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In  This  Issue 

What  is  the 



Rudy  Vallee's 


"Main  Street 

Sketches  " 


Radio  Record 

Amos  V  Andy 
Radio's  First 
Comic  Strip 

Air  Personality! 

Other  Features 


i^i  niaa  uou  miant  to  read 

The  Tragedy  of  Neglected  Gums 

Cast  of  Characters : 
Your  Dentist  and  You 

you:  "My  gums  are  responsible  for  this 
visit,  doctor.    I'm  anxious  about  them." 

d.d.s.:" What's  the  matter?" 

you:  "Well,  sometimes  they're  tender  when 
I  brush  my  teeth.  And  once  in  a  ivhile  they 
bleed  a  little.  But  my  teeth  seem  to  be  all 
right.  Just  how  serious  is  a  thing  like  thisl" 

d.d.s.  :"Probably  nothing  to  bother 
about,  with  a  healthy  mouth  like 
yours.  But,  just  the  same,  I've  seen 
people  with  white  and  flawless  teeth 
get  into  serious  trouble  with  their 

you:  "That's  what  worries  me.  Pyorrhea 
— gingivitis — trench  mouth — all  those  hor- 
rible-sounding things!  Just  a  month  ago  a 
friend  of  i?iine  had  to  have  seven  teeth 
■pulled  out. 

d.d.s.:  "Yes,  such  things  can  happen. 
Not  long  ago  a  patient  came  to  me 
with  badly  inflamed  gums.  I  x-rayed 
them  and  found  the  infection  had  spread 
so  far  that  eight  teeth  had  to  go.  Some 
of  them  were  perfectly  sound  teeth, 

you:  {After  a  pause)  "I  was  reading  a 
dentifrice  advertisement  .  .  .  about  food. 

d.d.s.:  "Soft food?  Yes,  that's  to  blame 
for  most  of  the  trouble.  You  see,  our 
gums  get  no  exercise  from  the  soft, 
creamy  foods  we  eat.  Circulation  lags 
and  weak  spots  develop  on  the  gum 
walls.  That's  how  these  troubles  begin. 
If  you  lived  on  rough,  coarse  fare  your 
gums  would  hardly  need  attention." 

you:  "But,  doctor,  I  can't  take  up  a  diet  of 

BRISTOL-MYERS  CO.,  Dept.  RR-129 
73  West  Street,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Kindly  send  me  a  trial  tube  of  IPANA  TOOTH 
PASTE.  Enclosed  is  a  two-cent  stamp  to  cover 
partly  the  cost  of  packing  and  mailing. 



City Stale 

c   1929 

•«-«-«-««-e-«-«-*-«-«-*-«-«-«-«-'i-««-c-<s  c-c-z-e-s 

raw  roots  and  hardtack.  People  would 
think  I'd  suddenly  gone  mad."- 

d.d.s.:  "No  need  to  change  your  diet. 
But  you  can  give  your  gums  the  stimu- 
lation they  need.  Massage  or  brush 
them  twice  a  day  when  you  brush 
your  teeth.  And  one  other  suggestion: 
use  Ipana  Tooth  Paste.  It's  a  scientific, 
modern  dentifrice,  and  it  contains 
special  ingredients  that  stimulate  the 
gums   and    help    prevent    infection." 


n  imaginary  dialog?  An  imaginary 
"you"?  Admittedly,  but  the  action  is 
real.  It  is  drawn  from  life — from  real 
tragedies  and  near-tragedies  enacted 
every  day  in  every  city  of  the  land! 

And  if  dentists  recommend  Ipana,  as 
thousands  of  them  do,  it  is  because  it  is 
good  for  the  gums  as  well  as  for  the 
teeth.  Under  its  continual  use,  the 
teeth  are  gleaming  white,  the  gums 
firm  and  healthy.  For  Ipana  contains 
ziratol,  a  recognized  hemostatic  and 
antiseptic  well  known  to  dentists  for 
its  tonic  effects  upon  gum  tissue. 

Don't  wait  for  "pink  tooth  brush" 
to  appear  before  you  start  with  Ipana. 
The  coupon  brings  you  a  sample  which 
will  quickly  prove  Ipana's  pleasant 
taste  and  cleaning  power. 

But,  to  know  all  of  Ipana's  good  ef- 
fects, it  is  far  better  to  go  to  your  near- 
est druggist  and  get  a  large  tube.  After 
you  have  used  its  hundred  brushings 
you  will  know  its  benefits  to  the  health 
of  your  gums  as  well  as  your  teeth. 

an-*»»3»-s^r-  »-a-»«-»-»-:e-s-R-3-»-*-2-s-:&-3^-^-» 

NOV  26  1929 ^ 

©C1B    50830 



FOR       THE       LISTENER 

Volume  I  Number   1  DECEMBER,   1929 


Cover  Design:  Rudy  Vallee ,  .     .  .        By  Theodore  G.  Auge 

Rudy  Vallee's  First  Leading  Lady    (Photograph)  2 

What  Is  the  Secret  of  Rudy  Vallee's  Success?    3 

Sound  Your  "A"    (Photographs)  6 

Amos   'n'  Andy,   Radio's   First  Comic   Strip By  P.  H.  W.  Dixon  7 

Main  Street  Sketches  Set  Radio  Record  for  Applause  Mail By  Bruce  Gray  9 

If  Radio  Is  To  Survive,  It  Must  "Hitch  Its  Wagon  to  a  Star".     .  .  By  K.  Trcnholm  12 

A  Sonnet  to  the  Instrument  International    By  Alice  Kemscn  14 

Brings  Charm  of  Old  Spain  to  Radio (Photograph)  15 

Dale    Wimbrow    Whittles    16 

Philco  Hour  Revives  Favorite  Light  Operas  of  the  Past                 By  Henry  M.  Nccly  17 

Philco's  Diminutive  Prima  Donna    (Photograph)  19 

Wanted:      Air  Personality    By   Allen   Haglund  21 

Westinghouse  Salute  Introduces  New  Type  of  Program    .  .. .  .  23 

Glorifying  the  American  Girl's  Voice    (Photographs)  24 

Static  From   the   Studios    26 

A  Glimpse  "Behind  the  Mike"  During  the  Palmolive  Hour          By  Herbert  Dci/ns  27 

Mr.  Average  Fan  Confesses  that  He  Is  a  "Low  Brow"    ...               By  Average  Fan  30 

Crowned  Radio's  Queen  of  Beauty ....  (Photograph)  33 

Philadelphia  Orchestra  Succumbs  to  Lure  of  Radio    .        By  Willie  Perceval-Monger  3  5 

Ether    Etchings     37 

Program    Notes     39 

Editorials:     Radio  Revue  Makes  Its  Bow;  Radio  Censorship  Impracticable 40 

Returns   from   Opera   Triumphs   Abroad    (Photograph)  41 

Radio  in  the  Home (Edited  by  Mrs.  Julian  Heath)  42 

Bruce  Gray,  Editor 

Contributing  Editors: 

Allen  Haglund  H.    Raymond  Preston 

Mrs.  Julian  Heath  Walter  H.  Preston 

Willie    Perceval-Monger      K.  Trenholm 

Published  monthly  by   RADIO   REVUE    INC.,   Six   Harrison   Street.   New   York.   N.  Y..  H.  Ravmond  Preston.  President:   Benjamin  F.  Rowland,  Vice-President- 

"alter  H.   Preston.  Secretary  and  Treasurer;   George  Q.   Burkett.  Advertising  Manager. 

-Manuscripts   and  photographs   submitted  for  publication   must   be   accompanied  bv   sufficient   postage   if   their    return   is   desired 

Advertising  rates   will  be   gladly   furnished  upon   application.     Copyright,  1929,  )yy  Radio.  Revue.  Inc.  ,yAll  rights  reserved.    Printed  in  U.   S.  A. 

Subscription   Prices:    United    States,    $2;    Canada,    $2.50;    Foreign,    $3;    Single    Copies,    25c 



Rudy  Vallee's  First  Leading  Lady 

Anne  Franklin  [Mrs.  Richard  O'Connor)  Was  Recruited  from  the  Ranks  of  Radio 

VV7HEN  Rudy  Vallee  was  engaged  to  make  his  first  talking  picture, 
his  leading  lady  was,  appropriately  enough,  recruited  from  the  ranks 
of  radio.  Pictured  above  with  her  five-year-old  son,  Jimmie  Dick,  is 
Mrs.  Richard  O'Connor,  of  Dover,  N.  J.  She  is  secretary  to  John  W. 
Elwood,  vice-president  of  the  National  Broadcasting  Company.  Under 
the  name  of  Anne  Franklin,  she  acted  opposite  Vallee  in  "Campus  Sweet- 

hearts," which  was  produced  by  Radio-Keith-Orpheum,  in  conjunction 
with  the  R.  C.  A.  Photophone,  at  the  latter's  Gramercy  Studios  in  New 
York  City.  This  picture  recently  won  for  Mrs.  O'Connor  the  first  award 
in  a  national  contest  to  find  the  loveliest  young  mother  in  America.  The 
judges,  who  unanimously  voted  her  first  place  in  this  contest,  were  John 
Barrymore,   Cornelius  Vanderbilt,  Jr.   and   F.  Scott   Fitzgerald. 

DECEMBER,    19  2  9 

What  is  the  SECRET 



Does  the  reason  for 
Rudy's  popularity  lie 
in  his  personality  or 
his  appearance — or  is 
his  singing  the  cause 
of  his  rapid  rise? 

He  has  become  a 
national  figure  and,  in 
some  respects,  almost 
a  national  problem — 
the  joy  of  the  wife, 
the  despair  of  the 
husband,  the  idol  of 
the  flapper  and  the 
envy  of  the  young 

WHAT  is  this  nationwide  craze  over  Rudy  Vallee? 
How  did  it  start  and  what  caused  it?  The  mete- 
oric rise  of  this  young  orchestra  leader,  accomplished 
almost  entirely  through  the  medium  of  radio,  is  the  out- 
standing feature  of  the  year  in  broadcasting  circles. 

The  hold  that  radio's  first  "matinee  idol"  has  on  the 
hearts  of  the  women  of  the  country,  is  truly  startling.  It 
was  his  crooning  of  sentimental  ballads  over  the  radio 
that  first  brought  him  into  the  public  eye  and  this  same 
suave,  seductive  manner  of  singing  is  now  rapidly  on  its 
way  to  becoming  a  national  institution. 

His  popularity  has  increased  amazingly — at  least,  among 
the  ladies.  They  swear  by  him — and  the  men  swear  at 
him.  Like  any  widespread  craze,  Rudy  has  his  detrac- 
tors, as  well  as  his  admirers.  In  many  instances,  argu- 
ments over  Rudy  have  resulted  in  a  "house  divided  against 

But  the  reasons  underlying  his  phenomenal  success  re- 
main a  mystery — even  to  Mr.  Vallee  himself,  who  is  at 
once  pleased  and  bewildered  at  the  trick  of  Fate  that  has 
carried  him  from  obscurity  to  a  place  in  the  hearts  of  mil- 
lions of  America's  flappers  and  matrons.    He  has  become 


a  national  figure  and,  in  some  respects,  almost  a  national 
problem — the  joy  of  the  wife,  the  despair  of  the  husband, 
the  idol  of  the  flapper  and  the  envy  of  the  young  man. 

Does  the  secret  of  Rudy's  success  lie  in  his  personality 
or  his  appearance?  Possibly — although  there  is  nothing- 
unusual  about  this  Don  Juan  of  the  radio.  He  is  of  aver- 
age height,  slender,  and  carries  himself  well.  He  is  in- 
variably well  groomed  and  exudes  a  feeling  of  quiet  con- 
fidence. He  is  of  fair  complexion,  with  blue  eyes  that 
slant  slightly  downward  at  the  outer  corners.  He  has  a 
well-formed  head,  crowned  by  a  wealth  of  light,  curly 
hair.  His  appearance  is  not  unlike  that  of  the  average 
young  college  man. 

Further  light  is  shed  on 
his  personality  by  John  S. 
Young,  NBC  announcer, 
who  was  a  fellow  student 
of  Rudy's  at  Yale.  He 
says :  "With  all  the  suc- 
cess and  good  fortune  that 
have  been  showered  upon 
him.  Rudy  remains  the 
same  unassuming,  modest 
and  splendid  young  man 
that  I  remember  on  the 
Yale  campus.  He  is  mod- 
est to  the  point  of  being 
diffident  and  shy.  I  believe 
that  his  success  is  due  to 
the  old  formula  of  hard 
work.  At  least  it  was  made 
without  benefit  of  press 
agent  and,  best  of  all,  it 
has  not  spoiled  him." 

Is  Rudy's  singing  the 
reason  for  his  rapid  rise? 
Possibly  so.  At  the  micro- 
phone he  is  truly  a  roman- 
tic figure.  Faultlessly  at- 
tired in  evening  dress,  he  pours  softly  into  the  radio's 
delicate  ear  a  stream  of  mellifluous  melody.  He  appears 
to  be  coaxing,  pleading  and  at  the  same  time  adoring 
the  invisible  one  to  whom  his  song  is  attuned.  The  bare 
microphone  seems  strangely  cold  and  unresponsive  to  his 

\\  hen  he  is  not  broadcasting,  Rudy  sings  through  a 
small  black  megaphone  that  has  accompanied  him  all  the 
way  from  Yale. 

The  recent  observations  of  Richard  Watts.  Jr.,  feature 
writer  of  the  Xew  York  Herald-Tribime,  on  the  Vallee 
craze,  are  interesting.  Referring  to  Rudy  as  "the  Clara 
Bow  of  the  orchestras."  Mr.  Watts  writes: 

"The  reason  for  Mr.  Vallee's  enormous  success  has  al- 
ways been  something  of  a  mystery.  True,  he  offers  the 
novelty  of  being  a  wistful,  rather  than  a  wise-cracking, 
leader,  and  his  calm  crooning  has  a  curious  way  of  making 
each  woman  in  the  audience  think  he  is  singing  directly 
to  her.  Both  of  these  traits  have  been  convincingly  ad- 
vanced as  an  explanation  of  his  success,  but  the  matter 

Studied  SaxopJwnc  by  Mail 

remains  puzzling.  A  commonplace  looking  young  man, 
with  a  commonplace  voice,  and  a  second-rate  orchestra,  he 
still  manages  to  be  the  matinee  idol  of  his  day." 

One  of  Mr.  YYatts's  correspondents  summed  up  the  case 
for  her  hero  somewhat  devastatingly,  when  she  concluded : 
"No  matter  how  atrocious  he  seems  to  the  gentlemen 
(and  all  whom  I  have  encountered  have  nothing  favorable 
to  say  of  this  'male  Clara  Bow  of  the  orchestras')  the 
women  like  him.  They  are  entitled  to  like  him,  because 
it  was  they  who  made  this  lad  what  he  is  today.  No  mat- 
ter if  he  be  on  the  air,  in  a  short  subject  or  in  person,  the 
majority  of  women  will  continue  to  worship  him." 

"All  this  being  conceded,"'  Mr.  Watts  continues,  "it 
might  be  of  assistance  to  us  jealous  male  outsiders  to  note 
what  the  women  correspondents  have  to  sav  of  Mr. 
Vallee's  virtues  and  endeavor  to  profit  thereby.  Carefully 
itemized,  his  admirable  qualities  are,  unless  the  letters  to 
this  department  are  deceptive,  in  the  following"  order: 
(  1 )  He  is  a  gentleman  ;  (2)  he  is  modest ;  (  3  )  he  is  ador- 
able ;  (4)  he  croons  nice  sentimental  melodies;  (5)  he  is, 
as  one  correspondent  puts  it,  'anything  but  a  hardened 
Broadway  showman  type  and,  therefore,  he  was  a  refresh- 
ing change  from  the  general  type  of  masters  of  ceremo- 

Something  of  a  Genius 

"The  amazing  thing  about  these  suddenly  admired  quali- 
ties is  that  they  are  so  negative  and,  hitherto,  so  com- 
pletely neglected.  'A  boyish  modesty  while  taking  en- 
cores' ;  'no  swell  head  about  him,  and  if  anyone  ought  to 
have  a  swell  head,  it  is  he";  'reserved  and  quiet  in  man- 
ner, no  hot  numbers  like  the  usual  band  plays  over  the 
radio' — these  attributes,  so  confidently  advanced  by  his 
fans  to  explain  his  success,  have  somehow  never  been  con- 
sidered in  the  past  as  short  cuts  to  popularity,  and  the 
news  that  being  modest  and  a  gentleman  aid  in  Broad- 
way success,  is  just  a  bit  overwhelming.  When  Mr.  Vallee 
can  make  a  lack  of  aggressiveneess  and  an  absence  of  bia- 
tancy  assist  rather  than  handicap  him  in  his  chosen  occu- 
pation, then  maybe  he  is  something  of  a  genius,  after  all. 

"It  i>  because  the  thought  that  a  young  man.  bringing 
such  incredible  qualities  to  Broadway  and  getting  away 
with  it.  is  now  overwhelmingly  popular  so  pleases  him, 
that  it  is  with  deepest  regret  that  this  observer  confesses 
he  is  still  puzzled  by  the  Vallee  success.  Gentility  and 
modesty  and  the  change  from  the  spirit  of  the  jazz  age 
may  be  admirable  things,  but  it  is  still  difficult  to  see  why 
they  should  cause  the  emotional  hysteria  among  the  girls 
that  Rudy  Vallee  has  aroused.  It  still  seems  to  me  that 
he  is  a  commonplace  looking  young  man,  with  a  common- 
place voice  and  a  second-rate  orchestra." 

A  later  correspondent  of  Mr.  Watts  writes  of  Rudy 
Vallee : 

Too  Emotional  for  Comfort 

"It  is  quite  true  that  he  is  idolized  and-lauded,  for  what 
reason  no  one,  apparently,  has  been  able  to  discover  ex- 
cept myself.  The  reason  Rudy  Vallee  is  so  popular  is 
Rudy  Vallee.  the  name  itself.  You  will  note  that  it  is 
nothing   more    nor   less   than   that   of   the   beloved    screen 

DECEMBER,    19  2  9 

star.  Rudolph  Valentino,  all  over  again.  An  easy  name  to 
remember,  a  pleasant  name  to  say — the  ladies  love  to  say 
the  name,  therefore,  they  idolize  the  person  to  whom  it  be- 
longs.    I  defy  you  to  show  me  where  I  am  wrong." 

"It  all  goes  to  suggest,"  Mr.  Watts  resumes,  "that  the 
Vallee  problem  has  grown  a  bit  too  emotional,  on  both 
sides,  for  comfort.  It  does  suggest,  though,  that  Mr.  Val- 
lee's  popularity  transcends  all  matters  of  musical  skill, 
technical  prowess,  looks  or  orchestral  effectiveness.  It  is 
entirely  a  matter  of  emotion.  In  a  word,  since  women 
adore  him  and  since  more  women  than  men  go  to  the 
theatres — he  is  a  smash.  Since,  however,  none  of  my 
friend's  admirers  has  insisted  that  he  is  important  as  a 
musician,  or  as  a  personage,  but  only  as  a  shy,  wistful 
gentleman,  who  pleases  the  romantic  ladies,  this  depart- 
ment is  willing  to  consider  that  a  compromise  and,  after 
expressing  its  final  conviction  that  his  orchestra  is  second 
rate,  let  it  go  at  that." 

Let  us  learn  more  of  the  man.  Hubert  Prior  Vallee — 
to  give  him  his  full  title — was  born  27  years  ago  in  Ver- 
mont, but  spent  the  greater  part  of  his  life  in  Westbrook, 
Maine,  a  paper-mill  town  of  about  10,000  population. 

He  is  of  French-Irish  descent. 

He  has  been  musical  since  childhood.  His  father  owned 
a  drug  store  and  wanted  Rudy  to  become  a  pharmacist,  but 
Rudy  could  not  see  it  that  way. 

While  in  high  school  he  had  various  jobs  to  occupy  his 
spare  time.  One  of  these  was  as  an  usher  in  a  motion  pic- 
ture theatre.  There  he  became  enamored  of  the  clarinet 
in  the  orchestra  and  he  saved  his  money  until  he  could 
buy  one.  He  soon  learned  to  play  it.  Then  somebody 
gave  him  a  saxophone  and,  as  the  two  instruments  are 
played  almost  in  the  same  manner,  it  took  him  only  about 
a  week's  time  to  master  the  saxophone  sufficiently  to  play 
in  an  orchestra.  To  further  perfect  his  art,  however,  he 
hired  a  small  room  in  the  Westbrook  Town  Hall  at  five 
dollars  a  month,  where  he  could  practice  without  creating 
a  public  disturbance. 

Heard  Rudy  Wiedoft  Play 

Rudy  thought  he  was  progressing  quite  well  with  his 
saxophone  until  one  day  he  heard  a  Victor  record  by  Rudy 
Wiedoft.  the  dean  of  saxophone  players.  Instantly  he 
realized  how  little  he  knew  about  playing  his  chosen  in- 
strument. He  became  a  staunch  admirer  of  Wiedoft.  so 
much  so  that  later  in  college  his  friends  dubbed  him 
"Rudy"  after  the  saxophone  king.  A  long  correspondence 
followed,  culminating  in  a  course  of  saxophone  lessons 
from  Wiedoft  by  mail. 

After  completing  his  high  school  course.  Rudy  entered 
the  University  of  Maine.  There  his  skill  with  the  saxo- 
phone quickly  brought  him  into  the  limelight.  He  was 
made  a  member  of  the  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon  Fraternity 
and  was  literally  snapped  up  by  the  college  band. 

However,  the  field  for  his  talents  was  not  wide  enough 
there  so,  after  a  year,  he  transferred  to  Yale.  There  he 
at  once  eclipsed  all  his  former  triumphs  and  started  a 
new  march  to  fame.  He  played  in  the  Yale  Commons. 
Woolsey    Hall,    under    Les.    Ladin,    band    director,    and 

later  in  the  Yale  University  Band.  He  was  .in  great  de- 
mand at  all  the  big  dances  and  for  two  years  earned  about 
$1,500  a  year,  at  the  same  time  carrying  on  his  college 

Then,  in  1924,  came  an  opportunity  to  play  for  a  year 
in  the  orchestra  of  the  Savoy  Hotel  in  London,  the  finest 
organization  of  its  kind  in  Europe.  Rudy  accepted  and. 
after  obtaining  leave  of  absence  from  Yale  for  a  year, 
went  to  London.  There  he  met  with  further  success  and 
captivated  England's  smart  set  with  his  playing. 

Just  before  he  was  to  return  to  America  to  complete  his 
course  at  Yale.  Rudy  was  invited  to  teach  the  Prince  of 
Wales  to  play  the  saxophone,  but  declined,  as  he  did  not 
care  to  delay  his  college  work  any  longer. 

Back  at  Yale,  Rudy's  popularity  continued  to  spread 
rapidly.  He  became  leader  of  the  famous  Yale  Football 
Band  and  of  the  college  dance  orchestras. 

After  his  graduation,  in  1927.  Rudy  and  his  band  went 
on  a  vaudeville  tour  across  the  country.  When  it  was 
over  he  played  for  a  while  in  Boston  and  led  some 'of  the 
best  orchestras  in  that  city.  However,  he  had  his  heart 
set  on  a  New  York  career  and,  as  soon  as  the  opportunity 
presented  itself,  he  set  out  to  conquer  Broadway. 

In  Xew  York,  Rudy  had  no  difficulty  in  obtaining 
work,  but  he  did  have  trouble  in  getting  the  Broadway  or- 
chestra leaders  to  play  dance  music  according  to  his  ideas. 

Favors  Simplicity  in  Dance  Music 

Simplicity  has  always  been  Rudy's  keynote  in  playing 
dance  music.  He  has  never  been  in  favor  of  the  over- 
elaborate  dance  arrangements  that  have  grown  out  of  the 


The  Idol  of  the  Flapper 

early  jazz  band  craze.  He  wanted  to  do  away  with  most 
of  the  brass  instruments.  He  believed  that  the  inherent 
rhythm  of  a  good  syncopated  melody  was  sufficient  to  put 
it  over,  without  any  trimmings. 

It  was  not  long  before  Rudy  organized  bis  own  orches- 
tra.    In  so  doing  he  realized  the  fulfillment  of  a  dream 
(Continued    on    page    46) 



YOUR  "A" 

/GODFREY  LUDLOW,  the  well  known  Australian 
^-*  violinist,  tunes  up  his  trusty  fiddle  before  going 
on  the  air  on  WEAF,  Sunday  afternoon.  Too  bad 
that  television  isn't  a  reality  yet,  because  the  girls 
would  just  love  that  auburn  "permanent"  wave  of 

FT*  HE  gentleman  above,  attired  in  the 
-*-  masquerade  costume  and  playing  a 
foreign  ukulele,  is  Sven  Von  Hall  berg. 
Despite  his  make-up,  he  directs  Echoes  of 
the    Orient,    Sunday    evenings,    on    WEAF. 

TTERE  we  see  a  dress  rehearsal  of  "Felines  on 
■*"*•  the  Ivories.'*  There  doesn't  seem  to  be  much 
co-operation,  but  Kathleen  Stewart,  popular  staff 
pianist  of  NBC,  assures  us  that  the  effect  is 
wonderful — just  what  she  wants.  "It's  the  cats!" 
says   Kathleen. 

DECEMBER,     19  2  9 

Amos  'np  Andy 

Radio's  First 
Comic  Strip 

By  P.  H.  W.  DIXON 

AMOS  'n'  Andy  have  made  radio  history. 
Freeman  F.  Gosden  and  Charles  J.  Correll,  creat- 
ors of  the  two  famous  radio  characters  heard  every 
night  except  Sunday  over  a  network  of  NBC  stations, 
have  found  what  dozens  of  others  have  been  vainly  seek- 
ing— the  technique  of  being  funny  on  the  air. 

Amos  'n'  Andy  are  funny.  The  antics  of  the  two  black- 
face adventurers,  their  mishaps  with  the  Open  Air  Taxi- 
cab  Company  and  the  dozens  of  funny  situations  in  which 
they  involve  themselves  are  keeping  thousands  of  listeners 
up  later  than  the  customary  time  for  retiring  and  they  are 
not  doing  it  one  night  a  week  but  for  six  consecutive 
nights — which,  in  itself,  is  another  radio  record. 

Amos  'n'  Andy  were  born  of  necessity.  Correll  and 
Gosden,  who  previously  had  made  themselves  famous  on 
the  air  under  the  names  of  "Sam  and  Henry."  decided  not 
to  renew  a  contract  with  the  Chicago  Tribune,  which  had 
sponsored  the  "Sam  and  Henry"  broadcasts.  The  Tribune 
owned  the  characters  of  "Sam  and  Henry."  so  the  two 
comedians  developed  "Amos  'n'  Andy."  Their  inspiration 
was  a  good  one  for,  while  "Sam  and  Henry"  were  popu- 
lar, the  new  blackface  characterizations  were,  in  the  lan- 
guage of  vaudeville,  wows.  Since  the  two  characters 
came  into  being,  a  book  has  been  written  about  them  and 
their  creators  have  made  numerous  tours  of  the  country. 

On  the  Air  Since   192  5 

Correll  and  Gosden  have  been  on  the  air  since  1925. 
V\  hile  they  had  previous  theatrical  experience,  they  had 
never  done  negro  characterizations  until  they  were  work- 
ing from  radio  studios. 

Correll,  the  "Andy"  of  the  team,  was  born  in  Peoria, 
111.  He  says  he  was  born  with  a  desire  to  be  an  actor 
and  that  the  ambition  grew  with  years.  As  often  hap- 
pens, he  found  himself  far  removed  from  the  footlights, 
in  the  business  of  building  houses.  Finally  he  gave  up 
construction  work  and  went  on  the  stage. 

Gosden,  or   "Amos."   comes   from   Virginia.     His  an- 


Freeman  F.  Gosden  and 
Charles  J.  Correll,  the 
highest  paid  radio  per- 
formers in  America,  are 
now  on  the  air  at  seven 
o'clock  every  evening  ex- 
cept Sunday. 

cestors  came  from  England  and  for  three  generations 
lived  in  Virginia.  Freeman  was  the  first  Gosden  to  leave 
the  state.  He  was  born  in  Richmond  in  1899  and  lived 
there  throughout  his  school  years  with  the  exception  of 
one  year  spent  at  a  military  school  in  Atlanta,  Georgia. 

He  was  raised  in  the  customary  southern  fashion  with 
a  negro  mammy.  Gosden's  mother  took  a  young  negro 
lad  into  her  household,  who  was  raised  with  Freeman. 
His  name  was  "Snowball,"  and  he  has  been  the  inspiration 
for  no  small  percentage  of  the  Amos  'n'  Andy  episodes. 
Sylvester,  the  lovable  lad  in  Amos  'n'  Andy  who  helped 
them  solve  the  garage  mystery  and  many  other  troubles,  is 
no  other  than  "Snowball."  One  can  even  find  "Snowball's" 
traits  in  Amos,  himself. 

Gosden's  stage  experience  began  at  the  age  of  ten,  when 
he  won  over  a  skeptical  audience  by  diving  into  Annette 
Kellerman's  tank.  When  he  was  but  twelve,  he  assisted 
the  great  magician,  Thurston,  by  holding  a  handful  of 

Discovered  by  Alex  Robb 

Alex  Robb.  manager  of  the  Chicago  division  of  the  Na- 
tional Broadcasting  and  Concert  Bureau,  is  credited  with 
discovering  the  talents  of  Gosden  and  Correll.  the  imper- 
sonators of  Amos  'n'  Andy. 

While  managing  the  production  of  a  home  talent  min- 



strel  show  at  Richmond,  Mr.  Robb  answered  Gosden's  re- 
quest for  a  job  with  a  part  as  a  dogger  and  end  man  in 
his  presentation.  He  did  so  well  in  the  part  that  Mr.  Robb 
gave  him  a  permanent  position  as  his  assistant.  Correll 
was  working  for  Mr.  Robb  at  the  time  and  when  the 
youths  met  they  started  rooming  together  and  thus  began 
the  team  now  known  as  "Amos  'n'  Andy." 

Thrown  together  constantly  for  the  next  few  months, 
the  two  men  discovered  that  their  voices  blended  and  that 
they  made  a  good  team.  The  show  went  to  Chicago  and 
eventually  closed.  Correll  and  Gosden,  "just  for  the  fun 
of  it."  asked  for  an  audition  at  Station  WEBH  in  Chi- 
cago. The  manager  of  the  station  put  them  on  the  air, 
but  told  them  there  would  be  no  salary  for  their  efforts. 
That  was  in  1925. 

Their  first  broadcasts  were  so 
successful  that  a  contract  to 
broadcast  from  WGN,  the  Chi- 
cago Tribune  station,  followed. 
On  January  12,  1926,  "Sam  and 
Henry"  made  their  radio  debut. 
Two  years  later,  when  the  Tri- 
bune contract  expired,  they  went 
to  Station  WMAQ  in  Chicago 
and  "Amos  'n'  Andy"  were  born 
to  the  radio  world. 

They  started  their  work  over 
a  national  network  of  NBC  sta- 
tions under  the  sponsorship  of 
the  Pepsodent  Company  on  the 
night  of  August  19.  1929.  Their 
popularity  has  steadily  increased 
since  that  time. 

No  Time  for  Temperament 

Concerning"  the  personalities 
of  the  pair,  Mr.  Robb  declares, 
"I  don't  believe  these  boys  ever 
heard  of  the  word  'artistic  tem- 
perament.' Every  place  we  went 
when  we  were  appearing  on  the 
vaudeville  circuit,  the  managers 
always  complimented  me  on  their 

workman-like  attitude.  They  don't  let  anything  inter- 
fere with  them  when  they're  on  the  job.  With  a  radio  per- 
formance six  times  a  week  and  with  as  many  as  six  and 
eight  personal  appearances  during  one  day  on  their  sched- 
ule, they  simply  haven't  time   for  temperament." 

Concerning  his  management  of  the  team,  Mr.  Robb 
says,  "I  didn't  have  to  worry  about  booking  appearances 
because,  after  they  became  known,  there  weren't  enough 
appearances  to  go  around.  All  I  had  to  do  was  select  the 
ones  we  wanted.  The  hardest  part  of  the  business  was 
keeping  the  boys  undisturbed  while  writing  their  episodes, 
what  with  hundreds  of  fans  seeking  interviews  with 

Correll  and  Gosden  aren't  quite  sure  what  makes  their 
two  radio  characters  so  successful. 

"How  yo'  spell  that  word  'exaginate,'  Andy," 
asks  Amos,  "wid  a  'k'  or  wid  a  's'?" 

"Wait  a  minute,  Amos,  wait  a  minute,"  replies 
Andy.    "Nevah  min'  exaginate.   Chanqc  dot  word 

to  'lie.'  " 

"Maybe  it's  what  they  say  ...  or  maybe  it's  the  way 
they  say  it,"  Correll  said. 

"And  probably  it  is  both,"  Gosden  added. 
If  there  is  any  secret  in  their  success,  it  is  based  on  the 
fact  that  Correll  and  Gosden  have  made  living  characters 
out  of  the  personalities  they  created.  So  much  so,  that 
at  times,  it  would  appear,  neither  they  nor  the  radio  audi- 
ence are  quite  convinced  that  Amos  and  Andy  do  not 
exist.  When  Amos  needs  a  ring  for  Ruby  Taylor,  for 
instance,  the  sympathetic  public  sends  dozens  of  rings  of 
all  sizes  and  descriptions.    And  when  Andy  gets  too  rough 

with  his  meeker  and  milder  bud- 
dy, his  mail  is  filled  with  letters 
warning  him  to  "lay  off." 

Follow  Fans'  Suggestions 

Fortunately  for  the  feelings  of 
such  fans,  the  letters  do  not  go 
unheeded.  Many  of  the  doings 
of  the  two  characters  come  as  a 
result  of  some  suggestions,  made 
either  consciously  or  unconsci- 
ously, by  these  letter  writing  en- 

In   order   to   get   material    for 
their  act — and  to  write  a  differ- 
ent  fifteen   minute    sketch   every 
night  is  a  real  job— the  two  men 
spend  much  time  among  Negroes, 
studying  their  accents   and   nat- 
ural   witticisms    and    picking    up 
ideas  for  situations.     The  Open 
Air  Taxicab  idea  is  a  counterpart 
of    a    real   situation   they   dis- 
covered in  one  small  city  and 
many  of  their  stories  or  droll 
remarks  have  been  picked  up 
in  New  York's  Harlem  or  in 
the  negro  section  of  Chicago. 

So  fair  and  deft  have  been 
their   characterizations   of   the 
southern    Negro    transplanted 
to  the  north  that  never  have 
there  been  protests  from  the  colored  race  about  the  pro- 
grams.     In  fact,  many  of  their  most  ardent  admirers  are 
of  the  same  race  as  the  characters  in  the  radio  program. 

Taylor   Buckley   Leaves   NBC 

Taylor  Buckley,  baritone,  who  has  been  with  the  NBT 
for  several  years,  recently  severed  his  connection  with  the 
National  in  order  to  accept  an  excellent  offer  to  continue 
with  the  "Evening  in  Paris"  Hour,  which  has  switched 
from  the  NBC  to  the  Columbia  chain.  Mr.  Buckley  had 
been  with  the  program  since  its  advent  on  WEAF.  His 
place  in  the  Salon  Singers  has  been  filled  by  Edward 
Wolter,  baritone.  Darl  Bethman  has  replaced  him  as 
baritone  of  the  Serenaders  quartet.  William  Daniels  has 
taken  his  place  in  the  Ramblers  trio. 

DECEMBER,    19  2  9 

Main    Street    Sketches 


for  Applause    Mail 


WHEN  the  spotlight  of  public  approval  is  sud- 
denly turned  in  any  definite  direction,  there  seems 
always  to  be  a  rush  among  those  in  the  immedi- 
ate vicinity  to  get  their  faces  "in  the  picture."  This  has 
been  true  of  the  "Main  Street  Sketches,"  which  appear 
on  Station  WOR  every  Tuesday  evening  and  which,  in  a 
comparatively  short  period,  have  become  one  of  the  out- 
standing features  of  radio. 

Attention  was  focused  on  this  program,  first :  because 
it  was  entirely  different  from  anything  that  had  been 
broadcast  up  to  that  time,  and  secondly:  because  it  had  a 
human,  homely  appeal  that  was  at  once  humorous  and 

Naturally,  when  this  program  had  gained  widespread 
prominence,  would-be  impresarios  rushed  from  all  quar- 
ters and  claimed  the  credit  for  originating  the  idea.  How- 
ever, Leonard  E.  L.  Cox,  who  is  now  program  director  of 
Station  WOR,  is  the  logical  candidate  for  the  honor. 
About  the  best  argument  to  back  this  assertion  is  the  fact 
that  Mr.  Cox  is  still  producing  the  original  program  every 
week — and  it  has  not  lost  any  of  its  prestige. 

Sets  New  Applause  Record 

As  a  matter  of  fact,  the  program  has  set  a  new  high 
mark  for  other  advertising 
programs  to  shoot  at.  As 
the  result  of  a  single  "Main 
Street"  broadcast  on  April 
23,  1929,  sponsored  by  the 
Reid  Ice  Cream  Company, 
that  concern  has  to  date  re- 
ceived 200,000  letters.  This 
is  a  record  that  is  not  like- 
ly soon  to  be  surpassed. 
Furthermore,  it  is  a  signifi- 
cant indication  of  the  vast 
audience  that  this  program 
has  developed  and  the  wide- 
spread interest  that  is  felt 
in  the  characters. 

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Luke  Higgins's  Store  in  Titusville 

For  some  months  prior  to  the  time  that  the  first  "Main 
Street"  program  was  put  on  the  air,  Mr.  Cox  had  been 
considering  the  idea  and,  while  it  had  not  been  definitely 
formulated  in  his  mind,  he  had  given  a  great  deal  of 
thought  to  it.  He  had  in  mind  a  program  dealing  with 
real  country  types,  but  not  the  proverbial  hicks  or  rubes. 

One  day  the  late  Ann 
Lang,  a  contralto  crooner, 
asked  Mr.  Cox  to  listen  to 
a  program  she  was  going  to 

"What  is  it  called?"  he 
asked  her. 

"The  Country  Store." 
was  the  reply. 

Like  a  flash  this  suggest- 
ed the  long-sought  idea  that 
he  had  been  thinking  about, 
namely,  to  have  the  pro- 
gram take  place  in  a  typical 
country  store. 

Leonard  had  no  occasion 



to  use  this  idea  until  a  short  time  before  Thanksgiving- 
Day,  1927.  About  that  time  Charles  Gannon,  who  was 
then  in  charge  of  Station  YVOR,  telephoned  Cox  and 
asked  his  help.  Mr.  Gannon  said  he  had  sent  out  pub- 
licity for  a  special  Thanksgiving  Day  program,  but  some- 
thing had  gone  wrong  and  he  did  not  have  any  material 
for  the  program. 

Discussed  Idea  at  Lunch 

They  agreed  to  meet  for  lunch  and  discuss  the  situation. 
On  the  way,  Mr.  Cox  met 
George  Frame  Brown  and 
asked  him  to  come  along. 
The  three  finally  agreed  on 
a  program  that  approxi- 
mated the  "Main  Street" 
type.  Cox  then  went  home 
and  pounded  out  the  script 
on  his  typewriter.  It  took 
him  until  the  early  hours 
of  the  next  morning  to 
complete  it. 

Up  to  that  time  George 
Frame  Brown  had  made  a 
reputation  chiefly  as  a 
monologist  and,  in  so  do- 
ing, had  created  several 
distinctive  characters, 
among  them  Ole  Olsen,  a 
Swede.  Cox  incorporated 
these  characters  in  his 
script  and  Brown  supplied  the  dialogue  for  them. 

The  initial  program  was  a  huge  success  and  evoked 
much  favorable  comment.  With  the  approach  of  Christ- 
mas, it  was  decided  to  give  another  of  these  presentations. 
Brown  immediately  suggested  calling  it  "Christmas  Eve 
in  the  Grange  Hall,"  and  this  title  was  adopted.  The 
same  procedure  as  before  was  followed  in  preparing  this 
program  and  again  it  was  a  great  success. 

By  this  time  the  program  had  caused  such  a  stir  in 
radio  circles  that  the  officials  of  YVOR  summoned  Cox 
and  asked  him  to  stage  a  series  of  presentations  of  this 
type.  In  the  meantime  Cox  had  entered  the  employ  of 
L.  Bamberger  &  Co..  owners  of  WOR,  but  was  not  in  the 
radio  division.  However,  he  agreed  to  try  it  and  was 
allotted  $75  a  week  to  engage  talent  and  stage  a  weekly 
performance.  No  provision  was  made  for  paying  him 
anything  extra  for  writing  the  script  and  staging  the  show. 
The  bulk  of  this  amount  went  to  George  Frame  Brown. 

After  some  discussion  the  name  of  Titusville  was  coined 
by  Cox  to  represent  a  typical  small  country  town  in 
which  the  chief  event  of  the  day  is  the  arrival  of  a  train 
at  the  depot. 

Title  Has  Clung  to  Program 

Everyone  agreed  that  "Main  Street"  was  the  ideal  name 
for  the  program  but  it  was  felt,  if  that  name  were  used. 

Golden  Eagle  Lodge  Boys  in  Action 

there  might  be  legal  difficulties,  owing  to  its  being  con- 
fused with  Sinclair  Lewis's  book  of  the  same  name.  So 
Cox  finally  hit  upon  the  name  "Main  Street  Sketches" 
and,  although  this  title  did  not  meet  with  general  appro- 
bation, it  was  finally  adopted  and  has  clung  to  the  hour 
ever  since. 

The  program  went  on  the  air  as  a  regular  feature  on  the 
first  Tuesday  evening  in  1928  and  has  appeared  practically 
every  week  since.  It  now  has  about  110  performances  to 
its  credit. 

At  one  time  the  program  struck  a  snag  when,  through  a 

misunderstanding,  it  was 
sold  as  a  commercial  fea- 
ture to  two  different  adver- 
tisers at  the  same  time.  The 
result  was  that  neither  ac- 
count took  it,  but  it  has 
since  appeared  under  ijhe 
commercial  sponsorship  of 
the  Reid  Ice  Cream  Com- 
pany and  the  Merlin  Prod- 
ucts Corporation. 

The  program  received 
reams  of  newspaper  public- 
ity at  the  time  George 
Frame  Brown  left  the  cast. 
However,  this  phase  of  the 
situation  was  untangled  by 
legal  experts  and,  although 
Brown  now  produces  "Real 
Folks,"  a  similar  type  of 
program,  on  the  NBC 
chain,  he  and  Cox  are  still  the  best  of  friends. 

Leonard  Cox  is  an  interesting  study.  He  is  tall  and,  al- 
though rather  slender,  is  nevertheless  wiry  and  well 
proportioned.  He  has  an  abundance  of  nervous  energy 
and  is  capable  of  handling  a  multitude  of  executive  duties 
without  any  apparent  exhaustion.  He  has  had  an  ex- 
tremely checkered  career  and  has  traveled  extensively.  At 
different  times  in  his  life  he  had  been  a  hobo,  a  cow- 
puncher,  a  rancher,  a  miner,  a  traveling  salesman,  an 
aviator  and  a  radio  editor. 

Born  in  British  Central  Africa 

He  was  born  in  Chandi,  British  Central  Africa,  where 
his  father  was  Chief  Commissioner.  All  of  his  family  at 
present  are  serving  with  His  Majesty's  forces.  At  the 
age  of  eight  he  was  sent  to  relatives  in  London  to  be  edu- 
cated and  made  the  long  journey  from  Durban  alone. 

After  a  few  weeks  in  London,  Leonard  was  sent  to  a 
convent  school  in  Liege,  near  Antwerp.  When  he  had 
been  there  only  two  weeks,  his  father  and  mother  returned 
from  Africa  and  he  was  taken  out  of  school.  He  toured 
Europe  with  his  parents  until  the  outbreak  of  the  Boer 
War.  when  his  father  returned  to  his  African  post. 

In  1900  the  Cox  family  moved  to  Canada,  migrating  to 
an  unexplored  region  in  the  Rockies,  90  miles  from  Cal- 
gary.    There  his   father  started  a  ranch.     This  venture 

DECEMBER,     19  2  9 


Ivalutty  Pewitt 

Horace  Peters 

Charlie    Ellis 

failed,  however,  and  the  family  then  moved  to  an 
isolated  water  station  on  the  Southern  Pacific 
Railroad  between  Tehachapi  and  Bakersfield, 
Calif.  There  his  father  pumped  water  into  loco- 
motives as  they  passed  through. 

Later  the  family  moved  to  Mojave,  where 
Leonard  took  his  first  job  in  the  gold  mines.  Un- 
til then  he  could  neither  speak  nor  read  English. 
The  family  conversed  only  in  French. 

After  a  year  Leonard  drifted  off  for  himself. 
He  arrived  in  Los  Angeles  in  1902  and  went  into 
ranching.  His  employer  was  a  Basque,  who  took 
an  interest  in  him  and  taught  him  the  rudiments 
of  English.  Leonard  later  took  a  job  in  a  book 
store  in  Los  Angeles  and  studied  English  at  night. 
Two  years  later  he  became  the  yachting  editor  of 
the  Los  Angeles  Times.  This  job  lasted  until 
the  McNamara  brothers  bombed  the  Times  Build- 

He  then  went  back  to  ranching  and  wandered 
from  California  to  the  lumber  camps  of  Wash- 
ington and  Oregon.  Later  he  went  into  the  fish- 
packing  business  in  Alaska.  From  there  he  drifted 
back  to  California  and  then  worked  successively 
as  a  cowboy,  wheat  thresher  and  hayer  in  South- 
ern California,   New  Mexico  and  Arizona. 

Studies  Telegraphy  as  Office  Boy 

In  1910  he  became  an  office  boy  for  the  Com- 
mercial Pacific  Cable  Company  in  Honolulu  and 
studied  telegraphy,  when  he  was  not  sweeping  the 
office  or  running  errands.  He  subsequently  quali- 
fied as  an  operator  and  took  charge  of  little  sta- 
tions on  the  Southern  Pacific. 

He  next  returned  to  San  Francisco  and  got  a 
job  operating  a  crane  in  a  ship-building  plant. 
Then  for  a  while  he  waited  on  the  table  in  a 
Los  Angeles  restaurant  and  later  became  night 
clerk  in  a  hotel  there.  About  this  time  he  became 
acquainted  with  Ralph  Newcomb,  a  west  coast 
aviator,  and  decided  to  become  a  flyer.  The  two 
barnstormed  in  an  old  Curtiss  plane  from  Los 
(Continued  on   page  48) 

Sadie   Westphal 

Spot  Haywang 

Dave  Kraus 

Fleck  Murphy 

Wilbur  Higgins 

Sary  Higgins 


Luke  Higgins 

Emily  Snodgrass 

The  Cast  of  "Main  Street  Sketches 




If  Radio  Is  To  Survive 

it  M  UST 

"Hitch  Its  Wagon 
To  a  Star" 



people  are  as  well 
qualified  to  discuss  the  development  of  ra- 
dio broadcasting  from  the  entertainment  angle 
as  is  Miss  Trenholm.  For  over  five  years  she 
has  written  a  daily  critical  column  on  radio  in 
the  "New  York  Sun"  and  she  has  seen  the  field 
of  air  amusement  grow  from  its  humble  begin- 
ning to  its  place  as  a  necessary  part  of  present- 
day  life. 

WITH  the  expansion  of  broadcast  programs  and 
the  perfecting  technically  of  receiving  apparatus 
it  is  only  natural  that  the  radio  artist  should  step 
jauntily  to  the  center  of  radio's  stage — there  to  re- 
ceive the  applause  and  acclaim  of  a  "personality  starved" 
audience.  Yet  there  has  been  in  the  past  four  years  a 
slow,  steady  fight  behind  the  progress  of  each  artist's 
flight  to  stardom  and  to  recognition — a  fight  that  has  only 
just  begun. 

Radio  personalities,  or  "names,"  were  the  original  link 
between  the  few  scattered  fans  and  the  broadcasting  stu- 
dios. Back  in  the  days  when  WJZ  occupied  a  corner  of 
the  ladies'  rest  room  in  a  dingy  brick  building  in  the  old 
Westinghouse  plant  at  Newark,  stars  of  the  theatre,  the 
musical  stage  and  the  concert  platform  were  imported 
as  frequently  as  they  could  be  lured  by  the  weird  story 
of  having  their  voices  heard  many,  many  miles  away  with- 
out visible  means  of  transmission — a  story  which,  truth 
to  tell,  few  of  them  actually  believed. 

Billy  Burke,  Paul  Whiteman,  the  Shannon  Four,  now 
the  Revelers,  Mme.  Johanna  Gadski,  Mme.  Olga  Petrova, 
Charlie  Chaplin,  Douglas  Fairbanks — these  were  only 
some  of  the  names  written  etherealy  in  the  early  days 
of  broadcasting  history.     And,  except  for  a  very  limited 

Billy  Jones  and  Ernest  Hare,  the  Erstwhile  "Happiness 

Boys"  Now  Struggling  Rather  Fruitlessly  to  Re-establish 

Themselves   Under  Another  Commercial  Name 

"budget"  for  entertainment  purposes,  these  celebrity  pro- 
grams cost  not  one  cent  in  artist  fees ! 

Volunteers  in  Early  Days 

Then  there  was  another  phase  of  early  radio  that  dealt 
with  its  artistry — that  of  the  loyal  volunteer  entertainer 
who,  week  in  and  week  out,  stood  by  in  the  studio,  ready 
to  "take  the  air,"  turn  the  phonograph  handle  or  do  any- 
thing else  that  might  be  demanded  at  the  moment.  From 
the  ranks  of  these  enthusiasts  have  come  many  of  radio's 
most  prominent  stars.  Trained  thoroughly  in  microphone 
technic,  cognizant  of  every  small  detail  of  the  development 
of  that  technic,  pioneers  themselves  in  experimenting 
with  the  transmitted  voice,  and  with  a  long-established 
contact  with  their  public,  these  artists  have  "arrived." 

This,  perhaps,  is  the  "pretty"  part  of  the  picture — 
"the  home-town  boy  makes  good  in  the  big  city."  There 
is  another  side,  however,  one  that  has  come  along  with 
the  ever-increasing  competition  and  one  that  is  not  so 
pretty.  It  is  the  story  of  the  prevailing  injustice  in  broad- 
casting studio  circles  in  the  exploiting  of  radio  "names," 
and  classification  of  artists,  not  to  mention  the  total  lack 
of  balance  in  the  pay-roll. 

For  two  or  more  years  radio  interests  sotight  openly  to 
down  the  tide  of  "personality  appeal"  in  broadcast  enter- 

"Exploit  the  artist,"  one  broadcaster  explained  to  me 
as  recently  as  1927,  "and  you  put  in  his,  or  her,  hand  the 
weapon  which  may  mean  your  destruction.  We  cannot 
afford  to  make  the  mistake  the  motion  picture  business 
did  in  creating  public  demand  for  individual  artists.  We 
have  not  the  money  to  pay  huge  salaries,  nor  will  the  re- 
turns coming  in  justify  the  experiment." 

DECEMBER,    19  2  9 


But  the  gentleman  reckoned  without  the  commercial 
sponsor.  Paying  celebrities  unheard-of  fees  for  broad- 
cast recitals  started  in  1925  with  the  Atwater  Kent  series. 
Paying  radio  artists  large  fees  under  contract  for  fifty- 
two  weeks  is  more  recent  and  is  to  be  directly  attributed  to 
the  commercialism  in  radio.  This,  quite  naturally,  has 
worked  a  hardship  on  the  less  fortunate  entertainers,  who 
depend  on  the  stations  and  much  smaller  fees  and  who 
contribute  ten  times  as  much  in  actual  labor  to  the  radio 
public's  enjoyment.  The  scale  is  all  out  of  proportion, 
with  the  result  that  there  is  a  great  deal  of  discontent 
and  unhappiness  in  artistic  ranks.  In  several  cases  re- 
cently, artists  have  changed  from  one  chain  to  another,  in 
an  effort  to  improve  their  status. 

The  advent  of  the  so-called  Artists'  Bureau,  in  con- 
junction with  chain  companies,  has  helped  somewhat  to 
promote  the  cause  of  the  radio  artist  in  arranging  personal 
appearance  tours  or  recitals  for  which  the  artist  collects 
a  stipulated  fee  and  pays  the  Bureau  a  certain  per  cent. 
But  even  so,  there  are  only  one  or  two  who  have  prof- 
ited to  any  extent  by  this  arrangement. 

The  surest  method  for  accumulating  wealth  via  the 
radio  route  seems  still  to  be  through  exclusive  contract 
with  a  commercial  sponsor.  And  the  surest  way  that  an 
artist  may  insure  himself  against  discrimination  is  to  de- 
velop an  original  line  and  then  have  it  exploited  by  either 
station  or  sponsor,  as  the  case  may  be,  with  full  credit 
to  himself. 

Press  Agents  for  Artists 

Recently  I  have  been  repeatedly  asked  by  artists  for 
an  opinion  as  to  the 
practicability  of  en- 
gaging personal  "press 
agents"  or  publicity 
representatives,  irre- 
spective of  such 
service  as  rendered  by 
broadcasting  compa- 
nies or  advertisers. 
Newspaper  critics  are 
supposed  to  harbor  a 
traditional  dislike  of 
paid  publicity  agents. 
Personally,  I  am  of 
the  opinion  that  radio 
artists,  more  than  any 
other  group  of  pub- 
lic entertainers,  need 
the  press  agent  and 
the  business  manager. 

There  is  an  in- 
creasing demand  for 
"personality"  matter 
on  the  part  of  the 
readers  of  our  daily 
newspapers.  Maga- 
zines, likewise,  are 
more  freely  than  ever 

5".  L.  Rothafel,  Known  to  Mil- 

llions  as  "Roxy,"  the  First  Radio 

Matinee  Idol 

The   Record    Boys:    Frank    Kamplain,    Al 

Bernard  and  Sammy  Stept,  Favorites  in  the 

Old  WJZ  Days 

before  accepting  radio  artists  as  good  material  for  "hu- 
man interest"  stories.  There  is  a  wide  field  for  popular- 
izing the  radio  star  which  has  barely  been  touched  upon 

as  yet,  for  the  Amer- 
ican people,  it  has 
been  said,  must  have 
their  matinee  idols 
upon  whom  to  bestow 
their  affections. 

With  the  growth  of 
broadcasting  as  a 
business,  the  average 
entertainer,  no  mat- 
ter how  well  qualified 
he  may  be  or  how 
great  may  be  his  art- 
istry from  the  radio 
viewpoint,  is  lost  in 
the  shuffle  unless  he 
has,  in  a  sense,  been 
"radio  dramatized." 
Sometimes  a  catchy 
headline  will  establish 
him  in  the  minds  of 
the  listeners  over 
night ;  sometimes  it 
means  months  of  per- 
sistent exploitation. 
The  dramatic  artist,  who  is  engaged  on  regular  programs, 
may  turn  the  trick  by  becoming  so  associated  with  the 
role  he  plays  each  week  that  he  cannot  be  lost  to  his 

Announcers'  Day   is  Over 

There  can  be  no  stronger  example  of  the 
dramatizing  of  unseen  personalities  for  the 
artists  to  follow  than  that  of  radio  announc- 
ers. These  gentlemen,  worthy  though  they 
may  be.  have  too  long  monopolized  the  broad- 
casting stage.  They  are  not — when  perform- 
ing their  announcerial  duties — to  be  regarded 
as  radio  entertainers  in  the  full  sense  of  the 
term.  They  are  not,  it  has  been  shown,  time 
and  again,  even  necessary  to  a  large  per  cent 
of  the  broadcast  programs,  except  for  the 
reading  of  commercial  credits.  Yet  to  them 
has  been  handed  the  lion's  share  of  radio's 
laurels  in  the  past — simply  because  circum- 
stances made  it  easy  for  them  to  exploit  them- 
selves or  be  exploited,  while  the  radio  artist, 
neglected  as  an  identity  and  too  modest  to  pro- 
test his  rights,  has  too  often  found  himself 
nothing  but  "a  voice"  that  passed  into  the 

Every  story  has  its  hero ;  every  play  its  hero- 
ine, every  motion  picture  its  star — why,  then, 
not  radio?  Those  features  that  played  up  the 
personality  appeal  have  gone  down  in  radio 
history  as  the  major  attractions  of  their  time. 




There  are  the  never-to-be-forgotten  "Gold  Dust  Twins" ; 
the  inimitable  "Happiness  Boys,"  who  are  still  struggling 
rather  fruitlessly  to  re-establish  themselves  under  a  dif- 
ferent name  for  commercial 
reasons ;  the  once-renowned 
"Record  Boys,"  and  Vaughn 
De  Leath,  the  "original  ra- 
dio girl,"  who  is  now  a  head- 
liner.  There  is  "Roxy,"  the 
first  radio  matinee  idol  and 
all  his  "Gang,"  each  of  whom 
received  a  precious  heritage 
in  the  form  of  the  repu- 
tation he  built  for  them  in 
those  early  days  of  broad- 

Few  Stars  in  Radio  Now 

Coming  down  to  the 
present,  there  are  only  a  few 
artists  who  may  be  consid- 
ered as  having  reached  the 
point  of  stardom.  Directors 
do  not  "star"  their  performers  any  more  than  they  can 
help  and  sustaining  features  are  even  more  lax  in  this  re- 
spect  excepting  where   the   Artist's    Bureau   rights   must 


The   Gold  .  Dusi    Twins,   Harvey   Hindermeyer   and   Earl 
Tuckeniian,  Popular  WEAF  Duo  When  Radio  Was  Young 

be  considered   and   then   the   artist   is   rarely   more   than 
identified  by  name. 

True  it  is  that  the  element  of  time  plays  an  important 

part  in  the  artist's  loss  of 
exploitation.  The  air  has 
few  moments  to  spend  in 
building  up  reputations  in 
this  way  under  the  present 
system  of  arranging  and 
presenting  entertainment, 
which  is  why  I  believe  the 
publicity  expert  could  be  of 
service,  both  to  the  artist  and 
to  the  public  .  .  .  not  the 
press  agent  who  creates 
stories,  but  the  trained  spe- 
cialist who  discovers  stories. 
And  to  go  a  step  further  in 
drawing  the  picture  of  the 
day  when  radio  artists  shall 
have  come  into  their  own,  I 
would  include  the  oft-sug- 
gested "Equity"  association, 
for  their  own  protection.  If 
radio  is  to  survive  as  an  art,  it  must  do  so  by  "hitch- 
ing its  wagon  to  a  star"  as  all  other  amusement  lines  have 
done  before  it ! 

A  Sonnet 

to  the 

I nstrument  International 


Flung  to  the  four  winds  of  the  earth 

Music  and  song,  comedy  and  drama, 

Rhythm  and  melody,  words  of  precious  worth, 

Picked  up  from  space  by  urbanist  or  farmer. 

Awaiting  the  touch  of  an  armchair  explorer — 

Tubes,  magic  wires  and  batteries  unending, 

Out  from  the  box  of  this  up-to-date  Pandora 

Things  good,  things  bad,  continually  are  sending, 

From  here  to  anywhere,  from  pole  to  pole, 

Think  of  the  marvel,  the  glory  and  the  wonder 

Of  that  space-flung  voice,  that  ether-riding  soul, 

Adapted  by  man  from  out  Jehovah's  thunder! 

Composed  of  elements  intangible,  still  in  embryo, 
The  latest  implement  of  man  that  men  call — radio. 

DECEMBER,    19  2  9 


Brings  Charm  of  Old  Spain  to  Radio 

Countess  Albania  Soprano,  Came  to  Microphone  from  Behind  the  Footlights 

\  LTHOUGH  she  is  a  native  of  Barcelona,  Countess  Olga  Medolago 
•^*-  Albani  was  educated  in  this  country,  at  the  Academy  of  Saint 
Joseph,  Brentwood-in-the-Pines,  Long  Island.  She  has  been  in 
radio  for  more  than  a  year  and  now  is  heard  regularly  in  her  own 
program  every  Sunday  night  on  Station  WEAF.  She  came  to  radio 
from   the   stage,   where   she   appeared   in    the   original   production    of 

The  New  Moon,  a  Broadway  success  of  last  winter.  A  dramatic 
actress  of  acknowledged  ability,  she  has  just  completed  the  first 
of  a  series  of  two-reel  sound  pictures,  with  songs  and  dialogue 
entirely  in  Spanish.  The  story,  entitled  La  Omga  Vuelta  Mariposa, 
was  her  own  composition.  It  was  produced  by  the  Sono-Art  Film 
Company,   for  distribution  in  Spain,  Italy   and   Latin   America. 




DALE  WIMBROW  Whittles 

DALE  WIMBROW  apparently  has  the  same 
penchant  for  whittling  that  ex-president  Coolidge 
has.  The  only  difference  is  that  Dale's  work  with  the 
knife  is  doubly  productive.  In  the  first  place,  he  turns 
out,  for  his  friends,  handsome  walking  sticks  that  are  the 
envy  of  all  who  see  them  and  secondly,  the  whittling  stim- 
ulates an  already  fertile  brain  into  greater  activity. 

We  happened  upon  him  the  other  day  when  he  was 
working  on  a  walking  stick  that  he  was  making  for  Wil- 
liam E.  Paley,  president  of  the  Columbia  Broadcasting 
System.  He  had  started  with  a  solid  piece  of  mahogany, 
two  inches  square  and  about  three  and  a  half  feet  long. 
He  had  already  whittled  it  down  to  the  proportions  of  an 
ordinary  stout  walking  stick. 

However,  in  design  this  was  no  ordinary  stick.  It  fol- 
lowed a  definite  motif.  The  head  represented  an  ibis,  or 
snake-eating  bird  of  South  America,  that  was  lately  thrust 
into  public  notice  by  the  crossword  puzzle  craze.  A 
vicious-looking  snake  was  coiled  around  the  shaft. 

Dale,  who  is  well  known  as  an  entertainer  and  as 
master  of  ceremonies  on  the  La  Palina  Smoker,  on  WABC 
every  Wednesday  evening  at  9  :30,  has  made  these  sticks 
for,  among  others,  Paul  Whiteman,  Rudy  Vallee,  Ben 
Bernie  and  Vincent  Lopez. 

Has  Hit  Song  That  Is  Flop 

While  whittling,  he  fell  to  cogitating  on  the  irony  of  the 
song-writing  business.     In  the  past  he  has  written   such 

Columbia  Chain  Artist 

Carves  Out  Bits 

of  Radio's  Past 

song  successes  as  "That's  What  I  Call  Heaven"  and 
"Think  of  Me  Thinking  of  You,"  and  now  he  says  he  is 
in  the  peculiar  predicament  of  having  a  real  hit  song  that 
is  actually  a  flop. 

Here's  how  he  explains  it.  This  song,  "Every  Moon's 
a  Honeymoon,"  has  been  programmed  by  some  of  the  big- 
gest orchestras  on  the  air,  of  their  own  volition,  which  in- 
dicates that  they  realized  its  possibilities.  It  has  received 
a  number  of  excellent  plugs  but,  according  to  Dale,  the 
girls  behind  the  music  store  counters  are  stocking  only  the 
moving  picture  theme  songs  and  are  pushing  them,  with 
the  result  that  other  songs,  such  as  his,  receive  little  or  no 

As  the  skilled  knife  continued  its  artistic  moulding, 
Dale  reminisced  a  bit.  He  has  been  in  radio  broadcasting 
since  the  days  when  WJZ  was  located  in  the  Aeolian 
Building  on  West  42nd  Street,  New  York.  He  wrote  the 
first  program  that  was  broadcast  as  the  Bonnie  Laddies 
and  performed  it,  along  with  Wilfred  Glenn,  the  bass  who 
later  became  prominently  identified  with  the  Revelers. 

About  that  time  Dale  also  was  responsible  for  the  Del- 
Mar- Va  Hour,  which  extolled  the  beauties  of  the  Eastern 
Shore  peninsula.  The  name  is  a  combination  of  the  names 
of  the  three  states  that  make  up  the  peninsula,  Delaware, 
Maryland  and  Virginia.  Dale  travelled  from  one  county 
seat  to  the  other,  selling  the  idea.  He  wrote  a  different 
theme  song  for  each  county  and 
worked  tirelessly  to  put  over  his 
plan  for  radio  advertising. 

A    Great    Opportunity    Lost 

"That   was   a   case    where    a 
great    opportunity   went   aglim- 
mering,"  said  Dale,  in  that  char- 
acteristic      drawling      manner, 
which   immediately   stamps  him 
as  a  native  of  the  East- 
ern   Shore.     "We    tried 
one     type     of     program 
similar    to    the     present 
'Main  Street  Sketch- 
es' which  are  now  so 
(Turn   to   page  44) 

&.  =. 

DECEMBER,    19  2  9 


Philco  Hour  Revives 
Favorite  Light  Operas 

of  the  Past 



MEM'RIES,  mem'ries,  mem'ries  of  you  .  .  .  ." 
The  strains  of  the  Philco  Hour's  signature 
song  die  away  as  the  loyal  company  of  stars,  who  have 
sung  their  way  into  the  hearts  of  radio's  millions,  move 
back  from  the  Station_WJZ  microphone.  Harold  San- 
ford,  director  of  the  -orchestra,  mops  his  brow  for  the 
last  time  that  evening  and  the  musicians  start  to  put 
away  their  instruments. 

A  little  lady,  her  hair  tinged  with  gray,  rushes  up,  em- 
braces Jessica  Dragonette,  soprano  star  of  the  hour,  and 
exclaims  enthusiastically,  for  the  fifth  or  sixth  time  in  a 
year,  "My  child,  you  were  wonderful,  as  you  always  are." 
This  little  lady  has  come  to  be  one  pi  the  regular  visitors 
at  the  Philco  Hour,  which  is  now  two  years  old  and  is 
regarded  by  radio  editors  and  unbiased  critics  as  one  of 
the  outstanding  programs  on'the  air. 

The  little  lady's  interest  in*  the_  Philco  Hour  of  The- 
atre Memories,  which  is  sponsored  by  the  Philadelphia 
Storage  Battery  Company,  is  shared  by  thousands  in 
every  city  of  any  size  in  the  United  States,  judging  by  the 
fan  mail  that  I  receive  every  week.  The  one  question, 
that  is  asked  again  and  again  by  those  who  are  interested 
in  the  success  which  has  come  to  our  radio  productions, 
is:     "What  is  the  secret  of  the  Philco  Hour's  success?" 

Radio   Stimulated  Revivals 

My  answer  invariably  is:  "The  hour  itself."  By  that, 
I  mean  the  music.  The  Victor  Herbert  operettas  and  the 
others  we  have  chosen  are,  I  believe,  nationally  popular. 
As  proof  of  this  we  can  cite  the  fact  that  Broadway  is 
now  seeing  revivals  of  "Mile.  Modiste,"  "Naughty  Mari- 
etta" and  other  light  operas,  which  we  on  the  Philco 
Hour  have  helped  to  keep  alive.  It  has  been  conceded 
that  the  radio  performances  of  these  operettas  stimulated 



"Philco's  Old  Stager" 

Henry  M.  Neely  is  acknoivled ged  to  be  one 
of  the  oustanding  showmen  of  radio.  He  was 
born  and  bred  in  Philadelphia,  and  has 
travelled  all  over  the  world.  He  became  in- 
terested in  radio  when  it  was  in  its  infancy 
and  has  followed  its  development  closely. 

He  entered  radio  production  work  several 
years  ago,  after  a  long  period  of  active  news- 
paper work,  in  the  course  of  which  he  edited 
a  radio  magazine.  He  has  been  responsible 
for  programs  like  the  Philco  Hour,  For  ban's 
Song  Shop,  Maxwell  House  Coffee  Hour, 
Physical  Culture  Hour  and  Eversharp  Foun- 
tain Pen  Hour. 

Last  June  he  was  married  to  Miss  Gertrude 
M.  Jones,  tvho  for  some  time  had  been  his 
partner  in  a  successful  flower  amf  fruit  farm 
of  30  acres  at  Beverly,  N.  J.  Thtr  Neelys  now 
live  on  this  farm  and  Mr.  Neely  commutes  to 
New  York  regularly  to  do  his  radio  work. 





Harold  Sanford,  Conductor 

public    interest    to    the    point    where    the    stage    revivals 
were  deemed  advisable. 

The  Philco  Hour  originated  two  years  ago,  as  the  result 
of  a  request  made  by  James  M.  Skinner,  vice-president 
and  general 
manager  of  the 
phia Storage 
Battery  C  o  m  - 
pany.  and  Sayre 
M.  Rams- 
dell,  sales'  pro- 
motion manager 
of  the  same  con- 
cern. They 
suggested  that  I, 
as  a  pioneer  in 
radio  work,  as- 
semble a  "The- 
atre Memories" 
program  and  put 
iit  on  the  air.  I 
had  broadcasted 
when  radio  was 
in  its  infancy.  I 
knew  Harold 
Sanford  well  and  he  was  my  first  choice  as  musical  di- 
rector. That  choice  has  been  more  than  justified  by  the 
widespread  popularity  of  the  orchestral  part  of  the  hour. 

At  that  time,  Jessica  Dragonette  was  playing  the  lead 
in  "The  Student  Prince,"  but  before  long  she  succumbed 
to  the  lure  of  the  microphone.  Colin  O'More, 
who  had  sung  in  light  opera  on  Broadway 
with  success,  came  with  us  as  tenor  and  leading 
man.  The  other  members  of  the  original  com- 
pany, who  are  still  with  us,  include  Muriel 
Wilson,  soprano ;  Mary  Hopple,  contralto,  and 
Charles  Robinson,  bass.  Later  additions  to  the 
cast  were:  Kitty  O'Neill,  mezzo-soprano;  Wal- 
ter Preston,  baritone,  and  Henry  Shope,  tenor. 

Calls  for  Greatest  Accuracy 

There  is  a  great  deal  more  to  the  staging 
of  a  radio  program  like  ours  than  the  average 
person  realizes.  It  is  no  hit-or-miss  process, 
but  one  that  calls  for  the  greatest  accuracy. 
First  we  select  the  light  opera  we  are  to 
broadcast.  Then  Mr.  Sanford,  with  the  com- 
plete musical  score,  and  I,  with  the  prompt 
book,  go  over  the  entire  show  together.  We 
choose  the  oustanding  musical  numbers  and 
those  that  will  fit  in  best  with  our  general  plan 
for  the  program. 

Next    we    time    the    numbers    provisionally. 
Then  I  go  through  the  prompt  book  and  pick  out  the  bits 
of  dialogue  that  will  tell  our  story  to  the  best  advantage. 
The  next  step  is  to  prepare  my  continuity,  supplying  those 
details  of  the  story  that  are  not  provided  by  the  dialogue. 

We  usually  have  three  rehearsals  for  each  show.     At 
the  first  rehearsal  with  piano,  the  singers  familiarize  them- 
selves with  the  music.     During  the  process  I  obtain  an- 
other timing  of  the  musical  numbers  by  means  of  a  stop 

At  the  second  rehearsal,  I  again  time  the  mu- 
sical numbers,  dialogue  and  continuity  carefully. 
By  that  time  I  am  able  to  judge  quite  accu- 
rately whether  or  not  we  will  be  able  to  com- 
plete our  show  in  the  allotted  time.  This  is 
most  essential,  because  our  program  much  fin- 
ish right  on  the  minute  in  order  not  to  en- 
croach on  the  one  that  follows. 

Entire  Show  Rehearsed 


At  the  final,  or  "dress,"  rehearsal,  we  put 
on  the  entire  show  with  the  orchestra.  Again 
I  time  the  program  and  make  any  cuts  or  addi- 
tions that  are  necessary.  At  this  rehearsal, 
careful  attention  is  paid  to  the  microphone  set- 
up, in  order  to  get  the  proper  balance  of  or- 
chestra and  singers,  and  also  to  produce  the 
desired  sound  effects. 

In  view  of  the  necessity  for  everything  being 
timed  so  accurately,  a  slight  miscalculation  on 
my  part  can  create  havoc,  as  I  have  learned  several  times, 
to  my  discomfiture.  But,  all  in  all,  it  is  highly  attractive 
work  and  offers  a  rich  reward  in  the  satisfaction  derived 
from  staging  a  good  performance. 

The   Philco   Hour  has   been   privileged  to   present  the 

premier  radio 
performances  of 
such  popular 
light  operas  as 
"The  Vagabond 
King,"  "T  h  e 
Student  Prince," 
Time,"  ''My 
Maryland"  and 
"Maytime."  A 
number  of  oth- 
ers, equally  as 
interesting,  are 
now  being  pre- 
pared for  the 

in  our 
prit  de 
that  is  truly  re- 
markable for  a 
group  of  artists. 
Each  one  works  with  the  sole  aim  of  putting  on  a  good 
show.  If  any  member  of  the  cast  sees  a  chance  to  help 
one  of  the  others,  either  in  the  singing  or  dialogue,  he 
does   so.      Such    suggestions   are   accepted   in    the   proper 

m   es- 


Colin  O'More,  Leading  Man 


DECEMBER,    19  2  9 



Philco's  Diminutive  Prima  Donna 

Jessica  Dragonette,  Soprano,  Deserted  Broadway  to  Sing  Light  Opera  on  Air 

'T1  HE  leading  lady  of  the  Philco  Hour  was  born  in  Calcutta.  Her 
■*■  early  life  w^as  spent  travelling  with  her  parents.  At  the  age 
of  six  years,  she  entered  Georgian  Court,  a  convent  school  at 
Lakewood,  N.  J.  After  graduating,  she  came  to  New  York  and 
studied  singing  with  Estelle  Liebling.  At  that  time  The  Miracle 
was   being    cast.      The   only    solo   part   in    the   production   was   open. 

Jessica  tried  as  a  contralto,  but  without  success.  Later  she  -went 
back  and  sang  in  her  natural  soprano  voice  and  'was  given  the 
part.  Subsequently  she  played  opposite  Howard  Marsh  in  The 
Student  Prince.  Then  one  day  Harold  Sanford  asked  her  to  sing 
on  the  air.  Since  then  her  -work  on  the  Philco  Hour  has  placed 
her  in   the  front   rank  of  radio  artists. 



Zero  Hour  in  the  studio,  with  the  Philco  stars  and  orches- 
tra ready  for  action.  Harold  Sanford,  left,  stands  with 
baton  upraised,  ready  to  call  for  the  opening  number.  Next 
in  order  among  the  stars  are  Henry  M.  Neely;  Colin  O'Morc, 
tenor  and  leading  man;  Jessica  Dragonctte,  soprano ;  Charles 
Robinson,  bass;  Emily  Woolley,  soprano;  Mary  Hopple, 
contralto;   Kitty    O'Neill,    mezzo-soprano;   Muriel    Wilson, 

soprano;  Walter  Preston,  baritone;  Dan  Gridley,  tenor. 

spirit  and  do  much  to  improve  the  general  effectiveness  of 
the  program. 

Unquestionably  the  individual  personalities  of  the 
Philco  singers  have  endeared  them  to  the  radio  public. 
Our  leading 
lady,  dainty 
Jessica,  is  en- 
dowed with 
an  abundance 
of  charm. 
She  takes  her 
work  serious- 
ly and  applies 
herself  d  i  1  i  - 
gently  to  the 
task  of  por- 
traying a  new 
character  in 
each  light 
opera.  She 
is  a  convent- 
bred  girl.  Her 
hobby  is 
h  o  r  s  e  b  ack 

O'More,  our 
leading    man, 

has  had  a  wide  and  varied  experience.  After  meeting 
with  great  success  on  the  concert  stage,  he  turned  to 
grand  opera  and  light  opera,  and  repeated  his  former 
triumphs.  He  originally  studied  to  be  a  concert  pianist, 
but  was  compelled  to  give  it  up, 
owing  to  an  injury  to  his  wrist. 
He  is  an  unusually  fine  musician, 
a  splendid  actor  and  a  fine  fellow 
in  the  bargain.  His  hobby  is 
cooking.  The  meals  he  prepares 
are  legend  among  his  fellow- 

Typical  Irish  Beauty 

Kitty  O'Neill,  who  is  Mrs. 
Colin  O'More  in  private  life,  has 
a  beautiful  mezzo-soprano  voice. 
She  came  into  the  cast  directly 
from  the'  musical  comedy  stage. 
She  is  a  typical  Irish  beauty,  with 
more  than  an  ample  share  of  the 
wit  that  made  that  race  famous. 

Mary  Hopple,  contralto,  made 
her  reputation  chiefly  in  the  con- 
cent and  oratorio  fields.  She 
originally  came  from  Pennsyl- 
vania. She  possesses  a  lovely  voice  of  truly  remarkable 
range  and  is  extremely  easy  to  look  at.  Her  favorite 
recreation  is  swimming. 

Muriel  Wilson's  limpid  Soprano  voice  broadcasts  beau- 

tifully. She  came  to  radio  from  a  position  in  the  United 
States  Internal  Revenue  Department,  Custom  House, 
New  York  City.  She  is  exceedingly  jolly  and  has  a  "bit 
o'  the  divil"  in  her  eye. 

In  Radio  Since  Early  Days 

Charles  Robinson,  bass,  has 
been  in  broadcasting  since  the 
early  days  of  Station  WEAF. 
He  originally  came  from  San 
Francisco  and  has  had  a  wide 
range  of  experience. 

Walter  Preston,  baritone,  was 
for  ten  years  the  news  editor  of 
a  national  trade  paper,  "The 
Produce  News."  He  started 
singing  as  a  side  line,  but  it  has 
long  since  supplanted  the  news- 
paper work  as  his  main  occupa- 
tion. He  has  written  the  lyrics 
for  four  popular  songs  that  have 
been  published  and  three  radio 
signature  songs,  including 
"Slumber  On." 

Henry  Shope,  tenor,  is  the 
latest  addition  to  the  cast.  Orig- 
inally a  Pennsylvania  boy,  he 
tried  a  number  of  fields  of  endeavor.  For  a  while  he 
studied  the  violin  and  eventually  took  up  singing.  He  has 
appeared  in  musical  comedy.  His  voice  is  a  lyric  tenor 
that  can  park  on  the  high  C's  with  the  utmost  facility. 

Last,  but 
by  no  means 
least,  is  Har- 
old Sanford. 
For  18  years 
he  was  the 
bosom  friend 
and  right- 
hand  man  of 
the  beloved 
Victor  Her- 
bert. Harold 
knows  Her- 
bert's music 
better  than 
anybody  else 
does  and  is 
never  hap- 
pier than 
when  he  is 
conducting  a 
light  opera. 
He  is  universally  admired  for  his  ability  and  charming 
personality.  He  originally  came  from  Massachusetts 
and  was  a  violinist  for  years. 

(Continued   on   page   44) 

A  wedding  in  the  Philco  family — Here  are  members  of 
the  Philco  cast  at  the  recent  wedding  of  Henry  M.  Neely,  at 
Beverly,  N.  J.  Left  to  right:  Harold  Sanford,  conductor; 
Kitty  O'Neill,  mezzo-soprano ;  Jessica  Dragonette,  soprano; 
Colin  O'More,  tenor;  Mrs.  Henry  M.  Neely;  Mr.  Neely; 
Muriel  Wilson,  soprano;  Walter  Preston,  baritone;  Mary 
Hopple,    contralto;    Charles    Robinson,    bass. 

DECEMBER,     19  2  9 


Wanted:  Air 



IT  is  a  sad  but  true  commentary  on 
radio  broadcasting  that,  at  times, 
the  sounds  that  emanate  from  the 
loud  speakers  in  our  homes  are,  dis- 
turbing as  it  is  to  relate,  far  from  beautiful  — in  fact, 
often  they  are  quite  terrible.  And  in  these  days  of  per- 
fect reception  the  fault  must  be  laid,  not  to  a  loose  grid- 
leak  or  to  a  variable  condenser  that  refuses  either  to 
condense  or  to  be  variable,  but  to  the  artist  who  has  thus 
stirred  the  ether  waves. 

Who  among  us  amateur  warblers  and  bathroom  tenors 
has  not  exclaimed  "Great  Scott,  if  that  singer  gets  paid 
for  that,  I  ought  to  be  Radio's  Sweetheart"?  And  again, 
"Say,  if  that  Sapolio  Soprano  has  a  voice,  then  I'm  going 
up  to  that  studio  and  show  them  a  Galli-Curci  or  two." 

Well,  why  don't  you?  I  say,  why  don't  you?  You 
will  be  surprised  to  find  that,  instead  of  being  summarily 
dismissed  and  landing  on  your  ear  outside,  you  will  be 
given  a  thorough  and  courteous  audition.  Moreover, 
mirabile  dictu,  you  will  find  yourself,  in  a  day  or  two, 
actually  singing  before  a  microphone.  It  is  true  that 
your  voice  will  not  be  going  forth  into  the  highways  and 
byways  of  the  world,  but  you  will  be  receiving  a  fair 
audition  such  as  you  sought ;  your  song  will  be  transmitted 
to  an  adjoining  room  where  a  competent,  well-salaried 
judge  will  be  listening  to  give  you  the  rating  you  deserve. 

Enough  Aspirants   Already 

It  is  to  be  hoped,  of  course,  that  these  few  words  will 
not  send  everyone  with  the  semblance  of  a  voice  scurrying 
to  the  broadcasting  studios  in  search  of  vocal  stardom  via 
the  air.  The  crowding  would  make  the  situation  intoler- 
able, and  the  splendid  disposition  of  the  big  broadcasting 
concerns  to  get  the  best  of  talent,  even  if  it  is  latent,  would 
have  to  undergo  some  change.  Besides,  the  crowd  of 
aspirants  is  already  large  enough. 

One  of  the  most  popular  stations  in  the  East  estimates 
that  it  gives,  on  an  average,  thirty  auditions  a  day.  To  do 
this  it  employs  several  well-trained  men,  accomplished 
musicians  themselves,  and  maintains  a  whole  outfit  of 
efficient  clerks,  with  their  inevitable  filing  cabinets,  to  keep 
the  records.    Three  piano  accompanists  do  almost  nothing 

VAUGHN  DE  LEATH,  the  popular 
contralto  crooner,  now  an  exclusive 
Firestone  artiste,  is  the  outstanding  pos- 
sessor of  Air  Personality.  Known  for 
many  years  as  the  Radio  Girl,  she  has 
sung  to  a  worldwide  audience  and  is 
credited  with  originating  her  particular 
style  of  entertainment.  She  must  be 
heard   to   be   appreciated. 



— <* 

aspiring  singers. 
Altogether,  the 
sum  thus  ex- 
pended during 
a  year  would 
keep  any  grand 
opera  prima 
donna  in  the 
best  of  style  and 
temper  for  a 
long,  long  time 
— no  small  sum, 
you  must  admit. 

So,  although  at  times  the  singers  on  the  air  may  sound 
fairly  awful,  it  is  a  fact  that  the  broadcasting  concerns 
are  spending  real  money  to  improve  the  calibre  of  their 
artists.  Some  of  the  most  popular  radio  singers  today 
are  the  products  of  this  liberal  system  of  auditions.  Of 
course,  a  good  many  had  made  their  reputations  long  be- 
fore seeking  to  broadcast,  but  a  large  number  had  never 
trilled  a  note  outside  of  their  church  or  shower  bath  be- 
fort  starting  their  climb  to  fame,  wave-length  by  wave- 

Search  Continues  Unabated 

The  search  for  a  beautiful  voice  or  a  distinctive  radio 
personality  continues  day  after  day.  There  are  on  file  in 
this  big  broadcasting  station  of  which  we  speak  the  names 
of  twelve  hundred  singers  who  have  received  a  rating  of 
eighty  per  cent  or  over.  Those  who  have  failed  to  rate 
that  high  are  not  listed,  and  the  number  of  unsuccessful 
aspirants  is  fully  double  that  of  those  who  have  achieved 
a  place  in  the  files. 

As  for  most  of  them,  a  place  in  the  files  is  all  that  they 
do  achieve.  Only  the  best  are  put  on  the  air.  When  one 
stops  to  consider  that  there  are  some  180  tenors  on  record 
in  this  one  station,  the  difficulty  of  breaking  in  and  super- 



seding  the  flock  of  warblers  there  is  all  too  apparent. 

To  the  many  unsuccessful  applicants  who  inquire,  often 
with  exasperation,  why  no  radio  bookings  have  resulted 
after  their  auditions,  this  very  tactful  and  usually  very 
true  answer  is  given :  "Sorry,  but  you  haven't  a  radio 
voice."  To  which  there  is  absolutely  no  comeback.  One 
either  has,  or  one  hasn't,  a  "radio  voice,"  and  just  what  it 
is,  few  can  sav. 


Those  who  pass 
ment  upon  singers 
certain  qualifications  in 
mind  which .  are  discover- 
able in  the  true  "radio 
voice."  It  must  have  what 
is  technically  known  as 
"frontal  resonance"  —  that 
is,  the  tone  must  be  pro- 
duced in  the  forepart  of  the 
mouth  rather  than  in  the 
back  of  the  throat.  It  is 
this  factor  which  diminish- 
es the  effectiveness  on  the 
air  of  some  of  the  great 
opera  singers  and  even 
makes  them  failures  as 
radio  performers. 

Introducing  "Mike  Fright" 

Diction  is  a  very  impor- 
tant factor;  it  must  be 
crisp  and  incisive,  but  not 
labored.  Then  there  is 
poise,  usually  (though  not 
always)  bred  of  confidence 

but,  at  any  rate,  an  indispensable  requisite.  It  is  curious 
to  note  that  singers  of  long  operatic  and  theatrical  experi- 
ence, who  have  faced  vast  audiences  with  perfect  equa- 
nimity, have  completely  succumbed  to  "mike  fright,"  at 
the  sight  of  the  round  little  metal  demon  known  as  the 

Singing  off  pitch  is  a  damning  trait  to  the  aspirant  to 
radio  honors.  It  is  in  this  particular  that  most  of  the 
would-be  stars  fail.  It  is  true  that  the  fault  is  shared  by 
some  of  the  outstanding  singers  in  the  land  today,  who 
seem  to  hold  to  their  laurels  and  gather  new  wreaths  de- 
spite their  tendency  to  produce  a  flat  when  a  natural  is 
plainly  wanted,  but,  when  the  fault  is  shown  by  the  radio 
novice,  it  counts  heavily  against  him. 

Singing  off  pitch,  if  it  does  not  signify  a  lack  of 
artistry,  or  faulty  vocal  technique,  means  that  the  aspirant 
is  deficient  in  the  quality  of  repose ;  it  is  a  very  good  sign 
that,  when  the  inevitable  disturbances  of  a  radio  studio 
arise,  the  singer  will  not  have  the  calm  control  and 
dynamic  concentration  to  override  the  commotion  and  do 
a  perfect  job.  Discomposure  registers  all  to  easily  on  the 
microphone,  and  disturbances  in  the  studio  are  really  the 
rule  rather  than  the  exception.  The  experienced  radio 
performer  must  be  able  to  maintain  absolute  repose,  even 

The  Bathroom  Tenor  Takes  the  Air 

though  the  production  man  may  be  madly  gesticulating 
instructions  from  the  control  room. 

Others  lack  the  ability  to  read  music  at  sight  and,  at  the 
same  time,  to  sing  it.     This  is  not  always  a  completely 

prohibitive  fault ;  Frank  Munn. 
or  Paul  Oliver  as  he  is  widely 
known,  could  read  scarcely  a 
note  when  he  started.  The  over- 
whelming" beauty  of  his  voice. 
however,  compensated  for  his 
lack  of  musical  education;  but 
very  few,  alas,  have  the  Munn 

These  and  the  basic  elements 
of  artistry,  which,  thank  good- 
ness, will  not  be  discussed  in  this 
article,  are  the  outstanding 
qualifications  sought  in  the 
novice,  but  they  make,  by  no 
means,  the  complete  formula 
for  radio  stardom.  The  for- 
mula, to  tell  the  truth,  is  a 
good  deal  of  a  secret.  No  one 
yet  can  quite  say  why,  for  in- 
stance, the  Broadway  star  is 
often  so  thoroughly  over- 
shadowed on  the  radio  by 
some  less  known  singer,  whose 
only  experience  has  been  gath- 
ered in  a  short  career  of  per- 
forming before  the  micro- 
phone. There  is  some  in-born 
quality  capable  of  holding  an 
invisible  audience,  perhaps 
best  termed  "air  personality," 
which  makes  the  one  successful,  while  the  other,  star  that 
he  might  be  before  a  visible  audience,  so  dismally  fails 
to  click. 

Nor  can  it  be  laid  to  the  fact  that  the  one  does  and  the 
other  does  not  have  the  proper  microphone  technique. 
The  audition  committees  discount  this  completely ;  they 
realize  that  technique  can  be  attained  by  study  and  proper 
direction,  but  the  other  thing,  that  will  o'  the  wisp  "air 
personality,"  that  little  subtle  something  which  in  radio, 
probably  more  than  in  other  fields,  distinguishes  the  mere 
singer  from  the  embryonic  star,  that  is  the  quality  that 
is  so  painstakingly  sought. 

Few  Have  Elusive  Quality 

So  rare  indeed  is  this  quality  that  only  one  out  of  every 
hundred  aspirants  ever  makes  a  radio  appearance,  and  the 
fraction  who  become  stars  is,  of  course,  much  smaller. 

However,  the  hordes  who  seek  radio  fame  are  not  so 
convinced  of  the  rarity  of  "air  personality" — in  fact,  they 
are  all  quite  sure  they  have  it.  One  man,  for  instance, 
came  all  the  way  from  Australia,  because,  so  he  said, 
Australia  could  not  appreciate  his  great  gift.  Unfortu- 
(Continued   on   page  46} 

DECEMBER,     19  2  9 


Westinghouse  Salute 


New  Type 

0/  Program 

T     B           Kjl       ;  ■ 






Cesare  Sodero,  the  Master  Musical  Hand  Behind 
the  Production 

ANEW  form  of  radio  entertainment  was  intro- 
duced recently  by  the  Westinghouse  Electric  and 
Manufacturing  Company  of  East  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  which 
inaugurated  a  series  of  programs  over  the  NBC  chain. 
These  programs  have  been  lauded  in  the  press  as  a  tri- 
umph for  the  radio  industry,  a  long  step  forward  in  im- 
aginative and  beautiful  program  building,  and  a  standard 
for  the  future. 

This  reviewer  had  the  pleasure  of  seeing  and  hearing 
the  initial  boradcast,  the 
Tribute  to  Steel,  and  his 
hat  is  off  to  all  the  clever 
ladies  and  gentlemen  in- 
volved in  that  production. 
It  was  radio  entertainment 
of  the  highest  type,  afford- 
ing pleasure  alike  to  audi- 
ences and  to  the  artists  tak- 
ing part. 

One  hardly  knows  where 
to  start  with  the  praise,  but 
Cesare  Sodero,  the  maes- 
tro of  the  NBC  studios, 
composed  and  arranged  a 
splendid  score  for  the  fea- 
ture, and  directed  with  a 
patient      and      unremitting 

hand  a  huge  orchestra,  reinforced  by  an  imposing  vocal 
element.  At  the  close  of  the  first  performance  this  shy, 
diffident  Italian  gentleman  was  cheered  literally  off  his 
feet  for  four  minutes  by  the  stop  watch.  Only  those 
privileged  to  hear  his  choral  and  orchestral  fortissimo, 
sweeping  down  to  an  almost  imperceptible  pianissimo  can 
realize  how  well  he  earned  all  the  glory  showered  upon 

Edward  Hale  Bierstadt,  playwright  and  NBC  continu- 
ity writer,  was  responsible  for  the  "book,"  and  he,  too, 
wore  his  laurels  modestly.  Here  was  a  good  idea,  well 
developed,  adequately  produced,  and  sufficiently  rehearsed. 

Distribution   of    the   Praise 

Let  us  take  a  look  at  the  other  important  people  in  the 
work.  We  refer  to  them  "in  the  order  of  their  appear- 
ance." That  elegant,  scholarly  actor,  Pedro  de  Cordoba, 
the  narrator,  on  "voice,"  of  the  spoken  interludes ;  Joseph 
Bell,  stage  director  of  the  production;  Gerard  Chatfield, 
program  supervisor ;  Keith  McLeod,  musical  supervisor. 
{Continued    on    page    47) 

A  First  Night  on  the  Radio.    The  Entire  Cast,    Focal    Ensemble    and    Orchestra   at    the 
Premiere    of    the    Westinghouse   Salute    in  the  NBC's  Beautiful  Cathedral  Studio 





MURIEL  WILSON,  Soprano,  NBC — 
Muriel's  voice  is  ideally  adapted  to 
radio.  Her       clear,       limpid       tones 

broadcast  beautifully.  Heard  with 
-National  Light  Opera,  Philco  Hour, 
National  Grand  Opera,  Federation 
Hymn    Sing.      (Photo   by    Apeda) 

MARY  HOPPLE,  Contralto,  NBC — 
Mary's  voice  is  unusual  in  its  range, 
beauty  and  power.  She  sings  with 
National  Light  Opera,  Enna  Jettick 
Melodies,  Philco  Hour  and  Ar 
strong  Quakers.  (Photo  by  G.  Mail- 

HARRIET  LEE,  Contralto,  CBS — If  you 
have  ever  listened  to  the  Ceco  Couriers 
program  on  Station  WABC,  you  will  re- 
member this  deep  contralto  voice,  with 
its  soothing  propensities.  (Photo  by  G. 

GLADYS  SWARTHOUT,  Mezzo-soprano 
(center) — One  of  the  new  faces  at  the 
Met  this  season.  Has  already  sung  over 
radio.  Formerly  sang  with  Chicago 
Civic  Opera  and  at  Ravinia  Park.  (Photo 
by    Torres) 

NBC — Paula's  rich  voice  is  the  kind  that 
makes  you  stop  short  to  listen.  Heard 
with  National  Grand  Opera,  Salon 
Singers  and  Dr.  Cad  man's  Hour.  (Photo 
by  Times    Wide   World) 

DECEMBER,    19  2  9 


American  Girls  VOICE 

AIMEE  PUNSHON,  Soprano,  NBC — A 
native  of  St.  Louis.  Was  ingenue  in 
Municipal  Opera  there  and  later  soloist 
with  St.  Louis  Symphony.  Heard  with 
Salon  Singers  and  on  Dr.  Cadman's 
Hour.      (Photo   by   Apeda) 

SANTA  BIONDA,  Soprano  (center) — A 
newcomer  at  the  Met  this  season.  Was 
born  in  Palermo,  Italy,  and  lives  in 
New  Haven,  Conn.  Recently  was  guest 
soloist  on  At  water  Kent  Hour.  (Photo 
by    Mishkin) 

A  perfect  type  of  Latin  beauty.  Before 
entering  radio  field,  she  made  a  repu- 
tation in  the  movies.  Now  singing  oper- 
atic roles  for  sound  pictures.  (Photo 
by    G.    Maillard-Kesslere) 



1Y/1TIC  rccM  the  XtLDICX 

Leslie  Joy  is  the  jovial  founder  of 
the  NBC  Slumber  Hour,  a  feature 
that  is  still  going  strong.  But  that  is 
not  the  point  of  this  joke,  if  any. 
Stuart  Ayers  was  visiting  Leslie,  who 
lives  in  a  little  red  school  house  in 
Connecticut.  It  is  called  "Sea  View," 
but  it  is  far  from  any  sea. 

"Why  do  you  call  this  place  'Sea 
View?'  "  said  Stuart  Ayers. 

"Because  you  get  up  on  the  roof  to 

'Sea  View'  can  see  it?"  replied  Leslie, 

just  like  that. 

*     *     * 

"Well,"  said  Ray  Knight, 
production  department  of  NBC, 
"If  you  want  to  take  a  'Trip  to 
Mars,'  why  not  plan-it?"  The 
police  lieutenant  says  the  slayer 
will  go  free. 

sfc  ^  ^ 

A  new  magazine,  "Voice  of  Colum- 
bia," edited  by  E.  Wood  Gauss  and 
intended  for  advertising  agencies  and 
those  interested  in  broadcast  advertis- 
ing, made  its  debut  with  the  October 
issue.  It  will  be  published  monthly  by 
the  Columbia  Broadcasting  System. 

The  latest  Scotch  joke  came 
to  light  recently  at  the  NBC 
studios,  when  an  enthusiastic 
Scot  telegraphed  from  Winni- 
peg, Man.,  congratulating  the 
Company  on  securing  the  artis- 
tic services  of  Sir  Harry  Lauder. 
The  telegram  was  sent  collect! 
*      *      * 

Vic  Irwin  and  his  Hollywood  or- 
chestra returned  to  the  air  over  WOR 
recently,  when  the  popular  Victor  re- 
cording artist  opened  at  the  new  Holly- 
wood Restaurant,  Broadway,  between 
48th  and  49th  Streets.  He  inaugurated 
his  return  with  a  new  air  signature,  at 
present  unnamed,  written  by  Benny 
Davis  and  J.  Fred.  Coots.  The  radio 
public  is  being  asked   to  title  the  air 

signature.  Vic  Irwin,  since  his  last 
Manhattan  appearance  at  the  Hotel 
Manger,  has  been  featured  over  the 
Publix  Circuit  and  his  band  is  a  Roxy 
stage  band.  Last  summer  he  played 
at  the  Woodmanston  Inn. 

Evelyn  De  La  Tour,  heard  each  week  in 
"Show  Folks"  skits  over  the  Columbia  Broad- 
casting System,  has  become  convinced  that 
truth  is  stranger  than  fiction.  A  few  weeks 
ago  she  played  the  part  of  Marie  Lavelle,  one 
of  the  principal  characters  in  a  heart-interest 
story.  After  the  broadcast  a  telephone  call 
was  received  at  Station  WABC  from  some 
one  who  demanded  that  Marie  Lavelle  be 
summoned   to   the   phone.      The  telephone  op- 


erator  informed  the  caller  that  there  was  no 
such    party    in    the    studio. 

After  quite  an  argument  -with  the  in- 
sistant  fan,  Evelyn  De  La  Toui,  who  had 
been  playing  the  part  of  Marie  Lavelle,  was 
asked  to  speak  to  the  telephone  caller.  She 
did  so,  and  was  accused  of  being,  not  Evelyn 
De  La  Tour,  but  in  reality  a  Marie  Lavelle, 
who  had  left  home  some  fifteen  years  ago  to 
go  upon  the  stage,  and  who  had  never  been 
heard  from  since.  The  caller  insisted  that 
she  recognized  the  voice  and  the  name,  and 
could  not  be  fooled.  The  odd  part  of  it  all 
is  that  the  name  "Marie  Lavelle"  was  strict- 
ly imaginative,  and  came  from  the  mind  of 
Dave  Elman,  the  writer  of  the  "Show  Folks" 

^       ^       ^ 

When  the  all-star  special  program 
was  broadcast  by  the  NBC  for  Com- 
mander Byrd  and  his  Antarctic  Expe- 
dition recently,  Frank  Luther,  the 
wise-cracking  tenor,  announced  that 
he  was  scheduled  to  sing  a  solo. 

"What  will  it  be,  Frank?"  he  was 

"Byrd  Songs  at  Eventide,"  was  the 

*      *     * 

Phil  Maher  of  Station  WABC,  who 
has  had  many  years  of  experience  in 
every  kind  of  show  business,  suggested 
the  recent  expose  of  stage  hypnotism, 
which  was  the  basis  for  an  interesting 
radio    dramatization.      In    addition    to 

being  the  father  of  the  idea,  he  wrote 
from  memory  the  exact  speeches  of  in- 
troduction which  were  used  years  ago 
by  one  of  the  best-known  hypnotists  in 
the  theatrical  game. 

*     *     * 

Alois  Havrilla  was  so  completely 
saturated  with  the  subject  matter  of 
his  program  a  few  weeks  ago  that  he 
inadvertently  announced  that  the  Mo- 
biloil  Hour  would  feature  an  "Oil" — 
Friml  program.  When  Alois  came  out 
of  the  emergency  hospital  two  weeks 
later — all  the  bandsmen  had  thrown 
their  instruments  at  him — he  said  he 
felt  much  better,  except  for  three 
broken  ribs  and  a  bad  scalp  wound. 

Lady  Luck  has  visited  Helen  Nu- 
gent, leaving  her  card  in  the  form  of 
a  prize  winning  automobile.  While 
in  Cleveland  four  or  five  months  ago, 
Helen  bought  a  raffle  ticket  at  a 
church  charity  event.  A  telegram 
from  her  mother  recently  announced 
that  she  held  the  winning  ticket  and 
that  the  automobile  would  be  deliv- 
ered to  her  in  New  York.  Miss  Nu- 
gent is  known  in  radio  over  the  CBS 
system  and  co-stars  with  Ben  Alley 
in  various  broadcasts. 

Franklyn  Baur,  "The  Voice  of  Fire- 
stone" arrived  at  the  NBC  recently  for 
his  weekly  broadcast  in  a  brand  new 
automobile  with  a  specially  designed 
body,  which  incorporated  several  of 
Franklyn's  own  ideas.  The  car  was 
equipped  with  special  white  rubber 
tires — one  guess  is  allowed  for  the 
name  of  their  maker. 

*     *     * 

The  latest  authenticated  evi- 
dence of  economies  practiced  by 
the  Scotch  deals  with  a  kilted 
gentleman,  who  purchased  a  sec- 
ond-hand radio  set  for  thirty- 
five  shillings  in  the  Old  Coun- 
( Continued  from  page  34) 

DECEMBER,    19  2  9 


A  Glimpse  "Behind  the  Mike" 

During  the 



NINE-THIRTY  Wednesday  night.  To  millions  of 
radio  fans  from  coast  to  coast,  it  means  a  pleasant 
circle  about  the  family  loudspeaker  for  another  Palm- 
olive  hour. 

To  ushers  and  page  boys  at  the  New  York  studios  of 
the  National  Broadcasting  Company,  it  means  another 
problem  in  higher  mathematics,  to  make  the  Cathedral 
Studio's  400  chairs  accommodate  twice  that  number  of  ap- 
plicants— all  eager  to 
catch  a  glimpse  of 
the  nationally  fa- 
mous Palmolive 
entertainers  actually 
working  before  the 

For  visitors  in 
New  York  have 
learned  the  way  to 
NBC's  secluded  stu- 
dios, high  above 
Fifth  Avenue  near 
Central  Park.  Every 
night  brings  new 
crowds  of  the  curi- 
ous. But  the  great- 
est number  by  far. 
week  after  week, 
storms  the  sound- 
proof  doors  pre- 
cisely at  9:30  on 
Wednesday  night. 

Those,     who     are 

Alfred  Cheney  Johnston. 

Olive  Palmer  (Virginia  Rea)   Exclusive 
Palmolive  Soprano 

The  Inimitable  Revelers.  Standing,  left  to  right,  Elliot  Sham, 
baritone;  James  Melton,  top  tenor;  Wilfred  Glenn,  bass.  Seated, 
left  to  right,  Frank  Black,  accompanist  and  arranger;  Lewis  James, 

second  tenor 

fortunate  enough  to  be  among  the  first  400  applicants  for 

the  cards  admitting 
them  to  the  studio, 
quietly  take  their 
places  a  few  min- 
utes before  9  :30.  At 
9:29  the  doors  are 
closed  and  stalwart 
guards  take  their  po- 
sitions before  even- 

Guards     Not     Mere 

The  guards  are 
not  mere  ornaments. 
Theirs  is  the  task  of 
quieting  the  crowd 
of  tardy  arrivals  and 
those  who  failed  to 
obtain  admissions  in 
advance.  A  signal 
flashes.  9:30.  "On 
the  air !"    Under  no 




circumstances  may  the  door  be  opened  now.  The  mur- 
mur in  the  corridor  subsides  as  the  disappointed  gather 
at  the  windows.  All  they  see,  however,  is  row  upon  row 
of  smiling  faces.  These  are  the  early  ones,  now  watch- 
ing intently  some  scene  invisible  to  those  outside. 

Inside,  the  scene  is  colorful  and  bright,  as  gay  lights 
concealed  within 
the  studio  diffuse  a 
warm  glow  around 
the  crowd  of  per- 
formers and  or- 
chestra. Just  a  few 
inches  beyond  the 
first  row  of  audi- 
ence seats  is  the  di- 
rector's stand,  with 
a  full  symphony 
ranged  before  it. 
Between  the  di- 
rector's desk  and 
the  semi-circle  of 
first  violins  is  an 
open  space.  Here 
are  two  micro- 
phones,  one  to 
catch  the  music  of 
the  orchestra,  the 
other  for  vocal 
solos  and  novelty 

Standing  at  the 
announcer's  microphone  on  a  platform  at  the  far  end  is 
Phillips  Carlin,  master  of  ceremonies  for  the  Palmolive 
Hour.  As  the  second  hand  of  a  clock  ticks  9:30,  he  lifts 
his  arm — and  Director  Gustave  Haenschen,  his  back  to 
the  audience,  raises  his  baton. 

"Good  as  a  play,"  whispers  one  woman  to  her  neighbor. 
A  uniformed  usher  immediately  tiptoes  over  and,  with 
finger  on  lips,  cautions  her  to  silence.  The  slightest  sound 
is  apt  to  record  on  the  sensitive  microphones  now  con- 
nected with  millions  of  American  homes  from  the  At- 
lantic to  the  Pacific. 

Fast  Pace  Must  Be  Maintained 

The  baton  in  Haenschen's  fingers  swoops  down,  and  a 
surge  of  melody  from  the  orchestra  swings  into  a  march- 
ing rhythm.  This  creates  immediately  a  sensation  of 
speed  and  movement,  setting  a  pace  that  must  not  lag  for 
the  next  sixty  minutes. 

Out  in  the  corridors,  the  disappointed  ones  wonder 
what  causes  a  general  grin  on  the  faces  of  seatholders 
inside.  The  grin  is  caused  by  the  antics  of  Director 
Haenschen,  who  by  this  time  has  dropped  his  baton  and 
is  now  leading  with  elbows,  knees  and  feet,  as  well  as  his 

Haenschen  cuts  a  graceful  figure  on  the  stand.  He  is 
tall  and  curly-haired,  with  shoulders  that  are  a  joy  to  his 

Director     Gus     Haenschen 
board    his    yacht,    which    is 




tailor.  He  combines  an  air  of  authority  with  irrepres- 
sible boyishness,  the  latter  heightened  by  his  "Charleston" 
and  "Black  Bottom"-  technique  in  leading  the  orchestra. 

Before  the  orchestra  has  finished,  Paul  Oliver  and  Olive 
Palmer,  two  of  the  highest-salaried  singers  on  the  air, 
take  their  places  before  the  microphone  for  their  first 
duet.  They  stand  quietly  while  the  orchestra  ends  the 
overture,  and  wait  for  Phillips  Carlin  to  introduce  their 
opening  contribution.  Carlin  drops  his  arm  in  signal, 
and  the  two  bring  their  lips  within  a  few  inches  of  the 
microphone  as  Haenschen  again  lifts  his  hand  over  the 
orchestra  in  accompaniment. 

Audience  in  Studio  Amazed 

The  visible  audience  in  the  studio  is  amazed.  Why, 
they  can  hardly  hear  the  two  familiar  voices  above  the 
music  of  the  orchestra  !  How  is  it  that  the  voices  sound 
so  clearly  over  the  air,  with  the  orchestra  but  a  dim  ac- 
companiment ?  The  answer  lies  on  the  secret  of  dis- 
tances from  the  microphone,  and  in  a  set  of  black  knobs 
on  the  mixing  panel  to  be  seen  in  the  "monitor  board" 

Meanwhile,  all  eyes  are  glued  on  the  faces  of  the  solo- 
ists. Paul  Oliver,  garbed  in  neat  evening  clothes, 
stands  as  imperturbably  as  a  Brahmin  at  the  mouth- 
piece of  the  mike,  his  face  a  perfect  mask  as  he  puts  all 
the  expression  and  color  into  his  voice  alone — that  rich 
tenor  comparable  only  to  McCormack's.  He  holds  one 
hand  cupped  over  his  ear. 

But  look !  Olive  Palmer  too  holds  her  hand  in  the 
same  curious  way,  although  her  body  sways  more  in 
time  and  her  features  reflect  the  expressions  carried 
through  the  ether  by  her  voice.  What  mean  these 
strange  gestures  ?  It  is  a  professional  trick  of  radio — 
one  that  found  its  origin  in  the  phonograph  recording 
laboratories.  It  enables  the  soloist  to  sing  softly  close 
to  a  microphone,  and  still  hear  his  own  voice  above  the 
louder  orchestra  behind. 

As  the  last  notes  of  the  duet  fade  away,  Phillips  Carlin 
again  switches  in  from  his  microphone  in  the  corner. 
While  he  tells  what  beauty  experts  say  about  "that 
schoolgirl  complexion,"  the  star  singers  move  away  from 

the  central  space  to  make 
way  for  four  young  men  in 
dinner  jackets  and  gleaming, 
starched  shirtfronts.  There 
is  a  rustle  in  the  audience. 
It  recognizes  that  quartet, 
which  is  none  other  than  the 
famous  Revelers,  recently  re- 
turned from  fresh  triumphs 

Frank  Black  at  the  Piano 

Before   the   Revelers   begin 

their     inimitable     close     har- 

Frank  Black  mony,  all  four  glance  toward 

DECEMBER,     19  2  9 



The  Palmolive  Ensemble  in  Rehearsal.   Director  Haenschen  is  seated  to  the  left.   Frank  Black  is  at  the  piano. 
Olive  Palmer  is  seated  front  center.     Paul  Oliver  (Frank  Mnnn)  tenor,  is  standing  to  the  left  in  the  rear 

the  piano,  which  is  placed  within  arm's  length  of  their 
place.  This  calls  attention  to  the  pianist,  who  has  gone 
unnoticed  until  now.  The  dark  Mephistophelean  coun- 
tenance and  angular  figure  proclaim  him  Frank  Black,, 
who  makes  the  Reveler's  special  arrangements,  and,  in 
addition,  conducts  orchestras  on  other  programs.  Before 
this  program  is  over.  Director  Haenschen  will  consult  him 
for  sound  musical  advice  on  how  to  handle  a  number  for 
which  the  time  has  grown  too  short. 

