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ALEXANDRA F. JOHNSTON is a member of the Department of English at Victoria 
College in the University of Toronto and Executive Editor of Records of Early 
English Drama. 

MARGARET ROGERSON holds a PhD from Leeds University and has taught at the 
University of New South Wales. 

Records of Early English Drama, when complete, will provide the basis for the first 
accurate history of the English theatre before 1642. The individual volumes also 
offer a rich source of information in areas as diverse as musicology, palaeography, 
linguistics, social history, and medieval and Renaissance studies in general. 

The two volumes covering York present a fascinating picture of the social and 
economic life of this important provincial city. From 1370 to 1642 there is evidence 
from almost every year related to playmaking, musical performance, or ceremonies, 
particularly related to royal visits. The majority of the evidence before 1569 con- 
cerns the Corpus Christi Play produced by the City Council and performed by the 
craft guilds. The documents describe the evolution of the play, the establishment of 
the pageant route, the sheds for storing the pageants, the expenses incurred by the 
council and the craft guilds, the regulation of the festivities, and the complex 
interrelationship among the guilds as reflected in the sponsorship of pageants. 
Several other local plays figure in the records, as well as various civic processions 
and ceremonial ridings. 

Actors and musicians travelling in the livery of a great lord appear in the city 
early in the records. The first company of professional actors from London per- 
formed in York in 1576 and other companies continued to perform until late in 
the 1630s. Many records concern the city waits or municipal musicians and record 
payment for their wages and livery. The hiring, firing, censuring, suspending, and 
occasional restoring of individual musicians makes intriguing study. 

Records of royal visits by Richard 11, Henry v1, Edward IV, Richard III, Henry 
vii, Margaret Tudor Queen of Scotland, and Henry viii provide some idea of the 
civic pageantry that surrounded Plantagenet and Tudor monarchs. Much of the 
later material concerns the visits of King James I and then King Charles 1. 

Records of Karly Knglish Drama 



Introduction Pig de 

The Records 




© University of Toronto Press 1979 
Toronto Buffalo London 
Printed in Canada 

es Se ee ee 
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data 

Main entry under title: 

(Records of Early English Drama) 
Bibliography: p. 

Includes indexes. 

1. Peforming arts ~ England - York - History - 
Sources. 2. English drama - England - York - 
History and criticism ~ Sources. 3. York plays. 
4. York, Eng. - History - Sources. I. Johnston, 
Alexandra F., 1939- II. Rogerson, Margaret. 
III. Series. 

PN2596.Y6Y6 790.2°09428'43 78-14756 

ISBN 0-8020-2304-5 

The research and typesetting costs of Records of Early 
English Drama have been underwritten by the Social 
Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. 




York and National Events ix 

Civic Government x 

Craft Guilds and Religious Guilds xiii 
Principles of Selection xv 

The Documents xvii 

Editorial Procedures xlii 




FRONTISPIECE: Map of York 1610, 
after Speed 



Undated Ordinances from 

A/Y Memorandum Book 617 

Inventories of the Guilds of 
Corpus Christi, 1416-1546 628 


Pater Noster Guild Returns, 
1388-9 645 


Alleged Letter from Henry VIII 
concerning a St Thomas Play 649 

Pageant Masters of the Mercers’ 
Guild, 1488-1590 651 


Pageants in the Corpus 

Christi Play 657 

The Records 687 
Appendix! 841 

Appendix II 851 
Appendix I11 863 


Latin 891 
Anglo-Norman 907 
English 911 

Subject 930 
Place & Name 946 

Records of Early English Drama 

The aim of Records of Early English Drama (REED) is to locate, transcribe and 
publish systematically all surviving external evidence of dramatic, ceremonial and 
minstrel activity in Great Britain before 1642. 


JOANNA DUTKA University of Toronto 

DAVID GALLOWAY University of New Brunswick 

R.W. INGRAM University of British Columbia 

IAN LANCASHIRE University of Toronto 

PETER MEREDITH Leeds University 

A.G.R. PETTI University of Calgary 

PRUDENCE TRACY University of Toronto Press 


HERBERT BERRY University of Saskatchewan 
A.C. CAWLEY Leeds University 

L.M. CLOPPER Indiana University 

NORMAN DAVIS Merton College, Oxford 
STANLEY J. KAHRL Ohio State University 
RICHARD PROUDFOOT King’s College, London 


Although the gathering of the material in this collection is the result of a collabora- 
tion between myself and Dr Margaret Rogerson (nee Dorrell), the editing of that 
material has been the result of the work of many people. Following the policy of 
Records of Early English Drama, the transcriptions have been checked and double- 
checked against the original documents in York and London and against photo- 
graphic reproductions in Toronto. Iam grateful to my colleagues in the REED office 
for their energy, doggedness, and learning. Many mistakes have been caught and 
blunders averted by their efforts. The blame for any remaining errors must be mine. 

We wish to acknowledge with gratitude the help and co-operation of the archivists 
and librarians in York: Rita Freedman, Mary Thallon, and Maurice Smith of the City 
Library (now the North Yorkshire County Library); Katharine Longley and 
C.B.L. Barr of York Minster Library; the late Norah Gurney and David Smith of 
the Borthwick Institute of Historical Research; and the late Bernard Johnson and 
Richard Reid of the Worshipful Company of Merchant Adventurers. We wish also to 
thank Kenneth Bartlett, Leonard Boyle, A.C. Cawley, Colin Chase, Karis Crawford, 
Audrey Douglas, JoAnna Dutka, David Galloway, Carol Gilham, Richard Green, 
Todd Heather, Carolynn Jackson, Kathryn Johnston, Janet Katchanowski, Patricia 
Kennedy, Elizabeth Keay, Ian Lancashire, Cameron Louis, Sally-Beth MacLean, Carl 
Marx, Peter Meredith, Brian Merrilees, Jo Ann Moran, Jane Morley, Lynette Muir, 
Jean Pearce, A.G.R. Petti, Wendy Pfeffer, George Rigg, Ann Rycraft, Bella 
Schauman, Robert Taylor, Michael Turner, Germaine Warkentin, Rea Whilmshurst, 
Diana Wyatt, and Abigail Young. 

Dr Rogerson’s research was assisted by a Hannah Fullerton Travelling Scholarship 
from the University of Sydney. My own research was made possible by the Canada 
Council with a Leave Fellowship in 1971-2, a Summer Grant in 1974, and a Personal 
Research Grant in 1975-6. The research and publication costs of this volume have 
been supported through funds provided by the Major Editorial Project grants of the 
Canada Council (now the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada). 

University of Toronto / 1978 

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The documents in this collection record the dramatic, minstrel, and ceremonial 
activity supported by the civic and guild authorities of the city of York. They are 
presented without commentary in chronological order and provide the raw material 
from which the theatrical and musical history of the city can be derived. This 
introduction, the appendices, translations, notes, glossaries, and indexes are intended 
to supply the reader with information concerning the documents and their context. 
No attempt has been made to interpret the documents. We have published else- 
where detailed arguments of our conclusions about the York Cycle, the procession 
of Corpus Christi and the Creed and Pater Noster Plays.!_ Our concern here is to 
provide sufficient historical and bibliographical context to allow others to under- 
stand and interpret material which can be, in itself, laconic and ambiguous. These 
documents are not a history of drama, minstrelsy, and ceremonial as such; they are 
memoranda, minutes of council meetings, accounts, letters, wills, ordinances, and 
legal contracts which touch upon and illumine practices of long-standing custom 
and ceremony. It is our hope that those who use this collection will be caught up, 
as we have been, in the fascinating details of the public displays and performances 
that so absorbed the people of York. 

York and National Events 

Events of national significance sometimes directly affected York and its inhabitants.2 
Because it was the largest fortified city in the north, York was occasionally the 
temporary seat of government. In the early fourteenth century, during the Scottish 
wars, frequent parliaments were held there. Three hundred years later, at the 
beginning of the Civil War, Charles | made the city the headquarters of his tottering 
government. In the intervening period, the city was often the administrative centre 
for northern England. Richard of Gloucester, later Richard III, spent much time 
in York during the decade before his own succession as his brother’s lieutenant 
in the north. The idea of a northern administration was revived under Henry VIII 
with the permanent establishment in York of the council of the North in 1537, 

The city was also touched by the dynastic quarrels of the Plantagenets. In 1399, 


1t supported the usurpation of Bolingbroke, but in 1405 sided with Northumberland 
and Archbishop Scrope against the king. During the Wars of the Roses, the city 
refused to take sides, sometimes welcoming both factions into the city as they did in 
1460. The next Easter, young Edward Iv entered the city in triumph and it was 
from York that he and his brother Richard went into their brief exile in 1470. Two 
years after the Battle of Bosworth Field, Henry vii paid his second visit to York to 
put down the Lambert Simnell rebellion. 

The city was the administrative centre of the ecclesiastical province of York and 
also the site of many religious fraternities and convents, the greatest of which, 
St Mary’s Abbey, played a significant part in civic affairs. The Reformation, bring- 
ing with it first the dissolution of the monasteries in 1539 and later the dissolution 
of religious guilds and chantries in 1547, radically changed the physical and social 
character of the city. The city council gave its tacit consent to the Pilgrimage of 
Grace in 1537, when it allowed the leaders of the rebellion to enter the city to be 
blessed by the archbishop. This was the last time the city defied the wishes of a 
ruling monarch. 

Civic Government 

The city enjoyed its rights and liberties through a series of royal charters. These 
were jealously guarded by the city against any encroachments by the county of 
York or by the crown itself. What is known about the relationship between the 
crown and the city and the structure of the city government has been deduced from 
the surviving documents. Exact details are often lacking, especially from the 
thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. 

York was governed by a mayor and three separate councils. Membership in two 
of the councils, the aldermen or the Twelve and the council of Twenty-four, was 
drawn mainly from the trading crafts. Members of the third council, the Forty- 
eight (later called the common council) were drawn mainly from the manufacturing 
crafts. Effective power lay with the mayor and the two inner councils. The mer- 
cantile oligarchy thus created was sometimes in conflict with the third council 
representing the commonality. Confrontation frequently centred around the 
annual electicn of the mayor and sometimes led to the suspension of the city’s 
charter by the crown. 

In 1386, Richard 11 created the city a county in its own right, setting it apart 
from Yorkshire. From 1386 until 1537, the city enjoyed considerable independence. 
With the establishment of the council of the North, however, although the legal 
independence of the city was not affected, its practical autonomy was somewhat 
eroded. Citizens disciplined by the civic authorities were able to appeal directly 
to the royal authority. 

The mayor was elected annually on St Blaise’s Day (3 February). During the four- 


teenth century re-election was common, with such men as Nicholas Langton and his 
son John holding the office between them for twenty-eight years. To put an end 

to this practice, an ordinance was passed in 1372 that ‘no one was to be re-elected 
until a period of eight years has elapsed, and in 1392 until all the probi bomines who 
had not yet served had done so.’ These ordinances were not effectively enforced 
until 1409 when the tradition of long serving mayors was finally broken. During the 
fifteenth century, mayors rarely served more than once and then at eight year 
intervals at least. The mayors were chosen from the ranks of the aldermen by 
various means. In 1392, the retiring mayor placed the names of two or three alder- 
men before the commonality assembled in the Common Hall for one to be elected. 
In 1464, by a decree of Edward Iv, the procedure was reversed and the crafts were 
asked to nominate two aldermen to be considered by the retiring mayor, the alder- 
men, and the Twenty-four. There followed a series of troubled elections, and in 
1473 the king suggested that the crafts proceed to elect one of the aldermen directly. 
This found little favour with the inner councils, who petitioned the king to return 

to the practice decreed in 1464. This was confirmed in 1492. The method continued 
to be unsatisfactory and twenty-five years later, in 1517, new letters patent were 
issued for York setting up a common council with a clear role in mayoral elections. 
The council was obliged to meet on 15 January to nominate three aldermen who 
had not been twice mayor already and who had not held office during the preceding 
six years. The mayor was then elected by the aldermen and sheriffs. 

During his term of office, the mayor represented in his person the dignity of the 
city. To make this aspect of his office clear, he was provided as early as the end of 
the fourteenth century with a sergeant-at-mace to precede him whenever he went 
abroad on the streets and a second sergeant to follow him bearing the sword of the 
city. During the seventeenth century, the Stuart custom of knighting the incumbent 
mayor on the occasion of a royal visit was a compliment primarily to the city 
rather than to the individual. 


Until 1396, the mayor was assisted by three bailiffs appointed by the crown. It was 
their duty to ensure that the city’s fee farm (or assessed taxation) was turned over 
to the crown and to enforce the king’s peace and the externally determined assize 

in bread and ale. When Richard 11 created the city a county in 1396, officials 
elected by the city itself took over these responsibilities of dealing directly with the 
crown. The major part of the duties of the bailiffs was taken over by two sheriffs 
elected by the mayor, aldermen, and the Twenty-four and endorsed by the common- 
ality. They were elected on 21 September and took office on Michaelmas (29 
September). After 1517, the common council met on 21 September and nominated 
four men for sheriff, two of whom were then elected by the aldermen and existing 
sheriffs. Election to the office of sheriff was one of the major steps towards high 
civic office. Like the mayor, the sheriffs were accompanied by sergeants-at-mace 
and surrounded by ceremonial trappings. It was, however, an expensive office for 


the incumbents. One of their major ceremonial duties was their annual riding 
during which they proclaimed the civic by-laws at certain specified places within 

the liberties of the city. After the riding, the incumbent sheriffs were expected 
to provide a feast for the corporation at their own expense. In the sixteenth century 
the sheriffs frequently rode in harness on Corpus Christi Day and other festive 
occasions. After their year in office, the sheriffs usually became members of the 
council of Twenty-four. 


The city’s finances were the province of three chamberlains chosen yearly by the 
mayor, the aldermen, and the Twenty-four to take office on 3 February. Some 
revenue came under the jurisdiction of four bridgemasters, whose year of office 
also began 3 February until 1491 when they took office on 15 January. They 
collected rents from properties on and adjacent to Ouse Bridge and Foss Bridge. 
Any funds remaining after the necessary bridge maintenance had been attended to 
were handed over to the chamberlains. The office of bridgemaster was abolished 
in 1626. 


From the end of the fourteenth century, it appears that the aldermen were elected 
by the mayor and existing aldermen as vacancies occurred in the Twelve through 
death or prolonged ill health. During the fifteenth century, it is not clear whether 
there were any restrictions on the citizens who could be elected. Most seem to have 
been drawn from the ranks of the Twenty-four (or ex-sheriffs) and belonged to the 
mercantile oligarchy. After 1517, when a vacancy occurred, the common council 
nominated three ‘of the most grave, discreet, and able citizens’,* one of whom was 
subsequently elected by the mayor and other aldermen. 


This council was almost entirely made up of ex-sheriffs, and unless a councillor was 
elevated to the rank of alderman, he remained a member of the Twenty-four for 
life. Together, the aldermen and the Twenty-four were the effective day-to-day 
government of the city during the fifteenth century and even after the new letters 
patent in 1517. This same basic structure continued into the seventeenth century 
when these two councils were sometimes called the privy council. 

The regular meetings of the city council, normally held in the Chamber on Ouse 
Bridge, were attended by both aldermen and members of the Twenty-four, although 
frequently only two or three of the larger body are listed as being in attendance. It 
is not clear whether there was any division of power between the two councils. 

During the late fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the third council, the Forty-eight 


(sometimes called the communitatis), was convened sporadically. Sometimes it 
was called together by the mayor and the inner councils to ratify an election or 
important decision; sometimes, however, it convened independently in protest 
against some action taken by senior councils. There is no clear evidence of its 
composition in the earlier period, but later it seems to be made up of the searchers 
of the craft guilds. 


The letters patent of 1517 replaced the ill-defined Forty-eight with a common 
council made up of representatives of the craft guilds. Thirteen specified ‘major 
crafts’ each nominated four of their members to the aldermen and the Twenty- 
four, who then chose two from each guild, making twenty-six representatives of 
the ‘major crafts’. Fifteen ‘minor crafts’ nominated two of their members, of whom 
one was chosen by the same process. This made an ‘elected’ council of forty-one. 
When this council, in its turn, was to elect a mayor, aldermen, and sheriffs, it was 
augmented by the twenty-eight senior searchers of the crafts. The new charter 
issued to the city in 1632 confirmed the structure of the civic government, but also 
acknowledged the decline in the political and social importance of the crafts. This 
charter specified that the common council was to be made up not of representatives 
of the guilds, but of the wards of the city. 

The city employed two permanent officials: the recorder who saw to the legal 
affairs of the city, performed ambassadorial duties, and delivered loyal addresses 
to visiting monarchs, and the common clerk who, often assisted by a deputy, kept 
the official records. It also employed at first seven and later six sergeants who were 
the officers of the mayor and sheriffs and apparently acted as a ‘paid police force’.$ 
The civic employees who appear most prominently in this collection are the city 
waits or musicians. These men and their apprentices received an annual stipend 
from the city treasury as well as livery and possibly free accommodation. In return, 
it was their duty to perform on certain specified occasions for the mayor and the 
corporation and to provide special music for royal entries and other ceremonial 
occasions. They also seem to have held a special position in relation to the Minster, 
regularly performing at Pentecost and on the two feasts of St William until 1538. 
The Minster records again show payment to the city waits in the later sixteenth 
and seventeenth centuries. 

Craft Guilds and Religious Guilds 

The complex structure of civic government by councils made an apparent distinction 
between the trading crafts (particularly the Mercers and Merchants) and the manu- 
facturing crafts. However, all the crafts, including the Mercers, were subject to the 


jurisdiction of the mayor and the civic councils who ratified their ordinances, set 
standards of weights and measures, and regulated markets and prices. Disputes 
between crafts were brought to the mayor and council for arbitration. Internal 
disputes were sometimes brought to the civic authorities, but more often were 
settled by the internal organization of the guild. This organization usually con- 
sisted of a master and two to four searchers elected by the journeymen and master 
craftsmen annually. The searchers seem to have been the key figures within the 
government of each craft. Their duties included ensuring that the ordinances of 
the craft were adhered to, that substandard workmanship was guarded against, and 
that no outsiders practised the skills of their craft. 

When a craft owned one of the pageants of the Corpus Christi Play, pageant 
masters were chosen to collect money to finance the pageant and to make pre- 
parations for the performance. The pageant money or ‘pageant silver’ came from 
three main sources: (i) yearly contributions from members of the craft, from non- 
members who gained part of their income by practising the skills of the craft, and 
from other crafts which did not own pageants; (ii) special payments made by a man 
when he entered his apprenticeship; (iii) a percentage, usually half, of fines levied 
for breaking craft ordinances (the other half went to the city treasury). See for 
example, the minstrels’ ordinances of 1561 and 1578. The number of pageant 
masters varied with the size and affluence of the craft: for example, the Mercers 
elected four each year while the Bakers elected only two. After the civic religious 
drama had been suppressed, the craft guilds continued to use the title ‘pageant 
master’. The function of these men, however, had changed radically. From the 
late sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century records and ordinances, it appears 
that the position was always held by junior members of the craft whose duty it was 
to organize banquets for the craft, largely at their own expense. 

Medieval guilds did not limit their concerns to the mere execution of their craft. 
Most made special provision to honour their patron saint and undertook special 
religious obligations such as votive lights and masses for the souls of dead brethren. 
Some functioned as religious guilds as well as craft guilds. The records of the York 
Mercers survive from before the dissolution of the religious guilds in 1547 and 
frequently refer to the Mercers as the Holy Trinity Guild, and their hall (which 
still stands in Fossgate) is occasionally referred to as Holy Trinity Hall in the records 
of the Corpus Christi Guild. A symbol of the Trinity was part of the properties 
of the Mercers’ pageant of Doomsday in the Corpus Christi Play. 

York had many guilds that were strictly religious in character and function. The 
largest of these was the Corpus Christi Guild, whose documents survive.° Other 
religious guilds that are referred to in this collection are the Pater Noster Guild 
which merged with St Anthony’s in 1446 and the guild of St Christopher and its 
successor, the guild of St Christopher and St George. Each was governed by a 
master and a varying number of wardens. Their membership crossed craft and social 
boundaries, including laymen and priests, freemen of the city and their wives and 


daughters, and also ‘foreigners’ from outside the liberties of the city. 

Principles of Selection 

In any process of selection from material as voluminous as the surviving York 
records, editors must make choices. Except for a few early references, we have 
limited our collection to activities more civic than liturgical and more public than 
private. We have not included liturgical processions or quasi-dramatic annual rituals 
of the Minster or St Mary’s Abbey, nor have we included any references to private 
revels in noblemen’s town houses or in the archbishop’s palace at Bishopthorpe. 
These will appear in subsequent volumes of Records of Early English Drama along 
with other such material from Yorkshire. Within these limitations, we have tried to 
be as all-inclusive as possible, presenting any material which may be relevant. There 
is, for example, an early reference from a constitution of Archbishop de Zouche in 
which he urges the people of his province to refrain ‘a ludis, spectaculis ...’ on Good 
Friday. This may or may not be a reference to playmaking activity. Among the 
later material we have had to make other kinds of decisions. For example, the 
Churchwardens’ accounts continue to record the dressing of armour for the muster 
of the militia long after this muster has become separated from the ‘Midsommer 
Show’ that, in some measure, replaced the Corpus Christi celebration at the end of 
the sixteenth century. We have included the references up to 1606, when it appears 
the organization of the muster passed from the control of the city to the lord 
president of the North. 

The York records offer the familiar paradox of all collections of records. Although 
they are voluminous, they are also fragmentary, presenting some practices in tedious 
repetition while mentioning others only once, leaving room for speculation. The 
collection is concerned with three general though sometimes interrelated topics: 
drama, minstrelsy, and ceremonial. 


Most of the dramatic references are concerned with the Corpus Christi Play, the 
major theatrical undertaking of the city for almost two hundred years.’ These 
records include civic ordinances, guild ordinances enrolled in civic registers, civic 
receipts and expenses concerning the play, a few Minster expenses both from the 
Dean and Chapter accounts and the Vicars Choral, the accounts and other docu- 
ments of the Mercers’ Guild, the sixteenth-century accounts of the Bakers’ Guild 
and miscellaneous references from wills. 

The records of the plays of the religious guilds are found in the guild records, 
the city records, and miscellaneous references in wills and other documents. Con- 
siderable evidence concerning the Creed Play survives in the records of the Corpus 
Christi Guild from the time the play was left to the guild by William Revetour in 
1446 until the dissolution of the guild in 1547. Less evidence survives concerning 


the Pater Noster Play which, before dissolution, was produced by the Pater Noster 
Guild and after 1446 by the St Anthony’s Guild. After dissolution, both plays 
passed into the hands of the city. The sudden concern of the city council over the 
details of the production of the Creed and Pater Noster Plays subsequent to 1547 
does not represent new dramatic activity in York but simply the transfer of responsi- 
bility from the suppressed guilds to the city. The Creed and Pater Noster Plays 
were the major plays of the religious guilds, although William Revetour also left 
a play on St James ‘in sex paginas compilatum’ to the St Christopher’s Guild in 

References to other plays in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries are scattered. 
A Christmas interlude was played for the master of St Leonard’s Hospital in 1370. 
A clerk named Thorpe left his ‘play books’ to a priest named Yhedingham in 1376. 
The city chamberlains record a single payment for ‘the play of the vineyard’ in 
1442, a subject not treated in the York Corpus Christi Play or in any other extant 
play-text. There are also references to a play of St Denys and players from the 
parish of St Denys. In 1584 and 1585, an interlude written by a schoolmaster 
named Grafton was played under the supervision of the city with the co-operation 
of the craft guilds. Players from other parts of England visiting York are mentioned 
as early as 1446. The first mention of players playing in the Common Hall occurs in 
1527. The first reference to professional touring companies appears in the Minster 
records for 1576 and in the civic documents for 1578. 


The majority of the references to minstrelsy are to the city waits, including all 
references to their payment, livery, employment and dismissal, instruments, and 
performances. The waits were part of the York guild of Musicians whose ordi- 
nances for 1561 and 1578 are presented in full. The first references to travelling 
minstrels are in the earliest Chamberlains’ Account Book (1446) which indicates 
large numbers of liveried musicians and other performers visiting the city. By 1450, 
the only ‘foreign’ minstrels regularly paid by the city were the king’s minstrels. 
Record of a standard payment to them continues for many years. From the 
sixteenth- and seventeenth-century accounts of the Bakers’ Guild and the Brick- 
layers’ Guild, there are frequent references to payments made to local minstrels for 
special occasions. 


All references to the Corpus Christi procession from the civic documents, the 
records of the Corpus Christi Guild, and the accounts of the Mercers and the Bakers 
have been included. Details of the St George Riding survive from 1554, with occa- 
sional references elsewhere in the civic documents. The broadside describing the 
Riding of Yule and Yule’s Wife and the documents suppressing that custom have 
been included. The ceremonial ridings of the sheriffs which appear in conjunction 


with the Corpus Christi Play after 1537 have been included even when they appear 
to have become part of the mustering of the local militia in the late sixteenth 
century. . 

The formal accounts of the royal entries of Henry VII in 1486, James I in 1617, 
and Charles! in 1633 and again in 1639 are reproduced in their entirety. An account 
of James I’s visit in 1603 has been included from a printed source published that 
same year. Records of royal visits by Richard 1, Henry V1, Edward Iv, Richard Ill, 
Henry VII, his daughter Princess Margaret, and Henry VIII and the preparations 
surrounding the 1486, 1603, 1617, 1633, and 1639 royal entries are included where 
they seem to refer to ceremonial custom, music, or quasi-dramatic activity. We have 
not reproduced the frequent orders for cleaning streets and painting houses which 
precede every royal occasion. 

The Documents 

Within each year, the text of this collection follows a standard order. That order is 
reflected in this section of discussion and description. 


The records of the city of York were kept in the Council Chamber on Ouse Bridge 
until 1738 when they were removed to the Guildhall. They remained in the custody 
of the council until 1957 when the city archives were moved to the York City 
Library on Museum Street, now the North Yorkshire County Library. During the 
time the documents were in the Guildhall, they suffered some damage from damp 
rising from the River Ouse, which flows behind the hall. Major damage was caused 
to some of the collection by the great flood of 1892 when the two parchment 
Memorandum Books, A/Y and B/Y, suffered extensive damage (see below) and 
many account rolls and books were seriously affected. In 1908, William Giles, then 
town clerk, caused all but a few of the codices of the city to be uniformly rebound. 
At that time, a chemical treatment intended as a preservative was applied to many of 
the paper documents. The folios or parts of folios so treated are now beginning to 
darken to the point of obliterating the writing underneath. 

The categories of the York City Archives containing medieval and renaissance 
documents are Class A (Charters), Class B (Corporation House [or Minute] Books), 
Class C (Accounts), Class D (Freemen’s Rolls), Class E (Register Books), Class F 
(Sessions of the Peace), Class G (Various Old Documents), Class H (Conveyances), 
Class 1 (Leases), Class J (Fragments of Conveyances and Leases), Class K (Sundry 
Documents). All have been searched. This collection contains excerpts from 
Classes A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. 

House Books 
From 1476, when they begin, the House Books or minute books of the city council 


provide the most detailed evidence concerning playmaking, minstrelsy, and cere- 
monial of any York documents. The Books rarely record debate. They are, rather, 
the record of decisions taken by the council and preserved by the town clerk. Each 
entry is dated and includes down the left-hand margin the names of all those present. 
The names have been omitted from our excerpts. Most entries have a marginal 
heading, sometimes in the same hand as the entry, sometimes in a later hand. These 
headings were clearly used for easy reference back to previous decisions of the 
council. The Books were carefully preserved and sometimes consulted for prece- 
dents. For example, in 1541 when Henry VIII was about to visit the city, the clerk 
was instructed to look up the procedures followed when Henry VII entered the 
city in 1486. The excerpts in this collection are scattered among other matters of 
civic concern such as the drawing up of guild ordinances, keeping the peace, repair- 
ing the gates and bridges, regulations concerning the Common Crane, poor relief, 
licensing taverns and inns, regulation of markets, collecting levies and fines, the 
arrangements for the annual ‘fishing day’ of the mayor, the relations with the 
crown. Important as playmaking, minstrelsy, and ceremonial were to the city, 
their regulation was also a matter of ancient and regular custom. In reading the 
House Book entries, it is well to keep in mind that absence of information in any 
one year does not necessarily mean that a custom was not maintained. Frequently, 
the city accounts record payments for the Corpus Christi Play, or for the waits’ 
liveries or travelling companies in a year when no mention of them is made in the 
House Books. 

House Books 

York, North Yorkshire County Library, B1-B36; 1476-1642; English, some Latin and Anglo- 
Norman in early volumes; paper (except B9, parchment); number of leaves varies from 41 (B12) 
to 402 (B32); smallest B30 (290mm x 180mm), largest B11 (395mm x 275/280mm), text ina 
single, wide, right-hand column, amount of leaf covered varies from scribe to scribe; gathered 
irregularly (the majority in 8s); modern foliation; little ornamentation in script until B29, ruled 
margins B29-B36, most marginal headings contemporary with the text; bound in white paper- 
covered boards resembling leather, shelf-mark gilt on red, spines of B30-B36 more omamental. 
All books damaged and repaired (damage most severe in early books, B1-B7 rectos badly faded, 
B2-4 missing first 3 leaves, last 2 gatherings B9 reversed, B20 missing ff 5-6, B28 opening leaves 
foliated A-U, some interleaving of letters and other single documents). Excerpts are taken from 

the following: 

B1 (1476-9) B9 (1503-19) B14 (1540-1) 
B2-4 (1480-6) B10 (1519-27) B15 (1541-3) 
B5 (1483-9) B11 (1527-33) B16 (1543-4) 
B6 (1486-90) B12 (1533-4) B17 (1544-6) 
B7 (1490-6) B13 (15349) B18 (1546-7) 

B8 (1496-1503) 

B13A (1539-40) 

B19 (1547-9) 

B20 (1549-52) 
B21 (1552-5) 
B22 (1556-60) 
B23 (1560-5) 
B24 (1565-72) 
B25 (1572-4) 

B26 (1574-7) 
B27 (1577-80) 
B28 (1580-5) 
B29 (1585-7) 
B30 (1587-92) 
B31 (1592-8) 


B32 (1598-1605) 
B33 (1605-12) 
B34 (1613-25) 
B35 (1625-37) 
B36 (1637-50) 

Civic Memorandum Books 

Three books containing copies of important civic and guild documents survive from 
this period. The most important and, unfortunately, the most badly damaged is 

the A/Y Memorandum Book. A/Y consists of three separate manuscripts bound 
together: the maior registrum, the novum registrum, and an incomplete paper 
index to the first two manuscripts and other registers, paper books, and books of 
acts, Although some documents enrolled in A/Y are from earlier in the fourteenth 
century, the compiling of the book in its original form was begun in January 1377.® 
A/Y was a working book used and corrected by generations of civic officials. The 
entries are various in nature. Most are craft ordinances, often cancelled and updated. 
Some are civic ordinances recording regulations governing activities controlled by 
the city. These give us our earliest record of the Corpus Christi Play and the civic 
procession with the shrine of Corpus Christi. Occasionally, an entry resembles the 
later House Book material in recording the decisions of a particular council meeting. 
One important entry concerning the Corpus Christi celebration, the record of the 
events surrounding a sermon preached by Friar William Melton in 1426, was written 
into the record as a set piece of discursive prose. The earliest surviving reference 

to Corpus Christi pageants occurs in the first gathering of the book, recording the 
receipt of rent for storing pageants during the year 1376 in a form later used only in 
Bridgemasters’ account rolls. Entries on any one folio may come from widely 
separated years and may be written in different hands and different languages. We 
have transcribed all references to the Corpus Christi celebrations, even those that 
have been cancelled, since cancellation may have been made as long as a century 
after the original document was enrolled. 

The B/Y Memorandum Book is a later companion volume to A/Y. It too contains 
miscellaneous material although the majority of entries are guild ordinances. A few 
entries refer to the time of Richard 11, but most are from the later fifteenth and 
early sixteenth centuries. 

The third memorandum book, referred to in this collection as the E Memorandum 
Book, contains guild ordinances drawn up and enrolled after 1573 to replace many 
of the ordinances in A/Y and B/Y. Few include references to the Corpus Christi 
Play. Among the small amount of non-guild material found in this register is a copy 
of a certificate concerning recusants dated 17 January 1585. E has none of the 
marks of a working book that characterize both A/Y and B/Y. 


A/Y Memorandum Book 

York, North Yorkshire County Library, E20; 1327-1547; Latin, Anglo-Norman, English; parch- 
ment with paper appendix; i+383+36 (paper); dimensions extremely variable: parchment approx- 
imately 285mm x 205mm (ruled space approximately 238mm x 145mm), ff 333-40, approximately 
270mm x 175mm (203mm x 133mm), number of lines variable; (1) the mator registrum gatherings 
A-Z, mainly 4s and 6s, no signatures apparent, (2) the novum registrum gatherings a-q, 2s and 6s, 
signatures a-k, with gaps due to wear and trimming, (3) index, 10 gatherings of 2, except gathering 
8, a singlet, and ff 35 and 36, detached leaves. Many inserted leaves, especially in the first 7 
gatherings of (1) and gathering c of (2); frequent correction by later hands, cancellations, marginal 
notations in both contemporary and later hands; modern foliation at the foot of the leaf in pencil, 
treating (1) and (2) together, (3) separately, as do the 2 medieval foliations, at the head of the leaf 
in ink. The medieval numberings show the original division of the manuscript: the first, 1-246, is 
overlapped by the second, 200 (beginning on original 190) - 370, many cross references between 
secuons, no medieval foliation in (3); little ormamentation in script; bound in white paper-covered 
boards resembling leather, red label on spine with title CITY OF YORK /-/ REGISTER OF / 
VARIOUS MEMORANDA / RELATING TO CITY / - / 1327-1547. Beneath the label is A/Y, 
then 20. The manuscript has been heavily damaged by flooding, writing legible only under ultra- 
violet light on many leaves, in some entries (see the 1415 ‘Ordo’ gathering) ink completely washed 
away, decipherable only in strong sunlight when outine of letters in clean parchment contrasts 
with surrounding darkened surface. 

B/Y Memorandum Book 

York, North Yorkshire County Library, E20A; 1371-1596; English, some Latin; parchment; 
i+253; size of leaves irregular (length varies from 276mm to 301mm, width varies from 210mm to 
220mm); gatherings irregular (1 leaf missing, some single leaves); corrections or cancellations in 
later hands, marginal notations in both contemporary and later hands, some catchwords; medieval, 
17th century, and modern foliation; occasional decorated initials in early sections, more elaborate 
after f 232, decorated opening words ff 211v-13, 220v-31; bound in white paper boards resembling 
leather, red label on spine with the ttle CITY OF YORK / - / REGISTER OF / VARIOUS 
MEMORANDA / RELATING TO CITY /-/ 1371-1596 / 8 / 20A. B/Y badly flooded as A/Y. 

E Memorandum Book 

York, North Yorkshire County Library, E22; 1561-1681; English; paper; 364 leaves; 330mm x 
254mm; most gatherings 10s or 14s; renaissance foliation (ff 1-349 numbered, 15 leaves following 
blank); ornamental capitals, contemporary marginal headings; bound in white paper boards re- 

sembling leather, shelf-mark gilt on red. 

Civic Accounts 

Excerpts from three sets of accounts kept by civic officials are included in this 

collection: the Chamberlains’ Account Rolls, the Chamberlains’ Account Books 
(running accounts), and the accounts of the Bridgemasters of Ouse Bridge. The 
Chamberlains’ Rolls are the audited accounts of the city, each covering one fiscal 


year beginning 3 February. Each complete roll is headed by the names of the 
chamberlains and mayor for that year. Each begins with the itemized receipts 
summed up by a total. This total is followed immediately by the itemized expenses, 
then a second total, and a final figure showing a balance or a deficit for the year. 
Headings for each group of entries appear in the left-hand margin and frequently 
each section is bracketed with the sum for the section repeated in the right-hand 

The headings vary over the period. One example, however, will provide some 
idea of the context of our excerpts. The roll for 1462-3 begins with the recording 
of a lump sum transfer from other civic accounts, including the Bridgemasters’ 
accounts. This is followed by a number of particular expenses of the Chamber: 
forfeits of crafts with foreign receipts (money paid to the Chamber by non-York 
craftsmen plying their trade in York), stallage, receipts from the station rentals 
for the Corpus Christi Play, goods of outlaws and fugitives, and fines and amercia- 
ments. From the year’s total receipts of £252 Os 1d ob., £4 2s 8d was received 
from station rental. Expenses for 1462-3 were for rents paid, fees of the chamber, 
the cost of excheator, pensions and rewards, gifts and hospitality, fees to heralds, 
minstrels and the city waits, the cost of liveries for civic employees including the 
waits, expenses on the feast of Corpus Christi, wages of parliament, expenses in- 
curred supervising the fishgarths on the River Ouse, repairing the walls and gates 
of the city, and finally two general categories, ‘foreign and necessary expenses’ 
and ‘minor expenses’. The expenses for that year amounted to £448 3s 4d, of which 
£5 16s 10d was spent on minstrels and Corpus Christi. The regular items repro- 
duced in this collection are the station lists (from the receipts) and all entries con- 
cerning minstrels, waits, and players, royal visits, and the entries relevant to the 
Corpus Christi Play (from the expenses), including the annual payment of 2s to the 
Innholders for the pageant of the Coronation of the Virgin, which appears variously 
under ‘foreign and necessary expenses’, ‘minor expenses’, or ‘rents paid’. The 
later accounts frequently do not itemize expenses but transfer the sum for a group 
of entries from the running account, the so-called ‘paper book’. 

The ‘paper books’ or Chamberlains’ Account Books were compiled over the 
course of the year. At the beginning of the fiscal year, the headings for each group 
of entries were written into the book by a single scribe following the pattern of the 
previous year, leaving approximately the same number of pages or half pages for 
each set of entries. This practice explains the occasional occurrence of a heading 
without an entry. For example, in the accounts for both 1523 and 1565, the folios 
under the heading for the Corpus Christi Day expenses are blank. Other evidence 
indicates that there was a play in 1523 but not in 1565. When both book and roll 
accounts survive for the same year, the information is sometimes identical. More 
frequently, one or the other (usually the book account) is fuller. Sometimes the 
roll, the more carefully prepared document, corrects obvious confusion in the rough 
draft of the book account, as in the two versions of the station list for 1528. The 


book accounts are more subject than any other surviving civic documents to the 
vagaries of individual accountants. Receipts and expenses were apparently jotted 
down under appropriate headings as they came to hand, since a single account can 
be written in two or even three hands. Station lists and notes of fines have crosses 
marked against them from time to time, possibly to indicate that the amount 
contracted for or levied had been paid. The crosses have been reproduced in our 

A few records not strictly related to accounts have been preserved in the Chamber- 
lains’ Books. The agreement between the city and the waits concerning the waits’ 
cognizances in 1585 is bound into CC6. An English version of the agreement 
concerning the pageant of the Purification of the Virgin in 1477 appears in CC1A. 
This agreement led to the one repetitive entry in the Books that does not appear in 
the Rolls. As a result of the agreement in 1477, the Labourers were to pay pageant 
money to the Masons, and the chamberlains seem to have acted as ‘middle-men’ in 
this transaction, making sure the money was collected. Consequently, from 1520 
unul the suppression of the Corpus Christi Play, the names of the pageant masters 
of the Labourers appear in the Chamberlains’ Books. 

One document (now lost) related to the Chamberlains’ Books was transcribed and 
published by Robert Davies in 1843. In 1584 and again in 1585, John Grafton, 
the schoolmaster who produced the Midsummer Show, submitted his bill to the 
corporation. The bill for 1584 is bound into the Chamberlains’ Book for 1585. The 
bill for 1585 is no longer extant. We have included Davies’ transcription in the 
appropriate place. 

The final set of civic accounts are those of the bridgemasters. These minor 
officials were responsible to the chamberlains for the properties on and adjacent 
to the two bridges - Ouse Bridge and Foss Bridge. These properties included large 
parcels of land in Micklegate both inside and outside the Bar. One of the pieces 
of property was Toft Green just inside Micklegate Bar where the sheds or houses 
in which many of the crafts stored their pageants for the Corpus Christi Play were 
built. Regular payment for pageant house rent appears in these accounts from 1425 
through 1573, when the Ouse and Foss Bridge Accounts were combined, until 
1626 when the office of bridgemaster was apparently abolished. From that year, 
according to one antiquarian source, ‘a Cittizen in ffee’ was ‘appointed to collecte 
the Cittyes rentes’.? The citizen in fee submitted his accounts in what are known as 
Receivers’ Rolls. Six fragmentary and faded rolls survive between 1628 and 1642 
continuing the entries for pageant house rent that had become standard in the earlier 

seventeenth century. 

Chamberlains’ Account Rolls 

York, North Yorkshire County Library, C1:1-C20:2; 1396-1642 (incomplete run of 74 separate 
rolls); Latin until 1535, then English; parchment; average number of membranes in complete 
rolls, 3; membranes originally sewn together continuously, some rolls now repaired with mem- 


branes sewn together at top and encased in protective vinyl roll; length and width of rolls irregular 
(length varies from 516mm to 4,850mm; width varies from 258mm to 330mm); written continu- 
ously in single columns frequently continued on dorse, writing from bottom to top (eg, 1-3, 
3d-2d); no decoration. C6:16 photocopy of lost original. C6:1, C6:6, C10:1, C13:2 badly dam- 
aged or eaten by rodents; C19:1-C20:2 badly water damaged. Many fragments. Many read under 
ultra-violet light. Excerpts taken from the following: 

C1:1 1396-7 fragment, 2 mbs; expenses C8:1 1578-9 
C1:2 1433-4 fragment, 2 mbs C8:2 1580-1 
C1:3 1442-3 C8:3 1581-2 
C2:2 1445-6 C8:4 1582-3 
C2:5 1449-50 C9:1 1597:8 
C3:1 1453-4 C10:1 1602-3 
C3:2 1454-5 C11:1 1607-8 
C3:3 1462-3 C11:2 1608-9 
C3:4 1468-9 C12:1 1611-12 
C3:6 1475-6 C12:2 1612-13 
C3:7 1478-9 missing 1 mb C13:1 1617-18 
C4:1 1486-7 C13:2 1618-19 
C4:3 1499-1500 fragment, 1 mb; expenses C14:1 1619-20 
C4:4 1499-1500 fragment, 1 mb; expenses C14:2 1621-2 
CS5:1 1501-2 C14:3 1622-3 
C5:2 1506-7 C15:1 1623-4 
C5:3 1508-9 C15:2 1624-5 
C6:1 1516-17 C15:3 1625-6 
C6:3 1518-19 fragment, 1 mb; expenses C16:1 1626-7 
C6:4 1520-1 fragment, 1 mb; expenses C16:2 1627-8 
C6:6 1528-9 fragment, 1 mb; receipts C16:3 1628-9 
C6:7 1535-6 fragment, 1 mb; receipts C17:1 1629-30 
C6:10 1539-40 missing mb 3 C17:3 1630-1 
C6:11 1539-40 fragment, 1 mb; expenses C18:1 1631-2 
C6:12 1540-1 missing 1 mb C18:2 1632-3 
C6:13 1544-5 2 fragments of mbs; expenses C18:3 1633-4 
C6:14 1546-7 fragment, 1 mb; expenses C18:4 1634-5 
C6:15 1547-8 fragment, 1 mb; expenses C19:1 1636-7 
C6:16 1551-2 fragment; receipts C19:2 1638-9 
C7:1 1561-2 C19:3 1640-1 
C7:2 1576-7 C20:1 1641-2 
C7:3 1577-8 

C20:2 1642-3 fragment, 1 mb ; expenses 

The following rolls or fragments of rolls also survive, but the relevant entries are either missiig 
or have been entirely obliterated, except for C6:2 where the shape of the station list is discernable: 


C2:1 (1444-5), C2:4 (2?1446-7), C3:5 (1470-1), C6:2 (1517-18), C6:5 (1523-4), C6:8 (1536-7), 

C9:2 (1598-9), and C9:3 (1599-1600). 

Chamberlains’ Account Books 

York, North Yorkshire County Library, CC1-CC23; 1446-1642 (incomplete run); Latin until 
1535, then English; paper; each volume compiled of separate booklets normally containing ac- 

counts of 1 year: number of leaves per booklet varies from 36 to 143; approximately 350mm x 
200mm, written in single columns under headings, frequently 1 category per leaf, leaving many 
leaves partially blank; most gatherings 8s (except CC2 in 12s and CC3 in 10s); some books modern 
foliation, others modern pagination (CC1, CC1A, and CC2 each paginated as 1, others retain 
separate foliation or pagination for each booklet); no elaborate script; CC1 and CC2 bound in 

black paper with white spines, all others bound in white paper boards resembling leather, press 
marks gilt on red. All of the books are damaged and repaired (CC1, CC1A, CC2, CC19-CC23 
badly faded, writing decipherable only under ultra-violet light). Accounts survive from the follow- 

ing years: 

CC1 (1446-50) 
CC1A (1448-54) 
CC2 (1520-5) 
CC3 (1) (1526-9) 
(2) (1535-6) 
(3) (1538-9) 
CC4 (1) (1542-3) 
C2 ICUS'S4-5)) 
CC5 (1) (1559-60) 
(2) (1565-6) 
(3) (1584-5) 
CC6 (1) (1585-6) 
(2) (1587-8) 
(3) (1588-9) 
CC7 (1) (1590-1) 
C25 93-4) 
CC8 (1) (15945) 
(2)115 95-6) 
CC9 (1) (1597-8) 
(2) (1598-9) 

CC10 (1) (1599-1600) 

(2) (1601-2) 
CC11 (1) (1602-3) 
(2) (1603-4) 
CC12 (1) (1605-6) 
(2) (1606-7) 
CC13 (1) (1607-8) 
(2) (1608-9) 
(3) (1610-11) 
CC14 (1) (1611-12) 
(2) (1612-13) 
(3) (1613-14) 
CC15 (1) (1614-15) 
(2) (1615-16) 
(3) (1616-17) 
CC16 (1) (1617-18) 
(2) (1618-19) 
(3) (1619-20) 
CC17 (1) (1620-1) 
(2) (1621-2) 

(3) (1623-4) 
CC18 (1624-5) 
CC19 (1) (1625-6) 

(2) (1626-7) 

(3) (1627-8) 
CC20 (1) (1629-30) 

(2) (1630-1) 

(3) (1631-2) 

(4) (1632-3) 
CC21 (1) (1633-4) 


(3) (1635-6) 

(4) (1636-7) 
CC22 (1) (1637-8) 

(2) (1638-9) 

(3) (1639-40) 
CC23 (1) (1640-1) 

(2) (1641-2) 

(3) (1642-3) 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls 

York, North Yorkshire County Library, C82:2-C98:3; 1438-1626 (incomplete run of 84 separate 
rolls); Latin until 1532, then English, parchment, average number of membranes in complete rolls 
3, membranes originally sewn together continuously, some now repaired with membranes sewn 
together at top and encased in protective vinyl roll; length and width of rolls irregular (length 


varies from 395mm to 4,010mm; width varies from 220mm to 330mm), written continuously 
in single columns frequently continued on dorse, writing from bottom to top (eg, 1-3, 3d-2d); no 
decoration. Many fragments. Water damage to many rolls severe: many read under ultra-violet 

light. Excerpts taken from the following: 

C82:2 1424-5 C86:4 1518-19 C94:3 1584-5 
C82:3 1428-9 G87: US21-2 C94:5 1585-6 paper draft 
C82:5 1435-6 G87:2 1523-4 C94:6 1586-7 
C82:7 1436-7 C87:3 1528-9 C94:7 1591-2 
C82:8 1437-8 Copsey USE: C94:8 1592-3 
C82:9 1438-9 C88:1 15345 GOs tees: 
C82:10 1440-1 C88:2 1538-9 C95:2 1595-6 
C82:11 1442-3 C88:3 1539-40 C95:3 1596-7 
C82:12 14445 C88:4 1543-4 C95:4 1597-8 
C83:1 1445-6 C89:1 15443 C9525 93-9 
C83:2 1449-50 C89:2 1545-6 C96:1 1600-1 
C83:3 1451-2 C89:3 1546-7 C96:2 1602-3 
C83:4 1453-4 C89:4 1547-8 C96:3 1603-4 
C83:5 1454-5 C89:5 1548-9 C96:4 1604-5 
C83:6 1457-8 CIOs 552-3 C96:5 1607-8 
C83:7 1458-9 CIO2 7 1554-5 C96:6 1609-10 
C83:8 1459-60 C90:3 1558-9 C96:7 1610-11 
C83:9 1462-3 C90:4 1561-2 C977 WG15-16 
C83:10 1464-5 €91:2 1564-5 COT 2 Gl7-1s5 
C84:1 1466-7 C91:3 1566-7 C973" 1620-1 
C84:2 1468-9 €93:1 1573-4 C97:4 1621-2 
C85:1 1488-9 C93E2 VUSi/5-6) E975 622-3 
C85:2 1499-1500 €93:3 1580-1 C98:1 1624-5 
C86:1 1501-2 C93:4 1581-2 C98:2 1625-6 
C86:2 1503-4 C94:1 1582-3 C98:3 1626-7 
C86:3 1514-15 C94:2 1583-4 

The following rolls survive, but the writing is now obliterated: C82:9 (1438-9), C83:1 (1445-6), 
C83:9 (1462-3), C83:10 (1464-5), C94:6 (1586-7), C96:6 (1609-10). 

The Court of Quarter Session 

One final class of civic documents was searched. These are the Books of Entry for 
the court of Sessions of the Peace or Quarter Sessions (1550-1600). In York, the 
city council itself sat as justices of the peace with the mayor acting as chief magis- 
trate. They could, however, try only misdemeanours. All other cases (such as 
felony or treason) had to be bound over to the general assizes. What survives in 
York are Books of Entry for the use of the court itself. They record who came 


before the court, for what reason, and what was done with them. Frequently 
indicted individuals were simply bound over to the next assizes. The books ate 
almost entirely written in formulaic Latin and record no pleas or proceedings. 
There are occasional references to the city waits or minstrels appearing in court 
charged with misdemeanours or standing surety for someone else. Such appear- 
ances are recorded in the end-notes to the first document where the name of the 
musician appears in the collection. 


Archives of the Worshipful Company of Merchant Adventurers 

The Company of Merchant Adventurers in York is the lineal descendant of the 
medieval guild of Mercers and Merchants and retains the archives of the guild. The 
documents are stored in a vault in the company’s fifteenth-century hall in Fossgate. 
They include a Chartulary, a Journal, a full set of account rolls and miscellanecus 
pageant documents. The Chartulary was, for many years, in the hands of the 
Bemrose family in Derbyshire and was returned to the company early in this century. 
Its make-up is miscellaneous, serving the company much as the A/Y Memorandum 
Book served the city. It contains guild ordinances, important decisions of the 
company, and a few references to the Doomsday pageant in the Corpus Christi Play. 
The ordinance for the pageant masters for 1443 concerning Doomsday has frequently 
been cited as a reference to the Pater Noster Play in 1488. A detailed discussion 

of this problem is in an end-note to the ordinance. The Chartulary also contains the 
names of various company officials, including some pageant masters. The names of 
the pageant masters, together with an extensive list of pageant masters from the 
Journal of the company, are reproduced in Appendix IV. 

The account rolls are in excellent condition. They contain only infrequent 
references to the Doomsday pageant. The only regular payment associated with the 
feast of Corpus Christi is the annual fee paid to have the guilds’ torches carried in 
the Corpus Christi procession. This payment and the periodic payment for the 
repair of the torches normally appear under the heading of customary allowances. 
Later rolls record the payment of the shilling a year to the bridgemasters for the 
pageant house property and the receipt of rent from the Butchers and the Bowers 
and Fletchers. For five years from 1474-8, the rent paid by the Corpus Christi 
Guild for the use of the Merchants’ Hall for their annual feast is recorded in the 
rolls. Although unrelated to the rest of the category, the entry is always the first 
one under the marginal heading ‘Pro navibus’. We have included the heading for 
easy reference in the rolls. The early shorter rolls are concerned mainly with the 
fees for entry into the guild and its trading activities. The subsequent rolls increas- 
ingly reflect the interest of the company both in the fabric of the hall and in the 

real property it accumulated over the years. . 
The miscellaneous pageant documents have been collected together into Box D63 


of the Merchant Adventurers’ Archives. They include a paper draft of the account 
roll for 1437, four pageant accounts from the 1460s, a rough inventory of the 
pageant for 1526, and two legal instruments: an indenture between the pageant 
masters and the company listing the pageant properties in 1433, and an agreement 
between the company and three individuals concerning Doomsday dated 1454. One 
further pageant account, now lost, from the 1460s was in existence when Maud 
Sellers compiled her Surtees Society volume of the documents of the Merchant 
Adventurers in 1917. We have included it from her printed version in the appropriate 
place in our collection. The dating of accounts has been done from both internal 
and external evidence and is explained in individual end-notes. These paper accounts 
are a happy survival from among similar documents that must have existed for every 
year the pageant was performed. Miscellaneous paper drafts for some later rolls 
survive in boxes D62 and D77. They do not appear in the text, but are mentioned 
in the End-notes. 

One final document is in the custody of the Merchant Adventurers. This is the 
Chartulary of the Company of Merchant Taylors. The only relevant entry concerns 
the sale of their pageant house in 1615. The Chartulary is kept separate from the 
other documents in a bank-vault and we were able to see it only once in order to 
transcribe the entry. 


York, Merchant Adventurers’ Archives, D19; 15th-16th century; English, with some Latin; parch- 
ment; 181 leaves; 280mm x 194mm (222mm x 128mm), 33/34 lines to a page; gathered in 8s 
(with signatures on second to nineteenth gatherings and some catchwords); second gathering 
turned inside out and the recto of the first folio of gathering (originally recto of fifth) overwritten 
in black ink in 19th century; post-renaissance foliation in 2 hands, the second correcting the 
first; some rubricated headings and minor decorated initials; contemporary brown leather binding 
on boards. 


York, Merchant Adventurers’ Archives, D14; 1420-1796; English; paper; 286 leaves; 280/282mm 
x 195mm (margins variable); most gatherings 10s (a number of leaves and 1 gathering, ff 109-18, 
missing); 17th-century foliation to f 210, ff 211-43 by an 18th-century hand; no decoration; 
leather binding now detached from leaves (except for first gathering), title on front cover centre. 

Account Rolls 

York, Merchant Adventurers’ Archives, A-C(c), Boxes D53-D61; 1432-1590 (incomplete run of 
115 separate rolls); English (1432-53, 1529-90) and Latin (1459-1528); parchment except paper 
draft for 1465 (D53); most rolls until 1500 single membrane, but after 1500 average number of 
membranes, 2; accounts for 1432-42 and 1443-4 sewn together as single rolls; length and width 
irregular; written continuously in single columns frequently continued on dorse, writing from 
bottom to top; no-decoration; rollsunprotected by covers. Excerpts taken from the following: 


Box D53 A 1432-42 
B 1443-4 
C 1445 
D 1446 
E 1448 
F 1449-51 (1 account) 
H 1451-3 (1 account) 
K 1459 
L 1460 
M 1461 

1465 (paper draft) 
Q 1472 

Box D54 T 1474 
U 1475 
V 1476 
X 1477 
Y 1478 
Z 1481 
AA 1485 
BB 1486 
CC 1487 
DD 1488 
EE 1489 
FF 1490 
HH 1491 
Il 1492 
KK 1493 
LL 1494 
NN 1496 
OO 1497 
QQ 1499 

Box D55 RR 1500 
SS 1501 
TT 1502 
UU 1503 
VV 1504 
WW 1505 
XX 1506 
YY 1507 
ZZ 1508 

Miscellaneous Pageant Documents 

Box D56 

Box D57 

Box D58 

AAA 1509 
BBB 1510 
CEG 11 
DDD 1512 
EEE 1513 
FFF 1514 
GGG 1515 
HHH 1516 
Il] 1517 
KKK 1518 
LLL 1519 
MMM 1520 
NNN 1521 
OOO 1522 
PPP 1523 
QQQ 1524 
RRR 1525 
SSS 1526 
Tie 527, 
UUU 1528 
VVV 1529 
WWW 1530 
XXX 1533 
Wave eligi S 4: 
A(a) 1536 
B(a) 1537 
C(a) 1538 
D(a) 1539 
E(a) 1540 
F(a) 1541 
G(a) 1542 
H(a) 1543 
I(a) 1544 
K(a) 1545 
L(a) 1546 
M(a) 1547 
N(a) 1548 
O(a) 1549 

Box D59 

Box D60 

Box Dé1 

P(a) 1550 
Q(a) 1551 
R(a) 1552 
S(a) 1553 

S(a)(sic) 1554 

T(a) 1555 

U(a) 1556 
W(a) 1559 
X(a) 1560 
Y(a) 1561 
Z(a) 1562 
A(b) 1563 
B(b) 1564 
C(b) 1565 
D(b) 1566 
E(b) 1567 
F(b) 1568 
G(b) 1569 
H(b) 1570 
I(b) 1571 

K(b) 1572 
L(b) 1573 
M(b) 1574 
N(b) 1575 
O(b) 1576 
P(b) 1577 
Q(b) 1578 
R(b) 1579 
S(b) 1580 
T(b) 1581 
U(b) 1582 
V(b) 1583 
W(b) 1584 
X(b) 1585 
Y(b) 1586 
Z(b) 1587 
A(c) 1588 
B(c) 1589 
C(c) 1590 

These documents are now collected together in Box D63 of the Merchant Adventurers’ Archives. 


They include a paper draft of the roll for 1437 and the following: 

Indenture; 1433; English; parchment; single sheet; 329mm x 226mm. 

Agreement; 1453-4; Latin; parchment; single sheet; 304mm x 117mm; 3 personal seals of the men 

named in the document attached. 

Pageant Account; 1461; English; paper; single sheet; 432mm x 304mm; pageant costs written on 
1 side, sheet folded lengthwise and list of names and amounts (possibly pageant money list) written 
on outer fold in 2 columns, second column extended by irregular pieces of paper 165mm x 97mm 

sewn to bottom right-hand corner. 
Pageant account; 1462; English; paper; single sheet; 512mm x 126mm; repaired. 
Pageant account; 1463; English; paper; single sheet; 204mm x 126mm. 

Pageant account; 1467; English; paper; single sheet; 274mm x 201mm; folded lengthwise, with 
pageant expenses on outer fold and list of pageant money on inside folds; document at one time 
folded again bottom to top and bottom right-hand corer chewed by a rodent, resulting in irregular 
holes at right- and left-hand edges of sheet; holes roughly semi-circular 50mm x 100mm at edges of 

Pageant account; 1526; English; paper; single sheet; 205mm x 280mm; stitching marks 17mm 
apart along left-hand edge; sheet marked with several diagonal creases; lists of names on dorse. 

Documents of the Bakers’ Guild 

A seventeenth-century ordinal and two account books of the York guild of Bakers 
are now in the British Library. How the earlier account book found its way to 
London is unclear, but both the other volumes have small paper notices pasted 
inside their front covers ‘Purchd of Miss L. Toulmin-Smith, 15 May, 1894’. 

The early account book is a working book of little pretension. It contains the 
accounts of the guild from 1544-80, including expenses related to their pageant 
of the Last Supper until 1572. The company frequently hired minstrels to play at 
various functions such as the ‘Reckoning Dinners’ of the guild. The earlier accounts 
are dated only by regnal year and the accounts for 1552 and 1553 are in reverse 
order. This reversal has led to some confusion in earlier work on this book. The 
accounts end in 1580 and the final seven folios of the book are variously dated and 
record unrelated decisions of the company, an assize of bread and ale, and one draft 
account, later copied into its proper place. 

The second account book is more elegant than the first and is precisely organized. 
Each year is numerically dated and for almost every year, the names of the pageant 
masters appear in the left- or right-hand margins next to the heading. Under general 
receipts, in a category headed ‘Rents’, appears the regular payment to the Bakers by 
the Pinners and Painters for their pageant house. Dues levied on the pageant masters 
are often the last entry under the heading ‘Fines received in St Anthony’s Hall’. The 
regular shilling paid by the Bakers to the bridgemasters for their pageant house rent 


appears under expenses, as well as the payment for Grafton’s interlude in 1585 and 
numerous payments to minstrels. The company apparently decided in 1612 that no 
more money was to be spent on minstrels, since the sum was disallowed in 1613 and 
no further payments for music are recorded. 

Account Book 1544-80 

London, British Library, Add MS 33852; 1544-80; English; paper; 69 leaves; 328mm x 185mm 
(285mm x 135mm), written in single columns; original collation impossible to determine, volume 
now made of single leaves separately mounted; modern foliation; no decoration; originally bound 
in parchment, now in boards, binding broken. Heavily damaged and repaired (extensive water 
damage ff 1-22 and f 68, f 14 almost obliterated by stain, ff 20-2 torn away at upper right-hand 


Account Book 1585-1761 

London, British Library, Add MS 34604; 1585-1761, English; paper; 404 leaves (final 50 blank); 
300mm x 194mm (268mm x 158mm); some gatherings 6s (rest impossible to determine because 
leaves inseparable at inner edges, spine heavily glued); modern foliation; first 10 leaves lined in 
red columns with red titles, braces, and occasional capitals; bound 1741 by John Ayre, Master, 
binding now broken with first 4 leaves adhering to cover, all others to spine. Some damp stains 
on inital leaves. 

Bakers’ Ordinal 

London, British Library, Add MS 34605; 1596-1832; English; 57 leaves; ff 30-49 paper, rest parch- 
ment; 305mm x 190mm (228mm x 108mm); most gatherings 4s (2 leaves cut away in first gathering 
and 6 in the fourteenth, many of paper leaves blank and unnumbered), apparently several separate 
booklets bound together; renaissance and modern foliation; section containing ordinances very 
ornamental with red vertical and horizontal margins; appears to have been bound at same time as 
BL Add MS 34604, binding includes 2 brass buckles (1 still intact). 

Documents of the Cordwainers’ Guild 

Two copies of a late sixteenth-century ordinal of the Cordwainers’ Guild have been 
deposited in York Minster Library. These contain new ordinances drawn up in 
1580. In 1603, controversy arose concerning election procedures within the guild 
and the matter was taken to the city council for arbitration. The city’s copy of the 
arbitration agreement is bound into a miscellaneous compilation numbered E40 in 
the city archives. This volume is not a manuscript or book in the conventional 
sense; rather, it is a nineteenth-century compilation of letters, orders, certificates, 
lists of instructions, memoranda, warrants, petitions, indentures, oaths, etc in one 
volume under a series of headings: (i) military, (ii) parliament, (ili) city’s rights, 
(iv) church matters, (v) miscellaneous subjects. 

Cordwainers’ Ordinal 
York, York Minster Library, QQ 80/4/1; 1580-1694; English; parchment ff 1-15, paper ff 16-44; 


viiit44+i; parchment 293mm x 210mm (230mm x 145mm), generally 37 long lines, paper 302mm 
x 215mm (268mm x 185mm), generally 33 long lines; gatherings irregular; modern pencil foliation; 
some headings in a larger hand; black leather-covered boards with bevelled edges, blind tooling 
front and back, 16th-17th century. 

York, York Minster Library, QQ 80/4/2; 1580-1694; English; parchment; ili+22+1; approximately 
305mm x 220mm (275mm x 145mm), except ff 12-19, 275mm x 192mm (no margins), generally 
47 long lines; gathered in 4s (within the fourth gathering is 1 gathering of 6 and 1 of 2); modern pencil 
foliation; some headings in a larger hand; black leather-covered boards with bevelled edges, blind 
tooling front and back, date 1662 on fly-leaf recording contemporary event. Copy of QQ 80/4/1. 


York, North Yorkshire County Library, E40 (Lib. Miscellaneous vol 9); 1484-1834; Latin and 
English; paper, some parchment; vi+227 documents with title pages and individual numbering + 
index (7 leaves) + xiii; length and width irregular (length varies from 210mm to 355mm; width 
varies from 270mm to 275mm); collation impossible; modern foliation; no decoration; late 19th- 
century black cloth binding on wood, title on wine-red spine. 

Documents of the Plasterers, Tilers, and Bricklayers’ Guild 

A Bricklayers’ ordinal containing ordinances as early as 1590 is now in York Minster 
Library. Of greater interest, however, is a rough account of the guild from the years 
1589-1629 also in York Minster Library. This book records, scattered among other 

payments, considerable expenditures for musicians every year. 

Bricklayers’ Ordinal 

York, York Minster Library, QQ 80/2/11; 1590-1801; English; parchment; iii+56+1; ff 1-7, 240mm 
x 160mm (190mm x 92mm), approximately 23 long lines; gathered in 4s; renaissance ink pagina- 
tion ff 1-15, modern pencil pagination begins 1a, 1b, 1c and continues to page 68; some headings 
in a larger hand; black leather-covered boards, blind tooling front and back, 17th-18th century. 

Bricklayers’ Accounts 

York, York Minster Library, QQ 80/2/1; 1589-1629; English; paper (except parchment fly-leaves); 
1+122+i; ff 1-60, 202mm x 145mm (175mm x 9mm), ff 61-122, 200mm x 150mm (160mm x 
125mm), 19-25 long lines; collation impossible; modem pencil foliation; no decoration; parchment 
covers contemporary with MS. 

Document of the Carpenters’ Guild 

A late sixteenth-century ordinal of the Carpenters’ Guild survives among the city 
archives. It contains the revised ordinances of the guild and its various sub-guilds. 
All are copies of ordinances enrolled in A/Y. 

Ordinal of the Carpenters’ Guild 
York, North Yorkshire County Library, E55A; late 16th century; English; parchment; 32+ii; 


300mm x 195mm; most gatherings 6s; renaissance foliation ff 1-22, rest unnumbered; ruled 
margins, some decoration; modern brown leather binding. 

Document of the Weavers’ Guild 
The working account book of the Weavers’ Guild is now among the city archives. It 
records the receipts of dues from members of the craft in the late sixteenth century. 

Weavers’ Account Book 

York, North Yorkshire County Library, E56; 16th century; English; paper; 122+i; 305mm x 
208mm; gathered in 6s and 8s; modern pagination ff 1-233, rest unnumbered; no decoration; 
bound in white cardboard, shelf-mark gilt on red leather. The volume has been damaged and 


The Corpus Christi Guild 

The Register of the guild of Corpus Christi, deposited in the British Library, consists 
mainly of the names of the members of the guild as they joined year after year. The 
initial folios, however, provide the earliest ordinances of the guild (1408), an inven- 
tory of the guild’s possessions in 1465, and a formal sermon on Corpus Christi.!° A 
final inventory made in 1546 before dissolution by the commissioners of Henry VIII 
is in the Public Record Office. All the other Corpus Christi material remains in the 
York City archives. 

The guild grew in status during the fifteenth century. In 1432, it entered into an 
agreement with the city council concerning the carrying of the shrine of Corpus 
Christi. The agreement (A15) survives as well as the city’s copy enrolled in B/Y. 
When the guild merged with St Thomas’ Hospital in 1477, new ordinances were 
drawn up replacing those made in 1408. Both the ordinances (G11A) and a draft 
copy (G11) are extant. After dissolution in 1547, the city took over the assets of 
St Thomas’ Hospital and some of the function of the Corpus Christi Guild. A 
register of the hospital from 1552-83 survives, containing the new ordinances of the 
hospital made in 1552, an account for 1575, and the minutes of the meetings of the 
master and brethren, 1552-83. The one relevant entry is for 1565 when a Mr 
Simpson returned the text of the Creed Play, apparently missing for at least twenty 
years, to the hospital. 

The account rolls of the Corpus Christi Guild provide various kinds of infor- 
mation about the fraternity. The first three rolls (two copies of accounts for 1415- 
16 and one account for 1449-51) contain two further inventories of the guild. 
These, with the 1465 inventory from the Register and the 1546 inventory from the 
PRO, appear in full in Appendix 11. The regular expenditure of the guild for its part 
in the Corpus Christi procession is in each of the rolls. Until 1478, the payment to 
the Mercers for the rental of the Merchants’ Hall (or Holy Trinity Hall) also appears. 
The early rolls are mainly concerned, under receipts, with entrance money and 


annual dues collected from members, and under expenses, with sums spent for 
requiem masses, prayers for the dead, and other observances as well as acts of cor- 
poral mercy. After the merger with St Thomas’ Hospital, the rolls reflect a growing 
concern for the real property that accrued to the guild. An account survives for 
only one year (1505) when we know, from other evidence, that the Creed Play (the 
property of the guild) was performed, but there is no mention of the play in the 


The Register 

London, British Library, Lansdowne 403; 1408-1547; Latin and English; parchment; 101 leaves; 
292mm x 184mm (columns average 218mm x 57mm), ff 15-101 double columns; gatherings 
highly irregular (1 leaf inserted, 8 leaves cut away); modern foliation; some initial I’s ornamental, 
considerable use of red ink for decoration, illuminated N including chalice and wafer on f 15; 
modern binding in brown boards with brown leather spine, rebound May 1970. 

Indenture between the City and Corpus Christi Guild, 1432 
York, North Yorkshire County Library, A15; 1432; Latin; parchment; single sheet; 342mm x 
292mm; indented, 6 seals affixed; signed by the notary Roger Burton bottom right-hand corner. 

Statutes of the Corpus Christi Guild 
York, North Yorkshire County Library, G11A; 1477; Latin; parchment; single sheet; 610mm x 
560mm, water stained, 1 of 2 seals missing. 

York, North Yorkshire County Library, G11; 1477; Latin, parchment; roll of 3 membranes; 
damaged and repaired; draft of G11A. 

Inventory of the Jewels of the York Shrine of Corpus Christi 
London, PRO, E117/10/1; 1546; English; paper; 305mm x 204mm; 2 sheets folded in half; 
writing 2, 2v, 3; second folio repaired at bottom. 

Register of St Thomas’ Hospital 

York, North Yorkshire County Library, E66; 1552-83; English; paper; vi+87+vi; 305mm x 202mm 
(215/250mm x 150/160mm); gatherings irregular; modern pagination; flourished initials open each 
entry, pp 1-8; bound in white paper boards resembling leather, press marks gilt on red. 

The Accounts 

York, North Yorkshire County Library, C99:1-C103:2; 1415-1541 (incomplete run of 23 separate 
rolls); Latin; parchment; average number of membranes, 3; membranes originally sewn together 
continuously, some now repaired with membranes sewn together at top and encased in protective 
vinyl roll; length and width of rolls irregular (length varies from 1,200mm to 2,685mm; width 
varies from 275mm to 360mm); written continuously in single columns, sometimes continued 
on dorse, writing bottom to top (eg, 1-3, 3d-2d); no decoration. Many membranes damaged by 
water and read under ultra-violet light. Excerpts taken from the following: 


C99:1-2 1415-16 C100:2 1498-9 C101:4 1515-16 
C99:3 1449-51 C100:3 1500-1 C102:1 1519-20 
C99:4 1459-61 C100:4 1501-2 C102-2515:32-5 
C99:5 1476-7 C100:5 1504-5 ClOzs a s3. 
C99:6 1478-9 C100:6 1505-6 C103:1 1534-5 
C99:7 1489-90 C101:1 1507-8 C103:2 1540-1 
C99:8 1495-6 C101:2 1510-11 

C100:1 1497-8 GCLO3S Voad a2 

The Pater Noster Guild 

Only one document survives from the Pater Noster Guild. It is deposited in the 
Public Record Office and is the response of the guild made to Richard I1’s council in 
1388-9. That year the king’s council attempted a complete survey of the religious 
guilds in the country, asking each to state the reasons for its foundation and its 
assets. Few York guilds replied. This document describes the activities and pro- 
perties of the Pater Noster Guild. The sections concerning the Pater Noster Play 
appear in the body of the text; the full text is in Appendix III. One other document 
from the guild has been seen and transcribed twice within the last century, although 
all attempts on our part to locate it came to nothing. This is an account roll for 
1399. The reading provided by Lucy Toulmin-Smith appears in the appropriate 
place in the text with a note to an alternate reading by Angelo Raine. The Pater 
Noster Guild merged with St Anthony’s Hospital in 1446. Although some docu- 
ments survive from the hospital, there is nothing concerning the play. 

Pater Noster Guild Return 

London, PRO, C47/46/454; 1388-9; Latin; parchment; single sheet (mounted on second parch- 
ment sheet, obscuring the dorse), once sewn together with other documents conunuously attached ; 
approximately 325mm x 357mm (258mm x 311mm); tongue but no seal. 

Documents of St Leonard’s Hospital 

Accounts from St Leonard’s Hospital remain for only six years, from 1343 to 1461. 
They include the earliest reference to a Christmas interlude in York for Christmas 
1370, as well as evidence for both players and minstrels entertaining the master 
and brethren of the hospital. 

St Leonard’s Accounts 

York, York Minster Library, M2/6/c; 1343-86 (5 years only: 1343-4, 1370-1, 1375-6, 1378-9, 
1385-6); Latin; parchment; ili+74+i1; 300mm x 230mm (230mm x 150mm), 28 ruled long lines; 
gatherings irregular; modern pencil foliation; no decoration; modern binding of brown leather 

with marbled endpapers. Heavily damaged and repaired. 

York, York Minster Library, M2/6/d; 1461-2; Latin and English; paper; i+58+1; 295mm x 217mm 


(265mm x 205mm), generally 35 long lines; 1 gathering; modern pencil foliation; flourished and 
enlarged initials at beginning of some entries; brown parchment covers contemporary with MS. 

The MS has been damaged and repaired. 


The records in this collection from York Minster, except for two early references in 
a Book of Statutes (referring to the properties for Christmas and Epiphany liturgical 
drama) and in a Miscellaneous Register (noting the establishment of the celebration 
of Corpus Christi), record only the involvement of the Minster with secular cere- 
mony, ministrelsy, and playmaking. Two copies of a description of the visit of 
Richard III to the city and the Minster in 1483 survive, one in a Vicars Choral Statute 
Book and the second in a later sixteenth-century volume entitled Repertorium et 
Extenta Probendarum Etc. There are many excerpts from the Minster Chamberlains’ 
Rolls referring to minstrels playing on Pentecost and the two feasts of St William. In 
three of this series of rolls, there are references to the practice of Minster officials 
renting the room over the gate of the Minster Close to see the civic plays. 

The Chamberlains’ Rolls were made up twice a year, at Martinmas and Pentecost. 
Those listed with single dates cover the period from Pentecost to Martinmas, those 
with double dates the period from Martinmas to Pentecost. Some rolls lack headings. 
Dates for such rolls have been supplied from internal evidence by Miss Katharine 
Longley, archivist of the Dean and Chapter Library and appear in square brackets. 
The numbering and dating of these rolls are not in absolute sequence. 

A second important source from the late sixteenth century is the Chamberlains’ 
Accounts: St Peter’s Part. Miss Longley explains St Peter’s Part in this way: ‘A 
fixed proportion (equivalent to the portion of a residentiary) of the income of the 
common fund, known as St Peter’s portion, was allotted as ready money or petty 
cash in communes usus capituli et ecclesie pro causis et negotiis emergentibus 
conventendum (Statutes of 1291, confirmed by the Statute of 1541).’!!_ From this 
petty cash, the chamberlains paid professional players and minstrels performing 
for the dean and chapter. 

Only a few excerpts have been taken from the important series of Minster Fabric 
Rolls normally concerned with the physical fabric of the cathedral. All are late 
sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century rolls recording payment to professional 
minstrels, usually the city waits, for taking part in services in the Minster. 

The last set of accounts from the Minster are three separate rolls dated in the 
1420s!* belonging to the Vicars Choral. The Vicars Choral were the priests hired 
by the cathedral to take the place of the canons in the choir for daily services and 
to sing masses in the chapels of the Minster. They had their own internal organi- 
zation as a group within the larger entity of the cathedral. They also owned a 
tileworks and, at least during the years from which our references come, were 

involved in the Tilemakers’ pageant of the Second Trial before Pilate in the Corpus 
Christi Play. 


Book of Statutes etc of Dean and Chapter 

York, York Minster Library, M1/1/b; 14th-17th century; Latin; parchment with modern paper 
fly-leaves; v+52+vi; 270mm x 190mm (195mm x 120mm), 35 long lines; most gatherings 8s; 17th- 
century foliation, ff 1-49; some decorated initials in red and blue; modern brown leather binding 
on boards, gold lettered title in red rectangle on spine. 

Miscellaneous Register 

York, York Minster Library, M2/4/g; 1278-1475 (with additions 1544-8); Latin, some English; 
parchment and paper; ili+71+iii; 350mm x 232mm (275mm x 160/180mm), mostly 36 long lines; 
gatherings irregular; post-renaissance foliation (2 systems: i-xxi, 1-51); some flourished initials, 
ff xviii-xxv mubricated titles; modern leather binding on boards, gold lettered title in red rectangle 
on spine. 

Vicars Choral Statute Book 

York, York Minster Library; 15th century-1928; Latin and English; parchment (front and back fly- 
leaf paper); i1+95+i (+ 2 inserts after p 34, 1 above the other, each about % of the height of the 
leaf); early leaves 260mm x 184mm, later leaves 280mm x 185mm; gatherings irregular (1 leaf miss- 
ing), 18th-century pagination; occasional decorated initials; 18th-century leather binding, stamped 
decoration on front and back. Title on inner front fly-leaf records date of rebinding as 1749. 

Repertorium et Extenta Prebendarum Etc 

York, York Minster Library, M2/2/c; 15th century, with some 16th-17th-century additions; Latin 
(with English insert, f 49[2] ); paper; i+73+i (+ insert f 49[2] ); 410mm x 295mm; gatherings 
irregular; modern pencil foliation at foot throughout, 15th-century foliation, ff 27-70, and 16th- 
17th-century foliation throughout in top left comer (misses modern f 27, jumps from 66 to 68); 
no decoration; modern white cloth binding, red label on front with title. 

Chamberlains’ Rolls 

York, York Minster Library, E1/1-E1/79; 1370-1546 (incomplete run of 76 separate rolls); Latin; 
parchment; average number of membranes, 2; length and width or rolls irregular: }ength varies 
from 53mm to 160mm, width varies from 240mm to 390mm); written continuously in single 
columns, frequently continued on dorse, writing from bottom to top (eg, 1-3, 3d-2d). Many 
damaged and repaired, some fragments. Excerpts taken from the following: 

EV/l 1370-4 E1/10 1396-7 E1/23 1395-6 
E1/2 1371 E1/11 1388-9 E1/24 1396 
E1/3 1373-4 E1/12/1 1389-90 E1/27 1397-8 
E1/4 13745 E1/14 1389 E1/29 1398-9 
E1/5 1376 E1/15 1390 E1/34 1401-2 
E1/7 1382 E1/17 390-1 E1/36 1402 
E1/8 1386-7 E1/19 1393-4 E1/37 1403 

E1/9 1387-8 E1/22 1395 E1/38 1405 


E1/39 1426-7 E1/51 1485-6 E1/61b 1510-11 
E1/39a 1429-30 E1/52 1483-4 E1/62 1523-4 
E1/43 1474-5 E1/53 1483 E1/64 1526-7 
E1/44 1471-2 E1/55 1487-8 E1/66 1528-9 
E1/46 1480-1 E1/56 [1489-90] E1/70 1536 
E1/47 1484 £1/58 [1479-80] E1/7la 1533 
E1/48 1484-5 E1/60 [1505-6] E1/73 1538 
E1/50 1481-2 E1/61 1509-10 E1/74 1546 

Chamberlains’ Accounts: St Peter’s Part 

York, York Minster Library, E2/21; 1572-1600; English; paper; iil+59+111; 307mm x 205mm 
(250/300mm x 140mm), 35-45 long lines, most gatherings 8s (2 small inserts); modern pencil 
foliation; occasional flourished initials; modern binding, vellum on boards, title in gold lettering 
in a red rectangle centred on cover. MS has been damaged and repaired. 

Fabric Rolls 

York, York Minster Library, E3/52 (1571-2), E/58 (1581-2), E3/61 (1587-8), E3/62/2 (1611-12), 
E3/62/3 (1623-4), E3/63/1 (1624-5); English; parchment; single membranes; length and width of 
rolls irregular (length varies from 670mm to 965mm, width varies from 465mm to 750mm); 
E3/52, E3/61, E3/63/1: dorse written bottom to top, E3/58: dorse written top to bottom, 
E3/62/2: dorse blank; elaborate initial at top E3/52, enlarged capitals in E3/58, one flourished 
initial E3/61. 

Vicars Choral Accounts 

First Vicars Choral Tileworks Account 

York, York Minster Library, VC Box X11; c 1420; Latin; parchment; roll of 4 membranes attached 
serially; 600mm x 325mm (570mm x 250mm), 57 long lines (except final membrane, 135mm x 
325mm (40mm x 140mm), which has 4 lines of writing); 1 scrolled initial on mb 4. 

Second Account 
York, York Minster Library; Vq 1x; c 1421; Latin; parchment; roll of 1 membrane; 540mm x 
320mm (425mm x 270mm); 1 flourished initial. 

Third Account 
York, York Minster Library, VC Box XII; c 1427; Latin; parchment; roll of 1 membrane; 840mm 
x 302mm (790mm x 215mm), generally 68 long lines on recto only; capital initials. 


The Churchwardens’ Accounts of only one York parish, St Michael Spurriergate, 
survive from before the Reformation. Later accounts remain from four other 
parishes. Playmaking does not seem to have been part of parish life in York. We 


have included the only possible reference to quasi-dramatic activity from St Michael 
Spurriergate. This is payment for a pair of gloves given to the clerk or underclerk 
for a performance of some kind. Other references from St Michael Spurriergate and 
the other accounts are to bell-ringing at the time of royal visits but not at other 
times and to the participation of the parishes in the Midsummer show of armour. 

Holy Trinity Goodramgate 

York, Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, PR Y/HTG.12; 1559-1712; English; paper; 
11+852 (1 small piece of paper attached at the start); 302mm x 198mm; gatherings irregular (many 
leaves cut out); modern pagination; no decoration; bound in boards covered in brown leather 
(binding in very poor condition). Slight damage from damp. 

St John Ouse Bridge 

York, Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, PR Y/J.17; 1585-1705; English; paper; 170 
leaves; 310mm x 190mm; gatherings irregular (approximately 77 leaves missing); 17th-century 
foliauon beginning with f 2 of second gathering; no decoration; original board and leather binding, 
spine broken. 

St Martin Coney Street 

York, Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, PR Y/MCS.16; 1552-86; English; paper; 1i+102+ii, 
310mm x 210mm; most gatherings 4s or 5s (23 folios missing, 2 bifolia inserts, rebinding may not 

reflect original gatherings); modern pencil pagination (also binder’s foliation); occasional displayed 
heading or word; bound in original limp parchment repaired and resewn PRO, 1910. Damaged 

by damp on initial folios. 

York, Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, PR Y/MCS.17; 1586-1637; English; paper; 
ii+140+ii; 300/310mm x 200/210mm; 2 irregular gatherings (6 leaves missing); older ink foliation 
defective, modern ink foliation (f 70 on) correct; no decoration; bound in original limp parchment, 
inner fly-leaves elegant parchment from early printed Bible with red and blue decorations, restored 
and resewn PRO, 1910. 

