie.1. Belt plate, ete.
Fie. 5. Adjustment for compounding circular and
plane polarized waves.
Fic. 2. Cam axles with one, two and three wave-
lengths. if
Fie. 3. Adjustment for plane polarized waves. Fie. 6. Adjustment for rotary polarization.
EpITroRIAL ComMiTrEE: S. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WoopwaRD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THurston, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry ;
J. LE ContE, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; O. C. Marsu, Paleontology; W. K. Brooks,
C. Harr Merriam, Zoology; 8. H. ScuppER, Entomology; C. E. Bessey, N. L. Britton,
Botany; Henry F. Oszorn, General Biology; C. S. Minor, Embryology, Histology;
H. P. BowpircH, Physiology; J. S. BrLLines, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL,
Psychology; DANIEL G. BRINTON, J. W. POWELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, Marcon 17, 1899.
The Objective Presentation of Harmonic Motion (with
Plate II.) : PRoFEssOR CARL BARUS...
The Work of the U. S. Fish Commission. .........+-++++
Engineering and the Professions in Education : PRO-
FESSOR R. H. THURSTON ............00cseceeeeseeeees 407
Scientific Books :—
Loew’s Die Chemischen Energie der lebenden Zel-
len: DR. ALBERT F. Woops. Davis’s Physical
HAM. General.
Societies and Academies :—
The Geological Club of the University of Minne-
sota: Dr. F. W. SARDESON. The Botanical
Club of the University of Chicago. Entomological
Society of Washington: Dr. L. O. HOWARD.
The Academy of Science of St. Louis : PROFESSOR
WIELEAMIERREDWASE Hf ociiocscsvecsecsccnesescasceses 412
Discussion and Correspondence :—
The Importance of Establishing Specific Place-
Identity of Common and Labrador White-Fish :
Dr. TARLETON H. Bean. A_ Date-Palm
The Choicerofa-Hlements (si DenD)ierc-ssccset «sce: 415
Astronomical Notes :—
Tuttle's Comet; A New Star in Sagittarius:
PROFESSOR E. C. PICKERING.......00..sc0esceeees 417
Notes on Physics :—
Electrie Wire Waves; A New Indicator for Elec-
trie Waves; The Electric Discharge in Rarefied
Gas ; Brilliancy of Light Sources: W.S. F. The
Magnetization of Iron ; General: A. St. C. D.... 418
ISCLENTUfLCHNOLES ONAPNEWSicecteoslasecucesseeisecienseenecssiers
University and Educational News
MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended
for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
1. Introductory.
2. General construction.
3. Cam axles.
4. Levers, riders and balls.
Action of the machine.
5. Method of compounding.
6. Plane transverse waves.
7. Transverse space waves.
8. Compressional space waves.
9. Rotary polarization.
10. Method of designating phases.
11. Do. Space waves.
12. Effective cirles of reference.
I. Compound S. H. M’s coplanar of the same wave~
13. Plane polarization curves.
14. Waves of constant amplitude.
15. Waves of varying amplitude.
Il. Preceding case (I) with additional velocity
superimposed on either wave-plane.
16. Beats.
17. Déppler’s principle.
III. Preceding cases (I and IL) with the velocity
of either wave-train reversed.
18. Equal velocities. Stationary waves.
19. Wandering nodes.
IV. Component S. H. M’s at right angles to each
other, of the same amplitude and wave-length.
20. Elliptic polarization.
VY. Preceding case (IV) with component velocities
and periods unequal.
21. Incommensurable periods.
VI. Preceding case (IV) with either component
velocity reversed.
Plane waves.
22. Velocities equal.
23. Velocities unequal
VII. Preceding case (IV) adjusted for
24. Plane and helical compounds.
VILI. Waves of compression and rarefaction.
25. Longitudinal vibration.
26. Reflection.
IX. Component 8. H. M’s. coplanar, with wave-
length ratio, 1:2.
27. Harmonic curves.
28. Waves.
29. Case IX with component velocities unequal.
30. Case LX with one component velocity reversed.
X. Component S. H. M’s. at right angles to each
other, with wave-length ratio 1:2.
31. Harmonie curves.
32. Waves.
33. Case X with component velocities unequal.
XI. Components 8S. H. M’s. coplanar with wave-
length ratio 2:3.
34. Plane harmonies and waves.
XII. Component S. H. M’s. at right angles to each
other with wave-length ratio, 2:3.
35. Transverse space waves.
XIII. Component harmonics circular and vertically
simple harmonic of any wave-length ratio.
36. Harmonic curves for equal component wave-
37. Waves.
38. Curves and waves for other component wave-
XIV. Component harmonics both circular, of any
wave-length ratio, and opposite in direction.
39. Remarks on the machine.
40. Rotary polarization. Equal component wave-
41. Do. Unequal periods and velocities.
42. Unequal component wave-lengths.
43. Do. Unequal velocities.
44. Right-handed circular component harmonics.
45. Do Unequal velocities. Equal wave-lengths.
46. Do. Unequal wave-lengths.
1. Introductory. — Although wave ma-
chines of a variety of special patterns are
well known, none of them, to my knowledge,
are sufficiently comprehensive in design to
embody in a single mechanism the types of
*Compiled from notes on lectures delivered at
Brown University.
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 220.
harmonic motion met with in acoustics,
light, electricity and elsewhere, with a clear
bearing on their kinematic analysis. I will,
therefore, venture to describe such a ma-
chine, even at the risk of becoming prolix,
believing the apparatus to be more complete
than any similar machine which I have
seen, and having, after considerable expe-
rience, become assured of its usefulness in
class work.
The machine which I have in view must
be able, in the first place, to compound any
two simple harmonic curves for any differ-
ence of amplitude period and phase. The
compound harmonic of two, or, at the most,
three, components is quite complex enough
for illustration, and whatever advantage
may be gained from further components is
more than counterbalanced by additional
complexity of apparatus. The wave ma-
chine must next be able to set all the com-
pound harmonies in vigorous motion,* thus
producing what I should like to call a train
of resolute complex waves (not decrepit
waves or waves of deficient vitality); it
must do this when the components (meet-
ing at the origin initially in any difference
of amplitude period or phase) travel with
the same or with different velocities in the
same direction or in opposite directions.
The latter adjustment affords an admirable
illustration of the phenomenon of station-
ary waves, either with fixed or with wan-
dering nodes; the other an equally apt
illustration of musical beats for slight dif-
ferences of periods or slight differences of
wave velocity. Doppler’s principle is thus
put in evidence. Relative to stationary
waves the adjustment is to be set either for
reflection with or without change of phase
in such a way as to clear up the wretched
confusion which usually surrounds this sub-
ject in elementary physics.
With these possibilities for plane polar-
*In this respect the photographs fail utterly to sug-
gest the beauty of the machine when in action.
MARCH 17, 1899. ]
ized waves, the apparatus must next fully
represent the corresponding cases for trans-
verse‘waves in space. It must, therefore,
represent all cases of elliptic and of higher
(one might say Lissajous) polarization,
both as regards the compounding of har-
monic curves for all differences of amplitude
period and phase of the two components
and the corresponding waves resulting for
like or different velocities of the compo-
nents in the same or in opposite directions.
It must show that the section of such waves
are Lissajous curves for the particular
ratio selected, and that these curves are
either fixed or in uniform variation as the
component wave-lengths, velocities and
periods correspond or not.
The machine should, furthermore, be able
to compound simple harmonic and circular
motion, showing both the complex har-
monies and the waves, to which all variety
can be given by changes of amplitude,
period and phase. Indeed, types of singular
complexity are thus obtainable.
Again, the machine should compound two
opposite uniform circular motions, differing
in period or wave velocity or both, showing
the helical harmonic curves as well as the
twisted vibratory waves, with special refer-
ence to rotary polarization.
Finally, compressional waves must be ob-
tainable,and this with particular reference to
their inherently simple harmonic character.
The machine itself must be made not only
of easily replaceable parts and sufficiently
simple to resist wear and tear, but so fash-
ioned that the functions of the active ap-
purtenances may be understood from mere
inspection. As I have carried it out, the
machine is built almost entirely of stout tin
plate (about -027” thick) folded to secure
rigidity, with axles of brass tube to facilitate
soldering. Anybody in possession of an
ordinary roofman’s tin bender* for making
*The edge around which the plate is bent should
be rounded. Sharp bends are not wanted.
lap joints, and a little skill in soldering, can
make the machine for himself at a trifling
2. General Construction.—Fig. 1 shows the
bed plate of the machine with the attached
permanent frame work of tin plate; the
movable cam axles, AB and CD; the driv-
ing wheels or pulley cones, EF, with belt
and crank, and the removable back plates,
GG vertical and /7 horizontal.
The framework of the rectangular shape
seen is made up of strips of tin plate bent
into an elongated C-section, as shown in
Figure 7, firmly soldered together and
screwed down to the baseboard. The up-
rights which carry the axles are similarly
made, fastened and suitably braced. A
very light and open but strong frame is
thus obtained which could be used even
without the board. The slight yielding
which remains is rather an advantage.
The hollow cam axles AB and CD of
brass, about 25” long, parallel and 15” apart
at the same height, are sustained at the ends
Aand Cby pins a and e secured by metal
straps of copper at the ends of the uprights.
The pins project about 1” or 2’ into the
axles, so that the latter may revolve around
them securely. The ends B and D of the
cam axles similarly receive the reduced and
shouldered axles of the pulley cones H and
F, and spring latch pins (one visible at D,
andin Fig. 2 at the other figures) fasten
the pulleys rigidly to the respective cam
Detached cam axles are shown in Figure 2.
The pulleys are grooved so that the speed
ratios 4:2, 4:38, 4:4, 4:6 may be imparted
to the axles by successively moving the belt
from front to rear. They are mounted in a
horizontal rectangle on four uprights corre-
sponding to axles at the corners, and any
tension given to the belt bears longitudi-
nally upon the rectangle without straining
framework. The rectangle is wide enough
to allow the pulleys to slide laterally when-
ever a cam axle is to be removed. This is
done for the front axle, for instance, as
follows: Let the metal strap at c be
loosened and the pin therein withdrawn ;
this frees the end C. Now let the spring
latch at D be withdrawn and the axle of
pulley F’slid to the right. This frees the
end D. The cam axle may now be with-
drawn to be replaced by another on re-
versing these operations.
3. Cam aales.—Each of the cam axles
(Figs. 1 and 2) carries 25 eecentrics of thick
tin plate, equidistant, about 1” apart and
differing in phase by ;; circumference in
Fig. 1, so that in this case there are two
complete right-handed turns in each of the
helices. The diameter of the rear eccen-
tries is 4’, with a double swing of 3”; the
diameter of the front eccentrics is 3’’, with
a double swing of 2”, but this series has
an advantage of position or leverage, as
will presently be seen. A safe minimal
margin of } beyond the axle is thus left in
each case.
It is usually convenient to keep the rear
axlein place. In the room of the front axle,
however, the other right-handed helices
(Fig. 2), containing respectively 1 or 3 turns
to the whole length ; another containing one
right-hand and one left-hand helix (the
eccentrics alternating), and a final one left-
handed, with 4” cams and 3” throw, corre-
sponding to the rear axle (see Fig. 6), are
provided. The two latter are adopted for
the illustration of rotary polarization. The
three former are a means of obtaining wave-
length ratios 1:1, 1:2, 2:3 for all ampli-
tudes, periods and phases on removing the
front axle only.
The general purposes of the machine will
not require more axles than this, though I
have used others to be referred to below.
_The eccentrics themselves of the heavy
tin plate specified are turned together to a
common size on the lathe, and soldered to
the axle by aid of a suitable gauge. This
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 220.
need merely be a piece of board of a width
corresponding to the distance apart of the
cams, and having the phase angle carefully
marked on both sides. If the board is per-
forated normally for the reception of the
axle, and cut across axially so as to be re-
movable, the soldering of the cam axles is
surprisingly easy. I have also tried other
methods with success. The work must be
done expeditiously, as prolonged heat warps
the cams.
The helices shown in the figure are usually
right-handed screws. Since they are sta-
tionary, a wave advancing from the operator
corresponds to counter-clockwise rotation.
This is an apparent disadvantage as com-
pared with left-handed stationary screws,
but as the waves in the former case advance
from left to right (positively for the observer
in front) for clockwise rotation by an oper-
ator on the right of the machine the dispo-
sition chosen is preferable.
4, Levers, Riders and Balls.—To obtain the
different types of wave motion from the
cams described, long extensible levers of
thin brass tube are provided, shown in de-
tail in Fig. 8 (longitudinal dimensions },
cross dimensions +), and in place in the re-
maining figures.
The levers were originally made of heavy
guttered tin plate behind and light guttered
tin plate in front. Latterly, however, I re-
placed these by the light extensible ‘ curtain
rods’ of very thin brass tube,* consisting
of a round tube F snugly telescoping into a
wider round tube FF’, about 5/16” in diam-
eter. The first tube / is provided with an
axial pin Fk, 3” long, carrying a 1/2", cork
ball Q (painted red), representing one of
the vibrating particles of the wave. The
rod #& is not seen in sunshine shadows and
is added for this reason. Its end is tipped
* These ‘rods’ are in the market, each about two
feet long, thus admitting of a safe extension to much
over three feet. Though made of thin split tube,
they fit well. The price is trifling.
MARcH 17 1899. ]
with an eyelet (not shown), to actuate
other apparatus §S8, 25, 24.
The larger tube FF” carries a U-shaped
wide gutter of tin plate K in front, soldered
to FF’ and adapted to ride on one of the
front series of eccentrics. The section
through J is seen in thé auxiliary figure J,
showing all the sectional parts E, F, K in
their relative positions. KK is 74” long and
must be carefully placed so as to be adapted
to the various types of wave motion. Its
position in figure is in the scale specified.
The rear of the tube FF’ is fitted with a
similar set of gutters of tin plate, Mand L,
meeting at right angles with their concave
sides rearward and downward. This right-
angled gutter is adapted to ride on one of
the cams of the rear axle, the bearing be-
ing on M or ZL, or both, as the case may be.
The section is shown in JJ. The gutter M
terminates in a flat fork, securing and guid-
ing a small vertical roller 0, as shown in
the figure.
Fias. 7 to 10. Details.
| Za
To bind the levers firmly down upon the
rear cams, a long staple of thin steel wire
(No. 16) P is attached about 5’’ below #F’.
As shown in plan in Fig. 9, this is about
5’ long and pulled downward to the rear
by a helical spring the action of which is
indicated by the arrow in Fig. 8. The rear
ends of all helical springs are soldered to a
common cross rod (seen at S in Figs. 4
and 5), and they are adjusted as to tension
and direction by sliding both ends of the
rod § along oblique notched laths of tin
plate 7’ on both sides of the machine. The
springs themselves appear clearly in Fig. 4,
and the riders in different positions in the
other figures. The cams in rotating run
within the loop of the elastic staple P, and
sufficient breadth must be given for clear-
ance. The springs should be as light as
practicable to obviate excess of friction on
the axle. Steel wire No. 23, wound to a
closed helix about 1/2”in diameter and 1/2”
long, is suitable.
The length of the gutter Z is 6’, of Mf to
the end of the roller 74”, and they are sol-
dered tol” to correspond with K.
As regards sure guidance and ease
of adjustment, springs placed in the
rear of the machine are to be preferred.
With less advantage they may be placed
between the axles, as was done in my
Fia. 12.
earlier apparatus. Levers heavier at their
rear ends are desirable, and in some exper-
iments, if not in all, the machine should be
tipped up in front. Waves may then be
sent along the axis with considerable veloc-
5. Method of Compounding.—Very little
need be said about the action of the ma-
chine. It is clear that if the rear ends
of the levers are horizontally at rest,
but execute S. H.'M.* in the vertical
by riding nearly parallel to themselves on
the rotating cams, the balls Q would exe-
cute similarly approximate S. H. M. if the
fulerum AK were a common axis for all; but
if the fulerum A, though horizontally at rest
also executes S. H. M. in the vertical the
motion at @ will be the complex harmonic
of which the two stated motions (Mand JK’)
determine the components.
Again, if the rear end of the lever is ver-
tically at rest, but executes S. H. M. in the
horizontal by leaning against the rotating
cams rearward (rider 1), the ball @Q will
do the same provided the slide at Kis ina
parallel plane ; but if the rider A simul-
taneously executes S. H. M. in the vertical
the motion at Q is the complex space har-
monie corresponding to the two components
stated, etc.
Finally the wave-length ratio is given by
the cam axles ; period ratios are determined
by the pulleys or by the velocities of rota-
tion imparted to those axles, respectively ;
the cam axle and pulley ratios together
then determine the velocities of propaga-
tion of the component waves,
6. Plane Transverse Waves.—With these
explanations the remaining figures will be
Fig. 3 is the arrangement for plane po-
larization. In this case all the levers abut
at their rear ends against the vertical plate
G, with freedom to slide up and down it in
virtue of the rollers O (Fig. 8) when the
wave is in motion. Grooves for O are an
advantage. Riders K and JM are here in
action, rider J being kept quite in front of
the cams by the plate G. The levers are
continually pushed to the rear by the clock-
wise rotation at the crank, and additionally
by the rearward action of the springs.
*Simple harmonic motion.
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 220.
A notched lath (not shown in the figures),
stretching quite across the machine between
the axles and swung horizontally and up-
ward on a swivel, is adapted to lifting all the
levers at once quite above the front cam so as
to permit the easy insertion of another cam
axle. Riding on this rail the levers show the
simple harmonic due to the rear axle alone.
7. Transverse Space Waves.—The machine
is adjusted for space wavesin Fig. 4. Here
the rear ends of the levers are lifted so as
to rollin the fore and aft grooves of the
horizontal plate Hin virtue of the rollers
O. Riders M are lifted quite above the
cams, while riders AZ and the grooves on
H now control the motion, the levers being
drawn rearward by the spring. The figure
shows a circularly polarized wave passing
along the particles, being compounded of
the horizontal rear wave seen on H and the
vertical wave above the front axle. Of
course, an inspection of the apparatus is
more satisfactory.
In a recent construction I have modified
the rear plates G and H, discarding H and
adopting Gin such a way that it may be
slid from its vertical position into the hori-
zontal position (H) by following lateral
guides much like the platen of a printing
press. The plate now carries all the rear
ends of the levers with it, which much facili-
tates the change from plane to space waves
and vice versa. The grooves on the plate
are preferably much wider and deeper than
shown in Figure 4.
In Fig. 5 the machine is in the act of
compounding the circular motion of the
rear axle with the vertical 8. H. M. of the
front axle. The back plate is wholly re-
moved and the three riders K M L (Fig. 8)
now come into play. The figure shows the
horizontal 8. H. curve, resulting for oppo-
site phases of the vertical components. S.
H. structure above the front axle and the
circular harmonic arrangement of the rollers
in the rear is manifest.
MAkcH 17, 1899.]
8. Compressional Space Waves.—Either of
the adjustments, Figs. 4 and 5, is adapted to
actuate sound waves, as will be shown below,
§ 25.
9. Rotary Polarization.—Figure 6 shows
the apparatus adapted to compound two
equal and opposite circular motions, Fig.
10 being a detail relative to it. Both the
front and rear series of eccentrics have the
same diameter and swing, but there is one
turn in front to two in the rear, respectively
left and right. The riders are gutters
about 4’ long, joined at right angles with
the concave sides toward the eccentrics.
The extensible levers ‘(tubular as above)
are soidered in the prolongation of the bi-
sectrix of the riders, and project from the
salient side of the right angle obliquely up-
ward, each passing through a perforation in
the horizontal Jaths of folded tin plate shown
at U U’ and V V’. The levers are effect-
ively about 18’ long, and are held down
upon the cams by springs * (like the above) |
one end of each of which engages the lever,
while the other is revolubly attached to the
axle, between the cams (see Fig. 6). If
U U' and V JV’ (adjustable) are symmetric-
ally placed with reference to the two effect-
ive ends of the levers the upper ends will
trace a circle-like figure, corresponding to
the circular motion of the lower ends.
With the pulleys cross-belted as shown, the
pin eyelets XY Y (3” long, soldered axially
to the upper ends) may then be adjusted to
the counter circular motion indicated in
Fig. 10.
Two methods of compounding were tried.
In the first the ends of two silk threads,
Fig. 10, carrying the cork W (vibrating
particle) between them were fastened to
delicate helical springs surrounding the
upper ends of the levers. This method con-
structs the wave very well, but in motion
the friction at the eyelets (one of which is
often high and the other vertically below
* These springs are seen on the helix in Fig. 2.
it) ig apt to be too unequal to keep the
particle in the symmetrical position neces-
sary. Better results are obtained by stretch-
ing a very thin India rubber band, dd ee,
between the eyelets, carrying the particle
as before. Springs were similarly tested.
Parallelogram motion is hardly appreciable
here without elaborate construction.
The vertical vibration is in this way very
well obtained (of course, in semi-amplitude).
The horizontal vibration is noticeably curvi-
linear, seeing that the two motions com-
pounded are not quite uniformly circular.
Even in this case, however, the connectors
dd ce move parallel to themselves.
The helical characters of the wave ob-
tained is well shown in Fig. 6, calling to
mind that each ball vibrates normally to
the strings by which it is suspended.
The laths U V are supported by uprights
Z Z', which fit in flat sockets (seen at J, in
Figs. 4 and 5). With these the whole
superstructure of laths, levers and riders is
removed from the machine at once in a
manner easily suggested. The bed plate
then returns to the appearance of Fig. 1.
The method of obtaining similar results
in compounding circular motion for the case
of Fig. 4 is given below §24. A special cam
axle carrying two screws (alternate cams
differing 180° in phase) is here needed. If
rotary polarization is wanted tke wave-
lengths of the front and rear axle must
10. Method of Designating Phases.—Before
describing the consecutive experiments to
be performed with the machine, it is well
to come to an understanding as to the phases
in which the two component disturbances
meet. These are conveniently determined
by the long axes of the first eccentrics on
each axle, which (axes) may, therefore, be
called pointers. Since the waves for clock-
wise rotation at the crank travel from left
to right, along the axle, and since a rise of
the front cams elevates the balls, whereas
a rise of the rear cams depresses them, the
two component waves will meet in the same
phase at the origin when the long axes of
the eccentrics there point horizontally away
from each other, i. ¢., when the front
pointer is to the front or left of the opera-
tor at the crank, and the rear pointer to his
right. This is also the null position, or zero
of phase (to be marked + 0), for the first
particle of each component wave, 7. e., the
particle on the left hand (origin) of the
observer facing the machine in front. Both
component harmonic curves and the com-
[N.S. Von. EX. No. 220.
of both axles over 1, 2 and 3 right angles,
while the compound harmonic is shoved
forward },4,# wave-length. Further rota-
tion of 90° restores the original case.
If the two cam axles contain the same
number of turns, the same phase difference
obviously corresponds toall particles. Other-
wise special consideration is necessary for
each case.
Restoring the front and rear cam axles
to their original positions (pointers horizon-
tally outward), rotate the rear axle 90°,
clockwise, relative to the other. This puts
all its particles 90° ahead in phase of the
| ao HA Bo Hd ao Hd ao Kod
Transverse Plane Waves. | Transverse Space Waves. oF Sind oy SH) ou Ett oy Ete!
a Sates a AUets Ma ALU near | Bs | as |i e< | ad |) ee | ad | ea | wa
Same Phases. +0 +0 |} +m | +m || —o —0 || —m | —m
o A : i A
<= | ee ib i [essere | Oe [ is
Front ) Rear i
Ae s + 270°, nee st 90211 inet 0, +m +m —0 —0 —m —m +0
Front ). Rear 7 +Q | —m +m 0 ==10, ae =
Axle § qag0as rer fede 4 + a se (
| ad i i se || > | : | ———
<= A th
Same Phases. +0 +0 +m +m —0 —0 | —™m mee
ea eae wash ie i oe | ae
Opposite Phases. On Ole ta 20e. —m || —0 +0 | —m +m
A as Paes i
<= |<= , => | SS
pee + 90°, Beas | +270° ceo ea ia OH Oba) eon t—me
ety EE EL Soest ve | tenes Eo oe ea || —_——|-_—||— | a
Front 70) eaL a | it _ = = —
iAGcle \ + 270°, ee + 90° ||} +0 +m +m 0 0 m m +0
Opposite Phases. +0 —0 +m —m —0 +0 —m +m
pound harmonic leave the origin with a
descending node, the head of the wave
(right semi-wave) being a crest. Absence
of phase difference in the component har-
monics of the particle at the origin will
occur for other cardinal positions of the
pointers, viz: front and rear pointers re-
spectively up and down (maxima, marked
+m), right and left or towards each other
(mean position marked — 0), and down
and up (minima, marked —m). These
follow each other on like clockwise rotation
corresponding particles of the front wave.
The pointers in their cardinal positions will
now be respectively left and down, up and
left, right and up, down and right to the
operator, etc., for successive additional rota-
tions of 90° each.
Beginning again with pointers away from
each other, 7. e., with both component, 8. H.
motions starting at the first particle, let the
front axle be rotated clockwise 90° rela-
tively to the other. The pointers in their
cardinal positions will now be up and right,
MARkcH 17, 1899. ]
right and down, down and left, left and up,
while the particles at the origin run through
all phases together. This case corresponds
to the preceding for 270°, ete.
All this is evident enough; but it is,
nevertheless, advisable to make a diagram
of the position of the pointers as here
shown, in order instantly to discern the
phases in which the initial particles meet in
any case. In the table the positions of the
pointers are designated by arrows; + m de-
notes maximum displacement, etc. Further
explanation will be given presently.
11. Space Waves.—The composition of two
simple harmonics at right angles to each
other will necessarily require special treat-
ment, for here the rear riders are at right
angles to those of the former case, and the
S. H. motion of the rear axle is not reversed
at the balls. If displacement up and for-
ward from the observer’s view be consid-
ered positive, then the null position or zero
of phase of the particles at the origin corre-
sponds to pointers left for the front axle and
up for the rear axle, as seen by the operator.
The compound simple harmonic of these
components is thus a linear vibration with
amplitude “2, as regards the equal com-
ponents, and making an angle of 45° to the
horizontal from the observer to the machine.
It thus lies in the first quadrant, as seen by
the operator at the crank.
Both component S. H. curves leave the
origin with a descending node.
Hence, if in the above table we shove the
first column of entries one row ahead, 7. e.,
if we begin for no phase difference with the
second row and continue in cyclical order,
the table will be adapted to the present case.
Pointers in opposite directions will thus
correspond to counter-clockwise circular
motion in the compound wave; pointers in
the same direction to clockwise circular
motion, as seen by the operator at the crank.
The first of these cases will, however, cor-
respond to a right-handed, the second to a
left-handed, screw when seen from the ori-
gin, since all waves move from left to right.
The table contains an entry relative to
the present case. It thus indicates 16 car-
dinal phase differences for plane and the
same number for space waves.
12. Effective Circles of Reference.—Finally,
a word may be said as to the position of the
circles of reference corresponding to the two
component §. H. motions. Clearly, the cen-
ters of the eccentrics (marked in Fig. 1) de-
termine the amplitude of theS. H. M. In
all phases, however, the riders are nearly
normally above or else to the rear of these
centers by a distance equal to the radius of
the eccentric, and, therefore, always in the
same kind of reciprocating motion which
corresponds to the amplitude and period of
the eccentric.
Hence the circle of reference of the ver-
tical 8. H. M. is on a vertical diameter and
tangent to the highest and lowest positions
of the edge of the eccentric on the same side
of the axle. The diameter prolonged passes
vertically through the cam axis, and its
length is twice the throw of the center of
eccentric. This circle of reference for the
horizontal S. H. M. of the riders (displace-
ment + rearward) is on a horizontal diam-
eter and tangent to the extreme right and
left positions of the edge of the eccentric on
the same side of the axle.
The amplitude of tbe vertical vibrations
is modified by the lengths given to the ex-
tensible levers. If 1 be the lever length
between the axles and /’ that beyond the
axles, and if a, a denote the front ‘and
rear amplitude at the eccentrics, then the
effective amplitude at the particles will be
a(l+l’) /Land al'/l, and their ratio
a) UE
may be varied at pleasure from zero to
about 9/8, since U is the extensible part.
Usually the ratio one is desirable.
The amplitudes of the horizontal vibra-
tions do not admit of change without giving
useless complexity to the machine. Ad-
vantageous lever ratios will be given with
the experiments.
I. Component S. H. Motions Coplanar, of the
same Wave-Length. 13. Plane Polarization.—
Let cam axles each with two complete turns
be selected and the rear plate adjusted to
the vertical (Fig.3). For harmonic curves
this implies the same wave-length for the
coexisting 8. H. motions. With the cams
swinging nearly as 2:3, and lever ratios
(+l and U ($12) as 3:2, the occurrence
of no displacement along the line of parti-
cles may be looked for in case of opposite
phases. This furnishes a method of adjust-
ing the particles at the outset. Practically
the condition of no displacement is reached
with relatively short levers, say a meter
long. When the pointers on the initial
cams are away from each other the com-
ponents meet in the same phase, with the
first particle in the axis of motion just about
to start vibrating. The double amplitude
given by the machine to this compound
harmonic (25” long) of maximum displace-
ment is about 9’. Ifa beam of parallel
rays (sun light) be shot along the axis of
the wave, the shadow of the balls on a
screen normal to the axis necessarily be-
trays slight curvature ; the double ampli-
tude, instead of being vertical and straight,
is coneave toward the cams. But the
chord deviates from the are (9’’) by less
than 1/2” at the center, and hence with
balls 1/2’ in diameter the curvature is
negligible to the eye of an observer in front.
It must be remembered, however, that
curvature is Superimposed in all subsequent
higher figures.
If the front cam axle be dephased 90°
clockwise the amplitude of the compound
curve is diminished, the curve remaining
sinusoidal but beginning with 1/8 wave-
length. If the rear cam axle is also de-
[N. 8S. Von. IX. No. 220.
phased 90° clockwise the compound curve
of the first case is restored in the shadow
(maximum amplitude), but the phase of
the first particle has advanced 1/4 period
and the curve itself 1/4 wave-length, etc.
I allude to these points because of their
value ininstruction. (Cf. table,$10.) By
the very make-up of the machine a 8. H.
curve is seen to result when the phase dif-
ference of two particles varies as their dis-
tance apart. In drawing such a curve it is
simpler to place the circle of reference in
the plane of the harmonic; in the machine
the circle of reference is preferably placed
at right angles to the curve. The addition
of two such curves is another S. H. curve of
the phase and amplitude directly specified
by the machine.
14. Waves of Constant Amplitude.—Belting
the two equal pulleys and rotating uni-
formly, waves corresponding to each of the
harmonic curves produced in §13 may be
sent along the axis of motion. Thus making
the phase difference between two particles
proportional to their distance apart, and
then setting each particle in 8. H. M. ofa
common period and amplitude, is object-
ively seen to be the realization of simple
wave motion. The wave-length being fixed
by the apparatus, velocity and period must
vary reciprocally.
Particularly striking is the case for oppo-
site phases in the two wave cams. Both
component waves are seen travelling in the
same direction along the axes with full
vigor, whereas the compound effect at the
line of particles is permanently nil.
The warped surface of the levers now has
a linear directrix at the particle edge and a
sinusoidal directrix at the roller edge. It
should be noted that the case of maximum
amplitude in the compound harmonic pre-
sents an approach to a similar linear direc-
trix between the cam axles.
15. Waves of Vurying Amplitude.—Change
of amplitude is given to the levers by draw-
MARCH 17, 1899. ]
ing out the front tube (§12). Additional
change may be obtained by allowing colored
balls to ride on the levers. In case of equal
periods the result is chiefly interesting when
the amplitude varies from particle to parti-
ele. A linear variation is well represented
by a plane wave oblique to the direction of
the axles, and in action is very striking.
The more important wave with an ex-
ponentially varying amplitude is only given
when the axis of motion is along the corre-
sponding exponential curve horizontally,
but the effect to an observer at a little dis-
tance in front is none the less good.
II. Preceding Case (1) with Additional Ve-
locity Superimposed on Either Wave Train. 16.
Beats.—If the component waves are trans-
mitted in like periods or velocities* and
amplitudes, the compound wave is trans-
mitted unchanged in form; but if any of
these quantities vary, the compound wave
continually changes form. With the ap-
paratus as here adjusted the last case is
readily realized by sending on one wave
faster than the other. For instance, if the
component wave velocities be as 3:4 (rear
wave of greater speed), then in 4 complete
turns at the crank the original wave will
be reproduced, while all intermediate phase
differences between corresponding particles
are passed continuously in turn. All pairs
of cams are undergoing like continuous
change of phase.
The shadow picture of this case (sun-
light) shows a line elongating to maximum
displacement and then contracting to a
point in §. H. M. The slow change at
maximum elongation is in strong contrast
to the rapid change of length on passing
through the position of equilibrium. Sim-
ilarly in §14 the speed ratio must be care-
fully adjusted if the linear compound wave
is to persist.
*In the present ‘special case variation of one im-
plies the other ;,in the sequel, period and velocity
must be carefully distinguished.
- 395
The wave corresponding to this present
experiment is an excellent example of an
infinite beating wave train, two wave-
lengths of which are accessible at a given
place. The beats are due to a difference
of wave velocity and frequency together.
Though the two cases are usually gener-
ically different, the gross effect is here coin-
cident. Asa luxury a cam axle containing
a small fraction of a wave-length more than
two complete wave-lengths might be sup-
plied. This would then show beats due to
difference of wave velocity for the same
period or (with the proper pulley) beats
due to difference of period for the same wave
velocity. The specific difference is this,
that, whereas in one case (equal compo-
nent wave-lengths) the compound harmonic
is at every instant (for all pulley ratios)
sinusoidal, in the other case (slightly dif-
ferent component wave-lengths) it is at no
instant strictly so. The latter adjustment
thus admits of beats either when the com-
ponent periods alone or the component
wave velocities alone are not the same. In
the former both necessarily change together.
17. Déppler’s Principle.—If the beats are
obtained by a difference of wave velocity
the faster wave may be treated as having
an additional linear velocity virtually im-
pressed upon it in the direction of motion
from without. Its interference with the
wave not so affected is then an illustration
of Doppler’s principle.
III. Preceding Cases (I and IT) with the Ve-
locity of Hither Wave Train Reversed. 18. Equal
Velocities. Stationary Waves.—If one of the
component waves be passed along the axis
positively and the other in a negative di-
rection, 7. ¢., if one axle be rotated clock-
wise and the other counter clockwise by
cross-belting equal pulleys, the compound
wave is of the stationary type, since ampli-
tudes were made effectively equal and
periods are necessarily equal. The effect on
the machine is striking, since the nodes are
396 ° SCIENCE.
here indicated by stationary particles half
a wave-length apart, while the antinodes
vibrate 9’. In all positions the form of the
compound harmonic curve is at all times a
simple sinusoid, but its mode of motion as
compared with the same curve while both
components are direct is totally different.
Again, if the first pair of cams are in the
same null phase (pointers away from each
other) the first particle is a node, suc-
ceeded by four other nodes one-half wave-
length apart, and the wave is initially at
maximum amplitude. If the first pair of
cams are in opposite null phases (+0) the
initial harmonic curve is linear, the first of
four nodes one-fourth wave-length ahead,
Reflection.—The first of these cases cor-
responds to reflection from a denser, the
second to reflection from a rarer, medium
at the origin. Itis worth while to examine
the interpretation of both cases* for trans-
verse waves first, and thereafter, $26, to sim-
ilarly treat longitudinal waves.
If the direction of a wave is reversed,
particles without displacement (-- 0) are
changed half a period in phase (becoming
=. 0); particles at maxima or minima (+ m)
are not changed in phase at all, while
the phases of intermediate particles are
changed in the corresponding harmonic ra-
tio. This may be tested at once by sup-
posing the full wave, Fig. 12, to advance
first in direction d, thereafter in direction 7,
when the particles vibrating in the line ea
will respectively rise and fall, thus passing
between opposed phases ; etc.
The transverse wave advances through a
given medium at rest, with the zero of dis-
placement (=E0) in the wave front, so under-
stood. Hence to reverse the direction of a
wave is to reverse the phaseof the wave front.
If the transverse wave encounters a denser
medium this implies that the particles
therein situated are capable of reacting with
*Waves as here considered are essentially steady.
[N.S. Von. 1X. No. 220.
forces in excess of those corresponding to the
original medium. If the medium is quite
impermeable (as when the wave on an
elastic cord meets the peg) the reaction is
exactly equal and opposite to the action.
Thus if a wave advances toward the dense
medium with a crest or group of pulls up-
ward the medium itself must at every in-
stant react with equal pulls downward.
This reaction, which in its succession is
bound to be rythmic like the impinging
wave, is the impulse of the reflected wave,
which must all be returned into the first
medium (i.e., be reversed in direction) if
none can enter the new medium.
Now, let the particle in the wall aa (Fig.
12) be in the zero of phase (+0). The
direct wave advancing, as shown by d, is in
the act of increasing the displacement. It
is developing an increasing pull up. The
reflected wave (prolonged) r is simultane-
ously in the act of developing the counter
pull down ; it is,in like degree, tending to
decrease displacement: but, though the
phases impressed by the direct and reflected
wave are thus initially quite opposite, both
waves d and r momentarily constitute con-
tiguous parts of the same harmonie curve.
If this curve separates at aa, with the parts
d and r moving with equal velocity in op-
posite directions the condition for action
equilibrated by reaction at aais maintained
throughout all time.
The explanation is essentially the same
if the reaction is not complete (permeable
dense medium). In this case the amplitude
of 7 will be smaller, other conditions re-
maining the same.
Hence in the machine the pointers are to
be set for equal and opposite displacements
at the origin, beginning with the null
phases of each component wave—the case
of Fig. 12, where if d and r were moving
in the same direction, or the pulleys not
cross-belted, the two components would
meet in the same place.
= ee
MaARkcH 17, 1899.]
On the other hand, if the direct wave
meets a rarer medium at aa the reaction is
less than that of the original medium. The
pull up developed by the wave d in Fig. 12
is not resisted by an excessive pull down as
before. The reaction (which from its
rhythmic character develops the reflected
wave) is an additional pull up, such as
would correspond to a wave 7’ in Fig. 12.
Both waves r’ and d are in the same phase
as regards their effect on the initial particle
at aa, but they differ in direction of motion.
In other words, the direct wave d and the
reflected wave prolonged 7’, are not initially
contiguous parts of one and the same wave,
meeting without displacement at the wall.
Half a wave-length is necessarily lost at the
This determines the method of setting
the pointers of the machine for equal dis-
placements of the same sign at the origin,
beginning with opposite null displacements ;
for the two waves d and 1’ if traveling in
the same direction (cf. Fig. 12) would then
annul each other.
Summarizing; the reflected wave from a
denser plane boundary normal to the axis
is obtained from the incident wave by two
rotations of 180° each; one around the axis
of motion, the other around the trace of the
wave plane on the plane of the obstacle ;
these correspond respectively to the substi-.
tution of reaction for action, and of an op-
posed direction for the given direction of
motion—two reasons for change of phase.
The wave advancing crest on (crest fore-
most) returns trough on and vice versa.
The reflected wave from a rarer plane
boundary is obtained from the incident
wave by a single rotation around the trace
in question. The only reason for change
of phase is change of direction. The wave
advancing crest on returns crest on, and the
trough returns a trough. Cf. §26.
If the component amplitudes are made
unequal the nodes show a correspondingly
slight vibration, the case corresponding toa
medium at the origin neither absolutely im-
permeable nor absolutely rare.
19. Wandering Nodes.—If with equal am-
plitudes the velocities or periods of the com-
ponents be unequal in value and opposite
in sign the case becomes one of stationary
waves with continually drifting nodes.
Thus if the 3:4 pulley be cross-belted four
turns of the rear or faster cam axle will
continuously move the node half a wave-
length onward. The stationary character
is, nevertheless, very thoroughly retained.
In the extreme and transitional case where
the velocity of one wave is zero and the
other of any value a single turn at the
crank moves the nodes half a wave-length
and thus reproduces the original curve.
IV. Component S. H. Motions at Right
Angles to Each Other of the Same Amplitude
and Wave-Length. 20. Elliptie Polarization.—
Using cam axles with two waves each and
adjusting rear ends of levers (Fig. 4), while
the vertical riders Z engage the cams, two
simple harmonic curves are available to be
compounded at the particles. This is usu-
ally an elliptic helix. It is advisable to
tip the machine up in front with the object
both of relieving the work of the springs
and of exhibiting the wave symmetrically
with reference to a horizontal plane through
the axis.
In order that circular polarization may be
obtained, the amplitudes of the particles
must be equal. The rear cams contribute
their full swing independent of the levers.
The fore cams enter with an amplitude
which may be more than doubled, though
the fulerum of the levers is now at the
rollers. Thus the levers are to be shortened
from 1 meter to about 70 cm. to obtain cir-
cular paths 3” in diameter for the single
particles. Shorter levers would give oblate
ellipses, larger levers prolate ellipses, for
their central figures. Cf. §36.
The two 8S. H. motions will meet and
exist throughout in the same phase if the
pointer on the rear eccentric is 90° ahead of
the other, supposing, in accordance with the
above table, that directions upward and
rearward are positive. The zero of phase
thus begins with front pointer left and rear
pointer up. If the pointers are parallel and
in the same direction the front harmonic is
90° in phase ahead of the other. The com-
pound harmonic is circularly polarized and
the corresponding wave advances with
counter-clockwise rotation if seen in the
direction of advance, 7. e., from left to right
to the observer in front. Dephasing the
front axle 90° farther (180° advance) pro-
duces plane polarization at 135° to the hori-
zontal; 90° farther (total advance 270°)
finally a circularly polarized harmonic
curve with a wave advancing in the direc-
tion of the components with clockwise rota-
tion, as seen from the origin. All interme-
diate cases are elliptically polarized with
intermediate rotation.
The sunshine picture on a screen normal
to the axis with rays parallel thereto is in
general an ellipse with the appropriate
rotation discernible with remarkable clear-
V. Preceding Case (IV) with Component
Velocities or Periods Unequal. 21.—If the com-
ponent waves do not advance with the same
velocity (necessarily implying difference
of period in the present case) the differ-
ence of phase of the first pairs of cams is
continually changing, and the phase differ-
ence of all succeeding cams is changed in
like measure. Hence the compound wave
passes continuously through all the differ-
ent harmonic curves in turn. If the belt
be placed on the 3:4 pulleys four turns of
the rear axle restores the original form
through all intermediate forms, beginning,
for instance, with plane polarization at
45°, passing through circular clockwise
polarization (seen from the origin) into
plane polarization at 135°; then back with
[N.S. Von. 1X. No. 220.
counter-clock wise rotation into plane polar-
ization at 45°.
The sunshine shadow of this case is
identical with the Lissajous figures from
two tuning forks slightly different in pitch
but of the same amplitude. The directions
of rotation are particularly evident, en-
hancing the instructivenes of the figure.
VI. Preceding Case (IV.) with Hither Compo-
nent Velocity Reversed. 22.—If with equal am-
plitudes and wave-lengths the component
waves travel in opposite directions (pulleys
cross-belted) the compound wave is a pecu-
liar form of stationary wave in which the
form of vibration of all particles is sustained,
but in which the motion of each particle
differs uniformly in regard to the phase dif-
ference of its components, 7. ¢., in ellipticity,
from its neighbors. Thus a group of parti-
cles a wave-length apart are plane polarized
at 45°; particles midway between plane
polarized at 135° ; particles midway between
both groups circularly polarized with alter-
nately opposite rotations and all other par-
ticles correspondingly elliptically polarized.
The envelope of the harmonic curve would
be given by a thin tube 3” in diameter, com-
pressed at equal distances by a pair of
shears to lines at right angles to each other,
but alternately in the same direction. The
case is thus thoroughly different from the
case of unequal velocities in the same
direction, where all the particles under ob-
servation are instantaneously in the same
23. Velocities Reversed and Unequal.—lIf the
two component waves of the same wave-
length have unequal velocities (and periods)
of opposite sign the plane polarized groups
wander. Thus if the 3:4 pulleys be taken
4 turns of the rear crank reproduces the
original wave. The transitional case is
again that in which one cam axle is sta-
tionary (wave velocity zero) while. the
other rotates. A single turn reproduces
the original figure.
MARCH 17, 1899. ]
VIL. Preceding Case (IV.) Adjusted for Ro-
tary Polarization. 24.—If a special axle be
provided with the cams alternately in op-
posite phase tothe normal occurrence, but
otherwise equal in amplitude and wave-
length, and if the corresponding balls be
painted red and white, the two circu-
larly polarized waves occur simultaneously.
Similarly, the two plane polarizations at 45°
and at 135° occur simultaneously; ete. The
former case is interesting in relation to ro-
tary polarization, as will be more fully indi-
cated below ; for the two circular motions
may be compounded by the device shown
in Fig. 10, and a harmonic curve plane po-
larized in the vertical or the corresponding
wave will result (ef. S40 et seq.).
To obtain rotation of the plane of polari-
zation by this method the alternate cams
on both the front and rear axle would have
to be set for some other wave-length in the
manner stated.
(vertical) axles of which are at the angles
of the cranks, as far apart as the cams,
and allarranged along a straight line paral-
lel to the cam axle. The short shanks of
the bell cranks now carry a series of 1’
balls, which, under present conditions,must,
therefore, vibrate nearly parallel to the cam
axles, i. e., longitudinally right and left in
the line of advance of the wave, whereas
the thrust of the levers* is harmonically to
and fro.
In practice the long shanks are open sec-
tors of wire, swung so as to clear each oth-
er’s axles. /
In this way the alternate compression
and rarefactions of such a wave are re-
markably well shown (cf. Fig. 11), the
sinuosity in the line of particles being
negligible at least to the observer in front.
The balls approach each other to about
5/8’’ between centers (all but contact in
the compressional phases), while they sepa-
Diagram. Wave advances from left to
Lever displacements positive rearward. Ball displacements necessarily re-
Fic. 11. Adjustment for compressional waves, seen from above.
right to an observer in front.
versed. °
VIII. Waves of Compression and Refraction.
25. Longitudinal VibrationWith the ap-
paratus arranged as in Fig. 4, let the levers
all be raised at the front ends, so as quite to
disengage them from the front cam axle.
This being, therefore, out of action, the rear
or horizontal harmonic of 3’ double ampli-
tude forward and rearward thrust is alone in
play, as shown in plan by the parallel lines
normal to theaxis in Fig. 11. Now, let the
ball ends of the levers (eylets) engage the
long shanks (6) of a series of horizontal,
rvight-angled bell cranks, the equidistant
rate to morethan about 12’’ in the rarefied
The great advantage of an arrangement
of this kind from the kinetic point of view
is the direct evidence furnished that each
ball in the first instance is actually inS. H.
M., and that the phase difference between
balls is proportional to their distance
* The reader should remember that Fig. 11 is seen
from above and that direction rearward in the trans-
verse harmonic (down in figure) is positive wave ve-
locity left to right in the machine, becomes right to
left in figure. Balls in front reverse their positive
apart, while the compression and rarefac-
tion of such a wave is an incidental phenom-
enon. This essential structural character
of the acoustic wave is not generally enough
insisted on.
In the same way any of the above or the
following complex plane polarized waves
may be converted into compressional waves
by using vertical bell cranks (horizontal
axes). For the case of stationary waves
this would be of some interest, but I have
not carried out the construction. Since
small displacements are wanted, the en-
gagement of levers should be located be-
tween the axles.
26. Reflection.—There is bound to be con-
fusion if the reflection of a compressional
wave from a denser or a rarer medium is
to be explained without reference to the
elementary S. H. M. of the particles of such
a wave. Relatively to § 12 and Fig. 12 it
follows that the explanation there given is
at once applicable to 8. H. M. in sound
waves, the only difference being that for
pulls up and’ reactions down we have now
pulls toward the right and reactions toward
the left, ete., which in no way modifies the
reasoning. A wave advancing toward the
dense medium ‘crest on’ returns ‘ trough
on’; advancing toward the rare medium
with a crest returns a crest. Let no one
suppose, however, that crest and trough.
mean compression and rarefaction. For it
is just here that a slough of despond awaits
the incautious interpreter. A glance at
Fig. 11, where the oscillations of particles
have all been marked, shows that the centers
of compression and of rarefaction are without
simple harmonic displacement (phases + 0) ;
that the maxima and minima of displacement
(=m) lie in air of normal density. If the
wave is to advance with particles in the
wave front in the zero of displacement it
must advance the center of a compression .
or the center of a rarefaction sharply into
normal air. Thus, the particles on one
[N. 8. Vou. IX. No. 220.
side only of the balls marked + 0 in Fig.
11 must indicate the status of an advanc-
ing sound wave; moreover, if the former
begins a crest, the latter (particles on the
other side of + 0) begin a trough, and vice
In this structural fact lies the gist of the
true explanation : If a compression meets a
denser medium it is reflected as a com-
pression surely enough, but the two com-
pressions are not the same. The sym-
metrical half of the incident compression is
returned. The two halves lie on opposite
sides of no displacement, and are the con-
tiguous halves of crest and trough required
by Fig. 12. So the two symmetrical halves
of a rarefaction become incident and re-
flected wave, initially meeting the plane of
reflection as contiguous trough and crest.
In both cases crest returns trough, and
trough crest, even though two compressions
or two rarefactions are in question.
If reflection takes place from a rarer
medium a compression returns a rare-
faction ; this, however, is the rarefaction
ending in a crest, while the given com-
pression begins one, and vice versa. In
other words, there are two crests advancing
in opposite directions ; or crest returns crest,
even though a half wave-length is initially
lost and though a compression returns a
The agreement with $12 is thus complete
and the whole explanation logically simple
IX. Component Simple Harmonics Coplanar,
with Wave-Length Ratio, 1:2. Harmonic
Curves. 27.—Replacing the front cam axle
by another containing a single wave-length
and 2” double amplitude, the plane com-
pound harmonics for period ratio 1:2, for
the same or different amplitudes and for
any difference of phase, may be exhibited in
succession. The cams are exchanged by
lifting all the levers above the front axle,
by aid of the notched swivelled cross-lath
Maxrcw 17, 1899. ]
(when an opportunity to show the rear har-
monic alone is afforded as the levers now
ride on a common fixed axle in front), after
which the single wave axle is easily inserted
and the levers dropped down upon it by
lowering the cross-lath.
Reference to the scheme of phases com-
piled in §10 shows that 16 generically dis-
tinct compound harmonies with an indefi-
nite number of intermediate curves are
obtainable. The variation is further en-
hanced by changing the component ampli-
tudes by drawing out the levers. Among
forms for equal amplitude the symmetric
types are distinctive. They are obtained
concave upward more or less W-shaped for
components meeting at the origin both at
maximum displacement (-++m), and more
or less M-shaped when both components
meet at the origin at minimum displacement
(—m). Similarly symmetrical forms are
seen when the components at the origin are
in opposite phases, viz., V-shaped when the
front harmonic is at +m and the rear har-
monic at —m, and ,4-shaped when the
front harmonic is at —m and the rear
at +m.
28. Waves. If these curves are to be
transmitted in a compound wave which does
not changeits form each component must
travel equally fast. Hence the rear axle
with two wave-lengths must be rotated
twice as fast as the front axle with one wave-
length (pulleys 2:1) The periods are now
also in the ratio of 1:2. Thus it appears,
that it takes two rotations of the rear axle
to exhibit the complete wave, or beginning
with a symmetric type, for instance, the W
and 4 curve together make a single har-
monic curve; whereas the Mand V curve
make another, in relation to waves; etc.,
for non-symmetrical forms. The character
of the wave is markedly progressive, each
little kink as well as large elevations or de-
pressions running along the axis in turn.
Referring again to the above table §10,
the present succession of phases is a march
along a diagonal passing from left to right
downward across the diagram.
29. Case LX. with Component Velocities Un-
equal.—If the component waves are trans-
mitted unequally fast the compound wave
continually changes form. Thus, ifthe 2:35
pulleys be used, it takes 3 turns of the rear
axle to reproduce the original form ; in 3: 4
pulleys, four turns; in 1:1 pulleys, but a
single turn. In the last instance the waves
produced are much like stationary waves,
with two nodes at the ends if the compo-
nents meet at the origin in opposite phases,
and one node in the middle if they meet in
the same phase, phase difference being
maintained constant at each cam. The
table, §10, shows that the passage is now
from left to right across the diagram, along
a single row.
If one axle alone rotates a single turn
again reproduces the original form, but the
wave has now a progressive character, which
is an inversion of the result in $28. In
other words, the Vand V types or the M
and 4 types of curvearesuccessive. Inthe
table of phases, §10, the present succession
for any single cam is given by a column
passed from top to bottom.
30. Case LX. with One Component Velocity
Reversed.—If the axles rotate with equal
velocity in opposite directions the wave
presents the succession of forms of the first
(normal) case, but its character is now non-
progressive, each particle retaining its pecu-
liar form of vibration, which differs regu-
larly from that of neighboring particles.
But half the full wave is represented at
once. No particle is permanently at rest
and the stationary character is less pro-
nounced than for the case in §29 with equal
pulleys. Particles at the end of the curve in
view are in like figures of vibration. In the
above table, $10, the passage for any single
pair of cams is now diagonally across the
diagram, but from right to left, downward.
X. Components Simple Harmonics at Right
Angles to Each Other, with Wave-Length Ratio,
1:2. Transverse Space Wave. 31. Harmonic
Curves.—With the preceding cam axles, let
the rear ends of the leaves be lifted upon
the horizontal back plate and adjusted for
the same component amplitude (Fig. 4).
Space waves of this and the following
kind may be conveniently termed Lissajous
waves, since their sunshine shadow on a
screen normal to the axis of motion is al-
ways the appropriate Lissajous figure.
Starting the waves with the initial eccen-
trics towards each other, the harmonic
curve has a meandering space form, char-
acterized, however, by its sunshine shadow,
which is the specific bow-shaped 1:2 Lissa-
jous, concave toward the cams. Dephas-
ing the rear axle +90° produces the sym-
metrical 8-shaped figure ; +90° farther the
bow-shape again, this time, however, convex
toward the axles of the cams; +90° far-
ther returns the 8-shape described in a di-
rection opposite to the preceding. The
intermediate cases are assymmetrical 8’s,
but not well given unless the balls are small
The harmonic curves themselves present
no marked complexity. Seen from above
they contain two wave-lengths ; seen from
the front but one wave, each in the appro-
priate phase at the origin. This gives a
very clear analysis of the occurrences. The
wave envelope in the bow-shaped cases is a
32. Waves.—The waves corresponding to
the above space harmonics are instructive.
If the figure of the compound wave is to be
preserved, 7. ¢., if its shadow Lissajous is to
remain fixed, both component waves must
advance with rigorously the same velocity.
This implies double rotation (double fre-
quency ) for the rear waves of shorter wave-
length. The direction of rotation in the
shadow is particularly well marked. For
initially opposite or for like phases at the
[N.S. Von. EX. No. 220.
origin the figure is alike 8-shaped, but
when horizontal pointers on the front axle
correspond to down on the rear or up on
the rear the rotation is clockwise or coun-
ter-clockwise respectively in its upper half;
33. Case X. with Component Velocities Un-
equal.—lIf the velocities of the component
waves are unequal, but of the same sign
(pulley 2:3, for instance), the compound
wave continually changes form, as is best
shown by the sunshine shadow. This is
identical with the Lissajous curve for two
tuning forks of the same amplitude, but
with period ratios slightly different from
1:2. If the speeds of the two axles are
equal (pulleys 1:1) a single rotation of the
erank produces all the Lissajous between
two occurrences of the same figure.
If the component periods are equal, but
of opposite sign, stationary wave conditions
appear for this case. Particles at the ends
of the compound wave oscillate in any
fixed Lissajous; the intermediate particle
has the inverse figure. In general the perma-
nent vibration figures vary proportionally
to the distance apart of the particles. The
sunshine figure is reproduced for 1/2 rota-
tion at the crank. One may note the con-
trast that, whereas the particles themselves
vibrate in the elliptical Lissajous series, the
sunshine shadow produces the 2: 1 series.
If the component periods are unequal
and opposite in sign the figures drift as
above. The transitional case is given when
but one axle rotates.
XI. Component S. H. Motions Coplanar
with Wave-Length Ratio, 2:3. 34. Plane
Harmonics and Waves.—The front cam axle
is replaced by one containing 38 wave-
lengths, with adjustments as above (Fig.
3). The curves of this series are more
complex than the preceding, and if the de-
phasing be effected in steps of 90° each, 16
marked forms of curves may be exhibited.
Among these the symmetrical types are
Marcu 17, 1899. ]
best adapted for recognition. They corre-
spond respectively to like phases at the
origin with maximum or miminum dis-
placement of both components (JW- and M-
shaped forms), or to opposite phases at the
origin with maximum and minimum, mini-
mum and maximum displacements of the
components ( V- and 4-shaped forms).
If the component waves are to advance
with the same velocity the rear cam axle
rotates twice while the fore axle rotates
thrice, thus establishing a period ratio of
3:2. Hence each wave contains two of the
specified harmonic curves in succession, or
only one-half of it is seen at once. The
progressive character of these waves as
they dash along is singularly pronounced.
If the axles rotate equally fast in the
same direction the wave assumes a station-
ary type, with one node at the middle of the
component harmonics meeting at the origin
in the same phase. If the latter meet at
the origin in opposite phases, nodes occur
at the two ends with marked vibration for
intermediate parts of the compound wave.
If the cam axles rotate equally fast, but
in opposite directions, the compound wave
shows 6 nodes if the components meet in
opposite phases at the origin, and 5 nodes
under other conditions.
Finally, if the wave velocities are equal,
but opposite in sign, there is permanence in
the vibration form of each particle, with dif-
ference of phase between them, but no nodes.
XII. Component Simple Harmonics at Right
Angles to Each Other, with Wave-Length Ratio
2:3, 35. Transverse Space Waves.—The results
are similar to the above cases, only more
complex. Thesunshine shadow on the nor-
mal screen shows the 2:3 Lissajous figure
in permanent form if the axes are rotated
at angular velocities of 3:2. The compo-
nent waves are then transmitted with equal
velocity and the period ratio becomes 2: 3.
If the component waves are transmitted
with other velocities the compound wave
continually changes form, as does also the
Lissajous shadow curve. The rotation
within it is here again exhibited as to di-
rection, etc., with remarkable clearness.
To obtain steady results for this case the
balls must be small and the ratio workman-
ship of the machine accurate, otherwise the
inconmensurable cases supervene. Experi-
ments are made as above.
XIII. Component Harmonics Circular and
Vertically Simple Harmonic of any Wave-Length
Ratio. 36. Harmonie Curves for Equal Com-
ponent Wave-Lengths.—The present curves
are interesting, inasmuch as they present
an intermediate stage between the above
cases of S. H. composition and the next
cases relating to the composition of circular
motions. The wave machine is put into
adjustment, as shown in Fig. 5, with cam
axles and pulley ratios 1:1. The machine~
is tipped up in front.
Inasmuch as the 8. H. M. of the front
axle interferes with the vertical component
of the circular motion of the rear axle, the
phase difference is best specified in terms
of these coplanar vibrations. For like
phases, therefore, the Lissajous figure of the
compound curve is a tall vertical ellipse,
say 9” high and 3” broad. Advancing the
front phase +90° inclines this ellipse -to
the rear, shrinking it throughout. Advanc-
ing the front axle +90° farther produces
the simple harmonic curve in the ,horizon-
tal with a double amplitude of 3”. The
further advance of the front phase of +90°
expands the Lissajous figure into an oblique
ellipse inclining to the front, etc.
37. Waves.—The rotation in the waves is
always clockwise for a clockwise circular
component. In this and other respects
(pronounced prolateness combined with
horizontal plane polarization) they differ
from §20. 4
38. Waves and Curves for Other Component
Wave-Lengths—On replacing the front cam
axle with one of one or three waves to the
two of the rear axle, peculiar apparently
beknotted wave forms are obtained, well
adapted to give a notion of the complexity
resulting from simple compounding ; but it
is needless to refer to them further.
XIV. Component Harmonics Both Circular,
of any Wave-Length Ratio and Opposite in
Direction. 39. Remarks on the Machine-—
After the description of the machine and
the remarks already made in the successive
paragraphs above, it is not necessary to
enter at length into a consideration of the
present experiments. As to matters of ad-
justment in Fig. 6, I may note that the
common horizontal locus of the centers of
the approximate circles described by the
free ends of the levers (they are really
curves of the 6th degree), and the respec-
tive cam axles, must be equidistant from
the perforated cross laths, Uand V. In
the given apparatus the effective lever
length is about 18”. In this case the lever
ends describe curves which do not differ
more than 1/8’ from circular circumfer-
ence, a departure not discernible with 1/2”
balls. Nevertheless, the angular velocity
in the quasi-circles is not uniform, a circum-
stance which from symmetry is without
bearing on the vertical compound vibra-
tions, but becomes more marked in propor-
tion as the vibration is twisted around into
the horizontal. The latter, therefore, ap-
pears somewhat convex downward unless
very long levers are chosen. The adjust-
ment in § 24, where the circles are nearly
quite perfect, is thus in many respects to be
preferred, though the levers are necessarily
farther apart and the lever ends incapable
of resisting much tension. There is incon-
venience, however, in constructing special
pairs of front and rear cam axles.
To find whether the circles at the lever
ends have a common cylindric envelope
the cam axles should be rotated in like di-
rection. Coincident ends should then re-
main nearly coincident throughout. The
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 220.
cross laths, U and V, are adjustable with
this test in view.
40. Rotary Polarization. Equal Component
Wave-Lengths.—Let the front cam axle be a
left-handed, the rear axle a right-handed,
screw (Fig.6). Let them be equal in wave-
length and amplitude. Then the compo-
nent harmonics (loci of the lever ends or
eyelets) will be respectively right and left
circular helices, otherwise equal. The vibra-
tion lines of the particles, W, in Fig. 10,
will all be coplanar, the plane being parallel
to the cam axles at any angle to the hori-
zontal depending on the phase difference of
the initial cams. The compound harmonice,
or longitudinal arrangement of the particles
in the plane stated, is a simple harmonic,
curve whose amplitude is the common
diameter of the component circular har-
This case has already been referred to in
$24 and there exemplified. The compound
curve, as constructed by the machine, is on
a scale of one-half.
If the cam axles are rotated with the
same velocity, opposite in direction (cross-
belt), the corresponding plane-wave will
result, unchanged in obliquity. One may
note in passing that, whereas, in all the
above compounding, plane-waves were ob-
tainable in one or two special altitudes
merely, they may now be obtained in all
41. If the axles are rotated with un-
equal velocities, components of equal wave-
length differ in period and velocity. The
plane of the compound wave will, there-
fore, rotate about the axis of the component
circles. Hence, if the oscillation of the
first particle be put back into the same line
after each oscillation (in general, continu-
ously), 7. ¢., if oscillation is continually
supplied at the origin in this line, the amount
of rotation resulting will be proportional
to the distances between particles. The
rotary polarization so produced is due toa
MARCH 17, 1899. ]
difference both in the period and the velocity
of the component circular waves of like
42. Unequal Component Wave-Lengths.—
With the front and rear cam axles still
respectively left and right, if more turns be
put on one than on the other, the harmonic
curves will become helical. In other words,
the compound of two plane simple har-
monic curves of the same wave-length ratio
and phase difference at the origin will now
be inscribed on a regular helix. If the
axles be rotated with the same angular
velocity in opposite directions the compo-
nent harmonics have the same period, but
differ in velocity. The vibration lines in
the compound wave remain fixed for each
particle, but their directions differ in alti-
tude proportionally to their distance apart.
The rotary polarization so obtained is due
to a difference in the velocities of the circular
components. The helix may be rotated as
a whole by dephasing the initial particles.
43. If the axles are turned with unequal
velocities the helical compound wave must
rotate as a whole about the common axis of
the component circles, in consequence of
the continuous and like dephasing at all
cam pairs. Rotary polarization is again
due both to difference of velocity and of
period, as in § 41. If, however, the period
of rotation at the cam axles is proportional
to the wave-lengths of the helices the
velocities of the components will be tlie
same and the continuous rotation occurring
due merely to difference in the periods of
the components. Hence,if the oscillation
in the first particle of the compound wave
is always supplied parallel to a given line
the rotary polarization obtained will be due
simply to the difference in the periods of the
44, Right-Handed Circular Component Har-
monics.—The same amount of rotation as in
the last cases will be obtained when the
wave-length of one of two equal right and
left cam axles is increased and that of the
other decreased by half the stated increase
of the single axle in § 42. It will even be
obtained when both cam axles are right-
handed screws or both left-handed screws,
alike in all respects but differing in
phase by 180°, subject as before to counter
rotation (cross-belted). But, whereas the
rotary polarization in the preceding case,
§ 42, is due solely to normal advance of
the circular waves, it is now due to the
independent counter rotations impressed by
outsideagency. The two right-hand helices
specified, being opposite in phase, constitute
a series of stresses in equilibrium and pro-
duce no displacement.
If the cam axles of equal wave-lengths
rotate with the same velocity the compound
wave is a helix, but with each of its par-
ticles in thesame phase. The neutral posi-
tion is thus a line of balls in the common
axis encircled by the lever ends, and this
may be used as a test on the adjustment.
Each particle persists in its line of vibration,
and their locus is a helix which expands
and contracts in diameter rhythmically.
45. If the two axles rotate unequally
swiftly the component circular waves ad-
vance unequally swiftly and the line of vi-
bration of each particle or the contractile
helix as a whole rotates around the common
46. Finally, in two right-handed cam
axles of equal amplitude, but different
wave-length, the resultant harmonic curve
will be the compound of corresponding
plane harmonics, but inscribed on the cor-
responding helix. For rotations of the same
angular velocity (equal periods) the helical
wave will not rotate as a whole. For un-
equal periods it will so rotate.
Some of these cases are more important
than others. Their application is a question
of optics. Cary Barus.
THE report of the U. S. Commissioner of
Fish and Fisheries for the year ending June
30, 1898, shows an increase in the propaga-
tion and distribution of food-fishes of about
40 per cent. over the work of any previous
The number of adult and yearling fishes,
fry and eggs distributed in public and
private waters or transferred to the State
authorities was about 857,000,000, of which
the largest number represented important
commercial species, like the shad, cod,
whitefish and salmon. There were thirty-
three hatching stations and sub-stations in
use, the steamer Fish Hawk being also uti-
lized for shad-hatching in Albemarle Sound
and the Delaware River.
The extension of the salmon-hatching
work on the Pacific coast was especially
gratifying, as the enormous annual drain
on the salmon streams of that region makes
it very important that the supply should be
kept up by artificial means. At the sub-
station situated on Battle Creek, a tributary
of the Sacramento River, the largest collec-
tion of the salmon egg (48,000,000) in the
history of fish-culture was made in the fall
of 1897.
Particular attention was also paid to the
hatching of young lobsters, owing to the
steady decline in the lobster fishery, and as
a result of these efforts no less than 95,-
000,000 fry were turned loose.
There is little doubt but that the future
success of the lobster industry depends on
the possibility of artificial propagation, and
the same may be said of the salmon fisheries
of the Pacific coast. What may be hoped
for is shown in the steady increase of shad
in the eastern United States.
In 1880 the catch was only about 18,000,-
000 pounds, and the catch steadily decreased
until 1885, when the results of artificial
propagation became observable. By 1888
the catch had doubled, and in 1896, the
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 220.
last year for which there are accurate data,
the catch amounted to 50,866,368 pounds,
with a market value of $1,656,711, the
value of the increased catch for that year
alone being something like $800,000 in ex-
cess of the total cost of all shad propaga-
tion up to that date. Extended tables show
the output of the different hatcheries and
the details of the distribution of the eggs
and fry of the various species.
The Division of Inquiry respecting food-
fishes has made various investigations re-
garding the oyster, including a survey of
the oyster grounds of Louisiana and a re-
examination of the much-vexed question as
to the origin of the color of green oysters.
In regard to this the report states that in
the United States it has been repeatedly
demonstrated by the Commission that the
green color is due to vegetable matter which
serves as food, and that there is no impair-
ment of the edible qualities of the oyster.
The reason for the color of the ‘ red oysters’
noted during the season of 1896-97 is un-
known, as no opportunity was given to in-
vestigate the problem, but it is suggested
that it may be due to the presence of the
infusorian Peridiniwm.
In view of the scarcity of mackerel,
which has extended over a longer period
than ever before in the history of this fish-
ery, special study has been given to the em-
bryology, natural spawning and artificial
propagation of this species. Its practical
propagation is still an unsolved problem,
and it is noted that under existing condi-
tions the number of eggs obtainable is too
small to produce any appreciable effect,
while suggestions are given for enlisting the
aid of the fishermen. The principal work
of the Division of Statistics has consisted of
canvasses of the more important fisheries of
certain of the New England and Middle
Atlantic States and of the Great Lakes, the
information thus collected being made im-
mediately available by the publication of
Marcu 17, 1899. ]
single-sheet bulletins. It is proposed to
continue the issue of these from time to time
whenever there is information of special
interest. Attention is called to the fishery
resources of the Yukon River, which so far
have been utilized only by the Indians for
their immediate needs, but which it is be-
lieved may afford a food supply to the
miners and traders who have been attracted
to that region, and ultimately to the coun-
try at large. Full statistics are given of
the sections covered by the report, and it
may be noted that at Gloucester and Boston
there has been a falling-off in the aggregate
receipts of fish since 1896, while the South
Atlantic States as a whole show an increase
in the product, the amount of capital in-
vested and the number of persons em-
ployed in the fisheries.
What strikes one very forcibly in glanc-
ing over this report is the many discourage-
ments the fish culturist is called upon to
face and the large number of serious losses
due to unavoidable, often seemingly trivial
and sometimes inexplicable, accidents. A
few degrees of temperature, more or less, a
heavy shower, the lingering of ice or an
unfavorable wind may cause heavy damage
and almost bring to naught the labor of
weeks. Another thought is to what extent
should the general government undertake
the propagation and distribution of the
more strictly game fishes, such, for example,
as black bass and trout? The investiga-
tion of the best methods for the accomplish-
ment of such work should undeniably lie
with the United States, but these once dis-
covered, its continuance should rest with
States and individuals. What may be done
by individual effort is shown by the fact
that a large number of the many ponds of
Plymouth county, Mass., have been stocked
with black bass by the simple process of
carrying a few fish in pails from one pond
to another. It may be said that the estab-
lishment of many of the trout hatcheries has
been due to the efforts of members of Con-
gress and not to any desire of the Commis-
sioner of Fisheries. The propagation of such
widely-spread and all-important species as
cod, shad, the Pacific salmon and the lobster
is quite another matter and should properly
be carried on by the United States.
The statistical as well as the strictly scien-
tifie work of the Fish Commission is again
of national importance, and the special
omission of fishery statistics from the com-
ing census bears testimony to the value of
the work done by this division.
Tt is gratifying to learn that the appro-
priation for scientific work has this year
been materially increased, for, from past ex-
perience, we know that what to-day appears
to be a purely scientific problem to-morrow
becomes an all-important practical matter.
In this connection Dr. Smith urges the ap-
pointment of an expert in fish pathology,
calling attention to the large mortality which
often prevails among fish, both under natural
and artificial conditions, and for which
there is at present no known cause or
remedy. Theannnal losses at the hatcheries
of the Commission, while not excessive, are
still great enough to demonstrate the need
of skilled investigation, and the present ex-
penditure of a few thousand dollars may
yield subsequent returns of millions.
Last, but not least, it may be again noted
that under the present Commissioner it has
been arranged to keep the laboratory at
Wood’s Hole under the scientific direction
of Professor Bumpus open throughout the
Tue receipt of the annual volume of Pro-
ceedings of the ‘ Society for the Promotion of
Engineering Education’ * is a reminder of
* Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the
Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education,
Vol. VI. Published by the Society. 1898. 8vo. Pp.
xxvii + 324
the extent to which all departments of edu-
cation are becoming systematized and or-
ganized in the United States. Hitherto, in
all countries, there had been observable a
very serious lack in this respect, even in
Germany, where the central government,
and the authorities of every kingdom alike,
control and direct the education of all
classes from central organized bureaux.
With us primary and secondary educa-
tion have had consistent and authoritative
direction, not always wise or expert, but al-
ways earnest and well-intended ; for the
common school has been recognized, from
the first, as the strongest bulwark of our
institutions, political and social. Profes-
sional education and training, however,
have, like all higher learning, been sustained
mainly by private, sporadic and unsystem-
atic, unauthoritative, support and aid.
Education, in a true sense and on the lower
levels, has been fairly well-cared for; pro-
fessional training, that education which is
rather a noble form of apprenticeship to a
noble vocation, finds even yet almost no
public and little private recognition. Of
late the schools of engineering are secur-
ing some attention from investors in this
form of higher security and from the State
Legislatures and expert educators and pro-
fessionals. In the West, particularly, the
schools of the vocations are attracting more
and more attention as their relation to and
bearing upon the social condition of the
people is coming to be generally appre-
The volume before us contains the pro-
ceedings of a single meeting of a representa-
tive association of this class, and presents a
very excellent picture of the purposes and
methods of such an institution. The So-
ciety, about five years old, numbers 244
and includes practically all of the leaders
in the development of this branch of tech-
nical educational work in the country, and
representatives from nearly all recognized
[N.S. Von. IX No. 220.
professional schools in this field. Twenty-
nine papers are published, together with
lists of officers and members, the constitu-
tion of the Society, its rules and its pro-
ceedings at the Boston meeting of 1898.
The leading paper is the address of Presi-
dent Johnson, a discussion of the topic:
‘A Higher Industrial and Commercial
Education as an Essential Condition of our
Future Material Prosperity.’ This is a
most interesting and impressive statement
of the needs of the United States in this
direction, and of the dangers that threaten
a nation neglecting to systematize its indus-
trial system and the education of the ‘ In-
dustrial Classes’ for their life and work in
presence of a competition which is coming
to be more constant and more dangerous
as the means of communication and of
transportation become more extended and
more perfect. The foreign ‘ Mono-technic
Schools’ are held up to our view as models
of a type of school which is almost unknown
in this country, and as having proved the
salvation of the Germanic peoples. The
establishment of high-grade mono-technic
and commercial schools is urged as the
most promising and desirable of all visible
modern improvements in education and
training for the industrial classes.
A full evening was given to a paper ‘On
the Organization of Engineering Courses
and on Entrance Requirements for Profes-
sional Schools,’ in which the writer, follow-
ing a somewhat similar line of thought,
developed the theory of professional educa-
tion, exhibited the logical differences be-
tween the real ‘education’ of the academic
colleges and the primarily vocational train-
ing, the ‘ higher apprenticeship’ of the pro-
fessional schools ; showing that while the
one should offer a ‘ladder from the gutter
to the university,’ as Huxley said, the other
lets down a ladder from the profession to
the people, the two thus demanding radi-
cally different methods of construction of
MARCH 17, 1899. ]
their curricula, as well as different methods
of prescription of entrance requirements.
The one supplements the schools, and must
build smoothly up from below; the other
builds down from the profession, and must,
at all hazards, make its junction at the
upper end effective, while its entrance re-
quirements must be such as will least em-
barrass the aspirant while satisfying the
proper demands of the profession. Each
curriculum, however, must be constructed
by experts in its own field, and the profes-
sional must be relied upon to perfect the
courses and prescribe the requirements of
the technical school, as must the expert in
academic education be expected to be given
a free hand in the upbuilding of general
Shorter papers on laboratory work, on
details of educational apparatus, ‘ thesis
work,’ courses of instruction in various
departments and reports of committees, fill
the volume with a mass of material hitherto
unparalleled in this line, and which must
deeply interest, not only workers in this
field, but all educators, and particularly all
who are interested in the promotion and
improvement of our still defective and in-
adequate educational provision for the best
interests of the industrial classes, and in the
advancement to still higher planes of our
professional schools. The careful study, not
of this volume only, but of the series, be-
ginning with the organization of the As-
sociation at the Educational Congress at
Chicago, in 1893, in connection with the
Columbian Exhibition, cannot but well re-
ward every one interested in the modern
and current movements in this politically,
as well as socially, important department of
the scheme of national education, the per-
fection of which is so vital an element in
determining what shall be the political and
the moral and intellectual status of our
country in coming generations.
R. H. Tuurston.
Die chemische Energie der lebenden Zellen. DR.
OscaR LoEw. Munich, Dr. E. Wolff, pub-
lisher. 1899. Pp. 170.
This publication gives the results of a series
of observations on the chemical characteristics
of living matter. It is proved that the proteids
of living matter are of very labile nature and
different from those of the dead matter, into
which they are transformed by atomic migra-
tions in the molecules. It is also demonstrated
that in many plants a labile reserve-protein
occurs which is not yet organized, but is changed
by the same conditions as kill the cells. The
book contains the following chapters :
1. Views on the causes of the vital activity.
2. General characteristics of living matter.
3. Chemico-physiological characteristics of living
4. The essential concomitants of protoplasm.
. The character of the biochemical work.
. On the formation of protein in the lower fungi.
On the formation of protein in the green plants.
. Theory of protein formation.
. A labile protein as reserve material in plants.
10. Chemical characteristics of the labile proto-
11. Lability and activity in the protoplasm.
12. Theory of respiration. Chapters 9 and 10 give
the results obtained in conjunction with Th. Bokorny.
The most modern progress of theoretical
chemistry has been brought to bear in this
work. The theories advanced in the work and
the suggestions which they contain will make
the book invaluable to students of bio-chemistry
and physiology. Doctor Loew has concluded
his work with the following brief summary :
“It may be briefly recapitulated in a few
words how much the theses put forth corre-
spond or coincide with the observations made.
In the first place, it should be remembered that
the living substance shows a great resemblance
to a chemically labile body and that the dying
process of the protoplasm is suggestive of the
transition of a labile into a stable modification
of organic compounds. According to the
theory developed in the eighth chapter con-
cerning the formation of albumin, the lability
of the plasma-protein is due to the simultaneous
presence of aldehyde and amido groups. The
toxicological facts reported in the eleventh
chapter, indeed, support this view.
The further inference from the theory, that
very labile but not yet organized protein sub-
stances possibly occur in plants, has also been
verified. An exceeding labile reserve protein
of an aldehyde nature was proved by Bokorny
and myself to exist in many kinds of plants ;
its characteristics are described in the ninth and
tenth chapters.
Labile substances contain kinetic chemical
energy; they contain certain loosely bound
atoms, which under the influence of heat be-
come more mobile than in case of a more stable
arrangement. As a result chemical reactions
are caused, the energy of these atoms being
transferred to certain susceptible substances
(sugar, fatty acids), which are thus drawn into
a state of higher reactive power, especially with
the otherwise indifferent oxygen of the atmos-
phere. In other words, catalytic actions are
produced through a charge with chemical en-
ergy. The proteins of living substances ap-
pear as relatively firm structures in which sepa-
rate labile atoms perform great oscillations.
This conception is essentially different from
that of Pfliger and Detmer, both of whom as-
cribe to all atoms in the plasma-proteins such
an intense state of motion that a dissociation
results, to be followed by a similarly energetic
regeneration. Pfligersays:* ‘‘I do not ex-
pect to meet with any opposition if I consider
the living matter as not only being astonish-
ingly changeable, but steadily decomposing.’’
Yet, when we consider that a minimal attack
of extremely small quantities of a poison will
produce the death of a cell, one may well
doubt whether such a metabolism as Pfluger
assumes would not sooner lead to death than to
a possibility of regeneration. Neither can we,
therefore, agree with Verworn when he says: +
‘“‘The life process is the sum-total of all pro-
cesses connected with the building-up and de-
struction of the ‘biogens,’ or, ‘‘ life consists in
the metabolism of the albuminous bodies.’? A
more correct definition would be the following:
Life is the sum-total of the effects made possible
by the labile nature of the plasma-proteins and
* Pfliger’s Archiv 10, p. 311.
} Allgemeine Physiologie, 2d edition, p. 509.
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 220.
their respiratory activity, and governed by the
specifie tectonic of the energides and of the ac-
tive paraplastic structures. *
The nature of the living matter is in the first
place determined by lability and organization,
that is, by a systematic kind of motion in a
structure (tectonic) of labile proteins. The
principle of organization is not yet known.
Even if we assume with Pfluger that the pro-
cess of organization consists merely in a poly-
merization, the complicated details in genera-
tion and karyokinesis, would still defy explana-
tion, and the genetic differentiation would not
become better intelligible. Difficult problems
are here facing us.. Still it may be considered a
slight advance to know at least a little more
about the cause of respiration and the chemical
energy of the cells than formerly. It is the
lability of the plasma-proteins, which, sup-
ported by the effects of light, leads to the build-
ing-up of the carbohydrates in the green plants
out of carbon dioxide and water with separa-
tion of oxygen. It is also this lability which
assists in combining the organic substances
with oxygen and renders the obtained energy
applicable to physiological work.
In addition to the well-known fact that all
life functions are based upon the energies of the
sun, it must be inferred that the lability of the
plasma-proteins is necessary to transform this
sun energy into vital action.
ALBERT F, Woops.
Physical Geography. By WuILuLIAM MorRIs
Boston, Ginn & Company. 1898. Pp. 431.
Professor Davis well states in his preface the
central principle of this volume: ‘‘ Physio-
graphic facts should be traced back to their
causes and forward to their consequences.’’
We find thus the widest departure from the
piecemeal description and recital of facts, of
most works in physical geography. We should
expect this from one who has long been eminent
as a student and teacher of the science and who
* Kupfter designates ‘the contractile substance of
the muscular fibrille, the nervous fibre and the red
blood corpuscles as ‘ paraplastic’ formations.
Marcu 17, 1899.]
has not ceased to magnify the causal notion and
the consequent educational value of geography.
It cannot hereafter be said that the materials
of the new geography are not available to the
rank and file of teachers, as was conceded in
the report of the Committee of Ten. The
limits of a secondary text-book forbid anything
like a full discussion, and it is to be hoped that
a manual or college text-book may come from
the author’s hand. He has discarded, for the
most part, technical terms. Thus the doctrine
of the peneplain is elucidated in the text, but
the name appears only once, and that in a foot-
of geology, but this has been done in a simple
fashion which obviates the necessity of a pre-
vious course in that subject for the pupil,
though the teacher would find such knowledge
all but indispensable. T'o dwell for a moment
longer on the pedagogical aspects of the volume,
the vital teacher need not hesitate to use it,
though he be deficient in preparation, but it is
emphatically a book for the best, and only such
can wholly do it justice. It wisely joins itself
to the present state of knowledge, but leads
well out among the ideals and possibilities of
the science.
The illustrations are profuse and well se-
lected. Especially useful are many diagrams
which combine surface relief and vertical sec-
tion, thus relating geographic form and geolog-
ical structure. The appendix contains valuable
bibliographic lists and a short catalogue of the
best maps, whose use and importance are every-
where emphasized.
The Earth as a Globe, the Atmosphere, the
Ocean and the Lands are the four main sub-
divisions of the book. All but the last are
briefly treated, offering an outline of the chief
facts in mathematical geography, meteorology
and oceanography, terms which we think, for
the present purpose, wisely discarded.
The lands are treated with greater fullness,
the discussion occupying 273 pages. The chap-
ter headings will best show the general charac-
ter of this section. They are: The Lands,
Plains and Plateaus, Mountains, Volcanoes,
Rivers and Valleys, The Waste of the Land,
Climatic Control of Land Forms, and Shore-
lines. The origin of these forms and their con-
The rational geography makes large use
sequences upon organic and especially human
life are never lost from view, and thus is real-
ized the highest definition of geography as a
study of the ‘physical environment of man.’
No separate sections are devoted to the races
of man or the distribution of animals, but a
reader of the whole volume will discover that
these subjects have not been neglected, but
have been treated in an intimate and educa-
tional fashion.
The principle of change of form by erosion
and by change of relation to sea-level is early
stated and receives manifold elucidation to the
end. The Plain offers a good example of the
author’s method. We have first the formation
of a coastal plain by deposition of land waste
and uplift of marginal sea-bottom, with subse-
quent dissection by land streams. There log-
ically follows the broader, higher, older and
more dissected coastal plain, the eastern Caro-
linas serving as an example. The favorable
conditions for artesian wells form here a natu-
rally related topic. Embayed coastal plains show
the effect of the later, partial submergence, the
Chesapeake being used asa type. Such use of
physiographic types, as a means of seeking and
classifying examples in all parts of the world,
is a favorite and important principle with our
author. Similar plains of very ancient origin,
as in central-southern Wisconsin and western
New York, are then described and connected
with the younger, less modified types, but with-
out involving the difficult ideas or nomencla-
ture of historical geology.
The plateau, or uplifted plain, appropriately
follows. Thus we have young plateaus, as in
Arizona; mature and well-dissected plateaus, as
in the Catskill-Allegheny-Cumberland belt, and
old plateaus, as recognized in the buttes, mesas
and table-topped mountains of the West.
The treatment of mountains is, for the space,
equally thorough and interesting. The various
kinds are described—block mountains in various
stages of maturity ; folded and domed moun-
tains, with such fruitful subtopics as climate of
mountains, mountains as barriers, valleys
among mountains, and inhabitants of lofty
The chapter on Rivers and Valleys well illus-
trates the strides of physiographic science dur-
ing the last score of years, as will appear from
an outline of the chief topics. Thus we have
young rivers, with lakes, falls and rapids as
marks of immaturity ; graded rivers and the
development of valleys; meanders and the
shifting of divides ; mature and old rivers; re-
vived, antecedent, engrafted and dismembered
rivers, the causal or historical notion appearing
at every stage of the discussion.
The general reader who desires to cultivate
an appreciation for natural scenery will find
help in Professor Davis’s volume, and the stu-
dent to whom most of the materials are familiar
will find a convenient and systematic summary
of the important facts and doctrines of a great
and growing science.
The Bulletin of the American Mathematical So-
ciety states that advices from the Vatican an-
nounce that Abbé Cozza Luzzi, assistant libra-
rian, has found Galileo’s original manuscript
treatise on the tides. The manuscript is in
Galileo’s handwriting and concludes with the
words: ‘Written in Rome in the Medici Gar-
dens on January 8, 1616.’ The currently ac-
cepted text, the original of which was supposed
to have been lost, differs considerably from that
of the manuscript just found. Pope Leo XIII.
has taken the greatest interest in the discovery
and has ordered the manuscript to be published
in an elegant edition at the expense of the
THE London Times announces that it will pre-
pare a supplementary volume to the ninth edi-
tion of the Encyclopedia Britannica. This edi-
tion was published between 1875 and 1889. It
is well known that the treatment of scientific
subjects are in many cases the best accessible to
English students, being prepared by leading
English men of science. It is unfortunate that
a new edition of the Encyclopedia cannot be
prepared, as the last twenty-five years have
brought many changes in all the sciences, but a
supplementary volume will be of some service.
A Handbook of Medical Climatology. S. EDWIN SOLLY.
Philadelphia and New York. 1897. Pp. xii + 470.
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 220.
Minerals in Rock Sections, LEA MCILVAINE LUQUER.
New York, D. Van Nostrand Co. Pp. vii + 117.
Die Medial-Fernrohre. UL. SCHUPMANN.
Tuebner. 1899. Pp. iv + 145.
Mark 4.80.
Die Lehre vom Organismus und ihre Beziehung zur
Sozialwissenschaft. OSCAR HERTWIG. Jena, Fischer.
1899. Pp. 36. Mark 1.
Regeneration und Entwicklung. HH. STRASSER. Jena,
Fischer. 1899. Pp. 29. Mark 1.
Elementary Physiology. BENJAMIN MoorRE. New
York, London and Bombay, Lorgmans, Green &
Co. 1899. Pp. ii + 295.
Primer of Geometry. JAMES SUTHERLAND. London,
New York and Bombay. 1898. Pp. 117.
AT a meeting of the Club on February 25th
Professor C. W. Hall discussed the extent and
distribution of the Archean in Minnesota.
First, accepting the Archean as that original
‘crust,’ or solidified portion of the earth, which
is postulated in every existing view of the be-
ginning of the geological record, he defined it
as an era of igneous origins whose rocks repre-
sent the original crystallization of earth matter
added to from below by successive solidifica-
tion and many subsequent intrusions. By
this definition all overlying clastics or irrup-
tions into or through the clastics are excluded
from the Archean. If the base of the clastics
can be found there certainly should be found,
locally, at least, the rocks upon which they lie.
Such underlying rocks, the Archean, are be-
lieved to occur in Minnesota in two quite sep-
arated districts, the northern and the south-
Along the international boundary most geol-
ogists have grouped all the rocks from Bass-
wood Lake to Lake of the Woods as Archean,
even when clastics have been clearly recognized
and eruptives found breaking through them.
Lack of care in delimiting the Archean up-
wards has caused much confusion. Lawson
set an example in distinguishing between clas-
ties, ‘agglomerate schists’ and the rocks under-
lying, though not necessarily those from which
the clastics are derived. Structurally the
Marcu 17, 1899. ]
Archean of the Lake of the Woods forms a
series of troughs—four is the number given—
in which the Keewatin schists now lie. [Com-
pare Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur., Canada, N.
Ser., Vol. I., 1885, C. C., pp. 10 et seq.] Al-
though there are no sharp unconformities to be
seen, yet, as Lawson observes, ‘‘ the fact that
we find in the Keewatin series the first un-
doubted evidences for this region of aqueous
sedimentation and also of volcanic action, while
in the underlying Laurentian gneiss of the re-
gion we find evidence of neither, more than
suggests that the Keewatin series had a totally
different kind of origin from that of the
gneisses and must, therefore, be in unconform-
able relation to them”’ [Ibid., p. 84].
At Rainy Lake H. V. Winchell and Grant
found a series of granites and granite gneisses
beneath the other rocks (i. e., Archean) and
eruptive into them. Since these authors did
not think best to distinguish between under-
lying and eruptive granite rocks their work
is of but little taxonomic value. [Geol. and
Nat. Hist. Surv., Minn., 23d An. Rep., 1895,
p. 53.]
Between Rainy Lake and Lake Superior there
are several belts of schists with alternating
granites and other rocks having a general
northeast-and-southwest trend. Concerning
one of these, Irving noted in 1886 ‘‘ that we
have among the rocks * * * two types, in one
of which the crystalline structure is com-
plete and in which there is little or none of an
original fragmental structure, while in the other
the fragmental texture is still distinct and the
alteration has progressed to a smaller degree.’’
He then adds ‘‘ that the supposed older one of
the two groups of schists in the Vermilion Lake
belt is intricately penetrated by the granites of
the great areas north and south of the belt.’’
[7th An. Rep. Director U. 8. Geol. Sur., 1885-
86, p. 437.] Hence areas of Archean lie north
and south of these older schists.
In the Minnesota River Valley lies the most
carefully studied series of granite gneisses,
gneisses and gabbro schists of the State. These
rocks occur quite continuously from New Ulm
to Ortonville and beneath the glacial drift
stretch westward into South Dakota and disap-
pear beneath the Dakota sandstone. At New
Ulm they clearly underlie a quartzite conglom-
erate regarded as Huronian (whether lower or
upper is not determined). This Archean series
is divided, for purposes of study, into a lower
and upper; the former is named the Ortonville
group of augite, hornblende and biotite granite-
gneisses, and the latter the Granite Falls group
of hornblende and biotite gneisses and asso-
ciated gabbro schists. [Hall, Syllabus of Geol-
ogy, 1897, p. 83. ]
AT a recent meeting of the Club, Dr. Otis W.
Caldwell gave the results of his study of Lemna
minor. The following is an abstract of his
paper: Owing to the greatly reduced body of
the sporophyte of the Lemnacee there has been
much interest in its morphology, and in the
question as to the effect of the reduction upon
the gametophyte. The investigations show
that the sporophyte body is neither stem nor
leaf, as often contended, but a shoot undiffer-
entiated except at the basal or foot region and
at the nodal region from which the root, the
new shoots and the flowers arise. The root
originates from a small group of hypodermal
cells on the lower side of the node. The epi-
dermis develops a temporary root sheath, while
the persistent root cap is developed from the
meristem, which is never many-celled and in a
few cases was seen to be unicellular. Flowers
are rarely formed, and frequently when they
have begun to develop they are crowded out by
vegetative buds which are produced in great
abundance. Even when not encroached upon
by vegetative shoots the flowers do not often
sueceed in forming seeds. The pollen grains
usually become fully formed, but the structures
of the ovule and embryo-sac may disorganize at
any stage in their growth. Although the chief
stages in ordinary embryo-sac development
were found, such were shown by very few
preparations ; while in most of the preparations
embryo-sacs were disorganizing, the disorgani-
zation first affecting the antipodals, then the
polar nuclei or primary endosperm nucleus, the
ege being the last to succumb to the unfavor-
able conditions. Cases were observed in which
the upper polar nucleus, failing to fuse with the
lower one, had proceeded unassisted to the
production of endosperm. Few embryos were
In the young stamen but one archesporial
mass appears. After this has enlarged some-
what a plate of sterilized tissue divides it into
two regions, each of which is again divided in
a similar manner, thus constituting the four
archesporial masses of the anther. The four
loculi of the anther are four parts of one spo-
rangium, and not four sporangia, as reported
usually for other spermatophytes. The primary
tapetal layer is not differentiated until after the
archesporium is separated into four masses.
The tapetum may be derived either from the
sporogenous tissue or from the adjacent sterile
tissue. The cells of the tapetum frequently di-
vide and push out into the cavity of the loculus,
where they assist in nourishing the spore
mother cells. Some of the latter are nourished
also by other mother cells whose growth has
ceased. The microspore germinates while
within the sporangium. The generative cell
remains closely applied to the wal] of the spore
for a considerable time before dividing to pro-
duce the male gametes.
The ‘winter buds’ seem to be summer buds
which are not sufficiently vigorous to develop
the necessary air spaces to keep them afloat.
When conditions become favorable growth is
renewed, air spaces develop in abundance, and
the buds rise again to the surface.
It seems clear that Lemna minor has de-
scended from terrestrial forms. The entire
body of the diminutive plant, as evidenced by
the disappearing root, the system for aeration,
and the devices properly to relate the chloro-
plastids to the light, indicates attempts toward
adaptation to the water habitat. It has not
succeeded in working out such appropriate de-
vices for pollination as are found in most water
plants. The water environment also seems es-
pecially injurious to the embryo-sac structures
of this plant, and the ease with which vegetative
buds are produced, and the fact that some of
these buds may serve to perpetuate the plant
from year to year, reduces the necessity of seed
Vou. IX. No. 220.
UNDER the head of ‘Short Notes and Ex-
hibition of Specimens,’ Mr. Benton stated that
on January 22d he had found brood honey bees
in all stages of growth and new adults, indi-
cating egg laying the last of December. This
is a very early instance.
Mr. Matthis exhibited specimens of what he
takes to be Boreus brumalis Fitch, which he had
caught upon the snow in the Rock Creek Val-
ley after the recent blizzard. He showed for
comparison specimens of a Boreus which he had
caught last October at a high elevation on the
Big Horn Mountains. This was a larger and
darker form than B. brumalis and has not been
specifically identified.
Dr. Dyar showed a blown larva of Apatela
clarescens Gn., previously undescribed. The
larva nearly resembles that of A. hamamelis ;
indeed, from the mature larva alone no constant
differences can be pointed out, but Dr. Dyar
has observed certain differences in the earlier
stages of these larvee, which will be more fully
worked out at the next opportunity. In this
connection, he also presented a list of Apatela
by Professor A. R. Grote, with generic and sub-
generic types, which had been prepared by
Professor Grote on request, and which is sup-
plemental to the monograph of the genus re-
cently published by Smith and Dyar. Dr.
Dyar stated that he was pleased with Professor
Grote’s erection of a subgenus for A. funeralis,
since this was definable on larval character, as
are all the other subgenera of Apatela, except
Tricholonche as compared with Lepitoreuma.
Mr. Schwarz exhibited some very dry and
hard pulp of the giant cactus, taken by Mr.
Hubbard in the autumn of 1897 and containing
specimens of the extraordinary Scolytid, Cacto-
pinus hubbardi Schwarz. He had examined
this pulp in January, 1897, and found the bee-
tles alive, with no indication of oviposition. He
moistened it somewhat at that time and showed
the same beetles still alive, thus indicating that
they may live in the adult condition for two
Mr. Howard showed a remarkably clear and
beautiful photograph of Phasgonophora sulcata
Westwood, which had been taken by Mr. M.
V. Slingerland, and spoke briefly of the ad-
Marc#H 17, 1899.]
vantage of photography in entomological illus-
tration, expressing the opinion that a fair photo-
graph reproduced by the half-tone process is in
many instances better than a poor drawing,
but that the best photographs he had seen re-
produced in this way were by no means equal
to drawings made by competent artists. Such
a photograph as the one exhibited, however,
marks a great advance on previous efforts of
the kind and would be invaluable at least as an
aid to the artist, and if transferred by photog-
raphy to a wood block and then handled by a
competent wood engraver would obviate all
necessity for drawing and would produce the
most satisfactory results which could be ob-
tained, since the slight failures in details could
be easily rectified by the engraver.
Dr. Gill mentioned the resemblance of cer-
tain coleopterous larvze to certain Trilobites,
especially among the Staphylinide. He said
he had been struck by this resemblance in a
figure of a Silpha larva, even the antenne re-
sembling the antennae of Trilobites as recently
discovered by Beecher. He mentioned the
figure of Fluvicola, an Isopod crustacean, in
De Kay’s volume on the ‘Crustacea of New
York, and Le Conte’s conclusion that it was the
larva of Psephenus, and asked for further in-
formation as to this resemblance.
Mr. Schwarz said that this wonderful resem-
blance extends through several families of
Coleoptera. He instanced Micropeplus among
the Staphylinide, a genus of Scydmenide fig-
ured by Meinert, various genera of Endomy-
chide, groups of species in the old genus Silpha
Psephenus and Helichus among the Elmide, and
various genera of the Dascyllide and Lam-
pyride. The resemblance is largely caused by
the exfoliation of the sides of the body. What
its function is he did not know, some of the
larvee possessing it being aquatic, some sub-
aquatic and some terrestrial.
The first paper of the evening, by Dr. Dyar,
was entitled ‘On the Fluctuations of the Post-
spiracular Tubercle in Noctuid Larvee.’
The second paper included a continuation of
Mr. Hubbard’s letters from the Southwest, pre-
sented with notes and comments by Mr.
Schwarz. The letters read at this time related
to the Colorado Desert and to Salton Lake and
its insect fauna. Some discussion ensued on
the question as to whether the Colorado Desert
has been occupied at any modern period by an
arm of the sea, Messrs. Vaughan, Schwarz and
Gill taking part.
L. O. Howarp,
At the meeting of the Academy of Science
of St. Louis of March 6, 1899, Professor J. H.
Kinealy described some experiments on lifting
water by means of compressed air, as is done
by the Pohle air-lift pump, and discussed the
efficiency problems of the use of apparatus of
this description. Three persons were elected
to active membership.
Recording Secretary.
To THE EDITOR OF SclENCE—(Sir: I use the
word ‘place-mode’ to embody a well-known
idea, namely, that a species has a different
mode (i. e., a different prevailing condition of
size, color, etc.) in different localities. The
person who seeks to determine a place-mode
determines the prevailing dimension of the
principal measurable qualities (and practically
all qualities of organisms are measurable) of a
species as it occurs in the locality in question.
The importance of this work is as follows:
It fixes the condition of a species in a particular
locality at a particular time ; it affords a base
from which we may measure any change which
the species has undergone in the same locality
after a certain number of years. That species
in nature do undergo changes within a man’s
lifetime is recognized by some conchologists
who find that certain shells of the seashore have
undergone within a half century an evident
change of index (ratio of length to breadth).
A case of especial interest because of the exact
measurements which have been made is that of
the rock crab of Plymouth, England, the frontal
breadth of whose carapace has diminished year
by year at a measurable rate (1 to 2 per cent.
in five years), a result explained by certain
changes in the physiography of the region
(Weldon). Such facts indicate that species
are changing in essential specific characters
and sometimes rather rapidly changing. The
changes are not sufficient to be detected in cases
where the descriptions are wholly qualitative
or based upon the observation of a few indi-
viduals. But where a large number of. in-
dividuals, taken at random, are measured the
modes may be used as standards for reference.
With the aid of such standards we can observe
not only the fact of change, but the rate and the
direction, and draw conclusions concerning the
causes of specific change. If two modes occur
in a species in one locality we can determine
whether they separate farther and farther from
each other, and the rate of such separation. A
careful correlation of the facts of separation of
modes with changes in environment will give
us an insight into the causes of specific differ-
entiation. In a word, the establishment of
these place-modes for various species in various
localities is the first sure step toward the solu-
tion of the problem of the Origin of Species.
The methods of this work are very simple.
They involve the measurement of size, of pro-
portions and other elements of form, and of
color, by the color wheel;* they involve also
counting repeated organs. The measurements,
or counts, are to be grouped into classes on the
basis of size. The means of measurement will
naturally be fonnd ; but, most important of all,
far more significant than the mean, is the mode
or the most frequented class. The mode gives
the typical condition of the lot of individuals
The end of the old century or the beginning
of the new one is a convenient time for making
a number of these determinations, and it is on
this account that I write to suggest to field
naturalists that for a year or two they bend
their efforts to the determination of place-modes.
I am so convinced of the importance of this
work that Iam planning, with the cooperation
* The color wheel is an instrument for determining
the percentage of constituent elementary colors in any
compound color. A small, cheap and convenient
form of this instrument—called the color top—with
standard colors may be bought for six cents of The
Milton Bradley Company, Springfield, Mass.
(N.S. Von. 1X. No. 220.
of students, to work on this subject at the labo-
ratory at Cold Spring Harbor during the com-
ing summer, and I hope that simultaneous co-
operative observations may be made at Woods
Holl and other marine laboratories as well as at
the various inland stations and by private col-
lectors elsewhere. There is no fear of duplica-
tion of work, for two persons will hardly study
the same species in one and the same locality.
THE Common Whitefish of the Great Lakes
was first very imperfectly described by Dr.
Samuel L. Mitchill, in The American Monthly
Magazine and Critical Review for March, 1818.
The description, in fact, is so unsatisfactory that
his contemporaries and later ichthyologists for
more than fifty years supposed it to refer to the
Cisco, or Lake Herring, Argyrosomus artedi. A
good account of the Whitefish was published
by Richardson in 1836, under LeSueur’s name
of Coregonus albus, a name published only a few
weeks later than that of Mitchill; but, like
Mitchill’s, unaccompanied by a sufficient de-
In 1836 Richardson established a new species
of Coregonus upon a dried specimen which he
received from Musquaw River, that falls into
the Gulf of St. Lawrence, near the Mingan
Islands, giving it the name Salmo (Coregonus)
labradoricus. This has been retained in the
literature as a distinct species up to the present
time, although its close relationship to the
Common Whitefish has sometimes been ob-
served without recorded comment.
Systematic ichthyologists have found it diffi-
cult to show clearly the differences between\the
Common Whitefish and the Labrador Whitefish,
as may be seen by referring to the monographs
upon the Whitefishes by Jordan and Gilbert,
Bean, and Evermann and Smith. They have
been forced to rely, finally, upon a single char-
acter, the presence of several rows of teeth on
the tongue to distinguish the two forms, and
this was supposed to be constant and in-
The writer has recently had occasion, while
Marco 17, 1899. ]
studying the fishes of the State of New York,
to examine numerous specimens of the Common
Whitefish from the Great Lakes and interior
lakes of New York and of the so-called Labra-
dor Whitefish from lakes of New York and New
Hampshire and from rivers in New Brunswick
and Labrador. As a result of these investiga-
tions he is forced to the conclusion that Rich-
ardson’s species, Coregonus labradoricus, is
identical with the Common Whitefish, Core-
gonus clupeiformis, there being no characters
by which the two can be distinguished. Every
individual of the Common Whitefish, young
and old, was found to have teeth on the tongue
and to possess the other characters by which
Richardson’s species has hitherto been sep-
This conclusion has an important bearing
upon fish cultural operations by the States and
the United States, as it will tend to simplify
the work of artificial propagation and, perhaps,
extend its scope.
WASHINGTON, D. C., March 3, 1899.
Dr. A. 8. PACKARD writes from Biskra, Al-
geria, January 23,1899: ‘‘I find myself in this
oasis of the northern edge of the Sahara, where
there are 170,000 date palms. In a beautiful
garden I found a date palm, indeed several, af-
fected by Coccids, which I enclose.’? The Coc-
cids are crowded on the pieces of leaf and prove
to be Aonidia blanchardi, Targioni-Tozzetti,
Mém. Soc. Zool. France, 1892, Vol. V., p. 69.
The insect, however, is not an Aonidia, but be-
longs to Parlatoria, and must’be called Parlatoria
blanchardi. It was originally found in the oasis
of Ourir, and has never, I believe, been noticed
since its original description until now redis-
covered by Dr. Packard.* The figures of Tar-
gioni-Tozzetti represent it well, except that in
one of them (Fig. 3) there is an impossible lobule
between the median interlobularsquames. The
female turns bright olive green on being boiled
in caustic soda. There are four small groups of
circumgenital glands. This insect is likely to
* Unless Maskell’s P. proteus var. Palme, found in
Australia on date palms imported from Algeria, is the
same, as indeed seems likely.
be of some economic importance, as it is allied
to, though easily distinguished from, Parlatoria
victriz, Ckll.; which, introduced from Egypt,
has proved a pest on date palms in Arizona,
California and Queensland. The manner of
the infestation is quite the same in the two
MESILLA PARK, N. M., February 16, 1899.
time, according, I believe, to Messrs. Gilbert
and Sullivan, a magnet hanging in a shop win-
dow fell in love with a silver churn, but, to its
great distress, was unable to awaken any re-
sponse. Its pathetic plaint ran :
“Tf I can wheedle
A nail or aneedle
Why not a silver churn.”’
T used to think the magnet very unreasonable,
because I supposed the atoms of iron and steel
were necessarily drawn to it willy nilly, while
there was no such tendency in the silver atoms,
which were consequently quite unable to re-
spond toits call. Major Powell (SctENcE, Feb-
ruary 17th) puts the matter in a new light,
which awakens my sympathy for the magnet. It
appears that the particles have choice. Both
common sense and the dictionary tell us that
choice is the power of choosing. Thus it
was not of necessity, but of their free will,
that the nails and needles were so responsive.
The silver churn evidently considered the mag-
net ineligible. The case of the latter is a truly
sad one, worthy of all serious commiseration,
for if,as Major Powell tells us, the particles
have intelligence, why should they not have
love also? True, the magnet as a whole does
not know, but what can assuage the grief of
each of its myriad particles? Is there any hope
that in time the silver will think better of it?
THIS comet was discovered by Méchain at
Paris in 1790. Only a few observations were
taken, however, and the comet was rediscovered
by Horace P. Tuttle at the Harvard College
Observatory, January 4, 1858.
Johannes Rahts, of Koénigsberg, made the
most complete discussion of the orbit, combin-
ing the observations of 1858 and 1871-2, having
regard also to the perturbations. His value of
the period is 18.7 yrs. The comet was next
seen in 1885, and was expected during the pres-
ent year. An ephemeris was accordingly dis-
tributed from Kiel, and it was probably by
means of this that a faint comet, supposed to
be Tuttle’s, was discovered March 5th, by Dr.
Wolf, as already announced. This ephemeris,
as corrected by Dr. Wolf’s observation, is
given below.
G. M. T. R. A. Dec.
1899. Mar) 5.5° 12 16™. 397 + °31° 36"
CHa a Sib Gili Sali tis)
135i 46 St 30 AG
aly aye eyes Absa bys reeds) iesth)
March 8, 1899.
From an examination of the Draper Memorial
photographs, Mrs. Fleming has discovered a
new star in the constellation Sagittarius. Its
position for 1900 is: R. A. = 18"56.2™, Dec. =
—13°18’. It was too faint to be photographed
on eighty plates taken between October 18,
1888, and October 27, 1897, although stars as
faint as the fifteenth magnitude appear on some
of them. It appears on eight photographs
taken while it was bright. On March 8, 1898,
it was of the fifth magnitude, and on April 29,
1898, of the eighth magnitude. A plate taken
this morning, March 9, 1899, shows that the
star is still visible, and is of the tenth magni-
tude. Two photographs show that its spectrum
resembles those of other new stars. Fourteen
bright lines are shown, six of them due to hy-
drogen. The entire number of new stars dis-
covered since 1885 is six, of which five have
been found by Mrs. Fleming.
March 9, 1899.
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 220.
THE theory of electric waves along wires has
been worked out very completely by J. J.
Thomson for the case of a wire surrounded by
a cylindrical conducting shell. <A further de-
velopment of the theory, together with some
interesting numerical results is given by A.
Sommerfeld in Wiedemann’s Annalen, 1899, No.
2. The author gives a rigorous solution of
Maxwell’s equations for electric waves trans-
mitted along a straight wire of great length.
This rigorous solution leads to an equation in
Bessel’s functions, the roots of which give the
velocity of transmission and the damping co-
efficients. The author gives approximate solu-
tions of this equation for wires of great conduc-
tivity, diameter of wire being rather small com-
pared to the wave-length, and for wires of
medium conductivity, diameter of wire being
very small compared to wave-length. In these
two cases the equation in Bessel’s functions re-
duces to a logarithmic form for which the roots
may be found without serious difficulty.
The author gives the following calculated re-
sults: Electric waves of 80 cm. wave-length
travel along a copper wire of 4 mm. diameter
at a velocity which is less than the velocity of
light by one part in 30,000, and the amplitude
falls to a of its initial value at a distance of 1.5
Electric waves of 100 em. normal wave-length
(period 33:10—!" second) travel at about three-
quarters of the velocity of light along a platinum
wire .004 mm. diameter, and their amplitude
falls to s of its initial value at a distance of
only 17 em.
The author also gives a diagram of the lines
of electric force inside and outside of the wire,
the lines of magnetic force being circles around
the wire. W.S. F.
A GALVANOMETER of medium sensitiveness is
connected to a battery, astrip of silvered glass
is included in the circuit and the coating of sil-
ver is scratched across so as to break the circuit.
The strip is placed in moist air and the galva-
nometer shows a deflection. When the strip is
Marcu 17, 1899.]
exposed to electrical waves the galvanometer
deflection is suddenly reduced to nearly zero ;
and when the waves cease the galvanometer
deflection is quickly reéstablished. This effect
is described by A. Netigschwender (Wiedemann’s
Annalen, 1899, No. 2), and the author finds that
the film of moisture recovers its electrical con-
ductivity so quickly after the cessation of the
electrical waves that a telephone in circuit with
the silvered strip gives the tone of the induction
coil break even when the frequency of the
break is very great. Wiesner
MATHIAS CANTOR (Wiedemann’s Annalen,
1899, No. 2), hasshown by means of the coherer
(a mass of powdered metal forming a portion
of an electric circuit), that the electric discharge
produced through a vacuum tube by a large
storage battery gives off electric waves. This
discharge must, therefore, be either oscillatory
or intermittent, contrary to the notion which
has heretofore prevailed. Wi.) Eh.
In Wiedemann’s Annalen, 1898, No. 13, Mr.
P. Jenko gives a curiously roundabout method
for the determination of the intrinsic brightness
or brilliancy of light sources. Before entering
into the details, however, it is necessary—such
is the confusion of photometric terminology—
to state a few definitions. The brightness of a
source here signifies the total amount of light
given out by that source and is ordinarily
measured in candles. The intensity of illumina-
tion of a surface is the amount of light falling
upon unit area of the surface and is usually
measured in candles per square centimeter.
Thus the intensity of the illumination of a sur-
face distant one meter from a standard candle
(assumed to give off light equally in all direc-
tions for the sake of brevity of statement) is
see ees, This intensity of illumination
is universally but irrationally called the candle-
meter. The brilliancy of a light source is the
amount of light given off from each unit area
of its luminous surface. This, also, is to be ex-
pressed in candles per square centimeter. The
candle per square centimeter is a convenient
unit for expressing brilliancy of light sources,
but is an inconveniently large unit for express-
ing ordinary intensities of illumination. Thus,
easy reading requires about z5}7> candle per
square centimeter.
Instead of determining the brilliancy of a
light source by dividing its measured brightness
(candle power) by the measured area of its
luminous surface, making due allowance, of
course, for irregular distribution in so far as this
is possible, Mr. Jenko illuminates a screen of
known area by a light of measured brightness,
distance being measured. The intensity of the
illumination of this screen is then known. He
then compares upon a photometer bar the light
given off by this screen with the light given off
by the source of which the brilliancy is to be
determined. He then measures the luminous
area of the source and calculates its brilliancy
in terms of the brilliancy of the illuminated
screen, using an obvious relation between brill-
iancies, brightnesses and distances along the
photometer bar ! W.S. F.
In Wied. Ann., Band 66, No. 18, pp. 859-953,
Max Wien communicates the results of a most
careful and elaborate investigation upon ‘The
Magnetization of Iron by Alternating Currents.’
The first part of the paper contains a general
résumé of the literature of the subject, with a
useful set of references to the original articles.
Following this comes a discussion of the mag-
netization of iron by alternating currents, in
which it is shown that for a coil containing an
iron core and having a purely sinusoidal E. M.
F. applied to it, neither the induction nor the
magnetizing force will be a simple sine function
of the time, but will contain higher harmonics,
on account of the varying permeability of the
core, and that also the apparent resistance of
such an electro-magnet is greater than the re-
sistance of its windings, while its apparent is
less than its true self inductance.
A full description of the experimental ar-
rangements and necessary corrections for Fou-
cault currents, upper harmonics, etc., is then
given together with the values obtained for the
induction and hysteresis for irons of various
qualities, using magnetizing currents having
frequencies of 128, 256 and 520 per second.
The paper concludes with a general discus-
sion of the experimental data, which may be
summarized as follows:
The permeability and induction are always
smaller for an alternating field than for a steady
one, the difference reaching a maximum for
low values of the magnetizing force, while near
saturation the difference is small. For low
values of the magnetizing force the differences
are the same for all frequencies. The softer
and less subdivided the iron, and the higher the
frequency, the greater the difference (amount-
ing in one case for very soft iron to 40%).
Tn moderate and strong fields, for equal values
of the induction, the hysteresis is greater for
alternating magnetization, than the value ob-
tained by the usual static methods, the increase
being greater the nearer saturation is ap-
proached, the higher the frequency and the softer
the iron. The opposite is true for weak fields.
The only explanation which can be given is
that the magnetism of the iron is unable to keep
up with a rapidly varying field and consequently
the hysteresis loop is broader and lower than
it would be if determined for slow changes of
the field. AGES Tar Cre.
H. BECQUEREL (Comptes Rendus, t. CX XVIL.,
p. 899 and t. CXXVIII., p. 145) has been able
to prove and study the existence of abnormal dis-
persion in sodium vapor. He finds that the
effects of the D, and D, lines in causing ab-
normal dispersion are superposed and that for
certain rays the refractive indices are less than
On account of its importance in the theory of
atmospheric electricity the question as to
whether the vapor of an electrified liquid is
itself electrified is of great interest. It cannot
be said that the subject has not received atten-
tion, but the results obtained by different inves-
tigators are not in accord. Pellat (Comptes
Rendus, t. CXXVIII., p. 169) has lately re-
investigated the subject and finds that the
rate of loss of charge from an_ insulated,
electrified, metal vessel is greater when it
contains water than when empty. Applying
this result to the phenomena of atmospheric
electricity he comes to the conclusion that it can
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 220.
only explain a part of the observed facts and
further knowledge will reveal some as yet un-
known cause acting. A. Sr. C. D.
Mr. Henry GANNETT, Geographer of the
Geological Survey, who was the political and
statistical geographer of the last census, has been
asked to take charge of the same work for the
coming census. The Director of the Census,
Mr. Merriam, has announced that all applica-
tions for positions will receive consideration, and
that examinations will be held as rigid as those
before the Civil Service Commission. The 300
Supervisors are to be appointed after consulta-
tion with Senators and Representatives of the
separate States, but without regard to party
THE professors of geology in the University of
California and in Stanford University have or-
ganized a geological club, to be called the ‘Cor-
dilleran Geological Club.’ It is intended to
include all the geologists of the Pacific and ad-
jacent States, and its object is by occasional
meetings to stimulate geological work. Whether
it shall remain an independent organization or
shall be affiliated with any other scientific body
is left for future decision.
Foreign Correspondent of the Paris Academy
of Sciences for the Section of Anatomy and Zo-
ology. Twenty-seven votes were cast for Pro-
fessor Lankester and eight for Professor Van
Beneden, of Liége. M. Lortet, professor of
medicine, of Lyons, has been elected National
Correspondent for the same Section.
Lorp Lister, London, and Professor Koch,
Berlin, have been elected Foreign Associates of
the Paris Academy of Medicine.
fessor L. Cremona, Rome, and M. Alexander
Karpinsky, St. Petersburg, have been elected
Associates of the Belgian Academy of Sciences.
THE address in medicine at the next Yale
commencement exercises is to be delivered by
Professor Charles Sedgwick Minot, of the Har-
vard Medical School. The title of the address
has not yet been announced, but we are in-
MAnc# 17, 1899.]
formed that Dr. Minot will present some new
aspects of medical education.
sity, will be given a year’s leave of absence at
the close of the present academic year, and will
lecture on philosophical subjects before the Uni-
versities of Japan and India.
Dr. WittiAM T. Harris, United States
Commissioner of Education, has been given an
honorary doctorate of philosophy by the Uni-
versity of Jena.
Mr. W. E. D. Scotr has been appointed
curator of the ornithological collection in the
School of Science of Princeton University.
Mr. A. KE. Bostwick, Librarian of the New
York Free Circulating Library, has been elected
Librarian of the Brooklyn Public Library.
THE Permanent Secretary of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science,
Dr. L. O. Howard, Department of Agriculture,
Washington, D. C., would be glad to receive
information of the present addresses of the
following: Mr. William J. Lewis, Mr. Frank
McClintock, Miss Mary A. Nichols, Mr. Charles
M. Rolker and Mr. Carl H. Schultz.
Stenor Ropotro LANcIANI, D.C.L., LL.D.,
professor of ancient topography in the Uni-
versity of Rome and Director of the Italian
School of Archeology, has been appointed
Gifford lecturer in the University of St. An-
drews for the next two academical years. The
subject of his lectures will be the ‘ Religion of
WE learn from Nature that at the anniversary
meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Mr. Frank McClean, F.R.S., was awarded the
gold medal of the Society for his photographic
survey of stars in both hemispheres, and other
contributions to the advancement of astron-
omy. A prize of 500 frances, founded by
Augustin-Pyramus de Candolle for the best
monograph on a genus or family of plants, is
offered in competition by the Société de physique
et d’histoire naturelle de Genéve. The mono-
graphs may be composed in Latin, French,
German, Italian or English, and must be sent
to M. Pictet, the President of the Society, be-
fore January 15, 1900. Members of the Society
are not permitted to compete. The Belgian
Royal Academy has awarded prizes of 600 franes
to M. Georges Clautriau, of Brussels, for his
memoir, on the macro- and micro-chemistry of
digestion in carnivorous plants, and to Professor
L. Cuénot, of Nancy, for his essay on the ex-
cretory organs of Mollusca.
WE regret to record the death of Sir Douglas
Galton, F.R.S., the eminent sanitary engineer.
Born in 1822, he was educated at Rugby and
Woolwich, and received a commission in the
Royal Engineers in 1840. He subsequently
served in many important capacities as Inspec-
tor of Public Works, visiting the United States
to inspect the railways in 1856. He was the
author of books on ‘Healthy Dwellings’ and
‘Healthy Hospitals.’ Sir Douglas Galton was
for twenty-five years the General Secretary of
the British Association, and on his retirement,
in 1895, was elected President. It will be
remembered that his presidential address at
Ipswich was published in this JouRNAL.
Str JOHN STRUTHERS, emeritus professor of
anatomy in the University of Aberdeen, died
on February 24th, aged 75 years. He was the
author of numerous papers on human and com-
parative anatomy, and exercised much influence
on the improvement of anatomical teaching in
THE deaths are also announced of Dr. Dareste
de la Chavanne, the French anthropologist, and
Dr. Franz Lang, a Swiss zoologist and geolgist.
A GRANT of £300 from the Worts Travelling
Scholars’ Fund, Cambridge University, has
been made to Mr. W. W. Skeat, M.A., towards
defraying the expenses of his scientific expedi-
tion to the Malay peninsula, on the condition
that the results of the investigations made by
the expedition be reported by him to the Vice-
Chancellor in a form that may hereafter be
published. Mr. Skeat is accompanied by two
zoologists, Messrs. Evans and Annandale, of
Oxford, and by Mr. Gwynne-Vaughan, bot-
News of the safety of M. Bonin, the French
explorer, who has been missing in Thibet and
the interior of China, has reached Shanghai.
He arrived at Yachow, Sye Chuen district, after
many exciting experiences, and will make his
4 or)
way to the coast by the river route. Witha
few Chinese companions he has travelled
through the greater portion of Thibet and made
a trip from the Siberian line to Tong King.
Srpps have been taken by the British gov-
ernment to guard against undue destruction
of wild animals in Africa, by the issue of game
regulations. The German government has
been consulted, and it is proposed to hold an in-
ternational conference on the subject in London
in the spring.
THE New York Post-Graduate Hospital has
received $100,000 from Mr. Harris Fahenstock
for a training school for nurses.
PROFESSOR R. W. Woop, of the University of
Wisconsin, has discovered a new method of pho-
tographing in natural colors. He reproduces
the colors by diffraction, and, though at present
the production of the first finished picture is
somewhat tedious, duplicates can be printed as
easily as ordinary photographs are made The
pictures are on glass, and are not only color-
less, but almost invisible when viewed in ordi-
nary lights, but when placed in a viewing
apparatus, consisting of a convex lens ona light
frame, show the colors of nature with great brill-
iancy. The principle is that the picture and
the lens form spectra which overlap and the
eye placed in the overlapping portion sees the
different portions of the picture in color depend-
ing on the distance between the grating lines at
that place. Professor Wood says the finished
picture isatransparent film of gelatine with
very fine lines on it, about 2,000 to the inch
on the average. The colors depend solely
on the spacing between the lines, and are
pure spectrum colors, or mixtures of such, the
necessity of colored screens or pigments, used
in all other processes except that of Lippman,
having been overcome. The pictures can be
projected on a screen by employing a suitable
lantern, or can be viewed individually with a
very simple piece of apparatus consisting of a
lens and perforated screen mounted ona frame.
A peculiarity of the process is that there is no
such thing asa negative in it. Half-a-dozen pic-
tures have been printed in succession, one from
another, and all are positive and indistinguish-
able from each other.
[N. 8. Von. 1X. No, 220.
THE record for kite-flying for scientific pur-
poses has again been broken at the Blue Hill
Observatory ; 12,440 feet above the sea-level
was reached on February 28th by a recording
instrument attached toa string of tandem kites.
This is 366 feet higher than the preceding best
record, made at the same place on August 26th.
The flight was begun at 3:40 p. m., Tuesday,
the temperature at the surface being 40° and
the wind seventeen miles an hour. At the high-
est degree the temperature was 12° and the
wind velocity fifty miles an hour. Steel wire
was used as a flying line, and the kites, four in
number, were of an improved Hargreave pat-
tern, with curved surfaces, made after the pat-
tern of soaring birds’ wings. The upper kite
carried an aluminum instrument weighing four
pounds, which recorded graphically tempera-
ture, wind velocity, humidity and atmospheric
pressure. The combined kites had an area of
205 square feet and weighed twenty-six pounds,
while the weight of the wire was seventy-six
pounds. The upper kite remained above two
miles for about three hours, and was reeled in
by a steam windlass, constructed for that pur-
pose. When within half a mile of the ground
the fastening on one of the kites slipped, and
this carried it up to the one above, the added
pull snapping the wire and sending three kites
adrift. A search for the lost kites was begun on
Wednesday, and two of them were found at the
Milton town farm, about two miles away,
but the third was not recovered until later,
when it was found at Field’s Corner, over six
miles north of the Observatory, or more than
half the distance between that point and the
State House. The recording instrument was
found uninjured. This was the last of a series
of five high flights made on successive days,
Sunday excepted. The average height reached
was 10,300 feet, or nearly two miles. The
temperature at 10,000 feet on February 23d was
5°; on the 24th, 1°; on the 25th, 11°, and on
the 28th, 20° above zero.
THE British Iron Trade Journal attributes the
remarkable expansion of the iron and steel in-
dustries of the United States to the following
favorable changes in economic conditions: (a)
‘Intensive’ production, reducing costs gener-
ally; (0) Reduced costs of ores and develop-
Marcu 17, 1899. ]
ment of the deposits of fine mineral in the dis-
trict adjacent to the Great Lakes ; (c) Reduction
of salaries through technical progress and
changes in systems of administration ; (d) Re-
markably low cost of fuel; (e) Concentration
of production with unlimited capital; (/)
Mainly, however, to reduced cost of transpor-
tation. This last factor more than all others
together has brought about this great change
and placed the United States in its present re-
lation to the world’s markets.
In a note by M. Considére, published in the
Moniteur Industrielle, recently, there are given
the data of tests of mortars and cements in
structures, their resistance being reinforced by
the introduction of iron straps and ‘ arma-
tures,’ which show that, as he states, these sub-
stances may be thus caused to sustain tensions
twenty times as great as when not thus rein-
Ir appears that the Nernst light, the scientific
principles of which we recently described, is
likely to rival the are lamp for general use.
Companies have been organized in Germany,
Great Britain and America with capitals ex-
tending into the millions of dollars. The
English company values its rights at about
$1,800,000, and it is to be hoped that Professor
Nernst receives the greater part of this sum.
Knowledge states that a site has been secured
at Kemp Town, overlooking Queen’s Park,
Brighton, for the Gardens of the recently
founded Zoological Society for Brighton and
Hove. Some sixty years ago Brighton possessed
a small zoological garden situated north of The
Level, on the Lewes Road. The institution did
not flourish owing to the ignorance of its orig-
inators, who had no notion of the proper
method of dealing with captive specimens.
The consequence was a very high death-rate
and a brief career for the institution. The new
garden will not be likely to fail from the causes
which produced the collapse of its predecessor,
for it will be managed by competent zoologists
who have experience in the treatment of animals
of all kinds. Moreover, the encouragement
held out to the projectors by residents and per-
sons of distinction in Brighton is such as to
warrant us in believing that the undertaking
will prove to be a success in all respects. A
special feature in the new institution will be
the regular delivery of courses of instructive
popular lectures for the benefit of the numerous
schools in Brighton and Hove. Among those
who have enrolled their names as patrons of the
Society are several of the foreign Ambassadors,
the Duke of Fife, Sir John Lubbock, Sir Ed-
ward Sassoon, the Earl of Chichester and the
Hon. Walter Rothschild. The managing-di-
rectors are the Earl of Landaff and Mr. F. W.
THE New York Medical Record states that the
Japanese parliament has passed a bill authoriz-
ing the free distribution of vaccine virus and
rendering vaccination compulsory. It is pro-
vided that a child must be vaccinated within
ten month of its birth, and that, if the vaccina-
tion does not take, it must be repeated within
a period of six months, and yet again within a
similar period if it be again unsuccessful.
Further, all children must be re-vaccinated at
the age of six and once more at the age of
twelve. Thereafter vaccination becomes occa-
sional, and may be declared compulsory at any
time of threatened or actual epidemic, the
power to order it being vested in local goy-
A CouRSE of nine lectures upon science and
travel has been arranged by the Field Colum-
bian Museum, Chicago, for Saturday afternoons
in March and April at 3 o’clock. The lectures
are as follows:
March 4—‘ Cuba and the Cubans,’ Dr. R. 8. Mar-
tin, Chicago.
March 11—‘Blind Fishes of North American
Caves,’ Dr. Carl H. Eigenmann, Director, Biological
Station, Bloomington, Indiana.
March 18—‘ Religious Ceremonies of the Hopi In-
dians of Arizona,’ Dr. George A. Dorsey, Curator,
Department of Anthropology, Field Columbian Mu-
March 25—‘Colors of Flowers and Fruits,’ Pro-
fessor W. H. Dudley, Wisconsin State Normal
April 1—‘ Russia and the Russians,’ Professor A.
M. Feldman, Armour Institute of Technology.
April 8—‘ The Bad Lands of South Dakota,’ Pro-
fessor O. C. Farrington, Curator, Department of Geol-
ogy, Field Columbian Museum.
April 15—‘ Extinct Vertebrates of the Bad Lands,’
Mr. E. S. Riggs, Assistant Curator of Paleontology,
Field Columbian Museum.
April 22—‘ Animal Messmates and Parasites,’ Pro-
fessor H. M. Kelly, Cornell College, Mount Vernon,
Towa. ;
April 29—‘ Aboriginal Methods of Manufacturing
Weapons and Implements,’ Professor George L. Collie,
Beloit College, Wisconsin.
Mr. W. F. R. WELDEN, F.R.S8., professor of
zoology of University College, London, has
been elected Linacre professor of comparative
anatomy at Oxford, in succession to Profes-
sor Ray Lankester. Professor Welden, Pro-
fessor Love, whose appointment to the Sedleian
chair of natural philosophy we announced last
week, and Mr. Stout, recently appointed to the
Wilde lectureship of mental philosophy, were
all Fellows of St. Johns College, Cambridge.
THE following promotions have been made
at Princeton University: Assistant Professor
Herbert S. S. Smith to be professor of applied
mechanics in the School of Science; Assistant
Professor Walter Butler Harris to be professor
of geodesy in the School of Science, and In-
structor Ulric Dahlgren to be assistant profes-
sor of histology in the academic department.
E. L. THORNDIKE, Pu. D. (Columbia), instruc-
tor in Western Reserve University, has been
appointed instructor in genetic psychology in
Teachers College, Columbia University.
THE Isaac Newton Scholarship of Cambridge
University for the encouragement of study and
research in astronomy has been awarded to Mr.
G. W. Walker, B. A. Scholar of Trinity Col-
lege. The scholarship is of the annual value
of £200, and is tenable for three years.
Miss CAROLINE HAZARD, of Peacedale, R. L.,
has been elected President of Wellesley College.
PROFESSOR SNELLEN will retire at the close
of the present semester from the chair of oph-
thalmology at the University of Utrecht.
AT a recent meeting of the Council of New
York University Chancellor MacCracken re-
ported that endowments amounting to nearly
$50,000 had been received, of which $20,000
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 220.
will be devoted to the School of Applied
A CHAIR of English Literature has been en-
dowed in Princeton University with $100,000,
on condition that the Rev. Dr. Henry Van
Dyke, of New York City, be the first incumbent.
Princeton University has also received $65,000
for the academic department.
THE German-American citizens of New York
are collecting a fund of $20,000 in honor of Mr.
Carl Schurz, whose seventieth birthday was re-
cently celebrated. The money will be used to
endow a fellowship and a Library of Germanic
Literature in Columbia University.
THE following further gifts have been made
during the week to educational institutions :
$50,000 to the Catholic University by the Na-
tional Council, Knights of Columbus, to estab-
lish a chair for historical research ; $20,000 to
Hobart College for the foundation of scholar-
ships by Miss Catherine L. Tuttle; $10,000 to
University of Virginia for books on the history
of Virginia, and $5,000 from various donors to
Syracuse University.
AT congregation at Cambridge University
on March 2d the report of the General Board of
Studies recommending the establishment of a
department of agriculture in the University
under the direction of a professor was approved.
The offers made to the University by Sir Walter
Gilbey, the Board of Agriculture, certain county
and borough councils and the Drapers’? Com-
pany were gratefully accepted.
Tue plans for the Cornell Medical School,
New York City, have been filed. The entire
frontage on First avenue, between Twenty-sev-
enth and Twenty-eighth streets, is to be occu-
pied by the building, which will cost $500,000.
Erratum: In the abstract (p. 312 above) of Profes-
sor Wm. A. Locy’s paper before the American Morpho-
logical Society, ‘New Facts Regarding the Develop-
ment of the Olfactory Nerve,’ the first sentence should
read: ‘The early embryonic history of the olfactory
nerve is very imperfectly known,’ instead of ‘is
known,’ and the closing sentence should read: ‘It was
also shown to persist in the adult,’ instead of ‘ to per-
ish in the adult.’ Credit should also be given to the
Elizabeth Thompson Science Fund for providing the
material upon which the research was conducted.
OrunteL CHARLES MArsu, Professor of Paleontology in Yale University, President
of the National Academy of Sciences from 1883 to 1896, President of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science in 1878, and one of the editors of this
JourNAL, died at New Haven on March the eighteenth, in his sixty-eighth year.
EDITORIAL ComMITTEE: S. Newcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WooDWARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THurRston, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. LE ContE, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; W. K. Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology;
S. H. ScuppER, Entomology; C. E. Brssry, N. L. Brirron, Botany; HENRY F. OsBoRN,
General Biology; C. S. Minor, Embryology, Histology; H. P. Bowpitcn, Physiology;
J. S. Brutinas, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; DANIEL G. BRIN-
TON, J. W. POWELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, Marcu 24, 1899.
The Early Tertiary Volcanoes of the Absaroka
Range: ARNOLD HAGUE.........0.:ecccsseceeeseee 4R5
The Physiological Basis of Mental Life: PROFESSOR
HIUGO MUNSTERBERG.......0.cssceeecerenesescnsceeees 442
Scientific Books :—
Newbigin on Color in Nature : ‘Proressor T. D.
A. COCKERELL. Weir on the Dawn of Reason :
DR. EDWARD THORNDIKE........cc0ccceeeeescseees 448
Societies and Academies :—
The Annual Meeting of the New York Academy
~ The Philosophical Society of Washington: E. D.
PRESTON. The Geological Society of Washing-
ton: DR. WM. F. MORSELL..........:ecsceeeeeeees 452
Discussion and Correspondence :—
On the Making of Solutions: PROFESSOR M. A.
Wittcox. The Origin of Nightmare: G.
Astronomical Notes :—
A New Satellite of Saturn: PRoressor E. C.
IPI CKWREN Gis cecccievacseccetanacciiseatiecsase suri astro 456.
Notes on Physics :—
The Nernst Lamp ; Pyroelectricity and Piézoelec-
tricity ; The Rotary Converter; The Telescope-
Mirror-Scale Method: W. 8. F......... ..- 456
Notes on Inorganic Chemistry: J. L. H...........000 457
Current Notes on Meteorology :—
The Theory of Cyclones and Anticyclones ; Car-
bonie Acid in Death Gulch: R. DEC. WARD... 458
Zoological Notes :—
Neomylodon Listai: F. A. Lu..scececeeeseenee phono 459
Scientific Notes and News........s.sccooveseecseereeceseeees 460
University and Educational News . 464
MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended
tor review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
Ir is, I suppose, accepted by many geol-
ogists that volcanic energy has played an im-
portant part not only in bringing about the
present configuration of the Rocky Moun-
tains, but in building up the entire northern
Cordillera, stretching from the Front Range,
along Colorado, Wyoming and Montana,
westward to the Pacific Ocean. Over this
wide area the volcanic phenomena of Ter-
tiary time present a varied and complex
mode of occurrence, offering from different
points of view many problems of geological
interest. These problems have been vigor-
ously attacked both in the field and in the
laboratory, and something has been accom-
plished tending toward their final elucida-
tion. The literature upon the subject is
already voluminous, being scattered widely
through the publications of official reports,
both State and National, and in the pro-
ceedings of scientific societies. While I de-
sire to call your attention to some of these
features, I do not propose to summarize the
work that has already been done in this
direction in a manner which is perhaps
usual on occasions like the present. Neither
do I wish to review the field from my own
standpoint, possibly because, although much
has been accomplished, such a vast amount
of work remains to be done that the broad
*Address of the President before the Geological
Society of Washington, February, 1899.
field seems even yet scarcely explored. I
prefer, therefore, to place before you some
results of personal observation in a region
in which I have worked for several years
and in which I have become deeply inter-
The Absaroka Range lies along the east
side of the Yellowstone Park. Several of
its higher peaks and its long western spurs,
sloping gradually toward the Park, lie
within the national reservation. During
several successive summers, while engaged
in geological observations in the Park, I
found it necessary to penetrate beyond its
boundaries into the higher encircling moun-
tains. My first excursion into the Absa-
rokas was undertaken in the summer of
1885, and thereafter for several years I made
long and protracted journeys into this rug-
ged and at that time almost unknown re-
gion, studying its geology, and returning
each year more and more profoundly im-
pressed by its many marvels. In the year
1893, and again in 1897, the greater part of
the summer was occupied in exploration of
the wild recesses of the Absarokas.
The range, which lies wholly in the State
of Wyoming, stretches from the Beartooth
and Snowy ranges, on the north, southward
to the Owl Mountains. In width it is less
sharply defined, certain outlying plateau-
like areas, such as Mirror and Two-Ocean
plateaus, being separated from the main
body by deep valleys. Geographically they
may be considered as distinct physical fea-
tures. Geologically, from their mode of oc-
currence and the nature of the rocks, they
are intimately associated with the central
mass, and for the purposes of this address
they may be considered as forming a part
of the Absaroka Range. As thus defined,
the range measures 80 miles in length by
50 miles in width, covering an area of nearly
4,000 square miles.
From one end to the other the Absarokas
present a high, imposing plateau, with ele-
(N.&. Von. IX. No. 221.
vations ranging from 10,000 to over 12,000
feet above sea level. This entire mass is
made up almost exclusively of Tertiary
igneous rocks. Near the northern flanks
Archean schists and gneisses crop out from
beneath the overlying rocks. Resting upon
the Archean, upturned Paleozoic limestones
and sandstones having a considerable thick-
ness come to the surface, and along the
eastern borders of the range, exposed by
erosion in the broader valleys, occur Cre-
taceous rocks. With these exceptions, the
range consists of a vast accumulation of ag-
glomerates, tuffs, lava flows and intrusive
Degradation of the mass has taken place
on a grand scale. Vast quantities of vol-
canic ejectamenta have been removed from
the summit, but no reliable data exist by
which the amount can be estimated even
approximately. All the higher portions
have been sculptured by glacial ice. Enor-
mous amphitheatres have been carved out
of the loose agglomerates, and peaks, pin-
nacles, and relics of great tablelands testify
in some measure to the forces of erosion.
The plateau is scored by a complete network
of deep valleys and gorges, which dissect it
in every direction and lay bare the structure
of the vast volcanic pile.
Nowhere in the northern Rocky Moun-
tains do I know grander and more rugged
scenery than ‘can be found in the Absarokas.
But few natural passes lead across the
mountainous tract, and these are high and
difficult to scale. For years the range stood
as an impassable barrier to the earlier ex-
plorers in their attempts to reach the sources
of the Yellowstone from the east; and even
to-day the region is seldom penetrated to its
inmost recesses except by those engaged in
scientific exploration of the country, by the
prospector in search of precious metals, or
by a few adventurous sportsmen in pursuit
of the big game of the Rockies. Much of
this region is covered by a dense growth of
Marcu 24, 1899. ]
coniferous forest, and the greater part of
the forests lying east of the Yellowstone
Park belong to the Yellowstone timber re-
serve, the first of the forest reservations set
aside by proclamation of the President under
the Act of Congress approved March 1, 1891.
Rightly to understand the true position
of this voleanic area it is necessary to re-
view briefly the geological history of the
surrounding region before the piling-up of
the eruptive material. The Absarokas are
hemmed in, both to the north and to the
south, by high ranges with approximately
east and west trends. On the north are the
Beartooth Mountains, presenting a broad
elevated Archean mass culminating in some
of the highest peaks to be found in Montana;
while to the south are the Owl Mountains,
consisting of an Archean nucleus capped
and for the most part concealed by an arch
of Paleozoic beds highly inclined along the
outer’ edges. Between these two ranges
lies a depressed basin, and resting uncon-
formably upon the Archean are sediments
of great thickness, derived in large part
from the earlier continental areas.
These sediments,slowly deposited through-
out a long period, represent nearly all the
great divisions of Paleozoic and Mesozoic
time. Beginning with the Cambrian, in
their order of sequence, come the Silurian,
Devonian, Trias, Jura and all the epochs
of the Cretaceous recognized in Wyoming
and Montana including the Dakota, Colo-
rado, Montana and the Laramie standstone
at the top, with its frequent fluctuations of
sea level, foreshadowing changes in the de-
velopment of the pre-existing continental
With the close of the Laramie sandstone
the long-continued deposition of Mesozoic
and Paleozoic sediments finally came to an
end. In this region unconformity of sedi-
ments by deposition has not as yet been
recognized, and in this sense alone they
may be said to be conformable from Middle
Cambrian time to the summit of the Lara-
mie. Stupendous orogenic movements
took place, and the surrounding country
became one of mountain building on a grand
scale, accompanied by plication, folding
and faulting. The evidence all points in
one direction—that this uplifting was con-
temporaneous in all the ranges of the
northern Rocky Mountains. For this
reason, and owing to its great geological
significance, being one of the most impor-
tant in Rocky Mountain geological history,
the uplifting has been designated as the
post-Laramie movement.
Along the west side of the Absarokas,
and lying within the Yellowstone Park, ex-
tend north and south ridges of faulted and
crumbled strata consisting mainly of highly
inclined Cretaceous sandstone, the Laramie,
nearly 10,000 feet above present sea level.
From this ridge region eastward for fifty
miles stretches this broad volcanic mass,
finally dying out upon the plain over which
the earliest lavas spread, resting on hor-
izontal sandstones at an elevation of about
6,000 feet above sea level. After a very
considerable erosion of the uplifted Meso-
zoic continental land area began the earliest
of these volcanic eruptions, which later
displayed such marvelous energy over this
entire region of country, and which were
closely related to the post-Laramie move-
ment. This eruptive material, forcing its
way upward, followed lines of least resist-
ance along or near planes of faulting, or
wherever the strain had been greatest upon
the weakened strata.
The Absaroka Range was formed by the
piling-up of successive accumulations of
volcanic ejectamenta, with occasional inter-
bedded flows of lava, burying everything
beneath them to a depth of several thous-
and feet. Volcanic breccias, agglomerates
and extrusive lavas, or those that have
been poured out and cooled near the sur-
face, constitute the bulk of the mountains.
These breccias and lavas were ejected from
numerous fissures, vents and centers of ex-
plosive energy. Infinite detail as regards
mineral composition and texture, and great
complexity in mode of occurrence, may be
observed. Viewed in a broad way and re-
duced to its simplest terms, the Absaroka
Range consists of an uplifted volcanic
region, presenting from one end to the
other great uniformity, and even simplic-
ity, in its main geological features. It
is essentially a dissected plateau, deeply
trenched by incisive gorges, offering ex-
posures varying from 2,000 to 5,000 feet of
nearly horizontal or only slightly inclined
lavas. To this there are, of course, some
exceptions, as is natural in any volcanic
region. Notwithstanding the varied and
complex manifestations of the eruptive
breccias from many sources of outflow, this
entire body of extrusive material has been
divided broadly into six epochs, based upon
their relative age and general sequence of
lavas. They represent, in the geological
history of the mountains, as many distinct
phases of volcanic eruption. Beginning
with the earliest in the order of eruption,
they have been designated as follows:
early acid breccia, early basic breccia, early
basalt sheets, late acid breccia, late basic
breccia, late basalt sheets.
Briefly stated, the interpretation of this
history, as I understand it, is somewhat as
So far as is known, the oldest volcanic
rocks recognized in the Absarokas consist of
a series of eruptives made up almost en-
tirely of fragmental material, usually light
in color, varying from grayish white to
purple. In mineral composition they range
from hornblende-andesite to hornblende-
mica-andesite. Some of the siliceous varie-
ties have developed phenocrysts of quartz
in sufficient amount to be classed as dacites.
These breccias appear to have been thrown
out with violent explosive action from nu-
[N.S. Vou. 1X. No. 221.
merous centers, but from none of them was
any large amount of material piled up; at
least if it was thrown out it was subse-
quently worn down by atmospheric agencies.
In no instance do they attain great eleva-
tion, the exposures being due to extensive
erosion and deep trenching of narrow can-
yons. They are known only in the northern
end of the range, and there in limited area,
being buried beneath vast accumulations of
still later material. These centers appear
to be independent of later eruptions.
Overlying these acid breccias is a vast
amount of volcanic ejectamenta, with here
and there interbedded basaltic flows, the en-
tire body having accumulated in many places
to a height of several thousand feet. They
occur far more widely distributed over the
mountains than any other group of breccias,
stretching both in its length and breadth
from one end of the range to the other.
They constitute nearly all the northern
portion of the Absarokas, as well as the
northeast corner of the Park. Unlike the
early acid breccia, they are usually dark
colored, owing to the amount of ferro-mag-
nesian minerals present. The material
consists largely of hornblende-pyroxene-
andesite, proxene-andesite and __ basalt.
Constant modifications and transitions oc-
cur, but over the entire area the prevailing
rock is pyroxene-andesite, passing into.
slightly less basic rocks carrying horn-
blende on the one hand and into basaltic
forms on the other. By far the greatest
portion of this eruptive material is formed
of coarse agglomerates, sombre in color,
held together by varying amounts of ce-
menting ash and silts of similar composi-
tion. The prevailing colors are black and
brownish gray, while the finer silts and
mud flows free from large bowlders are
light brown, in strong contrast to the mass
of the breccia.
It is difficult to describe in few words
such volumes of volcanic material scattered
Marcu 24, 1899.]
over broad fields and thrown out under
varying conditions. Frequently these basic
breccias present a rough and ropy surface,
like ordinrry scoria irregularly heaped to-
gether, but the bulk of it indicates indistinct
bedding. A tumultuous heaping-up of ag-
glomerate by explosive action characterizes
this breccia, which not infrequently carries
andesitic and basaltic bowlders. measuring
5 and 6 feet in length and often double that
size. In one or two localities huge bowlders
of crystalline gneisses and schists are also
embedded in the lavas.
Scattered over the area occur the thin in-
terbedded flows, apparently poured forth
from numerous fissures and vents. These
flows increased in frequency and thickness
until finally massive outflows of basalt cov-
ered a considerable portion of the earlier
series of breccias. Over how large a field
they at one time may have extended cannot
now be told, erosion having certainly re-
moved them from large tracts, but they may
never have been spread over extensive re-
gions. It is somewhat curious that this
continuous broad field of basalt has a north-
west-and-southeast trend and
obliquely across the summit of the range
from Mirror Plateau to Needle Mountain,
whereas the body of the breccia in general
has a north-and-south trend. The basalts
lie upon the uneven surfaces of the breccia
and occur piled up in a succession of flows,
which in places near their sources have at-
tained an aggregate thickness of 1,500 feet,
although over large areas they measure
about 1,000 feet, thinning out to a few hun-
dred, while in certain places they appear to
be wanting. Individual sheets range in
thickness from 5 to 50 feet without showing
any material change in the physical charac-
ters of successive flows. The greatest accu-
mulation of flows appears to be along the
trend of the basaltic body, thinning out
both to the northeast and to the southwest,
indicating that the eruptions had followed
stretches -
a fissure or system of fissures. Of course,
this can be said only in a general way, as
basaltic outflows may occur anywhere along
the range. As regards mineral composi-
tion, they are usually fine grained, with but
few well-developed megascopic constituents,
mainly augite, olivine and plagioclase. In
chemical composition they show within re-
stricted limits considerable variation, with
accompanying changes in mineral develop-
ment, analyses determining a large amount
of the alkalies and a correspondingly low
percentage of silica. Numbers of these
flows have built up, from vents, rounded
bosses of basaltic rocks characterized by a
development of orthoclase, in several in-
stances associated with leucite. They are
the extrusive equivalents of intrusive rocks,
designated as absarokites in distinction
from normal basalts. Reference will be
made to them later, in speaking of certain
intrusive masses. So far as our present
knowledge goes, they belong chiefly to this
period of eruptions. Many of these indi-
vidual sheets stretch out for long distances,
but others show great lack of continuity,
thinning and thickening in different direc-
tions and often overlapping one another, in-
dicating numerous sources of eruption and
varying force and duration of flows.
In their topograpic configuration the ba-
salts stand out in marked contrast to the
loosely compacted breccias, owing to great
uniformity of flows and to differences in
weathering. To these basalts the name early
basalt sheets has been given, and they are
here treated as a geological unit, since they
mark a distinct period in the history of
voleanic eruption. It is quite possible, and
even probable, that they covered this entire
region and were subsequently removed by
erosion, but of this there is no direct evi-
dence. If they did, the country must at
one time have presented a gloomy, sombre
field of basalt, poured forth in a molten
condition after a long period of fragmental
eruptions. How long the basalt period
lasted cannot now be told. In determining
the sequence of lavas these early basalt
fields play an important part, as they over-
lie the early series of acid and basic brec-
cias and underlie a somewhat similar series
of eruptive material designated late acid
breccia and late basic breccia and flows.
Following the basalts come the late acid
breccias. They occur less widely distrib-
uted than the early acid breccias, and for
the most part lie within the Yellowstone
Park. Unlike the earlier breccias, they are
less deeply buried beneath later eruptive
material, but are piled up in successive
layers one upon another, forming the sum-
mits of several prominent peaks and broad,
plateau-like ridges. Over considerable areas
they lie spread out in thin sheets over the
basalt flows. Their centers of eruption
occupy a restricted area and seem to be in
every way quite independent of the earlier
breccias and basalts. In mineral composi-
tion they closely resemble the early acid
breccias, consisting of hornblende-andesite
and hornblende-mica-andesite, in places
mingled with a good deal of pyroxene-
andesite, both augite and hypersthene be-
ing recognized, sometimes one and some-
times the other predominating. Much of
the brecciated material is similar in mineral
composition to the Ishawooa intrusive
bodies, which will be discussed later.
Nearly all of this material is fragmental,
and the greater part of it is made up of
coarse and fine tuffs. Frequently the con-
tact between the light-colored acid breccia
and the still later basic breccia is sharply
drawn, the latter filling up depressions and
levelling the accidented surfaces of the
former, which occur at varying altitudes.
In most instances the line of demarcation
is not so sharply drawn, and not infre-
quently there is a mingling of material, as
if there had been a pouring-out of the
later rock before the complete cessation and
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 22%.
closing-up of the more acid centers of
eruption. Occasionally these light-colored
rocks, from what appear to be local centers,
lie directly upon basic breccia made up of
basaltic bowlders and cementing tufts of
the earlier series, without the intervening
basalts. Overlying these acid breccias
there poured forth from numerous yents a
second great volume of basic rocks and
agglomerates, 2,000 to 3,000 feet in thick-
ness, bearing a close resemblance to the
earlier basic rocks. They are found over
the southern portion of the Absarokas,
usually resting upon the basalts, the late
acid breccias being, as before mentioned,
restricted to a limited region of ‘country.
Indeed, the second series of breccias forms
the top of nearly all the high plateaus and
the summits of the more prominent points.
Cross-sections exposed in deep canyons re-
veal grand escarpments of both breccias,
with intervening monotonous sheets of ba-
salts. Viewed in a broad way, these two
series of breccias are singularly alike, and
apparently the conditions governing their
eruptions were much the same. If we are
to draw any distinctions, it may be said
that the early breccias are apt to be sco-
raceous and slaggy and more chaotic in
their tumultuous accumulation. The later
breccia is more regular and distinctly
bedded, and is almost wholly made up of
both coarse and fine fragmental material,
carrying large bowlders that could not have
been thrown a great distance from the dis-
charging vents. Bowlders weighing a ton
or more are by no means uncommon. In
general, it may be said of these later brec-
cias that the coarsest material lies near the
present crest of the range, and is seen to
grow finer and more uniform, with distinct
bedding, as one travels either east or west.
To this rule, however, there are marked
Following the late basie breccia, basalt
tables are found here and there capping the
MARkc# 24, 1899. ]
crest of the main ridge along the southern
portion of the range. Probably they are all
remnants of one continuous flow. They
are best observed when seen eastward from
Mountain Basin, when they present a cas-
tellated appearance, capping the coarser
and lighter-colored rocks. In general habit
they resemble the earlier basalt sheets, and,
except for their position, have little to dis-
tinguish them from other similar flows.
The part they play in the present configura-
tion of the plateau is insignificant. The
interest lies in the fact that these basalts
complete a second cycle of eruption, which
built up the Absarokas by the accumula-
tion of successive flows of extrusive lavas,
and that with them, so far as we have any
positive record, the last phase of a long-
continued series of eruptions came to a
That the piling-up of this eruptive ma-
terial lasted through a long period of time
is clearly established. In the first place,
the early acid breccias show evidences of
considerable denudation before the pouring-
out of later lavas which now occupy the
eroded areas. Notinfrequently depressions
may be seen filled with water-laid silts and
fine gravels, which were afterwards covered
by fresh outflows of breccia. Similar water-
laid deposits may be observed in all the
breccias, but they especially characterize
the early basic series along the east side of
the range, where the former existence of
large lakes and ponds is manifest, with
sediments of volcanic material over 200
feet in thickness deposited in comparatively
quiet waters. In certain localities the
basalts appear to be the result of fitful dis-
charge and slow building-up from numer-
ous vents. The thinning and thickening of
beds in various directions, the overlapping
of thin beds from different centers, and
the frequently chilled surfaces of vesicular
basalt, all point to a slow accumulation of
the ejected lava. Occasionally in basaltic
cliffs between lava sheets may be seen thin
beds of volcanic sands and gravels, wind-
strewn over an exposed surface before be-
ing buried beneath fresh flows. Nowhere
were interbedded layers of clay or earthy
beds of decomposed rock observed, but such
deposits are, I think, exceptional in most
basalt areas.
While the gradual building-up of the
plateaus from fresh accumulation was
steadily in progress, erosion was constantly
at work upon the surface; and, although
volcanic fires ceased long ago, erosion has
been going on steadily ever since. One of
the most remarkable and puzzling features
of the country are the areas of undoubted
water-worn volcanic material, with its
smooth and polished bowlders. Accumu-
lations through floods and freshets abound ;
and, besides the evidence of ancient lakes
and ponds found dotted over the surface,
there are strong grounds for the belief that
upon the upland existed broad rivers which
carried the water-laid material across the
plateau to the plain below. All this re-
quired a long time for its accomplishment.
Turning now to the land vegetation, con-
vincing arguments are found not only for
determining the age of the rocks, but for
demonstrating that the eruptions lasted
throughout a long continued period of ac-
tivity. It is doubtful if any other known
region in the world offers such a promising
field of research, showing the relationship
between plant life and volcanic eruptions,
as is to be found in the Absarokas. In
solving these problems the geologist is
greatly indebted to the paleobotanist. From
time to time extensive collections of fossil
plants have been made, indicating a rich
and varied flora. Portions of the region
have been visited by our distinguished fel-
low members, Professor L. F. Ward and
Professor F. H. Knowlton. All of the col-
lections have been referred to Professor
Knowlton, who has made an exhaustive
study of the material, and his researches
are now in press. For specific determina-
tions of these plants I refer you to his mon-
ograph. Already over 150 species of plants
have been identified.
The early acid breccias have yielded a
terrestrial vegetation regarded as of earlier
age than that obtained from the superim-
posed lavas. It has furnished a grouping
of species so closely allied to the flora found
in the Fort Union beds, near the junction of
the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers, that
the two floras are regarded as identical
in age, and consequently referred to the
Kocene period. From these acid breccias
eighty species have been identified, and
twelve of them were previously only
known as belonging to the Fort Union hori-
zon. Still others are common to both
localities, but are found elsewhere as well.
About one-half of the species are new to
science, but according to Professor Knowl-
ton their biological affinities relate them
closely to the Fort Union flora. A second
grouping of fossil plants, designated for
convenience the intermediate flora, flour-
ished at a time when the early acid breccia
had about ceased to be emitted; at least
they occur near the base of the lower basic
breccia in beds indicating a mingling of
both types of rock. In all probability they
represent a flora which flourished in quies-
cent times, during a transition period from
one series of eruptions to another, but fore-
shadowing a period of basic eruptions. This
flora is of the highest geological signifi-
ance, since it indicates a great duration of
voleanic activity, with a change of cli-
matic and physical conditions. This inter-
mediate flora embraces about thirty species,
of which only two or three are as yet known
in the acid breccias. About the same num-
ber have been recognized as common to the
basic breccias, but the evident affinities of
the grouping are such that the flora asa
whole is apparently more closely allied to
[N. 8S. Vou. IX. No. 221.
the overlying than to the underlying rocks.
For this reason it is referred to the base of
the Miocene period and is regarded as older
than the flora of the auriferous gravels of
The vegetation which flourished during
the period of the basie breccias was, like
the breccias themselves, widely distrib-
uted over the mountains wherever mud
and silts were present to furnish a suitable
soil. Nowhere can it be better studied
than at the fossil forest of Specimen Ridge,
in the Yellowstone Park, first explored by
Professor W. H. Holmes over twenty-five
years ago. Since that time other localities
have been discovered, and quite recently
beds holding leaf impressions of a similar
flora have been found on the east side of the
mountains. At the fossil forest precipitous
walls expose nearly 2,000 feet of horizontal
beds of breccias, silts and mud flows, in
part laid down by floods and freshets and
in part deposited by quiet waters. From
base to summit at frequent intervals a ter-
restrial vegetation has sprung up and flour-
ished, only in turn to be destroyed by re-
newed lava streams. In one of these buried
forests a stump of a still-standing coniferous
tree measures 10 feet in diameter and is
surrounded by many fallen logs long since
preserved by silicification. If one considers
the length of time it takes for any vegeta-
tion to spring up on an arid lava field and
the great age of many of these trees, the
time necessary to build up a series of such
forests one above another can hardly be
overestimated. That there were long
periods of rest between the outpourings of
the lava seems evident. Throughout this
2,000 feet of erupted material it has been
found impossible as yet to discriminate be-
tween vegetation found at the base of the
cliffs and that interbedded with the lavas
at the summit. This implies similar cli-
matic conditions during the time demanded
to renew and develop a varied flora between
Marcu 24, 1899. ]
successive layers of tuffs and muds. It
may be well to state that all this probably
took place before the period of basalt erup-
tions. This flora has yielded seventy spe-
cies, and is regarded as markedly different
from that of the earlier breccia, and of later
age. As a grouping it shows the closest
affinity to the auriferous gravels of Califor-
nia, many of the species being identical,
while still others have the closest resem-
blance to species found only in the gravels.
It has been named the Lamar flora, and
referred, like the auriferous gravels, to the
upper Miocene period. Both the late acid
and the late basic breccias have recently
yielded, well-preserved leaf impressions,
proving the existence of a more or less
luxuriant flora in all the great periods of
breccia eruptions. Such fragmentary ma-
terial as has been found in these later rocks
agrees with plants preserved in the early
breccia at Fossil Forest, and, therefore, has
been correlated with the Lamar flora of
upper Miocene age. It was a vegetation
essentially characterized by deciduous foli-
age. Several species of magnolias, aralias
and other equally important groups which
are marked features of the auriferous
gravels flourished on these volcanic slopes.
Specimens of Aralia notata occur widely dis-
tributed, and the leaves of some of them
are supposed to have measured 3 feet in
length by 2 in breadth. Associated with
them are leaves provisionally referred to
the genus Artocarpus, indicating the pres-
ence of the breadfruit tree. According to
Professor Knowlton, this flora is extra-
tropical and may be compared in many
ways to the vegetation as seen to-day in
southern Mississippi and the Gulf coast.
He says: ‘It is obvious that the present
flora of the Yellowstone National Park has
comparatively little relation to the Tertiary
flora and cannot be considered as a descend-
ant of it. It is also clear that the climatic
conditions must have greatly changed. The
Tertiary flora appears to have originated,
or at least to have had its affinities, at the
south, while the present flora is evidently
of northern origin.”
On the slopes of Overlook Mountain, in
the center of the range, nearly 11,000 feet
above the present sea level, occurs a pros-
trate log, preserved by silicification, meas-
uring 2 feet in diameter at its base. Not
far distant other logs are found, and in the
silts occur impressions of deciduous leaves.
From this locality four species of plants
have been determined as identical with
species found in the fossil forest, among
them an Aralia notata.
In a personal communication Professor
Ward informs me that in his opinion the
flora of this region grew virtually at sea
level. While I recognize his eminent
authority in such matters, I am hardly pre-
pared to accept such a radical view, but I
cordially welcome this expression of opin-
ion because it in a measure corroborates my
own belief that the silts and ashes on which
the flora of Overlook Mountain flourished
were laid down at a much lower level than
that at which they are now found.
Briefly summarizing the facts brought out
by a study of the fossil flora and their bear-
ing upon the geology, it is, I think, indis-
putable that the flora affords abundant evi-
dence of a great range of Tertiary time
during the period of volcanic eruptions, even
if geologists do hesitate to accept the pre-
cise determinations of the age of the differ-
ent floras and their geological sequence.
This luxuriant terrestrial vegetation, de-
veloped through thousands ‘of feet of lava
beds, tends to confirm the view that the
accumulation of this erupted material was
an exceedingly slow process. Again, the
character of the vegetation lends a forcible
argument to the belief that the entire region
must have been elevated since the develop-
ment of so varied an extra-tropical vegeta-
tion. For my part, I desire to pay tribute
to the great value of the fossil flora as an
aid in deciphering the geological history of
the Absarokas. Its interest and impor-
tance cannot be overestimated.
Only brief allusions have been made as
yet to the intrusive bodies, although they
play a most important part in the build-
ing-up of the Absarokas. Although such
bodies in the form of dikes probably cut the
breccias from time to time, it is clearly
evident that all the large intrusions, to-
gether with the greater part of the dikes,
were forced upward and into the breccias at
two well-defined periods of eruption. The
first of these periods was in part contem-
poraneous with the early basalt flows, and
in part followed them. The second fol-
lowed the late basic breccia and basalts,
and, so far as can be told, completed the
final chapter in the geological history of
the immediate region. It is possible that
later eruptions took place and that the
material ejected was removed by erosion,
but of this there is no positive record other
than a few isolated patches of rhyolite
which do not bear directly upon the prob-
lems before us and which may be regarded
as outliers of the rhyolite of the Park
plateau. It does not follow that the in-
trusions of either period were contempora-
neous in age, but simply that they belong
to a certain phase of the eruptive energy.
Dikes may cut an earlier series of intru-
sives, and subsequently other dikes may
intersect those which preceded them.
For the purpose of clearly discriminating
between these two groups of rocks, the one
that followed*the early basic breccia has
been named the Sunlight intrusives, from
their remarkable exposures along Sunlight
Creek and valley, while the later group
has been named the Ishawooa intrusives,
from the canyon of that name, where the
complexity of their occurrences forms one
of the most striking features of that impres-
sive gorge. In mineral composition the
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 221.
Sunlight intrusives range from a quartz-
augite-andesite, through transition forms
of syenite and diorite, to orthoclase-gabbro.
The large body at the head of Sunlight
Creek is mainly a syenite with associated
monzonites and diorites. On Closed Creek,
in Crandall Basin, the intrusive body con-
sists for the most part of orthoclase, gabbro
and diorite. The series as a whole shows
an association of the minerals augite, plagio-
clase and orthoclase, with quartz and
biotite in its more siliceous members, and
olivine and hypersthene in its basic mem-
bers. In general, the Sunlight intrusives
are more diversified in chemical composi-
tion than those of the Ishawooa group.
The latter are more siliceous, carrying less
of magnesia and alkalies, and the coarsely
crystalline masses are much more like
normal diorite, diorite-porphyry, granite,
granite-porphyry and andesite-porphyry.
Of the Sunlight intrusive bodies the one
situated near the source of Sunlight Creek,
in the central portion of the range, is the
most impressive, and at the same time the
most typical in its occurrence. It measures
nearly 3 miles in length and occupies the
basins of all the deep glacial amphitheatres
on the north side of Stinkingwater River,
while all the high intervening ridges sepa-
rating the basins consist of indurated
breccia. Similar rocks are exposed in the
Silvertip Basin, on the south side of the
peak, and in all probability they form part
of one continuous body.
The Crandall Basin stock, under Hur-
ricane Mesa, exposed by the erosion of
Closed Creek, has far less lateral ex-
pansion, but rises for nearly 3,000 feet
above its base. Dikes radiate from all
the large intrusive bodies, but nowhere else
is their number so great and the part they
play so strongly marked as in the region of
the Sunlight stock. These dikes are by no
means all connected with the large stocks
seen at the surface, but may be observed in
Marcu 24, 1899.7
great force at a number of localities in the
early breccia along the east side of the range,
far removed from any recognized crystalline
body. Wherever these early breccias occur
dikes are apt to be a marked feature of the
country, in contradistinction to the country
occupied by the latter breccias.
These dikes consist mainly of orthoclase
basalts, which Professor Iddings, from his
microscopical studies, has divided into ab-
sarokites, shoshonites and banakites, de-
pending upon their varying mineral and
chemical composition. In the field it seems
impossible as yet to differentiate between
them, and so far as can be told they present
the same mode of occurrence. For most
geological purposes they may be grouped
together under the general term of absaro-
kites. They form a connecting link be-
tween many of the eruptions in the early
basalt sheets and the Sunlight intrusives.
They are closely related to the syenites and
monzonites of the Sunlight intrusive stock.
Both these dikes and sheets occur over ex-
tensive areas.
Leaving for the present the Sunlight in-
trusives, let us take up the Ishawooa in-
trusives, which I select in order the more
easily to bring out in detail certain facts
bearing upon the origin of both types of in-
trusive rocks. Of the many intrusive
bodies, Needle Mountain, in the southern
end of the Absarokas, is the most imposing
and instructive of them all. At the base
runs the Shoshone River, through one of
the most rugged and picturesque canyons
to be found in northern Wyoming. This
great stock, which stretches along the val-
ley for nearly four miles, rises abruptly
4,000 feet above the stream bed, from an
elevation of 7,000 feet above sea level. It
is overlain by 1,000 feet of partially in-
durated and metamorphosed breccia. From
the rounded summit of this commanding
peak the breccias may be seen stretching
far to the west on the opposite canyon wall,
thence across Thoroughfare Plateau and
on to the higher regions of Wind River
Plateau, where they lie nearly horizontal
at an elevation approximately the same as
that of Needle Mountain itself. Upon this
latter plateau the Shoshone River finds its
sources, and in its rapid descent of 5,000
feet before reaching Needle Mountain ex-
poses large, irregular stocks of indefinite
outline piercing the breccias.
Looking eastward from Needle Moun-
tain, the breccias extend as far as the eye
can reach in the direction of the broad,
open plain beyond. The massive stock of
Needle Mountain consists essentially of
diorite, quartz-diorite and diorite-porphyry,
cut by numerous narrow dikes of appar-
ently differentiated products of the same
molten magma. Offshoots and apophyses
from the parent stock pierce the surround-
ing breccia, and a number of small dikes
penetrate the overlying breccia. From
these dikes sheets of granite-porphyry
stretch out into the breccias, and on the
spurs of the mountain erosion has worn
them bare, leaving them exposed as the
surface rock. The stock is found on the
opposite side of the canyon, rising high
above the stream and capped by the ever-
present breccia. Bordering the diorite
stock the breccias are indurated, crushed,
and so altered that not infrequently it is
impossible to discriminate between breccias
and intrusive stocks without the aid of the
microscope. Dr. Jaggar has shown that
many of these fine-grained rocks are al-
tered mud and silts and metamorphosed
From Needle Mountain to Mount Chit-
tenden, in the Yellowstone Park, a dis-
tance of over fifty miles, there extends in
a northwest direction a remarkable and
probably a continuous belt of intrusive
rocks. These intrusive bodies occur: as
stocks, sheets, bosses and dikes, varying
from irregular-shaped masses of stupen-
dous proportions, two and three miles in
width and several thousand feet in height,
to narrow dikes and seams traceable along
the canyon walls for only a few feet and
often disconnected at the surface from
any other body. A short distance north
of Needle Mountain, but on the opposite
side of the canyon, another great stock
rises precipitously above the stream bed,
and it is clearly evident that its rela-
tion to the breccias are in every way
similar to those observed at Needle Moun-
tain. Between these two massive bodies
smaller outcrops of diorite and diorite-
porphyry are exposed in lateral ravines on
the mountain sides, and the network of
dikes trending in every direction points
conclusively to the fact that these intrusive
bodies belong to one and the same stock.
Dislocated and indurated bodies of breccia
are found upon the mountain spurs, but
the overlying capping of breccia peacefully
crowns it all.
From this point northward, following
along the line of the powerful intrusions,
each dissecting canyon, where it cuts the in-
trusive masses, lays bare numerous expo-
sures of crystalline rocks which have forced
their way upward into the breccias, and,
following lines of least resistance, have
spread out in all directions with a marvel-
ous complexity of form and outline. Some
of the stocks penetrating the breccia have
attained elevations slightly above the pres-
ent level of the plateau, but most of them
failed to reach so high a position. Wherever
they have reached the top of the plateau
their tendency is to spread out in sheets,
which now form the exposed surface of
spurs and ridges. Many of these inter-
bedded sheets are directly connected with
some of the larger stocks, but others show
no such relationship at the surface and
stand out quite independently of them. Oc-
casionally the sheets bulge up with irreg-
ular outline; others are dome-shaped, de-
(N.S. Von. 1X. No. 221.
veloping laccolithic form. Vertical dikes
cutting the interbedded breccias pass into
sheets, and later again assume the condi-
tions of normal vertical dikes. The vari-
able character of the breccia, sometimes
compact and uniform and at others made
up of an incoherent mass of silts and ash,
tends to constant change in the upward
movement of the molten magma.
The gorges of both Cabin Creek and Can-
yon Creek expose similar rocks, with ac-
companying phenomena of strain and rup-
ture. Ishawooa Canyon, one of the most
rugged of these incisive trenches, presents
varied modifications of eruptive energy, a
bold stock, Clouds Home, piercing the brec-
cias with an irregular outline from the
bottom of the canyon to the top of the
plateau. One of the finest examples of a
massive interbedded sheet extends for a
mile or more along the canyon wall. Sim-
ilar phenomena present themselves in
Wapiti Canyon, where four tributary
streams, uniting to make the river, have
cut down in the intrusive masses in a most
instructive manner. Near the sources of
Eagle Creek diorite and andesite-porphyry
are again laid bare, and thenee, trending
across the crest of the range, extend as far
as Sylvan Pass, where coarsely crystalline
diorite and diorite-porphyries come to the
surface for the last time in an exposure
nearly a mile in length. Beyond this point
eruptive energy gradually dies out, and is
only shown by the presence of a few power-
ful dikes noticeable for their uniformity and
persistency. (
A distinctive feature along this entire
line of intrusive rock is the belt of indurated
breccia which accompanies it. Near the
larger stocks the alteration of the breccia
is especially noticeable, and not infre-
quently it is difficult to discriminate be-
tween the stock masses and the metamor-
phosed material. The mode of weathering
is so unlike that of the ordinary breccia,
Marcu 24, 1899. ]
and the transitions are so gradual, that it is
by no means easy to define the outlines of
the intrusive masses without personal in-
spection. Although never haying been
followed as a continuous body, owing to
the nature of the topography, the zone of
induration is one of the marked features of
the region, and under favorable conditions
may be traced in the canyon walls for fifty
miles, with a width in places of more than
one-half mile. Another important and
significant feature is the inclination of the
breccias away from some well-defined axis
or central ridge. They do not as a rule
arch over any single powerful protrusion,
but present every indication of a broad
anticlinal structure, with the piled-up lavas
inclined toward the west and southwest on
one side and toward the east and northeast
on the other. Between the more massive
bodies that have been forced upward to
elevations above the general level there
may be found areas of indurated breccia,
traversed by a labyrinth of dikes and veins
in their efforts to force their way upward.
Without entering into petrographic de-
tails, a few words in addition to what has
already been said seem necessary. Granites
and diorites are seldom met with other
than in connection with the large uniform
stocks. As most of these stocks are only
partially exposed, their volume can only be
a matter of conjecture, but in all the larger
bodies, such as Needle Mountain, the rock
is essentially that of a medium-grained
diorite or diorite-porphyry. A true granitic
structure is by no means uncommon. Most
of the powerful intrusions, as regards their
crystalline structure, may be classed as
granular. The great bulk of these crystal-
line rocks apparently carry some little
groundmass. Porphyritic structure, with
little groundmass, is a characteristic feature,
with transitions into andesite-porphyry and
andesite. Many similar bodies of indefinite
outline, only partially exposed by erosion
of the canyon walls, areandesites. Indeed,
all the relatively small bodies are andesitic
in habit, and the same is true of the many
outlying bodies away from the general north-
west-southeast trend of the intruded rocks.
A field study of these rocks of vary-
ing degrees of crystallization shows clearly
that they were all exposed to virtually the
same degree of pressure of overlying rock,
and that their structural differences were
not dependent primarily upon pressure
from above. Many of these andesitic
masses are much smaller than the diorite
bodies and occur at much lower levels below
the superimposed load. All observations
upon the geological relations of these in-
trusives to the breccias tend to show that
their structural differences are dependent
far more upon the chilling effect of the sur-
rounding rock and the rate of cooling than
upon the pressure of the overlying rock.
Geologists and petrographers have been for
a long time investigating the structural
differences and mineral variations of igneous
rocks. Of these philosophical investigators
Professor Iddings stands in the foremost
rank. Juan exhaustive petrographic study
of the Crandall Basin intrusive body and
its complex system of radial dikes of vary-
ing composition he reaches the conclusion
that they have all been derived from the
same parent molten magma, but crystal-
lized under different conditions. With this
conclusion I heartily agree. Dr. Jaggar,
who has been at work upon a petrograph-
ical study of the intrusive rocks of the rest
of the Absaroka Range, has reached a
similar conclusion as regards the Ishawooa
intrusive stock and associated sheets and
dikes, and believes that they were derived
from a common molten magma, which is
quite in accord with geological observations
in the field. From these observations,
thus briefly and imperfectly stated, the
conclusion seems inevitable that the Isha-
wooa intrusive, for its entire length of fifty
miles, represents a continuous ridge, the
result of the consolidation of a molten
magma intruded into the breccias. Erosion
has as yet laid bare only the more elevated
portions and some of the connecting links.
If a trained geologist were to stand on
any one of the more prominent points in the
Absarokas his attention would, first of all,
be attracted by the vast amount of frag-
mental ejectamenta lying with apparent
horizontality in every direction. Closer
observation would impress him with the
bedded nature of much of this material and
the action which running water had played
in disintegrating the lava and rounding the
andesitic and basaltic bowlders. If, by
chance, he had acquainted himself with the
huge stocks exposed in the canyons, know-
ing the power of dense crystalline rocks to
withstand atmospheric agencies better than
the easily disintegrating breccias, he would
be surprised to find that none of the larger
ones towered above the plateau in com-
manding peaks. At one or two localities
they attain the present level of the plateau,
but do not rise much above it, and usually
give evidence of the dying out of the energy
which forced the magmaupward. As these
intrusive stocks are overlain by breccia
sometimes 1,000 feet in thickness, it is diffi-
cult to see how they ever could have been
centers of powerful extrusive eruption.
In an address delivered before the British
Association for the Advancement of Science
in September, 1893, Professor Iddings took
the ground that the Crandall Basin stock
was the core of a grand volcano, from
which issued the breccias, silts and tuffs
which have built up the north end of the
range, while the gabbros and diorites repre-
sent the coarsely crystalline development of
that portion of the magma which cooled at
great depths beneath the surface. He re-
constructed a voleano to a height of 10,000
feet above the plateau, and subsequently re-
moved by erosion every vestige of the
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 221.
volcano down to the summit of Hurricane
Mesa, the present level of the plateau. He
likens it, in magnitude and in the processes
by which it was built up, to the volcanoes
of Autna and Vesuvius. An abstract of the
address was. published in the Journal of
Geology for September and October, 1893,
and in a forthcoming report on the geology
of the Yellowstone National Park a detailed
description of the Crandall stock will be
found, together with the results of his ad-
mirable petrographic studies of the rocks,
to which allusion has already been made.
After what has been said, it seems hardly
necessary to add that with these geological
views of Professor Iddlings I do not agree.
My interpretation of the history of this re-
gion may possibly call forth the friendly
criticism that this address is an account of
the early Tertiary volcanoes of the Ab-
sarokas with the volcanoes left out. For
such criticism there may be some slight
ground ; but, while I fail to see any evi-
dence of the building-up of such volcanic
piles as Vesuvius and /Mtna, or, as I should
prefer to put it, volcanoes of the type of
Rainier, Hood or Shasta, there was dis-
played intense explosive energy accom-
panied by immense volumes of steam and
the piling-up of a vast block of lavas from
many centers of activity. Instances of such
explosive energy may be seen at Chaos
Mountain, but the material thrown out
yielded readily to atmospheric agencies and
soon became spread out over the entire re-
gion. The whole area of the late acid brec-
cia suggests several powerful vents for the
ejectment of fragmental material and the
partial wearing-away of mounds and ridges
of the heaped-up accumulations. It is pos-
sible that before the Sunlight and Ishawooa
intrusives were forced upward volcanoes
existed, but that any one or two of them
dominated the region and influenced the
topographical configuration of the Absaro-
kas is exceedingly doubtful. There is noth-
Marcu 24, 1899.]
ing to indicate the characteristic slopes of a
great voleano.
Within the Yellowstone Park and just
west of the Absarokas occurs a fine example
of a voleano, situated near the intersection
of the prolongation of the Ishawooa intru-
sive body and the fault along the southern
slope of the Snowy Range. Mount Wash-
burne is the culminating point of the vol-
cano, which consists almost wholly of
fragmental early basic breccia. From a
well-recognized crater, since partially filled
with rhyolite, the erupted material has been
thrown out in every direction, building up
true voleanic slopes encircling a central dis-
charging vent. Such a structure I have
never been able to recognize in the Absa-
rokas. Mount Sheridan, in the Park, is an-
other large volcano, but this is a Pliocene
eruption consisting wholly of rhyolite, and
is one of the sources of the great body of
rhyolite which built up the Park plateau
probably long after the Absarokas ceased to
be a center of volcanic action.
Of all known regions of eruptive energy
within historical times, Iceland in many
ways affords the best field for comparison
of the voleanic phenomena of to-day with
conditions as they existed during the early
Tertiary time in the Absarokas. Iceland
is one of the active centers of eruption on
a stupendous scale. It offers a continuous
voleanic history throughout Pleistocene
time, and dates back to the early Miocene,
as is indicated by its fossil flora. In early
Tertiary time the island was a region of
profound faulting, and it is supposed to
have been separated from the mainland
during that period. Dr. Thoroddsen, the
Icelandic geologist, has published in Euro-
pean scientific journals most interesting
accounts of his explorations over the less-
known regions of the island. The most
complete and instructive of these accounts
which has come to my attention was pub-
lished by the Stockholm Society of Science
in 1888. Notwithstanding the volcanoes of
majestic proportions which contribute so
much to the scenic grandeur of Iceland,
and which must give to all geologists who
have seen them a profound sense of the
power of volcanic energy, Dr. Thoroddsen,
who has lived among them, protests against
the idea that they were built up like Vesu-
vius or Aitna. He says: ‘‘The vast lava
waste of Odadahraun was produced by the
eruption of over twenty volcanoes, and per-
haps many of the oldest centers of eruption
that contributed to the formation of this
desert Lave become obliterated by later
lava streams. When one recalls geological
text-book descriptions of modern volcanoes
and their activity, it is nearly always Vesu-
vius that everywhere turns up like a spectre,
whereas the regular voleanic cone composed
of alternating lavas and tuffs is rather rare
in Iceland.”
The country which he is describing may
be about one-half the size of the Absaroka
Range, but I have no maps or accurate data
for determining the area. Again, later, he
says: ‘Only a few old volcanoes are found
having this form. In Iceland it is very gen-
erally found that the fissure has not given
rise to the formation of any real volcano.
The lava there has sometimes welled out
along the entire length of the fissure with-
out the formation of a crater, but mostly
there has been formed a series of low slag
cones at the points where the magna, by
reason of the form of the fissure or for some
other cause, found it easiest to break forth.
Such rows of craters are found in all vol-
canic regions of Iceland.’”’ Another notice-
able feature, even in the active regions of
Iceland, is the ease with which sources of
eruption may become obliterated by fresh
flows from neighboring vents of discharge.
According to Dr. Thoroddsen the famous
Heckla itself is a long ridge built up by a
chain of small craters along a line of fissure.
Sir Archibald Geikie, in his admirable
work on the Ancient Volcanoes of Great
Britain, in comparing the voleanic phenom-
ena of the Icelandic eruptions with those
exhibited by the basalt plateaus of the
British Isles, remarks: ‘It is, therefore, to
the Icelandic types of fissure eruption, and
not to great central composite cones, like
Vesuvius or Avtna, that we must look for
the modern analogies that would best serve
as commentary and explanation for the
latest chapter in the long voleanic history
of the British Isles.”
In comparing volcanic areas of Iceland
with the phenomena exhibited in the Ab-
saroka Range there is one striking differ-
ence to be noted. In the former thé ex-
travasated molten magma consists largely
of basaltic flows, while in the latter one is
constantly impressed by the enormous
amount of brecciated rock emitted. It is
estimated that four-fifths of these extrusive
rocks which make up the range consist of
coarse and fine breccias, silts and related
ejectamenta. Dead Indian Peak, one of
the dominating points of the range, rises
more than 6,000 feet above the valley, pre-
senting layers of breccia which in the ag-
gregate measure nearly one mile in thick-
ness. It is a very conservative estimate to
place the volume of breccia at one-half mile
in thickness over the entire region under
discussion, which, it should be remembered,
embraces not much less than 4,000 square
miles. This only allows for erosion an
amount equal to the highest plateau sum-
mit, but it is sufficient to give one an idea
of its vast bulk. That the denudation from
the top of the existing plateau was very
considerable is unquestioned, but there
exist, I think, no reliable data upon which
to base even an approximate estimate of
the amount. Possibly the country was at
one time covered with a mantle of basalt,
which, withstanding erosion, would, of
course, protect the friable volcanic material
throughout a long period.
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 221.
It is evident that the granular rocks re-
quired for their uniform crystallization an
overlying load of greater or less depth. For
my own part, 1am more or less skeptical as
to the need of an immense thickness of over-
lying material to develop such uniform con-
solidation as is generally supposed to be
necessary to produce the so-called plutonic
rocks. At Needle Mountain the medium-
grained granular diorite for the entire 4,000
feet of rock face is apparently the same
throughout, whereas only a short distance
from the mass and ata lower level small
bodies of rock in cooling have developed a
characteristic andesitic structure.
It must be borne in mind that all this
material, of varied mineral composition,
grouped together under the designation of
breccias, was congealed and crystallized be-
fore it was hurled out by explosive action.
This means stupendous crushing and
crunching of the mass as it was forced up-
ward, and disturbances of the first magni-
tude, which must have had their origin in
great crustal movements. Whence came
this enormous mass of brecciated rock ?
Twice during the long period of their
eruptions these breccias had been
vaded by enormous bodies of granular rock
which had elevated the entire Absaroka
Range, an elevation that was phenomenal
in its nature and formed a part of the great
series of orogenic movement which uplifted
the northern Cordillera. This uplift was
closely related to the post-Laramie move-
ment, which was one of the most profound
and far-reaching orogenic disturbances any-
where recognized by geologists.
Throughout this address the large in-
dividual protrusions into the breccia have
been alluded to as stocks, but I regard
them as the more elevated portions of a
great complex of crystalline rocks under-
lying at least a large part of this region of
country. Where the underlying molten
magma was subjected to the severest pres-
MARCH 24, 1899. |
sure the material was squeezed upward to
higher levels, following lines of least resist-
ance, and consolidated at greater or less
depths beneath the surface. This upward
movement was probably coincident with the
crustal movements that elevated the entire
Absaroka Range. +The line of Ishawooa
intrusives marks the trend of one such up-
ward movement of molten magma, which
for the most part congealed without finding
egress to the surface. That a portion of
the magma may have been pushed upward
through fissures and vents and discharged
as surface flows of andesite is possible, but
of such flows, if they existed, no positive
evidence remains.
Conditions somewhat similar to those
found in the Absarokas are described by Pro-
fessor Adolph Stelzner as occurring in the
Andes of Argentina. He describes granites,
diorties and syenites as penetrating the
andesitic tuffs and lavas of Tertiary age, and
as cooling under a heavy load of superim-
posed material. He does not regard these
massive crystalline bodies as conduits of vol-
canoes, but as large stocks formed independ-
ently of such vents. He refers to them as
taking part in the great orogenic uplift which
elevated the Cordillera of South America,
an uplift which began in Jurassic time,
lasted through the Mesozoic, and continued
through the greater part of the Tertiary.
In the discussions of voleanic phenomena
found throughout geological literature, cir-
cular vents of great depth seem to be re-
garded as indispensable and are supposed to
furnish an open door for the molten mag-
mas, permitting them to take a straight
shoot from the eternal depths to daylight.
In this way geologists certainly avoid many
perplexing physical problems which con-
front us in the case of stocks and laccoliths
penetrating sedimentary rocks and stopping
far short of the surface. In speaking of
areas of igneous rocks, one almost hesitates
to use the term laccoliths, so universally is
it referred to in its relation to sedimentary
rocks. For my part, it seems far more
reasonable to look for such intrusive bodies
in areas of igneous rock than in regions of
sedimentation. That large intrusive bodies
came to a standstill without any surficial
manifestations, in the Absarokas, is, I
think, fairly well determined.
Two years ago it was my good fortune to
cross the Cascade Range at a number of
localities and to climb far above timber line
_ the slopes of Mount Rainier, in Washing-
ton; Mount Hood, in Oregon, and Mount
Shasta, in California. From these com-
manding points comprehensive panoramic
views were obtained over a broad field of
igneous rock. Majestic and impressive as
are these volcanoes, and grand in their iso-
lation, I could but feel that back of them
all lay earlier chapters in the Tertiary his-
tory of voleanic energy on the Pacific side
of the Cordillera ; that these powerful vol-
canoes were but a late expression of the
intensity of the eruptive energy, and that
still earlier volcanic masses had in some
way taken part in the orogenic disturbances
of an earlier Tertiary time. So, on the
east side of the great Cordillera, the early
Tertiary fires long since ceased to glow in
the Absarokas, and the center of volcanic
energy moved westward and built up on
different lines the broad rhyolite plateau of
the Yellowstone Park, a plateau strongly
contrasted with the Absarokas in the al-
most entire absence of breccias. The work
of such investigators as Emmons and Cross
in Colorado and Weed and Pirsson in Mon-
tana is slowly but surely solving the prob-
lems of the post-Cretaceous uplift in the
northern Cordillera, and, it will, I think,
finally be shown that the crystalline rocks
consolidated below the surface have played
an important part in bringing about the
Cordilleran revolution.
On a bright crisp autumnal day in 1897
I left the Absarokas by the way of that
most interesting of valleys, Clark’s Fork of
the Yellowstone, still impressed with the
many unsolved problems connected with
the geology of the range. JI at first visited
the region in the expectation of finding a
partially submerged range of Paleozoic and
Mesozoic sediments. If ever such range
existed, it had completely disappeared by
profound subsidence. I then looked for the
roots of some powerful dominating volcano
which had been the source of the varying
breccias, but this also I failed to discover.
In its stead, if I interpret the facts cor-
rectly, I found penetrating the breccias the
towering domes and pinnacles of granular
and porphyritic rocks, which in some far-
distant day, when denudation has removed
a greater part of the overlying mass, may
be found to form one connected body which
erosion has already so far laid bare as to
indicate that they all form a part of one
broad complex of coarsely crystalline rock
of early Tertiary age.
Ir we demand a physiological process cor-
responding to every possible variation of the
content of consciousness the structure of
the brain seems far too uniform to furnish
a sufficient manifoldness of functions. The
mere number of elements cannot be de-
cisive ; if they are all functionally coordi-
nated they can offer merely the basis for co-
ordinated psychical functions. If we have
psychical functions of different orders it
would not help us even if we had some
millions more of the uniform elements. It
would be useless to deny that here exists a
great difficulty for our present psychology ;
the only question is whether this difficulty
really opposes the demands and supposi-
*Read before the joint meeting of the Psycho-
logical Association and the Physiologicai Society.
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 221.
tions of psychophysical parallelism or
whether it means that the usual theories of
to-day are inadequate and must be im-
proved. It seems to me that the latter is
the case, and that hypotheses can be con-
structed by which all demands of psychology
ean be satisfied without the usual sacrifice
of consistency. The situation is the follow-
The whole scheme of the physiologists
operates to-day in a manifoldness of two
dimensions: they think the conscious phe-
nomena as dependent upon brain excite-
ments which can vary firstly with regard to
their localities and secondly with regard to
their quantitative amount. These two
variations then correspond to the quality of
the mental element and to its intensity. In
the acoustical center, for instance, the dif-
ferent pitch of the tone sensations corre-
sponds to locally different ganglion cells,
the different intensities of the same tone
sensation to the quantity of the excitement.
Association fibers whose functions are not
directly accompanied by conscious experi-
ences connect these millions of psychophys-
ical elementary centers in a way which is
imagined on the model of the peripheral
nerve. No serious attempt has been made
to transcend this simple scheme. Certainly
recent have brought many
propositions to replace the simple physio-
logical association fiber which connects the
psychophysical centers by more complicated
systems—theories, for instance, in regard
to the opening and closing of the connecting
paths or in regard to special association cen-
ters or special mediating cell groups—but
these and others stick to the old principle
that the final psychophysical process corre-
sponds to the strength and locality of a
sensory stimulation or of its equivalent re-
production, whatever may have brought
about and combined the excitements.
Tt is true that it has been sometimes sug-
gested that the same ganglion cell may go
Manrcn 24, 1899. ]
over also into qualitatively different states of
excitement, and thus allow an unlimited
manifoldness of new psychophysical varia-
tions. But it is clear that to accept such
an hypothesis means to give up all the ad-
vantages of brain localization. The com-
plicatedness of the cell would be in itself
sufficient to give ground to the idea that its
molecules may reach some millions of dif-
ferent local combinations, and if every new
combination corresponds to a sensation all
the tones and colors and smells and many
other things may go on in one cell. But,
then, itis,of course,our duty to explain those
connections and successions of different
states in one cell, and that would lead to
thinking the cell itself as constructed with
millions of paths just like a miniature brain;
in short, all the difficulties would be trans-
planted into the unknown structure of the
cell. If we, on the other hand, do not
enter into such speculations the acceptance
of qualitive changes in the cell would bring
us to the same point as if we were satisfied
to speak of qualitative changes of the brain
in general. It would not solve the problem,
but merely ignore it, and, therefore, such an,
additional hypothesis cannot have weight.
The only theory which brings in a really
new factor is the theory of innervation
feelings. This well-known theory claims
that one special group of conscious facts,
namely, the feelings of effort and impulse,
are not sensations and, therefore, not par-
allel to the sensory excitements, but are
activities of consciousness and parallel to
the physiological innervation of a central
motor path. Atthis point, of course, comes
in at once the opposition of the philo-
sophical claim that every psychical fact
must be a content of consciousness, and
made up of sensations, that is, of possible
elements of idea, to become describable and
explainable at all. The so-called active
consciousness, the philosopher must hold,
has nothing to do with an activity of the
consciousness itself, as consciousness means,
from the psychological standpoint, only the
kind of existence of psychical objects. It
cannot do anything, it cannot have differ-
ent degrees and functions, it only becomes
conscious of its contents, and all variations
are variations of the content, which must
be analyzed without remainder into ele-
ments which are theoretically coordinated
with the elements of ideas, that is, with the
sensations, while consciousness is only the
general condition for their existence. But
also the empirical analysis and experiment
of the practical psychologist are in this case
in the greatest harmony with such philo-
sophical claims and opposed to the innerva-
tion theory. The psychologist can show
empirically that this so-called feeling of
effort is merely a group of sensations like
other sensations, reproduced joint and
muscle sensations which precede the action
and have the réle of representing the im-
pulse merely on account of the fact that
their anticipation makes inhibitory associa-
tions still possible. It would thus from
this point of view also be illogical to think
the psychophysical basis of these sensations
different in principle from that of other sen-
sations. If the other sensations are accom-
paniments of sensory excitements in the
brain the feelings of impulse cannot claim
an exceptional position.
But are quality and intensity really the
only differences between the given sensa-
tions? Can the whole manifoldness of the
content of consciousness really be deter-
mined by variations in these two directions
only? Certainly not; the sensations can
vary even when quality and intensity re-
main constant. Asan illustration we may
think, for instance, of one variation which
is clearly not to be compared with a change
in kind and strength of the sensation ;
namely, the variation of vividness. Vivid-
ness is not identical with intensity ; the
vivid impression of a weak sound and the
unvivid impression of a stronge”sound are in
ho way interchangeable. If the ticking of
the clock in my room becomes less and less
vivid for me the more I become absorbed in
my work, till it finally disappears, it can-
not be compared with the experience which
results when the clock to which I give my
full attention is brought farther and farther
away. The white impression, when it
loses vividness, does not become gray and
finally black, nor the large size small, nor
the hot lukewarm. Vividness is a third di-
mension in the system of psychiéal’ eles
ments, and the psychologist who postulates
complete parallelism has the right to de-
mand that the physiologist show the cor
responding process. .There are other sides
of the sensation for which the same is true ;
they share with vividness the more subjec-
tive character of the variation, as, for in-
stance, the feeling tone of the sensation or
its pastness and presentness. Other varia-
tions bring such subjective factors into the
complexes of sensations without a possibility
of understanding them. from the combina-
tion of different kinds only ; for instance,
the subjective shade of ideas we believe or
the abstractedness of ideas in logical
thoughts. In short, the sensations and
their combinations show besides kind,
strength and vividness still other varia-
tions which may best be called the values
of the sensations and of their complexes.
Is the typical theory of modern physiolog-
ical psychology, which, as we have seen,
operates merely with the local differences
of the cells and the quantitative differences
of their excitement, ever able to find physio-
logical variations which correspond to the
vividness and to the values of the sensa-
An examination without prejudice must
necessarily deny this question. Here lies
the deeper spring for the latent opposition
which the psychophysiological claims find
in modern psychology. Here are facts, the
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 221:
opponents say, which find no physiological
counterpart, and we must, therefore, ac-
knowledge the existence of psychological
processes which have nothing to do with the
physiological machinery. The vividness,
for instance, is fully explained if we accept
the view that the brain determines the kind
and strength of the sensation, while a phys-
iologically independent subject turns the
attention more or less to the sensation.
The more this attention acts the more vivid
the sensation ; in a similar way the subjec-
tive acts would determine the feeling tone
of the sensation by selection or rejection,
and so on. » While the usual theory reduces
all to the mere association of locally sepa-
rated excitements, such a theory thus
emphasizes the view that the physio-
logically determined functions must be sup-
plemented by an apperceiving subject which
takes attitudes. We may call the one the
association theory, the other the appercep-
tion theory. We have acknowledged that
the association theory is insufficient to solve
the whole problem, but it is hardly neces-
sary to emphasize that the apperception
theory seeks the solution from the start in
a logically impossible direction, and is thus
still more mistaken than the association
The apperception theory, whatever its
special label and make-up may be, does not
see that the renunciation of a physiological
basis for every psychical fact means resign-
ing the causal explanation altogether, as
psychical facts as such cannot be linked
directly by causality, and that resigning the
causal aspect means giving up the only
point of view which comes in question for
the psychologist. If those apperceptive
functions are seriously conceived without
physiological basis they represent a mani-
foldness which can be linked merely by the
teleological categories of the practical life,
and we sink back to the subjectifying view
which controls the reality of life, but which
MAnRrcH 24, 1899. ]
is in principle replaced by the objectifying
view as soon as the experience of the sub-
ject is acknowledged as a series of psycho-
logical objects.
But does this bankruptcy of all varieties
of apperception theories necessarily force us
back to the association theory? I do not
think so. The demand of the association
theory that every psychosis should be ac-
companied by a neurosis cannot be given
up, but this neurosis may be thought in a
richer way than in the scheme of the asso-
ciationists. It seems to me, indeed, that
the physiological theory works to-day with
an abstract scheme with which no observa-
tion agrees. We do not know of a cen-
tripetal stimulation which does not go over
into centrifugal impulses. The studies on
tonicity and actions of voluntary muscles,
on the functions of glands and blood vessels,
on tendon reflex centers, and so on, show
how every psychophysical state discharges
itself into centrifugal functions. And yet
these perceivable peripheral effects are, of
course, merely a small part of the centrif-
ugal impulses which really start from the
end stations of the sensory channel, as most
of them probably produce only new disposi-
tions in lower motor centers without going
directly over into movement, and others
may fade away in the unlimited division of
the discharge in the ramification of the sys-
tem. Those milliards of fibers are not
merely the wires to pull a few hundred
muscles ; no, the centrifugal system repre-
sents certainly a most complex hierarchy of
motor centers too, and the special final mus-
cle impulse is merely the last outcome of a
very complex cooperation of very many fac-
tors in the centrifugal system. Manifoldas
the incoming nerve currents must be, thus,
also the possibilities of centrifugal dis-
charge, and the dispositions in the nervous
motor system determine the degrees in
which the ganglion cells can transform the
centripetal into centrifugal stimulation. It
is thus not only the foregoing sensory pro-
cess, but in exactly the same degree also the
special situation of the motor system, its
openness and closedness, which governs the
process in the center. Whether the special
efferent channel is open or plugged implies
absolutely different central processes in spite
of the same afferent stimulus.
Here we have, then, a new factor on the
physiological side which is ignored in the
usual scheme that makes the psychical facts
dependent upon the sensory processes only
and considers the centrifugal action of the
brain as a later effect which begins when
the psychophysical function is over. There
is no central sensory process which is not
the beginning of an action too, and this cen-
trifugal part of the central process neces-
sarily varies the accompanying psychical
fact also. As here the action of the center
becomes the essential factor in the psycho-
physical process, we may call this view an
action theory as over against the association
and apperception theories of the day. ‘The
action theory agrees, then, with the asso-
ciationism in the postulate that there is no
psychical variation without variation on the
physiological side and with the appercep-
tionism in the conviction that the mere as-
sociation of sensory brain processes is in-
sufficient to play the counterpart to the
subjective variation of the psychical facts
as vividness and values of the sensations.
Tt tries to combine the legitimate points in
both views, and claims that every psychical
sensation as element of the content of con-
sciousness is the accompaniment of the
physical process by which a centripetal stim-
ulation becomes transformed into a centrif-
ugal impulse.
This central process thus clearly depends
upon four factors: firstly, upon the local
situation of the sensory track ; secondly,
upon the quantitative amount of the in-
coming current; thirdly, upon the local
situation of the outgoing discharge ; and
fourthly, upon the quantitative amount of
the discharge. The first two factors are, of
course, determined by the incoming current,
which can be replaced by an intracortical
stimulation from an associated center, while
the last two factors are determined by
the dispositions of the centrifugal system.
The association theory, which considers
the first two factors alone, thinks them
parallel to the kind and strength of the
sensation. The action theory accepts this
interpretation and adds that the two other
factors determine the values and the
vividness of the sensation—the values par-
allel to the local situation of the discharge,
the vividness to the openness of the cen-
trifugal channel, and thus to the intensity
of the discharge.
If the centrifugal discharge is inhibited,
the channel closed, then the sensory process
goes on as before, but the impression is un-
vivid, unperceived, while it may become
vivid later as soon as the hindrance of the
discharge disappears. The inhibition of
ideas which remains unexplainable to the
associationists would then mean that a
special path of discharge is closed, and thus
the idea which needs that discharge for its
vividness cannot come to existence; the
hypnotizer’s words, for instance, close such
channels. Only discharges, actions, can be
antagonistic and thus under mutual inhibi-
tion ; ideas in themselves may be logically
contradictory, but not psychologically, while
one action makes the antagonistic action, in-
deed, impossible, and the inhibition of ideas
results merely from the inhibition of dis-
charges. If this view is correct it is clear
that while we strictly deny the existence
of special innervation sensations we can
now say that every sensation without excep-
tion is physiologically an innervation sensa-
tion, as it must have reached some degree
of vividness to exist psychologically at all.
With regard to the local situation of the
motor discharge the manifoldness of pos-
[N.S. Von. LX. No. 221.
sibilities is evident. The channels may be
closed in one direction, but open in others ;
the actually resulting discharge must be
the product of the situation in the whole cen-
trifugal system, with its milliards of rami-
fications, and the same sensory stimulus
may thus under a thousand different condi-
tions produce a thousand different centrifu-
gal waves, all, perhaps, with the same in-
tensity. The vividness would then be
always the same, and yet the difference
of locality in the discharge must give new
features to the psychical element. A few
cases as illustrations must be sufficient.
We may instance the shades of time-direc-
tion ; the same idea may have the subjec-
tive character of past, present and future.
It corresponds to three types of discharge :
the discharge which does not include action
on the object any more appears as past ; that
which produces action as present, and that
which prepares the action as future. In
this group belong also the feeling tones: the
pleasurable shade of feeling based on the
discharge towards the extensors ; the un-
pleasant feelings based on the innervation
of the flexors. Here belong the differences
between mere perception and apperception,
as in the one case the discharge is deter-
mined by the impression alone, in the other
case by associations also. Here belong
the characteristics of the abstract concep-
tion which may be represented by the
same sensational qualities which would
form a concrete idea and yet has a
new subjective tone because the cen-
trifugal discharge is for the concrete idea
a specialized impulse, for the conception a
general impulse which would suit all objects
thought under the conception. Here be-
longs, also, the feeling of belief which
characterizes the judgment; the judgment
differs psychophysically from the mere idea
in the fact that the ideas discharge them-
selves in a new tonicity, a new set of the
lower motor centers, creating thus a new
MARcH 24, 1899. ]
disposition for later reactions. To be sure,
many of these discharges lead finally to
muscle contractions which bring with them
centripetal sensations from the joints, the
muscles, the tendons, and these muscle and
joint sensations themselves then become a
part in the idea, for instance, of time, of
space, of feeling. But the new part only
reinforces the general tone which is given
in the general discharge, and gives to it
only the exact detail which gets its charac-
ter just through the blending of these sen-
sations of completed reactions with the
accompaniments of the central discharge.
A consistent psychology thus may start
with the following principles: It considers
all variations of mental life as variations of
the content of consciousness, and this con-
tent as a complex object, including in this
first presupposition a complicated trans-
formation of the real inner life, a transfor-
mation by which the subjectifying view of
real life is denied for the causal psychological
system. Every content of consciousness is
further considered as a complex of sensa-
tions, that is, of possible elements of per-
ceptive ideas. Every sensation is con-
sidered as having a fourfold manifoldness,
varying in kind, in strength, in vividness
and in value. The physiological basis of
every sensation, and thus of every psychical
element, is the physical process by which a
centripetal stimulation becomes transformed
into a centrifugal impulse, the kind depend-
ing upon the locality of the centripetal
channel, the strength upon the quantity of
the stimulus, the value upon the locality of
the centrifugal channel, and the vividness
upon the quantity of the discharge.
On the eighteenth of February, 1899, the
greatest mathematician in the world,
Sophus Lie, died at Christiania in Norway.
He was essentially a geometer, though
applying his splendid powers of space cre-
ation to questions of analysis. From Lie
comes the idea that every system of geom-
etry is characterized by its group. In or-
dinary geometry a surface is a locus of
points ; in Lie’s Kugel-geometrie it is the ag-
gregate of spheres touching this surface.
By a simple correlation of this sphere-
geometry with Pluecker’s line-geometry, Lie
reached results as unexpected as elegant.
The transition from this line-geometry to
this sphere-geometry was an example of
Now contact-transformations find appli-
cation in the theory of partial differential
equations, whereby this theory is vastly
clarified. Old problems were settled as
sweepingly as new problems were created
and solved.
Again, with his Theorie der Transforma-
tionsgruppen, Lie changed the very face and
fashion of modern mathematics.
A magnificent application of his theory
of continuous groups is to the general prob-
lem of non-Euclidean geometry as formu-
lated by Helmholtz. To this was awarded
the great Lobachévski Prize. Not even
this award could sufficiently emphasize the
epoch-making importance of Lie’s work in
the evolution of geometry.
Moreover, the foundations of all philoso-
phy are involved. To know the non-Eu-
clidean geometry involves abandonment of
the position that axioms as to their concrete
content are necessities of the inner intui-
tion; likewise abandonment of the position
that axioms are derivable from experience
Lie said that in the whole of modern
mathematics the weightiest part is the
theory of differential equations, and, true
to this conviction, it has always been his
aim to deepen and advance this theory.
Now it may justly be maintained that in
his theory of transformation groups Lie has
himself created the most important of the
newer departments of mathematics.
By the introduction of his concept of con-
tinuous groups of transformations he put
the isolated integration theories of former
mathematicians upon a common basis. The
masterly reach of Lie’s genius is illustrated
by his encompassment of the fundamentally
important theory of differential invariants
associated with the English names Cayley,
Cockle, Sylvester, Forsyth.
Thirteen years ago Sylvester announced
his conception of ‘ Reciprocants,’ a body of
differential invariants not for a group, but
for a mere interchange of variables. A
number of Englishmen thereupon took up
investigations about orthogonal, linear and
projective groups, groups in whose trans-
formations interchanges of variables occur
as particular cases, and whose differential
invariants are consequently classes of re-
ciprocants, and of the analogues of recipro-
eants, when more variables than two are
Now all these investigations were long
subsequent to Lie’s consideration of the
groups in question as leading cases of a
general conception. Thus they were merely
secondary investigations !
Again, the theory of complex numbers
appears as a part of the great ‘Theorie der
Transformationsgruppen.’ Indeed, this con-
tinent of ‘transformations’ opened up and
penetrated with such giant steps by Lie
represents the most remarkable advance
which mathematics in all its entirety has
made in this latter part of the century.
Sophus Lie it was who made prominent
the importance of the notion of group, and
gave the present form to the theory of con-
tinuous groups. This idea, like a brilliant
dye, has now so permeated the whole fabric
of mathematics that Poincaré actually finds
that in Euclid ‘the idea of the group was
potentially pre-existent,’ and that he had
‘some obscure instinct for it, without reach-
[N.S. Vou. IX. No, 221.
ing a distinct notion of it.’ Thus the last
shall be first, and the first last.
In personal character Lie was our ideal
of a genius, approachable, outspoken, un-
conventional, yet at times fierce, intractable.
His work is cut short; bis influence, his
fame, will broaden, will tower from day to
y GEORGE BrucEr Hatsrep.
Colour in Nature: A Study in Biology. By
Marton J. Newsiern. London, John
Murray. 1898. Pp. 344.
On page 300 of this work we read: ‘‘We
have now completed our general survey of the
colours and colouring-matters of organisms.
« * * That the survey as a whole is halting
and incomplete must be obvious to all. We
have seen that it is as yet impossible to classify
pigments in a logical manner ; that most of the
problems connected with the subject are en-
tirely unsolved.’’ These statements are indeed
true; and yet the book is an interesting and
valuable one, and will be of real assistance to
the working biologist.
The whole subject of color in animals and
plants has suffered from the fact that it con-
cerns the chemist and physicist as well as the
biologist, and in these days of intense special-
ization it is hard to find anyone competent to
treat the matter in all its aspects. Dr. New-
bigin has endeavored, with some success, to
take all the more important facts into consider-
ation; but it is practically impossible for any
one individual to have that intimate acquaint-
ance with the vital phenomena of every group
of living organisms which is necessary for a
satisfactory discussion of their coloration. It
was Darwin’s method to seek the assistance of
numerous specialists in different branches, who
supplied him with information which he brought
together and interpreted in a masterly manner.
It may be that Dr. Newbigin has not yet felt
justified in asking for such help, but now that
she has fairly won her spurs (if one may use
such a phrase in regard to a lady) it is not un-
reasonable to hope that she will adopt the
Darwinian system, and eventually provide us
MarcH 24, 1899. ]
with an account of animal and plant coloration
which will cover the ground as completely as
the knowledge of the day permits. In the
meanwhile, we may be grateful to her for a
work which will at any rate serve as an excel-
lent introduction to the subject, and as more or
less of a revelation to those whose studies have
been confined to a limited field.
Attention is drawn to the interesting analogy
between natural color-variations of organisms
and the changes which can be induced in their
pigments by suitable reagents. This is a mat-
ter which, though well known, has not received
the attention it deserves, partly because those
aware of the chemical reactions have not usu-
ally been familiar with the natural variations,
and vice versa. It may be permissible, by way
of illustration, to cite two new instances of this
among the Coccideze which have just come to
the writer’s notice. Icerya rileyi has a pure
white ovisac, which is turned bright primrose
yellow by chloroform, but regains its white
color when the chloroform evaporates, A
closely related form, Icerya littoralis, var.
mimose, has the whole ovisac naturally of a
delicate primrose yellow. The second case is
more instructive. Mytilaspis concolor has ordi-
narily a white scale, but on February 5, 1899,
Mr. P. J. Parrott discovered a variety (IM. con-
color var. viridissima, Ckll. and Parrott, ined.)
in which the scales of both sexes are of a lively
emerald green. This was on the campus of
the Agricultural College, Mesilla Park, at the
bases of stems of Atriplex canescens. The
female insect itself, removed from beneath the
scale, was found to be of a dark purple color,
with a bright yellow patch in the anal region,
and suffused crimson spots at intervals round
the margins of the hind end. The purple
color, when the insect was placed in caustic
soda, immediately became green, but was changed
back to purple by acetic acid. Now, it is evi-
dent in this case that the insect must have had
an acid reaction, but the pigment transferred
to the scale had apparently been turned green
by the ‘alkali’ salts which are known to occur
in the soil at Mesilla Park. This at once re-
calls the cheetopterin pigments described by Dr.
Newbigin on pp. 89-91 of her work, and it may
be that we have a new member of that series,
On pp. 161-162 it is suggested that the re-
semblance between certain Heliconian butter-
flies and their Pierid mimics may be due, at
least in part, to their relatively low organiza-
tion and simple plan of coloration. In the
Transactions of the Entomological Society of
London, 1891, Mr. H. H. Druce published a
paper on the Lycenid genus Hypochrysops,
which inhabits Australia and the Malay Archi-
pelago. To this paper are appended two beau-
tiful colored plates, and the present writer was
surprised to find that he could nearly match a
number of very diverse species figured, as to
color and pattern, ‘among a series of Lycenide
collected in Jamaica! The resemblance per-
tained only to the upper surface of the wings,
the lower surfaces of the Jamaican insects being
quite unlike Hypochrysops. Now the Lycenide
show splendid ‘ optical’ colors, and are cer-
tainly not simply organized as regards their
coloration, so the suggestion made with regard
to the Heliconians and Pierids would not hold.
Neither, of course, is there any true mimicry,
since the two sets of butterfiies occur on oppo-
site sides of the world. Cases of this sort have
been quoted as destructive to the theory. of the
utility of mimicry among insects, but to the
writer they seem only to remove the difficulty
which was felt in accounting for the origin of
genuinely mimetic resemblances.
In a work of the kind now under review
there must necessarily be details which could
be adversely criticised. The writer had begun
to take note of such, but it hardly seems worth
while to dwell upon them. Botanists will un-
doubtedly complain that the space devoted to
the colors of plants is much too short, and that
several of the statements therein are too general
or too sweeping. It will probably be thought
by many readers that if Dr. Newbigin had
made more or closer observations of living
animals she would have had greater respect for
natural selection. And, finally, some will
wonder how it is that one who has enjoyed the
beautifully pure colors of living creatures can
have permitted her book to be bound in such a
muddy and unpleasing blue.
February 27, 1899.
The Dawn of Reason, or Mental Traits in the
Pp. xiii+
Lower Animals.
New York, The Macmillan Co.
234. Price, $1.25.
Dr. Weir has evidently been a close observer
of animal life for many years, and his zeal has
given him wider opportunities for useful obser-
vation than most amateurs and many profes-
sional naturalists have had. His book contains
the more important of his own original observa-
tions of the intelligent activities of animals,
some interesting verifications of the results
gained by other observers, and his opinions
about the nature of animal consciousness.
Everything is purposely put in as simple lan-
guage as possible, and this perhaps is a suffi-
cient reason for the utter neglect of many ob-
servations, experiments and opinions which
oppose his views. Lloyd Morgan, for instance,
is nowhere mentioned, not even in the bibliog-
The popular nature of Dr. Weir’s exposition
prevents any discussion here of his observations
on the morphology of the sense-organs of
various animals, e. gy., jelly-fish, grasshoppers,
beetles. He finds the marginal bodies of jelly-
fish to be visual, not auditory organs, locates the
auditory organs of grasshoppers in the anterior
pair of legs, finds those of the Diptera to be the
‘balanciers’ of Bolles Lee, and those of the
Cerambyx beetle to be in the maxillary palpi.
It would certainly seem worth while for Dr.
Weir to present his data in complete form soon,
so that those competent may judge of the
soundness of his conclusions. He gives no
One cannot help lamenting the mental atti-
tude which served as the inspiration to Dr.
Weir’s observations of the intelligent activities
of animals. He craves a high development of
inentality for the animals and has his eyes open
only to possible evidence of it. He likes to
find keen senses better than dull ones, reason-
ings than instincts, knowledge than ignorance.
He psychologizes about animals as a lover
might psychologize about his beloved. The
disadvantages are obvious. On the other hand,
there are some advantages, at least in the en-
thusiasm and patient labor which perhaps are
due to the eulogizing temper. Anyone inter-
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 221.
ested in the progress of comparative psychology
must wish well to a man who, without the in-
centives of the professed naturalist, makes it a
labor of love to watch animal life. I, for one,
shall welcome such observations, even though
they are more one-sided than Dr. Weir’s. His
favoritism toward animals, though it has de-
prived us of any records of unintelligent con-
duct and perhaps prevented the repetition of
some tests and even distorted facts, has still
failed to injure a very considerable number of
suggestive and important observations. It will
pay any student of animal psychology to read
the book for the sake of these. They furnish
interesting, and we hope reliable, data about the
adaptive reactions of micro-organisms, the for-
mation by insects of new associations in re-
sponse to new situations, the formation by
reptiles of habits due to the association of novel
sights and sounds with certain reactions, about
‘play ’ among insects, strange ‘friendships’ be-
tween animals, letisimulation, the activities of
the harvesting ants, ete. A sample of Dr.
Weir’s keenness is his theory that the con-
tinual barking of dogs at night is explainable
by the supposition that they bark at an echo.
This hypothesis he supports by some very
striking facts.
Of Dr. Weir’s opinions about the meaning of
his facts there is little to be said. His mind does
not move freely and surely among psycholog-
ical terms or theories or deductions. Reason
means for him the source of all performances
above the level of instinct, and his only basis of
discrimination is the difference between high
and low. His only theoretical problem is as to
whether or not the human mind has developed
from the brute mind. It will be a birthday for
animal psychology when naturalists realize
that this is among the least of its problems.
THE December number of the Bulletin of the
American Mathematical Society contains an ac-
count of the October meeting of the Society,
by the Secretary, Professor F, N. Cole; ‘ Con-
cerning a Linear Homogeneus Group in C,,,,
Variables Isomorphic to the General Linear
MARCH 24, 1899. ]
Homogeneous Group in m Variables,’ by Dr.
L. E. Dickson; ‘A Second Locus Connected
with a System of Coaxial Circles,’ by Professor
Thomas F. Holgate ; ‘ Reciprocal Transforma-
tions of Projective Coordinates and _ the
Theorem of Ceva and Menelaos,’ by Professor
Arnold Emch; ‘Notes’ ; ‘New Publications.’
The January number of the Bulletin contains a
report on the ‘ Theory of Projective Invariants :
The Chief Contributions of a Decade,’ by Pro-
fessor H. S. White; ‘Reye’s Geometrie der
Lage,’ by- Professor Charlotte Angas Scott ;
‘Burkhardt’s Theory of Functions,’ by Pro-
fessor Maxime Bécher; ‘ Darboux’s Orthogonal
Systems,’ by Professor Edgar Odell Lovett ;
‘The New Mathematical Encyclopedia,’ by
Professor James Pierpont; ‘ Errata’ ; ‘ Notes’ ;
‘New Publications.’ The February number of
the Bulletin contains an account of the Fifth
Annual Meeting of the Society, by the Secre-
tary ; ‘The December Meeting of the Chicago
Section of the Society,’ by Professor Thomas
F. Holgate; ‘Report on Recent Progress in
the Theory of Groups of a Finite Order,’ by
Dr. G. A. Miller; ‘ Note on Burnside’s Theory
of Groups,’ by Dr. G. A. Miller; ‘On a Regu-
lar Configuration of Ten Line Pairs Conjugate
as to a Quadric,’ by Professor F, Morley ;
‘Shorter Notices,’ by Professors Ernest W.
Brown, Edgar Odell Lovett, J. W. A. Young,
Alexander Ziwet ; ‘ Notes’; ‘New Publications.’
American Chemical Journal, March: ‘On the
Rearrangement of Imido-Esters,’ by H. L.
Wheeler and T. B. Johnson. ‘On an Isomer
of Potassium Ferricyanide,’ by J. Locke and
G. H. Edwards. By treating potassium ferri-
cyanide with potassium chlorate and hydro-
chloric acid an isomer of this salt was obtained.
An isomeric silver salt was also prepared and
the reactions studied, In some cases the re-
actions of the isomers are so different that the
author doesnot hesitate to accept this substance,
which he calls potassium /-ferricyanide, as a
new form. ‘Reaction of Orthodiazobenzoic
Acid with Sulphurous Acid and Copper Pow-
der,’ by W. E. Henderson. Experiments were
carried out to test the statements so generally
found in text-books that sulphonic acids are
formed from the decomposition of diazo com-
pounds by sulphurous acid in the presence
of copper powder. The results showed that,
under ordinary conditions, sulphonic acids
were not formed. ‘Direct Nitration of the
Paraffins,’ by O. A. Worstall. The author
finds that the results as given in his earlier
paper on the action of nitric acid on the
paraffins hold for all the paraffins studied.
‘Higher Primary Nitroparaffins,’ by R. A.
Worstall. ‘The author has continued the study
of the derivatives of the higher paraffins on the
line suggested by Victor Meyer in his study of
the lower members of the series. ‘The Action
of Ethylic Oxalate on Camphor,’ by J. B. and
A. Tingle. ‘Liquid Acetylene Diiodide,’ by
E. H. Keiser. A second form of the three
theoretically possible ones has been obtained in
liquid form. ‘A Simple Color Reaction for
Methyl Alcohol,’ by S. P. Mulliken and H.
Scudder. The alcohol is converted into formic
aldelyde by plunging a hot copper wire into it.
Resorcin and sulphuric acid are then added and
a characteristic color reaction follows. ‘ Re-
actions for the Detection of the Nitrogroup,’ by
S. P. Mulliken and E. R. Barker. The first
method depends on the reduction to hydroxy-
lamine and the test for this with silver nitrate,
and the second on the conversion into rosa-
THE Osprey, for January, has for its first article
some interesting ‘ Notes on Eugenes fulgens’ by
F. C. Willard, accompanied by a fine plate
showing four nests. Next comes descriptions
of the ‘Nesting of the Alaska Bald Eagle,’ by
George G. Cantwell, followed by descriptions
of the habits in captivity of Great Horned
Owls, Barn Owls and young Short-eared
Owls respectively, by M. A. Carriker, D. A.
Cohen and Ludwig Kumlien. ‘A Visit to
Pelican Island, Indian River, Florida,’ is de-
scribed by L. W. Brownall, and the ‘ Nesting
of the Black-and-White Warbler,’ by J. Warren
Jacobs. Other brief articles, editorials, notes
and reviews complete the number.
THE leading article of the Journal of the Bos-
ton Society of Medical Sciences is a series of ‘ Ob-
servations upon the Elastic Tissue of Certain
Human Arteries,’ by George B. Magrath.
Richard M. Pearce has a paper on ‘Scarlet
Fever; its Bacteriology, Gross and Minute
Anatomy,’ and Horace D. Arnold one on the
‘Weight of the (Normal) Heart in Adults,’
the conclusion being that the average weight
for males is 290 grams and for females 260
grams. The final article, ‘A Study of the Encap-
sulated Bacilli,’ by Lawrence W. Strong, finds
that the gas production of these bacilli affords
a valuable aid for their study and identification.
THE Electrical World and the Electrical Engi-
neer will be issued, hereafter, as one publication,
to be known as the Electrical World and Engi-
neer, under the editorship of T. Commerford
Martin and W. D. Weaver. W. J. Johnston,
former editor of the Hlectrical World, has retired.
Dr. W. P. Wynne, F. R.S., has been elected
editor of the Journal of the British Chemical
AFTER the reading of the minutes of the last
annual meeting, the reports of the officers for
the year just closed were called for by the Pres-
ident, Professor Henry F. Osborn.
The Corresponding Secretary reported briefly
that he had succeeded in correcting and revis-
ing the list of honorary and corresponding
members, after a considerable amount of cor-
respondence, and that the corrected list would
be published in Part I. of the volume of Annals
for 1899. The Recording Secretary then pre-
sented the following report, summarizing the
progress and work of the Academy during the
preceding year:
The last year of the Academy has been ex-
tremely satisfactory, and its affairs are in a
much more promising condition than heretofore.
Interest in our meetings has increased during
the year, and the number of people cooperating
in our work is much larger than ever before.
During the last fiscal year there have been
thirty-one meetings of the several sections,
three public lectures and one public reception.
The sections now organized are those of As-
tronomy and Physics, Biology, Geology and
Mineralogy, and of Anthropology, Psychology
and Philology. The latter section has been
[N.S. Vou. LX. No. 221.
divided into two sub-sections, for economy of
effort, Particular mention should be made of
the good work and increased interest in the
sub-section of Anthropology and Psychology,
largely due to the personal and persistent ef-
forts of Dr. Boas.
During the year a total of ninety-four papers
has been presented before the Academy, thirty-
seven new members have been elected, twelve
have resigned, leaving a total of three hundred
and thirty-five on the Secretary’s list, including
six new life members. The Fifth Annual Recep-
tion held in April last was in some ways the
most successful in the history of the Academy.
During the year the by-laws have been very
completely revised, simplified and made work-
able, particularly in such a way as to give the
individual sections and sectional officers more
importance in the program, and so as to reduce
the number of business meetings at which the
Academy must be formally organized for gen-
eral business to one each month. The public
lectures have been more firmly established than
heretofore, and have been assigned to the
various sections so that each department may
be popularly represented. The printed pro-
gram of the year’s meetings has been an-
nounced in advance, and has been found very
The publications of the Academy have been
greatly improved as to quality, appearance and
dignity, by the change incorporated in January
last, when the Transactions were abolished.
The thanks of the Academy are certainly due
to our enthusiastic and very careful editor,
Mr. van Ingen, for the great amount of work
and care that he has put upon the publications.
It is through the publications only that we are
known abroad in the world, and it is very nec-
essary that we should thus appear in the most
favorable manner possible.
The Academy is in great need of more money
for publication, and our efforts should be de-
voted as fully as possible to the securing of
contributions for such work. We are con-
tinually obliged to decline valuable scientific
papers by our members because of a lack of
funds for printing. This is a condition of af-
fairs which should not be allowed to continue
Marcu 24, 1899. ]
It is a great pleasure to the Academy to feel
that certain of the scientific wants of the city
are soon to be met, owing to the encouragement
given by one of our Patrons, who has always
been interested in the Academy. I refer par-
ticularly to the gift to the Scientific Alliance,
of which the New York Academy of Sciences
is the original member, of $10,000 for a scientific
building, donated by Mrs. Herrman. During
the coming year it is hoped to bring the several
sections in touch, so as to have a uniform policy
of procedure, and the manner of printing the
proceedings will be simplified and unified.
The report of the Treasurer showed the
finances to be in a promising condition, but
that the expenses too nearly equalled the in-
come, and that endowments are very necessary
if the work is to be increased as it should be.
One of the most interesting features of the
meeting was the report by the Editor of the
Annals concerning the details of his work dur-
ing the last year in printing the volume just
finished according to the new plan as to typog-
raphy, pagination, illustration and general
form, which was adopted a year ago and which
has proved extremely successful and gratifying.
The last official report was a brief one by the
retiring Librarian concerning the present con-
dition of the library, which is now housed in
a large room in Schermerhorn Hall, of Colum-
bia University, and available for reference by
ail working scientists and members of the
The following list of honorary and corre-
sponding members was then elected, and seven-
teen resident members were made Fellows be-
cause of their attainments in scientific work:
Lord Rayleigh, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S.,
Royal Institution of Great Britain, Albemarle St.,
Piccadilly, N. W., London.
George Howard Darwin, M.A., F.R.S., Trinity
College, Cambridge, Eng.
Dr. Louis Dollo, Musée d’Histoire Naturelle, Brus-
sels, Belgium.
Dr. Otto Jaekel, Kgl. Museum fiir Naturkunde,
Invalidenstr. 43, Berlin.
Professor Dr. Eberhard Fraas, Kgl. Naturalien
Kabinet, Stuttgart, Germany.
Professor Qr. Charles Depéret, Faculté des Sciences,
Lyons, France.
Dr. C. W. Andrews, British Museum of Natural
History, London, England.
Dr. Max Schlosser, Palaeontologische Sammlung
des Staates, Alte Akademie, Munich, Germany.
G. H. Boulenger, British Museum, London, Eng-
Professor G. B. Howe, Normal College of Science,
S. Kensington, London, England.
Dr. Walter Innes, School of Medicine, Cairo,
Dr. A. Liversidge, Sydney, New South Wales.
Professor Mansfield Merriman, Lehigh University,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
Dr. Stuart Weller, University of Chicago, Chicago,
Professor Ludwig Boltzmann, University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria.
Professor P. LaCroix, Musée d’Histoire Naturelle,
Paris, France.
Dr. A. Smith Woodward, British Museum of Nat-
ural History, London.
Professor Dr. Fried. Kohlrausch, Physikalish Tech-
nische Reichsanstalt, Charlottenberg, Marshstrasse 25,
Professor R. H. Traquair, Museum of Science and
Art, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Professor W. C. Brégger, Christiania, Norway.
J. G. Baker, Royal Gardens, Kew.
Professor Wilhelm Ostwald, University of Leipzig,
Leipzig, Germany.
The list of officers given below was then
elected by ballot :
President, Henry F. Osborn.
Ist Vice-President, James F. Kemp.
2d Vice-President, Chas. L. Bristol.
Corresponding Secretary, William Stratford.
Recording Secretary, Richard E. Dodge.
Treasurer, Charles F. Cox.
Librarian, Bashford Dean.
Councillors, Franz Boas, Charles A. Doremus, Wil-
liam Hallock, Harold Jacoby, Lawrence A. McLouth,
L. M. Underwood.
Curators, Harrison G. Dyar, Alexis A. Julien,
George F. Kunz, Louis H. Laudy, William D.
Finance Committee, Henry Dudley, John H. Hinton,
Cornelius Van Brunt.
The formal work of the evening was followed
by the annual address of the President. Pro-
fessor Osborn took for his title ‘The Succession
of Mammalian Faunain America,compared with
that in Europe during the Tertiary Period.’
The formal meeting was followed by refresh-
ments and a social gathering, which lasted until
a relatively late hour.
Recording Secretary.
THE 497th meeting of the Society was held
on March 4th, at 8 p. m., in the assembly room
of the Cosmos Club. The first paper was by
Professor F. H. Bigelow on ‘The Influence of
Electricity on Vegetation.’ It was stated that
vegetation under the Aurora belt shows re-
markable developments, due not to the length
of the summer day, but to the electric cur-
rents. Experiments indicate that static elec-
tricity, supplied by machines, when applied to
plants increases their growth about 40 per
cent. Extensive trials in many places and
under different conditions generally confirmed
this result.
The second paper was by Surgeon-General
Sternberg on ‘Some Sanitary Lessons of the
Late War.’ An abstract of this very interest-
ing and instructive address has not yet come to
hand. E. D. PRESTON,
AT the 89th meeting of this Society, held in
Washington, D.C., on March 8, 1899, Mr. Ar-
nold Hague, U. 8. Geological Survey, exhibited
a geological relief map of the Yellowstone Park
and of the Absaroka Range, in northwestern
Wyoming, showing some of the physical fea-
tures of the latter region by means of lantern
illustrations. The map is constructed on the
scale of one mile to an inch, the area represented
being approximately 75 miles square. The
base of the model is taken at 5,000 feet above
sea level, from which rise several dominating
peaks showing elevations of over 12,000 feet
above sea level. It requires about forty dis-
tinct colors to represent the different geological
formations into which the sedimentary and ig-
neous rocks have been divided. All the geysers
and hot springs areas are delineated, together
with the regions of extinct hydro-thermal ac-
tion. In the model a sharp contrast between
the rhyolite plateau of Yellowstone Park of
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 221.
Pliocene age and that of the eroded and dis-
sected plateau of the Absarokas of Miocene age
is clearly brought out. Mr. Hague stated that
he hoped the map would be sent to the Paris
Exposition next year. The lantern slides were
selected to illustrate the manner in which the
Absarokas were built up by the gradual accu-
mulation of breccias, agglomerates and basalt
flows, forced upwards from numerous fissures
and vents during a long period of time, and the
elevation of the range by the intrusion of pow-
erful stocks of gabbro, syenite, diorite, diorite-
porphyry and granite-porphyry. The character
of the different breccias, the incisive trenching
of the deep canyons, and the stocks, together
with their associated sheets and network of
dikes, were discussed.
Mr. F. B. Weeks, U. S. Geological Survey,
gave some observations made last summer in
the course of a reconnaissance in Jackson
Basin, northwest Wyoming. :
The Jackson Basin, he said, occupies a de-
pression within the Rocky Mountains, of Wy-
oming, of 5 to 8 miles in width and 45 miles in
length. The Teton range forms a lofty, pre-
cipitous barrier along its western side. The
valley has an elevation of 6,200 to 6,800 feet,
and the Tetons rise 7,000 feet above it. The
Tetons are noted for their wonderful Alpine
scenery. Jackson Lake and several smaller
lakes occur within the valley—all of glacial
origin. The northeastern portion of the basin
is covered with numerous morainal ridges and
hillocks. The eastern side is buried beneath a
great mass of material brought down by glacial
streams. They have the forms of huge deltas,
spreading out from the foothills in fan-shaped
areas, several miles long and as many miles in
width where they reach the Snake River.
Along some of the main streams terracing has
been well developed. The streams flowing
over these deltas follow well-defined courses,
but have a tendency to spread laterally instead
of widening and deepening their beds. The
Upper and Lower Gros Ventre buttes are prom-
inent outliers of the Gros Ventre range. They
are formed, in large part, of Paleozoic rocks,
and are probably directly connected with the
main range. The heavy mantle of débris makes
it impossible to trace a definite connection.
MARcH 24, 1899. ]
The meeting closed with some remarks by
Mr. W. Lindgren, U. 8. Geological Survey, on
the Boise Folio (No. 45, of the Geol, Sury.),
recently published.
Wm. F. MoRsELL.
recent paper by Professor Macloskie calls my at-
tention afresh to a curious error which, so far as
I know, is universally current in our zoological
laboratories. Professor Macloskie remarks (Scr-
ENCE, Vol. IX., p. 206) ‘‘a 1% solution of cane
sugar in water, * * * thatis 342 prams, * * *
dissolved in 34,200 grams of water.’’ In other
words, a 1% solution is made by mixing 1
part of the substance to be dissolved with 100
parts of the solvent. In this conception the
zoologists appear to be at one. It is sufficient
to refer to any of the well-known text-books :
Marshall and Hurst, ‘ Practical Zoology,’ 4th
ed., p. 464; Gage, ‘The Microscope,’ 6th ed.,
p. 179 ; Dodge, ‘ Elementary Practical Biology,’
p. 391. Like many other text-books, Huxley
and Martin’s ‘ Practical Biology’ (revised ed.,
p. 496), does not directly commit itself to the
error, but gives directions tomake the ‘normal
saline solution’ by mixing 7.5 grams of salt with
a liter of water. That the normal saline solu-
tion is a $% solution is directly stated by Whit-
man (‘ Methods of Research,’ etc., edition of
1885, p. 207), and Lee (The Microtomist’s
Vade-mecum, 4th ed., p. 263.),
These citations abundantly prove that Pro-
fessor Macloskie’s conception of a 1% solu-
tion corresponds with that of other zoologists.
If, however, we ask a chemist how such a solu-
tion is made, the reply willbe: ‘‘ Dissolve one
part of salt, sugar, or whatever the substance
may be, in ninety-nine parts of the solvent.’’
And that this is logically correct becomes self-
evident upon amoment’s thought. A 1% solu-
tion of HCl, as all will agree, consists of one
part of the acid to ninety-nine parts of water.
Why should the fact that in one case we deal
with a solid, in the other with a liquid, alter the
case ?
It would seem that unless, or until the zoolo-
gists come into agreement with the chemists,
every investigator in publishing his researches
should make a point of preventing ambiguity
by stating whether his 1%, 5%, 20% solutions
of solids are compounded on the logical or the
zoological plan. INTAEAM CURE Gon
OVER and over again when a child I was for
years the victim at night of a certain form
of mild nightmare, so that it came to be to my
fearful imagination no insignificant part of
my unpleasant experiences. This nightmare
always took the form of a great wave of some-
thing gradually rolling towards me and finally
engulfing and oppressing me to a painful ex-
tent. It would roll up a huge shapeless mass
of no particular material, but always irresist-
ibly towards me helpless and overwhelmed.
Most often it finally appeared to be a huge
soft pillow or even formless feather bed, but
without color or other qualities save that of
engulfing and terrifying. At its worst on vari-
ous occasions this mass as it rolled up became
a huge fat boar, defined as such, however, only
subconsciously, but always dreadful in its power
to overwhelm me. All this was years ago.
One night recently, as I was falling asleep in
bed in alighted room, I became gradually aware
of that sensation which compression of a nerve
produces, a vague and quite indefinite sense of
discomfort localized only in the region about my
head and arms, but in my state of somnolence
only a growing sensation of discomfort press-
ing on my consciousness. Increasing steadily,
it finally began to awaken me, and I then
became distinctly conscious of the well-remem-
bered nightmare of my childhood beginning
to approach. With the noise in the room I was
now sufficiently awake to be interested in this fa-
miliar visitor, and I lay still deliberately. Grad-
ually the mass rolled up towards me exactly as
of yore, with no terror in its coming now, until
finally it was upon me and all about me op-
pressively. .I very slightly moved my arm
(upon which my head was lying), and the night-
mare was for the moment lost sight of in the
sensations now localized there. I opened
my eyes and instantly the whole experience
vanished, closed them and it instantly returned
in allits force and peculiarities. Over and over
again this little experiment was performed with-
out variation in its results, until, finally, satis-
fied, I moved my head off my arm and
stretched my arm out of its cramped position,
and felt no more this béte noir of earlier days,
now again returned, bringing with it emphatic
and unmistakable explanation of its cause.
A NEW satellite of the planet Saturn has been
discovered by Professor William H. Pickering
at the Harvard College Observatory. This
satellite is three and a half times as distant
from Saturn as Iapetus, the outermost satellite
hitherto known. The period is about seventeen
months, and the magnitude fifteen and a half.
The satellite appears upon four plates taken at
the Arequipa Station with the Bruce Photo-
graphic Telescope. The last discovery among
the satellites of Saturn was made half a century
ago, in September, 1848, by Professor George
P. Bond, at that time Director of the Harvard
College Observatory.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 17, 1899.
THE electric lamp recently invented by
Nernst, as has been stated in this JOURNAL, con-
sists of a small rod of magnesia which is heated
to brilliant incandescence by an electric current
which is pushed through it by an electromotive
force of several hundreds of volts. The rod
must be heated nearly to a red heat by a blow-
pipe or other independent means before it passes
sufficient current to operate.
A number of these lamps have been made in
the Physical Laboratory at Bethlehem, Pa. It
has been found that a rod of pure magnesia can
scarcely be started even with 1,000 volts anda
good blow pipe. The surrounding air becomes
electrically too weak to withstand the high elec-
tromotive force at a temperature lower than
[N.S. Voz. IX. No. 221.
that required to make the rod a sufficiently good
conductor. This is true even when the rod has
been heated to softness beforehand in a tem-
porary mounting.
The conductivity of the rod may be com-
pletely controlled by mixing with the magnesia
varying amounts of silica and of fusible silicates.
A satisfactory lamp is made as follows: Pure
calcined magnesia (heavy) is thoroughly mixed
with two or three per cent. of powdered silica,
one or two per cent. of magnesium sulphate, and
one per cent. or less of sodium or potassium
silicate (water glass). The mixture is dried
until it is just moist enough to pack under pres-
sure. A small piece of brass tubing is lined
with aroll of several thicknesses of stiff writing
paper, and the mixture is tamped into this tube.
The tube is then baked until the paper is
burned, when the rod of magnesia may be re-
moved. This rod is then laid upon a bed of
magnesia (powdered lime would, perhaps,
answer) and by means of carbon terminals an
alternating current is passed through the rod,
heating it first to redness by a blow pipe. With
some care avery hard and compact rod of mag-
nesia is thus formed which is then ground to a
thin rod with large grooved ends. Platinum
wire is wound on these grooved ends and, if de-
sired, cement made of water glass and powdered
magnesia may be used to cover the platinum.
The two platinum wire terminals may then be
bound to the sides of a small glass tube as a
support. A lamp made in this way may be
started easily, although its resistance rises slowly
with continued use, owing, perhaps, to the vol-
atilization of the potassium or sodium silicate.
~ Calcium silicate would, perhaps, be more satis-
factory in this respect.
A very striking experiment may be performed
with a piece of glass tubing several inches long
wound with copper terminals at its ends. The
tube begins to pass considerable current at a
low red heat, with a few hundreds of volts, and
is quickly melted by the current. A thin-walled
tube half an inch or more in diameter is best,
and it should be heated along one side only so
that the cool portion of the tube may for a short
time serve as a support for the hot conductive
W.S. F.
Manrcw 24, 1899. ]
W. Vorer (Wiedemann’s Annalen, No. 18,
1898) shows that the electrification of certain
crystals by heating (pyroelectricity) and the
electrification by deformation (piézoelectricity)
are in general one and the same phenomenon,
and that it is only in such a crystal as tourma-
lin, which has a single axis distinguished from
all other axes by characteristic physical proper-
ties, that pyroelectricity is not due wholly to the
deformation accompanying arise of temperature.
Professor Voigt also points out that a plate of
tourmalin can be used to generate accurately
known electric charges by subjecting it to
measured compression, and he gives the results
of a determination of an electrostatic capacity
based upon the known charge generated by a
tourmalin plate and the known e. m. f. of a
standard cell. W.S. F.
In two short articles in the Electrical World,
for December 17th and 24th, Mr. C. P. Stein-
metz gives a quite complete discussion of the
theory and action of the rotary converter, a
machine used to convert alternating current into
direct current, mainly in connection with long
distance transmission. Mr. Steinmetz’s papers
are, almost without exception, very difficult to
read for the reason, chiefly, that he always
gives a great deal of precise information about
difficult subjects not generally understood. The
present paper cannot, of course, be abstracted,
but it is mentioned for the reason that Mr. Stein-
metz deserves to be more generally known as
one of the foremost electricians of our time ; that
he is ascientific electrician isa matter of course.
W.S. F.
Proressor 8. W. HoLMAN has given in the
Technology Quarterly, for September, 1898, a
most complete and usable discussion of the tele-
scope-mirror-scale method for measuring angu-
lar deflections. Almost at the very beginning
of the paper a list of the fourteen instrumental
errors is given, together with directions for
making the adjustments which are necessary
*Published separately by John Wiley & Sons, New
York. Price, 75 cents.
to reduce each error to a prescribed value,
Following this is a general discussion of each
error of adjustment and a derivation of the
error in angle due to each. Most physicists
have, of course, looked into the detailed theory
of the telescope-mirror-scale method in spite of
the fact that the literature on the subject is not
generally accessible, but the habitual use of the
method for rough measurements makes one
lose sight of a dozen or more of the adjustments
and precautions which are necessary in accurate
work, and, therefore, almost every physicist
will find this pamphlet of Professor Holman’s
a useful reminder when the need arises to use
the method with all the precision it is capa-
ble of. IWayooneky.
Some time ago a committee was appointed by
the German Chemical Society to formulate an
atomic-weight table which should serve as a
basis for practical use in analytical calculations.
This committee consisted of Professors Landolt,
Ostwald and Seubert, and has recently brought
in areport which has been widely published.
With three exceptions, the decimals in the
atomic weights are given only as far as the last
figure is practically correct. The weights as
far as given agree in general with those pub-
lished by Professer F. W. Clarke. The most
interesting point in connection with the table is
that the basis used is the atomic weight of
oxygen = 16. It is now a number of years
since Dr. F. P. Venable and others in this
country and abroad uttered strong protests
against the use of hydrogen = 1 as a standard,
especially since the atomic weights with few
exceptions are determined with reference to
oxygen, and at that time the ratio between
hydrogen and oxygen was uncertain. Now
that this ratio has been, thanks to Professor
Morley, rendered almost certain to three decimal
places, it is still unnecessary and unscientific to
bring in even this little uncertainty, which in
the elements of high atomic weight amounts to
quite an appreciable quantity. Professor Seu-
bert has been one of the strongest advocates of
the basis H = 1, and it is noteworthy that he
has agreed to the committee report. In the
report Seubert says that, while H =1 is in
principle the most correct and natural, he agrees
to the report chiefly because with O = 16 many
of the weights most frequently used in calcula-
tions are represented by whole numbers, and
hence these numbers are most conveniently
used. Landolt adds that he hopes this report
will lead to an international agreement as to
the figures used.