But  the  Revelers  begin,  and  they  are  again  the  center 
of  all  eyes.  A  glance  ranges  across  the  four  faces,  assur- 
ing the  beholder  that  they  are  there  in  person — Lewis 
James  and  Jimmie  Melton,  tenors ;  Elliott  Shaw,  baritone, 
and  the  only  Wilfred  Glenn,  basso  profundo.  This  sum- 
mer Paris  audiences  yelled  for  nine  encores,  made  them 
take  fourteen  curtain  calls — and  then  cried  for  "Speech!" 
France  likes  the  Revelers  more  every  year. 

As  the  quartet  completes  its  number  and  moves  away 
from  the  mike.  Director  "Gus"  steps  down  from  the  dais. 
Simultaneously  a  dozen  hand-picked  jazzmen  in  the  big 
orchestra  stand  up  and  bring  their  instruments  closer. 
Haenschen  now  stands  in  profile  towards  the  audience. 
All  the  feminine  members  lean  forward  in  their  chairs. 

Then  Haenschen  starts  his  men  on  a  madcap  tune  by 
means  of  a  series  of  contortionist  waves.  His  whole  body 
moves  now,  and  he  is  never  on  more  than  one  foot  at  a 
time.  Is  he  skipping  rope  or  leading  the  jazz  group? 
Listen  to  the  sounds,  and  receive  an  answer.  A  wide  grin 
wreaths  his  own  youthful  face  as  he  remounts  the  stand 
at  the  end  of  the  number. 

Olive  Palmer  Sings  a  Solo 

Next  a  solo  by  Olive  Palmer,  displaying  the  coloratura 
ability  which  was  lost  to  grand  opera  when  radio  gained  a 
star.  Another  concert  selection  by  the  orchestra — or  per- 
haps a  symphonic  fragment.  Then  the  most  curious  as- 
sortment of  all  steps  before  the  microphone. 

Andy  Sannella,  virtuoso  of  many  instruments,  stands 
closest  to  the  mike  with  a  Hawaiian  guitar  slung  across 
his  chest.  Behind  him  stands  Murray  Kellner,  no  longer 
the  dignified  first  violin  but  now  a  jazz  fiddler.  Nearby  is 
Larry  Abbott,  "one  of  the  sweetest  alto  saxes  in  New 
York," — -but  that  is  no  saxophone  he  holds.  It  is  an  or- 
dinary comb,  with  tissue  paper  wrapped  over  the  side 
nearest  his  lips.  At  a  nod  from  Haenschen  they  go  into 
action,  this  weird  assortment, — and  what  action.  Sannella 
leaps  like  a  jumping  jack  with  the  guitar  on  his  chest, 
making  sounds  for  which  no  guitar  was  intended.  But 
this  music  can  not  be  described.  A  gleam  lights  the  faces 
of  the  audience  as  they  see  the  solution  of  the  puzzling 
music  they  had  heard  in  other  Palmolive  Hours.  They 
knew  it  was  somewhat  different  but  they  couldn't  tell  why 
or  how. 

And  so  the  minutes  fly,  with  a  rapid  succession  of  solos 
and  combination  vocal  and  instrumental  groups  that  main- 
tain the  swift  pace  set  by  the  opening  rhythmic  selection. 
A  grand  finale  by  the  whole  company  brings  the  hour  to 
its  climax  and  finish — and  there  is  a  deathly  pause  while 
Phillips  Carlin  makes  the  closing  announcement.  He 
(Continued   on   page   48) 



Mr.  Average  Fan 



that  He  is  a 

"Low  Brow 



LIKE  millions  of  others,  throughout  the  country,  I 
am  a  radio  fan.  I  have  been  one  for  the  past  five 
years,  when  I  bought  my  first  set,  and  now  I  am 
just  as  interested  and  enthusiastic  about  radio  as  I  was 
then.  I  still  derive  just  as  much  pleasure  from  roaming 
around  the  dials,  trying  to  bring  in  some  out-of-town 
station,  and  I  still  get  just  as  thoroughly  disgusted  as  I 
did  years  ago  when,  after  listening  to  what  I  fondly  im- 
agined was  a  distant  station,  I  heard  some  one  say  "This 
is  Station  WAAT,  of  the  Hotel  Plaza,  Jersey  City." 

There  are,  of  course,  all  kinds  of  radio  fans.  There  is 
the  one  who  likes  to  tear  a  machine  apart  and  rebuild  it 
again.  There  is  the  one  who  has  his  house  full  of  sets 
he  has  built.  He  tells  you  the  most  wonderful  stories 
about  the  distant  stations  he  has  brought  in  with  these 
sets,  right  through  WEAF,  WJZ  and  WOR.  Strangely 
enough  these  miracles  always  happen  when  he  is  alone 
and  never  when  his  friends,  attracted  by  his  yarns,  gather 
to  hear  his  wonderful  machine. 

There  there  is  the 
other  kind,  probably 
the  most  numerous  of 
the  lot :  the  one  who 
knows  nothing  about 
how  or  why  the 
blooming  thing  oper- 
ates and  cares  just  as 
little.  All  he  wants  is 
to  get  the  programs  as 
clearly  and  consist- 
ently as  possible.  He 
knows  what  he  wants 
and  does  not  care  how 
it  comes,  just  so  he 
gets     it.       Amphfica-  The  Ipana  Troubadors ,  one  of  my 

Unblushingly,  I  confess  that  I  like  jazz. 

Big  symphony  orchestras,  playing  Bach  er 
some  of  the  other  so-called  old  masters,  bore  me 

I  have  had  more  enjoyment  out  of  the  trou- 
bles of  Amos  '«'  Andy  than  anything  else  on  the 

As  for  announcers,  I  used  to  get  my  greatest 
thrill  from  listening  to  Norman  Brokenshire. 

Graham  McNamee  and  Ted  Husing  are  my 
favorite  sports  announcers. 

I  will  tune  off  anything  else  at  any  time  to 
listen  to  Jimmy  Walker. 

H.  V.  Kaltenborn  has  a  snappy  way  of  talk- 
ing that  holds  my  interest. 

Formerly  favorites  of  mine,  Roxy  and  Vin- 
cent Lopez  lately  have  become  too  sweet  to  be 

Radio  has  kept  me  at  home  more  than  ever 

It  is  difficult  to  predict  what  will  happen 
when — and  if — television  becomes  as  universal 
"""V  as  radio  now  is.  S^ 

tion,  radio  frequency  and  all  those  highly  technical  terms 
are  so  much  Greek  to  him.  When  he  hears  them  he  looks 
wise,  pretends  to  take  them  all  in,  and  promptly  forgets 
all  about  them  until  he  has  trouble,  and  then  he  calls  in 
an  expert  to  get  him  out  of  his  trouble. 

Mechanics  of  Radio  a  Mystery 

This  latter  class  is  the  one  to  which  I  belong.  The 
mechanics  of  a  radio,  how  and  why  sounds  emanating 
from  some  place  thousands  of  miles  away  can  be  brought 
to  your  home  and  you  can  hear  them  as  clearly  as  if  they 
were  coming  from  the  same  room,  always  have  been  to 
me — and  probably  always  will  be — one  of  the  world's 
deepest  mysteries.  Experts  have  tried  to  explain  it,  giv- 
ing  me   a   lot   of    fine-sounding  talk  about   sound   waves 

being  sent  through  the  air 
and  gathered  up  by  your 
machine,  through  the  trans- 
former and  converted  into 
music  or  speech,  but  they 
have  never  made  me  thor- 
oughly understand  it.  All 
1  do  know  is  that  they  come 
in  with  more  or  less 
clarity,  depending  upon 
weather  conditions  and  the 
set  you  have. 

Personally,    I    know    the 
difference  between  a  screw- 
-Foto  Topics       driver,    a    monkey    wrench 
Favorite  Dance  Orchestras  ;il1r'  a  hammer.     However, 

DECEMBER,    19  2  9 



H.  V.  Kaltenborn,  to  ivhose  Talks  on 
Current  Events  I  Listen  Every  Monday 
Evening  at  6:30  on  the  Columbia  Chain 

the  practical   application   of   any   of   these   useful   imple- 
ments is  as  much  a  mystery  to  me  as  how  and  why  the 
radio  operates.     I  know  what  purposes  they   should   be 
used  for,  but  how  to  do  it  baf- 
fles me  completely.     The   re- 
sult   is    that    when    my    radio 
stops   radioing  I   pull   up  the 
lid,  fool  around  with  the  tubes 
and  other  gadgets  inside  and 
then    promptly    telephone    my 
radio  man  to  come  over  and 
fix  the  thing. 

Possibly  I  may  be  dumber 
mechanically  than  the  average, 
but  at  the  same  time  I  am 
willing  to  gamble  that  there 
are  thousands  of  radio  own- 
ers like  myself.  Otherwise, 
there  would  be  no  reason  for 
the  little  radio  repair  shops 
that  dot  nearly  every  block  of 
any  business  section  in  the 
metropolis.  And  it  has  been 
my  experience  that  some  of 
these  so-called  experts  do  not 
always  know  what  they  are 
doing  or  why.  They  gener- 
ally find  out  whether  you 
know  anything  about  a   radio 

or  not  and,  if  you  don't,  that  makes  it  just  so  much  easier 
for  them.     They  look  wise,  fill  you  full  of  technical  in- 
formation,   take   the   machine   away, 
days,  and  then  come  back  with  the 
They  never  forget  the  bill. 

Has  Listened  for  Five  Years 

My  introduction  to  the  radio  took 
place  about  five  years  ago.  I  had  heard 
it  talked  about  indefinitely,  but  had  not 
paid  much  attention  to  it.  One  evening 
I  happened  to  be  in  a  little  shop  near 
home.  I  was  attracted  by  the  fact  that 
my  son  was  going  to  sing  that  night — 
without  pay,  of  course.  While  we  had 
been  listening  to  him  for  years  at  home, 
his  mother  wanted  to  hear  him  over  the 
air.  Possibly  I  was  more  attracted  by  the 
fact  that  Will  Rogers,  for  whom  I  have 
always  had  a  sneaking  fancy,  was  going 
to  talk. 

We  heard  both,  with  interruptions  due 
to  static  and  other  troubles,  and  three 
days  later  we  were  the  proud  owners  of 
a  radio  set,  which  really  worked.  We 
have  never  been  without  one  since  and 
never  will  be  again,  if  we  can  help  it. 

It  was  a  five-tube  set,  with  three  dials  and  a  horn.  It 
made  what  sounded  to  us  then  as  the  grandest  music  im- 
aginable, although  there  was  frequently  a  lot  of  humming 


and,  during  the  summer  nights,  a  large  and  undue  amount 
of  static.  Never  will  I  forget  the  thrills  I  received  from 
that  machine,  crude  though  it  was  in  comparison  with  the 
fine  pieces  of  mechanism  they  produce  these 
days.  Night  after  night  I  would  sit  up 
twirling  the  dials  and  bringing  in  all  varieties 
of  noises  and  occasionally  a  distant  station. 
The  strange  part  of  that  machine  was  that 
it  could  bring  in  stations  that  were  in  a  di- 
rect western  line  with  New  York  but  it  had 
difficulty  in  catching  the  extreme  northern 
of  southern  stations. 

The  first  time  I  brought  in  WOW  of 
Omaha,  the  farthest  west  my  set  had  ever 
reached — I  was  willing  to  swear  that  I  had 
the  finest  set  in  existence  and  that  radio 
was  one  of  the  world's  wonders.  After 
midnight  I  frequently  could  tune  in  WCCO, 
Minneapolis ;  WREO,  Lansing,  Mich. ;  the 
Chicago  Stations ;  the  Fleetwood  Hotel,  at 
Miami  Beach.  Fla..  and  good  old  WSB  at 
Atlanta,  the  station  that  "covers  Georgia 
like  a  blanket." 

keep   it    for   a 
machine  and   a 


DX  Craze  Dies  Out 

The  DX  craze  died  with  me.  as  it  does 
with   every  radio   owner.      New   York   sta- 
tions began  to  multiply  with  such   rapidity 
that  it  soon  became  almost  an  impossibility 
to  tune  through  them  with  any  degree  of  success,  unless 
you  wanted  to  sit  up  until  the  wee  sma'  hours  and  doing 
the  latter  is  not  always  conducive  to  maritial  happiness. 
There  is  no  doubt  that  we  New  Yorkers  get  the  cream 

has  become  common 
knowledge,  but  to 
learn  the  real  truth 
of    this,    one    need 

of  the  radio  broadcasts.  This   fact 

to      Los 
When     I 
there,    I 

go  out-of 

took  me 
got    out 

was    told 

what  fine  programs 
they  had  on  the 
Coast.  I  listened 
in  and  heard  a 
miscellaneous  1  o  t 
of  junk  over 
the  air,  interspersed 
at  least  every  five 
minutes  with  the 
most  blatant  kind 
of  advertising.  This 
would  not  be  toler- 
ated, much  less  lis- 
tened to,  at  home.  After  a  while,  I  found  out  that  about 
the  only  programs  on  the  Coast  worth  listening  to  were 
those  which  came  over  the  NBC  or  the  Columbia  chain. 

Foto  Topics 

Ted  Hnsing,   One   of  My  Favorite  Sports  An- 
nouncers, Giving  a  Word  Picture  of  a  Football 



Practically  the  same  conditions,  as  far  as  I  could 
learn,  prevailed  in  many  of  the  large  cities  with  the  pos- 
sible exception  of  Chicago,  and  most  of  the  small  ones. 
Chicago  has  a  few  fine  stations  like  WGN  and  WMAQ 
and  broadcasts  some  excellent  programs,  but  even  they 
depend  a  great  deal  on  the  chain  programs  broadcast  from 
New  York.  Some  people  in  New  York  may  complain 
once  in  a  while  about  the  programs  they  get  but,  if  they 
would  travel  over  the  country  and  listen  to  some  of  the 
small  stations,  they  would  be  thank- 
ful they  lived  in  New  York. 

Tastes  in  Programs  Differ 

As  to  what  constitutes  a  good 
broadcasting  program  tastes  differ  as 
greatly  as  do  individuals.  Unblush- 
ingly  I  confess  that  I  like  jazz.  I 
have  set  forth  this  liking  more  or 
less  loudly  at  times  and,  as  a  result, 
have  been  called  many  things,  the 
mildest  of  which  is  "low  brow."  If 
liking  lively,  tuneful  music  is  low 
brow,  I  am  all  of  that  and  more. 
Big  symphony  orchestras,  playing 
Bach  or  some  of  the  other  so-called 
old  masters,  bore  me  excessively. 
They  are  my  particular  abomination 
and  they  cannot  hold  me  for  five 
minutes.  When  they  come  on,  I  tune 
off,  if  possible,  to  Helen  Kane, 
Rudy  Vallee  or  Paul  Whiteman. 

Everyone,  of  course,  has  his  or 
her  favorite  performer,  announcer 
and  program.  I  derive  more  pleas- 
ure from  Amos  'n'  Andy,  the  Main 
Street  Sketches,  the  Clicquot  Eski- 
mos, Ipana  Troubadors  and  Eddie 
Cantor  than  I  do  from  a  dozen  sym- 
phony orchestras  or  a  lot  of  high  brow  opera  singers.  To 
me  the  latter  are  a  total  loss.  If  I  never  heard  them 
again,  it  would  be  too  soon.  Possibly  I  am  like  George 
Moran,  of  Moran  and  Mack,  "even  if  it  was  good,  I 
wouldn't  like  it." 

Personally,  I  have  had  more  enjoyment  out  of  the  trou- 
bles of  Amos,  Andy,  Madam  Queen  and  the  Kingfish, 
not  forgetting  Flossie  White,  the  snappy  "steenographer," 
than  anything  else  on  the  radio.  The  way  Andy  lords  it 
over  Amos  and  the  manner  in  which  the  latter  balks  occa- 
sionally, furnish  me  with  a  real  thrill  which  I  cannot  get 
from  high  brow  music. 

Brokenshire  a  Favorite 

As  for  announcers,  I  used  to  get  my  greatest  thrill  from 
listening  to  Norman  Brokenshire.  He  seemed,  more  than 
many  of  the  others,  to  be  spontaneous  and  his  voice  came 
over  well.  Graham  McNamee  always  seems  to  me  to  be 
vitally  interested  in  what  he  is  doing  and  he  imparts  this 
enthusiasm  to  his  hearers.  He  and  Ted  Husing  are  my 
favorite  sports  announcers,  although  I  believe  the  latter 


Norman     Brokenshire,  '  fhc     Announcer 

Whose  Spontaneity  Used  to  Give  Me  My 

Biggest  Thrill 

is  better,  if  you  are  interested  in  a  really  technical  account 
of  the  event  being  broadcast.  Milton  Cross,  Lewis  Reid 
and  the  late  John  B.  Daniels  are  other  favorites.  David 
Ross,  of  WABC  has  a  deep,  sonorous  voice,  but  seems 
to  take  himself  quite  seriously.  There  are  a  few  an- 
nouncers whom  I  abominate,  but,  again  quoting  George 
Moran,  "why  bring  that  up?" 

There  may  be  more  perfect  radio  voices  than  those  of 
Mayor  James  J.  Walker,  H.  V.  Kaltenborn  and  John  B. 
Kennedy,  associate  editor  of  Col- 
liers', but  I  have  never  heard  them.  I 
will  tune  off  anything  else  at  any 
time  to  listen  to  Jimmy  Walker.  He 
knows  just  what  to  say,  has  a  beauti- 
ful speaking  voice  and  never  talks 
over  your  head.  John  B.  Kennedy 
does  not  talk  often  or  too  long  at  a 
time,  but  he  does  say  what  he  has  to 
say  well.  The  only  possible  objection 
I  can  fiqd  to  him  is  his  "thank  you, 
Curt  Peterson,  friends  of  Collier's" 
every  Sunday  evening  when  Mr. 
Peterson  introduces  him  to  the  radio 
audience.  Kaltenborn  has  a  wide 
knowledge  of  world  affairs,  and  a 
snappy  way  of  talking,  that  holds  my 

Too  Sweet  to  Be  Natural 

When  I  first  started  to  listen  to 
the  radio,  my  favorites  were  Roxy 
and  Vincent  Lopez.  However,  lately 
I  have  sickened  of  both  of  them. 
They  seem  to  be  too  sweet  to  be  nat- 
ural. Mary  and  Bob  have  always  at- 
tracted me,  and,  then  again,  there  is 
the  girl  who  plays  the  principal  role 
in  the  Collier  hour.  She  seems  nat- 
ural and  unaffected.  This  may  be  a  pose,  but  it  is  a  con- 
vincing one. 

In  my  case  the  radio  has  kept  me  at  home  more  than 
ever  before.  In  the  pre-radio  days  the  movies  attracted 
me  four  or  five  nights  a  week.  There  was  no  place  to  go 
and  little  else  to  do.  Now,  seemingly,  there  is  something 
on  the  air  nearly  every  night  that  I  really  cannot  miss.  As 
a  result,  the  movies  are  neglected.  It  is  possible  to  get  all 
the  entertainment  one  wants  at  home,  amusement  that  is 
more  varied  and  certainly  much  cheaper.  It  is  difficult  to 
predict  what  will  happen  when — and  if — television  be- 
comes as  universal  as  radio  now  is.  Possibly  then,  when 
we  can  see  as  well  as  hear,  it  will  become  impossible  to 
drag  us  away  from  home,  even  when  business  calls. 

"Sax"  Wizard   Goes   Over   the   CBS 

Merle  Johnston,  the  wizard  of  the  saxophone,  left  the 
NBC  fold  recently  to  go  under  the  Columbia  banner.  In 
making  the  change,  he  is  said  to  have  given  up  seven 
commercial  accounts  at  the  National.  He  already  is  di- 
rector of  two  hours  on  the  CBS. 

DECEMBER,    19  2  9 


Crowned  Radio's  Queen  of  Beauty 

Olive  Shea,  of  Station  WABC,  Chosen  from  i6;  Entrants  in  Nationwide  Contest 

'  1 1HE  committee  of  judges  that  conferred  the  title  of  "Miss  Radio" 
■*-  for  1929  on  Miss  Shea  consisted  of  Jess  Hawley,  of  Chicago, 
chairman;  Florenz  Ziegfeld;  Victor  Frisch,  sculptor,  and  McClel- 
land Barclay,  artist,  both  of  New  York,  and  Morris  Metcalf,  of 
Springfield,  Mass.  Miss  Shea  was  born  in  New  York  City  eighteen 
years  ago.      After  completing  elementary  school,   she   attended  Our 

Lady  of  Lourdes  Convent  for  four  years.  Later  she  applied  to 
the  Columbia  chain  for  an  audition  and  passed  'with  high  honors. 
Since  then  she  has  taken  part  in  many  of  its  big  hours.  She  is 
five  feet,  three  inches  tall  and  weighs  110  pounds.  Her  hair  is 
golden  brown  and  her  eyes  are  blue.  Her  favorite  sports  are 
swimming,    riding   and    tennis. 



/TATIC   prcm  the  JtUDIO/ 

(Continued  from  page  26) 
try.  He  made  repeated  com- 
plaints to  the  dealer  that  his 
newest  purchase  was  most  un- 
satisfactory. The  dealer  called 
to  see  him  at  his  cottage.  The 
set  was  found  in  good  order,  re- 
ception was  good,  and  air  pro- 
grams were  coming  in  merrily 

"But,  mon,  I  canna  see  to 
read  wi'  them  small  electric 
lights  inside!" 

^     ^      * 

The  Columbia  Broadcasting  System 
has  added  WHP  of  the  Pennsylvania 
Broadcasting  Company,  Harrisburg, 
Pa.,  to  its  network.  WHP  is  a  500 
watt  station  operating  on  1430  kilo- 
cycles. This  station  is  known  as  "The 
Radio  Voice  of  Central  Pennsylva- 
nia." W.  S.  McCachren  is  president 
of  the  P.  B.  C. 

"Old  Salts,"  now  spending  their 
declining  years  in  the  various  sea- 
men's missions  in  and  about  the  met- 
ropolitan area,  have  adopted  the 
"Half  Seas  Over"  program  on  WOR 
each  Saturday  night  as  their  very 
own,  Letters  have  reached  the  sta- 
tion demanding  to  know  the  name  of 
the  director  of  the  program.  As  a 
matter  of  fact,  Postley  Sinclair,  who 
writes  the  continuity  for  the  feature, 
is  a  comparatively  young  man  "some- 
where in  his  thirties,"  and  has  never 
been  aboard  a  full  rigger  in  his  life 
— nor  has  he  even  been  to  sea. 
*      *      * 

Leslie  Joy  and  Bill  Rainey,  both  of 
NBC,  recently  had  their  pictures 
drawn  by  "Jolly  Bill"  Steinke  of  "Jol- 
ly Bill  and  Jane."  They  were  pub- 
lished in  the  Evening  World  Radio 
Magazine.  The  result  is  that  Bill 
Rainey  is  now  wearing  bright  blue 
shirts  and  Les  Joy  parts  his  hair  in  the 
middle  and  is  cultivating  an  English 
accent.      That   is    just    what   publicity 

does  for  two  good  hard-boiled  scouts 
— they  go  Arabian  right  away.  We 
don't  know  what  this  paragraph  will 
do  to  them,  but  we  fear  the  worst ! 

*  *     * 

"I  say,  have  you  heard  that  lovely 
song,  'By  the  Bend  of  the  River,'  by 
Clara  Edwards?"  asked  Count  John 
de  Jara  Almonte,  a  gentleman  of  vast 
importance  and  personality  in  the  NBC 

"No,  but  I  have  heard  a  lovelier 
one,"  replied  Phillips  Carlin,  of  the 
same  company.  "It  is  called  'By  the 
Bend  of  the  Elbow,'  by  Al,  the  Bar- 

Edwin  Whitney  and  Dariel  Jones, 
production  experts  for  NBC,  are  joint 
discoverers  of  the  zvorld's  loudest 
voice.  During  recent  auditions  at  the 
studios  a  feminine  applicant  boasted: 
"All  my  friends  say  my  voice  is  un- 
usually good  for  radio.  Why,  the  last 
time  I  broadcast,  they  heard  my  voice 
in  Valparaiso,  Chile." 

*  *     * 

Charlie  Speeri  one  of  the  continuity 
writers  of  the  CBS,  has  a  plan  that 
brings  absolute  precision  of  descrip- 
tive writing  in  musical  programs. 
When  he  is  given  a  continuity  for  one 
of  the  symphony  concerts,  he  gets  the 
records  of  the  symphony  and  plays 
them  on  a  portable  phonograph  which 


he  has  in  his  office.  He  supplants  the 
music  he  hears  with  references  from 
the  Columbia  library.  He  believes  that 
in  this  manner  alone  may  the  true  feel- 
ing of  a  musical  work  be  portrayed. 
The  young  writer  has  all  of  the  sym- 
phonies that  have  been  recorded,  as 
well  as  the  entire  recording  of  the 
Niebelungen  Ring  as  it  was  presented 

in  ( iermany. 

*     *     * 

Vaughn  de  Leath,  originator  of  the 
crooning  type  of  singing  now  so  pop- 
ular, recently  returned  to  New  York 

from  her  home,  "The  Hitching  Post," 
in  Connecticut.  She  has  moved  into 
an  apartment  on  Fifty-fifth  Street, 
jut  around  the  corner  from  the  NBC 
studios,  from  which  she  broadcasts 

What  is  believed  to  be  the  shortest 
"applause  letter"  on  record  was  re- 
ceived recently  by  the  National  Broad- 
casting Company.  On  a  letterhead  the 
program  title  "The  Family  Goes 
Abroad"  was  written.  Below  it  was  a 
rubber  stamped  "O.  K.'  with  the  ini- 
tials of  the  head  of  the  firm  mentioned 
on  the  letterhead  included  in  the  stamp 

Speaking  of  the  Radio  Show,  as  no- 
body was,  one  of  the  funniest  sights 
we  have  witnessed  in  years  was 
George  Dilworth's  bulky  octet, 
Messrs.  Branch,  Shope,  Jamison,  Ty- 
ler, Bethman,  Buckley,  Salathiel  and 
Cote,  trying  to  get  into  regulation 
aviator'  costumes  for  the  feature 
"Roads  of  the  Sky."  After  some  re- 
lentless struggling,  the  trousers  of 
the  costumes  were  discarded  and  the 
jackets  were  stretched  with  some 
difficulty  around  the  portly  tenors 
and  basses.  The  helmets  seemed  to 
fit  all  right,  and,  despite  the  variety 
of  nether  garments,  a  visiting  scribe 
was  fooled  into  asking:  "Who  are 
those  aviators?" 

An  interesting  sequel  to  this  story 
is  the  fact  that,  when  Maurice  Tyler, 
tenor,  felt  in  the  pocket  of  the  coat 
he  was  wearing,  he  came  upon  the 
business  card  of  an  intimate  friend 
of  his  from  Richmond,  Va.  He  is 
till  trying  to  establish  the  connection. 

Leon  Salathiel,  NBC  basso,  recent- 
ly surprised  his  studio  friends  by  an- 
nouncing his  marriage  to  Miss  Betty 
Sickels.  It  all  happened  on  Leon's  va- 
cation. He  visited  his  home  town,  In- 
(Continued  on  page  38) 

DECEMBER,     19  2  9 


Philadelphia  Orchestra 

Succumbs  to  Lure  of  Radio 

First    Two    Stokowski 

Broadcasts   Arouse 

Mixed   Emotions 


THE  lure  of  the  radio,  the  persuasive  powers  of  the 
Philco  Company,  the  facilities  of  the  National 
Broadcasting  Company,  added  to  its  well-known  persua- 
sion or,  perhaps  the  relentless  march  of  progress  com- 
bined with  all  of  these,  brought  the  genius  of  Leopold 
Stokowski  and  his  Philadelphia  Symphony  Orchestra  to 
the  ether  waves  for  the  first  time  at  5  :30  on  Sunday  eve- 
ning ,  October  6,  199.  In  the  judgment  of  this  critic,  this 
broadcast  marked  a  great  step  forward  in  this  ever-chang- 
ing business. 

We  do  not  claim  to  know  what  particular  factor  broke 
down  thep  resumed  aversion  of  Maestro  Stokowski  to 
radio  broadcasting,  but  we  feel  he  has  done  radio  and 
its  millions  of  listeners  a  great  service  by  coming  into  the 

Stokowski  apeared  in  the  joint  capacity  of  conductor 
and  announcer  of  the  musical  items  of  his  program.  While 
he  shone  in  the  former  capacity,  he  was  extremely  brief 
in  the  latter.  Extensive  preparations  had  been  made  by 
NBC  officers,  engineers,  announcers,  and  production  men, 
the  hands  of  Gerard  Chat  field  and  William  S.  Lynch  be- 
ing particularly  visible,  and  over  all  was  felt,  rather  than 
seen,  the  uncanny  skill  of  O.  B.  Hanson  in  matters  tech- 
nical. An  old  friend,  Harry  Neely,  the  "Old  Stager"  of 
the  Philco  Hour,  introduced  both  the  conductor  and  Ed- 
ward Davis,  president  of  the  sponsoring  company. 

The  complete  program  gollows  : 

Choral   Vorspiel    "Wir   Glauben   all'   einen 

Gott"   (We  All  Believe  in  One  God)  Bach 

Symphony  in  G-minor. 

Allegro  Molto,  Andante, 

Minuet  and  Trio,  Finale, 

Allegro  Assai.  Mozart 

Overture,    Bacchanale    and    Venusberg    music 

from  "Tannhauser"  Wagner 

The  noble  grandeur  of  the  lofty  Bach  choral  prelude 
was  likened  by  Stokowski  to  "a  great  three-sided  pyramid" 
and,  in  the  form  it  was  given  to  us,  a  most  adequate  ex- 

position by  the  Philadelphia  Orchestra,  it  seemed  likely  to 
endure  as  long  as  the  Egyptian  monuments  themselves. 

Mozart   Symphony   Follows 

Mozart'  favorite  symphony  in  G-minor,  probably  com- 
pleted in  1788,  his  only  one  in  the  minor  key.  followed. 
This  work  attracted  the  attention  of  Mendelssohn  and 
Beethoven.  Of  it  Schubert  said :  "One  can  hear  the 
angels  singing  in  it."  Its  exquisite  melodies,  graceful 
dance  forms  and  song-like  passages  were  woven  into  a 
second  monument  of  orchestral  material.  Speaking  from 
the  radio  standpoint  solely,  one  can  only  refer  a  little 
hesitatingly  to  the  slight  prominence  of  the  string-basses 
in  this  delicate  work.  It  should  be  recalled,  however,  that 
the  means  at  the  composer's  command  were  probably  the 
"small  orchestra"  of  the  day,  the  usual  quartette  of  strings, 
two  horns,  a  flute,  two  clarinets,  two  oboes  and  two  bas- 
soons. Stokowski's  strings  of  the  smaller  families  with 
their  neighbzoring  wood-winds  sang  beautifully,  even 
though  at  times  the  listener  found  tempi  slightly  retarded. 



With  the  symphony  laid  aside,  Stokowski's  forces  at- 
tacked one  of  the  greatest  works  of  Richard  Wagner,  the 
Overture,  Bacchanale  and  the  colorful  Venuberg  music 
from  "Tannhauser."  Here,  as  the  conductor  explained  to 
use,  were  mysticism,  religious  sentiment,  revelry  and  orgy, 
with  a  concluding  episode  of  love  and  beauty. 

More  appropriate,  to  the  day  and  to  the  City  of  Phila- 
delphia, was  the  Song  of  the  Pilgrims,  with  which  the 
overture  opens,  but  alas  !  the  blight  of  the  New  York  night 
club  soon  falls  upon  the  calm  tranquillity.  Sinful  excite- 
ment follows  and  the  doings  of  the  gilded  palaces  of  the 
Venusberg  are  exposed  in  musical  whoopee,  but  finally 
the  artificial  clamor 
dies  down  and — just 
as  if  the  announcer 
had  said  "We  now 
return  you  to  Phila- 
delphia"— the  quiet 
Song  of  the  Pil- 
grims resumes  com- 

Patient  Rehearsal 

In  the  perform- 
ance of  this  work, 
evidence  of  patient 
rehearsal  and  abso- 
lute control  was 
plentiful.  The  con- 
trasting themes  of  the  swirling  violins  and  obstinately 
insistent  brasses  and  wood-winds  were  so  articulated  as  to 
carry  perfectly  over  the  radio.  Unlike  the  Mozartian 
offering,  it  would  be  difficult  to  quarrel  with  any  particu- 
lar choir  of  instruments.  The  balance  was  notably 

We  understand  that  actual  tones  of  the  orchestra  were 
gathered  in  a  concentrating  or  focussing  microphone.  Fa- 
miliar with  the  performances  of  the  Philadelphians  one 
missed  the  "eye-and-ear"  effect,  the  presence  of  Stokow- 
ski  himself,  his  ability  to  "lift"  his  orchestra  and  his 
audience  alike,  the  highly-drilled  musicians  and  the  huge, 
quiet  audience.  We  believe  that  a  slight  readjustment 
of  the  seating  of  the  orchestra  for  radio  broadcasting 
is   al   that  is   now   required    for   perfect   reception. 

In  concluding  Mr.  Stokowski  announced  a  Stravinsky 
number  for,  November  3,  "Sacre  du  Printemps,"  and 
asked  his  audience  to  be  prepared  to  listen  sometimes 
to  the  things  of  our  day.  On  this  date,  he  said  an  all- 
Russian  program  would  be  presented,  and  he  solicited 
suggestions  as  to  the  character  and  presentation  of  pro- 
grams. One  promise  he  made  we  hope  he  will  hold  to 

"We  are  not  going  to  play  popular  music.  We  are 
going  to  play  the  greatest  music — the  best  or  nothing !" 

Despite  the  howls  of  controversial  clamor  that  this 
statement  may  arouse  among  the  well-known  masses,  we 
are  in  sympathy  with  Mr.    Stokowski's   frame  of   mind 

A  Portion  of  the  Famous  PJiiladclphia   Orchestra 

Second  Broadcast  Better 

The  second  broadcast  of  the  Philadelphia  Orchestra, 
under  the  direction  of  Leopold  Stokowski,  confirmed  the 
earlier  impression  that  music  lovers  have  been  denied 
this  pleasure  too  long.  Here  was  better  broadcasting, 
as  far  as  this  listener's  particular  set  was  concerned,  and 
adequate  explanations  of  the  program,  given  at  first-hand 
by  the  conductor  himself. 

The  first  item  was  Borodine's  Polovetsian  Dances  from 
the  opera,  "Prince  Igor,"  a  work  completed  after  the 
composer's  death  by  Rimsky-Korsakoff  and   Glazounov. 

A  skilled  exposition 
was  given  by  the 
ans  of  this  wild, 
onrushing  music, 
with  its  marked  Ori- 
ental and  Russian 
rhythms.  The  ballet 
music  was  worked 
up  to  a  great  climax 
after  a  metriculous 
survey  of  all  its 
changing  forms. 

Second  on  the 
program  was  the 
modernist  Stravin- 
sky's "Sacre  du 
Printemps."  M  r  . 
Stokowski  prefaced 
this  composition  by  an  eloquent  plea  that  the  listener 
should  strive  to  follow  "this  beautiful  music"  and  to  hon- 
estly endeavor  to  understand  it.  A  musical  pagan  riot 
followed,  wherein  the  flute,  English  horn,  trumpets  and 
drums  strove  for  first  place  in  the  battle.  It  was  a  glori- 
ous orgy  of  sound,  this  consecration  of  Spring,  depicting 
the  worship  of  the  forces  of  Nature  by  primitive  man. 

This  writer  tried  faithfully  to  follow  the  music  and  to 
understand  it,  in  strict  obedience  to  Mr.  Stokowski's 
admonition,  all  the  way  from  the  adoration  of  the  earth, 
through  the  harbingers  of  Spring,  the  dances  of  the  ado- 
lescents, the  round  dances  of  Spring,  the  games  of  the 
rival  towns,  the  procession  of  the  sage,  pagan  night,  mys- 
tical circles  of  the  maidens,  to  the  ritual  of  the  sacrifice, 
the  evocation  of  the  ancestors  and  the  final  sacrifice. 
From  a  program  note  by  the  distinguished  commentator, 
Lawrence  Gilman,  I  quote : 

Lawrence  Gilman's  Comment 

"Now  the  elected  victim,  who  has  thus  far  remained 
motionless  throughout  these  activities,  begins  her  sacri- 
fice, for  the  final  act  of  propitiation  has  been  demanded, 
and  she  must  dance  herself  to  death.  The  music  expresses 
the  mystical  rapture  of  this  invocation  of  vernal  fertility 
in  rhythms  of  paroxysmal  frenzy.  There  is  nothing  in 
music  quite  like  this  frenetic  close  of  Le  Sacre  du  Prin- 
(Continued   on    page   47) 

DECEMBER,    19? 


I  Ether  Etching/  I 

Mathilde  Harding,  Pianiste 

A  RADIO  look  into  the  life  of  this  young  artiste, 
■*-  Mathilde  Harding,  familiarly  known  as  "Billy,"  re- 
veals that  her  first  pianistic  studies  were  at  the  Washing- 
ton Seminary,  Washington,  Pa.,  under  the  direction  of 
Julia  Moss.  She  won  the  Juilliard  Foundation  Scholar- 
ship in  1926,  '27,  '28  and  '29,  and,  her  first  public  concert 

appearance  was  in 
1918,  with  the  Rus- 
sian Symphony  Or- 
chestra, under  the  di- 
rection of  Modeste 

Her  first  radio  ap- 
pearance was  over 
KDKA  in  1922  and 
in  addition  to  this  sta- 
tion, she  has  played 
for  WEAF,  WJZ, 
WOR,  WABC,  and 
CFCF.  Her  favorite 
composer  among  the 
classics  is  Brahms, 
while  Debussy  has  her 
vote  in  the  modern 
school.  She  is  happi- 
est when  learning  a 
new  piano  concerto 
and  also  when  playing 
the  work  with  a  full 

Mathilde  Harding 
has  a  powerful,  vi- 
brant and  radiant  per- 
sonality and  her  play- 
ing, when  occasion  de- 
mands, is  full  of  fire 
and  dash.  Curiously 
enough,  the  radio,  which  has  made  her  name  famous,  al- 
most ended  her  career.  At  KDKA,  when,  in  girlish  curi- 
osity, she  was  exploring  the  control  room,  she  attempted 
to  reach  up  and  touch  the  high-power  switch  "to  see  what 
would  happen."  "What  happened"  was  a  blow  from  a 
big  Irish  engineer  that  knocked  Mathilde  spinning  almost 
into  unconsciousness  but  into  absolute  safetv. 

Mathilde  Harding 

N.  Y.  U.  Gives  Courses  Over  WOR 

New  York  University  recently  inaugurated  its  ninth  year 
of  broadcasting  over  WOR.  This  marks  the  fourth  year 
that  WOR  has  been  the  radio  mouthpiece  of  the  Univer- 
sity.    These  radio  courses  have  already  been  announced. 

"Radio  Needs  Standardized  Diction" 

wQ  PEAKING  from  the  announcer's  angle,  what  radio 
^  needs  most  is  uniform  diction,  a  definite  standard 
of  good,  clear,  understandable  English."  This  from  Mil- 
ton J.  Cross,  the  well-known  radio  announcer,  an  inter- 
nationally known  figure  on  the  concert  stage,  and  recently 
the  winner  of  the  gold  medal  for  good  diction,  presented 
by  the  American 
Academy  of  Arts  and 

"I  believe  that,  in 
England,  the  standard 
of  diction  centres 
somewhere  between 
the  Universities  of 
Oxford  and  Cam- 
bridge, while  Dublin 
University  claims  un- 
usual purity  of  speech 
and  the  Scots,  not  to 
be  outdone,  announce 
that  the  finest  English 
in  the  British  Isles  is 
that  of  Edinburgh 
University.  But  I  like 
to  think  that  the  aver- 
age of  these  four 
great  schools  is  really 
fine  English. 

"Here  we  have  no 
such     standard  —  at 

least  on  the  air.  We  are  guided  largely  by  our  own  par- 
ticular education  and  by  our  own  taste  in  the  matter  of 
diction.  I  am  frank  to  say  that  some  of  the  results  are 
a  little  disastrous.  It  seems  that  some  of  the  early  an- 
nouncers 'on  the  air'  were  chosen  for  personality  and 
musical  voices,  rather  than  for  distinguished  diction. 

"I  know  there  were  notable  exceptions  among  my 
friends  and  colleagues,  but  the  radio  business  grew — and 
is  still  growing — at  an  alarming  rate,  and  the  first  diffi- 
culties were  naturally  those  of  getting  competent  men  to 
man  the  ship.  Some  of  the  first  sailors — to  continue  the 
simile — were  reliable,  rather  than  artistic." 

School  Children  Hear  Broadcast 

More  than  5,000.000  school  children  in  50,000  class 
rooms  in  the  United  States,  Canada,  Mexico,  the  West 
Indies  and  even  as  for  away  as  the  Philippines  listened  to 
the  first  of  the  Music  Appreciation  Concerts  broadcast 
under  the  directions  of  Walter  Damrosch  and  presented 
by  the  N.  B.  C,  according  to  Pres.  M.  H.  Aylesworth. 

Milton  J.  Cross 



JTATIC  pccm  the  XtLDICI 

[Continued  from  page-  34) 
dependence,  Kans.,  and  the  wedding 
took  place  while  he  was  there.  He  and 
Miss  Sickels  had  been  life-long 
friends,  She  is  said  to  be  a  talented 
pianiste.  Leon  sings  on  the  Enna  Jet- 
tick  Hour  and  also  with  the  Ballad 
Singers,  the-  Sixteen  Singers  and  on 
other  NBC  programs.  Leon  brought 
his  bride  back  to  New  York  with  him 
and  they  plan  to  make  their  home  at 
some  point  convenient  to  the  NBC 

"Bill"  Schudt's  "Going  to  Press" 
began  as  a  one-station  feature  last 
December.  Not  yet  a  year  on  the 
air,  this  feature,  dedicated  to  news- 
papermen and  newspaper  topics,  is 
now  on  the  coast-to-coast  facilities  of 
the    Columbia    Broadcasting    System. 

Paul Dumont — and  we  have  no  means 
of  knowing  how  he  secured  the  proper 
technical  information — is  unusually 
realistic  in  the  drinking  scenes  of  tlie 
NBC  light  operas.  When  Harold  San- 
ford  was  conducting  "Her  Regiment," 
Victor  Herbert's  bright  light  opera, 
one  of  the  characters  invited  the  sol- 
diers to  line  up  and  take  a  drink.  "Col- 
onel" Dumont  lined  up  a  little  ahead  of 
the  others,  at  the  "mike,"  and  behaved 
as  one  does  late  in  the  evening  in 
Those  Places.  He  staggered  around, 
despite  the  caution  of  the  production 
manager,  and  caused  poor  Harold 
Sanford  to  smack  his  lips  unthinkingly. 
*     *     * 

Bernie's  Lexington  Hotel  Orches- 
tra is  broadcasting  over  WOR  for 
the  hostelry  of  the  same  name. 

^C  ^I  ^ 

In  response  to  4,971  inquiries,  Da- 
.  riel  Jones  is  a  perfect  lady,  Leslie 
Frick  is  a  contralto,  and  Leslie  Joy  is  a 
baritone.  Vernon  Radcliffe  has  the 
same  difficulty  as  Jerome  K.  Jerome, 
the  British  novelist.     Some  people  call 

him  by  his  first  name  and  some  by  his 
last,  but  nobody  seems  to  know  which 
is  right. 

*     *     * 

"My  beautiful  'seven-passenger 
Nash  sedan  has  been  stolen,"  Henry 
Shopc,  NBC  top  tenor,  recently  tele- 
phoned to  the  police.  It  seems  that 
Henry  had  let  a  friend  use  his  car.  The 
friend,  who  was  leaving  town,  parked 
the  car  and  left  the  keys  and  a  note, 
telling  where  the  car  was  parked,  in 
the  care  of  a  drug  clerk  at  711  Fifth 
Avenue.  When  Henry  went  to  look 
for  his  car,  he  could  not  find  it.  After- 
reporting  his  loss  to  the  police,  he 
bought  a  Ford  to  replace  his  Nash. 

Four  days  later  the  friend  returned 
and,  when  informed  of  Henry's  loss, 
went  in  search  of  tlie  car.  He  found 
it  exactly  where  he  had  parked  it. 
There  had  been  a  misunderstanding  as 
to  the  street.  The  car  Imd  not  been 
touched  for  four  days.  The  police  had 
not  come  across  it  in  their  search — nor 
had  they  picked  it  up  for  exceeding 
the  parking  limit.  Now  Henry  is  won- 
dering what  to  do  with  the  "other  car." 

*  *     * 

Stuart  Avers,  Don  Juan  of  the  NBC 
continuity  writers  recently  discovered 
on  Madison  Avenue  what  he  believes 
to  be  the  height  of  futility.  A  blind 
beggar,  hopelessly  crippled,  was  play- 
ing a  battered  guitar,  accompanying  a 
song.   .    .    .   "The  Pagan  Love  Song !" 

*  t-     * 

"Elsie  Pierce  Class  in  Beauty,"  a 
new  program  under  the  sponsorship  of 
Elsie  Pierce,  beauty  specialist,  and  the 
National  Grocery  Company,  are  two 
new  commercial  broadcasts  over 

%     H*     ^ 

Augusta  Spette,  soprano,  who  until 
recently  was  a  member  of  the  girls'  oc- 
tet at  the  NBC,  is  reported  to  have 
joined  a  trio  of  girls  that  is  singing  on 
the  "Moonbeams"  program  at  WOR. 

In  making  the  change  she  replaced 
Mary  McCoy,  soprano,  who  has  joined 
the  NBC  forces. 

*  *     * 

The  Spaghetti  Winders'  Association 
and  the  Society  for  Louder  and  Bet- 
ter Yodelling,  both  housed  at  711 
Fifth  Avenue,  report  the  prospect  of  a 
busy  season  with  the  advent  of  the  cool 
weather.  Walter  Kiesewetter,  official 
pianist  of  the  Yodellers,  spent  his 
Summer  in  Europe.  He  says  Munich 
is  still  wet. 

*  *     * 

Further  foreign  news  comes  from 
Leslie  Frick,  contralto,  who  returned 
recently  from  Munich.  She  says  "the 
beer  was  beyond  words,  not  to  men- 
tion the  Wagner  and  Mozart,  which 
were  wonderful." 

^c         :[;         $ 

Genia  Zielinska,  the  Polish  colora- 
tura soprano,  recently  was  seen  proud- 
ly carrying  a  lovely  song,  with  lyrics 
by  Mildred  Merle,  music  by  Henry 
S.  Gerstle,  the  boy  arranger,  entitled 
"Autumn's  Coming."  The  song, 
which  is  dedicated  to  Miss  Zielinska, 
went  on  the  air  recently.  It  sounded 
verv  well. 

"Say,  Walter,"  said  Mary  Hopple, 
contralto,  in  the  NBC  studios  the 
other  day,  "I  have  just  taken  a  new 
apartment  and  I've  bought  one  of 
those  no-end  day-beds  for  it." 

"I  don't  know  why  you  mention 
it  to  me,"  said  Walter  Preston,  bari- 
tone, "but,  at  that,  you  should  have 
'no-end'  of  comfort  from  it." 

Among  the  most  recent  of  America's 
citizens  is  Miss  Genia  Fonariova,  so- 
prano, heard  weekly  in  Troika  Bells 
over  the  NBC  Miss  Fonariova,  a  na- 
tive of  Russia,  received  her  final  nat- 
uralization papers  recently.  She  has 
been  in  the  United  States  for  nearly 
fifteen  years. 

DECEMBER,    19  2  9 


PccecAAi  Ncte/ 

Durant  Motors,  Inc.,  On  the  Air 

A  new  weekly  series  of  dramatic 
sketches,  depicting  incidents  in  the 
lives  of  great  men  who  have  moulded 
history  and  set  the  standard  of  truth 
and  accomplishment,  made  its  debut  on 
radio  recently.  The  series,  known  as 
"Heroes  of  the  World,"  is  sponsored 
by  Durant  Motors,  Inc.,  of  Lansing, 

The  Durant  Orchestra,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Dana  S.  Merriman,  con- 
tributes an  appropriate  musical  back- 
ground. The  sketches  are  written  by 
Burke  Boyce,  NBC  continuity  editor, 
author  of  "Wayside  Inn,"  and  origi- 
nator of  the  "Rapid  Transit"  sketches, 
as  well  as  other  original  radio  dramas. 

Members  of  the  cast  include  Alfred 
Shirley,  Charles  Webster,  Harry  Ne- 
ville, Gladys  Erskine  Shaw,  Harvey 
Hays,  Bennett  Kilpack  and  Katharine 


*     *     * 

Rutgers    Programs    Over    WOR 

Rutgers  University,  which  is  the 
State  University  of  New  Jersey,  and 
Station  WOR,  largest  broadcasting- 
station  in  the  State,  are  again  co-oper- 
ating in  offering  a  series  of  air  pro- 
grams this  year.  The  first  started  on 
Wednesday  afternoon,  October  23. 
The  Rutgers  Lecture  Program  will  run 
for  twenty-three  weeks.  The  speakers 
will  be  prominent  members  of  the  uni- 
versity faculty,  who  will  discuss  such 
subjects  as  child  psychology,  interna- 
tional relations,  child  guidance,  music, 
drama,  literature,  journalism,  and  edu- 
cation. The  general  University  Pro- 
gram will  be  given  for  ten  consecutive 
weeks.  These  programs  will  be  of 
one-half  hour  duration  and  will  consist 
of  both  lectures  and  music.  Later  in 
the  year,  probably  beginning  in  Janu- 

^     ^     ^ 

Six   Symphonies   on  G.    E.   Hour 

Six  complete  symphonies  will  be 
performed  during  the  winter  for  radio 
listeners  by  the  General  Electric  Sym- 
phony Orchestra,  according  to  Walter 
Damrosch,  who  recently  resumed  con- 
ducting the  Saturday  evening  concerts 
over  NBC. 

Religious   Leaders   Back    on    Air 

Three  famous  religious  leaders  re- 
turned to  the  air  recently  in  a  series 
of  winter  services  which  will  be  broad- 
cast by  the  NBC.  Dr.  S.  Parkes  Cad- 
man  started  his  seventh  season  be- 
fore the  microphone,  while  Dr.  Daniel 
A.  Poling,  leader  of  the  National 
Youth  Conference,  opened  his  fifth 
season.  Dr.  Harry  Emerson  Fosdick, 
who  conducts  the  National  Religious 
Service,  began  his  third  season  on  the 

same  day. 

%     %     ^ 

Recent  Appointments  at  NBC 

Five  executive  appointments  were 
announced  by  the  National  Broadcast- 
ing Company  to  become  effective  re- 
cently. William  Lynch,  former  an- 
nouncer, became  assistant  eastern  pro- 
gram director,  and  Katherine  Seymour 
became  assistant  continuity  editor.  The 
three  other  appointments  are :  Marley 
Sherris,  night  program  representative ; 
Norman  Sweetser,  program  represen- 
tative, and  Curt  Peterson,  supervisor 
of  announcers.  The  new  appoint- 
ments were  announced  by  George  En- 
gles,  vice-president  in  charge  of  pro- 

WOR  Offers  Philharmonic  Series 

WOR  recently  started  its  third  suc- 
cessive season  of  broadcasting  the 
Philharmonic  Symphony  Orchestra  of 
New  York.  Under  the  baton  of  such 
eminent  conductors  as  Arturo  Tosca- 
nini,  Willem  Mengelberg  and  Bernar- 
dino Mollinari,  with  an  unrivalled  per- 
sonnel of  111  men  and  with  an  in- 
creased schedule  of  concerts  planned 
this  season  will  become  a  landmark  in 
American  musical  annals.  The  sea- 
son will  last  twenty-nine  weeks,  one 
week  longer  than  last  year.  Mr.  Tos- 
canini  will  officiate  during  the  first  and 
last  eight  weeks  of  the  season.  Mr. 
Mengelberg  will  direct  eight  weeks  be- 
ginning November  25,  and  Mr.  Mol- 
linari the  next  five  weeks  from  Janu- 
ary 20  through  to  February  23. 

^  ^  ^ 

New  Program  on  "Famous  Loves" 

Dramatic  moments  in  the  lives  of 
the  world's  greatest  lovers  are  revealed 
to  the  radio  audience  in  a  program  en- 
titled "Famous  Loves,"  which  made  its 
debut  over  the  NBC  System  recently. 
Katharine  Seymour,  assistant  editor, 
NBC  Continuity  Department  and  au- 
thor of  the  series  of  sketches  heard 
during  the  past  summer,  "The  Family 
Goes  Abroad,"  has  delved  deeply  into 
the  histories  and  biographies  of  such 
historic  lovers  as  Cleopatra,  Ninon  de 
l'Enclos,  Diane  de  Poitiers,  Nell 
Gwyn.  Mme.  du  Barry  and  many  oth- 
ers for  the  scenes  dramatized  in  these 
playlets.  This  program  is  sponsored 
by  the  Craddock  Terry  Company,  of 
Lynchburg,  Va. 

*        H:        * 

"Cheerio"  Returns  to  the  Air 

With  the  program  time  lengthened 
to  half  an  hour  and  the  station  list 
increased  to  nearly  thirty,  "Cheerio" 
returned  to  the  radio  audience  recently. 
He  now  brings  his  message  of  inspira- 
tion and  cheer  six  mornings  a  week 
through  the  NBC.  The  Cheerio  pro- 
gram has  not  been  off  the  air,  but 
"Cheerio"  himself,  that  near-mythical 
figure  that  is  the  spirit  and  personality 
of  one  of  the  most  unusual  broadcast 
series  in  radio  history,  was  on  a  vaca- 
tion for  three  months. 



RADIO  REVUE  Makes  Its  Bow 

TT  will  be  the  aim  of  Radio  Revue,  a  magazine  for 
-*■  the  listener,  to  give,  clearly  and  impartially,  news  about 
radio  personalities,  the  radio  business,  both  from  the 
broadcasting  and  manufacturing  angles,  the  rights  and 
wrongs  of  advertising  clients,  the  woes  of  announcers,  the 
crimes  committed  by  radio  fans,  the  punishments  deserved 
for  these  crimes,  blasphemous  errors  in  diction  and  in 
musical  announcements,  distortion  and  war-provoking 
mispronunciations  of  foreign  wrords  known  to  every  music 
student,  blatant  self-advertisements  by  announcers,  sala- 
cious and  unfair  advertisements,  overpowering  use  of 
advertising  material,  the  uplift  in  music,  the  downpush  in 
jazz,  the  curse  of  the  crooners,  etc.,  etc.,  ad  infinitum. 

We  do  not  expect  to  revolutionize  and  reform  the  radio 
business  over-night,  nor  do  we  intend  to  investigate  and 
imprison  a  lot  of  nice  people,  nor  attack  commissions, 
assault  governors,  and  threaten  governments  with  the 
press,  nor  threaten  the  press  with  the  governments. 

We  believe  that  there  is  a  definite  need  and  place  for 
such  a  publication.  Five  years'  practical  experience  in 
radio  broadcasting  and  a  much  longer  period  spent  in  the 
publishing  field  have  caused  us  to  arrive  at  this  conclusion. 

Radio  broadcasting  has  had  an  unprecedented  growth 
and  bids  fair  to  continue  its  amazing  progress.  In  the 
process,  however,  a  number  of  important  things  have  been 
overlooked  or  slighted.  We  hope  to  have  a  part  in  rem- 
edying some  of  these  shortcomings.  To  this  end,  we 
shall  campaign,  among  other  things,  for: 

1.  Wider  dissemination  of  news  and  information 
about  radio  artists  and  program  developments. 

2.  A  general  improvement  in  the  standard  of  radio 
programs  being  broadcast. 

3.  More  extensive  use  of  radio  broadcasting  for  edu- 
cational and  economic  purposes. 

4.  A  decided  improvement  in  reception  conditions 
for  the  radio  listener. 

5.  A  wider  appreciation  of  the  need  for  better  and 
more  standard  English  diction  in  all  radio  broadcasting. 

However,  lest  we  be  accused  of  becoming  too  stuffy  and 
pompous,  we  wish  to  have  it  distinctly  understood  that 
this  magazine  will  be  edited  with  the  editorial  tongue 
always  in'  the  editorial  cheek.  We  do  not  want  to  become 
too  serious  about  this  business — especially  when  there  are 
so  many  opportunities  in  it  for  real  humor. 

With  this  introduction  we  now  commend  to  your  atten- 
tion our  newly-born  infant,  conceived  in  the  ecstasy  of  a 
new  idea  and  born  in  the  agony  of  pre-publication  uncer- 
tainty. We  bespeak  your  kind  indulgence  for  its  defici- 
encies and  assure  you  that,  whatever  they  may  be,  we 
shall  try  to  overcome  them  in  future  issues. 

We  expect  to  have  plenty  of  fun  with  this  magazine. 
Our  prime  purpose  is  to  make  a  lot  of  money — and,  of 
course,  to  publish  the  most  entertaining  magazine  possible. 


Radio  Censorship  Impracticable 

f*\  N  the  face  of  it,  radio  censorship  seems  as  imprae- 
^^  ticable  as  it '  must  appear  preposterous.  Here  we 
have  no  physical  thing,  like  the  book  or  the  film,  products 
created  at  a  tremendous  expense,  which  can  be — and 
often  must  be — altered  and  amended  to  satisfy  a  large  and 
discriminating  public,  as  well  as  a  small  group  of  official 

Once  a  voice  or  a  band  has  gone  on  the  air,  it  has  gone 
beyond  the  power  of  recall  through  human  agencies.  Each 
must  be  as  nearly  perfect  as  possible  before  its  agent  will 
permit  a  broadcast.  The  more  prominent  radio  corpora- 
tions are  continually  endeavoring  to  improve  their  broad- 
casts, and  their  energies  and  capital  are  not  only  expended 
upon  class,  but  upon  type  as  well.  By  that  is  meant  the 
nature  of  the  program  as  well  as  the  grade  of  the  per- 
forming artist  and  the  music  itself. 

The  public  finds  but  little  fault  with  the  artist  as  a  rule, 
because  the  broadcasting  company,  through  its  tests  and 
auditions,  can  generally  have  the  best  entertainers  at  its 
constant  command.  The  difficulty  lies  with  the  nature  of 
the  program. 

Programs  may  be  classified,  roughly,  under  three  heads : 
classical,  popular,  and  a  third  class  that  strikes  a  happy 
medium  between  these  two.  Classical  programs,  as  a  rule, 
refer  to  symphony  concerts,  song  recitals,  and  the  radio 
presentations  of  grand  opera  and  famous  plays,  or 
specially  dramatized  resumes  of  standard  books.  In  the 
third  class  we  must  include  performances  of  light  operas, 
original  skits  of  a  reminiscent  nature,  travel  talks,  band 
concerts,  and  the  analyses  of  world-wide  interest  which 
are  generally  seen  on  the  news  reels  in  the  motion  picture 
theatres.  All  of  these  have  their  tens  of  thousands  of 
enthusiastic  radio  fans. 

The  complaint — a  real  one — has  been  directed  some- 
what against  the  popular  program,  and  specifically  against 
jazz  music — not  against  the  remarkably  fine,  polished  per- 
formances of  a  small  number  of  skillul  orchestras  under 
competent  and  sensitive  leaders,  but  the  raucous,  blatant, 
stupid  noises  of  poorly-manned  bands,  whose  chief  asset 
is  a  villainous  "director,"  or  a  tin-throated  tenor  with  cast- 
iron  lungs. 

The  hig'h-grade  syncopating  ensembles  will  quickly 
enough  be  featured  by  one  of  the  radio  companies  or  ad- 
vertisers of  national  importance ;  the  second  raters  will 
have  to  confine  themselves  to  the  small  hotels  and  cabaret 
enterprises  which  provide  expense  money  for  them,  while 
they  give  their  services  gratis  to  the  smaller  broadcasting 
stations.  And,  if  they  are  not  to  be  wiped  off  the  slate 
of  radio  through  natural  means,  then  a  form  of  censor- 
ship must  be  set  up  to  save  our  tortured  ears  from  their 
continued  and  cacophonous  assaults. 

An  instrument  ultimately  may  be  devised  to  measure 
purity  of  tone,  balance,  finesse,  and  perhaps  even  that 
elusive  quality,  "radio  personality."  With  this  miracle 
performed,  whoever  and  whatever  does  not  come  up  to 
a  certain  standard  will  be  dropped.  The  unkind  critic 
will  doubtless  add  that  they  should  be  dropped  from  the 


.   and  from  a  great  height. 

DECEMBER,    19  2  9 



Returns  From  Opera  Triumphs  Abroad 

Irma  de  Baun,  Coloratura  Soprano,  Enjoyed  Sensational  Success  in  Eur  of  e 

T^HIS  singer,  who  is  well  known  to  the  radio  audience  here, 
-*-  recently  returned  to  the  air  on  the  "Evening  in  Paris"  pro- 
gram over  Station  WABC  at  9:30  every  Monday  evening.  While 
in  Italy  she  sang  the  roles  of  Gilda  in  Rigoletto,  Lucia  in  Lucia  di 
Lammermoor,  Rosina  in  The  Barber  of  Seville  and  Micaela  in 
Carmen.       Appearing     at     Turin,     Milan,     Gorizia     and     Venice,     she 

was  accorded  a  great  ovation  at  every  performance.  She  received 
other  offers  of  engagements  sufficient  to  keep  her  abroad  all  win- 
ter, but  previous  contractual  obligations  in  America  prevented  her 
from  accepting  these.  Her  operatic  contracts  for  the  coming  win- 
ter and  spring  include  appearances  in  Havana  and  Buenos  Aires. 
She   also   is   booked    solid   for   Italy   next    summer. 



Eadic  in  the  Home 



Edited  by  Mrs.  Julian  Heath 

Pioneer   Broadcaster  of  Market   Reports  and   Daily  Menus 



Hello,  Neighbors! 

After  my  five  years'  daily  contact  with  you  over  Station 
VVJZ,  my  many  years'  service  as  president  of  the  National 
Housewives'  League  and  now  with  the  added  contact  af- 
forded by  this  new  magazine,  I  feel  that  the  time  has 
come  for  a  "merger"  of  the  home  executives,  the  house- 

I  want  you  to  help  me  in  my  capacity  as  editor  of  this 
special  home  department,  so  that  this  may  be  our  page — 
not  mine  alone.  Our  business  of  home-making  is  the  big- 
gest business  in  the  world.  Indeed,  it  is  the  center  of  all 
business.  We  buy  what  the  world  produces.  We  must 
buy  properly — and  we  must  use  properly  that  which  we 

Each  American  home  represents  an  individual  business 
and  should  be  organized  just  like  any  other  business.  This 
we  can  accomplish  by  means  of  our  daily  radio  contact 
and  this  printed  page,  through  the  medium  of  which  you 
can  "talk  back,"  as  your  letters  indicate  you  would  like 
to  do. 

It  is  because  we  are  neighbors  that  this  home  page  will 
be  a  neighborly  page — just  a  place  to  exchange  ideas  and 
thoughts,  and  to  discuss  any  home  problems.  You  doubt- 
less have  many  problems  that  present  themselves  in  the 
housing,  clothing,  feeding  and  educating  of  your  family. 
These  we  will  discuss  and  attempt  to  solve  together. 

^  >K  ^ 

Broadcasting  studios  are  extremely  interesting  places, 
and  the  radio  artists  are  likewise  charming,  intelligent  peo- 
ple. They  all  have  their  human  side,  in  addition  to  the 
artistic,  and  they  all  appreciate  the  good  things  of  life. 

One  day,  not  long  ago,  Joseph  Latham  (you  know,  he 
took  the  part  of  Peter  Philbin,  the  boy  who  ran  away 
and  went  to  sea  with  the  Forty  Fathom  Fish  crew)  said 
to  me : 

"Mrs.  Heath,  may  I  have  that  recipe  for  cheese  cake 
that  I  heard  you  give  over  the  air  the  other  day?" 

"Surely,"  I  said,  and  the  next  day  I  handed  it  to  him. 
A  day  or  two  later  he  reported,  with  shining  eyes,  that  the 
cheese  cake  had  been  "fine." 

The  story  does  not  end  there,  however.  Some  weeks 
later  I  was  sitting  in  the  NBC  reception  room  when  a 
charming  lady  introduced  herself  to  me.  She  proved  to  be 
Mrs.  Latham.  Thanking  me  for  the  recipe,  she  said : 
"I  just  wish  you  could  have  seen  how  thoroughly  Mr. 
Latham  enjoyed  the  cheese  cake,  and  how  he  hung  around 
the  kitchen  and  watched  me  make  it."    Here  is  the  recipe : 

We   will    divide    this    recipe   into    two    parts,    the   pastry   and    the 
filling.      The   pastry   calls   for: 

1      cup  flour 

l/z    cup    sugar    (scant) 

x/z    teaspoon     baking     powder 

1      tablespoon  butter 

1  unbeaten   egg 

2  tablespoons  water 
Proceed   as   follows: 

Sift  together  the  flour,  baking  powder  and  sugar.  Then  work 
in  with  the  finger  tips  one  tablespoonful  of  butter.  Then  add 
one  unbeaten  egg  and  two  tablespoonfuls  of  water.  Use  a  knife 
to  blend  this  all  together.  Then  toss  on  a  floured  board  and  roll 
one-quarter  of  an  inch  thick.  This  dough  breaks  easily.  Patch 
wherever  needed  with  an  extra  piece  of  dough. 
The    cheese    cake    filling    calls    for: 

1      pound   pot   cheese 

J/4    cup    melted    butter    (about    2    oz. ) 

%    cup  sugar 

3      yolks   of  eggs 

1  cup  evaporated   milk  or  cream 

2  tablespoons  corn  starch   (rounded) 
r4    teaspoon   lemon   juice 

2      teaspoons  vanilla  extract 
5      drops  almond  extract 
1/3    cup  seedless  raisins 
Proceed  as  follows: 

Mix  together  pot  cheese  and  melted  butter.  Mix  together  the 
sugar  and  egg  yolks.  Mix  together  the  evaporated  milk  and  the 
corn  starch.  Blend  all  of  these  ingredients  thoroughly.  Then  add 
the  lemon  juice,  vanilla  extract,  almond  extract  and  the  raisins. 
Blend  these  ingredients  well  and  then  fold  in  the  stiffly  beaten 
whites  of  the  three  eggs. 

Butter  a   cake   pan   and   line  it  'with   the   cookie  dough   or  pastry 
as    given.       Pour    in    the    mixture    and    then    fold    over    the    dough 
which,    of    course,    will    be    higher    than    the    mixture    in    the    pan. 
This  will  make  a   sort  of  collar  for  the  mixture. 
Bake  in  a  moderate  oven  45  to  5  5  minutes. 
^  %         ^ 

Then  there  is  Milton  J.  Cross's  favorite  dessert.  One 
day.  back  in  the  old  West  42nd  Street  studios  of  WJZ, 
Mr.  Cross  was  putting  my  program  on  the  air.  That  day 
we  were  giving  recipes  for  "Father's  Favorites."  It 
struck  me  that  this  popular  announcer  might  have  a  fa- 
vorite sweet,  so  I  asked  him  what  dessert  he  liked  best. 

"Toasted  cocoanut  pie,"  was  his  immediate  answer. 
And.  as  Mr.  Cross's  pie  is  a  staple  in  our  radio  circle,  I 
am  giving  it  here. 

The  ingredients  are: 

1  small  box  cocoanut 

2  eggs 

%    cup   sugar 

1  pint  milk 

2  level    tablespoons    corn    starch 
Proceed  as  follows: 

Put  the  milk  on  a  slow  fire  to  ■warm,  adding  sugar.  Separate 
the  eggs,  dissolve  the  corn  starch  in  cold  water  and  add  beaten 
yolks  and  salt.  Stir  into  milk,  cook  until  thick  and  then  stir  in 
three-quarters  of  the  cocoanut.  Bake  the  pie  crust  and  pour  this 
mixture  into  the  shell.  Cover  with  stiffly  beaten  whites  of  eggs,  to 
■which  two  tablespoons  of  powdered  sugar  have  been  added.  Sprin- 
kle with  rest  of  cocoanut  and  brown  in  a  quick  oven. 
*  *         * 

Further  evidence  of  the  fact  that  radio  artists  appre- 
ciate good  things  came  to  light  the  other  day  when  Frank 
Croxton,  the  NBC  basso,  stopped  me  and  asked  : 
(Continued    on    page    45) 

DECEMBER,     19  2  9 


You  remember  the  grief 
and  consternation  which 
ensued  later,  when 

"All  the  king's  horses  and 

all  the  kin^s  men 
Couldn't  put  Humpty-Dumpty 

together  again." 

\A/  HAT  a  tragedy,  if  all  the  eggs  in  the  world  suddenly 
disappeared  —  forever!  No  more  omelets,  no  "ham 
and — ",  no  cake-baking,  no  egg-batter  for  frying,  no  egg-nogs 
for  invalids.  In  a  flash,  a  thousand  and  one  uses  for  eggs  would 
race  frantically  through  the  mind  of  every  disconsolate  house- 

And  yet  —  because  eggs  are  seldom  advertised  —  there  is 
perhaps  no  food  product  so  little  understood.  Certainly  there 
is  no  food  product  about  which  knowledge  would  prove  more 
valuable  to  you. 

Here,  from  month  to  month,  will  be  unfolded  a  "serial  story" 
of  eggs,  wherein  will  be  set  forth  much  to  interest,  and  more 
to  surprise  you.  "My  goodness,"  you'll  say  as  you  read,  "I 
never  knew  there  was  so  much  to  an  egg." 

There  is.     Good  eggs  don't  "just  happen." 

A  trip  is  planned  for  January  —  on  the  magic  carpet  of 
imagination  —  to  a  paradise  of  the  poultry  kingdom,  the  land  of 
perpetual  spring. 



She  Loves  a  Loud  Speaker 


HP  HIS  lady,  Bertha  Brainard,  is  familiarly  known  in  the 
*-  XBC  studios  as  "B.  B.",  Eastern  Program  Director. 
Bertha  is  a  most  valuable  scout  for  she  is  always  rescuing 
someone  from  some  difficulty  or  other,  or  saving  some- 
body from  something.  She  has  a  singularly  good-looking 
office  at  711  Fifth  Avenue,  in  which  the  furnishings  and 
decorations  express  her  good  taste.  This  includes  the 
lamp  shown  above  which  moves  at  her  will.  On  her  floor 
— the  12th — there  is  the  Shipwrecked  Sailors'  Club,  to 
each  member  of  which  Bertha  has  lent  a  helping  hand  in 
moments  of  dire  distress.  Of  this  club,  Bertha  is  Com- 

In  response  to  a  barrage  of  impertinent  questions,  the 
Eastern  Program  Director  announces  that  her  full  name 
is  Bertha  Beatrice  Brainard,  and  her  place  of  origin  South 
Orange,  N.  J.  Her  entry  into  the  radio  world  dates  back 
to  1921  with  Station  WJZ.  which  was  then  at  Newark. 
Her  spare  time — if  and  when  she  gets  any — is  occupied 
with  swimming,  dancing,  riding  and  drinking  tea.  She 
does  not  collect  anything  except  friends.  Being  a  Titian, 
she  does  not  know  why  Gentlemen  Prefer  Blondes. 

Bertha  Brainard  is  the  only  person  living  who  really 
loves  a  loud  speaker — that  is,  a  radio  loud  speaker.  The 
louder  the  speaker,  the  better  she  likes  it,  she  says,  and  a 
specially-devised  sleep  destroyer  is  now  being  designed 
by  the  XBC  engineers  for  her  exclusive  benefit. 

The  bird-like  gentleman  on  her  desk  is  Nemo,  the 
match-man.  The  space  not  occupied  by  Nemo  is  usually 
covered  with  flowers. 

Philco  Hour  Presents  Favorite  Light  Operas 

(Continued  from  page  20) 

Harold  is  widely  known  for  his  workmanlike  orches- 
trations and  his  compositions.  He  wrote  the  music  for 
our  signature  song,  "Mem'ries,"  and  I  furnished  the 
lyrics.  He  is  affectionately  called  "Harold  the  Six- 
teenth" because,  in  rehearsing  the  singers,  he  is  exceed- 
ingly particular  that  they  give  the  exact  valuation  of  each 
sixteenth-note.  Harold  prefers  riding  on  a  locomotive 
to  any  other  form  of  recreation.  He  says  that,  if  he  had 
not  become  a  musician,  he  certainly  would  have  been  an 

Telegrams,  telephone  calls,  fan  mail  and  occasionally 
flowers  for  the  prima  donna  continue  to  make  the  Philco 
artists  happy  in  their  work.  Sometimes  a  letter  is  re- 
ceived from  some  shut-in  far  out  West,  and  often  a  tele 
gram  arrives  from  some  "man  of  mystery,"  who  has 
become  enamored  with  Miss  Dragonette's  voice.  Re- 
peatedly the  story  comes  to  us — and  some  editor  seeks  to 
verify  it — that  Jessica  and  Colin  are  engaged.  However. 
Kitty  O'Neill  is  always  on  hand,  so  we  just  cannot  satisfy 
this  attempt  to  have  real  romance  run  rife  in  the  Philco 

The  Joseph  Hilton  &  Sons  concern  is  sponsoring  a  new 
radio  feature  at  WOR,  as  is  also  Fioret,  Inc.,  677  Fifth 
Avenue,  New  York. 

Dale  Wimbrow  Whittles  — 

(Continued  from  page  16) 

popular.     However,  after  the  audition,  it  was  decided  to 
change  the  entire  presentation. 

"We  finally  went  on  the  air,  using  Gus  Haenschen's 
orchestra,  Virginia  Rea,  the  soprano  who  is  now  so  widely 
known  as  Olive  Palmer ;  Douglas  Stanbury,  baritone  of 
Roxy's  Gang,  and  myself.  In  those  days  WJZ  was  not 
selling  its  time  on  the  air.  It  donated  the  time  to  respon- 
sible organizations  that  would  agree  to  pay  for  all  of  the 
talent  used. 

"Well,  that  line-up  of  talent  cost  exactly  $575.  includ- 
ing the  orchestra.  It  could  not  be  duplicated  today  for 
man_\-  times  that  amount.  However,  the  folks  back  home 
thought  that  $575  a  week  was  an  unusually  heavy  expen- 
diture for  advertising,  particularly  in  view  of  the  fact  that 
they  did  not  sell  40  or  50  farms  immediately  after  the 
first  broadcast.  And  so  they  discontinued  the  program 
after  five  performances. 

"As  time  went  on,  however,  they  saw  their  mistake.  A 
year  later  they  tried  to  go  back  on  the  air  but,  in  the  in- 
terim, radio  had  made  tremendous  strides  and  WJZ  was 
then  selling  its  time  at  about  $600  an  hour,  I  believe.  In 
addition  to  that  amount,  they  would  have  to  pay  the  cost  of 
the  talent. 

Still  Receiving  Reactions 

"The  strange  part  of  it  is  that,  to  this  day,  they  are 
still  receiving  reactions  from  their  five-week  broadcast 
and  people  are  writing  to  ask  them  if  they  are  going  on 
the  air  again.  They  have  reached  the  point  where  they 
would  be  willing  to  spend  SI, 500  a  week   for  an  hour's 

DECEMBER,     19  2  9 


program  similar  to  the  one  they  originally  broadcast,  but 
such  a  program  today  would  cost  them  approximately 
39,000  for  the  same  talent  and  coverage  they  had  then. 

"In  those  days  WJZ's  powerful  transmitter  covered  a 
tremendous  area  and  there  was  not  as  much  interference 
from  other  stations  as  there  is  now.  In  order  to  cover 
the  same  territory  today,  an  advertiser  would  be  com- 
pelled to  buy  a  chain  of  stations.     Such  is  life." 

With  a  few  deft  motions.  Dale  put  the  finishing  touches 
on  the  walking  stick  and  then  closed  his  knife.  The  com- 
pletion of  his  whittling  seemingly  ended  the  mood  for 
reminiscences  and  he  hurried  away  to  present  the  stick 
to  its  new  owner. 

"Go  Rest,  Young  Man,  Go  Rest' 

Radio  in  the  Home 

(Continued  from  page  42) 

"'Did  you  ever  tell  your  radio  audience  about  eggplant 
with  tomato  sauce  ?" 

"No,  I  don't  believe  I  have,"  I  replied.  "Tell  me 
about  it." 

"Well,"  he  said,  "my  mother  prepares  the  eggplant  in 
the  usual  way  for  frying,  by  pressing  out  the  water  under 
the  weight  of  a  flatiron.  Then  she  fries  it  and.  when 
serving,  pours  over  it  a  thick  cream  tomato  soup."  The 
way  his  eyes  glistened  when  he  told  me  about  it  was  mute 
testimony  of  how  good  it  tasted. 

While  he  was  talking  to  me,  a  number  of  other  artists 
were  listening  and  each  one  was  ready  to  tell  me  something 
that  he  thought  would  far  surpass  the  eggplant  with 
tomato  sauce.  I'll  let  you  know  more  about  their  ideas 

Then,  too,  many  of  the  women  artistes  are  good  house- 
wives. I  know  that  they  will  have  a  number  of  interesting 
tninsrs  to  tell  also. 

1o£|NWlLW°OD  MIS'   WoQB) 

-Vice.  PP5£it>eioT    Hf.-ooNo.t-  9<Joao Cftsriwe    CWoau* 

Policeman  a  Radio  Fan 

Traffic  Policeman  Geiger,  six  feet  and  some 
inches  of  regal  and  legal  magnificence,  who  func- 
tions most  admirably  at  Fifth  Avenue  and  5  5th 
Street,  is  by  origin  a  Boer.  Dr.  Theophil  Wendt, 
the  South  African  conductor-composer,  often  a 
guest  at  the  NBC,  knew  him  in  South  Africa 
twenty  years  ago,  when  he  was  fighting  as  a 
good  South  African  against  the  British  King. 

Dr.  Wendt  fought  on  the  other  side— with  the 
British — in  the  Cape  Mounted  Police.  Dr.  Wendt 
said  he  always  had  admired  the  refusal  of  the 
Boer  to  pledge  allegiance  to  the  King,  against 
the  dictates  of  his  conscience.  The  Doctor  and 
the  Boer  have  remained  good  friends. 

Officer  Geiger  has  a  comfortable  home,  which 
is  "open  house"  to  all  his  friends,  particularly 
those  from  South  Africa.  He  has  found  happi- 
ness in  the  good  old  U.  S.  A.  and  has  managed  to 
retain  most  of  his  British  friends,  Boer  or  no 
Boer,  war  or  no  war. 

Officer  Geiger  occasionally  calls  on  the  engi- 
neering department  of  the  NBC  for  advice  on 
technical  radio  matters,  as  he  is  an  ardent  radio 

T  TERE  is  the  long  awaited  picture  of  John  W.  Elwood, 
-*-  -*-  the  youngest  vice-president  of  the  XBC.  and  general 
supervisor  of  table  entertainments.  John  is  a  pioneer  in 
the  radio  field,  having  served  the  General  Electric  Com- 
pany with  distinction,  and  also  the  Radio  Corporation  of 
America  since  its  inception.  He  has  attended  most  of  the 
important  radio  conferences  abroad  that  have  dealt  with 
the  present  radio  set-up  and  program  exchanges.  He  is  a 
product  of  the  Empire  State,  Ilion,  N.  Y.,  claiming  him  as 
a  native. 

He  is  distinguished  for  never  doing  anything  that  he 
can  get  anyone  else  to  do.  At  this  he  is  quite  successful, 
for  he  has  a  staff  of  willing  helpers,  who  jump  around  at 
his  slightest  wish.  His  motto  has  always  been:  "Go  rest, 
young  man,  go  rest.'' 

His  principal  hobby,  and  one  that  comes  before  cooking 
and  entertaining  his  friends,  is  "Ginger."  "Ginger"  El- 
wood is  a  diminutive  but  most  important  lady  of  four 
Summers  to  whom  Jolly  Bill  and  Jane  have  dedicated 
their  children's  programs,  since  Papa  Elwood  was  the 
originator  of  this  astonishingly  popular  radio  feature. 
"Ginger"  often  takes  a  hand  in  the  studio  and  "goes  on 
the  air"  as  part  of  the  "Jolly  Bill  and  Jane"  program. 



What  Is  the  Secret  of  Rudy  Vallee's  Success? 

(Continued  from   page   5) 

that  had  been  his  since  his  early  college  days.  His  lucky 
chance  came  with  the  opening  in  Greenwich  Village  of  a 
new  night  club,  Don  Dickerman's  "Blue  Horse."  This 
new  club  could  not  afford  to  engage  a  well-known  band, 
and  so  gave  Rudy  his  chance.  He  assembled  seven  players, 
christened  them  "The  Connecticut  Yankees"  and  pro- 
ceeded to  whip  them  into  shape. 

"Something  different"  had  always  been  Rudy's  ideal  in 
dance  music  and,  as  he  says.  "We  worked,  sweated  and 
cursed  together  until  we  got  something  different."  One 
evening  some  time  later,  Rudy  sang  a  vocal  chorus  to  one 
of  the  dance  numbers.  The  crowd  liked  it  and  applauded 
wildly.     That  was  the  beginning  of  his  singing  career. 

His  first  opportunity  to  make  phonograph  records  was 
with  the  Columbia  Phonograph  Co.,  but  he  and  his  band 
are  now  recording  with  Victor.  Later,  he  started  broad- 
casting and  it  was  through  this  medium  that  he  became  a 
national  figure.  He  receives  about  two  hundred  letters 
a  day  from  his  admirers.  He  reads  as  many  of  these  as 
he  possibly  can  and  answers  some  of  them.  He  and  his 
"Connecticut  Yankees"  have  appeared  on  the  R-K-0 
vaudeville  circuit. 

Recently  he  and  his  boys — he  still  has  all  the  original 
nembers  of  his  band  with  him — went  to  Hollywood  to  ap- 
pear in  a  talkie  entitled  "The  Vagabond  Lover,"  which 
has  just  been  released  by  Radio  Pictures.  When  he  re- 
turned to  New  York  recently,  Rudy  received  a  great  ova- 
tion at  Pennsylvania  Station.  He  posed  for  numberless 
snapshots,  along  with  his  parents,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  A. 
Vallee,  who  had  accompanied  him  to  Hollywood,  and 
many  others. 

He  then  immediately  started  to  work,  following  a  sched- 
ule that  will  keep  him  busy  for  eighteen  hours  a  day.  He 
and  his  band  have  been  appearing  at  the  Brooklyn  Para- 
mount Theatre  and  they  recently  returned  to  the  air  on 
the  Fleischmann  Sunshine  Hour  over  the  XBC  network. 
In  addition,  they  will  be  heard  in  a  series  of  programs 
emanating  from  the  Villa  Vallee.  Rudy's  own  exclusive 
night  club.  It  is  understood  that  Rudy  hopes  soon  to 
make  a  tour  of  Europe. 

Rudy  has  little  cause  to  worry  about  the  future.  For 
the  coming  year  he  has  a  half  million  dollars'  worth  of 
contracts  lined  up.  including  Victor  phonograph  records, 
talking  pictures,  vaudeville,  night  club  and  public  appear- 
ances, not  to  mention  the  income  from  various  other 
sources,  such  as  writing  popular  songs,  etc.  Not  an  un- 
pleasant prospect  for  a  boy  still  in  his  twenties.  As  long 
as  Lady  Luck  continues  to  favor  him  as  she  has  in  the 
past,  Rudy  need  not  worry  about  what  the  secret  of  his 
success  really  is. 

None  of  the  evidence  so  far  presented  actually  estab- 
lishes the  basic  reason  for  Rudy's  popularity.  Could  it 
possibly  be  that  he  is  an  idol  moulded  of  the  crumbling 
clay  of  American  sentimentality? 

Wanted:  Air  Personality! 

(Continued  from  page  22) 

nately,  the  sea  air — or  something  else — had  so  affected  his 
vocal  chords  that,  though  he  tried  on  two  different  occa- 
sions to  show  the  committee  how  great  a  gift  was  his 
great  gift,  he  was  unable  to  raise  his  voice  above  a  squeak. 
On  another  occasion  a  cock-sure  young  man  applied 
for  an  audition  and  almost  toppled  the  committee  over 
by  announcing,  in  answer  to  the  query  as  to  what  type 
of  voice  he  had,  that  he  was  a  soprano.  It  was  only  a  few 
days  later  that  a  young  lady  appeared  and  proved  equally 
astonishing  by  saying  that  she  was  a  baritone.  The  re- 
sourceful clerk  put  her  down  as  a  mezzo-contralto  and. 
for  all  I  know,  she. is  still  going  down. 

Adds  Radio  Pioneer  to  Staff 

So  rapidly  has  the  Majestic  Theatre  of  the  Air  devel- 
oped and  so  large  have  its  program  activities  become,  that 
Wendell  Hall,  its  director,  has  found  it  necessary  to  add 
to  his  staff.  Lee  J.  Seymour,  one  of  radio's  pioneers  and 
well  known  in  the  northwest,  is  Majestic's  latest  executive, 
and  has  taken  up  his  duties  as  business  manager.  Mr. 
Seymour,  born  in  South  Dakota,  has  built  up  a  large  fol- 
lowing with  WCCO,  the  Columbia  Broadcasting  System's 
outlet  in  Minneapolis,  where  he  has  been  production  man- 
ager and  official  sports  announcer  for  some  time.  To- 
gether with  Mr.  Hall  and  Fred  Smith,  Mr.  Seymour  is 
now  at  work  planning  Majestic's  winter  broadcasts. 

Is  Your 

about  RUDY  VALLEE 
and  His  Success  ? 

The  Editors  of  RADIO  REVUE  will 
pay  Ten  Dollars  for  the  best  letter  on 
this  subject  and  Five  Dollars  for  the 
second  choice.  Write  plainly  and  on 
one  side  of  the  paper  only.      Address: 


Six  Harrison  Street,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

DECEMBER,    19  2  9 


Philadelphia  Orchestra  Broadcasts 

(Continued  from   page  36) 

temps,  with  its  famous  alternations  of  meter — bars  of 
5-16,  3-16.  7-16,  4-16) — and  its  delirious  culmination  as  the 
victim  falls  dead.' 

It  is  the  writer's  humble  opinion  that  there  is  nothing  in 
music,  on  the  earth,  or  in  the  waters  under  the  earth  quite 
like  the  Stravinsky  score,  and  it  would  not  surprise  him 
to  learn  that  several  listening  victims  fell  dead  at  the  ''de- 
lirious culmination."  At  its  close  one  felt  the  urge  either 
to  fall  over  dead  or  to  go  somewhere  and  start  a  first-class 

There  may  be  enjoyment  somewhere  in  the  musk,  but 
it  is  seriously  to  be  considered  whether  ears  attuned  to 
German  and  Italian  forms  can  take  up  this  altered  form 
and  tempo  without  a  little  more  notice.  Perhaps  Stra- 
vinsky speaks  in  the  language  of  our  time  and  the  genera- 
tion now  growing  up.  innocent  of  musical  traditions,  may 
enjoy  his  pagan  snortings.  shouting,  hissings  and  beatings, 
but  here  are  sensibilities  and  ears  attuned  to  older  meth- 
ods, and  we  failed  miserably,  not  to  listen  patiently,  but 
to  understand  anything. 

We  are  ashamed  to  say  that  the  only  reaction  we 
achieved  was  a  bloodthirsty  desire  to  go  home  and  beat  a 
Negro  servant  slowly  to  death.  (Ritual  of  the  Sacrifice!) 
Fortunately  for  us,  Mr.  Stokowski  had  provided  a  seda- 
tive exactly  for  this  occasion. 

The  overture  "La  Grande  Paque  Russe"  (The  Russian 
Easter;   by  Rimsky-Korsakow  followed,  based  upon  im- 


Best   Selling   Popular   Songs    of   the   Month 


Singin'  in  the  Rain 

from  Hollyzcood  Revue. 


Tiptoe  Through  the  Tulips 

from   Gold    Diggers    of   Broadzcay. 


Painting  the  Clouds 

from  Gold   Diggers   of  Broadzvay. 


Am  I  Blue? 

from  On   JJ'ith  the  Show. 


Pagan  Love  Song 

from  The  Pagan. 


Lovable  and  Sweet 

from   Tlie  Street  Girl. 


Song  of  the  Nile 

from  The  Drag. 


Little  by  Little 

from  The  Sophomore. 


Sleepy  Valley 

from  Tlie  Rainbow  Man. 


Love  Me 

pressions  gathered  near  the  Tikhvin  Monastery  and  the 
Russian  Easter  cathedral  service.  Here  we  have  ecclesi- 
astic motives  of  lofty  inspiration,  grand  hymns  of  the 
Russian  church,  great  and  reverent  songs  of  the  Resur- 
rection, angelic  choirs  and  trumpets,  incense,  innumerable 
candles,  and  the  chiming  of  triumphant  bells. 

This  was  music  more  familiar  to  ears  in  accord  with  the 
older  music,  and  it  was  the  more  acceptable  after  the 
sketch  of  several  high-powered  locomotives  tearing  their 
way  through  tin-roofed  sheds  which  preceded  it.  The 
murder  instinct  had  left  our  soul. 

But  Mr.  Stokowski  must  speak  to  us  in  the  language 
that  is  printed  before  him,  as  a  duty  to  the  times  in  which 
we  live,  and  it  may  be  that  the  fault  in  not  being  able  to 
understand  some  of  his  messages  is  largely  ours. 

Westinghouse  Program  a  New  Idea 

(Continued  from  page  23) 
All  these  gentlemen  labored  nobly  in  a  good  cause. 

Praise,  too,  is  due  Gladys  Shaw  Erskine,  in  the  sketch 
"The  Black  Knight,"  Florence  Malone  and  Charles  War- 
burton,  of  the  same  episode ;  Richard  Gordon  and  Vir- 
ginia Gardiner  in  "The  Night  Before  They  Sailed."  In 
writing  praise  of  the  finished  and  inspiring  work  of  Miss 
Gardiner,  one  is  apt  to  become  a  little  incoherent  from 
over-enthusiasm.  If  this  writer  meets  that  gentle  lady 
again,  he  will  go  mediaeval,  hire  a  black  horse  and  a  suit 
of  shining,  silver  armor,  and  carry  her  off.  And  also  a 
bow  to  Ivan  Firth,  the  herald  with  the  resounding  voice 
.  .  .  and  to  the  mob. 

Here  were  moments  of  real  romance,  a  surging  flood 
of  great  music,  imaginations  allowed  to  play,  musicians 
and  singers  ably  directed,  gorgeous  lighting  (yes,  right  in 
the  radio  studio),  and  a  spirit  of  cooperation  behind  the 
whole.  Here  indeed  was  the  clash  of  steel  and  the  noise 
of  battle  before  our  eyes  and  ears,  the  burning  of  a  town 
with  real  red  fire,  gallant  knights  with  braids  of  ribbon- 
wound  hair  on  their  sword-hilts,  fair  ladies  smiling  down 
upon  them,  urging  them  to  greater  deeds,  and  the  songs 
and  dances  of  old  France  and  old  England.  What  if  im- 
maculate evening  dress  did  supplant  the  glittering  armor? 
It  was  a  brave  show  .  .  .  and  well  done.  Westinghouse. 
...  we  salute  vou. — W.  P-M. 

WHY,  OH,  WHY? 

This  is  Station  YOY  broadcasting,  in  an  honest 
attempt  to  learn  something. 

Why  do   announcers  wear  loud  golfing   suits? 

Why  do  the  superdreadnoughts  of  opera  com- 
panies of  the  vintage  of  1908  come  to  the  air 
announced  as  "famous  stars"? 

Why  do  impossible  window  cleaners  and  wait- 
resses attend  "auditions"? 

Why  do  thousands  of  dollars  find  their  way 
into  the  pockets  of  so-called  "great  artists,"  who 
have  failed  on  the  road,  while  younger  and  much 
better  artists  fail  to  get  even  a  hearing? 

And  why  is  that  pink  woodwork  stuck  all 
over  the  entrance  hall  of  the  Columbia  Broad- 
casting System's  new  home? 


RAD1  O    REV U  E 

Life   Insura 

Herbert  L.  Westfall 

Special  Agent 

99  Warren  Street 

New  York  City 

Suite  122 

'Phone— BARclay  7169 

Main  Street  Sketches  Set  Record 

(Continued    from   page  11) 
Angeles  to  Daytona  Beach,  Fla. 

Leonard  went  to  Xew  York  next,  but  could  find  nothing 
to  do  there,  so  he  hurried  back  to  the  Pacific  Coast.  Back 
in  Los  Angeles,  he  got  a  job  as  an  extra  with  the  old 
Kaleni  Motion  Picture  Company  and  worked  with  them 
and  also  with  the  Vitagraph,  101  Bison,  Fox,  Essanay  and 
Triangle  companies  for  three  years. 

In  1914  he  enlisted  in  the  Canadian  Engineers  in  Van- 
couver and  was  immediately  sent  to  France.  In  a  short 
while  he  was  transferred  to  the  Royal  Flying  Corps.  He 
was  wounded  in  battle  at  Liege,  where  he  had  gone  to 
school,  and  was  sent  to  a  hospital  in  Greenwich.  England, 
to  recuperate.  When  he  was  stronger,  he  was  sent  to 
Arizona,  where  he  entirely  regained  his  health. 

Leonard  then  went  back  to  shipbuilding.  After  a  few 
weeks  on  the  job,  a  huge  bilge  fell  on  him  and  he  was 
sent  back  to  the  hospital.  When  he  was  discharged  this 
time,  he  went  to  Arizona  and  started  to  work  in  the  cop- 
per mines.  After  two  days  on  the  job  he  was  buried  for 
72  hours  in  the  cave-in  of  a  shaft  that  was  1.475  feet  un- 
derground.    And  so  he  was  carried  to  the  hospital  again. 

Shortly  afterward  he  became  a  travelling  salesman,  sell- 
ing automobile  accessories  and  electrical  appliances.  How- 
ever, he  soon  tired  of  this.  His  next  venture  was  auto- 
mobile racing,  trying  to  beat  the  Overland  Express  in 
high-powered  racing  cars. 

He  again  set  out  for  Xew  Yorl 
ton  as  a  salesman  for  radio  sets.  He  travelled  throughout 
the  southern  states  and  settled  in  St.  Petersburg,  Fla.,  for 
a  while.  Later  he  became  radio  editor  for  the  St.  Augus- 
tine News.  Next  he  opened  a  radio  shop  on  board  a  mo- 
torboat,  with  which  he  travelled  from  one  river  town  to 
another,  trying  to  interest  people  in  radio. 

After  a  few  years  he  again  went  to  Xew  York,  where 
he  got  a  job  as  part  time  announcer  with  Station  WJZ. 
Later  he  handled  production  work.  He  spent  a  year  at 
this  post  and  then  went  to  WABC,  where  he  was  made 
studio  director.  This  station  was  the  laboratory  in  which 
he  worked  out  the  first  successful  and  unusual  radio  pro- 
ductions; using  sound  effects  to  create  the  desired  atmos- 
phere. It  was  here  that  he  originated  "Nights  at  Tony 
Pastor's."  a  program  of  vaudeville  sketches  reproduced 
as  they  had  been  presented  40  years  previous. 

In  December,  1027.  Leonard  joined  the  sales  depart- 
ment at  WOR.  Here,  after  he  had  created  "Main  Street 
Sketches"  and  several  other  striking  programs,  he  was 
made  program  director.  He  is  constantly  striving  for 
new  effects  and  is  ever  alert  for  original  program  ideas, 
but  the  "Main  Street  Sketches'  remain  his  particular  pet. 

but  wound  up  in  Bos- 

"Behind  the  Mike"  on  Palmolive  Hour 

(Continued  from   page  29) 
holds  his  arm  up  in  warning  for  several  seconds,  and  then 
with  a  throw  of  a  switch  drops  his  arm.     Another  gnu 
lightens  his  face  as  he  releases  the  audience  from  its  bond 
of  silence  with  the  cheerful  call:  "Party's  over!" 


W  h  at  1 1  a  laxative 

lor  loveliness  P 

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ual  Hepatica  is  the  American  equiva- 
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Sal  Hepatica,  taken  before  breakfast, 
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Get  a  bottle  today.  Whenever  con- 
stipation threatens  your  complexion 
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take  Sal  Hepatica.  And  send  now  the 
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detail  how  Sal  Hepatica  keeps  your  skin 
fresh  and  free  from  blemishes  and  how 
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Bristol-Myers  Co.,Dept.RR- 129,71  West  St. ,N.Y. 
Kindly  send  me  the  Free  Booklet  that  explains 
more  fully  the  many  benefits  of  Sil  Hepatica. 






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)'s  Queen  of  Beauty 

In  This  Issue: 

All  About 



Radio  Girl" 

Prize  Letters 


Rudy  Vallee 


Slumber  Hour 

Changes  Habits 

of  Listeners 

Lucrezia  Bori 

tells  Why  she 

Likes  Radio 

Other  Features 


<^f  num  uou  mia/it  to y  read 

The  Tragedy  of  Neglected  Gums 

Cast  of  Characters : 
Your  Dentist  and  You 

you:  "My  gums  are  responsible  for  this 
visit,  doctor.    I'm  anxious  about  them." 

d.d.s.  ."What's  the  matter?" 

you:  "Well,  sometimes  they're  tender  when 
I  brush  my  teeth.  And  once  in  a  while  they 
bleed  a  little.  But  my  teeth  seem  to  be  all 
right.  Just  how'  serious  is  a  thing  like  thisl" 

d.d.s.  :"Probably  nothing  to  bother 
about,  with  a  healthy  mouth  like 
yours.  But,  just  the  same,  I've  seen 
people  with  white  and  flawless  teeth 
get  into  serious  trouble  with  their 

you:  "That's  ii-hat  worries  me.  Pyorrhea 
— gingivitis — trench  mouth — all  those  hor- 
rible-sounding things'.  Just  a  month  ago  a 
friend  of  mine  had  to  have  seven  teeth 
pulled  out. 

d.d.s.:  "Yes,  such  things  can  happen. 
Not  long  ago  a  patient  came  to  me 
%vith  badly  inflamed  gums.  I  x-rayed 
them  and  found  the  infection  had  spread 
so  far  that  eight  teeth  had  to  go.  Some 
of  them  were  perfectly  sound  teeth, 

you:  QAfter  a  pause)  "I  was  reading  a 
dentifrice  advertisement  .  .  .  about  food. 

d.d.s.  : '  'Soft  food?  Yes,  that's  to  blame 
for  most  of  the  trouble.  You  see,  our 
gums  get  no  exercise  from  the  soft, 
creamy  foods  we  eat.  Circulation  lags 
and  weak  spots  develop  on  the  gum 
walls.  That's  how  these  troubles  begin. 
If  you  lived  on  rough,  coarse  fare  your 
gums  would  hardly  need  attention." 

you  :  "But,  doctor,  I  can't  take  up  a  diet  of 

BRISTOL-MYERS  CO.,  Dept.  RR-129 
73  West  Screet,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Kindly  send  me  a  trial  tube  of  IPANA  TOOTH 
PASTE.  Enclosed  is  a  two-cent  stamp  to  cover 
partly  the  cost  of  packing  and  mailing. 

Name  . . 
Address  - 
City .... 


raw  roots  and  hardtack.  People  would 
think  I'd  suddenly  gone  mad." 

d.d.s.:  "No  need  to  change  your  diet. 
But  you  can  give  your  gums  the  stimu- 
lation they  need.  Massage  or  brush 
them  twice  a  day  wrhen  you  brush 
your  teeth.  And  one  other  suggestion: 
use  Ipana  Tooth  Paste.  It's  a  scientific, 
modern  dentifrice,  and  it  contains 
special  ingredients  that  stimulate  the 
gums   and    help    prevent    infection." 


L.n  imaginary  dialog?  An  imaginary 
"you"?  Admittedly,  but  the  action  is 
real.  It  is  drawn  from  life — from  real 
tragedies  and  near-tragedies  enacted 
every  day  in  every  city  of  the  land! 

And  if  dentists  recommend  Ipana,  as 
thousands  of  them  do,  it  is  because  it  is 
good  for  the  gums  as  well  as  for  the 
teeth.  Under  its  continual  use,  the 
teeth  are  gleaming  white,  the  gums 
firm  and  healthy.  For  Ipana  contains 
ziratol,  a  recognized  hemostatic  and 
antiseptic  well  known  to  dentists  for 
its  tonic  effects  upon  gum  tissue. 

Don't  wait  for  "pink  tooth  brush" 
to  appear  before  you  start  with  Ipana. 
The  coupon  brings  you  a  sample  which 
will  quickly  prove  Ipana's  pleasant 
taste  and  cleaning  power. 

But,  to  know  all  of  Ipana's  good  ef- 
fects, it  is  far  better  to  go  to  your  near- 
est druggist  and  get  a  large  tube.  After 
you  have  used  its  hundred  brushings 
you  will  know  its  benefits  to  the  health 
of  your  gums  as  well  as  your  teeth. 

ssr;  ^s-s^a-s-s-a-s-T^s-^-r^r s  •^s---?  »>^«» 

©GIB   &9770 


FOR       THE       LISTENER 

Volume  I  Number  2  January,   1930 


On  the  Cover:  Olive  Shea,  Actress,  WABC By  Jack  F.  Tester 

Vaughn  de  Leath,  the  "Original  Radio  Girl" By  Gaspano  Ricca  2 

Oscar  Writes  Margy  all  about  the  "Original  Radio  Girl" By  P.  H.  W.  Dixon  3 

Outlook  for  Radio  in  193  0  Highly  Promising By  William  S.  Paley  5 

Famous  Radio  Couples    (Photographs)  6 

Ohio  Soprano  and  Georgia  Tenor  Win  Atwater  Kent  Auditions 7 

1929  the  Greatest  Year  in  the  History  of  Radio By  Merlin  H.  Aylesworth  8 

Radio  Gives  Dan  Cupid  a  Helping  Hand    By  Allen  Hagliuui  10 

Consider  the  Actor:  Every  Show  a  First  Night  on  Radio By  Herbert  Devins  11 

Achieves  Stardom  in  Few  Months (Photograph)  13 

Slumber  Hour  is  Changing  Habits  of  Listeners 14 

Moonlight   Sonata    By  Alice   Rem  sen  1 5 

Mr.  Fussy  Fan  Admits  that  He  is  a  "High  Brow" By  Fussy  Fan  16 

Radio  Boasts  Own  Dramatic  Star    (Photograph)  19 

Browne  and  His  Banjo  Moulded  Career  Together By  Robert  Taplingcr  20 

Metropolitan  Star  Puts  Stamp  of  Approval  on  Radio   .  .    By  Willie  Perceval-Monger  21 

Merle  Johnston  Succeeds  by  Virtue  of  his  "Sax"  Appeal By  Jeanette  Barnes  23 

Will  Radio  Wonders  Never  Cease?    By  I.  B.  Hansom  24 

Maid  for  any  Mood    (Photographs)  2  5 

A   VALLEEdictory    By   Dale    Wimbrow  2  6 

Mere  Man  Wins  First  Prize  in  Rudy  Vallee  Contest 27 

Static  from  the  Studios    28 

Radio  Gave  Gypsy  Violinist  Chance  to  Become  Famous By  Bruce  Gray  29 

Turned  to  Singing  After  Accident    (Photograph)  3  1 

America's  Radio  Programs  Lack  Variety  and  Imagination    .        By  Julius  Matt f eld  3  3 

Editorials:     RADIO  REVUE  Thanks  You;  The  Theatre  of  Illusion;   Put   an  End 

to    This    Panic     34 

Ether  Etchings 3  5 

Program   Notes 37 

Colorful  Russian  Soprano  is  "La  Palina" (Photograph)  3  8 

Listeners'    Forum    39 

Radio  in  the  Home (Edited  by  Mrs.  Julian  Heath)  40 

Bruce  Gray,  Editor 
Contributing  Editors: 

Allen  Haglund  H.   Raymond  Preston 

Mrs.  Julian  Heath  Walter  H.  Preston 

Willie   Perceval-Monger      K.  Trenholm 

Published  monthly  by  RADIO  REVUE,  INC.,  Six  Harrison  Street,  New  York,  N.  Y.,  H.  Raymond  Preston,  President;  Benjamin 
F.  Rowland,  Vice-President;  Walter  H.  Preston,  Secretary  and  Treasurer;  George  Q.  Burkett,  Advertising  Manager.  Manuscripts 
and  photographs  submitted  for  publication  must  be  accompanied  by  sufficient  postage  if  their  return  is  desired.  Advertisiny 
rates   will   be    gladly   furnished   upon    application.     Copyright,    1930,   by   Radio  Revue,  Inc.    All  rights  reserved.    Printed  in  U.  S.  A. 

Subscription   Prices:    United    States,    $2;    Canada,    $2.50;    Foreign,    $3;    Single   Copies,    25c 


Vaughn  de  Leath,  the  "Original  Radio  Girl 


JANUARY,      19  3  0 

Oscar  Writes  Margy 

all  about  the 

Radio  Girl 


As  Rescued  from   the   Waste  Basket 
By  P.  H.  W.  DIXON 

Well,  Margy,  here  I  am  in  the  big  city  and  in 
the  radio  business  and  am  making  good  in  a  great 
big  way.  Now,  Margy,  don't  say  I'm  forgetting  all  my 
friends  back  in  Yoakum  just  because  I'm  a  city  man,  but 
honest,  baby,  I've  been  so  busy  I  haven't  had  any  time  at 
all.  I've  been  getting  fitted  into  my  new  uniform,  as  all  the 
page  boys  at  the  NBC  wear  uniforms  and  look  pretty  slick. 

I'll  never  forget  that  night  we  parted,  Margy.  Never. 
Though  it  may  be  forever.  And  to  show  you  that  I 
haven't  forgotten  even  the  unimportant  things  you  said 
— even  that  joke  about  not  to  take  any  wooden  nickels — 
I  have  been  doing  some  sleuthing  and  have  got  the  whole 
life  history  of  Vaughn  de  Leath  that  sings  exclusively 
over  our  networks. 

Naturally,  Margy,  in  my  new  position  of  page  at  the 
NBC  I  come  in  intimate  contact  with  a  lot  of  celebrities 
— I  bought  Graham  McNamee  a  pack  of  gum  the  other 
day — and  I'm  getting  sort  of  used  to  them.  But  even  I 
got  a  thrill  when  I  met  Vaughn  de 
Leath.  Of  course,  it  was  a  sort  of 
informal  meeting.  She  was  in  a 
studio  rehearsing  with  Hugo  Mariani 
— you  ought  to  meet  Hugo,  Margy, 
he's  got  whiskers  just  like  the  Green- 
wich Village  artist  like  we  saw  in 
that  movie  "The  Bohemian  Love 
Song" — and  someone  called  her  on 
the  phone  and  Miss  Campbell,  who 
was  hostess  on  duty,  sent  me  in  to 
get  her.  So  I  walked  right  up  to  her 
and    said: 

"Pardon   me,   Miss  de  Leath,   but 
you  are  wanted  on  the  phone."' 

She  Gave  Me  a  Big  Smile 

And  she  said  it  must  be  Presi- 
dent Hoover  or  somebody,  but  it 
wasn't  because  I  heard  her  call  the 

I've  been   getting  fitted  into  my  new 

person  Gladys.  But, 
as  I  was  going  to 
say,  she  looked  at 
me  and  gave  me  a 
great  big  smile  and 

"You're    a    new 
studio    attashay 

aren't  you?"  I  told  her  I  was  and  she  said  she  was  sure 
we'd  be  friends.  She's  smiled  at  me  five  times  since  and 
that  was  only  two  weeks   ago. 

But  I  was  going  to  tell  you  that  I  found  out  all  about 
her.  First  she  was  born  in  Mount  Pulaski,  Illinois,  which 
is  just  a  small  town  like  Yoakum.  But  that's  no  handicap 
because  most  people  in  New  York  who  are  important 
come  from  small  towns  and  she  went  to  California  with 
her  parents  at  an  early  age.  I  couldn't  believe  that,  be- 
cause she  didn't  even  mention  California  when  I  met  her, 
but  she  really  did.  She  had  a  musical  education  in  Cali- 
fornia and  sang  on  the  concert  stage 
out  there. 

Of  course,  though  I  haven't  men- 
tioned it,  the  real  reason  I  came  to 
New  York  was  in  order  to  be  a  great 
radio  singer  myself,  but  I  don't 
guess  I  started  soon  enough.  Would 
you  believe  it,  Marge,  Miss  de  Leath 
started  her  career  when  she  was 
three  years  old  back  in  Mount  Pul- 
aski. She  sang  in  a  home-town 
minstrel  show  like  the  Yoakum 
B.  P.  O.  E.  gives  every  year,  when 
she  had  just  passed  her  third  birth- 
day. And  there  was  a  big  write-up 
in  the  Mount  Pulaski  News  about 
young  singers  showing  great  promise. 
That  was  one  time  the  newspaper 
was  right,  Margy. 

Even  after  she  made  the  trip  to 
California    and   found    everyone   out 


there  was  more  interested  in  how  you  screened  and  not 
how  you  screamed  (pretty  good,  hey?)  she  continued  her 
musical  career.  She  wasn't  out  there  long  before  she  was 
twelve  years  old  and  had  organized  and  was  conducting 
an  orchestra.  And  then  she  wrote  a  song  called  "Old 
Glory,  I  Salute  You." 