St Martin Cum Gregory 

York, Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, PR Y/MG.19; 1560-1669; English; paper; 225 
leaves; 300mm x 197mm; gatherings irregular (8 leaves missing); pre-1900 mixed pagination and 
foliation (last 2 leaves unnumbered); no decoration; bound in parchment. Disintegrating, damaged 

at edges through neglect. 

St Michael Spurriergate 
York, York Minster Library, MS Add 220/2; 1518-28; modern transcript made by Miss Elizabeth 

Brunskill; preserves original foliation. 

York, Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, PR Y/MS.3; 15 37-48; English; paper; 92 leaves; 


296mm x 200mm; 2 irregular gatherings (at least 10 initial leaves and 1 between ff 23 and 24 torn 

out); modern foliation; no decoration; bound in parchment. 

York, Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, PR Y/MS.2; 1593-1625 ; English; paper; 1i+151+11; 
297mm x 203mm (260/270mm x 130/150mm), 35-45 long lines; gatherings irregular; modern 
foliation; flourished initials; modem brown leather bindings on boards, title centred in gold letters 

on red background with gold border decoration. 


The majority of the wills surviving from this period are deposited in the Borthwick 
Institute of Historical Research. Others are in the Minster Library, including the 
wills registered there and a volume of wills registered at St Leonard’s Hospital. The 
bulk of York wills is enormous and remains, for the most part, uncalendared. We 
have included all references to playmaking, music and the Corpus Christi ceremonies 
that we were made aware of during our research. We have not made an exhaustive 
search of all the wills. One important register from the Borthwick Institute (Prob. 
Reg. 2) was being rebound during 1976-7 when we were gathering the details for the 
manuscript descriptions. We are unable to provide more information than that the 
earliest will in the register is dated 1396 and that the wills are written in Latin on 

York Register of Wills 

York, Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, Prob. Reg. 3; 1398-1470; Latin; parchment; 
i+515; 390mm x 266mm; gatherings irregular (7 leaves missing, 1 insert); early foliation (beginning 
at f 21, f 112 followed by f 213, some duplicated numbers); no decoration; board and calf binding 
with buckle. 

York, Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, Prob. Reg. 9; 1514-30; Latin and English; parch- 
ment; 489 leaves; 410mm x 277mm; most gatherings 12s; early foliation; no decoration; newly 

York Minster Wills 

York, York Minster Library, L2/4 (Reg. Wills 1); 1321-1493; Latin; parchment; i+391; 310mm x 
220mm (245mm x 190mm), generally 43 long lines; gatherings irregular (slips bound in between 
ff 23-4, 40-1, 48-9, 373-4); contemporary and modern foliation (f 147 omitted); decorative 
capitals throughout; contemporary binding of brown leather-covered boards, clasps missing, faded 
title ‘1493’ visible on front cover. 

St Leonard’s Wills 

York, York Minster Library, M2/6/e; 1410-1533; Latin; parchment and paper; 52 leaves; parch- 
ment 310mm x 243mm (258mm x 190mm), generally 26-30 long lines (except ff 6-13, 290mm x 
220mm [240mm x 180mm] ), paper 300mm x 220mm (250mm x 190mm), generally 33 long 


lines; gatherings irregular (followed by 2 paper folios, 1 small parchment slip, 1 torn paper folio, 

2 parchment folios, 2 paper folios bound in); contemporary ink foliation (modern pencil foliation 
on ff 48a-c); no decoration; contemporary parchment binding, title ‘wills 1460’ on upper half of 
outer front cover, and, in later hand, ‘St Leonard’s Hospital, York’. Inventories of cattle delivered 
to and skins sold by Robert Coundall inside front and back covers. 

Some of our documents do not fall into any general category. We have taken 
excerpts from two archbishops’ registers: de Zouche for 1343 and Grindal for the 
1570s. The first is from a solemn constitution concerning the observation of Good 
Friday and the second from injunctions issued by Grindal regulating the use of 
church property and the conduct of worship. Two other documents date from the 
reign of Archbishop Grindal. They are the broadside describing the riding of Yule 
and Yule’s Wife from the Bodleian Library in Oxford and the copy of the letter 
suppressing the riding in 1572 from the minute book of the Ecclesiastical Com- 
mission of the North. The broadside was among the items in the collection of 
Nathaniel Johnston (1627-1705). The Johnston collection was acquired by Richard 
Frank (c 1698-1762) and descended in the Frank family until 11 August 1942 
when it was bought by the Bodleian at a sale at Sotheby’s.!3 

The three other miscellaneous documents concern royal visits. A Latin poem on 
a visit of Henry VI to York in 1448 is written on the fly-leaf of a collection of 
fifteenth-century religious pieces now in the Bodleian Library. The poem is in a 
different hand from the rest of the MS and seems to be a chance survival. An 
account of the elaborate pageants prepared for Henry VII in York in 1486, paralleling 
the House Books version, is found in a manuscript from the British Library, appa- 
rently written by a herald in the king’s train. Finally, the earliest and fullest account 
of the visit of James I to York in 1603 on his way to his new capital is found in a 
book printed that year. 

Archbishops’ Registers 

York, Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, Reg. 10 de Zouche; 1342-52; Latin, parchment 
(with paper supply-leaves to index); xiv+360+1; 350mm x 250mm (285mm x 190mm); most 
gatherings 12s (many leaves inserted or missing); 14th-century ink foliation; occasional displayed 
initials and section headings, also pen and ink decorated initials; modern binding, half reversed 

leather, leather cloth on boards. 

York, Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, Reg. 30 Grindal; 1570-6; Latin and English; 
parchment (with paper supply-leaves and indices); ix+162+iii; 370mm x 290mm; gatherings 
irregular (many leaves cut out); ff 1-162, modern foliation, also erratic 17th-century foliation; 
occasional displayed initials and section headings; modern binding, half leather cloth, leather 

cloth on cardboard. 


Ecclesiastical Commission of the North 

York, Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, HC.AB.7; 1572-4; Latin and English; paper; 
207 leaves; 300mm x 200mm; most gatherings 10s (at least 7 leaves missing); modern foliation; 
no decoration; bound in original dark vellum, damaged, remains of tag centre foot front 


Yule Broadside 

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Vet. Al a 5(1); ¢ 1570; English; paper; printed broadside ; 305mm x 
368mm (262mm x 305mm), double columns; numbers 661 to 663 written on verso in hand of 
Nathaniel Johnston, numbers 127 to 128 in hand of Richard Frank, possibly collection numbers, 
modem circular stamp of F. Bacon Frank of Campsall Hall, Yorkshire also on verso; word ‘Halilulia’ 
written in brown ink upper left-hand margin; ink stains on verso show through bottom right-hand 
quarter appearing under and slightly left of ‘Finis’ and also over ‘Sinne and Sathan’ and in margin 
opposite ‘My-sticall’. Folded heavily in 4 horizontal folds worn through. 

Visit of Henry VI, 1448 

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 857; 15th century; Latin; parchment (with modem paper fly- 
leaf at end); it172+i; 282mm x 225 (190mm x 145mm), 44 long lines; most gatherings 6s, sig- 
natures on first 4 and ninth gatherings; modem foliation; major initials in blue ink, minor initials, 
underlining, and border elaboration in red ; original leather binding on boards, rebacked with some 

repair to final leaves. 

The Progress of Henry VII, 1486 

London, British Library, Cotton Julius B X11; 15th-17th century; English, Latin, Anglo-Norman; 
paper, ff 67-82 parchment; iii+316+iii; 279mm x 207mm (180mm x 122mm); collation impossible, 
now single leaves separately mounted; modern pencil foliation; some flourished initials, painted 
coats of arms (ff 3-4), some marginalia in red ink (ff 58-63); bound in brown half morocco, gold 

Visit of James 1, 1603 

The | True Narration of | the Entertainment of his | Royall Maiestie, | from the time of his depar- | 
ture from Edenbrough; till his receiuing at | London: with all or the most spec- | ciall Occurences. | 
Together with the names of those Gentle- | men whom his Maiestie honoured | with Knighthood. | 
(McKerrow 299] |AT LONDON | Printed by Thomas Creede, for Thomas | Millington. 1603. | 

4° [A? fl ie Ge Dy Eo Hee G2 (83 misprinted E3)] , 24 leaves unnumbered; Roman with some 
italic; omamental rectangular block used on A2, B1, ornamental block A (8 lines long) begins the 
address To the Reader (A2), ornamental block T (6% lines long) begins Narration (B1); Entered 

in the Stationers’ Register 9 May 1603: Master Burby. Thomas myllington Entred for their copie 
vnder the handes of the wardens. A booke || called. Kinge JAMES his entrance into England, 
from bis Departure out \ of Edenbrugh into England the vth of Apryll untill bis present receauynge \\ 
at Charter house the 7th of Mate 1603 And of all the Knightes be made \ in this Journey ... vj d; 
SUCH 053. 



We consulted many antiquarian collections concerning York in both the British 
Library and the Bodleian Library. None provided any new detailed information and 
so are not included in the text. Bodleian MS Gough Yorkshire 22 records many 
occasions when Edward 11 and Edward 111 were in York during the Scottish wars 
early in the fourteenth century, including the marriage of Edward III to Phillipa of 
‘Hanalt’ there in 1329 (f 54). This source also notes the gift by Richard 11 of the 
sword that figures so prominently in later royal entries, ‘William Selby ye: first 
Lord Mayor of York, to whom King Richard y€: 20; gave his sword from about 
him, to be borne before he y€: said L: Mayor.’ (f 59v). 

Bodleian MS Gough Yorkshire 2 is an eighteenth-century antiquarian volume 
recording a visit of Henry Iv in 1405 when he ‘ransomed and Punished by grievous 
Fines mony of the Citizens for taking part the same year with Richard Scroope, 
Archbishop of York, Henry Pearcy, Earl of Northumberland, and Thomas Mowbray, 
Earl Marshall, in Conspiring against him, for Deposing Richard the Second, who 
were taken & here Executed.’ (p 222/250). 

One further Bodleian antiquarian manuscript contains relevant material. Bodleian 
MS Rawlinson B 450 includes copies of one bridgemasters’ account and the late 
ordinance of the Skinners’ Guild. Both originals survive in York and are included in 
this collection. 

Finally, we have been unable to find the original of the letter printed by J.O. 
Halliwell-Phillipps in Letters of the Kings of England in 1846. This letter alleges to 
be from Henry VIII to an unnamed justice of the peace in York, expressing the 
king’s opposition to religious drama. Since this letter is frequently cited in works 
concerning early drama, we have reproduced it, as Halliwell-Phillipps published it, 
in Appendix V1. 

We have used the following abbreviations in the text to identify the archives from 
which the records came: 

BI Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, York 

BL British Library, London 

MA Worshipful Company of Merchant Adventurers, York 
PRO Public Record Office, London 

Y North Yorkshire County Library, York 

YM York Minster Library, York 

Editorial Procedures 


To arrange the documents in chronological order demanded certain fundamental 
decisions. The year date on every document (when that is given) 1s according to 
Old Style. In Old Style, the year was deemed to begin 25 March and end 24 March. 


We have converted all dates between 1 January and 24 March to modern practice. 
For example, the agreement between the city and the Corpus Christi Guild (A15) is 
internally dated according to Old Style 16 January 1431. It appears in this collection 
under 16 January 1432. 

The dating of all the documents is provided in as much detail as possible. The day 
and month as well as year is given wherever these were given. Dating by saints’ days 
or major movable religious feasts has been converted to day and month. Where 
dating has been done by regnal or mayoral year, we have supplied the year. Three 
guild ordinances in the A/Y and B/Y Memorandum Books are dated only by the 
mayoral year of a man (such as Thomas Wrangwish) who was mayor more than 
once. We have included them under the first possible year but noted the alternatives 
and, in the alternate years, provided a cross-reference. Some ordinances in A/Y have 
no dates at all. These appear together in Appendix | in the order of the manuscript. 

The dating of the accounts has been less straightforward. Some, like the Mercers’ 
pageant documents for the 1460s, have no date and have been dated by external 
evidence. Such dating is explained in the End-notes. The account rolls present 
other kinds of problems. The fiscal years of the various sets of accounts were not 
the same. The City Chamberlains’ Accounts began 3 February until 1500 and from 
15 January thereafter. Similarly, the Bridgemasters’ Accounts began 3 February 
until 1491 and 15 January thereafter, although they appear to have actually collected 
their rents in two instalments, on Pentecost and Martinmas (11 November). The 
Mercers made up their accounts on 25 March; the Corpus Christi Guild on 23 
November; and the Bakers sometimes on 25 July and sometimes in December. This 
means that all the accounts cover a twelve-month period that does not correspond 
to a calendar year New Style. We have chosen one of the two years of the given 
dating for each account in order to bring the accounts referring to the same celeb- 
ration of Corpus Christi together. Thus, the civic accounts and those for the Mercers 
for, for example, 1504-5 (New Style), refer to the feast in 1504 since both sets of 
accounts were made after the feast in 1504 and before the feast in 1505. On the 
other hand, the Corpus Christi Guild made up their accounts after the feast but 
within the year. Therefore, their account running from November 1504 to Novem- 
ber 1505 refers to the feast in 1505. 

Other complexities arise with the Minster Chamberlains’ Accounts. Until at least 
1430, the chamberlains normally recorded the payment to the minstrels of St 
William’s Day (8 June) in the roll for Pentecost to Martinmas (11 November) and 
the payment to the minstrels on the feast of the Translation of St William (the 
Sunday after Epiphany) and on Pentecost in the roll for Martinmas to Pentecost. 
After 1472, all three are recorded in the roll for Martinmas and Pentecost. Since all 
three feasts fall in one calendar year New Style, they have been so dated in the text. 

The only accounts for which we have not been able to choose one of the two 
years are those of the Bricklayers, whose payments to minstrels are not related to 
any major feast, and some churchwardens’ records. 


Our dating varies in some instances from other dating of York documents (in- 
cluding our own elsewhere). Most earlier dating relied on Collins’ edition of the 
York Freemen’s Rolls'* which does not make allowance for Old Style dating for the 
mayoral years. The task of redating the documents in the York archives has been 
completed only recently. 


Each document is preceded by a heading with year, MS identification, day and 
month (when available), and folio or page number. Italics indicate information 
supplied by the editors. Where documents from different MSS appear under the 
same year, they follow the ordering of MSS established in The Documents section 
of the Introduction. 

We have attempted to preserve the general lay-out of the MS originals. Headings, 
marginalia, and account totals are printed in the position in which they appear in 
the MSs. Right-hand marginalia have had to be set in the left margin of our text, 
but this transposition is indicated by the symbol . We have provided the ‘summa’ 
of an account only if the account is given in full. The lineation of the original has 
not been retained in continuous prose passages. 

The following symbols are used within the text: 

Es (after folio, page, or membrane number) see end-note(s) 

® right-hand marginalia 

m3 ellipsis 

(oy damaged, lost or obliterated letters 

eed cancellations, deletions, erasures 

(blank) _ blank spaces in the original where writing might be expected 
o 8 letters or words added by a different or later hand 

interlineations originally inserted above the line 

interlineations originally inserted below the line 
MS caret 
| change of folio, page, or membrane in passages of continuous prose 
1% marginalia deemed too long for the left-hand margin 

Where two or more copies of the same document survive, we have chosen a base 
text and collated significant variants at the foot of the page. In the English, purely 
orthographic or phonographical differences are not collated, but in the Latin, all 
variations except i/j and u/v have been included. In all collations, we have omitted 
differences in capitalization, form of abbreviation, word-division, and punctuation. 

Dittography, emendations and scribal errors are noted at the foot of the page. We 
also note at the foot of the page readings made by earlier editors of words and 
phrases now obliterated and supply the missing words in damaged formulaic headings. 
We discuss peculiarities of MSS (such as decay or damage that affect the reading), 
scribal idiosyncracies, and problems of dating and provenance more extensively 

in the End-notes. 


The punctuation of the MSS has been retained. Virgules have been indicated as / 
and //; inverted semi-colons as ?. MS braces have not been reproduced except 

where they are a significant feature of the MS layout. Diacritics to distinguish ‘y’ 
from ‘p’ and ‘u’ from ‘n’ and line fillers have been ignored. 


The spelling of the original, including ‘pb’ and ‘y’ for ‘th’ and ‘3’ in the initial or 
medial position, has been preserved, as has the capitalization. All ‘m’s’ with the 
third stroke coming below the line and crossed ‘c’s’, whatever their size, have been 
deemed majuscule. Where a letter form (particularly ‘a’ and ‘w’) is troublesome in a 
specific hand, we have noted it. ‘ff’ has been preserved for ‘F’; ‘1/J’ have been 
uniformly transcribed as ‘I’. Ornamental or very large capitals have been transcribed 
as regular capitals. 

Abbreviated words have been expanded according to scribal practice, with italics 
to indicate letters supplied. Where there is insufficient evidence in the MS to judge 
individual scribal spelling habits, abbreviations in Latin have been expanded to 
standard classical forms, in Anglo-Norman to modern French, and in English to 
modern British forms. Abbreviations still in common use (eg, ‘Mr’, ‘li’, ‘s’, ‘d’, ‘Ib’, 
‘etc’ or ‘&c’, and ‘viz’) and ones cumbersome to expand, such as those typical of 
weights and measures (‘di.’, ‘qu.’, and ‘ob.’), have been retained. Generally, a punctus 
is supplied where there is some sign of abbreviation in the text. The flourish at the 
end of ‘s’ and ‘d’ has caused difficulties. Most, but not all, scribes in Latin or Anglo- 
Norman end both ‘s’ and ‘d’ with a sufficient flourish to suggest that they intended 
an abbreviation for ‘solidus’ and ‘denarius’. Most, but not all, scribes in English end 
with no such flourish. Frequently, Latin and English accounts appear together in 
this collection. We have, therefore, omitted the punctus after ‘s’ and ‘d’ unless the 
scribe provided something more than a flourish. Abbreviations for ‘et’ and ‘and’ 
have been transcribed uniformly as ‘&’. ‘sol.’ and ‘solut.’ have been retained when 
they mean simply ‘paid’ and it cannot be determined whether the scribe intended 
‘soluti’ or ‘solutum’. In some cases, especially in the Mercers’ Accounts, the gram- 
matical sense demands ‘soluerunt’ or ‘they paid’. ‘xp’, ‘Xp’ have been expanded as 
‘christ’ and ‘Christ’ and ‘x’ and ‘X’ as ‘christ’ and ‘Christ’. ‘Ihs’ and ‘Ihc’ have been 
expanded as ‘Iesws’. The sign? has been consistently expanded as ‘es’ in English 
(except where scribal practice dictates an ‘is’ plural) even when, in the seventeenth- 
century records, it follows ‘e’. Otiose flourishes such as 4 and oun have been 

English words in Latin passages have not been declined. Where a scribe has been 
inconsistent in his use of the brevigraph after a terminal ‘n’, we have noted it. Place 
names and personal surnames in all three languages have been left unexpanded. 
Personal first names have been expanded to the normal spelling in the appropriate 
language. All superlineated letters have been lowered to the line except when they 



num pW 




See Select Bibliography. 

The material for this and the following section was drawn mainly from R.B. Pugh 

(ed), The Victoria History of the Counties of England. A History of Yorkshire. 

The City of York (London, 1961), and A. Stacpoole (ed), The Noble City of 

York (York, 1972). 

Pugh (ed), VCH, 70. 

Ibid, 138. 

Stacpoole (ed), York, 276. 

See Robert H. Skaife (ed), The Register of the Guild of Corpus Christi, Surtees 

Society LVIL. 

BL Add MS 35290. See Lucy Toulmin-Smith (ed), York Plays. 

The opening formula of A/Y is as follows: 
[L]iber diuersorum memorandorum. Ciuitat: Ebor’ tangencium & in hoc 
volumine trrotulatorum . tempore Iohannis de Santon maioris dicte ciuitatis 
& per Iohannem de Rufford tunc clericum communem . ciuitatis predicte 
inceptus & factus . anno regni Regis edwardi terci) post conquestum Anglie 
quinquagesimo primo. 

BL Add MS 33595, f 46. 

The Corpus Christi sermon has been translated by Paula Lozar in ‘The “Prologue” 

to the Ordinances of the York Corpus Christi Guild,’ Allegorica 1 (1976), 94- 


Katharine Longley, ‘York Minster chamberlains’ accounts and the St Peter’s 

accounts: a summary list,’ Borthwick Institute Bulletin 1 (1975), 47. 

The references in the Vicars Choral accounts were discovered by Albert Chambers, 

who has dated them. See A.F. Chambers, ‘The vicars choral of York Minster and 

the tilemakers’ Corpus Christi pageant,’ Records of Early English Drama no. 1 

(1977), 2-9. 

Johnston, ‘Yule in York,’ Records of Early English Drama no. 1 (1976), 6. 

Collins (ed), Register of the Freemen of the City of York, Surtees Society XCVI1, 



Select Bibliography 

This short-list includes books and articles with firsthand transcriptions of primary 
documents. No attempt has been made to list all works cited in the Introduction, 
the textual footnotes, and the End-notes. 

(Baker, Lewis (ed)]. Testamenta Eboracensia or Wills Registered at York Illustrative 
of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics &c., of the Province of York, from 
the Year MCCC. Downwards. Part 1. Surtees Society Iv (London, 1836). 

Benson, George. ‘St Leonard’s Hospital, York,’ AASRP 40 (1930-1), less. 

Chambers, Albert F. ‘The vicars choral of York Minster and the tilemakers’ Corpus 
Christi pageant,’ Records of Early English Drama no. 1 (1977), 2-9. 

Collins, Francis (ed). Register of the Freemen of the City of York from the City 
Records. 2 vols. Surtees Society XCV1, Cll (London, 1897 [for 1896] and 1900 
{for 1899] ). 

Cooper, T.P. The Christmas Waits and Minstrels of Bygone York (York, n.d.). 

(Croft, John (ed)]. Excerpta Antiqua: or, a Collection of original Manuscripts 
(York, 1797). 

Davies, Robert. Extracts from the Municipal Records of the City of York, during 
the Reigns of Edward 1V. Edward V. and Richard 111. with notes illustrative and 
explanatory; and an appendix, containing some account of the celebration of the 
Corpus Christi festival at York in the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries 
(London, 1843). 

— ‘Margaret Tudor at York,’ Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 7 (1881-2), 305-29. 

Dickens, A.G. ‘Some Popular Reactions to the Edwardian Reformation in York- 
shire,’ Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 34 (1939), 151-69. 

Dorrell, Margaret. ‘The Butchers’, Saddlers’, and Carpenters’ Pageants: Misreadings 
of the York Ordo,’ ELN 13 (1975), 1-4. 

— ‘The Mayor of York and the Coronation Pageant,’ LeedsSE, ns, 5 (1971), 35-45. 

— ‘Two Studies of the York Corpus Christi Play,’ LeedsSE£, ns, 6 (1972), 63-111. 

Drake, Francis. Eboracum: or the History and Antiquities of the City of York, 
From its Original to the Present Times (London, 1736). 

Frampton, Mendal G. ‘The Date of the ‘‘Wakefield Master’: Bibliographical Evi- 


dence,’ PMLA 53 (1938), 86-117. 

Harvey, John H. ‘Richard 11 and York,’ in F.R.H. Du Boulay and Caroline M. Barron 
(eds), The Reign of Richard 11: Essays in Honour of May McKisack (London, 
1971), 202-17. ; 

Johnston, Alexandra F., and Margaret Dorrell. ‘The Doomsday Pageant of the York 
Mercers, 1433,’ LeedsSE, ns, 5 (1971), 29-34. 

— ‘The York Mercers and their Pageant of Doomsday, 1433-1526,’ LeedsSE, ns, 6 
(1972), 10-35. 

Johnston, Alexandra F. ‘The Guild of Corpus Christi and the Procession of Corpus 
Christi in York,’ MS 38 (1976), 372-84. 

— ‘The Medieval English Stage’ (review of Alan H. Nelson’s The Medieval English 
Stage), UTQ 44 (1975), 238-48. 

— ‘The Plays of the Religious Guilds of York: the Creed Play and the Pater Noster 
Play,’ Speculum 50 (1975), 55-90. 

— ‘The Procession and Play of Corpus Christi in York after 1426,’ LeedsSE, ns, 7 
C97 3-4), 29-62. 

— ‘Yule in York,’ Records of Early English Drama no 1 (1976), 3-10. 

Kerry, Charles. ‘Discovery of the Register and Chartulary of the Mercers’ Company, 
York,’ The Antiquary 22 (July-December, 1890), 266-70; 23 (January-June, 
1891), 27-30; 70-3. 

M., T. ‘The True Narration of the Entertainment of His Royal Majesty, from the 
time of his departure from Edinburgh till his receiving at London ...,’ in Edward 
Arber (ed), An English Garner: Ingatherings from our History and Literature. 
VIII (Westminster, 1896), 485-526. 

Mill, Anna J. ‘The Stations of the York Corpus Christi Play,’ Yorkshire Archaeo- 
logical Journal 37 (1948-51), 492-502. 

— ‘The York Bakers’ Play of the Last Supper,’ MLR 30 (1935), 145-58. 

— ‘The York Plays of the Dying, Assumption, and Coronation of Our Lady,’ PMLA 
65 (1950), 866-76. 

Nelson, Alan H. The Medieval English Stage: Corpus Christi Pageants and Plays 
(Chicago, 1974). 

Pegge, Samuel [and Thomas Beckwith]. ‘Extracts from the churchwardens’ accompts 
of St Michael Spurrier-Gate, in the City of York, (in the Sixteenth Century.),’ 
Illustrations of the Manners and Expences of Antient Times in England (London, 
£797). 5 07- Lo: 

Percy, Joyce W. (ed). York Memorandum Book. iii. Surtees Society CLXXXVI 
(Gateshead, 1973 [for 1969] ). 

Purvis, J.S. From Minster to Market Place (York, 1969). 

— Tudor Parish Documents of The Diocese of York (Cambridge, 1948). 

Raine, A[ngelo]. ‘Two Notes on the History of the Drama in York in the Reigns of 
Elizabeth and James 1,’ Proceedings of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. 
Papers Relating to the Antiquities and Natural History of Yorkshire, etc., Read at 
the Monthly Meetings of the Society During 1926 (York, 1927), 5-8. 


— (ed), York Civic Records. 8 vols. The Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record 
Series XCVIII, CIII, CVI, CVIII, CX, CXII, CXV, CXIX (Wakefield, 1939 [for 
1938], 1941 [for 1940], 1942, 1945 [for 1943], 1946 [for 1944] , 1948 [for 
1946], 1950 [for 1949] , 1953 [for 1952] ). 

Raine, James, Jr (ed). The Fabric Rolls of York Minster. With an Appendix of 
Illustrative Documents. Surtees Society XX XV (London, 1859 {for 1858] ). 

— The Historians of the Church of York and its Archbishops. 111. Rolls Series 
LXX1 (London, 1894). 

— (ed). ‘v. The Programme for the Reception of Henry VII. on his First Visit to 
York in 1486,’ A Volume of English Miscellanies Illustrating the History and 
Language of the Northern Counties of England. Surtees Society LXX XV (London, 
1890 [for 1888] ), 53-7. 

— Testamenta Eboracensia. A Selection of Wills from the Registry at York. Part II. 
Surtees Society XXX (London, 1855). 

Rogerson (née Dorrell), Margaret. ‘External Evidence for Dating the York Register,’ 
Records of Early English Drama no, 2 (1976), 4-5. 

Sellers, Maud. ‘York in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, EHR 12 (1897), 

—(ed). York Memorandum Book, 2 parts. Surtees Society CXX, CX XV (London, 
1912 [for 1911] and 1915 [for 1914] ). 

— The York Mercers and Merchant Adventurers 1356-1917. Surtees Society CX XIX 
(London, 1918 [for 1917} ). 

Skaife, Robert H. (ed). The Register of the Guild of Corpus Christi in the City of 
York, with an Appendix of Illustrative Documents, containing some account of 
the Hospital of St. Thomas of Canterbury, without Micklegate-bar, in the suburbs 
of the city. Surtees Society LVII (London, 1872 [for 1871] ). 

Smith, A.H. ‘A York Pageant, 1486,’ in R.W. Chambers, F. Norman and A.H. Smith 
(eds), London Mediaeval Studies. 1 (London, 1937-9), 382-98. 

Smith, Lucy Toulmin. ‘The Bakers of York and their ancient Ordinary,’ Archaeo- 
logical Review 1 (1888), 122-34, 255-8, 450-2. 

— ‘Ordinances of the Companies of Marshals and Smiths at York A.D. 1409-1443,’ 
The Antiquary 11 (January-June, 1885), 105-9. 

— (ed). York Plays. The Plays Performed by the Crafts of Mysteries of York on the 
day of Corpus Christi im the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries (Oxford, 1885). 

Stevens, Martin, and Margaret Dorrell. ‘The Ordo Paginarum Gathering of the York 
A/Y Memorandum Book,’ MP 72 (1974), 45-59. 

Stevens, Martin. ‘The York Cycle: From Procession to Play,’ LeedsSE, ns, 6 (1972), 

Stopes, C.C. ‘Extracts from the York Chamberlains’ Accounts re players, etc., 
1580-1612,’ William Hunnis and the Revels of the Chapel Royal, Materialien zur 
Kunde der alteren englischen Dramas X X1X (Louvain, 1910), 314-16. 

Young, Karl. ‘The Records of the York Play of the Pater Noster,’ Speculum 7 
(1932), 540-6. 


corporis christi 

The Records 

Statute Book YM: M1/1/b 

it JAY 

§ Item inuemiet stellas cum omnibus ad illas pertinencrbus preter 
Cirpos quos inueniet episcopus puerorum futurorum ynam in 
nocte Natalis domimi pro pastoribus & duas in nocte Epiphanie 

si debeat fieri presentacio trium Regum. 

Miscellaneous Register YM: M2/4/g 

f28v (16 August) 

Statuerunt eciamm ad honorem dei quod festum Corporis christi 
sub Officio dupplici in Choro & mensa decetero celebretwr. 

Constitution of Archbishop de Zouche BI: Reg. 10 

f 264* (12 February) 

... volentes tamen ... laudem & gloriam dei omnipotentis & 
eiusdem domini nostri lesu Christi ... quantum possumus 
augmentare ... diem illam celeberimam / videlicet veneris que 
dicitur Parasceue ante Pasche ... a vobis omnibusque singulis 
nostris subditis vere & digne laudandam / glorificandam / 
honorandam / & sanctificandam in nostris Ciuitate & diocesi ac 
singulis ecclesiis earumdem / ... auctoritate pontificali indicimus 




Varie expense 

Minute & 
varie expense 

Varie expense 

2/ YORK 1343 

statuimus ordinamus & decernimus ... Sit itaque dies ista 
decetero festiua & festum duplex ... cessent confabulaciones 
inhoneste & illiciti tractatus / ordo iudiciarius / & omnis 
inordinatus strepitus quiescant ipsa die ... Abstineant se omnes a 
ludis . spectaculis . foris / mercimoniis . & mercaturis & ab omni 
opere rurali / artificiali / pariter & seruili ab omnique inmundicia 
"&" peccato ... 

Will of Thomas de Bukton, rector of Rudby YM: L/2/4 

£44 (29 November; probated 2 January) 
... Item lego ad sustentacionem solempnitatis corporis christi in 
Ciuitate Ebor’ singwlis Annis celebrate centum solidos ... 

St Leonard’s Hospital Accounts YM: M2/6/c 


Et ministrallis in festo Sancti leonardi ij .s. uy .d. ... Et datum 
diuersis . hominibus pro . quoddam interludio coram Magistro . 
ad Natalem domini . jj -s. ... 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/1 MP 

mb 2* 
... Et Ministrallis in festo translacronis sancti Wille/mi ij .s. iii) .d. 
Et eisdem pro .ij. diebus Pentecostis xiij -s. il) .d. ... 

YM: E1/2 PM 

mb 2 
... Et Ministrallis in festo sancti Wille/mi . iij .s. inj .d. ... 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/3 MP 

mb 2 
_.. Et ministrallis die Translacionis sancti Wille/mi .tij. s. .1iij. d. 

Et eisdem pro .iiij. diebus Pentecostis xiij. s. iil). divs: 







Varie expense 

Minute & 
varie expense 

Testamentum / 
Wille/mi de / 
Thorp clerk 


Led e/S) MOMS Ths 

St Leonard’s Hospital Accounts YM: M2/6/c 

ie Wscarertick ) ministrallis in festo sancti leonardi iij s. iiij d. ... 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/4 MP 

mb 2 
... Et ministrallis die translacionis Sancti Wille/mi iij s. uij d Et 
eisdem per iiij dies Pentecostis xiij s. ij d ... 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: £20 

as ag 
ffirme Pontis Vse per Custodes eiusdem leuande 

f 4v 
De vno Tenemento in quo Tres pagine Corporis christi ponuntur 

per annu'm’ ij s 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/5 PM 

mb 3 
... Et mimistrallis in festo sancti Wille/mi iij s._.iiij d ... 

Will of William de Thorp, clerk YM: Reg. Wills 1 L2/4 

£63 (21 November; probated 24 November) 

... Item domino . Ricardo . de yhedyngham libros meos de ludis 
Si eos velit habere & vnum Almarialum Si velit habere & Si 
noluerit illud armarialum lego ecclesie beate Marie ad valuas pro 
rebus imponendis. ... 

St Leonard’s Hospital Accounts YM: M2/6/c 


Item datum ministrallis in festo Sancti leonardi ex curialitate i Sess 

20-1 De... ij s) over erasure 







Minute & 
Varie Expense 


® quod 
compotus de 
expensis pena 

4/YORK 1378 

Item datum j ministrallo ad idem festum precepto Custodis 
Vy] dice: 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: £1/7 PM 

mb 2 
Et Ministrallis in festo sancti Willelmi iij s_.iiij d ... 

St Leonard’s Hospital Accounts YM: M2/6/c 


In curialitatébus facts Ministrallis in festo sancti leonardi vj s 
vuj d ... Item ij Ministrallis in festo Purificacionis Marie virginis in 
presencia Custodis & ffratrum iiij d ... 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

f 38 Tailors 

Item les ditz quatre hommes sercheours coilleront chescun an 
parmy la Citee lafferant de chescun homme de la dite Arte 
qappurtient a lour pagyn de Corpore christi & ferront toutes 
les costages & despensur pur sustener & mayntener la dite pagyn 
& ent acompt rendront chescun an la tierce dimaigne prochein 
apres la dite fest de Corpore christi saunz plus delay sur peyne de 
x s apaier a les quatre hommes Sercheours auauntditz lun moite 
& lautre moite a la Chaumbre de counseil sur le pount de Vse en 

£40 Tailors 

pat pe serchours expen ‘...) in Corpore christi & in al 3ere after 
est ij s vil) d sub pena xx s 

Item que null Sercheours qui serront ordeinez pur garder & 
sercher lartifice auantdit expendront en la coillet de la moneie 

en moneie & pur touz autre petit expensez par tout lane jj s 

1 idem festum]) Christmas 






Duffeld Catton 
& Robertum de 
Halton et 

Minute & 
varie expense 

@ De pecunia 
Magistri Thome 
de Bukton 

1386-7 YORK /5 

viij d saunz pluis & si soit proue que aucun Serchour face 
contrary diceste il forfaitra xx s a loeps de la communialtee & a 
la supportacion de le lumer suisdite par owels porcione 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

f 163v 

Memorandum quod cum quedam discordia nuper mota fuerat 
inter Robertum de Waghen Wright ex vna parte & Iohannem de 
Duffeld pelter lohannem de Catton pistorem / & Robertum de 
Halton littester ac homines de illis tribus artificiis suis ex parte 
altera de edificacione & reparacione cuiusdam domus super les 
Toftes ad hospitandum paginas suas de Corpore Christi Tamen 
sub hac forma concordati sunt videlicet quod predictus Robertus 
de Waghen faciet edificare & reparare competenter dictam 

, domum’ ad hospitandum tres paginas predictas infra eamdem 
(...) festum Pentecostes anno regni Regis Ricardi decimo per 
visum Maioris & proborum Ciuitatis ad electionem dicti Maioris 
qui tuvc temporis fuit Et ad hoc bene & fideliter tenendum & 
perimplendum dictus Robertus de Waghen inuenit Iohannem de 
Ruddestan de Ebor’ Barker plegium & manucaptorem qui 
quidem Iohannes obligauit se & executores suos ad faciendam 
domum predictam si dictus Robertws in edificacione & 
reparacione domus predicte defecerit quod absit 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/8 MP 

mb 2 
Et Ministrallis in translacione sancti Willelmi iij .s. .iiij. d Et 
eisdem pro .iiij. diebus Pentecosthes xij .s. .iiij. d ... 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: £20 

f 164 

Memorandum quod Willelmus de Seleby tunc Maior Ebor’ 
deliberauit Stephano de Yolton de Tollertton .C. s. quos 
Magister Thomas de Bukton dedit sub certa forma ad 

11 (...)] circa 







Minute & 
varie expense 

6/ YORK 1388 

inueniendwm 1iij°t torcheas circa corpus christi in eodem festo 
ardentes in processione viij® die Maii anno regni regis Ricardi 
secundi post conquestum Anglie xjo. & dictus Stephanus soluet 
ad opus luminis predicti vj s. viij d. vsque Purificacionem 
proximam et predictus Willelmus de Seleby plegius pro pecunia 

£44 (13 December) 

In primis gue nul ffleccher de yceste Citee ne ouerera desormes 
ascun dymenche ‘ascunes oueraigne’ appartenant a lour dite 
Artifice ne ne mettera ascunes setes boltis nautres lours darres 
pur auawnt pur monstrer vender ascune dymenche sur peyne de 
xl d appaiez lun moite a la chaumbre & lautre a lour pagent de 
corpore christi & ceo a chescun foith qascuns ou ascun entz 
serront Ou serra atteyntez . forsque pur mettre les chefs sur les 
estes quant busoigne soit noun obstant lordeignawnce suisdite 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/9 MP 

mb 4* 
... Et Ministrallis in fes(..) translacionis sancti Wille/mi «.... ..) pro 
lilj. diebus . pentecostis xij s. .illj.d ... 

Pater Noster Guild PRO: C47/46/454* 

(21 January) 

... Primo quo ad causam fundacronis dicte fraternitatis: Sciendum 
est quod postquam quidam ludus de vtilitate oracionis dominice 
compositus in quo ludo quam plura vicia & peccata reprobantur 
& virtutes commendantur in ciuitate Ebor’ lusus fuit: talem ac 
tantum saporem habuit’ vt quam plures dixerunt. Vtinam iste 
ludus in Ciuitate ista gubernaretur in salute animarum & in 
consolacionem Ciuium & vicinorum. vnde pro illo ludo futuris 
temporibuws in salutem & emendacionem animarum tam 
gubernancium quam audiencium illius ludi gubernaturo, fuit 
plena & integra causa fundacionis & associacionis contratrum 
fraternitatis eiusdem. et ideo onus principale dicte fraternitatis 
est? pro illo ludo gubernaturo in maiorem laudem dei dicte 







Minute & 
varie expense 

Minute et 
varie expense 

® Iste 
cancellantur & 
alie nove fiunt 
que scribuntur 
iN NOUO registro 

Minute et 
varie expense 

1388-9 YORK /7 

oracionis opificis . & pro peccatis & vicijs reprobandis. ... [tem 
tenentur quotienscumque ludus dicte oracionis dominice in 
forma ludi in Ciuitate Ebor’ monstratwr cum lusoribus eiusdem 
per certas principales stratas ciuitatis Ebor’ equitare & pro 
meliori ornatu in sua equitacione habendo in vna secta indui . 

& pro dicto ludo pacifice gubernando aliqui eorum tenentur 
equitare seu ire cum illis lusoribus quousque dictus ludus totaliter 
finiatur. ... Nec pertinent ad dictam fraternitatem terre redditus 
nec tenementa vel aliqua alia catalla, excepto solummodo 
apparatu pro dicto ludo disposito . qui quidem apparatus ad 
aliquem alium usum nisi tantum ad dictum ludum? modicum vel 
nichil potest proficere. Et habetur vna cista lignea pertinens ad 
dictam fraternitatem pro dicto apparatu inponendo ... 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/11 MP 

mb 2 
__ Et Ministrallis in festo translacionis sancti Wille/mi iij.s. iui). d. 
Et eisdem pro .iiij. diebus Pentecostis xii). s. jedi. 

YM: E1/14 PM 

mb 2* 
_.. Et Ministrallis in festo , "Translacronis’ sancti Wille/mi ii) -s. 
fii) ds 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

f 46* 

[Item que null del Artifice preigne apprentice pwr meyndre terme 
que pur vij ans sur peyne de demi Marc a paier .xl.dala 
Chaumbre & .xl. d. al oeps de lour pagyne de Corpore christ] 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E£1/12/1 MP 

mb 2 
... Et Ministrallis in festo translacionis sancti Wille/mi ij. s. iii. d 






Minute & 
varie expense 

Minute & 
varie expense 

De ludo 
corporis christi 

plus in / 
secundo folio 

Minute & 
varie expense 

8 / YORK 1390 
Et eisdem pro . .iiij. diebus . Pentecostis xiij. s. ilifed':. 
YM: E1/15 PM 

mb 2 
... Et Ministrallis in festo sancti Willelmi iij. s. .iiij. d. ... 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: 1/17 MP 

mb 2* 
... Et Ministrallis in festo translacionis sancti Willelmi ¢...) iiij (.) 
Et eisdem (...) iii}. diebus pentecostis . xij. s. iiij. d ... 


A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 
f17v* (28 April) 

Eodem die concordatum est quod omnes pagine corporis christi 

ludent in locis antiquitws assignatis & non alibi sed vt sicut 
premunientur per Maiorem Ballivos & Ministros suos vt si qua 

pagina incontrarium fecerit gentes artificij dicte pagine soluent ad 

opus communitatis in camera maioris vj s. viij d 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: £1/19 MP 

mb 1 

... Et Ministrallis in festo translacionis sancti Wille/m1i ij. s. 
duj. d. ... Et Ministrallzs pro .1j. diebus Pentecostis xij .s. 
mi de. 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

f 20v (30 December) Bowers 

Les queux forfaitours serrount leuez & paiez de ceaux que 
ferrount a contraire des ditz ordeignawnces a quaunt de foitz 
qils serrount trouez en defaut cest assauoir lune moite des ditz 
forfaitours al oeps de la Communealtee de la Citee Deuerwyk en 
la Chaumbre de counseil & lautre moite a gouerner lour pagyne 








Minute & 
varie expense 

Expense in festo 
de Corpore 
Christi cum 
donis Ministrallis 
dominorum de 
toto Anno xj s 

Minute Expense 

Minute & 
varie expense 

TO SeY ORs /29 

de louwr Artifice auawntdite 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/22 PM 

mb 2 
... Et Ministrallis in festo sancti Wille/mi ij. s..ilij. d. ... 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: C1:1 

mb 1 

Item computatum pro Steynyng de 1j°t pannis ad opus pagine 
ilj s. Et in portacione reportacione Meremi ad barras coram 
Rege ij s jd [Et pro <....) barre] Et viij portitoribus ducentibus 
& mouentibus paginam v s. ilij d Et pro vexillo nouo cum 
apparatu xij. s 1j.d. Et ludentibus xv.s uij.d Et in pane 
ceruisza vino & carnibus & focalizs pro maiore & probis 
homunibus in die ad ludum .xviij. s viij d. Et Ianitori Sancte 
Trinitatis pro pagina hospitanda iiij d. Et ministrallis in festo de 
Corpore Christi xii] s. iiij. d. Et pro clauis ferri ad emendacionem 
pagine vd. Et pro xx fursperres ad barras predictas coram Rege 
vs xd. Et Roberto Paton pro factura pagine in opere 
carpentario per duos dies xij d. Et pro pictwra paginis ij. s Et 
pro xix Sapplynges emptis de Iohanne de Crauen pro barris 
predictis vj s viij d Et Wille/mo de Warneby Carpenterio pro 
opere suo ibidem iilj .s. ij d 

Summa iiij li. xj s. vj d. 

Et Ministrallis domini Regis ac aliorum dominorum 
supervenientibus vij li. vij s. iiij d 
Summa (blank) 
Summa vij li. vij s. iiij d. 

Et pro ij pellibus pergameni tempore billarum corporis christi vy) d. 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: £1/23 MP 

mb 2 
... Et Ministrallis in festo translacionis sancti Willelmi ii. ‘S. 








Minute & varie 

Minute & 
varie expense 

Minute et 
varie expense 

10 / YORK 1396 

-lnij. d. ... Et Ministrallis pro .iiij. diebus Pentecostis KV ]).S. 
Vil} d..:. 

YM: E1/24 PM 

mb 3 
... Et Ministrallis in festo sancti Willelmi x. s. ... 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: £1/10 MP 

mb 2 

... Et Ministrallzs in festo translaciomis sancti Wille/mi iij .s. iiij d 
... Et Ministrallis in festo sancti Wille/mi vj .s. viij .d. Et eisdem 
pro .ij). diebus . Pentecostis xxvj .s. vilj .d. ... 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: £20 

f 34v Saddlers 

... Et que desormes la moyte de touz ditz forfaitours de lour 
Artifice & ordeignawnce come desuis est dit soient paiez as 
Serchours & gouernours [de lour dit Artifice] de lowr dit Artifice 
pur suppoweler lour pagyne de corpore Christi & en Autres 
besoignes dycelles ou lowr mieltz semblera ... 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/27 MP 

mb 2* 

... Et Ministrallis in festo translacionis sancti Willelmi vj. s. viij. d. 

Et eisdem pro .iiij. diebus Pentecostis xxvj .s. vilj.d , Et 
eisdem ex curialitate capitwli hac vice (.....) xiij.s. illj.d° ... 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

f 19v 

‘De ordinacione ludi coporis christi Anno regni regis Ricardi 
secundi xxij® et plus de eodem in secundo folio precedenti & 
de torcheis , “‘bonorum hominum’ habendis in iilj. folzo 
precedenti . & de Buklermakers et Shethers in viij® folio 
precedenti & de pagina de moyses & Pharao . in cxijm° folio 








1399 YORK/ 11 

sequenti et ordo paginarum in fine huius libri:t 
Al honurables hommes le meir & les Aldermans de la Citee 
Deuerwyk Suppliount les Comunes demesme la Citee que com ils 
fount grawndes espences & costages entour le Iuer & les pagentz 
de la iowr de Corpore / christi / les queux ne purrount estre 1u€z 
ne perfournez mesme le iour solounc ceo com ils deuerount estre 
a cause que les pagentz suisditz sount jueez en si plusowrs lieux a 
graunde damage & disease a les ditz comunes & ales Estraungers 
repairauncez a la dite Citee mesme le iour pur mesme la cause 
que pleise a vous considerer que les ditz pagentz sount 
mayntenez & sustenez par les Comunes & Artificers demesme la 
Citee en honour & reuerence nostreseignour Jesu Crist & honour 
& profitt de mesme la Citee defaire ordeigner que les pagentz 
suisditz soient jueez en les lieux quelles furent limitez & assignez 
par vous & les » “comunes’ suisditz deuawnt ces houres les quelles 
lieux sount annexis a y ceste bille en vne cedulle . “ou en autres 
lieux chescun ane al disposicion & volunte de le mair & conseil 
de la chambre” et que il ou ascun qui encountre les ordeignances 
& estabilismentz auantditz ferra ou ferrount encourge ou 
encourgent en payne de xl s. pur estre forfait a la Chaumbre de 
counsale de la dite Citee . & que si ascuns de les pagentz suisditz 
soient targiez ou delaiez par defaut ou neccligence de les luers 
gils encourgentz en payne de vj s. viij d a mesme la chaumbre 
Et ces matiers suisditz suppliount quelles soient perfourneez ou 
autrement la dite Iue ne serra my lueez par les comunes suisditz. 
Et ces priount pur dieu & en ouere de charitee pur le profitte de 
les ditz Comunes & de les Estraungers repairauncez a la dite Citee 
a lonowr (..) dieu & nuresaunce de charitee parentre mesme les 

Loca vbi ludus Corporis christi erit lusus In primis ad portas 
sancte Trinitatis in Mikelgate . Secundo ad ostium Roberti 
Harpham . Tercio ad ostium lohannis de Gyseburne Quarto apud 
Skeldergatehend & Northstrethend . Quinto ad finem de 
Conyngstrete versus le Castelgate . Sexto ad finem de lubretgate 
Septimo (..) ostium Henrzci Wyman in Conyngstrete . Octauo ad 
finem de Conyngstrete iuxta Aulam Communem Nono ad ostium 
Ade del Brigg . Decimo ad portas Monasterii beati petri . 
Vndecimo ad finem de Girdlergate in Petergate . Duodecimo 
super Pauiamentum 

16-18 ‘ou ... chambre’ ] im same hand as marginal heading 
32-3 apud... Northstrethend] m same band as marginal heading over erasure 
36 Aulam Communem) in different band over erasure 







De ordinacitone 
torchearum qui 
habent de 

Minute & 
varie expense 

12 /YORK 1399 

Et ordinatum est quod vexilla ludi cum armis ciuitatis 
liberentur °‘in vigilia corporis christi’ * per maiorem ponenda in 
locis vbi erit ludus paginarum & quod vexilla ipsa annuatim in 
crastino Corporis christi reportentur ad cameram ad manus 
maioris & camerariorum ciuitatis . & ibidem custodiantur per 
totum annum sequentem sub pena vj s. viij d. soluendorum ad 
opus communitatis per illum et illos qui vexilla illa vltra 
crastinum illum detinuerint & ea non liberauerint modo quo 

f16v (27 April) 

Memorandum quod vicesimo septimo die Aprilis Anno regni 
Regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum Anglie vicesimo secundo 
ordinatum f(..... concordatum in Gilda Aula coram Maiore 
Vicecomitibus & Aldermannis Ciuitatis Ebor’ cum consensu 
tocius Communitatis tunc ibidem congregate quod omnes 
homines qui habent & qui habebunt ex nunc garniamenta 
estiualia de secta liberacionis estiualis proborum hominum 
Ciuitatis predicte quod quilibet eorum eat cum maiore & probis 
hominibus in festo corporis christi in processione vsque ecclesiam 
Sancti Petri & ad hospitale sancti leonardi & quod quilibet 
eorum habeat torcheam suam portatam & illuminatam ante 
dictam processionem singulis Annis in festo predicto et qui 
defecerit in hac parte soluet ad opus Communitatis vj s. vil} d 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/29 MP 

mb 2 

... Et Ministrallis in festo translacionis sancti Wille/mi vj. s. 

vilj. d. Et eisdem pro .iiij. diebus . Pentecostis xxvj.s. .viij. d 
_‘Et eisdem ex curialetate (.) & capituli . hac vice . .xiij. s. 
Ayedy “2 

Pater Noster Guild Account Roll 

Lucy Toulmin Smith, ed., York Plays, xxix* 

_.. sed dictus Johannes dicit se expendisse in diuersis expensis 
circa ludum Accidie ex parte Ric. Walker ijs. jd., ideo de predicto 

petit allocari ... 

15 f(....)) fuic & 








Minute et 
varie expense 

Minute & 
varie Expense 

De la pagyne de 
moyses & 
pharao &c 

Plus in xvij 
folio in 
presenc: libro 

1401 YORK / 13 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

£42* (7 July) Spurriers and Lorimers 

[... nul Esperoner ne lorymer de la dite citee ou les suburbes 
dicell par lui ne par <...) servant ouer ou face ouerer en autre 
Artifice mais soulement Esporoner ceo que affiert a son artifice 
& lorymer ce que affiert a son myster sur peyne de xiij s iii) d 
appaier par celly qui face la contrarie dicell ordeignance 
Cestassauoir lune moite au mair & Communialtee de la dite 
Citee & lautre moite al oeps del pagyne des Artifices & mystiers 
suisditz ...| 

‘Memorandum quod xii° die maij tempore Ricardi york Maioris 
additum fuit quod le hatmakers istius Ciuitatis sint contributory 
pagine artis predicte et soluerunt absque contradiccione sub pena 
eiusdem xl d° 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/34 MP 

mb 2 
... Et mimistrallis in festo Translacionis sancti Willelmi vj. s. 

Vilj.d. Et eisdem pro .iujor. diebus Pentecostis xxvj.s. .viij.d. ... 

YM: E1/36 PM 

mb 1 
... Et Ministrallis in festo sancti Wille/mi .vj. s. .viij. d. ... 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: £20 

£148v (8 May) 

ffait a remembre que le viijm¢ iowr de May lan du regne 
notreseignour le Roy henry quart puis le conquest dengleterre 
quart accorde est & assentu deuawnt le Maior de la Citee 
deuerwyk les Chaumbreleyns & autres bones gentz de mesme la 
Citee en la Chaumbre de counseil sur le pount de Ouse en 
Euerwyk entre les gentz de Drapercraft et les gentz de 
Hosyercraft Deuerwyk que touz hosyers qui vendount chaunces 
ou facent chaunces a vendre ouesque les vphalderes quels 
vendount drape de leyne dasore enauaunt aueront la charge del 








Minute & 
varie expense 


14/ YORK 1403 

pagyne de Moyses & Pharao &c en la Iue de corpore christi 
horspris les Dubbers & ceux qui sount assignez a eux. 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls yM: &1/37 MP 


... Et Ministrallis in festo translacionis sancti Willelmi . vj. s. 
vil]. d. Et eisdem pro .iiij. diebus Pentecostis xx. s. Et eisdem in 
festo sancti Wille/mi feria .vja. Pentecostis vj. s. viij. d. ... 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

ff 42v-3 

Ceux sount les constituciones & ordeignawnces ordeignez par 
touz les meistres del Artifice des Toundours de la Citee deuerwyk 
a le fest(.) de Chaundelowr en [an le roy henry le quart puys le 
conquest dengleterre sisme 

En primes pur ceo que graundes damages & perdes tutdys ount 
cheiez en mesme lartifice des draps quels ne sount my duement 
ouerez Ordeigne est & assentu par lassent & consent de touz les 
meistres del dit Artifice que desore en auaunt les sercheouwrs du 
dit artifice presenterount au mair de la dice Citee les defautes 
trouez & approuez par les ditz Sercheours & deux autres 
sufficeauntz meistres de mesme lartifice elieux pur iuger le 
defaute oue quy le defaut est troue que celluy gest troue en le 
defaut paiera iij s iiij d lune moite a la Chaumbre de counseil & 
lautre moite & lautre moite a lowr pagyne de corpore christi sil 
soit que ceaux qount la damage soi pleignet & presentent la 

Et auxi que chescun meistre qui preigne apprentice en mesme 
lartifice paiera pur chescun apprentice al son entre al oops de 
lour pagyne xij d Et celluy gest troue rebell | et ne voelt my 
paier les ditz xij d qil paiera iij s iiij d en la manere au[a]ntdite 

Et auxi que en chescun an que le Mair enuoiera la bille de lour 
pagyne de Corpore christi as gentz del dit artifice sicome est la 
custume de la Citee touz les Meistres du dit artifice 

34 -ntice al son] covered by patch 







Minute et 
varie expense 

1405 YORK / 15 

assemblerount en certain place par le temps assigne & illeoques 
ordeigneront pur lour pagyne & lour lumer & les poyntes & la 
arraie dicelle / et celluy gest troue rebell enuers la assemble come 
desuis est dit & les ditz ordeignawnces paiera 1ij s_ iil) d come 
deuaunt (blank) est dit 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/38 PM 

mb 2 
... Et Ministrallis in festo sancti Wille/mi xij. s. .ilj. d. ... 

Corpus Christi Guild Register Bi: Lansdowne MS 403 

ble ye 

Prima Constitutio Ordinamus quod in festo corporis christi . 
omnes capellami in superpellicijs transiant in procescione modo 
honesto processionaliter antiquitatis ordine nisi ratzonabiliter 
possint excusari, Et vt cultus Dei venerabilivs augeatur, vt 
sacerdotium dignius habeatur, ac per hec populus conueniencius 
ad devocionem excitetur, Ordinamus quod sex magistri vel 
eorum duo ad minus pro temporibus suis ad ceterorum 
distinccionem In omni processione generali virgulas portabunt 
dealbatas, qui alios in huiusmodi processionibus regere habent, 
considerando vt tantus sit solidus et deuotus . Incessus debitus, 
ordinatus & maturus ad laudem dei, honestatem sacerdocii, 
edificaclonem ac bonum exemplum tocius popwli christiani 
maxime autem ad honorem dei & ciuitatis Ebor’. 


vij Ordivamus quod in processione Corporis christi decem 
lumivaria magna deferantur coram sacramento & sex solummodo 
processionaliter coram corpore confratris defuncto, Et quod 
quilibet confrater & soror soluat quolibet anno proximo 
quarterio ante festum Corporis christi ad minus duos denarios ad 
dictorum luminariorum sustenacionem 

32 vij) rubric 






16/ YORK 1410 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: £20 

f285v (26 January) 

Item it is ordand pat pe Pad3hand Maistres of pe said crafte 

‘sall warn all be crafte’ als oftetymes als pai sall be charged be 
pe sayd Sercheours apon pe payn of xx d forto be payd in be 
fourme beforsayd 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y.: £20 

ff 65v, 68* Bakers 

... Ideo ut abusus predictus | tollatwr de cetero ordinatum est 
& firmiter stabilituy quod nullus pistor ciuitatis aut aliquis de 
suis portet vel portari faciat extva loca sua aliquod genus panis 
venalis ad domos fenestras vel habitaczones alicuius regratarii 
infra ciuitatem istam vel suburbia e1usdem sub pena iij s_ 11 d 
vsul communitatis & artificio pistorum ad sustentacionem pagine 
sue & aliorwm onerum suorum equis porcionibus applicandorum 
tociens quociens contra ista ordinacionem presumpserit 
attemptare. ... 

f21v Plasterers 

Item que nulle del Artifice preigne apprentice pur meyndre terme 
que pur vij ans sur ¢.............. ) apaier xl d. a la chaumbre & xl d. al 
oeps de lour pagyne de Corpore christi 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

ff 252v-5" 
Ordo paginarum , ‘ludi’ Corporis Christi tempore Wille/mi Alne 

Collation (E20 f 285v with E22 f 148): marginalia pachent] to gyve warning 
5 Marsshals] omitted 7 after said) [Cytie] 8after be] saide 8 als... 
als] 9 forto] to 9 pe] omitted 10 beforsayd] afforesaid 







tS, YOUR 7 / 1k7) 

Maioris Anno regni Regis Henrici quinti post conquestum Anglie 
tercio °compilatus per Rogerum Burton clericum communem in 
anno domini millesimo ccccxvm0 Registravit° 

‘Deliuerande Sunt Sedule Paginarwm subsequenter in forma . 
subscripta . artificizs Per vj. Seruientes Maioris ad clauam prima 
vel ja. septimana xl™a. Annuatim scribende per Communem 

Clericum> + 









Deus pater ommipotens creans & 
formans celos Angelos & archangelos 
luciferum & angelos qui cum eo 
ceciderunt in infernum 

Deus pater in sua substancia creans 
terram & Ommia que in ea sunt per 
spacium v dierum 

Deus pater formans Adam de lymo 
terre & faciens Euam de costa Ade & 
inspirans €0s spiritu vite 

Deus prohibens Adam & Euam ne 
comederent de ligno vite 

Adam & Eua & arbor inter eos serpens 
decipiens eos cum pomis Deus loquens 
eis & maledicens serpentem & angelus 
cum gladio eiciens eos de paradiso 

Adam & Eua Angelus cum vanga & colo 
assignans eis laborem 

Abel & Kaym immolantes victimas 

5-8 Deliuerande ... Clericums) in top left band margin around headings ‘Tannours’ 

and ‘Plasterers’. 

10-13 Deus... infernum] over erasure 16 terram] over erasure 

16 ea} over erasure 

17 v dierum) over erasure 

20-1 de... spiritu) partly over erasure 28 angelus] erasure follows 






18 / YORK 1415 

Pessoners & 








11 (...)| deserto Pharao 
19 (...)] dimittere 

22 (...)] e dimettere eam 
29 -pastoribus +] over erasure 

Deus premuniens Noe facere archam de 
lignis leuigatis 

Noe in Arche & vxor eius tres filij Noe 
cum vxoribus suis cum diuersis 

Abraham immolans filiu7 suum -Isaac° 
super altare garcio cum bosco & angelus 

Moyses exaltans serpentem in (...) Rex 
vilj ludei admirantes (...) 

° “doctor declarans dicta prophetarum 
de nativitate Christi futura’ ° sMaria° 

Angelus salutans eam Maria salutans 


*Maria® Iosep volens ¢...) eam (...) vt 
transeant vsque Bedlem: 

Maria losep volens occult ¢...) angelus 
eis loquens ut transeant vsque 

Maria [cum <... .... )] Ioseph . obstetrix / 
puer natus siacens iv presepio® inter 
bouen & azinum & angelus loquens 
spastoribus* & ludentibus in pagina 
sequente / 

Pastores loquentes adinuicem ‘stella in 
oriente: / Angelus nuncians pastoribus 
gaudium de puero nato* 

12 (...)] et expectantes 
19 (...)) angelus eis loquens 
27 siacens in presepio-] over erasure 




quadam ° 

*Goldsmy thes * 
Orfeuers °Masons° 

Domus sancti 
slam Masons° 


Naylers -Sawiers: 





8 -quadams] for quondam 
17 <...)] consiliarii Regis et 
19 (...)| in templo in medio 
21 (...)] -ientes in templo 
23 (...)] administrantes 


U4 SY ORIG / 109 

Tres Reges venientes ab oriente / 
herodes interogans eos de puero lIesu 
° "& filius herodis’ * & duo considiarij 
& nuncius /./? Maria cum puero & 
stella desuper & tres Reges offerentes 
[(...)] munera 

Maria cum puero Iosep Anna obstetrix 
cum pullis columbarwm Symeon 
recipiens puerum in vinas suas & duo 
filij Symeonis 

Maria cum puervo & losep fugientes in 
Egiptwm Angelo nunciante 

Herodes preci ¢...) 0f milites cum lanceis 
duo (...) 111) mulieres deflentes (...) 

lesus °, ‘Doctores puer’ ° sedens (...) 
eorum interrogans eos & respondens 
(...) querentes eum , “&™ inuen (...) 

lesuws lohannes ‘...) angeli ¢...) 

Iesws Maria ¢...) clinws cum fam (...) 
vertitur (...) 

Jesus (...) temptans eum (...) 

Petrus Iacobus & Iohannes Iesus 
ascendens in montem & transfigurans 
(...) apparentes et (...) 

16 (...)] -piens pueros occidi iiij- 

17 (...)] occisionem puerorum suorum 
21 (..)) eis ij Judei Maria et Josep 
23 (...)] Baptista baptizans eum et ij 
25 «Vynterse] over erasure 

.--) clinus] sponsus cum sponsa Architri- 

25 fam (...)] -ulia sua cum vj ydreis aque vbi 26 (...)] aqua in vinum 

28 (...)] super Pynaculum templi et diabolus 

28 (...)] cum lapidibus et ij angeli administrantes 

31-2 Petrus ... & transfigurans] over erasure 33 (...)] se ante eos Moyses et Elyas 
33 (..| vox loquentis in nube (loquens required) 





20/ YORK 1415 

lrenmiongers { ° lesws’ * Simon (...) i discipuli Maria 
Magdalena ¢...) lacrimis (...) 
Plummers { lesws (...) mulier deprehensa in adulterio 
Patenmakers 10° Judei accusantes eam | 
Pouchemakers (I ayes ; 
or Y 
Nareling ee ll} apostoli] lazarus in 
Capmakers Sepulcre Maria Magdalena & Martha & 
()] i) ludei admirantes 
lesus super asinum cum pullo suo xij 
‘lj apostoli sequentes leswm sex 
*Skynners° diuites & sex pauperes viij pueri cum 
°Vestmentmakers ° ramis palmaruwm cantantes Benedictus 
&c. & Zacheus ascendens in aborem 
Shethers Pylatus Cayphas duo Milites tres Iudei> 
Scalers [¢...)] °&° Iudas vendens Iesum 
, agnus paschalis” Cena Domini: xij 
Hele apostoli lesus precinctus lintheo lauans 
edes eorum [agnus paschalis] institucio 
Waterleders* P : lag hes 
sacramenti corporis christi in noua lege 
Communio apostolorum 
Pilatus Cayphas Annas xiilij Milites 
: armati Malcus °[Iesu] ° Petrus lacobus 

Iohannes °'Iesus ° & Iudas <...)ns 
°"lesum’ ° & tradens eum 

1 (...)] leprosus rogans Jesu vt manducaret cum eo 

2 (...)] lauans pedes Jesu 2 (...)] suis et capillis suis tergens 
4 (...)] duo apostoli 

16-17 ascendens ... sicamorum] over erasure 

30 erasure between this line and following pageant 

34 (...)ns] osculans 












*Serveourz ° 

aS SSS ™S 
See) ee 

..) mas] Jesus An- 

...) m margin) Tapisers 

...) nm margin] Couchers 
...)] Herodes 

12 (...) in margin] Cukes 

13 (...)\ans] reportans 

17 (...) in margin) Tielmakers 
24 I¢...)] Lesus 

woN Ae 

(I A a eee 

1415 YORK / 21 

(...) nas Cayphas et iiijo Iudei 
percucientes [et] col(...)antes *leswm 
Petrus Mulier accusans Petrum & 

(...) Pilatus Annas Cayphas duo consiliarij 
& iij°! Tudei accusantes leswm 

iij Iudei 

(...) Anna [(..)] Cayphas duo Iudei & 
Judas (...)ans eis Xxx argenteos 

° lesus: (...)s Cayphas Anna sex milites 
tenentes hastas cum vexillis & alij 
quattuor ducentes Iesum ab herode 
petentes Baraban dimitti & lesumm 
crucifigi & ibidem ligantes & flagellantes 
eum ponentes coronam spineam super 
caput elus tres milites mittentes sorte 
supper vestem lesu 

I...) sanguine cruentatus portans 
crucem versus Caluariam Symon 
Sereneus / Iudei eum vt 
tolleret crucem maria mater Ieswm 
Iohannes apostolus intimans tunc [(..)] 
prime dampnacionem & transitum filii 
sul °, “ad Caluariam ° Veronica tergens 
sanguinem & sudorem . de facie Iesu 
cum flammeolo in quo imprimitur 
facies lesu & alie mulieres lamentantes 
lesum | 

col(...)antes] colaphizantes 

(...)] Jesus 
(...) in margin] Littesters 


consiliarii] -liarii over erasure 
12 (...)] Pilatus 

15 (...)s] Pilatus 

21-2 tes... lesu] over erasure 
26 ang(...)es] angariantes 





22 / YORK 1415 



Glasiers ° 


lunours Cartwrights 
Caruours Sawers° 


1 whole line erased at top of page 
2-4 marginal headings) over erasure 
longeus] over erasure 

7-10) CHIX s. 


“Crux’ ° Iesws extensus in ea super 
terram / iijot Tudei flagellantes & 
trahentes eum cum funibus et postea 
exaltantes crucem & corpus Iesu cruci 
conclauatum super montem caluarie 

Crux duo latrones crucifixi: Iesus 
suspensus in cruce inter eos Maria 
mater Iesu Iohannes Maria Iacobi & 
Salome longeus [longeus} cum lancea 
seruus cum spongea Pilatus Anna 
Cayphas Centurio Joseph °, “ab 
Aramathia’ * & Nichodemus deponentes 
[mortem (...) lesu] ’eusm> & ponentes 
{eum} in sepulcro 

lesus spolians infernum xij spiritus boni 
et vj mali 

*Centurio declarans Pilato Cayphe & 
Anne °, ‘cum alijs Iudeis’ ° signa 
apparencia im mortem  lesu, ° Iesws 
resurgens de sepulcro quatuor milites 
armati [(..)] & tres marie lamentantes 
Pilatus Cayphas & Anna <Iuuenis sedens 
ad sepulcrum indutus albo loquens 
mulzeribus ¢ 

Iesws Maria Magdalena cum aromatibus 

1 ea] over erasure 
3-5 et postea ... caluarie] over erasure 
23-30 two later hands in this entry 













Weuers of 


1-2 slucas ... peregrinorums| over erasure 

7 (1 mellis et 

10 *Tailly(...)*m margin) Taillyoures 
23 Quatuor] over erasure 
24 sLynweuerse in margin| over erasure 

a ee 

1415 YORK / 23 

lesws ‘lucas & Cleophas in forma 
peregrinorum ° 

lesws Petrus Iohannes (...) Phillipus 
& alij Apostoli cum parte piscis assi 
& fauo (...) Thomas apostolus palpans 
vulnera lesu 

Maria Iohannes Euangelista xj apostoli 
ij angeli Iesws ascendens coram eis & 
ij" angeli portantes nubem 

Maria duo angeli xj apostoli & spiritus 
sanctus descendens super eos & 11j9° 
ludei admirantes 

lesws Maria Gabriell cum 1) angelis duo 
virgines & tres Iudei de (...) vilj apostohi 
& 1 diaboli 

Quatuor Apostoli ¢...) Marie et fergus 
pendens super feretrum (...) is ludeis 
scum vno Angelo: 

Maria ascendens cum turba angelorum 
vil} apostoli & Thomas de India 
, apostolus’ predicans in deserto ././ 

°’Maria’ ° lesuws coronans “eam 
(...) rum cantan(.) | 

5 (...)] Jacobus 

7 apostolus| over erasure 
20 (...)] cognacione Marie 
23 (...)) portantes feremum 
24 (..)| sum jj ali- 

27-8 -Weuers of Wollen+ in margin] over erasure 

31 (...)] cum turba angelo- 

32 cantan(.)} cantans 




® Respice 
ulterins in folio 

24 / YORK 1415 

cum tubis & ij’ cum corona 

Mercers lancea & ij flagellis iiijor spiritus 
boni & iiijoT spiritws maligni & vj 

Portours vilj torchee —Chaloners lll) torchee 

Coblers lilj torchee __ffullers iil) torchee 

Cordwaners xillj torchee _—_Girdellers torchee 

Cottellers ij torchee — Taillowrs torchee 

"Weuere> Et lviij ciues ciuitatis 

mh *lilj ° torchee sae : 
seruauntz habuerunt torcheas similiter die 

Carpenters vj torchee corporis christi 

Ordinatum est quod Portours Coblers eant antea primo / 

Et tunc a dexteris Webstersevuauntz & Cordwaners / 

Et ex opposito ffullers cuttellers Girdellers Chaloners 
Carpenters Taillowrs Et tunc boni ciues et postea xxiiij xij Maior 
& uj torchee Magistri Thome de Bukton 

Proclamacio ludi corporis christi facienda in vigilia corporis 

Oiez &c. We comand of pe kynges be halue and pe Mair & be 
shirefs of bis Citee bat no man go armed in pis Citee with swerdes 
ne with carlill axes ne none othir defences in distourbaunce of be 
kynges pees & pe play or hynderyng of pe processioun of 
Corpore christi and pat pai leue pare hernas in bare Ines saufand 
knyghtes and sqwyers of wirship pat awe haue swerdes borne 
eftir bame of payne of forfaiture of baire Wapen & inprisonment 
of baire bodys and pat men pat brynges furth [..] pacentes pat 
pai play at the places pat is assigned berfore and nowere elles of 
pe payne of forfaitwre to be raysed pat is ordayned “...) *yat ys 
to say xl s’ ° And pat men of craftes & all othir men pat fyndes 
torches pat pai com furth in array & in be manere as it (...) & 
customed be fore pis tyme noght haueyng wapen “...) pers of be 
pagentz and officers pat ar kepers (...) of payne of forfaiture of 
paire | fraunchis and paire bodyes to prison And , ‘yat’ «all 
maner of craftmen pat bringe[th] furthe ther pageantez in order 

11 -Weueres, silij*] over erasure 31 (...)] perfore 
31 yat] under patch 33 (...)] has been used 
34 (...) pers] careynge tapers (Toulmin Smith, xxxiv); saveyin keepers (Drake, xxxij) 

35 (...)] of pe pees 




1415 YORK / 25 

& course by good players well arayed & openly spekyng vpon 
payn of lesyng of C s to be paid to the chambre withoute any 
pardon And that euery player that shall play be redy in his 
pagiaunt at covvenyant tyme that is to say at the mydhowre 
betwix iiijth & vth of the cloke in the mornyng & then all oyer 
pageantes fast folowyng ilkon after oyer as yer course is witout 
Tarieng sub peva facienda camere ,vj s viij d, ° 

Goldsmy ths 
Sancti Leonardi 
slam Masons° 

Creacio celi & terre 
Operacio quinque dierum 
formacio Ade & Eue 
prohibicio ligni sciencie 
Decepcio diaboli iv serpente 
Assignacio laboris Ade 

Cain occidens Abel. 
fabricacio Arce Noe. 

Arca noe per diluuium 

Immolacio Isaac per Abraham 
pharao cum moise & filii israel. 
Annuvciacio marie per Gabriele. 
loseph volens dimittere eam occulte 
Bethleem cum puero nato. 
Presentacio pastorum 

Herod interogans iij reges’ ° 

Oblacio trium regu 

presentacio christi in templo 

Qualiter christus fugit in Egiptum 
Occisio innocentum pro christo 
Inuentio christi in templo inter doctores 
Baptizacio christi per lohannem 
Nupcie iv chana galilee 
Temptacio christi in deserto 
Transfiguracio christi 

conulue in domo simonis 

Mulier capta iv adulterio 
Suscitacio Lazari 

lerusalem cum ciuibus & pueris 
Vendicro christi per Iudas 

Cena christi cum discipulis 









26 / YORK 1415 


Turnours bollers 

Maior &c. 

Corpus christi 

Wille/mus Selby pro anima 
magistri Thome Bukton 


1 ap(...)]| apostolorum under patch 
3 Ca(...)] Caypha under patch 
17 Magdal<...)] Magdalene 

lauacio pedum ap\...) 
Capcro christi orantis in <...) 
Illusio °"perryng’ © christi coram Cat...) 

Accusacio *‘accunsyng’ ° christi coram P%... 

Presentacio christi coram Herode 
Penitencio Iude coram iudeis 
Suspensio iude 

Condempnacio christi per pilatum. 
fflagellacro & coronacio cum spinis / 
Ductio christi & ostensio Veronice 
Particio vestimentorum christi. 
Expansio & clauacio christi 
leuacio christi super montem. 
Mortificacio christi super caluare. 
Spoliacro inferni. 

Resurreccio christi 

Apparicio christi Marie Magdal<...) 
Apparicio Christi peregrinis 
Apparicio christi Thome apostolo & alijs 
Ascensio christi in celum 
Descensio spiritus sancti 

Transitus beate marie 

Portacio corporis marie 
Assumpcio beate marie 

Coronacio eiusdem 

ludicium finale 

‘Burton Registravit° 

vil] torchee 
il) torchee 
ij torchee 
vulj torchee 
x torchee 

ij torchee 

ij torchee 

2 (...)] Monte under patch 
4 P(...)] Pilato under patch 







Pecunia torchets 

Expense maiores 

Ornamenta & 




1416 YORK / 27 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls Y:C99:1 

mb 1* 

Et de .x. s receptis per dominum Thomam Bolton 

Et de viij. s. vj d receptis per dominum Henricum Wresill 

Et de v. s ij d receptis per dominum Robertum Burdon 

Et de viij. s. ij. d receptzs per dominum Iohannem Helperby. 

Et de x. s. receptis per dominum Wille/mum Brigge. 

Et de vj. s. x. d receptis per dominum Walterum Buttirwyk. 
Summa xl. viij. s. x. d. 

De quibus ij.dem custodes computant / In primis pro renouacione 

Jj. torchearum videlicet pro xviij libris cere iS: 
Et pro factura eorundem ij. S. 
Item solut. decem viris portantibus decem torcheas in festo 

Corporis christi ad processionem cuilibet .iiij. d. ij s uy. d 

Item solut. eisdem pro portacione dictorum torchearum ab 
hospitale Sancte Trinitatis vsque ad monasterium Sancte 
Trinitatis ij. d 
Item solut. eisdem ad potacionem in festo Corporis christi _ iiij. d 

mb 1d 

Item ijdem Custodes respondent de decem torcheis pertinentibus 
dicte fraternitati ob reuerenciam Corporis christi 
Summa torchearum .x. 

Et de Sex signis depictis cum calicibus ponendis super sex 
torcheas coram defunctis 
Summa signorum vj. 

Et de decem Castellis depictis . cum decem paruis pokettis de 
Canuas pro eisdem cooperiendis 
Summa Castellorum .x. 

Et de xl. vexillis depictis . cum j poket de Canuas pro eisdem 
includendis cum papiris 

Summa vexillorum xl. 









De gubernacione 
ludi coports 

28 / YORK 1416 

Et de x. Sanappis de Canuas pro portacione dictorum decem 
torchearum in processione Corporis christi 
Summa sanapparum .x. 

Et de ij. duodenis instrumentis ligneis scilicet Roundeletes pur 
le Reuettes superponendis 
Summa Roundelettes xxx. vj. 

Et de xl. Reuettes receptis de predecessoribus 
Et de xl. Reuettes nouis emptis 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

ff 187v-8* (7 June) 

Omnes isti congregati fuerunt in aula communi vna cum 
multitudine aliorwm ciuium vijM° die mensis Iunij Anno domini 
millesimo ceccxvijm° Regni autem regis henrici quinti post 
conquestum anglie Anno quinto & licet contineatur in quadam 
constitucione seu ordinacione antiqua facta tempore Roberti 
Talkan dudum Maioris Ebor’ Anno regii regis Ricardi secundi 
xxijd0 & ibidem perlecta de ludo in festo corporis christi in 
ciuitate Ebor’ sustinendo . videlicet quod ob comodum ciuium 
eiusdem ciuitatis & omnium extraneorum illuc veniencium in 
festo predicto omnes pagine ludi vocati Corpus christi play sint 
sustentate & producte suo ordine per artifices dicte ciuitatis ob 
honorem precipue et reuerenciam domini nostri Iesu christi & 
comodum ciuium predictorum & ludus singularwm ipsarum 
paginarum esset primo ad portas prioratus samcte Trinitatis in 
Mikelgate Secundo ante ostium Roberti Harpham Tercio ante 
ostium quondam Iohannis Gyseburn . Quarto apud 
Skeldergatehend & Northstretehend Quinto ad finem de 
Conyngstrete versus Castelgate . Sexto ad finem de Iubritgate 
Septimo ante ostium quondam henrici Wyman in Conyngstrete 
Octauo ante aulam communem in fine Conyngstrete . Nono ad 
ostium quondam Ade del Bryg in Stayngate . Decimo in fine de 

Stayngate ad portam monasterij beati petri. Vndecimo ad finem 

de Girdelergate in Petergate . Duodecimo & vitimo super 

21 contineatur] over erasure 








1417 YORK / 29 

pauimentum prout , ‘in’ constitucione & ordinacione ista 
antiqua in registro isto versus principium scripta (...) continetur 
Nichilominus maior probi homines & tota communitas predicta 
eorum vnanimi consensu & assensu ordinarunt (...) ommes illi qui 
pro skafaldis quas ante eorwm ostia super solum communitatis 
edificant , “in locis predictis de supersedentibus monetam 
recipiunt soluant tercium denarium monete sic recepte Camerarijs 
ciuitatis ad vsum communitatis eiusdem | applicandum & si 
huiusmodi tercium denarium soluere vel alias cum camera honeste 
concordare recusauerint quod tunc ludus transferatwr ad alia loca 
ad disposicionem et voluntatem maioris qui pro tempore fuerit & 
consilij camere ciuitatis nemine ordinacioni huiusmodi 
contradicente . paucis possessoribus skaffaldorwm in Mikelgate 
dumtaxat exceptis / Et vlterius ordinatum erat communi consensu 
quod vexilla ludi corporis christi sub armis ciuitatés depicta 
liberentwr annuatim in vigilia corporis Christi ponenda in locis vbi 
erit ludus paginarwm die sequente & quod vexilla ipsa singulzs 
annis reportentur ad cameram consili) ciuitatzs sine mora in 
crastino dicti festi corporis Christi ad manus maioris & 
camerariorum Ciuitatis & ibidem custodiantur per totum annum 
proximum sequentem sub pena vj s viij d ad opus communitatis 
applicandorum per illum & illos qui vexilla illa vltra crastinum 
illum detinuerint & ea non liberauerint modo qui prefertur. 

Et quia propter dicti festi corporis christi propinquitatem & 
temporis breuitatem dicta materia non potuit plene execucioni 
mandari predicti igitur . congregati in camera consilij xijM° die 
Iuniy Annis domini et regis supradictis considerantes quod 
indecens esset & contra comodum communitatis quod ludus 
predictus annuatim luderetwr in eisdem certis locis & in nullo 
alio cum vnusquisque iuxta statu suum onus suum portet pro 
ipso ludo sustinendo vnamimiter igitur ordinarunt pro vtilitate 
communitatis quod loca ad ludendum ludum predictum 
mutentur . nisi ipsi ante quorwm loca antea ludebatur aliquod 
sertum quid soluerint communitati pro ipso comodo, ‘suo’ 
singwlari sic amnuatim habendo . & quod in omnibus annis 
sequentibus dum ludus ille ludi contigerit ludatwr ante ostia & 
tenementa illorum qui vberius & melivs camere soluerint & plus 
pro commodo tocius communitatis facere voluerint pro ludo ipso 
ibidem habendo non impendendo fauorem alicui persone pro 
aliquo commodo singwlari sed tantum quod consideretur vtilitas 

2 (...)| plenius (Sellers, Il, 63) 4 (...)] quod (ibid) 
26 predicti] for predicto 





30 / YORK 1417 

publica tocius communitatis Ebor’. Et reuerendus vir lohannes 
Moreton supradictus pro tenementis suis se submisit totaliter 
disposicioni & regimini maioris & consilij camere quantum ad 
ludum supradictum pro ludo ante portam habitacionis sue in vico 
de mikelgate & in alijs tenementis suis in ciuitate. 