In arecent paper in the Journal fiir praktische
Chemie, W. Hidmann describes the action of
metallic magnesium upon compounds contain-
ing nitrogen, especially upon the cyanids. At
a red heat almost all compounds, inorganic and
organic, which contain nitrogen are decomposed,
generally with the formation of magnesium ni-
trid, Mg,N,. The cyanids of the alkalies and al-
kaline earths are decomposed without explosion,
the carbid of the metal being formed. This, Eid-
mann says, shows that the ordinarily accepted
formula of the cyanids, e. g., Bat mi is
correct. In the case of those cyanids which
decompose at a red heat, as those of zinc,
nickel, lead, copper, etc., the reaction with mag-
nesium is more violent and decomposition into
magnesium nitrid, carbon and the metal ensues.
In the case of those cyanids, as those of silver
and mercury, which decompose below ared heat
the liberated cyanogen reacts with magnesium
with explosive violence. ~
A SERIES of analyses of waters from wells
near the sea-shore are published by P. Guichard
in the Bulletin Société Chimique. The water in
these wells rises and falls with the tide, while
the composition of the water leads to the con-
clusion that there is no direct connection be-
tween the wells and the sea, and, hence, it fol-
lows, according to the author, that subterranean
waters must be affected by the moon, even as
the ocean. This conclusion will, doubtless, find
many to dissent from it.
A DESCRIPTION is given in the Pharmaceu-
tische Zeitung by Alfred Zucker of the manu-
facture of whitelead by electrolysis, at Dell-
briick, according to the Luckow process. The
electrolyte is a 13% solution of 80% sodium
chlorid and 20% sodium carbonate. The
anode is soft lead, the kathode hard lead. The
current is 0.5 ampére per square centimeter at
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 221.
2 volts. Water and carbon dioxid are carefully
added as the electrolysis proceeds. With care
as to the strength of the electrolyte, a purity of
whitelead is obtained not hitherto reached.
The hygienic regulations of the factory are
worthy of mention. Every operative receives
daily one liter of fresh milk, and at the conclu-
sion of his daily work must clean very thor-
oughly his hands, finger nails, ete. In addition
he receives Glauber’s salts, and every fortnight
must take a complete warm bath in water
which contains a certain amount of liver of sul-
By these precautions all cases of satur-
nine poisoning have been avoided for several
ALTHOUGH not under the head of inorganic
chemistry, mention may be permitted of a de-
scription of the manufacture of artificial silk in
arecent number of the Zeitschrift fiir Angewandte
Chemie from the pen of H. Wyss-Naef. The
first practical.use of the process was in 1889.
The raw material is carded cotton which is first
converted into nitrocellulose by a bath of strong
nitric and sulfuric acids. After washing and
drying it is dissolved in a mixture of alcohol
andether. This collodion is then spun through
openings .08 mm. diameter. The alcohol and
ether evaporate almost instantly on spinning
and the material is carefully dried. It is then
treated by a secret process to reduce the nitro
groups, ammonium sulfid being probably the
reducing agent used. The silk is then bleached
with chlorin and is ready for the market.
J. L. H.
A PUBLICATION of unusual interest, contain-
ing conclusions of the greatest importance in
meteorology, has been issued as Bulletin No. 1
(1899), of the Blue Hill Meteorological Obser-
vatory (‘Studies of Cyclonic and Anticyclonic
Phenomena with Kites,’ by H. Helm Clayton).
This is a study of the results obtained during
the kite flights of September 21st—24th and of
November 24th—25th last, and it will aid ma-
terially towards once more strengthening belief
in the older Ferrel, or convectional theory of
cyclones and anticyclones, as opposed to the
newer Hann, or driven theory. Lack of space
Marcu 24, 1899. ]
prevents mention of many of the striking facts
set forth in this Bulletin. The flights of Sep-
tember 21st-24th brought down records from
altitudes of 2,000 to 3,400 meters, ina well-
marked anticyclone, and in a succeeding cy-
clone which followed the same track. The
temperature near the center of the anticyclone
was the same at 2,100 meters as at 1,200 meters,
and the humidity at the greater altitudes was
. excessively low. These results agree with those
previously found in similar conditions. The
axis of the anticyclone was inclined backwards,
the high pressure occurring later at high than
at low levels. Up to 3,000 meters the temper-
ature of the air was higher on the day of the
cyclone than on the day of the anticyclone—a
normal condition at Blue Hill, as previous kite
ascents have shown. A further notable discovery
is that cyclonic and anticyclonic circulations
observed at the earth’s surface in this latitude
do not seem to embrace any air movement at
greater altitudes than 2,000 meters, except in
front of cyclones. Above 2,000 meters there
seem to be other poorly developed cyclones and
anticyclones, with their centers at entirely dif-
ferent places from those on the earth’s surface,
and with different wind circulations.
On November 24th—25th the kite meteoro-
graph was sent up near the center of a cyclone
and in a succeeding anticyclone. From sea-
level to 2,800 meters the temperature was
13°-24° F. higher on the day of the cyclone
(November 24th) than on the following day.
The results of the observations on November
24th-25th also go to show that when the cold
in the rear of asurface cyclone is exceptionally
severe, the axis of the cyclone is inclined back-
ward so sharply that the circulation breaks
into two or more systems. Thus there come
to exist asurface cyclone, a mid-air cyclone and
an upper-air cyclone. On November 25th,
at 3,000 meters, there existed a cold-center cy-
clone, in which the air had a descending com-
ponent of motion, as indicated by the low
The results of the careful study made by Mr.
Clayton lead him to the view that the convec-
tional theory of cyclones isthe trueone. This
Bulletin again bears evidence to the admirable
work which is being done by the staff of the
‘ited Tierra del Fuego in 1896.
Blue Hill Observatory, and to the important
contributions which Mr, Clayton and his assist-
ants, with Mr. Rotch’s liberal support, have
made to meteorology.
THE amount of carbonic acid in the atmos-
phere, which, under ordinary conditions, aver-
ages about 0.03%, may, in exceptional circum-
stances, attain a considerably higher percentage.
In certain volcanic districts the amount of car-
bonic acid may be large enough to cause the
death of animals which stray into the hollows
where, owing to its density, the gas collects.
The Grotto del Cane, near Naples, is a region
of this sort. Another is Death Gulch, in the
Yellowstone National Park. In an account of
a recent trip in the Park, in Appleton’s Popular
Science Monthly for February, Jaggar reports
his discovery, in Death Gulch, of the carcasses
of eight bears, all of which had doubtless been
asphyxiated by the excessive amount of car-
bonic acid in the air.
R. DEC. Warp.
Dr. EINAR LONNBERG describes at length *
some portions of skin found in a cave at Eber-
hardt, near Last Hope Inlet, 51° 35’ 8., 72° 38”
W., in the Territorio de Magallanes, Chile, and
obtained by the Swedish expedition which vis-
The cave, lo-
cated a few kilometers from the coast and about
500 feet above sea-level, was about 600 feet deep
and 150 feet wide at the entrance. It was dis-
covered by some farm laborers, who promptly de-
stroyed the human skeletons found in the cave,
although they fortunately preserved some pieces
of thick, strange-looking skin, and the sheath
of a claw found partly imbedded in the stalag-
mitic deposit of the floor. The claw and two
pieces of skin were secured by Nordenskjold ;
the smaller piece measured about 715 cm.;
the larger, irregular in shape, 50 > 76 cm., is be-
lieved to be from the left fore leg. The small
* Reprint from Wissenschaftl. Ergebnisse Schwedischen
Expedition nach den Magellanslindern unter leitung von
Otto Nordenskjold.
fragment of skin is 1 em. thick covered, exter-
nally with coarse, dirty yellowish hair, and in-
ternally so thickly set with rounded ossicles as
to suggest a cobblestone pavement. The inner
surface of the larger piece does not show any
ossicles, but in the freshly-cut margin they are
apparent, although small and completely im-
bedded in the skin; the hair on this fragment
is from 5 to 9 cm. long. Under the microscope
a transverse section of this hair is seen to be
solid, lacking the central pith usually present,
and on comparison with the hairs of various
South American edentates its greatest likeness
is found in the central axis of the hair of
Bradypus. The microscopical structure of the
ossicles, which is described at length by Dr.
Lonnberg, is strikingly like that of the ossicles
of the true fossil Mylodon. The claw, 104 mm.
long by 34 wide, is considered to belong to Neo-
mylodon, as there is no existing South American
mammal provided with similar claws, and is be-
lieved to have belonged on a hind foot. The
animal is estimated to have been at least 6 feet
long and 4 feet or so high at the shoulder. After
a careful consideration Dr. Lonnberg comes to
the conclusion that, while Neomylodon was con-
temporaneous with early man and was used as
food, it certainly does not exist at present, be-
cause it is absolutely impossible for it to have
eluded the sharp eyes of the native Indians;
neither is it identical with the animal that
Ramon Listai is said to have shot at. It will
be noted that the conditions under which the
skin was preserved are very similar to those
which led to the preservation of portions of the
skin and feathers of Dinornis.
THE, Second International Conference on a
Catalogue of Scientific Literature requested the
delegates from the countries represented to
take steps for the formation of committees to
study the various questions relating to the Cata-
logue, and for the United States the following
committee has been named: Dr. J. 8. Billings,
Professor Simon Newcomb, Dr. Theodore N.
Gill, Professor H. P. Bowditch, Dr. Robert
Fletcher, Mr. Clement W. Andrews and Dr.
Cyrus Adler. Different universities and scien-
[N. 8. Vou. IX. No. 221.
tific societies have been invited to form com-
mittees to report upon the questions involved.
THE appointment of Mr. Herbert Putnam as
Librarian of the National Library will be wel-
comed by all friends of science and learning.
It is well known that Mr. Putnam has excel-
lently administered the Public Library of Min-
neapolis and the Boston Public Library, and
will undoubtedly make the National Library
what he has himself said it should be, ‘‘ the fore-
most library in the United States, a national
library, the largest in the United States, a
model and example of assisting the work of
scholarship in the United States.’? Men of
science are directly interested in this appoint-
ment, as the great collection of scientific books
of the Smithsonian Institution is deposited in
the Library.
Dr. THOMAS J. SEE, recently appointed pro-
fessor of mathematics in the Naval Observa-
tory, has been designated as Chief of the Nau-
tical Almanac.
is at present visiting the United States with a
view to sociological and other studies. Profes-
sor Geddes is well known for his accomplish-
ments and versatility in biological science and
for his efforts to improve sociological conditions
in Edinburgh.
Mr. G. F. Stout, recently appointed Wilde
lecturer on mental philosophy at Oxford, and
Mr. Charles Stewart, Curator of the Museum
of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, have
been given the degree of LL.D. by the Univer-
sity of Aberdeen.
THE Stockholm Society for Geology and
Geography has awarded its Vega medal to
Professor Georg Schweinfurth, of Berlin.
THE Leopoldinisch-Carolinische Deutsche
Akademie der Naturforscher, of Halle, has
awarded the Cothenius gold medal to Dr. F.
Zirkel, professor of mineralogy in the Univer-
sity of Leipzig.
Proressor A. H. SAYCE, of Oxford Univer-
sity, has been appointed Gifford lecturer in
Aberdeen University for 1900-1902.
Croonian lecture before the Royal Society on
MARCH 24, 1899. ]
March 16th, on ‘The Electric Concomitants of
Motion in Animals and Plants.’
PROFESSOR JEBB, of Cambridge, will deliver
the Romanes lecture at Oxford, June 7th, his
subject being ‘Humanism and Education.’
THE following Friday evening discourses are
being given before the Royal Institution, Lon-
don: March 10th, ‘Measuring Extreme Tem-
peratures,’ by Professor H. L. Callendar, F.R.S.;
March 17th, ‘The Electric Fish of the Nile,’ by
Professor Francis Gotch, F.R.S8.; and on March
24th, ‘Transparency and Opacity,’ by Lord
Rayleigh, F.R.S.
Proressor C. C. GEoRGESON, of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture, has left Washington for
Sitka to superintend investigations in experi-
mental agriculture. A building will be erected
at Sitka this year which will contain offices for
the experiment station and for meteorological
Tue Lord Mayor of Liverpool entertained, on
March 4th, Professor Oliver J. Lodge, in recog-
nition of his haying received the Rumford
medal, which is awarded biennially by the
Royal Society for the most important discov-
eries in heat or light. Speeches were made by
the Lord Mayor; Professor Fitzgerald, of Dub-
lin; Sir John Brunner ; Professor Myers, of
Cambridge; Professor Ricker and Sir W.
Crookes. It was announced at the dinner that
Sir John Brunner had offered £5,000 towards a
new building for the physical laboratory for
-University College, Liverpool, which is under
Professor Lodge’s direction.
A STATUE in bronze of the late Dr. William
Pepper, of Philadelphia, will be erected in the
plaza before the City Hall.
State Geologist of Indiana, died at Indian-
apolis, on March 15th, aged 71 years.
Dr. W. HANKEL, professor of physics in the
University of Leipzig, died on February 18th,
at the age of 84 years.
Dr. Francis M. Macnamara died on March
5th, at the age of 57. He was formerly pro-
fessor of chemistry at the Calcutta Medical Col-
lege and chemical examiner to the Governor of
India, where he made important investigations
on the spread of cholera by water and on the
distribution of disease.
ConGREsS, in its closing hours, passed a bill
containing the stipulation, ‘‘ That before Jan-
uary 1, 1903, the fence around the Botanical
Garden shall be removed, provided that at the
first session of the Fifty-sixth Congress the Joint
Committee on Library is directed to report a bill
embodying a plan for removing the Botanical
Garden to another location.’”? The Botanical
Garden in Washington has done little for sci-
ence, being administered by a Joint Committee
on the Library of Congress. It is proposed to
remove the Garden to a place where a larger
area can be secured, and establish there a Na-
tional Botanical Garden, which will probably
be placed under the charge of the Department
of Agriculture.
THE New York City Board of Estimate and
Apportionment authorized, on March 17th, an
issue of bonds to the amount of $500,000, the
proceeds to be used in defraying the cost of re-
moving the Forty-second street reservoir and
in laying the foundations for the building for
the New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and
Tilden foundations. Mayor Van Wyck is re-
ported to have said: ‘‘ The original request was
for $150,000. We looked the matter over care-
fully and concluded that such a sum would
suffice only for the demolition of the reservoir.
It was suggested that the first requisition for
bonds under the act authorizing the construc-
tion of the library be large enough to cover the
cost of the foundations for the structure. The
trustees of the library agreed to this, and the
plans were accordingly amended. With $500,-
000 it will be possible within nine or ten months
to raze the reservoir and lay the foundations.
Then we shall be ready to order another issue
of bonds and to prosecute the work to an early
completion.’? The New York City Board of
Estimate and Apportionment has also set aside
$63,000 for work on the Zoological Garden in
Bronx Park.
Mayor VAN Wyck has given a public hear-
ing on the bill passed by the Legislature author-
izing the Board of Estimate and Apportionment
to increase the annual appropriation for the
American Museum of Natural History from
$90,000 to $130,000. Professor Albert 8. Bick-
more, representing the Museum, and Senator
Plunkitt, the introducer of the bill, declared
that, on account of recent additions to the
building, more money was required for its
maintenance, the present allowance being in-
adequate. The Mayor did not publicly declare
his intentions towards the bill, but it is believed
that he will sign it.
THE Joint Committee of the Royal Society
and the Royal Geographical Society, appointed
to promote a National Antarctic Expedition,
made application some time ago to the Council
of the Royal Society and the Council of the
British Association for grants of money in aid
of the proposed expedition. The Treasurer of
the Royal Society has applied, on behalf of the
Council, to the Government Grant Committee
for a grant of £1,000, and the Council of the
British Association will recommend to the next
meeting of the General Committee that a like
sum be contributed by the Association. The
scientific societies in Australia are moving in
the matter with a view to influencing the Prem-
iers of the different colonies.
THE Navy Department expects to make a
hydrographic survey of the Philippines. The
Vixen, now on its way to Manila, will begin the
work as soon as it can be spared, and it is ex-
pected that the Yosemite, after making surveys
about Guam, will proceed to the Philippines for
this purpose.
Dr. W. H. Furness and Dr. H. M. Miller
have returned from an expedition to Florida,
where they have been collecting fossils for the
Wistar Institute of Anatomy, University of
Pennsylvania. They have made collections
from the limestone quarries and phosphate
mines, where Dr. Leidy secured many valuable
THE will of the late Herbert Stewart gives
$2,000 to the American Society of Engineers
for a library fund and $500 to the Engineers’
Club of New York City towards its building
fund. The residue of the estate, subject to life
annuities, is left to the Sheffield Scientific School
of Yale University for Scholarships. The
amount is estimated at $40,000.
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 221.
will be held on April 11 and 12, 1899, for the po-
sition of Soil Chemist, Division of Soils, Depart-
ment of Agriculture, at a salary of $1,400 per
annum. The subjects and weights are as follows:
Physicalichemistnypeemwisiecicaiscedetsictelcietesets sale 20
PNOrgsanic Chemis biysetets clonelpolsysieleten eteleiereietets 20
OrganicichemIstrysseseicletatestetsmieei elses 20
Analy ticalym ethodsiteie: sects re Netaveterepaleysi seals 20
Deiterabure Of SOs! jcc sctariercictays eteiiereisiclarseststel« 10
Brenchiand! Germans c-)cjejsfetetcisiie syateceeiola = 10
MObale estate wietsrcjarsisier states cieletel slap el cfsitoretor chokes 100
On the same days an examination will be
held for the position of Special Crop Culturist
(Department of Agriculture). The subjects
will be weighted as follows:
Basis examination (first grade)............. 10
English composition and general training and
CX PETLENGO rests ascyaec ste creniaiesterstaecataleveuelsreds 10
Agriculture and horticulture (general prin-
ciples and practice of agriculture and horti-
culture, including crop rotation, selection
and breeding of variety, agricultural Chem-
istry, fertilizers, treatment of plant diseases
ANG INSECEEPESES) jeriersrcicievs ofeloretehaietelelercletelelese 20
French (translation into English of a selec-
tion relating to the cultivation of field
CLOPS) Wey stenscpeperevvereesreverskeitaveca est overs eeetana coke 10
Field crops (treatment of miscellaneous and
little known field crops, including import
SEALISEICS)) sare creuescncteserosatere sjatene rages etetenteeerete 30
IPTOOLTEA CITI G sis reteyarets/aleta)ctarote etsisvsieyareverereheteletete 10
Typewriting (tabulating, copying and spac-
ing, and writing from dictation)........ 10
Totalicrecstersicinvscslorsro stat anovereinsieentvarerectets 100
WE have already called attention to the
Volta commemoration to be held at Como dur-
ing May of the present year. Como has ap-
propriated $100,000 for the preliminary ex-
penses. An electrical exhibition will be opened
on May 14th. <A congress of electricians will
also be held.
Tue eleventh annual meeting of the Botanical
Society of the University of Pennsylvania was
held this week, and the following officers were
elected: President, ex-officio, Provost C. C.
Harrison ; acting President, Dr. Adolph Miller;
First Vice-President, Mrs. L. R. Fox; Secre-
tary, Professor J. MacFarland ; Treasurer, R.
C. Beane.
WE learn from the British Medical Journal
that the French Medical Press Association held
Marcu 24, 1899. ]
its forty-third meeting on February 3d,under the
presidency of Dr. Gézilly. It was decided to
organize an International Congress of the Med-
ical Press, to be held in Paris in 1900, at the
same time as the other congresses which are to
take place there in that year.
THE beginning of an arboretum will be made
made atthe University of Michigan this year,
under the direction of the pharmacy depart-
ment. The plan is to have specimens of as
many different kind of trees growing on the
University campus as will thrive in the latitude.
Special attention, however, will be given to the
securing of trees of medicinal or economic im-
portance. A few trees will be set out each
year, being selected and planted by the mem-
bers of the graduating classes of the pharmacy
THE report of the committee appointed by
the Council of the Society of Arts to inquire
into the requisite conditions of safety in acety-
lene gas generators, and to report on the various
apparatus shown at the exhibition held at the
Imperial Institute, says the London Times, has
just been issued. The object of the exhibition,
which was undertaken with the approval of
Sir Vivian Majendie of the Home Office, and
of the London County Council, was to fa-
mniliarize the public with the means of gener-
ating acetylene gas, and with the simple pre-
cautions with which its use at low pressures is as
safe as that of coal gas. The committee, feeling
that in the interests of the public it was advisable
carefully to test the various forms of generators
exhibited, appointed Professor Vivian B. Lewes
and Mr. Boverton Redwood as a sub-committee
to make a series of tests. As a result of these
tests the committee have advised the granting of
certificates to those generators which have com-
plied with the requirements of the various tests
to which they have been submitted, and which
have worked safely and satisfactorily during a
month’s every-day use. The committee classi-
fied the generators into three groups: (1) those
in which the gas is generated by water being al-
lowed to drip or flow on to the carbide ; (2) those
in which the water is allowed to rise in contact
with the carbide, the rise being regulated by the
increase of pressure in the generating chamber ;
(3) those in which the carbide drops into the
water. These are again subdivided into auto-
matic generators whose storage capacity is less
than the total volume which the charge of car-
bide is capable of generating, and which, there-
fore,require automatic regulation; and non-auto-
matic, whose holders can receive all the gas pro-
duced by the charge of carbide. The committee
consider that the tests have clearly demonstrated
that many types of acetylene gas apparatus can
be so constructed as with ordinary precautions
to be absolutely safe, and that lighting by
acetylene need be no more fraught with danger
than any other form of artificial lighting in
general use. The committee, however, feel it
their duty to state that, safe as they consider
acetylene gas to be, when generated in a prop-
erly-constructed apparatus outside the building
to be lighted, and in accordance with the rules
and suggestions contained in the report, they
consider the generation of gas within the house,
and the use of hand lamps, cycle lamps, etc.,
to be not unattended by danger, except in
skilled hands. As to the storage of the carbide,
the Home Office regulations allow 5lb. to be
kept without a license in 1lb. packages. The
committee recommend that the quantity, how-
ever small, should always be kept in a dry
place, and under lock and key. These precau-
tions, they think, may not be necessary when
its properties are fully understood, as it is no
more dangerons than many other substances in
daily use.
TuHE Reale Instituto Lombardo announces in
its Rendiconti the award of its prizes which are
quoted in Nature as follows: The Cagnola
prize of 2,500 lire and a gold medal of 500 lire
has been awarded to Signor Angelo Battelli and
Signor Annibale Stefanini for their joint paper
containing a critical exposition of electric dis-
sociation considered principally in regard to
the experimental proofs of its deductions.
For the Kramer prize, on an essay rela-
ting to the use of condensers in the trans-
mission of electric energy by alternating cur-
rents and their construction for industrial
purposes, two competitors entered, and prizes
of 2,500 lire and 1,500 lire respectively have
been awarded to Professor Luigi Lombardi, of
Turin, and Signor Giovanni Battista Folco,
director of the electric tramways of Leghorn.
For the Fossati prize, on some physiological
point connected with the human encephalusy
two competitors entered, and awards of 400 lire
have been made to both—namely, Dr. Domenico
Mirto, of Palerma, and Dr. Carlo Martinotti, of
Turin. For the Brambilla prize, given for the
invention or introduction of some new machine
or industrial process of real practical value,
seven competitors entered. A gold medal and
500 lire has been awarded to Fratelli Boltri, of
Milan, for their grain desiccators; a similar
award to Premoli and Zanoncelli, of Lodi, for
their preparation of Gaertnerised milk. Gold
medals and 200 lire have also been given to
Rossi, Enrico and Co., of Milan, for their
manufacture of varnishes, ete.; to Piola Alfredo,
of Milan, for artists’ colors; and to Pizonni
Pietro, of Milan, for the manufacture of baskets.
The prizes offered for future competition in-
clude prizes of the Institution for 1899 for a list
of unusual meteorological events that have been
recorded from the earliest times, and for 1900
for an essay on collective property in Italy ;
two triennial medals for improvements in agri-
cultural or industrial processes in Lombardy ;
a Cagnola prize and gold medal on the subjects
chosen by the Institution, viz., in 1899, for an
essay on Hertz’s phenomenon, or the effect of
active radiation or of products of combustion
on the sparking distance in air, and in 1900 for
a critical study of toxin and anti-toxin; a Cag-
nola prize and gold medal for 1899 on one of the
following subjects chosen by the founder, viz:
the cure of ‘ pellagra,’ the nature of miasma and
contagion, the direction of flying balloons, and
the methods of preventing forgery of writings ;
a Brambilla prize for industrial improvements
in Lombardy; Fossati prizes for 1899 on the
macro- or micro-scopical anatomy of the nervous
system, for 1900 on the regeneration of pe-
ripheric nervous fibres in vertebrates, and for
1901 on the anatomy of the encephalus of the
higher animals; a Kramer prize for an essay on
the transmission of heat between the steam and
walls of the cylinders of steam engines ; a Secco
Comneno prize for 1902 for a description of
Italian natural deposits of phosphates ; a Pizza-
miglio prize for an essay on the influence of so-
cialistic doctrines on private rights ; Ciani prizes
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 221.
for popular Italian books, a Tommasoni prize
for a history of the life and works of Leonardi
da Vinci ; and a triennial Zanetti prize for some
improvements or discovery in pharmaceutical
AT a meeting of the Board of Overseers of
Harvard University on March 15th it was voted
to concur with the President and Fellows in the
election of William Morris Davis, M.E., now
holding the chair of physical geography, to be
Sturgis Hooper professor of geology ; Robert
Tracy Jackson, 8.D., was elected assistant pro-
fessor of paleontology, and Jay Backus Wood-
worth, S.B., instructor in geology.
Dr. Smmon FLEXNER, of the Johns Hopkins
University, has accepted the chair of pathology
in the University of Pennsylvania, to succeed
Dr. John Guiteras. Dr. Guiteras will spend a
year abroad and expects then to devote his
services to the University of Havana.
Mr. H. E. Brown and Mr. W. A. Niveling,
assistant instructors in chemistry in the Univer-
sity of Michigan, have resigned their positions
to engage in technical work.
AT Yale University Dr. Jervase Greene has
been promoted to an instructorship in philoso-
phy and Dr. I. K. Phelps to an instructor-
ship in chemistry. Dr. Milton B. Porter
has been appointed instructor in mathe-
pointed professor of geodesy in the University
of Vienna, and Dr. G. Bodlander, of Géttingen,
professor of physical chemistry in the Institute
of Technology at Braunschweig. Dr. Gutz-
mer, of Halle, has been called to the new as-
sistant professorship of mathematics in the
University of Jena; Dr. Aladar Richter to be
assistant professor of botany in the University
at Kiausenburg, and Dr. Bengst Jéhnsson to be
professor of botany in the Academy at Lund.
Dr. Tobler and Dr. Streckeisen have qualified
as docents in mineralogy and geography in the
University at Basle. Dr. Ad. Fick, professor of
physiology at the University of Wurzburg, will
retire at the end of the present semester.
EpirorRrAL ComMMITTEE: S. Newcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WoopWARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THurston, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. LE ContE, Geology; W. M. DAvIs, Physiography; W. K. Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology;
S. H. ScuppER, Entomology; C. E. BrssEy, N. L. Brirron, Botany; HENRY F. OsBorn,
General Biology; C. 8. Minot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. Bowprrcu, Physiology;
J. S. Brnuinas, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; DANIEL G. BRIN-
TON, J. W. POWELL, Anthropology. \
Fripay, Marcu 31, 1899.
AW National Observatory scare sss coueccsscacectessess 465
Discussion of a National Observatory : PROFESSORS
Smmon NEwcoms, ASAPH HALL, C. A. YOUNG,
G. W. Myers, E. A. FUERTES, W. L. ELKIN,
The Atomic Weights—A Quarter Centur.
ress: PROFESSOR F. P. VENABLE..............+
Hermaphroditism in Ostrea Lurida: PROFESSOR
HP WASHBUR Necsctesadscsteactsseeccssesescsetesces 478
Agricultural Electrotechnics: PROFESSOR R. H.
PRE R SLO Nemcteccatcetecrcnase sce: ssecersteee sare. 480
Scientific Books :—
Geology of the Edwards Plateau and Rio Grande
Solly’s Medical Climatology: DR. G. HINSDALE. 481
Scientific Journals and Articles .......cccccceeseeeeeenes 485
Societies and Academies :—
Biological Society of Washington: O. F. Cook.
The Washington Botanical Club: DR. CHARLES
LoulIs POLLARD. The New York Section of the
American Chemical Society: DR. DURAND
WoopMAN. Section of Astronomy and Physics
of the New York Academy of Sciences: R. GOR-
DON. Academy of Science of St. Louis: PRo-
FESSOR WILLIAM TRELEASE,.........0.00eceeceeees 486
Discussion and Correspondence :—
Plymouth, England, and its Marine Biological
Laboratory: DR. EDWARD G. GARDINER. The
Duplication of Geologic Formation Names: F. B.
Weeks. The Berlin Tuberculosis Conference :
DR CH. WARDELE)| STULHSS aie sscrcspucscoeesseses: 488
Astronomical Notes :-—
The Rutherfurd Photographs; The Solar Eclipse
of May 28, 1900 : PROFESSOR WINSLOW Upton 492
Notes on Physics :—
The Effect of Commutators on the Field of Dyna-
mos and Motors; Telegraphy and Magnetic In-
duction: F. C. C
The Bequests of the late Professor Marsh dad
Scientific Notes and News........ce.csceresececseeseereceons 494
University and Educational News........:1cssessevevees 496
MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended
tor review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
Tue letters which we publish in this
number from prominent American astrono-
mers on the general subject of a national
observatory may be regarded as a sequel to
Professor Skinner’s admirable history of
the Naval Observatory found in our issue of
January 6th. Justice to the latter institution
demands that we should point out certain
features of the case which have generally
been overlooked. It has been too hastily
assumed that the Naval Observatory should
fill the requirements of a national astro-
nomical observatory, and that, if it did not,
some one must be at fault. To correct this
view we have only to cite some authorita-
tive statements on the subject. The matter
was stated very forcibly and clearly by
Commodore Belknap, Superintendent of the
Observatory, as far back as 1885, when
the building of the new observatory was
about to begin, and when, in consequence,
its purposes were the subjects of public dis-
cussion. He wrote:
It is first of all a naval institution, its astronomical
work being, so far as the naval service proper is con-
cerned of a purely secondary consideration. * * * *
If the time has come when the purely scientific side
of the institution has outgrown the needs of the naval
service the converse is true, namely, that the navy
If the so-
called scientific men of the country think that the
has no need of it or of the scientific staff.
time has come to apply to Congress for money to
build a national observatory the Navy will not stand
in their way; only it will take no responsibility for it,
and will be glad to see it go to another department
of the government, and to be under purely civilian
control, including professors with civilian appoint-
ments instead of Naval commissions. *
This official view is enforced by the ab-
sence of legislation providing for the organ-
ization and government of the institution
or prescribing its purposes or functions.
Not only has Congress never uttered a word
as to its purpose, but it has never, so far as
we can learn, provided any authority to de-
termine what work it should undertake.
The highest officials recognized in the an-
nual appropriations are assistant astrono-
mers, but there is no statement whom they
are to assist. Everything else is left with
the Navy Department, which has no way
to complete the organization except to order
naval officers and professors to duty at the
observatory, and establish such rules for
their guidance as it may see fit. Weare not
aware that any regulations have ever been
issued prescribing a well-defined plan of as-
tronomical observations. All this accentu-
ates the secondary character of its astronom-
ical work, and justifies the modesty of the
part which it has played in the progress of
astronomy since the new buildings were
If we accept the preceding view of the
functions of the observatory, then we are
the only one of the great nations that does
not support a national observatory for the
promotion of astronomical science. The
*Senate, Ex. Doc., No. 67, 49th Congress, Ist
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 222.
question is whether our astronomers should
not act on the suggestion of Admiral Bel-
knap and petition Congress for the establish-
ment of such an institution as they want.
An astrophysical observatory is already
supported by Congress under the auspices
of the Smithsonian Institution ; why should
not one for astrometry in its widest range
be established under the same or other sci-
entific auspices ?
How such a proposal would be met by
The first
questions would be: Have we not already
Congress goes without saying.
such an institution? Has not Congress
already expended an unprecedented sum in
the erection of an observatory? Is it not
supported at a greater annual expense than
any other similar institution in the world ?
What has it to do but prosecute the very
researches you want prosecuted and make
the very observations you want made ?
It would be hard to meet these questions
without exposing what, at first sight, would
It might not be difficult
to convinee Congress that an institution
seem a weak point.
where the prosecution of astronomical work
was ‘of purely secondary consideration,’ and
which was not specially organized as an
institution for astronomical work, could
never be expected to fulfil the requirements
ofa national observatory. But how reconcile
the subordination of scientific to naval work
with what Congress has actually done?
Why should our navy need a great establish-
ment costing nearly a million dollars and
fitted up with large and expensive astronom-
ical instruments any more than the English
or French or German navy? The English
navy hasits chronometersrated at the Green-
wich Observatory at a very small expense,
Marcu 31, 1899. ]
and the other countries have small and inex-
pensive establishments for this purpose. All
the national observatories but ours have
purely civilian organizations. Why should
ours be an exception ?
Under these conditions what is wanted is
that our astronomers and naval authorities
should come together and agree upon a
plan. Nothing can be worse than the con-
tinuation of a system under which the
country goes to all the expense of support-
ing a great observatory without reaching
results commensurable with the expendi-
ture. Itis sometimes claimed that naval
officers will not give up any part of their
control. It seems to us that this claim in-
volves a reflection upon their patriotism
and their regard for their country’s in-
terests which they should not tolerate.
Congress gives its munificent support to
the observatory under the belief that it is
supporting a great and useful scientific
establishment which is extending the fame
of our country in the intellectual field as
the observatories of Greenwich and Paris
have extended the fame of the countries
which have supported them. If this belief is
ill founded the claim in question amounts to
nothing less than saying that our naval
officers will fight for the privilege of expend-
ing large sums for objects which neither
increase the efficiency of the service nor
promote the scientific standing of the coun-
try in the eyes of the world. We cannot
suppose them animated by so low a spirit
We believe
that they are sincerely desirous of seeing
as this attitude presupposes.
the great institution established at such ex-
pense made a credit to the country, and
that if fifty years’ experience shows that
this end can be reached only by separating
the naval from the scientific work of the
establishment, and placing the latter under
the only sort of control that can ever be
really successful, they will, in the words of
Commodore Belknap, ‘not stand in the
way.’ It is the duty of our astronomers
to use their influence in making the exact
facts of the case known, and in promoting
such a solution of the problem as will con-
duce to the good name of American science.
Were we dealing with a small institution
to which Congress extended only a nig-
gardly support, we might look with indif-
ference on a corresponding paucity of per-
formance. But when Congress bestows a
far more liberal support on our observatory
than England, France or any other nation
bestows on its national observatory, and
does this in the belief that it is promoting
astronomical science to a corresponding ex-
tent, patriotism demands that our astron-
omers should inform our authorities whether
this belief is or is not in accord with the
In response to a letter sent to a number
of leading American astronomers the replies
printed below have been received.*
The letter asked for answers to the fol-
lowing questions :
1. Isit desirable that the government of the United
States should support a national astronomical ob-
servatory ?
* Tn addition to these replies a committee appointed
at the Harvard Conference of Astronomers and Astro-
physicists, consisting of Professor E. C. Pickering,
Harvard College Observatory (Chairman); Professor
George E. Hale, Yerkes Observatory, and Professor
George C. Comstock, Washburn Observatory, has
drawn up a report on the subject, which we hope to
publish after it has been presented to the next Con-
2. If so, what ends should such an institution have
in view; especially to what classes of astronomica]
observation and research should it be devoted ?
3. Does the new Naval Observatory fulfill the ob-
jects in question so completely that no other institu-
tion of the kind is necessary ? If not, in what respects
does its work differ from that required for the purposes
in view ?
To THE Eprror or ScrencE: In answer to
your questions as to the policy of support-
ing a national observatory, I would say that,
making abstraction of features peculiar to
astronomical science I see no reason why the
government should support an astronomical ob-
servatory any more than a chemical laboratory
for chemists to use in making their experi-
ments. The exceptional reason in favor of
an observatory is that there are branches of
astronomical science of world-wide interest
and importance which are not adequately cul-
tivated by private enterprise. The greatest of
these relate to the motions of the heavenly
bodies, especially the fixed stars. Of late years
it has been seen that the study of these motions
may throw light on problems formerly re-
garded as insoluble, and supply posterity with
records of priceless value in the advance of
An institution to supply the want thus indi-
cated should be organized and fitted up with
its own special end in view, and should not be
diverted from that end by the temptation of
more attractive work in other directions. The
later results of experience and research should
determine the instruments to be used, and the
whole arrangements should be such as to com-
mand the best talent and skill in planning and
executing the work.
To THE EpiToR OF SCIENCE: The astro-
nomical questions you propose to discuss in
SCIENCE are interesting. Since I hold a posi-
tion in the Navy it is not proper for me to dis-
cuss the conduct of the Naval Observatory. As
to the other questions I may say briefly :
1. I think it is desirable that the government
of the United States should support an Astro-
nomical Observatory.
2. I think such an observatory should deter-
mine the positions of the stars, planets and satel-
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 222.
lites with the greatest accuracy possible, since
theoretical astronomy rests on such observations.
The astro-physical departments of astronomy
are so attractive that they will not lack inves-
questions raised in your communication of De-
cember 4, 1898, I would say :
I. I think that unquestionably the United
States ought tosupporta National Observatory,
unless it is willing to fall to the rank of a third-
rate nation. Besides, we already have a fine
building, with a costly and valuable equipment
of apparatus. It would be a disgrace to aban-
don it.
II. As to the ends to be kept in view, etc., I
think a National Observatory, maintained by
the government, should aim chiefly at kinds of
work not easily within the reach of private and
educational observatories—extended series of
observations which require persistent prosecu-
tion without intermission or material change of
plan—such, for instance, as:
(a) Continuous observations of the positions
of the sun, moon and planets, partly by the
meridian circle, and partly, perhaps, by pho-
tography, which is specially valuable in the
case of such asteroids, as, for one reason or
another, require attention. Observations of
comets are also in order.
(b) The determination of the absolute posi-
tions of a reasonably large list of fundamental
stars, and of such other stars as are needed for
reference points by observers of planets or
comets, or by those engaged in geodetic opera-
(ce) I think it desirable also that certain astro-
physical observations should be included, es-
pecially in the line of stellar spectroscopy, since
the number of objects of investigation in this
line is so great that the ground cannot be cov-
ered in any reasonable time without the general
cooperation of all well-equipped observatories,
(d) The refined reduction and prompt publi-
cation of the results of observation. This im-
plies a thorough mathematical study of the
theories involved and investigation of their
corrections, and requires that among the as-
Marca 31, 1899.]
tronomers of the observatory there be included
able mathematicians as well as skillful ob-
servers. Joined with this work is very properly
the calculation and publication of the National
Astronomical Ephemeris, or some definite por-
tion of an International Ephemeris, if such
a work can be arranged for, as is now proposed
in certain quarters.
III. I do not think that the National Ob-
servatory, whether organized as the present
Naval Observatory or on any other plan, can
wisely undertake to deal with all classes of as-
tronomical observation. There are numerous
lines of investigation which can better be fol-
lowed up by institutions organized for the
special purpose, or by individual amateurs.
Nor do I believe that under its present organi-
zation, nor under any organization which leaves
it distinctively a naval institution, managed
and directed according to naval traditions and
methods, can it ever well fulfill the ends of a
National Observatory. The pursuit, and es-
pecially the superintendence and direction of
astronomical investigation, is purely scientific
work, and should be under scientific control.
As to the question whether another observa-
tory (for astro-physical investigation I suppose)
should be founded and maintained by the gov-
ernment Iam hardly clear. The examples of
France and Germany, and to a certain extent
that of England, point in this direction. But
so long as the observatories at Cambridge, Mt.
Hamilton and Lake Geneva maintain their
astro physical activity it seems to me hardly
necessary for us to move in the matter.
PRINCETON, N. J. C. A. Youna.
To THE Epriror oF Science: As I am not
an astronomer there is no reason why my
opinion should appear in your symposium on
the National Astronomical Observatory. Your
request that I should furnish it originated,
doubtless, in the fact that I was appointed, at
the Boston meeting of the A. A. A. 8., a mem-
ber of a committee of which Professor E. C.
Pickering is Chairman, to consider and report
upon the organization and work of the Naval
Observatory at Washington, which stands for
whatever we have or have not in the way of
government astronomical research at the pres-
ent moment. At any rate I will venture upon
a very brief discussion of the questions in-
volved as I see them.
To the first question I would reply that we
already have and have had for many years a
National Astronomical Observatory in the
Naval Observatory at Washington. Congress
has already shown its willingness to maintain
such an institution in the magnificent buildings
and expensive equipment for which it has gen-
erously appropriated money and for the sup-
port of which it makes liberal annual appropri-
ations. It is too late, therefore, to discuss your
first query, but the all-important question is
the third: Does the Observatory as organized
and managed at present fulfill the requirements
of such an institution? On this point there is
room for much discussion and, perhaps, some
difference of opinion. My own answer would
be: No. But there is likely to be a tendency to
misrepresent the views and attitude of naval
officers in this matter, and, without pretending
to speak for them or by their knowledge or cor-
sent, I venture the opinion that a large majority
of them, especially of those generally acknowl-
edged by their comrades to be the foremost men
in the service, would be found in substantial
agreement with the leading astronomers of the
country. It has been my privilege to enjoy
rather intimate association with many of them,
and I have always found them unselfishly de-
voted to the best interests of their corps, always
ready to discharge in the most conscientious
manner any duty with which they may be
charged, doing the very best they can under
the conditions and restrictions by which they
are surrounded.
That they should have a pride in the develop-
ment of the great institution which has been .
for so many years under their care is only
natural. Originally the Naval Observatory was
just what was required by the navy; but, by its
gradual expansion into an establishment fitted
for astromical research on an almost unrivalled
scale, it has become very much of an elephant
on their hands. But to expect that they will
voluntarily relinquish all claim to or interest in
it is to expect what is unreasonable. I am
sure that the great majority of them know that
the spirit of a military regime, which is at
once a virtue and a necessity in a military corps,
is quite imcompatible with the spirit of scien-
tific investigation pure and simple. So long as
the Observatory is under a bureau of the Navy
Department it must, of necessity, like a navy-
yard or a receiving ship, be controlled by naval
regulations, and any relations which naval
officers may sustain to it must be governed by
navy rules regarding rank, short details of
service, assignments in regular order without
regard to special fitness or taste and other estab-
lished customs, absolutely necessary to military
discipline, but utterly irreconcilable with the
spirit of an institution devoted purely to scien-
tific research. The only satisfactory solution
of the problem is the removal of the Observatory
from military control. No half-way measure,
such as appointing a Director from civil life,
will avail as long as it remains attached to the
Navy Department. The amputation must be
clean and complete.
If any attempt is made to accomplish this it
must be kept in mind that it is a fundamental
principle of bureau administration to get hold
of all you can and hold all you get. It is ac-
cepted as an evidence of successful administra-
tion to have added one or more new functions
to the office which you happen to hold, and it is
considered almost disgraceful to allow another
bureau to begin operations in a field which you
have traditionally cultivated, however unrelated
they may be to the work for which your corps
was originally organized. Much of the useless
duplication of government work is due to this.
It must also be remembered that Congress
concerns itself very little with what ought to be
done, but that it is very greatly influenced by
what it is made to believe the people want done.
As far as the interests of astronomy go, astron-
omers are the people. Whenever they are
ready to unite in a persistent effort to secure
reform in the Naval Observatory, whenever
they are willing to exert their influence in favor
of making it a real national establishment,
directed by astronomers for astronomy they
will succeed. Naturally there will be a few
‘naval officers who will seriously oppose any
measure which deprives them of such agreeable
shore duty, but the great majority of them know
very well that to them professional distinction
(N.S. Vou. 1X. No. 222.
is to be reached through skill in handling a 10-
inch gun rather than a 26-inch objective and
that the experience of commanding a battleship
is vastly more valuable than anything to be
gained in the performance of the petty routine
duties of superintending an institution in whose
work they have little real interest and no en-
thusiasm. T. C. MENDENHALL.
To THE EDITOR OF SCIENCE: I beg to offer
the following replies to the questions you raise
with reference to a national astronomical ob-
First, it is desirable that the government of
the United States should maintain an astro-
nomical observatory. The experience of the
past two hundred years seems to demonstrate
that there are certain kinds of scientific work
that cannot be successfully carried on without
the express sanction and support of stable gov-
Astronomy, geodesy and geology are the
most striking instances of such work, and it is
hardly conceivable that they could have at-
tained their existing degree of utility except for
the aid extended to them by the leading gov-
ernments. That the maintenence of such work
is second only in importance in national econ-
omy to the maintenance of law and order,
and to the diffusion of education, is a proposi-
tion which few readers of SCIENCE are likely to
Secondly, the chief objects of a national
astronomical observatory seem to fall under
the following heads: (a) the registration of
continuous series of observations of the sun,
moon, planets and fixed stars; (b) the prep-
aration of ephemerides of these celestial bodies
for the use of surveyors, geodesists and navi-
gators ; (c) theoretical investigations with refer-
ence to the motions and physical properties of
the celestial bodies, and with reference to the
instruments, appliances and methods used in
astronomical observations and computations ;
(d) the cooperation with other similar organiza-
tions in astronomical undertakings of inter-
national importance.
Thirdly, it may be said that the existing
Naval Observatory has fulfilled and still fulfills
Marcu 31, 1899.]
these objects. It must be admitted, in fact,
that the Naval Observatory, during the half
century ofits existence, has done a large amount
of first class work, and that its service has been
dignified by the connection with it of some
of the most eminent American astronomers.
Nevertheless, it appears equally just to affirm
that the administration of the Naval Observa-
tory has never been favorable to the highest
efficiency of such an organization. The scien-
tifie work of the Naval Observatory has been
done in spite of a bad form of administration
rather than by reason of a good one.
The radical defect of this administration lies
in the assumption that the Superintendent of
the Observatory should be, as he has been, gen-
erally, a naval officer, who may have little
knowledge of or interest in astronomy. The
position is one of pleasing prominence to an
officer on shore duty, and is hence likely to fall
to one who.has ‘ pull’ with the party in power
rather than to one who has distinguished him-
self as an astronomor. The effect of such ad-
ministration is much the same as would result
in a university if the department of mathe-
matics, for example, were placed in charge of a
superannuated clergyman. The routine work
goes on pleasantly, but with no scientific energy
except that which the subordinates get from
external professional associations. Subordi-
nates who are exceptionally able may, as some
have done, accomplish much good work under
such depressing circumstances ; but those less
ambitious are apt to lapse into mere time serv-
ers. This form of administration leads also to
pressure for position in the service by those little
competent to undertake astronomical work.
The way in which some of the highest positions
on the Naval Observatory staff have been ob-
tained in recent years, through ‘pulls’ and
‘influence,’ and competition of all kinds except
that of merit, is a standing disgrace to all men
of science. ;
To remedy these defects, and to make of the
Naval Observatory a National Observatory,
some rather radical changes are essential. The
Observatory should cease to be a mere bureau
of or appendage to the navy, and the surest
way to accomplish this end will be to transfer
the Observatory to some other department. The
Director or Superintendent of the Observatory
should be an astronomer of acknowledged
ability, and the members of his staff should be
chosen by reason of merit only. The conduct
of the work of the Observatory should be sub-
ject to the approval of a board of regents, sim-
ilar to that of the Smithsonian Institution, half
of whom should be chosen from astronomers
and physicists not in the government service,
and half from members of Congress. Some
such system of administration, free so far as
practicable from the contamination of spoils
and politics, appears to be absolutely indispen-
sable to the maintenance of an Observatory
worthy of American science.
R. S. WoopwARD.
your questions relating to the United States
Naval Observatory I assume that you do not
expect an elaborate article, but merely the
expression of my individual opinion in a few
words. I take the topics in order.
I. If no such establishment existed, and it
were a question of founding an observatory, I
should say no. Atleast not before government
methods had considerably improved.
With buildings and plant on hand, which
have cost nearly a million of dollars, it is prob-
ably best to keep it up, though I am not quite
sure of this.
Il. Systematic work with meridian circle in
determination of places of stars and planets.
Measurements of double stars and positions of
comets and minor planets with the equatorial.
In short, the kind of work which Hall and
Eastman kept up for many years and which is
not likely to receive the necessary attention at
private observatories.
III. I do not quite understand this question.
If the meaning is as follows: Is it desirable
for government to establish another observatory
in order to atone for the shortcomings of that
now existing ? there can be only one answer.
The requisite conditions, in my opinion, are
not likely to be fulfilled by any observatory es-
tablished within the political atmosphere of
Washington. C. L. DooLirrie.
To THE EpIToR oF SCIENCE: In reply to
question number one I should say: Had we no
observatory, no. It does not require a 26-inch
telescope to test a chronometer. (2) Since we
already have such an institution, it seems to me
that the best work it can undertake will be large
and expensive pieces of routine work, such as a
private observatory would be unlikely to take
up, and could only be accomplished by a com-
bination of them. (8) The Naval Observatory
certainly does not fulfill this idea. The work
it is to undertake should, I think, be decided
by a committee suitably appointed. It should
have a civilian astronomer at its head.
To THE EpIToR OF SCIENCE: The question
whether the United States should maintain
a National Astronomical Observatory must
largely depend for its answer upon the opinion
which we may adopt with regard to the pro-
priety of employing money raised by taxation
in the support of any branch of pure science.
It may be held that the taxpayers should not
be made to contribute to undertakings in which
they cannot be supposed, as a whole, to feel
any decided interest, and which, so far as they
are beneficial, must benefit mankind at large,
rather than the particular nation supporting
them. But various branches of applied science
must be cultivated at the national expense, and
it is difficult to draw a definite boundary sepa-
rating abstract inquiries and their practical ap-
plications. Some liberty of research, too, on
the part of men engaged in any scientific
work, seems desirable to prevent them from
falling into too mechanical a routine. In this
country, where the science of astronomy is so lib-
erally supported by private munificence, there
is, doubtless, very little occasion for a National
Observatory ; still, since such an institution
exists, and has done much interesting work, as
Professor Skinner shows, most of us would
probably dislike to have it abandoned without
further trial.
The most obviously valuable service which a
National Observatory can render is the mainte-
nance of such observations as ure apt to be
neglected elsewhere, from their want of im-
[N. 8. Vou. IX. No. 222.
mediate interest. Such, for example, are the
determinations of position of the sun, moon
and planets, which have been kept up assid-
ously at the Naval Observatory since 1861, as
Professor Skinner assures us at the close of his
article. It would hardly be advisable to con-
fine the work of the institution rigidly to a
routine of this kind, so planned as to leave the
astronomers no time for pursuits more stimula-
ting to the intellect ; but if they should attempt
to undertake all kinds of researches most in
vogue at the present moment we could not ex-
pect from them many solid additions to human
IT do not feel myself competent to judge
whether the Naval Observatory is to be re-
garded, comparatively speaking, as a success or
as a failure, or whether any change in its
organization would decidedly improve it. I
know that complaints of the amount and qual-
ity of its work have often been made, and I
have been puzzled by the manner in which
these complaints have been met. In similar
cases we usually find the persons criticised in-
clined to excuse what may seem to be their
shortcomings by their want of means, or by
the uncertainty whether their present pecuniary
support will be continued, or, perhaps, in other
instances, by a defective organization imposed
upon them from without. But, unless I misun-
derstand what I have heard, the astronomers
of the Naval Observatory generally agree that
their chief has all necessary power to carry out
his plans promptly and effectively ; that this
power hardly needs to be exerted, because they
form a united and harmonious body, animated
by purely scientific zeal; that Congress has
supplied them abundantly with funds, and that
they entertain no apprehension that this liberal
support will be withdrawn, or that they will
be under the necessity of neglecting their scien-.
tific pursuits in order to solicit its continuance.
If this impression of mine, which I acknowl-
edge to be a vague one, is correct, either the
critics must be in error or there is something in
the mere atmosphere of Washington, or in any
connection with the government of the United
States, which is unfavorable to the cultivation
of astronomy.
Public criticism of a public institution must
MARcH 31, 1899. ]
not be blamed, even if it is ill founded; and I
am inclined to depend upon it for the correc-
tion of any defects which may exist in the man-
agement of the Naval Observatory. If the
critics cannot agree among themselves no
change is probably required, but if there is a
general accordance among them it will be diffi-
cult for the Washington astronomers to persist
in opposition to the scientific sentiment of the
country. For example, the publication of the
Washington observations has often been con-
sidered needlessly irregular and dilatory. If
this criticism is just, and if the Naval Observ-
atory has ample means for the reduction and
publication of its work, I can hardly doubt that
the mere repetition of the complaint will before
long succeed in removing the occasion for it.
tions are fundamental.
1. The right to existence of a National As-
tronomical Observatory supported by the United
States seems to me beyond dispute, and this
too for the reason that certain classes of as-
tronomical observations, such as those of the
positions of sun, moon and the larger planets,
must be maintained with a regularity seldom
attained in an observatory subject to the vicis-
situdes of a changing policy or to the fluctua-
tion of available funds. In general, those re-
searches which demand long series of observa-
tions whose accumulation is likely to outlast
the activity of an individual astronomer require
an institution having the stability of a National
For example, Holden’s inquiry as to the
evidences of change of form in nebulze, which
appeared in the Washington Observations for
1878, is a preliminary discussion whose final
answer can best be given by comparison of a
series of photographs taken under identical
conditions at regular intervals and accumulated
perhaps for some centuries. Such a work seems
eminently suitable for a National Observatory.
But (8) the New Naval Observatory does
not now fulfill, andneed never fulfill, these ob-
jects so completely that the cooperation of
other institutions shall be unnecessary ; and a
Your ques.
carefully considered scheme for the division of
labor and the cooperation of working astrono-
mers would add to the efficiency of every ob-
servatory in the land. Indeed, it may be said
that already, without any set compact, there is
a tacit recognition of the fitness of individuals
for special work, and a partial relinquish-
ment of such work to the men whose attain-
ments, or the institutions whose outfits, promise
the best results.
It would be very easy to criticise the present
Naval Observatory, but probably few of us
could do better under the existing system, which
is not sufficiently elastic, and which fails to rec-
ognize that Science is like a living plant and
must have room to grow. I will confine my-
self to one example. The accumulation of
accurate magnetic records, and their comparison
with cosmic phenomena, ought to be an unin-
terrupted work, undertaken with the design of
making it permanent, and as such it is suitable
for a National Observatory. The folly of con-
tinuing magnetic observations in the rapidly
altering environment of a great city, where
electric currents generate a variable magnetic
field of their own, has been abundantly demon-
strated. Scientific opinion and common sense
demand the immediate removal of the magnetic
part of the working outfit of the Naval Observ-
atory to one or more suitable localities, far
removed from civilization, but the sluggish re-
sponse of a conservative authority which finds
it difficult to conceive of a National Observatory
in any other place than Washington, D. C., bids
fair to leave a gap in our records unless indi-
vidual action comes to the rescue. Now, while
it is not desirable that an institution having the
especial character of permanence should shift
its policy on small provocation, there ought be
freedom to meet emergencies.
your significant enquiries :
1. Is it desirable that the government of the
United States should support a national astro-
nomical observatory ?
Yes, the United States, as a leading nation of
the globe, is virtually pledged to equip and
In response to
maintain an astronomical observatory of the
first order.
2. If so, what ends should such an institution
have in view, especially to what classes of astronom-
ical observation and research should it be devoted ?
Such classes of observation and research
should be conducted as will be of the utmost
practical utility :
(A) Observations for determining the precise
positions of the stars upon the celestial sphere.
(B) Spectroscopic observations of precision
for determining the motions of fixed stars toward
and from the solar system.
One telescope of exceptional size should be
devoted to this work.
(C) Determination of the distances of the
principal fixed stars.
(D) Accurate evaluation of the elements con-
cerned in the motion of the earth’s pole of rota-
A zenith telescope of the best construction,
preferably photographic, should be constantly
employed upon this research. Cooperation
with the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the
uninterrupted support of an additional observer
in Manila or Honolulu, is highly desirable.
This service should be maintained with the
utmost rigor for at least twenty-five years.
(#) Meridian observations of position of the
sun, moon and major planets.
Planetary observations should be converted
into errors of celestial longitude and ecliptic
north polar distance, and equations formed con-
necting these errors with the elements of the
planetary tables used in the preparation of the
Nautical Almanac.
(F) Searching investigation of the constant
of meridian refraction should be conducted
uninterruptedly throughout a series of years.
(G) Equatorial observations not previously
specified. These need be but few.
(H) Solar research in several departments.
1. The spots, their number and area, photo-
graphically and visually. An independent
record should be maintained in either Manila
or Honolulu, thereby supplementing, at half
intervals, the similar work at Greenwich, Dehra
Din and the Mauritius.
2. The prominences, photographically and
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 222.
3. The faculee, with the spectroheliograph.
4. The corona, during total eclipses, chiefly
5. The Sun’s Reversing Layer.
6. Bolometric investigation of the infra-red
rays of the solar spectrum.
7. The permanency in character or the sec-
ular variation of lines in the solar spectrum.
8. The permanency or secular variation of
the scolar constant. ~ In the prosecution of 6,
7 and 8 a high-level station might adyan-
tageously be maintained, in either Hawaii or
southern California.
(7) The department of the Astronomical
Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac should not
only prepare and publish this work, at least
three years in advance, but should issue also
accessory publications of especial service to
(J) Magnetic observations ought to be main-
tained, as regards declination, dip and in-
(K) A time-service must be maintained, not
only for the purpose of the Navy, but for the
wide distribution of standard time and the
dropping of time-balls at important localities.
The Superintendent or Director of the goy-
ernment observatory should be held respon-
sible for the efficient prosecution of all branches
of the work under his charge and for its prompt
publication. Also he should be empowered to
choose his subordinates, with or without ex-
amination, their recommendation for appoint-
ment to be subject to approval by a Board of
Visitors at semi-annual sessions. Advance-
ment and discharge should be regulated in a
similar manner.
Davip P. Topp.
questions submitted to me a few days since by
yourself I would reply as follows:
1. It is most emphatically desirable that the
government of the United States should support
a National Astronomical Observatory. There
are certain important lines of astronomical re-
search which are of a character such as not to
appeal to the popular interest and which, if
left to be taken care of by private endowment,
Marcu 31, 1899. ]
will not recieve proper attention. To these
the institution should be devoted.
2. Such an institution should have in view re-
The training of special-
The lines of astro-
search work primarily.
ists should not be ignored.
nomical research which should receive special, if
not exclusive, attention by such an institution
should lie within the scope of what is recognized
by astronomers as astronomy of precision,
though I would not exclude from the realm of
precise astronomy some lines of astro-physical
3. Most emphatically it does not. Routine
work, such as the rating and testing of chronom-
eters and operating a time system, etc., should
be no part of the work of a National Astronom-
ical Observatory. The organization of the ob-
servatory should not be such as to hinder the
most efficient service of its officers nor to curb or
discourage the ingenuity of subordinates. Indi-
vidual initiative should be given freest play.
The machine system of Sir George B. Airy, more
in vogue elsewhere than in the New Naval Ob-
servatory however, and so enthusiastically be-
friended by directors of observatories, should
have no place in its organization, or operation.
It should not be a one-man institution in the
sense that most institutions of this sort have
been which have been called into existence
among us in these latter days and have too
frequently been made to play the part of ma-
chines to lift their directors into notoriety. In
a single word, the organization of the institu-
tion should be democratic and not autocratic.
G. W. MYERs.
To THE EpIToR oF ScIENCE: I will briefly
answer your questions even though I do not
feel suitably prepared to offer unanswerable
proofs or cite dates, events, etc.
1. I feel that it is imperative that the gov-
ernment of the United States should support a
National Astronomical Observatory, not neces-
sarily at Washington.
2. Only through the work of that Observatory
the usual tables of coordinates and other data
can be efficiently and officially produced to
serve the purposes of navigation, etc.
3. The Naval Observatory does not fulfill all
the conditions that it should, so as to bring to
American science an amount of credit propor-
tional to what is done in other branches of the
government. The National Observatory should
make investigations of all kinds with reference
to astronomy, geodesy, meteorology and also
in astro-physics. It should largely extend its
list of apparent places and also add to the
American Ephemeris a larger list of mean
places for the better determination of latitudes
throughout the country.
4, I can see no reason why the National Ob-
servatory should not engage in every branch of
astronomy in which other observatories are at
work. The only trouble lies in the administra-
tion of the National Observatory. I do not
know how things are there at present ; but our
Observatory used to be a source of pride and
usefulness to American scientists ; and since it
has been placed under the control of line offi-
cers it has done very little remarkable work,
and several of its best men have gone else-
where. It seems that military life leads even
the best of men to do routine perfunctory work,
and when the line officers look down upon the
Naval Observatory professors as subordinates
or inferior beings there are a large number of
considerations which tend to diminish the am-
bition which is the result of industrious zest in
scientific work.
I cannot see why the United States govern-
ment could not have in this astronomical ob-
servatory great men adequately paid, in a per-
fectly defined high social position, and with
sufficient appropriations to be engaged in useful
research. The nature of the case demands the
existence of several observatories, properly lo-
cated geographically within our vast domain,
which now extends around the earth.
the questions you have laid before me I may say :
1. In my opinion there can be but little
doubt as to the desirability of a National Astro-
nomical Observatory, supported by the govern-
ment of the United States. Our geographical
position on a meridian one quarter way or more
around the globe from those of the great Euro-
pean national observatories affords the means of
supplementing, in a valuable manner, the work
earried on by them, while our more southern
latitude extends the limit and increases the ac-
curacy of useful observation below the equator.
2. The sphere of work of a National Observ-
atory appears to me to comprise mainly such
classes of research as cannot well be undertaken
by university observatories. Of these we have
quite a number, some with the most powerful
of equipments, but in general they are likely,
I think, to devote themselves to investigations
which promise an immediate return of results.
The systematic continuous observation of the
bodies of the solar system for position, such as
has been prosecuted at Greenwich; the con-
struction of catalogues of fundamental stars,
such as those furnished by the Pulkowa obsery-
atory ; the procuring and measurement of photo-
graphic plates of the heavens on the plan
inaugurated by the observatory at Paris, seem
to me, for instance, fields which require such
large resources as scarcely any but a national
institution can command.
3. I should consider the present site of the
New Naval Observatory an admirable one and
the equipment in a considerable degree suffi-
cient for the purposes of a National Observatory
There should, doubtless, be added a powerful
photographic apparatus.
quest I give my opinion on some questions re-
lating to the establishment of a national ob-
servatory in this country, although I believe
that it does not differ materially from the
opinions of other American astronomers.
It seems to me highly desirable that the
United States, like other leading governments,
should support a national astronomical observa-
tory. In the U. 8. Naval Observatory, the
honorable history of which has recently been
so well told in these pages by Professor Skin-
ner, the government already possesses suitable
buildings and instruments and certain changes
in the organization are alone required to con-
vert this institution into a national observatory
of the first rank.
[N.S. Von. 1X. No. 222.
The opinion, which is probably widely held
among astronomers, that this observatory would
be benefited by a change in its organization, is
based on general considerations and does not
reflect on any individuals or class of men. The
splendid efficiency of our naval officers in their
own profession is due not merely to natural
ability and aptitude, but to a long course of
preparatory technical training. Astronomy is
likewise a science which demands the whole of
a man’s best energies. Common sense, there-
fore, as well as the example of other nations,
clearly indicates that a national observatory
should be under the charge of an officer who
has made astronomy his life work. To place it
under the charge of one whose training has
been along different lines is as objectionable as
would be the appointment of civilians to re-
sponsible military commands.
The work of a national observatory would
naturally lie mainly in the field of the older as-
tronomy, more particularly in the making and
discussion of those fundamental observations of
the positions of the heavenly bodies which owe
a large part of their value to their continuity,
and which, therefore, require permanent, thor-
ough organization and secure financial support.
The private or small observatory enjoys the
privilege, in some degree compensatory for the
many disadvantages under which it generally
labors, of taking up researches of doubtful
promise without being called to account in case
of failure. The elaborately equipped and or-
ganized government institution devotes most of
its energies to work of which the results are
certain, the exploration of new fields and ex-
periments in general having only a secondary
place in its program.
Professor Skinner’s article shows that only a
small part of the work done at the Naval Ob-
servatory has any direct reference to the needs
of the Navy Department, while by far the
greater part is such as would properly come
under the province of a national observatory.
The requirements of the navy could, I think,
easily be met by a national observatory by
adopting such methods of codperation as al-
ready exist in other parts of the government
service. JAMES HE. KEELER.
Marcu 31, 1899. ]
Ir may be of interest so near the close of
the century to follow a good commercial
precedent and make an inventory and strike
a balance so as to gain some idea of the
progress in chemistry. One portion of our
stock in trade has caused us a great deal of
trouble all through this century. It was in-
by Mendeléeff in the construction of his
first table and that given by Fownes, whose
text-book was very largely used in England
and in this country. For the later com-
parison we will make use of the tables given
by the American and German committees.
Sixty-three elements come under the com-
parison in the former case and seventy in
the latter. The comparative table follows:
No. atomic weights differing by less than 0.1
“ee “ ae ac “eo ce ec
0.5, <*
troduced as a ‘new line’ at the beginning of
the century and has been of the greatest
value, but has suffered from serious fluctua-
tions. The so-called chemical constants,
namely, the atomic weights, which should
be constants but have not been, have for the
larger part of the century been in a humil-
iating condition of incertitude. But they
are improving, settling down to their true
values, as it were, and there is cause to take
heart of hope concerning them.
Some thirty years ago the Periodic System
was announced. The atomic weights had
emerged from the slough into which they
had sunk by the middle of the century,
thanks to the labors of Cannizzaro, Wil-
liamson and others, but still there was very
little unanimity except with regard to those
for which the fewest data were in our pos-
session. It is difficult to select for com-
parison any representative tables of atomic
weights for these earlier years, as none were
authoritative. In those days there were
no national nor international committees
to consider these matters. We shall not go
far wrong, however, if we take the list used
Mendeléeff and American and
Fownes. German.
35 46
0.1 and less than 0.2 4 9
more than 0.5 6 il
“ce ce 1 4 4
“ oe D 4
ta OY 55 5 Be
es eehO) 2 .
ing “ 3 t
While much is left to be desired, the im-
provement most gratifying. In the
earlier tables 55.5 per cent agreed within
0.1 of the value. The majority of these as
given in the table were whole numbers and
were simply rounded off because the frac-
tions were unknown. The tables of 1899
give 65.7 per cent. of all the elements as
agreeing to the same extent, and here the
most scrupulous care has been observed in
recording the fractional portions. Nearly
eighty per cent. of the atomic weights used
at present vary by 0.2 or less where in the
earlier tables this proportion was only
sixty-two per cent. Nearly thirty per cent.
of the earlier atomic weights varied by 0.5
or more where only five per cent vary now.
None of the present atomic weights vary by
more than one whole number where four-
teen varied a quarter of a century ago, five
of these varying by more than five integers.
It is evident that the list is narrowing down
and that this blot of ignorance and inac-
curacy which has rested upon the science
will soon be removed. Few realize how
great the army of workers along this line
has been and how much work has been ac-
complished. About one hundred and fifty
new determinations of atomic weights have
been made in the last twenty years. Still
a great deal more work remains to be done.
WHILE doing some work for the United
States Fish Commission, during the summers
of 1897 and 1898, to determine the possi-
bility of propagating Eastern oysters on the
Oregon coast, I had an excellent oppor-
tunity to study the question of the sex of
this West coast oyster. To the best of my
knowledge, this question has never been ap-
proached hitherto.
During the spawning season of 1897 in-
dividuals emitting sexual products which
EtG rs
proved under a magnifier to be in some
cases sperm and in other cases eggs were
carefully labelled and separately preserved
in different media. As in Ostrea Virginica,
there is no possibility of mistaking the
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 222.
identity of these sexual products obtained
from the visceral mass; even with the
naked eye the granular appearance of the
eggs is distinct and pronounced, and the
thick, creamy consistency of the non-granu-
lar male fluid can never be confounded
with them.
In my notes for 1897 there is no mention
of finding ova mingled with spermatozoa in
the examination of living products with the
microscope. But, after staining and sec-
tioning a number of individuals, all of which
are labelled males, I almost invariably found
ova in the generative follicles, and amongst
them I observed small, deeply-stained bodies
in dense masses,which I was led to conclude,
even on a preliminary examination, were
masses of spermatozoa (see Fig. 1, Camera
lucida drawing B. & L., 0.1. Obj.g). This
belief was strengthened on using a 5; hom.
imm., by which I could see occasional faint
projections from the small bodies referred
to, which projections I assumed to be the
tails of the spermatozoa, the dots repre-
senting the nucleated heads. The finding
of ova in these sections was, of itself, start-
ling, for when alive and tested for sex they
gave unmistakable evidence of being males.
In the figure, which only represents a por-
tion of one generative follicle, four of the
ova show germinal vesicles.
This season I gave more particular atten-
tion to the microscopic examination of liy-
ing specimens. The seemingly conclusive
results from the study of many individuals
is here given. Ina specimen of fluid from
a male I observed, among free spermatozoa
covering the field, collections of sperm cells
which I will call ‘sperm masses.’ Each
sperm cell in a mass possessed a tail, and
these tails, actively waving to and fro in
the salt water under the cover slip, caused
the mass to move about. These tails were
seen fairly well with a} obj. These living
sperm masses I regard as identical with the
deeply-stained masses seen among the ova
MaAnRcH 31, 1899. ]
in sections, an example of which is shown
in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows free sperm
and sperm masses as they appeared in the
Fic. 2.
field of the microscope. Several oysters,
evidently males, were opened with the same
results. It yet remained to find living ova
in specimens containing spermatozoa in
order to more. fully support my conclusions
as regards the bisexual conditions of this
species. This was not difficult, for I shortly
discovered in a specimen several immature
eggs floating amongst spermatozoa and
sperm masses. None of these ova were be-
ing attacked by the male cells. Later, in a
specimen full of spermatozoa, I found a ma-
ture egg, completely surrounded by male
cells, which were attacking it with great
vehemence. Figure 3 (cam. luc.O,. 1, Obj.
1) shows this egg, the light area evidently
denoting the position of the germinal ves-
In the drawing only a portion of the pe-
riphery is represented as being attacked.
We know that in Ostrea Virginica the egg
does not become round until fertilized. Ar-
guing from analogy the egg shown above
has been fertilized.
From the results of the work described
above I have no hesitation in declaring that
Ostreu lurida, the native oyster of the North-
west coast, is hermaphroditic.
In this connection it is interesting to note
that Karl Mobius, in 1871, claimed that the
sexes of the European oyster, O. edulis, are
separate at the breeding season (vide his
‘ Untersuchungen tiber die Fortpflanzungs-
verhaltnisse der Schleswigschen Austern.’
In 1877 (‘Die Austern und die Austern-
wirtschaft’) he concluded that the sex of the
European oyster changes after the repro-
ductive elements have been discharged from
the body. He has hardly valid reasons for
this conclusion. Professor John McCrady
(‘ Observations on the Food and Repro-
ductive Organs of Ostrea Virginiana, with
some account of Bucephalus euculus ;’ Proc.
Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist., Dec. 3, 1873)
declares that he saw in O. Virginica, among
small immature ovarian eggs, spermatozoa,
separate and in masses, moving about with-
out attacking the eggs and without any ap-
parent change taking place in the young
germinal vesicle. *
F. L. WasHBvurn.
UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, November 16, 1898.
*In connection with Professor Washburn’s paper
it may be desirable to quote the following note, from
the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences
of Philadelphia (1892, p. 351 ),to which Professor Conk-
lin has called our attention. ‘‘ The Hermaphroditism
and viviparity of the Oysters of the Northwest Coast of
the United States. Professor J. A. Ryder reported on
behalf of Professor R. C. Schiedt of Franklin and
Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa., the latter’s discoy-
M. Paut Renavp has recently contrib-
uted an extensive and valuable paper on
applications, effected in Germany, of elec-
trical engineering in the processes of agricul-
ture, and remarks upon its future in France
and her colonies.*
An earlier paper had been contributed by
the same writer on the subject of agricul-
tural electrical engineering, in which he
had endeavored to exhibit the possibilities
of such applications, and the present publi-
cation has permitted the review of progress
to date in realizing earlier dreams and
hopes. He proposes, later, to study the
progress of this new art and applied science
in the United States. In Germany the
government has placed its own domains at
the disposition of investigators and exper-
imentalists, and the German Society of
Agriculture has established exhibitions and
competitions resulting in the general dis-
semination of knowledge thus acquired
among its members and agriculturists gen-
In the production of this form of energy
the wind has been availed of; the system of
M. La Cour permitting the use of wind-
mills by insuring a satisfactory system of
regulation of mill and dynamo. Water-
ery of the fact that the oysters native to the north-
west coast of the United States are hermaphrodite
and viviparous. Specimens from the coast of Oregon
and Washington show that the same conditions exist
in the reproductive follicles as in those of Ostrea edulis
of Europe. The presence of eges and of spermato-
blasts and spermatozoa in the same follicle is the in-
variable rule. The ova, like those of O. edulis, are
much larger than those of O. Virginica, though per-
haps not quite so large as the former. The embryos
are fertilized in the gill and mantle cavities, where
they undergo development.’’—Ed. ScrENCE.
os L’Electrotechnique agricole en Allemagne, son
avenir en France and dans nos colonies ; par M. Paul
Renaud, ingenieur, ancien éléve de V’Ecole de Phy-
sique et Chémie industrielles de Paris ; Bulletin de
la Société d’ Encouragement pour Industrie Nationale;
Paris, Jan., 1899 ; p. 15.
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 222.
power has become the principal source of
power in this work in many sections of the
country, and its regulation has also been
made effective, in some cases, by Reiter’s
electric brake and governor, as constructed
by the Reiter Co., at Winterthur (Switzer-
land). Like all hydraulic regulators, how-
ever, it is costly, its price being about $400.
Recently the gas and petroleum motors
are coming into use as prime motors for
agricultural work of this character. They
are considered to exhibit great advantages
over the preceding forms. The use of pro-
ducer gas (‘ gaz pauvre’) is said to give the
horse-power at about one-half the cost, in
fuel, of the power of the steam-engine, and
it requires far less careful or continuous
supervision than the latter. Korting, of
Kortingsdorf, has taken the lead in the in-
troduction of this system. A double-cylin-
der gas-engine and direct-coupled gener-
ators are usually found most satisfactory.
Costs decrease with increase in the propor-
tion of time of operation, and the mean
given corresponds to pretty nearly a varia-
tion as the fourth root of the annual time
of working in hours.
The costs of transmission of the electric
energy and of its application in ploughing,
in the transportation of merchandise and in
other farm operations, are stated as resulting
from experience of the character indicated,
and it is finally concluded :
1. The electric installation may be em-
ployed where a prime motor is already in
place, as a steam-engine or a water-wheel,
for the purpose of transmitting that energy
to the point at which it is proposed, for a
time, to perform work, as of operating the
plough, centrifugal pumps, ete., in the field,
and the various apparatus of the farm,
within and without the buildings.
2. The electric plant may be installed at
any point found convenient or desirable, as
it can be arranged to supply the required
power at any point, near or far, over a small
MARrcH 31, 1899. ]
copper wire at little cost in time, trouble or
3. The same motor may be employed for
various purposes, successively and at any
time, with any forms of agricultural ma-
chinery ; its small size and portability per-
mitting its transport from one point to
another with ease.
4. The facility with which the current
may be divided and applied permits its use
in driving a number of machines, of various
forms, at the same time and in different
5. It allows the supply, at the same time,
of power for machinery and for light and
even for heat.
6. It affords safety against fire, where
properly established, and heat, light and
power may be thus furnished at minimum
7. The manipulation of the apparatus is
simple and easy.
8. This system permits the instantaneous
operation of fire-pumps to confine and ar-
rest an incipient fire; it being provided
with a suitable system of distributing
water mains.
9. By use in prompt suppression of epi-
demics, by destroying the first cases, exten-
sive contagion and resultant dangers and
sacrifices of life and property are avoided.
It is thought that the great sub-division
of agricultural lands in France will prevent
the introduction of such systems as rapidly
as is desirable for the purpose of success-
fully competing with adjacent countries of
Europe. Butit remains for the electricians
and engineers to secure capital, to distrib-
ute electrical energy at low costs, to rent
out apparatus and even to see it properly
manipulated by furnishing expert opera-
tives, in order that the peasant may not be
called upon to provide capital which it is
almost impossible for him to find. The
agriculturists must combine, form syndi-
cates, and thus make powerful that energy
which is powerless in single and separated
elements. The great proprietor will find it
to his advantage to lead in the introduction
of the new systems ; setting an example to
his neighbors that may later prove fruitful
of great good.
In the colonies, it is stated, a spirit of
threatening democracy is likely to make
them, for a long time, comparatively unpro-
ductive, and even the legislators are not
always without blame. ‘ They go to their
constituents with a ery against machinery
which has always been most vehemently
raised among these classes, especially
against the introduction of machinery for
hand-work.” The fact is, of course, precisely
the opposite, and the introduction of ma-
chinery has always benefited the workmen
more than other classes. ‘‘ Augmenting
the returns to the proprietor, they permit
him to raise the wages of those who con-
tinue to work on the soil.”
R. H. TuHursron.
Geology of the Edwards Plateau and Rio Grande
Plain adjacent to Austin and San Antonio,
Texas, with Reference to the Occurrence of Un-
derground Waters. By Roserr T, Hitt and
T. WAYLAND VAUGHAN. From the Eight-
eenth Annual Report of the United States
Geological Survey, 1896-97, Part Il.—Papers
Chiefly of a Theoretic Nature, pp. 193-821;
pl. xxilxiv. Washington, Government
Printing Office. 1898.
This is, without doubt, one of the most im-
portant contributions to Texas geology in recent
years. While the purpose of the authors is
primarily to deal with the artesian water prob-
lem, they have in reality done much more, as is
at once apparent by reference to their complete
and detailed descriptions of the geology of this
‘The artesian wells of the eastern half of
Texas belong to several distinct systems, the
term ‘system’ including all wells having
their source in the same set of rock sheets or
strata. * In the Cretaceous formations
alone there are no fewer than five, and two of
these—the Travis Peak, or Waco, and the Ed-
wards—receive consideration in this paper.’’
To those familiar with the Texas Cretaceous
a change in nomenclature is at once noticeable
—the term ‘Travis Peak’ being employed for
the formation heretofore known as ‘Trinity
Sands,’ and ‘Edwards’ for the ‘Caprina lime-
stone.’ These and similar changes are made,
as the authors state, by refining the previous
nomenclature, appropriate geographic names
being substituted wherever possible for paleon-
tologic and mineralogic terms.
An investigation of the source of the artesian
water at and in the vicinity of San Antonio was
productive of the following results: ‘‘ That
while these well waters come from the same
series of beds that supply the artesian wells of
the Waco, Fort Worth and Dallas region north
of the Colorado, their occurrence presents some
important differences of detail. Instead of
having their immediate source in beds of porous
sands, like the wells about Waco, they are de-
rived largely from the Edwards limestone,
hitherto supposed to be one of the most imper-
vious formations of the whole Cretaceous sec-
tion’’ (p. 200). ‘‘It became apparent,’’ the re-
port continues, ‘‘ that this hitherto unappreciated
water-bearing formation had great possibilities
for supplying with flowing or non- flowing wells
a large area of country lying between Austin
and San Antonio, extending west of the San
Antonia River along the northern margin of the
Rio Grande Plain towards the Pecos River, and
even comprising the extensive summit region
of the Edwards Plateau’’ (p. 200).
Two classes of outflowing waters are recog-
nized—the one following the margin of the Rio
Grande Plain, the other appearing in the can-
yous of the Edwards Plateau.
The introduction which has here been briefly
outlined gives but a faint idea of the detailed
work which has been so creditably done by the
The geography of the region is now taken up,
the chief features of which are the Rio Grande
Plain, the Edwards Plateau and its, ‘jagged
southeastward front’ called the Balcones Scarp.
‘« Broadly considered, they are a lowland plain
inclining gently southeastward to the Gulf of
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 222.
Mexico, an upland plain rising gradually to-
wards the northwest, and a rugged zone of
separation which includes a quick ascent from
plain to plain.’’ .
The Rio Grande Plain is characterized by a
low relief, yet attention is called to the fact that
occasionally hills of considerable magnitude are
encountered ; buttes, capped with limestone, or
sedimentary below and igneous above; old vol-
canic necks, as Pilot Knob, south of Austin ;
rounded masses of basalt, as Sulphur Peak, in
Uvalde county. ‘‘The Anacacho Hills, extend-
ing east and west in southern Kinney county
and constituting the most rugose part of the
plain are of still another type, consisting of a
monoclinal plateau, or cuesta, sloping south-
ward and presenting a steep scarp to the north.”’
Climatically the plain may be divided into
the eastern, or humid and sub-humid region and
the western, or arid region. Beyond Bexar
county Continuous cultivation is impossible on
account of aridity.
The Balcones Scarp, the position of which
“is determined by a complex dislocation of the
rocks, the Balcones fault,’’ is the dissected edge
of the Edwards Plateau. Numerous hills of
denudation, locally known as mountains, here
rise above the Rio Grande Plain—in the vicinity
of Austin, 400 feet ; in Uvalde county, 1000 feet.
The elevated Edwards Plateau merges into
the Llano Estacado. Between them there is no
definite line of separation, yet their surface
characters, soil and rocks, give to each a pecu-
liarity of its own.
The main drainage of the Edwards Plateau
is to the east and southeast, and, as its water-
shed lies well to the westward, the erosion of
the streams flowing into the Pecos is but
The observer in crossing the Balcones line
“experiences a sudden and complete change of
scenery, with accompanying changes in floral,
geologic and cultured conditions.’? Three sim-
ple topographic elements are presented, viz.:
“The flat-topped summits of the decaying
plateau; the breaks or slopes of its crenulated
borders and canyoned valleys ; [and] the stream
The cap-rock of the plateau is the Edwards
(Caprina) limestone.
Marcu 31, 1899. ]
As the streams of this region have an impor-
tant bearing upon the underground flow of
water, the Rio Frio has been selected as a type
and described in detail. ‘‘ The caletas and up-
per canyons are usually dry and waterless ar-
royos, except in time of storm. The flat-bot-
tomed canyons contain permanent pools of
flowing water, fed by springs and on the lower
plain the running water disappears entirely or
for a considerable distance.”’
Brief mention is also made of the caverns of
the plateau, as they likewise are concerned
with the question of underground waters. Three
types are recognized : ‘‘(1) small cavities within
individual limestone strata, giving them what is
locally termed a honeycombed structure; (2)
open caverns occuring in certain bluff faces
along the stream valleys; (8) underground
caverns of vast extent dissolved out of many
The flora is next discussed. It presents three
phases: that of the stream bottoms; ‘ that of
the breaks, and that of the summit.’?’ Among
the interesting facts recorded mention may be
made of one: the occurrence of the cypress.
‘¢This tree, which ordinarily grows only in the
swamps and bayous of the low subcoastal re-
gions, attains an enormous size at the edge of
the deeper holes near the heads of permanent
water of the Pedernalis, Blanco, San Marcos,
Guadalupe, Cypress, Onion Creek and other
streams. These localities are at altitudes from
1,000 to 1,750 feet above the sea, and hundreds
of miles west of the great cypress swamps of
the eastern tier of Texan counties, with which
they have no possible continuity. * * * *
‘Before entering upon the geology of the re-
gion a few pages are devoted to a statement of
‘the general principals of artesian waters.’
Under the caption ‘Capacity of Rocks for Ab-
sorbing Moisture’ the following succinct state-
ment is given concerning the water-bearing
strata of Texas: ‘‘ The artesian water-bearing
strata of the State east of the Pecos River are
composed mostly of extensive sheets of sands,
clays and limestones, succeeding one another
in orderly arrangement, except along the Bal-
cones zone of faulting, and in general having
a gentle inclination towards the sea, so that in
travelling northwestward, although constantly
ascending in altitude, one encounters the out-
cropping edges of rock sheets of lower and
lower stratigraphic position. This produces
the simple arrangement of a tilted plain built
up of a series of alternately impervious and
pervious layers. The rain falling upon the out-
cropping edges of the latter sinks into the
embed and by gravity is conducted seaward
down the plain of its inclination to lower levels
beneath the surface. Each different stratum,
including any particular water-bearing stratum,
becomes embedded deeper and deeper to the
southeastward of the point where it outcrops at
the surface.’’
The rocks appearing in the region under dis-
cussion are tabulated as follows :
Wash deposits of the hillsides, stream-bed ma-
terial, ete.
Onion Creek marl ; Leona formation, and other
terrace deposits.
Uvalde formation.
Gulf Series.
Webberville and Eagle Pass |
fOrMAbIONS eater sessetoe eee ees |
Austin chalk......... meee rs Aplield
Eagle Ford shales..............+ p Colorado division.
Comanche Series.
Shoal Creek limestone.........
DelRiol clayese. ice cecen .... ~ Washita division.
Fort Worth limestone......... i)
Edwards limestone.............
Comanche Peak limestone....
) Fredericksburg
A division.
Walnut formation............... )
Glen Rose formation........... )
Travis Peak and allied forma- + Trinity division.’’
GLONNS ener tar wee iced eelclcnvie setters
Most of the above formations are minutely
described, especially the Cretaceous, and many
measured sections given. The carefully exe-
cuted work about Austin will be extremely
valuable to students, as that locality affords a
most inviting field for study.
The chemical lime deposits merit a line in
passing. In many parts of Texas, where the
country rock is chalky, some of the calcareous
matter is evidently redistributed through the
agency of rains. By the subsequent evapora-
tion of the water a superficial cement or crust
is formed which may involve pebbles distributed
over the surface—this is ‘ tepetete.’
The igneous rocks of the Rio Grande Plain
occur ‘along the interior margin.’ They are
basic. The rock from Pilot Knob has been de-
scribed as nephaline-basalt.*
The arrangement of the strata is next con-
sidered. The Cretaceous rocks are shown to
have great persistency, while their dip towards
the coast is but slight. The Balcones fault zone
has already been mentioned as forming the
‘abrupt southern termination of the Edwards
Plateau.’ ‘‘ The strata on the seaward side of
the faults have been dropped down, so that any
particular stratum—the top of the Edwards lime-
stone, for instance—lies 500 to 1,000 feet lower
on the coastward or downthrow side of the
fracture than on the interior or upthrow side.”’
It should, however, be borne in mind ‘‘ that the
fault zone really consists of many faults, having
subparallel directions all concentrated in a nar-
row belt of country.’’ The displacement at
Mt. Bonnell, on the Colorado above Austin, is
such that the Eagle Ford shales of the Gulf se-
ries are brought in contact with the Glen Rose
beds of the Comanche series. ;
Our authors now enter upon a discussion of
the water capacity of the various rock sheets.
The impervious layers are, of course, non-
water-bearing, and to this class, south of the
Colorado River, belong nearly all the Creta-
ceous rocks above the Edwards limestone. On
the other hand, ‘‘rocks of open texture, such
as sands, conglomerates, porous and chalky
limestones, and massive rocks broken by joints,
fissures, honeycombs or other openings, are
usually water-bearing. These are mostly found
below the Del Rio clay.’? The proof of the
water-bearing property of the Edwards lime-
stones is supplied by the ‘‘ great springs * * *
bursting out of them at the head waters of the
Llano, Guadalupe, Frio and Neuces Rivers ;’’ by
the artesian well records at Manor, San Marcos
and San Antonio, and by the ordinary wells of
the Edwards Plateau. The distribution of water
* J. F. Kemp. See Pilot Knob: ‘A Marine Cre-
taceous Volcano,’ by Robt. J. Hilland J. F. Kemp.
Amer. Geologist, Vol. VI., 1890, p. 292.
» taken up:
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 222.
is facilitated also by the honeycomb and cavern-
ous character of certain limestone layers. The
opinion is expressed that the Travis Peak and
Gillespie formations, at the very base, contain
‘‘a greater quantity of water than any other
beds of the Comanche series.”’
The underground water of the region is next
(1) The waters of the Edwards
Plateau ; (2) The waters of the Rio Grande
Plain. In many instances non-flowing wells,
springs and artesian wells receive detailed
treatment; of the latter logs are frequently
given, as in the case of the Austin wells, the
San Marcos well, the Manor well and those of
San Antonio. Under the chemical qualities of
the waters mention should be made of the ex-
cellent analyses of waters from Austin and vi-
cinity, made by Dr. Henry Winston Harper, of
the University of Texas.
Of the fissure springs, those at San Marcos,
San Antonio, New Braunfels, Austin, etc., are
well known. On p. 311 is given a table of the
discharge of the various spring rivers, the San
Marcos reaching 57,522,200 gallons in twenuty-
four hours, and the Comal 221,981,932 gallons
in the same time. From a study of the strata
and their faulting the authors conclude that
“‘these waters come from the deep-seated rocks
and are forced to the surface by hydrostatic
pressure. Hence they are artesian in nature
and constitute natural artesian wells.’’ Taking
into consideration the color, taste, temperature,
volume, freedom from sulphuretted hydrogen,
the conclusion is reached that ‘‘ their water is
derived from either the ‘sweet water’ horizon
of the Edwards formation or the Travis Peak
sands, that is, they have the same source as the
purer waters of the artesian wells.’’
As to the source of the underground waters,
the fact that the Pecos breaks the continuity of
the strata renders it impossible, as the authors
point out, to consider the Rocky Mountain
region in this connection. They contend, on the
other hand, that the Plateau of the Plains is the
real source ; that ‘‘much of the rain water is
caught directly upon the edges of the Glen Rose
and lower beds which outcrop along the west-
ern and northern summits, breaks and margins
of the Plateau * * * atan elevation higher
than that of their embedded continuation along
Marcu 31, 1899. ]
its eastern and southern margin.’’? Of the rain-
fall on the Edwards Plateau a large part must
reach the water-bearing strata by percolating
By the Balcones faulting, however, the con-
tinuity of the beds is broken on the southeast
and south; hence the contained water must
either escape through fissures, forming fissure
springs, or be forced into the porous beds un-
derlying the Rio Grande Plain—beds which oc-
cupy a different position in the geologic col-
umn, as, for instance, the porous Edwards
limestone abutting the water-bearing Glen Rose
The report is enriched with many excellent
plates, not to mention maps and diagrams. Of
the former, fourteen illustrate the characteris-
tic fossils of the principal formations encountered
in drilling for artesian water.
A Handbook of Medical Climatology: EXmbody-
ing its Principles and Therapeutic Applica-
tion, with Scientific Data of the Chief Health
Resorts of the World. By 8. EDWIN SoLty,
M. D., M. R. C.8., Late President of the
American Climatological Association. Phila-
delphia and New York, Lea Bros. & Co. II-
lustrated. Cl. 8vo. Pp. 470. Price, $4.00.
This work is a systematic treatise on climate
in its medical relations. It affords precise in-
formation with reference to health resorts, en-
abling physicians and their patients to obtain
unprejudiced reports as to localities without re-
liance on the scattered and often unreliable
data hitherto available.
The first two sections deal with the principles
of medical climatology ; the effect of cold;
humidity ; perspiration ; barometric pressure ;
the effect of climate as seen in different races of
men; and the geographical distribution of dis-
The application of climate to the treatment of
phthisis forms an important chapter of seventy
pages. It bears evidence of the author’s large
experience with this affection. The effect of
climate on other organs besides the lungs is also
We believe it would have been wiser not to
have attempted to cover the entire globe in the
treatment of this extensive subject. The por-
tion devoted to the United States is ample so
far as it relates to the Rocky Mountain Region
and the Pacific Slope. It is presented in such
an attractive manner that we wish that the
Eastern and Middle States had been more fully
exploited. At least a paragraph on Atlantic
City and Cape May might well have been added,
not to mention other resorts on the New Jersey
coast. Bedford Springs and Glen Summit, in
Pennsylvania, seem to have escaped the author's
attention. In a work of this kind sins of omis-
sion are almost inevitable, and it is difficult to
make the text so even as to satisfy critics from
every locality. We do not know of any one
better qualified to discuss the intricacies of the
American climates than Dr. Solly; certainly no
one hitherto has presented the subject in so at-
tractive and useful a volume.
THE first number of the American Anthro-
pologist, new series, to the plans for which we
have already called attention, has been issued
by Messrs. G. P. Putnam’s Sons. The number,
which contains 200 pages and 10 plates, is made
up as follows :
Powell, J. W. Esthetology, or the Science of Ac-
tivities designed to give Pleasure.
Brinton, Daniel G. The Calchaqui: an Archeo-
logical Problem.
Mason, Otis T. Aboriginal American Zodtechny.
Fletcher, Alice C. A Pawnee Ritual used when
changing a Man’s Name.
Boas, Franz. Some Recent Criticisms of Physical
Holmes, W. H. Preliminary Revision of the Evi-
dence relating to Aurifereus Gravel Man in Cali-
fornia, (First Paper.)
Brinton, Daniel G. Professor Blumentritt’s Stud-
ies of the Philippines.
Mooney, James. The Indian Congress at Omaha.
Hough, Walter. Korean Clan Organization.
Gatschet, A. 8. ‘Real,’ ‘True,’ or ‘Genuine’ in
Indian Languages.
Tooker William Wallace. The adopted Algonquian
term ‘ Poquosin.’
Anthropologie Literature.
Current Bibliography of Anthropology.
Notes and News.
Mr. F. W. Hodge is secretary and managing
editor, and the editorial board consists of Frank
Baker, Smithsonian Institution, Washington ;
Franz Boas, American Museum of Natural His-
tory, New York; Daniel G. Brinton, Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; George M.
Dawson, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa;
George A. Dorsey, Field Columbian Museum,
Chicago; Alice C. Fletcher, Harvard Univer-
sity, Cambridge; W. H. Holmes, U.S. National
Museum, Washington; J. W. Powell, Bureau
of American Ethnology, Washington; F. W.
Putnam, Peabody Museum, Cambridge. The
journal, published quarterly, at a cost of four
dollars a year, deserves the support of all in-
terested in anthropology, as it will accomplish
much for the science, which is now making such
great advances.
THE first article in the American Naturalist
for March is by Professor J. P. McMurrich, on
‘The Present Status of Anatomy ;’ various ad-
vances in the study of anatomy are described,
and a strong plea made for the study of com-
parative anatomy as an aid to the understand-
ing of human anatomy. Dr. Erwin F. Smith
records ‘The Second Annual Meeting of the
Society for Plant Morphology and Physiology,’
and submits abstracts of the papers presented.
Professor J. 8. Kingsley and W. H. Ruddick
discuss ‘The Ossicula Anditus and Mammalian
Ancestry,’ deciding, as the result of their ob-
servations, that the incus has been correctly re-
garded as the quadrate. The probability of an
amphibian origin for the Mammals is favorably
considered. Professor Harris H. Wilder treats at
some length of Desmognathus fusca (Rafinesque)
and Spelerpes bilineatus (Green), two species
often confused with each other, particularly in
their larval state. The habitat and develop-
ment of eachis described. ‘The Poisons Given
Off by Parasitic Worms in Man and Animals’
are briefly noted by Dr. G. H. F. Nuttall, who
considers that this isa fruitful field for research.
Dr. Leonhard Stejneger describes ‘A Curious
Malformation of the Shields of a Snake’s
Head,’ whereby the scutellation was completely
changed. Among the editorials one protests
against too strict an adherence to the laws of
priority. The many readers of the Naturalist
EN. S. Vou. IX. No. 222,
will note with pleasure that the table of con-
tents is provided with page references.
THE leading article of the April Monist is on
‘The Primitive Inhabitants of Europe,’ by Pro-
fessor G. Sergi, of Rome, and sets forth the
criteria which this anthropologist has estab-
lished for distinguishing race-types. The monu-
mental work of Mr. Shadworth H. Hodgson,
‘The Metaphysic of Experience,’ is discussed
at length by Dr. Edmund Montgomery. Mr.
William Romaine Paterson contributes an ar-
ticle on ‘The Irony of Jesus,’ in which the
intellectual and critical side of the great Teacher
is emphasized. Dr. Paul Carus has a study in
comparative called ‘Yahveh and
Manitou,’ in which he draws a parallelism be-
tween Yahveh, the Israelitish God of the desert,
and the great deity of the North American In-
dians. Professor L. Lévy-Bruhl, of Paris,
offers a study of ‘The Contemporaneous Phi-
losophy of France,’ and Lucien Arréat his usual
critical review of current French philosophical
and scientific literature. The book reviews of
the number deal mainly with works on the
philosophy of science, mathematics, physics,
and so forth.
Mr. H. J. WEBBER spoke of some recent re- -
searches in the development of Cobza scandens
which exhibited a hitherto unknown method of
spindle formation.
The remainder of the evening was devoted to
a discussion of the features of the Great Dismal
Swamp. Dr. W. H. Seaman described the pe-
culiar method of getting out lumber by digging
a small ditch, just large enough to accommo-
date a single log. He also stated that a sample
of the clay underlying the lake showed no
diatoms. 3
Mr, F. D. Gardner presented some further
remarks on the soils, saying that the reclaimed
land was extremely good for raising corn, as
the amount of rainfall during the critical month
of August is about twice that of the Western
corn belt.
Mr. F. V. Coville noted the importance of
MARCH 31, 1899. ]
the lake as a feeder for the Dismal Swamp
canal and also as a possible source of water
supply for Norfolk. The cleared land was said
to be well adapted for truck farming, while the
cypress and juniper lumber was also available,
and the latter, being of rapid growth, could be
Mr. William Palmer spoke further on the
physiographic features of the region and of the
animals, stating that the swamp lay near the
northern limit of many Southern species. The
Prothonotary Warbler was said to be abundant,
and the manner in which the Chimney Swifts
bred in the hollow ecypresses was described.
Mr. Vernon Bailey noted the occurrence of
such Northern forms as the Shrew, Star-nosed
Mole and the Lemming Mouse.
Dr. A. K. Fisher spoke of the manner in
which the sphagnum pushed out into the ditches,
and drew attention to the fact that the removal
of the dam at the entrance of the canal feeder
would drain the lake, as the canal had been
dredged out some distance from the shore.
Professor Lester F. Ward gave an account of
a visit to the swamp in 1877.
O. F. Cook,
Recording Secretary.
THE fourth regular meeting was held at the
residence of Mr. A. J. Pieters, March 1, 1899.
Mr. T. A. Williams, in discussing ‘ New or
Interesting Lichens,’ exhibited specimens of
Omphalodium Arizonicum Tuckerm., and re-
ported the collection of this rare lichen in the
White Mountains of New Mexico, by Professor
E. O. Wooton, this being the second time that
the species has been obtained -by collectors.
The original specimens were discovered by C.
G. Pringle in Arizona. The validity of the
genus Omphalodium was discussed, and the
opinion expressed that it was abundantly dis-
tinct from Parmelia. Specimens were also
shown of four new species of lichens belonging
to the genera Siphula, Lecanora, Gyalecta and
Omphalaria, with comments on their distin-
guishing characters and relationships.
Mr. Frederick V. Coville gave a systematic
review of ‘The Currants and Gooseberries of
Southeastern Oregon,’ exhibiting many speci-
mens and explaining the differentiation of
species from aggregates, such as Ribes divarica-
tum and R. lacustre.
Mr. Pieters exhibited a gigantic specimen of
Lophotocarpus calycinus from the shores of Lake
Erie, commenting on its eastern extension.
THE regular monthly meeting of the New
York Section of the American Chemical Society
was held on Friday evening, the 10th inst., at
the Chemists’ Club, 108 West Fifty-fifth street,
Dr. Wm. McMurtrie presiding and eighty-five
members present. Dr. Doremus made a special
announcement of the annual exhibition of the
New York Academy of Sciences, and urged any
members having new and interesting material
to contribute the same to the exhibits.
The following papers were then read :
1. Frederick 8. Hyde, ‘Preparation of
Graphitoidal Silicium.’
2. W. O. Atwater, ‘The Conservation of
Energy in the Human Body.’
3. Joseph F. Geisler, ‘ Paraffin as an Adul-
terant of Oleomargarine.’
4. L. H. Reuter, ‘Manufacture of Pure
Phenyldimethylpyrazolon-sulphonic Acid.’
5. L. H. Reuter, ‘ Manufacture of B Naph-
thalene-sulphonic Acid and Benzoyl-sulphonic
Acid for the Manufacture of Ether.’
6. A. Bourgougnon, ‘ On the Determination
of Sulphur in Sulphites.’
While the first paper'was before the meeting,
the President of the Society, Professor E. W.
Morley, of Cleveland, arrived, and was invited
to take the chair. He made a few remrks on
the interest taken in the Section by its members,
as evidenced not only by the ful] attendance
and interesting list of papers to be read at this
meeting, but by the uniformly high character
and abundance of material announced for each
and every meeting.
Professor Atwater stated that the large calo-
rimeter chamber, in which a man can live for a
week or more at a time, has been so perfected
that an analysis of pure alcohol by combustion
can be made in it to within 0.1 per cent. of the
488 ;
theoretic composition. The results on the calo-
rific value of foods as consumed in the human
body agree very closely with the results calcu-
lated from experiments with the bomb ealo-
rimeter. The chief difficulties at present are in
regard to certain constants, as, for instance,
the value of the calorie, the latent heat of
evaporation of water at different temperatures,
ete. The calculation of the observations from a
week’s run of the calorimeter chamber is itself
an arduous and exacting piece of work. Thus
far the law of the conservation of energy in the
human body is fully demonstrated, within a very
small error, which it is hoped to eliminate en-
tirely. s
J. F. Geisler exhibited a sample of paraffine
extracted from adulterated oleomargarine,
which contained about 45 grains of the wax per
Samples had been purchased in New York
and vicinity containing from 5 to 11.75 per
cent. paraffine. DURAND WOODMAN,
MARCH 6, 1899.
ANNUAL election of officers was held, and
Professor M. I. Pupin elected Chairman, and
Dr. W. 8. Day, Secretary, to serve for the en-
suing year.
Professor J. K. Rees described the great hori-
zontal telescope for the Paris Exposition in 1900.
This instrument is to have a focal length of 66
meters, and is placed horizontally, on account
of the great difficulty of building and moving a
dome large enough for it, if mounted in the
usual manner. A plane mirror is mounted so
as to be capable of motion in any direction, in
order to reflect the light of a star into the tube.
The object glass is 49 inches in diameter. A
number of lantern views of the Yerkes tele-
scope were shown. This, when the Paris in-
strument is completed, will no longer be the
largest in the world.
Dr. P. H. Dudley read a paper entitled:
‘Stresses in Rails due to Thermal Changes,’ in
which he showed that most fractures of rails
occur on a decided fall of temperature, because
the rails, held very tight by the bolts in the
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 222.
splice bars, are strained by the contraction
beyond their tensile strength ; while on a rise
of temperature the expansion of the rails puts
them under a stress of compression ; and ap-
parently the factor of safety of the steel is not
so much reduced under compressive as under
tensile stresses.
AT the meeting of the Academy of Science of
St. Louis on the evening of March 20, 1899,
fifty-three persons present, Dr. T. J. J. See de-
livered an address on the ‘Temperature and
Relative Ages of the Stars and Nebul.’ The
address, which developed quite fully the tem-
perature equation, was discussed at some length
by Professor C. M. Woodward. A paper by
Professor L. H. Pammel, on ‘ Anatomical Char-
acters of the Seeds of Leguminoseze,’ was pre-
sented by title.
Two persons were elected to active member-
Recording Secretary.
PLYMOUTH is a place of great natural beauty
and more undulating than any city with which
I am familiar. It has a population of about
200,000 and is a seaport of much importance,
many of the Oriental and Australian steamships
touching here. It contains one of the largest
navy-yards and garrisons in England. In one
respect it is unique, as far as my experience
goes, for the city touches the harbor at its east-
ern and western extremities only, the central
part being separated from the water-front by a
high open hill called Hoe Park. The rising
face of this hill is tastefully laid out as a park,
while on the summit is an asphalt promenade
150 feet wide and extending for half a mile.
*In a recent private letter toa friend, Dr. Edward
G. Gardiner gives an account of Plymouth, its Labora-
tory, its winter climate and other matters; which it is
believed many readers of SCIENCE will be glad to
have for reference.
MaxgcH 31, 1899.]
From this high platform the land falls rapidly
toward the sea, but the grassy slope is broken
here and there by terraced paths and drives and
the sea breaks at the base on rugged limestone
cliffs. Nestled among the nooks and crannies
of the rocks are various public bath-houses,
and until the end of November numerous bath-
ers might be seen diving, swimming or sunning
themselves like seals on the rocks. These rocks
constitute a most beautiful piece of cliff scenery,
and from the top of the promenade the view is
magnificent. Northward lie the hills of the
city and beyond these the wild uplands of
Dartmoor; to the south, at one’s feet, lies the
harbor with all its busy shipping, red-sailed
fishing craft and strange looking warships.
The harbor, or ‘sound,’ as it is called, is a bay,
roughly speaking rectangular in shape, some
three miles deep and about as broad, bounded
by headlands upwards of four hundred feet
high, falling abruptly, and in many places pre-
cipitously, to the sea.
Official documents state that the defences of
this sound includefourteen miles of fortifications,
and as many of these are on the headlands
their towers, angles and projections break the
sky line and add interest and beauty to the
scenery. The entrance to the sound is pro-
tected by a breakwater (on which is a light-
house and a fort) a mile in length, thus convert-
ing what must have been but a wild and danger-
ous anchorage into a safe harbor. A few days
ago we had a southwester which broke the
record. The harbor was full of shipping, and it
was interesting to stand on the Hoe in a shel-
tered place and see the havoc. A good deal of
damage was done, but no lives were lost. The
word ‘Hoe,’ I am told, is an old name for
‘Hill,’ and is common along this coast, for
example, Plymouth Hoe, School Hoe, Sted-
combe Hoe, Mort Hoe, Croyte Hoe, Martin
Hoe, ete., along the coasts of Devon and
Cornwall. Moreover, there are numerous
‘Holes’ along this coast, Rent’s Hole, Croft
Hole, Mouse Hole, Hole’s Hole, Butter Hole,
Daddy Hole, Kent’s Hole, ete. Speaking with-
out any philological knowledge whatsoever, I
more than suspect that ‘Hoe’ and ‘ Hole’ may
originally haye been the same word, though I
have not found any very competent authority
on which to rest such a theory. What first
suggested it was the fact, generally accepted
hereabouts, that Hoe means hill, and in the dis-
covery that at least two of the above-mentioned
Holes were hills where there are no ‘holes’ (or
harbors) in the land. Whatever the origin of
Hole may be, it is interesting to note that both
Hoe and Hole are ‘ west-country’ names, 7. e.,
belong to Devon and Cornwall. The only
‘Holes’ on the New England coast, so far as I
know, are in southern Massachusetts, and in that
part of the State are also Plymouth, Falmouth,
Dartmouth, Truro, ete., all Devon and Cornish
names, and the association of these with Wood’s
Hole, Holmes’ Hole (now Vineyard Haven),
Quick’s Hole, and the like, is interesting.
Directly under the walls of an old iron-clad
fortress which crowns the southern end of the
Plymouth Hoe stands the Laboratory of the
Marine Biological Association of Great Britain.
Between the Laboratory and the fort—a distance
of fifty yards—are a garden and tennis-court,
while the sun reflected from the limestone wall
beyond has all the value for microscopic work
of a white cloud perpetually anchored in the
right place. Those who built the fort did not
know what good work they were doing for
naturalists. On the other side of the Laboratory
the land falls away abruptly to the sea. The
designers of the Laboratory building had no idea,
however, of exposing the naturalist when armed
with dip-net and bucket for a collecting trip to
the gaze of the curious public, for a cleverly
constructed tunnel leads from the basement
under the foot- and driveway directly to the
cliffs whence a path winds downwards to the
boat-landing and the beach.
The Laboratory building is a handsome stone
structure 179 feet long. The central part,
70 x 34, is two stories in height, while at each
end the remaining portion is higher and broader,
thus giving an effect of low, flanking towers.
In one of these towers is the residence of the
Director, while in the other are rooms for the
engineer, caretaker, etc., on the lower story, and
in the second, chemical laboratories and supply
department, with the library above in the third
story. The library is a charming room, having
two open fireplaces and offering a view which
is so attractive as seriously to interfere with hard
work. The library contains about 1,500 volumes,
and it is not difficult to obtain books from else-
where when necessary.
On the ground floor of the central portion of
the building is an aquarium well stocked from
the native fauna and open to the public for a
small fee. Above the aquarium is the main
Laboratory, a well-lighted and well-ventilated
room of moderate height, 70x34. The windows,
which are very large, are separated by parti-
tions about seven feet high, forming a series
of alcoves, each about ten feet square. Through
the center of the Laboratory runs a continuous
line of aquaria designed for experimental work.
The whole place is clean, orderly and well kept
(except, of course, my own alcove), and as good
a place for work as could be desired. Every
investigator is given a pass-key to the Labora-
tory, which is available for work day or night
and every day precisely as one wishes or as his
work requires. Smoking is allowed every-
where, which is aluxury to me, for you may re-
member that an occasional cigarette is neces-
sary for my health.
The staff consists of three naturalists, includ-
ing the Director, and eight employees, such as
janitor, boatman, Laboratory Diener, etc. The
latter is well trained in the art of preserving
marine animals in the expanded condition, in
the art of mixing reagents, and the like. The
Laboratory is provided with a steamer about 60
feet long and with a sail-boat, both of which
are kept well employed collecting for the sup-
ply department, so that there is an abundant
supply of fresh material constantly brought in.
In the Official Reports of the Laboratory stress
is naturally laid on its needs. Some with whom
Ihave talked have seemed to interpret these ap-
peals as signifying extreme poverty, and are sur-
prised accordingly to find an establishment so
well equipped. Itisnot, of course, perfect, but,
in my opinion, it isan excellent laboratory, ad-
mirably managed,
In the university vacations the place, I am
told, is full of workers, but during the present
winter there have been in residence only the
three naturalists on the staff and three other in-
vestigators besides myself.
I have read of the severe winter at home with
many chuckles of satisfaction that I am not in
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 222.
it, for, as you know, I have no affection for our
blizzards, and I am contented that they are un-
known here. The lowest temperature recorded
this winter at Plymouth was 29° F. on what
the newspapers called a ‘bitter cold night,’ and
the highest during January was 56°. Asa rule,
it has been 45° or thereabouts. We havea good
deal of rain, but, by a fortunate meteorological
arrangement, itis rarely cold and stormy at the
same time. The south and southwest winds are
mild and rainy and the easterly and northerly
winds clear and cool. The winds are so tem-
pered that sheep graze in the public parks all
winter, while on tennis-courts, and on lawns
where sheep are not allowed, lawn-mowers
have been in constant use to keep the grass
under control. Many of the more hardy gar-
den plants bloom all winter, and the ivy and
numerous shrubs are luxuriant with greenness.
Spring is already at hand (February 17th), as is
apparent from the wild violets and primroses,
blossoms of which I have picked in the fields
this week. One day it snowed for two hours,
but at the end of that time there was no snow
to be seen, every flake having melted as it fell.
Of course, the people exercise the right
of all free men to grumble at the weather, but
I have seen many climates which gave far more
cause for grumbling. There is a widspread im-
pression, which I suspect may be correct, that
the big storms here are hatched on our side of
the Atlantic and find their way across. When-
ever we get a good strong southwester people
say with an injured air, ‘See how the Ameri-
cans treat us,’ almost as if there were personal
spite in it. On the whole, the climate is to me
infinitely more agreeable than that of New
To sum it all up, Plymouth and its surround-
ings are beautiful ; the climate is (to me) agree-
able; my family has been in most excellent
health all winter ; and, lastly, the Laboratory
is a most delightful place for work.
THE custom of giving more or less local geo-
graphic names to geologic sub-divisions has be-
come so universal that we are even now dupli-
cating the use of such names to a considerable
Marcu 31, 1899. |
extent. Geological literature is of too great
bulk for the working geologist to attempt to
ascertain whether or not names which he pro-
poses to use have been preoccupied. To illus-
trate what the present system is leading to, a
few instances of some prominence will be cited.
In 18883 Hague described, in a report of the
U.S. Geological Survey, the Eureka quartzite,
a sub-division of the Silurian, in the Eureka
district, Nevada. In 1891 Simonds and Hop-
kins, in a report of the Arkansas Geological
Survey, used the name Eureka shale for a sup-
posed Devonian horizon ; while in 1898 Haworth,
in a report of the Kansas Geological Survey,
proposes the name Eureka limestone as a sub-
division of the Coal Measures.
In 1879 Peale, in the 11th Annual Report of
the U. 8. Geological and Geographical Survey
of the Territories, employed the term Cache
Valley Group for a sub-division of the Pleisto-
cene of Utah. Becker described, in 1888, the
Cache Lake beds of California, in Monograph
XIII of the U. S. Geological Survey, and re-
ferred them to the Tertiary. In 1896 G. M.
Dawson, in a report of the Canada Geological
Survey, uses the name Cache Creek formation
for an horizon of the Carboniferous to include
strata described by Selwyn in 1872 as Upper
and Lower Cache Creek beds.
In 1842-46 Emmons, Vanuxem and Mather
employed, the term Erie division as a sub-divi-
sion of the New York system. In the Ohio
Geological Survey reports, the Erie clay was
used as a sub-division of the Pleistocene, and
Erie shale was referred both to the Carbonif-
erous and Devonian. In 1875 Lesley described,
in a report of the Pennsylvania Geological Sur-
vey, the Erie shale, which he referred to the
Silurian. In 1898 Haworth described the Erie
limestone of the Coal Measures of Kansas. The
above references are given merely to illustrate
the confusion that is likely to arise from use of
new geographic terms if the literature is not
carefully examined for previous use.
For the past eighteen months the writer has
been engaged in preparing a card catalogue of
geologic formation names, during such time as
could be taken from other office and field work.
This catalogue has already assumed consider-
able proportions, and is now being consulted by
those geologists who are aware that such a
work is being prosecuted. While preparing
the annual bibliography of geological literature
for 1898 the writer has found several instances
of duplication of names that have become well
established in geologic nomenclature. It will
probably be a year or more before this cata-
logue can be published, and, in the meantime,
to assist in avoiding such duplication, the
writer offers to furnish geologists who will
correspond with him such information as he
possesses regarding names which they propose
to use as formation names.
THE German Central Committee for the erec-
tion of Sanitaria for Consumptives have issued
a call for a Congress to be held in Berlin, Ger-
many, May 24-27, 1899, for the purpose of dis-
cussing the subject of tuberculosis. The Con-
gress will meet in the new building of the
Imperial Diet and is under the patronage of
Her Majesty, The Kaiserin, while Prince Hohen-
lohe, the Imperial Chancellor, will serve as
Honorary President. All ofthe German States,
also local authorities, medical faculties and so-
cieties, and all corporations interested in fight-
ing tuberculosis, have been requested to send
delegates, and all foreign countries represented
at the Imperial Court have also been invited to
take part. The United States Embassy has
been requested to extend a cordial invitation to
American physicians to become members of the
Congress, and the same invitation has been ex-
tended through other missions to physicians of
other nationalities.
As a basis for discussion papers will be pre-
sented as follows: (1) ‘Distribution and ex-
tent of tuberculosis’ by Geheimrath Koehler,
Director of the Imperial Health Office, and
Geheimrath Krieger, of Strassburg; (2) ‘ Eti-
ology,’ by Professors Robert Koch and B.
Fraenkel, of Berlin; (8) ‘Prophylaxis,’ by Pro-
* Written at the request of Dr. Pannwitz, General
Secretary of the Congress, and forwarded simulta-
neously to several American journals. The medical,
veterinarian and scientific press is requested to call
the attention of its readers to this Congress.
fessor Gerhardt and Generaloberartzt Schjern-
ing, of Berlin ; (4) ‘Therapy,’ by Professor von
Ziemssen, of Munich, and Professor Schroetter, of
Vienna ; (5) ‘Sanitaria,’ by Herr Gaebel, Presi-
dent of Imperial Insurance Office, Berlin, and
Dr. Dettweiler, of Falkenstein.
Following the presentation of the two lead-
ing papers (limited to 20 minutes each) in the
respective divisions, there will be a general
discussion, speakers being limited to 10 minutes
each. All papers and remarks are to be in
German, although the chairman is empowered to
make exceptions during the general discussion.
All persons interested in the subject of tuber-
culosis are eligible for membership; membership
cards (20 Marks, nearly $5) are to be obtained at
the office of the Congress (‘ Bureau des Organi-
sations-Komites, Wilhelm Platz 2, Berlin, W’)
and entitle the holder toa copy of the ‘ Proceed-
ings.’ An early registration is requested.
The writer has been requested to furnish a
list of Americans to whom special invitations
to the Congress should be sent. He has com-
plied with this request, so far as his personal
and professional acquaintance with specialists
in this line has permitted, and has also sug-
gested to the committee that invitations be sent
to the various medical societies and faculties.
There are undoubtedly many American practi-
tioners especially interested in tuberculosis and
possibly some laboratory workers whom he has
overlooked. Should any such person desire to
attend the Congress, yet prefer to receive a per-
sonal invitation, the writer will be pleased to
forward the name of such persons, upon proper
introduction, to the Executive Committee of
the Congress. As ‘proper introduction’ will
be considered a letter from any recognized med-
ical, scientific or veterinary faculty or society.
Scientific Attaché, U. S. Embassy, Berlin, Ger-
AMONG recent additions to the literature of
the astronomy of precision are four contribu-
tions from the Observatory of Columbia Univer-
sity which give the results of measurements of
the Rutherfurd plates. Dr. Davis contributes
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 222.
three of these, entitled ‘Catalogue of Sixty-five
Stars Near 61 Cygni,’ ‘The Parallaxes of 611
and 612 Cygni,’ ‘Catalogue of Thirty-four Stars
near Bradley 3077.’ Mr. Schlesinger contrib-
utes the fourth, upon ‘The Priesepe Group.’
All these are most admirable illustrations of the
highest type of astronomical work in the de-
termination of exact positions of the stars, and
careful deductions therefrom. No pains have
been spared to make the original measures un-
der such conditions that the instrumental con-
stants shall be well determined, and all cor-
rections and reductions accurately applied. The
result is three catalogues of stars whose coordi-
nates relative to the reference star in each group
are determined with great precision. The two
catalogues of stars near 61 Cygni and Bradley
3077 are for the purpose of discussing the paral-
laxes of these well-known stars. The most in-
teresting result of Dr. Davis’s discussion is the
well-marked difference of parallax between 61!
and 61? Cygni, determined from both position
angles and distances, the numerical amount of
which is 0’”.072 + 0’’.028. This large difference,
if real, explains the failure of double-star ob-
servers to detect any evidence of orbital motion,
and would show that the stars do not form a
binary system. A confirmation of this conclu-
sion is found in a careful discussion of Wilsing’s
determinations of the distance of these two
stars, which gives 0’’.0876 for the difference.
The mean of the different determinations of
parallax for the stars made by other astrono-
mers shows a difference of 0’7.082, which con-.
firms further the reality of the result. The
author urges the making of a more extended
series of comparisons by photography to give
further evidence on this subject.
An interesting result of Mr. Schlesinger’s
study of the measures of the Preesepe stars is
that the method of orienting the plate by the
method of trails is not as accurate as that ba ed
upon assuming the coordinates of several com-
parison stars on the plate, as determined by the
meridian circle or the heliometer. It was Mr.
Rutherfurd’s rule to make two impressions of
the regions photographed, stopping the clock
for a few seconds between them, and also to
give a third impression of the brightest stars
by stopping the clock about three minutes and
MaArcH 31, 1899. ]
making a brief exposure. In this way each
plate contains its own data for orientation.
The author thinks that the somewhat large dis-
erepancies between this method and that by
meridian circle observations is due to the jarring
of the plate by stopping and starting the clock.
Its value as an independent method, however,
is recognized.
THE committee appointed at the recent con-
ference of astronomers and astrophysicists to
consider the observations to be made at this
eclipse has issued a circular letter asking for
opinions as to the observations deemed advisable
and what cooperation our American astrono-
mers can render. The eclipse path extends
from the Gulf coast to the Atlantic, but the
duration of totality is short, only 1™ 138° near
New Orleans and 1™ 40% near Norfolk, Va., ac-
cording to the circular. The figures given by
the circular of the English Nautical Almanac
are a few seconds larger than these, 1™ 17°.8
west of New Orleans, and 1” 45°.6 south of Cape
Henry, Va. Some excellent points of observation
may be found in Portugal and Spain, where the
totality will range from 1™ 348 to 1" 19°. Euro-
pean astronomers are likely to locate at this
end of the line. American observers should
cover thoroughly the path through the United
States, which includes many places readily ac-
cessible. The U. S. Weather Bureau has is-
sued a second bulletin upon the probable
weather to be expected. This is based upon
special reports made in May, 1898, the former
report including those of 1897. A third report
for 1899 is promised. The conclusion thus far
is that the most unfavorable weather is to be
expected on the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, and
that the most favorable locations are in the
northern parts of Georgia and Alabama, upon
the southern end of the Appalachian Mountains.
PROVIDENCE, R. I., March 15, 1899.
Messrs. EVERETT AND PEAKE, in a paper on
‘The Effect of Commutation on the Field of
Dynamos and Motors’ in the London Elec-
trician of December 30, 1898, find, by means of
an exploring coil and instantaneous contact
maker, that the effect of commutation is to pro-
duce somewhat regularly recurring ripples in
the curve connecting E. M. F. and position of
the exploring coil, the maximum of the ripples
occurring at intervals equal to the width of a
coil, decreasing in magnitude as the distance
from the commutated coil increases and nearly
disappearing before the interpolar gap is passed.
These ripples were found to be more marked
with narrow than with wide brushes, which is
explained by the damping effect of the adjacent
short-circuited coils acting as secondaries to
each other. The ripples are also more marked
for heavy than for light currents and for motors
than for dynamos.
8. EVERSHED, in an article on ‘ Telegraphy by
Magnetic Induction’ in the same journal, de-
duces a formula for the mechanical energy
available ina distant secondary circuit in which
no capacity is used, in terms of dimensions, re-
sistance, frequency, etc. ,and from this calculates
that in the case of two circuits using together
1,000 kgm. of wire, each 1,000 meters square
and 10 kilometers apart, with a frequency of 100
and 100 watts in the primary, there would be
available in the secondary .34 ergs. per second.
Experiment shows that 2:9><10-* amp. gives
easily readable Morse signals in an ordinary
telephone, this being double the audible current
(this presumably for a frequency of 400). He
then finds that in the above case, but with fre-
quency equal to 400, there is 12 10~° amp.,
and that hence the readable signals could be pro-
duced with 250 kgm. of copper. - For satisfac-
tory audible signals the frequency must be at
least as high as 400, and here the undetermined
effect of absorption of these waves by the ma-
terial of the earth comes in. If this proves
serious it may be necessary to use lower fre-
quencies and other forms of receivers. A re-
ceiver is described consisting of a tuned rec-
tangle of wire, vibrating in a strong field, or,
better, two rectangles vibrating synchronously,
but in opposite directions. Such instruments
are being used at Lavernock and Flat Holm as
relays to close call-bell circuits. They are of
iridio-platinum wire, 3 mils diameter and 2 by 4
em. dimensions; they have a frequency of 16
per second, and with a clearance of 2 mils
.001 erg. per second is required to bring them
into contact. This can be used at a distance of
10 kilometers with 4 ton of copper and would
be little affected by the absorption; it has not,
however, been adapted to the transmission of
Morse signals. The power used by the tele-
phone is more than 600 times the power used
by the rectangle in this case. BiG.
THE will of the late Professor Marsh leaves
his entire estate to Yale University, with the
exception of $10,000 to the National Academy
of Sciences. Its provisions are as follows: 1.
The library which he had collected is to be
placed in the Yale library, and all duplicates
are to be given to the library of the Peabody
Museum. 2. His home and the land surround-
ing it, nearly three acres on Prospect Hill, is
given to the University to be used exclusively
as a botanical garden ‘and for no other pur-
pose.’ The garden is to be under the custody
of a regularly appointed curator at a salary of
$2,000. The house is either to be used as the
residence of the curator or as a botanical lab-
oratory, as his executors may see fit. In case
the corporation does not wish to accept the
house and grounds for this purpose Professor
Marsh orders that they be sold and the pro-
ceeds added to the residuary estate. 38. His
executors are ordered to sell all his pictures,
paintings, furniture, bric-a-brac, silver and
Oriental collections, the proceeds to be turned
over to the University. 4. The gift is made
to the University of a collection of 2,000 orchids
and of all of his greenhouse plants. If not needed
by the University these may be sold for the bene-
fit of the estate. 5. The bequest is made of all
of his scientific collections in paleontology, geol-
ogy, zoology and archeology, to be kept in Pea-
body Museum. 6. He gives to the National
Academy of Sciences of Washington $10,000 as
a trust fund, ‘the income to be used and expended
for promoting original research in the natural
sciences.’ 7. The sum of $30,000 which, by the
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 222
terms of the will of George Peabody, Professor
Marsh was authorized to dispose of in his will,
is left to the corporation of Yale ‘ to be expended
by the trustees of Peabody Museum in preparing
for publication and publishing the results of my
explorations in the West.’ 8. All the rest, resi-
due and remainder of the property and estate
real and personal, is given to Yale University
to be used and expended by it for ‘ promoting
original research in the natural sciences.’
The value of Professor Marsh’s estate is said
to be about $100,000, but may not prove to be
as much. It will be remembered that some-
what more than a year ago Professor Marsh gave
his extremely valuable collections in paleon-
tology and other sciences to the University. It
is estimated that these were secured at a cost
of about $250,000. The Peabody Museum was
given by Mr. George Peabody, Professor
Marsh’s uncle, through his influence. It should
also be remembered that Professor Marsh never
accepted any salary from Yale University.
THE first Hodgkins gold medal given by the
Smithsonian Institution has been conferred on
Professor James Dewar, F.R.S., for his work on
the liquefaction of air.
PROFESSOR HELMERT, of Berlin, has been
elected a foreign correspondent of the Paris
Academy of Sciences for the Section of Geog-
raphy and Navigation. In the same section
Pére Colin, founder and director of the observa-
tory at Tananarivo, Madagascar, was elected a
corresponding member.
THE Paris Academy of Medicine has awarded
its Lecaze prize (10,000 fr.) to Dr. Widal for his
serum method of diagnosing typhoid fever.
Ir is proposed, says the London Times, that a
portrait of the late Dr. John Hopkinson should
be placed in the Hopkinson Memorial Wing of
the Engineering Laboratory at Cambridge Uni-
versity, the cost to be defrayed by subscription.
A chimney piece which Mrs. Hopkinson has
presented for use in one of the principal rooms
contains a panel in which such a portrait could
appropriately be placed. Mr. T. B. Kennington,
who painted a portrait of Dr. Hopkinson some
years ago, has suggested that instead of simply
MARCH 31, 1899. ]
copying that picture he could produce a better
representation of Dr. Hopkinson as he was
shortly before his death by painting an original
portrait based on a recent excellent photograph
and following the coloring of the previous por-
trait. Subscriptions are limited to two guineas,
in the expectation that a considerable number
of Dr. Hopkinson’s friends not resident in the
University, as well as residents, will wish to
contribute. Among those who have already
subscribed are the Vice-Chancellor, the Master
of Peterhouse, the Master of Trinity, Sir
Benjamin Baker, Sir J. Wolfe Barry, Sir Fred-
erick Bramwell, Sir Douglas Fox, Sir James
Kitson, Sir G. G. Stokes, Sir William White,
Lord Kelvin, Lord Rayleigh and Lord Lister.
Professor Ewing ig treasurer of the fund, and
he will receive subscriptions, or they may be
paid to the Hopkinson portrait account at Bar-
clay & Co., Cambridge.
THE statement sent from Washington to the
press to the effect that Dr. Thomas J. See had
been designated Chief of the Nautical Almanac
is incorrect. Dr. See has been assigned to duty
as Assistant in the Naval Observatory, but has
nothing whatever to do with the Nautical
Almanac office.
THE funeral services of the late Professor
Marsh were held in Battell Chapel, Yale Uni-
versity, on March 22d. President Dwight con-
ducted the ceremonies, and Professor George
F. Fisher, of the Theological School, read the
commemorative address. The pall-bearers were
Charles D. Walcott and Arnold Hague, of
Washington ; Professor Asaph Hall, Cambridge;
Professor H. A. Barker, University of Penn-
sylvania; and Professors William H. Brewer,
Addison van Name, Edward S. Dana and Mr.
George F. Eaton, of Yale.
Dr. Poitier J. J. VALENTINI, a student in
ancient Mexican and Central American history,
and author of numerous publications, died
March 16th, at St. Luke’s Hospital, New York.
Dr. Valentini’s interpretation of the Mexican
Calendar Stone placed him among the foremost
American archeologists. He was born in Ber-
lin in 1828, and received a careful training in
philology from his father, an Italian teacher of
languages and author of the first German-
Italian dictionary. In 1854 Dr. Valentini went
to Costa Rica, and there founded the seaport of
Puerto Limon government auspices.
Learning of the obscurity of the Spanish coloni-
zation of Costa Rica, he returned to Ger-
many to search for manuscript historical evi-
dence. His first results in this line brought
for him the recognition of Ph.D. from Jena.
Later Dr. Valentini returned to Central Amer-
ica, where, continuing his investigations, he
made many expeditions to Guatemala and
other parts of Central America. In this work
he received government encouragement, but
political disturbances prevented his Spanish
and German texts from being published by the
government. Recognizing that to thoroughly
understand Spanish conquests the pre-Colum-
bian peoples must be studied, he began work
upon the glyphs of the stone monuments and
codices. Thirty years ago he came to New
York to make use of the greater library facili-
ties here, and since that time has been promi-
nent among students of Americana. The
American Antiquarian Society of Worcester
has published many of his papers. His most
recent publication is ‘ A Study of the Voyage of
Pinzon,’ printed in German in 1898. The
major part of his notes and MSS. remain un-
Dr. OLIVER Marcy, professor of natural
history in Northwestern University, and dean,
died at Evanston, Ill., on March 19th. He was
a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, a
member of the American Ornithologists’ Union,
and of other scientific societies.
of physics and chemistry in the University of
Leipzig, well known for his contributions to
electricity and magnetism, has died.
Masor J. Evans, professor of pathology in
the Calcutta Medical College, died on March
13th from the plague. He is believed to have
contracted the disease while engaged upon the
post-mortem examination of a plague patient.
AMERICAN men of science should see that the
decimal system of weights and measures is
maintained in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philip-
pines. It is the first principle of colonial gov-
ernment to respect the customs of the native
peoples, and we certainly should not fail to do
this in a case where their customs are better
than our own.
AN appropriation of $170,000 has been passed
by the Massachusetts House for the extermina-
tion of the Gypsy moth.
THE German Reichstag has made a grant of
60,000 Marks for Professor Robert Koch’s ap-
proaching expedition to the tropics to investi-
gate the nature and origin of malaria.
Ir is said that Mr. Andrew Carnegie is pre-
pared to give the Pittsburg Carnegie Library
$1,000,000 endowment and $500,000 additional
for improvements when the city authorities
have appropriated $3,500,000 for Shenly Park.
By the death of Mrs. A. H. Colson a bequest
of $25,000 for the library of Stafford, Conn.,
becomes available.
THE Ohio State University announces for the
summer of 1899 the maintenance of a lake lab-
oratory at Sandusky, the purpose of which is
to provide laboratory facilities to any who may
wish to engage in the study of the numerous
forms of life there accessible. No courses of
instruction are designed and no laboratory fees
are charged, the special purpose being to pro-
vide opportunities for investigation. Still, the
opportunities for mutual improvement among a
circle of earnest workers, by comparison of
methods, discussion of results and exchange of
ideas, are too evident to need mention. The
variety of life accessible is unsurpassed, as the
lake, river, extensive bays and marshes afford
a basis for life conditions of great richness.
The laboratory is provided with tables, aquaria,
boat and other essentials, and necessary seines,
dredges, nets, etc., will be available when
needed. Rooms and board may be had con-
venient to the laboratory at very moderate
prices, and as, aside from the attractive loca-
tions along shore, the beauties of Kelley’s, and
Put-in Bay Islands are readily accessible by
boat the opportunities are most favorable to
combine a few weeks of earnest study with the
recreations of a summer outing. Each investi-
gator will be expected to provide his own mi-
croscope, microtome and such special appli-
ances as he may need in his particular investi-
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 229.
gation, unless otherwise arranged, but will be
supplied with the usual reagents, glassware,
etc., and will be given entire freedom in the
matter and method of his investigation, except
for such necessary arrangements concerning use
of boat, assignment of table aquaria, etc., as
may be necessary to secure equal advantages to
all. The laboratory will be open from June
15th to August 15th, or, possibly, till September
Ist, if desired by a number of workers. Ad-
vanced students, instructors or any persons
qualified to use the facilities offered are cordi-
ally invited to avail themselves of the oppor-
tunity here provided. Further particulars may
be had by addressing Professor Herbert Osborn,
Department Zoology and Entomology, Ohio
State University, Columbus.
WE recently announced that Mr. Robert S.
Brookings had offered to give $100,000 to Wash-
ington University, St. Louis, on condition that
$400,000 be subscribed by others. This sum
has now been given and the $500,000 has been
added to the endowment fund of the under-
graduate department. Thisisin addition to the
$450,000 given for buildings within the past six
weeks as described recently in this JOURNAL.
THE Woman’s College, of Baltimore, will
receive between $25,000 and $50,000 as the re-
siduary legatee of the late George R. Berry, of
that city.
Tue Teachers’ College, Columbia University,
will erect, at a cost of $350,000, a bulding for its
model school, the Horace Mann School. This
will give, in its present buildings, more ample
accommodations for the regular courses.
Srx new scholarships of $100 each have been
established in the Sheffield Scientific School of
Yale University. They will be awarded to
members of the graduating class who stand
highest in scholarship.
Mr. W. J. BLANKINSHIP has been appointed
professor of botany in the Agricultural College
of Montana. |
Mr. R. C. MAcCLAURIN, Fellow of St. John’s
College, Cambridge, has been called to the chair
of mathematics in Victoria College, New Zea-
EpITORIAL CoMMITTEE: S. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WoopWARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THURSTON, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. LE ContE, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; W. K. Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology;
8S. H. ScuppER, Entomology; C. E. BressEy, N. L. Brirron, Botany; Henry F. Oszorn,
General Biology; C. 8S. Minot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. Bowpitcn, Physiology ;
J. S. Bruuinas, Hygiene ; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; DANIEL G. BRIN-
Ton, J. W. PoweEtL, Anthropology.
Fripay, Aprit 7, 1899.
The Fresh-Water Biological Stations of the World :
PROFESSOR HENRY B. WARD............0:00c0000 497
Brunissure of the Vine and other Plants: DR. AL-
BER TPH pWiOODSasaeresescencccesensstentessaceecesses ses 508
An Automatic Mercury Pump: DR. RALPH R.
IPANWARIEN CRistresneaciencentsccsscrstarseatenctnacte scares: 510
Scientific Books :—
Wallace on the Wonderful Century : PROFESSOR
W. K. Brooks. Hueppe’s Principles of Bacteri-
ology: H. W. C. Hoskins on The Elements of
WILSON. General. Books Received............... 511
Scientific Journals and Articles.......0.0.ccccececeeseees 517
Societies and Academies :—
Chemical Society of Washington: WILLIAM H.
Kruc. Geological Conference and Students’ Club
of Harvard University: J. M. BOUTWELL. Tor-
rey Botanical Club: E. S. BURGESS...............4. 517
Discussion and Correspondence :—
Some Suggestions for Scientific Seminars and
A Remarkable Sun-dog : PRoressor H. L. Os-
BORN. Degrees in Science at Harvard Univer-
sity : PROFESSOR J. MCKEEN CATTELL.......... 520
Scientific Appointments under the Government........ 523
Scientific Notes and News.........1..scsecsesseeceeees . 524
University and Educational News.. . 528
MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended
tor review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
sor J. McKeen Cattell. Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
Away back at the beginning of the inves-
tigation of minute forms of life, which fol-
lowed upon the invention of the microscope,
* Annual address of the President before the Ne-
braska Academy of Sciences at Lincoln, November
25, 1898.
or shall I say discovery, for it seems to
have been historically an accident, the
early students searched the ditches and
ponds and lakes for the organisms which
constituted the objects of their study.
Anton von Leeuwenhoek, whose name is
familiar to you as one of the most zealous
early workers among microscopic objects,
enriched science by a long series of new
organisms of this character. Roesel von
Rosenhof, whose careful investigations on
various fresh-water animals, published un-
der the title of ‘Insect Diversions’ are
still standard sources of information con-
cerning the habits and structure of these
forms, together with Swammerdam, Tremb-
ley, O. F. Muller, and a whole host of
others, devoted their attention almost ex-
clusively to the fresh-water fauna. But
this movement seems to have culminated
with the appearance, in 1838, of Ehrenberg’s
famous volume ‘The Infusion Animalcules
as Complete Organisms.’
Extended investigations had already im-
pressed zoologists with the richness of
the marine fauna. Numerous animal
groups of common occurrence in the
sea were apparently entirely wanting in
fresh water, and the astounding richness of
the sub-tropical and tropical oceans with
which the European investigators came
early in contact on the shores of the Medi-
terranean, and in the expeditions to the
new lands of the Tropics, entirely over-
shadowed the life that had hitherto been
found in pond or ditch. It is, in my opinion,
also no small factor that many of the ma-
rine forms which were brought to the at-
tention of scientists were dazzling in their
beauty of form and in the brillianey of
their coloring. The quieter, more unas-
suming forms of lacustrine life in temperate
regions could make no corresponding im-
press on the minds of the observers. So
the scientific world went to the sea-shore
for study and everywhere along the coast
of Europe, and even in the islands of the
Tropics were to be found the vacation re-
sorts of scientists.
This diversion of attention from the
study of fresh-water life was undoubtedly
aided by the fact that fifty years ago all
centers of education and investigation
were comparatively close to the ocean, and
so it was easy for the scientist to reach the
point, where, as he had learned from the
reports of others, life was most abundant
and varied, and at the same time, appealed
to his esthetic sensibility as nothing did
that he saw about him. The concentra-
tion of interest on the life of the sea led to
the foundation of marine stations, among
which that at Naples was the first in point
of time, as it always has been and is to-
day, first in point of strength. But the
development of educational institutions
through the large continental areas and
the limitations which their location imposed
upon investigators connected with these
institutions, together with the natural
efforts of man to find a field for investiga-
tion which should afford him a_ better
chance than already overcrowded territory,
have led again to the investigation of fresh-
water life. So it was that Fritsch, in Bo-
hemia, entered upon lacustrine investigation
as early as 1871, while about the same time
Forel, in Switzerland, was carrying on those
studies published between 1874 and 1879
in a series of papers on the ‘ Fauna of the
[N. 8S. Von. IX. No. 223.
Swiss Lakes’ culminating in the crowned
memoir of the Academy of Sciences on the
‘Abyssal Fauna of the Swiss Lakes,’ that
brought to the knowledge of the scientific
world a hitherto unsuspected type of exist-
ence and offered a new and enticing field
for investigation.
It was also in the same year, 1871, that
Stimpson, one of the enthusiastic members
of the old Chicago Academy of Sciences,
conducted some dredging expeditions in the
deep water of Lake Michigan, while about
the same time Hoy, Milner and Forbes en-
tered upon investigations at other points
on these same lakes. The Chicago Academy
and its collections, together with valuable
manuscripts of Stimpson, were destroyed
in the great fire, the U. S. Fish Commis-
sion, under whose auspices the work of Hoy
and Milner was inaugurated, did not pur-
sue further the investigations on the lakes,
and for years Forbes was the only investi-
gator who occupied himself in this country
with the study of lacustrine life. To his
work and influence we owe beyond a doubt
in our own country the awakened interest
in limnobiology, and under his direction
also was established the first general fresh-
water biological station on this continent,
of which more in another connection.
The impulse toward the investigation of
fresh-water life which was inaugurated by
these men, gradually attracted to itself
workers, slowly at first, but approximately
a decade ago, with a sudden start the ranks
of such were rapidly filled up. An enor-
mous number of ponds and lakes, large
and small, scattered over the surface of the
continents, afforded an almost unlimited
field for investigation, and many early
studies were, to say the least, decidedly de-
sultory. There were few workers who were
content to confine themselves to a single
locality, or to a well-defined problem. A
scanty collection was made to serve as the
basis of a faunal list supposed to charac-
APRIL 7, 1899. ]
terize the body of water in question, and
the enumeration of species was regarded as
the ne plus ultra of many investigators.
Like the spiritless systematic zoology,
which, in the work of many minor investi-
gators, followed upon the example set by
the great Linnaeus, so lacustrine investiga-
tors in considerable number, were appar-
ently satisfied to describe, as the results of
brief sojourns, the fauna of a lake or lake
regions, or, perhaps, even from a couple of
vials of material collected by some rich
patron in the course of a journey around
the world, to discuss monographically the
fresh-water fauna of the Fiji Islands, for
instance. Under such circumstances there
could be no biological study. The chief
aim seemed to be to cover as much ground
as possible ina short time. And what Lau-
terborn said five years ago is even truer to-
day in the light of our more extended ex-
perience: ‘‘For the question as to the
distribution of organisms, the methods so
cherished even up to the present day of
fishing in the greatest possible number of
lakes (which recalls, in many respects, the -
chase after new summits on the part of
our modern high climbers—Hochtouristen !),
really have only limited claim to scientific
value, since through them but a very incom-
plete picture of the faunal character of a
water basin can be obtained.”’
The earlier investigators whose work has
already been mentioned, Fritsch in Bohemia,
and Forel in Switzerland, had been pursu-
ing a single problem or investigating a lim- -
ited locality for nearly twenty years, and
they were among the first to emphasize the
necessity of a modification of the prevalent
tendency, and of a more formal character
for lacustine work, if valuable scientific re-
sults were to be expected from it. Forel
was first to publish, in outline, a plan for the
precise formal investigation of a body of
water, in which emphasis was laid upon the
necessity also of continuous and extended
investigation, before satisfactory conclusions
could be hoped for. This programme has
suffered some modification in detail at the
hands of various students, but, in its general
features, remains the aim and desire of
workers everywhere. With the apprecia-
tion that such work must needs be formal,
continuous and extended, came naturally
the desire that stations of a permanent char-
acter should be established at various points
for the realization of the idea. And the
first of these that were founded were of a
general character, concerned with the bio-
logical investigation of water as a problem
of general scientific interest and importance.
But almost immediately other influences
made themselves felt which have led to the
extension of the general idea along particu-
lar lines of economic importance. Im-
proved methods of fish catching and larger
demands for fish food had brought various
countries to the point where the drain on
this kind of food supply was becoming very
evident. The fish were being destroyed
more rapidly than natural means could re-
store their numbers, and it was felt that
something must be done by governmental
agency to replenish the depleted waters.
The first expedient of collecting and keeping
under satisfactory conditions large numbers
of fish eggs until they should be hatched,
and the young fry distributed through the
waters, was not so successful as had been
hoped. ‘The problem was too large to be
attacked in such a superficial manner, and
the further knowledge, which it became
clear was absolutely necessary for proper
handling of the question, must needs be
sought through some means for the investi-
gation of the conditions and determination
of the steps necessary for the solution of
the problem, and for carrying into effect
the measures which might afford the de-
sired relief. This led, first in Europe, to be
sure, in connection with private enterprises
for fish culture, to the establishment of bio-
logical experiment stations with the fish
hatcheries, very much as chemical labora-
tories are now necessary adjuncts of various
manufacturing interests, or agricultural ex-
periment stations are connected with the
higher development of agricultural possi-
bilities. There is, however, a still further
demand which has led to the formation of
institutions of the general type which we
are considering. The water supply of our
cities has always been a serious problem,
and one of increasing interest in connection
with crowded conditions in the more thickly
settled countries of the world, and the bio-
logical examination of the water, undertaken
of necessity, has led to the organization of
biological laboratories connected with the
water systems of great cities, both on the
continent, and in our own country.
Having thus discussed the causes which
have led to the establishment of limnobiolog-
ical stations, we may now consider, briefly,
the types which they present, and the par-
ticular results which may be expected from
a given sort. Of course all probable vari-
ations may be found, and it is difficult to
make any classification which is complete
or even just, and yet, for convenience, we
may divide these enterprises into a few
great groups, recognizing the fact that cer-
tain of them do not belong singly to any
one class, but combine features of different
types. But before outlining this classifica-
tion, let me say that Ido not regard the
existence or non-existence of a building or
structure devoted to the purpose of investi-
gation as a necessary mark of a biological
station. Some of the most valuable contri-
butions to general and special questions in
this field have come from investigators or
groups of investigators who have had no
abiding place, while, on the other hand,
stations well equipped with buildings and
apparatus have in some instances, so far
as can be ascertained, contributed noth-
ing even after several years’ existence, to
Vou. IX. No. 223.
the progress of scientific knowledge. Ma-
terial equipment is valuable, and, in gen-
eral, conduces to better results, and yet it
is the results themselves which finally de-
termine the character of any enterprise and
the position which it should hold in the
esteem of the world.
For the purposes of this discussion I pro-
pose dividing biological stations into, first,
individual resorts, second, periodic resorts,
and third, permanent stations. Individual
resorts are such as are characterized by the
work of one or more individual investi-
gators, working for the most part independ-
ently, and solving their problems by virtue
of their individual investigations. There
are, of course, a large number of such places
where some investigator has made sporadic
or single efforts at the determination of the
faunal character of a water basin, or has
paid a number of occasional visits to such
a locality for the same purpose. On the
whole, these stations have accomplished
comparatively little, although we find strik-
ing contradictions of the general statement.
They may also be of a more regular and
definite character, and some of these per-
sonal investigations have been most valuable
in extending our present knowledge of fresh
water life. It may be noted here that the
permanence or regularity which contributes
to the success may be either in the location
of the point at which the investigations
are carried out, or in the definiteness of
the purpose which is followed; thus Im-
hof’s investigations on the pelagic fauna of
the Swiss lakes were permanent in their.
value, and Zschokke’s investigation of the
biological character of elevated lakes carried
on at numerous points in the Alpine chain,
has resulted in fundamentally important
contributions to the lacustrine fauna of high
altitudes. Yet neither of these was at all
confined to a single locality, though limited
by a definite purpose.
Periodic resorts are those to which groups
APRIL 7, 1899. ]
of individuals are accustomed to go for a
certain portion or season of the year, most
commonly for a vacation period in accord-
ance with which they are denominated
summer or winter laboratories. The larger
number of the investigators tends towards
securing a more complete idea of the bio-
logical problem as a whole, so that the re-
sults obtained from such stations are of
evident value. Yet, at the same time, it
must be noted that they are distinctly in-
ferior, even to many individual resorts, since
during the larger portion of the year no in-
vestigations are carried on and the results
obtained are necessarily partial and incom-
plete in their character, and hence unavail-
able for the decision of the broader and more
fundamental biological questions.
Permanent stations are those at which
operations are conducted throughout the
entire year by a definite corps of observers.
The continuity of their work renders their
results valuable for the decision of general
biological problems, and, at the same time,
the permanent force which, in part, at least,
is indispensable in such an institution, im-
plies that the undivided attention of the
observer is devoted to these problems; from
this we may then expect justly that greater
results will be obtained than in the case
even of the best of individual resorts, since
the investigators who are carying on opera-
tions at these are, so far as I know, without
exception, connected with educational or
scientific institutions which demand at least
a part of their time, and to that extent di-
vide their interest and their energy.
It is furthermore clear from what has
been previously said that such permanent
stations are of two distinct classes. First,
those which may be denominated general,
even though their work is of the greatest
value for specia! purposes, and second, those
which are distinctively technical by virtue
of their association with specific enterprises.
It is but natural that the different conti-
nents are very unequally represented with
regard to the number of stations that have
been established upon them, and with re-
spect to the knowledge that has been gained
in reference to their fresh-water fauna and
flora. Thus, our knowledge of the Aus-
tralian fresh-water fauna is confined, at pres-
ent, to the report of collections made by
travelers, and to the investigation of speci-
mens raised by Sars from dry mud which
had been sent to him. Of Africa we know
that fifteen years agoan expedition brought
word from Lake Tanganyika that while
rowing across its waters they encountered
swarms of jelly-fish, while many of the
gastropod shells which were brought back
with them showed, in an equally striking
way, their marine character. These reports
have been confirmed by an expedition that
has just returned, and the strikingly ma-
rine complexion of the fauna of the lake
ean hardly be doubted. This appears all
the more strange since collections made at
Lake Nyassa, which lies decidedly nearer
the sea, show nothing but what is specif-
ically lacustrine. Such facts point, of
course, to the importance of the African
fresh-water stations of the future.
From various lakes of Asia, all the way
from Ceylon to Siberia, numerous more or
less extensive collections have been made
by travelers, though there is hardly any-
thing sufficiently extended to warrant the
statement that a station has been located,
even for a limited time, at any point, espe-
cially since the collections have not been
investigated by men who had made them,
but have been turned over as alcoholic ma-
terial to European investigators for study.
We do know, however, that Lake Baikal,
which is situated almost in the center of
the continent, harbors a rich mollusean and
crustacean fauna that is characteristically
marine in its form, and is further distin-
guished by possessing many sponges clearly
of marine fype, and at least one species of
seal (Phoca), a genus which is typically
oceanic. A discussion ou the meaning of
these features lies far from the purpose of
the present paper, but certainly such facts
do point out most strikingly that the field
of limnobiological investigation is not lack-
ing in topics of extreme interest.
From South America reports concerning
the fresh water fauna are perhaps most
scanty of all. Frenzel, a German investi-
gator who lived many years in Argentine
Republic, has published some interesting
studies made while there on the Protozoa;
a few isolated notices of the lacustrine
fauna from various regions complete the
From these statements it is apparent that
the work done thus far outside of Europe
and North America is exceedingly limited,
and that for our judgment of the results in
formal limnobiological investigations, we
must look to the laboratories of these two
continents. Among all European countries,
Switzerland has furnished perhaps the great-
est number of investigators and stations for
limnobiology, together with the most ex-
tended and valuable results, although even
yet there is not in that country, so far as I
can ascertain, a building exclusively devoted
to the purposes of this investigation. First
and foremost among these investigators may
be mentioned Forel, of the University of
Lausanne,* to whom reference has already
been made. His investigations have been
carried on for more than thirty years on
Lake Geneva; to him we are indebted for
the first knowledge of the abyssal fauna of
a fresh-water lake, for the first extended
program and plan for the investigation of
such a lake, and for the first effort towards
the realization of such a plan, which finds
its full expression in his ‘Lac Léman,’ a
monograph at present in the course of pub-
* In a sense the laboratory of the University, which
is located near the shore of the lake, is the building of
the station, as in Wisconsin, mentioned below.
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 223.
lication ; the volumes which have appeared
thus far treat of physical, chemical, and
meteorological conditions on the lake, and
are to be followed by others which will com-
plete, with the flora and fauna, the entire
limnologic investigation. The series will
make a magnificent and permanent contri-
bution to lacustrine investigation, and will .
serve as a model for the work of all times.
The work of Zschokke, professor at the
University of Basel, has been directed as
already mentioned towards the elucidation
of the faunal aspect of elevated lakes.
It has been carried on through many
years at differents points, including the
lakes of the Jura to the westward, as well as
those in various regions of the Alps proper,
and his papers on the fauna of elevated
lakes contain the only general statement
of the problem as well as of the char-
acteristic features of such localities that
has yet appeared. Lake Constance has
been the scene in recent years of the work
of numerous investigators under the guid-
ance of an association for the investigation
of the lake, which has its headquarters at
Lindau. The published accounts of these
investigations have thus far been prelimi-
nary in character, and I am unable to learn
whether there is a building devoted to the
purposes of investigation, and whether the
work is carried on throughout the entire
This lake was the scene of early investi-
gations by Weismann in 1877, and the pres-
ent work which was inaugurated about
1893 is under the direction of Hofer, of the
University of Munich.
To Bohemia belongs the honor of having
had the first definite building for lacustrine
investigations in the form of the Bohemian
Portable Laboratory which was constructed,
in 1888, under the direction of Professor
Fritsch, of the University of Prague. Refer-
ence has already been made to the early
work of this investigator, who, in 1871,
APRIL 7, 1899. ]
reported to the Academy of Sciences, in
Prague, the results of the investigations of
Black Sea, a small body of water in the
Bohemian forest, with reference to the dis-
tribution of animals according to the depth
of the water and their reiation to the shore.
These investigation which were extended
to other lakes in the same year, are, I be-
lieve, the first at least’ to be recorded that
were carried. out in this way. It was, how-
ever, in 1888 before Fritsch sueceeded in ob-
taining funds for a small portable zoological
laboratory having some twelve square me-
ters of floor surface. Thestation remained
at its first location four years, and was re-
placed by a permanent structure when it
was removed to another locality. This
portable laboratory has been regularly
visited at brief intervals of time by the di-
rector and his associates in the three locali-
ties at which it has been situated during
the last ten years, and the contributions
from this work constitute most valuable
studies on the lacustrine biology of Bohemia.
In Finland there exists the laboratory of
Esbo-Lofo, on one of the small islands which,
though primarily a marine station, is so
favorably located with reference to bodies
of fresh water that it has devoted a consid-
erable portion of its energy to the investi-
gation of the fresh water fauna with valua-
ble results. This laboratory has beeu
maintained since 1895 under the direction
of Professor Levander. Its contributions
are published in the ‘ Acta Societatis pro
Fauna et Flora Fennica.’ One of its
workers, Dr. Stenroos, has for several years
individually visited Lake Nurmijarvi, one
of the small inland lakes with which Fin-
land is so plentifully supplied, a body of
water, which though itis about two and five-
tenths kilometers in length by one in width,
has a maximum depth of only one meter;
he has given us a very complete faunistic
and biologic study of its life.
Russia has recently established a station
on Glubokoe Osero, or Deep Lake, in the
Province of Moscow, under the patronage
of the Imperial Russian Society for Fish
Culture. The station is under the direction
of Professor Zograf, of Moscow University,
whose contributions to lacustrine investi-
gation, have been made known especially in
a paper on the lake regions of Russia from
_the biologic standpoint, which was read
before the International Zoological Congress
in 1893. I infer that the station is a per-
manent one, though probably of technical
character, although precise information on
these points has not been obtained. Hun-
gary has maintained for some years a lacus-
trine station on Lake Balaton, one of the
largest fresh-water bodies of Europe, hav-
ing an area of over 266 square miles, though
its maximum depth appears to be only 11
meters; it is surrounded by enormous
marshy areas which give thus varied con-
ditions for the development of life. Several
parts of the report on these investigations
have already been published. In France
there exists a lacustrine laboratory near’
Clermont-Ferrand, which seems to have
been organized in 1893; no reports or con-
tributions from the station are recorded in
the bibliographical records. At Paris, Drs.
Richard and de Guerne have investigated
collections from a large number of lakes
not only in France and neighboring coun-
tries, but even from Algeria, Syria, the
Azores and other points, and have pub-
lished valuable contributions on the distri-
bution of fresh-water crustacea, as well as
systematic monographs of various groups.
In Germany all types of stations are
represented, as might be expected, from the
importance of scientific study in that na-
tion. Individual investigators, not a few,
have examined various lakes or lake re-
gions, most prominent among them being
undoubtedly Apstein, whose studies on
Holstein lakes have extended over many
years, and whose work on fresh-water plank-
ton is the first general statement of the
problems and of the methods used by Hen-
sen in the investigation of the marine life
with such success, and by Apstein first ap-
plied to lacustrine investigation. Prob-
ably the best known fresh-water station in
the world is that on Lake Ploen also in
Holstein. This was the first permanent
general fresh-water station to be established
in the world. It owes its inception to the
energy of its present director, Dr. Zacharias,
whose plan was to establish for fresh water
an institution similar to the Naples marine
biological station. The station opened in
1891, and since that time it has been in
continuous operation, and has afforded
opportunities for investigation to a large
number of scientific workers both German
and foreign. It is the most pretentious of
all fresh-water stations, having a building
two stories in height, with numerous labo-
ratory rooms and equipped with abundant
apparatus for collecting and investigating.
From it has been published yearly, since
1893, a volume of studies, and the director
has also contributed largely to other jour-
nals on these problems. Two other stations
in Germany owe their inception to the
fishery problem, and have for their purpose
more particularly the investigation of those
limnologic questions which deal particularly
with the life of the fishes. One of these is
located at Miggelsee, near Berlin, and is
conducted under the auspices of the Ger-
man Fishery Association. The other, at
Trachenberg, is under the auspices of the
Silesian Fisheries’ Association. Both have
made important contributions to the bio-
logical questions concerned in fish culture.
All the North American stations which are
known to me lie within the limits of the
United States, and they represent all the
various types of such institutions. A con-
siderable number of workers have reported
isolated investigations of lakes in all parts
of the country from Maine to California.
(N.S. Von. 1X. No, 223.
Among the most important of these occa-
sional observations are those made by
Forbes on the fauna of elevated lakes in the
Rocky Mountains. The observations which
he has recorded were made in the course of
a preliminary investigation of these lakes
by the United States Fish Commission, and
constitute the only information on record
with reference to the lakes of the country
west of the Missouri river. There are but
two localities which may be listed, however,
as individual resorts sufficiently regularly
visited to entitle them to more particular
mention in this place. Green Lake, in
Wisconsin, has been carefully studied by
Professor Marsh, of Ripon College, and his
work has yielded valuable information with
reference to the vertical distribution of the
erustacea and with regard to the deep water
fauna of the lake. Here he was able to
confirm the observation of Stimpson, on
Lake Michigan, that there are found in the
deep waters of our large lakes crustacea of
a purely marine type. At Lake Mendota,
in Wisconsin, on the shores of which is lo-
cated the State University, a careful inves-
tigation, extending over a very considerable
number of years, has been carried on by
Professor Birge of the University. The re-
sults which he has obtained with reference
to the distribution, both vertical and sea-
sonal, have been published by the Wiscon-
sin Academy and are not only the most
extensive, but beyond all comparison the
most precise investigation which has been
made on this problem.
Of course, in one sense, this station has
no building, but the scientific laboratory of
the University, standing within a stone’s
throw of the shore of the lake, affords op-
portunities which are not surpassed at any
fresh-water station in the world.
Quite a number of periodic resorts of the
type of summer laboratories are to be found
in various parts of the country. Some of
these are merely summer schools, such as
APRIL 7, 1899. ]
the biological laboratory of the Chautauqua
College of Liberal Arts, on Lake Chautau-
qua. Others are both for teaching and for
investigation, while only a small number
are exclusively devoted to the investigation
of limnologic problems from one standpoint
or another. The University of Minnesota
has maintained at Gull Lake, near the cen-
ter of the State, a laboratory for summer
work by members of the University, and for
the prosecution of the natural history sur-
vey of the State under the direction of
Professor Nachtrieb, of the University. The
State University of Ohio has conducted,
since 1896,a lake laboratory near Sandusky,
on Lake Erie. It occupies one of the State
fish hatcheries, and is supplied with the
necessary apparatus by joint action of the
University and State Fish Commission.
Its purpose is to afford a convenient point
of work for the members of the University,
and also to aid in the prosecution of the
State Biological Survey, which is being car-
ried on by the Ohio Academy of Sciences.
The immense stretches of shallow water,
marshy regions, and protected areas, to-
gether with the varied character of shore
and the open lake within. easy reaching dis-
tance, serve to make Sandusky perhaps the
most favorable place on Lake ‘Erie for the
study of the fresh-water fauna and flora.
The station was closed a year ago, owing to
the death of the Director, Professor Kelli-
In 1895 the University of Indiana opened
a Biological Station on the shore of Turkey
Lake in the northern part of the State, un-
der the direction of Professor Eigenmann of
the University; a constantly increasing
number of students has visited the station
each summer. The majority of them have
been teachers of the State engaged in the
prosecution of work to equip them for their
teaching, but others have also assisted in
carrying out a general survey of the lake
fauna and in the collection of material to
illustrate annual variation and associated
problems. For comparison, collections have
been made from adjacent lakes connected
with other water basins. In the coming
year the station is to be moved to the shores
of Winona Lake, some 18 miles from the
present location, where two building are to
be constructed for its use by the Winona
Assembly. The contributions from the
laboratory have been published in the Pro-
ceedings of the Indiana Academy.
For a number of years the Michigan Fish
Commission maintained a force of a few
scientific investigators and assistants in con-
ducting a biological examination of the in-
land lakes of the State, under the direction
of Professor Reighard of the University of
Michigan. In 1893 it was determined to
transfer the seat of operations from inland
waters to one of the Great Lakes, and by
virtue, both of its convenient location and
of its importance as a famous spawning
ground of the lake fish, which had, how-
ever, almost ceased to visit it, Lake St. Clair
was decided upon as the locality for the
first year and the laboratory was located on
a small bay at the northwest shore of the
lake. The party consisted of half a dozen
scientific workers whose attention was ex-
clusively devoted each to his particular
field, and the results of the survey were
published in bulletins of the Michigan Fish
Commission. In 1894 the station was moved
to Charlevoix, a famous fishing region on
the eastern shore of Lake Michigan, and,
owing to the absence of Professor Reighard,
in Europe, I was requested to take charge
of the work. The scientific force and the
methods of work were similar to those of
the preceding year, but the location brought
us in contact, not only with shallow waters,
but also with the deeper regions of Lake
Michigan, and the party made investiga-
tions and collections of a precise character
in the deepest fresh water which has as yet
been investigated by such methods. The
results of the summer’s work were published
in a bulletin of the Commission. Unfavor-
able financial conditions compelled the sus-
pension of the work on the part of the
Michigan Fish Commission, but American
investigators owe much to the impetus
which has been given to such work through
their agency.
For many years the U.S. Fish Commis-
sion has been urged to establish on the
Great Lakes a biological station similar to
that which has long been maintained on
the ocean, at Woods Hole, Mass. Finally,
a year ago,a prelininary survey was under-
taken with a view to deciding the advisa-
bility of such a movement and Professor
Reighard was requested to assume the
leadership of the enterprise. The U. 5S.
Fish Hatchery at Put-in-Bay, a small island
in the center of the west end of Lake Erie,
was selected as the seat of operations and
a party of scientific workers spent two
months in studying the fauna and flora of
the adjacent waters. It is to be hoped that
this work may develop into a permanent
experiment station on the Great Lakes.
Among permanent American stations of a
technical character, the Experimental Filter
Station of the Massachusetts Board of
Health, located at Lawrence, is the best
known as it is also, perhaps, the most
famous of its kind in the world. It has
been in continuous operation since 1887
and has conducted extended experiments
on the biological examination of drinking
waters; the methods worked out in con-
nection with them are now standard for
such purposes. Similar technical labora-
tories are in operation in Boston, Lynn,
Worcester and other cities ; but in most of
them the biological examination of waters
is only a secondary function. The Mount
Prospect Laboratory, organized recently in
connection with the Brooklyn Water Works,
and placed under the direction of Mr. G.
C. Whipple, whose contributions to limno-
[N.S.)) Von. DX. “No! 223:
biologic questions are well known, is more
particularly devoted to the investigation of
questions connected with the character of
the water supply. Numerous samples
taken from all the sources of the city’s sup-
ply are subjected each week to physical,
chemical, microscopical, and bacteriological
examinations, and the quality of the water
controlled thereby, since the reports made
to the chief engineer serve to guide him in
the choice of the sources from which the
water isdrawn. The results of such studies
are also of great importance in general lim-
nologic questions.
The University of Illinois was extremely
fortunate in having associated with it, by
statute, a state laboratory of natural his-
tory which has been engaged for many years
in a natural history survey of the State.
Under the direction of Professor Forbes,
whose pioneer work on the lake fauna has
already been noted, particular attention was
paid to such questions as the food of fresh
water fishes, and the distribution of various
groups of fresh water organisms, so that both
by preliminary work, and in the person of
its director, the state laboratory was pecu-
liarly fitted for the successful inauguration
of an Illinois Biological Station which be-
came possible under state grant in 1894.
The laboratory secured a permanent super-
intendent in the person of Dr. Kofoid a year.
later, and work has been carried on continu-
ously by a permanent force since that date.
The laboratory was unique in its inception
since the director, Dr. Forbes, conceived the
idea of locating it on a river system rather
than as all previous stations on a lake, and
it was not only the first in the world, but
is yet the only station which has peculiarly
attacked the problems of such a system.
The Illinois river and its dependent
waters were selected as the field of opera-
tions and Havanna, Ill., as the center of
work. The river here presents in its cut-
offs, bayous, shallow, marshy tracts, sandy
APRIL 7, 1899. ]
areas with wooded margins and regions of
spring fed waters, and with the enormous
extent of land covered at high water, a va-
riety of conditions which it must be con-
fessed could not be surpassed, and hardly
equalled elsewhere.. The abundance and
variety of the flora and fauna, both in the
higher and lower forms of life, demonstrate
the good judgment exercised in the choice
of locality. A noteworthy feature in the
equipment of this station, and so far as I
know, one that is unique, is the floating
laboratory which enables an easy transfer
of operations to other points, where work
can be carried on for comparison or contrast,
with equipment and environment as satis-
factory as that which exists ina permanent
building, but with the flexibility and facility
of movement which characterizes field
studies. The work has been conducted un-
interruptedly for more than three years,
and the results include studies on the in-
sects and their development, on the earth-
worms, on the Protozoa and rotifers, on
various groups of crustaceans and general
investigations on plankton methods and on
the distribution of the plankton, while some
work has also been done on the plant life
of water. These studies have been pub-
lished in the Bulletin of the Illinois State
Laboratory of Natural History.
Let us consider, in conclusion, the func-
tion and future development of these insti-
tutions. It is perfectly clear that the work
of the different types of fresh-water sta-
tions will vary somewhat with the class,
and Zacharias has outlined carefully the
differences in the work of the fixed and of
the movable stations. But these are, after
all, minor differences. All stations, whether
fixed or movable, have really three objects :
teaching, investigating, experimenting, ob-
jects which may be subserved directly or
indirectly, or in both ways, by each one of
them. It is unquestionably true that the
tendency within recent years has been to
make the university trained scientist a lab-
oratory man, unacquainted with work out
of doors and among living things. This
has reacted unfavorably upon his teaching
powers, and thus indirectly upon the entire
schoolsystem. Not that subjects in natural
history are not better taught in our second-
ary schools than they were twenty years
ago, when, in truth, they were hardly taught
at all, but that the naturalist to-day is not
trained as an outdoor observer and is little
capable of handling himself and his work
in a new environment. As Forbes says:
“Tt is, in fact, the biological station, wisely
and liberally managed, which is to restore
to us what is best in the naturalist of the
old school united to what is best in the lab-
oratory student of the new.’’ Thus, both
through the influence of the investigators
in the case of those stations which do not
carry on directly any educational work, and
through the teaching of those which do
conduct summer instructional courses, new
life will be instilled into the teaching of
natural history throughout our country.
In the second place, the fresh-water sta-
tion is a center for investigation with all its
stimulating effects on the individual thus
brought in contact with problems of Nature
and efforts for their solution, and in the
contributions to the advancement of knowl-
edge which are the fruits of a careful work
on the part of its attachés. All that has
been said of the advantages of marine sta-
tions applies equally well to fresh-water
laboratories, together with the added ad-
vantages that their accessibility brings these
advantages to considerable regions which
would otherwise be entirely without them
by virtue of their distance from the sea. It
is unnecessary that I should emphasize
further this phase of the question, or dwell
upon the greater simplicity of biological
conditions in fresh-water over those which
exist in the ocean. These factors have been
forcibly presented by many writers.
Finally, the fresh-water station should
be above all things an experimental one,
and in this direction the most valuable re-
sults are to be looked for, both from the
general scientific and from the technical
standpoint. To thescientist, this needs no
demonstration ; but it is essential that the
importance of such work, especially for fish
culture, be more widely understood. The
advance in agricultural methods in the
United States is unquestionably due in
large part to the development of a splendid
series of agricultural experiment stations in
which agricultural problems have been sub-
jected to intensive experimentation. Con-
trasted with this, conditions in fish culture
present almost the opposite extreme. Fish
eggs have been hatched in enormous num-
bers, but what is known of their subsequent
history or what has been done to insure the
safe development to maturity of the fish ?
Present methods have reached their limit
and the subject must be attacked from a
different standpoint. Fish culture should
receive by the liberality of state and nation
the same favors that have been extended to
agriculture, the use of permanent and well-
equipped experiment stations where trained
workers shall devote their time and energy
to the solution of its problems. 'horough-
ness and continuity are essential, for these
problems really deal with all conditions of
existence in the water. Of what does the
food of each fish consist, where is it found
and in what amount, how may it be in-
creased and improved ; to what extent and
how can the number of fish be multiplied,
and how far is this profitable ; what are the
best kinds of fish and what new varieties
can be produced? These are a few of the
many questions to be solved.
The problems outlined are indeed vast,
and yet we may be confident that their so-
lution lies easily within the power of the
human intellect, for they are all paralleled
in the history of the agricultural develop-
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 223.
ment of the race; and man, relying upon
his success in the past, may go forward
with supreme confidence to the attainment
of their solution in this new field.
Henry B. Warp.
Since the publication, in 1892, of the pa-
pers by Viala and Sauvageau describing
Brunissure of the Vine and the California
Vine disease as due to Plasmodiophora vitis
(Viala et Sauv.) and P. californica (Viala
et Sauv.) much interest has been mani-
fested in these supposed new parasites. F.
Debray and A. Brive in Revue de Viticul-
ture, 1895, claimed to have found the para-
site in a large number of plants belonging
to numerous families and genera. They
made a new genus for the organism calling
it Pseudocommis vitis. By far the best work,
however, has been done by Viala and Sau-
vageau. A full discussion of their work
with bibliography may be found in ‘ Les
Maladies de la Vigne, par Pierre Viala, Tro-
isiéme édition 1893, pp. 400-413. Any
one who has observed for himself the pecu-
liar structures described would most likely
decide at once that they must belong, or be
at least closely related, to the genus Plas-
modiophora. The peculiar vacuolate plas-
modium-like structures may be best studied,
following the directions of Viala (in Mal-
adies de la Vigne), by slowly clearing the
sections or tissues in dilute eau de javelle.
The protoplasm of the host cell is said to be
dissolved, while that of the plasmodes re-
mains for a long time unattacked. The
plasmodes may then be colored with iodine
or other stains, bringing out their structure
very sharply. I have recently repeated
these experiments very carefully and find
everything described by Viala and Sau-
vageau in Vitis and also as described by
APRIL 7, 1899.]
‘Debray in other plants. In fact, the phe-
nomena can be produced in all plants so far
as I have examined, whether healthy or dis-
eased, especially in cells containing chloro-
phyll. I obtained the plasmode structures
readily in leaves and stems of Vitis, Ialiwm
harrisii, Tobacco, Tomato, Rose and Hyacinth
and in Spirogyra cells. If one watches the ac-
tion of eau de javelle closely under the mi-
croscope a slight plasmolysis of the cells is
first seen which may increase or afterwards
- disappear. The chloroplasts swell and be-
come colorless and unite with each other,
and usually with the rest of the protein,
into an amorphous mass almost transpar-
ent. This mass after a time contracts into
a single vacuolate plasmodium-like struc-
ture or into several such structures in each
cell. These become highly refractive and
remain without much change for several
hours or disappear, according to the strength
of the reagent. In this stage the plasmodes
may be coagulated with alcohol or iodine
and stained and permanently mounted in
glycerine containing alcohol or iodine. If
dilute glycerine or pure water is added be-
fore coagulation the plasmode structures
swell, lose their high refraction and _ be-
come amorphous. In coagulation these
formations behave like any albuminoid
substance. Their formation, however, is
entirely different from the separation of
active albumen in the cell by the addi-
tion of an aqueous solution of caffeine as
described by Dr. Loew. This difference
will be discussed in a fuller paper now in
preparation. The action of the eau de ja-
velle is most likely an oxidation in the pres-
ence of an alkali. Changes of the kind de-
scribed are not produced by a mixture of
sodium chloride 5% and sodium hydrate
1% or of either of these acting alone. A
phenomenon quite similar, however, is pro-
duced in the Lily if the tissues are first
soaked in peroxide of hydrogen till discol-
ored and sections then mounted in sodium
chloride 5% and sodium hydrate1%. The
cell contents then quickly swell and be-
come amorphous, and highly refractive-
plasmode structures separate out. These
gradually disappear if not coagulated with
iodine or alcohol. In the latter case they
behave as do the similar structures pro-
duced by the eau de javelle. If the theory
is correct that these changes are pro-
duced by an oxidation of the chloroplasts
and other cell contents in an alkaline me-
dium it explains why such structures, or a
reticulate form of them, usually appear in
cells which slowly die and become brown
around the punctures of aphids in the leaf
of the Bermuda lily. Numerous tests made
by the writer have shown that plants which
react in this manner to aphis punctures
contain much larger quantities of oxidizing
enzyme than plants which do not so react.
The presence of the substance injected into
the wound by the aphis probably causes the
neighboring cells to increase still more in
oxidizing enzyme until the presence of the
latter in excessive quantity destroys or oxi-
dizes the chloroplasts. The cell slowly dies,
and the rest of the cell contents may then
be attacked. A brownish shrunken amor-
phous mass is left. On the addition of
dilute potassium hydrate or sodium hydrate
to sections from such spots the oxidized
protoplasm in the cells which have turned
brown swells up and becomes a reticulated
or vacuolate mass, such as is often obtained
with the eau de javelle or the peroxide of
hydrogen and sodium hydrate. It is quite
likely, therefore, that plasmode structures
would be formed by an alkali in any cells
that had previously become oxidized either
from the presence of oxidizing enzyme in
themselves or from any other cause. These
observations indicate quite decidedly that
the supposed Plasmodiophora vitis or
Pseudocommis vitis are nothing but micro-
chemical reactions, brought on by oxidations
and the influence of an alkali upon the en-
tire protein contents of cells, especially upon
chloroplasts. ;
A complete account of the work with il-
lustrations will be published soon.
Apert F. Woops.
AND PatHoLtocy, U. 8. Dept. AGRICULTURE.
AurHoucH there is nothing especially
new in regard to the pump proper, the
method of electrical control may be suffi-
ciently novel to warrant a brief description.
410 Volts
The pump proper is a modification of a
common form of Geissler pump. It con-
sists of a long glass tube, about 14 inches
in diameter, which has a mercury trap and
a small glass valve at the top. The bottom
of the tube is drawn down and dips into a
[N.S. Vou. LX. No. 223.
flask filled with mercury. A tight joint is
made between the flask and pump by a rub-
ber stopper. This stopper also serves asa
flexible support for the body of the pump.
The exhaust tube is sealed into the pump
just above the point at which the pump
passes into the flask. The arrangement is
best shown by the figure.
The tube to be exhausted is attached to
the pump, through a drying bulb filled with
anhydrous phosphorie acid, by a simple
ground joint with a mercury seal. The
valve at the top of the pump is ground to
<= >
Trop made of capillary tube tanan bore
Fr fecth
Drying Rute,
Gyound jars uath antreury seal
Three urany coche
fit its seat and so weighted by filling with
mercury that it closes, leaving sufficient
mercury above it to form a tight joint. Di-
mensions which give very satisfactory re-
sults are shown on the figure, Suction is
applied permanently to the top of the pump
APRIL 7, 1899. ]
above the valve. The mercury in the pump
is raised or lowered by applying atmos-
pheric pressure or suction to the flask. The
suction necessary to operate the pump is
obtained by a small watbr-jet pump giving
a vacuum of about 28 inches. A pump
with the valve alone will work fairly well,
except that occasionally, when the quantity
of air taken out at each stroke becomes
small, a little bubble will cling to the valve
and refuse to pass out of the pump. To
avoid this, a trap is added below the valve
to prevent any air which might fail to pass
the valve from returning to the pump.
The only requisite to make the pump
automatic is to have some means of con-
trolling a three-way cock which will apply
either pressure or suction to the flask. This
control is obtained electrically by making
and breaking a circuit in the valve at the
top, and in a float in the flask at the bottom.
A permanent electrical connection is made
with the mercury in the flask at the bottom.
A platinum wire sealed into the tip of the
valve serves to connect electrically the
mercury in the valve with that in the
pump. Aniron wire dips into the stem of
the valve and serves as a final contact. The
mercury rising in the pump first makes
contact with the inside of the valve through
the platinum wire. As it continues to rise
the valve opens floats and ompletes the
circuit by the iron wire. It will be seen
that the final contact is made in the valve,
and any sparking that may occur can in no
way foul the mercury in the pump. When
the mercury in the pump reaches its lowest
level a float in the flask similar to the
valve at the top closes another circuit.
These two circuits control a relay which in
turn controls a solenoid connected to the
three-way cock. The solonoid is wound
for 110 volts and takes only a small current.
One or two Leclanché cells are sufficient
for the relay. The electrical connections
are shown in the figure.
A pump of this form has been in use at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
for over two years, and has proved very
satisfactory. It works quickly, and will
give high Crookes vacuum without trou-
In starting the pump, the pump and
whatever may be attached to it are first
exhausted by the water pump to about two
or three inches’ pressure. For the first few
strokes, which are make by hand, the mer-
cury is allowed to rise only part way in the
pump. After this the necessary electrical
circuits may be closed and the pump will
take care of itself. In this way the dan-
gerous hammering of the mercury occurring
when the quantity of air taken out at each
stroke is large can be avoided.
I am indebted to Mr. C. L. Norton for
valuable assistance in developing this
The Wonderful Century. By ALFRED RUSSELL
As the human mind is more wonderful than
anything else that we find in nature, so the
greatest and most significant difference between
the ‘ Wonderful Century’ and all that had gone
before is an intellectual difference.
It is not invention and discovery and the ex-
tension of man’s dominion over nature, but the
establishment of the conviction that we know
no limit to this movement, that is the chief dis-
tinction of our century.
Among those who have, in our day, guided
the thoughts of men to this conviction, future
historians will. give the highest place to Lyell,
and Wallace and Darwin; for no one in our
century has done more than they to assure us
that the scientific method is adequate; even if
successive generations of ‘ philosophers’ still
continue to teach that the very top and perfec-
tion of human wisdom is the assertion that we
know, and can know, nothing.
With modesty which some hold to do him
less than justice, Wallace believed that Darwin
so much surpassed him in strength and wisdom
and in acquaintance with nature that it became
his duty to devote his life to the assistance of
Darwin in his efforts to extend the province of
human knowledge into regions that had been
declared closed. The intellectual revolution
has come about, nor will the thoughtful permit
Wallace’s part in bringing it about to be for-
gotten; nor can we forget the generous devo-
tion which chose the advancement of truth
before the natural desire for recognition and dis-
tinction. Noonecan suspect that such a man as
Wallace has proved himself will ignore or de-
preciate the share of anyone in this great work,
and few chapters of his book on ‘ The Wonder-
ful Century’ are more interesting than the one
in which he touches, very gently and tenderly,
upon the part which the ‘ philosophers’ have
had in the progress of natural science.
It is one thing to show that there is no logical
basis for belief that species are immutable, but
it is quite a different matter to show what
modifies species. It was by finding out, and not
by exposing the weakness in the logic of those
who asserted that we never can find out, that
Wallace and Darwin passed the bounds where
they had been told that natural knowledge
Lamarck, and Chambers, and Herbert Spen-
cer, and many others, even Wallace himself,
had shown that there is no reason to doubt that
species are mutable; but all had failed to show
how the changes take place ; and many eminent
men of science, as well as the general public,
refused to consider beliefs which were as yet
beliefs and nothing more.
What educated public opinion was before the
publication of the ‘Origin’ is shown, says
Wallace, by the fact that neither Lamarck nor
Herbert Spencer nor the author of the ‘ Ves-
tiges’ had been able to make any impression
upon it. The very idea of progressive develop-
ment of species from other species was held to
be a ‘heresy’ by such great and liberal-minded
men as Sir John Herschel and Sir Charles
Lyell; the latter writer declaring, in the earlier
editions of his great work, that the facts of
geology are ‘ fatal to the theory of progressive
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 223.
development.’ The whole literary and scientific
worlds were violently opposed to all such theo-
ries, and altogether disbelieved in the possibility
of establishing them. It had been so long the
custom to treat species as special creations, and
the mode of their creation as the ‘ mystery of
mysteries,’ that it had come to be considered
not only presumptuous, but almost impious, for
any individual to profess to have lifted the veil
from what was held to be the greatest and most
mysterious of Nature’s secrets.
Wallace tells us, ‘ The Wonderful Century,’
p. 139, that after he had studied what had been
written, and even after he had himself written
about the mutability of species: ‘‘I had no
conception of how or why each new form had
come into existence with all its beautiful adap-
tations to its special mode of life; and though
the subject was continually being pondered
over, no light came to me till three years
later (February, 1858), under somewhat peculiar
circumstances. I was then living at Ternate,
in the Moluccas, and was suffering from a
rather severe attack of intermittent fever, which
prostrated me for several hours every day dur-
ing the cold and succeeding hot fits. During
one of these fits, while again considering the
problem of the origin of species, something led
me to think of Malthus’ Essay on Population
(which I had read about ten years before), and
the ‘positive checks’—war, disease, famine,
accidents, etec.—which he adduced as keeping
all savage nations nearly stationary. It then
occurred to me that these checks must also act
upon animals, and keep down their numbers;
and as they increase so much faster than man
does, while their numbers are always nearly
or quite stationary, it was clear that these
checks in their case must be far more powerful,
since a number equal to the whole increase
must be cut off by them each year. While
vaguely thinking how this would affect any
species, there suddenly flashed upon me the
idea of the survival of the fittest—that the indi-
viduals removed by these checks must be, on
the whole, inferior to those that survived.
Then, considering the variations continually oc-
curring in every fresh generation of animals or
plants, and the changes of climate, of food, of
enemies always in progress, the whole method
APRIL 7, 1899. ]
of specific modification became clear to me,
and in the two hours of my fit I had thought
out the main points of the theory.’’
If this had been only a fortunate guess it
would have little interest, for no one cares to
ask whether Empedocles, or Wells, or Mathew,
or Darwin, or Herbert Spencor, or Wallace
first had this happy thought. It was because
Wallace had spent years of hard work in gath-
ering facts and in pondering them that he was
able to see that this sudden product of his ‘ fit’
was worthy of further examination, and be-
cause he devoted the rest of his life to its ap-
plication to new discoveries that he is held to
be the joint discoverer of the law of Natural
The origin of species by means of natural se-
lection is now universally accepted as a demon-
strated principle. ‘‘This,’’ says Wallace, ‘is,
of course, partly due to the colossal work of
Herbert Spencer; but for one reader of his works
there are probably ten of Darwin’s, and the es-
tablishment of the theory of the Origin of Species
by Means of Natural Selection is wholly Darwin’s
work. That book, together with those which
succeeded it, has so firmly established the doc-
trine of progressive development of species by
the ordinary processes of multiplication and
variation that there is now, I believe, scarcely
a single living naturalist who doubts it. Prob-
ably so complete a change’ of educated opinion,
on a question of such vast difficulty and com-
plexity, was never before effected in so short a
time. It not only places the name of Darwin
on a ievel with that of Newton, but his work
will always be considered as one of the greatest,
if not the very greatest, of the scientific
achievements of the nineteenth century, rich
as that century has been in great discoveries in
every department of physical science.”’
To this we must add that, so long as the
‘ Origin of Species’ holds its place on the shelves
of students, close beside it we shall find the
‘Malay Archipelago ;’ for the writer of this
review has.no doubt that Wallace will be one of
those to whom future generations will say:
‘Friend, Go up higher.’’
W. K. Brooks.
The Principles of Bacteriology.
By Dr. FErpI-
Translated by PROFESSOR
E. O. JorDAN. Chicago, The Open Court
Publishing Co. Pp. 455.
American bacteriologists certainly owe a debt
of gratitude to Professor Jordan for putting
into clear English this valuable contribution to
the science of bacteriology of Professor Hueppe,
of Prague. Hueppe’s contribution to bacteri-
ology in this volume is no ordinary one. The
book is not simply a review of facts, but is de-
cidedly original. From the first to the last the
author and his opinions are decidedly in eyi-
dence. Whether or not one is inclined to
agree with him in all his conclusions, no one
will question the force of the arguments with
which he upholds his opinions.
After giving some general information in re-
gard to bacteria (in which the author accepts
the conclusion that the tuberculous bacillus is
not a bacterium at all) he deals in successive
chapters with the vital phenomena of bacteria,
pathogenic bacteria, the cause of infectious dis-
eases, cure by combating the cause, immunity,
prevention and history. The chapter upon
vital phenomena of bacteria is especially valu-
able, since it treats, ina comprehensive manner,
of the somewhat obscure subject of the chem-
istry of bacterial poisons and bacterial nu-
But the most suggestive part of the work be-
gins with the chapter upon the cause of infec-
tious disease. Here he sets himself in opposi-
tion to the school of Koch by denying that
bacteria can in any proper sense be regarded as
the cause of disease, and especially repudiating
the idea that definite species of bateria are the
‘specific’ cause of ‘specific’ diseases. No one can
question Hueppe’s thorough acquaintance with
the facts of modern bacteriology, and it seems a
little strange that he can hold a position so gener-
ally at variance with that of most bacteriolo-
gists. But we soon learn that his position is
not so different from that of Koch as at first ap-
pears, and perhaps not so different as Hueppe
triesto make it appear. Hueppe is, of course,
fully aware that diseases are produced in ani-
mals by inoculating them with certain bacteria
cultures. His criticism is simply against the
claim that they are the cause of the disease and
that definite species cause definite diseases.
That they provoke diseases he recognizes ; that
they cause them he denies. His own position
is essentially as follows: Disease and health
alike are attributes of the activity of living
Health is the result of the normal activity and
disease of the abnormal activity of these cells,
and it is hardly more correct to say that dis-
ease is caused by bacteria than to say that
health is caused by their absence. Disease is a
process, not an entity, and is really caused by
some condition of the living cells which makes
them liable to act abnormally when stimu-
lated. No disease can appear in the body
except such as are predisposed in the living
cells. The bacteria serve as a stimulus just
as the spark serves as a stimulus for gun-
powder. The spark is not the cause of the
explosion, though it may excite it. There isa
certain amount of resistance to be overcome
before the cells will start to act abnormally, and
the bacteria simply overcome this resistance.
We are learning to appreciate more and more
fully that one animal may be predisposed to a
disease while another is more resistant, a fact
in itself which shows that we are speaking very
loosely when we say that the bacteria cause
the disease. According to Hueppe disease is
the result of a number of factors of unequal
weight. External conditions constitute one
factor, the condition of the body cells a second,
and the presence of certain bacteria a third.
When together they produce disease. Break
the chain as one link and there is no disease.
The school of Koch has paid attention to one of
these links, the school of Virchow to the sec-
ond, while Petinkoffer is trying to study the
third, 7. e., external conditions. Hueppe in-
sists that neither one causes the disease, but all
three together. Disease is a vital activity, and
while bacteria are needed to stimulate it they
don’t properly cause it.
This conception, of course, largely deter-
mines the position which Hueppe takes in the
other topics considered. The question of com-
bating the disease by combating the bacteria
is only one side of the matter. Prevention in-
volves something more than simply looking
after the bacteria. Hygienic measures are mis-
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 223.
directed if they look simply toward the destruc-
tion of bacteria. The disinfecting mania which
developed a few years ago he regards as exag-
gerated and largely needless. Hygienic measures
in the past have been very useful and produced
a decided improvement in public health, but
this has not been because they have destroyed
the ‘specific’ bacteria. Rarely do we succeed
in this object. Sanitariums for tuberculosis pay
little attention to the matter of germs. The
success has resulted from the fact that hygienic
measures and cleanliness, together with fresh
air and sunlight, have improved the general
health, given the cells greater vitality and made
the individual less disposed to acquire the dis-
ease. They are successful because they have
been directed to the second link in the chain
rather than the third.
It is a question whether his position is quite
so much at variance with generally accepted
belief as Hueppe is inclined to think. In de-
nying that distinct bacteria are ‘specific’ he
fails satisfactorily to reconcile this position
with the fact that definite species do provoke
definite diseases. He fails to make it clear just
how the bacteria act to produce distinct dis-
eases if they are not specific. It is a somewhat
curious position to assume that the silk worms
have always had a special predisposition to
pebrine, but that this disposition only appeared
when the pebrine organism made its appear-
ance, especially as it appears that all individuals
yield to the attacks of this germ. But appar-
ently Hueppe would assume that the animals
have had this predisposition to a disease which
never had a chance to develop until the proper
organism produced the stimulus. Hueppe has
perhaps just as truly overdrawn the case from
his point of view as Koch did from his own
standpoint. But certainly all bacteriologists
may read with profit this somewhat new set-
ting-forth of the problem of bacterial diseases,
and Hueppe is certainly to be thanked for bring-
ing forward so forcibly the part which the vital
activity of the organism plays in the matter of
disease. He has certainly done a valuable ser-
vice in pointing out that the problem of the
physician and bacteriologist is to be directed
toward the man and not the bacterium.
H. W. C.
APRIL 7, 1899.]
The Elements of Graphic Statics. By L. M. Hos-
KINS, Professor of Applied Mechanics in the
Leland Stanford Jr. University. New York,
The Macmillan Company. 1899. Revised
Edition. Pp. viii + 199, and eight plates.
The character of works under the head of
Graphical Statics varies between that extreme
of which Cremona’s treatise may be regarded as
typical, in which the name can be regarded as
scarcely more than a peg on which to hang a
large amount of theoretical projective-geometry
matter, and the opposite extreme, where we
may place the work before us, characterized,
as it is, by intense practicality and general
avoidance of everything of merely theoretic or
historic interest. The favorable impression
made upon one by the mechanical excellence
of Professor Hoskins’ book is further confirmed
by a careful examination of the text.
Avoiding the error of Culmann in presuppos-
ing too much information on the part of his
students as to projective relations and graphic
methods, the author lays his own foundation on
which to build, treating the subject more, how-
ever, as a branch of mechanics than of geometry.
To this his Part I. is devoted, and it would seem
impossible to set forth the fundamentals more
clearly and concisely than in the fifty pages de-
voted thereto.
Familiarity with analytics and the calculus
is assumed for the remainder of the work.
Bow’s convenient system of notation is em-
ployed throughout.
Excluding entirely from the book any con-
sideration of structures whose discussion in-
volves the theory of elasticity, the hundred
pages constituting Part II. are devoted to the
usual problems of beams and of bridge and roof
trusses. We have not at hand a copy of the
original edition for comparison with the
revision, but as Professor Hoskins’ preface in-
dicates that the principal changes are in this
section we state them in this connection in his
own words: ‘‘In the present revised edition
no change has been made in general plan, and
few changes in the treatment adopted, except
in the portions relating to beams and trusses
carrying moving loads. These portions have
been wholly re-written. It is believed that a
substantial improvement has been made upon
the methods hitherto used, particularly in the
criterion for determining the position of a given
load-series which causes maximum stress in any
member of a truss. The improvement consists
in generalization, which is believed to be gained
without sacrifice of simplicity. The graphical
method of applying the criterion in the case of
trusses with parallel chords has been fully
treated by Professor H. T. Eddy. The method
here given applies without the restriction to
parallel chords. The algebraic statement of
the same criterion, as given in Art. 152, is also
believed to be a useful generalization of the
methods hitherto used. Whether the algebraic
or the graphical treatment is preferred, a method
is useful in proportion to its generality, pro-
vided this does not involve a loss of simplicity.
There is a decided advantage in the use of a
single general equation applicable to any mem-
ber of any truss, instead of several particular
equations, each applicable to a special member
or to aspecial form of truss.’’ That this general-
ization will be cordially weleomed and availed
of by the profession may safely be predicted.
Part III. gives graphic methods of determin-
ing centers of gravity and the moments of in-
ertia of plane areas, witha discussion of inertia-
curves, carried as far as the practical engineer
will ordinarily need. Eight clear, double-page
plates complete the work, and one’s only re-
gret in viewing them is that they cannot face
the text describing them, to the saving of the
student’s time and temper.
We notice that the author uses a term,
‘complanar’ (whether he suggests it or not is
not evident), which we trust will not supplant
the generally accepted ‘con-plane,’ which is con-
sistent with the other equally self-explanatory
terms con-focal, con-axial, etc., and needs no
The book is a thoroughly good one preém-
inently for the class-room, and a course in it
should be a pleasure alike to pupil and in-
structor. Frep’x N. WILLson.
PROFESSOR MARTIN’S books on The Human
Body are in many ways models in the presenta-
tion of a difficult subject. We are glad to re-
ceive ‘The Briefer Course’ (Holt), revised by
Professor G. W. Fitz, of Harvard University,
and to commend it cordially. The book has
been corrected throughout and a chapter added
on growthand nutrition. The three apendices,
which occupy nearly one fourth of the book, are
all open to criticism. They are on ‘Emer-
gencies,’ ‘ Alcohol and Tobacco’ and ‘ Demon-
strations and Experiments.’ ‘ Emergencies’
make up part of the examination in physiology
which may be taken for entrance to Harvard
College, but it is not evident that a school boy
will profit intellectually or practically by being
told how to treat apoplexy. The demonstra-
tions and experiments, also part of the Har-
vard examination, may in their present form
be useful for the teacher, but scarcely for
the student. The reviser states that the
appendix on narcotics is retained against
his judgment. The injurious effects of nar-
cotics must by foolish laws be taught in
most public school courses on physiology; but
it would be possible to prepare a statement that
would be scientifically correct, even though its
teaching might be ethically obnoxious. The
statements in this book are not exactly incor-
rect, but they would produce false impressions
on young students. The results of excess are
pictured, and the boy is left to infer that the
final state of his father, who drinks a glass of
wine for dinner, will be delirium tremens. But
the boy will be more likely to conclude that
physiology is not an ‘exact’ science.
Minerva, ‘A Yearbook of the Learned
World,’ is indispensable to the editor and useful
to every one who wishes to keep informed on
the progress of edyeation and science. As is
well known, the book contains accounts of uni-
versities, libraries, museums, learned societies,
etc., throughout the world. The names of
over 25,000 officers of these institutions are
given, and with an accuracy that is truly re-
markable. The eighth volume, 1899, which
reaches us from Messrs. Lemcke and Buechner
(12 Broadway, New York City), is thoroughly
revised from official sources, and is enlarged
and improved in several respects, including the
addition of a number of Canadian institutions.
Programs of the various international scientific
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 223:
congresses are promised for next year. The
importance of the great universities of the
world cannot be judged from the number of
students, as the data are not comparable, but
in this respect the order of the first ten is given
as follows : Paris, 12,047 ; Berlin, 10,306; Mad-
rid, 6,143 ; Vienna, 5,710; Naples, 5,103; Mos-
cow, 4,461; Budapesth, 4,407; Munich, 3,997 ;
Harvard, 3,674; St. Petersburg, 8,615. Asa
matter of fact, Harvard, with over 5,000 stu-
dents all told, is probably now the fourth in
size of the universities of the world, being sur-
passed only by Paris, Berlinand Vienna. There
are thirty universities having over 2,000 stu-
dents, and, of these, nine are in the United
States, four in Russia and in Great Britain,
three in France, in Germany and in Austria-
Hungary, two in Italy and one in Spain and in
ANOTHER useful work of reference is Who's
Who? edited by Mr. Douglas Sladen and pub-
lished by Black in London and by Macmillan in
New York. It contains brief bibliographies of
people talked about in Great Britain, including
all the leading men of science and a complete
list of the members of the Royal Society.
Americans are also noticed, but only in small
numbers. Presidents Gilman and Harper are
included, but not President Eliot. The late
Professor Marsh is the only American man
of science whose name we have noted.
Report of the Seventh Meeting of the Australasian Asso-
ciation for the Advancement of Science, held at Sydney.
Edited by A. LIVERSIDGE. Sydney, Published by
the Association, Pp. lii+1161. 10s. 6d.
Eléments de Botanique. PH. VAN TIEGHEM. Paris,
Masson et Cie. 1898. 3d edition, revised and
enlarged. Vol. I., pp. xvi+559. Vol. II., pp.
xv+ 612.
The Fairy Land of Science.
New York, D. Appleton & Co.
How to Know the Ferns. FRANCIS THEODORA PAR-
sons. New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons. 1899.
Pp. xiv+210. $1.50.
Papers and Addresses.
lege, 1896-1898. Ithaca, N. Y.
1899. Pp. x+
N. Y. State Veterinary Col-
APRIL 7, 1899. ]
GrorG Hor-
1899. Pp. 118.
Die Continuitiit der Atomverkettung.
MANN. Jena, Gustav Fischer.
Mark 3.
Text-Book of Physies—Sound. J. H. PoyntTrine and
J. J. TuHomson. London, Charles Griflings &
Company ; Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co.
Pp. x+163,
THE American Journal of Science contains the
following articles :
Glacial Lakes Newberry, Warren and Dana, in
Central New York, H. L. FAIRCHILD.
Rapid Method for the Determination of the Amount
of Soluble Mineral Matter in a Soil, T. H. MEANS.
New Type of Telescope Objective especially adapted
for Spectroscopic Use, C. S. HASTINGS.
Phenocrysts of Intrusive Igneous Rocks, L. V.
Occurrence, Origin and Chemical Composition of
Chromite, J. H. PRATT.
Influence of Hydrochloric Acid in Titrations by
Sodium Thiosulphate, J. T. Norton, Jr.
Rock-forming Biotites and Amphiboles, H. W.
One Little Known and one Hitherto Unknown
Species of Saurocephalus, O. P. Hay.
Some American Fossil Cycads, G. R. WIELAND.
THE American Geologist for April opens with
an extended article by Professor William M.
Davis on the peneplain, being a reply to an
article by Professor Tarr in a previous issue of
the journal. Professor Davis writes from
Cannes, France. Following are articles: By
Professor George E. Ladd, on the Cretaceous
Clays of Middle Georgia; by Professor H. N.
Winchell, on the optical characters of Jackson-
ite, and by Professor C. H. Hitchcock, giving
an account of his observations in Australasia.
THE Journal of the Boston Society of Medical
Sciences contains a paper by Dr. Franklin G.
White on ‘Blood Cultures in Septicemia, Pneu-
monia, Meningitis and Chronic Disease,’ in
which, among the conclusions reached, is that
the detection of specific bacteria in the blood in |
cases of sepsis and pneumonia gives an un-
favorable prognosis. A brief but interesting
article by E. H. Bradford treats of the ‘Move-
ment of the Front ofthe Foot in Walking ;’ and
Dr. John Dane follows with a ‘ Report of Some
Studies upon the Arch of the Foot in Infancy, ’
showing that this arch is present in infants but
is masked by a sustaining pad of fat.
THE frontispiece of the Osprey for February
isa plate of the Hairy Woodpecker by Fuertes ;
the first article, ‘ Notes from North Dakota, ’
by E. S. Rolfe treats of egg collecting in the
vicinity of Devil’s Lake. Mr. Geo. F. Bren-
inger has an article on ‘Gambel’s Quail;’ and
Rev. W. F. Henninger discusses ‘ The Scourge
of Egg Collecting’ in a manner perhaps a little
over-zealous, but with an array of facts that
merit serious consideration. The feature of the
number is Dr. Gill’s long letter headed ‘A
Great Work Proposed,’ wherein he lays before
the readers at some length a number of sugges-
tions for a new history of North American
birds. The publication of the Osprey for March
brings this magazine down to date; Julia 8.
Robins contributes an article on Wilson enti-
tled ‘Behind the Wedding Veil,’ and Witmer
Stone follows with a too short paper on ‘An Old
Case of Skins and its Associations,’ being notes
on one of the earliest ornithological collections
in the United States. In ‘Snap Shots with Pen
and Camera,’ E. S. Rolfe gives us half a dozen
views of birds and nests, with accompanying
text. ‘The Gourdheads in the Cypress Swamp
of Missouri,’ by Otto Widmann, tells of the
habits of the Wood Ibis, gourdhead being a
local name for this bird. W. B. Davis has some
suggestive notes on ‘Odd Actions of Birds Un-
explained,’ and the customary notes, editorials
and reviews complete this unusually good
THE regular meeting was held on February
i), alii he)
The first paper of the evening was read by
Mr. F. D. Simons, and was entitled ‘The De-
tection of Caramel Coloring Matter in Spirits
and Vinegar,’ by C. A. Crampton and F. D.
The paper states that the two principal
tests given in the books for the detection of
caramel coloring matter are, first, the reduction
of Fehling’s solution, and second, the precipita-
tion of the caramel by means of paraldehyde.
Neither of these tests has given satisfactory re-
sults in the hands of the authors.
It was found that fuller’s earth had a se-
lective affinity for caramel coloring matter in
spirits, while the natural color derived from
wood was but slightly affected. The test is
made by beating up twenty-five grams of the
earth with fifty ec. of the sample to be tested,
allowing it to stand for thirty minutes at room
temperature, and filtering. The color before
and after treament is observed by means of
Levibond’s tintometer or other form of good
colorimeter, and the amount of color removed
ascertained in this way.
The test was applied to all the samples of
spirits available in the laboratory of internal
revenue, positive results being obtained in all
eases. A series of 40 samples known to be
naturally colored gave an average of 14.6 per
cent. of color removed, while 18 samples of
spirit known to be colored with caramel aver-
aged 44.7 per cent. of color removed.
The test was also applied to a few samples of
vinegar, with good results.
The second paper of the evening was read by
Dr. David T. Day, and was entitled ‘ Charac-
teristics of Iridosmium in the United States.’
A demand has lately arisen for this mate-
rial as a source of osmium, with which it is pro-
posed to impregnate the filaments of incandes-
cent lights, with most beneficial results as to the
amount of light supplied by a given current and
the increased life of the lamp. The problem, of
supplying a large amount of osmiridium is a most
fascinating one and has led to much study in the
localities of the West where platinum metals
have been found. The results show that plat-
inum is much more generally distributed through
‘the western placer mines than was supposed
and that there are localities containing so-called
crude platinum, in which osmiridium is found.
A sample sent from the Oregon beach contained
as high as 99 per cent. of osmiridium. The
Hay Fork District, in Trinity county, California,
Junction City, and more especially the whole
Pacific Coast beach, isa most interesting field of
search because the platinum is mixed with much
osmiridium. It can be said in general that
nearly all the crude platinum sand contains os-
miridium in greater or less quantity, according
to the analyses of a great number of sands made
by Dr. Waldron Shapleigh, for the Welsbach
(N.S. Von, LX. No. 223.
Light Company. An interesting exception is
the Granite Creek District, of British Columbia.
A curious form of osmiridium was noted at the
Chapman Mine, near Junction City, California,
where nuggets } inch in diameter, when treated
with warm dilute nitro-hydrochlorie acid, yield
platinum in solution and flakes of osmiridium.
The separation of the platinum from the os-
miridium is readily accomplished by means of
nitro-hydrochloric acid, and the separation of
osmic acid from the residue is quite simple by
the ordinary process of passing chlorine over the
osmiridium mixed with salt. The purification
of the osmie acid is now effected by redistilla-
tion, but it is probable that these methods will
be much improved within the next few months.
It is probable that 2,000 ozs. of the material will
be obtained during 1899.
The last paper of the evening was read by Dr.
Day, and was entitled ‘Uses of Fuller’s Earth
as a Filtering Medium.’
In 1892 an effort was made by the Owl
Cigar Manufacturing Company at Quincy,
Florida, to manufacture brick from a peculiar
cream-colored clay found on their property.
Instead of baking hard, it exfoliated in a pecu-
liar manner and caused some comment from an
Alsatian cigar-maker in the employ of the com-
pany, who noticed this clay and called atten-
tion to its close resemblance to German fuller’s
earth. This led to an inquiry as to its value as
fuller’s earth, at a time when the lubricating oil
companies were looking for domestic fuller’s
earth to replace animal charcoal as a means of
lightening the color of lubricating oils by filtra-
tion. The earth proved very suitable, and its
use extended in this direction as well as to some
extent in the bleaching of vegetable oils. But
for the latter purpose the imported fuller’s earth
is still approved. The number of samples of
clays which have been called fuller’s earth and
sent to the consumers for examination since
that date is almost beyond belief. It has been
shown that fuller’s earth is quite widely scat-
tered in the northwestern counties of Florida
and the adjacent counties of Georgia. In the
latter region the fact that it grades into chalce-
dony makes it more probable that the fuller’s
earth isa chemical precipitate, and thisis further
indicated by the replacement of calcium car-
APRIL 7, 1899. ]
bonate by the silica in many shells found asso-
ciated with the fuller’s earth.
The Florida and English fuller’s earth dif-
fer greatly in appearance and to some extentin
chemical composition. English fuller’s earth
has found its analogue in the material discoy-
ered at Fairburn, near Rapid City, South Da-
kota, and Valentine, Nebraska. It is altogether
probable that further developments will make
' the material from these places an important
article for use in bleaching cotton-seed oil.
There is an interesting difference in the methods
of testing the Florida fuller’s earth as compared
with the English. It isthe constant practice of
the lubricating oil companies simply to fill large,
slightly conical cylinders with the fuller’s
earth, ground to about 40 mesh, through which
the oil is filtered at about the temperature equal
to that of boiling water. At first the filtrate is
perfectly colorless and, strange to say, lighter
in specific gravity and more fluid than the un-
filtered oil, a fact which will probably be made
use of in chemical separations of the future. Dr.
Day is now using this in investigating oils. Ful-
ler’s earth is used for bleaching refined, golden
cotton-seed oil to a light straw color. When
the resultant is to be used for white products,
such as lard substitutes, the fuller’s earth is
ground to a fine powder and stirred into the oil
slightly above the temperature of boiling water.
After a thorough mixing by agitation for a few
moments the bleached oil is simply filtered
through bag presses. Perhaps the most inter-
esting feature of this use of fuller’s earth is the
very slight difference in the two varieties of
fuller’s earth in regard to their bleaching ca-
pacity, which leads to their acceptance or re-
jection. Little regard is paid to chemical anal-
ysis, but the tests made by filtration, on a small
scale, are most severe.’’
Students’ Geological Club, February 28, 1899.
In considering the ‘ Law of the Migration of
Divides,’ Mr. J. M. Boutwell developed this law
as stated by Cambell (Journal of Geology,
TV, 580), and discussed the amendment to it
which has been offered by Smith (18th Annual
Report, U. S. Geological Survey, Part II., 472).
Mr. H. T. Burr described ‘A Drainage Pe-
culiarity in Androscoggin, Maine.’ Andros-
coggin Lake, the last of a chain which drain
into Androscoggin River near North Leeds,
Maine, contains a unique delta, which is situated,
not at the head of the lake, but at the outlet.
The preglacial valley which the lake occu-
pies is blocked just below the foot of the lake
by glacial débris, which forces the outlet stream
to flow backward, against the slope of the
country, into the Androscoggin. Thus the fall
between the lake and the Androscoggin is so
small that at times of flood this main river
rises so high as to reverse the flow of the out-
letstream, At such times a flood of mud-laden
water pours into the lake and deposits its load.
Under normal conditions the outflow is incom-
petent to remove the material thus brought in.
Accordingly the delta has grown, and is still
growing, against the normal course of the cur-
Geological Conference, March 7, 1899. Pro-
fessor J. E. Wolff communicated his discovery
of ‘Hardystonite, a New Mineral from Frank-
lin Furnace.’ The specimen of ore containing
the mineral came from a new working of the
Parker Shaft, at about the nine-hundred-foot
level. The mineral is tetragonal, and its gen-
eral formula is ZnCa,Si,0;.. A complete descrip-
tion will be given in the Proceedings of the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Dr. Charles Palache described ‘ A Method of
Enlarging Diagrams,’ which has been devel-
oped in the Harvard Mineralogical Laboratory
within the last few months. It purpose is for
preparing large diagrams, from small, straight-
line, text diagrams, for lecture use. The instru-
ment used is a megascope made by Fuess. This
consists of two sets of three mirrors, which con-
centrate light upon the diagram. From that the
light is reflected through a double-convex lens,
which projects the image upon a screen. The
diagram is then obtained by tracing the image,
thus enlarged to any desired size, and by inking
in this tracing. This method possesses a double
advantage over photographic enlargements in
that it affords a far more satisfactory product
and is much cheaper.
Dr. A. S. Eakle presented ‘ Notes on Some
Rocks from the Fiji Islands.’ The collection,
which included both igneous and sedimentary
rocks from about twenty of the smaller volcanic
islands, was made by Mr. Alexander Agassiz
during his recent studies in that region. The
specimens of eruptive rocks were found to in-
clude hornblende andesites, augite andesites,
hypersthene andesites and basalts.
Recording Secretary.
Dr. N. L. Brirron presented a report on the
progress of the New York Botanical Garden,
with exhibition of photographs. Dr. Britton
said that during 1898 the species cultivated in
the Garden at Bronx Park have reached 2,119,
a gain of 700 on the previous year. The fru-
ticetum, on the plain northeast of the Museum
building, was begun in October, and now in-
cludes 195 species. The arboretum has been
increased to 178 species, including those native
to the tract. A viticetum is in preparation, to
be planted next spring, including rock-ledges,
and a rustic arbor about 600 feet long, now
nearly completed. An additional nursery space
near the southern corner of the tract was pre-
pared in the spring, and planted partly with
Siberian cuttings. Border screens are now
planted around the entire tract except to the
south. A complete record of all plants grown
is kept by means of a card catalogue. From
every plant which flowers on the ground an
herbarium specimen is made; and these are
classified in a special herbarium, useful already
in satisfying inquiries. The use of the green-
house on the Columbia University grounds at
Morningside Heights was granted in 1896, and
is still very important to the Garden. This is
the old greenhouse built in 1857 by Mr. S. Hen-
shaw for the Bloomingdale Asylum, and is one
of the oldest greenhouses still standing in the
United States. .
Progress on the Museum building has been
active, and it is thought it will be ready for oc-
cupation by midsummer. The Power House is
nearly ready to put into operation. A sub-
way from this to the Museum is under construc-
tion. A stable, toolhouse, etc., have been
{N.S. Vou. IX. No. 223.
finished. The range of horticultural houses is
planned to contain 18 houses; the contract for
7 of these has been signed, and ground was
formally broken for them on January 8,
1899. Important work has been done toward
improving the drainage of the Herbaceous
Grounds, and a great deal of grading, and the
terraces about the Museum have been begun.
The Lorillard Mansion is now used as a police
station-house, occupied by more than 65 offi-
cers, making a new and wholesome water-sup-
ply necessary. This has now been finished.
The Hemlock Forest remains in healthy con-
dition ; only three trees have died in the last
three years.
The Museum is planned to provide in the
basement a lecture-room seating 900; on the
first floor a collection of plant-products, with
models and photographs ; on the second, a sci-
entific collection for expert use, including a
mounted collection of the local flora on swing-
ing panels; followed by herbarium and laborato-
ries on the top floor.
The herbarium already includes 30,000 speci-
mens. Through the liberality of Mr. Cornelius
Vanderbilt, Mr. and Mrs. Heller are now mak-
ing collections in Porto Rico. Messrs. P. A.
Rydberg and Ernest Bessey made collections in
1897 in Montana, through the liberality of Mr.
W. E. Dodge. The results will soon appear as
a Flora of Montana, forming the first volume
of the Memoirs of the New York Botanical
E. 8. BuRGEss,
experience of several years as a respectful and
regular listener to scientific papers by young
and old students, at college seminars or confer-
ences, and at annual or periodic meetings of
societies, gives me the basis for certain general-
izations, without leaving me open to the criti-
cism of judging from insufficient data.
The principal generalization I should like to
offer is to the effect that our scientific students
in colleges and professional schools do not re-
APRIL 7, 1899. ]
ceive sufficient training in the public presenta-
tion of their ideas, whether those ideas be
original or borrowed. Most advanced scientific
students in our colleges are obliged to attend
and take part in seminars or conferences, at
which their colleagues and teachers are sup-
posed to criticise any scientific papers that may
be presented. So far as my experience goes,
the criticism is apt to be almost wholly as to
scientific accuracy, with but little thought of
several other points that are of vital impor-
tance. I fear teachers and professors are too
apt to tolerate poor order, poor English and a
‘dead-and-alive’ manner of speaking, thinking
the unfortunate beginner will gain wisdom by
Judging from my own experience and the
comments of others, I would say that our
scientific workers often fail to carry their point
and to win public sympathy for their work and
cause because in their public utterances they
do not follow rational lines of procedure. They
are very apt: (1) to present an unorganized and
apparently unrelated series of facts—their plan
is rambling; (2) not to choose and emphasize
the important points, probably because of lack
of training in measuring the comparative worth
of facts; (8) to use poor and inexcusable Eng-
lish; (4) to speak in a dazed sort of way, as
though they themselves were not thoroughly
convinced, as yet, of the truth of their results ;
(5) not to address the audience, a map or a
blackboard under their influence being as in-
spiring as the audience, and much less embar-
rassing ; (6) not to divide their time so as to
complete their presentation within reasonable
limits, thus causing weariness and restlessness
on part of audience ; (7) not to make good use
of illustrative material in the way of maps,
diagrams, specimens, lantern slides, ete.
Now the remedy for these serious failures
that few men can outgrow seems to me to be
largely in the hands of our college and scientific
school teachers, and I would like to see a plan
adopted in college seminars that would not
allow a student to appear before his colleagues
and masters until his plan of procedure had
been censored, along the lines I have suggested,
by some one of experience in public utterance.
The student should also receive criticism
after his paper, so as to bring out the weak
points in his argument or manner, thus min-
imizing the possibility of an equal failure at
his next appearance. Such criticism does not
kill individuality, but strengthens it, and cer-
tainly gives the student a greater confidence in
and respect for his teachers. Should our col-
leges and scientific schools uniformly adopt
such a method of training, our scientific gather-
ings ten years hence would not be so largely
composed of specialists and those who attend
from duty and with considerable sacrifice. It
would also be much easier to secure public sup-
port for scientific work were more of our lead-
ers able to win the interest of the public, with-
out becoming merely ‘popular lecturers,’ by
whom scientific accuracy is apt to be sacrificed
for the sake of impressiveness.
Such work as I have suggested for our teach-
ers takes much time and energy and seems at
first not to pay ; but immediate returns are not
always the best, and there is no work on the
part of a teacher that can give greater satisfac-
tion in the long run than that which has helped
beginners to make the most of their latent
THE appended diagram is an attempt to record
the appearance presented by a rare and remark-
able ‘sun-dog’ seen at Hamline, Minnesota, at
9:50 a. m., on February 10th. It was a very
Sic wate an eas
cold and damp morning; the air was not clear,
and there was a film of thin clouds over all the
sky. The weather records at St. Paul Observa-
tory, five miles distant from Hamline, indicated,
S. E. 6 miles per hour for the wind, 29.50 as the
Barograph reading of the barometric pressure,
and 20 degrees below zero as the thermograph
reading of the temperature. The two ‘sun-dogs’
proper were g and h of the figure and were so
brilliant that it was painful to look at them,
and a line of intense light stretched from them
outwards toward dandc. There were two cir-
cles surrounding the sun ; one, the inner one, was
complete; the other was nearly so, but dipped
below the horizon. There were arcs of two cir-
cles turned from the sun at a and 5b, and at
these points there was a display of prismatic
colors. The large outer circle looked much like
a rainbow, especially near the horizon. This
latter fact seemed connected with the fact that
there was almost moisture enough in the air to
constitute a very fine snow.
H. L. Osporn.
February 20, 1899.
HARVARD UNIVERSITY conferred for the first
time last year the degree of ‘ Master of Science.’
As the creation of this degree appears at first
sight to be a new recoguition of science, it may
be desirable to point out that there are aspects
under which it is, in fact, harmful to science
and a retrograde movement in that university
to which we look for guidance. It is, indeed,
logical to have a degree between the S. B. and
S. D. parallel to the A. M., but it would be
equally logical and,in my opinion, far better to
abolish the S. B. and 8. D.
The composition of the Lawrence Scientific
School of Harvard University is not made less
heterogeneous by giving all its graduates the
same degree. Some of the students are pursu-
ing studies in applied science exactly parallel to
those of the schools of medicine, law and theol-
ogy, and should on graduation be given a tech-
nical degree signifying the profession that they
have been trained to practice, i. e., C.E., civil
engineer, etc. Others of the students are follow-
ing the same scientific studies as may be elected
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 223.
by students of the college who receive the A.B,
The difference is that the Lawrence Scientific
School may be entered with an inadequate prep-
aration. Fortunately, plans have been adopted
that will gradually raise the requirements for
admission to the Scientific School to substantial
equality with those of the college. At present
consequently the 8. B., in its sense of a liberal
education based upon science, means, as com-
pared with the A. B. for the same studies, an
inadequate preparation ; later it will signify a
secondary education without Latin.
Students of Harvard College, as of the Great
English universities, may now take the A.B.
without any study of Latin or Greek at the
University. This freedom of election has, as
President Eliot points out in his last annual re-
port, maintained at Harvard the relative nu-
merical importance of the traditional degree
better than in any other American institution.
The A.B.is becoming almost obsolete in our great
State universities. Thus at California last year
among 191 bachelors only 380 were in arts, at
Wisconsin among 173 only 13, ete. I regard
this as unfortunate as the Ph.B. and 8.B. at
these universities means simply a liberal edu-
cation without Greek or without Latin and
Greek. It seems to me more consistent to give
the A.B. for liberal studies as is done at Har-
vard, Johns Hopkins, Columbia, Cornell and
the English universities. But of these univer-
sities only Cornell is sufficiently logical to ad-
mit that a liberal education is possible without
‘small Latin’ inthe preparatory school. Presi-
dent Eliot will anticipate the course of educa-
tional progress, as he has so often done, if he
will transfer the required study of English to
the preparatory school, as he aims to do, and
will secure the admission of students to Har-
vard College without Latin. The S.B., S.M.
and §.D. would then be superfluous as degrees
for liberal studies. I regard them as useless
altogether, except that it might’ be desirable to
give the Sc.B., simultaneously with a technical
scientific degree and to maintain Sc.D. and
Litt.D. as honorary degrees. In the English
universities Se. refers to science, while B.S.
and M.S. refer to surgery, consequently Sc.
rather than 8. should beused. -
At Harvard the A.M. and the Ph.D. are
APRIL 7, 1899. ]
given for advanced work to Bachelors of Arts,
and the 8.D,, and since last year the $.M., to
Bachelors of Science. The S8.D. is given for ex-
actly the same, scientific research and study as
the Ph.D., and means the same thing, except
that it is in addition a certificate of a poor pre-
paratory education. It isno wonder that it is
not popular, having been awarded only once in
the past three years, while the Ph.D. has been
awarded sixty-nine times. If a student comes
to Harvard from a Western university, having
studied Latin throughout his college course and
received a Ph.B., he is apparently not eligible
for the Ph.D. What would be done with a stu-
dent coming with the A.B. from Cornell, but
never having studied Latin, I do not know.
The maintenance at Harvard of the 8.M. and
$.D. as second-rate degrees appears to be a
needless limitation of the usefulness of its
graduate school, and a wounding of science in
the house of its friends.
WE have received notice of civil service ex-
aminations as follows:
On May 9th for Assistant Chief, Division of
Agrostology, Department of Agriculture. (Salary
$1,800 per annum.) The subjects and weights
are as follows:
EPA OTOSLOLONViaueccsseecssecsacccescestesieessneecsrerercns
2. Replies to letters on agrostology
3. German and French translation
4. Botany (major), or Chemistry (minor), (See Sec-
tion 67, ‘ Assistants, Department of Agriculture,
Departmental Service,’ page 45 of the Manual of
Examinations, revised to January 1, 1899)......... 20
At the same time an examination will be
held for the position of Assistant in the Division
of Agrostology at a salary of $1,200. The sub-
jects and weights being :
PAO TOStOl OO Vamesasaasdsaccccnectooccatereerses BEE CORREE EE 50
2. Translation from one foreign language (Spanish,
French, German, or Italian)
4. Botany (minor), (See section 67, ‘ Assistants,
Department of Agriculture, Departmental Service,’
page 35 of the Manual of Examinations, revised to
January 1, 1899)............0...cececnecesscecenccerseeenecess 15
5. Education and experience ............---eeeeeeeees 15
On May Ist an eligible register will be estab-
lished for the position of Irrigation Expert,
office of Experiment Stations, Department of
Agriculture, at a salary of $2,500 per annum.
Subjects and weights are as follows :
1. A statement of the education, training and
technical experience af the competitor.........-....-++ 30
2. A statement of the competitor’s experience asau
administrative officer, with special reference to irri-
gation laws and regulations. .........02-.0:eseeeeeeeeeee eee 30
3. A thesis of not less than three thousand words
ona topic relating to irrigation .............-seeeeeeeee ees 20
4. A statement of not more than three thousand
words setting forth a plan of irrigation investigations
in the arid regions of the United States for the benefit
of the farmers of those regions...........sseeesee essere eee 20
Tt will not be necessary for applicants to ap-
pear at any place for examination, but the
statements and theses required may be prepared
by the competitors at their homes upon forms
which will be furnished by the United States
Civil Service Commission upon request. Com-
petitors will be required to furnish sworn state-
ments as to the integrity of the work submitted
by them.
Under similar conditions and on the same
day an eligible register will be established for
the position of tobacco expert to the Department
of Agriculture. The subjects and weights are
as follows:
1. Experience, including complete statement of per-
sonal experience in connection with the development
of the tobacco industry of Florida............-..-.....6+ 30
2. Administrative ability, including a full state-
ment of personal experience in the administration of
work connected with the growth, purchase, manipu-
lation and marketing of the Florida tobacco.......... 30
3. Two theses, of two thousand to four thousand
words in length, on subjects relating to the tobacco
AN GUSH Yee essa sae esas nenet ae teSeeceastlestereseuetneat sats 40
On May 9th and 10th an examination will be
held for the position of computor in the Nauti-
cal Almanac office, the subjects and weights
being :
mA re brasessstsacscueesccteaccecpssheansecncenetce se acae 15
BOE NES TOT NGL 8 anes ponicporidodsuaddubdeoooponodopucdotmbEnads 10
3. Plane and spherical astronmy................-+. 20
4, Elements of differential and integral calculus 10
Dem LOPATILD IMS jeanerersestrcsecuecs sseeiecassieacee se snes 25
6. Spherical astronomy........5..2....ecssesceeesceees 20
Further information regarding these positions
and blanks for applications may be obtained
from the U.S. Civil Service Commission, Wash-
ington, D. C.
THE National Academy of Sciences will hold
its stated annual meeting, beginning on Tues-
day, April 18th.
AT the annual meeting of the Astronomical
Society of the Pacific on March 25th the sec-
ond award of its Bruce Gold Medal was an-
nounced. It was conferred upon Dr. Arthur
Auwers, of Berlin.
Srk WILLIAM TURNER, professor of anatomy
in the University of Edinburgh, has been elected
President of the British Association for the
Bradford meeting of 1900.
Ir is announced that Mr. Llewellyn W.
Longstaff, a member of the Royal Geographical
Society of London, has contributed $125,000
towards the fund for the British Antarctic ex-
Dr. L. L. HUBBARD has resigned the position
of State Geologist of Michigan. The American
Geologist states that he has taken this action
owing to the delay of the State Board of Audi-
tors in authorizing the publication of the Re-
ports of the Survey.
Dr. E. V. WILLCox has resigned his position
as zoologist and entomologist in the Montana
Agricultural College and Station to accept a
position in the office of Experiment Stations in
the place of Dr. F. C. Kenyon, resigned. Dr.
Willcox will have charge of the departments of
zoology, entomology and veterinary science of
the Experiment Station Record.
Mr. LE GRAND Powers, of Minnesota, has
been appointed Chief Statistician in charge of
agricultural statistics, and Mr. William C.,
Hunt, of Massachusetts, has been given charge
of the statistics of population in the twelfth
census. Mr. Hunt held the same position in
the census of 1890. Mr. Powers is Chief of the
Minnesota Bureau of Labor.
M. Frinou has been elected an associate of
the Paris Academy of Medicine in the place of
[N.S. Vou. IX. No 223.
the late Dr. Worms. M. Filhol is a member of
the Paris Academy of Sciences, and has pub-
lished important memoirs in anatomy, zoology
and paleontology.
Proressor Lurci CREMONA, professor of
mathematics at the University of Rome, and
Professor Alexander Karpinski, St. Petersburg,
Director of the Russian Geological Survey,
have been elected foreign members of the Bel-
gian Academy of Sciences.
Dr. T. Gricor Bropre, lecturer on physi-
ology at St. Thomas’s Hospital Medical School,
has been nominated by the Laboratories Com-
mittee of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and
Surgeons to be Director of the Research Lab-
oratories on the Thames Embankment.
Mr. E. E. GREEN, the well-known Ceylon
entomologist, has been appointed Government
Entomologist on the staff of the Agricultural
Department of that island; with residence at
the Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya. He
is about to visit England, and will return to
Ceylon to take up his work about September.
For many years Mr. Green has been doing ad-
mirable work on the insects of Ceylon, with
especial regard to injurious species, and a better
selection could not have been made for the new
Dr. WALTER R. HARPER, of Sydney, New
South Wales, starts this month on a trip in the
New Hebrides to investigate the somatology
and folk-lore of that group. We are informed
by him that the museums of Australia, although
new, have already secured some remarkable
collections representative of Australian eth-
nology. The museum at Sydney, under the
curatorship of R. Etheridge, and the one at
Adelaide in charge of Dr. Stirling, are especially
good owing to the interest of their curators in
ethnology. Lately the Western government
sent a collecting party into the interior under
the leadership of Mr. Alex. Morton, Curator of
the Tasinanian Museum. This expedition was
successful and secured among other things a
series of carved bull-roarers, which are sacred
objects there. Lack of funds hampers the work
in Australia as elsewhere, and the field is yet
largely unknown. Much valuable material re-
mains to be investigated even in the Eastern
APRIL 7, 1899. ]
colonies, while Northwest Queensland is es-
pecially rich.
Mr. HJALMAR LunpBoHM, of the Geological
Survey of Sweden, is now in the United States,
with a view to studying the deposits of iron
Dr. BENJAMIN M. DvuGGAR, instructor in
botany (plant physiology) at Cornell Univer-
sity and Assistant Cryptogamic Botanist of the
Experiment Station, sailed on March 22d from
New York for Hurope. He will spend the
year abroad in study, principally with Dr.
Pfeffer in the laboratories for plant physiology
at Leipzig, and with Dr. George Klebs. He
will attend the meeting of the British Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Science during
September. Mr. Duggar received the degree
of Doctor of Philosophy at Cornell University
last June. He will return in a year to resume
his work at Cornell.
A MARBLE bust of the late I. H. Lapham,
the geologist, was, as we learn from the Amer-
ican Geologist, unveiled in the public museum
of Milwaukee on March 7th. It was presented
by Mr. John Marr. Several addresses were
made, including one on the life and work of
Lapham by Mr. John Johnston.
A MONUMENT to Pasteur will be unveiled and
a Pasteur Institute opened at Lille on April 9th.
A MONUMENT will be erected in October to
Charles Mare Sauria, said to be the original in-
venter of lucifer matches, at St. Lothair, a
small village in the Jura, where he spent his
life as a country physician.
Dr. ANGELO KNorR, docent in the Veteri-
nary School of Munich, died on February 22d,
from acute glanders contracted in the course of
an experimental research on mallein.
Miss ELIZABETH Brown, of Cirencester, Eng-
land, who made valuable contributions to as-
tronomy, died on March 6th. She observed
the total eclipses of the sun in 1887, 1889 and
1896, and had published both scientific and
popular accounts of the solar phenomena.
WE regret also to record the deaths of Dr.
Wilhelm vy. Miller, professor in the Institute of
Technology and member of the Academy of
Sciences of Munich; of Dr. Friedrich y. Lih-
mann, the mathematician, at Stralsund ; of Dr.
Charles Fortuun, the mineralogist, in London,
and of P. y. Alfr. Feuilleaubois, known for his
researches on fungi, at Fontainbleau.
A REUTER dispatch, dated March 16th, states
that the steamer ‘Southern Cross’ has ar
rived at Port Chalmers from Victoria Land,
where she landed M. Borchgrevink and the
other members of the Antarctic expedition.
The explorers are 11 in number.
Mr. A. W. AnTHONY and his party, who
have been making collections for the Smith-
sonian Institution, have been wrecked off the
coast of Lower California. No lives were lost,
but the collections could not be saved.
THE Union Pacific Railway offers to trans-
port geologists and paleontologists without
charge from Chicago or San Francisco to Wy-
oming, for the purpose of making explorations
during the coming summer.
AN expedition under Lieutenant Koslow is
being sent by the Russian Geographical Society
to make explorations in Central Asia. It will
cross the Nanschu Mountains and explore the
upper waters of the Yellow River.
M. H. R. Dumonr has left to the Paris So-
ciety of Geography a travelling fund that will
yield 1,000 fr. per annum.
A RADIOGRAPHIC institute has been opened
at Madrid under the direction of Dr. Mezquita.
It is said to have cost $400,000.
THE French Congress of Learned Societies
met at Toulouse on April 4th under the presi-
dency of M. Levasseur.
AT the March meeting of the French Astro-
nomical Society M. Cornu made an address on
the applications of physics to astronomy. M.
Flammarion, the Secretary, reported that a
number of astronomers had written saying
that they had seen the phases of Venus with
the naked eye, the possibility of which has
been denied. The air throughout Europe has
been unusually clear for a long time.
THE first international congress of physicians
connected with life insurance companies will
be held at Brussels from the 25th to the 30th of
next September. All Europe and the United
States will be represented at this congress,
which proposes to establish universal formulas
for the examination of persons desiring to be
ON March 18th the Austrian Society of Engi-
neers celebrated its jubilee in the Municipal
Council Chamber, Vienna, under the presi-
dency of Mr. F. Berger. Nature says that
there was a large attendance of members, and
representatives of sixty six kindred societies
presented addresses. Congratulatory speeches
were delivered by the Austrian Minister of Rail-
ways; the Minister of Commerce; the Governor
of Lower Austria; the Secretary of the Iron
and Steel Institute, London; the Secretary of
the French Society of Civil Engineers, Paris,
and the Secretary of the Society of German
Engineers, Berlin. A paper was then read by
Mr. A. Ricker on the part taken by the
Austrian Society of Engineers in the technical
progress of the past fifty years. The Austrian
Society is a very influential one. Atits founda-
tion in 1848 it numbered seventy-nine mem-
bers ; at the present time there are 2,388.
THE inaugural course of the Charles F.
Deems lectureship foundation will be given by
Professor James Iverach, D.D., of Aberdeen,
on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:30 a. m.,
beginning on April 3d at University Building,
Washington Square. The endowment of $15,-
000 given by the American Institute of Christian
Philosophy to the New York University pro-
vides for lectures on science and philosophy in
their relation to religion.
Mr. Rircuiez, President of the British Board
of Trade, received at the House of Commons on
March 22d a deputation of representatives from
the Decimal Association, chambers of commerce,
educational institutions and trade unions, who
urged upon the government the compulsory
adoption of the metric system of weights and
measures on January 1, 1901. The importance
of this measure was urged by Sir Samuel Mon-
tague, Sir Henry Roscoe, Sir E. S. Hill and
others. Mr. Ritchie in reply said that the gov-
ernment had done much by making the metric
system legal and by introducing it in the schools,
but did not think that public opinion warranted
its compulsory adoption. The resolutions passed
by the associated chambers of commerce was as
[N.S. Von. 1X. No. 223.
follows: ‘‘ That, in view of the time wasted in
teaching a system of weights and measures
which, according to the First Lord of the
Treasury, is ‘arbitrary, perverse and utterly
irrational,’ and in the opinion of Her Majesty’s
Consuls is responsible for great injury to British
trade, this association urges Her Majesty’s gov-
ernment to introduce into and endeavor to carry
through Parliament as speedily as possible a
bill providing that the use of the metric system
of weights and measures shall be compulsory
in this country within two years from the pass-
ing of the bill, and suggests that meanwhile the
system should be adopted in all specifications
for government contracts.’’
THe Eclipse Expedition to Japan under
Professor Todd, two years ago, founded at
Esashi a publie library, in return for courtesies
shown the expedition. Professor Todd is now
sending to this library, through the legation at
Washington, acollection of books part of which
have been given by a number of representative
American publishers.
THE original manuscripts of surveys of Van
Diemen’s Land, made between 1821 and 1836,
were sold recently at the rooms of Messrs.
Hodgson, London, for $250.
Tue Companie Générale Transatlantique is
establishing a service of carrier pigeons, which
it is believed will announce the arrival of steam-
ships twelve hours earlier than is at present
Nature states that a dinner which took place
at the Fishmongers’ Hall on March 14th pos-
sesses especial interest on account of the fact
that it was given in honor of science, and that
the guests included a great number of scientific
men, among them being the Presidents of the
following societies and scientific bodies: Royal,
Royal Horticultural, Royal College of Phy-
sicians, Royal Geographical, Dermatological,
Royal Microscopical, Victoria Institute, Royal
Statistical, Royal College of Surgeons, Royal
Astronomical, Zoological, Linnean, Chemical,
Entomological, Philological and Clinical. The
toast of the evening was ‘Science,’ and was
proposed in an eloquent speech by the Prime
Warden, Mr. J. A. Travers, who pointed out
the great advance science had made in the last
APRIL 7, 1899.]
twelve years; he recommended, further, the
special study of preventive medicine, to ensure
for Great Britain a safer footing in foreign
climates. Lord Lister responded to the toast,
and urged City Companies to support pure sci-
ence; he referred also to the help they had
rendered the Jenner Institute. Sir William
MacCormaec then proposed the health of the
Prime Warden. is
THE Railway and Engineering Journal reports
that the War Department is arranging to make
a test of the Marconi system of wireless teleg-
raphy. The two experimental stations se-
lected are the roof of the State, War and Navy
Building and Fort Myer, across the Potomac,
the distance being six miles. The government
has purchased the necessary instruments and
experiments will be conducted by Col. James
Allen and Lieut. George D. Squire.
AT a recent meeting of the Royal Geograph-
ical Society a paper on ‘Exploration in the
Canadian Rockies: A Search for Mount Hooker
and Mount Brown’ was read by Professor Nor-
man Collie, F.R.S. According to the London
Times Professor Collie’s paper dealt with two
journeys taken during 1897 and 1898 through
that part of the Canadian Rockies that lies be-
tween the Kicking Horse Pass on the south and
the source of the Athabasca River on the north.
The most interesting problem connected with
the first journey which presented itself to Pro-
fessor Collie and his party was whether a lofty
mountain—probably 14,000 ft. to 15,000 ft.—
seen from the slopes of Mount Freshfield, from
which it lay distant about 30 miles in a north-
westerly direction, might be Mount Brown or
Mount Hooker, which were supposed to be
16,000 ft. and 15,000 ft. high respectively. Pro-
fessor Coleman, in 1893, starting from Morley,
had arrived at the true Athabasca Pass, found
the historic Committee’s Punch-bowl, and his
brother had climbed the highest peak on the
north, presumably Mount Brown. This peak
he found to be only 9,000 ft. The question pre-
sented itself: Could he have been mistaken or
was it possible that there existed two Athabasca
Passes ? Professor Collie and his companion re-
turned to their camp on the Saskatchewan Pass
without having solved the question of either
Mounts Brown or Hooker, or the Committee’s
Punch-bowl. It was finally settled on the re-
turn to England by reference to the journal
of David Douglas, the naturalist, dealing with
his journey over the Athabasca Pass. From
the authentic account of the two mountains
there given it was seen that the credit of hay-
ing settled with accuracy the real height of the
peaks belonged to Professor Coleman. For
nearly 70 years they had been masquerading in
every map as the highest peaks in the Rocky
Mountains. No doubt now remained as to
where Brown and Hooker and the Punch-
bowl were. That Douglas climbed a peak
17,000 ft. high in an afternoon (as narrated
in his account) was impossible; the Mount
Brown of Professor Coleman, 9,000 ft. high,
was much more likely. There was only one
Athabasca Pass, and on each side of its sum-
mit might be found a peak—Mount Brown,
1,000 ft. high, on the north—the higher of the
two—and Mount Hooker on the south. Be-
tween them lay a small tarn, 20 ft. in diameter
—the Committee’s Punch-bowl. The peaks to
the south, amongst which the party wandered
last August, were, therefore, new, and they
probably constituted the highest point of the
Canadian Rocky Mountain system.
THE British Medical Journal states that the
tenth meeting of the International Congress of
Hygiene will be held in Paris in August, 1900.
The division of hygiene will comprise seven
sections as follows: 1. Microbiology and Para-
sitology applied to hygiene. M. Laveran is
President and M. Netter Secretary of this Sec-
tion, in which the questions to be discussed are
the measurement of the activity of serums; the
prophylaxis and preventive treatment of diph-
theria; meat poisoning, its causes and the
means of its prevention; pathogenic microbes
in soil and water (cholera, typhoid fever and
other diseases); the part played by water and
by vegetables in the etiology of intestinal hel-
minthiasis. 2. Chemical and veterinary sciences
applied to hygiene; alimentary hygiene, in
which the questions to be discussed are tinned
provisions and the means of preventing acci-
dents ; unification of international control ; the
establishment of a general and uniform system
of inspection of slaughter houses, etc. 38. En-
gineering and architecture applied to hygiene,
in which the question to be discussed is the pro-
tection of water supplies. 4. Personal hygiene,
in which the question to be discussed is conta-
gious patients from the hospital point of view.
5. Industrial and professional hygiene. 6. Mili-
tary, naval and colonial hygiene, in which the
question to be discussed is the means of ensur-
ing the purity of water from the point of view
of colonial hygiene. 7. General and interna-
tional hygiene (prophylaxis of communicable
diseases ; sanitary administration and legisla-
tion), in which the questions to be discussed are
the prophylaxis of tuberculosis in regard to in-
dividuals, families, etc.; the compulsory notifi-
cation of communicable diseases, its necessary
consequences (isolation, disinfection) and its re-
sults in different countries ; the prophylaxis of
syphilis; and the international prophylaxis of
yellow fever.
Mr. Joun D. ROCKEFELLER has offered
$100,000 to Denison University, Granville, O.,
if the friends of the institution will, within the
next year, raise the sum of $150,000.
Mrs. Simon Rerp, of Lake Forest, has ex-
pressed her intention of giving to Lake Forest
University a chapel and a library.
THE further sum of £25,000 has been offered
for the Birmingham University on condition
that £225,000 are obtained within a year. The
amount already promised is £135,000.
Proressor Louis F. HENDERSON, professor
of botany in the University of Idaho, at Moscow,
Idaho, has recently donated to the botanical
department of Cornell University a complete
set of his duplicates of the phanerogams and
ferns of Idaho. Over 900 species were con-
tained in the collection, making it one of the
most valuable single local collections that the
University has received. Professor Henderson
is an alumnus of Cornell University, class of
PROFESSOR W. v. BrANCOo, of Hohenheim,
has been called to the chair of geology and
paleontology in the University of Berlin, as
successor to Professor Dames.
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 223.
appointed to the professorship of physics and
astronomy in Oberlin College.
Mr. JosrepH BARCROFT has been elected Fel-
low of King’s College, Cambridge. His chief
work has been in physiology.
ALEXANDER ANDERSON, professor of natural
philosophy in Queen’s College, Galway, has
been appointed President of the institution.
Ir is said that the candidates for the chair of
physiology at Edinburgh, vacant by the death of
Professor Rutherford, include Professor E. A.
Schafer, Dr. William Stirling, Dr. D. N. Paton,
Dr. E. Waymouth Reid, Dr. E. W. W. Carlier
and Dr. G. N. Stewart.
M. Henri MoissAn has published for the
Council of the University of Paris a report on
its work during the year 1897-8. The increase
in the number of students at periods of six
years is shown in the accompanying table :
1885-86. 1891-92. 1897-08.
MedICINGtscensraesieaccies 3.696 4.250 4.494
Tid Wiseaseersnescscseacarase 3.786 4.111 4.607
(Pharmacyeaerssecscesnsase 1.767 1.547 1.790
etbersit veto tescee tun. 928 1.185 1.989
SClEMCES Re ctesccseseseese 467 655 1.370
Protestant Theology... 35 36 95
eTOba lem acunetasicase 10.679 11.784 14.346
It will be noticed that the growth in the num-
ber of students of science is the greatest, and
the increase has been more than maintained
during the present year, being 127 as compared
with 85in letters. It should be recollected that
there are many important institutions for higher
education in Paris—The Collége de France,
The Museum of Natural History, The School of
Mines, the Normal College, The Polytechnic
Institute, The School of Fine Arts, The Pasteur
Institute, etc.—not included in the University.
Paris is thus’ certainly the world’s largest
educational center, but the provincial universi-
ties are less important than the corresponding
institutions in other countries. The gifts to
the university during the year, about $30,000,
appear small in comparison with those to
American institutions. There are only 202
scholarships, which: is also relatively fewer than
in America and in Great Britain.
EDITORIAL CoMMITTEE: S. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WooDWwARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THuRsTON, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. LE Conte, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; W. K. Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology;
§. H. ScuppER, Entomology; C. E. BessEy, N. L. Brirron, Botany; HENRY F. OsBorN,
General Biology; C. 8. Minot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. Bowprrcu, Physiology;
J. 8S. Brutines, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; DANIEL G. BRIN-
TON, J. W. Powe, Anthropology.