Published  Twenty  Years  Later 

There's  another  lesson  in  that  because  she  didn't  find  a 
publisher  for  that  song  until  about  twenty  years  later. 
But  now  it  has  been  published  and  when  I  get  to  know 
her  better  I'll  send  you  an  autographed  copy.  But  she 
wrote  some  other  songs — when  she  was  a  little  girl  I  mean 
— and  she  sold  one  of  them.  I 
know  just  how  she  felt — you 
know,  the  emotion  you  get 
when  you  first  do  something 
important.  I'll  never  forget 
the  time  I  sang  a  solo  at  the 
public  school  graduation  a  few 
years  ago. 

But  I  was  telling  you  about 
the  Original  Radio  Girl.  Af- 
ter she'd  got  a  musical  educa- 
tion she  sang  in  some  concerts 
and  then  she  decided  to  go 
to  New  York  and  be  a  suc- 
cess. Which  she  did.  She 
came  east  in  1919  and  made 
some  phonograph  records  and 
didn't  attract  much  attention 
because  New  Yorkers  are  kinda 
down  on  Californians  because 
they're  always  talking  abcuL 
California  sunshine  and  they 
always  pick  a  rainy  day  to 
talk.  But  I  gather  she  had  a 
pretty  hard  time  of  it  and 
they  do  say  she  lived  for  a 
whole  week  on  a  can  of  cocoa 
and  has  never  felt  the  same 
about  cocoa  since. 

But  about  that  time  some- 
body invented  radio  or  broad- 
casting   or    maybe    both,    and 

Miss  de  Leath  decided  she  would  be  a  radio  star.  Which 
she  did.  She  went  down  to  a  building  on  Fortieth  Street 
— that's  one  of  the  important  streets  here — about  as  im- 
portant as  Congress  Street  is  to  Yoakum — and  she  climbed 
up  into  the  tower  and  there  was  a  microphone  and  an  ac- 
cordion player,  and  Dr.  De  Forest  said,  "Well,  it  looks 
like  we're  gonna  broadcast,"  and  Miss  de  Leath  said,  "Okay 
by  me"  or  something  like  that  and  with  those  simple 
words  she  started  singing  and  became  the  Original  Radio 
Girl.  I  forgot  to  tell  you  that  was  the  first  time  a  woman 
had  ever  broadcast  but  they've  been  at  it  ever  since.  That 
was  ten  years  ago  this  month.  And  she  has  her  first  fan 
letter  she  received  about  that  time  but  not  the  dress  she 
wore.  That  proves  it.  I  mean  that  proves  she  thinks 
more  about  her  public  than  her  clothes,  which  is  what  a 
great  artist  should  do.  I'm  going  to  be  like  that,  Margy, 
as  soon  as  I  get  my  first  fan  letter. 

Well,  after  Vaughn — I  mean  Miss  de  Leath — though  I 
always    think   of    her    as    Vaughn,    Margy, — but    anyway, 

She  looked  at  me  and  gave  me  a  great  big  smile. 

after  she  had  sort  of  started  the  custom  of  singing  on  the 
radio,  a  lot  of  other  people  tried  it  and  pretty  soon  it  got 
so  you  could  buy  radio  sets  on  the  installment  plan  or 
the  parts  at  the  five-and-ten  and  radio  became  a  great 

Well,  Miss  de  Leath  after  a  while  started  to  listen  to 
other  women  sing  and  she  read  a  lot  of  smart  cracks 
about  radio  sopranos,  so  she  decided  after  they'd  worn 
out  the  jokes  about  sopranos  they'd  get  around  to  the 
contraltos,  which  she  was,  so  she  invented  a  new  style  of 
singing  called  crooning.  Now  you  know,  Margy,  when 
we  listen  to  Vaughn  de  Leath  back  home  you  can  hear 
her  in  the  kitchen  if  the  speaker  is  turned  up,  but  honestly, 
Margy,   you   wouldn't   believe  it,   but   you  can't   hear  her 

in  the  studio  when  she  sings. 
Now  I'm  going  to  have  to 
get  technical,  Margy,  and  you 
may  not  understand  all  this, 
but  the  reason  you  can't  hear 
her  in  the  studio,  but  can  hear 
her  in  Yoakum,  is  because  of 
technicalities.  She  sort  of 
gets  awfully  close  to  the  mi- 
crophone and  sings  in  a  low 
voice  to  it,  soft  and  sweet  like, 
and  then  they  take  that  little 
low  voice  and  magnify  it  with 
electricity  and  you  have  croon- 
ing. She  can  sing  in  a  loud 
voice  too  and  it  is  pretty  swell 
but  the  low  voice  is  easier  on 
the  tubes  which  cost  money. 
They  do  say  that  was  the  rea- 
son she  really  invented  croon- 
ing in  order  to  save  tubes  back 
in  the  old  days  when  they 
didn't  have  many,  but  I  think 
she  did  it  just  to  be  different. 

You'll  probably  be  glad  to 
know  that  she's  married, 
Margy, — not  that  I  had  any 
serious  intentions  or  anything 
because  you  are  the  only  girl 
in  the  world  for  me — but  I 
know  you  have  been  worrying 
about  me  up  here  among  all 
these  beautiful  women,  though  you  know  I  have  a  strong 
character  and  will  not  be  led  astray  by  a  Broadway  butter- 
fly. Now  I  don't  mean  Miss  de  Leath  is  a  Broadway  but- 
terfly— because  she  isn't.  She's  very  nice  and  doesn't 
smoke  and  would  rather  go  to  the  opera  than  to  Texas 
Guinan's  if  she  was  open,  but  I  mean  there  are  lots  of 
Broadway  butterflies.  But  don't  you  worry — none  of  this 
wild  night  life  for  me.     I  have  my  career  to  think  of. 

Many  Frenchmen  Propose 

But  I  was  going  to  tell  you  about  Vaughn — I  mean 
Miss  de  Leath.  Singing  in  the  Voice  of  Firestone  every 
Monday  night  isn't  the  only  thing  she  does.  She  makes 
phonograph  records  and  writes  music  and  songs  and  makes 
personal  appearances.  Her  records  are  popular  not  only 
in  this  country  but  in  France,  and  every  time  a  ship  comes 
in  she  gets  letters  from  Frenchmen  proposing  marriage. 
{Continued  on  page  45 ) 

JANUARY,      19  3  0 

Outlook  for  Radio 





President,     Columbia     Broadcasting     System 

WHEN  I  consider  the  outlook  for  radio  in  193  0,  my 
reaction  is  one  of  real  pride.  My  feeling  of  pride 
particularly  wells  up  when  I  think  of  the  progress 
made  in  radio  broadcasting  during  the  past  year  and  of 
the  part  my  company  has  played  in  refining  its  programs. 
"When  I  contemplate  193  0  I  anticipate  even  greater  prog- 
ress than  during  1929.  I  look  forward  to  a  happy  and 
prosperous  New   Year. 

During  193  0,  the  Columbia  Broadcasting  System,  will 
present  to  audiences  over  its  network,  the  country's  fore- 
most concert,  operatic,  stage  and  screen  talent  and  the 
most  distinguished  speaking  talent  on  the  radio,  in  addi- 
tion to  comprehensive  programs  of  an  educational  nature. 
Whereas  Columbia's  growth  in  coverage  during  1929 
brought  us  to  a  total  of  sixty-five  stations,  plans  now 
under  way  will  provide  for  Columbia  during  193  0  a  net- 
work that  will  reach  practically  every  radio  receiving  set 
in  the  United  States,  a  large  portion  of  Canada,  Cuba, 
Porto  Rico  and  Mexico. 

With  the  recent  granting  of  a  license  for  increased 
power  to  WABC,  key  station  of  the  Columbia  network. 

we  shall  put  into  operation,  early  in  193  0,  our  new  plant 
of  5  0,000  watts  power. 

During  1929,  the  Columbia  Broadcasting  System  Farm 
Community  network  was  inaugurated  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Henry  A.  Bellows.  This  network,  emanating 
from  the  center  of  the  nation's  great  farm  community, 
already  is  an  assured  success.  Its  programs  are  devised 
by  leaders  in  agricultural  life  and,  through  the  inter- 
changeability  of  member  stations,  assures  a  lasting  network 
of  importance  to  the  great  farm  belt. 

Columbia's  headquarters  organization  has  been  amplified 
during  1929  by  the  addition  of  department  heads  of  wide 
experience  in  their  several  fields.  Their  added  efforts  in 
strengthening  the  Columbia  Broadcasting  System  are  now 
beginning  to  bear  fruit. 

Columbia,  on  the  whole,  faces  1930,  assured  that  its 
growth  during  the  ensuing  year  will  be  even  greater  than 
in  any  year  in  its  history. 


Famous  Radio  Couples 

The  "Two-Person 
Revue"  on  the 
Brown  -  bilt  Hour, 
CBS,  is  really  a 
family  affair. 

Kathleen  and  Gene 
Lockhart  (at  left). 
are — and  it's  not 
actually  a  secret — 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lock- 

JANUARY,      19  3  0 

Ohio  Soprano  and  Georgia  Tenor 
Win  Atwater  Kent  Auditions 

Both  Singers  Aspire  to  Concert  Work 
In  Preference  to  Operatic  Careers 

MISS  GENEVIEVE  I.  ROWE,  21  years  old,  of 
Wooster,  Ohio,  has  returned  to  her  home.  So 
also  has  Edward  A.  Kane,  22,  of  Atlanta,  Ga. 

This  fact,  under  ordinary  circumstances,  would  be  of 
little  interest  outside  their  immediate  circle  of  family  and 
friends.  But  Miss  Rowe  and  Edward  Kane  aren't  in  ordi- 
nary circumstances  these  days.  They  are  the  winners  of 
the  National  Radio  Auditions,  finals  of  which  were  held 
in  New  York,  Sunday  night,  December  15  th. 

As  such,  they  returned  to  their  homes  burdened  with 
honors,  memories  of  gala 
entertainment,  t  u  i  tions, 
broadcasting  contracts  and 
cash  prizes.  Returned  to 
the  glory  of  the  prophet 
who  brings  honor  on  his 
or  her  home  town.  Re- 
turned to  fresh  honors 
from  their  own  people 
that  pale  in  magnificence 
only  before  those  they  re- 
ceived in  the  National 
Capitol  of  Music  —  New 

Also,  it  might  be  noted, 
they  returned  home  to 
prepare  afresh  for  study  in 
the  concert  field,  from 
which  both  turned  aside, 
momentarily,  for  their  ef- 
forts in  the  auditions. 

Grand  opera  holds  little 
charm  for  this  year's  radio 
winners,  both  declared, 
soon  after  they  had  re- 
ceived their  awards. 

"I  am  interested  only  in  the  concert  stage  and  it  is  in 
this  field  that  I  will  endeavor  to  carve  a  place  for  myself," 
they  chorused  almost  as  one  when  they  received  their 
awards  of  $5,000  each  at  the  conclusion  of  the  audition 
finals  through  the  NBC  system. 

Both  declared  they  had  never  had  other  than  concert 
ambitions,  and  that  they  would  devote  the  two  years  of 
study,  furnished  by  the  Atwater  Kent  Foundation  as 
part  of  the  award,  to  furthering  their  early  wishes. 

"Unless  the  lure  of  the  microphone  proves  too  strong," 
Miss  Rowe,  who  made  her  radio  debut  during  the  prelim- 

inary  auditions,    declared,    "I    plan    to    remain    entirely    in 
concert  work." 

Kane  expressed  himself  as  equally  fascinated  by  broad- 
casting. Both  declared  they  got  the  biggest  thrill  of  their 
lives  in  the  knowledge  that  they  were  singing  through  a 
coast-to-coast  network  in  the  audition  finals. 

The  youthful  Georgian,  "the  big  fellow  with  the  strong 
tenor  voice,"  has  been  a  vocal  student  since  he  was  17. 
And  Atlanta  folks  knew  him  long  before  he  had  even 
thought  of  this  year's  auditions. 

Long  before  he  began 
serious  voice  study,  Kane 
was  regarded  as  a  "boy 
with  a  good  voice." 
Quartets  were  considered 
incomplete  unless  he  sang 
the  tenor  and  he  was  called 
on  often  as  soloist  before 
clubs  and  churches. 

Active    in    College   Glee 

During  his  student  days 
at  Emory  U  n  i  v  ersity, 
young  Kane  was  noted  for 
his  activity  on  the  college 
glee  club.  It  was  there 
that  his  voice  drew  atten- 
tion of  Atlanta's  musical 
people  and  launched  him 
on  a  career  of  serious 

For     the     past     several 
years  the  youth,  who  grad- 
uated from  the  university 
with  an  A.  B.  degree,  has  been  soloist  of  the  North  Avenue 
Presbyterian  Church,  in  his  home  city.     He  is   a  son  of 
M.  H.  Kane,  a  banker. 

Although  he  has  no  aversion  to  formal  dress — in  fact, 
"rather  likes  it" — Kane  was  the  only  one  of  the  five  male 
singers  competing  in  the  audition  finals  to  appear  in  street 

"Gee,  I  feel  rather  out  of  place,"  he  remarked  just  be- 
fore he  started  singing  his  "Celeste  Aida''  into  the  micro- 

(Continued  on  page  46) 

ting  Checks  to  Winners. 


1929  the  Greatest  Year 

in  the 





President,     National    Broadcasting    Company 

WIDENING    the    horizons    of    broadcasting    to    the 
point  at  which  it  is  no  longer  visionary  to  think 
of  presenting   programs   to   the   whole   world    has 
made  1929  the  most  significant  year  in  the  short  history 
of  radio  entertainment. 

A  year  ago  we  felt  that  we  had  seen  a  notable  advance 
when  the  establishment  of  permanent  trans-continental 
networks  made  it  possible  to  present  to  the  whole  nation  a 
program  of  entertainment  or  an  import-ant  event  from 
almost  any  point  within  the  nation,  on  short  notice. 

This   year   we   have    made    a    beginning    in   international 
broadcasting.     The  experiments  of  our  engineers,  working 
with    the   engineers   of   European    broadcasting   companies, 
have  convinced  us   that   it  should   be  possible  to  exchange 
programs  across  the  Atlantic  on  a  fairly  regular  schedule. 
We   are   working    at    present    with    England,    Holland    and 
Germany,  and  the  coming  year  should  see  this  work  bear- 
ing    fruit     in     the 
form    of    regularly 
excha  n  g  e  d     pro- 

While  we  do  not 
now  c  o  ntemplate 
goi  ng  beyond 
Europe  for  inter- 
national programs, 
it  is  quite  possible 
that  our  engineers 
will  find  it  practi- 
cable to  begin  def- 
inite experiments 
with  picking  up 
programs  from  the 
other  side  of  the 

With    each    of  Fanner   Governor   Smith   before 

Harris    C>    Euiug 

Merlin  H.  Aylesworth 

this  year's  programs  from  the  other  side  of  the  Atlantic,  a 
definite  improvement  could  be  noted.  The  National 
Broadcasting  Company's  first  attempt  of  this  nature  was 
on  February  1.  On  that  day  our  listeners  heard  an  or- 
chestra playing  in  Queen's  Hall,  London.  Atmospherics 
were.'  bad  but,  when  we  rebroadcast  the  Thanksgiving  ser- 
vice for  the  recovery  of  King  George,  reception  was  im- 

By  the  time  we  picked  up  the  Schneider  Cup  Races  on 
September  7,  the  engineers  had  reached  the  point  where 
they  could  make  every  word  heard, 
and  even  allow  our  listeners  to  hear 
the  motors  of  the  speeding  planes. 
Einstein's  speech  from  Berlin  on 
October  21  was  marred  to  some  ex- 
tent by  static,  but  the  special  pro- 
gram fcr  America,  broadcast  from 
Huizen,  Holland,  five  days  later, 
came  in  as  clearly  as  if  it  had  come 
by  wire  from  a  point  in  the  United 
States.  Who  can  tell  what  advances 
may  be  made  next  year? 

The  thrill  of  hearing  voices  and 
music  on  the  other  side  of  the  Atlan- 
tic was  but  one  phase  of  activity  in 
the  greatest  year  of  radio.  For  the 
first  time,  the  ceremonies  incident  to 
the  inauguration  of  a  President  of 
the  Mike  the     United     States      were     carried 

J  ANU  ARY ,     19  3  0 

throughout  the  nation  by  our  networks.  Half  a  dozen 
radio  reporters,  including  one  in  an  airplane,  covered  the 
story  of  Herbert  Hoover's  induction  into  office.  For  the 
first  time,  a  microphone  was  installed  in  the  United  States 
Senate  Chamber  for  broadcasting  the  oath  of  Vice-Presi- 
dent Curtiss.  Calvin  Coolidge's  farewell  to  public  life  was 
broadcast  from  the  train  that  carried  him  into  retirement 
in  Northampton,  not  far  from  his  early  home. 

B  r  o  a  dcasting 
the  inaugural  was 
only  a  part  of 
radio's  reporting 
of  the  govern- 
mental and  politi- 
cal story  of  the 
year.  Most  of  the 
cabinet  members 
of  t  h  e  Coolidge 
and  Hoover  ad- 
mi  n  i  s  t  r  ations 
stepped  b  e  f  o  re 
microphon  e  s  in 
the  NBC's  New 
York  and  Wash- 
ington s  t  udios, 
and  a  series  of 
programs  entitled 
"H  a  1  f  Hours 

with  the  Senate"  presented  a  large  number  of  members  of 
that  important  body.  A  number  of  Representatives  ap- 
peared over  the  air,  as  did  Bureau  Chiefs  and  experts  from 
a  large  number  of  departments.  Interpretations  of  Wash- 
ington events  were  broadcast  by  David  Lawrence,  William 
Hard  and  several  others  among  the  Capital's  outstanding 
newspaper  correspondents. 

A  new  schedule  of  religious  broadcasting  affords  the 
maximum  variety  of  ser- 
vice to  our  listeners.  In 
co-operation  with  the  Fed- 
eral Council  of  Churches 
we  are  now  presenting 
five  distinct  series,  each 
with  a  specific  work  to 
perform.  The  Jewish  faith 
is  now  represented  on  the 
air  with  a  new  and  more 
elaborate  religious  pro- 
gram. The  Roman  Cath- 
olic Church  has  made  use 
of  our  facilities  during  the 
year  in  connection  with  a 
charity  campaign,  and  it 
is  expected  that  this 
church  will  inaugurate 
radio  r  e  1  i  gious  services 
after  the  first  of  the  year. 

In  music,  the  country's 
most  distinguished  con- 
ductors, singers  and  in- 
strumentalists have  fea- 
tured the  year's  entertain- 
ment.     Walter  Damrosch 

has  inaugurated  a  three-year  schedule  of  Music  Apprecia- 
tion concerts  designed  for  the  schools,  and  is  heard  each 
week  as  conductor  of  a  symphony  program  for  adults.  The 

President  Hoover  Addresses  the  Nation 

Wide    World 

Jack  Dempsey  Embarks  as  Boxing  Promoter. 

Graham    McNamee    (left)    turns   over    the 

Mike   to   Jack    (right)    at  first   bout   latter  in  Chicago  Coliseum 

Rochester  and  Cleveland  Symphonies  have  been  broadcast  . 
again,  and  Leopold  Stokowski  has  brought  the  Philadelphia 
Symphony  orchestra  to  the  microphone  for  the  first  time. 

The  Chicago  Civic  Opera  Company's  presentations  are 
being  offered  to  the  listeners  this  year  on  a  sustaining 
basis,  and  the  Puccini  operas  are  being  broadcast  for  the 
first  time.  An  opera,  "Ombre  Russe",  written  by  Cesare 
Sodero,  the  conductor  of  our  own  National  Grand  Opera 

Company,  had  its 
premier  over  the 
air,  with  a  dis- 
tinguished audi- 
ence of  critics 
and  m  u  s  icians. 
Sir  Harry  Lauder 
made  his  micro- 
phone debut, 
John  McCormack 
returned  to  the 
microphone  after 
an  a  b  s  e  nee  of 
three  years,  and 
practically  every 
opera  and  con- 
cert star  and  al- 
most every  dis- 
tinguished musi- 
cian per  formed 
for  the  radio   audience   on   nationwide   networks. 

Throughout  the  year  there  has  been  a  multitude  of  not- 
able events  on  the  air.  Let  me  cite  a  few  as  samples. 
January  brought  such  diverse  diet  as  the  welcome  to  Cap- 
tain George  Fried  and  the  radio  operators  of  the  America 
after  their  rescue  of  the  crew  of  the  Florida,  President 
Coolidge's  budget  speech,  former  Governor  Smith's  ad- 
dress on  January  16,  the  dedication  of  the  Great  Northern 
Railroad's  Cascade  tunnel,  and  the  first  en- 
durance flight  broadcast,  that  of  the  Ques- 
tion Mark. 

In  the  next  month,  besides  the  Queen's 
Hall  broadcast,  we  had  two  speeches  by 
President  Coolidge,  Edison's  birthday  ad- 
dress, the  broadcast  from  a  plane  followed 
by  one  from  a  tunnel  under  the  East  River, 
the  opening  of  "Half  Hours  with  the  Sen- 
ate" and  the  Sharkey-Stribling  boxing 
match  from  Miami. 

In  March,  after  we  had  done  the  inaug- 
ural, we  broadcast  a  talk  by  Captain  Sir 
George  Hubert  Wilkins,  the  Antarctic 
flier,  the  motorboat  race  between  Commo- 
dore Gar  Wood  and  Major  H.  O.  D.  Sea- 
grave  off  Miami,  and  the  Mickey  Walker- 
Tommy  Loughran  fight  in  Chicago. 

April   saw   the   opening  of   the   Universal 

Safety  Series,  a  campaign  to  reduce  accident 

casualties,   Governor  Roosevelt's   address   to 

the  State  Economic  Congress,   addresses  by 

President  Hoover,  the  award  of  the  medal  of 

the  American  Academy  of  Arts  and  Letters 

for  good  diction  on  the  radio  to  Milton  J. 

Cross,  and  the  opening  of  the  baseball  season. 

Former   Vice   President   Dawes   was   heard   in   May,    and 

President  Hoover  spoke  again.     The  Army  air  maneuvers 

(Continued  on  page  48) 



Radio  Gives  Dan  Cupid 
a  Helping  Hand 


AS  every   little    boy    and    girl    knows,    it's    love    that 
makes  the  world  go  'round.   Next  to  food  and  drink, 
love  is  really  the  most  important  thing.    Some  will 
even   argue   that   it    comes    before    food   and — well,   it   all 
depends  on  the  drink. 

But  love,  however  primal  and  powerful  an  urge,  must 
have  a  vehicle,  must  have  those  little  encourage- 
ments that  tend  to  get  a  thing  started — whether  it  is  a 
stock  panic,  a  bad  cold  or,  as  in  this  case,  an  af- 
fair of  the  heart.  And  radio,  that  great  new  Ameri- 
can institution,  can  rightfully  claim  that  it  has  done 
its  part  in  furnishing  impetus  to  keep  the  parsons  busy 
and  the  Lohengrin  wedding  march  a  popular  tune.  As  a 
matter  of  fact,  when  you  come  down  to  it,  radio  is  one  of 
the  best  little  aids  to  courtship  that  Old  Dame  Nature  and 

her     special     agent,     Dan 
Cupid,  ever  had. 

At  this  point  some  per- 
verse and  argumentative 
soul,  with  a  pocketful  of 
statistics,  may  step  up  and 
say  that  the  figures  on 
marriages  show  that  the 
custom  of  joining  in  holy 
matrimony  is  dying  out, 
that  the  boys  and  girls 
think  it  too  old-fashioned 

or  expensive,  or  something.  He  may  pull  out  one  of  his 
deadly  graphs  on  me  and  try  to  show  that,  although  radio 
has  been  popular  for  the  past  six  or  seven  years,  the  curve 
indicates  that  marriages  continue  to  drop  off. 

But  will  I  be  nonplussed?  Will  I  bow  down  before  his 
silly  old  graph,  admit  the  fallacy  of  my  statements  and 
cease  writing  this  splendid  article?  On  the  contrary;  with 
unerring  strategy,  I  shall  concede  his  major  premise  that, 
as  his  curve  indicates,  marriages  are  less  frequent;  then, 
continuing  with  my  article,  I  shall  go  on  to  prove,  to  his 
utter  demolition,  that  marriages  would  have  been  still  less 
frequent,  had  it  not  been  for  the  coming  of  that  great  new 
life-moulding  influence,  radio. 

Remember  the  Early  Days? 

Remember  the  early  days  of  radio,  when 
crystal  sets  and  earphones  were  the  latest 
thing?  There  were  deadly  instruments  for 
you!  Of  a  Wednesday  evening  a  fellow  would 
get  a  shave,  a  shine  and  a  dash  of  Keepcomb, 
and  drop  in  to  see  little  Penelope — just  a 
friendly  call,  you  know,  with  maybe  a  kiss  or 
two  as  the  evening  waxed. 

But  there  was  Penelope  with  a  brand  new 
crystal  receiver,  and  no  help  for  it  but  to  get 
together  and  jiggle  the  cat's  whisker  to  bring 
in  a  station  or  two.  With  heads  touching  and 
only  one  earphone  where  two  might  well  have 
been,  it  wasn't  very  long  before  the  tingle  of 
her  hair  on  his  cheek  made  him  tell  her,  to  the 
tune  of  a  throbbing  fox  trot  in  his  ear,  how 
very  much  he  cared,  and  Dan  Cupid,  the  vic- 
tory won,  sang  a  paean  of  praise  to  the  fair 
(Continued  on  page  42) 

JANUARY,      19  3  0 


on  Radio 


CONSIDER  the  actor. 
He  needs  consideration — in  radio.  The  lowliest 
trouper  on  the  three-a-day  dreams  some  day  to  see 
his  name  in  electric  lights  on  Broadway.  This  is  some- 
thing tangible  and  real:  the  flashing  lights  that  spell  his 
name  can  be  looked  at  and  remembered. 

But  then  his  radio  struggle  is  just  beginning.  The 
climax  of  his  stage  career  is  just  the  starting  signal  for 
offers  from  the  radio  studios.  And  this  way  leads  to 

For  here  there  are  no  blinding  lights  to  remind  the 
audience  who  plays  the  part.  Just  a  simple  announce- 
ment of  the  actor's  name,  slid  gently  through  a  gleam- 
ing disc  to  disappear  forever  into  the  blackness  of  the 
night — like  trying  to  write  his  name  in  water,  or  the 
forgetful  sand. 

Consider  the  actor's  plight.  He  hopes  to  win  a  nation- 
wide audience  with  only  one  performance — and  every  per- 
formance is  a  "first  night"  on  radio.  There  are  no  runs 
and  no  printed  programs  to  be  taken  home  for  remem- 
brance. The  show  does  not  go  on  before  packed  houses 
brought  there  by  the  en- 
thusiasm of  previous  audi- 
ences. Just  one  brief  hour 
or  less  in  a  single  evening 
that  is  crowded  with  other 
features,  all  clamoring  for 
a  chance  to  impress  their 
own  particular  message  up- 
on the  listener's  memory  and 
few   actually  doing  so. 

And  yet  consider  the 
actor's  hope.  He  knows 
that  this  same  forgetful 
microphone  is  the  avenue 
to  greater  audiences  in  a 
single  night  than  can  be 
crowded  into  a  Broadway 
playhouse  in  a  year's  suc- 
cessful run.  Harvey  Hays 

Consider  the  Actor  : 

Every  Show  a 

First  Night 

The  Famous   Balcony  Scene  from   "Romeo  and 

Julie  f  as  played  recently  over  the  air  by  Eva 

Le   Galliennc  and   Donald  Cameron 

No  wonder  he  thirsts  for  just  the  chance  to  try  his 
skill  in  winning  this  wayward  host  of  slipper-clad,  com- 
fortable stay-at-homes.  They're  all  human,  he  knows, 
and  subject  to  the  same  emotions  at  their  firesides  that 
they  experience  in  any  theater.  Perhaps  he  may  be  able 
to  touch  the  secret  spring  that  enables  his  voice  to  wring 
their  hearts. 

And  if  he  wins — what  need  then  of  electric  lights  down 
a  side  street  off  Broadway?  Then  the  greatest  audience 
in  the  world  will  be  his — and  ten  million  Americans  can't 
be  wrong. 

Every  actor  feels  that  no  one  yet  has  realized  the  full 
possibilities  of  radio.  There  have  been  several  major 
triumphs,  it  is  true,  but  even  the  heroes  and  heroines  of 
these  shiver  to  think  of  their  fate  had  they  not  earned 
the  right  to  follow  up  their  advantage  in  further  broad- 

Shipwreck  Tale  Enjoyed 

Already  the  dramatic  studios  of  the  NBC  in  New  York 
have  their  legends  of  signal  triumphs.  Perhaps  the  great- 
est of  these  was  scored  by  one  who  is  not  even  an  actor 
— "Red"  Christiansen,  the  hero  of  the  famous  Galapagos 
broadcast,  which  radio  listeners  demand  to  hear  repeated 
at  least  once  every  year.  He  was  the  sole  survivor  of  a 
shipwreck  on  the  Galapagos  Islands,  and  recreates  his 
Robinson  Crusoe  adventures  in  intensely  dramatic  style. 

Another  ray  of  hope  to  the  despairing  radio  actor  is 
the  success   of  Rosaline   Greene,   Eveready's   leading   lady, 



who  recently  repeated  her  famous  radio  portrayal  of  the 
historic  "Joan  of  Arc." 

Few  Real  Air  Personalities 

Besides  these,  there  are  only  a  few  really  outstanding 
air  personalities,  who  can  be  numbered  almost  on  any  one's 
two  hands.  There  are  only  a  few  who  have  really  suc- 
ceeded in  carving  their  names  in  the  ether,  so  to  speak. 
Harvey  Hays,  Pedro  de  Cordoba,  Frank  Moulan,  Charles 
"Webster,  Arthur  Allen,  Alfred  Shirley,  Loren  Raker, 
Helene  Handin,  Marcella  Shields,  Florence  Malone  and 
Virginia  Gardiner  head  the  list. 

A  few  more,  of  course,  have  succeeded  in  varying  de- 
grees in  the  difficult  task  of  making  their  voices  alone 
present  a  vivid  personality  through  millions  of  loudspeakers 
from  coast  to  coast.  These  are  the  ones  with  little  black 
stars  after  their  names  in  the  "theatrical  bible  of  the  air," 
the  radio  who's  who,  under 
lock  and  key  in  the  casting 
offices  of  the  NBC. 

There  are  five  black  books 
of  them  already,  these  clas- 
sified lists  of  eligible  actors 
for  parts  in  radio  dramati- 
zations. Practically  all  the 
important  names  of  the 
American  theater  are  there, 
with  a  condensed  report  of 
their  auditions,  and  a  sum- 
mary of  their  stage  records. 
That's  why  they're  kept 
under  padlock,  to  protect 
the  findings  of  radio  cast- 
ing directors  who  listened 
critically  to  trial  broadcasts 
that  got  only  as  far  as  the 
audition  chambers — just  be- 
yond a  soundproof  glass 
window,  usually. 

None  of  these  "perfect 
radio  voices"  was  acquired 
by  accident.  They  were  de- 
veloped through  gruelling 
years  in  the  theater,  by 
learning  every  trick  of  in- 
flection and  modulation 
which  might  help  to  in- 
tensify the  emotions  evoked  by  the  lines. 

Fifteen  years  ago  this  same  Harvey  Hays  was  on  the 
stage,  winning  stardom  in  such  outstanding  hits  as  "Lord 
and  Lady  Algy,"  in  which  he  appeared  with  Maxine 
Elliott  and  William  Faversham;  in  "Romeo  and  Juliet" 
with  Ethel  Barrymore,  and  with  Tyrone  Power  in  "The 
Servant  in  the  House." 

On  Radio  While  on  Broadway 

Pedro  de  Cordoba,  heard  weekly  as  the  narrator  of  the 
Westinghouse  Salute,  kept  his  Broadway  appearances  run- 
ning concurrently  with  his  radio  performances.  He  was 
with  Jane  Cowl  in  "The  Road  to  Rome"  and  more  re- 
cently in  "See  Naples  and  Die,"  by  Elmer  Rice,  who  also 
wrote  the  Pulitzer  prize  play,  "Street  Scene." 

One   actor,   who  is   heard   in   broadcasts   of   NBC    light 


opera  and  productions  of  the  Radio  Guild,  played  with 
both  Sarah  Bernhardt  and  Walter  Hampden.  His  name 
is  Ted  Gibson,  and  he  also  played  the  lead  in  that  great 
Broadway  hit,  "Turn  to  the  Right."  Before  that  he 
played  in  works  of  Anne  Nichols,  of  "Abie's  Irish  Rose" 

Charles  Webster,  who  created  for  the  radio  such  char- 
acters as  Cyrano  de  Bergerac  and  Beau  Brummel,  has  also 
repeated  the  role  he  created  on  Broadway,  that  of  Halmer 
in  Ibsen's  "Doll's  House."  He  continues  to  distinguish 
himself  with  the  Radio  Guild,  NBC's  laboratory  of  classic 
radio  drama,  directed  by  Vernon  Radcliffe. 

Regular  members  of  the  cast  for  Radio  Guild  produc- 
tions include  such  noted  footlight  artists  as  Charles  War- 
burton,  distinguished  Shakesperian  actor  who  headed  his 
own  company  abroad;  Josephine  Hull  from  the  Theater 
Guild;  Peggy  Allenby,  former  star  of  "Among  the 
Married;"  Alma  Kruger,  from  Eva  le  Gallienne's  company, 

the  Civic  Repertory;  Etien- 
^  *  ne   Girardot,   Frohman   star 

who     created    the    lead    in 

"Charley's  Aunt"  —  but 

why  go  on? 

i  i  },:■. 

Rosaline    Greene   and    Alfred   Shirley   in    a    Scene   from 
"Famous  Loves" 

Face    New    Problem 

They're  faced  with  an 
entirely  different  problem 
now.  Not  that  they're  all 
discouraged.  Harry  Neville, 
who  is  the  Dudley  Digges 
of  the  air,  says  he  thor- 
oughly enjoys  the  irony  of 
playing  in  one  performance, 
to  nearly  half  the  world- 
wide audience  that  he's 
played  to  in  forty  years  of 
trouping  around  the  globe. 
Arthur  Allen,  who  spent 
years  on  the  legitimate  stage, 
has  found  a  most  successful 
outlet  for  his  talents  in  ra- 
dio. He  has  established  a 
reputation  as  one  of  the 
leading  character  actors  to 
appear  before  the  micro- 
phone. His  work  in  the 
Soconyland  Sketches,  Re- 
told Tales  and  as  Gus  in  the  Schradertown  Program  will  be 
vividly  recalled  by  all  who  have  heard  these  hours.  He 
likes  radio  broadcasting  and  is  exceedingly  happy  in  his 

But  still  they  miss  the  electric  lights.  So  next  time 
there's  drama  on  the  air — consider  the  actor. 

Philco  Hour  Moves  to  CBS 

The  Philco  Hour  of  Theatre  Memories,  which  has  been 
a  feature  on  WJZ  for  over  two  years,  will  move  to  the 
Columbia  chain  after  January  1.  It  is  said  that  a  different 
type  of  program  will  be  broadcast,  one  featuring  an  or- 
chestra and  a  different  Broadway  celebrity  each  week. 
None  of  the  eld  Philco  cast,  which  included  Jessica  Drag- 
onette  as  leading  lady  and  Colin  O'More  as  leading  man, 
will  change  with  the  Hour,  but  Henry  M.  Neely,  the 
"Old  Stager,"  will  conduct  the  program. 

JANUARY,      19  3  0 


Achieves  Stardom  In  Few  Months 

Virginia  Gardiner,  Actress,  Came  Into  Radio  Field  by  Way  of  Concert  Platform 

ALTHOUGH  she  has  been  appearing  before  the  microphone  for 
only  about  three  months,  Miss  Gardiner  has  in  that  brief  time 
achieved  stardom  in  her  own  right.  She  comes  from  a  distinguished 
Philadelphia  family.  She  studied  voice  with  Mme.  Marcella  Sem- 
brich,  at  the  Curtis  Institute  of  Music  in  the  Quaker  City.  Her 
voice  is  a   dramatic   soprano.       She   was  invited   to   sing   grand   opera 

with  a  Pennsylvania  organization,  but  declined  in  order  to  con- 
tinue her  dramatic  -work.  Miss  Gardiner  lives  quietly  -with  her 
family  in  New  York.  Hers  is  a  vibrant  personality,  glowing  with 
latent  fire.  She  has  been  heard  on  Mystery  Hour,  Westinghouse 
Salute,  Great  Northern,  Empire  Builders,  Triadrama  Radio  Guild, 
The   Eternal   Question    and   Famous   Challenges,    all   NBC   programs. 






I  LUMBER  MUSIC  is  it?     Why  I'd  stay  up  all 
night  to  listen,  if  they'd  play  that  long!" 
That's    the    comment    of    one    discriminating 
listener  on  the  alleged  soporific  effect  of  the  NBC's  nightly 
"Slumber  Hour." 

The  great  majority  of  listeners  find  the  late  broadcast 
soothing.  They  say  the  placid  depth  of  the  master  works 
presented  lulls  away  the  cares  cf  the  day  and  prepares 
them  for  a  restful  sleep.  This  program  is  even  changing 
the  habits  of  some  of  the  early-to-beds.  Ex- 
pert musicians,  however,  have  discovered  that 
the  "Slumber  Hour"  group  is  a  complete  little 
symphony  of  unusual  versatility. 

Just  glance  at  the  members  of  the  orchestra 
— the  original  "Slumber  Hour"  group  now  in 
their  third  year  of  nightly  broadcasts.  The 
secret  of  their  never-failing  popularity  is  now 
revealed — they're  a  group  of  the  finest  musicians 
in  the  NBC's  big  symphony  orchestra. 

Ludwig  Laurier,  the  conductor,  is  a  former 
first  violin  and  orchestra  manager  from  the 
Metropolitan  Opera  during  Toscanini's  reign. 

Raphael  Galindo,  violinist,  comes  from  the 
Madrid  Symphony  Orchestra,  and  is  a  featured 
soloist  in  his  own  right  with  the  Russian  Cathe- 
dral Choir  on  the  air  Sunday  nights. 

Angelo  Sasso,   violin,   is   a  pupil  of  the  great 



Kneisel    and    a    star    performer    in    radio    symphonies. 

Samuel  Zimbalist,  viola  virtuoso,  is  the  brother  of 
Efrem  Zimbalist,  but  hides  the  fact  in  order  to  win  recog- 
nition on  his  own. 

Oswald  Mazzucchi,  'cello,  is  a  former  solo  'cellist  of 
the  Philharmonic  Orchestra. 

Milan  Smolen,  piano,  is  a  versatile  genius  who  was  chosen 
as  entr'acte  soloist  for  the  Radio  Guild.  Every  time 
he  plays  a  solo  over  the  air  there  is  a  deluge  of  admiring 
letters  from  professional  pianists.  Robert  Braine,  another 
pianist  who  sometimes  plays  on  the  hour,  is  well  known 
as  a  composer. 

Carl  Weber,  organ,  has  displayed  masterly  musician- 
ship in  designing  special  arrangements  of  gigantic  works 
which  enabled  the  group  to  play  them  without  loss  of 

These  are  the  men  who  have  played  a  full  hour  every 
night  for  the  last  700  nights,  without  interruption  ex- 
cept for  Sundays  and  emergencies,  such  as  the  Democratic 
and  Republican  National  Conventions. 

Yet  these  same  men  frequently  take  part  in  broad- 
casts of  jazz  music  under  another  name, — with  what  a 
difference!  Nothing  slumbrous  about  them  then,  as  they 
sit  perched  on  the  edge  of  their  chairs  swaying  to  the 
syncopated    rhythm    of    Broadway's    latest    dance    tunes. 


Magic  of  Director  Lanrier's  Baton  Litres  the  Spirits  of  the 
Old  Masters 

JANUARY,     19  3  0 


Ten  minutes  later  they  occupy  important  places  in  a 
full  radio  symphony  orchestra,  or  take  part  in  a  grand 
opera  or  light  opera  presentation.  Perhaps  they  are  heard 
as  unknown  soloists  in  a  straight  concert  program,  but 
more  frequently  appear  as  featured  artists,  playing  con- 
certos from  the  pen  of  master  composers. 

Put  Radio  Stations  to  Bed 

But  they  all  prefer  the  "Slumber  Hour."  With  this 
they  "put  to  bed"  a  long  list  of  radio  stations  associated 
with  NBC — by  playing   their  own  favorite  selections. 

Very  often  their  programs  are  made  up  entirely  of 
selections  specifically  requested  by  the  radio  audience.  Ac- 
cording to  Director  Laurier,  Rubinstein's  "Kammennoi 
Ostrow"  is  the  most  frequently  requested  number.  Two 
Schubert  favorites  are  next,  he  says,  the  "Ave  Maria"  and 

It  must  be  understood,  however,  that  their  programs 
are  made  up  in  advance;  as  much  as  four  and  five  weeks 
before  the  actual  date  of  broadcasting.  Then,  too,  they 
must  avoid  all  danger  of  monotony  from  too-frequent 
repetition  of  the  greatest  favorites,  so  this  explains  the 
apparent  failure  to  grant  some  requests.  All  letters  from 
the  Slumber  Hour  audiences  are  carefully  studied  as  repre- 
senting a  cross-section  of  the  most  highly-cultured  and 
discriminating  listeners.  These  are  the  sort  of  people  at- 
tracted by  such  music,  and  their  express  wishes  are  granted 
as  soon  and  as  often  as  possible. 

Some  of  the  letters  received  by  Director  Laurier  and 
Announcer  Milton  Cross  (who  frequently  sings  the  "Slum- 
ber Song"  at  the  beginning  and  end)  are  highly  inter- 

One  of  the  biggest  Chicago  hotels  reports  that  it  would 
lose  some  of  its  important  patrons  if  it  failed  to  receive 
the  "Slumber  Music."  This  hotel  emphasizes  a  home-like, 
friendly  atmosphere,  and  provides  a  cozy  nook  with  com- 
fortable chairs  and  dim  lights  for  the  nightly  gathering 
of  regular  guests  who  never  miss  the  late-hour  broadcast 
before  retiring  to  their  rooms. 

Changes  Lady's  Schedule 

A  certain  lady  in  Philadelphia,  now  advanced  in  years, 
writes  that,  since  hearing  the  "Slumber  Hour,"  she  has 
given  up  her  long-established  practice  of  retiring  early, 
but  has  to  make  up  for  it  by  taking  a  nap  earlier  in  the 
evening.  She  says  this  enables  her  to  stay  up  long  enough 
to  hear  the  entire  program  without  upsetting  the  schedule 
of  rest  required  by  her  health. 

A  minister  stationed  in  the  backwoods  of  Canada  says 
that  now  he,  too,  remains  awake  longer  than  had  been 
his  wont  just  to  hear  the  "Slumber  Music,"  but  that  he 
makes  up  for  it  by  sleeping-in  one  hour  later  the  next 
morning.  Many  letters  received  are  in  the  nature  of  good- 
humored  complaints  about  the  broadcast  "keeping  them 
up  too  late,"  and  many  others  seriously  request  some  mea- 
sure which  would  bring  the  program  to  them  at  an  earlier 

One  message  from  Pittsburgh  was  signed  by  eighteen 
different  people,  who  described  themselves  as  students, 
complimenting  the  NBC  on  the  high  musical  quality  of 
this  hour  and  suggesting  certain  selections  to  be  included 
in  future  broadcasts.  Every  one  of  the  numbers  listed 
reflected  a  highly-cultured  musical  taste,  and  indicated  an 
unusual  degree  of  discrimination  on  the  part  of  the  au- 
thors of  the  joint  communication. 

Meanwhile,  Ludwig  Laurier  spends  hours  each  day 
wandering  among  the  shelves  of  the  NBC's  great  music 
library,  picking  out  the  world's  greatest  classics  for  presen- 
tation by  his  competent  group.  Then  another  hour  of 
intensive  rehearsal  on  that  night's  program,  which  was 
made  up  weeks  before,  and  the  "Slumber  Hour"  is  ready 
for  the  air. 

It  is  significant  to  note  that  the  theme  melody  of  this 
program,  "Slumber  On,"  heard  at  the  opening  and  closing 
of  each  broadcast,  is  the  creation  of  two  men  identified 
with  radio  programs  from  the  earliest  days  of  WJZ.  They 
are  Keith  McLeod  and  Walter  Preston.  McLeod  is  now 
musical  supervisor  of  the  NBC,  and  Preston  is  a  baritone 
soloist  featured  on  many  NBC  programs. 


(Inspired     by    Robert    Brai 

Solo    on    the    "Slumber    Hour") 


A  White  Witch  is  dancing  on  the  water, 

A  witch  with  silver  arms; 

Spray  is  dripping  from   her  moon-drenched  fingers. 

O,  White  Witch,  cast  your  spell  upon  me; 

Bewilder  my  senses  with  your  beauty 

Before  the  dawn  breaks   my  enchantment. 

Kiss  me,  O  White  Witch; 

Shower   me   with  silver  diamonds  from   your   hair; 

Lead  me  up  the  shimmering  path  that  burnishes  the  water 

Lend  wings  to  my  feet, 

That  I  may  catch  the  fringe  of  your  ecstasy 

Before  it  passes  beyond  my  reach. 



Mr.  Fussy  Fan 

that  He  is  a 
"High  Brow 




FOR  the  past  five  years  I  have  been  a  radio  addict. 
That  is  the  term  that  best  describes  a  radio  listener 
of  the  category  into  which  I  fall.  With  me,  listen- 
ing has  been  practically  an  obsession.  It  took  hold  of  me 
in  much  the  same  manner  that  golf  makes  its  inroads  on 
its  hapless  victims.  When  I  tuned  in  a  distant  station  at 
Northfield,  Minn.,  on  my  first  set,  I  received  a  thrill  as 
great  as  that  enjoyed  by  the  new  golfer  who,  for  the  first 
time,  sees  one  of  his  drives  sail  far  away  over  the  hill.  It 
is  a  thrill  that  gets  you. 

However,  I  have  always  been  able  to  take  my  radio  or 
leave  it  alone.  I  have  no  sympathy  with  the  calamity 
howlers  who  continually  complain  about  the  poor  programs 
they  get  on  the  radio.  In  the  first  place,  I  try  never  to 
lose  sight  of  the  fact  that  all  of  these  entertaining  and 
educational  programs  come  to  me  absolutely  free  of  charge. 
Secondly,  I  realize  that  I  can  always  exercise  one  of  radio's 
most  admirable  prerogatives — that  of  tuning  out  any  un- 
desirable program  by  a  mere  twist  of  the  dial. 

My  introduction  to  radio  took  place  about  five  years 
ago,  when  I  went  to 
Station  WEAF,  then 
at  19  5  Broadway, 
New  York,  to  hear 
and  see  a  friend  of 
mine,  a  tenor,  broad- 
cast a  fifteen-minute 
program  of  songs.  It 
was  all  very  novel  and 
fascinating.  I  soon 
became  intensely  in- 
terested and  bought  a 
four-tube  reflex  re- 
ceiver. To  me  that 
set  seemed  little  short 
o  f  marvelous,  a  1  - 
though,  as  time  went 




If  a  desire  to  hear  good  music  rendered 
artistically  stamps  one  as  a  "high  brow"  then 
I  plead  guilty  to  the  charge. 

The  late  John  B.  Daniel  was  one  of  the 
finest  extemporaneous  announcers  that  radio 
has  ever  had. 

I  feel  that  today  there  are  entirely  too 
many  dramatic  programs  on  the  air. 

When  it  comes  to  music,  I  prefer  the  clas- 
sics to  jazz  every  time. 

Milton  Cross  still  remains  my  favorite  an- 
nouncer, particularly  for  concert  and  op- 
eratic programs. 

For  sporting  events,  I  prefer  Ted  Husing. 

Among  my  pet  radio  aversions  I  number 
Roxy,  wise-crachmg  announcers,  tvhisper- 
ing  baritones  and  all  contralto  crooners  ex- 
cepting Vaughn  de  heath. 

Radio  listeners  get  too  much  for  nothing 
and  hence  fail  properly  to  appreciate  what  is 
done  for  them. 

If  in  no  other  way,  radio  justifies  its  exist- 
ence alone  by  bringing  to  the  masses  the 
beautiful  music  of  our  major  symphony 


on  and  certain  refinements  and  improvements  were  intro- 
duced into  radio  receivers,  I  began  to  realize  that  my  set 
was  not  exactly  the  finest  thing  of  its  kind. 

In  those  days,  as  many  will  recall,  programs  were  on  a 
lower  plane  than  they  are  today.  The  principal  reason 
for  this  was  that,  as  yet,  commercially  sponsored  broad- 
casts had  not  become  general.  Radio  was  still  a  great  toy. 
Singers  and  musicians  of  all  ranks  were  only  too  glad  to 
contribute  their  talents  in  order  to  experiment  with  this 
new  medium  of  artistic  expression.  Some  of  these  experi- 
ments proved  to  be  happy  ones  but,  on  the  other  hand, 
many  of  them  turned  out  rather  unfortunately.  Inas- 
much as  few  artists  were  being  paid  for  their  services, 
many    crimes    were,    of    necessity,    countenanced    in    the 

name    of    radio. 

In  Purely  Experi- 
mental   Stage 

The  Clicquot  Club  Eskimos,  Whose  Dance  Music  1  Enjoy 

However,  radio  in 
those  days  was  in  a 
pur  ely  experimental 
stage.  As  yet  no 
definite  radio  technic 
had  been  evolved,  and 
little  had  been  learned 
of  the  real  possibilities 
of  this  new  medium. 
For  this  reason,  the 
majority  of  programs 
consisted   of   vocal  or 

JANUARY,      19  3  0 


instrumental  recitals  and  lectures  of  various  kinds.  Very 
often  these  seemed  interminable,  but  they  were  listened  to 
with  remarkable  patience  because  of  the  element  of  nov- 
elty involved. 

What  has  always  seemed  rather  paradoxical  to  me  is  the 
fact  that  radio  listeners,  who  were  paying  nothing  at  all 
for  their  air  entertainment,  gradually  became  more  par- 
ticular about  the  kind  of  programs  they  heard  over  the 
ether.  I  was  no  exception  at  that  time — although  I  have 
since  become  more  philo- 
sophical on  the  subject. 
My  taste  in  radio  programs 
steadily  became  more  ex- 
acting. Soon  I  reached 
the  point  where  I  became 
annoyed  and  often  indig- 
nant at  programs  of  in- 
ferior quality  that  were 
broadcast  by  the  big 
chains.  As  a  result,  I  was 
branded  a  "high  brow" 
by  my  less  particular 
friends.  If  a  desire  to  hear 
good  music  rendered  ar- 
tistically stamps  one  as  a 
"high  brow",  then  I  plead 
guilty  to  the  charge. 

There   were   many   pro- 
grams from  which  I  used 
to   derive   a   real   thrill   in 
the    early    days    of    radio. 
These  included  the  Eveready  Hour,  Roxy's 
Gang,  Maxwell  House  Hour  under  Nathan- 
iel Shilkret's  direction,  the  Royal  Hour  with 
its  musical   comedy  hero   and   heroine,    the 
Gold  Dust  Twins,  the  A.  &  P.  Gypsies,  the 
Silver  Masked  Tenor,   the  Landay  Revelers 
with  Norman  Brokenshire  announcing,   the 
Happiness    Boys    and    the    WEAF    operatic 
productions  under  Cesare  Sodero's  direction. 

In  those  days  WEAF  was  generally  con- 
ceded to  be  the  pioneer  station   and   for   a 
long  time  held  the  lead  in  program  presen- 
tations.    However,  WJZ  forged  ahead  rap- 
idly  and   soon   reached   the   point   where   it  "Twin" 
gave  WEAF  the  keenest  kind  of  competi-  Above: 
tion.     Regrettably  enough,  such  rivalry  no 
longer    exists    between    these    two    stations, 
inasmuch  as  the  same  artists  appear  on  both  chains.      If 
the  old  spirit  of  rivalry  had  been  maintained,  the  present 
standard   of  programs   would   doubtless   have   been   much 

Announcer's  Part   Important 

The  part  played  by  the  announcer  in  the  programs  of 
the  early  days  was  exceedingly  important,  I  am  told.  Upon 
his  shoulders  fell  the  task  of  taking  a  number  of  diversi- 
fied features  and  welding  them  into  a  strong  unit.  He 
had  no  written  continuity  to  read  from,  as  he  now  does, 
and  so  he  was  compelled  to  rely  almost  entirely  upon  his 
own  personality  to  put  across  the  program.  Those  were 
great  days.  They  developed  a  group  of  brilliant  announcers 
who  came  to  mean  as  much  to  radio  as  some  of  its  biggest 
program  features. 

To  my  mind,  the  greatest  staff  of  all-around  announcers 
ever  assembled  by  one  station  was  the  quartet  that  served 
WJZ  in  the  early  days.  This  group  included  Norman 
Brokenshire,  than  whom  there  is  none  than-whomer,  Mil- 
ton J.  Cross,  Lewis  Reid  and  the  late  John  B.  Daniel.  The 
latter  was  one  of  the  finest  extemporaneous  announcers 
that  radio  has  ever  had.  He  had  an  easy  flow  of  language, 
his  diction  was  excellent  and  he  presented  his  ideas  clearly 
and  logically.  Radio  lost  one  of  its  shining  lights  as  a 
result   of   his   untimely  passing. 

The  WEAF  favorites  at  that  time  were 
Graham  McNamee  and  Phillips  Carlin,  who 
were  often  referred  to  as  "the  twins,"  be- 
cause of  the  similarity  in  the  sound  of  their 
voices  over  the  air,  Leslie  Joy,  James  Haupt, 
Ralph  Wentworth  and  Arnold  Morgan.  Of 
these,  McNamee  is  still  one  of  radio's  head- 
iners.  I  understand  that  Carlin  announces 
occasionally,  but  is  principally  occupied 
with  executive  duties.  Joy  is  also  kept  busy 
in  the  business  end  of  broadcasting.  The 
rest  have  wandered  into  other  fields  of  ac- 
tivity, mostly  in  connection  with  radio. 

In  any  discussion  of  an- 
nouncers, Tommy  Co- 
wan, of  WNYC,  must 
not  be  overlooked.  He 
was  one  of  the  real 
pioneers.  He  started  an- 
nouncing with  WJZ  in 
the  days  when  its  studio 
was  located  in  Newark. 
He  has  been  the  moving 
spirit  of  New  York's  mu- 
nicipal station  for  a  num- 
ber of  years.  He  combines 
a  thorough  musical  knowl- 
edge with  a  ready  wit  and 
an  attractive  radio  voice 
and  personality.  In  my 
opinion,  he  still  ranks  as 
one  of  the  best. 

In  those  early  days,  pro- 
grams were  largely  musi- 
cal in  character.  Grad- 
ually a  hue  and  cry  was 
raised  by  newspaper  critics 
for  more  showmanship 
and  originality  in  radio.  As  a  result,  the  big  chains  set 
about  creating  new  types  of  programs.  Slowly  but  surely 
the  number  of  straight  dramatic  programs  increased,  until 
now  the  ether  is  crowded  with  offerings  that  have  vary- 
ing degrees  of  merit — mostly  quite  poor. 

Too   Much   Drama   on  Air 

I  feel  that  today  there  are  entirely  too  many  dramatic 
programs  on  the  air.  While  I  recognize  the  fact  that  a 
dramatic  sketch  has  definite  entertainment  value,  based 
largely  on  its  continuity  of  idea,  I  believe  that  it  likewise 
loses  a  large  portion  of  its  audience  for  that  very  reason. 
I  know  that  I — and  the  same  holds  true  of  many  of  my 
friends — often  like  to  listen  to  my  radio  more  or  less  sub- 
consciously, while  dining  or  playing  bridge,  for  instance. 
At  such  times  I  could  not  possibly  give  the  attention  that 

Announcers   of  the  Early  Days 
:    Graham   McNamee;   Below. 
Phillips   Carlin 



is     required     to     enjoy     properly     a     dramatic     program. 

For  this  reason,  I  venture  the  humble  prediction  that 
the  program  pendulum  will  swing  slowly  backward,  per- 
haps not  to  where  it  was  before,  but  at  least  to  a  point 
that  will  be  a  compromise  between  the  old  order  and  the 
new.  At  such  a  time  I  believe  we  will  have  the  pleasure 
of  hearing  a  happy  blending  of  musical  and  dramatic  fea- 
tures on  each  program. 

When  it  comes  to  music,  I  prefer  the  classics  to  jazz 
every  time.  Not  that  I  condemn  jazz.  On  the  contrary, 
I  like  it  immensely,  when  it  is  well  done,  as  in  the  case 
of  Gershwin's  "Rhapsody  in  Blue."  I  believe,  though,  that 
this  composition  is  so  soundly  con- 
structed that  it  will  eventually 
come  to  be  regarded  as  a  classic. 

My  preference  for  classical  mu- 
sic is  attributable  largely,  I  believe, 
to  the  fact  that  it  has  real  last- 
ing power,  due  to  its  firm  musical 
foundation.  Most  of  the  modern 
jazz  is  ground  out  so  rapidly  and 
haphazardly,  by  men  who  have  no 
musical  background  whatever,  that 
it  is  no  wonder  it  soon  palls  on  us 
radio  listeners  when  it  is  dinned 
into  our  ears  morning,  noon  and 

Many  of  the  jazz  tunes  are 
either  stolen  or  borrowed  from  the 
classics,  but  I  do  not  believe  that 
even  the  classics  themselves  would 
stand  the  strain  of  such  severe  mal- 
treatment. I  hope  the  day  will 
come  when  the  broadcasting  of  all 
songs  will  be  regulated  by  either 
the  composer  or  the  publisher  for 
his  own  good.  Only  then  will  we 
be  able  to  listen  to  the  radio  with- 
out becoming  thoroughly  disgusted 
at  having  banal  tunes  figuratively 
thrust  down  our  throats  until  we 
turn  off  the  radio  in  disgust. 

The  part  that  radio  plays  to- 
day in  religious,  educational  and 
amusement  fields  is  truly  amazing. 

From  a  novelty  of  questionable  value,  it  has  come  to  be 
almost  a  household  necessity.  Nor  have  its  possibilities 
been  fully  realized.  It  has  been  a  great  boon  to  shut-ins 
and  a  source  of  enjoyment  to  millions. 

So  many  of  the  present  day  programs  attain  a  high  de- 
gree of  excellence  that  it  is  difficult  to  select  the  out- 
standing ones.  However,  I  think  that  radio — if  by  no 
other  way — justifies  its  existence  alone  by  bringing  to 
the  masses  the  beautiful  music  of  our  major  symphony 
orchestras.  I  believe  the  results  of  these  concerts  are  being 
seen  in  a  steady  improvement  in  the  musical  taste  of  our 

Of  the  regular  programs  on  the  air,  there  are  a  few 
that,  to  me,  are  eminently  superior.  The  Palmolive  Hour, 
for  one,  has  an  array  of  talent  that  might  well  be  termed 
"the  aristocracy  of  the  air."  It  manages  to  afford  me 
great  pleasure,  even  though  its  commercial  credits  detract 
immeasurably.  Other  favorite  broadcasts  of  mine  are 
Amos  'n'  Andy,  whose  negro  characterizations,  I  think, 
are  remarkable;  Main  Street  Sketches;  the  Nit  Wit  Hour, 

Ted    Husing,    who    covers    sporting    events 
better   than   anyone  on   the  air 

one  of  the  most  gorgeous  bits  of  fooling  on  the  air;  the 
True  Story  Hour;  Slumber  Hour;  Hank  Simmons's  Show- 
boat and  the  various  programs  of  grand  and  light  opera. 

When  I  want  to  hear  good  dance  music,  I  listen  to  the 
Lucky  Strike  Orchestra,  which  includes  in  its  ranks  about 
all  of  the  leading  jazz  virtuosi  extant,  Paul  Whiteman's 
orchestra,  Sam  Lannin's  Ipana  Troubadors  and  the 
Clicquot  Club  Eskimos.  All  this  furore  about  Rudy 
Vallee  impresses  me  as  "much  ado  about  nothing."  I  like 
the  way  he  puts  over  a  song  but,  so  far  as  I  can  see, 
that  lets  him  out.  However,  more  power  to  him  in  capi- 
talizing his  talents  before  his  popularity  wanes. 

Milton  Cross  My  Favorite 

Milton  Cross  still  remains  my 
favorite  announcer,  particularly  for 
concert  and  operatic  programs.  He 
is  dignified,  scholarly  and  possesses 
a  musical  background  that  mani- 
fests itself  advantageously  in  any 
program  he  announces.  I  heartily 
agreed  from  the  first  with  the  de- 
cision of  the  American  Academy 
of  Arts  and  Letters  to  award  him 
the  gold  medal  for  having  the  best 
diction  of  any  announcer  on  the 
air.  Certainly  no  one  was  more  de- 
serving of  the  honor. 

For  sporting  events  I  prefer  Ted 
Husing,  who,  by  the  way,  started 
at  WJZ  shortly  after  the  quartet 
of  announcers  to  which  I  referred 
earlier.  He  knows  his  subject  and 
his  rapid-fire  observations  enable 
one  to  follow  the  contest  easily  and 
accurately.  He  never  becomes  so 
emotional  that  his  account  of  the 
contest  becomes  incoherent. 

While  I  have  never  been   a   de- 
votee of  Graham  McNamee,  I  ad- 
mire  his   enthusiasm.      When   it  is 
kept  within  bounds  it  is  quite  in- 
fectious.    I  thought  he  did  a  singu- 
larly fine  piece  of  work  in  connec- 
tion with  the  recent  Light's  Golden 
Jubilee  broadcast.     He  seemed  to  appreciate  that  he  was 
seeing  history  in  the  making  and  succeeded  in  painting  the 
impressive  picture  very  well  for  the  listeners. 

I  have  always  enjoyed  Norman  Brokenshire's  work.  I 
understand  that  he  was  one  of  the  last  to  give  in  to  the 
changing  order  for  announcers,  by  which  they  turned  from 
extemporaneous  announcing  to  the  reading  of  prepared 
continuities.  As  a  result,  his  work  has  necessarily  been 
robbed  of  much  of  its  charming  spontaneity  and  individ- 
uality, but  he  still  is  one  of  the  outstanding  personalities 
of  the  ether.  Among  the  other  announcers  whose  work 
I  particularly  enjoy  are  Alois  Havrilla,  Curt  Peterson, 
Perry  Charles  and  David  Ross. 

Among  my  pet  radio  aversions  I  number  Roxy,  wise- 
cracking announcers,  whispering  baritones  and  all  con- 
tralto crooners  excepting  Vaughn  de  Leath. 

I  have  often  wondered  what  the  future  holds  for  radio 
broadcasting.     It  has  always  been  my  contention  that  the 
entire  business  operates  on  the  wrong  basis.     The  listeners 
(Continued  on  page  46) 

JANUARY,      19  3  0 


Radio  Boasts  Own  Dramatic  Star 

Rosaline  Greene  Was  the  First  Actress  to  Confine  Her  Activities  to  Broadcasting 

TJfTHILE  at  college  Miss  Greene  became  leading  lady  of  WGY 
'  players,  a  pioneer  group  whose  weekly  radio  plays  'were  an 
outstanding  attraction  in  the  early  days  of  broadcasting.  For  three 
years  she  appeared  weekly  in  a  full-length  drama.  This  afforded 
her  an  opportunity  to  play  every  type  of  character.  In  192  6  she 
was   awarded   the    Radio   World's   Fair   prize   for    having    the   most 

perfect  radio  voice.  Miss  Greene  has  devoted  her  efforts  entirely 
to  radio,  except  for  a  brief  engagement  on  the  stage  in  "The  Pearl 
of  Great  Price."  She  is  leading  lady  for  the  Eveready  Hour,  on 
which  she  has  appeared  as  Joan  of  Arc,  Evangeline  and  other  famous 
characters.  She  has  been  heard  on  a  number  of  other  programs. 
She  was  born  in  Hempstead,  L.  I.,   on  December  3,   1905. 



Browne  and  His  Banjo 






H,  SUSANNA,  Now  Don't  You  Cry  for  Me; 
I've  Come  From  Alabama  Wid  My  Banjo  on  My 

So  sang  a  young  soldier  of  the  American  forces  in  Cuba 
in  '98.  If  the  entertainer  had  been  a  bit  more  accurate 
he  would  have  sung,  "I've  Come  From  Massachusetts  Wid 
My  Banjo  on  My  Knee,"  for  the  Berkshire  Hills  were  the 
home  of  Harry  C.  Browne  and  his  stringed  instrument, 
now  popular  with  the  radio  audience  through  his  frequent 
appearances  in  programs  of  the  Columbia  chain.  "Hank 
Simmons's  Showboat"  is  probably  the  most  outstanding  of 
these  programs. 

This  young  man  and  his  banjo  were  boon  companions. 
In  school  Browne  was  a  football  player  of  renown,  and  in 
the  earlier '  days  of  this  sport's  popularity  it  was  no  five 
o'clock  tea.     The  scars  of  battle  were  numerous. 

Though  quite  adept  at  baseball,  he  did  not  play  because 
he  feared  that  he  would  injure  his  fingers.  With  disabled 
digits  Harry  realized  that  he  would  be  unable  to  strum  the 
accompaniment  to  his  vocal  efforts.  The  banjo  evidently 
appreciated  the  sacrifice  made  for  it  and,  in  return,  pro- 
vided the  means  of  procuring  spending  money,  namely  by 
entertaining  the  townspeople. 

The  Browne  family  was  not  at  all  enthusiastic  about  the 
son's  strenuous  activities  as  a  minstrel.  The  father  had 
attained  only  partial  success  with  the  burned  cork  and  pic- 
tured his  "pride  and  hope"  as  a  prosperous  member  of  the 


Bar.  Without  consideration  for  his  decided  protests  they 
made  plans  for  his  education  in  law.  For  a  few  months  he 
attempted  to  wade  through  Blackstone  and  the  lesser  lights. 
The  call  to  arms  in  1898  was  pleasant  music  to  his  ears. 
He  now  had  a  most  excellent  excuse  for  dropping  his  law. 
Soon  he  and  his  banjo  formed  a  very  definite  part  of  army 
life  at  the  training  camp.  The  Second  Massachusetts  Regi- 
ment was  in  Florida  within  three  weeks'  time. 

Great  Success  as  Entertainer 

Harry's  success  as  an  entertainer  was  soon  firmly  estab- 
lished. In  Cuba  he  was  always  in  demand  to  play  for  the 
officers,  and  in  this 
way  he  escaped 
many  of  the  tasks 
that  his  less  talent- 
ed companions  per- 
formed as  part  of 
the  daily  routine  of 
army  life.  Despite 
his  relea  s  e  from 
these  duties,  his 
part  in  warfare  was 
an  active  one.  He 
was  there  when  his 
company  led  the 
way  in  capturing 
El  Canal.  In  the 
rush  to  disembark 
at  B  a  i  quairi,  he 
forgot  even  his 
precious  banjo. 

Browne  returned 
home  so  thin  that, 
as  he  puts  it,  "I 
scarcely  cast  a 
(Turn  to  page  44) 

Mr.  Browne,  as  Henry  Clinton, 

Ballyhooing    "Hank    Simmons's 


J  AN  U  ARY  ,     19  3  0 


Metropolitan  Star  Puts 

Stamp   o 



RADIO  broadcasting  has  been  a  little  severe  on  opera 
stars.  It  has  turned  the  fierce  light  of  magnifica- 
tion on  their  vocal  faults  but,  at  the  same  time,  it 
has  emphasized,  in  a  most  favorable  manner,  the  beauties 
of  a  good  voice.  Sound  vocal  production  has  always  been 
enhanced  by  the  radio. 

If  an  artist  is  able  to  "deliver  the  goods,"  without  un- 
necessary display  of  bad  taste  or  temperament,  remember- 
ing that  he  or  she  has  no  stage  spectacle,  no  friendly 
audience,  no  striking  appearance  nor  claque  of  horny- 
handed  galleryites  to  assist  him,  then  the  radio  and  its  vast 
audience  have  been  kind  to  that  artist.  But,  stripped  of 
all  the  trappings,  of  the  sentiment,  of  the  color,  of  the 
sight  of  a  great  orchestra  competently  directed,  the  artist 
singing  over  the  radio  faces  a  problem  entirely  different 
from  operatic  presentation.  Here  only  vocal  merit  tells. 
Everything  considered,  radio  treats  the  true  operatic  artist 

On  the  other  hand,  how  does  a  great  operatic  star  regard 
radios?  A  famous  singer  who,  stripped  of  all  operatic 
embellishments,  remains  a  vivid  personality — one  who  has 
reached  the  heights  largely  through  the  medium  of  a  gor- 
geous voice  and  her  own  real  charm — was  approached  on 
the  question. 

Lucrezia  Bori,  who  is  perhaps  the  ideal  prima  donna 
and  is  certainly  one  of  the  most  popular  stars  of  all  time, 
likes  radio,  both  from  the  angle  of  a  pioneer  broadcaster 
and  an  enthusiastic  listener. 

Received   Many   Letters 

"I  like  radio  broadcasting  enormously,"  she  told  me  the 
other  day.  "I  think  it  is  the  best  reproducing  medium 
we  have.  And  I  have  received  so  many  thousands  of 
pleasing  letters  from  great  distances.  Instead  of  the  ap- 
plause that  is  generally,  I  am  very  happy  to  say,  bestowed 


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Lucrezia   Bori  and   Rowdy. 

upon  me,  I  receive  stacks  of  charming  letters  from,  how 
do  you  say,  "radio  fans',  and  I  am  going  to  preserve  them 
all  and  re-read  them  long  after  the  echo  of  the  opera 
house  applause  has  died  away. 

"It  was  a  little  difficult  for  me  at  first,  because  I  missed 
seeing  my  audience.  I  like  to  note  the  expressions  on  the 
faces  of  my  friends  and  to  watch  them,  at  the  close  of  an 
act,  as  they  turn  to  each  other  and  say  nice  things  when 
I  have  had  a  success.  I  like,  too,  to  hear  the  rustle  of  the 

"According  to  my  contract  with  the  Metropolitan, 
I  am  allowed  to  sing  only  twice  a  year  over  the  radio, 
with  the  Atwater  Kent  and  the  Victor  companies,  but 
I  am  very  proud  of  my  contract  with  the  Metropolitan 
Opera  Company  and,  after  all,  one  cannot  have  every- 

"I  will  sing  'Louise'  in  January  for  the  first  time,  and 
I  am  very  excited,  of  course,  over  the  prospect,  as  I  like 
the  work. 

"Do  you  know  that  Vincenzo  Bori,  my  brother,  attends 
all  my  opera  performances,  and  he  is  at  once  my  best 
friend  and  severest  critic?'  '  The  singer  here  laughed  a 
little  at  her  lack  of  originality. 

Obliging  and  Agreeable 

For  a  person  of  her  attainments  Lucrezia  Bori  is  very 
obliging  and  agreeable  to  interview.  "Whether  in  her 
splendid  apartment  in  a  New  York  hotel  or  walking  up 
Fifth  Avenue,  she  is  always  very  informal,  and  Rowdy,  her 
very  Irish  terrier,  joins  with  her  in  extending  a  welcome. 



Her  salon  contains  paintings  of  herself  by  the  world's 
most  famous  artists.  When  this  fact  was  pointed  out, 
Miss  Bori  laughed  gaily;  "You  see,  I  like  myself!"  she  said. 
The  piano  is  decorated  by  large  autographed  photographs 
of  their  Majesties  the  King  and  Queen  of  Spain,  each  bear- 
ing an  affectionate  greeting.  "Yes,  they  like  me  too!" 
she  said  with  quiet  simplicity. 

"Yes,  I  really  enjoy  radio  broadcasting,"  she  went  on. 
"John  McCormack  and  I  were  the  first  people  of  our  rank 
to  sing  over  the  air.  This  was  back  in  1925.  The  re- 
sponse after  that  concert  was  quite  overwhelming;  I 
received  more  than  5  0,000  requests  for  autographs  and 

"I  have  no  favorite  role,  and 
I  do  not  diet.  I  take  proper 
exercise,  of  course.  I  have  sung 
thirty-five  different  roles,  and  I 
like  them  all.  Some  of  my 
friends  like  to  see  me  in  special 
roles,  but  I  remain  loyal  to  all 
my  characters,  and  impartial. 
I  am  not  in  love  with  anyone; 
I'm  in  love  with  my  work,  you 
see.  Whether  I  get  married  or 
not  does  not  depend  upon  my 
own  decision."  (Another  mys- 
terious little  laugh.) 

Miss  Bori  is  a  slender  lady, 
with  dark,  luminous  eyes  and  a 
dazzling  smile.  Around  her 
centers  one  of  the  most  tragic 
stories  of  all  opera — the  loss  of 
her  magnificent  voice. 

There    is    little    theatricalism 
connected  with  Miss  Bori.     She 
has   very  expressive   hands,    and 
she    calls    them    into    play    now  . 
and  then  to  emphasize  a  point. 

"My  early  training  as  a  girl,  walled  around  with  all  the 
traditions  of  old  Castile,  served  me  faithfully  during  my 
entire  career,"  she  continued.  "I  do  not  waste  my  energy 
in  useless  worry  and  in  foolish  posings.  There  were  many 
dark  months  when  I  was  not  permitted  to  talk  or  to  sing 
a  single  note,  but  I  did  not  lose  faith  that  some  day  my 
voice  would  be  restored  to  me.  I  believe  in  God  and,  like 
most  of  my  race,  I  have  quite  a  little  belief  in  luck.  But 
it  was  my  belief  in  a  divine  purpose  that  gave  me  the 
strength  to  carry  on. 

"Early  in  my  life  I  had  to  battle  with  my  family  for 
permission  to  become  an  opera  singer.  My  father  was  my 
only  ally,  and  I  finally  persuaded  him  to  let  me  go  to 
Rome  to  study.  It  was  in  Rome,  after  four  months  of 
study,  tha,t  I  sang  Micaela  in  Carmen,  and  the  people  liked 
me.  Other  works  in  the  Italian  repertoire  followed  and  in 
April,  following  my  debut  at  Rome,  I  sang  at  the  San 
Carlo  Opera  House  in  Naples,  which  was  my  most  im- 
portant engagement  up  to  that  time. 

"Ricordi,  the  Italian  music  publisher,  heard  me  sing 
and  sent  a  complimentary  message  back.  It  was  he  who 
arranged  that  Puccini  should  also  hear  me,  and  then 
Gatti-Casazza  and  Toscanini.  They  came  all  the  way 
from  Paris  to  Milan  to  hear  me.  Then  I  sang  Puccini's 
Manon  Lescaut  opposite  Caruso  in  Paris.  I  had  good 
success  and  was  acclaimed  as  a  'discovery  of  Puccini'. 

"I  came  to  America  first  in  1912,  and  it  was  in   1915 

The  Siveet-Voiced  Tenor  of  the  Air. 

that   an  operation  on  my   vocal   cords   became   necessary, 
and  I  found  I  could  not  sing."     (A  long  silence  followed). 
"It  is  terrible  to  be  a  singer  and  not  be  allowed  to  sing — 
not  a  single  note.     It  is  like  being  stricken  suddenly  with 
blindness  when  all  the  world  is  flooded  with  sunshine.    The 
rebuilding  of  my  voice  was  a  slow  and  laborious  process, 
but  in  1918  and  1919  I  was  able  to  sing  again  in  Monte 
Carlo.     It  was  not  until   1921   that  I  felt  strong  enough 
and  sure  enough  of  my  voice  to  return  to  the  Metropolitan, 
and  my  first  role  after  my  return  was  Mimi  in  La  Bobeme". 
Miss    Bori    speaks    Spanish,    of    course,    and    is    equally 
voluble  in  Italian  and  French.     She  talks  English  rapidly 
but,  when  a  word  fails  her,  lapses  into  French.     She  ex- 
plains that  she  learned  the  Eng- 
lish language  here  in  America. 

With  a  gracious  word  of 
thanks  to  the  interviewer,  she 
disappeared,  smiling,  into  an 
inner  room. 

Superb  in  Manon 

Of  the  many  roles  that  Miss 
Bori  is  called  upon  to  portray 
during  the  course  of  a  season 
at  the  Metropolitan,  it  is  my 
opinion  that  she  excels  as 
Manon  in  Massanet's  opera  of 
that  name.  Not  only  is  she  an 
excellent  actress,  but  her  voice 
is  ideally  suited  to  the  beautiful 
music  and  her  personal  charm 
and  pulchritude  combine  to 
create  a  sympathetic  atmos- 
phere that  is  in  keeping  with  the 
story.  She  may  create  many 
characters  during  her  operatic 
career,  but  I  do  not  ever  expect 

to  be  thrilled  as  greatly  as  I  was  when  I  saw  her  in  Manon. 

She  was  superb. 

Critical   Note   on   "The   Messiah" 

On  the  Sunday  before  Christmas  the  NBC  made  a  con- 
tribution to  the  holiday  season  in  the  form  of  a  perform- 
ance of  Handel's  famous  oratorio,  The  Messiah.  It  was  a 
most  commendable  production.  The  orchestra  was  under 
the  direction  of  Graham  Harris,  who  gave  an  exceptionally 
fine  reading  of  the  score.  The  work  of  the  Sixteen 
Singers  as  the  ensemble  was  excellent.  Their  diction  was 
particularly  good. 

The  soloists  call  forth  further  superlatives.  Lewis 
James,  tenor,  sang  the  aria  "Every  Valley  Shall  be  Exalted" 
with  magnificent  style,  phrasing  and  vocal  finish.  While 
he  has  done  praiseworthy  work  in  many  varied  forms,  it  is 
to  be  doubted  if  he  ever  shone  to  such  great  advantage  as 
on  this  occasion.  The  other  soloists  were  equally  capable. 
Elizabeth  Lennox,  contralto,  sang  with  her  usual  richness 
and  finesse.  Theodore  Webb,  baritone,  sang  beautifully 
and  authoritatively,  and  Genia  Zielinska,  soprano,  con- 
tributed a  musicianly  interpretation.  In  all,  it  was  a 
performance  that  left  little  to  be  desired. — W.  H.  P. 

JANUARY,      19  3  0 


Merle  Johnston  Succeeds 

by  Virtue  Oj 

His  "Sax 


MERLE   JOHNSTON   and   the   saxophone  have    be- 
come almost  synonymous  along  broadcasters'  row. 
While  Merle  thinks  the  saxophone  made  him,  some 
critics  claim  that  he  made  the  instrument.     At  any  rate, 
their  arrival  in  public  favor  was  almost  simultaneous. 

It  was  in  1922  that  Johnston  spent  long,  weary  weeks 
tramping  Broadway  and  searching  vainly  for  a  friendly 
face.  Finally  he  joined  a  jazz  band  as  saxophonist  and 
toured  the  country.  He  returned  to  New  York  and  subse- 
quently was  engaged  to  play  in  a  night  club. 

The  great  possibil- 
ities of  the  saxo- 
phone were  first 
brought  to  his  atten- 
tion by  the  trap 
drummer  in  this 
night  club.  Merle 
had  never  before 
associated  the  saxo- 
phone with  anything 
but  jazz.  However, 
from  that  moment 
he  became  a  man 
possessed  of  a  single 
idea,  namely,  to  lift 
the  saxophone  to  the 
level  of  other  solo 

"I  had  to  go  about 
my  task  alone,"  he 
says.  "The  instru- 
ment was  so  heartily 
despised  that  in  the 
entire     world     there 


Merle    Johnston's    Saxophone    Quartet.     Left    to 
Michael   Ships,    Merle    Johnston,    director    and    founder, 
Herman  Yorks  and  Larry  Abbott. 

was  no  master  to  whom  I  could  apply  for  instruction.  The 
saxophone   then   was    a   favorite   of   only    the   jazz-hungry 
element,    and    nobody    ever    dreamed 
that  it  could  be  converted  into  an  in- 
strument for  playing  the  classics." 

In  order  to  accomplish  his  task, 
Merle  studied  and  dissected  music  in 
much  the  same  way  that  a  great  sur- 
geon studies  the  most  difficult  case. 
He  bought  phonograph  records  made 
by  the  world's  finest  musicians,  and 
listened  to  them  by  the  hour,  care- 
fully noting  how  each  tone  and 
nuance  was  produced. 

Found  Saxophone  Flexible 

Then  followed  a  long  period  of 
diligent  practicing,  during  which  he 
attempted  to  put  into  his  saxophone 
playing  the  same  expression,  warmth 
and  beauty  of  tone  that  these  musi- 
cally great  did  on  their  solo  instru- 
ments. He  found  the  saxophone  to  be 
as  flexible  as  the  human  voice  and, 
{Continued  on  page  43 ) 



Will  Radio  Wonders 
Never  Cease? 


Invention  of  Left-handed  Microphone 
Likely  to  Revolutionize  Broadcasting 


By  I.  B.  HANSOM 

Manager   of   Plants,   Orchestrations  and  Racketeering 
Natural    Broadcasting    System 





We  could  not  go  to  press 
without  having  a  technical 
article  for  those  of  our  read- 
ers -who  are  so  inclined,  so 
■we  called  upon  I.  B.  Hansom 
to  write  about  radio's  latest 
development.  He  has  done 
so  in  a  manner  that  leaves  no 
doubt  as  to  his  fitness  for  the 
position  he  holds. 


RADIO  engineers,  ever  alert  to  in- 
vent or  develop  new  devices  for  the 
convenience  of  announcers,  artists 
and  others  who  present  the  broadcast 
offerings  to  the  public,  have  made  an- 
other great  discovery.  It  is  the  left- 
handed  microphone  and  it  may  safely  be 
referred  to  as  the  most  radical  develop- 
ment in  microcraftsmanship  in  the  past 
three  years. 

In  order  to  take  this  great  step  for- 
ward, it  was  necessary  to  take  a  step 
backward.  Years  of  research  have  proved 
that   it   is  impossible   to   develop   a   left- 


Mr.  Hansom  in  a  charac- 
teristic pose 

c  o  n  d  en- 
ser  micro- 
phone and 
that  only 
the  carbon 
type    of 

"mike"  could  be  used.  Yet, 
so  great  is  the  superiority 
of  the  left-handed  mike 
over  the  type  generally  in 
use  that  it  has  been  con- 
sidered  practicable  to  junk 

Here  is  Mr.  Hansom  examin- 
ing   the    two    latest    types    of 

microphones,  which  will  doubt- 
less be  thrust  into  oblivion  by 
his  latest  invention 

the  expensive  condenser  types.  It  has 
always  been  the  policy  of  the  Natural 
Broadcasting  System  to  discard  without 
hesitation  hundreds  of  thousands  of  dol- 
lars' worth  of  equipment  if  the  public 
is  to  be  benefitted  in  any  way. 

The  secret  of  the  left-handed  micro- 
phone may  be  found  in  the  shape  of  the 
tiny  grains  of  carbon  that  give  the  car- 
bon mike  its  name.  In  the  old  type 
microphone  the  bits  of  carbon  were 
slightly  longer  than  they  were  wide,  the 
third  dimension  being  indifferent.  This 
caused  the  minute  particles  of  carbon  to 
revolve  slowly  to  the  right  when  agitated 
by  a  High  C  note  or  the  mocking  wails 
of  a  double  bass. 

Third  Dimension   Indifferent 

In  the  new  type  the  carbon  particles 
are  slightly  wider  than  they  are  long, 
the  third  dimension  remaining  indifferent. 
This  causes  the  particles  to  move  in  a 
left-handed  direction.  Another  impor- 
tant phase  of  the  new  development  is 
that  the  sex  of  the  artist  before  the 
microphone  has  no  effect  whatsoever  on 
the  carbon   contents. 

While  the  average  layman  may  won- 
der what  difference  this  minor  change  in 
directional  activity  can  make,  to  the  en- 
gineer it  is  obvious.  The  tempo  of  the 
frequencies,  which  heretofore  has  been 
casual,  is  changed  and  the  pitch  co-effi- 
cient is  greatly  improved. 

Another  interesting  angle  is  that  each  bit  of  carbon — 
(Continued  on  page  45) 

N.  B. — We  have  discovered  quite  inadvertently  that  the  young  lady  standing 
before  rhe  jmall  mike  is  Olga  Serlis,  pianistc  and  director  of  the  Parnassus 
Trio.  What  she  can  be  doing  there  is  beyond  us,  as  we  do  not  believe  she  sings, 
but    there   is   absolutely   nothing    we  can   do   about    it. 

JANUARY,     19  3  0 

MAID  ft, 


or  any 


Mildred  Bailey 

(above)  WABC's 

fine  contralto,  sings 
on  the  Paul  White- 
man  Hour.  Paul 
likes  her  immense- 
ly, and  you  will, 

The  bright-eyed 
lady  at  the  right  is 
Stephanie  Diamond, 
whose  thrilling 
work  in  dramatic 
roles  over  the  CBS 
will  delight  you. 
A  dynamic  maid, 
if  ever  there 

A  cute  little 
blonde  ts  Mary  Mc- 
Coy (above)  so- 
prano on  the  Chase 
&  Sanborn  Hour 
and  other  NBC 
programs.  Maybe 
you've  seen  her  on 
Broadway  in  "A 
Wonderful    Night". 

And  this  lovely 
lady  is  Astr  id 
Fjelde,  statuesque 
Nordic  blonde,  who 
sings  those  beauti- 
ful but  difficult 
arias  over  the 
NBC  chain.  A  bril- 
liant soprano, 
you'll    declare. 



A  VALLEEdictory 

G.  Maillard-Kesslere. 

Here  is  the  Bard  of  Broadway,  surrounded  by  a 

flock    of    the    songs    for    which    he    has    been 


TJDITOR'S  NOTE — When  Dale 
Wj  Wimbrow  showed  us  the  lines 
he  had  written  about  Rudy 
Vallee,  we  were  ready  to  award  him 
RADIO  REVUE'S  prize  for  the  best 
contribution  outlining  a  reader's 
opinion  of  the  reasons  underlying 
Rudy's  success. 

But,  with  becoming  modesty,  Dale 
declined  to  have  his  composition  en- 
tered in  the  contest,  saying  he  did  not 
think,  it  was  quite  fair  that  he,  a  pro- 
fessional song  -writer,  should  compete 
-with  our  other  readers.  However,  he 
said  we  could  use  his  effusion  in  what- 
ever -way  -we  -wished,  so  here  it  is. 


TpVERY  Mary,  fane  and  Sally 
I  J    Raves  about  this  Rudy  Vallee; 

All  the  magazines  an'  "tabs"  are  fidl  of  junk 

'Bout  the  name  that  he's  been  gainin', 

But,  fer  all  o'  the  explainin', 

'Tivixt  the  two  of  us — the  most  of  it  is  bunk. 

Ym  a  friend  o'  his,  I'm  hopin' , 

An',  ivhile  others  have  been  gropin' 

Fer  the  reason,  I  have  known  it  all  along; 

'Tain't  his  looks,  er  sex-appealin', 

Er  the  style  the  rest  are  stealin'; 

It's  the  plain  an'  simple  way  he  sings  a  song. 

While  the  rest  of  us  were  bio  win', 

This  here  Vallee  guy  teas  showin' 

What  it  means  to  sing  a  song  'as  she  is  tvrit'; 

Fer,  with  all  this  "boop-a-doopy" 

Folks  got  tired  o'  viakin'  ivhoopee 

An'  them  soot  bin'  songs  jest  had  to  be  a  hit. 

Don't  fcrgit  this,  ivhile  you're  readin', 

That  a  thing  this  world  is  needin' 

Is  a  little  more  politeness,  man  to  man; 

Vallee's  style,  while  self-effacious, 

Came  just  like  a  cool  oasis 

In  a  greedy,  money-grubbin'  desert  land. 

We  don't  like  him,  men  are  boastin' , 

But  the  cause  of  all  the  roastin' 

Ain't  his  manner,  er  his  method,  er  his  curls; 

'Taint  his  songs — though  they  are  cleaner — 

Er  his  voice,  er  his  demeanor; 

It's  the  flutter  he  has  caused  among  the  girls. 

While  we  men  take  up  the  hammer 

An'  protest,  an'  "yip"  an'  "yammer," 

Our  best  girl  friend  tacks  his  photo  on  the  wall; 

First  we're  cussin',  then  we're  moonin', 

He  jest  goes  on  softly  croonin' — 

Maybe  Vallee  is  the  wise  guy  after  all. 

JAN U ARY  ,      19  3  0 


MERE  Man  Wins  First  Prize 
in  RUDY  VALLEE  Contest 


Flood  of  Letters  from  All  Sections 
Testifies  to  Young  Man's  Popularity 


LITTLE  did  the  editors  of  Radio  Revue  realize, 
when  they  planned  this  contest  for  letters  on  the 
reasons  underlying  Rudy  Vallee's  success,  how  uni- 
versally popular  is  this  young  man.  Letters  poured  in 
from  all  sides  and  from  many  sections.  There  were  so 
many  excellent  ones  that  it  was  an  extremely  difficult  task 
to  select  the  best. 

Ironically  enough,   the  choice  for  the  first  prize  letter 
finally    centered    on    a    mere    man,     Martin    Hansen,    of 
Decatur,  111.     His  letter  was  selected  chiefly  because  it  dis- 
played a  keen  insight  into  the 
enigma  that  Rudy  Vallee  pre-      ^  — 
sents.     It  was  writen  in  a  de- 
lightfully  informal  style. 

The  second  prize  was 
awarded  to  Miss  Catherine 
Oest,  of  Yonkers,  N.  Y.  She, 
too,  presented  a  capable  an- 
alysis of  the  problem,  one  that 
differed  somewhat  from  Mr. 
Hansen's  theory,  but  was 
nevertheless  logical  and  inter- 

It  is  only  proper  that  some 
of  the  other  outstanding  let- 
ters   should    receive    honorable 


Announcement     of     a     new      -*&> 

contest   will   be   found   on   an- 
other page.     We  invite  all  of  our  readers  to  participate. 
Letters    should   reach    the   Radio    Revue    not    later    than 
January    20,    1930.      Winners    will    be    announced    in    the 
February  issue. 


First   Prize   Letter 

When  a  hardboiled  ex-marine  like  myself  sits  down  to  write  his 
explanation  of  Rudy  Vallee's  success,  don't  think  for  a  minute  that 
its  because  I'm  trying  to  kid  you  out  of  ten  bucks  in  prize  money. 
And  when  I  start  quoting  scripture  to  prove  my  point,  don't  faint  and 
say:  "Here's  a  religious  nut  from  the  Bible  belt."  And  when  I  men- 
tion the  word  "love"  in  capital  letters,  keep  in  mind  that  its  20  years 
since  I  read  Elsie  Dinsmore. 

Rudy  Vallee  is  reaping  the  harvest  of  a  seed  that  is  seldom  sown 
this  day  and  age:  LOVE.  The  good-looking  little  son-of-a-gun  really 
and  honestly  LOVES  his  audience  and  his  art.  He  LOVES  to  please 
listeners — LOVES  it  more  than  he  does  his  name  in  the  big  lights,  his 
mug  in  the  papers.  He  loved  all  those  unseen  women  as  passionately 
as  a  voice  can  love,  long  before  they  began  to  purr  and  to  caress  him 
with   two-cent   stamps. 

Here  is  that  threatened  quotation  from  Scripture:  (I  think  its 
found  in  the   13  th  chapter  of  Second  Corinthians.  1 

"Though   I   speak   with   the   tongues  of  men   and   of   angels,   and   have 

Awards  in  Rudy  Vallee  Contest 

FIRST     PRIZE— (Ten     Dollars) — Martin 
Hansen,  Decatur,  111. 

SECOND     PRIZE— (Five     Dollars)— Miss 
Catherine   Oest,   Yonkers,   N.    Y. 

HONORABLE    MENTION— Florence     R. 

Hancock,  New  York,  N.  Y.;  Alberta 
M.  Miller,  Philadelphia;  Lola  F.  Asbury, 
Jersey  City,  N.  J.;  Viola  Yousoff,  New 
York;  Helen  L.  Anderson,  Cambridge, 
Mass.;  Rita  Driscoll,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.; 
Marie  Wardell,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.;  Miss 
C.  Wegge,  Long  Island  City,  N.  Y.; 
Ronnie  Higgins,  Jersey  City,  N.  J.; 
Wanona  R.  Glenn,  Hopewell,  Va. 

not  LOVE,   I   am   become   as   sounding   brass   or   tinkling   cymbal    .     .     . 
"LOVE  vaunteth   not  itself,  is  not   puffed   up;   doth   not   behave  it- 
self unseemly." 

Modest  and  Unobtrusive 

That's  all  I  remember  of  the  chapter,  and  I  don't  have  a  Bible  handy 
to  check  up  on  it.  But  doesn't  the  second  sentence  of  that  quotation 
fit  the  l'il  heartbreaker?  Isn't  he  becomingly  modest  and  unobtrusive? 
At  least,  so  the   reams   and   reams  of  press   notices   have  said. 

And  as  to  the  first  part  of  the  quotation:  I  break  down  here  and 
confess  that  I  am  not  only  a  hard-boiled  ex-marine,  but  I  am  a  veteran 
newspaper   reporter  and  more  recently  a  radio  announcer. 

A  blind  guitar  player,  who  became  a  radio  entertainer  quite  inad- 
vertently, started  me  thinking  about  this  LOVE  business  as  it  concerns 

microphone      personalities.         Johnny 

Jjgl        Grassman     is     his     name.       To     hear 

Johnny  in  the  studio,  you'd  wonder 
how  he  ever  got  past  the  audition  in 
the  first  place.  Hear  him  on  the  air, 
and  you  don't  think  of  whether  he 
can  sing  with  the  guitar  or  not.  He 
just  gets  you.  Johnny  LOVES  to 
sing  for  people  if  he  thinks  they  en- 
joy it.  His  sightless  face  lights  up 
like  a  burning  oil  well  when  you  hand 
him  a  bouquet  of  mail  that  has  drift- 
ed in  like  a  Dakota  blizzard.  And  its 
not  pride  in  his  work,  but  LOVE  for 
the  other  fellow.  And  Johnny  started 
loving  people,  over  the  microphone 
he  couldn't  see,  before  he  got  his  first 

Microphone    Most    Delicate 

The  microphone  picks  up  some- 
thing you  can't  hear,  but  you  can 
feel.  I  think  there  must  be  a  sort 
of  telepathic  carrier  wave  goes  along 
—  ^  with  the  radio  wave,  that  tells  folks 
that  you  are  thinking  of  them  while 
before  the  mike.  If  I'm  tired  or  have  just  had  a  run-in  with  the  boss, 
or  I'm  worried  about  the  payments  due  on  that  automobile,  and  don't 
shake  it  before  I  face  the  old  mike,  I  don't  get  the  responses  to  my 
programs  that  I  get  when  I'm  feelin'  fit  and  just  wanting  to  put  the 
old  program  over  for  the  folks. 

You  can  get  by  without  this  thing  called  LOVE,  and  make  a  hit 
on  the  stage.  I've  seen  it  done.  But  if  you  get  by  its  because  you  can 
screw  your  face  into  a  synthetic  smile  and  your  eyes  into  a  bogus 
twinkle.  But  you  can't  fool  the  mike.  You  can't  fake  the  fringes 
of  warmth  of  voice  that  say:  "Folks  I  LOVE  to  do  this  for  you,  and 
I'm  doing  it,  not  because  I'm  afraid  of  going  to  the  poorhouse  if  I 
don't  get  over." 

Rudy  Has   Much   Technical   Skill 

I'll  leave  it  to  Rudy  Vallee  himself  to  tell  you  whether  this  letter  hits 
or  misses  .  .  .  as  to  the  LOVE  part.  Of  course,  we  must  consider 
that  Rudy  does  have  a  lot  of  technical  skill  to  hook  up  with  it.  But 
the  reason  Rudy  is  so  dog-gone  modest  about  it  all  is  that  he  knows 
he  isn't  as  hot  as  some  of  our  orchestras.  And  if  he  ever  loses  his 
head  and  starts  LOVING  himself  instead  of  his  audience,  he'll  very- 
soon  put  a  banana  peel  under  his  patent-leathered  heel  and  go  down 
lower  than  Joe  and  his  bass  horn  in  "Piccolo  Pete."  Tell  him  I  said 
so.  Tell  him  I'm  not  crazy  about  his  music,  but  I'm  for  him  because 
he's  sincere. — Martin  Hansen,  Decatur,  111. 

{Continued  on  page  47) 



Static  prom  the  Xtldicx 

Dr.  Robert  A.  Goetzl,  the  Viennese 
conductor  who  directed  a  performance 
of  Johann  Strauss's  "Die  Fledermaus" 
given  by  the  National  Light  Opera 
Company  over  an  NBC  chain  last  year, 
was  engaged  by  the  Messrs.  Shubert  to 
direct  the  forty-piece  symphonic  or- 
chestra, which  is  playing  for  their  re- 
vival of  this  Strauss  operetta.  It  is 
called  "A  Wonderful  Night"  in  this  re- 

Dr.  Goetzl  has  directed  this  operetta 
on  numerous  occasions  in  Europe.  He 
acted  in  that  capacity  during  the  entire 
centennial  celebration  in  honor  of  the 
composer,  given  in  Vienna  in  1925.  In 
1923  Dr.  Goetzl  was  decorated  by 
Queen  Wilhelmina  of  Holland,  after  she 
had  witnessed  a  performance  of  "Die 
Fledermaus"  in  Amsterdam,  which  he 

Kitty  O'Neill,  NBC  mezzo- 
soprano,  'who  is  heard  every 
morning  with  the  After  Break- 
fast Trio  and  also  -with  the 
Philco  Hour  and  the  National 
Light  Opera,  tells  this  one  on 
herself.  When  she  was  play- 
ing in  "Rosalie,"  the  Ziegfeld 
production  of  last  season,  the 
famous  Florenz  took  one  look 
at  Kitty's  slim  figure  and  re- 
marked "My,  what  a  lovely 
voice  you  must  have." 

WNYC  recently  presented  an  unique 
artist,  Mme.  Caterina  Marco,  who  at 
77  years  of  age  sings  with  a  voice  that 
is  remarkably  preserved.  Mme.  Marco 
is  a  contemporary  of  Adeline  Patti  and 
sang  Micaela  to  Mme.  Patti's  Carmen 
at  the  old  Academy  of  Music.  The  New 
York  critics  were  amazed  at  the  still 
brilliant  quality  of  Mme.  Marco's  voice 
at  a  recent  recital  she  gave  in  New 

Georgie  Price,  popular  Broadway 
comedian  who  returned  to  New  York 
recently  to  appear  on  the  Brownbilt 
Footlites  on  Station  WABC,  told  how 
he  was  held  up  lately  in  Chicago.  As 
he  was  leaving  the  Palace  Theatre  by  the 

stage  door,  he  was  accosted  by  a  man, 
who  told  him  to  "hand  over  all  valu- 
ables before  I  shoot."  Unable  to  call 
for  assistance,  Georgie  was  forced  to 
hand  over  everything.  A  hard-earned 
pay  check  and  railroad  tickets  home 
were  among  the  valuables.  Georgie  was 
compelled  to  postpone  his  departure  for 
New  York  until  the  next  day. 

Listeners  who  remember  Lewis 
Reid's  "Gamboleers"  of  last  year 
are  getting  another  sample  of  the 
writing  ability  of  WOR's  chief  an- 
nouncer in  a  series  of  programs  he 
is  producing  at  the  Bamberger  sta- 
tion. They  are  heard  weekly  on 
Friday  nights  at  9:00  o'clock  and 
are  called  "Tuneful  Tales."  All 
the  programs  are  humorous  in  na- 
ture and  employ  about  five  people 
in  the  cast.  An  orchestra  supplies 
the  background  of  music. 

Willie  Perceval-Monger,  the  hysterical 
musical  historian  of  the  NBC,  has  never 
been  able  to  boast  of  an  excess  of  mental 
stability.  His  partner  at  a  recent  dance 
at  the  Plaza  was  a  young  Czecho-Slova- 
kian  girl,  well  known  in  New  York's 
musical  circles.  After  gazing  at  this 
moon-eyed  gazelle  throughout  a  long 
dinner,  Willie,  accompanied  by  Marcha, 
arrived  at  the  top  of  the  grand  stair- 
case all  dressed  up  for  the  ball.  Willie 
spoke  to  the  check  room  girl  as  follows: 

"Pardon  me,  I  wish  to  Czecho-Slova- 
kia  hat  and  coat!" 

Josef  Pasternack,  the  well  known 
conductor,  is  the  proud  possessor  of  a 
gold  tipped  baton,  presented  to  him  re- 
cently by  J.  Walter  Thompson  &•  Com- 
pany, as  a  token  of  appreciation  for  his 
work  in  conducting  the  "Around  the 
World  with  Libby."  The  baton  is  of  a 
fine  grade  ebony,  decorated  with  deli- 
cately chased  gold,  and  bears  a  suitable 
inscription.  Mr.  Pasternack  has  been 
regular  conductor  on  this  series  since  its 
inception,  June  6,  1929. 

In  a  recent  broadcast  written  es- 
pecially for  a  birthday  luncheon  to 

George  F.  McClelland,  the  popular 
vice-president  of  the  NBC,  "Jolly 
Bill"  Steinke  had  the  pleasure  of 
seeing  and  hearing  himself  bur- 
lesqued by  Ray  Knight  in  "Jolly 
Bull  and  Little  Pain."  "Jolly  Bill" 
joined  in  the  laugh  on  himself. 

Arthur  O.  Bryan,  the  WOR  an- 
nouncer, was  ordered  out  of  the  Court 
of  Oyor  and  Terminer  in  Newark  re- 
cently, when  he  said  he  had  scruples 
against  convicting  a  man  when  capital 
punishment  would  be  the  penalty. 

Bryan  was  called  as  a  talesman  in  the 
trial  of  three  men  who  were  under  a 
murder  indictment.  Among  the  ques- 
tions put  to  him  by  the  prosecution 

"Are  you  opposed  to  capital  punish- 

Bryan  replied  that  he  was. 

"Get  out  of  here.  Get  out  of  this 
court  room.  Get  out  of  this  building," 
Judge  Dallas  Flannagan  shouted.  Bry- 
an left. 

-  WHO 

There  is  a  dark-eyed  and 
quite  beautiful  young  lady  in- 
strumentalist in  one  of  the 
broadcasting  studies,  who 
when  she  gets  tired,  becomes 
excited  and  stutters.  This  is 
a  recent  conversation: 

"Do  you  know  a  book  called: 
"All  cuck-cuck-cuckoo-Quiet 
on  the  Wee-wee-wee-wee- 
Western  Front?"  The  other 
person  said  he  did. 

"And  surely  you  have  read: 
''Poo-  poo-poo-pa-doop- 
poo-Oh,  pardon  me,-poo-poo-I 
mean  "Possession."  The  other 
person   had. 

Flora  Collins,  mezzo-soprano  well 
known  to  radio  audiences,  was  chosen 
to  sing  the  solo  parts  of  Andre  Caplet's 
"Le  Miroir  de  Jesus."  This  work  was 
done  by  the  Adesdi  Choir,  under  the 
direction  of  Margaret  Dessoff,  at  Town 
Hall,  on  December  22.  Miss  Collins 
made  her  radio  debut  a  few  months  ago 
(Continued  on  page  32) 

JANUARY,      19  3  0 


RADIO  Gave  Gypsy  Violinist 
Chance  to  Become  FAMOUS 


Harry  Horlick  Fled  from  Russia  I 
and  Found  Refuge  in  United  States  j 


ROMANCE  and  adventure  have  played  a  big  part  in 
the  life  of  Harry  Horlick,  who  is  known  to  the 
radio  audience  principally  as  the  conductor  of  the 
A.  &  P.  Gypsies,  one  of  the  oldest  and  finest  salon  orches- 
tras on  the  air.  His  rise  has  been  comparatively  rapid  in 
recent  years,  but,  before  he  came  to  this  country,  he  suf- 
fered great  hardships. 

Harry  lived  in  Russia  during  the  turbulent  times  that 
witnessed  the  rise  of  Bolshevism.  He  was  a  native  of  the 
Black  Sea  district.  His 
one  pleasure  in  life 
was  to  play  his  violin, 
which  many  times  he 
did  in  the  face  of 
much  opposition.  He 
was  compelled  to  join 
the  Bolshevik  army 
and  he  served  in  it  for 
a  while.  However,  he 
seized  the  first  oppor- 
tunity to  escape.  That 
was  in  1921.  He 
made  his  way,  with 
great  difficulty,  to 

All  Harry  had  was 
his  violin.  He  had 
no  friends  and  no 
money.  He  remained 
in  Constantinople  for 
about  eight  months, 
earning  enough  with 
his  violin  to  pay  his 
passage  to  the  United  States.  He  landed  in  New  York 
with  four  or  five  of  his  countrymen.  For  a  while  he  was 
in  difficult  straits,  but  he  finally  was  engaged  to  play  with 
the  City  Symphony,  a  new  orchestra  that  was  giving  a 
number  of  concerts  in  and  around  New  York. 

Some  time  later  Harry  was  employed,  along  with  some 
of  his  compatriots,  to  play  in  a  Russian  club  called 
Petrouschka.  It  was  this  engagement  that  indirectly 
brought  him  into  radio.     Someone  who  was  interested  in 

The  A.  &  P.  Gypsies  as  They  First  Went  on  the  Air 

radio  heard  Harry  and  his  Russians  play  their  native  music, 
as  only  they  can  play  it,  and  brought  them  to  the  atten- 
tion of  the  director  of  Station  WEAF,  which  then  was 
owned  by  the  American  Telephone  &  Telegraph  Company. 

Wanted  Distinctive  Feature 

Just  about  that  time  the  Great  Atlantic  &  Pacific  Tea 
Company    was    considering   radio    broadcasting    as    a    new 

means  of  advertising 
its  nationwide  chain 
of  stores  and  was 
looking  for  a  feature 
that  would  be  entirely 
distinctive.  The 
WEAF  authorities 
s  u  g  gested  Horlick's 
orchestra,  which  was 
summoned  to  play  an 
audition.  Needless  to 
say,  Harry  did  not 
know  much  about  this 
new  medium  of  musi- 
cal expression  but,  af- 
ter all,  he  felt,  it 
might  mean  an  en- 
gagement and  a  larger 

The  audition  was 
all  that  it  had  been 
expected  to  be.  Harry 
and  his  musicians 
played  the  wild  gypsy 
melodies  and  the  Russian  and  Hungarian  folk  tunes  with 
fiery  abandon,  mingled  with  a  pathetic  and  wistful  quality 
that  sprang  from  their  longing  for  their  native  home. 
Their  performance  was  so  distinctly  different  from  any- 
thing that  had  been  heard  in  musical  circles  up  to  that 
time  that  they  were  immediately  engaged  to  broadcast. 

The  A.  &  P.  Gypsies,  as  they  were  christened,  first  ap- 
peared on  the  air  in  the  Spring  of  1924.  Their  programs 
were  made  up   entirely  of   these  Russian   and   Hungarian 



The  Gypsies  as  They  Nou>  Appear,  One  of  Radio's  Finest  Salon   Orchestras 

melodies.  Because  of  their  freshness  and  peculiarly  ap- 
pealing quality,  these  songs  immediately  caught  the  pub- 
lic fancy.  Many  of  these  songs  had  never  before  been 
heard  in  this  country.  Harry  had  played  them  in  Russia 
and  had  taught  them  to  his  men.  Many  of  them  later 
were  written  down  and  arranged.  These  have  since  be- 
come widely  popular  all  over  the  country.  They  owe 
their  introduction  here  to  Harry  Horlick. 

Personnel  is  Increased 

During  the  first  year  the  Gypsies'  most  popular  selec- 
tions were  "Black  Eyes"  and  "Shadows  of  the  Past."  In 
1925,  "Dubinushka"  was  the  favorite;  in  1926,  "Black 
Eyes,"  and  in  1927  "The  Old  Forgotten  Hungarian  Song 
and  Dance."  Gradually  the  original  five-man  string  en- 
semble began  to  grow.  The  repertoire  was  expanded,  and 
so  various  other  instruments  were  needed.  More  strings 
were  added,  then  a  woodwind  or  two,  a  flute,  and  a  drum- 
mer who  could  play  castanets  and  lend  additional  color 
to  some  of  the  compositions  rendered. 

By  this  time,  the  Gypsies  had  become  definitely  estab- 
lished as  an  outstanding  radio  feature.  Satisfied  that  Harry 
Horlick  and  his  musicians  could  play  the  typical  Russian 
music  better  than  any  of  their  contemporaries,  the  radio 
audience  gradually  began  requesting  music  that  required 
a  larger  orchestra.  So  a  brass  section  was  added  to  the 
Gypsies  and  they  made  their  debut  as  a  small  orchestra. 

Their  repertoire  was  greatly  increased,  enabling  them 
to  give  a  widely  varied  program.  Although  they  still  re- 
tained the  characteristics  of  the  original  string  ensemble, 
they  were  now  able  to  play  the  more  popular  types  of 
music  and  the  more  ambitious  compositions.  And  still  the 
listeners  were  not  satisfied.  They  began  asking  for  music 
that  was  in  the  province  of  a  symphony  orchestra.  They 
wanted  not  only  popular  dance  and  novelty  numbers  but 
the  great  masterpieces  as  well. 

So  again  the  personnel  of  the  Gypsies  was  increased.  The 
orchestra  grew  in  size  until  today  it  is  a  great  symphonic 
body  of  twenty-six  pieces,  equipped  to  play  anything  in 
the  realm  of  music.     In  recruiting  his  musicians,   Harry 

Horlick  has  adhered  to  the  same  exacting  standard  that 
distinguished  his  ensemble  in  the  early  days.  He  points 
with  pride  to  the  high  artistic  status  of  his  men — mu- 
sicians who  play  regularly  with  the  major  symphony  or- 

Something  of  Gypsy  About  Him 

Harry  is  an  interesting  study.  There  seems  still  to  be 
something  of  the  gypsy  about  him.  One  moment  he  is 
alive  and  vibrant,  breathing  fiery  brilliance  into  the  inter- 
pretation of  an  Hungarian  czardas,  and  the  next  instant 
he  is  painting  a  sombre  and  melancholy  picture  of  old  Rus- 
sia through  the  medium  of  a  folk  song. 