£75v* Cordwainers 

Item quod nullus magister Allutariorum ‘recipiet’ conducet nec 
procurabit per se nec per aliuy suo nomine aliquem seruientem 

“a seruicio’ alterius magistri dicti artificij , “nec in opere ponet™ 
ante festwm sancti Stephani post nonam vsque ad quod tempus 
omnes seruientes dicti artificij conuencionem faciunt morari cum 
magistris suis de consuetudine & si quis magister fecerit 
contrarium soluet di. marc: supportaciomi pagine sue & xl d vsui 
communitatis Ebor’ applicandos / 

£78* Cordwainers 

Item ordinatum est quod duodecim honesti viri predicti artificij 
vadant aynuatim in festo corporis christi cum pagina sua 
secundum quod limitabumtur per quatuor magistros eiusdem 
artificij & si quis limitatus fuerit & ire recusauerit soluet . x s. 
modo qui premittitwr persoluendos ita quod ille qui vadit vno 
anno non transibit vsque ad tercium annum proximum sequentem 
& quod hij qui sic vadent habebunt . x1 d. in festo predicto pro 
expensis suis de artificio predicto 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: £20 

f 60v 

Sequitur constitucio de Salsarijs & vendentibus candelas 

Et quia grauis querela facta erat hic in camera consili) per 
artifices ciuitatis . Salsarios scilicet quos nos Salsemakers 
communiter appellamus quod licet de consuetudine actenus 
vsitata gentes de Salsemakercrafte ommes eciam , “Candelmakers’ 
extra fflesshshamels qui in domibus & fenestris suis vendebant 








Salsarij & 

1417-18 YORK / 31 

candelas parisienses sustinuerint simul suis sumptibus & expensis 
paginay illam in festo & ludo corporis christi in ciuitate ista in 
qua representatwr quod ludas Scarioth se suspendit & crepuit 
medius: modo cum pelliparij & alij artifices huius ciuitatis Ebor’ 
per se & vxores suas in magna multitudine qui non sunt Salsarij 
faciunt & vendere presumunt candelas parisienses in domibus & 
fenestris suis sed requisiti recusant esse contributarij ad 
sustentacionem pagine supradicte & nisi remediu celerius 
apponatur quod sint amodo contributarij cum Salsarijs huiusmodi 
Salsarij ipsi pagina” ipsam diucius sustinere non valebunt. Vnde 
in anno domini millesimo cecexvijm© & regni regis henrici sexti 
post conquwestum Anglie quinto per Wille/mum Bowes maiorem 
& consilium camere ordinatum est quod omnes & singuli artifices 
ciuitatis qualescuque fuerint qui non sunt carnifices nec vxores 
carnificum & vendunt per se vel vxores suas candelas parisienses 
infra ciuitate Ebor’ & suburbia eiusdem per retalliam sint 
amodo contributorij cu Salsarijs huivs ciuitatzs ad tercium 
denarium ad pagina predictam in festo & ludo Corporis christi 
sustinendam Postea cum in tempore Iohannis Moreton Maioris 
non obstante ordinacione predicta concordatum erat inter 
Salsarios & factores candelarum parisiensiwm quod quilibet 
faciens vel vendens huiusmodi candelas parisienses soluat per 
annum ij d ad productiones ludi predicti et non plus exceptis 
carnificibus vel eorum vxoribus vt prefertur Et insuper ordinatum 
est quod si qui de alijs artificijs qui now sunt de Salsarijs vendant 
sinapiu vel alia salsamenta ordinatuy est quod ‘tales’ soluant 
ad sustentacionem pagine predicte sicut faciunt ali Salsari 
ciuitatis Et quod nullus artifici} Salsariorwm huiuvs ciuitatis capiat 
de cetero aliquem apprenticium in artificio illo pro minore 
termino annorum quam pro termino septem annorum simul sub 
pena . vj s. vilj d Communitati ciuitatis & artificio Salsariorwim 
equis porcionibus applicandorum Et si quis extraneus ve} aliquis 
forsan apprenticius qui non compleuit plenarie terminum & 
anos apprenticiatws sui in artificio salsariorum & shoppam 
leuauerit et in arte illa occupauerit ‘hic’ vt magister quod soluat 
in prima leuacione vel occupacione sua huiusmodi xiij s. iiij d 
modo & vsibus predictis applicandos nisi forte huiwsmodi 
apprenticius fuerit [fuit} filivs alicuiws magistri artificis 
Salsariorum ciuitatis predicte ante predictam ordinacionem 

7 contributarij| for contributarios 11-13 in anno ... camere| over erasure 
11 sexti] for quinti 
19-25 Postea ... Et insuper ... quod] over erasure 







habentur in 
viiy™9 folro 

32 / YORK 1417-18 

genitus & apprenticius in arte illa , ‘in ciuitate ista’ Et quod 
quilibet qui terminum appre nticiatus sui b(...) & fideliter 
compleuit cum primo occupauerit vt magister soluat x1 d 
communitati ciuitatis & artificio predicto equis porcionibus 
applicandos habetwr & alia ordinacio de Salsarijs in rubeo libro 
vltra medium inter alias constituciones ciuitatis 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: £20 

f 43v* 
Addicio ad ordinaciones Tapitariorum 

Et quod nullus magister artificij pre dicti ciuitatis predicte assumat 
alique in apprenticium suum in arte predicta erudiendum nisi 
ille apprenticius sit natus anglicus & liber homo . sub pena 
XXVj S vilj d camere & xij s illj d ad sustentacionem pagyne & 
aliorwmm onerum artis predicte 

Item si aliquis alienigena natus extra terram & regnum anglie 
culuscumque nacionis fuerit qui voluerit ex nunc occupare vt 
magister in artificio Tapitariorum predictorum infra libertatem 
predicte ciuitatis Ebor’ ordinatum est per omnes magistros 
artifici) predicti ciuitatis predicte quod quilibet tals soluat in 
prima occupacione sua vt magister camere predicte ciuitatis li s. 
ij d & ad supportacionem pagine artis predicte in ludo corporis 
christi & aliorwm onerum eiusdem artis viginti sex solidos octo 
denarios sterlingorum 

£201 (16 June) 

congregati fuerunt in camera consilij super pontem Vse huius 
ciuitatis Ebor’ die crastina festi Corporis christi in anno domini 
millesimo ccccxix® Regni vero regis Henrici quinti septimo 
contingente . vbi venerunt diuersi artifices de Skynnercrafte 
_'&’ grauem querelam fecerunt quod . diuersi artifices 

carpentariorwm et allutariorum ciuitatis predicte in festo corporis 
christi annis predicts . ipsorum torcheas accensas & vt portarentur 

in processione dicti festi coram corpore christi ibidem presenti 
fregerunt & deorsum traxerunt cum fustibus suis & Carlelaxaes 
quos illuc portauerunt & alia enormia fecerunt in grauem 
perturbacionem pacis domini Regis & impedimentum ludi & 






“De cementarys 
Plasterarijs & 
domorum = 

1419 YORK / 33 

processionis corporis christi Super qua quidem querela : captl 
fuerunt & imprisonati Simon Calton & Benedictus Williamson 
carpentarij & Thomas Durem Cordewanere & predicti Simon & 
Benedictus coram maiore & consilio ciuitatis hic in camera 
venientes obiecta (...) transgressione predicta . recognouerunt se 
predicta fecisse & posuerunt se in misericordia gracia & 
ordinacione marioris & consilij camere ciuitatis & ad hoc 
faciendum predicti Simon & Benedictus . necnon Iohavnes Mosse 
lohannes Bolron Wille/mus Kyrkeby Ricardus fferrowr Wille/mus 
Cunsby lohannes Haxeby Thomas Cunnysburgh . & lohannes 
Shathelok wryghts & ciues Ebor’ per scriptu/m suum obligatorium 
obligentwr in Centum libris sterlingorum vt in eodem plenius 

ie STAY 

In nomine domini Amen Cum in multorum Maiorum temporibus 
controuersia quedam pendens & mota erat inter homines artis 
cementariorwm huius ciuitatis Ebor’ ex vna parte & homines 
Tegulariorum & Plasterariorum de eadem ex altera parte de & 
super exaccione & solucione pecunie ad paginas ipsarum trium 
artium predictarum in festo & ludo corporis christi annis singulis 
vsitato in Ciuitate predicta tandem pro reformacione pacis inter 
partes predictas consideratum fuit per Thomam Gare Maiorem 
huis cjuitatis ac comerarios & alios probos homines dicte 
ciuitatis ad tunc presentes quod vniuersi Tegulari) et plasterarij 
huius ciuitatis Ebor’ operantes muros lapideos vel lapidea 
fundamenta domorum ve} aliquod aliud opus arti cementariorum 
pertinens / ex tunc pro operibus illis essent contributory arti 
cementariorwm hulus ciuitatis sicut ante ab antiquo esse solebant 
Et quod illi tegularij & plasterarij qui ex tunc se potuerint 
excusare quod non operantur aliquod opus vel rem aliquam arti 
cementariorum pertinens sint excusati & nichil ipsis cementarijs 
soluant sed penitus sint quieti / 

f 64v* 

Memorandum quod vbi controuersia mota & pendens fuit 
inter marinarios & piscenarios in Vsegate habentes batellos de 

5 (...)) sibi (Sellers, 11, 79) 26 comerarios] for camerarios 







Concordia inter 
Marinarios et 
Piscenarios de 

34 / YORK 1419 

modo soluendi ad pagina nauis Noe ad quam vtraque pars 
singulis annis fuit & est simul contributoria tandem de 
auisamento Thome Gare Maioris Ebor’ fuit ordinatum & positum 
in eleccione marinariorum predictorum an extunc soluere 
voluerunt singulis annis piscenarijs de Vsegate vj s_viij d pro ludo 
pagine noe predicte & tunc ipsi homines de Vsegate producerent 
paginam predictam pro se & marinarijs vel an ipsi piscenarij de 
Vsegate soluerent annis singulis Marinarijs predictis duodecim 
denarios ad auantagium & sic piscenarij producerent terciam 
partem ludi pagine predicte ne camera consilij ciuitatis amplius 
in hac parte turbaretwr cum piscenarijs pontis vse . Et tunc 
marinarij predicti elegerunt recipere annuatim duodecim denarios 
de piscenarijs de vsegate predictis / 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

£80 (5 February) 

Ad reuerenciam laudem & honorem omznipotentis Dei ad 
commodum eciam & vtilitatem Ciuium Ciuitatis Ebor’ & tocius 
populi domini Regis de vnanimi consensu & voluntate concordi 
lohannis Aldestanemore Iohannis . Brounflete . Roberti fferiby 
Iohannis Radclyf . , “Simonis del Style’ Iohannis Buttercram 
Hugonis Gardiner . lohannis Preston . lohannis Skyrmer . Henrici 
Skyrmer . Wille/mi Preston Wille/mi Ouresby & Roberti Bedford 
Irenmangers ciuitatis predicte per auisamentum & consensum 
Thome Gare . Maioris Ebor’ . & Consilij Camere eiusdem 
concessum & ordinatum extitit quinto die ffebruary Anno 
domini millesimo cccc™©® nonodecimo quod nullus artifici 
predicti siue vir vel mulier fuerit decetero infra Ciuitatem 
predictam aperiat / Shoppas suas ad ponendum vel 
demonstrandum rem aliquam suo artificio pertinentem ad 
vendendum aliquibus diebus dominicis ad gloriam & laudem dei 
ordinatis sub pena xx s. Camere predicte ad vsum communitatis 
& artificio predicto ad futuram sustentacionem pagine & aliorwm 
onerum eiusdem equis porcionibus applicandorum per illum vel 
illam qui tempore aliquo huzus constitucionis contrarium fecerit 

Item cum ita sit quod artifices artis predicte magnum onus 
32 Shoppas] over erasure 

29 -titit q-] over erasure 
37 per) over erasure 








® De vna placea 
terre super lez 
Toftez dimissa 

Aurifabris Ebor’ 

ad terminum 
iuj** annorum 
Pro viij d per 

ZO RViO RIG / Sia 

sustinent annuatim in sustinendo ludum & paginam suam in festo 
corporis christi & cum multi sint dictum artificium occupantes 
pauci tamen ad annua onera eiusdem soluentes Ideo ordinatuyn 
est quod siquis decetero vendiderit aliquam rem vocatam anglice 
Irenware & ipsam rem ipsemet non fecerit? opere ferreo partis 
transmarine exepto soluat , “cum” artificibus predictis ad ludum 
pagina & alia onera sua annuatim supportanda 

f 80v 

Item pro eo quod pagina Irenmangars est multu ruinosa & 
annuatim reparacione indiget & pauci sunt qui ad ipsam pagina 
& onera ludi sui contribuunt atqve soluunt Ideo ordinatum est 
quod vir quilzbet & mulier qui decetero shoppam in arte 
Irenmangerie erexerit seu occupauerit vel intromiserit in arte 
predicta infra libertatem Ciuitatis , "nisi per prius fuerit 
appre nticius in arte predicta & bone fame’ quod in principio suo 
soluat x1ij s. 111) d medietatem scilicet Camere & alteram 
medietatem artificio predicto in supportacionem pagine ludi & 
aliorum onerum suorum Ita semper quod shoppam erigens 
occupans vel intromittens si in bonis sufficiens fuerit . sumam 
predictam modo premisso soluat Si autem impotens & minus 
sufficiens fuerit tunc moderetwr in minori summa iuxta 
discrecionem & arbitrium maioris qui pro tempore fuerit & 
Irenmangars Ciuitatis similiter pro tempore existencium 

B/Y Memorandum Book Y:E20A 

f 42 

Hec indentura testatur quod nos Maior & Communitas ciuium 
Ciuitatis Ebor’ concessimus & ad firmam dimisimus Alano de 
Bedale & Henrico fforester Ciuibus & Aurifabris Ebor’ & eiusdem 
artifici) Scrutatoribus quandam placeam terre super lez Toftes in 
Ciuitate predicta sicut iacet ibidem per latus muri fratrum 
Predicatorum Ebor’ & continet in latitudine quatuor vinas regias 
& in longitudine quinqwe vinas regias & tria quarteria vnius regie 
ad edificandam ibidem domum pro pagina Aurifabrorum predicte 
Ciuitatis hospitanda in ea habenda & tenenda predictam placea 

40 predictam] for predicta 






36 / YORK 1420 

terre cum domo ibidem edificanda vna cum libero introitu & 
exitu ad eam predictis Alano & Henrico & successoribus suis 
Scrutatoribus artifici} predicti in Ciuitate predicta de nobis & 
successoribus nostris libere bene & in pace a festo sancti Martini 
in yeme in Anno domini millesimo quadringentesimo vicesimo 
vsquve ad finem quater viginti annorum proximorum extunc 
sequentium plenarie completorwm Reddendo inde annuatim 
nobis & successoribus nostris seu custodibus Pontis Vse qui pro 
tempore erunt octo denarios sterlingorum ad duos anni terminos 
videlicet ad festa Pentecostes & sancti Martini in yeme per 
equales porciones Et si contingat predictum annuum redditum 
octo denariorum aretro fore ad aliquem terminum in quo solui 
debeat non solutwm in parte vel in toto per octo dies tunc bene 
licebit nobis & successoribus , ‘nostris’ seu Custodibus Pontis 
predicti qui pro tempore erunt dictam placeam terre vna cum 
domo ibidem edificanda in manus nostras reseisice & rehabere 
presenti dimissione in aliquo non obstante sine calumpnia 
impedimento vel demanda Scrutatorum predictorum seu 
successorum suorum vel alterius cuiuscumqve Et predicti Alanus 
& Henricus & successores sui Scrutatores artificij predicti 
predictam domum suis sumptibus & expensis reparabunt & 
sustentabunt in omnibus per totum terminum supradictum in 
fine eiusdem termini predictam domum dimittent competenter 
reparatam Et nos Maior & Communitas Ciuitatis predicte & 
successores nostri predictam placeam terre vna cum domo super 
eam edificanda vt prefertur & libero introitu & exitu ad eam 
predictis Alano & Henrico & successoribus suis Scrutatoribus 
artificij predicti pro firma predicta in forma premissa durante 
terminis supradictis Warantizabimus & contra omnes gentes 
defendemus / In cuius rei testimonium sigilluy offici) Maioratus 
Ciuitatis predicte & sigilla Alani & Henrici predictorum partibus 
huius indenture alternatim sunt appensa datum apud Ebor’ tercio 
die Nouembris Anno domini supradicto Et regni Regis Henrici 
quinti post conquestu Anglie anno octauo . j . 

Vicars Choral Accounts YM: Tileworks Accounts, VC Box XII* 

_.. Et in septimana qua accidit festum sancte Barnabe ... Et sol. 
Heron pro ludo nostro ij s ij d. Et sol. operario predict: Heron 







42 KIO RK) 3:7 

Vicars Choral Accounts YM: Tileworks Accounts, Vq 1x* 

... Et in septimana qua accidit festum Ascencionis ... Et sol. 
Roberto Scurueton . iij s ii d. ... 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

ff 247-7v (31 January) 

Peyntours & Stenours 

Nouit ille qui nichil ignorat & plebs conqueritwr vniversa quod 
ludus in die corporis christi in ista ciuitate cuius institucio ob 
magnam deuocionis causam & viciorwm extirpacionem 
morumque reformacionem antiquitus facta fuit heu plus solito 
impeditur pre multitudine paginarwm & nisi celerior & melior 
prouideatwr cautela timendum est multo magis breuissvve 
processu temporis impediri Et artifices de lez Payntours 
Steynours Pynners & latoners ciuitatis predicte ad diuisim 
ludendas duas paginas in ludo predicto antea assignati vnay 
videlicet de expansione & clauacione christi ad crucem / alteramm 
vero de leuacione crucifixi super montem intelligentes quod 
materie ambarum paginarum simul in vna pagina possent in ludi 
abbreuacionem commodius ludencium oracula , ‘audienti’ 
populo demonstrari consenciebamt pro se & alijs coartificibus suis 
in futurwm quod vna paginarum suarum amodo deleatur & altera 
sustentetur secundum quod maior & consilium camere voluerint 
ordinare / Et super hoc scrutatores & artifices artificorum 
predictorum venerunt coram Ricardo Russell maiore Ebor’ 
Aldermannis & alijs probis hominibus hic in camera consilij super 
pontem Vse situata vltimo die Ianuarij’ anno regni regis Henrici 
quinti post conquestum Anglie nono & eis eorum desiderium & 
intencionem monstrabant in premissis videlicet Wille/mus Drax 
lohannes Multon Iohannes Caue Iohamnes Potell lohamnes Bryg 
Thomas Midilton Wille/mus Couper lohannes Scragge Adam 
Lutton Robertus leche Wille/mus Crofte Robertus kyrkeby 
Ricardus lambert Iohannes Midylham Thomas Steresacre de 
Pynnercrafte David Payntour Wille/mus Morlay lohannes Gerard 
& Wille/mus Clyfton de Payntourcrafte ac Thomas Cuke Thomas 
hirste Thomas hendechild Ilohannes Wyman Walterus Multon & 
Ricardus Marche de Steynourcrafte Vnde predictus maior 






38 / YORK 1422 

aldermanni & probi homines hoc benigne acceptantes & predictos 
artifices pro eorwm proposito laudabili commendantes de suo & 
ommnium artificum predictorum statuerunt et ordinarunt consilio 
quod ab hac die inantea pagina de lez payntours & Steynowrs a 
ludo predicto penitus sit amota & quod artifices de lez pynners & 
latoners super se assumant onus ludendi in pagina sua materiay 
loquelarwm que per prius in pagina “sua & in pagina’ de les 
Payntours "& Steynours’ ludebatur & quod les Payntours & 
Steynours ‘singulis annis’ inter se de hominibus artificij sui 
annuatim colligant quinqve solidos sterlingorum & illos annuatym 
soluant magistris pagine de les Pynners & latoners(...) existentibus 
annuatim in vigilia Corporis Christi & si aliquo tempore in 
solucione huivsmodi defecerint tunc volunt & concedunt se & 
vniuersos successores suos distringi & stricte compelli in domibus 
& locis habitacionum suarum vel alibi vbi melius ‘& (.,.)” distringi 
poterint per maiorem & camerarios hulus ciuitatis pro tempore 
existentes ad soluendwm quadraginta solidos bone monete anglie 
Custodibus pagine de les pynners ‘& latoners’ qui pro tempore 
fuerint die dominica dictum festum proxima sequente sine 
dilacrone longiori & districtrones in hac parte captas penes se 
retinere quousque custodibus predictis de predictis quadraginta 
solidis vna cum expensis ‘& dampnis’ pro recuperacione eorum 
_‘factis’ plenarie fuerit satisfactuym Ita semper quod maior pro 
tempore existens percipiat & habeat vnam medietatem 
predictorum quadraginta solidorum ad vsum communitatis Et 
custodes pagine de Pynnercrafte “& Latoners’ qui pro tempore 
fuerint alteram medietatem ad vsum & sustentacionem dicte 
pagine sue Ad quas quidem soluciones modo & forma prescripts 
bene & fideliter faciendas ac presentem | ordinacionem in 
omnibus tenendam & perimplendam pro parte sua David Payntour 
Wille/mus Morlay lohannes Gerard Wille/mus Clyfton Thomas 
hirst Thomas hendechild Iohannes Wyman Walterus Multon & 
Ricardus Marche predicti se & successores suos artiu/” suarwm 
obligant / Prouiso omnino quod dicti artifices de Payntourcrafte 
& Steynours de pagina de pynnercrafte nec de eorum compoto 

imposterum se nullatenus intromittant. / 
Burton Rogatus 

11 (...)] pro tempore (Sellers, Il, 103) 15 (...)] eicius (ibid) 
33 artium suarum] added in right margin 







1422-3 YORK / 39 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

ff 258-8Vv 
Plasterarij & Tegularij) domorum 

In primis ordinatum est quod quilibet plasterarius exercens & 
operans plasteraturam & tegulaturam sit contributorius in 
soluendo vtrique pagine ipsarum arcium Et econtra quod quilibet 
tegularivs operans tegulaturam & plasteraturam sit contributorius 
in solucione vtrique paginarum predictarum sub pena ijj s. ilij d 
vsul communitatis & ij s. illj d paginis predictis applicandorum 

Item quod quilibet Tegularius qui operatur tantum tegulaturam 
soluat aynuatim ambabus paginis predictis . iij d. & non vitra Et 
quvod quatuor magistri eligantwr aynuatim equaliter ad 
gubernandas ambas paginas arcium predictarum 

Item quod nullus magister arcium predictarum ponat aliquem 
apprenticium vel seruientem suum qualiscumque fuerit ad 
operandum in plasteratura vel tegulatura extra presencia 
magistri sui nisi ita sit qvod huiusmodi apprenticius vel seruiens 
prius scrutati fuerint per scrutatores predictos & approbati per 
eos et allocati quod artem suam sciunt & quod boni operatores 
teneantur /. Et siquis magister contrarium fecerit incurret penam 
ij s. 11} d vsui Camere & paginarwm predictarum tociens quociens 
culpabilzs inuentus fuerit 

Item quod Artifices arcium predictarum eant cum paginis suis 
predictis & eas producant per Ciuitatem omnes tanquam ijdem 
homines. | 

Per auisamentum & consensum omnium magistrorum artificum 
artificij de lez Parchemeners huiws ciuitatis Ebor’ consensum & 
ordinatum est in tempore Thome Esyngwald maioris quod 
Scrutatores illius artificij pro tempore existentes libere scrutari 
possint in artificio illo quociens viderint oportunum & siquis 
artifici) predicti rebellis fuerit contra eos sui officij , “debite” 
execucionem facientes quod soluat tunc camere consilij ad opus 
communitatis & sustentacioni pagine & aliorum onerum artis 
predicte xl d per equales porciones diuidendos /. 






(.dikellyth (.....) 
(..)tonrawe e(.) 

40/ YORK 1424 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: £20 

f283* (7 February) Curners 

Item vijm© die ffebruary Anno regni regis Henrici sexti se cundo 
concordatum est per omnes magistros artificij predicti quod die 
dominica post festwm purificacionis beate Marie proxima futura 
eligant nouos scrutatores suos pro anno futuro & quod die 
dominica proxima post festum corporis christi eligant magistros 
pagine sue & quod veteres magistri pagine sue tunc sursum 
reddant compotum de occupacione sua de anno preterito & 
sursum liberabunt omnia instrumenta sua pagine & ludo suis 
pertinencia ad custodiam & manus Scrutatorum sub pena vj s. 
vilj d 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y:C82:2 

mb 1* 

Et de Pelliparijs & Tinctoribus Ebor’ pro domo pagine ibidem de 
termimis predictis hoc anno lj s 

Et de Tannatoribus Ebor’ pro terra super les Toftes de terminis 

predictis hoc anno xij d 
Et de Merceris Ebor’ pro terra ibidem de terminis predictis hoc 
Anno xij d 
Et de Tapitarijs Ebor’ pro terra ibidem de terminis predictis hoc 
anno xij d 
Et de Carpentarijs & Allutarijs Ebor’ pro terra ibidem de termimis 
predictis hoc Anno I] s 
Et de Pistoribus Ebor’ pro terra ibidem de terminis predictis hoc 
Anno xij d 
Et de Aurifabris Ebor’ pro terra ibidem de terminis predictis hoc 
Anno vilj d 

22 Marginalia) Mikellyth extra et infra Ratonrawe et Toftes 







® De fullonibus 
& Tonsoribus 

® Plus in xxj9 
folio sequent.) 
de eisdem 

425 y ORK) 4a 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

f279* (5 January) Decision of Council 

__ & consenserunt & ordinarunt inter alia quod fullones huius 
ciuitatis Ebor’ habeant scrutium suum de panno fullito per 
fullones forinsecos ita quod non ostendant eis odium nec 
maliciam in scrutando / & quod fullones vniuersi huixs ciuitatis 
libere possint tondere si voluerint vniuersos pannos per Ipsos 
fullitos si scienciam tondendi habuerint sine aliquvo dando . 
Tonsoribus huius ciuitatis Sed si huiusmodi fullones super se 
ceperint per consuetudinem tondere aliquos pannos maiores 
vel minores qui non erunt de fullitura sua propria quod tunc sint 
contributorij cum Tonsoribus ad pagina suam & alia onera 
Sua Se. 

{284v (1 June) 

Ordinacio pro tilers & Wryghtis for louers 
... congregati fuerunt hic in camera & coram eis venerunt . 
lohannes Bolron Wille/mus kyrkeby Ilohannes hexham lohannes 
Mosse & Wille/mus Warter carpentarij pro se & vniuersis 
hominibus artis sue huius ciuitatis Ebor’ & lohannes Ase 
Wille/mus Coupeland Iohannes kyrkham Iohannes Symond & 
Ricardus Watson tegularij domorum pro se & omnibus hominibus 
artis tegularioruwm eiusdem ciuitatis & submiserunt se iudicio 
Maioris & consilij camere de & super factura nouorum lodiorum 
que vocantwr draghtlouers venalium . Qui considerabant quod 
omnes homines vtrarumque arcium predictarum sint adinuicem 
amici boni & quod in signum amicicie inter eos firmande isti 
artifices hic presentes simul oscularentur . & sic factum est & pro 
eo quod inuenerunt quod capitals factura lodiorum que vocantur 
draghtlouers pertinuit & pertinet principaliter . ad carpentarios . 
ideo considerabant quod omnes tegularij tam presentes quam 
futuri huius ciuitatis facientes huiusmodi lodia & ea vendentes 
sint contributori ad pagina” carpentariorum annuatim ad vnum 
denarium tantum primo termino solucionis incipiente ad festum 
Corporis christi anno isto & quod tegulatores domorum decetero 
ponant lodia super domos vniuersas siue sint de factura sua 
propria vel de factura carpentariorum bene debite & fideliter sine 
murmure vel contradiccione Ita quod huiusmodi lodia prius 
quam ponantur super domos sint scrutata per scrutatores 
carpentariorum / & quod optimum lodium de cetero vendatur 







42 / YORK 1425 

pro x d & non vitra Secundum vero lodium minoris quantitatis 
pro vilj. d & aliud lodium tercie quantitatis pro vj. d siue sint de 
faccura hominum vnius artis vel alterius & quod omnes 
districciones tegulariorwm ante hec tempora capte & tente per 
carpentarios pro solucione ad paginam carpentariorum sint 
deliberate tegularijs sine aliquo inde soluendo carpentarijs & si 
quis obedire noluerit quod habeat imprisonamentum ad 
voluntatem maioris pro tempore existentis & consilij camere & 
soluat x] s. ad opus communitatis & quod amodo emendent & 
ponant vetera lodia super domos sicut consueuerunt sub pena 

Burton Registravit 

f279v (11 September) 
Constituciones Cocorum 

Et pro eo quod in tempore antiquo quando coci communes huius 
cluitatis vsi fuerunt emere pisces recentes maris & ipsos per 
retalliam ad eorwm libitum vendere tunc contributorij fuerunt 
pagine piscenariorum sed quia modo prohibiti sunt ne aliquos 
pisces maris recentes amodo vendant nisi quos coxerint assauerint 
vel pistauerint sicut ad eorum artificium pertinet . Ideo 
ordinatum est quod amodo non sint contributorij pagine 
piscenarioruwm sed quod inde pro perpetuo sint quieti / 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y.: E20 

ff 278-8v* (6 June) 

In nomine domini Amen Ex consuetudine quadam per nonnulla 
annorum & temporum curricula vsitata vniuersi artifices ciuitatis 
Ebor’ suis sumptibus annis singwlis ludi fecerunt quemdam ludum 
sumptuosu/ in diuersis paginis compilatum veteris & noui 
testamenti representatum per diuersa loca predicte ciuitatis in 
festo Corporis christi . quadam processionem solempnem ad 
tunc similiter facientes ob reuerenciam [corpori] sacramenti 
corporis christi incipiendo ad magnas portas prioratus sancte 
Trinitatis Ebor’ & sic processionaliter eundo ad (..) ecclesiam 
cathedralem Ebor’ & deinde ad hospitale sancti leonard: Ebor’ 
sacramento predicto ibidem relicto / precedentibus numeroso 








® De festo 
Corporis christi 

Qualiter ludus in 
festo Corporis 
Christi mutatur 
in vigiliay ita 
quod fiat in 

ipso festo 

1426 YORK / 43 

lumine torchearwm & magna multitudine sacerdotum in 
superpelicijs indutorum & subsequentibus maiore & ciuibus 
Ebor’ cum alterius magna copia populi confluentis / Super hoc 
quidam vir maxime religiosus frater Wille/mus melton ordinis 
fratrum minorwm sacre pagine professor verbi dei famosissimus 
predicator ad istam veniens ciuitatem in suis sermonibus diuersis 
ludum predictum populo commendauit affirmando quod bonus 
erat in se & laudabilis valde dicebat tamen quod ciues predicte 
ciuitatis & alij forinseci in dicto festo confluentes ad eandem 
non solum ipsi ludo in eodem festo verum eciam comessacionibus 
ebrietatibus clamoribus cantilenis & alijs insolencijs multum 
intendunt seruicio diuino officij ipsius diei minime intendentes & 
quod dolendum est ea de causa amittunt indulgencias in ea parte 
per felicis recordacionis vrbanum papam quartum graciose 
concessas illis videlicet christi fidelibus qui in matutivali officio 
festi eiusdem in ecclesia in qua idem festum celebratur 
interfuerint centum dies qui vero misse totidem / qui aute in 
primis ipsius festi vesperis interfuerint similiter centum / qui vero 
in secundis totidem / illis vero qui prime tercie sexte & none ac 
completorij officijs interfuerint pro qualibet horarwm ipsarum 
quadraginta dies Illis autem qui per octabas illius festi 
matutinalibus vespertinis misse ac predictarum horarum officijs 
interfuerint centum dies singulis octauarum ipsarum diebus sicut 
in sanctis canonibws inde editis plenivs continetur & ideo ipsi 
fratri Wille/mo salubre videbatur & ad hoc populum ciuitatis 
inducebat vt ludus ille fiat in vna die & processio in die altera 

sic quod populus conuenire possit ad ecclesias in festo predicto & 
interesse seruicio ecclesiastico pro indulgencijs consequendis 
Vnde Petrus | Bukcy maior huius ciuitatis Ebor’ Ricardus Russell 
nuper maior stapule apwd Calesiam Iohannes Northeby Wille/mus 
Bowes senior Iohannes Moreton Thomas Gare senior henricus 
Preston Thomas Esyngwald Thomas Bracebryg Wille/mws 
Ormesheued Iohannes Aldestanemore aldermanni Ricardus 
louthe Iohannes dodyngton vicecomites . Johannes hewyk 
Thomas doncastre Iohamnes Vsburn Thomas More Robertus 
Yarom Robertus Midelton Galfridus Sauuage Thomas Snawdon 
lohannes loftehouse Iohannes Bolton Johannes lyllyng lohannes 
Gascoigne Wille/mus Crauen Thomas Aton Thomas Dauy 
Johannes Baynbrig Thomas kyrkham Wille/mus Bedale Wille/mus 
Gaytesheued Iohamnes louthe & Iohannes Warde de numero 
viginti quatuor congregati fuerunt hic in camere consilij huius 
ciuitatis sexto die Iunij anno gracie millesimo quadringentesimo 






Varie expense 

44/ YORK 1426 

vicesimo sexto Regni vero regis henrici sexti post conquestumm 
anglie anno quarto & per dicta exhortaciones & monita salubria 
predicti fratris Willelmi propensius excitati & optime aduertentes 
quod delictum non est nec deum offendit si bonum in melius 
commutetur habito igitwr inter eos diligenti tractatu de materia 
prelibata suum vnanimem & expressum dederunt consensum 
quod casus iste primitws Communitati in aula communi publicetwr 
& habito Communitatis assensu quod extunc premissa in melius 
reformentur Super quo Maiore predicto & Communitate istius 
ciuitatis in aula communi eiusdem congregatis x™0 die predicti 
mensis luni) Anno predicto factaque ibidem publicacione 
solempni premissorwm ordinatum erat de communi assensu quod 
ludus ille solempnis qui vt prefertwr ludi consueuit in ipso festo 
corporis christi amodo ludatwr singulis annis die Mercury vigilia 
eiusdem festi & quod processio fiat semper modo solempni in 
die ipsius festi sic quod vniuersus populus tunc in predicta 
cluitate constitutus vacare possit deuote matutunis misse vesperis 
& alijs horis eiusdem festi & particeps fieri indulgenciarum in ea 
parte a predicto Romano pontifice Vrbano papa quarto graciosius 

Burton Registravit 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: £20 

ff 75v and 7 8v 
(See above 1417) 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/39 MP 

mb 2 
... Et datum . Mynstrallis . in festo translacronis sancti Wille/mi 
.&. pro .ilij. diebus . pentecostis . xxvj -S. vilj .d. ... 

Vicars Choral Accounts YM: Tileworks Accounts, VC Box XII 

... Item solut. Magistro Roberto Skurueton pro interludio corporis 
christi de termino domini Thome Tanfeld xvj d Item solut. eidem 
pro interludio corporis christi isto anno iij s_Vilj d Item solut. in 









1428 YORK / 45 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: £20 

f287v* (7 April) 

Marsshals and Smyths 
Memorandum Whare a lang stryfe and debate was moeued and 
hadde betwix the Marsshals and the Smyths of the Cite of york 
in alsmykell pat pe Smyths allegged and sayde pat pe Marsshals 
occupyde thair craft and had thar of the maste part of thair 
lyuyngis and tharfo(.) thay chalenged of tham to pay to thair 
pageand / And the Marsshals allegged agayn that certeyn Smyths 
wroght and sald diuerse thynges pertenant to thayr crafte and 
tharfor thay asked of tham pagand syluer / and thus thay war 
many dayes and yerys in variance and ayther crafte trubild other 
and yerely tuke and held distresse of other so ferr furth pat 
many yerys Mairs and be chambre was hugely vexed wyth bam / 
Neuerthelesse at the last thurgh pe gude consell and mediacion 
of Iohn Aldestanemor Mair bathe the craftes beforesayde put 
pam in be iugement and awarde of Willam Barton Skynner 
Iohn huthwayt Taillowr Robert Allerton Baiker and Iohn Neuton 
Glouer and assured pam to stand and abyde fully pair award in 
hegh and in lawe yf bay myght accord bam of be demandes and 
maters abouensayd and yf bay four varyed in any poynt and 
myght noght accord pan pay four arbitrowrs suld hafe recource 
to be Mair and consell of be chambre and pe partyes abide pair 
iugement. And her apon the sayd four arbitrours at be request 
of be sayd Mair and prayer of the sayd partyes tuke apon tham 
to trete in this mater indifferently and all as a man and to make 
an nend yf thay myght / and so when pay had lang tyme tretyd 
in this mater indifferentely and herd and vnderstand wele the 
allegeance and euidence of bathe sydes than at pe last bay come 
before William Bowes Mayr all four arbitrowrs be seuent day of 
apryll the yer of be regne of kyng henry sexte the sext And thar 
in presence of the Mayr thay sayd pat bay war fully accorded of 
the poyntes and the variance betwix pe sayd craftes and thair 
accordement was this bat pe sayd craftes suld hafe thair Serchours 
and thair serche and thayre pageant maisters yerely als pay hafe 
had in tyme’s: passed and pat a man of the a crafte and a man of 
the tother crafte suld walke to gyder yerely and gedyr vppe thair 
pageant syluer of men of bathe craftes / and of thair bather 
costages bryng furthe pair bather playes and vphald thair torches 





Mikellith extra 
et infra 
Ratonrawe et 

Varie expense 
cum reparacione 

46 / YORK 1428 

in be procession of corpus christi day and all thair lyghtes in pe 
mynster and in other places and ayther crafte hafe trewe 
rekkenynges of other and yf any mone leue vnspendyd at thair 
rekkenynges pat yt be spendyd to the oeps and be profyte of 
bathe the sayd craftes 


£285 (2 July) 
Ordinacio Broggos lanarum 

. & super hoc proclamacio facta fuit & broggatores lanarum 
ordinati & iurati lohavnes Sylton Iohannes Marche & Robertus 
Appilby et quod capiant pro labore suo duos denarios de sacco 
de emptore & quod vniuersi tenentes domos in libertate ciuitatis 
pro lanis suis ibidem hospitandis sint contributorij ad paginam 
broggatorwm singulis annis in ludo corporis christi 

Burton Rogatus Registrauit 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls y : C82:3 
mb 1 

Et de Pelliparijs & Tinctoribus Ebor’ pro domo pagine ibidem de 
termimis predictis hoc anno ij s 

Et de Tannatoribus Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue de terminis 

predictis hoc anno xij d 
Et de Carpentarijs & Allutarijs Ebor’ pro terra ibidem super le 
Toftes de terminis predictis hoc anno ij s 
Et de Merceris Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue de terminis predictis 
hoc anno xij d 
Et de Pistoribus Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue de terminis predictis 
hoc anno xij d 
Et de Aurifabris Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue de termimis predictis 
hoc anno vilj d 
Et de Tapitarijs Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue de termimis predictis 
hoc anno xij d 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/39a MP 

mb 3 
Et datum Ministrallis in festo Translacionis sancti Wille/mi & 







1430 YORK / 47 

pro iiijot diebus Pentecostis xxvj s. vil} d ... 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

f21v* (1 February) Butchers 

Et swmiliter in vigilia purificacionis beate marie virginis Anno 
regni regis Henrici Sexti . ix° ordinatum est per Ricardum Russell 
tunc maiorem & consilium Camere huiws ciuitatis quod quilibet 
carnifex forinsecus veniens ad ciuitatem istam cum carnibus 
venalibus soluat annuatim magistris pagine carnificum istius 
ciuitatis 111) d. ad produccionem ludi sui in festo corporis christi 

Item, si ascun estraunge ou autre q’ad este apprentice ou servant 
Sriplenmitrartiticevete (ia. fois -sie. eoeneoons ) pur overer come 
mestre en la dit artifice et son overaigne soit trove fautyve, il 
ferra amende convenablement du dit overaigne a celly que serra 
endomage celle partie, et outre paiera a la chaumbre et al oeps de 
lour dit pagyne xijj s. uij d. en manere come desuis est dit. 

A/Y Memorandum Book VY: £20 

ff 257-7v 

In nomine domini Amen Non est pretermittendum sed pocius 
memorie commendandum quod Aurifabri huius ciuitatis Ebor’ 
annis preteritis onus graue & expensas excessiuas pro duabws 
Paginis suis in ludo corporis christi portabant lamque mundus 
alteratus est super ipsos & ipsi plus solito in bonis pauperiores 
sunt effecti.& vijs & modis super premissis sectam fecerunt 
frequentem Maioribus & Consilio camere pro subsidio habendo 
in hac parte in suorwm importabilium onerum releuamen vel alias 
quod exonerarentwr de vna paginarum suarum cum causantibus 
expensis que ea occas/one indies excrescunt onus vtrarwmque 
paginarum suar“m non potuerunt sine nimio eoruwm incommodo 
diucius sustinere / Ex altera parte vero quia Cementarij huius 
ciuitatis murmurabant inter se de pagina sua in ludo corporis 
christi vbi ffergus fflagellatus erat pro eo quod materia pagine 

15-20 Item ... est dit] from Sellers, 1, 58-9 37 indies] for in dies 






48 / YORK 1431-2 

illius in sacra non continetur scriptura & Magis risum & clamorem 
causabat quam deuocionem Et quandoque lites contenciones & 
pugne inde proueniebant in populo ipsamque paginam suam raro 
vel nunquam potuerunt producere & ludere clara die sicut faciunt 
pagine precedentes ipsi igitur Cementarij affectabant desiderio 
magno ab huwiusmodi pagina sua exonerari & alteri assignari que 
conueniens est scripture sacre . & quam producere & ludere 
poterunt clara die Et pro huiusmodi suis desiderijs perimplendis 
ambe partes predicte instanciam fecerunt & preces penes 
maiorem & consilium camere pro eorum bono consensu & 
voluntate gratuita in hac parte habendis Vnde Thomas Snaudon 
maior necnon Aldermanni & consilium camere huius ciuitatis 
voluntates & desideria hominum arcium predictarum beniuole 
acceptantes & ea honestati consona reputantes considerabant 
quod Aurifabri predicti in diminucionem grauium onerum 
suorum exonerentur de vna | paginarum suarum scilicet Herodis / 
Et similiter quod cementarij predicti sint exonerati & quieti de 
pagina ffergus & quod ipsi cementarij habeant eis & arti sue 
predictam paginam herodis quam Aurifabri per prius habebant 
suis expensis in ludo corporis christi producendam & ludendam 
honestiori modo quo decet in laudem ciuitatis tociens quociens 
ludum predictum ludi contigerit in ciuitate predicta 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

f 283v* (1 September) 

In nomine domini Amen / Cum nuper in tempore henrici Preston 
maioris de auisamento consilij camere pagina de lez Salsemakers 
vbi ludas se suspendebat & crepuit medius in ludo corporis 
christi & pagina de lez Tilemakers vbi pilatus condempnauit 
leswm morti / & pagina de lez Turnowrs Hayresters & Bollers vbi 
lesus ligatus erat ad columpnam & flagellatus / & pagina 
molendinariorum vbi pilatus & alij milites ludebant ad talos pro 
vestimentis Iesu & pro eis sortes mittebant & ea partiebantwr 
inter se fuerunt combinate simul in vnay paginam ceteris 
predictis pagini‘.) pro perpetuo exclusis / que quidem pagina 
decetero vocabitur pagina condempnacionis lesu christi Super 
hoc artifices arcium predictarum contendebant inter se de modo 

13 voluntates|] brevigraph omitted for voluntantes 
38 pagini(.)] paginis (Sellers, 11, 171) 








De pagina 
christi de 
Salsemakers & 

1432 YORK / 49 

solucionis ad paginam predictam Tandem tamen mediante bono 
tractatu Thome Bracebrig maioris vniuersi artifices predicti 
posuerunt se in iudicio Wille/mi Scoreburgh Johannis Staynburn 
Draper Roberti Bolton kambesmyth & Ricardi Neuland tanquam 
indifferencium personarum & ipsi onus huivsmodi . super se 
assumentes ipsas artes vt sequitur concordabant scilicet quod 
les Salsemakers & Tilemakers decetero portent onus & expensas 
pagine predicte & ipsam in bono & honesto modo annuatim 
ludendam producent cum ad hoc premuniti fuerint sicut inde 
coram Maiore pro tempore existente voluerint respondere / & 
quod molendinarjj in vigilia corporis christi annis singulzs 
imperpetuum soluent & liberabunt a lez Salsemakers & Tilemakers 
in manus scilicet Magistrorum pagine predicte decem solidos 
sterlingoruwm in auxilium expensarwm ipsius pagine sub pena 
xiij s ili} d camere huius ciuitatis & reparacioni pagine predicte 
equaliter diuidendorum & quod vnus vel duo molendinariorum 
eant cum pagina in die ludi eiusdem & cum lez Salsemakers & 
Tielmakers in cibo potuqve solacia percipiavt Et quod lez 
hayresters & illi qui eis antea soluerut annuatim liberabunt in 
vigilia corporis christi custodibus pagine predicte in auxilium 
expensarwm eiusde(.) pagine quinque solidos sub pena decem 
solidorum modo quo premittitur soluendorum & quod vnus 
eorum circueat cum judo & pagina predicta cum magistris 
eiusdem & cum eis solacia habeat si voluerit / Et si ipsa aliquibws 
temporibus reparacione indigeat quod molendinarij sint 
contributorij ad tercium denarium expensarum . & les hayresters 
, ad’ medietatem summe soluende per molendinarios 
supradictos & quod vnus molendinariorwm & vnus de lez 
hayresters superuideant expensas circa reparacionem pagine 
predicte cum magistris eiusdem pro tempore existentibus / Et 
quod nulla quatuor arcium predictarum ponat aliqua signa arma 
vel insignia super paginas predictam nisi tantum arma huius 
honorabik(..) ciuitatis / Et quod nullus , ‘quatuor’ arcium 
predictarum litiget nec aliquam discordiam faciat cum aliquo 
earumdem arcium pro aliquo puncto pagine predicte sub pena 
iij Ss. ilij. d. vsui operis pontis de ffosse applicandorum per 
quemlibet qui , “fecerit’ contrarium in hac parte / & hoc tociens 
quociens super hot.) sufficienti recordo conuictus fuerit in 

21 eiusde(.)] eiusdem (Sellers, Il, 172) 
23 circueat| brevigraph omitted for circumeat 
33 honorabil(..)] honorabilis (ibid, 172) 38 hot.)] hoc (ibid, 173) 





SOM YORK 143)2 

futurwi / Huic eciam concordie additum est & ordinat(..) primo 

die Septembris Anno regni regis Henrici sexti jMo in tempore 

Thome Snaudon maioris per consideracionem & arbitrium 

lohanmis Staynburn Roberti Bolton Ricardi Neuland predictorum 

et lohannis Man vt personarum indi(.)ferencium per vniuersos 5 

artifices Salsariorum & Tylemakers predictorum electorum quod 

Salsari} annuatim’ imperpetuum in vigilia Corporis christi 

liberent a les Tylemakers pro parte sua ludi pagine predicte 

quing<..) solidos in moneta sub pena x s soluendorum equaliter 

camere & commodo pagine predicte / & quociens dicta pagina 10 

reparacione indiguerit quod tunc Salsarij soluant vnum denarium 

sicut les Tylemakers soluent an(...) & quod reparacio illa 

superuideatur per duos homines vnius artis & duos alterius / & 

quod duo vel tres Salsarior(..) circueant cum pagina predicta in 

die & ludo Corporis christi simu] habeant solacia sua si voluerint 15 
Burton Rogatus Registrauit 

Agreement between City and Corpus Christi Guild y: A15* 

In nomine sancte & indiuidue Trinitatis Amen. Reuera si 20 
dominum in sanctis eius venerari & laudare iubemur multo magis 
dignuy iustuym & salutare nobis & cuicumquwe videtur catholico 

vt sibi in sui quo nos cotidie spiritualiter reficit memoriam 

corporis festiue veneraciomis & laudis gratias referamus cuius 
munifticencia ta copiosa erga nos fuit quod ipse volens in nobis 25 
suam exuberantem caritatem precipua liberalitate monstrare 
semetipswm nobis exhibuit & transcendens omnem plentidinem 
largitatis ommem modum dilecciomis excedens attribuit se in 

cibum & ecce quam singularis & admiranda eius liberalitas vbi 
donator venit in donum & datum est idem penitus cum datore & 30 
quam larga & prodiga largitas cum tribuit quis se ipsum. Horum 
quidem consideracione persone quedam vtriusque sexus Ciuitatis 

Ebor’ vocate communiter fratres & sorores ffraternitatis in honore 

Collation (A15 with E20A, ff 116v-17v): marginalia] De feretro quod 
portatur annuatim in processione festi corporis christi 21 iubemur] 
debemus 27 plenitudinem] plen...) 29 singularis] sing\...) 

1 ordinat(..)| ordinatum (Sellers, II. 173) 

5 indi(.)ferencium| indifferencium (bid, 173) 

9 quing(..)] quinque (ibid, 173) 12 an(...)] annuatim (ibid, 173) 
14 Salsarior(..)] Salsariorum (ibid, 173) 

14 circueant) brevigraph omitted for circumeant 

1432 YORK / 51 

& sub vulgari vocabulo Corporis christi in eadem Ciuitate a 
tempore per tempus cuixs contrarlj hominum memoria non 
existit vsitate propensius excitate de consensu & voluntate 
lohannis Bolton maioris & communitatis Ciuium dicte Ciuitatis 
eiusdem ffraternitatis sicut & tota ipsa ciuitas fuit est confratrum 
suis propriis sumptibus quoddam feretruym operis sumptuosi 
modo ligneum sculptumque & desuper auro depictum quod 
imposterum dante domino ex argento & auro purissimis ditari 
& preciosius ornari proponunt quod eciam singwlis annis in festo 
eiusdem Corporis christi si aieris temperies hoc permittat . 
sinautem die aliquo alio festiuo sequente quo comodius fieri 
poterit per certos vicos & plateas dicte Ciuitatis cum processione 
solempni publice per manus sacerdotum portari desiderant cu/7 
sacramento Corporis christi in eo incluso & hominum aspectibus 
in cristallo vel berillo patenti vel aliqua ‘re’ sacramento 
conueniencius torchearum semper bonorum Ciuium & 
ffraternitatis predictorum lumine precedente vt ex hoc apud 
presentem populum fides & deuocio augeantur. lamque 
memorati Maior & Ciues in hijs que supers scripta sunt pre 
gaudio exultantes & ea que ad memoriam & laudem sacramenti 
viuifici supradicti bene incepta sunt: fine optimo concludere 
cupientes . pro se & successoribus suis volunt & inuiolabiliter 
ac firmissima fide concedunt per presentes vnuim locum 
specialem ob honorem sacratissimi sacramenti predicto feretro 
in capella famosa in honore & titulo sanctissimi confessoris 
Wille/mi quondam Eboracensis Archiepiscopi super pontem vse 
in predicta Ciuitate fundata vt ibidem per annos singulos 
honorifice possit residere. Ac eciam predicti Maior & 
Communitas pretate Ciuitatis Ebor’ concesserunt quod sex 
Capellani Custodes fraternitatis predicte qui pro tempore erunt . 
feretri predicti libertatem habeant & potestatem ad predictum 
feretrum singulis annis tociens quociens oportunum fuerit & 
specialiter ad predictum festum Corporis christi accedendum . 
& illud capiendwm ac extra dictam Capellam portandum seu 
portari faciendwm sine impedimento aliquo Maioris & Ciuium 
predictorum & cum illo ob memoriam & veneracionem festiuam 
sacramenti predicti modo premisso processionem faciendum . 
qua processione finita bene & pacifice licebit predictis sex 

Collation conunued: 5 after fuit) & 12 plateas) placeas 15 after aliqua] 
alia 16 conueniencivs} conueniente 28 honorifice} omitted 
32 oportunum] opportunum 35-7 sine ... faciendum] omitted 





JZ AY ORK P4432 

custodibus ad libitum proprium predictum feretrum in prefatam 
Capellam sancti Wille/mi in dicto loco reuerenter ponere vt 
prefertur. Conuenit insuper inter Maiorem & Ciues ac Custodes 
predictos quod Custodes feretri predicti habeant & custodiant 
claues clausure capsule supradicte. Hoc addito & adiuncto quod 
clauis vna exterioris cooporture & velaminis feretri predicti 
remaneat semper in camera consilij dicte Ciuitatis penes Maiorem 
eiusdem pro eo solomodo vt Maior ille quiscumque fuerit sine 
inquisicrone vel mora aliarum clauium feretrum ipswm monstrari 
facere possit cum voluerit aliquibus personis honorabilibus 
dominis vel dominabus aut alijs generosis ipsum nudum videre 
volentibus . vt ex hoc quorundam crescat deuocio honorque 
dicte Ciuitatis augeatur Et specialissime vt laus siue honor 
intuencium redundat ad dominum . & sic gracia dei mediante 
forsan per quosdam deo deuotos feretri predicti melioracio inde 
possit verisimiliter prouenire. In quorum omnium & singulorum 
fidem & testimonium tam sigillum commune Ciuitatis predicte 
quam sigilla nunc Custodum ffraternitatis predicte . videlicet 
domini lohannis Bernyngham . domini Rogeri Bubwyth . domini 
lohannis de Grymesby . domini lohannis Crauen . domini 
lohannis de Sutton & domini Wille/mi Bryg Capellanorwm huius 
indenture partibus sunt alternatim appensa. Datwm apud Ebor’ 
sextodecimo die January Anno domini Millesimo CCCC™o 
Tricesimo primo. Regni vero Regis Henrici sexti post conquestum 
Anglie anno decimo. 

Burton Rogatus Registrauit 

Will of Nicholas Blackburn the elder, merchant and mayor 
Bi- Probe Reg. 2 

£605 (20 February; probated 10 April) 

... Et iiijot tortis ffraternitati corporis christi in Ebor’ ad 
ardendum ad processionem in festo eiusdem corporis christi dum 
durare poterint annuiatim ... 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

ff 57v, 64v 
(See above 1419) 

Collation continued: 3 & Ciues ac} ciues & 







de Vyntarijs 
& vendentibus 
vina dulcia / 

1433 YORK / 53 

B/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20A 

£119v* (29 September) 

To pair worshipfull lord pe Mair of be Cite of york and all 
Aldermen and pe consell of pe same . Shewes mekely we your 
concitezeyns vynters pat we hafes diuerse tymes shewed to you 
pat men of other craftes pat selles swete wynes and other wynes 
for yair wynes be retail wythin be franchese of bis Cite whilk 
swete wynes are pertenand to vs als a parcelle of oure crafte suld 
and awe after custume of pis Cite be contributory to vs in 
bryngyng furthe of our pagent in corpus christi play lyke als 
merchantz makes vs to pay to bam when we mell wyth pruys 
fflanders and other plac[(.)] of whilk swte wynes we haf pit no 
answer nor remedy And worshipfull lord and sirs like you to 
consider pat we haf bene in possession of swete wynes sald be 
retaill inso mykill pat Richart Russell when he was our pageant 
Maister receyued pageant siluer of Thomas Dam and all other 
after yair afferant for sellyng of swete wynes at bat tyme / And 
so euermore other men when yay occupied pe same office And 
also be alde custume and vsage of pis Cite for serchyng of swete 
wynes pertyens to pe Serchours of be Vynters and to no nother 
inso mykill pat noght lang tyme passed our sercheours at 
commandement of be Mair at pat tyme and hys consell serched 
swetewynes and other thurgh thys Cite And at pat tyme our 
Sherchours in presence of pe Mair fand in pe house of Iohn 
Asper in Stayngate a vessell of swete wyne vn abell to be sald and 
in other places also pe whilk war forfet and pe heuedes smyten 
oute openly in syght of be poeple And parefore worshipfull lord 
and sirs we beseke you to considre pis mater tenderly and pat 
we may be so demened pat we may contynue furth in our ald 
possession and noght be put pair fro more nowe pan we haf 
bene in tyme passed And who so will wythstand or agaynesay 
pis lat pam proue whether pair swetewynes pat pay sell be 
grewyng of grape or elles wynes made wyth spicery or other 
crafte wyth outen grape. 

f 120 

Dulcis vendendi per retalliam hic infra libertatem eiusdem 
Ciuitatis et quod omnes qui vendunt vina dulcia infra eandem 
libertatem sint annuatim concributorij cum vyntarijs huiws 

13 pit) for yit 40 concributorij] for contributorij 






® Spiceres 

Expense in festo 
Corporis christi 

Liberata yemali 
de lez Waytes 
ciuitatis Summa 
xxvijs xd 

54/ YORK 1433 

Ciuitatis & soluant pagine eorwndem vyntariorum proporcionaliter 
secundum quod occupant maius vel minus & vendunt huiusmodi 
vina dulcia / 

(6 November) 

Shewes full mekely to your ryght hygh worthynesse Mair 
Aldermen And the wyse counsell of the Chaumbre the pore 
crafte of the Spicers whar as we haf hadd wyth outen tyme of 
mynde the sherch of swetwynes alswele grewand as confectes 
ypocras Clarr and all other / that nowe late be be suggestion of 
diuerse persones be whilk neuer hadd als be pair craft knawlege 
of swilk wynes, to bam ys supposyd grauntyd pe sherch of be 
same wynes wythin this Cite In grete harme wyth grevows 
hynderyng to pe losse of our crafte of Spicers als wele in our said 
craft as to our pageant / for Sen be tyme at be play was begun in 
thys Cite All pe Sellers be retaill swete wyne grewyng or 
confectes hass payed to our crafte of Spicers and to non other as 
for that merchandyse / Wherfore we be sek your hegh 
worthynesse seyng our predecessours Mairs Aldermen and other 
of pe counsell of pe Chambr be pair hegh and discrete wyttes 
hasse euer latyn vs be in possession of swylk serch wyth takyng 
to our pageant of all pe Sellers of swete wyne pat ye will consider 
pair wyttes and apply your worthy wyttes vnto pairs pat 
precessed yowe in tyme . for trewely yt warr full hevy to vs your 
Citezeins of be pure crafte of Spicers oft said to seke any remedy 
bot of your ryght hegh Worthynesse Thys we beseke yowe als 
for our ryght And in way of Charite ... 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: C1:2 

mb 1 

Et ludentibws in pagina Coronacionis beate Marie in festo corporis 
cristi xx s Et ministrallis eodem die ex consuetudine xx s Et pro 
emendacione pagins predicte xix s jd Et pro firma camere 
Maioris & proborum hominum eodem die vj s viij d Et in 

presentacionibus panis vini et fructuum die predicto iij li. xiiij d 

Et pro liberata yemali trium ministrallorwm ciuitatis empta de 
eodem Wille/mo Gyllyngton xxvij s x d 

35 pagins] for pagine 






Harraldi nuncij Et sol. haraldis nuncijs et ministrallis hoc anno ii) li vij s 
& ministralli 


iij li. vij s. 

Mercers’ Pageant Documents MA: D63* 

(11 June) 

This endentwre made in pe feste of Corpus christi In pe 3ere of 

oure lorde god ml. CCCC xxxiij betwene Richard louth Maister 

of be Cumpany of Mersers of pe Cite of 3orke & Nicholas 

Vseflete & William 3arom Cunstables of pe saide Cumpany on pe 10 
to syde And William Bedale Williav Holbek Henry Market & 
Thomas Curtays ban Pagent Maisters on pe tother syde beris 

Witnes pat pe saide Maister & constables has deliuerde to pe 

saide Pagent Maisters all pir parcelles vndrewretyn langing to 

paire pagent safely to kepe & to gouerne for baire tyme And thos 15 
same parcelles to deliuer forthe agayne in resonable tyme to be 

nexte Pagent Maisters pat sall occupy in pe nexste 3ere after And 

so all Pagent Maisters to deliuer forth be bis endentwre to other 
Pagent Maisters pat sall occupy for pe 3ere While be Pagent gere 

lastes ffirst a Pagent With inj Wheles helle mouthe 1) garmentes 20 
for iij deuels vj deuelles faces in iij Vesernes Array for ij euell 

saules pat is to say 1 Sirkes ij paire hoses ij vesenes & ij Chauelers 
Array for tj gode saules pat ys to say ij Sirkes ij paire hoses ij 

vesernes & ij Cheuelers ij paire Aungell Wynges with Iren in be 

endes ij trumpes of White plate & ij redes ij Aubes for iij 25 
Appostels iij diademes with ij vesernes for iij Appostels iiij 
diademes with ii) Cheuelers of 3alow for iiij Apostels A cloud & 

ij peces of Rainbow of tymber Array for god pat ys to say a 

Sirke Wounded a diademe With a veserne gilted A grete coster of 

rede damaske payntid for the bakke syde of be pagent ij other 30 
lesse costers for ij sydes of be Pagent iij other costers of lewent 

brede for be sides of be Pagent A litel coster iiij squared to hang 

at be bakke of god iiij Irens to bere vppe heuen iiij finale 

coterelles & a Iren pynne A brandreth of Iren pat god sall sitte 

vppon when he sall sty vppe to heuen With iiij rapes at iiij corners 35 
A heuen of Iren With a naffe of tre ij peces of rede cloudes & 

sternes of gold langing to heuen ij peces of blu cloudes payntid 

on bothe sydes ij peces of rede cloudes With sunne bemes of 

golde & sternes for pe hiest of heuen With a lang small border 

of be same Wurke vij grete Aungels halding pe passion of god 40 
Ane of pame has a fane of laton & a crosse of Iren in his hede 

giltid iiij smaller Aungels gilted holding pe passion ix smaler 

Mikillith extra 
& infra 
Ratonrawe & 

Mikillith extra 
& infra 

56/ YORK 1433 

Aungels payntid rede to renne aboute in pe heuen A lang small 
corde to gerre pe Aungels renne aboute ij shorte rolls of tre to 
putte forthe be pagent 


Item } Baner of rede bukeram bett with golde with pe Trinite & 
with ostret feders & With j lange Stremer Item iiij Smale baners 
wit) Trinite in pam & Roset “433° 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y : C82:5 

mb 1 

Et de Pelliparijs & Tinctoribus Ebor’ pro domo paginarum 
suarvm de termivis predictis huius anni i} s 

Et de merceris Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue super lez Toftez de 

termiis predictis hoc anno xij d 
Et de Pistoribus Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue ibidem de termiis 
predictis hoc anno xij d 
Et de Tannatoribus Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue ibidem de 
termiis predictis hoc anno xij d 
Et de Tapitaryjs Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue ibidem de terminis 
predictis hoc anno xij d 
Et de Carpentarys & Allutarzs Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue 
ibidem de termiis predictis hoc anno ij s 
Et de Aurifabris Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue de termivis predictis 
hoc anno vilj d 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y:C82:7 

mb 1 

Et de Pelliparijs & Tinctoribus Ebor’ pro domo paginarum 
suarum de termiis predictis hoc ‘...) ee) 

38 (...) (..)] anno is 






Mikillith extra 
& infra 

1436 YORK / 57 

Et de Merceris Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue super lez Toftez de 
terminis predictis hoc anno Kea? 

Et de Pistoribus Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue ibidem de termimis 

predictis huius anni keer? 
Et de Tannatoribus Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue ibidem de 
termiis predictis hoc anno er) 
Et de Tapitarijs Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue ibidem de termiris 
predictis hoc anno ee, 
Et de Carpentarijs & Allutaris Ebor’ pro domo paginarum 
suarum de terminis predictis ¢...) a) 
Et de Aurifabris Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue de termiis predictis 
hoc anno Go) 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C82:8 
mb 1 

Et de Pelliparijs & Tinctoribus Ebor’ pro domo paginarum 
suarum de terminis predictis hoc Anno ij s 

Et de Merceris Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue super lez Toftez de 

terminis predictis hoc anno xij d 
Et de Pistoribus Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue ibidem de terminis 
predictis huius anni xij d 
Et de Tannatoribus Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue ibidem de 
termivis predictis hoc anno xij d 
Et de Tapitarijs Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue ibidem de terminis 
predictis hoc anno xij d 
Et de Carpentarijs et Allutars Ebor’ pro domo paginarum suarum 
de terminis predictis hoc anno ij 
Et de Aurifabris Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue de termimis predictis 
hoc anno vilj d 
ZaXere dk) xii. 5 (...)] xij d 

7 (...)) xij d 9 (...)) xijd 

11 ¢...) (| hoc anno ijs 13 ¢...)] viij d 

32 Allutars] for Allutarijs 






Mikillith extra 
infra Ratonrawe 
& Toftes 

58 / YORK 1437 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D53A 

mb 6* 

... Item payd for be makyng of be dwrres of pe pagent hous vj s 
Item payd to Margret Chaundeler for makyng of vj torchys & 

pe Wax to bam X1llj $ 
Item for vj Castyls to bam lj s vuj d 
Item payd to Davyd paynter for xx iiij baners peyntyng Wyth 

Canwas langyng per to and peyntyng of vj Castyls XS 

Item payd for pe beryng of vj Torchys on Corpus christiday ij s 

Will of John Preston, Chaplain of Bubwith B1: Prob. Reg. 3 
£546 (25 September; probated 11 October) 

... Item lego Iohanni Robynson omnes libros meos de Pryknote 
Item lego Ricardo Raby tres libros videlicet vnum Portiforium in 

ij voluminibus & tercium librum vocatum Sangboke ... 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D53A 

mb 7 

Item for berynge of vj torches on corpus christi day iS 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y : C82:10 

mb 1 

Et de Pelliparijs & Tinctoribus Ebor’ pro domo paginarum suarum 
de terminis predictis hoc anno ij s 
Et de Merceris Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue super lez Toftez de 

terminis predictis hoc anno xij d 

Et de ‘Pistoribus & Tannatoribus Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue 

40 Pistoribus &] in different hand 








1440 YORK / 59 

ibidem de terminis predictis hoc anno videlicet pro vtraque 

parte xij d as 
Et de Tapitarijs Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue ibidem de terminis— 
predictis hoc anno xij d 
Et de Carpentwrijs & Allutarijs Ebor’ pro domo paginarum — 
suarum de terminis predictis hoc anno ij s 
Et de Aurifabris Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue de terminis predicts 
hoc anno vil d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D53A 
mb 7 

Item for berynge of vj torches on Corpus christi day xx d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D53 

mb 8 

Item ffor Berrynge off Toircheys xx d 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

£288 (14 December) 

Marshalles & Smythez 
Memorandum pat pe xij day of decembr be yere of our lorde 
ml ccccxliij in be counseil Chaumbr of pe Citee of york be fore 
William Bowes Maire of be same Citee by pe ful assent & consent 
of pe craftes of Marsshalles & Smythes of pis Citee of york & 
suburbes of be same thies ordenancez vndre writen wer made & 
graunted to be kept for euere more That is to say pat al the 
lightes & torches bat langes to both pe saide Craftes as wele in 
the Mynster as in other places fro nowe furth be made at pe 
costes & expenses of both be said craftes and spended to the vse 
of eithere of baym as wele in be procession vpon corpus Christi 

1-2 videlicet ... xij d] in different hand 





Vestura Estiualis 
& yemalis 

Harrald: & 

Expense in festo 
corporis christi 

60 / YORK 1442 

day as at beriall of euery man & of paire wifes pat er or shalbe of 
pe said craftes 

Item it is ordaned pat pe Pageant of both pe saide craftes fro 
nowe furth in pe play of corpus Christi be loyntly broght furth 
at pe costes of bothe pe said craftes And pat euery man of pe 
said craftes shalbe preuy to be receytes & expenses of al money 
pat shal ¢..) receyued to the said pageantes as wele pageant siluer 
as other And pat be pagean(.) Maisters of both pe said craftes shal 
make pair rakenyng & gife accompt euere yere (...) nowe furth 
vpon Sononday next before Missomerday vpayn of liij s to be 
payed pat oon half to pe chaumbr and pat other halfe to pe said 

ff 75v, 78v 
(See above 1417) 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: C1:3 
mb 2 

Et pro Ixxviij rays emptis & datis ilj waytez xvij s. 
vna cum vj vinis de light blew datis predictis XXIX S$ 
waytes erga festuym Natalis domini xij s 

Et harraldis nuncijs & ministrallis Regis ducum 
Baronum militwm & aliarum honorabilium Cxix s iilj d 
personarum hoc Anno 

Summa Cxix s ij d 

Et in diuersis presentacionibus panis domznici 
vinorum fructuum factis honorabilibus personis 
hic presentibus pro laudo & honore ciuitatis vna 
cum alijs expensis maioris Aldermannorum & 
aliorum proborum hominum Et pro ludo de vyne 
yerde hoc Anno xx d 

Ixj s ij d ob 

33 laudo] for laude 







1442 YORK / 61 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C82:11 
mb 1? 

Et Carpentarijs (...) 
Et de Aurifabris (...) 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D53 
mb 8 

Item for beringe of vj torches on Corpus christi Day 

Mercers’ Chartulary MA: D19 

£9* (26 March) 

Item ordaind & acordid by pe who assent of pe 
hele ffeliship in be Trinte hall on be electzon 
Daye Thomas Scausby being mister William 
Bluetront William Gaing Constables pat 

pay With pe assent off be ffellship sall chuse 

ilij pagent Masters on pe ffriday next after 
Missondday of the Mercres & Mechants of 

pe Citte and pay iiij shall bring forth pair 

play & receyue all pe ornements thatt belanges 
pto: by Indentowr & so deliver ouer to 

paym pat shall com after And py sall 

be countable to be Maister Constables & ffelow 
ship of all pair receytes & expenses resonable 
and pe iiij pagant Maisters being (blank) shall 
bring furth pe pagants & haue 

them in againe within iii) days next after corpus 
Cristi day which of them pat doth 

contrary shall pay vj s viij d to pe ffelo 

ship without any fforgiuness / 










© Armourers 

62/ YORK 1443 
Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D53B 
mb 1 

Item of vs vij d ressayued of Pagyanmaisters pis yere ouere all 
expence be paim made for bryngyng furth pe Pagyant 

Item payed for beryng of vj torches on corpus christiday xxd 

B/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20A 

ff 121-1lv* (29 September) 

To paire ful honorable & gracious lorde pe Maire of be Citee 
of york 

Besekes ful humbly your tendre . lordship your trewe herted 
seruantez at our simple power pe hole craft of armorers of pis 
Citee of york graciously to considre pe nowne powere & 
insufficience & ful fewe of Craft in nowmbre pat we suffice not 
to mayntene nor vphalde be charges & costes pat we bere yerely 
about pe bringyng furth of our pageant & play vpon corpus 
christi day with mony other costes olesse pan it may lyke you to 
provyde som other meen to our succour & supportacion / And 
for asmuch as your said besekers haue noon ordenancez nor 
rewle tobe gouerned after for lake of which mekell euell chaffer 
is made & vttred within pis Citee to grete disworship berof 
sklaunder to pe said craft and grete dissaite to be kynges poeple 
webeseke mekely pat pies ordenancez vndre writen may be 
entred into your boukes of recorde bothe for be worship of pis 
Citee & for pe wele of pe said Craft & kynges poeple (blank) 
ffirst if per be eny man pat wil occupie as maister in pe said 
craftes within pis Citee / the Serchours of pe same craft shal 
haue ful power to serche hym if he be sufficient in connyng to 
occupie as maister & save pe worship of pis Citee And if pay 
fynd hym not able pay shal warne hym to sesse of pat occupa‘....) | 
vnto pe tyme pat he haue lernede his Craft better to occupie as 
maister / And if he will not sesse at pe first Warnyng at pe second 
Warnyng he shall lose xl s pat oon halfe to be Commonialte of pis 







Mikellith extra et 
infra Ratonrawe 
& Toftez 

Minute expense 

1444 YORK / 63 

Citee and pat other halue to pe said Craft. . 

Item if ber be eny man pat Will occupie as maister in pe said 
Craft pat has not bene apprentice Within pis Citee & Wele & 
dewely fulfilled be terme of his printeship pat he shal pay at his 
first settyng vpp xij s ilij d in be manere aforsaide 

Item pat no man of be said Craft shal take noman to seruant 
nor to Pryntice bot hym bat is ane Inglisshman born vppayn of 
xl s to be paide in be manere & fourm afore Writen / 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C82:12 

mb 1 

Et de Pelliparys & Tinctoribus Ebor’ pro domo paginarum 
suarum de termiis predictis hoc anno ij s 

Et de Merceris Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue super lez Toftez de 

termiis predictis hoc anno x1j d 
Et de Pistoribus Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue ibidem de termivis 
predictis hoc anno xij d 
Et de Tannatoribus Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue ibidem de 
terminis supradictis huius anni xij d 
Et de Tapitarys Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue ibidem de predictis 
terminis xij d 
Et de Carpentarys & Allutarijs Ebor’ pro domo paginarum 
suarum de terminis predictis ij s 
Et de Aurifabris Ebor’ pro domo pagine sue de termiris 
supradictis huius anni vilj d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D53B 
mb 2 

Item paide for vij. dossan v. lb. & di. wax made in vj. torches 
with ix dossan & vij. lb. wax in stumps and for rosyn and weke 
and for makynge of be same torchez xlij s ii. d 
Item paide for beryng of pe saide vj. torchez apon corpus christi 
day ij s 






estiualis et 

64 / YORK 1445 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: £20 

£53 (3 June) 

Memorandum quod tercio die Iunij Anno regni Regis Henrici 
s€xti post conquestum Anglie vicesimo tercio in Camera consilij 
coram Thoma Crathorn Maiore Ciuitatis Ebor’ ordinatum est & 
firmissime concordatum de vnanimi consensu & assensu Omnium 
Artificiorwm de lez Cutlers Ciuitatis predicte ex vna parte & 
Thome Vsclyff de Ebor’ Chapman ex altera quod predictus 
Thomas soluet decem denarios annuatim ad sustentacionem 
pagine & luminis Artifici} predicti in festo corporis christi Et 
quod idem Thomas Vsclyff amodo non erit electus in Magistrum 
pagine illius neqwe ad aliud officiumm eidem artificio pertinens 
sed quod erit totaliter exoneratus ab ‘omni’ officio & onere 
eidem Artificio pertinente solucione annua dictorum decem 
denariorum totaliter excepta . Et quia ab antiquo vsum fuit 
quod omnes illi Ciues & extranei qui vendiderint cultellos siue 
gestra infra libertatem Ciuitatis predicte per retalliam aut in 
grosso soluerunt ad sustentacionem pagine Corporis christi & 
luminis Artificiorum de Cutlers Bladsmythes & Shethers et modo 
sunt aliqui qui de nouo recusant soluere ad dictam paginam & 
lumen vt est dictum Ideo ordinatum est die & Anno predicto 
quod omnes huiusmodi Ciues & extranei cultellos aut gestra 
stallantes ‘iacentes’ & vendentes ac de viginis ad vendendum 
extrahentes infra libertatem eiusdem Ciuitatis vel huzwsmodi 
cultellos & gestra super mucrones aut fines vendicioni ponentes 
per retalliam vel in grosso Mercatoribus & Merceris huius Cuitatis 
ommino exceptis sint contributarij cum artificijs supradictis ad 
sustentacionem pagine & luminis supradicts sicut antea hec 
tempora vsi fueruvt & viterius quod Scrutatores Artificiorum 
predictorum deinceps faciant scrutinium suum tam de forinsicis 
quam de Ciuibus Ciuitatis de omnibus & singulis mercimonijs que 
ad artes suas pertinent et omnes , ‘deffectus’ in eisdem 
inuendiendos Maiori pro tempore existent: presentabunt per eius 
discrecionem corrigendos puniendos & emendandos &c. 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: C2:2 

mb 2 

Et in Ixxviij rays emptis Ministrallis pro liberates 

sae XVij $ viij d 








H (...) cijs et 

Expense in festo 
corporis Christi 

Minute Expense 

1445 YORK / 65 

Et pro vj vinis de Rede melde emptis & dates 
predictis Ministrallis pro altera parte liberate sue xii) s ij d 
erga festum Natalis domini 

Et harraldis nuncijs & ministrallis Regis Ducum 
Baronum Milituy & aliarwm honorabilium Gix sod 
personarum hoc anno 

Summa Cix sx d 

Et in diuersis presentacionibus panis dominici 
vinorum fructum factis honorabilibus personis 
hic presentibus pro laudo & honore Ciuitatis Ls jd 
vnacum alijs expensis Maioris Aldermannorum & 
aliorum proborum hominorum 
Summals jd 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D53C 
mb 1 
Item paide for beryng of vj. torches apon corpus christiday ij. s 
City Chamberlains’ Books Y; CC1 
Expense in festo Corporis christi 
Expense in festo Corporis christi facte per 

Maiorem & Aldermannos & alios extraneos pro lijs xd 
Jaudo & honore Ciuitatis 

pp 31-3 

Harald: & Ministrall 
In dono datum cuidam Ministrallo Radu/fi Puddeszay vy) d 
In dono datum iiij lusoribus Ciuitatis vj d 

2 a.) indicating a reversal of this entry and omitted entry above 
6 H...) cijs}] Harraldis nuncijs 12 fructum) for fructuum 
13 laudo] for laude 








66 / YORK 1446 

In dono datum ij ministrallis lohannis Sauage militis xij d 
In donato lohanni Bull Waferer vj d 
In dono datum Iohanni Waferer vilj d 

In dono datwim hugo loyter Ministrallo Episcopi dunelm’ xij d 
In dono datum cuidam ministrallo Thome lumley militis _ iiij d 

In dono datum [(...)] lohanne Piper de Ebor’ ij d 
In dono datum christoforo harpour xij d 
Item ij ministrallzs Comitis Westmor!’ xvj d 
Item j ministrallo Roberti Roos militis il) d 
Item j ministrallo domini de Clyfford viij d 
Item iii) ministrallis ducis Northfolke xx d 
Item cuidem ministrallo Baronis de Graystok vilj d 
Item cuidem ministrallo de Ebor’ vil d 
Item lohanni Waferer & Roberto Waferer die dominica iij 

in x|]ma xx d 
Item ministralls Ciuitatzs in festo Pasche ij s uj d 
Item ij ministrallzs domi Cantabrig’ xx d 
Item } Wafferer domini Sar’ vj d 
Item j ministrallo Wille/mi ffitz William vj d 
Item j ministrallo [Roberti Oghtred] domzni Wellas vilj d 
Item } ludent: vj d 
Item ij Ministrallis Roberti Oghtred militis xij d 
Item } Ministrallo Baronis de Graystok vilj d 
Item ij Ministrallzs dunelm’ vilj d 
Item j Ministrallo Wille/mi lumley Chivale ri vjd 
Item j alio Ministrallo ij d 
Item iiij Ministrallis Ducis Ebor’ sexto die Maij vj) s vu d 
Item iij Ministrallzs Noui Castr1 super Tynam xx d 
Item ij Ministrallis de ffranc’ viij d | 
Item iiij Ministrallis domini Sar’ x die Maij ij s iid 
Item j Ministrallo Thome Metham militis vil) d 
Item iiij Ministrallis domini dexistr’ xiij° die Maij vj s viij d 
Item j Wafferer de patria Australi xix die maij vj d 
Item j Stulto domini Westmor!l’ xxiij die mai) ij d 
Item ij Ministrallis de lyncoln ‘xvj d* cum j Ministrallo Radu/fi 

Pudesay ‘vj d° xxij d 
Item j Ministrallo Hugonis de Wilowby vj d 
Item ludentibus in die dominica proxima post festum Assensionis 

domini xij d 

Item j ministrallo ceco ij d 






1446 YORK / 67 

Item Ministrallis Ciuitats in vig#lia nativitatis Sancti lohannis 

Baptiste xx d 
Item cuidam Ministrallo Ricardi Musgrefe Militis vj d 
Item Ministrallis in festo Corporis Christi xx d 
Item j Ministrallo xii) die Augusti iy d 
Item vj Ministrallis domini Gloucestr’ septimo die Septembris x s 
Item iiij Ministrallis domi Regis iij die Octobris XX S$ 
Item ij Ministrallis Comitis Northumbr’ & Th¢...) Percy Chivale ri 

iii] die Octobris xx d 
Item j Ministrallo in Baggeryete ij d 
Item } Ministrallo jd 
Item Whetlay Ministrallo x die Octobris viij d 
Item vni lusor? xj die Octobris vij d 
Item vni Ministrallo xij die Octobris viy d 
Item vnum Ministrallo Wille/mzi Bowes militis vil) d 
Item iij Ministrallis lobannis Penyngton militis xij d 

Item iiij Ministrallis Ducis Bukynham ij die Nouembris_ vj s_ vitj d 
Item Ministrallo Comitis Northumbr’ viij die Nouembris __ viij d 
Item Iohanni Wafferer xvij die Nouembris Ac vni stulto ‘jd’ ix d 
Item ij Ministrallzs domzni de Clifford & j Ministrallo de 

Allerton xvi d 
Item quinqve Ministrallss de la marcas de Dorcetr’ xxv die 
nouembris Vs 
Item 1) Ministrallzs Wille/7i Maleuerer Chivaleri 11jt© die 
decembris xij d 
Item j Ministrallo de domo lescrope de Bolton xij d 
Item {ij Mini] Simoni Harpour et j alio Ministrallo xvij die 
decembris vyjd 
liij li. x s ixd | 
Item Ministrallis Ciuitates in festo Natalis domini lj s iy d 
Item ludentibus in eodem festo vilj d 
Item } Trumpett vij d 
Item j ffidiller in eadem septimana ij d 
Item ludentibus in festo circumsisionis xij d 
Item j Ministrallo ij d 
Item j) Ministrallo de Knaresburgh xij d 
Item ij ludentibus de Donyngton xij d 
Item j ludenti de Wakefeld yj d 

15 vnum|) for vni 






Minute Expense 

facte hoc Anno 

68 / YORK 1446 

Item Ministrallis Ciuitatis in festo Sancti Willelmi xx d 
Item Roberto Wafferer in eodem festo [vij d} xij d 
Item ij ministrallis domine de Dancourt xvj d 
Item Simoni harpour eodem die iy d 
Item quinque Trumpetters domini Sar’ xix die January vj s viij d 
Ite vm ministrallo domini Wille/mi Plompton viij d. 
Item vni ministrallo Roberti Ogle militis xxvj die lanuarij vj d 

Summa vij li. [vitj s} “ix s’ (xj d] vij d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D53D 

mb 2 
Item paide for beryng of vj torches on corpys christi day eS 
Item paide for reparacion of be pageand house xlvij s vj d 

Codicil of the Will of William Revetour, deputy civic clerk 
Bil Prob kep.2 

£138v (Will: 2 August; Codicil: 11 August; 

probated 3 September) 
... Item lego fabrice feretra corporis christi Ebor’ vnum Goblett 
argent ... Item lego tfraternitati Corporis christiin Ebor’ quemdam 
librum vocatum le Crede Play cum libris & vexillis eidem 
pertinentibus Et gilde sancti christofori quemdam ludum de 
sancto lacobo Apostolo in sex paginis compilatwm ... Item lego 
zonarys Ciuitatis Ebor’ ad ludum suum in festo corporis christi 
vnam coronam auricallcatam deauratam & vnam zonam cum 
Boses deauratis & enameld ... 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y:CC1 

p 67 
Expense in festo Corporis christi “xii s inj d’ [xliyj s iy d] 
pp 70-1 
Haraldi nuncij ministralli 
Inprimis ij Ministrallzs domini de dacr’ xij d 

41 Inprimis] for In primis 







® a(.) festum 
Sancti Valantini 

1447 YORK / 69 

Etj ministrallo cum le hert iti) d 
Et j Ministrallo domini de Clyfford Vil) d 
Et j Ministrallo lohanmis haryngton vyyd 
Et iij Ministrallis domini ffitzhugh ij s 
Et iij Ministrallis Beuerl’ et alio vocato Wetelay ly s 
Et Simoni harpour cum ij Ministrallis domini de Graystok ij Ss 
Et Iohanni Wafferer die dominica proxima ante festum 
Carnipriulj vilj d 

Et Roberto Wafferer & Iohanni Wafferer die lune in prima 

septimana xlme ix d 
Et Iohanni Waferer xxiij die Marcis xij d 
Et Ministrallis Ciuitatis in vigilia Pasche lij s 11) d 
Et ij Ministrallzs xvj die Aprils vj d 
Et hugo luter cum Episcopo dunelm’ xviij die Aprilis xij a 
Et ij Ministrallis domini de Clifford xx die Aprilis inj d 
Et j Ministrallo lohannis haryngton eodem die vj d 
Et inj Ministrallzs Ducis Excester xxvij die Aprilis lll] s 
Et j ministrallo Thome Cheworth Militis vilj d 
Et ij Ministrallzs ville Laycestr’ ij s 
Et ij Ministrallzs ville noue Castr7 super Tynam xij d 
Et vni Ministrallo henrici Brounflete Militzs vj d 
Et ij Ministrallzs Comitis de Erandale xxij die Maij ilj s inj d 
Et j Ministrallo Walter: Tailbois Armigeri vil) d 
Et ij Ministrallzs Comitis Sar’ xxiij die Maij ij s uj d 
Etj Ministrallo Thome Neuyll Militzs vj d 
Et ij Ministrallis comitis Northumbr’ ‘videlicet Christofero’ 

penultimo die Maij ij s 
Et ii) Ministrallis de Pokelynaton vitimo die maij vilj d 
Et ij ministrallis london’ primo Die lunij xij d 
Et ilij ludentibus de London’ die dominica proxima post festum 

corporis christi vj s vilj d 
Et lez Ministrallis in festo corporis christi XV} S 
Et vni Ministrallo die dominica proxima post festum corporis 

christi vj d 
Et vni lapour Roberti (Waterso] Waterton Chivaleri die 

Tuny yd | 
Et ij Ministrallis domini de Gray xij d 

23 noue) for noui 






70 / YORK 1447 

Et ij Ministrallzs Ciuitatis in vigillia Nativitatis Sancti lohannis 

Baptiste xx d 
Et lohanni Wafferer penultimo die Iunij ij d 
Et ij Ministrallzs ij die luli vilj d 
Et ij ministrallzs domini sothffolk’ Ricardi Tunstall & Thome 

herryngton xij d 
Et j ministrallo vocato j Tregitour uj d 
Et vj Ministrallis domini Regis xxvj die Luli XX S. 
Et iiij Ministrallis ducis Ebor’ predicto die luli vj s vil d 
Et ij Ministrallzs Wille/mi Maulyuerer vj d 
Et ij Ministrallzs dommmi de Welughby xvj d 
Et j Ministrallo ceco de partibus Australibus uij d 
Et} waferer ij d 
Et j Ministrallo henrici Percy domini de Puynynges vilj d 
Et ij Wafferer Comitis sar’ & (...) xij d 
Etj Ministrallo xxvij die Septembris ii) d 
Et iij Ministrallis Wille/mi (...) milius & Radw/fi Pudsay viij d 
Et quinque Ministrallis comitis Suthffolch Vs. 
Et iiij Ministralls ducis bukyngham eee) 
Et ij Ministrallis Thome Pudsay milits vyjd 
Et j Ministrallo comitis Northumbr’ vi d 
Et ij Ministrallis domini liscrop’ de Bolton & Walter 

Tailboys xij d 
Et Iak Trumpet et j ministrallo henrici Percy militis [xvj d] xij d 
Et j ludenti cum Ioly Wat & Malkyn Kia 
Et j Ministrallo seco vocato ministrallo dei vj d 
Et ij Ministrallis Comitis de (...) xviij die Nouembris xij d 
Et j Ministrallo domini de haryngton *xij d* & alio luter 

ads xillj d 
Et j ministrallo seco id 
Et Ministrallis ciuitatis ad festum Natalis domi lij S 
Et diuersis lusoribws in festo predicto diuersis diebus ys xd 

Et ix Ministrallis domini Sar’ ‘vj s viij d’ Ministralls Ciuitatis 
“xx d’ Roberto Wafferer “ij s) & Simon Harpour "xij d’ in 
festo sancti Wille/mi & Magistro Wille/mo Pursevant xij s vilj d 

Et Roberto Wafferer die martis & post festwm sancti Wille/mi ix d 

Et cuidam ministralo ducis Excextr’ viij d 

Et cuidam ministrallo Wafferer ij d 

27 seco] for ceco 31 seco) for ceco 






® xxxj s jd 

1448 YORK /71 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC1 

p 130 
Expense in festo Corporis christi xls viy d 
pp 133-5 

In primis lohanni Wafferer vilj d 
Et Roberto Wafferer eodem die scilscet iij die marci) viij d 
Et lohanni Wafferer 111) die marcis vil d 
Et Roberto Waferer eodem die vilj d 
Et cuidam Waferer Comitis Sar’ viij die marcis vj d 
Et iij ministrallis Ciuitatis Ebor’ ad festwm Pasche ys yd 
Et [de] cuidam Ministrallo Baronis de Graystok eodem festo vj d 
Et [d] Cuidam iugulatori lohannis Neuyll i d 
Et iiij Ministrallis Comitis Sar’ Ll} s 
Et ij Ministrallss domini ffitzhugh xvj d 
Et cuidam Ministrallo lohannis Nevill militis vil] d 
Et ij Ministrallzs ville Beuerlaci xvilj d 
Et iij Ministrallzs domini de Beaumond j minstralo henrici Percy 

militzs illj s. 
Et iij Ministrallzs Wille/mi Eueres Militis xij d 
Et Christofero Harpour xij die Aprils xij d 
Et vni Ministrallo domini de Clytford eodem die vocato 

Somersete viij d 
Et vni Ministrallo domini de Bolton vj d 
Et ij Ministrallis domini de haryngton xij d 
Et ij Ministrallis Roberti Ogill Militis vil] d 
Et j Ministrallo ducis Northfolchij xij d 
Et Simoni harpour viij d 
Et ij Ministrallis Ricardi de Middilton’ viij d 
Et hugoni luter xij d 
Et } Ministrallo henrzc: Brounflete ilij d 
Et iij Ministrallis Comitis Sarem lij s. ij d 
Et ij Ministrallis ducis exestr’ vilj d. xxxj s jd 
Et j ministrallo Wille/mi Maulyuerere Militis yj d. 
Et j Ministrallo lohannis Haryngeton Armigeri ill] d 
Etj Ministrallo Radu/fi Puddezay Armigeri llij d 
Et j Ministrallo christoferi Conyers inj d 

Et ij Ministrallis Comitis Westmorl’ xij d 







debet solui per 
de pecunia 

72 /YORK 1448 

Et ij ludentibus ibidem xij d 
Et lohanne Vnderwod eodem die vj d 
Et y ludentzbus loly Wat & Malkyn yd 
Summa xxxvj s vj d probatur | 
Item sol. ij Ministrallis Thome harrington Chivaleri xij d 
Item Ministrallis in festo Corporis christi OS 
Item Ade cum Campanis ij d 
Item } watferer Comitis Westmorl’ vj d 
Item j Ministrallo domini Iohannis Sauage Chivaleri itij d 
Item j Ministrallo vocato Magistro Wille/mo Spede xij d 
Et ij Ministrallis lohannis Percey de Cleueland’ vij d 
Et ij Ministralls domini de Sothffolk’ xd 
Et ij°r Ministrallis domini regis in vigilia Natiuitatis Sancti 
lohannis Baptiste Xllj s ij d 
Et Ministrallzs Ciuitatis eodem die xx d 
Et Thome Buxnell vilj d 
Et ij Ministrallis domini de Wiloghby xxiiij die Iulij xvj d 
Et j Ministrallo vocato Nicholo Clerke vilj d 
Et j Ministrallo Comitis Northumbr’ & j Ministrallo domini de 
Dacre’ xvj d 
Et j waferer Comitis Sar’ vltimo die Septembris uj d 
Et uj Ministrallss domini ducis Ebor’ lj s. uij d 
Etj Ministrallo domini de Say ij S. 
Et j Tibuvnell Thome Percy Chivaleri inj d 
Et j Tibuvner domine de Welles xij d 
Et , ‘uj’ Ministrallzs domini de Southff’ yj s vilj d 
Et ij Ministrallis alia vice xd 
Et ij) Waytes de Notyngham xxijj die Octobris ij S. 
Et vni Iunzor7 Ministrallo [Vicom] Viscount Beaumont vocato 
Bull iitj d 
Et vni waferer dominile Souche in festo Omnium Sanctorum vj d 
Et vni Ministrallo de patria borial inj d 
Et vni Ministrallo mense Decembris ij d 
Et vni Ministrallo Wille/mi Plumpton vyjd 
Et ludentibus in festo Epiphanie xviij d 
Summa Ixx s j d probatur | 
Et Ministralzs Ciuitatis in festo Natalis domini lj s ij d 
Et j Ministralo domini Thome Percy viij d 

Et ludentibus in festo predicto vilj d 






Xx} s ilij d 


Minute expense 

1448 YORK / 73 

Et viij Ministrallzs Comitis Sar’ in festo Sancti Wille/mi Vil] s 
Et iiij Ministrallis domini ffitz hugh et Thome Buxnell eodem 
die lj s ij d 
Et Ministrallis Ciuitatis eodem die xx d 
Et Roberto Wafferer eodem die xij d 
Et eidem die Marcis tunc proximo sequente x1j d 
Et ij Ministrallzs lohannis heryngton [vj s] vitj d 
Etj Ministrallo ducis Ebor’ vilj d 
Etj ministrallo Nicho/i Radclyff inj d 

Summa yj li. vij s xj d 
Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D53E 
mb 1 

Item receyued of corpus cristy breperhede for ij yere 
ferme vj. s vilj d 

Item paide for beryng of vj torches apon corpus christiday _ ij s. 
Item paid to Iohn Catryk for a newe Whele to our 

pageand Xllj. s ij. d 
Item paid for xxiij lb. Wax to pe makyng of ij. torchez Kjos Ved 

Henry V1 Received in the Minster Bodleian: MS Bodley 857 
f lv* 
Iste liber constat Wille/mo Marschall capellano de Pesholme. 
Quarto post m c. quater x. tot et 1 quater anno 
Hen.ticus sextus Wil.™1 peregrinus erat Vigilante Matheo 
Horis canonicis. fuit et metropolitanis 
Dans laudes petro. glorificante choro. 
Ac visis feretris. Dunel.mi¢ Ripon Bridlington beyeraci 
Et kyng[e]ston ‘hull’ fluuiis. clausum decorauit Ebraci. 