Fripay, Aprit 14, 1899.
JJ} BDA pocobododbonosacandancd oaodongoraneadoncocbadnunals 529
Field-Work of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition
in 1898 :— ;
The Indians of Western Washington: DR. Liv-
INGSTON FARRAND. Archeological Investiga-
tions on the North Pacific Coast of America:
HARLAN I. Smiry. Archeological Investiga-
tions on the Amoor River: GERARD FOWKE......- 532
On Biological Text-Books and Teachers: O. F.
(IO caso docsoacao sdonodasound dadandcoddocaacnanpdce Haborotod 541
Scientific Books :—
Hastings and Beach’s Text-Book of General
Physics: PROFESSOR J. 8. AMES. Marr’s Prin-
ciples of Stratigraphical Geology: PROFESSOR
Henry 8. WILLIAMS. Mason on the Exami-
nation of Water: PROFESSOR EDWIN O. JoR-
DAN. <A Monograph of the North American Po-
tentilleae: CHARLES E. BESSEY...............006+ 545
Scientific Journals and Articles.........2cc0ecsececeeeeeee 549
Societies and Academies :—
The Scientific Alliance of New York. Geological
Society of Washington:+ Dr. W. F. MORSELL.
The Philosophical Society of Washington: E.
D. PReEsron. Physics Club of New York:
A. T. SEYMOUR. Sub-section of Anthropology
and Psychology of the New York Academy of
Sciences: PROFESSOR CHARLES H. JUDD...... 550
Discussion and Correspondence :—
‘The Evolution of Modesty: WHiRAM M. STan-
LEY. Transmitted Characteristics in a White
Osmotic Solutions: PROFESSOR G. MACLOSKIE 553
Notes on Physics :—
Wireless Telegraphy :
Botanical Notes :—
An Elementary Book on Lichens ; A Texas School
of Botany; False ‘ Aids’ in Botany ; Minne-
sota Botanical Studies: PROFESSOR CHARLES
1p (Ob (Che acuoabbocbosdacen6g 555
HM DESSEWW Geese cedecsesce soveeeecenacsaedsdensseceteees es 555
The Brain of Hermann von HelmholtzZ...........000000+ 557
Scientific Notes and News. .........ccecserscocceccsseeesens 557
University and Educational News........+.+6+ Recess 559
MSS. intended or publication and books, etc., intended
tor review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
Brooks’ lectures on the Foundations of
Biology constitute a book that will live as
a permanent addition to the common sense
of science. It belongs to literature as well
as to science. It belongs to philosophy as
much as to either, for it is full of that fun-
damental wisdom about realities which
alone is worthy of the name of philosophy.
Writers of literature have been divided into
those with quotable sentences, as Emerson
and Thoreau, and those whose style runs
along without break in the elucidation of
matter in hand, as Hawthorne and Irving.
To the former class Brooks certainly be-
longs. His lectures are full of nuggets of
wisdom, products of deep thought as well
as of careful observation. There is not an
idea fundamental to biology that is not
touched and made luminous by some of
these sagacious paragraphs. Whether it
be to show the significance of some unap-
preciated fact, or to illustrate the true
meaning of some complex argument, or to
brush away the fine-spun rubbish of theory,
the hand of the master is seen in every
The main lesson of the work is that to
believe is not better or nobler or higher
* The Foundations of Zoology, by William Keith
Brooks, Ph.D., LL.D., professor of zoology in the
Johns Hopkins University. A course of lectures de-
livered at Columbia University on the Principles of
Science illustrated by Zoology. New York, The Mac-
millan Company, 339 pages ; price, $2.50.
than to know. Belief adds nothing to cer-
tainty, and whatever is really true is the
very best thing that could be true, else it
had not been so. Dr. Brooks sees no reason
for hoping, fearing or wishing in regard to
truth. So long as it is true we can ask
nothing better, and no new truth can be
subversive of anything worth keeping in
our previous stock of beliefs and induc-
Dr. Brooks shows in many cases that
problems over which scientific men have
worried for years without result are at
bottom mere questions of words. The facts
at issue are recognized by all, but the
matter of their final interpretation is one
of the ultimate truths which science can
never find out, for man can come in contact
with no ultimate truth of any sort.
There is another class of problems
which can never be settled by argu-
ment. We must wait until we know
the truth. One of these concerns the ex-
istence of a principle of life which distin-
guishes vital processes from the operations
of ordinary chemistry and physics. ‘‘ Many
biologists,’’ says Brooks, ‘* find their greatest
triumph in the doctrine that the living body
is a ‘mere machine ;’ but a machine is a
collocation of matter and energy working for
an end, not a spinning toy ; and when the
living machine is compared to the products
of human art the legitimate deduction is
that it is not merely a spinning eddy ina
stream of dead matter and mechanical en-
ergy, but a little garden in the physical
wilderness; that the energy localized in
living bodies, directed by similarly localized
vitality, has produced a collocation of other
material bodies which could not be brought
about in a state of physical nature, and that
the distinction thus drawn between the
works of non-vital nature and those of life
is both useful and justifiable. What this
distinction may mean in ultimate analysis
I know no more than Aristotle and Huxley ;
(N.S. Von. IX. No 224.
nor do I believe that any one will ever
know until we find out. One thing we may
be sure of, that it does not mean that the liv-
ing world is anything but natural.”” Here
he quotes from Aristotle, ‘‘ That is natural
which holds good, either universally or gener-
ally.” If anything occurs, it is, therefore,
“Faith and hope are good things, no
doubt,” says Dr. Brooks, “and ‘expectation
is permissible when belief is not;’ but ex-
perience teaches that the expectation or
faith of the master is very apt to become
belief in the mind of the student, and
“science warns us that the assertion that
outstrips evidence is not only a blunder but
acrime.’” The key-note to the series of
lectures is found in the introductory sentence
that ‘‘ life is response to the order‘of nature.”’
‘T should like to see hung ,’’ he says, ‘‘on
the walls of every laboratory Herbert
Spencer’s definition to the effect that life is
not protoplasm but adjustment ; or the older
teaching of the father of zoology, that the
essence of a living thing is not what it is
made of nor whatit does, but why it does it.”’ _
The study of biology is the study of re-
sponse and adaptation. The study of
structure is the consideration of concessions
to environment. The phases in develop-
ment are related to the stimuli, external or
internal, on which they are conditioned.
“Tt follows that biology is the study of
response, and that the study of that order
of nature to which response is made is as
well within its province as the study of the
organism which responds, for all the knowl-
edge we can get of both these aspects of na-
ture is needed as a preparation for the
study of that relation between them which
constitutes life.”
The long dispute as to the inheritance
of acquired characters is fairly closed by
the words of Dr. Brooks. The arguments
drawn from philosophical or analogical
considerations are all brushed away, and
APRIL 14, 1899. ]
we are brought to the plain fact that no
such inheritance is yet known to take place,
and no one ean yet say that it does not. “I
find,” he says, ‘‘as little value in the a priori
arguments of those who hold that ‘ acquired
characters’ cannot be inherited as I find in
Haeckel’s assertion that ‘belief in the in-
heritance of acquired characters is a neces-
sary axiom of the monistic creed.’”’ In
other words, a priori arguments are simple
expansions of definitions or assertions, and
can have no validity beyond that of the
statements from which they are drawn.
There is no truth to be derived from argu-
ment, a priori. If itis truth it is already
known and needs no argument.
Dr. Brooks sums up his final conclusion
that, whether ‘‘ it be a real factor or not, the
so-called Lamarckian factor (inheritance
of acquired characters) has little value as a
contribution to the solution of the problem
of the origin of species, and renewed study
has strengthened this conviction.”’
Dr. Brooks has a suggestive and valuable
chapter in reproof of those who would place
the law or principle of evolution as some-
thing apart or above the forces which are
known to bring about orderly change or
adaptation in living organisms.
‘The tendency to regard natural selec-
tion as more or less unnecessary or super-
fluous, which is so characteristic of our day,
seems to grow out of reverence for the all-
sufficiency of the philosophy of evolution,
and pious belief that the history of all living
things flows out of this philosophy as a
necessary truth or axiom.
‘“ As no one can say that the basis for it
[the philosophy of evolution] is not true,
and as it seems much more consistent
with scientific knowledge than any other
systems of philosophy we must admit that,
for all we know to the contrary, it may be
true ; and we may ask whether, if true, it
is any substitute for science ; although we
must remember that there is no end to the
the things which, while no one treats them
seriously, may nevertheless be true. * * *
While anything which is not absurd may
be good poetry, science is founded on the
rock of evidence.
‘‘So far as the philosophy of evolution
involves belief that nature is determinate
or due to a necessary law of universal
progress or evolution, it seems to me to be
utterly unsupported by evidence and totally
‘“Men of science repudiate the opinion
that natural laws are rulers and governors
over nature ; looking with suspicion on all
“necessary ’ or ‘ universal’ laws.”’
Again he says, ‘‘ Natural laws are not
rulers or governors over nature, but gener-
alizations from an experience which seems
to teach, among other things, that progress
is neither necessary nor universal.
“The hardest of intellectual virtues is
philosophic doubt, and the mental vice to
which we are most prone is our tendency
to believe that lack of evidence for an
opinion is a reason for believing something
else. This tendency has value in prac-
tical matters which call for action, but
the man of science need neither starve nor
Most suggestive chapters are those on
the mechanism of nature with reference
to Paley’s famous argument for design in
nature, and the varied changes which the
argument for teleology has undergone.
There is a constant plea against reading
into the relations of nature more than is
actually seen there, as also against the de-
nial of that which may occur and yet has
not been actually seen.
“We can give no reason why life and
protoplasm should be associated except the
fact that they are. And is it not equally
clear that this is no reason why they may
not exist separately ?”? In this connection
we are given a charming analysis of the
idealism of Agassiz, with the reason why
his wide-reaching suggestions have found so
little favor among later naturalists.
‘‘TIn order to prove that natural history
is a language which we learn and listen to,
to our entertainment and profit and in-
struction, he holds it essential to prove that
it is nothing but a language; that the rela-
tions between living things and the world
about them, being ideal relations, cannot
possibly be physical ones also; that our
‘laws of biology’ are not ‘ necessary’ but
‘arbitrary.’ ”’
The belief in Monism which Haeckel
places first in his articles of scientific faith
naturally wakens in Dr. Brooks little re-
sponse. It is a philosophical expression
wholly unrelated to reality. Whether it is
the highest of all possible human gener-
alizations or a mere play on words, science
has no means of deciding, and man has no
other court of appeal save his own experi-
I have already reached the limit of my
space, while the majority of the passages I
had marked for quotation are still un-
touched. The stones which Dr. Brooks has
chosen as ‘ Foundations of Zoology ’ will re-
main there for centuries, most of them as
long as human wisdom shall endure. The
volume is a permanent contribution to hu-
man knowledge, the worthy crown of a life
of wise thought as well as of hard work and
patient investigation. If there are any
errors in statement or conclusion, from one
end of the book to the other, the present
writer is not astute enough to find them
out, and Dr. Brooks’ logic may permit him
at least to doubt their existence.
The biologists of America have long since
recognized Dr. Brooks as a master, and this
volume, the modern and scientific sequel to
Agassiz’s ‘Essay on Classification,’ places
him in the line of succession from the great
interpreter of nature, whose pupil and
friend he was. Davyip Srarr JorDAN.
[N.S. VoL. IX. No. 224.
Tue Jesup North Pacific Expedition was
organized in 1897 by Mr. Morris K. Jesup,
President of the American Museum of Nat-
ural History, for the purpose of investi-
gating the ethnology and archeology of the
coasts of the North Pacific Ocean between
the Amoor River, in Siberia, and Columbia
River, in North America, the whole ex-
pense of the expedition being defrayed by
Mr. Jesup.
During the year 1897 the field-work of
the expedition, was confined to the coast
and interior of British Columbia. In 1898
the work was taken up on a more extended
scale. Parties were in the field on the coast
of the State of Washington, in the southern
interior of British Columbia, on the coast of
British Columbia, and on the Amoor in
Siberia. On both continents ethnological
work as well as archeological work has
been done. While the parties in charge of
the work on the American continent re-
turned with the beginning of the winter,
the work in Asia is being carried on.
The collections made by the various field
parties of the expedition in 1897 are now
on exhibit in the American Museum of Nat-
ural History. These collections represent
the results of archeological work in the
interior of British Columbia and on the
coast. The ethnological collections are
particularly full in regard to the tribes of
Thompson River, of northern Vancouver
Island, and of the central parts of the coast
of British Columbia. The Museum has
commenced the publication of the scientific
results of the expedition in the form of
memoirs. Up to this time two numbers
have been issued—‘ Facial Paintings of the
Indians of Northern British Columbia,’ and
‘Mythology of the Bella Coola Indians,’
both by Franz Boas. Other results of the
explorations in 1897 are in preparation, and
will be issued in the course of the year.
APRIL 14, 1899. ]
Among these are the results of archzeo-
logical work in the interior of British Co-
lumbia, by Harlan I. Smith; a description
of the Thompson River Indians, by James
Teit; and a discussion of conventional art
among the Salish tribes, by Livingston
The field-work of the expedition during
1898 was in the hands of Dr. Livingston
Farrand and Mr. Roland B. Dixon, in the
State of Washington and in southern British
Columbia. The archeological work in Brit-
ish Columbia has been carried on by Mr.
Harlan I. Smith. Investigations on the
Indians of the southern interior of British
Columbia were continued by Mr. James
Teit. The ethnological work on the Amoor
River, more particularly among the Gilyak,
was carried on by Dr. Berthold Laufer, and
archeological investigations in the same
region were in the hands of Mr. Gerard
Fowke. Following is a statement of the
outline of the work of these parties, so far
as available at the present time.
In the plan of operations of the expedi-
tion along the northwest coast of the conti-
nent there was included from the beginning
such research as might be needed to fill in
certain gaps in our knowledge of the Indian
tribes, from Vancouver as far south as the
mouth of the Columbia River. The work of
Gibbs, Boas, Eells, Willoughby and others
had determined with considerable certainty
the affiliations of the many tribes of this
region, and in certain instances fairly com-
plete information had been obtained regard-
ing their customs, language, mythology, ete.
There remained, however, a district on the
west coast of Washington, from Cape Flat-
tery to Grey’s Harbor, of which little was
known, and which promised valuable results
upon investigation. It was consequently
upon this region that the efforts of the ex-
pedition in Washington during the summer
of 1898 were concentrated, the work being
intrusted to Mr. R. B. Dixon, of Harvard
University, and the writer.
The stretch of coast-line mentioned is
about one hundred miles in length, and in-
habited only at a few points, where the In-
dians have formed villages at the mouths of
streams. South of Cape Flattery, which
with its immediate vicinity is included in
the Makah Reservation, the Indians of that
coast are of two tribes—the Quilleute and
the Quinault. The Quilleutes are the more
northerly, occupying two villages; the
larger, known as Lapush, at the mouth of
the Quilleute River, about thirty miles
south of Cape Flattery, contains all
the members of the tribe except a few
families who live at Hoh, a cluster of
houses some fifteen miles farther south.
South of Hoh the coast is uninhabited for
about fifteen miles, as far as Queets, the
more northerly of the Quinault villages,
which contains but a few individuals ; while
twelve miles farther down the coast, at the
mouth of the Quinault River, is the main
seat of the tribe, known by the whites
as Granville, which is a sub-agency of
the Indian Department, with a resident
agent and post-trader. The climate of this
region is mild throughout the year, but with
an extremely high rainfall from October to
June. Being freed from the hardships of
the severe winters of the interior, these coast
Indians find ita comparatively easy matter
to procure the necessaries of life at all sea-
sons. The waters teem with salmon and
other fish ; shell-fish are abundant and much
used ; seal are hunted in the late spring,
particularly by the Quilleutes, whose situa-
tion is more favorable for that purpose; and
in the woods, which extend down to the
beach at all points, deer, elk, black bear,
and many varieties of small game, are
abundant. The staple foods, however, of
both tribes mentioned, are salmon (which
are caught in great numbers with large nets,
dip-nets, and spears) and berries, gathered
at the properseasons and dried. Of late
years, with the development of the salmon-
canning and hop-growing industries in the
regions about Puget Sound and the Fraser
River, the life of these Indians has under-
gone a decided modification, due to the an-
nual exodus of all able-bodied members of
the tribes to secure work in the canneries
and hop-fields. Employment is given to
women, and even to children, and in pros-
perous seasons very considerable sums are
earned by families, which money is, how-
ever, as a rule, promptly and not wisely
spent at the nearest shop or trader’s; and
the Indians return to their homes in the
autumn with little to show for their three
or four months’ labor except the experience,
largely social, which is, after all, probably
the great inducement which draws them to
the work.
This absence of the Indians from their
villages was the greatest obstacle to the
work of the expedition in these two tribes.
Upon arriving at Lapush, about July 1st,
it was found that the Quilleutes had gone
in a body to the Fraser River for the fish-
eries, leaving behind a few men too ill to be
carried, and enough women to look after
their needs. Some days were spent in ob-
taining such linguistic information as was
possible with the scanty material to work
upon, and then, reports from the Quinaults
being more favorable, the expedition pro-
ceeded to Granville, where some thirty in-
dividuals were found, the remainder having
also gone to the Fraser River. The pros-
pects being better at this point, it was de-
cided to settle down and begin work. Meas-
urements, casts, and photographs were
obtained, as well as a mass of information
regarding the language, customs, traditions,
ete., of the people. As it was desirable to
collect as large a series as possible of meas-
urements and casts, it was decided early in
August that Mr. Dixon should proceed to
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 224.
the Fraser River, and prosecute that work
as wellas might be under the rather unfa-
vorable conditions presented. This he did
with entire success, obtaining a very valu-
able series of casts and measurements, as
well as notes on the languages of both the
Quilleutes and Quinaults, and later visited
the Lillooet Indians in British Columbia
before returning East.
The writer remained at Granville for
some weeks longer, making researches and
collecting ethnological material for the
American Museum of Natural History, and
about September 1st returned to Lapush to
meet certain of the Quilleutes who had re-
turned, and obtain further information re-
garding that tribe. The members of the expe-
dition returned to New York about Oct. Ist.
Of the results of the summer’s work,
aside from the collections made for the
Museum, may be mentioned as of particular
importance the casts, photographs, and
measurements for a systematic study of the
physical anthropology of the tribes; the
linguistic material, which proves beyond
question the stock affiliations of both groups,
the Quilleutes being shown to be of Chema-
kum origin (the true Chemakum tribe,
which formerly had its seat near Port
Townsend, being now extinct), while the
Quinaults are of the extensive Salish stock
which occupies nearly all of the territory
about Puget Sound, and sends this offshoot
north along the coast. The traditions of
the tribes, of which full collections were
made, are extremely interesting, exhibiting
the characteristics of the traditions of the
northwest coast in general, and showing
particular affiliations with the immediately
adjoining tribes. A great many of the
stories are identical in every detail in the
two tribes, except for slight changes of name,
although the tribes are of totally distinct
stocks, and the language of each is unintel-
ligible to the other. The well-known myth
of the ‘ transformer’ is found well developed
APRIL 14, 1899.]
in both instances, and the tales of the Raven
as culture hero and trickster, so well known
among the Indians farther north, are heard
here among the Quilleutes, while the same
adventures are told of Blue Jay among the
Quinaults, as is the case among the Chinook
and other neighboring peoples in the south.
These traditions will form an excellent
basis for a comparative study of the mythol-
ogy of the region.
Particularly valuable information in re-
gard to the conventional development of
design in basket ornamentation was ob-
tained among the Quinaults, bearing out
the theory that the common geometrical
figures which are used so much are almost
invariably conventionalized representations
of natural objects, and, as a rule, of animals.
Notes on the social life and beliefs of the
Indians were also secured, and observations
made on the influence of the so-called
‘Shaker’ religion, which has been gaining
a strong hold on the natives of that section
during the last half-dozen years. In general
itis hoped that the work of ‘the summer
will contribute very materially to the solu.
tion of many of the problems, general and
special, which are offered by the Indians of
the Northwest.
Tue archeological work condu“ted on the
northwest coast of America, prior to the
organization of the Jesup North Pacific Ex-
pedition, was not extensive. The available
knowledge concerning it is largely confined
to three publications—two by Dr. William
H. Dall, on cave and sbell-heap remains of
the Aleutian Islands; and one by Mr.
Charles Hill-Tout, a résumé of the arche-
ology of the southwestern portion of Brit-
ish Columbia.
The archeologica! investigations which I
carried on in conrection with the Jesup
Expedition during the past two years
dealt chiefly with two problems: (1) ex-
amining the archeology of the southern
interior of British Columbia; and (2) in-
vestigating the shell-heaps of the coast of
Vancouver Island, together with those of
the adjacent mainland.
In the southern interior of British Colum-
bia, more particularly in the valleys of the
Thompson and Fraser Rivers, now live
tribes of the Salish Indians. - This region is
one of almost desert dryness. The houses
of the Indians are covered with a roof of
timbers and earth, and are partly under-
ground. Unlike the tribes of the coast, who
have such an abundance of the few staples
—cedar, seal, salmon, and shell-fish—that
they depend almost exclusively upon them,
these people have to resort to a great vari-
ety of natural resources. Primarily among
them may be mentioned the deer, which
furnish them with skins for clothing, flesh
for food, and bone and antler for imple-
ments. The sagebrush-bark is used for
textile fabrics. Salmon are taken for food
in the rivers, and berries and roots are ob-
tained in the mountain valleys. Many ob-
jects are made of stone. They bury their
dead in little cemeteries along the river,
although an isolated grave is sometimes
seen. Their method of burial in the ground,
instead of in boxes deposited in trees, in
caves, or on the ground, the conical form
of their lodges, and their extensive use of
chipped points of stone rather than of those
ground out of stone, bone, and antler, ally
their culture with that of the tribes of the
East, and differentiate it from that of the
coast people. None of the native peoples
of British Columbia make pottery, and no
pottery has been found by archeological
work. Food was boiled by dropping hot
stones into baskets or boxes containing it.
The archeological remains are found in
the light sand of the valleys and hillsides.
The wind is continually shifting this dry
sand from place to place. For this reason
no definite age can be assigned to the speci-
mens secured. It is certain, judging from
the complete absence of European objects
at many of the localities explored, that the
remains found at these places antedate con-
tact with the whites. A number of them must
carry us back several hundred years. The
modern Indians make small arrow-points,
and disclaim the large kind found in exca-
vations. The work undoubtedly proves
that these ancient people and those now
inhabiting this region were practically the
Numerous circular depressions were
found, indicating the sites of ancient un-
derground houses. The dry climate, and
the action of copper salts, preserved bits of
skin garments. Portions of the clothing
and bags that were made of the bark of the
sagebrush, remain in the dryest places.
Beaver-teeth dice, exactly like those used
by the present Indians; digging-stick han-
dles made of antler, similar to those in use
to-day; charred berries; fish-bones; and
skin scrapers made of stone—were un-
The graves were found in groups and
also singly, as is the case with the modern
ones. The bodies were buried upon the
side, with the knees drawn up to the chest.
They were wrapped in a fabric made of
sagebrush-bark, and were covered with
mats of woven rushes. Over the forehead
and around the neck were strings of beads,
some of copper, others of dentalium-shell.
At the side, in a pouch also made of woven
sagebrush-bark, were usually found such
objects as pieces of glassy basalt, points
chipped out of the same material for arrows
and knives, a pair of grooved stones which
were used for smoothing and straightening
arrow-shafts, a set of beaver-teeth dice,
bone awls and needles, quantities of red
ochre, copper-stained clay and yellow earth
used for paint.
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 224.
The beads of dentalium-shell from the
Pacific coast probably indicate intertribal
trade. A number of war-clubs and several
small animal figures carved in bone were
found. The handles of the clubs were
artistically sculptured to represent human
heads with plumed head-dresses. Such
specimens show that the ancient people
were capable of a high order of artistic
carving, which, perhaps, more than any of
their other work, resembles the products of
the coast culture. Stones burned and
crackled, evidently by basket or box boil-
ing, are found at all the village-sites and
shell-heaps explored in British Columbia.
Several specimens, such as the stone
mortar and the tubular pipe, remind us of
the types found in Oregon and California.
Ethnological investigations have shown the
affiliation of the recent culture of this
region to that of the Rocky Mountain re-
gion. These archeological evidences sug-
gest that this similarity was even greater
in the past.
Turning to the problem of the shell-heaps
of the coast, it is necessary to note that the
present tribes of the coast of British Co-
lumbia build immense houses of cedar
planks. They depend largely upon the
cedar and other wood for their implements
and utensils. The bark of the cedar ‘is
made into garments, bags, mats, and the
like ; in fact, the cedar is to these people
what the bamboo is to the Japanese. They
rely greatly upon salmon and shell-fish for
food. The seal also furnishes them with
food and material for manufactures. They
have developed an exceedingly high art in
carving and painting, which is quite char-
acteristic for the North Pacific coast.
The most extensive remains of the early
inhabitants of the coast are shell-heaps.
Their general distribution may be judged
by the fact that in the region, less than a
hundred miles square, on the shore of the
north end of Vancouver Island, and the
Aprit 14, 1899. ]
mainland opposite, over a hundred and fifty
were noted. In general they are located
at the mouths of fresh-water streams, and
are several hundred yards in length by five
or six feet in depth, while a few are miles
in length, and some reach a maximum
depth of over nine feet. The presence of
stumps over five feet in diameter standing
on nine feet of these layers, of which but
few are more than an inch or two in thick-
ness, indicates a considerable antiquity for
the lower layers. These are composed
almost exclusively of the well preserved
shells of clams and mussels, scattered
among which are found a very few points
and barbs rubbed out of bone, such as
were used recently for harpoons, and bone-
choppers for preparing cedar-bark, ex-
actly like the implements used to-day in
the manufacture of cedar-bark, mats, and
clothing. Numerous stone pebbles with
battered ends, such as are still used in a
game resembling quoits, and a copper orna-
ment in shape like those made of iron and
now worn in southern Alaska, were also
found in the heaps. One pair of these or-
naments, made of copper, was found in a
grave in the interior. The extreme scarcity
of archeological specimens in the very ex-
tensive shell-heaps of northern Vancouver
Island is what we might expect if the early
people depended as largely as do the pres-
ent natives upon cedar products easily
disintegrated by the warm, moist climate.
The scarcity of human remains in the shell-
heaps may be accounted for on the suppo-
sition that tree-burial, where the bodies fall
and are soon destroyed or the bones scat-
tered, was as extensively employed in
former times as at present. Everything
which has been found tends to prove that
the ancient people who discarded the shells
forming these immense heaps, over succes-
sive layers of which forest trees have grown
to a diameter of four or five feet, were in all
essential particulars similar in their culture
to the tribes at present inhabiting the same
The shell-heaps in the delta of the Fraser
River, while in general resembling those of
the coast, present several marked differ-
ences. There is much more black soil,
charcoal, and ashes among the layers of the
shell-heaps here than in those along the
beaches of the sea. The shells are much
more decayed, and mixed with the black
soil. Among the layers are found numer-
ous skeletons of two distinct types of men ;
and the proportions of specimens to the ex-
tent of the shell-heaps is vastly greater
than in the other localities, the specimens
in the coast shell-heaps being much sepa-
rated by vast amounts of shell material.
Whether these differences are peculiar to
the lower Fraser River, or are common to
all fresh-water streams of the region, is
problematical; and their cause, whether
due to a change in the customs of the
people, or to a variation in the people by
mixture or succession, is worthy of study.
The age of these heaps is considerable.
A stump of the Douglas fir over six feet in
diameter stood on one of the heaps where
the layers, there reaching a depth of over
eight feet, contained human remains. This
tree indicates an age, for the top layers, of
more than five hundred years; and allow-
ing for the formation of eight feet of strata of
shell, ash, and earth, most of which are but
a few inches in thickness, it must be con-
ceded that the bottom layers are much
older than this rather conservative estimate
for the minimum age of the top layers.
The annual rings upon an ordinary stump
standing upon this shell-heap numbered
over four hundred. The circumference of
another stump exceeded twenty-eight feet.
The shell-heap at Port Hammond, in the
upper part of the Fraser delta, is over twenty
miles by water from the present seashore,
where the shell-fish are found. By land, the
nearest point of seashore is over ten miles.
Judging from the customs of the present
natives, the water route would be used.
But they prefer to live near the shell-beds.
It is hard to believe that any of them would
earry shell-fish from the present seashore to
the shell-heaps at Port Hammond... The
distance that the delta is built out into the
sea, and the time required for this deposi-
tion, may furnish us some information as to
the age of the Port Hammond shell-heaps.
There is no apparent difference in the
character of the specimens found in the re-
cent and in the older layers. The general
style of the objects is similar to those made
by the present tribes of the coast. Several
exquisite specimens of stone and bone carv-
ings were discovered, which rival in artistic
merit the’ best sculpture of the existing
Two types of skeletons were found which
belonged apparently to coexistent people,
as they were excavated from the same
layers. Ifone of these types consisted of
captives or slaves, there was nothing in the
manner of burial to indicate it. Probably
one type succeeded the other in occupation
of the area. The fact that bodies were
found in shell-heaps indicates that the cus-
toms of this people must have differed from
those of the people who formed the shell-
heaps on northern Vancouver Island, or
that the former people was subjected to
other influence.
The skeletons found were deposited at
the time of the layers, and were not intru-
sive burials, as was clearly shown by the
numerous unbroken strata extending over
them. The bodies were usually lying upon
the side, with the knees close to the chest.
Unlike the skeletons in the interior, these
have but few, if any, objects accompanying
them, except, in rare instances, a few shell
beads, copper objects, and chipped and
ground stone points for arrows, spears, etc.
Such specimens, and even more interesting
objects, were frequently found in the layers.
[N.S. Von. EX. No. 224.
There has been an apparent movement in
prehistoric times of the Salish of the upper
Fraser toward the coast. The skulls found
in the old shell-heaps of the delta differ
from those of the present coast Salish. The
modern coast Salish has a skull apparently
modified from this by admixture since com-
ing to the coast. This is only additional
evidence to what has already been suggested
by linguistic research. A movement of
such importance, and its attendant influ-
ences, may account for certain changes in
ethnological customs, such as the rapid
modification of the method of burial on the
southeastern part of Vancouver Island. The
earliest known kind of burial, and the one
that is known to have antedated contact
with the whites by a considerable period,
was in stone cairns. Later, and even since
contact with the whites, the bodies were
placed in wooden chests, which were de-
posited on platforms in the branches of
trees. This method was changed to de-
positing the boxes in caves or on little
islands. In such cases a canoe was some-
times used instead of a box. Now, under
missionary influence and legal restraint,
these people bury as do the whites of the
The cairns come within the field of ar-
cheeological investigation. They consist of
irregular piles of bowlders, from twelve to
twenty feet in diameter, thrown over the
body, which was placed in the usual flexed
position. In most cases ib was surrounded
by a rectangular vault formed by placing
the straight sides of four or five bowlders
toward the body, and covering the cyst
thus made with one or two slab-shaped
rocks. Over this the rough pile of the cairn
would be reared. A few copper ornaments
have been found buried in cairns. The
skeletons are usually much decayed, and
complete skulls from the cairns are rarely
obtained. In excavating twenty-one cairns
in 1897 no entire bones were secured. In
APRIL 14, 1899. ]
1898, however, we met with better suecess,
obtaining a number of complete skeletons.
Several burial-mounds were formerly
located along the lower Fraser River, be-
tween Hatzic and Port Hammond. The
remains in them are usually much de-
eayed, and but little is known about them.
The one which we found intact was ex-
. plored by us, and its contents were seen to
be much decayed.
It remains to find material upon which
to reconstruct a knowledge of the builders
of the burial-mounds of the lower Fraser
River. The map showing the distribution
of cairns should be completed. The marked
difference between the shell-heaps explored
along the salt water, and those investigated
in the delta of the Fraser River, demands
that inquiry be continued to determine
whether this difference is correlated to
salt- and fresh-water shell-heaps, to heaps
of certain geographical areas, or is due
to change in customs. The determination
of the distribution of shell-heaps of both
varieties is also necessary. Many of the
specimens discovered in this work are
known to be of considerable antiquity,
and, on the whole, the culture shown by
the archeological finds is similar to that
of the present Indians. It is consequently
known that this culture has continued
practically unchanged during recent times.
This being settled, it is desirable to learn
of its development, for which it is impera-
tive to search out older deposits. These
may possibly be found in shell-heaps, under
cave-floors, or in post-glacial gravels.
Haran I. Suita.
Tue Amoor River, below Khabarovsk,
flows through a succession of former lakes
and the rocky barriers which separated
them. There are extensive level tracts,
the bottoms of drained lakes alternating
with passes between hills or mountains.
Nearly all the flats are subject to overflow.
They are covered with coarse grass from
four to seven feet high, and intersected in
all directions by sloughs and bayous. At
no point is the river less than a mile wide ;
in floods there are many places where no
land is visible for ten miles or more; and
at one locality it is fully twenty miles
across. At such times the current in some
parts of the channel flows from twelve to
fifteen miles an hour. The shores are free
from silt or mud. One may walk for miles
on the beach, immediately after a heavy
rain, without soiling his shoes. An impor-
tant result of this, to primitive people, is
that shell-fish are almost entirely lacking.
A few periwinkles and occasionally a mus-
sel are found, but there is not the slightest
evidence that such were ever used as food.
The water seems. comparatively free from
There is no flint from which arrow- or
spear-heads could be made, and very little
‘ stone, except bowlders and pebbles on the
shores, suitable for the manufacture of
axes. None of the former, and very few
of the latter, were found. Wood, bone
and antler seem to have been about the
only material for weapons and implements.
The winters are long and severe. A
temperature of 67° below zero (Fahr.) has
been recorded at Nikolaievsk, and a skim
of ice was formed there in August (1898).
There are no roads. Navigation is pos-
sible for only four months, sledge travel
on the river, another four, while for two
months in spring and two in autumn all
travel is suspended.
The hills are steep, rugged, and covered
with fallen timber, brush and vines. Only
hunters and prospectors ever go among
them. In most places primitive wilderness
is reached within a few hundred yards of
the stream. Short journeys may be made
on the beach, but one soon comes to the
outlet of a lake or swamp which cannot be
Settlements are confined entirely to the
banks of the river, at points where there is
good landing for canoes.
lages, and some belonging to the Russians,
are subject to overflow. There are very
few high terraces bordered by a good beach.
On a rocky shore, canoes would soon be
dashed to pieces by waves, which in severe
storms attain a height of five or six feet.
Above the mouth of the Garoon River
dwells the native tribe of Gold or Goldi.
Below Sophisk, extending along the coast
to Okhotsk Sea and Saghalien Island, are
the Gilyaks. The intermediate territory is
occupied by both tribes. At present they
obtain guns and knives from the Russians ;
formerly they had only such hunting or
fishing material as they could make for
themselves or get from the Manchu traders.
In summer the elks come down from the
mountains to feed on the lilies and grasses
in the marshes. -The Gilyak hunter se-
eretes himself and patiently waits for his
quarry to come within easy range. In win-
ter they go, either singly or in a party, into
the mountains to hunt fur-bearing animals.
The sable is the chief animal sought, as a
good skin is easily exchanged for its weight
in silver, and a fine one brings much more.
Sometimes they spend the entire winter at
the camp, though it may be only a few
miles from home.
At their summer camps they make huts
of birch-bark. Sometimes there is con-
structed a framework of posts, cross-poles,
and rafters, on which the bark is fastened
by tough, twisted vines, the roof being held
down by poles and stones. Again, they tie
a bundle of poles together at the top, and
spread the bottoms as far as they wish.
This framework is covered with bark (or
sometimes with skins, and nowadays pos-
Most native vil- ©
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 224.
sibly with tent-cloth), in the fashion of an
Indian wigwam. A fire is made in the
middle of the floor; blocks of wood, or
short forks driven into the ground, sup-
port poles, brush, and grass for seats and
Winter dwellings are more elaborate. A
space is marked out from twenty to fifty
feet square, the size depending upon the
number of persons to be housed. The earth
is excavated within these lines, the depth
of the excavation being governed somewhat
by the character of the soil. It is usually
between two and three feet. Posts are set
around the edge of this, on which a wat- -
tle is constructed ; mud is thickly plastered
on both sides. The roof is made of poles
and heavily covered with mud. Earth is
also piled up around the base of the house
to a height of three or four feet. A fireplace
or furnace is made of stones in one corner. A
large kettle is set into the top of this, and
every crevice chinked with mud. From
the fireplace, flues extend around the sides
of the room, made of flat stones set on edge
and covered with others. There may be
two, three, or four of these flues, side by
side. If flat stones cannot be had, others
are used, the interstices being chinked. In
large houses two furnaces are made in op-
posite corners. All the flues unite finally
into one, which is carried through the wall
and to a chimney from fifteen to twenty-
five feet away, on the outside. This may be
a hollow trunk or may be made of boards.
It furnishes sufficient draught in any
weather. Over all the flues are piled sand
and fine gravel, confined at the front by
boards, and carefully levelled on the top.
The ‘bench’ thus formed is sometimes six
feet wide. The inmates literally live on it
when in the house. It is always warm and
dry when the fires are going.
A careful and methodical investigation
was made along the river for three hundred
and fifty miles above its mouth, and of the
Apnrin 14, 1899.]
coast along the Channel of Tartary as far
as Okhotsk Sea. No evidence whatever
could be found to indicate a former
population different from the present.
The swift current and high waves
keep the gravel and sand of the beach
continually shifting. It was possibly
for this reason that so little was found on
the shores. Nota worked flint was seen.
There were hundreds of fragments of pot-
tery, about thirty polished stone hatchets
or scrapers, some notched sinkers and a few
other stones, showing marks of use or at-
tempts at shaping. Above the water-line,
grass and weeds grow so abundantly that
the ground is hidden. In the few places,
where vertical exposures of the banks oc-
curred, every foot was carefully examined ;
but there was nota fragment of pottery, a
piece of charcoal, or any other evidence of
human occupation, to be seen below the
sod. This is true of all terraces, whether
subject to overflow or not. The natives
say the ‘ old people ’ (meaning thereby their
predecessors, without regard to time) used
the polished stone implements. Now bet-
ter utensils can be had from the Russians.
Most of the pottery is Manchurian, as is
proved by its marking or decoration. The
remains of a Chinese town may be seen in
the woods at Tyr; three inscribed monu-
ments formerly stood near here. The in-
scriptions have been deciphered, and prove
to be Manchurian.
There are no shell-heaps, of course, be-
cause no shells; no mounds; no stone
graves; no graves, except modern ones,
with any mark to show their existence.
When a Gilyak house is abandoned, it
soon goes to decay. The earth piled
around the base is increased in amount by
that falling upon it from the walls, and
when the wood all decays there is left an
embankment surrounding a depression. If
the roof-timbers hold for a year or two, the
earth is washed off and adds to the em-
bankment ; if this dirt falls directly down-
ward, it lessens the depth of the depression.
In the entire region examined, these
abandoned house-pits was found. In some,
part of the timbers were still in their proper
position. In others the timbers were all
more or less decayed. In still others no
trace of wood remained. Step by step could
be traced the gradation from the house just
deserted to the house-pit covered with moss
and turf to an equal thickness with that on
every side, and overgrown with pine trees
up to thirty inches in diameter—as large as
any observed along the river. All are con-
structed in the same way, and several which
were trenched across showed the stone flues
just as they are made at present.
There may be ancient remains here yet
to be discovered ; butso far none have been
‘found which may not be properly attributed
to the present native tribes, or to the Man-
churians, who until recently owned this
A GENERAL indictment against text: books
may be drawn, to the effect that, like the
teachers who are usually their authors, they
proceed on the assumption that all who pass
through their sphere of influence are to be-
come specialists in that particular depart-
ment of knowledge. This tendency carries
its own reductio ad absurdum and is the cause
of frequent revolutions in ‘ methods of teach-
A new phase of the subject, a new
standpoint from which to present it, is at
first tentatively added or partially substi-
tuted for the old course of study, with
noticeably excellent results. Not realizing
that the improvement is secured by the
introduction of moderation, balance and
sanity into the work of instruction, the in-
ference is at once drawn that still more
startling effects are possible through further
progress in the direction whence the light
j ?
came. Very soon, however, the mean is
passed, the new has become the old, the
simple the complex, and another advance,
return, or deflection, is in order.
The history of biological instruction in
schools furnishes a good illustration of these
phenomena. The’systematists had the first
botanical opportunity, which they pro-
ceeded to abuse. Not content with the
original practice of giving beginners a slight
acquaintance with the names and properties
of the more prominent local plants, they
arranged for the laying of broader founda-
tions for systematic work; manuals con-
taining thousands of species and requiring
extended experience for their profitable use
were put into the hands of academic pupils
prepared only by a brief course in defini-
tions. The vital activities of plants went
unnoticed ; they were not organisms to be
understood, but objects tobe named. Such
a one-sided and sterile method could not be
perpetuated in the treatment of a subject
having any practical bearings, and the neces-
sary revolt followed.
internal structure and organic functions,
problems in physics, chemistry and elec-
tricity were then brought to light and put
before the budding mind as containing the
essence of botany, and now the extreme of
development in this direction is being
That the training of specialists is not the
primary object of instruction in biology, in
primary and secondary schools, or even in
the college, will be admitted by all. The
available time is limited, more commonly
painfully short. The interest of pupils is
necessarily divided and fragmentary on ac-
count of the numerous subjects they are ob-
liged to follow simultaneously ; originality
and the power of clear insight are in pro-
cess of destruction by a continuous surfeit
of educational provender. Biology cannot
hope to monopolize time or attention, and
hence the first problem of instruction is
Numberless facts of *
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 224.
to employ the meager opportunities to the
greatest good of the student. The course
which will obtain the maximum of pleasur-
able interest is also that which will produce
the most lasting and satisfactory results,
The teacher is the mentor and guide in the
fields of knowledge. If he were in charge
of a party of his pupils who were visiting
England, and had a week to see London, the
systematist would advise that six days be
spent with the maps and guide books, so
that his students might be able to call the
principal buildings and streets by name
while driving to Westminster on Sunday ;
the laboratory instructor would consistently
employ the week at the Tower, mostly in
eareful examination of the foundations,
Both suggestions would have advantages if
the visitors were to remain in London six
months or a year, but with the sojourn
limited to a week the young people would
in each case come back disappointed at not
having seen the city, and this may properly
be the state of mind of thousands of stu-
dents of biology and its departments. They
have a right to see as many and learn as
much about living creatures as time and op-
portunity will permit; to proceed as though
they were to spend a lifetime in pursuit of
some biologic speciality is a piece of crimi-
nal stupidity not unfrequently alloyed with
a considerable amount of laziness, since
both the extreme methods are reducible to
a definite class-room or laboratory routine
capable of comparatively easy management,
while to maintain a well-balanced middle
course, giving a maximum of knowledge in
logical and orderly arrangement, requires
alert and sympathetic comprehension, both
of facts and of persons.
But of what should general tuition in
biological subjects consist? The answer
must vary with the pupils, the facilities
and the time. To specify any method,
standpoint or sequence as the unqualified
‘best’ is to lose sight of the differences and
Apri 14, 1899. ]
limitations which must be considered in
particular cases. There are, however, some
simple and universal demands which all
general courses in biological subjects may
be expected to meet, but which are fre-
quently neglected in favor of the special in-
struction deprecated above.
1. Formal instruction should not fall behind
general knowledge in dealing with familiar
things. This does not mean that students
of zoology should all become veterinarians,
but it does mean that they should know
something more about horses than the aver-
age of uninstructed humanity. It is no
special credit to the educated man who
“had a course in botany’ to be badly poi-
soned by contact with a weed which thou-
sands who never heard of botany have
learned to avoid. To be able to recognize
the more common edible fungi is an accom-
plishment which none would be likely to
regret. In fine, the educated man is a man
none the less, and a part of nature through-
out bis mortal life, and any so-called in-
struction which does not, within its par-
ticular province, increase his efficiency in
contact with his environment lacks prime
elements of interest and importance.
2. Literary development requires the command
of a reasonable scientific vocabulary. It is too
late in the age of the world for whales and
porpoises to be called ‘ fish,’ for corals to be
ealled ‘insects,’ for lichens to be called
‘moss.’ For literary purposes, if for no
other, a man should know an elm from a
hickory or a woodbine. The ignoramus is
no longer at a premium on account of any
supposed profundity. The poet who has his
crows’ nest in the fence corner will surely
come to grief and derision, likewise he who
puts the swallows’ nest in the tree.
3. Toinsure familiarity and subsequent recog-
mition, natural objects should, as far as possible,
be seen in nature. The graduate from school
or college who has not gained a larger in-
sight and a deeper interest in surrounding
nature and natural objects may know, with-
out peradventure, that he has suffered a
grievous loss through the incompetence of
the biological contingent of the faculty.
The teacher who is accustomed to carry his
classes ‘ through’ botany and zoology with-
out taking them into the field is a danger-
ous fraud whose ‘course’ consists in some
routine work or specialized sawdust which
the general student can safely neglect as
likely to be of minimum utility or bearing
on culture.
4. Hvery science should give its students a gen-
eral view of its subject-matter. At some time
in the course of their biological education
students should see and examine, if possi-
ble, representatives of the principal groups
of animals and plants. It may or may not
be desirable to go into great detail in the
study of these ‘types,’ certainly not if
thereby the other numbers of this enumera-
tion are to be neglected. It is far better to
show the general student forty different
sorts of crustaceans and point out their gen-
eral agreement in structure than to have
him spend the time in cutting up one par-
ticular form and in learning the names of
parts and organs which he never saw before
and will never see again.
In the botanical text-books used in the
secondary schools ten years ago only the
barest mention of the lower plants was made,
ferns, mosses, fungi and sea-weeds being
summarily dismissed as ‘ Cryptogams.’ In
a recently published work of secondary
grade the structure, organs and functions
of mosses, for instance, are explained or dis-
cussed in nine different places. It is safe
to say that the information furnished in this
form serves to obscure already confused
ideas of physiology and morphology rather
than to widen and clarify the student’s
botanical horizon by giving him a modicum
of elementary knowledge concerning an in-
teresting group of organisms.
5. Every science should give its students an
introductory acquaintance with its methods of in-
vestigation. How has the science been built
up? What extent of work has been ac-
complished and what remains to be done?
What important problems are now receiving
attention, and how is the work being carried
on? What are the possible bearings on
utility or culture of such investigations ?
These and numerous others are legitimate
and pertinent questions being constantly
asked by those inside as well as outside of
scientific lines. Under this head it is de-
sirable to make a careful dissection and
thorough microscopic examination of at
least one animal or plant. It is something
to know how an eclipse is calculated or how
a plant is ‘analyzed,’ even if we never at-
tempt either feat after having ‘ passed up.’
Together with a reasonably thorough in-
vestigation of the structure of some one
form, the student should collect and learn
to know the local flora or fauna in some
natural group, even though a very small
one. Instead of manuals of extensive
regions, school purposes would be far better
served by carefully written local monographs
which could be made really adequate for
purposes of determination in the hands of
the inexperienced. By being less formid-
able such works need not be less scientific.
Greater simplicity would also make easier
the comprehension of the principles of classi-
fication and the meanings of its various
categories. Repetitions and demonstrations
of interesting or famous experiments are
also valuable, but to confine a class in the
laboratory and hurry it through a long
series of such may result merely in intel-
lectual nausea on the part of the victims.
These limited specializations are desi-
rable as part of every general course, but the
field or the problem should in each case be
so narrowed that the student may reason-
ably be expected to gain some insight in the
time available. To say that all work must
be experimental or all histological or all
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 224.
systematic is merely to commit the same
mistake in three different ways. Biology
has an advantage over many parts of schoot
curricula in that its subject-matter contains
much of daily interest and permanent
value. Although other departments com-
monly justify their existence by appeal to
the fallacy that mental training can be suc-
cessfully divorced from instruction, biology
has less need of such an admission. The
gymnasium may be theoretically the best
place to secure symmetrical muscular de-
velopment, but the stronger attraction is ex-
erted by foot-ball or boat-racing, and col-
lege faculties have themselves largely to
thank for the fact that these subjects
monopolize so extensively the attention of
undergraduates. The growing mind de-
mands some object of tangible, contempo-
rary, individual interest, and if this is not
found in the curriculum it will be sought
outside. A knowledge of foot-ball relieves
many a college graduate from the charge of
being a complete ignoramus. Interest in
nature for its own sake is, however, also a
normal and very common characteristic of
younger individuals of the human species,
and while the rountine of school life tends
to an early eradication of this quality, its
extinction is seldom complete, and the com-
petent teacher knows how to utilize it as a
most pleasant and important adjunct to the
work of instruction. The popularity of
the weekly excursion of classes in botany
and zoology has even caused resignations
from the foot-ball team.
While the training of specialists is not
the object of any schools except the univer-
sities, the importance of investigators in
modern civilization is too great to justify
the neglect of the interests of such during
the educational period. Investigators, how-
ever, of all others, need to acquire this
more popular and more general knowledge
of their own specialty. To be drilled from
their earliest days only in methods of in-
APRIL 14, 1899.]
vestigation, either systematic, structural or
physiological, is to destroy originality and
keep narrow the ground on which future
generalizations must be built. It is accord-
ingly plain that to limit a student’s oppor-
tunities for biological instruction to a
specialized course along some one line has
not even the single justification it at first
seemed to possess. The present extreme
tendeney toward ‘laboratory work’ and
away from actual contact with nature on
the part of beginners in biology is without
doubt a temporary condition. Not every
one who sits behind a battery of reagents
in a laboratory is an investigator, and not
all investigators are thus equipped.
At the cost of an equal amount of labor,
which would command the general prefer-
ence, an acquaintance with the more com-
mon plants of one’s neighborhood or a mass
of facts about plants in general, but appli-
eable as a whole to no plant in particular ?
Organs, tissues and functions have been
named and classified ; knowledge in these
directions is becoming extensive and com-
plex, and the specialists are zealously trying
to keep the beginners up with the times.
Recent text-books written from structural
and physiological standpoints contain a
mass of definitions and an amount of classi-
fication equalling or exceeding that of the
other extreme in systematic works. This
classification is, indeed, not what promi-
nently bears that name, but it is classifica-
tion none the less, though artificial and
based on abstractions instead of affinity or
phylogeny. The details of structure and
life history are arranged under such heads
as ‘Growth,’ ‘ Reproduction,’ ‘ Nutrition,’
‘Trritability’ and ‘Symbiosis,’ and the
emphasis is not upon the facts in nature,
but upon the mechanical or chemical con-
siderations which must be invoked to ex-
plain the various special problems.
A complaint has been voiced that these
so-called modern methods of instruction are
atal to the interest and spirit which actu-
ated the naturalists of former days, and
this is not difficult to understand. Such
work is preparatory only for chemists, phy-
sicists and physiologists. Its interest is
not in nature, primarily, but in matter and
mechanisms. Under the extreme system-
atic method we had introductions to plants
of which we knew nothing; by the avow-
edly unsystematic method we learn facts
about plants which we do not know.
O. F. Coox.
Text-Book of General Physics for the Use of Col-
leges and Scientific Schools. By CHARLES 8.
HAstines, PH.D., and FREDERICK E. BEACH,
Pu.D., of Yale University. Boston, U.S. A.,
Ginn & Co.
Apart from the obvious distinction between
good and bad, text-books in Physics may be
divided into two well-marked classes. In the
one the main point of view is to consider the
study of Physics as a training of the mind; asa
subject which requires the use of logical pro-
cesses and which ought to develop mental ac-
curacy and habits of thought better than any
other science.
The other class of text-books does not lay so
much stress upon logical methods, but calls
attention rather to the phenomena of Nature
which are illustrations of the great fundamen-
tal laws, and to the experimental methods by
which these laws have been discovered.
The continued success of such text-books as
those of Ganot and Deschanel shows that there
is a great need in American colleges and
schools for the class of text-book which comes
under the second head, just mentioned. The
most recent text-book, this by Hastings and
Beach, is distinctly one of the same order. It
treats the subject, however, in a thoroughly
modern manner and is free from the inaccura-
cies of the earlier treatises. One’s first im-
pression on opening the book is of great sat-
isfaction. The paper, type, illustrations, ar-
rangement of matter, everything which per-
tains to the printer’s art, is more satisfactory
than perhaps in any modern text-book of sci-
ence, and the more one investigates the book
itself the more one is convinced that the au-
thors have successfully accomplished their pur-
The subdject-matter is arranged in the follow-
ing order: Mechanics, Heat, Electricity, Sound
and Light. The scope of the book is rather
wider than would allow its use in most colleges
or schools, including, as it does, such points as
radius of gyration, compound pendulums, Car-
not’s cycle, Thomson and Joule’s experiment,
entropy, virial, osmotic pressure, thermo-elec-
tricity, theory of alternating currents, impe-
dance and so on, electric waves, efficiency of
optical instruments, theories of color sensation,
and wave surfaces of uniaxal and biaxal crys-
tals. A knowledge of trigonometry and the
elements of analytical geometry are presup-
posed for the study of the book, but no previous
knowledge of physics is expected.
Each of the main subjects of Physics is dis-
cussed with considerable fulness and is illus-
trated by many natural phenomena and by
many mechanisms and devices in common use.
This is particularly true in the subjects of Me-
chanics and Electricity. One knows before
one looks that there will be a most satisfactory
explanation and discussion of optical instru-
ments. In fact, all the chapters on Light are
of marked excellence.
It should be particularly noted that special
attention is paid throughout the book to the de-
scription of the various instruments used in
physical measurements. The chapters on music,
musical instruments and color-sensation are
admirable. The book closes with an excellent
One may think that occasionally there is
want of balance in the amount of space given
various subjects and in the arrangement of
these subjects. For instance, the space given
the ‘conservation of momentum’ is only about
half a page, whereas that given the centrif-
ugal drier and the centrifugal cream sep-
arator amounts to nearly four pages. The
discussion of measurement of matter and of
the concept of force is most briefly stated.
It may be said, however, that in a text-book of
[N.&. Vou. IX. No. 224.
this character, where the purpose is not to
acquaint students with the fundamental princi-
ples of Physics and with their logical develop-
ment, but rather to give them a knowledge ex-
tending over wide fields of the phenomena of
Nature and to correlate these in groups, such
criticism as this is not applicable.
If one speaks of certain questions which do
not seem to be treated as well as they might be,
it is not from any wish to detract from the high
merit of the book, but rather to call the at-
tention of teachers who may use the book to
certain points concerning which questions might
be raised. In particular, it is doubtful if the
chapter on Thermometry or on Calorimetry
could be regarded as satisfactory by a class. It
is hardly fair in defining a scale of temperature
to use, as is done on page 165, the formula for
the law of gases, and then to state, as is done
on page 179, that ‘‘ Experiment has shown that
in the case of a gas under constant pressure not
only is the expansion strictly proportional to
the increase of temperature, but that all gases
have sensibly the same coefficient.’’ This
seems to be using a quantity to define temper-
ature and then to make use of the definition in
stating a law.
Again, the words ‘definite quantity of heat’
are used in what may be considered an indefi-
nite manner. On page 251 the authors use
the following words: ‘‘ The now universally
adopted theory that heat is the kinetic energy
due to the irregular motion of the molecules of
a body ’’—a statement which is not altogether
justifiable. It is possible to speak of the energy
of a body and to consider it as partly kinetic
and partly potential, using the latter name
simply to include all energy that is not, strictly
ea king, kinetic from our present knowledge ;
and it is possible also to say by way of defini-
tion that we will call the kinetic energy of the
parts of the body by the name ‘Heat.’ This,
however, is quite a different matter from saying
that all the heat-effects are manifestations of
kinetic energy, or from using the word ‘ Heat’
in the sense of something that is ‘applied’
to a body, which is the sense most commonly
used by the authors.
It is to be regretted that such phrases as
‘molecular attractions of the particles of a solid
APRIL 14, 1899. ]
for those of a liquid are greater than the at-
tractions ? p. 142; ‘zinc has a greater af-
finity for oxygen than copper,’ p. 386; ‘the
bond uniting the hydrogen to the acid radi-
eal SO, will be ruptured,’ p. 388; ‘an elec-
trolyte capable of a reaction with one of
the conductors,’ p. 388, should be retained
in a modern text-book. Exception must be
taken also to the use of the word ‘molecule’
‘on p. 287 without any explanation; to the
phrase ‘mechanical equivalent at 15° C.,’ on p.
264; to the explanation of what is meant by a
‘reversible’ cycle on p. 269 ; to the definition
of the ‘ampere ;’ to the use of the expression
‘stationary waves ;’? and to the expression ‘it
is assumed that the current enters.’
Certain explanations are undoubtedly erro-
neous, such as those of electrolysis, scintillation
and the theory of ‘angle of contact’ in cap-
iliarity ; while others are not rigid or not defi-
nite, such as those of the simple pendulum, the
barometer, Rontgen rays, iridescence.
There are several slight mistakes throughout
the book, such as the incomplete statement of
Doppler’s principle, the use of & instead of
R, in the two formule of Van’t Hoff on pages
236 and 240, the statement on page 263 that
there are discrepancies between the values of
the mechanical equivalent as found by the two
As a text-book of the character evidently
planned by its authors this treatise must, how-
ever, be considered most successful. It is a
book to which every student would have occa-
sion to refer from time to time, and which con-
tains within its covers much more matter than
any existing book of its class. The style is
pleasant, attractive and definite, and every
laboratory and library would do well to pur-
chase the book.
The Principles of Stratigraphical Geology. By
J. E. Marr. Cambridge Natural Science
Manuals, Geological Series. Cambridge, Uni-
versity Press; New York, The Macmillan
CO m8 98.) ep. 304.
Here is a book on a single department of
geological science which is the type of many
another. Written to give students some idea
of the methods and scope of stratigraphical
geology, it combines a digest of the contents of
larger standard manuals, with an elaboration
_of some points according to the author’s views,
and requires for its full understanding a famil-
iarity with structural and dynamical geology,
the nomenclature of paleontology, and a minute
acquaintance with the local nomenclature of
English geography.
The omissions in the earlier chapters imply
that the student is preparing for field work
after having read Lyell’s Principles and Geikie’s
or some other text-book, while the substance of
the chapters reads like lectures given to a class
of beginners.
The second half of the book is by far the
more valuable, in that it givesa brief, but clear
and well-written summary of the stratigraphy of
Great Britain, with here and there references
to the more conspicuous points of stratigraph-
ical classification in other countries. The
stratigraphy of England, Wales and Scotland is
described with just enough detail to bring out
the differences of sedimentation in separate
regions for each period, and shows the growth
of the island during geological time.
A fuller treatment of this element of stratig-
raphy is given in Jukes-Brown’s ‘ Building of
the British Isles.’
Some of the author’s peculiarities are seen in
his classification and use of terms.
Lapworth’s term Ordovician is adopted. In
his list of systems are included Permo-Car-
boniferous and Permian, in addition to the Car-
The grounds of this usage are ‘ primarily’ the
recognition of an unconformity between the
Carboniferous and Permian in England; and
secondly, the correlation of a portion of the Salt
Range strata of India as intermediate between
these two ‘systems’ of the English column.
In the Cenozoic six ‘systems’ are cited, viz:
Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene, Pleisto-
cene and Recent ; but we are told in the text
that these are hardly systems in the sense in
which the term is used in the case of the older
rocks. Further on, the chapters describing
these formations are headed as _ follows:
‘The Kocene Rocks,’ ‘Oligocene and Miocene
Periods,’ ‘Pliocene Beds,’ ‘Pleistocene Accu-
mulations,’ ‘The Steppe Period,’ etc.
The abysma! origin of the black shales of the
Ordovician, with graptolites, is defended on the
following grounds: The persistence of lith-
ological characters over wide areas; their re-
placement by much greater thickness of normal
sediments along ancient coast lines; the fre-
quent occurrence together of blind trilobites
and those with abnormally large eyes, and the
interstratification of the black shales with
radiolarian cherts similar to the modern
abysmal radiolarian oozes.
The glacial origin of the boulder beds of the
Talchin stage of the Indian series, proposed by
W. T. Blanford, is accepted; and confirmatory
evidence is cited in the cases of the similar signs
of glaciation in beds of a corresponding age in
Australia, South Africa and southern Brazil.
As a digest of the general facts of British
geology in its special nomeclature the book will
be of value to those who have not access to the
fuller treatises.
The Examination of Water (Chemical -and Bac-
teriological). By WILLIAM P. Mason. New
York, John Wiley & Sons. 1899. Pp. 135.
The progress that has been made during the
last decade in methods of sanitary water analy-
sis, and especially in the interpretation of
the results of such analysis, amply justifies
an attempt at the marshalling of the new
data and the revaluation of the old. To both
students and practical workers the need of
a really modern treatise in the English lan-
guage has become imperative, and Professor
Mason’s little book will, on this ground, be cor-
dially received. It will be a fact regretted by
many, however, that the present work is so
limited in scope. While the author correctly
insists upon the paramount importance of a
complete knowledge of the source of a sample
of water and of the conditions under which the
sample is collected, and rightly emphasizes
the futility of ‘standards’ of purity, he has
evidently not intended to inelude in this book
any discussion of some of the other and most
vital problems of water analysis.
The various methods for the determination of
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 224.
chlorine, nitrites, nitrates, free ammonia, albu-
minoid ammonia, etc., and the other significant
chemical tests are described in the second chap-
ter, and the author’s selection of recommended
methods will, on the whole, meet with gen-
eral approval. The useful ‘normal chlorine’
maps, prepared respectively by the Massachu-
setts and Connecticut State Boards of Health,
ure reproduced and the hope is expressed that
the task of the water-analyst will, in the future-
be made still easier through the preparation of
similar charts by other Commonwealths.
Some analysts will consider that more stress
might have been profitably laid upon the Heh-
ner method for the determination of ‘perma,
nent hardness,’ especially in view of the fact
that this method has been found greatly su-
perior to the ‘soap test’ in dealing with the
waters in some parts of the United States. In
this chapter, too, it will occasion some surprise
to find no reference whatever to the Kjeldahl
method for determining organic nitrogen.
In the chapter upon bacteriological exami-
nation the author seems to be treading on
less familiar ground than in the preceding sec-
tion. In his description of the method of prep-
aration of sugar bouillon the importance of the
preliminary removal of muscle-sugar is over-
looked, as is the fact that the indol test may
be vitiated by the presence of muscle-sugar in
the broth. Miquel’s method of examination
and his theory of ‘auto-infection’ of waters are
given a much more important place than would
be accorded them by most bacteriologists. The
author’s statement on p. 117 that ‘ great cold is
not fatal to germ-life’ certainly needs some
revision. EpwINn O. JORDAN.
A Monograph of the North American Potentilleae.
By Per AX&L RYDBERG. Memiors from the
Department of Botany of Columbia Univer-
sity. VolumeII. Issued November 25, 1898.
4to. Pp. 223. 112 plates.
Some years ago Dr. Per Axel Rydberg, a
Scandinavian botanist educated in America,
became interested in the group of the Rose
Family which contains the Cinquefoils, and
which have been known as the Potentilleae.
Finding in the great collections of Columbia
University (now transferred to the New York
Aprit 14, 1899. ]
Botanical Garden) a rich mass of materials, he
set himself to the task of making a complete
monograph of the tribe, accompanying it with
such a collection of plates as would throw as
much light as possible upon the limits of genera
and species understood by him. After nearly
two years of delay the volume has appeared,
and it is all that the friends of the author an-
ticipated, and more too. It is a beautifully
printed quarto volume of 223 pages and one
hundred and twelve finely executed plates.
In discussing the relationship of the tribe
Dr. Rydberg regards it as representing the
lowest or primitive type of the family Rosaceae,
and from it arose, as separate, divergent groups,
the tribes Dryadeae, Rubeae and Sanguisorbeae,
while from the latter arose the Roseae (with
possible relationship to the Dryadeae). On
the other hand, from Dryadeae arose the Cerco-
carpae and Spireae, and from the latter are de-
rived by divergent development the families Po-
meae, Drupaceae and Saxifragaceae. In regard
to other relationships the author says: ‘‘Itis evi-
dent that the Ranunculaceae and Rosaceae are
very nearly related,’’ and in his diagram showing
the foregoing relationships places the Ranuncu-
laceae immediately below thé Potentilleae.
Thirteen genera are recognized in the Poten-
tilleae, of which the largest is Potentilla with
107 species. The next in point of numbers is
Horkelia with 47 species, followed by Fragaria
with 20, and Drymocallis with 13. Quite nat-
urally, the author found it necessary to describe
many new species, and occasionally to give a
new name to an old species, because of the
preoccupation of the old name. He has been
rather conservative in this part of his work, for
which he deserves our thanks. In Fragaria the
new speciesareas follows: J. crinita, F. sibbal-
difolia, F. truncata, F. platypetala, PF. prolifica, F.
pumila, F. terrae novae, F. paucifiora andF. firma.
In the much larger genus, Potentilla, there are
but nine new species, but this is due to the fact
that Dr. Rydberg, in his work upon this genus,
published many new species a couple of years
ago in the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club.
A most interesting table closes the text, giving
data as to the distribution of the Potentilleae in
North America. From this we learn that in
California there are 64 species, in the Rocky
Mountains 61, in Oregon and Washington 53,
Saskatchewan Region 29, Canadian Rocky
Mountains 28, Texas and Arizona 27, the Great
Plains 26, New England and Middle States 26,
Great Basin 23, British Columbia 22, southern
Mexico 19, Labrador and Baflin’s Bay 17,
the Prairie Region 17, Canada 16,-Alaska 16,
Greenland 15, Arctic Coast 12, Southern States
8, northern Mexico 8, Lower California 7, Cen-
tral America 2.
This monograph must at once become au-
thoritative for this group of plants, and to every
working botanist dealing with the higher seed-
bearing plants it will be indispensable.
Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Elec-
tricity for March.—The promised series of por-
traits of eminent magneticians and electricians
is begun in the present number with that of
Professor Arthur W. Ricker, the President of
the Permanent Committee on Terrestrial Mag-
netism and Atmospheric Electricity of the In-
ternational Meteorological Conference. The
journal has been enlarged to 72 pages, the
present number being also freely illustrated
and containing several important contributions
by eminent investigators, as will appear from
the table of contents :
Aimantation Induite par le Champ Terrestre sur
les Aimants, E. Mascart.
Is there a 428-Day Period in Terrestrial Magnet-
ism? J. F. Hayford.
Beobachtungen tiber die Eigenelectricitiit der At-
mosphirischen Niederschlige, J. Elster and H. Geitel.
The Physical Decomposition of the Earth’s Perma-
manent Magnetic Field—No. 1. The Assumed Nor-
mal Magnetization and the Characteristics of the
Resulting Residual Field, L. A. Bauer.
Is the Principal Source of the Secular Variation of
the Earth’s Magnetism within or without the Karth’s
Crust? L. A. Bauer.
Tafeln zur Geniherten Auswertung von Kugel-
functionen und ihren Differentialquotienten, Ad.
Schmidt (Gotha).
Erdmagnetische Beobachtungen im Umanaks. Fiord
(Nordwest-Grénland), 1892-93, H. Stade.
Abstracts and Reviews.
Notes : Biographical Sketch of Professor Riicker.
Activity in Magnetic Work.
A DINNER, arranged by the Scientific Alli-
ance of New York, took place at the Hotel
Savoy on the evening of April 5th. Mr. Cox
presided and made an address emphasizing es-
pecially the need of bringing scientific work to
the attention of those who are not special stu-
dents of science. Other addresses were made by
Professor Van Amringe, Professor Osborn and
Mr. Leipziger, and these were followed by
shorter speeches by Professor Dodge, Professor
Cattell, Dr. McMurtrie; Professor Lloyd, Pro-
fessor Dean, Professor Rees and Professor Hal-
lock. At the conclusion Professor Britton, the
Secretary, gave an account of the history of the
Alliance in the following words:
The Scientific Alliance of New York was
_ founded at a conference of delegates from the
several societies held at the Museum of Natural
History, March 11, 1891, pursuant to a sugges-
tion made to the societies by the Council of the
New York Academy of Sciences. These dele-
gates were at first termed a Joint Commission,
following the lead of the earlier established
Alliance of the scientific bodies of the city of
Washington. On May 19, 1891, a Constitution
was adopted in which the term Council was
first employed. At this time the issuing of an
Annual Directory was provided for, and the
first one printed was distributed in June of that
year, containing the names and addresses of
the 498 members of the Alliance comprised in
the six original societies. The publication of
the monthly Bulletin, announcing the titles of
communications to be made to the societies and
other matters of interest was authorized Sep-
tember 28, 1891. Both the Directory and the
Bulletin have since been continued, with minor
modifications, in the form thus inaugurated,
eight numbers of the Directory and sixty-three
numbers of the Bulletin having been published.
The New York Section of the American
Chemical Society was admitted as a part of the
Alliance in May, 1892. The second Annual
Directory, issued in July of that year, shows
that the membership was then 6383 ; on Novem-
ber 15, 1892, the first joint meeting of the so-
cieties was held at the Museum of Natural His-
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 224.
tory, and a number of addresses bearing on
the progress and the needs of science in New
York were delivered ; these were subsequently
printed in pamphlet form and widely distrib-
uted. At a meeting held November 25, 1892,
a Finance Committee was appointed ; this Com-
mittee secured by subscription a considerable
sum of money, subsequently termed the Gen-
eral Fund of the Council, as distinguished from
the sums annually contributed by the societies
for the publication of the Directory and Bul-
letins, known as the Societies’ Fund. The Gen-
eral Fund has been of the greatest value and
importance in the work of the Council; it has
been used in arranging joint meetings and
printing proceedings of them; in supplement-
ing the Societies’ Fund ; in printing circulars,
and in other ways as has proved desirable;
it has twice been augmented by subscription,
and it is well that it should be somewhat
further increased.
The second joint meeting was held March
27, 1893, also at the Museum of Natural His-
tory, in honor of the late Professor John Strong
Newberry ; addresses were delivered, and the
proceedings were published. On April 28,
1893, the Council resolved to establish by sub-
scription a fund to be known as the John Strong
Newberry Fund for Original Research, which
now amounts to about $1,200. Grants for the
aid of original investigation from accrued inter-
est on the Fund have been made to Dr. Arthur
Hollick in Geology; to Mr. Gilbert Van Ingen
in Paleontology, and a third grant has been
recently authorized in Botany or Zoology. The
Third Annual Directory, issued in August, 1893,
shows that the membership had increased to
The New York Entomological.Society was
admitted into the Alliance in March, 1894.
The Fourth Annual Directory, issued in July of
that year, shows an increase in membership to
After approval by all the Societies and by
the Council, an Act of Incorporation of the
Council was introduced into the New York
Legislature in 1895, and became a law on June
5th. Pursuant to this law, a new Constitution
was adopted September 17, 1895. The 5th
Annual Directory, July, 1895, contains the
APRIL 14, 1899. ]
names of 9389 members; the 6th contains 1,015
names, and the 7th 1,055.
On March 16, 1898, a reception and dinner
was held at the Hotel Savoy, which gave so
much pleasure as to form the reason for our as-
sembling here again to-night.
The 8th Directory, issued last fall, shows that
at that time the membership had increased to
1,069 ; it is now known to be over 1,100—that
is to say, about twice as large as in 1892-93.
This great increase in the membership of the
scientific societies is a certain index to the
scientific progress of the city,-and that this Al-
liance has contributed much to this well-known
remarkable progress there can be no doubt.
The element that is most needed now, as it
was at the formation of the Alliance, is a build-
ing which will serve as a home for the societies,
where all their meetings can be held and where
their, proceedings and lectures may best attract
more public attention ; the corner-stone for this
building has recently been provided by Mrs.
Esther Herrman, whose generous gift of ten
thousand dollars, made to the Council, brings
the great desideratum nearer than it ever has
been before.
AT the 89th meeting of the Society, held in
Washington, D. C., March 22, 1899, Messrs. W.
C. Mendenhall and F.C. Schrader, of the U.S.
Geological Survey, talked of the reconnaissances
made by them the past field season in Alaska,
while they were under detail with the military
exploring parties sent out by the War Depart-
Mr. Mendenhall spoke of a reconnaisance
from Resurrection Bay to the Tanana River.
He said the. route followed by the military ex-
ploring party to which he was attached ex-
tended from Resurrection Bay, on the southeast
shore of Kenai Peninsula, to the Tanana River,
at the mouth of the Delta, one of its southern
tributaries. The western continuation of the
St. Elias Range was crossed by following up
the valley of the Matanuski, which rises north
of these mountains in a vast marshy plateau on
which branches of the Copper and Sushitna
Rivers also rise. Beyond this plateau extends
the lofty Alaskan Range, with peaks 14,000
feet in height. The Delta River cuts a gap
through these mountains, through which the
explorers traveled. ; F
The greater part of the region traversed was
before quite unknown. It presents much di-
versity in landscape and physical features.
These different types, from the snowy barriers
along the Pacific to the dreary wastes of the in-
terior, were illustrated by original views.
The geology of the various areas studied was
brought out, and something of the history of the
land forms as we now find them. But little gold
is known in this part of Alaska, and that little
is found along the coast and the adjacent parts
of the mainland. Many claims have been staked
since the boom struck the Cook Inlet country a
few years since, and, although one or two of the
richest of these yield as high as $120 a day to
the man, the great majority do not pay expenses.
Mr. Schrader described a hasty reconnais-
sance of a part of the Copper: River district.
The object of the expedition was to find an all-
American route from the coast into the gold
districts of the Upper Yukon. A route was
found which, with some engineering through
three miles of canyon on Lowe River, will
probably prove satisfactory.
The Copper is one of the largest rivers on
the southern coast of Alaska. It heads far
back of the Coast Range, but breaks through it
at about 30 miles from the coast and then de-
bouches over its large delta into the sea.
A little west of Mount St. Elias the St. Elias
Range divides into two ranges; of these the
main continues westward as the Coast Range
around the head of Prince William Sound; the
shorter range, diverging northwestward, forms
the divide between the Copper, on the south-
west, and the White and Tanana Rivers, on the
northeast. In the fork of these two ranges,
back of the Coast Range, lies the basin proper
of the Copper. A lobe of the northwest range
extending into the basin on the east terminates
in the Wrangell group of mountains, culmina-
ting in a maximum height of more than 17,000
feet. Between Prince William Sound, on the
south, and the Copper Basin, on the north, the
Coast Range consists of a mountainous belt
about fifty miles broad, with its general land
mass rising to a height of 5,000 feet and slightly
tilted toward the coast. Its surface is studded
by innumerable barren peaks and short saw-
tooth ranges interspersed by glaciers and nevee.
Its edges, on both the costal and inland sides,
where the mountains break off abruptly, are
etched by short, deep canyons and gulches,
which carry off the drainage. The canyon of
the Copper alone cuts through the range.
The northwest rim of the basin in the open
fork of the ranges is poorly defined. It liesin a
vast plateau-like tundra at an elevation of nearly
3,000 feet. The interior of the basin is occu-
pied by a plateau-like terrain consisting princi-
pally of unconsolidated silts, sands and some
gravel. It is horizontally stratified and seems
to represent an extensive inland lake-bed or
arm of the sea deposit covering several thousand
square miles. Through this terrain the Copper
River and its tributaries now flow, as a super-
imposed drainage, in newly-cut canyon-like
valleys, at a depth of five or more hundred
feet. As bed rock has scarcely anywhere been
reached by erosion, the deposit is probably a
thousand or more feet in thickness.
The surface of the terrain slopes gently south-
ward and from the east and west toward the
center of the basin, where its elevation is about
1,500 feet. Back from the streams it is dotted by
lakelets and some swamp areas, and is nearly
everywhere covered by a fair growth of timber
and moss, with local areas of luxuriant grass.
At the head of Woods Canyon, where the
Copper enters the mountains, all trace of the
lake beds ceases, denoting apparently the bar-
rier which confined the lake before the canyon
was cut. The natural features were well illus-
trated by original views.
The rocks in the Coast Range are mostly
sandstone, arkoses, slate, mica-schist and
quartzites. On its north base some green am-
phibolite schist occurs. This schist seems also
to form the southwest base of the Wrangell
group, but the group itself seems to be mostly
volcanic rocks, of which the northwestern end
appears to be principally red rhyolite.
Wm. F. MorskE.u.
THE 498th meeting of the Society was held
at8 p.m. on March 18th, at the Cosmos Club.
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 224.
The first paper was by Dr. Artemas Martin on
‘Triangles whose angles are 60° or 120° and
sides whole numbers.’
From the equation 2?— 2ay cos ¢+ y?= 22 in
which 2,y,2 denote the sides of any plane triangle
and ¢ the angle included by x and y, the author
deduces the general values
r= pi—q, y= 2%pq— 29? cos $,
z= p?— 2nq cos $+ q’.
When y= 60°, the sides are
e=p— 7, y=29—-Y, 2=P—pe+ e;
and when ¢=- 120°, they are
a=p—q’, y= 2p + 9, 2 =p? + pat @.
He determines the limitations of the values
of p and q for both cases. Thesmallest triangle
for ¢=60° is 8, 3, 7; the smallest for ¢= 120°
is 3, 5, 7.
Numerous examples were given and tables
of such triangles were submitted.
Mention was made ofa paper on ‘The Theory
of Commensurables,’ by Edward Sang, pub-
lished in the Transactions of the Royal Society
of Edinburgh.
The second paper was by Mr. Lyman J.
Briggs on ‘ Electrical Methods of Investigating
the Moisture Temperature and Soluble Salt
Content of Soils.’ The abstract of this valu-
able paper has not yet come to hand. The
third paper was by Mr. C. K. Wead, on ‘Appli-
cations of Electricity to Musical Instruments.’
Mr. Wead said in part :
Electricity is to-day practically applied on a
commercial scale to musical instrnments in
three ways: (1) Asa motive power to blow or-
gans and operate self-playing instruments. (2)
To operate the pallets of large organs by means
of the electro-pneumatic action patented and
introduced by Barker in England in 1868, and
shown at the Centennial Exhibition in 1876 by
Roosevelt, of New York. (3) To control the
application of power to the keys of a piano,
the electric circuits being governed by the per-
forated paper sheet patented to Seytrein France
in 1842 and to Bain in England in 1847.
Patents have been granted for specific mech-
anisms for applying electricity to ring bell
chimes and play guitars; to record the music
played on a keyboard instrument ; to sustain in-
APRIL 14, 1899. ]
definitely the vibrations of a piano-string by
impulses from an electro-magnet supplied with
an intermittent current of proper frequency,
and to produce ‘ electrical music’ by the simul-
taneous action upon a loud-speaking telephone
of several currents of proper pitch and wave-
form synthesized in the line-wire. If these last
two inventions shall enjoy any considerable
popularity they will inevitably influence, to a
marked degree, musical ideas and philosophy.
THE teachers of physics in secondary schools
of New York City have formed an organization
to promote efficiency in the teaching of physics.
The more specific objects of the club will be to
cultivate a personal acquaintance and inter-
change of thought among laboratory men; to
secure the cooperation of the departments of
physics in the colleges; to discuss matters of in-
terest concerning laboratory methods, appara-
tus, new books and kindred matters.
The officers for the present year are: Presi-
dent, Frank Rollins; Vice President, Albert C.
Hale; Secretary, A. T. Seymour; Treasurer,
8. A. Lottridge. The Executive Committee
consists of the officers and Messrs. R. H. Cor-
nish, B. M. Jaquish,G. C.Sonn. The member-
ship is limited to 30. There are at present 29
members. The next meeting will be held at the
Teachers’ College, April 22, 1899.
: Secretary.
THE annual meeting of the Sub-section was
held on Monday, March 27th. Dr. Franz
Boas was elected Chairman and Dr. Chas. H.
Judd Secretary for the ensuing year. The
following papers were presented: ‘Notes on
Chilcotin Mythology,’ by Dr. Livingston Far-
rand; ‘Zapotecan Antiquities,’ by M. H.
Saville and A. Hrdlicka; ‘ Recent Suggestions
for a new Psychology,’ by Dr. Charles B. Bliss.
Cuas. H. Jupp,
To THE Eprror oF Science: Mr. Havelock
Ellis, in his interesting study, ‘The Evolution
of Modesty,’ in the current Psychological Review,
regards sexual modesty, concealment physio-
logical and anatomical, to be mainly founded in
the fear of disgusting others. But wherein, we
must ask, does such fear merit the term modesty?
Does this kind of fear have any distinct quality ?
Is it areal species? And in any case is modesty
a kind of fear? It appears to me that the fear
of exciting disgust in others toward ourselves is,
like fear of exciting anger, hatred or any other
injurious emotion, not a distinct genus of emo-
tion, nor even a species of fear. We have here
amore subtle and complex fear than in dodging
a stone, but social fears of others’ mental atti-
tudes toward ourselves, while they form perhaps
a species of fear, yet the particular fear of
disgust can hardly be considered as having any
peculiar quality over against fear of hatred, and
other such emotions. In tracing the history of
modesty-actions, Mr. Ellis is tracing not the de-
velopment of a new psychosis, but merely the
development of social fear with reference to a
new object, the producing disgust by exposure
of the body. Excretory acts in general come to
be regarded as disgusting, but if I refrain from
spitting in public for fear of disgusting others
this can hardly be termed modesty on my part.
Modesty as a really new and significant psy-
chosis is not to be sought in mere objective
modesty-actions of the sort which Mr. Ellis con-
siders. We see this mere objective modesty in
contrast with true subjective modesty in an in-
cident which Miss Hapgood relates in ‘ Russian
Rambles.’ While staying at a country house
she was invited by the ladies to go to the ladies’
bathing pool, where the Russian ladies went in
without costume, and she, to her reluctance,
felt obliged to imitate them, since she saw that
they plainly thought that the use of clothing at
such a time could be only for the hiding of de-
fects. The Russsan ladies had no real delicacy
or modesty, and had no conception of it, though
they had a fear of disgusting. Real modesty as
a distinct psychosis, as a regard for one’s own
feeling rather than for the feelings of others,
resenting intrusion, calling for privacy, is a late
product of civilization. Modesty comes finally
to be a feeling of reluctance to all vulgar pub-
licity, either as to one’s person or mind, a re-
luctance to all display, a delicacy and refine_
ment, which is late born in evolution, and is,
in psychical progress, destined to fuller and
higher development, as versus the mere fear of
disgusting, which, as Mr. Ellis shows, is in de-
eadence in high civilization. Modesty as a
mode of self-respect is quite distinct from
respect and fear of others’ opinions and feelings
towards ourselves. Mr. Ellis, indeed, barely
mentions (p. 145) modesty as a self-respect, but
he seems to connect it with his general treat-
ment. Itis noteworthy that modesty should be
a term which denotes actions to conceal both
defects and excellences, but that real modesty
is at bottom as psychosis, a personal delicacy
about social conspicuousness, and may have no
real psychic connection with either of the other
phases, that is, it proceeds not from sensitive-
ness to one’s own excellences or defects as
viewed by others, but merely a general reluc-
tance to have one’s personality become in any
wise open to public gaze and prying.
The other psychic basis of modesty-actions
which Mr. Ellis mentions, namely, fear of losing
in some way sexual attractiveness, may be ob-
jected to on the same ground as not real psychic
If modesty were as closely related to fear as
is claimed we should expect similarity of ex-
pression, but the blush of modesty is the con-
verse of the pallor of fear. The most brazen,
unmodest woman fears exposure so far as it is
disgusting to others. The blush is not the ex-
pression of fear, but of self-attentive embarrass-
ment, and secondarily the expression of real
psychic modesty. We cannot, with Mr. Ellis,
relegate the influence of darkness in restraining
modesty to the blushing being thereby con-
cealed; but at least the more obvious and
primary factor is that modesty and modesty-
action is originally a concealment from the eyes
of others, and if the eyes of others are con-
cealed by darkness this action and feeling
naturally disappear. Mr. Ellis does not ex-
plain how shame is distinct from modesty. Cer-
tainly, so far as shame is modesty shocked, it
is psychologically modesty.
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 224.
Our impression on the whole, then, is that
while the origin and evolution of modesty-
actions are as precautions against causing dis-
gust, yet modesty as distinctive psychic quality
which exhibits the same reactions is far later in
date. i
LAKE FoREsT, Iuu., March 7, 1899.
observations furnished me by Dr. 8. F. Gilbert,
of Elysburg, Northumberland county, Pa., con-
cerning his white Angora cat, which I examined
a short time since, may be of some interest to
those working upon the subject of the trans-
mission of acquired characters.
The cat of Dr. Gilbert is of the white Angora
breed. The parentage of this cat is unknown.
The mother-cat, referred to above, has the right
eye blue and the left yellow, and is about
three years old. The kitten of this cat is eight
months old, male, and has the right eye yellow
and the left eye blue, just the reverse of the
mother. The kitten is subject to fits. The fits,
as Dr. Gilbert describes them, are of a violent,
excitable kind; the kitten running aimlessly
about, falling down and scratching, or striking
with its feet. These fits, which have occurred
twice, lasted about ten minutes. The father
of Dr. Gilbert’s kitten is a large mongrel with
white breast and face, the other parts of the
body being zebra-colored.
The mother has had seventeen kittens, eleven
of which were white, two having different colored
eyes. Two of the kittens were deaf, and in
general the breed seems to be very tender and
difficult to raise.
To THE Epiror oF ScIENCE: A letter in
your columns shows that I ought to explain a
special feature of the solutions used for deter-
mining osmotic pressure. In my recent paper
on ‘ Physiological Osmosis’ (SCIENCE, Vol. IX.,
p. 206) I cited a one-per cent. solution as hay-
ing one part of sugar in one hundred parts of
Apri 14, 1899. ]
water. These were the proportions actually
employed by Pfeffer and given by Ostwald and
others. As compared with the conventional
compositiom of a 1% solution they involve a
deficiency of one ninety-ninth part of the sugar,
which is far within the limits of error in these
investigations ;} nor ought they to mislead any
body, as the proportions of this kind of per-
centicity are explained in the text-books and
were given in my paper.
The departure from the conventional propor-
tions of a one-per-cent. solution are not from
error nor arbitrary, as the method of compar-
ing the osmotic pressure of different solutions
relatively to the gram-molecules of the sub-
stances dissolved involves the employment of
a uniform quantity of the solvent.
AT a recent meeting of the Institution of
Electrical Engineers, Marconi described his re-
cent work along the lines of wireless telegraphy.
In transmitting he uses a 10-inch spark coil and
a battery giving about 14 volts and 6 to 8 am-
peres. For his spark circuit he uses two ar-
rangements, depending upon whether it is
necessary to confine the sending of the signals
to one direction or not. In the former case
cylindrical reflectors are used and capacity is
obtained by strips of sheet metal attached to
the two spark balls. In the latter case there
are no reflectors and one ball is grounded while
the other is connected to a vertical wire. A
Morse key in the primary circuit makes the
signals. The length of the vertical wire de-
pends upon the distance to be covered. <A wire
20 feet high will transmit one mile; 40 feet, 4
miles; 80 feet, 10 miles approximately; the
distance seems to increase about as the square
of the height of the wire. The receiver con-
sists of a coherer, or sensitive tube, about four
centimeters long, fitted with metallic pole-pieces
and partly filled with nickel and silver filings.
When not under the action of the radiation the
the resistance of this tube is practically infinite,
but is reduced by the cohering of the filings
under the action of radiation to from 100 to
500 ohms. This allows a current to flow from
a local battery through a relay circuit in which
is a vibrating tapper and a sounder, or writer.
The former, tapping the coherer, restores the
high resistance by separating the filings. The
receiver is also supplied, either with the metal
strips and reflector or with the ground connec-
tion and vertical wire, according as the former
or the latter is used in the transmission.
When the reflectors are used the ray within
which the signals can be received may be made
very narrow; in one case at a distance of 1}
miles it was only about 100 feet. Marconi found
that horizontal wires were useless, and ac-
counted for this by the theory that the waves
from the vertical wire had a vertical plane of
polarization and were, therefore, not absorbed
by the surface of the earth.
A number of installations have worked suc-
cessfully and without difficulty for prolonged
intervals and in all sorts of weather. In one
case an 18-mile transmission was carried on
with an average of about one thousand words
per day. With the vertical wire transmitter,
hills seem to make little difference with the
transmission. In one case a distance of five
miles over land, with several intervening hills,
was successfully covered.
Hey CnC
Ir is a hopeful sign when we find amply quali-
fied men engaging in the work of writing ele-
mentary text-books for the use of students in
the schools. It has been the duty of the writer
on more occasions than he has wished to
severely criticise books written for beginners by
those who themselves had but little knowledge
of the matter treated. It has been at once the
scandal and the weakness of the elementary
science text-books that they have too often con-
tained very little Science, for the very good rea-
son that their compilers were unacquainted with
Science. Some time ago Dr. Albert Schneider
published a large treatise on the lichens, which
at once proved his profound knowledge of the
subject as well as his ability to communicate it
clearly and forcibly. It is not necessary that
we should agree with the viewsas to the nature
of lichens held by Dr. Schneider in order to en-
able us to appreciate the value of the service
which he has rendered to the cause of Lichen-
ology in bringing out first his large ‘ Text-
Book’ and next his ‘Guide.’ The latter is in-
tended for the use of beginners and amateurs,
and since it is the only book which is adapted
to their use it is of especial interest. It is now
possible for a student to take up the study of
these curious and very difficult plants with a
reasonable hope of success. The Boston pub-
lisher, Whidden, has brought it out in an at-
tractive form.
THE welcome announcement is made that a
School of Botany has been established in the
University of Texas, to become operative with
the next University year. It will be under the
directorship of Professor Doctor William L.
Bray, of the chair of botany, The University
of Texas has been noted for its progressive
spirit, and this is but another illustration of the
wise policy of its administrators. We learn
that, in addition to the usual University instruc-
tion in morphology, physiology, ecology, etc.,
especial attention will be given to the botanical
survey of the State. To this end the School of
Botany proposes to cooperate with local bota-
nists, secondary affiliated schools, scientific so-
cieties, etc., in all quarters ofthe State. Under
the direction and leadership of an energetic and
enthusiastic body of workers in the University,
the botanists of Texas may well hope to accom-
plish much. The State of Texas is to be con-
gratulated upon this forward step.
Tuts is the time of the year when the coun-
try is flooded with circulars describing all sorts
of ‘aids’ for use in teaching or studying botany.
It must be that these worthless things are
bought by ignorant teachers or school boards,
for otherwise they would not be advertised so
freely. We have before us one of the old-style
‘Plant Analysis’ sheets, published by E. R.
Good, of Tiffin, Ohio, which proves that in
some portions of our country the botanical world
is supposed to have remained absolutely at rest
for the past twenty-five or thirty years. Asa
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 224.
leaf from quite ancient history in botany one of
these sheets is interesting, but as an aid in
modern botany it is simply ridiculous.
From J. M. Olcott, of Chicago, we have an-
other reminder of the past in the form of a per-
forated sheet of paper called ‘A System of Plant
Study,’ which we are told isa sample of the
sheets which make up a book ‘ containing space
for mounting and fully describing fifty-one
botanical specimens,’ and in addition ‘full
directions for collecting, pressing, mounting,
photographing, analyzing and preserving plant
forms and specimens.’ Of course, no botanist
will have anything to do with such trash, but
for the non-botanical it may be well to say that
this is not the way that botanists make herbaria
and describe plants. The pupil who is so un-
fortunate as to use such an ‘aid’ will have to
unlearn practically everything he learns from it.
By all odds the worst thing which has come
to our attention recently is the ‘Teacher’s
Botanical Aid,’ sent out by the Western Publish-
ing House of Chicago, and consisting of twenty-
eight charts, about two feet by three, on which
are rough copies of many of the illustrations
found in the older text-books of botany. The
copying has been done by careless or incompe-
tent hands, so that, in spite of the author’s
statement that they ‘ will prove a direct aid in
teaching drawing,’ we are compelled to say
that they are not only inaccurate botanically,
but quite shocking from the artistic standpoint.
The author intends these charts to be used in
Nature Study, so that we are to have our chil-
dren’s time taken up by ‘reciting’ from these
drawings under the impression that they are
studying Nature. The teachers of Nature
Study who know Nature, and ‘who have de-
pended for years upon their own resources’ (to
quote the author’s words), will not think of put-
ting these charts between the pupil and Nature,
but we fear that the unprepared and uninformed
may be induced to use them. If the charts
were accurately drawn they would be of doubt-
ful value in Nature Study, but with all their
glaring inaccuracies they are worse than use-
No other State in the Union can boast of such
high class work in botany as that which is pub-
Aprit 14, 1899. ]
lished in the Minnesota Botanical Studies as a
part of the publications of the State Geological
and Natural History Survey. Appearing at
intervals in the form of a periodical, the
‘Studies’ are unique among the botanical
publications of the country. Here is a case of
the endowment of research which is to be com-
mended to other States. Eight titles appear in
the current number (Part II., Second Series) in-
cluding ‘Seedlings of certain woody plants,
Comparative anatomy of hypocotyl and epicotyl
in woody plants, Seed dissemination and distri-
bution of Razowmofskya robusta, Observations on
Constantinea,’ etc., ete.
ProFEssoR DAyiID HANSEMANN, of the Uni-
versity of Berlin, has contributed to the Zeit-
schrift fiir Psychologie (Part I. of Volume XX.,
issued on March 7th) an account of his examina-
tion of the brain of the late Professor von Helm-
holtz. Death was due to apoplexy and occurred
on September 8, 1894, when Helmholtz was 73
years of age. The circumference of the head
outside the scalp was 59 em. and of the skull
55cm. The width of the skull was 15.5 cm.
and its length 18.3 cm. The cephalic index
was consequently 85.25, which represents a
broad head. The size of the head was about
the same as that of Bismarck and slightly
smaller than that of Wagner, both of whom
had large heads. Darwin’s head, on the other
hand, was only 56.3 cm. in circumference.
The weight of the brain with the coagulated
blood was 1700 g. and without the blood about
1440 g., which is nearly 100 g. heavier than
the average. It is, however, now generally
recognized that the weight of the brain alone
is not an index of mental capacity. The
convolutions are more important, and here
the examination of von Helmholtz’s brain
showed that the sulci were peculiarly deep and
well marked, this being especially the case in
those parts of the brain which the researches
of Flechsig have shown to be concerned with
associations. The frontal convolutions are so
deeply cut by numerous sulci that it is difficult
to follow the recognized fissures. The article
contains two photographs of the brain taken
from plaster casts. The brain itself has not
been preserved.
We are informed, both on the authority of
von Helmholtz himself and as the result of the
post-mortem examination, that he had been in
youth somewhat hydrocephalous, which was
also the case with Cuvier, who had one of the
heaviest (1830 g.) brains known. It has been
maintained by Perls, and more guardedly by
Edinger, that hydrocephaly in youth is an ad-
vantage in enlarging the skull and giving the
brain space for growth. Hansemann thinks
that the pressure on the brain resulting from
slight hydrocephaly is an adequate anatomical
explanation of unusual intelligence. He re-
frains, however, from recommending the mak-
ing of geniuses by injecting fluid into the skulls
of babies.
A MEETING of the Council of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science
has been called by the President, Professor F.
W. Putnam, and the Permanent Secretary, Dr.
L. O. Howard, on Tuesday, April 18th, at 4:30
p. m., at the Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C.
Tue New York Academy of Sciences will hold
its annual exhibition and reception on Wednes-
day and Thursday, April 19th and 20th. As
has been the case in other years, the first even-
ing will be reserved for members of the Acad-
emy and specially invited guests, while a large
number of those interested in science will be in-
vited to be present on the second evening. On
Thursday afternoon students of the universities
and schools will be invited to attend. Tickets
for Thursday afternoon or evening can prob-
ably be obtained from Professor William Hal-
lock, Columbia University, Chairman of the
Committee of Arrangements.
THE Committee of Organization of the Inter-
national Geological Congress, which meets at
Paris from the 16th to the 28th of August, 1900,
isas follows: President, M. Albert Gaudry, pro-
fessor in the Museum of Natural History ; Vice-
Presidents, MM. Michel Lévy and Marcel Ber-
trand ; General Secretary, M. Charles Barrois.
Dr. G. W. Hitt has declined to accept the
Damoiseau Prize, which was awarded to him by
the Paris Academy of Sciences last December.
Miss CATHERINE WOLFE BRUcE has, through
Professor J. K. Rees, given $10,000 to Columbia
University, to be used for the measurement and
discussion of astronomical photographs. Miss
Bruce’s gifts to the department of astronomy
amount to $22,100.
AT the recent session of the Legislature of
Oregon the office of State Biologist was created,
whose duty it is to conduct investigations on
and develop the biological resources of the State.
Professor F. L. Washburn, of the University of
Oregon, has been appointed to the office by the
Governor. A smallappropriation was made for
experiments in propagating Eastern oysters in
Oregon waters. Professor Washburn has been
working along this line for three years, and re-
sults of artificial fertilization are coming to light.
Some young Eastern oysters hatched and grown
in Yaquina Bay, Oregon, have recently been re-
Dr. W. 8. CourRcH has been elected President
of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
Av the fourth annual meeting of the North
Carolina Section of the American Chemical So-
ciety, the retiring President, Dr. F. P. Venable,
made an address on ‘ The Nature of Valence.’
Dr. Charles Baskerville was elected President
of the Section.
ArT the last meeting of the British Institution
of Mechanical Engineers, Mr. Arthur Tannett
Walker, a member of the Council of the Iron
and Steel Institute, was elected a Vice-President
in place of the late Sir Douglas Galton.
PRoFEssOR R. S. Woopwarp, of Columbia
University, will represent the University at the
Jubilee celebrations of Sir George Stokes, to be
held at Cambridge in June.
PrRoFessor. HENRY 8. CARHART, of the de-
partment of physics of the University of Mich-
igan, has been granted a year’s leave of absence.
M. NAupin, the French botanist, has died at
the age of 838 years.
MApDAME MICHELET, who shared with Jules
Michelet the preparation of his books on natural
history, has died at Paris.
A WOMAN assistant to the New York State
[N. 8S. Vou. IX. No. 224.
Entomologist will be selected by civil service
examination on April 22d. The duties are
clerical, but require some scientific knowledge,
and entomology is part of the examination.
At the same time a Janitor of the Geological
Hall will be chosen, with a salary of $1,200.
This appears to be more than twice the salary
of many museum curators.
Dr. Hans DELBRUCK, professor of history
in the University of Berlin, has been fined 500
Marks and censured by the Prussian disciplinary
court for criticising the action of the govern-
ment in expelling Danes from North Schles-
wig. The prosecution proposed that Professor
Delbrick be transferred from Berlin to another
university. There are evident limitations to
academic freedom in Germany.
THE Royal College of Surgeons, of England,
was founded by royal charter in 1800, anda
committee of the College has been appointed to
decide whether its centenary should be cele-
brated and, if so, in what manner.
A CoLoRADO Ornithological Association has
recently been organized, with Dr. W. B. Berg-
told as the first President.
THE French Physical Society held its annual
exhibition on April 7th and 8th.
THE opening ceremony of a Spinoza Museum
took place at Rhynsburg, near Leyden, on
March 24th, in the house where Spinoza lived
during the last years of his life, and which has
been restored in the 17th-century style. Pro-
fessor Bolland, of Leyden University, delivered
a. speech on the life and work of Spinoza.
COMMUNICATION between England and the
Continent was obtained on March 27th by the
Marconi system of wireless telegraphy. The sta-
tions were at South Foreland and Wimreux, 32
milesapart. The Morse code was used, and the
messages were read as distinctly as though the
termini had been connected with wires.
THE gift from Mr. Llewellyn W. Longstaff of
£25,000 towards a British Antarctic expedition,
with the £15,000 already subscribed, assures the
sending of an expedition in 1900 to cooperate
with that from Germany. The Berlin Geo-
graphical Society has published a chart indica-
ting the routes that might be followed by the two
expeditions. It is proposed that the British ex-
ApriL 14, 1899.]
pedition shall confine itself chiefly to the Pacific
side of the Antarctic, while the German expe-
dition explores the side facing the Atlantic and
Indian Oceans.
News has been received from the Belgica, of
the Belgian Antarctic expedition. The extreme
latitude reached was 71 degrees, 36 minutes
south, longitude 92 degrees west. Maps were
prepared of Hughes Bay and Palmer’s Land,
south of the South Shetland Islands.
THE expedition of Mr. H. O. Forbes and
Mr. Ogilvie Grant to the Island of Socotra has
returned, after successful explorations. The
island has been mapped and its geological fea-
tures and its fauna thoroughly studied.
IT is stated in Nature that the Russian expe-
dition for taking meridian measurements in
Spitsbergen will leave St. Petersburg on May
1st. Two steamers have been placed at the
disposal of the expedition by the Russian Min-
istries of Marine and Ways and Communica-
tions, and the Minister of Finance has granted
50,000 roubles for two years. M. Bjalinizki,
the zoologist, and Dr. Bunge, the Polar ex-
plorer, will accompany the expedition, which
will be under the leadership of Staff-Captain
AN international congress against the abuse
of alcoholic liquors was held in Paris from April
4th to 9th. The subjects considered included
medical science and hygiene, political and social
economy, legislation, instruction, education and
THE Autumn Congress and Exhibition of the
British Sanitary Institution will be held atSouth-
ampton on August 29th and following days.
THE extensive and valuable library of works
in natural history collected by the late Profes-
sor Mariano de la Paz Graells, as also the botan-
ical library of the late Professor Axel Blyt, is
offered for sale by Felix M. Dames, of Berlin,
from whom catalogues can be obtained.
THE annual dinner of the British Institution
of Civil Engineers took place on March 15th.
Speeches were made by the President, Mr. W.
H. Preece ; Lord Wolseley, Lord Claude Hamil-
ton and Mr. W. J. Jackson.
We called attention recently to the recommen-
dation of the Select Committee of the House of
Commons on the Museums of the Science and
Art Department that the Frank Buckland Fish
Museum should be abolished. The London
Times states that on March 15th a memorial
with a large number of signatures, including
those of representatives of many piscatorial so-
cieties and the chairmen of various provincial
fishery boards, was presented to the Duke of
Devonshire and Mr. Ritchie, praying that this de-
cision be withdrawn. The memorialists point
out that the Select Committee consisted of 15
members, of whom seven only approved the re-
port; three, including Sir John Gorst, voted
against it, and five abstained. Against the
opinion of Sir John Donnelly and Major-General
Festing is cited that of Sir Richard Owen, who
considered that the collection would be a most
valuable appendage to the Salmon Fisheries
Commission and Office. The memorial relates
the history of the museum, and submits sug-
gestions for extending its usefulness as sug-
gested on different occasions by the Prince of
of Wales and by Professor Huxley. For this
the cooperation of the Board of Trade is con-
sidered essential. It should, it is submitted,
be made a part of the duties of the Inspectors
of Fisheries to preserve and deposit in the Mu-
seum of Economic Fish Culture any objects of
permanent interest which may come under their
notice, together with photographs or models of
improvements in fish-passes, fish culture appa-
ratus and appliances, and other matters useful
for reference or record ; while the Inspectors’
knowledge and varied experience may perhaps
be further utilized for the public benefit, by lec-
tures in connection with the museum. The
Secretary and Inspectors of the Fisheries Depart-
ment, together, perhaps, with representatives
of the Fishmongers’ Company, or other im-
portant bodies connected with the sea and river
fisheries, should, it is suggested, be appointed
visitors to advise on and aid in the management
of the museum.
Srr WILLIAM MAcpoNALD has made another
munificent gift to McGill University. The gift is
for the School of Mining and provides for a lec-
turer, a demonstrator, an assistant and a com-
plete staff of mechanics, which, with his recent
endowment of the professional chair, gives that
department a complete staff. It also provides
for the establishment of a Summer School in
Mining. Sir William’s present gift is about
$400,000, and it raises the total amount that he
has given to McGill University to over $3,000,
Mr. WittiAM K. VANDERBILT has made a
donation of $100,000 to Vanderbilt University
for the erection of a new domitory on the cam-
Ir is reported that the sum of over $250,000
has been subscribed toward an endowment for
Brown University. A committee is endeavor-
ing to collect $2,000,000, which it is intended to
devote to strengthening the departments already
existing in the University.
A BILL has passed the Kansas Legislature ap-
propriating $55,000 for the erection of a new
chemistry building at the State University.
By the will of the late Senator Justin S. Mor-
rill, of Vermont, $1,000 is given to Vermont
University, for the establishment of a scholar-
Mrs. Freperick C. T. PHrLuips, of Law-
rence, L. I., has given Harvard University an
endowment of $50,000, the income to be used
for the purchase of books in English literature.
THE Royal Geographical Society has offered
£400 a year for five years’ maintenance of a
school or institute of geography at Oxford on
condition that the University contribute an equal
sum. The common University fund will con-
tribute £300, and it is expected that the Uni-
versity chest will add £100. The school will
be under the direction of the present reader,
Mr. H. J. Mackinder, and an assistant and two
lecturers will be appointed.
In addition to its great Lick Observatory, the
University of California is erecting an astronom-
ical observatory for the use of students. It
contains a central dome 25 feet in diameter,
which will contain a 16-inch telescope, and four
domes for smaller telescopes.
DEPARTMENTS of Mining Engineering and of
Mechanical Engineering have been added to
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 224.
the School of Engineering of the University of
THE College of Agriculture of Cornell Uni-
versity will conduct a school of nature-study at
Ithaca for six weeks, beginning July 6th.
Nearly 25,000 teachers in New York State are
now receiving, at their own request, the Na-
ture-Study-. publications of the College of Agricul-
ture, and itis believed that many will be glad to
attend a summer school devoted to this subject.
Dr. JoHN T. Nicox“son, professor of me-
chanical engineering in McGill University, has
accepted an appointment to the chair of me-
chanical and electrical engineering in the great
Technical College recently established at Man-
chester, England.
Ar the University of Kansas the following
promotions have recently been made: William
C. Stevens, associate professor of botany, to
professor of botany; Edward C. Franklin, asso-
ciate professor of chemistry, to professor of phys-
ical chemistry; Arthur St.C. Dunstan, assistant
professor of physics, to associate professor of
physics; Marshall A. Barber, assistant professor
of botany, to associate professor of bacteriology
and cryptogamic botany; George Wagner, as-
sistant professor of pharmacy, to associate pro-
fessor of pharmacy; Samuel J. Hunter, as-
sistant professor of entomology, to associate
professor of entomology; Walter K. Palmer,
assistant in graphics, to associate professor of
mechanical engineering; Edward Bartow, in+
structor in chemistry, to associate professor of
AMONG foreign appointments we note the fol-
lowing : Dr. Curt Hassert, of Leipzig, has been
appointed associate professor of geography in
the University of Tubingen; Dr. Geppert, of
the University of Bonn, professor of phar-
macology in the University of Giessen;
Professor Schilling, of the Institute of Tech-
nology at Karlsruhe, professor of mathe-
matics in the University of Gottingen ; Dr.
Georg Karsten, of Kiel, associate professor of
botany in the University of Bonn, and Dr.
Dove, of Berlin, professor of botany in the Uni-
versity of Jena. Dr. Georg Bohlmann, docént
in mathematics in the University of Gottingen,
has been promoted to a professorship.
ie ey
Pe until
EDITORIAL ComMITTEE: S. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WoopwARD, Mechamies; E. C. PICKERING,
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THURSTON, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. LE ContTE, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; HENRY F. OsBorN, Paleontology ; W. K.
Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; 8. H. ScUDDER, Entomology; C. E. BrssEy, N. L.
BRITron, Botany; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. Bowpircu, Physiology;
J. S. Brntines, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; DANIEL G. BRIN-
TON, J. W. POWELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, Aprit 21, 1899.
Othniel Charles Marsh (with Portrait): Dr. J. L.
AWiORMCAINGsaseananeccsscineacheaaseceiainssaevenssasctse 561
Some Misapprehensions as to the Simplified Nomen-
clature of Anatomy: PROFESSOR BURT G. WIL-
TOIT? quoqddbiaopoobdpddoudidooabonbaddoddbsobadacdnasnaHagaHon 566
The Breeding of Animals at Woods Hole during the
Month of September, 1898: M. T. THoMPsoNn... 581
Economics in Manufactures: PROFESSOR R. H.
PEILURSLONsscsecocsnesecatenscocscsscneccssersccsecssss: 583
Scientific Books :—
Harkness and Morley on Analytic Funetions :
Handbook of Metallurgy: Dr. J. STRUTHERS.
J SWISS TAGGGTGTE fecocicoscoananeacooocoscsdsaddaqapsaasearasodd 586
Scientific Journals and Articles........00ccececeeeseeneees 589
Societies and Academies :—
The Anthropological Society of Washington: DR.
J. H. McCormick. Geological Conference and
Students’ Club of Harvard University: J. M.
BOUTWELL. The Torrey Botanical Club: Ep-
WARD S-1 BURGESS: onccestsscescasacecessasesssoscaseess 590
Discussion and Correspondence :—
Duplication of Geologic Formation Names: Dr.
GEORGE M. Dawson. On the Names of Certain
North American Fossil Vertebrates: O. P. HAY.
The Fundamental Law of Temperature for Gase-
ous Celestial Bodies: PROFESSOR W. 8S. FRANK-
7510s Bcenodsnacdoqudncdo cotieddadoodoodaenéEadaqean LacadoBaadtion 592
Notes on Inorganic Chemistry: J. L. H............. 595
The Naples Zoological Slation......1.csecsseevereesveceeee 596
Scientific Notes and News..... 597
University and Educational News.......:sc0ssevesceeees 600
MSS. intended or publication and books, etc., intended
tor review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
Tue last of the famous trio of American
vertebrate paleontologists has passed into
the unknown, and the rich legacy of
discovery and advancement in biological
knowledge which they have bequeathed to
the world will ever stand as an enduring
monument to their untiring energy and
greatness in the realm of thought. It
seems, therefore, especially fitting that the
unveiling of this splendid monument and
the final pronouncing of judgment upon the
labors of these truly great Americans should
take place in the closing years of the cen-
tury, notable alike for the variety and
brilliancy of its achievements in almost
every department of learning.
At the time when the doctrine of Evolu-
tion was finally formulated and brought
prominently before the thinking world by
the labors of Darwin the direct and positive
evidence in favor of such an hypothesis was
inconclusive and uncertain. True, it re-
ceived more or less powerful support from
Mr. Darwin’s own particular field of re-
search, as well as from the embryological
studies which the Germans had brought
into especial prominence, but the court of
the iast resort, the tribunal of final judg-
ment in which the case was to be argued
and decided was that of the Geological
Record, or, in other words, a direct appeal
to the animals and plants themselves,
which had inhabited the earth in times
past, and whose remains lie entombed in
the rocks, mute but unimpeachable wit-
nesses of the story of their becoming and
development. It was generally agreed
and fully admitted by the foremost think-
ers of this critical period that these re-
mains not only once formed parts of living
animals, but that they furnish safe guides
for the determination of the deposits in
which they are found, in the general time
scale of the earth’s history.
Fossils representing the higher forms
were not unknown in Europe at the time
this discussion arose, but the specimens
from which they were known were in gen-
eral so fragmentary and lacking in con-
secutiveness as to furnish little evidence
for or againSt the pretensions of the Dar-
winian hypothesis. To such an extent was
this true that Darwin was compelled to add
a chapter in his great work on the Origin
of Species, on what he was pleased to call
the ‘Imperfections of the Geological Rec-
It was at this juncture or shortly after-
ward that the famous American trio ap-
peared upon the scene, and the tremendous
weight of their testimony derived from the
unrivaled record of the fossil deposits of
Western America has served to take the
whole question practically out of the realm
of discussion and reduce it tothe plane ofa
demonstrated fact. It has been very truly
said that if we regard the truth of Evolu-
tion from Mr. Darwin’s especial point of
view, viz.: that of living plants and ani-
mals, we shall conclude that it is a pos-
sibility ; if we look at it from the stand-
point of embryology our judgment must be
that it is a probability, but if we examine
it from the evidence of paleontology it is
no longer a possibility or a probability,
but a living truth.
Such, in brief, is the basis of the claims to
distinction which the works of these men
offer. The share which Leidy took in the
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 225.
performance of this great work has already
been told; the second chapter, devoted to
the brilliant discoveries of Cope, has like-
wise been written, and it remains now to
speak of the work of the man whose scien-
tific labors form the subject of the present
Othniel Charles Marsh was by nature a
student and early gave evidence of what his
future career was to be by a love for nature
and natural objects. Asa boy he collected
birds, insects, minerals and fossils. He was
born in Lockport, N. Y., October 29, 1831,
and in 1852 went to Phillips Andover
Academy, where he graduated with honors.
He afterwards entered Yale, from which
institution he graduated in 1860. While
in college he became deeply interested in
geology, paleontology and mineralogy, and
spent two additional years after his gradua-
tion in the Sheffield Scientific School at
Yale and three years in Germany in pur-
suit of these branches. In 1866 a profes-
sorship of vertebrate paleontology was
established in Yale and he was called to
fill it. Between this and the time of his
graduation he had published a number of
important papers on ‘Minerals and Fos-
sils,’ many of which appeared in the Ameri-
can Journal of Science. In 1868 he began
his investigations of the Western fossil de-
posits, and this he was all the better able to
do on account of the inheritance of a con-
siderable fortune from his uncle, George
Peabody, the banker. It was largely
through his influence that this latter gentle-
man was induced to make the munificent
gifts to the University which led to the
establishment of the Peabody Museum at
The record of his discoveries from the
time of his appointment to the professor-
ship is one of almost continual triumph in
the bringing to light of new and strange
forms of life that had inhabited the west-
ern hemisphere in the distant past. Pre-
APRIL 21, 1899. ]
vious to the publication of any of his West-
ern material he contributed some important
papers upon the fossil birds and reptiles
from the Cretaceous of the East. In 1869
appeared ‘ Notice of some New Mosasauroid
Reptiles from the Greensand of New Jer-
sey,’ ‘ Description of a New Gigantic Fossil
Serpent (Dinophis grandis) from the Ter-
tiary of New Jersey’ and ‘ Notice of some
Fossil Birds from the Cretaceous and Ter-
tiary Formations of the United States.’ In
1871 he gave a description of his trip
through the Uinta Mountains and the Dis-
covery of the Uinta Tertiary Formation,
the uppermost member of the Eocene series.
In May of this year he published a descrip-
tion of some new fossil serpents from the
Tertiary deposits of Wyoming, and in June
of the same year he gave notice of the dis-
covery of the first remains of Pterodactyles
that had ever been found in America. In
July of the same year he also published the
first notice of Tertiary Mammals from the
Western beds. In the following year, 1872,
he was very active, and some of the most
important discoveries of the long list to his
credit followed in rapid succession.
It is quite impossible to give more thana
brief list of his remarkable finds published
during this and the succeeding years ; the
more important only must suffice. It ap-
pears astonishing, however, in the light of
our present knowledge of the subject what
a keen insight into their meaning and im-
portance he possessed and of which he gave
such distinctive evidence in his descriptions.
In this year (1872) he proved beyond all
doubt the existence of the Pterodactyles in
thiscountry,a group which hitherto had been
regarded as entirely wanting in the western
hemisphere ; he described the first remains
of the now famous toothed bird Hesperornis,
although at this time, May, 1872,he did not
know of its having possessed teeth. Among
the Mosasauroid Reptiles he determined for
the first time the following important points
jn their structure: (1) position of the
quadrate bone, (2) presence of the stapes,
(3) presence of the collumella, (4) presence
of the quadratoparietal arch, (5) presence
of the malar arch, (6) the nature of the
pterotic bone, (7) nature of the anterior
limbs, (8) presence and nature of the pos-
terior limbs and pelvis and (9) the number
of the cervical vertebra. He also an-
nounced in September of this year the dis-
covery of Ichthyornis, the curious Cretaceous
bird with biconcave vertebrae. Just pre-
vious to this came a long list of new genera
and species of fossil mammalia from the
Bridger Eocene horizon of Wyoming, which,
although briefly described, are of the most
intense interest and the highest importance
in tracing the ancestry of many living
mammalian groups. One of the most im-
portant of these discoveries among the fossil
mammals was the demonstration of the ex-
istence of Lemurs, or Primitive Primates, on -
this continent.
Of scarcely less importance were his con-
tributions of the following year; early in
February, 1878, he announced the discov-
ery of teeth, in both jaws, of Ichthyornis
dispar and established for it, on this account,
a sub-class, Odontornithes. This discovery
was of far-reaching importance and satis-
factorily established the fact that many of
the Cretaceous birds are transitional be-
tween living birds and reptiles. In this
year he devoted much time and space to the
consideration of the gigantic mammals of
the Eocene, of which the first notices had
been given by Leidy from a few fragmen-
tary remains. To Marsh, however, belongs
the credit of the final determination of their
structure and affinities; he classified them
in a separate and distinct order, Dinocerata,
a name which has been very widely adopted
by naturalists.
In March, 1874, came the discovery which
has tended to give Professor Marsha greater
reputation than any other single piece of
work in his entire career. Various futile
attempts had been previously made to trace
the ancestry of the Modern Horse. Huxley
and Kowalewsky in Europe had established
the fact that mammals belonging to the
equine stem were found in Europe in the
early Pliocene and late Miocene, but their
attempt to trace the line into any older
formations signally failed. Shortly after
this Professor Marsh pointed out the equine
nature of his Bridger genus Orohippus, and
was the first to show that the fossil forms
of the American Continent furnished every
conceivable link between the small poly-
dactyle species of the Eocene and the modern
horse. So strong, indeed, is the evidence
of this descent that were there no other
evidences of evolution to be found among
the fossils this would be quite sufficient of
itself to establish its truth. In May ofthis
year he published an ‘important paper set-
ting forth these discoveries on the ‘ Fossil
Horses in America.’
In 1875 he published additional discov-
eries among the Cretaceous birds, and de-
termined for the first time that Hesperornis
possessed teeth in both jaws. In the suc-
ceeding year a series of important papers
appeared, giving the principal characters of
the Dinocerata, Tillodontia, Brontotheridz
and Coryphodontia. Of this latter group
he was the first to point out that they were
very closely allied to a genus that was de-
scribed by Owen as early as 1846 from a
.few fragmentary remains found in the
Eocene of Europe, thus giving the first se-
cure basis for a comparison of the older
Eocene deposits of the two countries. In
this year he was elected Vice-President of
the American Association for the Advance-
ment of Science, and inthe following year
succeeded to the Presidency of the body.
His address as the Vice-President upon the
‘Introduction and Succession of Vertebrate
Life in America’ is a notable production
and shows the wonderful knowledge he
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 225.
possessed of the organization of the Verte-
Some notable discoveries which marked
the beginning of his extensive and impor-
tant contributions to the knowledge of the
extinct reptiles of the group Dinosauria
from the Rocky Mountain region were pub-
lished early in 1877. From this time on,
almost up to the time of his death, one dis-
covery after another pertaining to these
weird gigantic creatures followed in rapid
succession. ‘This subject came to engross
his attention more and more, and at the
time of his death was the one in which he
was the most deeply interested. In 1879
the first discovery of fossil Mammals from
the Western Mesozoic was announced, and
within the next few years a large number of
genera and species were added to the list.
His contributions to the subject constitute
practically all we know of the American
Jurassic Mammalia. In 1880 appeared his
first important Monograph on the ‘ Extinct
Toothed Birds of North America,’ an im-
portant and beautifully illustrated volume
published by the United States Geological
Survey. In 1886 followed his second |
Monograph on the ‘ Dinocerata, An Extinct
Order of Gigantic Mammals,’ which served
to bring together and present in extended
form his many discoveries on this subject,
a work which was likewise published by
the Government Survey. In 1889 two dis-
coveries of more than usual importance were
made ; one was the finding of a very exten-
sive Cretaceous Mammalian fauna in the
Laramie Beds of Wyoming, and the other
the discovery of those curious horned Din-
osaurs, the Ceratopsia, in the same de-
It would be impossible to give here even
a list of his papers which have contributed
so immensely to our knowledge of the ex-
tinct Reptilia. Itis in this difficult group
especially that his splendid knowledge will
be so sadly missed, and it will, indeed, be
APRIL 21, 1899.]
many years before any of the younger
generation of paleontologists who survive
him can hope to acquire the information of
these various groups-which he possessed.
It was his intention and special desire to
embody this knowledge in separate mono-
graphs, to be published by the eological
Survey, several of which were in an ad-
vanced state of completion at the time of
his death. He had also projected extended
works upon other groups. The volumes
which he had mapped out and already done
a considerable amount of work upon were
as follows: The Sauropoda, Theropoda and
Ornitbopoda, to be in three separate volumes
representing the three great divisions of
the Dinosauria. Last year the Geological
Survey issued a preliminary volume from
him on the North American Dinosaurs.
He also had a volume projected upon the
Mesozoic Mammalia and one upon the Bron-
The scientific world at large had a just
appreciation of his merits, and he waslargely
rewarded by many marks of distinguished
consideration. He was elected a member
of nearly every scientific society of note in
Europe and America. In 1875 he was
elected Vice-President of the American As-
sociation for the Advancement of Science,
and in the year following he became Presi-
dent. In 1877 he received the Bigsby Medal
from the Geological Society of London for
the most distinguished researches in geology
and paleontology. In 1882 he was chosen
President of the National Academy of
Sciences, a position which he held for two
terms of six years each. In the same year
he was chosen Paleontologist of the U. S.
Geological Survey, a position which he held
for ten years. He was also made honorary
Curator of Paleontology in the U.S. Na-
tional Museum, and held this position at his
death. In 1886 the University of Heidel-
berg conferred on him the degree of Ph.D.,
and in the same year Harvard gave him an
LL.D. Last year he was made a corre-
sponding member of the French Academy,
and later he was announced as the winner
of the Cuvier prize, one of the most distin-
guished honors ever conferred upon an
American professor.
In his younger days he was a man of
tremendous energy and spent much of his
time in the field exploring for fossils, fre-
quently far from the outposts of civilization.
These expeditions were often attended with
many hardships, and at times no small
amount of risk to his personal safety, but
wherever a new field offered opportunities
for adding something novel, calculated to
advance the knowledge of his science, no
expense, hardship or danger could deter
him from undertaking its exploration. The
methods of collecting and preparing these
fossils for study and exhibition which he
has introduced in the course of his long ex-
perience forms the basis very largely of all
similar work in almost every paleontolog-
ical laboratory of the world, and it is a
matter of common remark that nearly all
the noted collectors and preparateurs have
received their training under his immediate
The vast collections on this subject which
he has brought together are without doubt
the finest and most complete of any in the
world, and, when properly installed and ex-
hibited, will make a monument in every
way worthy of the greatness of the man
who dedicated his life and his fortune to its
formation. The influence of his work for
advancement in this department of knowl-
edge has probably had no equal in any
country, and it is to be hoped that his
splendid example of unselfish devotion to
the cause of education will not be allowed
to go unheeded.
J. L. WortTMAN.
Ler it not be interpreted as indifference
to the honor of election to an office held
by the lamented Joseph Leidy and Harri-
son Allen if I express even more profound
gratification in another action of this Asso-
ciation at its meeting a year ago, viz., the
adoption, without dissent, by such of the
members as were sufficiently interested to
attend, of the ‘Report of the Majority} of
the Committee on Anatomical Nomencla-
ture’ (Proceedings, pp. 27-55).
It was then my hope and expectation to
lay aside that matter for a year in favor of
others already too long deferred. Least of
all did I contemplate making it the subject
of the present address. The change of plan
is due to considerations which may be sum-
marized thus: As investigators our main
purpose is to comprehend; as writers and
teachers our first duty is to be clear ; when,
therefore, we have reason to believe that in
the minds of our fellows there is obscurity
upon a subject of common interest to which
we have given particular attention we
should avail ourselves of any special oppor-
tunity of elucidation, the imperativeness of
this obligation being directly proportionate
to the personal, professional and official im-
portance of those who seem to need enlight-
When, therefore, it is announced that at
this meeting the Association will be called
upon, in respect to nomenclature, to ‘ re-
consider its acts from the beginning’ (‘ Mi-
nority Report,’ p. 57); when those who
make this announcement are among the
original members of the Association and
its only surviving past Presidents ; when,
upon both sides of the water, there have
* Address of the President at the opening of the
eleventh annual session of the Association of Amer-
ican Anatomists, December 28, 1898.
+ F. H. Gerrish, Geo. S. Huntington and myself.
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 225.
been published reports, articles, reviews
and paragraphs in books* containing,
however unintentionally, statements so
inadequate, exaggerated, or even inaccu-
rate, as to mislead those not themselves
acquainted with the facts; and when,
finally, it is probable that the facts are
more familiar to me than to any other sin-
gle individual, it becomes not merely my
privilege, but my duty, to share my informa-
tion with the members of this Association
and with others interested who may have
lacked the time or opportunity to gain it
So.numerous are the misapprehensions as
to the nature of the simplified nomencla-
ture and the purposes of its advocates that
it is impossible to consider them all fully
upon the present occasion; some, indeed,
will be merely stated,in the hope that such
*1, Verhandlungen der anatomischen Gesellschaft
auf der neunten Versammlung, in Basel, April, 1895.
Anat. Anzeiger; Erginzungsheft zam X. Band; p.
2. His, W.—Die anatomische Nomenclatur. Nom-
ina anatomica. Verzeichniss der von der Anatomischen
Gesellschaft auf ihrer IX. Versammlung in Basel
angenommennen Namen. Eingeleitet und im Ein-
verstiindniss mit dem Redactionsausschuss erlautert.
Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie. Anat. Abth.,
Supplement Band, 1895. O., pp. 180; 27 figs., 2
plates, 1895 ; [pp. 6-7].
3. Herr Burt Wilder und die Anatomische Nomen-
clatur. Anat. Anzeiger, XII., 446-448, Oct. 30, 1896.
4. Koélliker, A. von.—Handbuch der Gewebelehre
des Menschen. Sechste Auflage. Zweiter Band.
Nervensystem des Menschen und der Thiere. O.,
pp. 874, 845 figs. Leipzig, 1896 ; [p. 814].
5. Dwight, Thomas.—Wilder’sSystem der Nomen-
klatur. Ergebnisse der Anatomie und Entwickelungs-
geschichte, 1897, pp. 471-479.
6. Baker, Frank.—Review of the foregoing. Sct-
ENCE, VII., 715-716, May 28, 1898.
7. Baker, F., and Dwight, T.—Report of the Mi-
nority of the Committee on Anatomical Nomencla-
ture. Proceedings of the tenth annual session of the
Association of American Anatomists, December 28,
1897, pp. 55-57.
8. Reviews of Mills,’ ‘The Nervous System and its
Diseases,’ in various medical journals ; 1898.
APRIL 21, 1899.]
statements may carry their own correction.
Certain points were presented two years
ago.** If, in a few instances, I repeat what
I have previously published, precedent for
so doing may be found in these words of
Huxley :
‘“ When objections are ignored without
being refuted or even discussed, I suppose
the best way is to emphasize them afresh.”
Zool. Soc. Proceedings, 1883, p. 189.
Misapprehension I.+ That the ‘ Majority Re-
port’ embodies the positive convictions of one
member and the merely passive acquiescence of
the other two.—Such an impression not only
might be, but actually has been, produced by
the ‘Minority Report.’ Nothing could be
less accurate or just.
The members of this Association need
only be reminded that the two other signers
of the ‘ Majority Report’ are among the
more active of our associates; that they
are writers, and are, or have been, practi-
* Neural Terms, International and National, Jour-
nal of Comparative Neurology, VI., December, i896, pp.
216-352, including seven tables. Parts VII.-IX. have
also been reprinted under the title ‘Table of Neural
Terms, with Comments and Bibliography,’ including
also ‘Suggestions to American Anatomists.’ Copies
of the entire paper and also of the ‘ Tables,’ etc.,
were sent toall members of all committees on nomen-
clature, here and abroad, and to many other anato-
mists and neurologists. To them were also sent copies
of the ‘Table,’ etc., and the latter was still more
widely distributed to others more or less directly in-
terested in the subject. My reprints of the entire
paper are exhausted ; of the ‘Table,’ etc., some
copies remain that will be sent upon application. The
larger part of the paper is contained in the lecture
‘Some Neural Terms,’ in ‘ Biological Lectures’
[at the Marine Biological Laboratory] for 1896-7.
The ‘Errors and Omissions’ detected in my Lists of
Neural Terms have been corrected in the Journal of
Comparative Neurology, VIII., pp. li-lii, July, 1898 ;
a leaflet reprint has been inserted in copies of ‘ Neu-
ral Terms’ and of ‘Table of Neural Terms’ dis-
tributed since March 30, 1898, and will be sent upon
request to those who received copies prior to that
+The succeeding misapprehensions will be desig-
nated simply by Roman numerals.
tioners; and that they are teachers of anat
omy in long-established medical schools.
But even more significant in this connec-
tion is something best known to those who
know them best. These men, in a notable
degree, combine intellectual independence
with liberality; in other words, they are con-
spicuously free from two qualities shared
by the human species with certain other
mammals, viz., uncritical imitation, on the
one hand, and, on the other, hostility toward
what appears to be new merely because
they are personally unfamiliar with it.
With regard to the matter in question, as
was expressly stated in the ‘ Majority Re-
port’ (p. 31, § 2,5), ‘ with few exceptions
the terms recommended had been adopted
by each member individually, and prior to
the conference at which joint action was
taken.”’ *
Notwithstanding the nature of their.con-
victions, if the larger number of those in
attendance at the present session decide to
materially modify or even reverse the action
of a year ago, the majority of your com-
mittee will offer no factious opposition.
They will, however, feel none the less proud
of their work and confident of its eventual
readoption. Their sentiments may be com-
pared, although somewhat remotely, with
those of the surgeon who had devised a new
flap for amputation of the thigh. Upon the
first trial, just as the operation was trium-
phantly completed, an overdose of chloro-
form killed the patient. ‘‘Too bad,’ said
the surgeon, ‘‘but at any rate he’ll go to
heaven with the best flap that ever was
* For the complete appreciation of the situation it
should perhaps be added that the two other signers of
the ‘ Majority Report’ were appointed on the Com-
mittee respectively by the two signers of the ‘ Minor-
ity Report’ while serving as Presidents.
+ At the closing session (December 30, 1898) of
the eleventh meeting the second Report of the Ma-
jority of the Committee was adopted by the Associa-
II. That any action of the Association with
respect to the use of terms has binding force. —
From certain expressions it might be in-
ferred that the adoption of a report on
nomenclature was tantamount to the enact-
ment of rules or by-laws, conformity to
which constitutes an indispensable condi-
tion of the maintenance of membership.
On the contrary, the recommendation and
acceptance of certain terms merely entitles
them to particularly respectful considera-
tion and throws upon those who prefer
others the burden of proof that those others
are superior. As an illustration of the im-
punity with which somewhat stringent in-
junctions may be disregarded may be men-
tioned the following: In the Anatomischer
Anzeiger (March 3, 1897, pp. 323-329), in a
paper by Dr. Edward Flatau, ‘ Beitrag zur
technischen Bearbeitung des Centralner-
vensystems,’ prepared in the Anatomie In-
stitute at Berlin, the Director of which is
Professor Waldeyer, a member of the B. N.
A. Commission and of the Gesellschaft that
recommended Dura mater encephali and Pia
mater encephali, the mononyms dura and pia
occur two and four times respectively, and
the authorized polyonyms are conspicuous
by their absence.
III. That action of the majority of w conmit-
tee should be delayed indefinitely by the absence
or unpreparedness of the minority after due
notice is given.
IV. That the condemnatory phrases of the
‘ Minority Report’ can, in any considerable de-
gree, be justly applied to the actual contents of
the ‘ Majority Report.’
_ V. That the non-adoption of a term, whether
from the German list or my own, constitutes a
declaration against it.—It signifies merely a
suspension of judgment and a postponement
of action.
VI. That differences of usage or recommenda-
tion between American and foreign anatomists or
organizations should be removed in all cases by
the abandonment of our position.
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 225.
VII. That the efforts of this Association for
the simplification of nomenclature should be par-
alyzed by the disapprobation of foreign anato-
mists whose unfamiliarity with what is done in
America is to be explained only by an indiffer-
ence thereto.——Among numerous instances of
this indifference I select one with which my
own connection is so remote as to eliminate
the element of personal irritation. At the
meeting of this Association in December,
1895, there was presented an elaborate ‘ Re-
port on the Collection and Preservation of
Anatomical Material.’ It was pfinted>in
our Proceedings (15-388) and in Screncg, IIT.,
January 17,1896; was mentioned in several
journals and listed in the ‘ Literatur’ in
the Anatomischer Anzeiger. Yet in Septem-
ber, 1898, practically an entire number of
that periodical, twenty-five pages, was oc-
cupied by an article on that subject pur-
porting to tabulate and discuss the methods
employed in all parts of the world. The
whole United States is credited with an
article by Mall (Anzeiger, 1896, 769-775)
and (in a footnote) a ‘ Note’ by Keiller
in the Texas Medical Journal, 1891-2, VE, p.
VIII. That terms consisting of a single word
each constitute even the majority of the names
preferred by me or adopted by this Association a
year ago.—Whatever their abstract prefer- ‘
ences, the members of the Committee realize
the impossibility of framing such a nomen-
clature. Two years ago (‘Neural Terms,’
§ 153 et seq.) I showed by statistics the
baselessness of the misapprehension and
characterized it as a ‘terminologic phantasm
erected by the Germans between themselves
and the American Committees.’
More recently, however, the same notion
has reappeared in several reviews of a text-
book of nervous diseases, commonly with
approval, expressed or implied, of the sup-
posed condition. The impression was prob-
ably gained from the fact that the author of
the book, like myself, prefers single-word
APRIL 21, 1899. ]
names for as many as possible of the parts
most frequently mentioned. Nevertheless,
the misapprehension on this point ought to
be corrected. The facts are :
First, out of about 540 neural terms in the
B. N. A. at least 40, about one-fourteenth,
are mononyms.
Secondly, in the ‘Majority Report’, in
Tables C and D, are enumerated 274 terms
differing more or less from those adopted
by the Gesellschaft; the mononyms num-
ber only 103.
IX. That eminence as an anatomist neces-
sarily implies either the capacity or the dispost-
tion to deal wisely with questions of nomencla-
ture.—Upon this point I quote from ‘Con-
cluding Remarks’ in ‘Neural Terms,’ p. 329:
Caution in Publishing New Terms.—It is true that
words needlessly introduced into anatomy have no
such embarrassing permanency as is conventionally
assigned to synonyms in systematic zodlogy. Never-
theless, for a time at least, they encumber current
publications and dictionaries. Hence, however neces-
sary and legitimate they may seem to the framer,
neither a new term, nor an old one in a new sense,
should be actually published without prolonged con-
sideration, and consultation with at least four indi-
viduals representing as many categories of possible
critics: (qa) an investigator of the same general sub-
ject; (0) an experienced teacher; (c¢) an earnest stu-
dent; (d) a philologic expert whose admiration for
the past has not blinded him to the needs of the pre-
sent and the future.
Method of Introduction of New Terms.—As urgently
recommended by the A. A. A. S. Committee on Bio-
logical Nomenclature, whenever a technical word is
used for the first time the author should give in
a special note: (a) the Latin form; (b) the etymol-
ogy; (¢) the proper adopted form or paronym for his
own language, with the adjective, etc., when applica-
ble; (d) as concise and precise a definition as pos-
X. That among the terms included in the
‘ Majority Report’ any considerable number
have been specifically condemned by the Anatom-
ische Gesellschaft or its authorized representa-
XI. That the grounds of such objections as
have been offered are really sound and sufficient.
XII. That the condemnation of a term by an
anatomic authority disproves either its intrinsic
fitness or its promise of vitality.—On this point
there need be adduced only the cases of
radius and ulna, which Robert Hunter de-
nounced as ‘ ridiculous.’
XIII. That the anatomy of the future is to be
based upon the structure and erect attitude of the
human body.—The anatomists of the future
will be zodtomists first and anthropotomists
XIV. That every anatomic term should be an
absolute idionym, 1. €., perfectly explicit in itself.
—Since this requirement is implied in the
objections to aula, etc., by Koélliker, and to
medipedunculus by His,* there may be prop-
erly adduced from the B. N. A. the follow-
ing terms, whose explicitness is conditioned
upon either the context or the actual addi-
tion of the words here set in brackets :
clivus [occipitalis], and [sphenoidalis]; pro-
cessus coronoideus [ulne] and [mandibule];
processus styloideus [radii], [ulne], and [ossis
temporalis]. Unless, indeed, it be granted
that a certain degree of explicitness is
afforded by the context, every one of the
thousands of names of the parts of the
human body should be increased by the
phrase corporis humant.
XV. That the occasional employment, by a
member of an Association, or even by a member of
its Comittee on Nomenclature, of terms other
than those adopted by them is, in itself, evidence
of deliberate intention.—For example, after
using conariwm for fifteen years in place of
‘pineal body,’ etc., now that the argu-
ments of Spitzka and H. F. Osborn have
converted me to epiphysis, conarium occa-
sionally gets itself spoken. Indeed, it is
easy for me to understand that an unin-
tended but familiar word may be written,
re-written, and even overlooked in the proof.
The frequency of such lapses could be
shown, if necessary, by letters from numer-
*As stated and briefly discussed in ‘ Neural Terms,’
pp. 282-289.
ous correspondents in reply to the query,
free from all critical or proselytic tenor, as
to whether a given term was used inten-
tionally or by inadvertence.
XVI. That there is ‘imminent danger of the
formation of a peculiar anatomic vocabulary
in America such as seriously to impede scientific
intercourse with other countries..—The unsub-
stantiality of the grounds of this misappre-
hension may be recognized in the impartial
discussion by the brothers Herrick a year
ago.* They conclude that there is no rea-
son for serious alarm on this score.
XVII. That the fundamental principles and
characteristic features of the simplified nomencla-
ture can be attributed to any individual in such
degree as to warrant calling it by his name.—In
correcting this misapprehension no false
modesty shall lead me to belittle what I
have done. On the contrary, to the ‘ Sum-
mary of my terminologic progress,’ already
published in ‘Neural Terms,’ etc. (pp.
227-237), there shall be added here two
items overlooked when that was printed :
1. That the defects of encephalic ter-
minology had been recognized by me as
early as 1878 may be seen from the follow-
ing paragraph in a popular lecture on ‘ The
brain and the present scientific aspects of
phrenology,’ delivered January 21st, before
the ‘ American Institute,’ and reported in
the New York Tribune of January 22d and
in the ‘ Tribune Extra,’ No. 3:
“CAs if these natural hindrances were not enough,
the old anatomists fenced in the parts of the brain
with the most fanciful and prodigious titles. Cere-
drum is well enough ; the cerebellum, being only one-
eighth as large, has a longer name, while medulla ob-
longata, hippocampus minor, tubercula quadrigemina,
processus e cerebello ad testes, and iter e tertio ad ventricu-
lun quartum represent such insignificant parts of the
brain as to suggest a suspicion that the nomenclature
was established upon no other principle than that of
in inverse ratio between the size of an organ and the
length of its title. At any rate, these fearful names
* Inquiries regarding tendencies current in neu-
rological literature ;) Jour. Comp. Neurology, VIL.,
162-168, December, 1897.
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 225.
are stumbling-blocks to the student and an almost
perfect hindrance to popular knowledge of the brain ;
no doubt this pleases the ghosts of the old anatom-
ical fathers, and is equally agreeable to many of the
present day, both in and out of the profession, with
whom Latin is a synonym for learning, and ponder-
osity of words for profundity of wisdom.”’
2. My actual efforts toward the simplifica-
tion of the nomenclature of the brain com-
menced in 1880, in the preparation of a
paper read before the American Association
for the Advancement of Science on the 28th
of August. The paper was never written
out in full, and apparently no abstract was
furnished for publication in the Proceedings.
Somewhat inadequate and erroneous re-
ports were printed in the Boston Daily Ad-
vertiser of August 30th, and in the New
York Medical Record of September 18th. But
here is a duplicate of the abstract furnished
in advance to the Secretary of the Associa-
tion, and I venture to read it as a contribu-
tion to the history of the subject now before
‘A. Introductory: The progress of anatomy is im-
peded by the defects of nomenclature. These defects
have been admitted by several anatomists, and a few
have endeavored to remedy them. As stated by Pye-
Smith, ‘the nomenclature of the brain stands morein
need of revision than that of any other part.’
‘©B. Nature of the Defects: (1) General. In com-
mon with that of the rest of the body, the nomencla-
ture of the brain lacks precision as to the position
and direction of parts. (2) In particular the number
of synonyms is very large. Most writers employ some
names which are vernacular or merely descriptive.
Most technical names are compound ; many of the
single ones are inconveniently long, and some of them
are indecent.
“CG. Special Obstacles to a Reform: (1) The difficulty
of ascertaining the priority of terms. (2) The ten-
dency of each nation to adopt purely vernacular
terms which have been proposed or incidentally em-
ployed by eminent anatomists of that nation.
“TD. Principles Forming the Basis of this Revision :
(1) Technical terms are the tools of thought, and
the best workman uses the best tools. (2) Terms of
classical origin are to be preferred. (3) Priority of
APRIL 21, 1899. ]
employment is to be regarded, but should not over-
bear all other considerations. (4) Of two terms
equally acceptable in other respects, to select the
shorter. (5) Preference for names of general appli-
cation over those which have an exclusive application
to man or the other primates. (6) To convert some
compound terms into simple ones, either by dropping
unessential words or by the substitution of prefixes
for adjectives. (7) For terms of position, to discard
all which refer to the horizon or to the natural atti-
tude of man, and to adopt those which refer to the
longitudinal axis of the vertebrate body. (8) For
terms of relative position and direction, to employ
those used for position with the termination ad.
““E. The Paper Will Indicate: (1) The terms pro-
posed and their abbreviations. (2) The principal
synonyms. (3) The originators of the terms and
synonyms and the dates of their first employment
so far as ascertained. (4) The terms which should be
wholly discarded. (5) The new terms for new parts,
the new terms for parts already known, the new
forms of old terms. (6) The subordination of parts
to wholes by differences in the kinds of type.”’
There were present Harrison Allen, Simon
H. Gage, Charles 8. Minot and probably
other members of this Association ; the sur-
vivors will recall that on cloth sheets were
written in parallel columns certain names in
common use, together with those which were
proposed to replace them. Amongst these
were pons for ‘pons Varolii;’ insula for ‘in-
sula Reillii ;’ thalamus for ‘thalamus opti-
cus ;’ callosum and striatum for ‘ corpus eal-
losum’ and ‘corpus striatum ;’ precommis-
sura for ‘commissura anterior ;’ myelon for
‘medulla spinalis,’ and cornu dorsale, for
‘cornu posterius.’ This paper constituted
the proton (the primordium, or ‘ Anlage,’ if
you prefer) of my own subsequent contribu-
tions, and likewise, so far as I knew at the
time, of the simplified nomenclature in
Proud as I am of these early propositions,
and glad as I should be if they and their
subsequent elaborations had been at once
unprecedented and sufficient, nevertheless
truth, justice and the peculiar conditions
now confronting us alike impel me upon
this occasion to insist even more distinctly
than hitherto upon the extent to which the
ideas and even the specific terms had been
anticipated by four other anatomists in this
country and in England.
Already in the spring of 1880, although
quite unknown to me, there had been pub-
lished a paper by E. C. Spitzka, ‘The
Central Tubular Gray’ (Journal of Nervous
and Mental Disease, April, 1880), containing
(p. 75, note) the following pregnant para-
“Tt would add much to the clearness of our ter-
minology, in my opinion, if the adjectives anterior
‘and posterior were to be discarded. Physiologists
and anatomists are so often forced to deal with the
nerve axes of lower animals, in whom what is with
man the anterior root becomes inferior, and what is
in the former posterior becomes superior, that they
have either been confused themselves or have written
confusedly, or finally have, to avoid all misunder-
standing, utilized the terms applicable to man alone
also for quadrupeds. The nervous axis, however, oc-
cupies one definite position, which should determine
the topographical designations. What in man is the
anterior, and in quadrupeds the inferior, root or cornu
is always ventral; while what in the former is poste-
rior, and the latter superior, is always dorsal. The
present treatise is not the proper place for renovating
nomenclature, but I have thought it well to call at-
tention to the matter in passing, and in anticipation of
a work on comparative neural morphology which I have
in preparation.’’ ,
The concluding words are italicized by
me in order that there may be the more
fully appreciated the generosity, indeed
self-abnegation, exhibited in Dr. Spitzka’s
commentary* upon my longer paper} of the
following year :
“Tt is with mingled pleasure and profit that I
have read the very suggestive paper on cerebral no-
menclature contributed to your last issues by Profes-
sor Wilder. Some of the suggestions which he has
made have been latent in my own mind for years,
* Letter on nomenclature, SCIENCE, April 9, 1881.
Also in Jour. Nerv. and Mental Dis., July, 1881, 661—
662. ;
{+A partial revision of anatomical nomenclature,
with especial reference to that of the brain, SCIENCE,
II., 1881, pp. 122-126, 133-138, March. Also Jour.
Nerv. and Mental. Dis., July, 1881, 652-661.
but I have lacked the courage [time ?] to bring them
before my colleagues. Now that he has broken
ground, those who prefer a rational nomenclature to
one which, like the present reigning one, is based
upon erroneous principles, or rather on no principles
at all, will be rejoiced at the precedent thus set for
innovations. * * * He who has himself been com-
pelled to labor under the curse of the old system, the
beneath, below, under, in front of, inside, external, be-
tween, etc., will look upon. the simple ventral, dorsal,
lateral, mesal, cephalic, proximal, caudal, distal, ete.’
as so many boons. I have no hesitation in saying
that the labor of the anatomical student will be di-
minished fully one-half when this nomenclature shall
have been definitely adopted. * * * In proceeding
to comment on some of the terms proposed by Pro-
fessor Wilder, I wish it to be distinctly understood
that I do so merely tentatively and to promote dis-
cussion ; in so doing I feel certain that I am carrying
out that writer’s wishes. It is but just to state that
the majority of the terms cannot be discussed ; they
are perfection and simplicity combined.’’
Had Dr. Spitzka completed his proposed
work he would doubtless have called atten-
tion to our three British predecessors, John
Barclay, Richard Owen and P. H. Pye-
The first, as long ago as 1803, in ‘A New
Anatomical Nomenclature,’ proposed the un-
ambiguous descriptive terms, dorsal, lateral?
proximal, with their adverbial forms, dorsad,
laterad and prowimad, and thus laid the
foundation for an intrinsic toponymy.
In 1846 Owen published (‘ Report on the
Vertebrate Skeleton,’ p. 171) what I have
elsewhere (‘ Neural Terms,’ § 51) called the
‘immortal paragraph,’ wherein the various
phrases for the spinal portion of the central
nervous system were replaced by the single
word, myelon. Twenty years later he ut-
tered (‘ Anatomy of Vertebrates,’ I., 294) a
declaration which some of us are disposed
to regard as an inspired prophecy :
‘“ Whoever will carry out the application of neat
substantive names to the homologous parts of the en-
cephalon will perform a good work in true anatomy.’’
In the third volume of the same work (1868, p. 136)
is a list of the cerebral fissures designated, in most
cases, by adjectives of asingle word each, e. g., sub-
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 225
The paper of Pye-Smith (fortunately
still spared to us) was entitled ‘Suggestions
on Some Points of Anatomical Nomencla-
ture,’ and appeared in 1877 (Journal of
Anatomy and Physiology, XII., 154-175, Oc-
tober, 1877). After enunciating certain
sound general prnciples, he declared that
‘the nomenclature of the brain stands more
in need of revision than that of any other
part,’ and made several specific suggestions
some of which have been adopted by the
three American Associations and the Ana-
tomische Gesellschaft :
“The term optic thalamus is a misleading and cum-
brous abbreviation of the proper name thalamus ner-
vorum opticorum, and the name thalamus, without
qualification, is at once distinctive, convenient, and
free from a false suggestion as to the function of the
part. * * * Of all the synonyms of the Hippocampus
minor (Ergot of Morand, eminentia unciformis, collicu-
lus, unguis, calcar avis) the last is the most distinc-
tive, and brings it at once into relation with the cal-
carine fissure. The Hippocampus major may then drop
the adjective, as well as its synonym of cornu am-
The pineal and pituitary bodies are more con-
veniently called conariuwm and hypophysis. * * * The
word Pons ( Varolii) might well be restricted to the
great transverse commissure of the cerebellum. * * *
Insula is a far more distinctive name than any pro-
posed to replace it.’’ Pye-Smith also prefers vagus to
‘ pneumogastricus.’ (p. 162).
Those who have done me the honor to read
any one of my longer papers on this subject
will recall my repeated acknowledgments of
indebtedness to these three English anato-
mists. Not to mention earlier publications,
in 1889, in the article ‘ Anatomical Termi-
nology’ (‘Reference Handbook of the
Medical Sciences,’ VIII. , 520-522), Profes-
sor Gage and I collected from all sources
accessible to us ‘ Aphorisms respecting No-
menclature;’ the most prolific sources were
the three just named. At the third meet-
ing of this Association, in Boston, December,
1890, I read a paper the title of which was
“Owen’s Nomenclature of the Brain,’ and
which included this paragraph :
‘Tn none of the above-designated publications or
in those of other anatomists does it now seem to the
APRIL 21, 1899.]
writer that there has been adequate recognition of the
terminological precepts and examples that occur in
the works of Professor Richard Owen, and the writer
takes this opportunity to express his constantly in-
creasing sense of obligation in this regard ; had space
permitted he would gladly have increased the num-
ber and length of the selections from Professor
Owen’s writings which are embraced among the
‘ Aphorisms respecting Nomenclature’ on pp. 520-522
of the article ‘ Anatomical Terminology.’ ”’
In this connection may appropriately be
mentioned two later but highly significant
British contributions toward a simplified
and international system of nomenclature.
1. The Latin names for the encephalic
seginents.—In the seventh edition of Quain’s
‘Anatomy’, edited by William Sharpey, Al-
len Thompson and John Cleland, in Vol.
II., dated 1867, the five ‘fundamental parts’
{corresponding to what I have called ‘defini-
tive segments’) are named prosencephalon,
diencephalon, mesencephalon, epencephalon, and
metencephalon; and in a foot-note these
terms are declared to be ‘‘adopted as appli-
cable to the principal secondary divisions
of the primordial medullary tube, and as
corresponding to the commonly received
names of the German embryologists, viz.,
Vorderhirn, Zwischenhirn, Mittelhirn, Hinter-
hirn, and Nachhirn ; or their less-used Eng-
lish translations, viz., forebrain, interbrain,
midbrain, hindbrain, and afterbrain.’’
Notwithstanding several public requests
for information as to the source of the Latin
segmental names, the historic facts recorded
in the above extract were ascertained by me
only within the past week; I prefer to be-
lieve that they were unknown to the No-
menclatur Commission and to the Anatom-
ische Gesellschaft at the time of the selec-
tion and adoption of the Latin names for
the encephalic segments as given in the B.
N. A. Even, then, however, since the
same Latin terms were repeated in the sub-
sequent editions of Quain (1877-1882), I
am compelled to regard the transference of
metencephalon from the ultimate segment to
the penultimate, and its replacement by
myelencephalon, as constituting a violation of
scientific ethics that merits the severest rep-
robation. *
2. Mononymic designations of the en-
cephalic cavities.—In August, 1882, wholly
unaware of my prior suggestion to the same
effect (Screncr, March, 1881), the late T.
Jeffery Parker, professor in Otago Univer-
sity, New Zealand, proposed compounds of
the Greek zo:Aéa, with the prepositions, etc.,
already employed in the segmental names ;
e. g-, mesocele, prosocele, ete. Our mutual
gratification and encouragement at the ap-
proximate coincidence led to a cordial cor-
respondence that continued until his death.
Besides the publications enumerated in the
Bibliography of‘ Neural Terms,’ Parker
used celian compounds in two papers on the
Apteryx (1890 and 1892) and in the ‘Text-
book of Zoology’ by himself and Professor
Haswell (1897).
XVIII. That, even in its earliest and cru-
dest form, the ‘system’ sometimes called by my
name could fairly be characterized as ‘generally
repulsive’ and as having ‘not the slightest chance:
of general adoption.’ {—On this point it is
sufficient to introduce the following letter f
from Oliver Wendell Holmes, whose point
of view was at once that of the literary
critic and the experienced teacher of anat-
omy in a medical school :
‘* Boston, May 3, 1881.
‘DEAR Dr. WILDER: I have read carefully your
paper on Nomenclature. I entirely approve of it as
an attempt, an attempt which I hope will be partially
successful, for no such sweeping change is, I think,
ever adopted asa whole. But I am struck with the
* The intrinsic merits of various segmental names
have been discussed by me in ‘Neural Terms,’ etc.,
326-328, and in the Proceedings of this Association for
the ninth session, May, 1897, 28-29.
+ These phrases occur in the ‘Minority Report.?
{As a whole or in part this notable document has
been printed previously in SCIENCE, May 28, 1881 ; in
‘The Brain of the Cat,’ Amer. Philos. Soc., Proceedings,
XIX., p. 530, 1881; ‘Anatomical Technology,’ 1882,
p. 11; ‘Neural Terms’, p. 237.
reasonableness of the system of changes which you
propose, and the fitness of many of the special terms
you have suggested.
“The last thing an old teacher wants is, as you
know full well, a new set of terms for a familiar set
of objects. It is hard instructing ancient canine in-
dividuals in new devices. It is hard teaching old
professors new tricks. So my approbation of your
attempt is a sic vos non vobis case so far as I am con-
‘What you have to do is to keep agitating the sub-
ject ; to go on training your students to the new terms,
some of which you or others will doubtless see reasons
for changing ; to improve as far as possible, fill up
blanks, perhaps get up asmall manual in which the
new terms shall be practically applied, and have faith
that sooner or later the best part of your innovations
will find their way into scientific use. The plan is
an excellent one ; it isa new garment which will fit
Science well, if that capricious and fantastic and old-
fashioned dressing lady can only be induced to try it
‘* Always very truly yours,
XIX. That, at the present stage of the sub-
ject, it is possible for any individual, however
impartial and well informed, to wholly avert the
possibility of misapprehension or even injustice, in
attempting to indicate the attitude of living anat-
omists toward the simplified nomenclature. —My
impartiality may perhaps be challenged,
but I am at least familiar with current lit-
erature in this respect; moreover, since
1880 I have preserved all letters in which
the matter is considered. Probably no one
agrees with me absolutely and in every re-
spect. On the other hand, even some frankly
avowed opponents now assent to what they
would have regarded as quite heretical a
few years ago.*
XX. That whatever misapprehension may ex-
ist in this country or abroad as to the degree in
which the terms or principles advocated by me are
indorsed by others can be justly ascribed to either
unfounded declarations or intimations on my part,
or to the omission of definite efforts to avert or
*In the verbal presentation of a paper at this
meeting Professor Dwight designated the costiferous
vertebra as thoracic rather than dorsal, with a consist-
ency both gratifying and encouraging.
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 225.
remove such misapprehension.—The enumera-
tion of the conditions that led to the prepa-
ration of ‘ Neural Terms’ included (p. 217)
the following sentence: ‘I particularly de-
sire to free the committees, their individual
members, and the associations which they
represent, from responsibilities not yet as-
sumed by them.” More or less explicit and
emphatic affirmations to the same effect oc-
cur on pp. 278, 295, 299 and 301.*
XXI. That ‘ most scholars are repelled by’ my
‘ fantastic terms and defects of literary form.’—
This assertion occurs in the ‘review’ (No.
6), and presumably refers to the ‘system’
in its present or recent state. The position
taken is apparently impregnable, since for
every one who has declared his adhesion
there might be named a score who have said
nothing about it. Seriously, however, it is
not easy to discuss such a proposition with-
out adducing evidence that might fairly be
challenged by one side or the other. At
any rate, in the present connection I shall
omit my more or less intimate friends and
correspondents, living and dead ; Harrison
Allen, W. R. Birdsall, Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Joseph Leidy, and E. C. Seguin ;
William Browning, Joseph Collins, Elliott
Coues, H. H. Donaldson, F. H. Gerrish,
*At the meeting of the American Medical Associa-
tion in Philadelphia, June, 1897, the Section on Neu-
rology and Medical Jurisprudence adopted the follow-
ing resolution, recommended by the Committee on the
Address of the Chairman, W. J. Herdman :
“ Resolved, That the Section of Neurology and
Medical Jurisprudence endorse the neural terms
adopted by the American Neurological Association,
the Association of American Anatomists, and the
American Association for the Advancement of Science,
and so far as practical recommend their use in the
work of the section.
C. K. MILs,
Since the action above recorded was taken in June,
1897, it does not, of course, apply to the subsequent
adoptions by this Association at the tenth and eleventh
sessions ; Dec., 1897, and Dec., 1898.
APRIL 21, 1899. ]
George M. Gould, the brothers Herrick, G.
S. Huntington, C. K. Mills, W. J. Herd-
man, H. F. Osborn, C. E. Riggs, D. K.
Shute, Sorenson, Spitzka, O. S. Strong, W.
G. Tight, C. H. Turner, A. F. Witmer and
R. Ramsay Wright; also past or present
pupils or colleagues, T. E. Clark, P. A. Fish,
S. H. Gage, Mrs. Gage, G. 8. Hopkins, O. D.
Humpbrey, A. T. Kerr, B. F. Kingsbury,
W. C. Krauss, T. B. Stowell and B. B.
Stroud. I have now, I think, eliminated
all whose more or less complete adoption or
approval of my ‘system’ might be ascribed
in some degree to personal considerations.*
There has lately been afforded me, how-
ever, the desired opportunity of collating
the impressions of asomewhat homogeneous
group of scholars, quite unlikely to have
been influenced by a disinclination to antag-
onize my views. Through the courtesy of
*Curiously enough, in the single instance of the
apparent operation of personal influence, the indi-
vidual was of German descent and we had met
put once. Prior to our meeting in December,
1895, I prepared a typewritten list of the neural
terms that had been adopted earlier in the year
by the Anatomische Gesellschaft, and in parallel
columns added those preferred by me. Copies of
this list were sent to members of the Association ag
a basis for the anticipated discussion. In January
the late Dr. Carl Heitzmann, in acknowledging his
copy, accounted at the same time for his absence from
the meeting: ‘‘My intention was to urge the ac-
ceptance of the nomenclature adopted by the German
Anatomical Society, deficient as it is, simply to ob-
tain uniformity. * * * Personally I cannot vote
against you; hence I rather abstain from coming to
the meetings till this matter will be settled.’’
My response was as follows: ‘‘ Your letter affects
me deeply, and were my efforts toward the improve-
ment of anatomical nomenclature for my own sake or
for the present at all it would go far to deter me from
further persistence. But I never lose sight of the fact
that we of to-day, and even the honored workers of
the past, are few and insignificant as compared with
our successors, and I do not mean to be reproached by
them for failing to do what Ican. Do not refrain
from writing, publishing or voting against me accord-
ing to your convictions. It will come out right in
the end.”’
the author of a recent American text-book
on ‘The Nervous System and its Diseases,’
in which the simplified nomenclature is
fully and expressly employed, I have been
enabled to read all the reviews of it that
have thus far appeared. For the sake of
homogeneity I have excluded two non-med-
ical journals, the Revue Newrologique, which
says nothing on the subject of nomencla-
ture, and the Journal of Comparative Neurol-
ogy, which, upon the whole, is favorable.
This leaves thirty reviews of a book in-
tended for students; reviews written by
practitioners, some of them well-known ex-
perts and also teachers of neurology. As
such, upon general principles, any modifica-
tion of the current terminology must be more
or less unwelcome to them.
Upon the basis of their attitude toward
the simplified nomenclature the reviews fall
naturally into four groups, viz.: A, those
that ignore the subject (8, about 27 per
cent.) ; B, those that merely mention it (6,
20. per cent.) ; C, those that condemn the
introduction of the simplified terms more or
less decidedly (6, 20 per cent.) ; D, those
that commend it (10, 33 per cent.). With-
out going so far as to reverse the Scriptural
saying and claim that ‘he who is not against
us is with us,’ we may infer that the four-
teen reviewers in groups A and B were at
least not ‘repelled’ by the simplified terms;
on the contrary, many of them call atten-
tion to the clearness and accuracy of the
anatomic and embryologic sections of the
book where, of course, the terms are most
In category C I have included one that
might, without réal unfairness, have been
left in category B; in the Colorado Medical
Journal, after characterizing the anatomic
portion of the work as ‘ especially excellent,’
Dr. Eskridge simply expresses the ‘ fear
that the new nomenclature will not meet
with general favor.’
The six antagonistic reviews are con-
tained in the Pacific Record of Medicine and
Surgery, the London Lancet, the Colorado
Medical Journal, the American Journal of In-
sanity, the New York Medical Record and the
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. I
quote from the last two as highly influential
and representative. The Record says:
“There is to be found an ample, clear and thor-
oughly scientific treatment of the anatomy of the
nervous system. * * * Weare not in thorough
sympathy with nomenclatural cataclysms, and feel
that frequently the old and familiar is clothed in new
terms for the sake of lending an air of novelty and
apparent gloss of ‘science.’ Still in the biological
sciences nomenclature forms one of the most impor-
tant landmarks of progress, especially when by it new
and wider conceptions are gained. We believe, how-
ever, that in the adoption of the Wilder terminology
the author has departed from a healthy historical
conservatism, but this is, perhaps, an academic mat-
ter after all.”’
The foregoing contains so many qualifi-
cations as to leave its purport somewhat in
doubt ; indeed, one may imagine its writer,
as he finished it, exclaiming, with the Con-
gressman, ‘ Where am I at?’
The remarks of Dr. B. Sachs in the Jour-
nal of Nervous and Mental Disease are more
explicit, and I should be glad to reproduce
them in full; on the present occasion ex-
tracts must suffice:
“‘Ttis to be feared that the student will not be
grateful for the introduction of the new cerebral ter-
minology of Wilder and Gage. While recognizing
the full merits of the new nomenclature and appre-
ciating the benefits conferred upon the comparative
anatomist and the comparative embryologist, the
truth is, the student of neurology does not need it.
* * * * Tt has been suggested that children should
begin the study of brain anatomy. The plan is a
good one with reference to this nomenclature ; the
only way to acquire it is to acquire it early in life,
when the cortical cells are ready for the reception of
any and all auditory impressions. We have no doubt
that in the course of time some of these names will
be adopted by general consent ; but it will be well
along in the next century before the system, as a
whole, will come into use.’’
Upon the whole I find myself less de-
pressed by the objections of Dr. Sachs than
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 225.
encouraged by his almost startling forecast.
He is young enough for me to venture the
prediction that ‘ well along in the next cen-
tury’ he will be surrounded by colleagues
and pupils who, according to my plan,*
commenced the practical study of the brain
in the primary school, and who, by the aid
of the simplified nomenclature, learned
twice as rapidly as ourselves.
Among the ten favorable reviews the
most elaborate is in the Journal of the Amer-
ican Medical Association (August 20, 1898).
That in the New York Medical Jowrnal (May
21, 1898) concludes thus:
“We are very glad that the author has
had the courage to introduce these terms,
believing, as we do, in their correctness
and in the need of their becoming familiar.”’
I refrain from reading the other reviewst
in Group D, mainly because the expressions
therein complimentary to myself are em-
barrassingly numerous and emphatic. In
view of this evidence those who contend
that ‘most scholars are repelled by my fan-
tastic terms and defects of literary form’
would seem called upon to either withdraw
that claim as a misapprehension or to mod-
ify materially the commonly accepted defi-
nition of medical and scientific scholarship.
XXII. That ‘barbarisms’ constitute an ob-
jectionable feature of my ‘system.’—Upon the
supposition that by barbarisms are here
meant hybrid words, this point was some-
what fully discussed in ‘ Neural Terms,’ p.
290. Since the criticism was offered by the
* The desirability and feasibility of the acquisition
of some real and accurate knowledge of the brain by
precollegiate scholars. Amer. Soc. Naturalists Records,
p. 31, 1896 ; ScrENCE, December 17, 1897.
+ The St. Lowis Medical and Surgical Journal ( April,
1898); (Portland, Oregon) Medical Sentinel (April,
1898); (Detroit) Medical Age (April 11, 1898); Can-
ada Lancct (May, 1898); Richmond (Va.) Journal of
Practice (May, 1898); Buffalo Medical Journal (June,
1898); University (of Pa.) Medical Magazine (Septem-
ber, 1898); North Carolina Medical Journal (Septem-
ber, 1898).
APRIL 21, 1899.]
chairman of the Nomenclatur Commission,
Professor Kolliker, it might naturally be
inferred that the list of terms adopted by
that body is free from hybrid words. Yet
not only does the B. N. A. contain several
such, but certain of them are less eupho-
nious than most of those for which I am
responsible. Comparison is invited between
the Greco-Latin combinations in the two
following groups, the first from my list, the
second from the B. N. A.; in each case the
Greek element is printed in italics: Meta-
tela, diatela, paratela, metaplexus, diaplexus,
paraplexus, ectocinerea, entocinerea, hemice-
rebrum, hemzseptum ; epidurale, mesovaricus,
parumbilicales, parolfactorius, suprachoriot-
dea,* pterygopalatinus, pterygomandibularis,
phrenicocostalis, sphenopalatinum, sphenodc-
cipitalis, occipitomastoidea, squamosomas-
toidea. ;
XXIII. That progress toward the right so-
lution of the questions involved is really facili-
tated by general denunciations of a given system
or its advocates.—The attitude of some may
be likened to that of the child in the lines :
“*T do not love thee, Dr. Fell,
The reason why I cannot tell,
But this alone I know full well,
I do not love thee, Dr. Fell.”
History will record whether such con-
servatives shall rank with heroic defenders
of law and order, or be rated among the
Canutes of science, their utterances, in re-
spect to nomenclature, remembered mainly
as ‘things one would rather have left un-
History will likewise record whether
some others, including, of course, the fra-
mers of the ‘ Majority Report,’ shall be meta-
phorically ‘hanged, drawn and quartered’
*In Table IV., p. 290 of ‘Neural Terms’ (likewise
in Biological Lectures, p. 158) suprachorioidea was
printed without the first (and, as it seems to me,
superfluous) 7; also, most regrettably, there was in-
cluded in the list perichorioideale, a wholly Greek
as rebels, or, notwithstanding errors of
judgment, credited with leaving the path-
way of future students of anatomy smoother
than they found it themselves.
XXIV. That the English-speaking anatomists
who have been laboring long for the simplification
of nomenclature are called wpon to submit in-
definitely to animadversions based wpon inertia,
lack of information, misapprehension, or undue
deference to the adverse pronunciamentos of scien-
tific potentates abroad.—Speaking for myself
alone, the spirit in which I prefer to meet
hostile criticism is fairly exemplified in my
reply (NV. Y. Medical Record, Oct. 2, 1886,
389-390) to an article in a leading medical
journal containing an egregious and inex-
cusable misstatement that might readily
have led uninformed readers to question the
soundness of allmy proposals. That article,
however, although upon the editorial page,
was evidently prepared in haste. But such
extenuation will scarcely be urged in the
case of the publication numbered 6 in the
list in the note on p. 566. This is a review
of an article (no. 5), and to avoid confu-
sion I shall speak of the ‘article’ and its
‘author,’ of the ‘review’ and the ‘re-
The review contains this passage:
‘Some of the peculiarities of the Wilder
system are then briefly discussed [in the
article], attention being called to its disre-
gard of the ordinary principles of language
formation as exemplified by Ist. The muti-
lation of words as by using * * * hippo-
camp * for hippocampus major.”’
*JIn the original this is ‘chippocamp’. The re-
viewer promptly assured me that the mistake was the
printer’s and that it would be ‘corrected wherever
possible’. I assume that the copies of SCIENCE sent by
him to others were emended like that received by
me. But, so far as Iam aware, no public correction
has been made. Under some circumstances this might
be regarded as superfluous. But it must be borne in
mind that unjustifiable verbifaction constituted the
very substance of the indictment; hence the situation
was as if John Doe accused Richard Roe publicly of
It may be doubted whether scientific
literature can furnish a single sentence of
equal length containing so many erroneous *
statements and implications. For clear dis-
crimination the several points shall be put
in the form of questions:
1. In the article purporting to be the
source of the criticism quoted is there men-
tioned either the word hippocamp or any
other word representing a comparable ety-
mologic category ?
In that article, beyond the reproduction
of reports including the words hippocampus
and hippocampus major, the single reference
is as follows (translated) :
‘‘Wilder holds that there is no longer ground for
retaining avis with calcar, a term which is to be used
in place of hippocampus minor. If this be granted,
then naturally the major of hippocampus major ean be
dropped. ‘The writer approves of these changes.’’
2. Is the reviewer himself on record as
preferring the apparently alternative term,
‘hippocampus major,’ to hippocampus ?
The reviewer, as a member of our Com-
mittee on Anatomical Nomenclature, signed
the first report, in 1889, which recom-
mended the replacement of ‘hippocampus
major’ by hippocampus. . Since this change
was also adopted in 1895 by the Anatom-
ische Gesellschaft, I have not supposed that
its abandonmert was embraced within the
proposition of the ‘ Minority Report’ that
the Association should ‘ reconsider its acts
from the beginning.’
3. Has the word hippocamp ever been used
or proposed by me in any other status than
passing counterfeit money; as if the nature of one of
Roe’s occupations at the time rendered it particularly
desirable that his character be unimpeached; as if
part of the evidence against him were a spurious coin
that had been dropped into his pocket accidentally by
an employee of Doe himself; and, finally, as if Doe
held adequate reparation to be made by confining the
admission of the mistake to the officers of the law and
his personal friends. Nevertheless, in order that the
issues before us may be kept free of all points upon
which there may beroom for diversity of opinion, this
mischance shall be hereafter ignored.
[N.S. Vou. IX.. No. 225.
that of a national, English form (Anglo-
paronym) of the international, Latin hip-
pocampus ?
The negative answer to this may be found
in various publications during the last
fifteen years. Among the fuller and more
accessible presentations are these passages
from ‘Neural Terms’ (pp. 231-232, 226):
‘* Each anatomist prefers to employ terms belonging
to his own language ; at the same time he prefers
that others should employ Latin terms with which he
is already familiar. Sea horse, Cheval marin and See-
pferd are synonyms (in the broader sense, 742), but
to either an Englishman, a Frenchman or a German,
two of them are foreign words and unacceptable.
Hippocampus is distinctly a Latin word, and the fre-
quent occurrence of such imparts a pedantic charac-
ter to either discourse or written page. Hippocamp, |
hippocampe, hippocampo, and Hippokamp are as dis-
tinetly national forms of the common international
antecedent (not to invoke the original Greek
inroxaproc), and are readily recognized by all, while
yet conforming to the ‘genius’ of each language.’’
4. Does the reduction of hippocampus to
hippocamp represent a group of cases so nu-
merous in even my complete list of neural
terms as to constitute a prominent feature
of what is called my ‘ system ?’
The list embraces about 440 terms; besides
hippocamp there are just two cases in which
I have been apparently the first to Angli-
cize Latin words by dropping the last sylla-
ble, the inflected ending; viz., myelon, myel,
and encephalon, encephal (and its com-
5. If, finally, every one of the 440 Latin
terms happened to consist of a single word
ending in either a, ma, us, on, is, wm, or tum,
and if I had proposed that English-speak-
ing anatomists should customarily omit
those syllables, would that render the ‘ sys-
tem’ open to the charge of ‘mutilation of
words’ or ‘ disregard of the ordinary prin-
ciples of language formation ?’
For a negative answer to this question we
need not look beyond the limits of the re-
view itself, the language of which is pre-
APRIL 21, 1899.]
sumed to be sanctioned by the authoritative
journal in which it is printed. All of the
following English words occurring therein
differ from their Latin (or Latinized) ante-
cedents in the omission of the inflected
syllable: Form, system, barbarism, act,
public, defect, subject, natural, official, dis-
tinct, historic, artificial, peculiar, human. If
to these be added a few equally familiar, viz.,
arm, aqueduct, oviduct, tract, exit and stomach,
it will be conceded, I trust, that hippocamp
is in irreproachable etymologic company.
Indeed, we may now adopt the affirma-
tive attitude and declare that among all the
principles of language formation no one is
better established or more generally recog-
nized by scholars than that certain Latin
words may be Anglicized by the elision
of the ultima.*
I gladly forbear further direct and specific
comment upon the case of hippocamp, but its
more general aspects may be indicated in
the three following queries :
1. Does scientific comity (which is com-
parable in some respects with what is called
“senatorial courtesy ’) render it incumbent
upon the author of an article to refrain from
disavowing responsibility for unjust state-
ments wrongly attributed to him by a re-
viewer ?
2. Should editorial regard for the privi-
leges of writers tolerate the publication of
unsound linguistic allegations that bring
discredit upon American scholarship ?
3. Is it probable that further assaults
upon the simplified nomenclature from the
etymologic standpoint will redound to the
advancement of knowledge or the credit of
the assailants ?
* This is simply one of several well-known ways
of converting Latin words into English ; others are
enumerated in ‘ Anatomical Terminology ’ ( Reference
Handbook of the Medical Sciences, VIII., 527) ; for
all such processes of word-adoption the term pa-
ronymy (from tapwvuuia, the formation of one word
from another by inflection or slight change) was pro-
posed by me in 1885.
XXV. That, saving perhaps in the case of
such German anatomists as read English with
difficulty, the amount and nature of the informa-
tion contained in the article numbered 5 in the
note to p. 566 over and above what was already
accessible to them in my own publications com-
pensates for the misapprehensions likely to be oc-
easioned by it.
XXVI. That efforts toward the establishment
of an international nomenclature should be
abandoned because of the arrogance of individ-
uals or committees of particular nations,—As an
evidence of the existence of a real discour-
agement in this respect I quote from a re-
cent private letter from a well-known nat-
uralist :
“‘T am nota believer in international codperation,
since it generally means that one nation has it all its
own way.’’
If we read between the lines and recall
the epigram, ‘Man and woman are one, but
the man is the one,’ it may be imagined
that my pessimistic correspondent adum-
brates the doctrine, ‘As to Anatomic No-
menclature all nations are one—but Ger-
many is the one.’
XXVIII. That, in estimating the probability
of the soundness and eventual adoption of my
terminologic proposals, there should be taken into
account only on even mainly the terms that are
new or otherwise less acceptable, rather than those
respecting which my adoption antedates that of
the Anatomische Gesellschaft.—Let us grant,
for the sake of argument, that my aula,
porta, cimbia, mesocelia, metatela, metaporus
and the like are doomed to ‘innocuous
desuetude ;’ shall the folly of their vain in-
troduction outweigh the evidences of sane
prevision exhibited between’ the years of
1880 and 1895 in the deliberate and inde-
pendent choice, among abundant and per-
plexing synonyms, of, for example, the
following: Palliwm, gyrus, fissura, insula,
centralis (rather than Rolandi), collateralis,
calearina, paracentralis, praecuneus, cuneus,
hippocampus, fornix, thalamus, hypophysis, di-
encephalon, tegmentum, vermis, nodulus, floccu-
lus, pons, lemniscus, obex, oliva, clava and
vagus 2°
XXVIII. That the originality of the B. N.
A. (the Nomenclature adopted at Baselin 1895
by the Anatomische Ctesellschaft) is to be meas-
ured by the manifestation therein of non-ac-
quaintance with what had been proposed or ac-
complished by English-speaking anatomists.—To
be more explicit, I repeat here a paragraph
from ‘Neural Terms’ (§ 276) referring to
the action of American Committees between
1889 and 1892 :
“ Although the specific terms included in these
recommendations are few, they exemplify all the
commendable features of the German report. Indeed,
T fail to discover in the latter any general statement,
principle, rule or suggestion that had not already been
set forth with at least equal accuracy, clearness and
force in the writings of British and American anato-
mists prior to 1895.”’
XXIX. That-indijference or even hostility to
terminologic improvement, especially wpon the
part of the older generation, should be thought
either surprising or discouraging.—The first
point was conceded by me in 1881:
‘The trained anatomist shrinks from an unfamiliar
word as from an unworn boot; the trials of his own
pupilage are but vaguely’ remembered ; each day
there seems more to be done, and less time in which
to do it ; nor is it to be expected that he will be at-
tracted spontaneously toward the consideration that
his own personal convenience and preferences, and
even those of all his distinguished contemporaries,
should be held of little moment as compared with the
advantages which reform may insure to the vastly
more numerous anatomical workers of the future.”’
The second point is covered by the review
in the Philadelphia Polyclinic, which I have
included in Category B (xxi.):
“« While some of our friends across the Atlantic may
possibly consider this too radical a departure from
long-established customs, the author of the book be-
lieves that time and familiarity with the terms will
justify the course he has followed.’’
XXX. That action upon the general subject
should be indefinitely postponed.—This is the
hour and you are the men. Let not the
[N. 8. Vou. IX. No. 225.
‘ fools rush in, because the ‘angels’ of this
Association ‘fear to tread.’
XXXI. That it is incumbent upon this As-
sociation to decide immediately upon the names
for all parts of the body or even for all parts of
the central nervous system.—In a matter of
such moment precipitation is to be avoided.
XXXII. That there are contemplated by the
majority of the Committee, or by any member
thereof, with regard to the names of the other
parts of the body, changes comparable in num-
ber and extent with what have been proposed for
the central nervous system.*
XXXIII. That members of the Association
shouid content themselves with simply awaiting
the operation of the law of the survival of the
jittest.—Upon this point I quote again the
brothers Herrick. The conclusion of their
article, ‘Inquiries,’ etc., reads:
“The unification of our nomenclature is to be ac-
complished, if at all, by a process of survival of the
fittest among competing terms at the hands of our
working anatomists rather than by legislative enact-
ment. Yet the international discussions now in prog-
ress may do much to further this end.’’
I trust they will pardon me for attaching
the greater significance to the final conces-
sion. The subject before us is preéminently
one that concerns mind rather than mat-
ter; and its determination should be reached
not so much through the operation of
numbers or force as by the exercise of the
highest human qualities, deliberation, self-
restraint, and consideration for others.
XXXIV. That members of this Association
should defer to what is called ‘general usage.’—
Of all so-called leaders, the most incapable,
blundering, and dangerous is ‘ General
Usage’. He stands for thoughtless imita-
tion, the residuum of the ape in humanity;
for senseless and indecorous fashions, the
caprices of the demi-monde; for superstition
and hysteria, the attributes of the mob; for
*See, for example, the report submitted and
adopted at this session ; SCIENCE, March 3, 1899, p.
321; also, Phil. Med. Journal, Feb. 25th, and Jour.
Comp. Neurology, ix., No. 1.
APRIL 21, 1899. ]
slang, the language of the street hoodlum
and of his deliberate imitator, the college
‘sport’; and, finally, in science, for the
larger part of the current nomenclature of
the brain. As scholarly anatomists it is at
once our prerogative and our duty to scru-
tinize and reflect, and to deal with the
language of our science in the same spirit
and with the same discrimination that we
maintain in regard to the parts of the body
and the generalizations concerning them.
It may be that a crisis has been reached ;
that this is the turning-point. If defeat
awaits us, let there be no doubt as to my
attitude. Let me be regarded as the chief
offender, and let the group of terms advo-
cated by me be derided as ‘ Wilder’s Scien-
tific Volapuk.’ But if, rather, despite errors
and reverses, we are in the end to overcome
inertia and prejudice, then I trust that the
labors and sacrifices of so many English-
speaking anatomists for the simplification
of anatomic nomenclature may be recog-
nized in the designation: ‘The Anglo-
American System.’
Indeed, whatever be the fate of any par-
ticular set of terms, of this I am assured :
that system will ultimately prevail which
is approved and used by anatomists of the
English-speaking race—the composite, all-
absorbing, expanding, dominating race of
the future.
In no spirit of national self-glorification,
much less with any personal animosity, but
rather as a friendly injunction to prepare
for the inevitable, I shall not object if por-
tions of this address (for all of which, be it
understood, I alone am responsible) are in-
terpreted as a declaration of intellectual
independence ; as a claim for the recogni-
tion of what is done in England and Amer-
ica upon the basis of its intrinsic value ;
and as a protest against an indifference
which in some instances has seemed to lack
even that semblance of consideration which
at least was commonly maintained during
the manifestation, a generation ago, of what
an American scholar characterized as a
‘certain condescension observable among
Let me conclude with a passage in more
cheerful vein:
‘“‘ When the first little wave of the rising
tide comes creeping up the shore the sun
derides her, and the dry sand drinks her,
and her frightened sisters pull her back-
ward, and yet again she escapes; and
still her expostulating sisters cling to her
skirts, and the rabble of waves behind
cry out against her boldness, and all the
depths of the ocean seem rising to drag her
down. And now the second rank of waves,
who would have died of shame at being the
first, have unwillingly passed the earlier
mark of the little wave that led them ; and
now you may float in your ship, for lo! the
tide is full. So it is with all systems of re-
form; though the pioneers be derided, the
great needs of humanity behind push on to
triumphant acquisition of the new order of
TEMBER, 1898.
Wirs the month of September the record
of the breeding habits of the summer fauna
practically closes. Very few of the species
continue to breed into October. The auf-
trieb, though less rich in species, is at the
beginning of the month similar to that of
late August, but after the first week the
number of forms steadily decreases. It
consists for the most part of crustacean
larvee, the bulk of the material being brachy-
uran and eupagurid.
The temperature of the water was con-
stant at 72° F. for the first week. It then
fell steadily until the 25th, when it reached
65° F., and remained at this point until the
close of the month.
from 1.0208 to 1.0225.
Vertebrata. The fishes present no fea-
tures of special interest, as the summer
forms are still present, and no species is
breeding. The surface skimmings show a
few fry at intervals. On the 20th one or
two larval flatfish, in which the eyes had
just begun to migrate, were taken. About
the 25th three smooth dogfish, Galeus canis,
which had been confined in the ‘ Pool,’ were
killed, and twenty-seven embryos, 10 to
11 cm. long, were found in the oviducets.
Crustacea. None of the adult brachyura
examined were breeding. Zoéz were con-
spicuous in the auftrieb during the early
part of the month, and later various mega-
lops were abundant.
The zoéa of Callinectes hastatus was the
most abundant form, lasting about two
weeks. The megalops of this species was
plentiful at all times, particularly on the
18th. Specimens in the laboratory changed
to the beautifully-spotted ‘first adult’ on
September 27th, 29th, and October 3d. An-
other zoéa (which I have not identified) was
very abundant in the latter part of August
and the first week of September, disappearing
about the 11th. It resembles the zoéa of
Callinectes, but has a longer rostrum and
dorsal spine, and the exopodite of the
antenna is a straight blade as long as the
Among the Anomura, the larvee of Hippa
had disappeared on September 4th. Eupa-
gurid zoéze swarmed in August and the
first week in September, and were present
in decreasing numbers throughout the
month. The ‘glaucothoé-stage’ was abun-
dant at all times. Data relating to the
breeding of Eupagurus bernhardus and E.
pollicaris are scanty, but the few females of
the latter species which were examined
were without eggs. LH. annulipes was brought
in on the 4th, when a few were bearing eggs
in early stages of development. Females of
The density varied
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 225.
E. longicarpus with eggs were taken as late
as the 13th.
Among the Macroura, specimens of Vir-
bius zostericola had eggs in the later stages
on the llth. Larve and young adults,
ranging in length from 5 mm. to 10 or
15 mm., were present in the skim-
mings. Those of small size persisted
throughout the month. Palemonetes vul-
garis was not breeding, but the larve
(mostly the ‘fifth’ and ‘sixth’ stages of
Faxon) were occasionally taken, and to-
ward the end of the month several of the
‘first adult stage ’ were found. A specimen
of Crangon vulgaris with eggs was obtained
on the 19th. Heteromysis, dredged at Vine-
yard Haven on the 12th, and off Nobska
Point about a week later, had well-ad-
vanced eggs in the brood-pouch.
No adult Isopoda were examined, but
immature IJdotea robusta and I. irrorata,
ranging in length from 2 mm. upward,
frequently appeared in the skimmings.
Among the Amphipoda, a minute form,
apparently a species of Montagua, was very
common among the hydroids. On Septem-
ber 21st nearly all were carrying eggs in
various stages of development. Many Ca-
prelle obtained at the same time bore em-
bryos approaching maturity.
Squilla larvee (5 mm. long) appeared at
intervals throughout the month. Copepods
were abundant at all times. Diastylis was
taken in the evening and is apparently at-
tracted by any artificial light. On the 12th
a number of ‘Goose Barnacles’ had eggs
in all the later embryonic stages, and some
began to liberate nauplii about this date.
Mollusea. Sceycotypus continued to de-
posit its ‘ege-strings’ during the first two
weeks of the month. The breeding period of
Crepidula fornicata hadclosed, but onthe19th
I found a few specimens of Crepidula plana
with eggs in early cleavage stages. The
breeding period of Littorina littorea in Ameri-
can waters is not known. On the 20th great
APRIL 21, 1899. ]
numbers of young, about one millimeter in
diameter, were found on the rocks at Nobska
Point. During the latter part of August
and the early part of September, Veligers,
all apparently of one species, were conspicu-
ous in the surface skimmings ; these disap-
peared at about the time that the young
Tittorina were found.
Vermes. Mr. R. H. Johnson found Bugula
turrita liberating embryos, even after the
middle of the month.
Small specimens of Nereis limbata and cer-
tain allied forms occurred sparingly in the
auftrieb. _ On the evening of the 30th
Autolytus was still fairly abundant, and
many of the females were carrying eggs in
early stages of development. Rhyncobolus
and Diopatra were not breeding.
Celenterata. With the exception of one
or two minute forms, no Medusze were
found. Gonionemus was abundant in the
Eel Pond, and specimens brought into the
laboratory about the middle of the month
extruded eggs. The greater part of these
eggs did not reach the blastula, and none de-
veloped beyond this stage. Ctenophores
Mnemiopsis, very conspicuous in late August,
appeared inincreasing numbers during Sep-
tember. Obelia, with a few ripe gonangia,
was obtained on the.21st. Pennaria tiarella
formed the bulk of the abundant hydroid-
growths on the Fish Commission wharves,
although a Erudendiuwm, probably E. ramo-
sum, was plentiful. Here and there small
patches of Plumularia tenella were found.
East Chop and Edgartown were visited on
the 12th. At the former place there were
few colonies of Pennaria, but a great abun-
‘ dance of Eudendrium and Plumularia. At
Edgartown I did not find either Pennaria or
Eudendrium, but Plumularia occurred in
dense masses, which literally covered the
submerged woodwork of the wharves.
At Woods Hole the colonies of Plumularia
were small and sterile, while at the other
localities they were large and provided with
gonangia in the various stages of develop-
The Hudendrium and Pennaria bore me-
dusa-buds in all stages, and the latter
species remained in fruit as late as the 21st,
and perhaps later.
M. T. THompson.
One of the most difficult problems in
practical economics, in the whole range of
modern industrial systems, is that of se-
curing a just and satisfactory method of
insuring fair exchange of labor for capital
or wages where large bodies of workmen
are to be employed. Cooperation and in-
numerable plans of‘ piece-work ’ and ‘profit-
sharing’ have been proposed, and none
have, in practice, been found either in the
abstract entirely equitable or wholly satis-
factory to the employer as securing sufficient
output from his always burdensome invest-
ments, profit on his sales, or a contented and
fair-minded relation between himself and
his employés; nor has any system been
found which fully satisfies the workman in
either extent of total compensation, oppor-
tunity to secure compensation proportioned
to his exertions and ability, or in abstract
equity in distribution of profits.
One of the most promising of the later
plans for a fair and honest and satisfactory
distribution of profits and a very effective
stimulus of the right spirit in both em-
ployer and employé was described, as a first
experiment, to the American Society of
Mechanical Engiueers, some years ago, by
Mr. F. A. Halsey, then or earlier manager
of the Canadian Rand Drill Co., at Sher-
brooke, Quebec, Canada. Mr. Halsey called
his plan ‘The Premium Plan of Paying for
Labor,’ and the title is indicative of its na-
The author of this system now reports
the outcome of a considerable number of
* Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Eng’rs ; Vol. XII.
experiments in its employment, some by
important and famous manufacturers of
various mechanical devices, from the steam-
engine to the machine-tool. The following
abstract is based upon his account of these
later experiences, as given in the American
Machinist, with extended tables of data and
The plan has been in use eight years, and
has come into use, ina number of establish-
ments, sufficiently to give ample experience
in is workings. Curiously enough, how-
ever, although devised for the benefit of
the workmen, mainly and primarily, and
invariably promising them gain, it has as in-
variably been received with suspicion and
reluctance by them, and in at least one
case has been opposed by the trade-unions
of the place. In all but a single case, how-
ever, it has proved entirely successful in the
accomplishment of its purpose—the promo-
tion of the wage-earning power of the men
and of the dividend-paying power of the es-
tablishment ; sharing profits while stimula-
ting ambition and increasing output. It
gives the workman increased day’s wages ; it
gives the employer increased output from
his works, at reduced cost and increasing
profits, shared with those who make them
possible. The workman gains directly, day
by day; the employer not only gains, di-
rectly, by increased output from the same
number of men, but also indirectly and in
an exceedingly important degree, often,
through the increased earning power of his
capital, invested in plantand in funds.
Piece-work has not been wholly success-
ful, and in too many cases the selfishness
and greed of the employer, seeking to mo-
nopolize all the profit, compels the work-
man to accept a rate which makes his day’s
work no more profitable to him when work-
ing under high-pressure than when doing
an ordinary day’s work at fixed wages at
such a rate that he can sustain that amount
* March 9, 1899.
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 225.
of production indefinitely. Where properly
adopted and adjusted, it is a vast improve-
ment upon the older plan. Mr. Halsey’s
plan puts a premium upon increasing pro-
duction, in such manner that both employer
and employé are inevitably alike advan-
taged, and skill and industry and steady
work secure proportional reward. It in-
volves something of the principle of the
common bargain by which a salesman is
given a fixed and moderate salary plus a
stated percentage on sales. Under this new
plan the employer offers a workman a
premium, perhaps ten cents, for each hour
by which the production of a certain piece
is reduced below that of the observed nor-
mal average or below an assumed period of
time ; the day’s wage being that of the time
and place, as fixed by ordinary circum-
stances in the market, and without control,
usually, by either party to the bargain.
Suppose that pay to be three dollars a
day and an hour to be saved in a piece
ordinarily requiring just a day’s work for
its production. The proprietor gains the
hour and his thirty cents otherwise paid as
wages for the hour; he loses ten cents
premium ; he gains in rate of output of the
establishment, and so makes it possible to
secure larger returns through more effec-
tive use of all other capital than the ‘ wages
fund’ The workman gains his ten cents
and the privilege of adding an extra hour’s
work on a new ‘job.’ Thus both parties
gain. Had the premium been fifteen cents
the money-gain would have netted both
equal amounts, fifteen cents, per day. Thus,
as in Table I., we sometimes actually find
enormous gains possible through the in-
genuity of the workman in finding ways of
reducing time of production, as by increased
personal activity, or by securing deeper
cuts and higher speed of cutting, or less
time in putting the piece in place or in
replacing it by its successor, etc. The
writer has known of a case in which the
APRIL 21, 1899.]
cost of an important machine was reduced
by such expedients from $250 to about $75,
1 2 3 4 5
d| 8 é|#ut \agst
Sse pee sere scl ak sis S
8 se gure ae? SoS a
S| AA ooh al
Hours. liaise
10 $3.00 $0. $3.00 $0.30
9 2.70 -10 2.80 dll
8 2.40 -20 2.60 .320
uf 2.10 30 2.40 || 343,
6 1.80 -40 2.20 366
5 1.50 50 2.00 -40
Table II. is taken from the books of one
of this establishments actually employing
this ‘premium plan,’ and shows a gain of
more than one half, in this particular in-
stance, in time of production—in produc-
tivity, in fact—in the works, of just
double wages for the workman, per piece
produced, and a net increase in day’s wages
of eighteen per cent.; while the gain to the
company was very much greater through
its operation upon the interest and mainte-
nance accounts.
In another actual case where the parts
reported upon all belonged to a single con-
tract, and comprised the whole contract,
the gains of the workmen were 29 per cent.
on the day’s wages, 25 per cent. on the
piece, and the time of production of each
piece averaged a reduction of 63 per cent.
These figures are astonishing; but they
mark the enormous difference between the
productivity of a man working under the
old conditions of the day’s-work plan, with-
out incentive to either good work or to
doing his best in continuous labor, and the
premium-system, which is likely to give
ambition, energy and productiveness to the
most stolid. In this table Cases 41 to 44 are
records made where both parties doubted
the possibility of any gain at all One case
was made by an apprentice boy and the
standard was based on the work of an ex-
perienced workman. Another case gives
illustrations of successive gains with prac-
tice on successive pieces. All illustrate
large and equitably-shared gains over the
old system of day’s wages.
Everything depends, however, upon an
equitable basis of inauguration. It is bet-
Newtime 44
New wages per piece 50
New wages per day _ 118
Old time 100
Old wages per piece
100 Old wages perday. 100
New time 76
New wages per piece 88
New wages perday _ 118
Old time 100
_ production of over 900 pieces by each method.
Old wages per piece 100 100
Note that while this table deals with small parts it also deals with large lots.
The ratios at the bottom compare the
pie Mais PREMIUM PLAN | ola | New | ola | New
f TORK i ai _| wages | Wages wages|wages
NATURE OF WORK. Operation wae per| Nowotl mime ney No. of |cost per|cost per per per
pes. in i pes. in| piece | piece ay ay
piece lot piece lot
Hours Hours
41. Long T-shaped piece cast-iron. -|Chuck, Drill & Ream 125 300 089 300 | $ .0275 | $ .0258 $2.82
42. Parker size cast-iron 6 remarraima 178 200 112 200 -0492 -0317 2.84
A) ic ane 8 | i fi ch 275 | 100 175 100 | 0605} .0533| 2.20| 3.06
44, Md corre CSth damibee x S KolaiecHamtoe 366 100 -183 100 0805 -0624 | 2.20) 3.41
45. Cast-iron wedge. Plane 3.5 2 8.25 4 805 “792 2.30 2.44
46. Box-shaped castii Oblique planing b 1 21. 1 14.00 6.25 2.50 2.98
47. Cast-iron wedge |Plane 8.75 2 2.62 4 825 727 2.20 | 2.76
48. Small pulleys, ca: Chuck Drill& Ream 18 100 : 3 100 045 0417 2.50 3.20
49. Spindle steel.. Grind 3 sizes 6_ 50 -36 50 144 09 2.40 2.50
50. Small head sto .|Mill 8 operations 45 50 +32 50 1237 -0925 | 2.75] 2.90
ALG AIK) acdpedeqoapeocodonen) — |b" 1 ceadaaadéage §5:424" | oc eee 28.239 |||\'slonise $16.1604| $8.1664 $24.45 |$28.91
Totalseomittin SAG he cle<oteee| Wate selcieelsiels sels KO dl Bapada ROS OMI linsseistels $2.1604 | $1.9164 |$21.95 |$25.93
ter for the employer to be liberal in esti-
mating the time-rate rather than with the
premium-rate. Excessive premium-rates
are apt to result in too large expectations
to be fully met in the longrun. From one-
half to one-third the saving are usual
premium-rates, and probably one-third to
the workman and two-thirds to the firm
best brings out a permanent and satisfac-
tory adjustment which, if found inequitable,
can generally be easily readjusted to a cor-
rect figure. In one machine-tool works
the premium-rate is thirty-six per cent. and
is found satisfactory to both sides. The
higher premium-rates, however, should be
paid for manual labor, as in blacksmithing,
and the lower to power-tool work, as at the
lathe or the planer or the milling machine.
Undoubtedly every establishment, and
every department of labor, from floor-
sweeping to book-keeping, has its own
peculiar best rate. In all cases the result
may be expected to be a largely increased
output of the works, a greatly increased
earning power on the part of the men, and
decreased costs of production with increased
dividend-paying power for the holders of
the capital. ‘Wisely administered, the
plan will do more to settle the wages- ques-
tion than anything else that has been sug-
gested,’ and the wages-question is to-day
the burning question in the economics of
R. H Tuourston.
Analytic Functions. Introduction to the Theory
of Analytic Functions. By J. HARKNESS
and F, Mortrey. London, Macmillan & Co.
1898 8vo. Pp. xvi+ 336.
The appearance of the present work is a very
pleasant sign to friends of the modern school of
mathematics in England and America. It in-
dicates that the movement which set in some
years past with us in this direction has been
steadily growing; that the theory of functions
is no longer the property of a few bold and rest-
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 225.
less minds, but has already descended to the
masses. The present work may very happily
serve as a text or reference book to a first
course on the theory of functions in the senior
class of any of our better universities. The
theory of functions of a complex variable may
be viewed from two standpoints. One was
taken by Cauchy and Riemann ; the other by
Weierstrass. The methods of Cauchy and Rie-
man are more natural and intuitive; those of
Weierstrass more abstract and lend themselves
more easily to a rigorous treatment of the sub-
ject. The authors have chosen the methods of
Roughly speaking, the subjects treated in the
first 100 pages fall under two heads:
1. The geometric representation of complex
numbers, the conformal representation afforded
and the first properties of rational functions.
2. Topics which lie at the foundation of the
The treatment of the first group of subjects
is admirable. In regard to the second is
seems*to us that the authors have attempted
the impossible. The theory of function in com-
mon with the calculus rests on certain notions,
such as that of number, limit, continuity, ex-
tremes of functions, etc. These subjects are
very imperfectly treated in English works on
the calculus, and our authors have thus found it
advisable to give some account of them in the
present volume. The amount of space at their
disposal was very limited, and they have, there-
fore, been obliged to be excessively concise.
This has been carried to such an extent in the
chapter on number, Chapter I., that the sub-
ject, so it seems to us, will be utterly incom-
prehensible to the student.
We cannot understand why, if it is worth
while to say anything about irrational numbers,
the arithmetical operations upon them are passed
over in absolute silence. Until the terms sum,
product, etc., are defined they have no meaning.
Chapter VI., which treats of limits and con-
tinuity, suffers severely on account of the
brevity of Chapter I. Jn this chapter it is im-
portant to establish the existence of certain
APRIL 21, 1899. ]
numbers. The arguments cannot have much
meaning to the student until the material of
Chapter I. has been grasped, and this seems out
of the question.
Before leaving this section we call attention
to acurious break. On page 48 complex func-
tions of a real variable are differentiated and in-
tegrated. This certainly is illogical until such
operations have been defined. We are tempted
to believe that the beauties of this chapter will
fall very flat with the average student. If the
geometrical theory of the logarithm is to appeal
to him, what is stated here so rapidly should
be given with leisure and detail.
The next 60 pages, Chapters VIII.—XIL.,
deal with infinite series, and so lead us to
Weierstrass’s conception of analytic functions.
This, as is known, depends on infinite series
ascending according to integral powers of
(c—a). The treatment here is very superior—
the authors show a masterly grasp of the sub-
ject. A short chapter on the analytic theory of
the exponential and logarithmic function now
Chapters XIV. and XV., pp. 178-209, turn
again to the general theory. Singular points
are discussed, and Weierstrass’s decomposition
of a function into prime factors is deduced.
Application is made to show that
sin tx = rall(1—a2/n?). m= 1); 2, «--, 2.
The consideration of the zeros gives at once
sin ta = we TI (1 — 2?/n?).
The determination of the integral transcen-
dental function Gis singularly difficult. It seems
a pity that the method invented for Cauchy for
the same purpose and which may easily be
made rigorous is to-day quite neglected. By
this method G is readily found.
With Chapter XVI., which treats of integra-
tion, we arrive at the starting point of the
Cauchy-Rieman theory. It seems to us that our
authors have not maintained the high ideals
here as well as elsewhere. In a passage, pp.
11, 12, we read: ‘‘But in using geometric
intuitions * * * we must emphasize one
lesson of experience ; that the intuitional
method is not in itself sufficient for the super-
structure. It has been found that only by the
notion of number * * * can fundamental prob-
lems be solved. If, however, we are prepared
to replace when occasion arises these geometric
intuitions * * * then and only then is the use
of geometry thoroughly available.’’ It is true
that the authors here speak of points, distances
and angle only, but these remarks apply with
equal cogency, as they will be the first to admit,
to all geometric intuitions when used in analy-
sis. We are, therefore, surprised to find the ob-
scure notion of curve, of its length, of a closed
curve, of a region, etc., freely used without
any attempt to put them on a number basis.
Such statements as that on p. 189, viz: that a
circuit divides the entire plane into two regions
will certainly embarrass the authors to prove in
its generality. Again, on p. 213, we see the
authors implicitly define the length of a curve C
to be faz. This definition differs from the
one given our text-books, viz.: faevI + fi(ax)2.
As our authors propose to use a broader defini-
tion than usual, it seems only fair that they state
this to the reader. Still a more serious objec-
tion is to be urged to their procedure. It re-
sults in stating Cauchy’s fundamental theorem
and other important theorems of this chapter
without any restriction regarding the path of
integration. This seems to us like talking of
infinite series without bothering ourselves about
Chapter XVII. brings a brief discussion of
Laurent’s and Fourier’s series. Then follow
two excellent chapters on the elliptic functions.
These are followed by two chapters or about 30
pages devoted to Algebraic functions and Rie-
mann surfaces.
It appears to us that the fictitious number
and point o has been treated too hurriedly.
These notions are very important and also
difficult for the student to master. Our authors
have followed the usual custom of disposing of
them with a few words here and there. We
believe the custom of introducing the number
o is bad. The theory of functions of a com-
plex variable is a theory of two very special
real functions of two real variables. In the
theory of functions of real variables the num-
ber o does not exist. It seems to us that its
introduction can only produce confusion and
It is not a number o we are ever concerned
with. When we say w (a) wereally mean
lim |w(z)| =0,2=a. Again when we ask how
does w(z) behave for =m we really mean
how does w (1/¢) behaye in the vicinity of
¢=owheres=1/z. Thereby ¢ is never re-
quired to assume the value of 0. On using
the sphere instead of the plane we get the
punktierte Kugel. The missing point we can
supply or not at our option. In any case
no number shall correspond to it. We firmly
believe that the easy intuitional way of treat.
ing © in the function theory of a complex
variable must be modified as here indicated.
The last chapter is devoted to a brief apergu
of the function theory from the standpoint of
Cauchy and Riemann. We cannot appreciate
the difficulties mentioned in 3164 as underlying
the definition of a function from the Cauchy-
Riemann standpoint. They seem to us to be
due to the belief on the part of the authors
that we must take the whole z-plane into our
definition from this point of view. Such is not
the case. Asa domain D for the variable z we
take any point multiplicity consisting only of
interior points. If it be possible to pass from
any point of D to any other of it along a con-
tinuous curve x= ¢(t), y= (t) we say D isa
simple domain, Otherwise D is composed of
simple domains D=D,+ D,+... To get a
synectic function w(z) for D we take two single
valued functions u(x,y), v(v,y) defined over D
and such that for every point in D they have a
total differential and satisfy the equation.
ou ov ow. ov
Chany ee) oy Ox
In any one of these simple regions as R,,
w (z) can be developed into an integral positive
power series. The analytic function f (z) ob-
tained from one of these elements is identical
with w (z). There certainly is no reason to sup-
pose that f (z) when continued into another re-
gion Rg should be identical with w (z) in this
region. This seems to answer all the objections
in I and II of this article. Indeed, the advan-
tage seems to be decidedly on the side of Cauchy,
for exactly one of the points urged against
Cauchy’s theory is now without force, while it
is, indeed, an important matter from Weierstrass’
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 225.
standpoint. This, in the author’s words, is:
‘That Cauchy’s definition implies in various
ways a considerable preliminary grasp of the
logical possibilities attached to the study of sin-
gular points.’? From our standpoint we fix in
advance the domain D; it has no more singular:
points than we choose to assign. Notso with
the analytic function. Here an element is given,
one singular point must lie on its circle of con-
vergence. Where the others are is a subject of
further study.
We cannot see the difficulty mentioned under
III. It is, ineeed, an interesting matter to know
‘the irreducible minimum of conditions to im-
pose on w (z),’ but it seems to us nowise neces-
sary. It suffices that we know the necessary
and sufficient conditions in order that w (2)
can be developed according to Taylor’s Theo-
rem. This we know and we have taken them
into our definition of w (z). It may be inter-
esting to remark, however, that these conditions
are already known, as will appear in a remark-
able paper of E. Goursat shortly to be published.
We close, congratulating the authors for writ-
ing a work which we believe will prove an ex-
cellent aid to acquire some of the essentials of
the theory of function. We should have pre-
ferred to see the two theories of Cauchy and
Weierstrass blended together into an organic and
indivisible whole. Although these two theories
grew up quite distinct, they have already
been welded into one greater and more power-
ful theory. It is only the purist who still tena-
ciously clings to the methods of Weierstrass. It
seems, therefore, very desirable to us that an
introductory work should be written more in
accordance with this fact.
A Handbook of Metallurgy. By DR. CARL
ScHNABEL. Translated by HENRY LOUIS.
New York, The Macmillan Company. Two
volumes, medium S8yvo. Total pages, 1608.
Illustrated. Volume 1, copper, lead, silver,
gold. Volume 2, zinc, cadmium, mercury,
bismuth, tin, antimony, arsenic, nickel, co-
balt, platinum, aluminum. Price, $10.00.
The author states in the preface that, while
many exhaustive works have appeared on the
APRIL 21, 1899. ]
metallurgy of individual metals, the few books
on general metallurgy were arranged as text-
books and made no pretence of thoroughness of
detail or treatment. With these facts in mind
the present work was compiled, with the stated
object of giving a complete account of the
metallurgical treatment of every one of the
metals ordinarily employed, together with the
recent improvements in the art, stating the un-
derlying scientific principles and illustrating by
actual practice.
This object is highly commendable, but the
statement is rather misleading, as iron and
steel have been entirely omitted and no men-
tion made of the omission or of a subsequent
volume upon this all-important branch of
metallurgy. This fact should have been stated
plainly by the author in the preface and by the
publisher in the advertisements.
Dr. Perey’s historic work was selected as the
basis, and on this are grouped many facts from
the works of modern writers, notably Hofman,
on lead; Peters, on copper; Egleston, on gold
and silver, and Borchers on electro-metallurgy.
The work is quite exhaustive in character, as
the grand total of 1608 pages indicates, but,
unfortunately, the exhaustion is not limited to
’ the subject-matter of the book and ofttimes ex-
tends to the reader, as much of the material
is vague and unnecssarily verbose. The work
lacks that clearness of description, lucidity of
arrangement and concisement of statement so
needful in the treatment of a large subject and
so appreciated by American readers with whom
time is an object.
It is to be regretted that much ancient ma-
terial is perpetuated in excruciating detail,
particularly as it is so interwoven with modern
practice that the general reader is left in doubt
what is in use at the present time. To illus-
trate this, under the chapter on silver, barrel
amalgamation is quoted as now in use at the
Pelican Mill, Georgetown, Colo., while, as a
matter of fact, it was there abandoned twenty
yearsago. Another instance, under the chapter
on zine, the furnace used in the old English
process—that rare bird of antiquity—shows
forth resplendent in full detailed illustration.
As to this furnace, Dr. Percy, in 1869, failed to
find even the ruins of its foundation.
The large amount of material collected in
these two volumes contains much of value to
the specialist, but it is too encyclopedic in char-
acter to be of any marked assistance to the
general reader. Its main value is for reference
in a scientific or technical library.
A few minor errors, such as the location of
Boston in Vermont (Vol. 1, p. 115) and Orford
in New Jersey (Vol. 2, p. 104), may be over-
looked in a work of this large size.
The criticism of this work may be considered
harsh, but the eminent position occupied by
Dr. Schnabel leads one to expect the highest
standard of work and to be disappointed if it is
not attained.
Organic Chemistry. Edited by R. ANscHtrTz. Au-
thorized translation by EDGAR F.SmirH. Vol. L.,
Chemistry of the Aliphatic Series. Philadelphia.
P. Blakiston’s Son & Co. 1899. Pp. xviii+ 625.
Commercial Organic Analysis.
Philadelphia, P. Blakiston’s Son & Co.
II., PartI. Pp. x+337. $3.50.
The Spirit of Organic Chemistry. ARTHUR LACHMAN.
1899. Vol.
With an introduction by PauL C. FREER. New
York, The Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp-
xviii 299. $1.50.
The Arithmetic of Chemistry. JOHN WADDELL. New
York and London, The Macmillan Company. 1899.
Pp. viii 133. 90 cents.
J. Hann, Ep. BRUCKNER and
III., Abteilung Pflanzen-und
Algemeine Erdkunde.
Tierverbreitung. ALFRED KIRCHHOFF. Prague.
Wien und Leipzig, F. Tempsky. 1899. Pp.
xi-+ 327.
The Botanical Gazette for March contains the
following papers: D. H. Campbell: ‘ Notes
on the structure of the embryo-sac in Sparga-
nium and Lysichiton,’ pp. 153-166, with one plate.
This is a continuation of the author’s studies of
the primitive monocotyledons. The discovery
of special interest is the extraordinary develop-
ment of the antipodal cells in Sparganium, an-
other evidence of the variable nature of. the
antipodal region. H. C. Cowles: ‘The ecolog-
ical relations of the vegetation on the sand
dunes of Lake Michigan,’ pp. 167-202, with
eight photographs. This very complete ecolog-
ical study of the dune floras is continued from
the February number. <A special feature of this
part is the discussion of embryonic dunes. The
active or wandering dunes are also taken up
and will be completed in a subsequent number.
The following briefer articles appear: Ralph
EK. Smith: ‘A new Colletotrichum disease of
the Pansy;’ E. J. Hill: ‘A new biennial-
fruited oak,’ with two plates; Elias Nelson :
“The Wyoming species of Antennaria,’ in which
eight new species are described. Numerous
Book Reviews and Notes for Students complete
the number.
THE 289th regular meeting of the Anthropo-
logical Society was held Tuesday, March 28,
1899. Dr. J. Walter Fewkes made a commu-
nication on the ‘Winter Solstice Altars at Hano,’
a Tewan pueblo in Tusayan. He began by
saying that the Territory of Arizona is covered
with mounds or ruins indicative of the habita-
tions of prehistoric pueblo people, but that it is
evident that these villages were never simul-
taneously inhabited. Their distribution shows
that this agricultural, aboriginal population of
Arizona was more evenly distributed over the
Territory in ancient times than at present. The
presence of nomadic enemies—Utes, Apaches,
Navajos and others—had led toa concentration
of the pueblo aborigines of this region into
limited areas, a movement which began in the
15th century and was continued in the two fol-
lowing. Theso-called province of Tusayan was
one of those centers of concentration or refuge,
and the inhabited pueblos of the area now con-
tain some of the descendants of the survivors of
the abandoned villages between the Mojollones
Mountains and the Utah boundary.
Three of these Tusayan pueblo—called Walpi,
Siteomoriand Hano—are situated on one mesa,
not more than a gunshot apart. Dr. Fewkes
showed how Walpi had been founded by clans
driven southward from the Colorado River, and
how their pueblo had grown by successive in-
coming clans from south and east. At the end
of the 17th century the hostile nomads had so
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 225.
closed in on Walpi that they swarmed in their
farms, and utter annihilation stared the Hopi
in the face. The Governor of Walpi sent to
New Mexico for help, and after four appeals a
band of Tewa warriors from a pueblo in the
upper Rio Grande valley went to his aid.
These warriors drove back the Utes, and in re-
turn for this help, the Tewa were given a site
for their home near the main trail to the mesa
upon which Walpi is situated. The village
which they built is now called Hano. For two
centuries the successive generations of inhabit-
ants of Hano have remained Tewan in their
customs in the country of their adoption. Hano
preserves the Tewan language, although, by
marriage with the neighboring Hopi, the con-
sanguinity of the inhabitants is more Hopi than
Tewa. Similarity of language is not always a
sign of blood kinship. There are also many
Tewan customs in marriage, mortuary and other
rites in Hano, but the most characteristic of all
are the religious festivals. The most instruc-
tive of these are the winter-solstice rites.
Of all expressions of religious sentiment ob-
jects like fetishes and ceremonial paraphernalia
are the least variable from generation to genera-
tion. Mythology changes as man advances in _
culture or lives in a new environment, and
accretions in form of myths to adjust worship
to the spirit of the times multiply from gen-
eration to generation. Expression of the re-
ligious feeling through acts or dramas called
ceremonies is more conservative than through
myth and less modified by the evolution of
culture, and new myths are invented to harmo-
nize and explain ceremonies handed down from
ancient times. The objects used in worship—
fetishes, idols, paraphernalia—change even less
than rites or myths, and reflect better than
both the true ancient religious sentiment of
which they are expressions, and are, therefore,
of preeminent importance to the ethnologist in
the study of ethnographic religion.
These ceremonial objects are very numerous
among the Hopi; and their installation in sacred
rooms, at times of great ceremonies, is called
an altar. The two altars at Hano during
winter-solstice rites were described in detail.
The most striking fetishes upon them were clay
images of the Great Snake. There were also
APRIL 21, 1899.]
rain-cloud symbols, gaming implements, water-
worn stones, puma paws and other objects.
The imitation of an ancient ladder which stood
back of the altar was called a sun-ladder, and
was interpreted as a symbolic aid to the sun,
who is supposed to be weary at the winter
solstice. Through sympathetic magic he is
thus supposed to gain strength to mount the
sky from his home at sunrise.
These altars at the winter-solstice ceremony
in Hano made it possible to know something of
the character of the ancient Tewan Sun and
Snake worship, of which little has yet been re-
corded, although this pueblo stock has been, and
still remains, one of the most important in the
upper Rio Grande pueblos. Possibly studies
of secret rites in the estufas of the latter will
bring to light the characteristics of their winter-
solstice altars, but it is also possible that these
altars have been abandoned, in which case the
survivals at Hano, described by Dr. Fewkes,
have value in a comparative way, as indicating
the nature of Tewan altars in mid-winter.
Mrs. Olive Ennis Hite presented a paper on
‘New Mexican Folk-Lore,’ in which she de-
scribed the environment of these people and
showed the influence it had upon their super-
stitions. Their belief in the ‘Hombrecito,’ or
little brown people, was widespread, and it was
considered lucky to see one of these creatures,
who were visible to the ‘ pastores,’ or shepherds,
only. Of ‘las brujas,’ the witches, there is less
said, and that little with many ‘carambas’ and
audible supplications for the intervention of ‘la
Santissima Maria.’
Discussed by Drs. McCormick, Fewkes and
Kober, Professor McGee, Dr. Wilson, Mr. Pierce
and Miss Alice C. Fletcher.
J. H. McCormick,
Students’ Geological Club, March 14, 1899,
Mr. A W. Grabau reviewed the paper which
Professor Shaler has recently published on the
Geology of Cape Cod (18th Annual Rep., U.S.
Geol. Surv.). The speaker did not agree
with the view advocated by Professor Shaler,
that the topography of lower Cape Cod, from
Orleans to Highland Light, is mainly erosional
and scarcely modified by ice action. But he
held that the orientation of the valleys, the
character of the slopes, and the presence of
typical kettles all over the cape, indicate that
most of the material of Cape Cod is of glacial
Geological Conference, March 21, 1899. Mr,
F. M. Buckland gave a paper on ‘ Winter
Changes about Fresh Pond.’ After briefly re-
viewing the literature on the expansion and
contraction of ice on water bodies, he described
some of the effects of these agencies on the
shore of Fresh Pond during the past winter.
Mr. J. B. Woodworth presented some results
of field observations on ‘Moen’s Cliff and the
Maars of the Eifel.’ The Cretaceous and Pleis-
tocene beds of the island of Rigen, off the coast
of Germany, and Moen, off the coast of Den-
mark, show a disturbance which is comparable
in degree and character to that in the Creta-
ceous and Pleistocene of Martha’s Vineyard.
H. Credner attributes this deformation to the
shoving action of an ice sheet which was im-
mediately previous to the last. A few other
geologists favor purely orogenic agencies. In
neither case has conclusive physical evidence
been found. The lantern views, which are
recent accessions to the Gardiner Collection,
illustrated this deformation and related fea-
tures, and the Weinfelder and Gemundener
Maars near Daun.
Recording Secretary.
Proressor L. M. UNDERWOOD presented a
paper on ‘Species confused under the name
Aspidium juglandifolium,’ discussing the charac-
ters and geographical district of the forms re-
garded by him as distinct species, eight in all,
constituting the whole number attributed to the
genus Phanerophlebia. He remarked in con-
cluding that it would be unsafe to describe new
species without consulting the valuable collec-
tions of ferns in Europe, and especially at Kew.
The paper will appear in the Bulletin.
Miss Alice Lounsberry then exhibited the
very valuable collections of flower paintings by
Mrs. Ellis Rowan, which constitute the origi-
nals of the colored plates in Miss Lounsberry’s
forthcoming work, ‘How to Know the Wild
Flowers.’ Selections which showed the char-
acter of the book were read, including the In-
troduction, written by Dr. Britton, and the
Preface, which pointed out the fact that the dis-
tribution of plants according to soils was made
the keynote of the work.
Dr. Britton said that the book was interesting
to him on two accounts, from the ecological
basis of classification and the remarkable repro-
ductions in color,
In the absence of Mrs. Annie Morrill Smith,
of Brooklyn, Mrs. E. G. Britton read for her
the manuscript of a paper, entitled ‘The Flora
of the Adirondack Mountain Club Area.’
Meeting of March 14, 1899.—The Summer
Courses in Botany given jointly by this Club
and the College of Pharmacy were announced
to begin at 4:30, March 24th, ending June 10th,
the General Course to be given by Dr. H. H.
Rusby, that in Histology by Dr. M. A. Howe.
The paper of the evening, by Mrs. Caroline
A. Creevey, on ‘ Plant Juices and their Commer-
cial Values,’ described the secretions, oils, gums,
resins and other products of plants, with exhibi-
tion of numerous specimens. Among the numer-
ous oils considered none has become so important
commercially as cotton-seed oil, now produced
at about 28 million gallons per year, pressed
from 800,000 tons of cotton seed. Another in-
dustry dependent upon plant juices is that of
tanning, the tannin found in the saw-palmetto
and in Rumex hymenosepalus promising to rey-
olutionize the process of the leather-industry.
The waste sands occupied by these plants in
the South and West bid fair to become valuable.
Dr. Underwood exhibited a series of photo-
graphs of the Fleshy Fungi by Mr. G. A. Ander-
son, of Lambertville, N. J., colored from the
living specimens by his daughter, Miss H. C.
Anderson. They illustrate a new process of
preserving fleshy fungi.
Dr. Britton reported a brief communication
from Mr. A. A. Heller sent from Porto Rico,
February 18th, reporting collections made about
Ponce, Ibonito, Coamo, ete., now reaching 584
numbers after six weeks’ work. On the north
side of the islands many species occur on the
[N. 8S. Vou. IX. No. 225.
shore which are montane species when growing
on the south side.
Dr. Britton also read from a letter of Feb-
ruary 26th, just received from Mr. 8. Henshaw,
from San Juan, describing the sugar plantations,
now in the midst of cutting and boiling. He
finds the flora not so varied as in Trinidad ; the
woods are few; in 100 miles he did not see a
single large tree.
Epwarp S. BuRGEss,
REFERRING to Mr. F. B. Weeks’ letter on
this subject in your issue of March 18th, I ven-
ture to doubt whether Cache Valley group
(1879) or Cache Lake beds (1888) can properly be
considered as conflicting with each other or with
the name Cache Creek formation. If, however,
regarded as an undesirable duplication of simi-
lar names, I wish to point out that the Cache
Creek group or formation undoubtedly holds
priority, a circumstance which would scarcely
appear from Mr. Weeks’ remarks.
The name was first applied (by Dr. Selwyn,
jn 1872) as Upper and Lower Cache Creek
groups, to certain rocks in British Columbia.
The age of the upper series was only conjec-
tured, but the lower was known to occupy a
position somewhere ‘between the base of the
Devonian and the summit of the Permian.’ In
1876 Carboniferous fossils were found in rocks
assigned to the lower group in the northern
part of British Columbia, and in the following
year a re-examination of the original area led
to the discovery of similar fossils in both lower
and upper groups there. In my report for 1877
these groups are, therefore, referred to collec-
tively as the Cache Creek series. In the latest
report dealing with these rocks the same usage
is followed, although upper and lower parts of
the Cache Creek series or formation are sepa-
rately referred to.
It thus appears that the name in question has
been consistently applied by the Geological
Survey of Canada to the same terrane since
1878. Nor is it merely a ‘horizon’ of the Car-
boniferous, but a formation estimated at more
than 9,000 feet in thickness. It includes, in
APRIL 21, 1899. ]
fact, the Carboniferous formation in so far as
this has been recognized in the interior district of
British Columbia, and is the local representative
of that formation.
April 10, 1899.
THE writer, having recently had occasion to
examine the literature pertaining to some of
the fossil mammals of North America, has
made the following notes, which he desires to
record :
Hemiganus, a genus established by Professor
Cope, had for its type species H. vultuosus.
The species H. otariidens was described later.
Dr. J. L. Wortman has, however, shown (Bull.
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., ix., p. 167) that H.
dultuosus is a synonym of Psittacotherium multi-
fragum. The species oturiidens is, therefore,
left without generic name. I hereby propose
WorRTMANIA, in recognition of the valuable
work which has been done by Dr. Wortman in
vertebrate paleontology. The species will be
Wortmania otariidens (Cope).
A similar case occurs among the camels. The
type of the genus Protolabis of Cope is P. het-
erodontus. Dr. Wortman’s investigation (Bull.
Amer. Mus., x., p. 120) have led him to the
conclusion that this so-called species is the same
as the earlier described Procamelus robustus.
The type species being removed, the remaining
species requires a new generic name. I pro-
pose MioLABis. The type will be M. transmon-
tanus (Cope).
It has also been ascertained by Dr. Wortman
that the type of the genus Systemodon, S, tapi-
rinus, is really a Hyracotherium, in which genus
it was formerly placed. The species which
have been associated with tapirinus, viz, semi-
hians, primevus and protapirinus are, therefore,
without generic name. I offer HomMoGALAX
(‘omoyaaat, a foster brother). As type of this
genus I take Dr. Wortman’s Systemodon pri-
mevus (Bull. Amer. Mus., viii., p. 89, fig. 3).
Professor Cope has described from the Pliocene
of Louisiana a fossil horse which he calls Equus
intermedius (Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., xxxiv., p.
463). This name has, however, been preoccu-
pied for a quaternary horse of Europe. Troues-
sart (Cat. Mam., 1898, p. 794) quotes it as a
synonym of EF. caballus. The first mention I
find of the name is in Ritimeyer (Abhandl.
schweiz. pal. Ges., ii., p. 24, 1877). For Pro-
fessor Cope’s FE. intermedius I propose Equus eous.
Interea volucres Pyrois Hous et Aethon,
Solis equi, quartusque Phlegon, hinnitibus auras
Flammiferis implent, pedibusque repagula pulsant.
— Ovid.
Certain generic names of vertebrates have,
without justice, it seems to me, been relegated
to synonomy.
In 1881 Professor Cope established a genus
of Condylarthra which he called Protogonia.
Later he correctly concluded that this name
had been preoccupied, probably by Protogonius,
Hibner. He, therefore, proposed to substitute
for it Euprotogonia, which name first appeared
in a paper by Earle (Amer. Nat., 1893, p. 378,
foot-note). In a recent paper Dr. Matthew
(Bull. Amer. Mus., ix., p. 303) accepts this
name. At the same time he shows that those
remains which had originally been described by
Professor Cope as Mioclenus floverianus belong
to the earlier described Euprotogonia puercensis.
But, for this M. floverianus, Scott had in 1892
(Proc. Acad. Sci., Phila., p. 299) proposed the
genus Tetraclenodon. The latter name, there-
fore, antedates Euprotogonia and must replace it.
In the same excellent paper (p. 268) Dr. Mat-
thew adopts Scott’s genus Protochriacus, founded
in 1892, in preference to Cope’s Loxolophus, pro-
posed in 1885. The reason assigned for this
preference is that Professor Cope’s ‘ distinctions,
so far as made, were based on error.’ I do
not believe that the best usage among natural-
ists at this day favors the rejection of generic
names because of errors, real or supposed, in
the definitions. It seems to me that Loxolophus
must be reinstated.
With exceptions, few but important, Oreodon
has been employed by writers for a well-known
genus of Artiodactyles. Flower and Lydekker
in their joint work on Mammalia use Cotylops,
on the assumption that Oreodon is preoccupied
by Orodus of Agassiz, a genus of fossil fishes?
Without now discussing this conclusion, I will
recall the fact that there is a still older name
which is in all respects available. This is
Leidy’s Merycoidodon, having for its type M.
culbertsoni (Proc. Acad. Sci., Phila., 1848, p.
47). Professor Cope has rejected the name on
the ground that it is a nomen nudum; but a
generic name is hardly nudum when it is sup-
ported by a well-defined species and is, more-
over, clothed with two pages of description.
Merycodus is another of Dr. Leidy’s names
which must be restored to its rightful position.
This was proposed in 1854 and had for its type
species M. necatus. On the supposition prob-
ably that this name is pre-occupied by Owen’s
Merycodon, it has been ignored. But it is in-
correct to assume that any two names ending in
odus and odon, but alike in other respects, clash
with each other. As to their forms they are
different enough to prevent confusion. As to
their derivation, as has been suggested to me
by my friend Dr. Leonhard Stejneger, of the U.
S. National Museum, they are unlike ; odus be-
ing the Latinized form of the Greek 6dovc, while
odon comes from the Ionic 0de», The accept-
ance of this view will relieve us of the necessity
of rejecting, on philological grounds at least,
either word of many such couples as Menodus
and Menodon, Cosmodus and Cosmodon.
O. P. Hay.
Ir has been long known that an isolated ce-
lestial mass of gas rises in temperature as it
radiates heat and contracts. Dr. T. J. J. See
[Astronomical Journal, February 6, 1899; <At-
lantic Monthly, April, 1899] points out that the
temperature of such a mass of gas is inversely
proportional to its radius, provided the mass
does not receive accretions of meteoric matter
and provided the gas conforms to the laws of
Boyle and Charles. When, however, the vol-
ume of the gaseous body is very great large
quantities of interstellar gases and particles
would fall into it and the first condition would
fail; and when the gaseous body contracts to
small volume it would, perhaps, be far from a
perfect gas in its properties, so that the second
condition would fail; to say nothing of the
probable dissociation and polymerization of the
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 225.
gaseous constituents due to the great changes
of temperature which, no doubt, take place.
The suggestion of Dr. See that nebulous
masses are extremely cold is very plausible, in
view of his ‘ new law,’ which ‘may be assumed
to regulate the temperature of every gaseous
star in space,’ but it is certainly contrary to the
indications of the spectroscope; for nebule
surely are approximately in thermodynamic
equilibrium in their smaller parts, if anything
in the universe is; if so, there is no known
agency, electrical or other, which can cause
them to give off persistently abnormal radia-
tions. Radiations (wave-length) are as inti-
mately associated with temperature as are
molecular velocities, although both may be tem-
porarily abnormal in a given substance; for
example, the velocities of the particles of a gas
in a vessel may be made to deviate momentarily
from Maxwell’s law ; a cold substance, such as
calcium sulphide, may shine for a while after
exposure to sunlight, and a gas in a vacuum
tube may remain phosphorescent for a time as
the disturbing influence of an electric discharge
diesaway. But it is hard to think of a certain
cubic foot of nebulous matter, surrounded for
millions upon millions of miles with similar
matter, remote from intense radiant centers,
still giving off abornmal radiations after odd
millions of years. Of course, such may be the
ease, but Dr. See’s law, in all probability, has
nothing so do with nebule at all. There is no
physical reason why a nebulous mass might
not be intensely hot, held together (if, indeed,
we must assume it to be a gravitational unit)
by the gravitation of refractory nuclei and re-
ceiving continually from space as much matter
as it throws off, because of the high molecular
velocity of its gaseous parts.
Dr. See’s derivation of his law of tempera-
ture is incomplete and confused. It is based
upon the assumption, which should be definitely
proven, that the function which expresses the
density in terms of the radius coordinate r re-
mains of the same formas the external radius p
diminishes; and he confuses pressure per unit
surface and pressure between given portions of
matter. Assuming the invariance of the density
function Dr. See’s formula may be derived as
follows. Let p be the radius of the gaseous
APRIL 21, 1899. ]
mass ata given epoch. Consider the state of
affairs when the radius has become 4p. Gravi-
tational forces (per unit mass) will be quad-
rupled and, therefore, the pressure between two
contiguous portions of given mass will be quad-
rupled, but the area separating these portions
will be quartered so that the pressure per unit
area (p) will be 16 times as great. The volume
v of each portion will be } as great, so that pv
will be twice as great. But absolute tempera-
ture is proportional to pv, therefore, the absolute
temperature will have been doubled when
the radius is halved. That is,
‘“This remarkable formula,’’ according to Dr.
See, ‘‘ expresses one of the most fundamental of
all the laws of Nature.’’ In simple truthitisan
interesting and suggestive formula, and it may
throw light upon some of the knotty questions
of celestial physics.
Dr. See, in his Atlantic Monthly article, says
among other things: ‘‘ Itis somewhat remark-
able that, while the law of gravitation causes
bodies to describe conic sections, the law of
temperature for every gaseous body is repre-
sented by a rectangular hyperbola referred to
its asymptotes, and thus by a particular curve
of the same species.’’ Now, it would have
been quite as well, or even better, for Dr. See
to have said frankly tm-ta-ra-ra-bum-te-a, or
words to that effect ; for, seriously, the object of
popular scientific writing is to develop proper and
significant associations, and the bane of popular
science is verbal sense which by association becomes
absolute nonsense.
In the Astronomical Journal for April 8th Dr.
C. M. Woodward calls attention to some of the
manifest inaccuracies of Dr. See’s derivation of
the temperature formula. He points out that
the gaseous globe cannot be assumed to have a
bounding surface of definite radius p; he calls
attention to the fact that the gravitational force
at a point does not determine the pressure, but
the pressure gradient at the point; and he
claims that the hydrostatic pressure at a point
varies inversely with p”, not with p‘, as indicated
in the above derivation of the temperature
formula. In the above derivation, however,
the pressure is said to increase 16 times, not at
the same point in space, but at a point one-half
as far from the center.
The objections raised by Dr. Woodward seem
to be removed as follows: Consider the gaseous
mass at the epoch ¢. Assume that during the
contraction the radius coordinate of every par-
ticle decreases in the same proportion (this is
what is meant in the above discussion by the
invariance of the density function.) Consider
the gaseous mass at a subsequent epoch t’ when
the radius coordinate of every particle has been
reduced to one-half its initial value. The
density at a distance }r from the center at epoch
Vis eight times as great as at distance r from
the center at epoch ¢, and the gravitational
force is four times as great. Therefore, the
weight per unit volume is thirty-two times as
great, and this weight per unit volume is the
pressure gradient. In integrating the pressure
gradients at epoch ¢ and t’, respectively, imagine
the paths of integration to be broken up into
homologous elements. The elements at epoch
t’ are then half as long as at epoch t, and, there-
fore, the integral at epoch ¢’ from infinity to 3r
is sixteen times as great as the integral at epoch
t from infinity tor. Therefore, the pressure at
homologous points is increased sixteen times
when the mass of gas has contracted to half its
initial dimensions, as stated in the above deriva-
tion. W.S. FRANKLIN.
AN attempt is described in the Chemiker
Zeitung, by Johann Walter, to concentrate solu-
tions by means of a centrifugal apparatus. But
while even very light and finely divided pre-
cipitates are rapidly separated by centrifugal
force, an examination of different portions of
a solution, taken while the machine was in
rapid motion, showed that the composition was
constant. The same was found true in the case
of gaseous mixtures, no tendency being found
for the denser constituent to collect in the most
rapidly rotating portion of the vessel. This
affords an interesting experimental confirma-
tion of what might have been theoretically ex-
pected from the laws of gases and of solutions.
THE heat of formation of anhydrous oxid of
calcium has lately been redetermined by Henri
Moissan from’ the action of water on crystal-
lized metallic calcium. The value was found
to be Ca++ O—+ 145 cal. This value is greater
than that for the oxids of potassium (+ 98.2)
and sodium (+ 100.9), from which it appears
that calcium can replace these metals in their
oxids. It is also slightly greater than that of
the oxid of lithium (+ 141.2). Corresponding
to this, metallic lithium was obtained by heating
the oxid with metallic calcium at a red heat.
The heat of formation of magnesium oxid as
found by Thomsen is + 143.4, but the previous
observations of Winkler were confirmed, that
at a low red heat calcium is freed from its oxid
by magnesium. It is suggested, therefore, that
the observation of Thomsen is erroneous, owing
to impurities present in the metal used.
Ir is interesting to find a paper from a Span-
ish chemist in a recent Comptes Rendus. J. R.
Mourelo, of Madrid, describes the preparation
of phosphorescent strontium sulfid from the
carbonate. Finely powdered strontianite and
sulfur were heated in boats in a porcelain tube
while a current of nitrogen was passing. In
no case was a crystalline sulfid obtained. If
the strontium carbonate was pure, especially
free from alkalies, the sulfid was not phospho-
rescent. If the temperature was too high (above
a bright red heat), or if the nitrogen current
was too rapid, the same was the case. The
best results were obtained by using a strontia-
nite which contained 96.12% strontium carbon-
ate, 2.03% calcium carbonate and traces of
water, manganese and iron. Particularly are
the traces of manganese necessary if the stron-
tium sulfid is to be highly phosphorescent.
A srupy of aluminum has been made by P.
Degener as to its use for culinary utensils, and
published in the Hygienische Rundschau. While
aluminum is but slightly acted on by weak
acids when they are pure, in the presence of
sodium chlorid it is rapidly attacked, as, for
example, by sulfur dioxid, acetic acid, and even
by alum. The inference is that some consider-
able danger attends the use of aluminum ves-
sels in the preparation of many kinds of food.
Whether, as a matter of fact, the amount which
would be dissolved would do injury in the sys-
[N.&. Vou. IX. No. 225.
tem remains a mooted question. While many
experiments seem to indicate that aluminum
salts have a somewhat detrimental effect upon
digestion, yet it is well known that the inhi-
bition of large quantities of alum water is
often found very beneficial to health, and many
alum springs enjoy a high reputation.
pve ale
WE have recently received from Professor
Anton Dohrn, the Director of the Zoological
Station at Naples, a complete list of the Amer-
ican biologists who have worked at various
times at the Naples Zoological Station. It is
probable that the future demands upon the
Naples tables will be quite as great as the pres-
ent and the past, and the three tables, or rather
two and one-half tables, which are now sup-
ported by subscriptions from this country,should
be continued. Professor Dohrn has never
raised any technical question of rights, but has
always welcomed every American investigator.
The least we can do in return is to extend to
his institution the strongest support.
The Americans who have worked in the
Zoological Station, the Tables they have occu-
pied and the periods during which they were in
attendance are as follows:
Zoological Station.
Professor Whitman, Boston. ..12 11 81 2 5 82
Miss sOUN G1 Hes sce ciate crore) sis 11 3598 22 4 98
DT EV WKe,} COTMING arcieres steelers 6 492 10 5 92
Mr.) Hino) Ward yiroy nec. sid neOO 8 490
DriDs SHALPOrereleialercusicie ciersionets 19 383 26 5 83
Dr. B. Dean, Columbia...... 27. 4 92 3 6 92
British Association.
Dr. N. Cobb, Spencer, Mass...11 11 88 xf hak itsts)
Miss HE Any NUN We icrrsleretorets ores 22 11 82 1 583
Dr. W. W. Norman, Ind..... 5 10 89 21 3 90
Williams College.
Prof. E. B. Wilson, Baltimore.30 3 83 20 10 83
Prof. S. F. Clarke, Williams-
LOMAN Kaodoeasuosopoanneoo 8 184 1 5 92
APRIL 21, 1899.]
University of Pennsylvania and Zoological Station
Dr. Ch. Dolley, Rochester....15 1 85
Dr. W. Patten, Boston (Zool.
St. Table, 14/4/85 18/6/85..14 4 85
Davis Table.
DNV Le Dise RUSSEL lit siete iclelererste 20 391
Miss I. B. Platt, Boston.... 7 4 91
Prof. E. B. Wilson, Phila..... ial salts.
Dr. I. W. Field, Baltimore .. 5 10 92
Dr. G. H. Parker, Cambridge,
NESE eG obadsnpooodonon bod 10 3 93
Prof. C. W. Hargitt, Syracuse 10 3 93
Prof. J. Gardiner, Boulder....1 10 94
Dr. Ida Hyde, Chicago........ 12 3:96
Smithsonian Institution.
Dr. G. Fairchild, Washington.16 11 93
Dr. W. H. Wheeler, Chicago. .30 12 93
Prof..H. C. Bumpus, Providence25 1 94
Dr. L. Murbach, Berkey, Ohio.25 4 94
Prof. T. H. Morgan, Bryn
Prof. Herb. Osborne, Ames ...15 12 94
Mr. W. T. Swingle, Washing-
WO Sdpochesennobnoadoadan 10 3 96
Dr. MacFarland, California..11 3 96
Prof. F. H. Herrick, Cleveland,
ONO sisogbboshaboanseuces 6 11
Dr. E. Meek, Washington ....19 3
Dr. H. Jennings, Michigan....10 4 97
Dr. H. Neal, Cambridge, Mass.16 4
Mr. B. M. Davis, Chicago....29 10
Prof. H. W. Conn, Brooklyn..11 3
Prof. D. Mottier, Indiana Univ.12 3
Mr.W. T. Swingle, Washington.22 3
Dr. J. R. Gerould, Dartmouth. 3 11
Harvard College.
Mr. E. Rice, Middletown....23
Dr. C. Child, Chicago........ 4
Prof. W. E. Ritter, Berkeley. .14
Prof. J. Reighard, Michigan.. 2
Prof. C. C. Nutting, Iowa..... 1
wD PO D oo
Dr. R. T. Harrison, Baltimore. 1 96
Dr. R. C. Coe, New Haven....17 96
Dr. A. Weysse, Boston....... 9G Se96
Columbia University, One-Half Year (Resp.
Dr. A. Matthews, New York..19 3 96
Dr. J. Graham, New York.... 9 4 97
Dr. E. O. Hovey, New York.. 3 11 97
Woman’s College Table.
_ Prof. Miss M. Willcox, Welles-
Te ys College ciat. ircciejele «\e/sielele 9 4 98
Miss Peebles Florence........ 2.9 98
18 6 8
23 4 85
2 7 91
L 7 92
29 3 93
1 693
1 395
1 5 96
17 393
14 4 94
2 494
23 6 96
15 7 95
We 35 95)
30 5 96
24 3 96
4 12 96
yay ee
25 6 97
25 5 97
3 12 97
24 4 98
18 4 98
28 4 98
ao DW ® wo
28 6 96
14 6 97
4 12 97
20 5 98
19 11 98
The three tables now being supported in this
country are as follows :
Smithsonian Table.—Applications should be
addressed to Professor S. P. Langley, Smith-
sonian Institution, Washington, D. C.
University Table.—The main subscription is
by Wm. E. Dodge, Esq., of New York, in the
name of Columbia University. The American
Society of Naturalists has also subscribed $50
towards this table for the year 1899. Applica-
tions should be addressed to Professor T. H.
Morgan, Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Women’s College Table.—Supported by sub-
scriptions from colleges, associations and pri-
vate individuals.
Applications should be sent to Miss Ida H.
Hyde, 91 Langdon St., Cambridge, Mass.
Students and investigators intending to visit
the Station should apply to Dr. Anton Dohrn
for a printed circular giving them all the neces-
sary information as to preparation and the pro-
cedure to be observed on arrival.
AT a recent meeting of the Board of Trus-
tees of the University of Pennsylvania the
Provost was authorized to extend an invitation
to the American Association for the Advance-
ment of Science to hold its meeting in 1900
at the University.
THE medical department of Johns Hopkins
University has sent a party to Manila to study
the tropical diseases prevalent there in the hot
season. The party includes Dr. Simon Flexner,
recently elected professor of pathology in the
University of Pennsylvania, and Dr. L. F.
Barker, associate professor of anatomy at Johns
Hopkins University.
THE field work of the United States Biolog-
ical Survey during the present season will
be mainly in Texas and California. Vernon
Bailey, chief field naturalist of the Survey, has
begun work on the coast of Texas, and will work
westerly to and across the Staked Plains. Later
he will join Dr. Merriam in California.
Nature states that Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner,
Balfour student of the University of Cambridge,
and Mr. L. Borradaile have gone to the Island
of Minikoi, situated between the Maldive and
Laccadive Islands, to study the formation of
coral reefs, with special reference to to the depth
at which the reef-building coral organisms live,
the food of the coral polyps, the influence of
currents upon coral formations and upon the
distribution of life near them, and the inter-
relationship existing between the various or-
ganisms which occur on a coral reef. It is also
proposed to survey the Maldive Islands, with a
view to obtaining information as to their mode
of formation. Mr. C. F. Cooper will join the
expedition during the summer.
ProFessor T. E. THORPE has been elected to
succeed Professor Dewar as President of the
Chemical Society, London, while Professor W.
A. Tilden succeeds Professor Thorpe as treas-
urer. Dr. A. Scott has been elected one of the
THE Seventh Dutch Scientific and Medical
Congress opened its sessions at Harlem on
April 7th. Professor Ramsay made an address
before the Section of Chemistry on ‘The New
THE first conversazione of the Royal Society
will be held at Burlington House on Wednes-
day, May 3d, at 9 p. m.