First,  last  and  always  he  is  a  musician  and  a  true  artist. 
Little  else  matters  in  his  life  outside  of  his  music.  Since 
his  orchestra  has  grown  to  such  large  proportions  he  no 
longer  plays  the  violin  regularly,  inasmuch  as  directing 
demands  his  undivided  attention.  However,  many  times 
he  cannot  resist  the  temptation  to  seize  the  nearest  violin 
and  join  his  boys,  as  in  the  old  days,  while  they  play  the 
now  famous  "Two  Guitars,"  which  has  been  the  signature 
of  the  Gypsies'  hour  for  years. 

Harry  is  a  graceful  figure  as  he  wields  his  baton.  Of 
medium  height  and  well  proportioned,  he  seems  quite 
young  to  be  directing  such  a  large  orchestra.  Although 
he  often  laughs  and  jokes  with  ljis  men  he  asserts  his  au- 
thority, when  the  occasion  demands,  in  a  quiet  but  force- 
ful way  that  leaves  no  doubt  in  the  musician's  mind  as 
to  who  is  in  charge.  He  seems  to  live  only  for  today  and 
apparently  has  no  fear  of  the  future.  It  took  care  of  him 
during  all  his  trials  and  tribulations  in  Russia,  so  it  is  not 
likely  to  play  him  false  now.  All  in  all,  he  is  one  of  the 
most  interesting  figures  in  radio  circles. 

Announcing  a  New  Department 

Beginning  with  the  February  issue,  Radio  Revue  will 
inaugurate  a  column,  entitled  "The  Oracle,"  in  which  it 
will  answer  any  questions  its  readers  may  care  to  ask  in 
connection  with  radio  broadcasting  and  those  on  the  air. 

JANUARY,      19  3  0 


Turned  to  Singing  After  Accident 

Frank  Munn  (Paul  Oliver)  Tenor,  was  Injured  While  Working  as  a  JS/lechanic 

Y¥7  HEN  the  United  States  entered  the  World  War,  Frank  Munn 
*"  was  assigned  to  duty  in  a  shipyard  as  an  expert  mechanic. 
His  beautiful,  untrained  voice  was  first  heard  at  the  shipyard 
patriotic  exercises.  One  day  on  the  job  he  met  with  a  serious  acci- 
dent. His  hand  was  so  badly  injured  that  he  was  compelled  to 
forego   mechanical    work.      While   he    was   in    the   hospital,    he    was 

visited  by  Dudley  Buck,  noted  voice  teacher.  Mr.  Buck  offered 
to  train  him  for  the  concert  stage.  Frank  accepted.  After  sev- 
eral years  he  was  given  a  chance  to  make  phonograph  records,  and 
was  eminently  successful.  His  next  step  was  into  radio  broad- 
casting, and  he  is  now  exclusive  tenor  soloist  on  the  Palmolive 
Hour,  NBC.      Frank  is  modest  and  unassuming,  despite  his  success. 



JTATIC   from  the  XtUDIC/ 

(Continued  from  page  28) 
over  Station  WABC.    She  was  immedi- 
ately engaged   for  solo   appearances   on 
Grand  Opera,  Cathedral  and  Voice  of 
Columbia  radio  hours. 

It  is  too  bad  that  announcers  are  not 
able  to  carry  microphones  around  with 
them  all  the  time.  When  an  aeroplane 
fell  on  a  roof  near  Central  Park  in 
New  York  City  several  weeks  ago, 
Graham  McNamee  happened  to  be 
nearby  and  rushed  to  the  scene  of  the 
excitement.  A  policeman,  recognizing 
him,  said:  "Say,  Mac,  all  we  need  is  a 
mike  and  we  could  broadcast  this  to  the 
whole   world." 

Frank  Moulan,  the  noted  comedian, 
recently  received  a  fan  letter  from  a 
girl  in  Pennsylvania,  commenting  on 
his  work  in  the  National  Light  Opera, 
NBC.  She  said  she  enjoyed  his  songs 
very  much  but  asked  him  would  he 
please  sing  something  in  his  "natural 
voice."  Frank  is  still  wondering  how 
to  take  the  girl's  request. 

Bill  Munday,  the  "Georgia 
Drawl,"  -whose  voice  de- 
scribed football  games  through 
the  N.  B.  C.  System  this  past 
season,  has  never  heard  a  foot- 
ball game  broadcast.  The  rea- 
son is  that  Bill  has  always  been 
at  a  game  every  week-end  dur- 
ing football  season  for  the  past 
four   years. 

No  matter  how  important  the  broad- 
cast, the  doors  to  the  NBC  studios  from 
which  it  goes  on  the  air  can  never  be 
locked.  This  is  not  a  superstition  but  a 
fire  regulation.  In  order  to  keep  "crash- 
ers" out  of  the  studios — and  radio  has 
its  crashers — every  door  is  guarded. 
Signs  also  advise  passers-by  that  the 
studio  is  "on  the  air"  and  not  open  to 

■■■<■        *        * 

Vic  Irwin,  who,  with  his  orchestra, 
opened  the  Mayfair  Roof  recently,  has 
returned   to  "radiocasting"   via  "WOR. 

Mr.  Irwin,  who  has  been  playing  in 
practically  every  state  in  the  Union, 
last  entertained  in  New  York  at  the 
Hotel  Manger  Grill.  He  left  the  hotel 
to  become  master  of  ceremonies  at  the 
Roxy  Theatre.  After  conducting  the 
110-piece  orchestra  at  the  Roxy,  he 
took  charge  of  a  Publix  theatre  unit, 
with  which  he  toured  to  the  Pacific 

Not  often  does  Milton  Cross  lose  his 
dignified  manner  over  the  air,  but  one 
Sunday  night  recently,  while  an- 
nouncing the  Armchair  Hour,  he  went 
completely  to  pieces.  It  all  started  when 
he  began  to  tell  the  personnel  of  the 
Armchair  Ouartet.    He  announced  his 

own  name  and,  instead  of  saying  "first 
tenor,"  inadvertently  said  "first  tennis." 
Whereupon  there  was  much  merriment 
among  the  other  boys  in  the  studio. 

"First  tennis,"  repeated  Marley  Sher- 
ris,  the  bass  of  the  quartet,  "and  then 
golf,"  and  thereupon  ducked  behind  a 
drapery  to  stifle  a  guffaw. 

'  Milton  struggled  bravely  to  regain 
his  composure  but  to  no  avail.  He  got 
by  "Maurice  Tyler,  second  tenor,"  but, 
when  he  reached  "Walter  Preston,"  he 
had  to  throw  the  switch  and  go  off  the 
air  until  he  could  stop  laughing.  He 
made  a  final  desperaate  attempt  and 
then  gave  up  announcing  the  names. 

His  listeners  apparently  enjoyed  the 
incident  more  than  Milton  did,  judging 
from  the  many  letters  he  has  received 
commenting  on  it. 

In  response  to  innumerable  in- 
quiries, the  editor  wishes  to  state 
most  emphatically  that  Helen 
Janke,  contralto,  is  not  one  of  the 
Connecticut  Yankees,  of  Vallee 

Emil  Cote,  bass,  who  had  been  with 
the  NBC  for  several  years,  recently  sev- 
ered his  connection  with  that  company 
in  order  to  sing  over  Station  WABC  of 
the  Columbia  chain  with  a  quartet 
called  the  Alumni  Boys,  which  he  or- 
ganized some  months  ago.     This  quartet 

sings  on  the  Bremer-Tully  Time,  Gold 
Seal  Moments,  Kolster  Hour,  Forty 
Fathom  Trawlers  and  the  Voice  of  Co- 
lumbia Programs. 

George  Dilworth,  NBC  conductor, 
will  sail  on  January  4  for  a  two  weeks' 
cruise  to  Havana.  His  trip  will  be  in 
the  nature  of  a  much-needed  vacation. 
He  has  received  a  number  of  "orders" 
from  his  friends,  to  be  filled  down 
there,  but  fears  that  he  may  be  com- 
pelled to  dispose  of  the  prescriptions 
before  he  returns. 

Bert  Reed,  the  well  known 
arranger  for  Remick's,  was  lis- 
tening to  the  radio  the  other 
night  while  he  was  dining.  He 
heard  a  rather  small  voice 
coming  over  the  air  that  he 
seemed  to  recognize.  How- 
ever, he  could  not  recall  the 
singer's    name. 

"Why,  you  know,"  said 
Mrs.  Reed,  "that's  that  Irish 

"Irish  tenor?"  spoke  up 
Bert's  son,  "-why,  he  sounds 
to  me  more  like  a  Scotch 
tenor — the  way  he  saves  his 

The  first  radio  Santa  Claus  'way  back 
in  1922  was  "Jolly  Bill"  Steinke,  of 
"Jolly  Bill  and  Jane",  when  he  made  his 
spectacular  descent  down  the  radio 
chimney  of  WOR.  In  case  there  are  any 
any  other  claimants,  Bill  weighs  230 
pounds  and  has  a  mean  temper. 

Inside  information  reveals  the  fact 
that  the  NBC  has  a  real  Chess  Club. 
Promptly  at  six  o'clock,  on  Mondays 
and  Fridays,  the  chess  hounds  scurry 
off  to  a  little  corner-place  near  Madi- 
son Avenue,  and  fight  bitter  battles 
with  the  pieces.  The  members  are 
George  MacGovern,  chairman;  Julian 
Street,  Jr.,  and  Stuart  Ayers,  all  of  NBC 
continuity  room,  also  Norman  Sweet- 
ser,  of  the  same  company's  production 
room.  It  is  regrettable  to  have  to  add 
(Continued  on  page  36) 

JANUARY,      19  3  0 


America's   Radio   Programs 






EDITOR'S  NOTE — Having  seen  the 
"back-stage"  operations  of  the  two 
large  broadcasting  systems,  Julius  Mattfeld 
is  -well  qualified  to  discuss  his  subject.  He 
gave  up  his  executive  position  with  the 
NBC's  music  and  book  library  to  take  charge 
of  the  CBS  departments  in  the  same  field. 
His  opinion  is  expressed  here  with  his  charac- 
teristic frankness. 

RADIO  broadcasting,  as  we  enjoy  it  today,  is  the  re- 
sult of  about  ten  years  of  development  and  growth. 
In  this  comparatively  short  time,  it  has  offered  en- 
tertainment as  well  as  education  and  edification  along  every 
conceivable  line  of  human  endeavor.  It  has  given  us 
operas,  light  and  grand;  concerts,  both  symphonic  and 
popular;  dramas  and  melodramas;  oratorios  and  cantatas; 
dramatizations  of  novels,  magazine  stories  and  serials;  ac- 
counts of  baseball,  football,  prize-fighting,  horse-racing  and 
yachting  events;  it  has  revived  interest  in  the  old  Negro 
minstrel  shows;  it  has  brought  before  the  microphone 
speakers  and  orators  of  national  and  international  eminence; 
it  has  helped  to  spread  ideas  of  personal  hygiene  and  bet- 
ter living  conditions;  it  has  transferred  religious  instruc- 
tion from  the  church  to  the  home — in  short,  it  has  been 
the  world's  greatest  medium  of  direct  intercourse  among 
people  since  the  invention  of  the  printing  press. 

It  stands  today  before  the  world  like  the  figure  of  the 
god  Janus — one  face  turned  toward  the  past,  the  other 
looking  hopefully  into  the  future. 

What  will  be  its  future?  we  may  now  ask. 

One  cannot  answer  this  question  except  by  asking: 
has  it  accomplished  all  that  it  could  have  done  in  the  ten 
years  of  its  existence? 

The  answer  to  this  query  is  a  categorical  NO! 

The  radio  public  today  is  complaining  of  the  character 
of  the  programs  "put  on  the  air".  Tune  into  whatsoever 
station  it  may,  it  finds  a  similarity  of  programs  and  a  dupli- 
cation of  material  offered  all  along  the  dial. 







t    ?,    >  'Li  I '  '  ^—jg==feS 

fcci  e 


The  Herr  Doktor  Julius  Mattfeld,  hemmed  in 
by  Wagner,  Strauss,  music  paper  and  musico-lit- 
erary  queries,  every  one  of  which  he  can  answer 
without  even  looking  at  the  book. 

America  Lags  in  Programs 

Although  America  is  far  ahead  of  Europe  in  its  radio 
developments,  it  is  behind  the  older  continent  in  program- 
building  imagination.  There  is  still  a  vast  amount  of 
literature  and  music  which  has  not  been  even  superficially 
touched  by  our  American  program  builders.  Too  much 
stress  is  laid  by  them  upon  what  they  think  the  public 
wants;  in  their  haste  they  forget — or,  rather,  overlook — 
the  fact  that  the  potential  American  radio  public  is  infinite- 
ly smaller,  despite  the  calculations  of  radio  statisticians, 
than  the  population  of  the  country;  that  many  a  radio  is 
silent  because  the  musical  and  artistic  desires  of  its  owner 
are  unsatisfied. 

The  libraries  of  the  world  are  rich  in  materials  which 
could  be  adapted  to  radio  presentation.  Several  of  the 
larger  American  radio  organizations  in  the  East,  following 
the  example  of  the  British  Broadcasting  Company,  are  wise- 
ly developing  libraries  of  their  own.  These,  it  is  no  breach 
of  business  ethics  to  say,  already  contain  many  things  which 
have  never  come  to  the  attention  of  the  station's  program 
builders — in  fact,  they  contain  many  an  item  which  would 
help  to  diversify  the  present  programs. 

Some  day,  unless  official  politics  conspire  to  prevent  it, 
the  library,  instead  of  functioning,  as  it  now  does,  merely 
as  a  supply  agency  for  programs,  will  be  the  real,  originating 
source  of  programs,  and  will  include  as  its  adjuncts  both 
the  program  and  the  continuity  departments,  as  well  as  the 
publicity  department — all  then,  under  the  supervision  of 
one  master  mind;   a   twentieth  century   librarian! 



RADIO  REVUE  Thanks  You! 

A  NY  doubts  or  misgivings  we  may  have  had  as  to  the 
-^*-  manner  in  which  our  first  issue  of  Radio  Revue 
would  be  received  were  soon  swept  aside  when  this  newly- 
born  infant. was  presented  for  public  inspection.  We  thank 
you  all.  The  reaction  was  most  pleasingly  favorable.  It 
warmed  the  cockles  of  our  editorial  hearts  and  caused  our 
editorial  pulse  to  beat  at  an  hitherto  unknown  speed. 

While  this  reception  was  most  gratifying — and  we  do 
not  question  its  sincerity — we  hasten  to  point  out  that  we, 
more  than  anyone  else,  most  fully  realize  the  shortcomings 
of  that  initial  issue.  We  have  remedied  some  of  these  in 
this  issue  and  shall  continue  our  efforts  to  make  this  maga- 
zine the  most  entertaining  and  informative  one  of  its  kind. 

You  listeners  can  help  us  in  this  respect.  We  invite  you 
to  write  us  as  freely  as  you  wish  for  information  concern- 
ing radio  programs,  entertainers  or  those  "behind  the 
scenes."  Let's  make  Radio  Revue  the  listener's  forum. 
If  you  have  a  grievance  to  air,  let  us  help  you  give  it  wide 
circulation.  Write  us  what  you  like  or 
dislike  in  the  way  of  programs — and  why. 
Tell  us  frankly  who  your  favorite  broad- 
casting artists  are,  what  announcers  you 
prefer  or  cannot  stand,  and  also  which  sta- 
tions you  think  put  on  the  best  programs. 

What  artist's  picture  would  you  like  to 
see  on  the  cover?  What  program  would  you 
like  to  read  a  feature  story  about?  What 
does  radio  mean  to  you  and  your  family? 
Which  of  the  radio  stars  or  programs  of  the 
early  days  do  you  best  recall?  If  you  will 
but  take  the  time,  you  can  help  us  to  make 
this  a  magazine  of  the  listener,  by  the  lis- 
tener and  for  the  listener.  Remember,  this 
magazine  is  edited  exclusively  for  you,  the 
listener.  Why  not  lend  it  the  advantage 
of  your  support  and  encouragement?  Again, 
we  thank  you! 

The  Theatre  of  Illusion 

iYTTTH  tne  decay  of  the  charming  theatre  of  fanciful 
**  illusion  and  the  substitution  of  plays  dealings  with 
trench  life,  speakeasies  and  questionable  hotels,  for  the 
imaginative  comedies  of  a  gentler  age,  the  broadcasting 
business  may  find  and  take  advantage  of  a  rare  opportunity. 

Only  a  few  months  ago  Andre  Wormser's  delightful 
mimo-drama  "Pierrot,  the  Prodigal"  found  its  way  across 
the  ether,  with  proper  incidental  music  and  the  pantomimic 
action  recited  by  a  reader.  Many  complimentary  remarks 
were  heard  throughout  the  land  and,  indeed,  it  seemed  a 
welcome  relief  to  get  away,  for  an  hour  at  least,  from  the 
revolting  language  of  the  saloon,  the  gunman's  lair,  and 
the  jarring  remarks  of  abandoned  women. 

Why  not  let  us  have  a  few  more  plays  of  this  kind,  by 
Pirandello,    Rostand,    Giacosa    and    Lord    Dunsany?      And 


how  about  Tschaikovsky's  Christmas  pantomime,  "The 
Nutcracker",  "Drigo's  "The  Enchanted  Forest",  Delibes' 
"Coppelia",  Ibsen's  "Peer  Gynt"  with  Grieg's  music,  Felix 
Borowsky's  "Boudour",  John  Alden  Carpenter's  "The 
Birthday  of  the  Infanta",  and  Julius  Mattfeld's  "The  Vir- 
gins of  the  Sun"? 

There  is  much  material  to  draw  from  and  much  more 
could  be  written.  Let  the  imaginations  of  the  writers  play 
a  little  and,  in  its  turn,  let  the  imagination  of  the  audience 
come  to  life  again.  If  the  theatre  is  in  a  bad  way — and  it 
certainly  seems  to  be — the  quality  of  recent  plays  and 
the  language  used  in  those  plays  are  responsible.  It  seems 
to  us  that  there  is  a  tremendous  opportunity  for  the  powers 
that  be  in  radio  to  take  advantage  of  this  situation,  to 
produce  delightful  plays  of  charm  and  imagination,  with 
adequate  music,  and  even  specially  written,  when  it  is 

One  hears  on  all  sides  the  remark:  "We  do  not  go  to  the 
theatre.  We  cannot  afford  to  pay  $8.80  to  see  the  lurid 
spectacles  exposed  on  Broadway".  A  large  portion  of  the 
public  is  apparently  hungry  for  some  of  the  finer  things. 
If  the  radio  programs  can  restore  to  these  people  the  old 
theatre  of  illusion,  the  land  of  make-believe,  that  will  en- 
chant children  from  six  to  sixty,  then  writers,  musicians 
and  listeners  will  develop,  and  the  radio  will  truly  succeed 
where  the  commercialized  theatre  has  failed. 

We  have  no  wish  to  see  the  radio  supplant  the  theatre, 
but  the  present  theatre  is  accomplishing  its 
own  ruin  by  rotten  plays,  by  greedy  specu- 
lators and  by  language  that  is  hardly  fit  for 
sailors'  ears.  It  seems  to  us  that  it  is  the 
duty  of  the  radio  to  fill  the  gap  with  the 
things  of  fantasy,  of  charm,  ofimagina- 
ticn  and  of  fine  music. 

Put  an  End  to  This  Panic 

THE  radio  business  is  kept  alive  largely 
through  income  derived  from  adver- 
tising; that  is,  a  sponsoring  company  has  its 
wares  announced  frequently  and  eloquently 
— sometimes  too  frequently  and  not  elo- 
quently enough — through  the  musical  pro- 
gram, or  the  dramatic  episodes  that  compose 
entertainment  for  the  listener. 
"^«v,  A  survey  of  two  broadcasting  systems  re- 

veals the  fact  that  a  certain  type  of  adver- 
tiser is  becoming  far  too  aggressive  on  the 
air  and  certainly  too  objectionable  in  the  studios.  With 
a  few  hundred  dollars  to  spend,  he  writes  his  own  "con- 
tinuity", he  blatantly  inflicts  his  product  on  music  that 
was  certainly  not  intended  to  assist  in  selling  any  such 
commodity  and,  when  his  salesmen  stalk  into  the  great 
studios  of  the  broadcasting  business,  a  veritable  panic  re- 

Officers  and  administrators  grovel  before  this  merchant 
"king,"  engineers  and  production  men  are  literally  kicked 
out  of  the  studios,  writers  and  musicians  are  banished  from 
the  building,  carpet  is  laid  to  the  street,  and,  as  one  writer 
expressed  it,  "The  Presence  of  God"  descends  for  four 
hours  on  a  huge  business  and  paralyzes  it.  Clever  and 
independent  workers  become  a  lot  of  hat-touching,  grovel- 
ling slaves.  A  second-rate  manufacturer  is  exalted  to  a 
positions  of  divinity.  He  is  allowed  to  make  a  crude 
(Continued  on  page  46) 

JANUARY,      19  3  0 


Ether  Etching/  I 

"Exchange  Artists  and  Promote  Peace" 

i4"|\T  USIC  can  play  a  definite  part  in  creating  a  better 
-'-"-*■  understanding  among  nations  and  thus  leading  to 
permanent  international  peace,"  says  Kathleen  Stewart, 
pianiste.  "I  believe  that,  with  the  intelligent  exchange  of 
good  musicians,  we  would  be  well  along  the  road  to  lasting 
peace.  Where  friendship  exists  there  can  be  no  war.  Let 
us  hear  the  singers  and  players  of  other  lands.  Let  our 
musicians  go  abroad  for  public  concerts.  We  exchange 
ambassadors,  college  professors,  prize  scholars  and  even 
Boy,  Scouts.     Why  not  exchange  artists?" 

"Last  Summer  I  made  a  delightful  tour  of  England  and 
France.      I  liked  England   very  much   and  was  impressed 

by  the  low  musical 
pitch  of  the  Eng- 
lish woman's 
speaking  voice, 
particularly  where 
the  native  culture 
has  been  brought 
to  play  upon  this 
natural  gift.  I 
found  the  French 
people  a  little  more 
sophisticated  and 
light-hearted.  But 
I  received  marvel- 
ous receptions  in 
both  countries." 

Kathleen  Stewart 
is  essentially  the 
product  of  radio, 
She  was  heard 
"over  the  air"  long 
before  her  slight 
figure,  her  violet- 
blue  eyes  and  her 
dark,  graceful 
head,  appeared  in  concert  halls.  Miss  Stewart  is  a  native 
of  this  country,  born  on  the  high  Palisades  overlooking 
the  New  York  City  from  the  far  side  of  the  Hudson  River. 
Her  teachers  in  this  city  were  Frederick  Von  Inten  and 
Howard  Brockway,  and  she  made  her  first  public  appear- 
ance at  the  age  of  seven.  Miss  Stewart  has  studied  the 
violin  and  organ,  in  addition  to  piano,  and  has  composed 
and  arranged  for  the  'cello  and  piano. 

Away  from  the  studio,  where  she  radiates  a  true  musical 
personality,  Miss  Stewart  is  an  exceedinglv  busy  young 
lady.  She  is  an  ardent,  capable  horsewoman  and  few  men 
can  drive  an  automobile  better  than  she  can.  An  expert 
cook  and  baker,  a  rare  housekeeper,  and  a  skilled  architect, 
when  additions  or  alterations  to  her  charming  country 
house  must  be  made,  she  is  essentially  a  domestic  figure  at 
home.  She  sews,  makes  dresses  and  does  elaborate  embroid- 
eries with  consummate  skill. 

Kathleen  Steivart 

"Europe  Listens  In  by  Telephone" 

Wf  ALTER  KIESEWETTER,  who  has  been  "on  the  air" 

**  through  various  stations  for  many  years,  returned 
recently  from  Europe.  This  means  that  his  two  large 
studios  near  Central  Park  will  resume  their  accustomed 
activity  and  lavish  hospitality. 

It  was  through  the  patience,  imagination  and  rare  musi- 
cal skill  of  Walter  Kiesewetter  and  his  gifted  wife,  Eleanor 
MacLellan,  that  the  year-old  feature  Musical  Overtones 
came  into  being  and  ran  with  much  success  over  Station 

On  this  hour  have  appeared  Adele  Vasa,  soprano;  Ruth 
Haines,  soprano;  Mary  Sylveria,  soprano;  the  Glenn  Sisters; 
Beatrice  Kneale, 
contralto;  Helen 
Oelheim,  contralto; 
Lucien  R  u  t  m  a  n, 
tenor;  Noel  Enslen, 
bass-baritone;  Wil- 
liam Menafra,  bass- 
baritone;  George 
Leache,  baritone, 
and  Herman  Wil- 
li a  m  s,  bass-bari- 
tone. Many  other 
pupils  of  the  Kiese- 
wetter studios  have 
broadcast  from 
WABC,  WOR  and 
on  many  offerings 
of  the  Judson  Ra- 
dio Program  De- 

The  Kiesewet- 
ters'  reactions  to 
their  European  trip 
follow:  "Very  lit- 
tle jazz  is  heard  on 

the  other  side.  Only  the  best  orchestras  and  operas  are 
broadcast.  Radio  sets  are  not  as  common  in  the  U.  S.  The 
telephone  is  the  chief  means  of  bringing  in  musical  mes- 
sages. The  telephone  subscriber  pays  the  Government  a 
very  moderate  sum  monthly,  for  which  he  can  listen  in  at 
any  time. 

"In  Munich,  to  hear  any  of  the  operas  from  the  various 
opera  houses,  all  one  has  to  do  is  to  turn  on  the  switch 
and  use  the  head  receivers  or  the  loud  speaker  at  will.  One 
can  remain  comfortably  at  home  and  listen  to  all  of  the 
festival  performances.  The  program  manager  in  Munich, 
I  am  delighted  to  say,  said  he  liked  our  Musical  Overtones 
hour  of  last  season  immensely." 

Walter  Kieseivetter 

The  popularity  Rudy  has  gained  caused  a  wag  to  remark 
recently  that  the  old  Messiah  aria  should  be  changed  to 
"Every  Vallee  Shall  be  Exalted." 



JTATIC  pccm  the  XtWDICX 

(Continued  from  page  32) 

that  George  MacGovern  owns  the  one 
chessboard  and  pieces,  and  that  the 
other  members  of  the  club  are  con- 
vinced that  it  is  "fixed." 

Henry  Shope,  NBC  top 
tenor,  recently  went  on  the 
Hollywood  18 -day  diet  in  or- 
der to  reduce.  However, 
■when  he  reached  the  eleventh 
day,  there  was  not  enough  on 
the  menu  to  appease  his  appe- 
tite, so  he  decided  to  go  back 
to  the  third  day's  bill  of  fare, 
in   order   to   satisfy   his    pangs. 


It  is  not  always  the  crooner  of  popu- 
lar songs  who  receives  the  most  letters 
from  radio  fans.  As  proof  of  this,  Elsie 
Pierce,  who  conducts  a  class  in  beauty 
over  WOR  every  Tuesday  morning  at 
11:15,  has  received  so  much  mail  since 
she  started  to  broadcast  a  number  of 
weeks  ago,  that  she  has  been  forced  to 
employ  three  secretaries  to  take  care  of 
this  detail. 

Margaret  Harrison,  supervisor  of  educa- 
tional broadcasting  at  Teachers'  College, 
(formerly  with  the  NBC),  Walter  Stone,  of 
NBC  Press  Relations,  with  Florence  U. 
Pierce,  (who  is  really  Mrs.  Walt  Stone), 
program  board  secretary  of  NBC,  went  to 
Yale  recently  to  visit  Miss  Noel  Pierce,  one 
of  radio's  coming  playwrights,  who  is  now 
studying  under  Professor  George  Pierce 
Baker.      But   that  is   not   the   story. 

Walter  tried  to  do  the  correct  thing 
just  outside  the  Yale  Bowl.  He  stopped 
the  car  and  opened  a  package  declared  to 
be  "right  off  the  ship".  He  put  the  con- 
tents into  a  pewter  shaker,  a  wedding 
present.      And   lo!    the  shaker  melted" 

It  is  said  that  Rudy  Vallee  has  intro- 
duced a  novelty  in  his  late  dance  pro- 
grams in  the  nature  of  the  Theremin 
instrument,  which  operates  on  the  prin- 
ciple of  controlled  static.  It  is  being 
featured  in  solos,  with  piano  accom- 

With  all  the  expert  electrical  engi- 
neers the  NBC  has  under  its  roof,  it 
seems  rather  ironical  that  a  stranger 
from   the   outside   should   fix    the   loud 

speaker  in  one  of  the  reception  rooms 
at  711  Fifth  Avenue,  but  such  was  the 
case  recently. 

A  man  approached  the  hostess  and, 
smiling  blandly,  said:  "Well,  I  fixed  it." 

"Fixed  what?"  she  asked. 

"Why,  the  loud  speaker  in  that  re- 
ception room  was  out  of  order  and  I 
fixed  it." 

"Are  you  connected  with  the  NBC?" 
she  asked  him. 

"No,  but  I  happened  to  be  in  there 
when  it  went  out  of  order  and  I  un- 
derstand those  things,  so  I  fixed  it." 

And,  so  saying,  he  departed,  not  even 
waiting  to  be  thanked — or  reprimanded. 

John  W.  Rehauser,  a  local  arranger 
well  known  in  radio  circles,  toured 
some  years  ago  with  Sir  Harry  Lauder 
as  conductor.  Upon  arriving  in  Aus- 
tralia, John  asked  Sir  Harry  not  to  lay 
undue  emphasis  on  his  nationality, 
pointing  out  that  he  was  not  a  Prussian, 
but  a  Bavarian  from  Munich,  where  the 
beer  comes  from.  In  Sydney,  Sir 
Harry  introduced  John  as  follows: 

"Don't  mistake  my  conductor,  John 
W.  Rehauser,  for  a  German.  He's  a 

Among  the  recent  musical  groups  to 
have  auditions  in  the  NBC  studios  was 
a  quartet  of  violins  led  by  Anthony 
Rizzutto,  of  Brooklyn.  This  is  said  to 
be  an  unusual  musical  combination. 
I  *        *        * 

Raymond  Knight,  of  NBC,  has  been 
promoted  again.  He  is  now  Vice-Presi- 
dent in  Charge  of  Lunacy. 

In  one  of  his  recent  Music  Apprecia- 
tion Hours  at  NBC,  Walter  Damrosch 
conducted  Ravel's  "Daphnis  and 
Chloe."  In  order  to  play  this  composi- 
tion it  was  necessary  to  add  to  the  or- 
chestra a  G-flute.     This  is  probably  the 

first  time  that  this  type  of  flute  has 
ever  been  heard  over  the  air.  The  G- 
flute,  he  explained,  is  a  fifth  lower  than 
the  ordinary  flute  and  it  gives  a  hol- 
low, ghostly  sound.  It  is  to  the  flute 
family  what  a  consumptive  person  is 
to  a  healthy  family. 

Lucrezia  Bori,  accompanied  by  her 
bright-eyed  terrier,  Rowdy,  and  Willie 
Perceval-Monger  were  seen  strolling  up 
Fifth  Avenue  the  last  sunny  day,  con- 
versing in  Italian. 

The  Metropolitan  star  and  her  dog 
attracted  considerable  attention. 

The  most  chesty  and  exalted  an- 
nouncer in  the  world  is  John  S.  Young, 
of  the  NBC.  He  went  to  Yale  with 
Rudy  Vallee.  Autograph  hunters  and 
photograph  fiends  please  note! 

WOR  is  the  scene  of  consid- 
erable friendly  rivalry  among 
its  announcers,  who  in  their 
spare  time  are  engaged  in  writ- 
ing continuity  for  many  new 
programs  now  being  heard  on 
the  station.  WOR  has  a  board 
composed  of  its  executives  and 
presided  over  by  Alfred  J. 
McCosker,  director  of  the  sta- 
tion, which  passes  upon  the  fit- 
ness of  all  contemplated  pro- 
grams. This  board,  which 
realizes  that  announcers  are 
best  informed  as  to  how  a  pro- 
gram "clicks,"  gave  them  an 
opportunity  to  do  some  writing 
on  their  own  account.  This 
rule  was  responsible  for  such 
excellent  bits  of  entertainment 
as  Lewis  Reid's  "Tuneful 
Tales,"  Postley  Sinclair's  "The 
Troupers,"  and  Basil  Ruys- 
dael's  "Red  Lacquer  and  Jade." 
George  Shackley,  music  direc- 
tor of  the  station,  not  to  be 
outdone  by  the  announcers, 
came  forward  with  the  Rack- 
eteers, a  Friday  night  feature. 

JANUARY,      19  3  0 


Prcgram  Nctex 

"Checker  Cabbies"  on  WOR 

A  distinctly  urban  program  is  that 
sponsored  by  the  Checker  Cab  Sales 
Company,  under  the  title  "Checker 
Cabbies",  which  began  a  series  of  broad- 
casts covering  thirteen  weeks  over 
WOR  recently.  It  has  a  master  of 
ceremonies,  who  not  only  does  a  turn 
of  his  own,  but  introduces  guest  stars 
of  the  various  Broadway  shows  and  cab- 
arets. Sherbo's  Orchestra,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Murray  Kellner,  furnishes  the 

To   Start   Educational   Series 

The  most  comprehensive  and  thor- 
oughly worked  out  series  of  educational 
broadcasts  for  school-room  reception 
ever  attempted  on  a  nationwide  scale 
will  be  inaugurated  over  the  Columbia 
Broadcasting  System  on  February  4, 
193  0,  sponsored  jointly  by  the  Colum- 
bia Broadcasting  System,  Inc.,  and  the 
Grigsby-Grunow  Company  of  Chicago, 
it  was  announced  recently  by  William 
S.  Paley,  president  of  the  Columbia 
System  and  B.  J.  Grigsby,  president  of 

Two  afternoon  half -hours  each  week 
running  until  the  first  of  June,  will  be 
utilized  in  presenting  programs  for 
classes  from  fifth  grade  through  junior 
high  school,  which  will  cover  a  number 
of  subjects  and  utilize  several  types  of 
presentation  in  an  attempt  to  deter- 
mine the  most  satisfactory  method  of 
using  radio  for  education.  The  decision 
to  present  this  series  was  arrived  at  after 
several  months  of  intensive  research  in 
radio  education  conducted  by  both  the 
sponsoring  companies. 

CBS  Offers  Service  Bands 

The  Army,  Navy  and  Marine  Bands 
inaugurated  a  long-time  radio  schedule 
with  the  Columbia  Broadcasting  System 
recently  when  the  first  concert  by  the 
U.  S.  Navy  Band  was  broadcast  to  the 
nation  directly  from  Washington,  D.  C. 
The  number  of  band  concerts  by  the 
service  units  will  be  expanded  early  in 
January,  when  Wednesday  evening  pro- 
grams will  be  broadcast  alternately  each 
week  by  the  three  units.  These  start  on 
January  8.  Broadcasting  will  be  car- 
ried during  these  Wednesday  evening 
schedules  between  eight  and  eight- 
thirty  o'clock  eastern  standard  time. 
The  Army,  Navy  and  Marine  Band 
concerts    are    now    being    carried    over 

WABC  and  affiliated  stations  of  the  Co- 
lumbia System  five  times  a  week.  These 
morning  and  afternoon  concerts  origi- 
nate in  Washington,  D.  C. 

Government  on  Air  Often 

The  Government  of  the  United 
States  consumes  more  time  on  the  air 
than  any  organization  or  individual,  it 
was  revealed  recently  by  M.  H.  Ayles- 
worth,  president  of  the  NBC.  In  the 
first  ten  months  of  this  year,  the  letter 
disclosed,  245  government  officials,  in- 
cluding the  President,  were  presented  in 
programs  over  the  NBC  chains.  More 
than  3  00  hours  of  broadcasting  time 
was  utilized  for  government  activities 
during  this  period,  it  was  stated. 

WOR  Stars  on  New  Program 

Three  of  WOR'S  outstanding  stars, 
George  Shackley,  Roy  Smeck  and  Don 
Carney,  have  combined  their  talents  in 
an  hour  which  is  expected  to  become 
one  of  radio's  most  notable  features. 
There  is  scarcely  a  program  emanating 
from  WOR  which  does  not  have  a 
"Shackley"  trademark.  He  is  the  music 
director  of  the  station  and  is  respon- 
sible for  many  individual  programs, 
such  as  Moonbeams  and  Choir  Invisible. 

Roy  Smeck  is  regarded  as  one  of  the 
world's  best  performers  on  the  banjo, 
guitar,  ukulele  and  a  half  dozen  similar 
instruments.  He  learned  to  play  from 
phonograph  records,  and  is  now  in  de- 
mand by  all  of  the  big  recording  com- 
panies. Mr.  Smeck  is  not  only  a  star 
of  the  Keith-Albee  circuit,  but  is  one 
of  its  highest  paid  artists.  He  was  one 
of  the  first  of  the  Vitaphone  stars  as 

For  this  program,  Don  Carney  steps 
out  of  his  character  of  Luke  Higgins. 
His  friends  say  that  it  will  show  him 
in  his  true  role,  that  of  a  comedy  singer 
and  humorist. 

Bob  Pierce,   "Old  Man   Sunshine" 

Sherry's  Tea  Music  on  Air 

Tea  dance  music  from  Sherry's  Res- 
taurant on  Park  Avenue  is  being  broad- 
cast over  the  NBC  System  by  Emil 
Coleman's  orchestra  three  afternoons 
each  week.  These  dance  programs  come 
directly  from  the  main  dining  room  and 
the  Gold  Room  of  Sherry's,  where  Park 
Avenue  gathers.  The  orchestra  is 
heard  on  the  following  weekly  schedule 
over  WEAF  and  associated  stations: 
Fridays,  from  4:30  to  5:00;  Tuesdays, 
5:00  to  5:30;  Wednesdays,  4:30  to 
5:00  P.  M. 

New   Station   on   CBS   Chain 

Effective  recently,  Station  WMT, 
Waterloo,  la.,  was  added  permanently 
to  the  coast-to-coast  CBS  network.  The 
newly  added  station  operates  with  a 
power  of  500  watts  on  a  frequency  of 
600  kilocycles,  and  is  owned  and  man- 
aged by  the  Waterloo  Broadcasting 
Company,  owners  and  publishers  of  the 
Waterloo  Tribune,  one  of  the  leading 
daily  newspapers  in  the  state. 

Three  New  Stations  for  NBC 

Three  stations  recently  have  been 
added  to  the  NBC  networks,  making  a 
total  of  seventy-four  stations  on  its 
chains.  One  of  the  new  associated  sta- 
tions is  KECA,  Los  Angeles,  owned  and 
operated  by  Earle  C.  Anthony,  Inc.  It 
becomes  seventh  station  on  the  Pacific 
Coast  network  of  the  NBC.  KECA 
operates  on  a  wave  length  of  209.7 
meters  and  a  frequency  of  1430  kilo- 
cycles.    It  uses  a  power  of  1,000  watts. 

The  addition  of  Station  WJDX  in 
Jackson,  Miss.,  makes  it  the  first  sta- 
tion in  Mississippi  to  become  a  perma- 
nent outlet  for  a  national  network.  This 
new  addition  is  owned  and  operated  by 
the  Lamar  Life  Insurance  Company.  It 
operates  on  a  wave  length  of  236.1 
meters  and  a  frequency  of  1270  kilo- 
cycles, with  a  power  of   500   watts. 

In  response  to  an  overwhelming  de- 
mand on  the  part  of  Canadian  radio 
listeners,  as  expressed  in  petitions,  tele- 
grams and  letters,  Station  CKGW  in 
Toronto,  Canada,  was  added  to  the 
NBC  network.  This  station  operates 
on  a  wave  length  of  434.8  meters  and 
a  frequency  of  690  kilocycles.  It  uses 
a  power  of  5,000  watts.  Gooderham  & 
Worts,  Ltd.,  of  Toronto,  own  and  op- 
erate   the    station. 



Colorful  Russian  Soprano  Is  "La  Palina 


Zinaida  Nicotine  One  of  Radio's  Most  Gifted  Artistes,  Has  Sung  for  Royalty 

/COMPELLED  to  leave  Russia  after  the  Revolution,  Mme.  Nicolina 
^-*  found  refuge  in  Constantinople,  where  she  remained  as  a  guest 
at  the  Royal  Palace.  King  Alfonzo  of  Spain,  M.  Millerand,  then 
president  of  the  French  Republic,  the  late  Ambassador  Herrick 
and  many  titled  personages  have  heard  her  lyric  voice  in  special 
recitals.       Morris    Gest,     the    well-known     impresario,     was    instru- 

mental in  convincing  Mme.  Nicolina  that  she  should  come  to 
America — and  in  his  Chauve  Souris.  She  has  found  everything 
here  very  much  to  her  liking.  Although  she  has  appeared  on  the 
stage,  in  concert  and  recital,  on  the  large  vaudeville  circuits  and 
in  supper  clubs,  radio  holds  the  greatest  appeal  for  her.  She  ap- 
pears  as   La   Palina    on   WABC    and    the   Columbia   chain. 

JANUARY,      19  3  0 


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A  Really  Minute  Revue 

To  the  Editor  of  Radio  Revue: 

Enclosed  find  $4  for  two  subscriptions  to  Radio  Revue. 
Long  may  Radio  Revue  live,  is  my  wish.  A  really  up-to- 
date  and  minute  revue. — W.  K.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 


Calls  First  Issue  a  Treat 

To  the  Editor  of  Radio  Revue: 

It  was  a  real  treat  to  read  through  the  first  issue  of  your 
new  magazine.  To  me,  the  fascination  and  success  of  it 
lies  principally  in  the  fact  that  one  need  not  be  technically 
radio-minded  or  even  a  rabid  "radio  fan"  to  find  keen  de- 
light in  it.  The  cover  was  splendid  and  the  lay-out  ex- 
cellent. My  heartiest  congratulations  to  you  and  my  best 
wishes  for  your  success.  Put  me  on  your  subscription  list. 
— M.  E.  C,  New  York,  N.  Y. 


Takes  Issue  With  "Average 

To  the  Editor  of  Radio  Revue: 

I  am  delighted  with  Radio  Re- 
vue. Enclosed  please  find  my  sub- 
scription for  one  year.  I  have 
always  thought  a  radio  magazine  as 
necessary  to  a  "fan"  as  "Photo- 
play." The  public  is  very  much 
interested  in  the  personalities  of  the 
radio;  there  is  the  same  lure  of  the 
studio  as  there  is  of  the  stage. 

There  are  things  in  your  first 
issue  that  I  especially  commend. 
First:     "Wanted:  Air  Personality," 

by  Allen  Haglund,  and  "Behind  the  Mike  during  the  Pal- 
molive  Hour — this  latter  is  one  of  my  favorite  hours  on 
the  radio — also  the  story  on  the  Philco  Hour.  I  have 
had  the  pleasure  of  hearing  this  ensemble  broadcast  in  the 
NBC  studios  and  it  was  a  most  enjoyable  experience. 

I  have  often  wondered  why  my  favorite  prima  donnas 
of  grand  and  comic  operas  came  over  the  air  so  negligibly. 
Now  I  know.  They  may  have  stage,  but  not  "air"  per- 
sonalities.    This  will  interest  many  listeners,  I  know. 

Up  to  date  I  have  not  learned  "the  secret  of  Rudy  Vallee's 
success,"  but  that  is  wholly  my  fault — I  was  born  in  the 
wrong  generation. 

Please  let  me  wish  you  the  greatest  success  in  your  new 
venture,  "plenty  of  fun  with  this  magazine,"  and  lots  of 
money.  Personally,  I  haven't  the  slightest  doubt  but  that 
it  will  prove  to  be  "the  most  entertaining  magazine 

I  have  read  the  article  by  "Average  Fan"  and  I  differ 
so  violently  from  him  that,  being  of  Irish  descent,  I  want 

to  start  something.  Some  things  he  likes  just  make  me 

Jazz!  Horrible  stuff!  When  I  hear  it  I  am  so  thankful 
that  it  is  a  radio  that  I  can  shut  off.  If  it  were  a  talkie, 
mon  Dieu!  Amos  'n'  Andy — shades  of  Primrose  and 
West — but,  enuff  said.  There  are  no  words!  (unless  cuss 
words — and  I  don't  use  'em). 

Being  bored  by  "big  symphony  orchestras  playing  Bach!" 
I  admit  Bach  is  not  the  fondest  thing  I  am  of.  But  Wal- 
ter Damrosch's  delightful  voice  is  such  a  joy!  Please  let 
us  have  the  symphonies.  Don't  let  "Low  Brow"  get  all 
the  joys  of  radio. 

Now,  just  to  show  how  broad  some  listeners  can  be:  I 
heartily  agree  with  "Average  Fan"  about  the  "sweet 
sweets,"  Roxy  and  Lopez — Kaltenborn,  too.  But  I  hope 
your  magazine  will  remedy  this.  In  the  hinterland,  where 
I  live,  I  don't  get  him.  I  know — I  might  just  as  well  live 
in  Los  Angeles.  You  New  Yorkers  get  so  much  that  you 
think  that  when  you  leave  New  York,  you  are  camping 
in  the  wilderness. 

Jimmy  Walker!  Not  for  me — 
and  I'm  a  Democrat  most  of  the 
time.  I'm  such  a  good  Democrat 
that  I  am  mighty  glad  Al  Smith 
wasn't  in  the  White  House  during 
the  stock  market  crash. 

But,  I  do  like  your  magazine. 
It  has  entertained  me  all  evening, 
just  as  well  as  any  radio  program. 
— Timidly,  L.  G.  Currin,  Newport, 
R.  I.  (The  Irish  burn  out  that  way. 
They  start  flaming  mad,  but  just 


To  the  Editor  of  Radio  Revue: 
I    wish    to    congratulate    you   on 
the  way  Radio  Revue's  first  issue  looked.     It  has  made 
quite  an  impression,  both  at  my  office  and  at  home.     Mrs. 
A.  found  it  most  interesting  reading  and  informed 

me  that  she  felt  it  has  wonderful  possibilities.  At  once 
she  became  interested  in  the  Main  Street  program,  which 
happened  to  be  on  the  air  at  that  moment.  Reading  the 
article  and  seeing  photos  of  the  characters  certainly  made 
a  vast  difference. 

To  my  mind,  Radio  Revue  will  do  for  radio  what  the 
movie  magazines  have  done  for  the  movies.  I  feel  certain 
that  you  have  a  wonderful  opportunity  in  your  new  field 
and  I  wish  you  every  success.  I  hope  to  see  your  new 
magazine  one  of  the  leaders  real  soon. — T.  G.  A.,  New 
York,  N.  Y. 


To  the  Editor  of  Radio  Revue: 

We  wish  to  add  our  congratulations  to  those  you  have 
no  doubt  received  on  the  appearance  and  contents  of  your 
first  issue. — M.  S.  B.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 



Eadic  in  the  Home  a  i 

Edited  by  Mrs.  Julian  Heath 

Pioneer  Broadcaster  of  Market  Reports  and  Daily  Menus 

^^,^S^s^«^£«^i^N^£^v^£^.^£^^^.^£v^.^£K^S^'^N^£^^v^>^^^^^^^^^\^\^£v^V^V^-^-^^^s^>^V^V^>^£^^.^S^N^.^.^^^-^--»^ "A* "%~-^ /^'^ '^  ^  ^."^."S^ "^. '^.'^.  "^. '^.  ^."^?^,W^'^^^^^S^,^>^V^^^^^'^'^V^^^, 

Hello,  Neighbors! 

We  have  been  kept  busy  responding  to  the  hearty  ap- 
plause that  greeted  the  first  issue  of  this  publication. 
Everyone  gave  the  entire  magazine  a  rousing  welcome.  I 
am  particularly  pleased  that  you  all  liked  this  department, 
which  is  dedicated  to  you. 

The  radio  makes  us  all  neighbors.  Recently  a  listener, 
who  lives  in  West  70th  Street,  New  York,  referring  to 
my  salutation,  wrote:  "I  like  our  daily  radio  conference 
over  WJZ.  It  is  all  right,  excepting  the  'neighbor'  pari:. 
There  are  no  neighbors  in  New  York  City."  I  am  indeed 
sorry  that  this  friend  has  not  yet  acquired  radio  conscious- 

Well,  we  could  chat  a  lot  about  how  the  radio  "makes 
the  whole  world  akin,"  but  the  Editor  said  to  me:  "Give 
them  more  of  the  artists'  recipes.  Everyone  likes  them. 
Indeed,  the  girls  in  the  office  could  hardly  wait  to  get  the 
magazine  off  the  press,  in  their  anxiety  to  try  Milton 
Cross's  favorite  dessert,  the  well-known  toasted  cocoanut 
pie."     Did  you  try  the  recipe? 


I  wandered  through  the  studios  the  other  day,  and  gath- 
ered some  more  of  these  artists'  recipes  for  you.  You,  of 
course,  know  Henry  M.  Neely,  Philco's  "Old  Stager."  My 
first  introduction  to  Mr.  Neely  was  five  years  ago,  when 
he  wrote  to  me  from  Philadelphia,  and  requested  a  recipe 
for  chocolate  ice  box  cake,  which  then  was,  and  still  is, 
popular.  I  wish  I  had  his  letter  to  give  you  now.  It  was 
a  veritable  SOS.  It  was  extremely  interesting  and  quite 
characteristic  of  Mr.  Neely.  However,  I  can  give  you 
the  recipe  that  went  to  him  by  return  mail.     Here  it  is: 

The   ingredients   are: 
1    lb.  lady  fingers 

4  squares    bitter   chocolate    (more   if   desired) 

5  eggs 

1    cup   confectioners  sugar 

1    teaspoonful   vanilla 

1    pint   whipped    cream 
Proceed  as  follows:      Melt  chocolate  to  thick  consistency,  add- 
ing   two    tablespoonfuls    of    milk    to    the    chocolate.       Now    add 
yolks  of  eggs  and  one   cup  of  sugar,   then    the   beaten   whites  of 
eggs,   and  then   the  vanilla. 

This  is  how  the  cake  is  made:  Use  spring  form  pan.  First 
place  in  the  pan  a  layer  of  lady  fingers,  then  a  layer  of  the 
chocolate  mixture,  then  lady  fingers,  and  repeat  with  choco- 
late mixture  until  all  are  used.  Next  place  whipped  cream  on 
top  and  let  stand  in  ice-box  over  night.  You  can  sprinkle 
with  nuts,  if  you   like,   or   garnish   to   suit   your  fancy. 


You  know,  we  who  are  on  the  air  always  like  to  receive 
your  letters  in  order  that  we  may  be  of  greater  service 
to  you.  Moreover,  the  program  managers  learn  from  your 
letters  whether  or  not  you  like  the  programs  and  the  ar- 
tists. Radio  letters  are  silent  applause,  which  speaks  more 
loudly  than  you  think. 


I  ran  across  Mrs.  Harold  Branch,  wife  of  the  NBC  tenor. 

She  was  not  at  the  piano  this  time,  but  at  the  telephone. 
"Tell  me,"  I  said,  "What  does  Mr.  Branch  like  best  to 
eat?"  The  question  seemed  far  away  from  the  beautiful 
sonata  she  had  just  played  on  the  air  but,  after  a  mo- 
ment's thought,  she  said:  "Steak."  "Nothing  else?"  I 
asked.  "No,  just  steak,  provided  he  has  plenty  of  it."  I 
am  sure  that  most  men  will  applaud  his  choice. 

These  touches  of  the  artists'  home  life  must  not  all  be 
devoted  to  the  gentlemen.  There  are  many  ladies  whom 
you  hear  on  the  radio,  and  now  we  will  give  them  the 
last  word.  They  say  that  we  women  will  have  it  anyway. 
Miss  Kathleen  Stewart,  pianiste,  who  is  "Kathleen"  to 
everyone  at  the  NBC,  is  charming,  beautiful,  and  an  ar- 
tiste to  her  finger-tips,  pianistically  speaking.  Recently 
I  met  her  and  said:  "Kathleen,  please  give  me  a  recipe  for 
the  listeners-in.  What  do  you  like  best  to  cook?"  She 
paused  a  moment,  with  creamy  fingers  poised  in  the  air — 
she  was  busy  creaming  her  face — and  said:  "Why,  I  have 
so  many  favorite  dishes  I  hardly  know  which  to  choose. 
Possibly  you  would  like  to  know  about  my  meat  pie." 
Here  it  is: 

The  ingredients  are: 

2    pounds   chopped   beef 
2    cups  milk 
2    cups  bread-crumbs 
l/z    onion,   finely   chopped 

J/2    teaspoonful   thyme  or  poultry   seasoning 
Proceed    as    follows:      Blend    beef    and    bread    crumbs.      Add 
milk     and     let     stand     until     absorbed.      Work     in     onions     and 

The  ingredients  for  the  pastry  are: 
2    cups  flour 
l/z    teaspoonful  salt 
1    cup    shortening 
Proceed   as   follows:      Bake   in   pie   tin   in   oven,    first   hot   then 
moderate.      Serve    very    hot. 

Kathleen  told  me  about  a  neat  little  decoration  that  she 
adds  to  her  meat  pie.  It's  quite  a  trick.  Take  a  strip  of 
pastry  1  l/z  inches  wide.  Slash  the  top  edge  about  one- 
half  inch  down.  Now  roll  it  up  and  insert  it  in  a  hole 
in  the  center  of  the  pie.  After  you  have  it  placed,  open 
the  slits  as  if  you  were  bending  down  the  petals  of  a 
flower,  and,  when  the  pie  is  baked,  it  will  be  "Oh,  so  at- 
tractive," as  Miss  Stewart  put  it.  "Oh,  yes,  it  is  baked 
with  two  crusts  in  a  pie  plate,  not  a  casserole,"  she  added. 

You  can  see  from  this  that  Miss  Stewart  is  as  practical 
as  she  is  artistic.  Moreover,  she  whispered  to  me — and  I 
now  whisper  to  you — "This  is  the  recipe  I  use  for  my  best 
beaux."   (Note  the  plural.) 


Well,  I  guess  that  will  be  enough  recipes  for  this  issue. 
Try  them  and,  if  no  ill  effects  are  reported,  I'll  gather 
more  for  you  next  time.  You  see,  all  of  these  artists  enjoy 
good  things  to  eat.  In  fact,  they  are  always  talking  to  me 
either  about  what  they  have  just  eaten  or  are  just  going 
to  eat.  You  folks  get  their  artistic  side,  while  I  see  them 
from  another  angle. 

JANUARY,      19  3  0 




OVER    THE    LAND    OF 



Let's  make  a  landing 
—  anchor  the  Magic 
Carpet  to  a  tree, 
somebody.  We'll  ex- 
plore these  inviting 
valleys*  and  twist 
nosegays  of  fluttery 
golden  poppies. 

This  is  Poultry  Paradise — the  abiding  place  of  Spring.  Year-long 
she  lingers,  her  green  robe  starred  with  blossoms.  But  surely  there 
is  snow  on  those  emerald  hillsides? — Only  the  snowy  plumage  of 
myriad  hen-princesses.  And  those  egg-cases,  speeding  along  the  roads 
in  smartly  painted  trucks? — They  are  the  jewel-boxes  of  the  hen-prin- 
cesses .  .  .  rows  of  milky  pearls  .  .  .  and  every  pearl  an  egg  brimming 
with  vitamins   .    .    .   the  gift  of  Spring's  gentle  sunshine. 

No  icy  breath  of  winter  here  to  "chill"  these  pearly  eggs — no 
broiling  summer  days  to  "heat"  their  delicate  contents,  and  spoil  the 
freshness  of  flavor  which  has  won  them  fame. 

Fastidious  babies,  fanciful  invalids,  and  fussy  cooks 
where  .    .    .  wait  eagerly  for  these  gems  of  healthf ulness. 

.    every- 

"Yes,  but  where  are  we?"  you  interrupt,  insistently.  Didn't  you 
see  the  blue  Pacific  as  our  Magic  Carpet  sped?  To  become  geograph- 
ical, our  gypsy  trail  winds  through  chosen  localities  in  Central  Cali- 
fornia and  Western  Washington — the  beautiful  country  selected  by 
expert  poultrymen  as  the  source  of  "PEP"  and  "SUNRISE"  eggs. 

.*.     W 

Pacific  Egg  Producers 


*CH£     €GG    IVZTTf    *GHS     91£?>Z7<T^4TI02V"' 




Seattle,  Los  Angeles,  San   Diego,  Detroit,  Pittsburgh,  Boston 
Panama,  Buenos  Aires,  Valparaiso,  Lima,  London,  and  Glasgow 



A  Streak  of  Sunshine 

THIS  long  streak  of  sunshine  is  Dariel  Jones,  of  NBC. 
She  is  the  Daddy  Long-Legs  of  radio  and  is  a  real 
radio  beauty.     Born  in  Chicago,  Dariel  was  educated 
in  grammar  and  high  schools  there,  and  finally  landed  in  the 

University  of  Minnesota, 
of  which  latter  institu- 
tion she  is  a  graduate. 
She  studied  music  pri- 
vately and  in  college,  and 
became  an  accomplished 
pianist,  but  in  her  pres- 
ent capacity  of  produc- 
tion representative  she 
can  order  other  artists  to 
play  for  her.  Dariel 
joined  the  NBC  forces 
early  in  1927,  booking 
day-time  programs,  and 
she  has  made  a  host  of 

Miss  Jones  likes  the 
theatre  and  music,  and 
has  advanced  about  three 
holes  in  the  science  of 
golfing  with  the  aid  of 
a  professional.  She  is 
rapidly  learning  the  golf- 
ing language,  and  the 
necessary  oaths.  Her 
most  prominent  vice  is 
painting  apartments  and 
furniture.  Dariel  can 
take  a  lot  of  nice  furni- 
ture and  a  new  apart- 
ment and  make  them 
look  like  an  undigested 
vegetarian  dinner.  In 
this  process  of  painting, 
a  great  quantity  of  the 
assorted  color  lands  on 
Dariel.  She  has  often 
been  mistaken  for  a  piece 
of  modern  furniture,  largely  due  to  her  lofty,  fireproof 
construction.      (See  sketch). 

As  soon  as  an  apartment  is  painted  and  the  furniture 
changed  beyond  recognition,  Dariel  starts  right  in  re- 
painting for  the  Fall,  or  the  Winter.  If  she  cannot  repaint 
for  the  fall  or  winter,  she  puts  on  her  smock  and  repaints 
for  the  spring  or  summer.  Seasons  mean  just  so  much 
repainting  to  Dariel.  Her  real  name,  by  the  way,  is  Dariel 
Harriet  Jones.  People  with  the  middle  name  of  Harriet 
are  always  fussing  with  houses  and  apartments,  as  you  well 
know,  and  nothing  will  stop  them. 

Although  she  is  a  remarkably  good-looking  girl,  Dariel 
Jones's  pet  aversions  are  being  photographed  or  inter- 
viewed. The  best  we  could  do  was  this  drawing,  sneaked 
in  a  moment  when  she  wasn't  looking,  and  this  interview, 
which  she  will  promptly  deny.  She  has  definite  hates  of  a 
number  of  people,  but  these  are  more  than  compensated  for 
by  the  number  of  apparently  intelligent  people  who  get 
in  her  way  when  she  passes,  so  that  the  sunshine  of  her 
presence,  or  the  shadow  of  her  sunshine,  or  whatever  it  is, 
may  fall  upon  them. 

Dariel  Jones 

Radio  Gives  Dan  Cupid  a  Helping  Hand 

{Continued  from  page  10) 

goddess  Radio,  who  had  helped  him  line  up  the  pretty  pair 
so  that  a  single  arrow  might  transfix  their  beating  hearts. 
The  advent  of  the  loudspeaker  and  the  vacuum  tube 
changed  things  a  bit,  but  radio  lost  none  of  its  effectiveness 
as  a  matchmaker.  There's  probably  not  so  much  rubbing 
of  heads  nowadays,  but,  at  that,  it  takes  quite  a  bit  of  close 
work  to  bring  in  a  distant  station.  I've  lost  several  pals 
that  way. 

Nothing  to  Break  the  Spell 

As  a  general  thing,  there  is  nothing  more  conducive  to 
spending  an  evening  in  the  parlor,  where,  as  everyone  knows, 
Cupid  fights  and  wins  most  of  his  battles,  than  the  promise 
of  a  few  hours  of  music,  good,  sweet  or  hot,  as  the  fancy 
turneth.  Curled  up  in  the  big  chair,  with  the  electric  light 
fuse  in  no  danger  of  blowing  out,  Bill  and  Beatrice  are 
lulled  into  romantic  mood  by  the  steady  outpouring  of 
tuneful  melodies.  No  changing  of  needles,  no  turning  of 
records,  no  disturbing  sessions  with  the  crank  handle,  noth- 
ing to  break  the  spell. 

And  somehow  those  ingenious  gentlemen  who  build  pro- 
grams see  to  it  that  the  glamorous  theme  of  romance  runs 
unfailingly  through  each  precious  Hour.  Thus  there  is  a 
sequence  of  songs  seemingly  calculated  to  put  ideas  into 
young  folks'  heads.  They  hear,  in  the  rather  significant 
order  named,  Love  Me,  Vagabond  Lover,  Kiss  Me  Again, 
You're  the  Cream  in  My  Coffee,  Lover  Come  Back  to  Me, 
All  1  Need  is  You,  Singin'  in  the  Rain,  The  Pagan  Love, 
Song,  I  Love  You  Truly,  I  Can't  Give  You  Anything  But 
Love,  Girl  of  My  Dreams,  I  May  Be  Wrong — But  I  Think 
You're  Wonderful,  Woman  Disputed,  I  Love  You. 

By  this  time  the  great  conspiracy  has  done  its  work,  and 
the  conversation,  which  is  now  hardly  more  than  a  purring 
of  coos  and  gurgles,  has  turned  to  such  important  subjects 
as  platinum  settings,  engraved  invitations,  honeymoons, 
apartments,  furniture  on  installment,  and  so  on.  As  the 
Hotel  St.  Whoozis  Orchestra  (the  ideal  place  to  dance — 
adv.)  winds  up  its  program  with  a  rousing  Papa  Loves 
Mama,  the  contract  is  sealed  with  a  very  appropriate  kiss. 
Bill  reaches  for  his  hat,  and  Beatrice,  discerning  little  hunt- 
ress, switches  off  the  radio,  thinking  what  a  splendid  in- 
vestment it  was. 

Such  Conquests  Are  Easy 

But  such  conquests  are  comparatively  easy  for  Dan 
Cupid.  It's  the  problem  of  separation  that  bothers  him. 
Distance  doesn't  lend  enchantment,  he  has  found,  nor  does 
it  make  the  heart  grow  fonder.  When  Bill  and  Beatrice  are 
torn  asunder,  the  great  difficulty  is  to  keep  their  affection  as 
bright  and  glowing  as  when  there  are  no  miles  between 
them,  and  to  this  end  Dan  Cupid  has  again  enlisted  the 
aid  of  radio. 

It's  one  of  his  own  ideas;  he  calls  it  the  Radio  Date,  and 
it  works  something  like  this:  Bill  is  now  in  Pittsburgh — 
one  of  those  important  business  calls  that  prove  so  danger- 
ous to  the  continuity  of  a  romantic  theme.  Beatrice  pines 
at  home.  Letters  are  so  infrequent,  and  'phone  calls  so  very 
expensive.  If  only  she  knew  what  Bill  were  doing  at  that 
very  moment,  where  he  was  and  what  he  was  thinking. 

JANUARY,      19  3  0 


Then  comes  the  Radio  Date.  They  have  arranged  that, 
at  exactly  9:30  P.  M.,  both  shall  listen  to  a  certain  pro- 
gram— the  good  old  Sapolio  Hour,  for  instance.  And  Bill, 
'way  out  in  Pittsburgh,  hears  the  very  same  things  in  the 
very  same  way  and  at  the  very  same  time  that  Beatrice, 
back  here  in  old  New  York,  hears  them.  Every  note  of 
that  song  at  exactly  that  moment  is  tingling  in  Bill's  ear, 
just  as  it  tingles  in  hers,  is  bringing  up  the  same  thoughts, 
the  same  memories.  The  very  same  vibrations  that  she 
thrills  to  are  at  one  and  the  same  time  thrilling  him.  It's 
just  as  if  they  were  in  the  same  room  together,  enjoying 
the  same  music,  the  same  emotions;  he  seems  so  close,  so 
near,  he's  holding  her,  his  breath's  on  her  cheek,  he's  mur- 
muring  something! 

Oh,  isn't  love  grand!    Isn't  radio  glorious! 

One  of  the  "Daddies"  of  Radio 

Merle  Johnston  Succeeds  by  Virtue  of 
"Sax"  Appeal 

{Continued  from  page  23) 

therefore,  capable  of  the  finest  musical  expression. 

Once  he  had  mastered  his  saxophone,  he  had  no  difficulty 
in  obtaining  engagements  to  make  phonograph  records  and 
to  broadcast.  His  radio  work  increased  tremendously,  to 
the  point  where  it  now  absorbs  practically  all  of  his  time. 
He  is  heard  as  soloist  on  many  hours  and  also  as  a  con- 
ductor. Since  he  started  to  broadcast  he  has  been  identified 
on  the  air  with  45  commercial  accounts.  This,  he  claims, 
is  a  record  number.  Included  in  these  are  the  Ipana 
Troubadors,  the  original  Clicquot  Club  Eskimos,  the 
Palmolive  Hour,  Cities  Service  Hour,  A.  &  P.  Gypsies,  the 
Seiberling  Singers  and  the  R.  C.  A.  Hour. 

Mr.  Johnston  recently  left  the  NBC  fold  to  go  over  to 
WABC,  where  at  present  he  is  conducting  the  lively  Ceco 
Couriers  Hour.  It  is  said  that  at  almost  any  time  now  the 
Gold  Strand  program  will  go  on  WABC  under  his  able 

Some  time  ago  Mr.  Johnston  organized  a  saxophone 
quartet  that  has  attained  widespread  popularity  as  a  radio 
feature.  This  quartet  plays  popular  tunes,  but  makes  a 
specialty  of  the  classics.  All  its  numbers  are  specially 
arranged  by  a  man  whom  Mr.  Johnston  has  employed  to 
work  exclusively  for  him. 

An  interesting  fact,  especially  to  musicians,  is  that  Mr. 
Johnston  is  the  designer  of  the  B-flat  tenor  mouthpiece, 
which  permits  easy  blowing  and  gives  a  rich,  resonant  tone 
quality.  He  says  he  will  gladly  send  to  anyone  who  writes 
him  at  his  studios,  1 5 1  West  46th  Street,  New  York  City, 
a  fine  booklet  describing  this  mouthpiece. 

Holds    High    Place    in    Field 

In  addition  to  his  many  other  activities,  Mr.  Johnston 
is  a  composer  of  high  standing.  He  has  written  several 
excellent  saxophone  solos,  including  Valse  Elegante,  Morn- 
ing Glory,  Blue  Streak  and  Tip  Toes.  These  have  all  been 
published  by  the  Robbins  Music  Corporation. 

That  Merle  Johnston  has  succeeded  in  his  effort  to  raise 
the  saxophone  to  a  place  of  dignity  among  musical  in- 
struments is  attested  by  the  high  place  he  now  holds  in 
that  field.  And  yet,  despite  his  success,  he  still  remains  the 
student.  He  listens  to  all  the  masters,  either  in  the  recital 
hall,  over  the  radio  or  on  the  records.  He  realizes  full 
well  that  there  is  still  much  to  be  learned. 

ewe  OF  'HE- 

oeitjiwrtes  of 

Toe.  "Ner  l/meic" 
-To   THiS  0«   HE 

Vm>  -"nets  " 

YOU  will  not  fail  to  recognize  this  estimable  gentle- 
man. He  is  George  Ford  McClelland,  vice  presi- 
dent and  general  manager  of  the  NBC,  the  bright 
Pollyanna-like  person  who  likes  only  work  and  radio.  He 
and  Commander  Dick  Byrd  are  the  only  two  living  peo- 
ple who  have  had  special  broadcasts  written  and  directed 
especially  for  and  at  them. 

George  was  seated  right  in  the  midst  of  a  bevy  of  tele- 
phone girls  downtown  when  the  stork  walked  in  with  the 
new  baby  WEAF.  This  was  early  in  1922  and  the  young- 
ster even  then  was  reasonably  healthy.  He  did  not  quite 
know  what  to  do  with  it,  so  he  carried  it  from  34  Walker 
Street  to  19  5  Broadway,  where  they  will  take  in  anything, 
it  seems.  He  was  at  that  time  in  the  Commercial  De- 
partment of  the  New  York  Telephone  Company,  and  he 
at  once  became  identified  with  the  management  of  the 
new  WEAF,  in  the  capacity  of  commercial  manager. 
W.  E.  Harkness  was  then  station  manager,  and  the  first 
two  announcers  were  Vischer  Randall  and  A.  V.  Leufrio. 
Sammy  Ross  was  then  program  director — if  you  are  in- 
terested in  all  this  history — Helen  Hann,  first  accom- 
panist and  director  of  phonograph  records,  and  Marion 
Lamphere  was  mistress  of  programs. 

Things  were  not  so  hot  in  1922.  Broadcasting  was 
done  two  or  three  times  a  week — when  the  transmitter 
worked — and  sometimes  the  programs  went  "on"  but  not 
"out".  (A  program  may  be  on,  but  it  is  not  always,  out 
on  the  air!)  Jack  Truesdale  was  plant  manager  in  charge 
of  the  refractory  transmitter.  Sometimes  he  had  it  tamed 
and  obedient. 

George  Ford  McClelland  is  a  connoisseur  of  good  things. 
His  only  diversions  are  the  radio,  from  early  morning  until 
the  midnight  "sign  off'",  and  his  annual  vacation  in  Ha- 
vana, where  he  purchases  the  year's  supply  of  the  cele- 
brated Nemo  cigars.  His  popularity  is  astonishing 
throughout  the  works.  He  was  responsible  for  the  first 
transcontinental  broadcast,  and  for  the  first  commercial 
network  broadcast  . 

And    he    is    a    thoroughly    good 




Best   Selling  Popular   Songs   of   the  Month 

RADIO  floods  the  country's  homes  with  music  and  brings 
the  popular  songs  of  the  day  before  the  public  as  does 
no  other  medium.     In  fact,  most  of  these  songs  become 
popular   in   proportion    to    the   extent    to   which   they   please 
radio    listeners. 

Each  month  Radio  Revue  prints  here  the  names  of  the 
ten  best  selling  popular  songs  of  the  month.  For  the  past 
month,  as  compared  with  the  previous  month,  it  is  interest- 
ing to  note  that  Sin  gin'  in  the  Rain,  which  had  topped  the 
list,  has  dropped  to  fifth  place.  The  two  song  hits  of  the 
Gold  Diggers  of  Broadway,  Tiptoe  Through  the  Tulips  and 
Painting  the  Clouds  with  Sunshine,  have  moved  from  second 
and  third  places  to  first  and  second  places  respectively.  Loie 
Me  has   advanced    from   tenth   place   to   seventh. 

It  is  interesting  to  note  that  six  of  last  month's  Big  Ten 
have  dropped  out  of  the  group  entirely.  Such  stand-bys  as 
Am  I  Blue?,  Pagan  Love  Song,  Lovable  and  Siveet,  Song  of 
the  Nile,  Little  by  Little  and  Sleepy  Valley  have  been  re- 
placed by  //  /  Had  a  Talking  Picture  of  Yon,  Love,  My 
Sweeter  than  Sweet,  My  Fate  Is  in  Your  Hands,  I'm  a 
Dreamer;  Aren't  We  All?  and  A  Little  Kiss  Each  Morning. 
This  demonstrates  how  quickly  the  American  taste  in  popu- 
lar  music    changes. 

1 .  Tiptoe  Through  the  Tulips 

from  Gold  Diggers  of  Broadway. 

2.  Painting  the  Clouds  with  Sun- 

from  Gold  Diggers  of  Broadway. 

3.  If  I  Had  a  Talking  Picture  of 

from  Sit  ii n  y  Side  Up. 

4.  Love 

from   The   Trespasser. 

5.  Singin'  in  the  Rain 

from  Hollywood  Rente. 

6.  My  Sweeter  Than  Sweet 

from  Sweetie. 

7.  Love  Me 

8.  My  Fate  is  in  Your  Hands 

9.  I'm   a   Dreamer;    Aren't  We 

10.   A  Little  Kiss  Each  Morning 

from  The  Vagabond  Lover. 

Another  notable  fact  is  that  last  month,  of  the  ten  best 
selling  songs  listed,  nine  were'  theme  songs  from  talking  pic- 
tures, whereas  this  month's  list  contains  only  seven  theme 
songs  in  the  first  ten.  This  may  mean  that  the  theme-song 
idea  has  about  run  its  course  and  that  we  shall  shortly  see  a 
reversion   to   the  old   order. 

Browne   and   His   Banjo  Moulded   Career 

(Continued  from  page  20) 

shadow."  Unable  to  do  real  work  because  of  his  condi- 
tion, he  turned  to  the  lecture  platform.  He  travelled 
throughout  the  East  delivering  his  talk,  "Six  Months  With 
Uncle  Sam,"  in  which  he  embodied  all  the  elements  of 
drama  so  that  each  listener  would  feel  that  his  fifty  cents 
was  wisely  spent. 

When  it  appeared  to  Browne  that  every  one  who  so 
desired  had  heard  his  lecture,  he  decided  to  seek  a  career 
in  politics.  That  was  in  1900.  He  lost.  No  more  politi- 
cal aspirations.  But  the  odds  had  been  decidedly  against 
Browne.     He  spoke  for  William  Jennings  Bryan. 

Then  he  turned  to  the  "boards"  in  an  effort  to  elevate 
the  American  stage.  He  found  it  a  difficult  task,  but  for 
twenty-five  years  he  continued  in  his  efforts.  Whatever 
he  has  done  for  the  theatre,  he  believes  that  it  has  done 
much  for  him  in  return. 

During  the  last  ten  years  he  has  played  every  conceivable 
kind  of  a  part  in  comedy,  drama  and  tragedy,  and  for 
four  seasons  has  had  prominent  parts  in  musical  comedies. 
He  appeared  as  leading  man  with  Lillian  Russell,  Mary 
Ryan,  Rose  Stahl,  Frances  Starr,  Edith  Taliaferro  and 
Irene  Bordoni. 

Only  a  short  time  ago  he  appeared  in  the  leading  role  of 
Channing  Pollock's  "The  Fool',  succeeding  James  Kirk- 
wood.  His  last  engagement  in  the  theatre  was  the  por- 
trayal of  the  Rev.  Morrel  in  the  Actor's  Theatre  produc- 
tion of  "Candida",  by  Bernard  Shaw. 

Acted  With  Early   Movie   Stars 

Browne  also  was  with  many  of  the  stars  in  their  earlier 
moving  picture  successes.  He  played  opposite  Mary  Pick- 
ford  when  her  now  shorn  curls  were  just  coming  into 
prominence.  One  of  his  last  appearances  was  with  Con- 
stance Talmadge  in  "Scandal".  Between  these  two  pic- 
tures he  had  feature  roles  with  Mae  Murray,  Hazel  Dawn 
and  Corinne  Griffith. 

All  this  while  the  banjo  was  hibernating.  Finally  the 
opportunity  came.  The  Columbia  Phonograph  Co.  offered 
him  a  contract  to  record  his  numbers  with  his  own  accom- 

In  January,  1926,  George  Harrison  Phelps  saw  great 
radio  possibilities  in  this  versatile  man  and  offered  him  the 
management  of  Station  WGHP,  in  Detroit.  Browne  and 
his  wife  deliberated  as  to  the  possibilities  of  the  "Air"  and 
finally  decided  to  leave  the  good  ship  Drama  for  the 
shores  of  Radioland.  There  he  was  an  instantaneous  suc- 
cess. In  August,  1927,  he  joined  the  Columbia  Broadcast- 
ing System,  at  the  suggestion  of  Major  Andrew  White. 

Here  his  years  of  experience  in  the  dramatic  and  musical 
lines  stood  him  in  good  stead.  He  originated  and  produced 
the  Cap'n  Kid  program,  in  which  he  was  the  "Old  Rascal" 
himself.  He  later  portrayed  the  Cap'n  in  the  Buccaneers 
and  his  singing  in  the  opening  chorus  was  a  feature. 

Browne  takes  a  hand  in  everything  from  announcing — 
he  was  known  to  the  radio  public  as  the  "Voice  of  Co- 
lumbia"— to  heavy  "Mellerdrammer"  in  his  "Hank  Sim- 
mons's  Showboat",  one  of  radio's  most  popular  programs, 
now  in  its  fifteenth  month  over  the  Columbia  chain. 

JANUARY,      19  3  0 


Farmers  Want  Less  Jazz 

The  farmer  is  reported  to  be  highly  inter- 
ested in  the  movement  initiated  by  Secretary 
Wilbur  to  increase  educational  broadcasting. 

Farm  people  are  demanding  a  greater  num- 
ber of  educational  programs  and  will  take  full 
advantage  of  any  broadcast  that  brings  them 
knowledge  or  information,  says  Morse  Salisbury, 
chief  of  the  radio  service  of  the  Department  of 

Answers  to  questionnaires  regarding  the  im- 
provement of  programs  have  indicated  that  a 
large  percentage  of  farmers  believe  there  is  too 
much  jazz  music  on  the  air  and  that  they  would 
welcome  more  educational  features,  he  said. 
Surveys  have  shown  a  pronounced  demand  for 
more    talks,    for    old    songs    and    other    "good 

Will  Radio  Wonders  Never  Cease? 

{Continued  from  page  24) 

and  there  are  2,974  by  actual  count  in  each  microphone — 
is  stamped  with  the  letters  NBS.  This  was  found  neces- 
sary in  order  to  prevent  spurious  detection. 

With  the  development  of  the  left-handed  microphone 
the  NBS  found  it  necessary  to  establish  a  new  department 
which  will  be  known  as  the  Carbon  Particle  Audit  division 
and  which  will  be  in  charge  of  a  vice-president  as  is  the 
company's  wont.  Here  a  large  staff  of  expert  carbon  coun- 
ters will  be  kept  busy  each  day  checking  the  number  of  par- 
ticles in  the  microphones.  If,  through  fusion  or  coherence, 
the  number  of  particles  is  decreased  or  nullified,  the  pecu- 
liar functions  of  the  new  equipment  automatically  become 

The  new  type  of  microphone  will  be  demonstrated  dur- 
ing the  initial  broadcast  of  the  Kiwanis  Kapers  program, 
a  new  presentation  sponsored  by  Rotary  International, 
which  will  be  heard  through  a  shore-to-shore  broadcast 
over  a  network  of  stations  associated  with  the  Natural 
Broadcasting  System. 

Oscar  Writes  Margy  All  About  "Original 
Radio  Girl" 

(Continued  from  page  4) 

She  has  had  to  reject  three  counts  already. 

I  have  also  heard  some  other  interesting  things  about 
her,  Margy,  which  I  will  tell  you.  She  always  wears  ear- 
rings and  has  such  a  big  collection  she  could  change  them 
three  times  a  day  for  two  months  and  never  wear  the 
same  pair  twice.  She  has  a  farm  up  in  Connecticut  where 
she  lives  in  the  summer  and  she  likes  accordion  music — 
she  says  it  is  swell,  which  is  a  gag,  sort  of.  She  is  a  good 
cook  and  likes  to  give  parties  and  I  hope  to  be  invited 
someday  after  I  have  become  a  great  radio  tenor. 

Well,  Margy,  if  there  is  anything  more  you  want  to 
know  about  Miss  de  Leath  or  any  of  the  other  important 
radio  stars  just  ask  me  as  I  expect  I  will  know  them  all 
personally.  Now  I  have  to  run  up  to  Milton  Cross's 
house,  as  he  forgot  his  rubbers. 

Love  and  kisses, 


Life  Insurance! and   Annuities 

Herbert  L.  Westfall 

Special  Agent 

99  Warren  Street 

New  York  City 

Suite  122 

'Phone— BARclay  7169 










Is  Your 
Radio  Artist?  j 

—and  Wfvy.7  j 

'TpHE  Editors  of  Radio 
-*"  Revue  will  pay  Ten 
Dollars  for  the  best 
letter  on  this  subject  and 
Five  Dollars  for  the  sec- 
ond choice. 

Write  plainly  and  on 
one  side  of  the  paper 

Winners  will  be  an- 
nounced in  the  February 

S  Radio  Revue  I 

Six  Harrison  Street 
New  York,  N.Y. 

Ohio   Soprano   and   Georgia   Tenor  Win 
Atwater  Kent  Auditions 

{Continued  from  page  7) 

"Don't  let  it  worry  you,"  was  the  reply  of  an  NBC 
official  who  happened  to  overhear.  "Neither  of  the  last 
two  winners  wore  dinner  clothes." 

But  no  one  encouraged  Miss  Rowe  when  she  was  selected 
as  No.  1  and  asked  to  sing  first  by  telling  her  that  the 
No.  1  singer  had  been  adjudged  the  winner  for  the  past 
two  years.  She  did  not  learn  this  until  after  she  had 
cried  in  her  father's  arms  on  hearing  Graham  McNamee 
announce  her  name  to  radio  listeners  as  the  victor. 

Miss  Rowe's  soprano  voice  was  nourished  in  an  atmos- 
phere of  music.  Her  father,  Neill  O.  Rowe,  who  played 
the  accompaniment  to  her  "Shadow  Song,"  from 
"Dinorah,"  by  Meyerbeer  in  the  finals,  is  Dean  of  Music 
at  Wooster  College.     Her  mother  also  is  a  fine  musician. 

As  a  result,  Miss  Rowe  has  "been  singing  ever  since  I 
could  talk."  Three  years  ago,  when  she  was  eighteen,  she 
began  serious  voice  cultivation.  Since  then  she  has  been 
actively  identified  with  church  choirs,  the  Wooster  College 
Glee  Club,  the  Oratorio  Chorus,  the  Fortnightly  Club  and 
other  vocal  and  musical  organizations  in  her  home  town. 

Both  young  singers  will  be  heard  frequently  in  Atwater 
Kent  programs  through  the  NBC  System. 

Mr.  Fussy  Fan  Admits  He  is  a  "High  Brow" 

{Continued  from  page  18) 
get  too  much  for  nothing  and  hence  fail  properly  to  appre- 
ciate what  is  done  for  them.  Of  course,  some  method  of 
taxing  each  owner  of  a  radio  set  and  using  the  funds  so 
obtained  to  put  on  high  class  programs — such  as  is  done  in 
England — would  perhaps  have  been  the  most  effective 
means  of  stabilizing  the  industry.  However,  the  infant 
radio  grew  so  rapidly  and  to  such  vast  proportions  that 
there  was  no  holding  it. 

Will  the  present  system  continue,  or  will  there  be  an 
entirely  new  order?  What  will  be  the  result  when  tele- 
vision develops  to  the  point  where  millions  of  homes  have 
their  own  sets,  as  they  now  have  radio  receivers?  What 
would  happen  to  radio  if  the  Federal  Radio  Commission 
enacted  a  ruling  that  prohibited  chain  broadcasting?  These 
are  all  questions  that  face  the  radio  listener  who  is  in- 
terested  in   the   future  of   broadcasting.      Only   time   can 

answer  these  queries. 

»-. ■     m •-• 


{Continued  from  page  34) 

speech  into  the  microphone,  and  people  who  ought  to  know 
better  kneel  down  muttering  "The  Presence  is  here!" 

When  an  advertiser  takes  a  thousand  dollar  advertise- 
ment into  the  office  of  a  great  newspaper,  do  the  presses 
cease  to  function  and  does  the  editorial  force  rush  to  the 
street  with  red  carpets  and  servile  salutes?  They  do  not! 
And  the  sooner  the  radio  business  recognizes  that  the  ad- 
vertiser comes  into  its  halls  as  a  guest,  and  not  as  a  con- 
trolling and  paralyzing  influence,  the  happier  will  be  lots  of 
people  working  in  it. 

The  radio  business,  until  it  finds  some  other  dignified 
source  of  income,  will  have  to  take  the  advertiser's  money, 
we  presume.  But  do  not  let  us  witness  the  spectacle  of  a 
great  corporation  and  it  officers  kneeling  in  fear  and  trem- 
bling before  a  tin  merchant  "idol."  While  the  radio  busi- 
ness may  require  money,  does  it  need  it  as  badly  as  that? 

JANUARY,      19  3  0 


Mere  Man  Wins  First  Prize  in  Rudy  Vallee 

(Continued  from  page  27) 

Second  Prize  Letter 

I  was  glad  to  see  in  your  inaugural  issue  the  article  about  Rudy 
Vallee.  But  the  author — or  are  Ye  Editors  to  blame? — just  would 
bring  up  the  question  of  what  is  the  secret  of  Rudy's  success  with  the 
women.  As  if  anyone  really  knew — excepting  Rudy!  I  don't  pre- 
tend to  know,  but  I  have  views  on  the  subject. 

In  the  first  place,  the  women  aren't  in  love  with  Rudy  at  all,  but 
with  everything  that  he  stands  for — love  and  romance.  From  the 
very  beginning  of  our  country's  history,  when  the  first  Priscilla  helped 
her  John  Alden  along  the  uncertain  roads  of  courtship,  to  the  present 
day,  when  the  more  aggressive  "boy-friend"  practically  sweeps  his 
lady-love  off  her  feet,  so  to  speak,  the  American  women  have  been 
the  soul  of  romance,  living  for  love,  calling  for  it,  ever  searching  for 

But  they  are  not  so  fortunate  as  the  women  from  European  coun- 
tries— France,  Italy,  Spain — whose  husbands  are  lovers  even  after  mar- 
riage. In  America,  when  a  man  wins  his  wife  and  marries  her,  that 
one  part  of  his  job  is  done.  He  has  told  her  he  loves  her,  proved  it 
by  marrying  her — what  more  does  she  want — what  more  could  she 
want?  He  doesn't  realize — or  doesn't  he  care — that  her  life  is  love — 
that  she  wants  always  to  be  loved,  and  to  love.  That  is  where  Rudy 
Vallee    comes    in. 

Calls   Rudy   the   Eternal   Lover 

He  is  the  eternal  lover — and  the  little  boy  at  the  same  time.  He 
loves — and  is  loved  copiously  by  these  women.  Always  breathing 
romance,  singing  the  praises  of  love,  enrapturing  his  phantom  sweet- 
heart with  his  ardent  whisperings,  and  at  the  same  time  yearning  for 
his  own  dream  girl — he  makes  the  women  believe  that  each  one  is 
the  only  one — that  she  alone  is  his  beloved.  To  the  young  girl  he 
is  the  personification  of  her  ideal — tall,  handsome,  blond,  strong  and 
tender — her  dream  lover  come  to  life,  with  the  sweetest  voice  in  the 
world  and  the  heart  of  gold — come  to  find  her. 

To  the  flapper,  he  is  the  antithesis  of  her  modern  jazz-mad  "boy- 
friend." He  is  everything  that  is  quiet,  modest,  sweet,  charming  and 

But  to  them  all  he  is  the  same — a  romantic  figure,  unapproachable, 
distant,  indifferent  to  their  worship — always  foreign,  yet  all  the  more 
lovable  for  it.  He  is  beloved  of  them  all.  And  he  doesn't  seem  to  care 
— except  that  he  is  giving  them  happiness,   and   is  glad  of  it. 

Again,  I  say,  it  is  not  the  real,  every-day  commonplace  Rudy  that 
his  friends  know  and  love  for  himself,  with  whom  the  women  are  in 
love,  but  the  atmosphere  with  which  he  has  surrounded  himself.  And 
until  that  atmosphere  disappears;  until  the  American  man  warms  up 
a  bit — which  is  doubtful;  until  the  American  woman  becomes  cold 
to  love — which  is  not  only  doubtful,  but  equally  impossible;  and  until 
Rudy  loses  his  voice — or,  which  is  worse,  becomes  married  and  loses 
his  romance — (for  he  is  only  human,  after  all) — until  then,  Rudy 
Vallee  will  continue  to  be  a  success  with  the  ladies,  and  his  success  a 
mystery   to   the   men. — Catherine   Oest,   Yonkers,   N.    Y. 

New  Women's  Hour  Series  on  CBS 

The  greatest  institution  of  service  for  women  yet  fur- 
nished by  radio  is  now  offered  by  the  Columbia  Broad- 
casting System,  in  conjunction  with  the  National  Radio 
Homemakers  Club,  of  which  Ida  Bailey  Allen  is  president. 
According  to  Ida  Bailey  Allen,  under  whose  supervision  the 
new  series  will  be  conducted,  a  real  women's  magazine 
of  the  air  has  been  established,  in  which  all  matters  of 
interest  to  housewives  are  treated  completely  in  depart- 
mentalized broadcasts.  Furthermore,  the  various  subjects 
are  balanced  in  such  a  manner  that  no  one  will  receive 
more  attention  than  another. 

The  plan,  as  it  has  now  been  completely  developed, 
entails  the  broadcasting  of  two  hours  daily,  excepting 
Saturdays  and  Sundays,  on  subjects  of  interest  to  women. 
The  hours  between  10  A.  M.  and  12  noon,  eastern  standard 
time,  have  been  selected  as  the  most  effective  to  reach  the 
audience  most  interested  in  the  material  to  be  presented. 
This  constitutes  a  new  record  in  the  matter  of  actual  time 
devoted  daily  and  continuously  by  any  network  to  broad- 
cast for  an  exclusively  feminine  audience. 

and  Best  Wishes 
r     1 



Do  a 

Good  Turn 
For  a  Friend 

If  you  know  somebody  who  is  an 
ardent  radio  fan  and  is  interested  in 
what  is  on  the  air,  why  not  send  him  a 
year's  subscription  to  Radio  Revue 
with  your  compliments? 

Or,  if  there  is  some  one  "back  home" 
who  would  like  to  know  more  about 
how  broadcasting  is  done  and  who 
does  it,  just  fill  in  the  blank  below  and 
send  it  to  us.    We  will  do  the  rest. 

One  Year,   $2.00;  Two  Years,   $3.00 

Six  Harrison  Street 
New  York,  N.  Y. 

Gentlemen : 

Please  enter  my  subscription  to  RADIO  REVUE 

for   .........   years.     I  enclose   Dollars  in 

cash,  check,  currency  to  cover. 


Street  Number 

P.  O. 


1929  Greatest  Year  in  the  History  of  Radio 

{Continued  from  page  9) 

near  Cincinnati  were  covered  from  an  airplane,  and  a 
little  later  a  demonstration  of  refueling  in  mid-air  over 
New  York  was  also  covered  from  a  plane.  May  1 8  brought 
the  famous  Kentucky  Derby.  The  Fort  Worth  endurance 
fliers  made  their  record  in  the  same  month,  which  finished 
with  the  radio  opera  premiere  and  the  Indianapolis  Speed- 
way 5  00-mile  auto  race. 

Early  in  June  we  broadcast  a  flying  memorial  service  to 
aviators  who  had  lost  their  lives  in  attempting  to  fly  the 
Atlantic,  and  in  the  same  month  we  presented  from  Old 
Orchard  Beach  the  take-off  of  Roger  Williams  and  Lewis 
Yancy,  who  made  it.  We  also  had  the  Harvard-Yale  boat 
race,  the  Poughkeepsie  regatta  and  the  broadcast  from  un- 
der Niagara  Falls. 

July  was  marked  by  three  events  in  the  world  of  avia- 
tion: Williams  and  Yancy  were  given  New  York  City's 
official  welcome  on  their  return  to  the  United  States,  and 
the  stories  of  two  more  endurance  flights,  those  of  Mendell 
and  Reinhart  and  Mitchell  and  Newcombe,  were  broad- 
cast. The  same  month  also  brought  the  Thanksgiving 
service  from  London. 

A  parachute  jumper  broadcast  his  sensations  as  he  was 
falling  through  the  air  on  August  12,  and  much  of  the 
rest  of  the  month  the  world  was  watching  the  goings  and 
comings  of  the  Graf  Zeppelin.  The  ship  arrived  in  Lake- 
hurst  from  Germany  on  August  4  and  returned  at  the 
end  of  its  around-the-world  flight  on  August  29,  and  in 
the  interim  every  movement  was  covered  by  press  asso- 
ciation bulletins  and  reporters  stationed  on  both  coasts. 

Gloria  Swanson  sang  from  London  for  an  American 
audience  on  September  5,  and  two  days  later  we  rebroad- 
cast  the  Schneider  cup  races.  Sergeant  Alvin  C.  York, 
the  World  War  hero,  returned  to  the  public  eye  by  way  of 
the  microphone  and  Sir  Harry  Lauder  used  the  microphone 
for  the  first  time  to  keep  in  the  public  eye. 

In  October  Jack  Dempsey  went  on  the  air  during  the 
Fields-Dundee  match  in  Chicago,  the  World's  Series  opened, 
and  Premier  J.  Ramsey  MacDonald  arrived  from  England 
to  talk  peace  with  President  Hoover.  A  Canadian  station 
was  added  to  the  NBC  network  to  present  the  Premier's 
addresses.  Leopold  Stokowski  began  his  broadcasts,  Walter 
Damrosch  came  back  to  the  air  with  his  programs  for 
schools,  the  Light's  Golden  Jubilee  program  presented  Al- 
bert Einstein  from  Germany  and  President  Hocver,  Thomas 
A.  Edison  and  Henry  Ford  from  Dearborn,  the  football 
season  opened  and  a  Holland  program  was  rebroadcast. 

October  and  November  brought  the  New  York  City 
mayoralty  campaign  to  the  microphone,  and  early  in  the 
latter  month  Mayor  Walker,  who  had  spoken  half  a  dozen 
times  earlier  in  the  year,  welcomed  the  Russian  fliers  to 
the  city.  The  Chicago  Civic  Opera  programs  opened 
with  the  dedication  of  a  new  opera  house,  President  Hoover 
made  his  Armistice  Day  address  from  Arlington  Ceme- 
tery; a  Puccini  opera  was  broadcast  for  the  first  time  in  the 
United  States,  and  John  McCormack  came  back  to  the  air. 

Early  December  brought  Secretary  Mellon,  an  abstract 
of  President  Hoover's  message  to  the  new  Congress,  and 
President  Hoover's  address  to  the  members  of  the  per- 
manent business  conference.  Leaders  in  the  Governmental 
and  financial  worlds  also  came  to  the  microphone  in  a 
series  of  talks  on  economic  subjects. 

What!!  a  laxative 

for  loveluieA^  r 




IT  may  seem  strange  to  you  —  bring- 
ing this  word  "laxative"  into  a  dis- 
cussion of  beauty!  And — what,  pray, 
has  a  laxative  to  do  with  creams  and 
lotions,  with  fair  complexions  and 
young  and  supple  skins? 

It  has  a  great  deal  to  do  with  them ! 
It  is  almost  all- important!  For,  unless 
you  keep  clean  internally,  your  skin  is 
bound  to  suffer,  and  will  always  lack 
the  clear,  fresh  bloom  which  every 
woman  wants ! 

Those  tiny  blemishes  which  baffle 
the  cleverest  cosmetics  can  be  defeated  by 
Sal  Hepatica!  Women  who  know  the 
saline  method,  who  use  salines  as  the 

family  laxative,  know  how  quickly  they 
purify  the  bloodstream  and  bring  new 
color  and  translucence  to  the  cheek. 

In  Europe,  the  wonderful  saline 
springs  have  for  years  been  thronged 
with  men  and  women  sent  there  by 
their  physicians  to  drink  the  saline 
waters  for  the  sake  of  their  complexions 
and  their  health. 

Oal  Hepatica  is  the  American  equiva- 
lent of  these  saline  springs.  It  rids  the 
body  of  poisons  and  acidities.  That  is 
why  its  use  is  a  great  relief  for  head- 
aches, colds,  rheumatism,  auto-intoxi- 
cation, constipation,  indigestion,  com- 

plexion disorders  and  many  other  ills. 

Sal  Hepatica,  taken  before  breakfast, 
is  speedy  in  its  action.  Rarely,  indeed, 
does  it  fail  to  act  within  thirty  minutes. 

Get  a  bottle  today.  Whenever  con- 
stipation threatens  your  complexion 
with  blemishes  and  "broken  out"  spots, 
take  Sal  Hepatica.  And  send  now  the 
coupon  for  the  booklet  which  tells  in 
detail  how  Sal  Hepatica  keeps  your  skin 
fresh  and  free  from  blemishes  and  how 
it  relieves  many  common  family  ills. 

Sristol -Myers  Co.,Dept.RR-l  29,71  West  St.,N.Y. 
Kindly  send  me  the  Free  Booklet  that  explains 
more  fully  the  many  benefits  of  Sal  Hepatica. 

$al  |-]epatica 





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Help  him  move  them  as  well  as 
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r        mm 


In  This  Issue: 

Norman  Brokenshire 

Jessica  Dragonette 

Graham  McNamee 

Andy  Sannella 

Nit  Wit  Hour 

Mary  and  Bob 

1  Phil  Cook 

Other'  Features 


from  the  Studios  of 

Donald  McGill 



American  Opera  Company 




33  West  67th  Street 
New  York 

Telephone:   Trafalgar    8063 

Adele    Vasa 

Coloratura  Soprano 
American  Opera  Company 

Brownie  Peebles 


Canadian  National 



American  Opera  Company 

Mary  Silveira 
Lyric   Coloratura   Soprano 

American  Opera  Company 

FEB  ^  m° 

©C1B    60264 


FOR       THE       LISTEAfER 

Volume  I  Number  3  February,  1930 


On  the  Cover:  Norman  Brokenshire By  Gaspano  Ricca 

Jessica    Dragonette    (Photograph)  2 

What  Light  Opera  Role  Do  I  Love  Most  to  Play? By  Jessica  Dragonette  3 

The  Muscular  Diva :    By  Clifford  McBride  6 

What  Price  Announcing! By  Norman  Brokenshire  7 

Andy  Sannella — a  Real  Miracle  Man  of  Music   By  Herbert  Devins  10 

Andy  Sannella    By  Gaspano  Ricca  1 1 

Have  You  a  Little  Nit  Wit  in  Your  Home? By  William  Schudt,  Jr.  13 

Taught  Self  to  Play  Banjo — Roy  Smeck  Now  Teaches  Thousands,  By  Dai  id  Casein  16 

McNamee  "a  Great  Guy,"  Oscar  Writes  His  Girl  Friend,  Margy 

By  P.  H.  W.  Dixon  17 

"Quaker  Girl"  Starred  on  Broadway   (Photograph)  19 

Rector  Again  Points  Way  to  Epicurean  Delights                By  Florence  Smith  Vincent  20 

Radio's  One-Man  Show,  Phil  Cook,  Is  Marvel  of  Versatility,  By  Gene  Mulholland  21 

Mary  and  Bob  Start  Their  Third  Year  of  Air  Wandering By  Jeanctte  Barnes  23 

One  of  the  Immortals By  Martha  Beattie  24 

A  Case  for  Television   (Photographs)  2  5 

Majestic  Hour  Experiment  Portends  New  Era  in  Conducting              By  Bruce  Gray  26 

An  Open  Letter  to  Mr.  Average  Fan  from  Mrs.  Upstate  Listener 28 

Static  from  the  Studios    30 

New  Meteor  Flashes  Across  "Blue  Heaven" By  Walter  Preston  3  1 

Ether    Etchings     3  2 

Editorials      34 

Challenging  the  Grownups    (Photographs)  3  6 

Program  Notes   37 

Enrique  Madriguera,  Master  of  Jazz  and  the  Classics 3  8 

Listeners'  Forum 3  9 

Radio  in  the  Home (Edited  by  Mrs.  Julian  Heath)  40 

The  Announcer  Speaks  for  Himself:  Marley  Sherris 42 

The  Big  Ten — Best  Selling  Popular  Songs  of  the  Month      44 

A  Typical  Radio  Week By  Joyce  Sears  44 

The  Itinerant  Listener — "He  Tunes  In  and  Reports  at  Random" 46 

Bruce  Gray,  Editor 

Contributing  Editors: 

Allen  Haglund  H.   Raymond   Preston 

Mrs.  Julian  Heath  Walter  H.  Preston 

Willie   Perceval-Monger     K.  Trenholm 

Published  monthly  by  RADIO  REVUE,  INC.,  Six  Harrison  Street,  New  York.  N.  Y..  Telephone:  Walker  2677-2678:  Uptown  Office: 
Room  1215,  Hotel  Knickerbocker.  120  West  45th  Street.  New  York,  N.  Y..  H.  Raymond  Preston,  President:  Benjamin  F.  Rowland, 
Vice- President;  Walter  H.  Preston,  Secretary  and  Treasurer ;  George  Q.  Burkett.  Advertising  Manager.  Manuscripts  and  photo- 
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Subscription  Prices:    United    States,    $2;    Canada,    $2.50;    Foreign,    $3;    Single   Copies,    25c 


Jessica  Dragonette 

NBC  Soprano  as  Nadina  Popoff  in  "The  Chocolate  Soldier" 
Composing  a  Letter  to  Lieutenant  Bumerli 

F  EBRU  ARY  ,     19  3  0 

what  Light  Opera  Role 

Do  I  hove  Most 

to  Play  ? 

Frankly,  says  the 
dainty  NBC  prima 
donna,  it  is  difficult 
to  single  out  any  one, 
since  each  character 
has  its  own  particu- 
lar hire  and  fascina- 

Having  played  sixty- 
five  roles  over  a  per- 
iod of  two  and  a  half 
years,  the  erstwhile 
leading  lady  of  the 
Phil  co  Hour,  NBC, 
attempts  to  analyze 
the  best  known  char- 
acters and  discover  a 


WHAT  character  do  I  love  most  to  play?  I  have 
been  asked  that  question  so  many  times!  Frankly, 
it  is  difficult  to  single  out  any  one,  since  each 
character  has  its  own  particular  lure  and  fascination. 
While  I  am  playing  Fiji  in  Mile.  Modiste,  for  instance,  I 
think  she  is  my  favorite;  or,  again,  if  it  is  Sylvia  in  Sweet- 
hearts, I  am  sure  she  is — and  so  it  goes  with  all  the  light 
opera  personalities  I  portray. 

As  far  back  as  I  can  remember  I  have  loved  to  imper- 
sonate people.  As  a  child,  I  was  permitted  to  go  to  the 
theatre  once  a  year — that  was  on  my  birthday!  That 
day  stood  out  as  a  notable  day  indeed.     I  was  passionately 

fond  of  the  theatre.  For  weeks  afterwards  I  would  act 
the  entire  play  for  my  playmates,  taking  all  the  parts  my- 
self. What  was  a  childish  game  has  grown  into  a  de- 
lightful and  absorbing  occupation. 

Character-study  is  of  all  studies  the  most  intriguing 
to  me.  In  the  subway,  on  the  street,  in  the  theatre,  the 
market  place,  at  tea,  in  department  stores,  in  restaurants 
— wherever  people  are — I  find  myself  absorbed  with 
countless  mannerisms  and  iodiosyncrasies  that  go  to  make 
up  characterizations.  The  way  people  walk,  talk,  act; 
the  way  they  use  their  hands,  all  these  things  interest  me. 
These  bits  of  life  that  I  have  from  time  to  time  observed 


are  tucked  away  in 
the  pigeon-holes  of 
my  mind  and  un- 
c  o  n  s  ciously  find 
their  way  into  the 
building  of  a 

Must   Know 
Proper  Walk 

"But  why",  you 
may  ask,  "must 
you  know  how  a 
character  walks  in 
order  to  play  her 
over  the  radio?" 
Oh,  but  I  must 
know!  The  walk 
sets  the  tempo  of 
the  scene.  Long 
before  my  en- 
trance  in  Mile. 
Modiste,  for  exam- 
ple, I  was  walking 
up  and  down  in 
the  studio,  looking 
back  to  see  if  the 
gentleman  was  still 
follow  ing  me. 
Otherwise,  I  could 
never  have  given  a 
true  picture  of 
Fiji,  out  of  breath 
and    expectant,     during     the     scene     with     Hiram     Bent. 

Do  you  remember  the  scene 
between  Barbara  and  the  two 
soldier-deserters  in  My  Mary- 
land? Barbara  cajoles  the  men 
with  a  song  about  "Old  John 
Barleycorn"  and  gets  them 
intoxicated.  She  knows  they 
intend  to  kill  her  lover,  Cap- 
tain Trumbull,  when  he  passes 
the  house  where  they  are  bar- 
ricaded. Barbara  shoots  one 
of  the  men  just  as  he  is  aim- 
ing to  kill  Trumbull.  She  has 
saved  her  lover,  she  knows, 
but  the  strain  of  the  situation 
has  made  her  hysterical.  She 
alternately  laughs  and  cries.  I 
was  truly  weeping  in  the  cli- 
max of  this  scene,  but  the 
crescendo  began  with  the  ca- 
joling of  the  two  men. 

Before  I  do  a  scene,  I  ask 
myself  certain  questions: 
Where  is  my  character  com- 
ing from?  Where  is  she  go- 
ing? What  has  she  been  do- 
ing? Whom  has  she  seen? 
This  helps  me  to  play  the 
scene  in  the  right  mood  and 
proper  atmosphere. 

As  Marietta,  in  "Naughty  Marietta" 

Leaving    by   Aeroplane    to    Fill   a    Concert    Engage- 
ment in  Baltimore.    Left  to  Right:  Robert  Simmons, 
tenor;  Jessica;  Kathleen  Stewart,  pianiste,  and  H.  P. 
di    Lima,    NBC    Representative. 

Fusion  of  Music  and  Drama 

In  light  opera,  there  is,  of  course,  the  two-fold  inter- 
pretation, the  musical  as  well  as  the  dramatic.  They  are 
so  completely  united,  however,  that  it  is  difficult  to  divorce 
one  from  the  other.  Rather  the  one  enhances  the  other. 
For  example,  Arms  and  the  Man,  by  George  Bernard  Shaw, 
is  complete  drama.  In  The  Chocolate  Soldier  the  drama 
is  heightened  a  hundredfold  by  Oscar  Straus's  music. 

I  shall  never  forget  the  first  character  I  created  in  light 
opera  over  the  air.  It  was  The  Merry  Widow,  which  I 
have  since  played  several  times.  I  had  never  done  any- 
thing like  it  before  and  all  sorts  of  difficulties  loomed  up 
— principally  the  fact  that  I  was  playing  Sonia  to  Mr. 
Donald  Brian's  Danilo.  He  had  created  Prince  Danilo 
some  twenty  years  before.  How  was  he  going  to  be  recon- 
ciled to  me!  I  was  so  1927!  Suddenly  I  thought  Merry 
Widow  and  gradually  I  felt  her  personality  descending 
upon  me.  I  was  no  longer  myself — in  fact,  I  was  left  far 
behind,  still  wondering,  while  another  I,  as  Sonia,  joyfully 
sang  The  Merry  Widow! 

Of  course,  one  naturally  likes  best  the  character  one 
admires  most  or  finds  most  appealing.  The  tastes  and 
sympathies  of  my  audience  are  varied  and  definitely  selec- 
tive. Everyone  does  not  like  Zorika  in  Gypsy  Love.  Yet 
someone  else  prefers  the  dark,  romantic  girl  far  beyond 
the  quaint  and  prim  Prudence  of  The  Quaker  Girl.  It  is 
only  by  loving  all  my  characters  that  I  can  understand 
their  varied  personalities. 

Radio   Enables   True   Portrayal 

Some  times  an  actress  on  the  stage  cannot  play  a  cer- 
r.ji".  character  because  of  too  great  physical  differences. 
This  fact  has  made  for  "type"-casting,  which  is  discussed 

.  so  frequently  in  the  theatre. 
Radio,  of  course,  removes 
this  handicap.  Since  the  es- 
sence of  personality  is  mental 
and  emotional,  the  radio  ac- 
tress who  can  project  with 
mind  and  spirit  the  potent 
qualities  of  her  role  gives,  per- 
haps, a  truer  portrayal  than 
does  the  actress  on  the  stage 
who  merely  "looks"  the  part. 
All  this  is  not  as  difficult 
to  arrive  at  as  it  would  appear. 
With  certain  basic  principles 
set  down,  characterization  be- 
comes a  matter  rather  of  com- 
bination. First  of  all,  a  char- 
acter must  be  universal  in 
soul.  Then  whatever  exter- 
nal qualities  are  added  must 
be  inevitable,  potent  and  sure. 
Weave  through  this  human 
being,  in  varying  combina- 
tions, charm,  caprice,  subtlety, 
lovableness,  gayety,  mischief, 
generosity,  wit,  courage,  gal- 
lantry, or  naivete;  add  to  these 
qualifications  situations  like 
poverty,  riches,  loneliness, 
boredom,    ambition,    and    you 

F  EBRU  ARY ,     19  3  0 

have      material      for      a      thousand      characterizations. 

But  still  you  ask:  "What  character  do  you  love  most  to 
play?"  Let  me  see — I  have  played  some  sixty-five  roles 
over  a  period  of  two  and  a  half  years.  Perhaps  if  I  re- 
view some  of  them  I  may  discover  preferences. 

Marietta,  in  Naughty  Marietta  is  dear  to  me  because 
of  her  mischievous  fiery  Italian  temperament.  Her  moods 
are  as  scintillating  as  the  stars.  She  is  April,  laughing 
one  moment  and  weeping  the  next.  Her  personality  is 
all  bright  darts  until,  slowly  and  like  a  flower  unfolding, 
you  see  her  romantic  nature  bloom. 