Thesaurarie mansum reputans sibi dignum 
In decus ecclesie dedit hoc laudabile signum 





Vestura estiualis 
et yemalis 

Harralds et 

Expense in festo 
Corporis christi 

74 / YORK 1448 

Vt rex indutus. Regalea queque secutus 

Edward) translacionis annale festum coluit speciale 
Prelati quini. sub mitris pontificatus 

Intererant / et ibi. s,"l‘penduit ordo status 

Tunc removens duo regna regens australe cupiuit 
Vox populi benedixit ei dum mitis abivit 

Princeps celestis. qui suis dat recreamen: 
Hostibus infestis defendat se precor Amen 

Episcopus Dunelmensis Abbas beate Marie Ebor’ 
Episcopus Sar’ 
Episcopus Hertfordensis Abbas de Selby 


City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y : €2:5 
mb 2-2d 

In xvilj vinis de blodio meldeto emptis pro 
vestura dictorum sex seruientium erga festum XXXV] S$ 
natalis domini ac Ministrallorum Ciuitats 

Et haraldis nuncijs & Ministrallis Regis Ducum 
Baronum militum & aliarum personarum vj li js vd 
venerabiliwm hoc anno 

Summa vj li iijs vd | 

In diuersis presentacronibus vt in pane dominico 
fructubus & vino datis diuersis venerabilibus 
personis Generosis in Ciuitate presentibus in 
festo Corporis Christi pro laudo & honore xlix s ixd ob 
Ciuitatis ac in expensis Maioris . & Aldermannorum 
eiusdem Ciuitatis inuicem existentsum eodem 
Summa xlix s 1x d ob 

5 s, lpenduit] for splenduit 14 Hertfordensis] for Herefordensis 

12-14 Episcopus ... Selby] to the right of Prelat ... status in MS 
28 last line| Plus in dorso written at foot of membrane 
31 fructubus) for fructibus 33 laudo] for laude 







1449 YORK /75 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y:CC\A 

f 28 
Et Roberto clerk pro ‘ludo’ [lodo] Coronacionis beate marie 

virginis ex parte Maioris Vilj S. 
ff 29-9v 

Harraldi nuncij & Ministrall: 

In primis Iohanni Wafferer v die lanuary vj d 
Et ij Ministrallzs Walteri Tailboys eodem xij d 
Et j luter domini Westmorl’ eodem vj d 
Et Simoni Harpour ix die ffebruariy vj d 
Et j Ministrallo Wille/mi Plumpton & alio Galfridi 

Middilton xij d 
Et christoforo Harpour xvj die ffebruari vil) d 
Et j waferer Comitis Sar’ vj d 
Et ij Ministrallis Wille/mi [Harryngton] “Malyuerer’ [Chivalerz] 

& lohannis Harryngton xij d 
Et ij Ministrallis domine de Northff’ & viscount 

Beamond [xvilj d} xvj d 
Et Roberto Wafferer vj d 
Et j Ministrallo Wille/mi Puddesay ily d 
Et j Ministrallo cum seruo Wille/mi ffitz Wilzam ij d 
Et j Ministrallo lohannis Butler Chivaleri ij d 
Et Ricardo luter cum Barone de Graystok vil] d 
Et vni Garsioni vocata Geistour i) d 
Et ij Ministrallés domini Dunelm’ Hugoni luter & socio suo xx d 
Et Iohanni Wafferer vj d 
Et ij waffereres die dominica in medio xlme ij s 
Et ij Ministrallis domini lescrop’ eodem die xx d 
Et ministrallzs Ciuitats Ebor’ in festo Pasch lij s. iij d 
Et ij Ministrallzs Wille/mi Plomipton vj d 
Et ij Ministrallis domini Sar’ lij s. iy d 
Et j Ministrallzs domzni ffitz hugh xvj d 
Et ij Ministralls domini de Darcy ‘iiij d.. & Alexandri 

Neuell ‘1iij d.” viij d 
Et ij Ministrallis Thome Neuyll militis & domini de 

Clyfforde xij d 
Et j Ministrallo domini ffitz Hugh viij d 
Et Roberto Ministrallo Dunelm’ cum hardyng de nouo Castro vj d 
Et vni Ministrallo london’ vocato luter vj d 

Et ij Ministrallis Thome Cheworth & Thome Ramston militis xij d 
Et it) Ministrallis lohannis Sauage militis [xvj d] xxd 






76/ YORK 1449 

Et} Ministrallo domini de Clyfford vocato Somersete 
Et} Ministrallo domini de Poynynges cum ij garcionibus 
Summa Xxxj s. iiij d | 

Et j Ministrallo Wille/mi Rowes militis 

Et i) Ministrallis Henrici domini de Puynynges 
Et} Ministrallo fabulatori 

Et ) waferer Thome Haryngton militis 

Et) waferer domini Comitis Northumbr’ 

Et j Ministrallo Thome de Middilton de Kendale 

Et ministrallzs Ciuitats in festo Natiuitatis Sancti lohannis 

Et Roberto Wafferer in festo predicto 
Et j juguler xxviij die Iunij 
Et ministrallis in festo corporis christi 
Et} Ministrallo vocato Tart 
Et j Ministrallo Edward: de Bethom’ Chivaleri 
Et ij Ministrallis de Comitis de Deynshire 
Et yj Ministrallis domini de Beaumont 

Et vij Ministrallis domini Regis quinto die Augusti —xxiij s. iiij d 

Et vni luter de Beuerlaco xv die mensis predicti 
Et vni Ministrallo ducis Southfolch’ 
Et vni Ministrallo domini Thome Rampston’ 

Et j Ministrallo lohannis Talbot & itj Ministrallis Beuerlaci 

Et j Ministrallo Walteri Tailboys Comitis de Kyme 
Et [de] ij Ministrallzs domini de Harryngton 
Et j Ministrallo Comitis Northumbr’ 
Et Christoforo harpour secundo septimo die Octobris 
Et Iohanni ffouldes cum Episcopo dunelm’ eodem 
Et iij Ministrallss Beuerlaci xx die Octobris 
Et Iohanni Wafferer 
Et vni Ministrallo 
Et vni Ministrallo ceco iij die Decembris 
Et lohanni Waferer & Roberto Wafferer iiij die mensis 
Et ludentibus die lune in festo Concepcionis beate Marie 
Et j ceco Ministrallo 
Et j Ministrallo Comitis Westmor!’ 
Summa lIxvij s. vd. 

f 30 

Et Ministrallis Ciuitatis in festo Natals domini lj s. inj d 







vj li. iij s. vd 
® xxiilj s. viij d 

Mikilgate infra 
& extra Ratonraw 
cum lez Toftes 


1449 YORK /77 

Et Ministrallis Ciuitatis in festo Sancti Willelmi xx d 
Et vij Ministrallis domini Sar’ in eodem festo . 

Et Christoforo Harpour & Ilohanni Somersete xiij Ss. illj d 

cum domino de Clyfford 

Et Ministrallis domini Baronis de Egremont xij d 
Et lusoribus in festo Natalis domini 111°" vilj d 
Et Henrico Stirop’ & socijs suis lusoribus iiij d 
Et iii (...) ludentébus ibidem ij d 
Et ij ludentibus de parochia Sancti Dionisij ij d 
Et j Ministrallo Wille/i Gascoigne vj d 
Et ij Ministralls lohanmis Saynell milites xij d 
Et j Geistour ibidem ij d 
Et Iohanni Tarte lusori lily d 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y : C83:2 
mb 1 

Et de firma domus paginarum Tinctorum et pellipariorum 

ibidem ad eosdem terminos xij d xij d 
Et de firma domus pagine Mercerorum super lez Toftes ad 
eosdem terminos vyjd yd 
Et de firma domus pagine pistorwm ibidem ad eosdem 

terminos vjd wjd 
Et de firma domus pagine Tannatorum ibidem ad eosdem 
terminos vjd wd 
Et de firma domus pagine Tapitarzorum ibidem ad eosdem 
terminos yjd yd 
Et de firma domus paginarum Carpenteriorum & Allutariorum 
ibidem ad eosdem terminos xd ony 
Et de firma domus pagine Aurifabrorum ibidem ad eosdem 
terminos iiij d iii d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D53F 
mb 1 
Item receyued of corpus christi bretherhede of be xxviij.o 3ere 

8 (...] possibly puisner 






Minute expense 

78 / YORK 1449-50 
of kynge henry aboue rehersed lj. s ij d 

Item paide for beryng of vj. torches apon corpus christi day. be 
ij. 3ere ili). s Item payde for makyng of torchez xj. s Item payde 
tor ye Aungels of oure pageand xx. s Item for ij 3erdes & 
dimidium of lynen cloth to hevyn of oure pageant xv. d Item 
paide for sewynge of pe same clothe ij. d ... Item payde to 
Thomas Steynour for stenyng of ye clothes of oure pageand 
Xilj. $ ij. d 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls Y: C99:3 

mb 1-2 (Receipts) 

... Et de vno libro anglicano . continente (blank) paginas de 
instrucione & informacione fidei christiane vulgariter vocate / 
Crede Playe / per dominum Wille/mum Revetour dato precium 
ij li. vj s vi d Item ex dono eiusdem Wille/mi xvij vexille 
laudabiles & sumptuose precium iii) li. Item ii1j vexille de cerico 
rubeo cum auro laudabiliter operate precium ij s. Item ii 
vexille depicte vocate penonz precium xxvj d Item xiij dyademz 
cum vna larua aurata cum cheualerz & cum ornaturis ludi prefats 
ordinatis precium vj s. vilj d Et de vna vase lignio pro eisdem 
vexillis seruandis ordinata precium iij s uj d similiter ex dono 
domini Willelmi Reuetour dato tali condicione habita prout 
notatur in dorso istius Rotull ... 

... Et de vno libro anglicano prius recepto & modo ad staurum 
posito cum xvij vexills aptes & alijs vii) vexillis secundarys cum 
alijs ornamentis & parcellis pro le Crede Playe ordinatis precium 
viij ‘li.’ ij. ‘s’ .x. “d” ... Item sol. cuidam Sissori pro fincione 
& le borderyng vexillorum predictorum vj d 

Summa xxxv li. x s. xd ob. | 

Item dicti Custodes petunt allocacionem pro expensis factis in 
Cena corporis christi Et primus in pane leuan vilj s. viij d Item 

in pane subtili vocato symnell & Pastill vij s. x d Item in loyned 
brede pro maiore & sodalibus suis ix d & in trencherd brede iij d 

19, 20, 22 vexille] for vexilla 







1449-50 YORK / 79 

Et de xix s. sol. pro xiij dussans ceruisie melioris & de vj d. pro 
ceruisia secundaria ad ysum coquine & seruientis pro tempore 
conpacionis eorum Et de xvj s. iiij d sol pro xviij agnellis & di. 
Et de iij s. vj d sol pro carnibus bouium ouium vitulorum emptis 
tam pro serulentibus predictis tam pro le fewe intempore cene 5 
Et de js. vj d pro 119t caponibus emptis pro maiore & suis 
sodalibus Et de xvij s ,“ob’ pro vij rabettes pro eisdem Et de viij 
pro puluere cynamoni & zinzebris pro eisdem maiore & sodalibus 
suis Et de xxilj s. vj d sol. pro xvj dussans pullanis Et de spicebus 
ad coquinam empts videlicet in pipere iij d in clowes iij d masez 10 
iij d Rasemis 1) d cooco vj d & in saunders ij d. summa xx d. Item 
pro j potello vini acris iij d pro melle ij d pro ouis iij d butiro ij d 
farina auene ob. pro sale ad coquinam jj d ob. pro sale ad 
tabulam pro le salers j d pro aqua vse ij d pro iii) skeppez 
carbonum ij s. & pro fagodes & astylwod vj d summa iiij s. Item 15 
sol. Roberto Pottowe & Iohanni Gannton cocis cum suis 
ministris . ilij $s. inter se diuidendos Item sol. lohanni Daystern pro 
suo officio ibidem ministro xij s. Item de xiij d sol xiij pauperibus 
pro verum girantibus Item sol. lohanne Misterton mundanti 
reuetts & ciphos & vasa in coquina v d Item Henrico Sterop _20 
inferendo tabulas formulas & trestez & asportando ad propria 
loca ij d Et pro ij) Wanyons ordij pro pastura pullanorum 
predictorum vj d Et pro herbis virentibus ad sternanda scanna 
per circuit aule & area eiusdem iij d 

Summa iii} li. xviij s. ob. 25 

Item dicti Custodes petunt allocaconem pro expensis Minutis ... 
Item sol. iii) diaconibus portantibus le baudekyn xij d Item sol. 
cuidam clerico portanti crucem ante processionem in die corporis 
christi per ij annos iiij d Item sol. apparatori eunti per Ciuitatem 30 
& citanti presbiteros inesse processioni ad honorem corporis 
christi viij. d Item sol. pro baiulacione x. torchiorum ante 
processionem predictam per ij annos vj s. ij d Item sol. pro 
portacione ciste noue cum feretro incluso . & pro le bere & trestez 
ad domum sancte Trinitatis deinde ad monasterium sancti Petri 35 
& postea ad loca propria viij d ... Item sol. Thome Scauceby 
mercerus pro firma Aule Boitrie coquine & ceteris aisiamentis 

per 1) annos vj s. viij d ... 

9 pullanis) for pullis 22 pullanorum] for pullorum 
34 pro] MS pro pro 

Harald: & nuncij 

80 / YORK 1449-51 

mb 2d* 

... Et de xvij vexillis laudabiliter & digne operatis cautelose in 
se signa & misteria culusdem ludi vulgariter nuncupati Crede 
Playe cuym iiij° alijs vexillis cericis cum angelis & sententijs fidei 
depictis et deauratis Item iii) penonz similiter depictis Item xiij 
diademz cum lez cheualers & ceteris ornamentis eodem ludo 
pertinentibus Item j liber de pergameno vocatuws Orygenal in 
lingua anglicana scriptus & continens (blank) paginas ex dono 
laudabilis (...) confratris nostris domini Wille/mi Revetour cuius 
anime propricietur deus supra condicione <...) quod infra xij 
annos ad maius si congrue poterit per Ciuitatem Ebor’ palam & 
publice diuersis (...) & ad laudem dei erudicionem (...) populi 
specialiws (...) immo ut crede porteratur ad ignorantium modicum 
commodum Ciuitatis (...) et honorem magnumque mervitum 
presentis fraternitatis quoad (...) poterit nobis per ¢...) Amen 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC1A 

f 60v 
Festum corporis christi 
Et in expensis maioris & Aldermannorum & alium [s] 
venerabilium personarum in festo corporis Christi lv s jd. ob. 
Summa patet lvs id ob. 

f 65v 
harraldi et Ministralli 

In primis Ministrallis Ciuitats in festo Pasche lj s yj d. 

Et Ministrallis Ciuitatis in vigilia Natiwitatis Sancti lohannis 

Baptiste xx d 
Et iij ministrallis Regis vj die Iulyj XS: 
Et ministrall/s Ciuitatis in festo Natalis domini iij s. inj d 
Et eisdem Ministrallis in festo Sancti Willelmi xx d 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y:CC1A 

f 90v 
Item sol. Ministrallis Ciuitatis ad festum Pasche ij s. uy d 








Mikillyth extra 
& infra Raton 
Rowe cum 

lez Toftez 

1451 YORK / 81 

Item Ministrallis Ciuitatis in vigilia Natiuitatis Sancti lohannis 

Baptiste Xx d 
Item quinque ministrallis Regis xv die Tulij xvj s. vulj d 
Item Ministrallis Ciuitatis in festo Natalis domini lj s. uy d 
Item eisdem Ministrallis in festo Sancti Wille/mi xx d 
Expense in festo corporis Christi xlvj s jd ob. 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y : C83:3 
mb 1 

Et de firma domus paginarwm Pellipariorum & Tinctorum ibidem 
ad eosdem terminos xij d xij d 

Et de firma domus pagine Mercerorum super lez Toftes ad 

eosdem terminos vyd yd 
Et de firma domus pagine pistorum ibidem ad eosdem 

terminos vjd yd 
Et de firma domus pagine Tannatorum ibidem ad eosdem 
terminos vyjd vjd 
Et de firma domus pagine Tapiterorum ibidem ad eosdem 
terminos vjd vjd 
Et de firma domus paginarum Carpentariorum et Allutariorum 
ibidem ad eosdem terminos xij) d xij d 

Et de firma domus Aurifabrorum Ebor’ ad eosdem terminos ...) 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y:CC1A 

ff 113-13v 

Harald: & nuncij 
In primis sol. Ministrallis Ciuitatis in festo Pasche ys. uy d 
Et eisdem in festo Corporis Christi xx d 

Et eisdem in festo vigilie Nativitatis sancti lohannis Baptiste xx d 
Et vj Ministrallis Regis in sancte exultatione sancte Crucis xx s. 
Et Ministrallis Ciuitaws in festo Natalis domini ij s. uj d 

27 (...)] iiij d iiij d 
38 sancte exultatione| probably for festo exultationis 






Custus vj now 


forinsice & 

82 / YORK 1452 

Et eisdem [in festo die] in festo translacionis Sancti 

Wille/n7i OX d 

Summa xxxvilj s. iiij d 

Et in expensis factis per Maiorem & Consilium Camere in festo 
corporis christi xlvj s. ij d ob. | 

Vestura Estiualis & yemalis 
In ij vinzs panni blody meldeti emptis & datis 

Ministrallis vj s vilj d 
In lij pannis stragulis empts & datis eisdem Ministrallis (blank) 


Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D53H 

mb 1 

Item pai answere of x s ressayued of be fraternite of Corpus 
christi for peir pension for eisement in pe hall of pise ij yere & 
ane othir yere of Iohn Catrik tyme laste maistre 

Item in ij dus3en vj lb. di. clene wax boght for makyng of vj 
newe torches price of pe dussez vj s Xxvij s uj d 

Item payde to Robert loynour for helpyng of pe pagiante he & 

his seruant by ij days ij s 

Item to Pers loksmyth for makyng & mendyng of pe Irenwerke 

perof lj s vij d 

Item to Robert Michell for payntyng of be said pagient 

newe XXll] $ ij d 
Summa xxix $ xj d 

Item payd for beryng of iiij torches in pe procession of Corpus 
christi xvj d 
Item payed of pe comon siluere to Wrangle for plaiyng of our 
pageante by assent of be feliship vj s vilj d 
Item to pe Comons for ferme of pe pageant hous a 

yere xj d 





Estiualis et 

Harralldi nuncij 
& Ministrallz 

Expense in 
festo corporis 

1453 YORK / 83 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: C3:1 

mb 2 

Et in lxxviij Rayes emptis pro ministrallis ciuitatis erga eundem 


Et in xij vinzs de male leni blodio emptis eisdem 
ministrallis pro altera parte dicte liberate dictorum 
sex seruientium Communitatis 

xiij $ iiij d 

XXIll] $ 

Et in vj vinis de peiore blodio empts dictis Ministrallis per 

predictum Maiorem 

Et Ministrall:s Ciuitatis ad festum Pasche ‘iij s itij d’ 
In vigilia Natiuitatys Sancti lohannis Baptiste ‘xx d” 
In festo Natals domini ‘iij s iiij d’ Et in festo 
Sancti Wille/mi tempore yemali ‘xx d’ ac in festo 
corporis christi “xx d 

viij s 

x] s vil d 

Et vj ministrallis domini Regis hic presentibus hoc anno xx s ... 

mb 2d 

Et in diuersis presentacionibus vt in pane dominico fructibus & 
vino datis diuersis venerabilibus personis & Generosis in Ciuitate 
presentibus in festo corporis christi pro laudo & honore Ciuitatis 
ac pro expensis Maioris & Aldormannorum eiusdem Ciuitatis 

eodem die adinuicem existentium 
Summa xlv s iiij d 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC1A 
ff 132v-3 
Expense in festo Corporis christi 

In j lagene di. vini albi empto de Iacobo Kexby 

Harrald7 nuncij & Ministrall 
Ministrallzs Ciuitatis in festo Pasche 

6-7 eundem festum] Pentecost 26 laudo) for laude 

xlv s iiij d 
xij d | 

iij s. iiij d / 






Mikillyth exura 

et infra cum 
lez Toftes & 

84 / YORK 1453 

Et eisdem in festo corporis christi xx d 
Et eisdem in vigilia Natiwitatis Sancti lohannis Baptiste xx d 
Et vj Ministrallis domini Regis vo die Septembris Ee 5 
Et ministrallis Ciuitatis in festo Natalis domini lj s. inj d. 
Et Ministralls Ciuitatis in festo Sancti Willelmi be a5 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C83:4 

poloy ils» 

Et de firma domus paginarum Pellipartorum & Tinctorum Ebor’ 
ibidem ad eosdem terminos xij d xyd 

Et de firma domus pagine Mercerum Ebor’ ibidem ad eosdem 

terminos vjd vyjd 
Et de firma domus pagine Pistorum ibidem ad eosdem 

terminos vyjd vd 
Et de firma domus pagine Tannatorum ibidem ad eosdem 
terminos vjd vjd 
Et de firma domus pagine Tapiterorum ibidem ad eosdem 
terminos vjd vjd 
Et de firma domus paginarum Carpentariorum & Allutariorum 
ibidem ad eosdem terminos xij d xij d 
Et de firma tenementi siue domus pagine Aurifabrorum 

ibidem ad eosdem terminos ij d inj d 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y : C3:2 
mb 2 

Et de pecunia recepta De Nicholas Blakburn 

Wille/mo Bouland & alijs pro licencia habenda 

ad ludendum lusos Corporis Christi coram XS 
tenemento in tenura sua iuxta Portam Sancte 

Trinitatis in Mikilgate hoc anno 

Et de Iacobo kexby ‘ij s’ lohanno helme ‘vj s viij d’ 
vxore lohannis Pannall ‘vs viij d’ Wille/mo 

Gayte ‘vs’ (blank) Barbour pro huiusmodi 

lusos habendos ante tenementa sua in Mykilgate 

X1x $ iil) d 








Denarij Recepu 
ad diuersa loca 
pro licencia 
habenda pro 
lusione ludi 
Corporis Christi 

Harraldi nuncij 
& Ministralli 

1454 YORK / 85 

Et Thoma Scauceby & alijs pro predicto ludo habendo ee 
ante tenementa sua in Mikilgate in ij4? loco 
Et Abbate de ffontibus ‘viij s' & Gardianis ecclesie 

Sancti lohannis ad pontem pro eodem ludo habendo 

coram tenemento & Cimiterio Sancti lohannis xj s ul d 
predicti per magistrum Thome Tubbar ‘iij s_iiij d’ 

vnius Gardianorum predictorum 

Et de henrico Watson pro lusione hwiusmodi lusi ad finem 

orientalem pontis Vse Xi] s uly d 
Et de Iohanne Henrison & Wille/mo knolles pro huiusmodi 
ludo habendo apud le Stalege Xilj s ij d 

Et de Rado Babthorp ‘v s’ Iohanne Swath ‘ij s vj d’ & Thoma 
Bynglay ‘ij s vj d’ pro eodem ludo habendo ad finem de 
Iowbritgate hoc Anno aS 
Et de tenemento Wille/mi Gascoigne militis Phillipo Caruour 
“xij d’ & alys pro ludo habendo ante ostia tenementi eiusdem 
Willelmi xij d 
Et de hospitilario Sancti leonardi ‘vj s’ fratribus Augustini/s 
‘ys’ & Thoma Brignall ‘ij s’ pro ludo habendo apud Stayngate 

lendyng aS 
Et de Ricardo Cay pro ludo habendo ante ostia tenementi sui in 
Stayngate hoc Anno vj s vuj d 
Et de Iohanne Catryk Aldermanno pro ludo habendo ante 
tenementum suum in le Mercerye hoc anno lij s. ily d. 
Et de Nicholo Holgate Thoma Curteys & alijs pro huiusmodi ludo 
habendo ante tenementa sua super Pauimentum lllj s 

Summa vj li js ij d 
mb 3 

Et ministrallis Ciuitatis ad festum Pasche ‘iij s iiij d’ 

festum Corporis christi ‘xx d’ vigilia Natiuitatis 

Sancti lohannis Baptiste ‘xx d’ In festo Natalis xj.S. vi d. 
domini ‘ii) s iij d’ et in festo Sancti Willelmi 

hoc anno ‘xx d’ 

Et ministrallis Ducis Ebor’ in aduentu eiusdem ducis vsque Ebor’ 
hoc anno Xj S. ilij d 

1 Et Thoma Scauceby ... xx s) over erasure, different hand? 
8 vnius) for vnum 






Vestura (...) 

Expense in festo 
Corporis Christi 

Mikillyth extra 
& infra cum lez 
Toftes & 

86 / YORK 1454 

mb 3d 

.. Et pro | panno integro de murray Ray Empto de lohanne 
Marshall pro predictis sex seruientibus erga festum Natalis domini 
hoc anno xl s. Et in xvilj vnis de leni blodio empus per altera 
parte elusdem liberatwre (.) pro iij Ministrallis Ciuitatis xx s. Et 
pro tnctura dictarum xvii) vinarum iiij s. iiij d Et pro tonsura 
earundem xviij vInarum cum predicto panno integro de Ray ac 
Tonsura Ixxvilj Rayes emptarum pro Ministrallis ij s. iiij d Et 
pro predictis lxxvilj (...) emptis de Iohanne Marsshall predicto 
AVIS. aids... 

Et in expensis Maioris & Aldermannorum Ciuitats 

predicte in festo corporis christi necnon in diuersis 
presentacionibws vt in pane dominico fructu & vino xlixs xjd 
datis diuersis venerabilibus personis in Ciuitate 

Ebor’ presentatibus eodem die 

Et Wille/mo Dernwater pro lusione ludi Coronacronis 
beate Marie eodem die 

Summa lix s xj d 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C83:5 
mb 1 

Et de domo paginarum Pellipariorum & Tinctorum ibidem ad 
eosdem terminos xijd xd 

Et de Domo Pagine mercerum ibidem ad eosdem 

terminos vjd vyjd 
Et de Domo Pagine Pistorwm ibidem ad eosdem 

terminos vjd vjd 
Et de Domo Pagine Tannatorum ibidem ad eosdem 

terminos vyjd vyjd 
Et de Domo Pagine Tapitariorum ibidem ad eosdem 

terminos yd yd 
2 (...)| estiualis & yemalis 4-5 altera parte] for alteram partem 

5 ()] & 9 (...)) Rayes 






1454 YORK / 87 

Et de Domo Pagine Carpentariorum & Allutariorum ibidem ad 

eosdem terminos xij d xij d 
Et de Domo Pagine Aurifabroruwm ibidem ad eosdem 
terminos ilij d uj d 

Mercers’ Pageant Documents MA: D63 

(27 February) 
Nouerint vniuersi per presentes nos Robertum Hewyk de ledes in 
Comitatu Ebor’ Parissheclerke Thomam ffitt de Ebor’ Tapiter & 
Henricum Clayton de Ebor’ textorem teneri & firmiter obligari 
Gubernatori & Custodibus Communitatis Mercatorum Ciuitatis 
Ebor’ in decem libris sterlingorum Soluendis eisdem . Gubernatori 
& Custodibus vel successoribus suis seu eorum certo attorno ad 
festum Corporis christi proximum futurum post datam presencium 
sine dilacrone longiori Ad quam quidem solucionem dicte pecunie 
vt premittitur faciendam obligamus nos heredes & executores 
nostros ac ommia bona nostra et quemlibet nostrum per se pro 
toto & insolidum per presentes Sigillis nostris signatas Datum 
vicesimo septimo die ffebruarij Anno regni Regis Henrici sexti 
post conquestum Anglie tricesimo secundo 

Condicio istius obligaciomis talis est quod si prescripti Robertus 
Thomas & Henricus teneant & perimpleant ex parte sua omnes & 
singulas conuenciones & condiciones contentus in quibusdam 
indenturis inter supradictum Gubernatorem & Custodes ex vna 
parte et prefatos Robertum Thomam & Henricum ex parte altera 
confectis de & super educcione ludi Corporis christi videlicet 
pagine vocate domysday secundum vim formam & effectum 
indenturarum predictarum quod extunc ista obligacio pro nullo 
habeatur Alioquin in suis robore permaneat & virtute 


House Books Y: B7 

£137 (12 September) 

Vniuersis fratribus & sororibus fraternitatis corporis christi Ebor’ 
presentibus & futuris Quod tempore quidem Iohannis ffoxe 
lohannis Evenwod christoferi Doblay Roberti Stokton Thome 
flesshner Et Wille/mi Salisbery capellanorum Ebor’ ac dicte 







Extra mikellyth 
et infra cum 
Ratonrawe et 
lez Toftes 

88 / YORK 1455 

fraternitatis custodum anno videlicet ab Incarnacione domini 
millesimo cceccM© lyto existit iste liber innouatus ac de nouo 
factus & nuper scriptus ac secundum copiam inueteratem & 
debilem compilatws quam Wille/mus Revetour nuper capellanus 
in capella sancti Wille/mi super pontem vse predicte fraternitati 

in testamento suo contulit & legauit ad instanciam Iohamnis foxe 
eiusdem Wille/mi Revetour Executoris ."Et tamen’ ea condicione 
vt quolibet anno decimo futuro in varijs locis dicte Ciwitatis Ebor’ 
congruis audiencibus ob salutem spiritualem ludus iste 
incomparabilis publice promulgetur Ita quod eisdem locis 
inhabitantes pro ludi sumptibus et expensis soluant ac satisfaciant 
ad condignum / 

Will of Robert Lasingby of the Parish of St Denys 
Bi eropm Reps 2 

f 342Av (4 August; probated 28 February 1456) 
... Item lego fabrice dicte ecclesie mee vnam mappam de Twill & 
ludum oreginale Sancti Dionisy pro sepultura mea in dicta 

ecclesia habenda ... 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y : C83:6 

mb 1 

Et de Domo paginarwm pellipariorum & Tinctorum ad eosdem 
terminos xij d xij d 

Et de domo pagine mercerum ibidem ad eosdem 

terminos vjd vjd 
Et de domo pagine pistorum ibidem ad eosdem 

terminos vjd vjd 
Et de domo pagine Tannatorum ad eosdem 

terminos vyjd vyjd 
Et de domo pagine Tapitariorum ad eosdem 

terminos vjd yjd 
Et de domo pagine Carpentariorum ad eosdem ; : 
terminos xij d xijd 

Et de domo pagine Aurifabrorum Ebor’ ad eosdem wee 
terminos ilij d itij d 








Extra Mikillyth 
& infra cum 
Ratonrawe & 
lez Toftes 

Extra mikillyth 
& infra cum 
Ratonrawe & 
lez Toftes 

1457 YORK / 89 

Will of Isabella Kerr YM: M2/6/e 

f 34v (5 September) | 
... Item lego Iohanni Candell meam Torcham de corpore christi 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y : C83:7 

mb 1 

Et de domo paginarwm Pellipariorum & Tinctorum ibidem ad 
eosdem terminos xij d xij d 

Et de domo Pagine mercerum ibidem vjd vjd 
Et de domo Pagine Pistorwm ibidem ad eosdem terminos vj d yj d 
Et de domo pagine Tannatorum ibidem ad eosdem 

tevyminos vyjd vyjd 
Et de domo Pagine Tapitariorum ibidem ad eosdem 

terminos vyjd vyjd 
Et de domibus Paginarum Carpentariorum & Allutariorum 
ibidem ad eosdem terminos xij d xij d 
Et de domo pagine Aurifabrorum ibidem ad eosdem 

terminos ij d uj d 

Will of Jobn Tidman, chaplain BI: Prob. Reg. 2 
£371v (4 August; probated 26 August) 
... Et lego Roberto Haxby vnam togam coloris le meld vnum par 

de clauecordis et vnum librum vocatum vn Balettboke ... 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y : C83:8 

mb 1 

(...) Domo Paginarum Pellipariorum & Tinctorum ibidem ad 
eosdem terminos xij d xij d 

38 4...) Erde 








forinsice & 


forincice & 


90/ YORK 1459 

Et de Domo Pagine mercerum ibidem hoc Anno ad eosdem 

terminos vjd vjd 
Et de Domo Pagine Pistorwm ad eosdem terminos vyjd vyjd 
Et de Domo Pagine Tannatorum hoc Anno vj d vj d 

Et de Domo Pagine Tapitariorum ad eosdem terminos vjd vyjd 
Et de Domo Pagine Carpentariorum & Allutariorum ad eosdem 
terminos xij d xij d 

Et de Domo Pagine Aurifabrorwm ad eosdem terminos ij d yj d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D53K 
mb 1 

Et de ij s_ iii) d receptis de fraternitate Corporis christi pro 
pensione sua pro aisiamento in Aula huius fraternitatis tempore 
congregaczonis sue hoc anno 

Et soluerunt pro portacione vj torchiarum dicte fraternitatis in 
processione in festo Corporis christi hoc anno ij s 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D53L 

mb 1 

Et de ij s_ ij d receptis de fraternitate Corporis christi pro 
quadam pensione pro aisiamento in Aula eiusdem fraternitatis 

hoc anno ... 

Et soluerunt pro portacione vj torchiarum dicte fraternitatis in 
processione in festo Corporis christi hoc avno ut in annis 
precidentibus lj) s 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D53M 

mb 1 

Et de iij s iiij d de fraternitate Corporis christi pro pensione sua 








forinsice & 

1461 YORK /91 

pro aisiamento in Aula huius fraternitatés tempore congregacionis 
sue hoc anno 

Et soluerunt pro portacione vj torchiarum dicte fraternitatis in 
processione Corporis christi in festo e1usdem hoc anno ij s 
Et soluerunt Thome Nandyke & socijs suis Magistris Pagine dicte 
fraternitatis tam pro reparacione eiusdem pagine quam pro 
conduccione lusorwm in ludo Corporis christi vitra omnve id quod 
collectum fuit inter artifices soluentes ad dictum 

ludum Xxx s ill} d ob. 
Et in vilj duodenis cere emptis de seipso Thoma Beuerlay ad 
nouam facturam dictarum vj torchiarum precio cuiuslibet duodeni 
Ae tts A <b 

Et pro factura dictarum vj torchiarum hoc anno de nouo ex 
conuencione in grosso ys xd 

Mercers’ Pageant Documents MA: D63* 

Yis is ye costes mad a bowitt ye pagant 

In primis for iij stanschns xd 
Item for sowyng of a wanskott ij d 
Item for beryng of ye same stufe jd 
Item for ij stayes vj d 
Item for naylls ij d 
Item to a wryght v days ijs vyjd 
Item for makyng of ye bemys ij d 
Item for a wanskott vilj d 
Item to a smyth vil d 
Item for v 3erdes spenall to make ij sekes xv d 
Item for iij 3ordes & quarter redbokuram to iiij baners ij s_ ij d 
Item for j C party geld & j C sylluere ujs yd 
Item for makyng of iiij baners lj $ 
Item for naylls & beryng of ger to ye pagantt fro ye trenyte 
hall id 
Item for putyng of ye pagant ouer ousse & settyng vpe vilj d 
Item for dimidium 3ard of cloth to god uj d 
Item for iiij mynstralles ij $ 
Item to a sargint lj d 
Item for alle to ye puters ij d 
Item for a dener to ye players xj d 

Item for a staue yryn vil) d 










92/ YORK 1461 

Item for a brekfast to ye [s] players xj d ob 
Item for pantyng of ye pagant od 
Item for a sopper to ye playeres & ye mynstelles att euyn ij svjd 
Item tor makyng of ij reees to ye bemys [iiij] uly d. 
Item for boroweng of Angell wenges id 
Item for makyng of ij serkes. ij d 
Item for makyng of iiij staffes to ye pagant ij d 
Item for wesschyng of ij payr hosse & helpyng uj d 
Item payd to ye klarke for playeng XVIlj s 
Item for drynke to ye players vd 

[totalis xlvs viljd ob 
Summa xlilj s vj d ob 
Restored ynto vs xxviij s ij d ob. 
owyng to Thomas Beuerlay for uj yerdes & quarter red bukram 
leyed vilj) d Summa js ij d] 

Summa totalis of our payment xlv s_viij d ob qwer of reseived In 
pagant sylluer all it a pers be for xv s ii1j d Item reseived of ye 
master of ye felychype [xjx] 

XXX § il) d ob 

Wyllzam Goddyrsswyke 

Herry Wyllamson 

Thomas Skotton 

Iohn Bosswell 

St Leonard’s Hospital Accounts YM: M2/6/d 

f 22v 

In Curialitatibus factis Ministrallzs ‘ij s ij d° lohanni waferrer 

& socijs suis presentibus infra hospicale in festo sancti leonardi 
hoc anno ‘xij d’ iij .s. ij d. 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 
f293v* (4 June) 

In primis it is ordeigned that if any straunge Carpenter com 







Recepcio pro 
lusis Corporis 
christi in certis 
locis hoc anno 

1462 YORK / 93 

within pe ffraunchies & liberties of pis Citee & occupie as a 
maistere in any poynt pertenyng vnto pe saide Craft he shal pay 
yerely as lange & whensom euer pat any suche straunger comes 
to this Citee to be charges of pair pageant & light on corpus day 
christi iiij d and if any suche straunger walde be obstenate or 
refuyse to pay pe said iiij d yerely when he occupies within the 
ffraunchies of pe saide Citee that pan the Maire for the tyme 
beyng & the Counseill of be Chaumbre shal supporte pe said craft 
to streyne the saide straungers as the lawe will 

Item that euery free man of pis Citee pat occupies as maister 
in the saide Craft not beyng of pe fraternite of the same shal pay 
yerely to the chargies aforewriten as other wrightes doo bat be 
of the same fraternite / 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y : C3:3 

Et de xiij s_ iiij d de Nicholo Haliday & Ada Hudson pro licencia 
losorum corporis christi habendorum exopposito tenementum in 
tenura iuxta portam Sancti Trinitatis in Mikilgate hoc anno 

Et de vj s_ vii) d de Thoma Scauceby domino Thoma Wright 
Thoma Kilburn & alijs in 4° loco 

Et de xj s de Ilohanne ffoulford & alijs in tercio loco hoc anno 
Et de xiij s_ vii) d de Iohanne Beese Ricardo Sawer Thoma 
Barbour & alijs exopposito ecclesiam Sancti Iohannis Baptiste 
videlicet 111j° loco 

Et de x s De laurencio Marsshall lohanne Wathe & alijs in 
Connyngstrete loco quinto 

Et de vij s De Roberto Butler Thoma Hojeson & alijs loco vj® in 

Et de x s De Iohanne Shirwod & Roberto Walker & alijs loco 

Et de vj s vj d De Ricardo Key & alijs in Stayngate loco octauo 
Et de ij s ij d De Petro Parot Iohanne Stalby & alijs in le 
Mercerye loco nono 

Et de ij s De Thoma Wrangwyssh & alijs super paumentum loco 

21 losorum] for lusorum 38 paumentum] for pauimentum; 








Harraldi Nuneij 
& Ministralli 

Vestura estiualis 
et yemalis 

Expense maioris 
ac aliorum in 
festo corporis 

94 / YORK 1462 

mb 2 

Et sol. Roberto leche pro lusione pagine Coronacionis beate 
Marie Virginis hoc Anno ij S. 

Et sol. ijb“s Ministrallis Ciuitatis ad festa Pasche 

“uj s uj d° Corporis christi "xx d’ Natiuitauitatis 

Sancti lohannis Baptiste “xx d’ Natalis domini xj s vilj d 
“ij s uj d~ & Sancti Wille/mi tempore yemali ex 

consuetudine “xx d’ 

Et quinque ministrallis domini Regis hic existentibus mense lulij 

hoc anno Xvj s vilj d 
Et alijs quinquve Ministrallis ei1usdem domuni Regis hic existentibus 
mense Nouembris vil} s ij d 
Et ijbus pedestribus dicti domini Regis ‘iij s uij d’ & I Taberet 

“xij d’ eiusdem mense predicto llj s ij d 

Et vni Ministrallo domini Regis ducentz vnum marmusett eiusdem 
domini Regis js ij d 

mb 3 

Et sol. Wille/mo Chymnay pro xij vInis de 
Musterdevelers emptis pro 1jb¥”s Ministrallis XXV] S 
Ciuitatis ad dictum festum 

Et in expensis Maioris Aldermannorwm & aliorum 

Conciuium Ciuitatis in festo corporis christi 

vnacum diuersis presentacionibus vt in pane 

dominico fructibus & vinis datis & presentatis xlvs vyjd ob. 
diuersis dominis & dominabus Militibus prelatis 

& alijs generosis tunc in Ciuitate presentibus vt 

Comitissa Warrwick & alijs 

Summa xlv s vjd_ ob. 

7 Natiuitauitatis] for Natiuitatis 16 Taberet] for Taberer 
27 ad dictum festum) Chnstmas 







1462 YORK / 95 

Mercers’ Pageant Accounts MA: D63* 

Thise be pe parcelles of expenses made aboute be pageant of 
pe Merceres 

In primis paide to pe players for playinge xviij s yd 
Item paide for pe cloth of god [sak] sarke & pe hose makyng 

& payntyng ys uy. d 
Item paide for a pare of newe Wheles ij s vin. d 
Item paide for [to Ite] be puttyng forth of be pageant ij d 
Item paide for mendyng of be pageant xd 
Item paide to a wright ij d 
Item paide for a newe rope id 
Item paide for mendyng of be aungelles i. d 
Item paide for mendyng of be tromppez j.d 
Item paide for ij aungelles weyngez hyre ij. d 
Item paid for puttyng hom of pe pageant v.d 
Item paide for be pageant gere beryng to and fro uj d 

Item paide for costes when we went about pageant silvour  vjd 
Item in expenses for drynk vpon corpus cristi day be pe way vj. d 

Item for players sopper & oures lj. S 
Item paide to a Sergeant bat went with vs at dyuers tymes_ ij. d 
Item paide for ynke paupir & for writyng y.d 

Summa Xxx $ j.d 


Richard York. 
William Tele. 
Iohn lightlope. 
Richard Sawer 

Mercers’ Pageant Accounts MA: D63 

Thys is ye expens mayde be Iohn leghtlop william Thelle & 
Richard sawer in yer 3er beyng pagandmasstes 

ferst qwene we went I botte for pagand syluere ij d 
Item at ye ferst rehers in kakkys & alle ij dob. 
Item In v 3erddes of now canvays to I now pagand yat was 
mayd for ye sallys to ryse owtof xv d 
{tem in naylles boght to ye same xij d 

25 [¢...)] ] four names cancelled and illegible 







96/ YORK 1463 

Item in viij sparres of fyre ij s 
Item for lattes i d 
Item payd to I wreght so for makkyng yerof vjd 
Item for ij Roppys jd ob. 
Item for pakthrede jd 
Item for } pottyng stang jd 
Item in hayng home of ye paganddes lij d 
Item in resches jd 

Item payd to garnett smeght for yrne warke yat he mayd xij d 
Item payd on corpos cresty dall in All to ye playars thorow 

ye tone ij d 
Item to ye playris super xx d 
Item for owre denere on corpos cresty day xd 
Item for 1) sarkkes mendeng id 
Item for Angell wengys ij d 
Item for tow chaplettes ij d 
Item for ye farme of ye pagand hus xij d 
Item payd for playng xvilj s ij d 

Item for pantyng of ye dellwys “gere’ to Richard pantur _— xij d 

House Books Y: B17 

£112 (11 May) 
Coblers ordynance 

The xjth day of May in the iiijth yere of the Reign of oure 
souereign Lord kyng Edward the ffourte 

It is agreyd and affirmed By Iohn Gilyoit mayer and Consaill 
of the Chamber of the Cete of york the xj day of may in the 
yere afforesaid by ye peticon and Instaunc of the fraunchest 
men and Maisters of the Coblars Craft wivrin this Cetie afforesaid 
that accordyng to , ‘the’ auncient Costome of the said Cete That 
they and there successors from hencefurth yerly in the procession 
of Corpus Criste fynde & brynge furth of there proper Costes 
& Charges 1iij torches to thonor and worsshipp of god & this said 
Cete and also that [no] no man shall Occupieye ‘the’ said 
Coblers Craft within this Cete but that he shall paye , ‘to ye’ 
Coblers [& to ye honor of god and ye hupholding of the said 
torchis] “towardes there yerely charges’ v s. Except only yat 
euerry man may serue hymselfe or aman seruand serue his 
Maister so often tymes as the offenders is ffounden ffawty shall 
pay and lose xij d And also if there be any man that occupyth 







forrand resaytes 

forand expenses 

1464 YORK / 97 

as amayster in the said Cete and will not pay his dewte yerelye 
after he be alected by the Surrsers of the said Craft he sall pay 
and lose xvj d the on half to the chamber of vsbryg [that] 
‘and’ the oyer half to the well and profyt of the Craft 

Mercers’ Pageant Accounts Maud Sellers, ed, The York Mercers and 
Merchant Adventurers 1356-1917, Surtees Society, CXX1X 


Memorandum that this is the costes made of our pagyant. In 
primis, paid to our players, xviijs. jd. Item, to the said players 
and his felows for the super, xd. Item, to the said players for a 
pair glovys and payntyng of serkes, and half a yerd cloth, vjd. 
Item, for byndyng of a paire whelys, js. Item, for sope to the 
whelys, yd. Item, for a wod axiltre, xd. Item, for nayls to both 
pagyants, and for a sparr and burdes, viyjd. Item, for borowyng 
out of 6 iryn pyns, ijd. Item, for v yerdes and dimidium of 
spannall to  serkes, and makyng of the sam, xxd. Item, for a 
rope to the angels, ijd. Item, for bryngyng forth of the pagyantes 
into the strette, ijd. Item, for our dynner and drynke to the 
players on Corpus Christi day, xvjd. Item for havyng of both 
pagyantes agayn to the pagyant hows, vijd. Summa xxxs. jd. 
Rest in our hands, xxjd. 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D53 

mb 1 

... And of iij s ij d resayved of ye brotherhod of corpus christe 
for yer eysment in ye hawlle ... 

Item payd for berynge of vj torchys in ye feyst of corpus 

christe ij s 

Corpus Christi Register BL: Lansdowne MS 403 

ff 4v-5 (22 October) 
In primis vna capsula lignea supra summum altare in capella 

2 alected] for elected 








98 / YORK 1465 

sancti wille/mi supra pontem vse appreciatur iij li. Et vnum 
baiulatorium pictum deauratum pro dicto feretro in processione 
ferendo vj s_viij d Et octo puluinaria albi coloris pro portantium 
feretrum humeris ordinata appreciatur ij s ij d Et iiijot ymagines 
euangelistarum & xvj angeli cum scutis & rotulis nuper depict 
svnul calicibus duobus de cupro deauratis , “cum ij cristyls’ pro 
dicto baiulatorio & feretro supportando xxxviij s Et ij panni 
parui de bukysyn depicts cum calicibus deauratis pro dicto 
baiulatorio cum vna celatura lignea quadrata & cum quatuor 
lanceolis appre ciatur ij s Et pannus pictus cum ymagine summe 
trinitatis appreciatur iij s Et quatuor pecie de valauncez boldi 
coloris cum calicibus & stellis deauratis appreciantur v s. Et ij 
sacculi linei pro ii pelles dicti baiulatorij honeste conseruando 
appreciantur vj d Et vn,‘a’ cista breuis ligata cum ferro pro 
feretro tute custodiendo appreciatur viij s_ viij d 

In primis liber vocatus Originale continens Articulos fidei 
catholice in lingua anglicana nuper scriptus appreciatur x li. Et 
alius liber inueteratus de eodem ludo Cs Et alius liber de eodem 
anglice vocatus Credeplay continens xxiij quaternos. Et xvij 
vexilla magna appre ciantur iiij li. & iii) vexilla minora de serico 
rubeo preciantur vj s vil) d Et nouem alia vexilla vocata pennons 
de nouo factis cum scutis fidei & calicibus depictis appre ciantur 
xj s vj d Et xxiiijor instrumenta ferrea vocata sokkettes ordinata 
pro extensione vexillorum appre ciantur iilj s vj d Et vna mitra 
papalis appreciatur x d Et vna corona regis cum ceptro & vn 
cirotheca appreciantur vj d Et xij rotule nuper scripte cum 
articulis fidei catholice | appreciantur iij s ij d Et vna cistula 
quadrata cum vna sera & claue pro dictis vexillis seruandis 
appre ciantur ij s Et ij mitre episcoporum appreciantur xij d Et 
vna clauis pro sancto petro cum ij pecijs vnius tunice depicte 
appreciantur xij d Et iiij alia vexilla vocata pennons ij s uj d Et 
x diademata pro christo & apostolis cum vna larua & alijs nouem 
cheuerons vj s 

In primis quatuordecem torchie appreciantur (blank) Et ij 
Iudassez veteres appreciantur xiii} d Et xij castella picta cum 
calicibus aureis & laminis de ferro eiusdem castellis pertinentibus 
appre ciantur iiij s Et xxxiiij vexilla picta pro torcheis ordinata 
appre ciantur XX S$ 

11 boldy) for blodij 






Mikillith extra 
& infra cum 
lez Toftez et 

1465 YORK / 99 

Codicil of the Will of William Downham, chaplain 
BI: Prob. Reg. 2 

£488 (Will: 28 May; Codicil and Probate: 13 January 1466) 
... Item lego Wille/mo Ball omves libros meos de ludo de pater 


Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C84:1 

mb 1 

Et de domo pagine Pellipariorum & Tinctorum ibidem ad eosdem 


Et de domo pagine mercerum ibidem ad eosdem 

Et de domo pagine Pistorum ibidem ad eosdem 

Et de domo pagine Tannatorum ibidem ad eosdem 

Et de domo pagine Tapitarioruwm ibidem ad eosdem 

xij d xij d 

vyjd vyjd 
vyjd yd 
vjd wd 

vjd vid 

Et de domo pagine Carpentariorwm & Allutariorum ad eosdem 


Et de domo pagine Aurifabrorwm ibidem ad eosdem 


Mercers’ Pageant Accounts MA: D63* 

Thes ere ye Costes payd Aboute ye paujand / 

In primis payd to Wylliam Clark 

& his players for [he] rehersyng xd 
Item to Iohn lytster for goyng with vs id 
Item payd for iren pykes & gret 

nales for ye axeltre & burdes 

& nales & warkmanship to ye 

grete paujand xx] d 
Item payd for stowres & ij Inglyshe 

burdes & dubyll spykyng & warman 

xij d_ xij d 

iiij d_iiij d 








Recepcio denary 
pro locis 
dimissis pro 
Jusis in festo 
Corporis christi 

100 / YORK 1467 

ship [war] whare ye saulys lyes xilj d 
Item for mendyng of An angell cote we 
Item payd to Wylliam Clark for a par 

gloues & half a yerd lynen ed 
Item payd for sope & grt...) 

ye pajand wheles Ge 
Item for weshyng of (...) =) 
Item payd to WylK...) 

felowse on Co\...) Fy, 
Item payd to Wyll...) 

playng of ye play a 

Item payd to Wylliam C\...) 

lytster for settyng vp <...) 

& takyng downe yat langes (...) GC) 
Item puttynghome of ye pajand ex) 
Item puttyng ye pajand aboute on ye morn vyjd 
Item spend at ale at dyuers tymes on 

Wylliam Clark & Iohn lytster & malum vj d. 
Item yat we hafe spend at dyuers 

tymes abowte ye towne and 

our drynkyng & oure soper on 

Corpuschristi day at evyn ij s vj d 

Summa of ye Costes xxx s iij d ob. & in ye 
master handes xij d 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

f 42 
(See above 1401) 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls y : C3:4 

mb 1 

Et de x s De Nicholo Haliday & Ade Hudson pro licencia ad 
habendos lusos ante ostia sua ad porta Sancte Trinitatis 

Et de xiilj s De Thoma Scauceby Thoma Kilburn ad alys in 

se cundo loco 
Et de xvij s ix d. De Relicta lohannis Toller & alis in tercio loco 

38 ad porta] for ad portam 39 ad] for ac 








Harraldi nuncij 
& Ministralli 

Vestura Estiualis 
& Yemalis 

1468 YORK / 101 

in Mikilgate 
Et de xvj s De Thoma Barbour Christofer Thomlynson Ricardo 
Croklyn Ricardo Sawer Et alijs in iiijt© loco ad finem de 
Et de vj s viij d De Ricardo Russell lohanne Smyth & alijs ad 
finem de Connyngstrete in quinto loco 
Et de viij s De Alexandro Menerous Nicho/o Saunderson ‘vilj s’ 
& tenemento Communitatis ‘iij s iiij d’ exopposito in sexto loco 
Et de xiij s iij d De Thoma Aylde & alys in medio de 
Connyngstrete in vij° loco 
Et de ix s De Magistro fraternitatis Sancti Christofori Ebor’ 
tenentibus Sancti leonardi & alys ad finem de Stangate viij° 
Et de viilj s De Wille/mo Gilmyn alijs in medio de Stanegate 
loco ixno, 
Et devs vuj d De lohanne Wilkynson & alzjs ad Portas Monasterij 
loco xmo. 
Et de iij s de Johanne Scalby Petro Parot Et alijs in la Mercery 
loco xjymo, 
Et de (blank) De (blank) 

Summa cxj s vd 

mb 2 

Et Scrutatoribus Ostillariorum Ciuitatis ad 
conductionem pagine Coronacionis beate Marie ij s 
virginis in festo corporis Christi 

mb 2d 

Et tribus Ministrallis Ciuitatis Ebor’ ad festa Pasche 
“nj Ss 1) d” Corporis Christi "xx d* Natiuitatis 
Sancti lohannis Baptiste ‘xx d’ Natalis Domini 

& Sancti Willelmi tempore yemali “iij s iiij d” 

xls vij d 

Et septem Ministrallis domzini Regis hic in Ciuitate existentibus 
mense Octobris XX § 
Et sol. pro xij vinis de Blewe melde emptis pro iijbus Ministrallis 

Ciuitatis ad idem tempus XXllj s 

40 ad idem tempus] Christmas 







Expense Maioris 
in festo Corporis 

Mekelgate extra 
et infra cum 

lez Thoftes et 

102 / YORK 1468 

Et in expensis Maioris & Aldermannorum & 

aliorum personarum in festo corporis christi 

vnacum diuersis presentacionibus vt in pane 

dominico fructibus & vinis emptis & datis diuersis 

dominis & generosis tunc in Ciuitate predicta Ixiij s vj d 
existentibus cum iij s. iiij d. in Curialitate datis 

cuidem fratri Augustino predicanti in Crastino 

dicti festi in Capillo ecclesie Cathedralis beati 

Petri Ebor’ & vj s viij d pro firma Camere 

Summa lxiij s vj d 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls y: C84:2 
mb 1 

Et de domo Paginarum Pellipariorum & Tinctorum Ebor’ hoc 
Anno ad eosdem terminos xij d xij d 

Et de domo Pagine mercerum ibidem hoc ad eosdem 

terminos vyjd yd 
Et de domo Pagine Pistorum ibidem ad eosdem terminos vj d vjd 
Et de domo Pagine Tannatorum ibidem ad eosdem 

terminos vyjd vyjd 
Et de domo Pagine Tapitariorum Ebor’ ibidem ad eosdem 
terminos vyjd yd 
Et de domo Pagine Carpentariorum & Allutariorum Ebor’ ad 
eosdem terminos xij d xij d 
Et de domo Pagine Aurifabrorum ibidem ad eosdem 

terminos ij d uy d 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

1 7 

Item it is ordayned that euere hyred man of the same craft be it 
be yere or be weyke pat has ben apprentez in the same craft 
within the said Cite shall yerely pay to the Serchiowrs of be same 
craft to the sustentacion of thair pagende iil) d And yif he were 







pur le pageant 


Pro Nauibus 

1471 YORK / 103 

nat apprentez wit/ in the saide Cite yerly he to paye to the same 
Serchiours to pe same entent vj d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D53Q 

mb 1 
... Et receptum de magistro & fraternitate Corporis christi 
occupantibus Aulam nostram per Annum ij $ iil) d ... 

mb 2 

Item computant pro reparacionibus factis pro Reparacione super 
le Pageanthouse super le toftez videlicet soluerunt ijbus 
Carpentarijs ibidem operantibus per tres dies il) s Et soluerunt 
pro ijbs lignis pur solynges & barres pro hostijs xilij d Et 
soluerunt pro burdes pro hostijs xij d Et pro vna petra & di. ferri 
cum operacione eiusdem pur bandes & Crokes ij s_iij d Et pro 
vno paruo hostio cum le Crokes viij d Et pro vna Cera cum Claue 
precium iil) d Et soluerunt pro CC dobill’ & Syngill’ Spykyngs 
vij d Et soluerunt pro mundacione domus jj d 

Summa ix $ ij d 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: £1/44 MP 

mb 1 

... Et in regardo Datum ex mandato Dominorum de Capitulo 
histrionibus interessentibus ad festa sancti Wille/mi Translacionis 
‘vj s vilj d° Deposicionis ‘vj s viij d° & iiijor dierum in septimana 
Pentecostis “xiijs ili) d’ prout vsitatum est annis precedentibus 
Xxvj$ vilj d Et iiij° Diaconis portantibus pannum supra capud 
sancti Wille/mi videlicet in translacione ‘xij d’ Deposicione 
eiusdem ‘xij d° & iujor diebus in septimana Pentecostis “ij s 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D54T 

mb 1 

Item dict: magister & Constabularij computant videlicet de 
ffraternitate Corporus christi pro Occupacione magne Aule 








104 / YORK 1474 

per Annum iij s_ iiij d ... 
_ Cere & Rosyn posited ad ffabricam Sex torchiarum de nouo 
factarum pre cium vnius libre iij d ob quarta / 

Summa xxxvj s vij d 

B/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20A 

f 142 Plasterers and Tilers 

Item pat what maister of the saides Craftes as hase hereafter any 
straungers wirkyng with hym or thaym in pe same craftes or in 
any of thaym awnswer for his pagend siluer to be Craft apon 
payn of xij d to be paide in fourme beforesaid 

B/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20A 

£140 (20 October) Armourers 

Item it is ordayned forpermore pat all ande euery maister of that 
occupacion Within this Cite for tyme beynge shall mete in A 
conuenyent place Wit/in this saide Cite yerely fro nowefurth the 
second sonday next aftre the feste of Corporis Christi And bere 
and panne to elect ande chuse thair Sercheours ande Pagende 
maisters for the yere folowynge Ande who it be pat fayleth to 
com Whan he is reasonably warned shall forfaite in that behalfe 
vj d in fourme beforesaide And pe same day bere be Sercheours 
ande pagend maisters to make bere Rekenynges. 

Item that alle the maisters of the same Crafte frome nowefurth 
yerely on Corpus Christi day in the mornyng be redy in thair 
owen propre personnez euery one of thayme with Ane honest 
wapyn to awayte apon thair pagende maisters ande pagende 
at pe playnge ande settyngefurth of thair saide pagende at pe 
firste place where theyshall begyns Ande so toawayte apon pe 
same thair pagende thurgh pe Cite to pe play be plaide as of bat 
same pagende And who ..) be of the saide maisters as hereafter 

3 libre} for libri 






Lusus Corporis 

i47o VOR / 105 

makyth defalt in pis partie shall forfait vj d to be paide in fourme 
before writen withoute he haue A reasonable excuse &c 

f£140v (13 May) Glovers 

In Primis it is ordayned that Who so euer Selles openly Within 
this Cite in thaire Shoppez any glovez pursez or keybandes 
called ynglisshware shall paye yerely to the pagende maisters 
of the saide pagende ande crafte that is to seye of a deynsyn 

ij d / ande of A straunger iiij d to the sustentacion ande vphalding 
of the pagende of the forsaide Crafte yerely Alle be brether ande 
Susters of the ffraternyte ande gilde of the blissed Trinite Within 
the saide Cite maynteyned by the merchawntes of be saide Cite 
allway except / Ande also all maner of men sellyng london ware 
like wise to be excepted &c 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y : C3:6 
mb 2 

Et de x s receptis de Adam Hudson pro primo loco apud portam 
sancte Trinitatis 

Et de xij s receptis de Willelmo Scauceby & Thoma Kilburn pro 
14° loco 

Et de xiiij s_vitj d receptis de uxore lohannis Tollerer pro iijcio 

Et de xiii) s receptis de Willelmo Plomer & Ricardo Wels Tixtwriter 
pro uijt° loco 

Et de vj s viij d receptis de lohanne Smyth cordwaner & Nicholo 
Bille pro vto loco 

Et de vj s receptis de Roberto Butteller & lohanne Wildyng pro 
vjt° loco 

Et de xij s receptis de lohanne Bawde Sadler & Iohanne Gylde 
pro vij° loco 

Et de viij s receptis de Nicholo Bewik pro viijo loco 

i: de vij s vd receptis de lohanne Barbour in Stanegate pro ixo 

Et dev s receptis lohanne Wilkynson & Iohanne Tirry pro xo 

Et de iij s_iiij d receptis de Johanne Scalby & Willelmo Hogeson 








Harrald: nuncij 
& Ministrall: 

et alioruym 

Expense in festo 
Corporis christi 

necessarie tam 
extrinsice quam 

fforisfacture & 
pro Nauibus 

106 / YORK 1475 

pro xjMo loco 

Et de xij d receptis de Maiorissa pro xij° loco super pauimentum 
Summa Cs jd 

mb 3 

Et sol. Ministrallis Ciuitats Ebor’ pro termino Pasche iij s_iiij d / 
Et sol. eisdem Ministrallis in vigilia Natiuitatis sancti lohannis 
Bapuste / xx d Et sol. eisdem Ministrallis in festo Corpis christi 
xx d / Et sol. eisdem Ministrallis in festo Natalis domini iij s. 
illj d / Et sol. eisdem Ministralls in festo sancti Wille/mi 
Archiepiscopi xx d / ... 

Et sol. pro vestura Ministrallorum huius Ciuitatis erga eundem 

festum Pentecoste XXVil] S 

Et sol. in expensis factis in festo Corporis Christi per Maiorem 
Aldermannos & xxiilj®t ac alios virorum venerabilium tam in 
victualbus pane & seruisia per eos hac die expendits quam in 
vino rubro & albo ac blandrellis Dats & presentats diuersis 
nobilibus & egregijs viris adtunc in eadem Ciuitate existentibus 
cum firma Camere Eodem die & Regardo fratris predicantis die 
veneris proximo sequente ex consuetudine 
Summa Ixv s vilj d ob. 

... Et sol. Custodibus pagend Coronacionis beate Marie virginis 
de lez hostilers huivs Ciuitatis ad sustentacionem & auxilium 

expensarum suarum in hac parte factarum ex consuetudine 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D54U 
mb 1 

Item dicti magister & Constabularij computant videlicet , ‘de 
magistro’ Corporis christi Occupacione magne Aule Per Annum 
vj s vil d... 

10 Corpis] no brevigraph for Corporis 20 hac] for hoc 








1475 YORK / 107 
York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/43 MP 

mb 1 

... Et in regardo datum ex mandato dominorum histrionibus 
interessentibus (.) in festis Translacionis ‘vj s viij d* & 
deposicionis ‘vj s viij d° sancti wille/mi & iti} diebus in septimana 
Pentecostis ‘xiij s viij d’ prout vsitatum est in annis precedentibus 
xxvj $ viij d Et iiij diaconis portantibus pannum supra caput 
sancti wille/mi videlicet in translacione ‘xij d’ & deposicione 
eiusdem ‘xij d° & iiij diebus in septimana pentecostis “is 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

f 74v Guirdlers 

In tempore Thome Wrangwish 

Also that al tho that makes eny hamydown within this Cite 
shalbe contributorye yerely to the sustentacion and bringyng 
furth of the pagiaunt of the said Gyrdellers and if eny be 
disobeand and wilnot pay when pe pageant maisters requireth 
who pat than he that so disobeth forfet and pay xx d pe tone 
half to the Chaumber and be tother half to pe sustentacion of be 
said pagiaunt that is forto say the makers ij d and the sellers ij d 
except tho of be trznite gylde 

Item pat all tho that sellys eny Gyrdels made of leddyr within 
this Cite suburbes and precinctes of the same be contributory to 
the said Craft in bringing furth of thare pageant except tho of the 
trinite Gylde and he pat is Rebell and wilnot pay to ryn in the 
contempt of xx d to the Chat...) and Craft by evyn porcions 

fi 295v-6* 
Tapiters / plus in tercio folio precedenti 

Item it is ordeined and Awarded by Thomas wrangwishe pen 
Maire of pis saide Citie and pe Chaumbre of be same with be 
hoole assent and concent of all pe hoole Craftees of be Tapiteres 
, and lynen weuers That whereby A decre Awarde and 
luggement by William Holbek late | Maire of pis saide Citie made 
and yeven betwene pe hole Craftes of Tapiters and lynen weuers 







108 / YORK 1475-6 

of pe saide Citie pat pe saide Craft of lynen weuers shuld from 
pense furthe yerely paie vnto pe saide Crafte of pe Tapiters vj s 
for allmanere dewtes charges and accustumes to pe aide and 
supportacion of paire Pageant in pe plaie of Corpus christi as 
more pleynely it apperith in be saide decre and Awarde / The 
Saide Tapiters at be special desire And Request of be saide 
Thomas wrangwishe Maire clerely freely and holey for euermore 
herafter haue Remised and Releassed vnto pe saide Craft of 
Lynen weuers pe saide vj s. / And also it is ordeined pat either of 
paire Craftes shalbe free from any Serse contribucion or dewtie 
from ober frorm pis day furth And if it hapen Any of pe saide 
Tapiteres hynse furthward to haue or sett upp any lynen lome 
or lomes pe whiche hath apperteyneith and belongith to paire 
Craft and occupacion of olde tyme pe saide lomes and warkemen 
perin to be examened and sersed by pe Sersours of pe saide 
lynenweuers at all tymes the saide tapiters payng vnto bayme 
none , ‘pageant syluere for the same had afore tym’ [Also be 
saide Tapiters [shall] haue and yerely perceyue of be Litsters 
by pe handes of be pageaunt maisters of pe saide lytsters in be 
feste of Corpus christi to be supportacron and sustentacion of be 
pageaunt of the Tapiters iij s_iilj d of lawful money of England 
Also pat pe saide Tapiters shall yerely haue and percieue to pe 
sustentacion of paire pageaunt of euery vpholder and comon 
Seller of couerlettes within pis Citie and libertie of pe same 

ij d /] 

B/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20A 

f 147v* 

Item pat euery Kidberer within this saide Citie and ffrawnches 
from hynsfurth yerely shall paie vnto the sustentacion of iiij 
torches yerely to be founden and borne by the saide Porteres 
in the procession of Corpus christi ij d 

10 shalbe] MS shalbe be 11 frorm] for from 







1476 YORK / 109 

House Books Y: B1 

f14v (3 April) 
Ordinacio pro Ludi Corporis christi ie 
Also it is ordeined and stablished by pe ful consent and auctoritie 
of pe Counsaile aforesaide pe day and yere within writen from 
bis day furth perpetually to be obserued and keped That is to 
saie pat yerely in pe tyme of lentyn there shall be called afore the 
Maire for pe tyme beyng iiij of pe moste Connyng discrete and 
able playeres within pis Citie to serche , “here” and examen all 
pe plaiers and plaies [and] pagentes thrughoute all be artificeres 
belonging to corpus christi Plaie And all suche as bay shall fynde 
sufficiant in personne and Connyng to be honour of pe Citie and 
Worship of pe saide Craftes for to admitte and able and all ober 
insufficiant personnes either in Connyng voice or personne to 
discharge ammove and avoide 

And pat no plaier pat shall plaie in pe saide Corpus christi 
plaie be . conducte and Reteyned . to plaie . but twise [()] on 
pe day of pe saide playe And pat he or thay so plaing plaie . not . 
ouere twise pe saide day vpon payne of x! s. to forfet vnto pe 
Chaumbre asoften tymes as he or pay shall be founden defautie 
in pe same. 

£19v (31 May) 

Concordatum est et ordinatum ex communi assensu et concensu 
[tocius] ‘dicti’ Consilij ac tocius communitatis ibidem quod de 
inceptione quilibet Aldermannorum et de xxilijT eiusdem 
Ciuitatis habeat ynam tortam per suum seruientem portatam 
Annuatim in processcione die veneris in Crastino festi Corporis 
christi ad dei laudem et honorem huius Ciuitatis quilibet eorum 
sub pena xl s ad vsum Camere forisfaciendorum & soluendorum 
absque aliqua pardonacione seu Remissione inde habenda 
infuturum . Et quod Omnes alij Ciues et inhabitamtes huius 
Ciuitatis tam de gildis quam de artificibus qui ex deuocione 

. vel . consuetudine concesserumt aut per dictum Consilium 
ordinat et constitutz sunt eisdem modo et forma ad habendum 
et portandum per se vel per alios tortas suas annuatim in dicta 
processcione . compareant et pacifice eant in suis ordine forma 
et locis prout Clericus Communis huius Ciuitatis pro tempore 
existens tunc eos & eorum quemlibet ad hoc premunire uocare 
et nominare faciet . seu premuniet nominabit et vocabit sub pena 









110 / YORK 1476 

culuslibet incontrarium facientis et delinquentis xl s dicte Camere 
persoluendorum. / 

f20v (21 June) 

Also pe day and yere afore writen it was by all pe saide Counsaile 
ordeined enacted and stablished from pensforth fermely to be 
obserued and keped That for somoche as pe Lynenweuers of be 
Citie of yorke haue in paire propir personnes comen afore pe 
saide “Maire and” Counsaile and pere , ‘of paire fre mocion and 
will” haue bounden payme [perpetually] and payre Craft 
perpetually to kepe bryngforth and plaie or make to be plaied 
. yerely’ vpon Corpus christi day a pageant and play Called 
ffergus at baire propir Costes and expenses pat bay sall from pis 
day furth for euermore clerely be discharged and acquited of all 
manere paymentes dewties subsidies or any oberinges paying or 
yeldeing vnto be Craft and Pageant of be Tapiters any acte 
constitucon composicon or any obering betwene be saide Craftes 
afore pis tyme made ordeinde or hadd notwithstanding 

Also if per be any personne frome pis day furth pat occupieth 
any lynen lome wit/in pe Citie or the “fraunches’ [Contre] 
perto adioineing haueing any werke oute of pe Cite pat euery 
suche personne paie vnto pe sustentacon of be saide pageant 
“[pay]” [1 d] yerely at pe saide feste of Corpus christi ‘[ij d] 
ij d’ [The forsaide Craft of pe Tapiters oonely and holy 
excepted] Also pat euery personne [except] of what condicion 
. or craft’ he be ‘of’ Pat shall from pis day furth of newe 
settup within pe saide Citie any Lynen lome pat he . pay at his 
vpsett for euery lynen lome xvj d pe oone haulf to pe Chaumbre 
and be oper half to pe saide Craft to pe sustentacion and pe 
bringing furth of bayre pageant and in like Wise pageaunt siluere 
of be saide lome or lomes from hynsfurth to be settup and 

A/Y Memoradum Book Y: E20 

f 281v 

At whiche day in the Counsaile Chaumbre of this Citie of York 
by the instaunce and ful . humble supplicacron of all the hole 
Craft of the Tanneres of be saide Citie it was enacted ordeined 







de Nauibus & 
Alijs receptis 


1476 YORK / 111 

and established by thassent of all the Counseil of the Chaumbre 
from hynse furth perpetually to be obserued and keped ffirst if 
ther be any manerman that is not of the Tanner Craft . and shall 
hapen to wedde . and take to wife a widowe of be same Craft 
then that man shall paie or he . occupie . and by his Sersours of 
the saide Craft admitted therunto xl. s the oone half vnto the 
Chaumbre of pe Citie and the other half to the Supportacion of 
pe pageaunt and charges of the saide Craft 

f 282 

Item that . the Sersouwrs of the saide Craft shall yerely haue and 
Resceiue . of euery foreine barker . that comyth to this Citie and 
accustumably sellith Rede ledir or byeith Routh within this 
saide Citie that thay paie vnto the Sustentacion of the pageaunt 
of the . saide Craft yerely iiij d / 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D54V 

mb 1 

Item computant de recepcionibus recepts de Nauibus & Alijs 
videlicet de lohanne Waterhouse Pageant Meistre & socijs suis ij s 

Et de Magistro Gilde Corporus christi pro firma Aule vj s_viij d ... 