IT is proposed to erect a memorial statue of
Sir Thomas Browne in Norwich, where the
author of the Religio Medici practised as a
physician for forty-six years. It is estimated
that the statue will cost about £2,000, towards
which the sum of £200 has been subscribed.
A PLAN has been proposed for erecting a
monument to Dr. Jean Hemeau, of La Test,
who is said to have discovered and applied the
principles of microbic disease forty years before
THE death is announced of Dr. Franz von
Hauer, formerly head of the Austrian Geological
Survey, at Vienna, aged seventy-three years;
of Dr. Max Durand-Fardel, President of the
French Society of Hydrology, and of the Hon.
F, F. Thompson, of New York, who gave Wil-
liams College scientific laboratories costing
$180,000, and generous gifts to other educa-
tional institutions.
WE regret also to record the death of Dr.
George Henry Rohé, of Maryland, at New
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 225.
Albany, La., while in attendance at the recent
National Prison Congress. Dr. Rohé was at
the time of his death President of the American
Public Health Association.
THE death,at the age of 81 years, occurred on
April 7th, of Mr. Joseph Stevens, the well-
known geologist and antiquarian. Though a
practising physician, he found time to make dis-
coveries of neolithic and paleolithic implements
and fossils, many. of which are deposited in the
Reading Museum, of which he was long hono-
rary curator. He was the author of numerous
publications on anthropological and archeo-
logical subjects.
Miss E. Brown, to whose death we recently
referred, has bequeathed one of her observa-
tories with all the contents, and, in addition,
£1,000, to the British Astronomical Association.
Miss Brown was Director of the Solar Section of
the Association.
THE Barnard Botanical Club will give an ex-
hibit of the work of the department of botany
on the afternoon of April 28th. It is hoped
that at that time the bronze tablet, given by the
Club in memory of the late Dr. Gregory, will be
in place. It bears the following inscription :
“(This laboratory, for the study of physiolog-
ical botany, is dedicated to the memory of
Emily L. Gregory, Ph.D., first professor of
botany in Barnard College, from its opening, in
1889, until her death, in 1897.’’
Mr. W. S. LEAN has bequeathed £50,000 to
the British Museum for the extension of the
library and reading room.
By the will of the late Sir William Jenner,
£10,000 is bequeathed to the Royal College of
Physicians of London.
THE Hon. Stevens Salisbury has presented to
the Worcester Natural History Society the col-
lection of minerals and fossils made by Mr.
John Gilman.
ARRANGEMENTS have been made for the es-
tablishment of an anthropological museum at
the University of Aberdeen. Several collec-
tions have already been presented to the Uni-
A SUBSCRIPTION has been opened in Scotland
for erecting a stone over the tomb of Professor
APRIL 21, 1899. ]
Macgillivray, the ornithologist, in the New
Calton cemetery, Edinburgh, and for founding
a Macgillivray gold medal in Aberdeen Uni-
versity as a prize to the best student in zoology,
botany or geology.
Ir is stated in Nature that some recognition
will shortly be made of the services rendered to
geological science by the Rev. Thomas Wilt-
shire, professor emeritus of geology in King’s
College, London. Of late years Mr. Wiltshire’s
labors have not been of a nature to bring his
name prominently before the public, but he has
been toiling quietly as the honorary Secretary
and Editor of the Paleontographical Society.
That Society has now published fifty-two quarto
annual volumes, and some thirty of these have
been edited by Mr. Wiltshire. These volumes
each contain forty or fifty plates of fossils, and
two hundred or more pages of letter press, deal-
ing with organic remains of all classes. Great
credit is due to Mr. Wiltshire, and the members
of the Paleontographical Society (of which Dr.
Henry Woodward, F.R.S., is President, and
Mr. R. Etheridge, F.R.S., Treasurer) have de-
cided to present him with a testimonial, towards
which subscriptions (not limited to members. of
the Society) are now being received.
Ir is stated that the French authorities are so
gratified with the success of the wireless teleg-
raphy demonstrations between Boulogne and
the South Foreland that an attempt to tele-
graph from Paris is proposed, and that the Hiffel
Tower will be the French terminal. The Eng-
lish terminal will remain at the South Fore-
land. The direct distance between the two
points is about 230 miles.
WE have received the first part of the first
volume of the Proceedings of the Washington
Academy of Sciences issued on April 14, 1899.
It consists of the first annual report of the Sec-
retary, Mr. G. K. Gilbert. Thisis an interesting
account of the foundation of the Academy, in-
cluding the events antecedent to its formation,
most of which have been recorded in this Jour-
NAL. Itissaid that the Proceedings will be con-
tinued with the publication of scientific papers.
THE Geological Society of Washington has
issued the address of the retiring President,
Mr. Arnold Hague, on ‘Early Tertiary Vol-
canoes of the Absaroka Range,’ originally pub-
lished in this JouRNAL, together with an ab-
stract of the minutes of the Society for the
years 1897 and 1898. In 1898 forty-one papers
were presented, the average attendance at the
meetings being thirty-five. The present offi-
cers of the Society are: President, Whitman
Cross; Vice-Presidents, J. S. Diller, C. W.
Hayes; Treasurer, M. R. Campbell; Secretaries,
T. W. Stanton, David White ; Members-at-
Large of the Council, 8. F. Emmons, Geo. P.
Merrill, Bailey Willis, N. H. Darton, A. H.
Lorp KELVIN has just prepared a report on
some interesting investigations made by Pro-
fessor Archibald Barr and himself in Edinburgh,
Bradford and Oldham on the subject of the
destruction of town refuse. According to the
London Times the report is not only of
great interest to local authorities, but to the
general public. In one instance he experi-
mented on damp ashpit refuse containing a
large proportion of night soil and vegetable
matter from markets and shops. This was con-
sumed without the slightest trace of smoke. In
addition to this solution of the smoke difficulty
the residual products proved to be of great com-
mercial value. In another case the steam pro-
duced by the process of destruction was utilized
for the driving of electric lighting machinery
and other power purposes. No coal or coke
whatever was employed, and in this instance
also there was an entire absence of smoke.
Lord Kelvin’s report demonstrates that pub-
lic bodies have no longer any excuse for re-
ferring to ‘waste products,’ but have within
their reach the means of turning the most un-
promising kinds of refuse to a highly profitable
THE Twenty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the
American Public Health Association will be
held at Minneapolis, Minn., beginning October
81st, and continuing until November 4, 1899.
The Executive Committee has selected the fol-
lowing topics for consideration: (1) The Pollu-
tion of Water Supplies; (2) The Disposal of
Garbage and Refuse; (3) Animal Diseases and
Animal Food; (4) Car Sanitation; (5) Steam-
ship and Steamboat Sanitation; (6) The Eti-
ology of Yellow Fever; (7) The Relation of
Forestry to the Public Health; (8) Demog-
raphy and Statistics in their Sanitary Relations;
(9) The Causes and Prevention of Infectious
Diseases ; (10) Public Health Legislation ; (11)
The Cause and Prevention of Infant Mortality;
(12) The Period during which Each Contagious
Disease is Transmissible and the Length of Time
for which each Patient is Dangerous to the
Community ; (13) Sanitation, with special ref-
erence to Drainage, Plumbing and Ventilation
of Public and Private Buildings ; (14) Method
of International Arrangement for Protection
against the Transmission of Infectious Diseases;
(15) Disinfectants ; (16) To Examine into the
existing Sanitary Municipal Organizations of
the Countries belonging to the Association with
a view to Report upon those most successful in
Practical Results; (17) Laboratories ; (18) To
dgfine What Constitutes an Epidemic; (19) Na-
tional Leper Home; (20) Revision of Classi-
fication of Diseases; (21) Dangers to the Pub-
lic Health from Illuminating Gas Leakage.
A CORRESPONDENT of the London Times calls
attention to a passagé in The Spectator (No.
241, 1711) which is interesting in connection
with wireless telegraphy and telegraphy in
general. The passage read thus: ‘‘Strada in
one of his Prolusions gives an account of a
chimerical correspondence between two friends
by the help of a certain loadstone, which had
such virtue in it that if it touched two several
needles, when one of the needles so touched be-
gan to move, the other, though at never so
great a distance, moved at the same time and in
the same manner. He tells us that the two
friends, being each of them possessed of one of
these needles, made a kind of dial-plate, in-
scribing it with the four and-twenty letters in
the same manner as the hours of the day are
marked upon the ordinary dial-plate. They
then fixed one of the needles on each of these
plates in such manner that it could move round
without impediment so as to touch any of the
four-and-twenty letters. Upon their separating
from one another into distant countries they
agreed to withdraw themselves punctually into
their closets at a certain hour of the day and to
converse with one another by means of this
their invention. Accordingly when they were
[N. 8S. Von. 1X. No. 225.
some hundred miles asunder each of them shut
himself up in his closet at the time appointed,
and immediately cast his eye upon his dial-
plate. If he had a mind to write anything to
his friend he directed his needle to every letter
that formed the words which he had occasion
for, making a little pause at the end of every
word or sentence to avoid confusion. The
friend, in the meanwhile, saw his own sympa-
thetic needle moving of itself to every letter
which that of his correspondent pointed at. By
this means they talked together across a whole
continent, and conveyed their thoughts to one
another in an instant over cities or mountains,
seas or deserts.”’
In its session just closed the Legislature of
Nebraska made provision for the University of
Nebraska for the biennium ending March 31,
1901, as follows: University salaries, $230,-
000; University expenses (including U. S.
funds for agricultural and mechanic arts), $172,-
500 ; buildings and other improvements, $93,-
THE Queen has appointed the Earl of Kim-
berley, K.G., to be Chancellor of the University
of London, in lieu of the late Lord Herschell.
THE University of Chicago has awarded
eighty-one fellowships, of which the following
are given in the sciences: mathematics, G. A.
Bliss, H. Lloyd, W. Findlay, D. N. Lehmer,
J. H. MacDonald; astronomy, C. E. Rood, W.
S. Adams, A. C. Lunn; physics, H. O. Murfee,
R. F. Earhart, C. W. Chamberlain, F. Reich-
mann; chemistry, H. E. Goldberg, W. Mc-
Cracken, M. D. Slimmer, 8. F. Acree; geology,
W. W. Atwood, W. N. Logan, R. George, W.
T. Lee, W. G. Tight; zoology, H. E. Davies,
R. S. Lillie, F. M. Guyer, H. H. Newman;
botany, A. C. Moore, B. E. Livingston, 8. M.
Coulter, F. M. Lyon; physiology, R. R. Rogers,
W. E. Garrey, R. W. Webster; neurology, D.
M. Shoemaker; sociology, R. G. Kimble, A.
T. Freeman, A. D. Sorenson; anthropology,
A. W. Dunn; pedagogy, W. A. Clark; philos-
ophy and psychology, H. W. Stuart, H. B.
Thompson, R. L. Kelly, H. H. Bawdin.
EpIToRrAL CoMMITTEE: S. NEwcomsb, Mathematics; R. S. WoopwaArp, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING,
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THurston, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry ;
J. LE Contr, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; HENRY F. OsBoRN, Paleontology ; W. K.
Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; 8S. H. ScuppER, Entomology; C. E. Brssry, N. L.
BRITTON, Botany; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. BowpitcH, Physiology ;
J. S. Brntines, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; DANIEL G. BRIN-
TON, J. W. POWELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, Aprit 28, 1899.
The Revival of Inorganic Chemistry: DR. H. N.
STORHS eee rere otecasses De sneatch an teen caesenecee 601
On the Total Solar Eclipse of May 28, 1900: PRo-
FESSOR TRUMAN HENRY SAFFORD...........0006++ 615
Reception and Exhibition of the New York Academy
Scientific Books :—
Campbell on the Evolution of Plants:
Groos's Die Spiele
der Menschen: HIRAM M. STANLEY. Books
MECELVEC ors enn eee R rene ees eer ee ee cent eto nreens 618
Scientifie Journals and Articles.........ccccceeeeveeeeeees 620
Societies and Academies :—
The National Academy of Sciences. The Philo-
sophical Society of Washington: E. D. PRES-
TON. Geological Society of Washington: DR.
W. F. Morsetn. Chemical Society of Wash-
ington: Dr. W. H. Krua. Minnesota Academy
of Natural Sciences: CHAKLES P. BERKEY.
The Academy of Sciences of St. Lowis: PROFES-
soR WILLIAM TRELEASE. Boston Society of
Natural History: SAMUEL HENSHAW .........--+ 621
Discussion and Correspondence :—
The Action of the Coherer: M. F. LocKwoop,
E. B. WHEELER. Two-Headed Snakes: Ros-
WELL H. JOHNSON. Duplication of Geologic
Formation Names: F. B. WEEKS .....0.ce0eeeeeee
Notes on Inorganic Chemistry: J. L. H
Current Notes on Meteorology :
Frost Prediction and Protection; A Fog Dis-
pelle Notesicn tol) CC MWEAR Dtsch terete teceksu see 627
Scientific Notes and News :—
The American Association for the Advancement
of Science ; Geological Survey Work in Alaska:
Ww. F. M. Scientific Positions wnder the Gov-
ETIUMENL 1a GENET AW acverceuiccesnenvessserecnictilenssscses 628
University and Educational News :—
Assistants in Physiology in Harvard Medical
ISCHOOU ms GCNENALe saetatentectnnseetesticccaransanstetieds 631
MSS. intended or publication and books, etc., intended
for review should be sent to the responsible editor. Profes-
sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
Norine can be more instructive to the
student interested in the results of intel-
lectual cross-fertilization than the effect of
the recent fecundation of chemistry by
physics. Through the application of phys-
ical methods and ideas to chemistry, the
latter has given birth to a new branch of
study, physical chemistry, which prom-
ises to produce as radical a change in
our conceptions of molecular phenomena as
did the overthrow of the phlogiston theory
or the introduction of the conception of
valency at a later period.
The attempt of Berthollet to introduce
dynamical conceptions into chemistry, at
the beginning of the century, fell on thorny
ground, and from that day until very re-
cent years the growth of chemistry, great
as it has been, has been most remarkably
one-sided.. The Periodic Law has been dis-
covered, many new elements have been
found, new compounds without number
have been prepared, the rules governing
their formations and transformations have
been ascertained, and even their micro-
scopic anatomy has been studied to such an
extent that for countless of them we have
established formulas which express, sche-
matically, the relative arrangement of the
atoms in the molecule. In stereochemistry
we have even gone so far as to be able to
*Anuual address of the President of the Chemical
Society of Washington, delivered March 30, 1899.
indicate, in a rough way, the actual rela-
tions of the atoms in space; yet, with all
this, a most important part of the problem
has been almost neglected. To use a bio-
logical expression, chemistry has been enor-
mously developed on the morphological,
and but little on the physiological side.
Chemists have concerned themselves greatly
with the products of chemical reactions, and
but little with the nature of the reactions
themselves. The molecule has been treated
as a dead, rigid body is treated by the
anatomist, but its study as a living, moving
mass, filled with energy and capable of re-
acting by virtue of this energy, has been
largely left to the future. Even as late as
1882 the German physiologist Emil du
Bois-Reymond used the words which have
since been in the mouth of every physical
chemist :
“Tn contradistinction to modern chem-
istry, we may call physical chemistry the
chemistry of the future.”
Since 1882, thanks to the labors and in-
spiring influence of Ostwald, van’t Hoff,
Arrhenius, Nernst and others, physical
chemistry is no longer the chemistry of the
future merely, but of the present, and apart
from the quickening influence which it is
exerting in nearly all branches of chemistry
proper, both pure and applied, we are be-
ginning to perceive that we are entering a
period in which chemistry will be of greater
service to the allied sciences. Geological
chemistry is showing signs of reviving un-
der the stimulus of physico-chemical con-
ceptions, and we are finding, too, that as
physiological chemistry is not merely the
chemistry of sugar, or urea, or albumin,
but preemineutly a science of moving and
changing molecules, it can only progress by
the aid of a knowledge of the laws of chem-
ical energy.
The achievements of physical chemistry
form, perhaps, the most interesting phase of
the recent history of our science, but its
(N.S. Von. IX. Ne. 226.
followers have spoken for themselves so
often of late years, and have presented the
subject so much better than I could do it,
that I feel compelled to consider a perhaps
humbler, but yet not unimportant, field of
research, which, in a sense, may also be
called a part of the chemistry of the future,
the field of Inorganic Chemistry. The rela-
tions of physical and inorganic chemistry
have recently been discussed by van’t Hoff
in his admirable address delivered last
summer before the Society of German
Scientists and Physicians, and [ shall, there-
fore, limit myself to the consideration of a
few points of a more strictly chemical na-
ture, touching the relations of physical and
inorganic chemistry only incidentally.
The aim of physical chemistry will have
been accamplished when it has established
a mathematical equation which, by proper
substitution, will enable us to predict the
nature of every possible chemical system or
reaction, and the properties, physical and
chemical, of every possible element or com-
pound. Until he has reached this chem-
ical millennium, unless he will risk falling
into the pit which has received so many
philosophers in the past, the chemist must
continue to advance by the route by which
our understanding of every other branch of
physical science has been reached. Not-
withstanding all that physical chemistry
can do with this material at present in
hand, the experimenter must long continue
to take the short cut to knowledge and find
out what his elements and compounds will
do by first actually getting them in hand,
by precipitation, filtration, distillation, crys-
tallization and the like. It may be ques-
tioned whether our present knowledge of
facts would ever suffice to enable us to pre-
dict, for example, a single atomic weight
with accuracy, or to explain that wonderful
relation between properties and atomic
weights known as the Periodic Law. A
few enthusiastic physical chemists have
APRIL 28, 1899. ]
spoken slightingly of the compound-maker,
as a kind of inferior being, apparently for-
getting that it is just this kind of pioneer
work which has supplied the material for
their labors, that the first requisite for suc-
cessful generalization is the possession of a
large number of pure substances, of accu-
rately known composition and properties,
many of which can only be obtained by
work which is so elaborate and difficult,
and which requires such concentration of
effort that he who follows it can well be ex-
cused if he does not always look on the
product of his labor as merely means to
another end. It is tolerably clear that, for
a long time to come, experimentizing must
keep equal pace with mathematicizing, and
if the former have been pushed so far in one
direction as to appear to afford no prospect
of continued progress we must not abandon
it altogether, but consider whether it may not
be still profitably pursued along other lines.
Let us consider whether we must all turn
mathematical chemists, or whether there
is not much left to be done by those trained
in the older school, working along old-fash-
ioned lines and by old-fashioned methods.
Descriptive chemistry, as it exists to-day,
is a science which has grown and is still
growing enormously in a single direction,
that of organic chemistry, the chemistry of
the compounds of carbon. We are at pres-
ent acquainted with about seventy-five
chemical elements, which are found in the
most varied proportion in those parts of the
earth which are accessible to our observa-
tion, namely, the crust, the sea and the air.
The accompanying table, calculated by
Clarke, shows the relative abundance of the
elements in a sphere comprising the crust
for a depth of ten miles, the ocean and the
atmosphere :
OR (SEIN conse sanancbadeqHachobddoondaanaaogaddMAasouddd 49.98
BSH INET Ee ndnegue -eioaboocnecccnndaSsoshnadd econeaccHocanod 25.30
PAU TUMIITIIU DAs scec sevens tetaasercsencsdsccsliesest cece 7.26
JURY -cocsodabdaoqobaEodaadoDcbndsacadobagodonbdoodadanoo: 5.08
Caleiumilaccreceen ceca enemas cont oenaies Sas estoaaers 3.51
Magnesium nainccctiescsccscdassssosecedecsesces se sss 2.50
Soddumlesnsssemasscecsscescecacercesssacscsassscc ss 2.28
IPOCASSLUMUP eeecresce ce eonesdectocecutiecanecscosess 2.23
15 A AEb ROE) Svs odooadenganscbaoooasaondedeaodooodagohodguce 94
PLIGANUUM secs ceesentecascesastencecasscnetessecsenecs .30
Cardone eirmccsieacatdes te talento eon sais detects APA
Sa } RS eu SA ME yl
Phosphorus -09
Manganese ef
Sulphur tscwsewseonccaascscasticce secsscaecse ces 04
Bari iim ansedac jiaaeslatcienc cake seesctadste sso .03
INDEROG EN): Hotsiessaascnsceecsscuretsttesrcase Secbacians on -02
Chromium .O1
The nineteen elements here given make
up nearly the whole mass; the remaining
fifty-five or thereabouts, taken together, and
making all possible allowance for error, do
not amount to more than at most 1 per
cent. Observe that the element carbon
amounts to but one-fifth of 1 per cent. To
be sure, this is no argument that the chem-
istry of carbon is relatively unimportant ;
on the contrary, there is no necessary con-
nection between the abundance of an ele-
ment and its ability to carry us further
toward a knowledge of chemical laws.
Nevertheless, to an intelligence not having
its seat in a body largely made up of carbon
compounds, it might appear somewhat sur-
prising that chemists should have attempted
to base a science on the investigation of an
element which exists in such relatively insig-
nificant amounts, the compounds of which,
with but few exceptions, are incapable of
formation at the freezing point of water, or
of existence at the lowest red heat; and
should have chosen to devote nearly all of
their energy to its study.
Apart from the special subject of coal, pe-
troleum and asphalt, carbon is of practical
importance to the geologist only in the form
of carbon dioxide and the carbonates, while
of the chemical properties of silicon, which
constitutes 27 per cent. of the earth’s crust,
and of the silicates, which make up nearly
all of it, we know vastly less than of the
derivatives of the single carbon compound,
benzene. A study of the chemical changes
taking place in the sun, and of most of those
occurring in the interior of the earth, might
almost leave carbon out of account; it
would certainly have no more importance
than titanium, an element of which few but
chemists have ever heard, but which is
more abundant and as widely distributed.
Carbon, as an essential constituent of
living beings, constantly forces itself on
our attention, yet this is not to be consid-
ered as by any means the chief cause of the
predominance of organic chemistry. Com-
paratively few of the best studied organic
compounds have more than the remotest
connection with the phenomena of life.
Phosphorus and sulphur, to say nothing
of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, are
quite as important in this respect as carbon,
yet how relatively little do we know of
phosphorus and sulphur in their chemical
relations, or even of nitrogen. The ex-
traordinary development of carbon chem-
istry is due mainly to reasons of a chemical
nature, which, by rendering its compounds
easier to study, have made progress in this
direction a line of least resistance. This
has not been without its advantages, for
we have been led to discern laws which
could not have been perceived so soon had
the working forces been more evenly dis-
tributed, but it has also had the unfortunate
result that the theories of molecular struc-
ture, derived wholly from the study of car-
bon compounds, have been applied to all
classes of inorganic compounds too hastily
and without sufficient research. The inor-
ganic chemist has done little but make new
compounds, and ascribe to them structural
formulas seldom based on the results of ex-°
periment, but rather on the possibility of
drawing schemes on paper, in which the
various valences or bonds were mutually
satisfied (how, did not matter much), while
those substances which were inconsiderate
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 226.
enough to refuse to submit to this opera-
tion without violating every probable or
possible assumption have been labeled
‘molecular compounds,’ and under this
name submitted to a forced neglect, which
soon resulted in their being forgotten. We
shall presently see that an increasing re-
spect for these so-called molecular com-
pounds is one of the features of the revival
of inorganic chemistry.
In the earlier days of chemistry no sharp
line was drawn between inorganic and or-
ganic substances. It is generally thought
that we owe this distinction to Nicholas
Lémery, who, in 1675, classified substances,
according to their origin, as mineral, vege-
table andanimal,a distinction which has sur-
vived until the present day in popular speech.
Lavoisier, recognizing in substances of
vegetable and animal origin the elements
carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen,
and led by his researches to attribute a
peculiar importance to oxygen, regarded in-
organic bases and acids as oxides of simple
radicals, and organic bodies as oxides of
compound radicals composed of carbon,
hydrogen and sometimes nitrogen, but did
not otherwise distinguish them. Even in
1811 it was undetermined whether carbon
compounds obey the laws of constant and
multiple proportions, and it was two or
three years more before Berzelius, having
sufficiently improved the methods of organic
analysis, definitely proved that they do, in
fact, conform to these laws, but are of greater
complexity than the comparatively simple
inorganic compounds then known. In his
electro-chemical theory, the theory of
dualism, developed between 1812 and 1818,
Berzelius regarded the simple inorganic
bodies, such as the bases and acids, as
binary compounds of positive with negative
atoms, held together by electrical attraction;
the more complex bodies, as the salts, being
binary compounds of a higher order; the
organic compounds, on the contrary, being
APRIL 28, 1899. ]
regarded as ternary or quaternary. Later
he extended the dualistic conception to
these also, adopting the idea of Lavoisier
that they are binary compounds of oxygen
with compound radicals, composed of car-
bon, hydrogen and sometimes nitrogen, a
view which he developed further and never
wholly abandoned. In 1817 we find Leo-
pold Gmelin maintaining that organic com-
pounds are the products of a vital force and
cannot be produced artificially. This view
was entertained by Berzelius even as late as
1827 or later. Berzelius attributed the
formation of organic compounds, with their
relatively weak positive and negative
characters, to peculiar electrical conditions
existing in the organism. We cannot re-
produce these conditions in the laboratory,
and, therefore, cannot produce organic com-
pounds artificially. Those transformations
which we are able to effect are always from
the more complex to the simpler. We can
isolate the intermediate stages in the break-
ing-down of organic matter into carbon
dioxide, water and ammonia, that is, we
can follow the change of matter from the
organic to the inorganic, step by step, but
we cannot reverse the process and build up,
nor can we hope to do so in the future. This
opinion of Berzelius marks the widest gulf
between organic and inorganic chemistry,
a gulf too wide for human power to bridge.
How dangerous it is to set limits to the
power of science! But one year later, in
1828, Wohler announced his discovery that
urea, a body of animal origin, could be pro-
duced from ammonium cyanate, a sub-
stance, which, in its turn, can be built up
from its constituent elements, carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. This was
the first of a series of innumerable synthe-
ses which have fully disposed of the idea that
any fundamental distinction exists between
inorganic and organic compounds. Al-
though we have not yet made albumin in the
laboratory, we all expect that it will be done,
and nearly every chemist now believes that
even the properties of living protoplasm are
due, not to any peculiar vital force inherent
in the protoplasm itself, but to the special
properties of the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen,
nitrogen, phosphorus and other elements of
which itis composed. My subject does not
permit me to consider in detail how the
idea of organic chemistry, as the chemistry
of compound radicals, was evolved; how the
radical theory was replaced by the concep-
tion of the molecule as a unit; how, in
1853, the theory of valency began to develop,
and how this, with the type theory, the
theory of the linkage of atoms, and the
constant tetravalency of carbon, led, in the
early sixties, to our present conceptions of
the structure of organic molecules. With
the advent of the fully developed structural
formula, the brilliant progress of organic
chemistry toward fuller theoretical develop-
ment came to an end with remarkable sud-
denness. Kekulé’s ingenious and fruitful
theory of the benzene ring, suggested in
1865, was an application, to a particular
class of compounds, of principles already
established, but involved no fundamentally
new conceptions. Organic chemistry en-
tered upon what has aptly been termed a
period of ‘ formula worship.’ The establish-
ment of the constitutional formula became
the highest aim of the devotees of this
cult, against which but few chemists, for
example, Kolbe and Mendelejeff, have had
the courage to protest. In pursuing this
aim the organic chemists have unques-
tionably accumulated an enormous mass of
valuable information and detail; have dis-
covered new methods of synthesis, new
laws of more or less special application and
new compounds of practical value; but, with
all their labors, the ordinary structural
formula of to-day means no more than it
did in 1865. In stereo-chemistry, however,
the development of the structural formula
in space of three dimensions, organic chem-
istry, has shown real progress, especially
since 1887, when LeBel and van’t Hoff’s
theory of the asymmetric carbon atom,
which was proposed in 1874, but which
slumbered almost forgotten, was revived by
Wislicenus. At present the most impor-
tant developments of structural chemistry,
both organic and inorganic, unquestionably
have the question of space relation as their
The development of inorganic chemistry
presents some marked distinctions from
that of organic chemistry. Up to the year
1820 nearly all the important discoveries
and generalizations came from the inorganic
side. Richter’s discovery of the law of
equivalents; the researches of Scheele, Cav-
endish, Priestley; the development of the
theory of oxidation by Lavoisier; the atomic
hypothesis of Dalton and his laws of con-
stant and multiple proportions, and the
placing of them on a firm foundation by
the remarkable labors of Berzelius ; Gay
Lussac’s law of the simple relation of.
the volumes of reacting gases; Dulong
and Petit’s law, and the law of iso-
morphism, all fall within this period and
antedate the beginning of the rapid devel-
opment of carbon chemistry. The same is
true of the discovery of the alkali metals,
the recognition of the elementary nature of
chlorine, and of the establishment of the
existence of hydrogen acids, and many other
important facts. In these the study of car-
bon played a relatively insignificant part.
The electro-chemical theory of Berzelius,
too, which was of such great importance as
a working hypothesis, was of inorganic
origin. By 1830 the predominance of or-
ganic chemistry was already pronounced,
and with the increased attention given to
this new field the interest in inorganic
chemistry lagged behind. All, or nearly
all, the developments of theoretical impor-
tance began to come from the inorganic side.
The history of chemistry from 1830 to 1865
[N. S. Vou. 1X. No. 226.
is practically the history of organic chemis-
try. I do not mean that research was con-
fined merely to carbon compounds. The
influence of Berzelius continued to be felt,
and men like Heinrich Rose, Wohler, Bun-
sen and many others made valuable contri-
butions to inorganic chemistry, as well as
several like Dumas, Liebig and others,
whose reputation rests chiefly on their or-
ganic work. The great inorganic chemists
were mostly men of an analytical rather than
synthetical turn of mind. The growth of
mineralogy led to the discovery of new ele-
ments, and the analytical requirements to
which it, as well as practical chemistry,
gave rise conduced largely to the study of
inorganic compounds. The conception of
valency, while due mainly to organic chem-
istry, owes not a little to inorganic chemis-
try, though it did but little to further it.
Numerous atomic weight determinations of
greater or less accuracy were made, some-
times with a purely analytic purpose, some-
times with the object of testing the validity
of Prout’s hypothesis, but these exercised
but little influence on the theoretical growth
of inorganic chemistry, which remained for
the most part a mass of unconnected facts.
In considering the causes to which is due
the preeminent attention given to organic
chemistry since 1830, the point most to be
emphasized is that at no time since that
date has there been lacking a well-defined
working hypothesis of the nature of organic
compounds. Not only did these substances
prove eminently susceptible of classification
into types, but, for reasons to be stated
later, the transformations discovered were
80 numerous, and the possibilities of pro-
ducing synthetically old or new compounds,
and of working out new theories, were so
attractive that most of the best chemical
minds between 1830 and 1865, or even later,
were drawn into organic chemistry. An-
other important factor is that of inertia.
Most students of nature do not willingly
APRIL 28, 1899. ]
enter upon entirely new fields of research.
The pupils of the great masters of organic
chemistry, Liebig, Dumas, Hofmann, Wurtz,
Kolbe, Kekulé and others, found enough to
do in following in the footsteps of their
teachers, and were little inclined to seek
new pastures. The requirements of candi-
dates for the doctorate, whereby the experi-
mental material for the dissertation had to
be accumulated in a comparatively short
time, led to the assignment of topics with
which the instructor was familiar, and
which were fairly sure of giving positive re-
sults within a year or two, and, as we all
know, no branch of chemistry yields results
so readily as the study of carbon compounds,
with its highly developed synthetical meth-
ods. As the Chemiker-Zeitung has recently
pointed out, even at the present day the
full professorships in German universities
are almost invariably held by organic chem-
ists, while inorganic chemistry is left to
subordinates. The weight of authority and
influence being on the side of organic chem-
istry, the student who looks forward to a
university career sees that his chances of
promotion are better if he follow the organic
rather than the inorganic direction. I need
hardly add that the more mercenary hope
of obtaining a new dye-stuff or a new rem-
edy, or of replacing nature in making an
alkaloid, has also been a powerful incentive
to many.
Let us now consider some of the reasons —
which have their root in the chemical] pecul-
jarities of carbon, and which render its
compounds, at least those which are not
too complex, comparatively easy to study.
These conditions are not peculiar to carbon,
but no other element, as far as is known’
presents as many of them at the same time’
1. Carbon compounds being very gener-
ally soluble in neutral solvents, frequently
crystalline, and often volatile without de-
composition at comparatively low tempera-
tures, are peculiarly adapted to separation
in a state of purity by fractional crystalli-
zation or distillation, and for the same rea-
son it is usually possible to determine their
true molecular weights. The very general
possession of melting or boiling points lying
within easily observable ranges of tempera-
ture greatly facilitates identification.
2. The power of carbon of uniting, atom
to atom, to form chains, the form and size
of which can be easily regulated by known
synthetic methods, and the stability of
which is sufficient to allow of manipulation
under easily attainable conditions, is a
marked peculiarity of this element. This,
with the power of forming stable compounds
with hydrogen, is the basis of the defini-
tion of organic chemistry as ‘ the chemistry
of the hydrocarbons and their derivatives.’
With regard to self-linking power the
other elements are in marked contrast.
We know with certainty no compounds in
which two atoms of boron are linked, not
more than four nitrogen atoms have been
arranged tandem, while of silicon, the near-
est relative of carbon, we know at best a
half-dozen well-defined compounds with
two atoms of this element in series, and
but one with three ; analogues of the hydro-
carbons are unknown, with the exception
of silico-methane, and the instability of
this is sufficient proof that a series of silicon
paraffines would be most difficult to pre-
pare, and the same would apply to all
classes of silicon compounds in which self-
linking is a prerequisite. It does not ap-
pear probable that we shall ever have a
very extensive chemistry of the ‘ hydrosil-
icons and their derivatives.’ Among the
compounds of other elements self-linkage
oceurs in but few cases and is limited in
3. It is a highly important property of
carbon compounds that their molecules tend
to preserve their individuality ; they gener-
ally do not, though there are exceptions,
spontaneously avail themselves of opportuni-
ties for condensation, whether by polymeri-
zation or by union of two or more molecules
with separation of water or ammonia. The
so-called double and triple union between
carbon atoms only exceptionally leads to
spontaneous polymerization, while with sil-
icon this latter is apparently the rule. The
important carbonyl group, C = O, the char-
acteristic group of organic acids, aldehydes
and ketones, shows but little tendency to
polymerize, while organic hydroxyl com-
pounds are usually stable and do not spon-
taneously give rise to ethers or acid anhy-
drides. The silicon analogue of carbonyl,
SiO, on the contrary, appears to poly-
merize with great ease. The ethers of
earbonic acid are well known, but the
metasilicic ethers, those of the type SiO
(OR),. appear to exist only as polymers.
The silicic acids, too, show a marked ten-
dency to condense by dehydration and pass
spontaneously into complex bodies. It is
easy to see what would have been the re-
sult if carbon behaved like silicon. In-
stead of the innumerable sharply defined
organic acids, aldehydes, ketones and alco-
hols, each produced by a definite synthetic
process, each reaction would give rise to an
almost inextricable mixture of condensation
products, carbon dioxide would be a solid
like silica, and organic chemistry would be
searcely further advanced than is the chem-
istry of silicon. This tendency of carbon
compounds to simplicity in reaction, each
molecule acting as if it were alone present,
has been, therefore, an important factor in
facilitating the growth of organic chemistry.
4. Another feature of carbon, which plays
an important part, is the ease with which
intermediate or transition products can be
formed. It is much easier to limit reactions
in the case of carbon compounds than in
others. Compare, for example, the action of
chlorine on CH, and SiH,.
5. The tendency to dissociation, both hy-
drolytic and electrolytic, is in general less
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 226.
marked among carbon compounds, whence
it is easier to control the course of a reac-
tion and to exclude changes of a sponta-
neous nature. Finally, the carbon com-
pounds show but little tendency to the
formation of so-called molecular addition
products, of which the metal ammonias, the
double salts and the compounds with water
of crystallization are examples, the rational
interpretation of which is difficult.
A full consideration of the peculiarities
of carbon which have facilitated the synthe-
sis of such vast numbers of organic com-
pounds would be beyond the scope of this
address. The above are the most impor-
tant, and their relative absence in the ma-
jority of elements explains largely the
backward state of our knowledge of them.
Our inability to determine the true molecu-
lar weight of insoluble and non-volatile
substances ; the difficulty of limiting reac-
tions so as to obtain intermediate products ;
of preventing condensations ; of separating
mixtures and identifying their constituents
by such simple methods as melting- and
boiling-point determinations ; of building
up step by step ; of dissecting atom by atom ;
of explaining molecular compounds—these
are hindrances which can only be overcome
by greater perfection of our experimental
methods, and which often render the study
of the constitution of inorganic bodies a
problem of great difficulty, even in the case
of many of the simplest.
At the very time that the organic struc-
tural formula was beginning to turn the
attention of organic chemists away from a
further development of theory to a greater
elaboration of details the Englishman New-
lands was publishing papers which con-
tained the germ of the Periodic Law. In
1865 Kekulé announced his theory of the
benzene ring; in 1864 Newlands showed
that if the elements be arranged in the
order of their atomic weights ‘the eighth
element, starting from a given one, is a kind
APRIL 28, 1899. ]
of repetition of the first, like the eighth
note of an octave in music.’ This discovery
of Newlands of a fact which later developed
into the Periodic Law does not, however,
mark the beginning of a new direction in
chemical thought. It marks rather that
point in a long series of speculations at
which chemists were beginning to grasp an
idea after which they had been groping
blindly for many years, the conception that
the elements are not wholly unrelated
bodies, but that there is some definite law
connecting their. properties with their
atomic weights. Beginning in 1815, with
the claim of Prout that the atomic weights
of the elements are multiples of that of
hydrogen, which led him to suggest that
hydrogen is the primitive element from
which the others are built up, we find nu-
merous speculations, some devoted merely
to finding arithmetical relations among the
atomic weights, such as the law of triads,
others attempting to show how the elements
could be built up from one or more primi-
tive constituents. Most of these did not
lead to any marked advance of chemical
theory, but Prout’s hypothesis found very
able defenders and greatly encouraged ac-
curate atomic-weight determinations. The
labors of Dumas, Marignac and especially
of Stas, in this field, are directly due to the
desire to test the validity of Prout’s sug-
gestion. Up to 1860 not only were the
atomic weights uncertain to within a few
decimals, but, for other reasons, even the
relative position of the elements in an as-
cending series was often uncertain; our
present empirical formulas had not been
fully established; it was uncertain, for in-
stance, whether water was HO with 0=8
or H,O with 0 = 16, or whether silica was
SiO, with Si = 28 or SiO, with Si= 21. So
when Gladstone, in 1853, arranged the ele-
ments in the order of ascending atomic
weights he failed to perceive any note-
worthy relation: Nine years later the
French engineer and geologist de Chan-
courtois, using the newer and now adopted
atomic weights, arranged the elements in a
spiral or helical form around a cylinder, in
ascending order, and was led to the conclu-
sion that the ‘properities of bodies are
properties of the numbers,’ a vague state-
ment of the now familiar phase that the
properties of the elements are functions of
their atomic weights. As already men-
tioned, he was followed closely by New-
lands, whose work, however, met with but
slight recognition. Time is wanting to
show how in the period 1864-1869 the
Periodic Law was developed by the labors
of Newlands, and more especially of Lothar
Meyer and Mendelejeff, working independ-
ently. It affords an interesting example
of how a great idea is developed about
the same time in the minds of several
men working independently and unknown
to each other. In 1871 Mendelejeff pub-
lished a table which shows the periodic law
essentially as we find it to-day, the only
changes consisting in the addition of a few
newly discovered elements and in placing a
few of the older elements in their proper
positions, as a result of more accurate
atomic- weight determinations.
The period 1863-1870 was, therefore, of
the greatest importance for inorganic chem-
istry, as it saw the development of the
idea that the properties of the elements are
periodic functions of their atomic weights.
The time which has since elapsed has been
even more fruitful than any previous period
in speculations, having for their object the
finding of mathematical relations between
the atomic weights and in theories of the
evolution of matter from one or two primal
constituents. Many modifications of the
periodic scheme have been devised, but
they present but few or no advantages over
the simple arrangement of Mendelejeff and
Lothar Meyer. The great fact still remains,
unmodified and unimproved, that if the ele-
ments be arranged in the order of increas-
ing atomic weights there is a recurrence of
the properties of elements lower in the
scale—in short, that these properties are
periodic functions of the atomic weights.
The discovery of the new group of inert
gases, helium, neon, argon and xenon, with
perhaps krypton and metargon, has not
modified our idea of the Periodic Law essen-
tially. They appear to fit well into the sys-
tem, and it is now only remarkable that their
existence was not surmised by Mendelejeff,
who so successfully predicted several then-
unknown elements. Although the periodic
system is, even to-day, the object of attack
by a few chemists, who appear to be blinded
by its unquestioned defects to the obvious
truths which it expresses, it may be safely
said that the great central fact of the perio-
dicity in the properties of the elements is
justas firmly established as the law of gravi-
tation,and that, whatever modifications may
have to be made in the scheme as a whole,
this central fact will never be done away
with. Theatomic theory may be supplanted
by something better, but its successor will
equally have to take account of the stoichi-
ometrical relations of the elements, which
are based not on theory, but on observation
pure and simple, and it is on these, and not
on the atomic theory, that the Periodic Law
is based.
The Periodic Law is exerting a stimula-
ting influence on inorganic chemistry in
various ways. It is leading toa more care-
ful study of all the elements, with the ob-
ject of discovering further analogies ; new
compounds are being prepared and old ones
studied better with this in view; new kinds
of periodicity are being sought for in phys-
ical as wellas in chemical properties. The
question of the nature of the rare earth
metals, the asteroids of the elementary
system, as Crookes calls them, is being at-
tacked with greater energy. Are these, of
which Crookes claims there are thirty or
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 226.
perhaps sixty, capable of being fitted into
the system, as it now exists? Must we
modify it in order to take them in, or do
they represent certain exceptional phases
of the evolution of matter from the original
protyl, or different very stable modifica-
tions or allotropic forms of a few elements ?
Do the blanks within the system represent
existing but as yet undiscovered elements ?
Do some of them correspond to hypothetical
elements which for some unknown reason
are incapable of existence, like many or-
ganic compounds which are theoretically
possible, but which, if momentarily exist-
ing, lapse at once into other forms, or must
the scheme be so modified as to exclude
them? These are some of the questions
raised by the Periodic Law which it be-
longs to the inorganic chemist to solve.
Most important of all is the question of the
cause of the periodicity. Before we can
hope to establish a mathematical and pos-
sibly a genetic relation between a series of
numbers, such as the atomie weights and
the chemical properties of the elements, we
must establish with greater accuracy than
heretofore the precise magnitude of these
numbers, and it is this that an ever increas-
ing number of atomic-weight chemists is
striving todo. The question of the unity
of matter is one to a solution of which we
are no nearer than ever, and the Periodic
Law, in its present form, does not afford a
proof or, I think, even a presumption in
favor of a genetic relation between the ele-
ments. It is quite conceivable that we may
have relations of properties without a com-
mon origin. With ever increasing accuracy,
we seem to be removing further and further
from the possibility of any hypothesis like
that of Prout. The electric furnace, with
its temperature of 3,500° C., gives not a sign
of the decomposition or transformation of
the elements. These questions and the
query why we know no elements below
hydrogen or above uranium, why the num-
APRIL 28, 1899. ]
ber of the elements is limited, and why
there are not as many kinds of matter as
there are different wave-lengths of light—all
these seem to belong as yet to a scientific
dreamland rather than to the realm of
legitimate research, yet their solution, if
possible at all, will be accomplished only by
the labors of the inorganic chemist.
Let us now turn to the more special con-
sideration of the questions of the constitu-
tional formulas of inorganic compounds.
The more conservative organic chemists
have always been careful to state that the
so-called structural formulas are reaction
formulas merely, that is, that they are not
intended to-express the actual relations of
the atoms in the molecule, but are merely
convenient schemes for rendering possible
reactions visible to the eye. Probably most
chemists regard them as more than this, as
actual diagrammatic representations of the
way in which the atoms are combined.
The formula of marsh gas, for example,
is regarded as more than a visualizing of its
chemical properties; it implies that the
carbon atom is an actual physical link be-
tween the hydrogen atoms, which are com-
bined directly with the carbon but not with
each other. Stereochemical formulas are
confessedly more than reaction formulas,
and the steric conception of the so-called
double and triple union asserts that these
actually exist in the sense the words imply,
and are not merely names for unknown
Many of the simpler organic structural
formulas unquestionably have an enormous
mass of evidence in their favor, but many
others we must be on our guard against
taking too seriously, and must for the pres-
ent regard as nothing more than reaction
formulas. That we can regard any of them
as well established is due, more than to
anything else, to the almost invariably con-
stant tetravalency of the carbon atom.
Unfortunately, the valency of many of the
elements entering into the composition of
inorganic compounds appears to be ex-
tremely variable and uncertain, and this
has greatly impeded the study of the struc-
ture of these bodies. The inorganic chemist
has been far too prone to assume that the
structural theories of the organic chemist
are of universal applicability, and, having
once for all attributed a certain valency to
an element, has been often content with
devising structural formulas which have no
better claim to recognition than that all the
so-assumed bonds are ‘satisfied.’ At other
times a particular valency has been as-
sumed for no other reason than that it en-
abled him to contrive a formula for the
special case under consideration. The books
treating of such matters frequently exhibit
wonderfully ingenious inorganic structural
formulas which are wholly devoid of a rea-
sonable amount of experimental evidence
and which are, therefore, often nothing but
pure rubbish. With many inorganic chem-
ists, formula worship has degenerated into
fetishism. Let us consider a few examples.
For nitric acid, one of the simplest and
most familiar inorganic compounds, several
constitutional formulas may be written, in
which the hydrogen is directly united to
the nitrogen or separated from it by
one or two oxygen atoms, and in which
nitrogen may be either tri- or pentava-
lent. Some of these are given in the
books as if they were gospel truth. Bruhl,
who has investigated the question by phys-
ical methods, suggests that the hydrogen
atom is not directly united to any part
of the NO, radical, but is rotating around it
and possibly combined with each oxygen
atom in succession, a view approaching that
of Werner. Thereare at least five formulas
proposed for this simple acid. For the
familiar potassium chloroplatinate, K,PtCl,,
there are four constitutional formulas seri-
ously advocated at present. It may be
K,=PtC),, with octavalent platinum;
KCl = Cl
eo a
with tetravalent platinum and trivalent
chlorine, as required by Remsen’s theory ;
(PtCl],)K, in the sense of Werner’s theory,
the two potassium atoms being combined
with the PtCl, as a whole, or it may bea
molecular compound in which two mole-
cules KCl as wholes combine with PtCl, as
a whole. The formulas suggested for most
minerals are pure guess work. The silicates
are usually written as if containing the
group SiO, by analogy with carbonyl,
C=O, yet there is not a single silicate in
which this assumption rests on any experi-
mental evidence, and the little we do
actually know of the chemical behavior of
silicon speaks against it. Such formulas, if
not purely speculative and devoid of all
basis and all value, as they frequently are,
at best do not represent structure in the
sense that the best established organic
formulas do; they are at most reaction
formulas only, or they represent partial
molecules, in the same way that CH may
stand for benzene (C,H,) or HPO, for a
metaphosphoric acid. The attempt to in-
terpret the double salts and halides, the com-
pounds with water of crystallization or
hydration, the metal-ammonias, the peculiar
compounds of the zeolites described by
Friedel, and other so-called molecular com-
pounds, in the sense of the valence hypothe-
sis, seems almost hopeless without taking
such liberties with it as to render it nearly
useless, and without making assumptions
of very narrow and limited applicability.
One may well question whether this
hypothesis must not be very considerably
qualified before it can be taken as the basis
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 226.
of a general theory of the structure of in-
organic compounds,
One of the most striking indications of a
revival of inorganic chemistry is the recent
attempt of Werner to break away from the
bonds of the organic-structure theory as
applied to inorganic compounds and to es-
tablish a more general theory in which
valency plays a comparatively insignificant
role. The arguments on which Werner’s
hypothesis is founded are too numerous
and elaborate to be presented here. Suf-
fice it to say that it was primarily based on
that peculiar class of bodies known as the
metal-ammonias, consisting of metallic
salts, combined with usually six or four
molecules of ammonia, and in which the
ammonia may be wholly or in part replaced
by pyridine, water, acid radicals and other
groups. These groups are supposed to be
arranged symmetrically about the metallic
atom, forming a radical, which, according to
its nature, can combine as a whole with met-
als, halogens or other positive or negative
groups. Thus, in the compound CO(NH,),
Cl,, cobalt forms with NH, aradical, which
combines as a whole with the three chlorine
atoms; in (PtCl,)K, the two potassium
atoms are combined with the whole group
PtCl, and not attached to any one part of
it; the same applies to (NH,)Cl, and to
K,(SO,) and K,(FeCN),. In the formation
of these radicals the bivalent NH,, the
neutral II,O and the univalent Cl can re-
place each other indiscriminately; the
valence theory is, therefore, practically
thrown overboard entirely and in place of
combination by bonds we have an exten-
sion of the old theory of molecular com-
pounds applicable alike to the metal-am-
monias, the ordinary oxygen salts, the
double halides and the compounds with
water of crystallization. It is yet too soon
to predict the future of this hypothesis,
which has already won numerous active
adherents. It is scarcely too much to hope
APRIL 28, 1899. ]
that it will lead, perhaps with some modifi-
cations and extensions, to a more compre-
hensive theory of structure, and to a clearer
definition of the as yet only vague concep-
tion of valency. It is the broadest gen-
eralization of inorganic chemistry since the
discovery of the Periodic Law, and shows
that inorganic chemists are no longer will-
ing to be mere imitators and to close their
eyes to the existence of whole groups of
bodies which do not tally with current
theories, and are beginning to see that in
these is to be sought the key to a broader
inorganic chemistry.
The slow development of inorganic chem-
istry during the period from 1830 to 1865,
as compared with that of organic chemistry,
was due, as has been seen, in part to the
greater breadth and greater diversity of the
field, to the relative absence of leading ideas
and leading motives, and to the comparative
tractability of carbon compounds as com-
pared with inorganic compounds under the
restrictions of the experimental methods in
vogue. Prout’s hypothesis and allied spec-
ulations gave a working hypothesis for a
limited number of investigators, but the un-
certainty of the atomic weights, which in
part was conditioned by the imperfection of
analytical methods, prevented any satisfac-
tory results being reached. Absolute purity
of materials and absolute accuracy of
analytical methods are not of the first im-
portance to the organic chemist, to whom
errors of one or two points in the first deci-
mal are seldom of any significance. To the
atomic-weight chemist, on the contrary,
accuracy is the very first point to be con-
sidered ; not only must his material be abso-
lutely free from impurities, but his methods
must be beyond criticism, and it is only
with the increasing perfection of analytical
methods, admitting not only of quantitative
determinations of the greatest accuracy, but
also of the detection of traces of impurities
which for ordinary purposes are negligible,
that this kind of work has offered induce-
ments to a large number of workers. The
long-wanting, leading idea or motive has
been in large part furnished by the Periodic
Law. The comparison of the chemical and
physical properties of the elements and
their compounds, the search for new ele-
ments, the fuller investigation of those al-
ready known, with the view of more firmly
establishing their place in the system, and
the redetermination of the atomic weights,
are evidence of its influence. Witness, for
example, the great activity in the subject of
the rare earths, the work on the relative
position of nickel and cobalt in the system,
and the investigations of the atomic weight
of tellurium, having for their object the
decision of the question whether this ele-
ment actually has an atomic weight greater
than that of iodine, as the best determina-
tions thus far seem to indicate, or whether
it is less, as its chemical analogy to sulphur
and selenium requires.
Organic chemistry, with its limited range
of temperature, is essentially a chemistry of
. the beaker, the Liebig condenser and the
bomb oven; it demands but comparatively
simple and cheap apparatus of glass, not
calculated to withstand high temperatures,
and as such is within the means of the
humblest laboratory. The reverence of the
organic chemist for the platinum crucible
is something astounding. With improve-
ments in apparatus for producing and ma-
terials for resisting high temperatures, new
vistas have opened to the inorganic chemist,
while the province of the organic chemist,
limited as it is by the instability of his com-
pounds, has derived no benefit therefrom.
Not only do we owe to this the beautiful in-
vestigations of Victor Meyer and others on
high-temperature vapor densities, but with
the recent development of electrical technol-
ogy the electric furnace has appeared, and
with it a new chemistry, the chemistry of a
temperature of 3,500° C. Notonly have new
compounds been made which cannot be pro-
duced at lower temperatures, but the ac-
cessibility of many elements and compounds
has been greatly increased. The reductions
which Wohler and Deville effected gram-
wise in glass and porcelain tubes can now
be carried out in the electric furnace pound-
wise and even ton-wise. The manipulation
of the current for electrolytic purposes, ren-
dered possible by increased knowledge of
the laws of electricity, as well as by ease of
its production, is yielding results chiefly in
the domain of inorganic chemistry, while
the organic chemist is but tardily utilizing
the current as a means of oxidation and re-
duction. Besides the extraordinary devel-
opment of electro-metallurgy, the prepara-
tion of soda and chlorates and other tech-
nical processes, the application of electricity
to purposes of analysis and for the synthesis
of new compounds, such as the rare metal
alums, perearbonic and persulphuric acids,
and the isolation of fluorine, may be men-
Passing to the opposite extreme of tem-
perature, we find the development of high-
temperature chemistry accompanied by the
growth of a chemistry of low temperatures.
The very recent improvements in the art
of producing cold have made liquid air a
cheap material, and with its aid Ramsay
has been able to fractionally distil liquefied
argon and to separate from it the contam-
inating elements of the same group, neon
and xenon, as well as krypton and met-
The part played by the spectroscope in
chemistry is more or less familiar to every-
one. From the further development of the
science of spectroscopy it is clear that inor-
ganic chemistry has much to gain. Whether
or not the view first suggested by Clarke
and long defended by Lockyer be true, that
the elements undergo partial decomposition
in the stars and nebule, it is upon this in-
strument that we must rely for our knowl-
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 226.
edge of the high-temperature chemistry of
these bodies, a chemistry which is wholly
The rapid growth of these sciences into
which chemistry enters is producing an
ever increasing demand upon the chemist
for new researches. While the biologist must
rely mainly on the organic chemist for his
chemical data, no less must the mineralogist.
and geologist appeal to the inorganic chem-
ist for the solution of many problems in
their field. The formation and decomposi-
tion of minerals, the disintegration of rocks,
the behavior of rock magmas, the phenom-
ena of metamorphism, of ore deposition and
vein formation, the influence of high tem-
peratures and pressures—all these afford
problems the solution of which is hopeless
without the assistance of inorganic chem-
istry either alone or aided by physical
chemistry. The chemist who has to meet
the inquiries of the geologist, and who must
too often confess our ignorance of the causes
of even the simplest phenomena, can not
help feeling what a splendid field is here
open, awaiting only the advent of workers
suitably trained and of laboratories properly
equipped for research in chemical geology.
The demands of the geologists are unques-
tionably destined to be among the most
potent factors in the revival of inorganic
It is not to be expected, nor is it to be
desired, that inorganic chemistry will at
once sweep organic chemistry from its posi-
tion of preéminence. The causes to which
this is due may outlast our generation, but
that the inorganic tide is rising, and that
this branch will finally attain its due
position, can not be doubted. The re-
cent establishment of a Zeitschrift fiir an-
organische Chemie, while it may be de-
plored as increasing the already too great
number of chemical journals, and as tend-
ing to widen rather than diminish the gap
between the organic and inorganic branches,
APRIL 28, 1899. ]
is helping to produce a feeling of solidarity
among inorganic chemists which never
existed hitherto. Even in Germany, the
stronghold of organic chemistry, the ad-
dress of van’t Hoff is exciting wide interest,
and the Chemiker Zeitung, in urging the es-
tablishment of independent chairs and lab-
oratories of inorganic chemistry, is advo-
eating what willin time unquestionably be
Inorganic chemistry is fortunate in that
its renaissance is coming about at a time
when physical methods are in vogue. The
prediction of Du Bois-Reymond is being
realized ; with the aid of physics it is at-
taining an insight into the dynamical
aspect of the science which it could never
have reached unassisted. But it is not
alone by supplying new methods and sug-
gesting new points of view that physics is
aiding the revival of inorganic chemistry.
Perhaps equally important is the fact that
the rising school of physical chemists, un-
hampered by the traditions and limitations
of organic chemistry, is finding it neces-
sary to explore the whole range of the
science in search of material for its in-
vestigations. The physical chemist is
neither organic nor inorganic, or rather he
is either, according to his requirements, but
it is precisely because the inorganic field is
wider and less developed than the organic
that his demands are more likely to be pro-
ductive of activity.
Energetics is now the basis of chemistry,
and it is to be expected, therefore, that in-
organic chemistry will not, in the future,
have to pass through a period of arrested
development and formula worship, such as
have so long affected organic chemistry.
There will always be compound makers,
but their aim will be, not the establishment
of constitutional formulas alone, but the
study of the laws of chemical energy and
the solution of the problem of the nature of
matter. We may expect, too, that the still
sharp line of demarcation between inorganic
and organic chemistry and between dead
and living matter will disappear. The in-
organic chemist may not affect the synthe-
sis of a proteid, but he will be able, with
his wider knowledge, to contribute more to
the solution of the problem of the nature of
life than any amount of structurizing and
synthesizing alone can do. To comprehend
life we must understand carbon, but we
can no more fully comprehend carbon with-
out an understanding of the other elements
than we can explain the earth without a
knowledge of the other planets, or man
without a knowledge of the fish. He, then,
who pursues inorganic chemistry is not only
contributing to a higher development of our
science than can be reached by the study
of carbon compounds alone, but is perhaps
doing as much as the organic chemist to-
ward realizing one of the greatest aims of
research, the comprehension of life and its
explanation in terms of physical science.
WASHINGTON, D. C. H. N. Sroxes.
MAY 28, 1900.
Tue next total solar eclipse will be visi-
ble as such in places both east and west of
the Atlantic Ocean, and it is a matter of
some thought to determine where it shall be
observed. I have proposed to report to the
governing board of Williams College that it
is practicable to observe it on both sides at
points to be fully determined later, as at
present there is rather more than a year’s
time to make the needful arrangements.
The two countries where it shall be ob-
served seem to be Portugal and our own
Southern States, in the neighborhood of
Coimbra and that of Norfolk, in Virginia,
or perhaps farther south. The only doubt
is the more or less uncertainty of weather.
That, however, cannot be avoided, as the
meteorologists are not yet able to predict
with much certainty or at all for more
than a few days at a time. The Weather
Bureaus at Washington and Lisbon will, of
course, do all that they can, but the most
that can now be done is to observe the
weather in 1899, in the hope of getting some
new light on the matter.
So far as the eclipse is concerned, which
will certainly take place at the predicted
time, it is possible and practicable to make
calculations from the data in our American
Ephemeris, and to do this within a few days,
and in the coming months to make all need-
ful preparations of instruments and train-
ing of observers, and with abundant spare
time left.
I shall report to our trustees that the
main effort to be made then will be towards
photographing the eclipse as well and com-
pletely at both points as the time, short
enough at best, will allow.
At Norfolk, in Virginia, and Ovar, in
Portugal, the eclipse will be total long
enough to be well photographed by instru-
ments costing but little more than a hun-
dred dollars for each station, instruments
which can be made useful in several
directions and can be readily placed at
either station. The advantage of making
the effort to observe at both places will be,
of course, not that of making observations
at the same time, but that of following out
a uniform set of rules both in America and
in Europe.
These rules can be readily formulated
and practiced beforehand with compara-
tively little trouble, provided the astron-
omers can come to an agreement, which I
think will be an easy matter.
The process of taking the photographs is
so easy now that no difficulty will arise
from this, and it will also be easy to train
intelligent students into the necessary pbys-
ical manipulations, with the help, at least,
of the necessary photographers, who, I pre-
sume, will be readily brought to either sta-
[N.S. Von. TX. No. 226.
As the object of the present paper is
merely to indicate what is to be done, I
shall defer to another occasion any further
details. In this, asin many other problems
of practical astronomy, the main require-
ment is merely to indicate in common lan-
guage the problems to be solved, and it will
be sufficient to leave further consideration
of the matter to another occasion.
Truman Henry SAFFORD.
Tue Annual Reception and Exhibition of
the New York Academy of Sciences has
come to be one of the most interesting social
events of the scientific circles of the city.
This fine spring weather and a beautifully
suitable hall combined with the zeal of the
exhibitors to furnish instructive entertain-
ment to about three thousand persons. The
reception was held,as usual, at the American
Museum of Natural History, the first evening
being reserved for members, exhibitors and
special friends, and some 500 availed them-
selves of this opportunity to become better
acquainted with their fellow members, and
to see and discuss the advances in branches
of science other than their own. Indeed,
the justification and benefits of these exhi-
bitions are to be sought quite as much in
their broadening influence upon the point
of view of specialists as in their possibili-
ties for the layman and amateur.
The Museum authorities are exemplary
in their hospitality, and the relations be-
tween this gigantic object lesson in science
and the Academy are yearly growing more
cordial. This year it was possible to hold
the reception in the new hall of American
Anthropology, west of the entrance on the
main floor. The room is finished, but is
not yet occupied by cases and permanent
fixtures. A more suitable and appropriate
location for a scientific reception it would
be hard to imagine.
APRIL 28, 1899. ]
The General Committee in charge of the
various sections were as follows :
Anatomy: Jos. 8. Blake.
Astronomy: J. K. Rees.
Botany: C. C. Curtis.
Chemistry : Charles A. Doremus.
Electricity: Geo. F. Sever.
Ethnology and Archeology: L. Farrand.
Experimental Psychology: Chas. H. Judd.
Geology and Geography: J. F. Kemp and R. H.
Mineralogy: A. J. Moses.
Paleontology : Gilbert van Ingen.
Photography: Cornelius Van Brunt.
Physics ; C. C. Trowbridge.
Zoology: Gary N. Calkins.
While the display was not marked by
any one prominent object, such as X-rays,
still it was characterized by an excellent
average of exhibits of sterling value, and
should give its visitors an illustration of
scientific interest as distinct from the
It would, of course, be too prolix to at-
tempt to give anything more than a few of
the typical objects enumerated in the cata-
logue of some twenty pages.
The exhibit in Anatomy, though small in
space, contained examples of most interest-
ing points. The variations in the vermiform
appendix, in the hepatic artery, ete.
The Harvard, Lick and Yerkes Observa-
tories joined with that of Columbia in mak-
ing the department of astronomy thor-
ougly representative of the recent interest-
ing advances in that subject. Saturn’s new
moon, the new planet Eros, the rotation of
the sun as shown in the Johns Hopkins
spectra, the variation of latitude, vied with
one another for popular favor.
The Bronx Park Botanical Garden con-
tributed much interesting material to the
Section of Botany, which contained some
twenty titles.
In Chemistry popular interest seemed
about equally divided between Munroe’s
illustrations of the effects of dynamite,
smokeless powder and phenyldimethylpyr-
Ethnology showed Eskimo property
marks, British Columbia baskets, a new
hieroglyphic writing from Mexico, and other
objects of almost equal interest.
Photometry, illusions, binocular rivalry,
accuracy of movement and endurance were
the objects of measurements in psychology.
Under Geology and Geography were
shown recent work of the U.S. Geological
Survey, the Maryland and the New York
State Surveys, including the Geologic model
of the Yellowstone National Park made by
the U.S. Geological Survey to go to the
Paris Exposition, and a relief map of the
Adirondack Region made by Merrill. A
suite of crude petroleums and several others
of interesting rocks, together with large
thin sections (three inches square) of rocks,
furnished interesting material for the geol-
ogist and petrographer.
Mineralogy made a bewildering display
of beautiful and interesting minerals and
apparatus, with examples of photo-micro-
graphs and photographs with uranium rays.
Physics presented grating spectra from
Johns Hopkins, illustrating rotation of sun,
effect of pressure upon the are spectra,
Zeeman effect and coincidence of metallic
and Fraunhofer lines, special colorimeters,
distillation apparatus, Crookes tubes, abbre-
viated continuous mercury vacuum pumps,
a special are light and audimeter, the effect
of an alternating magnetic field upon a
lamp filament, line screens for color photog-
raphy, a complete set of apparatus for re-
search in Hertz waves and wireless teleg-
raphy, a low resistance and a standard-
comparison Wheatstone bridge, apparatus
used in measuring specific heat and tem-
perature at mines 200 degrees Centigrade,
also the new Dudley strematograph with re-
sults of its use in measuring stresses in rail-
road rails under moving trains.
Among many interesting exhibits in Pale-
ontology the magnificent limbs of four mon-
strous dinosaurs commanded special atten-
Similarly in Zoology the beautiful new
case illustrating the nesting habits of the
brown pelican rather out ran in popular
favor other objects of great scientific inter-
As may be inferred even from the above
brief and unsatisfactory sketch, the exhibi-
tion was as wide in its scopeas it was scien-
tifically interesting in its details. It must
have been seen to be appreciated, and the
thanks of those who did see it are due to
the zeal of the exhibitors, especially those
out of town, among whom should be men-
tioned Princeton, Harvard, Johns Hopkins
and Chicago Universities, Lick and Yerkes
Observatories, the United States, Maryland
and New York Surveys.
WitiiAmM HALLock,
Chairman of Committee.
Lectures on the Evolution of Plants. By DouGLAs
HouGHtTon CAMPBELL, PH.D., Professor of
Botany in the Leland Stanford Junior Uni-
versity. New York, The Macmillan Com-
pany. 1899. 12mo. Pp. viii+ 319.
Professor Campbell is probably the foremost
of the small group of what may be termed the
philosophical botanists in America, and he is,
no doubt, better prepared to discuss the ques-
tions taken up in this book, at least in so far as
they deal with the archegoniates and seed
plants, than any other of our students of plants.
Some years ago he brought out his book ‘The
Structure and Development of the Mosses and
Ferns,’ in which he treated the subject in such
a modern way as to give new meaning to what
had to too great a degree been mere dry detail.
In no uncertain words he traced the genetic
relationship of group to group, and the student
following him was made to feel that the fact of
relationship was real and necessary, and not
doubtful or shadowy.
In the little book before us the author dis-
cusses, in succession, the conditions of plant
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 226.
life, the simplest forms of life, algee, fungi,
mosses and liverworts, ferns, horsetails and
club-mosses, gymnosperms, monocotyledons,
dicotyledons, geological and geographical dis-
tribution, animals and plants, influence of en-
vironment, and at the end brings together
his results in a chapter entitled ‘summary and
We can do no better in endeavoring to give
our readers an idea of the author’s treatment
and conclusions than to quote a sentence here
and there from his final chapter, as follows:
‘‘A}l plants agree closely in their essential cell
structure, the typical cell having a cellu-
lose membrane and a single nucleus.”’ ‘‘ The
lowest plants are mainly aquatic, and it is ex-
ceedingly probable that this is the primitive
condition of plant life’? ‘‘The peculiar group
of motile green alge, the Volvocineze, probably
represents more nearly than any existing forms
the ancestral type of all the higher green
plants. These ciliated alge are also probably
related to certain colorless flagellate Infusoria,
which in turn may represent the starting-point
for the whole group of Metazoa among animals.
It is not unlikely that the separation of the
two great branches of organisms, plants and
animals, took place among the Flagellata.’’
‘Starting with this primitive motile unicellular
organism, there have evidently arisen a num-
ber of independent lines of development result-
ing in very divergent types of structure.’’
‘“‘In these lowly organisms there is no clearly
marked line between vegetative and reproduc-
tive cells.”’
‘The increasing complexity of the plant body
has beenaccompanied by acorresponding special-
ization of the reproductive parts.’’ ‘‘ The origin
of the Phzeophycez, or brown algz, from free-
swimming brown flagellate organisms, is by no.
means unlikely, and if this be shown to be the
case they must be considered as a line of devel-
opment parallel with the Chlorophycez, rather
than an off-shoot from these.’’ ‘‘ The relation-
ship of the fungi is still an open question.’”
‘The ancestors of the higher green plants must
be sought among the simple fresh-water green
algee. The genus Coleochexte, the most special-
ized of the Confervacez, is the form which
shows the nearest analogy with the lower
APRIL 28, 1899. ]
Bryophytes.’’ ‘‘In the mosses * * the per-
sistence of the motile spermatozoid indicates
the derivation of the Archegoniates from aquatic
ancestors.’’ ‘The Pteridophytes, also, show
traces of an aquatic ancestry in the develop-
ment of spermatozoids, which require water in
order that they may reach the archegonium.”’
“Of the Spermatophytes the Gymnosperms
are obviously the lowest types, 7. e., they show
more clearly their derivation from the Pterido-
phytes.’’ ‘‘The Angiosperms are preeminently
the modern plant type. These have largely
crowded out the other earlier types of vegeta-
tion, and at present comprise a majority of
existing species.’’ ‘‘It is among the Angio-
sperms that the plant body reaches its highest
expression. In the keen struggle for existence
among the manifold forms of plants the An-
giosperms have shown themselves to be extra-
ordinarily plastic, and have developed every
possible device to enable them to survive this
fierce competition.’’
We need quote no more from this very sug-
gestive and very readable book. Every botanist
and every earnest botanical student will read
it with interest and profit.
Die Spiele der Menschen. Von KARL GRoos.
Jena. 1899.
Professor Groos follows up his work on Ani-
mal Play with his promised book on Human
Play. He divides this last work into two
sections, the first discussing the facts of play
under headings, Touch Plays, Temperature,
Hearing, Sight, Motor Plays of various kinds,
and purely psychic plays; the second, dis-
cussing theories of play under headings,
Physiological, Biological, Psychological, Aus-
thetic, Sociological and Pedagogical. The gen-
eral grouping of facts is, as regards biological
results, into activities which serve as exercise
and those which serve as display in impressing
others—that is in the two divisions, where in-
dividual significance is dominant, or social sig-
nificance. Of course, this is a quite objective
classification ; the child not consciously taking
exercise—this being really work—but continu.
ing the activity for its immediate pleasurable-
ness. The showing-off play is largely con-
sciously such; there is here more of the subjective
and teleological factor.
Under Hearing and Sight Plays Professor
Groosis quite full and interesting, really giving
in outline the evolution of these senses in the
race and individual. We might ask why he
divides Hearing Play into passive and active,
and not other sense plays. The child is, indeed,
diverted either by your singing, or by his singing
to himself, but also both by your passing things
before his eyes and himself passing things be-
fore his own eyes. Later he both looks at
pictures in books and draws pictures for him-
self. Indeed, it is plain that gratification of
any sense may be either active or passive, the
active side leading off into art activity and art
Professor Groos’s account of Motor Plays is
hardly as full and satisfactory as that on Sense
Plays. We find here, as elsewhere, too often a
heaping-up of facts and of quotations with
very cursory interpretation. Thus (p. 95) he
rather hastily Jumps the American -habit of
gum chewing with betel-chewing, and with the
habit of chewing bits of sticks and grass, as
motor plays for jaws and tongue. But while it
is plain that the gum-chewer may use a piece
gum as a mouth-plaything, yet toa large extent
gum chewing is merely a morbid nervous habit,
or a means of gratifying sense of taste, and in
both these ways not play. So also the athlete
who chews gum or other articles during a foot-
ball game is not in this playing. Chewing is
ouly play when it ischewing for chewing’s sake,
and not asa mere relief from nervous tension,
or for taste pleasure or to help endurance and
Professor Groos rightly regards the psycho-
logical mark of play not as imitation, but as
direct pleasurableness. The mere biological
activity comes first as outcome of bare physio-
logical impulse ; thus the infant grasping indefi-
nitely feels something soft, experiences pleasure
and keeps handling the object. Objectively
and biologically all this activity is play, but
psychologically only the later half (p. 95).
As to physiology, ‘‘Es sind zwei Hauptprinci-
pien, die eine psychologische Theorie des Spiels
beherrschen miissen, das der Entladung tber-
schiissiger Krifte und das der activen Erholung
erschopfter Krafte.’’ The sesthetic social point
of view is enlarged on throughout much in the
same way as in his previous work.
In general the remarks we have made on
Professor Groos’s previous work (Psychological
Review, Vol. 6, p. 86 ff.) apply also to this.
The last book is larger, fuller and more cautions,
but it lacks in clearness and directness and
penetration. Though sometimes suggestive, it
is rarely illuminating. Very comprehensive
and learned, it is useful as a summary and dis-
cussion, but it has not the vitality of real re-
search. The book isswamped in quotation, and
we have more a history and discussion of opinion
than a first-hand investigation. Though by
bringing in everything of the least relevancy
Professor Groos attains a certain completeness,
itis greatly to be doubted whether in breaking
ground in a new subject this is the most useful
method. The foundations for a real science of
play can only be laid by the direct detailed
study of the life-history of the individual, the
results being made to an extent verifiable by
the photograph and phonograph.
The Elements of Practical Astronomy. W.W.CAMP-
BELL. New York and London, The Macmillan
Company. 1899. Pp. xii+ 264. $2.00.
Nature Study for Grammar Grades. WILBUR 8.
JACKMAN. New York and London, The Maecmil-
lan Company. 1899. Pp. 407. $1.00.
The Fairyland of Science. ARABELLA B, BUCKLEY.
New York, D. Appleton & Co. 1899. Pp. x+
252. $1.50.
Electricity in Town and Country Houses. PERCY E.
Scrurron. Westminster, Archibald Constable &
Co. 1899. 2d Edition. Pp. xii+ 148.
Report of the Commissioner of the United States Commis-
sion of Fish and Fisheries. Pp. elxxy + 350.
Corn Plants. F.L.SARGENT. Boston and New York,
Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1899. Pp. 106. 75 cts.
Anglo-American Pottery. E. A. BARBER.
apolis., Ind., Press of the Clay Worker.
Pp. xix +161.
Photographie Optics. R.S. Cote. New York, D. Van
Nostrand Company. 1899. Pp. 330.
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 226.
The Botanical Gazette for April contains the
following leading articles: ‘A Conspectus of
the Genus Lilium,’ by F. A. Waugh, which
brings together and organizes the widely scat-
tered material ; ‘Some Appliances for Elemen-
tary Study of Plant Physiology,’ by W. F.
Ganong, in which are described, with figures, a
temperature stage, a clinostat, a self-recording
auxanometer, an osmometer, a respiration ap-
paratus, a germination box, a transpiration de-
vice, the graduation of roots, tubes, etc., and a
root-pressure gauge; ‘Oogenesis in Pinus Laricio,’
by Charles J. Chamberlain, a paper with plates,
in which the following results are announced :
The ventral canal cell occasionally develops as
an egg; the chromatin of the egg nucleus takes
the form of nucleoli which finally collect from
all parts of the nucleus to a definite area near
the center and there develop into a typical
spirem; the chromatin of the two sexual nuclei is
in the spirem stage at fusion; the fate of the spin-
dle indicates that the kinoplasmic fibers arise
through a transformation of the cytoplasmic re-
ticulum ; a continuation of ‘The Ecological Re-
lations of the Vegetation of the Sand Dunes of
Lake Michigan,’ by Henry C. Cowles, the
present part, profusely illustrated, discussing
the encroachment on preexisting plant societies
and the capture of the dune-complex by vege-
tation. Under ‘Briefer Articles’ Julia W.
Snow describes (with plate) the life history of a
new Ulvella (U. Americana), and Bradley M.
Davis discusses recent work on the life history
of the Rhodophycew. The number closes with
the usual reviews, notes for students and news.
American Chemical Journal, April, 1899. ‘On
the Hydrolysis of Acid Amides :’ By I. Remsen
and E. E. Reid. The rate of hydrolysis of a
large number of acid amides was compared
and certain groups or positions of groups were
found to exercise a marked influence on the re-
action. In general the resultsagree with those
obtained in the study of the rate of formation
of ethereal salts. Ortho groups were found
to exert a very marked ‘protective’ influence
in many cases. ‘Aliphatic Sulphonic Acids:’
By E. P. Kohler. The author describes
the preparation and reaction of (1) brome-
APRIL 28, 1899.]
thylene sulphonic acid and its derivatives.
“A Serviceable Generator for Hydrogen Sul-
phide:’ By W. P. Bradley. This generator is
so arranged that all the acid is used, and it only
needs filling several times a year. The iron
salt formed does not mix with the acid, but is
drawn off and thrown away.
THE annual stated meeting of the National
Academy of Sciences was held at Columbian
University beginning Tuesday, April 18th, and
ending Thursday, April 20th. The members
missed the rooms to which they were so long
accustomed in the National Museum, but the
growth of this institution has been so marked
that there is no longer any room available for
such purposes. A committee has been ap-
pointed to secure, if possible, permanent quar-
ters, and it is hoped that, in view of the relations
of the Academy to the United States govern-
ment, rooms may be set aside in some public
building for the use of the Academy.
The papers presented at the public sessions
were as follows :
1. Ophiura Brevispina, W. K. Brooks and Caswell
2. The Shadow of a Plant, A. Hall.
3. On the Tanner Deep Sea Tow Net, A. Agassiz.
4. On the Acalephs of the East Coast of the United
States, A. Agassiz and A. G. Mayer.
5. On the Limestones of Fiji, E. C. Andrews ; com-
municated by A. Agassiz. :
6. On the Bololo of Fiji and Samoa, W. MeM.
Woodworth ; communicated by A. Agassiz.
7. On the Diamond and Gold Mines of South Africa,
A. Agassiz.
8. Progress in Surveying and Protection of the
U.S. Forest Reserves, Chas. D. Walcott.
9. The Resulting Differences between the Astro-
nomic and Geodetic Latitudes and Longitudes in“the
Triangulation along the Thirty-ninth Parallel, H. 8.
Pritchett ; introduced by Chas. D. Walcott.
10. The Work of the Division of Forestry, Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Gifford Pinchot ; introduced by
Chas. D. Walcott.
11. On the Development by Selection of Super-
numerary Mamme in Sheep, A. Graham Bell.
12. On Kites with Radial Wings, A. Graham Bell.
13. Remarks on the Work of the Nautical Almanac
During the Years 1877-98 in the Field of Theoretical
Astronomy, S. Newcomb.
14. Exhibition of Specimens of Nautilus pompilius,
W. K. Brooks and L. E. Griffin.
The new members elected are : Professor C.
i. Beecher, Yale University ; Professor George
C. Comstock, University of Wisconsin; Professor
Theodore W. Richards, Harvard University ;
Professor Edgar F. Smith, University of Penn-
sylvania, and Professor E. B. Wilson, Columbia
The Academy adjourned to meet in New
York next November.
THE 499th meeting of the Society was held at
8 p. m., April Ist, in the assembly room of the
Cosmos Club. The first paper was by Mr. G.
W. Littlehales on ‘The Prospective Place of,
the Solar Azimuth Tables in the Problem of
Accelerating Ocean Transit.’ <A brief abstract
of this paper will appear later in ScrENCcE.
The second paper was by Mr. E. G. Fisher on
‘Data Relating to Nickel Iron Alloy.’ The
third paper was by Mr. H. A. Hazen on ‘ Elec-
tric and Magnetic Weather.’ Mr. Hazen said
in part:
One of the earliest coincidences between the
weather and magnetism was published in a set
of curves in the Annual Report of the C. S. O.
for 188%, showing the exact correspondence be-
tween the curves of diurnal range of magnetic
declination and pressure of the air. In April,
1898, a period of 25.912 days was found from
temperatures for 20 years at Omaha, Neb., and
this period applied to the annual observations
in the United States from 1870 to 1898 (about
400 occurrences) showed a marked maximum
point on one day throughout. The largest
number of auroras observed in any one day in
the United States fell upon this same day (not
included, however, inthe count). In February,
1899, Dr. Ekholm sent a paper in which he had
established a period of 25.92876 days from ob-
servations of the auroras in Sweden for 175
years. This period, applied to the above obser-
vations, gave almost a straight line. The great
danger of using the twenty-four-hour change in
any element was pointed out. It was shown
that there was almost an exact accordance be-
tween the diurnal range in magnetic diclination,
horizontal and vertical form. When the fluc-
tuations in these elements from day to day were
compared, however, there were remarkable
periods of coincidence, combined with non-co-
incidence. It was shown that the curves for
grains in a cubic foot of air and for pressure
fluctuations were exactly coincident at St.
Louis, Mo. When these curves were compared
with the magnetic curves there was no difficulty
found in matching them with one or another of
the latter. This seemed to show an intimate
connection between the phenomena, and it now
remains for those versed in terrestrial magnet-
ism to explain the want of coincidence in the
phenomena. E. D. PREstTon,
AT the regular meeting of this Society, held
in Washington, D. C., on April 12, 1899, Mr.
Alfred H. Brooks communicated some ‘ Notes
on the Geology of the Tanana and White River
Basins, Alaska.’
The region embraces the Lower White and
the major part of the Tanana River, both trib-
utary to the Yukon. To the south the area is
bounded by a part of the St. Elias range, by
the Natzutin Mountains and by the Alaskan
range, and lies chiefly in the region of the dis-
sected Yukon plateau.
A complex of gneisses, gneissoid and massive
granites, with some dioritic rocks, are believed
to be the basal series. They are succeeded by
metamorphic rocks which have been differen-
tiated into three groups. These are unconform-
ably overlaid by the Wellesley formation, con-
sisting chiefly of conglomerate, of Devonian or
Carboniferous age. On the Lower Tanana
some sandstone and slate beds were noted and
called the Nilkoka beds, and these are probably
also Paleozoic. These have all suffered con-
siderable deformation and often carry mineral-
ized quartz veins. In the older and more
altered rocks the quartz is more plentiful than
in the younger beds. Assays of a number of
samples gave traces of both gold and silver. A
small area of very slightly deformed soft yellow
sandstone was tentatively classed as Eocene.
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 226.
The position of two systems of structure lines
goes to show that the deformation of the region
was caused by two synchronous thrusts coming
from different directions, and these were prob-
ably lines of movement during several periods
of deformation.
The summits of the old plateau remnants area
striking feature of the region and mark an old
peneplain. During the late Tertiary time this
peneplain was elevated and probably somewhat
deformed and was then deeply dissected. The
evidence goes to show that the drainage of the
upper Tanana and middle White then flowed
southeast and probably found its way to Lynn
Canal by way of the valleys of the Nissiling,
upper Alsek and Chilkat Rivers. A depression
succeeded the uplift, and the partially drowned
valleys were then filled with sediments. To-
ward the close of this period of depression the
White River Valley was occupied by ice, and
probably a little later glaciers moved down
some of the southern tributaries of the Tanana.
No evidence of general glaciation was found in
the region. The last orographic disturbance
was the elevation of the land mass to about its
present position, and this caused a partial dissec-
tion and terracing of the sediment of the older
Mr. J. 8. Diller exhibited specimens of Paleo-
trochis which had been described in 1856 by E.
Emmons as siliceous corals and regarded as the
oldest fosssils known. Professor James Hall
regarded them as concretions. Professor J. A.
Holmes, of North Carolina, examined the rock
in the field and considered it of igneous origin,
while Mr. C. H. White, who examined the
specimens collected by Holmes, pronounced the
forms organic. Nitze and Hanna, of the Geo-
logical Survey of North Carolina, maintain the
igneous characters of the rock, and this view is
strongly supported by Mr. Diller, who showed
that the supposed fossils and concretions are
spherulites in a more or less altered rhyolite.
Mr. Diller’s paper will be published in full in
the American Journal of Science.
W. F. MorsELL.
THE regular meeting was held on March 9,
APRIL 28, 1899. ]
The first paper of the evening was read by
Dr. F. K. Cameron and was entitled ‘ Acetone-
Chloroform, 2d paper,’ by F. K. Cameron and
L. J. Briggs.
The second paper was read by Mr. T. H.
Means and was entitled ‘Estimation of the
Salt Contents of Soil Waters,’ by T. H. Means
and F. K. Cameron. This method has been
devised for a rapid estimation of the relative
proportions of chloride, sulfates and carbonates
in the ‘alkali’ soils of the Western districts. It
is used as a check upon the electrical method
for the determination of the soluble salt con-
tent of soils, as well as to furnish approximate
analyses in the field without waiting for com-
plete analyses to be made in the laboratory.
The method determines chlorides, sulfates and
carbonates in terms of the sodium salt. A
sample of water is taken, or an extract is made
of the soil, and the solution filtered or decanted.
The solution need not be clear. An excess of
barium nitrate (10 cc.) is added to 10 cc. of the
soil extract, thus precipitating sulfates and car-
bonates. The excess of barium nitrate is ti-
trated back with potassium chromate, using sil-
ver nitrate on a porcelain plate as an indicator.
In the same vessel silver nitrate is added, using
potassium chromate on the plate as an indica-
tor, thus precipitating the chloride. A few
drops of nitric acid are now added and the
liquid heated, driving off the carbon dioxide
from the barium carbonate. The excess of
nitric acid is neutralized by powdered mag-
nesium carbonate. Again the solution is ti-
trated with potassium chromate, the quantity
required giving the amount of carbonates.
This subtracted from the sum of the sulfates
and carbonates, as found above, gives the sul-
fates. This method makes the three titrations
in one vessel, the apparatus being of such a
simple nature that all can be carried in a camp-
ing outfit.
The third paper was read by Mr. J. K. Hay-
wood and was entitled ‘The Determination of
Calcium and Magnesium in Ashes.’ The au-
thor has found that in determining calcium and
magnesium it is not essential to wash the volu-
minous ppt. of basic acetate of iron and phos-
phate of iron, but that results of almost equal
accuracy are obtained by making the precipita-
tion in a 500-ec. flask, filling up to the mark,
passing through a dry filter and using aliquot
portions of the filtrate for analysis. The above
is substantiated by experimental data.
The last paper was read by Dr. H. C. Bolton
and was entitled ‘The Classification of Chem-
istry Proposed by the International Catalogue
Committee of the Royal Society, a Critical An-
alysis,’ by W. P. Cutter and H. C. Bolton.
The paper analyzed the proposed scheme of
classification of chemical titles drawn up by the
Committee on the International Catalogue of the
Royal Society. It characterized the system as
conglomerate, since numbers, Roman capitals,
lower case, italic letters and Greek letters are
mixed up with alphabetical headings. The
system embraces also methods of notation
which are very objectionable, inasmuch as the
symbols are analogous in structure and appear-
ance to chemical formule, yet they are essen-
tially different. The scheme proposed, if in-
tended to facilitate research, is pronounced by
the authors of the analysis an almost total
failure. Wo. H. Krue,
AT the regular monthly meeting of April 4th
three papers of general interest were presented.
Dr. F. W. Sardeson discussed the primitive
structure of the Crinoid stem. Specimens were
exhibited showing the manner of development
from the first Cystidean type of structure, 7. e.,
an elongation of the body wall supported by
hexagonal plates; the arrangement into five
vertical rows of the alternating transversely
elongated six sided plates ; the arrangement of
these plates in transverse circles forming dis-
tinet sections and joints, this being the most
primitive structure of the stem seen in the
Crinoidea; the circle of five plates in each sec-
tion united in such manner as to form a solid
ring with a central pentagonal perforation or
Dr. U. S. Grant described a driftless area in
northeastern Minnesota. The area in question
is a small one, 8 by 12 miles, around Wilder
Lake, entirely free from the drift which covers
the country around it so deeply. The rock
surface is decayed as if no removal or grind-
ing of the surface material had taken
place by glacial action, and is entirely free
from drift boulders. As a probable explana-
tion the author suggested that this area lay to
leeward of a great ice ridge which effectually
shielded it from the direct action of the glacial
ice stream.
Mr. H. B. Humphrey detailed his observa-
tions upon the influence of low temperatures
upon plants, and described the difference of
effect of sudden changes and gradual lower-
ing of the temperature. Living specimens kept
for a month or more in commercial cold-storage
rooms at a point slightly below freezing ex-
hibited phenomena of starvation.
Corresponding Secretary.
AT the meeting of the Academy of Science of
St. Louis of April 3d a paper by Mr. Stuart
Weller, entitled ‘Kinderhook Faunal Studies,
I: The Fauna of the Vermicular Sandstone at
Northview, Webster county, Mo.,’ was pre-
sented for publication; and Mr. Trelease ex.
hibited a plaster cast of a gigantic monstrosity
of Cereus marginatus, known as the Rosa de
Organo, presented to the Missouri Botanical
Garden by Professor Frederick Starr, and re-
ported that this formation was locally abun-
dant at points south from Aguas Calientes. The
speaker exhibited a large number of compa-
rable cactus monstrosities from the plant-houses
of the Missouri Botanical Garden and the col-
lection of the President of the Cactus Associa-
tion of St. Louis, and a similar deformity of one
of the cactus-like Euphorbias of the African re-
gion, commenting on this teratological type.
It was shown that for the purposes of gardeners
for whom these unusual forms appear to pos-
sess a considerable interest, they are commonly
divided into two types, in one of which, com-
monly designated by the varietal name cristata
or cristatus, the monstrosity takes the form of
a fan or a contorted ridge, while in the other,
commonly designated by the varietal name
monstrosa or monstrosus, it consists of irreg-
ular bunching of the branches and an interrup-
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 226.
tion of the customary longitudinal ridges of
such a genus as Cereus.
Recording Secretary.
A GENERAL meeting was held March 15th ;
twenty-eight persons present.
Mr. E. C. Jeffrey, in an account of the genus
Equisetum, stated briefly the sexual and asex-
ual methods of development. The internal
structure of the stem was described, and the re-
lationships of the Equisetz to the Lycopods
and ferns were noted. Structurally Archzeo-
calamites resembles the higher Lycopods. The
branches of Calamites originate from the center
of the ring of nodal wood or from its lower
border. Casts of Calamites show pith.
Dr. C. R. Eastman read a paper on some new
North American fossil fishes. An abstract will
appear in an early number of SCIENCE.
EXPERIMENTS have been made at the physical
laboratory of the Missouri State University
which show that the action of the Branly tube
is due to an actual cohering of the particles.
The action consists, first, in an electrostatic at-
traction causing the particles to come in con-
tact, andjsecond, in a fusion of the points of
An instrument has been designed and con-
structed which clearly shows this coherence
and renders its study possible. It consists of
two electrodes, one a metallic plate on which
the filings are placed, and the other a metallic
point carried on a pivoted arm swinging in a
vertical plane. Ifa considerable difference of
potential is maintained between these elec-
trodes, and the point be brought in contact
with the filings and then carefully lifted, a
thread will attach itself to the point and may
be drawn out to two or more inches in length.
The difference of potential has, in our experi-
ments, been produced in a variety of ways.
Thus the instrument was placed in circuit with
two dry cells and a 160-ohm relay, and threads
APRIL 28, 1899. ]
produced. Here the effect was caused, not by
the low potential of the battery current, but by
the much higher potential of the extra current
produced by the cons’ant breaks at the lower
end of the thread. This was demonstrated by
placing a non-inductive resistance of about 1,-
000 ohms in parallel with the coherer. This
entirely prevented the action. Attaching the
ends of the secondary of an induction coil to
the coherer gave similar results, as did also the
Holtz machine.
But these threads remained cohering after
there had ceased to be a difference of potential
between the electrodes. In a vacuum the
threads still remained hanging, showing that the
friction and pressure of the air did not maintain
the coherence. Under the microscope the
points of contact appear to be fused, and other
observers have noticed bright points after cohe-
rence is destroyed. That fusion occurs is also
shown by the fact that metals having a high
melting point give threads of much less tenacity
than those with low melting points. Thus
platinum and iron give very fragile threads,
while tin, lead and aluminum give threads
capable of enduring considerable flexure.
With the Holtz machine threads could be
produced only when the machine was run
slowly. If it was run too fast the particles
would fly back and forth between the elec-
trodes of the coherer. The point of the
coherer, becoming charged, induces a charge
in the particle nearest to it. This causes
an electrostatic attraction, the particle flies
to the point and, receiving a like charge, is
at once repelled. But the instant it comes in
contact the points of contact fuse, and if the
charge on the electrode be small this fusion
will be sufficient to resist the tendency to fly off
and the filing will remain, becoming a part of
the electrode and repeating the action on the
next particle. Thus consecutive filings are
united and a continuous thread of filings fused
together, which connects the eléctrodes, reduc-
ing the resistance greatly. In a Hertzian field
the action is precisely similar, the difference of
potential here being produced by the action of
the Hertz waves. Short threads of filings were
obtained, as in the preceding experiments.
These experiments show that the great re-
duction in the resistance of the tube is due to
the formation of continuous threads of metal
connecting the electrodes. They also indicate
some of the points which a good coherer, must
possess. The filings used should be composed
of metal not easily oxidized, of small specific
gravity and low melting point. The electrodes
should consist of points or roughened surfaces
of similar metal. Further, it is difficult to de-
cohere a thread while a current is flowing,
since the induced current at any break tends to
bring back the parts to coherence. Marconi
avoids this action by the use of a high resistance
in parallel with the coherer. The necessity for
this resistance can be avoided by having the
current through the coherer broken before the
tapping occurs. Experiments are being con-
tinued in the direction of a practical application
of these principles.
M. H. Locxwoop,
MARCH 30, 1899.
gaged in the study and description of two-
headed snakes by means of skiagraphy. Al-
though I have in hand eight specimens from
various museums, I have been unable to locate
the Tropidonotus from the Massachusetts State
Collection, described by Wyman in the Proc.
Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. IX., p. 193, and the
three snakes described by Mitchell in the Amer.
Jour. of Science, Vol. X., p. 48.
I write in the hope that one of your readers
may be able to help me in my quest of these
four specimens, and that I may be informed of
any other snakes with this abnormality in
American collections, in order that I may make
note of, or describe, them in my forthcoming
RosweEuui H. JOHNSON.
April 14, 1899.
Ir was not my intention, in my letter in Scr-
ENCE of March 31st, to discuss the question as
to whether certain names of geologic formations
conflicted, or to discuss the undesirability of
using names that have more or less similarity.
Its purpose, as stated, was ‘to illustrate what
the present system is leading to.’ Names of
formations and dates of publication were given
for this purpose.
However, Director G. M. Dawson, in his re-
cent communication in SCIENCE, states that it
is not apparent from my remarks that Cache
Creek group of formation holds priority. I do
not see how any other construction can be given
to the third paragraph of my letter. It is there
briefly shown that Dr. Selwyn described the
Upper and Lower Cache Creek group in 1872,
and that in 1896 Dawson applied the name
Cache Creek formation to both series. It is
further evident, from the names and dates given,
that the Cache Creek group has priority over
either Cache Valley group or Cache Lake beds.
F. B. WEEKs.
AT the meeting of the Chemical Society (Lon-
don) on March 16th Professor Dewar pre-
sented a paper on the boiling point of hydrogen,
which is printed in the Proceedings. In obtain-
ing liquid hydrogen great difficulty is expe-
rienced owing to the presence of small traces of
air. Quantities amounting to only one thous-
andth of one per cent. accumulate in the solid
state and eventually choke the nozzle of the ap-
paratus, necessitating the abandonment of the
operation. Dewar obtained 250 cubic cen-
timeters of colorless liquid hydrogen and used
this for the determination of the boiling point.
His previous observations, using a platinum
resistance thermometer, gave the boiling point
as —238°. In these latest experiments a possi-
ble constant error in the use of the platinum
thermometers was checked by using a rhodium-
platinum resistance thermometer, the alloy con-
taining ten percent. rhodium. Examination
had shown that alloys, unlike pure metals,
showed no sign of becoming perfect conductors
at absolute zero. The rhodium-platinum ther-
mometer gave the boiling point of hydrogen as
—246°, and this the author considers to be
more accurate than the previous determinations,
especially as it agrees very fairly with the boil-
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 226.
ing point calculated from the results of Wrob-
lewski and of Olszewski.
In an addendum dated March 17th Dewar
gives the first results from a constant-volume
hydrogen thermometer working under dimi-
nished pressure. This gave —252° as the boil-
ing point of hydrogen. The three results in
absolute temperature are: (1) platinum resist-
ance thermometer, 35°; (2) rhodium-platinum
resistance thermometer, 27°; (3) hydrogen ther-
mometer, 21°. From this Dewar states that
it appears that the boiling point of hydrogen is
really lower than was anticipated.
In the Journal of the Society of Chemical In-
dustry the use of titanium compounds in the
dyeing industry is discussed, and it is shown
that in many cases they may be successfully
utilized. Especially are they valuable as
mordants for alizarin yellows and oranges, and
for basic dyestuffs. The tannate is not unstable
towards acids and little influenced by light, and
according to the author is valuable as a water-
color. As experiments progress it is by no
means impossible that many of the elements
which now have little or no practical value may
find uses, and work along this line offers much
prospect of success.
In the last number of the Zeitschrift fiir ane
organische Chemie, Piccini publishes the full de-
tails of the preparation of cesium manganese
alum and a complete description of the salt.
This is of more than passing interest from the
fact that it is the first salt of trivalent man-
ganese whose constitution is not open to
question. Manganese alums are described in
older chemical literature, but efforts to repeat
their preparation have not been successful. By
utilizing the electric current to oxidize man-
ganese sulfate, Piccini forms the alum with-
out difficulty, and in crystals large enough for a
complete crystallographic study. It is thus
settled that in manganic compounds the man-
ganese istrivalent, and henceallied to aluminum,
chromium and iron. From a private communi-
cation Ilearn that other manganese alums have
been prepared and studied by Professor Chris-
tensen, and will shortly be described.
La leaalals
APRIL 28, 1899. ]
BULLETIN No. 23 of the Weather Bureau is
entitled Frost: When to Expect it and How to
Lessen the Injury Therefrom, and is by Professor
W. H. Hammon, Local Forecast Official at San
Francisco. This paper is a revision of one pre-
pared three years ago, and is the result of care-
ful study extending over a long period. The
Bulletin classifies the different methods of frost
protection under five heads. Of these the most
important ones are as follows: I., diminishing
radiation ; II., raising the dew point of the air,
and, III., increasing the temperature of the air.
Under the first class come screens of various
kinds, such as glass, cloth or laths; and the
well-known ‘smudges.’ The raising of the
dew point is accomplished by burning damp
‘smudges;’ by evaporation from water tanks
heated by fires; by spraying and by irrigating
at times of frost, etc. The heating of the air by
means of small fires, scattered about through
the orchard or over the field, has also been
found a very effective protector against frost in
the drier parts of California. Among the vari-
ous ingenious devices cited by Professor Ham-
mon, the following is worthy of note. The ma-
chine, designed by Mr. George F. Ditzler, of
Biggs, Cal., consists of a large, deep, sheet-iron
tank, three or four feet square, mounted on a
truck. About six inches from the bottom of the
tank a wire grate is erected. Through a
hole in the bottom of the tank, beneath
the screen, a blast of air is admitted,
which is produced by a_ revolving fan,
operated by a sprocket chain and wheel at-
tached to the wheel of the truck. A water
cask and force pump, operated by the move-
ment of the wagon, complete the outfit. A
little tar or other fuel is placed upon the grate
and ignited, and the tank is filled with wet
straw or manure. When the machine is put
in motion the blast produced by the fan causes
an intense fire. All the heat of the fire has to
pass through three feet of wet straw before it
can reach the air. Thus evaporation is very
active, and the vapor, rising from the wet ma-
terial, immediately condenses, forming a dense
fog or mist. While the machine is in motion,
being driven forward and back between the
rows of trees in the orchard, water is continu
ally pumped from the cask and discharged
from small holes about the top of the tank upon
the fuel. One such machine is said to evapo-
rate 100 gallons of water an hour. The fog
thus formed is stated to be so dense that the
driver has frequently to go ahead and lead the
WHILE the production of fog, as a means of
protection against frost, is an extremely desi-
rable thing in some districts on land, the pos-
sibility of dispelling fog over the oceans is an-
other matter which is no less anxiously sought
for. The following account of the so-called
Tugrin Fog Dispeller is found in the Monthly
Weather Review for January. The apparatus
consists of an outlook pipe, eight feet long and
three inches inside diameter, with a wide flange
at the mouth, placed so as to be convenient to
the navigating officer. A tube enters the pipe
from below, and a blower sends a powerful
stream of warm air through the tube and the
pipe straight ahead, blowing a hole right
through the fog, which is rolled back in every
direction. It is said that the navigating officer
is thus enabled to see through the densest fog
for several hundred feet.
THE report of the Meteorological Council to
the Royal Society for the year ending March
31, 1898, shows that of the 8:30 p. m. forecasts
issued daily the percentage of verification was
81. Fifty-five per cent. of these forecasts were
fully verified, and 26 per cent. were partly
verified. The highest percentage of verification
attained during the decade 1888-1897 was 84,
in 1893. Of the storm warnings issued during
the past year, 91.8 per cent. were justified by
subsequent gales or strong winds.
THE progress of the investigation of the free
air by means of kites continues. From the
Monthly Weather Review for January it is learned
that a kite corps has been formed at Bayonne,
N. J., and that nearly 40 ascents were made be-
tween April and December of last year. The
altitudes reached were in most cases not above
500 feet, and observations of temperature only
were made. R. DEC. Warp.
THE spring meeting of the Council of the
American Association for the Advancement of
Science was held April 18, in Washington, D. C.
The Permanent Secretary, Dr. L. O. Howard,
presented for the information of the Council an
account of the operations of his office since the
last Council meeting. He also presented his
financial statement for the last half of the year
1898, which was approved and ordered to be
printed. He announced that a contract had
been signed which provided for the printing of
the Volume of the Proceedings of the Associa-
tion for 1899 by the Chemical Publishing Com-
pany of Easton, Pa.
A number of matters relating to the Colum-
bus meeting the coming August were discussed.
The Council expressed its preference in favor
of Saturday, August 26th, as the day upon
which the all-day excursion should be given,
and further, in order that the scientific sessions
should not be interrupted, passed a resolution
expressing its desire that afternoon excursions
and other social functions should not be ar-
ranged by the Local Committee to begin before
4 o’clock in the afternoon. It was decided to
hold the final public meeting of the Association
on Friday night and the meeting of the Nomi-
nating Committee on Thursday night. Inas-
much as some dissatisfaction had been expressed
with the plan adopted at the Boston meeting of
doing away with the general morning sessions,
it was decided to resume these daily sessions at
10 o’clock each morning, confining the busi-
ness, however, to a consideration of matters
emanating from the Council and limiting their
duration to half an hour.
The Permanent Secretary was authorized to
invite Mr. Elihu Thomson to deliver the public
lecture at the Columbus meeting.
The Chairman of the Committee on Associa-
tion Badge reported progress and submitted de-
An application from Professor C. B. Daven-
port, of the Museum of Comparative Zoology,
Cambridge, Mass., for an appropriation from
the Research Fund of $50 to enable Mr. Charles
C. Adams to visit the headwaters of the Ten-
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 226.
nessee River to collect shells for the genus Jo
for the purpose of a specific study of variation
was referred to the Committee on Grants, with
power to act.
THE Secretary of the Interior has approved
plans submitted by Director Walcott, of the
Geological Survey, for the continuation of sur-
veys in Alaska during the summer of 1899.
It is proposed that one party, to consist of Mr.
W. J. Peters, topographer in charge, and Mr.
Alfred H. Brooks, assistant geologist, and
equipped with pack animals and outfit, shall
proceed from Chilkat Inlet, along the northern
side of St. Elias Range, to the head of White
River, and conduct such explorations as may
be feasible to locate the sources of the Copper,
Tanana and Nabesna Rivers. Between the
Tanana and the Yukon there is a range of
mountains composed largely of the gold-bear-
ing schists. Although quite extensively pros-
pected, but little is known of this range. The
explorations will be by the most feasible route
to Eagle City and thence westward within the
area between the Tanana and the Yukon, It
is expected that the party will reach a point on
the Yukon in September, and return by the
way of St. Michael or, if more advantageous, by
way of Dawson.
The second party, consisting of Mr. F. C.
Schrader, assistant geologist, and a topographer,
will proceed down the Yukon to Fort Yukon,
and from there carry forward explorations
northward toward the Koyukuk. The object
of this party is to explore the principal waters
of the Koyukuk within the Arctic Circle. As
the region is almost unknown, the special route
to be traversed will be left to the discretion of
the head of the party. The equipment of the
party is to consist of canoes of the same type as
those used in the explorations during the field
season of 1898. It is expected that the party
will return down the Koyukuk to the Yukon
and out by the way of St. Michael.
The plans have been developed as a result of
thorough discussion by the members of the
Survey familiar with explorations in Alaska
and the resources of the Territory.
APRIL 28, 1899. ]
A CIVIL service examination will be held on
May 9th to establish an eligible register for the
position of Expert in Terrestrial Magnetism,
U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Department
of the Treasury, at a salary of $2,500. The ex-
amination will consist of the subjects mentioned
below, which will be weighted as follows: (1)
experience in conducting magnetic surveys,
including a knowledge of the literature, past
and present, of the subject, 30; (2) original
investigations and training connected with the
study of magnetism, 40; (8) practical questions
relative to terrestrial magnetism, 30.
An examination will be held in June for the
position of Inspector of Standards, Office Stand-
ard Weights and Measures, U. 8. Coast and
Geodetic Survey, Department of the Treasury,
at a salary of $3,000 per annum. Competitors
will not be required to be present at an exam-
ination, but a decision will be made on the result
of the following tests: (1) training and ex-
perience, comprising, especially, original in-
vestigations in physics, 30; (2) published papers
having special reference to investigations in
physics or pertaining to standards of weight
and measure, 30; (8) thesis of not less than
two thousand (2,000) nor more than four thous-
and (4,000) words, on the proper functions of
a national office of weights and measures, 40.
On May 16th an examination will be held for
the position of Field Assistant, Division of For-
estry, Department of Agriculture, with a salary
of $1,000 a year. The subjects and weights are
as follows: (1) Forestry, 60; (2) Botany, 10;
(3) English (essay), 10; (4) Education and Ex-
perience, 20.
In view of the scarcity of applicants the ex-
amination scheduled to be held on April 11-12,
1899, for Examiner of Surveys, General Land
Office, Department of the Interior, has been
postponed to May 9-10, 1899. The examina-
tion is chiefly on land surveying and the salary
is $5 per day.
THE National Academy of Sciences at its
meeting last week elected the following new
members: Charles E. Beecher, professor of
historical geology at Yale University ; George
C. Comstock, professor of astronomy in the
University of Wisconsin; Theodore W. Richards,
professor of chemistry in Harvard University ;
Edgar F. Smith, professor of chemistry in the
University of Pennsylvania, and EK. B. Wilson,
professor of zoology in Columbia University.
Dr. DAvip GILL, of the Royal Observatory,
Cape of Good Hope, has been awarded the
Watson medal of the National Academy of
Mr. I. H. BurkKILL has been appointed as-
sistant to the Director of Kew Gardens.
Dr. CHARLOTTE ANGUS ScoTT, professor of
mathematics at Bryn Mawr College, has been
elected an honorary member of the Amsterdam
Mathematical Society.
Mr. G. L. TELLER, whose recent work on
the Chemistry of Wheat at the Arkansas Agri-
cultural Experiment Station has attracted at-
tention, has resigned his position as chemist of
that Station for the purpose of taking charge of
chemical work in the Chidlow Institute of
Milling and Baking Technology, Chicago. ‘ This
Institute, recently founded by Mr. David Chid-
low, who has been for some time past chemist
to the Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Co., of
Minneapolis, is the only institution in America
which offers the advantages of technical instruc-
tion to millers and bakers.
Dr. HEINRICH KIEPERT, since 1859 professor
of geography in the University of Berlin, well
known for his explorations in Asia Minor and
important publications, died on April 21st in
his 80th year.
CHARLES H. Swan, a well-known civil and
and sanitary engineer, died in Roxbury, Mass.,
on April 17th.
Mr. SPENCER H. DEVARRE, formerly instruc-
tor in mathematics in Yale University, has died
at Brooklyn.
WE learn from Nature that the Easter dredg-
ing expedition of the Liverpool Marine Biology
Committee was brought to an untimely end by
an unfortunate boat accident in Port Erin Bay.
On March 31st dredging and trawling were car-
ried on from the fisheries steamer John Fell,
and on the following forenoon the Tanner clos-
ing net ard the method of pumping plankton
from the bottom by means of a hose-pipe were
tried on the steamer. On the afternoon of
Saturday, April lst, two of the workers in the
Biological Station went out to collect surface
plankton in asmall boat. While hauling in the
tow-net when returning, the boat capsized, and
both were thrown into the water. One of them
(Mr. E. J. W. Harvey, of Liverpool) was picked
up by another boat from the Biological Station,
but his companion (Mr. Eric T. Townsend, of
Manchester) was unfortunately drowned before
assistance could reach him. The body was
eventually recovered. Mr. Townsend was a
student at the Owens College, and was occupy-
ing the College work-table at the Port Erin
Biological Station.
Dr. L. BuscALIONI is making collections in
Brazil for the Botanical Museum at Rome.
THE French government is sending an expe-
dition to the Congo to make a topographical
survey of the colony.
M. ADRIEN DE GERLACH, the chief of the
Belgian Antarctic expedition, will return with
the Belgica without further explorations after
repairs have been made at Buenos Ayres. M.
Artowski, the naturalist of the expedition is
already on his way home. Lieutenant Danco,
who had charge of the magnetic observations,
died in June, 1898.
A Russo-SWEDISH scientific expedition will
start for the Spitzbergen Archipelago in May.
The Russians will be represented by Staff
Captain Sergiebsky, the zoologist Vinitsky, Dr.
Bunge and the geologist and mining engineer
‘Chernysheff. They will go in the Libau ice-
breaker No. 2, and the Bakan, and join the
Swedish party at Stockholm. The expedition
intends to winter in Spitzbergen, the Russians
at Edge Island and the Swedes at Parry Island.
As we have already stated, the next annual
meeting of the British Association will be held
at Dover under the presidency of Professor
Michael Foster, commencing on Wednesday,
September 13th. For the benefit of Americans
who may propose attending the meeting, it
may be added that notice of papers pro-
posed to be read should be sent before July 1st
to the Assistant General Secretary, Mr. G.
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 226.
Griffith, at the office of the Association, Burling-
ton House, London.
AN electrical exposition will be held in Madi-
son Square Garden, New York, during the
month of May.
Tue King of the Belgians, as Sovereign of
the Congo Free State, has contributed £200 to-
ward the establishment of the London School
of Tropical Medicine, and the Secretary of State
for India has subscribed £1,000. The Arch-
bishop of Canterbury has also contributed £50
to the same object. Lord Lister, President of
the Royal Society, was the principal guest
on the occasion of the inaugural dinner in con-
nection with the Liverpool School for the Study
of Tropical Diseases on the 22d inst. A sum of
£1,700 has been promised towards the expenses
of the Liverpool School.
THE Kansas State Legislature has appro-
priated $25,000 for a dairy building at the Agri-
cultural Experiment Station and $6,000 for its
equipment. The Oklahoma Legislature has ap-
propriated $30,000 for buildings and equipment
for its Agricultural Station.
Ir is said that the estate left by the late
Baroness de Hirsch has been valued at $125,-
000,000, of which $100,000,000 will be ex-
pended in carrying out the various charities
founded or fostered by the Baron and Baroness.
The Hirsch Foundation in New York City re-
ceives $1,200,000.
Mr. ANDREW CARNEGIE has increased his
donation for the Washington Free Library
from $250,000 to $300,000, in order that the
building may be of more artistic construction.
We learn from The Auk that the Philadel-
phia Academy of Natural Sciences has acquired
the collection of bird skins made by Mr. Joseph
Hoopes, of West Chester, Pa. It contains more
than 7,000 specimens, nearly all being North
American land birds.
Tue following are the lecture arrange-
ments after Easter at the Royal Institution:
Professor J. Cossar Ewart, three lectures on
zebras and zebra hybrids; Professor Silvanus
P. Thompson, two lectures on electric eddy-cur-
rents (the Tyndall Lectures) ; Professor W. J.
Sollas, three lectures on geology; Professor
APRIL 28, 1899. ]
Dewar, three lectures on the atmosphere ; Mr.
Lewis F. Day, three lectures on embroidery ;
Professor L. C. Miall, two lectures on water
weeds; Mr. Louis Dyer, three lectures on Ma-
chiavelli; Mr. W. L. Brown, two lectures on
‘To Iceland in Search of Health’; Mr. Edgar
F. Jacques, three lectures on ‘The Music of
India and the East, and its Influence on the
Music of Europe’ (with musical illustrations).
The Friday evening meetings will be resumed
on April 14th, when a discourse will be deliv-
ered by Professor A. W. Ricker on ‘Earth
Currents and Electric Traction.’ Succeeding
discourses will probably be given by Dr. F. W.
Mott, Professor C. A. Carus Wilson, Dr. W. J.
Russell, Professor T. Preston, the Bishop of
Bristol, Sir William Martin Conway, Mr. H. G.
Wells and others.
THE Belgian Royal Academy, according to
Nature, proposes the following subjects for es-
says in competition for gold medals of value 600
francs each, to be awarded in 1900. The essays
are to be sent to the Secretary before August 1,
1900, each bearing a motto, and written in
French or Flemish. Contrary to the usual cus-
tom, five subjects instead of three have been se-
lected in each of the two departments of mathe-
matical and physical science and of natural
science. The mathematical and physical ques-
tions refer to: (1) critical phenomena in physics ;
(2) viscosity of liquids; (8) the carbon deriva-
tives of an element whose combinations are
little known; (4) the history and theory of
variation of latitude ; (5) the algebra and geom-
etry of n-linear forms were n>3. The ques-
tions in natural science refer to: (1) the geolog-
ical formations at Comblain au Pont, and
whether these are Devonian or Carboniferous ;
(2) the physical modifications produced in min-
erals by pressure ; (3) the organization and de-
velopment of the platoda ; (4) the presence of a
nucleus in the Sehizophyta; (5) the Devonian
flora of Belgium.
Two of the four positions offered by the Har-
vard Medical School to properly qualified men
desirious of training in physiological research
and in the management of large laboratory
classes in experimental physiology are not yet
filled for the next collegiate year. Holders of
these positions give more than half the day to
research. The remaining time is spent during
the first four months in learning laboratory
methods and during the last four months in di-
recting the laboratory work of the medical
students, two hundred of whom work from two
to three hours daily for sixteen weeks in ex-
perimental physiology. The fundamental ex-
periments in physiology done by two hundred
men working at one time present every variety
of results and impart a training in observation
and administration not to be acquired in other
Much too may be learned by association ;
from six to ten men are constantly engaged in
research in the laboratory of physiology, and
in the departments of anatomy, histology,
pathology, physiology and physiological chem-
istry, all of which have their laboratories in the
medical school building, are more than thirty
instructors. No charge of any kind is made,
either for the training in physiological research
and in teaching or for the use of animals and
other material. Four of the eight investiga-
tions already made by holders of these positions
have appeared in the American Journal of Physi
ology, and the others will be published shortly.
In addition to these opportunities the school
gives each assistant four hundred dollars for
superintending the class work in experimental
physiology three hours daily during sixteen
Applications for these positions should be
made to Dr. H. P. Bowditch, Harvard Medical
School, 688 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass.
‘ Tue following gifts and bequests to educa-
tional institutions have been made since our
last issue: $50,000 to Oberlin College for a
chemical laboratory ; $8,000 to Vassar College
by the will of Mrs. Luther Elthing for the
founding of a scholarship; $6,000 from Miss
Emily H. Bourne for the establishment of schol-
arships in Barnard College; $10,000 to the
Catholic University of Washington by the will
of Miss Mary Moran, and a conditional gift of
$30,000 to Yankton College, S. D., from D. K.
FOREIGN journals report that the late W. J.
Astrakoff has bequeathed to the University of
Moscow a sum ofa million roubles, on condition
that it shall be expended upon the foundation of
a ‘ Moscow University for Women,’ with three
faculties—mathematics, medicine and natural
science. He requires that it shall be placed
under the direct administration of the Ministry
of Public Education and the program corre-
spond exactly with that of the University for
THE Mechanical Hall of the University of
West Virginia was destroyed by fire on March
4th. The building was insured for $28,000, and
the loss beyond this sum is not great. The
building will be immediately replaced.
THE present state of affairs in the Russian
universities in extremely serious. Not only
has the University at St. Petersburg been closed
for some time, but similar conditions exist at
Moscow, Kieff, Kharkoff, Odessa, Kasan,
Tomsk and Warsaw, and in most of the tech-
nical institutes. More than 30,000 young men
who will soon form an important part ofthe in-
tellectual class in Russia are affected. The
troubles began by a demonstration against the
Rector of the University of St. Petersburg,
which was followed by an encounter with the
police in which Cossack whips were used upon
the students. The Russian government ap-
pears to sympathize to a certain extent with the
students, and an investigation has been ordered.
Tue statement in the daily press to the effect
that Dr. J. L. Wortmann has been elected by
the Yale corporation professor of paleontology
and Curator of the Peabody Museum is in-
correct. It is, however, probable that the work
in paleontology will be in some way divided
between Professor C. E. Beecher, of Yale Uni-
versity, and Dr. J. L. Wortmann.
Mr. J. ArrHuR THOMPSON has been ap-
pointed professor of natural history in the Uni-
versity of Aberdeen in succession to the late
Professor Nicholson.
Dr. RopeRT Murr has been elected to the
vacant professorship of pathology in the Uni-
versity of Glasgow. Dr. Muir was last year
[N.S. Vou. EX. No. 226.
called from a lectureship at Edinburgh to the
professorship of pathology at St. Andrews. He
has published important contributions especially
on the pathology of the blood and of the bone-
Mr. W. A. MurRiuy has been appointed As-
sistant Cryptogamic Botanist of the Cornell
University Experiment Station for one year,
during the absence, in Europe, of Dr. B. M.
Duggar. Mr. Murrill is a graduate of the
Washington and Lee University, and of the
Virginia Agricultural College. He entered
upon graduate study at Cornell University two
years ago, when he was appointed scholar in
botany. During the last year he held one of
the positions of graduate assistant in botany at
Cornell. He is still continuing graduate work.
EpGar BUCKINGHAM, associate in physics
and physical chemistry in Bryn Mawr College,
has resigned his position.
J. H. McCracken, assistant professor of
philosophy in New York University, has been
elected President of Westminster College.
TWENTY-SIX fellowships have been announced
in the University of Pennsylvania, of which the
following were given in the sciences: Reap-
pointments—Philosophy, H. B. Alexander ;
Mathematics, R. H. Vivian. New appoint-
ments—Mathematics and Astronomy, U. 8.
Hanna ; Physics, H. S. Conrad ; Chemistry, T.
M. Taylor, M. B. MacDonald ; Zoology, J. R.
Murlin, C. B. Thompson ; Pedagogy, I. B. Mc-
Dr. Dante E, Rosa, of Turin, has been ap-
pointed associate professor of comparative
anatomy in the University at Sassari; Profes-
sor Bergen, of Munich, has been made professor
of geology and mineralogy in the School of Min-
ing at Klausthal. Dr. Solomon, docent in
mineralogy at the University of Heidelberg, has
been promoted to an assistant professorship. Dr.
W.-Wien, associate professor of physics at the .
Institute of Technology at Aix, has been called
to a full professorship at the University at
Giessen. Dr. Eggeling has qualified as docent
in comparative anatomy and embryology in
the University at Strassburg, and Dr. Zermelo
as docent in mathematics and theoretical phys-
ics in the University at Giessen.
EDITORIAL CoMMITTEE: 8. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WoopwARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THuRsToN, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. LE ContE, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; HENRY F. OsBoRN, Paleontology ; W. K.
Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; 8. H. ScupDER, Entomology; C. E. Brssry, N. L.
BRITTON, Botany; C. 8. Minot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. Bowpitcu, Physiology;
J. S. Bryrnas, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; DANIEL G. BRIN-
TON, J. W. POWELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, May 5, 1899.
“Observations of the Planet Mars:’ PROFESSOR G.
SCHIAPAREDUG feeccsccstsessssneseassorssacsssecuesestess 633
Dr, Alexander Graham Bell on the Development by
Selection of Supernumerary Mamme in Sheep.
(GWathPPlaten Va) ccc sadtsccssessestetcetensetnesess 637
Latest Voleanie Eruptions of the Pacific Coast: J.
SBDINTERAreccscccesscccscnscencnsscrevsececcteceersescse 639
The Prospective Place of the Solar Azimuth Tables
in the Problem of Accelerating Ocean Transit: G.
Some New American Fossil Fishes: C. R. EASTMAN. 642
Rapidity of Sand-Plain Growth: M. L. FULLER.. 643
Proposed Survey of the Nile.......cccccscrcscsreosecvesene 644
Scientific Books :—
Evans on Birds: DR. J. A. ALLEN. Dav-
enport’s Experimental Morphology : PROFESSOR
T. H. MorGAN. Verworn’s General Physiology :
PROFESSOR D. T. MAcDouGAL. General........ 647
Scientifie Journals and Articles.......cccscceecececseceees 651
Societies and Academies :-—
The Philosophical Society of Washington: E. D.
PRESTON. The Entomological Society of Wash-
ington: DR. L. O. Howarp. The New York
Academy of Sciences ; Section of Astronomy and
Physics: DR. WM. S. Day. The New York
Section of the American Chemical Society: DR.
DURAND WiOODMAND ccseccsresstesiesdstssccsscsssee: 652
Discussion and Correspondence :—
Messrs. Lehmann and Hansen on Telepathy:
tions: PROFESSOR BURT G. WILDER.............- 654
Notes on Physics :—
A New Theory of the Zeeman Effect ; Daylight-
Phosphorescence VAG STsC 9D sjeerseccaeseshsscecesss ss 655
Notes on Inorganic Chemistry: J. L. Hu...... eee 656
Current Notes on Meteorology :
Blue Hill Observatory Bulletins ; Snow Rollers ; A
Course in Meteorology at Ohio State University ;
Climate of the Congo Free State: R. DEC. WARD. 657
A New Marine Biological Laboratory: DR. HUGH
INL FSIO GY: Pe ooqscoadzoaadoce: LoonoossosqasoadoedBadaadadegas 658
Theory of the Steam Engine: PRoressor Rk. H.
ANTE HORE SIILONNT -haanpbudcabsdbadoooridcdaaccn sdodasoopdanndadag 659
The Philadelphia Exposition Of 1900.....1cscececeeeees 659
Scientific Notes and News.........scccsececececscavsescecers 660,
University and Educational News.........c:cecvereceeeee 664
Tuis is the first volume of a series which
promises to be important for the physical
study of the planets. It contains a detailed
account of the observations made on the
planet Mars during an interval of ten
months (June, 1894—March, 1895) by Mr.
Percival Lowell and his two collaborators,
W. H. Pickering and A. E. Douglass. The
observatory, especially constructed near the
small town of Flagstaff, occupies a central
position in the great plateau of Arizona, at
an elevation of 7,250 feet above the level of
the sea, in latitude 35° 11’ and longitude
111° 40’ west of Greenwich. The choice of
that location has been justified by the
success attained. During the six months
from June to November, 1894, the planet
could be observed on nearly every day. On
two days out of three it was possible to re-
cord useful observations of difficult objects.
The atmospheric conditions prevailing dur-
ing that period (and often during the fol-
lowing winter as well) are sufficiently char-
acterized by the discovery of a great number
of details unknown to previous observers.
These observations suffice to give an idea of
the optical perfection of the instrument em-
ployed, which had an objective by Brashear,
* Annals of the Lowell Observatory. Vol. I.—Ob-
servations of the Planet Mars during the opposition
of 1894-95, made at Flagstaff, Arizona. Percival
Lowell, Director of the Observatory. Boston and
New York, Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1898. Pp. xii+-
392. Large quarto. Plates, xxi.
of 18 inches aperture and 315} inches focal
length. The magnifying powers used were
commonly 440 and 617; an eye-piece of
power 820 served for the micrometric meas-
urements. Among the auxiliary instru-
ments we mention an Arago polariscope,
which has been employed, perhaps for the
first time, upon Mars by W. H. Pickering
at Flagstaff ; also a scale of very fine lines
of different sizes, which served for the com-
parison and estimation of the size and in-
tensity of the lines observed on the planet.
The very numerous and varied observa-
tions which form the contents of the pres-
ent volume have led to many results, the
most important of which have been an-
nounced by Mr. Lowell in his book ‘ Mars,’
published in 1895. That book contains
many discussions and theories of great in-
terest as to the physical constitution of the
planet and its atmosphere, its habitability,
and as to the most plausible manner of ex-
plaining the curious phenomena which have
been observed. The substance of those re-
searches and of those discussions has been
reproduced in the present volume. The
readers of ScrencE have been made familiar
with them by the critical analysis of them
given by Professor W. W. Campbell in
the number for August 21, 1896. I have,
therefore, not occupied myself with the
theoretical and hypothetical portions, and
I am able to confine myself to the observa-
tions. In view of their great variety, I
shall be obliged to limit myself to the con-
sideration of some of the more character-
istic points.
First, as to the polar spots and their
periodic variations, which are known to be
analogous to those of our polar snows.
The manner of development of the polar
caps and the phases of their increase are
entirely unknown, and it is probable that
they will always remain so; for during the
period of their increase they are for the
most part or wholly enveloped in the night
Vou. IX. No. 227.
of the pole. But the process of their dis-
solution can be followed without much diffi-
culty when the inclination of the planet’s
equator with respect to our line of vision
approaches the maximum value possible,
which occurred in 1894. As for that, the
observers at Flagstaff have been able to
study the phenomena of the southern spot
from the beginning of June, when its di-
ameter was about 55°, up toits total (or
nearly total) destruction, which occurred
toward the end of October.
They were able to follow the changes of
its size and shape, its division into several
parts by the large black band, and to estab-
lish further the persistence of certain parts
isolated from the greater body. They also
observed the changes of color which took
place in the surrounding dark regions.
Plate II., page 46, gives the definitive re-
sults of that investigation, which, in com-
parison with similar work hitherto, suffi-
ciently shows the superiority of the means
with which Mars has been visually studied
at Flagstaff.
I may be permitted to express here
the conviction that it is by the exact and
persevering study of the polar spots of
Mars that we shall some day arrive ata
sound knowledge of the physical nature of
that planet, and the interpretation of its
singular phenomena. I shall even venture
to say thatif the southerncap is very instruc-
tive in that respect, the northern cap is still
more so. In fact, the latter develops toa
large extent over the regions of a yellow
color which it is customary to call conti-
nents. The obscure band which reaches to
its edge has a direct relation to the system
of canals and lakes surrounding it. In the
same measure as the white spot diminishes
under the influence of the solar rays, there
take place in the neighboring regions very
considerable changes, the connection of
which with the successive phases of the cap
is evident. The facts that I was able te
May 5, 1899.]
establish during the oppositions of 1886
and 1888 make me very strongly wish that
the northern cap could be studied by the
observers at Flagstaff with the same suc-
cess as the southern.
A considerable portion of the work is de-
voted to the phenomenon which is called,
according to usage, the canals of Mars, the
nature of which is still entirely obscure,
despite the theories, oftentimes pretty and
very ingenious, which they have occasioned.
Mr. Lowell has given a description of
these singular formations which seems to
me to conform to the truth in the great ma-
jority of cases. He has succeeded in show-
ing their character quite well in his draw-
ings. See plates I, IV, V, VI. If thereis
any defect here, it is that the differences of
the size and intensity of the different canals
are not indicated with sufficient clearness.
Ihave had occasion to gain some experi-
ence in that line of work, and I have no
hesitation in saying that this part of the
observations at Flagstaff seems to me to be
worthy of the greatest consideration. Be-
tween the south pole and the thirtieth par-
allel of north latitude (three-quarters of the
whole surface of the planet) previous ob-
servers have more or less clearly recognized
the existence of 70 or 80 canals. At the
Lowell Observatory that number has at one
stroke been increased to nearly 200, without
counting those whose existence could not be
satisfactorily verified. The record of ob-
servations of these objects made from June 6,
1894, to April 3, 1895, occupies no less than
85 pages. Frequently 20 or 30 canals could
be seen together. In less than an hour, on
the night of October 6th, 42 were made out
ona portion of the planet which did not
amount to a quarter of the whole surface.
All three observers took part in the work.
The newly discovered canals naturally be-
long to the most difficult class, and a certain
number of them have since been verified by
two European observers, Leo Brenner at
Lussinpiccolo and Cerulli at Teramo. I
greatly regret that Iam unable to add my
own name to those, but my eye no longer
has the power necessary for successfully
carrying out such difficult observations.
Several canals were observed in a state
of gemination, among others Ganges,
Nectar, Euphrates and Phison. On the
8th of October Mr. Douglass made the very
curious and remarkable observation of the
gemination of the Lacus Solis, which seemed
to be divided in two by a luminous band on
the extension of Nectar. JI made a similar
observation in 1890, but then the luminous
band was on the prolongation of Eosphoros.
The same thing is being observed by M.
Cerulli at Teramo during the current op-
position of 1899.
As a result of these numerous discoveries
and other subsequent ones, as well as future
ones, areography is coming to find itself in
a condition which may be called an em-
barrassment of riches. The network of
canals has become so complex that there
begins to be considerable difficulty in orient-
ing oneself. Imagine three or four hun-
dred of these lines traced all together over
a globe of but a few seconds of apparent
diameter! The identity of lines seen by
different observers at almost the same place
is very often doubtful. The difficulty of
seeing well and of precisely locating the
coordinates of the two extremities may
easily give rise to ambiguity and errors.
Add to this the frequent changes which the
lines undergo in their aspect and their de-
gree of visibility ; being now fine and sharp,
and again large and diffuse; sometimes
double, often entirely invisible—and one is
no longer astonished to see the same line,
observed by two different men in a slightly
different manner, regarded by them as two
distinct objects ; or, on the other hand, to
see two essentially different objects con-
founded as a single one. The _ better
remedy for avoiding these inconveniences
would be to give up the doubtful objects,
and to make as complete and exact a study
as possible upon those canals best known
and most easily observed, following with-
out interruption the variations of their
aspect and of their course, and basing de-
ductions upon precise measures. Precise
measures ! the thing most necessary and at
the same time the most difficult, which
ought to receive more attention from skilled
The proportion of new discoveries at
Flagstaff on the small dark spots called
lakes (Mr. Lowell’s oases) is relatively still
more considerable. Prior to the opposition
of 1894 ten to twelve of these formations
were known. Mr. Lowell gives a cata-
logue of more than forty of them. He
has shown that in most cases these oases
are arranged in regular series on the
routes of the longer canals. It is quite
probable that minute dark spots, more or
less readily visible, must exist at all points
of intersection of any two canals.
There is still another class of objects on
which the Flagstaff observers have insti-
tuted the first thorough research. These
are the black lines which furrow the darker
portions of the surface of Mars and are
ordinarily called the seas. Some lines of
that sort had been noticed before, and even
a form of gemination had been established
for two of them.* In general, previous
observers had believed that they saw here
lines of the greatest faintness rather than
true canals; in only a very few special
cases did they succeed in tracing the two
edges distinctly. At Flagstaff these lines
have been observed and reproduced with
much care by Mr. Douglass, who seems to
*See on my map of 1882 the two parallel lines
which include between them the large island called
Noachis ; one of these is named Prasodes on Cerulli’s
map. See also the two lines which flank the right
side of Syrtis Jiagna on my drawing of June 20, 1890,
published by Flammarion (Za Planéte Mars, p. 476).
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 227.
have a very sensitive and well-trained eye
for that sort of objects. From measures of
position angles he traced on two maps their
course in the dark regions of the planet and
their connection with the canals of the yel-
low region. See plates XII and XIII.
The third chapter of the volume is also
the work of Mr. Douglass, and deals with a
class of observations which are almost un-
known, except for some essays in this direc-
tion at Nice and at the Lick Observatory
in 1890 and 1892. I refer to the irregu-
larities which have been very often noticed
at the terminator, 7. e.,on the line which at
any instant separates the obscure from the
illuminated hemisphere. These are very
evident when the phase is considerable,
near the quadratures. In by far the greater
majority of cases these irregularities are
merely optical illusions caused by the dif-
ferent proportion of the oblique solar illu-
mination returned to us in the different
regions traversed by the terminator. But
there seem to be certain of these irregular-
ities which can only be explained by the
presence of elevations or depressions on the
surface of Mars. Still others seem to de-
pend upon the presence of very high clouds.
These investigations are of much interest,
not only from their possible bearing on the
topography and orography of Mars, but also
from the point of view of the physical his-
tory of the planet and its atmosphere.
The work is enriched by a large number
of drawings of Mars, some of which are
really excellent even from an artistic point
of view. See especially plates I and IV.
We have seen nothing as beautiful since
the drawings made by Mr. Green on his
expedition to Madeira in 1877. We can
recognize here not only the geometrical con-
figurations and the varieties of light and
shade, but we can also get some idea of the
magnificent coloration observed on the
The chart placed at the end of the vol--
Fic. 4. Ewe born 1892, nipples increased by
selective breeding.
Fic. 1. Normal milk-bag of ewe showing two
Fic. 5. Ewe born 1893, nipples increased by
selective breeding.
Fic. 2. One rudimentary extra nipple.—A Sport.
Fic. 3. Two rudimentary extra nipples. — A Fic. 6. Ewe born 1895, nipples of equal size in-
Sport. creased by selective breeding.
May 5, 1899.]
ume is a simple schematic representation,
I venture even to say a little too schematic:
Each object is designated by a number, and
the corresponding name is to be sought in
the special tables of regions, canals and
oases. This makes the use of the chart
troublesome and comparison with other
charts inconvenient. All the large and
small canals, of whatever degree of impor-
tance and visibility, are treated in a uniform
manner and are represented by lines of
equal intensity; and the same with the
oases, with the exception of the largest one
of all, called the Lake of the Sun. It is
not easy to recognize promptly on the chart
many of the objects which are ordinarily
seen at the first glance and which are fa-
mniliar to areographers. Such objects as
Indus, Oxus, Ganges, Cyclops, Trivium and
Elisium must be sought in an inextricable
maze of lines. We have here not a simple
index, but one which in use requires itself
an index.
I will close this incomplete description
of the work on Mars at Flagstaff with the
expression of a hope and a wish, namely,
that so important a publication shoula not
be limited to a single opposition. The
exact and complete knowledge of Martian
phenomena demands that the planet should
be examined under all possible inclinations
of its axis and during all seasons of its
year. This requires observations continued
at least through seven consecutive opposi-
tions. I say, ‘at least,’ for if the terrestrial
seasons are far from following the annual
period with mathematical precision, the
phenomena of Mars seem still more diver-
gent; and the existence of other periods,
longer and more complex, ought to be in-
cluded among the possibilities. Neverthe-
less, I think that if we could have before
us seven volumes similar to the one under
review, and corresponding to a complete
cycle of seven oppositions, many facts
would be revealed of which we are at pres-
ent ignorant, and many others of which we
have at present only dubious indications ;
especially would this be the case if the
seven volumes were the work of the same
observers. I therefore hope and wish, as
do many others, that Mr. Percival Lowell
may be in a position to continue the work
so happily begun ; that he will soon publish
the results of the observations during the
opposition of 1896-97, and that the same
means which he has employed for the study
of the southern hemisphere of Mars may be
applied to the still more important obser-
vation of the phenomena of the northern
MILAN, March 1, 1899.
In the year 1890 Dr. Bell found that 50 %
of the lambs born upon his farm in Nova
Scotia were twins, and he made an exam-
ination of the mothers in order to ascertain
whether the twin-bearing ewes differed in
any noticeable degree from those which
produced single lambs.
Thirty-three per cent. of the twin-bearing
ewes were found to possess supernumerary
mamme ina more or less rudimentary con-
dition, whereas among the ewes having
single lambs only 22% possesssed the pecul-
iarity ; 43 % of the ewes having supernu-
merary mamme bore twin lambs, whereas
only 30% of the normally-nippled ewes
had twins.
Although the absolute numbers were far
too small to yield reliable percentages, they
afforded some ground for the idea that the
extra-nippled ewes were more fertile than
the others ; and Dr. Bell thought it would
be interesting to ascertain (1) whether by
- * Translated from the author’s MS. in French by
ft Abstract of a paper read before the National
Academy of Sciences at Washington, D. C., April
19, 1899, by Alexander Graham Bell.
selective breeding the supernumerary mam-
me could be developed from their rudi-
mentary condition into real functional nip-
ples yielding milk, and (2) whether in this
ease the fertility of the ewes would be in-
In the autumn of 1890 his shepherd, Mr.
John McKillop, made an examination of
the mammz of 890 sheep belonging to
farmers in the island of Cape Breton, Nova
Scotia. In 811 cases, or 91%, the sheep
were normally nippled, having only two
nipples each. In 79 cases, or 9%, super-
numerary Mamme were present in a more
or less developed condition. Some of these
‘sheep had three nipples, others four, a few
five, and one ewe had six nipples. In 52
cases, or 6%, the extra nipples were so rudi-
mentary as to resemble pimples upon the
milk bag. In 27 cases, or 3%, the extra-
nipples, though much inferior in size to the
ordinary-nipples, seemed to be sufficiently
developed to be functional ; and most of
these sheep were purchased by Dr. Bell and
added to his flock.
Dr. Bell presented statistics showing the
results of ten years selective breeding for
supernumerary mamme. The following
tables show the number and percentage of
lambs born each year having 2, 3, 4,5 or
6 nipples, and the accompanying chart ex-
hibits the percentages in graphical form :
Number of Lambs born each year from 1890 to
Years of | Total Number of Mammze
Birth Lambs 9 3 4 ae 6
1890 ; 71 59 4 Be epee
1891 78 38 10 30 —
1892 71 29 5 36 1 —
1893 67 15 HE 45 —
1894 22 4 3 15 — =
1895 26 —_— 1 24 il ae
1896 27 —_— _— 23 Bp tial
1897 34 — 1 ii 3 3
1898 37 —_— — 26 5 6
1899 41 — 1 26 6 8
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 227.
Percentage of Lambs born each year from 1890 to
Number of Mammeze
Year of Total
Birth | Lambs 2 3 4 5 6
1890 | 100% | 83% 6% | 11% | —— | ——
1891 | 100 ‘* 49 ** TsO eteh ——
1892 | 100 ‘‘ ANUSe Ciceit eodies 1% | ——
1893 | 100 ‘‘ Pp Ogee | —— 9
1894.) 100/**)) 18 “* =) 14* | 68 ¢ Te
1895 | 100 ‘‘ —— AES iy QQieé 4%
1896 | 100 ‘‘ —— Shue ildate 4%
1897 | 100 ‘‘ — Shella Oh ae te (igh
18983-10053 ——— — | 70'S | 14** | 16%
1899 | 100 ‘‘ — SEO MIOS we iL oncen eo Ques
a H H + |
A+ Fr] Ere a ar an -
a PREECE EE aa f a
f a Hr
CI ey 4a t
H- 1 n +} -
Sretiaceestss haaseenaeeeie™t it
C cH EEL E9 st EEE :
A E apa E H HEH
Cel +
Graphical Chart showing the percentage of lambs
born each year from 1890 to 1899 having 2, 3, 4, 5 or
6 nipples (See Table II.).
In the autumn of 1893 the flock was cut
down very severely, and only those ewes
were retained which had supernumerary
mamme in a functional condition. This
accounts for the small number of lambs
born in 1894. Since that time no ewe
lambs have been retained excepting those
having extra nipples large enough to yield
No normally-nippled lambs (2-nippled)
have been born in the flock since 1894.
Three-nippled lambs are gradually disap-
May 5, 1899.]
pearing. Four-nippled lambs increased
from 11% in 1890 to 92% in 1895, since
which time the percentage has gradually
fallen, the four-nippled lambs being re-
placed by five and six-nippled lambs. The
first six-nippled lamb was born in 1896,
and the percentage has increased from 4%
in 1896 to 20% in 1899.
Dr. Bell claimed that his statistics showed
that he had produced by selection a breed
of sheep possessing supernumerary mamme
as a normal condition.
Figures are given on Plate V. show-
ing the normal milk-bag of a ewe, extra
nipples occurring as sports and the extra
nipples obtained by selective breeding.
Tue date of the last voleanic eruption on
the Pacific coast of the United States, ex-
clusive of Alaska, has long been a matter of
doubt, and will probably remain so for
many years to come. Speaking geologic-
ally, much of the material in the great vol-
eanic field of the Northwest, including a
large part of Oregon and Washington, with
portions of California, Idaho and Wyo-
ming, is of comparatively recent eruption.
The outbursts may have begun in the Eo-
cene, were most violent and extensive dur-
ing the Miocene and Pliocene, and, dimin-
ishing in vigor, extended, perhaps, up to the
borders of the historical period. In Alaska,
however, there have been eruptions from
Bogoslov, St. Augustin and other volcanoes
as late as 1883 and even later, and there
can be no question concerning the reliabil-
ity of the testimony. G. F. Becker gives a
list (U.S. G.S., 18th Ann. Rept., Part III.,
p. 14) of over forty volcanoes in Alaska
which have been reported active within his-
torical times.
The evidence, so far as the Pacific States
are concerned, is given chiefly by Professor
J.D. Whitney (The United States, 1889, p.
114), Major C. E. Dutton (Scrrncr, Vol.
VI., p. 46), Professor George Davidson
(Science, Vol. VI., p. 262), and Dr. H. A.
Harkness, (Proc. of the Cal. Acad. of Sci.,
Vol. V., p. 408). Although there are no
new facts at hand definitely fixing the date
of the last eruption in that region, there
has recently come to my attention some in-
formation having a bearing upon other evi-
Last summer Mr. Frederick V. Coville,
Botanist of the Department of Agriculture,
while studying the flora of Mt. St. Helens,
in Washington, found some _ interesting
fragments of charcoal, which he transmitted
to the Director of the U. 8. Geological Sur-
vey, with the following letter:
“*T collected two pieces of coniferous charcoal at
the point where the trail from Lake Merrill to Mt. St.
Helens crosses the Kalama River. Each came from a
short charred piece of tree trunk about two feet long
and a foot in diameter. My attention was first called
to them by Colonel J. J. Hawkins, of Portland. The
pieces of charcoal were caught with other fresh drift
material brought down the Calama from Mt. St
Helen’s in last spring’s flood. They were charred
all the way to the center as evenly and thoroughly as
the fragments sent you.
‘« The character of the charcoal, which need not be
described in detail here, is such as at first to suggest
that it was made in a very carefully prepared kiln.
There are, however, no charcoal pits in the region,
and the charcoal from forest fires has a very different
character. It is evident from the peculiarities of the
flora of Mt. St. Helens, and from its limited erosion,
that it is a mountain of very recent volcanic origin.
Among other phenomena presented by it was one
which, although it did not come under my own ob-
servation, is well substantiated by people of the re-
gion, and furnishes an explanation of the peculiar
sections of charred logs found at the crossing of the
Kalama. The phenomena described is the occurrence
of molds of tree trunks at various points in the lava
flows about the base of Mt. St. Helens. In some
places these molds occur in large numbers and lie in
the beds in either a horizontal or a vertical position.
They are sometimes thirty feet in length, and bear
the impress of the bark of the tree in the minutest de-
tails. Though I was unable to visit the places where
these tree molds occur, I talked with at least half a
dozen men who had seen these casts, but none of
them had seen charred wood or bark in the holes.
Presumably charcoal was formed only where the lava
flow so completely covered the trees as to shut out the
air, and the pieces found had been eroded by the
Kalama River from wholly submerged molds.”’
Mr. Coville’s conclusion as to the forma-
tion of the charcoal is probably correct.
Mr. F. H. Knowlton, who studied the struc-
ture of the charcoal, recognizes the wood as
Douglas spruce (Pseudotsuga mucronata). At-
tention was called (Nat. Geog. Mag., Vol.
VIII., p. 226) several years ago to the tree
molds or tree wells by Captain P. Elliott.
Through Mr. J. H. West, of Woodland,
Washington, Mr. F. A. Walpole, one of Mr.
Coville’s assistants, secured a piece of the
basaltic lava from one of these tree molds
three feet in diameter. The piece of lava
shows the impressions of the bark in
great detail. In the hope of obtain-
ing some evidence concerning the age
of the lava flow associated with the tree
molds and charcoal I entered into corre-
spondence with Mr. West, who reports
charred logs at least forty yards up the
slope from the high-water mark of Kalama
River. One of the charred logs is twenty-
eight inches in diameter, and some of them
are partly woody, not having been com-
pletely converted into charcoal. Near the
River at one point the charred logs are found
under six feet of sand and gravel, on which
are now growing fir trees having a diameter
of three feet. Some of the charred logs,
therefore, appear to be at least 100 years old,
for a fir three feet in diameter would prob-
ably require at least that length of time to
attain its present size. If this be true it is
probable that some of the charred logs are
not the result of the last eruption of St.
Helens, but of an earlier one. There is
historical evidence furnished by Fremont
(Memoirs, p. 282) to the effect that Mt. St.
Helens and also Mt. Baker were in eruption
November 23, 1843. At that time a light
fall of ashes occurred at the Dalles, Oregon,
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 227.
on the Columbia, fifty miles from Mt. St.
Helens, which was then noted as being in a,
state of eruption. Rev. Mr. Brewer collected .
some of the ashes and gave them to General
Fremont, who visited the Dalles a year later.
Mt. Baker is thought to have been in erup-
tion at the same time, arid the natives re-
port that the fish in the Skagit River were
killed by its ashes. Mr. 8. F. Emmons gives:
(Jour. of the Am. Gleog. Soc., Vol. IX., p. 53)
the testimony of a former Hudson Bay
trader who saw an eruption of Mt. St.
Helens in the winter of 1841-2.
It is hoped that the question may be settled
sometime in the near future by a geological
survey of both Mt. St. Helens and Mt.
Baker. While it may not be possible to es-
tablish the date exactly, the geological re-
cords upon the mountain slope are likely to:
be such as to give the relative age with cer-
tainty. The case of the cinder cone, ten
miles northeast of Lassen Peak, California,
may be noted as an example of the results
of investigation in the field. Professor
Harkness was of the opinion that the erup-
tion occurred in January, 1850. The fresh-
ness of the material was so striking that
Major Dutton and I, who visited the region
in 1885, were at first of the same opinion,
but fuller investigation, an account of which
is published in the U. 8. Geological Survey
Bulletin No. 79, shows conclusively that.
the explosive eruption from the cinder cone
must have occurred long before the begin-
ning of the present century.
WASHINGTON, D. C., April 22, 1899.
Tr is not generally recognized that science,
employing the mathematician and the engi-
neer alike in the problem of shortening the
duration of ocean transit, has accomplished
May 5, 1899.]
as much by causing ships to go fewer miles
as by causing them to go faster.
This generation is familiar with the part
that has been played by steam propulsion
in increasing the speed of ships, but, besides
the increase in the rate of travel, modern
motive power, by making possible a depar-
ture from the old meteorological routes, has
had another and a greater effect in the
progress of the universal policy of civilized
nations to accelerate transit from place to
place to the utmost possible extent. When
the wind was the sole motor of ocean-going
vessels the best economy was realized by
passing through regions of favorable meteor-
ological conditions without reference to
the directness of the route. Thus, in sail-
ing from Europe to the United States, it
was customary to pass southward along
the eastern shores of the Atlantic to the
‘Cape Verde Islands, and thence westward
through the trade-wind region along the
route followed by Columbus on his first
voyage to the New World, and finally
northward into the region of prevailing
westerly winds and along the western
shores of the Atlantic to the point of desti-
nation. In making this voyage, ships trav-
ersed 4,400 miles in passing between ports
that were only 2,400 miles apart on the
surface of the earth.
Under steam, even if they go no faster,
ships may yet get farther toward the port
of destination in a given time because the
winds and currents may be disregarded,
and they may be navigated over the oceans
along great circles of the earth.
The increasing recognition among mari-
ners of the sound principle of conducting a
ship along the arc of the great circle joining
the points of departure and destination and
the expanding sense of the advantages to
be gained by a knowledge of this branch of
nautical science have greatly heightened
the value of methods which place the bene-
fits of the knowledge and use of the great-
circle track at the service of the mari-
ner without the labor of the calculations
which are necessary to find the series of
courses to be steered. Inasmuch as great-
circle courses alter continuously in proceed-
ing along the track, it becomes necessary to
know the latitude and longitude of the ship
in order to determine the course to be fol-
lowed. At the present day there are con-
venient means for determining at sea the
longitude as well as the latitude, but before
the early part of the present century these
means did not exist, and great-circle sail-
ing was impracticable. The general lack
of the application of the principles of the
great circle in later times, and even in the
present generation, seems to have resulted
not from the want of recognizing that the
shortest distance between any two places
on the earth’s surface is the distance along
the are of the great circle passing between
them, nor that the great-circle course is the
only true course and that the courses in
Mercator and parallel sailing are circuitous,
nor yet to a due appreciation of the advan-
tages to be gained by a knowledge of the
great-circle course as a means for obtaining
the most advantageous track in windward
sailing; but to the tedious operations which
have been necessary, and to the want of
concise methods for rendering these benefits
readily available.
The solution, every time the course must
be determined, of a spherical triangle in
which the two sides and the included angle
are given is a formidable operation for a
mariner as compared with the measure-
ment on a compass diagram of the direction
of the straight line representing the circuit-
ous path of the ship’s track on the Merca-
tor chart. At page 662 of the ninth edition
of a work on Practical Navigation by Cap-
tain Lecky, of the Royal Naval Reserve of
Great Britain, there is a section entitled
‘Great Circle Courses found from Bur-
wood’s Tables,’ which has doubtless been
read with profit by thousands, for it states
that “‘ to find the great-circle courses from
the azimuth tables you have only to regard
the latitude of the port bound to as declina-
tion, and the difference of longitude, turned
into time, as the hour-angle. The latitude
of the ship you take from the top of the page
as usual.’’ But the author goes on to remark
that, as Burwood’s solar azimuth tables ex-
tend only to twenty-three degrees of decli-
nation, this ready-made method is only ap-
plicable when the place of destination is
within the tropics.
It may be of value, therefore, to point out
that the solar-azimuth tables are universally
applicable for finding great-circle courses,
because all great circles pass into the trop-
ics, and, if the problem of finding the
courses is with reference to a great-circle
track between a point of departure and a
point of destination, both lying outside of
the tropics, it is only necessary to find a
point lying on the prolongation of the
great-circle are beyond the point of actual
destination and within the tropics, and treat
this point as the place of destination in
finding the courses.
The longitude of the selected point within
the tropics may be found without any cal-
culation by simply prolonging the straight
line representing the great circle upon a
gnomonic chart. By this combination of
the gnomonic chart and the azimuth tables
the courses upon a great circle track may
be determined with very great facility.
To illustrate, take the problem of finding
the initial course on a voyage by the great
circle route from Bergen, in latitude 60° N.
and longitude 5° E., to the Strait of Belle
Isle, in latitude 52° 1’ 2” N. and longitude
55° W. On a copy of a gnomonic chart,
such as Godfray’s, draw a straight line
between the geographical positions above
stated and extend it beyond the latter into
the tropics. It will be found to intersect
the 20th degree parallel of latitude in longi-
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 227.
tude 90° W., or 95° from the meridian of
the point of departure. Entering the azi-
muth table at latitude 60°, under declina-
tion 20°, and opposite hour-angle 95° or
6h. 20m., we find the required course to be
N. 75° -31' W.
Tue following new occurrences of fossil
fishes were reported: (1) A species of
Cladodus, scarcely distinguishable from C.
striatus Ag. in the Corniferous Limestone of
Ohio. (2) Thelodus-like scales from same
horizon. (3) A pair of naturally associated
pectoral spines of Macheracanthus from the
Hamilton, near Buffalo, N. Y. (4) A pty-
chopterygian pectoral fin from Naples Shale
of the same locality. (5) Two new species
of Diplodus from Upper Devonian near Chi-
cago, Ill. (6) Teeth of Phebodus from
Keokuk Limestone of Iowa and Permian
of Nebraska. (7) Largest known spine of
Stethacanthus (length over 35 cm.) from
Keokuk Group, Iowa. (8) A complete
fin, spines and shagreen scales of a
new and very large species of Acanthodes, a
genus not hitherto met with in the United
States, from Coal Measures of Mazon Creek,
Ill. (9) Pholidophorus americanus sp. nov.,
also belonging to a genus new to this coun-
try, founded on very perfect material dis-
covered by N. H. Darton, of the U.S.
Geological Survey, in the Jura of the Black
Hills, South Dakota.
Photographs of the new Jurassic fishes
were exhibited and their specific characters
summarized as follows: Gracefully fusi-
form, upwards of 15 em. long, the head
forming about one-fourth the total length
and slightly less than maximum depth of
trunk ; dorsal arising behind pelvic fins ;
scales not serrated, thin, smooth, nearly
rhomboidal, overlapping; flank series not
* Abstract of a paper read before the Boston So-
ciety of Natural History, March 15, 1899.
May 5, 1899.]
especially deepened. This places them
among the more primitive members of the
genus, and hence would seem to indicate a
Lower Jurassic horizon. ;
The distribution of American Devonian
fishes was discussed with reference to those
of other countries. During the Lower De-
vonian there was none, and in the Upper
scarcely any intermingling of United States
and Canadian vertebrate faunas, but those
of Canada and Great Britain belonged to a
distinct province. Corniferous fishes of
Ohio and New York are most nearly related
to those of the Middle Devonian of con-
tinental Europe, especially the Eifel, Bo-
hemia, etc. The Hamilton faunas of New
York and the Mississippian region, includ-
ing Manitoba, are the direct successors of
the Corniferous, but the Chemung of both
eastern and western regions (or its equiva-
lent) contains a remarkable mixture of in-
digenous types and intruders from all direc-
tions. Intercommunication between eastern
Canada and Great Britain, Spitzbergen,
etc., became general for the first time dur-
ing this period. The transition between
Devonian and Carboniferous faune is now
known to be more gradual than was for-
merly supposed.
The only natural basis of family classifi-
cation among Arthrodires was held to be
through comparison of the sutures of cranial
and dorsal shields, the differences in denti-
tion being of only secondary importance.
Degeneracy of the latter in Titanichthys, etc.,
is paralleled by that in certain toothless
whales (Mesoplodon,etc.). Cranial osteology
of Homosteus and Heterosteus compel their
removal from Coccosteide to form a separate
family called Homosteide. In this family
the so-called antero-dorso-lateral corre-
sponds to the like-named element in Di-
nichthys and Titanichthys plus the clavicular.
The latter plate functioned as a support for
the gills,and hence may be interpreted asa
modified branchiostegal apparatus, but in
no sense as a part of the shoulder-girdle.
There is no evidence that any of the Ar-
throdires. possessed pectoral fins. The ob-
vious resemblance of this group to Ostraco-
derms, with implied relationship, is lost
sight of through its removal by Woodward
to the Dipnoi, and there seems to be suf-
ficient evidence for regarding the Arthrodira
as a distinct sub-class, of equal rank with
Lung-fishes, Teleostomi, etc., as already
suggested by Dean.
Caries R. EASTMAN.
THE undisturbed character of the strati-
fied deposits making up the sand-plains,
taken in connection with the absence, or at
most, the very slight development of con-
structional back-sets, indicates, as was early
pointed out by Davis, a stationary ice
margin during the period of deposition. It
follows, thérefore, that their formation must
have been extremely rapid, and the natural
conclusion is that they represent the de-
posits of a single summer’s period of melt-
ing, an interval not over eight months in
It occurred to me that a calculation based
upon the conditions now existing in the
large glaciers of Alaska might give some
indication as to the probability of such
estimates, or at least would be of interest in
this connection.
To make this calculation it is simply
necessary to divide the bulk of the sedi-
ments by the daily discharge of detritus by
the glacial stream which deposited them.
This involves factors which are usually very
difficult to determine, but at the sand-plain
near the railroad station at Barrington,
R. I., the conditions are almost ideally per-
fect, and admit of the determination with
considerable accuracy of both the bulk of
* Abstract of paper read before Boston Society of
Natural History, February 15, 1899.
the sediment and the size and velocity of
the stream transporting it. Owing to the
fact that observations as to the amounts of
the fine clay-like detritus of glacial streams
are more numerous and reliable than those
upon the coarser material, the bulk of the
contemporaneous clays was taken as a basis
of calculation, rather than the sand-plain
itself. In estimating the load of the glacial
stream, I have taken the maximum value
of 13 grams per liter, given by Reid for
the Muir Glacier (the highest value on
record ),as the one which, in all probability,
would most nearly correspond to the load
of a glacial stream during the closing stages
of the continental ice sheet.
At the time of the formation of the Bar-
rington clays the Jand stood at a level of at
least forty feet below that at present exist-
ing, and the deposition took place in an in-
closed bay, having the ice sheet as_ its
northern boundary, a ridge of till and
modified drift for its eastern boundary,
and an earlier sand-plain as its southern
boundary. On the west was a broad and
deep opening, connecting with Narragansett
Bay, and admitting of a complete com-
mingling of the salt and fresh waters. Into
this inclosed bay flowed a stream with a
width, as indicated by its esker, of 150 feet,
a depth of some 20 feet, and an average
velocity of not over 5 feet per second. On
the assumption that the amount of sedi-
ment was 13 grams per liter, the daily dis-
charge of clayey material would have been
some 526,500 tons per day.
Experiments recently conducted by Pro-
fessor W. O. Crosby in connection with
professional work for the Metropolitan
Water Board of Massachusetts, the results
of which he has kindly placed at my dis-
posal, indicate that material such as the
clay beds are essentially composed of, 7.e.,
quartz-flour, settles with great rapidity,
and it can be shown that practically the
entire amount of sediment brought in by
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 227.
the glacial stream must have been deposited
within the inclosed bay described.
The clays cover about a square mile in
area, have a maximum thickness of 60 feet,
and a total bulk of 95,300,000 tons. Divid-
ing this bulk by the daily discharge of sedi-
ment by the glacial stream (526,500 tons),
the time of deposition of the clays is indi-
cated to have been 181 days, or almost ex-
actly six months.
The Barrington deposits probably repre-
sent very nearly average conditions ; hence
a period of six months seems a fair estimate
of time for the formation of a simple sand-
plain of moderate size. In the case of large
plains, with areas of several or many square
miles, the period of deposition may be con-
sidered as extending over more than one
season of melting, there being in the mean-
time either no retreat of the ice margin ora
retreat so slight that the intervening space
was completely filled and the sand-plains
united into a single compound plain.
Myron L. FuLuer.
THE Egyptian government has agreed to
undertake a survey of the Nile with the
object of determining the species of fishes
inhabiting its waters. It is due in the first
instance to the efforts and energetic action
of Dr. John Anderson, F.R.8., who has al-
ready done so much to enlarge our knowl-
edge of the fauna of Egypt that this impor-
tant project, to which so much scientific
interest is attached, has now taken definite
shape. A memorandum prepared by him,
setting forth his proposals for the survey and
the lines of his scheme for carrying it out,
received the approval of Lord Lister, Presi-
dent of the Royal Society ; Professor E. Ray
Lankester, Director of the Natural History
Departments of the British Museum; Dr. A.
Ginther, President of the Linnzean Society,
and Mr. P. L. Sclater, Secretary of the
*“From the London Times.
May 5, 1899.]
Zoological Society, and was then forwarded
by him to Lord Cromer, to be submitted to
the Egyptian government, with a strong
recommendation for its favorable consider-
ation from these eminent scientific men.
The Trustees of the British Museum further-
more gave the scheme their powerful and
influential support, and intimated their
willingness to assist in a practical manner
by undertaking to supply the necessary
collecting-boxes, with alcohol to fill them.
An essential feature of the scheme is that
the fishes collected are to be sent to London
to be studied and determined by Mr. Bou-
lenger, the ichthyologist on the staff of the
Museum, and the Trustees have, it is un-
derstood, agreed to give him every facility
for doing this, thus practically placing the
services of their officer at the disposal of
the Egyptian government for the purpose
for the three years which it is estimated will
be required to accomplish the survey.
Our knowledge of the fishes of the Nile
appears to be very imperfect. It may be
said to have taken its origin in 1750, when
Hasselquist described thirteen species found
in the Deltaic area or in its immediate prox-
imity. In 1847 sixty probably represented
the number of known species. In 1861-63
Petherick made, at Dr. Gunther’s request, a
collection of fishes from the Nile for the
British Museum. The specimens were ob-
tained at Cairo, Khartum and Gondokoro,
and were described by Dr. Giinther in an
appendix to Petherick’s ‘ Travels,’ published
in 1889. The collection contained eighteen
new additions to the fauna, and raised the
number of known species to eighty-two.
Since 1869 the fishes of the Nile have been
almost completely neglected. At present
about ninety species are known to inhabit
the river, but this number, considering the
vast extent of its waterway and the very
diverse physical conditions which charac-
terize many parts of its course, cannot be
considered as at all approaching finality.
The collections hitherto made from the
Nile have principally been obtained from
below the First Cataract; indeed, Ruppell
and Petherick are the only two collectors
who had opportunities to investigate the
river above Assuan. The former distin-
guished traveler and naturalist largely col-
lected in lower Egypt, and not a few of
Petherick’s specimens were from the same
region. In Dr. Ginther’s account of this
collection only six species were distinctly
recorded as coming from Gondokoro, Khar-
tum and the White Nile, while thirteen,
besides the foregoing six, species were stated
to belong properly to the reach of the Nile
above the Sixth Cataract. Here it may be
observed that, while we possess a fragmen-
tary knowledge of the species from Khartum
southwards, the immense tract of the Nile
from the First to the Sixth Cataract re-
mains practically untouched.
Morever, as within the next few years a
change will be effected in the distribution
of the Nile waters by the construction of
the controlling powers now in course of
erection at Phile and Assiut, and as other
similar structures or dams are likely to fol-
low towards the south, all of which are cer-
tain ultimately to limit more or less the
range of certain species of fishes, it is much
to be desired that, before any of these tri-
umphs of the Department of Irrigation have
been completed, we should be placed in
possession of the main features and present
condition of the piscine flora of the great
reaches of the river.
The present time is also extremely oppor-
tune for the commencement of the proposed
investigation, since the authorities of the
Congo Free State have satisfactorily inau-
gurated a survey of theCongo. Mr. G. A.
Boulenger has been entrusted, with the
sanction of the Trustees of the British Mu-
seum, with the description of the fishes of
the Congo for the Congo Free State, and, as
his services will be at the disposal of the
Egyptian government for the Nile explora-
tion, the two surveys should mutually ben-
efit each other. The materials afforded by
the one cannot but throw light upon those
of the other, many of the species of the two
great rivers being closely allied.
As regards the scope and working of the
survey, it is suggested, as a preliminary
step, that a series of stations should be
established along the river, extending, at
intervals, from the Delta to Lado, in the
territory Ieased by the Egyptian govern-
ment to the Congo Free State, and as far to
the south of this as possible. Instructions
for collecting fishes, written in English and
Arabic, will be sent to some responsible
official in each of these localities, accom-
panied by a collecting box and alcohol, sup-
plied by the British Museum, while the ser-
vices of fishermen and others will be en-
listed in the work, a fair price being paid
to them for the fishes they collect.
Dr. Keatinge, the officer in charge of the
Museum of Natural History of the Medical
School of Cairo, has been entrusted with
the general supervision of the service of the
survey. He will see to the reception of the
collecting materials from the British Mu-
seum, to their distribution to the different
stations, to their reception when returned
filled with fishes, and to forwarding them
to London. The actual superintendence of
the working of the survey is to be under-
taken by an officer, who will be constantly
on the river at all seasons, visiting the dif-
ferent stations, inspecting the collections
formed, making sure that everything pos-
sible is being done to obtain fishes, and gen-
erally satisfying himself that the specimens
are properly preserved, and that they are
fairly representative. He will also par-
ticularly note the physical characters of the
river at each station, find out as much as
possible about the habits of the fishes, the
depth at which they are found, the general
character of the river bed, the seasons in
[N. S. Von. TX. No. 227.
which the fishes breed, and the nature of
their food. He will further be required to
satisfy himself that the native names have
been correctly recorded in Arabic and
rightly applied.
Mr. Leonard Loat has been appointed to
this responsible post of superintendent of
the survey, and on him will devolve the
task of seeing that the work is carried out
in a thoroughly efficient manner. He left
London a short time ago for Cairo, and has
already commenced operations on Lake
Menzaleh. During the first year it is pro-
posed to carry the investigation as far as
Wady Halfa; in the second year the river
will be worked between Wady Halfa and
Berber, and in the third year it is hoped to
continue the survey to Sobat, and, if con-
ditions are favorable, through the sudd and
rapids between Lado and Dufile, and, ulti-
mately, perhaps to carry the exploration of
the river to its origin in the Albert Nyanza.
In this connection it may be stated that the
assistance of the authorities of the Congo
Free State has been invited, and an assur-
ance of their hearty cooperation has, it is
understood, been received informally, leav-
ing no room for doubt that an official ex-
pression to the same effect will be shortly
These are the lines on which the projected
survey of the Nile is to be conducted. It
is obvious that, apart from the mere knowl-
edge of how many species of fishes exist in
the river, great economic questions will
come to the front when their life-history is
studied. Also it is hoped that the survey
may help to elucidate many problems re-
lating to the fishes sculptured on the ancient
monuments of Egypt. Dr. Anderson is tak-
ing special pains to obtain drawings of as
many of these fish forms as possible, and he
regards it as not improbable that a scientific
investigation of the fishes obtained in the
river will lead to an identification of many
of the species represented in stone. These
May 5, 1899.]
‘questions, however, can never be usefully
determined until there exists on record a
basis on which to work, in the form of a
detailed description on each species accom-
panied, as far as practicable, by a figure.
The scheme, therefore, includes provision
for the publication of the scientific results
in a book uniform with the sumptuous vol-
ume which Dr. Anderson has recently issued
on the ‘ Reptiles and Batrachians of Egypt.’
This work forms the first volume of the
‘Zoology of Egypt.’ He is at present en-
gaged in working out the collections of
mammals on which the second volume will
be based. The‘ Fishes of the Nile’ will
form the third volume of this monumental
record of the fauna of the country.
Birds. By A. H. Evans, M.A., Clare College,
Cambridge. London, Macmillan & Co., Lim-
ited; New York, The Macmillan Company.
1899. 8vo. 144 text cuts. Pp. xvi-+ 635,
Price, $3.50.
Mr. Evans’s ‘Birds’ forms Vol. IX. of the
*Cambridge Natural History,’ and is intended
as a popular systematic review of the class
Aves. In a volume of 650 pages itis, of course,
impossible to treat in much detail any of the
one hundred and thirty odd families of birds,
or to particularize respecting many of the 12,-
000 to 13,000 or more species now recognized
by systematists. It would seem, however, that
a little more space might have been profitably
given to the generalities of the subject, asstruc-
ture, classification, geographical distribution,
migration, etc., all of which is compressed into
the short space of twenty-two pages, of which
three are devoted to the terminology of the ex-
ternal parts of a bird. The remarks on classi-
fication and geographical distribution are mainly
historical. Mr. Evans adopts, with ‘some
slight modifications,’ Dr. Gadow’s scheme of
classification and Sclater’s scheme of geograph-
ical areas. In referring to the wide differences
of opinion among authorities on the subject of
genera and species he says: ‘‘It cannot be
denied that genera and species are merely
‘convenient bundles,’ and that divisions of
either, if carried too far, defeat the object for
which classification is intended. Genera are
only more distinct from species, and species
from races, because the intervening links have
disappeared ; and if we could have before us
the complete series which, according to the
doctrine of evolution, has at some time existed
neither genus nor species would be capable of
definition any more than races in many cases;
while the same, remark will apply to the
larger groups.’’ While such statements are not
new they have not been presented in popular .
works, the lay reader being allowed to retain
the old idea of the tangible nature of generic
and specific groups. The tendency among
certain systematists to recognize subspecies on
the basis of the slightest recognizable differences
leads naturally to the multiplication of genera,
and the increase of subfamilies, etc., to con-
form, so to speak, to the new unit of measure-
ment consequentupon the recognition, in nomen-
clature, of the grade of differentiation that is
considered as a sufficient basis for ‘ races’ or
subspecies. It is to this, doubtless, that Mr.
Evans alludes as being likely to ‘defeat the
object for which classification was intended.’
_ Beginning with Archxopteryx, and ending
with the Finches, the various groups of birds
are passed briefly in review. The characters
of the ordinal, subordinal and family groups are
succinctly stated, and some little account is
given of the number, distribution and habits of
the species, the latter usually in general terms.
Very little is said about any particular species,
though sometimes a characteristic member of a
group is taken as the subject of more definite
remark, or in cases where the number of species
is so few that something may be said of each.
The reader may be thus often disappointed,
in seeking information regarding particular
species, to find little, if any, reference to the ob-
ject of his search. Ina work of the dimensions
of the present volume this must be inevitable,
yet it will prove a convenient source of
information on the general subject of bird life
throughout the world. References to more de-
tailed accounts of species or groups of particular
interest are, however, often supplied in foot
notes. Only about.one-sixth of the work is de-
voted to the Passeriformes, which nearly equal
in number of species the rest of the class, only
a few pages being allotted to even the larger
families; and the various generic groups are
mentioned, as a rule, only by their technical
generic names. The book isthus evidently not
really adapted to beginners, nor wholly suited
to the general reader, though apparently de-
signed ‘not only for the tyro in ornithology,
but also for the traveller or resident in foreign
parts interested in the subject.’ The wood-
cuts that quite fully illustrate the text are, for
the most part, excellent, and prepared especially
for the work by G. E. Lodge ; others are famil-
iar through frequent previous use. Consider-
ing the limitation of space imposed for the sub-
ject, the author has, perhaps, supplied all that
could be rightfully expected, and has certainly
shown himself to be ‘up to date’ in all of the
essentials of his subject.
Jay Any A.
Experimental Morphology. By CHARLES B. DAv-
ENPORT. New York and London, The Mac-
millan Company. 1899. Part Second. Pp.
The second part of Davenport's Experimental
Morphology that has just appeared deals en-
tirely with phenomena of growth. The first
volume described the effects of chemical and
physical agents upon protoplosm, and it is in-
tended to devote the third volume to cell-di-
vision and the fourth to differentiation. The
author states that it is the aim of this series
“so to exhibit our present knowledge in the
field of experimental morphology as to indi-
cate the direction for further research.’
The present volume gives a clear, brief state-
ment of what is known in regard to growth in
plants and animals. Most of the illustrations are
taken from plant physiology, and it may, there-
fore, be questioned whether a zoologist is in
position to summarize so large and important a
field of botanical research, but in justification it
should be stated that Davenport has attempted
to deal with the subject from a common biolog-
ical standpoint.
In reading this volume one cannot fail to be
impressed by the enormous difference in our
knowledge of growth-phenomena in plants and
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 227.
animals. The subjects dealt with cover one of
the most interesting fields of biological study—
the responses of organisms to their surround-
ings and the relation of these responses to the
conditions of life under which the form is liv-
ing or has lived in the past. The introductory
chapter is intended to give an idea of normal
growth. Organic growth is defined as increase
in volume—‘ it is not development, not differen-
tiation and not increase in mass.’ A broad defi-
nition of this sort, while convenient to include
a large number of changes resulting in ‘an in-
crease in volume,’ may lead to difficulties if an
attempt is made to find a common explanation
of all the phenomena included in the definition,
for the processes that take place in plants and
animals that produce an increase in volume
may be entirely different in their nature. The
author has skillfully avoided this pitfall in most
cases, although at times one cannot but feel
that a most heterogeneous collection of facts
has been included in the same category.
The first chapter (XI.) deals with the effects
of chemical agents on growth, and gives in com-
pact form a large amount of useful information.
In most cases the action of the substance seems
to be purely physiological and only secondarily
formative. It is not obvious why so much
space should be given to pure plant physiology.
It is, no doubt, difficult to draw the line between
substances that act as foods and others that
produce growth, since the latter often (but not
always) depend on the former.
An admirable account of the rdle of water in
growth is given in Chapter XII. Here the au-
thor has some new facts that bear on the
problem. In the next chapter, dealing with the
effect of density of the medium on growth, the
results are summed up as showing that ‘the
diminution or growth is proportional to the
osmotic action of the medium.’ It is possible,
however, that the effect is due also, in part, to
the direct injurious action of the salts used to
increase the density of the fluids. If due to
osmotic action alone, then, the results that fol-
low when different substances are used should
be in proportion to their osmotic equivalents,
but the few facts that are given do not entirely
support this general conclusion.
In Chapter XIV. the effect of molar agents is
May 5, 1899.]
dealt with. The effects of rough shaking on
bacteria and of tensions and torsions on plant
tissues are described. Nothing is said in re-
gard to the changes that take place in bones, as
aresult of displacement, etc. The closing of
wounded surfaces (in Stentor and Hydra) is
said to ‘ be grossly mechanical.’ Imay add from
observations of my own that, in some cases at
least (in Tubularia and in the embryo of Rana),
the closing of the wound after injury cannot
be explained as grossly mechanical, but is due
rather to a movement of the living cells in re-
sponse to a stimulus.
The action of parts of plants in response to
contact and the general phenomena of bending
in seedlings, etc., can scarcely be included in a
definition of growth, even as broadly defined
by the author, for while there is an increase
in volume on one side there may be a corre-
sponding decrease on the opposite side, the vol-
ume of the whole plant or part remaining ap-
proximately the same.
A brief account of the effect of gravity is
given in Chapter XV. Two classes of effects
are distinguished, the first mechanical, ‘‘ due to
gravity, acting on the growing organ as_ it
might on any other heavy body. The second
is a vital effect, having no immediate, direct
physical relation to the cause.’’ Itseemsa little
obscure to state that a vital effect has ‘no im-
mediate, direct physical relation to the cause.’
That the connection is a causal connection,
even if a remote one, few will be bold enough
to deny. The distinction that the author
wishes to make is, perhaps, fairly clear, but
the words may easily lead to a misconception of
what is meant by vital effects. Again, on page
417 (in Chapter XVII., dealing with the effect
of light upon growth), the author concludes,
after showing that the eggs of many (but not
all) animals are sheltered from sunlight, ‘ that,
in general, growth does not take place in nature
in full sunlight.’ It is obvious that in many
cases the eggs deposited in the dark are better
concealed, and it is not improbable that this
may account for their development in the dark.
Under these conditions they would become at-
tuned to the absence of light. The more rapid
growth of plants in the dark is described in de-
tail, the effect of colored light on the growth of
animals and plants, and the direction of growth
in reponse to light, are discussed at some length.
The effect of heat on growth, as well as on
the direction of growth (in plants), is dealt with -
in Chapter XVIII. The interesting fact is
pointed out that under certain conditions the
bending of a plant towards the source of heat
cannot be explained as the direct result of the
heat causing growth on the warmer side, since
the concave side is the one turned towards the
source of heat. This experiment may well
make one question whether or not these phe-
nomena of bending are growth phenomena in the
ordinary use of the terms.
In the concluding chapter the cooperation of
several factors in normal growth is analyzed.
A clear summary of the work of Semper and de
Varigny on the growth of water-snails in a con-
fined space is given. There is some excellent
matter in the few pages of this chapter, al-
though here and there one may find fault with
the expression rather than with the general
sense. The attunement or acclimatization of
an organism to its surroundings is emphasized.
A tentative hypothesis to account for the at-
tunement is offered. This attempt to construct
a possible explanation brings clearly to light
that the author pictures to himself these ‘ vital
phenomena’ as chemical responses to external
agents. The contrast, therefore, so often made
in the text between physical and vital effects
would seem to be a difference between physical
and chemical reactions. If anything more than
this is intended it is not included in the final at-
tempt at an explanation, although it is stated
on a preceding page that the ‘specific effects’
cannot at present be accounted for by known
chemical processes, ‘but result from peculiari-
ties of the specific protoplasms which depend
largely upon the past history of each kind of
If we have taken issue with the author
on a few points it is only because in these
the book appears incomplete or imperfect.
Taken as a whole it is a valuable addition to
our text-books, and the author is to be congrat-
ulated on having performed so difficult and
arduous a task with success. The careful and
exact summaries that are given will be of use
to those not having access to the original papers.
The book contains many tables compiled from
various sources. The data are generally given
in the form of curves so that a large amount of
information may be comprised in a single dia-
gram. ‘The clear and judicial discussion of the
topics makes the book a model of its kind.
Especially praiseworthy is the absence of the
rash speculation so predominant in biological
literature of recent years.
T. H. MorGan.
General Physiology. By PRoFESsSOR MAx VER-
WorRN. ‘Translated and edited from the
second edition (1897) by Proressor F. 8.
Ler. New York, Macmillan & Co. 1899.
Pp. xvi+616. 285 figures.
The subject-matter of this book is arranged
in five chapters with headings as follows: The
aims and methods of physiological research,
living substance, elementary vital phenomena,
the conditions of life, stimuli and their action,
and the mechanism of life. The English edi-
tion is very happily rendered, and is character-
ized by an extremely small residuum of Teu-
tonic idioms, while the privileges of the editor
have been very skillfully but sparingly exer-
The book is chiefly concerned with the cell as
such and as organism, and it seems to the
writer that it hardly justifies the resounding
title of ‘General Physiology, or the Science of
Life.’ It is usually unfair to pass judgment
upon the nature of a work from any single
paragraph which may be required in a review,
but the closing sentences of the volume are
fairly indicative of the author’s conception of
his subject. ‘‘ The cell is the element of living
substance. All living substance exists in cells,
and all of the functions of living substance
originate in the elementary vital phenomena of
cells. Hence, if the task of the physiolo-
gist lies in the explanation of vital phenom-
ena, general physiology can be only cell-
physiology.’’ These sentences are faultlessly
rhetorical, but they do not exhibit an unas-
sailable logic, at least from the point of view
of the botanist, or the physiologist interested
in the general properties of organisms.
The work of investigators upon the physiology
and organization of the protoplasm of plants
[N.S. Vou. 1X. No, 227.
has been somewhat more uniformly developed,
and the results attained have been given a
wider interpretation than similar efforts in the
animal world ; hence the value of this volume
as a reactionary protest against the minute and.
profitless specializations which have absorbed
so much of the energy of the animal physiolo-
gist is not so apparent to the plant physiologist.
The latter feels no need for a return to investi-
gations in cell-physiology, since his researches
upon all the more important activities of vege-
tal protoplasm have been extended to cover
material of the widest range of morphological
and physiological differentiation, and have been
an investigation of principles rather than a
study of the functions of special tissues.
Without reference to the above, the book is
a very valuable and welcome addition to the
library and laboratory accessories of the plant
physiologist, not for what it contains about
plants, for the paragraphs devoted to these or-
ganisms are teeming with errors and omissions,
or are badly antiquated, but for its comprehen-
sive treatment of the composition and elemen-
tary activities of protoplasm, and the metabolic
and directive reactions to stimuli, and the sec-
tions devoted to these subjects are well executed.
The historical sketch of the development and
methods of physiological research, as well as
the metaphysical discussions of the conditions
of life properly belong here, although they do
not constitute the most valuable or striking part
of the book.
It appears to the reviewer that the physiolog-
ical aspects of the form and size of the cell are
but scantily touched upon ; that the réle and dis-
tribution of inorganic matter in the cell does not
take into account the greater mass of the availa-
ble information on that subject, while secretion,
absorption and election of food do not receive
deserved attention. The fatuous distinction of
ferments into ‘ organized’ and ‘unorganized’
bodies bids fair to be immortal, since it is con-
tinued here and in many other prominent texts
recently issued, although yeast, the well-worn
example of the ‘ organized ferments,’ has been
found to secrete definite enzymes, as is doubt-
less the case with all ferment organisms. It is
certainly antiquated to quote Sachs to the effect
that starch is the first ‘visible product’ of the
May 5, 1899.]
activity of the chlorophyllaceous cell in the
sunlight. The curvature of twining stems is not
thigmotaxis (p. 443). The use of the phrase
‘conduction of a stimulus’ to indicate the trans-
mission of an impulse from the point of recep-
tion of the stimulus to a reaction zone is a
mistake resulting from the literal translation of
‘Reizleitung.’ The German word ‘ Reiz’ hay-
ing a broad meaning which permits its use to
designate both the stimulus and the stimulus-
effect. ‘Every change in the external condi-
tions of an organism constitutes a stimulus ;’ but
itis to be presumed that no one would mean
that these changes in the intensity of external
energy, rather than the shock of such change,
are transmitted by nerves or other conducting
Perhaps the most remarkable omission in the
entire work is that which occurs in the discus-
sion of the history of death. No attention is
given to the aging or senescence of cells, and
there is no mention of any example of the plant
cell in the histolytic processes, or metamorphic
death, although this phenomenon is of such im-
portance that all types of plants furnish dead
cells from normal atrophies and degenerations,
while in the higher types the greater bulk of
the plant-body is made up of dead cells.
The greater number of the faults enumerated
above would be due to the inaccessibility of the
botanical literature to the animal physiologist,
and are of such nature that they may be easily
eliminated from future editions. The book has
a long period of usefulness before it. It is
stimulating and suggestive, and will do much
to broaden investigation upon both the animal
and vegetal organism ; a purpose it would ac-
complish equally well under its proper title of
‘The Physiology of the Cell.’
D. T. MacDouGat.
THE last Legislature of the State of Arkansas
provided for the printing of the hitherto unpub-
lished reports of Dr. J. C. Branner, formerly
State Geologist of that State. There are five
volumes of these reports, viz: (1) Coal; (2)
Lower Coal Measures; (8) Clays, Kaolins and
Bauxites; (4) Zinc ‘and Lead; (5) Report on
the general geology of the State. Provisions
were also made for printing new editions of the
reports already out.
THE sixth volume of Biological Lectures from
the Wood’s Holl Laboratory, in the press of
Messrs. Ginn & Co., will contain :
‘The Structure of Protoplasm,’ E. B. Wilson.
‘Cell-Lineage and Ancestral Reminiscence,’ E. B.
‘Adaptation in Cleavage,’ Frank R. Lillie.
‘Protoplasmic Movement asa Factor of Differentia-
tion,’ Edwin G. Conklin.
‘Equal and Unequal Cleavage,’ A. L. Treadwell.
‘Cell Origin of the Prototroch,’ A. D. Mead.
‘Relation of the Axis of the Embryo to the First
Cleavage Plane,’ Cornelia M. Clapp.
‘Observations on Various Nucleolar Structures of
the Cell,’ Thomas H. Montgomery, Jr.
‘Protoplasmic Contractility and Phosphorescence,’
8. Watasé.
‘Some Problems of Regeneration,’ T. H. Morgan.
‘The Elimination of the Unfit,’ H. C. Bumpus.
‘Heredity of Coloration in Fishes,’ Jacques Loeb.
‘Do the Reactions of Lower Animals, Due to Injury,
Indicate Pain Sensations,’ W. W. Norman.
‘North American Ruminant-like Animals,’ W. B.
‘Caspar Friedrich Wolff and the Theoria Genera-
tionis,’ W. M. Wheeler.
‘Animal Behavior,’ C. O. Whitman.
MM. GEorGES CARRE and C. Naud have be-
gun the publication of a series of scientific mono-
graphs under the editorial direction of leading
French men of science. MM. Appell, Cornu,
d’Arsonval, Friedel, Lippmann, Moissan, Poin-
cearé and Potter are responsible for the physical
and mathematical sciences and MM. Balbiani,
d@’ Arsonval, Filhol, Fouqué, Gaudry, Guignard,
Marey and Milne-Edwards for the biological
sciences. The numbers so far issued are as
follows: ‘Les Oscillations Electriques,’ by M.
Poincaré{ ‘La Specificite Cellulaire,’ by M.
Bard ; ‘La Sexualité,’ by M. le Dantec.
THE papers in the American Journal of Science
for May are as follows :
‘Some Experiments with Endothermic Gases,’ by
W. G. Mixter.
‘Hypothesis to explain the partial non-explosive
Combination of Explosive Gases and Gaseous Mix-
tures,’ by W. G. Mixter.
‘Occurrence of Paleotrochis in Volcanic Rocks in
Mexico,’ by H. 8. Williams.
‘Origin of Paleotrochis,’ by J. S. Diller.
‘Association of Argillaceous Rocks with Quartz
Veins in the Region of Diamantina, Brazil,’ by O. A.
Goldschmidtite, a New Mineral,’ by W. H. Hobbs ;
‘Hydromica from New Jersey,’ by F. W. Clarke and
N. H. Darton.
‘Powellite Crystals from Michigan,’ by C. Palache.
‘Volatilization of the Iron Chlorides in Analysis,
and the Separation of the Oxides of Iron and Alu-
minum,’ by F. A. Gooch and F. 8. Havens.
‘ Descriptions of imperfectly known and new Actini-
ans, with Critical Notes on other Species, V,’ by A.
E. Verrill.
‘Preliminary Note as to the Cause of Root-Pres-
sure,’ by R. G. Leavitt.
‘Study of some American Fossil Cycads, Part III.,’
by G. R. Wieland.
Professor L. V. Pirsson, who holds the chair
of geology in the Sheffield Scientific School of
Yale University, has become an associate editor
of the Journal in the place of the late Professor
AFTER the close of the current volume, in
April, the Zoological Bulletin, edited by Profes-
sors Whitman and Wheeler, of the University
of Chicago and published by Messrs. Ginn &
Co., will be continued under the title the
Biological Bulletin and be published under the
auspices of the Marine Biological Laboratory.
The scope of the Bulletin will be enlarged so as
to include General Biology, Physiology and
Botany. It will further include occasional re-
views and reports of work and lectures at the
Laboratory. The Bulletin ‘will be open, as
heretofore, to scientific contributions from any
THE 500th meeting of the Society was cele-
brated on April 15th by a dinner at Rauscher’s.
About fifty members were present. After
coffee had been served, the President, Mr. O. H.
Tittmann, in his usual felicitous manner, called
on the past Presidents of the Society who had
honored the banquet by their presence. Seven
were present, namely, Newcomb, Harkness,
Eastman, Dall, Clarke, Baker and Bigelow.
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 227.
Interesting remarks were made by each of these
gentlemen, on the past history of the Society,
its relation to present scientific progress, and its
future sphere of usefulness. Informal inter-
course was had for a short time after adjourn-
APRIL 18, 1899.
UNDER the head of Exhibition of Specimens
and Short Notes, Mr. Howard exhibited a vial
full of specimens of a species of a Peripatus just
received from some unknown correspondent in
Mr. Schwarz showed a specimen of Chrysina
erubescens Bates. The determination he said
was somewhat doubtful, but probably correct.
The species is a distinct Central American
form, but the specimens showed were found in
Madera Canyon, south Arizona. The insect is
probably a grape feeder.
Dr. Dyar showed specimens of Megalopyge
krugti, Dew., collected by Mr. Busck in Porto
Rico. The larva was described by Dewitz in
his original communication, but so briefly that
additional points were mentioned.
Mr. Howard asked whether Mr. Busck had
been stung by this larva, and Mr. Busck re-
plied that the first one which he found had
fallen on the back of his hand and produced
severe pain and inflammation which lasted for
three days.
The first paper of the evening was read by
Mr. Schwarz and consisted of a continuation of
the Hubbard correspondence from the South-
west.» The letter read at this meeting con-
tained a discussion of the insect fauna of Dasy-
lirion wheeleri. In discussion Mr. Pollard asked
whether the agave and other large plants of
that region have similar insect fauna. Mr.
Schwarz replied that the agave is the only
liliaceous plant of that region which has an in-
sect enemy which attacks it when healthy.
This is a lepidopterous larva of the genus
Megathymus. The communication was briefly
discussed by Messrs. Cockerell and Ashmead,
Mr. Cockerell stating that two Coccids had been
found upon the Dasylirion, but that both species.
May 5, 1899. ]
were also found upon yuccas. Mr, Ashmead
said that the Dasylirion insects were very simi-
lar in character to the insects found in decaying
palmetto in Florida.
The next paper was by Mr. Marlatt, and in
the absence of the author was read by Mr. Ben-
ton. It was entitled ‘Remarks on some recent
work on Coccide.’ L. O. HowARD,
THE fifth regular meeting of the Washington
Botanical Club was held April 5, 1899, at the
residence of Mr. Frederick V. Coville.
Professor E. L. Greene made some remarks
on the occurrence of parthenogenesis in Anten-
naria, apropos of Juel’s recently published in-
vestigations in A. alpina. He considered the
phenomenon to be well established in several of
our native species.
Mr. J. G. Smith presented a synopsis of a
proposed revision of the genus Sitanion, a group
of grasses long included under Elymus. He
was able to segregate a large number of new
‘species, chiefly from Western localities.
Mr. H. J. Webber gave some notes on the
various forms of Zamia found in Florida. There
are apparently two well-marked species, at
least on the east coast, one confined to the
northern, the other to the southern half of the
State, while on the west coast occurs possibly a
third. Neither of these species is referable to
Z. integrifolia Jacq., a name under which the
plants have been described in most text-books.
Mr. Webber exhibited numerous photographs,
pointing out remarkable differences in the shape
and structure of the fertile spike.
The Club extended invitations to the Phila-
delphia Botanical Club and to the Torrey Botan-
ical Club of New York to visit Washington for
a series of botanical excursions during the last
A MEETING of the Section was heid on April
10th, Professor M. I. Pupin, the Chairman of
the Section, presiding.
A paper was read by Dr. A. S. Chessin on
‘The Temperature of Gaseous Celestial Bodies.’
The author said, in brief, that, in view of some
extravagant and baseless assertions which have
appeared lately in both scientific and popular
periodicals with regard to certain supposed
laws of temperature in gaseous celestial bodies,
it seemed proper to state the true condition of
our knowledge in this direction. Dr. Chessin
showed that what Dr. See assumed, in a recent
article, to be a ‘fundamental law’ of nature,
namely, the formula RT = a constant, in which
T=the absolute temperature of the gaseous
body and R = the radius, was neither a ‘ fun-
damental’ nor ‘any law’ at all; in fact,
the formula is the result of erroneous and
superficial calculations. Dr. Chessin also gave
an account of the work done by others on
the question of the temperature of heavenly
bodies, particularly referring to the investiga-
tions of A. Ritter, in Wiedemann’s Annalen
for 1878. He showed how far from applicable
to actual facts most of these theoretical discus-
sions and calculations are, and he drew the
conclusion that at this stage of our knowledge
it would be but an idle speculation to formulate
any law which may govern the changes of tem-
perature in heavenly bodies. He called atten-
tion to one interesting case discussed by Ritter
in his theoretical investigations, a case in which
when y, or the ratio of the specific heat at con-
stant pressure to that at constant volume, is
greater than 4/3, we could have a pulsating
condition of the gaseous body about a condition
of equilibrium. <A résumé of Ritter’s work ap-
pears in Exner’s Repertorium for 1884. Betti,
of Pisa, has discussed the same problems and
obtained the same results.
In the discussion Professor Pupin said that
in the contraction of a heavenly body the work
done by gravitation might be an excessively
small fraction of the total work done by all the
forces, including the so-called forces of chemical
affinity, which we usually consider are due to
electrical forces. But we cannot at present
base any calculations on these, as we know so
little about them.
Professor Rees said that if astronomers can-
not yet solve these problems, it is because they
cannot get the proper knowledge from the
physicists on the physical parts of the question.
Mr. W. ©. Kretz read a paper on the ‘ Posi-
tions and Proper Motions of Stars in Coma
Berenices from Rutherfurd Photographs.’
Rutherfurd took fourteen photographs in the
years 1870, 1875 and 1876 of the cluster in Coma
Berenices. The positions of these stars on the
plates were measured with a Repsold measur-
ing machine, and the reduction was made by
the method worked out by Professor Jacoby.
Great precautions were taken to eliminate all
possible errors. The positions obtained were
compared with those obtained by Chase with
the Yale heliometer in 1892. In this manner a
catalogue of the positions and proper motions
of twenty-four stars was obtained, which was
the object of the research.
Wo. 8. Day,
THE regular monthly meeting of the New
York Section of the American Chemical Society
was held at the Chemists’ Club, 108 West Fifty-
fifth street on Friday evening, April the 7th;
Dr. Wm. McMurtrie presiding, and about sixty-
five members present.
The following papers were read: ‘ The Toxic
Action of Sodium Fluoride,’ by H. B. Baldwin.
‘The Chemistry of the By-Products of Coke
Ovens,’ J. D. Pennock. ‘ Notes on the Chemis-
try of the Carbides,’ J. A. Matthews. ‘The
Distribution of Alkali in Montana,’ F. W.
Traphagen and W. M. Cobleigh; read by Mr.
Mr. Baldwin said that, owing to the now
somewhat extended use of sodium fluoride in
the arts and as a preservative and insecticide,
there is considerable liability of accidental poi-
soning from the substance. Several cases are
cited with the symptoms observed, the most
prominent of which are nausea and vomiting
within a few minutes. One case resulted fatally
from an unknown dose, probably about ten
grams. Five grams produced serious results in
another case. The author took several experi-
mental doses and was made ill by 0.25 gram.
A case is also cited where about 50 grams were
taken with complete recovery. The literature
of the substance as a toxic agent is very meagre,
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 227.
but experiments have been made by several
German and French investigators. Shultz
found that by subcutaneous injection the lethal
dose per kilogram of body weight was for rab-
bits 0.2-0.4 gram, for dogs 0.3 gram and for
frogs 0.005-0.006 gram. Sodium fluoride should
be classed among the less violent poisons and
ought to find a place in works on toxicology.
The paper of Messrs. Traphagen and Cob-
leigh was an interesting description of the dis-
tribution of alkali in Montana with analytical
Professor Matthews gave a classification of
the carbides thus far known, according to their
methods of preparation and properties, and de-
scribed their commercial development, beginning
with carborundum, of which in 1895 the pro-
duction was about 300 pounds per diem. Last
July the daily output was 4,300 pounds and
over. Itis said to be harder than emery and
lighter. It has been successfully used in plate-
glass grinding, as well as for all ordinary pur-
poses. Recently it has been put to an entirely
new use, that of furnishing silicon to steel, be-
ing a substitute for ferro-silicon where the ad-
dition of some carbon is not objectionable.
The calcium carbide industry was also re-
viewed, and several uses other than for prepara-
tion of acetylene were mentioned, as follows :
Drying alcohol and other organic liquids, abso-
lute alcohol being easily prepared by its use; to
deoxidize and carbonize iron, and as a reducing
agent in fire assays. Moissan has used itas a
reducing agent in the preparation of other car-
Mr. Pennock’s paper gave interesting particu-
lars out of the construction of the coke ovens
at Syracuse, N. Y., with details of the percent-
ages of bye-products, composition of the gas,
tar, etc., closing with lantern views of the ex-
terior and interior of the buildings, showing the
retorts and other important parts of the plant.
To THE Epiror of SCIENCE: One or two
of your readers may possibly remember a
small exchange of words between Professor:
May 5, 1899.]
Titchener and myself apropos of his article in
Scrence for December 23d (Vol. VIII., p.
Messrs. Lehmann and Hansen had sought to
show experimentally that the results of certain
experiments by Professor H. Sidgwick, which
the latter had ascribed to ‘ thought-transfer-
ence,’ were really due to involuntary whis-
pering by the agent, overheard hyperzsthet-
ically by the subjects. Professor Titchener closed
his article by saying: ‘‘The brilliant work
of Messrs. L. and H. has probably done more
for scientific psychology than could have been
accomplished by any aloofness, however au-
To these words I, in your next number, took
exception, saying that if Professor Titchener
would read Sidgwick’s and my criticisms of the
work of the Danish investigators, he would
probably agree ‘that, owing to the fewness of
the data which they had collected, they entirely
failed to prove their point.’ I, consequently,
called their essay ‘an exploded document’;
to which my ‘scientifically-minded’ confrére
rejoined (in SCIENCE for January 6th) that he had
carefully read the criticisms, and had thus seen
us ‘handling the fuse,’ but that he had ‘not yet
heard the detonation.’
As the explosion was so audible to me, the
disproof being quasi-mathematical, I was as-
tounded at this hardness of hearing in my
colleague; and, to make sure that I was not a
victim of auditory hallucination, I wrote to
Professor Lehmann to know what he himself
thought of his conclusions, in the light of the
criticisms in question. His answer, somewhat
belated, just arrives. +
He says : ‘‘Your own as well as Professor Sidg-
wick’s experiments and computations prove,
beyond a doubt, that the play of chance had
thrown into my hands a result distinctly too
favorable to my theory, and that the said theory
is consequently not yet established (bewiesen).”’
This is identically Professor Sidgwick’s and
my contention ; and for his candor, as well as
for his willingness to take pains to experiment
in this region, Professor Lehmann deserves to
stand high as a ‘ psychical researcher.’
Professor Titchener, meanwhile, still hugging
the exploded document, wanders upon what he
calls ‘the straight scientific path,’ having it ap-
parently all to himself. May the consciousness
of his fidelity to correct scientist principles con-
sole him in some degree both for his deafness.
and for his isolation.
CAMBRIDGE, April 20, 1899.
My attention has just been called to this para-
graph in SCIENCE, June 3, 1898, p. 784, foot of
column two:
“Erratum: In the review of Wilder’s System of
Nomenclature, p. 716, col. I, line 5, for ‘ chippocamp ”
read ‘hippocamp.’ ”’
This prompt public correction renders need-
less and unjust the commentary upon the sub-
ject in my address last December before the
Association of American Anatomists (Proceed-
ings, p. 33, and ScrENCE, April 21, 1899, p.
577), and I deplore my non-acquaintance with
it up to the present time. Since none of those
who heard my address reminded me of the
‘Erratum,’ it seems to have been overlooked
by them also.
In this connection may properly be corrected
a typographical error in the address itself
(Proceedings, p. 16, and ScrENcE, April 21,
1899, p. 566, note, title 6); the date of publica-
tion of the ‘Review’ in SctENcE should be
May 20th, not 28th.
These corrections will be incorporated in the
Proceedings and sent to those who receive copies
of SCIENCE from me.
IrHaca, N. Y., April 26, 1899.
[It may be explained the typographical error
referred to above was not due to any oversight
on the part of the writer of the review. An
inverted comma (‘) was inserted in the proof
before hippocamp, which was mistaken by the
printer and the proof reader for a c.—EDb.
DuRING the last eight or ten years Gold-
hammer has published at intervals in Wiede-
mann’s Annalen a series of papers dealing with
the electro-magnetic theory of light, and espe-
cially upon the transmission of light through
ordinary media. The chief difference between
his treatment of the subject and the classical
one of Maxwell lies in the fact that Gold-
hammer considers what are usually called the
constants of the medium, the specific resistance
or the dielectric constant, for instance, not to be
constants, but to be functions of the wave fre-
quency, developable in power series. It may be
remarked that this view receives a certain
amount of support from the researches of Blond-
lot and J. J. Thomson, which show that the
dielectric constants of certain materials do de-
pend upon the frequency.
Developing mathematically the preceding
hypothesis, Goldhammer arrives at very general
equations for the velocity and absorption of
light in a given medium. It is worthy of re-
mark that the formulas given by Helmholtz, Sell-
meier and Lommel can all be considered as
special cases of that of Goldhammer and can be
derived from it.
In Wied. Ann., No. 3, Band 67, Goldhammer
applies the theory which has just been sketched
to the Zeeman effect, and thus obtains a new
theoretical explanation of the phenomenon.
‘Considering the absorption spectra first, he
shows that any alteration in the specific con-
‘stants of the medium will causea change in the
position of the absorption lines. He then as-
sumes that the magnetic field does cause such
an alteration in these quantities; in support of
this assumption, he calls attention to a paper by
Bolzmann (Wied. Ann., 31, p. 789), in which
it is shown that a magnetic field increases the
resistance of a gas placed in it.
Kirchoff’s laws allow one to pass from the
absorption spectrum to that of emission. Then
in a bright-line spectrum the effect of a mag-
netic field is to cause displacements in the lines
and might give rise to doublets and triplets.
In order to account for the polarization phe-
nomena, Goldhammer makes a further assump-
tion that the magnetic field causes the medium
to become eleotropic and double-refracting.
The circular polarization of the doublets, when
viewed along the lines of force, is very closely
connected with the well-known magnetic rota-
tion of the plane of polarization.
It will be noticed that this theory of Gold-
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 227.
hammer’s differs materially from those pro-
posed by Lorentz and Larmor. Goldhammer
makes the whole of the phenomena depend
upon changes in the medium, while Lorentz
and Larmor attribute them to the electrody-
namic forces developed by the motion of elec-
trified ions in a magnetic field.
At present it seems that the ionic is the more
promising of the two theories, since it gives an
explanation, incomplete it is true, of the com-
plexity of structure of the lines and of their
polarization. The numerical value of the ratio
between the mass of a vibrating ion and the
charge carried by it as derived from the Zeeman
effect is in good agreement with that obtained
by J. J. Thomson from the phenomena of
cathode rays.
MovureELo (Comptes Rendus, t. CXXVIII., p.
557) has made the curious discovery that
sulphides of strontium, calcium, barium and
zinc, prepared in a particular way, show
much more brilliant phosphorescence after
exposure to diffused daylight than they do
after exposure to direct sunlight, and, further,
that periodic exposure to diffused daylight in-
creases very remarkably the power of phos-
phorescing. After being brought to this sensi-
tive state one phosphorescing portion is able to
excite phosphorescence in another non-lumi-
nous portion either when the two portions are
in contact or when they are contained in sepa-
rate glass tubes.
A. St.C. D.
AN analysis of the water of the Great, or Il-
lecilliwaet Glacier, British Columbia, has been
published in the Chemical News by F. T. Shutt
and A. T. Charron. The waters were taken a
few feet from the face of the glacier, and were
of characteristic turbid or milky appearance.
Analysis showed water of gréat organic purity,
the free ammonia being 0.018 parts per million;
albumenoid ammonia 0.027 to 0.087 ; nitrogen
as nitrates and nitrites 0.0246 to 0.0442;
chlorin 0.1; solids 12 to 30.8. On sedimenta-
tion the waters became perfectly clear, and
microscopic examination of the deposit showed
May 5, 1899.]
it to be very fine rock matter, chiefly fragments
of quartzite.
AN analysis of an artesian water from Derby-
shire is given by John White in the Analyst,
which is peculiar as containing barium, it be-
ing the first recorded occurrence of this metal
in waters in this section. The well is 1,300 feet
deep and 160 feet above thesealevel. Accord-
ing to the analysis given, the water first ob-
tained at depth of 837 feet, contained of barium
carbonate 1.77 parts per 100,000 ; the deep water
contained at first of barium chlorid 38.55 parts,
and six months later 40.7; water eighty feet be-
low the surface contained 3.03 parts. The
sodium chlorid in the deep water was over two
thousand parts. The author discusses the origin
of the barium salt. Clowes has found minute
crystals of barium sulfate in the red sandstone
near Nottingham, and Dieulafait has shown ba-
rium to be a constant constituent of primitive
rocks, but this does not explain the conversion of
the sulfate into carbonate or chlorid. The only
possible explanation, according to the author,
is that the barium sulfate has been at high tem-
perature reduced to the sulfid by coal, and this
converted into the chlorid by concentrated salt
solution. The carbonate is derived from the
cehlorid. In confirmation of this it is pointed
out that barium sulfate has been found in con-
nection with coal deposits and barium chlorid
in water in the vicinity of coal mines. It is,
however, not impossible that under certain
conditions, such as Melikoff has shown take
place between sodium sulfate or sodium chlorid
and calcium carbonate in the presence of alu-
minum or ferric hydroxid, a reaction may take
place between the barium sulfate and sodium
chlorid in a concentrated solution of the latter.
PROFESSOR VEZES, of Bordeaux, has con-
tinued his work upon the oxalates and nitrites
of the platinum metals, and his last contribu-
tion to the Bulletin Société Chimique is on the
complex salts of palladium. A concentrated
solution of potassium chloropalladite is con-
verted by potassium oxalate into the pallado-
oxalate, and the same salt is formed by the
action of oxalic acid upon the pallado-nitrite.
On the other hand, the pallado-oxalate is
readily converted into the chloropalladite by
hydrochloric acid, and into the pallado-nitrate
by potassium nitrate. These reactions corre-
spond very closely to those of the platinum salts.
as investigated by Vézes, except that only one
modification of the pallado-oxalate has been
found. The pallado-oxalic acid was also ob-
tained and found to be tolerably stable.
The same journal contains analyses of a se-
ries of potassium, ammonium and silver salts
of the so-called osmiamiec acid, by Brizard, in
which the formula proposed. by Joly for this
acid is fully confirmed. According to this,
osmiamic acid is a nitroso compound, having the
formula OsO(NO)OH, and corresponds to nitroso.
hydroxid of ruthenium,
BULLETIN No. 2 (1899) of Blue Hill Ob-
servatory, prepared by A. E. Sweetland, con-
tains accounts of two remarkable snow storms
which occurred during the past winter. The
first storm, that of November 26-27, 1898,
caused the wreck of 141 vessels on the New
England coast, and the loss of 280 lives. It was
during this storm that the steamer Portland,
with about 175 persons on board, was lost off
Cape Cod. The suddenness and violence of
this storm were due to the rapid increase in
energy which took place when a cyclone from
the Gulf of Mexico and one from the Great
Lakes met on the coast. The fall of snow was
very heavy. On February 8-14, 1899, a severe
cold wave and another heavy snowfall oc-
curred. On February 13th, at 8 a. m., the
zero isotherm extended as far south as latitude
31°. At Blue Hill the average temperature of
the five days February 8-13 was 3.1° lower
than the average of any successive five days
since the Observatory was established. This
cold wave was followed by a heavy snow storm,
with high winds, along the North Atlantic
coast. It is interesting to note that the pre-
ceding cold wave, although it caused much suf-
fering by its severity at the time, had one very
fortunate effect. The extreme cold which had
almost closed some of the harbors with ice, and
the difficulty of navigation when the waves,
driven by the strong westerly gale, quickly
froze on decks and rigging, had resulted in
keeping many vessels in port. In consequence,
but few lives were lost at sea.
Bulletin No. 3, by 8. P. Fergusson, is en-
titled Progress of Experiments with Kites during
1897-98 at Blue Hill Observatory, and presents
an admirable summary of this work. Both
Bulletins are abundantly illustrated.
THe March number of Climate and Crops:
New England Section notes the occurrence of
‘Snow Rollers’ at Grafton, N. H., on March
16th, last. Thisis an interesting but compara-
tively rare phenomenon, occasionally observed
in the winter season wher. freshly fallen snow
is rolled into balls or cylinders by the wind.
At Grafton these are stated to have been rolled
up in countless numbers. Some of the rollers
were as large as a barrel, and the fields and
hills were covered with them. Other occur-
rences of the same phenomenon have been
noted, within recent years, at Spokane, Wash.,
in December, 1895; at Hartford, Conn., on Feb-
ruary 19, 1896, and in Saline county, Kan., on
January 14, 1898. At Spokane there were
‘hundreds of snow cylinders of uniform size,
and as perfectly formed as though they had
been cast ina mould.’ The rollers were from
12 to 16 inches long, and from 6 to 10 inches in
diameter. At Hartford some of the rollers
measured 8 inches in diameter. In the Kansas
case the size varied from that of base-balls to
that of half-a-bushel measures. The uniform
size, often noted, may be explained by the fact
that the wind rolls the cylinders of snow along
the ground until they become too heavy to be
moved farther. If the velocity of the wind
continues about the same it is likely, other
things being equal, that the rollers will have
about the same size.
Ir is a pleasure to note the establishment of a
new course in meteorology at the Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio. This course,
which is being given by Mr. J. Warren Smith,
Section Director of the U. 8. Weather Bureau
at Columbus, is required in the junior year in
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 227.
the course in agriculture and horticulture, and
is elective in the courses in arts, philosophy and
science. It is also open toallteachers. Lectures
began on March 29th, andaregiven twicea week
during a term of ten weeks. The object of the
course, as stated in the prospectus, is ‘to open
and outline a rational and systematic line of
study of the leading facts concerning our atmos-
phere, and of the methods of observing and in-
vestigating the daily weather changes, and of
the physical laws underlying these changes.’
Davis’s ‘ Elementary Meteorology’ is used as a
text-book. The lectures are illustrated by means
of lantern views, and the ‘ laboratory work’ in-
cludes the use of the ordinary instruments and.
practice in the construction of weather maps.
THERE has recently been published an admi-
rable little pamphlet on the climate of the Congo
Free State, by M. Lancaster, Director of the
Meteorological Service of Belgium (Court Apergu
du Climat du Congo, 12mo., Brussels, 1899, pp.
43). This is a summary, in a very convenient
form, of the meteorological portion of the
volume on the climate, soils and hygiene of the
Congo Free State, noticed in SCIENCE for Jan-
uary 138, 1899, p. 72, and is reprinted from the
Annuaire de I’ Observatoire royal de Belgique pour
AMERICAN biologists will doubtless be grati-
fied to learn that the United States Fish Com-
mission will maintain a marine biological labo-
ratory at Beaufort, N. C., during the coming
summer, and will probably undertake to estab-
lish a permanent laboratory at that place. The
station will be fully equipped for a limited
number of investigators and be ready for occu-
pancy by June 1st. There will be one building
devoted to laboratory purposes and another af-
fording sleeping accommodations.
Dr. H. V. Wilson, professor of biology in the
University of North Carolina, has been asked
to become the director of the laboratory. Dr.
Wilson was associated with the Commission at
its Woods Holl laboratory for several years
May 5, 1899.]
and needs no introduction to the scientific
world, —
Beaufort is situated near one of the great
ocean inlets, and the waters of the harbor and
adjacent sounds are remarkably well supplied
with fishes and invertebrates. The advantages
this locality affords for biological research are
well known, as many naturalists have from
time to time resorted thereto for the study of
special problems.
In the early fall Beaufort will be made the
headquarters of the steamer Fish-Hawk during
a biological and topographical survey of the
oyster grounds of the State which the Commis-
sion will conduct at the request of Professor J.
A. Holmes, director of the North Carolina
Natural History and Geological Survey, and
other State officials.
Hues M. SmirTH.
M. NADAL, in a very extended review of the
recognized ‘Principles of the Mathematical
Theory of the Steam Engine,’ in recent issues
of the Revue de Mécanique, discusses the theory
of heat-exchanges between working fluid and
cylinder-walls, the influence of the duration of
the admission period, that of the compression
and of the velocity of operation of the motor ;
touching upon the experimental work of Dwel-
shauvers-Dery. His principal conclusions are
the following : *
1. The absorptive power of the metal in
contact with the vapor is finite, and variable as
a function of time. It is more considerable
than the emissive power. The variation of
this absorbing power is a function of the
amount of liquid deposited upon the wall, and
that amount has been shown by Donkin to
vary, in the cases reported by him, from 20 cal-
ories per square meter per unit difference of
temperature between metal and vapor, per sec-
ond, and, at the time of admission, down to 12
during expansion and lower, and to 2 during
the period of re evaporation and of emission,
and to even less values as exhaust becomes
complete; although this re-evaporation may be
* Revue de Mécanique, 1898-9.
exceedingly rapid at the moment of opening
the eduction port.
2. In the ease of the unjacketed cylinder
the mean temperature of the wall is equal or
superior to that of the vapor in contact with it.
8. The heat surrendered by the vapor at in-
duction increases less rapidly than does the
period of action, that of induction. The indi-
cations are that the range of temperature dur-
ing expansion mainly affects the quantity of the
heat-exchange and that the total temperature-
range does not measure the waste, which is
contrary to general opinion among engineers
and physicists.
4. Compression in the clearance or ‘dead
spaces’ is not always advantageous.
M. Nadal shows that the moisture on the
wall plays an important part, augmenting the
quantity of heat-waste as superheating dimin-
ishes it. It is found that the variation of the
magnitude of heat-exchanges during the for-
ward and the return stroke accounts largely for
the well-established, and often large, gains due
to the use of the steam-jacket ; since that acces-
sory may communicate heat rapidly and effect-
ively during the earlier portion of the cycle,
while the sluggish transfer of heat out of the
cylinder wall during the period of low pressure
and temperature checks the wastes that would
otherwise then occur, and more extensively
than in the earlier period. Thus this variation
of transferring power of the wall acts as a sort
of ‘ check-valve’ for the heat received from the
jacket, permitting it to act efficiently, where
most needed and preventing loss of heat where
its transfer could do no good and would be
purely a waste. Thus the jacket, also, is most
economical in those engines which would be
most economical without it, those in which the
interior walls of the cylinder are dry during
WE have received from the officers of the
Philadelphia Exposition of 1900 details in re-
gard to their plans. It is their purpose to ex-
hibit every kind of manufactured products of
the United States especially suitable for export.
Such exhibits will form the principal depart-
ment of the Exposition and will comprise every-
thing which is, can or might be exported, from
locomotives and heavy machinery to the small-
est novelties.
There will also be a department of foreign
manufactured goods, but it will not contain a
single exhibit shown by a foreign manufacturer.
This department will consist of collections of
samples of goods made in the commercial coun-
tries of Europe and successfully sold in all for-
eign markets in competition with American
goods and in foreign markets in which Amer-
ican trade has not yet been developed. These
samples will be exhibited side by side with
American products of the same class, and will
show our manufacturers just what competition
they must meet abroad, as well as the pecul-
iarities in the demands of every foreign mar-
A third department of the Exposition will
show how American goods must be packed,
labeled and shipped in order to meet the re-
quirements of foreign trade, which vary accord-
ing to the degree of development or civilization
in each country of the world.
In October a Commercial Congress will be
held in Philadelphia in connection with the
meeting of the International Advisory Board of
the Philadelphia Commercial Museums. There
is every reason to believe that at least 800 repre-
sentatives of foreign firms will be present at the
sessions of the Commercial Congress and in at-
tendance on the Exposition, in addition to the
official delegates and those representing com-
mercial organizutions.
The Exposition will be under the joint
auspices of the Philadelphia Commercial Mu-
seums and the Franklin Institute. Sanction and
support has been given to the Exposition by the
National Government, Congress appropriating
$350,000 to aid it. The City of Philadelphia
has given $200,000, and the State of Penn-
sylvania $50,000, and $100,000 is being
raised in Philadelphia by individual subscrip-
The main buildings, which are now under
construction, cover eight acres of ground, and
the available exhibition space will be at least
200,000 square feet Outside of the space occu-
pied by the main buildings there will be within
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 227.
the Exposition grounds, which comprise a tract
of fifty-six acres of land on the bank of the
Schuylkill River, within fifteen minutes’ ride
of the City Hall, ample space for the erec-
tion of detached structures for special ex-°
versity, will conduct an expedition to Brazil dur-
ing the summer to work upon the geology of the
stone and coral reefs of the coast. These reefs,
more or less broken, extend from Ceara to the
Abrolhos, a distance of more than a thousand
Dr. Branner did much work upon these
reefs while he was connected with the Geolog-
ical Survey of Brazil, but the field observations.
were never finished and the results of the work
were not published. He hopes to complete
his work during the summer vacation. The
expenses of the expedition will be paid chiefly
by Professor Alexander Agassiz, and the results
will be published by the Museum of Compara-
tive Zoology at Harvard.
PRINCETON proposes to send a small party to
observe the total eclipse of the sun which is to
occur on May 27, 1900. <A friend of the Uni-
versity has provided the necessary funds, and
the special apparatus that will be needed is-
already being constructed. The station to be
occupied is not yet finally selected, but will
probably be near the boundary between North
and South Carolina, where it is crossed by the
track of the moon’s shadow, running northeast-
ward from New Orleans to Norfolk, Va.
Tue Iron and Steel Institute of Great Britain
has conferred the Bessemer Gold Medal for
1899 on Queen Victoria in commemoration of
the great progress made in the iron and steel.
industries during her Majesty’s reign.
Tue Academy of Sciences at Halle has elected
Dr. Hans Lenck, professor of mineralogy at
Erlangen, to membership.
Str JAMES WRIGHT, C.B., late Engineer-in-
Chief of the British Navy, to whom many of
the improvements in British warships are due,.
died on April 16th in his 86th year.
THE death is also announced of Sir William
Roberts, F.R.S., the eminent London physician,.
May 5, 1899.]
at the age of 69 years. He gave the Goulstonian,
Lumleian and Croonian lectures and the Har-
veian oration before the Royal College of Phy-
sicians, and contributed in many ways to the
advancement of medical science and education.
WE regret also to record the deaths of Pro-
fessor Karl Scheibler, the chemist at Berlin,
aged 72 years; of Dr. Josef Wastler, docent in
geodesy in the Technical Institute at Graz, and
of Dr. H. A. Wahlforso, professor of chemistry
at Helsingfors, at the age of 60 years.
A CABLEGRAM from Constantinople states
that in order to develop the agricultural re-
sources of the empire, the Sultan has consulted
with the United States Minister, Mr. O. 8.
Straus, in regard to securing the services of
two American agricultural experts, who will be
attached to the Ministry of Mines, Agriculture
and Forests.
Mr. JoHN HAMILTON has been appointed
Secretary of Agriculture for the State of Penn-
sylvania by Governor Stone in the place of Mr.
Thomas J. Edge, who has been compelled to re-
sign. It is said that this change has been made
for political rather than for scientific reasons.
A Cryin SERVICE examination for the posi-
tion of Computer in the Division of Forestry,
Department of Agriculture, ata salary of $1,000
per annum, will be held on May 16thand 17th.
The examination is chiefly on computation in
AT the annual meeting of the California
Academy of Sciences officers and trustees have
been elected to fill the various offices in the
Academy for the ensuing year as follows: Pres-
ident, Willam E, Ritter; First Vice-President,
Chas. H. Gilbert; Second Vice-President, H. H.
Behr; Corresponding Secretary, J. O’B. Gunn ;
Recording Secretary, G. P. Rixford ; Treasurer,
L. H. Foote; Librarian, Louis Falkenau; Di-
rector of the Museum, Charles A. Keeler ;
Trustees, William M. Pierson, George C. Per-
kins, C. E. Grunsky, William H. Crocker,
George W. Dickie, E. J. Molera, James F.
Houghton. The yearly report of the President,
William E. Ritter, showed the past year to have
been one of earnest. activity in the various
working departments. The necessity is urged
of conceutrating the efforts and the funds of
the Academy toward making complete the
natural history collections of the State. Es-
pecial stress is laid upon the desirability of ex-
ploring the waters of the Pacific that wash the
California coast, and collecting into the store-
cases and exhibition galleries of the Museum
the scientific treasures of these waters. The
report mentions the gratifying commendation
which the improved style in which the Proceed-
ings are issued calls forth from both at home and
abroad. Here may be mentioned the highly
appreciated gift of $1,000 given to the publica-
tion fund by Mr. C. P. Huntington. The re-
port of the Librarian gives the number of vol-
umes in the library as nearly 10,000. The
crowded meetings held twice each month evince
the public interest in the popular scientific lec-
tures, which are open to all. The principal
event of the year was the definite movement,
appropriately initiated by the Society of Cali-
fornia Pioneers and heartily participated in by
the Academy, to secure from the State Legisla-
lature funds for the erection of a statue to the
late James Lick, to whom the Academy owes
an ever-growing debt of gratitude for his benefi-
cent gift to the institution.
THE fourteenth annual meeting of the Asso-
ciation of American Physicians will be held at
the Arlington Hotel, Washington, D. C., on
May 2d, 3d and 4th.
THE annual meeting of the Iron and Steel
Institute of Great Britain will be held on May
4th and 5th. Sir William Roberts-Austen, the
President-elect, will give an inaugural address,
and a program has been arranged that includes
papers by representatives from the United
States, Austria, Russia, Spain and Sweden.
THE Council of the Royal College of Surgeons
has decided to celebrate the centenary of its
foundation between March 22 and June 30,
1900. The College is also considering the ad-
visability of applying for power to grant at the
time diplomas of honorary fellowships, of which
not more than fifty shall be conferred.
PLANS are being made for the establishment
of an institute of bacteriology and experimental
medicine at Bucharest.
Tue Prince of Monaco is building at Monaco
a Museum of Oceanography to contain the col-
lections made by the expeditions of the yacht
Princess Alice. It will contain not only exhibi-
tion rooms, but also laboratories for the use of
men of science who wish to work upon the col-
lections. The Museum will, in addition, repre-
sent the relations of meteorology to navigation.
THE conferences established three years since
by Professor Milne-Edwards for the instruction
of explorers and travelers have been resumed
in the Paris Museum of Natural History. A
number of the professors of the Museum take
part, explaining the methods of collecting and
preserving plants, animals, etc., of making maps
and photographs, hygienic precautions, etc.
THE Critic of May publishes, over the name of
Professor O. C. Marsh, the portrait of Professor
F. A. March, of Lafayette College, the eminent
philologist. The account of the late Professor
Marsh accompanying the portrait opens as fol-
lows: ‘‘ This excellent portrait of the distin-
guished paleontologist, whose unpaid service at
Yale College did so much to strengthen the
position of that University in the educational
world, was made in this city only about a year
ago. Professor Marsh himself was greatly
pleased with it.’’
AT the last monthly general meeting of the
Zoological Society, London, Lieutenant-Colonel
L. H. Irby in the chair, it was stated that there
were 83 additions made to the Society’s menag-
erie during March, amongst which special no-
tice was directed to a kiang, or wild ass of
Tibet (Equus hemionus). Only two examples of
this scarce animal had been previously exhibited
in the Society’s gardens—namely, in 1859 and
1885. There had also been received an example
of Pel’s owl (Scotopelia peli), a rare species of
owl from the Niger territory, presented by
Lieutenant E. V. Turner, R.E., and a Cape
jumping hare (Pedetes caffer), presented by Mr.
William Champion, F.Z.S.
In an important paper read by Mr. Charles
Heycock before the Royal Institution, recently,
a study of the method of union of the constitu-
ents of alloys is followed which indicates that
the same laws control as in solutions. Gold,
for example, dissolves in melted silver, and the
temperature of solidification is reduced in pro-
portion to the weight of gold introduced, until
[N.S. Von. 1X. No. 227.
a limit is approximated with twenty per cent.
gold. This ‘law’ is verified in the case of a
number of alloys mentioned, but not with a few
others (as Sb in Bi). The rate of lowering of
temperature in the cases illustrating solution
is inversely proportional to the molecular
weights of the dissolved metal.
Signor MARcont has successfully communi-
cated from the South Foreland, Kent, to the
French armed despatch vessel Ibis while sailing
in the English Channel.
THE scientific library of the late Dr. Stain-
ton, F.R.S., the entomologist, has been sold at
auction at London. The following works were
included : ‘ Annals de Ja Société Entomologique
de France,’ from the beginning in 1832 to 1892
—£35 ; J. Curtis, ‘ British Entomology,’ 1824-89
—£11 5s.; Transactions of the Entomological
Society of London, from the beginning in 1836
to 1892, 38 volumes—£32 ; P. Milliére, ‘ Incon-
ographie et Description de Chenilles et Lépi-
doptéres Inédits,’ 1859-74—£10 5s; G. A. W.
Herrick-Schiffer, ‘Systematische Bearbeitung
der Schmetterlinge von Europa,’ 1843-56—£27
10s.; and J. Hiibner, ‘Sammlung Europaischer
Schmetterlinge,’ Augsburg, 1805, etc., £24.
In his presidential address before the Chem-
ical Society, London, Professor Dewar, as re-
ported in the London Times, discussed the
means that might be used for measuring the
range of temperature between the critical point
of hydrogen and the zero of absolute tempera-
ture. The electrical resistance thermometer
was of great delicacy, but it depended on a
knowledge of the law connecting resistance
and temperature and involved the necessity of
extrapolation, At such temperatures, however,
conditions occurred which could not be antici-
pated, and hence no confidence could be put in
the results given by the curve. Platinum, for
instance, which was frequently used for the
construction of such thermometers, approached
its zero of resistance when immersed in liquid
hydrogen, and theoretically only required to
be cooled five or six degrees further to become
a perfect conductor of electricity. Such a re-
duction should be effected by making the hy-
drogen boil under exhaustion, but, in fact, the
May 5, 1899. ]
lowering of temperature indicated by the plat-
inum thermometer in such circumstances did
not exceed one degree. Hence the platinum
must have come toa limit. Two pure platinum
thermometers which Professor Dewar had tried
both behaved in this way. Next he experi-
mented with a resistance composed of an alloy
of rhodium and platinum, which gave a different
temperature altogether. According to it the boil-
ing point of hydrogen was minus 246° as against
minus 238° shown by the pure platinum arrange-
ment, and it, too, failed to indicate the expected
lowering under exhaustion. A thermo-junction
of iron and German silver was next tried with-
out satisfactory results, and another junction of
lead and iridium-platinum proved equally inef-
fective. Thus he was brought to an air ther-
mometer and the use of hydrogen itself under
diminished pressure to determine its own boil-
ing point. In the instrument he had construc-
ted the gas had a tension of 273 mm. at the
temperature of melting ice, so that a difference
of one millimeter, corresponded to one degree
of temperature. The boiling point of hydrogen
was by this thermometer given as about minus
252°, but various corrections had to be made,
and in particular the possibility of the hydro-
gen being contaminated with a slight impurity of
air or oxygen allowed for, so that it was uncer-
tain what exactly was the true boiling point.
Assuming it to be minus 252°, or 21° on the
absolute scale, Professor Dewar went on to il-
lustrate the difficulties of nearer approach to
the absolute zero itself. By exhaustion the
experimenter could not practically get more
than 6° lower, and at that point he was
barred and blocked with no means of bridg-
ing over the remaining 15°. Even supposing
that a new substance was discovered as volatile
in comparison with hydrogen as hydrogen was
in comparison with nitrogen, that under ex-
haustion would only give a temperature 33°
above the zero, and it would require a second
‘hypothetical substance as volatile compared
with the first as the first was compared with
hydrogen to enable the experimenter to come
near the extreme of temperature he is aiming at.
THE report by Sir William Crookes, F.R.S.,
and Professor Dewar, F. R. 8., on the compo-
sition and quality of daily samples of the water
supplied to London for the month ending Feb-
ruary 28, 1899, says: We have again to
record an excess of rain, The rainfall at
Oxford during the past month was 1.92 in.,
the average fall for the last 30 years is 1.76 in.,
giving an excess of 0.16 in., and making the
excess for the first two months of the year 0.85:
in., or 21.6 per cent. on the average fall. It is
interesting to observe the effect of the rainfall
on the number of microbes in the unfiltered
Thames water. No rain fell on the 1st, 2d or
3d, and the average number of microbes in the
Thames at Hampton up to the 4th was 6,510:
per c.c.; it then rained every day until the
15th, during which time the average number
of microbes, including the 16th, rose to 38,354
per c.c.; after the 15th no more rain fell, and
the average number of microbes from then to:
the end of the month fell to 14,914 per c.e.
This large increase in the number of microbes
in the river, due to rain, originates not merely
from the washing of the surface of the land,
but is also largely due to atmospheric microbes.
brought down by the rain. As far as our ex-
periments go they are perfectly harmless.
During the month the London waters, chem-
ically and bacteriologically, have maintained
their high character as an efficiently filtered
river supply.
a letter to the London Times stating that
£3,240 have been subscribed toward a second
expedition of Mr. J. E. 8. Moore to Lake
Tanganyika, and that in addition £500 have
been offered on condition that a further sum of
£500 be collected. This insures the sending of
the expedition regarding the scientific impor-
tance of which Professor Lankester writes:
Some ten years ago the discovery of a true
medusa—similar to some marine jelly-fish—in
the waters of Lake Tanganyika led naturalists
to entertain the notion that this vast and re-
mote inland sea might retain within its area
other evidences of a former connection with the
ocean. The medusa (which swarms in the lake
at certain seasons) was duly described by Mr.
R. T. Giinther in my laboratory at Oxford, and
named Limnocnida Tanganyike. So great was
the interest felt in the suggestions to which its
presence gave rise that I obtained two small
grants from the Royal Society and the British
Association, and was fortunate enough to induce
Mr. J. E. 8. Moore to undertake, in 1896, a
journey to Lake Tanganyika in order to collect
the fish, shell-fish, medusze and sponges which
occur in its waters. The result of Mr. Moore’s
eareful study of his collections (especially by
the examination of the internal anatomy of
the whelk-like shell-fish obtained) has been
to show that there is in Lake Tanganyika an
ordinary fresh-water lake fauna similar to that
-of other lakes, but that side by side with this
there is a second fauna of marine character to
which Mr. Moore has given the name ‘halo-
limnic’ (oceano-lacustrine). Not only this,
but Mr. Moore has shown that the mol-
luses of the halolimnic fauna of Tangan-
yika have an extraordinary resemblance to
forms occurring in the fossil condition in the in-
ferior oolites of Europe. I have recently placed
in the northeast recess of the central hall of the
Natural History Museum in Cromwell-road a
ease showing a series of these Tanganyika
shell-fish side by side with examples of the
oolitic shells with which they so closely agree.
Close to these are placed the fishes brought
home by Mr. Moore, of which 26 were new to
science. Mr. Moore, in his former visit to Tan-
ganyika, was not able to do more than ‘scratch
round some 150 miles of the shallow coast line
of a lake over 350 miles in length’ (to use his
own words). Naturally one is led to believe
that a more thoroughly equipped expedition
with the use of a steamer on the lake (which
Mr. Moore had not the chance to obtain) would
yield results of proportionately increased im-
portance. Itis not merely as adding new forms
to our collections that such an exploration is to
be desired. The great geological problems of
the history of this lake basin and its connec-
tion possibly with the Nile or a northward sea,
possibly with an ancient estuarine Congo, are
what stare us in the face. There are deposits
in the valley north of Tanganyika and in its
immediate vicinity which must be examined
and infallibly yield evidence on these subjects.
There are also the northward lakes of Kivu and
the Albert Edward Nyanza, the waters of which
have never been sampled for their living wit-
nesses of geological history.
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 227.
WE announced last week that Mr. Astrakoff,
the Russian engineer, had left, under certain
conditions, 1,000,000 roubles for the foundation
of a university for women at Moscow. This
trust has been accepted by the Moscow munici-
pality and an annual subsidy of 3,000 roubles
has been voted.
THE medical library of the late D. Sigis-
mund Waterman, of New York, has been be-
queathed by him to Yale University.
A FRIEND of Princeton University whose
name has not been disclosed has given $100,-
000 to establish a chair of politics. It is re-
ported that the chair is for ex-President Cleve-
Proressor H. P. Hurcuins, Dean of the
Law Department of the University of Michigan,
has been elected President of the Iowa State
Dr. HENRY L. WHEELER, instructor in or-
ganic chemistry in the Sheffield Scientific
School of Yale University, has been promoted
to an assistant professorship.
AT Colorado College Dr. Florian Cajori, for-
merly professor of physics, has been transferred
to be head of the department of mathematics,
and Dr. 8. J. Barnett has been promoted to the
professorship of physics. \
Masor Ross, known for his work on the
malarial parasite, has been elected lecturer in
the newly established School of Tropical Medi-
cine at Edinburgh.
Dr. OSKAR DOEBNER has been promoted to a
full professorship of chemistry and pharmacy
in the University of Halle. Dr. Kunz-Krause,
of Lausanne, has been appointed professor of
physics in the veterinary school at Dresden.
Dr. Beck von Managetta, of the University at
Vienna, has been made professor of botany in
the University at Prague. Dr. Sommer and
Dr. Cohen have qualified as docents in geometry
and physics respectively in the University of
Gottingen. Professor Heinrich Ritthausen, pro-
fessor of agricultural chemistry in the Univer-.
sity at K6énigsberg, has retired.
EDITORIAL CoMMITTEE: S. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WoopwARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THURSTON, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. LE Contr, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; HENRY F. OSBORN, Paleontology ; W. K.
Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; S. H. ScupDER, Entomology; C. E. Bessey, N. L.
BRITTON, Botany; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. Bowpitcu, Physiology;
J. 8. Brntines, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; DANIEL G. BRIN-
TON, J. W. POWELL, Anthropology.
Frripay, May 12, 1899.
The Age of the Earth as an Abode fitted for Life:
GORD) PRGRVUNGwodsccsesshnsacctessscedassssecenccreses 665
The Posthom Phantom: A Study in the Spontaneous
Activity of Shadows : PRESIDENT DAVID STARR
VORDIAN Mstesnauag slacnescstnieshansecetc esas tus stecetsene 674
Scientifie Books :—
Berry’s History of Astronomy: PROFESSOR
Davin P. Topp. Rauh’s Dela methode dans la
psychologie des sentiments : HIRAM M. STANLEY.
JERS JCB TIIET cenboosnnidoactgsocadocbocahonuseousonbuseds 682
Societies and Academies :—
American Mathematical Society : PROFESSOR F.
N. CoLE. Sub-section of Anthropology and Psy-
chology of the New York Academy of Sciences :
PROFESSOR CHARLES H. Jupp. Philosophical
Society of Washington: E. D. PRESTON........... 684
Discussion and Correspondence :—
Professor James on Telepathy : PROFESSOR E. B.
TT OHNE Resesecdsesccsnsceadastnsdetsecncsesconcesenses 686
Notes on Physics :—
The Compensation Pyrheliometer: A. St.C. D..,. 687
Notes on Inorganic Chemistry: J. L. H..............- 688
Botanical Notes :—
7ood’s Holl Botany ; Canadian Botany ; The So-
ciety for the Promotion of Agricultural Science :
PROFESSOR CHARLES E. BESSEY ...............05 689
Te HOnestSe 0 fsCANAAArdecwatecsccceuseteasceeetorcenttts 690
An Exhibition of Geographical and Geological Ma-
Serentific Notes And) NEWS. iorssesscadsesieneseteeeiereene ses
University and Educational News
MSS. intended or publication and books, etc., intended
for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
$1. Tue age of the earth as an abode
fitted for life is certainly a subject which
largely interests mankind in general. For
geology it is of vital and fundamental im-
portance—as important as the date of the
battle of Hastings is for English history—
yet it was very little thought of by geol-
ogists of thirty or forty years ago ; how lit-
tle is illustrated by a statement, which I
will now read, given originally from the
presidential chair of the Geological Society
by Professor Huxley in 1869, when for a
second time, after a seven years’ interval,
he was President of the Society:
““T do not suppose that at the present day any
geologist would be found * * * to deny that the rapid-
ity of the rotation of the earth may be diminishing,
that the sun may be waxing dim, or that the earth it-
self may be cooling. Most of us, I suspect, are Gal-
lios, ‘who care for none of these things,’ being of
opinion that, true or fictitious, they have made no
practical difference to the earth, during the period of
which a record is preserved in stratified deposits.’’
§ 2. I believe the explanation of how it
was possible for Professor Huxley to say
that he and other geologists did not care
for things on which the age of life on the
* The annual address (1897) of the Victoria Insti-
tute, by Lord Kelvin, with additions written at dif-
ferent times from June, 1897, to May, 1898. Printed
also in the Philosophical Magazine.
{In the printed quotations the italics are mine in
every case, not so the capitals in the quotation from
Page’s Text-book.
earth essentially depends, is because he did
not know that there was valid foundation
for any estimates worth considering as to
absolute magnitudes. If science did not al-
low us to give any estimate whatever as to
whether 10,000,000 or 10,000,000,000 years
is the age of this earth as an abode fitted
for life, then I think Professor Huxley
would have been perfectly right in saying
that geologists should not trouble them-
selves about it, and biologists should go on
in their own way, not inquiring into things
utterly beyond the power of human under-
standing and scientific investigation. This
would have left geology much in the same
position as that in which English history
would be if it were impossible to ascertain
whether the battle of Hastings took place
800 years ago, or 800 thousand years ago,
or 800 million years ago. If it were ab-
solutely impossible to find out which of
these periods is more probable than the
other, then I agree we might be Gallios as
to the date of the Norman Conquest. But
a change took place just about the time to
which I refer, and from then till now geol-
ogists have not considered the question of
absolute dates in their science as outside
the scope of their investigations.
§ 3. I may be allowed to read a few ex-
tracts to indicate how geological thought
was expressed in respect to this subject, in
various largely-used popular, text-books,
and in scientific writings which were new
in 1868, or not so old as to be forgotten.
I have several short extracts to read and I
hope you will not find them tedious.
The first is three lines from Darwin’s
‘Origin of Species,’ 1859 Edition, p. 287 :
“Tn all probability a far longer period than 300,-
000,000 years has elapsed since the latter part of the
secondary period.’’
Here is another still more important sen-
tence, which I read to you from the same
book :
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 228.
“He who can read Sir Charles Lyell’s grand work
on the Principles of Geology, which the future his-
torian will recognize as having produced a revolution
in natural science, yet does not admit how incompre-
hensibly vast have been the past periods of time, may
at once close this volwme.”?
I shall next read a short statement from
Page’s ‘Advanced Students’ Text-Book
of Geology,’ published in 1859 :
“Again, where the FORCE seems unequal to the re-
sult the student should never lose sight of the ele-
ment TIME, an element to which we can set no bounds in
the past, any more than we know of its limit in the
“Tt will be seen from this hasty indication that
there are two great schools of geological causation—
the one ascribing every result to the ordinary opera-
tions of Nature, combined with the element of wn-
limited time; the other appealing to agents that
operated during the earlier epochs of the world with
greater intensity, and also for the most part over
wider areas. The former belief is certainly more in ac-
cordance with the spirit of right philosophy, though it
must be confessed that many problems in geology
seem to find their solution only through the admis-
sion of the latter hypothesis.’’
$4. I have several other statements
which I think you may hear with some in-
terest. Dr. Samuel Haughton, of Trinity
College, Dublin, in his ‘Manual of Geol-
ogy,’ published in 1865, p. 82, says:
“The infinite time of the geologists is in the past;
and most of their speculations regarding this subject seem
to imply the absolute infinity of time, as if the human
imagination was unable to grasp the period of time
requisite for the formation of a few inches of sand or
feet of mud, and its subsequent consolidation into:
rock.’’ (This delicate satire is certainly not over-
strained. )
“Professor Thomson has made an attempt to cal-
culate the length of time during which the sun can
have gone on burning at the present rate, and has.
come to the following conclusion: ‘‘It seems, on
the whole, most probable that the sun has not illu-
minated the earth for 100,000,000 years, and almost:
certain that he has not done so for 500,000,900 years.
As for the future, we may say with equal certainty,
that the inhabitants of the earth cannot continue to-
enjoy the light and heat essential to their life for
many million years longer, unless new sources, now
May 12, 1899. ]
unknown to us, are prepared in the great storehouse
of creation.”’
I said that in the sixties and I repeat it
now, but with charming logic it is held to
be inconsistent with a later statement that
the sun has not been shining 60,000,000
years, and that both that and this are
stultified by a still closer estimate which
says that probably the sun has not been
shining for 30,000,000 years! And so my
efforts to find some limit or estimate for
Geological Time have been referred to and
put before the public, even in London daily
and weekly papers, to show how exceed-
ingly wild are the wanderings of physicists,
and how mutually contradictory are their
conclusions, as to the length of time which
has actually passed since the early geo-
graphical epochs to the present date.
Dr. Haughton further goes on :
“This result (100 to 500 million years) of Profes-
sor Thomson’s, although very liberal in the allowance of
time, has offended geologists, because, having been accus-
tomed to deal with time as an infinite quantity at their
disposal, they feel naturally embarrassment and alarm at
any attempt of the science of physics to place a limit upon
their speculations. It is quite possible that even a
hundred million of years may be greatly in excess of
the actual time during which the sun’s heat has re-
mained constant.’’
$5. Dr. Haughton admitted so much
with a candid open mind, but he went on
to express his own belief (in 1865) thus:
“‘ Although I have spoken somewhat disrespect-
fully of the geological calculus in my lecture, yet I
believe that the time during which organic life has
existed on the earth is practically infinite, because it
can be shown to be so great as to be inconceivable by
beings of our limited intelligence.’’
Where is inconceivableness in 10,000,-
000,000? There is nothing inconceivable
in the number of persons in this room or
in London. We get up to millions quickly.
Is there anything inconceivable in 30,000,-
000 as the population of England, or in 38,-
000,000 as the population of Great Britain
and Ireland, or in 352,704,863 as the popu-
lation of the British Empire? Not at all.
It is just as conceivable as half a million
years or 500 millions.
$6. The following statement is from
Professor Jukes’s ‘Students’ Manual of
Geology :’
“The time required for such a slow process to
effect such enormous results must, of course, be taken
to be inconceivably great. The word ‘inconceivably ’
is not here used in a vague but in a literal sense, to
indicate that the lapse of time required for the de-
nudation that has produced the present surfaces of
some of the older rocks is vast beyond any idea of
time which the human mind is capable of conceiving.
““Mr. Darwin, in his admirably reasoned book on
the origin of species, so full of information and sug-
gestion on all geological subjects, estimates the time
required for denudation of the rocks of the Weald of
Kent, or the erosion of space between the ranges of
chalk hills, known as the North and South Downs, at
three hundred millions of years. The grounds for form-
ing this estimate are, of course, of the vaguest de-
scription. It may be possible, perhaps, that the
estimate is a hundred times too great, and that the
real time elapsed did not exceed three million years,
but, on the other hand, itis just as likely that the
time which actually elapsed since the first commence-
ment of the erosion till it was nearly as complete as
it now is was really a hundred times greater than his
estimate, or thirty thousand millions of years.’’