Cannot  Part  With  Angele 

Angele,  in  The  Count  of  Luxembourg,  is  very  different. 
She  is  French  and  her  flashes  of  personality  contrast 
markedly  with  the  little  Italian  girl.  Angele  is  taller  and 
more  beautiful.  Besides,  Marietta  has  a  title  and  Angele 
is- marrying  for  one,  so  .  .  .  being  an  actress  her  charm 
is  heightened  ten  times.  She  is  graceful,  poised,  gay  and 
subtle.  She  has  humor,  too — and  a  certain  good  sports- 
manship which  she  adequately  displays  in  her  beautiful 
opening  aria  "Love,  Good-Bye!"  No,  no,  I  cannot  part 
with  Angele! 

Do  you  remember  O  Mimosa  San,  the  dainty  fluttering 
little  creature  in  The  Geisha?  And  Kafhie,  the  blonde, 
vital,  laughing  barmaid  in  The  Student  Prince?  From 
her  first  rippling  laugh  in  the  first  act  to  her  "Good-bye 
Heidelberg"  tears  in  the  last,  I  love  her. 

Then  there  are  Babette,  Zoradie  in  The  Rose  of  Algeria, 
Gretchen  and  Tina  in  The  Red  Mill;  Elaine  in  The  Debu- 
tante; Mary  and  Jane  in  The  Babes  in  Toyland;  Vivien  in 
The  Enchantress;  Greta  in  The  Singing  Girl;  Irma  in  The 
Fortune-Tcller,  Seraphina  in  The  Madcap  Dutchess;  Eileen 
and  Rosie  Flynn  in  Eileen — all  of  these  are  beloved  Vic- 
tor Herbert  roles — Flora  and 
Janet,  so  sweet  and  heathery 
in  de  Koven's  Rob  Roy;  An- 
itza,  thoroughly  Americanized 
by  George  Cohan,  in  The 
Royal  Vagabond. 

Princess  Pat,  a  girl  to  dream 
about,  poured  forth  her  ro- 
mantic soul  in  some  of  Her- 
bert's loveliest  music,  "Love 
is  the  Best  of  All";  "All  for 
You,"  and  "I  Need  Affection, 
oh,  so  Much!" 

Ottilie  of  the  Mauve 

Ottilie,  in  Maytime  is  Amer- 
ican, quaint  and  of  the  mauve 
decade.  She  is  the  girl  who 
tells  her  lover  in  the  first  act 
"Your  arm  is  like  a  pump- 
handle, — there's  no  cuddle  to 
it!"  This  same  girl  grows 
older  and  older  throughout 
the  play,  until  she  finally  ap- 
pears as  a  grandmother. 

Throughout  the  whole  time 
and  space  of  the  play  she  has 
never  forgotten  the  words  of 

"Uncle   Bob"   Sherwood,   last  of  Barnum's   Clowns, 

Congratulates  Jessica  on  her  recent  Debut  as  exclusive 

Soloist  on  the  Cities  Service  Hour,  NBC.    Conductor 

Rosario  Bourdon  seconds  the  Motion. 

her  lover,  and  they 
echo  from  genera- 
tion to  generation 
"To  life's  last 
faint  ember,  will 
you  reme  m  b  e  r? 
Springtime!  Love- 
time!     May!" 

I  could  go  on 
and  enumerate  still 
more  characters, 
all  dear  to  me. 
They  pass  the 
horizon  of  my 
memory  like  de- 
lightful dreams 
each  leaving  a  fa- 
miliar  footfall. 

The  business  of 
the  artist,  whether 
she  be  singer  or 
actress,  is  to  trans- 
f  e  r  feeling.  A 
great  many  people 
think  that,  if  an 
actress  is  to  por- 
tray anger,  she 
must  do  it  with 
contorted  face, 
clenched  fists 
shouting  and  arm- 
waving.  Yet  we 
readily  admit  that 
in     real     life     the 

greatest   emotion   is   expressed   with    the   least    vehemence. 

We  read  that  Wendell  Phil- 
lips (who  probably  had  a 
greater  effect  upon  his  audi- 
ences than  any  other  orator 
of  any  age)  seldom  made  a 
gesture  and  seldom  raised  his 
voice.  On  what,  then,  did  his 
success  depend?  I  believe,  in 
his  ability  to  project  feeling, 
which  at  once  becomes  the 
absorbing  problem  of  the  ra- 
dio artist. 

Must    Transfer    Feelings    to 

The  dramatist  or  musician 
has  woven  certain  feelings 
into  character,  incident,  scene 
or  story.  When  these  feel- 
ings in  their  utmost  power 
have  been  transferred  by  the 
artist  to  the  listener,  so  that 
he,  too,  is  infected  with  them, 
the   cycle   of   art   is   complete. 

Which  role  do  I  love  most 
to  play?  I  really  cannot  name 
any  one.  I  love  them  all — 
but  principally  the  one  I  hap- 
pen to  be  playing. 

As   Fifi,   in    "Mile.    Modiste.' 


The  Muscular  Diva 

By  Clifford  McBride 

Courtesy  of  the  McNaught  Syndicate. 

F  EBRU  AR  Y  ,     19  3  0 

What  Price 



Why  is  it  that  those  "old 
timers,"  who  have  become 
real  personalities  to  thou- 
sands of  listeners  tlyrough 
their  announcing  since  the 
beginning  of  radio,  are 
now  heard  so  seldom} 

Let  those  who  have  list- 
ened to  radio  consistently 
recall  the  names  of  an- 
nouncers who  began  seven, 
six  or  even  five  years  ago 
— where  are  the  owners  of 
those  names  now? 


THE  announcer  is  dead!  Long  live  the  announcer! 
Why  is  it  that  the  better  a  radio  announcer  becomes, 
the  less  he  is  heard?  Why  is  it  that  those  "old  tim- 
ers," who  have  become  real  personalities  to  thousands  of 
listeners  through  their  announcing  since  the  beginning  of 
radio,  are  now  heard  so  seldom?  These  and  numerous 
other  questions  of  similar  nature  come  to  me  so  often  that 
I  ani  sure  a  true  story  of  the  evolution  of  the  art  of  an- 
nouncing, and  an  unvarnished  picture  of  the  announcer 
is  due  the  listener. 

Seven  years  is  a  long  time  to  spend  in  any  type  of  work. 
Especially  is  this  true  when  those  seven  years  are  spent 
with  an  infant  industry,  and  my  seven  years  in  radio  an- 
nouncing constitute  the  years  of  growth.  If  a  boy,  seven 
years  ago  began  as  an  office  clerk  and  attended  diligently 
to  his  duties,  he  would  now  be  a  proud  assistant  to  the 
office  manager,  if  not  the  manager  himself.     Let  a  youth 

go  into  apprenticeship,  seven  years  later  will  find  him  an 
expert.  I  know  personally  a  young  man  who  took  a  place 
as  an  usher  in  one  of  the  largest  theatres  in  New  York  City 
—five  years  later  he  was  house  manager  over  two  hundred 
employes.  And  so  it  goes  in  all  the  ordinary  walks  of  life, 
but  not  so  in  this  new  industry. 

Let  those  who  have  listened  to  radio  consistently  recall 
the  names  of  announcers  who  began  seven,  six,  or  even 
five  years  ago — where  are  the  owners  of  those  names  now? 
If  they  turned  out  to  be  good  announcers,  they  are  still 
announcing;  if  not,  they  have  fallen  by  the  old  familiar 

What  Has  Happened  in  Announcing? 

A  fellow  does  not  have  to  believe  in  the  Darwin  theory 
to  know  that  progress  is  inevitable.     At  least,  individuals 



do  not  stand  still; 
they  either  ad- 
vance or  retro- 
grade. So,  let  us 
look  into  this 
matter  thorough- 
ly and  see  what 
has  happened  to 
the  art  of  an- 
nouncing— a  very 
important  and  vi- 
tal part  in  broad- 

We  must,  first 
of  all,  remember 
that  broadcast- 
ing, when  it  be- 
gan, was  not  at 
a  1 1     commercial. 

Time  was  not  sold  and  artists  were  not  paid 
was  a  novelty  that  brought  certain  attentio 
those  who  owned  the  station  and  those  w 
entertained.    In  the  case  of  the  larger  com- 
panies who  broadcast,  it  was  a  matter  of 
experimentation    to    see    what    could    be 
developed  in  this  new  field  of  commu- 
nication.     Even    then    it    was    realized 
that   a   complicated   organization   was 

There  was  a  great  divide  between 
the  business  and  artistic  sides.     Who 
should  be  chosen  to  manage  a  broad- 
casting   station?       A    business    sense 
was  necessary,  for  the  expenses  were 
large.     An  artistic  sense  was  necessary, 
for    there    were   programs    to    be    con- 
structed and  presented.     A  mechanical . 
sense  was  necessary,  for  broadcasting  was 
an  intricate  process.  Unlike  other  organi- 
zations, it  was  not  a  step  by  step  building, 
wherein  one  position  led  to  and  trained  for 
next,  but  it  was  one  of  complete  contrasts. 

The  operating  staff  was  essential,  of 
course.  Then  came  the  managerial  staff, 
and  then  the  compromise — the  announcer 
who  was  the  go-between.  He  it  was  who 
found  out  what  the  manager  wanted  in 
the  way  of  talent,  and  then  used  his  con- 
nections to  invite  the  proper  artist  to 
participate  at  the  proper  times.  He  it 
was  who  found  out  just  what  the  oper- 
ators wanted  by  way  of  placement  and 
arranged  with  his  artists  to  stand  just  so 
and  sing  or  play  just  so.  He  it  was  who, 
by  means  of  letters  from  the  listeners, 
found  out  what  the  public  wanted  and 
how  they  wanted  what  they  wanted  an- 

The  Program  of  the  Early  Days 

And  so  it  is  evident  that  there  were 
many  sides  to  the  work  of  announcing 
in  the  early  days  that  were  not  realized 
by  the  listeners.     I  recall  very  distinctly 

Introducing  Jack  Dempsey  over  the  CBS. 

At  Atlantic  City  in  1925,  Nor- 
man chose  this  Beauty  as  "Miss 

The  Reading  Railroad  Revelers,  an  early  WJZ  Feature, 
obtain  Local  Color.  Left  to  right:  Bob  Newton,  Herb 
Glover,  Elliot  Shaw,  Ed  Smalle,  Norman,  Wilfred  Glenn 

the   execution   of    a    program    then. 

When  the  announcer  came  on  duty,  he 
would  look  about  to  see  who  of  his  invited 
guests  had  come.  Then,  with  pencil  and 
paper  he  would  visit  with  each  one  or  group 
and  find  out  what  music  they  had  with 
them.  With  these  notations  in  hand,  he 
would  hastily  balance  the  program  and  then 
put  them  "on  the  air".  He  had  to  see  that 
the  artists  began  on  time  and  finished  on 
time.  He  placed  them  for  balance,  he 
cheered  them  and  gave  them  courage,  if 
they  were  nervous  before  the  "mike".  He 
made  the  necessary  apologies  when  an  artist 
broke  down  or  delayed  because  of  lost  music, 
he  filled  in  the  time  necessary  to  repair  a 
broken  string  on  a  harp  or  a  violin,  sadly 
out  of  tune.  While  one  program  was  on  its 
last  selection,  he  was  busy  in  the  reception 
room  building  the  next.  And  so  it  was  through 
hours,  as  many  as  fifteen  hours  a  day. 
Whether  it  was  a  Bach  concerto  or  a  report 
of  the  produce  market,  a  dance  orchestra, 
or  an  "in  memoriam",  the  announcer 
had  to  fill  the  bill.  There  were  also 
many  out-of-studio  assignments,  ban- 
quets, night  clubs,  celebrations,  res- 
taurants, lectures  and  jubilees.  In  these 
places  the  announcer  was  also  entire- 
ly responsible  for  seeing  that  things 
went  smoothly  and  were  completely 

How  a  Program  Is  Staged  Now 

But,  how  times  have  changed !  To- 
day, a  program,  whether  commercial 
or  sustaining,  is  made  up  three  weeks 
or  more  in  advance,  artists  are  carefully 
losen  by  means  of  auditions,  wherein 
v  compete  with  dozens  of  others.  When 
ly  cast,  the  program  is  rehearsed  and 
timed  to  within  split  seconds  of  the 
time  allotted. 

When  the  day  of  the  program  comes, 
a  page  in  uni- 
form or  a  hos- 
tess directs  the 
artist  to  one 
of  a  maze  of 
studios  where  he 
or  she  is  greeted 
by  the  director 
and  production 
man.  The  an- 
nouncer is  given 
a  script  and  the 
"dress  r  e  hear- 
sal"  begins.  The 
script  that  the 
announcer  will 
read  is  the  prod- 
uct of  a  con- 
tinuity depart- 
ment, whose 
business   it   is  to 

F  EB  RU  ARY  ,      19  3  0 

turn  out  all  the  sustaining  programs  and  a 
majority  of  the  "commercials". 

A  signal  from  the  central  control  man  to 
the  operator  handling  the  program  is  re- 
layed to  the  assembled  and  rehearsed  artists 
bv  the  production  man.  He  in  turn  signals 
the  announcer  who  reads  the  opening  an- 
nouncement and  advertising  data.  The  pro- 
gram has  begun.  Throughout  the  entire 
offering,  the  production  man  watches  the 
placement  and  time,  the  program  director 
watches  the  cues  for  each  artist  or  reader, 
(also  the  announcer),  the  operator  watches 
the  gain  control,  a  page  or  porter  guards 
the  door  and  a  hostess-pianist  stands  by  to 
fill  in,  should  anything  unforeseen  happen 
to  break  the  flow  of  the  elaborately  prepared 

Oh,  yes,  there  has  been  evolution  in  an- 
nouncing, but  at  what  a  price  to  the  profession 
True,  the  really  proficient  announcer  of  the  old 
days  still  announces,  for  to  him  it  is  an  art. 
Through    his    art,    he    has    experienced    the 
romance  of  the   growth  of  a  gigantic   in- 
dustry, he  has  thrilled  with  the  adventure 
of  new  achievements,  broadcasting  first 
from   the   studio   alone,    then   from   re- 
mote   points,    then    from    airplanes    in 
flight,   and  now   from  a  dozen  places 
at    once.       There    have    been    many 
thrills  and,  through  fan  mail,  he  has 
had    a    concrete    form    of    apprecia- 

Many  Thrills  in  Announcing 

Can't  you  stretch  your  imagination 
and  appreciate  the  thrill  that  came  to 
me  when  I  stood  on  the  Capitol  steps  on 
March  4,  1925,  with  waiting  millions  de- 
pendent upon  me  for  a  description  of  the 
excitement  during  the  Coolidge  Inau- 
guration, and  when,  unaided,  I  carried 
the  radio  end  of  the  historic  event  for 
over      three 


'Red"  Grange  over  the  CBS. 

Norman    working    with    George 

Olsen  and  his  band  at  WJZ  in 


hours!  Can't 
you  sense  the 
quickened  pulse, 
when  at  Mit- 
chell Field  I 
stood  inthe 
stand,  micro- 
phone in  hand, 
and,  together 
with  the  Prince 
of  Wales,  the 
Governor  of  the 
State  and  the 
Mayor  of  the 
city  of  New 
York,  awaited 
the  return  of 
the  'round-the- 
world  flyers? 
Imagine    the 

A  typical  Brokenshire  Production  in  Radio  uas  the  Kan- 
sas Frollickers.    Here  are  "Brother"  Macy  and  "Brother" 
Brokenshire  as  the  "Mirth  Quakers." 

tenseness  that  was 
mine     on     Labor 
Day,      1924,      as, 
"mike"      in      one 
hand,  field  glasses 
in     the    other,     I 
announced      the 
very     first     horse 
race  to  go  on  the 
air,   the   Zev-Epi- 
nard  race  at  Bel- 
mont Park  Track. 
Can     you     blame 
me      for      asking 
Will     Rogers     to 
autograph        m  y 
card  as  I   sat   be- 
side   him    in    the 
speakers'  stand  at 
the  first   Democratic   National  Convention   to   be 
broadcast?     When  the  resolution  was  passed  to 
hold  the  First  Joint  Session  of  the  Senate  and 
the  House  of  Representatives  of  the  United 
States  to  hold  memorial  services  in  honor 
of  Woodrow    Wilson  in   the   hall   of   the 
House  of  Representatives  on  December 
15,  1924,  can't  you  feel  the  pride  that 
came  to  me  as  I  was  chosen  to  carry 
the  first   microphone  into  the   sacred 
precincts  of  the  hall  of  the  House  of 
Representatives    and    to    officiate    at 
the    services    for    the   listening    radio 
Can  you   feel   with   me   the  solem- 
nity of  the  occasion  when,  as  one  of  a 
group  of  mourners  in  the  nation's  Cap- 
itol, I  was  called  upon  to  broadcast  the 
services    that    put    to    rest    our    greatest 
orator,    William    Jennings    Bryan?       And 
then   to   be   the   first   to   enter   the   sanctum 
of    Herbert    Hoover,    in    the    Department    of 
Commerce    Building,    while   he    was    Secretary    of 
Commerce,   to  place  the  microphone  on 
his  desk  so  that  he  might  speak  to  the 
nation     regarding     the     newly-appointed 
Radio  Commission. 

Arrival  of   the  Graf   Zeppelin 

And  so  it  went  through  the  years,  un- 
til last  August  it  was  my  privilege  to 
board  the  special  plane  to  meet  the  Graf 
Zeppelin  on  its  world-famed  flight  from 
Germany  and  to  report  not  only  over 
the  air  but  through  the  Associated 
Press,  the  greetings  of  Dr.  Hugo  Eck- 
ner  and  the  story  of  the  Zeppelin's  ar- 

Surely  you  can  easily  sense  the  pride 
with  which  we  veteran  announcers  look 
upon  our  profession.  And  the  sorrow 
that  comes  to  us  as  we  find  that  we  can 
no  longer  stay  with  the  organizations 
with  which  we  grew,  for  such  is  really 
(Continued  on  page  48) 


RADIO     REV  U  E 

Andy  Sannella 

A  Real 

A  BUNCH  of  the  boys  were  whooping  it  up — but 
Dan  McGrew  wasn't  there.  For  this  was  not  the 
old  Malemute  of  storied  fame,  but  the  American 
Hotel  in  Panama  City.  The  merrymakers  were  a  group  of 
tars  from  the  Destroyer  "Farragut."  The  armistice  had 
just  been  signed.  The  boys  knew  they  would  soon  be  dis- 
charged and  so  it  was  easy  to  get  shore  leave. 

The  good-looking  "gringo",  who  seemed  to  lead  his 
mates,  was  fascinated  by  the  motley  orchestra.  Without  a 
word,  he  took  the  violin  from  the  loose  fingers  of  one 

"Lookut  Andy!  He  thinks  yuh  play  'em  like  his  guitar 
aboard  ship.     Hot  dawg!     Watch  this — " 

The  sailors  not  only  watched,  they  began  to  listen.  So 
did  everyone  else  in  the  saloon.  Natives  and  Americanos 
alike  formed  a  spell-bound  circle  around  the  soloist.  Not 
even  his  shipmates  had  suspected  that  Andy  Sannella  had 
once  been  a  concert  violinist.  He  was  all  prepared  to 
invade  Europe  at  the  age  of  fourteen,  but  his  father  died 
and  he  lost  interest.  This  was  the  first  time  he  had  touched 
one  since.  His  guitar?  Just  a  fancy,  to  liven  up  the 

But  this  was  real — a  breath  from  another  world  in  this 
little  hotel  in  Panama  City.  When  the  sailor  returned  the 
battered  fiddle  to  its  owner,  the  latter  stared  at  it  help- 
lessly.    But  the  manager  sputtered  in  broken  Spanish  and 



of  Music 


with  many  gestures  made  it  plain  that  he  wanted  the  sailor 
to  stay  and  play  at  his  hotel  in  uniform  during  the  re- 
maining four  days  of  carnival  week.  This  celebration 
was  held  in  honor  of  the  service  men  and,  while  it  lasted, 
they  had  the  freedom  of  the  city. 

Offered  Job  for  Four  Days 

Andy  grinned.  That  was  real  success,  an  offer  of  steady 
work — even  though  it  was  only  for  four  days.  He  looked 
at  his  gang.  They  all  howled  with  glee.  But,  after  all, 
why  not?  Acting  on  impulse,  Sannella  accepted — just 
for  the  lark.  But  he  had  to  obtain  permission  from  Rear 
Admiral  Johnson  to  carry  it  through.  The  officer  saw  the 
joke  and  consented. 

By  the  time  his  four-day  engagement  had  ended,  Andy 
had  gotten  the  fever.  There  was  no  more  work  to  be  had 
just  then  at  the  American  Hotel,  but  he  learned  that  a 
pianist  was  wanted  at  the  Silver  Dollar  Saloon  nearby. 
He  got  the  job  and,  after  he  had  played  there  for  six  weeks, 
the  owner  of  the  American  Hotel  re-engaged  him  in  charge 
of  the  orchestra. 

The  first  saxophone  Andy  Sannella  bought,  he  paid  $2  5 
for  and  his  boss  offered  him  $  5  0  if  he  would  throw  it  away. 
This  happened  only  a  short  time  after  he  had  started.  He 
had  organized  an  entirely  new  orchestra,  which  was  be- 
coming famous  in  the  neighboring  country.  There  were 
so  many  demands  for  appearances  out  of  town  and  at  near- 
by camps  that  he  seldom  could  be  found  at  the  Hotel. 

On  one  flying  trip  he  saw  the  saxophone  in  a  music 
store  window.     With  customary  abruptness  he  went  inside 

FEBRU  ARY  ,     19  3  0 


Andy  Sannelh,  the  Miracle  Man  of  Music 



and  bought  it,  for  $25.  From  that  time  on  he  spent  all 
his  spare  time  practicing,  at  first  just  to  get  any  sound 
at  all,  and  then  to  sweeten  the  tone. 

Before  he  had  established  friendly  relations  with  the 
instrument,  his  boss  complained.  "So  you  don'  lose  money, 
I  pay  feefty  dollair  for  heem.  Then  you  see  customers 
come  back.-'  Andy  decided  he  had  been  insulted,  he  re- 
fused to  bz  comforted  and  went  home  to  New  York. 

Perfects  "Sax"  Technic 

After  visiting  his  family,  he  returned  to  Panama  City, 
taking  with  him  a  pianist  from  the  United  States.  During 
his  visit  to  his  home,  he  had  done  a  great  deal  of  practicing 
on  the  saxophone,  and  had  become  proficient  enough  on 
the  instrument  to  alter  the  boss's  views.  So  from  then  on 
he  continued  to  perfect  his  saxophone  technic.  Today 
the  nation's  youths  are  practicing  saxophone  in  secret, 
studying  the  famous  "Andy  Sannella  Method." 

In  1922  Andy  returned  to  the  United  States  seeking  an 
engagement.  He  did 
not  know  a  soul  in 
the  music  business  in 
New  York.  He  wan- 
dered around  for 
months  before  he 
finally  secured  a 
chance  to  play  in  a 
cabaret  in  Brooklyn. 
There  he  played  saxo- 
phone in  the  dance 
band  and  violin  for 
the  show  in  the  cab- 
aret. After  playing 
on  this  obscure  en- 
gagement for  about 
three  months,  he  was 
asked  to  play  an  en- 
gagement at  the  Van-  Aniy  and  the  Collection 
derbilt  home  on  Fifth 

Avenue,  with  Mr.  Mike  Markel,  who  did  much  of  the  so- 
ciety orchestra  work  in  New  York  at  that  time.  The  oppor- 
tunity to  play  with  a  very  well-known  leader  delighted  him 
and  soon  after  he  became   Markel's   principal   saxophonist. 

After  a  year  and  a  half  with  the  Markel  Orchestra, 
playing  in  some  of  the  most  exclusive  homes  and  clubs  in 
New  York  and  vicinity,  Andy  accepted  an  engagement  at 
"Castles  by  the  Sea"  at  Long  Beach,  Long  Island.  Later 
he  toured  the  country  with  Ray  Miller's  Orchestra.  Dur- 
ing this  time  he  became  rather  well  known  and  later  was 
offered  several  steady  engagements.  However,  in  the  in- 
terim he  had  also  become  known  to  the  recording  depart- 
ments of  the  various  phonograph  companies  and  decided 
to  be  a  "free  lance"  and  to  devote  the  majority  of  his 
time  to  recording. 

Services  in  Great  Demand 

Today,  Andy's  services  are  in  great  demand  in  New 
York.  When  the  most  prominent  leaders  have  exception- 
ally important  recording  engagements  with  special  num- 
bers, he  is  often  engaged  as  the  lead  saxophonist.  How- 
ever, this  is  not  the  main  source  of  his  income.  The 
voice  of  his  saxophone  is  heard  by  millions  each  week  over 
the  radio,  as  he  is  the  first  saxophonist  on  about   1 5  of  the 

more  important  programs  nationally  broadcasted  from 
New  York  City.  It  is  said  that  his  weekly  income  aver- 
ages close  to  four  figures. 

If  you  listen  to  the  radio  often,  you  have  heard  his  work 
on  the  saxophone,  his  fine  style,  brilliant  tone  and  finished 
performance.  The  obligatos  which  Andy  broadcasts  or 
records  almost  at  a  moment's  notice  and  without  previous 
preparation  are  the  talk  of  the  popular  music  world  today. 
A  short  time  ago  Andy  was  lying  flat  on  his  back  at 
home,  convalescing  from  an  illness,  when  he  heard  the 
strains  of  a  familiar  saxophone  growing  louder  and  louder. 
He  thought  the  fever  had  weakened  his  mind,  for  the  music 
was  that  of  his  own  saxophone  on  a  record  he  had  made 
for  Victor  just  a  short  time  before.  The  sound  grew 
louder  and  louder  beyond  the  power  of  any  phonograph. 
It  seemed  to  come  from  the  sky.  Convinced  that  it 
was  an  hallucination,  he  investigated  anyway.  It  was  a 
stunt  plane  flying  over  the  housetops  with  a  phonograph 
and  powerful  amplifier  apparatus,  "broadcasting"  a  San- 
nella record.     Thus  the  mystery  was  solved. 

Andy  is  a  real 
aerial  star.  Not  con- 
tent with  broadcast- 
ing several  hours  a 
night,  he  spends  part 
of  every  day  in  his 
own  airplane,  unless 
weather  prevents.  It 
was  he  who  organized 
the  now-famous  "Al- 
batross Club"  at 
Roosevelt  Field,  com- 
posed of  noted  flyers 
like  Paul  Whiteman, 
Gene  Austin  and 
Franklyn  Baur.  He 
travels  back  and 
forth  bet  ween  the 
flying  field,  the  broad- 
casting studios  and 
the  recording  laboratories  in  a  speedy  Packard  roadster. 

of  Instruments  He  Plays 

Has  Written  Many  Numbers 

Although  he  is  one  of  radio's  busiest  figures,  Andy 
manages  to  spend  some  time  at  his  beautiful  apartment 
on  Riverside  Drive,  too.  His  wife  is  an  accomplished 
pianiste.  It  was  for  her  that  he  named  his  first  composi- 
tion, a  saxophone  solo,  "Aileen."  His  other  best  known 
numbers  are  "Jack  and  Jill,"  "Millicent"  and  "Saxanella." 
He  has  written  2  5  other  spectacular  bits  to  demonstrate 
the  flexibility  of  the  "most  maligned  instrument."  That's 
what  Andy  calls  the  saxophone. 

Musicians  everywhere  know  Sannella.  They  know  his 
trick  of  smooth  rehearsal.  With  a  cigarette  in  one  hand 
and  baton  in  the  other,  his  eyes  half  closed,  he  never 
misses  a  movement  or  tone  of  even  the  most  remote  mem- 
ber of  his  band.  They  know  his  method  of  coaxing  the 
'nth'  degree  of  melody  from  a  saxophone  or  clarinet,  and 
the  Sannella  knack  of  getting  the  best  radio  results  from 
a  guitar. 

These  same  musicians  and  other  associates  of  Sannella 
know  the  pleasing  personality  and  good  humor  the  young 
musician  radiates  while  he  works.  They  know  there  isn't 
(Continued  on  page  43) 

F  EBRU  ARY ,     19  3  0 


Have  You  a  Little  NlT  WlT 

In  Your 


NIT    WITS",    says    Bradford    Browne,    writer    and 
producer  of  this  popular  radio  feature,  "are  not 
difficult     to     find — but     good     Nit    Wits!      Ah! 
There's  where  the  trouble  begins!" 

The  Nit  Wit  Hour,  broadcast  over  WABC  and  the  CBS 
chain  every  Saturday  night,  was  originally  suggested  by 
Georgia  Backus,  of  the  WABC  continuity  department. 
She  told  her  idea  to  Bradford  Browne,  who,  believing  it  to 
be  something  unique,  set 


G.    MailhrJ-KessIe 

Brad  ford  Br  nunc,  Chief  Nit  Wit 

to  work  on  the  script  im- 

When  Bradford  finally 
had  completed  scripts  for 
three  consecutive  hours, 
he  began  to  search  for 
the  proper  characters  to 
enact  the  various  roles. 
After  interviewing  over 
one  hundred  applicants, 
Bradford  was  amazed  to 
find  just  the  proper  char- 
acters in  the  continuity 
and  program  depart- 
ments  of  WABC!  And 
so  the  Nit  Wits  were  or- 

David  Ross,  genial 
announcer  of  WABC, 
can  do  Jewish  comedy  to 
perfection  —  he  calls  it 
"bronchial  English"  — 
and,  as  a  result,  he  has 
become  a  semi-permanent 
member  of  the  cast. 

"Peggy"  Young,  for- 
merly  assistant   program 

Meet  the  Famous  Nit  Wits.  Left  to  Right  they  are:  Chief  Nit  Wit 
{Bradford  Browne);  Lizzie  Tivitch,  the  cooking  expert  {Yolande 
Langworthy) ;  Professor  R.  U.  Musclebound ,  Physical  Culturist 
{Harry  Swan);  Aphrodite  Godiva  {Georgia  Backus);  Eczema 
Succotash,  accompanist  {Minnie  Blauman) ;  Patience  Bumpstead, 
the  interior  desecrator  {Margaret  Young);  Madame  Mocha  de 
Polka,  operatic  slinger  {Lucille  Black);  and  standing  in  the  rear 
is  Lord  Algernon  Ashcart  {Chester  Miller). 

manager  for  CBS  and  now  Mrs.  Bradford  Browne,  could  do 
little    funny    pieces    on    interior    decoration.     These    were 

changed  and  highly  bur- 
lesqued by  Mr.  Browne. 
The  finished  product,  as 
offered  by  Miss  Young 
on  the  air,  was  called 
"Talks  on  Interior  Dese- 
cration with  Advice  to 
the  Lovelorn"'  and  the 
orator  was  assigned  the 
name  of  "Patience  Bum- 
stead".  Peggy  was  an 
immediate  success  on  the 
air,  as  her  many  enthusi- 
astic letters  will  testify. 

The    Sweet    Singer    of 
Sour  Songs 

Lucille  Black  is  ordi- 
narily the  CBS  staff 
pianiste.  However,  as 
Browne  transforms  her 
each  Saturday  night,  she 
becomes  Madame  Mocha 
De  Polka  a  former  mem- 
ber of  the  Russian  Grand 
Opera  Company,  who  is 
known  as  the  "sweet 
singer  of  sour  songs". 



Chester  Miller,  the  announcer,  has  been  assigned  a  dual 
personality  by  the  Nit  Wit  director.  He  plays  "Lord  Ash- 
cart"  and  "Congressman  Felix  O'Beefe",  the  noisy  poli- 

Yolande  Langworthy  and  Georgia  Backus,  continuity 
writers  for  the  station,  are  versatile  character  actresses  and 
are  usually  given  different  parts  every  week.  Miss  Lang- 
worthy  always  enacts  the  role  of  Lizzy  Twitch.  Miss 
Backus  usually  assumes  the  role  of  Aphrodite  Godiva. 

"Yes,  We  Have  No  Bananas"  is  the  official  theme  song 
for  the  Nit  Wit  Hours.  It  is  offered  in  six  varieties  and 
in  thirteen  keys.  The  Nit  Wit  pianist  is  Minnie  Blauman, 
who  in  everyday  life  holds  forth  in  the  Artists'  Bureau. 

Bradford  Browne  is  master  of  ceremonies  during  each 
broadcast.  Browne,  in  addition,  gives  the  official  weather 
report  by  the  "Depart- 
ure from  Agricul- 
ture", which  is  usually 
for  Twenty-third  Street 
at  Seventh  Avenue  and 
the  Sahara  Desert! 

The  Nit  Wits  take 
their  rehearsals  very 
seriously,  Browne  says. 
The  hilarious  parts  and 
funny  episodes  are  all 
gone  through  with  the 
most  serious  of  expres- 
sions on  all  of  their 
faces.  "Fun  for  all  and 
all  for  fun"  is  the 

As  Chief  in  the 
weekly  escapades  of  the 
Nit  Wits,  Bradford 
Browne  has  most  of  the 
work  thrust  upon  his 
shoulders.  It  is  entirely 
up  to  him  to  keep  the 

pace  of  the  program  balanced.   Bradford  is  a  versatile  actor, 
a  writer  and  a  first  class  singer  and  announcer. 

Not  Long     Ago  He  Was  Floor  Walker 

Strange  as  it  may  seem,  only  a  short  time  ago  this  same 
Bradford  Browne  was  pacing  up  and  down  the  corridors  of 
a  Newark  department  store,  performing  the  regular  duties 
of  a  floor  walker.  In  fact,  Bradford's  life  in  itself  is  an 
interesting  story.  Let  us  peep  into  this  background  for  a 
few  minutes. 

Bradford  Browne  is  the  brother  of  Harry  Browne,  who, 
incidentally,  is  the  writer  and  producer  of  "Hank  Sim- 
mons's  Show  Boat'',  heard  every  week  over  the  Columbia 
chain..  Bradford  was  born  in  North  Adams,  Mass.,  and 
has  had  a  versatile  career. 

No  doubt  the  success  of  the  Browne  productions  can  be 
traced  to  the  fact  that  much  time  is  spent  on  every  script. 
Detail  and  time  mean  much  to  radio  productions,  Browne 
will  tell  you.  How  many  hours  does  Bradford  work? 
Usually  from  about  ten  o'clock  in  the  morning  until  mid- 
night, during  which  time  he  writes  scripts,  announces, 
plays  parts  in  his  own  productions'  rehearsals  or  broad- 
casts, and  does  his  regular  work  as  continuity  writer. 

"You  have  to  give  them  something  good  on  the  radio," 
Browne  told  this  writer.  "Poor  stuff  just  doesn't  go.  It 
falls  flat  and  causes  your  regular  listeners  to  lose  faith  in 

The  Nit  Wit  Hour  in  Action 

your  acts  and  tune  them  out  on  other  nights."  That  is 
why  he  spends  so  much  time  on  the  details.  If  it's  a  comedy, 
Bradford  believes  in  giving  the  audience  a  laugh  a  minute. 
Failure  to  do  so  means  suffering  the  consequences. 

"You  haven't  got  the  people  in  your  theatre,"  he  ex- 
plained. "They  are  out  there,  scattered  everywhere,  and 
if  you  don't  'click',  your  act  is  tuned  out."  Bradford 
laughed.  "Just  like  that,"  he  said,  snapping  his  fingers. 
"They  don't  care,"  he  continued,  "who  you  are  or  what 
you  might  give  them  later  in  the  program.  It's  what  you're 
giving  them  every  instant  that  counts  and  you  either  give 
them  a  thrill  or  a  laugh  a  minute — or  you  lose  two  or 
three  million  listeners." 

Bradford  Browne's  first  attempt  at  radio  drama,  "The 
Cellar  Knights,"  was  made  about  four  years  ago,  just  after 

he  left  the  department 
store  and  became  affil- 
iated with  a  Newark 
station.  The  Cellar 
Knights  were  so  good 
that  some  months  later, 
when  Bradford  was 
asked  to  join  the  staff 
of  WABC,  then  owned 
by  A.  H.  Grebe,  the 
officials  asked  him  to 
continue  his  skit  over 
their  station.  This 
Bradford  did  and,  when 
the  Columbia  Broad- 
casting System  pur- 
chased WABC  early  in 
1929,  the  "Cellar 
Knights"  skit  was  im- 
mediately put  on  the 
nationwide  chain. 

It  was  shortly  after 
Columbia  had  acquired 
WABC  that  Bradford 
got  the  idea  for  the  "Nit  Wit  Hour".  Half  a  dozen  scripts 
were  prepared  and  promptly  discarded  following  rehearsals. 
Bradford  knew  what  he  wanted  but,  when  the  production 
went  into  rehearsal,  it  did  not  sound  just  right.  So  he 
started  all  over  again.  Finally  he  hit  on  the  keynote  idea. 
The  present  Nit  Wit  Hour  series  is  the  result. 

The  popularity  of  this  highly  burlesque  hour  of  enter- 
tainment can  best  be  judged  by  the  fact  that,  in  a  recent 
voting  contest  conducted  by  the  New  York  Telegram,  the 
"Nit  Wit  Hour"  was  named  among  the  biggest  hours  on 
the  air  in  America  today. 

Edson  Bradford  Browne  has  had  an  eventful  life.  He 
was  born  in  North  Adams,  Mass.  His  father  was  the  end 
man  in  a  minstrel  show.  Most  of  Bradford's  relatives  are 
musically  inclined.  A  banjo  was  the  inspiration  that  sent 
Bradford  Browne  on  what  was  eventually  to  lead  to  a 
music-drama  life  in  the  business  world. 

Studied  Law  At  Georgetown 

Browne  never  studied  music.  When  he  became  of  age 
to  study  for  his  future  profession  he  took  up  law.  He 
studied  law  at  Georgetown  University  and  finally  was 
graduated  with  honors. 

But  that  is  getting  ahead  of  our  story.  Back  in  North 
Adams,  Bradford  plunked  away  on  his  banjo.  Now  and 
then  he  would  play  something  that  sounded  different  and 

F  EBR U  ARY ,     19  3  0 


people  would  sneer  and  think  him  funny. 

From  the  banjo  Bradford  went  to  plunking  on  his 
father's  piano.  Here  is  where  he  first  began  composing 
original  music.  His  musical  ability  made  him  the  "life  of 
every  party"  and  it  was  not  long  before  he  was  in  great 

His  musical  education  ended  here  for  a  brief  time.  He 
became  "pin"  boy  in  the  local  bowling  alley.  Then  wander- 
lust gripped  him  and  he  went  to  Washington,  and  from 
there  traveled  extensively. 

After  the  war  he  worked  in 

a  department  store  in  Newark,      M, 

where  he  became  floorwalker 
.  and  held  a  large  assortment  of 
other  jobs  in  the  organization 
over  a  period  of  four  years. 

This  work  just  didn't  appeal 
to  Bradford,  and  he  turned  to 
his  music  work  again.  In 
Newark  he  teamed  up  with  Al 
Llewelyn,  who  was  later  to  be- 
come his  colleague  in  the  Cel- 
lar Knights  act  at  WABC. 
They  sang  well  together.  People 
often  said  so.  They  sang  so 
well,  in  fact,  that  it  was  not 
long  before  the  duo  received 
an  invitation  from  a  Newark 
radio  station  to  appear  over  the 
air.  This  they  did  and  the  re- 
sponse was  electric. 

Bradford  liked  the  atmos- 
phere of  the  radio  broadcasting 
station  and  spent  much  of  his 
spare  time  there.  Finally  one 
day  his  chance  came.  One  of 
the  announcers  was  ill.  The 
others,  for  some  reason  or 
other,  were  not  present.  Per- 
haps young  Browne  could  aid 
them,  the  studio  manager 
thought.     Browne    jumped    at 

the   suggestion.     He    did    very      ■%$ 

well;  in  fact,  so  well  that  he 

earned  himself  a  job  immediately  at  the  station,  where  he 
became  announcer  and  finally  chief  continuity  director. 
In  this  latter  capacity  he  turned  out  many  interesting 
dramatizations,  which  brought  much  fan  mail  in  the  early 
days  of  radio. 

Takes  Position  With  Station  WABC 

Then  one  day  Bradford  received  an  invitation  from 
officials  of  the  Atlantic  Broadcasting  Corporation  in  New 
York,  then  operating  WABC,  WBOQ  and  other  broad- 
casting stations.  He  was  offered  a  position  and  he  accepted 
it.  For  a  while  things  went  rather  quietly  at  WABC  for 
Bradford   Browne.     He   did    a    great   deal   of   announcing. 

Although  he  had  been  at  WABC  for  only  a  few  months, 
Bradford  soon  was  working  day  and  night,  preparing  sur- 
prises for  his  radio  listeners.  He  knew  that  these  might  not 
get  on  the  air  for  many  months,  perhaps  not  for  a  year — 
he  worked  that  long  on  one  of  his  presentations!  On  the 
other  hand,  he  has  written  a  feature  in  barely  thirty  min- 
utes before  it  was  broadcast.  Even  these  hastily  prepared 
scripts  have  met  with  wide  approval  in  radio  fandom. 

Nit  Wits  Know  Their  Onions 

AT  last,  the  source  of  the  CBS  Nit 
Wit  Family's  mental  discrepancy  has 
leaked  out.  "Brad"  Browne,  Chief  Nit 
Wit,  was  found,  a  few  days  before  Christ- 
mas, busily  untying  a  suspicious,  bumpy- 
looking  package.  Surrounding  him,  tremb- 
ling with  an  air  of  expectancy,  were  the 
remainder  of  the  Nit  Wit  family. 

The  contents  revealed  a  number  of  aro- 
matic and  artistically  treated  onions,  re- 
sembling each  of  the  Nit  Wits.  With  the 
roots  for  beards  and  other  facial  expres- 
sions dexterously  touched  on  with  a  brush, 
the  male  Nit  Wits  immediately  recognized 
their  likenesses. 

The  girls,  Lizzie  Twitch,  Mocha  de 
Polka,  Aphrodite  Godiva  and  Patience 
Bumpstead  evidently  didn't  know  their 
onions,  for  to  each  of  theirs  was  tied  a 
card  designating  a  brand  of  perfume.  For 
Lizzie,  it  was  "Christmas  Bells,"  for 
Mocha  it  was  "Caron,"  for  Aphrodite  it 
was  "Djer  Kiss,"  and  for  Patience  "Coty." 

Itching  to  know  from  whence  this  gift 
of  frankincense  and  myrrh  came,  Pa- 
tience Bumpstead  hastily  examined  the 
wrapper,  only  to  find  that  "within  five 
days"  it  was  to  be  returned  to  one  of  New 
York  State's  prominent  institutions! 

This  writer  vividly  recalls  one  night  when  Bradford 
Browne  was  so  busy  that  he  didn't  get  a  chance  to  write 
his  act  until  one  hour  before  time  to  put  it  on  the  air. 
For  thirty  minutes  he  pounded  out  copy  on  his  typewriter — 
he  is  an  expert  typist.  For  the  next  thirty  minutes  he  re- 
hearsed his  act,  in  which  were  featured  eight  persons,  in- 
cluding a  vocal  quartet.  The  act  was  broadcast  right  on 
time  and,  to  the  surprise  of  all,  critics  far  and  wide  praised 
this  particular  dramatization  as  one  of  Mr.  Browne's  out- 
standing achievements. 

Browne    has    even    taken    a 
0,      crack  at  rural  skits — he  collab- 
orated in  the  "Oshkosh  Junc- 
tion"   periods,    which    ran    on 

What  Bradford  Browne's 
scripts  look  like  in  print  can 
be  gleaned  from  an  excerpt 
from  one  of  his  "Nit  Wit" 
Hours.  The  following  concerns 
the  football  resume  which  was 
one  of  the  highlights  of  the 
Nit  Wit  broadcasts  during  the 
last  football  season. 

Quotation   from   Browne's 

"And  now,  ladies  and  gen- 
tlemen, we  bring  to  you  the 
results  of  some  of  roastings 
and  fryings,  not  to  mention  a 
few  of  the  stewings,  which  oc- 
curred today  on  various  grid- 
irons throughout  the  country. 
Maybe  we're  wrong  about 
some  of  these,  but  you  can't 
sue  us,  because — well,  you  just 
can't,  that's  all.  Now,  let's 
see.  In  New  Haven,  that's 
where  Yale  is  located  —  and 
where  John  Coolidge  does  his 
railroading  —  well,     in    New 

^      Haven,    the    Bulldogs  —  that's 

Yale — started  to  mess  around 
with  the  Princeton  Tigers  and,  after  two  hours  of  frightful 
carnage,  the  only  thing  found  between  the  goal  posts  was 
the  referee's  wooden  whistle  and  that  wouldn't  whistle. 
Score — yes  and  no. 

"Let's  see.  Over  in  Pennsylvania — what  a  time,  what  a 
time.  The  laddies  from  Carnegie  Tech,  dressed  in  their 
new  kilts,  journeyed  far  over  into  Philadelphia,  where  they 
engaged  the  Pennsylvania  Quakers  in  the  good  old  game 
of  toss  it,  kick  it  and  rush  it.  Well,  the  high  spot  of  the 
afternoon  was  the  cheering  sections.  First,  the  Carnegie 
Skibos  would  cry  out  with  a  loud  voice  "hoot  mon,  hoot 
mon",  to  which  the  Quakers  would  reply  "aye,  verily, 

"Well,  in  the  third  quarter  the  thees  and  the  thous  got 
the  ball  on  their  own  ten-yard  line  and,  after  going  into  a 
huddle,  they  executed  a  line  plunge  and  all  the  Scotch 
laddies  got  kilt.  That  is  most  of  the  Scotchmen  got  kilt. 
Those  not  kilt  were  running  around  getting  their  breath 
in  short  pants.    Score — same  as  last  year. 

"Well,  well,  well,  another  great  game  was  played  today. 
{Continued  on  page  43) 



Taught  Self  to  Play  Banjo 

ABOUT  a  year  ago,  a  stranger  came  into  ¥OR's  studio, 
followed  by  two  porters  carrying  eight  instruments. 
From  the  breast  pocket  of  his  coat  a  harmonica  pro- 
truded.    He  was  carrying  two  press  books. 

"Where's  the  boss  of  the  station?"  he  asked  WOR's  In- 
formation Bureau. 

"Have  you  an  appointment?"  came  the  return  query. 

"No"  was  his  response. 

"I  don't  think  you  will  be  able  to  see  him  then,"  was 
the  rejoinder. 

"Can't  I  play  for  somebody  else  then?'-  the  newcomer 

Finally  he  encountered  the  Press  Agent,  and  insisted  on 
showing  him  his  clipping  books.  They  were  so  lavish  in 
their  praise  that  the  stranger  could  not  be  ignored. 

"It  will  establish  a  precedent  if  I  listen,  but  I'll  take  the 
chance,"  said  the  Press  Agent,  conducting  him  to  the  audi- 
tion room,  where  the  man  began  "whacking"  a  banjo  in 
spectacular  fashion. 

In  a  moment,  work  in  all  departments  was  disrupted. 
Every  one  marvelled  as  he  brought  forth  stirring  strains  on 
one  instrument  after  another.  He  got  the  only  AAA  rating 
that  has  been  given  at  auditions  and  was  booked  imme- 

The  man  was  Roy  Smeck,  known  on  the  stage  and  air  as 
"The  Wizard  of  the  Strings,"  and  one  of  radio's  stars. 

Could  Not  Afford  Lessons 

There's  a  very  human  story  back  of  Mr.  Smeck,  one  that 
antedates  his  crashing  WOR.  Mr.  Smeck  was  born  in 
Reading,    Pennsylvania,    and    has    all    the    happy-go-lucky 


Now  Teaches 


traits  of  the  Pennsylvania  Dutch,  as  well  as  their  desire  to 
play  some  sort  of  instrument.  Parental  finances  did  not 
permit  the  indulgence  in  lessons,  however. 

Roy  left  school  almost  before  he  got  started,  and  became 
a  boss,  as  he  put  it — boss  of  a  broom  in  a  shoe  factory, 
where  his  job  was  to  corral  leather  cuttings  into  one  heap. 
After  several  months  he  managed  to  save  enough  to  buy  a 
ukulele  and  a  few  phonograph  records  of  that  instrument, 
together  with  a  self-instruction  book. 

Armed  with  these,  he  began  a  campaign  of  practice  that 
took  in  even  his  working  hours.  A  foreman  caught  him 
one  day  and,  as  his  opinion  of  the  "uke"  was  anything  but 
enthusiastic,  he  told  Roy  that  working  should  never  be 
allowed  to  interfere  with  his  playing.  The  foreman  then 
proceeded  to  separate  Roy  from  his  job. 

Shortly  afterward  he  found  a  backer  and  opened  a  tiny 
music  store  in  Binghamton,  New  York,  where  he  whiled 
away  the  time  between  customers  by  learning  to  play  from 
records  that  he  had  in  the  store.  When  he  had  attained  a 
high  degree  of  perfection  on  the  "uke",  he  took  up  the 
banjo.  Then  followed  the  guitar,  steel  guitar,  harmonica 
and  long-neck  banjo,  which,  next  to  the  octochorda  (his 
own  invention),  is  his  favorite. 

Paul    Specht   Discovers    Him 

One  day,  while  Paul  Specht,  famous  popular  orchestra 
director,  was  playing  in  Binghamton,  he  found  himself 
without  a  banjoist.  A  local  musician  told  him  of  Smeck. 
An  audition  proved  his  worth  and  Roy  "chucked"  the  store 
to  join  the  organization  which  was  scheduled  to  open  the 
then  new  Alamac  Hotel  in  New  York. 

The  ability  of  the  youngster  was  so  marked  that  Mr. 
Specht  had  him  go  out  on  the  floor.  His  first  appearance 
stamped  him  as  a  solo  artist.  Not  long  after,  he  went  on  a 
sixteen-weeks'  tour  of  Keith's  Vaudeville  Circuit  at  $600 
a  week,  and  second  from  the  top. 

His  playing,  according  to  press  notices,  was  such  that  he 
should  have  been  the  headliner,  since  he  won  first  place  in 
(Continued  on  page  42) 

FEBRUARY,      19  3  0 


As    Recorded    for    Posterity 
By  P.  H.  W.  DIXON 

Well,  Mary,  this  letter  is  going  to  contain  some 
good  news.     I've  been  promoted.     I'm  now  working 
permanently  on  the  thirteenth  floor  of  the  NBC  building, 
having  been  advanced  from  the  twelfth  floor. 

Now,  girl  friend,  please  don't  think  I  am  trying  to  be 
funny  by  saying  that  moving  from  the  twelfth  floor  to 
the  thirteenth  is  a  promotion.  It's  really  important. 
Nobody  but  a  lot  of  engineers  and  continuity  writers  and 
other  hired  hands  are  on  the  12  th  floor.  But  on  the  thir- 
teenth floor  they  really  broadcast  and  the  important  people 
come  there.  And  that's  how  I  came  to  meet  Graham 
McNamee  and  now  I  can  answer  all  your  questions  about 

Graham,  I  mean  Mr.  Mc- 
Namee, is  a  great  guy.  He's 
not  bad-looking.  No  collar 
ad,  you  know,  but  I  never  did 
like  those  kind  anyway.  He 
has  a  swell  grin  and  always  has 
time  to  say  "hello"  to  every- 
body and  he  tells  stories.  He 
had  a  swell  one  to  tell  us  the 
other  day.  I'd  tell  it  to  you 
only  you  wouldn't  understand 
it,  Margy. 

He's  about  five  foot  eight 
inches  tall  and  weighs,  I  guess, 
about  15  5  pounds.  He's  pretty 
broad-shouldered  and  would 
make  a  good  half  back.  He 
moves  around  pretty  fast  and 
sticks  his  head  a  little  forward 

McNAMEE  "a  Great  Guy" 

Writes  His  Girl  Friend 


The   Page  Boy 

Announcing  the  Arrival  of  the  Graf  Zeppelin 

when  he  talks  and  cocks  it  to  one  side  when  he  is  listening. 
He  still  has  all  his  hair  and  is  young-looking.  I  heard  him 
say  something  about  reducing,  but  he  doesn't  look  like  he 
needs  to  much. 

But  I  was  going  to  tell  you  how  I  came  to  meet  Mr. 
McNamee.  I  was  on  duty  on  the  thirteenth  when  a  man 
stuck  his  head  out  of  a  door  of  a  little  office  and  called  me. 

He   Gave   Me    Figures    to   Add 

"Can  you  add?"  he  asked  me.  Of  course,  Margy,  I 
didn't  tell  him  that  my  mathematics  were  always  the 
pride  and  joy  of  Yoakum  High  School,  but  I  said  I  could 
add.     So  he  gave  me  a  whole  string  of  figures  to  add  up 

and    I    added    them    and    the 
total  was  $192.37. 

"That's  just  ten  dollars 
more  than  I  got",  he  said. 
"Doggone  these  so-and-so  ex- 
pense accounts  anyway."  But 
it  was  not  until  later  that  I 
learned  I  had  helped  Graham 
McNamee  out  of  a  tight  situa- 

Mr.  McNamee  doesn't  have 
to  announce  for  a  living, 
Margy.  He  is  also  a  baritone 
and  can  make  almost  as  much 
money  singing  songs  as  by  de- 
scribing a  world's  series.  But, 
shucks,  the  woods  are  full  of 
baritones,  so  you  ought  to  be 
glad   he's   decided   to   keep   on 



When  he  finally  Found  the  Fish,  the  studio  could  not  be 
used  for  five  days 

announcing.  I  would  hate  to  have  some  of  the  baritones 
we  have  around  here  describe  a  baseball  game.  Anyway, 
some  of  them  can't  speak  any  English. 

I  want  to  tell  you  something  about  his  life,  Margy.  He 
was  born  in  "Washington,  but  at  an  early  age  moved  west 
with  his  parents,  to  Minnesota.  At  least  up  here  in  New 
York  they  think 
Minnesota  is  way 
out  west,  but  then 
they've  never  been 
to  Texas,  so  we 
both  know  it's 
really  way  up 
north.  When  he 
went  to  school  he 
played  a  lot  of 
baseball  and  he  is 
a  southpaw  .  .  . 
which  means  he  is 
left  -  handed.  He 
also  played  foot- 
ball, and  hockey 
and  boxed  some, 
all  of  which  came 
in  handy  later 
when  he  became 
an  announcer. 

He     learned     to 
play    the    piano 

when  he  was  seven  years  old  and  sang  in  a  church  choir. 
When  he  was  seventeen  he  decided  to  be  a  great  singer 
and  was  doing  right  well  at  it  only  radio  was  invented  and 
he  got  a  job  as  an  announcer  because  he  had  a  hunch  it 
had  a  future.  Which  it  did.  And  then  came  the  Demo- 
cratic convention  in  New  York  and  McNamee  did  such  a 
swell  job  describing  it  that  they  started  having  him  de- 
scribe prize  fights  and  other  important  events. 
Before  that  he  sang  in  a  concert  at  Aeolian 
Hall,  which  is  a  high-hat  auditorium  in  New 
York.    You  gotta  be  good  to  sing  there,  Margy. 

I  guess  it  is  unnecessary  to  remind  you  what 
he  has  done  since  especially  since  he  is  now  on 
the  same  program  with  Rudy  Vallee  and  you 
hear  him  every  week.  He  knows  a  whole  lot 
of  celebrities,  too,  like  Babe  Ruth  and  Jack 
Dempsey  and  Colonel  Lindbergh  and  One- 
Eyed  Connelly  and  people  like  that.  And 
everytime  he  goes  to  a  ball  game  or  a  fight 
people  say  "hello,  Mac,"  and  whether  he  has 
been  introduced  to  them  or  not  he  says 
"hello",  which  shows  you  he  is  a  good  guy 
and  not  high-hat  or  anything. 

You  know  you  can  pick  up  Campus  Humor 
or  Life  or  any  of  those  magazines  and  almost 
always  find  a  joke  about  McNamee.  Some 
of  them  aren't  complimentary  but  he  doesn't 
care.  He  likes  them  and  •  clips  them  out  to 
show  his  friends. 

He  has  written  a  book  and  some  day,  when 
I  get  to  know  him  better,  I  am  going  to  get  a 
copy  and  have  him  autograph  it. 

Left   Gift   of   Fish  in   Studio 

He   gets   lots   of   presents    and    all   kinds    of 

funny  things.  One  time  somebody  sent  him  a  barrel  of 
oysters  and  another  time  someone  sent  him  some  fish,  and 
he  forgot  and  left  the  fish  in  a  studio.  They  couldn't  use 
the  studio  for  five'  days  after  he  remembered  where  he'd 
left  those  fish.  One  of  the  other  boys  told  me  that  every 
year  he  gets  a  big  watermelon  from  some  one  down  south 

and  that  he  divides  it  up 
with  the  people  in  the 
studio.  I  hope  I  am  here 
next  summer. 

Of  course,  you  hear  a 
lot  of  stories  about  him 
and  the  funny  things  he 
sometimes  says  on  the 
air.  They  say  that, 
when  the  crew  of  the 
Graf  Zeppelin  came  to 
New  York,  Mr.  Mc- 
Namee was  describing 
them  coming  ashore 
from  a  boat  and  Lady 
Drummond  Hay  was 
coming  along  with  a  big 
bunch  of  flowers  and  he 
couldn't  think  of  how 
to  describe  it  so  he  said 
she  looked  like  a  swell 
funeral.  And  then  a  lit- 
tle later  when  some  of 
the  other  people  on  the  Graf  came  along,  he  said:  "The 
crew  is  now  passing  out".  But  shucks,  Margy,  when  you 
stop  to  think  that  he  has  been  talking  pretty  steady  for 
eight  years  he's  bound  to  make  a  slip  once  in  a  while. 

I  wasn't  able  to  find  out  what  size  hat  he  wears,  but  I 
noticed  he  likes  old  ones.  He's  kinda  conservative  about 
his  necktie,  too.     He  plays  golf  and  is  pretty  good  at  it. 

Someday  I'm  going 
to  ask  him  to  let 
me  caddy  for  him. 
That's  about  all 
I  can  think  of 
about  Graham, 
Margy.  When  I 
get  to  know  him 
better  I  will  tell 
you  about  our  con- 
versations. Then  I 
may  decide  to  be- 
come an  announcer 
instead  of  a  great 
radio  s  i  nger.  I 
guess  I  better  ask 
him  about  that, 
because  he  has 
been  both  and 
knows  w  h  ich  is 
worse  —  I  mean 
which  is  the  hard- 

Now,    Margy,    I 

have  to  go  on  duty 

and,    be  sides,    the 

man  who  uses  this 

(Continued  on 

page  47) 

Graham   McNamee,   NBC  announcer  extra- 

F  EBR U  ARY ,     19  3  0 



"Quaker  Girl'   Starred  on  Broadway 

Lois  Bennett  Came  to  Radio  After  Successes  with  Ziegfeld  and  Ames 

'PHIS  lovely  titian  soprano  is  a  Texas  maid.  Born  in 
Houston,  she  came  to  New  York  at  an  early  age  to 
study  music.  The  Brooklyn  Daily  Eagle  critic,  who  -wrote 
her  first  press  notice,  urged  her  to  go  on  the  stage.  She 
never  forgot  this  advice.  One  day  she  met  Florenz  Ziegfeld. 
He    engaged    her    to    succeed     Vivienne     Segal    in     his     current 

follies.  She  was  a  success  from  the  start.  Then  Winthrop 
Ames  starred  her  in  his  Gilbert  and  Sullivan  revivals.  She 
played  leading  roles  in  The  Mikado,  lolanthe  and  The  Pirates 
of  Penzance.  Months  later  she  met  the  same  critic,  now  president 
of  the  Judson  Radio  Program  Corporation.  This  time  he  said: 
"Your  future  is  in  radio."  Again  Miss  Bennett  took  his  advice. 





1  oints  W 



epicurean  Delights 


Famous    Restaurateur   Divulges 
Secrets  of  Culinary  Art  via  Radio 



WHEN  it's  9:45  in  the  morning  by  central  time,  it  is 
something  else  again  beyond  the  Rocky  Mountains 
and  Way  Down  East.  But  when  the  clock's  mov- 
ing finger  points  to  that  hour  in  Chicago,  housewives  from 
the  Pacific's  blue  waters  to  New  England's  rock-bound 
coast  call  a  halt  in  the  day's 
occupations  and  tune  in  to 
voices  in  the  air. 

"Good  morning!  What  shall 
we  have  to  eat  today?"  comes 
the  pleasant  query,  followed 
promptly  by  the  response  in 
the  sonorous  tones  of  a  man: — 
"Well,  we  might  try  Pea  a 
L'artuvee,  made  with  bacon. 
What  a  favorite  dish  that  was 
with  the  diners-out  in  the 

The  Libby  morning  hour  is 
on  and  off — to  a  flying  start. 
Mary  Hale  Martin,  nationally 
known  home  economics  expert, 
and  George  Rector,  famous 
restaurateur  whose  name  is  a 
synonym  for  culinary  perfec- 
tion, are  riding  their  mutual 
hobby,  food — Mr.  Rector  ex- 
patiating on  the  epicurean  su- 
periority of  a  day  when  Amer- 
ica in  all  truth  was  a  nation  of 
"diners-out",  the  gentle  Mary 
Hale  Martin  putting  in  a  soft 
word  now  and  then  to  turn 
the  raconteur's  wrath  away 
from  the  sad  state  of  affairs  as 
they  exist,  now  that  we  have 
turned  into  a  "tribe  of  sandwich-grabbers". 

Within  the  scientifically  constructed  kitchen  in  the 
plant  of  Libby,  McNeil  &  Libby  in  Chicago,  the  scene  of 
the  regular  Wednesday  morning  broadcast,  all  is  calm.  The 
man  in  the  little  glassed-in  control  room,  whose  uplifted 
finger  has  just  fallen  in  the  "all-ready"  signal,  is  on  the  alert 
to  make  sure  that  all  is  well  with  the  wild  waves  of  ether. 
Two  young  assistants,  wholesomely  charming  in  their 
spic  and  span  white  aprons,  stand  by  ready  to  offer  their 

Mary  Hale  Martin,  director  of  Home  Economics  De- 
partment of  Libby,  McNeil  &  Libby,  and  George 
Rector,  well-known  restaurateur,  discuss  cooking  as 
an  art  on  program  broadcast  from  the  Libby  model 
kitchen  in  Chicago  every  Wednesday  morning. 

services.  Mary  Hale  Martin,  blue-eyed,  golden-haired  and 
very  earnest  director  of  the  Home  Economics  Department 
of  the  plant,  watches  Mr.  Rector  animatedly  and  inti- 
mately talking  to  his  unseen  multitudes,  his  restless  clever 
fingers  busy  the  while  in  actually  making  the  dish  of  which 

he  is  telling  the  world. 

In  the  corridor  outside,  look- 
ing in  through  the  plate  glass 
window  that  serves  the  kitchen 
as  one  of  its  four  walls,  are 
scores  of  visitors  who  have 
come  to  verify  with  their  eyes 
what  their  ears  have  told  them, 
doubtless  on  the  principle  that 
"seeing  is  believing!" 

George  Rector's  dark  eyes 
glisten  and  he  shrugs  expressive 
shoulders  as  ruthlessly  he  turns 
back  the  pages  in  Time's  log 
book  and  reveals  a  past  gayer 
than  our  professedly  decorous 
Pas  and  Mas  would  admit  to. 
They  didn't  have  a  dull  time 
at  all  in  the  good  old  days 
when  Rector's  was  New  York's 
cross-roads  inn,  where  East 
Side  and  West  Side  and  All- 
About-the-Town  met  over  the 
table  cloths  and  listened  to  the 
lilting  melodies  of  Victor 

Started  New  Year's  Revels 

"As  a  matter  of  fact,  if  it 
had  not  been  for  Rector's,  the 
custom  of  celebrating  the  Old 
Year's  passing  might  never  have  come  about!"  naively  re- 
marked Mr.  Rector.  "No,  nor  any  cabaret,  either.  To  the 
best  of  my  knowledge,  that  idea  was  born  on  a  certain 
night  I  well  remember,  when  several  stage  and  opera  stars 
rose  from  their  tables  where  they  had  been  seated  as  guests 
and  gave  impromptu  numbers — an  unprecedented  perfor- 
mance, for  actor  folk  then  took  their  art  seriously  and 
saved  themselves  for  their  professional  appearances." 
{Continued  on  page  3  8) 

FEBRUARY,      19  3  0 


Radio's  ONE-MAN  Sh 



is  marvel  of 


Illustrated    by   Phil   Cook 

CERTAIN  vaudeville  entertainers  formerly  created  a 
sensation  by  billing  themselves  as  "one-man  shows." 
Others  managed  to  please  a  rather  skeptical  public 
by  appearing  as  "lightning  change  artists."  It  is  a  matter 
of  record  that  any  number  of  people  once  made  an  excel- 
lent living  by  playing  a  varied  number  of  roles  before  the 
footlights  in  a  limited  amount  of  time. 

But  radio  has  a  "lightning  change  artist,"  who  might 
well  be  booked  as  a  "whole  troupe  of  one-man  shows." 
And  he  has  a  half  dozen  other  profitable  means  of  earning 
a  living  as  well. 

This  one-man  broadcasting  station  is  Phil  Cook.  Dur- 
ing a  recent  half  hour  program  he  played  every  part  heard 


— | —  | |  £ 


during  the  broadcast,  including  a  Negro,  an  Italian  ped- 
dler, a  "down-East  Yankee"  and  an  Irishman.  The  only 
other  voice  heard  was  that  of  a  vocal 
soloist,  which  came  in  only  twice  dur- 
ing the  thirty-minute  sketch,  and  it 
has  since  been  determined  that  this 
voice,  too,  was  Phil's. 

And,  at  that,  he  didn't  exhaust  his 
stock  of  roles.  At  other  times  he  has 
been  known  to  add  Jewish,  German 
and  French  dialects  to  his  vocabulary, 
switching  back  and  forth  between  the 
seven  mannerisms  of  speech  without 
the  customary  interruption  by  an- 
other  voice. 

His  Fan  Mail  Is  Immense 

Such  conversation  with  himself 
may  be  a  bit  trying  on  the  vocal 
cords,  but  they  are  pleasing  to  the 
ear  if  the  listener-letter  reaction  is  a 
criterion.  Cook's  fan  mail  is  im- 
mense, although  many  of  his  listeners 
may  not  fully  appreciate  the  wide 
variety  of  entertainment   their  "one- 


RADIO     REV  U  E 





man    show"     provides     in    his    own    inimitable     fashion. 

However,  voice  versatility  is  not  the  only  reason  why 
Cook  is  liked  by  the  radio  audience.  And  it  is  far  from 
being  the  only  reason  those  who  write  about  radio  con- 
sider him  "good  copy." 

During  the  five  years  he  has  been  in  radio,  Cook  has 
never  used  a  song  unless  the  words  were  written  by  himself. 

One  writer  introduced  Cook  to  his  readers  as  follows: 

"Once  upon  a  time  there  was  a  writer  of  musical  shows, 

"Once  upon  a  time  there  was  a  commercial  artist,  or; 

"Once  upon  a  time  there  was  a  blackface  comedian  who 
never  used  burnt  cork,  despite  his  fair  skin,  or; 

"Once  upon  a  time  there  was  a  violinist,  or  name  your 
own  brand  of  entertainment  and  you'll  know  Phil  Cook." 

This  writer  neglected  to  mention  Cook's  ability  with 
the  ukulele  and  guitar.  He  did  bring  out,  however,  that 
three  of  the  Phil  Cook  shows,  "Molly,  Darling,"  "When 
You  Smile"  and  "Plain  Jane,"  had  Broadway  runs,  but 
neglected  to  men- 
tion several  a  RT 
others  that  Cook  -  ^!_  '  _ 
has  found  time  D I  RECTO  K 
to  do,  but.  which 
never  reached 

His    Art    Work 

No  Mere 


The  writer  al- 
so explained  that 
Cook's  work  as  a 
blackface  artist 
had  always  been 
before  a  micro- 
phone, where 
makeup  isn't 
necessary.  And 
the  writer  added 
that    "Cook's 

commercial  art  work  is  no  mere  hobby.     He  draws  posters 
and  magazine  covers  and  gets  paid  for  them." 

Another  point  that  was  overlooked  is  that  Mr.  Cook 
writes  every  line  of  radio  skits.  During  recent  months 
Cook  has  appeared  before  NBC  microphones  as  "Buck" 
of  the  Buck  and  Wing  programs;  in  the  Flit  Soldiers  pro- 
gram and,  during  the  summer  months,  he  substituted  for 
Billy  Jones  and  Ernie  Hare  on  the  Interwoven  program. 

Here's  the  story  of  Phil  Cook's  life  as  written  by  him- 
self recently: 

"Howdy,  folks:  This  is  the  Radio  Chef!  I  just  want 
to  dish  you  out  a  few  home-cooked  ditties,  using  the  little 
old  ukulele  for  a  frying  pan — so  pull  up  your  chair  and 
let's  have  a  good  time!" 

"One  Monday  afternoon,  about  five  years  ago,  the  oper- 
ator in  the  control  room  of  WOR  heard  these  words  and, 

for  the  next  fifteen  minutes,  probably  wished  that  all 
ukulele  players  were  in  Hiwiia!  (I  never  could  spell 
Hiwiia.)  But,  in  spite  of  what  the  operator  might  have 
thought,  the  studio  director  evidently  believed  the  listeners 
wouldn't  take  my  'uke'  playing  seriously.  He  assigned 
me  a  series  of  fifteen-minute  periods,  in  which  I  was  al- 
lowed to  do  and  say  about  as  I  pleased. 

Featured  on  Sponsored  Hour 

"So  for  three  months  I  knocked  off  a  half  hour  at  weekly 
intervals  from  my  duties  as  art  director  of  an  advertising 
agency,  and  sang  and  played  for  my  own  amusement.  And 
to  my  great  amazement,  at  the  end  of  that  period  I  found 
myself  'signed  up'  as  featured  entertainer  on  a  sponsored 

"The  thought  of  having  a  good  time  and  getting  paid 
for  it  was  too  much  for  me  and  I  immediately  quit  my  job 
of  drawing  pictures  for  advertisements  and  plunged  into 

this  new  field. 

"There  follow- 
ed two  sponsored 
programs  and  a 
trip  abroad  as 
'America's  worst 
ukulele  player.' 
Finally,  upon  my 
return  from 
abroad,  I  suc- 
ceeded in  crash- 
ing the  gates  of 
the  National 
i  n  g  Company. 
And  I  have  been 
appearing  before 
the  microphones 
there  in  various 
disguises   since. 

"I  have  dis- 
covered that  my 
original  thought  of  having  a  good  time  and  getting  paid 
for  it  has  changed  to  having  a  time  and  getting  paid  for  it. 
"This  business  of  trying  to  be  funny  two  or  three  times 
a  week  is  not  as  simple  as  it  sounds.  Radio  is  a  business 
and  I  find  my  ten  years  of  punching  a  time  clock  stand  me 
in  good  stead. 

"In  case  anybody's  interested,  here's  a  list  of  my  various 
activities  on  the  air:  Radio  Chef,  Klein's  Shine  Boy,  Seely 
Air  Weavers,  Champion  Sparkers,  Physical  Culture  Slwe 
Prince,  Cabin  Door,  Real  Folks,  Flit  Soldiers,  Interwoven 
Entertainers,  Fleischmann  Hour,  Eveready  Master  of  Cere- 
monies, Buck  and  Wing,  a  few  fill-in  programs  that  have 
cropped  up  at  odd  moments  and  now  The  Pancake  Man. 

"Now  we'll  wind  up  this  little  monologue  with  the  har- 
rowing details  of  'where  born  and  why.'     I  was  born  in 
{Continued  on  page  47) 

FEBRU  ARY  ,     19  3  0 


Mary  and  Bob 

Start  Their 
Third  Year 

Air  Wandering 


A  VISIT  to  the  True  Story  Hour  on  WABC  is  some- 
thing like  going  to  the  circus.  There's  so  much  to 
see.  Three  rings — vaudeville,  concert  and  theatre. 
And,  of  course,  Mary  and  Bob. 

And  yet,  after  seeing,  after  watching  a  program  of  this 
amazingly  successful  hour,  I  realize  more  and  more  that 
any  radio  performance,  if  it  is  to  find  favor  with  its  pub- 
lic, must  be  designed  and  executed  so  that,  unlike  the  small 
boy,  it  is  to  be  heard  and  not  seen. 

The  True  Story  Hour  is  most  assuredly  of  this  type.  To 
appreciate  it,  you  must  not  look  at  it.  If  it  was  like  a 
circus  to  watch,  it  was  like  a  circus  to  leave.  There  was 
so  much  that  was  missed.  One  can't  hear  the  True  Story 
Hour  in  the  studio. 

The  performance  that  I  watched  unfold  happened  to 
be  the  one  that  started  Mary  and  Bob  off  on  their  third 
year  of  air  wandering.  The  studio  was  jammed  to  the 
doors  when  I  arrived.  But,  with  splendid  interference  by 
two  of  the  Columbia  Broadcasting  System's  most  aggres- 
sive page  boys,  I  eventually  found  my  way  to  a  seat  ad- 
joining the  roped-off  enclosure  wherein  only  the  performers 
are  admitted.  And  then  I  turned  my  attention  to  the 
"three  rings." 

There  was  a  sharp  command  of  "silence!"  that  left  one 
hardly  daring  to  breathe;  a  minute  of  absolute  quiet  that 
seemed  at  the  time  interminable,  and  then — the  show  was 
on.     No  parade  or  anything.     It  just  began. 

Kaleidoscopic  and  Confused 

What  I  saw  in  the  hour  that  followed  was  kaleidoscopic. 
What  I  heard  was  confused. 

What  I  saw — kaleidoscopically — was  .   .   . 

William   M.  Sivccts 
Producer  of  "True  Story  Hour" 

David  Ross,  announcing  with  hand  cupped  to  ear.  .  . 
Howard  Barlow,  with  baton  raised,  ready  to  signal  the 
first  beat  of  the  theme  song  .  .  .  Expansive  Fred  Vettell 
dramatically  singing  the  theme  song  ...  an  orchestra  ap- 
pearing unusually  tense  .  .  .  Mary  .  .  .  Bob  .  .  .  Two 
charmingly  engaging  young  personalities  ...  a  quiet 
young  man  going  about,  whispering  into  the  ears  of  mem- 
bers of  the  cast  who  were  seated  against  the  rear  wall  .  .  . 
Behind  a  glass  window  which  shut  out  the  control  room, 
a  group  of  strong  silent  men  .  .  .  very  serious  .  .  .  very 
intent  .   .   .   Everything  is  serious   and  intense  .   .   . 

Another  man  following  the  musical  score  and  giving 
cues  to  the  actors  by  means  of  a  downbeat  of  a  pencil 
.  .  .  Men  and  girls  walking  up  to  the  microphone  quiet- 
ly and  speaking  earnestly,  gesturing,  and  then  stepping 
away  when  they  had  said  what  they  had  to  say  .  .  . 
Scripts — long  sheets  of  paper  ...  A  table  laden  with  a 
curious  assortment  of  contrivances — an  automobile  horn, 
telegraph  keys,  typewriters,  toys,  bells,  a  gavel,  what-nots 
.  .  .  And  a  little  group  of  two  men  and  a  woman  who 
fussed  about  with  them  .  .  .  Singers  .  .  . 

Columbia's  "Nit-Wits,"  who  appeared  to  be  very  intel- 
ligent persons,  despite  the  name  which  has  been  given  them 
...  Helen  Nugent,  a  beautiful  girl  .  .  .  Harriet  Lee,  a 
fascinating  girl  .  .  .  Bradford  Browne  as  master  of  cere- 
monies,  a   man   you    could   easily   fall   in   love   with  .   .  . 



Actors  .  .  .  one  of  them,  Arthur  Vinton  ...  I  saw  him 
in  "The  Big  Fight"  with  Jack  Dempsey  .  .  .  Wilmer 
Walter,  beloved  by  stock  audiences  the  country  over  .  .  . 
Joan  Blaine,  whom  Broadway  has  recently  discovered  .  .  . 
Frank  Allworth,  who  recently  ended  a  year  and  a  half  run 
in  "Hold  Everything"  .  .  .  Elmer  Cornell,  of  "Gentlemen 
of  the  Press"  .  .  .  And  there  was  Minnie  Blauman,  a 
charming  picture  at  the  piano  .  .  .  But  what  are  they 
saying?.      .   . 

What  I  heard — confusedly — was  .   .   . 

Music   ...   an  occasional  voice   ...    a  sudden  blast  of 
an  automobile  horn  that  scared  me  nearly  to  death  .  .  . 
music  .  .  .  laughter  .  .  .  But  at  that,  only  those  with 
scripts  could  know   .    .    .   The  clicking  of  telegraph 
keys  .   .   .  Must    be    a    newspaper    office,    or    a 
telegraph    office  .   .   .   Curious    sounds    mads 
by    curious    toys  .   .   .  Music    played    gor- 
geously   by    an    interested    orchestra   .    .    . 
The   last   few   notes   of   the   theme   song   as 
Fred    Vettell   backed   Caruso-like    from    the 
mike  to  sing  them  .   .   .  Nothing  at  all  of 
Harriet    Lee's    solo    as    she    sang,    almost 
kissing   the  microphone   .    .   .   But   what 
are  they  saying?  .  .  . 

And  that  is  what  I  saw  and  heard 
during  a  personal  visit  to  the  True 
Storv  Hour.     Had  I  been  at  the 
other    end,    beside    my    radio,    I 
would  have  listened,  according 
to    my    friends,    to    a    repre- 
sentative   program    of    this 
air    feature,    skillfully 
blended,     i  n  t  e  r  e  stingly 
maneuvered — Mary's     and 

Mary  and  Bob,  One  of  Radio's  Most  Famous  Couples 

Bob's  usual  intimate  repartee,  music  and  a  True  Story,  de- 
lightfully dramatized. 

But,  as  it  was,  I  saw  only  a  number  of  very  interesting 
and  talented  persons  and  heard  only  a  number  of  interest- 
ing but  disassociated  sounds. 

Following  the  performance,  I  inquired  what  it  was  they 
vere  saying.  My  host  replied  by  introducing  me  to  Mary 
and  Bob. 

"And  what  was  it  all  about?"  I  asked  Mary. 

She  handed  me  her  script,  thirty  pages  of  it. 

"Take  this,"  she  said.  "I  won't  need  it  for  the  midnight 
show.     I  can  look  on  Bob's." 

The  midnight  show,  I  learned  later,  is  the  second  per- 
formance of  the  program,  which  is  sent  to  the  Pacific 
Coast  at  midnight,  eastern  time,  so  that  it  can  be  heard 
at  nine  o'clock,  Pacific  Coast  time. 

To  talk  to  Mary  and  Bob  is  a  real  pleasure.  They  are 
genuine,  sincere  representatives  of  young  America. 

Ask  them  how  they  happened  to  become  so  well  known, 
how  they  happened  to  become  Mary  and  Bob,  and  they'll 
probably  tell  you,  as  they  told  me,  that  they  "don't  really 
know.     It  just  happened." 

Both  Mary  and  Bob  are  keenly  interested  in  music, 

books,  art  and  outdoor  life.     Bob  is  at  present  taking 

a  course  of  instruction  in  aviation  and  expects  soon 

to  receive  his  pilot's  license.     Mary  has  flown  with 

him    on    several    occasions.      Much    of    her    spare 

time,  she  told  me,  is  devoted  to  writing. 

'Did  you  write  this?"  I   asked,  pointing  to 
the  script  she  had  given  me. 

"Oh,  no,"  she  explained,  "Mr.  Sweets  did 

Mr.  Sweets,  it  developed,  was  William 
M.  Sweets,  the  quiet  young  man  I  had 
noticed  earlier  in  the  evening,  whisper- 
ing to  the  actors.  He,  I  learned,  has 
written,  cast  and  directed  all  of  the 
True  Story  programs  since  their 
inauguration  in  January,  1928. 
At  present  with  the  advertising 
firm  of  Ruthrauff  &  Ryan, 
Mr.  Sweets  is  a  pioneer  in 
radio  broadcasting.  He  was 
former  studio  manager  of 
WRC,  continuity  editor 
of  WJZ,  and  the  first  per- 
son to  hold  the  title  of  production  manager  at  the  Na- 
tional Broadcasting  Company.  That  was  in  the  good  old 
days  when  WJZ's  studios  were  at  3  3  West  42nd  Street  and 
radio  was  getting  its  bearings. 

Upon  further  inquiry,  I  discovered  that  Mr.  Sweets 
came  to  radio  from  journalism,  having  formerly  served  as 
newspaper  correspondent  in  New  York,  London  and  Wash- 

I  suspect  he  will  agree  with  me  that  no  radio  pro- 
gram, if  it  is  to  be  successful,  is  any  kind  of  a  show  to 
watch.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  you  can't  tell  what  it's  all 

One  of  the  Immortals 


A  little  gray  mouse,  while  wandering  about, 

Got  caught  between  leads — and  the  lights  went  out; 

News  items  were  scarce,  so  a  minute  or  two 

Was  used  to  tell  what  a  mouse  can  do — 

How  men  centralized  trouble,  the  labor,  expense; 

For  what  that  mouse  did  there  luas  no  defence; 

And  the  little  dead  mouse  from  on  high  looked  down 

On  the  darkness  and  havoc  he'd  caused  that  town, 

When  clear  through  the  ether  on  sound  waves  came: 

"The  short  circuit   ivas   caused  by" — and  then  his  name! 

F  EBR U  ARY ,      19  3  0 


A  Case  fir  Television 

A  pretty  girl  and 
a  pretty  melody 
make  a  great  com- 
bination. Beatrice 
B  e  1  k  i  n  (above) , 
NBC  soprano, 
would  make  any 
television  set  the 
most  attractive 
piece  of  furniture 
in  the  house.  Bea- 
trice, as  everybody 
knows,  is  a  member 
of  that  famous 
gang  of  Roxy's, 
heard  on  Monday 

A  talking  pic- 
ture of  little  Mar- 
garet Schilling  (at 
right)  can't  dec- 
orate our  mantel- 
piece any  too  soon. 
She  sings  on  the 
RKO  hour  over  the 
NBC    chain. 

No  one  would 
want  to  keep  this 
Wolfe  from  the 
door.  Rosalie,  a 
brilliant  NBC  so- 
p  r  a  n  o  (above) 
would  be  a  wel- 
come visitor  in  any 

We're  going  to 
take  this  picture 
of  Dorsey  Byron 
(at  left)  Colum- 
sweet  soprano, 
right  up  to 
television  experts. 
That'll  make  them 
quit  their  non- 
sense and  get  to 






AJESTIC  JTIOUR  i^xperiment 


:*!.  IM 

Lee  J.  Seymour 
Majcstic's   Director   of  Broadcasting 






MANY    interesting    experiments    have    been    tried    in 
radio  broadcasting,  but  probably  none  has  caused 
more  widespread  comment  than  the  one  which  was 
successfully  demonstrated   in    the   Majestic   studio  of    the 
Columbia    Broadcasting    System    in    New    York   City   one 
recent  Sunday  evening. 

As  I  looked  into  the  studio  through  the  thick  glass 
windows  of  the  reception  room,  there  appeared  to  be  a 
conductorless  orchestra  in  action.  My  imagination  was 
immediately  cap- 
tured by  the 
novelty  of  an 
orchestra  of  sym- 
phonic propor- 
tions playing  in 
perfect  synchron- 
ization with  the 
voice  of  a  so- 
prano, who  was 
singing  a  difficult 
operatic  aria. 
Timing  was  per- 
fect,  yet  no 
member  of  the 
ensemble     seemed 


1 10., 


ma*      mmU.             \t^L^^\^   *^B  ^^VBk 




\y^A      V^A       V^^         * 

Arnold  Johnson  Conducting  His  Orchestra  from  Behind  Glass  Partition. 


to  pay  the  slightest  attention  to  the  singer.  The  repro- 
duction from  the  loud  speaker  in  the  room  was  perfect. 
Curiosity  prompted  an  investigation.  Just  before  the  pro- 
gram started,  Arnold  Johnson,  conductor  of  the  Majestic 
Orchestra,  said  in  reply  to  several  of  my  questions: 

"I  can  well  imagine  that  to  one  on  the  outside  of  the 
studio  the  spectacle  of  an  orchestra  cuing  a  singer  per- 
fectly, with  no  conductor  in  sight,  would  seem  strange. 
It  is  the  result  of  an  idea  that  I  have  had  in  mind  for  a 
long  time.  In  my  years  of  directing  orchestras  for  radio 
broadcasting,  the  greatest  handicap  I  have  experienced  has 
been  trying  to  give  a  singer  the  proper  orchestral  accom- 

"You  know  how  some  of  these  radio  artists  sing — right 

up  into  the 
"mike."  To  a 
person  in  the 
s  t  u  d  io,  though 
only  a  foot  or 
two  away,  there  ■ 
is  no  sound  at 
all.  I  have  often 
thought  that  a 
loud  speaker 
a  1  o  n  g  s  ide  my 
conductor's  stand 
would  simplify 
matters.  But 
that,  of  course, 
would   be   impos- 

f  EBRU ARY ,     19  3  0 


sible,  as  what  is  technically  known  as  "feed-back"  would 
ruin  any  radio  program  if  a  loud  speaker  were  placed  in 
the  studio. 

Director  in  a  Separate  Room 

"Finally,  a  little  over  a  year  ago,  I  decided  that  the 
most  logical  way  in  which  to  direct  an  orchestra  during  a 
radio  program  was  for  the  director  to  be  in  a  separate, 
sound-proof  room,  equipped  with  a  loud  speaker  and  built 
with  a  glass  partition  facing  the  studio.  This  would  give 
him  every  tonal  inflection  of  the  singing  voice,  the  bal- 
ance of  each  section  of  the  orchestra  in  relation  to  the 
performance  of  the  whole  as  a  unit,  and  would  allow  him 
to  hear  the  program  just  as  it  was  to  be  worked  out  to 
insure  perfect  co-ordination  of  performer,  orchestra  and 

"At  one  time  a  few  months  ago,  I  discarded  the  idea 
as  being  too  new  and  untried, 
but  my  attention  was  called 
to  an  article  in  one  of  the 
leading  periodicals  describing 
the  broadcasting  situation  in 
Europe.  The  writer  stated 
that  several  of  the  major 
studios  throughout  England 
and  France  had  successfully 
demonstrated  that  an  orches- 
tra could  be  conducted  by  a 
director  in  a  separate  glass 
booth.  I  again  became  en- 
thusiastic about  the  idea  and 
began  working  out  details. 

"Fortunately,  the  new  stu- 
dios of  the  CBS  were  con- 
structed with  two  control 
rooms,  each  having  glass  par- 
titions between  the  operator's 
panel  and  the  studio.  This 
simplified  matters  to  some  ex- 
tent and  eliminated  the  neces- 
sity of  building  a  separate 
booth  for  the  conductor.  Ex- 
periments were  made  with  va- 
rious types  of  lighting,  to  re- 
move    the     glare     from     the 

double  glass  partitions  separating  the  conductor  and  his 
orchestra.  A  system  of  signal  lights  was  installed  and  a 
new  grouping  of  instruments  was  worked  out  to  make  it 
possible  for  all  members  of  the  ensemble  to  see  the  director 
behind  the  narrow  double  glass  panel. 

New  Era  in  Conducting 

"This  afternoon,  at  our  dress  rehearsal,  we  smoothed 
out  the  rough  spots,  and  I  am  sure  tonight's  broadcast  will 
prove  conclusively  that  a  new  era  in  orchestral  conduct- 
ing for  radio  is  being  ushered  in." 

As  the  writer  was  ushered  into  the  studio  by  a  courteous 
page  boy,  a  violin  solo  was  being  played  by  one  of  the 
orchestra  men.  As  I  tip-toed  to  my  seat,  thinking  the 
program  was  on  the  air  and  that  any  noise  would  be  little 
short  of  a  criminal  offence,  Mr.  Johnson  shouted:  "How 
much  was  it."  "Two-thirty,"  was  the  reply.  I  knew 
from  this  that  I  was  early.     I  soon  found  out  that  the 

orchestra  rehearsal  was  over  and  that  Mr.  Johnson  was 
timing  the  violin  solo.  Every  number  is  accurately  timed 
before  the  program  goes  on  the  air. 

The  program  opened  with  Song  of  the  Bayou,  the  com- 
position of  Rube  Bloom  that  won  a  prize  in  the  recent 
Victor  Talking  Machine  Company  contest.  The  vocal 
interlude  was  sung  by  Barry  Devine.  I  learned  that  David 
Rosensweig  was  the  violin  soloist  and  that  on  this  par- 
ticular program  the  Majestic  Orchestra  was  featuring  its 
individual  players  in  the  various  selections. 

As  the  program  progressed,  I  had  the  opportunity  of 
seeing  in  actual  operation  Mr.  Johnson's  new  method  of 
conducting  from  a  small  room  next  to  the  control  room. 
It  seemed  to  be  working  fully  as  well  as  he  had  predicted  it 
would.  Mr.  Johnson  stood  behind  a  large  glass  window 
in  this  room  and  led  his  orchestra.  Not  only  could  he  be 
seen  easily  by  the  men,  but  he  also  was  able  to  hear,  by 
means  of  the  loud  speaker  installed  in  the  little  room,  just 

how  the  program  was  going 
out  over  the  air  and  thus  regu- 
late his  orchestral  balance. 

Several  times  during  the 
program  Mr.  Johnson  motion- 
ed to  various  musicians,  sig- 
nalling them  to  move  nearer 
to  the  microphone  or  away 
from  it.  In  this  way  he  was 
able  to  produce  exactly  the 
effects  that  he  wanted  and 
that  the  score  called  for.  It 
seemed  to  me  that  this  new 
idea  in  c  o  n  d  ucting  should 
make  for  more  perfect  broad- 
casts, inasmuch  as  the  con- 
ductor is  the  one  who  is  best 
fitted  to  tell  what  the  various 
instruments  are  capable  of  do- 
ing and  when  they  should  play 
louder  and  softer. 

Muriel   La   France,   Soprano;    Red  feme   Hollinshead, 

Tenor,    and    the    Majestic    Male    Quartet,    on    the 

Majestic  Hour. 

Departs    from   Custom 

In  all  broadcasts  it  is  the 
custom  for  the  production  di- 
rector to  station  himself  in  the 
control  room  behind  the  glass 
partition,  so  as  to  judge  how  the  program  is  being  re- 
ceived over  the  air,  and  to  make  improvements  in  its 
reception  by  signalling  his  instructions  through  this  win- 
dow to  the  musicians  or  the  orchestra  leader.  This  new 
idea,  adopted  in  the  Majestic  Hour,  puts  this  duty  on  the 
hands  of  the  orchestra  leader  himself,  who  is  the  logical 
one  to  do  it.  After  all,  it  is  usually  the  orchestra  leader 
who  is  criticized  if  the  orchestra  is  not  properly  balanced. 
While  a  production  director  may  be  highly  capable,  he 
cannot  be  expected  to  know  as  much  about  the  musical 
portion  of  the  program  as  does  a  specialist  in  that  line. 

Upon  the  completion  of  the  program,  which  was  spon- 
sored by  the  Grigsby-Grunow  Co.,  makers  of  Majestic 
radio  sets,  I  was  introduced  to  Lee  Seymour,  who  an- 
nounced the  hour.  He  is  the  director  of  all  Majestic 
broadcasts.  He  is  assisted  by  Henry  P.  Hayward.  They 
all  seemed  highly  pleased  with  the  experiment  of  con- 
ducting "behind  the  glass,"  and  said  that  the  practice 
would  be  continued. 



An  Open  Letter 


"The  People  in  an  adjoining  apartment   thought  we  had 
caught  a  Burglar.     It  was  Cincinnati!" 

I   read   with   much   interest   your    article   in   the 
first  number  of  Radio  Revue,   and   now  feel  the 
urge  to  burst  into  print  and  take  issue  with  you  on  several 

You  claim  to  present  the  views  of  an  "average  fan". 
What  you  say  may  be,  and  probably  is,  the  true  expression 
of  the  majority  of  radio  fans  who  are  compelled  to  live  in 
the  metropolis,  but  to  consider  yourself  the  spokesman  for 
the  entire  country  is  going  just  a  bit  too  far.  What  about 
us  poor  souls  who  do  not  possess  the  inestimable  advantage 
of  living  in  New  York?  Are  we  to  be  just  ignored  as  not 
counting  in  the  scheme  of  things?  Or  may  we  raise  a 
timid  voice  to  have  our  say  on  this  burning  question? 

I  haven't  a  lot  of  statistics  at  my  finger-tips,  nor  have 
I  even  heard  some  of  the  performers  to  whom  you  refer. 
But,  nevertheless,  I  claim  to  be  just  as  truly  representa- 
tive of  the  class  of  fan  who  gets  one  of  his  greatest  in- 
terests from  the  radio  as  you  are. 

To  begin  with,  perhaps  I  had  better  mention  the  points 
on  which  I  think  your  judgment  is  sound.  We  both  con- 
sider ourselves  lowbrows — and  are  proud  of  it.  We  both 
get  a  terrific  kick  out  of  the  so-called  popular  programs. 
I,  too,  have  been  a  radio  addict  for  many  years — and  am 
growing  more  so  every  day.  I  have  been  the  owner  of  a 
more  or  less  capably  performing  set  since  the  days  of  1923. 

Thought  We  Had  Burglar 

Never  will  I  forget  the  thrill  of  that  first  set!  The 
people  with  whom  we  lived  then  had  one  of   those  cat- 

Mr.  Average  Fan 


Mrs.  Upstate 

whisker,  now-you-get-it-and-now-you-don't  affairs  and, 
when,  we  went  them  one  better  and  bought  an  honest- 
to-goodness   four-tuber,   we   were   the  envy   of   all   be- 
holders.    The  first  night  we  had  the  set,  my  husband 
was  "tinkering"'  very  late  and  had  the  headphones  on. 
All  of  a  sudden  I  was  horribly  startled  by  hearing  him 
shout:   "I've  got   'em — oh,  I've  got   'em!"     I  jumped  up 
and  hollered   back:   "Hang  on  to   'em,   don't   let   'em   get 
away!"     Whereupon  the  people  from  an  adjoining  apart- 
ment came  rushing  in,  thinking  we  had  caught  a  burglar! 
And  it  turned  out  to  be  Cincinnati ! 

Since  those  early  years  we  have  had  a  variety  of  sets,  all 
the  way  from  a  one-lunger  to  our  present  super-het,  and 
have  followed  the  progress  of  the  programs  pretty  closely. 
You  hit  the  nail  on  the  head  when  you  say  that  the  radio 
is  not  always  conducive  to  marital  felicity,  but  we  have 
safely  weathered  the  prospects  of  having  our  family  life 
completely  disrupted.  We  emerged  victorious  from  the 
threat  of  manslaughter  or  divorce,  and  have  now  arrived 
at  a  fairly  comprehensive  working  basis. 

Mr.  Average  Fan,  I  want  to  congratulate  you  on  your 
wise  choice  of  announcers — excepting  that  you  fail  to 
emphasize  strongly  enough  the  appeal  of  Norman  Broken- 
shire  and  you  overemphasize  that  of  Ted  Husing.  Not 
being  especially  a  sport  addict,  the  latter  leaves  me  quite 
cold.  But  the  former!  Well,  it's  a  case  of  "Oh  baby,  look 
what  you've  done  to  me!"  Seriously,  Brokenshire  is  a 
marvelous  announcer,  whose  voice  comes  over  perfectly 
at  all  times,  and  is  free  from  the  slips  which  are  noticeable 
with  some  others. 

My  Favorite  Announcers 

We  like  McNamee  for  sport,  also  Ted  Husing.  But  for 
other  types  of  programs  give  us  Milton  J.  Cross,  David 
Ross,  and  the  newcomer,  Frank  Knight,  all  of  whom 
possess  delightful  voices  and  splendid  diction.     Phil  Carlin 

F  EBRU  ARY  ,     19  5  0 


Mrs.   Upstate  Listener  gets  Mr.  Average  Fan's  Ear 

used  to  be  a  favorite,  but  he  developed  a   certain  cynical 
effect  that  doesn't  go  over  very  well  with  this  fan. 

It  is  quite  true  that  many  programs  originating  west  of 
New  York  are  mighty  poor  but,  on  the  other  hand,  have 
you  ever  listened  to  some  of  the 
programs    emanating    from    To- 
ronto,  or  Eastman's   in  Roches- 
ter?    We  often  hear  from  these 
stations    concerts    of 
which  New  York  it- 
self  would    have    no 
cause  to  be  ashamed. 
However,     we     can 
have  no  real  quarrel 
on   this   point,   for  I 
agree  that  there  can 
be    no    question    but 
that     the     finest     in 
the     world     come 
from  either  NBC  or 

You  don't  say 
much  about  the  plays  that  come  over  often  and  from 
which  I  get  a  tremendous  thrill,  almost  as  great  as  from 
the  theatre  itself.  However,  I'll  forgive  you  this  omission 
in  view  of  the  fact  that  you  refrained  from  making  that 
wisecrack,  which  we  read  in  every  radio  column  in  every 
paper  in  the  country,  about  the  "radio  soprano."  I  don't 
think  I  could  have  borne  it  if  you  had  talked  about  this 
much-maligned  creature.  After  all,  in  spite  of  the  storm 
of  slams  she  gets,  she  still  remains  practically  the  highest 
paid  artist  on  the  air,  as  witness  Olive  Palmer,  Jessica 
Dragonette,  et  al.     And  that  must  mean  something. 

Still  Gets  Thrill  From  DX 

As  for  the  question  of  DX  dying  out,  it  no  doubt  has 
in  such  a  place  as  New  York,  where  the  sta- 
tions are  so  thick  they  get  in  your  hair,  and 
where  one  must  pierce  the  haze  of  heterodyn- 
ing to  get  any  distance  at  all.  But  to  us  in  the 
sticks,  the  thrill  of  staying  up  late  at  night 
to  hear  a  still  small  voice  say,  so  softly  as 
to  be  almost  unheard,  "KFI,  Los  Angeles," 
still  remains  pretty  strong.  Although  to 
be  sure,  with  the  super-het  it  is  no  trick  at 
all  to  get  the  coast  on  any  good  night. 

They  say  that  gasoline  engines  are  human 
and  have  all  the  cussedness  connected  with 
the  normal  human  being.  If  this  be  so, 
then  how  much  more  human  is  the  radio 
set.  Surely  most  of  us  have  experienced  the 
aggravation  of  inviting  friends  in  to  hear 
us  get  California,  only  to  have  the  darn 
thing  lay  down  on  us,  and  then  have  to  en- 
dure the  incredulous  smiles  of  our  guests. 
If  that  isn't  just  like  a  kid  refusing  to  show  off,  I  don't 
know  what  is. 

Now  Mr.  Average  Fan,  here's  the  real  crux  of  my  com- 
plaint. I  object  strenuously  to  your  claiming  that  the 
average  fan,  in  the  person  of  yourself,  prefers  to  tune  in, 
say,  Helen  Kane,  to  a  symphony  concert.  One  does  not, 
necessarily,  have  to  be  a  high  brow  to  prefer  good  music 
to  that  which  can't,  by  any  stretch  of  the  imagination,  be 
termed  music  at  all.     I  know  it  is  possible  to  love  both 

Walter  Damrosch  and- Rudy  Vallee.  I  know  it,  for  I  do 
so  myself.  And  I  contend  that  there  are  many  thousands 
of  listeners  who  have  never  heard  of  Helen  Kane,  and  who, 
if  they  did  happen  to  stumble  across  her  boop-a-dooping 
merrily  along,  would  lose  no  time  in  putting  them- 
selves elsewhere  pronto.  Station  Me  speaking,  for 

Bully  for  you,  in  saying  Vincent  Lopez  and  Roxy 
are  too  sweet  for  words.  I'm 
off-a  sugar  anyhow.  And  I'd 
love  to  know  who  among  the 
announcers  you  abominate. 

Well,  it's  a  great  life,  and  I 
for  one  am  growing  more  at- 
tached to  my  radio  than  to 
shows,  social  life  or  anything 
else  in  the  way  of  amusement, 
and  now  I  am  getting  fairly 
well  acquainted  with  what  the 
inside  of  my  home  looks   like. 

I've    spoken    my    piece     now 

and,    like    Ben    Bernie,    "I    hope 

you  like  it!"  and  will  forgive  my  temerity  in  venturing  to 

express  a   few   words  on  behalf  of   the   "Hicks   from   the 

Sticks." — Margaret  H.  Heinz,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Braine-Child  Has  Premiere 

I1  HE  ballet  music  from  The  Eternal  Light,  a  new  Orien- 
-*-  tal  work  in  opera  form  by  Robert  Braine,  American 
composer,  whose  SOS  was  recently  presented  to  the  radio 
audience  by  Dr.  Walter  Damrosch,  had  its  premiere  under 
the  baton  of  the  same  conductor  on  the  General  Electric 
Hour,  on  Saturday  night,  January  11,  at  9  o'clock. 

The  first  part,  Oriental  Dance  is  true  to  the  accepted 
ideas  of  Oriental  music,  but  is  treated  in  an  original  way 
in  the  orchestra.      The   second   part   is   a   languorous   love- 
waltz  with  a  definite  sweep  to  it,  and  a  melody  that  falls 
gratefully  upon  the  western  ear.  The 
Temple  Dance  of  Els  Cosiers  is  set 
to   a   different    rhythm,   accented   by 
a    gentle    tambourine    beat,    while    a 
totally  different  mood  is  established 
by   the  Dance  of  the  Flower  Girls, 
-the  second  part  of  which  is  a  stately 
ritual    dance,   well-orches- 

trated and  attuned  to  its 
subject.  It  develops  later 
into  a  swirling,  gay  dance 
in  which  the  horns  and 
xylophones  joined  merrily 
with  the  strings,  bringing 
the  piece  to  a  whole- 
hearted climax. 

Concerning     the     work 
Mr.    Damrosch    says: 

"The  Dance  of  Els  Cosiers 
is  especially  interesting,  being  an  impression  of  the  Spanish  Temple 
Dances  described  by  Viullier  as  follows:  'A  body  of  dancers  called  Els 
Cosiers  consisted  of  six  boys  dressed  in  white,  with  ribbons  of  many 
colors,  wearing  on  their  heads  caps  trimmed  with  flowers.  One  of 
them,  La  Dama,  disguised  as  a  woman,  carries  a  fan  in  one  hand  and 
a  handkerchief  in  the  other.  Two  others  are  dressed  as  demons  with 
horns  and  cloven  feet.  Every  few  yards  they  perform  steps.  Each 
demon  is  armed  with  a  flexible  rod  with  which  he  keeps  off  the  crowd. 
The  procession  stops  in  all  the  squares  and  principal  places  and  there 
the  Cosiers  perform  one  of  their  dances  to  the  sound  of  the  tambourine 
and  the  fabiol.  When  the  procession  returns  to  the  church  they  dance 
together   around   the  statue  of  the  Virgin.'  " — W.  P.-M. 

"Oh,  Baby!  Look  what  you've  done  to  me." 



JtATIC  from  the  XtUDICX 

Sam  Herman,  NBC's  demon  xylo- 
phone player,  was  married  in 
Philadelphia  late  in  December  to 
Miss  Alma  Knopfel.  They  both 
come  from  the  Williamsbridge  sec- 
tion of  the  Bronx.  Sam  had  known 
his  bride  about  a  year  before  they 
were  married.  They  first  met  at 
Curtiss  Flying  Field,  where  Sam 
was  a  student  flyer.  Having  re- 
ceived his  pilot's  license,  he  says,  he 
now  feels  capable  of  piloting  the 
young  lady  through  life.  They  are 
now  living  in  a  penthouse  apart- 
ment at  76th  Street  and  Amster- 
dam Avenue,  New  York.  Inci- 
dentally, Sam  just  lately  signed  a 
contract  to  play  exclusively  for 

A     A     A 

Setting-up  exercises  at  Station  WL W, 
Cincinnati,  have  a  new  snap  to  them 
since  January  5,  when  Miss  Jeanne 
Carolyn  Burdette  arrived  at  the  home 
of  Robert  Burdette,  director  of  exer- 
cises, and  assistant  program  director 
for  both  Crosley  stations.  It  is  under- 
stood that  the  young  lady  has  already 
started  to  broadcast. 


Julius  Mattfeld,  that  lean,  lithe 
music-hound,  continues  to  give  exhibi- 
tions of  shadow  boxing  before  the  CBS 
orchestras.  Julius  is  a  fine  musician, 
and  there  is  absolutely  no  truth  to  the 
rumor  that  he  aspires  to  the  middle- 
weight championship  of  the  world.  He 
declares  that  his  fights  are  strictly 
verbal,  and  are  only  with  musicians  and 


It  does  not  always  pay  to  be 
right.  The  other  day,  in  one  of  the 
NBC  light  opera  performances, 
Gitla  Erstinn,  soprano,  was  the 
only  one  in  the  entire  company  who 
held  a  certain  note  the  prescribed 
time.  The  others  all  fell  by  the 
wayside.  After  the  broadcast  Gitla 
was  complimented  by  Director 
Harold  Sanford  and  the  rest  were 

admonished.  But  the  ironical  part 
of  it  is  that  an  outsider,  comment- 
ing on  that  performance,  said:  "It 
was  fine,  but  who  was  the  girl  who 
held  on  to  that  note  too  long?" 


Publicity  often  has  its  perils.  Wil- 
liam Wirges,  well  known  orchestra 
leader  and  arranger,  recently  has  re- 
ceived a  great  deal  of  publicity  in  con- 
nection with  a  yellow  clarinet  he  owns 
that  has  13  keys.  It  was  first  owned 
by  his  grandfather,  who  played  it  in 
the  days  when  he  led  a  regimental  band 
in  Buffalo.  As  a  result  of  this  pub- 
licity Bill  has  been  singled  out  as  the 
"hot"  clarinet  player  on  several  of  the 
hours  he  conducts.  As  a  matter  of  fact, 
Bill  doesn't  know  a  thing  about  play- 
ing a  clarinet.  His  instrument  is  the 
piano  and,  if  you  could  hear  how  he 
makes  the  ivories  do  his  bidding,  you 
would  have  no  reason  to  suspect  that  he 
might  be  a  clarinet  player. 


The  children  of  the  radio  studios 
brought  out  for  Christmas  and  the  New 
Year  a  truly  funny  magazine  called 
"The  Tin  Trumpet",  which  for  a  mo- 
ment threatened  the  popularity  of 
Radio  Revue.  The  first  edition,  a  very 
limited  one  and  the  work  of  the  kids 
themselves,  was  sold  out  before  it  left 
the  bindery.  Look  for  the  February 
number,     (free  advt.) 


An  English  critic,  reviewing  a  phon- 
ograph record  made  by  the  erstwhile 
American  taxicab  driver,  Eddie  Wal- 
ters, called  him  "The  Crystal  Spoofer." 
Eddie  spends  most  of  his  time  these 
days  trying  to  ascertain  what  the  Brit- 
isher meant.  The  record  was  "Good- 
ness, Gracious,  Grade"  and,  since  it 
was  the  only  record  accepted  by  British 
distributors  out  of  approximately  forty, 
his  friends  say  that  the  London  writer 
meant  to  be  complimentary.  Walters 
was  on  WOR  recently,  strumming  his 
uke   and    singing    the    newest    comedy 

songs.      He   is   an   exclusive  Columbia 
phonograph  artist. 


Will  Osborne  was  guest  of  honor  at 
the  Women's  Home  Guild  Luncheon  in 
Brooklyn  recently  and  received  a  big 
ovation.  Will  took  his  CBS  orchestra 
with  him  and  entertained  the  ladies. 
Everything  went  well  until  the  ladies, 
becoming  curious,  asked  him  a  lot  of 
personal  questions  such,  as  "Can  you 
cook,  Mr.  Osborne?"  and  "Have  you 
got  a  home?"  and  so  forth.  Will  man- 
aged to  get  off  one  answer  and  brought 
down  the  house  when  he  replied  to  the 
first  question.  He  said  he  cooked  his 
own  breakfast  only  because  he  liked  his 
toast  burnt.  At  this  luncheon  Will  met 
many  of  the  ladies  who  have  followed 
his  croonings  over  WABC  and  Colum- 
bia stations  for  long  time. 


One  evening  not  long  ago,  Frank 
Croxton,  bass  of  the  American  Singers, 
NBC,  was  proudly  displaying  part  of 
an  orchestration  in  manuscript  for  a 
song  he  was  to  sing.  It  turned  out  to 
be  "Gypsy  Love  Song"  of  Victor  Her- 

(Continned  on  page  33) 





















FEBRU ARY  ,     19  3  0 


New  Meteor  Flashes 





DURING  the  past  two  years  there  has  been  great  con- 
sternation among  the  constellations  in  "Blue 
Heaven,"  which  is  the  Happy  Hunting  Ground 
for  jazz  players  and  orchestra  leaders.  The  disturbance 
originated  with  the  unheralded  appearance  of  a  new 
meteor  which  has  flashed  with  ever-increasing  brillance  in 
recent  months.  Latest  reports  indicate  no  dimming  of  the 
bright  star  that  is  Bert  Lown,  orchestra  manager  extra- 

Bert  is  a  mere  lad — he  is  only  twenty-six — but  already 
his  bands  stretch  to  the  far  corners  of   this  hemisphere, 
elastically    speaking.      In    fact,    the    pulsing    beat    of    his 
syncopation   has   been    felt    in    Paris,    London    and    South 
America.      He   has    graduated   orchestras    more    numerous 
than   Jimmy   Walk- 
er's   welcoming    re- 
ceptions   and    has 
succeeded  in  making 
his  little  name  a  big 
factor   in   Broadway 
orchestral  circles. 

He  conceived  the 
idea  of  being  an  or- 
crestra  magnate 
about  six  years  ago. 
His  first  step  up  the 
scale  con  sisted  of 
teaching  himself  the 
notes  according  to  a 
simple  system  of  his 
own.  Then  he  trav- 
elled, to  gain  a  little 
experience.  Later,  in 
an  effort  to  learn  the  Tom  Cline  and  his  Brunswick  Recording  Orchestra 

secrets  of  successful  salesmanship,  he  sold  typewriters. 
Finally  he-  took  a  correspondence  course,  to  acquire  a 
knowledge  of  business. 