Et solwerunt pro portacione torchiarwm in Crastino Corporis 

christi lj s 
Et soluerunt pro firma de la Pageant house Custodibus pontus 
vse xij d 

House Books Y: B1 

f67v (22 October) 

()yers shall not go to markettes 
The xxij! day of Octobre the xvij yere of kyng Edward the iiijt 
cam tofore Iohn Tonge Mare in the Counsell chambre . Iohn 
Semper’ Iohn Newton Nicholas Pierson Michael White William 
White Herry Bachiler william Peirson lohn Wetewad Thomas 
watson Elder Thomas Watson yonger William Brown Thomas 





Ordinacio pagina 
beate Marie 

112 / YORK 1477 

Anderson william Thomson Iohn herryson and Iohn Michell 

. dyers’ And thare and then be a hole assent and consent 
desired of the said Maire that forsomuch as hertofore diuerse 
variaunce haue ben emonges , ‘thaime’ for goyng to forent 
Markettes that it myght be enacted and Stablished that from 
nowfurth none of the said dyers , ‘ride ne’ go be hym Self ne 
be none of his menyall seruant go to none market without 
the ffraunches and liberties of this Citie forto take eny cloth 
wollez or eny other thing to be broght to yorke to be dyed be 
thame or eny to thame belongyng bot all Such clothez wollez 
and all other thing that shalbe dyed be broght vnto this Citie of 
yorke be the awners and be none of the said dyers ne none to 
thayme belongyng And who of the said dyers that doeth contrarie 
in the premissez he to rynne in , ‘the’ contempt of xiiij s_iiij d 
“as of tymez as he doth the contrarie’ that to be paied without 
eny pardon the [oone] onn halfe to the vse of the Commonialtie 
of this Citie and the other halfe to the vphaldyng of the pageant 
of the said Dyers providyng alway if this forsaid acte at eny 
tyme here after be thoght be all the said dyers or be the more 
parte of thame , ‘eny preiudice to pe said craft’ that it shalbe 
lefull to the Mare for tyme beyng vppoum ber lawfull compleynt 
to reforme the said Acte &c. More over it is enacted that none of 
the said dyers now beyng within this said Citie or hereafter 
shalbe haue no drawers of cloth wollez ne other thinges to be 
dyed in the Contrie vppon [forfaf] forfatowr of the said payn. 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

f 291v 

In dei nomine Amen Anno domini millestmo CCCCIxxviy? & 
regni regis Edwardi quarti post conquestum anglie decimo 
septimo . pro Avisamento Iohannis Tonge tunc Maioris & tocius 
consilij camere quod Pagina . pureficacionis beate Marie virginis 
decetero ludebit annuatim in festo corporis christi sicut alie 
pagine et super hoc concordatum est quod Cementarij istius 
Ciuitatis pro tempore existentes Portant onera & expensas pagine 
predicte & ipsam in bono & honesto modo . Annuatim ludendam 
producent , ‘in ordine’ cum ad hoc premuniti fuerint sicut inde 
coram Maiore pro tempore existenti voluerint respondere . Et 
quod laboratores istius Ciuitatis Annuatim decetero Videlicet 

30 pagina] for pagine 








VAY i eNIO Rake tS 

Kidberers Garthyners Erthe wallers Pavers Dykers Ground wallers 
with Erthe . qui nuvc sunt et pro tempore existentes in vigilia 
corporis christi Annis singvlis imperpetuum soluent & liberabunt 
infra cameram Consilij istius Ciuitatis Camerarijs , “elusdem" pro 
tempore existentibus tresdecem solidorum & quatuor denariorum 
in Auxilium expensarum ipsius pagine sub pena viginti sex 
solidorum & octo denariorum camere huiws Ciuitats & 
reparacioni pagine predicte equaliter diuidendorum hoc facto 
predicti laboratores decetero sint quieti de omnibus & singulis 
alijs paginis infra istam Ciuitatem ludendis Et insuper quod dicti 
Cementarij habebunt Annuatim in vigilia corporis christi 
tresdecem solidorum & quatuor denariorum de Camerarijs istius 
Ciuitatis pro tempore existentibus Et quod dict: Cementarij 
Annuatim producent dictam paginam ac portabunt omres 
expensas & onera . de cetero dicte pagine pertinencia sicut volunt 
Annuatim respondere Maiori pro tempore existenti & penam 
forisfacture in Alijs paginis inde editam & prouisam Et quod 
Magistri pagine dictorum Cementariorum eant & circuant cum 
prefata pagina in locis exantiqua consuetudine Et quod dict: 
laboratores inter se singulis Annis elegent quatuor homines in 
Scrutatores et ipsi colegerent de omnibus & singulis laboratoribus 
laborantibus infra istam Ciuitatem suburbia & libertatem eiusdem 
predictam Summam tresdecem solidorum & quatuor denariorum 
et illam Summam liberabunt infra cameram istam sicut predictum 
est sub pena predicta Et si contingat quod aliquis de laboratoribus 
predictis ,‘ad aliqvod tempus’ sit rebellzs et renuit soluere turc 
predict: quatuor homines vel vnus illorum habebunt vnum 
seruientem camere ad clauam et ipse transibit cum eis in omnibus 
temporibus necessarijs & Oportunis ex precepto Maioris pro 
tempore existentis &c. Et quod quilibet , “triorum occupacionum 
laboratorum predictorum videlicet Erthwallers Pavers & 
Groundwallers soluant & quilibet eorum per se soluat annuatim 
dicte pagine iiij d / & alij laboratores prescripti / ij d / sub pena 
xij d. &c. camere & dicte pagine equaliter soluendorum &c. 

19 exantiqua] for ex antiqua 





114 / YORK 1477 

B/Y Memorandum Book Y: £20A 

£195A* (20 October) 

ae . pro Ostelers 
vicesimo die mensis Octobris anno regni regis Edwardi iiijti xvijmo 

Were assembled in the counseill chambre vppon Ousebrige And 
there & then be a hole assent & consent was agreed That from 
noweturth the Serchiours of the ostelers within this Citie shall 
haue full power to make due & true Serch in all & euery Osterie 
Within this said Citie Suburbys & procinctes of the same of all 
Otes mesurez that is to Say Buschell halfbuschell peke & half 
peke & Bottelles of hay And at all the Bottelles kepe Sufficiaunt 
Weght accordyng to the Statutes in the chambre / And he or she 
that is founden culpable in the premissez or eny on therof forfat 
& lees vj s viij d the oon half to the chambre & the other half to 
the Sustentacion of the pagiant of the said Oste’l ers / 

f 196 
vicesimo Octobris Avno regni regis 
Edward: ij" xvij™° Tempore Iohannis Tong Maioris 

Item the day & yere abovesayd it was ordeyned to be obserued 
for euer That the Serchars of the hostelars within this Citie shall 
haue ffull power to make due & true serche in all & euery hostery 
wythin this sayd Citie Suburbs & procynctes of the same Of all 
otes mesures that is to say buschell half buschell poke & half 
poke & botelles of hay and that all the botelles kepe sufficient 
weight accordyng to the statutes in the Chambre And he or she 
that is ffourde culpable in the premisses or any one therof forfait 
& lose vj s viij d thone half to the Chambre and the other half to 
the sustentacion of the pageant of the sayd Ostelars 

Collation (E20A, f 195A with B1, f 68): 4-5 omitted 6 vppon Ousebrige] 
omitted 7 before was] it 8 within this Citie] of plus 15 illegible letters 

9 Serch in all & euery] 15 illegible letters plus eny 10 procinctes] 
precinctes 11 Otes] other 11-12 half buschell peke & half peke] illegible 
letters 12 all] omitted 12 Bottelles kepe] botte(....) kepte 13 she] sho 
14 eny on therof]} [4 illegible letters 




De Nauibus 
& Alijs 

Aule & feoda 

super le 
Pageant house 

1477 YORK / 115 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y:CC1A 

f 114v 

In dei nomine Amen anno domini millesimo CCCCIxxvij® anno 
septimo . by the [avisement] ‘assent & concent’ of lohn Tonge 
than beyng Mare . And al . the hole Counsell of the Chaumbr 
That the pagiant of the purificacion of our lady from nowe furth 
shalbe plaed yerely in the fest of corpus christi as other pageantes 
and vppon that it was agreid that the Masons of this Cite . for 
tyme beyng bere the charge and expensez of the pageant aforsaid 
and that pageant in gude & honest maner yerely tobe plaed bryng 
furth at suche tymes as [thare shall perto be] ‘they shalbe berto' 
warned and like . as the said Masons afore the Mare . for tyme 
beyng will answer And at the laborers of this Cite yerely from 
nowfturth That is to say kidberers Garthyners Erthwallers pavers 
dykers Groundwallers with Erthe the which nowe is or for tyme 
shalbe in the vigill of corpus christi single yeris forever , ‘shall’ 
pay & delyuer within the Counsell Chambr of this Cite . to the 
Chamberleyns for tyme beyng xij s iij d in helpyng & _,“releuyng’ 
of the expens of the said pageant vppon payn of xxvj s viij d to 
the Chawmer of this Cite . and reparacion of the said pageant 
evenly to be devided that done . the forsaid laborers from now 
furth be quiet and discharged of eny other paimentes to eny 
pageant or pageantes to be plaed within this Cite here after And 
more over the said Masons that haue ,"& resave’ yerely in the 
Vigell of corpus christi xiij s iiij d of the Chaumberleynes of this 
Cite . fortyme beyng 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D54xX 
mb 1 

Item receperumt de magistro Gilde Corporis christi pro Aula 
vj Ss viijd ... 
Et soluerunt pro portacione torchiarum in crastino corporis 

christi ij s 

mb 2* 
Item petunt Allocacionem pro Reparacionibus factis Super le 







PNG Y ORS 147.7 

Pageant house hoc Anno videlicet soluerunt pro vijtem postes & 
pans vs Et pro xxiilj Sparres & staunchons iij s iiij d Et pro xl 
English burdes v s Et soluerunt pro vno ligno Iohanni Skelton ij s 
Et pro Sharplyngs xj d Et pro vj ‘C’ duble Spykyngs ij s Et pro 
Centum & di. stene brod iij d Et solwerwnt pro iiij "C’ midill 
spykyngs xij d Et pro di. ‘C’ fferri pro crukes & barres ij s vj d 
Et pro operacione eiusdem ferri xx d Et pro Cariagis de tymmer 
vd Et soluerunt ijbus Carpentarijs & duobus seruientibus 
tegulantibus ibidem per tresdecim dies at price per diem xx d 
Summa xxj s viljd & vno loke cum claua precium iiij d Et 
soluerunt pro sarracione ij s 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls Y: C99:5 
mb 2 

Unde dictus magister petit allocari pro diuersis expensis dicto 
Anno per ipsum factis in processione generali Videlicet in crastino 
corporis Christi in solucrone facta vni clerico portanti vnam 
crucem ij d Et pro solucione facta i1ij°F clericis portantibus le 
Bawdkyn viij d Et pro solucione facta vii) hominibus portantibus 
viljt torcheas xvj d. Et pro solucione facta pro Cera expensa 
ibidem in duobus candelabris iii d. 

Summa 1} s vj d 

Corpus Christi Ordinances Y: G11A* 

(7 June) 

... Item statuimus quod magister ffraternitatis siue Gilde predicte 
serica capa indutus sequatur in solempni processione Corporis 
christi tamquam presidens principalis Et quod duo antecessorum 
suorum per ipsum eligendorwm qui Magistri eiusdem ffraternitatis 
prius fuerunt incedant cum eodem alter ad dextram & Alius alter 
ad senistram Item statuimus & ordinamus quod in ipsa processione 
duo de senioribus Custodibus ipsius fraternitatis ad limitacionem 
Magistri super feretrum Corporis christi diligenter attendant 

Collation (G11A with G11): Marginal headings] De ordine processionis 
(Ist Item), De eodem (2nd, 3rd, 4th rem) 34 eligendorum] elegendorum 
34 ffraternitatis] fraternitatis 36 senistram] sinistram 







Aine Y ORM / 117 

eciam virgas albas suis palmis baiulantes ad regendam eandem 
processionem vt precessionantes honeste & reuerenter incedant 
suos labores effectualiter impendant & diligenter circa eandem 
Ascultent Et volumus quod ipsi sex Custodes circa colla sua ferant 
sericas stolas ad hoc ordinatas ad distinccionem aliorum suorum 
Confratrum & ob reuerenciam Corporis christi supradicti Item 
volumus & Ordinamus quod vnusquisque Rector et vicarius 
perpetuus dicte Ciuitatis Ebor’ ac quilibet capellanus eiusdem 
Ciuitatis secularis Confrater dicte ffraternitatis sit presens in dicta 
processione & personaliter incedat in eadem honesto indutus 
superpellicio Et qui melius nouerint decantare assistant illis qui 
capas sericas deportauerint in medio processionis deuotas laudes 
cum eis Corpori christo gloriosissimo meliori modo quo sciuerint 
decantantes Et si Aliquis ipsorwm Rectorum vicariorum vel 
Capellanorum ab eadem processione se absentauerit nisi 
secundum discrecionem Magistri eiusdem sufficienter poterit 
excuSarl penam sex denariorum ipso facto incurrat & soluat ad 
commodum dicte fraternitatis per Magistrum predictum vel eius 
immediatwmm successorem si possint Alioquin per prefatum 
Dominum Officialem Curie Ebor’ leuandam & exigendam 

Item volumus statuimus & Ordinamus quod duo Capellani honesti 
confratres dicte ffraternitatis in omni processione generali in 
Ciuitate Ebor’ facienda ad concinendas letanias & Alios cantus 
conuenientes pro tempore per Magistrum vel Custodes dicte 
ffraternitatis qui tunc presentes fuerint assignentur & deputentur 
Et si quis Capellanus sic Assignatws absque causa legittima per 
Magistrum approbanda vel reiciend obedire contempserit extunc 
pena duorum denariorum tociens quociens sic recusauerit 
incurrat & soluat ad commodum dicte ffraternitatis applicandam 
et ut supra exigenda ... 

House Books Y: Bi 

£96 (2 September) 

Wer assemblied in be Counsell Chaimbre And agreid pat Pires 

Collation continued: 3 precessionantes} erasure follows 6ad hoc) ‘ad* 
ethoc 10Confrater] omitted 14 christo] christi 14 sciuerint] sciunt 
22 & Ordinamus] omitted 24 concinendas] + cantandas « [eee ] 

28 reiciend] reicienda 28-9 extunc pena] ex tunc penam 






118 / YORK 1478 

Coke yoman seriaunt shall Ride [to W] towarde pe kynges gude 
grace to vnderstand pe disposicion of his said gude grace in his 
commyng towardes this Countrie. And what placez his gude 
grace propose(.) to. Ande also whether he intendeth to com to 
this his Cite or nay. Item pe same day presens ande place it was 
agreid that thies personez vnderwritynge shall Ride to mete pe 
kynge in case his gude grace intende not to com to this his Cite 
With all dewe honour ande reuerence desirynges his gude grace 
vnto be same That is to say pe Recorder Iohn Marshall Thomas 
Wrangwish Iohn Tong William Welles Aldermen Robert hancok 
Shiretf Aleyn Wilberfesse ande Nicholas Pierson of pe xxiiijti 
with Personez atending vppon pbame. ... 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

f 304v* (27 March) 

Shipmen ordinaunces 
... ffirst bat euery man occupiyng eny shipping at the Stahe of 
this wirshupful Cite And is ffraunchest whether he be denisen or 
forant dwellyng be contributori to the said Shipmen that is to 
say euery man Salyng as maister with a ffreman pay yerely ij d 
and he pat Salys as a felowe pay j d to the sustentacion and 
vpholdyng aswell of the Pageant of Noe as of be bringing furth 
and beryng of certan torches be fore be Shryne of corpus christi 
yerely And he pat is Rebell and wilnot pay his duety as it is a 
bove rehersed to rynne in the contempt of xx d that to be paid 
without pardon the on halfe to the prefect of the Chaimbr and 
the comons of this Cite and the other half to the sustentacion of 
the Chargez of the said Shipmen / And also pat pe said Shipmen 
yerelie from this yere forward elect and chuse thame Seircheours 
and Pageant maisters in the secund Sonday of clene lentyn vppon 
of forfatowr of / iij s iilj d to pe Chaimbre of this Cite And at the 
olde pageant maisters yerelie yelde and yif accompt to the olde 
Seircheours and all the said feliship of Shipmen And in like case 
the olde Seircheouwrs to yif accompt ‘to’ the newe Sercheours of 
all per resaytes and paymentes don and takyn be thame durant 
per hole yere ... 

f 296v* (2 September) 

[Item it is ordeigned , ‘ande enacted’ in the tyme . of John 
ffereby beyng Maire . of this wirshupful . Cite . the secund day 







1478 YORK / 119 

of Septembre the xviij yere . of kyng Edward the ilijt aswele by 
the assent Ande consent of the said Maire And pe_ hole’ 
Counsell , ‘of pe Chaumbre’ as by the Godemen of the Tapiters 
of this said Cite . suburbes and precinctes of the same . that from 
_ this day forward it shalbe lefull to the said Tapitours and euery 
iche of thayme . that nowe is or for tyme shalbe to colour , ‘and 
litt’ thare awne Garnez wit/oute lettyng or interupcion of eny 
dyer of this said Cite And also withoute payment [payment] of 
eny dewtie to the said dyers as have ben hertofore bot they of 
eny such dewtie to the said dyers be clerelie discharged // More 
over it is agreid that non of the said Tapiters colour ne lit non 
other mannes Garn ne cloth bott is awn and the pat so doeth 
contrarie this ordinaunce . that lawfully can be proved of Right 
lese ande pay without pardon vj s viij d / tociens quociens ynto 
the vse of the commonialtie of this Cite to be resauyd by the 
hondes of the Chaimberleyns for the tyme beyng And more over 
the said Tapiters .“byndes’ thayme And there Successours 
yerelie to bere all the chargez of thare pageaunt / ande Torches as 
haue ben accostomed by thame to do afore tyme . And yerelyto 
pay & content v s of true Inglissh money wit/in this Chaimbr to 
be resauyd by the hondes of the Chaimberleyns for pe tyme 
beyng to the vse of the Commonialtie of the same Cite &c. 
solvendos infra mensem Juni quos.....) anno} 

f 331v 

Omnibus hoc scriptum visuris vel audituris Maior & Communitas 
Ciuium Ciuitatis Ebor’ Salutem in domino sempiternam 
Noueritis nos concessisse & ad firmam dimisisse henrico Watson 
& Thome Dicinson Pikemongers ludum siue lusum corporis 
christi annuatim ludendum in alta strata . de ousegate inter 
tenementis modo in tenura prefatorum henrici & Thome . 
Scilicet apud finem Pontis Vse . ex parte orientali habendum & 
tenendum dictum ludum siue lusum a festo corporis christi anno 
domini Millesrmo CCCClxxvilj° vsque ad finem duodecim 
annorum proxime sequentium plenariorum reddendo inde 
annuatim nobis prefato Maiori & Successoribus nostris videlicet 
ad manus Camerariorum qui pro tempore fuerint vndecim solidos 
legalis monete Anglie . ad opus Communitatis Ciuitatis predicte 
annuatim durante termino predicto scilicet infra . sex dies 

33 Scilicet] MS Scilicet Scilicet 






120 / YORK 1478 

proxime sequentes festi corporis christi predicti sub pena 
ammissionis ludi predicti presenti dimissione in aliquo non 
obstante Ita . Scilicet quod dictus ludus siue lusus ad stallagium 
minime ludatur Et nos predicti Maior & Communitas & 
Successores nostri dictum ludum siue lusum . pro firma xj s 
predicta vsque ad finem xijfim annorum predictorum vt 

predictum est contra omnes gentes warantizabimus & defendemus 
In culus rei testimonium &c. 

f 332 (20 September) 

In dei nomine Amen Anno ab incarnacione inmortalis dei 
Millesimo cecelxxviij® mensis vero Septembris die vicesimo . 
Illustrissimus ac vti fama . omnium fert metuendissumus Ast 
christianissimus . Edwardus dei gracia Rex Anglie & ffrancie & 
dominus hibernie magna ducum Marchionum Comitum . Baronum 
caterua aliorumque regni procerum eum Comitante certis ob 
causas . E borea . vero omnibus ferme Maioribus natu vndique ad 
eum cateruatim confluentibus pontefractum versus aduentaret 
Iohannes ffereby nobilis huiusce Alme vrbis ea vice maior vnacum 
plerisqve huius Ciuitatzs nobilioribus pre asserto . Domino Regi 
paulo minus duobus miliaribus vltra Wentbrig obuiam fecerant 
dictumque dominum regem . vsque Pontefractum 
concomitabantwr ibique a . prefato Metuendissimo domino Regi 
alijs que Regni proceribus per dictum Maiorem eiusque complices 
valecapto preassertus maior cu complicibws suis alijs que dictam 
Ciuitatem Ebor’ domum que venerat de hinc vnius Septime 
curriculo vix effluxo . Idem dominus Rex cum quam pluribus 
Regni magnatibus hanc Ciuitatem Ebor’ aduenit cui,‘a’ prefato 
prenobili viro lohanne tfereby Maiore aldermannis singulis que 
alijs de camera equitare valentibus ceteris huiusce vrbis maius 
honest Ciuibus quid equo quid pedibus obuiam itum est 
condonataque fuerant preasserto exemio principi & Regi in 
exemius secundum quod in illius anni libro clare conscriptum 
liquet vicesimo que octauo eiusdem Mensis luce hac alma Ciuitate 
london versus abierat 

17 certis) for certas 34 exemius] for exemium 









Dona et Exemua 
Principi Edwardo 
Regi Anglie Ac 
Alijs &c. 


1478 YORK / 121 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: C3:7 
mb 1 (Expenses only) 

Et solut. Magistris pagine Ostillariorum pro quadam 
annua firma ad sustentacionem pagine Coronacionis 
beate Marie virginis in Ciuitate predicta ut in 
compotis precedentsbus 

ij s 

mb 2 

Et solut. pro vno baner Thome Gaunt pro ludo Corporis christi 
apud hostium Henrici Watson lilj d 

Et solut. Margarete Sutrici pro emendacione vexillorum ludi 
Corporis christi ij d 

mb 1d 

Et in denarijs per dictos compuwntes solutis tam 

pro duobus dobbins vini Rubi vascon pane dominico 
& levan quam xij sigmentis xij dentricu/is emptis & 
datis illustrissimo nostro metuendissimo Edwardo 

dei gratia Regi Anglie . & ffrancze vnacum ab Regardo 
in vino pane dominico dentriculis empus & datis 
ducibus Marchionibus Comitibus Baronibus militibus 
ac alijs seruientibus dicti ‘domini’ Edwardi Regis  xxxvli vd 
cum ipso Rege existentibus ad vltumum suum 
Aduentum vsque istam Ciuitatem ex ordinacione 
tocius Consilij Camere ac diuersis , “in ¢...)” 

regards datis diuersis officiaryjs eiusdem Regis 

ex precepto Maioris & Avisamento dicti Consilij 

in mense Septembris vt patet in titwlo eiusdem 

in libro papiro Camerariorum &c. 

Et solut. pro xij virgis panni Russeti hoc anno emptis pro vestura 
trium Ministrallorum XXVj S$ viij d 

Et solut. vj Ministrallis domini Regis venientibus 

ae ‘ <x S 
vsque Ciuitatem ist(..) ex consuetudine 








ministrallts ac 

Expense in festo 
Corporis et 
vigilia Sancti 
Blasij Episcopt 

Pro Nauibus 

122 / YORK 1478 

Et solut. 1jb“s Ministrallis huius Ciuitatis de 
speciali regardo consuetudine diuersis temporibus 
Anni videlicet ffestis pasche xl d_ corporis christi 
xx d_ vigilia Sancti lohannis Baptiste xx d Natalis 
domini xl d et sancti Willelmixx d attendentibus 
et existentibus cum Maiore pro honore Ciuitatis 
ex consue tudine 

Et solut. 1 Ministrallis principis Anglie 

venientibus ad istam Ciuitatem 

Et in expensis factis hoc anno per Maiorem 
aldermannos et quamplures alios de Consilio 

xj. s vilj d 

vj s. vilj d. 

Camere in festo corpis christi videntes et intendendentes 

ludum in hospicio Nicho/i Bewyk ex consuetudine 
vnacum xls iijd_ solut. pro vino Ruby & albo 
dato & misso Militibus dominabus generosis & 

nobilibus infra Ciuitatem adtunc existentibus iiij li xviij s vjd 

necnon ix s. solut. pro firma Camere et 1) s_iiij d 

solut. cuidam Euangelizanti & pronuncianti sermonem 
in Crastino festi predicti in ecclesia Cathedralis Sancti 
petri Ebor’ post processionem celebratam ex consili 

consuetudine prout parcellatim patet in libro 
Camerariorum super hunc compotum visum & 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D54Y 

mb 1 

Item computant de vj s viij d recepts de magistro ffraternitatis 

Corporus christi pro firma Aule 

Et soluerunt pro portacione torchiarum in Crastino Corporus 

christi in processione 

15 corpis] brevigraph omitted for corporis 
21 marginalia Corporis| for Corporjs Christi 

ij s 







1479 YORK / 123 

House Books Y: B1 

f21 (28 May) 

was enacted ande ordeigned aswel by [consent] assent of William 
Wellys than beyng Maire of this wirshupful Citie ande the hole 
Counsell of the Chaimbre as consent of the gudemen of the Craft 
abovesaid that euery forant weuer from this day forward hauyng 
eny stuff owte of this Citie to wirke be yerelie contributori ande 
pay vnto the sustentacion ande bringyngfurth of ber said pageant 
yerelie iiij d 

Item the same day it was Agreid that euery man called a 
lourneyman ocupiying within this said Citie suburbes ande 
precinctes of the same pay yerelie to the bringyngfurth of (..) 
said pageant I d ande pat is Rebell ande wilnot fulfill the 
premissez pay ande forfet xij d withoute pardon Camere & Arti 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: £20 

£52 Cutlers and Bladesmiths 

And whosoeuer is found culpable & comuict in the pre missez 
after pat at he be warned by the Seirchours of the said Craft 
leisse & pay withoute pardon iij s iiij d the on half to the 
Chaumbre (..) and the other half to the supportacion of the 
pageaunt & other chargeth to the said Craft belongyng 

House Books Y: B2-4 

£201 Marshals, Smiths and Bladesmiths 
Vnto oure Worshippfull lorde the Maire of the Cite 
of york . our Worshippfull Meistirs the Aldermen 
And Councell of the same . 

Humblie besecheth your worshippfull lordeshipp and all your 

9-10 the Craft abovesaid] Limen-weavers 










124 / YORK 1480 

worshippfull Meistirshippes the Marshalls and Smythes of the 
Cite of york . That whare it hath been of Auncheaunt tyme 
Accostomed to yis day As it is registird in the Maire bukes that 
the Marshalls Smythes and blade smythes hath been all way A 
hole Crafte And contributarie to all Charges to gidder to ye 
sustentacion of yer two pageantz And yer torches at Corpus 
christi light And to ye mayntenyng of ye worshippfull lights 
And honor able servise of Seynt loye in Seynt William Chapell 
on Ouse brigg Except Bladesmythes yat makes Cutler ware and 
noiues And so these bladesmythes And the Cutlers to doo serche 
yat is to say Baslards Dagaris And Grose ware and so ye seid 
Cutlers and yer bladesmythes wald tak vppon yame to serche our 
Occupacion yat yai haue no vnderstandyng in / And also yai 
labor to tak frome vs the bladesmythes which er Admitted to 
oure fellisshipps to be pageant Meistirs And Serchours with yame 
to ye vtter vndoyng And confusion of our seid Charges yat we er 
yere bonden to mayntene which pre misses tenderly consideryd 
And at reverence of God And Seynt loye what we may haue oure 
seid bladesmythes to be of our ffellishipp to the mayntenyng of 
oure seid Charges As wele of Corpus christi light And Seynt loye 
light And oure Pageants As yai haue . ‘been’ tofore of Aunceaunt 
tyme / Or elis we er not Abill to sustene ne mayntene oure seid 
Grete Charges as god knaweth 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: £1/58 MP 

mb 1 

... Et in regardo datum ex mandato dominorum de capitulo 
histrionibus interessentibus in festo Trans/acione sancti Wille/mi 
‘vj s viij d’ iiijot diebws in septiman Pentecostis ‘xiij s iiij d’ et 
deposicione sancti Wille/mi ‘vj $ viij d’ prout vsitatum est annis 
precedentibus xxvj s vilj d Et quatuor diaconis portantibus 
pannum supra caput sancti Wille/mi in translacione eiusdem 

‘xij d’ iiijor diebus Pentecostis ‘ij s’ et deposicione sancti 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D54Z 

mb 1 
... Et soluerunt pro portacione torchiarum in festo Corporus 

20 seid] MS seid seid 30 septiman] for septimana 








1481 YORK / 125 
christi ij s ... 
York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/46 MP 

mb 2 

... Et in regardo datum ex mandato dominorum de Capitulo 
histrionibus interessentibus in festo Translacionis Sancti Wille/mi 
“ilj S ij d’ iiij diebus in septimana Pentecostis ‘xiij s inj d’ & 
deposicione Sancti Wille/mi ‘vj s viij d’ prout vsitatum est annis 
precedentibus xxvjs viljd Et uijor diaconis portantibus pannum 
diebus Pentecostis “ij s\) & deposicione Sancti Wille/mi “xij d’ 

ii) Soe. 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

f 363 
Ordinacio Vinteriorum 

Item it ‘is’ ordeigned fermelie from this day forwerd tobe kept 
pat euery man Retaling Eny maner Wynes that is to say Reid 
Claret white or eny other maner Swete wynes ether growing or 
confect within this Cite from noweforth be contributorie vnto 
the yerlie chargies and expenses of the said Craft and occupacion 
as in and vnto the bringyngfurth yerelie of per pageant in the fest 
of corpus christi and other per charges yerelie forsene Alwey pat 
no man Retaling wynes within this Cite suburbes and pre cinctes 
of the same be not ouercharged in paing of pageant siluer bot pat 
they pay after ber othes ton and ton like &c. 


House Books Y: B2-4 

f59v (31 May) 

ad quem diem omnes prescrpti concordi sunt quod constitucio 
facta in tempore Thome Wrangwayssh maioris de portacione 

torchearum in Crastino corporis christi sit ab hac die inantea 
obseruata sub pena in eadem contenu Et ulterius quod Weuers & 

38 prescrpti] for prescripti 








vacat quia postea 

126 / YORK 1482 

cordewers eant cum [toch] torcheis suis in processione in 
Crastino corporis christi in forma subscripta [Videlicet Weuers 
[& cordeweners] vnus illorum incipiat ex detra parte . et alter de 
Cordeweners ex senistra . et turc vnus de Cordeweners ex dextra 
et alter de weuers ex Senistra . et sic de [fore we] de omnibus 
illarwm arcium &c. Et ars ipse qui deficiet in premissis prodet & 
solvet x li. vsui Communitatis . siue perdicta [et vlterius quod 
omnes homines eiusdem prisone] ] corpora eorum inprisonanda 
ad voluntatem maioris &c. 

f60 (1 June) 

ad quem diem per omnes prescriptos ordinatum est quod omnes 
homines Artifices Ciuitatis qui preantea ex deuocione vel ex 
consuetudine portabant tortas in processione corporis ‘christi’ 
in Crastino [et] eiusdem eant in ordine vt patet in subscriptis In 
primis quod Weuers & cordeweners eant adinuicem videlicet quod 
Weuers eant ex dextra et cordeweners ex Senistra et quod 
qualibet ars habeat xv) tortas et qui deficiet ad aliquod tempus in 
premissis [fors] forisfaciat x li. vsul communitatis et corpora 
eorum ,‘inprisonanda' ad voluntatem Regis &c. 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

ff 365-5v 

ffurst for asmoch as here a fore thar hath beyn of old tym a 
broderhode had & vsyd Emong the occupacion and Craft above 
said the wich of long continuaunc have vsid and as 3it yerly vsis 
to fynd of thar propir costis a lyght of diwyrs torchis in the fest 
of corpus christi day or of the Morn aftir in the honour & 
worship of god & all saintis & to go in pressession with the 
same torchis with the blessid Sacrament from the Abbey foundyd 
of the holy Trenite in Mykylgate in the said Cite Vn to the 
Cathedrall Chyrch of Saint Petir in the Same Cite and also have 
done & vsyd diwyrs odir Right full good & honovwrabill deidis as 
her aftir it shall more playnly apeir / it is ordenyd & establyshid 
by the said Mair aldermen | and all the holl Counsell of the said 

3 deta] for dextra 6 ipse] for ipsa 







® For the play 
of Corpus christi 
day & the lyght 
of the Morn 

® What seruandis 
& apprenus shall 
pay to the play 
& lyghe 


1482 YORK / 127 

full nobill Cite be the consent & assent of all tham of the said 
occupacion in the said Cite that the said ffraternite & bredirhode 
shalbe her aftir for ewyr kept & Contineud as it has beyn in 
tymis passid and that euery brodir thar of shall pay yerly for the 
sustentacion thar of vj d that is to say at euery halff yer uj d 
prouidyng all way that euery Man of the said occupacion with 

in the said Cite shalnot be compellid ne boundyn to be of the 
said ffraternite ne brodirhod ne noyn to be thar of bot soch as 
will of thar ffree will 

ff 367v-8* 

Also it is ordenyd that all Wryghtys Sawers Caruers | iyoners & 
Cartwryghtis ‘and all odyr’ that occupijs as Maistyrs or that her 
aftir shall occupy as Maisterz in ony of the said Mystyrs Crafts 
or occupacions wit) in thys said Cite & euery of tham shalbe 
eqale & lyke of Charge euery yere from hens forward to the 
Charge & cost of Bryngyng ffurth & Playng of the pagent of the 
wryghtis of Corpus christi day & of the charge of the ffyndyng 
of the said lyght the Morn aftir Corpus christi day so that no 
Maister of the said occupacions ne Craftis pay [More] to the 
said Chargis of the said play or to the said lyght mor one than a 

Also it is ordenyd that yf ony Maister of the said occupacions 
of wryghtis Sawers Caruers yonours or Cartwryghtis hyr ony 
yorney Man seruant or take aprentys to wyrk with in thys Cite 
that the Maister that so hym hyrys or settzs hym on wark shall 
pay to the Sustentacion of the said pagent & lyght euery yere 
iii] d for euery person bat he so settis on wark or hyrys 

f370v (20 December) Cappers 

Also pat pe Serchowrz & paiaunt Maisterez beyng for the yere 
gyffe yerly ber accompt on the Sunday next eftyr the ffest of the 
Natiuite of Seynt Iohn Baptist of all [bam all] their receites & 

Collation (E20, ff 367v-8 with E55A, f 4): marginalia] omitted 
16 Mystyrs] misteryes 17 said) same 20 the ffyndyng] findeinge 
21so] for 22 [More]] omitted 27 yorney Man] Journeymen 





128 / YORK 1482 

paymentes & who so dois pe Contrarie to this ordinance shall pay 
at euery tym vj s_ vilj d in the fowrm abovesaid withowt pardone 

ie deg 
Pynners and Wyerdrawers 

Item in the tyme of the Right wirshipful Sir William Wellys 
beyng Maior of this Wirshipful Cite it is ordeigned that where the 
pageant of the Craft of Pynners is chargeable and in compareson 
noon to bring furth the pageant of the same pat from this day 
forwerd it be leful yerelie to take and perseve of euery forant 
comyng to this Cite and wirkynge in eny poynt belonging to pe 
Tincler Craft or pat makes hekilles of wire or candelstikkes of 
white or blak plate ij d to the bringyngfurth of the sayd pageaunt 
and he pat is Rebell and wilnot pay the said ij d yerelie when he 
is required by the said Seircheours or pageaunt maisters shall 
forfet and pay withoute pardon xij d the on half to the Chaimbre 
and pe other half to the Craft by evyne porcions &c. 

Item in the secund tyme of marialtie of Right wirshipful Sir 
Richerd Yorke beyng Maior of this wirshipful Cite by the assent 
& consent of the same maior and the hole Counsell of the 
Chaimbre it is graunted vnto the said Craft of pynners that the 
same Craft of pynners and Wyredrawers from this present day 
forwerd be on Craft that is to say pat all those bat makes pynnes 
or draweth wyre or makes ffisshe hukes or Shobokilles yerelie 
tobe contriborie of And to the vpholdyng of ber pageaunt and 
ober charges to the said Craft belongyng according to the 
auncheaunt ordynance above writen 

Item pat yerelie the pagiaunt maisters of the said Craft make 
accompt to the said hole Craft of Pynners and Wiredrawers of all 
per Receytes and charges of per Pageaunt within xviij days next 
ensuyng the fest of corpus christi And they pat is Rebell and 
doeth the conwarie bis ordynance to forfet at euery tyme vj s 
viij d that is to say the on halfe to the Chaimbre of this Cite and 
the other halfe to the Charges of the said Pageaunt & craft 
withoute eny pardon / 

Pynners & Wyerdrawers . 

23 vnto the said Craft] MS vnto the said Craft vnto the said Craft 




@+ The Turners 
pageant (14)> 

«Search of the 
stuffe of 

fforreynors (15)- 


1482 YORK / 129 

Carpenters’ Ordinances Y: E55A 
ff 9-9y (22 November) 

Item itt is ordeined that none ffree of the said craft within this 
Citty vseinge throwinge or turneinge in their workes shall bee 
contributory nor pay any thinge to the occupacion of Toppares 
and Turnars of the same towardes charges of any pageant But 
shall bee from Hensforth thereof quitt against the said Ropars 
and Turners Provided alwayes That if any of the said occupacions 
doo throwe or turne Bolles dishes dublers or wheeles or such like 
stuffe as perteineth onely to the Turnares craft every such to pay 
pageant money to the said Ropares and Turnars Accordingly . / | 

Item that all Strangers and fforreynours that bringe any ioyned 
stuff boardes or lattes to this Citty to sell shall be searched and 
pay their pageant money vnto the said occupacions . 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/50 MP 

mb 2 

... Et in regardo datum ex mandato dominorum de Capitwlo 
histrionibws interessentibus in festo Translacionis sancti Wille/mi 
‘v) s vilj d* ijt diebus in septimana pentecostis ‘xiij s iiij d’ et 
deposicione sancti Wille/mi ‘vj s viij d‘ prout vsitatum est annis 
precedentibus xxvj s. viij d Et quatuor Diaconis deferentibus 
pannum supra caput Sancti Wille/mi in Translacione eiusdem 
‘xij d” iujor diebus in septimana pentecostis ‘ij s’ et deposicione 
sanct: Wille/mi ‘xij d° iiijs. ... 

House Books Y: B2-4 

f£91v (27 June) 

At the which day it was agreid that for as moch as my lord the 
Mair for diwyrs causis Resonable must depairte owt of the Cite 
for a Certen tym that the Ryght Worshipfull Iohn Tong shalbe 
leutenaunt for my said lord the Mair to soch tym as he cumys 
ayan / And oer thys thys same day it was agreid that Iohn harper 
shall sell a vessill of white wyn that he has with owt ony thyng 

7 Toppares] for Roppares 







130 / YORK 1483 

payng thar for to the Vinters pagent so that the said Iohn herper 
sell the said wyn for x d A galon // 

£93 (31 July) 

At the wich day it was agreid pat my lord Mair & all my maisterz 

Suffrein lord the [mair] kyng at brekles mylnys on ho,r'sbak 
£93v (4 August) 

At the which day it was agreid by all above writyn that my lord 
the Mair & all my Maisterz hys bredyr the [ar] aldermen in 
Skarlet & all my Maisterz of the xxiiijt! & the Chamberlayns & 
all tho that have beyn Chamberlayns & also all tho pat [will] 
have boght owt thar charegez of all officez in thys Cite shall in 
Reid gownys on hors bak meit our most dred lege lord the Kyng 
at brekles Mylnys and oer thys that the brygmastyrs & all odir 
that haith beyn brygmastyrs & all odir onest Men of the Cite 
shalbe in Reid a pon the payn of xx s to be forfaite & pay to the 
Comunalte of thys Cite by euery man doyng the Contrary & my 
lord the Mair shall Rays the forfaitz in that be halffa pon the payn 
of xl s. to be forfaite by hym to the Communalte of thys Cite 
[& thar (.)t that ther seruauntz shalbe in blew] & that all odir 
persons of euery occupacion in blew vielet & Musterdivyles shall 
on fote meit our said sufferain lord at Saint lams [day] Chyrch 

Memorandum to send for sir henry hudson Ricardus Burges 
parish clerke of Croux Chyrch Ric#rdus Standish parish clerk 
‘of’ Kryskyrk Willelmus hewet parish Clerk of all hallows 
Willelmus Gylmyn parish clerk of [all hallows] Belfray Georgius 
louell [p] Esquier of Saint Mare Abbey ‘'& Henry Cunyng 
Caruer’ to have thar aduysez for a syght to be made at the kynges 
cumyng at Myklyth Barr [holl] Ousbryg & stayngate . 

f98v (2 September) 

At the which day it was agreid by all above wrytyn that for the 
grete labourz that Maister kendall has had to our Suffrey lord the 
kyng for the wele of thys Cite that the said Maister kendale shall 
have a reward of a Skarlet gown or of a Chamlet gown 

Creyd Play 
Also the same day it was agreid that the Creid play shall be playd 






1483 YORK / 131 

afore our Suffreyn lord the Kyng of Sunday next cumyng a pon 
the cost of the most onest men of euery parish in thys Cite 

£99v (6 September) 

At the which day is was Agreid that for the honour of thys Cite 
that All my Maisters the Aldermen & all the xxiiij' shalbe with 
my lord the Mair to Atend A pon the kynges gude grace to 
Morow at Seyng of the Creid play [and at A Steward shalbe 
made emong tham to purvie for tham & euery man shall pay elyk 
that is to say As moch he pat is A way As he pat is thar.] 

£103v (23 September) 

At this day it was Agreid by All Above writtyn that euery parish 
within [e} thys shall Ryd & pay the shoghyrs of thar parish & 
oer thys patt xxx li. shalbe levyd & paid emong the parishons for 
soch costes as shalbe made now At london to make ‘sure’ 
{sore] All soch grantes ,‘as’ (by] our suffrey lord the king of 
hys good grace haith made to thys [Cite] & Also for the Charge 
of the play late playd a fore owr said suffrey lord the kyng . And 
owyr thys it was agreid bat Maister Wrangwyssh Master Tong & 
Maister Amyas shall Ryde to the kynges good grace to pomfrete 
to spek with hys gude grace for the [(...)]_."graunte’ made be 
hys said grace to the Cite 

A/Y Memorandum Book yY: E20 

f£52v* (2 June) Cutlers’ Ordinances 

Memorandum that the secunday of Iun in the furst yere of the 
Reyng of Kyng Edward the fyth [it is ord] in the tym of Iohn 
Newton Maire it is ordenyd by the [hoy] hole assent & consent 
of all & euery of the Cutlers of thys Cite that euery Cutler of 
thys Cite shall frome hens forward pay ,‘& awswer" for hys 
Chapman foren euery yere to the sustentacion of the pagiant of 
the said occupacion that is to say for euery chapman acordyng to 
hys delyng so that tha pay not ower the som of vj d by the , “yere’ 
for euery of thar Chapmen 

B/Y Memorandum Book Y:E20A 

f 147y 
(See above 1475-6) 







* Richard 3 came 
to York scilicet 
king received by 
ye Church + 

132 / YORK 1483 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: £1/5 3 

mb 2 

ao at pio firma Camere supra portas clausi vbi domini Decanus et 
Confratres sui ludum Corporis Christi “iij s. iiij d” & ludum 
vocatum Credplay “iij s iil) d° audierunt vj s viijd ... 

Richard 111 Received in the Minster 
YM: Vicars Choral Statute Book 

p 48* 

Memorandum quod xxix die mensis August scilicet festo 
decollacionis sancti lohannis Baptiste “anno domini M© cccc° 
Ixxxij°’ Ricardus tercius Rex Anglie & francie venit ad ciuitatem 
Ebor’ regina & princepe attendentibus cum alijs pluribus 
magnatibus tam spiritualibus quam temporalibus scilicet v 
episcopis . Dunelmensis . wygot...) Assaphensis . Carliolensis 
Dauidensis Cometibus Northumb’ Surre llincoln’ Dominis lovell 
fythew . Stanlay . Strawng’ . lylle . Grastoke & alijs multis Et 
Receptus a cluitate cum procescione solempniter ad capellam 
sancti lacobi extra muros et sic intrauit 1” ciuitatem honorifice 
per diuersas visiones & ornamenta Ciuitatis vsque ad ecclesiam 
metro politanam sancti Petri & ibi honorifice Receptus est cum 
procescione a Dominis Decano & Canonicis cum omnibus 
Ministris Dicte ecclesie in Capis cernici blodij coloris ad ostium 
occidentale aqua benedicta aspersus & thurificattus Scabello 
ornato ‘ad fontem’ dixit . pater noster . & sic succentor 
vicariorum incipiebat Responsorium De trinitate scilicet honor 
virtus & finiatur a choro Ante gradum magni ataris & ibi fuit 
pausacio quasi spacio j pater noster & aue . tunc Decanus 

Collation (Vicars Choral Statute Book, p 48 with YM: M2/2/c, f 70): 
heading) Recepcio Regis Ricardi tercij apud Ebor’ cum regina & principe Et 
ibidem princeps fuit creatus 12 before festo] In 15 before regina] cum 
15 princepe] principe 17 wygot...)] Wigorensis 18 Dauidensis] 
Menniuensis & sancti Dauid 18 Cometibus] Comitibus 18 Northumb’] 
Northumbre’ 18 after Surre] & 19 fythew] fetizhugh 19 Stanlay] 
Stanley 19 Strawng’] Strawyng 19 lylle] libe’ 19 Grastoke] Grastok 
20 procescione] processione 20m margin] Recepcio regis 

24 procescione] processione 24a) & 25 cernici] serici 25 ostium] 
hostium ecclesie 26 thurificattws] thurificatus 27 ornato) ordinato 

29 finiatur] finitur 29 ataris) altaris 30 spacio] omitted 30 aue] ave maria 






1483 YORK / 133 

incipiebat preces scilicet . Et ne nos inducas &c. pro rege hoc 
facto Decanus & Canonici cum ministris Recescebant in stallas 
Dum finiatur Amen cum organo Et tunc incipi,‘a'tur Psalmus Te 
Deum a prelato excecutore officie & finiatur a choro & organo 
Et ‘immediate’ incipiatur antiphona De trinitate ,‘a succentore’ 
scilicet . Gracias tibi Deus &c. cum versiculo & oracione De 
trinitate . Sic processit in palacium domini Archiepiscopi / Et in 
festo Nativitatis beate marie Proximo sequente venerunt Rex & 
regina coronati ad procescionem in ecclesia predicta princepe & 
omnibus dominis attendentibus tam spiritualibus quam 
temporalibus episcopo Dunellmensis excectore officij magno 
altar! ornato cum xij apparelis argenteis & Deauratis cum alijs 
multis reliquis Domini regis que ,"ibi’ steterunt vsque horam 
sextam in nocte / Et post missam omnes redierunt in palacium & 
ibi creatus erat princeps a domino rege ante prandium in aula 
coram omnibus / Et sic sedebant ad prandium per spacium iii} 
horarum & ibierant Decanus ,’Robertus both’ Canonici . 
scilicet . Thesaurarius portyngt(..) Potman archdiaconus ebor’ 
Subdecanus & iiij ali} prebendarij x parsone xij vicarij cum alijs 
ministris ecclesie 

House Books Y: BS 

£24 (28 April) 
lohn Strynger Robert Shyrley & Andrew Blyth bat 
haith taykyn the charge of [brynge] bryngyng furth 
of the pagient of the Inholders 
Memorandum pat the xxviijth ‘day’ of the Moneth of aprill in 
the furst yere of the Reing of kyng Richard the thyrd [Iohn 
Strynger] , ‘William Robynson Inholder’ Robert Shirley Glasier 
, & Inholder’ & Androw Blyth Weuer ."& Adam Siggeswik 

Collation continued: 2 Recescebant] recesserunt 3 Psalmus] specialts 
3-4. after Te Deum] laudamus 4 finiatur] finitur 7 before Sic| Et 

9 procescionem] processionem 9 princepe] principe 10 attendentibus] 
ante dictis 11 Dunellmensis} Dunelmensis 12 apparelis) aparelis 

12-13 alijs multis] multis alijs 13 in margin] creacio principis 15 erat] est 
16 sic] omitted 16 after sedebant] coranati 18 scilicet]) &c 

18 portyngt’..)] portyngton 18 Potman] poteman 18 archdiaconus} 
archidiaconus 18 after ebor’] ac 19 after parsone] ecclesie Ebor’ 

19 after vicarij} chorales 






Inholders what 
pa shall pay for 
pagent sylwyr 

Dimissio Henrico 
Albone & socijs 
suis le pageant 

@ Mynstrals 

134/ YORK 1484 

Barbour’ come a [fore] fore Thomas Wrangwysh then beyng 
Mair of thys Cite ‘of york’ & by the assent of all the Inholders 
of thys , ‘said’ Cite tuke apon them to bryng furth yerly duryng 
the term of viij yere then next ffilluyng the pagent of the 
Coronacion of our lady (blank) pertenyng to the said Inholders & 
also to reparell the said paghant so pat they pat holdes Inys & 
‘haith’ [kepys] no Syns [have] pay as wele "& as moch yerly’ 
to the reparacion of the said pagent & brynging furth of the same 
as the said Inholders pat haith syns [(.)] doyth pat is to say euery 
of tham by the yere iiij d and pat also euery person pat gyrsys 
horsys of Strangers pat comys to thys Cite pay in lykwys euery 
yere ij d for bryngyng furth of the said pagiant & and bat also 
the said [Iohn Strynger] ‘William Robynson’ Robert Shyrley & 
Androw Blyth have yerely of the Chambyr of thys Cite duryng 
the said viij yere for bryng furth of the said pagiant acordyng to 
the ordinaunce perof Maid bat is to say yerly . ij s. 

Y: B2-4 

£135 (23 September) 

Memorandum quod eodem Anno secundo regni regis Ricardi 
tercij venerunt Henricus Albon Henricus [sh] Wresill & Ricardus 
Shawe .‘Skynners’ coram venerabili viro Thomas Wrangwish 
Maiore Ciuitatis Ebor’ in Camera consilij & ceperunt ad firma 
vnum tenementum in RatanRaw vocatum le Pageant house a 
festo Martini proximo futuro post datam presencium vsque ad 
finem xl annorum Reddendo inde anuatim xij d. ad terminos & 
cetera Et predicts Henricus Henricus & Ricardus & assignaté sui 
predictum tenementum reparabunt & cetera sumptibus suis 
propriis & expensis Et si ,"contingat’ predictam firmam xii 
[denariorum] denariorum a retro fore & cetera (...) per xl dies 
post aliquem termimum & cetera tunc bene licebit prefato Maiorz 
& cetera reintrare & cetera saluo semper quod si predicts Henricus 
albone & cetera & assignati sui aliquid infra illud idem tenementum 
de nouo fecerit vel fecerint totum illud sic de nouo factwm ipsi 
idem Henricus & cetera reparabunt &c nec ,“illud” In fine 
terminorum seu aliquo alio tempore amouebit [sine superuisu] 
seu amovebuntur sine superuisu ‘licencia’ &c. 

f 136 (28 September) 7 
... Wer present in the Councell Chambre of the Citie of york and 







Regarda data 
illj hominibus 
vt infertore 


1484 YORK / 135 

pere & then It was aggreed by pe hole assent & consent of the 
Councell aboue named that for diuerse consideracions them 
moving and vpon a spplicacion by the Mynstrals of be said Citie 
then and bere presented that pe said mynstrals from now forth 
shall haue and perceyve yerely at (blank) of euery alderman of 
the said Citie xx d and of euery of the xxilij of the Ccomon 
counsell viij d and also of euery Chaumbrelayn ‘&’ of euery 
such as hath been chaumbrelayn vj d and euere pat of euery Brige 
Mastre and of such as haue be in be same office iiij d Item of 
euery citizin pat hath sued his discharge from bering of eny 
office within pe said Citie iiij d and also euery Comonere pat is of 
Substance within pe same jj d at lest And ouere pat of euery 
obere comonere exept be verray pore commoners which be not 
of power nor abilitie berto [to yeve] j d the said Sommes and 
euery of them to be leuyed and gadred by pe Constablez of euery 
Ward for the tyme being euery of them [wit/ his] ‘within his’ 
or their owne Warde or Wardes and ,"pat’ euery sergeant of pe 
said Citie within his owne Warde be assistant and helping to pe 
Constablez afore said in levying of pe said Somes Item of euery 
Inneholder within pe said Citie iiij d [Item euery shirrif(.) for pe] 
° The acte passyd for ye wayttes off ye Citie What yay shall hawe 
off ewery person ° 

f136v (28 September) 

Item the same xxviij day of September It was aggreed by thassent 
& consent of pe Counsell afore named pat (blank) shald haue for 
thair Reward in labouring about the settyng forward and 

ordoring of the Pageantes vpon Corpus christi daye by be handes 
of the Chaumbrelayns vj s vij d 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: £1/47 PM 

mb 2 

... Et pro firma Camere supra portas clausi vbi domini decanus et 
Capitulum cum domino Archiepiscopo ludum Corporis Christi 
audierunt vs... 

3 spplicacion) for supplicacion 6 Ccomon] for Comon 





136/ YORK 1484 
YM: E1/52 MP 

mb 2 

= Et in regardo datum ."ex mandato’ dominorum de Capitulo 
histrionibus interessentibus in festis Translacionis sancti Willelmi 
‘vj S vulj d* iiij diebus in septimana Pentecostis "xij s ij d’ & 
deposicionis sancti Willelmi ‘vj s viij d’ prout vsitatum est annis 
precedes......) xxvj s. vilj d Et iiijor diaconis Portantibus pannum 
supra capud savcti Wille/mi in Translacione eiusdem ‘xij d’ / ili] 
diebus Pentecostis ‘ij s.’ & deposicione sancti Willelmi ‘xij d’ 
Mi} Sic 

House Books Y: B2-4 

£160 (21 March) 

... And Moreouer the mater hanging in travaux betwix the Sawers 
and Wrightes concernyng the bringfurth of the padgeant of 
ffergus was continued also vnto the said day. 

£163 (19 April) 

Also it was determyned that the Tapiters Cardemakers and 
lynweves of this Citie be to geder annexid to the bringingfurth of 
the padgeantes of the Tapiter craft and Cordmaker / Soo that the 
padgeant called ffergus late broght furth by the lynweves be laid 

Also that all such personnes aswell men of the church as other 
makes bokes Claspes dog Colers chapes girdilles or other maner 
gere or harnesse , “belong to pe girdler craft’ within the pre cinctes 
of this Citie where they may be fonden be contributory ,‘to the 
Craft of Girdlers & bringfurth of pe Padgeant’ and pay ich of 
theme double and twise as moch as oone of the said Craft 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

£74v* (19 April) 

[... vpon a bill of supplicacion put vnto the Counsaill forsaid by 
the Craft of Gerdlers inhabiting within the same in consideracion 
of per pouertie and sumptuouse charges which they dud bere 
that not Withstanding / fynally determyned and stablisshed for 









del king 

a le Roy 

1485 YORK / 137 

euer that euere persone as well men of the Churche as othre 
inhabiting from hensfurth within this Citie and suburbs of the 
same Which makes daggar chapes purse knoppes Bulyons Book 
Claspes dawkes Dog Colers girdilles or any othre maner gere or 
harnesse of laton stele or yren belonging to the said Craft of 
Girdlers be contributory to the same Craft in bringing furth ber 
padgeant payng to the same doble and twise as moch as oone of 
the same Craft payeth to per said padgeant] 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: DS54AA 

mb 1d 
... Et pro portacione Torchiarum in processione Corporis 
Chrséiiys. 2: 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/48 MP 

mb 2* 

... Et in Regardo datum ex mandato Dominorum Decani & 
Capituli Histrionibus interessentibus in festis Translacionis sancti 
Wille/mi [vj s viij d’ . quatuor diebus in septimana Pentecostis 
‘xiij s uij d.” et deposicionis sancti Wille/mi ‘vj s_viij d.” prout 
vsitatum est annis prec(.....) xxvj s viij d. Et quatuor Diaconis 
portantibus pannum supra caput sancti Wille/mi in translacione 
eiust...) "xij d’ (..) diebus Pentecostis . et deposicione sancti 
Wille/mi ‘xij d.” iiij s. ... 

House Books Y: B2-4 

f 201 
(See above, 1480) 

Y: B6 

f 12y* 

anno primo henrici vijmi / 
Assembled determined that the king shuld haue at this his accept 
commyng to this Citie the present ensuyng ffirst in maynebrede 
Castes CC Also in wyne of Rosse colour A Tone In gret fatt oxen 
vj In gret and fatt Weders 1 And ouer this pat the Maier and 
Aldermen cled in Colour of violet in greyne the xxiiij cled in 








138 / YORK 1486 

.clothing’ colour of [violet] Murrey the Communaltie in 
Gounes of Rede shall waite on the king on horse at Bilburghcrosse 
on this half after that at two of the saide Aldermen and the two 
Sheriffes haue mett with his grace at Tadcastre brige the 
extremities of the boundes of this fraunches And Also that in 
consideracion of that at the Kinges highnesse Remembering the 
pouertie decay and Ruyn of this Citie shewid vnto hyme by the 
moost Reuerend fader in god Tharchbishop of york Richard york 
and Robert Hancok late being at his parliament and other is 
content to haue no money of the same Citie as by meyne of 
Reward like as other Kinges of England haith be accustomed to 
haue heire before of the same Citie at ber first and next commyng 
to the forsaide Citie and other Cities of his Realme wol that some 
conuenyent shew be had ayenst the kinges saide Commyng by 
the Counsell of some which can devise the same wherby his 
highnesse may the rather be movid to think that the said maier 
Aldermen Sheriffes and other inhabitances heyr be gladdid and 
loifull of the same his commyng as thei haue be in tymes past of 
seing commyng of other kinges yer souerain lord 

f 13v 

Assembled concludid with Sir Henrie Hudsone prest that he 
shuld haue the conueance of the making and directing of the 
shew to be maide ayenst the kinges next commyng heder which 
the said henrie haith vndertake to do to the worship of the Citie 
heyre And for the same shew he shall haue in Rewarde of the 
saide Citie ouer thexpenses tobe maide in that partie And 
Rewardes tobe yeven to other persones to be occupied about the 
same tobe borne by the forsaid Citie / five marces in money with 
some conuenient thing to be yeuen at the pleasure of the said 
Maier vnto the Church of Spofford wher the said Sir Henrie is 
parich prest haueing Cure of the soules of the pariching yer ... 

ff 15v-18* 

It is concludit by the Maier his breder Aldermen and other of the 
Common Counesell of the Citie that thei being in gude hope to 
fynd the king more gracious soueraine lord vnto the forsaide 
Citie by the mediacion of the most Reuerend fadre in godd 
tharchbisshop of york and other lordes spirituall and temporall 

16 to] MS to to 





1486 YORK / 139 

of his moost noble Counesaill shewing theime and all thinbitances 
yerof gretely gladdit and loyed of the Commyng of his moost 
Riall persone with other his nobles vnto the saide Citie haue 
ordeigned and prepared to Receyue the kinges grace in forme 
felowing that is to saie 

ffirst Wher the two sheriffes of the saide Citie for the tyme 
being with xx horses haith be accustumed to yeue yer attandance 
of kinges herbefor resorting vnto the Citie at Tadcastre brige 
being thextremitie of yer fraunches It is now concludid that not 
oonly the saide two sheriffes bot aswell two of the Aldermen 
accumpaned with xl horsses shall yer wait on his grace 

Secundly where the Maire and Aldermen cled in long gownys 
of skarlet and other of the Couneseil accumpanyd with 
thinhabitances of the Citie haue be accustumed to wait of kinges 
in lykwise commyng to the Citie on horse bak aboute two miles 
fro the Citie thei be determined that the saide Maier And 
Aldermen in like clothing of skarlet the Common Couneseill and 
clerc in violet Chambrelayns in murray and many of thinhabitances 
in Rede on horse bak shall wait on the king at Bilburgh crose 
about v miles fro the Citie and other thinhabitaunces which may 
not ride or be of power to haue rede gownes to yeue yer 
attendance on foote betwixt dringhowsis and the Citie beside a 
certaine nowmbre of Childrine as shalbe gaddard togiddre aboute 
saint lames Chappell calling Ioyfully king henrie after the maner 
of Children | 

Thirdly at the entre of the Citie and first bar of the same 
shalbe craftelye conceyvid a place in maner of A heven of grete 
loy and Anglicall Armony vnder the heven shalbe a world 
desolaite full of treys and floures In the which shall spryng vp A 
rioall rich rede rose convaide by viace vnto the which Rose shall 
appeyre an other Rich white rose vnto whome so being to gedre 
all other floures shall lowte and evidently yeue suffrantie shewing 
the Rose tobe principall of all floures as witnesh Barthilmow And 
yervpon shall come fro A cloude A crowne Couering the Roses 
after the which shall appeir A Citie with Citisyns with the 
begynner of the same callid Ebrauk which shall salute the king 
with wordes felowing in prose and yervpon present vnto the king 
the keys of the Citie being thenheritaunce of the saide Ebrauk 
yelding his title and his Crowne vnto the king as moost glad of 
hym above al other 

1 thinbitances) brevigraph omitted for thinhabitances 





140/ YORK 1486 


Most Reuerend rightwose regent of this Rigalitie 

Whos primatiue patrone I peyre to your presence 

Ebrauuk of britane I sitt nat this Citie 

ffor A place [(.)] to my pleasour of moost prehemynence 
Hervnto I recoursid for moost conuenience 

In comforthing that by cource of liniall succession 

Myne heires this my Citie shuld haue in possession 

Of Right I was regent and rewlid this rigion 

I subdewid fraunce and led in my legence 

To you henrie I submitt my Citie key and Croune 
To reuyll and redresse your dew to defence 
Neuer to this Citie to presume ne pretence 

Bot holy I graunt it to your gouernaunce 

as A principall parcell of your inheritaunce 

Please it | besuch you for my remembrance 

Seth that I] am prematiue of your progenie | 

Shew your grace to this Citie with such Abounedance 
As the reame may recouer in to prosperitie 

And also of your grace gyve not your ee 

oonely to this Citie of insufficience 

Bot graciously consider yerwith and diligence 

It is knawne in trueth of grete experience 

ffor your blode this Citie made neuer degression 

As recordith by the grete hurt for blode of your excellence 
Wherfor the rather I pray for compassion 

And to mynd how this Citie of old and pure affeccion 
Gladdith and Inioith your high grace and commyng 

With oon concent knowing you yer sufferaine and king 

ffourtly the king Commyng vp the stretes shallse the same 
furnishede wit/) clothis of the best which may begottyn within 
the Citie for the honourment of the same and at his entrie vnto 
vuse brigge in theend of the streetes of Skeldargate and 
Northstrete becauce no gappes shall appeir shall yerbe Clothes 
hangid and A conuenient thing diuisid wherby if the weder be 
fair of the lordes before and other ne before the king schall 
Rayne Rose water 



1486 YORK / 141 

ffiftly shalbe on the hight of ousebrigge A Rioall Treyne and 
yerin sodainely appering set togidder in Counsail sex kinges 
Crouned betokining the sex henries which after the sight had of 
the king with certaine conuenient laisowr avisidly shall commyt 
A ceptour vnto Salamon cledd as king which salamon shall 
yervpon taking that Ceptowr and saying the wordes felowing vnto 
the king in prose yelde vnto him the saide Ceptowr in tokining 
that in hym is wisdome and Iustice 

/ Salomon / 

Most prudent prince of pruved prevision 

Their premordiall princes of this principalitie 

Haith preparate your reame the vijth by succession | 
Remitting reame als right to your Rialtie 

Their ar kinges condigne of your consanguinitie 
ffull riall and rightwose in rewle of yer regence 

And ful lordly thai execute the lawes of yer legence 

Seth that god moost glorius eternall sapience 

Did insence me salomon of his effluent grace 
Wherfore I am takin as patrone of prudence 

To discuse vpin conscience ich iudiciall cace 

Revolving how with sapience ye haue spent your space 
To the tyme of this your misteriusly 

obteyning as moost worthi your right not regosly 

Now reane ye reule ye your reame rightwosly 

By politike prouidence as god haith in dewid 

To you sufferaunce in sapience submitting me vmbly 
your sage savour sothfastnese haith so be shewid 

In ich ludiciall right this reame to be renewid 

ye be avisid most worthi by graciouse affluence 
Submitting to your sufferaunt my septowr of sapience 

Sextly shal appere in thend of A strete Ioning on the syde of 
Ousegate passing into Conyngstrete shalbe A shew and fro the 
same shall come hailestones tobe maid by viace falling on the 
lordes and other commyng ne before the King hailestones to be 
made by craftes of cumfettes 

Sevently shalbe at the Common Hall A Castell appeiring of 
grete force wherin Dauid as the moost principall shall appeir and 
he shall with wordes felowing yeld vnto the king A swerd of his 





142 / YORK 1486 

victorie yer shalbe in that Castell Citisyns which after A sight of 
the king and remembrance of hyme with gude countenaunce 
shall appeir in clothing of white and greyne shewing yer trueth 
and hertly affeccion vnto the kinge | 

/ Dauid / 

Most prepotent prince of power Imperiall 
Redowtd in ich region of Cristes affiance 
your actes victorious be notid principall 

In maner more noble then Charlis of fraunce 
Seth god so disposith of his preordiniance 
And right so yeue me might to devyne goodly 
I dauid submitt to you my swerd of victorie 

When I reynid in Iudie I know and testify 

That Ebraunce the noble which subdewid ffraunce 

In memorie of his triumph this Citie did edify 

That the name of his noble shuld haue continuance 

I witnesh that this Citie without variaunce 

Was neuer deflorid be force in violence 

Wherfore I haue chosyn it for my place to your presence 

Submitting it wit) thafforce and trueth to your excellence 
Beseching your highnese ye more for myne instance 

To this your inheritance tak gracious complacence 

seth yat it is your Citie not filid with dissavaunce 

Trew and bold to your blode not dreding perturbance 
Which causid moost this citie tobe desolate 

Now reviving in comforth to attaine your asstate 

Eghtly shalbe at thend of Swynegale Ioning of staynegate our 
lady commyng frome hevin and welcome the king in wordes 
felowing and yervpon ascend ayene into heven wit angell sang 
and yer schall it snaw by craft tobe made of waffrons in maner 
of Snaw 

/ Oure lady / 

Henrie seth my sone as thi sufferayne haith the sembly assynyd 
Of his grace tobe gouerner for his people protection 
ffull specially that thine heier of petie be declinid | 







cum ffinibus 
ad magistrum 

locorum pro 
Ludo corporis 

1486 YORK / 143 

I pray the seth thi people haith me mich in affeccion 
My Son and my soveraine in whome is eleccion 
Singulerly this Citie haith honourd humbely 

And maide me yer meane wit/outin obieccion 

In hope of yer help to haue it holy 

What I axk of his grete grace he grantith it gudely 
As a beame of all bevtes benyngne 

The his knyght he haith callid victoriously 

To convoce and concord this his contrie condigne 
I pray in this space 

ffor this Citie a place of my pleasing 

And haue you no drede nor no dowting 
Continuall heir in this reynyng. 

I shall sew to my sone to send you his grace 

£44 (4 October) 

Assembled acceptid and admittid Robert Comgilton one of the 
waites of this Citie tobe in the Roume of Robert sheyne being in 
so grete age and soo decrepid that he no may forther attend 
toccupacion of waite forsaide In consideracion wherof and of the 
long continued seruice that he haith done in the saide Roume by 
the space of .xl. yeres and more It is determined that the saide 
Robert Sheyne yerely during his life And whils the said Robert 
Comgilton shalbe here waite shalhaue in name of a pension of the 
same Robert Comgilton thertene shelinges and [for] ,"four’ 
penys tobe payde wharterly without deley and forther that the 
saide Robert Sheyne shuld haue in his reliefe during his life a 
house of the Commons with charge of Reparacion without eny 
other forme paying for the same / ... 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: C4:1 

mb 1 
Et receptum de ... Arte textoris linij ‘v s’ pro forisfacturo . de 
non . ludendo pagine Vergus ... 

mb 2 

Et de x .s. receptis de Ade Hudson et socijs suis pro firma .j. loci 
apud Mikelith 

Et de xij .s. receptis de Ricardo Dicson et socijs suis pro firma 
lj. loci. 




Redditus et 

ac dominorum 

144/ YORK 1486 

Et de .xj s. ix d receptis de Ade Barbour et Ricardo Miton pro 
firma .il). loci. 
Et de x s. receptis de Thoma Wells pro firma iiij. loci 

Et de XJ S. receptis de Henrico Watson pro Indentura pro firma 
vw". loci 

Et de Vij. S receptis de Roberto King et socij.s suis . pro firma 
Wy". loci 
Et de viij s receptis de Roulando Robson et socijs suis pro firma 
vij loci 
Et de viij. s ili) d receptis de Wille/mo Harpham et socijs suis pro 
firma .vilj. loci 
Et de .vj s. vilj .d. receptis de Milone Arwom et socijs suis pro 
firma .ix. loci 
Et de v .s. receptis de Lamberto Tymanson & socijs suis pro 
firma .x. loci 
Et de .11j s. vilj. d receptis de Petro parot et socijs suis pro firma. 
xj loci 
Taliquibus denarijs receptis pro firma xij loci viz. super 
pavimentum non receptis quia non dimittitur ut in compotis 
pre cedentibus 

Summa iiij li. xiij s. ii d. 

mb 3 

Idem Computantes Compvtant ut in denarijs Resolutis annuatim 
per ipsos magistro pagine coronacionis beate Marie Virginis ad 
maiorem sustentacionem eiusdem pagine ut in compotis 
precedentibus lj. S 

mb 4 

Et in regardis Datis Ministrallibus Domini nostri Regis 
existentibus ad hanc Ciuitatem bo 

Et in Regardis Datis ministrals huius Ciuitats 

annuatim in festis Pasche ‘iij s iiij d’ corporis 

Christi ‘xx d.’ Natiuitats sancti Iohannis x] $ vilj.d 
Baptiste “xx d’ Natalis Domini ‘iij s iiij d’ et 

Sancti Wille/mi ‘xx d* ex . consuetudine 

33 marginalia ac daminorum) seruientibus missing to complete heading 








Expense facte 
in festo corporis 

Expense facte 
circa visum 
domini Regis 
vnacum Eximio 
dato maiesau 
sue mense lunij 

1486 YORK / 145 

Et In denarijs . solut. pro Diuersis victualibus ac 

alijs expensis factis hoc Anno per Maiorem et 

Aldermannos ac quam plures alios de Concilio 

Camere in festo Corporis Christi videntes ludum 

in Camera Thome Cokke cum iiij. s pro firma . iiij li. xx. d 
eiusdem Camere . vnacum diuersis Eximijs vini 

et aliarum Rerum Datarum et missarum . diuersis 

dominabus . militibus ac alijs extraneis ad Ciuitatem 
superuenientibus in eodem festo . Vt patet . 

parcellami in libro dictorum Computancium 

mb 4d 

Et In denarijs solut. pro mearemio ‘Ix s xv. d’ 
Carpentaria ‘Ix s iij.d’ / Sarracione ‘xj. s. .d" / 
cariagia meremij ‘ix. s. vj. d’ Diuersis laboribus 
per Laboratores ‘xv. s. v). d’ / tabulis et ferro 

‘xj. s’ / mutuo j par organorwm cum lusione 
eorundem ‘xij d‘ / clauis appositis ad huiusmod 
monstrum ‘xv. s ijd’ / factura .ij. Arborum & Rosi 
"xiij. s. ilij. d." paupiro argenteo aureo viridi et 
similibus ‘xxxilj.s. v.d ob’ / filo crulez frengis 

et le Brotherinus vexillorum in grosso. ‘xilj. s. x. d’ 
/. Rubio Bukram ‘xxii. s. vj d° xxxiij vinis panni 
linj brabamnie in grosso ‘xxvj s. vj d’ Lawne ‘xj s’ 
/ factura togarum et capuciorum “vj. s. ilj.d' / 
factura Iakettes et Rub Rosar ‘v. s. ij. d° / 

Pinctura vexillorwm / Pinctura le pavessez ac altorum xxv: |i 
pannorum depictorum cum filo pro eisdem ‘xliij s XVI]j. S. 
ix d’ / xxv ‘xx’ vinis panni vocati lez. Canvesse vj d. 

vino ad ij d ob ‘v. li iiij. s. ij d. ob’ ac pictura eiusdem 
“ii) li’ / seriptura & pictura ii) Rotulorum de visu 
"xvilj. s' ffilo in grosso ‘iij s 1) d’ / emendacione 

ii). le skafoldes ‘v. s’ / pro stipendio pagine textorum 
“ij. s’ / stipendio clericorum cantancium ‘x. s’ / 
Diuersis parcellis extraneis et positis per clericos 
gubernatores dicti visi ‘viij s v. d.’ / Diuersis 
parcellis positis per Ricardum Burgesse ‘ij s iiij d’ 
Vadijs . Domini Henrici Hudson capellani ‘Ixvj. s. 

viij d* et aliorwm trium clericorum . gubernancium 

& ludencium in dicto visu prout parcellatim patet 

in libro dictorum computancium ‘lx. s’ 

10 parcellami] for parcellatim 22 Brotherinus] for Brotherinis 











146 / YORK 1486 

Et in Denarijs solut. pro Eximio dato domino 
nostro Regi in aduentu suo ad hanc Ciuitatem vt 
patet parcellatim in libro Dictorum Computancium 
vna cum Custagijs et expensis circa id Eximium 
factis vt patet per huiusmodi librum 

Axe, It, aif St 
viij d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D54BB 

mb 1 
... Et pro portacione Torchiarum in processione Corporis 
Christi ij s ... 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: £1/51 MP 

mb 2 

... Et in Regardo datwm ex mandato dominorum Decani et 
Capituli Histrionibus interessentibus In festis Translacionis Sancti 
Wille/mi ‘vj s_ viij d° quatuor diebus in septimana Pentecostis 
‘xilj $ uuij d’ et Deposicionis sancti Wille/mi ‘vj s viij d’ / prout 
vsitatum est annis precedentibus xxvj s_viij d. / Et quatuor 
Diaconis Portantibus pannum supra caput sancti Willel/mi in 
Translacione eiusdem ‘xij d’ quatuor Diebus Pentecostis ‘ij s’ 

et Deposicione sancti Wille/mi ‘xij d’ iiij s ... 

The Progress of Henry VII BL: Cotton Julius B X11 

ff 10-t3y" 

... And at Tadcaste{Il]r° the king Richely besene in A gowne of 
cloth of golde furred with Ermyn toke his Courser his henshemen 
& folowers Also in golde Smythez werk wer Richely besene at 
the further ende of the Brigge foote the Shriffes of york wele 
Accompanyede mette the king & so procedede & ber ther white 
Roddes Afor his grace And ner hand 1ij myles oute of yorke the 
maire of that Citie & his Brether with othr great nombr of 
Citezeins al on horsbak Receyued the king And vavasour Recordr 
of the Same Citie had the Speche in bidding the king welcome 
And also Recommaundede The Citie & theinhabitauntes of the 
same to his good grace / And half A myle withoute the gate of 
that Citie The precessions of al the orders of freres Receyued the 
king And after theym the priour of the Trinities with his Brether 
Thabbot of Seint mary abbey with his Covent The Chanoignes 








1486 YORK / 147 

of Seint leonardes & then the generall procession of [the 

Towne] al the parisshe Chirches of the saide Citie with 
merveolous great nombr of men women And Childern on foote 
whiche in Reloysing of his commyng criden king henry king 
henry And saide our lorde preserue that Swete And welefauerde 
face And at the gate of the Citie Ther was ordeynede A paiaunt 
with dyuers personages And mynstrelsyez &c. | And therby stode 
A king Coronede Whiche had his speche that folowith whos name 
was Ebraucus 

O Reue7{djende Rightwis Regent of this Regalitie 
Whos primatyve patron I Apper to your presence 
Ebrauc of Brytayn I sittuate this Citie 

ffor A place to my pleasure of most prehemynence 
Herunto I . Recoursede for moost convenyence 

In conforting that by cours of lynyall succession 
Myn heirez This my Cetie shuld haue in possession 

Of Right I . was Regent & Ruled this Region 

I . subdued fraunce And lede in my legeaunce 

To you Henry | . submitte my Citie kee & Coroune 
To Rule & Redresse as your due [&] ‘to’ defence 
Nevir to this Citie to presume no pretence 

But holly I . Remytte It to your gouernance 

Os a principall parcell of your enheritaunce 

Please It I . beseche you for my Remembraunce 

Sith that I . am A primatyve of yovre progenye 

Shewe your grace to this Citie with suche habundaunce 
Os the Ruyn may Recouer into prosperite 

And also of your great grace gif not your ye 

Only to this Citie of Insufficience . 

But graciously considr ther wille & diligence . 

1 of] MS of of 




® Salamon 

148 / YORK 1486 

It is knowen in trouth of great experience | 

ttor your blod this Citie made neuer digression 

Os Recordeth by the great hurte for blode of your excellence 
Wherfor the Rather I . pray for compassion 

And to mynd how this Citie of olde & pure Affeccion 
Gladdeth & enloyeth your highnesse And commyng 

With hole consente knowing you ther souueraigne & king 

And at the hider Ende of house brigge ther was ordeyned 
Another paiaunt garnysshede with Shippes And botez in euery 
side in [tokel] tokenyng of the kinges landing at Milforde havyn 
And Salamon in his habite Roiall crownede hadde this Speche as 
herafter foloweth 

Moost prudent prynce of provid provision 

Ther premordiall princes of this principalitie 
Hath preparate your Reign the vij by succession 
Remytting this Reame as right to your roialtie 
Their of kinges conding of your consanguinitie 
ffull Roiall & Rightwise in Rule of ther liegence 

Sith god full of glorie eternal Sapience. 

Did ensence me Salamon of his affluente grace 

Wher thorough I . Am Taken as patrone of prudence 
To discusse vpon conscience yche Iudicial cause 
Revoluyng how wit) sapience ye haue spent your space 
To the tyme of this your Reign mysteriously 
Opteynyng as moost Worthy your right not Regesly 

Now reigne ye rule ye now your Realme right wisely | 
By politik providence As god hath enduede 

To you souueraigne in sapience submytting me humbly 
Your Sage sobr sothfastnesse hath so be shewede 

In yche Iudiciall Right this Realme to be Renewede 

Ye be advised moost worthy by graciouse affluence 
Submytting to your soueraignetie my Septer of Sapience 

21 of) altered from reading now illegible 







our lady 

1486 YORK / 149 

Beseching you of bountevous benevolence 

This your Citie to Supporte with subsidie of your grace 
Thies your noble progenitors recordeth the assistence 
Of this Citie to the assufferayn in yche tyme & place 
Proof makith experience now souueraigne in your Space 
Of purede witt to your blood of great Antiquitie 

This your Citie Is solacede to haue your soueraigntie 

And by yonde the brigge At the turnyng Into Quonyenx strete 
ther Was a paiant of thassumpcion of our lady Whiche had a 
speche as ensueth &c 

Henry sith my sone as thy souueraigne hath the sothly assigned 
Of his grace to be gouernour of his peoplez proteccion 

ffull Specially that thyn heire of pytie bee declynede 

I . pray thee sith thy people hath me muche in affeccion 

My sonne & my souueraigne In whom Is eleccion 

Singuwlarly this Citie hath honowrrede humbly 

And made me ther meane witvoute obieccion 

In hope of their helpe to haue It holly 

What I aske of his great grace he grauntith it goodly | 

Os A beme of al bountevous benygne 

The his knyght he hath chosen victoriously 

To convok & concorde this thy Countrey condigne 
I pray in this space 

ffor this Citie Is a place of my pleasing 

Than haue thou no drede nor no doubting 
Contynuelly her in thy Reynyng 

I shall showe to my sonne to sende thee his grace 

And In dyuers places of the Citie hanging oute of tapestry & 
other clothes & making of galaries from on Side of the strete 
ouer thwarte to that other some casting oute of obles & Wafers & 
sume casting oute of Comfettes in great quantitie as it had been 
hayle stones for loye & Reioysing of the kinges commyng And at 
the further ende of Conyenx strete was ordeyned Another stage 
With A pageant wherin king Dauid[e] stode Armede & crownede 
having A nakede Swerde in his hand . had the speche as 
ensueth &c, 






150 / YORK 1486 

Moost pre potent prince of power Imperiall 
Redoubtede in Iche Region of christez affiance 
Your Actes victorious bith notede principall 

In maner mor noble than Charles of fraunce 
Sith god so disposith of his preordynance 

Like as he yave me myght to devince goly 

I. Dauid submytte to you my Swerde of victory 

When | . Reignede In Jude I . know & testifie 

That Ebrauc the noble Whiche subdued fraunce 

In memory of his tryumphe this Citie did edefie 

That / the name of his nobley shulde haue contynuaunce 
In wittenesse that this Citie withoute variaunce . | 

Was neuer devincede by force ne violence 

Wherfor I haue chosen it for my place to your presence 

Submitting It With thafforce & truth to your excellence 
Beseching your highnesse the more for myn Instaunce 
To this your enheritaunce take gracious complacence 
Sith that It your Citie not filede with dissaveaunce 

True and bolde to your bloode not dreding perturbaunce 
Whiche causede moost this Citie to bee desolate 

Now Reviuyng in comforte to Atteigne your Astate 

And from thens the king procedede to the mynster Wher 
within The West doore Tharchebisshop With the dean & 
processyon of the hole quere of the same mynster Receyuede the 
king as accustumede And so procedede vp into the quere byfor 
the high Auter wher after the Orisons redde by tharchebisshop 
The king offrede And from thens the king Went & offrede at 
Seint Willams Shryne And than Turned into the quere into the 
deanes stalle Tharchebisshop standing in his Trone beganne Te 
deum &c. whiche by them of the quere was Right melodiously 
songen with organz as accustumede And after the Collect the 
king Went into the paloys Wher he loggede as longe as he was In 
that Citie And on the satirday next folowing Whiche Was seint 
georges even the king harde [harde] his Evensong in the mynster 
Chirche having A blew mantell aboue his Sircote And on his hede 
his cap of maintenance for he was Corowned on the morn having 
thabite of the garters Aboue al other Robes of estate Therle of 
Oxinforde bare his Trayne Also in the morne the trayne of the 
mayntell of the garters couerde the trayne of the mantell of 






* officers of 
armes /« 

1486 YORK / 151 

Astate & the furre of the Astate . | Sufficiently shewed The king 
kept his estete In the Bisshops great hall . Therle of Oxinforde 
yaue attendance vpon the Coroun hauyng also thabet of the 
garter aboue thabite of his Estate And antony Browne s[h]ewed 
that day And the lorde Scrop of Bolton by cause he Was a knyght 
of the garter in both his habitez seruede the king of water Item 
sir Dauid Owen in his habite kervede Item sir Charlez of Somers 
in his habite was Copeberer / Item Tharchebisshop whiche 
ministrede the dyvyne seruice sat on the kinges Right hande in 
non other array but as he dayly gooth in And at that other ende 
of the kinges Borde That day satt noman . 