§7. Thus Jukes allowed estimates of
anything from 3 millions to 30,000 millions
as the time which actually passed during
the denudation of the Weald. On the other
hand, Professor Phillips, in his Rede lecture
to the University of Cambridge (1860), de-
cidedly prefers one inch per annum to Dar-
win’s one inch per century as the rate of
erosion, and says that most observers
would consider even the one inch per an-
num too small for all but the most invin-
cible coasts! He thus, on purely geological
grounds, reduces Darwin’s estimate of the
time to less than one one-hundredth. And,
reckoning the actual thicknesses of all the
known geological strata of the earth, he
finds 96 million years as a possible estimate
for the antiquity of the base of the stratified
rocks ; but he gives reasons for supposing
that this may be an overestimate, and he
finds that from stratigraphical evidence
alone we may regard the antiquity of life
on the earthas possibly between 38 millions
and 96 millions of years. Quite lately a very
careful estimate of the antiquity of strata
containing remains of life on the earth has
been given by Professor Sollas, of Oxford,
calculated according to stratigraphical prin-
ciples which had been pointed out by Mr.
Alfred Wallace. Here itis*: ‘So far as
I can at present see, the lapse of time since
the beginning of the Cambrian system is
probably less than 17,000,000 years, even
when computed on an assumption of uni-
formity, which to me seems contradicted
by the most salient facts of geology. What-
ever additional time the calculations made
“on physical data can afford us may go to
the account of pre-Cambrian deposits, of
which at present we know too little to serve
for an independent estimate.”
§ 8. In one of the evening Conversaziones
of the British Association during its meeting
at Dundee in 1867 I had a conversation on
geological time with the late Sir Andrew
Ramsay, almost every word of which
remains stamped on my mind to this day.
We had been hearing a brilliant and sug-
gestive lecture by Professor (now Sir Archi-
bald) Geikie on the geological history of
the actions by which the existing scenery
of Scotland was produced. Iasked Ramsay
how long a time he allowed for that history.
He answered that he could suggest no limit
to it. I said, ‘‘ You don’t suppose things
have been going on always as they are
now’? You don’t suppose geological his-
tory has run through 1,000,000,000 years ?”
“« Certainly Ido.” ‘ 10,000,000,000 years ?”
“Yes.” ‘The sun isa finite body. You
ean tell how many tons it is. Do you think
it has been shining on for a million million
years?’”? ‘‘T am as incapable of estimating
and understanding the reasons which you
physicists have for limiting geological time
* The Age of the Earth,’ Nature, April 4, 1895.
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 228.
as you are incapable of understanding the
geological reasons for our unlimited esti-
mates.’’ Ianswered, ‘ You can understand
physicists’ reasoning perfectly if you give
your mind to it.” I ventured also to say
that physicists were not wholly incapable
of appreciating geological difficulties ; and
so the matter ended, and we had a friendly
agreement to temporarily differ.
$9. In fact, from about the beginning of
the century till that time (1867), geologists
had been nurtured in a philosophy origi-
nating with the Huttonian system : much
of it substantially very good philosophy,
butsome of it essentially unsound and mis-
leading ; witness this, from Playfair, the elo-
quent and able expounder of Hutton:
““ How often these vicissitudes of decay and renova-
tion have been repeated is not for us to determine ;
they constitute a series of which as the author of this
theory has remarked, we neither see the beginning
nor the end ; a circumstance that accords well with
what is known concerning other parts of the economy
of the world. In the continuation of the different
species of animals and vegetables that inhabit the
earth, we discern neither a beginning nor an end ; in
the planetary motions where geometry has carried
the eye so far both into the future and the past we
discover no mark either of the commencement or the
termination of the present order.”
$10. Led by Hutton and Playfair, Lyell
taught the doctrine of eternity and uni-
formity in geology ; and to explain plutonic
action and underground heat, invented a
thermo-electric ‘perpetual’ motion on
which, in the year 1862, in my paper on
the ‘Secular Cooling of the Earth,” pub-
lished in the ‘Transactions of the Royal
Society of Edinburgh,’ I commented as fol-
““To suppose, as Lyell, adopting the chemical hy-
pothesis, has done,t that the substances, combining
together, may be again separated electrolytically by
thermo-electric currents, due to the heat generated by
their combination, and thus the chemical action and
* Reprinted in Thomson and Tait ‘Treatise on
Natural Philosophy,’ Ist and 2d Editions, Ap-
pendix D (g).
} ‘ Principles of Geology,’ Chap. XX XTJ., ed. 1853.
May 12, 1899. ]
its heat continued in an endless cycle, violates the
principles of natural philosophy in exactly the same
manner, and to the same degree, as to believe that a
clock constructed with a self-winding movement may
fulfil the expectations of its ingenious inventor by
going forever.’’
It was only by sheer force of reason that
geologists have been compelled to think
otherwise, and to see that there was a defi-
nite beginning, and to look forward to a
definite end of this world as an abode
fitted for life.
§11. It is curious that English philoso-
phers and writers should not have noticed
how Newton treated the astronomical prob-
lem. Playfair, in what I have read to you,
speaks of the planetary system as being
absolutely eternal, and unchangeable ; hav-
ing had no beginning and showing no signs
of progress towards an end. He assumes
also that the sun is to go on shining forever
and that the earth is to go on revolving
round it forever. He quite overlooked
Laplace’s nebular theory; and he over-
looked Newton’s counterblast to the plan-
etary ‘perpetual motion.’ Newton, com-
menting on his own ‘ First Law of Motion,’
says, in his terse Latin, which I will en-
deavor to translate, ‘‘ But the greater bodies
of planets and comets moving in spaces
less resisting keep their motions longer.”
That isa strong counterblast against any
idea of eternity in the planetary system.
§ 12. I shall now, without further pref-
ace, explain, and I hope briefly, so as not
to wear out your patience, some of the ar-
guments that I brought forward between
1862 and 1869, to show strict limitations
to the possible age of the earth as an abode
fitted for life.
Kant* pointed out in the middle of last
* In an essay first published in the Koénigsberg
Nachrichten, 1754, Nos. 23, 24 ; having been written
with reference to the offer of a prize by the Berlin
Academy of Sciences in 1754. Here is the title page
in full as it appears in Vol. VI. of Kant’s Collected
Works, Leipzig, 1839: Untersuchung der Frage :
century what had not previously been dis-
covered by mathematicians or physical as-
tronomers, that the frictional resistance
against tidal currents on the earth’s surface:
must cause a diminution of the earth’s
rotational speed. This really great dis-
covery in natural philosophy seems to have
attracted very little attention—indeed to
have passed quite unnoticed—among
mathematicians and astronomers and nat-
uralists, until about 1840, when the doc-
trine of energy began to be taken to heart.
In 1866, Delaunay suggested that tidal re-
tardation of the earth’s rotation was prob-
ably the cause of an outstanding accelera-
tion of the moon’s mean motion reckoned
according to the earth’s rotation as a time-
keeper found by Adams in 1853 by correct-
ing a calculation of Laplace which had
seemed to prove the earth’s rotational
speed to be uniform.* Adopting Delaunay’s
suggestion as true, Adams, in conjunction
with Professor Tait and myself, estimated
the diminution of the earth’s rotational
speed to be such that the earth as a time-
keeper, in the course of a century, would
get 22 seconds behind a thoroughly perfect
watch or clock rated to agree with it at the
beginning of the century. According to
this rate of retardation the earth, 7,200
million years ago, would have been rotating
twice as fast as now; and the centrifugal
force in the equatorial regions would have
Ob die Erde in ihrer Umdrehung um die Achse,
wodurch sie die Abwechselung des Tages und der
Nacht hervorbringt, einige Veriinderung seit den
ersten Zeiten ihres Urspunges erlitten habe, welches
die Ursache davon sei, und woraus man sich ihrer
versichern konne? welche von der Kodoniglichen
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin zum Preise
aufgegeben worden, 1754.
* «Treatise on Natural Philosophy ’ (Thomson and
Tait), 2830, ed. 1, 1867, and later editions; also
‘Popular Lectures and Addresses,’ Vol. II. (Kelvin),
‘Geological Time,’ being a reprint of an article com-
municated to the Glasgow Geological Society, Feb-
ruary 27, 1868.
been four times as great as its present
amount, which is ;4, of gravity. At pres-
ent the radius of the equatorial sea-level
exceeds the polar semi-diameter by 214 kilo-
meters, which is, as nearly as the most
careful calculations in the theory of the
earth’s figure can tell us, just what the ex-
cess of equatorial radius of the surface of
the sea all round would be if the whole
material of the earth were at present
liquid and in equilibrium under the in-
fluence of gravity and centrifugal force
with the present rotational speed, and + of
what it would be if the rotational speed
were twice as great. Hence, if the rota-
tional speed had been twice as great as its
present amount when consolidation from
approximately the figure of fluid equilib-
rium took place, and if the solid earth, re-
maining absolutely rigid, had been gradu-
ally slowed down in the course of millions
of years to its present speed of rotation,
the water would have settled into two cir-
cular oceans round the two poles; and the
equator, dry all round, would be 64.5 kilo-
meters above the level of the polar sea
bottoms. This is on the supposition of
absolute rigidity of the earth after primi-
tive consolidation. There would, inreality,
have been some degree of yielding to the
gravitational tendency to level the great
gentle slope up from each pole to equator.
But if the earth, at the time of primitive
consolidation, had been rotating twice as
fast as at present, or even 20 per cent.
faster than at present, traces of its present
figure must have been left in a great pre-
ponderance of land, and probably no sea
at all, in the equatorial regions. Taking
into account all uncertainties, whether in
respect to Adams’ estimate of the rate of
frictional retardation of the earth’s rotatory
speed, or to the conditions as to the rigidity
of the earth once consolidated, we may
safely conclude that the earth was cer-
tainly not solid 5,000 million years ago, and
[N. 8S. Von. IX. No. 228.
was probably not solid 1,000 million years
$13. A second argument for limitation of
the earth’s age, which was really my own
first argument, is founded on the considera-
tion of underground heat. To explain a
first rough and ready estimate of it I shall
read one short statement. It is from avery
short paper that I communicated to the
Royal Society of Edinburgh on the 18th
December, 1865, entitled, ‘The Doctrine of
Uniformity in Geology Briefly Refuted :’
““The ‘Doctrine of Uniformity’ in Geology, as
held by many of the most eminent of British Geolo-
gists, assumes that the earth’s surface and upper
crust have been nearly as they are at present in tem-
perature, and other physical qualities, during millions
of millions of years. But the heat which we know, by
observation, to be now conducted out of the earth yearly
is so great, that if this action had been going on with
any approach to uniformity for 20,000 million years,
the amount of heat lost out of the earth would have
been about as much as would heat, by 100° C., a
quantity of ordinary surface rock of 100 times the
earth’s bulk. This would be more than enough to
melt a mass of surface rock equal in bulk to the
whole earth. No hypothesis as to chemical action,
internal fluidity, effects of pressure at great depth, or
possible character of substances in the interior of the
earth, possessing the smallest vestige of probability,
can justify the supposition that the earth’s upper
crust has remained nearly as it is, while from the
whole, or from any part, of the earth, so great a
quantity of heat has been lost.’’
§14. The sixteen words which I have
emphasized in reading this statement to you
(italics in the reprint) indicate the matter-
of-fact foundation for the conclusion as-
serted. This conclusion suffices to sweep
away the whole system of geological and
biological speculation demanding an ‘in-
* The fact that the continents are arranged along
meridiaps rather than in an equatorial belt affords
some degree of proof that the consolidation of the
earth took place at a time when the diurnal rotation
differed but little from its present value, It is prob-
able that the date of consolidation is considerably
more recent than a thousand million years ago.’’—
Thomson and Tait, ‘ Treatise on Natural Philosophy,’
2d ed., 1883, ¢ 830.
May 12, 1899.] -
conceivably’ great vista of past time, or
even a few thousand million years, for the
history of life on the earth, and approximate
uniformity of plutonic action throughout
that time; which, as we have seen, was
very generally prevalent thirty years ago,
among British Geologists and Biologists ;
and which, I must say, some of our chiefs
of the present day have not yet abandoned.
Witness the Presidents of the Geological
and Zoological Sections of the British As-
sociation at its meetings of 1893 (Notting-
ham), and of 1896 (Liverpool):
Mr. Teall : Presidential Address to the Geological
Section, 1893, ‘‘ The good old British ship ‘ Unifor-
mity,’ built by Hutton and refitted by Lyell, has won
so many glorious victories in the past, and appears
still to be in such excellent fighting trim, that I see
no reason why she should haul down her colors either
to ‘Catastrophe’ or ‘ Evolution.’ Instead, therefore,
of acceding to the request to ‘hurry up’ we make a
demand for more time.’’
Professor Poulton: Presidential Address to the
Zoological Section, 1896. ‘‘Our argument does not
deal with the time required for the origin of life, or
for the development of the lowest beings with which
we are acquainted from the first formed beings, of
which we know nothing. Both these processes may
have required an immensity of time; but as we
know nothing whatever about them and have as
yet no prospect of acquiring any information, we
are compelled to confine ourselves to as much of
the process of evolution as we can infer from the
structure of living and fossil forms—that is, as re-
gards animals, to the development of the simplest
into the most complex Protozoa, the evolution of the
Metazoa from the Protozoa, and the branching of the
former into its numerous Phyla, with all their Classes,
Orders, Families, Genera, and Species. But we shall
find that this is quite enough to necessitate a very
large increase in the time estimated by the geologist.’’
$15. In my own short paper from which
Ihave read you a sentence, the rate at
which heat is at the present time lost from
the earth by conduction outwards through
the upper crust, as proved by observations
of underground temperature in different
parts of the world, and by measurement of
the thermal conductivity of surface rocks
and strata, sufficed to utterly refute the
Doctrine of Uniformity as taught by Hut-
ton, Lyell, and their followers ; which was
the sole object of that paper.
$16. In an earlier communication to the
Royal Society of Edinburgh, * I had con-
sidered the cooling of the earth due to this
loss of heat ; and by tracing backwards the
process of cooling had formed a definite
estimate of the greatest and least number of
million years which can possibly have passed
since the surface of the earth was every-
where red hot. I expressed my conclusion
in the following statement: +
“We are very ignorant as to the effects of high
temperatures in altering the conductivities and spe-
cific heats and melting temperatures of rocks, and as
to their latent heat of fusion. We must, therefore,
allow very wide limits in such an estimate as I have
attempted to make ; but I think we may with much
probability say that the consolidation cannot have
taken place less than 20 million years ago, or we
should now have more underground heat than we
actually have ; nor more than 400 million years ago,
or we should now have less underground heat than
we actually have. That is to say, I conclude that
Leibnitz’s epoch of emergence of the consistentior
status [the consolidation of the earth from red hot or
white hot molten matter] was probably between
those dates.’’
$17. During the 35 years which have
passed since I gave this wide-ranged esti-
mate, experimental investigation has sup-
plied much of the knowledge then wanting
regarding the thermal properties of rocks
to form a closer estimate of the time which
has passed since the consolidation of the
earth, and we have now good reason for
judging that it was more than 20 and less
than 40 million years ago; and probably
much nearer 20 than 40.
§18. Twelve years ago, in a laboratory
established by Mr. Clarence King, in con-
*‘On the Secular Cooling of the Earth,’ Trans.
Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, Vol. X XIII., April 28, 1862,
reprinted in Thomson and Tait, Vol. III., pp. 468—
485, and Math. and Phys. Papers, art. XCIV., pp.
t ‘On the Secular Cooling of the Earth,’ Math. and
Phys. Papers, Vol. III., 2 11 of art. XCIV.
nection with the United States Geological
Survey, a very important series of experi-
mental researches on the physical proper-
ties of rocks at high temperatures was com-
menced by Dr. Carl Barus, for the purpose
of supplying trustworthy data for geolog-
ical theory. Mr. Clarence King, in an
article published in the American Journal of
Science,* used data thus supplied, to esti-
mate the age of the earth more definitely
than was possible for me to do in 1862, with
the very meagre information then available
as to the specific heats, thermal conduc-
tivities, and temperatures of fusion of rocks.
I had taken 7000° F. (3781° C.) as a high
estimate of the temperature of melting rock.
Eyen then I might have taken something
between 1000° C. and 2000° C. as more
probable, but I was most anxious not to
underestimate the age of thevearth, and so I
founded my primary calculation on the
7000° F. for the temperature of melting
rock. We know now from the experiments
of Carl Barus} that diabase, a typical basalt
of very primitive character, melts between
1100° C. and 1170°, and is thoroughly
liquid at 1200°. The correction from 3871°
C. to 1200° or 1/8.22 of that value, for the
temperature of solidification, would, with
no other change of assumptions, reduce my
estimate of 100 millions to 1/(3.22)° of its
amount, or a little less than 10 million
years; but the effect of pressure on the
temperature of solidification must also be
taken into account, and Mr. Clarence King,
after a careful scrutiny of all the data given
him for this purpose by Dr. Barus, con-
cludes that without further experimental
data ‘we have no warrant for extending
the earth’s age beyond 24 millions of
§ 19. By an elaborate piece of mathe-
* “On the Age of the Earth,’ Vol. XLV., January,
} Phil. Mag. 1893, first half-year, pp. 186, 187,
[N. 8S. Von. IX. No. 228.
matical bookkeeping, I have worked out
the problem of the conduction of heat out-
wards from the earth, with specific heat in-
creasing up to the melting point as found
by Rucker and Roberts-Austen and by
Barus, but with the conductivity assumed
constant; and, by taking into account the
augmentation of melting temperature with
pressure in a somewhat more complete
manner than that adopted by Mr. Clarence
King, I am not led to differ much from his
estimate of 24 million years. But, until we
know something more than we know at '
present as to the probable diminution ot
thermal conductivity with increasing tem-
perature, which would shorten the time
since consolidation, it would be quite inad-
visable to publish any closer estimate.
§ 20. All these reckonings of the history
of underground heat, the details of which I
am sure you do not wish me to put before
you at present, are founded on the very
sure assumption that the material of our _
present solid earth all round its surface was
at one time a white-hot liquid. The earth
is at present losing heat from its surface
all round from year to year and century to:
century. We may dismiss as utterly un-
tenable any supposition such as that a few
thousand or a few million years of the
present régime in this respect was preceded
by a few thousand or a few million years of
heating from without. History, guided by
science, is bound to find, if possible, an an-
tecedent condition preceding every known
state of affairs, whether of dead matter or
of living creatures. Unless the earth was
created solid and hot out of nothing, the
régime of continued loss of heat must have
been preceded by molten matter all round
the surface.
§ 21. I have given strong reasons* for
believing that immediately before solidifica-
tion at the surface, the interior was solid
*On the Secular Cooling of the Earth, Vol. IIT.
Math. and Phys. Papers, 22 19-33.
May 12, 1899.]
close up to the surface; except compara-
tively small portions of lava or melted rock
among the solid masses of denser solid rock
which had sunk through the liquid, and
possibly a somewhat larger space around
the center occupied by platinum, gold,
silver, lead, copper, iron and other dense
metals, still remaining liquid under very
high pressure.
§ 22. I wish now to speak to you of
depths below the great surface of liquid lava
bounding the earth before consolidation ;
and of mountain heights and ocean depths
formed probably a few years after a first
emergence of solid rock from the liquid
surface (see § 24, below) which must have
been quickly followed by a complete con-
solidation all around the globe. But I
must first ask you to excuse my giving you
all my depths, heights and distances, in
terms of the kilometer, being about six-
tenths of that very inconvenient measure
. the English statute mile, which, with all
the other monstrosities of our British met-
rical system, will, let us hope, not long
survive the legislation of our present Parlia-
mentary session destined to honor the sixty
years’ Jubilee of Queen Victoria’s reign by
legalizing, the French metrical system for
the United Kingdom.
$28. To prepare for considering consoli-
dation at the surface let us go back toa
time (probably not more than twenty years
earlier as we shall presently see—§ 24)
when the solid nucleus was covered with
liquid lava to a depth of several kilometers;
to fix our ideas let us say 40 kilometers (or
4 million centimeters). At this depth in
lava, if of specific gravity 2.5, the hydro-
static pressure is 10 tons weight (10 million
grammes) per square centimeter, or ten
thousand atmospheres approximately. Ac-
cording to the laboratory experiments of
Clarence King and Carl Barus* on Diabase,
* Philosophical Magazine, 1893, first half-year, p.
and the thermodynamic theory* of my
brother, the late Professor James Thomson,
the melting temperature of diabase is 1170°
C. at ordinary atmospheric pressure, and
would be 1420° under the pressure of ten
thousand atmospheres, if the rise of tem-
perature with pressure followed the law of
simple proportion up to so high a pressure.
§ 24. The temperature of our 40 kilo-
meters deep lava ocean of melted diabase
may therefore be taken as but little less
than 1420° from surface to bottom. Its
surface would radiate heat out into space
at some such rate as two (gramme-water)
thermal units Centigrade per square centi-
meter per second.+ Thus, in a year (314
million seconds) 63 million thermal units
would be lost per square centimeter from
the surface. This is, according to Carl
Barus, very nearly equal to the latent heat
of fusion abandoned by a million cubic cen-
timeters of melted diabase in solidfying into
the glassy condition (pitch-stone) which is
assumed when the freezing takes place in
the course of afew minutes. But, as found
by Sir James Hall in his Edinburgh experi-
ments} of 100 years ago, when more than a
few minutes is taken for the freezing, the
solid formed is not a glass but a hetero-
geneous crystalline solid of rough fracture ;
and if a few hours or days, or any longer
time, is taken, the solid formed has the
well-known rough crystalline structure of
basaltic rocks found in all parts of the
world. Now Carl Barus finds that basaltic
* Trans. Roy. Soc., Edinburgh, Jan. 2, 1849; Cam-
bridge and Dublin JJathematical Journal, Noy., 1850.
Reprinted in Math. and Phys. Papers (Kelvin), Vol.
I., p. 156.
{ This is a very rough estimate which I have formed
from consideration of J. T. Bottomley’s accurate de-
terminations in absolute measure of thermal radiation
at temperatures up to 920° C. from platinum wire
and from polished and blackened surfaces of various
kinds in receivers of air-pumps exhausted down to
one ten-millionth of the atmospheric pressure. Phil.
Trans. Roy. Soc., 1887 and 1893.
{ Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh.
diabase is 14 per cent. denser than melted
diabase, and 10 per cent. denser than the
glass produced by quick freezing of the
liquid. He gives no data, nor do Ricker
and Roberts-Austen, who have also experi-
mented on the thermodynamic properties
of melted basalt, give any data, as to the
latent heat evolved in the consolidation of
liquid lava into rock of basaltic quality.
Guessing it as three times the latent heat
of fusion of the diabase pitch-stone, I esti-
mate a million cubic centimeters of liquid
frozen per square centimeter per centimeter
per three years. This would diminish the
depth of the liquid at the rate of a million
centimeters per three years, or 40 kilo-
meters in twelve years.
§ 25. Let us now consider in what manner
this diminution of depth of the lava ocean
must have proceeded, by the freezing of
portions of it; all having been at tempera-
tures very little below the assumed 1420°
melting temperature of the bottom, when the
depth was 40 kilometers. The loss of heat
from the white-hot surface (temperatures
from 1420° to perhaps 1380° in different
parts) at our assumed rate of two (gramme-
water Centigrade) thermal units per sq. em.
per sec. produces very rapid cooling of the
liquid within a few centimeters of the sur-
face (thermal capacity .36 per gramme, ac-
cording to Barus) and in consequence great
downward rushes of this cooled liquid, and
upwards of hot liquid, spreading out hori-
zontally in all directions when it reaches
the surface. When the sinking liquid gets
within perhaps 20 or 10 or 5 kilometers of
the bottom, its temperature* becomes the
freezing-point as raised by the increased
pressure; or, perhaps more correctly stated,
a temperature at which some of its ingre-
* The temperature of the sinking liquid rock rises in
virtue of the increasing pressure : but much less then
does the freezing point of the liquid or of some of its
ingredients. (See Kelvin, Math. and Phys. Papers,
Vol. LET. pp:.69, 70.)
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 228.
dients crystallized out of it. Hence, begin
ning a few kilometers above the bottom,
we have a snow shower of solidified lava or
of crystalline flakes, or prisms, or granules
of feldspar, mica, hornblende, quartz, and
other ingredients: each little crystal gain-
ing mass and falling somewhat faster than
the descending liquid around it till it reaches
the bottom. This process goes on until, by
the heaping of granules and crystals on the
bottom, our lava ocean becomes silted up to
the surface.
( To be concluded. )
Ar the April meeting of the Astral Camera
Club of Alcalde the veteran sciosophist and
former President of ‘the Stanislaus Geolog-
ical Society, Mr. Abner Dean of Angels,
described his investigations of shadow-life,
as exemplified in the strange case of Peter
It seems that this gentleman, late a resi-
dent of Kunersdorf, in Germany, on one
occasion was approached by a gray-haired
stranger who offered to purchase his shadow.
Schlemihl named a price, which was in-
stantly accepted. Thereupon the stranger
knelt upon the grass, rolled up the shadow,
folded it neatly and thrust it into his knap-
sack, at once disappearing down the road
between two hedges of roses, leaving Schle-
mihl himself absolutely shadowless.
At first the poor man took the depriva-
tion lightly. But, as time went on, the
singularity of his position wore upon him,
the whispered words and doubtful glances
of his friends began to distress him, and
he fell into a condition of marked phys-
ical discomfort. He set out in search of
*« Posthumous Humanity:’ A study of Phantoms,
by Adolph D’Assier, Member of the Bordeaux Acad-
emy of Sciences. Translated and Annotated by Henry
8. Olcott; London, George Redway, York St., Covent
May 12, 1899. ]
the shadow and, after many adventures, he
overtook the man to whom he had sold it.
But neither promises nor blows availed
anything. The stranger turned a deaf ear
to the former, and the latter only served to
tear or bruise the shadow which the stranger
used in self-defence. When at last Schle-
mihl died it was observed he left no wraith
to rustle through the old graveyard at
Kunersdorf. According to Mr, Chamisso,
a friend of Schlemih], who has recorded the
facts above noted, ‘‘ An event had taken the
place of an action as has happened not in-
frequently in the world’s history.” That
he was unable to nullify this event was sup-
posed to be the cause of the failure of his
efforts at self-realization. But this ethereal
epigram does not explain why the loss of
his shadow made him physically uncomfort-
able. For the cause of this we must search
in the fluidic conditions by which he was
Mr. Dean has, therefore, devoted special
attention to these details, to make clear
the nature of the shadow itself and of the
being who made way with it.
Certain writers have too hastily assumed
that this being was the Devil. This is
obviously not the case, for this fabled crea-
tion, the ‘ Faded fancy of an elder world,’
‘the fluidic phantom of effete orthodoxy,’
as Mr. Dean styled it, has no objective ex-
istence. The fact that the stranger was
dressed in black which seemed red by trans-
mitted light, and that he exhaled a faint
sulphurous aroma, would seem to bear out
this supposition. But these details were
more likely results of pure fancy, perhaps
heightened by the presence of a highly con-
centrated fluidic aura.
The real nature of the being is shown
by the erudite researches of Dr. Adolph
D’Assier on the ‘fauna of the shades,’ as
set forth in his remarkable volume on
‘Posthumous Humanity.’ The stranger
was, doubtless, a lycanthropic posthom, or
shadow- devouring phantom, who, being un-
able to suck the blood of Schlemihl himself,
carried away his shadow to strengthen his
own fast waning identity. There are many
records, especially among the peasants of
Little Russia, of phantoms who satisfy their
hunger in this uncanny way. The word
lycanthropic (wolf-manly) was drawn from
this common habit with the wehr-wolf, the
phantasmal double of the common gray
wolf. The same tendencies are found in
posthoms of wolf-like men to which the
generic term ‘ lycanthropic’ is also applied.
It may be noted that now the wolf is prac-
tically extinct in the forests of Germany ; its
posthom, the wehr-wolf, no longer appears
and its familiar call of ‘willi-wa-wu: wito-hu’
is no longer heard in the German shades.
The name posthom (post—after ; homo
—man) was some years since offered by Mr.
Dean as a general designation for those
phantasmal doubles which D’Assier calls
by the awkward and inadequate name of
fluidic forms or fluidic phantoms. It was
at first supposed that these creations were
exclusively human and natural sequences
of physical death. The error of this opin-
ion is now made evident, but the conven-
ient name, as more definite than phantom
‘and more generic than wraith, may still be
retained with this broader definition.
The origin of the posthom is thus ex-
plained by Mr. Dean: It is well known that
all animals and plants are built up of cells
or chambers, each cell containing the mag-
netic life jelly or protoplasm. It is also
well established that these cells are not
completely filled by this substance. More-
over, it is known that even protoplasm
itself is not a true liquid, but a mass of net-
work, like a skein of tangled yarn. In this
cell and its skein of protoplasm the minute
atoms of the odie forces of the universe
penetrate. In so doing, by their entangle-
ment and permeation, they built up within
the cells a form corresponding in all re-
spects to that of the living creature as-a
whole, but in reality its double or negative,
being solid only when the first is empty,
and being empty when the first is solid.
The well-known astral body of man is a
species of posthom. But astrality is not
confined toman. It has been shown by Mr.
William Q. Judge that the ‘body of the
jelly-fish is almost pure astral substance.’
It is, in fact, a posthom of a marine organ-
ism which has become saturated with water,
which fills all the interstices in its anatomy,
thus giving it an independent and self-per-
petuating existence. For the distinguished
scientist of the Society of Bordeaux has
shown that the posthom phantom of man
is ‘‘the exact image of the person of
whom it is the complement. Internally it
represents the mould of all the organs
which constitute the framework of the hu-
man body. We see it, in short, move,
speak, take nourishment, perform, in a
word, all the great functions of animal life.
The extreme tenuity of these constituent
molecules, which represent the last term of
organic matter, allow it to pass through
the walls and partitions of apartments.
Nevertheless, as it is united with the body,
from which it emanates by an invisible
vascular plexus, it can, at will, draw to
itself, by a sort of aspiration, the greater
part of the living forces which animate the
latter. One sees, then, by a singular inver-
sion, life withdrawn from the body, which
then exhibits a cadaverous rigidity and
transfers itself entirely to the phantom,
which acquires consistency, sometimes even
to the point of struggling with persons be-
fore whom it materializes. It is but ex-
ceptionally that it shows itself in connec-
tion with a living person.” But as soon as
death has snapped the bonds (or vascular
plexus) that attach it to our organism it
definitely separates itself from the human
body and constitutes the ‘ posthumous
phantom’ or posthom.
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 228.
The fact of the occasional separation of
the posthom during life is now perfectly
authenticated. The case of Schlemih] comes
under this head, as also the remarkable ex-
perience related by Mr. H. C. Andersen, of
Copenhagen. A Danish country gentle-
man, of good family, it is alleged, lost his
shadow at one time. He took a humorous
view of the accident at first and consoled
himself with the reflection that the world
set too much store on shadows anyhow.
But as time went on his philosophy failed.
He noted that his own strength oozed away,
and later that his clothing was becoming
brittle and unable to support the slightest
strain. It, too, had lost its shadow. His
friends brought him word of strange pranks
which his double performed in the society
of the neighborhood, although at the same
time he was confined to his room and finally
to his bed. Apparently the posthom phan-
tom felt a strange delight in bringing its
master into ridicule. Finally it boldly
usurped his place in social functions, ruling
with a high hand and giving him an op-
portunity tobe heard in his own defense.
At last, in violent indignation, by a supreme
effort of the will, the gentleman recalled the
phantom, to the endless mystification of his
friends. With the return of the posthom
to his own cellular substance his physical
and mental vigor returned and his new suit
of clothes showed no lack of the ordinary
It will be noticed that in this case the
phantom man was clothed.in phantom cloth-
ing. This was similarly formed, being made
up of the tenuous molecules which filled the
cloth cells of the original garments. As it
is notorious that posthoms are clothed in
materials similar to those worn by the per-
son from whom they are derived, this de-
serves a moment’s explanation.
Dr. D’Assier has conclusively shown that
even inanimate bodies have their doubles,
or posthoms, as well as men and beasts.
May 12, 1899.]
This was at first doubted by that most crit-
ical of scientists, Mr. Henry §S. Olcott, of
Madras. He was, however, convinced of
its correctnesss by the well-authenticated
fact that inanimate bodies, as rocks and tea-
cups, equally with animate bodies, are able
to cast shadows. From the shadows of tea-
cups philosophical generalizations of great
value have been obtained in India and
Thibet. The only body known to man
which has no fluidic double, or shadow, is
thesun. Its phantom is, perhaps, the whole
visible universe, and it is the undoubted
center of that fluidic force which is ex-
pulsory of all shadows. The shadow of an
object is not as most people suppose, merely
the absence of sunshine. If that were all
it would be much less substantial in its
nature than is now the case and would have
no definite boundaries. The shadow is the
phantasmal double. All material bodies
have interspaces among their atoms corre-
sponding to the cells in living organisms.
Indeed, it is well known that molecules of
matter nowhere touch one another, nor do
they come anywhere near touching. If we
could conceive the physical molecules of a
rock as inhabited worlds a being with a
telescope on one of them would gaze at his
neighbor atom as our astronomers gaze
forth on the mighty sun of Sirius. It is
also well known that molecules do not
really exist at all, but that each is really an
eddy or storm center, and thus a center of
attraction in the fluidic atmosphere of astral
substances, in which all inhabited worlds
are bathed. But omitting these consider-
ations, which belong to ultimate science, or
sciosophy, there is no doubt that the shadow
of a man or a rock is itself an objective
reality. It is a posthom driven out from
its original station by the expellatory force
of the sun. ‘The huge conical shadow of
the earth which reaches beyond the moon
and is called night’ is not merely the
absence of light. It is the hour of posthom
phantoms when all nature is saturated in
fluidic forces. It is natural, then, that at
night phantasms of all degrees should be
at large, and that in this period and under
its conditions all successful studies in the
natural history of the shades have been
During life the carnate body exerts a
strong attraction for its posthom, so that
the shadow is seldom seen far away from
its host. Toward evening, however, it
wanders more widely, and at last it may be
apparently wholly detached. Whether this
is really ever the case under normal condi-
tions is not yet certainly known. This
question will be the subject of further in-
vestigations by the members of the club at
Mr. James M. Barrie, of Edinburgh, in a
volume bearing the curious title of ‘ Senti-
mental Tommy,’ tells us that once in his
youth he turned a corner in running so
suddenly that he thereby ‘ dislocated his
shadow.’ It is easy to see that this might
occur, though probably infrequently.
It is certain that at death the host ceases
to exert any particular hold over its phan-
tasm. The shadow wanders freely and at
will. It is soon disconcerted because the
stars begin to devour its substance, and it is
but rarely that means can be found to resist
their malign influence. For this reason all
phantoms of the dead are disintegrated and
reduced to primzeval vapor within a space
of ten to twenty days after their disassocia-
tion. This fear of dissolution is the cause
of the violent excitement often shown by
phantoms. From the same cause arises
their proneness to linger about the haunts
of the host in life or about his place of
Certain classes of posthom phantoms have
been known to suck the blood of the living,
and thus to maintain a precarious existence
for a number of days or weeks. These are
known as vampires, and their existence
may usually be recognized by the roseate
appearance of the body from which they are
derived. It is said that the reduction of
this body to ashes by fire will destroy the
vampire posthom. At least Mr. Dean is
convinced, from the experiences of several
peasants in Lithuania, that this is correct.
In all events, it is reasonable to suppose
that the heat of a funeral pyre would attract
the disintegrating posthom, and, once drawn
into the current of hot air, it could in no
way save itself.
“The most common yearning of the post-
humous being,’ says Dr. D’Assier, ‘is to
bid the last farewell to those who are used
to it.”” But experiments prove that it is
equally accessible to ideas of vengeance,
while the wraiths of those who are unhappy
in their affections are somewhat extremely
perverse and demonstrative, being ‘not
always satisfied to signify resentment by
noisy but harmless manifestations.’
While a vast array of cases are cited in
support of the theory that posthoms delight
in sympathy and in vengeance, one must be
very cautious in receiving such evidence.
We must not read our own emotions into
the vagrant actions of the poor disconsolate
shadows. The impending dissolution of
posthom stares it, as it were, every moment
in the face, and it may follow friend or
enemy in the sole hope of somehow draw-
ing substance, either blood or shadow, in
order to continue its existence. They can-
not Jast long at the best, nor is it right that
they should do so, for if their status were
indefinitely prolonged, as some have main-
tained, the world would long ago have be-
come solidly full of phantoms, and for the
amount of fluidic ether necessary for their
production we should be obliged to draw
on some other universe.
Dr. D’Assier very wisely observes (p.
176, Posthumous Humanity): ‘‘ The peren-
nial survival of shades would long ago have
rendered this planet uninhabitable to us.
(N.S. Vou. 1X. No. 228.
The dead would occupy the place of the
living, for the accumulation of spectres of
the different tribes of the terrestrial fauna
heaped at the surface of the globe since the
first geological epochs would render the
air irrespirable. We could not move, save
in a dense atmosphere of ghosts. Now,
chemical analysis has never shown in the
air the presence of either of the immediate
principles which enter into the constitution
of a fluidic phantasmal form elaborated in
an animal economy. For our part we
bitterly regret that these venerable shades
have disappeared.”
The evidence, on the other hand, is, how-
ever, worth consideration, as is shown by
the following experiments of the famous
Allan Kardec. One day his fancy led him
to evoke the posthom of Tartuffe.
‘‘Tartuffe did not wait to be dragged out
by the ears, but speedily showed himself in
all his classical peculiarities! It was veri-
tably the personage created by Moliére, with
his soft and hypocritical speech, his wheed-
ling ways, his air of sugar-coated piety.
When, after close examination, he was sat-
isfied as to the phantom’s identity he was
transported with pleasure and said to it:
““« By the way, how is it that you are
here, seeing that you never had any real
existence ?’
“<«That is true,’ answered the spectre
in a most contrite tone, ‘I am the spirit
of an actor who used to play the part of
Tartuffe.’ Tartuffe, being unable to show
himself for a very good reason, sends an
actor in his place.’’
Kardec again tells of a nest of little birds
inagarden. The nest having disappeared,
the gentleman became uneasy as to the fate
of his little pets. Being a person of enor-
mous animal magnetism and, therefore, an
adept in the calling and training of posthoms
he went through the usual ceremony of call-
ing the phantom of the mother bird, who
was seeking caterpillars in a neighboring
May 12, 1899. ]
tree. The shadow of the bird immediately
came to him and replied to the anxious
questioner: ‘Be quite easy. My young
ones are safe and sound. The house-cat
knocked down the nest in jumping on the
garden wall. You will find them in the
grass at the foot of the wall.’”? The gentle-
man hurried to the garden and found the
little nestlings full of life at the spot in-
As both these stories are pefectly authen-
ticated, we must consider them in the light
of our phantom knowledge. As the birds
themselves were living at the time, the pro-
jection of their shadow offers nothing in-
congruous, especially if it took place in the
dusk of the evening, a detail which Mr.
Kardee omits, but which we may readily
supply. The natural anxiety of the mother
bird would, as it were, lend the shadow
wings, and her intensity of feeling would
produce the effect of conversation. It is
not likely that the bird actually spoke, for
the incident took place in France, and no
bird, not even the most refined parrot, has
yet spoken French. There are other ways
of conveying information than word of
mouth, and an enlightened master knows
how to make use of them. In the case of
Tartuffe the phantom may have been real
and virtually immortal. It belongs to
another class than the shadow phantoms.
The creation of a great poet’s brain has an
objective existence which may be far more
permanent than the shadow of an ordinary
actor. No doubt, the image formed in the
brain having the gigantic aura of that of
Moliere could so embody itself in astral pre-
cipitates as to secure a life which might en-
dure for centuries.
It need surprise no one to meet the phan-
tasm of Tartuffe in real existence. Surely
the shades of Hamlet and Portia and
Othello have a definite place among the ob-
jective phenomena of Earth just as surely
as their names have a fixed place in our
literature. Doubtless, at times this posthom
of Shylock crosses the Rialto bridge, and
the phantom of melancholy Jacques may
be found flitting disconsolate through the
forest of Arden. The sad plight of the
posthom King of Denmark, for example,
has not failed to touch the hearts of all
lovers of literature. Indeed, the strength
of the genius of Shakespeare is such that
the ancient king and his famous son and
namesake have as firm a reality as that of
the mediocre flesh and blood people which
swarm in modern society. We may notice
in passing that the speech of the phantom
king indicates that he was plunged in the
depths of sorrow. ‘‘ The impression left on
the mind,” says D’Assier, ‘‘ by the lamenta-
tions and the vain replies of the shades
who succeed in making themselves heard is
always a sentiment of profound sadness.”’
He compares the feelings of such a person-
age to those of a European transported
suddenly and nakedly into the wilds of
Australia, with just enough of his reason
left ‘‘ to have the feeling of his impotence
and eternal isolation.”
Dr. Eliphas Levi, in his famous ‘ Dogma
and Ritual,’ traces the career of shades stil]
more closely, emphasizing especially the
existence of two mortal bodies after death,
the one heavy and confined on the earth,
the other flitting about in the mediate atmos-
phere. ‘‘ When a man has lived well,” says
Dr. Levi, the astral corpse or posthom
‘“‘ evaporates like a fine incense in mounting
to higher regions. If the subject lived in
crime this phantom retained as prisoner
seeks the object of its passions and tries
still to cling to life. But the stars breathe
it and drink it (‘les astres l’aspirent et le
boivent’). It feels its intelligence grow
feeble. Its memory is slowly lost; all its
being must dissolve.”
Those scientific men (and there are
many) who find all attributes of the uni-
verse derived from the four gases, hydrogen
(blue or spirit), phosphorus (red or hope),
carbon (black or fear) and _ nitrogen
(green or life), derive from their postulates
a different view of the nature of shades and
phantoms. In the famous treatise on the
‘ Discovery of Misconceptions ’ this theory
is set forth in an engaging manner.
“The ethnological divisions of the human
race,’ says the author, ‘ proceed directly
from excessive vibrations of these four gases.
The white skin of the Caucasian marks an
approach to the harmonious relation of the
four gases. This relation has been gradu-
ally produced by salt or the hidden blue
hydrogen imbedded in salt. The skin and
characteristics of the Ethiopian mark the
superior force of carbon and phosphorus ; .
those of the Mongolian, of sulphur, or a
combination of hydrogen and phosphorus ;
those of the Indian, of nitrogen and hy-
drogen. Through the same study of the
natural relation existing between the four
gases, all natural forms, from a microbe to
a whale or elephant, may be understood.”’
In such fashion the materialists have en-
deavored to set aside all problems of the pos-
thom phantom, by resolving them with the
hopes and fears of man into gas, controlled
by colored forces of chemical relation.
On the other hand, immaterialists claim
that of all forms of fluidic forces personal
magnetism is the most potent. It is shown
by Mr. William Q. Judge that the astral
light of the imagination can form images of
allimaginable things, and these, by the mag-
netism of the will, can be clothed in matter
through precipitation. These objects will
readily fade away unless fixed by some per-
manent mordant. ‘The distinct image of
every line of every letter or picture,” says
Mr. Judge, “is formed in the mind, and then
out of the air is drawn the pigment to fall
within the limits laid down by the brain, ‘the
exhaustless generator-of face and form.’ ”
Mr. Dean found himself unwilling to differ
from so high an authority as Mr. Judge, who,
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 228.
more than any other recent investigator,
has sounded the limitless ocean of scioso-
phy. The facts, however, remain. To the
materialist, on the one hand, he would say :
“There are more things in heaven and
earth than are dreamed of in our philoso-
phy, surely far more than hydrogen, car-
bon, nitrogen and phosphorus.” To the
immaterialist he would emphasize this fact :
There is not a posthom phantom extant
which has not its double in material things.
When the body decays the posthom disinte-
grates. When the tree falls its shadow falls
with it, and there is no adequate evidence
that a true shadow can be made by the pre-
cipitation of fine forms of matter on the
image laid down in the brain.
A vision thus formed in the brain could
surely have no digestive apparatus, yet
no phantom is better attested than the
donkey of St. Croix, who for several days
after his actual death and burial was
seen by several gentlemen wandering about
in its old pasture, cropping the fluidic
shadows of the growing oats. Careful ob-
servations showed that the actual oats suf-
fered no injury. It is not likely that the
donkey would feed on oats unless it retained
a stomach in which oats could be placed.
Whether actually digested or not would not
affect the argument.
Theimages formed in the brain have noan-
atomy; and though, no doubt, actual matter
is often precipitated upon them, in accord-
ance with Mr. Judge’s observations, the re-
sult is rather a picture than a posthom, as
only the side of the posthom image nearest
the brain is actually developed and material-
ized. If Mr. Kardec had given close atten-
tion to the shadow of Tartuffe he would
have found it a flat bas-relief or spiritual
cameo instead of ‘a figure in perspective.
That posthoms can accomplish at times
great material results is beyond question.
Under the head of the ‘‘ geometry of phan-
toms,’’? Dr. D’Assier makes the important
May 12, 1899.]
observation that “invisible projectiles hurled
by posthoms produce mechanical effects as
great as if they were of great bulk.’’ This
he shows is due to the fact that “all bodies
have their phantasmal doubles, which the
shade can detatch and grasp. The gar-
ments it carries, the objects it holds in its
hand, are phantasmal images borrowed from
its former wardrobe or its former utensils.
It is presumable that the same holds as to
invisible projectiles ; in lieu of stones they
fling their duplicates.”’
It may seem surprising that the shadow
of astone could harm any one or produce
any sort of a physical commotion. But
here we are to remember that it is not the
weight of a thrown object which tells, but
its momentum. Its momentum is its weight
multiplied by its velocity. ‘Its live force
at the moment of fall,’’ says D’Assier, ‘is
equal to half the bulk multiplied by the
square of its velocity.” It is well known
that the velocity of a living posthom may
be scarcely less than that of a flash of light.
The instantaneous apparition and disap-
pearance of phantoms shows this. The
true posthom never deliquesces, as the old-
fashioned ghost is said to do, but in reality
it moves away with much celerity. It is
plain, then, that however light a shadow
may be, it is a terrible weapon when hurled
with almost infinite velocity by a disem-
bodied posthom. Its concussion might be
heard as a great shock, if flung with suffi-
cient force. It is related that in the castle
of Schreckheim, in Franconia, a posthom
once entered the pantry on a shelf of which
was the ancestral china of the noble house.
Soon a mighty crash of breaking dishes
arose. On entering the room the noble lord
of the castle found everything in place.
The excited posthom had merely flung down
the phantasms of the different pieces of
china, but with a force so mighty that the
noise reverberated to the outer walls of the
castle. It may be thought that the posthom
in question was that of a servant girl who
had been deeply reproved for breaking a
favorite teacup, and who, dying soon after,
had this method of expressing her vanish-
ing feelings. But, curiously enough, the
servant girl whose posthom cansed the dis-
turbance recovered from her illness and
lived to break many more pieces of rare
china, in this and other castles to which she
was sent by the intelligence office in Nurem-
berg. From this we may conclude that her
illness was due to the temporary breaking
of the vascular plexus which holds the
posthom to the body, and that when her
shadow came back from its rounds her
health was promptly restored.
It is, in fact, certain that very many forms
of disease, known as anzemia, neurasthenia,
echolalia and the like are due to the tempo-
rary absence of the posthom shadow. It
can be sought for by direct means, and it
will usually be found engaging in absurd
and freakish actions. An effective method
of cure is to strengthen the degree of per-
sonal magnetism and to bring the shadow
back by a strong effort of the will. Mental
healing, mind-cure suggestion, astral mag-
netism and the like are forms of this pro-
cess. Contact with certain relics has pro-
duced an odie shock which has served the
same useful purpose.
In concluding this most interesting dis-
course, soon to be printed in full in the an-
nals of the Club of Alcalde, the distin-
guished sage of Angels asserts that we shall
do well to heed the wise words of Dr.
Adolphe D’Assier: ‘‘Let us not be de-
ceived by appearances and let us be on our
guard that in exploring the domain of the
shades we may not take a shade of reason-
ing for reasoning itself.’”? For Logic as well
as Magic has also its Phantasmal Double,
and when truth dips wearily under oblique
suns the two are apt to range very far apart.
A Short History of Astronomy. By ARTHUR
Berry. New York, Charles Scribner’s
Sons. 1899. Pp. xxi+ 440. Price, $1.50.
Astronomy is a science whose history may be
said to have been over-exploited. In French
there are the great works of Delambre, La
Place and Bailly, Biot and Tannery; in Ger-
man, those of Jahn and Wolf, Epping and
Strassmayer; and in English, mainly Grant’s
classic work, which won him the gold medal of
the Royal Astronomical Society, Sir George
Lewis’s Astronomy of the Ancients, and Miss
Clerke’s admirable, accurate and delightfully
readable history of astronomy during the 19th
century, not to mention other and more recent
works by Sir Norman Lockyer.
Clearly there could have been no clamor for
a new, history when Mr. Berry, an assistant
tutor at Cambridge, England, undertook his
task ; if demand there was, it was rather the
exigency of the ‘ University Series.’ Had its
volumes been twice their present size, and had
Mr. Berry taken time to familiarize himself with
originals, instead of compiling ‘largely from
second-hand sources,’ as he has to admit, his
book would still have been but a ‘Short His-
tory’; but he might well have achieved a con-
tribution of permanent worth, for he is by
no means deficient in aptitude for the task.
However, his confessed lack of knowledge of
and sympathy for the observational side of the
science has induced him to erect his edifice on
insufficient foundations, so that homogeneity of
structure is baldly impossible.
Although the illustrations number 120, there
is no picture of a telescope save one a hundred
years old and more; no statement of the prin-
ciple of the achromatic telescope, without which
the astronomy of to-day would for the most
part have been non-existent; no mention of
Dollond, its acknowledged inventor, nor of the
greatest builders of telescopes— Grubb, the
Henry Brothers, Steinheil—not even the Clarks.
Spectroscopes, the very staff of the new as-
tronomy, are singularly neglected. With this
author, compression has been insistent, but it
has largely been gained by deliberate and not
very well considered exclusion. His work
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 228.
thus produces an impression of being fragmen-
tary rather than comprehensive.
Firstly, it seems unnecessary to have devoted
an initial twenty pages to sheer elements,
found in, and only appropriate to, a mere text-
book of secondary grade. The most ancient
astronomy is dismissed in rather summary
fashion, as was necessary. Archaic and ele-
mentary mathematical conceptions are well
sketched, and the frequent biographic notes
afford a much needed enlivening of the text,
although of slender astronomical significance.
Mr. Berry perpetuates the old-time error re-
garding annular eclipses, by a diagram showing
an impossibly large sun centrally obscured by
an impossibly small moon, still further darkened
by impossible black spots on its surface (page
59). The advances of Hipparchus and Ptolemy
are excellently narrated. With the life and
work of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo and Des-
cartes is concluded the first half of the vol-
Naturally, the lives and works of Newton
and the Herschels receive the fullest attention ;
but Mr. Berry fails to state the law of univer-
sal gravitation quite correctly, its most general
form involving the product of the masses of
bodies concerned, not their sum (page 228).
And it would be rather difficult to defend this.
book against the charge of insularity, for the
English astronomers are accorded vastly more
consideration than the Continental, let alone
Americans, who are conspicuously passed over.
We have only scanty space for a catalogue of
especial omissions; but may instance, among
Germans, the classic work of Schmidt and Lohr-
mann on the moon, of Brinnow and C, A. F.
Peters on stellar distances and the constants of
astronomy, of Chladni upon meteors, of Kaiser
upon the planets, of Heis upon meteors and
stellar magnitudes, of D’Arrest and Lamont
upon the nebule, of Oppolzer upon eclipses, of
Auwers upon stellar catalogues and other de-
partments of exact astronomy, and of Spoerer
upon the sun, his remarkable ‘law of spot
zones’ being nowhere alluded to. For France
and Italy the omissions are less serious, though
Gassendi, De 1’ Isle, Pingré, Lemonnier, Mon-
tucla, Méchain, Oriani, Pons, Foucault and
Deslandres were much better included than
May 12, 1899.]
ignored ; while among Americans we look in
vain for C. H. F. Peters and Watson, Benjamin
Peirce and G. P. Bond, Olmsted and H. A.
Newton, Rutherfurd and the Drapers, the
Clarks and Gould, and Langley’s epoch-making
research on the infra-red rays of the solar spec-
When Mr. Berry reaches the 19th century,
staggered by the accumulation of material, he
deliberately abandons his task by attempt-
ing a summary in a single chapter. Here he
scores a signal failure, in a sketchy agglomera-
tion of fragments, With omissions quite as
prominent as inclusions. As a running précis,
or evanescent periodical paper, the chapter is
excellent, though proportionately out of bal-
ance with the preceding twelve chapters. Parts
of Mr. Berry’s book are so well done that a
subsequent edition would be quite worth an
expansion or sub-division of this chapter, for
the sake of appropriate exposition of the ‘New
Astronomy,’ and the instrumental means that
alone have made its marvelous revelations pos-
sible. Had the whole of Mr. Berry’s short his-
tory been compressed proportionately to this
chapter, the book would have been but one-
third its present size. Solar research, in par-
ticular, is dismissed very cavalierly.
Every one using Mr. Berry’s compend for
reference would appreciate a new index. A
double index isa mistake. Buta greater one is
the baffling system of reference, wholly ignor-
ing the pages of the book, and increasing at
least fourfold the time and labor of finding any
indexed allusion to a name or subject. What
is printed is simply an index to the MS., not to
the printed volume itself; whereby the author
has saved his own time and that of his helpers,
but has wasted that of everybody who attempts
to use his book as a reference work. The same
remark applies to frequent cross-references
throughout the volume, which would otherwise
have been most helpful.
Misprints are, fortunately, few, but we find
preserved and dignified that widespread error
of the common kind that the navigator gets his
longitude from solar sights at apparent noon:
were all navigators to follow this method, and
no other, we wonder how many ships would
escape being put ashore. Nine excellent por-
traits of astronomers adorn the book, from
Copernicus to Sir William Herschel.
Davip P. Topp.
De la methode dans la psychologie des sentiments.
Par F. Rauw. Paris, Felix Alcan. 1899.
This book is not what the title would sug-
gest, a monograph on Method in the Psychology
of Emotion, but a general summary and discus-
sion of theories of emotion, particularly of re-
cent theories, and of methods so far as involved.
After some introductory definition M. Rauh
takes up the physiological, intellectual, the
biological or voluntarist, and the specialist
theories, if we may summarize the theories by
abridging his terms. His critique of the phys-
iological, or organic, theory of the James-Lange
school is quite full. He concludes: ‘On peut
dire qu’une des caractéristiques de la phys-
iologie physiologique a été la superstition du
mouvement, en particulier du mouvement mus-
culaire. Si au lieu de considérer les relations
des faits de conscience et des mouvements péri-
phériques, on considére celle des faits de con-
science et du cerveau, nous avons vu combien
cette correspondance est complexe et encore
obscure. Ce qui fait croire que l’on peut ex-
pliquer scientifiquement les sentiments et en
général les faits de conscience par les mouve-
ments organiques, c’est que ces mouvements
marquent en effet la limite d’action des faits
psychiques.’’ (P. 148.)
As to the intellectual interpretations of emo-
tion, whether from the side of sensations or
ideas, he regards this as of mueh more im-
portance than the psycho-physiologists allow.
It may be called a universal interpretation,
though not an explanation. In this he follows
a rather disputable distinction of theories.
“Nous désignerons les théories, qui traduisent
les faits sans permettre de les prévoir, du nom
de théories interprétatives; nous appellerons
théories explicatives celles qui permettent de les
prévoir’’ (P. 27). But a mere formal or de-
scriptive interpretation scarcely deserves the
term theory. The biological principle of the
struggle of existence is discussed at some length
and granted some place, but not regarded as
universal. He emphasizes such exceptions as
the neurasthenic and sea-sick, with whom emo-
tion is a desire of death rather than life. But
we do not think that these and other instances
(e. g., play, p. 281) interfere with the general
theory that the origin and development of nor-
mal emotion is by its life significance. He
identifies the voluntarist with the intellectualist
theory. ‘‘Un organe tend 4 étre, c’était en
réalité dire: il y a une pensée dans cet organe
qui le veut tel ou tel: 1’étre qui tend a étre est
toujours une pensée. Les sentiments indécom-
posables, irreductibles 4 toute explication physi-
ologique ou intellectualiste—qui en un sens ex-
istent, comme nous l’ayons pu conclure de ce
qui précéde, comme nous le verrons mieux dans
le chapitre suivant—impliquent eux-mémes une
traduction intellectualiste.’? In the next chap-
ter here alluded to he treats of emotion as
special, sui generis, indecomposable facts of
consciousness. He regards ‘sentiments propre-
ment dits’ as those which are either unanalyz-
able or whose quality cannot be determined from
their component parts. Such emotions are love,
friendship, ete., but which are to be studied both
from the organic and intellectual points of view.
M. Rauh’s general conclusion is that analysis is
the indispensable preliminary in the study of
emotion. This should be followed by tracing
them to their organic and intellectual causes
and learning the mode of causal action, or,
when emotions are unanalyzable, their causal ac-
tion should be traced. But in all this we must
remember that psycho-physiology can only show
the body as limit, but not as real cause or even
always as measure of emotion. Psychology,
here as elsewhere, seeks not unity, but actual
practical previson.
While M. Rauh’s work appears to us too
cursory and discursive, covering too wide a
field and reaching too vague and eclectic con-
clusions, yet it shows considerable thought, and
ought to be suggestive to the student of Emotion.
Talks to Teachers on Psychology ; and to the Students on
some of Life’s Ideals, WILLIAM JAMES. New York,
Henry Holt & Co. 1899. Pp. xi+ 3-1.
Defective Eyesight. D. B. St. JoHN Roosa, M.D.
New York and London, The Macmillan Company.
1899. Pp. ix+ 186.
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 228.
Le Climat de la Belgique en 1897. A. LANCASTER.
Brussels, Hayez. 1898. Pp. 202.
La Specificité Cellulaire. L. BARD. Paris, G. Carré
and C. Naud. 1899. Pp. 100.
La Sexualité. F. Le DANTEC. Paris, G. Carré and
Cy Nat rl899s Ppsix 98! f
La Théorie de Maxwell et les oscillations Hertziennes. H.
POINCARE. Paris, G. Carréand C Naud. Pp.iv +
In the month of April the American Mathe-
matical Society held two meetings. On Satur-
day, April Ist, the Chicago Section of the So-
ciety held its spring meeting at Northwestern
University; Evanston, Ill., and on Saturday,
April 29th, the regular April meeting of the
Society was held at Columbia University, New
York City. At the latter meeting, guarantees
of support having been received from a large
number of universities, the final steps were
taken for the publication of the Transactions of
the Society. The Board of Editors appointed
by the Council consists of Professors E. H.
Moore, E. W. Brown and Thomas 8. Fiske. The
first number of the Transactions will appear in
January, 1900. The Bulletin of the Society
will hereafter be devoted more exclusively to
the publication of critical and historical material
and to very short original articles, especially
such as present in concise form results of gen-
eral interest or importance.
At the meeting of the Chicago Section the
following papers were read :
(1) Dr. Harris HANcocK : ‘ Primary functions.’
(2) Proressor E. W. Davis: ‘The group of the
trigonometric functions.’
(3) Proressor H. MascukeE: ‘ On the continuation
of a power series.’
(4) Dr. Kurt Laves: ‘Lagrange’s differential
equations for a solid of variable form derived
from Hamilton’s principle.’
(5) Proresson E. H. Moore: ‘The decomposition
of modular systems connected with the doubly
generalized Fermat theorem (second communica-
(6) PRoFEssoR JAMES B. SHAW: ‘Some generaliza-
tions in multiple algebra and matrices.’
(7) Proressor J. W. A. Youna: ‘On the first
presentations of the fundamental principles of the
May 12, 1899.]
(8) Prorgssor A. S. HATHAWAY : ‘ A new method
of presenting the principles of the calculus.’
(9) Proresson E. H. Moore: ‘On the subgroups
of abelian groups.’
(10) Mr. Carn C. ENGBuRG : ‘A modification of the
theory of the characteristics of evolutes (prelim-
inary communication ).’
(11) Dr. L. E. Dickson : ‘ Certain universal invari-
ants of linear modular groups.’
(12) Dr. L. E. Dickson: ‘Concerning the four
known simple groups of order 25,920.’
The following is a list of papers read at the
New York meeting of the Society :
(1) Dr. J. I. Hurcninson : ‘The asymptotic lines
of the Kummer surface.’
(2) Dr. L. E. Dickson : ‘ The known finite simple
(3) Mr. E. B. Witson : ‘ Note on functions satisfy-
ing the equation
6 (x) o(y)=¢(@+y).’
(4) Dr. A. S. CuEesstn: ‘On the differential equa-
tion of dynamics.’
proof of Noether’s fundamental theorem.’
(6) Dr. G. P. STARKWEATHER: ‘ Non-quaternion
systems containing no skew units.’
(7) Proressor E. Goursat: ‘Sur la définition
générale des fonctions analytiques d’aprés
(8) PEOFEsSOR F. MORLEY: ‘ The value of
( (log 2 cos ¢)™ordd.’
(9) Proressor E. W. Brown: ‘An elementary
illustration of the connection between the current
and the height of the water in a tidal estuary.’
(10) Dr. W. M. Srrona: ‘The determination of
non-quaternion systems in six units.’
(11) Proressor E O. Loverr: ‘Curves of mul-
tiple curvature.’
(13) Mr C. J. KEYsEr:
of the covariant.’
‘Elliptic func-
‘On a definitive property
The summer meeting of the Society will be
held at the State University of Ohio, Columbus,
Ohio, on Friday and Saturday, August 25th and
26th, in affiliation with the meeting of the
American Association.
F. N. Coe,
A REGULAR meeting of the sub-section was
held April 24th, in association with the Anthro-
pological Club.
The first paper was read by E. A. Gerrard,
and gave methods for the study of emotional
expression as found in literary compositions.
The relative emotional values of the different
parts of speech, of different sentence lengths,
and other variations in the kind of language
used and in its arrangement, were discussed
and illustrated by curves derived from a num-
ber of writings.
S. IL Franz presented some results of
experimental investigations of visual after-
images. The latent period increases as the
area of stimulation decreases, but decreases as
the intensity and duration of stimulation in-
creases. The duration of the after image in-
creases with any increase in the intensity,
duration and area of the stimulation. The
after-image of the colors in the middle of the
spectrum is not more intense than that of the
extreme colorsif the intensity of the colors is
first equalized. The degree of attention is of
the first importance in determining the dura-
tion of the after-image. Retinal transference is
not real; its apparent reality is due to the im-
possibility of distinguishing the fields of vision
of the two eyes.
J. R. Swanton discussed the structure of the
Chinook language. Discourse in this language
shows great lack of subordination, its short
sentences following each other without connec-
tives. The verbs are aggregations of many
pronouns added to a short stem. They serve
in this way to epitomize the whole sentence,
object and indirect object, as well as sub-
Stansbury Hagar read a paper on the Astro-
nomical Cosmogony of the Peruvians. The
paper aimed to show the large amount of as-
tronomical knowledge possessed by the Peru-
vians and the intimate relations between their
ritual and political life and their astronomy.
THE 501st meeting of the Philosophical So-
ciety of Washington was held at the Cosmos
Club on April 29th. An informal communica-
tion was first made by the Secretary on Recent
Geodetic Operations in Spain, special attention
being given to the Base of Madridejos and to the
Triangulation connecting Spain and Algiers.
The results from the Base Measurement showed
it to be one of extreme accuracy. The manner
in which the work was carried out threw new
light on the most desirable lengths of Base
Lines in general, inasmuch as it was shown that
greater economy with equal accuracy can be at-
tained by measuring short lines and expanding
them by careful triangulation. The geodetic
connection across the Mediterranean was made
the occasion to demonstrate that longitudes
may be determined by means of optical signals
quite as accurately as by the electric telegraph.
The first regular paper of the evening was by
Mr. J. F. Hayford. The author made a state-
ment of anew treatment of refraction in trigo-
nometric-height computations recently used by
the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection
with triangulation in Colorado, Utah and Ne-
vada, involving lines of sight from 100 to 182
mileslong. Theterm of the strict formula (See
Wright’s Adjustments, p. 387), which involves
the square of the distance and the difference of
the refraction coefficients at the two ends of the
line, and which is usually neglected, was here
retained with marked improvement in the re-
sults. It was assumed that the refraction coef-
ficient is a linear function of the height of a sta-
tion above sea level and of the air temperature
at the station.
The second paper was by Dr. H. 8. Pritchett,
on ‘ An estimate of the population of the United
States in 1900 derived from an empirical
formula.’ Dr. Pritchett first called attention to
the general form of the curve defining the re-
lation between the population and the time.
The data now at hand enabled the author to
write eleven conditional equations of the form
p=A-+ Bt+ C#+ Dé
where p represents the population (the unit be-
ing one million), tis the time counted from 1840
the epoch of the sixth census results aud Ad B
[N. 8. Von. 1X. No. 228.
Cand D are constants to be determined. The
solution of the normal equations led to the fol-
lowing empirical formula
p=17.4841 + 5.102¢ + 0.632 + 0.08088.
Attention was called to the very close agree-
ment between the curve and the actual popula-
tion at the time of taking the census, the two
largest discrepancies being in 1860 and 1870.
Both these values were abnormal, partly because
of the exceptional conditions then existing, the
Civil War, lack of immigration, etc., and partly
on account of inaccurate census results in one
or both cases.
The differentiation of the formula brought out
the fact that the rate of increase is continually
growing less, having fallen off from 32% per
decade in 1790 to 24% in 1890.
The result of the investigation was that the
best value for the population of the United
States in 1900, based on its growth since 1790
is 77,472,000 with a probable error of about
250,000. As a matter of curiosity the author
added that if the same law holds good in the
future we would have in 1990 a population of 339
billions, in the year 2500 nearly 1¥ trillions and
at the epoch 2900 this already appalling figure
will have grown to such an extent that there
will, on the average, be 11,000 inhabitants to
the square mile.
The third paper by Professor J. H. Gore, on
‘Geodetic Work in Spitsbergen,’ was not given
on account of lack of time. Professor Gore, how-
ever, showed a number of interesting lantern
slides illustrating his recent visit and scientific
work in that country. The paper will be given
at a subsequent meeting of the Society.
that Professor James and I have been writing
at cross purposes. On the point that Lehmann
has not ‘established’ his explanation of the
Sidgwick results I am heartily at one with
James, Sidgwick, Parish and Lehmann himself.
But Professor James need not have awaited the
return mail from Copenhagen to wrest this
May 12, 1899.]
admission either from Lehmann or from me.
Lehmann wrote in his original paper: ‘‘ Kin
exacter Beweis hierfiir (7. e., for his explana-
tion) kann wohl im Augenblicke nicht gefiihrt
werden.’’ Nor, I take it, in any future Augen-
On the other hand, I have never regarded
this point as the point at issue. Lehmann set out
to examine telepathy at large. He chose the
Sidgwick experiments simply as typical series,
considering the authors’ names a guarantee of
serious intent and careful work. In his inquiry
he laid hold of a condition which had never
been thoroughly investigated before, and traced
its effects in experiments that were both inge-
niously devised and rigidly controlled ; no one
can neglect the unconscious whisper in future
telepathic work. His paper is a model of
scientific method ; he has shown us how bor-
derland questions are to be attacked, and
proved that the ‘ordinary channels of sense’
have unexplored resources. His suggestions
will be fruitful, for the next stage of advance
must be an exhaustive study of the ‘number
habits’ which Sidgwick at first rejected, but
now makes the headstone of the corner. Even
granting all the contentions of the critics, there-
fore, I should assert that Lehmann’s work is
brilliant, and that it has done signal service to
scientific psychology. But, as I hinted before,
I do not know that quasi-mathematics has con-
tributed much to psychology in any field of re-
I conclude with a word on the logic of Pro-
fessor James’ objection. A theory is propounded
which, from the outset, lays claim to proba-
bility and to probability only. ‘ Exact proof’
is acknowledged to be impossible. Criticism
plays upon the theory, and the author again
acknowledges that his hypothesis is not proven.
Professor James, apparently forgetting the first
acknowledgment, affirms that the criticism
has ‘exploded’ the theory! What is not proven
is, eo ipso, exploded! Is Professor James, then,
ready to grant that his recent book on ‘Human
Immortality ’—something which assuredly is not
yet proven—is an ‘exploded document’? If
the alternatives before me are scientific isolation
and companionship on these logical terms I
prefer the isolation. E. B. TITCHENER.
Most of the measurements heretofore made
upon radiant energy by means of the thermopile
or bolometer are relative rather than absolute
in character, and the necessity for a simple and
accurate method for reducing the indications of
such instruments to the usual thermal units has
long been felt. On this account a paper by
Knut Angstrém (Wied, Ann., No. 3, Band 67) in
which he describes an instrument for measur-
ing radiation in absolute units is of great inter-
est. Thisinstrument, to which he has given the
name of Compensation Pyrheliometer, is appar-
ently simple in construction, and the results.
obtained from it are very reliable, the maximum
error, as the author states, not exceeding 2%.
The construction of the instrument is briefly |
as follows: Two equal, thin (.001 to .002 mm.),
blackened strips of platinum are mounted in
such a manner that either or both, by means of
appropriate shutters, can be exposed to the
radiation to be measured. F
One of the two junctions of a small constan-
tin-copper thermo couple is attached to each of
the rear surfaces of the platinum strips, the
circuit of thermo couple including a galyanom-
eter. It is evident that if one of the platinum
strips is exposed to radiation the equality of
temperature at the junctions is destroyed and
the galvanometer is deflected. A current of
electricity is now made to traverse the unex-
posed strip, and the strength of the current is
adjusted until the galvanometer returns to
zero. Under these conditions the two junctions
are receiving the same amount of energy per
second, and the heat developed by the current
in the unexposed strip is equal to that given to
the exposed strip by the radiation. A knowledge
of the strength of the current and of the resist-
ance of the strip suffices to find the value of the
radiation in gramme calories per square centi-
meter per second. Since the strips are alike in
all respects and are subjected to identical con-
ditions, no corrections are necessary.
An interesting result obtained by Angstrém
is the value of the mean horizontal radiation of
a Hefner normal lamp, which comes out to be
13.2 gm.-cals. per square centimeter per minute:
at one centimeter distance. This value seems
to be very constant, and the Hefner lamp may
possibly become a standard of total as well as
of luminous radiation.
Two papers have appeared in the Journal of
the American Chemical Society, by Dr. F. P.
Venable, on the ‘ Nature of Valence.’ The idea
of valence in chemistry has been of gradual
growth and has merely been the expression of
certain chemical facts. In the case of the
carbon compounds and in organic chemistry in
the hands of Kekulé it has proved of immense
service, and without it the wonderful develop-
ment of this field in the past three decades
would have been impossible. Its application
to inorganic chemistry has been hardly as happy,
and the original conception of a fixed valence
has been abandoned for that of variable valence,
but even this is limited to comparatively simple
compounds. As an explanation of the struc-
ture of double salts, water of crystallization)
metal-ammonia bases and other complex inor-
ganic compounds it is wholly inadequate and
possibly a hindrance. While in one form or
another the conception of valence has permeated
and, one might almost say, dominated chemistry,
little or nothing has been known regarding its
nature. To be sure, in the last decade or so
several hypotheses have been offered by van’t
Hoff, Wislicenus, Victor Meyer, Knorr, Fla-
witzky and a few others, attributing valence to
electrical phenomena, space relations of the
atom, etc., but none of these attempted ex-
planations has received any measure of sup-
port. The hypothesis which Dr. Venable puts
forth is that valence is dependent upon vibratory
(or kinetic) equilibrium of the atoms. ‘The
question as to whether the atoms of two ele-
ments will unite is decided by affinity which is
in some way connected with the electrical con-
dition of the atoms. There is no apparent con-
nection between this and valence.’’ But the
atoms ‘‘are endowed with motion, and this
motion probably varies in velocity and phases
with the different elements.’’ ‘‘A molecule, in
order to exist, must maintain a certain equilib-
rium and harmony between these various mo-
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 228.
tions, so that there can be all degrees of equi-
librium from the very stable to that which may
be upset by the least disturbing influence from
without.’’ Variable valence will be, in part
at least, dependent upon the temperature, and
a ‘‘sufficiently high temperature may prevent
any harmony of motion whatever being attained,
and hence union may become impossible.’’
Valence would then be dependent upon the
possible harmony of motion between the differ-
ent atoms. The hypothesis is simple and satis-
factorily explains many at least of the facts ;
thus, for instance, the zero valence of elements
like argon and helium might be due, not to
their possessing no chemical affinity (though
this may be the case), but to their motion not
being capable of harmonizing with that of any
other element. The weak point of the hypothe-
sis is the difficulty of proving it to be true. It
would be necessary to first know the nature of
the motion of the atom, a problem yet unsolved.
It is possible that the spectroscope could aid,
but at present we have no clue as to why some
elements, as iron, furnish a complex spectrum,
while others, like sodium, give a relatively simple
one. Atallevents Dr. Venable’s idea furnishes a
good and simple working hypothesis, and one
which may have its practical uses for teachers.
ATTENTION should be called to the First Sup-
plement to Dr. H. Carrington Bolton’s Select
Bibliography of Chemistry, 1492-1892, which has
just been published by the Smithsonian Insti-
tution. It includes works omitted in that vol-
ume, and brings the literature of chemistry
down from 1892 to the close of 1897. Dr. Bol-
ton has been fortunate in having the coopera-
tion of a number of scholars abroad, who have
contributed more than 2,000 titles in Arabic,
Finnish, Japanese, Bohemian, Dutch, Portu-
guese, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and Rus-
sian, no less than 760 titles in the latter lan-
guage being furnished by Professor A. Krupsky,
of St. Petersburg. Dr. Bolton’s bibliograph-
ical work is invaluable to chemists and is car-
ried out in a manner which is above criticism.
Proressor F, Emicu, of Graz, has been kind
enough to send me a paper from his laboratory
by F. Dorner, with a chemical investigation of
the cement from antique water conduits. The
May 12, 1899.]
material was collected by Dr. P. Forchheimer
during an exploring tour in Asia Minor, and
was from Ephesus and Smyrna. The different
specimens may haye been from different
periods, from several centuries before Christ to
three centuries after Christ, but the general
composition of all was the same. The mineral
matter was chiefly calcium carbonate, but from
2to 8 per cent. of organic material was pres-
ent. This proved to be merely a mixture of
fatty acids, and gave evidence that the cement
was the oil-cement mentioned by early writers,
as Pliny and Vitruvius. A series of experiments
showed that a cement of burned lime and olive
or linseed oil was not permanent, but that a
mixture of two-thirds air-slacked lime and one-
third olive oil hardened rapidly and was very
durable. It is probable that this was approxi-
mately the mixture used in the ancient cements
AH) Gyo 8 Oe
Ir is encouraging to note the continuation of
the good work in botany which has been a
feature of the Marine Biological Laboratory at
Wood’s Holl, Mass., and to observe that from
year to year it is gaining in strength, both as
to kind and quality. This year, beginning on
the 5th of July, work is offered in the following
lines, viz. :
1. Plant Morphology and Physiology, including the
2. Lectures on the Alge, with a study of many
3. Plant Cytology, for advanced students.
4. Special Investigations.
The first course should be especially helpful
to students and teachers, since it will afford an
opportunity of meeting and hearing many of
the men who are adding to our knowledge of
plants in many departments of botany. It is
worth much to learn something of the person-
ality, methods of work and point of view, of
such men as B. M. Davis (algze), E. F. Smith
(bacteria), D. T. MacDougal (physiology), D.
H. Campbell (evolution of plants), L. M. Under-
wood (liverworts), H. J. Webber (fecundation
in gymnosperms), G. F. Atkinson (higher fungi),
D. M. Mottier (cytology), and D. P. Penhallow
(paleobotany), and the teacher who does so
cannot fail to carry into his class-room next
year an inspiration to higher and better work.
out a pretty and timely little book on ‘Corn
Plants, their Uses and Ways of Life,’ which
should be widely used as a supplementary
reader in the schools. Unlike many supple-
mentary readers, this one is written by a man
who ‘knows what he is writing about,’ and
hence the reader is not shocked by grossly in-
accurate statements or crude misinterpretations.
It is a thoroughly commendable little book,
The following headings of some of the sec-
tions of the book will give an idea of its scope
and the treatment of the subject: ‘What Corn
Plants are’; ‘Corn Plants in the Field’; ‘How
Corn Plants Provide for their Offspring’;
‘Wheat, the King of Cereals’; ‘Barley, the
Brewer’s Grain’; ‘ Rice, the Corn of the East’;
‘Maize, the Corn of the West’; etc.
The publishers (Houghton, Mifflin & Co.)
have done their share in typography and bind-
ing to make this one of the most attractive
books of the season,
From the Curator of the Herbarium of the
Geological Survey of Canada we have recently
received the following papers, viz. : ‘Contribu-
tions to Canadian Botany,’ XI. and XII., by
James M. Macoun, containing many new or
hitherto unrecorded species (nearly all the new
species were previously described by Professor
Greene in Pittonia) ; ‘The Cryptogamic Flora
of Ottawa,’ by John Macoun, including 220
species of mosses, 55 liverworts and 152 lichens;
‘Notes on Some Ottawa Violets,’ by James M.
Macoun, devoted to the seven species of
violets formerly included under the familiar
Viola cucullata of the older mammals. These
species are Viola septentrionalis, V. macounii, V.
venustula, V. cucullata, V. cuspidata, V. affinis,
V. populifolia. Admirable plates accompany
the descriptions and make clearer the charac-
teristics by which they are distinguished.
NEARLY twenty years ago (September, 1879)
half a dozen men conceived the idea of organ-
izing a society of scientific men, the object of
which should be to promote agriculture by fos-
tering investigation in science applied to agri-
culture. Asa result the Society for the Promo-
tion of Agricultural Science came into exist-
ence, and its members have met once a year in
connection with the American Association for
Advancement of Science. Last August the
Society held its nineteenth meeting, at which
the President, Dr. B. D. Halsted, presented a
historical summary of the work accomplished
since its organization. In this time (not includ-
ing the Boston meeting last year) the members
presented and the Society published 278 papers.
It is gratifying to the botanists to know that of
this number 102 dealt with botanical problems.
These were grouped as follows: Structure and
physiology, 26 ; agrostology, 16; pathology, 43 ;
weeds, 7; seeds, 10. The following titles taken
almost at random from the list of botanical
papers will show that the botanist who wishes
to have copies of all important botanical publi-
cations must include those which have appeared
in the Proceedings of this Society: ‘ Variations
in Cultivated Plants,’ ‘ Notes upon the Flower-
ing Plants of Ohio,’ ‘ Notes upon Bean and Pea
Tubercles,’ ‘The Agricultural Grasses of Ari-
zona,’ ‘Grasses and other Forage Plants best
adapted to endure Drouth,’ ‘A Tomato Disease,’
‘The Scab of Wheat Heads,’ ‘ New Experiments
with Fungicides for Smut of Wheat and Oats,’
‘The Weedy Plants of Ohio,’ ‘The Vitality of
Seeds Buried in the Soil,’ ‘Delayed Germina-
tion of Cocklebur.’
THE United States Consul at Montreal, Mr.
Bittinger, has sent to the Department of State a
report showing the distribution of forests in
Canada and throughout the world. The fol-
lowing table shows the area of the forests in
the different Provinces:
SCIENCE. [N. 8. Von. IX. No. 228.
Province. | Total area. | Woodland. | pereen wee
Sq. miles. | Sq. miles. Per cent.
Ontario.secccraeee 219,650 102,118 46.49
Quebecsrereacueest 227,500 116,521 | 51.22
New Brunswick... 28,100 14,766 | 52 55
Nova Scotia......... 20,550 6,464 31.45
Prince Edw. Is..... 2,000 | 797 39.85
Manitoba............ 64,066 25,626 40
British Columbia... 382,300 285,554 74.69
N’thwest Ter....... 2,371,481 696,952 | 29.38
Mo tales esercss | 3,815,647; 1,248,798 37.66
The quantity of pine is estimated, in Ontario,
as 19,404,000,000 board feet; in Quebec, at
15,734,000,000 feet; in the other Provinces, at
2,200,000,000 feet ; total, 37,338,000,000 feet.
A low calculation of the annual cut is 1,000,-
000,000 feet, in which case Canada has not
more than forty years’ supply, and the growth
of new wood, in spite of all regulations, is not
nearly equal to the cut. It is impossible to
give anything like a just return of the spruce
limits, estimates being so diverse as to be use-
The great tree of Ontario is the white, or
Weymouth pine. There are also the red pine,
spruce, hemlock, ete. The valuable black
walnut, tulip, plane and coffee trees are almost
extinct. The quantity or value of timber can
not be given, as many millions of acres are
utterly unexplored. In the known woods a
return to the Ontario government states that
there are 60,410,000,000 feet.
Quebec, with its newly added territory, is
now an even larger Province than Ontario.
Vast regions to the north are unknown. The
white pine is the most important tree, as in
Ontario; it is, however, rapidly disappearing.
Rich spruce is noted in Bonaventure River au
Bouleau, Chicoutimi county, River French and
Bay Lake. There is great waste of hemlock,
on account of its bark.
Some of the best cedar areas of the country
are on the north shore of New Brunswick. An
unsurveyed area of some 2,000,000 acres on the
Upper Restigouche is reported to be full of good
spruce and cedar. The pine forests, at one time
rich, have been greatly impoverished. The
same is true of Novia Scotia. A quantity of
good spruce is left in the last-named Province,
but it is being used in a similar way.
May 12, 1899. ]
British Columbia may be said to possess the
largest compact timber resources in the world.
Only the fringe has been cut. It is estimated
that the Douglass pine, cedar, spruce, Alaska
pine, etc., standing in the railway belt, amount
to 25,000,000,000 feet, worth $25,000,000. The
coast is heavily timbered as far north as Alaska,
There is no white pine, but spruce attains per-
fection in this section.
The following table shows the area in forests
in various countries of the world :
Percent’ ge of
Country. ‘rorentst total area.
Europe. °
FAUISUNIAteecscnccecueteenearercss | 24,172,360 32 58
Hungary 18,777,771 23.52
Belgium..... 1,243,507 17.08
Bulgaria .... 3,291,100 12
France ....... 23,466,450 | 17.92
Germany 34,347,000 25.70
GTEECO Ms rene r ose tre Masco eeee 2,025,400 12.60
Nibailiywesseeecseces ste cree cones sees 10,131,235 | 14.31
NOT WAY js te iene ees, 19,288,626 | 24.53
Portugal..... 1,163,841 5.25
Roumania... 4,942,000 15.22
AVUSSIAN recsceereeswesco ests scees 498, 240,000 37.15
PSETAE occagacadcuedsedstacsoocasn 5,763,163 48
Spain sere ee ee cea 16,354,941 13.03
Swedensw Ga tubednl, 44,480,000 40.65
SWtZeANG)..2s.).ccnceneceseee, 2,259,018 | 20.12
MRULKCYyiies.s.cssees es ence 3,500,000 8.93
United Kingdom 2,695,000 4
America. |
799,230,720 | 37.66
-| 450,000,000 23.29
5,760,000 | 18
140,000,000 | 25
UPAR NOON) I eepeiectenoos
28,700,000 | 30.24
THE City Library Association of Springfield,
Mass., has recently erected a fine building,
which is to be devoted to the display and use of
collections in Natural History. As some inter-
val of time must elapse before the collections
can be installed, there has been arranged in the
main museum hall — 123x47 feet in dimen-
sions—an attractive and instructive exhibition
of material which illustrates the rapid advance
in geography and geology.
A study of this collection of maps and publi-
cations reveals great activity on the part of gov-
ernment and publishers in map-making and in
the adaptation of recent discoveries for the use
of school and colleges. An opportunity is of-
fered to compare the technique and scope of the
surveys and maps made by the United States,
England, France and Germany. There are
displayed a number of sheets of the Ordnance
Survey of England and many staff maps from
Germany and France. The clearness with which
a multitude of details is shown on these pro-
ductions is remarkable. Then the results of
the topographical survey of the United States
are shown in a carefully selected series of atlas
sheets. The geographers of this country have
taken up with much zeal the task of classifying
various land forms. That such a proceeding is
hedged round with difficulties is easily ap-
parent. The best success has been had where
the relative development of a region has been
made the test in classification. Among the
sheets on exhibition are several selected by
Henry Gannett, chief geographer of the United
States. Use has also been made of the recent
work of Professor W. M. Davis, of Harvard
There is in the exhibition material which
illustrates recent progress in geology. The ex-
hibit made by the United States Geological
Survey at Omaha has been loaned for the pur-
poses of this exhibition. There are also exam-
ples of the work of the Geological Surveys of
Great Britain, of Canada, of Germany and of
many of the State governments. Especially
fine work has been done in New Jersey under
the direction of John C. Smock, and in Mary-
land by William Bullock Clarke. Professor B.
K, Emerson, of Amherst College, has loaned
his valuable manuscript maps on the geology of
old Hampshire county, in Massachusetts.
There is also a very complete exhibition of
the works of the best map makers in this
country and abroad, and a number of relief
maps. The Association cordially invites all
persons interested in geography and geology to
to visit the exhibition, which itis now planned
to continue until July 1st.
Dr. A. C. LANE has been appointed State
Geologist of Michigan in succession to Dr. L.
L. Hubbard.
Proressor F. L. O. WApswortH has re-
signed his position on the staff of Yerkes Ob-
A BRONZE tablet, placed by the Corporation
on the house in Bath in which Sir William Her-
schel once lived, was unveiled on April 22d.
Sir William Ball made an address, in the course
of which he stated that it was in the back gar-
den of this house that the planet Uranus had
been discovered and many other important as-
tronomical observations had been made.
THE death is announced of Dr, Friedrich
Karl Christian Ludwig Buchner. He was born
in 1824 and after practicing medicine became
docent at Tiibingen, from which position he was
dismissed in consequence of the materialistic
doctrines in his book on ‘ Matter and Force,’
published in 1865. Thereafter he practiced
medicine at Darmstadt. Buchner was well
known for his series of popular works on phys-
ical science and the theory of evolution, as well
as for numerous contributions to physiology,
pathology and other sciences.
French chemist, has died at the age of sixty-six
years. Born at Strassburg, he studied chem-
istry in Paris under Wurtz and became a cura-
tor of mineralogy in the School of Mines and in
1884 professor of organic chemistry at the Sor-
bonne. He was elected member of the Paris
Academy in 1878, succeeding Regnault. He
made important contributions to organic chem-
istry and was much interested in applications of
chemistry to the arts.
Mr. JAMEes Hoce, a well-known London
ophthalmic surgeon and writer upon scientific
topics, died in London on April 28d, aged 82
years. In addition to numerous publications
on diseases of the eye he wrote many books, in-
cluding ‘A Manual of Photography’ (1845),
‘A Manual of Domestic Medicine’ (1848), Eng-
lish Forests and Forest Trees’ (1853), ‘ Ex.
perimental and Natural Philosophy’ (1854),
“The Microscope, its History, Construction and
Applications’ (1854, the 15th edition 1898),
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 228.
‘Colour Blindness’ (1863), ‘ Boarding-out of
Pauper Children’ (1870), ‘ Microscopic Exami-
nation of Water’ (1874) and ‘ Arsenical Wall
Paper Poisoning’ (1879-89).
PROFESSOR G, C. SWALLOW, who has been
State Geologist of Missouri and Kansas and pro-
fessor in the University of Missouri, died on
April 20th, at the age of 82 years.
WE regret also to record the following
deaths: Dr. Rijke, professor of natural his-
tory, at Leiden, at the age of 85 years; the
botanist Dr. Gremley, at Egelshofen, aged 66
years ; Surgeon-Major Dr. C. C. Wallich, aged
83 years; Graf Abbé Castracane at Rome ;
Dr. L. v. Babs, sometime professor of chemistry
at the University of Freiberg, aged 80 years ;
Dr. M. D. Lwow, professor of chemistry in the
Institute of Technology in St. Petersburg, and
Mr. Joseph Wolf, the naturalist and illustrator
of many important English works on natural
THE Cambridge Anthropological Expedition
under Dr. A. C. Haddon has arrived at Singa-
pore on its way to England.
Mr. Epwarp H. Harriman, of New York,
has invited a number of scientific men to accom-
pany him as his guests on an expedition to
Alaska. The party will leave Seattle about the
end of May, on a large steamer chartered and
fitted up specially for the expedition. They ex-
pect to take the ‘inside passage’ route to Lynn
Canal, and then, after visiting Sitka, proceed
westward along the coast to Yakutat Bay,
Prince William Sound, Cook’s Inlet and Kadiak
Island. Numerous places will be visited which
are out of reach of ordinary travelers, and stops
will be made toadmit of scientific work. Steam
launches, tents, camp outfit, packers and so on
have been bountifully provided, so that the
largest amount of work may be done in the
shortest time. Among those who have accepted
Mr. Harriman’s generous invitations to go on
this expedition are Professor William H.
Brewer, of Yale; John Burroughs, the well-
known writer; F. V. Coville, Botanist of the
U.S. Department of Agriculture ; Dr. William
H. Dall, of the Smithsonian, who has already
visited Alaska 13 times; W. B. Devereaux,
Mining Engineer; D. G. Elliott of the. Field
May 12, 1899.]
‘Columbian Museum, Chicago; Professor B. K.
Emerson, of Amherst; Professor Bernard E.
Fernow, Dean of the School of Forestry, Cornell
University; Dr. A. K. Fisher, Ornithologist
U. S. Biological Survey ; Henry Gannett, Chief
Geographer U. 8S. Geological Survey; G. K.
Gilbert, Geologist U. S. Geological Survey ; Dr.
George Bird Grinnell, editor Forest and Stream ;
‘Charles A. Keeler, Custodian of the Museum of
the California Academy of Sciences ; Dr. C. Hart
Merriam, Chief U. 8. Biological Survey; Dr.
Lewis R. Morris, of New York; Robert Ridg-
way, Ornithologist U. 8. National Museum ;
Professor W. E. Ritter, of the University of
California, and Professor William Trelease,
Director of the Missouri Botanical Garden. In
addition to these men of science and their as-
sistants, two artists accompany the expedition,
the landscape artist R. Swain Gifford, of New
York, and the bird artist Louis Agassiz Fuertes,
of Ithaca,
Mr. RussELL W. Porrer writes that he will
conduct, during the coming summer, an expedi-
tion under the auspices of the Peary Club, the
main object of which is to communicate with
Lieutenant Peary. The steam-bark whaler
Hope will leave Sydney, Cape Breton, about
July 15th. She will then go directly north,
through the Gulf of St. Lawrence, up the Lab-
rador coast, through Baffin’s Bay, to the west
Greenland coast, stopping probably at Uper-
navik, and then enter Melville Bay. After
passing through Melville Bay the ship enters
Whale Sound, where she will cruise until com-
munication is made with Lieutenant Peary or
his Eskimo representatives. The expedition
will reach Sydney on its return at the end of
September. The party will be limited to six
and there is at present one place vacant. While
intended primarily for hunting, the expedition
will afford an excellent opportunity for*work in
natural history. Any man of science who would
like to join the party should communicate with
Mr. Russell W. Porter, 6 Beacon St., Boston.
A State Bacteriological and Pathological
Laboratory has been established for Delaware.
Professor Chester, State Bacteriologist, has been
appointed director,
WE learn from the American Geologist that
the State of Wisconsin has appropriated the
sum of $100,000 for two years to carry on the
new geological and natural history survey of
the State, of which Professor A. E. Birge, of
the University of Wisconsin, is director.
THE Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
was formally opened on April 22d by Lord
Lister. A visit was made to the Tropical Dis-
eases ward in the Royal Southern Hospital and
to the Thompson- Yates laboratories, and a ban-
quet was given in the evening, at which Lord
Lister made the principal speech.
Dr. GEORGE BrRucE HALSTED has been in-
vited to present a Report on Progress in Non-
Euclidean Geometry at the coming Columbus
meeting of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science.
THE Paris Society of Biology has awarded its
Godard prize for the most important contribu-
tion to biology to Dr. Vidal, of Périgueux, for
his memoir on the influence of chloroform on
THE Lenval prize for an improvement in the
treatment of deafness will be awarded at the
International Otological Congress that will meet
in London from the 8th to the 11th of August
THERE will be a Civil Service examination in
the State of New York on May 27th for the
position of Assistant in Dietary Experiments,
Lunacy Commission, at a salary of $100 per
month. The duties are to assist in the experi-
ments being conducted by Professor W. O. At-
water with a view to the establishment of scien-
tifically correct rations and dietary for the State
hospitals. The examinations will relate to the
experience and training of candidates and their
knowledge of and ability to conduct scientific
experiments of the kind indicated.
THE French Chamber of Deputies has ap-
pointed a committee to take into consideration
the application of the decimal system to the
measurement of time. The Society of Geog-
raphy at Toulouse began to agitate the ques-
tion in 1893 and has been especially active in
the matter. It may be remembered that the
Convention which adopted the decimal system
applied it to time and it was actually used by
the French government in the year 1794.
THE more important departments of the Rus-
sian government have approved the reform of
the Russian calendar urged by the St. Peters-
burg Astronomical Society, and will adopt at an
early date the system followed by the rest of the
civilized world.
THE International Bureau of Weights and
Measures has been holding its sessions at Paris.
Among the foreign delegates in attendance were
Professors Michelson, from the United States ;
Cheney, from Great Britain; Tahlen, from
Sweden; Blazema, from Italy; Hirsch, from
Switzerland; Hepiter, from Austria ; Foerster,
from Germany, and Mendeljev, from Russia.
Tue American Society of Mechanical En-
gineers is holding its spring meeting at Wash-
ington as we go to press. Rear-Admiral George
W. Melville presides, and about 600 members
have signified their intention of being present.
THE American Climatological Association
holds its sixteenth annual meeting at the
building of the Academy of Medicine, New
York City, on May 9th, 10th and 11th.
THE American Library Association is meet-
ing during the present week at Atlanta, Ga.
EXPERIMENTS were made recently at the
South Foreland to demonstrate the possibilities
of communicating between a moving ship and
the land. According to the London Times,
Signor Marconi joined the French commission
on board the despatch vessel Ibis. The receiy-
ing and transmitting instruments on board the
Ibis were in a cabin, the wire to take the cur-
rent being connected with the instrument room
from the top of the mast, about 150 feet high.
The messages were transmitted to the Jbis from
the South Foreland, from Wimereux, and from
the East Goodwin lightship, as also from the
gunboat to each of these points, and in each in-
stance they were recorded with unerring dis-
tinctness, the French commissioners expressing
the greatest satisfaction with the system.
Hitherto one of the chief objections raised to
wireless telegraphy has been that it is impossi-
ble to concentrate the current—in other words,
to ‘cut out’ and prevent the message from be-
ing received at other stations where installa-
tions exist within an equal radius other than
the one for which it was originally intended.
[N.&. Von. IX. No. 228.
Signor Marconi has now discovered an ingenious
but simple arrangement by which this difficulty
can be overcome, and it was tested before the
French commission and at the South Foreland.
Messages were first sent from the Ibis to the
South Foreland, and, as Professor Fleming
pointed out on his recent visit, were received
simultaneously by the Goodwin lightship. Sig-
nor Marconi’s new invention was then tried,
and the messages sent to the Foreland were
concentrated there and received at no other
point, the lightship being cut out. A similar ~
experiment was made with the lightship, the
ships communicating with each other, while the
Foreland was cut out. As a further test of this
important invention messages were sent simul-
taneously from Boulogne and the lightship to
the South Foreland, where only the Boulogne
message was taken by the receiver, the other
being cut out at will. This experiment was
also tried on board the Jbis and from the other
points, in each instance with complete suc-
REUTER’S Agency states that Dr. Sven Hedin
will start from Stockholm at the end of June on
a new expedition to Central Asia, and will
travel direct through Russia and Turkestan to
Kashgar, taking a new route over the moun-
tains. Dr. Sven Hedin will conduct the expe-
dition alone, being accompanied only by his old
Asiatic servant, Islam Bai, from Osh. He has
received permission from the Czar to take two
Cossacks as escort. On reaching Kashgar Dr.
Sven Hedin will proceed in an easterly direction
for the purpose of making fresh investigations
in Chinese Turkestan, where he hopes to find
further antiquities. Thence he will visit the
unexplored Lob Region, and will cross the great
Sand Desert by more than one route. After
going to Tibet and exploring that portion of
the country to the south of his former route, he
will return via India. As in the case of his
famous journey across Asia, Dr. Sven Hedin’s
objects on this expedition are purely scientific.
The difficulties to be expected are of much the
same character as those experienced during his
former trip. Dr. Hedin is, however, better
prepared than he was on that occasion, and
hopes to achieve even better results than he did
then. The expenses of the expedition, which
MAy 12, 1899. ]
will amount to £2,000, have been defrayed by
King Oscar, Mr. Emanuel Nobel and others.
THE Brussels Geographical Society has re-
ceived the first report of Lieutenant Gerlache,
commander of the Belgian Antarctic expedi-
tion. According to the London Times the report
says that the expedition left St. John’s Bay on
January 14, 1898, and on the 21st explored the
South Shetland Islands. On January 15th, in
55° 5’ south latitude and 65° 19’ west longitude,
soundings to the the depth of 4,040 métres were
taken. The Belgica left on the 23d for Hughes
Bay, discovering a strait separating the lands
of the east from an unknown archipelago. The
land to the east wasnamed Danco Land. Mag-
netic observations were made and interesting
botanical, geological and photographic results
were obtained. On February 13th the Belgica
went in the direction of Alexander I. Land,
exploring the belt of bank ice towards the west.
On March 10th the ship became fast in the ice
in latitude 71° 34/, longitude 89° 10’.. Thesun
disappeared on May 17th, and there was con-
tinual night until July 21st. M. Danco died on
June 5th, and his remains were deposited in a
tomb of ice. The Belgica, after leaving her
winter quarters, again became fast in the ice in
103° west longitude. She reached open water on
March 14th. The expedition made successful
magnetic and meteorological observations and
obtained collections of pelagic and deep-sea
fauna and samples of submarine sediments.
On February 26th Black Island was explored,
and on the following day the Belgica entered
the Cockburn Channel, arriving at Punta
Arenas, in Patagonia, on the 28th of last month.
THE ranchmen of Seward County, Kansas,
says the Electrical World, have connected their
ranches by telephone facilities, using the barb-
wire fences instead of setting poles and string-
ing wires. It had been demonstrated that a
fence wire worked perfectly for a telephone
connection. The scheme was favored by the
stockmen, and a local company was formed,
with headquarters at Liberal, that being the
nearest telegraph point. Lines have been con-
constructed and are in operation, extending
from Liberal over the whole of Seward, Stevens
and Morton Counties, Kansas, and have reached
out into Beaver County, Oklahoma, and Hans-
ford County, Texas. Many of the ranches ‘in
in this grazing country are situated miles from
railroad and telegraph facilities.
THE first stone of the oceanographic museum
at Monaco was laid on April 26th by the Bishop.
in the presence of Prince Albert, Princess Alice
and the Crown Prince. Count Minster, on be-
half of the Emperor William, spoke of the
museum as a pledge of peace and amity among
peoples, while Admiral Brown de Colstoun, on
behalf of France, congratulated the Prince on
his maritime researches. The Prince expressed
his thanks to the German Emperor and Presi-
dent Loubet for sending representatives to the
ceremony. As westated recently, the museum
has been founded by the Prince of Monaco for
the exhibition and study of the collections made
under his auspices.
A TELEGRAM has been received at the Har-
vard College Observatory from Professor J. E.
Keeler at Lick Observatory, stating that comet
Tempel was observed by Perrine, May 6, 9077
Greenwich mean time in R. A., 18" 52™575.8
and Decomber 4° 32/19’, Faint. This is an
observation of comet Tempel, 1873 II., and
not 1866 I., which is connected with the meteoric
swarm of November 13th. An ephemeris was.
published by Schulhof in Astron. Nach., Vol.
149, p. 28, which agrees within a few seconds.
of the position given above.
THE great State Universities of the Central
and Western States are continually growing in
wealth and influence. During the present year
the following additional endowments are re-
ported: An appropriation bill recently passed by
the Illinois Legislature gives to the University
of Illinois about $600,000. The Wisconsin
Legislature has appropriated for the University
of Wisconsin $151,000, of which $100,000 is for
an engineering building. The Colorado Legis-
lature, besides passing a bill giving its State
University an income of one-fifth of a mill on
each dollar of assessed valuation, has made
appropriations amounting to about $110,000.
In Nebraska the State University has been
given a one-mill tax, which will, it is estimated,
yield about $168,000 yearly.
Av a meeting of the Board of Trustees of
Columbia University on May 1st President Low
announced that he would reimburse the Univer-
sity for the interest paid on money borrowed to
complete the library. .This will be about $75,-
000, making his total gift for the building
$1,200,000. The offer of the Chamber of Com-
merce to give $15,000 a year for a course in
commerce was accepted.
CoLuMBIA UNIVERSITY has recently received
a gift of $10,000, to be known as the Dyckman
Fund for the Encouragement of Biological Re-
search, the interest of which will be granted to
post-graduate students. The fund is established
by Mr. Isaac M. Dyckman in memory of his
two uncles, Jacob and James Dyckman, of the
classes of 710 and ’11. The former of these,
although dying when scarcely over thirty years
of age, was a Fellow and Trustee of the College
of Physicians and Surgeons, Health Commis-
sioner of New York, and author of several
works on medical and biological subjects. A
second gift to the department of zoology is the-
continuance of the John D. Jones Scholarship,
which was created by the Wawepex Society
and includes a workplace in the Cold Spring
Harbor Biological Station. A third gift is the
collection of shells of Henry D. van Nostrand,
which comes to the University through the
generosity of his widow. This collection is
well known among malacologists. It is partic-
ularly rich in pulmonates.
In order that the scientific museum of Prince-
ton University may have a complete collection
of the quails of this country, Mr. W. E. D.
Scott, curator of the museum, has sent out 800
circulars to members of the alumni, asking for a
pair of quail from each locality. From the
many favorable replies received it is probable
that the entire number desired will be secured
by the fall, making a collection especially valu-
able for studying the geographical variation of
the bird. Excellent progress is being made in
mounting representatives of the South Ameri-
can birds received from the Patagonian expe-
dition. The entire expense of this collection is
borne by John W. Garrett, of the class of 1895.
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 228.
THE current issue of Nature gives an illustra-
tion of the proposed new buildings for the
Royal College of Science, South Kensington.
The British government has followed the ad-
vice of men of science and has decided to place
the building on the west side of Exhibition
Road, originally secured for that purpose from
the Exhibition Commissioners of 1851.
THE state of affairs in the Russian univer-
sities is not improving, and practically all the in-
stitutions for higher educationin the Empire have
been closed until the end of the present academic
year. The expelled students have been scat-
tered all over Russia, by which means it may be
supposed the police are doing the most in their
power to spread discontent and possible revo-
THE following table sent us from the Univer-
sity of Michigan shows the ratio of the teaching
force to the number of students in ten of the
largest universities of the country. The first
column gives the number of persons composing
the faculty, including instructors of all grades ;
the second gives the total number of students
enrolled in the institution ; the third the pro-
portion of students to teachers.
Faculty. Students. Ratio
Johns Hopkins 123 641 5.2
Cornellliteedescsseccsec 328 2038 6.2
Golan big ee cise sates exces 303, 2185 7.2
Waliforniarecenesscenedeceses 286 2391 8.3
Northwestern.............+.-. 222 2019 9.1
anvarGhescccccntcescs ders cnsct 411 3901 9.4
VLG ceteedeescercna Santas eeacees 255 2500 Che/
Chicago sree arccsscsantsncsesctes 212 2307 10.9
Pennsylvania..............006 258 2834 10.9
Michigans ssic.csse.s. elas a 222 3192 14.4
Total irscneiiaecaactancees 2620 24008 hal
Dr. FRANZ Boas, lecturer on physical anthro-
pology in Columbia University, has been elected
professor of anthropology in the same Univer-
sity. Dr. J. H. Canfield, President of the Ohio
State University, has been elected librarian.
Dr. Max Wien, of the University of Wuiurz-
burg, has been appointed associate professor of
physies in the Institute of Technology at Aix.
Professor Schrepfer, of Cologne, has been ap-
pointed professor of mechanical and electrical
engineering in the University of Wurzburg.
EDITORIAL CoMMITTEE: S. NeEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. Woopwarp, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THurston, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. LE ContE, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; HENRY F. OsBoRN, Paleontology ; W. K.
Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; 8S. H. ScuppER, Entomology; C. E. Brssry, N. L.
Britton, Botany; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. BowpitcH, Physiology;
J. S. Brntinas, Hygiene; J. McKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; DANIEL G. BRIN-
TON, J. W. POWELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, May 19, 1899.
‘Carl Friedrich Gauss and his Children: PROFES-
SOR FLORIAN CAJORI ..........cceceeceeceeeseer essere 697 .
The Age of the Earth as an Abode fitted for Life
(GS) RTM ORDPKLVING Sccsecasecosteersescsaseerscsees 704
Mental Fatigue: DR. EDWARD THORNDIKE....... 712
Scientific Books :—
Patten on the Development of English Thought :
PROFESSOR R. M. WENLEY. Peruvian Meteor-
ology: R. DEC. WARD. Morgan on the Elements
of Physical Chemistry: PROFESSOR HARRY C.
JONES: Books Becetved:.......ccccscusesnessessorsesens 713
Scientific Journals and Articles. ....cccscecesevesecseesees 718
Societies and Academies :—
The New York Academy of Sciences, Section of
Biology: DR. GARY N. CALKINS. Section of
Geology and Mineralogy: ALEXIS A. JULIEN.
Geological Conference and Students’ Club of
Harvard University: J. M. BouTWELL. The
Academy of Science of St. Louis: PROFESSOR
WILLIAM TRELEASE. University of Colorado
Scientifie Society : DR. FRANCIS RAMALY...... 718
Discussion and Correspondence :—
The Storage of Pamphlets: F. A. BATHER......... 720
The Murine Biological Laboratory at Wood’s Holl.. 721
Geological Expedition of Dr. Becker to the Philip-
FOWATE NNV5 186. Wiles nconosoboncoononobbodondAGuesboouboHbod 722
Conversazione of the Royal Socicty........cccesereeeeeees 723
Scientific Notes and News..........cccserecscerssersceossece 724
University and Educational News.........0ccsececeeneees 728
MSS. intended or publication and books, etc., intended
-for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
Tue life of Carl Friedrich Gauss has been
sketched repeatedly, yet, in view of the in-
terest attached to every bit of new infor-
mation concerning men of genius, we
venture to touch upon a few events of his
later life and to speak of his descendants.
The 16th of July, 1899, will be the 100th
anniversary of Gauss’s graduation with the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The 50th
anniversary was a day of celebration at
Gottingen. Gauss was still in full possession
of his powers and was greatly admired and
beloved. His daughter Theresa describes
the memorable day in a letter, dated De-
cember 5, 1850, and written to her brother
Eugene in St. Charles, Mo. In translation
the passage is as follows:
“T cannot tell you much of our quiet life ; one day
and one year is always very much like e ery other.
But they are contented days and years, as father even
now in his advanced age still possesses unimpaired
health and an always cheerful disposition. A year
and a half ago, in July, ’49, he celebrated his ‘50-
jabriges Doctorjubilium’—or rather the University
and the city celebrated it for him with general love
and sympathy. He himself was very much opposed
to having this day noticed, but, without bis knowl-
edge, everything had been prepared for it. From
near and far the University had invited strangers ;
father’s friends and eminent scholars came, many
delegations from other cities, who brought him con-
gratulations, honorary doctor’s diplomas and three
new orders. From Braunschweig and Gottingen he
received honorary citizenship ; from the King, con-
gratulations in his own handwriting and a higher
order (erhdhten Ordensgrad). There was no end
of letters and communications. In the morning
festive processions began to congratulate him, all
the authorities of the city, of the University,
of the school, strangers, acquaintances — probably
about fifty persons. Then father himself delivered
a lecture in the hall of the University, which was
overcrowded with spectators and listeners and had
been decorated with garlands and flowers like a
fairy hall. Even the houses in the streets were
decorated with flowers; in the city there were waves
of people in festive attire (wogte es von geputzten
Menschen), asona holiday. When, at last, in the even-
ing at seven, father came home from the great banquet,
he was, indeed, quite exhausted, and it was well that
the torchlight procession that the students had in-
tended for him wasabandoned upon his wish, but the
love and sympathy which had been shown him from
all sides had, in spite of all fatigue, pleased him in-
describably. How sad was it though that, where so
many strangers had congregated on his day of honor,
not one of his beloved sons could be with him !!
Even Joseph had been compelled to decline, as his
position as railway director did not, at that time,
make his absence from Hannover possible.’’
Gauss was married twice. By his first
wife he had two sons (Joseph and Louis)
and one daughter (Minna). Louis died in
childhood. By his second wife he had two
sons (Eugene and Wilhelm) and one daugh-
ter (Theresa). Eugene and Wilhelm settled
in the United States. In Germany Gauss
has only one grandchild, Carl Gauss, now
living at Hameln, in Hannover. He is a
son of Joseph. He was only six years old
when his grandfather died, in 1855. He
still remembers how his celebrated grand-
father tried to show him a star through the
great telescope; how he stood full of expec-
tation near the ocular, while his grand-
father, wearing a velvet cap, was turning
the crank which moved the shutter on the
dome of the observatory. Another time
the child was playing in the garden of the
observatory when his grandfather met him
and asked: ‘‘ What do you expect to make
of yourself?” whereupon young Carl re-
plied: ‘‘ Well, what do you expect to make
of yourself??? Then the old man patted the
[N.S. Vox. IX. No. 229.
child’s shoulder and said smilingly : ‘‘ My
boy, I am already somebody.”
In a letter addressed to the writer, Carl
- Gauss speaks also of his father, Joseph,
who, after completing the gymnasium in
Gottingen, went into the German army,
but subsequently got leave to assist his
father in the triangulation of the Kingdom
of Hannover. When the construction of
railways was first begun in that part of
Germany officers of the army were se-
lected, along with some foreign experts, to
superintend the work. So it happened that
Joseph Gauss left the army and served as
an engineer. In 1836 and ’37 he was sent
by his government to the United States to
study the more advanced methods of rail-
way construction in the New World. Later
he became ‘Oberbaurath’ and director of
railroads and telegraphs in Hannover.
Finally he was assigned to the superinten-
dence of the special department of tele-
graphs, which position he kept until the
outbreak of the war of 1866. It is of in-
terest to think of him in connection with
the telegraph—the instrument in the in-
vention of which his father had played so
important a réle. It is well known that as
early as 1833 C. F. Gauss and W. Weber
had a telegraphic line between the observa-
tory and the physical cabinet in Got-
Some biographers assert that Gauss’s fa-
vorite child was Joseph, but there is rea-
son to believe that the father at first built
high hopes on what Eugene would do. In
a letter to Bessel (November 21, 1811),
after writing about hypergeometric and
logarithmic series, he says: ‘‘ Wenn eines
meiner Kinder des Vaters Liebe zu den ex-
acten Wissenschaften erben sollte, so ist es
wahrscheinlich eher dieser Eugen als sein
leichtblitiger Bruder Joseph.” As the in-
fant reached boyhood he displayed far more
than ordinary ability, especially in lan-
guages. His father once took a French
May 19, 1899.]
book, examined him in the knowledge of
French, and then said that he knew that
language well enough and need not study it
any further. Another time Gauss took the
_ boy from Gottingen to a little town called
Celle, to place him at a school. While
stopping at an inn Eugene stated to his
father his delight in having solved some
little problem in grammar. His father,
with eyes brightened with pleasure, replied :
‘“Yes my son, the pleasure one gets from
the solution of such problems is very great,
but it is not to be compared with the sim-
ilar pleasure one derives from the solution
of mathematical problems.’
But the high hopes were followed by bitter
disappointment. In a letter to Bessel
(Dee. 31, 1831) Gauss says of himself:
“Aber Ihr armer Freund ist seit andert-
halb Jahren das Opfer der schwersten haus-
lichen Leiden gewesen: den Ausgang des
einen ahnen Sie leicht aus der seit vier
Monaten gebrauchten Farbe des Siegels ;
von einem andern, wo moglich noch hartern
sehe ich kaum ein Ende ab als meines.
~ Lassen Sie mich davonschweigen. Lahmend
haben soleche Verhaltnisse auf alle meine
wissenschaftlichen Beschaftigungen, fast
ganz aufhebend auf meine Correspondenz
eingewirkt.’’ The first sorrow alluded to
was clearly the death of his second wife ;
the cause of the second sorrow he leaves un-
explained, but the facts which we have been
able to gather concerning the relation
between him and his son Eugene throw
light on this point. At this time, when
Eugene reached adolescence, it seems that
Gauss did not want him or his brothers to
attempt mathematics, for the father did not
think any of them would surpass him, and
he did not wish the name lowered. Ap-
parently he felt the same way about any
other line of scientific work, for, while
Eugene, after completing the gymnasium,
desired to make the study of philology his
life-work, the father wanted him to take up
law. At this time Eugene was disposed to
indulge in the wild life of a Géttingen stu-
dent. A scar on his face bore witness of
his participation in a duel. What that life
was we may judge also from the accounts
of Bismarck’s stormy career at Gottingen,
which began about avear after Eugene left
the University. An incident happened which
resulted in a serious disagreement between
father and son. Eugene gave an elaborate
supper to his fellow-students and sent the
bill to his father. When the latter re-
proached his son for this, Eugene suddenly
concluded that he would leave Germany
and come to America. He started off with-
out bidding the family good-bye or making
any preparation for his journey. When
Gauss learned of his son’s intention he fol-
lowed and urged him to return, at the same
time telling him that he had brought his
trunk and if he was determined to seek his
fortune in America he would furnish funds
for the journey. The son refused to return
home, and the two parted. The young man
of nineteen left the land of learning and
culture, to expose himself to the dangers
and temptations of a new world. Need we
marvel if, in sorrow and humiliation, Gauss
wrote to Bessel: ‘Lassen Sie mich davon
Eugene landed in New York and, after
spending what money he had, enlisted as a
private in the U.S. army. He was taken
to Fort Snelling, near St. Paul, Minn. The
post was in charge of General Taylor, and
Jefferson Davis was a young officer there.
By accident the officers found out that Eu-
gene Gauss was an educated man, and he
was put in charge of the post library.
About the close of his term of enlistment
(five years) his brother Joseph came to
this country, as we have seen, to study rail-
way construction. Joseph brought letters
to General Winfield Scott and thought he
could obtain for Eugene a commission in
the regular army, if he desired it. But
Eugene had other plans; he entered the
employ of the American Fur Company, on
the head waters of the Mississippi and Mis-
souri Rivers. There he learned to speak
the Sioux language with ease, and assisted
a missionary named Pond in preparing a
Sioux alphabet. While there Eugene wrote
to his father that he had met the French
astronomer Nicollet. The latter was at-
tracted to young Gauss by hearing someone
pronounce his name and, upon inquiry,
discovered that he was the son of the
mathematician. Nicollet formed a plan to
conduct an expedition across the continent
to the Pacific, where he expected to take
ship and go by water to Europe. Eugene
was to go with him, but the enterprise was
defeated by Nicollet’s death. In the first let-
ter printed below, Gauss refers to Nicollet
and attributes to him a sensational article
on moon hoax, which appeared in 1835 in
the New York Sun. It purported to be
written by Richard Adams Locke, but De
Morgan, in his ‘ Budget of Paradoxes,’
holds, as does Gauss, that its real author
was J. N. Nicollet.
About 1840 Eugene settled at St. Charles,
Mo., where he resided until about 1885,
when he removed to a farm in Boone
County, Mo., near Columbia. He died in
1896. In St. Charles Eugene engaged in
mercantile pursuits. In 1844 he married
Henrietta Fawcett, who is still living, being
now in her 82d year. They had seven
children, two of whom have died. Of in-
terest is the following letter written by
the mathematician Gauss, to his son, just
before the latter’s marriage :
Diein Deinen beiden Briefen an mich und Theresen
enthaltene Anzeige von Deiner beschlossenen und
nahe bevorstehenden Verheirathung habe ich in mehr-
ern Beziehungen mit Vergniigen aunfgenommen. Bei
der Unmoglichkeit, iber Verhaltnisse und Personen
aus eigner Kenntniss ein Urtheil zu bilden, uberlasse
ich mich gerne dem Vertrauen, dass Dein Alter und
Deine Erfahrungen, Dich vor solchen Tauschungen, in
[N.S. Von. IX: No. 229.
welche wohl unbesonnene und unerfahrene Jiinglinge
verfallen, bewahren. Ich wiinsche und hoffe daher
herzlich, dass alle die schénen Tugenden, welche Du
von Deiner kunftigen Lebensgefiihrtin riihmst, und
die den Mangel ausserer Gliicksgiiter fiir einen ver-
standigen und auf eigenen Fiissen feststehend sich
fiihlenden Mann wohl aufwiegen, sich stets als acht
bewahren werden, zugleich aber auch, dass Du Dich
des Besitzes eines solchen Schatzes immer wiirdig be-
weisen werdest, und dass so die Verbindung zu Euer
beider wahrem Gliick gereiche.
Auch Deine beiden Briider haben sich Lebensgefahr-
tinnen ohne Vermégen gewihlt. Dass Du dariiber,
auch mit so vieler Leichtmiithigkeit hinwegsetzest
ist mir auch in sofern angenehm, als ich darin eine
Bestetigung von dem voraussetze, was Herr Eggers
vor einigen Monaten hier ausserte, nemlich, dass
Deine Umstiinde und Handelsgeschafte in einem pros-
perirenden Zustande sind. Hrn. Eggers Besuch war
iibrigens so kurz, dass ich tiber so vieles was ich gerne
niher wiisste, nur sehr unvollkommene oder gar keine
Kenntniss erhalten habe. So weiss ich namentlich von
Deinem Geschafte bloss im Ailgemeinen, dass es ein
Kaufmannisches sei, und dass Du mit einem Com-
pagnon associirt seiest; naheres aber z, B. welcher
Art jene Geschafte, ob der Compagnon ein Deutscher
oder ein Amerikaner sei &c. habe ich nicht erfahren.
Io einem Deiner friiheren Briefe erwahutest Du ein-
mal eines jungen Franzosen Namens Nicollet, mit
dem Du in Bekanntschaft gekommen seiest. Derselbe
war vor Zeiten Gehiilfe an der Pariser Sternwarte und
hat einige nicht verdienstlose Arbeiten geliefert. Aus
welchem Grunde er Frankreich hat verlassen miissen,
habe ich nicht erfahren.* Spater (etwa vor 7 oder 8
Jahren) hat er (ich weiss nicht mehr ob anonym oder
mit Nennung des Namens) in einer Amerikanischen
Zeitung oder Journal einen possenreisserischen Arti-
kel tiber angebliche wahrhaft unsinnige Entdeckung-
en, die Herschel auf dem Vorgebirge der guten Hoff-
nung gemacht haben sollte, geliefert. Dieser Arti-
kel wurde sogar seiner Zeit ins Deutsche tbersetzt,
und gab einen merkwiirdigen Beweis, wie sehr plump
eine Mystification sein kann, ohne die Kraft zu ver-
lieren, viele Leute zu Narren zu haben. Dieser Nicol-
let nun soll vor Kurzem in Amerika gestorben sein.
Ich mochte wohl wiinschen, tiber seinen dortigen Le-
benslauf etwas mehr zu erfahren. Auch ein anderer
Astronom, aus der Schweiz gebiirtig, aber seit fast 50
* Laplace once recommended Nicollet for member-
ship in the French Academy, but he failed of election
because of Arago’s opposition. ‘‘A short time after-
wards M. Nicollet had run away to America, and the
Bureau of Longitude had a warrant passed to expel
him ignominiously from its bosom.’’—From Arago’s
Autob ography.
May 19, 1899. ]
Jahren, in Amerika einheimisch geworden, mit dem
ich wohl von Zeit zu Zeit einige Korrespondenz ge-
pflogen habe, nemlich Rudolf Hassler, Chef der Ame-
rikanischen Messungen, ist, wie ich aus 6ffentlichen
Nachrichten erfahre, vor kurzem gestorben.
Unter den herzlichsten Wiinschen fiir das dauernde
Glick Eurer Verbindung
Dein treuer Vater
C. F. Gauss.
GOTTINGEN, 15 Februar, 1848.
P.S. Briefe tiber Liverpool gehen weder sicherer
noch schneller als tiber Havre, kosten aber hier jedes-
mal ein enormes Porto, etwa 3 mal so viel wie tiber
Havre. Schicke daher kiinftig keine Briefe iiber Eng-
land sondern immer via Hayre.
The correspondence between Gauss and
Hassler, the organizer and first superin-
tendent of the U.S. Coast Survey, would be
of interest, no doubt, but none of the letters
are in possession either of the U.S. Coast
Survey or of Mrs. Simon Newcomb, who isa
grandchild of Hassler.
The original of Gauss’s letter, given
above, is now in the Lick Observatory. The
present writer has a photograph of it. <A
strange thing in connection with it is the
fact that Gauss, who possessed such wonder-
ful power over numbers as to create a new
Theory of Numbers, should make a mistake
in so simple a matter as a date. The num-
ber ‘1848’ should be ‘1844.’ This is
evident from the postmark on the back of
the letter as well as from Theresa’s letters
and from the record of the marriage of
Eugene, contained in the office of the Re-
corder of St. Charles County, where the
marriage took place.
Another letter from Gauss to Eugene is
now in the possession of a grandchild,
Charles Henry Gauss, of Columbia, Mo. It
is as follows:
Ich kann nicht unterlassen, Deinen vom 16 Mai
datirten und am 30 Junius hier eingegangenen Brief
wenigstens mit einigen Zeilen zu erwiedern, obwohl
ich aus zwei Ursachen zur Kiirze gezwungen werde,
nemlich, erstlich, weil Therese wegen Absendung des
Pakets pressirt ist, und zweitens, weil ich ziemlich
unwohl bin, und den grdssern Theil des Tages auf
dem Sofa liegend zubringen muss. Grossentheils
mag dies die Folge der unertraiglichen Hitze sein, bei
der ich immer sehr leide, und die in diesem Sommer
grosser ist, als ich je in meinem ganzen Leben erduldet
zu haben mich erinnere. Nach den 6ffentlichen
Blattern scheint diese Hitze in Europa ganz allge-
mein zu sein.
Dass ich nun auch von Deiner Seite in der Neuen
Welt einen Enkel habe, ist mir sehr erfreulich ; in
der Alten Welt wird mein Name wohl aussterben,
da Josephs Ehe schon ins siebente Jahr kinderlos
geblieben ist. Aller Wahrscheinlichkeit wird Joseph
nun mit Niichstem in eine veriinderte Lage kommen,
ihm selbst mehr zusagend, als eine Lieutenantsstelle
in Friedenszeit, und mir selbst auch aus dem
Grunde lieb, weil er riumlich mir niher kommt.
Er ist nemlich bestimmt, mit in unser Eisenbahn.
Directorium einzutreten, wobei er seinen Abschied aus
dem Militar und sein gewohnliches Domicilium in
Hannover wird nehmen miissen, obwohl er dabei
wihrend eines grossen Theils des Jahres auf Reisen
zuzubringen haben wird. Er ist in diesem Augen-
blickin Stade, um seine Fran nach Hannover abzu-
Dass Deine Geschifte gut prosperiren freuet mich
sehr, aber in einem neulich von Deiner Grossmutter
erhaltenen Briefe ist eine etwas unverstiudliche An-,
deutung, als ob Du gewillet seiest, jene aufzugeben
auf das Land zu ziehen, und von da aus bloss Gross-
handel zu treiben. Dain Deinem Briefe an mich
dariiber gar Nichts vorkommt, so vermuthe ich, dass
jene Ausserung wenigstens zum Theil auf einem
Misverstiindnisse beruhet. Ubrigens haben wir vor
Kurzem ein tangibles Zeichen Deiner Geschiifts-
thatigkeit erhalten, da Herr Westhof uns ein Fiiss-
chen Mehl aus der Miithle Gauss & Weidner zuge-
schickt hat, welches Therese sehr lobt, als besser, wie
alles hiesige.
Zufallig hatten wir gleichzeitig einen Topf Butter
aus dem Altenlande von Josephs Frau erhalten, und
es fehlten also zu einer Omelette abseiten meiner
Kinder aus fremden Landen nur noch die Eier aus
Wilhelms Hihnerstalle.
Ueber das Daguerrebild, welches Deine liebe Frau
Theresen geschickt hat, haben wir uns sehr gefreut;
die Arbeit ist feiner, als ich sie an einem in Europa
gemachten Daguerrebilde sonst yesehen habe
Therese erwiedert es mit ihrem Daguerrebild, welches
in zwei Exemplaren, eines fiir Dich, eines fiir Wil-
helm Herr Angetrodt mitbringt. Ausserdem und
zu gleicher Distribution bringt er zwei Lithographien
von meinem Portrait mit ; sie sind im vorigen Winter
von einem Oelgemilde abgenommen, welches vor 6-
Jahren hier gemacht ist. (Das Original dieses Oe h
gemildes von einem Kopenhagner Kiinstler kam nac
Petersburg, und eine Copie fiir Herrn Sartorius blieb
hier, wonach jene Lithographie gemacht ist. Man ~
fand das Gemilde damahls sehr ahnlich ; jetzt werde
ich ihm wohl unihnlich geworden sein.
Auch fiir die Karte von Missouri und Arkansas,
welche mit jenem Bilde zugleich ankam, habe ich
Dir noch zu danken.
Dass Ewald noch im vorigen Jahre sich wieder
verheirathet hat, wird Dir wahrscheinlich die Gross-
mutter geschrieben haben. Mit herzlichen Wiinschen
fiir Dein Wohlergehen
Dein treuer Vater,
den 9ten August, 1846.
An account of Gauss’s children is inter-
esting from the standpoint of heredity.
None inherited Gauss’s mathematical power.
Eugene resembled his father mentally more
than the others. Like his father, he pos-
sessed great linguistic powers. Before his
death he expressed it as his opinion—and
from all I can gather it is probable—that had
he continued his philological studies in Ger-
many he would have secured a chair in a
University. He spoke French so well that he
was taken fora Frenchman. The English
and the Sioux language he spoke to per-
fection. He read the New Testament in
the original. At the age of forty he had
become deeply interested in religion, and
thereafter he gave much attention to Bibli-
cal and theological reading. His deep re-
ligious convictions were shown by his ex-
pression of satisfaction with his coming to
America, because if he had not done so he
might never have been led to profess the
religion of Christ.
Eugene was not the person to push him-
self to the front. He lived over ten years
near the seat of the University of Missouri,
without seeking the acquaintance of any
member of the Faculty. Milton Updegraff,
the professor of astronomy, accidentally
heard of him through one of his students
and visited him (about 1890). He told
Professor Updegraff that his father first
thought of the heliotrope while walking
with him and noticing the light of the
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 229.
setting sun reflected from a window of a
distant house.* Eugene possessed mathe-
matical ability, but he never studied the
higher branches. When he was over eighty
years old and had become blind, he used to
entertain himself by making long arithmet-
ical calculations in hishead. For instance,
he computed the amount to which one dollar
would grow, if compounded annually at the
rate of 4% interest from the time of Adam to
the present, assuming this to be 6,000 years.
This, if in gold, would make a cubic mass
so large that 16 would require light quad-
rillions of years to pass along one side of it.+
This mental computation is so startling as
to be almost beyond belief. The only as-
sistance he had was from his son Theodore
(now deceased), who was asked to write
down, at intervals during the several days
he was so occupied, the results that marked
the different stages of his work. Eugene
arrived at his result by ordinary arithmetic.
His son preserved the paper on which were
written the long lines of figures which he
thought he might not be able to retain in
his memory. On the sheet are several
memoranda that are interesting. For in-
stance, Eugene directed his son to write
down the figures :
The second line of figures was written
down several days after the first and added
to the upper one by Theodore. His father
had directed him to begin the second line
of figures by placing the figure 3 under the
second 7 of the upper line. In reading off
the result of this addition Theodore read 7
in place of the 8 marked with an X. Eugene
detected the error and his son made the
* See also Bessel’s letter to Gauss, Oct. 18, 1821.
+The answer exceeds five quadrillions of years,
French numeration.
May 19, 1899.]
correction, showing that the blind and aged
man was able to retain in his mind the long
line of thirty figures. This wonderful com-
putation, if it does not demonstrate great
mathematical ability, certainly shows an
extraordinary memory. We involuntarily
ask: What might Eugene not have achieved,
had his experiences in life been such as to
draw out his faculties to the fullest extent?
Eugene’s younger brother Wilhelm came
to this country in 1837, immediately after
his marriage to a niece on the mother’s side
to the astronomer Bessel. Wilhelm wished
to make farming his vocation and he be-
lieved the opportunities were better in the
United States than in Germany. For
twenty years. he was almost continually en-
gaged in farming in Missouri; then he en-
tered the wholesale shoe business in St.
Louis, in which he continued until his
death, in 1879. Of his eight children six
are now living; some are in business; two
are Presbyterian clergymen.
Near the beginning of this article we
quoted from a letter, written by Theresa to
her brother Eugene. I have seen another
of her letters (dated May 16, 1855), in
which she gives an account of the last ill-
ness of her illustrious father. From the
long letter we translate the following :
‘*The Jast year of suffering—full of sickness de-
manding constant attendance—has bound me still
more closely to him. During the last weeks there
was hardly a moment, day or night, when he permit-
ted me to be away from him, and he expressed the
desire that we might not be separated even by death,
for only a few days before he died he said to me:
‘The best and greatest that God could grant us
would be this one favor, that we two on the same day
might die together.’ * * *
“My last letter to you, dated, I believe, April 30,
”53, is two years old, and if at that time I wrote that
father’s health was no longer quite robust, it never-
theless did not cause any unusual anxiety. But in
the course of the summer following he began to com-
plain to such an extent as to cause alarm. Part of
the time he suffered much, and, his strength failing
rapidly, I, full of apprehension, besought him in vain
to callin a physician. Not till January, 1854, as the
disease in a few weeks had made rapid progress, did
he consent. The physician, who has since with unre-
mitting love, care and sympathy attended him, les-
sened his suffering where cure was impossible, and
doubtless somewhat prolonged his life, declared to me
positively, after the first visit, that his condition was
dangerous and hopeless. He recognized the disease
at once as a heart trouble, which probably had been
coming on for years, in course of which there had been
an accumulation of water about the heart, which in a
few weeks also extended to other parts of the body.
At that time the disease advanced rapidly and left
little hope, but under the careful treatment of our
loving physician, Dr. Baum, some improvement fol-
lowed like a miracle. Some symptoms of the disease
disappeared entirely, and father was able to go out for
short distances, though only slowly and with immedi-
ate exhaustion. * * * * But suddenly in November
the old trouble returned in more decisive form, in-
creased from day to day, and at the beginning of the
present year the physician said to me the life of our
beloved one would be of only short duration. The
last weeks of suffering were terrible, as the disease of
dropsy in general is terrible, because it visibly ap-
proaches death inch by inch. But father has borne al
his suffering to the end with unvarying, touching
serenity, friendliness and patience. Entirely hope-
less he never was ; he always believed in the possi-
bility of recovery so long as one spoke encouragingly
tohim. Ah! how difficult this has often been, when
I, hopeless, knew the nearness of death! He never
lost complete consciousness. Four hours before his
death he still knew me, when, for the last time, he
took a drink from my hand, drew my hand toward
him and, kissing it, looked lovingly at me. He then
closed his eyes and seemed to sleep, but I believe he
did not sleep, but that his spirit, clear and conscious
as ever, had freed itself from its earthly shell and had
gone to its heavenly home.”’
We close with a letter written to Eugene
Gauss by Professor Ernst Schering, C. F.
Gauss’s successor at the observatory in
Gottingen, who himself has since joined the
ranks of the departed :
Wie Sie aus beifolgendem Correcturbogen ersehen
werden, sind wir hier in Géttingen im Begriffe ein
Denkmal ftir Ihren bertihmten Vater zu errichten.
In der Meinung, dass Sie wiinschen werden, Ihren
Namen in der Aufforderung der Mathematiker, As-
tronomer und Physiker gedruckt zu sehen, habe ich,
als Nachfolger hres Vaters, jetzt in seiner Dienstwoh-
nung befindlich, und als Herausgeber seiner grossen
Werke, mir erlaubt Ihren Namen mit in die Liste
einsetzen zu lassen. Es war nicht mehr Zeit Sie um
Thre Erlaubnis dazu zu fragen, aber es kann bei mir
kein Zweifel sein iiber Ihre Genehmigung. Gerne
werde ich mir erlauben, Ihnen weiteren Bericht tiber
die Denkmalsfrage abzustatten, so bald etwas defini-
tives feststeht.
Der Prinz Albrecht von Preussen, Prinz Regent
vom Herzogthum Braunschweig, Rector Magnificentis-
simus von der Universitat Gottingen, hat sich bereit
finden lassen, das Protectorat der Commission fiir das
Denkmal zu tibernehmen. Er hat befohlen, dass aus
Landesmitteln des Herzogthums Braunschweig 3000
Mk. fiir das Denkmal gegeben werden. Das ist ja
ein sehrguter Anfang. In den Zeitungen habe ich
die Notiz gelesen :
Gauss, E. F. L. erster Assistent von Frederik H.
Hild dem Librarian of the Chicago Public Library.
Gehoért dieser Gauss auch zu der berithmten Familie ?*
Da das Deutsche Reich sich auch amtlich an der
grossen Ausstellung in-Chicago betheiligt, so wird
wahrscheinlich das Post—und Telegraphen—Museum
in Berlin unter dem Reichsekretair von Stephan auch
die Hauptstiicke seiner geschichtlichen Sammlung
dorthin senden. Darunter findet sich ein Gemilde
von dem grossen Gauss und eine Reproduction sein. s
ersten Telegraphen. Jenes Gemilde ist Gauss sehr
fihnlich, aber noch schdner finde ich das Gemiilde,
welches sich hier in seinem Erdmagnetischen Obser-
vatorium unter meinem Gewahrsam befindet. Es ist
yon der Preussischen Regierung zum 150 jiahrigen
Jubilaeum der Universitit Gottingen 1887 dem Insti-
tute geschenkt worden. Ueberhaupt war dieses Jubi-
laeum ein grossartiges Fest zur Verherrlichung von
Gauss. Keine der vielen Tischreden, keine Festrede,
keine Predigt wurde gehalten, ohne dass sein Name
genannt und seine Erfindung des Electrischen Tele-
graphen erwihnt worden wire. Seit jener Zeit befin-
det sich auch seine Marmortafel an der Sternwarte,
Abtheilung des Erdmagnetischen Observatorium, mit
der Aufschrift
Erster electrischer Telegraph
Ostern, 1833
*Mr. Robert Gauss, a son of Eugene Gauss and
now managing editor of the Denver Republican, in-
forms me that the E. F. L. Gauss in question is not
a descendant of Gauss the mathematician. Schering’s
letter is in the possesssion of Robert Gauss, through
whose kindness the writer was permitted to makea
copy of it.
Vou. IX. No. 229.
Mit den ergebensten Empfehlungen zeichne ich
Herausgeber der Gauss’schen Werke. Gemeinrath
u. Professor.
FLorIAN CaJort.
$26. Upon the suppositions we have
hitherto made we have, at the stage now
reached, all round the earth at the same
time a red-hot or white-hot surface of solid
granules or crystals with interstices filled
by the mother liquor still liquid, but ready
to freeze with the slightest cooling. The
thermal conductivity of this heterogeneous
mass, even before the freezing of the liquid
part, is probably nearly the same as that
of ordinary solid granite or basalt at a red
heat, which is almost certainly* somewhat
less than the thermal conductivity of
igneous rocks at ordinary temperatures.
If you wish to see for yourselves how
quickly it would cool when wholly solidi-
fied take a large macadamizing stone, and
heat it red hot in an ordinary coal fire.
Take it out with a pair of tongs and leave
it on the hearth, or on a stone slab at a dis-
tance from the fire, and you will see that in
a minute or two, or perhaps in less than a
minute, it cools to below red heat.
$27. Half an hour} after solidification
reached up to the surface in any part of the
earth, the mother liquor among the granules
must have frozen to a depth of several
centimeters below the surface and must
have cemented together the granules and
crystals, and so formed a crust of primeval
granite, comparatively cool at its upper
surface, and red hot to white hot, but still
* Proc, R. §., May 30, 1895.
+ Witness the rapid cooling of lava running red hot
or white hot from a volcano, and after a few days or
weeks presenting a black, hard crust strong enough
and cool enough to be walked over with impunity.
May 19, 1899. ]
all solid, a little distance down; becoming
thicker and thicker very rapidly at first;
and after a few weeks certainly cold
enough at its outer surface to be touched
by the hand.
$28. We have hitherto left, without
much consideration, the mother liquor
among the crystalline granules at all
‘depths below the bottom of our shoaling
lava ocean. It was probably this inter-
stitial mother liquor that was destined to
form the basaltic rock of future geological
time. Whatever be the shapes and sizes
of the solid granules when first falling to
the bottom, they must have lain in loose
heaps with a somewhat large proportion of
space occupied by liquid among them.
But, at considerable distances down in the
heap, the weight of the superincumbent
granules must tend to crush corners and
edges into fine powder. Ifthe snow shower
had taken place in air we may feel pretty
sure (even with the slight knowledge which
we have of the hardnesses of the crystals of
feldspar, mica and hornblende, and of the
‘solid granules of quartz) that, at a depth of
10 kilometers, enough of matter from the
corners and edges of the granules of dif-
ferent kinds, would have been crushed into
powder of various degrees of fineness, to
leave an exceedingly small proportionate
volume of air in the interstices between the
solid fragments. But in reality the effec-
tive weight of each solid particle, buoyed
as it was by hydrostatic pressure of aliquid
less dense than itself by not more than 20
or 15 or 10 per cent., cannot have been
more than from about one-fifth to one-
tenth of its weight in air, and therefore the
same degree of crushing effect as would
have been experienced at 10 kilometers
with air in the interstices, must have been
* See Addendum at end of Lecture.
experienced only at depths of from 50 to
100 kilometers below the bottom of the lava
$29. A result of this tremendous crush-
ing together of the solid granules must have
been to press out the liquid from among
them, as water from a sponge, and cause it
to pass upwards through the less and less
closely packed heaps of solid particles, and
out into the lava ocean above the heap.
But, on account of the great resistance
against the liquid permeating upwards 30
or 40 kilometers through interstices among
the solid granules, this process must have
gone on somewhat slowly ; and, during all
the time of the shoaling of the lava ocean,
there may have been a considerable pro-
portion of the whole volume occupied by
the mother liquor among the solid granules,
down to even as low as 50 or 100 kilo-
meters below the top of the heap, or bottom
of the ocean, at each instant. When con-
solidation reached the surface, the oozing
upwards of the mother liquor must have
been still going on to some degree. Thus,
probably for a few years after the first con-
solidation at the surface, not probably for
as long as one hundred years, the settle-
ment of the solid structure by mere me-
chanical crushing of the corners and edges
of solid granules, may have continued to
cause the oozing upwards of mother liquor
to the surface through cracks in the first
formed granite crust and through fresh
cracks in basaltic crust subsequently formed
above it.
§ 30. When this oozing everywhere
through fine cracks in the surface ceases,
we have reached Leibnitz’s consistentior
status; beginning with the surface cool
and permanently solid and the tempera-
ture increasing to 1150° C. at 25 or 50 or
100 meters below the surface.
§ 31. If the shoaling of the lava ocean up
to the surface had taken place everywhere
at the same time, the whole surface of the
consistent solid would be the dead level of
the liquid lava all round, just before its
depth became zero. On this supposition
there seems no possibility that our present-
day continents could have risen to their
present heights, and that the surface of the
solid in its other parts could have sunk
down to their present ocean depths, during
the twenty or twenty-five million years
which may have passed since the con-
sistentior status began or during any time
however long. Rejecting the extremely
improbable hypothesis that the continents
were built up of meteoric matter tossed
from without, upon the already solidified
earth, we have no other possible alternative
than that they are due to heterogeneous-
ness in different parts of the liquid which
constituted the earth before its solidifica-
tion. The hydrostatic equilibrium of the
rotating liquid involved only homogeneous-
ness in respect to density over every level
surface (that is to say, surface perpen-
dicular to the resultant of gravity and cen-
trifugal force); it required no homogeneous-
ness in respect to chemical composition.
Considering the almost certain truth that
the earth was built up of meteorites falling
together, we may follow in imagination the
whole process of shrinking from gaseous
nebula to liquid larva and metals, and
solidification of liquid from central regions
outwards, without finding any thorough
mixing up of different ingredients, coming
together from different directions of space—
any mixing up so thorough as to produce
even approximately chemical homogene-
ousness throughout every layer of equal
density. Thus we have no difficulty in
understanding how even the gaseous
nebula, which at one time constituted the
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 229.
matter of our present earth, had in itself a
heterogeneousness from which followed by
dynamical necessity Europe, Asia, Africa,
America, Australia, Greenland and the
Antarctic Continent, and the Pacific, At-
lantic, Indian and Arctic Ocean depths, as
we know them at present.
§ 32. We may reasonably believe that a
very slight degree of chemical heterogene-
ousness could cause great differences in the
heaviness of the snow shower of granules
and crystals on different regions of the bot-
tom of the lava ocean when still 50 or 100
kilometers deep. Thus we can quite see
how it may have shoaled much more
rapidly in some places than in others. It
is also interesting to consider that the solid
granules, falling on the bottom, may have
been largely disturbed, blown as it were
into ridges (like rippled sand in the bed of
a flowing stream, or like dry sand blown
into sand-hills by wind) by the eastward
horizontal motion which liquid descending
in the equatorial regions must acquire,
relatively to the bottom, in virtue of the
earth’s rotation. It is, indeed, not im-
probable that this influence may have been
largely effective in producing the general
configuration of the great ridges of the
Andes and Rocky Mountains and of the
West Coasts of Europe and Africa. It
seems, however, certain that the main de-
termining cause of the continents and
ocean-depths was chemical differences, per-
haps very slight differences, of the material
in different parts of the great lava ocean
before consolidation.
§ 33. To fix our ideas let us now suppose
that over some great areas such as those
which have since become Asia, Europe,
Africa, Australia and America, the lava
ocean had silted up to its surface, while in
other parts there still were depths ranging
down to 40 kilometers at the deepest. In
a very short time, say about twelve years
according to our former estimate (§ 24), the
May 19, 1899.]
whole lava ocean becomes silted up to its
§ 34. We have not time enough at pres-
ent to think out all the complicated ac-
tions, hydrostatic and thermodynamic,
which must accompany, and follow after, -
the cooling of the lava ocean surrounding
our ideal primitive continent. By a hur-
ried view, however, of the affair we see
that in virtue of, let us say, 15 per cent.
shrinkage by freezing, the level of the
liquid must, at its greatest supposed depth,
sink six kilometers relatively to the con-
tinents, and thus the liquid must recede
from them, and their bounding coast-lines
must become enlarged. And just as water
runs out of a sandbank, drying when the
sea recedes from it on a falling tide, so
rivulets of the mother liquor must run out
from the edges of the continents into the
receding lava ocean. But, unlike sand-
banks of incoherent sand permeated by
water remaining liquid, our uncovered
banks of white-hot solid crystals, with in-
terstices full of the mother liquor, will,
within a few hours of being uncovered, be-
come crusted into hard rock by cooling at
the surface, and freezing of the liquor, at
a temperature somewhat lower than the
melting temperatures of any of the crystals
previously formed. The thickness of the
wholly solidified crust grows at first with
extreme, rapidity, so that in the course of
three or four days it may come to be as
much as ameter. At the end of a year it
may be as much as ten meters ; with a sur-
face, almost, or quite, cool enough for some
kinds of vegetation. In the course of the
first few weeks the régime of conduction of
heat outwards becomes such that the thick-
ness of the wholly solid crust, as long as
it remains undisturbed, increases as the
square root of the time; so that in 100
years it becomes 10 times, in 25 million
years 5,000 times, as thick as it was at the
end of one year; thus, from one year to 25
million years after the time of surface freez-
ing, the thickness of the wholly solid crust
might grow from 10 meters to 50 kilo-
meters. These definite numbers are given
merely as an illustration, but it is probable
that they are not enormously far from the
truth in respect to what has happened under
some of the least disturbed parts of the
earth’s surface.
§ 35. We have now reached the condition
described above in § 380, with only this dif-
ference, that instead of the upper surface of
the whole solidified crust being level we
have in virtue of the assumptions of S§ 33,
34, inequalities of 6 kilometers from highest
to lowest levels, or as much more than 6
kilometers as we please to assume it.
$36. There must still be a small, but im-
portant, proportion of mother liquor in the
interstices between the closely packed un-
cooled crystals below the wholly solidified
crust. This liquor, differing in chemical
constitution from the crystals, has its freez-
ing-point somewhat lower, perhaps very
largely lower, than the lowest of their
melting-points. But, when we consider the
mode of formation ($25) of the crystals,
from the mother liquor, we must regard it
as still always a solvent ready to dissolve,
and to redeposit, portions of the crystalline
matter, when slight variations of tempera-
ture or pressure tend to cause such actions.
Now as the specific gravity of the liquor is
less, by something like 15 per cent., than
the specific gravity of the solid crystals, it
must fend to find its way upwards, and will
actually do so, however slowly, until stopped
by the already solidified impermeable crust,
or until itself becomes solid on account of
loss of heat by conduction outwards. If
the upper crust were everywhere continuous
and perfectly rigid the mother liquor must,
inevitably, if sufficient time be given, find
its way to the highest places of the lower
boundary of the crust, and there form
gigantic pockets of liquid lava tending to
break the crust above it and burst up
through it.
§ 37. But in reality the upper crust can-
not have been infinitely strong ; and, judg-
ing alone from what we know of properties
of matter, we should expect gigantic cracks
to occur from time to time in the upper
crust tending to shrink as it cools and pre-
vented from lateral shrinkage by the non-
shrinking uncooled solid helow it. When
any such crack extends downwards as far
as a pocket of mother liquor underlying the
wholly solidified crust, we should have an
outburst of trap rock or of voleanic lava
just such as have been discovered by geolo-
gists in great abundance in many parts of
the world. We might even have compara-
tively small portions of high plateaus of the
primitive solid earth raised still higher by
outbursts of the mother liquor squeezed out
from below them in virtue of the pressure
of large surrounding portions of the super-
incumbent crust. In any such action, due
to purely gravitational energy, the center of
gravity of all the material concerned must
sink, although portions of the matter may
be raised to greater heights; but we must
leave these large questions of geological dy-
namics, having been only brought to think
of them at all just now by our consideration
of the earth antecedent to life upon it.
§ 38. The temperature to which the
earth’s surface cooled within a few years
after the solidification reached it must have
been, as itis now, such that the temperature
at which heat radiated into space during the
night exceeds that received from the sun
during the day by the small difference dne
to heat conducted outwards from within. *
One year after the freezing of the granitic
* Suppose, for example, the cooling and thickening
of the upper crust has preceeded so far that at the
surface, and, therefore, approximately for a few deci-
metres below the surface, the rate of augmentation of
temperature downwards is one degree per centimeter.
Taking as a rough average -005 ¢. g. s. as the thermal
conductivity of the surface rock, we should have for
(N.S. Von. 1X. No. 229.
interstitial mother liquor at the earth’s sur-
face in any locality the average tempera-
ture at the surface might be warmer, by 60°
or 80° Cent., than if the whole interior had
the same average temperature as the sur-
face. To fix our ideas, let us suppose at
the end of one year the surface to be 80°
warmer than it would be with no under-
ground heat; then at the end of 100 years
it would be 8° warmer, and at the end of
10,000 years it would be -8 of a degree
warmer, and at the end of 25 million years
it would be -016 of a degree warmer, than
if there were no underground heat.
§ 39. When the surface of the earth was
still white-hot liquid all round, at a tem-
perature fallen to about 1200° Cent., there
must have been hot gases and vapor of
water above it in all parts, and possibly
vapors of some of the more volatile of the
present known terrestrial solids and liquids,
such as zine, mercury, sulphur, phosphorus.
The very rapid cooling which followed in-
stantly on the solidification at the surface
the heat conducted outwards -005 of a gramme water
thermal unit Centigrade per sq. cm. per sec. (Kelvin
Math. and Phys. Papers, Vol. III., p. 226). Hence,
if (ibid. p. 223) we take ;;55 as the radiational em-
issivity of rock and atmosphere of gases and watery
vapor above it radiating heat into the surrounding
vacuous space (ether), we find 8000 > -005 or 40 de-
grees Cent. as the excess of the mean surface tempera-
ture above what it would be if no heat were conduc-
ted from within"outwards. The present augmentation
of temperature downwards may be taken as 1 degree
Cent. per 27 meters as a rough average derived from
observations in all parts of the earth where under-
ground temperature has been observed. (See British
Association Reports from 1868 to 1895. The very
valuable work of this Committee has been carried on
for these twenty-seven years, with great skill, perse-
verance and success, by Professor Everett, and he
promises a continuation of his reports from time to
time.) This, with the same data for conductivity and
radiational emissivity asin the preceding calculation,
makes 40°/2700 or 0.0148° Cent. per centimeter as the
amount by which the average temperature of the
earth’s surface is at present kept up by underground
May 19, 1899.]
must have caused a rapid downpour of all
the vapors other than water, if any there
were; and, a little later, rain of water out
of the air, as the temperature of the surface
cooled from red heat tosuch moderate tem-
peratures as 40° and 20° and 10° Cent.
above the average due to sun heat and radi-
ation into the ether around the earth.
What that primitive atmosphere was, and
how much rain of water fell on the earth in
the course of the first century after consoli-
dation, we cannot tell for certain ; but Natu-
ral History and Natural Philosophy give us
some foundation for endeavors to discover
much towards answering the great ques-
tions: Whence came our present atmos-
phere of nitrogen, oxygen and carbonic
acid? Whence came our present oceans
and lakes of salt and fresh water? How
near an approximation to present conditions
was realized in the first hundred centuries
after consolidation of the surface.
§ 40. We may consider it as quite certain
that nitrogen gas, carbonic acid gas and
steam, escaped abundantly in bubbles from
the mother liquor of granite, before the
primitive consolidation of the surface, and
from the mother liquor squeezed up from
below in subsequent eruptions of basaltic
rock, cause all, or nearly all, specimens
of granite and basaltic rock which have
been tested by chemists in respect to
this question,* have been found to con-
tain, condensed in minute cavities within
them, large quantities of nitrogen, car-
bonic acid and water. It seems that in
no specimen of granite or basalt tested has
chemically free oxygen been discovered,
while in many, chemically free hydrogen
has been found, and either native iron or
magnetic oxide of iron in those which do
contain hydrogen. From this it might
seem probable that there was no free oxy-
* See, for example, Tilden, Proc. R. 8. February
4, 1897: ‘On the Gases Enclosed in Crystalline
Rocks and Minerals.’
gen in the primitive atmosphere, and that
if there was free hydrogen it was due to
the decomposition of steam by iron or mag-
netic oxide of iron. Going back to still
earlier conditions we might judge that,
probably, among the dissolved gases of the
hot nebula which became the earth, the
oxygen all fell into combination with hy-
drogen and other metallic vapors in the cool-
ing of the neubla, and that, although it is:
known to be the most abundant material
of all the chemical elements constituting the
earth, none of it was left out of combination
with other elements to give free oxygen in
our primitive atmosphere.
§ 41. It is, however, possible, although
it might seem not probable, that there was
free oxygen in the primitive atmosphere.
With or without free oxygen, however, but
with sunlight, we may regard the earth as
fitted for vegetable life as now known in
some species, wherever water moistened
the newly solidified rocky crust cooled down
below the temperature of 80° or 70° of our
present Centigrade thermometric scale a
year or two after solidification of the primi-
tive lava had come up to the surface. The
thick, tough, velvety coating of living vege-
table matter, covering the rocky slopes
under hot water flowing direct out of the
earth at Banff (Canada),* lives without
help from any-ingredients of the atmosphere
above it, and takes from the water and
from carbonic acid or carbonates, dissolved
in it, the hydrogen and carbon needed for
its own growth by the dynamical power of
sunlight ; thus leaving free oxygen in the
water to pass ultimately into theair. Simi-
lar vegetation is found abundantly on the
terraces of the Mammoth hot springs and on
the beds of the hot-water streams flowing
from the Geysers in the Yellowstone Na-
tional Park of the United States. This vege-
tation, consisting of confervee, all grows
* Rocky Mountains Park of Canada, on the Cana-
dian Pacific Railway.
under flowing water at various tempera-
tures, some said to be as high as 74° Cent.
We cannot doubt but that some such con-
fervee, if sown or planted in a rivulet or
pool of warm water in the early years of
the first century of the solid earth’s history,
and, if favored with sunlight, would have
lived, and grown, and multiplied, and would
have made a beginning of oxygen in the air,
if there had been none of it before their
contributions. Before the end of the cen-
tury, if sun-heat, and sunlight, and rain-
fall were suitable, the whole earth not under
water must have been fitted for all kinds of
land plants which do not require much or
any oxygen in the air, and which can find,
or make, place and soil for their roots on
the rocks on which they grow; and the
lakes or oceans formed by that time must
have been quite fitted for the life of many
or all of the species of water plants living
on the earth at the present time. The
moderate warming, both of land and water,
by underground heat, towards the end of
century, would probably be favorable rather
than adverse to vegetation, and there
can be no doubt but that if abundance of
seeds of all species of the present day had
been scattered over the earth at that time
an important proportion of them would have
lived and multiplied by natural selection
of the places where they could best thrive.
$42. But if there was no free oxygen in
in the primitive atmosphere or primitive
water several thousands, possibly hundreds
of thousands, of years must pass before
oxygen enough for supporting animal life,
as we now know it, was produced. Even
if the average activity of vegetable growth
on land and in water over the whole earth
was, in those early times, as great in re-
spect to evolution of oxygen as that of a
Hessian forest, as estimated by Liebig* 50
* Liebig, ‘Chemistry in its application to Agricul-
ture and Physiology.’ English, 2d ed., edited by
Playfair, 1842.
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 229.
years ago, or of a cultivated English hay-
field of the present day, a very improbable
supposition, and if there were no decay
(eremacausis, or gradual recombination with
oxygen) of the plants or of portions, such
as leaves falling from plants, the rate of
evolution of oxygen, reckoned as three
times the weight of the wood or the dry
hay produced, would be only about 6 tons
per English acre per annum or 1} tons per
square meter per thousand years. At this
rate it would take only 1533 years, and,
therefore, in reality a much longer time
would almost certainly be required, to pro-
duce the 2.3 tons of oxygen which we have
at present resting on every square meter of
the earth’s surface, land and sea.* But
probably quite a moderate number of hun-
dred thousand years may have sufficed. It
is interesting, at all events, to remark that,
at any time, the total amount of combus-
tible material on the earth, in the form of
living plants or their remains left dead,
must have been just so much that to burn
it all would take either the whole oxygen
of the atmosphere or ‘the excess of oxygen
in the atmosphere at the time above that,
if any, which there was in the beginning.
This we can safely say, because we almost
certainly neglect nothing considerable in
comparison with what we assert when we
say that the free oxygen of the earth’s at-
mosphere is augmented only by vegetation
liberating it from carbonic acid and water,
in virtue of the power of sunlight, and is
diminished only by virtual burning} of the
* In our present atmosphere, in average conditions
of barometer and thermometer, we have, resting on
each square meter of the earth’s surface, ten tons
total weight, of which 7.7 is nitrogen and 2.3 is
{ This ‘virtual burning’ includes eremacausis of
decay of vegetable matter, if there is any eremacausis
of decay without the intervention of microbes or
other animals. It also includes the combination of a
portion of the food with inhaled oxygen in the regu-
lar animal economy of provision for heat and power.
May 19, 1899. |
vegetable matter thus produced. But it
seems improbable that the average of the
whole earth—dry land and sea bottom—
contains at present coal, or wood, or oil, or
fuel of any kind, originating in vegetation,
to so great an amount as .767 of a ton per
square meter of surface; which is the
amount, at the rate of one ton of fuel to
three tons of oxygen, that would be re-
quired to produce the 2.3 tons of oxygen
per square meter of surface which our
present atmosphere contains. Hence it
seems probable that the earth’s primitive
atmosphere must have contained free oxy-
§ 43. Whatever may have been the true
history of our atmosphere it seems certain
that if sunlight was ready the earth was
ready, both for vegetable and animal life,
if not within a century, at all events within
afew hundred centuries, after the rocky
consolidation of its surface. But was the
sun ready? The well-founded dynamical
theory of the sun’s heat carefully worked
out and discussed by Helmholtz, Newcomb
and myself,* says NO if the consolidation
of the earth took place as long as 50 million
years; the solid earth must in that case
have waited 20 or 50 million years for the
sun to be anything nearly as warm as he is
at present. If the consolidation of the
earth was finished 20 or 25 million years
ago the sun was probably ready, though
probably not then quite so warm as at
present, yet warm enough to support some
kind of vegetable and animal life on the
$44. My task has been rigorously con-
fined to what, humanly speaking, we may
call the fortuitous concourse of atoms, in
the preparation of the earth as an abode
fitted for life, except in so far as I have re-
ferred to vegetation, as possibly having
been concerned in the preparation of an
*See ‘Popular Lectures and Addresses,’ Vol. I.,
pp. 376-429, particularly page 397.
atmosphere suitable for animal life as we
now have it. Mathematics and dynamics
fail us when we contemplate the earth,
fitted for life but lifeless, and try to imagine
the commencement of life upon it. This
certainly did not take place by any action
of chemistry, or electricity, or crystalline
grouping of molecules under the influence
of force, or by any possible kind of fortui-
tous concourse of atoms. We must pause,
face to face with the mystery and miracle of
the creation of living creatures.
Since this lecture was delivered I have
received from Professor Roberts-Austen
the following results of experiments on the
melting-points of rocks which he has kindly
made at my request:
Melting-point. Error.
Felspar:...s.....0s 1520° C. +30°
Hornblende...... about 1400°
Mii cainecceecbecees 1440° ==302
Quantzreceseceense 1775° =15°
Basaltaccmertscste about 880°
These results are in conformity with what
I have said in §§ 26-28 on the probable
origin of granite and basalt, as they show
that basalt melts at a much lower tempera-
ture than felspar, hornblende, mica or
quartz, the crystalline ingredients of granite.
In the electrolytic process for producing
aluminium, now practiced by the British
Aluminium Company at their Foyers works,
alumina, of which the melting-point is cer-
tainly above 1700° C. or 1800° C., is dis-
solved in a bath of melted cryolite at,a tem-
perature of about 800° C. So we may
imagine melted basalt to be a solvent for
felspar, hornblende, mica and quartz at
temperatures much below their own sepa-
rate melting-points ; and we can understand
how the basaltic rocks of the earth may have
resulted from the solidification of the mother
liquor from which the crystalline ingre-
dients of granite have been deposited.
THE purpose of this article is to givea
preliminary report of some experiments on
mental fatigue made by the writer. It is
expected that they will later be presented
in detail, and accordingly only the method
and theoretical conclusions will be now
Mental fatigue may mean either the fact
of incompetency to do certain mental work
_ or a feeling of incompetency which parallels
the fact or the feeling or feelings denoted
by our common expressions ‘ mentally tired,’
‘mentally exhausted.’ Among the conclu-
sions to which the experiments have led are
the following: first, that the fact of incom-
petency is not what it has been supposed to
be; second, that there is no pure feeling of
incompetency which parallels it and is its
sign, that consequently the mental states
ordinarily designated by the phrases men-
tioned are not states made up of such a
feeling of incompetency, but are very
complex affairs; and third, that these mental
states are in no sense parallels or measures
of the decrease in ability to do mental
We have been accustomed to think of
mental work in terms of mechanics. The
mind has been supposed to lose its power to
work as a rubber ball loses its power to
bound. As the ball rebounds to a lesser
and lesser heightso the mind has been sup-
posed to think with less and less vigor. We
have talked as if sleep charged the mind
with mental energy as a current might
charge a storage-battery with electricity and
that then the mind had this stock to spend.
As it spent it, it could exert less and less
energy in its thinking. One could easily
show the impropriety of such views by
demonstrating the inconceivability that the
complexity of mental action should fit so
simple a scheme, but it is also useful to
show the same thing by proof that in the
case of certain people the mind does not lose
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 229.
its power to do work from having done
large amounts of it. My experiments show
in certain individuals no decrease in
amount, speed or accuracy of work in the
evenings of days of hard mental work over
mornings or in periods immediately follow-
ing prolonged mental work over periods pre-
ceding it.
So far as these and many other experi-
ments go they all agree in denying that
the cause for a decreased amount of mental
work is such a simple lessening of some one
factor, mental energy or whatever one cares
to call it. They would affirm, on the con-
trary, that we did less work when tired;
not because this stock of mental energy was
running low, but because ideas of stopping,
of ‘taking it easy,’ of working intermit-
tently came in and were not inhibited ; be-
cause feelings of boredom led to their con-
sequences of leaning back in one’s chair,
looking at the clock, etc.; because a certain
feeling of physical strain weakened one’s.
impulse to read, write or translate ; because
sleepiness clouded our mental vision ; be-
cause headaches or eye-aches tended natu-
rally to inhibit the processes which caused
them, etc., etc.
As to the pure feeling of incompetency I
fail utterly to find it in myself or to get any
intelligible account of it from others. After
one separates out from the feelings of men-
tal fatigue the factors just mentioned, espe-
cially the feelings of physical pain and
strain, the feelings of mental nausea at cer-
tain ideas, and the feeling of sleepiness, I
do not think that he will find anything left
that is worth naming.
That the feelings of fatigue which we do
have are not proportionate concomitants
with the decreasing ability to do mental
work is shown by the fact that all the per-
sons in our experiments reported a large
measure of such feelings in cases where their
mental work was quite up to the average.
In general a comparison of the introspective
May 19, 1899.]
records of feelings with the actual mental
ability displayed shows that the former are
not a parallel or measure of the latter.
The quantitative results obtained would
seem to show that the degree of real inabil-
ity caused by mental work was very much
less than has been supposed ; that in ordi-
nary life nature warus us by the complex
feelings mentioned not to work mentally
some time before we are really incapacitated
for work. They would also suggest that
the results which those investigators who
have sought to measure mental fatigue
in school children have obtained were due
to the use of methods which did not meas-
ure the inability, but the distaste for mental
work, of the children. One is tempted to
put forth the paradox that real mental in-
competency is the rarest of all reasons for
stopping or decreasing mental effort.
The methods used to estimate the ability
to do mental work are to some extent new
and so worth mention. The chief was the
mental multiplication of three figures by
three (e. g., 794x683); of two figures by
three, and in some cases four by four. This
work, at least for the subjects of these ex-
periments, required the utmost concentra-
tion. It is very fatiguing (in the ordinary
sense of the word). Any interruption or
distracting influence is felt at once and
makes successful work impossible. So one
would suppose that it ought to show the
influence of decreasing power to do mental
work as clearly as could anything. The
amount of work and the mistakes can be
easily and accurately recorded.
Another method involved the addition of
columns of twenty numbers, each of five
figures. This does not require close con-
centration, but the work done should show
perfectly the fact of mental fatigue in so far
as that involves the accuracy and speed of
associations between ideas. The speed and
accuracy of discrimination of the lengths of
lines and of the perception of letters were
,such criticism.
also used. The tests were arranged so as
to eliminate the effects of practice.
The Development of English Thought: A Study in
the Economic Interpretation of History. By
Simon N. PATren, PuH.D., Professor of Polit-
ical Economy, Wharton School of Finance
and Economy, University of Pennsylvania.
New York, The Macmillan Co. 1899. Pp.
xxvii + 415.
‘““We don’t know him; let’s heave half a
brick at him.’’ The process is simple, obvious
and, to the heavers, effective. There are only
too many grounds for the fear that Professor
Patten’s new work will be treated as a vile
body for this old experiment. Everyone knows
how easy it is to discredit generalization by
advancing negative instances; how sweet to
cavil at principles by alleging that facts have
been twisted to fit; how seductive to empha-
size the specialist’s standpoint and to magnify
its abounding limitations. I do not exaggerate
in saying that it is long since I have encoun-
tered a book which lies so open, so invitingly
open, to these insidious attacks; or, on the
contrary, one which proves so conclusively the
unfairness, superficiality, even stupidity, of
For Professor Patten sets
theory in the forefront of his discussion, and the
body of his work sees the persistent application
of this theory. Nevertheless, he whoruns may
read that, in the author’s mind, the theory
came last, being the inference from his detailed
investigations, the final form in which the mul-
titudinous facts shaped themselvyes—ceased to
be mere isolated phenomena and became ration-
ally one.
Professor Patten’s theory reposes on a quasi-
psychological basis. Sensory ideas, or ideas
brought by the senses from the environment,
constitute the material of knowledge; and
‘sensory knowledge is merely the amplification
and classification of the differences perceived by
the senses.’’ (2) Such processes produce series
of mental images ; these, in turn, occasion rela-
tive motor reactions. Consequently a ‘‘ man’s
activities are determined by that part of his
ideas for which motor reactions haye been pro-
vided.’’ (3) These complicated results are, of
course, affected profoundly by differences of en-
vironment. In ‘local’ environments motor re-
actions predominate, in ‘ general’ environments
sensory ideas. Thus, ‘stratification of society ’
does not take place in obedience to such ‘super-
ficial’ causes as wealth and social position, but
must be referred to ‘ psychic’ characteristics.
‘‘ A yace ideal differs from its elements or from
an abstract concept by having a motor reaction
united with it (173). * * * Before the time
of Locke there were three types of Englishmen
—the Puritan, the clinger and the sensualist.
Locke’s analysis had split the Puritan party
into two parts. One section was transformed
into stalwarts, who placed race ideals above
reason and sense impressions, and the other
into mugwumps, who made the _ opposite
choice’’ (185). Viewed in this light, English
society has consisted of four great classes—
‘Clingers, Sensualists, Stalwarts, Mugwumps’
(23-32). ‘Clingers’ spring from ‘local’ en-
vironments; ‘Sensualists’ appear when” en-
vironments become richer in objects; they break
down local traditions and stand forth as con-
querors. When society becomes sufficiently
differentiated, ‘Stalwarts’ are evolved—men
who love creeds and react from sensualism to
asceticism. Finally, increased wealth produces
‘Mugwumps,’ who evince a highly developed
sensory side, and so are strong in thought, but
weak in action. ‘‘ Its members are cosmopol-
itan in their sympathies ; advocates of compro-
mise and policy in politics ; sceptical in thought,
and agnostic in belief. They dislike ideals,
creeds and utopias, and are ever ready to ex-
pose shams and cant in which other people dis-
guise their sentiments’’ (81). The history of
English thought is the history of the appear-
ance, interaction and transformation of those
classes. ‘‘ The sensualist is the original unmodi-
fied Englishman, who retains the dross of prim-
itive times. The clinger is the result of
qualities grafted on English nature by the
supremacy of the Church. The stalwart is the
concrete Puritan. The conflict was a three-
cornered fight in which either the sensualist or
the Puritan was the aggressor, while the clin-
[N.S: Vou.) LX. No. 229.
ger joined in with the defensive party (139).
Tan a The three-cornered fight had to go on
until some solution could be found other than
those these parties could offer. A new type of
man was demanded, a type endowed with men-
tal qualities different from those Englishmen
then possessed ’’ (141-2). If the matter be
treated in this way one is freed from foreign
methods of interpretation and gets to know
English character as it actually was and is, in
its own peculiar nature (cf. 43). It ought to
be said that our author himself recognizes the
limitations of this standpoint and not merely on
his title-page. ‘‘ Economic conditions create
the primary motor reactions, put them to new
uses and give them a form quite different from
that they have at the outset. * * * Thecon-
sequence is that a motor reaction, after losing
its primal economic importance, responds to
abstract instead of concrete phenomena ’’ (50—
1). Further, it ought to be added that the
most interesting, and, as I believe, the most
effective part of the work is the second half,
where this limitation does not press so heavily.
The execution of this portion, which deals with
English thought as ruled by the ‘Mugwump,’
is a most important contribution to the subject,
one that all English philosophers, especially
those who see no good thing outside of Ger-
many, would do very well to mark, learn and
inwardly digest. ‘‘If we view English thought
from this standpoint there are three clearly de-
fined epochs. In the first Hobbes states the
problem without solvingit ; Locke is the econo-
mist on the upward curve; Newton is the
thinker on the downward curve. In the
second Mandeville states the problem ; Hume is
changed from an economist into a philosopher,
and Adam Smith from a philosopher into an
economist. The third epoch, beginning with
Malthus, ends when Mill is transformed into a
philosopher and Darwin into a biologist’? (55).
Taking the book as a whole, no one can fail
to be impressed with its freshness, originality
and great brilliance in some places. While the
style is plain and straightforward for the most
part, incisive sayings—almost epigrammatic on
occasions—attract attention or serve to stimu-
late rapid thought. Indeed, sometimes Pro-
fessor Patten contrives to cast a flood of light
May 19, 1899.]
over an entire period by their use. I had
marked a large number of penetrating purviews
_and new reflections for quotation, but limits
of space forbid more than briefest reference to
avery few. The theory of curves of thought
(43) ; the value of monastic influences (71); the
contrasts between communal and family life
(81, 192, ete.) ; the relation of Catholicism and
Protestantism to vice and crime (94); the mis_
fortunes of the Reformation (104); the sudden-
ness of English civilization (126) ; Locke’s office
(162) ; the meaning of Deism (175) ; the contrast
between England and France (187, 281); the
presentations of Wesley and Whitefield (250) ;
the ‘ origins’ of Adam Smith (264) ; the criticism
of current sociology (333); Romanticism and
religion (353)—all serve to illustrate the origi-
nality and one might almost say weird sugges-
tiveness of Professor Patten’s inferences, and
other instances might be adduced indefinitely,
On the other hand, a few things give one
pause. To begin with, Professor Patten will
perhaps not take it amiss if a Scot informs him
that Scottish thought is not a variant of English,
Hume and Adam Smith and the Mills would
not have been what they were had their’ na.
tionality lain south of the Tweed. At the same
time, I am well aware how difficult it is for the
foreigner to understand that the Cheviots di-
vide, if not two civilizations, then two ways of
thinking. The doctrine of the ‘manly man,’
the ‘womanly man,’ and so forth (255, 318, 341,
etc.), seems a little far-fetched to be made so
much of; perhaps it applies in the case of John
Stuart Mill. The bath theory (192) of English
civilization; the treatment of Calvinism (110,
etc.); the contrast between Cavalier and Puritan
(119); the gulf between the upper and lower
classes in England (1380); the emphasis upon
clothing (191); the passage from a liquor to a
sugar diet (881)—all seem to me to be some-
what fanciful or, at least, to be used in support
of conclusions which do not necessarily connect
with them. Many of the ‘Concluding Re-
marks’ are vitiated by the author’s foreign
standpoint. For example, the identification of
religion and economics, while strikingly true
of the United States, is incomparably less true
of England, and must remain so till the Anglican
Church loses its endowments. I ought to add
that some of these objections would probably
appear less forcible to one fully informed on
economic questions.
Finally, the appreciations of English philo-
sophical thought are wholly admirable. The
value of the new lights cast on Locke (158),
Mandeville, Hume (215, 223), the Mills, espe-
cially the son (3831), Darwin (3845), and the
present position of English philosophy (377) and
religion (398), cannot be overestimated at the
contemporary juncture. Emphasis ought to be
laid on the masterly discussions of Ricardo and
Adam Smith ; the interpretation of the former
is most illuminating.
So far as Iam capable of judging, the book
is obviously the work of a very able man and
one unusually well informed; of a man who
has extraordinary capacity for seeing and tell-
ing truths pointedly, even though he may
miss the whole truth time and again. In any
case, it must be reckoned with and cannot miss
the exercise of wide influence, whether this be
of a negative or positive character.
Peruvian Meteorology, 1888-1890. Compiled
and prepared for publication by SoLon I.
BAILEY, under the direction of EDwaArp C.
PICKERING. Annals of the Astronomical Ob-
servatory of Harvard College, Vol. XXXIX.,
Part I. 4to. Cambridge, Published by the
Observatory. 1899. Pp. 153. Pls. VI.
It is safe to say that no publication has been
awaited with greater interest among meteorolo-
gists than the volume now before us. Ever since
the establishment of the permanent Southern
Station of the Harvard College Observatory at
Arequipa, in 1891, and of the auxiliary meteor-
logical stations in connection with it, every
meteorologist the world over has been anxious
to have access to the data which have been
gathered concerning the climatic conditions of
that unique region. The notable discoveries
made on the photographic plates from Arequipa
have turned the attention of every astronomer
towards Peru. Now the meteorological world
likewise turns towards Peru in the study of the
records which are for the first time accessible.
Readers of SciENCE will remember that the
astronomical and meteorological work of the
Observatory of Harvard College in Peru is the
result of a bequest left to the Observatory in the
will of Mr. Uriah A. Boyden, in 1887. Under
the terms of the will this money was to aid in
the establishment of an observatory ‘‘ at such
an elevation as to be free, so far as practicable,
from the impediments to accurate observation
which occur in observatories now existing,
owing to atmospheric influences.’? It was in
connection with the study of the atmospheric
conditions of the desert strip of the west coast of
South America, with a view to determining the
best possible site for the new observatory, that
the early meteorological observations in Peru
were undertaken. The stations selected for the
taking of these preliminary observations were
Mollendo, Arequipa, Vincocaya, Puno and
Chosica. The first four stations are between
latitude S. 15° 40’ and S. 17° 5’, on the
Ferrocarril del Sur del Peru, which runs from
Mollendo, onthe sea coast, northeast to Puno,
on Lake Titicaca, a distance of 325 miles (by
rail). Mollendo is immediately on the coast (alti-
tude 80 feet). Arequipa is at a distance of 80
miles ina direct line from the Pacific Ocean, at an
altitude of 7,550 feet. Vincocaya is 14,360 feet
above sea level, on a desolate plateau, near the
crest of the Western Cordillera. Puno (12,540
feet) is on the western shore of Lake Titicaca.
The station at Chosica was situated about 25
miles northeast of Lima (altitude 6,600 feet).
A few observations, chiefly of cloudiness, were
made at the Pampa Central, near the central
western part of the Desert of Atacama, in
Chile. ;
These early observations were made during
the years 1888-1890, with more or less com-
pleteness. They are, however, preliminary,
They were almost all made by observers who
had had little or no experience and who re-
ceived no compensation for their services. The
instrumental equipment in use at the different
stations varied considerably ; the hours of ob-
servation were not always the same ; the loca-
tion of the instruments was sometimes changed.
In short, the work as a whole was done in an
unsystematic and incomplete and often in a very
inaccurate way. This was, of course, abso-
lutely unavoidable. It was impossible to secure
(N.S. Vou. 1X. No. 229.
trained observers, to inspect the stations, or to
test the instruments. The observations were,
therefore, liable to be considerably in error.
Thus, in connection with the minimum ther-
mometer readings at Chosica the statement is
made in a note that it is probable that the
lower end of the index in the minimum ther-
mometer was read, instead of the upper end.
And in the wind observations at Arequipa and
Vincocaya it is noted that ‘‘ the direction of the
wind was always given, even if the remark
appended was ‘calm’ or ‘dead calm.’ Ap-
parently the position of the wind-vane was re-
corded, whether at the time wind was observed
or not.’? These two cases will serve to indicate
the sort of errors which inevitably appear in
these records. We do not intend to criticise
adversely the publication of these early Peru-
vian observations, but merely to point out their
necessary inaccuracies. Professor Pickering says
very clearly in the preface: ‘‘ These observations
must not be regarded as indicating the accuracy
of those made later. * * * It must be remem-
bered that it was not possible under the condi-
tions then existing to obtain observations of
the accuracy of those made by professional ob-
servers at permanent and easily accessible ob-
servatories.’’? And again, on page 68, Professor
Bailey says: ‘‘ The results are perhaps as reliable
as are possible in such outlying stations, where
experienced observers cannot be obtained and
frequent supervision is impossible.’’
The published observations comprise tweuty-
nine tables. The data are by no means equally
complete for all stations. At Mollendo, Are-
quipa and Vincocaya the instruments in use
were the maximum, minimum and ordinary
thermometers, thermograph and rain-gauge.
At Arequipa a solar radiation and a wet-bulb-
thermometer were also used. At Puno the ob-
servations were continued but a short time,
and there was no thermograph. At the Cho-
sica station, in addition to the above-named in-
struments, there were a barograph, sunshine and
pole-star recorder. At Pampa Central cloud
observations only were made, four times daily.
There are several tables showing the hourly
means of the barograph and thermograph, and
a comparison of thermometer and thermograph
hourly and monthly means. Curves are also
May 19, 1899.]
given showing the diurnal variation of temper-
ature at Mollendo, Arequipa, Vincocaya and
the Chosica station ; the diurnal variation of
pressure for the Chosica station, and the annual
range of the afternoon oscillation of pressure at
the Chosica station. Beyond some general re-
marks in explanation of the tables, there is no
discussion of the observations.
Besides the meteorological portion proper,
this volume containsa very attractive account,
by Professor Bailey, with some excellent illus-
trations, of the voleano El Misti (19,200 feet),
and of the establishment of the now famous
Misti meteorological station on its summit.
There is also a carefully compiled account of
The Configuration and Heights of the Andes,
which will be of distinct value to geographers.
We presume that Professor Pickering may
receive some rather severe criticism in certain
quarters for the publication of meteorological
data which are so incomplete and which, doubt-
less, have very many inaccuracies. But we
agree with him in believing that, considering
the interest of the region in which these obser-
vations were made, and the lack of information
concerning its meteorology, such results deserve
publication, provided careful statement is made
in regard to the circumstances under which the
data were collected. Professor Pickering and
Professor Bailey have both made these condi-
tions perfectly clear, and we believe that the
results, when viewed in the light of these
statements, will prove not only of great interest,
but also of great value.
The Elements of Physical Chemistry. By J. Liv-
INGSTON R. MorGAn, PH.D., of the Depart-
ment of Physical Chemistry, Columbia Uni-
versity. First edition, first thousand. New
York, John Wiley & Sons; London, Chap-
man & Hall, Limited. 1899. Pp. 299.
This little book deals with the gaseous state,
the liquid state, the solid state, solution, the
role of the ions in analytical chemistry, thermo-
chemistry, chemical change, including equilib-
rium and chemical kinetics, phases and electro-
The aim of the author is to present the
elements of physical chemistry in brief form to
those who do not have the time or opportunity
to go more extensively into the subject. An
examination of the work will bring out much
that is of interest and importance, and a care-
ful study of it will help a beginner to obtain
an insight into the subject. But the objec-
tion might be raised to the work as a whole
that it seems to deal rather with conclusions
and generalizations than with the evidence
upon which such are based. Further, there are
many omissions which it is difficult to account
for. Thus, under liquids no mention is made
of Kopp’s work on atomic volumes; of the work
of Pulfrich, Landolt, Gladstone, Brithl and
others, on the refractivity of liquids; of the rota-
tion of the plane of polarized light and the Le
Bel-Van’t Hoff hypothesis; of the work of Per-
kins, and of Rodger and Watson on magnetic
rotation; of Thorpe and Rodger on viscosity; of
Ramsay and Shields on the surface-tension of
liquids as applied to the determination of molec-
ular weights. It would seem that such impor-
_ tant work as the above ought to be referred to
briefly even in an elementary treatise designed
to cover the whole field of physical chemistry.
An examination of the book will show, further
that much of the more recent experimental
work has not been taken into account, indica-
ting that text-books which have been published
several years, rather than the original literature,
have been drawn upon as the source of material.
As in most text-books, so here, an occasional
statement is not quite accurate. But what book
is perfectly logical, thoroughly comprehensive
and rigidly exact throughout ?
Harry C. JONES.
The Anatomy of the Central Nervous System of Man and
of Vertebrates in General. LUDWIG EDINGER. Trans-
lated from the fifth German edition by WINFIELD
S. HALL, assisted by P. L. HoLLAND and E. P.
CARLTON. Philadelphia, F. A. Davis Company.
1899. Pp. xi-+ 446.
Marriages of the Deaf in America. EDWARD ALLEN
Fay. Washington, Gibson Bros. 1898. Pp.
vii + 527.
A Century of Vaccination. W. Scorr Tress, Lon-
don, Swan, Sonnenschein & Co. 1899. Second
Edition. Pp. 452.
Essai critique sur Vhypothése des atomes dans la science
contemporaine. ARTHUR HANNEQUIN. Paris, Al-
can. 1899. Second Edition. Pp. 457.
Social Phases of Education in the School and the Home.
SamuEL T. Durron. New York and London,
The Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. viii 259.
The Fur Seals and Fur Seal Islands of the North Pacific
Ocean. DAVID STARR JORDAN. Washington,
Government Printing Office. 1898. Pp. 606 and
13 Plates.
American Chemical Journal, May. The Action
of Metals on Nitric Acid: By P. C. Freer and
G. O. Higsley. The reduction of strong acid is
due to the metals alone, but with dilute acid both
metal and hydrogen take part in the reduction.
On the Dissociation of Phosphorus Pentabro-
mide in Solution in Organic Solvents: By J. H.
Kastle and W. A. Beatty. On the Color of
Compounds of Bromine and of Iodine: By J.
H. Kastle. The explanation offered is that the
color is due to a slight dissociation of the solid
substance. On the Formation of Potassiums
B- ferricyanide through the action of Acids on the
Normal Ferricyanide: By J. Locke and G. H.
Edwards. <A very small amount of acid is suf-
ficient to produce this change without the
presence. of any oxidizing agent. Trinitro-
phenylmalonic Ester: By C. L. Jackson and
J. I. Phinney. The Relation of Trivalent to
Pentavalent Nitrogen: By A. Lachman. The
authors report the results so far obtained in an
attempt to establish the trivalent or pentavalent
condition of nitrogen, in various compounds, by
the action with zine ethyl.
BIOLOGY, MARCH 14, 1899.
OBSERVATIONS on the Germ Layers of Teleost
Fishes: F. B. Sumner.
Mr. Sumner showed that Teleost eggs can be
divided into two types according to their ap-
proach to the holoblastic form of cleavage ; that
germ dise and yolk cannot strictly be contrasted
as epiblast and hypoblast respectively ; that
the germ-ring arises either by involution or
delamination or both; that the ‘ prostoma’ of
[N. 8S. Vou. IX. No. 229.
Kupffer is a reality. Kupffer’s contention that
the prostoma represents the entire blastopore is,
however, wrong. Mr. Sumner showed also that
the hypoblast in the stone-catfish is derived
partly from the posterior lip of the prostoma
and partly from the germ-ring ; perhaps wholly
from the prostoma in the trout; that the
function of Kupffer’s vesicle, which arises as a
cleft between the prostomal entoderm and the
involuted margin of the blastoderm, is probably
the absorption of fluid nutriment elaborated
from the yolk by the periblast.
Further Notes on the Echinoderms of Ber-
muda: H. L. Clark. Presented by Professor
C. L. Bristol.
Dr. Clark’s paper sums up the work on the
Echinoderms collected by the New York Uni-
versity Expedition in the summers of ’97 and
798, and presents a check list of the Echinoderms
thus far reported from Bermuda. The collection
of 1898 was especially rich in holothurians, con-
taining many species hitherto collected, adding
several others to the list from Bermuda, and one
new to science. From his work on Stichopus
Dr. Clark suggests that the different forms
found in Bermuda may be mature and imma-
ture individuals of S. mébii (Semp.). Synapta
vivipara was found under conditions widely dif-
ferent from those in Jamaica, The new Synapta
is allied to S. inhewrens, and Dr. Clark has
named it S. acanthia.
The Echinoderms from Bermuda are distrib-
uted as follows: Asteroidea, 4; Ophiuroidea,
7; Echinoidea, 8 ; Holothuroidea, 10.
The Sequence of Moults and Plumages of the
Passerine Birds of New York State: Jonathan
Dwight, M. D.
Dr. Dwight fully described the process of
moulting and its relation to the plumage of
about one hundred and fifty species of land birds
common to eastern North America. The early
plumage of these birds was described, together
with the time and method of the acquisition of
later plumages. Stress was laid upon the un-
derlying principles of the sequence or succes-
sion of plumages peculiar to each species, and
the moults and plumages were classified accord-
ing to a definite scheme by the author.
May 19, 1899. ]
17, 1899.
Proressor J. J. STEVENSON in the Chair.
Dr. A. A. Julien presented a ‘Note on a
Feldspar from the Calumet Copper Mine, Ke-
weenaw Point, Michigan,’ with specimens col-
lected by him at the first opening of that mine.
The wide distribution of the mineral was pointed
out, through both the Portage Lake and On-
tonagon districts, as drusy linings of cavities in
the amygdaloid and in crystals scattered through
the cement of the copper conglomerate. The
crystals were of simple type, a rhombic prism
with orthodome modification on obtuse angles,
but both faces and cleavage-planes were often
distinctly curved. By the complete analysis
presented, it was identified as a normal ortho-
clase, with an unusually large proportion of
protoxides in isomorphous replacement. These
seemed to bear a relationship to the instability
of the mineral, indicated by its general partial
‘decomposition ; to its remarkably low Specific
Gravity, 2.455; and possibly, in part, to the
curvature of its planes.
Professor J. F. Kemp called attention to the
unusual presence of cobalt oxide ina feldspar,
shown in the analysis.
Dr. E. O. Hovey then gave a very interest-
ing description, with lantern illustrations, of
‘Geological and Mineralogical Notes Gathered
during a Collecting Trip in Russia,’ in connec-
tion with the excursions of the recent Interna-
tional Congress. Many of the lantern pictures
were beautifully colored ; they referred in part
to ethnographic observations ; and the accom-
panying remarks awakened much interest.
Secretary of Section.
Students’ Geological Club, March 28.—Mr. C.
H. White explained a method of field work that
has been developed by the members of the Ap-
palachian Division of the United States Geolog-
ical Survey. It can be used only in regions of
distinctly bedded rocks of low dip, and has the
merit of greatly facilitating both field and lab-
oratory work. Mr. A. W. Grabau exhibited a
number of new paleontological specimens
which were collected by Mr. W. W. Dodge
from the middle Cambrian, at Braintree, Mass.
These included nine very perfect specimens of
a new species of Acrothele.
Geological Conference, April 4, 1899.—In ‘A
Comparison of Snow-chart with Ice-lobes,’ Mr.
R. R. Kent described a method of comparing
the location of snow accumulations of the pres-
ent time with those of glacial time; the posi-
tion of the former being indicated by snow-
charts and the latter by frontal moraines. From
these snow-charts, issued weekly by the
Weather Bureau, composite charts for the
winters of ’96-’97 and ’98—’99 were constructed.
These showed that the lines of equal snow-
averages follow lobations which in character
and position closely correspond to the glacial
lobes. The driftless area of Wisconsin was
thus shown to have been an area of minimum
snow-average, during the past winter. In their
tendency toward local retention, the distribu-
tions of snow for these two winters show in
miniature a remarkable likeness to the supposed
distribution of glacial times.
In considering the causes of annual isochional
lobations, maps were shawn which gave lines
indicating equal frequency of exposure of local
areas to traversal by cyclonic areas during
these winters. These present a remarkable re-
semblance between these lines and the distribu-
tion of snow. Accordingly, the speaker con-
cluded that the lobations shown by the charted
averages are due to meteorological rather than
to topographical causes.
Dr. R. A. Daly communicated the results of
a study of etch figures produced with hydro-
fluoric acid and the caustic alkalies on the
principal planes of the amphiboles, with espe-
cial reference to the cleavage prism. He sum-
marizes the chief problems which he studied in
this connection as follows: ‘‘(1) The orienta-
tion of the amphiboles—that of Tschermak
(Dana, Lacroix) is preferred to that of Norden-
skidld (Hintze) ; (2) the orientation of cleavage
pieces of amphiboles; (8) the limits of variation
on (110), (010) and (100) of the different species
of amphibole—these can be used for determina-
tive purposes; (4) the testing of Retgers’ law
that isomorphous bodies must have, using the
same reagent, similar etch figures on the same
face—it is concluded that, if the law hold actin-
olite and all amphiboles without a sesquioxide,
cannot be isomorphous, with a hornblende ; (5)
the holohedral character of all amphiboles—it
is established for monoclinic and orthorombic
species ; (6) the demonstration of the orthorom-
bic character of anthophyllite and of gedrite, a
doubt of which has been expressed by Hintze
and others; (7) a comparison between the am-
phiboles and pyroxenes as to etching properties
—an extraordinary likeness in the figures pro-
duced on the pinacoids and on the artificial
face of actinolite representing in position the
plane (110) of diopside seems to ally the two
groups even more closely than has been sus-
pected ; (8) the proof that close attention must
be given to the method of etching with hydro-
fluoric acid.’’
The discovery of anomalous etch-pits on a
hornblende from Philipstad, Sweden, led to the
recognition of a new variety of hornblende
characterized by a well-marked zonal structure,
an unusually small optical angle, an unusual
pleochroism and absorption scheme, and a pe-
culiar chemical composition. For details see
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts
and Sciences, Vol. XXXIV., Nos. 15 and 16,
March, 1899.
Recording Secretary.
At the meeting of the Academy of Science
of St. Louis of May 1, 1899, nineteen persons
present, the Secretary presented by title a paper
by Professor F. E. Nipher, on gravitation in
gaseous nebule.
Dr. Amand Ravold exhibited cultures and
microscopic specimens showing the Micrococcus
intercellularis meningitidis of Weichselbaum, ob-
tained from a case of cerebro-spinal meningitis,
and stated that this case afforded an interest-
ing instance of germ infection through the
placenta, inasmuch as the cerebro-spinal system
of an unborn child of the patient was likewise
found to be infected by the germ, from which
source, in fact, the specimens exhibited were
Mr. H. von Schrenk presented the general re-
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 229.
sults of a study of certain diseases of the yellow
pine, illustrating his remarks by the exhibition
of a number of specimens showing the charac-
teristic phenomena of the diseases and the
fruiting bodies of the fungi which cause them.
General Secretary.
THE following papers have been presented
during the year: ‘Methods of determining the
Solar Parallax,’ Dr. Frederick L. Chase, of Yale
University; ‘A Theory of the Nature of Philos-
ophy, Dr. Francis Kennedy ; ‘The Velocity of
Electrical Waves,’ Dr. Wm. Duane ; ‘ Graphical
Methods of determining Stresses in framed
Structures,’ Mr. Frederick T. Rubidge ; ‘ Wire-
less Telegraphy,’ Dr. Wm. Duane.
The Society meets the first Friday in each
month from November to March. All men of
science are invited to attend the meetings.
. Secretary.
BouLpER, Couo., April 28, 1899.
RECENT correspondence on this subject in the
pages of SCIENCE suggests that a description of
the method adopted in my private library, as
also in that of the Geological Department of the
British Museum, may interest some of your
The pamphlet-box finally evolved after some
years of experiment is constructed thus: a solid
back of wood (a), to each side of which is
hinged (at h) a half-box (b). When closed, one
half slightly overlaps the other by a rebated
edge, so as to exclude dust; they may be fast-
ened by a catch, but this is quite unnecessary in
the smaller and lighter makes. When open
both sides and back lie flat on the table ; or, if
space be limited, one side can hang down over
the edge of the table or can be kept standing
up. In the lighter makes the sides are of paste-
board, and are hinged to the back by a linen
hinge (h), the outside is all covered with stout
binder’s cloth and the inside is lined with white
glazed paper. In the heavier makes (suitable
for large quartos or for a public library) the
May 19, 1899.]
sides are of thin wood, similarly hinged to the
back, but on the outside the back and the
hinges are covered with roan. Attached to the
inner side of the tail end of the back is a loop
of tape or roan, by which the box can be pulled
out from the shelf. The outside measurements
of the size adopted in my library for ordinary
pamphlets are, height, 114 inches; depth, 9
inches; thickness, 3} inches. The thickness of
the material is from } to } inch according to its
The merits of this type of case are extreme
simplicity, readiness of access to pamphlets,
freedom from dog-earing the corners or folding
the wrappers as pamphlets are taken in and out.
To refer to a pamphlet one simply places the
back of the case on the table, lets fall the two
sides on to the table and turns over the pamph-
lets until the desired one is found. Without
Fic. 1. The pamphlet-case open and seen from the
removing the pamphlet one can turn over the
pages, note the passage required and then with-
out further ado close the sides of the pamphlet-
box just as one would close a bound book, and
replace it on the shelf. The cases are light,
dust-proof and durable; and the lighter ones
cost me 2s. 9d. (66 cents) apiece when ordered
by the half gross.
As for arrangement, each worker will follow
the method that suits him best. I sort the
pamphlets first into subjects, and within each
subject arrange them alphabetically under au-
thors’ names ; those of each author are placed
chronologically. Any number of boxes may go
to one subject. Each is labelled on the back
with a white paper label on which the subject is
stencilled in black, while the letters contained
in that particular box are marked in broad soft
pencil, easily changed as required (see Fig. 2).
Fic. 2. The pamphlet-case closed as it stands on the
In this way the boxes devoted to Crinoidea
have grown from 1 to 14 and the position of no
pamphlet has ever been in doubt.
Of course a card-catalogue is a necessary ad-
junct to a collection of any size, as it enables
one to assign a doubtful pamphlet to any sub-
ject, and to find it again by a symbol pencilled
on the catalogue slip.
It may be paternal prejudice, but I certainly
consider this form of case simpler and more
effective than any I have seen or read about. I
do not say that it is cheaper.
THE Twelfth Session of the Marine Biological
Laboratory will begin on June 1st, and will con-
tinue for four months. This session promises
to be the most successful in the history of the
Laboratory. While the courses of instruction
heretofore offered will be maintained by an ex-
ceptionally strong staff, three entirely new
courses have been added, these courses in
* Copies of the Announcement may be had on ap-
plication to the Director, Professor C..O. Whitman,
University of Chicago, or to the Assistant Director,
Professor Ulric Dahlgren, Princeton University.
(Cytology, Physiology and Psychology) being
under the immediate supervision of men emi-
nently fitted for their work.
The course in Cytological Research will be
conducted by Professor Watasé, with the as-
sistance of Mr. W. H. Packard. The course is
designed for a limited number of students who
are prepared to begin investigation. A special
problem will be assigned to each member of the
class, and methods of dealing with it will be
suggested.. The laboratory work will be ac-
companied by a series of lectures on general
cytological subjects, designed to give a view of
the field of cellular biology as a whole, and at
the same time to indicate the bearings of the
problems under investigation.
The course in General and Comparative
Physiology will be conducted by Dr. Loeb, as-
sisted by Drs. Norman, Lyon and Mathews,
and will consist of laboratory work and lec-
tures. The following is a brief outline of the
I. The Tropisms of Animals. Galyanotro-
pism, Heliotropism, Geotropism and Compen-
satory Motions, Chemotropism, Heterotropism
in sessile and free forms.
II. Effects of External Influences upon Liv-
ing Matter (lack of oxygen, acids and alkalies,
temperature, etc.).
III. Physiological Morphology. Experiments
on Growth and Development, Regeneration
and Heteromorphosis.
IV. Comparative Physiology of the Central
Nervous System and Comparative Psychology.
V. Comparative Physiology of Digestion.
VI. Comparative Physiology of Secretion.
VII. Micro-chemistry.
In Comparative Psychology, Dr. Edward
Thorndike will give a course of lectures on the
Sense-powers, Instincts, Habits and Intelligence
of Animals, and will direct the work of a few
students in this department.
Opportunities for work in Botany are espe-
cially inviting. Drs. Davis and Moore, as heads
of the department, will have general charge of
the laboratory.
The course of lectures in Plant Morphology
and Physiology is supplied by such a strong
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 229.
corps, and the subjects are of such scientific
importance, that we copy the program in full:
First Week, July 5-12.—Erwin F. Smith, ‘ Bac-
teria’; D. T. MacDougal, ‘ Physiological Subjects’;
Douglas H. Campbell, ‘The Evolution of the Sporo-
phyte in the Archegoniates and Flowering Plants.’
Second Week, July 12-19.—Miss Clara E. Cum-
mings, ‘Lichens’; L. M. Underwood, ‘The Evolu-
tion of the Hepatice’; Rodney H. True, ‘ Plants
and Poisons.’
Third Week, July 19-26.—H. J. Webber, ‘Sper-
matogenesis, Development of Embryo Sac, and Fe-
cundation in Gymnosperms’; C. O. Townsend,
‘Physiology of the Plant Cell.’
Fourth Week, July 26-August 2.—J. M. Macfar-
lane, ‘Plant Irritability’; G. F. Atkinson, ‘ Higher
Fifth Week, August 2-9.—J. M. Macfarlane,
‘Physio-morphology of a Few Angiospermic Orders’ ;
Henry Kraemer, ‘The Unorganized Contents of the
Cells of Plants.’
Sixth Week, August 9-16.—D. M. Mottier, ‘Cyto-
logical Studies on the Pollen and Embryo-sae of An-
giosperms’; D. P. Penhallow, ‘ Paleobotany.’
Within the last few years workers at Wood’s
Holl have derived great profit from the free
discussion of various biological methods, facts
and theories. During the coming summer
there will be three seminars: The Neurological,
Biological and Botanical—a series of lectures
on Zoological Technique, and the customary
course of ‘Evening Lectures.’ The latter are
designed to present the results of research in
different lines and departments, in so far as
these are of general interest.
There are thirty names on the list of officers
of instruction, and fifty-four names on the list of
lecturers. In these two lists fully thirty-five
educational institutions are represented.
Dr. GEO. F. BECKER, the expert economic
geologist, who, early last summer, was sent by
the Director of the U. S. Geological Survey,
under a cooperative arrangement with the War
Department, to Manila to make a reconnais-
sance of the geologic structure and mineral re-
May 19, 1899.]
sources of the Philippines, has been prevented
by the uncertainty of the political situation and
the state of war there existing from prosecuting
these investigations, through no fault, however,
of either Admiral Dewey or General Otis, both
of whom would ere this have provided the
facilities for safe travel about the islands, ete., if
it had been possible todo so. From recent ad-
vices from the military authorities at Manila,
however, it appears that, not content to rest in
idleness, Dr. Becker early attached himself to
the Bureau of Military Information of the
Army, and soon became the right-hand man of
Major J. F. Bell, in charge. Official reports
and papers that have since passed between
Major Bell and the Commanding General, and
letters from the officers to Director Walcott,
record numerous valuable services rendered by
Dr. Becker to the army through the Bureau of
Military Information, and also repeated acts of
gallantry and soldierly usefulness in action, and
accord him high praise for his conduct. He is
repeatedly and strongly complimented by his
military superiors, from Major Bell to Generals
MacArthur and Otis. The reports, which cover
events only to the middle of March, mention
no fewer than 14 military reconnaissances and
active engagements had with the forces, in all of
which Dr. Becker took part.
It has not yet been determined by the Direc-
tor of the Survey how long Dr. Becker shall
remain in the Philippine Islands, but it is be-
lieved that he will be able to make some sub-
stantial progress with his geologic investigations
before he is recalled. Being skilled in rapid
field observation, he will be able to advance the
work rapidly if once he gets at it. It is not
improbable that he is even now doing strati-
graphic geology in the Island of Negros, with a
view to correlating its structure with that of
Cebu. At least, he expressed the hope when
he last wrote to Director Walcott, March 1st,
of being able to do this in April and after that
of going to Cebu and studying the coal deposits.
It is reported that Dr. Becker contemplates
returning to America via the Suez Canal and of
making a study en route of the great tin de-
posits at or near Singapore.
May 5, 1899
THE first Conversazione of the season was
held by the Royal Society at Burlington House,
on May 3d. The guests were received by the
President, Lord Lister, and a large number of
men of science was present. The following
particulars concerning the exhibits, which were
of a more strictly scientific character than
usual, are taken from the London Times: Pro-
fessor Arthur Thomson exhibited a model to
illustrate how natural curliness of the hair is
produced. An exhibit from the Marine Biolog-
ical Association of Plymouth illustrated meth-
ods of feeding of marine animals by means of
living and preserved examples. A series of
selected animals from the neighborhood of
Plymouth was shown, illustrating different
methods practiced for securing food. The As-
sociation also showed charts illustrating the
distribution of the fauna and bottom deposits
near the 80-fathom line from the HEddystone
grounds to Start Point. Dr. Francisco Moreno,
who has done so much for the exploration of
Patagonia, exhibited a portion of skin of an
extinct ground-sloth from a cavern in southern
Patagonia, which has been exciting great inter-
est among naturalists. To Dr. Moreno was
also due a fine plaster reproduction of the skele-
ton of Toxodon platensis, an extinct ungulate
quadruped from the Pampa formation, province
of Buenos Ayres, Argentina. Dr. Woodward’s
selection of zoological specimens from Christ-
mas Island, Indian Ocean, collected by Mr. C.
W. Andrews, was of special interest, containing,
as it did, some remarkable forms of insects,
birds, and even rats. Not less interesting was
the varied collection of birds, insects, shells,
ete., brought home by Dr. H. O. Forbes and
Mr. Grant from Sokotra.
Dr. Manson and Surgeon-Major Ross showed
microscopes beneath which were displayed
specimens of mosquitoes, showing the develop-
ment of the parasites of malaria in their tissues,
and also of the same parasites assuming deadly
dimensions in the human tissues.
Among other exhibits were the new element
Victorium, of the Yttrium group, one of the
latest results of Sir William Crookes’s long con-
tinued researches in phosphorescent spectra ;
Mr. Saville-Kent’s natural-color photographs
of various zoological and botanical subjects;
Mr. Carus-Wilson’s specimens of decomposed
flints; Wehneit’s electrolytic contact breaker,
which seems capable of producing extraordi-
nary results; Mr. Everard im Thurn’s beautiful
water-color sketches of Guiana orchids; Mr.
Shelford Bidwell’s experiments demonstrating
multiple vision; Mr. Joseph Goold’s intersec-
tion patterns in compound-vibration curves;
Sir Norman Lockyer’s photographs of stellar
spectra, and a very delicate and threadlike
photograph of a meteor taken by Mr. C. P.
Butler on the night of April 8, 1899.
Among the new instruments which specially
attracted attention was the radiation recorder
of Professor H. L. Callendar, so delicate that it
shows when the slightest haze passes across the
sky. The microscopic specimens illustrating
the further researches which have been made
into the effects of strain in metals by Professor
Ewing and Mr. W. Rosenhain are noteworthy.
Mr. A. Mallock’s ingenious adaptation of thin
films of pyroxyline for use as mirrors deserves
mention, as do also Mr. H. N. Dickson’s series
of charts illustrative of temperature and salinity
in the North Atlantic. The lantern exhibitions
were particularly attractive, especially Mr.
Kearton’s slides illustrating the haunts and
habits of British birds. Dr. Sorby also used the
lantern to show some beautiful slides of Actinice
and other marine animals, and Mr. W. Duddell,
oscillographs, applied to alternate current wave-
forms, and to the Wehnelt interrupter.
THE next meeting of the American Society
of Naturalists will be held at New Haven,
Conn., during Christmas week. Most of the
‘affiliated societies’ have signified their inten-
tion of meeting at the same place.
AT the annual meeting of the American
Academy of Art and Sciences, held May 10,
1899, the Rumford medal was, on the recom-
mendation of the Rumford Committee, awarded
to Mr. Charles F. Brush, of Cleveland, for ‘the
Practical Development of Electrical Arc Light-
PROFESSOR C. F. CHANDLER, of Columbia Uni-
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 229.
versity, has received the regular nomination
for President of the Society of Chemical In-
dustry. The election takes place in July at the
annual meeting. This Society numbers 3,200:
chemists, of whom nearly 600 reside in the
United States. Its headquarters are in Lon-
don; it has sections also in Liverpool, New-
castle, Nottingham, Glasgow, Leeds, Manches-
ter and New York. In the list of former Presi-
dents appear the names of Sir Henry E. Ros-
coe, Sir Frederick Abell, Walter Welden, W.
H. Perkin, E. K. Muspratt, David Howard,
Professor James Dewar, Ludwig Mond, Sir
Lowthian Bell, E. Rider Cook, J. Emerson
Reynolds, Sir John Evans, E. C. C. Stanford,
T. E. Thorpe, Thomas Tyrer, Dr. Edward
Schunck, F. Clowes and George Beilby.
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY has conferred the
honorary degree of Doctor of Science on Sir
William Turner, professor of anatomy of the °
University of Edinburgh, and on the Rev.
Thomas Wiltshire, emeritus professor of geol-
ogy in King’s college, London.
AT the annual meeting of the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences on May 10, 1899,
the following officers were elected: President :
Alexander Agassiz; Vice-President for Class
I.: John Trowbridge ; Vice-President for Class
II.: Alpheus Hyatt; Vice-President for Class
III.: Augustus Lowell; Corresponding Secre-
tary: Samuel H. Scudder ; Recording Secretary :
William Watson; Treasurer: Francis Blake ;
Librarian: A. Lawrence Rotch; Member of the
Committee of Finance: Augustus Lowell ; Coun-
cillors from Class I.: Henry Taber, Theodore
W. Richards, Harry M. Goodwin; Councillors
from Class II.: Benjamin I. Robinson, William
T. Councilman, John E. Wolff; Councillors
from Class III.: Barrett Wendell, Edward
Robinson, James B. Ames ; Rumford Committee:
Erasmus D. Leavitt, Edward C. Pickering,
Charles R. Cross, Amos E. Dolbear, Arthur G.
Webster, Theodore W. Richards, Thomas C.
Mendenhall; C. M. Warren Committee: Francis
H. Storer, Charles L. Jackson, Samuel Cabot,
Henry B. Hill, Leonard P. Kinnicut, Arthur
M. Comey, Robert H. Richards.
THe following 15 candidates have been se-
lected by the Council of the Royal Society to be
May 19, 1899.]
recommended for election into the Society:
Professor William F. Barrett, Mr. Charles
Booth, D.Se., Major David Bruce, A.M.8., Mr.
Henry John Horstman Fenton, M.A., Mr.
James Sykes Gamble, Professor Alfred Cort
Haddon, Dr. Henry Head, Professor Conwy
Lloyd Morgan, F.G.8., Mr. Clement Reid,
F.G.S., Professor Henry Selby Hele Shaw,
M.Inst.C.E., Dr. Ernest Henry Starling, Pro.
fessor Henry William Lloyd Tanner, M.A., Mr.
Richard Threlfall, Mr. Alfred E. Tutton, B.Sc.,
Professor Bertram Coghill Allen Windle, M.D.
Dr. L. A. BAUER has resigned his position as
assistant professor of mathematics and mathe-
matical physics at the University of Cincinnati,
in order to accept the position of Chief of the
newly-formed Division of Terrestrial Magnetism,
of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.
To this Division has been assigned the magnetic
survey of the United States and the countries
under its jurisdiction and the establishment of
magnetic observatories. Dr. Bauer has also
been appointed lecturer in terrestrial magnet-
ism at the Johns Hopkins University. The
journal Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric,
Electricity, beginning with the June number,
will hereafter be issued from the Johns Hopkins
University Press, Dr. Bauer continuing as
Dr. Tarleton H. Bean Director of Forestry and
Fisheries of the United States Commission to
the Paris Exposition of 1900.
Naval Observatory, having attained the age
limit prescribed by the U. S. Navy, will retire
on May 22d.
Dr. G. LInDAU has been appointed Custodian
of the Imperial Botanical Museum of Berlin.
Nature states that Mr. F. V. Bennett, who
joined the Geological Survey of England in
1868, has resigned from the staff. During his
long service he has mapped large areas of the
Cretaceous, Tertiary and drift deposits in the
eastern counties in Surrey, Berkshire and
THE daily papers state that the gold medal
of the American Geographical Society will be
presented to Sir John Murray, the celebrated
naturalist, on the occasion of the annual meet-
ing of the Royal Geographical Society in June.
The presentation will be made by United States
Ambassador Choate.
THE Council of the Institution of Civil Engi-
neers have made the following awards for papers
read and discussed before the Institution during
the past session: A George Stephenson medal
and premium to Mr. R. A. Hadfield, a Telford
medal and premium to Mr. J. T. Milton, Watt
medals and premiums to Sir Albert J. Durston
and Mr. H. J. Oram, a Crampton prize to Mr.
Francis Fox, a Manby premium to Sir William
Roberts-Austen, and Telford premiums to Mr.
J. M. Dobson, Mr. W. G. Kirkaldy and Mr, A.
P. Head. The presentation of these awards,
together with those for papers which have not
been subject to discussion’ and will be an-
nounced later, will take place at the inaugural
meeting of next session.
the chair of physics in the University of Copen-
hagen, is at present visiting American univer-
THE following officers of the Royal Institution
have been elected for the ensuing year: Presi-
dent, the Duke of Northumberland ; Treasurer,
Sir James Crichton-Browne; Secretary, Sir
Frederick Bramwell; Managers, Sir Frederick
Abel, Sir William Crookes, the Duke of Devon-
shire, Lord Salisbury, Lord Halsbury, Dr. W.
C. Hood, Professor D. E. Hughes, Lord Kelvin,
Mr. A. B. Kempe, Mr. H. Leonard, Sir Andrew
Noble, Mr. A. Siemens, Mr. B. W. Smith, Mr.
W. H. Spottiswoode and Sir Henry Thompson ;
Visitors, Mr. W. H. Bennet, Mr. A. Blyth, Mr.
M. Horner, Mr. E. Kraftmeier, Lieutenant-
Colonel L. W. Longstaff, Mr. F. McClean, Mr.
H. F. Makins, Mr. L. Mears, Dr. R. Messel,
Mr. L. M. Rate, Mr. J. C. Ross, Mr. W. J. Rus-
sell, Mr. A. G. Salamon, Sir James Vaughan
and Mr. J. J. Vezey.
Mr. ANDREW CARNEGIE has been elected an
honorary member of the American Library As-
sociation in recognition of his munificent gifts
for American libraries.
bridge Wells on April 22d. He became a
member of the Royal College of Surgeons in
1848, but ceased the practice of his profession
in 1874. He was a Fellow of the Royal As-
tronomical and Meteorological Societies and
a member of the Scottish Meteorological
Society, and the author of ‘ Observations on the
Climate of Uckfield,’ second edition, 1886;
‘ Observations upon the Great Comet and Tran-
sit of Venus,’ 1882 ; ‘On the Ancient Telescope
of Hevelius, with Translation,’ 1882; ‘ Observa-
tions upon the Climate of Crowborough Hill,
Sussex,’ second edition, 1898; and ‘On the
Rainfall at Uckfield for 50 years.’
Mr. BENJAMIN VINCENT, who was connected
for more than half a century with the Royal
Institution of London, died on May 3d. The
London Times states that he owed his appoint-
ment as Assistant Secretary in 1848 to Faraday,
with whom he was connected by marriage.
He became subsequently Keeper of the Library,
retiring in 1889 with the title of Honorary Li-
brarian. At the Royal Institution Faraday,
who was about twenty years his senior, found
in him an untiring and enthusiastic coadjutor
in promoting the knowledge of scientific prog-
ress and the welfare of the Institution. Fara-
day was well aware of the importance of cre-
ating and maintaining public interest in scientific
work, and in this respect was greatly helped
by Mr. Vincent, who for many years, quite apart
from the official duties of his position, drew up
clear, condensed reports of the lectures and
discourses delivered at the Institution, which
were published in The Times, the Athenzeum and
the Illustrated London News. As Librarian he
was responsible for the arrangement and
selection of the large and valuable collection of
books, and he found time to prepare an ad-
mirable classified catalogue of these.
Tue death is announced of M. M. Charles
Brongniart, assistant in entomology at the Paris
Museum of Natural History, at the age of 40
years. He was the son of the eminent botanist
and had himself made important contributions
to entomology.
Dr. WILHELM JORDAN, professor of geometry
and geodesy at the Technical Institute at Han-
over, died on April 17th, aged 57 years.
PROFESSOR NEWTON, of Cambridge Univer-
sity, announces that applications by students to
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 229.
occupy the University’s table in the laboratory
of the Marine Biological Association at Ply-
mouth should be sent to him on or before
June Ist.
THE Division of Forestry of the Department
of Agriculture is prepared to appoint a few
well-qualified student assistants. They will be
given practical field work, their expenses will
be defrayed and they will be given $300 a year.
These assistants should have preparation as fol-
(1.) Botany, emphasis to be laid chiefly on the
structure and life of plants. Systematic botany need
not be dwelt on at length. The knowledge essential
to the determination of the species of trees is, natur-
ally, of great importance. Cryptogamic botany should
not be entirely neglected, although only a general
view is required.
(2.) Geology, with special emphasis on the origin
and meaning of the surface features of the earth.
(3.) Some physics and chemistry are essential, and
a slight knowledge of zoology and entomology should
not be omitted.
(4.) Mathematics should include geometry and
trigonometry, and, preferably, mechanics also. A
good working knowledge of surveying should be ac-
(5.) Some
(6.) German or French, preferably the former, and
still better both together.
(7.) A good course in economics.
(8.) History and geography of the United States,
with special reference to economic development and
knowledge of law and _ business
Further information concerning these posi-
tions may be obtained from Mr. Gifford Pinchot,
Chief of the Division of Forestry, Department
of Agriculture.
By the will of Benjamin F. Horwitz, of Bal-
timore, $5,000 is bequeathed to Johns Hopkins
University, the income to be used annually in
bestowing a medal upon such member of the
medical profession, either in this country or
abroad, who has accomplished most during the
preceding year in ameliorating the sufferings of
mankind in the way of medical discoveries.
This bequest is in honor of the memory of Dr.
Eugene Horwitz, son of the testator.
WE learn from the British Medical Journal
that by a codicil to his will, dated February
May 19, 1899. ]
20, 1899, Sir John Struthers bequeaths to the
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh the
sum of £500 ‘for the purpose of promoting an-
atomical science’ by founding a lecture to be
delivered every third year before the College,
the subject of the lecture to be on any part of
normal vertebrate anatomy, the lecturer to be
chosen at least a year before the lecture with-
out restriction as to country or profession. Sir
John Struthers left his large and yaluable stock
of anatomical drawings to the University of
Edinburgh for the use of the professor of anat-
omy in the University. Most of the drawings
were made by his own hand, and many of them
direct from nature. Sir John Struthers also
left to the University of Glasgow the sum of
£500 for the founding of an award in anatomy
for the purpose of encouraging original research
or special practical work, the award to be made
for original research or for the best special dis-
sections or preparations or series of dissections
or preparations relating to any part of anat-
omy, human or comparative, the decision to
rest with the professor of anatomy in the Uni-
versity. The award is to be made every sec-
ond year and to take the form of a gold medal
with money prize. The prize is to be open to
all students and graduates of the University of
Glasgow, including the women students and
graduates of Queen Margaret College.
THE annual subscriptions promised to The
Liverpool School of Tropical Diseases now
amount to about £2,500.
In June next the Royal Institution, London,
will complete 100 years of its existence, the
first meeting of its members in the building in
Albemarle street having been held on June 5,
1799. The managers have decided that this
event, so interesting and memorable in the life
of the Institution and in the history of science,
shall be duly celebrated, and arranged for the
delivery of two commemoration lectures. The
first of these will be delivered on Tuesday, June
6th, by Lord Rayleigh, when the Prince of
Wales, Vice Patron of the Institution, will pre-
side and receive the honorary members; the
second of the lectures will be delivered on
Wednesday evening, June 7th, by Professor
Dewar, when the Duke of Northumberland,
President of the Institution, will preside. The
Lord Mayor has consented to give a reception
to the members and guests at the Mansion-
house on the evening of Tuesday, June 6th.
University, Belgium, has begun, under the
direction of the government of Belgium, a
series of experiments in the North Sea. On
April 29th a set of bottles was let off from the
West Hindar light vessel, 2 degrees, 26 minutes
east longitude, 51 degrees, 23 minutes north
latitude—7. e., about twenty miles northwest
of Ostend. Each bottle contains a printed card,
and it is hoped that any one who picks up one
of these bottles will take out the card and fill up
the blanks reserved for the place and date of
finding, name and place if found on the shore,
latitude and longitude if found on the sea, and
send it to Professor Gilson.
Dr. PETERS, the German explorer, arrived at
Sena, on the Zambesi, on May 8th.
THE Duke of Abruces started from Rome on.
the 2d inst. for the polar regions. His pur-
pose is to sail from Norway for Franz Josef
Land in the steamship Star of Italy, go as far
north as possible in the ship, and then to try
to reach the pole with sledges. The king and
the royal princes have, it is reported, subscribed
$200,000 for the expedition, and the Duke will
himself spend a large sum.
THE first statutory general meeting of the
British National Association for the Prevention
of Consumption and other Forms of Tuber-
culosis, of which the Prince of Wales is Presi- ,
dent, was held in London on May 4th. The
Earl of Derby presided, and those present in-
cluded Sir William Broadbent, Sir James
Crichton-Browne, Sir Ernest Clarke, Sir John
T. Brunner, M. P., Dr. Church, President of
the Royal College of Physicians, Sir G. T.
Brown, Mr. Edward Hulse, Professor Mc-
Fadyean, Mr. C. Rube, Mr. Malcolm Morris,
Treasurer, and Dr. St. Clair Thomson, Honor-
able Secretary of the Organizing Committee,
AT the annual dinner of the Sanitary Insti-
tute of Great Britain on May 2d the Duke of
Cambridge, who presided, referred to the great
work which it had done in promoting sanitary
knowledge. The public had made such use of
the Parkes Museum, maintained by the Insti-
tute, that the Council had decided to start a
building fund to provide a larger building to
give the accommodation required for its increas-
ing work. The Institute possessed 2,300 mem-
bers and associates ; its income last year was
over £8,000, and its captital amounted to over
£12,000. It had held 200 meetings, attended
by 90,000 people.
Mr. ANDREW CARNEGIE has given £50,000 to
the proposed University of Birmingham, on the
understanding that scientific work be especially
emphasized in the University, instancing Cor-
nell University as the best model to be followed.
The committee, in thanking Mr. Carnegie for
this gift, state that it had always been intended
that special attention should be given to scien-
tific training and research.
Mr. PAssMORE Epwarps has given £10,000
to the new London University for the teaching
of economics and commercial science. The
London Journal of Education states that the
commissioners of the University have decided
to establish departments of psychology, political
science and engineering.
Tue will of the late Professor Marsh, leaving
his property to Yale University and the Na-
tional Academy of Sciences, is being contested
by anephew. It is unfortunate that such con-
tests should be so common in the United States.
It is in any case fortunate that Professor Marsh
during his life devoted the greater part of his
fortune to scientific work and Yale University.
Tue Georgia Federation of Women’s Clubs
have presented a scholarship to the Teachers’
College, Columbia University, of the value of
$450 a year. It will be assigned, on competitive
examination, to an experienced teacher of the
State of Georgia, and will be known as ‘The
Georgia Federation Scholarship.’
LAstT year the University of Paris was given
anonymously 75,000 fr. to permit five graduates
to make a tour around the world. The gift has
been repeated this year and increased so that
each student will receive 16,500 fr. for the
journey, which is expected to last two years.
[N.S. Von. 1X. No. 229.
New arrangements have been made for the
award of the Bowdoin prizes of Harvard Uni-
versity. A prize of $300 will be offered to
graduates who have been in residence within
three years. The subjects are to be in the Jan-
guages next year, in philosophy, political science
and history the following year and in mathe-
matics and science in 1902.
The American Naturalist states that The
Gray Herbarium of Harvard University has
recently purchased a collection of Compositze
of the late Dr. F. W. Klapp, of Hamburg. It
contains about 11,000 specimens and will prob-
ably add 60 genera, 1500 species, to the Gray
Herbarium, which previously contained 35,000
sheets of composites.
A COLLECTION from the medical library of the
late Dr. William Pepper, formerly Provost of
the University of Pennsylvania, has been pre-
sented to the University by his son.
A COURSE in commerce, diplomacy and in-
ternational law has been established at the
University of Pennsylvania. The course will
extend over two years. The subjects proposed
being as follows: First year—American diplo-
macy, American commercial relations, inter-
national trade and foreign exchange, political
economy, economical resources of European
countries, and public finance. Second year—
international law, European commercial rela-
tions, diplomatic history of Europe, government
of colonies and dependencies, practical economic
problems, economic resources of the Far East,
comparative constitutional law.
Miss Linum J. Martin has been appointed
acting assistant professor of psychology in Stan-
ford University, to replace Dr. Frank Angell
during a year’s leave of absence in Europe.
Miss Eprra Curck has been appointed Quain
student in botany for three years (£100 per an-
num) at University College, London.
THE professorship of pathology at St. An-
drews, vacant by the removal of Professor Muir
to Glasgow, will be filled on June 21st. In-
formation regarding the appointment may be
obtained from Mr, J. E. Williams, Secretary of
the University. :
EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: S. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. Woopwarp, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING,
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THuRsToN, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry ;
J. LEConTE, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; HENRY F. OSBORN, Paleontology ; W. K.
Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; 8S. H. ScuDDER, Entomology; C. E. Brssry, N. L.
BRITTON, Botany; C. 8S. Minor, Embryology, Histology; H. P. BowpircH, Physiology;
J. S. BrLtinas, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; DANIEL G. BRIN-
TON, J. W. PowELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, May 26, 1899.
A Magnetic Survey of the United States by the
Coast and Geodetic Survey: DR. HENRY S.
RIT CHET Tense tcceecestenccesensccsuetecinedsescticcninns 729
The Jesup North Pacific Expedition... ......c.ccereeeees 732
On the Brightness of Pigments by Oblique Vision :
PROFESSOR FRANK P. WHITMAN..........6000000+ 734
An Extension of Helmholtz’s Theory of the Heat of
CREW SUR MD RET Ik tsp OHM sccssstcavscasancsiece sess 737
On the New Genus of Lamprey Macrophthalmia Chi-
lensis : PROFESSOR BASHFORD DEAN...........-.- 740
Note on the Spawning Season of the Eel: EUGENE
GMBLACKEORD |. sissersssssecetocesssaassiseess eiiscssestes 740
Evolution of the Embouchure in North American In-
dian Flageolets: E. H. HAWLEY........3....000008 742
Scientific Books :-—
Angot’s Traité élémentaire de météorologie: DR.
FRANK WALDO. Collins on the Genesis and
Dissolution of the Faculty of Speech: E. W. T.
Codex Borbonicus: M. H. SAVILLE. Schimper’s
Pflanzengeographie auf physiologischer Grundlage:
Richter’s Organic Chemistry: PROFESSOR E.
RENOUE. Van Deventer’s Physical Chemistry :
PROFESSOR HARRY C. JONES. Books Received. 743
Scientific Journals and Articles .........cscecseecneeeeee 750
Societies and Academies :—
The Chemical Society of Washington: Wm. H.
Krua. The Geological Conference and Students’
Club of Harvard University: J. M. BouUTWELL. 751
Discussion and Correspondence :—
Telepathy Again: PROFESSOR WM. JAMES. On
the Wehnelt Current Breaker: HowArpd Mc-
CLENATIAN srnscesetesessetacsensssecsccscedecscussiecssa sce 752
Thermodynamic Action of ‘ Steam Gas’: PROFESSOR
ep eERURSTONEausennuoctsscetcssccnessenaneadetess 753
The Removal of Dr. Wortman to the Carnegie Mu-
SATS: 1215106 0); coo onoponuaseescabondsanedooacsesHadceSade 755
Scientific Notes and News.. bon 755
University and Educational News.........0:cccceeeeseees 759
MSS. intended or publication and books, etc., intended
for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
In the plan of reorganization of the ‘sur-
vey of the coast,’ adopted in March, 1843,
explicit provision was made for magnetic
Determinations of the magnetic declina-
tion were made at various points along the
coast, under the superintendency of F. R.
Hassler; the real work of magnetic observa-
tions, however, began with Superintendent
Bache, who had previously made a mag-
netic survey of Pennsylvania and who had
established the first magnetic observatory
in this country, that of Girard College,
Since that time the three magnetic ele-
ments, the declination, the dip and the in-
tensity, have been determined by survey
parties at various points in the United
States, including Alaska, andin some foreign
The general charge of this work, as well
as the theoretical discussion which has
given it value, has been in the hands of the
Assistant Schott, Chief of the Computing
Division, who has called attention from
time to time to the need of a systematic
prosecution of a magnetic survey of the
country. It is largely due to Mr. Schott
and his energy in that work that the
present state of advancement has been
In recognition of his contribution to Ter-
restrial Magnetism, the Paris Academy
awarded him last year the Wilde prize of
four thousand francs, which was personally
presented by the President of the United
States. This honor is especially apropos
and particularly welcome to the friends of
science in this country, inasmuch as Mr.
Schott has just rounded out fifty years of
magnificent work in the Survey.
With the addition of the islands of the
Atlantic and of the Pacific which have come
tothe United States in the last year, and
with the need for investigation of general
laws of Terrestrial Magnetism for the whole
globe, it seems that the time has now come
for systematic magnetic operations, not only
upon the continent of North America, but
also on the islands in its vicinage. With
the purpose of carrying forward such a
magnetic survey and of completing in a rea-
sonable time the collection of such data as
may be necessary for a partial discussion of
the problems of the Magnetic Field of the
Earth, a new Division has been organized
in the office of the Coast and Geodetic Sur-
vey, known as the Division of Terrestrial
Magnetism. Dr. L. A. Bauer, formerly
assistant professor of mathematics and
mathematical physics at the University of
Cincinnati, and editor of the Journal of
Terrestrial Magnetism has been called to take
charge of this new division of magnetic
The following general plan of work, which
has been outlined as the basis for the mag-
netic survey of the United States and its
adjacent islands may be of interest.
To indicate completely the laws which
hold in the Magnetic Field of the earth, it
would be desirable to have simultaneous
observations at a vast number of stations
over the continent of North America and
of the adjacent islands. This is, of course,
impossible, and the magnetic survey which
must be made will necessarily depend on
observations made at different times and
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 230.
reduced as accurately as possible to some
mean epoch. To arrive at a first prelimi-
nary result, it will probably be necessary to
make a general magnetic survey of the
country, observing the magnetic elements
at stations thirty or forty miles apart, mak-
ing these stations more frequent in dis-
turbed areas if necessary. The secular va-
riations will necessarily be determined by
repeating the observations at representative
stations as the work goes on. The areas of
the countries at present belonging to the
United States are approximately as fol-
lows :
United States,............-.. 3,025,600 square miles,
INES Acss-pobcnoceddaansonee. 577,390 *¢ ot
Hawaiian Islands,.........- 6;250=) * a
PUCLLOVRIGOs ss csseeesceawse ees 3:030i\ia: ss
This area is nearly equal to that of all
Europe and is one-fifteenth of the entire
area of the globe. As magnetic surveys
have been most vigorously prosecuted in
Europe, it will be of interest to note the
density of distribution of the magnetic sta-
tions in two recent, fruitful magnetic sur-
veys, viz., that of Great Britain, where
there was one station to every 159 square
miles, and that of Holland, embracing one
station to every 40 square miles.
Suppose we were to decide upon one sta-
tion, on the average, to every 100 square
miles—an end that we must hope to attain
some day—then we should require the de-
termination of the magnetic elements at
30,000 stations within the United States.
At the rate of 400 stations a year, the mag-
netic survey, as detailed as this, would re-
quire for its completion 75 years. It is not.
well, however, to have a magnetic survey
extend over such a long interval of years.
The errors incurred in reducing the obser-
vations to a common epoch would greatly
exceed the errors of observation.
It is evident that we must either have a
very large number of observers and instru-
May 26, 1899.]
ments at our disposal so as to complete the
survey within a short interval, say 10 years
at the most, or we must content ourselves
for the present with taking a less detailed
Let us say that our present means will
enable us to complete 450 stations per an-
num, of which 400 are to lie within the
United States. Suppose that at the end of
the year 1910 we shall have occupied 4,000
stations in the United States and have made
the necessary ‘repeat observations,’ and
that the stations have been to some degree
uniformly distributed, then we shall have
on the average one new station to every 756
square miles. Selecting as the epoch to
which the observations shall be reduced
January 1, 1905, we should then have with
the addition of about 1,000 former stations,
which we could utilize, a magnetic survey,
the stations ‘of which would be distributed
at the average rate of one to every 600
square miles, or, approximately, one station
to an area 25 miles, 40 kilometers, square.
This will give a very satisfactory repre-
sentation of the distribution of the earth’s
magnetism within our confines and will suf-
fice for the accomplishment of many of the
practical purposes of magnetic surveys.
We will call this our ‘ first survey’ and,
as stated, its epoch 1905. We shall now be
able to tell in what portion of the country
more stations are needed. That is the
density of the ultimate distribution of sta-
tions will not be auniform one. In regions
where the distribution of magnetism is
fairly regular comparatively few stations
will suffice, while in magnetically disturbed
areas the number of stations must be in-
creased in uniformity with the character
and extent of the disturbance. The subse-
quent work will consist then in filling in
stations where most needed and repeating
observations at the ‘ repeat stations.’
In short, the plan of conducting a mag-
netic survey of this country which appears
to be best suited to the present conditions,
and one that is possible to carry out within
a reasonably short time, is as follows:
To make, first, a general magnetic survey of
the country with stations about 25 to 30
tniles apart ; then, as opportunities present
themselves, to observe more closely the
magnetically disturbed areas. The observa-
tions at the ‘repeat stations’ made from
time to time will furnish the proper secular
variation corrections.
The great advantages of this plan over
that of attempting a very detailed magnetic
survey at once, the steady progress of
which over the entire country, on account
of its extent, would necessarily be very
slow, will be readily perceived. The plan
thus briefly outlined will make it possible
within a reasonable time to construct two
sets of magnetic maps for the same epoch,
each set based upon a different distribution
of the stations. An opportunity will thus
be afforded, as in the case of the recent
magnetic survey of Great Britain, to obtain
some idea of the accuracy with which the
iso-magnetic lines can be determined. The
satisfactory solution of this question will
serve asa valuable guide in future magnetic
Several State Geologists are making plans
for detailed magnetic surveys of their re-
spective States, in cooperation with the
Coast and Geodetic Survey.
In addition to the observation of the
magnetic elements at numerous points it is
necessary to maintain a few magnetic ob-
servatories where continuous observations
over a term of years will afford the data
for comparing and reducing observations
and for detecting the general changes in
the earth’s magnetic force. The Coast and
Geodetic Survey has a number of years
maintained such an observatory, for a time
at Los Angeles and later at San Antonio,
at which point the observations were
brought to a close, as they have been in the
case of the Naval Observatory at Washing-
ton, by the interference of trolley wires.
Just what points will be chosen for the
maintenance of continuous observatories
will depend somewhat on the number of
fixed magnetic observatories already main-
tained by universities and other institutions.
With continuous records in Washington,
Toronto, one point in the Northwest, Mex-
ico and Havana, the magnetic fluctuations
over the continent of North America ought
to be fairly well followed. In addition to
these a magnetic observatory will be estab-
lished by the Coast Survey on one of the
Hawaiian Islands, where its situation will
not only supplement the data furnished by
the observatories in the mainland, but by
reason of its position in an isolated island
may well be expected to add new facts to
our knowledge of one of the most interest-
ing, but one of the least perfectly under-
stood, branches of physical science.
Henry S. PritcHerr,
Tue following report has been received
from Dr. Berthold Laufer, who is in charge
of the ethnological work of the Jesup
North Pacific Expedition on the Amoor
River and on the Island of Saghalin. The
expedition is being carried on under the
auspices of the American Museum of Nat-
ural History, the expenses being borne per-
sonally by President Morris V. Jesup. Dr.
Laufer left New York in May, 1898, and
went to Saghalin by way of Japan and
Viadivostok. He spent the time from the
summer of 1898 until March, 1899, among
the various tribes inhabiting that island.
He writes under date of March 4, 1899, as
follows :
* Published by authority of the Trustees of the
American Museum of Natural History.
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 230.
In the collections which I made on the
Island of Saghalin there are a number of
very interesting specimens. On my journey
made in the course of last winter I suc-
ceeded in obtaining from the Olcha Tungus
a collection of wooden idols and amulets
made of fish-skins, which are quite new to
science. I obtained from the Ainu of
southern Saghalin a very interesting col-
lection of ethnographical objects. I have
had very good success in using the phono-
graph, and have obtained songs of the
Gilyak and Tungus. The only difficulty is
that the instrument cannot be used in the
winter, owing to the effect of severe cold.
I intend to leave Saghalin the beginning
of next week and continue my work on the
Amoor River. It ismy intention to devote
a good deal of my time to the study of lin-
guistics, since this part of my investiga-
tions has been least satisfactory. There
are no interpreters on Saghalin capable of
translating texts. There is no one who
knows more than the most common phrases
of Russian. Among the Ainu, Russian is
entirely unknown, and for the purpose of
interpreting I had to use Japanese, with
which, however, they are not very familiar
either. My knowledge of the Japanese
language facilitated my work among them
very much, since they like the Japanese
very well. Isucceeded in obtaining a great
deal of ethnological material and informa-
tion, traditions, and a large amount of
grammatical and lexicographical material,
although a short time only was available
for this purpose. I collected most of my
material among the Ainu during the night
time, because it is only at this time that
everything is astir. I have no detailed
translations of this material, but expect
to be able to make translations with the
help of my lexicographical material and
comparisons with the Ainu dialect spoken
in Japan. There is a great difference be-
tween these two dialects. The Ainu of
May 26, 1899.]
Yezzo have a vigesimal numeral system,
while those of Saghalin have a purely dec-
imal system. The latter dialect is much
more archaic. Its morphology and pho-
netics are richer. I have also found the
pronominal prefixes recently discovered by
Bachelor. Iam well satisfied with the re-
sults of my ethnographical researches among
these people. I have obtained full expla-
nations of their decorative designs. I did
not succeed in obtaining any measurements.
The people were afraid that they would
die at once after submitting to this process.
Although I had their full confidence, I
could not induce them to submit, not even
by offering presents which they considered
of great value. In Korsakovsk I succeeded
in measuring a single individual, a man of
imposing stature, who, after the measure-
ments had been taken, collapsed and looked
the picture of despair, groaning, ‘‘ Now I
am going to die to-morrow !”” The opinion
that the Ainu are exceedingly hairy is de-
cidedly exaggerated, at least so far as Sag-
halin is concerned. I have seen almost
every single individual of the villages of
the east coast of the island ; and as I slept
in their huts I had ample opportunity of
seeing naked individuals, since they undress
in the evening. By far the greater number
of the men whom I have seen have no hair
on their bodies, or at least no more than is
found among Europeans. <A more consid-
erable amount of hairiness on chest and
arms I have seen only in a few old men.
Neither is the long beard characteristic of
all Ainu. There are just as many with
long beards as there are with short beards,
or even without beards. I do not think
that their type is homogeneous at all. Ido
not understand the reasons for Schrenck’s
statement that it is impossible to distin-
guish a Gilyak from an Ainu. It seems to
me they may be distinguished with cer-
tainty, even from a long distance. I have
no doubt that the information that I have
collected on this island contains a very
considerable amount of what is new. There
are a great many errors in Schrenck’s de-
scriptions of the tribes of Saghalin. The
Orok tribe, to which he refers, does not
I started comparatively late on my jour-
ney along the east coast, because I was de-
tained for two months and a-half by a se-
vere attack of influenza. As soon as I had
sufficiently recovered I went to Rykovsk,
where the Gilyak were celebrating one of
their bear festivals. I was welcomed with
much delight, since I met several of my
acquaintances of last summer. For five
days I witnessed the ceremonial, and was
even permitted to see the sacrifice of the
dog, which is kept secret from the Rus-
sians. Then I travelled southward a hun-
dred versts on horseback to Kasarsk, the
southernmost Russian settlement on the
central part of the island. I visited the
whole valley of the Poronai as far as the
mouth of the river on a reindeer sledge, and
stayed for some time in the large Tungus vil-
lage Muiko, where I had the great pleasure
of obtaining additional information in re-
gard to the texts which I had recorded dur-
ing the preceding summer. I have meas-
ured almost the whole population of this
area and collected statistical information. In
this valley there are a number of Gilyak
families who have begun to use the rein-
deer. I had also an opportunity of seeing
a few Yakut. In December I reached
Tichmenevsk, which is called Siska by the
natives. This place is situated on Patience
Bay. On the following day I started on an
excursion eastward, in which I was partic-
ularly fortunate and successful. I obtained
many specimens and much information on
the Shamanistic rites and the ceremonials
of the natives. When, later on, I had an
opportunity to show my specimens to some
Russians they were much surprised, since
during the many years of their life on
Saghalin they had not seen anything of the
kind. Then I visited the villages Taran-
kotan and Taraika, where I first fell in with
the Ainu. I also visited the Tungus vil-
lages Unu, Muiko and Walit, after having
passed the famous lake of Taraika. It was
impossible to proceed farther eastward,
since I received an official letter of warning
not to proceed, because a few versts farther
east a band of highwaymen consisting of
escaped convicts had built a fort and were
terrorizing the country. For this reason
I returned without making the acquaintance
of these gentlemen.
On New Year’s Eve I reached Siska.
On the following day I took phonographic
records of songs, which created the greatest
sensation among the Russians as well as
among the natives. A young Gilyak
woman who sang into the instrument said:
“Tt took me so long to learn this song,
and this thing here learned it at once,
without making any. mistakes. There is
surely a man or a devil in this box which
imitates me!’’ And at the same time she
was crying and laughing from excitement.
On the second of January I started by
dog-sledge for Naiero, where I had the best
results in my work with the Ainu. Then
I visited all the settlements on the coast as
far as Naibuchi, which is 260 versts from
Siska. This journey was exceedingly diffi-
cult, and sometimes even dangerous. At
one time I narrowly escaped drowning
when passing the ice at the foot of a steep
promontory. JI broke through the ice,
which was much weakened by the waves.
Fortunately, my guide, who was travelling
in front of me, happened to capsize on his
sledge at the same moment when I broke
through. Thus it happened that he saw
my situation and extricated me with his
Towards the end of the month J arrived
at Korsakovsk, making the distance from
Naibuchi, about 100 versts, on horseback.
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 230.
Originally I intended to return from this
point along the west coast of the island;
but this proved to be impossible, as there
is no means of communication in winter.
For this reason I had to return northward
the same way by which I came, and I had
to travel as rapidly as possible in order to
reach Nikolaievsk in time. Towards the
end of March communication between the
island and mainland over the ice is sus-
pended. Therefore, I returned with all
possible speed; working and collecting,
however, when opportunity offered. The
last few days I travelled day and night,
camping a few hours, but not more than
necessary to give the reindeer time to rest.
At nine o’clock this morning I arrived
here, having covered, since six o’clock yes-
terday morning, a distance of 200 versts.
Iy the formation of any theory of color-
vision the phenomena of color-blindness
necessarily play an important part. This
is especially true, of late years, of total color-
blindness, or the absence of all color-sense.
Of this phenomena there are three classes,:
exemplified by the eyes of those rare indi-
viduals who lack from birth all power of
perceiving color by the normal eye in faint
light and by the peripheral vision of the
normal retina.
In each of these three cases the spectrum
appears as a colorless band of graduated
brightness. It was pointed out by Hering,
in 1891, that the distribution of brightness
in the first two of these three classes is the
same, and it has been generally supposed
that the color-blindness of the retinal per-
iphery is of similar character. Von Kries
showed, however, that this supposition was
untrue (Zeitschr. fiir Psychologie und Phys-
*A paper read at the Boston meeting of the Amer-
ican Association for the Advancement of Science,
August, 1898
May 26, 1899.]
iologie der Sinnesorgane, XV., pp. 247-279,
1897), the maximum brightness for peri-
pheral as for direct vision in bright light
being in the yellow ,and not, as in the other
two classes, in the green.
According to the theory of Von Kries
the visual mechanism used in bright light
differs entirely from that used in faint light.
The former distinguishes colors as colors,
and finds the greatest brightness in the yel-
low of the spectrum, but requires a certain
intensity of illumination before it can act
at all. The other is insensible to color,
seeing the spectrum, as stated above, as a
strip of varying brightness, with its max-
imum in the green. As one who is born
totally color-blind sees the spectrum in the
same way, von Kries argues that in this
case the ‘brightness-apparatus’ is absent
or ineffective, and that vision is due en-
tirely to the ‘twilight-apparatus,’ which
in the normal eye becomes important only
in faint light.
On the other hand, he goes on to say, the
periphery of the normal eye acts ‘‘ not (as
the totally color-blind eye) by means of an
absence of the ‘ brightness-apparatus,’ and
an exclusive use, therefore, of the ‘ dark-
ness-apparatus,’ but through a limitation or
change in the functions of the ‘ brightness-
apparatus.’ In the language of the ana-
tomical hypothesis, we must assume that
even in the periphery of the ‘ brightness-
adapted’ eye the cones play the most im-
portant part, and that the color-blindness
arises from a functional modification of the
apparatus depending mainly on these ele-
ments, the ‘brightness-apparatus.’ This
view is supported by the fact that the per-
iphery values show approximately the same
relations in the distribution of brightness
as the color-perceiving portions of the eye,
with the maximum near the sodium-line.”’
As this question is of considerable im-
portance in the theory of color-vision, it
seemed worth while to re-examine it with
the flicker photometer, an instrument which
appears excellently adapted to such a pur-
pose. Its value in the study of ordinary
color-blindness was pointed out by the writer
in a paper read at the Detroit meeting of
this Association, and Professor Rood, work-
ing with a flicker instrument of an entirely
different type, has come to the same con-
clusion. The flicker photometer is also
peculiarly adapted to the study of per-
ipheral vision, since, as is well known, the
peripheral regions of the retina are es-
pecially sensitive to appearances of motion
or of changing brightness.