In  1927  he  decided  that  he  was  about  ready  to  try  his 
luck,  so  he  opened  a  Broadway  office.  Opportunity  not 
only  knocked  at  his  door,  but  came  in  and  paid  him  a 
sociable  call.     The  result  was  that  Bert  got  along  famously. 

He  soon  had  estab- 
lished a  wide  repu- 
tation for  himself  as 
an  orchestra  organ- 
izer. Two  of  his 
better  known  prod- 
ucts are  Tom  Cline's 
Collegians  and  Rudy 
Vallee's  C  o  nnecti- 
cut  Yankees. 

Through    the 
Melting    Pot 

Broadway  is  nat- 
urally the  hub  of 
activity  in  jazz  cir- 
cles. The  best  or- 
chestra talent  in  the 
{Turn  to  page  43) 





Ethec  Etching/ 

■^  ^^fc^^^fc.'^."  ^"  fc."fc~  ^'^"■^"^^^^■^■^^"  ^^^^^^-^^%^^^^*s^-^^^^^^^^-^"^^^"%^^^^^sAr-^fv^^'-^,'^^^^^^^~^^r-^^^^^^^,^~'^^^^^^^^^  *^> 

Likes  Light-Housekeeping 

r  I  ^HIS  tall  and  very  capable  lady  is  Margaret  Cuthbert. 
-*-  You  may  not  have  met  her,  for  she  seldom  leaves 
her  office,  on  the  fourteenth  floor  of  the  NBC  building. 
She  has  an  office,  a  department,  and  this  column  all  to 
herself.  Her  full  name  is  Margaret  Ross  Cuthbert.  She 
was  born  on  the  banks  of  the  Saskatchewan  at  Prince 
Albert  in  Canada  and  was  educated  at  Cornell  University, 
winning   the  degree  of   M.   A.      Miss   Cuthbert's   father  is 

Assistant  C  o  m  m  i  s- 
sioner  of  the  Royal 
Canadian  Mounted  Po- 
lice, which  explains  her 
height    and    courage. 

She  joined  the  busi- 
ness of  broadcasting  in 
1924  at  WEAF,  tak- 
ing charge  of  all  speak- 
ers and  educational 
programs,  and  she  still 
holds  this  position  at 
711  Fifth  Avenue,  but, 
instead  of  presenting 
two  speakers  a  day, 
the  average  back  in 
1924,  Miss  Cuthbert 
now  places  forty 
speakers  a  week  before 
the  microphone. 
As  everyone  knows,  who  knows  Margaret  Cuthbert,  her 
favorite  occupation  outdoors  is  riding.  Had  she  been  a 
boy,  she  would  probably  have  won  distinction  in  the  Royal 
Canadian  Mounted  Police,  for  she  rides  very  well.  Her 
pet  aversion  is  a  certain  class  of  women,  to  whom  you 
say:  "How  are  you?"  and  they  then  proceed  to  tell  vou 
exactly  how  they  are,  and  a  lot  of  things  in  addition,  tak- 
ing up  four  hour  of  your  time  on  a  busy  day  and  com- 
pletely upsetting  your  day's  routine. 

Her  secret  ambition  is  to  retire  to  a  light-house,  where 
she  declares  that  she  will  take  up  light-house-keeping.  She 
has  been  cautioned  about  making  jokes  like  this.  She  has 
one  frightful  perversion  and  that  is  an  appetite  for  hors 
d'oeuvres  for  breakfast,  which,  as  you  know,  simply  isn't 

Miss  Cuthbert  has  written  many  short  stories  and  some 
good  poetry,  but  she  has  never  had  the  time  to  write  a 
book,  although  she  has  started  several. 

Some  of  the  celebrities  she  has  "put  on  the  air"  are 
Prince  William  of  Sweden,  Sarojani  Naida  of  India,  Presi- 
dent of  the  National  Women's  Congress;  Molyneux, 
Padriac  Colum,  Lord  Dunsany,  Mrs.  Franklin  D.  Roose- 
velt, Heywoon  Broun,  Don  Marquis,  John  Galsworthy, 
Richard  W.  Child,  and  a  lot  of  others  who  might  be 
taken  almost  at  random  from  a  literary,  artistic  or  social 
"Who's  Who". 

Margaret  Cuthbert 

Work  His  Chief  Amusement 

\  MODEST  and  retiring  gentleman  is  Keith  McLeod, 
-^*-  who  supervises  the  music  on  NBC  programs.  He  is 
a  native  of  Loveland,  Colorado,  and  was  educated  at 
Denver  University.  A  brilliant  pianist  and  organist,  with 
much  experience  in  the  fields  of  orchestration,  arrange- 
ment and  composition,  he  is  an  ail-American  product 
musically,  for  all  of  his  studying  was  done  in  this  country. 

He  plays  for  the  711  Personalities,  when  he  is  in  the 
mood,  and  has  always 
been  a  tower  of 
strength  to  the  Arm- 
chair Quartet,  for 
which  he  makes  un- 
usual vocal  arrange- 
ments and  also  plays 
piano,  organ  or  vibra- 
phone, as  the  occasion 
demands.  Contrary  to 
an  opinion  long  held  by 
many  musicians,  Mr. 
McLeod  did  not  invent 
the  vibraphone,  al- 
though his  judgment 
has  been  sought  in  con- 
nection with  the 
manufacture  of  the 
latest  types  of  this  in- 

His  first  radio  ex- 
perience was  gained  at 
WJZ  in  1923,  where 
he  served  as  accom- 
panist in  charge  of  au- 
ditions. In  the  early  days  he  was  often  complimented  on  his 
spontaneous  "stand-by  programs,"  which  he  shared  with 
Milton  J.  Cross  and  other  announcers  who  were  gifted 
musically.  He  seldom  leaves  the  studio  and  takes  many  a 
meal  at  his  desk.  He  claims  that  his  main  amusement  is 
work.  In  addition  to  the  routine  of  his  office,  which 
often  requires  long  hours,  he  has  found  time  to  write 
quite  a  stack  of  good  music,  excerpts  from  which  are 
often  heard  on  the  NBC  networks. 

His  published  compositions  include  Southern  Skies,  My 
Prairie  Rose,  Slumber  On,  the  amazingly  popular  signa- 
ture of  WJZ's  famous  Slumber  Hour,  a  number  of  piano 
arrangements  of  old  favorite  songs  for  which  Godfrey 
Ludlow  made  violin  transcriptions,  Memory's  Treasure 
Chest,  signature  for  the  Stromberg-Carlson  Hour,  and  a 
number  of  other  works.  He  has  a  tremendous  capacity 
for  composing  and  takes  an  absorbing  interest  in  it. 

His  pet  aversions  are  whistling  page  boys,  insurance 
canvassers,  subways  and  bootleggers,  and  he  is  compiling 
quite  a  long  list  of  names  marked  "For  Immediate  and 
Violent  Removal".    He  likes  riding,  automobiling  and  golf. 

Keith  McLeod 

FEBRUARY,      19  3  0 


Jtatic  rccM  ™e  Xtudicx 

(Continued  from  page  30) 

bert,  and  this  particular  part  of  the 
orchestration  was  done  in  Victor  Her- 
bert's own  writing,  frank  explained 
that,  on  one  of  the  tours  he  made  with 
Herbert  about  1 5  years  ago,  the  pub- 
lishers had  sent  him  a  printed  orches- 
tration. Herbert  found  if  so  unsatis- 
factory that  he  sat  right  down  and  did 
part  of  it  entirely  over  for  Frank. 
Naturally,  Frank  now  prizes  the  manu- 
script highly. 


Harry  Link,  of  Santly  Bros.,  Inc.,  music 
publishers,  was  one  of  the  real  radio  pio- 
neers. For  several  years  he  was  manager 
of  Station  WIP  in  Philadelphia  and  he  has 
had  a  long  and  varied  connection  with 
radio  bradcasting,  dating  back  to  about 
seven  years  ago.  The  funny  part  of  it  is 
that,  in  all  this  time,  Harry  has  never 
owned  a  radio  set.  However,  he  has  ap- 
parently seen  the  error  of  his  ways,  be- 
cause one  of  his  friends  met  him  the  other 
night  on  his  way  to  buy  a  radio  receiver. 
Probably  one  reason  for  his  decision  was 
the  fact  that  Harriet  Lee,  crooning  con- 
tralto soloist  on  the  Ceco  Couriers,  WABC, 
had  just  broadcast  for  the  first  time 
Harry's    latest    song,    called    "Gone." 

A  few  iveeks  ago  Maurice  Tyler, 
NBC  tenor,  was  suffering  from  throat 
trouble.  He  bought  an  atomizer  and 
sprayed  his  throat  at  regular  intervals. 
However,  on  one  occasion,  the  nozzle 
of  the  atomizer  worked  loose  and,  be- 
fore he  realized  if,  he  had  sivallowed  it. 
This  apparently  has  opened  his  eyes  to 
talents  that  he  did  not  know  he  pos- 
sessed, because  he  can  be  seen  almost 
any  night  now  at  a  nearby  restaurant, 
practicing  sword-sivallowing  with  the 
silver  knives  there. 


Ralph  Edmunds,  popular  station  man- 
ager of  Station  WRC,  Washington,  has 
been  transferred  to  the  NBC,  where  he 
has  many  friends.  He  was  last  seen  with 
Anna  Knox,  the  English  novelist,  and 
J.  H.  Benrimo,  the  author-actor-pro- 
ducer, seeking  "rognone  trifolati"  in  a 
small  but  very  good  Italian  restaurant. 

Despite  Ralph's  faultless  French  and 
Italian,  and  his  exotic  tastes,  he  is  a 
Londoner,  with  an  Eton  College  educa- 
tion, and  a  bright  sense  of  humor. 

Judson  House,  NBC  tenor,  is  at 
present  busily  engaged  in  an  effort 
to  reduce  his  weight.  He  has  been 
promised  a  contract  to  sing  leading 
roles  in  light  operas  that  are  to  be 
filmed  as  talking  pictures,  if  he 
takes  off  40  pounds  by  March.  He 
has  already  lost  over  3  5  pounds  by 
means  of  an  orange  juice  diet  and 
seems  to  be  well  on  the  road  to  a 
more  svelte  waistline. 


Irma  de  Baun,  coloratura  soprano, 
who  is  on  the  Evening  in  Paris  Hour, 
CBS,  sang  a  group  of  songs  recently  at 
an  informal  tea  given  by  the  Home 
Making  Center  of  the  New  York  State 
Federation  of  Women's  Clubs  in  the 
Grand  Central  Palace.  Leonora  Corona 
and  Eleanor  La  Mance,  both  of  the 
Metropolitan   Opera   Company,   poured. 


Recently  Walter  Preston,  NBC 
baritone,  was  discussing  operatic 
and  dramatic  roles  with  Virginia 
Gardiner,  the  bright  star  of  NBC 

"Before  I  go  to  the  microphone," 
said  Miss  Gardiner,  "I  always  know 
my    roles    by   heart." 

"What  a  baker  you  must  be — 
to  know  your  rolls  so  well,"  replied 
Walter,  as  he  faded  out  of  the  pic- 


The  name  John  McCormack  is  synony- 
mous with  a  high  standard  in  singing. 
The  same  seems  to  apply  regardless  of 
how  the  name  is  spelled.  At  WOR  is  a 
youngster  who  spells  it  McCormick.  He 
is    a    baritone,    however. 

Young  McCormick  broke  into  WOR  a 
year  ago  only  to  be  turned  down  by  a 
man    who   might    reasonably   be   expected    to 

give  him  a  chance George  Shackley,  music 

director   of   the   station   and   his  first   cousin. 

"Go  out  and  get  some  more  instruction 
before    you    come    in    here",    he    was    told. 

"If  you  ever  get  on  WOR  it  will  be 
through  merit  and  not  because  of  your  re- 
lationship to  me.  Remember  that  you  will 
have  to  pass  an  audition  board  of  seven 
and  you  will  have  to  get  the  approval  of 
all    of   them". 

The  youth  walked  out  somewhat  discon- 
sloately.  Several  -weeks  ago  he  returned 
and  not  only  got  the  approval  of  the  seven 
auditors  but  their  highest  compliments  as 
well.      He  went   on   the  air   recently. 


Norman  Fierce,  the  ''Bachelor  Poet" 
and  formerly  one  of  the  leading  an- 
nouncers at  WMCA,  has  joined  the  Litf- 
mann  forces  to  do  special  broadcasting 
during  the  fourteen  half-hour  programs 
on  the  air  via  WABC  by  that  sponsor 
every  week.  He  will  be  heard'  on  the 
air  several  times  each  week. 


From  the  office  of  John  de  Jara 
Almonte,  assistant  to  the  Vice 
President  of  the  NBC  and  in  charge 
of  executive  offices  at  night,  comes 
the  information  that  he  has  been 
host  to  over  95,000  guests  who  vis- 
ited the  NBC  studios  at  711  Fifth 
Avenue  during  1929.  In  the  same 
period  of  time,  and  for  the  eve- 
(Confinued   on    page    3  S ) 

Electric  Clock 

Place  it  on  your  radio  set,  and  get  accu- 
rate time  for  tuning  in  on  your  favorite 

Tickless,    springless,    care-free    operation. 

Plug  in  on  light   socket. 

Case    in    walnut    finish,    Bakelite. 

Three  inch  silvered  dial,  heighth  7J4 

Sent    Prepaid — Price     %9.95 

William  H.  Enhaus  &  Son 
26  John  St.  New  York  City 



Second  Issue  Sold  Out! 

r  I  ^  HE  editors  of  Radio  Revue  were  totally  unprepared 
-*-  for  the  rush  that  greeted  its  second  issue.  We 
rather  expected  that  the  elments  of  novelty,  which  might 
naturally  be  expected  to  accompany  a  first  issue,  would 
wear  off  and  that  the  second  issue  would  be  received  and 
accepted  more  as  a  matter  of  course.  However,  such  was 
apparently  not  the  case,  much  to  our  pleased  astonish- 

The  extremely  cordial  reception  that  Radio  Revue  has 
had  on  all  sides  is  truly  heart-warming  to  us.  We  are 
more  convinced  than  ever  that  there  is  a  definite  need 
and  place  for  such  a  magazine.  Letters  and  subscriptions 
have  been  pouring  in  from  listeners  in  all  parts  of  the 
country.  These  letters,  a  few  of  which  are  reproduced  in 
another  column,  have  been  a  great  inspiration  and  guide 
in  planning  future  issues. 

Again  we  invite  all  of  our  readers  to  write  us  frequently, 
expressing  their  likes  or  dislikes  in  radio  programs,  mak- 
ing suggestions  for  improving  conditions  for  listeners  in 
any  way,  asking  information  about  radio  artists  or  pro- 
grams, or  suggesting  what  artists  or  programs  they  would 
like  to  see  featured  on  the  cover  or  in  special  articles.  Help 
us  to  make  Radio  Revue  a  real  listeners'  forum,  a  medium 
for  the  exchange  of  opinions  on  radio  broadcasting  by 
those  who  listen  in. 

Radio  Fans  Cannot  Be  Denied 

r  I  ^  HE  affections  of  radio  fans  cannot  be  trifled  with. 
-*•  This  the  Pepsodent  Company,  which  sponsors  Amos 
'n'  Andy,  has  learned  through  rather  costly  experience. 
This  company,  which  was  the  first  national  advertiser  to 
use  the  radio  every  day,  took  over  the  Amos  '»'  Andy 
program  last  fall.  It  is  understood  that  the  company 
pays  for  this  program  about  $750,000  a  year.  Of  this 
amount  A?nos  '«'  Andy,  in  private  life  Charles  J.  Correll 
and  Freeman  F.  Gosden,  are  said  to  receive  about  one- 

Not  long  ago  the  company  tried  to  change  the  time  of 
its  broadcast  from  ten  to  six  o'clock  central 
time  and,  in  fact,  did  so  for  a  short  time. 
However,  protests  immediately  began  to  pour 
in  from  all  sections.  It  is  said  that  a  hun- 
dred thousand  letters,  telegrams  and  tele- 
phone calls  were  received  within  a  week. 
Merchants  in  the  middle  West  complained 
that  their  trade  was  being  ruined  because 
customers  had  to  hurry  home  to  listen  to  the 
radio.  Employers  protested  that  their  clerks 
and  stenographers  were  sneaking  home  early. 
People  all  over  the  country  threatened  to 
boycott  Pepsodent  unless  the  broadcast  was 
changed  to  a  more  satisfactory  hour.  News- 
papers printed  protest  ballots  and  dealers 
wired  in,  declining  to  handle  Pepsodent   any 


longer.     Such  is  this  program's  great  hold. 

In  all,  it  was  a  most  unique  situation,  the  like  of  which 
had  never  before  arisen  in  radio  broadcasting.  In  the  end 
the  fans  won.  Since  November  25  Amos  'n'  Andy  have 
been  on  the  air  twice  every  night,  at  seven  o'clock  eastern 
time  and  10:30  central  time.  Incidentally,  this  serves  as 
a  vivid  illustration  of  the  amazing  hold  that  these  two 
characters  have  on  the  listening  public  throughout  the 

The  Ramifications  of  Radio 

GREAT  and  manifold  are  the  workings  of  radio.  This 
is  shown  eloquently  by  the  list  of  subjects  handled 
in  a  few  months  by  one  of  the  great  chains.  The  com- 
prehensiveness of  the  list  of  lectures,  talks,  explanations, 
illustrations  and  discussions  makes  the  most  erudite  of  us 
feel  positively  ignorant  of  what  is  going  on  all  around  us. 
Over  the  air  we  have  been  intimately  informed  of  archi- 
tecture in  most  of  its  important  branches  and  we  have 
been  introduced  to  the  staggering  skyscraper  of  the  future, 
just  as  we  have  been  led  by  the  hand  into  the  two-room 

Not  only  that.  We  are  on  intimate  terms  with  classic 
sculpture,  cut  gems  and  other  jewels,  the  inner  workings 
of  the  prosaic  laundry,  the  inmost  essences  of  cooking  and 
the  dark  corners,  if  any,  of  the  kitchen.  For  those  who 
can  still  afford  to  wear  clothes,  dress-making  has  been 
touched  upon  in  all  its  forms,  so  have  art  exhibits  and 
Russian  art  (a  nice  distinction!),  Persian  poetry,  Indian 
art  and  literature  and  the  American  Indian  dance. 

Coming  down  to  earth  (pardon  us!)  we  have  also  been 
informed  of  stunt  flying  for  movie  thrills,  and  new  forms 
of  cremation  and  burial  of  the  dead,  a  natural  sequence. 
Then  we  have  been  enlightened  on  gardens  and  gardening, 
psychology,  sports  and  recreation,  the  French  language, 
most  of  the  other  languages  including  the  Scandinavian, 
hand  weaving,  women  in  civic  work,  city  planning,  noise 
abatement  (perhaps  we  should  not  mention  that  in  an 
editorial  like  this!)  the  drama,  literature,  short  story 
writing  (however  did  that  get  on  the  air?),  and  musical 

Are  you  interested  in  breeding  game  birds,  judging  dogs, 
and  child  training  (why  put  them  in  the  same  category?) 
then  go  to  your  dials,  young  people.  Then  we  have  the 
cultivation  of  the  speaking  voice,  the  political  crises  in 
Europe,  the  League  of  Nations,  health,  travelling  through 
Italy,  hunting  big  game  in  Africa,  "dude"  ranching  in 
the  Northwest,  how  to  write  an  income  tax 
return,  the  inner  workings  of  the  New  York 
State  Laws  of  Inheritance,  Alpine  climbing, 
and  deep  sea  diving. 

Ida  Bailey  Allen 

Whetting   the  Nation's 


Our  Uptown  Office 

1"  N  order  to  serve  its  advertisers  and  sub- 
■*■  scribers  more  adequately,  Radio  Revue 
has  opened  an  uptown  office  on  the  mezza- 
nine floor  of  the  Hotel  Knickerbocker,  120 
West  45  th  Street,  New  York.  The  editorial 
and  advertising  offices  will  continue  at  Six 
Harrison  Street,  as  at  present,  but  the  new 
uptown  office  will  be  more  easily  accessible. 

FEBRU ARY ,     19)0 


XTATIC  tccm  the  XtWDICX 

(Continued  from  page  33) 

ning  period,  beginning  at  six 
o'clock,  John  has  been  responsible 
for  the  reception  of  over  50,000 
artists  and  visitors  come  literally 
from  all  parts  of  the  world. 


Genia  Zielinska,  the  Polish  colora- 
tura soprano  of  NBC,  is  a  pupil  of  Maes- 
tro Paolo  Giaquinto,  organist  and  com- 
poser, who  is  a  prominent  member  of 
the  musical  staff  at  the  Cathedral  of 
Saint  Patrick,  on  Fifth  Avenue.  Genia 's 
favorite  amusement  is  giving  the  an- 
nouncers the  titles  of  her  songs  in 
Polish,  such  as  "Wzlobie  Lezy",  "Gdy 
Sie  Clorystus  Rodzi",  "Lulajze  Jezuniu" 
and  "Wsrod  Noenel  Ciszy".  One  an- 
nouncer, who  has  no  sense  of  humor, 
suffered  a  nervous  breakdown  when  he 
saw  the  list. 


Jeff  Sparks  has  returned  to  Columbia. 
Jeff  was  formerly  with  the  CBS  an- 
nouncing staff,  but  until  recently  he 
had  been  with  WMCA.  He  has  joined 
the  WABC  staff  in  the  capacity  of  pro- 
duction man.  Columbia  also  has  two 
new  announcers:  Franklin  Scott  and 
George  Beuchler. 


Someone  gave  "Jolly  Bill"  Steinke 
a  nice  new  alarm  clock  as  a  New 
Year's  present.  On  January  sec- 
ond this  self-winding  (you  wind  it 
yourself!)  radium-faced  wonder 
refused  to  explode  at  the  early  hour 
required  for  "Jolly  Bill  and  Jane's 
Cream  of  Wheat  Hour."  Little 
Jane,  who  is  only  nine,  carried  on 
the  entire  program  with  her  nurse, 
in  Bill's   absence. 


At  the  funeral  of  the  late  Claire 
Briggs,  noted  cartoonist  of  the  Herald 
Tribune,  it  was  noted  that  radio  was 
well  represented.  Many  artists  and 
writers  were  at  the  simple  services,  and 
the  organist  and  quartet  were  all  prom- 

inent radio  figures.  Frank  Croxton,  ot 
the  American  Singers,  was  the  bass  in 
the  quartet. 


G.  Underbill  Macy,  known  to  the 
radio  public  as  Hank  Simmons,  of 
Showboat  fame  on  WABC,  and  also  as 
Tony,  the  Wop,  and  Fred  Tibbetts,  on 
Real  Folks,  NBC,  resigned  the  role  of 
Hank  Simmons  recently.  Mr.  Macy 
had  been  playing  the  role  for  almost 
two  years  and  had  been  doubling  in 
numerous  other  parts  in  the  Showboat 


Recent  changes  in  the  Columbia  staff 
include  the  transfer  of  Bradford 
Browne,  Chief  Nit  Wit,  from  announc- 
ing to  continuity,  where  it  is  believed 
his  genius  will  find  a  wider  scope. 
"Chet"  Miller  is  reported  to  have  left 
the  field  of  announcing  for  new  pas- 


At  the  turn  of  the  year,  Mathilde 
Harding,  well-known  radio  and  concert 
pianiste,  joined  the  Columbia  Broad- 
casting System  as  assistant  program  di- 
rector, in  charge  of  the  Ida  Bailey  Allen 
broadcast  and  other  Columbia  features. 
Miss  Harding  also  continues  with  her 
work  as  solo  artiste  and  accompanistc. 


states,  but  Willie  Perceval-Monger  is  at 
work  on  a  beautiful  competitor  for  this 
piece  entitled: 

"Weeping  for  East  5  8th  Street,  New 
York  City." 


Walter  Damrosch  stepped  out  of  his 
role  at  the  NBC  recently  when  he  sud- 
denly took  a  notion  to  play  the  tympani 
in  a  performance  of  Brahms's  "Song  of 
Fate"  that  was  being  conducted  by 
George  Diluvrth.  The  eminent  edu- 
cator showed  a  surprising  technic  with 
the  kettle  drums. 


On  a  recent  Columbia  program 
Hawaiian  tunes  were  featured, 
with  Norman  Brokenshire  announc- 
ing and  explaining.  Toward  the 
end  was  "He-Mana  Ohe  Aloha." 
At  first  this  looked  like  something 
about  the  Hawaiian  He-Man,  but 
it  turned  out  to  be  a  native  yodel. 
It  seems  that  the  Society  for  Lou- 
der and  Better  Yodelling  is  spread- 
ing its  insidious  propaganda  right 
across  the  Pacific. 


All  announcers  and  production 
men  of  the  Columbia  chain  and 
WABC  are  required  to  dress  for 
mally  after  six  o'clock  in  the  eve- 
ning, according  to  an  official  an- 
nouncement made  recently  by  Jack 
Ricker,  production  and  studio  di- 
rector of  the  CBS.  Apparently  the 
fever,  which  started  some  months 
ago   at   the  NBC,  has   spread. 


Someone  is  trying  to  establish  a  vogue 
for  songs  about  specific  localities.  We 
suspect  that  the  song  pluggers  have 
affiliated  with  the  real  estate  boys. 
Columbia  had  "Crying  for  the  Caro- 
linas".     We    don't    know    why    anyone 

should    cry    for    these    two    particular 


(Efte  Japanese  Hantern 

Delicious   Food 

Home   Cooked 

Popular  Prices 

Banquets  Luncheons 


193  Madison  Avenue 
New  York  City 






Not  all  the  brilli*Ui 
work  on  the  air  is  done 
by  the  big  folks.  Some  of 
the  most  enjoyable  pro- 
grams are  put  on  by 
youngsters,  as  radio  fans 
can    attest. 

This  fluffy-haired  young- 
ster (at  left)  is  already  a 
radio  star.  Although  only 
six,  Marjorie         Jennings 

plays  one  of  the  leading 
parts  in  Mountainville  over 
WABC.  She  also  stars  as 
the  vamp  in  the  "Our 
Gang"     comedies. 

A  talented  little  actress 
is  smiling  Elizabeth 
Wragge,  only  12  years  old 
(at  right) .  She  plays  on 
many  NBC  hours,  among 
them  the  Lady  Next  Door, 
Milton  Cross's  Children's 
Hour  and,  formerly,  Gold 
Spot  Pals. 

Jean  Derby  (at  left) 
with  the  long  dark  curls, 
is  one  of  the  Columbia 
chain's  juvenile  leading 
ladies.  And  she  is  only 
nine  years  old.  She  plays 
of  the  principal  roles 
in  Mountainville  Sketches, 
which  are  presented  over 
WABC  every  Monday  eve- 
ning from  the  Tiny  Tots 
Theatre.  Little  Miss  Derby 
also  plays  in  the  Land  of 
Make-Believe,  a  Sunday 
feature,  over  the  same 

The  lovely  little  miss  at 
the  right  is  Florence  Bak- 
er, who  trods  the  boards 
of  the  Barn  Theatre  with 
fine  dramatic  fervor  every 
Saturday  afternoon.  This 
program  is  announced  over 
Station  BARN,  which  may 
or  may  not  be  a  real  sta- 
tion of  the  NBC  chain. 
Florence  will  soon  be  thir- 
teen   years    old. 


These  four  gifted  young  people 
help  to  make  the  Childrenys  Hour 
every  Sunday  morning  a  most  delight- 
ful feature.  Reading  from  left  to 
right,  they  are:  Julian  A I  cm. in ,  vio- 
linist; Sylvia  Altman,  his  sister,  pian- 
ist; Edith  De  Bald,  dramatic  reader; 
and    Mae    Rich,    trumpet    soloist. 

F  EBRU  ARY ,      19  3  0 


Program  Note/ 

¥OR   Offers   "Moonbeams" 

From  11:30  until  midnight,  nightly, 
at  WOR  there  is  a  program  that  de- 
spite its  comparatively  recent  birth  has 
achieved  the  distinction  of  being  one  of 
the  most  beautiful  and  melodious  on  the 
air.  It  is  called  ""Moonbeams",  a  con- 
tinuity written  by  Arthur  O.  Bryan, 
one  of  the  Bamberger  station's  young- 
est announcers;  that  is,  in  point  of  ser- 
vice.  ^ 

In  addition  to  Mr.  Bryan,  credit  is 
due  to  George  Shackley,  who  arranges 
and  directs  the  music,  Rhoda  Arnold, 
first  soprano;  Annette  Simpson,  second 
soprano;  Veronica  Wiggins,  contralto, 
and  the  two  house  instrumentalists, 
Samuel  Kissel,  violinist,  and  Albert 
Wohl,  'cellist,  who,  with  Mr.  Shackley 
at  the  celeste  and  vibraphone,  provide 
the  music. 

▲  ▲      ▲ 

Ward  Tip  Top  Club  on  Air 
The  first  of  a  series  of  radio  programs 
over  WABC  and  the  CBS  was  heard  re- 
cently when  the  Ward  Tip  Top  Club 
carried  the  radio  audience  on  a  visit  to 
Old  Mother  Hubbard.  The  program, 
written  by  Georgia  Backus  and  Don 
Clark,  revolves  about  the  efforts  of  the 
various  members  of  the  club  to  enter- 
tain the  hostess  and  her  friends.  It  in- 
troduces specialty  numbers,  popular  and 
classical  music  and  old  familiar  melodies. 

▲  ▲    A 

Archbishop    Leighton    on    CBS 

The  Most  Reverend  Arthur  Edward 
Leighton,  D.  D.,  Metropolitan  Arch- 
bishop and  Primate  of  the  Episcopal 
Catholic  Church,  announces  an  exten- 
sive lecture  series  to  be  broadcast  over 
WABC  and  the  CBS  early  this  Spring. 


NBC  Offers  "Penrod"  Series 

Radio  has  joined  the  stage  and  screen 
in  presenting  the  works  of  Booth  Tar- 
kington.  "Penrod,"  the  Hoosier  au- 
thor's ever-amusing  novel  of  boyhood, 
is  being  presented  in  a  series  of  drama- 
tizations by  Julian  Street,  Jr.,  over  the 
NBC  System,  Sunday  evenings,  at  9:15 
o'clock   (E.  S.  T.). 

Street,  a  member  of  the  NBC  con- 
tinuity staff,  follows  in  the  footsteps 
of  his  author-playwright  father,  who 
collaborated  with  Mr.  Tarkington  in  the 
writing  of  the  Broadway  play,  "The 
Country  Cousin."     The  younger  Street 

is  the  author  of  some  of  the  sketches  of 
New  York  life  heard  in  the  program, 
"Rapid  Transit,"  and  of  the  dramatiza- 
tions, "Golden  Legends,"  produced  by 
the  NBC  on  the  Pacific  Coast  during 
the  past  summer.  By  special  permission 
of  the  author  and  his  publishers,  Double- 
day'  Doran  &  Co.,  this  presentation  is 
heard  for  the  first  time  over  the  NBC 

Mildred  Hunt  Back  on  Air 

Mildred  Hunt,  one  of  radio's  earliest 
contralto  crooners,  recently  renewed 
her  acquaintance  with  the  microphone 
following  an  absence  of  six  months,  in 
a  new  program  called  Broadcasting 
Broadway,  on  WEAF. 

Hits  from  Broadway  musical  com- 
edies and  light  operas,  both  past  and 
present,  are  included  in  the  program, 
which  goes  through  a  wide  network  of 
NBC  stations  each  Friday  night  from 
9:30  to  10  o'clock  (Eastern  Standard 

Co-starring  with  Miss  Hunt  in  her 
new  radio  vehicle  is  a  galaxy  of  broad- 
casting celebrities,  including  Erva  Giles, 
soprano,  Robert  Simmons,  tenor,  and  a 
concert  orchestra  under  the  direction 
of   Harold   Sanford. 

During  her  absence  from  the  mi- 
crophone Miss  Hunt  toured  the  R-K-O 
circuit  from  coast  to  coast. 


New    Publix    Hour    on    CBS 

The  first  nationwide  radio  program  to 
originate  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  was  broad- 
cast over  WABC  and  the  CBS  directly 
from  the  stage  of  the  Paramount  The- 
atre there,  on  Tuesday  night,  January 
14,  at  eleven-thirty  o'clock.  This  per- 
formance inaugurated  a  long  series  of 
unusual  and  highly  entertaining  pro- 
grams to  go  on  the  air  every  Tuesday 
night  at  the  same  time. 

Each  presentation  lasts  thirty  minutes 
and  is  under  the  personal  direction  of 
Louis  A.  Witten,  pioneer  radio  an- 
nouncer, who  acts  as  master  of  cere- 
monies. The  series  is  known  as  the 
"Publix  Radio-vue"  Hour. 

The  regular  features  heard  from  this 
point  of  broadcasting  each  week  in- 
clude: Paul  Ash's  twenty-piece  hand- 
picked  band;  Bob  West,  Paramount  Or- 
ganist; Elsie  Thompson,  the  "singing 
organist";  and  the  Publix  gala  stage 

"Home  Banquet"  on  Air 

Again  radio  offers  "something  dif- 
ferent." This  time  it  is  a  new  series 
of  programs,  inaugurated  on  Monday 
evening,  January  20,  at  6:3  0  o'clock, 
eastern  standard  time,  and  known  as 
the  American  Home  Banquet.  Spon- 
sored by  the  American  Radiator  Com- 
pany, the  new  series  is  broadcast 
through  an  NBC  network. 

The  first  departure  from  precedent 
in  the  new  series  is  that,  instead  of 
weekly  presentations,  the  Home  Ban- 
quets are  heard  for  a  half  hour  every 
night  excepting  Saturday  and  Sunday. 
This  alone  places  the  sponsor  at  the 
head  of  the  list  of  buyers  of  eyening 
broadcasting  time  for,  in  addition  to 
the  two  and  a  half  hours  a  week  de- 
voted to  the  new  feature,  the  same  or- 
ganization, in  association  with  the 
Standard  Sanitary  Mfg.  Company, 
sponsors  the  radio  adaptations  of  the 
Puccini  operas,  heard  once  a  month. 

The  program  itself  is  designed  as  a 
"banquet"'  for  radio  listeners  every- 
where. The  continuity  and  music  are 
designed  to  create  the  illusion  that  the 
listener  is  actually  at  the  banquet. 
Radio  re-incarnations  of  famous  per- 
sonages, brought  to  the  banquet  table 
on  their  birthdays,  will  be  a  feature  of 
the  programs.  Vocal  and  instrumental 
offerings  by  widely  known  radio  artists 
will  be  woven  into  the  program. 


4  -4 



grand  opera 







RADIO     REV  U  E 

Enrique  Madriguera 

Master  of  Jazz  and  the  Classics 

NOT  many  years  ago  in  beautiful,  romantic  Spain  there 
lived  a  little  dark-eyed,  dark-haired  boy  of  seven,  who 
wanted  a  violin  for  Christmas  above  all  things.  In  Spain, 
"The  Magic  King"  comes  at  Christmas,  instead  of  Santa 
Claus,  and  distributes  presents. 

So  little  Enrique  Madriguera  wrote  two  urgent  letters 
to  "The  Magic  King,"  asking  for  a  violin  and  promising 
to  be  so  good  in  return.     However,  his  father  expressed 

doubts  as  to  whether 
"The  Magic  King" 
would  bring  so  small 
a  boy  a  violin. 

As  Christmas  day 
dawned,  little  En- 
rique awoke  early, 
as  is  the  custom  of 
children  the  world 
over,  and  hurried 
out  to  the  balcony 
where  the  gifts  were 
always  left.  He 
looked  anxiously, 
but  to  his  bitter  dis- 
appointment, there 
was  no  violin. 
Glancing  across  at 
the  balcony  of  his 
little  friend  and 
neighbor,  which  ad- 
joined his,  he  saw  a 
violin.  How  he 
wanted  that  violin!  And  among  his  own  presents  he 
noticed  a  train  of  cars,  which  he  knew  was  one  of  the 
gifts  his  little  friend  had  ordered  when  addressing  his 
wants  to  "The  Magic  King."  Why,  of  course,  he  reasoned, 
it  was  plain  enough — just  an  error  on  the  part  of  the 
busy  "Magic  King,"  what  with  the  balconies  so  closely 

With  a  view  to  righting  the  error,  he  took  the  train  of 
cars,  slipped  over  to  the  other  balcony,  left  the  cars  there 
and  came  back  bearing  the  violin.  His  family  was  gen- 
uinely surprised  to  learn  "The  Magic  King"  had  brought 
Enrique  a  violin! 

As  he  grew  older,  his  love  for  the  violin  increased. 
When  he  was  seventeen,  a  friend,  appreciating  his  talent, 
suggested  that  he  go  to  London  to  purchase  a  good  violin. 
There,  while  all  London  was  celebrating  the  Armistice 
with  mad  revelry,  the  music-loving  Spanish  youth  was 
in  his  hotel  room,  trying  out  the  different  violins  which 
the  tradesmen  had  brought  him.  The  one  he  chose  cost 
$10,000.  Nothing  daunted,  the  friend  purchased  it  for 
him,  and  it  is  the  one  he  now  uses.  Since  then,  Enrique 
has  studied  under  such  masters  as  Leopold  Auer  and  Joan 

Although  his  work  takes  him  away  from  his  native 
Spain,  he  always  spends  some  time  there  each  summer,  and 
visits  his  birthplace,  Barcelona,  every  year. 

Enrique   Madriguera 

He  has  been  eminently  successful  in  his  chosen  profes- 
sion. His  concert  tours  of  Europe  have  won  him  fame 
as  a  concert  violinist,  while  in  America,  he  has  gained 
wide  popularity,  due  to  the  essentially  American  quality 
of  his  jazz.  It  is  unusual  for  a  concert  violinist  and  a 
foreigner  to  have  captured  the  spirit  of  American  dance 
rhythm  so  thoroughly  as  to  place  him  in  the  front  ranks 
of  orchestra  directors  of  popular  music. 

In  addition  to  being  an  artist  in  two  distinct  fields, 
Mr.  Madriguera  is  an  able  business  man.  He  recently  left 
the  NBC  to  become  musical  director  of  the  Export  De- 
partment of  the  Columbia  Phonograph  Company. 

He  can  be  heard  on  the  air  every  Monday  evening  from 
9:30  to  10  as  a  soloist  on  the  "Evening  in  Paris"  Hour 
on  WABC. 

Madriguera's  interest  seems  to  lie  principally  in  group- 
ing unusual  orchestral  combinations  for  phonograph  re- 
cording and  radio  programs.  His  orchestras  feature  au- 
thentic Spanish  tangos,  oriental  and  Moorish  airs,  African 
rhythms  and  Gypsy  Sevillian  folk  lore.  "All  of  this  takes 
time,"  he  says,  "and  much  of  the  work  I  do  during  my 
annual  visits  to  Europe  and  the  Orient. 

Rector  Again  Points  Way 
to  Epicurean  Delights 

(Continued  from  page  20) 

It  might  not  be  far  from  the  truth  to  say  that  George 
Rector  was  born  in  a  restaurant.  Certainly  as  the  son  of 
the  famous  Charles,  who  was  called  the  man  who  had  run 
an  oyster  stew  into  a  million,  George  in  his  youth  was 
never  far  removed  from  one,  and  at  an  early  age  he  went 
into  business  with  his  father.  Then,  as  is  ever  the  way 
with  sons,  he  grew  weary  of  following  in  father's  footsteps 
and  burned  with  the  desire  to  make  his  own  footprints  in 
the  sands  of  time.  So  he  set  up  good-restauranting  in  a 
shining  palace  of  his  own,  nicknamed  "Young  Rector's 

According  to  the  ex-host  to  pleasure-hunters  of  our 
parent's  past,  the  guests  arrived  in  broughams,  always  in 
jovial  mood,  even  though  dignified  and  in  full  dress — white 
gloves  for  the  gentlemen,  if  you  please,  trains  for  the  ladies 
and  plenty  of  hair  and  hat-pins. 

Slipper  as  a  Loving  Cup 

On  New  Year's  Eve  at  the  witching  hour  they  used  a 
lady's  slipper  as  a  loving  cup  and  drank  toasts  to  their  best 
girls  while  the  orchestra  played  "Hot  Time  in  the  Old 
Town".  The  lights  went  out  and  everybody  kissed  every- 

"The  ladies  like  soft  lights,"  reminisced  Mr.  Rector.  "So 
the  bulbs  in  the  crystal  chandeliers  were  rose-colored  in 
summer  and  amber  in  winter.  The  napkins  we  used  were 
a  whole  yard  square  and  none  too  large  at  that  for  folks 
who  ate  everything  on  the  menu  from  caviar  to  nuts,  with 
hearty  gusto.  Dieting  was  not  popular  in  an  age  when 
curves  were  symbols  of  feminine  health  and  beauty." 

George  Rector  is  up  to  his  old  tricks  again — raising 
cooking  from  the  field  of  science  into  the  realms  of  art  and 
romance.  Once  he  catered  to  the  epicurean  elite  in  his  own 
cuisine.  Now  his  sphere  is  unlimited.  He  makes  the  humble 
art  seem  a  bigger  and  better  thing  to  radio's  countless 
millions  . 

F  EBRU ARY ,     19  3  0 


Ll/TENER/*     fCRlH 


Thank  You,  Mr.  Geddes! 

To  the  Editor  of  Radio  Revue: 

Accept  my  congratulations  on  the  very  interesting  mag- 
azine you  have  launched.  I  have  often  thought  there 
should  be  a  big  field  for  a  magazine  of  this  type  and  wish 
you  all  success.  I  am  enclosing  my  check  for  a  year's  sub- 
scription.— Bond  Geddes,  Executive  Vice  President,  Radio 
Manufacturers  Association,  Inc.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 


Impressed  by  Authenticity 

To  the  Editor  of  Radio  Revue: 

I  finally  found  time  to  give  your 
initial  issue  a  pretty  thorough  and 
very  interested  reading  last  night. 
It  should  be  very  interesting  to  the 
great  number  of  people  who  take 
their  radio  listening  at  all  seriously, 
and  it  is  really  very  valuable  to 
anyone  who  makes  use  of  radio 
broadcasting   in  business. 

I  think  the  thing  that  impressed 
me  most  was  the  apparent  authen- 
ticity of  all  the  information  con- 
tained in  it.  While  its  primary 
function  is,  no  doubt,  entertain- 
ment, I  could  not  help  feeling  that 
it  probably  contained  a  greater 
amount  of  actual  fact  than  a  great 
many  of  our  trade  papers  do. — Fred 
H.  Strayer,  Sales  Manager,  Sylvania 
Products  Company,  Emporium,  Pa. 


Exactly  What  She  Has  Wanted 

To  the  Editor  of  Radio  Revue: 

I  just  happened  to  pick  up  your  Radio  Revue  from  the 
newsstand  while  waiting  for  a  train  and,  as  it  is  exactly 
the  kind  of  a  radio  magazine  I  have  been  looking  for  for 
the  past  three  or  four  years,  it  did  not  take  me  long  to  buy 
a  copy.  My  family  cares  nothing  for  the  technical  radio 
magazines  and,  until  I  discovered  your  Radio  Revue  yes- 
terday, that  was  about  all  I  could  find. 

Your  first  number  certainly  is  good  and,  if  the  numbers 
to  come  contain  as  much  of  general  interest,  I  am  sure  you 
will  be  successful.  Enclosed  is  my  check  for  $2  for  a 
year's  subscription,  beginning  with  the  next  issue. 

Mrs.  R.  H.  M.,  Coldwater,  N.  Y. 


Broadcasting  in  Early  Days 

To  the  Editor  of  Radio  Revue: 

I  was  delighted  with  the  first  issue  of  your  publication. 

The  first  thing  I  thought  was:  "Why  didn't  someone  think 
of  this  long  ago,"  because,  of  course,  everyone  not  only 
likes  to  hear  the  gossip  and  personal  bits  about  the  artists, 
but  also  likes  to  know  what  they  look  like.  The  magazine 
compares  favorably  with  our  movie  magazines,  and  I  am 
certain  it  will  meet  with  tremendous  favor  and  will  have 
an  enormous  circulation. 

I  have  been  showing  my  copy  to  everyone  who  comes  in 
and  they  have  immediately  said:  "Oh,  I  must  get  this.    It's 
great!"    Two  people  took  it  home  to  show  the  rest  of  the 
family.    When  my  husband  saw  it,  he  said  to  be  sure  to 
keep  every  copy  and,   as   the  various   entertainers   appear, 
look  them  up  in  the  magazine,  to  see  what  they  look  like. 
My  great  regret  is  that  I  am  not  among  the  artists  who 
will  be  featured  on  its  pages.    Miss 
Trenholm's    article    mentioned    the 
WJZ    studio   in    the   Westinghouse 
plant  at  Newark  and  reminded  me 
that    those    were   my   broadcasting 
days.  They  sent  a  Pierce  Arrow  lim- 
ousine   from    Newark    for    me     (I 
haven't  been  in  one  since)   and  my 
husband,  my  accompaniste  and  her 
brother  went  with  me  and  I  gave  a 
half-hour     program     of     contralto 
solos.    I  was  preceded  by  a  reader, 
who  gave  "Salome,"  and  we  were 
all  in  the  one  room,  working  and 
waiting.    The  reader  took  twenty- 
five  minutes  longer  than  she  should 
have  and  I  couldn't  even  clear  my 
throat  for  fear  of  being  heard  on 
the  air,  so  I  just  kept  on  drinking 
water — being  able  to  do  that  noise- 
lessly.   Those  were  the  days! 

Then,  again,  when  they  moved  to 
a  little  room  on  the  top  of  the  Waldorf-Astoria,  in 
New  York.  It  was  so  far  up  that  we  went  as  far 
as  the  elevator  would  take  us  and,  with  bated  breath, 
climbed  some  winding  iron  stairs  to  a  dusty  hallway  and 
thence  to  the  studio.  That  time  I  followed  a  talk  on  dogs 
and  my  husband  and  friends  assured  me  that  I  barked  very 
descriptively  many  times,  both  like  a  fox  terrier  and  a 
Saint  Bernard.  Well,  that's  enough  of  that  chatter.  Tell 
us  some  time  who  "Cheerio"  is,  will  you?  The  best  of  luck 
to  you  in  your  new  venture. — Mrs.  D.  K.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 


Wants  Jessica  Pictured  in  Costume 

To  the  Editor  of  Radio  Revue: 

Enclosed  please  find  2  5   cents  in  stamps  for  a  copy  of 

your  Radio  Revue  for  December.    I  couldn't  get  another 

copy  on  the  stands — and  someone  walked  off  with  Jessica 

Dragonette's  picture  out  of  the  one  I  have.    Will  you  see 

(Continued  on  page  45) 




Caeic  in  the  Hcme 

Edited  by  Mrs.  Julian  Heath 

Pioneer  Broadcaster  of  Market  Reports  and  Daily  Menus 

Hello,  Neighbors! 

Radio  programs  are  now  designed  to  please  not  only  the 
woman  in  the  home,  but  every  member  of  the  family. 
However,  it  was  the  man  of  the  house  who  first  discovered 
radio  as  a  family  pastime.  Would  he  let  his  wife  touch  the 
precious  instrument  in  the  early  days  when  he  was  away 
from  home?  No;  only  he  could  turn  the  dials,  and  turn 
them  he  did,  for  in  those  days,  which  now  seem  to  have 
been  back  in  the  dark  ages,  the  family  was  compelled  to 
submit  to  all  kinds  of  squeaks  and  squeals  while  father 
was  trying  to  tune  in  a  station.  In  those  days  mother 
invariably  said  that  "the  radio  is  only  for  father's  amuse- 
ment" and  something  to  the  effect  that  she  dreaded  his 
homecoming  because  she  knew  he  would  immediately  rush 
to  the  radio  and  thereafter  would  be  impossible  of  ap- 

But  nowadays,  in  most  well-regulated  families,  the  radio 
is  a  definite  factor  in  the  home  life,  and  the  artists  who 
appear  before  the  microphone  are  many  times  unwittingly 
adopted  into  the  family  circle.  The  artists  who  speak 
over  the  radio  have,  perhaps,  a  greater  entree  into  the 
average  home  than  have  the  musical  broadcasters.  The 
former  come  to  know  the  various  members  of  their 
listeners'  families  and  share  their  joys  and  sorrows. 

We,  who  broadcast  ro  the  women  in  the  home,  get  a 
perfect  composite  picture  of  American  home  life.  Indeed, 
with  the  knowledge  of  this  home  life  as  we  see  it,  on; 
cannot  say  there  is  no  longer  any  home  life  in  this 


In  many  respects  the  radio  has  supplanted  the  huge 
library,  with  the  inevitable  reading  lamp,  around  which 
the  family  used  to  gather  for  the  evening.  But  wasn't 
the  light  dim  and  weren't  the  evenings  long !  Everyone 
seemed  to  be  glad  when  father  said  it  was  "time  for  bed", 
and  mother  set  aside  her  sewing. 

Now  we  have  evenings  of  entertainment — the  very  best 
obtainable — and  programs  that  please  everybody.  Radio 
gives  us  our  "daily  dozen",  gets  us  off  on  "the  eight- 
fifteen"  and  put  us  to  bed  with  "slumber  music" — truly 
a  day  of  service.  Another  way  this  service  is  used  is  out- 
lined in  a  recent  letter  from  a  neighbor: 

"Perhaps  you  would  like  to  know  how  I  arrange  my  house- 
work and  my  radio  listening.  Each  evening  I  mark  the  pro- 
grams to  which  I  want  to  listen  the  next  day,  and  then  I 
arrange  my  housework  so  as  to  be  near  my  radio  set  when  there 
are  talking  features  and  in  the  other  rooms  when  the  musical 
programs  are  on.  I  always  have  a  basket  of  mending  and  a  pad 
and  pencil  on  my  table  by  the  radio  while  you  are  broadcasting. 
When  you  give  a  recipe  I  lay  aside  my  -work  and  write  it 
down,  and  then  I  pick  up  my  sewing  again  and  listen.  In 
this  way  there  are  no  complaints  of  undarned  socks,  because 
they    are    darned    by    radio    and    are    always    done." 


Isn't    this    letter    truly    a    reflection    of    how    radio    has 

lightened  the  burden  of  housework?  Another  angle  of  the 
intimate  atmosphere  that  radio  creates  concerns  the  fam- 
ily pets.  We  have  become  well  acquainted  with  the  pets 
of  many  families  and  some  day  I  will  tell  you  how  they, 
too,  listen  in.  My  dog,  Jane,  has  been  known  to  the 
WJZ  audience  for  many  years.  If  you  have  a  family  pet 
you  will  enjoy  this  letter  from  a  listener: 

"I  enjoyed  your  two  chats  today  and  I  surely  had  to  smile 
at  one  of  your  concluding  remarks.  You  spoke  of  Jane  some- 
times sitting  close  to  you  at  the  table  and  you  remarked  that 
this  was  not  good  manners.  I  must  tell  you  of  our  dog's 
behavior   at   the   table. 

"My  husband,  myself  and  my  Maltese  poodle,  Sonny,  consti- 
tute the  family.  As  we  are  both  very  fond  of  Sonny,  you  can 
imagine  that  he  is  somewhat  spoiled.  He  has  his  own  chair 
at  the  table,  and  is  always  the  first  to  be  seated.  He  always 
has  a  napkin,  a  plate  of  his  own  and  is  fed  every  piece  of  his 
meat.  He  will  seldom  eat  anything  if  his  plate  is  placed  on 
the  floor.  If  I  give  him  anything  in  the  kitchen,  he  runs  to 
his    pillow    in    the    dining    room    to    eat    it. 

"I  have  some  friends  who  are  very  fond  of  him,  too,  and  he 
invariably  gets  his  own  chair  at  their  homes.  'Love  lne,  love 
my  dog',  is  my  motto.  But  no  one  has  to  try  very  hard  to 
like  Sonny,  because  he  is  very  lovable.  He  eats  an  ice  cream 
cone  every  night  before  he  goes  to  bed.  He  never  fails  to 
listen  to  Slumber  Music  on  WJZ,  and  then  he  has  his  last 
walk    and   his   ice    cream   cone." 


Truly,  radio  is  a  factor  in  home  life — and  a  big  factor, 
too.  Having  been  confined  to  my  home  for  more  than  a 
month,  as  the  result  of  sustaining  a  broken  limb,  I  have 
come  to  appreciate  the  value  of  radio  to  an  even  greater 
extent  than  I  did  before  and  now  realize  more  vividly 
what  a  Godsend  it  must  be  to  those  who  are  permanently 
confined.  My  unfortunate  indisposition  has  made  it  impos- 
sible this  month  for  me  to  continue  my  series  of  artists' 
favorite  recipes,  but  I  hope  to  resume  them  in  our  next 

Prize  Letter 
Contest  Extended 

A  number  of  our  readers  have  asked  for  more  time 
to  compose  their  letters  on  the  subject  Who  is  Your 
Favorite  Radio  Artist — and  Why?  They  say  this 
subject  requires  much   thought  and  consideration. 

Therefore,  the  editors  of  Radio  Revue  have  de- 
cided to  extend  this  contest  for  a  month.  This  gives 
new  readers  a  chance  to  enter.  The  awards  are  ten 
dollars  for  the  best  letter  and  five  dollars  for  the 
second  choice. 

Rudy  Vallee  and  Jessica  Dragonette  are  leading  so 
far.     Who  is  your  favorite? 


Six   Harrison   Street,   New   York,   N.    Y. 

F EBRU ARY ,      19  3  0 




tm       ARE  LADIES  WITH 

//  these  aristocrats  of  the  poultry  yard 
could  talk  they  could  tell  you  the 
names  of  their  great -great -grand- 

Pridefully  they  could  point  to  the  silver 
cups  and  blue  ribbons  won  by  their  mothers  in 
egg-laying  contests. 

For  a  PEP  hen  is  bred  as  carefully  as  a  racehorse. 

Those  ambitious  birds  who  wish  to  enter  the  breeding  pens  must 
first  build  up  an  egg-laying  record;  because  only  hens  that  lay  heavily 
— and  lay  perfect  eggs — are  permitted  to  give  hostages  to  fortune,  in 
the  form  of  the  lovely  puff-balls  that  are  baby  chicks. 

This  feathered  aristocracy  wears  costume  jewelry,  too — colored 
enamel  leg-bands,  bearing  an  identifying  number.  Baby  chicks  are 
banded  as  soon  as  they  are  hatched. 

PEP  producers,  you  see,  know  their  hens. 

PEP  eggs,  the  final  product  resulting  from  all  the  aforesaid  array 
of  ancestry,  cannot,  of  course,  travel  through  to  the  consumer  without 
an  appropriate  name-plate.  In  the  retail  stores,  you  will  often  find  the 
thirty-dozen  cases  bearing  the  PEP  emblem, 
tailers  want  these  quality  eggs  packed  in 
attractive  blue-and-white  cartons.      In  other 

you  will   notice  that  each   egg   bears   a   neat   little   stamp — "PEP"   or 
"SUNRISE" — two  symbols  of  egg  fineness. 

PEP's    o 

w   n 


Pacific  Egg  Producers 






Seattle,  Los  Angeles,  San   Diego,  Detroit,  Pittsburgh, 
Panama,  Buenos  Aires,  Valparaiso,  Lima,  London,  and  Glasgow 



The  Announcer  Speaks 
for  Himself 

Marley  Sherris 

LADIES  and  Gentlemen  of  the  radio  audience: 
This  is  Marley  Sherris,  of  the  NBC,  speaking.  I 
have  been  announcing  programs  for  the  past  three 
years.  I  joined  the  forces  of  WJZ  at  their  former  studios 
on  West  42nd  Street,  New  York.  For  years  I  had  been  in 
concert  work,  travelling  throughout  the  United  States, 
Canada  and  England.     On  one  of  my  tours  I  was  engaged 

as  a  soloist  to  open 
the  Canadian  Na- 
tional Railways 
broadcasting  station 
at  Ottawa,  Canada. 
After  my  perform- 
ance there  I  realized 
that  this  was  a  field 
in  which  an  artist, 
giving  a  single  radio 
performance,  could 
be  heard  by  more 
people  than  he  could 
;  possibly  reach  in  a 
f^*  !    year  of  personal  ap- 

^L  J  pearances. 

^L  ^W  This  thought  kept 

^k  recurring  to  me,  al- 

^L  ^^^^  though    i:     was     al- 

^L  most    t  w  o    years 

^  ^B  |^     Luer    that    I    settled 

^L  Jfl  in    New    York    and 

an  opportunity  pre- 
Marley  R.  Sherris  sented   itself    t0   be_ 

come  identified  with 
WJZ.  After  I  had  met  Keith  McLeod,  who  was  at  that 
time  studio  manager  of  WJZ,  he  asked  me  one  day  if  I 
would  be  interested  in  a  position  as  announcer.  I  told 
him  I  would,  so  he  gave  me  a  voice  test.  After  the  test, 
Mr.  McLeod  assigned  me  to  one  of  the  large  commercial 
accounts  on  WJZ  to  announce  as  my  first  program  and 
final  test.  The  next  morning  I  was  called  in,  was  intro- 
duced to  officials  of  the  station  and  was  put  on  the  an- 
nouncing staff. 

Musical  Training  Needed 

I  believe  that  musical  training  is  one  of  the  most  im- 
portant requisites  for  radio  announcing.  It  not  only  im- 
proves the  speaking  voice,  but  it  gives  the  announcer  an 
insight  and  knowledge  that  is  essential  to  announcing  all 
types  of  musical  programs. 

In  my  first  few  broadcasts  the  absence  of  immediate 
response  from  the  audience  gave  me  a  rather  "lost"  feel- 
ing but,  of  course,  three  years  before  the  "mike"  have 
caused  me  to  respect  this  little  steel  disc  as  an  instrument 
that  brings  me  in  close  touch  with  countless  listeners.  I 
thoroughly  enjoy   reading  the  mail   response,   as   it   is   the 

one  way  I  have  of  knowing  the  reactions  of  the  unseen 

At  present  I  am  on  the  following  programs:  National 
Youths'  Conference,  Dr.  Poling,  WJZ,  Sunday,  3  to  4 
P.  M. ;  National  Religious  Service,  Dr.  Fosdick,  WJZ, 
Sunday,  5:30  to  6:30  P.  M.;  Midweek  Hymn  Sing,  WEAF, 
Thursday,  7  to  7:30  P.  M.;  Edison  program,  WJZ,  Mon- 
day, 9  to  9:30  P.  M.;  Calsodent  talk,  WJZ,  Tuesday,  8 
to  8:15  A.  M.  I  also  sing  bass  in  the  famous  Armchair 
Quartet,  which  is  on  WJZ  at  11:45  to  12  P.  M.  every 
Sunday.  I  also  sing  with  the  Balladeers  on  Sunday  morn- 

I  have  just  built  a  new  home  at  Hastings-on-the-Hud- 
son.  My  hobby  is  driving  a  car,  any  place,  any  time, 
any  car — but,  of  course,  it  must  be  in  my  spare  time  when 
I  am  not  singing,  announcing  or  attending  to  my  duties 
as  evening  program  representative. 

Taught  Self  to  Play  Banjo — Roy  Smeck 
Now  Teaches  Thousands 

{Continued  from   page   16) 

the  criticisms  in  fourteen  cities,  lost  out  in  the  star's  home 
town  and,  in  the  sixteenth,  the  one  newspaper  burned  to 
the  ground  on  the  first  night  he  appeared. 

After  that  engagement,  he  signed  up  with  a  revue. 
Friends  said  that  he  was  killing  himself  professionally,  but 
no  amount  of  argument  could  move  him.  He  grins  about 
it  now.  The  friends  realized  the  reason  on  his  return,  how- 
ever.  He  had  married  the  star,  and  he  has  "stayed  married." 

While  it  is  traditional  with  the  Pennsylvania  Dutch  to 
"stay  married,"  the  writer  happens  to  know  that  the 
couple's  marital  state  would  have  endured  without  the 
tradition,  since  the  two  are  exceptionally  happy.  And  to 
add  to  its  stability,  this  scribe  can  attest  to  the  fact  that 
his  mother-in-law  is  his  greatest  booster. 

Has  Many  Recording  Contracts 

In  the  phonograph  cabinet  in  the  living  room  of  his  home 
in  the  exclusive  West  End  district  are  a  hundred  or  more 
records  which  he  has  made.  There  will  be  hundreds  more 
as  he  has  contracts  for  at  least  ten  years. 

This  income,  plus  that  of  his  radio  engagements,  enables 
him  to  live  in  a  style  that  is  far  removed  from  his  shoe 
factory  days.  Other  royalties  come  in  from  the  sale  of  his 
music  books,  which  are  very  popular  because  they  were 
written  for  those  who  cannot  afford  to  take  lessons. 

It  was  the  knowledge  of  the  vicissitudes  of  the  moneyless 
pupil  that  furnished  the  motive  for  putting  his  "lessons" 
on  the  air,  not  only  for  the  ukulele,  but  for  the  banjo  and 
guitar  as  well. 

The  writer  once  had  the  privilege  of  listening  to  and 
seeing  a  Vitaphone  performance  of  Mr.  Smeck.  Later  in 
the  evening,  he  made  a  personal  appearance.  It  goes  without 
saying  that  he  stopped  the  show.  The  applause  was  up- 
roarious and  prolonged. 

In  his  radio  classes,  Mr.  Smeck  has  had  as  many  as  1,600 
pupils.  All  of  them  received  personal  instruction  by  fol- 
lowing him  through  his  music  books. 

It  is  very  true  that  string  music  is  indeed  his  vocation, 
but  the  strange  part  of  it  is  that  it  also  represents  his 

"My  one  aversion,"  he  said,  "is  eggs — eggs  in  any  style — 
and  I  had  to  learn  to  play  so  that  I  wouldn't  get  them  in 
the  raw  state  on  the  stage." 

FEBRU ARY ,      19  3  0 


Andy  Sannella  a  Real  Miracle  Man  of 

(Continued  from  page  12) 
such  a  lot  of  him  to  look  at  but,  as  a  feminine  acquaint- 
ance put  it,  "what  there  is,  is  worth  looking  at   a  lot." 
They  know   that  his   small   form  is   always   encased   in   a 
natty  suit  and  that  he  has  expressive'  brown  eyes. 

All  these  things  the  musicians  know.  They  also  appre- 
ciate, as  much  as,  if  not  more  than,  the  radio  audience,  the 
musical  ability  that  has  made  it  possible  for  Sannella  to 
be  heard  six  or  eight  times  a  week  throughout  the  nation. 

The  artist  was  born  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  on  March  11, 
1900.  When  he  was  seven  years  old  he  began  the  study 
of  music  that  has  resulted  in  his  reputation  today  as  one 
of  the  outstanding  interpreters  of  modern  melody.  He 
started  to  study  the  violin  at  the  age  of  ten.  After  four 
years  of  study  he  decided  he  wanted  to  play  the  banjo. 
This  instrument  came  natural  to  him.  In  his  youth,  San- 
nella augmented  his  music  lessons  by  regular  perform- 
ances in  several  church  and  school  orchestras. 

Joins  Army   and  Then  Navy 

When  he  was  seventeen  he  joined  the  Army.  Because 
he  was  under  age,  his  mother  pulled  strings  through  the 
customary  tangle  of  red  tape  and  had  him  discharged. 
Not  discouraged,  young  Andy  next  bobbed  up  in  the 
United  States  Navy.  This  time  his  mother  decided  to  let 
well  enough  alone  and  her  son  remained  in  that  branch 
of  the  service  for  three  years.  A  majority  of  that  period 
was  spent  aboard  submarines.  During  the  long  days  and 
nights  aboard  the  "subs"  Andy  amused  his  mates  with  his 
guitar.  Incidentally  he  obtained  a  lot  of  practice.  What 
followed  his  discharge  from  the  Navy  has  already  been 

In  1927  this  young  "miracle  man  of  music"  played  in 
16  weekly  radio  programs,  most  of  them  going  through 
extensive  networks  of  stations.  In  192  8  he  directed  the 
orchestra  for  the  Interwoven  Entertainers,  the  Halsey 
Stuart  program  and  the  Sylvestre  broadcasts. 

His  present  weekly  schedule  gives  him  only  two  nights 
a  week  away  from  the  radio  studios.  On  Monday  he  di- 
rects the  orchestra  in  the  Empire  Builders  program;  on 
Wednesday  he  is  heard  regularly  as  a  soloist  with  the 
Palmolive  group,  and  as  director  of  the  Halsey  Stuart  or- 
chestra; on  Thursday  he  waves  his  baton  before  the  Smith 
Brothers  musical  aggregation;  on  Friday  he  may  be  heard 
with  the  Armstrong  Quakers;  while  on  Saturday  he  ap- 
pears on  the  Lucky  Strike  program. 

Have  You  a  Little  Nit  Wit  in  Your  Home? 

(Continued  from  page  15) 
The  Nebraska  Cornhuskers  played  the  Center  College  pray- 
ing Colonels.  The  Cornhuskers  started  in  early  to  husk  the 
colonels,  each  cornhusker  grabbing  an  ear.  The  Corn- 
huskers stalked  through  the  Colonels'  line,  and  soon  things 
were  popping.  It  turned  out  to  be  an  ear  for  an  ear  and 
a  tooth  for  a  tooth,  those  having  false  teeth  finding  the 
colonels  a  bit  tough.  However,  after  several  court  martials 
the  colonels  were  reduced  to  lance  corporals  and  the  band 
played  the  husking  bee.  Final  score,  if  any — found  in  to- 
morrow's paper.  And  that  completes  our  resume  of  to- 
day's football  games." 

New  Meteor  Flashes  Across  "Blue  Heaven" 

(Continued  from  page   31) 
country    gravitates    to    the   Great   White   Way,    where   it 
passes    through    the    melting    pot    and   emerges,    a    finished 
product,  to  fill  the  terpsichorean  wants  of  a  restless  nation. 

Bert's  orchestral  enterprises  have  grown  to  such  propor- 
tions that  they  begin  to  resemble  the  chain  store  systems  in 
quantity  turnover.  And  it  has  all  been  accomplished  with 
an  unobtrusiveness  that  is  refreshing  along  Broadway. 

Bert  has  turned  musical  notes  into  bank  notes  with  sur- 
prising celerity,  due  chiefly  to  his  ability  to  satisfy  the 
primal  urge,  for  rhythm  of  a  syncopated  sort,  that  exists 
in  the  gilded  whoopee  palaces,  at  society  revels,  collegiate 
hops,  metropolitan  hotel  gaieties,  country  and  yacht  club 
festivities,  resort  entertainments  and  night  club  and 
theatrical  gatherings. 

Starting  with  his  high  school  days,  when  he  had  an 
orchestra  that  played  on  the  Chautauqua  circuit,  Bert  has 
compiled  an  imposing  list  of  orchestra  contracts.  These 
include  recording  contracts  with  Columbia,  Brunswick 
and  Victor,  the  discovery  and  exploitation  of  Rudy  Vallee, 
Tommy  Cline  and  Jack  Carney — hailed  as  a  second  Vallee 
— numerous  radio  broadcasting  engagements  and  a  con- 
tract for  recorded  radio  programs  with  the  Biltmore  Hotel 
Orchestra  and  a  new  vocalist  who  promises  to  be  a  sensa- 
tional success.  Bert  also  has  to  his  credit  the  largest  steam- 
ship contract  ever  given  to  any  one  organization  in  the 
music  business — that  to  provide  music  for  the  Munson 
Line  and  all  the  United  States  Line  boats. 

Bert's  ultimate  ambition,  as  confided  in  his  own  words, 
is  "A  million  dollars — and  no  encores." 

Carson  Robison 



to  his  Radio 

friends  the 



of  the 




WEST  45th  ST. 






Best  Selling  Popular   Songs   of   the   Month 

WHEREAS  last  month  there  was  a  decline  as  com- 
pared with  the  previous  month  in  the  number  of 
theme  songs  listed  in  The  Big  Ten,  this  month 
shows  that  the  country  has  again  gone  "theme-song"  with 
a  vengeance.  Every  one  of  the  ten  best  selling  popular  songs 
listed  below  is  a  theme  song  from  a  talking  picture.  This 
condition  is  not  likely  soon  to  change,  because  the  theme 
songs  have  a  tremendous  advantage  in  the  sustained  na- 
tionwide "plug"  they  receive  through  the  medium  of  the 
sound  pictures. 

During  the  past  month,  as  compared  with  the  previous 
month,  I'm  a  Dreamer;  Aren't  We  All?  has  moved  from 
ninth  place  to  the  top  of  the  list,  supplanting  Tiptoe 
Through  the  Tulips.  A  Little  Kiss  Each  Morning,  from 
Rudy  Vallee's  picture,  The  Vagabond  Lover,  has  advanced 
from  tenth  to  fourth  place. 

A  notable  feature  is  that  such  big  sellers  as  Siugin'  in  the 
Rain,  Love  Me  and  My  Fate  is  in  Your  Hands  have  dropped 
out  of  the  first  ten  and  have  been  displaced  by  The  Chant 
of  the  Jungle,  Singing  in  the  Bathtub  and  You're  Always  in 
M)'  Arms. 

1.  I'm  a  Dreamer;  Aren't  We  All? 

from  Sunny  Side  Up  (De  Sylva,  Brown  & 

2.  Tiptoe  Through  the  Tupils 

from   Gold   Diggers   of  Broadway    (M.   Wit- 
mark  &  Sons) 

3.  If  I  Had  a  Talking  Picture  of  You 

from   Sunny   Side   Up    (De  Sylva,   Brown   & 

4.  A  Little  Kiss  Each  Morning 

from  The  Vagabond  Lover  (Harms,  Inc.) 

5.  Painting  the  Clouds  with  Sunshine 

from   Gold  Diggers   of   Broadway    (M.   Wit- 
mark  &  Sons) 

6.  The  Chant  of  the  Jungle 

from  Untamed  (Robbins  Music  Corporation) 

7.  Love 

from  The  Trespasser  (Irving  Berlin,  Inc.) 

8.  Singing  in  the  Bathtub 

from   The  Show1  of  Shows    (M.   Witmark  & 

9.  You're  Always  in  My  Arms 

from  Rio  Rita  (Leo  Feist,  Inc.) 

10.   My  Sweeter  than  Sweet 

from  Siveetie  (Famous  Music  Company) 

It  will  be  noticed  that,  beginning  this  month,  we  have  in- 
cluded the  names  of  the  publishers  of  these  songs.  If  there 
is  any  further  information  our  readers  desire  about  the 
popular  songs  they  hear  over  the  radio — who  wrote  them, 
who  publishes  them,  where  they  can  be  obtained  or  in  what 
pictures  they  appear,  etc., — RADIO  REVUE  will  gladly 
answer  all  such  questions.  Merely  write  Popular  Song  Edi- 
tor, RADIO  REVUE,  Six  Harrison  Street,  New  York,  N. 
Y.  Enclose  a  stamped,  self-addressed  envelope  if  you  desire 
a  direct  reply. 

1     A  Typical  Radio 
1  Week 


I'M  a  plain  radio  listener — very  plain.  I  hope  tele- 
vision never  works  both  ways.  You  know  what  I 
mean.  If  the  Lucky  Strike  Orchestra  should  ever 
see  me — well,  they'd  strike,  that's  all.  But  no  one  gets 
more  pleasure  out  of  a  radio  than  I  do.  Where  I  am 
located  I  cannot  get  the  Columbia  chain  program,  so  my 
listening  is,  of  necessity,   all  done  via  NBC. 

To  me,  Monday  is  a  red  letter  night.  Starting  with  the 
Black  and  Gold  Orchestra,  then  the  Voice  of  Firestone, 
the  A.  &  P.  Gypsies,  and  ending  with  the  General  Motors 
Family  Party,  you  have  an  evening  to  rave  about.  I  am 
so  interested  in  the  A.  (3  P.  Gypsies  that  I  even  listen  to 
Milton  Cross  tell  what  they  sell  in  those  stores.  As  some- 
body has  said:  "Any  sons-o'-guns  who  don't  buy  in  the 
A.  &  P.  don't  deserve  to  hear  such  a  fine  program."  When 
I  hear  the  General  Motors  program  I'm  so  glad  I  have  a 
Buick.  If  the  program  is  especially  good,  I  wish  my  car 
were  a  Cadillac. 

Tuesday  night — I  don't  know  what  psychology  it  is, 
mob  or  sob,  but  I  don't  care  so  much  for  Tuesday  nights 
on  the  air.  I  wish  some  one  would  explain  about  that 
evening's  programs.  I  flicker  across  the  dial  and  find 
talking,  talking  everywhere.  As  I  don't  care  for  dialects, 
negroid  or  tabloid,  I  shut  off  my  radio  and  read  a  book. 
But  think  of  the  thousands  who  love  those  "talkies!" 

Palmolive  Hour  a  High  Light 

The  high  light  of  Wednesday  night  is  the  Palmolive 
Hour.  The  program  is  so  varied  and  beautiful  that  I 
marvel  at  that  stereotyped  "full  of  love  and  romance" 
prelude  that  goes  on  the  air  every  week  in  the  year.  Page 
Carlin  and  tell  him  to  change  it,  say,  every  other  Wednes- 
day night.  Olive  Palmer's  bird-like  voice  is  a  gift  to  a 
listening  world.  The  duets  with  the  contralto  are  beauti- 
ful. I  wish  the  announcer  would  tell  us  who  the  con- 
tralto is. 

I  do  not  always  hear  the  Thursday  night  programs  for 
various  reasons,  mostly  personal  and  social  ones. 

The  Philco  Hour  of  Theatre  Memories  was  something  I 
always  looked  forward  to  on  Friday  night.  My  particular 
favorite  was  Jessica  Dragonette.  When  you  think  that 
an  opera  was  staged  right  before  your  ears,  and  you  could 
a'r^ost  hear  the  curtain  go  down,   that's  some  radio  hour! 

Seme  one,  who  saw  a  picture  of  the  Old  Stager  in  the 
Radio  Revue  for  December,  said:  "I  didn't  picture  him 
like  that."  I  know;  she  thought  he'd  look  like  Santa 
Claus — with    real   whiskers. 

Walter  Damrosch's  golden  voice  makes  the  General 
Electric  Hour  delightful  on  Saturday  night.  When  I 
hear  him  tell  of  the  "lovely  melody"  and  "dancing  elves 
in  fragrant,  moonlit  gardens,"  I  don't  care  whether  it 
is  Bach  or  Beethoven,  Rimsky-Korsakoff  or  Rachmaninoff, 
I  know  it  must  be  good,  because  he  says  so. 

Of  course,  there  are  some  abominations  on  the  radio — 
too  much  advertising  for  one  thing  and  the  inane  asides 

F  EBRU  ARY  ,     19  3  0 


of  Roxy  and  his  gang  for  another.  Stage  asides  by  O'Neill 
are  permissible,  but  it  is  not  considered  good  form  to  talk 
personalities  before  a  disinterested  audience.  We,  the  un- 
seen listeners,  often  feel  like  eavesdroppers,  and  an  un- 
pleasant feeling  it  is,  too.  It  may  be  funny  in  the  studio, 
but  it  is  stupid  on  the  air.  Rudy  Vallee  and  Graham  have 
been  at  it  lately.  If  we  must  have  Rudy,  let  him  croon 
"Just  You,  Just  Me"  or  some  other  banality,  and  then  we 
can  snap  out  of  it. 

Then,  there  are  the  dance  orchestras.  Gone  is  the 
ancient  prejudice  that  seems  to  apply  to  many  things 
excepting  dance  orchestras.  I  wish  some  of  the  leaders 
would  reach  for  a  new  dance  folio,  instead  of  an  antique. 
Maybe  Singing  in  the  Rain  or  even  Tiptoe  Through  the 
Tulips  might  be  as  interesting  as  glorifying  Raggedy  Ann 
or  the  Wooden  Soldiers. 

But,  taking  it  all  in  all,  as  I  sit  before  my  honest-to- 
goodness  wood  fire  on  Sunday  afternoon  and,  if  I  feel 
religious,  hear  spirited  sermons,  or,  if  in  a  lighter  mood, 
listen  to  the  National  Light  Opera,  or  look  forward  to  the 
evening,  with  David  Lawrence's  clear-cut  facts  and  the 
Atwater  Kent  Hour,  I  think:  what  a  week  of  splendid 
entertainment  I  have  had  at  very  little  cost.  Unlike  Cor- 
nelia Otis  Skinner's  "Get  a  horse,  Mr.  Filkins,  get  a  horse," 
I  say:  "Get  a  radio,  Mr.  Citizen,  get  a  radio." 

Listeners'  Forum 

{Continued  from   page   39) 
to  it  that  the  magazine  is  carefully  sent,  so  as  not  to  harm 
this  picture,  as  I  want  to  frame  it. 

I  should  also  like  to  know  whether  it  would  be  possible 
for  you  to  print  a  picture  of  Jessica  in  costume,  showing 
her  in  the  role  of  some  one  of  the  characters  she  has  por- 
trayed for  us  so  vividly.  I  should  like  to  see  her  as  Con- 
trary Mary  in  Babes  in  Toyland,  which  she  did  for  Christ- 
mas this  year.  Since  this  was  the  third  Christmas  we  have 
heard  her  do  it,  we  have  come  to  associate  our  Christmas 
with  Jessica. 

If  it  is  not  possible  to  print  her  picture  in  this  costume, 
then  any  one  of  her  countless  other  roles  will  satisfy  us: 
Sylvia  in  Sweethearts,  Naughty  Marietta,  Mile.  Modiste, 
Zorika  in  Gypsy  Love,  The  Pink  Lady,  Eileen,  The  Merry 
Widow,  The  Chocolate  Soldier — any  one. 

There  are  so  many  things,  too,  that  we  should  like  to 
hear  Jessica's  reaction  to.  For  instance,  which  of  her  char- 
acters she  likes  best.  I  suppose  she  is  the  only  prima  donna 
who  has  played  them  all.  Also,  which  was  the  more  thrill- 
ing experience — to  have  sung  to  Commander  Byrd  from 
the  stage  of  the  Neighborhood  Playhouse  at  the  gala  per- 
formance in  his  honor,  or  to  broadcast  to  him  at  the  South 
Pole  from  New  York. — A.  C.  W.,  Merion,  Pa. 


Vaughn   Likes   Rudy's   Simplicity 

My  compliments  to  Dale  Wimbrow  and  Martin  Hansen 
for  their  exposition  on  Citizen  Rudy  Vallee.  I  agree  with 
both  boys — and  that's  a  lot,  for  there  never  was  a  person 
less  given  to  hero  worship  than  myself!  I  liked  the  sim- 
plicity and  nonchalance  of  Rudy's  work  long  before  his 
ability  won  recognition.  When  the  rush  started  I  was  less 
enthusiastic  but,  after  I  saw  "The  Vagabond  Lover,"  I  was 
impressed  with  his  sincerity  and  I  commend  him  for  it. 

Vaughn  de  Leath. 



The    Ascot 

40  W.  5  6th  ST. 


Club  Luncheon  75  c. 

Table  d'Hote  Dinner  $1.25 

Sunday  Dinner  5  to  8 

Appetizing  Menus 

Immediate  Service  For 
The  Busy  Person 

Arrangements  Made  for 

Luncheons,    Bridge    Teas 

Dinner  Parties 

Reasonably  Priced 

Circle  4075 

Radio  Counsellors,  Inc. 

1 1  West  42nd  St.  New  York  City 

Chickering  6453 

A  Radio  Program  Service  Bureau 

Producers  of 

"Mr.  &  Mrs." 

"American    School    of    The    Air" 

"Fires  of  Men" 

Production  Manager 

Organized  and  equipped  to  plan,  build  and 
produce    programs    combining    enter- 
tainment and  distinction,  artistic 
merit  and  logical  relation  to 
client's  product. 

Studios    for    Auditions    and    Program 

The  Itinerant        I 
s  Listener 


&  "He  Tunes  In  and  Reports  at  Random" 

Philco  Gives  Excellent  Show 

TRUE  to  the  tradition  it  had  set  for  over  two  years 
on  WJZ,  the  Philco  Hour  in  its  premiere  on  WABC 
and  the  Columbia  chain  gave  an  excellent  show. 
There  was  ever  present  the  hand  of  that  master  radio 
showman,  Henry  M.  Neely,  the  "old  Stager." 

The  program  consisted  of  the  first  radio  presentation  of 
an  original  musical  episode  by  Jerome  Kern,  entitled  Lamp- 
light Originally  performed  some  years  ago  in  one  of  the 
Lambs'  Gambols,  it  has  not  been  heard  since.  More's  the 
pity — since  it  is  the  nearest  thing  to  the  ideal  radio  oper- 
etta that  I  have  ever  heard,  with  the  possible  exception  of 
Sir  Arthur  Sullivan's  Cox  and  Box. 

While  the  musical  score  had  much  of  the  dainty  charm 
that  is  Jerome  Kern,  it  revealed  the  composer  of  Sweet 
Adeline,  Showboat  and  a  score  of  other  musical  successes  in 
a  much  different  light,  as  the  creator  of  deeper  moods 
and  melodies  that  were  decidedly  of  the  calibre  of  grand 
opera.  The  orchestration  glowed  with  a  wealth  of  warmth 
and  color. 

The  program  opened  with  the  singing  of  Philco's  familiar 
signature  song,  Mem'ries,  by  Lois  Bennett,  new  soprano 
star  of  the  Hour.  A  comparison  of  Miss  Bennett's  rendi- 
tion of  this  song  with  that  of  Philco's  erstwhile  prima 
donna,  Jessica  Dragonette,  seems  inevitable.  Unfortunate- 
ly, in  this  case  I  do  not  feel  that  Miss  Bennett  carried  off 
the  honors.  Some  allowance  must  be  made,  of  course,  for 
first-night  nervousness  and  the  fact  that  she  probably  real- 
ized how  much  was  expected  of  her. 

Tells  Story  of  "Lamplight" 

There  followed  a  short  scene  during  which  Mr.  Neely, 
as  Uncle  Henry,  was  interrupted  by  his  niece  in  the  midst 
of  his  reminiscences.  She  finally  prevailed  upon  him  to  tell 
her  the  story  of  the  operetta  which  had  stirred  his  memo- 
ries. In  this  way  he  introduced  Lamplight  and  acted  as 

In  addition  to  Miss  Bennett,  who  sang  the  soprano  role, 
Dan  Gridley,  tenor,  who  for  many  months  was  a  member 
of  the  original  Philco  Hour  on  WJZ,  and  Nathan  Stewart, 
baritone,  participated.  The  vocal  honors  went  to  Mr. 
Gridley,  who  sang  with  beautiful  tone  production  and  ex- 
cellent style  and  diction.  He  was  probably  more  familiar 
with  the  score  than  were  his  fellow-singers,  inasmuch  as  he 
sang  the  same  role  some  months  age,  when  the  operetta 
was  offered,  through  the  medium  of  an  audition,  to  a  pro- 
spective broadcaster.  For  some  unexplainable  reason,  this 
advertiser  failed  to  appreciate  its  true  beauty  and  merit. 

However,  in  general,  the  production  was  excellent  and 
the  effect  was  charming.  The  romantic  setting,  in  Paris 
in  the  early  nineteenth  century,  the  story  of  the  old  lamp- 
lighter who  was  thrown  out  of  employment  when  the  new 
street  lamps  were  introduced,  and  the  accompanying  tale 
of  a  young  girl  who  grew  to  old  age  and  died  while  keep- 
ing a  hopeless  tryst  at  the  old  lamp  post  with  her  soldier 


19  3  0 


lover  who  had  been  taken  from  her  arms  by  the  Napoleonic 
wars,  all  combined  to  paint  a  poignant  picture  with  pig- 
ments such  as  few  besides  Jerome  Kern  could  adequately 
muster.  All  in  all,  this  first  Philco  Hour  on  the  Columbia 
chain  set  a  high  mark  that  subsequent  programs  are  not 
likely  soon  to  equal. 

Chevalier  a  Fine  Movie  Actor 

The  much-heralded  radio  debut  of  the  French  star, 
Maurice  Chevalier,  over  WABC  recently  left  me  quite 
cold.  His  renditions  of  his  native  French  songs  were  quite 
competent,  but  his  attempts  to  sing  American  tunes  con- 
firmed my  belief  that,  as  a  radio  singer,  M.  Chevalier  is  a 
great  movie  actor — and  I  must  confess  that  I  have  never 
seen  him  on  the  screen. 


Ward  Program  Unimpressive 

The  premiere  broadcast  of  the  Ward  Tip  Top  Club  on 
WABC  recently  was,  to  me,  not  at  all  impressive.  It 
turned  out  to  be  just  another  program,  with  orchestra, 
quartet,  soloists,  or  what  have  you.  Nor  was  the  setting 
— in  a  night  club — startling  or  original  in  any  respect. 
Due  allowance  must  always  be  made  for  an  initial  broad- 
cast. Here's  hoping  future  programs  show  some  improve- 

Radio's  One-Man  Show,  Phil  Cook, 
a  Marvel  of  Versatility 

(Continued  from  page  22) 
Coldwater,  Mich.,  some  3  5  years  ago,  and  moved  to  East 
Orange,  New  Jersey,  at  the  early  age  of  ten.  I  studied  the 
violin  with  the  intention  of  becoming  a  second  Kreisler. 
Fooled  the  family  by  drawing  pictures  when  I  should  have 
been  practicing  the  violin.  Got  a  job  in  my  third  year 
at  high  school  and  dropped  the  education  to  start  doing 
up  packages  in  an  advertising  agency. 

"I  must  have  had  a  trace  of  Rudy  Vallee-ism  in  my 
voice  in  its  early  stages,  for  I  succeeded  in  talking  Miss 
Flo  Helmer  into  becoming  a  Cook — in  name,  at  any  rate. 
At  present  I  am  still  married  and  happy." 

Cook  is  under  exclusive  contract  to  the  NBC.  In  addi- 
tion to  his  broadcast  activities,  he  makes  dozen  of  per- 
sonal appearances  each  year  in  various  sections  of  the 

Although  Cook  specializes  in  Negro  roles  before  the 
microphone,  his  "Negro  is  a  northern  Negro,  because  I 
haven't  been  south  of  Washington,''  as  he  expresses  it. 

McNamee  "a  Great  Guy"  Oscar  Writes 
His  Girl  Friend,  Margy 

(Continued  from   page   18) 

typewriter  is   due   at   work   at    four   o'clock   in   the    after- 
noon and  it's  five-thirty  now,  so  he'll  be  in  most  any  time. 
I  almost  forgot.     You  can  tell  the  other  girls  in  Yoakum 
that   Mr.    McNamee    is    married,    so    they    might    as    well 
scratch  him  off  the  list.     Mrs.  McNamee  is  mighty  sweet, 
too.     I  hope  to  meet  her  some  time. 
Well,  so  long  until  next  time,  Margy. 
Love    and   kisses 





t  BRYANT  6l)8 

*2LJ^Buiimmh*t~  i  i  mi 



Broadcasts  to  South  Pole 

JAMES  S.  WALLINGTON,  who  has  been  senior  an- 
nouncer for  WGY,  of  Schenectady,  since  October, 
192  8,  has  announced  most  of  the  broadcasts  from  "WGY 
and  its  three  short  wave  stations  to  Commander  Richard 
Byrd's  Antarctic  Expedition.  These  programs  have  been 
broadcast  every  other  Saturday  since  last  May.  Mr. 
Wallington's  voice  has  carried  to  Commander  Byrd  and  his 

associates  the  mes- 
sages that  mean  so 
much  to  these  men 
who  are  making  his- 

One  of  Mr.  Wal- 
lington's most 
treasured  possessions 
is  a  message  from 
Commander  Byrd, 
congratulating  him 
on  his  marriage  on 
October  4  last  to  the 
former  Lady  Stanis- 
lawa  Eleanora  Eliza- 
bieta  Butkiewicz,  a 
descendant  of  Polish 
nobility,  who  comes 
from  Worcester, 

Mr.  Wallington  is 
director  of  the 
WGY  Players,  that 
pioneer  dramatic 
group.  He  makes  the  radio  adaptations  and  directs  all  the 
plays  that  the  Players  produce.  He  is  also  baritone  of  the 
Radio  Four,  a  quartet  well  known  in  upper  New  York 

James  S.  Wallington 

For  Your  Convenience 

In  order  that  you  do  not  miss  any  of  the  vitally 
interesting  features  and  pictures  that  will  appear  in 
RADIO  REVUE  in  the  months  to  come,  why  not 
let  us  enter  your  subscription  now? 

One  Year,  $2.00;  Two  Years,  $3.00 

Six  Harrison  Street 
New,  York,  N.  Y. 

Please  enter  my  subscription  to  RADIO  REVUE 

for years.     I  enclose   Dollars  in 

cash,  check,  currency  to  cover. 


Street  Number 
P.  O 


What  Price  Announcing! 

(Continued  from  page  9) 

the  case.     The  Announcer  is  dead ! 

Radio  and  radio  companies  and  chains  are  purely  com- 
mercial. The  advertiser  is  the  backbone  of  the  industry. 
The  status  of  the  announcer  is  entirely  changed.  First, 
the  age-old  law  of  supply  and  demand  has  had  its  effect. 
Hundreds  of  young  bloods,  sensing  the  romance  of  the 
air,  seeking  the  applause  of  the  radio  listeners,  and  vainly 
hoping  to  create  a  name  that  will  live  to  posterity,  offer 
their  services  as  announcer  for  any  fee. 

The  demand  is  decidedly  limited,  so  the  majority  of  an- 
nouncers are  really  sacrificing  themselves  to  the  hope  of 
a  bright,  though  distant,  future.  They  are  on  the  air 
hour  after  hour,  so  that  they  are  unable  to  give  any  one 
program  particular  attention.  Further,  they  are  obliged  to 
read,  word  for  word,  scripts  that  are  written  by  others 
who  do  not  even  think  of  the  reader,  let  alone  his  style  or 
personality.     So  their  hope  is  shattered  before  they  start. 

The  only  way  to  create  a  following  among  radio  listen- 
ers is  by  means  of  a  winning  personality  that  projects  it- 
self, and  to  do  this,  it  is  essential  that  the  reader  read  his 
own  words.  True,  it  is  possible  to  do  an  excellent  piece  of 
work  with  prepared  copy,  just  as  it  is  possible  to  read  it 
poorly  but,  to  advertise  a  commodity  over  the  air,  more 
than  mere  reading  of  words  by  a  man  with  a  pleasant 
voice  is  necessary.  Those  words  must  come  from  some- 
where deeper  than  the  larynx.  The  speaker  first  must 
know  his  radio  audience.  He  must  know  radio  showman- 
ship. His  words  must  be  felt  as  well  as  spoken — they 
must  be  his  words. 

How  can  an  announcer  be  a  real  part  of  the  program 
when  the  general  style  of  the  hour  is  decided  by  one,  the 
musical  numbers  are  chosen  by  another,  the  cast  is  chosen 
by  a  third,  and  even  the  words  he  speaks  are  written  by  a 
department  that  usually  grinds  them  out  by  the  basketful? 

The  advertisers,  who  think  primarily  of  the  message 
they  want  to  put  across,  are  beginning  to  realize  that 
herein  lies  the  weakness  of  this  most  human  and  closest 
of  all  media  and  are,  therefore,  insisting  on  the  radio  spe- 
cialist, the  man  who,  through  years  of  experience,  has  de- 
veloped a  sixth  sense,  a  sense  of  radio  showmanship,  the 
most  important  factor  in  the  building  of  any  program. 
He  is  a  man  who  can  create  the  copy  that  is  adapted  to 
radio  advertising  and  who  can  read  that  copy  before  a 
microphone,  not  so  that  it  is  blatant  and  cold,  but,  rather, 
so  that  it  becomes  a  part  of  the  entertainment,  because  the 
reader  himself  is  a  part.  Many  advertisers  now  insist  upon 
having  a  man  who  is  not  tied  to  the  myriad  sustaining  and 
out-of-studio  broadcasts,  who  is  not  /;/  one  commodity 
for  thirty  minutes  and  then  comes  out  only  to  dive  into 
another  and  finally  to  mix  them  all  up  with  the  correct 
time,  stock  quotations,  and  bed-time  stories. 

And  so  we  have  the  answer  to  one  of  the  man)'  questions 
which  have  come  to  me  since  my  change.  The  advertis- 
er changes  the  name  of  the  announcer  who  has  proven 
himself,  takes  him  away  from  the  broadcasting  companies 
and  calls  him  a  radio  specialist.  True,  you  hear  him  much 
less  often  but,  when  he  is  on  the  air,  he  brings  you  his 
personality  plus  a  program  which  sparkles  and,  as  a  re- 
sult, you  probably  look  with  favor  on  the  commodity 
made  by  the  sponsor  of  that  program.     Long  live  the  an- 


<z?j[  view  uou  miani  to  read 

The  Tragedy  of  Neglected  Gums 

Cast  of  Characters : 
Your  Dentist  and  You. 

you:  "My  gums  are  responsible  for  this 
visit,  doctor.    I'm  anxious  about  them." 

D.D.s.:"What's  the  matter?" 

you:  "Well,  sometimes  they  re  tender  when 
I  brush  my  teeth.  And  once  in  a  ivhile  they 
bleed  a  little.  But  my  teeth  seem  to  be  all 
right.  Just  how  serious  is  a  thing  like  thisl" 

D.D.s.:"Probably  nothing  to  bother 
about,  with  a  healthy  mouth  like 
yours.  But,  just  the  same,  I've  seen 
people  with  white  and  flawless  teeth 
get  into  serious  trouble  with  their 

you:  "That's  what  worries  me.  Pyorrhea 
— gingivitis — trench  mouth — all  those  hor- 
rible-sounding things!  Just  a  month  ago  a 
friend  of  mine  had  to  have  seven  teeth 
pulled  out. 

d.d.s.:  "Yes,  such  things  can  happen. 
Not  long  ago  a  patient  came  to  me 
with  badly  inflamed  gums.  I  x-rayed 
them  and  found  the  infection  had  spread 
so  far  that  eight  teeth  had  to  go.  Some 
of  them  were  perfectly  sound  teeth, 

you:  {After  a  pause")  "I  was  reading  a 
dentifrice  advertisement  .  .  .  about  food. 

d.d.s.  :  "Soft  food?  Yes,  that's  to  blame 
for  most  of  the  trouble.  You  see,  our 
gums  get  no  exercise  from  the  soft, 
creamy  foods  we  eat.  Circulation  lags 
and  weak  spots  develop  on  the  gum 
walls.  That's  how  these  troubles  begin. 
If  you  lived  on  rough,  coarse  fare  your 
gums  would  hardly  need  attention." 

you:  "But,  doctor,  I  can't  take  up  a  diet  of 


BRISTOL-MYERS  CO.,  Dept.  RR-129 

73  West  Street,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Kindly  send  me  a  trial  tube  of  IPANA  TOOTH 
PASTE.  Enclosed  is  a  two-cent  stamp  to  cover 
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City Stale 

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raw  roots  and  hardtack.  People  would 
think  I'd  suddenly  gone  mad." 

d.d.s.:  "No  need  to  change  your  diet. 
But  you  can  give  your  gums  the  stimu- 
lation they  need.  Massage  or  brush 
them  twice  a  day  when  you  brush 
your  teeth.  And  one  other  suggestion: 
use  Ipana  Tooth  Paste.  It's  a  scientific, 
modern  dentifrice,  and  it  contains 
special  ingredients  that  stimulate  the 
gums   and    help    prevent    infection." 

*  *  * 

f\n  imaginary  dialog?  An  imaginary 
"you"?  Admittedly,  but  the  action  is 
real.  It  is  drawn  from  life — from  real 
tragedies  and  near-tragedies  enacted 
every  day  in  every  city  of  the  land ! 

And  if  dentists  recommend  Ipana,  as 
thousands  of  them  do,  it  is  because  it  is 
good  for  the  gums  as  well  as  for  the 
teeth.  Under  its  continual  use,  the 
teeth  are  gleaming  white,  the  gums 
firm  and  healthy.  For  Ipana  contains 
ziratol,  a  recognized  hemostatic  and 
antiseptic  well  known  to  dentists  for 
its  tonic  effects  upon  gum  tissue. 

Don't  wait  for  "pink  tooth  brush" 
to  appear  before  you  start  with  Ipana. 
The  coupon  brings  you  a  sample  which 
will  quickly  prove  Ipana's  pleasant 
taste  and  cleaning  power. 

But,  to  know  all  of  Ipana's  good  ef- 
fects, it  is  far  better  to  go  to  your  near- 
est druggist  and  get  a  large  tube.  After 
you  have  used  its  hundred  brushings 
you  will  know  its  benefits  to  the  health 
of  your  gums  as  well  as  your  teeth. 

a  s-  2  s  3- »  3-a- »»-»  a-: 



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Manufactured    and    sold    under    rights,    patents    and    inventions     owned   and  I  or    controlled    By    Radio   Corporation    of    America 




In  This  Issue: 

Frank  Moulan 

Stage  vs  Radio 

The  SOS  from  Chinatown 

"Uncle  Don"  Carney 

Mme.   Galli-Curci 

The  Two  Troupers 

And  Other  Features 


from  the  Studios  of 

Donald  McGill 



American  Opera  Company 




3  3  West  67th  Street 
New  York 

Telephone:   Trafalgar   8063 

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Coloratura  Soprano 


American  Opera  Company 

Brownie  Peebles 


Canadian   'National 

Rail  nays 


American  Opera  Company 

Mary  Silveira 
Lyric   Coloratura   Soprano 

American  Opera  Company 

©C1B    637  46  %j> 

■*  'S  ft® 


FOR       THE       LISTENER 

Volume  I  Number  4    ,  March,  1930 


On  the  Cover:  Caroline  Andrews By  Gaspano  Ricca. 

Alma  Kitchell    {Photograph)  2 

Trying  To  Be  Funny  Not  As  Much  Fun  as  It  Might  Seem By  Frank  Moulan  3 

Frank  Moulan    (Photograph)  5 

A  Gypsy  Call By  Alice  Remsen  6 

Radio  Gives  Actress  Greater  Thrill  Than  Does  Stage Georgia  Backus  7 

Cathedral  of  Underworld  Sends  SOS  From  Chinatown By  Allen  Haglund  10 

Trees  Need  Not  Walk  the  Earth By  David  Ross  12 

Radio  Revives  Public's  Interest  in  Old-Time  Minstrel  Show By  Al  Bernard  13 

Don  Carney  is  "Uncle"  to  More  Than  3  00,000  Children By  David  Casern  15 

"Sponsoritis" Anon.  16 

At  Home  on  the  High  "Cs" (Photograph)  17 

Mr.  Average  Fan  Answers  Some  of  His  Critics By  Average  Pan  18 

Sound  Effects  Made  to  Order  for  Radio  Programs By  Herbert  Devins  20 

In  Memoriam:  A  Tribute  to  Col.  C.  T.  Davis By  Bertha  Brainerd  23 

Personalities — Pert    and    Pertinent (Photograph)  2  5 

Interest  in  Grand  Opera  Fast  Waning  Says  Mme.  Galli  Curci 

By  Willie  Perceval-Monger  26 

Acting  a  New  Side  Line,  Oscar  Writes  Girl  Friend  Margy.        By  P.  H.  W.  Dixon  27 

The  Two  Troupers  Delve  Into  Dark  Past    .  .    By  Marcella  Shields  &  Helene  Hardin  29 

Evening  Stars  Program  an  Interesting  Experiment  in  Good  Will 

By  Donald  Withycomb  3  1 

Editorials     32 

Soprano  Modulator,  Radio's  Latest  Wonder By  I.  B.  Hansom  33 

Static   from   the   Studios 34 

Listener's   Forum 35 

Rudy  Vallee  and  Jessica  Dragonette  Lauded  in  Prize  Letters 36 

Ether  Etchings 37 

Program    Notes     39 

Lessons  in  Loveliness By  Nell  Vinick  41 

Radio  in  the  Home By  Mrs.  A.  M.  Goudiss  42 

Milady's  Fashions By  Marie  Blizard  44 

The  Big  Ten — Best  Selling  Popular  Songs  of  the  Month 45 

Bruce  Gray,  Editor 

Contributing  Editors: 

Allen  Haglund  H.   Raymond  Preston 

Mrs.  Julian  Heath  Walter  H.  Preston 

Willie   Perceval-Monger     K.  Trenholm 

Subscription   Prices:    United    States,    $2;    Canada,    $2.50;    Foreign,    $3;    Single   Copies,    25c 


Rouses  Early  Morning  Music  Lovers 

Alma  Kitchell,  Who  Sings  So  Sweetly  on  Sunday  Morning  ProgramSj  8  to  9 

'  I  ^HIS  charming  NBC  contralto  delights  those  who  tune  in  on 
the  Sunday  Symphonette  with  her  rich  renditions  of  only  the 
best  music.  She  -was  born  in  Superior,  Michigan,  and  first  studied 
at  the  Cincinnati  Conservatory  of  Music  and,  later,  under  the 
direction  of  her  husband,  Charles  Kitchell,  in  New  York.  She 
came   to   radio  by  way  of  concert   and   oratorical   work,   and   joined 

the  NBC  fold  over  a  year  ago.  Early  in  her  career  she  studied 
to  become  a  concert  pianiste,  but  experts,  upon  hearing  her  beau- 
tiful voice,  urged  her  to  turn  to  singing,  proving  that  experts  are 
often  correct.  She  is  also  featured  on  Dr.  Cadman's  hour  and 
sings  with  the  National  Grand  Opera  Company,  the  Salon  Singers 
and   a   number  of  other   programs. 

MARCH  ,    19  3  0 

to  be  FUNNY 
Not  as  Much  FUN 
As  h  Might  S 


7  wasn't  born  funny.  It  was 
thrust  on  me.  After  a  few 
appearances  with  the  Young 
Apollo  Club,  a  meeting  was 
called  to  decide  whether  I 
should  continue  to  sing.  The 
upshot  was  that  I  was  unani- 
mously elected  official  come- 
dian of  the  group. 

Harris    &•    Ewirtg 

Frank  Moulan 

Comedian,   National  Light  Opera 

Company,  NBC. 

If  I  had  my  choice  of  any 
role,  out  of  the  242  librettos 
I  am  supposed  to  know,  Yd 
choose  that  of  Jack  Point,  the 
strolling  jester  in  Gilbert  and 
Sullivan's  "The  Yoemen  of 
the  Guard".  That  role  has 
everything  in  it  —  comedy, 
philosophy,  tragedy. 


SOMETIMES  it  is  fun  to  be  funny.     Always  it  is  a 
pleasure  to  be  human.     But  to  become  reminiscent 
about  the  parts  one  has  played  in  a  lifetime  behind 
the  footlights  at  first  thought  would  seem  to  be  a  task  not 
to  be  taken  too  lightly. 

Reminiscences,  somehow,  have  always  been  associated  in 
my  mind  with  old  age.  Why  didn't  they  say  "Well,  old 
timer,  do  us  a  bit  of  history  about  the  stage  of  your  day 
.  .  .  the  stage  that  is  unknown  to  us  moderns"?  I  could  do 
that,  too,  for  I  belong  to  that  rapidly  dwindling  group  of 
veterans  who  saw  the  original  production  of  "The  Black 
Crook".  That  was  when  I  first  wore  long  trousers.  I 
had  to  wear  them  in  order  to  buy  a  ticket.     A  great  show, 

that.      The   girls   wore    tights.      Ah,    the   good   old    days! 
But,  since  Peggy  Joyce  has  done  her  memoirs  and  we  can 
probably  expect   a  volume  from  Helen  Mayes's  baby  al- 
most any  week,  here  goes. 

First  of  all  let  me  issue  what  the  lawyers  call  a  dis- 
claimer in  regard  to  certain  questions  asked  by  young 
journalists.  I  was  never  starred  in  a  production  with 
Jenny  Lind.  Neither  was  I  that  unsung  celebrity  who 
carried  Mrs.  Whiffen  on  the  stage  at  the  tender  age  of  six 
months — Mrs.  Whiffen  I  mean.  I  may  be  an  old-timer, 
but  I  never  write  letters  to  the  papers  begging  for  the  re- 
turn of  hoop-skirts.  I  still  regard  the  abolition  of  short 
skirts  as  the  major  catastrophe  of   1929,  regardless  of  the 


rise  to  fame  of  that  well  known  phrase  "more  margin." 
First  Contralto,  Then  Baritone 

The  fact  that  I  was  born  is  so  obvious  that  it  is  scarcely 
worth  mentioning.  The  fact  that  I  was  actually  born  in 
New  York  may  be  considered  news  in  some  circles — that 
is,  if  Greenwich  Village  can  be  considered  New  York. 

In  those  days  I  was  a  contralto,  but 
you  can't  beat  biology,  so  it  was  in- 
evitable that  I  should  develop  into  a 
baritone.  This  transition  took  place 
virtually  over  a  week-end,  much  to  the 
astonishment  of  all  my  associates. 

Before  my  voice  changed,  my  career 
had  already  started.  When  I  was  ten 
years  old  I  joined  the  Young  Apollo 
Club,  a  musical  group  that  sang  in 
town  halls  and  fire  houses  in  communi- 
ties inexpensively  distant  from  New 
York  City.  I  also  sang  in  choirs,  among 
them  the  boys'  choir  of  Trinity  chapel. 

Now  is  as  good  a  time  as  any  to  con- 
fess that  I  wasn't  born  funny.  It  was 
thrust  upon  me.  After  a  few  appear- 
ances with  the  Young  Apollo  Club,  a 
meeting  was  called  to  decide  whether 
Brother  Moulan  should  continue  to 
sing.  The  upshot  of  the  meeting  was 
that  I  was  elected,  without  one  dis- 
senting vote,  official  comedian  of  the 
group.  You  can't  imagine  how  funny 
that  was ! 

"With  my  first  whiskers  came  the  re- 
alization that  life  was  real  and  life  was 
earnest  and  the  stage  was  not  all  gold. 
I  decided  to  become  a  business  man. 
Even  in  those  days  the  show  business 
wasn't  what  it  had  been.  I  tried  the 
cloak  and  suit  business,  but  my  an- 
cestry was  against  me  from  the  start. 

For  a  while  I  was  a  first-class  bundle 
wrapper,  but  finally  decided  there 
wasn't  much  future  in  that  business. 
I  tried  this  and  that  with  mediocre  suc- 
cess and  finally  awoke  one  morning 
and  discovered  that  I  was  back  in  the 
show  business,  playing  parts  for  the 
Calhoun  Opera  Company. 

The  Calhoun  troupe  was  "on  the  road", 
road  covered  the  then  very  wild  and  woolly  west  between 
Chicago  and  San  Francisco.  It  was  in  Prescott,  Arizona, 
that  I  began  to  fully  appreciate  the  comparative  security 
enjoyed  by  a  first-class  bundle  wrapper.  I  meditated  be- 
hind an  old  iron  stove  .  .  .  God  bless  that  old  iron  stove 
.  .  .  while  a  group  of  iriate  Arizonians  shot  holes  through 
the  scenery  and  such  members  of  the  company  as  care- 
lessly wandered  into  range. 

Had    Served    Apprenticeship 

I  left  the  Calhoun  company  shortly  after  that  expe- 
rience. I  felt  that  I  had  served  my  apprenticeship,  as  I 
had  done  everything  from  singing  in  the  chorus  to  singing 
leading  roles   in  heavy  operas.      The  next   six  years   were 

Mr.    Moulau    in    the    title    role    of 
"The  Sultan  of  Sitlu". 

Its  particular 

spent  on  the  payroll  of  Henry  Savage.  Appearing  alter- 
nately in  New  York,  Chicago  and  St.  Louis,  I  sang  in  a 
different  opera  or  operetta  every  week  for  the  entire  six 

I  was  very  flattered  when  I  was  offered  the  chance  to 

sing  the  role  of  Figaro  in  "The  Barber  of  Seville".     Of 

course,  there  was  a  stipulation.     I  had  one  week  to  learn 

the  role.      It  was   months  later  before  I  learned   that  all 

other  available  singers  had  turned  down 

the  same  opportunity  because  they  did 

not  think  a  week's  study  was  enough. 

George    Ade   wrote   "The    Sultan   of 

Sulu"  and  made  immortal  the  line  "It 

is  no   time  for  mirth  or  laughter,   the 

cold,  dark  dawn  of  the  morning  after". 

The    line    is    usually    credited    to    Lord 

Byron.      I   was   in   that   show   for   two 

years  and  enjoyed  the  rest,  because  Mr. 

Ade    did    not    rewrite    the    production 

every  week. 

Some  years  later  I  thought  I  had  dis- 
covered an  ideal  job.  Klaw  &  Er- 
langer  were  producing  American  ver- 
sions of  British  pantomimes.  "There", 
thought  I,  "is  my  chance  to  show  them 
that  a  funny  voice  is  not  my  only 
asset".  I  was  mistaken.  Pantomime 
proved  to  be  another  word  that  didn't 
mean  anything,  for  there  were  lines  to 
read  and  songs  to  sing. 

Then  Charles  Frohman  produced  a 
series  of  musical  productions  and  I  was 
kept  busy  in  them.  Just  when  I  had 
decided  to  retire,  someone  got  the  idea 
of  revivals  of  the  old  light  opera 
classics  and  I  had  to  start  all  over 
again.  The  managers  figured  it  would 
be  good  advertising  to  produce  an  old 
operetta  with  a  member  of  the  original 
cast  thrown  in  as  a  sort  of  museum- 
piece  attraction. 