Item In the forsaide hall Were vj Tables That Is to say ij in the 
Middez of the saide hall And In euery Ile ij At the furst table in 
the myddez of the hall satt my lorde Chaunceller my lorde priuy 
Seale Thabbot of Seynt Mary abbey Thabbot of ffounteyns 
Tharchebisshops Suffragan With other prelates And the kinges 
Chapeleyns Item at the ij4¢ table satt Therles of lincolln of 
Shrewesbury Ryuers & of Wiltshir Baronez knyghtes And esquiers 
for the body &c. Item at the furst Table on the Right Ile of the 
forsaide hall Satt the lorde Scrope Sir Thomas of Burgh And Sir 
Iohn ,‘cheyne’ knyghtes of the garter All on oon side And 
byneith theym left a voide space / And then other honest 
persones fulfilled & garnisshed that table Item at the ijd¢ Table 
of that Ile satt the dean And his Brethern Wit/ the hole quere of 
the Mynster Item at the furst Table of the ijd¢ . Ile next to the 
Walle satt the mair & his brether With other Citezins In great 
Nombr Item at the 1j4¢ | Table of that Ile sat the luggez byneith 
theym other honest persones At the kinges tables ende ther Was 
ordeigneded a stage for his Officers of Armes Whiche at the tyme 
accustumede cryede his largesse iij tymes de treiz haute treiz 
puissant treiz excellent prince le treiz victorious Roy dangliter & 
de fraunce ser de Irland Et souueraigne dela treiz noble order 
larges eftsonez thriez larges De treiz haute tres puissante trez 
excellent prince le treiz cristen Roy de fraunce & dangleter &c. 
as aboue Item Sir lohn Turburvile knyght marshall drewe the 
surnap And after dyner was ther the voide / And then the king & 
the lordez did of ther Robez excepte thabbite of the garter . 
Wherin knyghtes of the same according to ther statutz Roode to 
Evensonge And on the morne to the masse of Requiem Whiche 
Was songen by the Suffragan mytrede And after masse the king 

1 catchwords omitted| sufficiently shewde 





152/ YORK 1486 

& the knyghtes of the garter Went to the Chapter house And ther 
helde his Chapter of the garter It is to bee Remembrede That on 
Seynt Georges day Thabbot of seint Mary Abbey Redde the 
gospell Thabbot ffountenz the pistill The Suffragan Was Croyser 
& bar tharchbisshops Crosse And all were in pontificalibus This 
doon I . had leve for to departe /. ... 

B/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20A 

f 149 
{Thordinawnce of Textwriters Lommers Notors and Tournours 
fflorisshers of the Citie of York tempore William Todde] 

f 149v 

[... Also it is ordand that euere foryene vsing any part of the said 
craft that cometh into this Citie to sell any Bookes or to take 
Warke to wirk shall pay to the vpholding of ther padgeaunt 
yerely ij d 


f150v Concerning Sir William Incecliff, priest 

[And that the said sir. William shalnot be named or elect any 
padgeant Maister Sersowr or put in any Office or charge by the 
said Scryveners and textwriters at any tyme herafter ayenst his 
Woll and pleaser bot oonely to bere his charge as oone of pem 
doth yerely toward the cost of ther play in the fest of Corpus 

f£162* Textwriters 
Also that euery forein vsing any parte of the same Craft that 

cumyth into this Citie to sell Any bukes or to take any Warke to 
Wurk shall pay to the vpholding of their padgiant yerelie iii d / 

House Books Y: B6 

£92* (21 May) 
_.. Item the same day past a bill of peticion maid by Ropers and 






pro le Ropers 
& hayresters 

® proclamacion 
for pe differyng 
of corpus 
christi play 

1487 YORK / 153 

hasters the tenowr wherof is pat euery Roper and haster commyng 
to this Cite And woll set vp as a maister within the same Cite in 
making Ropes kilne hares teildes or eny other thing pertenyng or 
belonging to the said Craft of Ropers and haysters shal pay at his 
first setting vp xiij s ilij d the onv half to the vse of the 
Commonialtie tobe Resauyd by the handes of the Chaumberlayns 
for tyme being and the other half to the supportacion of the 
charges of the said Ropers and haisters Item in the same it is past 
pat euery forent commyng ‘to’ this Citie selling Ropes kilne 
hares teildes Sye or eny other thing to pame belonging be 
contributory to be said Ropers and haisters in paing of pagent 
siluer Item that it benot leful to eny Roper within this Cite and 
libertiez of the same from hensforth to wirk eny maner stuffe as 
Ropes kilne heris or eny other thing to pat craft belonging to eny 
other man not being of the same Craft to Retale ayane apon 
payne of forfating of vj s vilj d Camere & arti tociens quociens 

£92v (22 May) Ironmongers 

Also it was aggreed that my Lady Lambe Late wife to william 
Lambe Aldreman &c widowe During the tyme that she standes 
widowe shall not be chargid with thoffice of padgiant Master in 
Irenmonger craft / and for hur more ease in pat behalue she hath 
yevene .‘to’ [of] the commonialtye of pis citie. vj. $ viij. d... 

... The said Erl the Lord Clifford and other many nobles 
accompayned with iiij mila men and moo was thankfully 
Receyued vnto pe said citie and per continued to thursday 
Corpus christi day and pe same day at noone hastly the said 
lordes . toke ber Iourney towardes the North parties 

Vpon Corpus christi evene proclamacions was made thrugh the 
citie that the play of the same for diuerse consideracions moveing 
my lord Maier . my masters Aldremen and other of the commune 
Counsaill pat [the play of Corpus christi] shuld be differd vnto 
the Sonday next after the fest of Saint Thomas of Canturbury 
And pan after it was differd to pe Sonday next after the fest of 
Saint petre callid Aduincwlum because of the kinges commyng 
hidder ... 

38 because] MS because bicause 





154 / YORK 1487 

ff 104y-5* 
Thursday the xxvij day of Iuly 

Assembled in counsaill ./ It was shewed by Iohn Spon sergiaunt 
at the Mase late sent in message vnto the Kinges Secretary with 
certain Writing and credence / how . the Kinges grace entendith 
god speding to be at this his Citie here vpon . monday next 
commyng betwix .ilij. & .v. of tha clok at afternone the same day 
accompaygned betwix .xij. or .xv. thowsand men . and to tary & 
make his abode there frome the said monday to the thursday in 
the morneynge . And that my lord the Mayre with his brethren 
Aldremene and the Commune Counsaill . of this citie in there 
moost goodly array as merchuntes and citicyns . shuld Receyue 
his grace into the Citie according to thauncient custome of the 
same And also that the play of Corpus . christi . shuld be made 
Redy ayenst Lammesse day . for asfar . as . he culd perceve by 
the kinges secretary forsaide it shuld please his highnesse to here 
it the same day / Which premissez . shewed . the said Iohn Spon. 
With thankes yovene for his . acquitall perin . departid With 
licence frome this said Counsaill ./ Whervpon . it was . 
determyned . that my lord Mayre . my masters . thaldremen his 
brethrez clothed in Scarlet and . the Commune counsaill . in 
Cremesyn and other wise goodly . arrayed . shuld Receve the 
kinges highnesse in to this his citie Without Mykillyth barre 
standing on Rowe bifore Saint Thomas house ther . and that 
Master Recordowr shuld . vse thies Wordes ensuyng vnto . the 
kinges grace there In be name of my lord Mayre My masters 
Aldermen Shereffes . commune . counsaill and thool body of 
this . citie Moost high and mighty Christen prince and our moost 
drad souerain liege lord . The Maier aldremen . | Shereffes and 
Commune Counsaill wit) thool . body of this Citie as . your . 
true and faithfull subgiettes Welcome your moost noble grace 
vnto this your citie With due lovinges vnto almyghty god for the 
grete fortune ,‘and noble tryumphe & victory’ it hath plased 
his . godhede to graunt vnto your highnesse at this tyme in 
subduying of your Enmyes and Rebelles . besuching almighty 
god to continewe you in pe st...) / 

And that Within pe barre in Mikilgate of either side the strete 
shall . stand . the Communaltye of euere craft on ber best array 
without any staffes bering . With due obeysaunce making vnto 
[pe k] his grace and crying of King Henry . &c. 







«speach of mr 
Recorder //* 

«my Lord 
maiour did bere 
the mace before 
ye kings 

1487 YORK / 155 

f 107-7v 
The secund tyme of the Comyng of the kinges 
grace herry the vijth vnto this his Citie 
The monday the xxxti Day of the moneth of luly the kinges 
grace accompayned with many lordes and nobles . of his Realme 
and ther Retinewe to the nombred of .x. thowsand men in 
harnesse with his baner Displayed cam to the Citie of york about 
iiij . of the clok at after none pe same Day and at Saint Thomas 
hospitall without Mikilgate barre my lord Mayre Master 
Recordour . with all. Aldremen and Counseillowrs of this citie in 
ther . moost goodly maner and aray . like Citicyns . Receyued . 
his moost Royall persone into this Citie . With Wordes ensuyng 
vtterd by the mouthe of Master Recordour forsaid ./ 
Moste high and mighty . christen Prince and our moost drad 
souuerain lige lord . your true and faithfull . subgiettes . the 
Mayre Aldremen Shereffes and Common Counsaill With thool . 
body of this your Citie in ther moost humbly . Wise Welcomes 
your moost noble grace vnto the same ./ yeving Due lovinges . 
vnto . almighty god for the grete fortune noble trihumpe and 
victory . Which it hath pleased his godhede to graunt vnto your 
highnesse in subduyng your . Rebelles and ennymes at this tyme 
besuching almighty god . to continewe your moost noble grace in 
the same / Which wordes . the kinges grace Receyued thankfully . 
and soo Rood furth thrughe the Citie my lord . Mayre bering the 
mase bifore his highnesse [vnto th] on horsbak vnto the paloys 
beside the Cathedral church of york . On Weddynsday after in 
the fest of thaduincle of Saint petor the play . of corpus chr7sti 
by . the kinges Commaundement Was . played thrugh the Citie 
and his grace hering the same in Conyngstrete at thomas Scot 
house / Thursday after in the mornyng Roger . Layton squire 
Was . Iuged at the guildhall to be heded for certain poyntes of 
treason committed by hyme . ayenst the kinges highnesse / and 
of Satterday next after at 1). of the Clok at after none the said 
Roger Was . heded vpon the payment and his . body and hede 
beryd . to gidder . in his parissh chirch of the holy Trinitie . in 
Gotheromgate / The same Satterday . and thursday before 
Thomas . Metcalf gentilman and . oone Tempesse . Was . Iuged 
by sir . lohn Troubleveile knight marshall . to be heded in like 
Wise / but after they obtegned ther pardones vpon the kinges 
grace /. In the vigill of Saint petre callid . Aduincle The King 
Dubbed my lord | Maier callid William Todde and . Richard York 
Alderman . knightes ./ Monday after The kinges grace 






156 / YORK 1487 

accompaigned With many lordes and nobles of this his Realme 

toke his lourney toward Durham and . Newcastell ./ And from 

thens Retowrned Within the space of Xillj. days comyng by . 
Burghbrig and soo streght vnto pountfrect / Vnto the Which My 

lord Mayre iiij Aldermen accompayned With lx. horsse cam vnto 5 
the kinges grace shewing vnto [the the] his highnesse certain 
maters . concernyng the Well and prouffit of this Citie of the 
Which they hadd a perfite Aunswer . and his grace Right Well 

content With ther comyng And so Retourned agayne vnto this 

Citie vpon the Sonday after the fest of Saint Bartilmewe. ... 10 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D54CC 

mb 1 
Legates ... Et receptwm de Arteficibus de Boweres pro ffirma le pagant 15 
howsse pro hoc Anno jj s 

Reparaciones Et Vnde ii de Magister et Constabularij petunt allocacionem pro 
AOS expensis factis hoc anno videlicet soluerunt pro ij [(..)] lignis 
empts pro le pagant howsse precium vj d Et soluerunt duobus 20 
homuinibus pro le Sawyng dicts lignis ij d Et soluerunt pro C le 
dubbyll spikynges iiij d Et soluerunt pro ij Dossen & ij li. fferrio 
pro les Bandes & hespssees & le Stapylles pro Pagant housse 
supradict’ xv d Et soluerunt Adam Hudson pro factura dictos 
bandes hespsses & Stapilles vil) d Et soluerunt pro ij le Swallis 25 
pro hostijs dicts vij d Et soluerunt pro vno loke & pro vno 
Clauo pro dicto uj d Et soluerunt Wille/mo Iohnson 
carpentario ibidem operant: per vnam diem & di. ixd Et 
soluerunt lohanni Gryndon pro purgacione dicte le Pagant housse 
per di. diem yj d Et solwerunt pro xxxvj li. Wax & Rosyn ad 1j°r — 30 
Torchias gilde & pro factura eiusdem vj s viij d Et soluerunt 
Custodibus Pontem Vse pro ffirma le Pagant howsse predicte 
xij d // ... Et Pro Portacione Torcharum in processione Corporijs 
Christi ex consuetudine jj s ... 

15 marginalia Legates] for Legata 18 iide] brevigraph omitted for iidem 
22 fferrio) for fferri 33 Corporijs] for Corporis 

Redditus & firme 
tam infra 
Mikellith quam 
extra Raton 
Rawe & Toftes 

Legata cum 
Pecunie pro 
le Pagenthous 



1488 YORK / 157 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C85:1 

mb 1* 

Et de xij d Receptis de firma vnius domus per magistros pagine 
pellipariorum Ciuitatis Ebor’ sol. per annum ad eosdem terminos 

Et de xij d Receptis de firma vnivs domus pagine mercerum 
ibidem sol. per annum ad eosdem terminos 

Et de xij d Receptis de firma domus pagine pistorum ibidem sol. 
per Annum eosdem terminos 

Et de xij d Receptis de firma domus pagine Tannatorum ibidem 
sol. per Annum ad eosdem terminos 

Et de ij s Receptis de firma domus pagine carpentariorum & 
Alutariorum ibidem sol. ad eosdem terminos 

Et de vi) d Receptis de firma domus pagine Aurifabrorum ibidem 
sol. per Annum ad eosdem terminos 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D54DD 

mb 1 
... Et receptum [de] pro firmo le pagent howsse xij d 

... Et soluerunt Pro Portacione Torcharum in processione 
Corporis Christi xviij d ... 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: 1/55 MP 

mb 1 

... Et in Regardo datum ex mandato dominorum Decani & 
Capituli histrionibus interessentibus In festis Translacionis sancti 
Wille/mi ‘vj s viij d* quatuor diebus in septimana pentecostis 
"xiij $ iiij d’ Et Deposicionis sancti Wille/mi ‘vj s_ viij d’ prout 
vsitatum est annis precedentibus xxvj s viij d. Et quatuor 
Diaconis portantibus pannum supra capud sancti Wille/mi In 
translacione eiusdem ‘xij d.’ quatuor diebus pentecostis alps. et 
Deposicionis sancti Wille/mi ‘xij d’ iiij s ... 

24 firmo] for firma 27 marginalia Allocaciones] for Allocacionibus 







Firma pro Le 
Pagent howsse 
Cum legaus 


inter wevers & 

158 / YORK 1489 

House Books Y: B6 

£168v (5 February) 

... Item it is agreid that per be no Rewardes yeven by yere from 
this day forwerd to eny minstralles bot to the kinges And also 
pat berbe no forther expens maid apon corpus christi day bot xls 
and if ,"it’ ouergo pat the Chamberleyns to pay it of per own 
charges ... 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: DS4EE 
mb 1 
Et computant de ffirme le Pagenthowsses hoc Anno nichill 

... Et soluerunt pro portacione Torchijs coram processionem die 
veneris proximo post ffestus Coporis Christi xviij d ... 

House Books Y: B7 

f4v (16 June) 

At the which day by all abovesaid forsomuch as the cordeweners 
in the procession of the morowe efter corpus christi day was 
Rebell and disobeaunt in bat accordyng to the proclamacion maid 
in bering of ber torchiez and wold not bere paime pai [tofore] to 
forfet the penaltie in the said proclamacion and that tobe paid to 
the [h] behafe of the Commonialtie which is x li. and for the 
contentacion perof the Maiowr to send for Seirchers of the same 
Craft and for nonnpayment berof to commit the Seircheours to 
prison vnto the tyme it be content 

£5 (28 June) 

At the which day Assembled in the Counsail Chaimbre of 
Ousebrig And per and then fully determyned and Concludet 
forsomuch as the Cordeweners of this Cite hath not paid [and] 
bot expreslye Refuseth to pay the x li. forfet by thame for ber 

15 ffirme] for ffirma 18 Coporis] for Corporis 







inter weuers 
& cordiners 
de le torchez 

1490 YORK / 159 

my sbehauyng in bering of ber torches the morowe efter corpus 
day notwistonding the Seircheors of the ‘sam’ was in prison for 
the novnpayment perof and vnder [cte] certan fourme to be 
enlawed this day was in larged of prison consedering the Auncient 
ordynance of this said Cite maid in tyme past and execute in 
dede .‘accordinglie’ pat the weuers going of the Right hond in 
the procession of corpus christi aforsaid and the same cordeweners 
of the left hond those in this last procession the same cordeweners 
mysehauyd pame ‘and Refusid the bering of per torches’ [in the 
same] it is ordeyened that the said x li. shalbe levied withoute 
delay And for the payment of the same .x li. eftsonez the 
“Seircheour of the’ cordeweners er Recommitted to prison 

[to] ber to Remaiyiyne vnto such tyme the said x li. “be’ fully 
paid. &c 

f5v (2 July) 

ad quem diem & coram prescripts venerunt in Camera Consilij in 
pleno consilij Thomas Chapman lohannes Ellis Wille/mus Stubbes 
& Ricardus Raby & Manucaptores et eorum quemlbet per se 
manucepit pro Ricardo Rawlyn Iohanne Pycher & als allutaris 
existentibus in prisona domini Regis Ciuitatis Ebor’ ad intrandum 
[corpus] corpora eorum Ricardi [lohannis Pg] lohannis & 
aliorum allutariorum coram Mai‘ore [super] infraseptem dies 
proximas sequentes datam presencium sub pena forisfacture xx li. 
solvendarum vsui Communitatis istius Ciwitatis . vel . solutionis 

x li. per illos allutarios forisfaciendorum pro suis inobediencijs in 
portacione [torch’] torchearum suarum contra ordinaciones &c. 

£6 (9 July) 

At the which day the said Cordewenerez and euery of pame 
tofore committ and being in the prison enlawed ber bodes tofore 
the said presence And per and then aswele per ordynance was 
openly Redd as a bill of Supplicacion yeven "by thame’ to the 
Maiour thaldermen & the hole counsaill of the Chaumbre ,‘apon 
the’ which ordynancez & supplicacion so Red and vnderstondet 
the said Counsaill fully determyned & concludet pat the said 
cordeweners shall content & pay the penaltie of x li. by pame 

20 & Manucaptores] for in Manucaptores 24 infraseptem] for infra septem 
25 ottose stroke between forisfacture and xx li. 








160 / YORK 1490 

forfet in that at they wer disobeant contrarie the Maiour 
comaundment in bering of per torchies pai that Refusing [th] 
tobe discharged of per ffraunches and ‘also of’ forther 
occupying in per craft in eny thing belonging to per ordynance 
vnto the tyme pai haue content the said penaltie of x li. &c. 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: £20 
f 381 (15 May) 

Memorandum it is the xvth day of May the fift yere of the reign 
of our souereyn lige lorde kyng henry the Sevant ordeigned & 
establisshed by thassent & Agrement of the Right wirshupful Sir 
lohn Gylliot merchaunt than being Maiour of this wirshipful Cite 
at the Special instance & prayer of Thomas Rooke thelder 
Robert Gybbon Wiliam Gybbon Nicholas [Gybbon] Kechyn 
Thomas Rooke yonger Thomas Penpugh william Iohnson And 
Roger Emson Citesyns & Cobblers of this said Cite According 
vnto a. ordynance maid & Registered in the thik pauper boke in 
the myddes of the same the xj day of May the iiijt yere of the 
reign of king Edward the fourt as in the same more planelie 
doeth appere that euery man from hensforth occupying the said 
occupacion of Coblers within this Cite and ffraunches of the 
same yerelie content & pay to the Sustentacion of the Torches 
by the said Coblers yerelie born to the honowr of Corpus christi 
that is to say iiij d except all the personez in the said ordynance 
ben except as in the same more planelie doth appere and who pat 
is Rebell contrarie this ordynance shall forfet & pay withoute 
pardon vj s viij d to the Chambre & Craft without pardon ... 

f 302* (27 September) 

That the tapitours of this Cite and libertie of the same that err or 
for tyme shalbe dying eny maner yarnes cloth or woll as in dorray 
Reid yalowe or eny othre Colour to be contributory to the dyers 
of this Cite pat err or for tyme shalbe in paing of pagent siluer as 
thay haue doon in tymes past that is to say euery Tapitour sO_ 
dying to pay yerelie to the... Item that the Tapitowrs of this Cite & 
ffraunches of the same dying eny maner yarnes als Reid dorrey 
yalowe or eny other colour in woll or cloth be contributory to 

the dyers of this same Cite pat erre or for tyme shalbe in paing of 






ffirma de 


1490 YORK / 161 

pagent siluer as they have done in tymez past that is to say euery 
tapitour so dying to pay yerelie to the pagent. 

f 296v (27 November) 

Ista prescripta ordinacio de les Tapitowrs ,‘cancellata’ & adnullata 
est tempore Iohannis Gylliot Maioris per eius assensum et tocius 
Consilij Camere xxvij° die Novembris anno vj‘° regnt regis 
henrici septim1. 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D54FF 
mb 1 

Et idem Compuwntes compotant de ffirme le pagant howsse 
receptum de Arteficebus lez Boweres & le fflecheres hoc 
anno xi) d 

... Et sol pro portacione Torchiarum coram processionem in die 
Veneris proximo post festum Corpus christi ex consuetudine 
Vis) Ge, 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls Y: C99:7 
mb 3 

Unde dictus magister petit allocari de diuersis expensis dicto 
Anno per ipsum factis in processione generali Videlicet in 
Crastino Corporis christi in primis Clerico portanti Crucem ante 
processionem ij d Item solut. 1iij°T clericis portantibws le 
bawdkyn vilj d Item solut. ix hominibus portantibus nouem 
Torchis xviij d Item solut. pro Cera combustura vj d Et solut. 
Thome Bateman et Thome hunter Clericis in vestiario monasterij 
in rewardo ijbus vicibus xij d Et solut. duobus homuinibus 
portantibus fferetru iiij d Et solut. pro refeccione magistri et 
sex Custodum circa festum corporis christi et finem Compoti ‘ex 
consuetudine’ vs 

15 de ffirme] for firma 19 sol] brevigraph omitted 







162 /YORK 1490 
York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: £1/5 6 MP 

mb 1 

... Et in regardo. datum ex mandato dominorum de capitulo 
histrionibus interessentibus in festis Translacionis sancti Wille/mi 
‘vj Ss viij d° / quatuor diebus in septimana Pentecostis "Xiij s 
iilj dY & deposicionis sancti Willelmi ‘vj s_viij d” prout vsitatum 
est annis precedentibus xxvj s viij d ... Et quatuor diaconis 
portantibus pannum supra caput sancti Wille/mi in Translacione 
eiusdem ‘xij d* / quatuor diebus in septiman Pentecostis "ij s” 
et deposicione sancti Wille/mi ‘xij d” iiij s. ... 

House Books Y: B7 

£38 (19 February) 

To oure trusty and welbeloued Counseillour and 
Knyght for oure body sir Richard Tunstall and 
to the Maire of oure Citie of York. 

By the kyng 
Trusty and welbeloued we grete you wele And for Asmoche as 
we bee enformed that grete diuisions discordes and debates 
depend & of long tyme passed haue doon betwix thartificers of 
wevers and Cordeners reseant and dwelling within oure Citie ther 
for their going with torches in procession wherby often tymes 
thynges haue been like to be [atto] attempted to be peruersion 
& breche of oure peas and inquietacion of oure subgiettes of 
oure seid Citie We therfor entending good and peasiable rule to 
be obserued & kept ther without any thing to be meoved to the 
contrarie wol and desire you that calling before you thartificers 
of both crafftez ye will haue this matier in good and deliberat 
[examycion] examynacion and therupon ordre [&] and [sed] 
surely establisshe suche a direccion therein according to the olde 
vsages accostomed there as may be for pe fynall appeasing of the 
said debates without any furthere trouble or demaunde to be 
made in that behalf And pat this passe you not vndirected as we 
truste you and as we haue no cause [tare] tarrecte or ascribe any 
default vnto you hereafter Yeuen vnder oure signet at oure 

10 septiman] for septimana 40 Yeuen] termimated by -er abbreviation 








1491 YORK / 163 

palois of westminster the xixth day of feurier 
f37v (26 Apmil) 

At whice day [it] Assembled in pe counseill chambre opon 
Ousebryge ther was Rede be kynges lettre myssyve dyrected to 
master sir Richard Tunstall & Mylord Maier for reformacion of 
be variaunce betwix pe weuers & Cordweners of pis Citie for 
beryng of Torchez on be morn after corpus christi day be tenour 
wheroff ensuyth hereafter 

£40 (14 May) 

Item the same day the Serssours of pe Cordweners come afore 
‘be’ said presence & dissired to haue , ‘pe’ ordinauncez , ‘of 
their craft’ agayn deliuered and to bere theyr torchez in theyr 
old rome & place pe morne after corpus christi day and accordyng 
to the kynges [k] lectrez whiche was opynly rede afore be seid 
presence wherunto pe seid maire & presence , “answerd &’ 
comaunded theym to bere theyr torchez ather by theym self on 
both sidez the Strete afore the wevers or elles to go on pe lefft 
hand & be wevers on pe right hand or eles to [go] make fyne 
with pe Chambre and be dysmysed of beryng any torches , ‘for’ 
this yere and to giff yerly , “hereafter’ to be Chamberleyns for 
tyme beyng xij) s_iiij d for to haue theyr ordinaunces agayn with 
serche of rede lether & blake [(..)] heropon the seid serssourz in 
pe nam[(.)] of pe hole [(..)] crafft askes respyte of theyr answer 
in that behalue to pe next assemble of the seid presence as after 
ensuy th 

f40v (30 May) 

at which day pe Serssours of pe Cordweners gaf answer pat theyr 
craft was agreed to pay & content yerly vnto be chamberleyns 
for tyme beyng xiij s. iiij d to haue per old ordynauncez agayn 
deliuered with serche of blake & rede lether and all other 
correcionz & punyschmentes & forfaitez longyng to per seid 
craft without interupcion of any other in apayre Indenturz vnder 
seale of office of Mayraltie & be sessours of the same crafte 
enterchaungeably whiche was grant theym by all be seid presence 
and they to bere theyre torchez pe morn after corpus christi day 








ffirma de 


164 / YORK 1491 

in oone of be two rommez afore reherced apon pe penaltie afore 
[pis] pis tyme berin ordaned 

A/Y Memorandum Book yY: £20 

f 42 
(See above 1401) 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: DS54HH 
mb 1 

Et Computant de firme de lez paganthows hoc Anno nichill quia 
pertinet Arcuarys & petecularys per condicionem factam 
Summa nichil 

... Et soluerunt pro factura tribus Torchijs & pro emendacione 
ludas vsque festum Corpus christi x s iiij d Et solwerunt pro 
portacione Torchiarum coram processionem Corpus christi 
xviij d ... 

House Books Y: B7 

f£70* (1 June) 

Assemblez deinz la counseill Chambre {sur la pont del vse} deinz 
la common saill I] fuist agree ge le Maire chescun alderman 
vicountes & chescun de la common counseill [q] auera vn torche 
dee’ port deuawnt le corse nostre saveur iesu crist lendemayn 
apres le iour de corpus christi sur payn de forfettowr de Chescun 
auauntdit xl. s dee’ pay al common profite dicell Citie sawnz 
ascun pardon / Et sile Maire , “pur le temps eteant’ ne leve toutz 
lez paynez dee’ issint forfettes que adonquwes il paiera lez ditz 
forfettes de cez bienz demesne dee’ employes come deuawnt est 

Item mesme le lour il fuist determyne par la dist presence 
que chescun Gild fraternite art & occupacion deinz mesme la 
Citie que de auncient temps eut vse deporter torchez qilz 
porteront lour torchez de mesme la gild fraternite Arte & 
Occupacion solonc la Auncient Custome du lendemayn de 
Corpus Christi al honour del sagement &c. & al honourable 
Custome auawndit sur payne & forfaittour deint proueu le 









Atque postea 

1492 YORK / 165 

primez temps de Maraltie [en le primez<...) temps de] du Thomas 
[Thomas] Wranghwys quel payn & forfettouwr est xl s de Chescun 
Gild &c. Et outre qilz porteront lowr torchez in lez Romez & 
lieuz al eux assignez par le common Clerk pur le temps e¢eant 

Item mesme la iour il fuit agree et determine par tout la dit 
presence que lez Cordeweners deinz mesme la Citie porteront 
lour torchez lendemayn apres Corpus christi en le Rome de 
senestre Main dez wevers & non en alve lieu sur , ‘la’ payn 
deimt proueu 

£73 (28 June) 

Assembled in the Counceil Chambre [within common] by 
whome it was agreid ‘& determyned yat all such forfettes’ [that 
ye Maire shall sea] as be forfett for beryng of Torchez the morn 
aftir corpus christi day last past acordyng to old ordinance 
beruppon provided shalbe leueed and Rased withoute pardon 
pat is to say of Roger Appulby ‘one’ of be xxilij™ xl s of Willtam 
Barker merchaunt an oyer of the xxiiij"' xl s and of thartificers of 
cordwaners x li. for nowin beryng of ber Torchez acordyng to 
diuerse old ordinancez yeruppon ordened & provided 

£72v (6 July) 

[Also the same day it was Agreid be the said presence yat Roger 
Apulby on of the Common Counceil for nounberyng of his 
Torch the morn aftir corpus day [shall] ‘haith’ forfeit & ‘shall’ 
pay xl s acordyng to ye ordinance yeruppon mad &c.] 

£73v (6 July) 

At the which day it was fully agreid by ye said presens ‘yat’ 

the Cordwaners of this Citie shall goo to ye Weuers of the same 
to thentent yat a louyng Communicacion betwix may be had as 
tuching the beryng of their torchez to fore the holy Sacrament 
the morn aftir corpus christi day and vppon such communicacion 
, had’ if the said occupacions of weuers & Cordwaners can 
[can] be agreid of be premissez . than thay to [ca] cume to fore 
[my] the maire & his Counceil & yif a awnswer of the said 
Communicacion wheder bai be agreid or noo and if pai can nott 
be agreable emonst tham selffe than the maire & the Councel for 
to tak , “such” ordre betwix thame as thame shall most 
exspedient &c. in yat behalue / 






166 / YORK 1492 
ff 77-7v (2 August) 

Item pat kendale men pat bryngeth wollen cloth to pis Citie to 
sell in grose or by retaill bat they , ‘from henforth’ sell in grose 
in theyr Innes and loggynges and by retaill in pe said Thuresday 
market and not to go haukyng and sell in any ober place apon 
payn of forfettour of theyr clothes as is above seyd &c. Provided 
alway pat thes | ordinancez to fore seid or any article of pe same 
be not preiudiciall ne hyndderyng to any husbandman or oper 
poure creature of be Contrey beyng vnfranchest pat maketh 
apece or two of wollen cloth in a yere within his awn house & 
bryngeth to pis Citie to sell by retaill Bot pat it be lefull to pe 
said husbandman or ober poure creature so pat they be be 
trewe & veray awners of pe clothes to sell the said cloth or 
clothes by retaill opon be payment or any ober place within pis 
Citie & suburbs of the same thes ordinancez or any article 
berof not withstandyng So pat euery person that selleth any 
wollen cloth by retail or in groce and hauyng ouer thre yerdes 
of brod cloth & vj yerdes of narowe pay yerely pagiant siluer 
vnto the pagiant Maisters & sersours of pe said craftes & 
occupacionz of drapours and Taillowrs as hath ben accustomed 
of auncient tyme heretofore 

£85 (21 September) 

Assemblez deinz la counseill Chambre sur la ponte del ouse II 
fuist determyne par la dit presence que le Maier & lez 
chaimberleyns ferront lever touz manere forfettes fait par Roger 
Appulby & Willsam Barker Marchaunt pur ceo qils failleront de 
porter lour torchez lendemayn apres le iour de Corpus christi ia 
dez passe solonc lordnauncez eint faites & prouidez Et auxint 
que le dit maier & chamberleyns encontinent ferront lever de 
Art del Cordweners touz forfettes quex ilz ount forfet pur ceo 
que ilz ne porteront lour torches lendemayn prochyn apres le 
iour de Corpus christi darrein passe solonc lordinawncez et 
encountre le commaundement del maier & common counseill 
eint a eux fait & done Et ceo dee’ leve mayntenant 

£87 (26 October) 

Assembled in the counseill chambre apon Ouse brigge and 






1492 YORK / 167 

for asmyche as the , “hole craft of’ the Cordweners with in pis 
Citie & suburbes of pe same haue forfet x li. for pe nounberyng 
of per torches be morn next after Corpus christi day last past 

pe which x li. my lord maier hath oft & many tymes comaunded 
the serssours , ‘& diuers oper” of pe said Craft to bryng in [pe] 
& lay doun pe said x li. & to put it in pe will & pleasowr of hym 
& his brether the whiche to do they refuse & denyeth to pay any 
suche forfett wher for lohn Smyth & Thomas Rechardson two 
of the sersors of be said Craft wer comaunded to prison & per yet 
remayneth & Iohv Crake & Thomas Chaloner ober two of be 
sersours , ‘of pe same craft’ at such tyme as they wer sent for by 
my lord mayer with drewe , “hem’ & wold not come in Wherfor 
, as for per disobesaunce & denyez’ it is determyned by pe said 
presence bat my lord Maier suld send pe chamberleyns & pe 
comon sergeantez & take distressez of pe cordweners & euery 
of theym [c] of suche stuff as may be found in per housez to 

pe value x li. & pat to be leved incontinent with out pardon and 
after my lord be Maier send pe vj comon sergeauntes of pis 
Citie to euery Cordweners house wit/ in pe Citie & suburbs 
commaundyng & chargyng theym to bryng hym al suche stuff 
belongyng to pe said craft as they couth fynd in pe said housez 
or shopes And pe said vj sergiauntes accordyng to pe said 
comaundement brought into pe counseill chambre apon house 
brige tofore my lord Maier & chamberleyns as myche stuff of pe 

f 88 (12 November) 

assembled in the Counseill Chambre opon Ouse brigge John 
Crake Iohn Smyth Thomas Chaloner & Thomas Richardson 
Serssours of be Cordweners within pis Citie of york lohn 
Eshwray lohn Clerk Iohn Yong Robert Yong Burnett Thomas 
Smyth Citicins & Cordweners of pis in pe name of pe hole 
Crafft of Cordwerners within pis same Come personally tofore 
pe said presence & ther layd down in a purse ensealed x li. 
whiche they had forfet for nownberyng of theyr torches pe 
morn after corpus christi day last past puttyng be said x li. in 
the will & discreccionz of pe said presence Besechyng [theym] 
my lord pe Maier to be theyr good & tender lord & al my 
Maisters thaldermen & other of be comon counseill good & 
tender maisters & not to take al bat mony of theym haueng 
in theyr discret & tender consideracionz That the ‘cause of” 
[defaut &] nownberyng was only in Iohn Crak & Iohn Smyth 





ffirma de lez 


168 / YORK 1492 

two of ther Serssours and not the defaut of pe hole body of 
Crafft as they haue shewed diuers & mony tymes hertofore 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D541 

mb 1 

Et viterius supradicti Computantes Computant de le firma de 
lez Paganthowsse xij d 

... Item solwerunt pro portacione Torchiarum coram processionem 
in festo Corporis christi ex consuetudine xviij d .., 

House Books Y: B7 

£90v (7 January) 

assembled in the Consaill Chambre opon ousebrigge It was 
determyned & by pe said presence ennacted & Establisched 
fermely here after to be kept & obserued That the Wevers and 
Cordweners within pis Citie accordyng to an auncient ordinance 
maid in the second tyme of Marialtie of the Right wurshipfull 
sir Richard york knyght shall yerely herafter on be morn next 
after corpus christi day [go] peceably go in procession with 
theyr torches to’fore pe blessed sacrament from pe Abley 
churche of be Trenite in Mekilgate vnto pe Mynster in maner 
& forme followyng That is to say the wevers on the Righthand 
wit) xij torches and the Cordweners on pe lefft hand with 
xillj torches apon ‘payn’ of [fett] forfetture of x li. to be 
leved by the Maier for pe tyme beyng & to [pe] be emploied 
to pe comon well of this Citie as in be said ordnance 1s lymeted 
and furwith Iohn Crake & Iohn Smyth two of the sersours of 
be Craft of Cordweners wer sent fore & came personaly to fore 
the same presence and ther [it was shewed] the said act & 
ordinance with pe forfettur & penaltie , “by pe mouth of pe 
Recorder’ was distinctly shewed vnto theym and ouer pat it 
was giffyn in Comaundement vnto the same serssours to shewe 
& publische the said ordinance vnto pe hole Crafft of Cordweners 

27 Abley| for Abbey 







1493 YORK / 169 

within this Citie & suburbs of the same apon pe perill & Iuperdie 
pat may ensuy 

£92v (3 February) 

Item the same day yere & place it is agreed establisched fermly 
here after to be obserued & kept That euery alderman & oper 
of the xxiiijth & comon counseillours of pis Citie shall at all 
tymes herafter to come to counsseills “offerantes processions’ 
sermons & ober assemblez they and euery of theym laufully 
warned That is to say thaldermen by the maiers Esquyers and 
euery of the xxilijth by the common sergiauntes to the Maise 
and who so makes defaut and comys not at all suche counseills 
sermons offerauntes processions & ober assemblez within the 
space of an houre to theym shewed by the said Esquyers & 
sergeiauntes without an resonable & laufull excuse to pay at 
euery tyme so makyng default ii1j d and if they be not laufully 
warnedd by the Esquyers and comon [ser] sergeiauntes then 
they to paye “be said payn of 11ij d 

£96v (12 April) 

At the which day it is agreid by the said presens that wher pe 
[said] Cutler of this Citie haue of Auncien tyme resaued & yit 
yerly resaueth to the Sustentacion of their paiaunt of the 
lynweuers of this [th] Citie v s which pai er payed yerely by the 
handes of the Chambleyns for the tyme being that [thay] is to 
say that it is ennakted that pe said Cutlers shall resaue yerely 
the said v s of the said “Chamberleyns’ [Cutlers] in maner & 
fourme Abouesaid &c. 

ff 97-9 (8 May) 

Assembled in the counseill chambre within pe common hall it 
was shewed by the mouth of my lord the Maier howe bat the 
reuerent fader in god Willam Synowez abbot of Seynt Mary 
abbey the nyght last tofore past send vnto my said lord pe 
Maer a gentilman of pe said abbotes called Thomas lovell and 
shewed vnto pe Maier That this present day at ix of pe cloke 
afore none the said Abbot & Richard Chomley wold come vnto 
be ffreers austyns disiryng the Maier his brether & ober of the 








170 / YORK 1493 

comon counseill to mette theym ther To thentent pat pe same 
abbot & Richard Chomley accordyng to the kynges wryttyng 
myght , ‘take’ a loufyng concord in pe matier of variaunce 
betwyx pe craftesmen of be wevers within pis Citie on be , ‘one’ 
partie & the Cordweners of be same Citie on pat other partie 
after which Message shewed My said lord pe Maier & al the seid 
presence furthwith went on to pe said freers austyns and ther 
at be north end of be kyrk thei met the said Right Reuerent 
fader in god & Richard Chomley and so to geiders went in to a 
place of freers Willsam Bewyk at pe said north end and then said 
abbot shewed & opynly red the kynges lettrez Mysyve in whiche 
emong other thynges it was conteyned That the said abbot 
Richard Clyfford & Richard Chamley call tofore theym the 
parties tofore seid and to here & examyn the causes & trauers 
emong be same partiez & ouer that to determyn & fynysche be 
said travers & variauncez by virtue of which lettre be said abbot 
& Richard Chomley thought they shuld determyn the seid 
causez without advice of any other wherunto My lord the Maier 
answerd and said how pat the kynges noble progenitours of 
theyr especiall gracez of auncien tyme hath grant vnder theyr 
lettrez patentes ynto pe Maier Shireffes aldermen & other of the 
comon Counseill of this Citie fful power to make ordinancez 
& ober establischmentes for pe publike well of pis Citie & 
cociticinz of pe same and ferthermore ‘to here & determyn’ 
pat al maner causez quarels contrauersiez debatez & demaundez 
emargyng & surdaunt emong be any personz beyng cociticinz 
within pis said Citie or elles before pe Iusticez of assisez & by 
suche’ mene | other al whiche grauntez libertiez & privilegiez 
oure soueraigne lord the kyng pat nowe is of his most tendre 
grace hath confirmed & Ratified ffor whiche consideracion my 
said lord Maiour his brether Shireffes and al other of the comon 
counseill of pis Citie wold not in any , “wise” consent That the 
said abbot & Richard Chomley or any other foreyn shuld by 
coloure or virtue of any wryttyng from pe kynges grace or from 
any other entermett theym of any cause Matier or accion 
Surdaunt or meved ‘“betwix any of’ [within] the Citicinz of pis 
Citie whiche in any wise shuld Sound into pe breche of the 
fraunchesiez and libertiez of pe same wherto the said abbot and 
Richard Chomley answerd and instantly required & prayed my 
said lord pe Maiour and al [the] the said presence That in 

35 any] MS any eny 







1493 YORK / 171 

somy che as the kynges highnes hath writtyn vnto theym 
comaundyng theym by the same wrytyng in avoidyng his gret 
displeasour to apeace pe [s] above seid variaunce That it wold 
please my lord the Maier & pe said presence That they myght 
som, ‘thyng’ do therin pat shuld please pe kynges good grace 
in pe premysez and ouer that the said reuerent fader en god 
thabbot seyd & tofore al the said presence opynly by his own 
mowth shewed that rather or he shuld do or consent to any 
maner thyng pat [wher] wer to pe breche of pe libertiez & 
fraunchisez or in to preiudice of ony ordinancez of this Citie 
he [take a tho] wer lever to take a thousand pound of the 
tresory of his monastery & cast down the water of ouse hertely 
prayng & in al curtase wise requireng pat my lord maiowr & pe 
said presence wold be of pat will & mynd to suffre hym & the 
seid Richard Chomley to haue a communicacion betwix the said 
Crafftez and they trust to god to take suche direccion in the 
said matere of variaunce as shal stand with the myndes & pleasour 
of be Maiour & pe seid presence after whiche request & instant 
disire my lord Maiouwr by thassent of the said presence graunted 
vnto pe said abbot & Richard Chomley they shuld drawe a 
paupire of theyr myndes & to Jett my lord Maiour & be counseill 
haue a sight perof & beropon to giff answer agayn wheropon 
pe seid abbot & Richard Chomley drew a paupir of theyr myndes 
& send it to my lord Maier & comon counseill whiche was ouer 
seen & Ripeley examyned by the same & in somyche as it was 
thought ther was no thyng comprised within same pat was in 
preiudice & breche of any ordinance or libertie of this Citie It 
was agreed that said abbot the Satterday next ensuyng whiche 
was pe xjth day of May if it wald please hym com in to pe 
counseill chambre opon ousebrigge and ther by thassent of al 
the comon counseill of bis Citie . to’ deliuere vnto the Craftes 
of wevers & Cordweners two paupirs of award for [s] goyng in 
procession yerly herafter with theyr torchez the morn next after 
corpus christi day whiche paupir | of award was Eftsonez opynly 
rede to fore pe seid presence pe seid a xjth day of May and by 
the said Maiowr & comon counseill affermed & Establisched 
fermely here after to be obserued and keped The Tenowr of 
whiche award ensuyth &c. 

Where in tyme paste that variaunce and discord dependyng 
betwix the Craft of the Cordweners of the Citie of Yorke of the 

11 he [take atho]]MS he [take atho] he 16-17 the said] MS the pe said 







172 / YORK 1493 

oon party And the Craft of pe wevers theire of the oper partie as 
more at large dothe appere by the Contennce of a peticron or 
supplicacion presented of the behalue of the Craft of the said 
Cordweners vnto be most noble grace and highnesse of the kyng 
oure Souuerain and redoubted lord kyng herry the vijth and by 
pe force and virtue of be most noble lettres of his said grace 
directid to his trusty and Right welbeloued in god Thabbot of 
his monastery of Saint Marie besides his Citie of York oon of 

his Counsaillours And to his trusty and welbeloued seruantes 
Richard Clifford Esquyer for his body and Richard Cholmlay 
oon of his [Rey] Receyuours for bering in order theire Torchies 
afore pe procession Custumably and yerly vsed in the said Citie 
the ffriday next after the ffest of corpus christi in his blessed 
honour and wurschip We therfore the abouenamed abbot of pe 
monastery forsaid Richard Clifford and Richard Cholmelay 
heding and knawing the noble lettrez of the kinges grace forsaid 
and serching the old laudable and vsuall Custumes of be said 
Citie for the hole profett and well of the concitesyns there 
exercised haue this present wednesday next after the fest of Seint 
Iohn Beuerlay that is to say pe Eght day of May the yere of oure 
lord god a thousand foure hundreth foure score and Thretene 
And in pe eght yere of reigne of oure said Soueraigne lord after 
pe Conquest Appecead and Seacead all maner of contrauersies 
debates and discordez aboue wrytten betwixt bothe pe said 
craftes dependyng afore the begynnyng of the world vnto this 
present day as touchyng pe ordinate bering of the said torches 

in pe presence and afore the full wurschipfull Maister Nicholas 
loncastre Maier of pe said Citie of york with ober certeyn 
aldermen his brethern and afore petir Cook and Edward forster 
of the said Citie Shireffes and ober their compers in the maner 
and forme folowyng that is to say We have ordayned and 
awarded that the Craft of Cordwayners of York beyng fraunchest 
men and thos pat after thaime shalcome to be fraunchest within 
the said Citie shall from this present day forthward and frome 
tyme contynuall when the procession shalbe Solempely done the 
morowe next after corpus christi day bere there torches honestly 
made and lighted with pe Craft of the wevers and going of the 
wevers left handes as hath ben here afore acustomed and also 
ordayned at pe last season and tyme that Sir Richard York knyght 
was Maire there and also at patt tyme that williame white was 
Maier as evidently apperith by the ordinaunces and bookez to the 
said Citie perteynyng Provided alway in this award pat for any 






1493 YORK / 173 

forfatours or penalties of faines at any tyme afore this day to pe 
said Maier and councell of pe chambre Inpertid or lossed by the 
said Cordwayners for noneberyng of the said torchez they shall 
no payment make nor penalty lese bot frely and lowly submyt 
theme self | to the said Maier for pe tyme being and to his 
brethern and their Compers beseching theme of foryefnesse for 
thair obstinacy hertofore doon and also we be said abbot Richard 
Clifford and Richard Cholmlay awardes and ordaines pat said 
Cordwayners shal fromhenceforth for euermore certain 
Reasonable causes excepted haue Serche of Rede and blak 
ledders within theme Self according to the endentour deliuered 
theme vnder the Seall of the office of the Marialtie of the said 
Citie in the tyme of william white thenne being Maier payng 
therfore to the Maier and Chamberlaines for the tyme being 
euery yere xiij s iiij d [viij d] And for the more [stablisching] 
stablischment and perfourmyng of this our awarde and ordinaunce 
we will that the same be written in the bookez belonging to the 
chambre of the said Citie and their Remayne to Thentent that be 
bother craftes abouenamed may haue copies and knawlege of the 
same and they also to performe fromhenceforth this same 
award vnder payne of forfaitowr to pe maier and his brether for 
the beyng as oft as either of said craftes be founden defectiue 
and not fulfilling this award ten poundes to be perceyued of the 
hole body of the crafte so forfeting and forto be apploied to the 
most profitable vse and nedes of pe said Citie &c. Also ouer thies 
premisses notwithstonding the same We award and ordeyn That 
if the case so may befall that the Cordwayners nowe being and 
also in tyme to come be of Suche exilite and nede that 
Conueniently thei may not be of power to support the full 
charge of the nombre of there torchez bering That then the said 
Cordwayners may labour to the Maier and his brethere for the 
tyme being to compound in mony with theme for bering of 
theire lesse nombre in torchez And yet we will that the graunt of 
the same compounding & lestnyng of the torchez be euermore at 
the pleasure and libertie of the said Maier and his brether for the 
tyme beyng as thei shall thynke it most profitable according &c. 
and that this oure award schalnot be denyed herafter of the 
behalue of be craft of Cordwayners in the name of all the hole 
craft as this day being within the Citie lohn Crake lohn Smyth 
Thomas Richardson Thomas Chaloner William Herryson and 

21-2 for the beyng] tyme required for the sense 






inter Blaksmith 
& bladesmyth 

174 / YORK 1493 

Richard Rawlyn with other of the same Craft haue Receyued 
this oure award in writing and therto yeven there consentes 
and assentes and in witnesse of the same I William Abbot aforsaid 
haue written myn name in the ende of this award and oon pauper 
have deliuered to pe Right wirschipfull Maier and his brether and 
an other pawper of the same like wise to the foresaid Iohn Crake 
lohn Smith Thomas Richardson | Thomas Chaloner William 
Herrison and Richard Rawlyn The day and yere abouesaid / 
William Abbot of York 

f100v* (25 June) 
Concordatio inter Loksmythez bladsmythez & Blaksmythez 

also it is agreed by the said presence at the Especill prayer and 
request of all the artificers of the Mysteriez of Blaksmythez & 
Bladsmythez of this Citie that from hensforth thartificers of 
Bladsmythez within this Citie shalbe discharged & dimissed of 
payng of paiaunt siluer or any ober maner of contribucion ‘to 
pe’ [of] blaksmythes of be same Citie and in lyke case the 
blaksmythes to be discharged of al maner paymentes dewtiez 
or contribucionz by thaym to the said bladsmythez in tyme 
past in any wise belongyng or aperteynyng and eper occupacionz 
to be clerly separat from ober &c. And pat the Serchours of 
Bladsmythes shalnot make no Serche of any axe or axes or 
Egetolez to be wroght by the said blaksmythes ne the Serchours 
of pe Blaksmythes shall not in any wise Intermyt thaym ne non 
Serche make of any maner Egetole or oper maner wark to be 
wroght by the said bladsmythes &c. And pat all blaksmythez 
wurkyng ony Egetole &c. shall pay emongest thaym to pagiaunt 

Collation (B7, f 100v with E22, f 149v): marginalia] devision betwene 
Blaksmyths & Blaidsmiths E22, f 149v begins] Assembled in the Counsell 
Chamber vpon Ousebrig the day and yeare abouesaid Whan and where 
emonges other thinges 14 also itis] yt was 14-15 the Especill prayer and 
request] the desyer and specyall Request 16 of] within 16 after Citie] of 
York 18 payng] payment 18siluer] Money 19 [of]] omitted 

20 paymentes] pageant money 22 occupacionz] Occupacion 23 ober 
&c.| thother 24 no] omitted 25 ne] neyther 26 Intermyt] Interrupte 
27 maner Egetole] maner omitted 28 &c.] omitted 

12 Heading in top left hand corner 





1493 YORK / 175 

Siluer to be occupacion for pat cause yerely xvj d ouer thayr 
ober paigiaunt siluer pat they pay to theyr said paiaunt c. Also 
that any oper ordynance betwix the said occupacions otherwais 
tofore mayd not withstandyng &c. the same soo tofore mayd to 
be voyd &c. cauncellyd 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: £20 
f 340 

Blaksmyth & Blaydsmyths 
Memorandum yat ye xxvti day of lun the viijth yer of pe Reign 
of kyng henry the vijth cam tofore Nicholaz lancastr in the 
secund tyme of huz mairaltie in the Counceil Chambr aswell the 
Crafte of Blaksmythez as loksmythes and Bladsmythez And yer 
be their [be] concentes & Agrementes desired of the said Maire 
for Appeasing of diuerse matiers of variencez had & oftyntymez 
moved betwix the said Craftes of blaksmythez & bladsmythez for 
serch makyng of diuerse Instrumentes in yer occupacions & paing 
paiaunt siluer ayer to oyer craft &c. That frome hensforth ye 
same blaksmythez may be separate & discharged clerly from be 
bladsmythez . aswell of serche makyng in ony thing pertyng to 
pam as of paying tham paiaunt siluer or ony oyer dewties And 
, in’ like case pe said bladsmythez to be discharged in all maner 
thynges to forsaid enenst ye said Blaksmythez . Acordyng to 
whose . desire it was ordenid & Enacted by the said Maire & be 
hole Counceil , “ye said’ xxvti day of Iun pe viijth yer of the 
Reign of kyng henr pe vijth as it Apperith in be pauper buke of 
the said Maire pe secund tyme &c that ffrome hensforth Ayer 
of the said occupacions be clerly discharged from oyer not 
payng payant siluer ne none serch makyng of ony axez or oyer 
Egelome or any oyer Instrumentes in oyer of the said occupacions 
but the Serchourz of ayer occupacion to make serch within bame 
selff And pat all blaksmythz wurkyng ony ‘axes or’ Egetoile pay 
yerly amongest pam to yer to pagent , ‘siluer’ xvj d for yat 
cause besydes his oyer paiant siluer bat pai pay oyerwies to yer 
Craft Also yat ony oyer ordinance be twix the said occupacions 
oyerwiez to for maid notwithstondyng & ye same , ‘soo’ to fore 
maid to be void and Cancelled &c. 

Collation continued: 1 pe] their 2¢.] omitted 4 &c.] and 

18 for] over erasure in left margin 22 pertyng] brevigraph omitted for pertenyng 









Sporyourz & 

176 / YORK 1493 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D54KK 

mb 1 

Et similiter dictus Compotantes Computant de firma le 
Paganthowsse hoc Anno nichil / 

... tem solwerunt pro portacione Torchiarum coram processionem 
in festo Corpus Christi ex consuetudine xiiij d ... 

House Books Y: B7 

£109v* (29 January) 

Item it is ordeyned & Ennacted yat euery maister of the said 
Craftes opon corpus christi day , ‘yerly’ shall attend vppon yer 
paiaunt frome ye mateir of play be begune At ye furst place vnto 
such tyme as ye said play be played & finished thrugh the toun 
At ye last playse & who soo is Absent at ony place except , “he’ 
be seik or haue oyer excuse Reasonable shall forfeit & pay in 
fourme toforseid ij s kc. 

Item it is ordened yat euery forein or stranger brynging ony 
maner of stuff or ware pertenyng to ye said Craftes or Ayer of 
thame to this Citie to be sold shall pay yerly to ye sustentacion & 
bryngingfurth of ye paiaunt of ye said Craftez iilj d &c. without 
ony denying &c. 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

f371v (14 February) 


°This & cappers are Ionyd togethr ‘...) 
into one company 

tempore Roberti Watter Maioris 1591° 

ffirst that noo maner of man fromhens furth Occupie as a master 
or seruant in the said occupacion vnto suche tyme that the 
Serchours for the tyme being find hyme able and sufficient to 
Wirk in the said occupacion and if he be foundon able and 

5 dictus} for dicti 







1494 YORK / 177 

apprentise in the said occupacion than he admitted able to be a 
Master in the said occupacion pay at his Entre iij. s. ilij. d that is 
to say the oone half to the Chambre of the Citie and the othre 
half to pe supportacion of per craft and . padgeant And if he 

, be A stranger & not ffunchest’ come In by Redempcion , ‘and 
neuer was apprentice’ than to pay xx. s. by evene porcions to be 
devided as is above said 


... And also it is ordeigned by virtu of this same ordynance what 
forant commyng to this Cite or herafter shalcom with eny such 
stuffe to sell tobe contributorie yerelie to the sustentacion of 
bringingforth of pare pageant pat is to say euery such person 
uij d And he pat is disobeaunt and wilnot pay the same when by 
the pageant maiste’s he is required to forfet xij d tociens quociens 
tobe devided in maner and fourme abovesaid withoute pardon 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D54LL 
mb 1 

Et viterius idem Compuwntes et idem Constabularij Computant 
de firma lez paganthowse hoc Anno (blank) 

... Item soluerunt pro portacione Torchiarum coram processionem 
Corpus christi in die veneris proximo post festum Corpus christi 
ex consuetudine xiilj d ... 

House Books Y: B7 

£135* (12 May) 

... Item it is agreid be the said presence yat ye Maister and [ke] 
kepers of Corpus christi gilde shall cause ye Crede play to be 
plaid yis yere yat is to say ye furst bone to be cryed on 
Whissonmonday ye next at maudeleyn day & ye play on seynt 
bartylmew Euyn &c. acordyng to ye warnyng gytfyn to ye said 

Maister be ye Maire on philyp day & Iacob &c. or els to pay xx li. 

to ye Chambre 

5 ffunchest] for ffranchest 






Creyd play 



178 / YORK 1495 

Item it is agreid yat ye maister and bredren of ye Gild of Seinte 
Anthonyes forsomuch as thay may not yis yere conuenyently 
bryngfurth ye play Called ye pater noster play acordyng to ye 
wurship of yis Citie yerfor yai shall pay to the vse of the 
Commonialtie (blank) and to prepar yaim yerfor ayanst ye next 

f136v* (23 May) 
... Item pe same day pe [p] Maister of corpus christi Gild & pe 
kepers graunted to play pe crede play pis yere & euery tent yere 
successiuely as apereth by a writtyng remanyng wit) be said 
maister & kepers pe tenour wherof ensuyth on pe next syde 
folowyng & entiled in pe booke of be cred play 

Et prima pagina “& ostencio’ in festo apostolorum philippi & 
iacobi secunda in crastino penticostes 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D54NN 

mb 1 

... Item soluerunt pro portacione lez Toriches coram processionem 
Corpus christi in die veneris proximo post ffestum Corpus christi 
ex consuetudime xij d ... 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls Y: C99:8 
mb 3 

Unde dictus . magister petit Allocari de diuersis Expensrs dicto 
Anno per ipsum factis in processione generali videlicet in Crastino 
Corporis christiln primis “49°” Clericis portantibus Bawdewykyn 
viij d Et solut. Clerico portante Crucem ante processionem jj d 
Et solut. vijte™ hominibus portantibus vijt¢™ Torchias xiilj d Et 
solut. pro Cera Combustura ante fferetrum iiij d Et solut. Thome 
Bateman & Thome Hunter Clerics in vestiario Monastery in 
rewardo xij d Et solut. ijob“s hominibus portantibus feretrum 

vj d_ Et solut. pro refeccione magistri & sex Custodum circa 
ffestum Corporis christi et in fine Compoti ex consuetudine 

iiij s. ... 

13 &) MS && 









1497 YORK / 179 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D5400O 

mb 1 

... Item soluerunt pro portacione Torchiarum coram processionem 
die veneris proximo post festum Corpus christi ex consuetudine 
xii a”: 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls y: C100:1 

mb 2 

Unde dictus magister Petit Allocari de diuersis expenszs dicto 
Anno per ipsum factis in processione generali videlicet In Crastino 
Corporis christi In Primis 1ij°' Clericis Portantibus Bawdewykyn 
viij d Et solut. Clerico Portanti Crucem Ante processionem ij d 
Et solut. vij homznibus portantibus vij. Torchias xiii) d Et solut. 
pro Cera Combustura Ante fferetrum iii) d Et solut. Thome 
Bateman & Thome hunter Clericis in vestiario Monasterij in 
Rewardo xij d Et solut. job“s hominibus portantibus fferetrum 
vj d Et solut. pro Refeccrone Magistri & sex custodum circa 
festum Corporis christi & In fine compoti ex consuetudine v s 

Et solut. pro emendacione Castellorum ij d ... 

House Books Y: B8 

£59 (12 June) 

Item Willelmus ffryston venit coram Maiore & presentibus & 
preceptum fuit ei quod sit coram eis in die veneris proximo ad 
respondendum eis pro quadam domo in lez Pageant housez quam 
ipse simul cum Scrutatoribus textorum ceperunt de Maiore & 
Camerarijs tempore Maioratus Thome Gray pro vjs. per annum. ... 

£64 (6 September) 

Item eodem die Willelmus Robynson aldermanus Textorum & 
Willelmus ffriston Textorum pro vno tenemento ad le pagiaunt 

housez qui [q] quidem Willelmus ffryston postea venit & fatetwr 
se cepisse dictum tenementum ... 







locorum ludi 
Corporis Christi 


180 / YORK 1499 

f 64v (17 September) 

.. Eodem die preceptum est ."Aldermanno [&] textorum’ 
Willelmo ffriston & Alijs Textoribus ibidem quod soluant [xij s.] 
‘Xvilj s.” pro firma vniws pagiaunt house per iij€S anzos elapsos 
ad festum sancte Marie [ultimo peractum & ‘hos ante ffestum 
Marie proximum" & ostensum fuit eis quod amodo soluant 
dictam firmam vel quod] ‘proximum sequentem* de quibus 
Xvilj s. soluant xij s. ad festwm Marie proximum & vj s. ad ffestum 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y : C4:4 

mb 1 

Et de firma primi loci dimittitwr Wille/mo Catterton &c. ill) s 
Et de firma secundi loci dimittitur lohanni Nicholson & 

alijs &c. lilj s 
Et de firma tercij loci dimittitwr Iohanni Elys Ricardo Gibson 
& Alzs vjs vd 
Et de firma ij" loci dimittitwr Edwardo de la Kyver & Matheo 
Cotez & Als Vs 
Et de firma quinti loci dimittitur Ricardo Thomson & Alys 

&c. lll] S 

Et de firma Sexti loc: dimittitur Iohanni Wark & Als ij s xj d 
Et de firma Septimi loc: dimittitwr Roberto Clyff & Alis xld 
Et de firma octaui loc: dimittitwr fratribus sancti leonardi 
&e. ij s illj d 
Et de firma Noni loc: dimittitur uxore Wille/mi Sharp & uxori 
(blank) Thuayter &c. xld 
Et de firma decimi loc: dimittitwr Nicholo Caton & Alijs per 
Indenturam &c. vs 
Et de firma xj™! loci dimittitur lohanni Byrkhed & Alysij s viij d 
Et de firma xij! loci dimittitur (blank) 

Summa xlij s 

MiG ass 

mb 1 
_.. ut in denarijs solut. magistris pagine Coronacionis beate Marie 

virginis ad sustentacionem eiusdem pagine ut in Compotis 

27 uxore} for uxon 








ministrallis ac 


ex consuetudine 

Expense facte 
in festo 
corporis christi 

Redditus (.) 
firme tam (...) 

1499 YORK / 181 

precedentibus i) s 

mb 1d 

Et in Regardis sol. ministralls huiws Ciwitatis ex 

consuetudine diuersis temporibus Anni viz. ad 

festum pasche & corporis christi Natiuvitatis Sancti XS 
lohannis Baptiste Natalis domini & sancti Willel/mi 

pro honore Ciuitatis super magistros attendentes 

Et in Regardo dato sex ministrallis domini principis mense Majj 
hoc anno &c. zs 

Et solut. ijb“s Ministrallis huiws Ciwitatis pro vestura sua erga 
festum Natalis domini XXIllj $ 

Et in expensis factis hoc anno super Maiorem 

Aldermannos & Alios quam plures de Consilo 

Camere in festo corporis christi videntes & 

Intendentes ludum in hospicio ‘Communis’ ij li. xiij s xj d 
Guihald ex consuetudine ut patet parcellaum in 

libro paupirio Camerarij necnon y s. sol. pro 

firma Camere &c. 

Et solut. Cuidam doctori Theologiae pronuncianti quemdam 
sermonem in crastivo fest: corporis christ: ut in precedentibus xld 

Summa ij li. xij s xj d 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls y: C85:2 

mb 1 

‘Et de firma vnius tenementi pro pagina pellipariorum sol. 
&e. xij d’ 

Et de firma vnius domus pagine Merceriorum sol. ¢...) xij d 

36 Marginalia) Redditus & firme tam infra Mykillyth quam extra Ratonraw & lez 

39 (...)] ad eosdem terminos 









182 / YORK 1499 

Et de firma vniws domus pagine pistiorum sol. ad eosdem 

os wid 
Et de firma vniws domus pagine tannatorum sol. &c. ee 
Et de firma vnius domus pagine Allutariorum & Carpentariorum 
sol. ad eosdem terminos ij s 
Et de firma vnivs domus pagine Aurifabrorum sol. ad eosdem 
terminos vilj d 

Et de firma domui pagine de Textoribus Ciuitatis Ebor’ ibidem 
eis dimissa ad terminum Annorum sol. &c. xvj d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D54QQ 

mb 1 
... Item soluerunt pro portacione le Torchez die veneris proximo 
post festum Corporis christi xilij d ... 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls vy: C100:2 
mb 2 

Unde dictus Magister Petit allocari de diuersis expensis dicto 
anno per ipsum factis videlicet in processione generali In crastino 
Corporis christi In Primis solut. Clerico portante Crucem ante 
processionem ij d Et solut. iij°t Clerics portantibus Bawdkyn 
vilj d Et solut. vij homunibus portantibus vij torchias xij d Et 
solut. pro Cera combustura ante feretrum et in obitu general: 
super Pontem Vse vj d Et sol. ij hominibus portantibus fferetrum 
vj d Et solut. Thome Bateman et Thome Hunter Clericis in 
vestiario monasterij in rewardo xij d_ Et solut. pro refeccione 
Magistri et sex custodum circa festum Corporis christi et in fine 
huiws Compotivs. ... 

House Books Y: B8 

f 101-1v* (15 December) 
Memorandum that wher in the tyme of the Marialtie of the Right 

9 domui] for domus 40 Memorandum) ornamental capital 









1500 YORK / 183 

wurshipfull sir Richard york then Maier of the Citie of york 
Emong other thynges it was ennacted and Established that euery 
Maister Cartwright within the Citie & suburbs of the same that 
haith & taketh Apprentice shuld yerely pay for euery apprentice 
to the bryngyngfurth off the pagiaunt of Carpenters 1iij d as in 
the said Acte more at large doith appere ffor payment wherof 
many & gret enconuenientes & troublez haith ben likely to 
afallen & ensewed betwix the said carpenters on the on partie 
& the Cartwrightes on the other partie of in & opon all which 
variauncez & troublez the said partiez the [d] day of the yere of 
the reigne of king henre the vijth after the Conquest the xijth 
beyng personally present in the Counceill Chambre opon 
Ousebrige tofore the ryght wurshipfull s7r Willzam Neleson then 
maier of the Citie of york comprimyt theym & ther successours 
in & opon the premysez in all thyng to stand & fulfyll & obserue 
the ordinance award and Arbitriment of the said Maier the which 
by ryppe communicacion ‘beinge’ had betwix the said partiez 
for consumacion of the peace luffe & Amyte betwix the said 
parties And in eschewyng of Inconuenientes that theron myght 
ensew by god deliberacion Assent & Consent of the said parties 
ordayned awarded & demed in maner & forme ensewyng | That 
is to say the Maister Cartwrightes of the said Citie that now ar & 
herafter shalbe and ther successours & euery of theym yerely 
before the fest of corpus Christi shall pay & content vnto the 
pagiaunt Maisters of the Carpenters for the yere beyng vj d & 
euery apprentece of be Cartwryghtes to befree for any thyng 
payng toward the bryngyngfurth of the said pagiaunt Also the 
said Maier ordayned & demed pat the said Carpenters nor yer 
successours shall not vex trouble ne distreyn the said Cartwryghtes 
nor theyr successours nor apprenticez for Any other yerely 
charge of payment toward the bryngyngfurth of ther pagiaunt 
bot in maner & forme abouesaid & euevy lournaman iiij d And 
the Cartwryghtes to make iiij new wheles to the said pagiaunt 
& yerely vj d as is toforesaid & then the said Cartwryghtes & 
yer successours for euer to be discharged of all maner other 
yerely charges as torchez reparacionz of ber pagiaunt 
bryngyngfurth yerof or any oyer maner yerely Charge longyng to 
the pagiaunt or torchez 

Also the said Maier ordayned awardeth & demeth & straitly 
chargeth pat whether of the said partiez pat herafter breketh 
this ordinance award [afor] in any poynt or article afore rehersed 
to forfett & leese to the Maier & Commonialtie of this Citie x1 s 






184 / YORK 1500 

to be leved & takyn by the Maier & Chamberleyns for the tyme 
beyng & imploed toward the Common well of this Citie 

f102v (16 December) 

Assembled opon ouse brigge George Essex & Thomase Bankhouse 
then Shiretfes of pis Citie wer sent for & come to fore pe said 
presence and then & ther it was obiect vnto be said George That 
wher tor be honowr & wurship of pis Citie it hathe ben vsed pat 
the Shireffes on pe day of theyr Rydyng ather of theym to haue 
one or two folowers after hym and pe said George bat day had 
non And also it hath ben vsed be Elder Shireff pat day to fynd 
table clothez & towels & al oper thyng necessary for be high 
table and be same day ber wanted double towels and wher 

pe comon officers as pe chamberleyns comon clerk & pe Mayrez 
sergiauntes hath ben yerely disired & bedyn to pe shireffes 
fest & pis yere wer not beden and also pat wer by an auncient 
ordinance it is ordeyned pat no shireff of pis Citie shall not go 
openly in pe strete with,"out’ one beryng a mayce tofore hym 
[this] opon payn of forfettowr of (.) li. as in pe same dothe 
appere and pis day It was obiect vnto pe said George had gon 
from his Awn house on be pavement vnto henry Bluther vynter 
in pettergate on saynt Andrewe gate corner not hauyng any 
Maice born tofore hym contrary to pe provision afore said apon 
al whiche obieccions he couth , ‘not’ excuse hym and after 
pat It was determyned by pe said presence pat the said George 
for his said mysbyhauours shall lay doun tofore my lord Maier & 
chamberleyns v li. & perof to be pardoned xx s. and more if my 
lord Maier please 

B/Y Memorandum Book Y:E20A 

f£171A (30 April) 

The ordinawnce of Skynners 
Memorandum that the last day of Aprile the yere of regni regis 
Henrici vijth after the conquest of yngland the xvth in the tyme 
of marialte of the Right Wurshipfull sr William Neleson 

Memorandum that thys ys parte of the ordynans of the Skynners 

Primo that all the forfettes that er dewe in the skynner craft 






Ordinacrio del 

1500 YORK / 185 

and schalbe in tyme comynge be raisyd & the tone half of them 
be paid to the Chambr and the oder half vnto the craft forto 
maynteyn per pagent & yer light 

Item yf any wyll sell old furres for newe or put lambefell or 
porcion or lambefell in furres of Boge or scherlynges in 
lambefurres or sell any old pellowr for newe or put in any newe 
furr old pellowr That he pay half a marke to be payd in maner 
abowe said and that noo perfornesyng be put in newe pellur & 
sold for newe bot if yt be hals brode & clene ledder apon payne 
of the forsaid payne 

Item that all the vphalders that selles furres within thys Cittye 
or subberbes be Contributarye & pay vnto the pagant of the 
Skynners in the play of Corpuschristi 

Item if any of the Skynners befor said be rebell dystrobe 
myssay or dysabay any of the sersurs or the pagent Masters 
of yer Craft that schalbe for the tyme in doyng of yer office 
dewly yat he pay vj s viij d in pe maner aforsaid 

f 201v* (30 April) 

Item it was determyned by the same presennce That Horners 
from nowfurth payng pageant money to be contributory wit 
the Cutlers & bladsmythez &c. 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: DS55RR 

mb 2d 

Allocaciones ex consuetudine cum feodo bedelli & Clerici 

... Item solutwm pro portacione de le Torchiez dicte Gilde . die 
veneris proximo ffestum corporis christi xiiij d ... 

Collation (E20, f 201v with B8, f 80v): marginalia] omitted 21 after 
Item] the same 21same] said 22 after nowfurth] [be] in (pag] 23 &c.] 

29 compotis] for compoti 



pro le ordryng 
del occupacionz 
en le procession 

186 / YORK 1501 

House Books Y: B8 

£112 (8 June) 

Item the same day by the said presence pe craftez & occupacionz 
within pis Citie wer ordered shewed after a bill shewed emong pe 
said presence howe pei singlry shal go in procession on morn next 
after corpus christi day 

f 124v 

Item euery crafft was put in a clothyng & ordered howe thei shall 

go in procession at Corpuscristenmes & at all ober tymez of 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: £20 

t 380 
Torchys ordinaunc how they shall goo in ordyr 

In primiz for the Coblers uj°F Thorchis 
Item for the porters vil} Torch 
Item for the ropers and heirsters i) Torch 
Item for the glovers ‘per se’ i) Torch 
Item for the buchers by tham self ui) Torch 
Item for the bakers of the left hand vj T 
Item for the ffullowrz of the right hand vj) T 
Item , ‘for pe’ Carpenters “goyng’ by tham self vj) T 
Item for be Smythis goyng of pe right hand ny T 
Item for the Couerletweuers goyng on pe left hand ij T 
Item for the ffysshmongers ffyshers & Maryners goyng to gedir 

by tham self xiilj T 
Item for the wevers goyng of pe right hand xvj T 
Item for the Cordwaners goyng of pe left hand T 
Item for the Taillourz goyng by tham self viijt T 
Item for the Mercers il; 
Item ilkon of be xxiiij4 & of pe Aldermen ilkman a 

torche T 

Item for Corpus christi Gild ay 







Dimissio locorum 
ludi Corporis 


& alys 

ex consuetudine 

1501 YORK / 187 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls y: C5:1 
mb 2 

Et de firma primi loci dimittitwr Wille/mo Catterton & alijs 
vitra locum Communis Clerici ilj s xj d 
Et de firma secundi loci dimittitur lohanni Caldbek & alijs ij s 
Et de firma tercij loci dimittitur Ricardo Gibson & alijs vs xd 
Et de firma quarti loci dimittitwr Thome Spicer & alijs vs 
Et de firma quinti loci dimittitur Wille/mo Barker & alijs iij s xj d 
Et de firma sexti loci dimittitur Alano Staveley & alijs vacat 

Et de firma septimi loci dimittitur Roberto Clyff & alijs 

Et de firma octaui loci dimittitury Alexandro Donne & alijs 

Et de firma ix! tenementi dimittitwr Wille/mo Sclater “xij d’ 

& alijs xj d 
Et de firma x™! tenementi dimittitur Wille/mo Couke & 

alijs vs vyjd 
Et de firma xj™ tenementi dimittitur Willelmo Catterton & 
alijs per Indenturam vs 
Et de firma xij! loci dimittitur lohanni Rothley & alijs lll] s 

Summals vid 

mb 3 

Unde dict: computantes Petunt Allocacionem ut 
in denarijs solutum Magistro Pagine Coronationis 
beate Marie virginis ad sustentacionem eiusdem 
Pagine ut in Compotis precedentibus 

mb 3d 

Item in Regardis sol. Ministrallis huivs Ciuitatis ex 

consuetudine diuersis temporibus anni viz. ad 

festum Pasche corporis christi Natuitatis sancti Xs 
lohannis Baptiste Natalis domini & sancti Wille/mi 

pro honore Ciwitatis super Magistros attendentes 

Et solut. iijb“s Ministrallis huius Civitatis pro vestura sua erga 

festum Natalis domini XXIllj s 

Et in expensis factis hoc Anno super Maiorem Aldermannos & 






Expense facte 
in festo 
corporis christi 

Redditms & 
ffirme tam infra 
Mykillyth quam 
extra Ratonraw 
& lez Toftez 

188 / YORK 1501 

alios quam plures de Consilio Camere in festo corporis christi 
videntes & Intendentes ludum in hospicio communi Guyhald 
ex consuetwdine ut patet parcellatim in libro paupirio Camerarij 
necnon sol. pro firma Camere Maioris &c. 
Et solut. cuidem doctori Theologie prouncianti quemdam 
sermonem in Crastino festi corporis christi ut in precedentrbus 
Summa iii li. ilij s_viij d. 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C86:1 
mb 1 

Et de firma vnius tenements ibidem pro pagina pellipariorum sol. 
ad eosdem terminos xij d 

Et de firma domus pagine Textoribus Ciuitatis Ebor’ ibidem eis 
dimissa ad terminum Annorum xvj d 
Et de firma domus pagine diuersorum arcium hoc Anno &c. XVil] s 

Et de firma domus pagine merceriorum xij d Et de firma domus 
pagine Pistorum xij d Et de firma domus pagine Tapiters xij d 
Et de firma domus pagine Allutariorum & Carpentuariorum ij s 
Et de firma domus pagine tannatorum sol. &c. xij d Et de firma 
domus pagine Aurifabrorum sol. &c. viij d ... 

Et de firma domus pagine lez Waxchaundelers viij d Et de 
pagine le Coupers 111) d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D55SS 

mb 3d 
Allocaciones ex consuetudine cum feodo Bedelli et clerici 

... Item soluerunt pro portacione Torchiarum dicte Gilde Sancte 
Trinitatis in die veneris proximo post ffestum corporis christi 

xij d ... 
Mercers’ Chartulary MA: D19 

Memorandum that Thomas Drawswerd this present yere abouesaid 










1501 YORK / 189 

is admit into the broderheid of the fraternite of the holy trinite 
in ffossegate by the said maister by thassent & consent of Richerd 
Thornton maior of the Cite of yorke George Kirke John Elwald 
William Neleson Iohn Stokdale , ‘aldermen’ Thomas ffynch 
Iohn Shawe Thomas ffolneby and many other merchauntes 
brethern of the said ffraternite vnder condicion felowing bat is to 
say that the said Thomas shal mak the pagiant of , ‘the’ dome 
belonging to the merchauntes [of] ,“newe’ substancialie in 
euery thing bervnto belonging havyng for the warkemanship and 
Stuff of the same vij marcs in money And his entrie fre with Also 
the old pagiaunt 


Corpus Christi Account Rolls Y: C100:3 
mb 3 

Unde dictus magister petit Allocari de diuersis expensis dicto 
anno per ipsum factis Videlicet in processione generali in 
Dominica proxima post festum Corporis christi In primis solut. 
Clerico portante Crucem ante processionem ij d Et solut. iiijor 
portantibus Bawdkyn viij d Et solut. vij homiibus portantibus 
vij Torchezs xij d Et solut. pro Cera combustura ante feretrum 
et in obitw general: super pontem Vse vij d Et solut. ijbus 
hominibus portantibus fferetrum iiij d Et solut. Thome Bateman 
et Thome Hunter Clericis in vestiario monesterij in rewardo xij d 
Et solut. pro refeccione magistri & sex Custodum circa festum 
Corporis christi et in fine Compoti ex conswetudine v s ... 

Et solut. clerico sancte Trinitatis Ebor’ in dominica post 
festum Corporis christi in regardo ij d ... 

Et solut. pro factura vj Torchiarum hoc anno xx s x d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls Y: D55TT 

mb 2d 

Allocaciones ex consuetudine cum feodo bedelli et Clerici 

... Item soluerunt pro portacione torchiarum dicte Gilde . Sancte 
Trinitatis In die veneris proximo post ffestum Corporis christi 
Xlij d ... 










Cake Bread 

190 / YORK 1502 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls y. ©100:4 

mb 3 
... Et solut. pro factura vj Torchiarum hoc anno MARV Gd. .-; 
Et dictus magister petit Allocari de diuersis expensis dicto 
Anno per ipsum factis Videlicet in processione generali in Crastino 
fesu Corporis christi In primis solut. Clerico portante Crucem 
ante processionem ij d_ Et solut. iiijor clericis portantibus 
Bawdkyn viij d Et solut. vij hominibus portantibus vij Torchis 
xij d Et solut. pro Cera combustura ante fferetrum et in obitu 
generali super pontem vse vij d. Et solut. ijb“s hominibus 
portantibws (...) solut. Thome Bateman & socio suo Clericis in 
vestiario monesterij in rewardo xij d Et solut. pro (...) 