The instrument used in these experi-
ments was of the revolving-disk type al-
ready described by the writer (Physical
Review, Vol. III., No. 16, Jan.—Feb.,
1896). To this instrument the arc of a
circle was attached, the center of which
was as nearly as possible the place occu-
pied by the eye in front of the observing
tube. This was marked in three points,
at 30,50 and 70 degrees from the line of
direct vision. When the eye was directed
on one of these marks observations with
the sight tube could be made at the corre-
sponding obliquity. All observations were
made in a horizontal plane on the nasal
side of the retina.
The conditions were those of ordinary
photometric observation; the room was
dark and the eye screened from any light
except that under observation. Thus the
eye was ,without doubt, partially ‘ adapted
for darkness,’ though the lights under ob-
servation were too bright to allow this
adaptation to go very far. The sources of
light were kerosene lamps, provided with
Methven slits and burning a special high-
grade oil. They were found to burn with
great uniformity, but were checked by fre-
quent direct observations. The right-hand
lamp was used as a standard, was kept al-
ways in one place, and used to illuminate the
revolving disk. The left-hand lamp illu-
minated the pigments to be studied, and
could be moved along the bar. All colors
were brought to the same intensity before
observations, that is, the photometer, con-
taining the colored card, was set at a defi-
nite distance from the right-hand lamp, and
the other lamp moved backward or forward
until a balance was approximately attained.
It was left in this position, and the set of
observations on any given color made by
moving the photometer head in the usual
way. Thusthe uncertainties were avoided
which arise from working with lights of
small intensity.
Six colored papers were selected from the
set published by the Milton Bradley Com-
pany—red, orange, yellow, green, green-
blue, blue. Each of these was examined
by direct vision, and at each of the three
angles before mentioned. T'wo concordant
series of observations, each involving a
large number of readings, were made on
different days, and the mean of the two
series taken as the final result. It soon be-
came evident that the pigments at the red
end of the spectrum decreased in bright-
ness from the center to the periphery of the
retina, while those nearer the blue end in-
creased in brightness. It seemed probable
that some color must exist for which the
brightness would be the same for all parts
of the retina, and to locate this color more
closely the intermediate pigments yellow-
green and green-yellow were added to the
set originally selected. The results are
exhibited in Table I.
0° 30° 50° 0s
Re .238 .128 .089 079
O. -603 1297 227 .225
Ye .902 755 674 .660
Gay. -602 .544 .503 -505
NEG: 463 .466 .459 .478
G. .292 .347 .376 .391
G.B. .245 .317 .329 343
B 107 -151 eli¢o) .193
It is shown by this table that the yellow-
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 230.
green remains nearly at the same bright-
ness for all angles of vision; that, in fact,
the brightness curve for the whole set of
pigments might almost be said to rotate
about this color as an axis, the red falling
and the blue rising as the periphery is ap-
proached. The character of the change is,
perhaps, more clearly shown in Table II.,
which is derived from Table I. by multi-
plying each series of figures by a factor
which brings the yellow-green value to
unity, changing all other results in like
proportion. The value for any color at any
angle of vision may then be directly read
as a percentage of the value for yellow-
0° 30° 50° 70°
R. .514 .275 .194 .165
oO. 1.303 .637 -495 471
NG. 2.070 1.620 1.468 1.381
G.Y,. 1.300 1.167 1.096 1.057
Y:G: 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
G. .631 -720 .819 .818
Gabe .529 .680 arate? “717
B. .231 .324 381 -404
It is thus seen that while the red falls in
peripheral vision to about one-third of its
brightness when viewed directly, and blue
is nearly doubled in brightness, yellow is
reduced in brightness by about one-third,
and yellow-green, that portion of the spec-
trum where we should expect the greatest
brightness if the peripheral color-blindness
were of the same character as ‘twilight’
color-blindness, remains practically the
same at all angles of vision. Yellow is
still the brightest of the colors, and the
maximum is shifted but little toward the
It is to be noted, also, that there is com-
paratively little change from 50° of ob-
liquity outward. At 50° most colors are still
distinguishable ; at 70°, none of them. At
50° the apparatus which gives us the sen-
sation of color must still contribute its
quota to the sensation of brightness, as in
MAy 26, 1899.]
‘direct vision. It is probable, therefore,
from the similarity of the results at the two
angles, that it continues to do so in the
more peripheral parts of the retina, al-
though it has lost its other function, of
The results at 70° confirm in a general
way the measurements of von Kries. His
results are given in Table III., with the
‘column for 70° from the flicker experi-
ments, both also reduced to the value unity
in the yellow for purposes of comparison.
Original Original
Values. Reduced. Values. Reduced.
nite 1.35 .199 079 .130
0. 4.03 594 222 SBRy/
ve 6.7 1.000 .660 1.000
BYE Grime persecution act .478 724
G. 4.92 -726 391 592
B.G. 3.87 esr Leet beat ge Wiser aera hes Win Sep
AG ME alae cceee el Mil (hirysaaess .344 .521
Banh lresssteonh joni eisteess .193 292
V .86 PD Time caercc enn Witenes
The two sets of measurements, though
-differing considerably in detail, show a pro-
-gression in brightness of a similar charac-
ter, especially as to the position of the max-
imum. An inspection of the table makes
it evident that differences in the results
might possibly be explained by the assump-
tion of slight differences in the pigments
used by the two observers ; but it is per-
haps more probable that the difference is a
real one, caused by the fact that my obser-
vations were made in a darkened room,
and, therefore, with an eye more ‘adapted
for darkness’ than that of von Kries, who
worked in a well-lighted place.
While it appears evident, as von Kries
holds, that the color-perceiving apparatus
is of importance in determining the bright-
ness of any color peripherally seen, it is
plain that—in the language of his theory—
the apparatus for twilight vision plays a
more important part than in the central
portions of the retina. For the diminution
of the reds and increase of the blues in
brightness are characteristic only of faint
illumination by direct vision—illumination
fainter than the lowest at which the flicker
method can be advantageously used (Phys-
ical Review, loc. cit., p. 247), whereas they
are shown by these experiments to exist in
the outer regions of the retina under con-
ditions of considerable brightness.
It may be said, in conclusion, that the
brightness-sensation of the retinal per-
iphery, so far as it differs from that of the
central portions, differs from it in the same
direction, though not so greatly, as in the
other two types of complete color-blind-
On the occasion of the Kant Commemo-
ration at Konigsberg, February 7, 1854,
Helmholtz delivered an address on the ‘ In-
teraction of Natural Forces,’in which he laid
the foundation of the modern theory of the
sun’s heat. The whole address, with the
principal formule by which the numerical
results were obtained, was translated into
English and published in the Philosophical
Magazine for 1856. In this paper the author
discusses the conservation of energy, which
‘he had been so instrumental in establishing
upon a sound mathematical basis ; and as-
cribes the maintenance of the sun’s heat to
the potential energy given up by the par-
ticles in descending towards the center of
his globe. On the hypothesis that the solar
sphere is of homogeneous density he sub-
jects the problem to computation, and finds
that the heat developed by a very small
shrinkage of the mass will be sufficient to
* Read before the Philosophical Society of Wash-
ington, May 13, 1899.
account for the observed radiation. His
principal conclusions may be summarized
as follows :
1. That a shrinkage in the radius of 35
meters per year will generate sufficient
heat to sustain the annual output of radi-
ant energy.
2. That on this basis the radius of the
sun would not shrink more than 5} 557 part
in 2,000 years, and this shrinkage could
not be detected by any measurements
which have been made within historical
time. For the mean value of the sun’s
radius is about 961 seconds of arc, and is
still uncertain by about one-half second ;
zaboy Of this radius is thus but one-fifth of
the outstanding uncertainty in the sun’s
semi-diameter, in spite of all the labor
which has been spent in finding its exact
value by refined measurement. As the
diameters noted by the ancients are much
less accurate than those which can be in-
ferred from the recorded duration of an-
cient eclipses in conjunction with the the-
ory of the moon, we can only say that
there is nu evidence that the radius has
diminished since the earliest ages. Even
with the finest measurements now avail-
able, it would take ten thousand years for
the shrinkage to become clearly sensible.
There is, therefore, little hope that the
shrinkage of the sun can ever be observed,
yet from known mechanical laws we may
confidently compute its amount, with even
greater accuracy than we could hope to ob-
tain from direct measurement.
3. That all the energy generated in the
mass of the sun by the falling together of
its particles would suffice to raise an aque-
ous globe of the same mass to a temperature
of over 27 million degrees Centigrade.
Pouillet estimated from experiments on
solar radiation that the heat annually lost
by the sun would raise the temperature of
such a globe 1.25° C. On this basis the
observed radiation of the sun could not
LN. S. Vou. IX. No. 230.
have gone on uniformly in the past for
more than about 22 millions of years. As
more modern estimates increase the ob-
served radiation appreciably, when full ac-
count is taken of atmospheric absorption,
we shall adopt 18 million years as the past
duration of the sun, on the theory of uniform
radiation and homogeneous density as-
sumed by Helmholtz.
4. Helmholtz further shows that all the
energy given up by the condensation of the
several planets amounts to but little more
than j>700 part of that developed by the
condensation of the sun, and that the energy
of the motion of the planets amounts to
only ;1, of that resulting from the potential
of the homogeneous sun upon itself. Thus
nearly all the energy of the solar system
has resulted from the condensation of the
solar mass,
I propose this evening to present the re-
sults of a determination of the potential of
the sun upon itself, when the mass is
heterogeneous, or made up of successive
layers of a uniform density, and the density
follows the laws found by our countryman,
Lane, just 30 years ago, for a gaseous body
in convective equilibrium. The density of
each layer can be found from Lane’s theory.
Beginning at the center and proceeding out-
ward, we can thence determine the average
density of the included spheres when suc-
cessive layers of known density are added.
(The speaker here explained the theory of
the integration which he had developed, and
said that the mathematical discussion of
the process would appear in the Astronom-
ische Nachrichten.) From an astronomical
point of view the problem to be solved is best
treated by some process of mechanical
quadrature ; and accordingly I have divided
the radius into 40 parts, and by successive
steps obtained an integral for the potential of
the heterogeneous sphere upon itself, which
isalmost rigorously exact. It turns out that
the condensation of the heterogeneous sun
MAY 26, 1899. ]
has produced more heat than the homo-
geneous one, in the ratio of 176,868 to
100,000. As the energy of condensation of
the homogeneous sphere represents a radia-
tion of 18 million years, the potential of
this heterogeneous sphere would, on the
same basis, sustain radiation almost exactly
32 million years. Thus the effect of most
of the particles of Helmholtz’s homogeneous
sphere falling towards the center to produce
the heterogeneous sphere here treated is to
prolong the life of the sun through an additional
period of 14 million years.
It has been generally held by those who
have studied the theory of the sun’s energy
that this fiery globe can hardly continue its
activity after the diameter has shrunk to
one-half its present value, which would
increase the average density of the sphere
eight times, and make it equal to 11.2 that
of water. Jf this supposition be admitted, it
wili follow that our sun has a total longevity of
thirty-six million years, of which thirty-two mil-
lions lie in the past and only four millions are
available for the future life of the solar system.
Thus eight-ninths of the available potential en-
ergy of the sun has been spent, and only one-
ninth is available for futwre use. This conclu-
sion is based upon the assumptions : (1)
That the sun’s mass is gaseous and the
density follows the laws found by Lane ;
(2) that shrinkage will essentially cease
when the globe has attained the average
density of 11.2; (3) that the ratio of the
specific heat of the solar gas under constant
pressure to that of the gas under constant
volume is 1.4, as in common air and most
terrestrial gases, and, moreover, that the
average specific heat of the sun’s mass is
not enormously great, so that the latent
heat of cooling would become a great source
of energy after shrinkage had _ entirely
ceased. All these hypotheses are extremely
probable, and the first two will hardly be
questioned by any one. For since Wilson
and Gray (Phil. Trans., 1894) find by ex-
periment that the effective temperature of
the photosphere is about 8,000° C., it will
follow that the temperature of the body of
the sun is very much higher. According
to Lane’s theory this would make the tem-
perature of the nucleus about a quarter of
a million degrees Centigrade. The matter
composing the body of the sun is much
above the critical temperatures of all
known substances, and thus is necessarily
in a gaseous state, though in the nucleus it
may be so far condensed, under the euor-
mous pressure to which it is subjected, as
to act like a solid or fluid of great viscosity.
On the other hand, even though the central
density be 28 times that of water, while the
photosphere is rarer than the terrestrial at-
mosphere, it is hardly conceivable that ap-
preciable shrinkage can go on after the
average density of the globe has increased
to eight times its present value. For the
resistances due to molecular repulsive forces
must tend to overcome gravitation pressure,
and thus render further contraction impos-
sible. If this state be not fully realized
when the sun’s radius has sunk to one-half
its present value, it must yet be so fully at-
tained in the greater part of the body of
the sun that what further shrinkage is pos-
sible in the external layers will produce
little available energy for maintaining the
sun’s heat.
As to the average specific heat of the sun
we can only say that water has the greatest
specific heat of all known terrestrial sub-
stances, and it is not probable that the
average specific heat of the dense gases
composing the sun can be enormously
greater than that of the specific heats of the
corresponding gases found upon our earth.
Thus it is not likely that our sun can long
maintain its radiation after shrinkage has
From this investigation it seems that the
future duration of the sun’s heat can hardly
exceed four million years, and a_corre-
sponding limit is set for plant and animal
life upon our globe.
At Ae ds trot
May 12, 1899.
THE preliminary account of Dr. Plate’s
remarkable discovery published in the Sitz-
ungsberichte der Gesellschaft Natwrforschende
Freunde, Berlin (1897, No. 8, pp. 137-141),
has, as far as I am aware, received no com-
ment in recent literature, although there
ean be little doubt that this remarkable
Cyclostome has revived more of the im-
portant discussions as to the position of the
Cyclostomes than any publication since the
time of the classic pamphlet of Professor
Dohrn, ‘ Der Ursprung der Wirbelthiere.’ And
morphologists will, I am sure, await im-
patiently a further discussion of the anat-
omy of this newly discovered type, shortly
to appear in the Fauna Chilensis in the Sup-
plement Volume of the Zoologische Jahr-
As the preliminary account is not readily
accessible, it may be noted that this re-
markable lamprey has large and normally
developed eyes. It measures but 107 mm. in
length, is of a brilliant silver-white color,
and its sides are literally compressed, as in
the case of many of the typical bony fishes.
The back region is blue-black, with light
yellow, dusky flakes on the anterior half of
the forehead. It is also noteworthy that
the sides of the body are perfectly smooth,
lacking the markings of the muscles, com-
mon in other Cyclostomes. The nasal open-
ing is slit-like, situated anterior to the eyes,
and not opening in apapilla. The gill-slits
are vertically compressed. The eye is of
extraordinary size, 2.5 mm. in diameter, and
resembles outwardly the eyes of a Teleost,
with a circular pupil, 1 mm. in diameter.
(N.S. Von. LX. No. 230.
The dentition is relatively simple, and is
said to resemble that of Myxine.
Plate has not as yet expressed his opinion
as to the significance of his morphological
prize ; but, judging from a single phrase in
his paper, he appears to regard it as a form
which has not assumed parasitic habits, and
has, therefore, not been subjected to degen-
eration. To what degree, however, will he
support Dohrn’s earlier teachings, which
derived the Cyclostomes from a teleost-like
ancestor? In any case, this discovery will
by no means simplify the difficult problem
as to the relationships of the Cyclostomes
in general, for it is not unnatural to assume
that if one of these forms has evolved nor-
mally developed eyes probably the others
also may originally have possessed them,
and that the present condition of cornea,
lens and retina may reasonably be inter-
preted as degenerate instead of primitive.
On the other hand, as far as the prelim-
inary account enables one to judge, it is
also possible to assume that under favorable
conditions the Hyperoarte may have become
highly specialized to the degree, indeed, of
acquiring a more teleost-like body form, to-
gether with more completely developed
visual structures. Itis tobe hoped that Dr.
Plate has succeeded in collecting material
which will throw light upon the relations of
this new type from the standpoint of meta-
morphosis and embryonic development.
Basurorp DEan.
Tue recent and most interesting work of
the Italian naturalists Grassi, Calandruc-
cio and Ercolani has added, in all essential
regards, the needed information regarding
the spawning time, as well as the meta-
morphosis, of the eel. Ido not find, how-
ever, in my review of the literature, any
definite observations with regard to either
May 26, 1899.]
time or place of spawning of the eel in
American waters, and I wish, therefore, to
present a brief note on the only instance of
a spawning eel which has, up to the pres-
ent time, come within my notice. I had
hoped to give further instances relating to
this matter, but Ihave, unfortunately, been
unable to secure additional data.
The general interest I have always had
in the spawning of the eel has led me, from
time to time during the past twenty-five
years, to examine the condition of the
ovary in numbers of specimens which have
been brought to the New York markets
during various seasons. The eggs which
I have, however, noticed in this material
were never larger than some which I
observed twenty years ago in the so-
called ‘eel-fat,’ that is to say, minute
ovarian eggs, measuring possibly .03 mm.
in diameter. It has long been known, in a
general way, that in this neighborhood the
eels are usually taken in great numbers dur-
ing November and December, at the time of
their passage seaward down the Hudson or
in Gravesend Bay; and it has always been
supposed that the spawning takes place
within a month or so of this time, since in
the early spring the elvers (montées), which
ascend the rivers, are found never measur-
ing less than two inches in length. That
the actual spawning-time, however, may be
a much later one, seems to me now more
than probable for the following reason: On
May 8, 1898, my attention was brought
to an eel containing ova which separated
readily from the ovary and filled the cavity
of the abdomen, and I am able to give the
following notes relating to this very un-
usual specimen. JI find it was taken at At-
lantic Highlands by Lewis Morris, in rela-
tively shallow water, between two and
three fathoms, in a locality which is well
known as an eeling ground. The color of
the specimen was relatively bright, but not
unusually so, nor was the eye notably
larger than in similar specimens from the
same locality. The specimen was rela-
tively small, measuring 42 cm. in length,
and weighed but 135 grammes. The eggs
are .4 mm. in diameter. A microscopic ex-
amination of the ova made by my friend,
Professor Dean, of Columbia University,
shows that the germinative vesicle is clearly
defined, and that the egg is all but ma-
ture. The ova, as I have already noted,
are readily shaken free from the ovarian
The distinct interest of this observation
appears to be this, that the eel may, in ex-
ceptional instances at least, ripen its eggs
in relatively shallow water, possibly in the
inlets of many of the bays and sounds, in-
stead of at the great depths which the
European observers have hitherto regarded
as necessary for sexual maturation. As far
as I am aware, the only instance of the tak-
ing of a sexually matured eel has been in
waters of one hundred or more fathoms in
depth. In all these instances, moreover,
the female eel has been of considerable size,
at least half again as large as the present
The present specimen, moreover, gives
us a clue to the spawning time of the eel in
our neighboring waters; in any event, it
demonstrates that here the season of ovula-
tion, during the month of May or there-
abouts, is certainly many months later than
in the Mediterranean, for in the latter
locality, according to Grassi and Calan-
druccio (Fischerei Zeitung, X XII., 428), the
eggs can only be found between the months
of September and January. I should note,
however, that the possibility is not ex-
cluded that the present eel was of excep-
tional sexual characters, like the small ex-
amples of shad showing almost ripened
eggs which are sometimes taken one and
even two months in advance of the regular
Instrument No. 76,164 in the U. S. Na-
tional Museum, from the Cocopa Indians, is
made of cane. The septum of the reed is
not removed, but two small holes are burnt
into the cavity, one on either side of the
septum and the wood between the holes re-
moved. By covering the upper hole and
the intervening space between the holes
with the finger and blowing in the upper
end of the reed, a proper direction is given
to the breath against the outer edge of the
lower hole and a whistling sound is pro-
duced.. Finger holes in the section below
the septum enable the player to produce a
variety of sounds.
The second step in the development of
the embouchure is illustrated by instru-
ments Nos. 107,535 from Tucson, Arizona,
and 11,814 from the Apache Indians, in the
same Territory. Both have the same style
of embouchure as the first named. Buta
piece of cloth or deerskin tied over the up-
per sound hole and the space between the
holes takes the place of the finger in di-
recting the breath. It may be noticed that
in none of the flageolets mentioned has the
maker sharpened the edge of the lip or hole
against which the wind impinges.
The third step is marked by instruments
with a thin edge on the lip where the sound
is made. In No. 8,429, from the Ree In-
dians, one section of quill is used to re-
place the finger or cloth in directing the
breath, and another to form a sharp lip,
and they are lashed down tight with
sinew. In Nos. 72,884 and 94,005, from
the Creek Indians, and in many other ex-
amples, the reed is replaced by a piece of
soft wood split and hollowed to imitate the
interior of the cane flageolet, and the pieces
then joined with gum and thongs. In
these the ‘languid,’ or languette, is left in
the carving and the sound holes are united
by an excavation as in 1 and 2. The air
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 230-
channel is formed by excavating a shallow
notch in the upper edge of the diaphragm,
or ‘languid ;’ the lip being a thin piece of
metal; the cover is a piece of wood, laid on
and fastened with thong. This is usually
carved and isa prominent feature in this
style of flageolet commonly called ‘ court-
ing flutes.’
The fourth and last step in this evolution
is exemplified by No. 23,724, from the Sioux
of Devil’s Lake Agency. The air passage
between the two sound holes is not cut out
of the diaphragm between, but a metal plate
extends over and beyond both holes, and
there is a rectangular slot cut out of the
metal long enough to expose both holes and
of the same width as the holes. The carved
cap is lashed on top of the metal plate so
as to form the air passage, which is bounded
by the diaphragm, the edges of the metal
and the underside of the wooden cap.
The Ree specimen, No. 8,429, shows that
the Indian flageolet was in use before the
knowledge of the Europeans. This speci-
men consists of a tube of hard wood. In-
stead of making the embouchure like those
in European whistles and flageolets, placing
a plug with an air channel between it and
the wall of the tube just above the sound
hole, they have made a long hole or slot
in the wall of the tube and plugged the bore,
with the gum or wax so placed that the slot
is open above and below the plug. This
plug, or ‘ languid,’ is not quite even with the
outer surface of the tube; the upper portion
of the slot is covered with a split quill, its
lower edge being even with the lower face of
the plug, or ‘ languid,’ and the shallow space
between the edge of the plug within the
slot and the quill forms the air channel
which directs the wind against the edge of
another split quill lashed over the lower
part of the slot to within a quarter of an
inch or so of the upper quill, thus form-
ing a modification of the Indian cane flageo-
lets, but not of the European form at all.
May 26, 1899. ]
This peculiar style of the Indian flageolet
T have not met with, except among the In-
dians of the United States, and those chiefly
west of the Mississippi. There are whistles
made of bone, stone or other materials by
the Indians of the United States which are of
the European character and they may have
been known before the coming of the Euro-
peans. But the peculiar construction of
the flageolet I have described is so different
from the common form that I have no
doubt of its entirely Indian origin.
E. H. HAwtey.
Traité élémentaire de météorologie. Par ALFRED
AnGoT. Paris, Gauthier- Villars. 1899. Pp.
vi+417. Price, 12 francs.
Professor Angot occupies the position of
meteorologist to the Freuch Bureau Central
Météorologique, and is so well known to meteor-
ological workers the world over, that a formal
treatise from his pen will receive careful con-
sideration. It. is not too much to say that
Angot is to-day the foremost meteorologist in
France, and as such his treatise will be con-
sidered an authority in his own country. The
question naturally arises : Does the book repre-
sent the meteorology of to-day ?
The author in his preface explains that he is
not giving a complete treatise on meteorology,
but merely a non-mathematical presentation of
the elements of the science. The subject of
meteorological instruments and their use has
been excellently presented by the author in his
‘Instructions météorologique,’ and he has
omitted this from his present treatise ; thus hav-
ing more space to devote to the results of me-
teorological observations and theories.
Professor Angot remarks that little attention
is paid to instruction in meteorology in the in-
stitutions of learning in France, and he refers
to the contrast existing in the United States,
where ‘a great number of special chairs are
devoted to meteorology in the high schools
as well as in the universities.’ I must say that
Iam surprised to learn of this activity in the
study of meteorology in our country, for my
own observation has revealed an almost utter
indifference, in fact the indifference which
comes from ignorance, to the claims of meteor-
ology on the part of those who have the say of
what shall and what shail not be taught in our
schools and colleges. If there is any institu-
tion in the United States, except Harvard Uni-
versity, that devotes $500 a year to meteoro-
logical instruction I have not yet heard of it ;
and, looking at the matter from another point
of view, it may be remarked that our pub-
lishers who have brought out works on ele-
mentary meteorology express a disinclination
to have their fingers burned by a repetition of
the experiment.
Angot has divided his work into five books,
which follow a brief introduction. Book I.
treats of the Temperature; Book II. of the
Atmospheric Pressure and Wind ; Book III. of
the Water in the Atmosphere ; Book IV. of the
Disturbances in the Atmosphere; Book V. of
the Forecasting of the Weather and Meteoro-
logical Periods.
In the introduction the author explains the
derivation of average values, the various
periodic changes which occur in meteorology
and the significance of interpolation.
Under the heading Temperature there is
given first an excellent chapter on actinometry,
which is followed by the usual treatment of the
periodic diurnal and annual changes of tempera-
ture, and their variations with change of alti-
tude, latitude and continental or oceanic sur-
roundings, and the distribution of temperature
over the earth’s surface. An unusually full
section treating of the influence of temperature
on vegetation, anda quite lengthy chapter on
the temperature of the soil and water surface
closes this book. The charts representing the
geographical distribution of the temperature
(and the other elements) show the convergence
of the meridians, and are consequently an im-
provement on the ordinary Mercator’s projec-
The treatment of the barometric pressure is
especially full as regards the diurnal variation ;
and, as was to have been expected, the cause of
the semi-diurnal oscillation is referred to as still
The general conceptions concerning the direc-
tion, force and velocity of the wind are fully
explained, but it is not until the author reaches
the subject of the causes of the wind, and its re-
lations with the temperature and pressure, that
the reader’s greatest interest is aroused. For
it is here that the modern aspect of meteorology
really begins, and it is just here that the author
encounters his greatest difficulties. He gives
first the cause and maintenance of fluid motions
as depending on the differences of pressure at
the same level, and establishes the complete
circuit of such movements of the air; he then
proceeds to explain the meaning of the terms
isobaric lines and barometric gradients. Then
follow, in succession, the influence of the earth’s
rotation on the movements of the air, the curve
of inertia, the formation of cyclonic and anti-
eyclonic whirls, and the circulation of the air
around centers of warm or cold air. After this
comes the general circulation of the atmosphere;
the constant winds, the ‘ Trades ;’ the seasonal
winds, the monsoons; the diurnal winds, the
land and sea breezes, mountain winds, ete.
I must confess to a feeling of disappointment
upon reading this part of Professor Angot’s
book. I had hoped that he would have given
us a simple, clear, logical development of the
air circulation somewhat after the manner of
Ferrel’s theory, but which should include the
views of the best European investigators. That
is what we need ; but the author has contented
himself with the older method of a disconnected
treatment of the different features of the at-
mospheric circulation, some of which have been
treated in one way and some in other ways by
the various investigators who first developed
them. I think that all of those who have tried
to present in an elementary manner the results
of the later investigators concerning the ‘ cir-
culation of the atmosphere’ have attempted an
impossible short cut in meteorological litera-
ture, and that there must first be written an
advanced treatment of the subject, which can
later be simplified for an elementary treatise.
Until this elaborate treatise has been written I
think that Ferrel’s development of the subject
as given in his ‘ Popular Treatise of the Winds’
(New York, 1889) will still remain the best for
presentation to the student or general reader.
We must bear in mind that Ferrel preceded
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 230.
this popular exposition of the subject by his
highly technical ‘Recent Advances in Meteor-
In Angot’s chapter on atmospheric humidity
the sections on condensation and clouds deserve:
special mention, and the reproduction of cloud
photographs are unusually good. Under rain-
fall the charts showing the continental distribu-
tion of this element are valuable.
The subject of meteorological optics is really
too difficult for presentation in a very elemen-
tary treatise on meteorology, but the author
has succeeded rather better than is usual in his
brief treatment of the subject.
The development of the subject of cyclones,
thunder-squalls and spout phenomena is very
full ; but Faye’s theories are given perhaps un-
due prominence from the German and Ameri-
can points of view.
In this, as in other recent treatises, the sub-
ject of Weather Predictions has not the space
devoted to it which its practical importance
The last chapter takes up briefly the meteor-
ological periods or cycles, and cosmic influ-
Taking Angot’s book as a whole, there is a
deliberateness of treatment of each topic which
can only be attained either by the making ofa
bulky volume or the exclusion of many impor-
tant topics which deserve mention ; and in the
reviewer’s opinion the use of the work as a text-
book will be lessened thereby, but its value to
the general reader will be increased. The lack
of an index is, however, a most serious draw-
back to the free use of the book as a work of
reference, for it requires the knowledge of a
specialist to be able to turn at once to minor
topics by the aid of the rather full table of con-
tents alone.
Professor Angot’s ‘Meteorology’ is a much
more important contribution to French litera-
ture than it is to the world’s literature of the
subject, and it will, undoubtedly, do a great
amount of good in supplying French readers
with information concerning the present con-
dition of a subject of very rapidly increasing
interest. The French meteorological literature
of recent years has not been nearly as abundant
as that of other countries, and we trust that
oe ces
MAY 26, 1899. ]
this new book may arouse to action other
authors and publishers, and especially such as
will devote their energies to the presentation of
the new meteorology. FRANK WALDO.
The Genesis and Dissolution of the Faculty of
Speech. A Clinical and Psychological Study
of Aphasia. By JoserH Coins, M. D., Pro-
fessor of Diseases of the Mind and Nervous
System in the New York Post-graduate Med-
ical School; Neurologist to the New York City
Hospital, ete. Awarded the Alvarenga Prize
of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia,
1897. New York, The Macmillan Company.
1898. Pp. viii+432.
This volume, to which was awarded the
Alvarenga prize of the College of Physicians of
Philadelphia for 1897, is a monograph of im-
portance. There is no more fruitful field of
investigation than the various forms of speech
disturbance, for the student both of psychology
and pathological anatomy. That progress has
been slow is due to the fact, as Collins points
out, that observation and analysis of speech de-
fect has been inaccurate and post-mortem ex-
aminations incomplete. If not offering very
much that is new the book before us has the
merit of calling attention to our deficiencies
and of urging greater care in the future. The
author shows from beginning to end an admi-
rable grasp of his subject and a complete ac-
quaintance with the literature, which he has
used with skill to produce throughout an emi-
nently readable and stimulating book.
The monograph opens with a chapter on
‘Disorders of intellectual expression, known
as aphasia.’ This is largely a discussion and
criticism of terms, the outcome of which is a
general classification of aphasia as follows:
1. True aphasia—-aphasia of apperception.
Due to lesion of any constituent of the speech
region, the zone of language.
2. Sensory aphasia. Due to lesion of the
central and peripheral pathways leading to the
zone of language.
83. Motor aphasia. Due to lesion of the motor
pathways, over which motor impulses travel in
passing to the peripheral speech musculature.
4. Compound aphasia. Any combination of
two or more of these.
Such a classification the author regards as
sufficient for all practical purposes, but as a
concession to established usage he makes cer-
tain sub-divisions in order to avoid possible con-
fusion of nomenclature. For example, he re-
tains the word ‘motor’ as applied to aphasia
produced by lesion of Broca’s convolution
‘solely becau-e such usage has been consecrated
by time,’ and not because he believes this center
to be in reality entirely motor.
Following this chapter is a valuable historical
sketch comprised in twenty-three pages, with
a good bibliography. Charcot’s autonomous
speech centers are sharply criticised, both here
and later in the book, and Dejerine’s services
to the subject receive the warmest appreciation,
particularly because of their general opposition
to Charcot’s views,
Under the heading of ‘An analysis of the
genesis and function of speech,’ Collins an-
alyses, from the point of view of physiological
psychology, the various elements which ulti-
mately result in the development of the faculty
of speech. It is clearly too large a subject for
so cursory a handling, and on the whole is less
satisfactory than the discussions which are con-
cerned solely with the physical side of the pro-
Chapter IV. concerns itself with remarks on
the anatomy of the brain, the zone of language,
and the evidence regarding a special graphic
motor center. Itis largely anatomical and pre-
sents with clearness the facts we should know
relative to the structure of the brain in gen-
eral, and particularly of those parts to which are
attributed special functions in regard to speech.
Flechsig’s recently expressed views as to the
zones of projection and the zones of association
are narrated in considerable detail, because of
their more or less direct bearing upon the con-
ception of aphasia which the author has elab-
orated. Collins is definite in his opinion that
the zone of language, made up mainly of Broca’s
convolution, the posterior portion of the first
temporal convolution, and the angular gyrus,
does not send fibers directly into the motor pro-
jection tract. The Rolandic cortex must first
be called upon before an idea can be expressed
as speech. He is equally confident that we
now have sufficient evidence to overthrow com-
pletely Charcot’s conception of four more or
less independent centers and particularly of a
so-called graphic center, and that we may con-
fidently maintain that the zone of language is,
as it were, a unit in its action, no part of which
may be seriously injured, without in a measure
impairing the entire mechanism of speech.
These claims are supported by much skilful
analysis of reported cases, and a careful reading
leaves us with the conviction of the reasonable-
ness of Collins’ views.
The greater part of the remainder of the book
is taken up with a more detailed consideration
of the varieties of speech disturbance, fre-
quently and pleasantly interrupted by the nar-
ration either of personal cases or of cases re-
ported by others. In the discussion of motor
aphasia much stress is laid upon a distinction
too often overlooked, namely, that between
cortical and sub-cortical motor aphasia. In the
failure to recognize this distinction—and the
same applies to sensory aphasia—Collins sees
one of the greatest impediments to progress in
our knowledge ; and, conversely, the greatest
possible hope for more accurate knowledgein the
future must lie in the careful microscopic study
of the brains of aphasic individuals, particularly
when the lesion lies beneath the cortex. The
details of differential diagnosis do not concern
the present review, but these chapters are to be
cordially recommended to those desiring some-
thing beyond a vague conception of the real
problems of the future.
The diagnosis, etiology, morbid anatomy,
treatment and, finally, the medico-legal aspects
of aphasia are discussed in a somewhat less
complete form, as the scope of the book amply
justifies. Collins disagrees with certain other
writers as regards the responsibility of the
aphasic. His contention here is that in so far as
internal speech is unaffected, or put anatom-
ically, if the cortical areas for stored memories
are intact, a person must be regarded as re-
sponsible, other things being equal. If, on the
contrary, such areas are involved, e. g., the area
for motor word memories, the person’s testa-
mentary capacity should always be called in
question. Hence, again, the extreme impor-
tance of determining whether the lesion lead-
ing to the speech defect be actually in the zone
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 230.
of language or in that part of the nerve
mechanism which simply subserves the emis-
sion of words—sub-cortical.
In general the monograph must be regarded
as a valuable contribution to American neuro-
logical literature. The subject-matter is pre-
sented in a scholarly way, and with a directness
and certainty of his position which is char-
acteristic of the author. Itis to be regretted
that Bastian’s recent work should have been
published too late to be fully included in Col-
lins’s critical analysis. On the whole the au-
thor’s conception and treatment of his subject
seem to us sound and representative of the best
type of scientific discussion. He gives us few
pew observations, worked out with the detail,
particularly after death, which he so urgently
recommends, but this, no doubt, is due to lack
of opportunity.
The style is for the most part clear. There
is, however, a constant tendency to use unnec-
essarily pedantic words, for which we can find
no excuse. In writing on scientific subjects
simplicity of diction is surely a first requisite,
and this Collins lacks. The following words
and expressions are correct, it may be, but cer-
tainly not well chosen : ‘ Ancientness,’ ‘ super-
ambient cortex,’ ‘speechfulness,’ ‘cotton rain
guard,’ ‘perishment,’ ‘disablement.’ This is,
however, a minor criticism in an otherwise ex-
cellent piece of work.
The book is admirably printed on rather un-
necessarily heavy paper and the proof reading
is almost faultless. An index adds materially
to its usefulness and convenience.
Bie Wistelss
Codex Borbonicus. Manuscrit Méxicain de la
Bibliothéque Du Palais Bourbon, Livre divi-
natoire et Rituel figuré. Publié en fac-sim-
ile avec une commentaire explicatif par
M. E.-T. Hamy. Paris, 1889. Ernest LE-
ROUX, Editeur. Text pp. 1-24, introduction
and 4 chapters. Plates folded screen fashion
No’s. 2-88 in colors.
This ancient Mexican book, formerly known
as the Codex Législatif, is now published for the
first time, in exact fac-simile, color, size and
form. The original is on maguey paper, and
MAy 26, 1899.]
the drawing is the work of an artist, displaying
an accuracy not seen in any of the other Mexi-
can codices. It has been hidden from the world
in the recesses of the library of the Chamber of
Deputies, Paris. The writer had the priviledge
of carefully examining it in 1895, in company
with the Duke of Loubat, through whose gener-
osity its publication has been made possible.
The bright colors with which it was painted are
still well preserved, and the whole codex isin ex-
cellent condition. The first two pages and prob-
ably the last two are missing, undoubtedly having
been destroyed, or abstracted shortly subsequent
to the conquest. The division and mutilation
of the Mexican codices is a well-known fact.
This book, folded screen fashion, is painted
upon but one side, unlike the majority of the
Pre-Columbian codices. The pages bear texts
written in poor Spanish, partly explanatory of
their meaning. The first 18 pages contain the
Tonalamatl, the divinatory or astrological calen-
dar of the Aztecs. The contents of the missing
first two pages can be supplied by a study of the
other ritualistic calendars, of the Codices Vati-
canus 3773, Vaticanus 3738, Borgianus, Bo-
logna and the Boturini-Aubin-Goupil Tonala-
matl. This subject has been exhaustively treated
by Dr. Ed. Seler. The Tonalamatl of the Codex
Borbonicus is far more complete than any
other yet published, and helps to clear up some
of their obscure points. Pages 19 to 38 contain
astronomical, religious and historical material
of great interest, and somewhat resemble the
paintings found in the Codex Telleriano Re-
mensis of the National Library, Paris, and its
counterpart Codex Vaticanus 3738. Pages 37
to 38 are instructive from the historical stand-
point. Page 387 represents the two prophets
who foretold to Montezuma the coming of the
Spaniards to subdue the country. The dates:
1, Tochtli; 2, Acatl; 3, Tecpatl, 1506-7-3, ac-
company these figures, and suggest that the
priests had heard of the appearance of the ships
of Diaz de Solis and Pinzon off the coast of
Yucatan in 1506, notice of which was undoubt-
edly carried to most parts of the culture area.
When all the old Mexican codices are repro-
duced separately then the study will be much
simplified, and it is gratifying to note the
progress now being made in this direction, at
the present time several unpublished codices
being in process of publication.
Pflanzengeographie auf Physiologischer Grund-
lage. Von Dr. A. F. W. Scuimper. Mit
502 Tafeln und Abbildungen in autotypie, 5
Tafeln in Lichtdruck, und 4 geographischen
Karten. Jena, Gustav Fischer. 1898. 8ve.
Pp. vi+ 876.
The appearance of this text marks a distine-
tive period in the development of phytogeog-
raphy. The treatment is primarily ecological,
but the floristic is presented so fully and woven
in so logically that the arrangement is strictly
phytogeographical in the best sense. Such a
coordinate presentation of the subject-matter is
novel. The standard texts, especially such
classic ones as Humboldt’s, De Candolle’s and
Grisebach’s, have been almost wholly floristic,
while Warming’s recent Lehrbuch der Oeko-
logischen Pflanzengeographie is, of course,
purely ecological. Sketches of particular floras
have, likewise, been floristic in character, to the
practical exclusion of the ecological standpoint.
Naturally, this does not mean that the author
is the first to perceive the essential relation be-
tween floristic and ecology, a relation practi-
cally of cause and effect. The recognition of
this fact is as old as Humboldt’s first work. It
does indicate, however, the advance made in
systematizing and in making more thorough the
methods of investigating the floral covering.
The appearance of the present excellent text
evidences the author’s realization of his oppor-
tunity. The skillful manner in which the mat-
ter is handled bespeaks no small mastery of the
subject. The volume contains a number of
original and suggestive ideas, only a few of
which can be mentioned here.
The work consists of three parts, the first
treating of the factors in ecology, the second of
formations and plant societies, the third of the
zones and regions of the floral covering of the
globe. The ecological factors considered in the
first part are water, temperature, light, soil, at-
mosphere and animals. The treatment of each
subject is as exhaustive as can be expected in a
general text, especially in consideration of the
enormous mass of detail available. In thorough-
ness and in manner of presentation of this por-
tion, the book is probably without an equal.
With respect to water content as a factor,
Schimper’s divisions agree with those of Warm-
ing, except that he uses the term tropophyte
for mesophyte to apply to all plants not hydro-
phytes or xerophytes. The same criticism ap-
plies here that has been made elsewhere against
Warming’s mesophytes. The term is a con-
venient one, but it designates an ill-defined
group and is almost impossible in application.
The analysis of the conditions producing xero-
phytes is critical; such conditions are here
grouped with reference to decrease of absorp-
tion and increase of transpiration. Under the
former are ranged small water content, abun-
dance of salts or humic acid in the soil, low soil
temperature ; under the latter, low degrees of
humidity of the air, high temperature, low at-
mospheric pressure, intense illumination. Cor-
responding to these characteristics, xerophytic
habitats are: (1) deserts and steppes, with a
dry substratum and a dry atmosphere, often,
also, with excessive heat and intense sunlight ;
(2) rocks and tree trunks, with low water con-
tent due to rapid drying; (8) sandhills, rubble,
talus, with extremely porous soil; (4) seashore,
solfatara, with abundant salts in solution in the
soil; (5) moors, with humic acid in the soil ; (6)
polar areas, either in glaciated mountain ranges
orin arctic latitudes, with extremely low ground
temperature ; (7) alpine mountains with rarefac-
tion of the atmosphere and strong insolation.
The consideration of hydrophytes and tropo-
phytesis naturally much morerestricted. Schim-
per regards water plants proper as descended
from primitive unstable amphibious forms—a
conclusion rather too theoretical to be gener-
ally accepted. He closes this section with a
condensed statement of the relation of water to
reproduction and to dissemination.
In the consideration of temperature the
author expressly states that he regards this
factor of primary importance. He places its
treatment after that of water solely because the
modifications due to the latter are more easily
investigated and determined. The considera-
tion of temperature extremes is followed by that
of optimum temperatures, in which the work of
Sachs and Haberlandt is largely drawn upon.
_ cellence.
[N.S. Von. 1X. No. 230.
Acclimatization is touched upon only briefly, for
the most part with reference to Mayr’s contri-
butions. For the general reader one or two
re-statements are interesting: that no portion of
the earth’s surface is too cold for plant life, as,
with few exceptions, no portion is too hot ; that
it is nowhere too dark, nowhere too bright, for
plant life. There is opportunity to take ex-
ception to the sweeping nature of these state-
ments, but they are hardly intended to be taken
as absolute. Under atmosphere is considered
atmospheric pressure, air content of water and
winds. The relatively much greater effect of
the wind upon woody formations is pointed out,
as also the influence of the wind upon transpira-
tion. No mention is made, however, of the
action of the wind in dune regions, sandhills
and deserts, where it plays a primary réle in
the determination of the floral covering. The
importance of winds in pollination and dis-
semination is treated briefly.
The chapter upon soil as an ecological factor
is very skillfully summarized. Though brief, it
is so comprehensive that recapitulation is im-
possible here; one can only reaffirm its ex-
The influence of animals upon vege-
tation has not been given as much attention as
would be expected. Too little use has been
made of the vast accumulation of data in this
field. In many instances the ecological signifi-
cance has not been fully wrought out. More-
over, a large number of important biological
factors in ecology, arising from the interrela-
tions of plants to plants, and of plants to the
physical conditions, such as vegetation pressure,
zonation, layering, etc., have been entirely
It is impossible to accept the author’s group-
ing of formations into climatic and edaphic in
the absolute way he seems tointendit. Forests,
prairies and deserts are not purely, nor always
primarily, determined by climatic factors. The
so-called edaphic formations, determined
though they are by soil characteristic, are often
not formations, but zones or patches. They
are but rarely coordinate with the author’s
climatic formations. The conception of the
facies, moreover, differs from that of Drude,
which has been accepted in this country. The
division of the floral covering into forests,
MAY 26, 1899.]
prairies or steppes and deserts is, of course,
primary and affords an altogether satisfactory
basis for the arrangement of the formations.
The statement that the constitution of the floral
covering is determined by the three factors,
temperature, hydrometeors and soil, is axio-
matic; one is inclined, however, to give only
partial assent to the conclusion that temperature
determines the flora, hydrometeors the vegeta-
tion, and soil composition the formation. The
analysis of the determining factors of forest,
prairie and desert vegetation is excellent.
Moderate frequency of precipitation is of first
importance for forest vegetation. A rainy
growing period is less favorable, the primary
requisite being considerable water content in the
soil, especially at some depth. The time of year
in which the water supply is replenished is unim-
portant. The latter may occur throughout the
year or only periodically. In the last case the
rainy season may coincide for the most part, or
entirely, with the growing period, as in the
tropics and in the interior of Argentina, or
with a period of relative rest, as in extra-trop-
ical regions with wet winters, Mediterranean
countries, Chili, California, south and southwest
Australia. Forests are limited only by such
degrees of dryness as prohibit all other vegeta-
tion, with the exception of fungi and algee. The
polar limit of forested areas is determined by
dry winds during the season of frosts. Sum-
marizing, a climate favorable to forestation
presents the following conditions: warm grow-
ing period, constantly moist substratum, moist,
quiet atmosphere, particularly in winter. It is
unimportant whether the water content of the
soil issupplied from meteoric or telluric sources,
whether the precipitation is frequent or rare,
coincident with the growing period or the period
of rest. A climate with dry winters is unfavor-
able to forests in the highest degree, since the
trees are unable to recover from the transpira-
tion loss of the winter.
For prairies and steppes a moist substratum
is unimportant, but a moist upper surface is
essential. The most favorable conditions for
grass vegetation are frequent, if only slight,
precipitation during the growing period and
coneomitant moderate warmth. Prairies are
affected little by the moisture of the substratum,
except in the case of extreme capillarity of the
surface, by the dryness of the air, especially
during the period of rest, and by winds. Dry-
ness in the maximum of the growing period,
spring and early summer, is inimical, in a high
degree, to grass vegetation. Axiomatically, in
a climate favorable to forestation, forests pre-
dominate; in one favorable to grasses, prairies
and steppes are the rule. In transition regions
predominance is determined by adaptation to
edaphic factors. Extreme departures from the
mean favorable to forest or to prairie vegeta-
tion produce deserts.
It is impossible even to touch upon the third
part of the volume, which constitutes by far the
largest portion. It deals with the zones and
regions of the vegetative covering of the earth.
The latter is treated in the most exhaustive
manner since Grisebach under the captions:
tropical zone, temperate zone, arctic zone,
montane regions and hydrophytic formations.
Each zone is considered in a very logical man-
ner with reference to the three main manifesta-
tions of the vegetation, forest, prairie and
desert. The high value of the text is greatly
enhanced by the large number of fine illustra-
tions. It seems impossible to commend too
highly this marked feature of the book. It may
be regarded as significant of the time when
phytogeographical results will be embodied, for
the most part, in graphic fashion, in photo-
graphs, abundance-frequence indices and charts,
and formational lists and contrasts.
Victor von Richter’s Organic Chemistry. Edited
by Professor R. ANscHUTz, University of
Bonn. Authorized Translation by EDGAR F.
Smiru, Professor of Chemistry, University of
Pennsylvania. Third American from the
eighth German edition. Vol. I., Chemistry
of the Aliphatic Series. Philadelphia, P.
Blakiston’s Sons & Co. 1899. Pp. 625.
Price, $3.
Anschiitz, in editing v. Richter’s ‘Organic
Chemistry,’ has raised it from the rank of a good
descriptive manual to a place in the front rank
of books on this subject. He has had the aid of
Emil Fischer in the supervision of the chapters
on the carbohydrates and on uric acid; of v.
Baeyer, Claisen, Waitz and others on the work
in their respective fields.
The introduction occupies 77 pages, and
among other subjects includes condensed pres-
entations of the aims of physical chemistry and
stereochemistry, of the work based on the
optical and magnetic properties of carbon com-
pounds, and of that based on measurements of
conductivity. The book is written tersely and
clearly. The nomenclature in common use is
retained, but that recommended by the Geneva
Conference is also given. The literature and
historical references are abundant.
Professor Smith’s translation is very good.
A slip is on page 122, where wine is said to be
obtained from ‘St. John’s berries ;’ a term not
found in the Century Dictionary. The German
word ‘Johannisbeeren’ means currants. The
volume before us contains the results of the
latest work on the subject, and, as the second
(and last) volume on the aromatic series is
promised by the publishers during the present
year, the student purchasing this excellent book
may feel confident that he has the last word on
the subject up to the date of publication.
Physical Chemistry for Beginners. By Dr. CH.
VAN DEVENTER. With an Introduction by
Professor J. H. VAn’t Horr. Authorized
American edition from the German edition.
Translated by BERTHRAM B. BoLTwoop,
Pu.D., Instructor in Physical Chemistry in the
Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University.
First edition, first thousand. New York,
John Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman &
Hall, Limited. 1899. Pp. 154.
In the preface it is stated that ‘‘in the book
at hand the author has endeavored to collect
the most important results of physical chem-
istry in such a manner that this important
branch of modern chemistry may be accessible
to those who have not made an exhaustive
study of physics and mathematics. The re-
quirements of students of medicine and phar-
macy, as well as of elementary chemistry, have
been especially considered in the preparation of
this work.’’
Chapters are devoted to the fundamental
(N.S. Von. 1X. No. 230.
laws of composition, the properties of gases?’
thermochemistry, solutions, phenomena of light
and the periodic system. It would seem that
a chapter on electrochemistry would add to the
value of the book.
The work has been used by Van’t Hoff in
connection with his lectures on chemistry to
students in Amsterdam, and is spoken of as
having furnished him welcome assistance.
The work of translation has been done with
care by Dr. Boltwood, his purpose being, in
part, to place in the hands of his own students
a book which shall contain a clear and concise
statement of the fundamental facts of physical
Harry C. JONES.
Das Tierreich.
7 Lieferung, Demodicide und Sarcop-
+193. M. 9.20. 8 Lieferung, Scorpiones und
Pedipalpi. KARL KRAEPELIN. Pp. xviii + 265.
M. 12.60. Berlin, R. Friedlander und Sohn. 1899.
Steinbruchindustrie und Steinbruchgeologie. O. HERR-
MANN. Berlin, Borntraeger. 1899. Pp. xvi-+
428. M. 10.
Essai critique sur Vhypothese des atomes dans la science
contemporaine. ARTHUR HANNEQUEN. Paris,
Alcan. 1899. Second Edition. Pp. 457.
The Newer Remedies. VIRGIL COBLENTZ. Philadel-
phia, P. Blakiston’s Sons & Co. 1899. Third Edi-
tion. Pp. vi+147. $1.00.
The Psychology of Reasoning. ALFRED BINET. Trans-
lated from the second French edition by ADAM
GOWANS WHITE. Chicago, The Open Court Pub-
lishing Co. 1899. Pp. 191.
THE first article in the American Naturalist
for May is by H. 8. Jennings, and isa continua-
tion of ‘Studies on Reactions to Stimuliin Uni-
cellular Organisms.’ The present part, III.,
treats of ‘Reactions to Localized Stimuli in
Spirostomum and Stentor,’ the writer reaching
the conclusion that the organisms react as in-
dividuals and not as substances. But while it
will not do to think of their reactions as those
of chemical substances, neither will it do to at-
tribute to unicellular organisms the psycholog-
ical powers of higher animals. Under the title
of ‘Vacation Notes, II., The Northern Pacific
MAy 26, 1899. ]
Coast,’ Douglas H. Campbell touches on the
botany of that region. W. D. Matthew con-
siders the question: ‘Is the White River Tertiary
an Aolian Formation,’ deciding it in the affirma-
tive. F. H. Herrick describes several cases of
‘Ovum in Ovo,’ and after classifying the vari-
ous methods in which such abnormalities occur
presents theories which account for them. The
concluding paper by T. D. A. Cockerell is ‘On
the Habits and Structure of the Coccid Genus
Margarodes.’ Among the editorials is one on
‘The Gypsy Moth and Economic Entomology,’
in which the ground is taken that it is not worth
while to continue the present extravagant
policy. The number is unusually full of brief
and good reviews of recent scientific literature.
THE March number of the Bulletin of the
American Mathematical Society contains: ‘On
Singular Points of Linear Differential Equations
with Real Coefficients,’ by Professor Maxime
Bocher ; ‘ The Hessian of the Cubic Surface,’ by
Dr. J. I. Hutchinson; ‘On the Simple Iso-
morphisms of a Hamiltonian Group to Itself,’
-by Dr. G. A. Miller; ‘Galois’s Collected
Works,’ by Professor James Pierpont; ‘Three
Memoirs on Geometry,’ by Professor Edgar
Odell Lovett; ‘Stahl’s Abelian Functions,’ by
Dr. Virgil Snyder ; ‘Calculus of Finite Differ-
ences,’ by Dr. D. A. Murray ; ‘Notes’ and
‘ New Publications.’ The April number of the
Bulletin contains an account of the February
meeting of the American Mathematical Society,
by Professor F. N. Cole; ‘Determinants of
Quaternions,’ by Professor James Mills Pierce ;
‘The Largest Linear Homogeneous Group with
an Invariant Pfaffian,’ by Dr. L. E. Dickson ;
‘Asymptotic Lines on Ruled Surfaces having
Two Rectilinear Directrices,’ by Dr. Virgil
Snyder; ‘Willson’s Graphics,’ by. Dr. J. B.
Chittenden ; ‘Pascal’s Repertorium of Higher
Mathematics,’ ‘D’Ocagne’s Descriptive and
Infinitesimal Geometry,’ by Professor Edgar
Odell Lovett ; ‘ Sophus Lie,’ translation of Pro-
fessor Gaston Darboux’s notice; ‘Notes’ and
‘New Publications.’ The May number of the
Bulletin contains an account of the April meet-
ing of the Chicago Section of the Society, by
Professor Thomas F. Holgate; ‘ An Elementary
Proof that Bessel’s Functions of the Zeroth
Order have an Infinite Number of Real Roots,’
by Professor Maxime Bécher; ‘A Generaliza-
tion of Appell’s Factorial Functions,’ by Dr. E.
J. Wilezynski; ‘On the Arithmetization of
Mathematics,’ by Professor James Pierpont ;
‘Two Books on the Tides,’ by Professor Ernest
W. Brown; ‘ Notes’ and ‘ New Publications.’
THE Annals of Mathematics will henceforward
be published quarterly, beginning with the num-
ber issued on October 1st, by the department of
mathematics of Harvard University. Professor
Ormond Stone, of the University of Virginia,
who founded and for many years supported the
journal, has consented to act as a member of
the board of editors in codperation with Pro-
fessor H. S. White, of Northwestern University,
and Professors Byerly, Osgood and Bocher, of
Harvard University. The editors state that
their object is to conduct the journal so that it
may appeal not merely to the highly trained
specialist, but to the general mathematieal
public of America from students of mathematics
in the graduate schools of our universities up-
ward. Short research articles will be welcomed,
but highly technical articles will be avoided.
Articles containing little or no absolutely new
matter, but giving a clear presentation of some
important but not readily accessible field of
mathematics, or a more thorough presentation
of some subject which is generally treated in an
unsatisfactory manner, are especially desired.
THE regular meeting was held on April 138,
The first paper of the evening was read by
Mr. J. K. Haywood, and was entitled ‘Some
Boiling-Point Curves.’ The results obtained
have led to the following conclusions :
I. All mixtures of the following pairs of
liquids boil at temperatures between the boil-
ing points of the constituents : alcohol-water,
aleohol-ether, chloroform-carbon tetra-chloride,
acetone-water and acetone-ether.
II. A solution containing 17.5 % alcohol in
carbon tetra-chloride distills without change at
65.5° approximately, under a pressure of 768.4
mm. of mercury.
IfI. A solution containing 12.5 % methyl] al-
cohol in chloroform distills without change at
54° approximately, under a pressure of 770.2
mm. of mercury.
IV. A solution containing 12-13 % methyl
alcohol in acetone distills without change at
55.9°, under a pressure of 764.8 mm. of mer-
cury. The boiling point of this mixture is about
0.8° below that of the constituent which is pres-
ent in greatest amount.
Vv. A solution containing 15-20 % of carbon
tetra-chloride in acetone distills without change
at a temperature but 0.05° below that of the
pure acetone, and all mixtures containing more
than 40 % acetone boil within one degree of the
boiling point.
VI. The close proximity of the boiling points
of the constituents appears to be a favorable
condition for the existence of a maximum or
minimum point on the boiling-point curve.
VII. In general one constituent remaining
the same, mixtures with substances of similar
chemical constitution yield similar boiling-point
The second paper was read by Dr. F. Kk. Cam-
eron, and was entitled ‘ Boiling Points of Mix-
Dr. H. C. Bolton read an interesting paper
on ‘The Development of Pneumatic Chem-
istry,’ which was profusely illustrated with
lantern slides.
Students’ Geological Club, April 11, 1899.—Mr.
L. La. Forge reviewed Gregory’s ‘ Plan of the
Earth,’ indicating several questionable steps in
that writer’s recent exposition of the subject.
Mr. A. W. G. Wilson described a unique lake
in Ontario, which is known as Lake-on-the-
Geological Conference, April 28, 1899.—Mr.
k. E. Burke communicated ‘The Discovery of
Fossils in the Roxbury Conglomerate,’ and will
publish on it at an early date.
Under the title ‘Mineral Veins of the Mys-
tic Quarries, Somerville,’ Mr. R. B. Earle re-
ported the results of his studies in that field.
The veins, which are almost entirely limited to
(N.S. Von. 1X. No. 230.
a dike and a sill, are composed chiefly of cal-
cite, but include small amounts of quartz, pyrite
and prehnite. The speaker divided the fissures
which these veins fill into five classes according
to their origin, which he believed to have been
by contraction of the molten magma, by earth-
quakes, by tortion, by faulting or by decompo-
sition. The growth and enlargement of these
fissures, when once formed, was held to be
mainly due to the expansive force of the vein-
filling substance.
Mr. G. C. Curtis exhibited a topographic
model, which he has constructed, of an area lo-
cated in the eastern foothills of the Cascade
Range, near the great bend of the Columbia
River, in Kitattas County, Washington.
Recording Secretary.
Titchener should have taken an essay which he
now admits to have completely failed even to
make probable its point, as an example of the
‘brilliant work’ which ‘scientific psychology’
can do in the way of destroying the telepathic
superstition, may be left to be fathomed by read-
ers with more understanding of the ways of
‘Science’ than I possess.
Meanwhile, as one interested in mere ac-
curacy, I must protest against two impressions
which Professor Titchener, in your number of
May 10th, seeks to leave upon the reader’s mind.
The first is that whispering was first consid-
ered by Professor Lehmann. It has been elab-
orately discussed in the 8. P. R. Proceedings
over and over again. Sidgwick’s 6-page discus-
sion of it in the report of his own experiments
is the basis of comparison used by Lehmann in
his ampler but abortive investigation.
The second of Professor Titchener’s implica-
tions is that it was Lehmann who introduced
number-habits, and even forced the admission
of them on the recalcitrant Sidgwick. Lehmann
makes no mention of number-habits. Sidgwick
himself introduces them to account, not for the
thought transference results, but for the many
errors common to the guesses of his Subjects and
May 26, 1899.]
Lehmann’s; the two perhaps had the same
number-habit. Does Professor Titchener seri-
ously think that a number-habit in a guesser
can account for the amount of coincidence be-
tween the numbers which he guesses and those
upon counters drawn at random out of a bag?
Even in anti-telepathic Science accuracy of
representation is required, and I am pleading
not for telepathy, but only for accuracy.
facts, noticed while experimenting with the
Wehnelt electrolytic current breaker, may be
not without interest :
In order to test if the action of the breaker
could be due to a spheriodal state, produced
by the high temperature of the positive elec-
trode, some means for measuring the tempera-
ture of this electrode had to be obtained.
For this purpose I used electrodes of fusible
metals melting at different temperatures, the
temperature of the electrode being neces-
sarily less than that at which the alloy
melts, if the latter remain unfused. In this
way one can at least obtain the superior
limit for the temperature of the electrode.
Starting with a fusible alloy which melted
at about 78° C., the electrode melted as soon
as the circuit was closed. The next metal
used melted at 96° C., and was fused an ap-
preciable, though very short, time after the cur-
rent was established. Finally, using an anode
made of ametal which melted at 168° C., no in-
dication of fusion of the electrode could be de-
tected, even after the breaker had run for ten
minutes at a time. This seems to show that
the temperature of the electrode was far below
200°, the temperature necessary, at atmos-
pheric pressure, for the production of the sphe-
roidal state.
The influence of self-induction on the action
of the breaker was also studied, to some extent.
Diminution of the self-induction in circuit di-
minishes the period of the action, as is shown
by the heightened pitch of the sound produced.
But absence of all self-induction prevents wholly
the working of the breaker. Thecell was used
in a circuit composed of a storage battery, non-
SCIENCE. risss)
inductive electrolytic resistances and wires
wound non-inductively. With this arrange-
ment no interruption of the current could be
produced, though the electromotive force was
raised to thirty volts and the current to
eighteen amperes. As soon, however, as a coil
with self-induction was put in the circuit the
action of the breaker recommenced. Induction
in the circuit is essential to the action of this
form of interrupter.
ONE of the most valuable papers recently
published in the fields of applied science is that
which has just been reprinted from the Revue de
Mécanique of the last year, the work of Profes-
sor Sinigagalia, a well-known author in that
This is the latest and, in many respects, the
most complete discussion of a supremely impor-
tant subject ; one to which the minds of men of
science and engineers the world over are now
again turning after a period of many years,
during which the thermodynamic promise of
gain in efficiency in the steam-engine through
the conversion of a vapor into a gas by this
process of superheating had been almost univer-
sally believed to be more than counterbalanced
by the very serious difficulties met in the earlier
days in the attempt to profit by it. Changes
have taken place during the last generation
which are now thought by many authorities to
have largely reduced the obstructions formerly
seemingly fatal to a great thermodynamic ad-
In the practical thermodynamic operation of
the steam-engine, as M. Bertrand has remarked,
there is no such thing as ‘saturated vapor,’ as
that term is customarily employed by the
thermodynamists. The working fluid is always,
in fact, a mixture of vapor and its liquid, ina
*Application de la Surchauffe aux Machines 4 Va-
peur par M. Francois Sinigaglia, Professeur agrégé
des Ingénieurs de Naples; Ingénieur-Directeur de
1’ Association des Propriétaires d’Appareils 4 Vapeur
dans les Province napolitaines. Extrait de la Revue
de Mécanique (1897-98); Paris, V’ve Ch. Dunod, Edi-
teur, 1898.
state of instability as to quality. The investi-
gations of the ‘théorie générique’ made by Ran-
kine, Clausius, Zeuner and others resulted in
establishment of no rational expressions for the
actual heat-exchanges of the real, as distin-
guished from the ideal, engine, and Hirn’s
‘théorié expérimentale,’ as developed by that
great investigator and his disciples, is still the
only resort of the student of the curious extra-
thermodynamic processes accompanying the
thermodynamic operation of the engine.
Superheating has come to be looked upon,
not as method of giving superior thermody-
namic action, but as simply a provision for reduc-
ing internal wastes due to heat-exchanges be-
tween the steam and the metal surrounding it.
Its effectiveness was recognized as early as
Trevethick’s time (1828 or earlier) and became
well understood about the middle of the cen-
tury ; since which time numerous inventions
have been made, looking to its utilization, few
giving any promise of success. The Alsatian
school has revealed very completely the method
and the effect of its adoption, and it has come to
be well understood that its province is simply
to reduce that form of waste known as ‘initial
condensation’ or ‘cylinder condensation.’ Its
successful use would effect the suppression of
those losses in such manner, in the words of
Dwelshauvers-Dery, as to give maximum effi-
ciency by securing the exhaust of the steam
from the engine in the dry and saturated condi-
tion. This is, in his opinion, the practical
criterion of most perfect action. The actual
gain has been found by Hirn to be, in several
eases studied by him experimentally, from 20
to nearly 50 per cent., with a superheat amount-
ing to from 210°C. to 245°C. The nearest ap-
proximation yet reported to the ideal, purely
thermodynamic, case has been effected by this
means—particularly, of late, by Schmidt.
The failures of the past have been due to
difficulties in securing an apparatus which can-
not be rapidly injured by excess of heat in
presence of superheated vapor of water, and a
system of lubrication of the cylinder and piston
eapable of working satisfactorily at the tem-
peratures attained in effective superheating.
The latter obstacle is now overcome, largely, by
the use of the high-test mineral oils ; the former
[N.S. VoL. LX. No. 230.
remains a serious obstruction. The increasing
steam-pressures of our day also reduce both the
need and the availability of increasing super-
The results of successful superheating exhibit
themselves both at the engine and at the boiler,
and, as with multiple-cylinder engines, the gain
at the boiler in economical employment of fuel
is greater than that at the engine through a more
perfect thermodynamic action; for the reduc-
tion of the demand for steam at the engine re-
sults in an increased economy in the produc-
tion of such steam through the larger propor-
tion of heating surface to weight of steam
produced. Thus a gain of 20 per cent. at the
engine may be accompanied by a gain of 22 per
cent. or more in fuel as measured at the boiler.
The desirable amount of superheat is that which
will prevent the condensation of the vapor en-
tering the steam-cylinder and insure its rejection
as saturated vapor at exhaust.
The apparatus employed by various inventors
and investigators in this field, from 1850 to our
own time is described at considerable length by
M. Sinigaglia, and the results of experiment are
recited. In many instances, recently, particu-
larly, it is reported that no serious inconven-
iences were met with in the application of this
system ; in other cases much trouble and some-
times serious accidents resulted, due to the
‘burning’ of the apparatus and its yielding,
thus weakened, to the pressure. Messrs. Lud-
wig and Weber obtained, in an extensive series
of experiments in Alsace, some very encourag-
ing figures. An average gain of 7.5 per cent.,
net, was secured by moderate superheat (44°C.).
Messrs. Walther-Meunier, and Ludwig, later,
reported a gain of 13 to 15 per cent. from a super-
heat of somewhat greater amount. Schwoerer
obtained a gain in efficiency of 15 to 18 per
cent. by superheating 68°C. Hirsch reports
similar figures from an equal amount of gasifica-
tionin a marineapparatus. Schroeter obtained
gains of 10 per cent. and more in a very elab-
orate and detailed investigation, in which the
superheat amounted to 60°C. The most re-
markable results reported are those of Schmidt,
who, by adopting an enormous portion of super-
heating to heating surface (six to one), secureda
superheat of 190°C., and at another time, witha
May 26, 1899. ]
comparatively smail apparatus, secured the
highest record yet established. With another
engine a gain in weight of steam supplied the
engine amounting to nearly 40 per cent. was
effected, and in weight of fuel 28 per cent ; the
difference being due, obviously, to the fact that
each unit-weight of steam carried an abnormal
quantity of stored heat.
Professor Sinigaglia concludes :
1. Superheating vapor is irrefutably proved
to be the most effective system of reduction of
internal wastes of heat in the steam-engine.
2. The higher the degree of superheating at-
tainable, the nearer does the thermodynamic
result approximate that indicated by pure
theory and by the formulas of thermodynamics.
3. From the industrial point of view, it is
necessary to note the gain, not at the engine,
but in fuel demanded at the boiler, and the ap-
paratus of vaporization and of gasification must
be efficient and durable.
4. The final test is in the study of the finan-
cial aspect of the operation.
“Mais, aujourd’hui, les installations nom-
breuses de |’ Alsace et del’ Allemagne ont donné
des résultats si remarkables qu’on finira par
vaincre les derniéres difficultés qui s’opposent
4 une application générale de Ja surchautffe aux
machines 4 vapeur. Ce sera le meilleur hom-
mage rendu A Hirn et 4 son école.’’
R. H. THursron.
Dr. J. L. WoRTMAN, of the American Museum
of Natural History, has been called to take
charge of the new collections of Vertebrate
fossils in the Carnegie Museum at Pittsburgh,
and has resigned his position in the American
Museum in order to enter upon his new duties.
The finest portions of the Cope collection of
Fossil Mammals were made by Dr. Wortman
previous to his connection with the Army Med-
ical Museum in Washington. Since 1890 he has
had charge of most of the parties sent out from
the American Museum for Fossil Mammals and
Reptiles and has conducted these explorations
with extraordinary success. A very large part,
therefore, of the collections in the Department
of Vertebrate Paleontology are due to the
energy and intelligence of Dr. Wortman and
his assistants in the field. His field work has
been carried on almost exclusively during the
summer months, and he has been occupied dur-
ing the winters in the preparation of a series of
bulletins based chiefly upon the field collections,
many of which have attracted wide attention.
Notable among these are the papers upon the
Skeleton of Patriofelis, the Anatomy of Agrio-
cherus, the revision of all the early species of
horses, and a geological paper upon the Stra-
tigraphy of. the White River Beds. The most
important of his original contributions in the
series is, however, that upon the ‘ Origin of the
Sloths,’ based chiefly upon the fortunate dis-
covery of the foot of Psittacotheriwum in the
Torrejon beds of New Mexico. Dr. Wortman’s
latest paper, now in press, is upon the Ancestry
of the Dogs, in which he successfully demon-
strates the direct phylogenetic relationship be-
tween the Canide and of certain dog-like Creo-
Dr. Wortman’s services to the Museum are
greatly appreciated and his resignation has been
accepted with much regret. He carries with
him the best wishes of his friends for his suc-
cess in his new undertaking.
Proressor F. L. O. WApDsworTH has been
appointed by the managers of the Western
Pennsylvania University, Director of the Alle-
gheny Observatory, succeeding in the position
Professors Keeler and Langley. Professor
Wadsworth has been connected with Yerkes
Observatory since its opening and was pre-
viously at the Astrophysical Observatory of the
Smithsonian Institution.
UNDER authority of the Secretary of the
Treasury, the Superintendent of the Coast and
Geodetic Survey has effected a reorganization
in that Bureau in such a way as to relieve the
head of the Bureau of a certain amount of the
routine work and to insure also a more direct
supervision of the field work. The following
officers have been appointed: Assistant Super-
intendent, Mr. O. H. Tittman; Assistant in
charge of the Office, Mr, Andrew Braid ; In-
spector of Field Work in Hydrography and
Topography, Mr. H. G. Ogden; Inspector of
Field Work in Geodesy, Mr. John F. Hayford ;
Inspector of Field Work in Terrestrial Magnet-
ism, Dr. L. A. Bauer.
M. PRILLEUX, known for his researches on the
parasitic diseases of plants, has been elected a
member of the Section of Botany of the Paris
Academy of Sciences. The other candidates
nominated by the Section were MM. Bureau,
Maxime, Cornu, Renault and Zeiller.
THREE botanists—Professors E. Pfitzer, of
Heidelberg ; O. Brefeld, of Mumster, and E.
Warmung, of Copenhagen—have been elected
corresponding members of the Berlin Academy
of Sciences.
Mr. W. H. PREECE, C.B., F.R.S., has ac-
cepted the presidency of the 18th Congress of
the Sanitary Institute, to be held in Southamp-
ton from August 29th to September 2d.
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY has conferred the
degree of Doctor in Science, honoris causa, on
Alexander Kowalevsky, professor of zoology in
the Imperial University, St. Petersburg.
THE Prince of Monaco has been elected an
honorary member of the Royal Geographical
Society of London.
Mr. Puirie THomAs MAIN, Fellow of St.
Johns College, Cambridge, died on May 5th.
He lectured on chemistry at St. John’s College
and did much to promote the study of natural
science in the College and in the University. He
was also the author of a treatise on astronomy
which has passed through several editions.
Mr. Henry WILLIAM JACKSON, a retired sur-
geon, died at Louth, Lincolnshire, on May 14th,
aged 67 years. He founded the Lewisham and
Blackheath Scientific Association and was in-
terested in anthropology and astronomy, being
a member of the London and Paris Anthropo-
logical Societies and a Fellow of the Royal Astro-
nomical Society:
THROUGH some as yet unknown ‘accident,’ the
annual appropriation for the N. Y. State Weather
Service were stricken out of the appropriation
bill, April 24th Jast, and it is thus apparently
impossible to continue a series of observations,
[N. 8S. Von. IX. No. 230.
meteorological and agricultural, that has been
carried on without interruption for a genera-
tion. In this service, which has its headquar-
ters at Ithaca, in the College of Civil Engineer-
ing, nearly 2,500 persons are engaged without
cost to the State, including the Director of that
College, who is also the Director of the Service.
The work of the Bureau has been largely in the
interests of the farmers of the State, and the
compilation of weekly ‘Crop Bulletins,’ and
the maintenance of a weather-signal station,
which operates in conjunction with the U.S.
Bureau at Washington, has been considered an
important service to the whole Commonwealth.
The minute appropriations hitherto made, but
$4,500 per annum, by the great State of New
York have been eprtirely inadequate to the op-
portunities of the Bureau; but the volunteer
labor of a corps whose services, if fully compen-
sated, would amount to probably over a quarter
of a million of dollars annually have gone far
to make up for the defect. Even if re-estab-
lished, this interruption for a single year will
make a break in the files which can never be
repaired and which may deprive the State of
previously interested, and even enthusiastic,
observers by so disheartening them that they
will not resume their connection with the sys-
tem; thus destroying stations having records
of a length approximating thirty years.
A MEETING was held on May 20th, at Co-
lumbia University, for the purpose of discussing
the formation of an American Physical Society,
which would hold meetings in New York for
the reading and discussion of papers. The
meeting was called by the following committee
of physicists, representing important American
universities: Professor A. G. Webster, Clark
University, Worcester; Professor J. S. Ames,
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore ; Profes-
sor E. L. Nichols, Cornell University, Ithaca ;
Professor Carl Barus, Brown University, Provi-
dence; Professor M. I. Pupin, Columbia Uni-
versity, New York; Professor B. O. Peirce,
Harvard University, Cambridge ; Professor W.
F. Magie, Princeton University, Princeton. It
is intended that the new organization shall be
for this country what the Physical Society is for
England and the Deutsche physikalische Gesell-
schaft for Germany.
May 26, 1899. |
THE Council of the American Chemical So-
ciety has authorized the establishment of a sec-
tion to be known as the Philadelphia Section,
with headquarters in Philadelphia, Pa., having
a territory with a radius of sixty miles from the
Philadelphia City Hall.
THE foundation-stone of the extension of
South Kensington Museum, henceforward_ to
be known as the Victoria and Albert Museum,
was laid by Queen Victoria on May 17th.
Several members of the royal family, foreign
diplomatists and members of both Houses of
Parliament were among those attending. The
Duke of Devonshire, the Home Secretary, and
Mr. Akers-Douglas took a prominent part in
the proceedings. The Prince of Wales assisted
the Queen in the actual laying of the founda-
A BILL has been introduced into the British
Parliament for establishing a Department of
Agriculture and other Industries and Technical
Instruction in Ireland, and for other purposes
-conected therewith.
THE United States Civil Service Commission
announces that applicants for the position of
Inspector of Standards (Office of Standard
Weights and Measures), U. 8. Coast and Geo-
detic Survey (Treasury Department), at a salary
of $3,000 per annum, will be permitted to file
their applications as late as July 15, 1899, in-
stead of June 1, 1899, as previously announced.
Tue Examiners of the U. 8. Civil Service
Examination for a ‘‘Sloyd Teacher’’ in the
Indian Service (Dept. Interior) failed to find
candidates, April 11th. The examination will
now be held June 6th-7th and the successful
applicant will receive 8600 per annum for teach-
ing ‘‘ basket Sloyd’’ and carving.
Mayor VAN WyckE, of New York, has signed
the resolution of the Municipal Assembly pro-
viding for the issue of $500,000 bonds to defray
the expenses of removing the old reservoir from
Bryant Park and building the foundations for
the new library. The contract for the work
will be let immediately by the Board of Esti-
mate, and the work of tearing down the reser-
voir will be begun as soon as practicable.
AN anonymous gift of $25,000 has been made
to Long Island College Hospital for the endow-
ment of a fellowship in the department of pa
thology. The gift is to be known as the Van
Cott Fellowship, in honor of Dr. Joshua Van
Cott, the director of the laboratory.
THE French Chamber of Deputies has voted
an annual appropriation of 92,000 fr. for the
publication of the Photographic Atlas of the
THE French Association for the Advancement
of Science will meet at Boulogne on the 14th of
September, 1899. As we have already stated,
the British Association will meet at the same
time at Dover, the meetings of the two Associa-
tions having been arranged so as to provide for
an exchange of hospitalities.
THE Indian Plague Commission has returned
to London and is continuing its meetings in that
THE daily papers report that a letter from
Andrée has been found on the northeast coast
of Iceland and has been forwarded, as addressed,
to Gothenburg, Sweden.
AN exhibition is being arranged at The
Hague to illustrate what was accomplished by
the Netherlands prior to the present century in
navigation, discoveries, trade and _ fisheries.
Those in America who possess objects that might
be useful for exhibition are requested to com-
municate with the Honorary Secretary, Mr. G.
P. Van Hecking Colenbrander, The Hague.
WE learn from the London Times that the two
royal gold medals of the Royal Geographical
Society have this year been awarded to two
Frenchmen, both of them distinguished explo-
rers. Only one French explorer, Francis Gar-
nier, has hitherto figured on the Society’s list
of honors, and only one other Frenchman,
Elisée Reclus. The founder’s medal has this
year been awarded to Captain Binger, who in
the years 1887-89 carried out an extensive
series of explorations in the vast area included
in the bend of the Niger. During these jour-
neys Captain Binger explored much country
previously unknown, took numerous astro-
nomical observations on which to base a map of
the region, and in other departments of geog-
raphy did a great amount of work of high
scientific value. The results of Captain Bin-
ger’s explorations were published in 1892 in
two large volumes, with one large map and sev-
eral smaller maps and sections and numerous
valuable illustrations, which form the chief au-
thority on the geography of the region with
which they deal. The patron’s medal has been
awarded to M. Foureau for his explorations in
the Sahara during the last twelve years. In
his journey to Insalah in 1890 he travelled over
1,500 miles and fixed the latitudes and longi-
tudes of 35 places; in 1891 he penetrated far-
ther into the Sahara than any other explorer
since the Flatters mission, and determined the
positions of 41 places; in 1893 he penetrated as
far as the Tassili plateau ; in 1894-95 he again
covered much new ground and made numerous
astronomical observations to fix positions, be-
sides making researches in physical geography,
geology and botany ; in 1896 and in his present
journey he contributed still further to geograph-
ical knowledge. The whole comprises an
amount of continuous scientific work under
great difficulties which places M. Foureau in
the first rank of African explorers. Few men
have done so much to elucidate the topography
and the physical geography of the Sahara. The
Murchison award has been given to Mr. Albert
Armitage for his valuable scientific observations
and for his sledge journeys with Mr. Jackson
in Franz Josef Land; the Gill memorial to the
Hon. David Carnegie for his journey across the
Western Australian desert from Coolgardie to
Hall’s Creek and back by a different route,
thus traversing the desert twice ; the Cuthbert
Peek grant to Dr. Nathorst for his important
scientific exploration of the Spitzbergen Islands
and the seas between Spitzbergen and Green-
land; the Back grant to Captain Sykes for his
three journeys through Persia, during which he
has made important corrections and additiors
to the map of that country and done much to
clear up the geography of Marco Polo. These
honors will be awarded at the anniversary
meeting of the Society on June 5th, and at the
same time the American Ambassador will pre-
sent to Sir John Murray the gold medal of the
American Geographical Society for his valuable
contributions to scientific geography.
THE 30th annual meeting of the Iron and
Steel Institute of Great Britain was opened on
May 4th in the hall of the Institution of Civil
[N.S. Vou. 1X. No. 230.
Engineers, Westminster. The chair was oc-
cupied in the first instance by the retiring
President, Mr. Edward P. Martin, who intro-
duced his successor, Sir William Roberts-Aus-
ten, who delivered the inaugural address. The
report of the Council for the past year was read
by the Secretary, Mr. Bennett H. Brough, and
showed that during 1898 the number of mem-
bers was increased by 98, the total number on
the roll at the end of the year being 1,522.
With 57 members elected at the present meeting
the total numerical strength of the Institute
was brought up to 1,579. To the list of honor-
ary members the names of King Oscar II. of
Sweden and Norway and Baron Gustav Tamm,
Governor-General of Stockholm and President
of the Association of Swedish Ironmasters, were
added during the past year. The annual din-
ner was held on the evening of May 4th, at
which speeches were made by the Chairman, Sir
William Roberts-Austen ; Mr. Horace Seymour,
Deputy-Master of the Mint ; Sir William White,
Director of Naval Construction ; Sir H. Bracken-
bury, Director-General of Ordnance ; Professor
Riicker, Lord Lister, Lord Strathcona, Mr.
Preece and others.
THE Sixth International Congress on Com-
mercial Education opened at Venice on May
4th, under the presidency of Signor Pascolata.
It will next meet at Paris on August 26, 1900.
THE report of the Council presented at the
seventieth anniversary meeting of the Zoolog-
ical Society of London stated that the number
of Fellows on December 31, 1898, was 3,185,
showing an increase of 27 during the past year,
and the number of Fellows on the roll was in
excess of what it had been in any year since
1885. The total income during the past year
had been £29,208, being £495 more than that of
1897, and £8,357 in excess of the average dur-
ing the preceding ten years. The increase in
the income was attributable to the larger
amounts received for admission fees, composi-
tions and subscriptions, and also to the aug-
mentation of the miscellaneous receipts caused
by a contribution of Mr. Walter Rothschild,
M.P., towards the outlay on the new tortoise
house, built in 1898. The ordinary expendi-
ture of the Society for 1898 had amounted to
MAY 26, 1899. ]
£25,979, which was an increase of £649 over
that for 1897. A sum of £3,718 had also been
paid to extraordinary expenditure, having been
devoted mainly to the construction of new
buildings in the gardens and to the acquisition
of a young male giraffe, which, although it ar-
rived in apparently good health, did not, un-
fortunately, live long in the gardens. After
payment of the ordinary and extraordinary ex-
penditure a balance of £1,584 had been carried
forward. The number of visitors to the gar-
dens in 1898 had been 710,848, being 6,707 less
than the corresponding number in 1897, The
number of animals living in the gardens on
December 81st last was 2,656, of which 818
were mammals, 1,363 birds and 475 reptiles and
CoNnSUL-GENERAL HoLioway, of St. Peters_
burg, sends to the Department of State, under
date of March 28, 1899, translation of an article
from the ‘Novoe Vremia’ of the 17th instant,
referring to the first trip of the new 10,000-ton
ice boat recently built in England for the pur-
pose of keeping the ports of St. Petersburg and
Riga open during the winter months, as follows :
The ice boat Ermak arrived at Cronstadt March
5th-17th. This boat was made after plans pre-
pared by Admiral Makaroff and built in Eng-
land. Owing to the fogs, it had to remain two
days in Belt. Near Reval it met with very
thick ice, but still continued moving at 7 knots
per hour. Near Seskei it met with large fields
of ice, from 9 to 10 feet above the water
line. Here the Ermak could not move on;
but, with the aid of its machinery, it ac-
quired a swinging motion, and the water
running out of a special apparatus in the boat
melted the ice under the vessel, which moved
on, dispersing the ice mountains. The ice boat
presses on the ice with its prow; the screw that
is under it lets out water, which softens the ice,
and the movement of the screw makes the ice
go under it and breaks it into rather small
pieces. This ice boat has no keel and should,
therefore, be subject to great rolling, but, in
order to avoid this, there is a receptacle in the
hull of the vessel, filled with water, which is
arranged in such a way that the water does not
allow the vessel to sway too much one side or
the other, and keeps it in equilibrium. The
boat was met at Cronstadt with great triumph
and music. Hundreds of people went out to
meet it, running alongside of it on the ice.
The ice boat belongs as yet to the Ministry
of Finance. It is at the same time a
passenger boat, a freight boat and a tug
boat. It can accommodate nineteen first-
class passengers, for which it has a fine cabin,
decorated with imperial portraits, with double
windows, double illuminators, and a special
ventilator, which lets warm air into the cabin.
The walls are of oak. The boat is lighted by
electricity. On March 31st the Consul-General
adds: ‘‘ The new iceboat Hrmak left Cronstadt
on the 25th of March and opened the port of
Reval, plowing through from 16 to 18 feet of
ice, releasing three commercial steamers that
were frozen fast some distance from the shore.
On the morning of March 27th the Ermak left
Reval, clearing the way to the sea for four
vessels. During the first four days of the Er-
mak’s arrival at Russian ports she released.
sixteen vessels from the ice and opened the
way for them to proceed to sea.’’
Mr. SAMUEL CuPPLEs has increased his gift
of $150,000 for a building for Washington Uni-
versity, St. Louis, to $250,000 for two buildings.
to the University of Pennsylvania his collection
of engraved gems and ethnological collections,
said to be of the value of $600,000.
THE Jewish Chronicle publishes full details of
the bequests of Baroness de Hirsch. They
amount in all to about $9,000,000, which is
distributed chiefly among Hebrew charities
throughout the world. The bequests include
7,000,000 fr. to the Teachers’ Training School
of the Hebrew Alliance at Paris and 3,000,000:
fr. for elementary education in Galicia.
NECESSARY alterations are being made in the
physical laboratory of Western Reserve Univer-
sity in order to erect an observatory upon it.
The University has recently received a gift of a
ten-inch refractor made by Messrs. Warner and
Swasey. Mr. Samuel Mather, the donor of the
laboratory, has offered to bear the expense of
mounting the instrument.
HARVARD University has recently received
two collections of shells which are at present
being made ready for exhibition. One of these,
given to the University by the heirs of Warren
Delano, was made by Mr. Ballestier at the be-
ginning of the present century and consists of
specimens from the East Indies. The other is
a very complete collection of ‘American land
shells made by Mr. E. Ellsworth Call.
THE Committee of Birmingham University
announced, on May 18th, that the conditions at-
tached to Andrew Carnegie’s offer of $250,000
to the institution had been fulfilled, the sub-
scriptions having reached $1,272,900. Mr.
Chamberlain had also received a letter from the
anonymous donor who had already given $187,-
500, offering an additional $62,500 if the pro-
posed endowment is increased to $1,500,000.
In view of the large increase in the number
of students attending the Institute of Tech-
nology at Darmstadt, the sum of 1,137,000
Marks has been appropriated to enlarge the
buildings and 45,700 Marks for equipment. In
addition to these improvements, an engineering
laboratory will be erected at a cost of 270,000
OxFoRD and Cambridge Universities have
offered to admit to the privileges of affiliation
graduates of McGill University and all matricu-
lated students who have completed two aca-
demicai years of study at McGill and have passed
the intermediate examination for the degree of
Bachelor of Arts. These terms, if accepted by
the McGill corporation, will permit an under-
graduate who has passed the intermediate ex-
amination to take his degree at Oxford or Cam-
bridge in two years.
A COMMISSION has been established to take
charge of the relations between the City and
the University of Paris. It consists of members
of the Municipal Council and officers of the
University, with M. Gréard, Vice-Rector of the
University, as President.
Dr. Hugo MUNsTERBERG, professor of psy-
chology at Harvard University, will deliver the
commencement address at the Women’s Col-
lege of Baltimore, his subject being ‘The Rela-
tion of Psychology to General Education.’
(N.S. Vou. TX. No. 230.
French physicist, has been appointed Rede lec-
turer in Cambridge University for the coming
PROFESSOR EpwARD H. KEISER, for the last
fourteen years professor in chemistry at Bryn
Mawr College, has accepted the professorship of
chemistry in Washington University to sueceed
Professor Charles R. Sanger, who has been ap-
pointed to a position in the chemical depart-
ment of Harvard University.
Dr. Howarp AYRES, professor of biology in
the University of Missouri, has been elected
President of the University of Cincinnati.
Dr. F. C. Ferry has been appointed assistant
professor of mathematics, and Dr. W. Waidner
instructor in physics, in Williams College.
Dr. C. E. St. JoHN has been appointed pro-
fessor of physics and astronomy in Oberlin
College, and Dr. L. Dickson has been promoted
to a professorship of mathematics in the Uni-
versity of California.
Dr. F. H. SArForD, instructor in mathe-
matics at Harvard University, has been ap-
pointed assistant professor of mathematics and
mathematical physics at the University of Cin-
cinnati to succeed Professor L. A. Bauer, whose
appointment as Chief of the newly-established
Division of Terrestrial Magnetism of the U. 8.
Coast and Geodetic Survey we announced last
THE table at the biological laboratory at Cold
Spring Harbor, provided for by the John D.
Jones Scholarship of Columbia University, has
been filled by the appointment of Mr. John C.
Torrey. H. C. Surface, of Cornell University,
has been chosen to be the first beneficiary of
the Dyckman fund for biological research.
Mr. Surface is well known for his work on the
fishes of New York State.
THE Babbot Fellowship of Vassar College has
been awarded to Miss Anne Moore, assistant in
biology. Miss Moore will spend next year in
studying biology at Chicago University.
Av the University of Berlin, Dr. S. Schwen-
dener, professor of botany, has celebrated his
70th birthday, and Dr. H. Munk, professor of
physiology, his 60th birthday.
EDITORIAL CoMMITTEE: 8S. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WoopwARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THURSTON, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. LEContTE, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; HENRY F. OsBORN, Paleontology ; W. K.
Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; 8S. H. ScupDER, Entomology; C. E. BressEy, N. L.
BRITTON, Botany; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. Bowpitcu, Physiology;
J. S. Brutinas, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; DANIEL G. BRIN-
TON, J. W. PowELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, JUNE 2, 1899.
‘The International Catalogue of Scientific Literature
—Second Conference (I): DR. CyRus ADLER.... 761
-Color- Weakness and Color-Blindness: DR. E. W.
SCRIPTURMEstessscsscesssstanttinectseecscecsscastectntees T7
American Climatological Association: DR. GUY
EUENS DIAS Wien scnnene sen anchoncscassacssnsenscenstusecencst 774
Scientific Books :—
Some Smithsonian Publications: F. A. BATHER,
Creighton’s Introductory Logic: DR. GEORGE
Scientific Towrnals and Articles 2....cscceccseceveeeeeees 783
Societies and Academies :—
American Physical Society: PROFESSOR A. G.
WEBSTER. The Biological Society of Washing-
ton: Dr. O. F. Cook. Geological Conference
and Students’ Club of Harvard University > J. M.
BouTWELL. The Academy of Science of St.
Discussion and Correspondence :—
The Telepathic Question: PROFESSOR E. B.
MITCHENER rvcescsscersensscseoscsesesseceresctencsecess 787
Current Notes on Meteorology :—
Climatic Changes on the Pacifie Coast; Wave
Clouds; Recent Publications: R. DEC. WARD. 787
A Bryological Memorial Meeting.......1cccccceceeeseeees 788
Scientific Notes and News........ssreccccersccscesevsceccees 788
University and Educational News......1...61ccceeeeeeees 791
MSS. intended or publication and books, etc., intended
for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
-sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
In Scrence for August 6, 1897 I gave an
account of the steps which led to the hold-
ing of the first Conference on an Interna-
tional Conference of Scientific Literature,
and a somewhat detailed description of the
Proceedings of the Conference.* At the
invitation of the editor of Screncg, I shall
describe below the work done since that
time to reach a working plan for this most
important undertaking.
The first Conference, in July, 1896, had
reached certain definite conclusions, which
may be briefly stated as follows: (a) That
it was desirable to publish a catalogue of
scientific literature by means of some inter-
national organization; (>) that the cata-
logue was to be primarily for the scientific
investigator ; (c) that papers were to be
indexed according to subject-matter; (d)
that the catalogue should comprise all pub-
lished original contributions to science ;(e)
that the catalogue be issued in the double
form of slips and books.
The Conference passed a resolution to the
effect ‘that the Royal Society be requested
to form a committee to study all questions re-
lating to the Catalogue referred to it by the
Conference, or remaining undecided at the
close of the present sittings of the Confer-
* The article was also published in separate form.
ence, and report thereon to the governments
concerned.’’ It was also left to the Com-
mittee ‘‘ to suggest such details as will ren-
der the Catalogue of the greatest possible
use to those unfamiliar with English.”
In accordance with the terms of these
resolutions, the Royal Society appointed, in
November, 1896, a Committee, with Profes-
sor Henry E. Armstrong as Chairman,
which presented a report on March 30,
1898. This report consisted of a series of
proposed regulations for the conduct of the
Catalogue, a provisional financial statement,
and schedules of the various sciences. Inas-
much as this report formed, in a large meas-
ure, the basis of the discussion and resolu-
tions of the second Conference, it seems de-
sirable to present an outline of its contents.
Schedules of Classification. Authorized
schedules are to be prepared for the several
branches of science included in the Cata-
logue; each of these to be indicated by a
Roman capital letter known as the Regis-
tration letter ; the division in each sched-
ule to be indicated by numerical symbols
called Registration numbers; when desi-
rable, an alphabetical index of the several
headings be appended to each schedule.
Card Catalogue. For each communica-
tion to be indexed at least one slip called
Primary slip shall be prepared containing
title entry, subject entry, registration sym-
bols and significant words. These slips are
to be prepared by the bureaus established
in the various countries (regional bureaus),
which will transmit them to the Central
Bureau as rapidly as possible. When a
primary slip bears more than one subject
entry or registration number copies of
secondary slips shall be prepared. Slips of
standard size, stoutness and color are to be
printed for issue to subscribers, each slip to
be revised by an expert official of the Central
Book Catalogue. At determined regular
‘intervals the Central Bureau shall issue, in
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 231.
book form, an author’s and subject index of
the literature published within that period.
This Book Catalogue shall be obtainable in
parts corresponding to the several sciences
or in divisions of such parts. After the
first issue of the Book Catalogue the Com-
mittee of Referees are to be consulted as to
the desirability of making changes in the
International Council. This shall be con-
stituted by one representative of each Re-
gional Bureau and shall be the governing
body of the Catalogue. It shall appoint its
own Chairman and Secretary, and shall
meet in London at least once in three years ;
this Council is to be the supreme authority
for all matters belonging to the Central
Bureau, and is to report its doings to the
Regional Bureaus.
International Committee of Referees. The
International Council shall appoint, for each
science included in the Catalogue, five per-
sons skilled in that science to form an In-
ternational Committee of Referees. The
members shall be appointed in such a way
that one retires each year. These commit-
tees shall be consulted by the Director of
the Central Bureau on al] questions of
classification not provided for by the regu-
The Central Bureau is to be composed of
a paid staff, consisting of (1) a General
Director, (2) for each branch of science a
skilled assistant, (3) clerks. There is also
to be a Consultation Committee, consisting
of persons representing the several sciences:
and residing in or near London.
The next portion of the report is explana-
tory of the schedules of classification. Itis
expressly stated that the schedules are put
forward as illustrations of feasible methods.
of classifying the several sciences and not as:
final or authoritative. A detailed account
of the method of the work of the Central
Bureau is given, which need not be entered
upon here.
JUNE 2, 1899.]
Financial Statement. It is estimated that
about 40,000 communications will have to
be analyzed and indexed per annum. If
there are on an average 3 analytical slips
for each entry this would make 160,000
slips per annum, or about 530 for each
working day. It is further estimated that
the Book Catalogue will amount to 16 vol-
umes per annum.
Book Catalogue. The estimated cost of
the Book Catalogue (counting an edition
of 500 copies) is £5,450, which would be
covered by a subscription to 350 sets at £1
per volume.
Slips or Card Catalogue. If but a single
or primary slip is considered the additional
expense would be £3,076, and allowing
£1,000 saving on printing the book it
would require 130 complete subscriptions
at £16 to cover this expense. If the full, or
analytical-slip, catalogue be prepared 120,-
000 additional slips would have to be dealt
with per annum and 171 institutions would
have to pay £35 to cover the cost, which
would, however, slightly reduce the cost of
the primary slips. It would, of course, be
provided that portions of the catalogue
could be subscribed for separately. The
following table furnishes a clear idea of the
expenses and charges :
to cover the expenditure, whereas if the Slip
Catalogue were published as well the ex-
penditure would probably be beyond the
sum which can reasonably be expected to
be raised.
In view of this conclusion the Committee
raises the question as to whether a pri-
mary slip might not be sufficent, whether a
monthly bulletin in book form would serve
the purpose, or, should the entire Slip Cata-
logue be desired, whether a ‘sustenation ’
fund could be raised to meet the difficulty.
The need of a guarantee fund amounting to
about £6,000 is also pointed out.
The remainder of the report is taken up
with the schedules, which cannot be dis-
cussed here. Anticipating somewhat be-
fore coming to the’ Conference, it may be
well to mention that in November, 1898, the
Committee issued a memorandum on the
systems of classification and registration
proposed. It is explained that the minute
subdivision was adopted because if the
cards accumulated several years the num-
ber under each head might grow so large
as to make it a work of great labor to search
through them. Should the Card Catalogue
be abandoned the number of divisions
might be considerably reduced in the an-
nual volumes, though it would be desirable
Least remunerative) Average subscrip- Maximum subscrip-
dost number of com- tion to single tion to single ao aD
* \plete subscriptions. science. science. OD
Book Catalogue (1,000
(0) NES) posocuacéaeg5ac000 £5,590 £350 LL On 10 £2 0 0 £16
Primary Slip Catalogue
(200Kcopies))ea-sset---- 3,075 130 100 P76 15
Secondary Slip Cata-
logue (200 copies)..... 5,992 171 25 0 AiO 35
£14,657 = £4 5 0 £8 5 0 £66.
Less saving on use of |
FINO PEl-c---cnsccsness * 1,000 _ |
The Committee expressed the opinion
that if the Book Catalogue alone were pub-
lished the subscription might be expected
to retain them in the volumes ranging, over
decimal periods, if such were published.
System of Registration. — Each principal
science is indicated by a letter. The divi-
sions of each science are numbered. These
divisions can be subdivided by the use of
significant words or symbols.
This plan is explained in detail and de-
fended. As a further evidence that the
Committee did not consider its schedules
final it has issued a revised schedule of
Physiology (Animal).
The second Conference, which, like the
first, was summoned by the British gov-
ernment, was attended by the following
delegates, many of whom had participated
in the first Conference :
Austria. Professor L. Boltzmann ( Kaiserliche Akad-
emie der Wissenschaften, Vienna).
Professor E. Weiss ( Kaiserliche Akademie der Wis-
senschaften, Vienna).
Belgium. Chevalier Descamps (Membre de ]’Acad.
Royale de Belgique, Président de 1’Office Inter-
national de Bibliographe, Brussels).
M. Paul Otlet (Secrétaire-General de 1’ Office Inter-
national de Bibliographie, Brussels).
M. H. La Fontaine (Directeur de l’Office Interna-
tional de Bibliographie, Brussels).
France. Professor G. Darboux (Membre de I’Insti-
tut de France).
Dr. J. Deniker (Bibliothécaire du Muséum d’His-
toire Naturelle).
Professor E. Mascart (Membre de l’Institut de
Germany. Professor Dr. Klein (Geheimer Regier-
ungs-Rath, University of Gottingen).
Hungary. Dr. August Heller (Librarian, Ungarische
Akademie, Buda-Pesth).
Dr. Theodore Duka (Member of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences).
Japan. Professor Einosuke Yamaguchi (Imperial
University of Kioto).
Mexico. Seior Don Francisco de] Paso y Troncoso,
Netherlands. Professor D. J. Korteweg (Universi-
teit, Amsterdam).
Norway. Dr. Jérgen Brunchorst (Secretary, Ber-
genske Museum),
Sweden. Dr. E. W. Dahlgren (Librarian, Kong].
Svenska Vetenskaps Akademie, Stockholm).
Switzerland. Dr. Jean Henry Graf (President, Com-
mission de la Bibliotheque Nationale Suisse. )
Dr. Jean Bernoulli (Librarian, Commission de la
Bibliothcque Nationale Suisse).
(N.S. Von. LX. No. 231.
United Kingdom. Representing the Government :
The Right Hon. Sir John E. Gorst, Q. C., M. P.,
F. R. 8. (Vice-President of the Committee of
Council on Education).
Representing the Royal Society of London :
Professor Michael Foster, Sec. R. S.
Professor Arthur W. Ricker, Sec. R.S.
Professor H. E. Armstrong, F. R. 8.
Sir J. Norman Lockyer, K. C. B., F. R. S.
Dr. Ludwig Mond, F. R. 8S.
United States. Dr. Cyrus Adler (Librarian, Smith-
sonian Institution, Washington).
Cape Colony. Roland Trimen, Esq., F. R. S.
India. Lieut.-General Sir R. Strachey, G. C.S.L.,
Ty Rass
Dr. W. T. Blanford, F. R. S.
Natal. Sir Walter Peace, K.C. M. G. (Agent-Gen-
eral for Natal).
New Zealand. The Hon. W. P. Reaves (Agent-Gen-
eral for New Zealand).
Queensland. The Hon. Sir Horace Tozer, K. C. M. G.
( Agent-General for Queensland).
The Conference met Tuesday, October 11,
1898, in the rooms of the Society of An-
tiquaries (Burlington House) the rooms of
the Royal Society not being available, as
they were undergoing repairs. Sir John
Gorst, President of the previous Conference
took the chair, and on motion of Professor
Darboux (France) was elected President.
Professor Korteweg (Netherlands) was
elected Secretary for the German language,
M. La Fontaine (Belgium) for French, and
Professor Armstrong for English. Three
short-hand reporters, one for each language,
assisted the Secretaries.
Professor Michael Foster then stated that
invitations to the Conference had been is-
sued through the Foreign Office, and gave
a list of the acceptances.* The Greek gov-
ernment regreted that they were unable to
appoint delegates; + the Russian govern-
ment did ‘not consider it necessary to be
represented by a spetial delegate.’ The
Danish government took the same view,
* List is given above.
{+ The Russian government has since requested the
appointment of a representative on the International
JUNE 2, 1899.]
being satisfied that it could follow the mat-
ter from the verbatim reports issued. The
German government, ou October 4th, re-
quested a postponement owing to the diffi-
culty of appointing delegates, but it was
not possible to arrange for this. Professor
Klein, of Gottingen, representing Germany,
arrived the second day of the Conference.
The time of meeting was then arranged
and a resolution agreed to ‘That each dele-
gate shall have a vote in deciding all ques-
tions brought before the Conference,’ it
being understood that the decisions of the
Conference did not bind the respective gov-
ernments. It was further agreed that Eng-
lish, German and French be the official
languages of the Conference, but that any
delegate might employ any other language,
provided he supply a written translation
into one of the official languages.
Professor Foster then formally laid before
the Conference, on behalf of the Royal So-
ciety, the report summarized above, and
Professor Riicker, in explaining the report,
gave it as his opinion that the secondary
cards entailed too great an expenditure and
should be given up. Dr. Deniker (France)
thought the question to be discussed was
whether it was better to publish the Cata-
logue in the form of volumes or cards.
Professor Darboux was opposed to giving
up ecards which rendered great service to
scholars. He thought it best to discuss the
scientific questions first and leave this mat-
ter to the body which would be charged
with the actual workings of the Catalogue.
M. Otlet (Belgium) considered that the
order of subjects was threefold: (1) scien-
tific, (2) technical—relative to the method
of employing the cards, and (3) financial.
Dr. Graf (Switzerland) dissented, holding
that the matter should be taken up in the
order indicated by the Royal Society, inas-
much as the financial questions depended
upon whether the Catalogue should be is-
sued in both book and card form. He added
that his government had given him in-
structions to advocate the double form.
Dr. Heller (Hungary) also expressed
himself in favor of the double form. Dr.
Brunchorst (Norway) agreed in principle,
but thought at the beginning the Catalogue
could only be issued in book form. Profes-
sor Boltzmann (Austria) thought that for
the present only the book form and primary
slips were feasible.
Professor Darboux pointed out that it
was at least necessary for the various Bu-
reaus to prepare the Catalogue in slip form
and send it to London. The financial
question was: Could this Card Catalogue be
published? If it could it would be done ; if
not it could be consulted in London.
Dr. Adler pointed out that if the com-
plete Card Catalogue were published the
subscription fee would by no means cover
the entire cost to a library ; an additional
sum for furniture to provide for it, as well
as for the arrangement and care would
have to be taken into account, as well as
the space required, making the total cost of
the whole Catalogue and its maintenance to
each institution subscribing about £200 per
Dr. Deniker thought the statement as to
the space, cost, etc., exaggerated, and for-
mulated the proposition: ‘‘ The Conference
decides in principle for the publication of
the Catalogue in the double form of vol-
umes and cards ;’’ after further discussion
this resolution was agreed to.
The report of the Committee of the Royal
Society was then taken up seriatim and it
was agreed after a brief discussion as to the
form ‘ That schedules of classification shall
be authorized for the several branches of
science which it is decided to include in the
Professor Foster then moved that ‘‘ Each
of the sciences for which a separate schedule
of classification is provided be indicated
by a Roman capital letter (hereafter called
a registration letter) as a registration sym-
bol, namely, as follows:
A. Mathematics.
B. Astronomy.
C. Meteorology.
D. Physics.
KE. Crystallography.
I. Chemistry.
G. Mineralogy.
H. Geology (including Petrology).
J. Geography.
K. Paleontology.
L. Zoology (including Anatomy).
M. Botany.
N. Physiology (including Pharmacology and Experi-
mental Pathology).
O. Bacteriology.
P. Psychology.
Q. Anthropology.”
Dr. Bernoulli (Switzerland) pointed out
that the plan of dividing the Natural
History sciences into several groups was a
departure from systems already in exist-
Dr. Heller (Hungary) did not entirely
agree as to the wisdom of the division; he
pointed out that in the course of years cer-
tain institutions and publications had grown
up which treated several of the subjects
named. Under this plan the publications
would be entirely separated. If, however,
this was necessary he would advocate a still
further division and suggested the separa-
tion of Anatomy from Zoology.
Professor Weiss (Austria) suggested that
the question be divided, first, as to whether
registration letters be used, and second,
how the several sciences should be arranged
among them. This being agreed to, the
original proposition was withdrawn.
Professor Darboux pointed out that in
the list of sciences Geography was given,
whereas it was his understanding that the
first Conference intended to include. only
mathematical and physical geography.
Professor Weiss indicated the difficulty
in agreeing upon an absolutely definite list,
due partly to the different development
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 231.
some of the sciences had taken in England
and on the Continent. The specialists of
the Vienna Academy had suggested that
human anatomy should be separated from
zoology. No doubt similar suggestions
would come from other countries on special
points. He, therefore, advised that a small
commission be formed by the Royal Society
which might consult various specialists and
secure a coordinated scheme.
Dr. Deniker thought too much stress was
being laid on the matter. It was his opin-
ion that if Pharmacology were to be in-
troduced it should be as a separate science,
with a special letter, pointing out at the
same time that it was an applied science
and not in accordance with the original
program, which was to include only pure
M. Otlet propounded several questions in
the hope of eliciting information as to how
the work of the Committee had been done,
and M. Darboux pointed out that the
science of Mechanics was put down as a sec-
tion of Physics. He considered Mechanics
a fundamental science and thought it
should have an independent section.
Professor Armstrong stated in reply that
practical considerations had come into play.
For each separate science a separate series
of boxes would have to be kept, and they
provided as many letters as they thought
separate boxes would be required. The
separate letters were prepared purely for
office purposes. The scheme of Geography
was, he admitted, purely from the English
point of view. The Committee had no
communication with foreign academies, but
consulted individuals. It desired, how-
ever, that foreign individuals and academies
should have the opportunity of examining
the schedules. Professor Michael Foster
stated that the sub-committee which drew
up the schedule for Physiology put itself
in communication with distinguished and
practiced physiologists in other lands, and
JUNE 2, 1899. ]
that they were now attempting to put the
schedule into practical use. He added for
the whole Committee that they did not
maintain the schedules in their entirety.
Professor Armstrong pointed out that the
introduction of a special science like Me-
chanics was contemplated and was entirely
possible under the scheme. He quoted the
following from the report: ‘‘ It will be neces-
sary to provide a separate volume, to be
sold apart, for each science to be distin-
guished by a registration letter; and in
some sciences, Zoology in particular, there
will, doubtless, be a demand for separate
volumes dealing with special sections of a
science.” ‘‘The extent to which the sub-
division of the Book Catalogue into parts is
carried will necessarily depend on the de-
mand arising in practice.”
Mr. Otlet thought that the matter had
been somewhat cleared up and favored the
subdivision referred to. Anthropology, he
said, comprehended nearly all the sciences
not included in the other sciences—such as
theology, anthropometry, questions rela-
tive to the various human races, their in-
dustrial occupations, ete.—-the concomitant
subjects would be nourishment, and hence
agriculture, costume, hunting, navigation,
etc. Under communication of ideas gram-
mar and the sciences connected with it
would come in history, religion, supersti-
tion, sociology, slavery, social organiza-
tions, all of which would have to be con-
M. Korteweg said that the subdivision
of sciences would also create great difficul-
ties; he favored the exclusion of Political
Geography. Professor Darboux said that
he was in practical accord with what had
been said, but still thought that Mechanics
should form a separate class. Dr. Graf de-
sired that Anatomy be separated from
Zoology and be placed in a separate class.
Dr. Boltzmann suggested that the first
class be General Science. Meteorology, he
thought, should be connected with Physical
Geography. Chemistry should stand be-
tween Crystallography and Mineralogy.
Anatomy should be in a separate class.
The questions raised concerning Mechanics
and Anthropology were of great importance,
but he thought that the Conference was not
ripe for their solution.
Professor Armstrong said that the ques-
tion raised about Mechanics was a practical
one, whereas the definition of the limits of
Geography and Anthropology was a scien-
tific matter, and suggested that the latter be
dealt with first.
Dr. Heller suggested, instead of the term
Geography, that of Geo-Physics ; this would
include physical geography and meteorol-
ogy and exclude political geography. He
thought, too, that experimental psychology
might be included under Anthropology.
Professor Armstrong, to bring the discus-
sion to a conclusion, moved that Geography
be- limited to mathematical and physical
geography, to the exclusion of political
and general geography. In doing so he
pointed out, however, that this action might
lead to the Geographical Catalogue, being
of no use to the general geographical stu-
dent and not being subscribed for.
Dr. Adler stated that travels were of
great importance to naturalists and anthro-
pologists and had been included in the Bib-
liography published by the German Geo-
graphical Society. Dr. Duka also favored
their retention, but Dr. Mond dissented,
holding that this view deviated from the
original intention of the Catalogue. The
motion to limit the scope of Geography as
above stated finally prevailed.
After a brief discussion by Professors
Armstrong, Boltzmann, Darboux and Deni-
ker, a resolution was adopted that after
Zoology, Anatomy be entered on the list as
a separate subject.
The following resolution was then unani-
mously agreed to:
768 SCIENCE. LN. &. Von. IX. No. 231.
“Tt is proposed that a separate schedule be pro-
vided for each of the following branches of science :
Mathematics, Astronomy, Meteorology, Physics,
Crystallography, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geology
(including Petrology), Geography (Mathematical
and Physical, excluding Political and General) Pale-
ontology, Anatomy, Zoology Botany, Physiology (in-
eluding Pharmacology and Experimental Pathology ),
Bacteriology, Psychology and Anthropology.”
The next question taken up was that of
the Registration Symbols. Professor Dar-
boux objected to voting on a resolution
naming specifically the letters for each sci-
ence. He thought that it was a detail of
execution and would change the character
of the Conference if matters of such sec-
ondary importance were discussed.
Professor Armstrong, in accordance with
this suggestion, presented a motion as fol-
lows: ‘That each of the sciences, for
which a separate schedule of classification
is provided, shall be indicated by a symbol.”
Professor Korteweg thought that the ques-
tion involved that of many different sys-
tems of classifications and various schemes
of symbols, but Professor Armstrong pointed
out, in reply, that if the resolution passed it
would not bind the bureau to any particular
symbols. M. Deniker thought that the
question did not have the importance attrib-
uted to it—that the symbols were simply a
practical scheme for securing order in the
publication and handling of the cards. M.
Otlet was inclined to lay more stress on the
question ; he thought they were not simply
a matter for the convenience of the clerks,
but would become useful to librarians and
scientific men. The resolution was then
The next question taken up was the regu-
lations concerning the preparation of the
cards or slips. These regulations refer not
to the Catalogue itself so much as to the
preparation of the Catalogue. Professor
Foster moved that, ‘“‘ For each communica-
tion to be indexed, at least one slip, to be
called a ‘Primary slip,’ shall be prepared,
on which shall be either printed, or type-
written, or legibly hand-written in Roman
script: Title entries, the author’s name,.
and the full title of the communication in
the original language alone if the language
be either English or French, German or
Latin.”’ In the case of other languages the
title shall be translated into English, or
such other of the above four languages as
may be determined by the Regional Bureau
concerned ; but in such case the original
title shall be added when the language is
one which can be conveniently printed.
Professor Foster presented this with an
amendment to the effect that Italian should
be added to the languages named.
Dr. Brunchorst thought it best to have
but three languages and omit Latin and
Italian, holding that there were very few
publications in Latin and that its introduc-
tion was not important. He further made
the interesting statement that within a few
years the Latin language will have disap-
peared from use in Norway, and that there
would probably be no public school in Nor-
way in which Latin could be studied. Pro-
fessor Rucker stated that, although the title
of a paper might be given in Latin, it did
not follow that the subject-entry should be
in that language. Professor Foster added
that Latin was introduced chiefly in the in-
terest of zoologists. Mr. Triman, delegate
from Cape Colony, thought it important:
to retain it. Dr. Adler held that every
title should be given in the language in
which the paper is written, without any ex-
ception whatsoever. Professors Foster and
Armstrong both pointed out that some
translation of titles was necessary, but Dr.
Adler stated that,while translations of titles
might be given when necessary, the original
title should also be given, either in the
original character or in a transliteration.
It was agreed to omit Italian but retain
Latin, and the first part of the resolution
was then carried.
JUNE 2, 1899. ]
The next proposition under discussion
was as follows: ‘In the case of other Jan-
guages the title shall be translated into
English, or such other of the above five
languages as may be determined by the
Regional Bureau concerned, but in such
ease the original title shall be added when
the language is one which can be conven-
iently printed.”
Dr. Adler suggested that instead of the
last phrase the resolution shall read : ‘“ In
‘such cases the original title shall be added ;
if convenient it shall be printed in the
original script, otherwise in Roman script.”
Professor Foster inquired of the Japanese
delegate whether the Japanese language
could be conveniently written in Roman
Script and whether educated Japanese could
read transliterations of Japanese, and re-
ceived an affirmative reply. The amend-
ment was then unanimously agreed to.
The question arose in connection with
this matter as to the meaning of the term
‘regional bureau,’ and Professor Rucker
explained that it had been decided to em-
ploy this term instead of the word ‘ Na-
tional’ because it might happen that one
nation, as, for instance, the British Empire,
may have more than one bureau, whereas
some of the smaller countries, like Holland
and Belgium, might unite in a single bureau.
If there was any objection, he said, to ‘ re-
gional,’ the term ‘ Collecting Bureau’ might
be employed.
M. Otlet desired to add to the resolution
the phrase‘ to diminish the number of
necessary translations,’ which he pointed
out as being extremely desirable, but the
President thought this question might be
more conveniently raised at a later stage.
The entire resolution as amended was then
Professor Foster then moved that ‘‘the title
shall be followed by every necessary refer-
ence, including the year of publication, and
-such other symbols as may be determined.”
The next resolution was “‘ Subject- entries,
indicating, as briefly as possible, the par-
ticular subjects to which the communica-
tion refers. Every effort shall be made to
restrict the number of these subject-eutries.
Such subject-entries shall be given only in
the original language of the communica-
tion if this be one of the five previously
referred to, but in other cases in English,
or in such other language as has been used
in translating the title.”
M. LaFontaine pointed out what seemed
to him certain inconsistencies in subject-
, entries presented in the schedules, and
thought that the idea of the subject-entries
was not fully understood, but both Pro-
fessors Foster and Armstrong combatted
this idea. Dr. Adler pointed out the diffi-
culty of grouping the subject-entries satis-
factorily in view of the fact that the analysis
could be made in five languages, but Pro-
fessor Rucker explained that the alphabet-
ical arrangement would be according to
English words.
Chevalier Descamps stated that the book
issue would require the repetition of titles,
and that on the whole it would be more eco-
nomical to repeat them entire. To this
suggestion Professor Armstrong agreed,
pointing out that its necessity had been
recognized by the Committee.
M. Deniker inquired as to the relative
value of the terms subject-entry and catch-
word. Was the subject-entry to be sub-
ordinated to the significant word, or vice
Professor Foster explained that the
subject-entry was to give ap idea what the
paper was about, the symbols to aid in
keeping the Card Catalogue in order, and
the significant words to aid the student who
did not carry the symbol in his mind.
M. Deniker replied that it was now clear
to him that what was proposed was not
simply a catalogue, but an analysis. What
limits he asked, would be imposed. Thus
four or five subject-entries might be given
versa ?
in describing a single memoir. While
recognizing the usefulness of these, he
thought some limit would have to be con-
Professor Foster replied that for three
years past the Royal Society had requested
each author to give an analysis of his paper
in such form that it might serve as a sub-
ject-index, and that in a large majority of
cases it had been found possible to limit the
analysis to three subject-entries.
Professor Rucker pointed out that signifi-
cant words would serve as a sort of tempo-
rary expedient where a sudden interest
sprang up in some new discovery, instancing
the Rontgen rays. After some further discus-
sion the resolution as to subject-entries was
carried unanimously (the Belgian dele-
gates abstaining from voting).
Professor Armstrong then moved that
“registration symbols, in accordance with
those in the schedules of classification, shall
be entered upon the slips in some conspic-
uous manner, and upon a uniform plan.”
He explained that at the first Conference
schedules in accordance with the decimal
system had been prepared and submitted,
and that the Conference had decided against
them. The plan now proposed is distinctly
not the Dewey system. The figures given
have no absolute value, and are solely for
the purpose of enabling librarians to sort
the cards and arrange the material.
This point was emphasized by Professor
Rucker, who stated that in a system in
which the numbers had an absolute value
the method was equivalent to starting a
new language, and he did not believe that
the average scientific man would learn a
language for such a purpose.
Chevalier Descamps addressed himself to
the question of classification. He recognized
the serious attention which had been given
to the subject by the Royal Society, but said
that the Society was not the first to take up
the study which had been pursued by a large
[N.S. Von. IX. No, 231-
number of authors, men of science and
practical men. To provoke a general de-
bate on classification seemed inopportune.
He had pointed out in 1896 the pos-
sibility of a bibliographical classification
based on the decimal system. This did not:
meet with favor, and the Royal Society had
endeavored to produce a purely scientific
classification. For its labors it merited the
most profound recognition, but he regretted.
that the Royal Society had not explained
the ideas which underlay its schedules. To.
be good a_ bibliographical classification
should be both stable and elastic. The
adoption of a mixed system of symbols, and
more especially the lack of identity of
meaning of the same symbols in the differ-
ent sciences, seemed regrettable. He saw no
objection to giving symbols a definite signifi-
The statement of Chevalier Descamps (of
which the above is but a brief abstract)
brought from Professsor Riicker an argu-
ment which probably expressed the opinion
of most of the scientific men present, and is
accordingly given in full :
“TY think it would be desirable if I say a
few words with regard to the very interest-
ing remarks with which Chevalier Descamps
has favored us. I think we must all agree
that the questions he has raised are ques-
tions of the greatest interest to any one who
has attempted to take any share in a work
of this sort. But I very much regret,
speaking for myself, that I find myself at
variance with him on several fundamental
points. In the first place, he urges us to
adopt the scientific system of classification,
which shall not change from five years to:
five years, or ten years to ten years, but
which shall hold good for all time, or for a
very long period of time. One of the very
great advantages of our system is that we
recognize that science is a growing subject.
The notation that fits it to-day will not fit
it next year, or ten years hence. Let us
JUNE 2, 1899. ]
suppose scientific knowledge had sooner led
us to recognize the close relation of elec-
tricity and light. Surely the mode of di-
vision would be quite different. The defi-
nition of Zoology before and after Darwin
would have been different. A classification
which then appeared to be scientific would
now be recognized as inadequate. The very
first thing we must recognize is that our
scientific knowledge is imperfect and grow-
ing, and we must adopt a system capable of
easy modification as our knowledge in-
creases. Another point which Chevalier
Descamps made was that we adopt different
methods with regard to different sciences ;
in some cases the numbers are followed by
symbols ; in some cases the numbers are
separated by a hyphen, and soon. We have
gone into this question as scientific men,
and, although perfectly ready to submit the
result of our work to the criticism of other
scientific men, we do believe that the plan
that suits best one science will not suit an-
other. Take one example. Take, for in-
stance, Zoology. There is the question of
arrangement of the subject in accordance |
with the species of animals, and the
question of arrangement with regard to
the geographical distribution. Here are
two ideas to which there is nothing
similar in physics or chemistry. It would
be disastrous if we attempt to force all
these sciences to adopt the same method.
If two things are essentially different, we
do not apply the same principles to both.
In the last place, Chevalier Descamps says
the main object of classification is to tell us
where to find a particular object with which
we are dealing. I do not much believe in
the average memory of scientific men being
able to grasp a large number of numbers.
I believe it is much easier to find the place
by using symbols, which are more distinct
than a large number is from a small one.
Significant words which are for temporary
use have their own meaning. You find them
ca |
alphabetically. I do think, on the question
of general principle, thatit is very desirable
that the Conference should express an
opinion as to whether or not they think the
symbols are to be devised in such a way as
to help the memory or to find the place ;
secondly, whether they do or do not hold
the view that the plan good for one science
is good for all, and whether it is desirable
to attempt to plan a scheme in the belief
that it will hold good for all time.”
Dr. Bernoulli said that after hearing the
statements in favor of the two systems he
wished to add that the decimal system was
in actual working order in Switzerland, and
that its practical utility had been demon-
strated there. He considered it superior
to the system proposed by the Royal So-
ciety, although originally he had been an
opponent of the decimal system.
M. Deniker replied that it was necessary
to consult an alphabetic index to use the
decimal-system catalogue. He favored a
methodical or subject catalogue alphabet-
ically arranged.
Cyrus ADLER.
(To be Concluded.)
Ir is generally accepted as a well estab-
lished fact that the traveling public is fully
protected by the present tests for color-blind-
ness to which railway employees and pilots
are subjected. Yetseveral of the mysterious
accidents that have occurred during the
last two years might be explained on the
supposition of color-blindness on the part
of responsible lookouts. In fact, I believe
myself in position to prove that persons of
dangerously defective color-vision actually
do pass the regular tests and obtain posi-
tions where their defects are continual
dangers to public welfare.
In the first place, I have at the present
time among my students one who is abso-
lutely perfect at the wool-test. He can
match wools with incredible precision at
any distance away; he is, nevertheless,
color-blind. This case is typical of a class
of persons with eyes abnormally acute for
differences in color, but yet with only two
fundamental sensations instead of three.
In the second place, I have had among
my students those who possessed perfect
color-vision for near objects or bright ob-
jects, but who were practically color-blind
for weakly illuminated or distant objects.
These persons possess the typical three
fundamental color sensations, but have one
of them weaker than the normal. A per-
son of this kind may pass the wool-test
with the utmost perfection if the test is
performed close by, but will fail if the
wools are removed to a distance of 20 or 30
feet. This peculiar defect I take the liberty
of terming ‘ color-weakness.’ The first stu-
dent of this kind that I examined passed
the wool-test close at hand and yet was un-
able to distinguish red and green lanterns
a few hundred yards away. Cases similar
to this have been reported by the British
Marine Examiner, Edridge-Green. Among
other cases he quotes a letter from an engi-
neer containing the following statement:
““T have been on the railway for thirty
years and I can tell you the card-tests and
wool-tests are not a bit of good. Why, sir,
T had a mate that passed them all, but we
had to pitch into another train over it. He
couldn’t tell a red from a green light at
night in a bit of a fog.”’
To eliminate both these classes of persons
we must have a method of testing on quite
different principles from the usual ones.
In the first place, the sorting of Celicate
shades of colors, according to likeness, must
be replaced by naming certain fundamental
and familiar colors. The sorting of wools is
a quite unusual and perplexing task to a
man brought up in a railway yard and on
shipboard. It putsa nervous man at quite
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 231.
a disadvantage; it furnishes the unsuc-
cessful candidate with the excuse that the
judgment required was so unlike any he
had made before that he failed from nervous-
ness; and, finally, itis not a guarantee that
all who pass are not color-blind. The nam-
ing of colors should—as Donders proposed
—-be rigidly required. The engineer or the
pilot in his daily routine is not called upon
to match colors, but to decide whether a
light is red, green or white; he should be
tested on just this point. The color-blind
student referred to above who can pass the
wool-test to perfection fails at once when
called upon to name the wools. The nam-
ing of delicate and perhaps unusual shades
should, however, not be required; the
colors to be named should be the three fa-
miliar ones: red, green and white, so
manipulated that every possible chance for
confusion is presented.
The second necessity for eliminating
danger is that of an absolutely certain test
which shall detect both the color-blind and
the color-weak. Acting on the basis of
suggestions from the work of Donders and
of Edridge-Green, I have devised a test
that meets this requirement as well as the
first one.
The instrument * which I have invented
may be termed the ‘color sight tester’ or
the ‘ color sense tester.’ In general appear-
ance it resembles an ophthalmoscope. On
the side toward the person tested, Fig. 1,
there are three windows of glass, numbered
1,2 and 3, respectively. The opposite side of
the tester, Fig. 2, consists of a movable disk
carrying twelve glasses of different colors.
As this disk is turned by the finger of the
operator the various colors appear behind
the three windows. At each movement of
the disk the subject calls off the colors seen
* For those interested in obtaining the Color-Sight
Tester I will say that I have made arrangements to
have it made by the Chicago Laboratory Supply and
Scale Co., Chicago.
JUNE 2, 1899. ]
at the windows. The windows, 1, 2 and 3,
are, however, fitted with gray glasses. No.
1 carries a very dark smoked glass; all
colors seen through it will be dark. No. 2
carries a piece of ground glass, showing all
colors in full brightness. No. 3 carries a
light smoked glass. There are thus thirty-
six possible combinations of the colors. The
twelve glasses are, however, mainly reds,
greens and grays.
A suitable arrangement of the colors
Fig. 1.
gives direct simultaneous comparisons of
reds, greens and grays of different shades.
The well-known confusion by color-blind
persons of dark greens with reds, greens
with gray, etc., are exactly imitated, and
the instrument gives a decisive test for
color-blindness. Its peculiar advantage,
however, lies in the fact that it presents
reds, greens and grays simultaneously in a
large number of different shades of inten-
sity. The light of a green lantern, at dif-
ferent distances or in a fog, is simulated by
the green behind the different grays ; at the
same time a white light is also changed.
The color-weak person to whom weak green
is the same as gray (white at a distance) is
utterly confused and thinks that the weak-
ened green is gray (white) and the dark
gray is green.
Fie. 2.
The actual test is performed in the fol-
lowing manner. The tester is held toward
a window, at about 25 feet from the person
tested. The operator begins with any
chance position of the glasses, and asks the
person tested to tell the colors seen through
the three glasses, Nos. 1, 2 and 3. He an-
swers, forexample: ‘‘ No. lis dark red; No.
2 is gray; No. 3 is green.’’? The operator
records from the back of the tester the let-
ters indicating what glasses were actually
used. If he finds that A, D and G were
opposite the glasses Nos. 1, 2 and 3 he
records: A 1, dark red; D 2, gray; G 3,
green. The disk is then turned to some
other position ; the colors are again named,
aud the operator records the names used.
For example, the result might be: “No. 1
is dark green ; No. 2 is white; No. 3 is red ;”’
and the record would read: G 1, dark
green; J 2, white; A 3, red. Still another
record might give: J 1, dark gray; A 2,
red; D 3, medium gray. Similar records
are made for all combinations. Of course,
the person tested knows nothing concerning
the records made. A comparison with a
list of the true colors for each position de-
termines whether the test has been passed
or not.
The three records just cited were all ob-
tained from the red glass, A ; the gray glass,
D; the green glass, G, and the ground glass,
J,in combination with the dark gray, No.1;
the ground glass, No. 2, and the medium
gray, No. 8. Those familiar with color-
blindness will notice that these combina-
tions place side by side the colors most con-
The records can be taken by any one,
and, on the supposition that the record has
been honestly obtained and that the instru-
ment has not been tampered with after
leaving the central office, the comparison is
mechanical. There is none of the skillful
manipulation required in the wool-test and '
none of the uncertainty attaching to its re-
sults. The only instruction given to the
subject is: ‘* Name the colors ;” the results
render the decision with mechanical cer-
One of the testers is in use on one of the
English railways, another on the central
division of the New York Central Railroad.
From the former I have not yet heard, but
(N.S. Vou. 1X. No. 231.
the examiner on the latter reports that
since using the tester he has found men
who get through the wool-test, but are
caught by the tester. On the other hand,
he states that ‘ the men examined say that
this test is more like the signals they are
used to seeing every day on the road, and
is, therefore, fairer than to ask them to pick
out a lot of delicately tinted pieces of
An experience of several years seems to
justify the following claims for the color-
sense tester:
1. It detects with unerring precision both
the color-blind and the color-weak.
2. It is a perfectly fair test for the men
concerned and injures no man by requiring
an unfamiliar judgment.
3. It requires but a very small fraction
of the time used on the wool-test.
4, Its decisions are self-evident and un-
E. W. Scripture.
May 7, 1899.
Tuesixteenth annual meeting of the Amer-
ican Climatological Association was held
in New York City on May 9th and 10th at
the hall of the New York Academy of Med-
icine. About fifty members were in attend-
ance from all portions of the United States.
Twenty-five papers were read upon subjects
pertaining to climatology, hydrology and
diseases of the respiratory and circulatory
organs. These papers, which will appear
in the annual volume of the Transactions,
were as follows:
‘Presidential Address,’ by Dr. Beverley Robinson,
~ of New York.
‘Treatment of Consumption by Air and Light in
Colorado,’ by Dr. Charles F. Gardiner, of Colorado
‘Tntermediate Altitude for the Consumptive,’ by
Dr. B. P. Anderson, of Colorado Springs.
JUNE 2, 1899. ]
‘The Contagiousness of Phthisis Pulmonalis,’ by
Dr. E. L. Shurly, of Detroit.
‘Climate in Relation to Renal Disease,’ by Dr. J.
B. Walker, of Philadelphia.
‘Climate as it affects the Skin and its Diseases,’
by Dr. L. D. Bulkley, of New York.
‘Hygienics of the Skin,’ by Dr. L. D. Judd, of
‘Hydrotheraphy in the Treatment of Insomnia,’
by Dr. Irwin H. Hance, of Lakewood.
‘Altitude and Heart Disease,’ with report of cases,
by Dr. R. H. Babcock, of Chicago.
‘Prognosis in Chronic Valvular Affections of the
Heart,’ by N. 8. Davis, Jr., of Chicago.
‘Treatment of the Cardiac Asthenia of Pneu-
monia,’ by Dr. H. L. Elsner, of Syracuse.
‘Empyema from a Surgical Standpoint,’ by Dr.
Johh C. Munro, of Boston.
‘Traumatic Rupture of the Heart, without Pene-
tration of the Chest Wall,’ with a case, by Dr.
Richard C. Newton, of Montclair.
‘Cold Wave of February, 1899,’ by Dr. Guy Hins-
dale, of Philadelphia.
Other papers by Drs. R. G. Curtin, C. F. MceGahan,
Harold Williams, F. H. Williams, E. O. Otis and
V. Y. Bowditch, S. G. Bonney and H. 8. Anders.
The annual dinner of the Association was
held at the Manhattan Hotel, at which the
President, Dr. Beverley Robinson, of New
York, presided. On the following day the
Association made a visit to the Loomis
Sanitarium in Liberty, Sullivan County,
New York. This institution was founded
1895 in memory of Dr. Alfred L. Loomis,
the first President of the Association, for
the treatment of tuberculosis. It has a
favorable situation, 2,300 feet above tide,
and is 120 miles from New York, on the
Ontario and Western Railway. The re-
markable success which has attended its
work has been due in great measure to its
physician in charge, Dr. J. E. Stubbert,
liberally aided by the philanthropic support
of Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan and the ladies
who are associated in its management.
The scientific work of the Climatological
Association tends to the better knowledge of
the various American climates and health
resorts and their employment in the treat-
ment of disease.
The subject of tuberculosis is now re-
ceiving universal attention by the medical
profession, and the public are being inter-
ested in measures looking to its prevention
and restriction. It is encouraging to note
that in all our large cities the mortality
from this disease is gradually falling, and
through societies of this kind knowledge
is disseminated which affords the public
greater protection and prolongs life. The
resources of New York and Pennsylvania
for the climatic treatment of pulmonary
disease are not so well known as they should
be. Neither are the mineral springs of the
United States fully understood and intelli-
gently used. The Transactions of the
Climatological Association, now numbering
fifteen volumes, have contributed in no
small degree to the better knowledge of
this extensive subject.
The following officers were elected for
the ensuing year: President, Dr. A. Jacobi,
of New York; Vice-Presidents, Dr. R. H.
Babcock, of Chicago, and Dr. John W.
Brannan, of New York; Secretary, Dr.
Guy Hinsdale, of Philadelphia ; Representa-
tive to the Executive Committee of the
Congress of American Physicians and Sur-
geons, Dr. F. I. Knight, of Boston.
The next meeting will be held in Wash-
ington in May, 1900. Guy HinspAtz,
Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the
Smithsonian Institution, showing the operations,
expenditures and conditions of the Institution to
July, 1896. 8vo, lii+ 728 pp., lxi pls. Wash-
ington, 1898. [Received by the Bureau of
International Exchanges, January 25, 1899. ]
Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the
Smithsonian Institution, showing the operations,
expenditures and conditions of the Institution for
the year ending June 30, 1896. Report of the
U. S. National Museum. 8vo, xxiv + 1108
pp-, excviiipls. Washington, 1898. [? 1899.]
Proceedings of the United States National Museum.
Volume XX. Published under the direction
of the Smithsonian Institution S8vo, xii+
932 pp., xevii pls. Washiugton, 1898.
[? 1899. ] :
The activities and influence of the Smithso-
nian Institution have so extended that, instead
of a modest Report of some hundred pages, its
annual publishing output comprises several
bulky octavo volumes. It is only 15 years since
the Report of the United States National
Museum was issued in distinct covers from that
of the Smithsonian Institution. And now, to
judge from the copy submitted for review, even
this has reached limits that transcend the
binder’s art, andsuggest that a further division
into volumes would be beneficial. The line of
division is obvious, for the Reports both of the
Smithsonian and of the Museum owe their
present thickness chiefly to the articles of gen-
eral interest which are printed after the annual
official statements. The public is, doubtless,
grateful for these admirable articles, but its
gratitude would be increased were they pre-
sented in more convenient form, The numer-
ous readers that will be found for Mr. Thomas
Wilson’s richly illustrated account of ‘ Prehis-
toric Art’ will not wish to be weighted with
lengthy lists of accessions to the library, of new
species described by the Museum staff, or of
specimens sent to the Museum for identification.
On the other hand, the professional museum-
curator, who doubtless keeps the richly sugges-
tive, one might say the classical, reports of the
Smithsonian officials at hand for reference, will
soon find his available space choked up with
reprints of papers that he either has no longing
for or already has in their original form.
The present Appendices to the Administrative
Reports have, itis true, grown in a natural man-
ner, on the one hand out of the summaries of
progress in science that used to be attempted by
the Smithsonian, and on the other hand out of
short accounts or catalogues of specimens in the
National Museum. Moreover, there may besome-
thing in the terms of the appropriation by Con-
gress that renders the present mode of publica-
tion an official necessity. In such case a strong
expression of the value attached at home and
abroad to the several sections of these Reports,
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 231.
and of the inconvenience resulting from their
union, may do something to facilitate a change.
There is another argument in favor of the
proposed separation. The information con-
tained in these reports is as out of date as that
in an ordinary science text-book. The world
looks for more actuality in news that come
from the United States. There is little in this
‘Report of the U. 8. National Museum for the
year ending June 30, 1896’ that the intelligent
readers of SCIENCE did not know nearly three
years since. We all knew that ‘‘ Under an
order issued by the President on May 6, 1896,
the National Museum [with the other depart-
ments of the Smithsonian Institution] was made
subject to the law regulating appointments and
promotions in the Civil Service of the United
States.’? We have read all about the govern-
ment exhibit at the Atlanta Exposition in Brown
Goode’s contemporaneous report. We have
mourned for Professor C. V. Riley and Mr. R.
E. Earll, and, alas! for the writer of their obit-
uary notices, here reprinted from ScrENCE. We
have heard enough—perhaps too much—about
Alaska and the seal fisheries of Bering Sea.
There is little left but the statistics previously
referred to. And since the letter of transmittal
is dated August 8, 1896, why should we have
to await these 284 pages for two years and a
half? The reason appears to lie in the elabo-
rate papers contained in Part II., which, it is
obvious, could not have been published in 1896.
Internal evidence shows that Mr. Thomas Wil-
son’s attactive work on Prehistoric Art, of 340
pages, 75 plates and 3825 text-figures, was not
completed in manuscript before 1897. Mr.
Stewart Culin’s fascinating account of the
origin of chess and playing cards has an intro-
ductory note dated August, 1897, and contains
quotations from matter printed in that year.
The equally interesting account of the exhibit
of Biblical Antiquities at the Atlanta Exposi-
tion, by Drs. C. Adler and I. M. Casanowicz,
contains more than one such reference. It is
not likely that Dr. Walter Hough’s exhaustive
monograph on the lamp of the Eskimo was
ready for the printer before the articles that
precede it. Why should not all these have
been issued separately, or at least reserved for
the 1897 Report ?
JUNE 2, 1899.]
To write any comprehensive review of the
extraordinarily diverse matter in the three
volumes before us would be impossible for a
single individual, however unlimited his time.
The papers following the Smithsonian Report
are representative of the various branches of
science, and the general reader will gain from
them a fair idea of what is now being done by
scientific workers. Most of them have appeared
elsewhere, but English-speakers will be glad to
have the translations of Dr. L. Kénigsberger
on ‘ The Investigations of Hermann von Helm-
holtz on the Fundamental Principles of Mathe-
matics and Mechanics,’ Professor A. Cornu on
‘Physical phenomena of the upper regions of
the atmosphere,’ O. Wiener on ‘Color pho-
tography by means of body colors, and Me-
chanical color adaptation in nature,’ Dr.
Heim on ‘The biologic relations between
plants and ants,’ H. Meyer on ‘Bows and
arrows in Central Brazil,’ and J. de Morgan’s
‘Account of the work of the service of an-
tiquities of Egypt and of the Egyptian Insti-
tute during the years 1892, 1893 and 1894.’ As
an example of work carried out under the
auspices of the Smithsonian Institution, we are
presented with Dr. J. Walter Fewkes’ ‘ Pre-
liminary account of an expedition to the Pueblo
ruins near Winslow, Arizona, in 1896,’ which
expedition, it may be noted, accomplished its
work some weeks after the annual report was
transmitted to Congress. Other communica-
tions that appear to be published here for the
first time are: ‘Was primitive man a modern
savage ?’ by Talcott Williams ; ‘Memorial of Dr.
Joseph M. Toner,’ by Ainsworth R. Spofford,
and ‘ William Bower Taylor,’ by W. J. Rhees.
The rest of the articles are reprints, mainly
from the Proceedings of the Royal Institution of
Great Britain and from SCIENCE.
The more technical papers based on the col-
lections in the U. S. National Museum are con-
tained in Vol. XX., of the Proceedings of the
Museum. In pursuance of the excellent policy
pursued by the Institution, these have already
been issued in pamphlet form, so as not to delay
the publication of important scientific novelties.
But it is to be wished that this policy could be
carried into effect in a more practical manner.
Let us take two examples. The volume opens
with an elaborate and (thanks to the Elizabeth
Thompson fund) richly illustrated work on the
Rocky Mountain locust and its allies, entitled
‘Revision of the Orthopteran group Melanopli
(Acridiidee), with special reference to North
American forms,’ by that eminent entomologist:
and bibliographer, 8S. H. Scudder. The work
contains numerous new species and new genera.
A key to the genera is given, and is said to
have been ‘issued in advance in the Proceed-
ings of the American Academy ;’ but from be-
ginning to end no hint is given as to the pre-
vious publication of the paper as a whole, and
9 workers ont of 10 would be as likely as not to
give it the date of the bound volume, which the
title-page states to be 1898, but which, one may
hazard a guess, was really 1899.* The tenth
worker might have received the previously is-
sued separate copy of Mr. Scudder’s paper,
though it was unknown to the laborious com-
piler of the section Insecta in the Zoological
Record for 1897—a somewhat important fact in
in this connection ; or he might chance to see -
in the table of contents the affixed date, ‘De-
cember 28, 1897.’ Is this date intended for the-
date of previous publication? If so, a state-
ment to that effect should have been repeated!
at the beginning or end of the article itself.
Even the previously issued separate copies of
these articles do not bear the exact date. The
paper wrappers give the year (truthfully, let
us hope !), but what we have been led to expect
from American systematists is at least the
month, if not the day or even the hour of pub-
lication, printed on the sheet itself. In the
second example that we shall take, matters are
more complicated. No. 1132 is ‘ Preliminary
diagnoses of new mammals* * * * from the
Mexican border * * *’ by Dr. E. A. Mearns.
The competition between the describers of spe-
cies in this class is now so keen that the de-
mand for dates isimperative. The Smithsonian
meets the appeal with its wonted generosity.
It gives three dates: the date of the bound
volume, 1898 [or 1899]; ‘Advance sheets,
March 5, 1897 ;’ and again, ‘January 19, 1898.’
What, then, is the date of Neotoma cumulator
*At any rate the volume has not yet been received
by the British Museum (Natural History), 22 April,
Mearns? The date of the advance sheets is, in
this case, given with the paper itself, and they
are described as ‘published.’ Butifso, there can
be no meaning in the date ‘January 19, 1898.’
If, on the other hand, ‘January, 19, 1898,’ is
regarded by the Secretary to the Smithsonian
as the date of publication, then the advance
sheets must be ruled out of court. What do
you mean by ‘advance sheets,’ anyway? Are
they proofs under revision ? Are they to be had
by the public? Can they substantiate a claim of
ten or eleven months’ priority? These ques-
tions are not rhetorical. We want to know.
The ever-green preliminary notice is nuisance
enough; but a preliminary notice that ranges
vaguely between March, 1897, and February,
1899, ought to be snuffed out by its own ab-
To turn from these vexed and vexing ques-
tions to the papers themselves—After Dr.
Scudder’s monograph, which occupies nearly
half the volume, the more important are Pro-
fessor E. Linton’s ‘ Notes on Cestode and Trem-
atode parasites of fishes,’ Professor Dean C.
Worcester’s and Dr. F. 8. Bourns’ ‘ Contribu-
tions to Philippine Ornithology,’ Walter
Faxon’s ‘Observations on the Astacide in the
U.S. National Museum and in the Museum of
Comparative Zoology [Cambridge, Mass.], with
descriptions of new species,’ Professor C. P.
Gillette on ‘American leaf-hoppers of the sub-
family Typhlocybine,’ Professor A. E. Verrill’s
and Miss K. J. Bush’s ‘ Revision of the deep-
water Mollusca of the Atlantic coast of North
America, with descriptions of new genera and
species. PartI., Bivalvia.’ From these and the
lesser papers in the volume it is clear that the
U.S. National Museum plays an effective part
in the advancement, no less than in the diffu-
sion, of knowledge ; and the high proportion of
contributions from others than those on the
staff indicates a total absence of that dog-in-the
manger quality which often finds a congenial
home in establishments of this kind.
Indeed, if there is one character more praise-
worthy than another in these records of work
done it is thespirit of helpfulness and fraternal
cooperation that animates the whole. The con-
centration of the national collections in one
group of buildings, the association of the
PNaS:) iViOn. xs INOW 231.
Museum with an institution of such world-wide
scope as the Smithsonian, the proximity of other
administrative and scientific departments of the
government, all tend to foster this spirit.
Nevertheless, its development, as we see from
the example of other cities, is not a necessary
consequence ; it needs cultivation. In Wash-
ington its growth is due less to favoring circum-
stances than to the high character and ideals of
the men connected with the Smithsonian Insti-
tution, and notably of recent years to the
charming personality and unwearying efforts of
the late Assistant Secretary. A remarkable
instance of this appears in the list of the scien-
tific and administrative staff, which comprises
among the Curators or Assistant Curators no
less than 28 described as ‘Honorary, and serv-
ing without salary.’ The work done by these
unpaid curators is no mere amusement; they
take their share in the drudgery of registration,
labelling and cleaning. It is true that the
majority of them receive pay from the govern-
ment in other capacities ; but this emphasizes
the point, for rivalry rather than cooperation
between the various departments is the rule in
most other countries. The gain, of course, is
not wholly on the side of the Museum.
In harmony with these principles of mutual
aid, the Museum differs from many national
museums in its custom of sending out large
quantities of material. Partly this is in connec-
tion with local exhibitions, and this branch of
the Museum’s activity may be compared to that
of the Loan Section of the British Science and
Art Department. Further, specimens are lent
to scientific workers freely and in large quanti-
ties. Presumably this applies, not to specimens
of historic interest, but te material in the re-
serve collection. No doubt some damage is
done and some specimens may be lost in conse-
quence of these operations. For all that, the
Museum is a gainer, on the one hand by the ©
awakening of national interest and the increased
number of its correspondents, on the other
through the elaboration of its material by
specialists in all parts of the world.
Apropos of correspondents, those of the Smith-
sonian and the Museum are perhaps numerous
enough already. Every citizen of the United
States seems to be as tenacious of his right to
JUNE 2, 1899. ]
‘question the officers on any subject under the
sun as he is of his right to shake hands with
the President. The list of specimens sent to the
Museum for identification during the year fills
24 columns. About 10,000 letters seem to have
been received and replied to. The concholo-
gists alone had to identify over 3,000 species and
to write over 1,000 pages of correspondence.
Defensive measures have become necessary.
Circular 47, U. S. National Museum, stipulates
that the material must be sent free of expense
to the Museum, unless otherwise agreed upon,
and that the localities from which the specimens
_Were obtained must be given. The Museum
reserves the right to retain, except under
special arrangement, specimens needed to com-
plete the national collection.
There are many other points in these Reports
one would like to discuss did one not feel the
information to be a little out of date. Attention
may, however, be directed to Dr. J. M. Flint’s
account of methods for the public exhibition of
microscopic objects (Rep. U. S. N. M., pp. 96,
97, pls. i-iv.). There are two forms of ap-
paratus ; in both an ordinary microscope is em-
ployed, but in one the objects are fixed ona
rotating disc, while in the other ordinary glass
slips are attached by brass clips to an endless
linen band passing over rollers. ‘‘ Microscopes
copied from the original here described have
been in use for several years, and no irre-
mediable difficulties have been found in the way
of their perfectly successful operation.’’ An ap-
paratus of this kind has been in use at the
Hamburg Natural History Museum for some
years ; but few, if any, other museums have
followed this example. Perhaps Dr. Flint’s
account may induce them to adopt this method
of overcoming the difficulty of exhibiting very
minute objects. The foregoing is only one in-
stance of the improvements in museum tech-
nique that are constantly being introduced by
the energetic officers of the U. S. National
Museum. It is the detailed account of such
matters that makes the Report of permanent
value to other museum-curators, while it evinces
the hearty interest taken in their work by all
members of the staff. F. A. BATHER.
Lonpon, 8. W.
Introductory Logic. By JAMES EDWIN CREIGH-
ToN. The Macmillan Company.
The aims of this book, as indicated in the
preface, are three. It is intended for an ele-
mentary college text-book; it is founded on a
belief in the value of the traditional ‘ formal’
logic, and hence on a desire to conserve, just so
far as may be, the forms and exercises of that
logic ; and the author hopes, before he has done,
to have presented likewise a genuinely modern
theory of thought. The first purpose, of course,
must be kept in mind in judging ultimately
both the omissions of the work and all the ad-
missions into it that occur in the way of obvious
reflection and simple enlarging comment. The
aim of saving the greater body of the old log-
ical teachings, is one which — provided only
writer or teacher knows how to breathe again
into the material some of the ancient Socratic
living practicality and fresh keenness—the ma-
jority among instructors of raw classes would
still approve of. Their most critical query,
therefore, touching this phase of Professor
Creighton’s work, would be : How far is this en-
deavor reconciled with the author’s third chief
aim, that of satisfying also, in his expositions,
the requirements of modern scientific truth and
orderly completeness? And here, in this at-
tempt of combining and correlating, in a purely
elementary treatise, the methods, content and
advantages both of the old logic and a newer
one, is plainly intended to lie the special feature
of our book; as here, indeed, would appear to be
afforded, to any writer, his most distinet oppor-
tunity for achieving a marked success, if not
even his most valid reason for writing at all.
For here—it would seem at least—is the largest
room for competition with a number of most
excellent text-books already outstanding. Thus,
on the one side, Minto’s Logic is an al-
most ideally satisfactory beginner’s-manual,
save in the important circumstance that. it
hardly more than informs the student of the
existence of the modern profounder theory of
thought ; while, on the other hand, a work like
—say even Bosanquet’s Essentials of Logic, with
all its incomplete expression and the tension in
its style—presents the broad outlines of the
organic view of thought with an admirable
philosophic ability, but too far ignores, to ful-
fill entirely the uses of an ordinary introduction,
the traditional staple of logic. These simple
analyses and operations, as a matter of fact,
besides retaining still a certain real point and
meaning, would deserve some special consider-
ation if only from the circumstance that, the
new branch of induction aside, they are sub-
stantially what, in the popular notion and
even in the common run of handbooks, will be
always confronting the student as logic, sole and
simple. Professor Creighton commendably
would recognize these facts more completely
than Dr. Bosanquet has cared to do.
The first two chapters of his book Professor
Creighton devotes to an Introduction. The
definition of logic, with which he sets out, suf-
fice it to say, is thoroughly modern in spirit.
So, too, his differentiation of the function and ,
materials of logic from those of psychology
is carried out in a modern, and, moreover, a
soundly practical way. In both these con-
nections it would, indeed, have been in-
structive to have been given some moderately
searching review of the effect of different con-
ceptions of the real nature of thought ; but this,
doubtless, was a topic felt to lie outside the
scope of the book. On the venerable theme
whether or not logic is an art as well as a
science, the author expresses himself thus: The
analyses of logic are capable of a practical ap-
plication, but not to the extent of constituting
an art. Thinking is too flexible to enable
us, on the basis of our theoretical knowl-
edge, to lay down, as we can in photography
or even in medicine, rules for its definite guid-
ance. It is possible to prescribe only the gen-
eral conditions that must be observed in reason-
ing correctly.—The question here of our agree-
ment or otherwise will largely be a verbal one
as to how an artis to be defined. Professor
Creighton himself speaks of the Aristotelian
logic, in the ordinary representation, as perhaps
more properly described as an art. Still, it may
be suspected whether Professor Creighton’s
general denial of a strict art-character to logic
does not hinder him, in his subsequent exposi-
tion of the old syllogistic logic (his exposition,
but not the admirable ‘exercises’ he has ap-
pended at the close of the volume), from quite
giving due emphasis to those exercises in So-
Vou. 1X. No. 231.
[N. 8.
cratic ‘dialectic’ and ‘induction,’ in interpre
tation, definition and the like, wherein, rather
than in the operation of mere abstract formulas
—A’s and E’s, 8’s and M’s, Baroko’s and Bo-
kardo’s—lies the best discipline of ‘formal’
logic. But even more is it to be feared whether
the conventional presentation of the old logic,
which, as we shall see, Professor Creighton for
the most part follows—whether this presenta-
tion, either in fulness or in order and method,
can meet the requirements of science in the rig-
orous modern sense, and must not rather seek
its sole justification in a paramount simple ar-
tistic than a strictly scientific interest and char-
The second chapter of the Introduction is
very appropriately a historical sketch. A cry-
ing need in the maze of contemporary logical
doctrine is a simple but accurate and all-
around elucidation for the student—if only for
the sake of enabling him to approach the litera-
ture intelligently—- of the various connections and
distinctions of logical standpoints and so-called
departments ; and of all methods, moreover,
of effecting this end, the historical can hardly
be denied to be the easiest and most enlighten-
ing. Professor Creighton undertakes such a his-
torical explanation with reference to Deduc-
tion, Induction and the ‘New’ logic; and his
sketch is concise and bright—so far as it goes at
all. Thus his account of the origin, develop-
ment and respective functions historically of
the Aristotelian and the inductive logics is ani-
mated, to the point, and for the most part very
satisfactory. When, however, we come to that
logic out of whose point of view his own treat-
ment is to be determined, he merely says that:
it has arisen under the influence of Hegel, but
how it has done so, and what Hegel’s logic it-
self is like, or what are its antecedents back to
Kant or, perchance, to Plato—all this is utterly
passed over. Assuredly this failure of the au-
thor’s, after he has devoted ten pages to the
origins and evolution of a logic (the syllogistic).
which he does not accept, at least as final, to
provide some account of the historical begin-
nings and course of growth of that conception
which he does accept as adequate, is to be set
down as a defect not remedied even by the sys-
tematic exposition of this truer view which we
JUNE 2, 1899. ]
get in Part ILI. of our book. How very difficult
it is to put simply, and yetin orderly truth, the
history of that fruitful notion of thought and
logic which Professor Creighton adopts, every-
one must appreciate who has endeavored to
teach it; but then, in the degree that this his- |
tory is essential for our students, its difficulty,
as already remarked, is just a writer’s best op-
portunity, and his best justification for adding
one more book to the many.
A more thorough preliminary working out
of the development from the old to a new logic
would have been not only helpful to the stu-
dent, but of service to the author himself. For,
in his desire to accord to the old logic that due
recognition which consitutes one of his prime
objects, he feels obliged, apparently, in the
exposition of ‘Syllogism,’ which makes up
Part I. of our book, to reproduce in the main
also the old conventional, half-false order of
topics—Terms, Propositions, Immediate Infer-
ence, Syllogism, Fallacies—and the old narrow,
distorted theoretical descriptions, with a fuller
truth of relationships pointed out only inciden-
tally or forgotten altogether. In Chapter I. of
this same part, some general precautions are,
indeed, put forward; but the author himself
does not live up to them ; how much less will
the thoughtless student! As an extreme illus-
tration of failure of fidelity to the interests of
the higher standpoint and a reversion, for the
time-being, to olden easy-going, slipshod meth-
ods, may be cited the treatment of Terms. We
are abruptly informed (p. 46)—‘‘wie aus der
Pistole’’—-that ‘‘ the first divisions which we have
to notice is that into Singular or Individual,
General and Collective terms.’’ These being
defined in the familiar way, we are given the
further divisions into abstract and concrete,
positive and negative, absolute and relative ;
which distinctions, it should be said, particu-
larly that of abstract and concrete, are handled
very well from the point of view of the old-
time ‘art of logic.’ What, though, of ‘new’
theory of thought is there in this (p. 52) ?—
‘¢ Positive (terms) express the existence * * *,
A Negative term indicates the absence * * *,
Words which are positive in form, are, however,
often negative in meaning * * *.’? Orwhat in
this (p. 55)?—‘‘ The nature of everything is
largely [sic] determined by the nature of the
things with which it stands in relation * * *.
It is, however, possible to make a distinctiow be-
tween words which are the names of things com-
paratively [sic] independent and * * *.’’ It is
but in keeping to find this chapter ending with
the subject of extension and intension of terms, 7.
e., With that which ought to form the beginning of
the treatment of such distinctions as individual
and general, collective and material, etc. Now,
to be sure, all this can be no result of a sheer
ignorance of the spirit and demands of modern
logic. Part III. sufficiently shows the contrary ;
and even in this same first Part we are given
a chapter such as that on hypothetical and
disjunctive arguments, one that is fertilized
throughout by organic reflections, and, in con-
sequence, is the freshest, most interesting and
best of this entire section of the book. Or
perhaps it would be juster to say that Professor
Creighton knows quite generally how to be in-
teresting, as also to be neat and concise, and,
in most matters, pedagogically tactful. His
only difficulty isan unresolved conflict of ideals—
of the elementary practical interest of the old
logic, with the theoretic one of exhibiting the
doctrines of this logic under a wider scientific
point of view. In this conflict, now the one
end and now the other, is lost sight of; but
herewith, of course, the author’s great purpose
of satisfying the requirements of both old and
new logic goes just so far by the board.
The faults of Part I., however, are in sharp
contrast with the merits of Part II. The latter
is, by all odds, the best-done portion of the book.
Here, too, perhaps, there might still be room
for acompleter working-out of systematic impli-
cations and relations ; and there remains, after
all the author’s great deductions, too orthodox
an assent to the ‘Five Methods’ of Mill;
nevertheless, Professor Creighton here plants
himself, everything considered, on modern
ground, and in the attitude of live thought,
with the result of giving us one of the very
best introductory treatments of Induction that
we possess. Aside from the difficulty of corre-
lation that must arise for the student from his
not having previously been given a genuine
theory of thought deductively regarded, but
only the mechanics of scholastic syllogistic—the
true relation of induction to deduction is both
made clear in an introductory chapter and
soundly adhered to afterwards. These are
throughout described, not as two distinet things,
but as distinguished phases of one and the same
total activity of thought; deduction throwing
an explicit emphasis upon the particularizing
and synthetic aspect, while induction emphasizes
the analytic and generalizing sides. The nature
and distinction, likewise, of observation and ex-
planation are very adequately set forth in the
introductory chapter. Observation, the author
earnestly enforces, is not a mere staring at facts :
‘““To observe well it is necessary to be more or
less definitely conscious of what one is looking
for ; etc., etc.’’ Though he reserves the express
assertion of the influence of hypothesis on even
preliminary observation to a later chapter, it is
implied throughout. Naturally, therefore, the
difference, too, between observation and expla-
nation is regarded not as absolute, but as largely
a mere convenient one—of the final articulate
bringing to bear of reason on experience, in
contradistinction from an earlier half-groping
stage of the same thing. So, likewise, of course,
the goal of induction is conceived to lie, not in
a mere empirical, passive gleaning of causal
connections and generalities, but in the com-
pletion of that explanation we have just been
speaking of—the active expansion of the living
system of self-conscious human reason for and
by the inclusion of the facts under investigation.
After the introductory chapter come three
others on Methods of Obseryvation—the first
dealing with Enumeration and Statistics, the
two others with the Determination of Causal
Relations—under which head is given an expo-
sition of the Methods of Mill. All this is well
done, though, as already suggested, the simple
acceptance of Mill’s ‘methods’ as undisputed
descriptions of the actual procedure of science
is open to grave dissent. However, there is no
failure to point out the drawbacks of the several
methods separately ; nor is the author in any
sense guilty of treating them as being more than
what at best they are—mere methods of observ-
ing, that is to say, methods not for the final
solution of scientific problems, but, as Welton
has aptly put it, methods merely for suggest-
ing hypotheses. The two chapters on Methods
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 231.
of Explanation—the first on Analogy and the
second on The Use of Hypotheses—as_ well
as the concluding chapter on Fallacies of In-
ductive Reasoning, call for no comment. All
are very good pieces of work.
Part III. deals with The Nature of Thought.
Starting from the view of thought as an organ-
ism, and of knowledge as a passage not from
the inward and known to the outside and un-
known, but always from a previous partial
knowledge to one of greater perfection, the au-
thor goes on to point out that thought and
knowledge unfold or develop in accordance with
the general laws of evolution ; that this devel-
opment is a progressive process both of differ-
entiation and integration ; that the different in-
tellectual operations, as conception, judgment
and inference, or induction and deduction, are
not separate processes, but stages in one and
the same activity ; and that the nature of this
activity is essentially discoverable in its sim-
plest and most elementary form, the judgment ;
—for the concept is not the original element, out
of which judgment is afterwards compounded,
but is only the series of judgments that have
already been made and that serve as the start-
ing-point for new judgments. Judgment, ac-
cordingly, is the main theme of this present
subdivision of our study.
The chief characteristics of judgment as the
type of all thought and knowledge are: (1) its
universality (claim of truth for everybody) ; (2):
its necessity (not a mere psychological compul-
sion, but one arising from the dependence of
judgment on grounds) ; (8) that it is always both
synthetic and analytic ; (4) that it is construct-
ive of asystem of knowledge. In this connection,.
however, require to be considered also the so-
called ‘Three Lawsof Thought.’ As very com-
monly put, these pretended supreme ‘axioms’
of judgment are altogether false. Rightly for-
mulated, though, they are real laws of thought,
in the sense of being implied in and descriptive
of the thought-procegss as just set forth. (The
topic of laws of thought in general, or of Cate-
gories, Professor Creighton does not enter upon.)
The development of judgment, from a merely
felt to a conscious necessity, gives rise to types-
of judgment. The succession of these is traced
on broadly Hegelian lines, from quality
JUNE 2, 1899. ]
through quantity (enumeration and measure)
and causal connection (stages in this latter
conception being pointed out), to the completed
form of individuality (which is that of unified
The chapter on The Nature of Inference re-
quires no special comment, except that the
solution offered of the old paradox: How can
the mind pass from the known to the unknown?
—to the effect that there is no such passage,
there being ‘‘alwaysa certain amount of identity
between the two ends of the process ’’ [p. 326]
—is hardly searching. Should not questions of
this sort, if taken hold of at all, be handled
with a certain thoroughness, even where it is
jnexpert novices that one has to reckon for?
The concluding chapter, likewise, on Rational
and Empirical Theories, calls for no discussion,
its spirit beining manifest from what has been
already related, and its upshot, in the rejection
of either attitude in abstraction, sound, notwith-
standing that the rationalism described is rather
that of Descartes than the profounder doctrine
of Kant.
Of this Part as a whole, this much only need
be said. So far as it really proceeds, it is ex-
cellent and, doubtless, gives the entire book a
value immeasurably beyond that of the dry,
shallow, old-fashioned inanual. And yet a ques-
tioning does arise, just how far the practically
total avoidance of direct issue with the more
fundamental difficulties concerning thought—
the refusal to dip even lightly into the deeper
waters of philosophy—is an advantage even for
beginners, beginners of the sort who are ready
to read such a book as this at all? For may it
not be doubted if a bright student can fail—
and is it not to be hoped that he shall not fail
—to be perplexed by a groping perception of
problems, a mere definite pointing out of which,
or a mere hint towards whose solution, would
have been of the greatest help to him, but which
here are quite ignored? Surely our fear should
be, not of bringing our pupils, when need is,
into the labyrinths of metaphysic, but of our-
selves not proving clear-sighted guides therein.
However, in this point it may be that our judg-
ments must turn on individual notions of how
completely logic can and ought to be cut off
from metaphysics.
Evidently in this work Professor Creighton
has not given us the ‘definitive’ text-book— if
there be any sense in the shallow favorite
phrase. His book does not closely approximate
its design. What he has produced is this, a
book with a good many good things in it.
These require a stricter organization ; in parts,
some supplementation; in other parts (per-
haps), a pushing deeper back into philosophy ;
and, in one section, a considerable correcting.
Yet with all these drawbacks—granted a
teacher capable of coping with them—Professor
Creighton’s book is not unsuited, as an: intro-
duction, to become a very useful one; rather
it undoubtedly is, as pointing in a wholly de-
sirable direction, one of the very best on the
THE Journal of Geology, February—March,
1899. The first paper is by Henry 8. Washing-
ton, and is the third installment of the series
relating to ‘The Petrographical Province of
Essex County, Mass.,’ pp. 105-122. Dr. Wash-
ington treats of the rocks occurring in dikes,
viz: Aplite, quartz-syenite-porphyry, paisanite,
sdlvsbergite and tinguaite. The series is to be
continued. B. Shimek, ‘The Distribution of
Loess Fossils,’ pp. 122-141. The author em-
phasizes certain important points in the charac-
ter and distribution of the fossil shells found in
the loess, basing his conclusions on facts ob-
served in connection with existing land shells.
His observations confirm the Aolian origin of
the Western loess. H. W. Turner, ‘Granitic
Rocks of the Sierra Nevada,’ pp. 141-163.
This is an important addition to our knowledge
of the general petrography of the granitoid
rocks of the Sierras. Types embracing true
granites, grano-diorites, quartz-monzonites,
soda-aplites, quartz-diorite-aplites and pegma-
tites we described with many analysis. Under
the studies for students the development and
geological relations of the mammalia are out-
lined by E. C. Case. Editorials and a valuable
summary of ‘ Current Pre-Cambian Literature,’
by C. K. Leith, close the number. The latter
contributions are particularly to be commended,
as they afford excellent summaries and temper-
ate and judicial comments.
WE are glad to note that owing to its in-
creasing circulation the publishers of Science
Abstracts (Spon & Chamberlain, New York)
have been able to make a reduction in the
price. The journal, issued monthly under the
direction of the Institution of Electrical Engi-
neers and the Physical Society of London, is
performing a very important service for the ad-
vancement of science. The first volume con-
tained 1,423 abstracts and thus gives a full sur-
vey of the progress of physics and electrical
engineering. The advantages both pure and
applied science gain by cooperation in the pub-
cation of this journal are evident on almost
every page.
In response to a circular sent out to physicists
by a committee representing seven institutions,
a meeting was held on Saturday, May 20th, at
10:30 a. m., at Columbia University, New York,
for the purpose of organizing a Physical So-
ciety. Thirty-eight persons were present, rep-
resenting seventeen institutions, as follows:
Wesleyan University, 2; New York, 2; Yale,
8; Cornell, 5; Columbia, 7; Pennsylvania, 2 ;
Bryn Mawr, 2; Vassar, 2; Princeton, 2; Am-
herst, 1; Mt. Holyoke, 2; Smith, 1; Harvard,
2; Vermont, 1; Swarthmore, 2; Clark, 1; U.
§. Weather Bureau, 1. Letters had been re-
ceived by the committee from many physicists
in all parts of the country, expressing approval-
of the organization and a willingness to join.
Professor Pupin welcomed the physicists pres-
ent on behalf of Columbia University, and intro-
duced Professor Cooley, of Vassar, the senior
member present, as Chairman of the meeting.
Professor Webster was elected Secretary, and
addressed the meeting in explanation of the pur-
pose of the call. Reports of communications
received by members of the committee were
made by the Secretary and by Professors Magie,
Nichols and Pupin. On motion of Professor
Rosa, it was voted that a Physical Society be
organized. On motion of Professor Magie, it
was voted that a committee be appointed to
draft a constitution for the Society. On motion
of Professor Magie, it was voted that the meet-
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 231.
ings be held in New York, except in special
cases. An amendment offered by Professor
Nichols was adopted, to the effect that the
meeting express the willingness of the Society
to establish local sub-sections meeting in other
cities when ademand shall arise. After arather
lengthy discussion, an amendment proposed by
Professor Pupin was adopted, to the effect that
the meeting express the sentiment of the So-
ciety to cultivate the closest relations with Sec-
tion B of the American Association for the Ad-
vancement of Science, and to contribute by
everything in its power to the success of the
Association. Upon motion of Professor Magie,
it was voted that a bulletin be published by the
Society. Professors Webster, Nichols, Magie,
Peirce, Hallock and Pupin were elected as the
committee to draft a constitution. The meet-
ing adjourned at 12:30 and partook of lunch
kindly provided by representatives of Columbia
The session was resumed at 2:20 p. m., and
the constitution submitted by the committee
was adopted. All the above notes were therein
embodied. A list of nominations for officers
was reported by the same committee, and the
following were unanimously elected: Presi-
dent, Professor H. A. Rowland, of Johns Hop-
kins ; Vice-President, Professor A. A. Michel-
son, of Chicago; Secretary, Professor Ernest
Merritt, of Cornell; Treasurer, Professor Wm.
Hallock, of Columbia. Nominations were then
made from the floor for members of the Council
who, with the officers, are to have the general
management of the Society, and the following
were elected: Professors A. G. Webster, of
Clark; J. S. Ames, of Johns Hopkins; H. 8.
Carhart, of Michigan; B. O. Peirce, of Har-
vard; W. F. Magie, of Princeton; E. L.
Nichols, of Cornell; M. I. Pupin, of Columbia.
It was voted that the election of new mem-
bers be made by the Council ; that the annual
fee be five dollars; that there be no initiation
fee, and that four meetings be held annually.
The constitution provides that the name of
the Society shall be the American Physical So-
ciety, and that its object shall be the advance-
ment and diffusion of the knowledge of physics.
A circular will soon be issued containing the
text of the complete constitution, which will be
JUNE 2, 1899. ]
sent to physicists generally, and provision will
be made that those voting upon it by mail shall
be received as original members of the Society.
The first regular meeting will be held in Octo-
ber. Already about a hundred members are
assured, and it is hoped that the Society
may eventually contain all leading American
physicists and take a prominent place among
our scientific societies.
Secretary pro tem.
THE 304th regular meeting was held March
11th. The program consisted of an illus-
trated lecture on the general physiographical
and biological features of Puerto Rico by Dr.
R. T. Hill, of the U. S. Geological Survey. The
mountain and drainage systems were explained
and classified, and the relations of the various
geological formations and the resulting soils to
the flora and agricultural resources of the
island were pointed out.
The lecture was supplemented by informal
accounts from Dr. B. W. Evermann, of the U.
S. Fish Commission, and Mr, A. B. Baker, of
the Zoological Park, who had recently returned
from Puerto Rico. Dr. Evermann stated
that the coasts are almost everywhere
abrupt and rocky, and that the water is
generally agitated by a powerful surf. The
result of these conditions is that only
those types could survive which were adapted
for life in deep water or which were fitted by
habits and structure to secure protection among
the rocks. This applies not only to the fishes,
but to the molluscs, crustacea, algee and other
groups, all classes of aquatic organisms having
received the attention of the expedition. The
fresh-water fish fauna is not extensive and has
been derived independently from marine groups,
having no connection with the fresh-water forms
of the continent. Dr. Evermann also explained
the methods of the native fisherman and ex-
hibited examples of traps and decoys for fishes
and turtles.
Mr. Baker noticed some additional points re-
garding the geography and physiography of the
island and the almost complete destruction of
the forests, which has had a disastrous effect
upon the fauna, having more less completely
exterminated some species and caused profound
changes in the habits of others.
At the 305th regular meeting, March 25th,
Dr. T. S. Palmer traced the history of the in-
troduction of the English sparrow into the
United States and its subsequent gradual dis-
tribution throughout temperate North America.
The case of the mongoose in Jamaica, Puerto
Rico and Hawaii was also considered, together
with accounts of other accidental or intentional
importations of mammals or birds, and the
general conclusion was drawn that once re-
moved from the natural conditions and checks
of its original habitat it is impossible to know
in advance of the experiment what the utility
or injury of any given species will be, and
hence such experiments should be undertaken
withthe greatest caution. The speaker con-
sidered the introduction of game birds attended
with less danger on account of the fact that
they would more easily be kept under control
by human agency.
Mr. M. B. Waite exhibited specimens illus-
trating ‘ The Effects of the Recent Severe Cold
on Vegetation,’ and described the processes at-
tending the freezing of plant cells, explaining
that sudden thawing caused death in many in-
stances because the protoplasm of the cells was
unable to reabsorb the water lost in freezing.
The extent of recent injuries to fruit trees and
ornamental and native plants was then touched
upon and subsequently discussed by several
Mr. F. A. Lucas then read a paper on the
‘Mental Traits of the Fur Seal,’ saying that it
had a practical bearing on the question as to
whether or not the fur seal was likely to change
its habits owing to the presence of man on the
islands where it bred. The behavior of the
seals on the drives and killing grounds was
described as showing the low grade of the ani-
mal’s intellect and its inability to think for
itself. The female seals were said to take little
interest in their offspring and to show no affec-
tion, while the sight and smell of blood seemed
to produce no effect on the animals. The con-
clusion reached was that the fur seal isa creature
of instinct and not guided to any extent by
reason; that its habits, having been formed by
the slow process of natural selection, were not
likely to be changed. The general impression
that the seal is a very intelligent animal was
thought to be partly explainable by the fact
that its non migratory relatives, such as the sea
lion and the hair seal, are in reality much more
adaptable, not being possessed of the powerful
and unyarying instincts of the fur seal.
O. F. Coox,
Students’ Geological Club, February 14, 1899.
Mr. A. W. G. Wilson gave a ‘ Demonstration
of Mineral Determination by Volatile Iodide
Coatings.’ After presenting a brief réswmé of
Dr. Haanel’s paper ‘On the Application of
Hydriodic Acid as a Blowpipe Reagent,’ he de-
monstrated the use of plaster of paris tablets as
supports, and of hydriodic acid as a reagent for
the determination of a number of the common
and some of the rarer elements.
Geological Conference, February 21, 1899.
Mr. J. E. Woodman spoke on ‘Notes on the
Glacial Geology of Nova Scotia.’ The Province
is divided into two parts by fairly sharp
boundaries. In the south is the lake region,
characterized by till, without distinct form, or
in the form of moraines and occasional drumlins,
and a little stratified drift. In the north, lakes
are largely absent, and there is a considerable
amount of stratified drift, with few morainal
deposits. In thecenter, near the northern edge
of the lake region, drumlins of a very elongate
form are abundant.
Throughout the country the direction of ice-
movement was controlled by pre-Pleistocene
topography to an extent seldom seen in New
England. Thus, in Cornwallis and Annapolis
valleys the ice followed the same lines as
present drainage ; in the center of the Province
it ran southward, and along the north shore
east of Pictou it ran eastward. The short
distance of carriage of much of the drift is
noticeable. Changes in the character of the
drift follow quite closely those of the larger
features of bed-rock geology.
The center and eastern part of the Province
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 231.
shows little stratified drift. The northwestern
portion shows a considerable amount, chiefly in
the form of eskers and kame-terraces. Many
fine eskers can be followed on the road from
Yarmouth to Windsor, but east of there few
occur. The absence of coarse material in the
central part of the peninsula is very noticeable.
“Few surface boulders are seen along the rail-
road line after leaving the lake and morainic
country at Windsor Junction, until well on
toward the Strait of Canso, where a few mo-
rainic accumulations were noted. All along the
north coast the drumlins are indistinct in out-
line, being, with very few exceptions, mere
drumlinoid hills. In the Strait, ice-motion
changed from east to south along the now
sunken valley.
In Cape Breton the obedience of ice-motion
to topography is still more marked. The mass
appears to have moved, in the interior, from
the low region of the Bras d’Or lakes north-
ward along the valleys of rivers which now flow
south. This motion did not continue far, and
the higher parts of the islands are all un-
glaciated. On the west and northwest coast
the ice affected only the bordering Carbonifer-
ous lowland, penetrated a very short distance
up the wider valleys, and left the central pene-
plain, on granite and schist, untouched.
Recording Secretary.
AT the meeting of the Academy of Science of
St. Louis, on the evening of May 15, 1899, thirty
persons present, the Secretary presented, by
title, a paper by Professor F. E. Nipher, on
‘Temperatures of Gaseous Nebule.’
Professor EK, M. Shepard exhibited an inter-
esting series of lantern slides and ethnological
specimens procured by him during a recent ex-
tended trip through the islands of the South
Pacific, especially New Zealand, Fijiand Samoa,
illustrating the natural history and ethnology
of those islands.
Two persons were proposed for active mem-
bership in the Academy.
Recording Secretary.
JUNE 2, 1899. ]
tific discussion degenerates into protest and im-
putation of motive it is probably time for the
discusion to stop. But I wish to state, in self
defence, that I do not ‘seek to leave upon the
reader’s mind’ the two impressions to which
Professor James refers. I do not say that Leh-
mann first considered whispering ; I say that he
was the first thoroughly to investigate it. There
is a difference. I do not imply that Lehmann
introduced number-habits ; I say that the next
step in advance beyond him is an exhaustive
study of number habits. Again, there is a dif-
IN the National Geographic Magazine for May
the question of climatic changes on the Pacific
coast is discussed by J. B. Leiberg, under the
title: ‘Is Climatic Aridity impending on the
Pacific Slope? The Testimony of the Forest.’
The most important results of the study are as
follows: The arid, non-forested plains of
eastern Oregon yield silicified remains of arbo-
rescent vegetation nearly or quite identical with
existing species on adjacent areas, thus proving
the presence of forest growth on these timber-
less lands at no very remote period. On the
semi-arid tracts the forest, although consisting
of species capable of enduring dry climatic con-
ditions, show everywhere a persistent and
gradual dwindling in extent and density. In
the subhumid forest there is a slow and appar-
ently ineffectual adaptative evolution of smaller
forms of the various species to replace the
larger ones which require more moisture for
their growth. In the humid forest the same
phenomena are found. So far as the evidence
derived from a study of the forest conditions is
concerned, there seems to bea fairly well defined
change of climate in progress on our Pacific
coast, from a more humid to a less humid.
In the same number of the National Geographic
Magazine, Ganett, in a paper entitled ‘The Red-
wood Forest of the Pacific Coast,’ states that
“everything appears to indicate that for some
reason, probably a progressive drying of the
climate, the present environment is not favor-
able to the growth of redwood, and that with
the clearing away of the present forests the end
of the species as a source of lumber will be at
THE formation of waves between different
strata of the atmosphere was carefully studied
and described by von Helmholtz. These waves
become visible only when clouds are formed in
them at those points where condensation takes
place, but undoubtedly invisible waves occur
very commonly in our atmosphere. The ap-
pearance of clouds in parallel lines across the
sky is an indication of the presence of atmos-
pheric waves. In the Februry number of the
Monthly Weather Review, A. J. Henry, of the
U.S. Weather Bureau at Washington, presents
five excellent views, reproduced from photo-
graphs, of alto-cumulus cloud rolls, observed at
on November 28, 1898, and on January 27,
1899. The views of November 28d are especially
interesting as showing the gradual dissolution
of the clouds.
THE Central Station of the Alaskan Section
of the Climate and Crop Service of the Weather
Bureau has been transferred from Sitka to Eagle,
on the Yukon, near the British line. The Chief
of the Weather Bureau hopes, by this change,
to facilitate the establishment of meteorological
stations in the region of the upper Yukon,
where, owing to poor facilities for communica-
tion, it was found impossible to establish such
stations when the headquarters of the Service
were at Sitka.
Measurement of Precipitation. C. F. MARVIN,
U. 8S. Department of Agriculture, Weather
Bureau. Circular E, Instrument Division.
8vo. Washington, D. C., 1899. Pp. 28.
A pamphlet of instruction for the measure-
ment and registration of precipitation by means
of the standard instruments of the Weather
Ninth Annual Report of the Board of Directors of
the New Jersey Weather Service, 1898. E. W.
McGann, 8vo. Trenton, N. J., 1899. Pp. 205.
This Report contains a relief map of New
Jersey, prepared by the Geological Survey
of the State, with the note: ‘‘The influ-
ence of the diversified topography of New
Jersey upon its climate is apparent by com-
paring this relief map with the temperature
and rainfall charts which follow.’’ This plan
of publishing topographic maps of the differ-
ent States in the Annual Reports of the
Weather Services is an excellent one, and
should be generally adopted.
Rivers of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Western
Montana. B.S. PAcur. River Bulletin No.
I., 1899, U. 8. Department of Agriculture,
Weather Bureau. Portland Ore., 1899.
This valuable Bulletin, the first of its series,
concerns the precipitation over the Pacific
Northwest and the possibility of high water
from the melting snow in the mountains. It
contains a general forecast of the probable
height of the Columbia River in May and
June, as dependent upon the temperature
conditions and the resulting more or less
rapid melting of the snow on the mountains.
Monthly Rainfall Chart for Fifty Years at San
Francisco. Compiled by HERMAN SCHUSSLER,
C. E. Published by the Central Pacific Rail-
road Company.
A graphic representation ofthe monthly rain-
falls for each year during the past fifty years.
CoLuMBus was the home for many years of
William §. Sullivant and Leo Lesquereux, two
names which will awaken love and reverence
from all students of North American mosses
and hepatics. It is twenty-six years since Sulli-
vant died, and this last quarter of a century has
seen a marked extension of the limits of bryo-
logical study and a large increase in the number
of students. It seems a fitting time and place
to take a survey of the field, review the past
and make plans for the future. Hence it is
proposed to make the coming meeting of the
American Association for the Advancement of
Science, which is to be held at Columbus, the
occasion for a Memorial Day in honor of the
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 231.
Nestors of American Bryology and to call on
all botanists and scientific magazines to help to
make the occasion a memorable success. It is
proposed to present a series of papers, illus-
trated by photographs, specimens and wicro-
scopical slides, books and pamphlets under the
following topics :
Historical papers and collections showing the
bryological work of Hedwig, Palisot de Beau-
vois, Michaux, Muhlenberg, Bridel, Torrey,
Drummond, Hooker and Wilson, Greville,
Sullivant and Lesquereux, James and Watson,
Austin, Ravenel, Wolle, Eaton, Faxon and
Miller; supplementing these there will be
shown collections of specimens, macroscopic
and microscopic, illustrating the monographic
work of recent American students.
If foreign students who have worked on
North America bryophytes can be persuaded to
cooperate with us the following will be asked to
contribute: Bescherelle, Brotherus, Cardot,
Dixon, Kindberg, Mitten, Pearson, Roll,
Stephani and Warnstorf.
An effort will be made to secure the loan of
type specimens and illustrations from the fol-
lowing sources: The Academy of Natural
Sciences of Philadelphia, Academy of Sciences
of New York, Columbia University, The National
Museum, The Ohio State University, The Uni-
versity of Wisconsin and Yale University, as
well as from private collections. It is also in-
tended to exhibit any portraits, autograph let-
ters and type specimens and drawings of special
interest, which may be loaned for the occasion,
as well as presentation copies of books and
The following committee of organization will
gladly answer questions and give assistance to
those who wish to contribute : Professor Charles
R. Barnes, University of Chicago; Mrs. N. L.
Britton, New York Botanical Gardens ; Profes-
sor W. A. Kellerman, Ohio State University ;.
Dr. George G. Kennedy, Readville, Mass.; Pro-
fessor L. M. Underwood, Columbia University.
THE Royal Institution of Great Britain, in
commemoration of its centenary, has elected a
number of honorary members, including Profes-
sors 8. P. Langley, Carl Barus, A. A. Michel-
JUNE 2, 1899. ]
son, R. H. Thurston, J. S. Ames and George F.
Barker, and President W. L. Wilson.
THE American delegates to the Congress of
Tuberculosis now meeting at Berlin are Dr.
Boyd, of the Navy ; Dr. Vaughan, of the Ma-
rine Hospital Service ; Dr. De Schweinitz, of
Department of Agriculture ; Dr Stiles, scientific
attaché to the embassy at Berlin.
Mr. FRANK A. FLOWER, Chief Statistician of
the State of Wisconsin, has been appointed
Chief of the Agricultural Division of the Census.
OxForRD University has conferred the honor-
ary degree of M.A. upon Mr. Roland Trimen,
F.R.S., formerly Curator of the South African
Museum, Cape Town, and late President of the
Entomological Society of London.
Lorp JAMES, of Hereford, has been elected
chairman of the governing body of the Imperial
Institute, London, in the room of the late Lord
versity of Pennsylvania, and Professor Carl
Barus, of Brown University, are among the
American delegates attending the Jubilee of Sir
George Stokes, of Cambridge.
ton and Lee University, has been chosen by the
Regents of the Smithsonian Institution to repre-
sent them at the approaching celebration of the
centennial of the Royal Institution of Great
THE St. Petersburg Geographical Society has
awarded its great gold medal to Dr. G. Radde,
Director of the Caucasian Museum at Tiflis.
MaAJor Ross, who has recently been appointed
lecturer at the newly established school of
tropical diseases at University College, Liver-
pool, has given a lecture before the Biological So-
ciety of that city on the relations of the malarial
parasite to the mosquito, to which his own re-
searches have been such an important contribu-
THE death is announced of Sir Frederick
McCoy, F.R.S8., professor of natural sciences at
Melbourne University. We learn from the
London Times that he was born in Dublin in
1823 and that he was educated for the medical
profession at Dublin and Cambridge Universi-
ties, but early devoted himself to natural
science. Sir R. Griffith invited him to make
the paleontological investigations for the Geo-
logical map of Ireland for the boundary survey,
the results of which he published in 1844.
Afterwards he joined the Imperial Geological
Survey of Ireland, and Sir R. Peel’s govern-
ment appointed him professor of geology in the
Queen’s University in 1850. Professor McCoy
undertook, in conjunction with Professor Sedg-
wick, a large work on paleozoic rocks and
fossils based on the Woodwardian collection at
Cambridge. In 1854 he was appointed the
first professor of natural science in Melbourne
University, and held the chair till his death.
His services to Victoria were considerable, no-
tably in regard to the Geological Survey of the
colony, as a member of various commissions,
and as the founder of the Melbourne National
Museum. In 1880 he was elected F.R.S., and
was one of the first to receive the honorary de-
gree D.Sc. from Cambridge. In 1886 he was
made a C.M.G., and in 1891 he was promoted
to be K.C.M.G. Sir F. McCoy also received
the Order of the Crown of Italy from King
Victor Emanuel, the Emperor of Austria’s great
gold medal for arts and sciences, the Murchison
medal of the Geological Society of London, and
many similar distinctions.
Dr. Lupwic STRUMPELL, professor of phil-
osophy and pedagogy at Leipzig, has died at the
age of 87 years. He was an eminent repre-
sentative of the Herbartian School.
Mr. H. B. HEWerson, an eminent English
oculist, has died at the age of 49 years. He
was the author of numerous scientific contri-
butions, being a member of the Zoological,
Linnean and Geographical Societies and a
member of the Ornithologists’ Union.
Dr. THEODOR VON HEssLING, formerly pro-
fessor of anatomy in the University of Munich,
has died at the age of 83 years.
THE Rey. T. Neville Hutchinson, died on May
6th at the age of 73 years. Mr. Hutchinson was
science master at Rugby from 1866-83 and did
much to introduce the study of science in the
English public schools.
THE Secretaries of the Sections of the Amer-
ican Association for the Advancement of Science
are sending to members notices of the Colum-
bus meeting, which opens on August 21st. It
is hoped that good programs may be arranged
for the various sections at an early date.
THROUGH elections at the annual meeting on
May 19th, and designations at the ensuing
meeting of the Board of Managers, the organ-
ization of the National Geographic Society for
the ensuing year was made as follows: Presi-
dent, Alexander Graham Bell; Vice-President,
W J McGee; Treasurer, Henry Gannett; Re-
cording Secretary, F. H. Newell; Corresponding
Secretary, Willis L. Moore ; Foreign Secretary,
Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore ; additional members
of the Board, Marcus Baker, Charles J. Bell,
Henry F. Blount, F. V. Coville, G. K. Gilbert,
General A. W. Greely, Assistant Secretary
David J. Hill, John Hyde, 8. H. Kauffmann,
Director C. Hart Merriam, Superintendent W.
B. Powell, Superintendent Henry S. Pritchett
and J. Stanley- Brown. ;
THE 12th International Congress of Oriental-
ists will meet at Rome on October 12, 1899.
Cards of membership ($4.00) may be obtained
from Mr. Cyrus Adler, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, D. C.
THE New York State Civil Service Commis-
sion announces that examinations will be held
on June 9th and 10th, which will include the
position of assistant in zoology in the State Mu-
seum, with a salary of $900; the positions of
sanitary, electrical and heating experts in the
office of the State Architect, with salaries from
$1,200 to $1,500; and the position of bridge de-
signer and inspector in the State Engineer’s
Office, with a salary of from $1,800 to $2,400.
The examination for an assistant in dietary ex-
periments has been postponed to June 10th.
Dr. DANIEL G. BRINTON, professor of Amer-
ican archeology and linguistics at the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania, has presented to the
University his collection of books and manu-
scripts relating to the aboriginal languages of
North and South America. The collection rep-
resents a work of accumulation of twenty-five
years, and embraces about 2,000 volumes, in
addition to nearly 200 volumes of bound and
indexed pamphlets bearing on the ethnology of
the American Indians. Many of the manu-
scripts are unique. A number of the printed
[N.S: Von. IX. No. 231.
volumes are rare or unique and of considerable
bibliographical importance. The collection of
works on the hieroglyphic writings of the
natives of this country embraces nearly every
publication on the subject. The special feature
of the library is that it covers the whole Amer-
ican field, North, Central and South, and was
formed for the special purpose of comparative
THE collection of shells of the late Mr. Henry
D. Van Nostrand, recently given to Columbia
University, is well known among malacologists
as one of the most valuable of private collections
in the country ; it contains the larger and better
portion of the land shells of the West Indies col-
lected by Thomas Bland, including many types,
together with many of the rarest specimens of
the Perry Expedition.
THE Technical Education Board of the Lon-
don County Council is cooperating with the
Asylums Committee in offering a scholarship of
£150 a year, tenable for two years, for students
of either sex (preferably qualified practitioners),
to enable them to carry on investigations into
the preventible causes of insanity. The scholar
will carry on investigations in the pathological
laboratory attached to Claybury Asylum.
Proressor A, G. NATHORST, of the Imperial
Museum of Natural History of Stockholm, with
several scientific companions, sailed ‘from Hel-
singfors on May 25th to search along the north-
east coast of Greenland for Andrée. Professor
Nathorst hopes to meet the Fram with Cap-
tain Otto Sverdrup.
Mr. A. C. HARRISON, Jr., Mr. W. H. Fur-
ness and Dr. H. M. Hiller, who recently returned
from an exploration of Borneo, with collections
for the University of Pennsylvania, are about to
start on another expedition. They expect to
make explorations in the northern part of Bur-
mah and make archeological and ethnological
WE announced last week the laying of the
foundation stone of the new building which is
to complete the South Kensington Museum,
hereafter to be officially known as the Victoria
and Albert Museum. This building will con-
tain the art and industrial collections, while
new buildings for the Royal College of Science
JUNE 2, 1899.]
will be begun at once. The sum of £300,000
has been appropriated for these buildings, which
will occupy a position directly facing the Im-
perial Institute.
THE new building erected in the Dublin Zo-
ological Gardens in memory of the late Profes-
sor Samuel Haughton was formally opened on
May 19th by the Lord-Lieutenant, in the pres-
ence of a large gathering. Field-Marshal Lord
Roberts, President of the Royal Zoological So-
ciety, described the purpose of the meeting and
said that the new building was intended as a
tribute to the memory of Dr. Haughton, whose
name was intimately connected with many of
the leading institutions in Dublin, but with
none more closely than with the Royal Zoolog-
ical Society, of which he had been five years
President and 21 years Honorary Secretary.
THE City of Philadelphia has appointed a
committee of expert engineers consisting of
Rudolph Hering, of New York, Samuel Gray,
of Providence, R. I., and Joseph L. Wilson, of
Philadelphia, to make an investigation of the
water supply of Philadelphia.
AN institute for the study of tropical medicine
will be established at Berlin, with Dr. Koch as
THE Electrical World abstracts from. English
journals an account of the early work of Pro-
fessor Huges (inventor of the microphone), in
wireless telegraphy by means of etheric waves;
it appears to be the first published account of
his experiments, which were made in 1879. He
was experimenting with his microphone and in-
duction balance, and found that the microphone
produced a sound in the receiver even when it
was placed several feet distant from the coils
through which an intermittent current was pass-
ing and not in any other way connected. He
found that the whole atmosphere, even in sev-
eral rooms distant from there, would be invisibly
changed and that this could be noticed with a
microphone and telephone receiver. He ex-
perimented on the best form of receiver for
these invisible electric rays, which he found
would pass over great distances through walls,
etc. He found that carbon contacts or a piece
of coke resting on bright steel were very sensi-
tive and self restoring receivers. A loose con-
tact between metals, while equally sensitive,
required restoring. He also used the micro-
phone as a relay in detecting such rays. He
endeavored to discover the best receiver so as
to utilize such waves for the transmission of
messages. He showed his experiments to a
number of well-known physicists at that time.
The distance was 60 feet in the building, but he
also took the instrument on the street, and
walked away from the transmitter, obtaining
signals up to 500 yards. He claimed the exist-
ence of the waves at that time, but was unable
to convince others of their presence. He also
calls attention to still earlier experiments of
Professor Henry, of Princeton (U. S.), which
were published by the Smithsonian Institution,
Vol. I., p. 203, the date being probably about
1850; he magnetized a needle in a coil 30 feet
distant ; also by a discharge of lightning eight
miles distant.
THE election of Professor Arthur T. Hadley
to the presidency of Yale University by the Cor-
poration on May 25th marks the beginning of
a new era in the development of a great univer-
sity. Yale has adhered more closely than most
of our larger institutions to the clerical and
classical traditions of the American college, and
President Hadley, while conserving what is
good, will undoubtedly use his influence to
make Yale, as a university,the equal of Harvard.
Like the Presidents of Harvard, Johns Hopkins
and Stanford Universities, President Hadley
may be claimed as a man of science, his work
on railway transportation and other subjects
being strictly scientific in character,
CLARK University proposes to celebrate its
decennial by special exercises beginning on
July 5th. These will include lectures by emi-
nent foreign men of science. Invitations to
speak having been accepted by M. Emile Picard,
professor of mathematics at the University of
Paris and a member of the Institute; Dr. An-
gelo Mosso, professor of physiology at the Uni-
versity of Turin ; and Dr. Santiago Ramon y
Cajal, professor of histology and pathological
anatomy at the University in Madrid.
A SPECIAL course in the fundamental problems
of geology intended particularly for college:
teachers will be offered during the first term of
the summer quarter (July 1 to August 10,
1899) at the University of Chicago by Professor
T. ©. Chamberlin. This will embrace a discus-
sion of the chief problems of geology involving
basal principles and fundamental modes of in-
terpretation. While old views will not ignored,
a special feature of the course will be a rela-
tively new series of working hypotheses based
upon the accretion theory of the earth’s origin.
These hypotheses will be carried out to their
practical applications in the unsolved problems
of geology and be made the basis of new modes
of interpretation of geological history. The
course will embrace an exposition of the stages
of expansional, restrictional and provincial life
evolution in the earth’s history and the con-
ditions controlling them. The functions of
base-levels, sea-shelves, epicontinental seas, and
continental stages of quiescence and readjust-
ment in the control of life evolution, will be set
forth. Parallel with the above there will be
given a course in glacial geology involving a
discussion of principles, the phenomena and
modes of interpretation. These courses will be
offered for the coming summer only, in response
to an expressed desire for them. The usual
courses in general geology and physiology, and
in field and laboratory work, will be given by
Professor Salisbury, aided by Messrs. Goode,
Atwood, Calhoun and Finch.
THE Rhode Island College of Agriculture and
Mechanic Arts, with the cooperation of Hon.
Thomas B. Stockwell, State Commissioner of
Public Schools, and Dr. Horace S. Tarbell,
Superintendent of Schools in Providence, pro-
poses to open a summer school for nature
study at Kingston, R. I., from July 5 to 19,
1899, provided forty applicants are enrolled
before June 1st. A general summer school is
not contemplated, and the work offered by the
various departments constitutes a single course
dealing solely with local phenomena in their
adaptability to the teaching of nature study.
The distinctive feature will be the study of
living nature. On the excursions attention
will be directed to special facts and illustrations
in botany, zoology, geography and mineralogy,
and to the manner in which chemical, physical
and biological laws are utilized by practical
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 231.
application to horticulture and agriculture.
The evenings will be devoted to general lectures
bearing upon nature and upon methods of
teaching nature study. Among those who have
consented to aid by conducting excursions,
conferences and lectures are Professors H. C.
Bumpus, E. G. Conklin, H. W. Conn, C. B.
Davenport and W. M. Wheeler.
THE Women’s Medical College of New York
will be closed at the end of the year, when the
thirty-first annual commencement will be cele-
brated. When the College was established there
was no opportunity for women to secure a med-
ical education, but Johns Hopkins and Cornell
having admitted women to their medical
schools it has been decided that a special med-
ical school for women is unnecessary. The in-
firmary for women and children will be con-
tinued, and the buildings of the College will be
used for graduate work.
THE medical faculty of the University of
Pennsylvania has made nominations as follows:
Dr. James Tyson, professor of clinical medicine,
to the chair of medicine, vacant by the death
of the late Dr. Pepper; Dr. John H. Musser
and Dr. Alfred Stangel, to be professors of clin-
ical medicine; Dr. Judson Daland, Dr. M.
Howard Fussell, Dr. John K. Mitchell and
Dr. Frederick A. Packard to be assistant pro-
fessors of medicine, and Dr. G. Davis to be as-
sistant professor of applied anatomy.
Dr. C. E. BEECHER, professor of historical
geology in Yale University, has been appointed
to succeed the late Professor O. C. Marsh as
Curator of the Geological Collections of the Pea-
body Museum. Professor Beecher has been made
a member of the Executive Council of the
At the University of Kansas the following
appointments have been recently made: W. R.
Crane, of Janesville, Wis., to be assistant pro-
fessor of mining engineering; Thomas M.
Gardner, of Mitchell, Ind., to be assistant pro-
fessor of mechanical drawing; Dr. Ida Hyde,
of Cambridge, Mass., to be assistant professor
of zoology; Hamilton P. Cady, of Ithaca, N.
Y., to be assistant professor of chemistry, and
Charles L. Searcy, of the College of Montana,
to be assistant professor of civil engineering.
‘EDITORIAL ComMITTEE: S. NEwcomsB, Mathematics; R. S. WoopWARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING,
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THuRsTON, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. LE Conte, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; HENRY F. OSBORN, Paleontology ; W. K.
Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; S. H. ScuDDER, Entomology; C. E. Brssry, N. L.
Britron, Botany; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. Bownpitcu, Physiology;
J. S. Bruitrnes, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; DANIEL G. BRIN-
ton, J. W. PoweLL, Anthropology.
Fripay, JUNE 9, 1899.
Senatorial Investigation of Food Adulteration......... 793
Amerind—A Designation for the Aboriginal Tribes
of the American Hemisphere........:cscssesecseeeenees 795
Exploring Expedition to the Mid-Pacifie Ocean:
DR. HUGH M. SMITH.....:........00-0scceeeeeeecenes 796
The Scientific Study of Irrigation: Dr. A. C
TN RU ksoosugbooaeustos abokbodhdauaba henacsmenncshicaacdohoos 798
‘The International Catalogue of Scientifie Literature
—Second Conference (II.): DR. Cyrus ADLER.. 799
A Double Instrument and a Double Method for the
Measurement of Sound: Dkr. B. F. SHARPE..... 808
New York State Science Teachers Association: DR.
BRAN KLIN Wa BARROWS: .i00.s00escresssssearensces 811
Scientifie Books :—
Urkunden zur Geschichte der nichteuklidischen
STED. Lachman’s The Spirit of Organic Chem-
istry: DR. JAMES F. Norris. Allen’s Com-
mercial Organic Analysis: PROFESSOR W. A.
INOWES = Bookseheceived:nesste<cleececrataseceecuseress 813
Societies and Academies :—
Section of Geology and Mineralogy of the New
York Academy of Sciences: DR. ALEXIS A.
JULIEN. Torrey Botanical Club: EDWARDS.
Burcess. The New York Section of the American
Chemical Society: DR. DURAND WOODMAN...... 818
Discussion and Correspondence :—
Larval Stage of the Eel: DR. THEO. GILL....... 820
Scientific Notes and News..........sccsssssccsesecscsnceeses 820
University and Educational News.........-+.0s00ec0ee0e 824
MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended
for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
-sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
Durine the closing session of the last
Congress, the Senate authorized the Com-
mittee on Manufactures to conduct a recess
investigation on the subject of the extent
and character of food adulteration in the
United States. By reason of expiration of
the term of service, only three members of
the Senate Committee on Manufactures re-
mained, namely, W. E. Mason, Chairman,
of IVinois; W. A. Harris, of Kansas, and
G. P. Wetmore, of Rhode Island. Under
the terms of the resolution it is not neces-
sary to have a quorum of the Committee,
but the Chairman or any member desig-
nated by him is empowered to conduct the
investigation, procure witnesses and to
secure the analyses of suspected samples.
The Committee has already begun its
work by holding a two weeks’ session in
Chicago. Dr. H. W. Wiley, the Chief
Chemist of the Department of Agriculture,
at the request of the Committee, has been
detailed by the Secretary of Agriculture as
an expert to attend the examinations and
to assist in the work as far as possible.
Much interesting testimony was secured
at the meeting in Chicago in regard to the
extent and character of food adulteration.
Not only were business men who were
engaged in adulteration placed upon the
stand, but also some well-known. hygienic
and scientific experts, among whom may be
mentioned Professor A. B. Prescott and Dr.
V.C. Vaughn, from the University of Mich-
Dr. Wiley was placed first upon the stand,
and gave an outline of the character and
extent of food adulteration as it has been
revealed through the many years of investi-
gation in the Chemical Division of the De-
partment of Agriculture. Manufacturers
of ‘pure Vermont maple sugar’ testified,
under oath, that much of the product that
they sold contained not more than 25 per
cent. of maple sugar orsyrup. Whenasked
in regard to the purity of the maple sugar
which they bought for mixing purposes
they testified that they believed it to be
pure, but were by no means certain. Glu-
cose is the usual adulterant for maple syrup,
although melted brown sugar is sometimes
employed where a thinner product, more
nearly resembling maple syrup, is desired.
It was testified that when retail dealers
desired maple syrup for their customers
they specified the price they were willing to
pay, and that the mixing was then done
according to that price.
Manufacturers of jellies also testified that
the cores and skins from cider factories and
drying kilns were employed as the base of
much of the pure fruit jellies manufactured
and sold. Glucose is used as the principal
filler in these jellies, and the color and flavor
are largely supplied by synthetic products.
The quantity of these adulterated goods
made is far greater than that of the pure
Professor A. S. Mitchell, Chief Chemist
of the State Board of Health and Pure
Food and Dairy Commissioner of Wiscon-
sin, was a valuable witness before the Com-
mittee. He brought with him samples of
adulterated goods secured in the State of
Wisconsin, and explained in detail the na-
ture of the adulteration as it had been dis-
closed by his analyses. He described par-
ticularly the antiseptics and preservatives
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 232.
which were on the market under various
trade names, such as ‘freezem’ and
‘freezine,’ and so forth. ‘ Freezem’ was.
shown to be a dilute solution of formalde-
hyde, while ‘ freezine ’ was composed chiefly
of sodium sulphite. The question of the
use of preservatives was discussed by the
experts before the Committee, and the
universal opinion was expressed that
they were all unwholesome. Since, how-
ever, there are certain articles of food
and condiments, such as cider, tomato cat-
sup, ete., which require some preservative
in order to prevent fermentation; and inas-
much as it was brought out in the evidence
that in the shipment of butter from Aus-
tralia to English ports the use of boric acid
was quite universal and was not objected to
by the English customers, and as it was
further stated in the evidence that English
merchants required that hams sent to Eng-
land from a distance should be rubbed with
boric acid, the experts unanimously agreed
that it would not be wise to pass a law pro-
hibiting the use of all preservatives, but
that thorough investigation should be made
to determine which kinds of preservatives
are least objectionable, and that in all cases
any article of food, drink or condiment con-
taining a preservative should have that
fact plainly stated on the label and the
quantity thereof indicated.
It was brought out in the evidence that
the oleomargarine law was practically vio-
lated in many parts of Chicago. One wit-
ness before the Committee went to five
grocery stores and asked for creamery but-
ter. In each case he received oleomar-
garine. In each case the wrapper, which,
according to law, should bear the word
‘oleomargarine,’ plainly visible, was so ar-
ranged that the purchaser could not pos-
sibly see the word. The plan was to stamp
the word ‘ oleomargarine’ near the corner
of the wrapper and then to fold the corner
of the wrapper over so that the stamp
JUNE 9, 1899.]
would be invisible. One of the dealers
selling these packages was brought before
the Committee and testified that some of
the richest people living in Chicago were
his customers, buying this substance and
knowing that it was oleomargarine, but
who desired that the fact of its use by them
should be kept secret.
The ethics of coloring butter and oleo-
margarine was also discussed before the
Committee, and it was brought out in evi-
dence that if oleomargarine was colored
pink or any other color than butter color
its use as butter would be practically de-
Evidence was also given in the matter of
making artificial whiskies from cologne
spirits, burnt sugar and the ethers of the
organic acids, together with the essential
oil to give the proper bead. It was de-
veloped that the trade in these synthetic
drinks was very large, and that the natural
products suffer severely in competition.
Much testimony wasalsogivenin regard to
the adulteration of the ordinary condiments,
such as ground pepper, mustard, cinnamon
and so forth. It appeared that these bodies
were largely mixed with inert matter, so
that the purchaser would really get very
little of the condiment which he desired.
It was shown that ground coffee was mixed
largely with chicory and other substances,
and that the coffee bean was mixed with an
artificial bean or with a certain proportion
of the dead or imperfect beans, which were
not only useless for flavoring the beverage,
but, on the other hand, were bitter and un-
The session of the Committee in Chicago
had for its object the outlining of the scope
of the investigation which will be continued
during the summer months in other locali-
ties of the United States. The final pur-
pose of the Committee is to obtain material
on which to base a report in favor of a na-
tional pure food and drug bill, having for
its object the regulation of traffic in the
adulteration of food in the District of
Columbia and the Territories and the con-
trol of inter-State commerce in adulterated
food and drug products.
A part of the proceedings of the Anthro-
pological Society of Washington, at a meet-
ing on May 23d last, seem destined to
produce permanent influence on ethnologie
nomenclature ; this part of the proceedings
taking the form of a symposium on the
name of the native American tribes. The
discussion was opened by Colonel F. F.
Hilder, of the Bureau of American Ethnol-
ogy, with a critical account of the origin of
the misnomer ‘ Indian,’ applied by Colum-
bus to the American aborigines; he was
followed by Major J. W. Powell, who advo-
cated the substitution of the name Amerind,
recently suggested in a conference with
lexicographers. A communication by Dr.
O. T. Mason followed, in which the various
schemes of ethnologic classification and no-
menclature were summarized and discussed.
Contributions to the symposium were made
also by Dr. Albert S. Gatschet, Dr. Thomas
Wilson and Miss Alice C. Fletcher. At
the close of the discussion the contribu-
tions were summarized (by President Me-
Gee) as follows:
1. There is no satisfactory denotive term
in use to designate the native American
tribes. Most biologists and many ethnol-
ogists employ the term ‘ American’; but
this term is inappropriate, in that it con-
notes, and is commonly used for, the pre-
sent predominantly Caucasian population.
The term ‘ Indian ’ is used in popular speech
and writing, and to a slight extent in
ethnologic literature; but it is seriously ob-
jectionable in that it perpetuates an error,
and for the further reason that it connotes
and so confuses, distinct peoples. Various
descriptive or connotive terms are also in
use, such as ‘North American savages,’
‘Red Men,’ ete. ; but these designations are
often misleading, and never adapted to con-
venient employment in a denotive way.
2. In «most cases the classifications on
which current nomenclature are based, and
many terms depending on them for defini-
tion, are obsolete; and the retention of the
unsuitable nomenclature of the past tends
to perpetuate misleading classifications.
3. While the name ‘ Indian’ is firmly
fixed in American literature and speech, and
must long retain its current meaning (at
least as a synonym), the need of scientific
students fora definite designation is such
that any suitable term acceptable to ethnol-
ogists may be expected to come into use
In this, as in
other respects, the body of working special-
ists forms the court of last appeal; and it
cannot be doubted that their decision will
eventually be adopted by thinkers along
other Jines..
4. As the most active students of the
native American tribes, it would seem to be
incumbent on American ethnologists to pro-
pose a general designation for these tribes.
5. In view of these and other considera-
tions, the name Amerind is commended to
with considerable rapidity.
the consideration of American and foreign
The term
is an arbitrary compound of the leading
syllables of the
‘American Indian’; it thus carries a con-
students of tribes and peoples.
frequently-used phrase
notive or associative element which will
serve explicative ane mnemonic function in
early use, yet must tend to disappear as the
name becomes denotive through habitual
6. The proposed term carries no implica-
tion of classific relation, raises no mooted
question concerning the origin or distribu-
tion of races, and perpetuates no obsolete
idea; so far as the facts and theories of
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 232.
ethnology are concerned, it is purely deno-
7. The proposed term is suffierently brief
and euphonious for all practical purposes,
not only in the English but in the prevail-
ing languages of continental Europe; and
it may readily be pluralized in these lan-
guages, in accordance with their respective
rules, without losing its distinctive sematic
character. Moreover, it lends itself readily
to adjectival termination in two forms (a
desideratum in widely-used ethnologic
terms, as experience has shown), viz.:
Amerindian and Amerindic, and is suscep-
tible, also, of adverbial termination, while
it can readily be used in the requisite
actional form, Amerindize, or in relational
forms, such as post Amerindian, ete.; the
affixes being, of course, modifiable accord-
ing to the rules of the different languages
in which the term may be used.
8. The term is proposed as a designation
for all of the aboriginal tribes of the Ameri-
can continent and adjacent islands, includ-
ing the Eskimo.
The working ethnologists in the Society
were practically unanimous in approving
the term for tentative adoption, and for
commendation to fellow students in this and
other countries.
THE unusual activity now being exhibited
by various European governments in scien-
tific exploration of the seas is soon to be
supplemented by the United States, for ar-
rangements are being perfected hy the
United States Commission of Fish and
Fisheries for one of the most important
marine scientific expeditions ever under-
taken in this country. The association of
the name of Professor Alexander Agassiz
with the expedition is a guarantee of its
high scientific standing, and the employ-
JUNE 9, 1899. |
ment of the Fish Commission steamer A lba-
tross ensures the proper paraphernalia for
marine research.
The objective points of the expedition are
certain groups of islands in the middle of
the Pacific Ocean, of both sides of the equa-
tor, about whose local fauna little is known,
and in the waters contiguous to which
little or no scientific investigation has been
The Albatross will sail from San Francisco
about the middle of August, and proceed
directly to Tahiti, in the Society Islands,
possibly touching at the Marquesas Islands
for coal. On this trip of 3,500 miles, dredg-
ing and sounding will be carried on at
regular intervals on an almost wholly un-
explored section of the sea bottom.
Tahiti will be made the headquarters
while the Paumotu Islands are being ex-
plored. In this archipelago, which is about
600 miles long, the Albatross will pass six or
eight weeks, and important scientific dis-
coveries should be made, as the natural his-
tory of the region is practically unknown.
After returning to the Society Islands
the vessel will go to the Tonga, or Friendly
Islands, a distance of about 1,500 miles,
where a week or ten days will be spent.
Thence the vessel will sail for the Fiji
Islands, where a short stay will be made,
and thence 1,700 miles to the Marshall
Islands, visiting a number of the Ellice
Islands and Gilbert Islands on the way.
Six or seven weeks will be devoted to the
exploration of the Marshall Islands, about
whose fauna almost nothing is known.
Between the Marshall Islands and the
Hawaiian Islands, and between the latter
and San Francisco, a distance of over 4,000
miles, a line of deep-sea dredgings will be
run, deep-sea tow-nets being used while the
dredging is going on. This work is expec-
ted to be one of the most interesting features
of the expedition.
The Albatross is expected to return to the
United States about April 10, 1900, after a
voyage of 20,000 miles.
Every effort is being made to thoroughly
equip the vessel for deep-sea dredging,
trawling and sounding ; surface and inter-
mediate towing; shore seining; fishing
trials with lines and nets; land collecting,
and other branches of the work. The
newest apparatus for deep-sea and plankton
investigations will besupplied. Special ap-
plances are being constructed for use in the
very deep water to be found about some of
the islands, and it is expected that the
dredge will be hauled at a greater. depth
than has heretofore been attempted. The
Albatross, since her return to the Fish Com-
mission by the Navy Department, on the
conclusion of the Spanish-American War,
has been undergoing extensive repairs and
improvements, including the installation of
new boilers, the building of an ice-making
machine and cold-storage plant, electric
fans, ete., and will, on this expedition,
more than ever deserve the reputation of
being the best equipped vessel in existence
for scientific research.
The personnel of the expedition will be
as follows: Professor Alexander Agassiz, in
charge of the scientific work, accompanied
by his son; Lieutenant Commander Jeffer-
son I. Moser, United States Navy, com-
manding officer of the Albatross, in charge
of topographical surveys ; Dr. H. F. Moore,
ehief naturalist of the Albatross ; Mr. Charles
H. Townsend, late naturalist of the Alba-
Dr. W. McM. Woodworth and Dr. A.
G. Mayer, Museum of Comparative Zoology,
Cambridge, Mass.; Mr. A. B. Alexander,
United States Fish Commission, fishery ex-
pert; Mr. H. C. Fassett, United States
Fish Commission, photographer. The ves-
sel is manned by ten officers and seventy
petty officers and enlisted men of the United
States Navy.
The Department of State evinces a lively
interest in the expedition, and has through
tross ;
our ambassadors communicated with the
British, French and German authorities
for the purpose of having the representa-
tives of those governments instructed to ac-
cord special privileges to the Albatross. The
President has cordially approved the assign-
ment of the vessel to this work.
In a recent letter Professor Agassiz refers
to his explorations in the Bahamas, the
Bermudas, Cuba, Florida, the Fiji Islands,
the Australian Great Barrier Reef, the
Sandwich Islands, the Bay of Panama, the
Galapagos Archipelago and the Gulf of Cali-
fornia, and then says:
The expedition now proposed I consider the most
important one I have undertaken since the cruise of
the ‘Blake’ in 1877-80. It covers an area of the Pa-
cific which has not as yet been touched, as nothing is
known of the line San Francisco to Tahiti, Tahiti to
Fiji, Ellice and Jaluit, and Marshall Islands to Hon-
olulu ; and most important results should be ob-
tained with a vessel so admirably fitted for the work
as the Albatross. In addition to the deep-sea work,
we expect to visit many of the atolls and elevated
reefs abounding along our track, and hope to throw
additional light on the debatable theory of coral reefs.
The proposed Albatross expedition is one which, with
fair success, is sure to be creditable to this country.
Since the great exploring expedition of Wilkes this
government has done but little in the greater field of
oceanic exploration as a whole, though the minor ex-
peditions undertaken in connection with the work
of the Coast Survey and the Fish Commission have
beea among the most satisfactory explorations of lim-
ited areas of our coast.
It is the intention to have the Fish Com-
mission and the Museum of Comparative
Zodlogy jointly publish the reports embody-
ing the results of the expedition.
_ Huer M. Suirn.
Tue appropriation for the irrigation in-
vestigations in charge of the Office of Ex-
periment Stations, Department of Agricul-
ture, having been increased at the recent
session of Congress from $10,000 to $35.000,
of which sum $10,000 was made immedi-
[N. 8. Vou. IX. No. 232.
ately available, these investigations are
being further developed and the work in
connection with them is being more thor-
oughly organized. The scope of the inves-
tigations has been more accurately defined
in the last appropriation act. As there
stated, funds are provided ‘To enable the
Secretary of Agriculture to investigate and
report upon the laws and institutions rela-
ting to irrigation, and upon the use of irri-
gation waters, with special suggestions of
better methods for the utilization of irriga-
tion waters in agriculture than those in
common use, and for the preparation, print-
ing and illustration of reports and bulletins
on irrigation; and the agricultural experi-
ment stations are hereby authorized and
directed to cooperate with the Secretary of
Agriculture in carrying out said investiga-
tions in such manner and to such extent as
may be warranted by a due regard to the
varying conditions and needs of the re-
spective States and Territories, and as may
be mutually agreed upon.”
The first bulletin prepared in connection
with these investigations, which has re-
cently been issued, contains a discussion of
the irrigation laws which control the diver-
sion and use of water from the Missouri
River and its tributaries, by Professor
Elwood Mead, including papers on the
water laws of Colorado and Nebraska, by
the engineers of these States. Other bulle-
tins of a similar character are in prepara-
For the present the investigations on the
use of irrigation water will be largely con-
fined to the determination of the actual
amount of water used by successful farmers
in different parts of the irrigated region on
different soils and in the growing of differ-
ent crops.
A temporary organization for the admin-
istration of these investigations has been
effected by the appointment of Professor
Elwood Mead as irrigation expertin charge,
JUNE 9, 1899.]
and headquarters have been established at
Cheyenne, Wyoming. It is hoped that some
work may be done during the present season
in most of the States and Territories west
of the Mississippi River in which irrigation
is practiced to any considerable extent. Ar-
rangements have also been made to aid the
New Jersey experiment stations in continu-
ing their investigations, which have already
attracted much favorable attention in the
As far as practicable the cooperation of
the experiment stations will be sought in
these investigations, and it is to be hoped
that one result of this work will be that
the stations will not only be able to de-
velop their investigations relating to irri-
gation in the lines in which the Depart-
ment will work under this appropriation,
but also in other important lines involving
operations by different divisions of the sta-
tion. It is believed that, by concentrating
their efforts on problems based on the re-
quirements of agriculture under irrigation,
the stations in a number of States and Ter-
ritories may materially enhance their use-
It should be clearly understood that the
irrigation investigations of this Department
are intended to cover only a limited por-
tion of the field of investigations relating
to agriculture under irrigation which the
stations and the different divisions of the
Department may properly undertake. An
effort will be made to mark out a line of
work for these investigations which will
give them a distinct place between the in-
vestigations of the Geological Survey rela-
ting to the topography and water supply of
the irrigated region, and those of the dif-
ferent branches of the Department and sta-
tions which relate to the climate and plants
of that region. Aside from the studies of
the laws and institutions of communities in
which irrigation is practiced, the irrigation
investigations will have for their chief ob-
ject the determination of the economic and
profitable utilization of water in agricul-
ture as it is supplied to the farmer through
reservoirs, canals and ditches. In these
investigations, as in nearly all others rela-
ting to the complex science of agriculture,
there will be many points of contact with
investigations conducted under other aus-
pices, and thus many opportunities for co-
operative effort will be presented. With so
large a field of operations and so great in-
terests at stake, there will be abundant
room for all the agencies now at work for
the benefit of agriculture of the irrigated
region to fully utilize all the means at their
command. Besides the development of the
irrigation investigations, the Department
will, for example, continue studies of alkali
soils, the native and cultivated plants and
trees best adapted to the arid regions, and
other related questions.
The people of that vast area of our coun-
try in which agriculture and the other in-
dustries are so largely dependent on the
successful practice of irrigation are to be
congratulated that attention was more earn-
estly and successfully drawn to their needs
during the recent session of Congress than
ever before, and more ample provision than
heretofore was made for studying the prob-
lems of agriculture in that region, through
increased appropriations for the work of the
Geological Survey and different branches of
the Department of Agriculture.
Ir becoming apparent that no early con-
clusion would be reached, based on the
resolution of Professor Armstrong, it was
withdrawn, and Dr. Adler moved ‘ That
the registration symbols used in the Cata-
logue be based on a system of letters and
numbers, adapted in the case of each
branch of science to its individual needs.”’
Professor Darboux proposed the expression
‘of letters or of numbers.’ Dr. Adler ex-
plained his motion by saying that the use
of letters and numbers which would furnish
the opportunity of alternating gave a
greater elasticity to the system than the
use of either one by itself.
Chevalier Descamps objected to the terms
of the resolution as restricting the Catalogue
to the use of letters and numbers as sym-
bols, whereas it might be found desirable to
employ other symbols. Professor Arm-
strong thought that this construction need
not be placed on the words, the idea being
that letters and numbers were the funda-
mental symbols.
Professor Darboux said that the real
matter to arrive at was a scheme of classi-
fication suited to present needs, and of
whose durability one might be assured.
After some further discussion Dr. Adler
made a further explanation as to the object
of his resolution. The first Conference had
discussed the subject of classification and
symbols, and not being able to arrive at any
conclusion had referred the matter to the
Royal Society. The Society had appointed
a committee, which, after long labor, had
presented a report, and thus far the Confer-
ence had done nothing but criticise it. He
did not think it desirable or possible to
discuss further detail. The resolution
moved was broad and in general terms
with the idea that its interpretation and
details be left to the persons in whose
charge the execution of the Catalogue
would actually be. In order, however, to
get further advice on the subject he would
later on move a provision for an interna-
tional committee and give the scientific men
of the various countries an opportunity to
pass on the details of classification.
Professor Klein (Germany) strongly ap-
[N. 8S. Vou. IX. No. 232.,
proved of the appointment of an interna-
tional committee and of special committees
in the various countries, and supported the
resolution with a suggestion as to verbal
Dr. Heller spoke in recognition of the
work of the Royal Society and supported
the statement of Professor Klein and others,
that the various sciences had different
needs. After remarks by Dr. Graf the
resolution was slightly amended by insert-
ing the words ‘or other symbols’ in addition
to letters and numbers.
M. Otlet asserted that the lack of uni-
formity in the system proposed would re-
sult in great inconvenience. Professor
Darboux thought the whole matter not of
great importance and going too much into
detail. Professor Armstrong, however,
stated that such a resolution was very
much desired by the Royal Society, as it
would clear the field. The Committee was
of the opinion that the different sciences
require different treatment, subject to a
general uniformity.
Dr. Adler stated that his resolution did
not at all require that each science should
have a different scheme of classification or
registration. He maintained, however, that
the arrangement should be from the point
of view of the scientific man, and not of the
classifier. If they could agree on a single
uniform scheme so much the better.
Professor Klein supported this view,
holding that it was important to pass on to
the next matter relating to the appointment
of committees for the study of the sched-
Chevalier Descamps asserted that the
resolution would result in more inconven-
iences than advantages. He stated that he
and his colleagues of the International
Office of Bibliography at Brussels were in a
peculiar position. Without wishing to dis-
parage the work done in any other country,
he would say that they had collected two
JUNE 9, 1899.]
million slips and that most of their work
was proved by results which were here
being ignored.
Dr. Adler reiterated it as his intention
that as far as possible, a uniform system of
registration be adopted. Chevalier Des-
camps proposed adding words to this effect,
asserting that classification was also a
science with its own laws. From this Dr.
Adler dissented, stating his view that
classification and notation were simply con-
venient tools for sciences. The resolution
was then unanimously agreed to, with the
modifications proposed, reading as follows :
“That the registration symbols used in
the Catalogue be based on a convenient
combined system of letters, numbers or
other symbols adapted, in the case of each
branch of science, to its individual needs,
and in accordance, as far as possible, with a
general system of registration.”’
The second proposition of Dr. Adler was
“¢That the authoritative decisions as to the
‘schedules be intrusted to an International
Committee, consisting of the following:
Professor Darboux, Professor Klein, Profes-
sor Weiss, Dr. §. P. Langley, Professor
Korteweg and Dr. Graf, together with three
representatives of the Royal Society ; that
the Committee be instructed to consult with
experts in each science and to frame within
six months a report, which shall be issued
by the Royal Society and incorporated in
the decisions of the Conference.”’
Dr. Brunchorst agreed with the resolu-
tion in principle, but stated that the sciences
were not equally represented.
Professor Darboux thought that the ques-
tion raised by this resolution was a central
-one for the Conference. It was a pity that
some practical step of this sort had not
been taken at the previous Conference re-
-questing the states to form a sort of embryo
of Regional Committees which might have
placed themselves in relation with the
Royal Society.
Professor Korteweg pointed out that the
resolution meant the nomination of a cen-
tral commission to control, as far as possible,
the different projects of classification. This
commission need not contain representa-
tives of all sciences, especially as it had the
authority to secure the aid of special com-
Professor Darboux thought it best that
the official representatives at the Conference
should constitute the local or regional com-
mittees of classification.
Dr, Bernoulli thought that the Conference
had approached its second important ques-
tion—that of organization. With regard
to the first question—that of classification
—he fully agreed with Dr. Darboux that it
should be settled by the specialist in each
branch of science for his own subject. The
central committee proposed by the repre-
sentative of the United States should have
to do only with notation. Switzerland, he
said, could not constitute a regional bureau
or committee. But to a central committee
of this sort he agreed, if it were made
representative of the libraries as well as
the sciences, and if the Director of the
Bibliographical Institute at Brussels were
Professor Klein desired to bring the Con-
ference back to the principal point as to
how the classification of the schedules was
to be made. It had been the intention to
hold a conference of scientific men in Berlin
for the purpose of arriving at some opinion,
but this had been delayed, though the idea
was not given up, and the plan of arriving
at opinions, at least so far as Germany was
concerned, seemed quite feasible to him.
Professor Weiss thought the resolution
of the delegate from America quite agreed
with Professor Klein’s idea. Professor
Ricker supported a resolution of this
nature. He thought that the next scheme
published should have some international
Chevalier Descamps agreed in the main
with the plan, though he remarked, in pass-
ing, that Belgium was not represented on
the Committee. Professor Darboux and
Dr. Graf discussed the best method of
arriving at the opinions of the scientific
men in the various countries. Dr. Mond
thought the delegates from the various
countries were the best medium for estab-
lishing the Committees; otherwise he fav-
ored the appointing of an International
Committee as the best means of arriving at
a definite conclusion—a view which was
supported by Professor Klein.
M. Maseart requested permission to pre-
sent the following resolution: ‘The Con-
ference is of the opinion that the delegates
be requested to take steps in their respective
countries to organize local commissions
charged to represent the Royal Society in
the various countries; to study all questions
relative to the Internationai Catalogue of
Scientific Literature, and to send a report
to the International Committee.”
Professor Foster favored the resolution
introduced by Dr. Adler. The Royal
Society had done its best, and the matter
should now be left to a broader court, this
latter body to be an authoritative one em-
powered to make final decisions. He did
not regard this commission as representing
different countries, but simply as composed
of men chosen by this Conference.
Dr. Bernoullii suggested that the sched-
ules be submitted to the various Interna-
tional Congresses, such as the Mathematical,
Zoological and Chemical, ete.
Professor Foster replied that the Con-
gresses of Zoology and Physiology met only
once in three years. The matter had been
brought to the attention of the Congress of
Physiology, but not seriously discussed.
He thought a Congress the worst body pos-
sible to which to submit the questions.
M. Mascart stated that after hearing the
discussion he desired to modify his amend-
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 232.
mentin the folowing manner: ‘‘ The Con-
ference holds the view that the delegates be
requested to take steps through the govern-
ments of their respective countries to organ-
ize local commissions charged with studying
all the questions relative to the cataloguing
of scientific literature of the Royal Society,
and to send a report in six months to an
International Committee constituted under
the patronage of the Royal Society. The
International Committee shall examine all
the solutions sent and reach a definite de-
Professor Klein agreed with the proposi-
tion, pointing out, however, that the time
allowed was too short, and declaring that
any connection with International Scientific
Congresses was impracticable, as they had
no permanent organization. The debate
continued for some time, and finally the
first portion of Dr. Adler’s motion, modified
by Professor Klein, ‘That the authoritative
decisions as to the schedules be intrusted
to an International Committee to be hereaf-
ter named by the Conference, together with
three representatives of the Royal Society,’’
‘was unanimously agreed to. The resolu-
tion of M. Mascart concerning the appoint-
ment of local committees to report in six
months was next adopted, and a further
resolution that the International Commit-
tee frame its report not later than July 31,
Professor Boltzmann brought up the sub-
ject of some additional classes to be added
to the list of sciences, more especially a
class of general science. Professor Foster
objected to having the subject reopened,
and after a lengthy discussion the Presi-
dent ruled the discussion out of order ;
which, it may be said, was the single case
of such a ruling at the Conference.
President Foster next raised the question
of the functions of the regional bureaus.
Dr. Graf stated the difficulties which were
in the way of the organization of a regional
JUNE 9, 1899. ]
bureau in Switzerland, and thought it best
that all the work be done by a central bu-
reau. Professor Riicker pointed out that
it would probably be easier for the various
countries to find the money to pay for work
done within their own borders. He also
thought that in time authors could be got
to prepare their own analyses. Dr. Ber-
noulli agreed with the opinion of his col-
league. Dr. Graf and M. Otlet also sup-
ported the idea of a single central bureau.
Professor Darboux, however, warmly up-
held the decision reached at the first Con-
ference, of having a central bureau and re-
gional bureaus. All the resolutions relating
to this subject as well as to the business
conduct of the bureau were finally adopted,
or referred to the International Council.
They are given in the Acta and need not
be referred to here.
The next matter of importance was with
regard to the persons who should form the
International Committee.
This was discussed at length, informally
(the discussion not being reported), and it
was finally agreed that the members be
Professor Armstrong, Chevalier Descamps,
Professor M. Foster, Dr. 8. P. Langley,
Professor Poincaré, Professor Rucker, Pro-
fessor Waldeyer and Professor Weiss, with
the nnderstanding that the Committee may
appoint substitutes, should any member be
unable to serve, and that it have the privi-
lege of adding two members.
M. Mascart then called attention to the
desirability cf the passage of a resolution
which would give the Central Bureau the
power of modifying decisions of the Confer-
ence, should they be found impracticable ;
and this, after discussion, was agreed to.
There were some further remarks about the
arrangement of the various sciences, which
resulted in no formal action, it being held
that the International Committee was com-
petent to deal with these matters.
The final sitting of the Conference was
devoted to the consideration of the finances
of the Catalogue.
Professor Riicker, on behalf of the Royal
Society, stated that, while they had not gone
into the matter in great detail, they were
of the opinion that their estimates were ap-
proximately correct. The cost of producing
the Book Catalogue was, in round numbers,
£5,600. The least remunerative number of
complete subscribers would be 350, taking
the average of the complete subscription of
£16. For the Primary Slip Catalogue a
further £3,000 per annum would be neces-
sary, which would be met by 130 complete
subscriptions. This estimate is based upon
the use of the linotypesystem. The Second-
ary Slip Catalogue would cost, in round
numbers, £6,000 per year. If the scheme
were carried out on this scale it would be
possible to supply 183 cards for a franc, or
160 cards for a shilling. It was the hope
of the committee that the Catalogue would
ultimately pay its own way, though some
plan must be found for guaranteeing its
success. One way would be to receive di-
rect subseriptions from foreign countries,
as is done in the case of other interna-
tional bureaus, or a guarantee fund might
be established. The minimum period of
experiment for the Catalogue would be
fixed at five years, and should the entire
scheme for books and ecards be entered
upon, a sum like £40,000 would have to
be guaranteed to make sure of the success
of the plan for the period of five years.
This would be met if, say, ten of the
great powers each take one share, the
smaller powers two between them and the
English colonies one amongst them; each
share would then amount to £4,000 in the
course of five years.
The delegates of the various countries
were then requested to state what their
countries might be expected to do.
Professor Klein, for Germany, stated that
he was in no wise authorized to enter into
any engagements; he said, however, that
at a recent conference of German scientific
men it had been decided to recommend to
the German government a subvention of
12,000 Marks per annum for the regional
bureau; he was also prepared to recom-
mend a subvention of £1,000 for the central
Professor Weiss stated that the Austrian
government had agreed to provide fully for
the expense of a regional bureau. The
Vienna Academy was prepared to recom-
mend a subvention of £200.
Doctor Heller said, in the name of the
Hungarian government, that he had been
authorized to state that the regional bureau
for Hungary would be completely provided
for at the expense of the Hungarian Acad-
emy of Science. He was not prepared to
make any statement with regard to the
guarantee fund.
Professor Darboux stated for France that
his country would undertake the organiza-
tion of a regional bureau, but with regard
to a subvention he thought it difficult to
obtain it outright; it might be much more
feasible to accomplish the same result by
guaranteeing a subscription to a certain
number of copies of the Catalogue. Profes-
sor Rucker stated that such an arrange-
ment with regard to subscriptions would
be equivalent to a guarantee and would be
Doctor Adler stated, on behalf of the
United States, that he was not authorized
to make any ayreement in regard to ex-
penses ; that in accordance with the recom-
mendation of Dr. Billings and Professor
Newcomb, delegates to the previous Con-
ference, the Secretary of State had asked
an appropriation of £2,000 per annum for
the establishment of a regional bureau.
He did not think that in any event the
United States government could be brought
to contribute to a guarantee fund, and if
this were necessary it could be done more
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 232.
readily through universities and scientific
societies, and that the most feasible plan
for the United States was that suggested by
Professor Darboux, a given number of sub-
scriptions to the Catalogue.
Dr. Graf, speaking for Switzerland, stated
that he was prepared to make no promises,
but that the plan suggested by Professor
Darboux, to have his government subscribe
for a given number of copies of the Cata-
logue, would be the one most easily car-
ried ont in his country.
Chevalier’ Descamps stated that he had
no instructions from his government, but
thought that the proposition made by Pro-
fessor Darboux, that is, a subscription of a
given number of copies, was one that Bel-
gium would be most likely to carry out.
No definite statements were made on be-
half of Norway, Sweden and Japan, the
delegates being without instructions.
Sir John Gorst, speaking for Great
Britain, stated that he too was without
authority to pledge his government, but
thought that the British government would
be more likely to subscribe for a number of
copies of the Catalogue than to give a guar-
antee. 4
It was suggested by Professor Foster that
the delegates be requested to obtain infor-
mation at an early date as to what assist-
ance might be expected from their respec-
tive countries towards the éxpenses of the
central bureau.
M. Mascart thought that the plan was
still too indetermined to make the question
of expense sufficiently definite. Professor
Klein also seemed to think this somewhat
premature ; that the whole matter depended
as to whether the scheme for the Catalogue
could be brought into such form that one
might say: ‘This is good, and we agree
that it should be done in this way.”
Dr. Graf desired that the Provisional In-
ternational Committee should take the op-
portunity of examining the bibliographical
JUNE 9, 1899. ]
work now in actual operation in Switzer-
land, mentioning that of Dr. Field.
Tt was agreed further that the time of
calling the Provisional International Com-
mittee together be left to the Royal Society.
Some discussion arose at this point with
regard to the meaning of Article 22, as to
whether the delegates continue to exist as
delegates after the adjournment of the Con-
ference. There was a joint agreement that
the committees should be appointed by the
delegates, and the report of these commit-
tees transmitted by the delegates.
After a vote of thanks to the Society of
Antiquaries, and to the President, Sir John
Gorst, the Conference adjourned.
It would seem ungracious not to mention
the very pleasant hospitalities of the Royal
Society, which gave a dinner to the dele-
gates, presided over by its distinguished
President, Lord Lister, and of the English
delegates, who also gave a dinner, presided
over by Sir Norman Lockyer.
The delegates had frequent meetings out-
side of the regular meetings of the Confer-
ence, which fact expedited the work. There
was no division or national lines, all the
conclusions being reached either as a result
of the individual opinions of those present
or based upon conditions existing in the
country of the particular delegate.
The official Acta of the Congress were
printed in the issue of ScreNcE for Novem-
ber 11, 1898.
On returning from abroad I submitted the
accompanying report to the Secretary of
State :
WASHINGTON, November 15, 1898.
SIR: :
Haying been appointed, together with Mr. 8. P.
Langley, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, a
delegate on the part of the United States to the Con-
ference on an International Catalogue of Scientific
Literature, to be held at London on July 12, 1898, we
proceeded abroad on July 2nd. :
The British Government found it expedient to
postpone the conference until October 11. At the re-
quest of the Department, and with the consent of the
Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, I continued
abroad and attended the Conference. Mr. Langley’s
official duties necessitated his return to the United
States in September.
The deliberations were in continuation of those
had at a previous Conference in 1896, at which this
Government was also represented. Satisfactory con-
clusions were reached, leaving only such questions
as can be definitely determined by an International
Committee, on which the United States is repre-
sented by Mr. Langley.
T have the honor to transmit herewith the Acta of
the Conference. The procés verbal will be issued later,
and a copy forwarded to the Department.
I beg most respectfully to bring to your notice the
report of the delegates of the United States to the
first Conference ( Professor Simon Newcomb and Doc-
tor J. S. Billings) to repeat the recommendations
made by them, and to further draw your attention to
the recommendation of the Secretary of the Smithso-
nian Institution, all of which is contained in Senate
Document No. 43, 54th Congress, 2nd session, a copy
of which is herewith appended.
Ihave much pleasure in informing you that both
in public and privately, the Delegates ‘of the United
Kingdom, and of other Powers, expressed a very
generous appreciation of the scientific activity of the
United States, and I beg to be allowed to commend
to the favorable consideration of the Department, the
recommendation of such legislation as will enable the
United States to worthily take its share in this highly
important International project.
I have the honor to be
Sir, Your most obedient servant,
(Signed) Cyrus ADLER.
His reply is given herewith :
Washing'on, Novem*er 25, 1898.
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your let-
ter of the 15th instant in regard to the work of the
Conference on an International Catalogue of Scientific
Literature which met at London on the 11th ultimo
and to which you were a delegate on the part of the
United States.
With reference to your suggestion that such legisla-
tion be recommended to Congress as will enable the
United States to worthily take itsshare in this highly
useful and important international project, I have to
state that I had already in the estimates for this De-
partment for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1900,
submitted an item of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, for the purpose of carrying out on the
part of the United States the recommendation of the
International Conference on a Catalogue of Scientific
Literature, and for the expense of clerk hire and for
the other expenses of the work of cataloguing the
scientific publications of the United States. the same
~ to be expended under the direction of the Secretary
of the Smithsonian Institution, and pointed out that
as the preparation of the catalogue is to begin on Jan-
uary 1, 1900, it would be necessary for appropriate
action to be taken by Congress at its forthcoming
session, if this Government is to participate therein.
In support of this recommendation, I enclosed as
appendices a copy of the Congressional document to
which you refer and acopy of your report on the Con-
ference of 1896. The estimates are now in print and
it is too late to have your present letter included
therein; but I shall, upon the assembling of Cou-
gress, communicate it to that body in further support
of the item.
I am Sir,
Your obedient servant,
(Signed) Joun Hay.
The following additional communication
from the Department has also been re-
ceived :
Washington, December 16, 1898.
Dr. Cyrus ADLER,
Delegate of the United States to the Second Interna-
tional Conference on a Catalogue of Scientific Litera-
ture, Smithsonian Institution.
Sir : I enclose for your information copy of a note
from the British Ambassador at this capital, convey-
ing to this Government an expression of the grateful
appreciation of the President and Council of the
Royal Society for the cordial codperation of the Ameri-
can Delegate in the arduous and difficult work of the
recent Conference on a Catalogue of Scientific Litera-
Tam Sir,
Your obedient servant,
(Signed) Davin J. HILL,
Assistant Secretary.
Enclosure :
From British Ambassador, December 12,
1898, with enclosures.
Washington, December 12, 1898.
THE Hon. JoHN Hay,
Secretary of State.
Str: With reference to my note of July 12th re-
specting the International Conference in furtherance
{N.S. Von. IX. No. 232.
of the project of an International Catalogue of Scien-
tific Literature I am instructed by Her Majesty’s
principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to
convey to the United States Government the grateful
appreciation of the President and Council of the
Royal Society for the cordial codperation of the United
States Delegate in the arduous and difficult work of
the Conference.
Tam also instructed to furnish you with four copies
of the Acta of the Conference, two for the use of the
United States Government, and two for that of their
J have the honor to be
with the highest consideration
Your obedient Servant,
The House of Representatives took no
action in pursuance of the request of the
secretary of State, but the following amend-
ment to the Diplomatic and Consular Bill
was reported to the Senate and passed by
that body.
For the purpose of carrying out on the part of the
United States the recommendation of the Interna-
tional Conference on a Catalogue of Scientific Litera-
ture, held in London in July, 1896, for the expense
of clerk hire and other expenses incident to the work
of cataloguing the scientific publications of the United
States, the same to be expended under the direction
of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, tive
thousand dollars.
The Amendment was, however, disagreed
to in Conference and lost.
The following petitions in behalf of the
proposition were presented to the Senate:
Boston, Mass., January 25, 1899.
Vice-President of the United States, President of the
Str: The trustees of the Public Library of the City
of Boston understand that Congress is to be asked for
an appropriation to be placed at the disposal of the
Smithsonian Institution to enable that institution to
render necessary service in connection with the Royal
Society index of scientific publications.
The trustees beg to urge upon you the importance
of this undertaking. Although it carries the name of
JUNE 9, 1899. ]
the Royal Society, it is in fact international ; it has
been organized by representatiyes from the various
civilized countries ; its benefits will be shared by all
civilized countries, and the index itself will be the
product of contributions from them. The contribu-
tion asked for is not a direct gift of money, but a
special service. For this country the proper agency
for such service is at present the Smithsonian Institu-
tion. This institution cannot undertake it with its
ordinary funds, and requires for it a special appro-
The amount of this is small compared with the im-
portance of the service to be rendered.
Full information as to the details of the undertak-
ing and of the particular work for which the appro-
priation would be expended will no doubt be laid
before Congress.
The trustees of this library content themselves
with calling to your attention the significance of the
undertaking itself, and desire to express their con-
viction that the benefits which will result to libraries
and other learned institutions and to individual
scholars throughout the United States will be a most
ample return for the expenditure proposed.
Very respectfully,
Crry oF Boston :
JostaH H. BENTON, JR.,
Henry P. BownpitTcH,
By order of the board.