In  the  meantime,  both  the  radio  and 
the  movies  had  been  invented  and  de- 
veloped. Roxy  demonstrated  that 
there's  nothing  like  a  little  opera  to 
lighten  up  an  otherwise  heavy  program 
originating  in  Hollywood,  and  that 
meant  more  work.  Then  came  the  Na- 
tional Broadcasting  Company  and  its  weekly  presentation 
of  light  operas.  I  tried  radio  and  discovered  Utopia.  I 
was  actually  paid  to  sing  roles  I  had  learned  .  .  .  and  the 
radio  people  had  no  objection  to  my  taking  a  peek  at  the 
script  in  case  I  missed  a  line. 

Comedy  Falls  Fail  in  Radio 

Radio,  however,  does  limit  a  comedian.  There's  not  a 
chance  in  the  world  to  get  a  laugh  out  of  a  good  comedy 
fall  and,  after  I  tried  it  a  few  times,  I  discovered  that  it 
was  just  so  much  useless  effort  and  was  really  worrying 
the  radio  production   man,   who   thought   I   was    too  old. 

It  was  during  my  first  year  with  Roxy  that  I  almost 
achieved   fame   as   a   song   writer.     It   happened   this  way: 

A  certain  publisher  cornered  me  and  asked  me  to  write 
a  lyric. 

MARCH,    19  3  0 

Frank  Moulan 

NBC  Comedian  as  Figaro  in  "The  Barber  of  Seville" 


"Roxy  is  a  big  name",  he  said.  "Almost  on  a  par  with 
'mammy'  and  'Tennessee'.  I  want  you  to  do  me  a  lyric  for 
a  song  about  Roxy". 

It  looked  like  a  big  chance  to  me.  I  worked  hard  on 
that  lyric.  It  had  everything  in  it  except  a  reference  to 
June  night,  moonlight  and  you.  I  took  it  over  to  the 
publisher.    He  read  it  carefully. 

"It's  a  very  fine  lyric,  Mr. 
Moulan",  he  said.  "A  very  fine 
lyric.  But  I'm  sorry — we  can't 
use  it.     It's  entirely  too  clean". 

I  really  should  say  something 
about  the  current  brand  of  musical 
comedies  as  compared  with  the 
good  old  days.  But  I  haven't  had 
time  to  see  one  in  two  years,  so 
what's  the  use?  Folks  are  paying 
$7.70  to  see  them.  They  must  be 

Someone  suggested  that  I  men- 
tion the  part  I'd  rather  play  than 
any  other.  Out  of  the  242  libret- 
tos I  am  supposed  to  know — if  you 
don't  believe  I  do,  come  around 
some  day  and  we'll  play  a  game 
called  'libretto'  that  I  invented — 
it's  hard  to  pick  the  best.  How- 
ever, if  I  had  to  play  a  benefit  and 
had  my  choice  of  any  role,  the  one 
I'd  gladly  play,  because  I  like  it,  is 
that  of  Jack  Point,  the  strolling 
jester  in   the  Gilbert   and   Sullivan 

"The  Yoemen  of  the  Guard".  That  role  has  everything  in 
it — comedy,  philosophy,  tragedy.  It  doesn't  depend  on  its 
funny  lines  for  its  appeal,  and  if  you  don't  think  a  part 
like  that  is  a  relief  to  a  comedian,  just  try  being  funny  for 
thirty  consecutive  years. 

Mr.  Moulan  as  Gaspard  in  "The  Chimes  of 

One  of  Year's  Best  Stories 

f\  NE  of  the  best  stories  of  the  year  has  received  quite  a 
^~*  lot  of  publicity,  but  is  so  unusual  that  it  will  bear 
further  repetition.  It  concerns  Fred  Meinholtz,  manager 
of  the  radio  department  of  the  New  York  Times.  Mr. 
Meinholtz  is  stationed  regularly  at 
his  home  in  Bellaire,  L.  I.,  where  he 
has  a  powerful  receiving  set  with 
which  he  picks  up  the  messages 
sent  out  by  Commander  Richard 
Byrd's  South  Pole  Expedition  in 
Little  America. 

It  happened  some  time  ago  that 
F.  T.  Birchall,  acting  managing 
editor  of  the  Times,  wanted  to  get 
in  touch  with  Mr.  Meinholtz,  but 
could  not  do  so  because  Mr.  Mein- 
holtz's  home  telephone  was  being 
used  by  some  other  member  of  the 
family.  Mr.  Meinholtz  was  busy 
receiving  a  story  from  the  South 

With     characteristic     newspaper 

enterprise,   Mr.    Birchall,   who  was 

extremely   anxious   to   talk   to   Mr. 

Meinholtz,    conceived    the    idea    of 

getting  in  touch  with  him  by  way 

of   the  South  Pole.    He  issued  the 

necessary  orders  and  a  message  was 

sent  to  Little  America.    Inside  of  a 

few    minutes    Mr.    Meinholtz    was 

surprised  to  get  the  following  message,  which  broke  in  on 

the  running  story  he  was  receiving:  "Your  office  is  trying 

to  get  you  on  the  'phone.     Please  hang  up  the  receiver." 

The  remarkable  thing  is  that  this  message  went  18,000 
miles  to  the  South  Pole  and  back  in  less  than  five  minutes. 

A  Gypsy  Call 

{Inspired   by   the   A.  and  P.   Gypsies   on   WEAF) 


O  come  with  me  and  my  caravan, 
My  wandering  abode; 
And  leave  the  stones  of  the  city 
For  the  lure  of  an  open  road; 
For  the  ruddy  glow  of  a  camp  fire 
That  shines  through  the  scented  dusk, 
Bidding  you  live  a  roving  life 
In  place  of  the  worn-out  husk 
Of  hide-bound,  grim  convention, 
That  stifles  the  soul  within 
And  smothers  the  hope  of  freedom 
With  the  blare  of  a  city's  din. 
A  cloud  of  dust  behind  you, 
Before  you  an  unknown  land, 
Two  laughing  eyes  beside  you, 
And  around  you  a  gypsy  band. 

O  come  with  me  and  my  caravan 
My  wandering  abode, 
And  leave  the  stones  of  the  city 
For  the  lure  of  an  open  road. 

MARCH  ,    19  3  0 

Radio  Gives  Actress 
Greater  Thrill 

Than  Does  Stage 

In  Broadcasting,  your 
Audience  is  the  En- 
tire Country  and  each 
Listener  is  Actually  as 
Close  to  You  as  is 
the  Little  Microphone 
into  which  you  speak. 
It's  more  intimate, 
more  thrilling  than 
the  stage 

In  the  Theatre,  you 
Step  an  the  Stage  and 
Face  your  Audience. 
If  they  like  you,  they 
let  you  know  about  it 
and,  if  they  don't 
like  you,  well  there's 
no  doubt  about  that 


_J         Editor's  Note — Miss  Backus  is  the  leading   V 
actress  in  Arabesque,  the  Henry  and  George 
program,  From  Dusty  Pages,  Romantic  An- 
cestors  and   many  Philco   and   Graybar  pro- 
grams, in  addition  to  many  special  broadcasts 

In  the  directing  field  the  Women's  Avia- 
tion Hour  and  the  Civic  Repertory  Theatre 
presentations  come  under  her  guidance. 
With  Don  Clark,  she  writes  and  directs 
From  Dusty  Pages  and  Romantic  Ancestors. 
And  all  by  herself  (as  if  she  had  nothing 
else  to  do)  Miss  Backus  does  the  continuity 
for  Ward's  Tip-Top  Program,  In  a  Russian 
Village,  Around  the  Samovar,  Gypsy  Camp, 
\^    Aztecs,  French   Trio   and   timely  script   acts,    f 

YOU  want  a  story  about  me?     Oh,  but  that's  not  fair. 
I'm  supposed  to  write  about  other  people.     That's 
why  I'm  with  the  Columbia  Broadcasting  System. 
You  want  to  know  whether  I  like  the  stage,  movies  or 
radio   best?      Well,   I'm   with   radio.      Isn't    that    the   best 

What  parts  have  I  played?  Say,  listen,  why  not  let  me 
tell  you  about  some  of  the  programs  that  we  have  on  the 
air?     That's  much  more  interesting.     For  instance  .  .  . 

Yes,  I  have  several  hobbies.  I'm  crazy  about  dogs  and 
horses,  I  love  to  swim,  and  trout  fishing  is  right  up  my 
stream.  I  adore  traveling.  I'm  a  sort  of  vagabond,  I 
suppose  that's  why  I  sign  my  poems  with  the  name 
"Gypsy".     But  I'm  most  interested  in  radio  and  the  people 


in  it. 

Yes,  I  started  on  the  stage.  My  family  were  in  the 
theatre  so  I  came  by  it  naturally.  It  isn't  particularly 
interesting  to  know  that  I've  played  stock  in  Columbus, 
Ohio,  my  home  town,  and  in  Schenectady  and  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y.;  Grand  Rapids 
and  Lansing,  Mich. ; 
Baltimore;  Skowhegan, 
Me.,  and  ;  where  else. 
I've  done  as  many  as 
eight  shows  a  week,  in- 
cluding S  h  a  kespeare 
and  Uncle  Tom's  Cab- 

I've  carried  scenery 
from  one  station  to 
another  during  a  stage 
hands'  s  t  rike.  I've 
slept  all  night,  or  as 
much  of  it  as  possible, 
in  a  cold,  dirty  "de- 
pot" when  train  con- 
nections didn't  con- 
nect. I've  jumped 
into  a  part  on  a  half 
hour's  notice,  at  the 
illness  of  the  regular 
actor.  I've  played  with 
temperament  a  1  stars, 
and  liked  it;  I've  play- 
ed in  a  tent  show,  and 
liked  it;  I've  played  on 
Broadway,  and  liked  it; 
but  now  I'm  in  radio 
■ — and,  well — I  love  it. 
When  I  was  in  the 
theatre,    I    found    fate 

sticking  a  pen  in  my  hand,  telling  me -to  write.  I  pushed 
the  pen  away,  determined  to  be  an  actress,  until  suddenly 
there  appeared  out  of  the  static — radio.  I  gave  in,  and 
settled  down  to  write  about  people  that  I  knew,  about 
hoboing  through  the  mountains  of  West  Virginia  and 
Kentucky,  about  job  hunting  on 
Broadway,  about  Hollywood  and  the 
movies,  about  almost  anything,  in 
fact.  And  then,  a  perverse  fate  put 
parts  in  front  of  me,  and  said  "Now 

Then,  when  I  am  all  set  to  act 
other  parts  and  write  about  other  peo- 
ple, you  ask  me  to  write  about  me,  so 
here  goes. 

Where  Is  Radio  Going? 

Life  has  always  been  very  interest- 
ing for  me — no,  that's  no  good. 
That's  no  way  to  start  a  talk.  I 
know — I'll  start  with  the  time,  a  little 
over  a  year  ago,  when  I  was  taken 
into  the  Columbia  Broadcasting  Sys- 

Each  of  you  has  watched,  or  heard, 
rather,  radio  emerging  from  its  first 
squeaky    noises,    issuing    from    a   box- 

Miss  Backus,  with  Frank  Knight,  in  a 
scene  from  "Arabesque" 

like  arrangement,  and  each  of  you  has  heard  it  develop 
into  the  interesting  thing  it  now  is.  Where  it  will  go 
from  here  no  one  knows,  but  that  will  be  interesting,  too. 
I  find  radio  particularly  fascinating  because  of  the  peo- 
ple connected  with  it.  I  don't  mean  only  the  people  be- 
hind the  microphones,  but  the  audiences  at  the 
other  end  of  the  wireless.  In  the  theatre  you 
step  on  the  stage  and  face  your  audience, 
which  wants  to  be  entertained.  If  they  like 
you,  they  let  you  know  it  and,  if  they  don't 
like  you — well,  there's  no  doubt  about  that 

But  in  radio,  your  audience  can't  tell  you  at 
the  time  whether  they  like  your  program  or 
not.  It's  only  when  you  get  their  letters  that 
you  find  out  what  they  think  of  you  and  your 
program.  But,  if  you  think  they  don't  let 
you  know  whether  they  like  you  or  not,  then 
you  should  read  some  of  the  letters. 

After  you  get  over  the  first  strained  feel- 
ing of  talking  into  a  little  black  object,  called 
a  microphone,  you  begin  to  get  a  bigger  thrill 
than  on  the  stage,  for  you  realize  that  your 
audience  is  the  entire  country  and  that  each 
one  is  as  close  to  you  as  the  little  black  object 
into  which  you're  talking.  It's  more  intimate. 
It's  more  thrilling. 

Arabesque  Wins  Acclaim 

A  year  ago,  Yolande  Langworthy  came  to 
several  of  us  with  an  idea  for  a  program  com- 
bining music  and  drama.  This  program  was 
called  Arabesque,  and  so  we  got  together  and 
put  it  on  our  local  station,  only  one  station  for 
that  first  show.  Due  to  the  beauty  and  in- 
spiration of  Miss  Langworthy,  the  author,  and 
the  art  of  David  Ross,  Reyonalds  Evans  and  Frank  Knight, 
this  program  has  come  to  be  one  of  the  outstanding  hours 
on  the  air.  Now  it  is  on  nearly  every  station  on  the  Co- 
lumbia chain.  That  gives  a  fairly  good  idea  of  the  re- 
action of  the  radio  audience. 

Speaking  of  several  of  the 
people  in  Arabesque,  brings  up 
something  about  which  I  want 
to  talk.  I'm  going  to  give 
away  a  few  of  the  family  se- 
crets of  Columbia.  David 
Ross,  in  addition  to  having  a 
voice  of  unusual  beauty,  is  a 
writer  of  no  small  note.  His 
poems  contain  the  same  beauti- 
ful rhythm  and  colorful  quality 
that  you  have  heard  in  his  read- 

Incidentally,  Frank  Knight  is 
one  of  the  finest  actors  on  the 
air  today.  I  ought  to  know,  I 
play  with  him  in  Arabesque. 

The  music  of  Arabesque  is 
furnished  by  Emery  Deutsch 
and  his  musicians.  I  have  been 
especially  interested  in  this 
Gypsy  group,  for  when  Emery 
first  came  to  Columbia  with  an 

As  She  Appears  in  the  Nit  Wit  Hour 

MARCH  ,    19  3  0 

idea  for  a  Gypsy  camp  program,  it  was  turned  over  to  me, 
perhaps  because  of  my  vagabond  tendencies.  We  have 
followed  the  Gypsies  all  over  the  world  through  music. 
When  Emery  tucks  his  violin  up  under  his  chin  and  starts 
caressing  it, — well,  you're  sitting  beside  the  camp  fire 
watching  the  stars  overhead  through  the  trees 
of  a  forest  of  melody.  Goodness,  that  sounds 
like  a  continuity  writer,  doesn't  it? 

That's  what  I  am,  though,  a  continuity 
writer.  Ask  Don  Clark,  he's  the  director  of 
continuity  and  he's  a  good  judge.  Doesn't  he 
let  me  work  with  him  on  some  of  our  drama- 
tizations? You've  probably  heard  some  of  our 
sketches,  the  dramatizations  of  King  Arthur 
and  the  knights  of  the  Round  Table;  the  series 
of  legends  taken  from  all  the  stories  of  the 
world,  which  we've  called  From  Dusty  Pages; 
and  some  of  the  special  script  acts  that  are 
sent  out  over  the  air.  Incidentally,  he's  a 
young  man  from  whom  more  will  be  heard 
some  day,  and  I  don't  mean  only  when  he's 
taking  the  air.  There  is  a  charm  in  his  writ- 
ing that  is  unusual,  but  you  doubtless  know 

Staff  Writes  Musical  Comedy 

In  fact,  I  think  there's  something  unusual 
about  every  one  at  Columbia,  from  the  people 
who  are  heard  over  the  ether  waves  to  the  boys 
in  the  control  room  who  send  out  the  pro- 
grams. Some  of  these  boys,  in  addition  to 
being  versed  in  the  technical  end  of  the  busi- 
ness, compose  poetry.  Some  write  music  and 
some  play  various  musical  instruments.  In 
fact,  several  weeks  ago,  I  put  on  a  musical 
comedy  which  was  written  entirely  by  people  of  the  staff. 
Some  of  the  selections  were  composed  by  one  of  the  girls 
in  the  stenographic  department,  and  some  by  the  artists. 

There's  no  need  to  tell  you  of  the  ability  of  such  people 
as  Channon   Collinge,   Freddie   Rich,   Claude   MacArthur, 
Minnie  Blauman  or  those  who  are  already  known  to  you, 
I'm  just  telling  you  a  bit  about 
some   of    the    folks    who    aren't 
heard  over  the  air,  but  who  are 
none  the  less  important. 

And  then  there  are  the  ac- 
tors in  our  dramatic  sketches. 
Each  one  is  capable  and  inter- 
esting to  work  with.  Each  one 
has  a  different  way  of  getting 
into  a  part,  as  we  say,  and  it's 
fascinating  to  study  the  indi- 
vidual methods  and  know  how 
to  work  with  the  various  people. 

That  brings  me  to  the  way  in 
which  a  dramatic  sketch  is  done. 
Yes,  that's  my  business,  and  I 
love  it.  That's  why  I  love  peo- 
ple, because  each  person  that  I 
meet  gives  me  a  different  story 
which  I  will  sometime  write. 
Some  day  you  may  find  your- 
selves or  your  letters  in  a  play 
or    a    story,    and    maybe    you'll 

Ready  for  a  horseback  ride 

recognize  yourself. 

And  some  day  I'm  going  to  write  the  story  of  Colum- 
bia, if  you'd  like  to  hear  it.  The  story  of  each  one  and 
how  he  came  to  be  interested  in  radio,  the  singers,  the  an- 
nouncers,    the     musicians,     the     operators,     the    directors, 

the  production  men, 
the  hostesses  who  greet 
you  when  you  come  to 
see  the  studio  and  make 
you  feel  that  you  are 
always  welcome  at  Co- 

Likes  Comedy  and 

I  could  take  up  more 
of  your  time,  but — 
what's  that?  Do  I  like 
tragedy  or  comedy 
best?  Well,  I  play 
Myra  in  Arabesque  and 
that's  tragedy;  and  I 
play  Aphrodite  Godiva 
in  Brad  Brown's  Nit 
Wits,  and  that's  com- 
edy, and  I  like  each 
one.  Somehow  I  have 
a  feeling  that  people 
like  to  laugh,  but  that 
they  also  like  to  cry, 
so  I  guess  a  little  of 
both  is  the  best  way. 
Sometimes  I'm  sure  I'm 
a  comedian,  but  then, 
when  I  think  a  pro- 
gram hasn't  gotten  over — you  should  see  how  tragic  I  can 

There  are  a  lot  more  people  about  whom  I  want  to  tell 
you;  for  instance:  Ted  Husing,  the  best  sports  announcer 
in  the  world.  He  can  tell  you  about  the  dullest  game  in  the 
world  and  make  you  think  it's  the  whole  world  series 
and  the  championship  basketball  and 
football  games  rolled  into  one;  Don 
Ball,  the  announcer,  who  makes  a 
ukulele  sorry  it  didn't  meet  him  be- 
fore it  went  to  Hawaii;  Dale  Wim- 
brow  who  sings,  plays,  dances  and 
writes;  Dave  Elman,  the  writer,  who 
can  find  more  interesting  things  on 
Broadway  to  write  about  than  even 
Broadway  knows  are  there;  Jan 
Schimek,  who  knows  all  about  every- 
thing in  the  encyclopedia  and,  if  he 
doesn't,  he  has  to  find  out,  because 
he's  our  research  man;  the  boys  in  the 
publicity  department  who  supply  you 
with  information  about  the  people  in 
whom  you  are  interested,  but  who 
never  write  about  themselves.  Now, 
there's  an  idea.  I  know  you'd  like  to 
hear  about  some  of  them  one  of  these 

With   so  many  people  here,   all  of 
(Continued  on  page  41) 

Scene   from   a    movie   in   which 
Miss  Backus  appeared 



(cathedral  of  the  U  nderworld 

Sounds  SOS 



DOWN  in  dirty  Doyers  Street,  in  the  heart  of  the 
Chinatown  of  New  York,  every  Sunday  afternoon 
Tom  Noonan  sounds  an  SOS  for  the  sinking 
souls  of  the  underworld.  As  if  to  a  ship  in  distress,  the 
radio  brings  almost  instant  response,  and  no  more  potent 
proof  of  the  power  of  broadcasting  can  be  found  than  in 
the  help  his  Rescue  Society  receives  from  radio  listeners  in 
the  great  work  it  is  doing  for  the  Bowery  bums  and  the 
city's  unfortunates. 

Almost  everyone,  it  seems,  has  heard  the  program  that 
the  good  "Bishop",  as  the  hobos  call  him,  presents  over 
the  air  each  week.  Sta- 
tions WMCA,  WCAM, 
WDRC,  WDEL  a  n  d 
WOKO  broadcast  h  i  s 
message,  so  that  it  is  heard 
over  the  whole  eastern 
coast,  and  letters  received 
from  the  far  West  and 
even  from  foreign  coun- 
tries indicate  that,  as  the 
"Bishop"  says  in  his  cheer- 
ful drawl,  "the  whole 
world  is   listening  in''. 

The  Chinatown  Mission 
operates  in  what  was  for 
many  years  an  old  Chinese 
theatre  at  5  and  7  Doyers 
Street.  It  is  a  quaint  and 
spooky   relic    of   old   New  ]„   the  Heart  of  Chinatoiv 

fe*4  -lflk 


8jL         '*tfwl 

m  F"  b  J 

Pkullfip  V1'^1    ? 

^^^^j/*  ci  ji  j 

""."It  1       m   k    .  ^M*    1         \\ 


York.  The  walls,  once  hung  with  Chinese  tapestry  and 
tinsel,  somehow  retain  a  part  of  their  Oriental  atmos- 
phere, despite  the  fact  that  passages  of  Scripture  and  re- 
ligious slogans  are  plastered  over  the  white  paint  that 
covers  the  scent-soaked  walls.  Grooves  have  been  worn 
in  the  benches  by  long  years  of  usage. 

Before  it  was  leased  to  the  Rescue  Society,  the  building 
was  one  of  the  most  notorious  gambling  joints  in  China- 
town. In  the  basement,  which  Tom  Noonan  regally  refers 
to  as  the  Blue  and  Gold  Room,  the  Society  serves  its  coffee 
and  meals  to  the  destitute  hordes  that  seek  help;  this 
room  was  once  a  miserable  opium  den,  run  by  "Bridgie" 
Webber,  who,  with  "Bald  Jack"  Rose,  turned  State's  evi- 
dence against  Lieutenant  Becker  and  the  four  gunmen 
who  died  in  the  electric  chair  for  the  murder  of  the 
gambler,  Rosenthal. 

Cannot  Accommodate  Crowds 

Every  Sunday  afternoon  finds  the  upper  room  filled, 
mostly  with  those  who  have  come  from  all  over  the  city 

to  see  Tom  Noonan  make 
his  radio  appeal.  Some 
nine  hundred  crowd  into 
the  Mission  at  three-thirty 
each  Sunday,  but  three 
thousand  to  four  thousand 
would  attend  if  space 
would  permit.  At  other 
times  during  the  week,  the 
Mission  is  open  as  a  haven 
of  welcome  and  rest  for 
the  grim  army  of  tattered, 
torn  and  bruised. 

Over  the  entrance  is  a 
sign:  "Stop!  If  you 
haven't  a  friend  in  the 
world  you  can  find  one 
here".  Every  evening  at 
ten    o'clock    a    service    is 

n  in  New  York  City 

MARCH,     19  3  0 


held,  and  the  ragged  outcasts  push  their  way  over  Tom's 
hospitable  doorstep.  Hymns  are  sung,  and  good  cheer  is 
dispensed,  but  the  "Bishop"  makes  it  a  point  not  to  cram 
religion  down  their  throats.  Young  and  old,  white  and 
black,  all  creeds  and  all  nationalities  are  treated  alike,  and 
it  is  utterly  true  that  those  who  seek  help  and  consola- 
tion at  the  "Bishop's"  door  never  encounter  the  stiff  pat- 
ronage usually  met  with  at  the  hands  of  organized 
benevolence.  He  preaches  the  gospel  of  Christ  only  to 
those  who  are  willing  to  hear. 

At  the  end  of  the  service,  the  bread  line  forms.  Each 
man  is  doled  out  his  share — and  no  questions  asked.  For 
many,  jobs  are  found,  others  get  clothing,  some  are  sent 
to  hospitals,  and  Tom  can  furnish  actual  proof  that  a 
great  number — an  amazing  number — have  been  restored 
to  the  right  path. 

The  Rescue  Society,  Inc.,  was  founded  some  twenty-six 
years  ago.  Chinatown  was  a  dive  in  those  days.  It  was  a 
scene  of  killings, 
thefts  and  drug 
addiction,  and  in- 
credible  vice 
flourished  like  the 
prover  b  i  a  1  bay 
tree.  It  was  then 
that  a  s  m  all 
group  of  earnest 
people  descended 
into  the  district 
with  the  avowed 
inte  n  t  i  o  n  of 
cleaning  this  sink 
of   iniquity. 

Moves  to  Larger 

The    pro  posi- 
tion    started     as 

one  of  personal  work,  but  soon  the  organization  took  shape. 
It  first  leased  a  room  that  had  been  used  as  an  opium  joint 
in  15  Doyers  Street,  and  in  several  years  expanded  and 
took  in  17  Doyers  Street.  But  its  growth  was  so  rapid 
that  it  soon  became  necessary  to  seek  still  larger  quarters, 
and  the  present  location  at  5  and  7  was  leased  for  a  long 
period  of  years. 

Eleven  years  after  its  formation,  just  a  quarter  of  a  cen- 
tury ago,  Tom  Noonan  joined  the  organization  and  has 
been  working  diligently  and  with  great  effect  ever  since. 
He  is  now  its  secretary  and  superintendent. 

Tom  is  no  spring  chicken,  but  he  is  as  spry  and  nimble 
as  any  radio  listener  could  picture  him;  long  and  lean, 
immaculately  dressed,  he  has  a  tremendous  supply  of  vital- 
ity. He  himself  is  a  product  of  the  miserable  surround- 
ings in  which  he  works.  He  was  born  in  North  Second 
Street  in  the  Williamsburgh  section  of  Brooklyn.  He  has 
known  the  poverty  and  degradation  of  the  Bowery  dis- 
trict ever  since  infancy.  He  never  knew  his  mother  and 
has  only  a  dim  recollection  of  his  father.  All  he  can  recall 
of  his  early  days  are  the  squalor  and  hard  knocks  he  ex- 
perienced; with  that  flare  for  fine-sounding  phrases,  Tom 
says  of  himself  he  was  "suckled  on  the  sour  milk  of  the 
world  that  lives  within  the  shadow  of  the  law".  The 
gutters  were  his  home,  and  anything  he  could  purloin  was 
his  food. 

Souls  in  Pawn — The  Famous  Bread  Line 

At  the  age  of  seventeen  he  became  an  inmate  of  Sing 
Sing,  charged  with  burglary.  The  time  he  spent  there  was 
passed  in  profitable  meditation.  A  clever  Irish  lad,  he 
heeded  the  advice  of  a  well-wisher.  The  work  he  is  doing 
now  is,  as  he  himself  says,  "an  expression  of  gratitude  in 
practical  form  for  what  was  done  for  me  years  ago". 

Tom  Is   a  Friend  to  All 

Tom  is  a  hale-fellow-well-met,  just  as  cheerful  and 
friendly  with  every  slinking  figure  that  goes  by  as  he  is 
before  the  microphone,  and  this  pleasant  and  powerful 
personality  has  given  him  and  his  Chinatown  Mission  the 
success  that  both  now  enjoy.  His  penchant  for  the  harm- 
less wise-crack,  the  heart-rending  tale,  the  appropriate 
adjective  and  the  dramatic  thrust  has  made  his  Sunday 
radio  appeal  the  very  heart  of  the  Rescue  Society's  organi- 

This  is  the 
third  year  they 
have  been  on  the 
air.  Broadcasting 
the  service  was 
Tom  N  o  o  nan's 
idea;  he  knew 
he  could  please 
the  radio  audience 
and  achieve  re- 
sults by  putting 
on  a  program  of 
real  human  inter- 
est that  was  still 
religious  in  its 

It  takes  money 
to  put  over  the 
great  work  he  is 
doing,  and  it  is 
his  t  r  e  mendous 
popularity  on  the  air  that  is  bringing  in  sufficient  funds 
to  carry  on.  Most  of  the  Society's  receipts  are  donated  by 
radio  listeners  who,  hearing  his  appeal  over  the  air,  send 
in  their  contributions.  At  least  half  of  the  $60,000  taken 
in  by  the  Society  last  year  was  received  in  this  manner, 
but  it  is  probably  true  that  as  much  more  came  in  as  an 
indirect  result  of  the  great  popularity  he  has  achieved 
through  his  broadcasting. 

The  power  of  his  radio  appeal  is  amazing.  Tom  utters 
a  plea  for  assistance  from  his  radio  audience  and,  within 
five  minutes,  he  is  in  position  to  announce  over  the  air 
that  this  appeal  has  been  answered.  He  receives,  on  an 
average,  eleven  hundred  letters  a  week,  many  of  them 
pleading  for  assistance,  others  giving  assistance. 

Fills  Needs  of  Unfortunates 

Only  last  month  an  old  lady  in  New  Jersey  wrote  him 
to  say  that  she  had  broken  her  ear-trumpet  and  could  no 
longer  hear  his  program.  Within  a  few  moments  he  was 
able  to  announce  that  an  ear-trumpet  had  been  donated 
by  a  listener  in  Poughkeepsie.  In  this  way  last  year,  he 
was  able  to  furnish  to  the  needy  twenty-one  wheelchairs, 
ten  loudspeakers,  one  express  wagon,  three  Persian  cats,  as 
many  canaries,  a  score  of  crutches  and  artificial  limbs, 
several  tricycles,  one  bicycle,  a  cuckoo  clock  and  a  parrot, 



among  other  things. 

He  has  also  been  able  to  locate  missing  persons  in  this 
way  and  to  conduct  a  sort  of  matrimonial  bureau.  Once 
a  poor  farmer  in  Long  Island  telephoned  him  that  the 
wind  had  blown  down  his  barn  door,  and  the  "Bishop" 
was  able  to  announce  on 
that  same  Sunday  after- 
noon that  the  barn  door 
would  be  replaced  by  an- 
other as  a  gift  of  a  more 
fortunate  and  altruistic 

If  any  firemen,  police- 
men or  street  cleaners 
need  and  deserve  a  raise, 
the  good  "Bishop"  be- 
comes their  most  enthusi- 
astic spokesman.  A  few 
weeks  ago  he  made  a  plea 
for  the  better  treatment 
of  janitors,  and  the  jani- 
tors rose  in  a  body  and 
thanked  him  for  his  help. 
It  was  only  a  month  or 
two  ago  that  he  received 
a  request,  through  the 
chaplain  at  Sing  Sing, 
from  one  of  the  inmates 
of  the  Death  House  that 

two  songs  be  sung.  One  was  an  Episcopal  hymn,  the  other 
a  ballad  "Somewhere  a  Voice  is  Calling".  The  condemned 
man  had  been  given  the  privilege  to  listen  in  on  the  Sun- 
day afternoon  program  before  he  died.  Tom  complied 
with  the  request  and  received  a  wire  of  thanks  from  the 

The  ladies  make  a  big  hero  of  Tom  Noonan.     He  is  a 
great  jollier,  and   the  fair  sex  enjoy  his  banter.      He  has 

The  Rescue  Society  Mission  on  Doyers  Street 

often  announced  over  the  air  the  receipt  of  a  message 
saying  that  a  new-born  baby  had  just  been  named  "Tom 

There  are  no  more  engaging  broadcasts  than  the  China- 
town Mission,  the  "Cathedral  of  the  Underworld",  as  he 

calls  it.  There  is  nothing 
else  like  it  on  the  air.  Tom 
has  a  fine  dramatic  in- 
stinct and  he  knows  that, 
if  he  is  to  carry  on  his 
good  work,  he  must  make 
his  hour  and  a  half  on  the 
air  an  entertaining  one. 
He  often  gets  well-known 
artists  to  assist  him.  Van 
and  Schenck  have  done 
their  act  for  him,  and 
Nora  Bayes,  that  popular 
comedienne  of  better  days, 
sang  her  last  song  on  his 
platform.  Each  Sunday 
he  presents  one  of  his  con- 
verts, and  some  of  the 
most  amazing  tales  of 
ruin,  romance  and  re- 
demption are  unfolded. 
There  is  always  a  back- 
ground of  good  music 
furnished  by  the  Hackel- 
Berge  Trio  and  the  Aida  Brass  Quartet.  Recently  Tom 
Walsh,  brother  of  the  old  White  Sox  pitcher,  has  been  a 
most  acceptable  soloist. 

Tom  Noonan  blends  together  the  various  elements  of 
mirth,  music,  religion,  fine-sounding  phrases  and  human 
kindness  and  shoots  the  product  through  the  air.  And  he 
is  pretty  nearly  right  when  he  says  "The  whole  world  is 
listening  in". 

Trees  Need  Not  Walk  the  Earth 


CBS  Announcer 

Trees  need  not  walk  the  earth 

For  beauty  or  for  bread; 

Beauty  will  ccme  to  them  where  they  stand. 

Here  in  these  quiet  groves 

Is  no  pride  of  ancestry: 

A  birch  may  wear  no  less  the  morning  than  an  oak; 

Here  are  no  heirlooms  save  those  of  loveliness 

In   which  each   three  is   kingly  in   its  heritage   of   grace; 

Here  is  but  beauty's  wisdom, 

In  which  all  trees  are  wise. 

Trees  need  not  walk  the  earth 

For  beauty  or  for  bread, 

Beauty  will  come  to  them 

In  the  sunlight 

In  the  rainbow 

In  the  lilac-haunted  rain, 

And  bread  will  come  to  them  as  beauty  came: 

In  the  sunlight 

In  the  rainbow 

In  the  rain. 

MARCH  ,    19  3  0 


Radio  Revives  Public's  Interest 
in  Old-Time  Minstrel  Show 

The  Minstrels  in  Action.  In  the  foreground:  Harold  Sanford,  conductor.  In  the  ring,  left  to  right:  Paul 
"Tambo"  Dumont,  end  man;  Steele  Jamison,  tenor;  Harold  Branch,  tenor;  William  Shelley,  interlocutor; 
Harry  Donaghy,  bass;  Darl  Bethmann,  baritone;  Al  "Bones"  Bernard,  end  man.    Left  rear:  Carson  Robison. 

Right  rear:   Curt  Peterson,  announcer. 



ANY  things  have  happened  since  Dewey  fought 
Spain  back  in  1898.  We  have  seen  the  advent  of 
the  movies,  the  radio  and  the  talkies.  Their  in- 
vasion of  the  amusement  field  gradually  crowded  out  the 
oldtime  professional  minstrel  show.  Nationally  known 
artists,  like  Primrose  and  West,  Dockstader,  Fields,  Havi- 
land  and  O'Brien,  were  shunted  to  the  sidelines  and  soon 
forgotten.  Once  they  passed  out  of  the  picture,  they  had 
no  successors.  Minstrel  shows  of  today  are  confined  mostly 
to  amateur  performers  of  local  entertainment.  But  now 
radio  has  earned  the  eternal  gratitude  of  the  old  minstrel 
troupers  by  reviving  their  forte  from  a  certain  grave  and 
winning  for  it  public  popularity  that  it  never  had  in  its 
most  glamorous  days. 

Many  of  the  old  minstrel  stars  are  now  working  in  front 
of  the  microphones  since  one  by  one  the  traveling  minstrel 
shows  gave  up  the  ghost  in  the  face  of  empty  houses  and 
public  indifference.     Paul  Dumont  and  I  are  the  end  men 

in  the  Dutch  Masters  Minstrels,  the  first  radio  minstrel 
show  to  be  broadcast  weekly  over  the  NBC  chain. 
"Lasses"  White,  one  of  the  most  famous  of  them  all,  re- 
cently was  escorted  through  the  NBC  studios.  He  was 
keenly  interested  and  it  is  likely  that  he  will  soon  be  a 
radio  recruit. 

Nowhere  was  there  a  group  of  performers  more  de- 
voted to  their  medium  than  were  the  old  minstrel  players. 
Year  after  year  Fields  and  Neal  O'Brien  took  their  shows 
from  coast  to  coast.  Gradually  they  lost  their  hold  on  the 
public.  Finally  they  died.  Sugar  Foot,  the  famous  end 
man,  died  of  a  broken  heart.  Others  dejectedly  went  into 
one-act  vaudeville  minstrels,  a  poor  substitute  for  the  real 
thing.  A  few  turned  to  radio,  then  in  its  very  first  days, 
believing  that  it  could  restore  their  medium  to  public 
favor  again.     I  was  one  of  these. 

I  find  that  adapting  the.  minstrel  show  for  radio  has 
strengthened   it.      I   believe   the   chief  cause   of   the   final 



demise  of  the  minstrels  on  the  stage  was  their  great  length. 
Three  hours  of  the  same  sort  of  entertainment  proved  too 
long.  It  was  all  .right  while  there  was  no  competition. 
But,  once  the  movies  and  the  girlie-girlie  shows  came  along, 
it  was  just  a  matter  of  time  before  the  minstrels  died. 

The  radio  minstrels  compress  the  best  of  the  old  stage 
shows  and  discard  the  things  that  are  not  so  good.  You 
have  a  few  good  ballads  by  the  tenor  with  chorus,  a  few 
wise-cracks  by  the  end  men  and  a  few  comic  songs.  Add 
a  rag  or  two  by  the  band,  and  you  have  a  good  show. 

I've  trouped  with  the  best  of  'em  and  there's  nothing 
in  the  life.  But  just  the  same,  I'd  like  to  go  out  with  a 
show  again.  You  have  no  idea  the  pleasure  there  is  in 
putting  on  one  of  those  long  coats,  a  silk  hat,  and  parad- 
ing around  through  the  streets  behind  a  band. 

And  there's  a  lot  of  fun.     The  people  always  liked  us 
so  well  they  sometimes  took  part  in  the  show.      Once  I 
played   a   little  town  in  Mississippi  where  an   old   farmer 
decided  I  wasn't  blacked  up  right  and  he  kept  telling  me 
about  it.     Right  through  the  show 
he  sat  in  the  fourth  row,   talking 
about    my    make-up.       He    inter- 
rupted, but  we  all  had  a  lot  of  fun. 

Sometimes  it's  tough,  just  as  bad 
as  it  can  be.  It's  bad  in  the  win- 
ter when  you  have  nothing  but 
cold  water  to  wash  the  burnt  cork 
off  your  face.  Many  times  I  have 
come  to  my  dressing  room  and 
found  my  bucket  of  water  frozen. 
I  had  to  take  a  hammer,  break  the 
ice  and  then  wash  off  the  cork.  It 
was  pretty  bad,   but  you  have  no  /£koSs' 

idea  how  good  I  felt  when  I  was  k^v 

through.  No,  sir !  There's  noth- 
ing as  refreshing  as  ice  cold  water 
in  zero  weather. 

Public  Likes  Clean 

But,  to  get  back  to  our  story, 
the    following    built    up    by    the  Al  Bernard  and  Paul 

Dutch     Masters     Minstrels     proves 

again  that  the  public  welcomes  any  form  of  clean  enter- 
tainment that  possesses  real  merit.  Up  to  the  present  it 
is  safe  to  say  that  our  minstrel  show  has  been  heard  and 
enjoyed  by  more  people  throughout  the  country  than  any 
other  minstrel  show  that  ever  appeared  before  the  public. 
The  proof  of  this  is  in  the  thousands  of  letters  that  have 
been  received  from  radio  fans  in  all  parts  of  the  country. 

Our  Dutch  Masters'  Minstrel  group  is  really  a  minstrel 
stock  company.  The  members  must  rehearse  and  present 
a  new  show  every  week.  But  that  is  all  part  of  a  show- 
man's life.  One  of  the  best  features  of  our  radio  show  is 
that  it  has  revived  interest  in  first-class  minstrel  shows. 
Old  timers  get  a  real  thrill  out  of  hearing  the  old-time 

The  Dutch  Masters  unit  is  the  first  to  stay  on  the  air 
for  an  entire  year  and  the  first  to  build  up  a  national 
reputation.  Contracts  have  been  signed  for  193  0  and  the 
same  group  will  be  heard  on  WJZ  every  Saturday  evening 
at  9:30. 

Paul  Dumont,  who  arranges  the  programs,  is  a  veteran 
trouper.     He  endeavors  to  present  shows  that  will  appeal 

to  both  young  and  old,  preserving  at  the  same  time  the 
atmosphere  of  the  old-time  minstrel  show.  Mr.  Dumont, 
who  is  a  native  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  came  to  radio  after  a 
varied  career  as  stenographer,  secretary,  salesman,  sales 
manager,  professional  singer  and  community  song  leader. 
He  served  with  several  stations  before  joining  the  NBC 

Difficult  to  Find  Old  Songs 

My  specialty  is  singing  "coon"  songs'that  are  at  least  21 
years  old.  That's  why  I  do  ditties  like  Bill  Bailey,  Ain't 
Dat  a  Shame  and  I  Guess  I'll  Have  To  Telegraph  My 
Baby.  Many  times  I  have  great  difficulty  in  finding  the 
songs  I  want  for  future  programs.  Sometimes  a  par- 
ticular song  is  out  of  print.  On  other  occasions  I  manage 
to  locate  one  after  hunting  all  over  the  city  for  a  week. 

Several  times,  when  I  had  about  decided  to  give  up 
looking  for  a  certain  song,  somebody  sent  me  an  old  faded 
copy  with  a  request  that  I  sing  it 
on  one  of  the  programs.  There 
were  a  few  other  cases  when  the 
only  way  I  could  get  certain  songs 
was  to  have  photostat  prints  made 
of  the  copyright  copies  held  at  the 
Library  of  Congress  in  Washing- 
ton, D.  C.  The  ballad  singers  and 
the  quartet  also  experience  diffi- 
culties of  a  similar  nature. 

The  fact  that  we  confine  our- 
selves to  old  time  songs  is,  I  believe, 
one  reason  why  we  can  present  a 
first  class  show.  We  select  noth- 
ing but  the  hits  of  the  past  and,  if 
they  took  the  public's  fancy  in  the 
old  days,  the  chances  are  that 
they'll  repeat  today.  They  have 
been  tried  and  found  worthy.  One 
might  make  up  a  minstrel  show 
with  a  dozen  present-day  numbers 
and  I  do  not  believe  it  would  please 
2  5  per  cent  of  the  radio  audience. 

We  work  harder  at  rehearsals 
than  we  do  at  the  show.  But  the 
actual  broadcasting  is  easier,  because  we  have  in  Harold 
Sanford,  the  musical  director,  a  man  who  will  not  stop 
rehearsing  until  every  member  knows  his  part  perfectly. 
So  we  have  found  that  the  quickest  way  to  get  through 
our  rehearsals  is  to  settle  down  to  business  from  the  outset 
and  learn  what  is  assigned  to  us.  Then  again,  we  don't 
want  any  slips  to  mar  our  broadcast,  because  we  usually 
have  an  audience  at  every  program  of  5  0  to  100  guests, 
in  addition  to  our  vast  unseen  audience. 

All  Artists  of  Reputation 

Every  member  of  our  company  is  a  professional  artist 
of  reputation.  Harold  Sanford,  our  musical  director, 
formerly  was  first  violinist,  conductor  and  manager  of 
Victor  Herbert's  orchestras.  A  native  of  Northampton, 
Mass.,  he  is  a  direct  descendant  of  the  William  Cullen 
Bryant  family.  He  has  played  with  the  New  York  Phil- 
harmonic and  Metropolitan  Opera  House  Orchestras.  In 
recent  years  he  has  figured  prominently  in  NBC  programs. 
(Continued  on  page  45) 

Dumont,  End  Men 


MARCH  ,    19  3  0 

Don  Carney  « "Uncle 

to  More  Than 






FROM  a  Michigan  apple  cart  to  a  Packard  built  to 
his  own  specifications  is  a  jump  that  very  few 
radio  entertainers  negotiate.  And  it  wasn't  an 
easy  one  for  Don  Carney,  who  is  Mayor  Luke  Higgins 
in  WOR'S  Main  Street  Sketches  every  Tuesday  night 
and  the  same  station's  "Uncle  Don"  every  other  night, 
excepting  Saturday. 

Mr.   Carney   is   an   "Uncle"    to   more   than    300,000 
children  who  belong  to  his  club.     All  of  them  had  to  per- 
form  a   good   deed   in   order   to  qualify   for   membership. 

Very  often  he  is  the  court  of  last  resort  for  parents 
who  are  at  their  wit's  ends  to  correct  faults  in  their  off- 
spring. The  shock  of  hearing  their  names  over  the  air  is 
usually  very  efficacious.  Carney,  however,  is  very  careful 
not  to  hurt  the  youngsters'  pride  and  his  "bawling  out" 
is  done  by  means  of  innuendo  and  parallels. 

It  isn't  unusual  for  him  to  ask  a  child  the  reason  that 
he  or  she  doesn't  eat  his  oatmeal;  he  will  warn  a  child  not 
to  scratch  chicken  pox  because  doing  so  will  leave  scars; 
he  will  praise  an  adolescent  for  turning  in  a  good  school 
report  card  and  for  all  manner  of  things.  And  the  re- 
action is  tremendous. 

"Maybe  you  think  those  youngsters  are  not  a  grateful 
lot,"  he  remarked  to  the  writer.  They  send  me  all  manner 
of  things.  One  will  send  me  a  piece  of  birthday  cake. 
Fathers  will  give  them  cigars  to  mail.  In  fact,  I've  re- 
ceived everything  that  the  postal  rules  permit  in  the  mails. 

"I  do  my  utmost  to  mention  as  many  as  I  can  in  the 
period  assigned  to  me,  but  it  would  take  upwards  of  three 
hours  to  do  the  job  right.  As  it  is,  I  take  care  of  those 
who  are  ill  and  those  cases  which  need  special  attention." 

Helps   Girl  With   Injured  Arm 

One  of  the  best  examples  of  why  parents  are  fond  of 
Don  Carney  is  contained  in  the  case  of  a  little  girl  who 

lives  in  the  Bronx.  A  year  ago  she  fell  and  cut  her  elbow 
on  a  piece  of  glass.  The  arm  became  badly  infected  and 
an  operation  was  necessary  to  prevent  amputation.  The 
result  of  the  operation  was  such  as  to  leave  the  little  girl's 
arm  stiff.  The  surgeon  said  she  would  regain  the  use  of  it 
if  she  would  bend  it  constantly. 

Every  time  it  was  bent,  however,  she  almost  fainted 
from  excruciating  pain.  The  arm  became  stiffer.  Finally 
they  appealed  to  Uncle  Don  to  talk  with  her  over  the  air. 
The  stage  was  set.  Don  described  an  imaginary  case  that 
paralleled  the  little  girl's  and  he  said  that  the  arm  got  to  be 
all  right  after  a  short  time.  Then  he  mentioned  the  little 
girl's  name. 

"You  know,  honey,"  he  said,  "that  if  you'll  bend  your 
arm  it  will  get  well,  too.  Uncle  Don  is  coming  up  to 
see  you  just  as  soon  as  you  can  touch  your  shoulder  with 
your  hand." 

In  exactly  three  weeks  the  miracle  was  accomplished. 
The  child  is  completely  cured.  She  still  talks  about  sitting 
on  Uncle  Don's  lap. 

There  are  scores  of  such  cases.  In  fact,  most  of  his 
spare  time,  little  as  it  happens  to  be,  is  spent  at  some 
youngster's  bedside.  Sometimes  it  will  be  in  a  tenement 
in  New  York's  Ghetto.  Again  he  will  be  seen  playing 
horse  in  an  exclusive  Park  Avenue  mansion.  They  all  look 
alike  to  him.  "And,"  said  he,  "I  like  to  accommodate 
them  all." 

Carney's  desk  looks  like  the  receiving  department  of  a 



warehouse.  The  writer  has  seen  him  wilt  under  the 
avalanche  of  mail  that  sweeps  over  him.  They  deliver  his 
mail  in  sacks.  Letters  have  come  to  him  from  every  state 
in  the  Union,  from  many  foreign  countries  and  in  twenty- 
one  different  languages. 

When  he  gets  the  time  to  read  the  letters  is  a  mystery 
to  his  friends  and  even  more  so  when  it  is  considered  that 
he  writes  all  his  own  continuity,  in  addition  to  such  big 
features  as  Main  Street  every  Tuesday  night.  That  alone 
runs  forty-odd  typewritten  pages. 

"Uncle  Don"  was  born  in  St.  Joseph,  Mich.,  in  the  heart 
of  the  peninsula's  fruit  belt  and  directly  across  the  lake 
from  Chicago.  During  his  high  school  days  he  picked  up 
piano  playing  by  ear  and  this  same  ear  has  served  him  so 
well  that  he  has  never  felt  the  need  of  taking  any  lessons. 
Once  is  all  he  needs  to  hear  a  melody. 

His  first  entertaining  was  in  Chicago,  where  he  played 
in  a  nickelodeon  for  six  or  seven  hours  daily  and  usually 
without  rest  periods.  "That  was  good  muscle  practice," 
he  laughed.  Later  he  went  into  vaudeville  which  brought 
him  to  New  York. 

On  the  same  tour  he  became  enamored  of  Louisiana 
and  having  saved  a  little  money,  bought  a  small  plantation 
down  there.  Then  he  worked  in  a  lumber  yard  to  get 
money  enough  to  pay  for  a  farm,  only  to  run  it  into  bank- 
ruptcy. After  that  the  soil  had  no  further  charms  for 

Vaudeville  conditions  were  bad  when  he  returned  to 
New  York.  Hundreds  of  entertainers  were  without 
work.  "I  just  had  to  eat,"  he  said,  "so  I  took  a  job  in  a 
shipyard  for  thirty  cents  an  hour." 

Hard  Luck  Still  Dogs  Him 

In  a  year's  time,  he  became  assistant  superintendent  of 
the  yard  with  a  salary  of  $10,000.  In  that  capacity  he 
had  charge  of  the  construction  of  thirty  torpedo  boat 
destroyers  and  several  transports  during  the  war  days. 

Hard  luck  continued  to  dog  him.  Everybody  "lost 
out"  when  the  shipping  slump  occurred  in  the  post-war 
days.  "Yet  I  was  lucky  enough  to  get  on  as  an  extra  on 
the  D.  W.  Griffith  lot.  Later  he  gave  me  a  part  in 

"Mr.  Griffith  had  a  radio  set.  It  was  a  good  one  and  the 
thing  more  or  less  intrigued  me.  A  few  days  later  I  was 
passing  the  Hotel  McAlpin  and  I  went  into  the  studio 
where  I  asked  for  an  audition.  They  gave  me  a  job  as  an 
announcer!  After  I  learned  microphone  technique  I  was 
drafted  by  WOR.     The  rest  you  know." 

Not  long  ago,  Mr.  Carney  went  over  the  Keith  circuit 
as  a  headliner,  drawing  $1,000  a  week.  He  is  in  constant 
demand  for  personal  appearances  and  at  none  of  them  has 
the  audience  failed  to  demonstrate  its  enthusiasm. 

There  is  considerable  jealousy  in  the  ranks  of  profes- 
sional entertainers,  but  there  is  none  so  far  as  he  is  con- 
cerned. He  is  absolutely  without  affectation  in  any  form. 
No  one  around  the  station  has  ever  seen  him  without  the 
smile  that  has  made  him  famous.  He  has  a  cheery  word 
for  everyone. 

Carney  has  three  hobbies.  These  are  his  big  Packard, 
his  summer  place  on  Wonder  Lake  in  the  Ramapo  Moun- 
tains and  shooting  at  frogs.  Notice  the  "at".  He  has 
never  been  known  to  hit  any  and,  were  it  not  for  his 
sharpshooting  friends,  he  would  have  to  buy  the  frogs' 
legs  needed  to  prepare  his  favorite  dish. 


(By  a  Radio  Artist  who  chooses  to  be  called  Anon.) 

Dame  nature  has  a  "funny"  way 
Of  spoiling  our  enjoyment 
For  everyone  who  lives  today 
Has  his  or  her  annoyment; 
And  each  disease  beneath  the  sun 
Has  different  germs  to  bite  us 
Now  RADIO'S  developed  one — 
They  call  it  "SPONSORITIS". 

It's  thriving  like  a  healthy  weed 

Or  fungus  newly  grafted, 

And  mercenaries  sow  the  seed 

Wherever  sound  is  wafted 

The  artists  rave  then  grow  morose 

Because  of  laryngitis, 

And  "fans"  then  get  a  stronger  dose 

Of  this  same  SPONSORITIS. 

No  use  to  try  to  save  the  wreck 

Or  prophecy  disaster, 

For  he  who  signs  the  mighty  check 

Is  boss  and  lord  and  master; 

When  there's  a  program  spoiled  or  botched, 

It's  money  bags  who  fight  us, 

With  heavy  hearts  we've  stood  and  watched 

The  spread  of  SPONSORITIS. 

What  man  who's  making  patent  mops 
Or  coffee  or  confections 
Would  let  US  go  into  his  shops 
And  start  to  give  directions? 
Yet  he — Oh,  let  us  kneel  and  pray! 
And,  Mister  Fan,  please  write  us; 
We're  fellow-sufferers  today 
From  chronic  "SPONSORITIS." 

MARCH  ,    19  3  0 


At  Home  on  the  High  "Qs" 

■  XTO  matter  how  turbulent  the  ether 
X^|  'waves,  these  gentlemen  go  the 
even  tenor  of  their  "way,  as  only  good 
tenors  do.  Pictured  below  are  ten 
or  so  tenor  soloists  with  real  "checks" 



JAMES    MELTON    (left)  !>,.,,           , 

-     ,  (right)       who       came 

top    tenor   of    the    Rev-  from    Italy    last    July    af_ 

elers,    is    featured    soloist  ter        great        success        in 

on      Friday      evenings      at  opera>    is    heard    frequent_ 

nine    on    the    NBC    chain.  ]v  on   Columbia  programs. 

T  EWIS  JAMES  (right) 
well  -  known  soloist 
and  recording  artist, 
sings  with  the  Revelers 
and  is  featured  on  Mas- 
ter  Musicians,    NBC. 

(left)  exclusive  so- 
loist on  the  Voice  of 
Firestone  program,  Mon- 
day nights,  appeared  in 
the  Ziegfeld  Follies  sev- 
eral seasons  ago  and  is 
a  prominent  recording 
artist.  He  was  with  the 
Revelers  in  the  early 

TTENRY  SHOPE  (left) 
one  of  that  rare  spe- 
cies of  real  top  tenors, 
sings  with  the  New- 
Yorkers  Quartet,  Ram- 
blers Trio,  Davey  Quar- 
tet and  with  the  Salon 
Singers,  NBC.  Original- 
ly from  Pennsylvania,  he 
■was  on  the  stage  for  a 
while  and  then  turned 
to  radio,  with  great 

qpHEO  ALBAN  (right) 
sings  with  B.  A. 
Rolfe  and  his  orchestra 
on  Saturday  nights  at 
ten.  You  will  recognize 
his  voice  in  the  lilting 
signature  song  "Lucky 
Day,"  which  opens  and 
closes     the     program. 



(left)  comes  from 
the  sunny  South  and 
sings  with  the  Armchair 
Quartet  and  on  other 
fine    NBC    programs. 


JOE  WHITE    (left)    was 
skyrocketed     to     fame 
a    few    years    ago    as     the 
mysterious      "Silver 
Masked     Tenor."        He     is 
now     an     NBC     star. 

^"^  (right)  for  many 
months  was  featured  on 
the  NBC  as  the  "Gypsy 
Tenor."  He  was  one  of 
the  original  members  of 
the  Evening  in  Paris 
group  and  is  now  ap- 
pearing regularly  as  so- 
loist on  the  Jack  Frost 
program.  A  boy  prodigy, 
he  has  continued  his  ca- 
reer with  marked  success. 



Mr.  Average  Fan 


Some  Of  His 



JUDGING  from  the  comments,  unfavorable  and  other- 
wise— generally  otherwise — received  concerning  my 
ideas  of  radio  programs  in  the  December  isssue  of 
Radio  Revue,  your  editor  apparently  erred  gravely  in 
dubbing  me  "Average  Fan".  If  some  of  my  critics  had 
their  way,  I  would  be  classified  as  a  moron  or  some- 
thing equally  as  unpleasant.  Personally,  I  know  that  quite 
a  few  people  agreed  with  me  but  so  far  I  have  been  able 
to  discover  no  one  who  was  willing  to  break  into  print  in 
defense  of  my  avowed  liking  for  jazz. 

There  seems  to  be  something  in  the  very  word  "jazz" 
that  makes  some  people  break  out  in  a  rash.  When  it  is 
mentioned  they  throw  up  their  hands  in  holy  horror  and 
say  they  hate  it;  that  it  is  loud,  noisy  and  unrythmic; 
that  it  is  blatant,  glaring  and  offensive  and  a  few  other 
things  too  numerous  to  mention. 
As  far  as  that  goes,  there  are  cer- 
tain types  of  so-called  jazz  to 
which  I  object  just  as  strenuously 
as  do  some  of  your  readers.  For 
instance,  one  of  my  pet  abomina- 
tions— and  I  have  a  number — is  the 
St.  Louis  Blues,  an  old  tune  that  is 
played  quite  frequently  these  days. 
In  the  same  category  are  the  Tiger 
Rag,  Beetle  Street  Blues  and  others 
of  the  same  ilk. 

When  I  say  I  like  jazz  I  might 
modify  this  by  saying  that  I  mean 
the  tuneful  kind,  the  kind  that 
makes  your  feet  move  and  makes 
you  want  to  dance — if  time  and 
age  would  permit.  Popular  music 
is  generally  considered  to  be  jazz, 
or  jazzy.  :  If  it  isn't,  the  dance  or- 
chestras soon  make  it  that  way. 
Without    shame    I    confess    that    I         Lew  White,  One  of 

)       MORE  "LOW  BROW"  REACTIONS       V 

One  of  my  pet  abominations  is  the  "St. 
Louis  Blue,"  -which  is  played  quite  frequently 
these  days. 

Your  magazine  could  do  a  lot  of  good  by 
choking  or  otherwise  disposing  of  the  aver- 
age singers  with  the  dance  orchestras. 

I  still  think  that  Jimmy  Walker  has  one 
of  the  best  speaking  voices  on  the  air. 

"Buck"  O'Neill  describes  a  prize  fight  like 
no  one  else  can. 

In  your  prize  contest  for  favorite  radio 
artists  I  would  like  to  cast  one  vote  for  the 
Collier  Hour  girl. 

So  far  I  have  never  been  able  to  become 
greatly  enthused  over  grand  opera. 

Early  Sunday  afternoon  I  listen  religiously 
to  the  National  Light  Opera  hour  over  WJZ,. 

Then,  too,  I  love  the  Gilbert  and  Sullivan 
^\  operas,  especially  "The  Mikado."  f 

like  that  kind  of  music — even  though  you  do  hear  an 
awful  lot  of  it — much  better  than  I  do  symphony  or- 
chestras, string  trios  or  string  quartets. 

Raps  Singers  With  Dance  Bands 

While  on  the  subject  of  pet  abominations,  your  maga- 
zine could  do  a  lot  of  good  by  choking  or  otherwise  dis- 
posing of  the  average  singers  with  the  dance  orchestras. 
These  are  generally  males — saxophone  players  or  drummers 
— seemingly  picked  because  they  have  no  semblance  of  a 
voice.      This   appears   to  be   the   case   even   with   the   best 
orchestras  like  Paul  Whiteman's,  Ben  Bernie's,  Guy  Lom- 
bardo's  and  others.     If  they  must  have  men  to  sing,  why 
not  pick  men  who  have  some  qualifications  for  the  job? 
There    are    so   many    good    singers 
heard  over  the  air  that  to  be  com- 
pelled to  listen  to  some  of  the  so- 
called    singers    with    orchestras    is 

I  read  with  a  great  deal  of  in- 
terest and  amusement  the  letter  in 
last  month's  issue  from  L.  G.  Cur- 
rin,  of  Newport,  R.  I.,  the  home  of 
the  idle  rich.  Was  it  Mr.,  Mrs.  or 
Miss  Currin?  There's  no  way  of 
telling,  excepting  by  the  general 
tone  of  the  letter.  Judging  by  the 
"timidly"  it  must  be  a  woman  and 
by  the  statement  "I  was  born  in 
the  wrong  generation,"  she  must 
be  a  maiden  lady,  possibly  a  blase 
society  woman.  She  says  she  dif- 
fers with  me  "violently"  but,  after 
reading  over  her  letter,  all  I  can 
discover  is  that  she  doesn't,  like  jazz 
my  Favorite  Organists  0r  our  own  Mayor  Jimmie  Walker. 

MARCH  ,    19  3  0 


A  Scene  from  Arabesque,  a  CBS  feature 

Despite  the  "lady's"  objections  to  Mr.  Walker,  I  still 
think  he  has  one  of  the  best  speaking  voices  on  the  air.  I 
have  never  heard  him  any  other  way,  but  I  did  listen  to 
him  over  the  air  during  the  recent  mayoralty  campaign  and 
he  so  far  outshone  any  of  the  other  speakers  that  their 
efforts  seemed  inane. 
Mr.  Walker  is  at  his 
best  at  a  testimonial 
dinner.  That's  where 
he  shines  most  bril- 

Likes  "the  Man 
from  Cook's" 

To  my  list  of  ex- 
cellent speaking 
voices  over  the  air 
— omitting  the  an- 
nouncers —  let  me 
give  you  a  few  of 
my  other  favorites. 
There  is  Ma  lcolm 
LaPrade,  the  Man 
from  Cook's.  He 
paints  such  vivid 
word  pictures  that 
one  can  almost 
imagine  one  sees  the 
places    he    describes. 

Then  there  is  "Uncle  John"  Gambling  of  WOR.  Any 
man  who  can  start  at  6:45  A.  M.  and  show  the  pep  he 
does  deserves  a  lot  of  credit.  Rabbi  Stephen  Wise  has  a 
marvelously  ressnant  voice.  I  cannot  always  agree  with 
Alfred  McCann's  ideas,  but  his  voice  comes  over  clearly. 

Possibly  it  is  another  evidence  of  lowbrowism — if  there 
is  such  a  word — but  I  can  get  more  enjoyment  out  of  lis- 
tening to  "Buck"  O'Neill,  giving  a  blow-by- 
blow  description  of  a  prize  fight  than  I  can 
out  of  listening  to  a  marvelous  and,  to  me,  ex- 
tremely tiresome  symphony,  even  if  it  is  de- 
scribed by  Walter  Damrosch.  I  can  remem- 
ber years  ago  of  being  taken,  as  a  special  treat, 
to  the  initial  performance  of  a  symphony  by 
the  Philharmonic,  led,  I  believe,  by  Mr.  Dam- 
rosch. The  people  went  into  raptures.  I  was 
unutterably  bored  and  slept  through  most  of 
it.  "Buck"  O'Neill  describes  a  prize  fight  like 
no  one  else  can.  I  don't  go  to  fights,  but  I 
will  tune  into  him  at  any  time.  He  has  a  breezy 
way  of  telling  you  what  is  going  on  that  is 
vastly  superior  to  any  other  man  I  have  ever 

Possibly  I  should  feel  flattered  at  the  atten- 
tion paid  to  my  humble  opinions  by  John 
Skinner  in  the  Brooklyn  Daily  Eagle.  He 
said  he  liked  my  frankness,  but  he  did  not 
"like  my  likes".  He  finds  Amos  'n  Andy  very 
tiresome  and  writhes  under  the  unnatural  Main 
Street  Sketches.  I  realize  that  they  are  exag- 
gerated, but  just  the  same  I  find  them  funny. 
He  Objects  to  crooners.  That's  one  dislike 
that  we  have  in  common.  In  Collier's  Hour 
Sunday  night,  January  10,  Professor  Butts, 
hunting  for  the  missing  link,  placed  the  radio 

crooner  just  one  step   above   the  ape   and  one  step  lower 
than  the  missing  link.     That's  the  proper  place  for  him — 
or  her,  for  that  matter. 

Sometimes  I  think  my  taste  in  music  cannot  be  so  ter- 
ribly bad,  even  though  I  abhor  symphonies  and  such.  I 
greatly  enjoy  Jesse  Crawford,  Lew 
White  or  Fred  Feibel,  on  the  organ; 
Jack  Cohen,  Ohman  and  Arden  and  the 
Piano  Twins  on  the  piano;  Sam  Herman 
and  Harry  Breuer,  on  the  xylophone;  the 
Revelers  and  the  Armchair  quartets, 
Olive  Palmer,  Jessica  Dragonette,  Eliza- 
beth Lennox,  Countess  Albani  and  Helen 
Kane,  though  I  will  admit  that  the  latter 
is  not  in  the  same  class  with  the  others, 
so  far  as  voice  is  concerned. 

Some  exception  has  been  taken  to  the 
fact  that  in  my  likes  and  dislikes  I  did 
not  say  anything  about  the  various 
sketches,  dramatic  or  otherwise  which  I 
liked  and  disliked.  I  get  quite  a  kick 
out  of  the  Jones  family  and  their 
troubles  here  and  abroad.  Their  expe- 
riences away  from  Onyx,  Pa.,  especially 
Aunt  Letty's  romantic  love  affairs, 
cause  me  much  amusement.  Durant's 
Heroes  of  the  World;  Caliope  and  Miss 
Kath'rine;  the  Penrod  sketches;  Empire 
Builders;  "An  Evening  in  Paris";  Gray- 
bar's  "Mr.  and  Mrs.";  True  Detective 
Mysteries;  Arabesque  and  the  "Cub  Reporter",  are  a  few 
of  my  favorites.  I  always  enjoyed  "The  Gossipers"  and 
was  sorry  to  see  them  taken  off.  There  may  be  others, 
but  these  are  all  I  can  think  of  at  present. 

I  notice  you  offer  a  prize  for  our  favorite  radio  artists. 
I  am  not  seeking  a  prize  or  entering  the  contest,  but  would 
like  to  cast  one  vote  for  the  Collier  Hour  girl.     I  never 

miss  her.  I  have 
often  w  o  n  d  ered 
who  she  is  but 
have  never  heard 
either  her  name  or 
anything  about 
her.  There  is  a 
spontanei  t  y  and 
gayety  about  her 
work  that  intrigue 
me.  You  will 
probably  get  a  lot 
of  votes  for  other 
artists,  but  I  want 
to  put  in  a  word 
for  the  Collier 
Girl.  Can't  you 
give  us  her  picture 
or  tell  us  some- 
thing about  her? 

Expects  to  Be 

Some  of  these 
Sunday  n  i  ghts  I 
am  going  to  crash 

(Continued  on 
page  48) 

The  Jones  Family.  Standing:  Aunt  Letty  and 
Mrs.  Jones  (played  by  Dora  Matthews  and 
Adelina  Thomasson.)  Jefferson  Jones  (Robert 
McBride)  is  seated,  and  completing  the  group 
are  Genny  (Helen  Bergavoy),  and  Jim  (Curtis 



Sound  Effects  Made  to  Order 
for  Radio  Programs 


Station   Laboratories   Furnish    Any- 
thing from  Hurricane  to  a  Pin-Drop 



THE  noisiest  spot  in  the  world  is  not  Times  Square. 
Neither  is  it  in  a  boiler  factory,  in  spite  of  popular 
tradition.  It's  a  little  room  high  above  Fifth  Ave- 
nue, New  York,  close  to  the  busy  studios  of  the  National 
Broadcasting  Company.  This  is  the  sound  laboratory, 
where  every  sound  effect  for  the  coast-to-coast  radio  pro- 
grams on  NBC  networks  is  born.  It  looks  quiet  and  or- 
derly enough  at  first  glance,  but  on  its  shelves  are  more 
assorted  noises  than  can  be  found  anywhere  else  in  the 

Thunderstorms  and 
hurricanes  lie  carelessly 
in  one  corner,  side  by 
side  with  the  zoom  of 
an  airplane  and  the 
drone  of  Summer  in- 
sects. One  shelf  is  de- 
voted to  the  echoes  of 
disaster,  from  the 
breaking  of  a  window 
to  a  train  wreck. 

If  the  visitor  has  a 
colorful  i  m  agination, 
entering  this  mysteri- 
ous room  is  a  more 
thrilling  e  x  p  e  r  ience 
than  midnight  in  Fin- 
gal's  Cave  or  the  Hall 
of  the  Mountain  King. 
If  a  careless  elbow 
merely  happens  to 
brush  a  strange  con- 
traption hung  on  the 
doorknob,     the     affair 

gives  forth  the  sound  of  booming  surf  along  a  rocky 
coast.  A  bellowing  fog  horn  hangs  from  a  nail  nearby; 
next  to  it  is  the  brazen  clang  of  a  bell-buoy  marking  the 
reef;  last,  the  hoarse  voice  of  an  ocean  liner  far  out  at  sea — 
and  the  illusion  is  complete. 

A  Passport   to  the  World 

Sitting  quietly  in  this  room  for  a  half-hour  with 
William  S.  Rainey,  NBC  production  manager,  is  to  obtain 
a  magic  passport  to  every  corner  of  the  world.  In  his 
practiced  hands  the  booming  surf  becomes  the  lazy  wash 
of  sun-flecked  waves  on  a  pebbly  beach  in  the  South  Seas. 

Waiting  for  the  signal  to  start  the  "battle" 

Rustling  palm  fronds  and  the  cries  of  wheeling  gulls  help 
to  create  an  actual  sensation  of  tropical  heat. 

"Are  you  fond  of  riding?"  Mr.  Rainey  asks.  Being 
assured  that  you  are,  he  next  wants  to  know  under  what 

"It  makes  a  big  difference,  you  see.  Look  here,  in  this 
box.  Our  royal  stables.  These  cocoanut  shells  and 
plungers — any  sort  of  horse  you  prefer.  A  nice,  quiet 
mount — so?     Clump,  clump,  clump.     Or  a  more  spirited 

steed,  like  this  dancing 
fellow?  Clickety  click, 
click.  The  last?  All 
right.  Here  we  go, 
then.     Watch. 

"We'll  start  right 
off  up  this  cobbled 
street  toward  the  open 
fields.  See  how  these 
shells  on  the  stone  slab 
give  the  hollow  ring  of 
shod  hooves  on  cobble- 
stones? Here's  smooth 
pavement  for  a  change, 
just  by  holding  the 
shells  different  1  y  in 
your  hands.  Now  we 
come  to  softer  ground." 
And  he  swings  his 
shells  to  a  box  of  earth 
lying  c  o  n  v  e  niently 

Or  perhaps  he'll  take 
you  back  through  his- 
tory and  let  you  watch 
loading  of   the  animals   into  Noah's  Ark.      For,   tumbled 
along  his  shelves  are  the  voices  of  every  known  creature 
under  the  heavens. 

A  Strange  Collection  of  Sounds 

And  a  strange,  laughable  menagerie  it  is.  Fierce  jungle 
cats  and  tawny  lions  hobnob  with  cows  and  sheep,  without 
ever  showing  the  faintest  signs  of  appetite.  Trilling 
canaries  and  screaming  parakeets  lie  quietly  among  a  pile 
of  cats'  purrs  and  meows.  Buried  somewhere  in  the  heap 
of  carnivorous  voices  is  the  long-drawn  wail  of  a  new- 
born infant. 

MARCH  ,    19  3  0 


He  Tacific    Iinwted 

ode   Ukouqa 



(R.  KAJiqur  (S  OmWo^£D 

£     Force 

^e  Gjc/c&o  SlAKtf  r/vi TJhs  (REE. 

ns.Tr- T"E 

Dees  |\?eTufttf  To  Tne  HwE. 

/;  /?0o-^  i 

p  *6em^ 

-ff(e    Lioaj    Roars 

:capw  th,  lwifi-  town/  **Y  Gftw/  '""  ^T* 

Proving  that  things  are  not  really  what  they  seem  over  the  air. 

The  fiercest  roars  hang  on  separate  pegs  along  the  wall. 
That  big  one  at  the  last,  which  is  a  real  old  whiskey-keg 
with  pierced  drumhead  and  resined  cord,  is  the  same  "lion" 
that  roared  from  the  screen  in  the  first  showing  of  motion 
pictures  brought  back  by  Theodore  Roosevelt  from  the 
"River  of  Doubt" — that  fantastic  stream  that  was  sup- 
posed to  flow  uphill. 

Many  are  the  amusing  devices  developed  here  by  the 
NBC  to  fool  the  sensitive  microphone.  So  sharp  are  its 
ears  that,  in  many  cases,  the  actual  sound  cannot  be  used; 

it  gives  an  effect  of  unreality  when  magnified  to  the  degree 
that  radio  "boosts"  all  sounds.  One  such  case  was  the 
crackling  of  underbrush.  Snapping  actual  twigs  near  the 
microphone  sounded  like  rifle  shots,  so  some  substitute 
had  to  be  found.  Today  the  laboratory  boasts  the  widest 
assortment  of  underbrush  and  tangled  jungle  vines  to  be 
found  anywhere — in  fact,  the  same  shelf  boasts  a  whole 
primeval  forest  of  rustling  leaves  and  swaying  boughs- 
It's  commonly  called  a  whiskbroom. 

The  thunder-drum  is  a  terrifying  instrument.     Over  a 



Sound  Laboratories  More  Thrilling  Than  Fin  gal's  Cave. 

framework  of  resonant  wood  six  feet  square  is  stretched 
a  cowhide.  The  usual  sheet  of  tin  couldn't  fool  the  micro- 
phone, which  only  emphasized  its  futile  metallic  rattle. 
The  special  thunder-drum  had  to  be  built,  in  order  to 
create  satisfactory  rumbling  echoes. 

There's  a  whole  row  of  assorted  drums  and  tom-toms  for 
various  effects.  The  newest  use,  perhaps,  is  the  complete 
"airdrome"  mounted  on  one  board  three  feet  square.  Elec- 
tric motors  whirl  leather  strips  against  different  drum- 
heads at  varying  speeds,  from  the  slow  sputter  of  warm- 
ing motors  to  the  high-pitched  drone  of  the  take-off.  The 
"garage"  is  only  two  feet  square.  On  this  board  is 
mounted  an  assortment  of  auto  horns  to  represent  different 
cars.  There  is  even  a  siren  to  help  the  excitement  of  fire 

In  the  development  of  wind  effects,  however,  perhaps 
the  greatest  strides  have  been  made.  Nearly  everyone  is 
familiar  with  the  common  "wind-machine,"  a  revolving 
drum  of  laths  swishing  against  a  canvas  strip.  The  faster 
the  drum  is  whirled,  the  higher  the  wind  shrieks.  But  it 
gives  only  one  artificial  note.  Today,  however,  the  NBC 
wind  machine  is  hard  to  describe.  Perhaps  the  only  part 
that  matters  is  the  megaphone  that  comes  out  of  one  end, 
through  which  the  sound  emerges.  Behind  this  mega- 
phone, somewhere  in  its  complicated  interior,  is  a  whole 
series  of  wind-whistles — all  specially  tuned  so  that,  when 
sounded  together,  they  produce  the  ghostly  discords  be- 
hind the  principal  note  that  everyone  hears  in  actual  wind 
noises.  Actors  who  work  with  this  machine  say  that  the 
studio  temperatures  seem  to  drop  thirty  degrees  the  mo- 
ment it  begins,  and  that  it  is  so  realistic  they  find  them- 
selves shivering  before  their  script  requires  it. 

Judson  Has  Sound  Effects  Table 

By     Dorothy    Conway 

The  Judson  Radio  Corporation  has  also  made  a  great 
study  of  sound  effects.  One  look  at  the  contrivance  rigged 
up  by  A.  W.  Nichols,  its  sound  effects  man,  would  con- 
vince anyone  of  the  seriousness  of  the  profession.  The  table 
controlling  all  the  sounds  was  built  by  Mr.  Nichols,  and 
it  took  him  nine  months  of  steady  work,  with  each  day 
averaging  from  ten  to  fourteen  hours.  The  effects  on  this 
table  comprise:  chimes,  heavily  muffled  crash,  thunder 
sheet,  train  effect,  riveting  machine,  motorcycle,  machin- 
ery, aeroplanes,  heavy  motor  exhaust  for  fire  trucks, 
motorcycle  and  auto  races,  two  fire  truck  sirens,  trolley 
car  with  bells  and  exhaust,  rumble  wagon,  metal  crash 
effect,  wind  machine,  heavy  ratchet,  rapid-fire  machine 
gun  for  firing  5  00  shots  per  minute,  glass  crash,  revolver 
or  rifle  machine,  rain  and  ocean  effect. 

Large  Assortment  of  Sounds 

The  left  side  wall  has  whistles  of  all  sorts;  train,  ocean 
liner,  police,  cuckoo,  cow  bawl,,  toy  horns,  sirens  and  ex- 
haust. On  the  top  are  bear  growls,  lion  roars,  imitation  of 
dogs,  sea  lions,  monkeys,  elephants  and  pig  squeals.  The 
right  side  wall  is  for  door  bells,  buzzers,  wireless,  tele- 
graph instrument,  telephones,  auto  horns,  fight  trip  gong 
and  signal  gong.  There  is  also  a  horse  effect,  anvil,  buzz 
motor,  gear  machine,  sand  wheel,  door  slam,  ticking  of  old- 
fashioned  clock,  nose  blower,  slap  stick,  castanets,  tam- 
(Continued  on  page  44) 

MARCH ,    19  3  0 


In  Memoriam 

A  Tribute  to 





Eastern    Program    Director,    N.    B.    C. 

Colonel  C.   T.   Daiis  in  his  best  known 
role    "Old    Man    Donaldson" 

RADIO  sustained  a  loss  that  cannot  be  re- 
placed when  Colonel  C.  T.  Davis  died.  His 
part  in  the  building  of  radio  broadcasting 
was  an  important  one — how  important  only  we, 
who  have  been  close  to  broadcasting  since  its 
laborious  birth,  can  appreciate.  His  role  was  that 
of  a  gentleman  adventurer.  He  would  attempt 
things  on  the  air  of  which  no  one  else  had 
thought,  and  what  he  did  was  accomplished  with 
good  taste  and  a  sincere  appreciation  of  artistry. 

Many  phases  of  our  present  technique  in  dra- 
matic presentation  were  originated  by  Colonel 
Davis.  He  had  the  vision  of  an  artist  and  the 
energy  to  recreate  his  vision  into  something  that 
was  usable.  In  the  archives  of  broadcasting  are 
many  programs,  still  remembered,  talked  about 
and  used  as  models,  that  were  his  creations. 
Among  them  may  be  remembered  "Old  Man 
Donaldson,"  "Jack  and  Dorothy,"  and  "Don 

He  had  a  precious  sense  of  humor  that  light- 
ened even  his  most  serious  efforts  and  it  was  a 
delight  to  work  on  a  program  with  him. 

Colonel  Davis  was  a  sportsman  and  a  gentle- 
man. I  do  not  believe  any  greater  tribute  can  be 
paid  him.  He  had  tact  and  diplomacy  and  could 
obtain   more   actual   results    from   actors   working 

with  him  with  a  gentle  "now,  let's  try  it  again" 
than  other  directors  obtain  with  hour  after  hour 
of  stiff  rehearsal. 

Never  Mentioned  His  Pain 

For  sheer  courage  I  have  yet  to  meet  his  equal. 
It  is  not  generally  known,  but  Colonel  Davis 
virtually  died  at  work.  People  closely  associated 
with  him  knew  that  during  the  last  two  months 
of  his  life  he  lived  twenty-four-hour  days  of 
pain.  They  did  not  learn  that  from  him,  for  he 
never  mentioned  it. 

I  recall  the  last  time  I  saw  him,  a  few  days 
before  his  death.  He  stood  erect  before  my  desk, 
his  face  white  and  drawn  and  with  little  beads 
of  perspiration  on  his  forehead.  I  knew  he  was 
suffering,  for  there  was  every  evidence  of  it,  ex- 
cept his  own  admission  of  the  fact.  He  never 
made  that  admission.  Instead,  he  smiled,  and 
what  a  pathetic  smile  it  was  to  anyone  who  re- 
membered him  when  he  was  well  and  strong — 
bowed  his  quaint,  courteous  bow  and  walked  out 
of  the  office. 

He  walked  out  of  the  world  that  way,  smiling, 
courteous  and  undaunted,  thinking  of  others  and 
of  the  job  he  had  to  do,  rather  than  of  himself. 




Presenting  Popular  Performers  Wha 


B  HI  L  Spitalny, 
at  right,  and 
h  i  s  harmonizing 
duo,  the  Paul  sis- 
ters, delight  listen- 
ers at  11:30  each 
Tuesday  evening 

with  their  lively 
songs  and 
music.  They 
over  NBC  sta- 
tions from 
Hotel  Penn- 
sylvania i  n 
New  York. 
The  Palm 
Beach  suit  is, 
t  h  e  r  e  f  o  re, 

ABOVE,    Nathaniel     Shilkret,    the 
"^    famous     NBC     conductor,     one 
of      America's      most      distinguished 
musicians.      He    has    a    flare    for    the 
rousing  crescen- 
do     that      ends 
with  a  thun- 
dering   tym- 

.-.,      .  '    S.i..     _       * 

T_TERE  are  Rosaline  Greene 
and  Alfred  Shirley,  who 
act  those  thrilling  and  beau- 
tifully executed  scenes  of 
famous  love  stories,  heard 
over  the  National's  network 
on  Friday  evenings  at  8:45. 
Here  we  see  them  as  Madame 
Pompadour  and  her  kingly 
lover,  Louis  XV,  in  a  short 
sketch  of  regal  romance  and 
court      intrigue. 

TN  the  circle 
A  is  Will  Os- 
borne, who 
originated  that 
n  e  w  style  of 
m  i  c  r  o  p  h  one 
technique,  pop- 
ularly, or  un- 
called  "croon- 
ing". Will  sings 
over  the  Colum- 
bia chain  every 
evening  at  11 
and,  Heaven 
help  us,  we 
can't  tell  him 
from  Rudy 
V  a  I  1  e  e.  He 
stoutly  denies 
he  is  an  imi- 
tator of  the 
great  Rudy;  at 
any  rate,  he's 
almost  as  popu- 
lar with  the 
ladies,  and  his 
jazz  band  is 
twice    as     good. 

TCRANK  BLACK,  pictured  at  the 
piano,  just  about  makes  the  Rev- 
elers the  great  quartet  that  they  are. 
His  arrangements  and  accompaniment 
are,  without  doubt,  the  snappiest  on 
the    air,    so    the    experts    tell    us. 

'T'HIS  group  is  just  as  musical  as  it  looks.  They 
are  the  popular  Utica  Jubilee  Singers,  here 
presented  in  a  scene  from  their  new  talking  pic- 
ture. So  great  had  their  popularity  become  as  a  re- 
sult of  their  air  programs,  that  they  were  offered  a 
contract    to    go    into    the    moving    and    sound    pictures. 

MARCH  ,    19  3  0 


Pert and  Pertinent 

}ut  Plenty  of  Pep  in  their  Programs 

CURE  enough,   the   dis- 
tinguished      looking 
gentleman      behind      the 
microphone   is    S.   Parkes 
Cadman,    dynamic    Doc- 
tor    of     Divinity.        Al- 
though    his     subject     is, 
of        necessity,         sober, 
there   is   no   hour   on   the 
air     more     chockful     of 
pep   and   personality 
than       his       Sunday 
afternoon     program. 
H  i  s  magnificent 

flow       of      language 
and    ideas    is    one    of 
the    wonders    of    the 
radio    age,    and    his 
fan      mail 
makes    the 
letter  car- 
riers bow- 


TT'S  not  all  blood  and  thunder  in  the 
Empire  Builders  program,  heard  on 
Monday  nights  at  10:30  over  the  NBC 
chain.  Here  is  Harvey  Hayes  (the  Old 
Pioneer)  telling  Virgina  Gardiner  that  all 
is  well  with  the  world.  It  looks  as  if 
he's    right. 

TpHE  gentleman  with  the  overgrown  ukulele  is  Jo- 
seph Rodgers,  tenor  and  director  of  that  lively 
hour,  the  "South  Sea  Islanders,"  heard  every  Sunday 
night  at  11:15  over  the  National  chain.  Rodgers  was 
born  and  educated  in  Hawaii.  Consequently,  the  cos- 
tume   and    the    guitar    are    more    than    becoming    to    him. 



Jl.,  -  ■ 



^-"  Ji 



HK      jl 

H    ;~ 


-  Ill  Jh 

J>  ADIO  has  few  more  famous  or  vivacious  quar- 
tets than  the  Cavaliers,  heard  over  the  NBC 
chain  every  Friday  evening  at  eight  o'clock.  Left 
to  right  they  are:  John  Seagle,  baritone;  Darrell 
Woodyard,  bass;  David  Buttolph,  pianist-director- 
back:     Robert.  Stevens     and     Leo    O'Rourke,     tenors! 

npHE  sour,  hard- 
bitten, old  gen- 
tleman in  the  cir- 
cle is  none  other 
than  Arthur  Allen, 
the  widely  known 
radio  actor,  in  the 
dress  and  external 
characteristics  of  a 
Dickens  character. 
He  is  heard  on 
Tuesdays  at  7:30 
over  WEAF  and 
the  NBC  chain  in 
those  exciting  So- 
conyland  sketches. 
Mr.  Allen,  now  a 
veteran  of  the  mi- 
crophone, came  to 
radio  after  many 
years  on  the  legit- 
imate stage.  Ra- 
dio's  gain,   we    say! 

Y°UR  search  for  pep  and  personali- 
ty will  end  when  you  tune  in  on 
Wednesday  evenings  at  9:30  to  the 
Columbia  chain  stations  and  hear  the 
cute  little,  clever  little  Glenn  sisters, 
Ruth    and    Beatrice.' 

"^rO    more     real     personality     is     to    be 

found    among    the    air    "waves    than 

Walter    Damrosch,    NBC's    famous    con- 

The      kiddies, 

for      instance, 

wouldn't  miss 

h  i  s       Friday 






nterest  in 

vJrand  O 
Fast  W ani 

AMELITA  GALLI-CURCI,  whose  voice  has  attracted 
the  music-loving  public  since  her  debut  with  the 
Chicago  Opera  Company  in  1916,  has  left  the 
various  diamond  and  golden  horseshoes  of  the  Chicago  and 
Metropolitan  Opera  houses,  but  before  boarding  the 
French  liner  lie  de  France  she  paused  a  moment,  in  the 
studios  of  the  National  Broadcasting  Company,  to  sign 
Bertha  Brainard's  pet  piano  at  711  Fifth  Avenue  and  to 
express  her  opinions  on  a  number  of  subjects. 

"I  heartily  approve  of  radio,"  said  the  vivacious  prima 
donna,  in  the  manner  of  one  telling  the  truth,  rather  than 
one  who  was  just  "saying  nice  things".  "It  has  brought 
me  some  happiness  and  a  much  greater  audience  than  I 
even  dreamed  of  in  my  first  days  in  opera. 

"Tomorrow  I  sail  on  the  lie  de  France  for  Europe,  for 
a  little  recreation  and  rest.  I  have  had  a  busy  season  and 
I  need  a  little  sea  air.  I  thought  the  radio  would  be  an 
ideal  way  of  saying  'Farewell'  to  all  my  audiences  in 
America  at  once." 

"I  am  coming  back,  and  I  shall  sing  again  for  the  radio. 
But  when  I  do  I  shall  miss  the  friendly  faces,  the  rustle 
of  the  programs,  and  (pardon  me,  won't  you?)  the  warm 

On  leaving  the  scene  of  her  greatest  triumphs,  the 
Metropolitan  Opera  House,  Madame  Galli-Curci  did  not 
speak  in  too  glowing  terms  of  grand  opera.  "Opera  does 
not  conform  to  modern  musical  needs",  she  said.  "It  is  a 
very  old-fashioned  entertainment,  very  pompous  and  slow. 
The  opera,  after  all,  is  not  such  a  high  style  of  music. 
Worse  than  that,  people  throughout  the  entire  world,  par- 
ticularly the  Italians,   are  losing  interest  in   grand  opera. 



Mme  Galli-Curci 


The  public  and  the  artists  alike  feel  that  it  is  a  little  old- 

Happily  Married  to  Artist 

"I  am  modernistic  in  my  tastes.  I  like  innovations  in 
music  and  I  am  old-fashioned  only  in  marriage.  In  that 
fine  institution  I  believe  in  constancy  and  I  attribute  my 
happiness  in  marriage  to  the  fact  that  I  married  an  artist, 
but  one  who  is  not  following  my  line  of  work. 

"I  do  not  care  much  for  modern  opera.  The  modern 
composers  do  not  even  seem  able  to  write  anything  to 
equal  the  older  operatic  compositions,  because  such  music 
is  not  in  our  temperament  in  this  mechanical  age." 

"We  have  no  time  for  contemplation  or  for  thought," 
the  diva  declared,  "and  creative  work  demands  both  of 
these  things. 

Continuing — in  the  face  of  urgent  protests  from  Bertha 
Brainard  that  the  little  piano-lid  was  still  unsigned — the 
famous  prima  donna  declared  her  liking  for  jazz,  especially 
for  dancing.  Jazz  was  properly  rated  by  the  American 
people.  It  has  a  definite  place  in  the  scheme  of  music, 
just  as  caricature  has  its  place  in  art.  "We  need  more 
fun  and  freshness,"  she  said,  "in  this  dreary  game  of  life." 

"In  filling  my  engagement  at  WEAF  I  was  only  keep- 
ing step  with  the  times.  When  I  leave  this  radio  station 
I  will  go  straight  to  my  first  European  concert  tour,  al- 
though I  was  born  in  Milan  and  heard  my  first  applause 
in  Italy.  I  will  sing  in  eight  countries.  Next  Summer  I 
hope  to  spend  in  the  Catskills,  and  in  the  Fall  I  hope  to 
return  to  the  British  Isles.  A  trip  of  five  months'  dura- 
tion to  the  Antipodes  will  follow." 

Becomes  an  American  Citizen 

In   1921   Madame  Galli-Curci  took  out  her  first  papers 
of  American  citizenship  and  married  Homer  Samuels  who 
(Continued  on  page  47) 

MARCH  ,    19  3  0 


Acting  A  New  Sideline 
Oscar  Writes 

Girl  Friend,  MARGY 

As  Preserved  for  the  World 
By  P.  H.  W.  DIXON 

It  looks  like  your  boy  friend  is  going  to  be  a 
success,  Margy.  I  have  only  been  an  attashay  of 
the  National  Broadcasting  Company  for  less  than  three 
months  and  already  I  am  an  actor.  Of  course,  Margy,  I 
did  intend  to  make  my  radio  debyoo  as  a  tenor  but  I  guess 
you  can't  always  start  at  the  top  .  .  .  note.  That's  a  joke, 
Margy.  So  I  have  started  up  the  ladder  to  success  as  an 
actor  and  someday  I  probably  will  amount  to  something 
and  be  a  singer. 

Of  course,  Margy,  I  am  still  a  page.  Acting  with  me 
is  just  a  sideline.  The  show  business  is  all  shot  to  pieces 
and  anyone  is  foolish  to  be  an  actor  except  as  a  sideline. 
Even  us  good  actors  like  to  know  that  our  income  is 

I  want  to  tell  you  how  I 
became  an  actor,  Margy.  I 
was  discovered  by  Raymond 
Knight,  who  is  a  pretty  good 
guy  for  a  production  man  and 
has  a  reputation  for  finding 
real  talent.  One  day  when  I 
had  just  finished  hunting  for  a 
bull  fiddle  that  had  been  mis- 
laid, Mr.  Knight  stopped  me 
on  the  thirteenth  floor  and 
asked  me  if  I  wanted  to  act. 
I  told  him  I  had  not  consid- 
ered it  seriously  but  that  if 
Harvey  Hays  was  sick  or  any- 
thing I  would  be  glad  to  help 
him  out.  He  said  Harvey  was 
all  o.k.  but  he  needed  some- 
body to  support  Harvey  in  an 
Empire  Builders  program.  And 
I  said  I  would  be  glad  to  help 
him  out  and  he  told  me  to 
come     to     rehearsal     at     four  T^cca — 

o'clock.    Which  I  did. 

That  was  when  I  met  Vir- 
ginia Gardiner.     She's  pretty, 

The  Page  Boy 

"Then   they   took   the  quarter  back.     The   show 
business   is   like   that,   Margy" 

Margy  .  .  .  but 
you  needn't  worry 
about  her.  She's  too 
tall  for  me  anyway. 
Well,  I  went  to 
rehearsal  and  Mr. 
Knight  gave  me 
my    script.      A 

script,  Margy,  is  the  professional  name  for  the  part  you 
read.  Just  to  show  you  what  the  part  is  I  am  going  to 
write  it  in  right  here.  You  see,  in  this  show  I  was  play- 
ing the  part  of  a  messenger  boy  and  I  was  supposed  to 
deliver  a  telegram  to  Harvey  Hays,  who  is  the  Old  Pioneer 
in  the  program.     It  went  like  this: 

Me:  Telegram  for  you,  sir: 
Hays:  Thank  you,  bud! 
Me:  Thank  you,  sir. 
Now,  of  course,  on  paper 
that  doesn't  look  like  an  im- 
portant role  but  it  really  is, 
Margy.  You  see  this  telegram 
was  very  important  to  the 
plot,  and  if  I  hadn't  delivered 
it  there  wouldn't  have  been 
any  story  at  all. 

Well,  we  rehearsed  our  parts 
for  quite  a  while  and  then  Mr. 
Eddie  Bierstadt  .  .  .  he's  a  sort 
of  writer  .  .  .  suggested  that  I 
wasn't  putting  the  proper  in- 
flection on  my  last  speech. 

"Listen,  Oscar,"  he  said. 
"Say  'thank  you,  sir'  as  if  he 
had  just  given  you  a  quarter 

I  tried  it  but  he  wasn't  sat- 
isfied. Finally  he  told  Mr. 
Hays  to  really  give  me  a  quar- 
ter which  he  did.  Then  he 
said  my  "thank  you"  was  just 
swell.       But     they    took     the 



quarter  back.  The  show  business  is  like  that,  Margy. 
Rehearsing  for  a  radio  play  isn't  as  hard  as  rehearsing 
for  a  legitimate  play,  Margy,  because  you  don't  have  to 
memorize  your  speeches.  You  read  them  from  a  sheet  of 
paper  .  .  .  but  if  you  sound  like  you  read  them  you  aren't 
any  good,  so  I  guess  radio  acting  requires  special  ability 
like  I  seem  to  have. 

Sound  of  Train  Pulling  In 

After  the  rehearsals  on  speeches  they  have  sound  ef- 
fect rehearsals.  These  are  very  interesting.  When  you 
listen  to  the  Empire  Builders  program,  Margy,  you  think 
you  hear  a  Great  Northern  train  pulling  into  a  station. 
In  fact,  it  sounds  so  much  like  a  train  that  they  say  a 
fellow  who  had  a  radio  in  his 
automobile  tried  to  beat  it  to 
a  grade  crossing  one  night. 
But  it  really  isn't  a  train. 

Harry  Edison,  who  is  one  of 
our  best  percussionists — a  per- 
cussionist, Margy,  is  a  trap 
drummer  who  makes  more 
than  $100  a  week — is  respon- 
sible for  the  train  noise.  He 
has  a  big  container  filled  with 
compressed  air  and  that  makes 
the  steam  sound  .  .  .  and  he 
has  a  lot  of  little  trucks  run- 
ning around  a  circular  track 
which  sound  like  train  wheels 
rolling  and  he  makes  the 
"swish-swish"  sound  on  a 
drum  and  when  the  micro- 
phone picks  up  all  these  dif- 
ferent noises  it  sounds  just  like 
a  train  in  the  control  room. 
Then  there  is  an  orchestra, 
too,  Margy,  which  is  led  by 
Andy  Sannella.  Andy  is  quite 
a  sheik,  Margy,  and  looks  like 
what  the  well-dressed  man 
will  wear  at  all  times. 

Anyway,  we  all  got  in  the 
big  studio  and  rehearsed  our 
speeches  and  the  orchestra  re- 
hearsed and  they  tried  out  all  the  sound  effects  and  Bob 
MacGimsey  whistled  and  pretty  soon  Mr.  Knight  and  Mr. 
Bierstadt  finally  agreed  that  maybe  it  wasn't  such  a  bad 
show  after  all,  and  we  were  all  ready  to  go  on  the  air. 
So  we  went  out  and  got  some  supper  and  relaxed  until 
it  was  time  to  go  on  the  air. 

Tensest  Moment  of  His  Life 

As  you  know,  Margy,  I  have  lived  through  some  tense 
moments  in  my  life  such  as  the  time  your  father  asked 
me  what  my  intentions  were,  if  any,  but  the  tensest  mo- 
ment of  all  was  just  before  I  went  on  the  air  for  the  first 
time.  It  was  very  quiet  in  the  studio  because  John  Young, 
the  announcer,  had  warned  us  we  were  almost  on  the  air. 
I  felt  kind  of  pale  and  wobbly  but  Mr.  Knight  came  over 
and  patted  me  on  the  back  and  told  me  that  ten  million 
listeners  were  expecting  me  to  make  good.     Which  I  did. 

Then   the   train   started   and   the   orchestra   started    and 

"I  felt  kind  of  pale  and  wobbly''' 

Young  started  talking  and  the  actors  started  looking  for 
the  parts.  Pretty  soon  we  were  right  in  the  middle  of 
the  sketch  and  I  knew  that  at  any  moment  now  I  would 
have  to  go  into  my  big  scene.  I  tell  you,  Margy,  it  was  an 
awe-inspiring  moment.  Then  Mr.  Bierstadt  gave  me  a 
shove  toward  the  microphone  and  I  realized  the  time  had 
come  for  me  to  speak.  So  I  stepped  up  and  I  said: 
"Telegram  for  you,  sir !" 

I  hope  you  heard  me,  Margy  ...  I  would  hate  to  think 
that  you  had  missed  my  first  spoken  words  to  twenty 
million  listeners.  Then  Harvey  Hays  looked  at  me  en- 
couragingly and  said: 

"Thank  you,  bud",  and  he  handed  me  a  quarter  which 
I  put  in  my  pocket. 
So  I  said  to  Mr.  Hays: 

"Thank  you,  sir",  and  I 
meant  it,  Margy,  because  I 
was  so  glad  my  scene  was 
finally  over.  It  was  a  terrific 
strain  to  be  under. 

May  Play  Character  Parts 

Well,  things  went  along 
pretty  well  from  then  on  and 
everyone  worked  hard  and 
after  the  program  was  off  the 
air  Mr.  Knight  and  Mr.  Bier- 
stadt both  told  me  I  had  done 
a  very  professional  job  and 
that  they  hoped  to  use  me 
g>   IJI  again     whenever     there     were 

I  pHt  any  telegrams  to  be  delivered. 

I  may  decide  to  specialize  in 
character  parts  like  that, 

That's  about  all  there  is  to 
report,  Margy.  I  think,  per- 
haps, I  will  be  able  to  have 
you  come  to  New  York  pretty 
soon  as  when  I  get  to  be  an 
important  actor  I  will  insist 
that  I  name  my  own  leading 
lady.  And  you  know,  Margy, 
who  my  leading  lady  will  be. 
Just  as  you  are  my  leading 
lady  in  our  own  life  drama  so  you  will  be  in  my  profes- 
sional career. 

That's  all  tonight,  Margy  ...  I  am  very  tired  account 
the  strain  I  have  been  under. 

By  the  way,  Margy  ...  if  you  happen  to  be  near  the 
Yoakum  Herald  office,  you  might  tell  them  about  me.  It 
would  make  a  swell  story  tor  them.  The  headline  could 
be  "Home  Town  Boy  Makes  Good." 

Goodnight,  Margy,  and  love  and  kisses. 

Your  Oscar. 
P.  S. — I  am  sending  this  special  delivery.     Mr.  Hays  for- 
got to  ask  me  for  the  quarter. 

Hudson  County  Radio  Show 

A  successful  radio  show  was  held  from  February  10th 
to  16th  in  the  Armory  Radio  Salon,  Jersey  City,  by  the 
Hudson  County  Radio  Dealers,  Inc.  The  list  of  artists 
what  volunteered  their  services  would  be  a  veritable 
"Who's  Who"  of  radio. 

MARCH  ,    19  3  0 


The  Two  Troupers 

Delve  Into  Dark  Past 


Marcella  Shields  and  Helene  Handin 
"Authorize"  Joint  Statement  of  Facts 

Scene — A  sitting  room 

Place — New  York  City 

Time — 3:3  0  P.  M. 

Setting — a  chair,  a  table,  a  telephone  and — Miss  Handin. 

('Phone  rings) 

Helene — Hello — Hello — yes Oh,  hello,  Marcella- 

where  are  you — in  the  lobby? — Oh,  well,  come  on  up. 

('phone  clicks.) 

Marcella — (Knock  on  door)    Helene! Helene! 

Helene — Come  in.  — 

Oh,    hello,    Marcella, 

late  again,  or  should 

I  say — as  usual?  You 

know,  they  ought  to 

call    you    "The    late 

Miss    Shields." 
Marcella — "Well  now, 

"Boss    Lady,"    please 

don't    start    on    me 

again — I    know    I'm 

late  but  I've  been  re- 
hearsing at  NBC. — I 

just  got  through  and 

I've      got      to      rush 

right     back     to     do 

"Miniature  Theatre" 


Helene — Well,  I  can't 

help  what  you've  got 

to  do  up   there,   but 

you've  got  some  re- 
hearsing  to   do  right 

here  —  with  pencil 

and  paper.     So  park 

yourself   in   that 

chair     and     put     on 

your  thinking  cap — 

if  any.    I  just  had  a  'phone  call  from  Radio  Revue  and 

they  want  us  to  prepare  an  article  for  them — now  ain't 

that  something? 
Marcella — What    about? — Us? — "The   Two   Troupers?" 
Helene — Of  course,  "Dizzy." — What  did  you  think  they 

wanted?     A  dissertation  on  the  Einstein  Theory?     Or 

a  treatise  on  the  outcome  of  Limitation  of  Arms  Parley 

in  London? 
Marcella — Oh,  well you  needn't  be  so  "snooty" 

They  want  us  to  prepare  an  article — not  on  the  Einstein 
Theory  either!"  says  Helene. 

pulling    all    three    dollar    words    on    me.      Put    a    square 

around   you   and   you'd   be    a    crossword   puzzle.' 1 

didn't  know,  since  we  have  become  authoresses,  but 
what  they  might  ask  us  to  "authorize"  about  almost 
Helene — Oh,  yeah? — Say,  does  it  take  much  practice  to 
be  as  dumb  as  you  are?  Just  because  we've  written  our 
own  sketches  for  the  radio  and  been  lucky  with  them, 
don't   think   we   are   capable   of   writing  something   like 

the  History  of  the 
U.  S.  in  5  00  words — 
that's  Mr.  Coolidge's 

job. Besides     you 

couldn't  limit  your- 
self to  5  00  words — 
or  5,000  for  that 
Marcella — Say,  listen, 
Helene — are  we  go- 
ing to  write  an  argu- 
ment or  an  inter- 
view ? 
Helene  —  Well,  it's 
supposed  to  be  an  in- 
terview— but  who  is 
to  do  the  interview- 
ing— that's  the  ques- 
tion before  the  house 
at  present? 
Marcella  —  Well, 
look,  Helene  —  we'll 
take  turns — you  ask 
me  some  questions 
and  I'll  answer  them, 
and  then  I'll  ask  you 
— go  ahead. 
Helene  —  Okay.  — 
Well,  now,  Miss  Shields,  will  you  please  give  me  a  little 
information  about  yourself,  such  as — where  born  and 
if  so — why? — present  occupation  and  do  you  belong  to 
any  unions?  (laugh) 
Marcella — Well,    to   begin    with — I    was    born    in   New 

York  City,  and  my  parents  were  crazy  about  me 

Helene — Did  you  say  crazy? 

Marcella — If  that's  intended  for  a  wise  crack  you  can 
keep   it.      But   to   get   back   to  my   career — I   went   to 



school  in  New  York  too  and  I'm  a  comedienenne  and 
I'm  five  feet  tall  and  weigh  108  lbs.  and  I  have  light 
hair  and  blue  eyes  and  I  sing  and  I  dance  and 

Started  "Emoting"  at  Age  of  Four 

Helene — Yeah — yeah — yeah — I    know    that    litany    and 

people  who  have  heard  us  on  the  air  certainly  know  it 

too — they  have  heard  it  enough.     You  know  you  should 

have  it  put   to  music 1  can   almost  hear  it  in  my 

sleep.      Now    that    that's    over — when    did    you    start 

Marcella — I  was  only  four  years  old,  when  my  mother 

thought    I    showed    signs 

of     becoming     a     second 

Ethel    Barrymore  —  so    I 

started   playing  child 

parts,     and     did     /    have 

some  swell  ones? 
Helene — Yeah — well,  just 

Marcella — I  played  in  the 

original     production     of 

Maeterlinck's  "Blue  Bird" 

and  with  De  Wolfe  Hop- 
per    in     "Hop     O'     My 


Helene — Yes — and  then 

— and  then — 
Marcella  —  Quit    clown- 
ing— this  is  serious. — Oh, 

yes — then    I    played    the 

little     girl     in     "A    Fool 

There  Was"  and  gangs  of 

others,  including  "Jimmy 

Valentine" — "Mrs.  Wiggs 

of  the  Cabbage  Patch" — 

"Salomy    Jane"    and 

Helene  —  That's     enough 

about   your    childhood,   I 

don't      think      the      fans 

want    to   hear   any   more 

details    about    your    past 

life.        What      happened 

after  you  grew  up?     Or 

did  you? 
Marcella — Well,    I    went 

into    vaudeville    until     I 

grew  up  enough  to  play 

Helene — "How  high  is  up?"     You  only  got  up  to  sixty 

Marcella — Well,  that  was  enough  to  get  me  into  a  musi- 
cal comedy.     I  was  comedienne  with  "Helen  of  Troy, 

N.  Y." — then  ingenue  prima  donna  with  the  Gallagher 

and  Shean  show.     Then  back  to  comedienne  with  "Rose 

Marie" — and,  oh !  how  I  loved  that  show  and  that  part. 
Helene — Very  interesting,  Miss  Shields — and  then,  what? 

Played  Dixie  Dugan  in  "Show  Girl" 

Marcella — Then  I  met  Mr.  Whyte  of  the  Eveready 
Hour  and  was  engaged  to  play  Dixie  Dugan  in  "Show 
Girl"— and  THEN-I-MET-YOU ! 

Helene — And  that  was  something. 

"No."    says    Marcella,    putting    a    blonde    strand    in 

place,  "I'm   not  one  of  those  girls  who  raves  and 

tears  her  hair  about  Rudy." 

Marcella — Somepin  is  right — but   just  what,   I  haven't 

found  out  yet. 
Helene — Aw,   now,   Girl  Friend! 

Marcella — (Giggle)  Say,  listen — isn't  it  my  turn  to 
ask  questions  now?  You  better  get  in  a  little  about 
yourself,  or  I'll  be  crowding  you  completely  out. 
Helene — Not  while  I'm  conscious,  "Stark  Love."  All 
right — here  goes.  I  was  born  at  an  early  age  in  Fair- 
field, 111.,  as  was  also  Senator  Borah. 
Marcella — That's  a  help!  What  does  that  make  him? 
Helene — Prime  Minister  of  Congress,  Will  Rogers  says. 
— But  keep  still — you  had  your  inning,  I  now  have  the 
floor.     I  made  my  debut  at  two  years  of  age  speaking  a 

piece    at    a    Presbyterian 
strawberry      festival      in 
Fairfield.     Then  my  fam- 
ily    migrated     to     Utah, 
where     I     was     educated 
and,      after      graduating 
from      high      school,      I 
taught  country  school  at 
the  age  of  sixteen. 
Marcella  —  Oh,  my  — 
weren't    you    smart?      I 
can't     imagine     you     a 
country  school  teacher — 
but,  then,  I  never  saw  a 
country     school     teacher 
because   I   was   born   and 
bred    here    in    little    old 
New  York. 
Helene — As  you  said  be- 
fore.     I    really    got    my 
start,  dramatically  speak- 
ing,   in    Salt    Lake    City, 
where    I    sang    in    high 
school  and  acted  in  home 
dramatic  shows.     Finally 
I    was    discovered    by    a 
manager  who  offered  me 
a  job  in  his  company,  so 
I  trouped  to  New  York. 
— the  goal  of  every  am- 
bitious  would-be   actress. 
Marcella  —  And  what 
happened  then?    You  be- 
g  i  n      to      interest      me, 
Helene — Oh,  hush  !    Then 
I  went  into  musical  stock  as  prima  donna  and  later  was 
prima   donna   of  several   musical   shows.      After   that  I 
went  on  the  road  in  vaudeville  with  Santley  and  Sawyer 
and  later  was  with  "The  Dove",  the  Willard  Mack  show 
that  Belasco  produced.     My  last  production  was  "The 
Scarlet  Fox." 
Marcella — I'll  bet  that  was  a  thrill,  working  for  Bel- 
Helene — It  sure  was.     I  hated  to  leave  his  management. 
I  had  my  own  act  in  vaudeville,  a  comedy  sketch  writ- 
ten by  Mr.   and  Mrs.  Willard  Mack.     Then  I  went  to 
my  beloved  California  with  "Gentlemen  Prefer  Blondes." 
Marcella — What  do  you  mean  "beloved."   I  thought  you 

were  a  Utah  and  111.  fan. 
Helene — Oh — But  Cal.   is  my  real  love — I'm   as  dippy 
(Continued  on  page  46) 

MARCH,     19  3  0 


Evening  Stars  Program 

an  Interesting 


in  Good  Will 


EVERY  Wednesday  afternoon,  millions  of  listeners 
throughout  the  United  States  and  Canada  welcome 
the  familiar  melodious  strains  of  the  Evening  Star 
aria  from  Wagner's  immortal  opera  "Tannhauser".  This 
is  the  theme  song  that  announces  that  the  Evening  Star's 
program  is  on  the  air. 