House Books Y: B9 

f3* (11 May) 

Most Reuerend fader in god most honourable and my most 
Espiciall graciouse and good lord I in the most lowly wyse 
recommend me vnto your graciouse lordschip humbly besechyng 
your good grace to haue in knawlege that where as a woman of 
Burghbrygge in lentyn last broght certan Cake bred vnto this 
Citie to sell whiche bred by the officers of the same was weed 
after the kynges Standerd and found defawte and kept not the 
kynges assis by farr for whiche defawte by the kynges Estatutez 
she schuld haue ben greuously punysched & amercyed bot for 
pitie & neghbourhed I remitted hir punyschment vnto viij d 
chargyng hir herafter to bryng no bred bot if it kept the kynges 
assis and if she so dyd she schuld be welcome and where of 
auncient tyme it haith ben accostomed within this Citie that all 
such persons as bryngith any maner goodes or ware to sell as 
belongith to any craft or occupacion within this said Citie the 
said persons so sellyng & vtteryng any such goodes to be 
contributary vnto the same craftes or occupacionz in such 
chargez as they bere & sustene in brynging furth of theyr pagiant 
at Corpus christimesse and nowe of late a man of Burghbrigge 
seruant vnto Antony Schorthouse Esquier broght certan sawn 
bordes vnto this Citie to sell and the Carpenters of the same 
Citie accordyng to the auncient custome of theyr Craft toke of 

12 (...)| fferetrum iiij d Et 13 (...)] rest of entry illegible 








PSO SOR / 97 

hym iij d to pagiaunt money for whiche viij d & 11) d nowe in 
comyng from the fayre at your towne of Rypon the said Antony 
with a certan company riotously Stopped certan Crafftez men of 
this Citie my neghbourez and toke theyr horsez by the hedez 
castyng down theyr pakkez & lodez and extorciously toke from 
theym such goodes as he and his company pleased as in a bill of 
parcelles of the same redy to your grace to be schewed more 
planely doith appere and the same goodes kepyth & reteyneth 
and if any person of this Citie come to Burghbrigge he sore 
troubleth & vexith theym and ouer that with vile & vnfittyng 
wordes revyleth and manasseth me & my brethir all whiche his 
extorciouse & riotouse demeanour I had thoght to haue schewed 
vnto the kynges highnes savyng your grace is the kynges 
lieutenant and these of his most honourable Counsail in these 
partez wherfore I lowly beseche your grace to be my good & 
tendre lord and that it will please your grace to direct your 
honourable lettrez vnto the said Antony comaundyng hym by 
the same to redeliuere the said parcelles & goodes and hereafter 
not to trowble ne vexe the kynges Subiettes inhabityng within 
this Citie bot peceably suffre theym to passe & repasse without 
vexacion or interrupcion of the said Antony or elles at a certan 
day by your good grace to be limytted personally to appere 
afore your said grace brynging with hym the said parcelles & 
goodes and then & there tofore your good grace to schewe why 
he thus riotously & extorciously haith takyn & reteyneth the 
said parcelles & goodes by the whiche your grace so doyng schall 
bynd me & my brethir to be your daily bedemen as knawith 
almyghty god whome I humbly beseche to preserue your most 
graciouse lordschip in prosperitie with honour long to endure 
At york the xjth day of May 

To the most Reuerend fadyr in god my most honourable and 
espiciall good & graciouse lord my lord archebischop of york & 
primate of yngland 

your daily Oratowr and goostly chylde Iohn Gilliot knyght Maier 
of your Citie of york 

ff 3v-4 (21 June) 

This Indentwr maid the xxjth day of luny the yere of the regne 
of kyng henre vijth after the conquest of yngland the xviijth 
Witnessith that where by many and diuerse yerez here tofore 







192 / YORK 1503 

past debate discord & variauncez haith ben dependyng betwix 
the craftez & occupacionz of the Bakers of the Citie of yorke on 
the one partie and the Cookes of the same Citie on that othir 
partie Aswell of in & apon the payment of pagiaunt money of 
the Watterleders & Sandeleders within the said Citie as of in & 
apon the payment of ferme for standyng of the said Cookes 
Pagiaunt within the pagiaunt house at the Toftez of the said 
Baxsters apon all whiche debatez discordez & variauncez the said 
partiez of theyr awn free willez & mere mocionz haith comen 
personally tofore the ryght wurschipfull Sir lohn Gilliot knyght 
& then Maior of the abouesaid Citie & in euery behalve of the 
premysez haith submitted theym to obey stand & fulfill his 
award & Iugement in that behalve | The whiche Maier at the 
espiciall request & prayer of both the said partiez takyng apon 
hym the charge of the said award the day & yere abouesaid after 
diligent & rype examinacion had betwix the said partiez awardith 
ordanyth & demyth That the Cookez & theyr successours for 
euermore from nowe furth without lettyng contradiccion or 
disturbauncez of the Baxsters & theyr successours yerely schall 
peceably perceyue take & geddir pagiaunt siluer of the Waterleders 
& sandleders toward the supportacion & charge of bryngyngfurth 
of the pagiaunt of the same Cookez and that the said Cookes 
schall yerely haue sufficient & couenient roome for theyr said 
pagiaunt wit/in the pagiaunt house of the Baxsters with free 
entre & issue vnto the same at euery tyme [e] reasonable & 
conuenient for whiche pagiaunt siluer of the watterleders & 
sandeleders & for standyng off theyr said pagiaunt the said 
Cookes & theyr successowrs schall euer more yerely herafter on 
the Tuysday next afore Corpus christi day pay & delyuere vnto 
the said Baxsters & theyr syccessours iij s. ij d of good & 
lawfull money of yngland and the said Baxsters & theyr 
successours schall well & sufficiently repayre vphold & sustene 
theyr said pagiaunt house so that the pagiaunt of the said Cookes 
take no herme or hurt by any wynde or weddir for lak of 
reparacion to be maid by the said Baxsters and the said Maier 
ordeynyth awardith & demyth that whethir of the said partiez 

as varieth & brekith this his awarde & Iugement in any poynt or 
article aboue rehersed That the partie so offendyng & makyng 
defawte at euery tyme in any of the premysez to forfett lese & 
pay to the comon well of this Citie vj s. viij d and to that othir 
partie not offendyng iij s. iii) d without pardone In trewe witnesse 
& testimony of this abouesaid awarde to athir partie of this 








*Receyt of a 

1503 YORK / 1973 

Indentur the said Maier haith put the seale of his office of 
Marialtie the day & yere abouesaid / 

f4v* (7 July) 

Assembled opon Ousebrigge it was comoned & schewed howe 
that the kynges grace haith writtyn vnto euery Shereffe to giff 
attendaunce apon the Qwene of Scottes at the entre into theyr 
Shireffwyk and soo to giff his attendaunce vnto she come vnto 
the end of theyr Shyre after whiche commonyng & schewyng it 
was determyned that the Shireffes of this Citie in Cremysyn with 
lx persons on horsebak in a clothyng schall mete the said Qwene 
at Tadcastre brigge and they to send vnto all Knyghtes Esquiers 
Gentilmen & othir honest persons of aynesty to be there at 
Tadcastre & attend apon the Shireffes in theyr most honest aray 
to receyue the said Qwene of Scottes & accompany hir vnto this 

Item it was determyned that my lord Maier the Aldermen in 
Scarlet on horsebak and the xxiiijth in Cremysyn on fote to 
mete & receyue the said Qwene within Mikkyllith barr & all 
othir Crafftez on fote to be there in theyr clothynges as they 
schalbe ordered by my lord Maier & his brethir 

Item it was agreed by the said presence that in somuche as 
the said Qwene departith furth of this Realme to be Maried 
vnto the kyng of Scottes & to haue hir good & tendre lady vnto 
this Citie & to [his] haue it in hir tendre & graciouse 
remembraunce That she schalbe presented with a Coppe of 
Siluer & gilt of the valowe of xiij li. vj s. x d & a hundreth 
angel noblez of gold in the said pece to be presented to hir by 
my lord Maier Maister Recorder the aldermen & the xxiiijth 

ff 5-7v 

Item that my lord of the common costez schall send an Officer 
vnto Colyweston to knawe howe the Qwene of Scottes hase ben 
receyued at Northamton & othir placez & if she kepe hir gestes 

(12 July) 
Assembled apon Ousebrigge Maister Recorder opynly rede a 







lady margrete 
theldest doghter 
of h:7 cam to 

194 / YORK 1503 

lettre lately sent hym from the Byschop of Norwiche from 
Granntham wherby he was acertaned That the Qwene of Scottes 
on Settyrday next ensuyng wilbe at this Citie & here abyde 
Sonday & Monday to that she haue dyned and that howe she was 
receyued at Northamton Granntham & othir good townez & 
howe she was presented at the said Townez Aftre whiche shewyng 
for asmuche as the kyng of his tendre grace gevith yerely vnto 
this Citie lx li. and nowe the Qwene whiche is , ‘his’ eldyst 
. doughter’ departeth furth of this land for whiche consideracion 
it was thoght that she schalbe presented with a Pece of xij li. 
xvj s & gold therin to the some of Cth angels and my lord Maier 
& certan of his brethir apon Sonday aftre the advice of such 
lordes as ar about the Qwenez grace with the said Pece & gold 
at hir logyng present hir and my lord Maier or Maister Recorder 
to haue | the wordes in tyme of presentyng and my lord Maier 
with the aldermen on horsebake in Scarlet to mete the said 
Qwenez grace at Mikyllyth & the xxiiijth & all othir Craftez on 
fote and whethir my lord Maier schall bere the Swerd tofore 
hym & where he schall haue his rome & bere the Mayce to be 
ordered by my lord of Surrey & by the said Qwenez officers 
& seruantez 

Item my lord Maier bought a pece of Siluer & gylt for xij li 
xvj s of Maister lohn Stokdale and he to be paid within xiiyjth 
dayes next after Lamez 

The fourme and maner howe the lady Margaret theldist doughter 
of our said soueraigne lord kyng henre the vijth & Qwene of 
Scottes was receyued at the Citie of york in hir viage toward 

Be it had in mynde that the Setterday the xiiijth day of Iuly in 
the xviijth yere of the regne of kyng henre the vijth come the 
right highe & myghty Princes the lady Margaret theldist doughter 
of our said soueraigne lord kyng henre the vijth & Qwene of 
Scottes vnto this Citie of york accompaned with many noble 
lordes & ladyez That is to say Therle of Surrey Tresorer of 
England and the Counteys his wyff he beyng the chefe Guyder 
of the said Princes in hir said viage the Bischop of Norwiche the 
Bishop of Murrey of Scotland Therle of Northumbreland & the 

32 Be] ornamental capital 






esherifes at 
tadcastre brige 

any Lord 
speach /+ 

TOs MOK / 195 

Counteys his wyff Therle of Kent the lord Straunge the lord 
Haystynges the lord latimer with many othir noble lordez 
kynghtez Esquiers & Gentilmen with theyr accompany to the 
noumbre of vth Cth persons right nobly & richely appareled 
agaynst whose comyng it was ordured & deuysed | by my lord 
Maier & his brethir aldermen & Counsaill of the Chambre that 
the said princes schuld be receyued in the most honerable wyse 
that they couth after theyr power and presented as heraftre 
ensueth / 

ffyrst that the Shireffes of this Citie in Cremysen with an 
hundreth persons on horsebak in one clothyng honestly arraed 
schuld mete hir grace at the middes of Tadcastre brigge and 
with humbly Salutacion hertely welcome hir grace in to the 
Countie & libertez of this Citie and so beryng theyr wandes 
tofore hir to giff theyr attendaunce apon hir vnto she come to 
this Citie And then the right wurshipful Sir ohn Gilliot knyght 
of the Bath then beyng maier of this wurshipfull Citie in fyne 
Cremynsyn saten engraned havyng a Coller of gold of the kynges 
liuerey about his nek on horsebak his Saddyll of Cremynsyn 
velvet & his horse trappour of the same with gylt bolyon his 
foteman in grene saten with the armez of the Citie & his awn 
armez the Recorder and Aldermen in Scarlet on horse bak theyr 
Saddylles couered with fyne cloth & bordered with blake velvet 
theyr trappours of the same with gylt bolyon the xxiiijth in 
Cremynsyn on fote and the Crafftes & Comons honestly in theyr 
clothynges on fote schuld mete hir grace at Mikyllith barre and 
soo the Maier the Recordar & thaldermen on horsebak standyng 
on the north syde the said barre a lityll space within furth maid 
lowly obesiaunce vnto hir grace and soo come nerr vnto hir chare 
whiche was apon two palfreys couered with cloth of gold and hir 
grace causyng the chare to stand styll the Maier hertely welcomed 
hir grace sayng these wordes 

Most noble and excellent Princes ‘& Qwene’ [your grace vnto 
me] ‘1’ & my brethir with all the Commonialtie of this Citie 
in our most hertely wyse welcometh your grace vnto this the 
kynges Citie with all othir noblez that attend apon your grace . 
after whiche wordes hir grace enclyned hir toward the Maier & 
with a Cherefull Countenance thanked hym his brethir & all the 
Citie & then it was ordured by the said lord Tresorer of England 
the Maier to ryde next tofore hir Chare betwix two Sergiauntes 
of armez barehede to bere the Mace vnto she come at hir loigyng 
and the Aldermen to ryde tofore hir grace next after the knyghtes 





ethe Lord 
Malour betwixt 
i) sergiantes 
bare the Mace /+ 

Present to 
the quene /* 

196 / YORK 1503 

& tofore the barons and soo they attended apon hir grace to she 
was taken furth of hir said Chare at the west end of the Cathedrall 
Chirche of saynt peter of york and within the doore of the said 
Chirche Tharchebischop of york the bischop of dorham Thabbot 
of saynt Marie abbey the Bischop Sofregayne of york in theyr | 
pontificall adornamentes with all the prelates & mynestrez of the 
said Chriche mett hir grace with procession and she humbly 
knelyng downe & makyng hir prayers the said Bischop assenced 
hir and then she kyssyng certan reliquez Rosse & went vpp 
toward the hy awter the Ministrez of the Chirche singing this 
antheym (blank) and then hir grace knelyng tofore the hye alter 
after hir prayers offered ynto the Sacrament and after to saynt 
William hede and then she went furth on the north syde of the 
said Chaunsell & chirche at a doore anenst the Chapitre house 
and so entered in to the bischopz palece the archebischop with 
his crosse & cruche and the Bischop of dorham with his cruche 
in gray amysez. 

And the Maier goyng betwix two Sergiauntes of armez bare 
the Mace tofore hir to she come into hir chambre and then takyn 
his leve she cherefully thankyng hym departed And then the 
Maier shewed the said lord Tresorer howe that he & his brethir 
after theyr powers Intended to present hir grace prayeng hym to 
lett theym knawe what tyme it wer most pleasaunt to hir grace 
they schuld attend apon hir grace with theyr said present and 
he schewid theym on the morn betwix viijth & ixth of the Clok 
and so they departed from hym and went into the Mynster yerde 
and there the Maier his brethir the Recorder & Shireffes toke 
theyr horsez and soo havyng the swerde born tofore hym his 
Officers goyng on fote come ridyng vnto his awn place and after 
he & they on horsbak had dronken both wyne & ale departed 

and on the morn after betwix vith & ixth of the Clok 
assembled at saynt Peter Mynster and there one of the 
Chamberleyns bringyng a goodly st andyng siluer pece couered 
& well ouer gilt with a fane of the armez of this Citie apon the 
same pece whiche pece was valowid to the some of xij li. xvj s. 
and an hundreth aungelles of gold amountyng to xxxijj li. vj s. 
viij d putt in the said pece the Maier the Recorder with hym 
thaldermen in Scarlett the Shireffes & xxiiijth in Cremynsyn the 
chefe Chamberleyn beryng the said pece & gold went into the 
Bischopz palece and entred into the secund Chambre of the said 
Princes / and there tarieng a lityll space hir grace come furth of 
an yndre Chambre and standyng vnder the cloth of astate at hir 








151013) Yi ORK / 91.977, 

bede fete the Maier takyng the said pece with gold of the 
Chamberleyn the Recorder Aldermen Shireffes & xxiiijth kneled 
down the Recorder sayng these wordes 

err Most noble & excellent Princes & Qwene the Maier his brethir 

delyuerid speach Par : uy ‘ 
of mr recorder/ & all the Commonialtie of this poure Citie presentith your most 

fasted noble grace this gilted Pece with an hundreth aungels wit all 

theyr hertes & seruice to theyr powers with theyr fre hertes & 
good willes to your most noble grace & to your gret comforth | 
of your noble mariage / the Maier proferid hir grace the said 
Pece with gold and she wit) a clad & cherefull countenance 
hertely thanked hym his brethir with all the body of this said 
Citie & commaunded the lord Tresorer to take the said Pece 
& gold and so went forward vnto the said Cathedrall Chirche the 
said archipischop & othir bischopz lordez & noblez tofore hir in 
order accordyng the Maier bering the Mace betwix two 
Sergiauntes of armez next tofore hir vnto she come into hir 
Trauesse and there she tarieng to holy water was kest the 
archebischop Revest hym to doo Masse & obseruance and so hir 
grace went procession the Maier bering the Mace as is aforsaid 
and after procession it was commoned emong the People that the 
archibischop that same day wold be stalled whiche tofore was 
vnknawn to the people and so he was in dede in the Tresorers 
place the Maier nor his brethir ne none othir honest of this Citie 
beyng thereat and right fewe othir noblez that was there present 
with the Qwene / and the Qwene hering the said Masse of 
Stallacron offered and after Masse went into the Bischopz palece 
to hir diner the Maier bering the Mace as is aforesaid to she come 
into hir Chambre and then departed vnto the Monday at morn 
and so the same Monday about xijth of the Clok hir grace toke 
hir chare to goo on hir viage that nyght to Neweburgh 

and soo the Craftes standyng in theyr aray from the Mynster 
yate to Bowthome barr the Maier & his brethir ridyng in lyke 
ordre as they dyd at hir entre the Shireffes bering theyr Roddes 
Roode furth at the said barr tofore hir grace vnto they come to 
the farrest of the libertez of this Citie at Mawdeleyn Chapell 
toward Cliffton and there the Maier askyng licence of hir to 
departe sayng these wordes Most noble & excellent Princes & 
Qwene I and my brethir with all the Commonialtie of this Citie 
schall pray for your most noble triumphe & prosperite in your 
most noble mariage that it myght be to the pleasowr of god and 
to the gret comforth of yourmost noble fader “pbe’ kyng henre 
and to your most noble hertes ease & to the comon well of all 






198 / YORK 1503 

the realme of England and your most noble grace long to endure 
to the pleasour of god / and hir grace hertely thanked hym his 
brethir & all the Commonialtie of this Citie with a cherefull & 
goodly countenance sayng / My lord Maier and your brethir and 
all the hole Citie of york I thanke you hertely of your gret 
kyndenes & your gret present whiche with goddes grace I schall 
euer indeuowr me to love you & this Citie the dayes of my liff 
and I schall schewe to the kynges grace my fader the gret 
kyndenes that ye haue doon to me at this tyme with goddes 
grace And in theyr ridyng furth | with the said Qwenez grace 
without Bowthome barr Sir Will”am Conyers then beyng Shireff 
of york Shire anenst saynt Mariegate end began to bere vp his 
Rodde tofore the Qwene and the Maier said vnto hym Maister 
Shireff ye aght to bere no rodde here as yit and the said Sir 
Willsam aunswered & said it was within his Office & he wold 
bere it and then the Maier aunswered & said it was within the 
libertez of this Citie and he dyd wrong to bere any there and 
wer not for the displeasour of the Qwenez grace there present 
he schuld cause many to speke therof or he bare any there / 
and the lord Tresorer heryng these wordes & langagez emong 
theym commaunded theym to sesse and said vnto the said Sir 
Willsam / Sir Shireff putt down your Rodde ye do wrong to bere 
any within the libertez of this Citie and then the said Sir William 
held down his Rodde on lowe endelong by his horse syde vnto he 
come beyonde Mawdeleyn Chapell without the libertez of this 
Citie / and then & there he toke vp his Rodde sayng nowe 
Shireffes hold down your Roddes for it is within myn office and 
they said so they wold & bad god spede hym . and so the Maier 
his brethir the Recorder & the Shireffes the Officers on fote 
and the Swerd born tofore the Maier come on Ridyng vnto 
the Maiers place and the, ‘re’ on horsebak dranke both ale & 
wyne and departed 

f8 (21 September) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre within the Comon hall 
My lord Maier sent humfre Maners Mace berer vnto Maister 
William Chymney Alderman commaundyng hym apon payn of 
xIth li. to come & doo his attendaunce accordyng to his duete 
whiche humfre come & schewid that he was so deseased he 
myght not come wherfore he desyred my lord Maier & the said 
presence rewle hym as they wold after whiche schewyng it was 







Redditus & 
firme tam infra 
mikillith quam 
Ratonrawe & 
lez Toftez 

Allocaciones ex 
cum feodo 
bedelli & Clerici 
huius Compoti 

1503 YORK / 199 

determyned by the said presence that for his disobesaunce at 
this tyme & all othir offensez this yere tofore and in espiciall 
at the comyng of the Qwene of Scottes he shuld pay vnto the 
comon well of this Citie x li. 

Item that Iohn Custaunce one of the xxiiijth for somyche as 
all this yere & more bypast he wold not come & take his othe 
accustome & giff his attendaunce nowe at the comyng of the 
Qwene of Scottes he to pay to the comon well v marca & after 
it was mytigate to xls. 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y:C86:2 
mb 1* 

Et de firma vniws tenementi ibidem pro pagina pellipariorum 
sol. ad eosdem terminos xij d 

Et de firma domus pagine Textorum Ciuitatis Ebor’ ibidem 
dismissa ad terminum annorum xvj d 
Et de firma domus pagine diuersorum arcium (...) XV1lj s 

Et de firma domus pagine mercerorum xij d Et de firma domus 
pagine Pistorum xij d 

Et de firma domus pagine Tapitariorum xij d Et de firma domus 
pagine Allutariorum & Carpentariorum jj s 

Et de firma domus pagine Tannatorum xi d Et de firma domus 
pagine Aurifabrorum sol. &c. viij d 

Et de firma vnius tenement: ibidem in terra lohannis [Elys] 
Alan xd: 
Et de firma domus pagine lez Waxchaundelers viij d Et de firma 
domus pagine lez Coupers iiij d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D55UU 

mb 2d 

... Et soluerunt pro portacione torchiarum dicte Gilde Sancte 
Trinitatis In die veneris proximo post festum Corporis christi 

mb 1d 

... Expensis facts per Robertum Whetley Constabularium In 










200 / YORK 1503 

primis pro di. dossan cere iij s vj d Et pro factura torchiarum 
i) Sil d Expensis per lohannem Albarras Constabularium 
In primis solwerit pro vij dossan Rosyn ad torcheas MSV] 2a: 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D55v Vv 

mb 3 
Allocaciones ex consuetudine cum feodo bedelli & Clerici huius 
... Et soluerunt pro portacione torchiarum dicte Gilde Sancte 
Trinitatis In die Veneris proximo post festum Corporis christi 
xij d ... 

Et soluerunt henrico Marsshall for diuers Stuff for payntyng 
of ye pagiant xij s vjd... 

House Books y: B9 

f21v (15 January) 

Assembled in be Counseill Chambre within be Comon Hall My 
lord Maier shewed howe pat one Roger Smalwod Mynstrall 
whiche is come to occupye as one of pe Mynstralles of be Citie 
& is knawen right connyng & of his awn cost for be wurship of 
pis Citie hase maid hym a coler to his gret charge & ouer pat he 
awe xilj s. ilij d of his fraunchest money & is of smale hauour & 
power to pay & bere pe said charge wherfor he besecheth my 
said lord Maier & pe said presence to be good & tender lord & 
mayster & to help & socowr hym toward pe said charge after 
whiche shewyng it was agreed pat pe said Roger toward his said 
charge shuld be pardoned of the said xij s. ij d 

£24 (28 February) 

Item it was agreed pat my lord shall send for pe Maister & vj 
kepers of the corpus christi gild and to comaund & charge theym 
vpon payn of , “xxti li. that” pe said maisters “& kepers & gild 
to be leved to be Comon Well & proffyte of pis Citie bis yere to 
fore the fest of lammese next ensuyng herafter of thayr cost & 
charge to bryng furth the crede play 






nota co est lez 
charges del 
drapours paiaunt 
courreunt pertezs 

1505 YORK / 201 

£25 (11 April) 

Item the same day Iohn langton drapowr come to fore pe said 
presence & shewed pat they war bot iijt persons & be pagent 
of thayr crafft is so costly opon corpus christi day & wher bat 
in be tyme of Willzam Holbeke it was ennacted pat euery person 
oper Taillowr or hosier that Cutteth & Selleth cloth by retaille 
as a drapour doth shalbe yerely contributory to be bryngyng 
furth of pe Drapowr pagent accordyng vnto pe said ordnance 
maid in the tyme of William Holbeke ... 

f26 (19 May) 

Assembled vpon Ouse brigge my lord Maier reherced howe at the 
last assemble It was comoned pat all thei pat cuttes & Selles 
cloth by retayll shuld be contributory vnto the bryngyngfurth 
of be Drapours and howe pat the Taillowrs asked respyte of theyr 
answer and thervpon William lewte Maister of pe Taillowrs was 
send for & come to fore pe said presence and said he couth giff 
non answere without advice of his company & ober Counsell & 
bervpon he & Thomas Bankhouse departed furth of pe Counseill 
& after pat matere was put in respyte vnto monday next 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D55WW 

mb 4 

Allocaciones ex consuetudine cum feodo Bedelli & clerici 

... Item soluerunt pro portacione torchiarum dicte Gilde Sancte 
Trinitats In die veneris proximo post festum Corporis christi 
pai ts ae 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls vy: C100:5 
mb 3 

Et dictws Magister petit allocari pro diuersis expensis dicto anno 
per ipsum factis videlicet in processione generali in Crastino festi 
Corporis Christi In primis solut. iiijot Clericis portantibus 
Bawdkyn viij d Item clerico portante Crucem ante processionem 
ij d Item solut. ijb¥s pueris portantibus candelabra ij d Item 
solut. vijte™ hominibus portantibus vij Torcheis xiiij d Item 







locorum ludi 
corporis christi 



202 / YORK 1505 

solut. pro Cera combustura ante feretrum et in obitu generali 
super pontem Vse vj d_ Et solut. ijbus hominibus portantibus 
fferetrum vj d Et solut. Thome Bateman et socio suo Clericis 
monesterij in rewardo xij d Et solut. Sacriste sancte Trinitatis 
et lanitor/ monistery beati petri Ebor’ in rewardo vjd Et solut. 
pro refeccione magistri et sex Custodum circa festum Corporis 
Christi et in fine Compoti ex consuetudine v s ... 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls y : C5:2 

mb 2 
Et de primi loci dimissi Ricardo Catterton & Alijs illj s 
Et de firma 1j! loci dimiss: lohanni Couper & Caldbeke nS 
Et de firma tercij loci dimissi (blank) (blank) 
Et de firma 1ij" dimiss: lohanni Mowbray Willelmo Moresby 
Thome Parke & Alijs lj s vuj d 
Et de firma vt loci dimiss: (blank) (blank) 
Et de firma vj" loci dimiss: (blank) (blank) 
Et de firma vijt' loci dimiss: fratribus sancti leonardi xij d 
Et de firma viij! tenement dimissi (blank) (blank) 
Et de firma ix! loci dimiss: (blank) (blank) 
Et de firma x! loci dimissi Willelmo Caton ‘ij s vj d° & vxori 
Wharton “ij s vj d Vs 
Et de firma xj! loci dimiss: (blank) (blank) 
Et de firma xij! loci dimiss: (blank) (blank) 
Et de firma tercijdecimi loci dimiss: Roberto Clyffe xij d 
Summa xx s 
mb 3 
Item sol. ad sustentacionem pagine coronacionis beate Marie 
Virginis vt in precedentibus ij s 
mb 4 

Et sol. Ministrallis huiws Ciuitatis erga festum Pasche ut in 

pre cedentibus xl d 
Et sol. Ministrallis huiws Ciuvitatis erga ffestwm corporis christi 







officiariorum ex 

Expence facte 
in festo 
corporis christ 

1506 YORK / 203 

ut in precedentibus xx d 
Et sol. Ministrallis huiws Ciwitatis erga ffestwm Natiwitatis sancti 
lohannis Baptiste ut in precedentibus xx d 
Et sol. Ministrallis domini Principis ut in precedentibus a 
Et sol. Ministrallis domini Regis Mense August: hoc Anno ut in 
precedentibus XX S$ 

Et sol. Ministrallis huivs Ciwitatis erga festum Natalis domini vt 

in precedentibus xl d 
Et sol. Ministrallis huivs Ciwitatis erga festum sancti willelmi xx d 
Et sol. ijb¥s Ministrallis domini de Darcy pro Mandatu 

Maioris xx d 

Et sol. iijb“s Ministrallis huiws Civitatis pro vestura sua erga 
festum Natalis domini ut in precedentibus XXIII] $ 

Et in expencis factis hoc Anno super Maiorem 

Aldermannos & Alios quam plures de consilio 

Camere in festo corporis christi videntes & 

intendentes ludum in hospicio communis 

Guihald ex consuetudine vt patet parcellatim —iiij hi. vij s vin d 
in libro paupirio camerary necnon sol. pro 

firma camere Maioris &c. Et sol. cuidam doctori 

pronuncianti quemdam sermonem in crastino 

corporis christi & in expensis communis clerici 

Summa iiij li. vij s viij d 
Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D55XX 

mb 2 

Allocaciones ex consuetudine cum feodo Bedelli & clerici 

... Item soluerunt pro portacione torchiarum dicte Gilde Sancte 
Trinitatis in die veneris proximo post festum corporis christi 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls Y: C100:6 

mb 3 

Et dictus magister petit Allocari de diuersis expensis necessartis 








obitibus cum 



204 / YORK 1506 

hoc anno per ipsum factis videlicet in processione generali in 
crastino fest’ corporis christi In primis solut. Clerico portant: 
Crucem ante processionem ij d. Et solut, ijbus pueris portantibus 
candelabra ij d Et sol. iiijor Clericis portantibus Bawdkyn viij d. 
Et solut. vijt¢” hominibus portantibus vijte™ Torchias xiiij d. Et 
sol. pro Cera combustura ante fferetrum et in obitu generali 
super pontem Vse vij d. Et sol. ijb”s hominibus portantibus 
fferetrum vj d. Et sol. Thome Bateman et socio suo clericis 
monesterij in rewardo xij d. Et sol. Sacriste sancte Trinitatis 
‘i, d° et Ianitor: monasterij beati petri Ebor’ ‘iiij d’ in rewardo 
vj d. Et sol. pro refeccione magistri et sex custodum circa 
festum Corporis christi et in fine compoti ex consuetudine vs. ... 

Et solut. pro factura vj Torcharum xxx s Et sol. pro factura 
sex vexillarwm ad easdem Torcheas hoc anno ‘vs’ ... 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/60 MP 

mb 2 

... Et in regardo datum ex mandato dominorum de capitulo 
histrionibus interessentibus in ffestis Translacionis sancti Wille/mi 
vj Ss vulj d quatuor diebus in septimana pentecostis xiij s ij d & 
deposicionis sancti wille/mi vj s vulj d prout vsitatum est annis 
precedentibus xxvj s viij d ... Et quatuor diaconis portantibus 
paynum supra caput sancti wille/mi in Translacione eiusdem 
"xij d° quatuor diebus in septimana pentecostis “ij s\ & 
deposicione sancti wille/mi [xij d] iis... 

House Books Y: B9 

f37* (16 April) 

Assembled in the counseill chambre in the comon hall it was 
agreed & ennected fermly Herafter to be kept betwixt the 
carpenterz of the Citie of yorke on yat oon partie and 
Cartwrightez of the said Citie on yat oyer partie That William 
Iohnson & Robert Dunwell Sersourz of the carpenterz with all 
the holle occupacion byndez tham in the Some of x li. to my 
lorde Maire & his brethren that & euer they wirke in any bravunce 
of the cartwrightez craft the forsaid carpenterz forto forfet x li. 
And in lykewise if the Cartwrightez wyrke in any braunce of 
the carpenterz craft they to forfet oyer x li. also it was 








Jocorum ludi 
corporis christi 

1507 YORK / 205 

determyned that the Cartwrightez shall euery yere pay pagiant 
money & oyer dutiez as is in there ordinall. 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D55YY 

mb 3 

Allocaciones ex consuetudine cum feodo bedelli & Clerici 

... Item soluerunt pro portacione torchiarum dicte Gilde Sancte 
trinitatis in die veneris proximo post festum corporis christi 
ty dic... 

Et eciam petunt allocari de xl s solutis Thome , “Drawswerd’ 
kerver pro pagina de Domesdaye 
Summa xl s 

House Books Y: B9 

£42 (21 October) 

pro taillowrz et drapers 
Item yt Was agreed the same day that wher as the drapowrs of 
this Cite putt a byll into the Councell for thes tailliowrs that they 
occupy the seyd occupyciacion of the drapours os in cuttyng & 
Sellyng of clothe payng ther for no maner of dewty to the seyd 
Crafft It is therfor enacted for euermore herafter tobe kepte that 
from henssforth euery man as Tailliowr or oyer occupacion pat 
Selles & cuttes ."Sudderon’ clothe & it proved by the Serchouwrs 
of the sayd drapours Shall pay 3erly to the weell of the pageant 
of the sayd drapours x1j d quamlibet eorum &c. 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls vy: C5:3 

mb 1 

Et de firma primi loci dimiss? Ricardo Caterton ui) s ij d 
Et de firma secundi loci dimissi lohanni Calbek & Ricardo 
Asheby vj s 

Et de firma tercij loci dimissi lohanni Elles & Ricardo Gibson vs 
Et de firma quarti loci dimissi lohanni White & Thome Parcour v s 









ex consuetudine 

206 / YORK 1508 

Et de firma quinti loci dimissi Simoni vicars ll} s vilj d 

Et de firma sexti loci dimittitur Magistro Staueley & als — xij d 
Et de firma vij™ loci dimissi lohanni Bateman & Nicholo 
Baxster Vs 
Et de firma viijt loci dimissi (blank) (blank) 
Et de firma ixt tenementi dimissi Willelmo Cooke Vs 
Et de firma x! loci dimissi Wille/mo Caton Vs 
Et de firma xj! loci dimissi Doctori Adriano ij Ss ij d 
Et de firma xij" loci dimissi Wille/mo Russell & alijs lj s ij d 
Et de firma xij" loci (blank) nihil 
Summa xlvj s viij d 

mb 3 
Et in denarijs solutwm ad sustentacionem pagine i 


coronacionis beate Marie vt in precedentibus 

mb 4 

Et sol. Ministralls huivs Ciwitatis erga festum pasche ut in 
pre cedentibus xld 
Et sol. Ministralls huiws Ciwitats erga festum corporis christi 
vt in precedentrbus xx d 
Et sol. Ministrallss huiws Ciwztatis erga festum sancti lohannis 
Baptiste vt in precedentibus xx d 
Et sol. Ministrallss domuni principis vt in precedentebus Xs 
Et sol. Ministrallss domzni Regis Mence Augusti hoc Anno vt in 
precedentibus 9) 
Et sol. Ministralls huiws Ciuitaus erga festum Natalis domini vt 
in precedentibus xl d. 
Et sol. ministrallis huis Ciwitaus erga festum sancti Wille/mi vt 
in precedentrbus xx d 

Et sol. tribws Ministrallss huiws Ciaitatis pro vestura sua erga 
ffestum Natalis domini vt in precedentibus XXIllj $ 

29 Mence] for Mense 







Expence in 
festo corporis 

facte de & 


1508 YORK / 207 

Et in expencis factis hoc anno super Maiorem 

aldermannos & alios quam plures de consilio 

camere in festo corporis christi videntes & 

intendentes lidum in hospicio communis Guihald 

ex consuetudine vt patet parcellatim in libro 1iij li. xiilj s ij d 
paupirio camerary necnon sol. pro firma Camere 

Maioris &c. Et sol. cuidam doctori prouncianti 

quemdam sermonem in Crastino corporis christi 

& in expencis communis clerici &c. 

Summa patet 
Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D55ZZ 

mb 2 

Allocaczones ex consuetudine cum feodo Bedelli & Clerici 

... Item soluerunt pro portacione torchiarum dicte Gilde Sancte 
trinitats in die veneris proximo post festwm Corporis christi 

mb 3 

... Item pro factura de Dorebandes & Crokes a le pagyand house 
xvj d Item pro nailles solutum lohanni Whyte pro magna Aula 
& le pagyand house jj s ... Item pro factura de lez pagyand 
Dores cum operacione carpentariorum x S ... 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls Y:C101:1 
mb 3 

Et dictus magister petit allocari de diuersis expensis necessariis 
hoc anno per ipswm factis videlicet in processione generali in 
crastino festi corporis christi In primis solut. Clerico portante 
crucem ante processionem ij d Et solut. ijbs pueris portantibus 
candelabra ij d_ Et solut. iiijor Clericis portantibus Bawdkyn 
vil) d Et solut. vijte™ hominibus portantibus vijteé™ Torcheas 
xilij d Et soluta pro Cera Combustura ante fferetrum & in obitu 
general: super pontem Vse iiij d Et solut ijbus hominibus 
portantibus fferetrum vj d Et solut Clericis vestabuli ecclesie 

4 lidum] for ludum 








facte de & 

208 / YORK 1508 

sancti Petri Ebor’ in Regardo xij d_ Et solut pro refeccione 
magistri et sex Custodum circa festum corporis christi et in fine 
compoti ex consuetudine v's” ... 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: DSSAAA 

mb 2 

Allocaciones ex consuetudine cum feodo bedelli & Clerici 

... Item pro portacione torchiarum dicte Gilde die veneris proximo 
post festwm Corporis christi xiiij d ... 

. Item solwerunt yni de lez Dobers pro dimidio die apud le 
pagyant garthe ij d Item pro vno lokke vno stapyll & vno pare de 
dore bandes eidem domi vij d ... Item pro C Sappe lattes Apud le 
pagyaunt howse v d ... Item pro ijb“s plaustratis terre a le 
pagyaunt house iiij d ... 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: DS55BBB 

mb 2 

Allocaciones ex consuetudine cum feodo bedelli & clerici 

... Item pro portacione torchiarwm dicte gilde die veneris proximo 
post festwm [Sancte Trinitatis] corporis christi xiiij d ... 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/61 MP 

mb 2 

... Et in Regardo datum ex mandato domimorum Decani et 
Capituli histrionibus interessentibus in festis Translacionis sancti 
wille/mi ‘vj s vii) d’ Quatuor diebus in septimana Pentecostis 
“xilj s ilij d’ Et desposicronis sancti wille/mi ‘vj s viij d’ prout 
vsitatum est annis precedentibus xxvj s vilj d ... Et quatuor 
diaconis portantibus pallium supra capud sancti wille/mi in 
translacione eiusdem iiij°r diebus in septimana pentecostis 

et desposicione sancti wille/mi i1j s ... 









(Sit YORK) 209 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D56CCC 

mb 2 

Allocaciones ex consuetudine cum feodo Beldelli & Clerici / 
huius Computit 

... Item pro portacione Torchiarum dicte Gilde die veneris in 
Crastino Corporis christi xiijj d ... 

Reparaciones facte de & Super tenementis Supradictist 
... Item solwerunt Willelmo vance & famulo suo teguliantubus 
apud lez Toftes per vnum diem & di. xv d ... 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls Y: C101:2 
mb 4 

Et dictus Magister petit allocari de Diuersis expensis necessarijs 
hoc anno per ipsum facts videlicet in processione generali in 
crastino festi Corporis christi In primis solut. Clerico portante 
[E] Crucem ante processionem 1} d. Et solut. yb“s pueris 
portantibus Candelabra ij “d° Et solut. ij°t clericis portantibus 
Bawdkyn vi d. Et solut. vite” hominibus portantibus vijte™ 
torcheas xij d. / Et sol. pro cera Combustura ante feretrum 
& in obitu generali super pontem Vse vij. d / Et solut. bus 
hominibus portantibus feretrum vj d./ Et solut. clericis vestibuli 
Ecclesie sancti petri Ebor’ in regardo xij d. Et solut. sacriste 
sancte Trinitatis . “ij d’ / Ianitori Monasterij Beati petri Ebor’ 
“inj d° vj d. / Et solut. pro refeccione Magistri & sex custodum 
circa festum Corporis christi & in fine huiws Compoti ex 
consuetudine vs. / ... 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/61b MP 

mb 2* 

... Etin regardo datum ex mandato dominorum Decani et Capituli 
histrionibus interessentibus in festis Translacionis sancti willelmi 

‘vj $_viij d° quatuor diebus in septimana Pentecostis ‘xiij s 

vii) d° et disposicionis sancti wille/mi “vj s viij d’ prout vsitatum 

5 Beldelli] for Bedelli 








210 / YORK 1511 

est annis precedentibus xxvj s viij d ... Et quatuor diaconis 
portantibus pallium super capud sancti wille/mi in translacione 
e1usdem iij°r diebus in septimana Pentecostis et disposicione 
sancti wille/#1 iiij s ... 

iL Siby 
House Books Y: B9 

f 64 (10 June) 

Item the same day it was ordred that the lytsters of this Citie 
ayther shall bere viijth torches vpon fryday in the procession 
after corporis christi day or ellys they to cesse for this yere & 
bere no torches vnto the tyme that ferther order may be taken 
wit) the said lysters And if they willbere the said viijth torches 
that then they to kepe a rome behynde the weffers as they 
desyre to do &c. 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: DS56DDD 

mb 2 

Allocaciones ex consuetudine cum feodo Bedelli & Clericit 
... Et pro portacione Torchiarum dicte Gilde die veneris in 
Crastino Corporis christi xij d ... 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls y: C101:3 
mb 4 

Et dictus magister petit Allocari de diuersis “expensis’ neccessarijs 
hoc Anno per ipsum factis videlicet in processione generali in 
crastino festi corporis christi In primis solut. Octo presbeteris 
portamtibus feratrum vil) d Et solut. clerico portamte crucem 
ante processionem ij d Et solut. duobus pueris portantibus 
candelabra ij d Et solut. iij° clericis portavtibus bawdkyn viij d 
Et solut. septem hominibus portantibus septem torchis xiiij d Et 
solut. pro cera combustura ante feratrum et obitibus generalis 
super ponten Vse vj d_ Et solut. duobus hominibus portantibus 

38 generalis] for generali 39 ponten] for pontem 







ex consuetudme 

2) OR / 72 

feratrum vj d_ Et solut. clericis vestibuli Ecclesie sancti Petri 
Ebor’ in regardo xij d Et solut. sacristis sancte trinitatis / Apa: 
Janitori monasterij beati Petri Ebor’ “iiij d’ vj d Et solut. pro 
refeccione magistri et sex custodum circa festu corporis christi 
Et in five huivs compoftus]'ti' ex consuetudive vs ... Et solut. 
pro locione octo albs et [in] octo amyttis cum octo paruls 
ceruicallis pertinentibus feratro “xij d° ... 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D56EEE 

mb 2 
... Et pro portacione torchiarum dicte Gilde die veneris in Crastino 
Corporis christi xiii d ... 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y : C86:3 

mb 1 

De firma vnivs tenementi ibidem pro pagina pellipariarwm sol. 
Sec. xij d 

De firma vnius Pagine textorum ibidem eis dismissa pro termino 
annorum sol. &c. xvj d 
De firma pagine diuersorum artificum hoc anno ad eosdem 
terminos XVilj $ 

De firma domus pagine Aurifabrorum ‘viij d’ vnius tenementi 
ibidem in terra lohannis Aleyni pagine lez Wexchaundlers ‘viij d’ 
pagine lez Cowpers ‘iiij d° sol. ad eosdem terminos vs 
De firma pagine merceriorum ‘xij d’ pagine pistorum ‘xij d’ 
pagine tapitariorum ‘xij d° Carpentariorum ‘ij s’\ & pagine 
tannatorum “x1 d° vj s 

1 Petri] corrected from Pete 3 Petri] corrected from Petre 

21 Marginalia) Redditus & firme tam infra mikillith quam extra Ratonrawe & lez 






ex Consuetudine 



Allocaciones ex 


2127 YORK 1514 
Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: DS6FFF 

mb 2 
... Et pro portacione Torchiarum dicte Gilde die veneris in 
Crastino Corporis christi/ ‘xiiij d° ... 

Et pro le pageant dore vnum stancheon & nalez / ‘jd ob.” ... 

House Books Y: B9 

£81 (25 April) 

At which day it is agreed that where affore this the Tielhousez of 
this Citie haith brought furth a pageaunt of Corporis Christi day 
& the Milners Saucemakers & oyer misteres haith ben contributory 
vnto the same & now the said (..)elhouses is ruynous & dekayed 
as that they er not able to bring furth the same Therfore it is 
agreed fromhensforth fermly tobe obserued & keped That the 
Milners of this Citie for the tyme beyng shall yerly bring furth 
the same pageant & tobe the Tope of the same & the other 
Craftes tobe contributory vnto them & to bere lik charges as 
haith beyn affore tyme 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D56GGG 

mb 2 
... Et pro portacione torchiarwm dicte Gilde in Crastino Corporis 
christi/ “xiijd° ... 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls Y:C101:4 
mb 2 

Et dictus magister petit allocari de diuersis expensis necessartis 
hoc anno per ipsum factis videlicet in processione generali in 
crastino festi corporis christi / In primis solut. Clerico portante 
Crucem ante processionem ij d Et solut. ibs pueris portantibus 
candelabra ij d Et solut. iiijot Clerics portantibus Bawdkyn 
viij d Et solut. in regardo capellanis portantibus feratru viij d 
Et solut. septem hominibus portantibus vijte™” torchis xiiij d- 
Et solut. pro cera combustura ante feratrum in obit general 








locorum ludi 
Corporis christi 




super pontem Vse xviij d Et solut. ijb“s hominibus portntibus 
feratrum vj d Et solut. Clericis vestibuli eccleste monastery beati 
petri in regardo xij d Et solut. sacriste ecclesie sancte trinitatis 

Af Gicass 


City Chamberlains’ Rolls y: C6:1 

mb 1* 

Et recepti de firma primi loci dimissi (b/ank) (blank) 
Et de firma secundi loci dimiss Henrico Gale inholdar Keo 
Et de firma Tercij loci dimiss: lohavni Blakey eer 
Et de firma iiijt! loci dimiss: Iohanni White aldermanno ce) 
Et de firma v™ loci dimissi lohavni Strins 2) 
Et de firma vj! loci dimiss: Alano Staveley aldermanno ee 
Et de firma vij™! loci dimiss (blank) (blank) 
Et de firma octaui loci (...) domino maiori Aldermannis & alijs 
(...) Consilio (...) 
Et de firma noni loci dimissi ¢...) ie 
Et de firma decimi loci dimissi (blank ) (blank) 
Et de firma vndecimi loci dimissi (blank) (blank) 
Et de firma duodecimi loci dimiss: Roberto G(...) eee) 
Et de Magistris et fratribus Sancti Leonardi pro ‘...) Aulo. ee) 
mb 2 

Eti in denarijs sol. ad sustentacionem pagine coronacionis beate 
marie virginis vt in precidentibus ij s 

Et <...) gardo ministrallis huivs Ciuitatis erga festum Pasche ut in 

precidentibus ij s 1 d 
Et (...) festum corporis christi ut in pre cidentibus xx d 
Et in Regardo Ministrallis huivs Ciuitatis erga festwm Natiuitatis 

Sancti lohannis Baptiste xx d 

Et in Regardo Ministrallis huiws Ciuitatis erga festum(...) x1. d. 

18 (...)| dimissi 19 ¢...)} camere 
24 pro(...)] three words missing 32 (...)] in re- 
34 (...)] in Regardo Ministrallis huius Ciuitatis erga 

37 (...)] Natalis domini 






ex consuetudine 

Expence in festo 
Corporis christi 

Allocaciones ex 

Skynners & 

Carryers to 
the Sheremen 

214/ YORK 1516 

Et in Regardo Ministrallis huius Ciuitatis erga festum Sancti 
Wille/mi xed 

Et in regardo ministrallis domini Regis vt in precidentibus xx $s 

Et sol. Tribus Ministrallis huius Ciuitatis erga festum Natalis 
domini vt in precidentibus XXilij $ ill) d 

Et (...) Consilio Camere in festo (...) christi (...) ex 
consuetudine vt patet parcellatim in libro paupirio 
Camerariorum dicte Ciuitatis et pro firma camere 
ibidem v s 

iij li. vj s ix d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: DS56HHH 

mb 2 
... Et pro portacione Torchiarum huius Gilde in Crastino Corporis 
christi “xij d° ... 

IS IL%/ 
House Books Y: B9 

f91v (27 May) 

At whiche day was put In a bill by ye body of ye craft of 
Skynners [wherof] whiche then was considered by the said 
presennce yat yei were of littill substance & was not able to bring 
furth yer pageant wherfore the said day by the said presennce it 
was ordred that the vestmentmakers of yis Citie shalbe 
contributory to ye brynging furth of yer said pageant & to pay 

as ye Skynners nowe doys to ye same Prouyded alway yat & they 
cannot agre what euery man shall pay yat yen they tobe ordred 
by the mair for the tyme beyng &c. 

Item at the same day by the said presennce it was ordred that 
the Comon Cariowrz of yis Citie fromhensforth shalbe in lykewise 
contributory to ye Shermen of yis Citie towardes ye 
bryngyngfurth of yer pageaunt for lyke consideracion as is 

8 Et(...)] Et in expencis factis hoc anno super Maiorem Aldermannos et alios quam 

plures de 
8 festo (...)] festo Corporis 
8 christi(...)] christi videntes et intendentes ludum in Communis Guihall 







Skotyshe Quene 

Skynners & 

Allocaciones ex 

1517 YORK / 215 

At whiche day it was also ordred & agreid by the said presennce 
that my lorde mayre wit his brethren in Skarlet ye xxiiijth in 
Cremyssen wit) a Conuenient nombre of ye most honest of the 
Comons shall Stande within Mykkyllith barre & resceyve the 
Qwene of Skottes & hir grace tobe presented a present as she was 
affore at hir last beyng at Sant mary Abbey &c. 

£93v (13 November) 

At whiche day it was graunted to the Shireffes yat now er that 
yei shall ride & make proclamacion after the olde ancient 
custome of this Citie affore Christenmes / And yat thei shall 
not be constrened to make any fest or dyner atte comon hall or 
in any oyer place bot at yer awn fre will at yer pleasour / 

(21 November) 

At whiche day it was agreed that for a peace tobe hade betwixt 
the Skynners & the vestmentmakers that from hensforth the 
vestmentmakers shall pay yerly to the bryngyng furth of the 
Skynners pageant euery maister / viij d /. & euery Journaman . 
iilj d / & nomore tobe paide withoute deny our yerly to the 
chamberlayns handes affore the fest of Witsonday And then the 
skynners to resceyue it atte chamberlayns handes and they not 
to be charged with the reparacions of there pageant / 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: DS6III 

mb 2 
... Etpro portacione Torchearum huius Gilde in Crastino Corporis 
christi ‘xiiij d° ... 

House Books Y: B9 

£94v (28 January) 

Be it knawen to all men here after that where tofore this there 
hays beyn gret debate trauers & contrauersy betwix the Wollen 
Weuers of this Citie of york And lynen Weuers of the same / 
ffor the appeasyng wherof the said two mysteryes & craftes 





betwixt the 
lynweuers & 
the Wollen 

216 / YORK 1518 

ofterd & promytted them self tobe ordred by ye right wurchipfull 
lohn Dogeson nowe maire of this Citie of york his brethren 
aldermen & counseill of the chambre of the said Citie Whiche 
maire aldermen & counsell by thassent & agrement of the hole 
body of ather of the said mysteryes or craftes haith ordeyned & 
establysshed as herafter folowes euermore to indure that is to 
say that the said Lyn weuers that nowe er only cytyzins & 
fremen of this Citie & yer Successourz only lyn weuvers shalbe 
from hensforthe a Craft distinct by yer self seuered from the 
Wollen Weuers & they to haue two Sersourz of there awn craft 
to make Serche of able wark of lynwark or harden emongest yem 
self only / And of defautes emonges themself presented the oon 
half of the forfets therof tobe to ye Comon Well of this Citie & 
oyer to haue to yer own propre vse And that the said Lynweuers 
shall yerly pay & Content that fyve Shellynges whiche the 
Weuers of this Citie hays paid affore this whiche yerly is payd to 
the Cutlers pageant / And of that v s. by yere clerly discharge the 
said Wollen Weuers vnto suche tyme as the said lynweuers will 
play or cause tobe played the pageant somtyme called Vergus 
pageant And then the said lynweuers shall reteyn & kepe the said 
v s. towardes yer awn Charges for the bringyngfurth of the said 
Vergus pageant and this tobe doyn vppon payn of forfetour of 

x s, tobe to the vse of the Chambre And also it is ordred & agreed 
that the said lynweuers shall not aske clame nor take no pageant 
money or pageant siluer of any foreyn Straunger that is not 
freman fraunchesed within this Citie wheder he dwell in the 
countre franches or Sentuary bot only of vpon & emonge them 
self lynweuers franchestmen oonly And of non other nor to 
aske or clame any lyke pageant siluey or other . Imposicion of 
any brother or fraternite or gilde of our blessid lady whiche the 
said Wollen Weuers hays emonges them by graunte of & by the 
kynges Chartour °, "Except of the lynweuers of this City * 
vppon payn of forfetowr of xl d as oft as the Said lynweuers or 
there Successours herafter doys to the contrarie Whiche penaltie 
& payn shall evenly be deuyded betwixt the Chambre to ye 
comon vse of this Citie & the said lynweuers to yer own vse 
whiche act concord & agrement at the speciall request & desire 
of bothe ye said Craftes is inrolled in the book of actes the ide 
tyme of the marialte of ye said Iohn Dogeso the xxviijth day of 
January the ixth yere of the reign of owr Soueraign liege lorde 
kyng henry the viijth And fore more Suretie therof to the partiez 








ex consuetudine 

Expense in festo 
Corporis christi 


of this acte dubled remanyng wit) the said Craftes seuerally The 

said maire haith put his Seall of office ye day & yere abouesaid 

£96v (11 June) 

At whiche day it was agreed by the said presennce that ffrom 
hensforthe & for the last yere the Gyrdlers of this Citie shall 
haue the Whitchaundlers & Saucemakers monney yerly that is 
to say v s towardes ther Charges of yer bryngyng furth of there 
pageant And yat the mylners shall no longer haue it / bot that 
the mylners shall haue the Tielhouses when they goo towardes 
yer Charges of yer pageant bringyng furth / 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y ; C6:3 

mb 1 

Et in denarijs sol. ad Sustentacionem pagine beate marie virginis 
vt in precidentibus lj s 

Et in Regardo Ministrallis huiws Ciuitatis erga festwm pasche vt 

in pre cidentibus xld 
Et in regardo dato Ministralls huiws Ciuitaus erga festwm Corporis 
christi vt in precidentibus xx d 
Et in Regardo Ministrallzs huivs Ciuitatis erga festum Natiuitatis 
sancti lohannis Baptiste vt in precidentibus xx d 
Et in Regardo Ministrallis huivs Ciuitatis erga festwm Natalis 
domini vt in precidentibus xld 
Et in Regardo Ministrallis huiws Ciuitatis erga festum sancti 
Wille/mi vt in precidentibus xx d 
Et in Regardo dato Ministrallis domini Regis vt in 

precidentibus XX S 

Summa Xxx] s viij d 

Et sol. tribus Ministrallis huivs Ciuitatis erga festwm Natalis 
domini vt in precidentibus XXVlj s ij d 

Et in expensis factis hoc Anno super maiorem aldermannos & 
alios quam plures de Consilio camere in festo corporis christi 





Allocaciones ex 

terrarum & 

218 / YORK 1518 

videntes & intendentes lusum in hospico Communis Aule ex 
conswetudine vt patet parcellatim in libro paupiri camerari/ 
dicte Ciuitatis ac pro firma camere ibidem &c. 

Summa iiij li. ij s ix d ob. 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: 86:4 
mb 1 
De firma vnius tenement: ibidem pro pagina pell (...) 

De firma vnius pagine textorum ibidem <...) xj d 
De firma domus pagine diuersorum artificum (...) XVilj S 

De firma domus page Aurifabrorum viij d vnivs tenementi 
ibidem in terra lohannis Aleyni pagine lez Wexchaundlers ‘viij d” 
pagine lez Cowpers sol. ad eosdem terminos Vs 
De firma pagine merceriorum ‘xij d’ pagine pistorum ‘xij d° 
pagine Tapitariwm ‘xij d’ pagine Carpenteriorum jj s et pagine 
tannatorum xij d vj s 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D56KKK 

mb 2 
... Et pro portacione Torchearum huiws Gilde in Crastino Corporis 
ChDSh" “KUjcd) o- 

mb 4 

... & pro ductura iiij lode lyme tegularuwm & sabuli vsque le 
Toftez “ij d” ... & ad lez Toftes j C thak teell “vj d” ... & pro yj 
lode erthe tenemento apud lez Toftes / ‘vjd’ ... & sol. roberto 
Tyler de le pagant grene pro j C lattes / ‘vd’ ... et sol. lohanno 
Mason & famulo suo operantibus apud le pageant garth / per 
iij dies & di. / “ij s vj d’ & pro ductura burdes vsque le pageant / 

2 paupiri] for paupirio 

11 Marginalia| Redditus & firme tam infra mikillith quam extra Ratonrawe & lez 

11 pell<...) pellipariarum sol. &c. 

13 (...)] eis dismissa pro termino annorum sol. &c. 

14 (...)] hoe anno ad eosdem terminos 







Allocaciones ex 



1518 YORK / 219 

garth / ‘jd ... & pro hespis & staples ad le pagant garth / ‘viij d’ 
& pro j C lattes ‘vij d’ pro portacione lyme tegularwm & sabuli 
‘jd’ & pro vna Cera pro le pageant hows / “ij d’ & pro lattes 
‘vijd & Pro Xx lade sabuli ‘vilj d’ & sol. lohanno Clynt pro 
lattes / ‘vij d’ & pro iiij bisshels de plaister / ‘ix d’ & sol. 
Wille/mo Gllot & seruienti suo operantibus per v dies & di. / 
“jij s vij d’ ... & pro mundacione de le pagant hows / “ij d’ 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D56LLL 

mb 2 
... Et pro portacione Torchearwm huius Gilde in Crastino Corporis 
christi “xij d° 

Will of Antony Middleton B81: Prob. Reg. 9 

£107 (probated 20 June 1520) 

... Item I bequeath to royd lyght in my parishe chirche of seynt 
michaellys iij s. iij d. Item I bequeath to the somergame lyght 
in my parishe chirche ij s. Item I bequeath to our Ladys lyght in 
the southe side of my parishe chirch ij s. Item I bequeath to 
Seynt Agnes lyght in the said chirch xx d. Item I bequeath to 
the lyght that the childer fyndys in the said chirche xx d. ... 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls vy: C6:4 

mb 1 

Et in denarys solut. ad sustentacionem pagine Coronacionis 
beate marie virginis vt in precidentibus I] s 

Et in Regardo dato Ministrallis huivs Ciuitatis erga ffestwm 
Pasche ut in precidentibus xl d 
Et in Regardo dato Ministrallis huivs Ciwitatis erga ffestum 
Corporis christi 0 aa 
Et in Regardo dato Ministrallis huivs Ciwitatis erga ffestum 
Natiuitatis sancti lohannis Baptiste xx d 
Et in Regardo dato Ministrallis huiws Ciuitatis erga ffestum 
Natalis domini ut in precidentibus xld 





ex consuetudine 

Expense in festo 
Corporis christi 







220 / YORK 1520 

Et in Regardo dato Ministrallis huiws Ciuitatis erga ffestum sancti 

Wille/mi ut in precidentibus xx d 
Et in Regardo dato Ministrallis domini Regis ut in 
precidentibus XX S$ 

Summa Xxx] s viij d 

Et [in] sol. tribws Ministrallis huiws Ciwitatis erga ffestwm Natalis 
domini ut in precidentibus XXvlj $ lj d 

Et in expensis facus hoc Anno super maiorem aldermannos & 
alios quam plures de Concilio Camere in festo Corporis christi 
videntes & intendentes lusum in hospicio communis Aule ex 
consuetudine ut patet parcellatim in libro paupiri dicti Civitatis 
ac pro firma Camere ibrdem &c. 

Summa iilj li. xj s iij d ob. 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC2 


Dimissio ludi Corporis Christi 
Primus locus communi Clerico (blank) 
secundus locus dimittitur lohanni Blakey [vj s]vs vjd 
Tercius locus dimittitwr Gilberto Walron’ lil] $ 
Quartus locus dimittitvr Ricardo Powle [iiij s]iij s x d 

Quintus locus dimittitwr Miloni Robynson fyssher ‘sol.’ ij s viij d 
sextus locus dimittitwr domino maiori & Aldermannis &c. necnon 

Nicholo Baxster rare 
septimus locus dimittitur (blank) (blank) 
Octauus locus [domino] dimittitur (blank) (blank) 
Nonus locus dimittitwr lohanni Bower xld 
Decimus locus dimittitwr lohanmi lytster [v s}iiij) s vin d 

Vndecimus locus dimittitur Paulo Gills aldermanno [(¢..)] 
“nondum sol. ij $ 
Duodecimus locus dimittituwr Ricardo Plumpton & Iohanni 
lameson ij s vilj d 
Terciodecimus locus dimittitur (blank) (blank) 
Summa xxx Ss. 1j d. probata 

13 paupiri) for paupino 13 dictil for dicte 







1520 YORK / 221 

Redditus Resoluti 

Item sol. ad sustentacionem pagine Coronacionis beate Marie 
Virginis ut in precidentibus sel 
f 28v 

Vestura officiariorum ex consuetudine 
Item sol. ministrallis huivs Civitaus erga dictum Natalis 

domini XXvij s uj d 

Regarda ministrallorum et aliorum seruientium 
In Primis sol. Ministrallzs huiws Ciwitatis erga ffestum Pasche vt 

in pre cidentibus xld 
Item sol. Ministralls huiws Civitatis erga ffestum Corporis Christi 
vt in precidentibus xx d 
Item sol. Ministrallis huis ciuitaus erga ffestum Natiuitatis 
sancti lohannis Baptiste &c. xx d 
Item sol. Ministrallis huiws Ciuitats erga ffestum Natalis domini 
vt in precidentibus xld 
Item sol. Ministrallss domini Regis hoc anno ut in 

precidentibus XX S 
Item sol. Ministrallis huis Ciuitatis erga ffestum sancti Willelmi 
ut in precidentibus acd) 

Summa Xxx] s. vil] d probata 

1 290" 

Expense in festo Corporis christi 
In Primis pro seruicia viij s ij d. Item pro noua seruicia & le yest 
iil) d Item pro le yest ad coquendum dentriculos ij d Item in 
pane vocato levandem brede iij s vj d. Item in pane ad faciendum 
lez trenchowrs viij d. Item in pane vocato Manebrede [viij d] 
ix d. Item in sale j d. Item in Cenapio iiij d. Item in butiro iiij d. 
Item in Carne mutulivm x d. Item in “ijb“s” saccis Carbonum 
vocatorum Charcole vij d. Item in septem albis Ciphis iij d. Item 
in tribus Caseis vocatis Emmyngburgh Chesys xiij d. Item in 
tribus lagenis lactis iij d. Item in lez Strawberys iij d. Item in vna 

11 dictum] for dictum ffestum 








Allocaciones ex 

222 / YORK 1520 

virga alba iii) d. Item in tribus le pyntes mellis & seruicia pro 
eodem &c. x d. Item in C ouis ix d. Item in xxvj pullis ij s. 

[vj d.] ij d. Item in octo Caponibus iij s x d ob. Item in xce™ 
aucis ij s. [vj d.] vd. Item in xxv Columbis xij d. Item in le 
venyson viij d. Item in [lex] bus lez dosan rabettes & duobus 
‘porcellis’ [porcevs iii) s.] iij s. Item in Carne bouina jj s. vj d. 
Item in ‘le’ quarter del Mutton & vno agno xxj d. Item in [I] 
tribus lez marybones vj d. Item in ij°t libris del sewet iiij d 
Item in septem dentriculis x s vj d. Item in CC pomis iij s. x d. 
Item in quatuor les pekkes del flowre xx d. Item in conduccione 
del deux dosan pottes v d. Item in vino domine maiorisse & 
sororibus suis vne lagene a lez Vyntyners & vne lagene pistoribus 
ex consuetudine ij s Item in vino domino maiori & socijs suis 
aldermannis ac xxiiijOF vij s vii} d. Item in conduccione del sex 
xij rugh vessells xviij d Item in alijs tribus porcellis xj d. Item 

in vna vncia del saveron j quartor piperis vj libris del sugar . j li. 
daytes j li. prewnez . j li corres . j} vncia del cloves & mace [alia] 
alie due vncie del saveron & zinsebere vij s. viij d. Item in pane 
seruicia & vino communi Clerico ex consuetudine jj s. viij d. 
Item in stipendio Coci & lixe ij s. ij) d Item in regardo pincerne 
viij d. Item in aqua pro Coco ij d. Item in regardo pistoribus 

iiij d Item in regardo ijb“s Custodzbus porte viij d. Item in 
regardo Thome Sadler pro le hingyng Camere xx d Item in lez 
naylez pro eodem iiij d. Item in regardo filie dicti Thome Sadler 
pro suo diligenti labore ij d. Item in vna Claue ostio de le buttre 
ij d Item pro conduccione Camere Thome flemyng vj s. viij d. 

se a alee iiij li. xj s. iiijd ob. probata 
istius Expense 
Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: DS6MMM 

mb 3 
... Et pro portacione torchiarwm huius Gilde in Crastino Corporis 

christi “xij d° ... 

12 vne lagene] for vna lagena 17 corres] for corrans 
18 due vncie] for duobus uncijs 








1520) YORK / 223 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls Y: C102:1 
mb 3-4 

Et dictus Magister petit Allocari de diuersis expensis necessarijs 
hoc anno per ipsum factis videlicet in processione generali in 
crastino ffesti Corporis christi In primis solut. clerico portante 
crucem ante processionem ij d. Et solut. duobus pueris 
portantibus candelabra ij d. Et solut. iiij°t clericis portantibus 
Bawdkyn viij d. Et solut. iv regardo tribus cantoribus viij d. Et 
solut. tribus Sacristis monasterij vj d Et solut. in regardo | 
capellavis portantibus fferetrum viij d. Et in regardo clericis 
cantantibus xij “d° Et solut. vijt¢” homuinibus portantibus vijte™ 
torcheas xiiij d. Et solut. duobus hominibus portantibus fferetrum 
‘vi) d° Et solut. clericzs ecclesie vestibuli ecclesie sancti Petri in 
regardo xij d. Et solut. Janitori sancti Petri & sacriste Sancte 
Trinitatzs in regardo viij “d° ... 

House Books Y: B10 

f 18v* (20 June) 

Memorandum that the xxth day of Iune in the xiijth yere of 
kyng herry the viijth William Ierrett Grayson Iohn Newall & Iohn 
Man of yorke pynners grauntith & by theis presentes byndes 
them affore my lorde maire & maister Chamberleyns vppon 
ousebrig of ye seid Citie that they frome hensfurth shall yerely 
pay in the presens of the Chamberleyns for ye tyme beyng vppon 
ousebrig afforseid of Corpus christievyn in the Councell Chambre 
to the Sersours of the payntours iij s And if yat they fayle so 

to do Then to forfet to the seid occupacion of the payntours xl s 
to be eqally devyded betwix them & ye Chambre to the vse of 
ye Commonialtie of ye said Citie provided alwey yat the seid 
paynters shall resceyue yerely of ye Tynklers paiaunt syluer 
William Darson 

ff 19v-20 (28 November) 

Assembled vppon ousebrygg the day & yere abouewrittyn at 
whiche day & place it was fully agreed & determyned by the seid 

29 christi} chr spelled out in Roman letters 















224 / YORK 1521 

presens yat Robert ffons & Iohn Gegges sheriffes of the City of 
york accordyng to auncyent & laudable Custome of the seid City 
vsyd withoute tyme of memory to ye contrary & also accordyng 
to the worshipfull ordynance of the same Citie shall solemply 
ryde with yer mynysters & officers betwixt the feastes of seynt 
Mighell archangell & the Natyuyte of our lorde & make the 
kinges proclamacion accordyng to the auncyent Custome of the 
forseid Citie ffor the honour & worship of the same Citie . And 
farthermore for dyuerse cawses & consideracionz the seid presens 
movyng it fully agreed & determyned yat none of the seid 
presens shall dyne nor sup with the | forseid Robert ffons at 
suche day & tyme as he shall , ‘make the” proclamacion 
afforseid /. ... 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC:2 


Dimissio ludi Corporis christi 
Primus locus Communi Clerico (blank) 
secundus locus dimittitur lohanni Myrni & Georgio Churcheman 
skynner [vj s. mjd} vs 
Tercius locus dimittitur Gilberto Walron & Willelmo 
Nauton ilij s. ij d 
Quartus locus dimittitur Ricardo Powle lj s 

Quintus locus dimittitwr Miloni Robinson & (blank) 
{iij s] ij s. vilj d 
sextus locus dimittitur [domino maiori &c.] domine Maiorisse 

& sororibus suis (blank) 
septimus locus dimittitur Magistro Alano Stavelay 

aldermanno xij d 
Octauus locus dimittitur lohanni Bateman notary xld 

Nonus locus domino Maiori & ffratribus suis aldermannis (blank) 
decimus locus dimittitur Ricardo Styrlay aldermanno bowyerx] d 

vndecimus locus dimittitur lohanni lytster [vs] ij s. vujd 
duodecimus locus , “Paulo Gilli &* Wille/mo Cure 
aldermannis llj s 
Terciodecimus locus dimittitur Ricardo Plumpton 
merchant ys. uiyd 
Quartodecimus locus dimittitur (blank) (blank) 

summa xxxj Ss. vilj d 







1521 YORK / 225 

f 62 
Redditus Resoluti 

Item sol. ad sustentacionem pagine Coronacionis beate Marie 
virginis ut in precidentibus 1] S 

f 65 
Vestura officiariorum ex consuetudine 

Item sol. ministrallis huis Ciwitatis erga ffestum Natalis domini 

ut in precidentibus XXVIJ S 

Regarda Ministrallorwm et Aliorum Seruientuum 
In Primis sol. Ministrallis huiws Ciuitatis erga ffestum Pasche vt 

in precidentibus xl d 
Item sol. Ministrallis domini Regis hoc anno ut in 

precidentibus XX S 
f 66 

Expense in ffesto Corporis christi 
In Primis pro tribus lez xija seruicie & di. x s. vj d./ Item in pane 
vs/ Item in Carne bouina ij s iij d./ Item in vino vij s./ Item 
Grenegeys v d./ Item in xxvj pullis ij s vjd/ Item in butiro 
iiij d. / Item in ouis x d./ Item in itjb“s xij Rabettes iiij s vj d / 
Item in tribus porcellis xviij d / Item in septem dentriculis x s / 
Item in vno modo farine ij s vilj d. / Item in tribus Caseis xvj d / 
Item in vino agro & virgeto ij d / Item in ijb¥s xij & viijto 
Columbis xiiij d. / Item in Cenapio iij d/ Item in Carne 
mutulium le sewet Curdes & lacte ij s. vilj d./ Item in speciebus 
vs vjd/ Item indi. C fasticulorum & conductionibus eiusdem 
xviij d / Item in ijb¥s saccis de le Charcole viij d. / Item in Pomis 
xv d/ Item in Cirpis iiij d / Item in vna alba virga ij d./ Item 
in i3>4s lagenis vini daus pistoribus “et lez vyntyners’ ex 
consuetudine xvj d./ Item inj xij¢i” Ciphis iij d./ Item in 
conduccione vasorum wulgariter dictorum Rough vessell iiij d / 
Item in emendacionem de lez firmez ij d. / Item in seruicia iij d / 
Item in vino Communi clerico viij d. / Item in pane eidem 
Clerico ad Cenam suam ij d/ Item in seruicia eidem Clerico ad 
dictam Cenam ij d/ Item in stipendio Coci & lixe ij s iii} d. / 







Redditms et 
firme tam infra 
quam extra et 
lez Toftez 

Allocaciones ex 

terre & 

2210) / YORK 1/5201 

Item in Regardo pincerne viij d/ Item in aqua , ‘dicto’ Coco 

ij d./ Item in Regardo dato , ‘ijbus* Custodibus porte ix d / 
Item in Regardo Thome Sadler pro le hyngyng Camere pro 
domino maiore & ffratribus suis xx d/ Item in Regardo 
pistoribus ex consuetudine pro labore suo vj d/ Item in lez 
naylez pro le hyngyng dicte Camere ij d / Item in Regardo dato 
filie dicti Thome Sadler ij d / Item in conduccione Camere pro 
predicto domino maiore & ffratribus suis vj s. viij d / 

Summa totalis 
harum expensarum 

ij li. ix s. iy d. 
Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y : C87:1 
mb 1 

De firma vnivs tenementi ibidem in terra Pellipariorwm sol. 

ad terminos xij d 
De firma vnius pagine textorum ibidem xvj d 
De firma vnius domus paginarum diuersorum arcium iacentis 

apud paiaunt Grene hoc anno XVlij $ 

De firma domus paginorum Aurifabrorum vnius 
tenementi ibidem in terra lohannis Alen pagine lez VS 
wexchaundlers & pagine les Cowpers 

De firma pagine mercerorum ‘xij d” pagine pistorum ‘xij d’ 
pagine tapitorwm ‘xij d” pagine Carpentariorum “ys & pagina 
tannatorum “xij d vj s 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: DS6NNN 

mb 2* 
... Et pro portacione torcharum huius Gilde in Crastino Corporis 

chest xij 

Et pro Emendacione hostium ludiculo vocatum pagant doore 
‘jj d’ Et pro Emendacione duorwm organum vocatorum pypes 
i rs Wie 








1522 YORK / 227 

House Books Y: B10 

f 37v (23 March) 

... Also it ys fully determyned by the said presens yat hew 
howlley haberdassher & william hay Gyrdler shall frely occupy 
to theyr moste auantage the occupacionz of the bochers & 
Cordyners withoute palyng any vpsett aftir the tenouwr & perporte 
of many good & auncyent actes heretofore made / Provyded 
alwey yat the said hew & william shall obey the serce , “of ye 
Sersours’ of the forsaid occupacionz & selle lefull & [se] 
sesonable fflesshe & , ‘also’ make lefull ware / And farthermore 
, shall’ pay yerely to sersowrs of the said occupacionz pagiaunt 
money & all oyer dueties likewise as oyer men of the said 
occpacionz dothe at this day / And not to be oyerwise charged 
by reason of any , ‘old’ ordynance heretofore made / 

£43* (8 May) 

Also it ys agreed by the said presens yat all thos yat dothe selle 
brode sotheron Clothe within this City frome hensfurth euery 
of thayme shall bryngfurth the drappers paiaunt likewise as 
herry holme dothe this yere vppon payne [f] of forfettyng to ye 
coien Counsaill of ye said City x li. tociens quociens &c. 

£54 (19 October) 

The day & yere abouewrittyn the Sersours of the Carpenters 
with the mooste part of yer occupacion in the Counsaill Chambre 
of ousebrig promyseth vppon yer fidelites to entret hew Robson 
& Emonde Redeman nowe beyng paiaunt maisters of the said 
Craft resonably & after yer auncyent Custome at the makyng & 
finysshyng of yer accompt so yat the said hew & Edmond 
shalbe at no [le] losse for excercisyng & occupiyng as paiant 
maisters / And theruppon the said lorde maiour dothe awarde 
by thies presentes yat the same hew & Edmond shall apply 
thaym selfes for the levyng & gatheryng of all suche dewties as 
belongith yer said occupacion as oyer thaire predecessours 
haith doone in tymez past &c. / And if they fayle yerof thay 
shall make it good of yer owne , ‘proper’ goodes 







228 / YORK 1522 

£55 (21 November) 

assembled vppon ousebrig the day & yere abouewrittyn at 
whiche day & place it was fully determyned by the said presens 
yat Iohn Marshall & Thomas Bailley nowe beyng the kinges 
sheriffes of this City affore the ffeast of the Natiuyte of our 
lorde god next shall solemply ryde wit/ thaire mynisters & make 
the Kinges proclamacion within the said City as it hathbeen 
accustomed in tymez past / ... 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC2 


Dimissio ludi Corporis Christi 
primus locus Communi Clerico (blank) 
Secundus locus dimittitur lohanni Myers & Iohanmi 
Blakey lllj s. ij d 
Tercius locus dimittitur Iohanni Mason Inholder (blank) 
Quartus locus dimittitur Thome Warde barbowr pro xl d 
receptis li Ss 1) d. 
Quintus locus dimittitwr lohanni Cawdwell maryner i) s vujd 
sextus locus dimittitur domine Agneti Staveley vidue xij d 
Septimus locus dimittitwr Riginald Berlay notary lj s ij d 
octauus locus dimittitur domino maiori & ffratribus suis (blank) 
Nonus locus dimittitwr (blank) (blank) 
Decimus locus dimittitwr Ricardo Stirley bower xl d 

vndecimus locus dimittitwr Iohanni lytster taillovr _iilj s. vilj d 
Duodecimus locus dimittitwr domine maiorisse & sororibus 

suis receptum nihil 
Terciodecimus locus dimittitur Wille/mo Galland 

Gyrdler ij s ‘sol.’ 
Quartodecimus locus dimittitur (blank) (blank) 

Summa xxv $ vj d 

f 104 
Redditus resolutz 

Item sol. ad sustentacionem pagine Coronacionis beate marie 
virginis ys 






1522 YORK / 229 

f 106v 
Vestura , ‘officiariorum’ ex consuetudine 

Item sol. Ministrallis huius Civitatis pro vestura sua (..)ga eundem 
ffestum &c. XXvij S ll d 

f 107 
Regarda Ministrallorum et aliorum seruientum 
In Primis Ministrallis huivs Ciuitaus erga ffestwm Pasche ut in 

precidentibus iij s iij d 
Item sol. Ministralls domini Regis hoc anno ut in 
precidentibus XX S$ 

[Item sol. Ministrallis huiws Ciuvitatis pro uestura sua erga] 
ffestum Natalis domini ut in precidentibus [xx s] xxvijs ij d 
Item sol. Ministrallis huiws Ciuttaus erga ffestum Corporis 

Christi xx d 
Item sol. Ministrallis huiws Cruitaus erga ffestum Natuitatis 
sancti lohannis Baptuste xx d 
Item sol. Ministrallis huiws Ciuitatis erga ffestum Natalis 

domini li) S li d 
Item sol. Ministrallis huiws Ciwitaus erga ffestum sancti 

Wille/mi od 

Summa (blank) 

f 108 

Expense in ffesto Corporis Christi 
In Primis in pane vulgariter dicto leuandbrede In pane dominica 
& in pane vocato trenchirbrede v s Item in tribws lez dosanz & di 
seruicie vij s Item in Carne bouina mutulium & le sewett iiij s 
Item in decem Caponibus vj s xjd Item in xijci” viridibus aucis 
lil) S vj d Item in ijbus xija‘.) et septem de lez Rabbettes vs xd 
Item in venyson jj s_ Item in ijbus xij‘) pullorum ij s Item in 
tribus porcellis xviij d Item in ijb¥s xijan Columbarum xxj d / 
Item in ouis et Butiro xiiij d. / Item in vno modio frumenti xj d. 
Item in sex dentricibus xvj s Item in ffagettes xv d. Item in 
Cenapio vino agro & virgeto x d ob Item in Pomis xx d Item in 
vino rubeo Clareto albo Rumpuat’ & malves’ ut [pz] per billam 
inde &c. viij s. ilij d / Item in vna virga alba iiij d. / Item in 
Cirpis ij d. / Item in conduccione vasorum ij s. vj d/ Item in 
lacte croude & marybones xvj d / Item in seruicia communi 
Clerico x d./ Item in pane et vino eidem Clerico xvj d/ Item 








Allocaciones ex 

2310)7/ YORK 115122 

in Regardo Thome Sadler pur le hangyng Camere domini maioris 
& ffratrum suorum scilicet cum lez nayles & fourmes &c. ij s 
ij d ob Item in Regardo Coco et lixe dicti maioris ij svilj d Item 
in Regardo iijb“s Portatoribus pro suis laboribus xiiij d / Item in 
Regardo pincerne dicti maioris viij d / Item in conduccione 
Camere pro dicto maiore et ffratribus suis ut in precidentibus 
vj s vil) d Item in Caseis iij s vj d Item in Regardo dato pistori 
domuni maioris pro suo assiduo labore x d 

Summa totalis eee 
harum Expensarum 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D56000 

mb 2 
... Et pro portacione torcharwm huius Gilde in Crastino Corporis 
Christi ej. ee. 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurriergate 
YM: MS Add 220/2 

PY fis 

Item paid for a pair of glovys to underclerk id 

House Books Y: B10 

£63Bv (22 June) 

Assembled vppon ousebrig the day & yere abouewrittyn at 
whiche day it was fully agreed & determyned by this presens 

That all thos yat occupyes the drapers Craft & kittyng of brode 
Suttherin clothe shall [pa] content & pay to ye paiaunt maisters 

of the drapers paiaunt in forme folowyng bothe for paiauntsyluer 

& the Reparacionz made of the same for this yere./ 

The order of ye paiaunt money abouesaid 

In primis Thomas parkour alderman i S 
Item herry holme ij s 
Item Iamys blades ij s 

Item Iohn hitster js 






G22) COIS Hf Pe 

Item Thomas lambe [ij s] xij d 
Item Iohn Richardson ij s 
Item William herpar ys 
Item lohn lowes x1] d 
Item dame margaret dawson wydo ij d 

Reparacionz of the said paiaunt 

Thomas parkour alderman uj d 
herry holme ij d 
lamys Blades ij d 
lohn litster ij d 
Thomas lambe ij d 
Iohn Richardson lj d 
William herpar uy d 
Iohn lowes ij d 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC2 

f 143v 

Dimissio ludi Corporis Christi 
Primus locus communi Clerico (blank) 
se cundus locus dimittitwr lohanni Myers officiario ij s ud 
Tercius locus dimittitur Ilohanmi Ellys merchaunt lj Ss 
Quartus locus dimittitur lohanmi Thorneton merchaunt ys 
Quintus locus dimittitur Ricardo Clyf bower lj s 

sextus locus dimittitur nullis quod luditur coram domino maiore 
& ffratribus suis 
Septimus locus luditur coram domina maiorissa & sororibus 

suis ()d 
“Robertus Parkyn Cordyner sol x d’ 
octauus locus dimittitur Matheo tayllour ly s 
Nonus locus dimittitwr Iohanni lyster taillour lj Ss vilj d 
decimus locus dimittitur Roberto Wylde aldermanno xij d 
Vndecimus locus dimittitur Wille/mo Balland i) s vinj d 
Duodecimus locus dimittitur (blank) (blank) 

probata Summa xx s vj d. 

f 147v 

Alexander Gray laborer ye magister Thomam Meryman laborer 
pagine laboratorum (..)rdire de ad excercendum officium 
Bowtham presentat illud hoc anno 






232 / YORK 1523 

lohannes Bramley laborer ye 
magister pagine laboratorum de 
Monkwarde presentat 

Willelmuws Smyth ye magister 
Pagine laboratorum Warde de 
Mikellith cum Northstrete 
Postern presentat 

ag 8 

Thomam Knapton laborer ad 
excercendum officium illud 
hoc anno 

Robertum Gubbys laborer ad 
excercendum officium illud 
hoc anno 

Redditws resolutz 

Item sol. ad sustentacionem pagine Coronacionis beate Marie 


f 153v 

ij S. 

Vestura officiariorum ex consuetudine 

Item sol. [(..)] “duobuws* Ministrallis huiws Ciuitatis pro vestura 
sua erga ffestum Natalis domini , “hoc anno \...)” [ut in 


f 154 

Xvilj s uj d 

Regarda Ministrallorum tam domini Regis quam huius Ciuitatis 
In primis sol. Ministrallis huiws Ciuztatis erga ffestwm pasche ut 

in precidentibus 

iij s iiij d 

Item sol. Ministrallzs domini Regis hoc Anno ut in precidentibus 


{ij s ij d] xx s 

Item sol. Ministrallzs dicte Ciuitats erga ffestum Corporis christi 

ut in precidentibus 

xx d 

Item sol. Ministralles huis Ciuitatus erga ffestum Natiuitatis 

sancti lohannis Baptiste 

xx d 

Item sol. Ministrallzs huiws Ciuitats erga ffestum Natalis domini 

ut in precidentibus 

iij s iiij d 

Item sol. Ministrallis dicte Ciuztatis erga ffestum sancti Willelmi 

ut in precedentibus 

xx d 

probatur summa xxxj s vilj d 

Expense in festo Corporis Christi 








Redditus et 
firme tam infra 
quam extra et 
lez Toftez 

ex consuetudine 


52 SEO RIK 9/72)3'3 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y : C:87:2 

mb 1* 

De firma vnius Tenementi ibidem in terra Pellipariorum dicte 
Ciuitatis sol. ad eosdem terminos xij d 
De firma unius pagine (...) sol. (.) d (.) d terminos xvj d 
De firma vnivs domus <...) arcium iacentis apud Paiauntgrene hoc 
anno sol. ad (.) terminos XVilj S 

De firma domus paginorum Aurifabrorum vnius Tenement 
ibidem in terra Iohannis Allen sol. ad eosdem terminos pagine lez 
Wexchaundlers & pagine lez Cowpers ey, 
De firma pagine mercerorum ‘xij d° pagine pistorum ‘xij d’ 
pagine Tapitoruwm “xij d° pagine Carpentariorum ‘ij s° <...) 
“xy d vj s 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D56PPP 

mb 2 
... Et pro portacione Torchiarum huius Gilde in Crastino Corporis 
ehristi “xijid™... 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC2 

f 187v 

Dimissio ludi Corporis Christi 
Primus locus communi Clerico (blank) 
secundus locus dimittitur Ilohanni Blakey pro llj s 

Tercius locus dimittitur lohanni Ellys merchaunt pro _ ij s inj d 
Quartus locus dimittitur Iacobo Shipton merchaunt pro 

(111) s] ii) s viij d 
Quintus locus dimittitur Wille/mo Nawton merchaunt & 
Cawdewell pro ij s 
sextus locus dimittitur domino maiori & ffratribus suis (blank) 

7 ] probably the Weavers’ entry (see above C87: 1) 
8 (...)] paginorum diuersorum Wer CaS 
15 (...)] et pagine tannatorum 







234 / YORK 1524 

septimus locus dimittitur Ranalde Berlay notario et Miloni 
Newton pro vnde pro parte dicti Ranaldi xx d et pro parte 

dict: Milonis viij d per consideracione Camere js jd 
octauus locus dimittitur Thome fflemyng pro ij s 
Nonus locus dimittitur lohanni Clerk founederer pro ij s 
decimus locus dimittitur Iohanni lyster & Roberto Cooke pro 

-! [vs] 1) s 
vndecimus locus dimittitur Roberto Wylde aldermanno 
pro . (blank) 
duodecimws locus dimittitur (blank) Girdler et (blank) ij S 

Terciodecimus locus dimittitur nullo super Pavimentum 

f 194 
Reddituws Resolutz 

Item sol. ad sustentacronem pagine Coronacionis Beate Marie 
uirginis ut in precidentibus ij Ss. 

f 196v 
Vestura ex consuetudine 

Item (...) Ministrallis huiws Ciuitatys pro vestura sua erga ffestum 
(...) Natalis domini ut in precidentibus &c. XXV]j S. 