Attest :
Mr. Platt, of New York, presented the
following resolution of the Board of Trus-
tees of the New York Public Library,
Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations :
‘““ WHEREAS, The honorable Secretary of State has
recommended to Congress the appropriation of the
sum of $10,000, to be expended under the direction
of the Smithsonian Institution, for cataloguing the
current scientific literature of the United States, to
form a part of an International Catalogue of Scien-
tific Literature : and
‘““WHEREAS, Each of the great European nations
has undertaken to catalogue in like manner its own
scientific literature for the same purpose, the whole
to be edited and published by a central bureau:
“* Resolved, That the trustees of the New York Pub-
lic Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations,
respectfully urge upon Congress the great desirability
of making the appropriation requested by the honor-
able Secretary of State for this purpose, as the work
to be done is international in character and will be
for the benefit of all scientific men and of all libraries
and institutions of learning in the United States.’’
The motion was agreed to.
Petitions were also presented by the
American Library Association and the John
Crerar Library of Chicago, and a strong en-
dorsement of the project was sent to the
Committee on Appropriations by the Secre-
tary of State.
For the purpose of obtaining the advice
of scientific men and persons interested, in
accordance with Resolution 22 of the Con-
ference, the following Committee was named
on the part of the United States: Dr. J.
S. Billings, Chairman; Professor Simon
Newcomb, Dr. Theo. N. Gill, Professor H.
P. Bowditch, Dr. Robert Fletcher, Mr.
Clement W. Andrews, Mr. Herbert Put-
nam and Dr. Cyrus Adler. This Commit-
tee requested that Harvard University,
Yale University, Columbia University, the
University of Pennsylvania, Princeton Uni-
versity, Johns Hopkins University, the Uni-
versity of Michigan, the University of Chi-
cago, Leland Stanford Junior University, the
American Museum of Natural History, the
Academy of Natural Sciences, the American
Philosophical Society, the Library of Con-
gress, the United States Coast and Geodetic
Survey, the United States Geological Survey
and the United States Weather Bureau
appoint committees on the subject, these
committees to report to the Committee
above named by April 15th.
The request was generally acceded to,
and with a few exceptions reports have
been received which represent the opinions
of a large number of scientific men and
librarians in this country.
All of these reports and various informal
suggestions were considered, and a series of
resolutions, together with the reports, have
been transmitted to the Secretaries of the
Royal Society, with an occasional expres-
sion of opinion as to the merits of the views
presented in the several reports.
The next step will be the consideration
of these reports and of similar reports
from other countries and the formulation
of a definite plan by the Provisional Inter-
national Committee.
In view of the failure of Congress to make
an appropriation for carrying on the work
in this country, it will be necessary should
the Catalogue begin January 1, 1900, to
make some special provision. It is hoped
that, by the cooperation of universities and
libraries in five or six of the large centers,
the work can be carried on for one year, and
that when the subject is next presented to
Congress it will meet with more favorable
consideration. ;
Cyrus ADLER.
Tue work briefly sketched here, at the
request of the editor of Sctrncr, was done
by the writer in the laboratory of Clark
University, and grew out of the suggestion
of Professor Webster, that the optical ar-
rangement of Michelson’s refractometer,
combined with an accoustical method em-
ployed by Wien,* might yield a sound-
measuring apparatus of great sensitiveness.
For this purpose one totally reflecting
mirror of the refractometer was made very
small and light, and was mounted upon a
thin glass plate, which formed a portion of
the walls of a spherical, Helmholtz reson-
ator. A pure tone of the same pitch as
the resonator causes the interference bands
to vibrate with the same frequency. In
order to render the maximum displacement
* Wied. Ann., 1889, p. 835.
[N. 8S. Von. IX. No. 232.
visible, the fringes were made vertical, then
cut down to anarrow band by a screen with
a horizontal slit. This band was viewed by
means of a telescope whose object glass was a
small lens mounted upon the end of a tun-
ing fork of the same frequency as the
source of sound. The fork was driven
electrically and the motion of the lens was
perpendicular to the narrow band, so that, if
the sensitive resonator plate were protected
from all sound, the fringes would not be
displaced, but the motion of the object glass
would stretch out the narrow band into a
broad band of vertical fringes. If now a
tone were admitted to the resonator the
fringes would be simultaneously displaced.
In case of the identical agreement of both
frequency and phase of the telescope fork
with the forced vibration of the resonator
plate (excited by the source of sound) the
composition of motions would result in
asimilar band, but one covered with ob-
lique fringes whose slope is a function of
the intensity of the sound. Identity of
phase is easily realized by making the tele-
scope fork actuate the source of sound;
but identity of phase depends upon the dis-
tance of the source of sound (as well as
upon some elements involved in the me-
chanical construction of the source of sound,
which elements cannot be varied within
limits sufficiently wide to compensate for
all phase differences depending on various
distances of the source), and consequently
this identity could be obtained only at par-
ticular settings. In a room filled with
standing waves from the source, these set-
tings can be found by moving in the three
dimensions either the source of sound or
receiver. But this adjustment is laborious,
and this limitation renders the apparatus
unsuited to general investigation. Without
such adjustment the composition of the
motions of the bright spots in the narrow
band gives a set of overlapping ellipses, ob-
scuring the displacement.
JUNE 9, 1899.]
Accordingly the frequency of the lens fork
was made slightly different from that of the
source, by loading it sufficiently to obtain
slow beats. Thus the phases of the one over-
took those of the other very slowly, and con-
sequently the interference bands were ob-
tained, sloping first to the right and then
after an interval to the left, the changes
occurring periodically and following each
other as slowly as desired. By means of a
suitable eye-piece with divided circle the
angle of this slope can be measured, and
gives immediately a means of measurement
of relative intensities.
For some work the stroboscopic method
of direct observation was replaced by a
photographic method by which permanent
records of sound disturbances were ob-
tained and intensities determined. In this
case the telescope with vibrating eye-piece
was replaced by a fixed lens system which
focussed a narrow band of fringes upon a
sensitive film mounted upon a uniformly re-
volving cylinder, in a manner similar to
that employed by Raps.* The cylinder was
driven by a small motor, whose speed was
kept constant by Lebedew’s} method. Since
this photographic record can be made
equally well in case of irregular disturb-
ances of the air, the instrument, with the
receiving resonator removed from the sensi-
tive plate, affords an unequalled means of
studying the physical characters of a great
variety of sounds and noises, such as vowel
sounds and consonants, the notes of various
musical instruments, the calls of birds, the
cries of animals, bells, whistles, the din of
the streets, the rumble of thunder, etc. The
effect of the peculiar note of the sensitive
plate may be eliminated by means of dif-
ferential measures with plates of different
natural periods.
* Wied. Ann., 1893, p. 194.
+ Wied. Ann., Band 59, s. 118.
For the determination of the instrumental
constants, and for fundamental researches
in sound, it is essential that the source of
sound be pure in tone, constant in inten-
sity, and that its intensity be easily varied
within considerable limits. It should also
be portable. The following arrangement
meets these requirements in a very satis-
factory manner. <A tuning fork of about
the same pitch as the note desired was
driven by an electromagnet with a current
interrupted by a similar control fork, elec-
trically driven by the usual method of
self-interruption. The first fork was fast-
ened vertically upon a heavy iron base, and
one of its tines was connected to a circular,
thin iron plate, of approximately, the same
pitch as the fork, by means of a short stiff
wire. This plate formed a side of a Helm-
holtz resonator, constructed to give the note
desired and rigidly supported. The motion of
the fork tine was in the direction of the wire,
i. é., perpendicular to the plane of the plate,
so that the vibrations of the fork were com-
municated to the plate ; thus the air within
the source resonator is thrown into forced
vibrations of very nearly its own frequency.
Accordingly a very small vibration of the
fork causes the resonator to emit a very
loud tone. Its intensity depends upon the
current driving the source fork, and this
current is governed by a sliding resistance
and shunt. A single storage cell suffices
for the loudest tones, and 4, ampere pro-
duced a tone loud enough to be heard very
distinctly all over a large lecture room
(about 14x24 yards). This source was en-
closed in a heavy, padded box, so that only
the lip of the resonator protruded. Per-
fect silence could be obtained by simply
corking the mouth of the resonator with a
rubber stopper, so that a single and defin-
itely located source was obtained, and one
which is portable.
Care was taken that no sound should
reach the receiving resonator from the
telescope-fork, for it also was carefully
boxed. The box was provided with glass
windows for the transmission of the beam
from the refractometer, which was similarly
boxed in such a way thaf a portion of the
receiving resonator protruded and pulsa-
tions of sound acted only upon the side of
the sensitive plate which faced the mouth of
theresonator. The adjusting screws of the
refractometer were brought outside the box.
The whole was small and portable. Equal
care was taken to keep all sounds from
motor and cylinder from reaching the re-
ceiving resonator, and all these pieces
rested upon little piers of soft rubber and
tin in layers, this to prevent vibrations from
being transmitted through the table and
supports. Careful tests were made for im-
munity from such disturbances.
Results obtained thus far give promise of
a high degree of constancy, and of sensitive-
ness greater than the human ear, 7. e.,
ability to detect both extremely faint sounds,
such as escape the sense of hearing, and
also the most minute differences in intensity
For this reason this instrument may prove
useful in the psychological laboratory.
The limits of this sketch allow but an
outline of the mathematical theory of the
source, and of the receiver, by which the
intensity of a tone is reduced to absolute
measure. For a measure of intensity can
be made independently by each, and one
may be used as a check on the other.
The energy emitted by the source re-
sonator in sound may be measured in a
manner analogous to one employed by Ray-
leigh* in determining the minimal sound,
The rate at which the source fork expends
its energy is readily shown to be
= 4 (CE) IG ete nie erase Css
* Phil. Mag., 1894, p. 365.
ENSS 23 VioLs Wx; eNO 232;
and this energy is constantly supplied by
the current driving the fork. But not all
this energy is converted into sound. In
fact AK” is composed of three distinct parts :
JX, peculiar to the fork alone
st ,
UG. ce “ oe plate (a9
K, oc a3 a3 resonator 73
If the resonator is made very smooth within
we may neglect the dissipation of energy in
other forms within the resonator and say
that the production of tone is due to A, for
the system. Accordingly the energy of the
tone produced is KY; E., when E, represents
the sum of the energy of fork, plate and
connection at thetime. The energy of fork
and connection are approximately
E; = t plw x (2n)* '/2 for fork,
E, = $7 M, (2n)° */ “ connection.
The energy of the plate is an infinitesimal
of the second order.
Since 27 = Ae ~***, K can be obtained by
noting the time required for the amplitude
to fall one-half. The resonator plate is
mounted upon a separate ring so that the
resonator may be removed without disturb-
ing the plate. Then a differential measure
serves to determine A;. First, A is deter-
mined with resonator in place; then the re-
sonator is removed and K, + K, is deter-
mined ; thence
=k — (Ki ti RO) tor Cyne ee,
A galvanometer, or millivoltmeter, is in-
terposed in the circuit containing the source
forks, so that a few measures, taken
through some range of intensities, suffice to
calibrate the current in terms of absolute in-
tensity at the mouth of the resonator. From
this a simple assumption regarding propa-
gation gives the intensity at any point-
Since the intensity can be varied at will,
this instrument alone, with the ear for re-
ceiver, can be employed for a considerable
number of investigations.
JUNE 9, 1899. ]
The energy of the tone at the mouth of
the receiving resonator is proportional to
the square of the amplitude of vibration of
the sensitive plate. And since this plate
earries one of the refractometer mirrors its
amplitude can be expressed in terms of
wave-lengths of monochromatic (sodium)
intensity will be:
when B is the double amplitude due to the
motion of object glass, «4 is the slope of the
fringes due to tone, and wis the width of
a double fringe. This relative measure
can be reduced to absolute measure in a
manner differing from that employed by
Wien* only in the fact that the energy of
the little mirror is taken account of and the
identical resonator in the identical position ,
but with plate of high pitch, is used to cale-
brate the sensitive arrangement in absolute
This combination of source and receiver
seems exceptionally well adapted to the
investigation of such problems as the vari-
-ation of the intensity of sound with dis-
tance, the viscosity of the air, sound
shadows, reflection of sound from various
substances, refraction of sound in various
media, the distribution of sound in a room,
with the natural pitch and damping (echo)
of a room, intensity of the minimum sound
audible, test of Weber’s Law,t ete.
The elaboration of the instrument has left,
thus far, no opportunity for systematic
research. Some results of interest have
been obtained, such as tests for constancy
and sensitiveness, photographs of vowel
and other sounds; but these results are
fragmentary, and have been of value chiefly
to serve the purpose of tests, and of sug-
*Wied. Ann., 1889, p. 834.
tFechner, ‘ Hauptpuncte der Psychophysik,’ p. 185.
In short, an expression for relative «
gestion to further improvements in means
or method. In the near future some
acoustical problems will be attacked in the
laboratory of Clark University, and the re-
sults, as well as a fuller account of instru-
ments and method, will be published, it is
planned, jointly by Professor Webster and
GREENWICH, N. Y., June, 1899.
Tue third annual meeting was held at
the Teachers College of Columbia Univer-
sity, December 29 and 30, 1898, affording
to the members of the Association an op-
portunity to attend most of the meetings
of the Society of Naturalists.
Dr. Charles B. Davenport, of Harvard
University, read a paper on zoology as a
condition for admission to college. He
favored the study of animals by the labora-
tory method as outlined in the Harvard re-
quirements, and thought that too much at-
tention was being given to dissection in
most secondary schools. He encouraged
the study of economic zoology in a prepara-
tory course, leaving most of the dissection
to be done in the college.
The first afternoon was devoted to the
report of the Committee of Nine, by Dr. Le
Roy C. Cooley, after which the Association
attended the annual discussion of the So-
ciety of Naturalists on ‘Advances in Meth-
ods of Teaching.’ In the evening the Presi-
dent, Dr. Charles W. Hargitt, delivered the
annual address, on ‘Science and the New
Education,’ in which he defined the relation
of science to the other elements of the mod-
ern curriculum. The address was followed
by a most enjoyable reception by the Trus-
tees of Teachers College.
The second day began with four simul-
taneous section meetings. Section A, Bi-
ology, in charge of Dr. Charles L. Bristol,
discussed three papers: Professor George
F. Atkinson, on ‘ Entrance Requirements
for the University in Botany and Zoology’ ;
Professor James EK. Peabody, on ‘ Physi-
ology in the High School,’ and Miss Idelette
Carpenter on ‘ The Teaching of Botany in
the Girls High School of New York.’
Section B, Earth Science, conducted by
Professor Richard E. Dodge, considered
papers by the Chairman, by Mr. E. W.
Sampson and by Miss L. Belle Sage. Sec-
tion C, Nature Study, in charge of Mr.
Charles B. Scott, attracted a larger number
of teachers than any other, and presented
too many papers to be mentioned in detail
in this report. The discussions dealt prin-
cipally with the aims of nature study, the
materials for study, and plans for helping
teachers. An excellent report of this sec-
tion appears in the February number of
New York Education (Albany). Section D,
Physics and Chemistry, conducted by Pro-
fessor Albert lL. Arey, discussed these
sciences from the point of view of the sec-
ondary schools, the colleges and the Regents.
Professor Edwin H. Hall, of Harvard Uni-
versity, Dr. William Hallock, Dr. Edward
L. Nichols, Professor Frank Rollins, Mr.
Charles N. Cobb and Professor Irving P.
Bishop presented papers.
Following the Section meetings Dr. C. F.
Hodge, of Clark University, spoke on ‘The
Active Method in Nature Study.’ Mr. Arthur
G. Clement read a paper on ‘ The Use of the
Microscope in Secondary Schools.’ At the
last session, which was held in the Amer-
ican Museum of Natural History, Mr.
Frank M. Chapman gave an illustrated lec-
ture on ‘The Educational Value of Bird
The Association cordially endorsed the
report of the Comimittee of Nine, and asked
a continuation of their work for another
year. Resolutions were adopted in favor
of one year of physical science, one of bi-
ological science and one of earth science in
[N.S. Vox. IX. No. 282.
all the secondary schools of the State, and
steps were taken toward the recommenda-
tion of subject-matter and effective methods
in each of these branches. It was also re-
solved “That any physical, biological or
earth science which has been pursued con-
secutively for one full year, by the approved
class-room and laboratory methods, and
which has stood the approved tests for
quality, should be accepted by the colleges.
for admission to their freshman classes.”
Authority was given to a committee of
five ‘‘to ascertain and report what is defi-
nitely known regarding the physiological
effects of alcohol and narcotics on the human
body, and to recommend suitable methods.
for teaching the same in the schools of this
The sessions were well attended and the
character of the papers and discussions was
a sufficient evidence of the interest that
centers in the Association and its work.
The Teachers College provided amply for
all the wants of the visitors and made their
stay in the city comfortable as well as
A complete report of the meetings will be
published by the Regents and may be ob-
tained by applying to the Secretary of the.
The next meeting will be held at Syra-
cuse during the Christmas holidays.
The following officers were chosen for
1899: President, Le Roy C. Cooley, Vas-
sar College, Poughkeepsie. Vice-President,
Albert L. Arey, Rochester Free Academy,.
Rochester. Secretary and Treasurer, James
E, Peabody, The High School, 3080 Third
Avenue, New York City. Executive Coun-
cil, Mr. Charles N. Cobb, Regents Office,
Albany; Dr. Franklin W. Barrows, Cen-
tral High School, Buffalo; Professor J. H..
Comstock, Cornell University, Ithaca; Pro-
fessor William Hallock, Columbia Univer-
sity, New York; Miss Mary E. Dann, Girls
High School, Brooklyn ; Professor D. L~
JUNE 9, 1899. ]
Bardwell, State Normal School, Cortland ;
Dr. Charles W. Dodge, University of
Rochester; Principal Thomas B. Lovell,
High School, Niagara Falls; Professor, W.
C. Peckham, Adelphi College, Brooklyn ;
Professor J. McKeen Cattell, Columbia
University, New York; Professor John F.
Woodhull, Teachers College, New York ;
Professor E. R. Whitney, High School,
FRANKLIN W. Barrows.
Urkunden zur Geschichte der nichteuklidischen
Geometrie. Von F, ENGEL und P, STAECKEL.
I, Nikolai Ivanovitsch Lobatschefski. Leipzig,
B. G. Teubner. 1899. 8vo. Pp. 476.
The name of Lobachévski is inseparably con-
nected with a scientific advance so fundamental
as actually to have changed the accepted con-
ception of the universe.
Yet his first published work and his greatest
work have both remained for over sixty years
inaccessible, locked up in Russian, and are now
for the first time given to the world in this
monumental volume by Professor Engel.
As to the precise time at which Lobachévski
shook himself free from Euclid’s two thousand
years of authority there is still room for a most
interesting doubt. ;
The first of the two treatises given in this
book, ‘On the Elements of Geometry,’ was
published in 1829, with this note at the foot of
the first page :
‘‘Extracted by the author himself from a
paper which he read February 12, 1826, in the
meeting of the Section for Physico-mathematic
Sciences, with the title: ‘Exposition succincte
des principes de la Géométrie, ete.’ ”’
Again, when the four equations are reached
which really contain the essence of the non-
Euclidean geometry, Lobachévski subjoins this
note: ‘‘The equations (17) and all that follows
these the author had already appended to the
paper which he presented in 1826 to the Section
for Physico-mathematic Sciences.’’
In the introduction to the second of the two
treatises here given, the ‘New Elements of
Geometry,’ the author says: ‘‘ Everyone knows
that in geometry the theory of parallels has
remained, even to the present day, incomplete.
“The futility of the efforts which have been
made since Huclid’s time during the lapse of
two thousand years to perfect it awoke in me
the suspicion that the ideas employed might
not contain the truth sought to be demonstrated,
and for whose verification, as with other natural
laws, only experiments could serve, as, for ex-
ample, astronomic observations.
‘* When, finally, [had convinced myself of the
correctness of my supposition, and believed my-
self to have completely solved the difficult
question, I wrote a paper on it in the year
1826, ‘ Exposition succincte des principes de la
Géométrie, avec une démonstration rigoureuse du
théoréme des paralléles,’ read February 12, 1826,
in the séance of the physico-mathematic Faculty
of the University of Kazan, but never printed.’’
No part of this French manuscript has eyer,
been found. The latter half of the title is
For centuries the world had been deluged
with rigorous demonstrations of the theorem of
parallels. We know that three years later
Lobachévski himself proved it absolutely in-
Yet the paper said to contain material to
stop forever this twenty-centuries-old striving
still was headed ‘démonstration rigoureuse,’
just as Saccheri’s book of 1733 containing a
coherent treatise on non-Euclidean geometry
ended by one more pitiful proof of the parallel-
If Saccheri had lived three years longer and
realized the pearl in his net, with the new
meaning, he ‘could have retained his old title:
‘Euclides ab omni naevo vindicatus,’ since the
non-Euclidean geometry is a perfect vindica-
tion and explanation of Euclid. But Lobachéy-
ski’s title is made wholly indefensible.
A new geometry, founded on the contra-
dictory opposite of the theorem of parallels, and
so proving every demonstration of that theorem
fallacious, could not very well pose under
Lobachévski’s old title. Least said, soonest
mended. He never tells what he meant by it,
never tries to explain it.
Yet Engel thinks that under this two thou-
sand years stale title, ‘avec une démonstration
rigoureuse du théoréme des paralléles,’ ‘‘ Lo-
batschefskij sprach es klipp und klar aus, dass
das Euklidische Parallelenaxiom niemals werde
bewiesen werden konnen, weil es unbeweisbar
At the International Mathematical Congress,
1893, I maintained in his presence that Felix
Klein was utterly in error where in his ‘ Nicht-
Euklidische Geometrie,’ I., p. 174, he says of
the letter from Gauss to Bolyai Farkas, 1799,
‘Tn this last letter is particularly said that in
the hyperbolic geometry there is a maximum
for triangle-area;’’ and again where he says,
p. 175, ‘‘ There can be no doubt that Lobachéy-
ski as well as Bolyai owe to Gauss’s prompting
the initiative of their researches.’’
Klein’s only answer was that his position
would be sustained when the public got access
to Gauss’s correspondence.
Staeckel and Engel have now had complete
access to these papers, and this is what Engel
says, pp. 428-9: ‘‘But at all events in Gauss’s
letters there is nowhere a support for this tra-
dition ; at no point of these letters can be found
even the slightest intimation that Gauss con-
nected the discoveries of Lobachévski and J.
Bolyai with any direct or roundabout prompt-
ing from him.
“‘On the contrary the letters show (see p. 432
f. and Math. Ann. 49, p. 162, Briefwechsel G.
B., p. 109) that Gauss throughout recognized
the independence of both, exactly .as he recog-
nized that of Schweikart, whose independence
of Gauss is subject to no doubt.
‘With Staeckel I am at one herein that
exactly this circumstance is particularly weighty
for the decision of the whole question.”’
The whole scientific world will breathe a
sigh of relief that Klein’s ungenerous GOot-
tingen legend, mortally wounded in 1898, is in
1899 annihilated forever.
More inexplicable is Klein’s bald misinter-
pretation of Gauss’s letter of 1799 to Bolyai
Farkas. I gave this letter in my Bolyai as
demonstrative evidence that in 1799 Gauss was
still trying to prove Euclid’s the only non-con-
tradictory system of geometry, and also the
system regnant in the external space of our
physical experience. The first is false; the
second can never be proven,
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 232.
Summing up this same letter, Engel, p. 379,
instead of finding in it the hypothetical white
elephant of Klein’s fairy tale, gives the utmost
that can be attributed to it in the following
sentence: ‘‘ Hier ist er also ganz nahe daran,
an der Richtigkeit der Geometrie, das heisst,
des Euklidischen Parallelenaxioms zweifelhaft
zu werden.’’ :
Five years later, in a letter of November 25,
1804, Gauss speaks of a ‘group of rocks’ on
which his attempts had always been wrecked,
and adds: ‘‘I have, indeed, still ever the hope
that those rocks sometime, and, indeed, before
my death, will permit a passage. Meanwhile I
have now so many other affairs on hand that at
present I cannot think on it, and, believe me, I
shall heartily rejoice if you forestall me and if
you succeed in surmounting all obstacles.’’
‘Surely,’’ says Engel, ‘‘ that does not sound as.
if the authority of Euclid had diminished in
power since the year 1799 ; on the contrary, one
gets the impression that Gauss in 1804 rather
stood more completely under its ban than
This was clearly the view of Bolyai Janos,
whose autobiography, after quoting Gauss’s
letter of 1832, says: ‘‘ Ina previous letter Gauss.
writes he hopes some time to be able to circum-
navigate these rocks—so then he hopes !!’’
“These last words,’’ say Staeckel and Engel
in the Mathematische Annalen, ‘‘show a certain
suspicion on the part of John against Gauss.’”
But the mention of this earlier letter was highly
Janos had known of it from boyhood. The
joy of his triumph in solving what had baffled
all the world for two thousand years was inten-
sified by his knowing that even Gauss had tried
and was hoping for the impossible.
His splendid trumpet call of glory announc-
ing his creation of a new universe, scientiam.
spatii absolute veram exhibens, is answered
how? Gauss answers that method and re-
sults coincide with his own meditations insti-
tuted in part since 80-35 years. But of these
meditations Gauss had published never a word f
How natural then for Janos to refer to his.
previous letter, where he still was hoping to-
prove Euclid’s parallel postulate.
The equally complete freedom of Lobachéy~
JUNE 9, 1899.]
ski from the slightest idea that Gauss had ever
meditated anything different from the rest of
the world on the matter of parallels is demon-
strated most happily.
Bartels, the teacher of Lobachéyski, never
saw Gauss after 1807, received at Kazan one
letter from him in 1808, probably a mere
friendly epistle containing nothing mathemat-
ical, and not another word during his entire
stay there.
But in November, 1808, Schumacher, in Got-
tingen, writes in his diary that Gauss has re-
duced the theory of parallels to this, that if the
accepted theory were not true there must be a
constant a priori of length, ‘ welches absurd
ist,’ yet that Gauss himself considers this work
not yet completed.
Thus in 1808 Gauss still vacillates. The
proposition about the @ priori given unit for
length is due to Lambert, 1766, and on the
supposed absurdity Legendre in 1794 had
founded a pseudo-proof of the parallel postulate.
Thus until after 1808 Gauss had made no
advance beyond the ordinary text books.
A most fortunate piece of personal testimony
from the distinguished astronomer Otto Struve
finishes the whole matter.
When at Dorpat in 1835 and 1836 Struve was
attending his lectures, Bartels repeatedly spoke
of Lobachévski as one of his first and most
gifted scholars in Kazan.
Lobachévski had then’ already sent his first
works on non Euclidean geometry to Bartels,
but, as Struve writes, Bartels looked upon these
works ‘more as interesting, ingenious specula-
tions than as a work advancing science.’
Struve adds he does not recall that Bartels
ever spoke of any accordant ideas of Gauss.
Such misconception of the import of non-
Euclidean geometry was due in part to that
lack of grit or slip in judgment which let Lo-
bachévski damn this child of his genius with
the name ‘Imaginary Geometry.’
If Lobachévski had possessed the magnificent
Magyar mettle of Bolyai Janos, and dared to
name his creation the Science Absolute of Space,
he would not have taught mathematics with
ability throughout his life without making a
single disciple.
His ‘New Elements of Geometry,’ here at last
made accessible to the world, is such a master
piece that it remains to-day the completest and
most satisfactory text-book of non-Euclidean
Written at the flood of hope and
confidence, with ardor still undampened, it is
in his ‘New Elements’ preeminently that the
great Russian allows free expression to his pro-
found philosophic insight, which, on the one
hand, shatters forever Kant’s doctrine of our
absolute a priori knowledge of all fundamental
spatial properties, while, on the other hand,
emphasizing the essential relativity of space,
and the element of human construction, human
creation in it.
Lobachévski’s position
is still, after sixty
years, the necessary philosophy for science. No
one has succeeded in finding any escape from
its cogency. No one has gone beyond it.
Our hereditary geometry, the Euclidean, is
underivable from real experience alone, and
can never be proved by experience. Not only
can the truth or falsity of Euclid’s parallel
postulate never be proved a priori; not even a
posteriori can ever its truth be proved. There-
fore, Euclidean geometry, in so far as Euclid-
ean, must ever remain a creation of the human.
The introduction to the ‘ New Elements’ con-
tains a piercing critique of Legendre’s attempts
on the parallel-postulate.
Here at times Lobachévski almost conde-
scends to be humorous. For example, he says :-
‘« Although Legendre designates his demonstra-
tion as completely rigorous, he, without doubt,
thought otherwise, for he adds the proviso that
a difficulty which one would perhaps still find
can always be removed. For this he has re-
course to calculations founded on the first
familiar equations of rectilinear trigonometry,
which it would be necessary previously to
establish, and which just in this case are useless.
and lead to no result.”’
Here for the word trigonometry in the Rus-
sian of the ‘ Collected Works,’ p. 222, Engel has
substituted, p. 70, by some slip, the word
geometry? Further on Lobachéyski continues :
‘But Legendre has not noticed here that EF
may possibly not meet AC. To overcome this
little difficulty you have only to suppose that EF
is the perpendicular from F on BD; but then
how can we conclude therefrom that FE = AB
and the angle EFC=37? It is not possible to
mend the false deduction, wherein Legendre’s
inadvertence was so gross that, without remark-
ing this grave error, he considered his demon-
stration as very simple and perfectly rigorous.’’
Now for a specimen of Lobachéyski’s philos-
ophizing: ‘‘ Strictly we cognize in nature only
motion, without which sense impressions are
not possible. Consequently all other ideas, for
example, geometric, are artificial products of
our mind, since they are taken from the proper-
ties of motion; and, therefore, space in itself,
for itself alone, for us does not exist.
Accordingly it can have nothing contra-
dictory for our mind if we admit that some
forces in nature follow the one, others another
special geometry.
To illustrate this thought, assume, as many
believe, that the attractive forces diminish
because their action spreads ona sphere. In
the ordinary geometry we find 4rr? as magni-
tude of a sphere of radius r, whence the force
must diminish in the squared ratio of the dis-
In the imaginary (sic) geometry I have found
the surface of the sphere equal to
and possibly in such a geometry the molecular
forces may follow, whose whole diversity would
depend, consequently, on the number e, always
very great.’’
How far Lobachévski was, not only from
Riemann’s geometry with closed finite straight
line, but also from the perspective point of
view where the straight is closed by having
only one point at infinity, is illustrated by the
following sentences of the introduction. ‘T
consider it not necessary to analyze in detail
other assumptions, too artificial or too arbi-
trary. Only one of them yet merits some atten-
tion—the passing over of the circle into a
straight line. However, the fault is here visible
beforehand in the violation of continuity, when
a curve which does not cease to be closed, how-
soever great it may be, transforms itself directly
into the infinite straight, losing in this way an
essential property.
Tn this regard the imaginary geometry fills in
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 232.
the interval much better. In it, if we increase
a circle all of whose diameters come together
at a point, we finally attain to a line such that
its normals approach each other indefinitely,
even though they can no longer cut one an-
other. This property, however, does not ap-
pertain to the straight, but to the curve which
in my paper ‘On the Elements of Geometry’ I
have designated as circle-limit.’’
Lobachéyski anticipated in 1835 all that was
said not long ago in the columns of SCIENCE on
the length of a curve. For example: ‘‘In fact,
however little may be the parts of a curve, they
do not cease to be curves; consequently they
can never be measured by the aid of a straight.’’
“Tagrange takes as foundation the assumption
of Archimedes that on a curve one can always
take two points so near that the are between
them may be considered greater than its chord,
but smaller than the two tangents from its ex-
tremities. Such an assumption is actually
necessary, but by it is destroyed the primitive
idea of measuring curves with straights. Thus
the evaluation of the length of a curve represents
not at all the rectification of the curvature ; but
it seeks a wholly different aim—the finding of a
limit which the actual measure would approach
the more as this measure was made the more
exact. But measuring is considered more ex-
act the smaller the links of the chain employed.
This is why in geometry one must show that
the sum of tangents decreases while the sum
of chords increases until the two sums dif-
fer indefinitely little from the limit both ap-
proach, which geometry assumes as length of
the curve.”’
In the splendid treatise which follows this in-
teresting introduction Lobachéyski has given a
complete coherent development and exposition
of the non-Euclidean geometry. Until I visited
Maros-Vasairhely it was not known that Bolyai
Janos had actually commenced and made re-
markable progress in an even greater, more
masterful treatment of the whole matter. From
the mass of John’s papers tumbled in a big
chest I singled out especially a manuscript in
German entitled ‘Raumlehre,’ and on pointing
out to Professor Bedéhizi Janos some of the
striking passages in it he promised its publica-
JUNE 9, 1899. ]
In Scrence for September 24, 1897, I men-
tioned these treasures as ‘extended researches
anticipating the discoveries of Cayley and
Klein.’ Engel now says of them, p. 393: ‘J.
Bolyai had also commenced to work out a great
and consecutive presentation of geometry, but
what he had written down remained entombed
in his papers and has never been published.
‘*Staeckel will before long make generally ac-
cessible so much of it as issuitable for publication,
and it will then appear that J. Bolyai in his
exposition set to work according to principles
similar to those Lobachévski actually followed.”’
But though Lobachévski has given his complete
message to the ages, yet is perceptible a touch
more masterful in even the brief two dozen
pages of the young Magyar.
Through a given point to draw a parallel to
a given straight; to draw to one side of an
acute angle the perpendicular parallel to the
other side ; to square the circle—these problems
would be sought in vain in the two quarto vol-
umes of Lobachéyski.
Bolyai Janos gives solutions of them startling
in their elegance. For example (Halsted’s
Bolyai 2 34), ‘‘ Through D we may Draw DM ||
AN in the following manner: From D drop
DB LAN ; from any point A of the straight AB
erect ACLAN (in DBA), and let fall DC ,AC.
A quadrant described from the center A in
BAC, with a radius = DC, will have a point B
or O in common with ray BD. In the first case
the angle of parallelism manifestly is right, but
in the second case it equals AOB. If, therefore,
we make BDM = AOB, then DM will be || BN.”’
About 100 pages of Engel’s book are devoted
to a life of Lobachévski, yet no word is said of
his wife, his children, his family life, his home
fortunes and misfortunes, nor is mentioned the
biography by E. F. Letvenov (St. Petersburg,
1894, pp. 79) containing romantic pictures of
these eternal interests.
The Spirit of Organic Chemistry. An Introduc-
tion to the Current Literature of the Subject,
By ARTHUR LACHMAN, B.S., PH.D., Professor
of Chemistry in the University of Oregon.
With an Introduction by PAu C. FREER,
M.D., Pu.D., Professor of General Chemistry
in the University of Michigan. New York,
The Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. xviii
+229. Price, $1.50.
Under the above title an historical account of
the development of some of the most important
chapters is given. The subjects selected are
among those which have exercised the minds
and skill of the greatest chemists, and which
are to-day before the chemical world. Prob-
lems which haye been solved in a single mas-
terly research are omitted. In the nine chap-
ters the following subjects are treated: The
constitution of rosaniline, Perkins’s reaction,
the constitution of benzene, the constitution of
aceto-acetic ether, the uric-acid group, the
constitution of the sugars, the isomerism of
fumaric and maleic acids, the isomerism of the
oximes, and the constitution of the diazo com-
The author has used excellent judgment in
condensing the literature, and has presented the
subject in a logical and clear manver. The
account is brought upto date, even the most
recent work receiving brief mention. The book
is, therefore, an introduction to the chemical
literature of to-day. On this account it is of
special value to the student who’has just mas-
tered the text-books of organic chemistry and
who desires to go farther. The mass of litera-
ture which is summed up in but 225 pages is so
great and complex that it is doubtful whether
the student would have the time and energy to
get as clear a conception of the subject by |
searching through the journals as he can get by
a careful study of this book. After mastering
it he would bein a position to follow a paper on
any of the subjects treated.
The literature of organic chemistry is so vast-
that there is room for such critical reviews, for,
it seems to the writer, they tend to inspire
rather than prevent reading. Professor Lach-
man’s book will make the reading of the current
journals easier and is, therefore, helpful. It is.
a contribution to chemical history.and supple-
ments Schlorlemmer’s well-known ‘ Rise and
Development of Organic Chemistry.”’
James F. Norris.
Commercial Organic Analysis. By ALFRED H.
ALLEN, F.C., F.C.S. Third edition, illus-
trated with revisions and addenda by the au-
thor and HENRY LEFFMANN, M.A., M.D.
Volume II., Part I., Fixed oils, fats, waxes,
glycerol, nitroglycerine and nitroglycerine
explosives. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston’s Son
& Co. 1899. Pp. 387. Price, $3.50.
The new editions of Volumes I. and IV. of
this excellent work were noticed in SCIENCE
some time ago. The present part contains only
a portion of the matter originally included in
the second volume, the discussion of the hydro-
carbons and their immediate derivatives being
reserved for the second part of the same volume,
The more important additions to this part are :
the bromine thermal method, methods for the
determination of glycerol, acetyl number, vari-
ous tests for oxidation of oils, composition and
official methods for examination of dynamites
and smokeless powders, degras and cloth oils.
The standard character of the work is so well
known that any detailed criticism is unneces-
sary. The revision has been well done and the
book gives a good account of the present state
of knowledge in what must be acknowledged as
one of the most difficult as well as important
fields of analytical chemistry.
W. A. NOYEs.
I Sogni. SANTE DE SANCTIS. Torino, Fratelli Bocca.
1899. Pp. 390.
Geometrical Drawing for Army and Navy Candidates
and Public School Classes ; Vol. 1., Practical Plane
Geometry. EDMUND C. PLANT. London and New
York, The Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. xiv-+
Poems of Nature and Life.. JOHN WITT RANDALL.
Ellis. 1899. Pp. 556.
The Making of Hawaii, a Study in Social Evolution.
W. F. BLACKMAN. New York and London, The
Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. xii-+ 266.
THE section met on May 15, 1899, Dr. A. A.
Julien presiding. The following program was
then offered :
LN. &. Von. IX. No. 232.
1. Arthur Hollick : ‘A Reconnoissance of the
Elizabeth Islands, Mass.’
2. W. Goold Levison : ‘ Several Notes on Mi-
croscopical Attachments and Photography of
3. Heinrich Ries: ‘ Preliminary Notes on the
Physical Properties of Clays.’
Another paper announced in behalf of Pro-
fessor J. C. Smock, State Geologist of New
Jersey, on ‘Artesian Water Supply in New
Jersey,’ was postponed on account of sickness
and absence of the author.
The following is an abstract of Dr. Hollick’s
paper on the Elizabeth Islands, which was
illustrated by specimens, photographs, sketches
and charts.
The Elizabeth Islands extend in a southwest-
erly direction from Wood’s Holl, Mass., forming
the barrier between Buzzard’s Bay, on the
north, and Vineyard Sound, on the south.
The principal islands are five in number, and
beginning at the eastern end of the group they
are knownas Naushon, including Nonamessett,
Uncatina, Pine Island, Buck Islands and the
Weepeckets ; Pasque ; Nashaweena ; Penikese,
including Gull Island, and Cuttyhunk.
Little or nothing has been written in regard
to them for the reason that each island, with
the exception of Cuttyhunk, on which there
are a number of separate holdings, belongs to
some one individual, family or corporation ;
hence there is no line of public travel to or
through them and no house of public entertain-
ment, except in connection with Cuttyhunk.
The trip occupied a week and was made possible
through the courtesy and kindness of the
Taken as a whole the islands represent a par-
tially submerged morainal ridge, which has be-
come separated into islands and isolated from
the mainland in recent geologic times. They
apparently represent a later, more northern
branch of the terminal moraine, the southern
or older portion of which is represented by
Montauk Point, Block Island and Martha’s
One of the most interesting discoveries was
an exposure of plastic and lignitic clay, pre-
sumably Cretaceous in age, on the south side of
Nonamessett. The proximity of this locality
JUNE 9, 1899.]
to the mainland leads to the inference that
other deposits of the same age, which have es-
caped erosion, may be found farther north, up
the old estuaries, where theoretically the forma-
tion once extended.
The general surface features of the islands are
such as are characteristic of typical morainal
regions, consisting of rounded hills and corre-
sponding depressions, many of the latter occu-
pied by ponds or swamps.
To an inquiry by Professor Kemp, Dr. Hol-
lick stated that only indefinite lignitic remains
had been detected in the deposits, and that no
ilmenite boulders had been recognized. The
Chairman explained that the Pinus rigida, of
sparse occurrence on Naushon, was the prevail-
ing conifer along the south shore of Cape Cod
to the eastward, while, on the other hand, the
beech was rarely found on the Cape. The
morainie chain of the Elizabeth Islands ex-
tended to the northerly part of the Cape, in
Brewster, separated from the south shore by
modified glacial deposits in Dennis, Harwich and
Professor R. E. Dodge was inclined to be-
lieve that the whole aspect of the topography of
‘these islands was that of a drowned shore line,
modified by subsequent erosive action, probably
not caused by easterly winds. Professor J. F.
Kemp favored the view of the author, that
present erosive action was mainly concerned ;
and Dr. Hollick pointed out that the prevailing
direction of the wind was southeast, that ex-
tremely violent currents prevailed in the chan-
nels, especially during ebb-tides, that sandspits
occurred only at the east end of the channels,
and that, during the process of sinking and ero-
sion, the embayments deepened, met and united,
and thus the channels were cut through.
Professor Levison exhibited by the lantern
six photographs of minerals, natrolite and cal-
cite, taken by reflected light ; four enlargements
of photomicrographs, by reflected light, of minute
groups of aragonite, pyrite, apophyllite and
stilbite ; a new method of showing the photo-
graphic action of the Becquerel rays on a sensi-
tive plate, by use of a written inscription on a
card, in the form of a glue-line dusted with the
powdered uraninite; a simple mode of attach-
ment of a separate foot to a microscope, in
order to render it portable; and read a note on
a visit to Hubbard’s Mine, Fairfield county,
Connecticut, with description and analysis of
apparently a new lithia mineral from that local-
ity. The Chairman suggested that such photo-
graphic enlargements might be of great service
for study of faces and even goniometric de-
terminations on very minute crystals, where
numbers of such crystals were arranged in co-
incident planes and proper adjustments could
be made.
In the absence of Dr. Ries, an abstract of his
paper was presented by Professor Kemp, with
emphasis on two important conclusions: First,
that the plasticity of clays was not caused by
the predominance of any particular constituent,
such as Kaolin, but by the physical coherence
of minute surfaces; secondly, that the fusi-
bility of clays was due, not so much to their
mineral components, but to their ultimate chem-
ical composition, and that this could be, there-
fore, practically improved, when necessary, by
intermixture with the proper constituents.
The Academy then adjourned to October 2,
Secretary of Section.
THe regular program of the evening con-
sisted of an address by Mr. Samuel Henshaw,
‘Notes on the Flora of Porto Rico,’ giving an
account of the people, customs, climate and
present conditions of that island. He exhibited
numerous specimens of Porto Rican utensils and
articles of household use of vegetable manufac-
ture, including many applications of the cala-
bash gourd, from spoons to chopping-bowls,
many ways of using palm leaves, etc., etc. He
referred to the immense growths of Bougain-
villea, showing a specimen, of Crotons in the
open sun, of Fourcroya, Lantana, etc. He
showed many photographs, portions of large
tree fern and banana trunks, a tall wooden
mortar and dumbbell-shaped wooden pestle,
musical instruments made from gourds and
from other sources. Orchids were few, the re-
ports of their occurrence proving to be founded
chiefly on aroids and Tradescantias, By one
coming from the North the most singular sen-
sation is experienced on finding every common
weed under foot to be what would have been a
greenhouse plant at home. But he heard our
soldiers say: ‘‘ We would rather go out and pick
a dandelion once more.’’ i
THE May meeting of the New York Section
of the American Chemical Society was held on
the 5th at the Chemists’ Club, 108 West Fifty-
fifth Street.
Mr. A. H. Allen, of Sheffield, England, well
known as the author of the ‘Commercial Or-
ganic Analysis,’ was present as the Society’s
guest and was warmly welcomed. In response
he made a short address expressing keen ap-
preciation of his reception by the Section and
his pleasure of being able to attend this meet-
The papers of the evening were by :
1. W. 8. Myers: ‘On the Alcoholic Content
of Some Temperance Drinks.’
2. J. H. Stebbins: ‘Upon the Action of Diazo
Compounds upon Thymol para-sulpho-Acids.’
3. J. H. Stebbins : ‘ Note upon the Reichert
Figure of Butter.’
4. L. L. Van Slyke, Geneva, N. Y.: ‘Some
Facts and Fictions about Milk.’
5. Martin L. Griffin, Mechanicsville, N. Y.:
‘Comparative Value of certain Reagents for
removing Lime and Magnesia from Natural
Waters for Industrial Uses.’
6. Charles F. McKenna: ‘A New Labora-
tory Valve.’
To THE EDITOR oF ScrencE: Mr. Eugene
Blackford’s ‘Note on the Spawning Season of
the Eel’ in ScIENCE (p. 741-742) is interesting
as well as important. As Mr. Blackford has
indicated, almost ‘‘the only known instance of
the taking of a sexually matured eel has been
in waters of [nearly] one hundred or more
fathoms in depth.’’ Others are rare. It
[N. S. Voz. IX. No. 232.
is probable, however, that our east-coast eels
generally spawn in water of less depth. The
occurrence of an eel with well-developed eggs.
in water only two or three fathoms deep
in May is, however, truly exceptional. The
question then arises whether the eel had ma-
tured eggs ‘ many months later than in the Med-
iterranean’ or earlier. I am disposed to believe
that the individual noticed had wandered be-
yond its breeding ground and abnormally re-
tained its eggs on account of its uncongenial
environment. As Mr. Blackford also remarks
about New York, ‘‘it has always been sup-
posed that the spawning season takes place
within a month or so of the’’ descent of the eels
in November and December, and that ‘the
elvers (montées) which ascend the rivers’ in the
next ensuing ‘early spring’ are the young of
those that had entered the seaa few months be-
fore. For along time I have been of a different
opinion. Inasmuch as (1) the sea-going eels do
not mature their ova till the winter season, (2):
the leptocephalus young are found from Febru-
ary to September, or later, and (3) the transi-
tional form between the leptocephalus stage
and the cylindrical stage has been found in
January, it appears tolerably certain that the
elvers which ascend the rivers in the early
spring are the progeny of eels that descended
therefrom not later than winter of the penul-
timate (and not last) year before.
It may be of interest to add that brief notices
and figures have been published of the develop-
ment of the eelin a readily accessible journal—
Nature—for March 18, 1897 (Vol. 55, pp. 467—-
468), and for May 27, 1897 (Vol. 56, p. 85).
WASHINGTON, May 26, 1899.
AT a general meeting of the members of the-
Royal Institution of Great Britain on May 22d
the following scientific men were elected hon-
orary members in commemoration of the cen-
tenary of the Institution, which is being
celebrated this week: Professor S. Arrhenius,
(Stockholm), Professor C. Barus (Brown Uni-
versity), Professor H. Becquerel (Paris), Pro-
fessor G. L. Ciamician (Bologna), Professor N.
Egorof (St. Petersburg), Professor A. P. N.
JUNE 9, 1899.]
Franchimont (Leiden), Professor A. E. Gautier
(Paris), Professor H. G. Kayser (Bonn), Pro-
fessor W. Korner (Milan), Mr. S. P. Langley
(Washington), Professor G. Van der Mens-
brugghe (Ghent), Professor A. A. Michelson
(Chicago), Professor H. Moissan (Paris), Pro-
fessor R. Nasini (Padua), Professor W. Nernst
(Géttingen), Professor W. Ostwald (Leipzig), Dr.
E, Solvay (Brussels), Professor R. H. Thurston
(Cornell), Professor E, Villari (Naples), Pro-
fessor J. L. G. Vielle (Paris), Dr. E. Ador
(Geneva), Dr. L. Bleekrode (The Hague), Pro-
fessor J. S. Ames (John Hopkins University),
Professor G. F. Barker (University of Pennsyl-
vania), Geheimrath Professor Dr. Liebreich
(Berlin), and President W. L. Wilson (Wash-
ington and Lee University).
Aspartof the exercises of the jubilee of Pro-
fessor Stokes, Cambridge University has con-
ferred the degree of Doctor of Science on the fol-
lowing delegates: Albert Abraham Michelson,
professor of experimental physics in the Univer-
sity of Chicago; Marie Alfred Cornu, member of
the Institute of France, professor of experi-
xaental physics in the Eeole Polytechnique of
Paris; Jean Gaston Darboux, member of the
Institute of France, professor of higher geom-
etry in the University of Paris; Friedrich Wil-
helm Georg Kohlrausch, member of the Acad-
emy of Sciences of Berlin, Director of the
Physikalisch-technische Reichsanstalt, Charlot-
tenburg ; Magnus Gustaf Mittag-Leffler, pro-
fessor of pure mathematics at Stockholm ;
Georg Hermann Quincke, professor of experi-
mental physics in the University of Heidelberg ;
Woldemar Voigt, professor of mathematical
physics in the University of Gottingen.
THE President of the Dover meeting of the
British Association will as we have already
announced, be Professor Michael Foster. The
Presidents of the various Sections are to be:
Mathematical and Physical Science, Professor
J. H. Poynting; Chemistry, Mr. Horace T.
Brown; Geology, Sir Archibald Geikie ; Zo-
ology, Mr. Adam Sedgwick; Geography, Sir
John Murray ; Economical Science, Mr. Henry
Higgs; Mechanical Science, Sir William White ;
Anthropology, Mr. C. H. Read; Physiology, Mr.
J. N. Langley ; Botany, Sir George King. The
local committee have already collected £1,500
toward the expenses of the meeting.
THE honors conferred by Queen Victoria on
her eightieth birthday included a baronetcy for
Professor J. S. Burdon-Sanderson, the well-
known physiologist, regius professor of medicine
at Oxford University, and the K. C. B. for Pro-
fessor Michael Foster, professor of physiology at
Cambridge University, and to Mr. W. H. Preece,
President of the Institution of Civil Engineers.
E. Wollf (petrography and mineralogy) and W.
F. Osgood (mathematics), of Harvard Univer-
sity, will be abroad on a leave of absence next
year. Dr. Dickinson 8. Miller will take the
work of Professor James, and Professor James
Pierpont, of Yale University, the work of
Professor Osgood.
PROFESSOR S. P. THompson, F.R.S., has been
nominated for the presidency of the British In-
stitution of Electrical Engineers.
WE learn from Nature that at the last meet-
ing of the Midland Malacological Society, held
in Mason University College, Birmingham, on
May 12th, Mr. H. A. Pillsbury, of Philadel-
phia, and Mr. Henry Fischer, of Paris, were
elected honorary members.
THE gold medal of the Paris Geographical
Society has been presented to General Galliéni.
ProFressor C, JuDSON HERRICK, who holds
the chair of biology in Denison University, has
received the Cartwright Prize ($500) of the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia Uni-
Mr. Joun S. Lorn, of Springfield, Ill., has
been appointed Chief of Division in the Depart-
ment of Statistics of the Census Bureau. Mr.
Lord has been Chief of the Illinois State Labor
Bureau and held a position in the Eleventh
Dr. WILLIAM Z. RipLey, of the Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology and Columbia
University, has been elected a corresponding
member of the Societa Romana di Antropologia.
Errorts are being made to collect £5,000 to
erect a monument on the spot in Africa where
Livingstone died.
Miss ELIzABETH M, BARDWELL, professor of
astronomy in Mount Holyoke College, died on
May 28th at the age of 67 years.
Mr. G. F. Lysrer, a well-known English
engineer, has died at the age of 76 years.
THE British Association will, at its Dover
meeting, not only exchange visits with the
French Association, but will also entertain the
Belgian Geological Society.
THE United States Weather Bureau, which
was opened at Colon, Colombia, last September,
has finally been closed, its site being out of the
track of the hurricanes. The instruments are
to be transferred to Jamaica.
King HumBeErtT opened at Como on May
20th the International Electrical Exhibition or-
ganized to celebrate the centenary of Volta.
Tue Biological Survey of the Department of
Agriculture has sent Mr. W. H. Osgood and
Mr. L. B. Bishop to study the geographical dis-
tribution of animals in Alaska.
THE scientific expedition visiting Alaska on
the invitation of Mr. Edward H. Harriman, to
which we have already called attention, left
Seattle on May 31st. It is expected that the
expedition will return about August Ist.
THE Entomological Society of Albany has
recently been organized with an initial mem-
bership of about twenty, under the following
officers: Dr. E. P. Felt, President ; Professor
Charles 8. Gager, Vice-President ; Mr. Charles
S. Banks, Recording Secretary ; Miss Margaret
F. Boynton, Corresponding Secretary ; Profes-
sor H. M. Pollock, Treasurer. The headquar-
ters of the Society will be, for the present, at
the office of Dr. Felt, the State Entomologist,
where the regular meetings will be held the
second Friday in each month. The objects of
the organization are the promotion of interest
in entomological seience and the furtherance of
fellowship, among those interested, for their
mutual benefit and enjoyment.
Tue Institution of Civil Engineers, London,
is holding a conference during the present
week. According to the program Mr. W. H.
Preece, the President, makes an address, and
various engineering subjects will be taken up
in seyen sections. The subjects for discussion
range over the whole field of engineering ser-
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 232.
vice and practice, and include railways, harbors
docks, canals, machinery, shipbuilding, mining
and metallurgy, water works, gas works, sewer-
age and electricity. It is proposed that each
subject be introduced by a short paper, to be
read by the author and discussed by the meet-
Nature states, in reference to the scientific
commission which was appointed a short time
ago by the Colonial Office and the Royal So-
ciety to investigate the mode of dissemination
of malaria, with a view to devising means of
preventing the terrible mortality which now
takes place among Europeans resident in trop-
ical and subtropical climates, that Dr. Patrick
Manson, chief medical adviser to the Colonial
Office, has made a statement to a representative
of the Exchange Telephone Company. Dr.
Manson states that Dr. C. W. Daniels, of the
Colonial Medical Service, British Guiana (who
first proceeded to Calcutta to familiarize him-
self with the work which had been carried on
by Surgeon-Major Ross for determining the re-
lation of mosquitoes to the dissemination of
malaria), has now arrived at Blantyre, in the
Central African Protectorate, where he has
been joined by Dr. J. W. W. Stephens and Dr.
R. S. Christophers. At Blantyre all the re-
sources of the Protectorate will be placed at:
the disposal of the commissioners, who, before
their return to London, will probably pay a
visit to the west coast of Africa.
THE State Board of Health of Pennsylvania.
has passed resolutions in view of the attempt of
the Health Department of Philadelphia to con-
ceal the presence of contagious diseases in that
city. As the matter is one of scientific impor-
tance from several points of view, we quote
the resolutions :
Resolved, That the State Board of Health and
Vital Statistics earnestly deprecates the declared in-
tention of the Director of Public Safety of the city of
Philadelphia to conceal the presence and number of
cases of smallpox, or any other communicable dis-
ease in that city, and for the following reasons :
First. Attempts of this kind invariably end disas-
trously, defeating their own object. Rumor always:
magnifies danger, creating suspicion, anxiety and
panic. The publication of the exact truth indicates.
that the authorities are vigilant, possessing full
JUNE 9, 1899.]
knowledge of the facts of the case, and have control
of the situation, thus engendering a sense of security
and dispelling alarm.
Second. The policy of concealment prevents those
living in the immediate neighborhood of infected
houses, or who may desire to visit such neighbor-
hoods, from taking necessary precautions for their
own protection, and in this way facilitates the spread
of the infection.
Third. This course would vitiate the vital statis-
tics of the city and State, impairing their accuracy
and value, and destroying the confidence of the na-
tional health authorities and of those of other States
and cities in the trustworthiness of our returns. The
latter will, therefore, hesitate to advise their citizens
to visit a community which adopts the ostrich-like
policy of burying its head in the sand in the presence
of a danger, instead of frankly acknowledging and
bravely facing it.
Resolved, That the Board, however, desires to ex-
press its belief that the danger at present existing is
not of a character to excite serious apprehension, its
entire confidence in the ability and intelligence of the
Health Department of the city, and its assurance
that the efficient measures which have been inaugu-
rated will speedily terminate this merely localized
ACCORDING to the London Times the commit-
tee which is organizing the German Antarctic
expedition has decided that the expedition is
to be composed of one ship only, any possible
disadvantages being compensated for by greater
independence and mobility. The vessel is to
be built entirely of wood. The committee are
confirmed in this decision by Nansen’s expe-
rience with the Fram, and by their desire to
eliminate all possible causes of error in their
magnetic observations. The ship is to be laid
down this autumn, and the expedition is to be
ready to start in the autumn of 1901. It is to
be away two years altogether. After touching
at the Cape the expedition is to make for the
Antarctic Continent south of the Kerguelen
Islands, and there establish a scientific station
at some point suitable for wintering. A pack
of Siberian dogs is to be taken, and dashes will
be made on sledges towards the South Pole and
the south magnetic pole. Meteorological ob-
servations will also be made from a captive
balloon. After the breaking-up of their winter
quarters the expedition will attempt to make
as complete a survey as possible of the coast
line of the Antarctic Continent. The leader of
the expedition is to be Dr. von Drygalski, who-
conducted the German exploration of Greenland
in the years 1891-93. The committee expresses
great satisfaction that the English Antarctic
expedition has at last been definitely decided
on, and points out that the value of the two
sets of meteorological observations will be
greatly enhanced by their being carried on si-
multaneously. According to their information,
the English expedition is to make the attempt
to penetrate southward from the South Pacific.
The meeting of the International Geographical.
Congress in Berlin in October will give an op-
portunity for deciding on the details of the
scheme of cooperation.
Owince to the public improvements in the
neighborhood of Parliament-street the Royal
Meteorological Society has been obliged to va-
cate its offices in Great George-street, and find
accommodation elsewhere. The Council ulti-
mately took rooms at Prince’s Mansions, 10,
Victoria Street, which have been fitted up to
meet the requirements of the Society. On the
evening of May 16th the President, Mr. F. C.
Bayard, held an ‘at home’ in these new rooms,
which was largely attended by the Fellows.
An exhibition of instruments, photographs, ete.,
was arranged in the various rooms, and there
were also several demonstrations by the lantern.
A BLUE book has been issued by the British
government, giving a report prepared by Pro-
fessors Thorpe and Oliver and Dr. Cunning-
ham on the use of phosphorus in lucifer matches.
According to an abstract in Nature Professor
Thorpe deals with the questions from the
chemical standpoint, and enters into such mat-
ters as the differences between the allotropic
forms of phosphorus, the composition of phos-
phorus fumes, their solvent action on teeth, and
the composition of the various pastes, etc., used
in the manufacture of matches. Full and illus-
trated accounts of the process of manufacture
are given, both in Great Britain and in other
countries, and the precautions taken to mini-
mize the danger of the workpeople. Dr.
Oliver, whose work in connection with other
dangerous trades is so well known, approaches
the question from the medical standpoint, and
the portion of the report for which he is respon-
sible is clear, concise and practical. Dr. Cun-
ningham’s report contains a full account of
phosphorus necrosis, is illustrated by
diagrams showing various stages of the dis-
eases in the teeth and jaws. This condition
is the most frequent and most obvious of
the poisonous effects of the phosphorus; it
is not by any means the only one. He also
gives in full the precautions which should be
adopted in all factories for combating the in-
jurious effects of the poisonous fumes. There
are various appendices which give in detail the
facts upon which the main body of the report
is founded. In the match industry two forms
of phosphorus are used: yellow phosphorus,
which is highly poisonous, and gives off poison-
ous fumes which consist mainly of low oxides
of phosphorus; and red phosphorus, which does
not fume, and is hardly poisonous even if swal-
lowed. Then, as is well known, there are two
principal varieties of matches used: ‘safety
matches,’ which are tipped with a composition
free from phosphorus; the surface on which they
strike is covered with a composition of which red
phosphorus forms a part. The ‘strike any-
where’ matches are tipped with a paste con-
taining yellow phosphorus in a proportion which
varies from 3 to 30 per cent. It is in the mak-
ing of such matches only that danger arises. In
regard to them the commission reports: ‘‘So far
as the home consumption is concerned, it does
not seem that the prohibition of the use of yellow
phosphorus would involve any serious hard-
ship, and this course has already been adopted
by Denmark, and decided upon by Switzerland,
care being taken at the same time to prohibit
the use or importation of yellow phosphorus
matches. But neither of these countries has or
had any export trade to lose. The United
Kingdom, Belgium, Sweden and Japan manu-
facture largely for export, and it is feared that
immediate prohibition of yellow phosphorus
would at once divert that portion of our trade
to other countries, unless international agree-
ment upon the subject was arrived at. If grave
injury to the health of the workpeople were in-
evitable the loss of the trade might well be re-
garded as the smaller sacrifice of the two, but
the result of the inquiry points to a different con-
{[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 2382.
clusion. With due selection of workpeople,
strict medical and dental supervision, proper
structural and administrative conditions, and
substitution of machinery for hand labor, it
seems that the dangers hitherto attending the
use of yellow phosphorus can be overcome.’’
Mrs. JANE L. STANFORD has executed deads
conveying to Stanford University the greater
part of her property.
further gift of $150,000 from Mr. Samuel Cup-
ples for the support of the department of Civil,
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and
Architecture for five years, and a dormitory to
cost $100,000 from Mrs. John E. Liggett, in
memory of her late husband.
Mr. ANDREW CARNEGIE has given $50,000
to the Stevens Institute, Hoboken, for the
erection of an engineering laboratory.
THE quarter of a million pounds required to
inaugurate the University of Birmingham has
been collected. The anonymous donor who
has already subscribed liberally towards the
fund has offered to give £12,500 if the total
amount be raised to £300,000.
Mount Holyoke College has received a gift
of $10,000 from James Talcott, of New York, to
complete the botanical gardens and plant-
houses which are now under way at the insti-
A COLLEGE of Comparative Medicine is about
to be established at Harvard University. <A
chair of comparative pathology has been en-
dowed by the fund given by Mr. George Fabian,
and appropriations have been made from the
bequest of the late Henry L. Pierce for a chair
of comparative physiology and for laboratories.
It is intended that the college shall perform the
functions of the Pasteur Institute, of Paris, and
the Jenner Institute, of London.
THE Rev. W. H. P. Faunce, pastor of the
Fifth Avenue Baptist Church, New York City,
has been elected President of Brown University.
Proressor Henry G. JESUP, who has held
the chair of botany at Dartmouth College for
twenty-two years, has resigned.
EDITORIAL CoMMITTEE: S. NEwcomsB, Mathematics; R. S. WoopwArRD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING,
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THurston, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry ;
J. LE ContE, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; HENRY F. OsBorN, Paleontology ; W. K.
Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; S. H. ScupDER, Entomology; C. E. BrssEy, N. L.
BRITTON, Botany; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. Bowprrcu, Physiology;
J. S. Bruuines, Hygiene ; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; DANIEL G. BRIN-
TON, J. W. PoWELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, JUNE 16, 1899.
On the International Catalogue of Scientific Litera-
ture of the Royal Society: PROFESSOR J. VIC-
TOR\CARUSi.--ccccsescssececeectasscuaccsestssssanners ssn 825
Some Common Sources of Error in Recent Work on
ae Coccide: DR. C. L. MARLATT.......-.-00-eseeeees 835
The Royal Institution ......0.cccccccececececscsccesesccccees 838
Scientific Books :-—
Campbell’s Elements of Practical Astronomy: G.
C.C. Infinitesimal Analysis: DR. C. J. KEYSER.
Roosa on Defective Eyesight: C.A.O. Books
PRECCLUCH Maewetseeciissocctecore ces cesetaincasenese scenes 842
Societies and Academies :—
The Biological Society of Washington: Dr. O.
F. Cook. The Philosophical Society of Washing-
ton: E. D. Preston. Section of Astronomy
and Physics of the New York Academy of Sci-
ences: DR. WM. S. DAY........0cccccesceeeneecceeee 847
Discussion and Correspondence :—
Cerebral Light—Further Observations: DR. E
WI SCRIPTURE scsscceutscessacestosssccsnnassecn: 850
Professor Simon Newcomb......secccecccceseeeececeeneneas 851
Scientific Notes and News.........sssecssesecsscceeneeeenees 851
University and Educational News..........:1.sseeeeeeees 856
MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended
for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
TuHE Royal Society of London has already
demonstrated its great interest in bibliog-
raphy and literature by the publication of the
‘Catalogue of Scientific Papers.’ It pro-
poses to continue its efforts. In the ‘ Inter-
* Translated from the Zoologische Anzeiger, No.
national Catalogue of Scientific Literature,’
which it has now planned, the Society in-
. tends to correct the chief defect of the first
undertaking, the absence of a subject in-
dex. As is well known, it convened an in-
ternational conference, which held meetings
in London from the 14th to the 17th of
July, 1896. The Conference voted to re-
quest the Royal Society to appoint a com-
mittee to consider all the unsettled ques-
tions laid before it by the Conference. The
report of the committee, signed by its chair-
man, Professor H. E. Armstrong, was issued
late in March, 1898. As compared with the
‘Catalogue of Scientific Papers,’ the new
work is (1) to be more complete, since it is
to include all the literature within the
fields under consideration—not alone that
‘contained in certain periodicals,’ and
‘books of definite categories;’ (2) to present
the works in two methods of arrangement,
(a) according to the name of the author,
and (6) according to the contents of the
catalogued article or book—and in the two
forms, card-catalogue and book-catalogue.
But it is to be (3) just as restricted as its
predecessor, the ‘Catalogue of Scientific
Papers,’ since it is to take into account only
the natural sciences, together with mathe-
matics and astronomy, as wellas psychology
and anthropology. Finally (4) it is to be
very much more voluminous, since the title
is to be repeated on cross-reference cards
under catch-words taken from the contents.
It is the business of bibliography to cata-
logue all works appearing separately—viz :
books, periodicals, publications of societies,
monographs, atlases and pamphlets, whether
published by dealers, by institutions or
privately—with exact statement of the name
of the author or authors, if known, the
form, the extent (including the number of
pages, and, if present, of plates, tables or
other additions), the place and time of pub-
lication, and where and at what price pro-
curable. This part of the literature, so im-
portant for the special workers in different
fields, has been collected in separate works
of a general nature (like that long since
published by Reuss) or in reports on the
literature of the separate branches. The
custom of several societies of giving their
separate papers to the dealers as soon as
they were printed and of uniting these into
a volume only at a later date, as well as the
practice of antiquarian book dealers since
the middle of the present century, of cutting
up the volumes of periodicals and society
publications (because treatises on separate
subjects are more salable than volumes
treating of a great variety of matters), re-
sulted in the incorporation of the titles of
such works in bibliographies, often, indeed,
without any statement as to their source.
In order to protect the special investi-
gator from the mistake of supposing that
these were independent works that bad es-
caped his notice, it became necessary to in-
corporate in bibliographies the contents of
periodicals with a statement of the volume
and the time of publication. It was in ac-
cordance with these principles that I elabo-
rated the Bibliotheca Zoologica.
It is in this way that bibliography, in a
somewhat enlarged sense, it must be ad-
mitted, can and shouldbe compiled. But the
needs of scientific investigators were not fully
met by this. In addition to these bibliog-
raphies arose the Jahresberichte on the sepa-
rate sciences. It is the province of the latter
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 233.
to note not only the contents of the publica-
tions under consideration, but also the scien-
tific results contained in them. Bibliog-
raphy may, indeed, meet the needs of the
writers of Jahresberichte, first—by giving
the contents of the separate works, yet this
ought to be restricted to those cases where
the contents refer to two or more not imme-
diately connected subjects (e. g., if, in a
work on precession and nutation, the special
form of a new meridian circle is described,
or if a treatise on one class of animals con-
tains communications on an entirely differ-
ent class); and, secondly, by exceeding the
minimum limit for the citation of scientific
contributions and incorporating, for ex-
ample, from periodicals, notices of only 3 or
4 lines, if these contain important or inter-
esting new facts (e. g., the discovery of a
definite organ in a group of animals in
which it has not hitherto been found, or the
presence of a species of animal in a place
where it has not been previously observed).
This, however, is the utmost limit to which
bibliography (sensu latissimo) should go.
The first objection to be raised to the plan
of the Royal Society Catalogue lies in the
impracticable though only partial amalga-
mation of bibliographic work with that of
the abstracts and reviews. No. 17 (Resolu-
tion No. 6) of the Conference reads: ‘That,
in indexing according to subject-matter, re-
gard shall be had, not only to the title (of
a paper or book), but also to the nature of
the contents.”” According to the wording
this practically corresponds to my last state-
ment. But the undertaking planned by the
Royal Society deviates from this in essen-
tial particulars, and, indeed, in a manner
that is absolutely impracticable and, at
least as far as regards the examples given
in the Report, useless. The plan is im-
practicable because the matter to be in-
dexed is subdivided far too minutely. If,
for example, all the new species of animals
were to be enumerated under the name o
JUNE 16, 1899.]
the genus—whether in the book-catalogue
alone, or on the separate cards—or even
only the new genera, not only would the
work be multiplied twenty-fold or a hun-
dred-fold, but the catalogue would be so in-
creased in size that it would be unmanage-
able. And, finally, the enumeration of these
names without an accompanying <lescrip-
tion has only a doubtful value for the in-
vestigator. This belongs in the Jahresbe-
richte. The noting of new generic names,
as I give them in the Bibliography of the
Zool. Anzeiger, is of value to working
zoologists in preventing the use of names
already employed. No. 13 (Resolution No.
2) is to the effect that in preparing such a
catalogue ‘regard shall, in the first in-
stance, be had to the requirements of scien-
tific investigators.”’ Butis it really of special
value to investigators to have in addition to
the title three references (with special in-
dices, while the article itself remains with-
out any index number) to an article like
that of E. Wiedemann und E. Ebert:
““Leuchterscheinungen in elektrodelosen
gasverdtnnten Raumen unter dem Einfluss
raschwechselnder elektrischer Felder ?’’ Or
will a zoologist working on Mammals, or a
physiologist looking for communications on
the use of separate organs, need three refer-
ence cards for de Winton’s article ‘on the
existing forms of Giraffe?’ On p. 11 of the
Report (under 7) it is expressly stated that
‘““it is not proposed that it [the card or slip]
should provide an abstract, in any shape or
form, of the communication to which it re-
lates.’’ Apart, then, from this inconsistency
(for the noting of all new species and
genera, and the noting of the forms referred
to in the synonymy [vide Zoology, 35 A.],
is in reality an abstract), emphasis is laid
on simple bibliography. Why, then, this
enormous ballast, which is neither valuable
for the investigator nor of use to the
librarian or the public? It is self-evident
that cross-references must be made use of,
but only in so far as is demanded by the
nature and form of publication and by the
wording of the title.
But, besides this, one of the chief ques-
tions is: Who shall abstract this statement
of contents and select the necessary catch-
word (which is required to be in English! )?
Will working, busy physicists, chemists,
physiologists, etc., have time and inclina-
tion, after having mastered the publications
required for their own work, to read through
so carefully the publications in the remoter
fields of their special sciences, which do not
particularly interest them, as to be able to
write the necessary reference cards on every
chief and accessory subject treated? It will
be necessary, then, to have recourse to as-
sistants. But it can scarcely be expected
that they, even though they may have a
‘literary education,’ will be so familiar with
all details of the subject that they will
select those really important. And even if
they were so well educated as to be able to
reproduce correctly, ¢. g., the chief headings
from Italian, German, French and English
works, would they be familiar with the
technical expressions, often so different in
the different tongues, that are to be em-
ployed as catch-words? The same difficul-
ties would be repeated, if the (moreover
quite superfluous) translation of the Italian,
German, etc., catch-words were to be done
by the Central Committee in London.
According to Resolution No. 2, as I have
said, the needs of scientific investigators
were to be regarded first. But these are
not precisely the same as the needs of
libraries. Will the latter be met by a cata-
logue of the form and extent planned?
Hardly! And yet an undertaking involv-
ing so great an expenditure of time and
money as this ‘ Catalogue’ ought to furnish
libraries—a part of whose duty it is to
serve as a go-between for science and the
public—with other advantages than a
voluminous work of reference. But that
will not be the case. The best arranged
subject-catalogues cannot embrace refer-
ences which may be entirely appropriate to
vechnical scientific bibliographies, but do
not belong in general reports. The library
officials will be overwhelmed by the separate
references to articles, a great part of which
they do not possess. A survey of that
which a given library possesses, and that
which is still wanting, must be secured by
assorting the cards, and this will require an
enormous amount of work, constantly in-
creasing with each additional cross-refer-
ence. <A library catalogue cannot and ought
not to give information about the contents
of things which are not in the library, un-
less it is to increase infinitely the difficulty
of determining what new acquisitions are
needful. A library is not a repertory of
literature. Of course, it should be able to
give ample information concerning those
things which it does possess ; it must, there-
fore, introduce extensively into its cata-
logue cross-references, but only such as are
of a bibliographic nature.
Reflection on the problems and needs of
libraries and on the possibility of the gen-
eral acceptance and introduction of their
plans should have protected the Royal So-
ciety from another important mistake, from
the limitation of their plans to the natural
sciences in the broad sense. In the case of
so gigantic an undertaking as the creation
not only of an alphabetic authors’ catalogue,
but also of an alphabetically arranged sub-
ject catalogue, it is useful to limit the plan
at first to the inauguration of a part of the
scientific literature. But the whole plan—
the general scheme—ought under all cir-
cumstances to have been extended to the
whole realm of knowledge ; first, in order to
facilitate—even to render possible—the
same arrangement of parts in the literature
of other sciences; secondly, so that the ne-
cessity of uniformity might be grasped by
the framers of the scheme. But the Royal
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 233.
Society purposely avoids uniformity even
within the limits which it has drawn. “ No
attempt has been made to use similar num-
bers in a similar way in two or more
sciences [one must, therefore, learn the
scheme and the signification of the charac-
ters employed for each science by itself],
the only instance in which agreement is
met with being in the opening section,
which in most cases [therefore, not in all]
includes the general bibliography of the
science” [p. 10 of Report]. But how is it
carried out? Let us take the first scheme
of classification: A. Pure Mathematics. The
first division contains the heading ‘ Bibli-
ography’ (without number or other designa-
tion of the rubric); then follow :
“0000 Philosophy,
0010 History,
0020 Biography,
0030 Dictionaries and text-books,
0040 Pedagogy,
0050 Addresses, lectures, essays,
0060 Works on methods.”
What place, what number, does Bibliog-
raphy receive here? In the case of ‘C.
Meteorology’ history is 0020 and Bibliog-
raphy 0040, in that of ‘J. Geography’ Bi-
bliography is 0400. Elsewhere the things
which are grouped together under ‘ Peda-
gogy’ recieve, generally, the index 0040,
but under ‘J. Geography’ it bears the num-
ber 0500. If, further, one compares with
these ‘LZ. Zoology,’ he finds here a Table
with 297 sub-divisions (namely, 33 system-
atic and nine times these from various
standpoints), beginning with ‘02 General
Zoology’ ‘(comprehensive : 0203).’ The
wonderful division ‘31’ ‘Pedagogie and Eco-
nomic’ embraces: ‘‘ Special text-books and
manuals. Preservation of specimens ; Mu-
seums; Zoological Gardens and Aquaria.
Relations to plants, injurious insects, etc.
Galls. Special products: wax, silk, honey.
Animals injurious to man. Bibliographical,
eT, ee ath oe
JUNE 16, 1899.]
including Historical. Biographical.’ Can
one imagine anything less distinct, less con-
nected, less natural? (Museumsand honey,
the San José scale insect and the biography
of Huxley in one group!). But how is this
applied? The previously mentioned article
by de Winton on the forms of giraffe re-
ceives the index L0000, which, according
to analogy with all the other sciences,
would be ‘ Philosophy,’ not, indeed, in re-
lation to Mammals or any form of Rumi-
nant, but to Zoology in general !
The chief ground of this want of unifor-
mity and naturalness, of these inconsisten-
cies, lies in the system of classification and
indexing adopted by the Committee of the
Royal Society. This is essentially an imi-
tation of the decimal system of Melville
Dewey. But, instead of simply adopting
this system, developed and tested by twenty
years’ of work and extensive experience in
numerous libraries, the Committee has
thought best to employ in the separate divi-
sions other numbers for the same rubrics,
and also another sequence for the sub-divi-
sions, as well as other and changeable signi-
fications for these. One must unqualifiedly
agree with M. Ch. Richet in his derogatory
and harsh judgment upon this procedure
(v. Revue scientif., sér. 4, T..9, No. 24, p.
751). While M. Richet is decidedly right
in pointing out with severe criticism that
the Committee simply ignores previous
classifications and methods of indexing, and
has only aimed to produce something differ-
ent from what already existed, one may go
further and affirm that, from the form in
which the Committee has drawn up a kind
of decimal system, it is evident that the
Committee either did not perceive the main
advantages of the Dewey system or that it
did not wish to recognize them. It adheres
to the externals, but misunderstands their
significance. Thus, according to Dewey, the
formal index 07 in all cases refers to the
method of study and its aids, such as the
establishment of collections, etc. Under
‘Sociology ’ Dewey calls this ‘ Education’
(307). In order not to adopt one of
Dewey’s expressions, the Committee intro-
duces the term ‘ Pedagogic,’ which in such
a connection is misleading. But the way
in which this is interpreted is shown by the
example of the division ‘31 ’of Zoology,
cited above, and by the placing of compu-
ting machines, models, etc., under separate
indices coordinate with ‘ Pedagogy.’
The English boast of being an eminently
practical people. In this case they have
not shown it to be true. There is scarcely
anything less practical than the ‘ Schedules
of Classification’ and the numerical indices
employed in them. Equally unpractical is
the method of citation of sources. In ‘Chem-
istry’ what is the meaning of ‘B.,’ ‘ BL,’
‘Soc.;’ what (under ‘Crystallography ’) is
‘ZsK.?’ The catalogue ought not to be
produced for chemists alone; but the power
to interpret such hieroglyphics is not to be
expected of other educated people. Alpha-
betic catalogues of the abbreviations should
be furnished ; and there should be two of
them—one, for the use of cataloguers, ar-
ranged according to the titles of the period-
icals; another, for those using the catalogue,
according to the initial letters of the abbre-
viation. The space that is perhaps saved
is not worth the cost—the constant trouble
of looking up references. One may abbre-
viate, but only so far as is compatible with
certain recognition of the source intended.
But this must be given accurately. ‘Mém-
oires des Sav. Etrang’ is ambiguous. Is
Paris or is Brussels meant? The cards re-
lating to the contents of works (‘secondary
slips’) must contain abbreviated state-
ments ; thus ‘Teeth, histology of those of
Notoryctes, Tomes, etc.,’ is correct. But
to convert the title into another form is
not permissible. Thus Beddard’s paper,
‘Notes on the Anatomy of a Manatee
(Manatus inunguis), lately living in the
Society’s gardens,’ appears on the ‘sec-
ondary slip,’ under the form ‘Various points
of anatomy of Manatus inunguis and lati-
rostris.’ Such an example misleads, result-
ing in inaccurate citations, and sanctions
‘the loose manner in which, unfortunately,
citations of literature are much too fre-
quently made. Instead of adopting the
most direct and natural method, there has
been an attempt to introduce a certain
‘Schematismus,’ which is impractical, how-
ever, because it is not rigidly adhered to.
But the new ‘Catalogue’ is to be in English,
in contrast to the plans elaborated by the
Office international de bibliographie in
Brussels and by the Congrés international
de bibliographie held at the same place in
the year 1895, which the Committee of the
Royal Society has regarded simply as non-
existent. This use of English (ignoring
of the work of others) extends even to the
specification of the size of the cards (which,
of course, differs from that of the cards now
in use) in English inches and lines, not in
the metric scale, which is more and more ex-
tensively used even in the scientific circles of
England (v. Report, p. [15], 22). It isa
great satisfaction that Professor W. E.
Hoyle, who has attained high scientific emi-
nence and possesses experience in biblio-
graphic and library matters, criticises the
proceedings of the Royal Society quite as
harshly as M. Richet (v. his communica-
tion in Natural Science, Vol. IX., July, 1896,
p. 48, and the addendum of the editor of
the periodical, p. 48-52).
It would be going too far to go into de-
tails; certain points, however, may be of
interest. Under the Division L (Zoology)
35, ‘Taxonomy and Systematic,’ it is ex-
pressly stated that the book-edition of the
catalogue is to present a complete system-
atic record of the literature of the year,
“ similar to that which is at present carried
out in the ‘sytematic’ sections of the Zoolog-
ical Record.’? Therefore, there are to be
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 233.
added to the cards, with the names of new
genera and species, statements as to the
families and orders to which they belong,
and as to the locality where they are found ;
valuable information about genera and
species already known is also to be given.
Fossil species are to be treated in the same
way (notwithstanding that there is likewise
an elaborated system of Paleozoology).
The Book Catalogue in this respect differs
from the Card Catalogue. The latter con-
tains only the General, the Taxonomic and
the Phylogenetic ; itis to contain the names
of new families, sub-families and other im-
portant groups, as well as synonymic re-
marks. The separation of the two editions
—one of which is to be issued in card form,
whereas the other, giving details of the
new genera and species, is to be employed
only in the preparation of the book-edition
—is very artificial and arbitrary. The ar-
rangement of other divisions of ‘ Zoology’
is also extremely unnatural and wanting in
comprehensiveness. Under L 11, ‘ Physi-
ology,’ are found in motley array: ‘“ Par-
thenogenesis, Pedogenesis, Dissogony, Her-
maphroditism, Function of the Sense Organs,
Function of Special Structures, e. g., of
Glands, Environmental Effects, Regenera-
tion, Change of Function.” This is cited
as an example of what in Zoology may come
under the heading ‘ Physiology.’ If one
compares with this ‘ N Physiology,’ which re-
ceives the qualification ‘(animal),’ the latter
(animal) is found to contradict the adopted
classification ; for the whole division is es-
sentially human or vertebrate physiology,
with everywhere additions concerning the
pathological conditions of the organs and
the effects of drugs, and only a few chapters,
rather as appendices, on lower animals.
The existence of an elaborated scheme for
Physiology by Ch. Richet is passed by
with the same silence as is the zoological
scheme worked out by me in the Zoologischer
Anzeiger. Whether the branches embraced
JUNE 16, 1899.]
under ‘Physiology’—certainly important
for zoologists too—are to be contained iu
the Annual Report is not stated.
But Analytical Reports (Jahresberichte)
and Bibliography are, as already empha-
sized, two different things, the combination
of which is injurious to both. Forty or
fifty years ago a single person might pos-
sibly have been able to meet the require-
ments of both successfully and accurately,
but that is no longer possible. In the An-
alytical Report many things must be men-
tioned of which the Bibliography cannot
make note.
The explanations of the other main di-
visions (in the Report of the Committee)
nowhere state whether Analytical Reports
are to be issued for them, or whether Zool-
ogy alone is thus to be provided for. It
looks as though there was a desire to make
use of the existing machinery of the Zoolog-
ical Record, but not to the advantage of all
parts of the undertaking. Moreover, for an
Analytical Report a special system of regis-
tration would be more or less superfluous, es-
pecially in the form here selected, inasmuch
as the systematic arrangement, together
with the alphabetical, would furnish an ade-
quate means of orientation. But, neverthe-
less, there is introduced a scheme of arrange-
ment going into the minutest details and
even impossibilities. What sense or purpose
is there in creating a separate rubric for
‘ Tower Paleozoic and Upper Paleozoic Mam-
mals and Birds?’! But how, for example, a
work ‘On the History of Entomology in
England’ would be designated and assigned
a place is not discoverable. Likewise, diffi-
culties are encountered in attempting to in-
dex such a paper as ‘ On Fossil Molluses of
Sicily.’ For the letters which are, unfor-
tunately, introduced for geographical groups
give a designation, ‘dh,’ only for ‘Italy, with
Sicily and Sardinia’ (Corsica is left with
France), and concerning its possible further
sub-division nothing is stated. There is no
explanation whatever about the significance
of the position of the separate characters in
the series constituting an index; ‘35,’ it is
true, indicates everywhere the General ;
and yet this is influenced by the the regis-
tration letters and by its position. ‘ Fossil
Molluses of England’ are ‘K 35, 42 de.’
‘K 35, 02’ is Paleozoology in general. ‘L
0235 (just the reverse order) is general
Zoology, while ‘Ll 0035’ is used for the
names of new genera and new groups. That
a system of notation should allow the possi-
bility of its being afterwards extended to
other branches of knowledge has been dis-
regarded. As it now stands, this is ex-
cluded; for, since the natural sciences
already use up as registration symbols the
letters A to Q, the incorporation of other de-
partments of knowledge appears to be
practically impossible.
Thus it becomes evident how perilous it
was for the Committee of the Royal Society
to endeavor to discover a new system anal-
ogous to, and in imitation of, the Dewey
decimal system, instead of simply adopting
that. Certain modifications which, indeed,
Dewey himself holds to be possible or per-
missible could have been adopted, if only
the chief numbers and the main features of
their employment had been retained. It
can scarcely be maintained that combina-
tions of letters are more easily remembered
than groups of figures. It is a matter of
habit, and certainly Dewey taxes the mem-
ory less, since his numbers have mutual
relations, and especially since certain im-
portant groups of ideas retain throughout
the whole system the same designation, and
because, moreover, the figures follow a fixed
sequence. It has been objected to the deci-
mal system that it is too detailed, since
already twelve-place numbers have been
reached. This objection is in part well
founded, in so far as the expanders of the
system, almost from the beginning of their
employment of it, have given an index to
every possible idea. It appears to me, there-
fore, that, e.g., the scheme elaborated by
Richet for Physiology is not practical.
There are few writings that could not be
put with equal propriety in two or more
places in the system of sciences. Conse-
quently one ought to establish rules as in
the framing of statutes, indicate general
points of view, and not lose oneself in cas-
uistics. But the going into details is carried
further in parts of some other systems of
classification than in Dewey’s. Thus, in the
Schema des Realkatalogs der Kgl., Uni-
versitatsbibliothek zu Halle a.8.,’ Eschat-
ology is designated by Jg VI. g. F. a. to Ig
VI. g. F. 1, polemics on eschatologic sub-
jects in the preceding division by Jf IV. 6.
tlh o If IV. 6.1.7. Dewey employs for
these the indices 236 and 237 with the di-
visions 236. 1-9 and 237. 1-7. Hartwig
devotes about 800 alphabetically arranged
catch-words to Roman Law, 138 to Feudal
Law and 91 to Commercial Law, Maritime
Law, ete. Which classification goes the
further, and which symbol is the easier to
remember ?
* * * * * * *
By placing side by side the method of ar-
rangement and indexing of the Halle Cata-
logue, the Dewey system and the recommen-
dation of the Royal Society in a special case,
the character of each is recognized.
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 233.
dations of the Royal Society, the indexing of
the literature of these sciences does, indeed,
need to be altered in the direction of the
decimal system. But examples from other
branches of science were cited above which
prove not only the applicability, but the
great usefulness, of the Dewey system. The
main disadvantage of the Hartwig plan lies
in this, that the schedules have been elabo-
rated separately and without regard to one
another. They have, in part, been drawn
up by able specialists, and may, indeed, be
excellent as such, but are not, from the
library point of view, suitable. The Com-
mittee of the Royal Society desired to avoid
all analogy with the Dewey system, and,
instead of adopting the simple and already
existing system that had proved its useful-
ness, the Committe has created a system
which is impracticable because illogical and
artificial. ;
It is, however, not my purpose to espe-
cially recommend here the Dewey decimal
system. The aim of every bibliographic
system of classification is not so much to
produce a scientific system carried out to
the last details as to present a scheme ac-
cording to which the writings of all periods
can be arranged in a comprehensive and
easily recognizable way. The plan must,
therefore, be kept so flexible that, on the one
hand, any desired amount of space may be
Fauna of Naples Sc. II. 2.6. N(eapel) : 591. (457) L 0227, dh(i. e. Italy)
Paleontology “‘ Sa. I. 8. C. N (eapel)| 560. (457) K 35, dh(i. e. Italy)
Mollusks Fo Ses LLL OSB ael(c us) 594. (457) L 4227, dh(i. e. Italy)
rapt See Sica Nh 8 564, (457 K 3542, dh(i
2 (Sa. I. 8. C. ?) i ) 542, dh(i. e. Italy)
Tertiary ‘© ‘ 2? 564.(t :457) | K 7542, dh(i. e. Italy)
Fishes ‘ ‘ Se, IID. 13. C. (?) 597. (457) L 1427, dh(i. e. Italy)
Fossil “ ‘ Sa. IV. 3.B.i. 6 (?) 567. (457) K 35, 14, dh(i. e. Italy)
It is the opinion of many that the Dewey
system is best adapted to the Natural Scien-
ces. According to the preceding examples
from the Halle Catalogue and the recommen-
easily had for every new branch of a science
that may arise, and that, on the other, it
can be adopted without difficulty to every
requirement of the scientific worker who
JUNE 16, 1899. ]
needs a convenient survey of the literature
in question, as well as to the peculiarities
of libraries, whether large or small, public
or private. There is no doubt that, sooner
or later, some system like Dewey’s must be
adopted ; in the interest of unity it is to
be desired and hoped that it will be Dewey’s
system itself. That the Committee of the
Royal Society has come to an analogous
system is significant. What was said
against Dewey’s system by some persons at
the London Conference in July, 1896, can
only be regarded as having resulted from
a misconception of it. It was said, e. g.,
that it would be difficult with the decimal
system to introduce new discoveries in
Physics ; but I should like to ask with what
other system this would be easier without
alteration of the scheme itself? No part of
science is tied down by it, is rigidly
hemmed in, firmly restricted by it [certainly
not more firmly than by other systems, in
which there is in certain sciences such an
unlimited extension of sub-divisions (com-
pare Roman Law, Dogmaties, etc., of the
Halle Catalogue)]. On the contrary, the
decimal system is the most elastic and
adaptable that can be imagined, since it
everywhere presents the possibility of mak-
ing additions and extensions; it even lends
itself, under certain conditions, to the in-
troduction of modifications to suit the needs
of the individual investigator or of special
libraries. The system of the Committee of
the Royal Society,on the contrary, is the
most rigid and inelastic of all. Let one at-
tempt to make an intercalation into Zoology,
for example! Everything is, indeed, tied
down, but notin the desirable sense that
the same thing always bears the same num-
ber. Further, it has been said, that it is a
very weak side of the decimal system that
numbers 1,2, etc., have to serve at the
same time for a general system of science
and as the tokens of the separate books.
But this is not the case. Nowhere has
this been said, either by Dewey himself or
by any of his followers. The separate
numbers can, and are intended to, give
nothing further than the rubrics into which
the separate writings are to be grouped,
exactly as do the combinations of letters
and figures in the Halle Catalogue. Hand-
books of Zoology are 590.2 according to
Dewey, Sc. II. 1, according to Hartwig ;
but the arrangement and designation of the
numerous works belonging in this category
must, of course, be carried out, according to
some other fixed method conformable to
the custom prevailing in each individual
library, just as in the case of monographs,
etc., it is left to each library and to each
private person to arrange the writings bear-
ing the same indices according to pleasure.
For a general bibliography, in book form or
in cards (slips), this question does not arise
at all, since in these cases each user and
each library is at liberty to arrange the
cards according to preference.
The procedure of the Committee of the
Royal Society as regards the introduction
of the system of classification and indexing
drawn up by them leaves a singular impres-
sion. After the question of classification
had been designated in the words used by
Professor Armstrong at the opening of the
Congress in July, 1896, as a burning one,
and after the agreement of the aims of the
Royal Society with those of the Congrés
international de bibliographie in Brussels
(1895) had been mentioned, it would have
been of the greatest value to all who are in-
terested in the further development of this
international undertaking if the Committee .
had stated, even in the briefest manner,
what position their undertaking (in imita-
tion of that of Brussels) was intended to
assume toward this model, which pursued
absolutely the same object and was already
in active operation. For, aithough the
Royal Society limits itself to the Natural
Sciences, the idea, the plan is identical in
both. Moreover, after the Dewey system
had been thoroughly discussed in the de-
liberations concerning ‘ Resolution 17’—
although this resulted in the cancellation of
the words relating to this system and in the
adoption of a wording which designates as
unacceptable all recently recommended
systems of classification and transfers the
elaboration ot a new system to the Com-
mittee of Organization—it would have been
appropriate for the Committee, inasmuch
as it was pledged to give a ‘ Report’ on the
work entrusted to it, to have explained how
it came to construct a system essentially in
imitation of Dewey’s, and differing from
this only by its unsuitableness and incon-
sistency. There should also have been
given an explanation to serve in using it.
Finally, it might reasonably have been ex-
pected that the Committee of the Royal
Society would have had knowledge of the
existence of a Committee of the British As-
sociation, which, appointed for zoological
bibliography, might perhaps have had in-
fluence upon the determinations of the
Royal Society’s Committee of Zoology, in
view of the exceptional position which this
Committee assumes. Instead of this, the
paper called ‘Report of the Committee,
etc.,’ gives the incomplete sketch of a system
of classification and indexing devised by the
Committee, which completely ignores all
similar previous labors and all that had
been formerly accomplished in the direction
of this great undertaking, all of which,
taken in connection with the report of the
Conference of July, 1896, seems almost a
betrayal of trust.
The particulars of the organization of the
whole machinery cannot be gone into here.
However, it is necessary to give warning on
two points—against the far too great cen-
tralization, by which all titles are to be sent
to the Central Bureau in London, where
they are to be revised by suitable experts;
and against too great confidence in the ‘Re-
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 233.
gional Bureaux.’ In regard to the first
point, should a certain uniformity of ex-
ecution appear to be secured, nevertheless
it must be pointed out that it is quite incon-
ceivable how the ‘ expert,’ without having
the works themselves before him, could
make use of the subject cards and cross-
reference cards (compare the examples cited
above). So far as regards the activity of
the Regional Bureaux, I will call attention
to only one fact. In the year 1895 the
Société Zoologique de France formed an
organization elaborated according to a
definite plan for the purpose of securing the
most complete collection of the zoological
bibliography of France possible, with com-
mittees and sub-committees, all represented
by experts and men zealous in the cause.
And what has this organization accom-
plished? Next to nothing! The chief part
of the labor will in the present case also be
left to that individual industry which, with-
out continually meditating on ‘ Organiza-
tion,’ accomplishes the real work.
The subscription to all departments
amounts to £66 ($330.00); that of the
separate sciences from £4 5s. Od. to £8
5s. Od. ($21.25 to $41.25). Zoology belongs.
to the most voluminous, and will, therefore,
demand the last-named price. These calcu-
lations are, of course, only preliminary, and,
so far as regards Zoology, for example, rest
on total absence of knowledge of the sub-
ject. ‘Experts’ have estimated the num-
ber of zoological articles (including the
whole of Anatomy !) at 5,000. Ihave cat-
alogued yearly during the last three years,
without Anatomy and with omissions unfor-
tunately not wholly avoidable, about 8,000
zoological titles. If one reckons for Anat-
omy only half as many additional titles,
these two branches furnish nearly one-third
of the 40,000 estimated as the yearly num-
ber for all thesciences. If this is compared
with the scheme of classification in Zoology,
Paleontology, Physiology, etc., there is in-
JUNE 16, 1899. ]
contestable evidence that it was the inten-
tion to produce in this something which,
with sovereign disdain for all that now ex-
ists, was to flow forth from the Royal So-
ciety’s well of wisdom. But the Royal
Society has not thereby erected a monumen-
tum aere perennius, for if the plan should
actually be carried out—from which sad
result may the good fates spare science—it
is unquestionable that in a very short time
the whole scheme, together with numbers
and everything else, will have to be changed.
However thankfully the news might be re-
ceived that a body like the Royal Society
—to whose esteemed position in the scien-
tifie world so general a participation in this
planis to be attributed—finds itself im-
pelled to continue the plan of a biblio-
graphic repertory conceived by the ‘ Office
international bibliographique de Bruxelles,’
still the question must be raised: Does
the uncertain and precarious condition of
this undertaking, calculated entirely upon
English conditions, warrant the granting of
the great cost of its cumbersome organiza-
tion from the public means ?
J. Victor CARus.
No group of insects has excited more in-
terest nor attracted more new students
perhaps in the last few years than the
scale insects, or Coccide. Entomological
magazines, and, in fact, journals of all sorts
and descriptions, and in the most unex-
pected and unusual quarters, have been
heavily charged with literature of new spe-
cies, sub-species, etc. The great number of
such new species has struck the attention
even of non-workers in this group, and par-
ticularly has the designation of an astonish-
ing percentage of sub-species, physiological
species, varieties, etc., been calculated to
arouse the gravest suspicion as to the re-
liability of the work done and the validity
of the forms characterized, especially when
the characters on which the new species,
sub-species, etc., are based are at all care-
fully investigated. That with all the en-
thusiasm manifested in working up new
material and describing new forms many
good species are found and characterized
cannot be doubted, and it is, therefore, the
more to be regretted that the authors re-
sponsible for much good work have been
led by a surplus of zeal to be guilty also of
much that must be a positive detriment to
the knowledge of this group of insects. For
the benefit of future students, and with the
intention merely to bring about, if possible,
a much needed reform in the interest of the
scientific value of the work done, it may
not be out of place to call attention to some
of the common sources of error and ques-
tionable work. The criticisms to follow
apply more particularly to the scale insects
belonging to the Diaspinee, with which the
writer is most familiar, and especially to
the genus Aspidiotus in its old and broader
In the first place, it does not seem to
have been sufficiently impressed on most
writers that the scale covering, though an
important adjunct of the insect, is not the
insect itself, and still less the extraneous
matter, such as sooty mold, epidermis of
bark or leaf, etc., with which the scale may
be covered. Many of the Diaspinze—in fact,
almost any of them—at times may assume a
slight or marked so-called ‘ mining’ habit.
In other words, the female insect in revolv-
ing from side to side in the formation of
the covering scale, and in making additions
to it, is very apt, with her flat chitinous
lobes, to cut under the superficial and more
or less loosened layers of the bark, with its
covering of mold or other extraneous mat-
ter, and this loosened material slides up
over the scale and adheres closely to it,
much modifying and changing its color and
appearance. This mining habit varies, of
course, with the plant, being less on per-
fectly smooth bark, and much more promi-
nent on bark that is rough or fibrous, or on
older wood. The same mining habit is ex-
hibited in scales occurring on leaves where
the epidermal growth or any sooty mold,
or other foreign matter, is lifted and covers
the scale in the same way. Several species
or sub-species of scale insects have been
established on accidental variations of this
character, as, for example, Chionaspis fur-
furus, var. fulvus King. Examples of the
type of this species sent to the Department
of Agriculture exhibit many scales which
show none of the epidermal coverings, while
others, owing to the character of the adja-
cent bark, are covered more or less com-
pletely by the outer layer of the bark of the
plant. On this basis any scale insect al-
most may be split up into two or three
species or varieties. The careful study of
the scale in its relation to its situation on
bark or leaf made by the writer has shown
that the majority of the species in the
Diaspine occasionally or frequently present
epidermal or extraneous coverings.
The scale varies also in shape as influ-
enced by the nature of its surrounding con-
ditions. The exuviee is often shifted, or ap-
parently so, by obstructions, such as veins
or inequalities of the surface or the prox-
imity of other scale insects. A convex scale
becomes flattened when the insect occurs
beneath the sheaths of the leaves, as on
palms or bananas.
Color also varies very notably, being in-
fluenced undoubtedly by climatic condi-
tions, dryness or humidity, the presence of
mold or other fungi. The food of the in-
sect on different plants undoubtedly also
affects the character of the excrements.
The effect of weather and age in bleaching
or otherwise changing the appearance of
the scale is often notable. The character-
istic appearance of the scale varies im-
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 233.
mensely in proportion as it has free room
for growth or is crowded or massed to-
gether densely on the bark or leaves. The
San José scale, growing in scattered numbers
here and there on the terminal twigs, bears
no resemblance whatever to the crowded
masses. on old, badly infested wood. The
same is true of almost any other scale insect.
The covering scale, therefore, cannot be
taken as a criterion of very great value in
the separation of species, and by itself is
almost without value. The specific char-
acters must be found in the insect itself,
the scale covering furnishing indications
only of arough sort. The describer of new
species who fails to notice the importance
of these sources of error, and sees a species,
a sub-species, a physiological species or a
variety, in every such accidental difference,
greatly retards rather than advances the
knowledge of this group of insects. It
would be just as legitimate to describe as a
new species an insect found on the under
side of a leaf, as opposed to an insect found
on the upper side, as to designate as new a
species because a little extraneous matter
is adhering to its scale covering, or to
describe men as distinct species because
they wear different colored coats.
When the insect itself comes to be ex-
amined, other sources of error present
themselves. For example, the question of
the maturity or adultness of the specimens
under study arises, and also the problem of
individual variation. In the determination
of material it is,as a rule, absolutely neces-
sary to have the adult female insect. In
the Diaspinz, for example, the full grown
second stage of the female is often nearly
as large as the third or last stage, if not
larger in some instances, and yet the dif-
ference in the structural characters of the
two stages is very great. As an example
of a description of a new species from a
failure to recognize the maturity of the
specimens, Cockerell’s so-called variety
JUNE 16, 1899.]
lateralis of Newstead’s difinis may be cited,
lateralis merely representing the immature
stage of Comstock’s cydonic.
In the matter of individual variation
this is just as notable in scale insects as in
man or other animals. The two halves of
the anal plate of a female Diaspine are
never exactly alike, and often vary within
quite wide limits. In different individuals
from the same colony such variations are
still greater. Fortunately, however, the
characters of real value in this group of in-
sects are much more constant than one who
had not studied the subject would suppose,
even in the case of material representing
the same species from widely separated quar-
ters of the world, and on totally dissimilar
food plants. In the Diaspine, perhaps
more markedly than in most other groups of
insect, the specific characters are sharply
and satisfactorily defined, and, hence, the
less excuse for the cumbering and befogging
of the literature which has resulted from
careless, hasty and thoughtless work.
Minute differences in the pores or glands
and appendages, or in the lengths of the
joints of antennze or legs, are usually indi-
vidual and would often make two species
of the same specimen if the latter were cut
in half in the line of the main axis of the
body. To return to an illustration already
employed, one might as well describe men
as distinct because they have Roman or
Greek noses or short or long chins.
In other groups than the Diaspine I
cannot speak from careful personal study,
but I have the gravest doubts of the value
of descriptions based on slight variation in
the lengths of the joints of legs and anten-
ne, all of which must be subject, within
specific limits, to variation with the age of
the specimens and with its condition as to
abundance or scarcity of nourishment. In
this connection I cannot do better than
quote the views expressed relative to the
group Lecanine, by Mr. Theo. Pergande,
in a recent letter to a correspondent, views
in which I heartily concur. He says:
“ With regard to the difference in length
of one or the other of the antennal joints,
* 3 k %& -& JT will say that it is simply
individual variation; even in the same
specimens the comparative length of
either of the joints of both antenne
varies frequently, more or less. There is
generally, also, a more or less perceptible
variation in size, color and shape, in the
same species, dependent in a measure on
the food plant on which it may have estab-
lished itself, and also on the locality. Old
specimens, which have attained their full
growth and have died a natural death, are
generally darker, if prepared for the micro-
scope, than younger individuals of the same
stage, and with all the pores of the derm
much more distinct. As to the shape of
the individual scales and their sculpturing
IT find in our material of typical specimens
of Lec. armeniacum the same variations as
those mentioned * * * * * To con-
sider every slight variation of specific value
would lead to endless species which nobody
would be able to recognize, and which
would cause endless trouble in the study of
this most difficult group of scale insects.”
The writer trusts that the foregoing criti-
cisms will be taken in the kindest spirit, as
they are intended, and he does not wish it
to be thought, for an instant, that he fails to
recognize the learning and enthusiasm
shown by the prominent workers in the
Coccide, by no means all of whom have
been equally guilty, and whose work in the
main has been most excellent, and com-
mands the heartiest approval, but, having
experienced the great difficulty and labor
necessary to discover and correct errors
arising from the conditions criticised, the
need of calling attention to them seems
imperative. CO. L. Martarr.
Tus celebration of the Centenary of the
Royal Institution, London, which took
place last week, is an event of interest and
importance to scientific men, emphasized to
us, perhaps, by the fact that the founder of
the Institution was an American. Itisa
somewhat curious fact that the Smithsonian
Institution should have been founded by an
Englishman and the Royal Institution by
an American. There has not been time for
an account of the exercises in connection
with the celebration to reach us, but ac-
cording to the program they were to include
a lecture by Lord Rayleigh on the physical
work of the Institution during its hundred
years’ existence and a lecture by Professor
Dewar on its chemical work. The attend-
ance of a large number of foreign delegates
had been assured. In the meanwhile we
take from the London Times the following
facts regarding the history and scope of the
It was founded by Sir Benjamin Thomp-
son, or, as he preferred to call himself,
Count Rumford in the Holy Roman Em-
pire, and was an offshoot or extension of a
Society for Bettering the Condition and In-
creasing the Comforts of the Poor, formed
in 1796, according to the proposals of that
somewhat eccentric genius. His ideas on
the matter were formally submitted to a
select committee of that Society, which re-
ported in their favor on February 1, 1799.
The next step was to circulate a definite
outline of the scheme among people who
were thought likely to subscribe to the
undertaking, and so successful was their
appeal to the public that 58 of the ‘most
respectable names’ were obtained in a few
weeks. On March 7th these original sub-
scribers of 50 guineas each met at the house
of Sir Joseph Banks, then President of the
Royal Society, and elected a committee of
managers, who were desired to take pre-
paratory measures for opening the Institu-
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 233.
tion, and in particular to solicit the King
for the grant of a royal charter, which was
obtained early the next year. Less than
two months later the purchase was ordered
of Mr. Mellish’s house in Albemarle Street,
and on June 5th the managers held their
first meeting on the premises, which have
ever since remained the home of the Royal
This, as may easily be inferred from the
circumstances of its origin, was in the con-
ception of Rumford a very different style of
place from what it subsequently became.
It was, in fact, nothing but a glorified me-
chanics’ institute, its objects being, as de-
fined in his proposals, the speedy and gen-
eral diffusion of the knowledge of all
new and useful improvements, and teach-
ing the application of scientific discoveries
to the improvement of arts and manu-
factures and to the increase of domestic
comfort and convenience. The first was to
be attained by the public exhibition, pref-
erably in actual operation, of useful inven-
tions applicable to the common purposes of
life. A perusal of the detailed measures
by which this end was to be achieved al-
most makes the reader suspect that in the
Count’s view salvation was to come by
cooking. His list of the things to be shown
in the repositories, indeed, includes models
of ‘that most curious and most useful ma-
chine, the steam engine,’ of ventilators,
lime-kilns, spinning wheels and looms, agri-
cultural implements, bridges of various con-
struction, etc., but the place of honor is
given to stoves of all sorts and to the ‘ most
perfect models of the full size’ of kitchens
and utensils suitable for a cottage, a farm-
house and the family of a gentleman of
fortune, respectively. The Institution, too,
had not been in existence for a year when
a good cook was engaged for the “ improve-
ment of culinary advancement, one object
and not the least important for the Royal
Institution,’ while another of Rumford’s
JUNE 16, 1899. ]
pet projects was the establishment of a
dining-room in the house where experi-
mental dinners could be ordered, to test the
merit of any new method of cooking or any
new dish that may be proposed. To at-
tain the second of the primary objects of
the Institution, Rumford proposed to fit up
a lecture room for philosophical lectures and
experiments and to provide a complete
laboratory and philosophical apparatus for
making chemical and other experiments.
Only men of the first eminence in science
were to be invited to “ officiate in the most
important and distinguished situation of
lecturers,” and, to judge from the prospec-
tus, they were to confine themselves to
the most severely practical applications of
For the first two or three years Rumford
devoted all his energy to the realization of
his ideas, and it is evident enough that dur-
ing that time he was the ruling spirit of the
Institution. The first part of his scheme to
be brought into operation was the course of
philosophical lectures. These were begun
in March, 1800, Dr. Garnett being the first
professor. For a time a temporary lecture-
room was used, but it was not long before
the theatre, built from the designs of Web-
ster, was brought into occupation. This
room, which is singularly successful in its
acoustic properties, remains substantially
unaltered at the present day, the chief
structural changes being the abolition of a
stone staircase that led directly from the
upper gallery to the street, and the improved
exit, which was finished only a month or
two ago. The only other important event
in the first year of the Institution’s exist-
ence was the appointment of 14 committees
for the purpose of specific scientific investi-
gations ; but that the managers had not the
least idea of promoting what we should
now call original research in pure science is
obvious from the subjects into which they
were to inquire. Rumford’s hand is plainly
discernible in the list, which includes bread,
soup, cottages, stoves, household furniture,
food for cattle, mortar and cement, fireballs
and combustible cakes, etc. In the next
two years still greater progress was made.
The chemical laboratory was brought into
use, and a director, operator and assistant
were appointed ; the workshops, in which
models of new and useful inventions were
to be constructed and sold at reasonable
prices to subscribers and professors, were
finished and provided with the best tools
obtainable ; a number of skilled mechanics
were engaged, and arrangements were made
for the reception of ingenious and well-
behaved young men, who were to be
boarded in the house, working in the work-
shops by day and in the evening attending
classes in drawing, practical geometry and
mathematics, under the direction of the
clerk of the works (Mr. Webster).
But in 1802 a change began to make it-
self felt. Doubtless the circumstances that
personal reasons caused Rumford to leave
England and relinquish the superintend-
ence of the Institution was not without
influence, but the main factor was want of
money. Rumford was perhaps justified in
writing early in 1801 that the Institution
was ‘not only the fashion, but the rage’;
but in 1802 the case was certainly different.
In 1799 the income was £6,379 and in 1800
£11,047, but in 1801 it fell to £3,474 and in
1802 to £2,999, while at the same time the
expenses were increasing. In short, the
state of affairs became so bad that the idea
was seriously discussed of closing the place
and selling off its property to pay its debts.
Luckily, however, it was saved, and the
management passed into the hands of men
stigmatized by Sir Joseph Banks as ‘the
enemy’ and ‘ the profane,’ which was, per-
haps, his way of saying that they possessed
some businesslike instincts. Quietly drop-
ping the kitchens, the models, the work-
shops and the school for mechanics, in
which Rumford’s interest had centered,
they determined to carry on the scientific
establishment and to get money for so doing
by giving ‘ fashion to science.’ This policy
may not have been magnificent, but it was
successful, and has resulted in securing to
the Royal Institution a place in the history
of scientific progress which all the patent
stoves and roasters in the world would
never have assured. Nor, after all, was
there anything very dreadful about it.
The private patron of science or art is not
despised because his liberality has afforded
some struggling genius the opportunity of
using his talents ; why, then, should an in-
stitution have been abused because it set
itself to organize the public into a sort of
collective patron ?
The domestic record of the Royal Insti-
tution from the time when, in Davy’s
words, it definitely took the ‘‘form of a
body for promoting experimental science
and for diffusing every species of philo-
sophical knowledge ”’ contains few events of
surpassing interest. Financial crises have
been not infrequent, and sometimes acute,
but have never proved fatal. Increased
prosperity was hoped for as a result of the
modification of its constitution by Act of
Parliament in 1810, but its first endowment,
some 23 years later, was none the less wel-
come. This consisted of a sum of £10,000
from John Fuller, and rumor says that it
was a token of gratitude because the lec-
ture theatre of the Institution was the only
place where he could overcome the insom-
nia from which he habitually suffered.
With two-thirds of the money professor-
ships of chemistry and physiology were to
be endowed, while the remaining portion
went to form an accumulating fund, the in-
terest on which, when the capital amounted
to £10,000, was to be applied to the general
purposes of the Institution. Since then it
has received many legacies and donations.
Money left by Mr. Alfred Davis in 1870
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 233.
enabled the chemical laboratory to be re-
built in accordance with modern require-
ments; in 1892 Mr. T. G. Hodgkins, of
Setauket, Long Island, gave $100,000 for
the ‘investigation of the relations and co-
relations existing between man and his
Creator’; and in 1896 Dr. Ludwig Mond
founded and endowed the Davy-Faraday
Research Laboratory, which is contiguous to
the Royal Institution and under the super-
intendence of its managers. This is spe-
cially interesting as being in great meas-
ure the realization of a scheme which the
Institution all but adopted more than half
a century before. In 1843 a proposal was
made to establish on its premises a school
of chemistry, not only to give instruction to
students, but to provide a place where orig-
inal research could be carried on by skilled
workers. The scheme met with cordial ap-
proval from Faraday and the managers of
the Institution, and they only abandoned
it because they were reluctantly driven to
the conclusion that the accommodation was
not sufficient to carry it out properly. Since
that time schools of chemistry have been
started in abundance, but no place designed
exclusively for the prosecution of independ-
ent research existed in England until Dr.
Mond’s liberality provided this laboratory,
which is open to qualified workers without
distinction of sex or nationality.
The real history of the Royal Institution
is the history of the discoveries made by
the distinguished men who have worked in
its laboratories, and to write that in full, at
least for the early part of this century,
would be little less than writing the history
of scientific progress in England. The
Institution had the good fortune to secure
among its first professors three of the great-
est natural philosophers this century has
known. The first, Thomas Young, was a
man of the most remarkable and varied at-
tainments, but, perhaps, his best title to
fame is that he was one of the prime found-
JUNE 16, 1899. ]
ers of the wave theory of light, which plays
so important a part in modern physics. It
was left to later generations to appreciate
his merits in this respect and to discover
that he had anticipated many points for
which Fresnel was given the credit. Sir
Humphry Davy’s tenure of the professor-
ship was nearly coextensive with his scien-
tific life. Engaged in 1801, he immediately
proved himself not only a lecturer of sin-
gular charm, but a most skilful and prolific
investigator. His most far-reaching re-
searches were probably those on the chem-
ical agencies of electricity, for it was in the
course of them that he decomposed the
alkalies by a strong electrical current, thus
not only discovering the metals sodium and
potassium, but laying the foundations of
electrolytical chemistry, a science whose
industrial applications are now becoming
more numerous and important every day.
In addition, he made many researches in
pure chemistry, and his work in the phil-
osophy of flame led to the famous invention
of the miner’s safety lamp. The third of
this triumvirate, Michael Faraday, entered
the service of the Institution as assistant in
the laboratory and rose to be its chief orna-
ment and support. His scientific output
during the 50 years in which he labored is
quite unequalled for range and quality, in-
cluding, as it does, researches in alloys, new
organic compounds, optical glass, the lique-
faction of gases, regelation, the action of
metals on light, magnetism and diamag-
netism, the magnetization of light, and the
induction of electrical currents. The place
of honor must undoubtedly be assigned to
his work in the last department, not only
because of its enormous theoretical sig-
nificance, but also on account of the prac-
tical results of which it has been the start-
ing point ; it forms the foundation of the
huge and increasing fabric of modern elec-
trical engineering.
Another distinguished name in the annals
of the Royal Institution is that of John
Tyndall, who for 34 years maintained the
traditions of the place as a brilliant lecturer
and experimentalist. His researches were
numerous and varied, the main ones rela-
ting to heat, to sound and to the behavior of
small particles, such as compose dust,
whether of living or dead matter. Of the
first the difficult investigation of the ab-
sorption by gaseous bodies of invisible radia-
tion is the most important, but his book
on ‘ Heat considered as a Mode of Motion ’
is a classic which shows to advantage his
splendid power of popular scientific exposi-
tion. Insound some of his most interesting
work, that on the laws governing the audi-
bility of foghorns and other signals in thick
weather, was done as scientific adviser to
the Trinity Board, a position in which he
succeeded his friend and colleague Faraday,
while his inquiries on atmospheric dust
yielded results of great value alike to the
physicist and the biologist. Tyndall was
succeeded, both at the Royal Institution and
the Trinity House, by Lord Rayleigh, who
is universally recognized as one of the ablest
mathematical physicists now living. Doubt-
less he is best known popularly in connec-
tion with the discovery of argon, but, in fact,
his scientific reputation rests upon investi-
gations of the most abstruse and difficult
kind and upon practical achievements,
among which the isolation of a new gas
takes a secondary place. Of the men who
followed Faraday in the chair of chemistry
all are still at work. The first, Sir Edward
Franklin, perhaps, in strictness should not
be called a successor of Faraday, since he
never held the Fullerian professorship,
which was bestowed on Faraday for life,
but he was appointed professor of chemistry
when the latter’s failing health obliged him
to give up lecturing, and in the laboratory
of the Royal Institution he carried out some
of those researches on organo-metallic com-
pounds which stamped him as one of the
most remarkable experimentalists of the
time. The next two Fullerian professors
were Dr. Odling and Dr. Gladstone, and
the fourth was Professor Dewar, the present
occupier of the chair, who was appointed
in 1877. Continuing the work initiated by
Faraday on the liquefaction of gases, he has
succeeded in proving by experiment that, as
indicated by theory, there is no such thing
as a ‘permanent gas ;’ for, since his recent
liquefaction of fluorine, helium and hydro-
gen, no known gas remains that has not
been reduced to the liquid state. His
work has opened up an entirely fresh field
of physical research, and, rich as the first
results have been so far, they are in all
probability only small in comparison with
those which will be obtained by further in-
vestigation of the properties of matter near
the zero of absolute temperature.
The Institution has undoubtedly been
fortunate in the professors who have worked
in its laboratories. But even genius can-
not do much without opportunity, and,
therefore, some of the credit is deserved by
the long succession of officers and members
of the Committee of Managers, who have
for a hundred years looked after its business
affairs and guided it safely through many
vicissitudes, not only without fee or emolu-
ment, but at the expense of much time and
not infrequently of much money. In this
connection it is interesting to note that the
presidency almost seems to have become an
hereditary appanage of the Dukes of North-
umberland, for, with the exception of the.
years between 1865 and 1873, when it was
held by Sir Henry Holland, it has been in
their hands continuously since 1842. Men-
tion, too, must be made of what the mem-
bers themselves have done. Over and
above their regular subscriptions, they, with
their friends, have contributed since 1863
something like £13,000 to the fund for the
promotion of experimental research, and it
is safe to say that had it not been for this
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 233.
fund English science in general would have
been the poorer, and the Royal institution
in particular would not possess the inter-
national reputation it bears to-day—a repu-
tation won, be it remembered, in the good
old English way, without state subvention
or government aid. Modern scientific re-
search daily becomes more costly, because
apparatus grows in delicacy and compli-
cation, on the one hand, and in ‘size and
weight, on the other, and thus there arises
a proportionate increase in the need for
individual generosity. The fact that such
pecuniary aid has been forthcoming in the
last century warrants the expectation that
the stream of benefactors to the Royal
Institution will not fail in the next, and
that they will enable it to point to as proud
a record on its second centenary as it now
does on its first.
The Elements of Practical Astronomy. By W.
W. CAMPBELL. New York, The Macmillan
Company. 1899. Second Edition, Revised
and Enlarged. Pp. xii+ 264. Price, $2.
This second edition of a work favorably
known to American astronomers who are
charged with the duty of instruction appears
in bulkier form and better mechanical execu-
tion than its predecessor, but with its general
character not very greatly altered. Its merits
and defects are to be estimated from the stand-
point assumed by the author, who assures us
that ‘‘My experience in presenting the ele-
ments of practical astronomy to rather large
classes of students in the University of Michi-
gan led me to the conclusion that the extensive
treatises on the subject could not be used satis-
factorily, except in special cases.’’ In this
opinion we heartily concur and, absolving the
author from obligation to deal with the more
specialized and recondite parts of his subject,
we find his self-imposed task properly expressed
in the words ‘‘It is intended that this book
shall contain the elements of practical as-
tronomy with numerous applications to the
problems first requiring solution.’’ For this
JUNE 16, 1899.]
purpose one may properly enough select the
conventional material and methods found in
such authoritative treatises as those of Chau-
venet and Bruennow, and for the most part this
has been done in the present work with great
fidelity, although the author has found room for
some few ameliorations of astronomical practice.
The material selected for presentation is that
leading up to the determination of time, lati-
tude and azimuth with portable instruments,
together with a brief treatment of the meridian
circle and equatorial telescope and a welcome
chapter, not usually found in such works, upon
the surveyor’s transit. This really efficient in-
strument has been strangely neglected by
astronomers, and its astronomical capabilities
find scant appreciation even in the present work,
whose author, doubtless through a slip of the
pen, appears to consider the accuracy attain-
able with it to depend upon the least count of
the verniers. A further most welcome innova-
tion, which the author has not seen fit to make
here, but which we bespeak fora future edition,
would have been the introduction of an ele-
mentary treatment of the spectroscope consid-
ered as an adjunct to the equatorial telescope.
Asa whole the work may be cordially com-
mended, but its general excellence is marred
here and there by sins both of omission and
commission. Opinions may differ as to the
author’s wisdom in appending to the text a bald
exhibit of the principal formule of the
method of least squares, with no pretense at
their derivation and with but little explanation
of their use, but surely ‘the best modern prac-
tice of observing’ does not justify the giving
up of four per cent. of the entire treatise to
such antiquated matter as lunar distances and
the ring micrometer, nor does the scope of a
beginner’s book seem to call for giving up
another four per cent. to diurnal parallax as
affected by the earth’s compression, although
precedent for such treatment may be found in
the standard works.
The author’s methods of observation and
computation are for the most part those of
Chauvenet, an excellent model for half a cen-
tury ago, but one which now admits of improve-
ment in respect of formule to be employed for
the reduction of observations. The general in-
troduction of addition and subtraction loga-
rithms into all the better logarithmic tables in
common use has removed that supposed neces-
sity for ‘adapting formule to logarithmic com-
putation ’ under which the older writers labored,
and in many cases permits their formuls, and
those of Professor Campbell, to be considerably
simplified. An instance in point may be found
at p. 107, where the author derives the hour
angle of a star from its measured altitude
through the formula for tan 4 ¢ and is obliged
to write down seventeen numbers for this pur-
pose. The same result may be derived through
cos ¢ and the addition and subtraction loga-
rithms with thirteen numbers, and the latter re-
sult is in no wise inferior to the former in re-
spect of the unavoidable errors in logarithmic
computation. In this particular case the two
methods, when applied with five-figure loga-
rithms, give results which differ by only one sec-
ond of are, after correction of two errors in the
the author’s computation which make his
printed hour angle 74’’ wrong.
A similar case occurs at page 199, where the
author introduces the parallactic angle into the
formule for determining the azimuth of a cir-
cumpolar star when its declination, hour angle
and the latitude are given. In the example
given to illustrate these formule and solved at
p- 201 with six-figure logarithms the author
writes down nineteen numbers in order to pass
from ¢to A, where the ordinary formula which
furnishes tan A directly in terms of the data
permits the transformation to be made with
eleven numbers. In respect of precision the
short method has an even greater advantage,
and when applied with five place tables will
in general give results as precise as can be ob-
tained with six place tables by the method of
the text.
Throughout his entire work the author ap-
pears to have ignored the advantage offered by
addition and subtraction logarithms, with re-
sults distinctly unfavorable to his formule.
Another example of correct and conventional
but cumbrous methods of reduction may be
found in connection with the readings of a
spirit level, p. 80. By the use of diagonal
differences the result may here be found and
checked without writing down a single figure.
The rather tedious treatment of the transit
instrument in 45 pages contains no reference
to two innovations, the most important since
the invention of the chronograph, which have
been successfully introduced into modern Euro-
pean practice with this instrument. The in-
vention of the transit micrometer has furnished
a simple and effective means of almost per-
fectly eliminating the influence of personal equa-
tion in transit observations, and the practice
which has come into vogue in connection with
this micrometer, of reversing the instrument
upon every star observed, equatorial as well as
polar, is revolutionary in its effect upon work
with a portable transit. This reversal may be
employed equally well with any good form of
transit, and furnishes the very great advantage
of automatically eliminating from the observa-
tion of each star a host of errors, such as the
effects of collimation, flexure, ineqality of
pivots, etc., and the further signal advan-
tage that the number of unknown quantities
in the observation equation furnished by the
star is reduced from the three or four recom-
mended by the author to two. A work in
which these advances are ignored is of doubt-
ful service in ‘illustration of the best modern
practice’ with the transit instrument.
The most serious general criticism to be
brought against Professor Campbell’s treatment
of his subject is illustrated above; that he has
not chosen methods and formule with sufficient
reference to economizing the time and labor of
the computer, although for the guidance of the
latter, in matters left to his own judgment,
there is furnished in Appendix A an excellent
series of hints on computing.
Other points at which the author nods in
varying degree from obscurity of statement to
absolute error are the foot-note to p. 207 rela-
tive to projecting the sun’s image upon a screen
by ‘ focusing the eye-piece so that the images of
the sun and wire are seen on the paper’ and
the statement, p. 75, that in the determination
of the value of a revolution of a micrometer
screw from transits of a star ‘the effect of re-
fraction is inappreciable if the observations are
made near the meridian.’ The first quotation is
technically correct, but few students would infer
from it that two distinct operations are®o be
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 233.
performed, one of which in the ordinary type
of instrument consists in moving the objective.
The second quotation is quite wrong if more
than three significant figures are required in the
result and in the illustrative example given by
the author, by neglecting the refraction he has
vitiated the final result to an amount twice as
great as the probable error which he assigns
to it.
An error made with all the emphasis of ital-
ics requires that an altitude measured from the
sea horizon shall be corrected for refraction be-
fore the dip of the horizon is taken into account,
and another error occurs at p. 160 (and also in
the first edition of the work) where the rate of
a chronometer is represented as a linear function
of the temperature, although experience and
theory alike indicate that the relation between
these quantities must be expressed by an equa-
tion of at least the second degree.
It is very doubtful if a consensus of astro-
nomical opinion could be brought to sanction the
method of reduction of zenith telescope latitudes
recommended by the author, viz: a least-square
solution in which the value of a level division
is introduced as an unknown quantity. Under
all ordinary conditions the observations should
be so conducted that the direct determination
of this quantity shall far outweigh any value
which can be derived from the latitude observa-
The mechanical execution of the work is ex-
cellent ; it is provided with an adequate index
and illustrated by cuts which are in the main
well chosen, although here we regret that the
author has selected as ‘an excellent form of the
prismatic (broken) transit’ an instrument which
is a complete failure and has been consigned to
oblivion by the government bureau for which
it was constructed.
G. C. C.
Infinitesimal Analysis. Vol. I., Elementary :
SmirH, Professor of Mathematics in Tulane
University. New York, The Macmillan
Company. 1898. 8vo. Pp. xvi+ 352. Price,
The book in hand is the initial volume of a
treatise in course of composition which is to
JUNE 16, 1899.]
consist of three volumes. Concerning the
merits of this first part in so far as these may
ultimately depend on its relations to the rest of
the work, it would be premature to form an
opinion. Apart, however, from this contingent
and inchoate character of the volume, it has
a unity and maturity of its own, being avowedly
written as an introduction to the calculus, and
as such is properly before the public for review.
The author’s aim has been ‘‘ to penetrate as
far as possible, and in as many directions, into
the subject—that the student should attain as
wide knowledge of the matter, as full compre-
hension of the methods, and as clear conscious-
ness of the spirit and power of this analysis as
the nature of the case would admit.’’ It is not
easy to realize so high and composite an ideal.
The nature of the case, it is well known, pre-
sents some grave difficulties. Of these the most
obstinate inheres in the combination of doctrine
and applications, of the general and abstract
with the particular and concrete, in securing,
despite the fragmentariness incident to illus-
tration and example, the effect of unity and
wholeness in the development of theory.
French and German writers, such as Jordan,
Harnack, Stolz, escape the difficulty of combin-
ing theory and practice by simply ignoring the
latter. By this easy disregard of the needs of
all students except specialists in graduate years,
these authors are enabled to attain a coherency
and symmetry of development which lend to
their work, besides the scientific, something of
an artistic character. The Englishman, on the
other hand, is prone to lose both of these ad-
vantages by sinning in the opposite direction,
by a distinct subordination of theory to practice,
a collocation, however interesting and useful,
of exercises for the ingenuity of students, being
neither an esthetic nor, in strictness, a scien-
tific production.
The problem of overcoming instead of dodg-
ing the difficulty in question, of escaping the
mentioned vices without losing their peculiar
virtues, admits of only approximate solution.
The necessary compromise has, as is well known,
been skilfully effected in German in the de-
servedly much-praised treatise by Kiepert. In
the book under review a notably similar suc-
cess has been achieved in English. In fact,
these two works, though differing widely in
method and detail, are closely allied in spirit
and aim. The motive in both is to guide and
inspire; both are honest, anxious not to de-
ceive, faithful in indicating assumptions and lim-
itations, and, while seeking first to be intelligi-
ble, are in general as rigorous as circumstances
will allow. Neither author forgets that in last
analysis his science resides in theory, which,
therefore, properly receives the greater empha-
sis. Nevertheless, both works abound in con-
crete examples. These, curiously enough, are
nearly all worked out in the German text,
while in the English most of them are, as
usual, left as exercises for the student.
In point of matter these works are not coin-
cident nor coextensive either with one another
or with their rivals, such as the treatises by
Edwards, Williamson and Greenhill. For ex-
ample, Kiepert gives a concise preliminary
treatment of certain algebraic themes, as the
binomial theorem, the potential and logarithmic
series, convergency and divergency, determi-
nants and others, while Smith has, for the sake
of brevity, presumed knowledge of some of
these, treatment of others being reserved for
Vol. II. A like reservation is made in case of
the complex variable, and, save for an elegant
though very brief account, in case also of differ-
ential equations, to each of which topics Kie-
pert gives an introduction. On the other hand,
Smith, like Williamson, deals with the gamma
functions and inserts a helpful chapter on curve
tracing, while Kiepert excludes the former sub-
ject and considers the latter but incidentally.
The omission by the American, as by the Ger-
man, of the theory of probability and the calcu-
lus of variations is a noticeable departure from
British precedent.
The opening chapter of the volume before us
is, in many respects, an admirable presentation
of fundamental concepts and operations. The
path pursued leads quickly into the heart of
the subject. The student meets first things of
first importance. The notion of limit is at
once lifted into prominence, being carefully un-
folded at the very outset, and employed with-
out delay in definition and proof. The infini-
tesimal is correctly defined, and its subjective
character is pointed out, the fact, namely, that
its essence consists not in any value it may as-
sume, but in our power over it to make it small
at will. The advantage of introducing the in-
finite in connection with the infinitesimal is not
availed of; the former notion is, in fact, not de-
fined at all. Similarly, the discussion of infini-
tesimals of higher order would have been en-
hanced by mention at least of the complementary
topic. The author retains the entire respect-
able but obsolescent definition of algebraic
function, the modern definition of such function
as the root of an equation having coefficients
rational in the independent variable, being ap-
parently nowhere employed. Continuity is not
adequately treated, and this preéminently im-
portant subject will doubtless be accorded suit-
able recognition in the next volume. Numerous
examples of discontinuity, such as are given by
Kiepert, are well-nigh indispensable aids to the
student, whose attention, moreover, might with
profit have been explicitly directed to the fact
that the derivability of a function always im-
plies, though is not implicit in, its continuity.
The idea of uniform continuity is introduced,
but only on occasion, as in the deduction of the
theorem of total differential, On p. 11 the
H ‘ etek
reader is warned against regarding as a frac-
tion, and on p. 79, where the differential nota-
tion is explained, he is cautioned against ‘at-
tempting a magnitudinal interpretation’ of du
and dx in the ‘symbolic equation du = u,dz,’
which ‘means that the derivative of wu as to x
isu,.’ The author’s view of this critical matter,
while not in full accord with that, for example,
of Jordan’s Cours, p. 61, is nevertheless intelli-
gible, consistent and adequate.
The early introduction (Chapter II.) of the
notions of integral and integration is attended
with obvious advantages. The treatment is good
scientifically and pedagogically. A specially
commendable didactic feature is the calculation
of several integrals by actually making the re-
quired subdivisions, forming the corresponding
products, generalizing, and throwing the sum-
mation into a form suitable for perceiving its
Space is wanting for briefest comment on
many interesting sections as those dealing with
illusory forms, maxima and minima, geomet-
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 233.
ric interpretation of higher derivatives, change
of variable, partial integration, Jacobians, mul-
tiple integrals, parametric derivation, and so on.
It remains to say that not the least praise-
worthy quality of the book is found in its style.
To be scientific it is not necessary to be vulgar.
The volume affords another illustration of the
compatibility of rigor and austerity of thought
with a generous regard for the amenities of ex-
pression. To many the book will be distinctly
the more attractive because of its human flavor,
its dialectic color, its life, an occasional glance
at the philosophic phases of the subject. A
rare union of conciseness with precision and
clearness is characteristic. For judicious ac-
centuation little more could be desired. The
reader is taken into confidence, invited to ac-
company rather than to follow. The work is
not a compilation and not a mechanical struc-
ture; it is rather an organism, a growth, nota-
ble for its merits, though, of course, sharing ina
measure the imperfections of its kind.
Defective Eyesight; The Principles of its Relief by
Glasses. By D. B. St. Joun Roosa, M.D.,
LL.D., Professor Emeritus of Diseases of
the Eye, New York Post-Graduate Medical
School and Hospital; Surgeon to the Man-
hattan Eye and Ear Hospital; Consulting
Surgeon’to the Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hos-
pital, etc. New York, The Macmillan Com-
pany. 1899. 8vo. Pp. 193.
This work is practically a revised edition of
the author’s little book ‘On the Determination
of the Necessity for Wearing Glasses,’ pub-
lished as one of the ‘ Physician’s Leisure Library
Series’ in 1887, by George 8. Davis, of Detroit,
The volume has gained much by its revision,
has had some excellent illustrated matter intro-
duced and has been considerably enlarged.
The subject is divided into seven parts, all of
which are written in the author’s well-known
easy style, making those who have had the
pleasure of personally reading his writings
more firmly convinced of his earnestness and
Considering the subject-matter in its given
JUNE 16, 1899.]
order, a most interesting historical notice of the
first attempts to accurately estimate the visual
power, the invention of the ophthalmoscope
and the apparatus required for testing vision
opens the volume. This is followed by a com-
prehensive description of presbyopia, myopia
and hypermetropia.
Astigmatism in its various forms is taken up
next, under which heading an extended account
of ophthalmometry to its minutest detail is
given. Asthenopia, particularly that which is
found in association with binocular vision, is
described in a graphic manner, while a number
of useful general remarks as to lenses, specta-
cles and eye-glasses finish the volume.
A careful perusal of the contents of the work
is recommended to any one who may be inter-
ested in the subject.
C. A. O.
German Higher Schools ; The History, Organization and
Methods of Secondary Education in Germany. JAMES
E. RussELL. New York, London and Bombay,
Longmans, Green & Co. 1899. Pp. xii-+ 455.
Year-book of the United States Department of Agriculture,
1899. Washington, Government Printing Office.
1899. Pp. 768.
Imperial Democracy. DAVID STARR JORDAN. New
York, D. Appleton & Co. 1899. Pp. viii + 293.
Eighteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological
Survey, 1896-97. CHARLES D. WALcort, Director.
Part II., Papers Chiefly of a Theoretical Nature.
Part IV., Hydrography. Washington, Govyern-
ment Printing Office. 1899.
THE 306th regular meeting was held April
8th. The first paper entitled ‘The Ferns of
Hemlock Bluff’? by Mr. Wm. Palmer included
a preliminary sketch of the geology of Hemlock
Bluff, a point on the Virginia shore of the
Potomac between Georgetown and Great Falls.
The locality is particularly rich in cryptogamic
plants, over twenty species of ferns being
A recent noteworthy addition to this list is
that of <Asplenium pinnatifidum hitherto un-
known from the District of Columbia or the
adjacent parts, and supposed to be confined to
limestone rocks in mountain regions. The
rocks at Hemlock Bluff are, however, gneissic.
Mr. Palmer stated that this interesting and
beautiful station is threatened with destruction,
and expressed the hope that Congressional action
would be taken in time to protect the banks of
the Potomac from further devastation.
‘Notes on the Habits of African Termites’
was the subject of the second paper, read by O.
F. Cook. On the basis of observations made in
Liberia several points in the domestic economy
of termites have been established. Among
these may be mentioned the fact that some ter-
mites regularly collect. rotting wood, which
they put through a process of curing and then
comminute into the pulp used in building the
irregularly honeycombed fungus gardens which
produce the food of at least the young animals
of the colony. The soldiers of these species
(Termes bellicosus and allies), which sally out
from the nest in response to attacks by men or
animals, do not return to the nest, but wander
about and soon perish from exposure to the out-
side air. Other soldiers, the so-called nasuti,
of which the head is produced above into a long
beak, eject from this process, which is hollow,
a transparent, acrid, malodorous and corrosive
fluid, which forms a most effective means of
defence against ants and other insect enemies,
and renders them distasteful to birds. <A third
type of soldier can neither shoot nor bite, but
the large, unequal mandibles are especially
adapted to produce a loud clicking sound
which furnishes protection at least against other
species of termites. It was also found that the
perfect insects associate in pairs when flying
over water and that, after dropping their wings,
such pairs are able to burrow into the ground,
thus suggesting the possible origin of termite
Under the head of ‘ Biological Characteristics
as a means of Species Differentiation’ Dr.
Erwin F. Smith described in detail the very
numerous culture-methods, reactions and other
tests now in use in bacteriology. To accomplish
all these investigations a species is sometimes
carried in the laboratory for two years or
longer. The insufficiency of the older and,
indeed, of many of the more recent descriptions
wasnoted. The descriptive methods applicable
to larger organisms here fail almost completely,
necessitating that diagnoses depend upon physio-
logical facts which receive little attention in the
descriptions of species belonging to groups of
greater structural complexity.
At the 307th meeting, April 22d, Dr. 8. D.
Judd gave an account of a recent observation
on chimney-swifts. A large flock was seen fly-
ing in a circle at great height and then gradu-
ally descending over a chimney of Georgetown
College, which they finally entered. Discus-
sion followed by Dr. L. O. Howard and Pro-
fessor E. L. Morris. The latter had noticed
that individual swifts leave the flock in small
parties of equal size until near the end of the
flight, when the remaining birds hurry into the
chimney without any regularity of proce-
Professor T. D. A. Cockerell then opened the
regular program with a paper on the ‘ Faunce
and Faunule of New Mexico,’ in which he de-
scribed the various life-zones of New Mexico,
beginning with summits of the mountains.
The different belts are usually well marked
and are best designated by the names of abun-
dant and characteristic plants, such as the
spruce, pifion, scrub-oak, Dasylirion, Yucca,
Larrea and Atriplex canescens. One of the most
notable peculiarities of New Mexican condi-
tions is that the Larrea belt, supposed to repre-
sent the Lower Sonoran zone, occurs on the
bases of the mountains above Atriplex canescens,
which is considered a more northern type.
This apparent anomaly is explained by the fact
that the bottoms of the valleys are visited
by currents of cold air which render the
changes of temperature more rigorous than at
somewhat greater elevations. In all groups the
species of the New Mexican region are largely
peculiar, doubtless to a considerable extent the
result of the fact that the naturalization of in-
troduced species is rendered extremely difficult
by the severe late frosts which native forms
avoid by remaining dormant through the gen-
erally very warm weather of early spring.
In the course of the ensuing discussion Dr.
Merriam explained that the conditions de-
scribed by Professor Cockerell were consider-
ably different from those studied by himself in
(N.S. Vou. IX. No. 233.
Arizona, while Mr. Osgood noticed a close
parallel in some of the valleys of California.
Mr. Coville suggested that Professor Cockerell’s
Atriplex might prove to be A. tetraptera, A.
canescens being a plant of more northern dis-
tribution. Dr. Loew related experience gained
while a member of the Wheeler Expedition
(1872-1875), which led him to the view that the
cold air which collects in the bottoms of valleys
sinks on account of its greater weight, causing
the warm air to rise along the slopes of the
mountains, which are thus maintained at a
higher temperature. Dr. Merriam resumed the
discussion and explained how in a similar way
upward currents of warm air are formed in val-
leys of more heated southwestern slopes of
mountains, frequently permitting the extension
of the flora and fauna of the valley to an alti-
tude sometimes 2,000 or 3,000 feet above the
normal. .
The next paper, ‘Some Microchemical Re-
actions resembling Fungi,’ by Dr. A. F. Woods,
explained that living protoplasm of plant cells,
when treated with certain reagents in common
use in histological investigations, will form pre-
cipitates which closely resemble and have been
mistaken for fungi supposed to be living as
parasites inside the cell. Dr. Woods had been
able, by adding very gradually such a reagent
(eau de Javelle), to observe the progress, in living
cells of the Bermuda lily, of a reaction closely
similar to the appearances which have been
described by Viala and others as a species of
Plasmodiophora and which they believed to be
the cause of a disease of the grape. The pa-
per was illustrated by specimens and photo-
The program was concluded by Dr. Oscar
Loew with a paper on ‘The Fermentation of
Tobacco.’ The processes of tobacco curing and
fermentation were described. The rise in tem-
perature and improvement in flavor during the
latter process have been in recent years uni-
formly ascribed to the presence of bacteria, and
many attempts to isolate the specific germ have
been made, several of which have been reported
as successful. Dr. Loew finds, however, that
bacteria have no part in these changes, that the
conditions are unfavorable for the growth of
bacteria, there being too little moisture, and
JUNE 16, 1899. ]
finally, that even such bacteria as may have
been accidentally present on the leaves are
killed in the curing process. He has discovered
two oxydizing enzymes the proportions of
which are determining factors in the produc-
tion of the color and aromaof tobacco. Faulty
methods of curing may destroy these enzymes
and prevent the changes which bring about
improved flavor. The nicotine, which does not
exist in the fresh leaf, is one of the products
formed during the action of the enzymes.
Professor Whitney offered the opinion that
Dr. Loew’s discoveries were to be looked upon
as the beginning of a scientific understanding of
the processes of acquiring color and aroma, and
' that they marked a new departure of great
scientific and practical importance. Dr. Loew
then replied to various questions by Dr. de
Schweinitz and others.
O. F. Coox,
THE 503d meeting of the Society was held in
the assembly room of the Cosmos Club at 8 p.
m., May 27th. The first paper was by Mr.
Frank Radelfinger on ‘Some Recent Researches
on Linear Differential Equations.’
After a brief introduction reviewing and sum-
marizing the methods used in the solution of
differential equations before the introduction of
the complex variable into analysis the work of
Fuchs on the theory of linear differential equa-
tions was considered and its salient points
denoted. The researches of Thomé and Poin-
caré on equations with irregular integrals were
very briefly treated, and then came the princi-
pal part of the paper, giving an account of the
recent introduction of the ideas of the Galois-
group theory into the theory of the linear differ-
ential equation. The work of Picard and Ves-
siot was discussed. A statement of the princi-
pal theorems of the linear group was given and
their analogy to those relating to the symetrical
group of algebra mentioned. A concise state-
ment of the theory of irreducibility and its ap-
plication to the theory of linear differential
equations was made, and it was shown that
the results obtained by the group theory when
combined with this idea furnished us with a
rational basis for their classification. This was
illustrated by making an application to the case
of an equation of the second order. The con-
ditions that must be satisfied by a linear equa-
tion in order that it may be integrated by quad-
ratures was next discussed. In conclusion, some
points to be perfected in the theory of equations
with irregular integrals were indicated and
mention made of recent researches in the
theory of divergent series that may throw some
light on these points; the importance of the
group theory was mildly emphasized and a
statement made of the results to be expected
from its further application to the theory of
linear differential equations, especially in re-
gard to arithmetization of this theory.
The second paper was by Mr. Louis D. Bliss
on ‘Hertzian Waves as applied to Wireless
Telegraphy and Firing of Guns from a Distance.’
The substance of Mr. Bliss’s remarks was as
follows: Upon the electro-magnetic theory of
light proposed by Maxwell in 1867 Hertz in
1888 sueceeded in producing signals through
space, without the aid of any material medium,
by the propagation of electro-magnetic waves.
For a transmitter he employed an ‘Oscillator’
and for a receiver a ‘Resonator’ of special
Marconi, in 1895, reduced to practical form
what was thus far experimental, by the con-
struction of a ‘Coherer’ or ‘Electric Eye,’
consisting of a glass tube filled with metal
powder on which the waves could strike. The
resistance of the powder was thereby greatly
diminished on account of the cohesion of the
particles under the influence of the waves.
This permitted a battery (which was constantly
in circuit) to force a powerful current through
the device, and thus operate a telegraph relay
or sounder, or operate a fuse to fire a cannon,
mine or other device at will. These signals
may now be transmitted through space between
stations 30 miles apart, the height of the verti-
cal wire which must be connected to the ap-
paratus at each station varying as the square
root of the distance. (Demonstrations of firing
a cannon without wires and telegraphy through
space were made.)
MAY 1, 1899.
THE regular meeting of the Astronomy and
Physics Section was held at 12 West 31st
Street, New York, on May 1, 1899, Professor
Pupin, the Chairman of the Section, presiding.
The first paper, describing experiments by
Professor Pupin and Mr. F. Townsend, on the
magnetization of iron with alternating currents,
was read by Mr. Townsend. The paper was
only a preliminary account, as the experiments
are still in progress. The current wave in a
transformer with open secondary circuit is a
complex harmonic vibration, and the particular
object of this research is to determine the am.
plitudes and phase relations of the components
of the fundamental vibration.
The component due to eddy currents is de-
termined from the curves of electromotive
force and current, together with the static
hysteresis loop for the given magnetization, by
a graphical method. The eddy current com-
ponent is found to lag behind the electromotive
force. Also, the dynamic hysteresis loop is
found to have a rounded point, as distinguished
from the sharp point characteristic of the static
The phase of the fundamental of the total
current wave is found by means of a specially
constructed phase meter. Its amplitude is de-
termined from the electromotive force and total
The remaining component to be determined
is that due to hysteresis and induction reaction.
This and the eddy current component form two
sides of a parallelogram of which the fundamen-
tal of the total current wave is the diagonal. If
the last two are determined in amplitude and
phase the fundamental of the distorted wave of
magnetizing current can readily be found.
The ultimate object of the investigation is to
formulate the laws which govern the reactions
accompanying the magnetization of iron by
alternating currents.
The second paper was by Mr. C. C. Trow-
bridge on phosphorescent substances at liquid-
air temperatures. Calcium sulphide, made
phosphorescent by exposure to sunlight at ordi-
nary temperatures, was made non-luminous by
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 233.
immersion in liquid air. Then, when allowed
to heat up gradually to normal temperature,
the phosphorescence again became visible at
about —100° to —75° C. The same material,
if exposed to sunlight while immersed in liquid
air, phosphoresced faintly while still immersed.
When exposed to the electric are it phospho-
resced strongly. In both of these cases the
phosphorescence became brighter when the
temperature was raised. From these results,
and what was previously known, it was con-
cluded that when a phosphorescent substance
like calcium sulphide is excited by light the
phosphorescent energy will be given up at the
temperature of excitation even when as low as
—190° C. But if it is cooled below the tem- °
perature of excitation the phosphorescent dis-
charge is arrested, and remains so until the
temperature is raised again until it is within at
least 100° of the temperature of excitation.
It was found that calcium tungstate, which
gives a whitish fluorescence when exposed to
Rontgen rays, gave a green phosphorescence
when exposed to light while immersed in
liquid air.
Wm. 8S. Day,
IN SCIENCE, 1897 N.S. VI. 138, I published a
set of observations to prove that what is at
present considered to be retinal light arising
from chemical changes in the retina is really
not derived from the retina but from the brain.
The observations were essentially: 1. That
there was only one field of light instead of two,
and that this field showed no signs of binocular
union, binocular strife or stereoscopic union.
2. That the figures in the light do not change
as the eye moves, but follow the movement
later. 3. That the figures do not show move-
ment when the eye is displaced by pressure
with the fingers. A recent German reviewer,
while admitting the possibility that the light is
cerebral and not retinal, refuses to accept my
observations as sufficient proof.
Last night I was able to perform what seems
to be a crucial experiment ; I record its results
JUNE 16, 1899.]
while they are fresh in mind. I observed the
cerebral figures for some hours, repeating the
observations previously reported. When the
dawn faintly illuminated the window frame I
was able at one stage of brightness to see both
the frame and the figures. Placing the fingers
of the two hands against the outer ends of the
eyeballs, I displaced them simultaneously in
opposite directions; this was repeated a number
of times in rapid succession. As a result there
appeared two images of the frame moving in
opposite directions. The retinal figures seen
in front of the frame still remained single and
did not move. Granting that there was no
error in my observation, I cannot imagine a
more conclusive proof as to the cerebral nature
of the light.
The problem is really one of importance. If
this light is cerebral we have a means of
distinctly observing some of the phenomena in
the brain. The cerebral figures are intimately
associated with the contents of dreams. I be-
lieve also that the forms of the figures of cerebral
light are intimately connected with the phe-
nomena of nutritionin the brain. I find at the
present time that my figures are quite different
from those which I have been accustomed to
observing in past years ; this may correspond
to a radical change in the condition of the
nervous system which I have observed to have
taken place during the past six months. I find
also that the figures on first awakening from sleep
are very different from those that are seen when
the mind becomes fully awake. Systematic
observations by medical men may show that
diagnostic conclusions can be obtained by ask-
ing patients to describe their cerebral figures.
The question at the present time concerns the
sufficiency of the observations. If they are cor-
rect and reliable there is, I believe, no escape
from the conclusion that the figures are cere-
bral. I can see no reason to believe that my
carefully and repeatedly made observations are
erroneous, but it is highly desirable to have
them confirmed by other observers.
May 29, 1899.
THE issue of Nature for May 4th contains an
admirable portrait in photogravure of Profes-
sor Simon Newcomb, together with an article
describing his scientific work by M. Loewy, Di-
rector of the Paris Observatory. M. Loewy says :
Newcomb must be considered, without contradic-
tion, as one of the most celebrated astronomers of our
time, both on account of the immensity of his work
and the unity of view which marks the choice of the
subjects treated by him.
All is linked together in our solar system ; the
study of the motion of each one of the celestial bodies
forming part of it is based upon the knowledge of a
great number of numerical data, and there exists no
fundamental element whose influence is not reper-
cussed on the entire theory of these bodies. To
endeavor to build up the theory of our whole plan-
etary world onan absolutely homogeneous basis of
constants was an almost superhuman task.
After giving an extended account of some of
Professor Newcomb’s more important contribu-
tions M. Loewy concludes :
We have only been able to give a short sketch of
Newcomb’s achievements ; he is gifted with a pro-
digious power of work, which is testified by the ex-
traordinarily long list of his researches.
The reception which has been accorded to them by
all competent men points to their author as one of the
most illustrious representatives of celestial mechanics.
This activity has embraced the most diverse
branches of astronomy. Not only has he given a
great scope to the intellectual movement of his coun-
try, but he has also contributed, in a very successful
manner, to elevate the level of the civilization of our
age, enriching the domain of science with beautiful
and durable conquests.
OXFORD University conferred, on June 8th,
the degree of D.C.L. on Professor Simon New-
THE uew biological laboratory of Adelbert
College, Western Reserve University, was ded-
icated on June 13th. An address was delivered
by Professor W. K. Brooks.
PROFESSOR W. C. BROGGER, of the University
of Christiania, the distinguished Norwegian
geologist, has accepted an invitation to deliver
the second course of the George Huntington Wil-
liams memorial lectures at the Johns Hopkins
University, in April, 1900. Professor Brogger
has published a series of memoirs upon the
geology of southern Norway that have given
him rank among the leading investigators of
his time. Professor Brégger comes as the suc-
cessor in the Williams course to Sir Archibald
Geikie, the Director-General of the Geological
Surveys of Great Britain and Ireland, who
opened the lectureship two years ago with a
course upon ‘The Founders of Geology.’ Pro-
fessor Brégger will lecture upon ‘ Modern De-
ductions regarding the Origin of Igneous
PRESIDENT MCKINLEY has appointed a com-
mission to determine the best route for a canal
across the Isthmus of Panama or Nicaragua as
follows: Rear-Admiral John G. Walker, re-
tired ; Samuel Pasco, of Florida; Alfred Noble,
C. E., of Illinois; George S. Morrison, C. E.,
of New York; Colonel Peter C. Hains, U. 8.
A.; Professor William H. Burr, of Columbia
University ; Lieutenant-Colonel Oswald H.
Ernst, U. S. A.; Lewis M. Haupt, C. E., of
the University of Pennsylvania, and Professor
Emory R. Johnson, of Pennsylvania. Thesum
of $1,000,000 has been appropriated for the ex-
penses of the Commission and a number of sur-
veyors will accompany the party which will
shortly leave for Colon.
THE Editorial Board of the National Geo-
graphic Magazine has been enlarged, and, as ap-
pears from an announcement in the June num-
ber, an effort is being made to extend the
field of usefulness of the journal. The new
Board is as follows: Editor, John Hyde, Statis-
tician of the U. S. Department of Agriculture ;
Associate Editors, A. W. Greely, Chief Signal
Officer, U. S. Army; W J McGee, Ethnologist
in Charge, Bureau of American Ethnology ;
Henry Gannett, Chief Geographer, U. S. Geo-
logical Survey ; C. Hart Merriam, Biologist of
the U. 8. Department of Agriculture ; David J.
Hill, Assistant Secretary of State; Charles H.
Allen, Assistant Secretary of the Navy ; Willis
L. Moore, Chief of the U. S. Weather Bureau ;
H. S. Pritchett, Superintendent of the U. 8.
Coast and Geodetic Survey ; O. P. Austin, Chief
of the Bureau of Statistics, U. S.; Eliza Ruha-
mah Scidmore, author of ‘Java, the Garden of
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 233.
the East,’ etc.; Carl Louise Garrison, Principal
of Phelps School, Washington, D. C.; Assistant
Editor, Gilbert H. Grosvenor, Washington,
D. C.
THE Cape of Good Hope University has con-
ferred the degree of D.Sc., on Mr. A.W. Roberts,
of Lonsdale, for his astronomical discoveries
and the degree D. Litt.:on the Rey. Dr. Brincker
for researches on the native language.
Proressor Koc# and his assistants have been
pursuing their investigations on malaria at
Grosseto, a town between Rome and Genoa,
where much land has been reclaimed from the
marshes, thus greatly reducing the prevalent
of the Agricultural Chemical ExperimentStation
at Stockholm, died on May 14th, aged 59 years.
M. ApoLtpHE LEGEAL, a French geologist, has
been killed by the natives while making ex-
plorations in the French Soudan.
A CABLEGRAM to the daily papers from Japan
states that a party of scientific men, eleven
Japanese and one German, the names not being
given, while making explorations near Tosang,
on the Liao Tung Peninsula, were made pris-
oners by Russian cavalry and shot as spies,
without a trial.
WE are requested to announce that the
Royal Academy of Sciences of Turin will award
in 1903 the first Vallauri prize for the most
important work on physical science (the term
being used in its widest sense) published dur-
ing the four preceding years. The value of the
prize is about $6,000, and it is open to Italians
and foreigners on equal terms. Professor To-
masso Vallauri, Senator of the Kingdom of Italy,
who died in 1897, left his whole estate to the
Turin Academy for the establishment of two
prizes, one for scientific research and the other
for the study of Latin literature.
WE have now received a proof of the an-
nouncement of the approaching Dover meeting
of the British Association, which, however, does
not contain much information beyond what has
already been published. The President, Profes-
sor Foster, will deliver his address on Thursday
evening, September 14th. Professor Charles
Richet will lecture on Friday evening on ‘ La vi-
JUNE 16, 1899.]
bration nerveuse,’ and on Monday evening Pro-
fessor Fleming will lecture on the ‘ Centenary of
the Electric Current.’ Members of the Asso-
ciation Francaise pour l Avancement des Sci-
ences will visit Dover on Saturday, September
16th. Members of the British Association
are invited to visit Boulogne on Thursday,
September 21st. The Vice-Presidents for the
meeting are the Lord Archbishop of Canter-
bury, the Marquis of Salisbury, the Mayor
of Dover, the Major-General Commanding the
Southeastern District, the Right Hon. A. Akers-
Douglas, M.P., the Rev. F. W. Farrar, Dean
of Canterbury, Sir J. Norman Lockyer and
Professor G. H. Darwin.
THE Swiss Society of Natural Sciences will
hold its 82d annual meeting at Neuchatel from
the 31st of July to the 2d of August. In ad-
‘dition to a number of special lectures the
Society meets in seven sections as follows:
(1) Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy; (2)
Chemistry, Pharmacology and Hygiene; (3)
Zoology and Anthropology ; (4) Botany ; (5) Ge-
ology, Paleontology and Mineralogy ; (6) Med-
icine, and (7) Agriculture. At the same time
the Swiss Societies of Geology, Botany and Zo-
ology hold their annual sessions. A number of
interesting excursions have been arranged and
foreign men of science are assured of a cordial
THE position of superintendent of tree plant-
ing in the Division of Forestry, Department of
Agriculture, salary $1,800 per annum, will be
filled by Civil Service examination on July 11th.
The subjects and weights are as follows:
1. Forestry and Tree-planting, ............... 60
Sm BOCA sercesncssenesenseasrussssccsecesaseduesees 10
SoM ENGISh wecssaescnesossdancnecasscsearsscsececcors 10
4, Training and Experience, .............066+ 20
THE position of instrument maker at the
Naval Observatory, Washington (salary, $1,500
per annum), will be filled by an examination on
the same day. The examination will be al-
most exclusively confined to practical ques-
tions relating to the construction and mechan-
ical operation of telescopes of large size.
THE recent action of President McKinley
providing for the exemption of the higher
scientific positions in the Smithsonian Institu-
tion from Civil Service examinations was taken
at the recommendation of the Board of Regents,
who find that leading men of science will not
take these examinations.
THE annual convention of the Association of
Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations
will be held in the hall of the California
Academy of Sciences, from the 5th to the 7th
of July. In addition to the ordinary meetings,
which are always of much interest, arrange-
ments have been made for an excursion of the
delegates on a special train for a study of the
agricultural industries of California. It will be
possible for delegates to make the trip to Cali-
fornia by paying about a single fare. Further
information may be obtained from the Secretary,
Professor Edward B. Vorhees, New Brunswick,
New Jersey.
THE Association of Official Agricultural
Chemists will hold its sixteenth annual meeting
at the same time and place as the Association
of American Agricultural Colleges and Experi-
ment Stations. Information concerning this
meeting can be secured by addressing the Sec-
tary, Dr. H. W. Wiley, Department of Agri-
culture, Washington, D. C.
THE American Medical Association held its
fiftieth annual meeting at Columbus, Ohio, last
week. The President, Dr. Joseph M. Matthews,
in his address, recommended that the society
be permanently located in Washington, and
that its journal be published in that city. Pro-
fessor W. W. Keen, of Philadelphia, was elected
President of the Association, and it was decided
that the next meeting should be at Atlantic
City, New Jersey.
THE Congress of the Royal Institute of Pub-
lic Health of Great Britain will be held in
Blackpool from September 21st to September
26th, under the presidency of the Marquis of
Lorne. There will be four Sections: (a) Pre-
ventive Medicine and Vital Statistics; (0)
Chemistry and Meteorology; (c) Engineering
and Building Construction ; (d@) Municipal and
THE City of Bristol is now arranging for the
establishment of a reference scientific library,
made possible by a bequest of £50,000 from the
late Mr. Stuckey Lean.
A TELEGRAM was received at the Harvard
College Observatory on June 12th from Pro-
fessor E. Keeler, at Lick Observatory, stating
that comet Holmes was observed by Perrine
June 107.9644 Greenwich Mean Time in R. A.
1» 15™ 315.6 and December + 17° 29’ 39’ Faint.
This comet was originally discovered by Holmes
in London, November 6, 1892, and has a period
of about seven years. By January 12, 1893,
it had become very faint, but on January 16th it
was found to have undergone a remarkable
change, an outburst of light having occurred.
It resembled a bright planetary nebula of about
the seventh magnitude, the nucleus being at
first very hazy, but afterwards becoming
sharper and about as bright as a star of the
eighth magnitude. On January 1, 1894, it
could not be found with the 26-inch refractor of
the Washington Observatory, being then fainter
than the magnitude 14.
Popular Astronomy gives an interesting state-
ment of the progress which is being made in the
new reduction of the Piazzi star observations.
Dr. H. 8. Davis, who recently resigned from
the Columbia University staff, in order to de-
vote himself more exclusively to this work, is
to be congratulated upon the cooperation which
his zeal has obtained. Professor Porro and Dr.
Balbi, of Turin, will reduce the transit right-as-
cension observations, and Dr. Gill, of the Cape
of Good Hope Observatory, will reobserve the
southern Piazzi stars. All the Piazzi stars are
being redetermined for 1900. Miss Flora Harp-
ham is aiding most efficiently in the computa-
tion, while Miss Catharine W. Bruce places as-
tronomy under still greater obligations of
gratitude by generously contributing to remove
the financial obstacles. In the twenty years
about 1800 Piazzi made some 125,000 observa-
tions. When Dr. Davis has reduced these with
modern accuracy they will afford a valuable
catalogue of some 8,000 stars for the beginning
of the century now closing.
Av a meeting of the Royal Geographical So-
ciety, on May 29th, a paper was read by Dr.
Francisco P. Moreno on ‘ Explorations in Pata-
gonia.’ According to the report in the London
Times he pointed out that up to quite recent
times the geography of the southern part of the
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 233.
New World had been in a very backward state:
Having recounted his own travels, he remarked
that Patagonia did not merit the bad reputation
given to it, but, on the contrary, a vast field
for human initiative existed there, with a
healthy soil capable of supporting a large popu-
lation. It was evident to him that they had in
Patagonia a portion of the Antarctic Continent,
the permanency of which, in so far as as its
main characteristics were concerned, dated from
very recent times. So, then, the history of the
Patagonian plateau was connected with the
problem of the southern continent, which to so
great an extent had disappeared. He had
handed to the staff of the British Museum
duplicates of the extinct and present animal
remains of Patagonia and of its flora, as well as
of those obtained by the La Plata Museum, of
which he was Director; and he trusted that,
with such competent collaboratian, it would
soon be easy to give an exact idea of Patagonian
AT the annual meeting and conversazione of
Selbourne Society, on May 31st, Sir John Lub-
bock, the President, spoke of the advantages of
of the Wild Birds’ Protection Act and pointed
out the importance of the enclosing of the un-
enclosed area of the New Forest.
AT a meeting of the Accademia Medica di
Roma, held on April 30th, Drs. G. Bastianelli
and Bignami read a summary of the results of
their investigations on the Cycle of Life of the
Parasites of Tertian Fever in the Anopheles
Claviger. They are, according to Zhe British
Medical Journal, as follows: The large pig-
mented forms of the Tertian parasites, incapable
of multiplying in man, may be distinguished
morphologically into two categories; some,
with a large vesicular nucleus and little chro-
matin, represent the female (macrogameti) ;
others, richer in chromatin, the male (micro-
gametociti of zoologists). In the middle intes-
tine of the male Anopheles Claviger six micro-
gamete (flagella) generally protrude, one of
which fecundates a macrogamete after the
chromatin of the latter has undergone a
process of reduction. The fecundated mac-
rogameti penetrates into the middle intes-
tine of the Anopheles, where it develops,
JUNE 16, 1899.]
passing through a cycle of life similar to that
described by Ross for the proteosoma of birds
in the gray mosquito, and by the anthus and
grassi for the semilunz in the Anopheles Clay-
iger. In this cycle of life the Tertian sporozoon
remains distinguishable by its morphological
characters from that of semilunar origin; the
young forms are distinguished principally by
the form of the sporozoon and the characters
of the pigment; the forms undergoing develop-
ment by the size of the bodies produced suc-
cessively by nuclear division; the mature
forms are distinguished as a rule by the dis-
position of the residue of segmentation, per-
haps also by the size. The distinction of the
species of malarial parasites, therefore, remains
unaltered. The same conclusion is also obtained
from the third experiment, which demonstrates
that the semilunze which have given only Ter-
tian at first, passing through the Anopheles
Claviger, maintain unchanged their specific
characters. The study of the life of the Ano-
pheles in the Roman Campagna explains, in a
satisfactory mode, the behavior of the Tertain
at the change of the seasons. It has been
demonstrated experimentally that very few
punctures—indeed, even one only—by the in-
fected Anopheles may produce the infection in
A CIRCULAR letter has been issued by the
committee arranging for a University of Birm-
ingham, asking for subscriptions to make the
the first endowment £300,000. A copy of Mr.
Andrew Carnegie’s letter giving £50,000 to the
fund is enclosed. As this is of interest to
American men of science we quote it in full:
Langham Hotel, London, May 9, 1899.
DEAR Mr. CHAMBERLAIN.—You have interested
me in your proposed University at Birmingham for
the people of the Midlands. May I suggest that an
opportunity exists for such an institution to perform
a great service for the whole country? After the
members of the Iron and Steel Institute had returned
to New York from their tour of observation through
the United States, the officials dined with me. Many
pleasing short speeches were made ; the close of one I
have never forgotten. A partner in one of your fore-
most steel companies said: ‘Mr. Carnegie, it is not
your wonderful machinery, not even your unequalled
supplies of minerals, which we have most cause to
envy. It is something worth both of these combined;
the class of scientific young experts you have to man-
age every department of your works. We have no
corresponding class in England.’ Never were truer
words spoken. Now this class you must sooner or
later secure, if Britain is to remain one of the princi-
pal manufacturing nations, and it seems to me the
Midlands is the very soil upon which it can most surely
be produced. If I were in your place I should recognize
the futility of trying to rival Oxford and Cambridge,
which, even if possible, would be useless. These
twin seats of learning have their mission and fulfil it,
but Birmingham should make the scientific the prin-
cipal department, the classical the subsidiary. If
Birmingham were to adopt the policy suggested, tak-
ing our Cornell University as its model, where the
scientific has won first place in the number of stu-
dents, and give degrees in science as in classics, I
should be delighted to contribute the last £50,000 of
the sum you have set out to raise, to establish a scien_
tific department. Iam sure our people of the Birm-
ingham across the Atlantic will heartily approve this
gift to their prototype on this side of the water, for
what does not the younger owe of its greatness and
prosperity to the old land. Bessemer, Siemens,
Thomas—the triumvirate through whose inventions
we have been enabled to make and sell steel by the
millions of tons at three pounds for a penny—all
made their experiments in your midst. Let the gift,
therefore, be considered as only a slight acknowledg-
ment of a debt which Pittsburgh, the greatest bene-
ficiary of your steel inventions, can ever hope to re-
Wishing you speedy success, sincerely yours,
WE learn from The British Medical Journal
that a grand festa has been held in Reggio,
Emilia, in honor of the first centenary of the
death of Lazzaro Spallanzani, who was born at
Scandiano, in Modena, January 12, 1729, and
died at Pavia, February 12, 1799. Spallanzani
studied at Bologna, took holy orders, and in 1775
was elected professor of logic, Greek and rhetoric
at Reggio. Among his works are: Le osserva-
ziont microscopiche sulla teoria della generazione
di Needham e Buffon, in which he defended the
doctrine of biogenesis against those authors ;
and Dei fenomeni della circolazione and Memorie
sulla respirazione. Spallanzani was the first who
saw the circulation of the blood of warm-blooded
animals under the microscope. He made use
of the hen’s egg during the development of the
INQUIRIES as to the schools in which leading
men in various professions were educated have
been made by The School World, and the results
for men of science are abstracted in Nature.
Of 250 representative men of science—mostly
Fellows of the Royal Society—chosen for the
present inquiry, one-fifth received their early
education either in private schools or at home
under tutors. The schools which claim the
greatest number of old pupils in the selected
list are Edinburgh High School, Edinburgh
Academy and Aberdeen Grammar School. The
Scotch schools are followed, as regards the
number of old pupils of distinguished eminence
in science, by the City of London School and
King’s College School. Eton, Harrow and
Rugby succeed these, and are in turn followed
by Liverpool College, Royal Institution School
(Liverpool) and St. Paul’s. The remarkable
point brought out by this comparison, says
Nature, is the small part the great public schools
have taken in training the leaders in science of
the present day. When the men who are now
in the foremost rank among philosophers were
receiving their early education science was
almost, if not quite, omitted from the public
school curriculum, with the result that com-
paratively few boys from such schools have be-
come eminent in the scientific world. The
neglect of science in comparison with other
subjects is shown by the fact that Eton, Harrow,
Rugby, Winchester, Westminster and one or
two other public schools, though comparatively
poor in their scientific record, are shown to
have furnished the greatest number of leading
men in Parliament, the church and the law,
Eton leading the way as regards numbers in
each of these classes.
THE Regents of the University of the State of
New York have voted that the Secretary be au-
thorized to sell any of the University publications
at half price to any university institution or to
any teacher or officer of such institution, and to
give such publications outright to such deposi-
tories as shall be registered as entitled to such
consideration because they agree to preserve
and catalogue the publications and make them
LN. S. Von. IX. No. 233.
available for public use. Pamphlet editions of
the reports giving administrative details and in-
formation as to the workings of the department
may be givenaway ; but scientific contributions
of the museum staff and other valuable matter
printed as appendices to the reports, and the
bound volumes containing such matter, shall not
be for free distribution, but shall be sold ata
nominal price approximately covering cost of
paper, presswork and binding.
In addition to Professors Picard, Mosso and
Ramén y Cajal, whom we have already an-
nounced as lecturers at the decennial celebra-
tion of Clark University, to be held July 5th to
8th, we are informed that Dr. Ludwig Boltz-
mann, professor of theoretical physics at the
University of Vienna, and Dr. August Forel,
formerly professor of psychiatry at the Uni-
versity of Zurich, will give short courses of
Mr. B. H. DUKE has made an additional gift
of $50,000 to Trinity College, at Durham, N. C.
THE degree of Bachelor of Science has been
given to 170 candidates by the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
Ir is reported that nine professors at St.
Petersburg University have resigned as an ex-
pression of sympathy with the grievances of
the students.
THE Rey. William H. P. Faunce, D.D., pastor
of the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church, New York,
has accepted the presidency of Brown Univer-
Dr. D. J. BIEHRINGER and Dr. Troger have
been promoted to assistant professorships of
chemistry in the Institute of Technology at
Braunschweig. Dr. Abegg has qualified as
docent in physical chemistry in the Univer-
sity of Breslau; Dr. Schultze in zoology in
the University at Jena; Dr. Kowaleysky in
mathematics in the University of Leipzig ; Dr.
Feitler in physical and theoretical chemistry in
the Institute of Technology at Vienna; Dr.
von Oppolzer in astronomy and astrophysics in
the German University at Prague, and Dr.
Relstab in physics in the Institute of Tech-
nology at Braunschweig.
EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: S. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. Woopwarp, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING,
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THurston, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. LE ContTE, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; Henry F. OsBorn, Paleontology ; W. K.
Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; 8. H. ScupDER, Entomology; C. E. Brssry, N. L.
BRITTON, Botany; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. Bowpircu, Physiology;
J. S. Brutinas, Hygiene; J. McCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; DANIEL G. BRIN-
TON, J. W. POWELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, JUNE 23, 1899.
United States Naval Observatory........0.:c0ccsecesereees 857
The Diffraction Process of Color Photography:
IPROBESSOR/ ERs) Wiel WV OOD. 1scseacaresescussaew esses: 859
The Mental Fatigue due to School Work: DR. Ep-
DVARDMDHORNDIKE sosesrdsacescsscescenccascesenseeses 862
The International Catalogue of Scientific Litera-
ture :—
Physics: PROFESSOR J. 8. AMES...........0.00005 864
WHILELTAMPPN CUTTER i ticcedsssctstsscosecste sss: 887
MRC SLOKCSHI UDI Ceres wecceteracccescecsssccecsectesctcecses 872
Scientific Books :—
Poynting and Thomson on Sound: PROFESSOR
W. LE CONTE STEVENS, Cole on Photographic
Optics: DR. FRANK WALDO. Books Received. 872
Societies and Academies :—
The Science Club of the University of Wisconsin :
tanical Club: EDWARD S. BURGESS. Zoolog-
ical Club of the University of Chicago............+++ 875
Discussion and Correspondence :—
Totemism: HIRAM M. STANLEY. Arousal of an
Instinct by Taste Only: DR. E. W. SCRIPTURE. 877
Current Notes on Meteorology :—
Influence of the Great Lakes on Precipitation ; Re-
port of the Chief of the Weather Bureau ; Jamaica
Weather Service; New Daily Weather Maps ;
Winter Temperatures at Dawson City; Recent
Publications: R. DEC WARD.............0000e00e 878
Botanical Notes :—
The Varieties of Corn; The Agricultural Grasses
of Kansas ; Diseases of the Sweet Potato: PRo-
FESSOR CHARLES E. BESSEY.............0cseseeeees 880
The American Association for the Advancement of
ICHAT e boc ceonbaccdesnnceaqdancbeeddocuageosdacnbboonpasacds 882
The Centenary of the Royal Institution. ........-+...+++5 882
Scientific Notes and News........sccesecescsesssscecececeee 884
University and Educational News.........:scscceeereeeee 887
f*<MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended
for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
-sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
ASTRONOMERS everywhere will be grati-
fied by the announcement from Washing-
ton that Secretary Long has appointed a
board to visit, examine and report upon the
U. S. Naval Observatory. The work of
this body will be of such far-reaching impor-
tance—perhaps determining the character
of our government astronomy for fifty
years to come—as to make it worthy of the
serious consideration of the public. Whether
it shall prove as nugatory as the efforts
heretofore made to improve the administra-
tion must depend upon the wisdom with
which the board executes its difficult and
delicate task.
We believe a grave mistake will be made
if the board confines itself to matters of
detail and merely points out the features in
which the administration can be improved.
We have had plenty of such criticism in
the past and always without any impor-
tant result. The subject should be ap-
proached from a broader point of view,
taking in its scope the whole history of the
we are concerned with are the work and
institution, past and prospective.
results of the most richly endowed and
liberally supported astronomical observa-
tory in the world. The funds for its sup-
port come from the pockets of our tax-
payers, and the latter, speaking through
our astronomers as their mouthpiece, should
be satisfied with nothing less than that the
work done by the institution shall corre-
spond to the liberality with which they are
supporting it. The fact that our country
has a larger proportion of the ablest as-
tronomers of the world than any other, not
excepting even Germany, leaves us without
any excuse if our national observatory fails
to be completely up to the present time.
For more than fifty years we have been
trying an experiment in astronomical ad-
ministration which no other nation ever
thought of trying and which we ourselves
have never tried in any other field, that of
managing a great national observatory like
a naval station. One of the most impor-
tant questions is whether this experiment,
taking the whole fifty years together, can
be called a success. This question can be
answered only by a critical examination of
the work of the institution, as found in its
volumes of published observations and offi-
cial reports. In this connection it will be
wise to review the laudable efforts made
from time to time to improve the adminis-
tration and determine the causes of their
success or failure.
When the subject is considered from this
point of view it is a serious question whether
any other than an adverse conclusion can
be reached. It is true that excellent work
has now and then been done at the obser-
vatory and that this, taken in connection
with the favorable impression made by the
splendor of its new buildings, prepossesses
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 234.
the public, which never looks below the
surface in its favor. But, as was very
clearly pointed out by the National Acad-
emy of Sciences in a report in 1885, this
good work has been mostly the voluntary
work of individuals who happened to be at-
tached to the institution and acted on their
own initiative. The part of the adminis-
tration was only to get the men together
and procure them facilities for work.
It should also be remembered that even
this work is not by any means a permanent
feature of the institution. If we take away
from the latter such work as that of Seers
Cook Walker in investigating the motions
of Neptune, and of Professor Asaph Hall in
discovering the satellites of Mars and in in-
vestigating the motions of other satellites,
what have we left? If anything but a
heterogeneous collection of observations
and researches, sometimes intermitted en-
tirely and sometimes carried on with vigor,
sometimes devoted to one object, sometimes
to another, sometimes able and sometimes
useless, generally of the most perfunctory
kind, nearly always with more or less im-
perfect instruments and with little evidence
of any concerted plan, we hope the board
will find it out.
An excellent text will be found in the re-
cent catalogue of stars by Professor East-
man, which, we are told in the preface, has
occupied two-thirds of the observatory force
for a period of more than thirty years.
What should the committee say when it
compares the unflagging zeal and persist-
ence of the author with the imperfections of
the instrument he had to use ?
In the same class may come the more re-
JUNE 23, 1899. ]
cent work of Professor George A. Hill with
the prime vertical transit. There can be
no question of the zeal and industry with
which Mr. Hill has for.five years continued
a series of observations bearing on one of
the most important problems in exact as-
tronomy with which we are dealing to-day.
Yet the results of his work so far as pub-
lished show now and then anomalies and
irregularities leading to the suspicion that
there is something wrong about the instru-
ment. The cause can be found only by crit-
icalinvestigation. Itwould certainly bevery
regrettable if such rare qualities as those of
Mr. Hill should fail to be productive of their
best results through adverse circumstances
which would be speedily remedied under a
proper system of administration; and we
hope the Committee will either demonstrate
that the suspected defects of the work are
unreal, or show their cause if they exist.
Tue production of color by photography
has been accomplished in two radically
different ways up to the present’ time. In
one, the so-called Lippman process, the
waves of light form directly in the pho-
tographic film laminee of varying thickness,
depending on the wave-length or color of
the light. These thin laminze show inter-
ference colors in reflected light in the same
way that the soap bubble does, and these
colors approximate closely the tints of the
original. The technical difficulties involved
in this process are so great that really very
few satisfactory pictures have ever been
made by it. The other, or three-color pro-
cess, has been developed along several dis-
tinct lines ; the most satisfactory results
having been produced by Ives with his
stereoscopic ‘Kromskop,’ in which the
reproduction is so perfect that in the case
of still-life subjects it would be almost im-
possible to distinguish between the picture
and the original seen through a slightly
concave lens. The theory of the three-
color method is so well known that it will
be unnecessary to devote any space to it,
except to remind the reader of the two
chief ways in which the synthesis of the
finished picture is effected from the three
negatives. We have, first, the triple lan-
tern and the Kromscope, in which the syn-
thesis is optical, there being a direct addi-
tion of light to light in the compound col-
ors, yellow being produced, for example,
by the addition of red and green. The
second method is illustrated by the modern
trichromit printing in pigments. Here we
do not bave an addition of light to light,
and, consequently, cannot produce yellow
from red and green, having to produce the
green by a mixture of yellow and blue.
Still a third method, that of Joly & Mc-
Donough, accomplishes an optical synthesis
on the retina of the eye, the picture being a
linear mosaic in red, green and blue, the
individual lines being too fine to be dis-
tinguished as such.
The diffraction process, which I have
briefly described in the April number of
the London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philo-
sophical Magazine, is really a variation
of the three-color process, though it pos-
sesses some advantages which the other
methods do not have, such as the complete
elimination of colored screens and pigments
from the finished picture, and the possibility
of printing one picture from another. The
idea of using a diffraction grating occurred
to me while endeavoring to think of some
way of impressing a surface with a struc-
ture capable of sending light of a certain
color to the eye, and then superposing on
this a second structure capable of sending
light of another color, without in any way
interfering with the light furnished by the
first structure. This cannot, of course, be
done with inks, since if we print green ink
over red the result will not be a mixture
of red light and green light, but almost
perfect absence of any light whatever ; in
other words, instead of getting yellow, we
get black. Let us consider, first, how a
picture in color might be produced by dif-
fraction. Placea diffraction grating (which
is merely a glass plate with fine lines ruled
on its surface) before a lens, and allow the
light of a lamp to fall upon it. There will
be formed, on asheet of paper placed in the
focal plane of the lens, an image of the
lamp flame, and spectra, or rainbow-colored
bands, on each side of it. Now, make a
small hole in the sheet of paper in the red
part of one of these spectra. This hole is
receiving red light from the whole surface
of the grating; consequently, if we get be-
hind the paper and look through the hole
we shall see the grating illuminated in pure
red light over its whole extent. This is
indicated in Fig. 1, where we have the red
ry ~
Fie. 1.
end of the spectrum falling on the hole, the
paths of the red rays from the grating to
the eye being indicated by dotted lines.
Now, the position of the spectra, with
reference to the central image of the flame,
depends on the number of lines to the inch
with which the grating isruled. The finer
the ruling the farther removed from the
central image are the colored bands re-
moved. Suppose, now, we remove the
grating in Fig. 1, and substitute for it one
with closer ruling. The spectrum will bea
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 234.
little lower down in the diagram, and, in-
stead of the red falling on the hole, there
will be green; consequently, if we look
through the hole we shall see this grating
illuminated in green light. A still finer
ruling will give us a grating which will ap-
pear blue. Now, suppose that the two first
gratings be putin front of the lens together,
overlapping, as shown in Fig. 2. This
Fic. 2.
combination will form two overlapping
spectra, the red of the one falling in the
same place as the green of the other,
namely, on the eye-hole. The upper strip,
where we have the close ruling, sends green
light to the eye and appears green ;
the under strip, with the coarser
ruling, sends red light to the eye
and appears red ; while the middle
portion, where we have both rul-
‘~ ings, sends both red and green
j light to the eye, and in conse-
quence appears yellow, since the simulta-
neous action of red and green light on any
portion of the retina causes the sensation of
yellow. In other words, we have, in super-
posed diffraction gratings, a structure capa-
ble of sending several colors at once to the
If we add the third grating we shall see
the portion where all three overlap illumi-
nated in white, produced by the mixture
of red, green and blue light.
Three gratings, with 2,000 lines, 2,400
lines and 2,750 lines to the inch, will send
red, green and blue light in the same di-
JUNE 23, 1899 ]
rection, or, in other words, to the same spot
_ on the screen behind the lens.
Suppose, now, we have a glass plate with
a design of a tulip, with its blossom ruled
with 2,000 lines to the inch, its leaves ruled
with 2,400 and the pot in which it is grow-
ing ruled with 2,750 lines, and place this
plate before the lens. On looking through
the hole we shall see a red tulip with green
leaves growing in a blue pot. Thus we see
how it is possible to produce a colored pic-
ture by means of diffraction lines, which are
in themselves colorless. Those portions of
the plate where there are no lines send no
light to the eye and appear black.
We have, now, to consider how this prin-
ciple can be applied to photography. That
photographs which show color on this prin-
ciple can be made depends on the fact that
a diffraction grating can be copied by con-
tact printing in sunlight on glass coated
with a thin film of bichromated gelatine.
The general method which I have found
best is as follows. Three gratings ruled on
glass with the requisite spacing were first
prepared.* To produce a picture in color,
three negatives were taken through red,
green and blue color filters in the usual
manner. From these three ordinary lan-
tern-slide positives were made. A sheet of
thin plate glass was coated with chrom
gelatine, dried, and cut up into pieces of
*These gratings were ruled for us on the dividing
engine at Cornell University, through the courtesy of
Professor E. L. Nichols. *
suitable size; one of these was placed with
the sensitive film in contact with the ruled
surface of the 2,000-line grating, and the
whole covered with the positive represent-
ing the action of the red light in the picture.
An exposure of thirty seconds to sunlight
impressed the lines of the grating on the
film in those places which lay under the
transparent parts of the positive. The
second grating and the positive represent-
ing the green were now substituted for the
others and a second exposure was made.
The yellows in the picture being transpar-
ent in both positives, both sets of lines were
printed superposed in these parts of the
picture, while the green parts received the
impression of 2,400 lines to the inch only.
The same was done for the blue, and the
plate then washed for a few seconds in
warm water. On drying it appeared as a
colored photograph when placed in front of
the lens and viewed through the hole in the
screen. Proper registration during the
triple printing is secured by making refer-
ence marks on the plates. A picture of
this sort once produced can be reproduced
indefinitely by making contact prints, since
the arrangement of the lines will be the
same in all of the copies as in the original.
The finished picture is perfectly transpar-
ent and is merely a diffraction grating on
gelatine with variable spacing. In some
parts of the picture there will be a double
grating, and in other parts (the whites)
there will be a triple set of lines. Having
had some difficulty in getting three sets of
lines on a single film in such a way as to
produce a good white, I have adopted the
method of making the red and green grat-
ings on one plate and the blue on another,
and then mounting the two with the films
in contact. It is very little trouble to mul-
tiply the pictures once the original red-
green grating picture is made.
The pictures are viewed with a very sim-
ple piece of apparatus shown in Fig. 4,
consisting of a lens cut square like a read-
ing glass, mounted on a light frame provided
with a black sereen perforated with an eye
hole through which the pictures are viewed.
Fia. 4.
The colors are extremely brilliant, and
there is a peculiar fascination in the pic-
tures, since, if the viewing apparatus be
slowly turned so that its direction with
reference to the light varies, the colors
change in a most delightful manner, giving
us, for example, green roses with red leaves,
or blue roses with purple leaves, a feature
which should appeal to the impressionists.
The reason of this kaleidoscopic effect is
evident, for, by turning the viewing appa-
ratus, we bring the eye into different parts
of the overlapping spectra.
It is possible to project the pictures by
employing a very intense light and placing
a projecting lens in place of the eye behind
the perforation in the screen. Of course, a
very large per cent. of the light is lost; con-
sequently great amplification cannot well
be obtained. I have found that sunlight
gives the best results, and have thrown up
a three-inch picture on a four-foot sheet, so
that it could be seen by a fair-sized audi-
By employing a lens of suitable focus it
it possible to make the viewing apparatus
binocular, for similar sets of superposed
spectra are formed on each side of the cen-
tral image by the gratings, so that we may
have two eyeholes if the distance between
the spectra corresponds to the interocular
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 234
It is interesting to consider that it is
theoretically possible to produce one of
these diffraction. pictures directly in the
camera on a Single plate. If a photo-
graphic plate of fine grain were to be ex-
posed in succession in the camera under
red, green and blue screens, on the surfaces
of which diffraction gratings had been ruled
or photographed, the plate on development
should appear as a colored positive when
seen in viewing apparatus. J have done
this for a single color, but the commercial
plates are too coarse-grained to take the
impression of more than a single set of
lines. With specially-made plates I hope
to obtain better results.
R. W. Woop.
Tuer meaning of the results obtained by
the different investigators of fatigue among
school children has been much confused be-
cause either the experimenter has not
proved that what he measured was fatigue
at all or has so arranged his experiments
that the influence of practice on the one
hand, and of unwillingness and lack of in-
terest on the other, have not been dis-
counted. Especially when, as has so often
been the case, the teacher gives the work
as a part of the school routine one may be
measuring only a conventional habit of the
school children of doing less at a certain
time of day, or an unwillingness to work
due to ennui. What a person does do need
not be a measure of what he could do.
The experiments a summary of which
follows were devised in order to get an an-
swer to the question: ‘‘ Does the work of a
school-session fatigue the pupils mentally,
make them really less able to do mental
work than they were at its commencement,
and, if so, to what extent ?’’
The method was to give to a sufficient
JUNE 23, 1899.]
number of scholars a certain test which
would measure their ability (in a certain
direction, at least) to do mental work,
early in the school session, and then to give
this same test to a different lot of children
of approximately equal general maturity
and ability late in the session. The influ-
ence of practice is thus entirely obviated, as
the scholars do not have the same sort of
work twice. In order to save the results
from being vitiated by differences in the
general ability of the students, four differ-
erent tests were used, and the pupils who
had two of these tests early had the other
two late, while those who had the first two
late had the other two early. The influ-
ence of possible differences in the average
ability of the two sets of students can thus
be estimated. In order to make sure that
the willingness and interest of the pupils
was a constant except in ‘so far as due to
causes outside our control, all the tests were
given by myself.
The work given was: (1) a set of multi-
plication examples to be done in a given
time ; (2) a page of printed matter full of
mis-spelled words which were to be marked
in a given time; (3) two sets of nonsense
syllables to be written from memory after a
ten seconds’ look at them, and (4) two sets
of figures and one set of simple forms (e. g.,
square, triangle) to be written from mem-
ory in the same way.
About 150 children (four classes) were
given 1 and 3 early and 2 and 4 late. An
equal number of children in the same school
grade were given 2and 4 early in the school
day, the other half late. In order to elim-
inate the influence on the work which ex-
citement at my first visit, or being used to
me or being tired of me at my second visit,
might cause, I made my first visit coincide
with an early test in half the classes and
with a late test in the other half. The early
tests were all given between 10 minutes and
40 minutes after the opening of school in
the morning, while the late tests were given
between 40 minutes and 10 minutes before
the close of school, half of them at the close
of the morning and half at the close of the
afternoon session.
Thus any general decrease in the amount
or accuracy of the late work will be due to
mental fatigue, or to some aversion to work
caused by the school day and quite apart
from the aversion to conventional routine
work or to some factors yet to be demon-
strated. And if there is no difference we
can say with assurance that the day’s work
has not decreased the child’s ability to
work, that though he may in school do less
in the latter part of the day it is not in any
wise due to real exhaustion, to a lowering
of his mental energy.
As a fact what difference there was be-
tween the early and late work was in favor
of the latter. The multiplication test was
given to 152 scholars early and 144 late.
After reducing the amount done and mis-
takes made by the 152 to what would have
been done by 144, and comparing the re-
sults obtained with the work of the 144
who had the test late, we find that the lat-
ter did nearly 14% more work and made
less than 5% more mistakes.
The spelling work was given to 152
pupils early and 146 late. After estimating
the work of 146 early pupils on the basis of
what the 152 did and comparing with the
146 late, we find that the latter worked
through 9955% as many lines, marked
about 2% more words and marked 2,5%
more words which should have been left
The nonsense syllables were used with
152 pupils early and 148 pupils late. When
reduced to an equality in numbers the
late pupils did 97-5,% as well as the early.
The figures to be remembered were given
to 152 pupils early and 145 late. When
reduced to an equality in numbers the late
pupils did 89 % as well as the early.
In remembering the simple forms the
late pupils did 94,%>% as well as the early.
It seems clear that the mental work of
the school day does not produce any marked
decrease in the ability to do further work.
The data here given are somewhat influ-
enced by certain factors, though not by
practice. These factors will be fully dis-
cussed in a later report.
The multiplication, spelling and figure
tests when given to about 300 children in
another city showed the following results:
The multiplication test was given to 156
children early and to 154 later. When
evaluated for 153 children the results
show the latter to have done 863% as
much work, to have made 14;5% more
mistakes. Taking together the work of all
the children tested (594, 297 early, 297
late), we find that the children who did the
work late did 2,%,% more work, and made
exactly the same number of mistakes.
The spelling test was given to 135 early
and 128 late. When evaluated for 127
children the results show the latter to have
worked through 92,5 % as many lines, to
have marked ;°, of 1% more words, and to
have marked wrongly 87 % as many words.
Taking together the work of all the chil-
dren tested, we find that those who did the
work late worked through 94,°, % as many
lines, marked 1,3, % more words and marked
wrongly 93,5 % as many.
The figure test was given to 156 chil-
dren early and to 152 late. After reducing
the results of the 156 to a basis of 152 we
find that those who had the tests late did
17 % better.
Taking together the work of all the chil-
dren tested, we find that those who had the
test late did almost 2% better than those
who had it early.
Besides these three tests, which are of the
same sort as some of those given to the first
lot of children, there was given to this sec-
ond lot a test with letters similar to the
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 234.
figure test. This test was given to 140
children early and to an equal number late.
Those doing the work late did 97 % as well
as those who had it early.
The factors mentioned as influencing the
work of the first set of children were largely
counterbalanced by factors at work in the
second ; one, however, should be mentioned.
A certain circumstance probably lessened
the work of one class (of 30) of the first lot
of children during an early spelling test.
So the early work in this test should prob-
ably be reckoned about 2% higher. On
the whole these additional data render
more probable our previous conclusion that
“‘the mental work of the school day does
not produce any decrease in the ability to
do mental work.’’ A glance at the follow-
ing table, which summarizes the more im-
portant data, shows this better perhaps than
the detailed accounts already given.
Toate | Nos of Scholars Ratio of Teteute Early
Multiplication. | 297 102°, %
Spelling. | 273 101°; %
Figures. | 295 102 %
Nonsense syllables. | 147 98 %
Form. | 145 94.8, %
Letters. | 140 99 %
Tue plan proposed is to issue a book
catalogue once in five years, arranged ac-
cording to both subjects and authors, and
to issue also, from week to week, two sets of
card catalogues—one according to subjects
and the other according to authors. sti-
mates are given of the proposed cost of this ;
and various alternatives are proposed, such
as the issuing of a book catalogue by itself,
or a book catalogue and an author card
catalogue. It is estimated that each arti-
JUNE 23, 1899. ]
cle will require four entries, on an average
one according to the author, the others ac-
cording to the subjects treated of in the
It is proposed also to print, at the head of
each of the cards or slips, distinctive sym-
bols to indicate the science and particular
sub-division of the science to which the
paper refers.
There can be no doubt but that, to satisfy
the needs of workers in laboratories, the
plan of having a card catalogue of subjects
is by far the most satisfactory. A book
catalogue would be practically useless ex-
cept to a student looking up references for
historical reasons, and should, therefore, be
kept in a general library, and not in a
laboratory library. For the use of workers
in laboratories the subject card catalogue
would be of the greatest importance, as
everyone knows who has ever kept one. It
is of great use to the director of the labora-
tory in the saving of time and brain matter,
because he no longer needs to remember all
articles which have appeared, and to the
student or investigator in keeping him in-
formed of all that is going on in his particu-
lar line of work. From the standpoint,
then, of Physics there can be no doubt but
that it would be desirable for the Interna-
tional Committee to print all three cata-
logues, the book catalogue and the two card
catalogues ; and of these the card catalogues
should be kept, it seems best, in the labora-
tory itself, or at least in such a situation as
to be ready for use by all the students.
No suggestions are asked by the Commit-
tee concerning the division of the sciences
or the classification proposed ; and, in fact,
this matter is of secondary importance. The
plan is to have the assistants and the clerks
in the Central Office in London make a
division of the titles according to subjects
and to label the cards and slips in some
definite way; so that anyone, although
ignorant of the subject-matter, can arrange
the cards easily and quickly when they are
Each. card in Physics is to be marked
with the letter ‘D,’ and each subject card
is to have, further, a number, such as
‘5410,’ which signifies the particular sub-
division to which the subject has reference.
In this particular case the 5 would indicate
the primary division, ‘ Light ;’ the 4 the sub-
division, ‘ Polarization ;’ the 10 the special
subject, ‘Methods of Producing Polarized
According to this system Physics is divi-
ded into seven ‘primary divisions,’ so-
called, namely: Bibliography and Dynamics;
Heat; Mechanical and Thermal Effects of
Contact and Mixture; Vibrations, Waves
and Sound ; Theories of the Constitution of
the Ether and of Matter; Light, including
Invisible Radiation ; Electro-magnetism.
‘Bibliography and Dynamics’ is sub-
divided into seven sections: Bibliography of
Physics ; Dynamics in General ;. Dynamics
of a Particle and Rigid Dynamics ; Elas-
ticity ; Hardness, Friction and Viscosity ;
Dynamics of Fluids; Measurements of
Dynamical Quantities:
‘Heat’ is divided into seven sections :
Temperature and Thermometry ; Calorim-
etry; Determination of the Mechanical
Equivalent of Heat; Fundamental Laws of
Thermodynamics ; Thermal Conduction and
Convection; Changes of Volume and of
State (Experiment and Theory); Radia-
‘Mechanical and Thermal Effects of Con-
tact or Mixture’ is. divided into five sec-
tions: Friction ; Capillarity ; Diffusion ;
Transpiration and Mechanical Perme-
ability ; Imbibition and Surface Condensa-
tion of Gases; Solution and Osmose.
‘Vibrations, Waves and Sound’ is di-
vided into five sections: Theory and Obser-
vation of Harmonic Vibrations ; Theory of
Wave Motion; Sound; The Sensation of
Sound ; The Physical Basis of Music.
‘Light, including Invisible Radiation,’
is divided into six sections: Geometrical
Opties and Photometry ; Velocity, Wave-
length, Energy, etc., of Radiation ; Inter-
ference and Diffraction ; Reflection and
Refraction ; Polarization ; The Emission of
Radiation, Phosphorescence, etc.
‘ Electro-magnetism ’ is divided into eight
sections: Electric and Magnetic Units ;
Electrostatics; Magnetism; The Electric
Current; Electrolysis; Electrodynamics ;
Electric Discharge ; Terrestrial Magnetism;
The Compass, Earth Currents.
These sections are divided further into
270 sub-divisions. The cards are to go to
the subscribers fully labelled, the marking
being done by expert assistants in London.
On being received they can be filed away
in suitable cases by a clerk, no expert
knowledge being required. With a suit-
able key as to symbols any desired reference
can be found quickly, and the work being
done in any subject can be ascertained
easily. Anysystem of classification, there-
fore, which is extensive, definite, and free
from ambiguity, will be satisfactory.
In the main, the systems proposed by the
Committee of the Royal Society are most
satisfactory ; and the labor expended in per.
fecting them in the different sciences, al-
though enormous, will be fully repaid.
Unfortunately, the classification in
Physics does not entirely satisfy the require-
ments demanded. The primary divisions
are not altogether logical, nor is the classifi-
cation of certain subjects; but this is com-
paratively immaterial.
In some cases it would undoubtedy be
well still further to sub-divide a subject.
For instance, the sub-divison devoted to the
‘discharge in rarefied gases,’ or the one de-
voted to the ‘measurements of wave-lengths
by optical and photographic methods.’ In
other cases this process has been carried
toofar. For instance, there is no particular
reason why a special sub-division should be
[N. S. Vou. IX. No. 234.
given to the ‘vapor pressure near curved
Again, certain subjects seem to be en-
tirely omitted, such as ‘ spectrum analysis ;’
the ‘effect of different external causes on
wave-lengths,’ such as the Zeeman effect
and the pressure effect ; the ‘numerical re-
lations between the lines of any one spec-
trum and between the spectra of different
elements ;’ ‘ Doppler’s principle ;’ the ‘ laws
of radiation and absorption ;’ ‘ forced vibra-
tions and resonance ;’ the ‘laws of steady
currents as distinct from alternating cur-
rents ;’ ‘heat effects of currents ;’ ‘ photog-
raphy ;’ ete.
There are sections which are almost
identical, such as the ‘vibration of strings
and rods’ under ‘ Sound’ and the ‘ dynamics
of flexible strings’ under ‘ Elasticity.’ It
is hardly an accepted fact that the Hall ef-
fect is due to changes in specific resistance,
and, therefore, one would not necessarily,
place it in that section. Again, in speak-
ing of dynamies, the word center of inertia
or center of mass is preferable to center of
gravity. The name ‘Electro-magnetism ’
is not a particularly happy one for the last
primary division.
The only points of importance in the
classification which need be criticised,
however, are, I think, the omissions, the
other matters being of very little importance,
owing to the fact that the classification has
a key, and the fact that anyone can, there-
fore, easily find the reference which he de-
sires. It would increase, however, the
value of the catalogue if the scheme of
classification could be somewhat remodeled,
and I venture to express the hope that some
action of this kind may be taken before the
recommendations of the committee are ac-
cepted by the countries concerned in the
There has been no plan proposed in re-
cent years which seems to be of so great
importance to the students of Physics
JUNE 23, 1899.]
throughout the world as this, and it is
earnestly to be desired that enough countries
and enough universities and libraries will
subscribe to the enterprise to make it
possible for the Central Committee to pub-
lish the book and the card catalogues.
J.S. AMEs.
Ir the object of arranging titles of books
in a bibliography in certain groups or
classes is to enable readers and investi-
gators to find more readily an article on a
given subject, then the anonymous Commit-
tee that drew up the schedule of classifica-
tion for Chemistry in the Report of the
Royal Society’s International Catalogue
Committee has made an almost total failure.
Two methods were open to the Commit-
tee appointed to devise a classification
scheme for Chemistry, either to adopt an
arbitrary system, in which symbols uni-
formly indicate definite subjects, or to adopt
the dictionary plan, in which specific words
are arranged alphabetically. The latter
plan has, in our opinion, great and incon-
testable advantages over the former, but-as
the Committee chose to adopt the first
named method the second cannot be here
The provisional plan which was submit-
ted to the delegates at the Conference of
the International Catalogue Committee,
held in London, October, 1898, forms Sec-
tion F, of the general scheme printed in a
small volume, very difficult for others than
delegates to obtain. The grand divisions,
with their registration symbols, are as fol-
(No number) Chemical Bibliography.
0100 Chemistry (Specific) of the Elements.
0900 Laboratory Procedure.
1000 Organic (Carbon) Chemistry (Specific).
1010 Hydrocarbons.
1100 Alcohols and Ethers.
1200 Acids.
1300 Aldehydes and Ketones.
1400 Carbohydrates ; Glucosides ; Resins.
1500 Amino- and Azo-Compounds.
1600 Mixed Cycloids.
1700 Organo-Metallic and allied Compounds.
1890 Alkaloids.
1900 Proteids.
2000 Coloured Compounds.
2500 Operations in Organic Chemistry.
3000 Analytical Chemistry.
3900 Theoretical and Physical Chemistry.
4000 Physiological Chemistry.
These grand divisions are sub-divided so
as to provide a class and asymbol for every
substance known to the chemist or awaiting
discovery ; at least such is the intention.
Chemical Bibliography is divided into six
groups, to wit:
0000 Philosophy.
0010 History.
0020 Biography.
0030 Dictionaries, collected works, monographs, and
0040 Pedagogy.
0050 Addresses, lectures, essays and theses.
Curiously, no symbol is provided for bib-
liographies of chemistry, a topic that must
have been prominent in the minds of the
persons on the Committee.
The second grand division ‘0100 Chem-
istry of the Elements’ is intended to em-
brace ‘all specifically chemical subject-
matter, and such other entries as may be
desirable, relating to the elements generally,
excepting carbon.’’ In this category the
elements are arranged alphabetically and
to each a symbol is given, thus :
0110 (Al) Aluminium.
0120 (Sb) Antimony.
0130 (A) Argon.
* * * * *
0200 (Cd) Cadmium.
0210 (Cs) Cesium.
* * % * *
0250 (Cl) Chlorine.
0260 (Cr) Chromium.
* * * * *
0800 (Va) Vanadium.
0810 (Yt) Ytterbium.
0820 (Y) Yttrium.
0830 (Zn) Zine.
0840 (Zr) Zirconium.
Students, and even older chemists, who
find difficulty in recalling the atomic
weights of common elements will scarcely
welcome the proposition to give to each ele-
ment another factor, though in the case of
antimony this objection disappears.
This alphabetical arrangement of the ele-
ments prevents carrying out one of the
prime objects of classification, namely, the
grouping of related matters ; thus
0270 = Cobalt, 0500 = Nickel,
0690 = Sulphur, 0710 = Tellurium.
The natural group Ba, Ca and Sr, have re-
spectively the unrelated numbers 0150,
0220 and 0680. Surely the elements might
have been arranged systematically, so that
related bodies would have contiguous sym-
Annexed to the table of elements are in-
structions for sub-dividing entries and the
following paragraph: ‘‘ Specific entries re-
lating to the halogens collectively shall be
arranged in Division 0250 under Halogens.’’
This mixing of a word-heading with nu-
merical symbols is a weak feature to be
again noticed.
The instructions for entering titles in
sub-divisions of 0100 include the following
paragraph: ‘‘ Entries relating to com-
pounds, which in the Slip Catalogue bear
the number and symbol of the dominant
element, together with the symbol of the
secondary constituent, or dominant second
constituent, shall be printed in the sub-
division of their second constituent.” If
we understand aright this rather obscure
sentence, it provides for writing on slips
according to one rule and for printing them
in book-form according to another rule;
sodium chloride would appear, therefore,
under the symbol for sodium in the written
slips and under chlorine in the printed
volume !
A second paragraph provides that “ refer-
ences to hydroxides, acids and salts shall
be entered under the oxide, and corre-
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 234.
sponding sulphur compounds under the
A third paragraph reads as follows: ‘‘ (d)
In each sub-division the entries shall be
arranged in such order that those relating,
a, to the history or origin of the substance
come first, and following these, in the order
mentioned, those relating, /, to its prepara-
tion or manufacture; 7, to its structure, or
of a theoretical nature ; 4, to its interactions
or use ; «, to its compounds—these five sev-
eral sections being denoted by the letters a,
By 7, 6, €.”? ;
Passing without comment this non-pars-
able English (which occurs elsewhere in the
report), the scheme introduces another
arbitrary feature, Greek letters for specific
subjects, which is an admission that the
numerical plan is found insufficient ; though
it need not be, provided decimals were
used, a plan which does not seem to be con-
templated by the Committee. The sugges-
tion is even made that “ it would be possible
to carry the analysis still farther by means
of symbols, such as ¢, z, and so forth, to
indicate physical properties, crystalline
form, ete.’”’ The writers of this review ven-
ture to suggest that when the Greek alpha-
bet is exhausted the Hebrew will come in
This mixture of numerical symbols with
word-headings is again resorted to in di-
vision ‘0930 Operations in inorganic chem-
istry,’ where it is suggested that ‘‘ entries
shall be made under significant headings,
such as dissolution (sic) and _ solvents,
crystallization, distillation, * * * oxi-
dation, electrolysis, furnace operations,
etc., arranged alphabetically.”
To organic chemistry the symbol 1000 is
assigned, under which all entries shall be
arranged that relate to the subject gen-
erally ; substitution derivatives of the com-
pounds included in each of the numbered
divisions—especially haloid and allied de-
rivatives—shall, as far as possible, be en-
JUNE 23, 1899. ]
tered under the compounds from which they
are derived.
The next paragraph provides that ‘ entries
under the name of a substance may, if
necessary, be sub-divided in the same way
as that proposed for inorganic substances.”
. Hydrocarbons receive the numerical sym-
bol 1010, and the scheme for indicating
their substitution derivatives leads to amaz-
ing propositions ; the general group is di-
vided thus :
1010 Hydrocarbons.
1020 Parafiins.
1030 Unsaturated Open-Chain Hydrocarbons.
1040 Benzenoid Hydrocarbons.
1050 Reduced Benzenoid Hydrocarbons (Terpenes,
ete. ).
1060 Unclassified Hydrocarbons.
“« Kach of these divisions shall be sub-di-
vided (excepting 1010 and 1020) into
isologous groups, in each of which com-
pounds shall be entered in homologous
order.”’ Then follow two new arbitrary
signs for distinguishing derivatives ; these
are full-faced numerals, 2, 4, etc., used to
indicate homologous series C,H,,_,, C,H,, 4,
and the full-faced letter C, with exponents
attached to indicate the number of carbon
atoms in a given compound.
Applying this scheme to nitropropane
(CH,.CH,.CH,.(NO,) ) it will receive the
registration symbol 1020.C,.NO,; allene
(C,:C:CH,) will be indicated by the symbol
1030.2.C,, and bromotuluene (C,H,.CH,.Br)
will be indicated by 1040.6.C,. Br.
This plan of assigning to definite chem-
ical bodies arbitrary symbols resembling in
structure well-established formule is most
objectionable ; if carried out it would prove
vexatious to chemists and of no practical
value to librarians.
To alcohols and ethers the symbol 1100
is assigned ; to acids, 1200; each of these
groups is sub-divided exactly as are the
hydrocarbons, but the symbols of the sub-
divisions do not harmonize. Since paraf-
fins = 1020, ‘ols’ should have been 1120,
and acids 1220 (instead of 1110 and 1210).
In the paragraph on acids provision
is made for indicating the number of oxy-
gen atoms, the character of the acid
and the basicity by numbers, to which
ol, al, on, id or cy shall be appended, ac-
cording to the origin of the acid. ‘‘ Thus,
lactic acid would be marked 1210.C,0,
(Lol), and protocatechuic acid, 1230.8.C,0,
(1.2.01).”” Here, again, we have registra-
tion symbols resembling in a general way
chemical formule, yet they do not show the
constitution nor even suggest the name of
the substance.
Number 1440 is given to carbohydrates
other than mono-, di- and trisaccharides and
1450 to glucosides and 1460 to resins, and
it is provided that compounds belonging to
these divisions shall be entered alphabet-
ically ; this is again a departure from the
numerical plan. Another rule provides
that ‘‘ under alkaloids (1800) a list shall
be given of vegeto-alkaloids, together with
the Latin names of the plants from which
they have been obtained, arranged in the
alphabetical order of the plant names.”
Chemists not versed in botany would find
this arrangement a puzzling one. Again,
‘‘ alkaloids derived from plants (1810) and
from animals (1820) shall be arranged
Division 2000 is styled ‘Coloured com-
pounds’ [!], a singular misnomer for com-
pounds used in dyeing ; yet another division,
2010,is called ‘Coloured substances,not dye-
stuffs,’ and division 2020 is named ‘dye-
stuffs.’ Provision is made for sub-dividing
these categories thus: ‘2010 into Hydro-
carbons (coloured), Alcohols (coloured),
Ketones (coloured), ete.; 2020 into Azo
dyes * * * dye-stuffs of vegetable origin,
unclassified dyes,’’ arranged alphabetically
in each sub-division.
The rules concerning the entries of the
sub-divisions of 3000, Analytical Chem-
istry, also lack uniformity, clearness and
exactness ; ‘‘ division 3200 shall include all
entries relating to the determination of in-
dividual elements in their compounds and
in mixtures, excluding determinations of
atomic weights’? which belong to division
3500 (theoretical and physical chemistry).
“Division 3300 shall include all entries
relating to the determination of individual
compounds, e. g., alkaloids, carbohydrates
* 7K > but excluding gases. If necessary
gravimetric, volumetric, electrolytic, phys-
ical, etc., methods may be distinguished
by letters, such as g, v, ete.’”’ ‘ Division
3400 (Applied Analysis) shall include all
entries relating to the analysis of composite
materials, such as drugs, foods, soils, waters
and technical products generally, arranged
under appropriate significant headings.”
The remaining divisions, 3500, Theoret-
ical and Physical Chemistry, and 4000,
Physiological Chemistry, must be passed ;
the specimens given are sufficiently numer-
A study of this remarkable scheme of
classification shows that the Committee
failed to recognize the fact that classifica-
tion and notation are two distinct things,
and that a notation need have no relation
to the character of the class to which the
notation is given. To differentiate the
houses in a city, street and number are
given; ‘120 Grand Avenue’ suffices to dis-
tinguish a given house, and it is not neces-
sary to construct a symbol indicating the
number of stories, the number of windows
and the color of the paint in order to recog-
nize the address.
Accompanying the schedule of classifica-
tion is a specimem page giving illustrations
of the way in which these rules should be
applied; the examples bring out forcibly
the absurdities of the conglomerate method
proposed. The paper on Argon, by Lord
Rayleigh and W. Ramsay, receives the
Kabbalistic formula ‘0100. 7.¢,’ but, if we
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 234.
understand rightly the Committee’s rules,
the numerals should be 0130, which stands
for argon.
An article by J. J. Sudborough and L.
L. Lloyd, on ‘Stereoisomerism as affecting
formation of etheral salts from unsaturated
acids,’ is assigned simply the number 3500 ;
when, however, the same paper is entered
under a different title, namely : ‘ Etherifica-
tion of stereoisomeric unsaturated acids a
criterion of structure,’ it has the number
12007; when, on the other hand, this paper
is catalogued as: ‘Cinnamic and allied acids
as a criterion of structure, Etherification
of,’ the catalogue slip must bear the symbol
To a chemist the formula of cinnamic
acid C,H,.CH:CH,.CO,H has a definite
meaning, and we protest against a system
that introduces symbols, analogous in ap-
pearance, yet wholly misleading as respects
the composition.
An examination of the schedule of classifi-
cation of Chemistry proposed by the Inter-
national Catalogue Committee shows that
it consists of a medley of several methods.
The system includes :
1. Numbers, full-face and inferiors, used
for several distinct purposes.
. Roman capitals, to denote component
3. Roman lower-case, to denote kind of
chemical process.
Italic letters in parenthesis, to denote
basicity of acids.
. Greek lower-case letters.
. Word-headings arranged alphabetically.
. Special provisions ; exceptions to rules.
In 1772, at Ulm, was printed a thin octavo,
having the title ‘ Medicinisch-chymisch und
alchemistisches Oraculum,’ which contains
a key to over two thousand symbols and
kabbalistic figures found in alchemical
manuscripts and books ; the book is curious
and instructive, as well as really service-
able to antiquarian chemists. The number
JUNE 23, 1899. ]
of synonyms for a given substance is large ;
alum has twenty-six; aqua fortis, twenty-
two ; mercury, thirty-eight; a pound
weight, eight, and cream of tartar is cred-
ited with thirty-two; the symbols have an
uncouth appearance, but are hardly more
fanciful than those proposed by the Com-
mittee on the International Catalogue.
Should their schedule of classification pre-
vail, a new edition of the ‘ Alchemical
Oracle’ would soon become a necessity.
H. Carrineaton Bourton,
Wiiiam P. Currer.
Tue schedules of classification in meteor-
ology proposed by the International Cata-
logue Committee of the Royal Society
seem to be fairly well adapted to secure
the objects sought by the International
Conference on the bibliography of science.
I do not understand that the Conference or
the Committee has in mind any attempt at
a philosophical classification of human
knowledge as embodied in the publications
of scientific societies. On the contrary,
their object is merely to collect together in
London all possible titles of scientific works,
and to so arrange these that the clerks of
the Royal Society may easily copy out all
the titles on any given subject that may be
called for by any student or investigator.
For instance, under the head of ‘ Earth
Temperature,’ No. 2,100, there may be
10,000 titles and cards ; these will be sub-
divided into a number of divisions, prob-
ably according to special aspects and
according to the countries or stations.
Each of these sub-divisions may have a
vumber between 2,100 and 2,199, or, if more
sub-divisions are needed, they will be
between 21,000 and 21,999. Of course, the
ease with which a clerk picks out the cards
that belong to a given subject desired by
the student depends, first, upon the minute-
ness of this sub-classification, and, sec-
ondly, upon the accuracy with which the
content of a memoir is expressed by its own
title. This latter is the béte noir of all
classification by titles, and there is no rem-
edy for it except that the bibliographer ex-
amine the original memoir itself, page by
page. In this respect the Royal Society
must depend upon the thoroughness of
those who send titles to it. The Society is
simply the central office, or agent, for all
the other societies and men in the scientific
world. Every card thatis sent to it should
have inscribed on it the one or more sub-
divisions into which it falls. If these sub-
divisions do not appear on the preliminary
schedules of classification that have been
sent out for criticism and suggestion, then
they will be inserted as fast as needed.
It seems to me that the method adopted
by the Conference and the Royal Society
will work just as well as any other that
could be suggested, and will be a great
boon to science if kept up during the next
century. Of course, it will require at
least ten years of experience for us to begin
to appreciate either its defects or ad-
vantages. Fortunately, so far as regards
meteorology, the Weather Bureau has the
great international bibliography, started in
1881 under my personal supervision and
already partially published. The classifi-
cation adopted therein by Mr. C. J. Sawyer,
after consultation with all the recognized
experts of Europe and America, embraces
many details not specifically mentioned in
the schedule of the Royal Society, and is
found very convenient when once the stu-
dent has become slightly familiar with it.
It endeavored to attain greater elasticity
by adopting a mixture of capital and small
letters, Roman and Arabic numerals, in or-
der to designate the various divisions and
sub-divisions. Thus we have IBlb to
designate the Aristotelian works on meteor-
ology in general, whereas the Royal Society
classification would, undoubtedly, designate
these as 0002, or, possibly, 00021. There is
very little to choose between the two meth-
ods except as to the ease in writing, speak-
ing and printing.
As to the classification or arrangement of
subjects, my personal preference would be
strongly in favor of a simple dictionary
On June 1 and 2, 1899, the University of
Cambridge celebrated the fiftieth anni-
versary of the appointment of Sir George
Gabriel Stokes to the Lucasian professor-
ship of mathematics in that institution.
During the half century of his connection
with Cambridge, Professor Stokes has dis-
tinguished himself by a remarkable series
of investigations in the fields of hydrome-
chanics, physical geodesy, elasticity, the
undulatory theory of light, and pure mathe-
matics. His activity has continued down
to the present date, one of his most recent
papers dealing with the mechanical proper-
ties of the X-rays.
The celebration of so rare an event in
academic life,and the eagerness of educa-
tional and scientific institutions to render
homage to so eminent a man, naturally
brought together a large body of special-
ists in the mathematico-physical sciences.
About 400 delegates and other guests were
present. Nearly all of these were en-
tertained either in the colleges or in the
homes of members of the professorial staff.
Thus was it made easy for the stranger
within the gates of this renowned University
to see much of its inner life and to enjoy in
the fullest degree its charming hospitality.
The ceremonies began on the afternoon
of June 1st, with the Rede Lecture, delivered
in the Senate House, by Professor Cornu, on
‘The wave theory of light ; its influence on
modern physics.’ This was delivered with
admirable clearness in French. In the
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 234.
evening following a conversazione was held
in Fitzwilliam Museum, and busts of Sir
George Stokes were presented to the Uni-
versity and to Pembroke College (that of
Stokes) by Lord Kelvin.
On the morning of June 2d the delegates
and guests were received in the Senate
House by the Vice-Chancellor and the dele-
gates presented the addresses sent by the
various academic and scientific institutions.
There were about seventy such addresses,
so that it was essential to dispense with the
formal reading of them in most cases. Pro-
fessor Stokes responded briefly and with
great modesty to these addresses, saying
that they made him feel that in his long
life he ought to have accomplished much
more; but, he added, humorously: If I had
done more I probably should not have lived
to celebrate this jubilee.
On the afternoon of June 2d the address
of the University of Cambridge and a
gold medal were presented to Sir George
Stokes; and immediately thereafter the
degree of Doctor in Science, honoris causa,
was conferred on the following distin-
guished men of science: Marie Alfred
Cornu, professor of experimental physics
in the Ecole Polytechnique, Paris; Jean
Gaston Darboux, dean of the faculty of
sciences in the University of Paris; Albert
Abraham Michelson, professor of experi-
mental physics in the University of Chi-
cago; Magnus Gustav Mittag-Lefiler, pro-
fessor of pure mathematics, Stockholm ;
Georg Herman Quincke, professor of ex-
perimental physics in the University of
Heidelberg ; and Woldemar Voigt, profes-
sor of mathematical physics in the Univer-
sity of Gottingen.
A Text-Book of Physics—Sound. By J. H. Poryn
TING and J. J. THomson. London, Charles
Griffin & Co. 1899. Pp. 163.
This is the first one of five volumes in
JUNE 23, 1899.]
course of preparation by the authors, the others
relating to ‘Properties of Matter,’ ‘Heat,’
‘Magnetism and Electricity,’ and ‘ Light,’ re-
These text-books are intended ‘‘ chiefly for
the use of students who lay most stress on the
study of the experimental part of physics, and
who have not yet reached the stage at which
the reading of advanced treatises on special
subjects is desirable.’’ The nature of sound
and its chief characteristics are first considered
in a chapter that is wholly free of mathematics.
The velocity of sound in air aud other mediais
then discussed, the reflection and refraction of
sound, frequency and pitch of notes, resonance
and forced oscillations, the analysis of vibra-
tions by Fourier’s theorem, the transverse
vibrations of stretched cords, longitudinal vi-
brations in pipes and other air cavities, vibra-
tion of rods, plates and membranes, the
Trevelyan rocker, sensitive flames and musical
sand. The last chapter is on the superposition
of waves, with application to the physical basis
of concord and discord, and on combination
The distinguished authors are so well known
for their original and accurate work as investi-
gators that the critic who is in search of mis-
takes will find little to note, beyond a very
small number of obvious typographical errors.
In the descriptive parts the style is clear and
the paragraphing is good. <A majority of the
illustrations are in the form of diagrams. In
the mathematical parts the use of calculus is
wholly avoided.
In judging the practical value of a text-book
it is necessary to take into view a number of
considerations which have no place in connec-
tion with what is intended for the advanced
reader. Regard must be had also for differences
of educational method in different countries.
If instruction is given by lectures entirely the
text-book is merely an accompaniment for pri-
vate reading. But if the text book is to be a
drill book, as is, perhaps, most frequently the
case in America, and especially if much of its
contents be mathematical, it will almost surely
be unsatisfactory unless prepared by one who
has had much experience, not merely in the
art of presentation, but especially in that of
testing the student’s success in acquisition. At
the outset there must be aclear understandthg
as to the amount of preliminary knowledge
that can be reasonably assumed on the part of
the student. It is a matter of common obser-
vation that a mathematical genius is rarely
ever a good mathematical teacher, because he
usually fails to appreciate the difficulties ex-
perienced by those who are less gifted than
himself. Even when the teaching is to be not
oral, but by use of the printed page, it is
wonderfully easy to express mathematical truths
in such form as to put them quite beyond the
grasp of a fairly intelligent student.
It is not in the domain of acoustic science,
but in the art of text-book adaptation that the
present volume is found somewhat wanting.
If the reader can be assumed to possess already
a good knowledge of general physics he will
find much to interest him. Butif he is to obtain
his introduction to acoustics through the me-
dium of this text-book he will not proceed
very far without becoming discouraged. Unde-
rived formulas are employed so frequently that
the reader who does not recognize them is jus-
tified in being impatient. He takes little satis-
faction in reading that an unfamiliar mathe-
matical statement ‘can be proved ;’ or that it
‘can be shown from the equation, etec.,’ which
in turn ‘can be reduced to’ another unrecog-
nized form. Such statements are, of course,
occasionally necessary, but in a text-book their
use should be reduced toa minimum. In the
great majority of cases such demonstrations
amount to no demonstration at all. It is readily
perceived that the author has gone through the
requisite mathematical work, but does not wish
to cumber his page with the details that are
indispensable to a clear understanding of the
subject by the student.
In a mathematical text-book, whether this
term be applied to pure mathematics or to a
book involving the applications of mathematics,
jt is of the utmost importance that all para-
graphs shall be numbered, that equations shall
also be numbered, and that the relation between
new and old topics shall be indicated by fre-
quent cross references. Attention to such
details increases the labor of composition for
the author, while the neglect of them greatly
magnifies the labor which hundreds of readers
are compelled to undergo. They are wholly
neglected in the present volume.
There are certain topics in acoustics which
require the use of calculus for satisfactory treat-
ment, but of which the practical results are so
important that these cannot be omitted in an
elementary treatise. Such, for example, is the
equation expressing the relation between ve-
locity of propagation, elasticity and density.
For propagation of longitudinal waves the
method of deduction without higher mathemat-
ics, first brought out by Rankine thirty years
ago, is well known. In the present text-book
an independent method is employed in which
the formula is briefly deduced by discussion of
the displacement curve for a longitudinal dis-
turbance. Laplace’s correction is satisfactorily
explained, but in the application to numerical
examples the student is required to apply ther-
modynamic principles, with which certainly the
elementary student cannot be assumed to be
familiar, but which will, doubtless, be explained
in the future volume on ‘ Heat.’
The chapter on ‘Frequency and Pitch of
Notes’ is particularly good. In the discussion
of musical quality and of concord and discord
prominence is justly assigned to the masterly
researches of Helmholtz, but very little atten-
tion is given to the work of Rudolph Konig.
In like manner the work of Mayer in America
fails to receive any mention. The discussion
of singing flames will be found better than in
most text-books, including an excellent expo-
sition of Lord Rayleigh’s investigation on this
On the whole the book is much to be com-
mended to those who are already acquainted
with the priciples of acoustics and who wish a
modern presentation of the subject by men of
high standing. Fora class text-book, as com-
monly employed in America, it will scarcely be
found well adapted.
Photographic Optics. By R. S. Cote, M.A.
New York, D. Van Nostrand Co. 1899. Pp.
The aim of this handbook, which was origi-
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 234.
nally published in England by Samson Low,
Marston & Co., is to give an elementary
presentation of such of the problems of op-
tics as find application in practical pho-
tography. A careful perusal of the book leaves
in the reviewer’s mind the impression that the
emphasized word in the title should be ‘ optics’
and not ‘ photographic ;’ thatis, ‘photographic’
in the sense that most American amateur pho-
tographers would use the word. The book is
written from the standpoint of the student of
optics rather than that of the up-to-date prac-
tical photographer.
The photographer will find given in the vari-
ous chapters of the book an excellent treatment
of the various optical conditions encountered
in using the camera, and this treatment is thor-
ough and made as simple as the nature of the
subject will admit; the author going back to
first principles in all possible cases.
Perhaps the most important section is the
one on lens testing, which contains an account
of the tests employed at the Kew Observatory.
Photographers are too apt to assign the same
degree of excellence to all lenses of the same
make; but the fact is that no manufacturer
turns out two lenses just alike.
The photographic-lens industry is assuming
such large proportions in this country that some
one of our institutions ought to establish a lens-
testing department which shall duplicate here
the work of the Kew Observatory in England,
so that when the practical photographer buys
his lens he can receive with it a certificate of
We could wish that Mr. Cole had given us
detailed information in regard to the construc-
tion and use of the various modern lens combi-
nations, such as the Zeiss, Goerz and Steinheil
lenses. These are points on which the ordinary
amateur photographer is utterly ignorant, and
even a modest amount of enlightenment would
be of great benefit to him.
The author certainly dismisses too abruptly
the subject of calculating the brightness of the
image and timing exposures. It is not such a
wholly empirical matter as is represented.
Our best amateur photographers do calculate
as accurately as possible the time of their ex-
posures, and their results warrant this expendi-
JUNE 23, 1899.]
ture of care and time. Still another point that
should have been treated in greater detail is
the use of the ortho-chromatic plate.
On such points as the last two mentioned
there is a lack of practical information which will
give the book less of a circulation than it should
have and deserves to have on account of its
many excellent qualities.
Man, Past and Present. A. H. KEANE. Cambridge
University Press. 1899. Pp. xii+ 584.
A Short History of Free Thought ; Ancient and Modern.
JoHN M. RoBERTSoN. London, Swan, Sonnen-
schein & Co., Ltd.; New York, The Macmillan Com-
pany. 1899. Pp. xii + 446.
Vital Statistics. ARTHUR NEWSHOLME. London,
Swan, Sonnenschein & Co.; New York, The Mac-
Pp. xii + 353.
millan Company. 1899.
Handbook of British, Continental and Canadian Univer-
sities, with special mention of the Courses open to
Women. ISABEL MADDISON. New York, The Mac-
millan Company. 1899. Pp. iv+174.
AT the meeting of the Club held on May 12th
papers were read by G. C. Comstock on ‘Some
Recent Applications of Photography to Astro-
nomical Discovery ’ and by F. H. King on ‘ The
Flow of Liquids through Porous Media.’
Officers for the ensuing year 1899-1900 were
elected as follows: President, Mr. Charles R.
Van Hise; Vice-President, Mr. Edward Kremers;
Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. Charles F. Bur-
On the evening of May 6th the Club gave a
Every-day Butterflies: A Group of Biographies. SAM-
York, Houghton, Miffiin & Company. 1899. Pp.
A Selected Biography of the Anthropology and Ethnology.
WILLIAM Z, RIPLEY. Boston, Trustees of the
Boston Public Library. 1899. Pp. 159.
Thatsachen und Auslegungen in Bezug auf Regeneration.
AuGuUST WEISMANN. Jena, Gustav Fischer. 1899.
Pp. 31.
Traité élémentaire du méchanique chimique fondée sur
le thermodynamique. P. DUHEM. Paris, Her-
mann. 1899. Pp. 381.
dinner in the Madison Guild Hall in recognition
of the election of its first President, Mr. George
Cary Comstock, to the National Academy of
Sciences, and the awarding of a medal to its
second President, Mr. Stephen Moulton Bab-
cock, by the Legislature of the State of Wis-
On June 22d the first award of the Science
Club Medal will be made to that member of
the senior class of the University of Wisconsin
who presents the best thesis giving the results
of his own original investigation of a scientific
subject. Dies have been prepared by Thomas
Moring, of London, from which a medal in
bronze will be struck annually for this purpose.
Wo. H. Hopes.
THE first paper was by Francis E. Lloyd, on
‘The Functions of the Suspensor,’ and was
illustrated by drawings and a series of micro-
scopes exhibiting slides.
Mr. Lloyd described the structure of the sus-
pensor typical of the genera Galium, Asperula,
Vaillantia, etc., and showed that haustoria are
formed which absorb food from the endosperm.
The large basal cell of Capsella was shown also to
possess a function quite similar, because, as the
preparations showed, the basal cell destroys the
tissue of the inner integument in its vicinity
and thus becomes imbedded in it.
The second paper was by Mrs. E. G. Britton,
on ‘The Ferns of the Eastern United States,’
illustrated by the stereopticon.
Mrs. Britton exhibited mounted specimens of
all the rarer ferns of the Eastern States, many
of them of her own collection, giving the range
of each species. She also exhibited lantern
slides made from photographs of these ferns
taken as they grow. Those of the maiden-hair,
hart’s tongue and beech-fern were taken from
the fernery in the New York Botanical Garden ;
five of them were views from the Catskill
Mountains taken by Mr. Van Brunt; Mr. Hulst
contributed one from Lake George, and Mr.
Lorenz five from Willoughby Lake, Vt. Others
were Adirondack views taken by Stoddard.
Mrs. Britton stated that she would continue to
fillin the omissions where she had not been
able to obtain photographs, and hoped to com-
plete her collection in the future. She expressed
the hope that as the interest in ferns increases,
the love of them would likewise grow, and that
the rarer ones would not be exterminated by
useless transplanting to locations where they
will not survive. It was stated that thus far
Rutland county, Vermont, shows the greatest
number of ferns of any county in the Eastern
States, having 42 species and 10 varieties.
There are seldom more than 20 species in any
locality, except where there is a great variety
of soil and habitat, as at Jamesville, N. Y.,
[N.S. Vox. IX. No. 234.,
where Professor Underwood has found 34 spe-
cies. Long Island has 25 and Staten Island 23
In further illustration, the Torrey Club col-
lection of ferns and many sheets from the Co-
lumbia collection were exhibited, also a series
of photographs from Professor Atkinson, show-
ing the variations produced by cultivation of
Onoclea sensibilis.
An exhibit to illustrate Onoclea sensibilis in
in the fossil state was also furnished by Dr.
Hollick, being of special interest as the only
living species which is actually found fossil.
Mr. William A. Lawrence, of Hartford, Conn,
was introduced by Dr. Rusby, as one who had
collected 34 species of ferns about Willoughby
Lake, Vt. Mr. Lorenz described the lake and
neighboring cliffs, with the illustration of lan-
tern slides, and spoke of the hundreds of plants
of Woodsia glabella flourishing there close to
gether, fruiting at one inch or at six inches.
In the sunshine it becomes more leathery, as if
passing into W. hyperborea. Mr. Lorenz also
finds Aspidiuwm spinulosum dilatatum reverting
there to the type of the species.
Dr. Rusby and Dr. A. R. Grout also described
their visits to Willoughby Lake.
Mr. W. A. Clute exhibited several fronds of
Dryopteris simulata, collected by him at Babylon,
L. I., last summer, and pointed out a distinc-
tion from D. Thelypteris in the fact that each
pinna of D. simulata is not of uniform breadth
but broader near the middle. It fruits chiefly
in the shade, D. Thelypteris in the sun.
Dr. Rusby spoke of the beauty of the ferns
on the mountain slopes near Plainfield, N. J.,
and of the localities near there for Asplenium
ebenoides, Cystopteris fragilis and Cheilanthes
Mr. Clute remarked that he had collected 16
species of ferns within a mile of Fort Lee, and
59 species are now growing at the Botanic
Ovarian Structure in an Abnormal Pigeon.—
The bird in question was the offspring of a
JUNE 23, 1899. ]
Vienna white (Columba alba) and a common
ring dove (Turtur risorius). She was remark-
able for her unusual appearance and manner,
and upon dissection the ovary was found to be
abnormal. The first thing in the structure of
the ovary to strike the attention was the large
number of double eggs, that is, two or more
eges lay within the common follicle; they
might or might not be separated by a distinct
Most of the larger eggs were vacuolated, the
vacuoles always appearing in connection with
the substance of the sphere or yolk-nucleus.
This sphere substance seemed to be also closely
related to the membrane separating double
The nuclei in many cases were shrunken and
seemed to be degenerating. Nucleoli were
frequently present, but in many cases were in-
distinct and irregular in outline. Mitotic di-
vision of the nucleus was never observed, al-
‘though one or two centrosomes were often
present. Many of the eggs, especially the
larger ones, were undergoing resorption by
means of phagocytes which were the trans-
formed follicle cells. Instances were found
where the follicle cells had disappeared along
part of the periphery of the egg, leaving behind
a deposit of pigment. The doubling of the
eges seemed to be due in most of the smaller
ones to division of the primordial egg cell, and
in the larger ones to fusion of contiguous cells.
The cause of such abnormalities is not known.
Some connection with hybridization may be
shown later.
Titles of papers given during the two Quar-
ters: ‘Life-History of Dicyema,’ Professor
W. M. Wheeler; ‘Abnormalities in Ovigene-
sis,’ M. F. Guyer; ‘ Recent Literature on An-
nelid Morphology,’ R. 8. Lillie ; ‘Experimental
Production of Meroblastic Cleavage in the
Frog’s Egg (O. Hertwig), Dr. C. M. Child; ‘Re-
cent Experimental Work on the Ctenophore
Egg’ (Fischel & H. E. Zeigler), Dr. C. M.
Child ; ‘Some Native Americans’ (illustrated),
A.L. Melander & C. T. Brues ; ‘The Formation
of Giant Embryos in Ascaris’ (Zur Strassen),
H. H. Newman; ‘Blind Fishes,’ Professor C. H.
Higenmann, of the University of Indiana; ‘In-
stincts and Habits of Solitary Wasps (Peckham),
Miss M. M. Enteman; ‘The Evolution of the
Color-pattern in the Pigeon’s Wing,’ Professor
C. O. Whitman; ‘The Excretory Organs of
Petromyzon,’ Professor W. M. Wheeler;
‘The Excretory System of Turtles,’ Miss EB. R.
Gregory; ‘A Review of the Phosphorescent
Organs of Animals’ (illustrated), Professor S.
Watase; ‘Hybridism in Pigeons,’ M. F. Guyer.
To THE EpIToR oF SCIENCE: Totemism
has been a most obscure subject, and it is
only of late that any real light has been
thrown on it by the publication of Bald-
win-Gillen’s ‘Native Tribes of Central Aus-
tralia,’ which is ably discussed by Mr. J. G.
Frazer in the April and May numbers of the
Fortnightly Review. Among the Australians an
Emu group, e. g., is that who by refraining from
killing and eating emus show that by their
friendship with emus they acquire power with
them, and identify themselves with the emus by
blood ceremonies and by masquerading as emus,
Now, all this we may interpret as a trap, a bit
of animistic cunning like that of the hunter
stalking. The Emu men are specialized as a
group to a control over the emus by magic
rites, making them multiply and be convenient
food for the rest of the tribe. Totemism is a
cooperation primarily for food supply; ‘‘ you
Grub men get grubs for me by your special
kinship with grubs, and we Emu men likewise
will get emus for you.’? The Totemic method
is a sly specialization by which a tribe of men
get the best of their animistic fellows—emus,
grubs, rain, etc.—for their own advantage, and
so the Totemic organization is not a religious,
but wholly an economic, socialization.
It appears to us that this interpretation, as
we have just expressed it, is sufficient, and Mr.
Frazer’s remark about the motive of ‘incon-
sistency’ which restrains from eating Totem, as
a cannibalism, presumes too much on the logical
power of the native. And cannibalism is a
common thing in nature; but among men and
most animals is reduced to eating one’s enemies
or persons of another tribe ; hence when the
878 SCIENCE. LN. &. Vou. IX. No. 234.
Totem is adopted into near kinship we merely
see, in the not-killing and eating, that which
follows naturally the rule of human kinship.
But if the main motive in abstaining from eat-
ing Totem ‘is to conciliate,’ then Totemism is
so far religious as a method of dealing with
superiors, for in a broad sense religion includes
all acts toward the superior as such. But
Totemism, so far asit makes the native coercive
to his fellow animals by force of cunning magic,
certainly is unreligious.
As to Exogamy, while this may arise simi-
larly with abstinence from killing and eating,
and is thus a saving from supposed incest, as
Mr. Frazer says, we would also see that mar-
riage within a Totem group might have the
undesirable result of a Totem animal as off-
spring instead of a human child. Mr. Frazer
reports something analogous in his book on
Totemism (page 16): ‘‘ Bakalai think that if a
man were to eat his Totem the women of his
clan would miscarry and give birth to animals
of the Totem kind or die with an awful dis-
It would be of interest to know whether there
is a Totemic instinct and whether it emerges in
civilized children. I think it might be found,
especially among street Arabs and others early
thrown on their own resources. As to Totem-
ism bearing on the domestication of animals, the
researches of McGee and others in the United
States favor domestication of animals from com-
mensalism. (Cf. also domestication of snakes as
ratters in the Philippines.) Totemism certainly
acts analogously to a limited close period by re-
stricting those who shall kill and eat certain food
animals; but the Totemic idea of controlling by
spell is contrary to the idea of direct subjec-
tion, and would scarcely lead to it. The Totem
group are merely those who stay at home, and
by their intimate relationship weave the spells
by which the prey is made plenteous and con-
venient to the hunter.
In Totemism and also Fetichism—which is
but a means to Totemic power—we see the first
groping of the human mind toward causal re-
lation and its practical application; but so
grossly animistic, especially in its kinship idea,
as to be difficult of understanding by civilized
man with his scientific mode of thought. The
Totemic control of nature by making oneself
akin, is antipodal to the depersonalizing scien-
tific method. Totemism is the human animal
fascinating his prey by kinship rite and spell.
LAKE ForREstT, ILL., May 29, 1899.
Epiror OF SCIENCE: The following observa-
tion is submitted on the chance that it may be
of use. A dead mouse was given to two kittens
eight weeks old. They showed no interest in it
from sight or smell, but as soon as they were
made to taste the mouse they went into a fight-
ing passion, which remained as long as the
mouse was tasted. When they were forced to
give up the mouse, all interest was lost and
could not be aroused even by smell. Yet as
soon as the tongue again touched the mouse
the kitten fell into the same passion of fight-
ing. One test showed marked results. Giv-
ing the mouse to one kitten, I held it, scratch-
ing vigorously, in one hand, while with the
other hand I made the other kitten touch and
smell the mouse and finally taste it. As long
as the second one did not taste the mouse it
showed no interest, but it began to fight vig-
orously at the moment of tasting. As soon
as the first kitten was made to release its hold
on the mouse it at once ceased to show any
THE Meteorological Chart of the Great Lakes for
June (U. S. Weather Bureau) presents a chart
of the normal annual precipitation of rain and
snow in the drainage basins of the Great Lakes,
with a set of tables and a brief summary pre-
pared by A. J. Henry. The conclusion reached
as to the influence of the Lakes on precipitation
is as follows: With the possible exception of
Lake Superior, the lakes do not seem to have a
very marked influence on the precipitation over
adjacent land areas. There is more precipita-
tion on the south than on the north side of
Lakes Superior, Erie and Ontario, the differ-
JUNE 23, 1899. ]
ence in the case of Lake Superior being about
eight inches, while the average precipitation on
the south shores of Lakes Erie and Ontario is
about three inches greater than that on the
north shores. The eastern shores of Lakes
Michigan and Huron have a greater precipita-
tion than the western, but the differences are
not so strongly marked as between the northern
. and southern shores of the other lakes. The
annual precipitation is somewhat less over the
northern peninsula of Michigan as compared
with the immediate shore line, and the precipi-
tation over the interior of the northern portion
of the lower peninsula is considerably less than
on the shores of the lakes on either side.
THE Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau
for 1897-98 is an unusually interesting volume.
We nete that Section I., which deals with New
Work and Special Investigations, includes an ac-
count of the kite work, illustrated by repro-
ductions of a considerable number of kite me-
teorograph curves. Deaths by lightning dur-
ing the year 1897 are reported as reaching 362,
which is the largest number in any single year
since a record has been kept. The number of
deaths due to violent storms was 55. Part VII.
contains The Climate of Cuba, by W. F. R. Phil-
lips, a somewhat fuller account than that pub-
lished in Bulletin No. 22 (see ScrENCE, July 1,
1898, p. 16); Temperature, Rainfall and Humidity
at San Juan, Porto Rico, and The Weather of
Manila, both by W. F. R. Phillips. The
latter account was contained in Bulletin No.
22. Two papers by Professor H. A. Hazen,
one on Meteorologic Waves and one on The Dis-
tribution of Moisture in the United States, both
well illustrated, close the volume.
Owine to the withdrawal, by the govern-
ment, of the annual subsidy, the Jamaica
Weather Service came to an end on April Ist
of this year. This service was established in
1880, and has done valuable work in furnishing
warnings of coming hurricanes, as well as in
carrying on and publishing investigations of
hurricanes, rainfall, damage by lightning, etc.
Mr. Maxwell Hall has been in charge of the
Jamaica Weather Service from the start, and
has had the able assistance of Mr. Robert John-
stone, as observer in charge at Kingston. The
announcement is now made that Mr. John-
stone’s services must be dispensed with, and
that the first-class station at Kingston and the
second-class station at Montego Bay must be
THE Monthly Weather Review for March notes
the issue of two new daily weather maps, one
in Canada and the other in Mexico. In the
summer of 1898 the Canadian Meteorological
Service established a Pacific Coast Division with
headquarters at Victoria, B. C. An _ inter-
change of daily telegraphic reports takes place
between our own Weather Bureau and that of
Canada, so that the information available to one
is also accessible to the other. It is expected
that daily maps and forecasts will be issued by
the Pacific Coast Division of the Canadian
Weather Service similar to those now issued by
the U. S. Weather Bureau at San Francisco
and at Portland, Ore. On March 1, 1899, the
Republic of Mexico began the publication of a
daily weather map, 12 by 16 inches in size, the
observations being made at 8 a. m., 75th merid-
ian time. The map makes possible an imme-
diate connection with the daily maps of the
United States and of Canada.