This  signature  does  not  merely  mark  the  opening  of  just 
another  program,  to  be  presented  from  the  N.  B.  C.  stu- 
dios. It  has  another  significance.  It  implies  that,  as  a 
member  of  a  large,  international  family,  one  of  its  asso- 
ciated stations  is  to  be  honored  by  having  an  entire  program 
dedicated  to  it  and  to  the  territory  it  serves  with  the  finest 
radio  program   available. 

The  underlying  purpose  of  this  particular  weekly  feature 
is  a  desire  on  the  part  of  the  National  Broadcasting  Com- 
pany to  honor  each  of  its  associated  stations  which  are 
vitally  important  to  this  widespread  organization.  The 
Evening  Star's  program  has  made  it  possible  during  the 
past  ten  months,  for  each  station  associated  with  the  NBC 
to  send  its  own  story  out  over  the  transmitters  of  over 
thirty  stations  from  the  Atlantic  Ocean  to  the  Rocky 
Mountains  and  from  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  to  the  Dominion 
of  Canada. 

Unique  Good-Will  Feature 

From  the  standpoints  of  information,  interest  and  en- 
tertainment it  may  be  stated  that  the  Evening  Star's  pro- 
gram is  the  most  unique  type  of  weekly  good-will  feature 
that  has  so  far  been  attempted  in  the  field  of  broadcasting. 
It  has  not  been  duplicated  on  the  air  up  to  the  time  of 

As  its  name  implies,  famous  microphone  personalities, 
usually  heard  only  during  the  evening  hours,  have  been 
presented  to  the  vast  afternoon  audiences  during  this  series. 
In  addition  to  the  short,  but  highly  interesting  announce- 
ments which  each  station  has  made  during  its  particular 
dedication  program,  guest  artists  and  speakers  from  all 
parts  of  the  country  have  participated  on  many  occasions. 

Donald  Withycomb 

Station    Relations    Department,    NBC 

The  radio  audience  has  heard  the  Governor  of  Alabama, 
the  presidents  of  several  chambers  of  commerce,  and  many 
other  notable  personages  tell  the  story  of  how  the  asso- 
ciated station  endeavors  faithfully  to  serve  its  own  terri- 
tory. Many  of  the  stations  accepted  the  invitation  to 
send  to  the  NBC's  New  York  studios  their  chief  announc- 
er, as  well  as  a  guest  conductor,  with  vocal  and  instru- 
mental artists  who  are  well-known  and  loved  by  their 
local  radio  audiences. 

To  the  Evening  Star's  program  each  week,  Ludwig  Lau- 
rier,  the  distinguished  conductor  of  the  Slumber  Hour,  and 
his  augmented  concert  orchestra,  have  added  color  and 
interest  in  the  rendition  of  works  of  the  great  masters. 
The  Evening  Star's  program  was  a  successful  experiment. 
Newspaper  and  magazine  articles,  as  well  as  thousands  of 
enthusiastic  letters,  confirm  this  statement. 

Any  experiment  in  the  field  of  public  relations  and  good 
will  is  usually  both  interesting  and  beneficial  to  all  con- 
cerned. Radio  broadcasting,  as  it  is  now  developed,  has 
placed  before  all  of  those  who  are  intimately  connected 
with  this  industry  a  limitless  opportunity  to  build  up  and 
preserve  that  feeling  of  international  good  will  which  is  at 
once  an  inspired  labor  and  the  greatest  obstacle  to  misun- 
derstandings and  possible  wars. 



The  Radio  Infant  Grows 

RADIO  broadcasting  has  been  called  "the  fastest 
growing  industry."  Here  is  what  happened  to  the 
National  Broadcasting  Company  during  1929,  accord- 
ing to  the  annual  report  of  M.  H.  Aylesworth,  presi- 
dent of  the  company,  submitted  to  the  Advisory  Council 
of  the  organization  recently. 

Fourteen  stations  were  added  to  the  national  network, 
including  one  Canadian  station.  The  network  now  in- 
cludes 73  stations. 

Gross  revenue  of  the  NBC  in  1929  totalled  more  than 
$15,000,000.     There  were  no  profits. 

Fifty-four  hundred  miles  of  wire  were  added  to  the 
NBC  System,  bringing  the  total  to  3  2,5  00  miles  of  wire 

More  than  one  million  letters  from  listeners  were  re- 
ceived in  the  year. 

The  personnel  of  the  NBC  was  increased  from  5  5  8  to 
917  in  1929. 

Sixty  hours  of  programs  a  week  were  added  to  the 
regular  schedule  of  broadcasts  from  the  key  stations  of 
the  network. 

The  President  of  the  United  States  spoke  thirteen  times 
over  a  national  network.  There  were  twenty-seven  ad- 
dresses by  cabinet  members,  twenty-eight  senators  were 
heard  and  twelve  members  of  the  lower  house  made  ad- 

Virtually  the  entire  population  of  the  United  States 
can  be  entertained  or  informed  by  one  program  in  the 
same  hour. 

Radio  and  Religion 

THROUGHOUT  the  land  here  and  there  has  occa- 
sionally arisen  the  sad  wail  that  the  radio  is  empty- 
ing the  church,  because  a  lot  of  devout  people  now  have 
the  means  of  taking  their  religion  along  with  a  cheering 
cup  of  coffee,  or  something  like  that,  from  the  depths  of 
a  favorite  armchair.  Even  this  comfortable  picture  does 
not  seem  able  to  dispel  the  gloom  that  has  settled  upon 
the  small  but  unsuccessful  church.  Like  most  clouds,  this 
one  has  a  real  silver  lining,  and 
we  do  not  refer  to  the  silver 
that  is  put  into  the  collection 
plate.  ■ 

A  survey  of  five  famous 
churches  in  New  York  reveals 
the  astonishing — to  most  of  us 
— fact  that  it  is  difficult  to  find 
a  place  in  any  church  on  regu- 
lar service  days,  and  particularly 
on  Sundays.  Further  astonish- 
ment may  be  provided  in  the 
proven  fact  that  a  lot  of  nice 
people,  unable  to  find  seats,  are 
content  to  stand  at  the  back  of 
these  churches.  There  may  be 
reasons   for   this   but,   so   far   as  Hello,  folks!    Dis 


we  can  see,  the  radio  has  filled,  rather  than  emptied,  the 
five  typical  churches  visited. 

It  is  true  that  there  was  in  each  case  a  live  priest-in- 
cumbent imbued  with  the  power  to  hold  his  people,  backed 
by  culture  and  a  certain  amount  of  personality,  beautiful 
music  supplied  by  a  first-class  organ,  a  competent  choir 
ably  led  by  a  skilled  musician-organist,  often  reinforced 
with  some  instruments  of  the  string  family,  a  few  brasses, 
and  occasionally  a  harp.  The  ordered  service  was  evident- 
ly rehearsed  and  housed  in  an  imposing  and  dignified  struc- 
ture, but  there  were  no  vacant  seats. 

May  we  not  claim  that  the  radio  has  created  in  the 
hearts  of  people  a  desire  to  participate  in  these  great  serv- 
ices of  the  church,  just  as  it  has  brought  many  thousands 
of  them  to  the  radio  studios  where  they  can  join,  not 
only  in  the  weekly  religious  services,  but  also  in  the  ar- 
tistic and  commercial  broadcasts? 

We  do  not  wish  to  be  flippant  on  a  serious  subject,  but 
the  day  cannot  be  far  off  when  tickets  for  church  services 
— now  subject  to  distribution  by  application  for  special 
services — will  have  to  be  purchased  on  the  sidewalk  from 
speculators,  just  like  those  for  the  first-class  theatres.  And 
on  this  great  day  we  believe  that  radio  will  properly  be 
able  to  claim  its  share  of  the  credit! 


The  Interfering  Client 

ANY  times,  without  thinking,  a  listener  will  severely 
criticize  a  broadcasting  station  for  putting  a  certain 
type  of  program  on  the  air.  The  particular  program  prob- 
ably merits  the  criticism,  but,  in  most  instances  where  the 
program  is  commercially  sponsored,  the  blame  should  not 
be  placed  at  the  broadcasting  station's  door. 

Unfortunately,  the  radio  seems  to  have  fallen  into  the 
same  category  as  the  newspaper,  in  that  the  average  busi- 
ness men,  no  matter  what  his  line  may  be,  firmly  believes 
that  he  can  stage  a  radio  program  or  run  a  newspaper 
better  than  the  people  who  have  spent  the  better  part  of  a 
lifetime  in  perfecting  their  talents  and  abilities  along 
these  lines. 

The^average  business  man  is  certain  that  he  knows  what 
"the  public  wants".  He  bases  his  opinion  most  of  the  time 
on  his  own  personal  likes  and  dislikes,  or  on  those  of  his 
wife  or  relatives.  If  his  company  is  in  any  way  interested 
in  radio  broadcasting,  he  immediately  starts  to  play  with 
this  attractive,  but  expensive  toy,  radio.  He  has  very 
definite  views  as  to  what  constitutes  a  good  radio  program 

and    he    proceeds    to    carry    out 
these  ideas. 

The  large  broadcasting  sta- 
tions and  chains  are  all  equipped 
to  originate,  write,  cast,  rehearse 
and  produce  practically  any 
kind  of  a  radio  program  for  a 
client.  Then,  too,  many  of  the 
advertising  agencies  have  cre- 
ated special  departments  to  han- 
dle radio  broadcasting  for  cli- 
ents who  wish  to  include  this 
new  medium  of  advertising  in 
their  general  plan  of  magazine, 
newspaper,  billboard,  direct-by- 
mail  and  other  advertising. 
fight  sure  was  a  cinch.  {Turn   to  page  45) 

MARCH  ,    19  3  0 


Soprano  Modulator 

Radio's  Latest  Wonder 


Newest  Invention  Disposes  of  One  of 
Industry's    Most    Difficult    Problems 

By  I.  B.  HANSOM 

Manager  of  Plants,  Orchestrations  and  Racketeering 
National  Broadcast. ng  System 


_^  TJDITOR'S  NOTE — News  of  this  latest  de-\^ 
Cj  velopment  in  radio  science  is  likely  to  set 
the  musical  tvorld  agog.  I.  B.  Hansom  has 
again  stepped  into  the  breach;  in  fact,  he  has 
actually  put  his  foot  into  it,  with  the  an- 
nouncement (exclusively  in  Radio  Revue)  of 
his    soprano    modulator,    which    he   describes 

~~*\here  in  his  own  peculiar  style.  f 

MOST  complex  of  all  the  many  problems  connected 
with  radio  broadcasting  has  been  what  to  do  with 
soprano.  A  simple  solu- 
tion, arrived  at  early  in  the 
history  of  radio,  was  to  inocu- 
late all  sopranos  with  the 
germs  of  laryngitis,  but  this 
was  found  to  be  impractical, 
because  the  sopranos,  accus- 
tomed since  childhood  to  ad- 
versity, not  only  became  as 
insensible  to  the  germs  as  they 
are  to  insults,  but  actually 
made  pets  of  the  little  couriers 
of  destruction. 

The  forces  of  nature  thus 
failed  those  who  were  doing 
their  best  for  the  new  art  of 
radio  broadcasting.  Although 
many  other  solutions  were  of- 
fered, the  problem  remained  in 
status  quo,  so  to  speak.  It 
was,  to  state  it  simply:  what 
shall  we  do  about  sopranos? 
An  interesting  problem  of  a 
like  nature  is  faced  in  New 
Jersey,  and  has  to  do  with  mos- 

Five  years  ago  the  soprano 
problem  was  turned  over  to 
my  department  of  the  Natural 
Broadcasting  System.     Finally, 

'Take  back,  that  set  you  sold  me!     All  it  can  get  is 
static  and  sopranos/" 

after  five  years  of  vast  expenditures  and  countless  experi- 
ments, I  have  developed  a  scientific  solution  of  the  soprano 
problem.  It  is  a  device  that  I  call  the  Soprano  Modulator, 
which  may  be  attached  to  any  microphone,  but  which 
works  most  efficiently  on  the  recently  developed  left- 
handed  mike  (see  January  issue  of  Radio  Revue). 

Based  on  IndifFerentiality 

The  whole  principle  of  the  new  device,  which  is  so  com- 
pact that  you  can  take  it  home  in  a  taxicab,  is  indifferent- 
uality,  and  so  far  has  the  new  device  been  developed  that 

its  capacity  for  peak  icono- 
clasms  is  practically  nil. 

Within  two  weeks  it  is  ex- 
pected that  every  microphone 
in  the  Natural  Broadcasting 
System  studios  will  be  equip- 
ped with  the  Soprano  Modula- 
tor— in  fact,  both  of  them. 
Therefore,  it  is  fitting  that  a 
brief  description  of  the  new 
device  be  given. 

To  the  casual  fire  inspector 
or  to  just  a  visiting  fireman  it 
resembles  a  soup  can.  Prefer- 
ably a  can  that  has  held  chick- 
en gumbo.  (Note  to  business 
office:  If  you  can  sell  an  ad  to 
the  Camel  Soup  Corporation, 
you  can  refer  to  it  as  Camel's 
Chicken  Gumbo) .  But  be- 
neath these  simple  outlines  is 
concealed  a  complicated  mech- 

It  was  discovered  that  a  coil 
from  a  1915  model  Ford  func- 
tioned perfectly  in  this  device. 
Its  pitch  coefficient  proved  to 
be  equivocable,  and  its  dy- 
namic potentiality  was  X-ZX 
(Turn  to  page  45) 




The  popular  radio  team  of  Macy 
and  Smalle,  which  has  been  reunit- 
ed, returned  to  the  air  via  WOR  in 
a  new  program  which  runs  every 
Tuesday  night  from  7:30  to  8.  Both 
are  pioneers  on  the  air.  Macy's 
first  microphone  appearance  dates 
back  to  1922. 

Macy  has  been  a  vaudeville  head- 
liner  for  fifteen  years.  In  radio,  he 
created  and  played  the  role  of 
Hank  Simmons  in  Hank  Simmons's 
Show  Boat.  He  played  the  princi- 
pal comedian  with  the  Columbia 
Light  Opera  Company  in  the  re- 
vivals of  Gilbert  and  Sullivan  and 
other  light  operas.  Mr.  Smalle  has 
been  a  Victor  recording  artist  for 
eighteen  years  and  is  still  making 
discs  for  the  same  concern.  He  was 
originally  with  the  famous  Revel- 
lers. One  of  his  biggest  hits  was 
his  arrangement  of  "Dinah,"  which 
contained  an  original  humming  ac- 
companiment. He  has  been  con- 
nected with  many  important  hours 
on  the  air,  and  has  toured  Europe 
for  two  years  with  the  Revellers. 
The  team  is  known  as  Keen  Mara- 


Alfred  Shirley,  before  he  became  fa- 
mous on  the  radio,  was  quite  a  familiar 
figure  on  the  legitimate  stage.  One 
night  he  was  playing  in  a  Roumanian 
tragedy  in  a  New  York  theatre.  Mak- 
ing his  entrance  a  little  late,  he  became 
excited  and  lapsed  into  a  rich  Lanca- 
shire dialect  that  upset  all  the  Rouma- 
nian traditions  within  hearing. 

Often  a  person  does  things  on  the  spur 
of  the  moment  that  he  would  not  even 
think  of  doing — if  he  had  time  to  think. 
Such  -was  the  case  one  night  recently  with 
Walter  Preston,  baritone  of  the  trio  that 
sings  on  the  Ingram  Shavers  program.  The 
hour  had  started.  The  orchestra  had 
played  the  first  chorus.  The  soloist  was 
supposed  to  sing  the  second  chorus.  Walter 
looked  around  and  suddenly  realized  that 
the  soloist  was  not  there,  although  his 
music  -was.  So  -without  thinking  twice, 
Walter  grabbed  the  piece  of  music,  -which 
he  had  never  before  seen  or  heard,  rushed 
to  the  microphone  and  started  singing,  just 

as  the  orchestra  began  the  second  chorus. 
It  all  happened  in  less  time  than  it  takes 
to  tell  and  San  Lanin,  the  director,  did 
not  even  realize  that  another  singer  -was 
performing.  However,  Walter  did.  In 
all  his  five  years  of  radio  -work  he  says 
he  cannot  recall  ever  having  experienced 
such  a  "gone"  feeling.  By  the  time  he 
had  finished  that  one  chorus  he  -was  in 
a  cold  perspiration  and  his  knees  -were 
beating  a  tattoo  that  vied  with  the  bass 
drum.  However,  all's  well  that  ends  well, 
but  next  time  Walter  says  he'll  let  Sam 
Lanin    sing    the    choruses    himself. 

The  clever  children  of  the  B-A-R-N 
Theatre,  on  WEAF  every  Saturday,  re- 
cently staged  a  "broadcasting  hour", 
including  the  great  mystery  drama: 
"How  Many  Raisins  are  There  in  a 
Raisin  Cake?"  or  "How  Father  has 
Changed".  Howard  Merrill,  one  of 
the  juvenile  stars  of  the  show,  delivered 
the  immortal  line:  "You  can't  have  too 
many  raisins  in  a  cake  when  you're 
raisin'  a  family!"  There  was  immedi- 
ate talk  in  the  treasurer's  office  of  a 
raisin  his  salary,  of  course ! 


Walter  Kolomuko  can  get  mad!  The 
leader  of  Hawaiian  ensemble  appearing  in 
WOR's  Mid-Pacific  hour  on  Monday  nights, 
stood  on  the  sidelines  during  a  rehearsal 
recently,  listening  to  an  argument  on  the 
influence  of  a  country's  music  on  its  in- 

"Take  Hawaii,  for  instance,"  said  one, 
"the  reason  for  the  laziness  of  the  people 
is  the  dreamy,  langorous  strains  that  they 
'plunk'  on  their  guitars  and  ukuleles."  He 
got    no    farther. 

"Who  told  you  Hawaiians  are  lazy?" 
demanded  Walter,  -who,  although  he  has 
been  in  the  United  States  for  many  years, 
is  a  native  Hawaiian.  When  no  answer 
was  forthcoming,  he  went  on  with  consid- 
erable   spirit: 

"It  is  true  that  much  of  our  music  is 
dreamy,  but  there  is  just  as  much  that  has 
swift  rythm.  Try  to  keep  pace  -with  our 
dancers  some  time  and  see  how  lazy  they 


Lewis  Lane,  pianist  and  composer  of 
the  NBC  music  library,  like  most  mu- 
sicians, spends  all  his  spare  time  listen- 
ing to  music.  The  other  evening  he  at- 
tended the  opera  at  the  Metropolitan, 
all  dressed  up  like  an  announcer  under 

the  new  evening  dress  rule.  The  opera 
was  Beethoven's  "Fidelio"  and,  outside 
in  the  lobby,  was  a  gentleman  in  a  flan- 
nel shirt  and  red  necktie  yelling,  with 
true  commercial  vigor: 

"Here  y'arel  Get  that  book  of  the 
big  show  'Fiddley-Oh.'  Here  y'are!  De 
correct  book  of  'Fiddley-Oh'." 


Harold  Branch,  NBC  tenor,  who 
is  kept  pretty  busy  these  days,  was 
discussing  everything  in  particular 
and  nothing  in  general,  with  a 
friend  the  other  day.  "Yes,"  com- 
mented the  friend,  "it's  a  tough 
life  you  lead."  Harold  agreed,  and 
added,  quite  casually,  mind  you, 
"With  me  life  is  just  one  darn  sing 
after  another." 


Through  the  eyes  of  a  "mike"  placed 
in  the  Lincoln  Museum,  the  one-time 
boarding-house  in  which  Abraham  Lin- 
coln died,  the  CBS  took  its  listeners  on 
a  word-picture  tour  of  inspection  of 
this  national  shrine  as  a  part  of  its 
Lincoln's  birthday  program.  In  Wash- 
ington this  historic  feature  was  broad- 
cast by  Station  WMAL. 

Listeners  were  conducted  through 
the  museum  by  a  man  who  has  devoted 
most  of  his  life  to  a  study  of  Lincoln. 
He  is  Lewis  G.  Reynolds,  custodian  of 
the  museum.  Mr.  Reynold's  father  and 
mother  were  at  Ford's  Theatre  Friday 
evening,  April  14,  1865,  the  night  of 
Lincoln's  assassination. 

It  happened,  swears  a  certain  press 
agent,  in  one  of  our  metropolitan  broad- 
casting studios.  Ray  Sinnott,  announcer, 
in  a  burst  of  pessimism  had  contracted  to 
take  out  a  brand  new  insurance  policy. 
The  company  doctor  had  arrived,  and  -was 
investigating  Mr.  Sinnott's  diaphragm  -with 
various   interesting   instruments. 

He  finally  drew  forth  from  his  black 
bag  a  stethoscope  and  put  it  to  the  an- 
nouncer's heart.  Adjusting  one  end  to  his 
ears,  the  doctor  groped  hither  and  thither 
across  the  Sinnott  body  in  quest  of  medi- 
cal  information.      It   looked   like  something 

(Continued  on  page  3  8) 

MARCH  ,    19  30  35 



Fine  Salesman  for  Broadcasting 

Perhaps  you'd  be  interested  to  know  that  your  magazine 
is  very  popular  with  the  public;  in  fact,  it  is  classed  at 
this  early  date  as  the  best  of  its  kind  on  the  market,  with 
which  opinion  I  heartily  agree.  From  the  first  to  the  last 
page  one  does  not  lose  a  spark  of  interest  and  learns  to 
know  the  radio  voices  much  better.  Your  magazine  is  a 
fine   salesman   for   selling   broadcasting    to   radio   listeners. 

— H.  J.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 


Calls  "Big  Ten"  Best  Feature 

Please  enter  my  subscription  to  Radio  Revue  for  two 
years.  Here's  hoping  you  never  discontinue  the  best  fea- 
ture in  the  magazine — The  Big  Ten,  Best  Selling  Popular 
Songs  of  the  Month.    It's  Great! — H.  F.,  Buffalo. 


Wants  Mountainville  and  Nit  Wits 

Your  January  issue  proved  my  first 
reading  of  Radio  Revue  to  be  a  pleasure. 
In  response  to  your  editorial,  asking  for 
suggestions  as  to  what  your  readers  would 
like  to  see  in  your  magazine,  I  would  like 
to  see  Yolande  Langworthy's  picture  in 
one  of  your  issues  in  the  near  future.  Per- 
haps you  would  run  a  story  on  Mountain- 
ville Sketches,  too.  Miss  Langworthy's 
writings  are  wonderful  and  her  voice  has 
that  rich  warmth  that  I  have  not  heard  in  any  other  artist. 
Maybe  the  Nit  Wits  will  come  in  for  a  write-up  soon.  I 
sincerely  hope  so. — M.  W.  O.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

[The  Nit  Wit  Hour  was  featured  in  the  February  issue 
and  Miss  Langworthy's  picture,  together  with  a  story  on 
the  Mountainville  Sketches,  will  appear  in  next  issue. — Ed.] 


Seeing  Owners  of  Radio  Voices 

I  was  about  to  write  and  ask  if  a  radio  magazine  for  the 
listener  had  ever  been  thought  of  and,  if  not,  why  not, 
when  I  ran  across  the  January  issue  of  Radio  Revue.  I  am 
enclosing  check  for  $2  and  would  like  my  subscription 
ante-dated  to  include  the  first  numbers  of  the  publication, 
if  this  is  possible.  Of  course,  the  thing  of  greatest  interest 
to  fans  is  seeing  the  owners  of  the  radio  voices.  I,  there- 
fore, hope  for  lots  of  good  photographs.  Just  at  present 
Amos  'n'  Andy,  the  Sieberling  Singers,  Caroline  Andrews, 
Alma  Kitchell  and  Arcadie  Birkenholz  are  the  ones  in 
whom  I  am  most  interested. — G.  E.  M.,  Woodbridge,  Conn. 


Thank  You,  Seth  Parker! 

I  have  just  finished  reading  Radio  Revue  with  a  great 
deal  of  pleasure.    The  paper,  type,  make-up  and  material 

are  all   splendid.     There   is   no  question  but   that  you  are 
publishing  the  de  luxe  radio  magazine. 

— Phillips  H.  Lord  ("Seth  Parker"),  New  York. 


"It's  a  Bear!"  Says  "Uncle  Zeke" 

Enclosed  please  find  $2  for  my  subscription  to  your 
magazine.  I  have  gone  through  the  current  issue  and 
think  it's  a  bear! — Arthur  L.  Greenfield  ("Uncle  Zeke"), 
Irvington,  N.  J. 


"The    Perfect    Radio    Magazine" 

Found  at  last — the  perfect  radio  magazine  for  the  ave- 
rage listener.  And  I  think  that  is  the  classification  in 
which  I  belong,  having  been  a  rabid  radio  fan  for  nearly 
seven  years.  It  is  not  like  most  other  ra- 
dio magazines,  whose  publishers  have  over- 
burdened their  columns  with  technical  ar- 
ticles to  the  extent  that  you  must  hunt 
the  news  that  is  really  of  interest  to  the 
listener.  Radio  Revue  is  the  one  maga- 
zine that  you  can  read  from  cover  to 
cover  and  appreciate.  As  a  matter  of  fact, 
I  would  feel  as  though  I  had  missed  some- 
thing if  I  did  not  do  this.  So,  kindly  ac- 
cept my  congratulations  and  best  wishes 
for  the  continued  success  and  enter  my 
name  on  your  subscription  list,  for  which 
I  enclose  check. 
I  could  not  find  your  magazine  here,  but  a  friend  who 
knows  of  my  keen  interest  in  radio  sent  me  the  first  two 
copies  from  the  city.  I  was  especially  pleased  with  the 
publicity  given  to  Rudy  Vallee  and,  if  I  had  not  received 
my  first  copy  too  late,  I  would  have  entered  the  contest. 
But  I  am  going  to  enter  this  new  one  and  expect  to  mail 
my  entry  tomorrow.  In  connection  with  the  subject  of 
"Radio's  Greatest  Personality,"  may  I  say  that  I  thought 
the  prize  letters  were  very  good.  Mr.  Hansen  deserves 
special  congratulations.  Most  of  all,  I  enjoyed  Dale  Wim- 
brow's  lines.  Let  us  hear  more  from  the  Bard  of  Broadway. 
His  lines  on  any  subject  should  be  entertaining. 

In  the  article  by  Mr.  Fussy  Fan,  why  does  he  say  one 
thing  and  then  a  little  later  contradict  himself?  For  ex- 
ample, he  says  he  derived  real  thrills  from  Roxy's  Gang 
and  then  numbers  Roxy  among  his  pet  aversions.  How 
does  he  arrive  at  this  conclusion  when  Roxy  is  a  large  part 
of  every  Gang  program.  Then  he  does  not  care  about 
"wise-cracking  announcers"  and  yet  picks  several  as 
favorites  who  are,  or  have  been,  noted  for  their  wise  re- 
marks. I  heartily  agree  with  his  selection  of  the  greatest 
staff  of  announcers  ever  assembled,  having  known  or, 
rather,  heard  of  them  even  before  the  time  he  mentions. 
They  comprised  the  Four  Horsemen  of  WJY  before  this 
station  gave  way  to  WJZ  and  WEAF.  I  do  not  wish  to 
{Con tinned  on  page  36) 



Rudy  Vallee  and  Jessica  Dragonette 
Lauded  in  Prize  Letters 

HERE  are  announced  the  prize 
awards  for  the  best  letters 
on  the  subject  of  "Who  is 
My  Favorite  Radio  Artist — and 
Why?"  There  are  two  lists  of 
winners,  one  for  January  and  the 
other  for  February.  The  contest 
was  extended  to  allow  some  of  our 
readers  extra  time  to  complete 
their  letters,  but  prizes  are  being 
awarded  for  both  months,  accord- 
ing to  when  the  individual  entry 
was  received,  ten  dollars  for  first 
choice  and  five  dollars  for  second. 
True  to  early  indications,  Rudy 
Vallee  and  Jessica  Dragonette  led 
the  van,  Rudy  for  January  and 
Miss  Dragonette  for  February. 
Lack  of  space  prevents  us  from 
printing  all  the  letters,  but  we  offer 
here  the  first  prize  letters  for  both 
January  and  February. 

January  First  Prize  Letter 

'  I  'HE  appeal  of  Rudy  Vallee,  its  cause  and  effect,  constitutes 
the  most  burning  question  of  the  day.  What  matter  wars 
and  rumors  of  war,  the  matter  of  tariff  reform,  whether  this 
vast  country  of  ours  be  wet  or  dry,  so  long  as  a  national  prob- 
lem of  such  gravity  and  scope  presents  itself  to  our  puzzled 
minds?  And  the  worst  of  it  is  that,  even  if  a  referendum 
were  held  and  a  vote  taken  to  determine  the  reason  for  his 
popularity,  the  question  of  what  to  do  about  it  would  still  be 

Rudy  is  beloved  alike  by  matron  and  maid.  To  the  flapper 
he  represents  the  hero  of  her  dreams.  The  matron,  while 
listening  to  Rudy  croon,  lives  over  again  the  days  of  her  own 
courtship.  Personally,  I  do  not  believe  the  question  of  age 
enters  into  the  matter  at  all.  His  voice  is  age-less  and  age- 
old,  and  the  embodiment  of  all  the  romantic  longings  of  all 
women — be  they  sixteen  or  sixty. 

Sometimes  I  think  that  his  looks,  or  the  fact  that  he  is  a 
young  man  of  good  breeding  and  antecedents  have,  like  the 
flowers  that  bloom  in  the  spring,  nothing  to  do  with  the  case. 
Again,  I  reach  the  conclusion  that  these  attributes  are  of  very 
material  aid  to  him  in  holding  his  popularity.  It  is  probably 
a  fact  that  this  vivid  personality  of  his,  which  is  so  intense 
that  it  comes  right  through  the  microphone  and  gets  up  in 
your  lap,  would  not  be  nearly  so  pronounced  were  it  not  for 
this  background  of  breeding  which  no  one  who  has  it  can  avoid 
evidencing    to   some    degree. 

But  he  may  be  handsome,  young,  boyish;  he  may  play  the 
saxophone  in  a  manner  to  bring  envy  to  the  heart  of  the  Angel 
Gabriel  himself,  but  the  greatest  lure  of  Rudy  for  me  lies  in 
his  singing.  His  voice  in  itself  is  nothing  to  brag  about — 
pleasant  enough,  but  not  more  so  that  dozens  of  others — 
slightly — no,  more  than  slightly — decidedly  nasal,  but  none  the 
less  fascinating.  What  then,  is  it  which  causes  us  "hysterical 
women"  as  we  are  termed,  to  hang  on  his  every  note?  And 
echo   answers,   what? 

The  solution  of  this  problem  lies  in  the  fact  that  he  is  a 
clever  youngster — he  knows  how  to  use  that  voice.  He  knows 
that  every  woman  likes  to  feel  that  he  is  singing  just  to  her — 
and  so  he  sings  to  every  woman  as  an  individual.  The  sophisti- 
cated  man    understands    how    to    bring    women    to    his    feet    and 

Winners  for  January 

First  Prize — Margaret  H.  Heinz, 

Second  Prize — Frances  M.  Poist, 
Hanover,  Pa. 

Honorable  Mention — L.  A.  Con- 
nors, Cynwyd,  Pa.;  Oscar  Janis, 
New  York. 

Winners  for  February 
First    Prize — Margaret    M.    Lukes, 

Second  Prize — Pearl  M.  Thomp- 
son, South  Bend,  Ind. 
Honorable  Mention — Jean  S.  W. 
Barnes,  White  Plains,  N.  Y.; 
Mrs.  Blair  N.  Reiley,  East  Lans- 
downe,  Pa.;  Carrie  E.  Nichols, 
New  Britain,  Conn.;  Marjorie  L. 
Goetschius,  Manchester,  N.  H.; 
Kathleen  O'Rourke,  Manches- 
ter, N.   H. 

uses  all  his  cleverness  to  do  so.  Rudy 
makes  no  effort — he  doesn't  even  know 
what  it's  all  about,  but  he  accom- 
plishes the  same  result  out  of  his 
sheer  naivete.  He  knows  we  like  to 
be  sung  to,  and  so  he  sings  to  us. 
Women  feel  this  inherent  decency  and 
character  of  the  boy,  and  love  him 
for  it.  With  the  exception  of  one 
other,  who  must  remain  nameless,  I 
would  rather  listen  to  Rudy  than  to 
any  other  personality  on  the  air  or 
screen,  in  spite  of  the  fact  that  as  a 
real  singer  he  simply  isn't — and 
there's  a  hundred  million  others  like 

It's  not  much  of  an  undertaking  to 
say  -wherein  lies  the  reason  for  Rudy's 
appeal,  but  to  tell  why  he  is  so  uni- 
versally set  upon  and  scorned  by  the 
men  is  a  different  proposition.  I 
shall  have  to  leave  this  vital  point 
for  further  discussion  by  someone 
•who  is  better  at  explaining  the  vag- 
aries of  the  male  sex  than  am  I. 

In  the  meantime,  as  long  as  we 
have  Rudy  and  as  long  as  he  has  us, 
what  do  we  care  what  the  men  think? 
They're    only    jealous    anyway.       But, 

you    know,    "Fifty   million   women    can't   be   wrong!" — Margaret 

H.  Heinz,  Buffalo. 

Jessica  Dragonette  is  my  favorite  radio  artist.  I  approach 
Miss  Dragonette's  hour  on  the  air  as  I  imagine  I  might  have 
walked  up  the  red-carpeted  stairs  of  the  opera  house  years 
ago    to    hear   Jenny    Lind. 

Why  is  she  my  favorite  radio  artist? 

1.  Because  her  nightingale  voice  does  all  the  noblest  things 
for   me   that   music   can   do   for  man. 

2.  Because  I  have  an  intense  admiration  for  her  as  the 
complete  artist. 

3.  Because  her  personality  comes  so  clearly  to  me  over  the 
air,  that  after  she  is  finished  I  always  imagine  her  unseen  audi- 
ence dragging  her  carriage  over  a  road  of  stars. 

May  I  enter  my  vote  for  Miss  Dragonette  in  the  popularity 
contest? — Margaret  M.   Lukes,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Listeners'  Forum 

(Continued  from  page  35) 

find  fault,  though,  because  I  really  did  enjoy  it  all.  I  guess 
there  would  be  plenty  with  which  to  find  fault  in  my 
ideas  along  some  lines  if  I  were  to  put  these  ideas  in  print. 

The  feature  entitled  Static  from  the  Studios  is  of  special 
interest.    Keep  it  up ! 

Another  thing  to  be  commended  is  the  quality  of  the 
reproduction  of  your  photographs  and  the  legibility  of  the 
type,  something  rare  in  publications  of  this  price. 

I  am  not  particular  in  my  news  about  the  radio  artists, 
so  long  as  it  is  news.  And,  taking  it  all  in  all,  I  think 
Radio  Revue  gives  it  better  than  any  other  magazine  I 
can  name. — F.  P.,  Hanover,  Pa. 

MARCH  ,    19  3  0 



Eteek  Etching/ 




"Many  Radio  Artists  Untrained" 

r  1 1  HE  following  artists,  well-known  to  radio  audiences, 
■*-  owe  their  training  to  Eleanor  MacLellan,  of  distin- 
guished musical  history:  Betsy  Ayres,  Gladys  Rice,  Evelyn 
Herbert,  Peggy  Wood,  Dan  Beddoe,  Dorothy  Stone,  Paula 
Stone,  Nydia  D'Arnell  and  Marguerite  Ringo,  the  latter 
now  appearing  with  great  success  in  Italian  opera  houses. 
Eleanor  MacLellan  has  been  teaching  in  New  York  for 
the  past  twenty-five  years,  and  holds  a  position  unique 
among  vocal  teachers  of  this  city.  She  has  applied  her 
method  to  the  creation  of  radio  artists  since  the  inception 

of     b  r  o  adcasting. 
She  says: 

"I  can  point  to 
all  my  artists  and 
their  engagements 
with  pride.  "With- 
out exception  they 
are  all  working, 
and  getting  paid 
for  their  work.  I 
believe  an  artist  is 
happier  paying  for 
lessons  in  this  way 
than  by  using  bor- 
rowed or  donated 
money.  Indepen- 
dence is  a  long  step 
toward  a  r  t  i  s  tic 

"The  t  r  o  u  ble 
with  about  one-half  of  the  artists  now  before  the  micro- 
phone is:  first,  they  are  without  sufficient  musical  training 
and,  secondly,  they  are  without  adequate  radio  experience. 
Why  should  the  great  radio  broadcasting  systems  take  in 
untrained  artists  and  then  have  to  teach  them  how  to 
speak  or  sing? 

"When  a  railroad  engineer  takes  charge  of  a  heavily- 
loaded  train,  just  as  when  a  ship's  captain  takes  command, 
he  knows  what  he  has  to  do.  He  has  had  training  and 
experience  in  these  matters.  Why  should  not  a  concert 
singer  or  a  speaker,  facing  the  microphone,  know  his  busi- 
ness, the  arts  of  singing  and  speaking,  the  art  of  poise,  a 
few  languages,  and  have  a  refined  accent,  pleasing  to  the 
great  air  audiences? 

"I  am  afraid  part  of  the  fault  lies  in  the  great  desire  to 
make  money  without  training  at  all,  just  as  a  few  un- 
trained musicians  have  made  money.  But  with  the  present- 
day  competition,  how  long  will  they  last?  If  their  names 
appear  on  programs  five  years  from  now,  I  will  be  greatly 

Eleanor  MacLellan's  studios  are  quite  near  Central  Park 
West  and  they  are  the  center  of  many  a  bright  musical 
entertainment.  She  is  a  gracious  hostess  as  well  as  a  sound 

Pilots  Artists'  Destinies 

GEORGE  ENGLES,  vice-president  of  the  National 
Broadcasting  Company,  in  charge  of  artists  and  pro- 
grams, is  one  of  the  youngest  and  newest  vice-presidents 
at  711  Fifth  Avenue.  By  reason  of  his  comparatively  long 
experience  with  orchestras,  conductors,  prima  donnas,  sec- 
onda  donnas,  and  great  artists,  he  can  tell  you  a  little  bit 
ahead  of  time  just  what  these  ladies  and  gentlemen  are  go- 
ing to  do.  If  they  are  suffering  from  indigestion  or  tem- 
perament and  refuse  to  do  anything,  George  can  tell  you 
that,  too. 

Here  is  his  brief, 
but  s  p  e  c  t  acular 
history.  He  was 
born  in  these 
United  States,  in 
the  city  of  Albany, 
capital  of  New 
York  State.  His 
age  does  not  mat- 
ter. To  our  knowl- 
edge he  has  been 
twenty-one  for  the 
past  ten  years  and, 
when  time  and 
work  permit,  he 
eats   very  well. 

His  first  con- 
tacts with  orches- 
tras and  artists 
date  back  to  1909, 
when  he  had  charge  of  the  New  York  Symphony  Orches- 
tra under  the  direction  of  Dr.  Walter  Damrosch,  and  later 
with  such  distinguished  guest  conductors  as  Bruno  Walter, 
Albert  Coates  and  Otto  Klemperer.  The  following  emi- 
nent artists  have  been  led  around  this  country  by  George 
and,  when  they  have  left  the  country,  they  have  invariably 
carried  with  them  a  little  spending  money:  Paderewski, 
Ernestine  Schumann-Heink,  Jascha  Heifetz,  Marion  Tal- 
ley,  Paul  Kochanski  and  many  others  of  established  repu- 
tation and  recognized  ability. 

George  Engles  first  came  to  the  radio  business  in  May, 
192  8.  In  the  short  space  of  ten  months  he  was  trans- 
ferred from  the  post  of  manager  of  the  National  Broad- 
casting Company's  Artists'  Bureau  to  that  of  vice-presi- 
dent in  charge  of  Artists  and  Program,  as  we  have  said. 
From  this  dizzy  eminence  George  beams  benignly  down 
upon  a  company  of  nearly  a  thousand  persons,  some  of 
whom  may  be  numbered  among  his  old  friends  in  the 
treacherous  but  fascinating  music  game. 

George  plays  a  fair  game  of  hand-ball,  but  dire  threats 
prevent  us  from  mentioning  the  reason  for  this  strenuous 
exercise.  Suffice  it  to  say  that  it  provides  him  with  much 
healthy  enjoyment  and  offers  him  relaxation  from  the 
vigorous  strain  of  his  pressing  musical  activities. 


George  Engles 



XtATIC   rt>©M  the  /TUDICX 

(Continued  from  page  34) 
■was  decidedly  'wrong  with  the  announcer's 
cardiac  apparatus,  for  the  doctor  was  mov- 
ing the  business  end  of  the  stethoscope  as 
though  it  were  the  dial  of  a  receiving 
set.  Finally  the  radio-minded  Mr.  Sinnott 
could    stand   it    no   longer. 

"Let's  see  what's  on  at  WMCA,"  he  sug- 


Alma  Kitchell,  NBC  contralto,  is 
receiving  a  wide  response  to  the 
program  she  sings  on  Sunday  morn- 
ings. Recently  the  Mayor  of  Palm 
Beach  wrote  and  asked  her  the  com- 
poser of  the  very  technical  number 
she  had  sung,  called  "The  Anchor 
Song."  Alma  finally  discovered 
that  he  referred  to  a  song  entitled 
"Vainka,"  by  Whishaw.  Alma 
■wrote  him  to  the  effect  that  his  mis- 
understanding of  the  title  was  due 
to  poor  diction  on  somebody's  part 
and,  inasmuch  as  the  title  was  not 
mentioned  in  the  text  of  the  song, 
she   disclaimed   the   responsibility. 


Raymond  Knight  recently  staged  in 
his  "Cuckoo  Hour",  Station  Ku-Kn, 
(NBC)  a  burlesque  on  Light-headed 
Housekeeping,  the  complete  absence  of 
Daily  Stock  Quotations,  the  Voice  of 
Excelsior,  the  great  mystery  drama: 
"Who  was  Behind  Grandfather's  Grand- 
father Clock?"  or  Saved  by  Eastern 
Daylight  Saving  Time,  and  a  fake  foot- 
ball match  between  the  Alaska  Uni- 
versity Walruses  and  the  Florida  Col- 
lege Lemon  Pickers.  It  ivas  excellent 

tually  are.  He  recalled  to  them  the  last 
occasion  on  which  he  had  seen  them  in 
person.  That  was  several  years  ago  at 
the  Radio  Manufacturers'  Ass'n  show 
in  New  York,  when  they  came  un- 
heralded from  Chicago  to  appear  as 
"Sam  and  Henry."  "Say,"  commented 
Mr.  Correll,  "we  sure  were  frightened 
on  that  occasion.  We  were  just  about 
scared  stiff." 

Amos  'n'  Andy,  in  the  persons  of 
Charles  Correll  and  Freeman  Gosden, 
were  in  the  New  York  studios  of  the 
NBC  recently  for  a  short  visit.  The 
Editor  of  Radio  Revue  was  introduced 
to  them  and  was  impressed  by  the  fact 
that  they  looked  like  nothing  more  than 
a  couple  of  enterprising  young  business 
men — and  such,  by  the  way,   they  ac- 

The  Sylvania  Foresters  Quartet  is  di- 
rected by  Roy  Close,  which,  one  ivag 
has  remarked,  is  no  doubt  responsible 
for  their  "close"  harmony. 


Bobby  Reinhart,  master  of  ceremonies 
for  the  Checker  Cabbies  program  over 
WOR,  has  given  more  youngsters  a  chance 
to  appear  on  the  air,  than  any  man  on 
Broadway.  Bobby  is  always  looking  for 
talent,  and  every  Thursday,  when  the 
"Cabbies"  broadcast,  you'll  hear  a  new 
voice,  in  addition  to  the  old  standbys, 
Johnny  Buss  and  Phil  Brae.  Everyone, 
from  blues  singer  to  opera  student  comes 
to  Bobby  for  an  audition,  and  he  gives  them 
a  chance  if  they  have  anything  at  all  to 

"You  never  can  tell,"  says  Bobby  smil- 
ingly, by  way  of  explanation.  "Fanny 
Brice  peddled  papers  down  by  the  sub- 
way, and  Rosie  Ponzillo  didn't  seem  like 
much  when  she  -warbled  ditties  in  Cafe 
Mellone,  back  in  New  Haven.  Today, 
Fanny  is  a  headliner,  and  Rosie  Ponzillo  is 
Rosa  Ponselle,  of  Metropolitan  fame.  Why 
not   give   the   kids    a   hand?" 


John  T.  Martin,  formerly  of  the 
NBC  press  department,  but  now  a  light 
in  the  candlestick  of  Batten,  Barton, 
Durstine  &  Osborne,  Inc.,  (name  copied 
from  telephone  book)  reminds  us  of 
that  old  gag  about  asking  a  postman 
to  go  for  a  long  walk.  He  spends  most 
of  his  spare  time  wandering  about  ra- 
dio studios. 


Excerpt  from  a  letter  re- 
ceived by  the  National  Broad- 
casting Company:  "I  claim  to 
be  the  only  man  who  can 
neigh  like  a  horse  so  near  nat- 

ural, if  you  were  near  where 
there  were  horses  you  would 
not  think  of  a  human  voice 
being  able  to  perform  such  a 
feat.  Possibly  this  feat  would 
work  in  the  Farm  and  Home 
Hour."       AAA 

Alfred  J.  McCosker,  director  of 
WOR,  and  Mrs.  McCosker,  left  recent- 
ly for  a  West  Indies  cruise  on  the  Hol- 
land-American steamship  Vollendam. 
They  will  be  gone  for  three  weeks, 
stopping  at  Port  Au  Prince,  Jamaica, 
Colon,  in  the  Panama  Canal  Zone,  Ha- 
vana and  Nassau.  During  his  absence, 
A.  A.  Cormier  will  be  in  charge  of  the 
station.  Mr.  Cormier  is  Mr.  McCos- 
ker's  assistant  and  is  also  in  charge  of 
the   sales   division   of   the   station. 


George  F.  Johnson,  president  of  the 
Endicott-Johnson  Corporation,  of  Endicott, 
N.  Y.,  which  recently  began  a  year's 
broadcasting  over  WOR  and  the  other 
members  of  the  Quality  Group  of  stations, 
WLW,  Cincinnati  and  WMAQ,  Chicago, 
is  so  satisfied  with  the  work  of  the  artists 
on  the  program  that  he  has  granted  them 
membership  in  the  "Industrial  Democracy," 
which  heretofore  has  been  the  exclusive 
privilege   of   the   workers. 

Colonel  J.  W.  O'Mahoney,  who  is  in 
charge  of  Endicott-Johnson's  broadcasting, 
read  the  telegram  which  conveyed  the 
news  of  Eugene  Ormandy,  his  orchestra 
and  other  artists  at  a  recent  rehearsal  and 
the  subsequent  cheering  nearly  disrupted 
studio   activities. 

Membership  in  the  "Industrial  Democ- 
(Continued  on  page  40) 










MARCH,     19  3  0 


PrCGCA/H  Nctex 

New  Programs 

Romances  in  Biography — ¥MCA — Sat- 
urday, 5:3  0  P.M.     Terse  talks  on  the 
characters  of  the  great,  by  David  St. 
ACO  Entertainers — ¥MCA — Monday, 
9:3  0    P.M.      Devoted   exclusively    to 
Negro  music,  played  by  Negro  mu- 
sicians,  under   the   guidance   of   Moe 
Gale,  white  entrepreneur  of  Harlem 
East     of     Cairo— WE  AF— Wednesday, 
8:3  0    P.M.       New    adventure    series, 
telling    the    exploits    of    two    young 
American  soldiers  of  fortune.     Writ- 
ten by  Raymond  Scudder,  with  mu- 
sical   background    directed    by    Sven 
Von  Hallberg. 
Old  King  Cole  Stories— WEAF— Mon- 
day,   Tuesday,    "Wednesday    and    Fri- 
day, 5  P.M.     Tales,  songs  and  riddles 
for  the  kiddies,  with  George  Mitchell 
as    Old    King    Cole.      Sponsored    by 
Rex  Cole,  Inc.,  265  Fourth  Avenue, 
New  York,  N.  Y. 
Play     of     the    Month — WABC— Fort- 
nightly, on  Tuesday,  6:45  P.M.     Out- 
standing   personalities     of    the    stage 
presented   in  connection  with   a  play 
selected  for  each  program. 
Appreciation    of    Poetry    in    Youth — 
WABC— Tuesday,  3:45   P.M.     Series 
of  talks  by  Harry  Webb  Farrington 
to  children. 
Endicott-Johnson  Hour — ¥OR,  WLW 
and  WMAQ— Sunday,  8  P.M.     Sym- 
phony orchestra  and  symphonic  jazz 
band,  under  direction  of  Eugene  Or- 
mandy,  the  Boys'  Club  Quartet  and 
"Happy     Dan''     Laster,     oldest     em- 
ployee, in  point  of  service,   of  Endi- 
cott-Johnson  firm,   who  will  provide 
human  element  in  program. 
Know  Your  United  States — WENR  and 
W9XF — Thursday,    midnight     (cen- 
tral time).     Musical  travelogue,  tell- 
ing the   world   the   advantage  of  liv- 
ing in  the  United  States.     Under  di- 
rection of  Everett  Mitchell,  chief  an- 
nouncer of  WEXR. 
Works  of  Shakespeare — WPCH— Thurs- 
day,  6:20  P.M.     Presentations  of  fa- 
mous plays  of  Bard  of  Avon  by  Clas- 
sic Radio  Players,  under  direction  of 
Ben  S.   Mears,   actor  and  playwright. 
Each   play    to    be    broadcast    in   three 
parts,  one  part  a  week. 
Adventures    in    Citizenship — WEAF — 
Tuesday,  7  P.M.     Series  of  four  ex- 
perimental    programs     presented     bv 

Voters'  Service,  featuring  persons 
prominent  in  public  work. 
Yesterday  and  Today  in  Medicine — 
WLW— Wednesday,  7  P.M.  Series 
of  talks  on  modern  prevention  and 
treatment  of  disease  as  contrasted 
with  old  methods,  presented  by  Uni- 
versity of  Cincinnati,  with  co-opera- 
tion of  Academy  of  Medicine  of  Cin- 


The  search  for  novel,  unusual 
and  entertaining  broadcasts  is  one 
that  "grays"  the  hair  of  program- 
mers of  all  stations.  In  the  few 
years  of  radio's  evolution  nearly 
everything  adaptable  to  broadcast- 
ing has  been  used.  Instruments  of 
all  types,  singly  and  in  groups  have 
found  their  place  before  one  micro- 
phone or  another. 

For  the  first  time  in  WOR's  his- 
tory, however,  it  presented  a  "plec- 
trum" orchestra  recently  for  forty- 
five  minutes,  under  the  listing  of 
"The  Serenaders,"  with  William 
Edward  Foster,  as  director. 


A  pall  was  cast  over  the  second  per- 
formance of  Cesare  Sodero's  awn  grand 
opera,  "Ombre  Russe,"  recently,  when 
it  was  learned  that  Moe  Rich,  one  of  the 
violinists  in  the  NBC  orchestra,  had  died 
just  before  the  dress  rehearsal.  His  death 
was  attributed  to  a  heart  attack,  super- 
induced by  acute  indigestion.  While  Mr. 
Rich  had  not  long  been  in  the  orchestra 
he  had  made  many  friends  The  rather 
sombre  setting  of  Mr.  Sodero's  opera 
served  as  an  appropriate  eulogy. 


Harry  Reser  and  his  Clicquot 
Club  Eskimos,  an  organization  made 
nationally  famous  by  radio,  are  sew- 
ing additional  service  stripes  on 
their  furry  garments.  The  reason 
is  that  a  new  contract  between  the 
NBC  and  the  Clicquot  Club  Com-  ' 
pany  has  been  signed  and  the  Es- 
kimos will  be  heard  for  another 
year  through  the  NBC  System.  By 
way  of  celebration  they  were  heard 
twice  in  one  week.  The  Eskimos, 
now  among  the  real  veterans  on  the 
air,  made  their  first  appearance  in 
December,  1925.  Now  in  their  fifth 
year,  they  have  never  missed  a  week 
before   the   microphone   since. 



who  want  facts 
on  the  Jobs  new 
often  in  RADIO 

You  will  find  the  true  picture  of  Radio's  many 
opportunities  for  a  good  job  in  this  book.  Here 
are  some  of  your  opportunities  in  Radio. 
Broadcasting  Stations  use  engineers,  operators, 
station  managers,  and  pay  $1,800  to  $5,000  a 
year.  Radio  Manufacturers  employ  testers, 
inspectors,  foremen,  engineers,  service  men, 
buyers  and  managers  for  jobs  paying  up  to 
$15,000  a  year.  Shipping  Companies  use  hun- 
dreds of  operators,  give  them  world  wide  travel 
and  $85  to  $200  a  month  besides. 

Radio  Dealers  and  Jobbers  (there  are  over 
35,000)  are  continually  on  the  lookout  for  good 
service  men.  salesmen,  buyers,  managers  and 
pay  $30  to  $100  a  week  for  good  men.  Talking 
Movies  pay  as  much  as  $75  to  $200  a  week  to 
men  with  Radio  training.  Besides  there  are 
opportunities  almost  everywhere  for  you  to 
have  a  spare  time  or  full  time  Radio  business 
of  your  own — to  be  your  own  boss. 

I  am  showing  hundreds  every  year  how  to  make 
much  more  money  in  Radio  than  they  could 
make  in  their  old  jobs.  J.  A.  Vaughn,  3715 
S.  Kingshighwav,  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  jumped  from 
$35  to  $100  a  week.  E.  E.  Winborne.  1414  W. 
48th  St.,  Norfolk,  Va.,  seldom  makes  under 
$100  a  week  now.  My  book  proves  it.  You 
needn't  give  up  your  job  to  learn.  All  I  ask  is 
some  of  your  spare  time. 

I  will  show  you  ten  jobs  that  you  can  do  for 
extra  money  the  day  you  enroll.  Throughout 
your  course  I'll  show  you  additional  plans  that 
are  making  $200  to  $1,000  a  year  for  hundreds 
of  students  while  taking  my  course.  G.  W. 
Page,  Noel  Block  Garage,  Nashville,  Term., 
made  $935  in  his  spare  time  while  studying. 

My  64-page  book  tells  you  where  the  good 
Radio  jobs  are.  what  they  pay,  how  to  get  one. 
It  tells  you  about  my  revised  and  enlarged 
Radio  course  of  over  50  Lesson  Books,  over  40 
Service  Sheets  giving  information  on  servicing 
different  makes  of  sets,  the  8  Outfits  of  Badio 
Parts  I  give  for  a  Home  Experimental  Labora- 
tory, my  Lifetime  Employment  Service  and 
other  features.  Get  it.  Bead  it.  Then  yea 
can  decide  one  way  or  the  other. 

J.  E.  SMITH,  President 

National  Radio  Institute,  Dept.  OC80 

Washington,  D.  C 



J.  E.  Smith,  President. 

National  Badio  Institute,  Dept. 

Washington,  D.  C.  OC80 

Dear  Mr.  Smith: — Send  me  your  book,  "Bich 

Bewards  in  Badio."    I  understand  this  request 

does  not  obligate  me  and  that  no  representative 

will  call. 






XtATIC  rccM  the  XrUDICJ 

{Continued  from  page  3  8 

racy"  means  that  every  artist  and  mem- 
bers of  his  or  her  family  will  be  entitled 
to  medical  care,  with  country  club  and  all 
other  privileges.  It  is  the  first  time  that 
radio  artists  have  actually  been  taken  into 
the   "official   family"    of   any   corporation. 


Fully  recovered  from  a  three  months' 
siege  of  illness,  Jerry  Solow  recently  re- 
turned to  the  Solow  Soloists  on  WMCA 
Sunday  morning  at  11  o'clock.  Since 
last  October,  when  he  was  first  stricken 
u'ifh  spinal  meningitis,  Jerry  had  lain 
on  a  cot  at  St.  Vincent's  Hospital. 
There  was  a  time,  just  before  Christ- 
mas, when  doctors  gave  up  all  hope  of 
saving  his  life.  He  was  placed  in  a 
glass-enclosed  room,  treated  with  oxy- 
gen, and,  when  he  lapsed  into  a  coma, 
a  priest  was  called  to  administer  the  last 
rites.  But  Jerry  pulled  through.  Doc- 
tors declare  that  the  thousands  of  let- 
ters received  from  radio  fans  were  a 
vital  factor  in  helping  the  youthful 
singer  back  to  health. 


Henry  Shope,  NBC  top  tenor,  ar- 
rived at  the  studio  the  other  day, 
somewhat  excited  as  a  result  of  an 
encounter  with  a  traffic  officer,  in 
which  Henry  carried  off  a  souvenir 
in  the  form  of  a  ticket  for  speeding. 
He  went  to  a  rehearsal  and  was 
surprised  to  learn  that  he  had  been 
assigned  to  sing,  as  a  solo,  an  old 
English  song:  "What  If  I  Never 

Little  Barbara  Loebrich,  of  NBC  pro- 
duction department,  recently  volun- 
teered to  assist  in  the  "mob"  required 
to  cheer  the  entrance  of  Napoleon. 
When  the  trumpets  announced  the  ar- 
rival of  the  Emperor  Napoleon  in 
"Kay"  Seymour's  "Famous  Loves",  all 
the  mob  cheered  as  directed:  "Hail, 
Napoleon,  our  Emperor"  Barbara  went 
native  American  and  yelled:  "Hail,  Co- 

Dolores  Cassinelli,  NBC  soprano,  is 
quite  upset.  Because  she's  gorgeous 
looking,  she  has  been  referred  to  in  a 
number  of  newspapers  as  a  "Spanish 
beauty."'  She's  really  Italian.  Accord- 
ing to  Miss  Cassinelli,  she  has  received 
dozens  of  letters  from  Italian  friends, 
who  accuse  her  of  changing  her  colors. 

"Is  must  be  the  Dolores  that  fools 
them,"  she  said.  "The  Cassinelli  part 
is  Italian." 


Harold  Sanford  was  conducting 
"The  Chimes  of  Normandy"  by 
Planquette  at  the  NBC  recently.  A 
chain,  to  be  used  in  producing  a 
sound  effect,  was  slung  over  a  music 
stand.  Dorothy  Ingling,  a  singu- 
larly inquiring  person,  came  into 
the  studio  and  asked  what  the  chain 
was  for. 

"They  can't  use  that  here,"  said 
Ellis  McDiarmid,  well  known  flu- 
tist, "that's  a  Columbia  chain." 


When  Walter  Winchell  spoke  over 
WABC  during  the  Littmann  Program  re- 
cently, he  related  an  incident  regarding 
an  interview  he  had  with  Rudolph  Valen- 
tino a  short  time  before  the  late  star's 
death.  The  subject  of  their  conversation 
was  a  slave  bracelet  which  Valentino  wore 
on  his  wrist  and  -which  was  given  to  him 
by  Jean  Acker,  his  first  wife.  Rudy  had 
said  that,  although  many  considered  it 
effeminate  to  wear  such  adornments  he 
would  always  do  so  because  of  his  great 
fondness   for   its   giver. 

Several  telephone  calls  folio-wed  Win- 
chell's  broadcast.  One  was  from  Jean 
Acker,  who  happened  to  be  listening  in. 
She  was  deeply  touched  by  the  words  of 
the  columnist  and  thanked  him  for  the 
tribute  he  paid  to  Valentino,  who  she  still 
thinks   the   finest   man   she  has  ever  known. 


Merle  Johnston,  who  conducts 
the  Ceco  Couriers  program,  heard 
regularly  over  WABC  and  the 
CBS  claims  the  highest  record  of 
any  broadcasting  artists  for  ap- 
pearances on  commercial  programs. 
During  his  years  years  on  the  air, 
Johnston    has    played    on    forty-five 

of  the  leading  sponsored  features, 
with  innumerable  sustaining  pro- 
grams on  the  side. 


NBC  studios,  so  cool  in  the  summer 
that  they  are  sometimes  called  "ice 
boxes,"  are  comfortably  warm  these 
days,  according  to  the  persons  who 
work  in  them.  Yet  the  temperature  in 
every  studio  is  constant  the  year  'round 
— 72  degrees.  The  difference  in  out- 
side temperatures  accounts  for  the 
seeming  difference  in  studio  heat,  it 
was  explained. 


The  largest  pipe  organ  ever  built  ex- 
clusively for  radio  use  has  been  installed 
in  the  studios  of  Station  WCCO,  the 
Minneapolis  station  of  the  CBS.  It  is 
a  three-manual  instrument  especially 
designed  and  built  for  WCCO  after 
four  years  of  experimentation.  The 
pipes,  chests  and  other  equipment  oc- 
cupy two  sound  insulated  rooms  at  one 
end  of  the  studios,  while  the  console  is 
in  the  main  studio. 


One  of  the  most  dazzling  of  the 
hostesses  at  the  NBC's  New  York 
studios  is  Her  Highness  the  Prin- 
cess Sonya  Brounova,  a  Russian 



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MARCH  ,    19  3  0 


"Lessons  in  Loveliness"   1 



Radio  Beauty  Adviser  <t 


MAKE-UP  is  the  final  aid  to  facial  beauty.  It  can 
make  a  lovely  face  look  lovelier  and  it  can  trans- 
form a  "plain"  face  into  an  attractive  one.  Make-up  is 
no  longer  used  with  the  mistaken  impression  that  it  will 
cover  up  skin  blemishes,  but  there  are  very  few  complex- 
ions that  are  flawless  enough  not  to  need  its  artful  aid, 
PROVIDED,  of  course,  that  make-up  is  properly  selected 
according  to  the  natural  coloring. 

It  is  not  safe  to  be  guided  by  something  "for  blondes" 
or  "for  brunettes"  because  not  all  blondes  have  a  fair  skin 
nor  do  all  brunettes  have  an  olive  complexion.  There  is 
the  fair  brunette  type  with  a  much  lighter  coloring  than 
a  creamy  or  "Spanish"  type  of  blonde.  Then  there  are  the 
red-haired  types  and  the  in-between  type  with  light  or 
dark  brown  hair  and  creamy,  fair  or  olive  skin.  To  advise 
you  on  your  personal  selection  I  would  have  to  know  the 
color  of  your  eyes — of  your  hair — the  tone  of  your  com- 
plexion— and  your  age — but  here  is  some  general  informa- 
tion that  applies  to  every  woman. 


Powder  should  always  be  a  trifle  deeper  than  the  tone  of 
your  skin  as  a  lighter  shade  emphasizes  any  lines  or 
wrinkles  or  "hollows"  and  it  is  well  to  remember  that 
powder  looks  darker  or  deeper  in  the  box  or  display  tube 
than  it  will  look  on  the  skin.  If  powder  "flakes"  or  simply 
will  not  stay  on,  it  is  usually  an  indication  of  a  dry  skin 
and  in  that  event  a  bit  of  your  nourishing  cream,  lightly 
patted  in,  then  wiped  off,  will  act  as  a  protective  film  and 
a  perfect  powder  base.  If  powder  "cakes"  or  streaks  it 
usually  indicates  that  your  skin  is  too  oily.  And  don't 
forget  to  powder  your  forehead.  A  shiny  forehead  is  just 
as  bad  as  a  shiny  nose. 


Many  women  are  discovering  that  rouge  in  cream  form 
gives  the  skin  the  most  natural  effect.  Another  great  ad- 
vantage of  a  good  cream  rouge  is  that  it  will  stay  on  for 
hours  without  need  of  renewing.  Think  of  the  comfort, 
the  added  assurance  of  knowing  that  you  do  not  con- 
stantly have  to  be  dabbing  on  more  rouge  every  fifteen 
minutes  or  so. 

It  is  important,  of  course,  to  select  a  cream  rouge,  such 
as  Drezma,  which  is  not  too  oily  or  too  dry,  but  just 
creamy  enough  to  blend  in  easily  and  smoothly. 

Unlike  a  dry  rouge — a  cream  rouge  is  applied  before  the 
powder.  If  the  skin  is  dry  or  sensitive  to  cold  weather, 
a  tiny  bit  of  nourishing  cream  gently  patted  in,  then 
wiped  off,  makes  a  perfect  base  for  blending  in  cream 
rouge.  For  oily  skins — while  the  skin  is  still  a  trifle  moist 
with  astringent. 

Indelible  Lipstick 

The  lips  should  always  be  more  vivid  than  the  cheeks — 
that  you  know — but  they  should  be  of  the  same  tone,  and 
should  match  the  color  in  the  face  perfectly  and,  since 
the  lips  usually  have  a  bit  of  natural  color,  it  is  best  to 
use  the  same  shade  of  rouge  and  lipstick. 

There  is  a  new  indelible  lipstick  (name  on  request)  that 
is  actually  and  safely  indelible,  which  means  that  it  will 
stay  on  for  hours,  no  matter  how  much  you  talk  or  eat 
or  drink.  It  gives  the  lips  a  soft,  "dewy"  appearance-^- 
yet  not  oily,  and  contains  a  protective  ingredient  which 
keeps  the  lips  from  chapping. 

One  of  the  pitfalls  to  avoid  in  selecting  rouge  and  lip- 
stick is  the  "in-between"  shades.  You  are  more  certain  to 
get  an  attractive,  natural  effect  by  selecting  either  light, 
medium  or  dark,  according  to  your  own  personal  color- 
ing, and  then  taking  a  moment  or  so  to  blend  in  the  rouge 
evenly — and  to  apply  the  lipstick  so  that  it  will  emphasize 
the  lips,  alluringly,  but  not  obviously  "painted". 

For  the  next  "Lesson  in  Loveliness"  I  will  tell  you  just 
how  each  type  of  features  should  be  rouged — to  make  a 
round  full  face  appear  more  oval — a  thin  long  face  look 
pleasingly  rounded — to  minimize  high  cheek  bones — so 
you  can  practice  it  before  your  own  mirror. 

[Editor's  Note — This  is  the  first  of  a  series  of  "Les- 
sonsn  in  Loveliness"  by  Miss  Vinick  which  will  appear 
every  month  in  Radio  Revue.  For  information  on 
your  beauty  problems,  address  Nell  Vinick,  Beauty 
Adviser,  in  care  of  Radio  Revue,  Six  Harrison  Street, 
New  York,  N.  Y.] 

Radio  Gives  Actress  Greater  Thrill  Than 
Does  Stage 

(Continued  from  page  9) 

whom  are  individual,  can  you  wonder  that  I  find  radio  the 
most  interesting  field  in  the  world?  Yes,  it's  because  of 
the  people  and  I  know  you  all  agree  with  me.  That's 
why  I'm  writing — so  that  I  can  put  some  of  these  people 
into  stories  and  let  the  rest  of  you  know  how  interesting 
this  place  is. 

Do  I  like  working  with  Miss  Le  Gallienne  and  her  com- 
pany in  the  Civic  Repertory  broadcast?  I  should  say  I  do. 
I  played  with  Eva  once,  several  years  ago,  and  I  still  think 
she's  the  most  remarkable  actress  in  the  theatre  today. 
It's  been  great  to  work  with  her  again. 

Would  the  plays  I  appeared  in  be  of  interest?  Let's  see 
— there  was  The  Girl  With  the  Green  Eyes — I  was  she — 
In  the  Next  Room,  East  Side,  West  Side,  Shanghai  Ges- 
ture and  many  others. 

Yes,  I've  done  movie  work,  and  I  hope  to  do  more,  at 
some  future  time,  but  just  at  the  moment  I'm  more  in- 
terested in  radio.  It's  like  a  growing  child,  and  I  want  to 
help  it  grow.  I  want  to  try  out  new  ideas,  to  write  new 
stories,  to  find  out  what  the  audiences  like,  to  work  out 
new  sound  effects  with  our  expert,  Harry  Swan,  to  adjust 
words  and  music  in  such  a  way  that  you  can  all  see  the 
picture  of  a  Russian  village  or  the  poetry  of  the  Mexican 

And  let  me  say  here,  if  you  think  your  letters  don't 
mean  a  great  deal  to  us  here  at  the  studio — well,  you're 
mistaken.  I  guess  there's  nothing  more  to  say,  so  I'll  sign 
off  now.  This  is  Georgia  Backus,  taking  the  air  over  the 
Columbia  Broadcasting  System. 



Radio  in  the  Hcme 

Edited  by  Mrs.  A.  M.  Goudiss 

Founder  and  Manager  of  the  Forecast  School  of  Radio  Cookery,  NBC 

JTJDITOR'S  NOTE:    We  deeply  regret  thatV 

_^/  Cj    the  serious  illness  of  Mrs.  Julian  Heath  V — 

precludes   us   from   printing  her   department 

this    month.       We    are    indebted    to    another 

enthusiast    for    the   home    and    sane    cooking, 

Mrs.  A.  M.  Goudiss,  who  has  literally  stepped 

into   the   kitchen   for  us,   although   her   invi- 

"~N.  tation   to  housewives   is:    "Come   Out   of   the   .^~ 

)  Kitchen."  f 

Come  Out  of  the  Kitchen 

Good    M  or  n  i  n  g, 

It  is  my  belief 
that  the  worst 
thing  that  could 
happen  to  this 
country  is  that  the 
housewife,  with  all 
her  new  freedom, 
clubs,  e  m  ancipa- 
tions  and — if  you 
will  pardon  me — 
complexes,  should 
come  to  hate  the 
kitchen,  for,  de- 
spite the  fireside 
and  the  piano,  the 
heart  is  where  the 
kitchen  is,  in  a  real 

Of   course,   it   is 

equally  disastrous  that  she  should  be  asked  to  spend  whole 

days    and   half   the    nights    in    her    kitchen.       Too    many 

women,    alas !    do 

not    realize     that 

there   is   a   world 

outside  the  kitch- 
en  door.   Women 

had  to  come  out 

of  the  kitchen  to 

meet   the   rest   of 

the  world  but,  at 

the     same     time, 

they     have     to 

know  it,  and  rule 

it  —  make      it 

serve     them     and 

theirs  —   instead 

of     being     its 

slaves.       I    invite 

you,  I  urge  you, 

to    come    out    of 

the  kitchen! 

Mrs.  A.  M.  Goudiss. 

Mrs.  Goudiss'  Real  Radio  Kitchen. 

Each  Tuesday,  Wednesday  and  Thursday  morning  at 
11  to  11.30  Eastern  Standard  Time,  it  is  my  privilege  to 
tell  of  expert  kitchen  operations,  of  foods  that  build  and 
attract,  and  of  a  work  that  is  almost  gay.  I  talk  gen- 
erally to  women,  and  to  women  with  families,  whose  duty 
it  is  to  feed  their  families  right,  for  their  own  good  and 
for  the  good  of  their  community  and  country.  The 
kitchen  must  be  an  airy,  pleasant,  clean  and  uncluttered 
place  to  live  in  for  a  little  while  each  day,  beautifully 
organized  and  de- 
lightfully produc- 

Too  often  food 
talks  are  stuffy. 
Too  often  they  are 
dictato  rial.  One 
must  eat  this  and 
drink  that,  wheth- 
er one  hates  them 
or  not.  This  food 
is  good  for  one; 
that  is  h  a  rmful. 
Why?  What  is  the 
matter  with  good, 
honest,  boiled 
onions  and  cheese 
or  a  good  scram- 
bled egg  if  you  like 
them?  Jot  them 
down  and  give 
them  another  trial. 

In  my  office  I  preach  the  pleasant  sermon  of  healthful 

food,  and  back 
of  that  office  I 
have  a  sunny 
radio  kite  hen, 
where  good 
things  are  tested, 
cooked  and  eaten. 
That  is  the  creed 
of  this  w  h  ite- 
enamel  kitchen, 
manned  by  ex- 
pert c  o  oks.  If 
you  have  any 
problems  on 
cookery  and  food 
preparation,  you 
may  write  to  me 
in  care  of  the 
National  Broad- 
(Con  tinned  on 
page   48) 

Dr.  A.  M.  Goudiss. 

MARCH,    19  3  0 


»%♦*♦♦%♦*♦♦*♦♦%♦*♦♦*♦♦*♦♦%  ♦^♦♦^♦♦J*  ♦^♦♦^♦♦J*  ^♦♦•♦♦^♦♦2»*%  ♦%♦%♦*♦♦** 









































Have  Breakfast 
with  the 



EIGHT  large  feed  mills  on  the  Pacific  coast — mills  co-opera- 
tively owned  by  the  poultrymen  themselves — give  the  hens 
their  breakfast  and  their  dinner. 

Giant  hoppers  pour  out  the  clean,  scientifically  mixed  grain 
— crisp  and  inviting  as  your  breakfast  cereal. 

Think  of  it!  Twelve  -million  PEP  hens,  all  "laying 
for  you,"  and  all  uniformly  fed  on  the  best  grain  money 
can  buy  and  experience  can  select. 

Because  of  this,  each  fine,  fresh,  delicately  flavored  PEP  egg 
tastes  exactly  like  the  next  ....  and  the  next  ....  and  the  next. 

Small  wonder  that  children  accustomed  to  the  PEP  flavor 
immediately  detect  the  difference,  when  ordinary  eggs  are 

Have  breakfast  with  the  PEP  hens!  The  egg-buyer 
of  a  great  chain  store  did  just  that.  Cupping  his  hand 
under  a  hopper,  he  tasted  a  few  of  the  golden  kernels, 
and  said:  "In  my  wildest  moments,  I  never  dreamed 
of  hens  being  fed  like  this!" 

Have  breakfast  with  the  PEP  hens !  Or,  if  you  prefer,  let 
the  PEP  hens  supply  your  breakfast. 

Remember !     PEP  eggs  are  all  deliciously  identical  in  flavor. 

Pacific  Egg  producers 






*€H€     €GG    IV ITU    TMS     fLGTUHXA TIOW 

Seattle.  Los  Angeles,  San  Diego,  Detroit,  Pittsburgh, 
Panama,  Buenos  Aires,  Valparaiso,  Lima,  London,  and  Glasgow 

>  •"♦♦^♦♦^♦♦^♦•^♦♦^♦♦J.  ^««*«^M^«  ♦^^^♦♦^♦^♦^♦♦^♦♦^♦^♦♦^♦♦^♦^♦♦^•♦'♦♦^♦♦'♦♦•♦♦^  %♦♦♦*  »I**I**> 




«1  FASHIONS  1 


By  MARIE  BLIZARD         2 
Radio  Authority  on  Styles      £ 

EDITOR'S  NOTE — r/>is  is  the  first  of  a 
series  of  articles  on  fashions  by  Marie 
Blizard,  fashion  director  of  the  Columbia 
Broadcasting  System.  Miss  Blizard  will  be 
pleased  to  answer  any  questions  on  styles. 
Address  her  in  care  of  Radio  Revue,  Six  Har- 
rison Street,  Netv  York,  N.  Y. 

ONE'S  initial  article  in  a  series  on  fashions  should  cover 
the  basic  principles  of  fashion — lines,  colors  and  fab- 
rics. Yet  each  one  of  these  three  fundamentals  of  fashions 
is  of  such  interest  and  importance  that  it  is  quite  impossi- 
ble to  cover  it  in  a  limited 

Besides,  much  has  been 
said  of  the  "new"  fashions, 
which  are  now  "familiar" 
ones.  The  revolution  in  the 
mode  was  so  arresting  and 
its  success  was  so  rapid  that 
every  fashion  writer  has 
outdone  herself  in  her  ef- 
forts to  clear  up  any  doubts 
regarding  its  importance. 

I  am  going  to  condense 
my  facts  .  .  .  and  put  my 
information  into  catechism 

I  am  sure  you  all  recog- 
nize the  fact  that  long 
skirts  are  in  (for  a  few 
years  anyway,  regardless  of 
public  protest)  but  .  .  .  did 
you  know  that  any  skirt 
more  than  four  inches  be- 
low the  knee  for  street  wear 
is  as  unfashionable  as  one 
four  inches  above? 

You  all  know  that  the 
natural  waistline  is  THE 
waistline.  Did  you  know 
that,  if  you  are  too  high- 
waisted  or  too  low-waisted, 
you  should  adjust  your  belt 

to  the  most  becoming  placement  as  near  the  normal  waist- 
line as  possible? 

Two-Piece  Costume   Is   In 

You  all  know  that  the  two-piece  dress  is  out.  However 
the  two-piece  costume  is  in !  Did  you  know  that  silk 
blouses  are  smarter  than  sweaters  with  woolen  skirts?  In- 
cidentally, a  bright  red  flat  crepe  blouse  worn  with  a 
brown  tweed  skirt  or  a  dark  blue  flat  crepe  blouse  worn 
with  a  grey  tweed  skirt  are  very  chic.     Did  you  know  that 

the  dark  or  vivid  shades  are  much  smarter  than  pastel  tones 
for  blouses  worn  with  the  new  spring  dressmaker  suits? 
And  speaking  of  replacements  .  .  .  that  silk  scarfs  are  much 
more  dashing  than  fur  scarfs? 

Did  you  know  that  Fashion  has  the  blues  daytime  and 
evening?  And  that  French  designers  have  their  eye- 
brows up  to  the  top  of  their  foreheads  and  their  mouths 
wide  open  in  astonishment  and  wonder  that  blue  .  .  .  that 
lovely  bright,  light  blue  they  have  tried  so  many  times  to 
bring  back  ...  is  suddenly  the  smartest  of  the  evening 
colors?  And  that  smoky  light  blue  for  daytime  and 
hois  de  rose  in  flat  crepe  are  grand? 

Did  you  know  that  velvet  is  absolutely  out  and  taffeta 
is  absolutely  in?  That  flat  crepe  printed  with  clusters  of 
flowers  is  one  of  the  smartest  fabrics  for  evening?  And 
that  tweed  is  the  smartest  of  the  daytime  fabrics? 

And  did  you  know  that  a  band  of  tulle  or  chiffon 
around  your  short  evening  dress  makes  it  look  new  and 
smart?  And  that  a  touch  of  lingerie  .  .  .  ruffles  and  cuffs 
of  net  or  organdie  ...  a  shawl  or  scarf  of  flat  crepe  ... 
demure  bands  of  pique  .  .  .  always  in  snowy  white  .  .  . 
will  make  a  success  of  an  old  dress? 

Now,  it's  your  turn  to  ask  me  questions.  And  I  will 
be  happy  to  answer  them  if  you  will  address  me  in  care 
of  this  magazine. 

Sound  Effects   Made   to  Order   for   Radio 

(Continued  from  page  22) 

bourine,  Indian  tom-tom,  Oriental  drum,  sand  blocks, 
bicycle  bells,  parking  auto,  fire-works,  cap  pistols,  baby 
cry,  chain  rattle,  sleigh  bells,  real  cloth  tearing,  sword  duel, 
flies,  bee  buzz,  tin  pan  crashes,  cork  pulling,  falling  trees, 
handsaw,  acetylene  torch,  ambulance  bell,  train  bell,  crow, 
duck  quack,  rooster  crow,  hen  cackle,  cat  meow  and  many 

Whenever  a  script  calls  for  any  sound  effects,  Mr. 
Nichols  is  called  upon.  The  other  day  some  programs 
were  being  recorded  in  the  Judson  studios.  The  script 
called  for  the  unsheathing  of  a  sword.  Mr.  Nichols 
achieved  the  desired  effect  by  casually  donning  a  pair  of 
mail  gauntlets  and  producing  a  sword  attached  to  his 
table,  which  he  simply  pulled  out  of  its  sheath  at  the 
proper  moment.  For  the  most  part,  however,  sounds  are 
produced  by  mechanical  appliances  attached  to  the  table. 
He  merely  presses  buttons,  and  the  ocean  waves  begin  to 
roll,  a  tree  falls,  a  board  squeaks.  All  noises  are  possible 
with  his  complicated  machine. 

Recently  William  B.  Murray  received  the  following 
telegram  from  Mr.  Nichols:  "Ruined  my  ocean  waves  stop 
won't  be  at  studio  today."  All  of  which  goes  to  show 
that  the  business  of  producing  sound  on  the  radio  is  a 
very  sad  and  serious  one. 

WABC  has  acquired  an  automatic  sound-effects  machine 
which,  by  means  of  pulling  ropes  and  pushing  buttons,  can 
produce  over  thirty  different  sounds.  These  range  from 
the  mighty  roar  of  thunder  and  lions  to  motorboat  whistles 
and  ferry-boat  sirens. 

The  entire  machine  is  housed  in  a  cabinet  about  the  size 
of  a  modern  phonograph.  It  does  not  do  away  with  the 
sound-effects  man — it  merely  makes  his  life  easier,  al- 
though he  is  just  as  important  as  ever.  It  takes  one  a  few 
days  to  "get  to  know  the  thing". 

MARCH,    19  3  0 



{Continued  from  page  32) 

The  average  client  has  sense  enough  to  leave  the  plan- 
ning and  production  of  his  radio  program  to  these  highly 
trained  specialists.  But  quite  a  few  clients  apparently  are 
confident  that  they  know  much  more  about  the  business 
themselves.  These  few  constitute  one  of  the  greatest 
menaces  that  radio  broadcasting  faces  today. 

The  way  it  works  in  this:  an  advertising  agency  or  one 
of  the  big  chains  creates  a  really  original  idea  for  a  radio 
program.  By  dint  of  much  persuasion  they  manage  to 
get  a  client  to  agree  to  sponsor  this  new  series  of  hours. 
All  goes  well  until  after  the  first  broadcast.  Then  Mr. 
Know-It-All,  the  client,  egged  on  by  the  opinions,  pos- 
sibly, of  his  better  half  and  her  bridge  club,  starts  to  sug- 
gest changes — and  suggestions  from  him  are  equivalent  to 
commands,  inasmuch  as  he  pays  the  bills. 

Then  follows  a  hectic  period.  First,  he  says  the  dra- 
matic sketch  in  his  hour  is  too  old-fashioned.  Something 
more  modern  is  substituted  and  then  he  concludes  that 
the  sketch  might  better  be  omitted  entirely.  Next  he 
starts  on  the  music,  which  had  originally  been  planned 
purely  as  atmosphere  for  the  sketch.  The  music  has  been 
too  classical,  he  says.  People  want  something  more  lively. 
So,  after  as  much  protest  as  can  safely  be  made,  there  is 
no  course  left  but  to  change  the  music.  Next  a  speaker 
is  substituted  for  the  dramatic  sketch  and  then  is  with- 
drawn after  a  few  weeks,  in  favor  of  a  male  quartet. 

Now  Mr.  Know-It-All  declares  that  there  is  not 
enough  variety,  so  he  adds  a  soprano  or  a  contralto 
crooner  to  the  hour.  By  this  time  the  original  idea  has 
been  mutilated  beyond  recognition.  The  listener,  who  had 
been  led  by  early  publicity  releases  to  expect  something 
entirely  unusual  in  radio  programs,  cynically  concludes 
that  this  is  "just  another  program."  The  trained  special- 
ists throw  up  their  hands  in  despair  at  the  slaughter  of  a 
really  original  idea.  And  even  Mr.  Know-It-All  finally 
decides  that  radio  broadcasting  isn't  what  it  should  be  and 
that  the  listeners  don't  appreciate  "real  art"  in  broadcast- 

This  criticism  is  not  leveled  at  the  entire  broadcasting 
business,  nor  at  any  one  program,  but  rather  at  a  condi- 
tion that  exists  in  the  industry.  If  a  client  is  willing  to 
pay  a  big  price  for  the  advertising  of  his  wares,  and  has 
faith  in  his  agents  and  the  broadcasters  to  serve  him  to  the 
best  of  their  ability,  then  he  should  have  enough  sense  to 
leave  them  alone,  and  not  interfere  with  those  who  help 
him  most. 

Radio  Revives  Public's  Interest  in  Old-time 
Minstrel  Show 

{Continued  from  page  14) 

William  Shelley,  our  interlocutor,  has  appeared  in  sev- 
eral minstrel  companies  and  has  had  wide  experience  on 
the  legitimate  stage.  He  has  also  been  heard  in  a  number 
of  NBC  dramatic  productions. 

Carson  J.  Robison,  better  known  as  the  Kansas  Jay 
Bird,  sings  humorous  songs  and  whistles  in  his  own  inimit- 
able style.  He  can  strum  a  guitar  and  play  a  harmonica 
at  the  same  time.  He  has  composed  a  number  of  songs 
and  is  credited  with  being  one  of  the  originators  of  the 
fad  for  hillbilly  songs,  which  started  several  years  ago. 

Harold  Branch,  first  tenor  of  our  quartet,  made  a  repu- 

tation in  radio  at  Cleveland  before  coming  to  the  NBC. 
He  sings  leading  roles  with  the  National  Light  Opera 
Company  and  does  quite  a  bit  of  concert  work  through- 
out the  East. 

Steele  Jamison,  second  tenor,  formerly  was  soloist  in  the 
leading  church  in  Pittsburgh.  He  was  one  of  the  early 
venturers  into  broadcasting  and  has  been  on  the  air  con- 
sistently for  the  past  few  years,  on  NBC  programs. 

Darl  Bethmann,  baritone,  originally  came  from  Pennsyl- 
vania. During  the  past  few  years  he  has  been  heard  on 
many  well  known  NBC  programs,  including  the  National 
Grand  Opera,  National  Light  Opera  and  Tone  Pictures. 
His  specialty  is  singing  German  lieder. 

Harry  Donaghy,  our  bass,  has  been  broadcasting  since 
1923.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Elite  Opera  Company 
and  has  appeared  in  a  number  of  stage  productions.  He 
has  also  been  in  vaudeville  and  pictures,  and  has  done  a 
great  deal  of  phonograph  recording  with  Victor,  Columbia, 
Brunswick  and  other  companies. 

Curt  Peterson,  who  announces  our  program  each  week, 
was  born  in  Albert  Lea,  Minn.  He  was  graduated  from 
the  University  of  Oregon  with  the  degree  of  Bachelor  of 
Science  in  1920,  after  serving  in  the  World  War  as  a 
lieutenant  of  infantry.  Before  entering  the  radio  field 
Mr.  Peterson,  a  baritone,  was  a  singer  and  a  teacher  of 
voice  at  Miss  Mason's  Castle  School  for  Girls. 

Soprano  Modulator — Radios  Latest  Wonder 

{Contimied  from  page  33) 

+  WYQF  =  AX+12  3,  drop  one,  purl  one.  A 
slide  rule  must  be  attached  to  the  Modulator  as  any  de- 
viation from  this  equation  will  change  soprano  notes  to 
those  of  the  tenor,  and  that  is  another  problem.  Two 
carefully  tested  hetereogenous  gaps,  one  unicellular  amoeba 
and  a  galvanic  thyroid,  used  with  a  push-pull  circuit,  com- 
plete  the   equipment. 

The  method  in  which  the  Modulator  works  is  quite  in- 
teresting. The  label  is  left  off  the  soup  can,  and  the 
soprano,  seeing  it  as  she  sings,  becomes  hungry  for  some 
chicken  gumbo  soup,  which  in  turn  brings  out  a  yearning 
quality  that  is  discouraging  to  high  notes.  The  yearning 
becomes  so  great  that  the  poor  soprano  is  forced  to  desist 
from  her  singing,  so-called,  and  betake  herself  to  the  near- 
est restaurant,  where  she  finds  that,  sorry,  but  they  don't 
have  chicken  gumbo  soup  on  Wednesday;  but  anyway, 
she  will  have  stopped  singing,  and  the  good  work  will 
have  been  done. 

The  device  has  yet  to  be  tested. 

Electric  Clock 

Place    it    on    your    radio    set, 

and     get     accurate     time    for 

tuning    in    on    your    favorite 


Tickless,  springless,  care-free 


Plug  in  on  light  socket. 

Case  in  walnut  finish,  Bakelite. 

Three    inch   silvered    dial,    height    7*4    inches. 

Sent  Prepaid — Price  $9.95 


26  John  Street  New  York  City 




Best  Selling  Popular  Songs  of  the  Month 

ONCE  again  there  looms  on  the  horizon  a  ray  of  hope 
for  songs  other  than  theme  songs  from  talking  pic- 
tures. However,  judging  from  past  experience,  this 
condition  is  likely  to  be  only  temporary.  Whereas  last 
month  The  Big  Ten  was  composed  entirely  of  theme  songs, 
this  month  there  are  three  songs  in  the  list  that  are  not 
theme  songs. 

Then,  again,  the  two  leaders,  Cryin'  for  the  Carolines  and 
Happy  Days  Are  Here  Again,  became  widely  popular  before 
they  were  incorporated  and  heard  in  their  respective  pic- 
tures. So,  for  a  while  at  least,  it  seems  that  there  is  again 
hope  for  the  good  old  popular  song. 

During  the  past  month,  as  compared  with  the  previous 
month,  there  have  been  numerous  changes  in  the  list.  Only 
four  of  last  month's  ten  remain.  These  are  I'm  a  Dreamer; 
Aren't  We  All},  If  I  Had  a  Talking  Picture  of  You,  A  Little 
Kiss  Each  Morning  and  The  Chant  of  the  Jungle.  A  number 
of  new  vigorous  songs  have  appeared  and  many  in  the  offing 
threaten   to  break   into   the   charmed   circle. 

1.  Cryin'  for  the  Carolines 

from  Spring  is  Here   (Remick  Music  Corpo- 

2.  Happy  Days  Are  Here  Again 

from    Chasing    Rainbows     (Ager,    Yellen    & 

3.  I'm  a  Dreamer;  Aren't  We  All? 

from  Sunny  Side  Up    (De   Sylva,  Brown  & 

4.  If  I  Had  a  Talking  Picture  of  You 

from  Sunny  Side  Up    (De  Sylva,   Brown  & 

5.  The  Chant  of  the  Jungle 

from  Untamed  (Robbins  Music  Corporation) 

6.  Should  I? 

from    Lord    Byron    of    Broadway     (Robbins 
Music  Corporation) 

7.  Congratulations 

(De  Sylva,  Brown  &  Henderson) 

8.  A  Little  Kiss  Each  Morning 

from  The  Vagabond  Lover  (Harms,  Inc.) 

9.  'Tain't  No  Sin 

("Walter  Donaldson) 

10.   The  One  I  Love  Can't  be  Bothered 
with  Me 

(Leo  Feist,  Inc.) 

It  will  be  noticed  that  we  have  included  the  names  of  the 
publishers  of  these  songs.  If  there  is  any  further  informa- 
tion our  readers  desire  about  the  popular  songs  they  hear 
over  the  radio — who  wrote  them,  who  publishes  them,  where 
they  can  be  obtained  or  in  what  pictures  they  appear,  etc., — 
RADIO  REVUE  will  gladly  answer  all  such  questions. 
Merely  write  Popular  Song  Editor,  RADIO  REVUE,  Six 
Harrison  Street,  New  York,  N.  Y.  Enclose  a  stamped,  self- 
addressed  envelope  if  you  desire  a  direct  reply. 

The  Two  Troupers 

(Continued  from  page  30) 

about  it  as  a  native  son. 

Marcella — Then,  as  J.  P.  McAvoy  says,  "You're  a  cli- 
mate salesman",  huh? 

Helene — And  how  very!  Well,  now,  let  me  me — we're 
down  to  where  we  met  on  the  Eveready  Hour  when  you 
played  Dixie  and  I  your  sister,  Nita,  in  Show  Girl,  by 
the  aforesaid  Mr.  McAvoy.  Now  you  ask  me  how  I 
came  to  team  up  with  the  effervescent  Marcella  Shields 

and  I  say "Well  it  was  in  this  wise — 

many  people  suggested  that  we  should  work  together 
because  of  the  difference  in  our  voices  and  radio  per- 
sonalities, and  that  the  idea  was  pleasing  to  both  of 
us,  but  that  you  were  under  contract  to  Eveready  all 
winter  and  I  was  busy  with  various  radio  hours  and  the 

Marcella — Will  you  please  let  me  say  something  for  a 
change — I'm  about  to  burst  with  pent-up  information. 

Helene — Hold  everything,  Gabby  Liz, — let  me  finish  my 
part  of  this  interview,  will  you? 

Marcella — All  right — all  right — What  happened  after 
you  decided  to  join  forces  with  the  "charming"  Miss 

Helene — Well,  we  first  decided  that  we'd  like  to  present 
some  true-to-life  snapshots  of  the  vaudeville  world,  as 
most  people  are  interested  in  stage  life.  We  conceived 
the  characters  and  proceeded  to  write  our  first  sketch, 
making  me  the  "wise  cracking"  and  slightly  "hard 
boiled"  vaudevillian  and  you,   the  littel  dizzy,  "Dumb 


Marcella — And  don't  forget,  that  I  kept  getting 
"dumber"  and  "dumber"  with  each  script. 

Helene — Then,  after  a  number  of  auditions  at  NBC  The 
Two  Troupers  were  presented  to  the  radio  audience  in  a 
series  of  half-hour  programs  with  a  jazz  band.  Our 
signature  number,  "Two  Little  Girls  in  Blue"  was  Gor- 
don Whyte's  suggestion  and  we  considered  it  a  very 
good  one.     Well,  I  guess  that  buttons  that  up. 

Marcella — Yes — just  like  your  overcoat.  (Giggle).  Well, 
all  there  is  left  now  is  to  put  in  what  we  have  been  do- 
ing lately. 

Helene — Oh,  yeah ! — I  know  what  you're  all  hot  and 
bothered  about — you  want  me  to  tell  them  that  you 
were  on  the  Fleischmann  Hour  with  Rudy  Vallee  for 
several  weeks. 

Marcella — No no I'm  not  one  of  those  girls  who 

raves  and  tears  her  hair  about  Rudy — but  I  do  think 
he's  awfully  nice,  and 

Helene — Yeah — yeah — I  know. Why,  you  even  tried 

to  put  on  the  dog  with  me,  until  Mr.  Shilkret  used  us 
on  the  Victor  Hour  that  night  that  Rudy  and  all  those 
big  stars  were  on  and  we  had  our  picture  taken  with 
him,  and 

Marcella — Well,  I  didn't  notice  you  exactly  ignoring 
him,  Miss  Handin,  but  that's  enough  about  that.  I 
want  to  get  in  about  my  playing  "Alice  Through  the 
Looking  Glass"  for  Eveready  lately  and  that  I'm  on  the 
Frances  Ingram  program  and  The  Jameses  and — that  I 
was  in  a  swell  new  show,  the  first  one  of  the  Miniature 
Theatre  of  the  Air. 
Helene — That  reminds  me — I  forgot  to  mention  my 
being   featured   in   the   Potter   series   for   Eveready   last 

MARCH,     19  3  0 


Summer.  Well,  outside  of  the  fact  that  I've  also  been 
doing  various  hours,  Harbor  Lights,  etc.,  I  guess  there 
isn't  any  more  to  tell. 

Marcella — Aren't  you  going  to  tell  that  you  are  a 
D.  A.  R. — you  always  want  to  brag  about  that,  it 

Helene — Well,  why  shouldn't  I?  It  isn't  everyone  who 
had  ancestors  who  "fit"  in  the  Revolution. 

Marcella — Oh — ho — give  me  time  and  maybe  I  can  dig 
up  a  grandmother  who  came  over  in  the  Mayflower. 

Helene — Joking  aside,  Marcella,  I  think  we'd  better  cut 
this  short,  don't  you? 

Marcella — I  think  so,  Helene,  we  don't  want  to  tell 
everything  we  know. 

Helene — Yea,  verrily. — Well,  let's  make  our  exit  laugh- 
ingly, by  telling  them  about  our  domestic  accomplish- 
ments, such  as  our  ability  to  cook — sew — keep  house 
and  drive  a  car — only  we  haven't  any  car!  And  that 
we  both  swim  and  dance  and  DON'T  LIKE  BRIDGE 
— and 

Marcella — In  fact,  we're  practically — boy  scouts! 

Interest  in  Opera  Fast  Waning 

(Continued  from  page  26) 

often  accompanies  her.  By  this  marriage  the  star  became 
an  American  citizen.  She  recently  bought  an  estate  in 
Palos  Verdes,  near  Los  Angeles,  and  expects  to  build  an 
American  home  there.  When  not  on  tour,  she  spends  her 
winters  in  California,  and  the  summers  in  her  vacation 
home  in  the  Catskills,  where  she  likes  to  dance,  play  golf, 
and  swim,  her  preference  being  in  the  order  named. 

Her  farewell  to  the  Metropolitan  Opera  House,  where 
she  sang  the  sprightly  role  of  Rosina  in  The  Barber  of 
Seville,  that  boisterous  opera  by  Rossini — and  one  of  her 
best  impersonations — was  the  signal  for  a  great  ovation. 
Those  privileged  to  witness  this  last  performance  were 
accorded  a  feast  for  the  eye  and  ear.  Madame  Galli- 
Curci's  costume,  topped  with  a  bright  red  Spanish  comb, 
made  a  colorful  picture.  She  played  the  role  in  a  vein 
of  well-conceived  and  high  spirited  archness,  giving  the 
impression  that  she  is  far  from  "finished"  with  opera,  and 
that  opera  sustains  a  great  loss  in  her  present  decision. 

The  lesson  scene  in  the  third  act  was  graced  by  the 
famous  "Shadow  Song"  from  Dinorah,  the  principal  aria 
of  her  New  York  debut  in  1916.  As  an  encore,  she  obliged 
with  "Home,  Sweet  Home."  After  singing  their  appointed 
roles,  the  other  members  of  the  cast,  Giuseppe  de  Luca, 
as  the  zestful  Sevillian  barber,  Ezio  Pinza  as  Don  Basilio; 
Armand  Tokatyan  as  the  Count;  Pompilio  Malatesta  as 
Dr.  Bartolo,  and  Henrietta  Wakefield  (that  most  faithful 
of  artists),  were  called  upon  to  carry  forward  a  veritable 
garden  of  flowers  in  baskets  and  bunches,  a  very  large 
offering  from  the  Metropolitan  Opera  Company.  More 
applause  from  the  audience,  a  lot  more  from  her  fellow 
artists,  wavings  of  handkerchiefs,  a  little  speech  of  fare- 
well, and  the  promise  of  a  return  some  day,  then  photo- 
graphs unlimited,  and  more  photographs  to  sign,  and  so 

In  her  farewell  appearance  at  the  NBC  studios,  Madame 
Galli-Curci  was  also  prevailed  upon  to  sing  "Home,  Sweet 
Home".  After  real  applause  by  the  orchestra  and  the  audi- 
ence present  in  the  studio  the  diva  was  led  away  to  a  little 
farewell  party. 

^[iNG    QaNTLY     CoNGS 


QwEET      QmART      CnAPPY 

They  sat  .  . 
PLACE"  .  . 
SONG"    .    . 

.  He  said  .  .  .  "HONEY 
SUCKLE  ROSE"  .  .  .  "I'VE  GOT  A  NEW 
LOVE  AFFAIR"  .  .  .  "MY  FATE  IS  IN 
YOUR  HANDS"  She  said  ...  "I  NEVER 
WITH  ME"  ... 


(Hey  —  Hey  —  Hey!) 


j  755  7th  Ave.,  N.  Y.  C. 

f~.    Earl    Carroll     Thea.     Budg. 

Carson  Robison 



to  his  Radio 

friends  the 



of  the 




WEST  45th  ST. 





Mr.  Average  Fan  Answers  Some  of  His 

{Continued  from  page  19) 

the  gates  at  WJZ  during  the  Collier  Hour  and  see  if  she 
looks  anything  like  what  I  expect  from  her  speaking  voice. 
I  am  afraid  I  shall  be  disappointed.  If  I  get  a  chance  to 
speak  to  her,  which  I  probably  will  not,  I  am  going  to 
ask  her  to  confine  her  work  to  talking  and  to  cut  out  her 
singing.  I  take  it  for  granted  that  she  is  the  one  who 
sings,  after  she  appears  in  a  sketch.  Possibly  I  am  wrong 
and,  if  so,  I  want  to  apologize  for  even  mentioning  her 

Since  you  have  been  kind  enough  to  give  me  the  oppor- 
tunity to  inflict  my  radio  likes  and  dislikes  upon  a  de- 
fenseless public,  there  are  a  few  more  things  I  might  get 
off  my  chest  and  then  cease  inflicting  myself  upon  you  and 
your  readers.  I  realize  that  all  tenors  cannot  be  Frank 
Munns  and  Franklyn  Baurs,  but  that  is  no  reason  why  the 
radio  audience  should  be  tortured  by  some  of  the  tenors 
who  infest  the  air.  Many  of  them  are  good,  but  there  are 
quite  a  few  who  persist  in  singing  through  their  noses, 
which  is  very  noticeable  over  the  air.  It  has  always  been 
my  understanding  that  the  broadcasting  companies  hold 
auditions  and,  in  that  way,  select  their  talent.  How  some 
of  these  tenors  and  sopranos  ever  got  by  is  more  than  I 
can  understand. 

So  far  I  have  never  been  able  to  become  greatly  en- 
thused over  grand  opera.  I  have  lived  in  New  York  for 
over  a  quarter  of  a  century  and  the  only  times  I  ever 
visited  the  Metropolitan  Opera  House  were  at  the  Sunday 
night  popular  concerts.  Grand  opera  is  simply  over  my 
low  brow  head.  I  cannot  get  any  enjoyment  out  of  it, 
outside  of  a  few  well  known  numbers.  Consequently, 
while  the  voices  in  the  grand  opera  performances  over 
the  air  are  undoubtedly  the  best  that  can  be  secured,  they 
cause  me  no  thrill. 

For  Your  Convenience 

In  order  that  you  do  not  miss  any  of  the  vitally 
interesting  features  and  pictures  that  will  appear  in 
RADIO  REVUE  in  the  months  to  come,  why  not 
let  us  enter  your  subscription  now? 

One  Year,  $2.00;  Two  Years,  $3.00 

Six  Harrison  Street 
New  York,  N.  Y. 

Please  enter  my  subscription  to  RADIO  REVUE 

for years.     I  enclose   Dollars  in 

cash,  check,  currency  to  cover. 


Street  Number 
P.  O 


When  it  comes  to  the  light  operas,  that  is  another  story, 
so  far  as  I  am  personally  concerned.  Every  Sunday  after- 
noon I  listen  religiously  to  the  National  Light  Opera  hour 
over  WJZ.  There  may  be  better  light  opera  directors  than 
Harold  Sanford  and  better  comedians  than  Frank  Moulan. 
If  there  are,  I  have  in  some  way  or  other  missed  them.  If 
I  were  asked  to  name  my  favorite  composer,  I  would  un- 
hesitatingly choose  Victor  Herbert.  That  gentleman,  if 
you  will  excuse  the  seeming  vulgarity,  was  fuller  of  music 
than  a  dog  is  of  fleas.  These  grand  opera  addicts  may 
swear  by  Verdi,  Puccini,  Bizet,  Leoncavallo  and  many  of 
those  other  foreigners  but  for  real  singable  music  there 
never  was,  and  I  fear  there  never  will  be,  another  like 
Herbert.  I  have  heard  nearly  everything  he  ever  wrote 
and  I  simply  marvel  at  the  wonderful  and  continuous 
flow  of  melody.  And  Harold  Sanford  knows  how  to  bring 
out  the  best  of  them. 

Then  again,  I  love  the  Gilbert  and  Sullivan  operas,  espe- 
cially The  Mikado.  I  see  WJZ  is  starting  to  revive  some  of 
them  on  the  Light  Opera  Hour.  I  hope  the  station  keeps 
it  up  and  gives  us  all  of  them.  What  I  cannot  understand 
is  why  these  broadcasts  were  cut  down  from  an  hour  and 
a  half  to  an  hour.  I  could  stand  a  couple  of  hours  of 
them  at  a  time.  I  believe  that  in  this  I  am  an  Average 
Fan.  I  enjoy  the  religious  services  on  Sunday  afternoons 
thoroughly,  but  at  the  same  time  I  would  like  to  hear  more 
of  the  light  opera.  I  do  not  like  to  seem  catty  or  mean 
but,  as  far  as  I  am  concerned,  if  the  NBC  would  cut  off 
about  an  hour  of  the  Roxy  symphony  concert  on  Sunday 
and  add  it  to  the  Light  Opera  Hour,  it  would  greatly 
please  this  Average  Fan  and  a  host  of  other  average  fans 
whom  I  know  in  the  metropolitan  area. 

Radio  in  the  Home 

{Continued  from  page  42) 

casting  Company. 

I  can  give  you  many  menus  and  special  lists  for  enter- 
tainment-luncheons, and  tell  you  how  to  make  the  table 
look  attractive — which  is,  after  all,  an  important  factor. 

I  welcome  letters  of  inquiry  from  all  my  listeners. 
Before  I  close,  let  me  give  you  something  for  the  coming 
warm  days,  a  Spring  menu  and  a  special  Sunday  night 
menu.     I  do  this  in  response  to  innumerable  requests. 


Spring    Salad 

(Romaine,    Tomato    and    Cucumber    with    French    Dressing) 

Roast   Lamb  Mint   Sauce  New  Potatoes  Parsley  Sauce 

Asparagus        Drawn  Butter  Sauce        Hot  Dinner  Rolls 

Strawberry    Shortcake 

with    Whipped    Cream 



Tomato  Rarebit   on   Crackers 


Shrimp   Wiggle    on    Toast    Points 

Watercress    Salad 

Fig  Cream  Pie  Coffee 


2    cups     grated     American 

2    tablespoons    butter 
2    tablespoons    flour 
Yn    cup    milk 

3/i    cup      stewed,      strained 

2    eggs,    slightly    beaten 
'/g    teaspoon   soda 
salt,    mustard,    cayenne 

Cook    butter,    flour    and    milk    together.      Add    tomatoes,    soda, 

eggs    and    seasoning.      Stir    in    the    cheese,    and    cook    until    it   is 

melted   and   smooth.      Serve  at  once  on   crackers  or  toast  points. 

Serves   four  to   six. 

£P>7  niaa  uou  miahi  to  read 

The  Tragedy  of  Neglected  Gums 

Cast  of  Characters : 
Your  Dentist  and  You 

you:  "My  gums  are  responsible  for  this 
visit,  doctor.    I'm  anxious  about  them." 

D.D.s.:"\Vhat's  the  matter?" 

you:  "Well,  sometimes  they're  tender  when 
I  brush  my  teeth.  And  once  in  a  while  they 
bleed  a  little.  But  my  teeth  seem  to  be  all 
right.  Just  how  serious  is  a  thing  like  this!" 
D.D.s.:"Probably  nothing  to  bother 
about,  with  a  healthy  mouth  like 
yours.  But,  just  the  same,  I've  seen 
people  with  white  and  flawless  teeth 
get  into  serious  trouble  with  their 

you:  "That' s  what  worries  me.  pyorrhea 
— gingivitis — trench  mouth — all  those  hor- 
rible-sounding things'.  Just  a  month  ago  a 
friend  of  mine  had  to  have  seven  teeth 
fulled  out. 

d.d.s.:  "Yes,  such  things  can  happen. 
Not  long  ago  a  patient  came  to  me 
with  badly  inflamed  gums.  I  x-rayed 
them  and  found  the  infection  had  spread 
so  far  that  eight  teeth  had  to  go.  Some 
of  them  were  perfectly  sound  teeth, 

you:  ( After  a  pause)  "I  was  reading  a 
dentifrice  advertisement  .  .  .  about  food. 

d.d.s.  :  "Soft  food?  Yes,  that's  to  blame 
for  most  of  the  trouble.  You  see,  our 
gums  get  no  exercise  from  the  soft, 
creamy  foods  we  eat.  Circulation  lags 
and  weak  spots  develop  on  the  gum 
walls.  That's  how  these  troubles  begin. 
If  you  lived  on  rough,  coarse  fare  your 
gums  would  hardly  need  attention." 

you:  "But,  doctor,  leant  take  up  a  diet  of 

BRISTOL-MYERS  CO.,  Dept.  RR-129 
73  West  Street,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Kindly  send  me  a  trial  tube  of  IPANA  TOOTH 
PASTE.  Enclosed  is  a  two-cent  stamp  to  cover 
partly  the  cost  of  packing  and  mailing. 



City Stale 

C  1929 

raw  roots  and  hardtack.  People  icould 
think  I'd  suddenly  gone  mad." 

d.d.s.:  "No  need  to  change  your  diet. 
But  you  can  give  your  gums  the  stimu- 
lation they  need.  Massage  or  brush 
them  twice  a  day  when  you  brush 
your  teeth.  And  one  other  suggestion: 
use  Ipana  Tooth  Paste.  It's  a  scientific, 
modern  dentifrice,  and  it  contains 
special  ingredients  that  stimulate  the 
gums   and    help    prevent    infection." 


jx  imaginary  dialog?  An  imaginary 
"you"?  Admittedly,  but  the  action  is 
real.  It  is  drawn  from  life — from  real 
tragedies  and  near-tragedies  enacted 
every  day  in  every  city  of  the  land ! 

And  if  dentists  recommend  Ipana,  as 
thousands  of  them  do,  it  is  because  it  is 
good  for  the  gums  as  well  as  for  the 
teeth.  Under  its  continual  use,  the 
teeth  are  gleaming  white,  the  gums 
firm  and  healthy.  For  Ipana  contains 
ziratol,  a  recognized  hemostatic  and 
antiseptic  well  known  to  dentists  for 
its  tonic  effects  upon  gum  tissue. 

Don't  wait  for  "pink  tooth  brush" 
to  appear  before  you  start  with  Ipana. 
The  coupon  brings  you  a  sample  which 
will  quickly  prove  Ipana's  .  pleasant 
taste  and  cleaning  power. 

But,  to  know  all  of  Ipana's  good  ef- 
fects, it  is  far  better  to  go  to  your  near- 
est druggist  and  get  a  large  tube.  After 
you  have  used  its  hundred  brushings 
vou  will  know  its  benefits  to  the  health 
of  your  gums  as  wrell  as  your  teeth. 

Stark  s  Golden  Delicious 

The  Fruit  That  Made 

All  New  York 





Tested  by  1,000,000  people  in  the  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Station. 

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—And  you  can't  find  a  New 
Yorker  "in  a  carload"  who 
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The  New  York  agent  will 
have  many  more  trainloads  of 
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