THE Monthly Weather Review for March also
contains a summary of some meteorological
observations made at Dawson City during
November and December, 1898, and January,
1899, by U. G. Myers, Observer, Weather
Bureau. Themaximum in November was 23.3°;
the minimum, —41.4°. In December the maxi-
mum was 38.0° and the minimum —41.0°.
In January the maximum and minimum were
2.0° and —45.0°, respectively.
The Use of Kites in the Exploration of the Upper
Air. C. F. Marvin, Professor of Meteor
ology, U. S. Weather Bureau. Year-book of
the Department of Agriculture for 1898. Pp.
201-212. Pls. I. Figs. 9.
Description of the standard Weather Bureau
kite and apparatus, with illustrations.
Proceedings of the Convention of Weather Bureau
Officials held at Omaha, Nebraska, October 13—
14, 1898. Prepared under the direction of
Wituis L. Moore, Chief of Weather Bureau.
U. S. Department of Agriculture, Weather
Bureau. Bulletin No. 24. 8vo. Washing-
ton, D. C.,.1899. Pp. 184.
This Bulletin contains a large number of
papers on a wide range of subjects connected
with the work of the Weather Bureau and with
the relations of the Bureau to the public.
SEVERAL years ago the lamented Dr. Sturte-
vant published privately the results of his
studies of Indian Corn, with especial reference
to the varieties which have been created by
man since he has had it under cultivation.
The value of the original paper was such that
the Department of Agriculture has done wisely
in determining to bring out this considerably
enlarged and improved edition as one of the
publications of the Office of Experiment Sta-
tions (Bulletin No. 57). It is an attempt to
treat in a scientific manner the whole problem
of the varieties into which the originally single
species has developed under man’s selection.
It is thus a contribution to our knowledge of
the evolution of a species under cultivation.
The paper opens with a technical description
of the Family Gramineae, the tribe Maydeae and
the genus Zea, and then follow descriptions of
‘the one recognized species,’ Zea mays L., and
the ‘species groups.’ In discussing the vari-
ations in the species the author says: ‘‘The
species Zea mays includes exceedingly divergent
forms. The height of the plant in varieties
and localities has been reported from 18 inches
for the Golden Tom Thumb pop to 30 feet or
more for varieties in the West Indies, and
single stalks in Tennessee at 22} feet. I have
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 234.
seen ears 1 inch long in the pop class and 16
inches long in the dent class. The rows in
varieties may vary from 8 to 24 or more, and
in individual ears are reported from 4 to 48.
A hundred kernels of Miniature pop weighed
46 grains, of Cuzco soft 1,531 grains. In some
varieties the ears are long and slender; in
others, short and thick ; in the Bear Foot pop,
flat. Some varieties have flat kernels; other
varieties have spheroidal kernels ; yet others,
conical kernels. The summits of the kernels
may be flat, rounded, pointed or indented.
These kernels, usually upright on the cob, may
be sloping or imbricated, firm or loose, usually
sessile, yet sometimes stalked. In structure
some are corneous throughout; others are
partly corneous and partly farinaceous, others
entirely farinaceous. * * * The season also
varies. A variety that ripens in one month is
mentioned from Paraguay, and seven months
are said to be required in some southern coun-
tries. * * * In one group of corn each kernel
is surrounded by a husk and the ear thus formed
is itself enveloped in husks. In all our field
and garden corns, however, the seed is naked
on the cob.”’
With all these variations before him the
author finds little difficulty in dividing the
‘polymorphic species Zea mays’ into a number
of groups, ‘‘ which, on account of their well-
defined and persistent characters, may be con-
sidered as presenting specific nomenclature.”’
Accordingly, the author proposes six ‘species
groups,’ each having the value of species in
process of formation (if we understand the
author aright). These species of a lower order
are as follows :
1. Zea tunicata, the pod corns, in which each
kernel is enclosed in a pod or husks. This is
thought by some to be the type of the primitive
maize, but Dr. Sturtevant very shrewdly sug-
gests that ‘‘a more complete study, with more
ample material, may possibly bring this group
under the classification of abnormalities, the
pod being but a proliferous condition.”’
2. Zea everta, the pop corns, in which the
excessive proportion of corneous endosperm
and the small size of the kernels and ears are
characteristic. Twenty-five varieties are recog-
JUNE 23, 1899. ]
3. Zea indurata, the flint corns, in which the
corneous endosperm encloses a mass of starchy
endosperm, the summit of the kernel being in
all cases covered by the corneous layer. Sixty-
nine varieties are recognized, among which the
common ‘ Hight-rowed corn of New England’
is a familiar example.
4. Zea indentata, the dent corns, in which
the corneous endosperm occurs at the sides only
of the kernel, the starchy endosperm extend-
ing to the summit. By the drying and shrink-
age of the starchy matter the summit of the
kernel becomes indented, whence the name
‘dent’ corn. No less than 323 varieties are
recognized as belonging to this ‘species group,’
of which the common corn of the Central
States, North and South, furnishes many ex-
5. Zea amylacea, the soft corns, characterized
by the absence of corneous endosperm. Twenty-
seven varieties are recognized. Tuscarora,
Cuzco and Zuni are examples. ‘‘ The mummy
corns, from Peru and Chili, that I have
examined have been soft corns in four varieties.’’
6. Zea Zaccarata, the sweet corns, character-
ized by the translucent, horny appearance of
the kernels, and their more or less crinkled,
wrinkled or shriveled condition. Sixty-three
varieties are recognized.
While we may not be willing to accept these
‘species groups’ as species in the ordinary
sense, it is fair to say that, in our opinion, they
are as much entitled to specific rank as many
of those which have been described recently.
If the systematic botanists ever turn to such
plants as Maize, Wheat, etc., we may expect
not only the acceptance of the forms indicated
above as good species, but also the addition of
many more.
A RECENT Experiment Station Bulletin (No.
87) issued by the Kansas Station contains some
matter of more than usual interest to botanists.
It deals with the grasses of importance to agri-
culture, and on that account might be supposed
to contain little, if anything, of value to the
scientific botanist, but it requires only an ex-
amination of this bulletin to show that one can-
not judge of the value of a paper by the title.
Professor Hitchcock has made a paper of much
interest to the botanist, and we dare say that it
is not one whit less useful to the farmers for
whom, primarily, it was written. Twenty-six
species of wild grasses are mentioned, and, by
means of illustrations and popular descriptions,
their identity will not be difficult for the farmer
and stockman. To the botanist the neat little
maps which show the distribution of the species
are full of interest, as are also the paragraphs
which indicate, popularly, it is true, the main
phytogeographic features of the State. The
latter are as follows : Wooded regions ; sloughs,
swales and wet meadows; bottom lands ;
prairies of eastern Kansas; sandy regions ;
stony hills; salt plains and alkali spots. One
cannot but regret that the text is disfigured by
the spelling ‘thru’ and ‘thruout,’ but we sur-
mise that this is not to be laid at the door of
the writer of the Bulletin.
THAT delicious vegetable, the sweet potato,
is affected most grievously by diseases which
must make life a burden to the grower, what-
ever they may do to the unfortunate plants
themselves. In a recent bulletin issued by the
Maryland Experiment Station, Dr. C. O. Town-
send described eight diseases of the sweet po-
tato. These are known under the following
names: Black Rot, Soil Rot, Soft Rot, Stem
Rot, White Rot, Dry Rot, Scurf, Leaf Mould.
In every case the disease is produced by a fun-
gous parasite which attacks the tissues. Thus
Black Rot is caused by Ceratocystis fimbriata ;
Soil Rot by Acrocystis batatas ; Soft Rot by the
ubiquitous ‘black mould’ Rhizopus nigricans ;
Stem Rot by Nectria ipomex; White Rot by
some Penicillium; Dry Rot by Phoma butate ;
Seurf by Monilochetes infuscans; Leaf Mould
by Albugo (Cystopus) ipome@x-pandurane. Nine
years ago Dr. Halsted, of the New Jersey Ex-
periment Station, published a similar paper
(Bulletin 76) in which he described still another
disease of this sorely afflicted plant, viz., Leaf
Blight caused by Phyllosticta bataticola, making
nine diseases in all. The remedies to be em-
ployed by the growers include the following :
Discard all diseased sets ; spray with Bordeaux
mixture ; rotate crops; treat the soil with sul-
phur, four hundred pounds to the acre; gather
and burn all diseased roots at the time the crop
is harvested ; destroy all related weeds, avoid
bruising the tubers; store in dry places at a
temperature of about 70°; remove and burn
diseased tubers as soon as they begin to decay.
Surely the grower of the sweet potato must be
alert to bring his crop to a successful issue.
THE preliminary announcement of the forty-
eighth meeting of the American Association for
the Advancement of Science has been issued by
the local committee. It will be remembered
that the meeting will be held at Columbus,
Ohio, from the 21st to the 26th of August, un-
der the presidency of Professor Edward Orton.
The first general session will as usual be held
on Monday morning, when the President elect
will be introduced by the retiring President,
Professor F. W. Putnam, and addresses of wel-
come will be made by the Governor of Ohio and
the Mayor of Columbus. The addresses of the
Vice-Presidents will be given on Monday after-
noon, and the address of the retiring President
in the evening. The several sections will meet
as usual during the week, and Saturday will be
devoted to an excursion, probably to the
mounds at Fort Ancient, the coal mines in
Hocking Valley and the natural-gas fields.
Further information may be obtained from the
Permanent Secretary of the Association, Dr. L.
O. Howard, Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C.,
and from the Local Secretary, Professor B. F.
Thomas, Ohio State University.
The societies meeting in affiliation with the
Association are as follows :
The American Forestry Association will meet
on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 22d and
23d, in Horticultural Hall. Hon. James Wilson,
Washington, D. C., President ; G. P. Whittle-
sey, Washington, D. C., Secretary.
The Geological Society of America will meet on
Tuesday, August 22d, at the same time and
place with Section E. B. K. Emerson, Amherst,
Mass., President; H. L. Fairchild, Rochester,
N. Y., Secretary.
[N.S. Von. 1X. No. 234.
The American Chemical Society will hold a
general meeting on Monday and Tuesday,
August 21st and 22d, and the remainder of the
week will be given to Section C. Edward W.
Morley, Cleveland, Ohio, President; Albert C.
Hale, 551 Putnam Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.,
The Society for the Promotion of Agricultural
Science will meet on Friday and Saturday, Au-
gust 18th and 19th. B. D. Halsted, New
Brunswick, N. J., President; C. S. Plumb,
Lafayette, Ind., Secretary.
The Association of Economic Entomologists will
hold its eleventh annual meeting on August
18th and 19th. C. L. Marlatt, Washington,
D. C., President; A. H. Kirkland, Malden,
Mass., Secretary.
The American Mathematical Society will meet
on Friday and Saturday, August 25th and 26th.
R. S. Woodward, Columbia University, New
York, President; F. N. Cole, Columbia Uni-
versity, New York, Secretary.
The Society for the Promotion of Engineering
Education will hold its meeting on August 17th,
18th and 19th. Albert Kingsbury, Durham,
N. H., Secretary.
The American Folk-Lore Society will probably
meet with Section H on Thursday, August 24th.
W. W. Newell, Cambridge, Mass., Secretary.
The Botanical Society of America will meet on
Friday and Saturday, August 18th and 19th.
On Friday, at 4 p. m., business meeting; 8 p.
m., address of retiring President ; on Saturday,
9 a. m., business meeting; 9:30 a. m., and 2 p.
m., sessions for reading papers. G. F. Atkin-
son, Ithaca, N. Y., Secretary.
The American Microscopical Society will meet
August 16th, 17th and 18th. Henry B. Ward,
Lincoln, Neb., Secretary.
THE celebration of the centenary of the
foundation of the Royal Institution, London,
took place in accordance with the plans we
have already announced. Commemorative ad-
dresses were made by Lord Rayleigh and Pro-
fessor Dewar, and at the banquet on June 5th
JUNE 23, 1899.]
the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Cambridge
and Professor Langley, of the Smithsonian In-
stitution, made speeches.
As part of the celebration there was an exhi-
bition of historical apparatus, regarding which
we take the following from the London Times :
Most of it belongs to the Institution’s own col-
lection, but a considerable number of articles
are on loan, some memorials of Davy having
been sent by Dr. Humphry Davy Rolleston,
his grand-nephew, and some of Faraday by his
niece, Miss Jane Barnard, and other members
of the Barnard family. The founder, Count
Rumford, is represented by some models—a
grate, fireplace, chimneys, roaster and stew-
pan, which may be taken as typical of the pur-
poses which he conceived the Institution should
serve. Of the first professor, Dr. Garnett,
nothing seems to remain but his picture, and
the objects that belonged to the second, Dr.
Thomas Young, are not very numerous or
Of Sir Humphry Davy, however, the relics
are most interesting, for they carry the mind
back to what are probably his two best-known
achievements. In the first place there is a
couple of the batteries or galvanic troughs with
which he was able to effect the decomposition
of the alkalis, and in the second a large collec-
tion of the lamps with which he experimented
in the effort—finally, of course, successful—to
find a form safe for use in dangerous coal mines.
Other memorials of Davy include a portrait of
him in court dress occupying the presidential
chair of the Royal Society, the three medals he
received at various times from that body, the
Napoleon medal for the ‘best experiment on
the galvanic fluid’ awarded him in 1807 by the
French Institute, whose action raised a storm
of indignation, because England and France
were then at war, and many specimens of his
correspondence, not the least interesting being
some of the love letters he addressed to the
charming Mrs. Apreece, his marriage with
whom in 1812 terminated his connection with
the Institution.
The articles associated with Faraday are still
morenumerous. There is the original apparatus
with which he obtained the magneto-electric
spark; the big electro-magnet with a copper
dise spinning between its poles, which formed
the first machine for continuously generating an
electric current by means of magnetism, and
which is, therefore, the direct ancestor of the
modern dynamo; early forms of galyanometers
and electrical-influence machines; a series of
delicate glass vessels filled with various gases,
which he used in his determinations of magnetic
and diamagnetic properties, together with the
‘diamagnetic box’ he presented to Tyndall ;
the apparatus employed in the first experiments
on the liquefaction of gases, with some of the
tubes filled by himself; many specimens of the
heavy glass in which he did such memorable
work; and a curious bit of apparatus, consist-
ing apparently of a block of this glass, sur-
rounded with a coil of fine wire, which he
doubtless used in one of his numerous experi-
ments to discover a connection between light
and magnetism. The way in which the last is
put together shows plainly the influence of the
apprenticeship to a bookbinder which Faraday
served in his early life, and another beautifully
neat example of his expertness in this craft
may be seen in a bound manuscript volume of
Davy’s lectures ‘taken off from notes by M.
Faraday,’ which is particularly interesting as
having led to his engagement as an assistant in
the institution’s laboratory.
Among the apparatus belonging to men more
recently connected with the Royal Institutiow
may be mentioned that used by Tyndall in his
investigations on radiant heat and on germ life,
the electrical instruments of Dr. Warren de la
Rue, and last, but not least, the magnificent
collection of physical apparatus that was the
property of the late Mr. William Spottiswoode,
successively Treasurer and Secretary of the In-
stitution. This includes a splendid series of
Nicol’s prisms and other apparatus for experi-
menting in the polarization of light, a huge
- electro-magnet made by Ducretet, of Paris, and
the famous induction coil containing 280 miles
of wire in its secondary circuit and capable of
giving a spark 3} feet long. The whole has
just been presented to the Institution by Mr.
W. Hugh Spottiswoode, and it will form a most
worthy memorial of the year in which that so-
ciety completes its century of useful and honor-
able existence.
SECRETARY Lona, of the Navy Department,
has appointed a Board of Visitors to examine
and report upon the U. 8. Naval Observatory,
to consist of Senator Wm. E. Chandler; Repre-
sentative Alston G. Dayton; Professor Geo. C.
Comstock, Director of the Observatory of the
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.; Pro-
fessor Geo. E. Hale, Director of the Yerkes
Observatory, Williams Bay, Wis.; and Professor
Edward C. Pickering, Director of the Harvard
College Observatory, Cambridge, Mass. This
Board of Visitors will meet at the Naval Ob-
servatory on the 30th of the month.
WE learn from Dr. Tiessen, of Berlin, that
the Norwegian Storthing has passed an act regu-
lating the administration of the Nobel founda-
tion. The prizes, which it will be remembered
are in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature
and for the promotion of peace, will each be of
the value of 15,000 crowns (about $11,000) an-
nually. The prizes are to be conferred on the
anniversary of Nobel’s death, on the 18th of
December, and for the first time in 1901. The
prizes in physics and chemistry are to be
awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences
and the prize in medicine or physiology by the
Medico-Surgical Institute of Stockholm. Any
one making application for one of the prizes is
thereby excluded. A prize may be divided be-
tween two persons who have carried out a joint
work. It appears that part of the income is to
be used for the establishment of Nobel Insti-
tutes, regarding the scope of which we are not
SEVERAL years ago Dr. Robert Lamborn be-
queathed to the Philadelphia Academy of
Natural Sciences his entire estate, valued at
over $600,000. The will was contested and a
compromise has now been effected by which
half of the property is received by the Academy.
Tue American Geographical Society, New
York, has bought a plot of land 50 x 102 feet on
the north side of West 82d St., near Central
Park, and facing the open square on which
stands the American Museum of Natural His-
tory. In addition to the legacy of General
Cullum, subscriptions amounting to $30,400
have been received, and the Council proposes to
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 234.
begin the construction of a fire-proof building,
completing it at present only so far as may be
necessary to provide for a library and offices.
On the occasion of the official inspection of
the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, on June
3d, the new buildings were opened to visitors.
The new Observatory building, which has been
in progress since 1891, was completed last
March by the addition of the east and west
wings, and a new magnetic pavilion, in an en-
closure in Greenwich Park, about 360 yards from
the Observatory, was completed last September.
Among the distinguished visitors present were
M. Cornu and Professor Newcomb.
THE University of Oxford, on June 8th, enter-
tained the delegates to the centenary of the
Royal Institution and conferred the honorary
D.C.L. upon the following : Henri Becquerel,
Membre de l'Institut, professor of physics at
the Ecole Polytechnique, Paris; Guglielmo
Korner, professor of chemistry in the Scuola
Superiore d’ Agricultura, Milan ; Matthias Eu-
gen Oscar Liebreich, Director of the Pharma-
cological Laboratory, and professor of pharma-
cology in the University of Berlin; Henri
Moissan, professor of toxicology in the Ecole
Supérieure de Pharmacie, Paris, and Simon
Newcomb, U.S. Navy and Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity. At the luncheon, given in the hall of
Christ Church, Professor Newcomb responded
to the toast in honor of the guests.
Tue following have been elected foreign
members of the Royal Society: Dr. Ludwig
Boltzmann, professor of theoretical physics in
the University of Vienna; Dr. Neumayer,
of the Hamburg Observatory; Dr. Anton Dohrn,
Director of the Zoological Station, Naples; Pro-
fessor Emil Fischer, professor of chemistry at
the University of Berlin, and Dr. Melchior
Treub, Director of the Buitenzorg Botanical
Ernst A. Bessry, A.M., of the University
of Nebraska, has been appointed to the position
of Assistant Vegetable Pathologist in the Di-
vision of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology
in the United States Department of Agricul-
ture, the appointment dating from June Ist.
THE subjects of Professor Emile Picard’s lec-
tures to be delivered at Clark University, in
JUNE 23, 1899.]
connection with the Decennial Celebration,
July 5th to 8th, are as follows: (1) Sur le
développement des mathématiques, et en par-
ticulier de Vidée de fonction, depuis un siécle.
(2) Quelques vues générales sur la théorie des
équations différentielles. (8) Sur la théorie
générale des fonctions analytiques et sur quel-
ques fonctions spéciales.
THE statue of Benjamin Franklin, presented
to the city of Philadelphia by Mr. Justus C.
Strawbridge, was unveiled on June 14th with
ceremonies under the auspices of the University
of Pennsylvania, the American Philosophical
Society, the Franklin Institute, the Library
Company of Philadelphia, and the Pennsylva-
nia Hospital. The oration was delivered by U.
S. District Attorney James M. Beck.
THE death is announced of Dr. A. Charpen-
tier, professor in the faculty of medicine in the
University of Paris, and the author of contribu-
tions on vision numbering over 100. His pub-
lications concern especially the time phenomena
of vision, intensity, contrast, etc.
Dr. LAwson TAIT, a surgeon of Birmingham,
England, who was eminent for his operations
in abdominal surgery, died in London on June
13th, aged fifty-five years.
THE next meeting of the International Com-
mittee on Meteorology has been called for Au-
gust 25th of the present year at St. Peters-
THE annual meeting of the Royal Geograph-
ical Society, London, was held on June 5th, when
the medals were awarded in accordance with
the announcement that we have already made.
A banquet was held in the evening. Among
the speakers were Count du Pontavice de Heus-
sey, who had received one of the medals in the
afternoon, and the American Ambassador, Mr.
THE 21st Congress of French Geographical
Societies will be held at the building of the
Paris Society of Geography, from the 23d to
the 29th of July, 1900.
Dr. Cyrus ADLER informs us that Comte
Angelo De Gubernatis, President of the 12th In-
ternational Congress of Orientalists, to meet at
Rome, October 12, 1899, states that a special
section of this Congress will be devoted to re-
searches concerning the origin of the American
Indians, and that papers from students of
American archeology, ethnography, mythology
and folklore will be welcome.
A REUTER telegram from Stockholm, dated
June 6th, says that the Anthropological and
Geographical Society of Stockholm has received
the following telegram from Herr Vathne, a
shipowner at Mandal: ‘‘Captain Hueland, of
the steamship Vaagen, who arrived there on
Monday morning, reports that when at Kola
Fjord, Iceland, in 65° 34’ north lat., 21° 28/7
west long.,on May 14th, he found a drifting
buoy marked ‘ No. 7.’ Inside the buoy was a
capsule, marked ‘ Andrée’s Polar Expedition,’
containing a slip of paper, on which was writ-
ten the following: ‘Drifting buoy, No. 7. This
buoy was thrown out from Andrée’s balloon on
July 11, 1897, 10:55 p. m., Greenwich mean
time, 82° north lat., 25° east long. We are at
an altitude of 600 metres; all well. Andrée,
Strindberg, Fraenckel.’’’ Herr Andrée made
his ascent from Danes Island on July 11, 1897,
at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, so that when the
buoy was thrown out the explorer had only
travelled seven hours and 55 minutes.
THE Stella Polare, with the Duke of Abruzzi,
nephew of the King of Italy, and his polar ex-
pedition on board, sailed from Christiania on
June 12th.
AmonG those who will embark on the steam-
ship Hope for the Arctic regions are’ Professor
Wm. Libbey, of Princeton University, and Dr.
Robert Stein, of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic
Survey. Dr. Stein will spend the winter in
Ellesmereland, and will be accompanied by Dr.
Leopold Kann, who will pay special attention
to the study of terrestrial magnetism.
THE New Mexico Biological Station will be
conducted this summer at Las Vegas, N. M.,
beginning work about June 25th. Mr. T. D.
A. Cockerell will be in charge, and will be
assisted by Miss W. Porter. It is also ex-
pected that two parties will undertake field-in-
vestigations in New Mexico, Professor C. L.
Herrick having charge of a geological party,
and Professor E. L. Hewitt of an anthropolog-
ical one. Professor E. O. Wooton will also be
in the field, investigating the flora of the White
Mountain region of New Mexico, which has al-
ready yielded him so many interesting novelties.
Professor C. H. T. Townsend and Mr. C. M.
Barber are collecting in the region of the Sierra
Madre Mountains, in northern Mexico.
PROFESSOR W. A. SETCHELL, of the Univer-
sity of California, and other botanists of the
University, are about to leave on an expedition
to study the flora of the Aleutian Islands.
* Two French explorers have returned to
Paris, Dr. Maclaud, who had been in French
Guinea, and M. Peroy, who has been for three
years in Gen-Thé and Cai- Binh.
Mr. CHARLES H. SENFF has given $5,000 to
the zoological department of Columbia Univer-
sity for purposes of exploration and publication.
Mr. Harrington and Mr. Sumner expect, with
the assistance of this fund, to make a second ex-
pedition to the Nile in search of Polypterus, if
the unsettled political conditions make this
possible. The fund will also be used for the
publication of a memoir on the anatomy of
Polypterus, to be undertaken conjointly by
Messrs. Dean, Harrington, McGregor, Strong,
Herrick and Professor Wheeler, of the Uni-
versity of Chicago. Professor E. B. Wilson,
after ascertaining last spring that the trip to
Khartoum was impracticable, established a
temporary laboratory at Mansourah, upon the
lower Nile, the point visited by Messrs. Har-
rington and Hunt last summer, The fishermen
assured ‘him that Polypterus would return in
quantity, and raised his hopes greatly; but,
when after a long period, the fish began to ap-
pear it was ascertained that all the females had
spawned, so that further efforts to obtain the
eggs would be futile during the remainder of
the season. Professor Wilson is now occupying
the Columbia University table at Naples and is
engaged in the revision for the third edition
of his volume, ‘ The Cell,’ which is to be trans-
lated into Italian and French.
THE Peabody Museum, of Harvard Univer-
sity, has received from the heirs of the late
Moses D. Kimball a valuable collection of ar-
cheeological and ethnological specimens.
AT a meeting of the British Astronomical
Association on May 31st Mr. E. Walter Maun-
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 234:
der announced that the report of the eclipse
expeditions of last year were now far advanced
and were expected to be issued before the next
meeting. With regard to the arrangements of
the expeditions for next year, they had not yet
entered into a contract with any steamship
company, but they were carrying on negotia-
tions in that direction. They expected to ar-
range without difficulty for asteamship to take
a party out from England, leaving approxi-
mately a fortnight before the eclipse, and reach-
ing England again about a week after it. It
would probably call at some port in Portugal—
either Oporto or Lisbon—then, perhaps, at
Cadiz and Alicante, finally going to Algiers,
where the steamer could be used as a hotel by
those members of the party who went the full
journey. They had received 109 names so far
for the European and Algerian expedition, and
additions to that number were expected.
TuE University of the State of New York has
just issued a museum bulletin by the State
Entomologist, Dr. Felt, on Shade Tree Pests.
Those likely to prove most destructive this
season are described and depicted in various
stages, and directions for the most effective
means of exterminating them are given. This
bulletin, No. 27, will be sent to any address for
five cents. State Paleontologist Dr. John M.
Clarke has prepared a Guide to excursions in
the fossiliferous rocks of New York (University
Hand-book 15), which will be of special interest
to teachers and students wishing to acquaint
themselves more intimately with the classic
rocks of this State. Itineraries of 32 trips are
given, covering nearly the entire series of
paleozoic rocks, with careful details as to typ-
ical localities, how to get to them without loss
of time and comfort, what strata and fossils to
look for and where to find them. It is hoped
to send this hand-book to all the schools in the
University before the end of the school year.
AMONG important American scientific books
announced for early publication are the ‘ Races
of Europe,’ by Professor W. Z. Ripley (Apple-
tons) based on the series of articles published
in the Popular Science Monthly ; and ‘ Statistical
Methods with Special Reference to Biological
Variation,’ by Dr. C. B. Davenport (Wiley), de-
JUNE 23, 1899. ]
scribing the statistical methods elaborated by
Galton and Pearson and their application in
the natural sciences,
ACCORDING to the Boston Transcript the Uni-
versity of Chicago has set aside $5,000 to defray
the expenses of explorations which are about
to be conducted under its auspices in Yucatan.
A collection of hitherto-unknown ruins has
been discovered lately some distance southeast
of the city of Merida, on the north coast, and a
representative of the institution paid a visit to
the spot this winter. He found the remains of
what seemed to be an enormous tribal dwelling,
with buildings scattered around it over an area
of nearly a mile. The main edifice was built
massively of stone, and the facades were liter-
ally covered with the most intricate and beau-
tiful carving. The top is covered. with earth
and vegetation, and from a distance looks like
a square wooded hill, so there is fairly good
reason for supposing that the interior rooms are
in a state of good preservation, at least that
they have not been opened and ransacked by
prowling Indians. There are many tombs also
that have every appearance of being intact, and,
if so, they may contain much matter to shed
light on one of the most mysterious pages of
the history of humanity. The exploring
expedition will start some time within the
next month, and New Orleans will be the point
of departure.
A conversazione in connection with the meet-
ing of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Lon-
don, was given on August 9th, the guests
being received by the President, Sir W. H.
Preece. The London Times states that Sir W.
Martin Conway showed a series of photographs
taken during his recent expedition to the Andes,
and Mr. Mansergh exhibited views in the Elan
valley, illustrating the progress of the works,
of which he is the engineer, for giving Birming-
ham a new supply of water from Wales. For
those who desired still lighter amusement a
number of electrophones were fitted up in
connection with the theatres. Of engineer-
ing models and scientific apparatus there
was a very interesting display. Among the
former, which were particularly numerous,
were representations of the Powerful, Latona
and Jearless, lent by Messrs. Vickers, Sons
& Maxim; of the Turbinia and a tor-
pedo-boat destroyer with a guaranteed speed
of 385 knots, from the Hon. Charles A.
Parsons ; of the steel ice-breaking steamer
Ermak, from Messrs. Armstrong, Whitworth
& Co.; of the proposed new bridge at Kew,
from Sir John Wolfe Barry ; of the new high-
level bridge at Newcastle, from Mr. Charles
Harrison ; of the new P. and O. steamer Isis,
from Sir Thomas Sutherland ; and of dredgers
of various descriptions, from Messrs. J. C. Coode
and William Matthews. The Royal Ordinance
Factories had an interesting exhibit showing
the component parts of a 3803 Lee-Enfield
magazine rifle and the stages in the manufac-
ture of a solid-drawn 6-inch cartridge case.
The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company
showed some specimens of Professor Callendar’s
beautiful electrical recording instruments. One
was arranged as a pyrometer recording the
variations in the radiation from an ordinary in-
candescent lamp, and it was very curious to see
the constant alterations in the readings with
minute fluctuations in the current when the eye
could perceive no change whatever in the
lamp. The same firm also showed the seismo-
graph, designed by Professor Ewing, and Mr.
W. Duddell’s oscillograph for tracing alternate-
current wave forms. Another model in action
that attracted considerable notice was Professor
Dunkerley’s machine to illustrate the whirling
and vibration of shafts in rapid rotation.
Among the railway exhibits may be mentioned
examples of Mr. James Holden’s liquid fuel
burner for locomotives, as successfully used on
the Great Eastern Railway; an interesting series
of rail sections from Mr. W. Dean, illustrating
the development of the permanent way on the
Great Western ; and a working model of a mag-
netic system of train signalling from Mr. W. 8.
THE gift of Mr. B. N. Duke, of the American
Tobacco Company, to Trinity College, which we
announced last week, makes his gifts to the
College during the year $183,000; $6,000 of
which is to improve the scientific laboratories.
The gifts of Mr. B. N. Duke and his father, Mr.
W. Duke, to Trinity College have aggregated
over half a million dollars in the last six years.
THE sum of twenty-five thousand dollars has
been offered by an anonymous friend to Vassar
College for a biological laboratory on condition
another $25,000 be collected for the purpose.
By the death of Mrs. Jeremiah Halsey the
Norwich Free Academy will receive a bequest
of nearly $100,000, and Trinity College, Hart-
ford, $20,000, according to the provisions made
by Mr. Halsey in his will.
THE Rey. H. Latham, Master of Trinity Hall,
Cambridge University, has given £2,000 for the
proposed Sedgwick Memorial Museum.
Miss SuSAN DyCKMANN has given $300 for a
scholarship in zoology in Columbia University
for the year 1899.
THE class of 1899 of the University of Penn-
sylvania has given the University $5,000 toward
a scholarship in memory of the late Professor
E. Otis Kendall, for many years professor of
Tue Thirty-seventh University Convocation
of the State of New York will be held at Al-
bany, beginning June 26th. President Harper,
of the University of Chicago, will make the
annual address, his subject being ‘ Waste in
AT the recent Commencement, on June 8th,
the University of Nebraska conferred the follow-
ing degrees:
Bach elormoLwATis|tangvcrieislsteieiaveisisrelevcislele's 84
Bachelorjof SClenCesiviee sanciore c ciel isis sieeis 32
BachelorjiOL Moa wSietencterecketctsveisisrsicreinrsiie 51
Masterjofsarts deitletertcveretslessteierete eceeeiebeloists 14
Doctor of Philosophy............... 0. iL
The degree of Doctor of Philosophy was con-
ferred for work in mathematics, Dr. Engberg’s
thesis including a study of (1st) The Cartesian
Oval, and (2d) An Extension in the Theory of
the Characteristics of Evolutes. The following
are the titles of the theses in science presented
for the degree of Master of Arts:
‘The Demagnetizing Effects of Currents in Iron
when electro-magnetically compensated,’ by Z. E.
[N.S. Von. IX. No. 234.
‘ Beta- Phenyl-Meta-Nitroglutarie Acid and Deriv-
atives,’ by Mariel C. Gere.
‘Studies on the Genus Cittotenia,’ R. A. Lyman.
“A volumetric Method for the quantitative Esti-
mation of Sulphuric Acid,’ by Y. Nikaido.
‘A Contribution to the Chemistry of Aromatic
Glutarie Acids,’ by H. C. Parmelee.
holds the chair of Greek and comparative phil-
ology in Cornell University, has been elected
President of the University of California.
AT a recent meeting of the Board of Control
of the Michigan College of Mines, Professor
Fred W. McNair was unanimously elected
President of the institution. Professor McNair
has been for some years in charge of the de-
partment of mathematics and physics, and so
closely identified with the work and growth of
the College that its history, aims and methods
are entirely familiar to him.
Dr. F. Strone, of Yale University, has been
elected President of the University of Oregon.
Mr. Unysses 8. Grant, of the Minnesota
State Geological Survey, has been appointed
professor of geology in the Northwestern Uni-
Mr. FRANK R. LILLIs£, instructor in zoology
in the University of Michigan, has been ap-
pointed professor of biology at Vassar College.
At the same College Miss Winnifred J. Robinson
has been made instructor in biology and Miss
Caroline E. Furness, Ph.D., assistant in the
AT Syracuse University, Mr. 8. M. Taylor
has been made associate professor of physics ;
Dr. Henry M. Smith, instructor in chemistry,
and John G. Coulter, instructor in botany.
CarL A. Bessey, A.B., and B.Sc. in Elec-
trical Engineering, of the University of Ne-
braska, has been appointed assistant professor
in the department of mechanic arts in the
Agricultural and Mechanical College, Still-
water, Oklahoma.
FELLOWsHIPs at Bryn Mawr College have
been given to Miss Elizabeth Towle in biology,
and to Miss Anna L. Wilkinson in mathe-
matics. The fellowship in physics has not yet
been awarded.
EDITORIAL CoMMITTEE: S. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WoopWARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING,
Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THuRSTON, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry;
J. Le ContE, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; HENRY F. OsBoRN, Paleontology ; W. K.
Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; S. H. ScuppER, Entomology; C. E. Brssry, N. L.
BRITTON, Botany; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. Bowprrcu, Physiology ;
J. S. Brntines, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; DANIEL G. BRIN-
TON, J. W. PowELL, Anthropology.
Fripay, JUNE 30, 1899.
Lord Kelvin’s Address on the Age of the Earth as
an Abode fitted for Life (I): PROFESSOR T. C.
CHAMBERLIN cecscscdnedccsstscsscecssedecdcossenseesecces 889
Perspective Illusions from the Use of Myopic Glasses :
Dr. ROBERT MACDOUGALL...........c00seeceeseeeee 901
Birds as Weed Destroyers: DR. SYLVESTER D.
CWO) o.cocaqnacpaoqesoacronodboon doouccooudcdoosuocadoodden 905
The Biology of the Great Lakes: PROFESSOR
WACOBIREIGHUAR Discsseccseresscusenacesatesceiecsccess 906
‘The International Catalogue of Scientific Litera-
ture :—
Geology and Geography: PROFESSOR N. §.
Physiology : PROFESSOR JACQUES LOEB.......... 908
Seientifie Books :—
James’s Talks to Teachers on Psychology: PRO-
und Wetterberichte des XV. und XVI. Jahrhun-
derts: Dr. A.L. Rorcu. Books Received...... 909
Scientific Journals and Articles........0scccceeeeeeeeceees 911
Societies and Academies :—
The New York Academy of Sciences—Section of
The New York Section of the American Chemical
Society: DR. DURAND WoopMAN. ~ The
Washington Botanical Club: DR. CHARLES
THOUISH POLLARD, accssescessececsesseocecceee ss 912
Professor Dewar on Liquid Hydrogen...... 914
Automatic Ship-Propulsion: R. H. T... 915
Remeasurement of the Are of Peru......... 916
Leland Stanford Jr. University... 916
Sceientifie Notes and News...........++ coda ele
University and Educational News........:0.:0cceeseeeeee 919
MSS. intended for publication and books, ete., intended
for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes-
-sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson N. Y.
In the early half of the century, when
the more sober modes of interpreting geo-
logical data were struggling to displace the
cataclysmic extravagances of more primi-
tive times, it is not strange that there
should have arisen, as a natural outgrowth
of the contest, an ultra-uniformitarianism
which demanded for the evolution of the
earth an immeasurable lapse of time. It is
not remarkable that individual geologists
here and there, reacting impatiently against
the restraints of stinted time-limits imposed
on traditional grounds, should have incon-
siderately cast aside all time limitations.
It was not unnatural that the earlier uni-
formitarians, not yet fully emancipated
from inherited impressions regarding the
endurance of rocks and the immutability
of the ‘ everlasting hills,’ should have en-
tertained extreme notions of the slowness
of geological processes and have sought
compensation in excessive postulates of
time. Natural as these reactions from prim-
itive restrictions were, a reaction from them
in turn was inevitable. This reaction must
have ensued, in the nature of the case, when-
soever geologists came seriously to consider
those special phenomena which point to
*This JOURNAL, May 12, pp. 665-674, and May 19,
pp. 704-711.
limitations of time. But in the earlier part
of the century geological attention was ab-
sorbed in the great phenomena that testify to
the vastness of the earth’s history. The time
for the study of limitations had not come.
Nevertheless, however inevitab le must
have been the ultimate recognition of limi-
tations, it remains to be frankly and grate-
fully acknowledged that the contributions
of Lord Kelvin, based on physical data,
have been most powerful influences in has-
tening and guiding the reaction against the
extravagant time-postulates of some of the
earlier geologists. With little doubt, these
contributions have been the most potent
agency of the last three decades in restrain-
ing reckless drafts on the bank of time.
Geology owes immeasurable obligation to
this eminent physicist for the deep interest
he has taken in its problems and for the
profound impulse which his masterly com-
putations and his trenchant criticisms have
given to broader and sounder modes of
At the same time, it must be recognized
that any one line of reasoning, however
logically and rigorously followed, is quite
sure to lead astray if it starts from limited
and uncertain premises. It is an easy
error to press the implications of any single
phase of the complex phenomena of geology
until they shall become scarcely less mis-
leading than the looser speculations which
they seek to replace. A physical deduction
which postulates an excessively short geo-
logical history may as easily lead to false
views as did the reckless license of earlier
times. Interpretations of geological and
biological phenomena made under the
duress of physical deductions, unless the
duress be certainly known to be imperative,
may delay the final attainment of the real
truth scarcely less effectually than interpre-
tations made on independent grounds in
complete negligence of the testimony of
physics. It is in the last degree important
[N.S. Vou. IX. No. 235.
that physical deductions and speculations
should be regarded as positive limitations
only so far as they are strictly demonstra-
tive. Falling short of demonstration, they
are worthy to be regarded as moral limita-
tions only so far as they approach moral
certainty. In so far as they are drawn
from doubtful assumptions, they are as ob-
viously to be placed in the common cate-
gory of speculations as are those tentative
conceptions which are confessedly but the
possible foreshadowings of truth. The fas-
cinating impressiveness of rigorous mathe-
matical analysis, with its atmosphere of
precision and elegance, should not blind us
to the defects of the premises that condition
the whole process. There is, perhaps, no
beguilement more insidious and dangerous
than an elaborate and elegant mathemat-
ical process built upon unfortified premises.
Lord Kelvin’s address is permeated with
an air of retrospective triumph and a tone
of prophetic assurance. The former is
fairly warranted to the extent that his at-
tack was directed against the ultra wing of
the uniformitarian school of the earlier
decades. It might be wholesome, however,
to remember that there were other camps
in Israel even then. There were ultra-
conservatives in chronology as well as
ultra-radicals. There were ultra-catastro-
phists as well as ultra-uniformitarians.
Lord Kelvin’s contributions have as sig-
nally failed to sustain the former as they
have signally succeeded in overthrowing the
latter. The great body of serious geol-
ogists have moved forward neither by the
right flank nor by the left, but on median
lines. These lines have lain, I think,
rather in the field of a qualified uniformi-
tarianism than in the field of catastrophism.
Even the doctrine of special acceleration in
early times, or at other times, has made
only qualified progress toward universal
acceptance. The body of competent geol-
ogists to-day are probably more nearly dis-
JUNE 30, 1899. ]
ciples of Hutton, Playfair and Lyell than
of their opponents. But such is the free-
dom and the diversity of belief, of attitude
and of method, among geologists that as a
class they cannot be placed either here or
there in the schools, nor could they thirty-
five years ago.
But we are not primarily concerned with
these matters of the schools and of the
past. The address presses upon our atten-
tion matters of present interest and of pro-
foundimportance. Referring to his former
wide-ranged estimate of the time of the
consolidation of the earth, Lord Kelvin
says that ‘‘we now have good reason for
judging that it was more than twenty and
less than forty million years ago, and prob-
ably much nearer twenty than forty (This
JournAL, May 12, p. 271), and he gives
qualified approval to Clarence King’s esti-
mate of twenty-four million years. In the
course of the address he speaks of ‘ strict
limitations,’ of ‘sure assumption,’ of ‘ cer-
tain truth,’ and of ‘no other possible alter-
native ;’ he speaks of ‘ one year after freez-
ing,’ and even of ‘half an hour after the
solidification’; he speaks of ‘a crust of
primevai granite,’ of a depth of ‘several
centimeters,’ and of other details of dimen-
sion and of time and of certitude so spe-
cifically and so confidently that it must en-
courage, in the average reader, the impres-
sion that the history of the earth is already
passing into a precise science through the
good offices of physical deduction. Is this
really true? Can the uninstructed layman
or the young geologist safely repose confi-
dence in these or any other chronological
conclusions as determinate ? Can these def-
inite statements, bearing so much the air of
irrefutable truth, be allowed to pass without
challenge? What is their real nature and
their true degree of certitude when tested
respecting their fundamental postulates and
their basal assumptions ?
With admirable frankness Lord Kelvin
says (This Journat, May 12, p. 672): “ All
these reckonings of the history of under-
ground heat, the details of which Iam sure
you do not wish me to put before you at
present, are founded on the very sure as-
sumption that the material of our present
solid earth all round its surface was at one
time a white-hot liquid.” It is here can-
didly revealed that the most essential factor
in his reasonings rests ultimately upon an
assumption, an assumption which, to be sure,
he regards as ‘very sure,’ but still an as-
sumption. The alternatives to this assump-
tion are not considered. The method of
multiple working hypotheses, which is pe-
culiarly imperative when assumptions are
involved, is quite ignored. I beg leave to
challenge the certitude of this assumption
of a white-hot liquid earth, current as it is
among geologists, alike with astronomers
and physicists. Though but an understu-
dent of physics, I venture to challenge it on
the basis of physical laws and physical
By way of preface it may be remarked
that the postulate of a white-hot liquid
earth does not rest on any conclusive geolog-
ical evidence, however generally it may be
entertained as a probable hypothesis. Stu-
dents of the oldest known rocks are not yet
agreed that these are all igneous even. But
granting that they may be all either igneous
or pyroclastic, there is a wide logical gap be-
tween this admission and the postulate that
they were all liquid at one time and enveloped
the whole earth. Looking quite in the op-
posite direction is the testimony of the
complex structure and intricate combination
of rocks, diverse at once in chemical, min-
eralogical and structural characters, which
the basement complex presents. The rela-
tions of the great batholite-like masses to
the enveloping foliated rocks, and of analo-
gous combinations of intrusive aspect, im-
ply the presence ofa portion of the basement
complex in the already solid state when
the remainder entered it in the liquid state.
It would be a bold petrologist who would
insist that it has been demonstrated that
the basement complex is simply the molten
envelope of the primitive earth solidified in
situ, however much he might be disposed to
entertain this view among his working
hypotheses. It would be petrological
hardihood to maintain that it was even a
‘sure assumption.’ Without denying that
the basement complex may be the direct or
the indirect offspring of a supposed molten
state, no dogma of certitude is now admis-
sible on geological grounds.
The hypothesis of a primitive molten
earth is chiefly a deduction from the high
internal temperature and from the nebular
hypothesis. But it remains to be shown
that the high internal temperature may not
also be a sequence of an earth which grew
up by meteoric accretion with sufficient
slowness to remain essentially solid at all
stages. Anattempt has recently been made
to show that a highly-heated state of the
interior of the earth would have resulted
from the self-compression of the mass dur-
ing its accretion.; The methods of reason-
ing employed in this attempt were identical
with those of Helmholtz relative to the
heat of the sun, save that they were ap-
plied to a solid body. The computations
of Mr. Moulton seem to indicate that
gravitative concentration may have been
an adequate cause of internal heat. In
addition to this the thermal effect of mo-
lecular change and tidal kneading require
recognition. Until these agencies are rigor-
ously tested and found wanting, inferences
based on the alternative hypothesis can
searcely be the ground of sure assumption.
The irregular distribution of internal heat
is more notably in harmony with the hy-
pothesis of internal compressive generation
*A Group of Hypotheses bearing on Climatic
Changes. Jour. Geol., Vol. V., No. 7, Oct.-Nov., 1897,
p. 670.
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 235.
than with that which makes it a residuum
of a molten state whose temperature should
be approximately uniform. If this irregu-
larity be assigned to volcanic action it must
be remembered that vulcanism is itself a
part of the irregularity and adds to the
burden of explication. Both hypotheses
ultimately appeal to the same source, the
gravitative descent of the earth’s substance.
Their differences lie in the modes of action
assumed respectively, and these modes are
determined by the antecedent conditions of
aggregation. Has it been demonstrated
that these antecedent conditions were of
the one kind and not of the other?
Lord Kelvin obviously assumes a nebu-
lous state of the earth as the controlling
antecedent condition. It is not quite clear
whether he adopts the complete gaseous
theory of Laplace, including the earth-
moon gaseous ring, or not. Apparently,
however, he has not adopted the gaseous
earth-moon ring, but has substituted there-
for a meteoroidal ancestry for the earth,
for he says (p. 706): ‘ Considering the al-
most certain truth that the earth was built
up of meteorites falling together, we may
follow in imagination the whole process of
shrinking from gaseous nebula to liquid
lava and metals, and solidification of liquid
from central regions outwards.” A little
farther on he speaks of ‘‘ the gaseous nebula
which at one time constituted the matter
of our present earth.’? Without feeling
quite certain that I am not in error, I in-
terpret these sentences to mean that the
matter of the earth was in a meteoroidal
condition just previous to its falling to-
gether, and that it passed into the gaseous
condition as a result of the heat of impact,
and that from thence it shrank into the
liquid and later into the solid state. If
this be correct it would be interesting to
learn on what grounds the older hypothesis
of a nebulous ring, once regarded as a quite
sure assumption, has been abandoned, and
JUNE 30, 1899. ]
whether the reasons for that abandonment
do not bear adversely also on this modified
phase of the gaseous hypothesis. The
strongest objection recently urged against
the Laplacean gaseous ring is the apparent
inability of the feeble gravity of such a ring
to overcome the high molecular velocities
of its lighter constituents at the high tem-
peratures necessary to maintain the refrac-
tory material of the earth in a gaseous con-
dition.* In addition to this radical objec-
tion to the gaseous earth-moon ring, there
is the extreme probability that, if formed, it
would cool below the temperature of
volatilization of rock substance before it
would concentrate into a globe.
The studies to which reference has just
been made seemed to show that even in the
globular form it is doubtful if the earth
could be volatilized without the dissociation
of its water and the loss of its hydrogen by
molecular projection away from the earth.
The inquiry seemed even to raise a doubt
whether the vapor of water, as such, or the
atmospheric gases could be retained at the
temperature of rock volatilization ; indeed,
it seemed that the oceanic and atmospheric
constituents might even be in jeopardy at
the temperature of white-hot lava. With-
out insisting that these molecular inquiries
are demonstrative—for they only profess
to be preliminary—they seem, at least, to
justify the radical inquiry whether the
hypothesis that the earth was once a
gaseous nebula can be entertained with any
confidence, in the light of modern molecular
physics. As an abstract proposition in
physics addressed to physicists would Lord
Kelvin feel free to assert that the water
now on the surface of the earth would be
retained within its gravitative control if the
earth were heated so that its rock substance
was volatilized? May I be pardoned for
* A Group of Hypotheses bearing on Climatic
Changes. Jour. Geol., Vol. V., No. 7, Oct.-Nov.,
1897, pp. 658-668.
inquiring whether Lord Kelvin has not
joined the company of geologists and ne-
glected some of the physical considerations
that bear pertinently on the problem in
hand ?
But passing this point, and striking
hands with Lord Kelvin in assuming ‘‘ the
almost certain truth that the earth was
built up of meteorites falling together,”
what imperative reason is there for infer-
ring a gaseous or even a white-hot liquid
condition asa result? It goes without say-
ing that the energy of impact of the fall-
ing meteorites would be sufficient, under
assumable conditions, to give rise to the
liquid condition and much more, but the
actual condition that would be assumed by
the earth would be dependent wholly on
the rate at which the meteorites fell in. If they
fell in simultaneously from assumable dis-
tances an intensely hot condition may be
predicated with all the confidence of logical
certitude. If they fell at as great intervals
as they do to-day a low surface temper-
ature may be predicated with equal cer-
tainty. If they fell in at some intermedi-
ate rate an intermediate thermal state of
the surface must be postulated. No phys-
ical deduction can be more firm than that
the temperature of the surface of the earth
would be rigorously dependent on the rate
of infall so far as the influence of infall
alone is concerned. Before a white-hot
condition can be regarded as a safe assump-
tion it must be shown that the meteoroids
would necessarily fall together at a highly
rapid rate; otherwise the heat of individual
impacts would be lost concurrently, as is
now the case, and would not lead to gen-
eral high temperature.
Now, has Lord Kelvin, or any other of
our great teachers in physics or in astron-
omy, followed out to a final conclusion, by
the rigorous processes of mathematics, the
method and rate of aggregation of a multi-
tude of meteorites into a planet, so as to be
able to authoritatively instruct us as to the
rapidity at which the ingathering would
take place? Can the problem be solved at
present with any such close approximation
to precison as to determine whether a liquid
or a gaseous state would or would not ensue ?
I assume that the most probable hypothesis
relative to the distribution and movements
of the meteorites is one that assumes that
they consisted of a swarm or belt revolving
about the sun in the general neighborhood
of the present orbit of the earth; in other
words, some form of meteoroidal substitute
for the gaseous ring of the Laplacean hy-
pothesis. The hypothesis may, doubtless,
diverge much in detail, and, indeed, in
some very important factors, but I assume
that no radical departure from this can be
entertained without endangering the pecu-
liar relations of the earth to the rest of the
solar system and the harmonious relations
of the whole; without, in other words,
jeopardizing the consanguinity of the plan-
ets. Ifa distribution of meteorites bear-
ing any close resemblance to the Saturnian
rings, the foster parents of the nebular hy-
pothesis, be assumed, a definite problem is
presented for determination. If the rings
of Saturn, which are quite certainly formed
of discrete solid matter, were to be en-
larged so that they should lie outside
Roche’s limit, and so escape the sphere of
specially intense tidal strain which will
permit no aggregation, what reason is there
to think that they would gather together
precipitately? Does the tidal influence,
which, within Roche’s limit, is able to tear
a satellite to pieces, cease instantly outside
the limit and give place to a precipitate ten-
dency to come clashing together? On the
contrary, is it not difficult to demonstrate,
by rigorous processes, even the method by
which the meteorites will aggregate, much
less their rate, or even to demonstrate that,
apart from extraneous causes, they will fall
together at all. Is not the presumption in
Vou. IX. No. 235.
such a case favorable to a slow rather than
to a rapid aggregation? Ifa distribution
like the meteoroidal swarms that are asso-
ciated with the comets of the solar system
be assumed, a definite problem is set con-
cerning which some appeal to observation
is possible. Here the observed tendency is
toward dispersion rather than aggregation.
In either of these assumptions, or in any
other assumption, the problem involves the
balance between gravitative forces, revolu-
tionary forces and tidal forces, and the
gravitative forces are not simply those be-
tween the meteorites mutually, but those
between the meteorites and the central so-
lar body and the exterior planetary bodies,
a complex of no mean intricacy. Is it cer-
tain that these forces would be so related
to each other as to produce a swift ingath-
ering of the whole swarm or belt, or, on
the other hand, an ingathering prolonged
through a considerable period? If the lat-
ter be the case (and, in the absence of dem-
onstration, is it unreasonable to think it
quite as probable as the opposite) are there
any imperative grounds for assuming that
a liquid state of the earth would result?
Until the rate of aggregation is worked out
fully and rigorously are there any moral
prohibitions, strict or otherwise, to a free
interpretation of geologic and biologic evi-
dence on its own grounds? Is not the as-
sumption of a white-hot liquid earth still
quite as much on trial as any chronological
inferences of the biologist or geologist?
It, of course, remains to be seen whether
the alternative hypothesis of an earth grown
up slowly in a cold state, or in some state
less hot than that assumed in the address,
would afford any relief from the limitations
of time urged upon us. At first thought it
would, perhaps, seem that this alternative
would but intensify the limitations. Since
the argument for a short history is based
on the degree to which the earth is cooled,
an original cold state should but hasten the
JUNE 30, 1899. ]
present status. But this neglects an essen-
tial factor. The question really hinges on
the proportion of potential energy convertible
into heat which remained within the earth
when full grown. There is no great differ-
ence between the alternative hypotheses so
far as the amount of sensible heat at the
beginning of the habitable stage is con-
cerned. For, on the one hand, the white-
hot earth must have become relatively cool
on the exterior before life could begin, and,
on the other, it is necessary to assume a
sufficiency of internal heat coming from
impact and internal compression, or other
changes, to produce the igneous and crys-
talline phenomena which the lowest rocks
present. The superficial and sub-super-
ficial temperatures in the two cases could
not, therefore, have been widely different.
So far as the temperatures of the deep
interior are concerned there is only recourse
to hypothesis. It is probable that there
would be a notable rise of temperature
toward the center of the earth in either
case. In a persistently liquid earth this
high central temperature would be lost
through convection, but if central crystalli-
zation took place at an early stage through
pressure, much of the high central heat
might beretained. Ina meteor-built earth,
solid from the beginning, very much less
convectional loss would be suffered, and the
central temperature would probably corre-
spond somewhat closely to the density. The
probabilities, therefore, seem somewhat to
favor a higher thermal gradient toward the
center in the case of the solid meteor- built
But if we turn to the consideration of
potential energy, there is a notable differ-
ence between the two hypothetical earths.
In the liquid earth, the material must be
presumed to have arranged itself according
to its specific gravity, and, therefore, to
have adopted a nearly complete adjustment
to gravitative demands; in other words, to
have exhausted, as nearly as possible, its po-
tential energy, 7. ¢., its ‘energy of position.’
On the other hand, in an earth built up
by the accretion of meteorites without free
readjustment there must have been initially
a heterogeneous arrangement of the heavier
and lighter material throughout the whole
body of the earth, except only so far as the
partial liquefaction and the very slow,
plastic, viscous and diffusive rearrangement
of the material permitted an incipient ad-
justment to gravitative demands. A large
amount of potential energy was, there-
fore, restrained, for the time being, from
passing into sensible thermal energy. This
potential energy thus restrained is sup-
posed to have gradually become converted
into heat as local liquefaction and viscous,
molecular and massive movements per-
mitted the sinking of the heavier material
and the rise of the lighter material. This
slow conversion of potential energy into
sensible heat is thought to give to the slow-
accretion earth a very distinct superiority
over the hot liquid earth when the com-
bined sum of sensible and potential heat is
considered. The theoretical difference is
capable of approximate computation, and
Mr. F. R. Moulton has kindly undertaken
to make the computation in a simplified
hypothetical case which may give some im-
pression of the possible order of magnitude
of this factor. For the purposes of the
computation the earth was assumed to have
been composed of 40 % of metal with a
normal surface specific gravity of 7 and
60 % of rock with a normal surface specific
gravity of 38. These combined would give
an earth whose average specific gravity
would be only 4.6. The real specific grav-
ity (5.6) is supposed to have been obtained
by compression which would amount to
about 18 %. Very likely the proportion
of metal is put too high and the effect of
compression too low, but the purpose of the
computation is only to show the theoretical
possibilities of the case. The metal is sup-
posed to have been originally scattered
uniformly through the rock material in
meteoric fashion, and to have gathered
thence to the center, forcing the rock mate-
rial outwards so far as necessary. The heat
produced, Mr. Moulton found to be suffi-
cient to raise the temperature of the whole
earth (specific heat taken at .2) more than
3,000° C. The magnitude of this result is
sufficient to require the careful considera-
tion of the potential element unless the
whole hypothesis can be set aside. It is
large enough to cast the gravest doubt on
any conclusion based on the rate of a sup-
posed decline of internal temperature. Com-
plete readjustment of the interior matter,
however, is not postulated under the slow-
accretion hypothesis. It is only assumed
that a slow readjustment has been in
progress throughout the geological ages
and still is in progress, and that this has
changed a certain amount of potential en-
ergy into sensible heat and that this heat
has contributed to the maintenance of the
internal temperature of the earth.
But there are in addition, incidental fac-
tors which enter effectively into the case.
The gravitative readjustment of the hete-
rogeneous interior material is presumed to
have taken place by the descent of the me-
tallic and other heavier materials toward
the center and the reciprocal ascent of
lighter materials from the central region
toward the surface, this being accomplished
in various ways, the most declared of which
has its superficial manifestation in volcanic
action. Now, this process of vertical trans-
fer, beside developing heat in proportion to
the work done, as above indicated, also
incidentally brings the hotter material of
the interior toward the surface and thus in-
creases the subsurficial temperature. It is
a species of slow convection. This convec-
tion is in no radical sense different from
that which is supposed to have taken place
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 235..
in the liquid earth, save that it was delayed
so that the heat is available within the life
era of the earth, instead of being brought to.
the surface and dissipated in the prezoic
hot stage, when it was a barrier to the
existence of life instead of an aid.
Again, in the liquid earth there were the
best imaginable conditions for the inter-
mixture of the earth constitutents and for
the formation of such chemical and mineral
combinations as best accorded with the
high pressures of the interior. In the
heterogeneous solid earth, on the other
hand, such combinations were restrained
and delayed and have been able to take
place only slowly throughout the secular
intermingling of the internal material. It,
therefore, hypothetically follows that.
throughout geological ages, as the internal
material was able slowly to readjust itself,
new chemical and mineral combinations
become possible. These combinations would
be controlled by the high pressure in
the interest of maximum density, and of
hypothetically possible mineral combina-
tions, only those would form which gave
the higher density.* Thus a slow process
of recrystallization in the interest of greater
density would be in progress throughout
theages. This denser crystallization would
set free heat. It would furthermore permit.
the shrinkage of the whole mass and the
consequent intensification of its self-gravi-
tation and this would in turn result in
further development of heat. This large
possible shrinkage meets the demands of
geological phenomena at a point where the
liquid earth has been felt to conspicuously
fail. The losses of heat from the earth, as.
computed by Lord Kelvin and other au-
thorities, and the shrinkage resulting there-
from have long been held to be quite
incompetent to produce the observed in-
equalities. Their incompetence is now
* Professor C. R. Van Hise has worked this out
elaborately in manuscript not yet published.
JUNE 30, 1899. ]
very generally admitted by careful students.
Lord Kelvin also admits this, by implica-
tion, when he says (sec. 31, p. 706) ‘If the
shoaling of the lava ocean up to the surface
had taken place everywhere at the same
time, the whole surface of the consistent
solid would be the dead level of the liquid
lava all around, just before its depth became
zero. On this supposition there seems no
possibility that our present day continents
could have risen to their present heights,
and that the surface of the solid in its other
parts could have sunk down to their pres-
ent ocean depths, during the twenty or
twenty-five million years which may have
passed since the consistentior status began or
during any time however long.”
In addition to this recognized quantita-
tive deficiency, the present writer has been
led to question its qualitative adaptability.
The phenomena of mountain wrinkling and
of plateau formation, as well as the still
greater phenomena of continental platforms
and abysmal basins, seem to demand a
more deep-seated agency than that which is
supplied by superficial loss of heat. This
proposition demands a more explicit state-
ment than is appropriate to this place, but
it must be passed by with this mere allu-
sion. It would seem obvious, however,
that an earth of heterogeneous constitution,
progressively reorganizing itself, would
give larger possibilities of internal shrink-
age, and that this shrinkage must be deep-
seated as well as superficial. In these two
particulars it holds out the hope of furnish-
ing an adequate explanation for the de-
formation of the earth where the hypothe-
sis of a liquid earth seems thus far to have
But the essential question here is the
possibility of sustained internal tempera-
ture. It is urged that the heterogeneous,
solid-built earth is superior to the liquid
earth in the following particulars: (1) It
retains a notable percentage of the original
potential energy of the dispersed matter,
while in the liquid earth this was con-
verted into sensible heat and lost in pre-
zoic times; (2) it retains the conditions
for a slow convection of the interior ma-
terial, bringing interior heat to the surface,
a function which was exhausted by the
liquid earth in the freer convection of its
primitive molten state; (3) it retains larger
possibilities of molecular rearrangement of
the matter and of the formation of new
minerals of superior density, whereas the
liquid earth permitted this adjustment in
the prezoic stages. In short, in at least
these three important particulars, the slow-
built meteoric earth delayed the exercise
of thermal agencies until the life era and
gradually brought them into play when
they were serviceable in the prolongation
of the life history, whereas the liquid earth
exhausted these possibilities at a time of
excessive conversion of energy into heat and
thus squandered its energies when they.
were not only of no service to the life his-
tory of the earth, but delayed its inaugura-
tion until their excesses were spent.
Let it not be supposed for a moment that
I claim that the alternative hypothesis of a
slow-grown earth is substantiated. It must
yet pass the fiery ordeal of radical criticism
at all points, but it is the logical sequence
of the proposition that a swarm of meteor-
ites revolving about the sun in independent
individual orbits and having any probable
form of dispersion would aggregate slowly
rather than precipitately. If the astron-
omers and mathematicians can demonstrate
that the aggregation must necessarily have
been so rapid as to crowd the transformed
energy of the impacts into a period much
too limited to permit the radiation away of
the larger part of the heat concurrently, the
hypothesis will have to be set aside, and we
shall be compelled to follow the deductions
from the white-hot liquid earth, or find
other alternatives.
But I think I do not err in assuming that
mathematical computations, so far as they
can approach a solution of the exceedingly
complex problem, are at least quite as fa-
vorable to a slow as to a rapid aggregation.
If this be so, the problem of internal tem-
perature must be attacked on the lines of
this hypothesis as well as those of the com-
mon hypothesis before any safe conclusion
can be drawn from it respecting the age of
the earth.
Another basis upon which the address
urges the limitation of the earth’s history
is found in tidal friction. The limitations
assigned on this basis are not, however,
very restrictive. The argument is closed
as follows: ‘ Taking into account all un-
certainties, whether in respect to Adams’
estimate of the ratio of frictional retarda-
tion of the earth’s rotary speed, or to the
conditions as to the rigidity of the earth
once consolidated, we may safely conclude
that the earth was certainly not solid 5,000
million years ago, and was probably not solid
1,000 million years ago” (p. 670) and in a
foot-note itis added: ‘It is probable that
the date of consolidation is considerably
more recent than 1,000 million years ago.”
The foundations of any argument involy-
ing the relations of the moon to the earth
are very infirm. In the first place, no
hypothesis respecting the moon’s mode of
origin, or of the time in the history of the
earth when it became aggregated and came
into effective possession of its tidal function,
can claim even a remote approach to sub-
stantiation. There is not only no substan-
tiated theory of the origin of the moon,
but there can scarcely be said to be even a
good working hypothesis, for the radical
reason that the hypotheses offered will not
work. George Darwin, who has probably
studied the subject more assiduously and
more profoundly than any other investi-
gator, ancient or recent, strongly expresses
the situation when he says, in his recent
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 235.
work on ‘ The Tides,’ (p. 360) ‘‘ The origin
and earliest history of the moon must
always remain highly speculative, and it
seems fruitless to formulate exact theories
on the subject.”” The annular theory of
Laplace encounters in their maximum in-
tensity the objections which arise from the
application of the modern doctrine of
molecular velocities. The gravitative con-
trol of an attenuated ring having the mass
of the moon over its constituent material
must have been exceedingly low, while the
high temperature necessary to sustain the
refractory material of the moon in a gaseous
condition must have rendered the molecular
velocities very high, so that no material ex-
cept that of very high atomic weight and
consequent low molecular velocity could be
presumed to have been retained. But the
specific gravity of the moon (38.4) seems a
fatal objection to the assumption that it is:
composed wholly of material of very high
atomic weight. Besides, it is difficult to
understand how the high temperature of a
ring of such attenuation could have been
maintained during the time necessary for
its concentration. This was less difficult
when it was assumed, as formerly, that the
temperature of the sun at that time was
excessively high, as was also that of the
earth. But modern inquiry seems decidedly
opposed to the assumption of excessively
high temperatures at that stage. On the
contrary, it has recently been urged from
different quarters that the early tempera-
ture of the sun’s surface must have been
much lower than at present, and this is also
implied in certain statements of the address
(p. 711, Sec. 43). There are also grounds
for grave question as to the high tempera-
ture of the earth, as has already been indi-
cated. Under the revised forms of the
nebular hypothesis there seems no sub-
stantial reason for supposing that if the
matter of the moon was once distributed in
a ring about the earth, it could maintain
JUNE 30, 1899. ]
the gaseous condition throughout the stages
of its condensation. The hypothesis there-
fore rests upon exceedingly doubtful prem-
ises and upon exceedingly questionable
deductions from these doubtful premises.
The fission hypothesis of George Darwin
has recently replaced it in favor, but the
above quotation implies that even its
founder does not now rest much confidence
in it. The objections to the theory are
several and grave. In the first place,
the theory of the fission of a celestial
body by high rotation, as worked out inde-
pendently by Darwin and Poincaré, re-
quires that the separated bodies should not
be very greatly different in mass, 7. e., the
smaller body should not be less than one-
third the mass of the larger. But the mass
of the moon is but 5 of that of the earth,
and hence it lies far outside the computed
limits of applicability of the fission process,
Another difficulty lies in the effect of
tidal strain itself. George Darwin, in his
recent work on ‘The Tides’ (p. 259), as-
signs 11,000 miles from the center of the
earth as Roche’s limit. This leaves a tract
of 7,000 miles above the terrestrial surface
within which the earth’s tidal force would
be so great as to tear the moon to fragments,
and, perhaps, scatter these into the form of
aring. The rings of Saturn are supposed
to illustrate this form of intense tidal ac-
tion. The escape of the moon, even pre-
suming it to have been separated from the
earth would, therefore, have been jeopard-
ized by its transformation into a meteoroidal
ring or swarm. If the fragments, after
having been torn apart, were still suf-
ficiently affected by a minute tide to be
carried away from the earth in a slow
spiral, the time occupied in passing out-
ward beyond Roche’s limit must have been
protracted ; and, after their escape from it
into a zone where conditions not hostile to
aggregation might, perhaps, have been af-
forded, there must probably have been
another protracted period before the aggre-
gation of the moon would have been suf-
ficiently advanced to give it appreciable
tidal effect upon the earth. It remains,
therefore, to be determined, if this hy-
pothesis is followed, at what stage in the
evolution of the moon it was sufficiently
concentrated to assume effective tidal func-
tions. This isa question also applicable to
the aggregation of the moon under the
Laplacean hypothesis, if it be modified so
as to conform to the demands of modern
scientific probability. It also applies to
any hypothesis which postulates aggrega-
tion from a dispersed condition. In any
case, it seems necessary to determine when
the moon became full grown before it is
possible to assign a positive date for the
commencement of effective tidal action. It
would appear that such action might be de-
veloped gradually as the material of the
moon became aggregated. During such
gradual assumption of the tidal function
the reaction between the moon and the
earth must have been of a feeble sort, and a
recomputation of its amount based on a se-
ries of hypotheses which shall cover the
whole ground of legitimate speculation
would seem necessary before any satisfac-
tory conclusions can be reached.
It may be, urged that the computations
of George Darwin following, in backward
steps, by the masterly application of mathe-
matical analysis, the stages of the earth-
moon relationship give a firmer ground for
conclusions. In a qualified degree this must
be conceded. But it is to be remarked, in
the first place, that the mathematics be-
comes indecisive before the origin of the
moon is reached, which may signify that
this is not the true line of approach to the
origin of the moon, or that there is some
error or defect in the assumptions. It
would seem to be obvious, however, that if
the tidal function was the result of a slow
aggregation which began at an indetermi-
nate stage in the earth’s existence the
numerical results of a computation based
on a full-grown moon may need radical re-
Furthermore, the agencies which are as-
sumed to have accelerated the rotation of
the earth in its earlier history must not.be
neglected. If they may safely be assumed
to have been competent to give the earth a
rotary speed sufficient to detach from itself
the matter of the moon, as is postulated in
the Laplacean and the fission hypotheses in
common, the same agencies, if more evenly
distributed in time, might prolong the pe-
riod of acceleration so that it should be
coincident with that of tidal retardation
and offset it in any degree that falls within
the legitimate limits of assumption. We
encounter here again, in another form, a
deduction from the assumption of a very
rapid concentration of the matter ingath-
ered to form the earth and moon, and the
consequent exhaustion of its energy in an
early stage. If, however, the concentra-
tion were less rapid and less complete in
the early history of the earth, as is postu-
lated by the accretion theory, as herein
entertained, acceleration might be far less
advanced in the earliest stages and be
greater in the later stages. Hence the re-
tarding effects of tidal friction may have
been more effectually antagonized by the
shrinkage of the earth during the progress
of geological history. Mr. Moulton has
computed the effects of the internal change
of metal and rock material, assumed in a
hypothetical case on a previous page, on
the speed of rotation of the earth, and found
that it would accelerate the then-current
rate, whatever it was, about one-fifth. If,
therefore, the delayed central concentra-
tion left some notable part of the accelera-
tion. to be gained during the period of
geological history, and if, at the same time,
a slow aggregation of the moon delayed its
effectual tidal influence upon the earth and
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 235..
the reciprocal influence of the earth upon
it, the whole history may be notably affected
in the direction at once of less maximum
speed and of less retardation, @. ¢., of more
near approach to uniformity.
If we turn to the geologieal data that
bear on the question of former high rotation
and subsequent retardation we find ample
support for profound skepticism regarding
the applicability of the tidal argument. As
pointed out by Lord Kelvin, if the rotation
of the earth were once notably greater than
at present it should have resulted in an
oblateness of the spheriod such that the
equatorial regions would now be all dry
land, unless the body of the earth were de-
formed to correspond to the slackening
rotation in an almost perfect manner. But
there is not the slightest evidence in the
configuration of the earth of such an equa-
torial land tract. The equatorial belt is
notably oceanic rather than otherwise.
Reciprocally, there should have been, with
the gradual slackening of the earth’s rota-
tion, an accumulation of the oceanic waters
about the poles, but there is no geological
evidence of such an accumulation in any
appreciable degree. In the Arctic regions,
as exemplified in Greenland, Spitzbergen
and the Arctic islands of America, there
are ancient shallow water deposits which
lie both above and below the present oceanic
level. These deposits range throughout
the Paieozoic and represent in some less
degree both the Mesozoic and Cenozoic
eras. The nature of these shallow-water
deposits issuch that they cannot have been
formed at great depths below the oceanic
surface, so that, with the allowance of a
few hundred feet, it is possible to locate
the ancient horizons relative to the crust of
the earth, at most or all of these periods.
From these it may be inferred with great
confidence that the ancient ocean surface
n the Arctic regions was in numerous
stages of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic
JUNE 30, 1999. ]
eras not notably different from that of to-
day. The facts even justify the seemingly
extravagant statement that at several stages
in geological history, early and late, the
surface of the ancient ocean did not vary a
foot from that of the present, since it must
have passed both above and below the pres-
ent horizon repeatedly during the earth’s
history. Geological evidence, therefore,
interpreted on its own legitimate basis,
seems to lend no appreciable support to any
theory that postulates a high speed of rota-
tion for the early earth, or a low speed of ro-
tation for the present earth, unless that
hypothesis is correlated with the assumption
of an almost perfect adjustability of the
form of the earth to the changing rotation,
in which ease the argument of Lord Kelvin
set forth on p. 670 stands confessedly for
If we postulate a slow accretion of the
earth and of the moon alike, the whole
subject of the former speed of rotation of
the earth and the relations of the earth to
the moon take on a new aspect and invite
investigation along the lines of new work-
ing hypotheses. Can it be shown that it is
absolutely necessary that the aggregating
meteoroids gave to the earth an exceedingly
high rotation at the outset? Is not this as-
sumption of high rotation merely an off-
spring of the nebular hypothesis? If the
moon were aggregated slowly and came into
tidal functions at a late stage, and at a dis-
tance from the earth’s center quite un-
known, may not all its relations to the
earth have developed on much more con-
servative lines than those worked out by
Darwin and at the same time preserve
those apparently significant relations to
the movements of the two bodies to which
Darwin has so strongly appealed in support
of his hypothesis of the history of the two
bodies? In other words, without challeng-
ing the validity of Darwin’s most beautiful
investigation in the essentials of its method,
may not a change in the premises dedu-
cible from an equally legitimate hypothesis
of the original condition of the two bodies
lead to results in equally satisfactory accord
with the existing relations of the two bodies?
At any rate, as remarked at the outset,
the time-limits assigned on tidal grounds
are not very restrictive, even on the as-
sumptions made, and when they shall be
worked out on revised data in accord with
the newer hypotheses they may, perhaps,
even be found to favor the longevity of the
earth and become one of the arguments in
support of it.
T. C. CoamBertin.
(To be concluded.)
Tue phenomena to be described occurred
during the first days’ use of myopic glasses,
and may be grouped under the following
beads :
a. There was an apparent diminution
in size of moving objects—persons, animals,
street cars—as compared with buildings,
natural scenery, and, in general, with the
elements of the background of the visual
field. Here the total visual fields of the
normal and of the myopic eye are equally
extensive ; there are the same number of
projection points in each. Over this back-
ground, in the case of a myopic individual,
there is distributed a relatively small num-
ber of distinct and at the same time inter-
esting or important objects. When the
near-sighted person puts on powerful glasses
the number of such important and interest-
ing distinct objects thrown upon this back-
ground is vastly increased ; it is crowded
with a multitude of persons, animals, trees,
buildings, and the like. There are here two
sets of factors whose interpretation in terms
of perspective point in divergent directions.
Multiplicity of objects in the visual field
means farness of the observer from the
things viewed, while definiteness of detail
in the individual object means nearness in
point of view. Inthe given case there is,
relatively to the number of discernible ob-
jects, an abnormal distinctness, or, rela-
tively to their definition, an abnormally
great number of objects. Adoption of the
one as criterion will lead to an underesti-
mation of size; adoption of the other will
result in an overestimation of distance.
The former actually obtains, and for this
reason as it appears.
The dominant factor of the change in
character of visual objects here is the in-
creased distinctness of them at any given
distance—the greater definiteness of line
and shadow, the elaboration of detail. Such
distinctness of form means in general near-
ness of the object to the observer. Now the
near object in order to be seen as a total, a
unity, must be comparatively small. The
arrangement of a garden plot cannot be
grasped while one walks along its paths as
when viewed from a window overlooking
it ; the course of a river can be apprehended
only when seen from some neighboring
height. The same holds true of smaller as
of larger groups of elements—the observer
must step back in order to get the general
effect—i. e., toappreciate the factors as a
total object. The more complex or grander
the proportions of an object the farther
away must be the point of view from which
it can be grasped asa unity. If, then, it
is so to be apprehended while yet near to
the observer its parts must be small and
simple. In the case in question the effect
of the new glasses was thus to increase the
definiteness of detail in visual objects, while
these objects were still regarded as totals, a
combination directly tending to produce
that sense of smallness in the individual
object which was actually noticed.
Another fact points in the same direction.
Of curved surfaces a large radial extent
[N.S. Vou. 1X. No. 235.
can be seen distinctly by the myopic eye
only when the object is a small one, and,
therefore, not greatly affected by the paral-
lactic angle. Of equally distinct objects,
therefore (which in the two cases will be
at different distances), the myopic subject
sees less curative-extent than the normal ;
or, for two equally distinct objects in the
myopic field of view (which are, therefore,
at the same distance from the eye) greater
visible extent of curvature means smallness
of size. By the use of the new glasses the
extent of visible curvature was thus in-
creased, while the distinctness of the objects’
details remained unaffected. This influ-
ence, therefore, cooperated with the pre-
ceding to produce the feeling of unnatural
smallness in the nearer objects of vision.
b. The change in relative curvature-
extent visible from the point of distinct
vision appears to have been active in the
production of another perspective illusion,
the exaggeration of curvature in objects
bounded by convex surfaces. The cheek
or brow of a person, for example, appeared
to bulge out unduly in the middle, and
there was a constant tendency to put out
the hand and test by touch the accuracy of
of the sight perception. In the myopic eye
the point of view of distinct vision lies so
near to its object that for any given group
of things the perceived curvature extent is
small in comparison with that visible to the
normal eye. In objects beyond the range
of distinet vision, when such are not over-
looked and referred to the unnoticed back-
ground, the curvature gradations are ob-
scured and the myopic eye must depend
upon other cues for its interpretation of
convexity degree. It reinforces the percep-
tion by contributed curvature elements.
When the finer gradations of curvature are
restored to sight by the stronger glasses the
contributed emphasis appears to be con-
tinued, with the result of an apparent ex-
aggeration of curvature. I have not had
JUNE 30, 1899.]
opportunity to observe if in the case of
concave surfaces there is an analogous ex-
aggeration of hollowness or depth.
c. The use of stronger glasses produced
an apparent dimunition in the perspective
relations of objects within the visual field,
which at times reached almost the vanish-
ing point. Men and women on the street
were silhouetted against the background of
trees and houses, or moved like shadows
over a screen. A similar reduction in per-
spective can be produced by piercing a bit
of cardboard with a small hole, and viewing
a group of objects in the middle distance
through it, while the cardboard is held
close to the eye. The fineness and cer-
tainty of distance perception depend greatly
upon the continuity of the visual field from
the feet of the observer to the object viewed,
and in the last mentioned case the obscura-
tion of this sense is due to the interruption
of these conditions. In the case of my-
opie glasses the illusion is due, in part at
least, to an underestimation of the distance
of the objects, resulting from their abnor-
mal definition as seen through the stronger
glasses. In any series of uniformly spaced
objects the apparent size and the visual dis-
tance between any two adjacent members
decreases as their absolute distance from
the eye increases. In all normal cases this
decrease is correctly interpreted through the
coordinated perception of increased dis-
tance. If, however, an illusion of increased
nearness to the observer arises from any
cause, not only do the objects themselves
appear smaller, but the relative distances
between them are likewise reduced, and the
perspective of the field of individualized ob-
jects thereby diminished.
d. The faces of persons in the middle
distance—that is, towards the farther limit
of distinct vision for the character of the
facial lines and expression—appeared to
hang in the air near by when first caught
sight of. Here the distance of the object
appears to have been estimated correctly by
the use of various familiar criteria, chiefly
the multiplicity of objects between the ob-
server and the person seen. When, how-
ever, the eye first rested upon the face of
the person in question these cues fell into
the background and the abnormal definition
of the face became the dominant factor of
the experience, a definition possible to the
unaided myopic eye only within a much
narrower range of vision ; and the shock of
contradiction between the felt distance of
the object and its observed distinctness re-
sulted in a dissociation of the face image
from that of the rest of the body, the latter
maintaining its estimated distance, the for-
mer approaching to that corresponding
habitually with the observed definition.
The illusion maintained itself only during
a few moments while the attention was
strongly centered on the face.
e. This focussing of attention upon the
face had itself an abnormal element in it.
The faces of persons at a distance appeared
mask-like and grotesque; the eyes stared,
the light and shadow fell unnaturally, the
lines and expression were distorted. Sub-
jectively this change was manifested chiefly
as an alteration in the affective overtone of
the object, but one which itself is derived
from a change in the character of the percep-
tion. The magnitude of the visual angle
whichany object subtends varies with its
distance from the observer. As this distance
changes, the mechanism of the eye must be
adjusted to keep the object in the focus of dis-
tinct vision. Up toacertain point this is
possible, but beyond that limit accommoda-
tion of the eye must be replaced by approach
of the point of view toward its object.
The latter form of adjustment is habitual
with the myopic eye as compared with the
normal. In consequence the angle which
the object of distinct vision subtends in
the case of the myopic eye is habitually
greater than in that of the normal eye. It
always sees things at a different angle—in
other words, it sees a different thing. Sup-
pose that for the normal eye A and the
myopic eye B the ranges of distinct vision
be respectively abe and be, and that
there be viewed an object consisting of a set
of plane surfaces at right angles to the line
of vision of the normal eye and a second set
coincident with it. The normal eye will
habitually see only the set of plane surfaces
at right angles to its axis of vision, and at
successively greater distances from its point
of view; while the myopic eye, observing
the same object, will not only regard these
planes at a different angle, but will see also
the surfaces connecting the extremities of
the first mentioned planes. In other words,
the two eyes will have before them different
sets of visual elements. The same principle
applies in detail to all objects of distinct
vision; therefore, as the point of view
changes to a new focal distance from nor-
mal to myopic, or the reverse, the constitu-
ents of the visual field are altered and an
accent of strangeness and unfamiliarity is
given to its objects. This matter of focal
distance becomes of distinct importance in
photography, where the space relations of
camera and object must be as nearly as pos-
sible those under which the picture will af-
terward be viewed ; otherwise a distortion
of perspective appears which materially
interferes with the truth of the represen-
jf. There is a final group of changes in
visual perception to be considered in con-
nection with concomitant motor adjust-
ments. These consist, in the first place, of
deflections and curvatures of right lines
when viewed through the marginal areas of
the glasses, which are obviously due to the
non-homogeneous refractive qualities of the
lens. They are identical with the distor-
tion of vertical lines upon the sides of the
visual field in a photograph the focal dis-
tance of which is short in relation to the
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 235.
length of these lines. The divisions of the
sidewalk, the rails of the car tracks, and all
lines whose direction lies at right angles to
that of vision, are thus warped from the
rectilinear. The same is true of house-
walls and trees, and of all vertical lines at
the sides of the visual field. When coming
down a flight of stairs the steps curve for-
ward at the sides, making them appear a
semicircular, hollow flight.
The result of these changes is a confusion
of the relations between visual perception
and motor-adjustment. The familiar visual
cues by which the latter is habitually gov-
erned have been destroyed, and movements
are awkward and mal-adjusted. It is im-
possible to walk down a familiar flight of
steps without stumbling repeatedly. The
illusionary reduction in visual size and fore-
shortening of perspective work disastrously
here, and result in a short, mincing step
which brings the foot constantly into colli-
sion with the step from which it is descend-
ing, instead of allowing it to clear for the
next. There is an absolute contradiction
between visual measurement and motor ad-
justment. The only way to secure such
adjustment and reach the bottom in safety
is to look quite away from the steps and to
trust wholly to joint and limb perception.
Thus the connections of muscular memory
become the controlling cues, uncontradicted
by present visual impressions, and the
descent grows at once secure and rapid.
Secondly, the shortening of perspective is
not uniform for all areas of the lens, but
increases continuously from the margin
towards the center. The effect of this
appears in a curious optical illusion and a
second form of mal-adjustment of motor re-
action in consequence of it. The ground in
front, as one walks, appears constantly to rise
ina sharp curve, as if a steep hill were being
mounted, and the foot is raised to meet the
imaginary elevation, only to be brought
down again with a shock to the original
JUNE 30, 1899. ]
level. It is acontinual repetition of taking
a step too many at the top of the stairs.
The most strongly marked characteristics
of the whole experience lay in the change
wrought in the affective overtone of per-
ceptual objects in the suggestion of new
touch-qualities and impulses, and the exist-
ence of abnormal emotional attitudes, but
these matters lie too far afield to be con-
sidered in the present paper.
Rosert MAacDouGAa.t.
A MILLION weeds can spring up on a sin-
gle acre. Cultivation will do much to
eradicate these noxious plants, but some
will always succeed in ripening a multitude
of seeds to sprout the following season, so
as to make tilling the soil an everlasting
war against weeds. Certain garden weeds
produce an incredible number of seeds.
Thus a single plant of purslane may mature
a hundred thousand seeds in the fall, and
if unchecked would produce in the spring
of the third year ten billion plants.
Probably the most efficient check upon
this unbounded increase of seeds is to be
found in the seed-eating birds which flock
by myriads to agricultural districts to feed
upon the bounty of the weed-seed harvest
from early autumn until late spring. Since
birds attack weeds in the most critica! stage
of the plant cycle, it follows that their ser-
vices will be of actual practical value. The
benefits are greatest in case of hoed crops,
since here found the largest number of an-
nual weeds, which, of course, are killed by
frost and must depend for perpetuation
solely upon their seeds. Seed-eating species
of birds prevent, in alarge measure, weeds
of this class, such as, for instance, ragweed,
chickweed, purslane, crab grass, pigweed,
*Birds as Weed Destroyers. Year-book of De-
partment of Agriculture for 1898, pp. 221-232 in-
lamb’s quarters and several weeds of the
genus Polygonum, from seeding down the
land with a rank vegetation fatal to culti-
vated crops. The problem of weed destruc-
tion is of such magnitnde that Mr. F. V.
Coville, Botanist of the United States De-
partment of Agriculture, in discussing weed
legislation, hassaid, * * * ‘Since the
total value of our principal field crops for
the year 1893 was $1,760,489,278, an in-
crease of only 1 per cent., which might
easily have been brought about through the
destruction of weeds, would have meant a
saving to the farmers of the nation of $17,-
000,000 during that year alone.”
The birds most actively engaged in con-
suming weed seed are horned lJarks, black-
birds, cowbirds, meadow larks, doves, quail,
finches and sparrows. In a field sparrow’s.
stomach I found 100 seeds of crab grass, in
a snowflake’s stomach 1,000 seeds of pig-
weed, and in a mourning dove’s crop 7,500:
seeds of Oxalis stricta. That the destruction
of weed seed by birds is extensive enough
to be of considerable benefit to the farmer
is shown by Professor F. E. L. Beal, who
estimated that in the State of Iowa alone a
single species, the tree sparrow, consumes
annually 875 tons of weed seed.
From the examination of the stomachs of
some 4,000 birdsit has been determined that
the best weed destroyers are the goldfinches,
grosbeaks and a dozen species of native
In cities the English sparrow, assisted by
several native species, does good work by
feeding upon the seeds of Jawn weeds, such
as crab grass, pigeon grass, chickweed and
the dandelion. On the lawns of the De-
partment of Agriculture, in Washington, the
birds feed upon dandelions from the middle
of March until the middle of August. Af-
ter the yellow petal-like corollas have dis-
appeared, and the flower presents an
elongated egg-shaped body, with a downy
tuft at the upper end, the sparrow re-
moves several long scales of the inner in-
volucre by a clean cut close to the re-
ceptacle, thus exposing the plumed akenes,
and then seizes a mouthful of these between
the plumes and ‘seeds,’ lopping off the
plumed pappus and swallowing the ‘seeds.’
The mutilation of the involucre by the
sparrow’s beak can be seen until the flower
stalk dries and falls. Fully three-fourths
of the dandelions that bloomed on the De-
partment grounds during April and May,
1898, were mutilated by birds.
The English sparrow, in spite of the ser-
vices it renders in consuming weed seed, is
a pest because of its despoiling buildings,
and because of its extensive pillaging of fruit
and grain. The native sparrows, on the con-
trary, have no such noxious habits, and are
much more eflicient as weed-seed destroyers.
The several species of goldfinches are
equally beneficial. The American goldfinch
confines its attacks almost entirely to the
Composite; the thistle, ragweed and dande-
lion being its favorites. Last October I
observed a flock of fifty on a New Hampshire
farm. <A bird would alight on a bull this-
tle and the pappus would float away as it
feasted. Under a thistle head I found over
a hundred empty akenes that had been
split open on one side and had their seeds
removed. These goldfinches alighted, sev-
eral at a time, in a single ragweed plant
and fed so busily that I could approach
within a few feet of them. On another day
this flock of birds fed upon the evening
primrose. According to Mr. H. C. Ober-
holser the goldfinch also feeds upon beggar
ticks (Bidens frondosa) and milkweed (As-
clepias syriaca ) .
Dr. E. V. Wilcox has observed American
goldfinches in Montana feeding in flocks of
fifteen to twenty on the wild sunflower,
which is a very bad pest in the West. In
the same State he observed Juncos and red
poll linnets eating the seeds of the Russian
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 235.
The goldfinches and native sparrows are
more beneficial to agriculture than a num-
ber of other species, such as the English
sparrow and blackbirds, which at times in-
jure grain and fruit, but there are, how-
ever, in the work of weed-seed destruction
some fifty species of birds engaged, and the
number of species of weeds which they tend
to eradicate amounts to more than three
SyLvEsTER D. Jupp.
Science for July 1, 1898, contained a no-
tice by Dr. H. M. Smith, of a proposed
Biological Survey of Lake Erie to be car-
ried out under the auspices of the United
States Commission of Fish and Fisheries.
Unfortunately, none of the work of the
season of 1898 could be entered upon until
the middle of July, and it was discontinued
about the first of September. Since the
work outlined in the second paragraph of
Dr. Smith’s notice is of such a character
that if must be carried on continuously,
it must wait for the establishment of a per-
manent biological station on the lakes.
The work that could actually be under-
taken was that outlined in the third para-
graph of the notice. The shortness of the
time (4-6 weeks) did not permit results to
be reached in many of the problems under
investigation; so that the results of the
summer’s work so far published are con-
tained in three papers by Dr. Jennings, a
brief notice of the occurrence at Put-in- Bay
of Trochosphera solstitialis, contained . in
Science, October 21, 1898, and two papers
on ‘The Motor Reactions of Parameciwm’
and the ‘Laws of Chemotaxis in Parame-
cium’ in the American Journal of Physiology,
May 1, 1899. Progress was, nevertheless,
made in all the other lines of work. Some
of the results are now awaiting publication
JUNE 30, 1899.]
and others will be ready for publication
during the coming autumn.
During July and August, 1899, work will
be continued at Put-in-Bay. The party will
consist of the writer, as director ; Professor
H. B. Ward, of the University of Nebraska ;
Dr. H. 8. Jennings, of Dartmouth College ;
Dr. Julia B. Snow, and Mr. R. H. Pond,
besides a number of assistants. The mem-
bers of the party will continue the work
undertaken last summer, and referred to in
Dr. Smith’s notice, except that Mr. Pond,
who takes the place of Mr. Pieters, will
undertake an experimental investigation of
of the nutrition of the larger aquatic plants.
The entire party will work at Put-in-Bay
during July. During August it is intended
to divide the party. Those engaged in ex-
perimental work will remain at Put-in-
Bay. The writer and Professor Ward, to-
gether with a number of assistants, to act
as collectors, will make a tour of the lake
for the purpose of making collections, and
in order to study the distribution and con-
‘stitution of the plankton in the different
parts of the lake.
The locality at Put-in-Bay affords a va-
riety of conditions and is rich in aquatic
fauna and flora. The occurrence of the
huge infusorian Bursaria truncatella and of
Trochospera are of especial interest.
During August it will be possible to offer
the facilities of the laboratory to a limited
number of investigators. The United States
Commission of Fish and Fisheries will fur-
nish all apparatus, glassware and reagents
and place the entire resources of the labora-
tory at the disposal of such investigators
without charge. Those who wish to take
advantage of this opportunity should com-
municate with the writer at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, before July Ist; at Put-in-Bay,
Ohio, after July Ist.
Tur schedule of classification of writings
relating to Geology and Geography which
it is proposed by the International Catalogue
Committee to adopt appears, on the whole,
to have been well considered, though, as re-
gards its details, it is evidently open to
certain criticisms. Thus it will be noted
that there is no recognition of any sub-
divisions of the Archean. The matter of
soils, clearly of much importance, finds no
place in the list. It is hardly to be grouped
under the heading of Denudation and Dep-
osition. So, too, the matter of shore lines
appears to have fairly a share in a scheme
where glacial geology is ranked by itself
apart. It may also be remarked that the
whole field of economic geology is not sug-
gested by any of the headings, and surely
deserves recognition in any catalogue. Were
this heading adopted it would naturally in-
clude a large part of the papers concerning
veins and other ore deposits. As it is,
these phenomena appear not to have been
thought of.
Under the heading of Geography is a
schedule of classification on a topographic
basis, which is probably intended to serve
also for the distribution of a portion atleast
of the works on geology, though this is not
clearly stated. As a whole, the topograph-
ical classification which has been adopted
commends itself to the reader. In places,
however, the meaning is not clear, as in
‘kK Arctic : Greenland and the area north
of the Arctic Circle, or all the coasts of Con-
tinental America, Asia and Europe, which-
ever is farther north’ (the italics are ours).
It is possible, by systematic exegesis, to ar-
rive at some conception of what the writer
meant, but at first sight it seems to imply a
variable northness of these several areas. It
may also be noted that the category denoted
by ea., viz., Asiatic Russia, is much too
large for convenience. In time a great lit-
erature will, doubtless, have to be referred
to this division. The realm could be sub-
divided, perhaps, on the base of its drain-
Under gb., gd., gd. and ge. the division is
troublesome. First, we have Canada as a
whole, then the Canadian Dominion west,
including Yukon and British Columbia,
Mackenzie, Athabaska, Alberta, Saskatche-
wan and Assiniboia ; but gd., the Canadian
Dominion east, includes only Newfound-
land. In this specification Labrador and
the neighboring districts seem to be left out.
To add to the confusion comes ge., which
takes in the Laurentian Lakes, with no
statement as to the limits of the territory
included in the category. Following down,
we find, after the United States as a whole,
a division which includes the northeastern
field, 7. e., all the States east of the Missis-
sippi down in general to the Ohio and the
Potomac, but omitting in the list Maryland
and Delaware. The southeastern United
States east of the Mississippi does not in-
clude a list of States. It may be intended
to contain those last mentioned, but under
the circumstances the names should be
The subject classification under Geog-
raphy is, as will be observed, much more
detailed than the like grouping under Geol-
ogy. It appears tolerably complete, but
there again the matter of soils and of shores
is omitted, though such matters as rocks,
minerals and mines, which are less fitly to
be regarded as geographic, find a place. It
may also be noted that, while under Geology
there is a ‘seismic’ division (including
elevation and depression and mountain
building), the matter of earthquakes is only
mentioned in the geographic classification.
We may fairly wonder whether this sug-
gested difference in treatment was actually
designed. Inthe geologic scheme volcanoes
are included. They can come in again under
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 235.
the head of volcanic phenomena under
Geography. Again we wonder whether this
arrangement is by chance or design.
If it is intended by this classification to
demark the fields of geology and geography
it is clearly open to objection from many
points of view. Thus such matters as dunes,
coral reefs, minerals, mines, ete., which find
mention only under Geography, are, by com-
mon understanding, regarded as subjects for
treatment under the head of Geology.
Tue Editor of Sctrnce has kindly asked
me to comment on the physiological part of
the Catalogue of Scientific Literature, pre-
pared by the Royal Society. I should like
to call attention to a few points.
1. It seems to me that the space given
to comparative physiology is uot sufficient.
Physiology is undergoing the same change
that has taken place in morphology. The
latter science was originally confined to
man and a few of the higher vertebrates,
but at present scientific morphology is
identical with comparative morphology.
The same change is taking place in physi-
ology. It is true that the text-books of
physiology have as yet taken no notice
of this change, but a catalogue of ‘ scientific
literature’ cannot afford to ignore the de-
velopment of physiology. The catalogue
must take into consideration the fact that
the field of comparative physiology is much
wider than that of human physiology, and that,
therefore, more space and a more prominent
position is necessary for comparative physi-
ology than is allotted to it in the provi-
sional schedule.
2. It seems to me that physical chemistry
has not received the consideration it de-
serves. It is hard to tell, for instance, in
which part of the catalogue the effects of
ions should be mentioned. There is a sub-
JUNE 30, 1899. ]
division on isotony and other osmotic phe-
nomena of the cell, and there is another sub-
division in physiological chemistry on ‘ semi-
permeability and physiological properties
of colloids,’ but I am at a loss to find where
experiments on the osmotic properties of
muscles or connective tissues, ete., could be
properly catalogued. It seems to me that
fuller provision should be made for the
whole realm of the application of physical
ehemistry to physiology.
3. It seems to me, further, that provision
should be made for the facts of physiolog-
ical morphology. By physiological mor-
phology I mean the energetics of the phe-
nomena of organization. Physiology has
thus far chiefly been a study of the phenom-
ena of irritability. But there can be no doubt
that phenomena of growth, irritability and
metabolism are so thoroughly interwoven
that neither metabolism nor irritability can
be fully understood without taking into
consideration the phenomena of growth.
For instance, only the active muscle is able
to undergo hypertrophia. The resting
muscle atrophies. It is evident that con-
tractility and growth are in some way con-
nected. In plants the heliotropic and other
curvatures are connected with the phe-
nomena of growth. It is even possible that
our inability to explain contractility is due
to the fact that we have not yet taken into
consideration the phenomena of growth.
Furthermore, I do not quite see where in
the present catalogue such experiments on
physiological morphology as those on
heteromorphosis (the experimental substi-
tution of one organ for another) could be
mentioned. Physiological morphology in-
cludes also the physiological analysis of
heredity. The field of physiological mor-
phology is wider and certainly more funda-
mental than the present physiology of
nerves and muscles.
Jacques Lors.
Talks to Teachers on Psychology, and to Students
on some of Life's Ideals. By WILLIAM JAMES,
New York, Henry Holt & Co. 1899.
In his first chapter Professor James discusses
the relation of psychology to the teaching art.
We have so many statements from non-psy-
chologists concerning what psychology may do
for teaching that it is pleasant to hear what a
psychologist himself has to say on the subject.
In the first place, it is pointed out that sciences
do not directly generate arts. The study of
logic does not make a thinker, nor that of
grammar a correct speaker; so the study, even
the mastery, of psychology does not insure suc-
cess in teaching. A science and its correspond-
ing art can be brought together only by means
of a mediator ; that is, a mind full of tact and
invention for the application of the rules of the
science to the practice of the art. Given a
skilful mediator, psychology can be of the great-
est aid to teaching. This is especially true in
this country, where the system is so elastic that
it becomes a vast laboratory for educational
experiment. To this advantage we have the
concomitant circumstance of a body of psychol-
ogists anxious to instruct another body of
teachers eager to learn.
Incidentally, in this chapter, Professor James
attempts to allay the pangs of bad conscience
in those teachers who have been made to feel
that they must contribute to child psychology
or be unworthy their calling. He heartily
agrees with Professor Miunsterberg that the
psychologist’s attitude toward mind must be
abstract and analytical, whereas the teacher’s
should be concrete and ethical. Haunted by
Emerson’s lines—
‘When duty whispers lo, thou must,
The youth replies, I can,’’
the conscientious teacher is pained that she does
not. But Professor James eases this pain by
intimating gently that obligation is obviated by
The second chapter contains an abridgement
of Professor James’s well-known description of
the Stream of Consciousness, while the third
and fourth chapters are devoted to conduct as
the outcome of education.
Chapters five, six and seven show the nature
and need of spontaneous and acquired reactions.
This discussion is new, forceful and illumina-
succeeding chapter on the laws of habit. This
is taken almost bodily from the author’s ‘ Psy-
chology.’ That it is brilliant and sound will be
attested by many. Yet what shall we say of
the man who can produce new books, but who
simply copies his old ones verbatim in the most
important parts? Professor Patten, in his ‘ De-
velopment of English Thought,’ declares that
geniuses are always lazy. Professor James can
bear this double imputation, yet one can hardly
excuse him when he says he needs to offer no
apology for copying his own books. The
apology is needless only because it is useless.
An author should treat himself as well as he
treats other authors. He would not incorpo-
rate their matter without transforming it by the
force of his own thinking; no more should he
repeat himself without subjecting his older
thought to the transforming influence of a new
point of view. Who wants to buy the same
book twice ?
The chapters on Interest and Attention are
among the best and most typical in the book.
The treatment is eminently popular and general,
yet none the less helpful on that account. If it
is much less rigid than that of Dr. Dewey, it is
perhaps as useful to the ordinary teacher. The
difference is that which exists between a dia-
gram and ademonstration ; the one is esthetic,
the other intellectual.
Apperception is described at some length in
chapter fourteen, the discussion making no pre-
tension to scientific exactness. Indeed, Pro-
fessor James has always given the topic a
step-motherly treatment, viewing the word ap-
perception as a blanket term in psychology, and
following the older traditional division into
sensation, perception, memory, etc. Yet even
from the standpoint of psychology itself, the re-
searches of Wundt and others have shown that
there are distinct advantages in treating apper-
ception as an elemental process in psychic life ;
when we come to education the advantages of
this procedure are great and unquestionable.
It isto be hoped that Professor James will some
day give his mind to a thoroughgoing scientific
Not all of these things can be said of the -
[N. 8. Von. IX. No. 235.
exposition of the subject. If one may be per-
mitted to cut out work for his neighbor, one
may perhaps suggest to Professor James that a
monograph upon apperception in its educative
bearings would be gratefully received by Amer-
ican teachers.
Of the significance and value of this volume
as a contribution to the cause of education
there can be no question. Like everything that
Professor James writes, it is at once lucid and
interesting. If the treatment is popular and
general, itis, atall events, founded on scientific
insight, and, so far as it goes, may be confidently
trusted as sound. If it ridicules ‘ brass instru-
ment’ study of children, it yet tends to awaken
sympathy with childhood. If it disappoints the
seeker after ‘scientific’ study of education, it,
at least, satisfies the heart of the earnest teacher.
Finally, this book is to be welcomed because
it shows that in educational theory, as in trea-
tises upon subject-matter, the writing of books
is passing from the hands of professional book-
makers into those of the real leaders of thought.
In this fact we find the brightest hope of our
educational progress.
Wetterprognosen und Wetterberichte des XV. und
XVI, Jahrhunderts. No. 12, Neudrucke von
Schriften und Karten tiber Meteorologie und
Erdmagnetismus herausgegeben von PRo-
FESSOR Dr. G. HELLMANN. Berlin, A. Asher
& Co. 1899.
In this volume, which is the latest and largest
of the series, Dr. Hellmann explains the origin
and growth of weather predictions in almanacs,
etc., and the practice in the different countries
of describing remarkable meteorological phe-
nomena, illustrating both subjects by facsimile
reproductions of printed documents of the fif-
teenth and sixteenth centuries. As Dr. Hell-
mann remarks, the art of foretelling the weather
has always been the object of meteorological
research, but it has been practiced in various
ways according to the theoretical knowledge
that existed of the occurrences in the atmos-
phere. Among the Greeks, at the time of
Meton, public placards announced the past and
expected weather. Later, astrology controlled
JUNE 30, 1899.]
the predictions in the almanacs, which were
first printed in Latin and afterwards in the
language of the country where they appeared.
Such an almanac, the Bauern-Kalender, or
peasants’ calendar, having symbols to represent
the predicted weather, is still published in the
Austrian Tyrol. The custom of writing ac-
counts of extraordinary meteorological events is
very old, and, after the invention of printing,
these reports, in pamphlet form or on single
sheets, were widely distributed throughout Eu-
rope. As they were intended for the people,
few have been preserved in libraries, but some
of these are here reproduced.
The volume contains 33 pages of historical
and critical introduction and 26 facsimiles of
German, French, English, Italian, Spanish,
Danish and Dutch tracts, most of them curi-
ously illustrated. Probably to no other person
than Dr. Hellmann would so many rare works
in all parts of Europe be accessible, and his
scholarly preface greatly aids the comprehen-
sion of these interesting specimens of ancient
weather lore. One or two copies of the vol-
ume may be obtained for the publisher’s price,
viz., 20 Marks, or $5, from the undersigned, at
Hyde Park, Mass.
A. L. Rorcs,
Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of
Zoology, Cambridge, 22-27 August, 1898. Lon-
don, C. J. Clay & Sons. 1899. Pp. xiv + 422
and 15 plates. 15s. net. ;
Cinématique et mécanismes potentiel et mécanique des
fluides. H. PorNcARE. Paris, Carré et C. Naud.
1896. Pp. 385.
Alaska and the Klondike. ANGELO HEILPRIN. New
York, D. Appleton & Co. 1899. Pp. x + 312.
Leitfaden der Kartenentwurfslehre. WKAR‘ ZOPPRITZ.
Leipzig, Teubner. 1899. Pp. x +178. Mark 4.80.
Der Gang des Menschen. II part. OrTo FISCHER.
Leipzig, Teubner. Pp. 130 and 12 plates. Mark 8.
Elektrische Untersuchungen. W. G. HANKEL. Ab-
handlung der mathematisch-physischen Classe der
kéniglichen sdchsischen Gesellschaft der Wissen-
schaften. Leipzig, Teubner. 1899. Vol. 24. Pp.
471-97 and 2 plates. Mark 2.
Practical Physiology. DR. BURGH BircH. Philadel-
phia, Blakiston’s Son & Co. 1899. Pp. x +
273. $1.75.
The Steam Engine and Gas and Oil Engines. JOHN
PERRY. New York and London, The Macmillan
Company. 1899. Pp. viii + 646.
Geological Results, based on Material from New Britain,
New Guinea, Loyalty Islands and elsewhere, collected
during the years 1895-7. Cambridge, The Univer-
sity Press. 1899. Pp. 356 and 5 plates.
The Journal of Geology, April-May, 1899.—
H. F. Reid, ‘The Variations of Glaciers,’ pp
217-225. Professor Reid presents the fourth
of his summaries of observations on the ad-
vance and retreat of glaciers in different parts.
of the world. While recession is the rule,
there are some instances of advance, and some
evidence has been gathered of recurrent cycles
of maxima and minima. In the case of two
Swiss glaciers the periods proved, respectively,
44 and 51 years.
G. C. Curtis and J. B. Woodworth, Nan-
tucket, ‘A Morainal Island,’ pp. 226-236.
The former author describes a recently con-
structed model of Nantucket, and the latter its
Mark 8. W. Jefferson, ‘Beach Cusps,’ pp.
237-246. The small cusps along beaches are
explained by the action of retreating high
waves, whose waters breach the strip of seaweed
that is usually present just above the line of
ordinary waves, and that binds the shingle
together. Between the breaches the cusps
gather at intervals of ten to forty feet.
Walter D. Wilcox, ‘ A Certain Type of Lake
Formation in the Canadian Rockies,’ pp. 247—
260. Interesting data are given regarding the
‘glacial phenomena of the Canadian Rockies,
and particularly regarding Lake Louise. <A
means of estimating the time since the retreat
of the great ice sheet is suggested, but for lack
of the necessary apparatus it has not been car-
ried out.
J. P. Goode, ‘The Piracy of the Yellow-
stone,’ pp. 261-271. Recent changes in the
drainage of Yellowstone Lake are described and
explained. The Yellowstone River, as at pres-
ent known, appears to be of development in
late geological time.
C. E. Monroe and E. E. Teller, ‘The Fauna
of the Devonian at Milwaukee, Wis.,’ pp. 272-
283. Recent excavations for the the Milwaukee
water works have made available a large quan-
tity of loose rock, which proves. to be rich in
Devonian fossils. These have been identified
and tabulated by the authors.
H.S. Washington, ‘The Petrographical Prov-
ince of Essex Co., Mass.,’ pp. 284-294. This
paper on the basic dikes concludes the series.
Under ‘ Reviews’ an excellent summary by
T. A. Jagger is given of the recent valuable
experiments of Morosewicz in the artificial
production of rocks and minerals.
American Chemical Journal, June, 1899.—‘ The
Valuation of Saccharin,’ by E. Emmet Reid.
By boiling for two hours with a hydrochloric
acid solution of the proper strength and then
distilling with alkali, the ammonia can be col-
lected in a standard acid solution and readily
determined. It was shown that para sulpha-
mine benzoic acid was not acted upon under
similar conditions. This, therefore, appears to
be a quick, accurate method for determining
the amount of the sweetening substance in the
commercial saccharine. ‘Some Derivations of
Camphoroxime,’ by G. B. Frankforter and A.
D. Mayo. ‘Camphoroxime Derivatives,’ by
G. B. Frankforter and P. M. Glasoe. ‘The
Laboratory Production of Asphalts from Animal
and Vegetable Materials,’ by W. C. Day. The
author has obtained substances similar to the
natural asphalts by distilling animal and vege-
table matter, both separately and mixed. ‘The
Composition of Nitrogen Jodide and the Action
of Iodine on the Fatty Amines,’ by J. F. Norris
and A. I. Franklin. The evidence points to
the fact that the compound formed by the ac-
tion of iodine on ammonia is not a direct addi-
tion-product, nor do the fatty amines form
such compounds. ‘On the Action of Sodic
Ethylate on Tribromdinitro Benzol,’ by C. L.
Jackson and W. Koch. ‘The Action of Sul-
phocarbanilide on certain Acid Anhydrides,’ by
F. L. Dunlap. ‘The Action of Ammonia and
Amines on Chlorides of Silicon,’ by F. Leng-
feld. ‘The chlorine is replaced by the ammonia
and amine residues, forming amides of silicon.
J. E.G.
APPLETON’S Popular Science Monthly for July
has as a frontispiece an excellent portrait of Pro-
'[N.S. Von. IX. No. 235.
fessor W. K. Brooks, and the number contains a
sketch of his life and scientific work. The num-
ber contains articles by President D. S. Jordan,
describing the succession of fishes inhabiting a
brook; by Professor W. K. Brooks, entitled
‘Thoughts about Universities ;’ by Professor
Edward Renouf, on ‘ Acetylene,’ and by Dr. C.
C. Abbott, on ‘The Antiquity of Man in North
WE regret that the Index Medicus has been
discontinued. It is unfortunate that the efforts
for its continuation have not been successful,
but the mass of medical literature has become
so great, and, it must be added, in most cases so
unimportant, that an index would require some
form of public support.
THE Section met on May 8th, Professor F. §.
Lee presiding. The following program was
then offered :
1. W. A. Rankin: ‘The Crustacea of the
Bermuda Islands, with Notes on the Collection
made by the New York University Expeditions
to the Bermudas in 1897 and 1898.’
2. H. F. Osborn: ‘Upon the Structure of the
Mule-footed Hog of Texas.’
‘Upon the Structure of Tylosaurus dyspelor,
including the Cartilaginous Sternum.’
Professor Rankin’s paper gives a list of 61
recorded species of Crustacea from the Ber-
muda Islands. During the summers of 1897
and 1898 a party from the New York Univer-
sity spent a few weeks investigating the fauna
of the islands, and the Crustacean collections
were studied by the author,
Of the total number of species 43 were found
by the expedition, and notes on their distribu-
tion are given. Eight of these species are ‘new
to the Bermudas, and two, Nika bermudensis and
Alpheus lancirostris, are new species described
and figured inthis paper. The genus Nika is
now for the first time recorded from the West
Atlantic region.
The physical conditions of the islands are
touched on, and the Crustacea are shown to be
in the main similar to those found in the West
JUNE 30, 1899. ]
Indies and the adjacent coasts of America,
though 18 have a more or less extended range
over both hemispheres.
Professor Osborn reported upon the anatomy
of the feet of a specimen of the well-known
‘mule-footed hog’ of Texas, recently presented
to the Zoological Museum of Columbia, by Dr.
Wickes Washburn. Externally the -feet pre-
sent the appearance of complete fusion of the
third and forth toes. Internally, however,
considerable differences are observed. In the
pes the third and fourth metapodials and the
first phalanges are entirely separated and nor-
mal], the second pair of phalanges are closely
united, and the terminal phalanx is also closely
united, so it has the appearance of a single ele-
ment. The fusion is less advanced in the
manus ; here the metapodials, first and second
phalanges are separate, one of the second pha-
langes being abnormally hypertrophied and a
supernumerary element being inserted beneath
it. The terminal phalanges are very firmly
united into a single element, which holds the
bones above it together. Some discussion fol-
lowed, during the course of which Professor
Bristol stated that a large number of experi-
ments were being carried on at a Western ranch
to ascertain the effects of breeding upon this
peculiar variety. Professor Osborn remarked
that this anomaly presented an interesting case
of the persistence of a character which must
have originated as a sport.
Professor Osborn’s second paper included a
description of the remarkably complete skeleton
of a Mosasaur, recently mounted in the Amer-
ican Museum of Natural History.
ton was procured two years ago from the
famous Smoky Hill Cretaceous beds of Kansas,
through Mr, Bourne, and has been worked out
with the greatest care. It is practically com-
plete as far back as the 78th caudal, and the
bones are approximately in position, including
the fore and hind paddle and, what is more re-
markable, the almost complete cartilaginous
sternum, sternal ribs, epicoracoids. The spe-
cies represents the largest type of American
Mosasaur, Tylosaurus dyspelor Cope. As illus-
trated by numerous photographs and drawings,
the specimen throws a flood of new light upon
the structure of the Mosasaurs. The principal
The skele-,
characters are the following: 7 cervicals, 10
dorsals connected with the sternum by carti-
laginous ribs, 12 dorsals with floating ribs, one
sacral and 72 caudals (out of a total number of
86), coracoids connected by broad epicoracoids
having a transverse diameter of 22 em. The
sternum is triangular in shape, tapering pos-
teriorly and having the general form of that in
Trachydosaurus; there is no evidence of an
episternum, the shoulder girdle in general being:
more degenerate than Platecarpus, in which an
episternum has been observed. The fore pad-
dles are smaller than the hind ones and include:
two co-ossified carpals. The fifth digit is some-
what enlarged and set well apart from the
others. The hind paddle is slightly larger and
very completely preserved. The tail is re-
markable in presenting an upward curvature in’
the mid-region, which probably supported a
prominent caudal fin, but it is not angulated
as in Ichthyosaurus. The skull shows the pres-
ence of epipterygoids. The total length of the
skeleton as preserved is a little over 270 feet ;
the estimated total length of the animal is 30
feet. In mounting, a single large panel has
been used, the animal lying upon its ventral
surface, with the paddles outstretched, the
sides of the back bone curved in a graceful
manner, exactly as originally imbedded in the
matrix. FrRANcIS E. Luioyp,
THE regular meeting of the New York Section
of the American Chemical Society was held on
Friday evening, the 9th inst., at the Chemists’
Club, 108 West Fifty-fifth street, Dr. William
McMurtrie presiding. The following papers.
were read: ‘Apparatus for testing the Density
of Cements,’ by Morris Loeb, Ph.D.; ‘The De-
termination of Sulphur in Bitumens,’ by S. F.
and H. E. Peckham.
The apparatus described by Dr. Loeb is a
modification of the well-known method for de-
termination of the density of powders by dis-
placement of liquid contained in a flask, but by
the system of calibration adopted and the use
of a specially graduated burette the volume
of liquid displaced is obtained by difference
between the amount added from the burette
and an arbitrary volume contained between two
marks on the neck of the flask.
Drawing out the liquid to the zero mark by
a pipette enables one to make another and sey-
eral successive determinations without cleaning
out the apparatus until the flask is actually
almost filled with the powdered cement, so that
three or four determinations may be made in
about ten minutes.
Messrs. Peckham’s paper recommended the
deflagration method for determining sulphur in
bitumens, using about two parts bitumen to
thirty parts of mixed sodium carbonate and
potassium nitrate. Some discussion followed
as to the possible loss of volatile sulphur com-
pounds—mercaptans, mercaptids and sulpho
ethers—but the amounts of these forms of sul-
phur were conceded to be extremely small and
probably without appreciable effect on the be-
havior of an asphalt.
A report by the Committee on Patent Legis-
lation was read by Major C. C. Parsons, with
the recommendation that it should be brought
before the members of the Society at large.
A report by Durand Woodman, Secretary and
Treasurer, stated that nine regular and two
special meetings had been held, at which thirty-
seven papers were read. The average attend-
ance at these meetings was sixty-five.
The expenses of the Section had been $1.19
per member for the year. The membership
numbers about 305.
The election of officers for the ensuing year
resulted as follows : Chairman, C. F. McKenna;
Secretary-Treasurer, Durand Woodman; Ex-
ecutive Committee, William McMurtrie, E. G.
Love, G. C. Stone; delegates to the Scientific
Alliance, E. E. Smith, M. T. Bogert.
A SPECIAL meeting of the Society was held on
Saturday, May 27th, at 8:45 p. m., in the As-
sembly Room of the Chemists’ Club.
Announcement was made by Dr. C. A. Dore-
mus of the preliminary program of the Fourth
International Congress of Applied Chemistry,
to be held at Paris next year. The meetings
will be held in the halls and amphitheatre of
the new Sorbonne, and every important branch
of applied chemistry will be covered.
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 235.
The feature of the evening was a paper by
Dr. H. W. Wiley on ‘The Chemistry of Nitri-
fication,’ fully illustrated by lantern slides.
REGULAR meetings of the Club were held on
May 3 and May 30, 1899. At the former the
members participated in a symposium on the
topic ‘The Origin of Insular Floras.’ Discus-
sion was opened by Professor E. L. Greene, Dr.
F. H. Knowlton and Mr. O. F. Cook. In the
short notes which preceded attention was called
to the discovery of Asplenium ebenoides in the
District of Columbia, and proof sheets of Pro-
fessor Bailey’s ‘New Encyclopedia of Horti-
culture’ were exhibited.
The meeting of May 30th was devoted toa
discussion of the more salient features of the
District flora,several specimens being exhibited.
The Club held a most enjoyable excursion on
Decoration Day, to which other botanists were
freely invited, visiting Plummer’s Island, in the
Potomac, and the neighboring Virginia shore.
THE second lecture in connection with the
Royal Institution’s centenary was given by
Professor Dewar on June 7th. Professor Dewar
said, according to the report in the London
Times, that he did not intend to take any long
flight into the great work of the Royal Institu-
tion in the past, since that had already been
done by his colleague. His object was rather
to introduce his audience to a new instrument
of research—that was to say, to liquid hydro-
gen. This he exhibited boiling gently in a
vacuum tube immersed in liquid air, the access
of heat being, by this precaution, greatly im-
peded. They would notice it was a transparent
liquid, in which there appeared a whitish de-
posit. This consisted of solid air, and it was
impossible to avoid its presence, because im-
mediately the cotton-wool plug was removed
from a vessel of liquid hydrogen the air of the
atmosphere came under the influence of so
low a temperature as to ,be at once frozen
JUNE 30, 1899.]
solid. To prove that the liquid he was
manipulating with such freedom was really
liquid hydrogen Professor Dewar put a light to
asmall quantity, a brilliant burst of flame being
the prompt result. Of its exceedingly small
density he gave an idea by showing that a light
material like cork would not float on its sur-
face, but sank to the bottom as if it were lead.
‘The lowness of its temperature he illustrated
by anumber of experiments. Thus a solid body
immersed in it fora short time was shown to
become so cold that the air round it was lique-
fied and ran off in drops, while when a tube
containing liquid air was plunged into it the
air immediately became solid. On this tube
being lifted out again a double effect was seen,
for the melting of the solid within it yielded
liquid air, which was also formed by condensa-
tion on its outside surface. An empty vessel
placed for a short time in the cold atmosphere
just above this liquid, filled with solid air in the
form of snow, soon melted into liquid. Oxygen
in a sealed tube when lowered into it quickly
became solid, and when lifted out it could be
‘seen, as heat was absorbed, to assume first the
liquid and then the gaseous form. <A sponge of
porous material, soaked in liquid hydrogen and
brought into a magnetic field, apparently be-
haved as if it were magnetic. That, however-
‘was due to the condensation of the oxygen of
the air, which, of course, was magnetic, and,
though an observer might in this way be easily
‘deceived into thinking hydrogen magnetic, Pro-
fessor Dewar said he was satisfied that it was
nearly neutral or diamagnetic.
Speaking of the real temperature of this
liquid, he said it had taken him nearly a
year to come to a definite conclusion on
that point because he could not get any
two thermometers to agree. Pure platinum
resistance thermometers gave 35° absolute (or
238° below zero Centigrade), one of the plati-
num-rhodium alloy 27°, while hydrogen itself
in a gas thermometer gave 21°, areading nearly
identical with one obtained with a German-sil-
ver electrical thermometer. The last part of
the lecture was devoted to the extraordinarily
low vacua obtainable by the use of liquid hydro-
gen. Thus, by immersing one end of a closed
tube in it for a short time and then sealing it
off in the middle, a vacuum was formed in the
upper part which was substantially perfect, as
was shown by the fact that the electrical charge
could not be made to pass. In conclusion, Pro-
fessor Dewar, after exhibiting several other
beautiful experiments, including one to illus-
trate the rapidity with which gases were dis-
charged into a vacuum, claimed that the lique-
faction of hydrogen was a triumph for theory
not less than for practice.
Lord Kelvin, in moving a vote of thanks to
Professor Dewar for his brilliant, beautiful and
splendidly interesting lecture, said that if those
present wished to measure the importance of
the occasion, let them think what Count Rum-
ford, or Davy, or Faraday would have thought,
could they have been present. They could not
have hoped for their scientific dreams and
prophecies to be so splendidly verified within
the century. The end of experiment in re-
search at low temperatures had by no means
been reached, and perhaps in a few years sub-
stances yet unknown and more refractory than
hydrogen would have been found which would
bring the experimenter to within five degrees
of the absolute zero.
AUTOMATIC ship-propulsion is once more pro-
posed, this time by M. Linden, Secretary of the
Naples Zoological Station, according to Sr. Me-
nard in Cosmos of December 17, 1898. He at-
taches elastic plates to the bow and stern of the
boat, which act precisely as does the tail of a
fish. They are bent by the pitching of the boat
in a seaway, and the reaction of their forcible un-
bending, as well as that of their motion against
the water while being bent, produces forward
motion in the boat, in effect as the fish drives
himself forward by springing its tail in lateral
movements. Thus every motion of the boat on
the surface of the waves produces greater or
less acceleration.
The boat employed is stated to be four meters
(13 feet) long, its driving plates 50 centimeters
long (20 inches) and one-half that width. They
are thicker at the point of support than toward
their extremities, giving a proper flexure when
pressed by the water into their impelling
curves. Other experiments have been made,
also, at Berlin, which are thought to offer some
encouragement, and it is suggested that such a
plan may prove satisfactorily operative wit
large vessels.
The idea is, however, very old; no one
knows where or when it originated. Some
twenty-five years ago Mr. Gerner, a then well-
known inventor and patent attorney, of New
York, proposed a somewhat similar scheme, em-
ploying rafts or floats at the stern and on either
side, which, with the rolling and pitching of
the vessel, and the relative motion thus pro-
duced, should operate levers on board the ves-
sel, and through them a system of mechanism
which should drive a screw and thus impel the
ship. Nothing came of it, however.
Re Ee
UNDER date of May 12th the Minister of Pub-
lic Instruction and Fine Arts announced to the
French Academy of Sciences the coming depart-
ure from Bordeaux, on the 26th of May, of M.
Maurain, captain of engineers, and M. La-
combe, captain of artillery, for Quito. These
two officers constitute a commission to visit the
stations of the old are of Peru, measured be-
tween 1736 and 1739 by Bouguer, La Conda-
mine and Godin, with the view of a remeasure-
ment of the arc and its extension so as to com-
prise from five to six degrees of latitude.
This action is hailed with pleasure by geod-
esists everywhere. It is the direct outcome of
the renewal of the suggestion for its remeasure-
ment made at the last meeting of the Interna-
tional Geodetic Association, at Stuttgart, in
October, 1898.
The proposition that the work should be soon
undertaken was brought up by the American
delegate, Mr. E. D. Preston, of the U.S. Coast
and Geodetic Survey, at that Conference, and
his action was interpreted to mean that if
France would not undertake it some other
nation, probably ours, would take steps to-
wards the remeasurement of the are whose re-
vision is considered of such great importance to
[N. S. Von. IX. No. 235.
By the recent gifts of Mrs. Stanford, Leland
Stanford Jr. University becomes the richest
university in the world, far surpassing in its
resources Harvard, Columbia or any foreign
university. Situated where the development
of civilization has been most rapid, and where
its future promise is unlimited, under a wise
and far-sighted administration, the University
will become within a generation one of the
greatest universities in the world. Correct de-
tails of the gifts and bequests of Senator Stan-
ford, and of the gifts of Mrs. Stanford, will be
of interest to readers of this JOURNAL.
The resources of the University consist of
three great farms, aggregating 95,000 acres of
land, deeded by Act of Legislature. On one of
these farms, which constitutes the University
Campus, buildings to the value of $1,000,000
were erected before Senator Stanford’s death.
By his will the University received $2,500,000
in cash, invested in interest-bearing bonds.
During the litigation following his death Mrs.
Stanford deeded to the University her own
private fortune, amounting to about a million
dollars. The bulk of his fortune was left by
Senator Stanford by will to his wife, with the
understanding between them that in case she
survived him she would do all forthe institu-
tion that he would have done. This wish she
has carried out to the letter, although, as a mat-
ter of fact, idle litigation has prevented her
from doing anything until very recently. By
her recent gift she transferred the residue of
the estate to the University, it being necessary
to do this by deed of gift under the laws of the
State. Mr. Stanford’s purpose was a chival-
rous one, emphasizing the equality of his wife
in their mutual work. The property just
turned over has a commercial value—judging
from the revenue stamps put upon the deeds—
of $35,000,000. It would probably bring in the
market about $13,000,000. What its actual
value may be only the future can determine.
The income arising from this final gift is at
present relatively small, as by agreement among
the railroads, in bonds and stock of which it.
largely consists, the earnings are for atime to be
used in freeing the property from debt and in
making improvements.
JUNE 30, 1899.]
THE statue of Helmholtz, in the court of the
University of Berlin, was unveiled on June 6th,
in the presence of the German Emperor.
THE statue of Darwin by Mr. Hope Pinker,
presented to Oxford University Museum by
Professor Poulton, was unveiled on June 14th,
with an address by Sir Joseph Hooker. The
statue, which is of life-size and which somewhat
dwarfs the figure of Newton, by the side of
which it is placed, represents the philosopher
in an attitude of meditation, his hands crossed
on his breast.
Dr. MILTON UPDEGRAFF, professor of as-
tronomy in Missouri University, has been ap-
pointed, by President McKinley, professor of
mathematics in the United States Naval Obser-
THE Arago medal of the Paris Academy of
Sciences was presented to Sir George Stokes on
the occasion of his recent jubilee.
THE Council of the London Mathematical
Society has awarded the sixth DeMorgan medal
to Professor W. Burnside, F.R.S., for his re-
searches in mathematics, particularly in the
theory of groups of finite order.
7th, elected President of the Pharmaceutical So-
ciety of Great Britain.
THE John Marshall prize for 1899 has been
awarded to Jacob H. Hollander, Ph.D., associ-
ate professor of finance, for his publication en-
titled ‘The Financial History of Baltimore.’
The Marshall prize consists of a relief portrait
in bronze of Chief Justice Marshall. It is
awarded annually toa graduate of the Johns
Hopkins University who has published the
most important work in the department of
history, politics and economics.
THE death, is announced, at the age of 74; of
M. Nourrisson, professor of philosophy at the
Lycée Napoléon since 1858, and since 1870 a
member of the Academy of Political Sciences.
Dr. THomAS O. SUMMERS, professor of anat-
omy at the St. Louis College of Physicians and
Surgeons, known for his researches on yellow
fever, died by suicide on June 19th.
THE United States Civil Service Commission
announces that it desires to establish an eligible
register for the position of Scientific Aid, Depart-
ment of Agriculture. Candidates are not re-
quired to appear at any place for examina-
tion, but should file statements with the
Commission not later than August Ist. For
the information of applicants the follow-
ing statement is made, as received from the
Secretary of Agriculture: (1) Applicants will
be limited to graduates of colleges receiving the
benefits of grants of land or money from the
United States; (2) each applicant must file
with the United States Civil Service Commis-
sion, Washington, D.C., a properly certified
statement as to the length of time spent in
college, the studies pursued, the standing in
these studies, the special work it is desired to
take up and the special qualifications for such
work, and, finally,a thesis upon such special
scientific subject as the applicant may select, or
in lieu of this any literature on scientific sub-
jects published over his own signature ; (3) the
length of time any Scientific Aid may serve in
the Department is limited to two years; (4)
the salary shall not exceed forty dollars per
THE Maryland Geological Survey has started
investigations in forestry in codperation with
the Division of Forestry at Washington, and
Mr. George B. Sudworth, of the U. 8S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture, has been detailed to work
in Maryland and has already completed a
forestry survey of Alleghany county. This
work will be gradually extended throughout
the State as fast as the topographic maps are
completed. The Maryland Survey has also
started biological investigations in Maryland
under the supervision of Dr. C. Hart Merriam,
of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, who
has detailed members of his staff to begin a
study of the distribution of the faunas and
floras of the western section of theState. This
work will be carried on as an adjunct to the
Geological Survey of the State, and reports upon
the life zones and areasof the State will be pub-
lished from time to time by the State Geologist.
THE members of the Maryland Geological
Survey recently made an extended trip along
the shores of the Chesapeake Bay, upon one of
the State steamers, for the purpose of examin-
ing the stratigraphy of the Neocene and Pleis-
tocene formations, which are to be the subject of
special study during the present field season.
Professor W. B. Clark, the State Geologist, was
in charge of the expedition, and he had as-
sociated with him Messrs. H. F. Reid, E. B.
Matthews and G. B. Shattuck as well as other
members of the Survey. Dr. Arthur Hollick,
of Columbia University, who is to undertake
some investigations in paleobotany for the Sur-
vey, was one of the party. The expedition
occupied ten days, and the trip extended into
the lower Potomac basin as well as to several
of the rivers of the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
WE have already called attention to the ex-
cursion arranged by the Union Pacific Railway
Company to visit the fossil fields of Wyoming.
Invitations have been sent to about 300 geolo-
gists and paleontologists, each of whom may
bring at least one assistant with him. The
party meets at Laramie on June 19th, and will
be under the general direction of Professor
Knight, of the University of Wyoming. The
railway has issued a popular illustrated ac-
count of fossils in Wyoming, which can be ob-
tained by application to one of their offices.
Mr. A. J. BALFour, the government leader
in the House of Commons, on June 27th as-
sured a deputation representing the Royal
Society and the Royal Geographical Society
that the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir
Michael Hicks-Beach, was prepared to give
substantial aid to the proposed Antarctic ex-
Ir is reported in the daily papers that Dr.
Nansen has resolved to enter the lists as an
Antarctic explorer. Letters received in Lon-
don from him state that he hopes to have an
expedition organized and ready to start in 1902.
He is at present engaged in preparing his plans,
and will endeavor to shape them so that he
may supplement the work which the British
and German expeditions propose to accomplish.
Dr. Nansen intends to go to Berlin for the In-
ternational Congress of Geographers, and Sir
Clements Markham and Sir John Murray will
also be there to meet Professor yon Drygalski,
the leader of the German expedition. An Ant-
(N.S. Vou. 1X. No. 235.
arctic conference will be held, at which a gen-
eral plan of action can be decided upon.
Mr. H. J. MACKINDER, reader in geography
at the University of Oxford, has just left Eng-
land in charge of an expedition, the object of
which is to make a thorough study of Mount
Kenia, in British East Africa. The London
Times states that the expedition is partly subsi-
dized by the Royal Geographical Society, though
a very considerable portion of the funds is con-
tributed by Mr. Hausburg, one of the members
of the expedition. Mr. Mackinder is also accom-
panied by two competent Swiss guides and two
taxidermists and collectors. The expedition is
well equipped with instruments, caméras and
other means of carrying on scientific work. Dr.
J. W. Gregory, when he visited Mount Kenia,
succeeded in attaining a height of 17,000 ft., and
his observations proved that further investiga-
tion would certainly yield interesting scientific
results. My. Mackinder and his party propose
to camp ata height of about 16,000 ft., and from
this as a base they hope to make a good map of
the whole mountain, ascend to its summit,
journey all around it, investigate its glaciation
and its geology, and make ample collections of
animals and plants. As the expedition goes to
work under specially favorable conditions, in-
teresting results are expected. Mr. Mackinder
hopes to spend at least a month on the mountain,
and expects to be back in England about the
beginning of October.
Ir is intended that the first malaria expedi-
tion of the tropical medicine department of
University College, Liverpool, should go to
Sierra Leone in August. The expedition will
be headed by Major Ross, and willinclude Dr.
Sunnett, the demonstrator to the Liverpool
school. The malarial season is at its height
in August, and the conditions are then most
favorable for research. Major Ross hopes to
prove his theory that malaria is caused by the
bites of a certain species of mosquito. The ex-
pedition will determine, by the methods which
Major Ross employed in India, which are the
malaria-bearing species in the locality chosen,
and then inquire whether it is possible, by filling
up the particular puddles in which they breed,
to exterminate malaria in a given district.
JUNE 30, 1899. ]
Ir has been decided that the Imperial School
for the Study of Tropical Diseases, the estab-
lishment of which is due to the suggestion of
Professor Koch, is to be settled at Hamburg.
Professor Koch originally wished to have it in
Berlin, but reasons of convenience have led to
the substitution of Hamburg, where patients
can be landed directly. The institution is for
the present to be equipped to receive 30
Masor Ronatp Ross, I.M.S8., inaugurated
his first course of lectures on Tropical Medicine
at University College, Liverpool, on June 12th,
by an address on the ‘ Possibility of Extirpating
Malaria,’ in which he dealt in detail with the
means of exterminating malaria-bearing mos-
A REPRESENTATIVE of Reuter’s Agency has
had an interview with Doctor Henryk Arc-
towski, the Polish mineralogist and geologist of
the Belgica Antarctic expedition. The Belgica
expedition entered the Antarctic circle from
the opposite direction to that in which the
British expedition under Mr. Borchgrevinck
is now working, Lieutenant Gerlache, with the
Belgica, going via Cape Horn and the South
Shetland Islands, while the British expedition
started from Hobart for Victoria Land. Dr.
Arctowski said that their first object was to
make a voyage in the Antarctic, but beyond this
there was on starting no definite program. It
was intended to examine the various scientific
conditions. On leaving Staten their object was
to go direct to the south and to explore in the
region of Grahamsland and Palmer Land, on
which no landing had been made since their
discovery, in the early part of the century. On
February 13th, four weeks after leaving Staten
Island, they left the newly-discovered land
which they named Danco Land and in three
days sighted Alexander I. Land. On the 28th
the Belgica ran into the Antarctic ice pack.
The temperature fell andthe Belgica stuck fast.
For a whole year she remained immovable, and
for the first time human beings prepared to
spend a winter in the Antarctic. They had
quite expected to winter in the south polar re-
gion, but they had hoped’ to do so on land.
For that purpose they had everything prepared,
as it was their intention to build an observatory
and depét. They were, however, quite unable
to find land on which to establish a depot, and
and had to remainon the ship. The Antarctic
winter lasted two months, but owing to the bad
weather that prevailed they did not see the sun
for three months. They spent the winter in scien-
tific work. All of them suffered a good deal dur-
ing the Antarctic night, owing to defective circu-
lation and heart trouble. All pulled through ex-
cept Lieutenant Danco, who succumbed to
heart failure in June of last year, and his re-
mains were buried beneath the ice. The only
other member of the expedition to lose his life
was Carl Wiencke, a Norwegian sailor, who
was lost overboard between Staten Island and
the Antarctic. At the beginning of the present
year they began cutting a channel through the
ice for the Belgica. After much hard work they
cut a passage 900 meters in length, the ship got.
free of ice on March 14th last. As soon as they
got free of the ice they steamed direct for Cape
Horn, and reached Punta Arenas, Patagonia, on
February 27th. The scientific results were satis-
factory and were quite what was expected.
Unlike the Arctic the Antarctic has no animals.
The only signs of life found on land were a
number of very small insects, which were dis-
covered among the penguin rookeries. In the
water there was plenty of life. There were far
more seals than in the north polar regions, a
great quantity of small whales and an abun-
dance of penguins. The Antarctic land they
found to be entirely mountainous, absolutely
glaciated—covered with snow and ice. In some
places, where the cliffs were too precipitous for
ice and snow to lodge, lichen and moss were
found. Dr. F. A. Cook, of Brooklyn, surgeon
and anthropologist of the expedition, has re-
turned to New York and has given similar ac
counts to the press.
By the will of the late R. C. Billings, of Boston,
Harvard University, The Massachusetts Insti-
tute of Technology and the Boston Museum of
Fine Arts each receive $100,000 and an addi-
tional $50,000 is given to the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology for scholarships. The
will also contains a large number of bequests to
hospitals and other charitable institutions.
Avr the commencement exercises of Brown
University it was announced that $77,000 had
been received in gifts, the names of the donors
being in most cases withheld.
Dr. D. K. Pearson has given $125,000 to
Olivet College.
At the annual commencement at Oberlin
‘College it was announced that, in addition to
the gift of $50,000 for a chemical laboratory, two
other sums of $50,000 have been given, the
names of donors being withheld.
In view of the bequest of $50,000 for the
department of astronomy at Smith College by
the will of Eliza Haven, won after long litiga-
tion, it has been decided that the department
shall be known as the Elizabeth Haven School
of Astronomy.
TuHeE following summary of students for the
years 1898-’99 is taken from the catalogue
just issued by the University of Minnesota :
Graduate students............002-00- 195
Undergraduates; College of Science, Lit-
erature and the Arts...............- 898
College Engineering and Mechanic Arts 151
The School of Mines...... Boabat doco 62
The School of Chemistry..........2206 9
Department of Agriculture.....:.... 409
Pollegeioi Wa Wa isicireicvele'sic/cisio/s'ticyelepsvelats 447
Department of Medicine.............- 475
Summer School for Teachers....... . 380
Counted more than once...........-66 101
MO GAIES teysyalstvcicietarelaietternstesicielaldlelersvarets 23925
Total) IMStrUCbOTS 2)a's1jcleseveisle!sieve)«/e\elala’ sie 266
Students to each instructor............ 12
Ir has been decided to found a chair of pa-
thological anatomy in the Laval University,
Montreal. The list of subscribers to the fund
which is being raised for the purpose is headed
by the Archbishop of Montreal.
Dr. C. W. SuPER has been re-elected Presi-
dent of Ohio University. He occupied the
position twelve years previous to 1896, when
he declined re-election.
Dr. E. B. MATTHEWS has been advanced to
the position of associate professor of petrog-
(N.S. Von. IX. No. 235.
raphy and mineralogy, and Dr. G. B. Shat-
tuck to the position of associate in physio-
graphic geology, at Johns Hopkins University.
In the Medical School Dr. L. F. Barker has
been promoted to be associate professor of pa-
thology, and Dr. R. G. Harrison to be associate
professor of anatomy.
Mr. Joun L. VAN ORNUM, a graduate of the
University of Wisconsin with the degree of B.8.
in Civil Engineering, has been appointed pro-
fessor of civil engineering in Washington Uni-
versity, where he has been for three years in-
structor. Mr. Van Ornum has lately been
major of the Third U. S. V. Engineers.
Miss FLoRENCE M. Lyon, Pu.D. (Chicago),
has been appointed assistant in botany, and Miss
Annie I. Barrows assistant in zoology, at Smith
OF the twenty-two fellowships awarded in the
Johns Hopkins University the following are in
the sciences:
William Martin Blanchard, of Hartford, N. C.,
A.B., Randolph Macon College, 1894. Chemistry.
Charles Edward Caspart, of Baltimore, A.B., Johns
Hopkins University, 1896. Chemistry.
Luther Pfahler Eisenhart, of York, Pa., A.B.,
Pennsylvania College, 1896. Mathematics.
Lawrence Edmonds Griffin, of Hamline, Minn.,
A.B. and Ph.B., Hamline University, 1895. Zoology.
Joseph Cawdell Herrick, of Virginia, A. B., Uni-
versity of Virginia, 1896. Physiology.
Charles A. Kraus, of Lawrence, Kan., 8.B., Uni-
versity of Kansas, 1898. Physics.
Harry Taylor Marshall, of Baltimore, A.B., Johns
Hopkins University, 1894, and M.D., 1898. Pathol-
ogy: .
John Charles Olsen, of Galesburg, Il]., A.B., Knox
College, 1890. Chemistry.
Herbert Meredith Reese, of Baltimore, A.B., Johns
Hopkins University, 1897. Physics.
George Burr Richardson, of New York City, S.B.,
Harvard University, 1895. Geology.
Richard Burton Rowe, of Clarksville, N. Y., Ph.B.,
Union College, 1896. Geology.
Dr. H. M. MACDONALD, of Clare College, has
been appointed University lecturer on mathe-
matics at Cambridge University in the place of
Professor Love.
Av Oxford University Dr. Herbertson has
been appointed lecturer in physical geography.
New Serres. i GCSE
RO aaa Fripay, January 6, 1899. Se ORES IDACTS
—| Static Machines
, for all purposes.
_| X-Ray Apparatus
and Supplies.
9 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass.
° We have just purchased a fine assortment of orange-yellow, well crystallized speci-
Wulfenite. mens, ite fast that can be obtained from the RES SP Gold Mine of Pinal
County, Arizona; and offer them at prices ranging from 25c. to $12. The latter, a magnificent specimen,
5x3} inches, thickly strewn with beautiful crystals.
oe from the same mine. This interesting lead vanadate appears glossy-black in surfaces
Vanadinite covered with minute crystals, reddish-brown in specimens with medium-sized ones,
and brownish-yellow in those with large hexagonal prisms. Prices from 50e. to $10 for a large showy specimen
Ward’s Natural Science Establishment, 28 to 40 College Ave , Rochester, N. Y.:
Catalogues on Application.
Edison Decorative and Miniature Lamp Department,
Biddle’s Bulletin for 1890 ssa,
I began to publish this eight-page paper in April, 1898. It has not changed in size but there
Wi W
M4 is improvement in quality, hope. For 1899 I shall try to make it still more interesting. W
p3 It should prove of real value (much greater than the cost of a yearly subscription) to all who 4
ay are interested in Scientific Apparatus—Physical Apparatus, Electrical Measuring Instruments,
aN Projection Apparatus, X-Ray Apparatus, Psychological Apparatus, Storage Batteries, etc. M4
ay Some have received the BULLETIN free until now but I can’t be expected to keep that up. Wy
ih The subscription price is 50 cents a year. It should be remitted at once for 1899. Sample copy “4
a upon request. ®
Specialist in JAMES G. BIDDLE, o
@ Scientific and Electrical Instruments. 909 Drexel Building, Philadelphia.
A TEXT=BOOK rrsesues sy
Carl Schnabel Henry Louis
of the Royal OF Professor of Mining
Academy of Mines, at the Durham
Clausthal. M ET A Ll. I. U RG Y College of Science.
Two Volumes. Illustrated. Medium 8vo. $10 net.
A Translation of Dr. Carl Schnabel’s Hand-Book of Metallurgy. Edited by
Henry Louis, Professor of Mining in the Durham College of Science.
The German original is acknowledged to be the best existing work on the subject ; and
this new translation has the advantages of being well up to date and absolutely modern
in its descriptions of methods of treatment, etc.
Pitees The author's high reputation vouches for the book which
Up-to-date. will appeal the more to American students for the considerable
Modern in Method attention given to work done in different parts of the United
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The best work on
the subject.
ae Tilustrated.
Dr. Schnabel’s rank among metallurgists is indicated by his
recent call to Australia to advise as to complex silver ores dis-
covered there.
The translator’s name has long been connected with mining
and kindred subjects, not only through his book on “ Gold
Milling,” described by the ‘ Mining Review” as “one of the
most concise, practical and complete treatises yet published,”
but also because of his practical knowledge of all the details ( the chemistry, etc.) of the
subject, and of the investigations which have been made in all parts of the world.
Sree totes
“Tt isa curious fact that there does not exist in the English language a single com-
plete treatise on Metallurgy. There are a number of smaller text-books mainly adapted to
use of students, which cover the entire field but make no pretense of describing it with
any thoroughness of detail; and there are a number of very admirable works dedicated to
the metallurgy of individual metals.
Such being the position of our literature on this subject, I venture to think that I am
rendering a distinct service in submitting a translation of the most recent and most ex-
haustive work on the subject in any language from the pen of that eminent metallurgical
authority, Dr. Carl Schnabel, of Clausthal. The object of his work has been to give a
complete account of the metallurgical treatment of every one of the metals ordinarily em-
ployed, together with all the recent improvements in the art, whilst at the same time point-
ing out the scientific principles underlying each process, and illustrating each by examples
drawn from actual practice in various parts of the world.”—From the Author’s Preface.
9 0 SINGLE CoPIEs, 15 cTs,
Vou. IX. No. 211. FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00
in original packages of convenient size
Nothing is more important in biological technic than the use of properly selected stains. Many want
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Ammonia Carmine (Beale’s)..... otis 25 CUDELCULOSIShyse mu sueeetneere ie pis oa $0 25
Ammonia Carmine, after Gerlach. .... 25 Genetian) Violetian sno) sie: ee $0 20 25
Ainilin epBlLucr mens nekea cei stteiicns 6 15 25 Hematoxylin solutions, after Weigert, for
SOMME GECOD Gir eee sre ce Cid ee eae Lo 20: staining of Spinal Cord. Solutions I., II.,
SPS © On dieu raNeic iets) cat's.) sy ists S06 6 15 20 Lea chae wear safe Wiel teltch stastitcimeuieaes 25
cG VAIO 5 pidS' a Glome io ito Si & 15 25 Hematoxylin, pure crystals........, 1 50
Benzo Purpurin..... Sino. Gita, plbon S 15 20 6 Delafield’s. oh refiel Nelvaltcatoune 25
Biebrich Searlet, after Griesbach. ..... 25 oa Grenacher’s)ii) sensei 25
Bismarck Brown ...... do ob ondeo O 15 20 TodineiGreenG yn. ee 20 25
Bleuidexbyones iss. le) + ie Dalene sitstcs 25 Indizo\Carmin ei eyes vest ete 15
Borax Carmine (Grenacher’s) ....... 35 Kernschwarz solution, specially for stain-
Burrill’s Stain, for B. tuberculosis ..... 40 ing of objects of Photo-Micrography. . . 50
Carmine, Lithium (Orth’s) ........- 40 Loefiler’s Alkaline Blue Solution, . .. . 25
CarmineyNoy4O en fo 6. 6k ilstelintemeie! le 20 Mu rentainn. cp nacecmoe ioe een keene a 15 20
Chenzinskie’s Eosin-Methylen Blue solu- Malachite Green ........ Acad os6 15 20
tion for Plasmodium Malarie ...... 40 Martius ;Vellowargen cman) a elteiene 25
Chromogen, for Neuroglia staining, after Methyl Bluey reucinmenem race) eee snie 30 Bil)
WeLS exticney tess «teri piteiiomom sleet 55-0 20 25 SSxiiep Grr @ GN atueciarer mete clayey a teem wey oe 3 30
Chrvsoidinwym-menanencis scien bee Fehon s 15 20 a Violetiemearcu-ecace ce SOL8Mo GO OlOo 20 25
CongopRedmraemrse. cc corn ale ove) teeta oe 15 .20 Methylen'B lucy cmon aie ce cwe teens C3 20 25
MahViagvioletc-) sicw. ence) ole te dele a 15 20 Methylen Blue Solution, after Nissl. ..., 25
Ehrlich’s Biondi-Heidenhain Triple Stain 1 25 Neutral Red, pure, after P. Ehrlich... . 50
Ehrlich’s Three-Acid Stain, for Neutro- OrangenGyeciesweves Wien sites a) tones crelreneiic 15 20
philejeranules;etCn-v.) le) ie us) else 40 Picro-Carmine (Weigert’s)..... Oucen‘ 6 80 50
Ehbrlich’s Three-Color Mixture, for blood Polychromatous Methylen Blue..... 15) 25
Rehabs 6 2 5 epg ed O. |)6n elo oO 40 Rosanilin Hydrochlorid .......... 20 25
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OfeAaronson-Philipy.) yey alee) ete) so) el 40 Sudan IIT., after Daddi, for fat staining. . . 25
Eosin, pure, blood staining ......... 25 Sulphindigotate of Soda (Indigo Carmine) 15
DOPING N 5 Ge ood adaocogodca od 20 25 Thionin (from Cogit, Paris) ...... acai yD
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Ethylendiamin—Methylen Blue for Gono- WEIR. 66 065040 vo Aaa Oto Bs 6 doo 15 20
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IMO MEG! D5 oe bao aone do oUDD 15 25 CUIOSIS Searmentein ye eeraee eikeliektei-tey eure 25
Gibbe’s Double Stain, for B. tuberculosis . 35
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Optical and Scientific Instrument Works
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This book is intended to present in brief form, and in as untechnical a way as possible, a sketch of the
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Recent and Forthcoming Volumes
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part contains informal suggestions to
the teacher and pupil, with illustra-
tions. It is askeleton of agricultural
science and practice. Full references
are made to available literature.
L. H. BAILEY, Professor of Horti-
culture in Cornell University.
446 illustrations. Half Leather,
12mo, $1.10.
Profusely illustrated with delinea-
tions trom nature by W. S. Holsworth,
of the Agric. College of Mich., care-
fully chosen and well executed.
There is no doubt that we can largely
increase our knowledge of botany if
we will only adopt a simple, natural
method in studying flowers and plants,
and I unhesitatingly recommend the
work to all who are interested in this
Tescinaline, science.—New York Her-
An Elementary Text-Book of Botany
By Stpnry H. Vives, M.A., D.Se., F.R.S.; Fellow of Magdalen College and Sherardian Professor of
Botany in the University of Oxford. With 397 illustrations.
Cloth. $2.25 net.
NEW SERIES. a} > SINGLE Copiks, 15 cts.
VoL. IX. No. 214. FRipDAy, FEBRUARY 3, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00.
Static Machines
for all purposes.
X=Ray Apparatus
and Supplies.
9 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass.
FOSSILS The attention of Teachers of Geology and Physiography is
© called to our systematic collections of Fossils; $20.00 and
upwards. We also make up Special Collections to illustrate the different text-books.
MopELs, will be mailed on request.
Catalogues on Application.
Edison Decorative and Miniature Lamp Department,
Biddle’s Bulletin for 1899 ~22222222220a,
I began to publish this eight-page paper in April, 1898. It has not changed in size but there
is improvement in quality, I hope. For 1899 I shall try to make it still more interesting.
- It should prove of real value (much greater than the cost of a yearly subscription) to all who “4
ay are interested in Scientific Apparatus— Physical Apparatus, Electrical Measuring Instruments,
a Projection Apparatus, X-Ray Apparatus, Psychological Apparatus, Storage Batteries, ete: ¥
Li Some have received the BULLETIN free until now but I can’t be expected to keep that up. W
3 The subscription price-is 50 cents a year. It should be remitted at once for 1899. Sample copy 4
a upon request. W
ay \
- Seeeanise is JAMES G. BIDDLE, @
a Scientific and Electrical Instruments. 909 Drexel Building, Philadelphia M4
A Flistory of Physics
In its Elementary Branches, including the Evolution of
Physical Laboratories
Professor of Physics in Colorado College.
Cloth, Crown 8vo, $1.60 met.
This brief popular history gives in broad outline the development of the science of physics from an-
tiquity to the present time. It contains also a more complete statement than is found elsewhere of the evo-
lution of physical laboratories in Europe and America. The book, while of interest to the general reader, is
primarily intended for students and teachers of physics. The conviction is growing that, by a judicious in-
troduction of historical matter, a science can be made more attractive. Moreover, the general view of the de-
velopment of the human intellect which the history of a science affords is in itself stimulating and liberal-
In the announcement of Ostwald’s Klassiker der Exakten Wissenschaften we read as follows. ‘‘ While
by the present methods of teaching, a knowledge of science in its present state of advancement is imparted
very successfully, eminent and farsighted men have repeatedly been obliged to point out a defect which too
often attaches to the present scientific education of our youth. J is the absence of the historical sense and the
want of knowledge of the great researches upon which the edifice of science rests.’’
It is hoped that the present volume may assist in remedying the defect so clearly pointed out by Pro-
fessor Ostwald.
A A History of
History of Mathematics Elementary Mathematics
Cloth, 12mo, $1.50.
“4 most instructive, and at the same time a very
“What we have a right to expect in such a hand- | readable piece of work, full of curious facts.’’
book is an agreeable narrative of the most material —The Bookman.
events in the history of mathematics, and this Pro- “By no means an abridged edition of The History
fessor Cajori incontestably supplies. The book was | of Mathematics. It isan entirely new book, giving a
much wanted.’’—The Nation. | somewhat detailed account of the rise and progress
of Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry. The book
should be read by all teachers of these subjects, and
by mathematical students generally.’’
—American Mathematical Monthly.
Cloth, 8vo, $3.50.
“4 scholarship both wide and deep is manifest in
this History of Mathematics which the author has in-
fused with his own ardor in this department of
science.’’—Journal of Education.
““The product of wide and scholarly research. . .
“To the student with a love for mathematical | For its historical facts and its suggestiveness, this
science this book will be as entertaining as a ro- | work should be read carefully by all students and
mancee.’’—The Transcript, Boston. teachers of mathematies.’’—The Dial, Chicago.
Send for the New Announcement List, and List of Issues of 1898, by
Bee ik Fripay, Fesruary 10, 1899. cee oars:
To no branch of the instrument business have we given more attention than to the pro-
duction of Standards of Resistance.
A completely equipped testing laboratory is devoted exclusively to resistance work. It is
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verification of our standards warrants us, in claiming for our comparisons, absolute reliability.
Send for descriptive circular, No. 254.
Queen Wheatston Bridge (Anthony Form).
Catalogue T Electrical Test Instruments 120 pages
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Catalogue I-90 Commercial Electrical Instruments 48 pages
Circular 214 Lord Kelvin’s Electrical Instruments 20 pages
Circular 244 Cable Testing Apparatus 40 pages
Circular 264 Queen X=Ray Apparatus 24 pages
Circular 364 The Queen-Acme Testing Set 20 pages
QUEEN & CoO.,, inc.
Electrical and Scientific Instrument Works
A History of Physics
In its Elementary Branches, including the Evolution of
Physical Laboratories
Professor of Physics in Colorado College.
Cloth, Crown 8vo, $1.60 net.
This brief popular history gives in broad outline the development of the science of physics from an-
tiquity to the present time.
It contains also a more complete statement than is found elsewhere of the evo-
lution of physical laboratories in Europe and America.
primarily intended for students and teachers of physics.
troduction of historical matter, a science can be made more attractive.
The book, while of interest to the general reader, is
The conviction is growing that, by a judicious in-
Moreover, the general view of the de-
velopment of the human intellect which the history of a science affords is in itself stimulating and liberal-
In the announcement of Ostwald’s Klassiker der Exakten Wissenschaften we read as follows .
“ While
by the present methods of teaching, a knowledge of science in its present state of advancement is imparted
very successfully, eminent and farsighted men have repeatedly been obliged to point out a defect which too
often attaches to the present scientific education of our youth.
It is the absence of the historical sense and the
want of knowledge of the great researches upon which the edifice of science rests.’?
It is hoped that the present volume may assist in remedying the defect so elearly pointed out by Pro-
fessor Ostwald.
History of Mathematics
Cloth, 8vo, $350
‘* What we have a right to expect in such a hand-
book is an agreeable narrative of the most material
events in the history of mathematics, and this Pro-
fessor Cajori incontestably supplies. The book was
much wanted.’’—The Nation.
‘* 4 scholarship both wide and deep is manifest in
this History of Mathematics which the author has in-
fused with his own ardor in this department of
science.’’—Journal of Education.
“To the student with a love for mathematical
science this book will be as entertaining as a ro-
mance.’’—The Transcript, Boston.
| of Mathematics.
A History of
Elementary Mathematics
Cloth, 12mo, $1 50
“A most instructive, and at the same time a very
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“By no means an abridged edition of The History
It is an entirely new book, giving a
somewhat detailed account of the rise and progress
of Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry. The book
should be read by all teachers of these subjects, and
by mathematical students generally.”’
—American Mathematical Monthly.
““The product of wide and scholarly research. . .
For its historical facts and its suggestiveness, this
work should be read carefully by all students and
teachers of mathematics.’’—The Dial, Chicago.
Send for the New Announcement List, and List of Issues of 1898, by
: SINGLE CoPiEs, 15 cTs,
Vou. IX. No. 216. FRIDAY ’ FEBRUARY LG, 1899. ANNUAL Sao, $5.00.
Chemical and Physical Apparatus
Spencer iby Baker &
Lens Gals = Adamson
Company Chemical Co.
and and
Carl Desmoutis,
Zeiss, Lemaire & Co.’s
Jena 4 Platinum
Microscopes ; a Dishes and Crucibles
205, 207, 209, 211 Third Ave.
The W. J. Johnston Company
The Electrical World.
An Illustrated Weekly Review of Current Progress in
Electricity and its Practical Applications. Annual sub-
scription. $3.00
Dictionary of Electrical Words, Terms
and Phrases.
By Edwin J. Houston, Ph.D. Fourth edition. Greatly
enlarged. 10,042 words and terms defined : 12,073 defini-
tions ; 990 double column octavo pages; 582 illustrations.
an indispensable reference book, not only for electri-
cians, but for everyone interested in current progress.
Shop and Road Testing of Dynamos Ae
By Eugene C. Parham and John Shedd. Practical and
thorough. 526 pages. $2.00
Electro-Dynamic Machinery.
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E, Kennelly, D.Sc. A
text-book on continuous- -current dynamo- -electrie ma-
chinery for electric-engineering students of all grades.
331 pages, 232 illustrations. $2.50
Practical Calculation of Dynamo-Elec-
tric Machines.
A Manual for Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, and
a Text-book for Students of Electrotechnics. By, A. E.
Wiener. 683 pages, 375 illustrations. 2.50
Gerard’s Electricity.
With chapters by Dr. Louis Duncan, C. P. Steinmetz, A.
E. Kennelly and Dr. Cary T. Hutchinson. ‘Translated
under the direction of Dr. Louis Duncan. 392 pages, 112
illustrations. Asa beautifully clear treatise for students
on the theory of electricity and magnetism as well as a
résumé for engineers of electrical theories that have a
practical bearing, the work of Professor Gerard hasbeen
without a rivalin any language. $2.50
Electrical Power Transmission.
By Dr. Louis Bell, Ph, D. Uniform with Crosby & Bell’s
“Electric Railway.’ Essentially practical in its charac-
ter. Cloth. $2.50
The Theory and Calculation of Alter-
nating Current Phenomena.
By Chas. Proteus Steinmetz. Contains the very latest
knowledge relating to alternate current phenomena,
vouch of which is original with the author, and here ap-
pears for the first time in book form. $2.50
Electric Lighting Specifications.
For the use of Engineers and Architects. Third edition
entirely re-written. By E. A. Merrill. 231 pages. $1.50
Electricity One Hundred Years Ago and
By Edwin J. Houston, Ph.D. 190 pages, illustrated.
Alternating Electric Currents.
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Sc.
(Electro-Technical Series. ) $1.00
Electric Heating.
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Se.
(Electro-Technical Series. ) $1.00
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Sc.
(Electro-Technical Series. ) $1.00
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Sc.
New Edition. Enlarged by addition of chapter on X-
Rays (Electro-Technical Series). $1.00
Electric Are Lighting.
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Sc.
(Electro-Technical Series. ) $1.00:
Electric Incandescent Lighting.
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Sc.
(Electro-Technical Series. ) $1.00
The Electric Motor.
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Se.
(Electro-Technical Series.) $1.00
Electric Street Railways.
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Sc.
(Electro-Technical Series.) $1.00
The Electric Telephone.
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Sc.
(Electro-Technical Series.) $1.00
Electric Telegraphy.
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Sc.
(Electro-Technical Series.) $1.00
Alternating Electric Currents.
Their Generation, Measurement, Distribution and Ap-
plication. Authorized American edition. By Gisbert
Kapp. 166 pages. 37 illustrations, 2 plates. $1.00
Electric Railway Motors.
By Nelson W. Perry. 256 pages. Many illustrations.
Original Papers on Dynamo Machinery
and Allied Subjects.
Authorized American Edition. By John Hopkinson,
F.R.S. 249 pages. 98 illustrations. $1.00
Experiments with Alternating Currents
of High Potential and High Frequency.
By Nikola Tesla. 146 pages. 35 illustrations. $1.00
Lectures on the Electro-Magnet.
Authorized American edition. By Professor Sylvanus
P. Thompson, 287 pages. 75 illustrations. $1.00
Dynamo and Motor Building for Ama-
With Working Drawings.
By Lieutenant C. D. Park-
Copies of any of the above books, or any other electrical book published, will be sent by mail,
POSTAGE PREPAID, to any address in the world, on receipt of price.
THE W. J. JOHNSTON COMPANY, 9 Murray Street, New York
NEW SERIES, = = / YC SINGLE Copigs, 15 crs.
VoL. IX. No. 217. Fripay, FEBRUARY 24, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00.
Applied Microscopy
Subscription, $1.00 Per Year. Foreign, $1.25
The Journal deals only with the practical side of Microscopical Techni-
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Reviews, abstracts and notices of foreign literature put the reader in
touch with the whole field of foreign and domestic work. While
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especially for beginners.
Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.,
The W. J.J ohnston Company
The Electrical World.
An Illustrated Weekly Review of Current Progress in
Electricity and its Practical Applications. Annual sub-
scription. $3.00
Dictionary of Electrical Words, Terms
and Phrases.
By Edwin J. Houston, Ph.D. Fourth edition. Greatly
enlarged. 10,042 words and terms defined ; 12,073 defini-
tions ; 990 double column octayo pages; 582 illustrations.
an indispensable reference book, not only for electri-
cians, but for everyone interested in current progress.
Shop and Road Testing of Dynamos and
By Eugene C. Parham and John Shedd. Practical and
thorough. 526 pages. $2.00
Electro-Dynamic Machinery.
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text-book on continuous-current dynamo-electric ma-
chinery for electric-engineering students of all grades.
331 pages, 232 illustrations. $2.50
Practical Calculation of Dynamo-Elec-
tric Machines.
A Manual for Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, and
a Text-book for Students of Electrotechnics. By A. E.
Wiener. 683 pages, 375 illustrations. : 2.50
Gerard’s Electricity.
With chapters by Dr. Louis Duncan, C. P. Steinmetz, A.
E. Kennelly and Dr. Cary T. Hutchinson. Translated
under the direction of Dr. Louis Duncan. 392 pages, 112
illustrations. Asa beautifully clear treatise for students
on the theory of electricity and magnetism as well as a
résumé for engineers of electrical theories that have a
practical bearing, the work of Professor Gerard has been
without a rivalin any language. $2.50
Electrical Power Transmission.
By Dr. Louis Bell, Ph.D. Uniform with Crosby & Bell’s
“Electric Railway.’ Essentially practical in its charac-
ter. Cloth. $2.50
The Theory and Calculation of Alter-
nating Current Phenomena.
By Chas. Proteus Steinmetz. Contains the very latest
knowledge relating to alternate current phenomena,
much of which is original with the author, and here ap-
pears for the first time in book form. $2.50
Electric Lighting Specifications.
For the use of Engineers and Architects. Third edition
entirely re-written. By E. A. Merrill. 231 pages. $1.50
Electricity One Hundred Years Ago and
By Edwin J. Houston, Ph.D. 190 pages, illustrated. $1.00
Alternating Electric Currents.
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Sc.
(Electro-Technical Series. ) $1.00
Electric Heating.
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Sc.
(Electro-Technical Series. ) $1.00
Magnetism. ;
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Sc.
(Electro-Technical Series. ) $1.00
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Se
New Edition. Enlarged by addition of chapter on X-
Rays (Electro-Technical Series). $1.00
Electric Are Lighting.
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Se.
(Electro-Technical Series.) $1.00
Electric Incandescent Lighting.
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Sc.
(Electro-Technical Series.) $1.00
The Electric Motor.
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Sc.
(Electro-Technical Series.) $1.00
Electric Street Railways.
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Sc.
(Electro-Technical Series.) $1.00
The Electric Telephone.
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Sc.
(Electro-Technical Series.) $1.00
Electric Telegraphy.
By E. J. Houston, Ph.D., and A. E. Kennelly, D.Sc.
(Electro-Technical Series.) $1.00
Alternating Electric Currents.
Their Generation, Measurement, Distribution and Ap-
plication. Authorized American edition. By Gisbert
Kapp. 166 pages. 37 illustrations, 2 plates. $1.00
Electric Railway Motors.
By Nelson W. Perry. 256 pages. Many illustrations.
©riginal Papers on Dynamo Machinery
and Allied Subjects.
Authorized American Edition. By John Hopkinson,
F.R.S. 249 pages. 98 illustrations. $1.00
Experiments with Alternating Currents
of High Potential and High Frequency.
By Nikola Tesla. 146 pages. 35 illustrations. $1.00
Lectures on the Electro=-Magnet.
Authorized American edition. By Professor Sylvanus
P. Thompson. 287 pages. 75 illustrations. $1.00
Dynamo and Motor Building for Ama-
With Working Drawings.
By Lieutenant C. D. Park-
Copies of any of the above books, or any other electrical book published, will be sent by mail,
POSTAGE PREPAID, to any address in the world, on receipt of price.
THE W. J. JOHNSTON COMPANY, 9 Murray Street, New York
VoL. IX. No. 218. Fripay, Marcu Vv, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00.
Static Machines X=Ray Apparatus
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SWEET & LEWIS CO., 9 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass.
FOSSILS The attention of Teachers of Geology and Physiography is
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upwards. We also make up Special Collections to illustrate the different text-books.
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The completion of ‘‘ an exceptionally valuable book.’’ —THr Hrrautp, New York.
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With Colored Plates, Maps and Illustrations.
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A short description of the majority of the forms in many of the Families, and of the most typical or impor-
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By Maser Oscoop Wricut, Author of ‘‘ Tommy-Anne,”’ etc., and Dr. Exxiorr Cours, Author of ‘‘ Birds of North
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NEW SERIEs. "Sy Q) SINGLE Copizs, 15 cts,
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Chemical and Physical Apparatus
Spencer Baker &
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Carl Desmoutis,
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By A. H. EVANS, M.A.
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and A. E. Saiptey. With Numerous Illustrations.
Cloth Svo, $3.50 ne.
A short description of the majority of the forms in many of the Families, and of the most typical or impor-
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mary of the structure and habits with such further particulars as may be necessary with a statement of the main
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A Field Book of Two Hundred “The Book is attractive, interesting, helpful, and
fs should be in the library of every lover of birds.”
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Vou. IX. No. 221. Fripay, Marcu 24, 1899. aeeeae eee anes $5.00,
Edited by PROF. J. McKEEN CATTELL, M.A., Ph.D., and F. E. BEDDARD, M.A., F.RB.S.
1.—_THE STUDY OF MAN. By Professor A. U.S.A.
C. Happon, M.A., D.Sc., M.R.I.A. Fully illus-
trated. 8vo. $2.00. PHYSIOGRAPHY: The Forms of the
‘CA timely and useful volume. . . . The author wields Land. By Prof. W. M. Davis, Harvard Univ.
a pleasing pen, and knows how to make the subject attrac-
tive. . . . The work is calculated to spread among its | THE STARS. By Prof. Stmon Newcoms, U.S.N..
readers an attraction to the science of anthropology. The ical / at . a ua .*
author’s observations are exceedingly genuine, and his de- Nautical Almanac Office, and Johns Hopkins Uni
scriptions are vivid.”—London Atheneum. versity.
A Study of Epistemology, By Sr. Gzoran Mivarr, Youna, Princeton University.
F.R.S. 8vo. $1.75.
3.—_RIVERS OF NORTH AMERICA. A By President T. C. Mennennuaxt, Worcester Poly-
Reading Lesson for Students of Geography and technic Institute, formerly Superintendent of the
Geology. By Israrn C. Russeut, Professor of | . YU. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Geology, University of Michigan ; author of ‘‘ Lakes
of North America,’’ ‘Glaciers of North America,” | ETHNIC PSYCHOLOGY. By Prof. Danren
etc. Fully illustrated. 8yvo. $2.00. G. Brinton, University of Pennsylvania.
Gerkiz, F.R.S., University of Edinburgh. Fully RECENT THEORIES OF EVOLUTION.
illustrated. 8y0. $2.00. By Prof. J. Marx Ba.pwin, Princeton Uniy.
VOLCANOES. By Prof. T. G. Bonnny, F.R.S., | THE ANIMAL OVUM. By F. E. Bepparp,
University College, London. F.R.S., Zoological Society, London.
Each volume of the series will treat some department of science with ‘reference to the most recent advances, and will
be contributed by an author of acknowledged authority. Every effort will be made to maintain the standard set by the
first volumes, until the series shall represent the more important aspects of contemporary science. The advance of science
has been so rapid, and its place in modern life has become so dominant, that it is needful to revise continually the statement
-of its results, and to put these in a form that is intelligible and attractive.
The new series of the American ANTHROPOLOGIST Will be issued under the editorial management of the fol-
lowing board: Dr. Frank Baker, Smithsonian Institution Washington; Dr. Franz Boss, American Museum of
Natural History, New York; Dr. Daniet G. Brinton, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Dr. Groran M.
Dawson, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa; Dr. Grorcn A. Dorsny, Meld Columbian Museum, Chicago; Prof.
Witt1am H. Homes, U. 8. National Museum, Washington; Maj. J. W. Pownit, Bureau of American Ethnology,
Washington ; Prof. Frepreric W. Purman, Peabody Museum, Cambridge. Secretary and Managing Editor, F. W.
Hopes, 1333 F Street, Washington, D. C.
The new journal will be devoted to the interests of Anthropology. Anthropology, as the science of man, appeals
strongly not only to specialists, but also to other classes of intelligent readers ; yet the science is young and has not hitherto
produced an adequate journal in this country. It is the aim of the editorial board to meet the need of such a journal, a
need which has for some years been apparent and is steadily growing.
Each number will contain 200 octavo pages, and will be fully illustrated. Issued quarterly.
Subscription Price per Year, $4.00; Price of Single Numbers, $1.25.
G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS, New York and London
The Spirit of Organic Chemistry
By ARTHUR LACHMAN, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of Oregon. With an In-
troduction by PAUL C. Freer, Ph.D., Professor of General Chemistry in the University of
Michigan. Cloth, Crown S8vo, $1.50 net.
“The Spirit of Organic Chemistry ’’ is a supplement to the standard text-book of the sub-
ject ; it consists of selected chapters, historically and critically presented. With the chief object.
in view of enabling its readers to follow the development of organic chemistry in the current
journals, it analyzes the chief propositions of the science into their logical component problems ;
interpreting the general in terms of the specific facts. The method employed is the historical ;
in each case, the origin, growth, and gradual evolution of the problem are discussed in detail.
The topics chosen for presentation have been selected mainly because of their adaptability to the
above manner of treatment, but they will be found to include nearly all the fundamental prob-
lems and conceptions of this branch of chemistry. Stereochemical doctrines, in particular, have
been incorporated to an extent commensurate with their importance. No great familiarity with
the subject is presupposed, the more difficult points being explained in full detail.
Experimental Morphology
By CHARLES BENEDICT DAVENPORT, PH.D., Instructor in Zoology in Harvard University.
Cloth, Svo, $2.60.
‘‘The material which is discussed has been well digested and is well arranged . . . and
the style is on the whole clear and concise. The book is a readable one and the descriptions and
criticisms of methods employed in experimentation, and the bibliographical lists at the conclusion
of each chapter, contribute materially to the value the book possesses for both the morphologist
and physiologist.—J. P. McMUuRRICH in SCIENCE.
Cloth, 8vo. Ready this Month. $2.00 net.
The widespread interest in the study of the conditions of development and its experimental
control makes it certain that this book will be welcomed by a large number of students of zoology,
physiology, botany and agriculture. The general arrangement of the book is the same as that of
Part First. Growth is treated apart from differentiation, as one of the factors of development,
and the effect of each agent both upon the rate of growth and its direction is discussed. The part
played by the different chemical elements in the growing as opposed to the adult organism is con-
sidered in the first chapter, where especial reference is made to the questions of the assimilation
of free nitrogen and the stimulation of growth by lecithin and poisons. The important rdle of
water in growth is insisted upon. The marked effect of dense solutions is demonstrated by the
aid of new experiments. The hastening effects of electricity upon plant growth and the laws of
the effect of light rays of different wave-length and those of temperature are inquired into. The
dwarfing effects of small vessels on the size of animals reared in them is also considered. Finally
the growth movements of plants in response to chemicals, moisture, contact, gravity, electricity,
light and heat, are fully discussed. The tendency of the whole book, which contains consider-
able original material, is away from the mechanical explanation of vital processes. Such pro-
cesses are to be explained only by the action of causes more complex and remote than most phy-
siologists have hitherto conceived them to be. There are 66 illustrations in this part and an
index to the first and second parts. ;
NEW SERIEs. 9 SINGLE Copigs, 15 crs
H{ 7 A a 0 , 5
Vou. IX. No. 222. FRIDAY ? Marcu 31, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00
“Manipulation of the Microscope”
Bound in Silk Cloth. 200 pp. Price, $1.00
“Manipulation of the Microscope” presents clearly and concisely the
essential information regarding the principles, and leads to the intelligent use
of the microscope. Beginning with the purpose of the microscope, the parts of
the instrument are described in detail, together with the principles involved
in their construction, followed by a chapter outlining requisites for work.
How to work not only with the microscope, but with its various accessories,
is supplemented by a chapter on advanced manipulation. Chapters on how
to select and care for a microscope also contain valuable information.
This book is recommended for the use of students beginning the use of
the microscope in any branch of science and especially as a supplementary
aid to the instruction usually given. It will also be found a valuable refer-
ence book by the advanced worker.
Too often the use of the microscope is begun with little or no knowledge
of its construction, what the various parts are for, and their manipulation to
obtain the best results. There is also, in very many cases, too great a ten-
dency, even in the most advanced laboratories, to undervalue a knowledge
of the proper use and care of the microscope. It is a well known fact that
improper manipulation may easily lead to incorrect deductions, and the
microscope will be found a much more obedient and useful servant if the
user will only familiarize himself with its mechanical and optical construc-
tion and the best way of keeping it in good order.
The Arithmetic of Chemistry
By JoHN WADDELL, B.Sc. (Lond.), Ph.D. (Heidelberg), D.Sc. (Edin.), formerly Assistant to the
Professor of Chemistry, University of Edinburg. Cloth, r6mo, go cents net.
An accurate, simple and systematic treatment of the subject, arranged so as to make the text
present a continuous line of argument. Useful tables are appended, the French metric system,
comparison of thermometric scales, atomic weights, equations in frequent use, four-place loga-
rithms, ete.
The Spirit of Organic Chemistry
By ARTHUR LACHMAN, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of Oregon. With an In-
troduction by PAUL C. FREER, Ph.D., Professor of General Chemistry in the University of
Michigan. Cloth, Crown Svo, $1.50 net.
“The Spirit of Organic Chemistry ’’ is a supplement to the standard text-book of the sub-
ject ; it consists of selected chapters, historically and critically presented. With the chief object
in view of enabling its readers to follow the development of organic chemistry in the current
journals, it analyzes the chief propositions of the science into their logical component problems ;
interpreting the general in terms of the specific facts. The method employed is the historical ;
in each case, the origin, growth, and gradual evolution of the problem are discussed in detail.
The topics chosen for presentation have been selected mainly because of their adaptability to the
above manner of treatment, but they will be found to include nearly all the fundamental prob-
lems and conceptions of this branch of chemistry. Stereochemical doctrines, in particular, have
been incorporated to an extent commensurate with their importance. No great familiarity with
the subject is presupposed, the more difficult points being explained in full detail.
Experimental Morphology
By CHARLES BENEDICT DAVENPORT, PuH.D., Instructor in Zoology in Harvard University.
Cloth, Svo, $2.60.
‘¢The material which is discussed has been well digested and is well arranged . . . and
the style is on the whole clear and concise. The book is a readable one and the descriptions and
criticisms of methods employed in experimentation, and the bibliographical lists at the conclusion
of each chapter, contribute materially to the value the book possesses for both the morphologist
and physiologist.—J. P. McMuRRICH in SCIENCE. |
Cloth, 8vo. Ready this Month. $2.00 net.
The widespread interest in the study of the conditions of development and its experimental
control makes it certain that this book will be welcomed by a large number of students of zoology,
physiology, botany and agriculture. The general arrangement of the book is the same as that of
Part First. Growth is treated apart from differentiation, as one of the factors of development,
and the effect of each agent both upon the rate of growth and its direction is discussed. There are
66 illustrations in this part and an index to the first and second parts.
NEW ee, a Fripay, APRIL le 1899. SINGLE CoPigs, 15 cTs.
WM. GAERTNER & G0.,"cencc'eac'sem Se, cHionco
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furnishing shells cut on our steam diamond saws, in any desired direction, at
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I am Special Agent for the Weston Electrical Instrument
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Catalogue X (a complete price list of Weston Instruments)
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1034 Drexel Building PHILADELPHIA
The Arithmetic of Chemistry
By JoHN WADDELL, B.Sc. (Lond.), Ph.D. (Heidelberg), D.Sc. (Edin.), formerly Assistant to the
Professor of Chemistry, University of Edinburg. Cloth, r6mo, go cents net.
An accurate, simple and systematic treatment of the subject, arranged so as to make the text
present a continuous line of argument. Useful tables are appended, the French metric system,
comparison of thermometric scales, atomic weights, equations in frequent tse, four-place loga-
rithms, etc.
The Spirit of Organic Chemistry
By ARTHUR LACHMAN, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of Oregon. With an In-
troduction by PAuL C. FREER, Ph.D., Professor of General Chemistry in the University of
Michigan. Cloth, Crown Svo, $1.50 “et.
‘The Spirit of Organic Chemistry ’’ is a supplement to the standard text-book of the sub-
ject ; it consists of selected chapters, historically and critically presented. With the chief object
in view of enabling its readers to follow the development of organic chemistry in the current
journals, it analyzes the chief propositions of the science into their logical component problems ;
interpreting the general in terms of the specific facts. The method employed is the historical ;
in each case, the origin, growth, and gradual evolution of the problem are discussed in detail.
The topics chosen for presentation have been selected mainly because of their adaptability to the
above manner of treatment, but they will be found to include nearly all the fundamental prob-
lems and conceptions of this branch of chemistry. Stereochemical doctrines, in particular, have
been incorporated to an extent commensurate with their importance. No great familiarity with
the subject is presupposed, the more difficult points being explained in full detail.
Experimental Morphology
By CHARLES BENEDICT DAVENPORT, PH.D., Instructor in Zoology in Harvard University.
Cloth, 8vo, $2.60.
‘“'The material which is discussed has been well digested and is well arranged . . . and
the style is on the whole clear and concise. The book is a readable one and the descriptions and
criticisms of methods employed in experimentation, and the bibliographical lists at the conclusion
of each chapter, contribute materially to the value the book possesses for both the morphologist
and physiologist.—J. P. McCMuRRICH in SCIENCE.
Cloth, S8vo. Ready this Month. $2.00 net.
The widespread interest in the study of the conditions of development and its experimental
control makes it certain that this book will be welcomed by a large number of students of zoology,
physiology, botany and agriculture. The general arrangement of the book is the same as that of
Part First. Growth is treated apart from differentiation, as one of the factors of development,
and the effect of each agent both upon the rate of growth and its direction is discussed. There are
66 illustrations in this part and an index to the first and second parts.
VoL. IX. No. 224. Fripay, Aprin 14, 1899. aNOAE SERCatEOn. $5.00
Queen Self-Regulating X-Ray Tube
Less than two years have passed since the Queen Self-Regulating X-Ray Tube was announced. It won imme-
diate recognition as the most important improvement made in high vacuum tubes for the purpose of generating
X-Rays. It gives the operator power to control and regulate the vacuum and he can thereby vary the penetrating
power and other qualities of the X-Rays to suit the work in hand. It has, therefore, become almost universally
recognized as a necessity to radiographers who wish to do rapid and reliable work, and as an absolute essential to
those who would be in position to render to the surgeon all the aid their science is capable of furnishing. In
autograph letters, Professor Roentgen and Lord Kelvin have paid tribute to its ‘‘ingenuity’’ and ‘most satisfac-
tory’’ working qualities. We have just issued a 36-page pamphlet completely describing it and giving detailed
instructions for its use, which will be sent free to inquirers.
QUEEN & CO.,, inc.
Optical, Electrical and Scientific Instrument Works
59 Fifth Avenue
“T began to study animals about 1857, and am still at it. My conclusions in the
matter agree substantially with your own. . . . I am glad to find you keeping all
metaphysical, theological, and teleological speculation out of your science.
“Tt seems to me that you express a great fact when you speak of neuroplasmic as
well as nerve action proper ; for otherwise we cannot account for the amount of sense an
ameeba certainly possesses.”—Dr. Ettiorr Cours, Editor of The Osprey.
Just Ready Cloth, Crown 8vo, $1.25 New and Original
GaN fascinating book . . . his observations are of in-
+ FE tense interest.” — The Congregationalist, Boston.
“An exhaustive and scholarly study . . . in a clear,
simple and brief form.”— Louisville Times.
D A W N “ Exceedingly interesting . . . wholly original.”—Lowis-
ville Dispatch.
“« Any one interested in the progress of comparative psy~
O F chology must wish well to a man who, without the incentives
of the professed naturalist, makes it a labor of love to watch
animal life. I, for one, shall weleome such observations, even
R E A SO N though they are more one-sided than Dr. Weir’s. His favor-
itism toward animals, though it has deprived us of any records
of unintelligent conduct and perhaps prevented the repetition
of some tests and even distorted facts, has still failed to infuse
Mental Traits a very considerable number of suggestive and important obser-
vations. It will pay any student of animal psychology to read
in the the book for the sake of these. . . . A sample of Dr. Weir’s
keenness is his theory that the continual barking of dogs at
° night is explainable by the supposition that they bark at an
Lower Animals echo. This hypothesis he supports by some very striking
facts.”,—Dr. Epwarp THORNDIKE, in Science.
B “The author is a bold and independent thinker as shown
| by a previous work . . . and his observations profoundly
JAM ES W E| R interesting.” — The Chronicle, San Francisco.
; “ Entirely new and a valuable addition to the evidence
Jr., M.D. already published by Darwin, Romanes, Lubbock, Buchner,
he Kirby, Spence, and others.” — The Evening Post, Chicago.
uthor of
“The Physical Correlation of “The work is one of thought and indicates laborious
Religious Emotion and study.” — The Times, Louisville, Ky.
Seles ce “Tn this little book are gathered together a great many
interesting data . . . the author has observed and experi-
mented for himself and in many respects his conclusions are
Cloth, cr. 8vo, $1.25 striking and novel.” —Literature.
“One rises from the perusal of this fascinating book with a feeling as having heard
of anew world. . . . Space will not permit further allusion to this charming book,
but we advise all who are interested in such matters to obtain it.”— Public Health.
New SERIES. 2Q¢ SINGLE CopiEs, 15 crs.
Vou. IX. No. 225. FRIpAy, APRIL 21, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, €5.00.
Chemicals : Chemical Apparatus.
V pue sadodsossiW ‘SSI9Z [ABD
Schott & Gen., Jena Laboratory Glassware.
EIMER & - AMEND, New York.
The Macmillan Company’s New Books
Defective Eyesight: The Principles of Its Relief Glasses.
By D. B. Sr. Joun Roosa, M.D., LL.D., Professor Emeritus of Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Post Graduate ‘Med-
ical School and Hospital; Surgeon to the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital, etc., etc., author of ‘A Clinical
Manual of Diseases of the Eye;’’ ‘‘ Ophthalmic and Otic Memoranda;”’ ‘‘ A Practical Treatise on the Dis-
eases of the Ear;’’ ‘The Old Hospital and Other Papers; ’’ ‘‘A Vest-Pocket Medical Lexicon,”’ ete.
Cloth. 12mo. $1.00, net.
No pains have been spared to make the manual a complete guide to the practitioner who wishes to under-
stand and practice the rules for the prescription of lens for the improvement of defective sight.
The book may
also be interesting to educated men in all departments of life, who desire to be informed as to advances that have
been made in this interesting subject, one which concerns such a large proportion of the human race.
A Text Book of the Embryology
Of Invertebrates. By Dr. E. Korscuett, Pro-
fessor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in the
University of Marburg, and Dr. K. Hrier, Pro-
fessor of Zoology in the University of Berlin.
Vol. I. Parifera Cuidaria, Ctenophora, Vermes, En-
teropneusta, Echinodermata. Translated by Ep-
warp L. Marx, Ph.D., Hersey Professor of An-
atomy, and W. McM. Woopwortu, Ph.D., Harvard
University. 8vo. Cloth. Pp. 484. $4.00, net.
«The book has been in the hands of zoologists ‘all
over the world and is recognized as an excellent and
indispensable reference book.’’—Professor Jacos RriG-
HARD in Science.
Vol. II. Phoronidea, Bryozoa, Ectoprocta, Brachio-
poda, Entoprocta, Crustacea, Palzostraca. Trans-
lated by MatinpA Bernarp. Revised and Edited,
with Additional Notes, by Martin F. Woopwarp,
Demonstrator of Zoology, Royal College of Science.
8vo. Cloth. Pp. xv-+875. $3.00, net.
The second part of a work described in the review
quoted above as ‘‘so well done that the book is likely
to remain for many years without a rival.’’
Part III. is in preparation.
Of Man and Mammals. By Dr. Oscar Herr-
wia, Professor Extraordinarius of Anatomy and
Comparative Anatomy, Director of the II. Anatom-
ical Institute of the University of Berlin. Trans-
lated from the Third German Edition by Epwarp
L. Marx, Ph.D., Hersey Professor of Anatomy in
Harvard University. Second Edition, with 339
Figures in the Text and 2 Lithographic Plates.
8vo. Cloth. Pp. xvi+670. $5.25, net.
‘« While it is in details largely confined to the study
of mammals, there is so much of general embryology
within its covers as to give it a value as a general text-
book of vertebrate embryology. As such a text-book is
of the greatest value to a student and it is safe to say
that at the present time there is no text-book so well de-
signed to give the student a general knowledge of ver-
tebrate embryology as the present one.’’—~Science.
“The translator's work has been exceptionally
well done, for the rendering is both accurate and
smooth. . . . The work has been welcomed by all em-
bryologists and is highly esteemed by them, especially
on account of the admirable presentation made by the
author of many of the most interesting problems with
which their investigations have to deal.’’—British Med.
and Surg. Journal.
«Any one interested in the progress of comparative psychology
shall welcome such ...
and important observations.
THORNDIKE in Science.
previous work . .
«<The author is a bold and independent thinker, as shown by a
. and his observations profoundly interesting.’’—
must wish well to a man who, without the incentives of the professed BY
naturalist, makes it a labor of love to watch animal life.
a very considerable number of suggestive
It will pay any student of animal psy-
chology to read the book for the sake of these.’’—Professor Epwarp
I, for one,
Author of
“The Physical Corre-
lation of Religious
Emotion and Sexual
Mental Traits = 776 Chronicle, San Francisco. Desire.’?
in the
oneraniimals “(In this little book are gathered together a great many interesting Cloth, cr. 8vo,
data . . . the author has observed and experimented for himself and $1.25.
in many respects his conclusions are striking and noyel.’’ —Literature.
THE MACMILLAN COPPANY, Publishers, New York.
NEW SERIES. ny) SINGLE Co m8, 15 5
K RIDAY, APRIL 28, 1899. ANNUAL Saar $5.00
TUR TED A AAO ; ens Rd ihe ON Ay naa ress ri 1 DV. 4
VoL. IX. No. 226.
“Manipulation of the Microscope”
Bound in Silk Cloth. 200 pp. Price, $1.00
“Manipulation of the Microscope” presents clearly and concisely the
essential information regarding the principles, and leads to the intelligent use
of the microscope. Beginning with the purpose of the microscope, the parts of
the instrument are described in detail, together with the principles involved
in their construction, followed by a chapter outlining requisites for work.
How to work not only with the microscope, but with its various accessories,
is supplemented by a chapter on advanced manipulation. Chapters on how
to select and care for a microscope also éontain valuable information.
This book is recommended for the use of students beginning the use of
the microscope in any branch of science and especially as a supplementary
aid to the instruction usually given. It will also be found a valuable refer-
ence book by the advanced worker.
Too often the use of the microscope is begun with little or no knowledge
of its construction, what the various parts are for, and their manipulation to
obtain the best results. There is also, in very many cases, too great a ten-
dency, even in the most advanced laboratories, to undervalue a knowledge
of the proper use and care of the microscope. It is a well known fact that
improper manipulation may easily lead to incorrect deductions, and the
microscope will be found a much more obedient and useful servant if the
user will only familiarize himself with its mechanical and optical construc-
tion and the best way of keeping it in good order.
The Macmillan Company’s New Books
Defective Eyesight: The Principles of Its Relief by Glasses.
By D. B. Sr. Joun Roosa, M.D., LL.D., Professor Emeritus of Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Post Graduate Med-
ical School and Hospital; Surgeon to the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital, etc., etc., author of «A Clinical
Manual of Diseases of the Eye;’’ ‘Ophthalmic and Otic Memoranda; ‘‘A Practical Treatise on the Dis-
eases of the Ear;’’ ‘‘The Old Hospital and Other Papers; ’’ ‘‘A Vest-Pocket Medical Lexicon,’ etc.
Cloth. 12mo. $1.00, net.
No pains have been spared to make the manual a complete guide to the practitioner who wishes to under-
stand and practice the rules for the prescription of lens for the improvement of defective sight.
The book may
also be interesting to educated men in all departments of life, who desire to be informed as to advances that have
been made in this interesting subject, one which concerns such a large proportion of the human race.
A Text Book of
Of Invertebrates. By Dr. E. Korscuett, Pro-
fessor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in the
University of Marburg, and Dr. K. Herper, Pro-
fessor of Zoology in the University of Berlin.
Vol. I. Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Vermes, En-
teropneusta, Echinodermata. ‘Translated by Ep-
warp L. Marx, Ph.D., Hersey Professor of An-
atomy, and W. McM. Woopworra, Ph.D., Harvard
University. 8vo. Cloth. Pp. 484. $4.00, net.
“The book has been in the hands of zoologists all
over the world and is recognized as an excellent and
indispensable reference book.’’—Professor JAcos Rric-
HARD in Scvence.
Vol. Il. Phoronidea, Bryozoa, Ectoprocta, Brachio-
poda, Entoprocta, Crustacea, Palzostraca. Trans-
lated by MarinpA Burnarp. Revised and Edited»
with Additional Notes, by Martin F. Woopwarp,
Demonstrator of Zoology, Royal College of Science.
8vo. Cloth. Pp. xv-+875. $3.00, net.
The second part of a work described in the review
quoted above as ‘‘so well done that the book is likely
to remain for many years without a rival.”
Part III. is in preparation.
the Embryology
Of Man and Mammals. By Dr. Oscar Herr-
wic, Professor Estraordinarius of Anatomy and ,
Comparative Anatomy, Director of the II. Anatom- ,
ical Institute of the University of Berlin. Trans-
lated from the Third German Edition by Epwarp
L. Marx, Ph.D., Hersey Professor of Anatomy in
Harvard University. Second dition, with 389
Figures in the Text and 2 Lithographic Plates.
8vo. Cloth. Pp. xvi+670. $5.25, net.
‘While it is in details largely confined to the study
of mammals, there is so much of general embryology
within its covers as to give it a value as a general text-
book of vertebrate embryology. As such a text-book it
is of the greatest value to a student and it is safe to say
that at the present time there is no text-book so well de-
signed to give the student a general knowledge of ver-
tebrate embryology as the present one.’’—Science.
«The translator's work has been exceptionally
well done, for the rendering is both accurate and
smooth. . . . The work has been welcomed by all em-
bryologists and is highly esteemed by them, especially
on account of the admirable presentation made by the
author of many of the most interesting problems with
which their investigations have to deal.’’—British Med.
and Surg. Journal.
«« Any one interested in the progress of comparative psychology
shall welcome such .. .
and important observations.
THORNDIKE in Science.
previous work . .
must wish well to a man who, without the incentives of the professed
naturalist, makes it a labor of love to watch animal life.
chology to read the book for the sake of these.’’—Professor Epwarp
«<The author is a bold and independent thinker, as shown by a
. and his observations profoundly interesting.’’—
I, for one, JAMES WEIR, Jr.,
a very considerable number of suggestive M.D
It will pay any student of animal psy- ui Hh . if
uthor Oo
“The Physical Corre-
lation of Religious
Emotion and Sexual
Mental Traits = ‘7p. Chronicle, San Francisco. Desire.””
in the 4 = ;
L BA in als “Tn this little book are gathered together a great many interesting Cloth, cr. 8vo,
oe, data . . . the author has observed and experimented for himself and $1.25.
in many respects his conclusions are striking and novel.’’ —/iterature.
THE MACMILLAN COPPANY, Publishers, New York.
NEW SERIES. = wee n) Kee [x 6 SINGLE Copigs, 15 cTs,
VoL. IX. No. 227. Fripay, May vo; 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.C0,
WM. GAERTNER & G0.,* 2 %scc.c'som se, cHicaco
LEVEL TESTER. Price, $12.50
Catalogues on Application.
Rdison Decorative and Miniature Lamp Department,
WZ) . We now have a large suit of corals from all geologic ages; both from
WZ Fossil Corais. foreign and American localities. Some of these have been beautifully
cleaned by nature, some have been artificially developed, and still others
are cut and polished. Prices range from ten cents up. Write for list of American palzeozoic Acti-
nozoa, enumerating 250 species for sale.
28 to 40 College Avenue, nD il AGRON Ole _ ROCHESTER, N. Y.
ay %
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a uly Free mportations :
ay MY
a Correspondence is requested with reference to importation of European Scientific Appa- Md
a ratus for Colleges, Universities, and other Educational Institutions. My collection of v
By foreign catalogues is large and constitutes a sort of reference library for the use of v
3 intending buyers. Further particulars upon request. o
4 For laboratory work, the ‘‘Chloride wv
3 Accumulator” Storage Battery JAMES G. BIDDLE 4
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D3 alee a4) os i ae 1034 Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Pa. ¥%
“NESESSESESES =geeceeeeeeceecececececececeececeececcececcecececceces
The Macmillan Company’s New Books
Defective Eyesight: The Principles of Its Relief by Glasses.
By D. B. Sr. Joun Roosa, M.D., LL.D., Professor Emeritus of Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Post Graduate Med-
ical School and Hospital; Surgeon to the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital, ete., etc., author of “A Clinical
Manual of Diseases of the Eye;’’ ‘‘ Ophthalmic and Otic Memoranda;”’ ‘‘ A Practical Treatise on the Dis-
eases of the Ear;’’ «The Old Hospital and Other Papers; ’’ ‘*A Vest-Pocket Medical Lexicon,’’ etc.
Cloth. 12mo. $1.00, net.
No pains have been spared to make the manual a complete guide to the practitioner who wishes to under-
stand and practice the rules for the prescription of lens for the improvement of defective sight.
The book may
also be interesting to educated men in all departments of life, who desire to be informed as to advances that have
been made in this interesting subject, one which concerns such a large proportion of the human race.
A Text Book of the Embryology
Of Invertebrates. By Dr. E. Korscuztr, Pro-
fessor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in the
University of Marburg, and Dr. K. Herer, Pro-
fessor of Zoology in the University of Berlin.
Vol. I. Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Vermes, En-
teropneusta, Echinodermata. ‘I'ranslated by Ep-
warp L. Marx, Ph.D., Hersey Professor of An-
atomy, and W. McM. Woopwortn, Ph.D., Harvard
University. 8vo. Cloth. Pp. 484. $4.00, net.
«The book has been in the hands of zoologists all
over the world and is recognized as an excellent and
indispensable reference book.’’—Professor Jacos Ruic-
HARD in Science.
Vol. Il. Phoronidea, Bryozoa, Ectoprocta, Brachio-
poda, Entoprocta, Crustacea, Palzostraca. Trans-
lated by Marinpa Bernarp. Revised and Edited,
with Additional Notes, by Marry F. Woopwarp,
Demonstrator of Zoology, Royal College of Science.
8vo. Cloth. Pp. xv+375. $3.00, net.
The second part of a work described in the review
quoted above as ‘‘so well done that the book is likely
to remain for many years without a rival.”
Part LII. is in preparation.
Of Mam and Mammals. By Dr. Oscar Herr-
wic, Professor Extraordinarius of Anatomy and
Comparative Anatomy, Director of the II. Anatom-
ical Institute of the University of Berlin. Trans-
lated from the Third German Edition by Epwarp
L. Marx, Ph.D., Hersey Professor of Anatomy in
Harvard University. Second dition, with 339
Figures in the Text and 2 Lithographic Plates.
Cloth. Pp. xvit670. $5.25, net.
“While it is in details largely confined to the study
of mammals, there is so much of general embryology
within its covers as to give it a value as a general text-
book of vertebrate embryology. As such a text-book it
is of the greatest value to a student and it is safe to say
that at the present time there is no text-book so well de-
signed to give the student a general knowledge of ver-
tebrate embryology as the present one.’’—Science.
«The translator's work has been exceptionally
well done, for the rendering is both accurate and
smooth. . . . The work has been welcomed by all em-
bryologists and is highly esteemed by them, especially
on account of the admirable presentation made by the
author of many of the most interesting problems with
which their investigations have to deal.’’— British Med.
and Surg. Journal.
«‘ Any one interested in the progress of comparative psychology
shall welcome such
and important observations.
THORNDIKE in Science.
previous work . .
«The author is a bold and independent thinker, as shown by a
. and his observations profoundly interesting.’’—
must wish well to a man who, without the incentives of the professed BY,
naturalist, makes it a labor of love to watch animal life.
a very conviderable number of suggestive
It will pay any student of animal psy-
chology to read the book for the sake of these.’’—Professor Epwarp
I, for one,
Author of
“The Physical Corre-
lation of Religious
Emotion and Sexual
Mental Traits = 7% Chronicle, San Francisco. Desire.”’
in the : 4
L Waericnal “Tn this little book are gathered together a great many interesting Cloth, cr. 8vo,
ower Animals data . . . the author has observed and experimented for himself and $1.25.
in many respects his conclusions are striking and novel.’ —Jiterature.
NEw SERIES. J r 49 SINGLE Copigs, 15 cts,
Vou. IX. No. 228. Fripay, May 12, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00
Queen Engineering Instruments
Transits (34 EE =
Complete Catalogue of Engineeriag and Mathematical Instruments sent on Application.
QUEEN & CO.,, inc.
Optical and Scientific Instrument Works
59 Fifth Avenue
The Macmillan Company’s New Books
Defective Eyesight: The Principles of Its Relief by Glasses.
By D. B. St. Joun Roosa, M.D., LL.D., Professor Emeritus of Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Post Graduate Med-
ical School and Hospital; Surgeon to the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital, etc., etce., author of ‘A Clinical
Manual of Diseases of the Eye;’’ ‘‘ Ophthalmic and Otic Memoranda ;”’ ‘‘ A Practical Treatise on the Dis-
eases of the Ear;’’ ‘“‘The Old Hospital and Other Papers; ’’ ‘A Vest-Pocket Medical Lexicon,’’ etc,
Cloth. 12mo. $1.00, net.
No pains have been spared to make the manual a complete guide to the practitioner who wishes to under-
stand and practice the rules for the prescription of lens for the improvement of defective sight.
The book may
also be interesting to educated men in all departments of life, who desire to be informed as to advances that have
been made in this interesting subject, one which concerns such a large proportion of the human race.
A Text Book of
Of Invertebrates. By Dr. E. Korscnetrt, Pro-
fessor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in the
University of Marburg, and Dr. K. Hurper, Pro-
fessor of Zoology in the University of Berlin.
Vol. I. Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Vermes, En-
teropneusta, Echinodermata. Translated by Ep-
warp L. Mark, Ph.D., Hersey Professor of An-
atomy, and W. McM. Woopworts, Ph.D., Harvard
University. 8vo. Cloth. Pp. 484. $4.00, net.
“«The book has been in the hands of zoologists all
over the world and is recognized as an excellent and
indispensable reference book.’’—Professor Jacos Rric-
HARD in Science.
Vol. II. Phoronidea, Bryozoa, Ectoprocta, Brachio-
poda, Entoprocta, Crustacea, Paleostraca. Trans-
lated by Matimpa Bernarp. Revised and Edited,
with Additional Notes, by Martin F. Woopwarp,
Demonstrator of Zoology, Royal College of Science.
8vo. Cloth. Pp. xv-+375. $3.00, net.
The second part of a work described in the review
quoted above as ‘‘so well done that the book is likely
to remain for many years without a rival.”
Part III. is in preparation.
the Embryology
Of Man and Mammals. By Dr. Oscar Herr-
wic, Professor Extraordinarius of Anatomy and
Comparative Anatomy, Director of the II. Anatom-
ical Institute of the University of Berlin. Trans-
lated from the Third German Edition by Epwarp
L. Mark, Ph.D., Hersey Professor of Anatomy in
Harvard University. Second Edition, with 339
Figures in the Text and 2 Lithographic Plates.
8vo. Cloth. Pp. xvi+-670. $5.26, net.
“While it is in details largely confined to the study
of mammals, there is so much of general embryology
within its covers as to give it a value as a general text-
book of vertebrate embryology. As such a text-book it
is of the greatest value to a student and it is safe to say
that at the present time there is no text-book so well de-
signed to give the student a general knowledge of ver-
tebrate embryology as the present one.’’—Science.
“The translator’s work has been exceptionally
well done, for the rendering is both accurate and
smooth. . . . The work has been welcomed by all em-
bryologists and is highly esteemed by them, eapecialy
on account of the admirable presentation made by the
author of many of the most interesting problems with
which their investigations have to deal.’’—British Med.
and Surg. Journal.
«« Any one interested in the progress of comparative psychology
shall welcome such .. .
and important observations.
THORNDIKE in Science.
must wish well to a man who, without the incentives of the professed
naturalist, makes it a labor of love to watch animal life.
chology to read the book for the sake of these.’’—Professor Epwarp
«<The author is a bold and independent thinker, as shown by a
1, for one, JAMES WEIR, Jr.,
a very considerable number of suggestive M.D
It will pay any student of animal psy- an a 4 of”
uthor 0,
“The Physical Corre-
lation of Religious
previous work . . . and his observations profoundly interesting.’’— Emotion and Sexual
Mental Traits 7% Chronicle, San Francisco. Desire.’
in the
LoweorAnimals “Tn this little book are gathered together a great many interesting Cloth, cr. 8vo,
data . . . the author has observed and experimented for himself and $1.25.
in many respects his conclusions are striking and novel.’’ —Literature.
THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York.
VoL. IX. No. 229. Fripay, May 19, 1899. ANNUAL ‘SupscirPn10%, ON, $5.00 00
Chemicals : (hemical Apparatus
(two-fifths full size)
made by
Carl Zeiss, Jena.
Schott & Gen., Jena Laboratory Glassware.
SrspeowoyD wind s,uneq|yey “4 “Vv “OIS
EIMER & “AMEND, New York.
The Macmillan Company’s New Books
Defective Eyesight: The
Principles of Its Relief by Glasses.
By D. B. Sr. Jonn Roosa, M.D., LL.D., Professor Emeritus of Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Post Graduate Med-
ical School and Hospital; Surgeon to the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital, etc., etc., author of ‘A Clinical
Manual of Diseases of the Eye;’’ ‘Ophthalmic and Otic Memoranda;”’ ‘‘ A Practical Treatise on the Dis-
eases of the Ear;’’ “The Old Hospital and Other Papers; ’’ ‘‘ A Vest-Pocket Medical Lexicon,’ etc.
Cloth. 12mo. $1.00, net.
No pains have been spared to make the manual a complete guide to the practitioner who wishes to under-
stand and practice the rules for the prescription of lens for the improvement of defective sight.
The book may
also be interesting to educated men in all departments of life, who desire to be informed as to advances that have
been made in this interesting subject, one which concerns such a large proportion of the human race.
A Text Book of the Embryology.
Of Invertebrates. By Dr. E. Korscuetr, Pro-
fessor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in the
University of Marburg, and Dr. K. Herprr, Pro-
fessor of Zoology in the University of Berlin.
Vol. I. Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Vermes, En-
teropneusta, Echinodermata. ‘Translated by Hp-
warp L. Marx, Ph.D., Hersey Professor of An-
atomy, and W. McM. Woopworvrn, Ph.D., Harvard
University. 8vo. Cloth. Pp. 484. $4.00, net.
‘<The book has been in the hands of zodlogists all
over the world and is recognized as an excellent and
indispensable reference book.’’—Professor Jacos RrEIG-
HARD in Science.
Vol. II. Phoronidea, Bryozoa, Ectoprocta, Brachio-
poda, Entoprocta, Crustacea, Paleostraca. Trans-
lated by Matinpa Bernarp. Revised and Edited,
with Additional Notes, by Martin F. Woopwarp,
Demonstrator of Zoology, Royal College of Science.
8vo. Cloth. Pp. xv4+375. $3.00, net.
The second part of a work described in the review
quoted above as ‘‘so well done that the book is likely
to remain for many years without a rival.’’
Part III. is in preparation.
Of Man and Mammals. By Dr. Oscar Herr-
wia, Professor Extraordinarius of Anatomy and
Comparative Anatomy, Director of the II. Anatom-
ical Institute of the University of Berlin. Trans-
lated from the Third German Edition by Epwarp
L. Marx, Ph.D., Hersey Professor of Anatomy in
Harvard University. Second dition, with 339
Figures in the Text and 2 Lithographic Plates.
8vo. Cloth. Pp. xvit670. $5.25, net.
‘While it is in details largely confined to the study
of mammals, there is so much of general embryology
within its covers as to give it a value as a general text-
book of vertebrate embryology. As such a text-book it
is of the greatest value to a student and it is safe to say
that at the present time there is no text-book so well de-
signed to give the student a general knowledge of ver-
tebrate embryology as the present one.’’—Science.
«The translator's work has been exceptionally
well done, for the rendering is both accurate and
smooth. . . . The work has been welcomed by all em-
bryologists and is highly esteemed by them, especially
on account of the admirable presentation made by the
author of many of the most interesting problems with
which their investigations have to deal.’’— British Med.
and Surg. Journal.
«« Any one interested in the progress of comparative psychology
shall welcome such ...
and important observations.
THORNDIKE in Science.
previous work . .
naturalist, makes it a labor of love to watch animal life.
chology to read the book for the sake of these.’’—Professor Epwarp
«<The author is a bold and independent thinker, as shown by a
. and his observations profoundly interesting.’’—
must wish well to a man who, without the incentives of the professed BY,
1, for one, JAMES WEIR, Jr.,
a very comiderable number of suggestive M.D
It will pay any student of animal psy- te
Author of
“The Physical Corre-
lation of Religious
Emotion and Sexual
Mental Traits = 7 Chronicle, San Francisco. Desire.”’
in the
Power nimnal ‘Tn this little book are gathered together a creat many interesting Cloth, cr. 8vo,
Wie S data . . . the author has observed and experimented for himself and $1.25.
in many respects his conclusions are striking and novel.’’ —Literature.
THE MACMILLAN COPPANY, Publishers, New York.
es Froay, May 26, 1899. pee
VoL. IX. No. 230.
“Manipulation of the Microscope”
Bound in Silk Cloth. 200 pp. Price, $1.00
“Manipulation of the Microscope” presents clearly and concisely the
essential information regarding the principles, and leads to the intelligent use
of the microscope. Beginning with the purpose of the microscope, the parts of
the instrument are described in detail, together with the principles involved
in their construction, followed by a chapter outlining requisites for work.
How to work not only with the microscope, but with its various accessories,
is supplemented by a chapter on advanced manipulation. Chapters on how
to select and care for a microscope also contain valuable information.
This book is recommended for the use of students beginning the use of
the microscope in any branch of science and especially as a supplementary
aid to the instruction usually given. It will also be found a valuable refer-
ence book by the alvanced worker.
Too often the use of the microscope is begun with little or no knowledge
of its construction, what the various parts are for, and their manipulation to
obtain the best results. There is also, in very many cases, too great a ten-
dency, even in the most advanced laboratories, to undervalue a knowledge
of the proper use and care of the microscope. It is a well known fact that
improper manipulation may easily lead to incorrect deductions, and the
microscope will be found a much more obedient and useful servant if the
user will only familiarize himself with its mechanical and optical construc-
tion and the best way of keeping it in good order.
The Macmillan Company’s New Books
Defective Eyesight: The Principles of Its Relief by Glasses.
By D. B. Sr. Joun Roosa, M.D., LL.D., Professor Emeritus of Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Post Graduate Med-
ical School and Hospital; Surgeon to the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital, etc., etc., author of “A Clinical
Manual of Diseases of the Eye;’’ ‘Ophthalmic and Otic Memoranda;”’ ‘‘ A Practical Treatise on the Dis-
eases of the Har;’’ «The Old Hospital and Other Papers; ’’ ‘‘A Vest-Pocket Medical Lexicon,’’ etc.
Cloth. -12mo. $1.00, net.
No pains have been spared to make the manual a complete guide to the practitioner who wishes to under-
stand and practice the rules for the prescription of lens for the improvement of defective sight.
The book may
also be interesting to educated men in all departments of life, who desire to be informed as to advances that have
been made in this interesting subject, one which concerns such a large proportion of the human race.
A Text Book of
Of Invertebrates. By Dr. E. Korscuerr, Pro-
fessor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in the
University of Marburg, and Dr. K. Hemwer, Pro-
fessor of Zoology in the University of Berlin.
Vol. I. Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Vermes, En-
teropneusta, Echinodermata. ‘Translated by Ep-
warp L. Marx, Ph.D., Hersey Professor of An-
atomy, and W. McM. Woopworru, Ph.D., Harvard
University. 8vo. Cloth. Pp. 484. $4.00, net.
‘«The book has been in the hands of zoologists all
over the world and is recognized as an excellent and
indispensable reference book.’’—Professor Jaco Ruic-
HARD in Scvence.
Vol. II. Phoronidea, Bryozoa, Ectoprocta, Brachio-
poda, Entoprocta, Crustacea, Paleostraca. Trans-
lated by Maritpa Bernarp. Revised and Edited,
with Additional Notes, by Martin. F. Woopwarp,
Demonstrator of Zoology, Royal College of Science.
; 8vo. Cloth. Pp. xv+375. $3.00, net.
The second part of a work described in the review
quoted above as ‘‘so well done that the book is likely
to remain for many years without a rival.’
Part IIT. is im preparation.
the Embryology
Of Man and Mammals. By Dr. Oscar Herr-
wic, Professor Extraordinarius of Anatomy and
Comparative Anatomy, Director of the IT. Anatom-
ical Institute of the University of Berlin. Trans-
lated from the Third German Edition by Epwarp
L. Marx, Ph.D., Hersey Professor of Anatomy in
Harvard University. Second Edition, with 389
Figures in the Text and 2 Lithographic Plates.
8vo. Cloth. Pp. xvi+670. $5.25, net.
“While it is in details largely confined to the study
of mammals, there is so much of general embryology
within its covers as to give it a value as a general text-
book of vertebrate embryology. As such a text-book it
is of the greatest value to a student and it is safe to say
that at the present time there is no text-book so well de-
signed to give the student a general knowledge of ver-
tebrate embryology as the present one.’’—Science.
‘«The translator's work has been exceptionally
well done, for the rendering is both accurate and
smooth. . . . The work has been welcomed by all em-
bryologists and is highly esteemed by them, especially
on account of the admirable presentation made by the
author of many of the most interesting problems with
which their investigations have to deal.’’— British Med.
and Surg. Journal.
«« Any one interested in the progress of comparative psychology
Mental Traits
in the
Lower Animals
shall welcome such .. .
and important observations.
DIKE in Science.
previous work . .
The Chronicle, San Francisco.
data ....
must wish well to a man who, without the incentives of the professed
naturalist, makes it a labor of love to watch animal life.
It will pay any student of animal psy-
chology to read the book for the sake of these.’’—Epwarp THORN-
«<The author is a bold and independent thinker, as shown by a
. and his observations profoundly interesting.’’—
“In this little book are gathered together a great many interesting
the author has observed and experimented for himself and
Y I, for one, JAMES WEIR, Jr.,
a very considerable number of suggestive M.D
Author of
“The Physical Corre-
lation of Religious
Emotion and Sexual
Cloth, cr. 8vo,
in many respects his conclusions are striking and novel.’’ —Literature.
THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York.
NEW SERIEs. SINGLE Copies, 15 crs,
VoL. IX. No. 231. Fripay, JUNE 2, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00
WM. GAERTNER & CO. crns2tauroe amet
Catalogues on Application.
Rdison Decorative and Miniature Lamp Department,
We have recently added to this department many beautiful
Cut Gems. cut gems, ready for mounting. A few of the more noticeable
ones are Yellow Sapphire, 1}k, 58; Golden Topaz, 1}k,$8; Smoky Topaz, 4}k, $8; Diop-
side, 1{k, 510; White Beryl, 1{k, 55; Tourmaline, green, lk, $3 and $4; Tourmaline, rose,
33.50; Chrysoberyl, 8k, $8; Chrysoberyl, § ~;k, $7; Zircon, 2k, $7; Peridot, 11k, $4;
Variscite, 5Uc.; Amethyst, 50c. to $1.50; Sapphire, $7 to $15; Aquamarine, $12 to $20;
Opals, 50c. to $8; Cameo’s, 51 to 53,50, etc., ete.
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e Net Price for Complete Outfit (for distances up to 200 feet) $40 00. 4
qh 4
ay The subject of wireless telegraphy Y
h is exciting such great interest JAMES G. BIDDLE :
a that every laboratory should be Ann A 5 Rin
: equipped for experiments. 1034 Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Pa. §
“SEEES SSSSS eececececcececeee”
The Macmillan Company’s New Books
Defective Eyesight: The Principles of Its Relief by Glasses.
By D. B. Sr. Joun Roosa, M.D., LL.D., Professor Emeritus of Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Post Graduate Med-
ical School and Hospital; Surgeon to the Manhattan Hye and Ear Hospital, ctc., ete., author of ‘A Clinical
Manual of Diseases of the Eye;’’ ‘‘ Ophthalmic and Otic Memoranda;’’ ‘‘ A Practical Treatise on the Dis-
eases of the Ear;’’ ‘*The Old Hospital and Other Papers;’’ ‘‘A Vest-Pocket Medical Lexicon,’’ ete.
Cloth. 12mo. $1.00, net.
No pains have been spared to make the manual a complete guide to the practitioner who wishes to under-
stand and practice the rules for the prescription of lens for the improvement of defective sight. The book may
also be interesting to educated men in all departments of life, who desire to be informed as to advances that have
been made in this interesting subject, one which concerns such a large proportion of the human race,
A Text Book of
Of Invertebrates. By Dr. E. Korscustt, Pro-
fessor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in the
University of Marburg, and Dr. K. Herrprr, Pro-
fessor of Zoology in the University of Berlin.
Vol. I. Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Vermes, En-
teropneusta, Echinodermata. ‘Translated by Ep-
warp L. Mark, Ph.D., Hersey Professor of An-
atomy, and W. McM. Woopwortn, Ph.D., Harvard
University. 8vo. Cloth. Pp. 484. $4.00, net.
‘«The book has been in the hands of zoologists all
over the world and is recognized as an excellent and
indispensable reference book.’’—Professor Jacop Rric-
HARD in Science.
Vol. II. Phoronidea, Bryozoa, Ectoprocta, Brachio-
poda, Entoprocta, Crustacea, Palzostraca. Trans-
lated by Marinpa Brernarp. Revised and Edited,
with Additional Notes, by Martin F. Woopwarp,
Demonstrator of Zoology, Royal College of Science.
8vo. Cloth. Pp. xv+375. $8.00, net.
The second part of a work described in the review
quoted above as ‘‘so well done that the book is likely
to remain for many years without a rival.”
Part LIT. is in preparation.
the Embryology
Of Mam amd Mammals. By Dr. Oscar Herr-
wic, Professor Extraordinarius of Anatomy and
Comparative Anatomy, Director of the IJ. Anatom-
ical Institute of the University of Berlin. Trans-
lated from the Third German Edition by Epwarp
L. Marx, Ph.D., Hersey Professor of Anatomy in
Harvard University. Second dition, with 339
Figures in the Text and 2 Lithographic Plates.
8vo. Cloth. Pp. xvi+670. $5.25, net.
«While it is in details largely confined to the study
of mammals, there is so much of general embryology
within its covers as to give it a value as a general text-
book of vertebrate embryology. As such a text-book it
is of the greatest value to a student and it is safe to say
that at the present time there is no text-book so,well de-
signed to give the student a general knowledge of ver-
tebrate embryology as the present one.’’—Science.
«The translator’s work has been exceptionally
well done, for the rendering is both accurate and
smooth. . . . The work has been welcomed by all em-
bryologists and is highly esteemed by them, especially
on account of the admirable presentation made by the
author of many of the most interesting problems with
which their investigations have to deal.’’—British Med.
and Surg. Journal.
~ «Any one interested in the progress of comparative psychology
shall welcome such ...
must wish well to a man who, without the incentives of the professed Ne
naturalist, makes it a labor of love to watch animal life. 1, for one, JAMES WEIR, Jr.,
a very coniderable number of suggestive M.D
DAWN and important observations. It will pay any student of animal psy- sake
chology to read the book for the sake of these.’ —Epwarp THorn- Author of
OF DIKE in Science.
previous work . .
«<The author is a bold and independent thinker, as shown by a
. and his observations profoundly interesting.’’—
“The Physical Corre-
lation of Religious:
Emotion and Sexual
Mental Traits = 7% Chronicle, San Francisco. LD eeineee
in the
Lower Animals “Tn this little book are gathered togethera great many interesting Cloth, cr. 8vo,
data . . . the author has observed and experimented for himself and $1.25.
in many respects his conclusions are striking and novel.’’ —Literature.
THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York.
ney Sara a Frripay, June 9, 1899. SINGLE CoplEs, 15 CTs,
Perfect Circulation and 1
Uniform Temperature 50 of | O
Guaranteed Accuracy
1 Write for Circular No. 494
sO of 1 O We are offering the above Standards
at about half the usual price
QUEEN & CoO, , inc.
J. G GRAY, President
Electrical and Scientific Instrument Works
59 Fifth Avenue
New Books of Travel, Description, Etc.
By Mrs. HUGH FRASER, Author of ‘‘ PALLADTIA.”’
“* A captivating book.’’—Lvening Post, Chicago.
‘“The make-up of these volumes is exceptionally fine at every point, and their value
is enhanced by exquisite illustrations.’’— Philadelphia Ledger.
Japanese Cover Design.
In Two Volumes. 8vo, $7.50
"versity. Cloth, $2.00
A sober and comprehensive dis-
cussion of the forces of late at
work in the Islands.
‘Making of
author of “MarN TRAVELLED The Trail
Roaps,’’ ete.
Cloth, $1.50 of the
Sketches in prose and verse. Goldseekers
A trip with a pack train over-
member of the Philippine Com-
mission, at present in the Is-
lands. Sifth Edition.
Cloth, 8vo, $4.00
“Should be read by every Amer-
ican. It is the most ce »mprehen-
sive, intelligent, and impartial
description of the Archipelago
obtainable.’? — Evening Bulletin,
| The
- Islands
and Their
An up-to-date account of con-
ditions and events of the past
year ; an admirable complement to Philippines
Prof. Worcester’s «book. Just
Ready. Cloth, 8vo, $2.50 and
‘Of striking and timely inter- Round
est.’’—New York Herald.
‘“An interesting and valuable
book.’’—The Independent.
“¢ Brightly and amusingly writ-
ten—full of general information.”’
—Boston Herald.
Elizabeth and Her German Garden
Cloth, $1.50
“¢A charming book.’’—Literature.
“« 4 German Garden’ emits a flower-like aroma of
freshness and purity.’’—K ATE SANBORN.
A Solitary Summer
Cloth, $1.50
By the author of Elizabeth and Her German Garden.
“ Delicate, sympathetic observations,’’ is The Out-
look’s description of the volume to which this is a
companion. —
Ethics and Revelation
Cloth, Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge,
$1.50 Author of “GENESIS OF THE SOCIAL
“One of the most helpful and valuable treatises in
the language.’’— The Tribune, New York.
“The highest thought wedded to the noblest utter-
ance, clear and strong and telling.’’—The Churchman.
From Comte to Benjamin Kidd
The Appeal to Biology or Evolution
for Human Guidance
Historical and critical—a sketch of the growth of
the evolutionary systems of ethics, and a study of
their claims to authority.
THE MACMILLAN. COMPANY, Publishers, New York
VoL. IX. No. 233. FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00
Chemicals » Chemical Apparatus,
Schott & Gen., Jena Laboratory Glassware.
A s[BOIWAYD o1Ndg Ss,Wwneq|yey *4{ °V ‘Die
EIMER & AMEND, New York.
Richard Carvel
“The Celebrity,” with Illustrations
‘Wholesome, thrilling, inspiring,”’—
Globe Democrat.
The Short=Line War
By MERWIN-WEBSTER. Second Edition,
the first having been exhausted in
three days,
“A capital story of adventure in the
field of railroading.’’—The Outlook.
Maternity of Harriott Wicken
“Tt falls but little short of being a
masterpiece. ... A remarkable book.”
—R. H. Stoppard, Mail and Express.
The Custom of the Country
By Mrs. HuGH FRASER, author of ‘‘Let-
ters from Japan,”’ etc.
Elizabeth and Her German
Cloth, $1.75
‘‘The chronicle of days spent in and
about one of the most delightful gar-
dens known to modern literature. The
author’s exquisite humor is ever pres-
ent, and her descriptions ... have
wonderfui freshness and charm.’’—
The Post.
The Solitary Summer
A continuation of the above. $1.50
“Even more charming than the
original work, and that is saying a
great deal.’’—Glasgow Herald.
Our Gardens
By 8. REYNOLDs HOLE, author of ‘‘Mem-
ories of Dean Hole,” ete.
Cloth, $3.00
With Illustrations in color and pho-
togravure of the ideal DEANERY GAR-
DEN, practical hints for even exper-
ienced gardeners and a wealth of
reminiscence full of the Dean’s char-
acteristic humor. —
Lamia’s Winter Quarters
By ALFRED AUSTIN, Poet Laureate.
Crown 8vo, $2.50
“Of singular sweetness and charm.”
Each Bound in Cloth.
12mo.- Price, $1.50
Tristram Lacy
By W. H. MaLuLock, author of ‘Is Life
Worth Living,” ete.
‘‘A witty, incisive, acute satire.’’—
The Evening Post, Chicago.
Jesus Delaney
Consul-General in Mexico.
“Unique and truly captivating.’’—
Courier, Boston.
Four=Footed Americans and
Their Kin
By MABeL O. WRIGHT. Edited by
FRANK M. CHAPMAN. Illustrated by
‘““We have seen nothing more de-
lightful.’—WV. EL. Jour. of Educ.
Citizen Bird
CovuEs. Illustrated by Louis AGassiz
FUERTES. $1.50 net
‘By far the best bird book for boys
and girls yet published in America.”’—
C. H. M. in Science.
: Letters from Japan
A Record of Modern Life in the Island
Empire. By Mrs. HUGH FRASER, au-
thor of ‘‘ Palladia,” etc. 2 vols.
Cloth, $7.50
“Every one of her letters is a valu-
able contribution.’’—Literature.
Philippines and Round About
An up-to date account of conditions
and events of the past year; an ad-
mirable complement to Prof. Worces-
ter’s standard work. Cloth, $2.50
The Trail of the Gold Seekers
A Record of Travel in Prose and Verse.
By HAMLIN GARLAND, author of
‘“Main Travelled Roads,” ete.
Cloth, $1.50
Describing a trip with a pack train
overland to the gold country.
The Making of Hawaii
Yale University. Cloth, $2.00
A careful study, clear and concise, of
the social, political and moral develop-
ment of the Hawaiian people.
The Philippine Islands and
Their People
A Record of Personal Observation and
Experience. By DEAN C. WORCESTER,
of the Philippine Commission. Fisth
Edition. $4.00
“Should be read by every Ameri-
can.”’—Hvening Bulletin, Phila.
On Many Seas
By HERBERT E. HAMBLEN, author of
“The General Manager’s Story,”’ etc.
Cloth, $1.50
** As an accurate and vivid portrayal
of the life with which it deals there is
nothing superior to this book.”—Zhe
Sun, New York.
Old Cambridge
“Col. Higginson’s delightful book
. is altogether a most enjoyable and
valuable one.’’—Hvening Telegraph,
Wordsworth and the Coleridges
And Other Memories, Literary and
Political. By ELLIs YARNALL.
Cloth, $3.60
“« A notable volume of reminiscences.
No more interesting personal mem-
ories have been published in recent
years.’’—The Public Ledger, Phila.
The Life of Henry A. Wise
By His Grandson, the late Barton H.
WISE, of Richmond, Va. $3.00
“One of the most interesting figures
of the civil war. . . of whom both sec-
tions may well be proud.”
—The Herald, New York,
Heart of Man
“The North Shore Watch,” ete.
Cloth, $1.50
“Very attractive pages... loftily
ideal.”’—The Nation.
Three Studies in Literature
By LEwis EpwarDs GATES, Harvard
University. Cloth, $1.50
“ These masterly studies should be in
the hands of all students of our litera-
ture in this century.”’—Zhe Outlook.
Home Life in Colonial Days
Written by ALICE MoRSE EARLE. Pro-
fusely illustrated.
Cloth, cr. 8vo, $2.50
“No other single volume ... con-
structs with such completeness, fair-
ness and suggestiveness, the atmos-
phere of colonial homes.”
—The Herald, Boston.
NEw SERIEs. y = ; 92 SINGLE CoPIEs, 15 cTs.
VoL. IX. No, 234. Fripay, JUNE 40, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00
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Recent # Standard Publications on Nature Study
BAILEY.—Lessons With Plants. Sug-
gestions for Seeing and Interpreting
some of the Common Forms of Vege-
tation. By L. H. BAILEy, Professor
of Horticulture, Cornell University,
with delineations from nature by W.
8S. HOLDSWORTH, of the University of
Michigan. Half Leather. $1.10 net
“ [tisan admirable book, and cannot
fail both to awaken interest in the sub-
ject and to serve as a helpful and re-
liable guide to young students of plant
life.—Prof. V. M. SPALDING, University
of Michigan.
—First Lessons With Plants.
Abridged from the above.
40 cents net
“A remarkably well printed and
illustrated book, extremely original
and unusually practical.’’—Supt. H. W.
Foster, Ithaca, N. Y.
BADENOCH (L. N.)—The Romance of
the Insect World. By L. N. BADEN-
ocH. With illustrations by MARGARET
D. BADENOCH and others. Second
Edition. Gilt top. $1.25
“The volume ‘is fascinating from
beginning to end, and there are many
hints to be found in the wisdom and
thrift shown by the smallest animal
creature.’’—Bostan Times.
BRIGHTWEN.—Inmates of My House
and Garden. By Mrs. BRIGHTWEN.
Illustrated 12mo. $1.25
“The book fills a delightful place
not occupied by any other book that
we have ever seen.’’—Boston Home
CARPENTER. — Insects, their Struc-
ture and Life. Fully Illustrated.
In Press
GEE.— Short Studies in Nature
Knowledge. An Introduction to
the Science of Physiography. By
WILLIAM GEE. 8yo. $1.10 net
“A charming book . . . fascinating
to read.”—Jour. of Education.
INGERSOLL.—Wild Neighbors. Out-
Door Studies in the United States. A
Book about Animals. By ERNEST
INGERSOLL. Illustrated. $1.50
“Tn all respects a most welcome
book . . . in the club, in the libraries,
and among the treasures of the grow-
ing boy no less.’’-—Hvening Post.
JACKMAN.—Nature Study for Gram-
mar Grades. A Manual on the Study
of Nature for Teachers and Pupils
below the High School. By WILBUR
S. JACKMAN, Chicago Normal School.
12mo. Cloth. $1.00 net
In preparing this Manual, it has been
the author’s aim to propose a few of
the problems within the comprehen-
sion of grammar school pupils, which
arise in a thoughtful study of nature,
and to offer suggestions designed to
lead to their solution.
LANGE.—A Hand-Book of Nature
Study. By D. Laner, Central High
School, St. Paul, Minn. Cloth. 12mo,
$1.00 net
“The style of the book is fresh and
inspiring, its descriptions clear and
full, and its illustrations numerous.’’—
Wisconsin Journal of Education.
LUBBOCK.—The Beauties of Nature
and the Wonders of the World we
Livein. With Illustrations. Third
Edition. Cloth, gilt top. $1.50
“In this pleasant volume Sir John
Lubbock talks in a familiar yet always
accurate manner of the wonders of
animal life, of plant life, and of the
woods and field, telling not merely the
dry scientific facts, but the poetic asso-
ciations and suggestions that surround
them. .. . So much of recent know]-
. edge upon all these great subjects has
scarcely been conveyed elsewhere in so
bright and interesting a way.’’—Phila-
delphia Times.
MURCHE (Wilson)—Science Readers.
By VINCENT T. MurRcHE. Revised and
adapted for use in schools with a
preface by Mrs. L. L. W. Witson,
Philadelphia Normal School. Author
of “Nature Study in Elementary
Schools,” etc.
Vols. I. and II. 25 cents each.
Vols. III. and IV. 40 cents each.
Vols. V. and VI. 50 cents each.
Of this series of Science Readers,
Books I., II. and III. are adapted to
Secondary Grades comprising pupils
who are in their third and fourth
year of school work. Books IV., V.
and VI. are suitable for Grammar
Grades both in reading and in sub-
SCOTT.—An Introduction to Geology.
By Wituiam B. Scort, Professor of
Geology and Palxontology, Prince-
ton University. 12mo. $1.90 net
“Tt is adapted to older beginners,
and to the liking of a teacher who in-
troduces a large share of deduction in
his work. . The closing chapters
deal with historical geology.’—The
TARR.—When the Earth was Young.
—An Elementary Text-Book of
Physical Geography, for High
B.S., F.G., S.A., Professor of Geology
and Physical Geography at Cornell
University ; Author of ‘‘ Economic
Geology of the United States,’ ete.
Second Edition. $1.40 net
Without question a complete, com-
prehensive, and scientific work on a
very important subject of present in-
terest. In subject-matter, illustrations,
style, and clearness, it is admirable.
It is the most valuable contribution
yet made to the study of Geography.”
College, New York.
—Elementary Geology for the use of
Preparatory and High Schools. By
RawupwH S. Tarr, Cornell University.
Author of ‘Economic Geology of
the United States.” A Companion
Volume to the preceding. Half-
Leather. Small 8yo. $1.40 net
A most fascinating book for any one.
In combination with his ‘Elementary
Geography’ of special scientific value.”
—Chicago Inter-Océan. 5
WEED.—Life Histories of American
Insects. By Prof. CLARENCE M.
WEED, New Hampshire College of
Agric. and Mech. Arts. Fully Illus-
trated. Cloth. $1.50
‘An unusually attractive book.”
—The Dial.
“An excellent manual for a non-
technical student or general observer
...in a simple, direct style... full
of value and interest.’’—Independent.
WILSON. —Nature Study in the Ele=
mentary Schools. By Mrs. L. L. W.
WILSON, Ph.D., Philadelphia Normal
School for Girls.
Stories and Poems. Each, 35 cents net
TEACHERS’ MANUALS, 90 cents net
“Mrs. Wilson’s little manual affords
excellent assistance to those who mean
to equip themselves for the best kind
of work.- It isa good book for every
teacher to have and to study when
preparing to give lessons in Nature
Study.’’—Dr. R. K. BUEHRLE, Superin-
tendent, Lancaster, Pa.
WRIGHT (MABEL OsGoop)—Birdcraft.
A Field Book of Two Hundred Song,
Game, and Water Birds. By MaBEL
Oscoop WRIGHT. With full-page
Plates showing 128 Birds. $2.50 net
“Even if this volume were devoid of
illustrations, it would be welcomed as
an addition to English literature. It is
more than an accurate and compre-
hensive description of all the birds one
is likely to find in an extended search.
1t is also an introduction to them and
their haunts.’—The Hvening Bulletin,
—The Friendship of Nature. A New
England Chronicle of Birds and
Second Hdition. .18mo. 75 cents
“A dainty little volume, exhaling
the perfume and radiating the hues of
both cultivated and wild flowers, echo-
ing the songs of birds, and illustrated
with exquisite pen pictures of bits of
garden, field and woodland scenery.”
—Riechmond Dispatch.
Mrs. Wriyht’s two volumes in The
Heart of Nature Series are not
repeated here since they are already
described on another page.
THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, 66 Fifth Ave., New York
NEw SERIES. 7 =e SINGLE CoPiEs, 15 CTs.
VoL. IX. No. 235. FRripay, JUNE 30, 1899. ANNUAL ae MSTONy $5.00
Appendix to Dana’s System of | Descriptive General Chemistry
A Text=-Book for Students Taking a General
Mineralogy Course of Chemistry
Being an account of the Progress of the Science from By Ss. E. TILLMAN
pbovapte of issue/ot the Gthieditionin 1892 to 18. Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology, in the
By EDWARD SALISBURY DANA United States Military Academy, West Point
Large 8vo. Cloth. $1.00 8vo. Cloth. Illustrated. $3.00
Statistical Methods Indicators and Test Papers
With Special Reference to Biological Variation By ALFRED I. COHN
By C. B. DAVENPORT For the Use of Chemists, Pharmacists, and all those who
have to do with Volumetric Analysis.
12mo. Cloth. $2.00
Instructor in Zoology at Harvard University
16mo. Morocco, 31 Figures. 135 Pages. Price $1.25
JOHN WILEY & SONS, 53 E. 10th St., New York City
Recent # Standard Publications on Nature Study
BAILEY.—Lessons With Plants. Sug-
gestions for Seeing and Interpreting
some of the Common Forms of Vege-
tation. By L. H. BaILry, Professor
of Horticulture, Cornell University,
with delineations from nature by W.
8. HOLDSWORTH, of the University of |
Michigan. Half Leather. $1.10 nei
“ ftisan admirable book, and cannot
fail both to awaken interest in the sub-
ject and to serve as a helpful and re-
liable guide to young students of plant
life.—Prof. V. M. SPALDING, University
of Michigan.
—First Lessons With Plants.
Abridged from the above.
40 cents net
“A remarkably well printed and
illustrated book, extremely original
and unusually practical.’’—Supt. H. W.
Foster, Ithaca, N. Y.
BADENOCH (L. N.)—The Romance of
the Insect World. By L. N. BADEN-
ocH. With illustrations by MARGARET
D. BADENOCH and others. Second
Edition. Gilt top. $1.25
“The yolume is fascinating from
beginning to end, and there are many
hints to be found in the wisdom and
thrift shown by the smallest animal
creature.’’—Boston Times.
BRIGHTWEN.—Inmates of My House
and Garden. By Mrs. BRIGHTWEN.
Illustrated 12mo. $1.25
“The book fills a delightful place
not occupied by any other book that
we have ever seen.’’-—Boston Home
CARPENTER. — Insects, their Struc=
,ture and Life. Fully Illustrated.
In Press
GEE.— Short Studies in Nature
Knowledge. An _ Introduction to
the Science of Physiography. By
WILLIAM GEE. 8vo. $1.10 net
“A charming book... fascinating
to read.”—Jour. of Education.
INGERSOLL.—Wild Neighbors. Out-
Door Studies in the United States. A
Book about Animals. By ERNEsT
INGERSOLL. Illustrated. $1.50
“Tn all respects a most welcome
book . . . in the club, in the libraries,
and among the treasures of the grow-
ing boy no less.’’—Hvening Post.
JACKMAN.—Nature Study for Gram-
mar Grades. A Manual on the Study
of Nature for Teachers and Pupils
below the High School. By WILBUR
$. JACKMAN, Chicago Normal School.
12mo. Cloth. $1.00 net
In preparing this Manual, it has been
the author’s aim to propose a few of
the problems within the comprehen-
sion of grammar school pupils, which
arise in a thoughtful study of nature,
and to offer suggestions designed to
lead to their solution.
LANGE.—A Hand-Book of Nature
Study. By D. Lanes, Central High
School, St. Paul, Minn. Cloth. 12mo.
$1.00 ned
_ “The style of the book is fresh and
inspiring, its descriptions clear and
full, and its illustrations numerous.’’—
Wisconsin Journal of Education.
LUBBOCK.—The Beauties of Nature
and the Wonders of the World we
Live in. With Illustrations. Third
Eeition. Cloth, gilt top. $1.50
“In this pleasant volume Sir John
Lubbock talks in a familiar yet always
accurate manner of the wonders of
animal life, of plant life, and of the
woods and field, telling not mezely the
dry scientific facts, but the poetic asso-
ciations and suggestions that surround
them. .. . So much of recent knowl-
edge upon all these great subjects has
scarcely been conveyed elsewhere in so
bright and interesting a way.’’— Phila-
delphia Times. f
MURCHE (Wilson)—Science Readers.
By VINCENT T. MurcHE. Revised and
adapted for use in schools with a
preface by Mrs. L. L. W- WILson,
Philadelphia Normal School. Author
of “Nature Study in Elementary
Schools,’ ete.
Vols. I. and II. 25 cents each.
Vols. III. and IV. 40 cents each.
Vols. V. and VI. 50 cents each.
Of this series of Science Readers,
Books I., Il. and III. are adapted to
Secondary Grades comprising pupils
who are in their third and fourth
year of school work. Books IV., V.
and VI. are suitable for Grammar
Grades both in reading and in sub-
SCOTT.—An Introduction to Geology.
By WILuIaM B. Scort, Professor of
Geology and Paleontology. Prince-
ton University. 12mo. $1.90 net
“Tt is adapted to older beginners,
and to the liking of a teacher who in-
troduces a large share of deduction in
his work. . The closing chapters
deal with historical geology.’’—The
Nation. :
TARR.—When the Earth was Young.
Physical Geography, for High
Schools. By RaLPH SrockTON TaRR,
B.S., F.G., S.A., Professor of Geology
and Physical Geography at Cornell
University ; Author of ‘‘ Economic
Geology of the United States,’’ ete.
Second Edition. $1.40 net
Without question a complete, com-
prehensive, and scientific work on a
very important subject of present in-
e terest. In subject-matter, illustrations,
style, and clearness, it is admirable.
It is the most valuable contribution
yet made to the study of Geography.”
College, New York.
—An_ Elementary Text-Book of |
—Elementary Geology for the use of
Preparatory and High Schools. By
Rawpu S. Tarr, Cornell University.
Author of ‘‘ Economie Geology of
the United States.” A Companion
Volume to the preceding. Half-
Leather. Small 8vo. $1.40 net
A most fascinating book for any one:
In combination with his ‘Elementary
Geography’ of special scientific value.”
—Chicago Inter-Ocean.
WEED.—Life Histories of American
Insects. By Prof. CLarRENCE M.
WeED, New Hampshire College of
Agric.and Mech. Arts. Fully Illus-
trated. Cloth. $1.50
“An unusually attractive book.”
—The Dial.
“An excellent manual for a non-
technical student or general observer
...in a simple, direct style... full
of value and interest.”—Independent.
WILSON. —Nature Study in the Ele-
mentary Schools. By Mrs. L. L. W.
WItson, Ph.D., Philadelphia Normal
School for Girls.
Stories and Poems. Each, 35 cents net
TEACHERS’ MANUALS, 90 cents net
“Mrs. Wilson’s little manual affords
excellent assistance to those who mean
to equip themselves for the best kind
of work. It isa good book for every
teacher to have and to study when
preparing to give lessons in Nature
Study.”—Dr. R. K, BUEHRLE, Superin-
tendent, Lancaster, Pa.
WRIGHT (MABEL Oscoop)—Birdcraft.
A Field Book of Two Hundred Song,
Game, and Water Birds. By MaBEL
Oseoop WricHt. With full-page
Plates showing 128 Birds. $2.50 net
‘“Even if this volume were devoid of
illustrations, it would be welcomed as
an addition to English literature. It is
more than an accurate and compre-
hensive description of all the birds one
is likely to find in an extended search.
It is also an introduction to them and
their haunts.’—TZhe Evening Bulletin,
—The Friendship of Nature. A New
England Chronicle of Birds and
Second Edition. 18mo. 75 cents
“A dainty little volume, exhaling
the perfume and radiating the hues of
both cultivated and wild flowers, echo-
ing the songs of birds, and illustrated
with exquisite pen pictures of bits of
garden, field and woodland scenery.”
—Richmond Dispatch.
Mrs. Wright's two volumes in The
Heart of Nature Series are not
repeated here since they are already
described on another page.
THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, 66 Fifth Ave., New York
7 WN
3 9088