Regarda tam Ministrallorum domini Regis quam 
Ministrallorwm huius Ciuitaus ut in precidentibus 

In primis sol. Ministrallis huiws Ciuitatis pro termino Pasche ut 

in pre cidentibus lj s. ij d 
Item sol. predictis Ministrallis in Regardo pro termino ffesto 
Corporis Christi ut in precidentibus xx d 
Item sol. Ministrallis domini Regis ut in Regardo ut in 
precidentibus &c. XX S$ 
Item sol. Ministrallis huiws Ciuitaus erga ffestum Natiuitats 
Sancti lohannis Baptiste ut in precidentibus xx d 
Item sol. Ministrallis huiws Ciuitatis erga ffestum ¢...) domint 
(...) precidentibus xx d 

39 (...)] Natalis 40 (...)] utin 










1524 YORK / 235 

Item sol, Ministrallis huiws Ciuitatis ad ffestum Sancti Wille/mi 
ut in precidentibus cd 
Summa xxxj s. viij d 

f 197v 

Expense in ffesto Corporis Christi 
In primis in pane v d. Item in x¢¢” caponibus vj s. Item in 
xiijoi” viridibus aucis iiij s. in jb“s xij & di. rabbettes iij s. 
iij d Item in regardo pro venyson xx d Item in ijb¥s xij pullorum 
xx d_ Item in tribus porcellis xvj d. Item in ij xij & di. 
columbarum vs. Item in Ouis & butiro xiilj d Item in ffrumento 
xij d Item in [speciebus] , ‘dentricibus* xiiij s. Item in Cenapio 
vino agro virgeto & sale viij d Item in pomis xx d Item in Caseo 
(..) Item in Carbonis [xx] ix d Item in melle ij d Item in 
ffagotes x d Item in xij & di. seruicie vilj s. Item in Carne 
bouum mutulium & le sewett iii) s. vj d Item vino rubeo Claret 
albo runes & maluesset vj s. [viij d] , “ix d’ Item in lacte crowde 
& marybones xvj d Item in speciebuws vij s. Item in conduccione 
vasorum xx d Item in vino & pane communi Clerico xv) d Item 
in regardo a lez vintyners vil) d Item in Regardo pistoribws 
vii} d Item in regardo senescallo Maioris pro labore & Concilio 
suo ij s. vilj d Item in stupendio Coci & <....) ilj s. Item in regardo 
Thome Sadler pro le hangyng Camere predicti maioris & sociorum 
suorum aldermannorum &c. xx d Item in nayles ujd Item in 
Regardo pincerne (...) viij d Item in regardo Custodibus Ostiorum 
vd Item in alba wirga ij d Item in regardo (...) domzni maioris 
pro labore suo viij d 

ij li. vij s. ix d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D56QQQ 

mb 2 

...Et pro portacione torchiarwm huius Gilde in Crastino Corporis 
Ghrsticixijid 2: 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/62 MP 

mb 2 

... Etin regardo datum ex mandato dominorum Decani et capituli 

Histrionibus interessentibus in festis , ‘translacionis’ sancti 
Wille/mi vj s viij d / itij diebus in septmana pentecostis Xilj $s ij d 








Creyd play 

236 / YORK 1524 

et deposicronis sancti Willelmi vj s_viij d / prout vsitatum est in 
annis precedentibus xxvj s viijd ... Et ilj° diaconis portantibus 
pallium super capud sancti Wille/mi in festo Translacione sancti 

wille/mi pre dicti iiij diebus in septimana Pentecostis et deposicione 

House Books Y: B10 

f£122v (28 July) 

the Crde play & who so as makes defaute beyng within the seid 
City shall bere like charges as thos att be yer present with my 
said lorde maier / & the Costes & charges [y] then & yer made 
shalbe borne indifferently by the said presens / 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC2 

f 228v 
Dimissio ludi Corporis Christi 

primus locus dimittitur (blank) 
secundus locus dimittitur lj S. 
Tercius locus dimittitwr lohanni Mason Inholder pro ilij s. sol. 
Quartus locus dimittitur Wille/mo Nawton iis: 
Quintus locus dimittitvr Briano lorde lj s. 
sextus locus dimittitur Roberto Man (...) (dij s. iy d 
Septimus locus dimittitwr (blank) 
Octauus locus dimittitur Milani Neweton ij s. uy d 
ixus locus dimittitur Matheo Hartley Taillowr ij S. 
xus locus dimittitwr Iohanni Lyster Taillour llij s. vilj d. 
xjus locus dimittitur (blank) 

xijus locus dimittitur Roberto Hy Taillowr “xij d.’ et Wille/mo 
Galland girdeller * [xij d] expenso ffirma set’ (...) (ij s. uy d.] 

xijus locus dimittitur (blank) 
xujus locus dimittiwr (blank) 
xvus locus dimittitur (blank) 
f 236 

Redditus resolutu 

Item sol. ad sustentacionem pagine Coronacionis beate marie 








virginis ij S. 

f 239 

Item sol. Ministrallis huiws Ciuitatis pro vestura sua erga (..) 
festum Natalis domini ex noua ‘....) pro maiore & Cuncilij 
Gave as ) &c. xls: 

Regarda tam ministrallorum domzini Regis 
quam ministrallorum (...) 
In primis sol. ministrallzs huiws Czwitatis ad ffestum 

pasche lij Ss. uj d. 
Item sol. ministrallis domini Regis in regardo ut in 

pre cidentibus KE S. 
Item sol. ministrallss huiuvs Cruitatis pro ffesto Corporis 

Christi 9 Oi 
Item sol. in regardo pro mandatore maioris & Cuncilij ministrallis 
de Notingham exspensi set pro nihil precidente lj s. iy d 
Item sol. ministrallss huiws Ciuitaus erga ffestum Natiuitatis 
Sancti lohannis Bapuste xx d 
Item sol. Ministrallis huivs Ciwitatis erga ffestum Natalis 

domini lij Ss. ij d 
Item sol. Ministrallis huius Ciwitatis (...) ffestum Sancti 

Wille/mi xx d 
f 240 

Expense in ffesto Corporis Christi 
In primis in panevd In pane dominica [a] cum le Trenchourbrede 
ix d ob. In seruicia x s iij d In Carne bouina mutuliwm 
marybones & le Sewett iiij s iiij d In lacte iiij d In xcem 
Caponibus vj s. viijd In .“(...)° (.. iiij s. ijd In duobus dosen 
lez rabbettes iiij s. In pullis xxj d In quater porcellis xxuj d In 
ij dossen pideons xviij d. In ouis & Butiroxvd In [(...)] xvd 
In quinque dentricibus xvj s_ In Cenapio vino Agro virgeto & 
sale vj d In Caseis ij s. In le Charcole ix d In ffaggotes x d In 
vino Clareto renay vini albo et maluess vj s. [xx d] , “ij d’ In 
regardo pro le venyson ij s. ilij d In Speciebus vj s. x d ob. In 
conduccione vasorum ij s. vj d In speciebus vj s. x d In regardo 

26 (...)[ erga 







ex Consuetudine 

238 / YORK 1525 

a les vintyners viij d In regardo pistoribus viij d In regardo 
Senescallo ij s. viijd In regardo Cocis ij s. In regardo pincerne 
(...) In regardo pistoris viij d In Cirpis & le yeste vj d ob. In 
vino communi Clerico xvj d_ In regardo Thome Sadler pro 

le hangyng camere cum lez nayles xxiij d. In footyng de lez 
fourmez & Trestyls ij d In conductione Ciphorum cum lez 
brokyn Trusys vd In regardo Cuiusdem laborer ij d In regardo 
Custodes porte cum regardo dato Thome Goodbarne xij d In 
conductione Camere vj s. viij d 

Summa Expensarum 

; v li. xx d. ob. 

f 245v 
Expense Necessarie 

Item paid to Thomas the Master of Corpus Christi 

for the Crede play at was playde byfore my lorde lilj S. 

mayer & his brederin 

f 246 

Item paid to Thomas Custanee for ridyng for venyson at Corpus 
christi day ilj Ss. 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D57RRR 
mb 2 

... Et pro portacione torchearum huis Gilde in Crastino Corporis 
christi/ “xijd° ... 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurnergate 
YM: MS Add 220/2 
f 44v 

Item payd the onder clarke for a pair gloffys id 






15216 YORK / 239 

House Books Y: B10 

f116v (25 September) 

The Wates shall haue this yere for euery of yer wages for the 
mayre aldermen & shiryffes Citizens & Inhabitauntes of this 
City & Suburbes of the same gidered to yer handes & paid in 
this Chambre liij s_iiij d. / and euery of thaym a Tenement of 
the coien rent to dwelle In and the same wates to tayke yer 
. lyverays besydes the’ aduantages of the Mynster & oder 
places of relegyon guyldes lighttes in this City / & they to doe 
yer dutye as they haue ben accustomed in tymez past 


an act (...) ffarthermore it ys agreed enactyd & determyned by the said 
ae ae presens fermely hereafter to be obserued that no man 
(of i 

City desiorez fromehensfurth shalbe discharged vnder the Coien seale of this 

City neyther of the shiriffshyp nor of none oder offyce belongyng 
to this City . / But yat euery man shall stand & tayk his Chaunce 
yerin likewyse as my lorde maier & , ‘all’ other of the said 
presens haith doone in tymez past . / also it ys agreed as touchyng 
the saides waytes 

f 116A* 

the wattes shall have this yere for euery of yer wages for the 
maire aldermen sheriffes Citizens & inhabitances of this Citie 
& suburbs of ye same gidderd to yer handes & paid in this 
Chambre liij s ij d. / And euery of yame to a tenement to dwell 
In And ye same wates to take yer advantages of ye Mynster & 
oyer places R()legion “gyldes & lightes & lyverey” in this Citie 
besides and yei to do yer dotey as (.....) ha(.)e ben accustomed 

Wee eBay 
{8v (14 December) 

Item it is aggreid that euere man occupieng & sellyng or retallyng 
any wynes within ye libertie of this Citie for ye tyme that he 

so occupies shall bere & pay paygeant / money & oyer charges 
pertenyng to the vynteners of this Citie , “as any of yaime’ 
shalbe charged or oght to do and ye same to be seen & allowed 
by the Mair & his brethern / And that euere man so vsyng wyne 
sellyng & retallyng shall suffre the Serchers of ye Vynteners 






240 / YORK 1526 

fortyme beyng to entre [yer] , “his’ howsez & serche his [(...)] 
wynes accordyng to ye ordynance in yer seid occupacion allways 
vsed without any lett troble or denyeng of ye same , ‘persons’ 
sellyng or retallyng wynes as is afresaid vppon payn to [forfet 
vnto the Chambre] euere man” so offendyng to ‘forfet &* 
pay without any pardon vj s viij d whereof the oon half to be 
empied to yis chamber & ye oyer half to ye Serchers so 

presentyng tociens quociens 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC3(1) 

Dimissio ludi Corporis christi 
Primus locus communi Clerico 


secundus locus sic dimissus lohanni Blakey Iohanni Cawlebek 

Ricardo Esschby ij s. ij d 
Tercius locus sic dimissus lohanni Wilkynson [vs.] iiij s. vjd 
uijt“s locus sic dimissus lacobo Shypton lij S 
vtus locus sic dimissus Ricardo Bayteman iiss jd 
yjtus locus sic dimissws domino maior Briano lorde vyjd 
vijus locus duci Richmond & sociis suis & de 
Thome Wilman pro domo sua 11j d & de archebaldo xd 
Foster tayllour pro domo sua 1j d ac vidua bekwyth 
ij d 
viljus locus sic dimissws Matheo Hartley ilj s. inj d 
ixus locus sic dimissws Iohanni Lyster Vs 
xus locus sic Thome Nycholson llj 
xjus locus domine (blank) Maiorisse (blank) 
Summa xxvij s. uj d 

p 61 

Vestura ex consuetudine 
Item sol. ministrallis huiws ciuitatis pro vestura 
sua erga ffestum Natalis domini ex noua mike 

concessione propter maiorem & Concilium 
durante placito suo &c. 

29 Maiorisse] MS Maiorisse Maiorisse 35 huiws] MS huius huius 







Allocacronies ex 

1526 YORK / 241 

Regarda tam ministrallorum domini Regis 
quam ministrallorum huius Ciuitatis ut in precidentibus 
In primis ministrallis huivs Ciuitatis pro ffeodo suo ad ffestum 

Pasche ut in precidentibus lij s ij d 
Item payd mynstrelles of this City for the fest of Corpris 

christi xx d 
Item sol. ministrallis domini Regis in regardo ut in 

precidentibus KX.S, 
Item sol. mimistrallis huius Ciuitat's pro ffestwum Natiuitatis 
domini & sancti Willelmi vs 

Summa Xxxjs vilj d 

p 63 

Expense in ffesto Corporis christi 
In Primis pro pane leuand & pane domunico iii) s vil) d. Item 
pro seruicia vij $ vj d Item in Carne bouina xxj d. Item in 
Carne mutulium et marybones xxij d. Item in xj viridibus 
Aucis iljs vd. Item in Caponibus iil s. Item in pullis xxij d. 
Item in porcellis xvj d. Item in Columbis xij d. Item in lacte 
et Crod 1j s. Item (blank) 

Summa 1ij li xix s vilj d ob. 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D57SSS 

mb 2 
... Et pro portacione torcharum huius gilde in Crastino Corporis 
Gusti, xijid = 32 

Mercers’ Pageant Accounts MA: D63 

Recesewed off pagand maisteres de maister Wyld frest 3erre 
lorges Norman 

here Woid pagand maisteris 

bartell yorke 

Necolles cure yes persells 

ij dewell cottes 

i) dewell heddes 

j Wesseren 

j chartt 

31 | Pen trial lesu written above in middle of page 









242 / YORK 1526 

the clowd 

i grett Angells — [wanttes j weng] 
i) trompys 

hell dure 

lily angelli 

pagand dure 

ill) wendows 

ye yren sett with 111) Rappes Wants j chartt 

ye wendes with j repe il) Wesserons 

ye trenette hus i) Rope 

ii) lyttell angelles i) Angell 

ye vilj chyffes wanttes j lyttell Angell 
ix nalles And jj Nalles 

ye trenette 

House Books Y: B11 

f23* (8 October) 

Wille/mus Lowrans Tylemaker tunc per mandatum dicti maioris 
assigvatus est & contributurws erit pagine de lez Tylers dicte 
Ciuitatis Et soluet solummodo cum eis in omvibus annuatim 

decetero prout ipsi faciuvt & non aliter ... 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC3(1) 

p i353 
Dimissio ludi Corporis christi 

Primis locus Coram Communi clerico (blank) 
Secundus locus dimittitur Iohannis Blakey ij s 
Tercius locus dimittitwr Iohannis Mason et Iohannis 

Wylkynson ij s vj d 
Quartws locus dimittitur Ilacabo Shypton pro lj s 
Quintus locus dimittitur Ricardo Baytman xxlj d 
Sextus locus dimittitwr Coram maiore & socis suis &c. (blank) 
Septimus locus dimittitur Raginaldo Beysley pro ij s ij d 
Octauus locus dimittitur Thome fflemyng ij s 
Nonus locus dimittitur Matheo Hartley & socijs lj s 

Decimus locus dimittitur Iohannis lyster vicario & Willelmo 

31 Iohannis}] for lohanni (throughout this entry) 








xxiii) S vj d 

XxXiij S ij d 

SNe AOR Kes 2s 

Mullans barbour ilij s vilj d 
Vndecimus locus dimittitwr Coram domina Maioratissa & 

sororibus suis &c. (blank) 
Duodecimus locus dimittitur Thome Nicholson pro 1d} S 

Decimustercius locus dimittitwr nullis super Pauimentum 
Summa xxviij s [viij d] uij d 

p 149 

“iijs uijd in Custodiam 
lohannes Blody <...)” 
lohannes Smyth Custodia : 

Gylberto Wylso 

Pagini de laborers de Mykellyth Dore epceee © hag as 
Ricardus Studley Custodia 
pagini de laborers de 

pro Roberto Stodderd vltimi 
laboratore ibidem 

(blank) \eday Custodia pagini pro Thoma halyland vitimi 
de Bowthom barre Custodia ibidem 

lohannes Bell Custodia pagine pro Wille/mo Mell vitimi 
de Monkbar hoc anno Custodia ibidem 

Regarda tam ministrallorum domini Regis 

quam muinistrallorum huius Ciuitatis ut in pre cidentibus 
In Primis sol. minzstrallis huiws Ciuztatis in regardo pro termino 

Pasche ut in precidentibus &c. js iyd 
Item Sol. mynstralls domini Regis in vigillia sancti Bartholimee 
appostoli XX S$ 
Item sol. pro vadis lez wattes vltra omnibus recepts istunc 
Ciuitatis XVij S 
Item diuersis luditoribus apud Communitatem hall &c. vj s 

probatur Summa [xxilj s. ij d] xlvjs iiijd 

14 Pagini] for Pagine 16 vitimi] for vitimo 
17 pagini] for pagine 20 pagini] for pagine 
20 vitimi] for vitimo 23 vitimi] for vltimo 

34 istunc] for istius 






iij li xvjs ixd 

Allocacionies ex 

244 / YORK 1527 
pp 158-9 

“xlijs viij d” 

Expense in festo Corporis Christi 
In Primis in pane vocato leuand brede iiij s. Item in pane 
dominica xij d Item in seruicia vj s iij d./ Item in Carne bouina 
ij s. Item pur maryboones & Carne mutulium xx d/ Item pro 
Caponibus iiij s. Item pro viridibus Aucis iij s iiij d./ Item pro 
Pullis xxij d. / Item pro porcellis xviij d Item pur rabbettes 
xvj d./ Item pro butiro & lacte vj d/ Item pro ouis x d Item 
pro Caseo xvj d/ Item pro sale & Cenapio iiij d Item pro vino 
pro vnguella ij d. Item pro ffasticulis ij s viij d. / Item pro 
1 (blank) saccis de Charcole iiij d Item pro speciebus vs / Item 
pro dentriczlis xij s./ Item pro Pomis xij d./ Item in 
conduccione Ciphorum iij d. / Item in conduccione vasorum 
i) s./ Item pro fflowre de ffrumento xij d. / Item pro Cirpis 
vj d. Item pro vino rubro Clareto & Albo vj d. Item pistoribus 
istius Ciuitatis pro vino ex conswetudine viij d./ Item pur treis 
dossen Trenchis ij d. | Item in regardo pro vn ffowme vj d / 
Item in Expensis facus de Thoma Clerk deputato communis 
Clerici custodiendum Registrum ultro panem seruiciam & vinum 
ij s. ilij d./ Item in Regardo Coci ij s. viij d./ Item in Regardo 
in Regardo seneschalo ij s. / . Item in regardo pistoris [vj d.] 
iiij d. Item in regardo lixe iiij d. / Item in Regardo Thome Sadler 
pro pendicione Camere xx d. Item Iohanni Burton pro Albae 
virgae 111} d. 

Summa expensarum 

. eee 
predictarum &c. uj li xv) s 1x 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: DS7TTT 
mb 2 

... Et pro Portacione torcharum huius gilde in Crastino Corporis 
Cristh. “wij 

23 Coci] for Coco 25 pistoris] for pistoribus 






1527 YORK / 245 
York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/64 MP 

mb 2 

... Etin regardo datum ex mandato dominorum Decani et capituli 
histrionibus interessentzbus in festis Translacionis sancti Wille/mi 
vj S vilj d iiijot diebus in septimana Pentecostis xilj s 111) d et 
deposicionis sancti Wille/mi vj s viij d prout vsitatum est in annis 
precedentibus xxvj s viij d ... Et quatuor diaconis Portantibus 
Pallium super capud sancti Wille/mi in festo Translacionis sancti 

House Books Y: B11 

£35 (22 June) 

assemblyd in the Councell Chamber of the City ‘ouse bryg’ of 
york within the Councell chamber of ouse bryg vppon the traves 
be twixt the Wollen weuers and lyn weuers it ffully agreed att 
every oon of the lynweuers ffraunchest wythin thys City Shall 
content & pay yerely to the Sersours of wollen weuers affore or 
att the ffeast of Saynt lawrence the marter iiij d to the 
Sustentacion & mayntenyng of yer ‘leyght’ [pagiaunt &] 
Torches wherefore they to be Clerely dyschargyd of all oder 
Costes & ‘charges’ with the Wolleyn weuers 

B/Y Memorandum Book Y:E20A 

£195v (7 March) 

... the vijth day of Marche in the xixth yere of the reyne of our 
soueryng lord Kyng Henry the viijth ... 

ffyrst it is enacted ordaned & establissed that noo man shall 
kepe any Inns hostrye nor take noo hors within this Citie or 
suburbs of the same oonles he have a sign at his dore vppon 
payne to forfett & pay for euere hors founden in his hows or 
farm(old xij d Als oft & wherso euer and such shalbe so 
founden & knowen the oon half yerof to be emploied to ye 

38 farm(.)old] imk blot in MS. Perry conjectures farmeold; farmhold? 





Dimissio ludi 
Corporis christi 

246 / YORK 1528 

well of this Citie and the oyer half yerof to the seid Craft & 
pageant / 

f 196 

Item that the pageant masters . of the Inholders fortyme beyng 
yerely shall make a dew accompt & rekonyng of theyr receytes & 
payment consernyng theyr pageant & play before & vnto ye 
sercheours of that Crafte the Svnday come a sennett next aftir 
Corpus Christi day of payne to forfett & pay vjs viij d to be 
emploied as is aforesayd 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Yy : C6:6 
mb 1* 

De ffirma primi loci nihil quod Communis Clericus habet 

De ffirma secundi loci ibidem sic dimiss: lacobo 

Hoppton ij) s vu d 
De ffirma tercij loci ibidem sic dimissi Johanne Mason ij s x d 
De ffirma ij" loci ibidem sic dimiss: lacobo Shipton 

gent i) s vuj d 
De ffirma vt loci ibidem sic dimiss: Ricardo Bayteman ij s 
De ffirma vjti loci ibidem sic dimiss: Henrico Wodde 

wexchundler js uid 

De ffirma vij™1 loci ibidem nihil quod domina Maiorisse 
De ffirma viijmi loci Archbaldi ffoster pro parcella ffirme inde 

quod Dominus maior ibidem stetit vil] d 
De ffirma ix"i loci ibidem sic dimiss: Matheo Hartley & Humfre 

Stevynson llj s 
De ffirma x™i loci ibidem sic dimiss lohannilyster _iiij s_vilj d 
De ffirma xj™i loci sic dimissi Roberto Wylde alderman nihil 
De ffirma xijmi loci sic dimiss? Thome Nicholson ij s 
Et de firma xiij™i loci super Pauimentum hoc anno nihil 

21 Hoppton] for Hopperton. Brevigraph omitted, 22 Iohanne] for lohanni 
29 Archbaldi] for Archbaldo 




1523) MORK) 247 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC3(1) 

Dimissio ludi Corporis christi 

De primo loco dimittur &c. Coram communi Clerico (blank) 
De Iacobo Hopperton pro secundo loco ij s vilj d 
De Iohanne Mason pro tercio loco lijs xd 
De Iacobo Shypton pro quarto loco i) s vilj d 
“De Henrico Wode pro sexto loco coram predicto Henrico’ 

ij s iy d 
De septimo [quinto] loco coram domina Maiorisa (blank) 

“De Ricardo Bayteman pro “...)” buntyng Camere (..) Anno js’ 

De sexto [in] loco caram domino Maiore & socijs 
suis ac de [lohanne] Archebaldo ffoster ex altra viij d 
parte Strati 

De Matheo Hartley & Vmfrey Stevynson 
Broderer pro firma septimo loco eis diuiso ll] $ 
in Stayngaytt 

De octauo loco ad portas monesterij sic dimisso Iohanni 
Lyster Mj s vilj d 
De nono loco ad hostium Roberti Wyld aldermanni (blank) 
De Thoma Nicholson pro xmo loco apud le guderangaytt 
[ij s.} ys 
Summa xxilj s x d probatur 

p 247 

Thomas bemyman Custos 

loh Halyf 
ohannes Halytax Custos pagine pagine de Mykelyth ward pro 

william dobson de lelygatt Custos 
pagine de Bowthom barre 

5 dimittur) for dimittitur 14 caram) for coram 





Redditus & 
ffirme tam infra 
mikkelith Barre 
quam extra & 
lez Toftes 

248 / YORK 1528 

p 254* 
Regarda tam Ministrallorum domini Regis 
quam ministrallorum huius Ciuitatis 
In Primis solut ministrallis domini Regis die veneris ante ffestum 
bartholime XX § 


Expense in festo Corporis Christi 
In Primis in pane vocato lauand Brede viij s Item in pane 
dominica xvj d In seruicia xiiij s In Carne Bouina ij s In 
mutulium marybonis & le Sewett xxij d In (blank) Caponibus 
vd In veredibus aucis iij s viij d In Pullis ij s In porcellis xviij d 
In (blank) rabettis ij s ij d In butiro & lacte vj d In ouisxd In 
Caseo xxjd In [sall] sale & Cenapio iij d In vino agro & veytagio 
il) d In melle ij d “In le kyde xiiij d In dentricibus xvj s° In 
Speciebus vd In Columbis [xviij d) viij d In duobws ardeis iij d 
In scissorem iij d In pomis xx d In vino vij s. ix d In Conduccione 
Ciphorum v d In duobus saccis le Charkcoyllez vj d In 
conduccione vasorum ij s In ffasticulis [xxij d] In regardo dato 
scrutatoribus de le Pistores Cum Custodibus pigine predicte pro 
lagena vini vilj d In regardo pro dicta lagena scrutatoribus 
Vinteners &c. vilj d In regardo senescallo 1j s viijd In regardo 
[lix] Coco & lixa ij s In regardo pincerne viij d In regardo 
Pistorzbus ij d In regardo Custodi ostij cum pendicione le 
camere xij d In regardo lez waytes xvj d Item Iohanni Burton 
Armigeri maioris pro alba virga iii) d In [ffestuwm] (blank) 

Summa expensarum Are 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls yY:C87:3 

mb 1 

De ffirma pellipariorum dicte Ciuitatis pro tenemento ibidem 
sol. ad eosdem terminos xij d 
De ffirma vnius domus pagine textorum ibidem sol. ¢...) xvj d 
13 veredibus] for viridibus 21 pigine) for pagine 

24 lixa] for lixe 39 (...)] ad eorundem terminum 







Allocactanies ex 

Cera Combusta 

An Act 
Concernyng ye 
bringyng furth 
of the Drappers 

1528 YORK / 249 

De ffirma vnivs Gardins nuper in terra lohannis Hall aldermanni 
cum pagina le Chaundlers & pagina le Cowpers vs 
De ffirma (blank) lez mercers pistores Tapitorum Carpentariorum 
Tannarum sol. ad eosdem terminos vj s 
De ffirma vnivs domus paginorum diuersorum Arcium iactentis 
apud pagant grene hoc Anno XVIlj S 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D57UUU 

mb 2 
... Et pro portacione torcharum huius gilde in Crastino Corporis 
Crist xij”. 

Et pro le Toppyng sex Torchiarum & pro vij dossen jj li. new 
stuff & pro factura videlicet del olde stuff xxviij s ... 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurriergate 
YM: MS Add 220/2 

f 74 

Item for a pair of gloffe to ye under clerk ud 

House Books Y: B11 

£54 (12 April) 

Item it ys agreed ordred & determyned by the said presens yat 
all Taillours & oder yat sellyth brode Sutheron Clothe , “&c” 
within this City fromehensfurth shall bryng furth theyre paiaunt 
euery man in Course as shall happyn eny yere on Corpus christi 
day vppon payne of forfettyng to the Coien Wele of this Cite 

Item it ys enacted yat euery of the said presens yat sellyth 
brode sutheron Clothe as is abouesaid shall pay [(...)] for theyre 
paiaunt money ij s yerely toward the brinyngfurth of the said 

£55 (7 May) 
... Item the said presens haith ordred that the Walkers & 
Cardemakers of this City fromehensfurth shall ioyne bothe 






Cookes to haue 
the serche of 

An ACt yat 
common Pulters 
shall pay pagaunt 
money to ye 
common Cookes 
of this City 

250 / YORK 1529 

thayre paiauntes in oone & ichone of the saides Craftes to be 
like charged in euery behalff with the paiaunt Torches & play 
And this / Act was made within the “Memorandum ye takyng 
down of ye hous is put in respet” ° Counsaill Chambre of the 
said City by theyre consent & agrement &c. 

£59v (16 September) 

Assembled in the Counsaill Chambre of Ousebrig the day & yere 
abouewrittyn at whiche day & place it was fully agreed & 
determyned by the said presens That the Sersours of the coien 
Cookes of this City for the tyme beyng fromenowefurth shall 
have the serche of almaner pultre yat hereafter shall be broght to 
the said City to be sold likewyse as the Bochers of ye said City 
heretofore haith hadde & [to] the same Sersours of ye Cookes 
to tayke paiaunt money of the forsaid Pulters towardes the 
bringyngfurth of theyre paiaunt of Corpus christi day . And 
[yat] yat the Sersours of the said Bochers fromehensfurth shall 
haue no serche nor entermellyng wit) the said pulters by reason 
of any act or Ordynaunce heretofore made. / Provyded alwey 
that this act extendith & shall tayke effect but oonely for comen 
pulters yat bringyth pultre to this City , ‘[to]’ selle with horslodes 
/ & [Cony men yat holdes warrauntes] comen Cony sellers / And 
also it ys enactyd & agreed (blank) 

ff 67-7v* (2 November) 

Item it ys agreed & fully determyned by the said presens that the 
common Cookes of [the] this City fromenowfurth shall [pay] 
‘tayk” pagaunt money of the accustomyd Pulters likewise as 
the Sersours of the bochers of the said City was wont to doe . 
& also of euery common Cony man yat brynges Conys to this 
City to selle vj d by yere And yat it shalnot be lauffull to the 
saides Cony Sellers fromehensfurth to goe hawkyng abowte ye 
said City with theyre Conys / But oonely to selle theyre Conys 
in the Market place yat shalbe assigned vnto thaym by the 
Maiour for the tyme beyng / & within the Markett tyme & on 
the markett day / Provyded alwey yat this act & ordynance 
shall not be preiudicyall ne hurtfull to any Cony seller yat 
brynges Conys to selle to the lordes of the Clos of york saynt 
mary abbey or to any oyer honest person yat shall be speyk & 
formelle thaym ageynst a certayn day to be delyuered for theyre 







Per poltre 



1529 YORK / 251 

owne vse . and if any of the said Cony Sellers be disposyd to 
haue a daily market. / Then if / they comme & be ffraunchesyd 
& stallegyd they shall haue a place & a shopp assigned to selle 
theyre Conys & the best Copyll Conys to be sold for vj d. & all 
oyer as the owners | & theyre Chapmen can agree for suche 
Conys as be not of the best &c. And who as shall offend & 
mysvse hym contrary to this act & ordynance shall forfet for the 
furst defawte xij d. / The second defawte ij s. / & the thyrd 
defawte 1iij s. / & ffarther to be payned after the quantyte of 
theyre offence & trespas therin at the discressyon of the maiour 
for the tyme beyng by the advyce of his brederin & oder of his 
Counsaill . & the said payne & fforfettour to be devyded That is 
to say the moyte yerof to the common Chammbre of york / & 
the oder moyte yerof to the saides Cookes towardes theyre 
Charges &c. Provyded alwey yat it shalbe laufull to euery ffewler 
& to all oder pety vitellers to bryng to the markettes of the said 
City at all tymez hereafter theyre ffewle & vytell & thayre to 
put it to sayle & to comme & go fre kepyng the pricez yat shall 
be lymet vn to thaym by the Maiour for the tyme beyng . / And 
yat no Pulter bringyng any powltre to thayre howses shall be so 
bold to selle yt affore yat it be laufully serchyd accordyng to 
auncyent Custome of the said City vppon the payne [by] 
byforesaid . / And the Mayres Steward for the tyme beyng yf 
yat he comme by sevyn of the Clok in the mornyng to be furst 
seruyd vppon lyke payne 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: DS7VVV 

mb 2 

... And for beryng of Torches the morro aftir Corpus christi 
Pade a2 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/66 MP 

mb 2* 

.. 4.) mandato dominorum decani et Capituli Histrionibus 
interessentibus in festis Translacionis sancti Wille/mi vj s vilj d 

(...) deposicronis sancti Wille/mi vj s viij d prout vsitatum est in 
annis precedentibus xxvj s viijd ... Et iiijot Diaconis portantibus 

37 <...)] five words missing 39 (...)] seven words missing 




Agrement of 
loksmythez & 
blaksmy thez 

2512 / YORK 15129 

House Books Y: B11 

£89 (11 February) 

Assemblyd in the Counsaill Chambre of Ousebrig of the said 
City at whiche day & place my lorde maiour showed to this 
presens a bill of compleynt presentyd to his lordeship by the 
Sersours & occupacion of loksmythes ageynst the blaksmythez 
[Whe] And vppon , ‘ye sight’ of thayre ordynance it was agreed 
by the said presens yat they shall Ioyn all togyders , “as oone™ in 
bringyngfurth of thayre paiauntes of Corpus christi day & also 
of thayre Torches & in all oder thynges accordyng to the same 

£97v* (29 June) 

The Occupacions of Carpenters loynours & Carvers the day & 
yere abouewrittyn came personally byfore the said Maiowr in 
the Counsaill Chambre of Ousebryg of the said City & where as 
{d] discencion travers & debate haith been heretofore laitely 
movyd emonges ye saides occupacions for goyng in processyon 
the next day after Corpus christi day . & also for that at the 
saides Carpenters wold not calle the forsaides loynours & Carvers 
to thayre accomptes & reknynges . ffor the appesyng of the 
whiche Grevys & debates & for good vnyte order & quyetnes 
hereafter to be hadde emonges thaym for euermore . yt is nowe 
agreyd by all thayre consentes That fromenowefurth they shall 
all be as oone occupacion & to bere like Charges . & the Eldest 
Sersour of the said Carpenters for ye tyme beyng to [g] goe in 
the said processyon of the right hand of the Eldest Sersour of the 
said loynours & Carvers & the yonger Sersour of the Carpenters 
to goe of the right hand of the yonger Sersour of the loynours & 
Carves / & bothe the saides occupacions fromenowfurth at all 
assemblys to goe lointly & lufyngly togyders as oone occupacion 
& to be also at almaner of accomptes & reknynges concernyng 
the Charges of thayr pagaunt & of all oder Charges and ffarther 
it . “is. determyned yat whiche of the saides occupacions dothe 

1 (...)| seven words missing 









1530 YORK / 253 

breyk & offend this present act & agrement to lesse & forfet 
yerfore vj s viij d to the coien Chambre of this City tociens 

quociens &c. 
Thomas wyllyson 

f 81 (21 December) 

... Item it was agreed & determyned by the said presens yat 
euery oone of the common wayttes of this City shall haue of 
the Chamberleyns xij s a pece for theyre lyuereys for the worshipp 
of the said City / ... 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: DS57WWW 

mb 2 

... And for beryng of the Torches the morro aftir Corpus christi 
day ‘xijd  ... 


Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D57 

mb 2 
... And for beryng of the Torches the morro aftir Corpus christi 
day xijd ... 

House Books Y: B11 

f 141 

Item it is agreyd that fromenowfurth that the said Coien Chambre 
shall bere no Costes of the Mayer and his bredren of Corpus 
christi day 


House Books Y: B12 

£147 (15 January) 

Item it is Agreyd that frome nowfurth that the said Coien 

Chambre shall bere no Costes of the Mayer and his bredren of 
Corpus christi day 











254 / YORK 1533 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls y. c87.4 

mb 1* 
Item for farme of the Skynners pagent howse xij d 
Item tor farme of the weuers pagent howse xvj d 

Item for the Mercers ffishers Tapiters Carpenters and tanners vj s 

Item for a howse of the pagent grene that dyuers pagentes 
standes Inn XVilj s 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D57XXX 

mb 2* 
... And for berynge of the Torchez the morroo after Corpus 
christi day “xijd° ... 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls y: C102:2 
mb 3 

Et dictus Magister petit allocari de diuersis expensis necessarijs 
per ipsum hoc anno facts Videlicet in processione general: in 
Crastino corporis christi In primis Solut. Clericis portantibus 
Cruces ante processionem ii) “d’ Et Solut. ijb¥s pueris 
portantibus candelas ij d Et Solut. wiy°r clerics portantibus 
Bawdkyn vi d ¢...) Et Solut. in Regardo Cantatoribus viij d 
(...) solut. (...) Constabularys aule Cathedralis Sancti petri in 
regardo xij d. Et Solut. Ianitori sancti petri iiij “d* Item Sacriste 
sancte Trinitatis ij d Et Solut. Clericis ¢...) xij d. Et Sol. sex 
hominibus portantibus sex torcheas xij d Et Solut. bus 
hominibus portantibus feretrum in Cista vii d ... 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: E1/71a MP 

mb 2 
...Etin regardo datum ex mandato dominorum decani et Capituli 

29 candelas] for candelabras 30 (...)] two entnes missing 
33 (...)] four words missing 








Rentes & ffarmes 
both within 

my kkillith barr 
& without & 

the Toftis 


ne cessanys 

1533 YORK / 255 

histrionibus interessentibus in festis translacionis sancti wille/mi 
vj S viij d iiij dies in septimana Pentecostis xiilj $ 1l) d et 
deposiczonis sancti wille/mi vj s viij d prout vsitatum est in annis 
precedentibus xxvj s viij d ... Et iiijot diaconis portantibus 
palliuy super caput sancti Wille/mi in festo translacionis sancti 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C88:1 

mb 1 
Item for farme of the Skynners pagent house xij d 
Item for farme of the weuers pagent house xvj d 

Item for (blank) Marcers ffisshers Tapitowrs Carpenters and 
Tanners vj s 

Item for a house of the pagent Greyn that dyuerse pagentes 
Standes in XVIlj $ 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D57YYY 

mb 1 
... And for the beryng of the Torchez the morow after corpus 
chrstiDay / “xijd" .:: 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls y: C102:3 

mb 3 

Et dictus Magister petit allocari per diuersis expensis neccessartis 
hoc Anno per ipsum factis Videlicet in processione generali in 
Crastino Corporis christi In primis solut. Clerico portante Crucem 
ante processionem ij d_ Et solut. ijbvs pueris portantibus 
Candellabra ij d_ Et solut. iiijor Clericis portantibus Bawdkyn 
viij d Et solut. Capellanis portantibus fferatrum In regardio 

viij d Et solut. in regardo Cantatoribus vilj d Et solut. Clericis 
parochialibus Cantantibus xij d Et solut. vj hominibus 








256 / YORK 1534 

portantuibus sex Torcheas xij d Et solut, iybus hominibus 
portantibus fferatrum viij d , et pro expensis factis eodem 
tempore viij d’ Et solut. clericis vestibuli ecclesie Cathedralis 
Sancti petri In regardo xij d_ Et solut. Ianitori sancti petri & 
Sacriste Sancte Trinitatis in regardo viij d ... 

House Books Y: B13 

ff 24-4v* (9 August) 

Item it ys farthermore agreyd by the seyd presens that all suche 
money as is payde vnto the common Chambre of the said City 
by all the Craftes and Occupacions of this City for not plaiyng 
of Corpus christi play this yere shalbe imployed and gevyn vnto 
our neghburs of this City that apperyd before the kynges moste 
honowrable Councell at london at the suyte of Trestram Tesshe 
for the maintenyng of ye common ryght of this Citye in 
Bysshopfeyld wherein all the Commonialtie of the seyd Citye 
of an olde ryght clamys to have average yerely frome Mighelmas 
vnto our lady day Annunciacon towardes ther Charges & 
Expences by them made & | susteyned , ‘in yat behalff’ And 
where as it welle consydered by the seyd presens That the seyd 
money yat was payd by the seyd occupacions in fourme afforeseyd 
wylnot extend nor bere the seyd Charges / Theruppon yt is 
farther agreyd at this tyme by the seyd presens that the lorde 
Mayer of this City shall appoynt all the Sersours & occupacions 
of the seyd City to assemble them selffes at ther places 
accustomed within xiiijt! dayes next commyng withoute any 
farther delay & ther of ther owne benevolens & free wylles 
euery occupacion for to asses them selffes what that they can 
be content to pay towardes the seyd Charges & thos somez of 
money grauntyd by the seyd occupacions to be gadered & 
[resavyd] levyed by the Sersours of euery of the seyd 
occupacions & they to pay yt to somme of the seyd Suters in 
the presens of one of the seid Mayres offycers to thentent that 
the seyd offycer shall truely declare before the seyd presens 
howe myche money [was] , ys levyed of the seyd occupacions . 
/ And yf that this order & direccron wylnot suffyce for the full 
payment of the seyd Charges & Expensys Then it ys agreyd 
& fully concludyd by the seyd presens that the Chamberleyns 
of this City shall content & pay the reyst of the seyd Charges 







Leasys of Corpus 
Crysty Play 
this yere 

Pagent money 
grauntyd this 
yere by all the 
occupacions of 
the said City by 
reason the play 
was vnplayd 

M5 so WORK / 257 

vnto the seyd Suters & they to have lyke allowances therfore as 
they have for the payment of other Common Charges to the 
seid City . / And to thentent that this order shalbe truely observyd 
& perfourmed as is abouesaid the seyd presens hathe appoynted 
iilj auditours to determyn the premyssez accordingly whos 
naymes hereafter apperyth . That is to wyt / 

Mr. Dayson aldermen and auditours to se 
Mr. Hogeson the seyd Charges & Expensys 
Mr. Gayle to be payd vnto the seid 
Mr. Pullen Suters as is abouesaid 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls vy : C6:7 
mb 1 
Item yerof this yere (blank) 

Item for asmyche as my Lord Maior & his 
Bredren agreyd to spare the sayd play 
Corpuscrysty Therefore all the occupacions 
of this City grauntyd of yer own frewylls to 
paye to the Comon Chambre of this sayd 
Citie the moyte of all suche money as thay 
haue beyn accustomyd to pay in oon yere 

as (..) Apperyth particlerly in the paper booke 
of the sayd accomptauntes which accountyth 
vnto (blank) 

vi li. x s vid 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC3(2) 

pp 51-2 
Lesys of Corpuscristy play 
Item yerof this , ‘yere’ nothing for that yat the play was not 
playd forsomuche as {cli] Creyd . “play” was then playd by the 
order of my lord mayer & his bredren 
Summa nihil 

And for somuche as the sayd Mayer & his bredren agreyd to 
Spare the sayd play of Corpuscrysty Therefore all the occupacions 
of this City grauntyd of yer own frewylls to pay to the Common 







258 / YORK 1535 

Chamber of the sayd City the moyte of all Suche money as 

thay haue beyn accustomyd to pay in oon yere the particlers 
thereof hereafter apperyth 

In prymys of the pagant Maisters of the Walkers iij s ij d 
Item of the paiaunt maisters of the paynters ij s vuj d 
Item of the Cowpers pro temporibus xvj d 
Item of the tylemakers pro temporibus ys yd 
Item of the paiaunt maisters of ye merchauntes ix s vjd 
Item of the Smythes & Cutlers pro temporibus Vij S 
Item of the Butchers pro temporibus vs 
Item of the Armorers pro temporibus xvj d 
Item of the Glovers pro temporibus llij Ss 
Item of the pewterers ys vid 
Item of the drapers Tayllours & hosyers XS 
Item of the Sadlers ‘iij s. iiij d° & Glasyers ‘ii s” vjs ud 
Item of the Sporyers xx d 

Summa (blank) | 

[Tresure found] memorandum nihil hoc anno 

Item of the Cordyners pro temporibus aus 
Item of the Cappers pro temporibus ill} S 
Item of the Barbours pro temporibus vs 
Item of the Curyers 6 aI 
Item of the Smythes ij s inj d 
Item of the ffownderers xvilj d 
Item of the mylners vj s 
Item of the Tanners x8 
Item of the Skynners vs 
Item of the parchementmakers ised 
Item of the fletchers ‘iij s ij d) & Bowers “iilj s uij d’ pro 
tempore vjs vjd 
Item of the dyers vj s 
Item of the Tapytours vj s 
Item of Richard mertyn potecary for {ha] his parte xij d 
Item of the potters lj s 
Item of the Girdlers ij s vj d 
Item of the Carpenters for yer parte Vij s 
Item of the Gooldsmythez for yer parte itij S 
Item of [Slede] the Sledmen xvj d 

Item of the bakers vs 







15355) MORK 259 

Summa Totalis receyvyd we ne 
of all the said occupacions a ee 
p 117 
Regard aswell to the kynges Mynstrells as 
to the Mynstralls of this Citie 
In prymys payd to the Waytes of this for pasche terme uj s iii d 
Item payd to the sayd Waytes for the fryday next after 

Corpuscristy day xx d 
Item payd to the mynstrelles of this City for mydsomer evyn xx d 
Item payd to the kynges mynstrelles thys yere OS 
Item payd to the Waytes of thys City for Crystynmes iij s_iuj d 
Item payd to the Waytes for Saynt William Day xx d 

probatur Summa xxx} s vulj d 

Clothyng Accustomyd to the Common Officers and 
to the Waytes of this Citie 

Item payd to the three Waytes of this Citye for there Clothyng 
Amonges thaym to be devyded egally XXXV] S 
p 126 

Expences necessary 
Item payd to the fower offycers for rysshis & 
nayls & for hynggyng of the "Chamber next” [xx d] 1) s 
Comon Hall vppon Corpuscristy day 

Item to the pryour of the whyte freres for 

makyng the sermond the fryday next after ij s 
Corpuscristy day 
Item to Mr Burton for a Whyte Wand to my lord Mayer liij d 

Item payd to [Mr] Thomas flemyng for the 
Chamber that my lorde Mayer & his Bredren 
Stude in of Corpuscristi day & the fryday after 
to here the play 

vj s viij d 





260 / YORK 1535 

Item for a bagg to put the pagent money in jd 

pp 153-4 
Pagiaunt money paid to the vse of the common 
Chambre hoc Anno by all the occupacionz of this City 
by reason yat Corpus christi play was not playde the 

seyd yere 
In Primis receyved of the Paiauntmaisters of the walkers iij s iiij d 
Item of ye paianmaisters of the wollenweuers lij s viijd 
Item of ye paianmaysters of Cowpers xvj d 
Item of the paianmaysters of ye tylemakers ys yd 
Item of the Paianmaysters of ye Merchauntes ix s vj d 
Item of the Paianmaysters of the blaydesmythez and Cutlers vij s 
Item of the paiaunte Maisters of the Butchers [xvj d] v. s 
Item of the pagiaunte Maisters of the Armorers xvj d 
Item of the pagiaunt Maisters of the glouers ll] 
Item of the pagentmaisters of the pewtherers ys. vj d 
Item of the pagiant maisters of the Taillowrs drapours & 
hosyers XS 
Item of the pagent maisters of the Sadlers “ij s ij d’ & glasyers 
“ij s" vj s iid 
Item of the Sporyers xd 
Item of the Cordyners XS 
Item of the Cappers lll] S 
Item of the Barbours Vs 
Item of the Curryers xx d 
Item of the Smythezs lij s ij d 
Item of the founderers xvii) d. 
Item of the Mylners vj s 
probatur Summa iiij li. ix s 1iij d | 
Item of the Tanners X'S 
Item of the Skynners vs 
Item of the Parchmentmakers ys xd 
Item of the ffletchers “iijs ij d’ & Bowers “iijs uijd”  vjs vyjd 
Item of the Dyers vj s 
Item of the Tapitours vj. s 

Item of Richard [Rich] mertyn potycary for his part of ther 
pagiant money xiiij d 
Item of the potters for the oon half llj s 









1535 YORK / 261 

Item of the Gyrdlers ilj s vyjd 
Item of the Carpenters for yer parte vij s 
Item of the Goldsmyths for there part lll) S 

Summa lv s 

“Item of the Sledmen xvjd 
Item of the Mercers Vv S.° 

aes vij li. xs viij d. 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D57ZZZ 

mb 2 
... And for beryng of Torchez the morow after Corpus christi 
day “xijd° ... 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls y: C103:1 
mb 3 

Et dictus Magister petit Allocari pro diuersis expensis necessartjs 
hoc Anno per ipsum facts Videlicet in processione generali in 
Crastino Corporis christi In primis solut. clerico portante Crucem 
ante processionem 1) d Et solut. y>b“s pueris portantibus 
Candellabra ij d_ Et solut. iuj°t Clericis portantibus Bawdkyn 
viilj d Et solut. capellanis portantibus fferatrum In regardio 
vilj d Et solut. in regardo Cantatoribus viij d Et solut. Clericrs 

, parochialibus’ Cantantibus xij d_ Et solut. vj hominibus 
portantibus vj Torcheas xij d Et solut. ijb“s hominibus 
portantibus fferatrum viij d & pro expencis factis eodem 
tempore vilj d_ Et solut. Clericis vestibuli ecclesie Cathedralis 
Sancti petri In regardo xij d Et solut. lanitori sancti petri & 
sacriste Sancte Trinitatis in regardo viij d ... 

House Books Y: B13 

f£35v (19 April) 

Assemblyd in the Counsell Chamber of ousebrig of the said Citie 
the day & yere abouesaid when and where it was agreyd by the 








262 / YORK 1536 

said presentes / that Corpuscristy Play shalbe sparyd for this 
yere & not playd for somuche as pater noster play aught by 
Course to be playd this yere / Therfor It is agreyd that the sayd 
pater noster play shalbe playd vppon Lames day next / 

f50v (19 June) 

Item it is agreyd that pater noster play shalbe playd vppon 
Sonday next after Lames day 


Item it is agreyd that euery occupacion having torchis shall goo 
in procession the moro after Corpus christi day as thay be 
assignyd & ordred to go and as it apperyth in the registre yerof 
mayde vppon payn of euery occupacion of them offending or 
troublyng the procession [to] to forfait & pay to thuse of this 
Citie xl s withoute any pardon / 

Item it is agreyd that the Common Clerke shall gyve Sufficent 
warnyng to the said occupacions howle]s thay shalbe orderyd & 
goo in the same procession 

Item it is agreyd that euery Alderman shall haue his torche 
borne light before the said procession vppon payn of vj s_viij d 
euery oon of them a Torche & born as is aforesaid vppon payn 
of iij s ij d and the sheryffes for tyme beyng to haue Lefull 
warnyng to provyd the same by the officer of the wardes & the 
mayce berer to gyf warnyng yerof to the officer 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D57A(a) 

mb 2 
... And for berynge of Torches the morowe after corpus christi 

day xij 'd’.... 
York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/70 MP 

mb 2* 

... Etinregardo datum ex mandato dommorum decani et Capituli 
histrionibus interess(...) in fests translacionis sancti Wille/mi vj s 
viij d iiij dies in septimana Pentecostis xiij s ij d et deposicionis 
sancti Wille/mi vj s viijd prout vsitatwm est in arnis precedentibus 








1536 YORK / 263 

xxvj $ viij d ... Et iiijot diaconis portantibus pallium super caput 
diebus septimana pentecostis et deposicione sancti Wille/mi 
1] See 

House Books Y: B13 

£96 (3 May) 
Item it is agreyd that Master Shyrryffes of this Citie shall Ryde 
vppon Corpuscristy day with men in hernesse accordyng to the 
ancyent Custome of this said Citie 

Item it is agreyd by the sayd presentes that my lorde Mayer 
shall take an order betwixt the loksmyths & Blaksmyths of this 
Citie concernyng ther pagyant 

Item to take an order likwyse betwixt the Masons & labores 
of this Citie concernyng ther pagiant 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D57B(a) 

mb 2 

... And for beryng of Torchys the morrowe after Corpus christi 
day “xijd™ 2: 


City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC3(3) 

Leses of Corpuscristy play this yere 
In primis the ffyrst place at Trenytie yaites where 

as the Comon Clerke kepys the Registre wherefore nihil 

that place goith free 

Item the second place in Mykkylgate lattyn be 

the Chambleyns to Edmond (blank) glasier for soc 

yat ther was certen pagiantes past or he tuyk it 

Item the Thyrd place at Owsebrygend lattyn to 
Thomas ward barbour for 

Item the ffourte place at the other end of 
owsebryg Lattyn to Iohn hogeson maryner 

xx d 






264 / YORK 1538 

Item the ffyfte place at [Nycholes] Sporyer gate is iii d 
end Lattyn to Nycholes dykson barbour for ous 
Item the Sext place at the Comon hall where my 

Lorde Mayer & his bredren ar accustomyd to be nihil 
wherefore that place goith free 

Item the sevynt place [at] in Stayngate lattyn to 

Mathewe hartlay Taillowr ca 
Item the eght place at the Mynster yaites lattyn 

to Mr Lyster “yj s\ and Wyll:am Mullans barbour illj S 
pis gior 

Item the neynt place in Petergate at my lady 

wyldes where as my Lady Mares and other nibil 

aldermen wyffes were to here the play / wherefore 
that place goyth free 

Item the tenth place at gotheremgate hede lattyn 
to Mr lampton merchaunt and Richerd Breray ij s 
Goldsmy th for 

Item the ellevynt place of the payment whiche nibil 
place is accustomyd to goe free 

probatur Summa xvj s viij d 

fforfaites of dyuerse occupacions 
of this Citie this yere 

Item the Sersours of the Sporyers presentes 
Iohn Neleson Cordyner , “ [and William 
Loksmyth] ° for that yat he sells Sporrs & 
wylnot pay vs pagant money nor Suffer vs to 
serche his said sporrs 

pro parte Camere 
uj d 

Item Thomas hewetson for lyke offens pro parte Camere ij d 







1538 YORK / 265 

f 26 

Rent Resolute 
Item payd to the Sersours of the Inholders [for] 
towardes the Chargis [F] of ther pagyant 

f 27v 
Mydsomer terme 

Item payd to Thomas flemyng for the Chambre 
that my lorde & his bredryn Stondyth in of 
corpuscristy day to here the playe accustomyd 

Whitsonday terme 
Item payd to ffreer that maid the Sermont the 

morro after Corpuscristi day 

{ 38v 

Pagant Maisters of the laborers of prs City 



vjs vi d 

xx d 

Thomas ffox laborer haith put in for to be pagantmaster this 

yere Robert Thowetson 


lohn Bogg Laborer haith put in Richerd horneby Laborer for 

this yere 


Iamys Hogesyon Laborer haith put in Watter Cowper laborer 

for to be pagant Maister for this yere 


Robert huton laborer haith put in (...) baills laborer for to be 

pagant Maister for this yere 







Rentes and 
ffarmes both 
within Mikkellith 
bar & with out 

& Toftes 



Z266'/ YORK 1538 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y . C88:2 

mb 1 
Item for ffarme of the Skynners paygent house xij d 
Item for farme of the weuers paygent house xvj d 

Item for (blank) mercers ffysshers Tapitours Carpenters & 
Tanners vj s 

Item for a house on the Paygent Greene yat dyuers paygentes 
stand in XVIlJ s 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D57C(a) 

mb 2 
... And for beryng of Torches the moro After Corpus christi 
day:/ adie 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/73 PM 

mb 2* 

... 4.) regardo Datum ex mandato Dominorum Decani et capituli 
Histrionibus interessentibus in festis translacronis sancti Wille/mi 
vj s vulj d inj diebus in sepumana Pentecostis xij s 1) d et 
deposicionis sancti Wille/mi vj s viij d prout vsitatum est et in 
annis precedentibus xxvj s viij d ... Et jo’ Diaconis portantibus 
palliuy super caput sancti Wille/mi in festo translacionis sancti 
Wille/mi predicti quatuor diebus in septimana Pentecostis et 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurriergate 
BIRR Yi Mises 


Item for A pare off glovys to ye vnder clarkes for syngyng 
of ye carrell of A mynd of me id 








Rent Resolute 

Chamber costes 
this yere 

Rewarde to the 
Kynges minstrells 
and also the 
mynstrells of 

this City: 

accustomyd to 
the Common 
offycers and to 
the wayttes of 
this City. 

Rentes and 
ffermes bothe 

mykkellyth barre - 

and withoute 
and Tofts 

TsO YORK / 267 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y : C6:10 

mb 1 

In primis payd to the Sersours of the Inholders towardes the 
charges of there paygent i) s 

wee (G(jeikal 

mb 1 

Item paid to Thomas fflemyng for the Chamber 

there as my lord mayer and his Brederyn stondith vj s vilj d 

yerely to here the play 

Item paid to the wayttes of this City for pasche terme iij s ij d 
Item paid to the said wayttes of this City for the morrowe 

after Corpus christi day xx d 
Item paid to the said wayttes for mydsommer terme xx dd 
Item paid to the said waittes of this City for Cristynmas 

terme lj s uj d 
Item paid to the said wayttes for saynt Wylliam day xxid 

Summa xj s vuj d 

Item paid to the wayttes of this City for there 
clothyng accustomyd to be deuidyd emonges XXXV] S 

Item paid to Iohn wayte wyff for an old Reyd 

hoode laggyd for one of the Eldest wayttes to xvj d 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y : 88:3 

mb 1 
Item for fferme of the Skynners pagyent howse xij d 
Item for fferme of the weuers pagient howse xvj d 





Wax Wyne 
and Breyde 

268 / YORK 1539 

Item for (blank) mercers ffisshers Tapitours Carpenters and 
Tanners vj s 

Item for a howse on the pagyent greyn that dyuers pagentes 
standes in XVIij s 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D57D(a) 

mb 2 
.. And for beryng of Torches the moro after Corpus christi 
day ward, 2. 

"Item for toppyng of vj Torches “xv s vjd° » 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurriergate 
Bile Reye/ Mons 

f 41v* 

Item to ye vnder clark for ‘a’ parre off gloves for syngyng 
Amynd off me yd 

House Books Y: B9 

f 102v (16 November) 

Memorandum that the xvjth day of Nouember in the xxxijt yere 
of the Reign of our Souereign lorde King henry the viijth in the 
tyme of the Mairaltie of the right worshipfull Mazster William 
dogeson Maier of this City It is agreyd and decreyd betwyxt 
the wollenweuers and lynnonweuers for vnitye and quyetnes 
betwyxt bothe the said Misteries and craftes here after to be had 
foreuer by the full consent of bothe the said occupacions That 
the lynweuers of this City shall yerely content and pay to the 
wollenweuers of this same City as hereafter ensuyth towardes 
the Sustentacion of yer paieant [and torches] That is to say 
euery maister of the same scyens of lynweue7s to content and 
pay for euery lyn loyme ij d and euery Iourneyman j d / And 






betwyxt the 
and lynweuers 

(Jeses of 
Corpus (...) 
play this yere 

Rewarde to the 
kynges players 
& oyer 
honorable men 
players this yere 


1540 YORK / 269 

the said wollenweue7rs to discharge them of that v s which thay 
were accustomed to pay to the said wollenweuers and euery 
man to pay yer said dueties affore the ffeast of Saynt lowraunce 
and the Sersours of the said lynnenweuers to gather and delyuer 
the said duety to the [said] Sersours of the said wollenweuers 

at the day abouesaid and ouer and besides that the said [S] 
lynnenwevers shall content and pay [euer] to the sustentacion of 
yer [paiaunt] ‘torches’ euery maister ij d and the said lynnonweuer 
for yer dueties payng shall haue yer torches at the death of 
euery maister of the said crafts or his wiff / and also that the 

said lynnenweuers shall peceably suffer the Serchours of the said 
wollenweuers to Serche what workmen thay haue and how long 
thay haue been with them vppon of aither partie maikyng 
defalte of any article afforesaid to forfett iij s iiij d to the 
chamber and to that occupacion that defalte is made to by evyn 
porcions / And also that the said lynweuer shall go wit» the said 
wollenweuers in procession on the morow after Corpus christi 
Day &c. / 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls y : C6:12 
mb 1 

Item Recevyd therefore this yere as it aperyth 

in the papyr booke of the said Accomptauntes vals aid 

mb 2d 

Item paid to the Lord (....) players to the Erle 
of Suffolk players to my Lord Prevay Seall 
players and to oyer honorable men players as 
it apperith in the papir book of the said 

XXXVj S$ ij d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D58E(a) 

mb 2 

... And for beryng of Torches the moro after Corpus christi 
Day../> eid? ys: 






270 / YORK 1540-1 


Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurriergate 
BI: PR Y/MS 3 

f 46v 

Item for xx loid off sand for ye churche hend Aganst ye kyng 

commyng vilj d 
f 47 

Item A payre of glovys for playng Amynd of me id 
Item to vj laboras for vj days workyng at Eslyngton pyttes 

for gravell for ye kynges strett Agans is commyng ij s 

House Books Y: B15 
£20 (4 June) 

Assemblyd in the Cowncell Chambr of Ousebrig the day and 
yere abouesaid when and where it was agreyd by the said presens 
that euery one of the aldermen Sheryffes and xxiiijt of this 
City shall haue yer Torche borne before the procession on the 
morowe next after Corpus christi day vppon payn of euery one 
of them that doyth the contrary to forfett vnto the common 
Chambre of this City vj s viij d to be paid at the next assemble 
of the Cowncell after the said procession 

f 24 

Item the said presens by the concent and agrement 
of the said audytours doe Iudge that the said 
Master dogeson shall restore agayn to the said 
common Chammbre for certen rewardes given to 
barwardes and straunge mynstrelles in the tyme 

of his Mairaltie [agaynst] of the common goodes 
of thys City against the Auncyent custome and 
vsage of the said City Whereuppon it is now fully 







1541 YORK 271 

concludyd agreyd and determynid by the said 
presens that no Mayer hereafter shall commaund 
the Chamberleyns of this City for the tyme beyng 
to pay or disburs any of the common money to 
no barwardes nor straunge Mynstrelles Except it 
be to the Kynges Mynstrelles the Queyn is grace 
Mynstrelles the lorde prynce is grace mynstrelles 
and players vppon payn of forfettyng to the said 
common Chammbre by euery Mayer that hereafter 
shall offend yerin and doe the contrary to forfett 
for euery suche defalte v li. to be takyn and 
allowyd of the Mayers fee 

£30 (8 July) 

Assemblyd in the Cowncell Chambre of Ousebryg atforesaid the 

day & yere abouesaid when & where [the said presens] my lorde 
mayer by the advyce of the said presens sent for Thomas fflemyng 

androe (blank) loyners & William Emondson ., ‘paynter’ for 
the makyng of a Scaffald with oyer conveynances at Mikellyth 

barre ageynst the commynge of the kynges highnes to this City . 

and yeruppon they hadde delyuerd vn to them a Copy of an 
olde precydent of the furst commyng of kyng henry the vijth 
to this City whos soule god pardon and hereuppon the said 
fflemyng androe & Emondson desyres yat they may haue a 
communicacion wit) ther occupacions & to haue ther advyse 
therin & after yat done they haue promysed the said presens 
to yyf them aunswere shortly 

£34 (13 July) 

Assembled in the Counsaille Chammbre within the common 
halle of the said City the day and yere abouesaid when and 
where my said lorde Mayor declaryd to the commoners of this 
City then being present in the said common halle how that the 
kynges maiestie wolde shortly comme to this City and showyd 
also to them what he and the said presens wolde deuyse against 
hys grace is commyng of the common coste / wherewith thay 

24 the] MS the the 

xiij s. iiij d. 






<Comons called 
to the comon 
Hall / aginst the 
kinges coming /* 

2 2e | IO RUK eT 54a 

were meruelous welle content Wherethrugh my lorde Mair “by 
thaduise of’ [and] the said presens callid certen loyners and 
paynters of this City and commaundyd them Immedyatly to 
taike yer Consaille and deuyses togydders to maike a showe 
at Mikkellythbarre of the said city where that the kynges 
said Maiestie was supposyd to entre / and so thay promysyd to 
doe accordingly 

ff 36-6v* (15 July) 

Assemblid in the Counsaille Chambre of Ousebrig the day and 
yere abouesaid when and where yt was agreyd by the said presens 
that sir Rauff Clayton Clerke shall deuyse the speches that shalbe 
spokyn at the entre of the kynges maiestie at Mikkillythbarre 
[and oyer places where that shewys sh] and the said sir Rauff to 
be honestly contentyd for his labour / 

Item the day and yere abouesaid hery Smyth Clerke of Saynt 
Willam Chappell of Ousebrig came personally befor the said 
presens and promysyd to maik a showe , ‘with’ [of] syngyng 
and oyer mellody after the best facion that he could deuyse on 
the leydes before the said Chappell 

Item yt is agreyd by the said presens that the merchauntes 
paieaunt shalbe Sett at Ousegate end as the kynges maiestie 
shall enter into Connyngstreyt and yerin to be an oyer showe 
wit) asmuch melody as may be deuysyd yerin to be had 

Item yt is agreyd by the said presens [sh] that [the 
Chamberlayns] an oyer showe shalbe at the far end of 
Connyngstreyt beyond the common hall yaites to be made with 
syngyng and melody as is abouesaid in suche paieaunt as shalbe 
thought most meyt and conuienyent yerfore / 

Item yt is agreid by the said presens that the Chamberleyns 
shall content and pay of the common cost all the artifycers 
and laborers bothe for stuff and yer labor to be had abowte the 
said Shewys / | 

Item yt is agreyd by the said presens yat Master heckylton 
Master bean and Master Robynson iij of the said presens shall 
se that Mikkellythbarre be welle ordryd and trymmyd and 
ouersee the workmen yer wyrkyng 

ff 38v-9 (19 July) 

Assemblyd in the sayd Counsayll Chambre the day & yere 








1541 YORK / 273 

abouesayd / when & where yt was agreyd & determined by the 
sayd presens that Iamys harryngton & leffrey Wyllsamson too 
of the Chamberleyns of the sayd City or ye , “one of them” 
accordyng to ther Offyce & othe shall Daily attend of the 
Carpenters paynters laborers & of all other workmen within 
the common halle of this City makyng & devisyng of [Castelles] 
Towres Tyrrettes battylmentes of Tymbre & Canves . also goodly 
faynes with the kynges armes the Quenes armes , & the prynce 
grace armes’ & with the armes of the City & other proper 
conceyttes to be made & devysed after the best maner at 
Mikellythbarre ageynst the commyng of the kynges highnes & 
the Quenes grace to thys City & specially consideryng yat it ys 
the furst tyme of ther commyng to ye said City . and the said 
Chamberleyns to delyuer vnto the sayd workmen almaner of 
Stuf necessare for yat busynes and to mayke a book of ther 
Expenses of all parcelles & to accompt weikly | 

Item it ys ordred & determined by the sayd presens yat 
antony Eden John Hargyll & William herryson ij of the 
Chamberleyns of the said City , “or one of them’ shall likewyse 
attend & Survey the workmen at Mikellythbarre & to accompt 
weikly as is beforesayd 

Item it ys determined by the sayd presens yat Iohn Bellesthorpp 
and Rychard Clydero oyer too Chamberleyns of the said City 
or the one of them shall likewyse attend & Survey the workmen 
in the sayd busynes at Walmgatebarre & to mayke accompt 
weikly as ys afforesaid 

Item it ys determined by the sayd presens yat Roger Drewrie 
& [lohn] , “Cristofer’ Colyer Resydue of the sayd Chamberleyns 
or the one of them shall likewyse attend & Survey the workmen 
at Bowthumbarre & to accompt weikly of the Charges & Expenses 
as is before specfyed 

£44 (12 August) 

Item it is agreyd by the sayd presens that the Crowne of iiij s 
vij d gevyn in reward to the players of the ryght honowrable 
Erle of Sussex shalbe allowed of the common Chambre 

ff 57-8v* (15 September) 

Hereafter apperyth after what maner that the Moste Excellent 
Prynce henry the viijth by the grace of god kyng of England & 
of ffraunce lorde of Ireland and in Eyrth supreme hede of the 





274 /YORK 1541 

Churche of England and also the moste gracyous , ‘& vertuouse’ 
Quene kateryn hys most welbelouyd wytf was receyved by my 
sayd lorde Mayre his brederin aldermen [Recorder of] Master 
William Cankerd Recorder of this City — the xxiiijt! & a great 
multytude of the moste discreyt Commoners fof] , ‘of this 
City” to the nowmmbre of Cxxti persons the moste parte of 
them havyng newe gownes of , "fyne’ Sadde Tawny onely for 
yat purpes . and also the moste parte of the Worshipfull men & 
other of the moste honest & discreyt persons dwellyng Within 
the Wapentyk of the Aynsty to the nowmmbre of Ix pers(.)ns at 
the Crosse of thissyde ffulfoord the Thursday Whiche Was the 
moro next after the ffeast of the Invencion of the holy Crosse 
and the xvth day of Septembre in the xxxiijti yere of hys moste 
gracyous reign. My sayd lorde Mayre hys brederin & master 
Recorder stondyng on a rawe & the sayd Worshipfull men of the 
sayd Wapentyk of the Aynsty behynd them. And yt pleasyd hys 
highnes to comme to my sayd lorde mayre & Theruppon [th] 
my sayd lorde mayre & hys Brederin felle downe of ther kneys . 
and the sayd master Recorder then of hys kneys mayde a goodly 
proposycion of Submissyon vn to hys hyghnes as hereafter 
apperyth verbatim &c. | 

Most myghty and victoryous prynce vnder almyghty god 
supreme heyd of the Churche of Englond our naturall souereign 
beyng all tymes by the inspiracion of the holy goste repleyt with 
mercy and pety as evidently haith been shewyd by your grace to 
your Subiectes layte offendours in thies North partes And where 
as we your humble Subiectes the Mayer Aldermen and commons 
of your grace ys City of yorke and the inhabitaunce of your 
grace ys Countye of your said City of yorke for lack of syncere 
and poore knowlege of the verytie of godes worde and ignoraunt 
of our boundon duety to you our Souereign lord haue agaynst 
our naturall allegyaunce disobedyently and contrary your grace 
ys lawes for the common welth prouyded, greuously heynously 
and traitoryously offendyd your high invyncible and moste 
Royall maiesty your imperyall crowne and dignitye in the most 
odyous offence of traterus rebellyon . wherby your grace our 
naturall Souereign and kyng havyng the lyves londes and goodes 
of vs wretchys at your wyll and pleasor by your good and holsome 
lawes for our said vnnaturall and traterous offences haue of your 
excellent prudence mercy and pety infused in to you our natural] 
souereign lorde by the spiryte of almyghty god grauntid to vs 
wretches beyng desperate of any maner hope or releyff your 







moste gracyous and charytable remissyon frank and ffree pardon 
whos bountyfull harte and liberall graunte we of owr selfes ar in 
no wise able to recompence or satisfye but contynually haue 
been frome the bothoms of our Stomak repentaunt wo and 
sorowfull for owr said vnnaturall and haynous offences heyr 
before the hygh presence of your moste excellent maiesty 
Royall | ovr supreme heyd by deuyne prouycion we promyse and 
vowe in the wordes of fayth and truth frome thys tyme forward 
not onely to serue obey love and dreyd your maiestie Royall . 
spend our goodes . our bodyes witpoute murmur or grudge in 
the seruyce of your moste Royall Maiestye at your most gracyous 
preceptes and commaundmentes to the vtter effucion of our 
hartes blode But also we our wyffes and chylder shall contynuelly 
deuoutly pray to the moste blessyd and holy Trenytie to preserue 
your moste Royall Maiestye with your gracyous Queyn and our 
noble prynce Edward long to reign ouer vs in prosperitye / And 
that after thys your gracys mortall and transytory lyff our 
Saviour Chryste in Rewarde of your said beningnitye shewyd 
vnto vs wreches his creatours and your Subiectes graunte vnto 
your hignes the eternall fruycion of his infynyte glory / amen / 

The Mayer Aldermen and commons of this your grace is City 
of yorke and thenhabytaunce of your grace ys Countye of your 
said City of yorke to almyghty god givyth lawde and honour 
for the preseruacion of your moste Royall person in prosperitye 
beyng as hartely reioysyd as any Subiectes may be of this your 
prosperous lourney vnto this your said City . requyring your 
grace to accept yer benyvolence aswelle to your Maiestie as to 
your gracyous Quene as in this paipyr apperyth and so gaff a 
papyr of the present in to the kynges owne hand / | 

Moste high and myghty prynce your humble Subiectes the 
Mayer Aldermen and the commons of your grace ys City of yorke 
shall at all tymes be redy to accomplish all suche seruyce as your 
Maiestye shall commaund them to doe bothe with yer bodys and 
yer goodes to the vttermost of yer powers / 

ff 56-6v* (14 October) 

Assemblyd in the sayd Cownsayll Chambre of Ousebryg the day 
& yere abouesayd when & where Iohn fflemyng & Rychard 
Grayves Carvers who tuyk appon them for to mayke & finysshe 
the Showe yat was proposyd by the sayd presens ageynst the 
commyng of the kynges grace & also of the Quenes grace to this 






276 / YORK 1541 

City for the honour & Worshyp of the sayd City . in finisshyng of 
the , “sayd’ Showe the sayd Iohn fflemyng & Rychard Grayves 
dyd vtterly deceyve the Chamberleyns of the same City 
whereuppon the sayd Chamberleyns hathe commencyd ane 
accion of distreyt ageynst the sayd Iohn fflemyng & Rychard 
Grayves in the Sheryffes Courte. 

Item it ys agreyd by the sayd presens yat my sayd lorde Mayer 
shalbe ‘restoryd ageyn by ye Chamberleyns of this City yat he’ 
disbursyd & payd vnto dyuerse of the kynges offycers & seruantes 
the beyng here of the Kynges Maiesty & of the Quenes grace for 
the honour & Worshyp of this City as hereafter apperyth 
particularly &c. 

In primis in reward vn to the Trumpytour yat 
blew the Trump at ye tyme of the makyng of 

the proclamacion [befo] for the kyng in all Ne 
places accustomyd within this City | 

Item in reward to the kynges arroldes xlis 
Item [to] in reward to the kynges footemen XX S 
Item in reward to ye quenes grace footemen XV S 
Item in reward to the kynges Copberer vij s vyjd 
Item in reward to the kynges Cookes beyng of the blak gard xx s 
Item in reward to the kynges Trumpytour 30% S 
Item [to] in reward to maister Ardyen Clerk of the market xx s 
Item to the Offycers of the Wyneseller vis vjd 
Item to the offycers of the Buttree VS. 

Summa viij li. 4 d 
£59v (4 November) 

Assemblid in the Cowncell Chammbre of the Guyld halle of the 
said City the day and yere abouesaides when and where Rychard 
Grayves and Iohn fflemyng Carvours personally camme before 
the said presens and Submytt themselfes for to abyde the order 
of iiij of the common Counsaill of this City as concernyng the . 
deceyt that thay comyttid to the Chamberleyns of the said City 
in not fynysshing of a certen showe by them deuysed and where 
of thay made a plat [agains] before the commyng of the kynges 
maiestie and of the Quene ys grace . Wherethrough thay put this 
City [d] to diswurship in that behalf and here after apperys the 
naymes of the arbytours appoyntid by yer concentes for the 










Lesa OUR 9/9277, 

ordryng of that matter . that is to say Adam atkynson . Myles 
Cooke . Robert Elden and Cristofer Clerke . Which 1iij arbytowrs 
haue deuisid that lamys Harryngton and his fellow Chamberleyns 
of the said City of the one partie and the saides Richard Grayve 
and Iohn fflemyng of the oyer partie shalbe bounden in xxl li. in 
i) seuerall obligacions to abyde the arbytrement and order of the 
said arbytours So that the said aworde be made and given before 
the ffeast of Saynt Andro the Apostyll next to come &c. 

£74 Millers 

theys are vnfranchyst and occupyes as we do / 
[Richard Malkerall] 

Annes Walker 


christofer Mylner 

william howeolytf 

Cutberth smarthwayte 

and at kepeth ffyschergayte Mylne 

lowrance heysbe 

and we beseke your lordyschipe & your breder yat we may haue 
some thynge of theys to mend owr pagand with all / 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D58F(a) 

mb 2 
.. And for beryng of Torches the morro after Corpuscristy 
days aya 72 

Corpus Christi Account Rolls vy. C103:2 
mb 3 

Et dictus Magister petit Allocari pro diuersis expensis necessarijs 
hoc Anno per ipsum factis videlicet in processione generali in 
Crastivo corporis christi In primis Solut clerico portanti crucem 
ante processionem ij d Et Solut. ijbus pueris portantibws Candelas 
ij d Et solut. iiijot clericis portantibus bawdkyn vilj d Et solut. 
Capellanis portantibus feratrum viij d Et solut. clericis 
parochialibus Cantantibus xij d Et solut. cantatoribus in Regardo 
viij d Et solut. sex hominibus portantibus sex torchias xijd Et 
solut. ijb“s hominibus portantibus feratrum viij d Et solut. pro 






278 / YORK 1541 

expensis eodem tempore viijd_ Et solut. clericis vestibuli Ecclesie 
Cathedralis sancti petri In Regardo xij d Et solut. lanitori sancti 
petri et clerico parochyali ecclesie sancte trinitatys in magno vico 
vil} ‘d’ ... Et solut. pro refectione Magistri et sex Custodum circa 
festuwm Corporis christi ex consuetudine v ‘s° ... 


Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurnergate 
Bie eRaya/ Mises 

f 54* 

Item for A parre of gloves to ye vnder clarke for syngyng of 
Amynd off me yd 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC4(1) 

leases of Corpus christi Play 

In Primis the furst place at the Trinyte yaittes 
where yat the common Clerk kepes the Reyester 

: bt 
and yerfore yat place hathe been accustomed to satis 
goe free 

{tem the second place for lohn Blakey for [xx d.] xvilj d 
Item the iijd€ place to ohn Wilkynson for x 

Item the iiijth place at Ousebrygend for Mr "Tomas Warde xx d 
Item the vth place to mazster hewetson at Ousebrygend for js 

Item the vjth place to Iohn Ellys at Ousegateend 

& also to (blank) for : 

Item the vjjth place to Wydoe Glasyn for xx d 
Item the vijjth place to Mertyn Metcalf for ij s 

Item the [viijth} “ixth” place at the common halle for my lorde 
Mayer & his brederin Whiche place is free yerfore &c ; 
[tem the xth place to Mathewe hartley for ij 

4 et) MS etet 







NEIGH) NEON 1747/0) 
Item the xjth place to maister Cooke & Iamys Wad for lj s 

Item the xijth place to Trestram lytster & iij s iiij d 
laurence Thomlynson at Mynsteryayte for 

Item the xiijth place in petergate to maister Gayle alderman 
for xvj d 

Item the xiijth place at Gotheromgateend to ae 
Iohn Grayves [to] Carver for J 
Item the xvth place in Colyergate to William Adenett for  xxd 
Item the xvjth place of the Payment before the howse of Iamys 
lakson merchaunt where as the lady Mayres & her Systers dyd 
stond yerfore nihil to the common Chambre 

probatur Summa xxiilj s [vilj d] x d 
f 69 
Rent Resolute 

In primis payd to the Sersours of the Inholders 
towardes the Charges of the bringyng owte of the lj] S 
paiaunt accustomed to be payd 

f 70v 
Mydsomer terme / 

Item payd to Thomas fflemyng for the Chambre 
yat my lorde mayer & his Brederin hard Corpus vj s. vuj d 
christi play in thys yere accustomed 

Whytsonday terme / 

Item payd to master Rauff Clayton Clerk who 
mayde the sermond in the Chaptre house within 
the metropolytane Churche of saynt peter of 
York the morowe after Corpus christi day 

lj s iy d 






280 / YORK 1542 

t 74v 
Rewardes to the common wayttes of this City / 

In primis paid to the said waytes for Easter terme 

as is accustomyd uj s jd 

Item paid by master plasket one of the Chamberleyns the 

morowe next after Corpus christi day xx d 
Item payd to the sayd Waytes of Mydsomer evyn xx d 
Item payd to the said waites for Crystynmes term lij S. ilij d 
Item payd to the said waites for Saynt William day xx d 

probatur Summa xj s viij d. 

f 76 
Clothyng accustomyd to the common offycers 
and to the wayttes of this City / 

Item payd to the waytes of this Citie for yer 

Clothyng accustomyd agaynst Crystynmes cs 

ff 88-8v 
Expences neccessary this yere / 

Item payd to percyvalle Selbe swerdberer to my 
lorde mayer for the Whyte rod to my said lorde 
mayer the morowe next after Corpus christi day 

iiij d 

Item pard to the seruant of the common Clerk for 
kepyng of the Register at the furst place where 

as , ‘the play of Corpus christi’ [play] was playd 
of Corpus christi day this yere accustomed 

xx d 

Item paid to vyntyners of Corpus christi day for 
a great skallop of maynebrede yat they haue been 
accustomed to gyf to my said lorde mayer & his 

viij d 

Item pard in reward in lik maner to the Bakers of 

vilj d 
this City for the present of sheyld of maynebrede J 






vacat quia 
demit x 


1542 YORK / 281 

Item paid for nayles yat was occupyed in the hangyng 
probatur Summa xj s ij d | 

of the chambre at Thomas fflemynges where as my ij d 
lorde mayer & his Bredern hard the sayd play 

Item paid for resshys to the sayd Chambre ij d 

[Item pazd to master Clayton yat made ye Sermond 

ae iij s vilj d] 
on the morowe next after Corpus christi day J J 

f 94v 
Rewardes to the kynges players and to oyer honorable mennis 

Summa nihil 

f 120v 
Paieant Maisters of the laborers of this City this yere / 


Richard wyggen laborer haith put in to be paieant Maister this 
yere George Mitkyn / 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D58G(a) 

mb 2 

... And for beryng of Torchys the moro After Corpuscrysty 
day fx a ince 


Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurriergate 
BI: PR Y/MS 3 


Item for A parre off gloves to ye vnder clark for playng of 
Amynd of me id 







Rentes ffarmes 
bothe within 
myklyth bar 
and withoute 
and toftes 

accustomy de 

282 / YORK 1543 

House Books Y: B17 

£14 (28 May) 

Item it ys agreyd by the sayd presens yat the Chamberleyns of 
this City shall pay suche Costes & Expensys as was mayd to my 
said lord Maiour his Brederyn Chamberleyns & the common 
Clerk of this City of Corpus christi day last past . Provyded 
always yat the Chamberleyns of this City for the tyme beyng 
shalnot Excede hereafter of Corpus christi day in makyng 
Expensys at the place ther as my lord Maiour of this City [shalnot] 
. Shall” here the play above iiij markes 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls v: C88:4 

mb 1 
Item for ffarme of the Skynners pagaunt howse xij d 
Item for ffarme of the weuers pageant howse xvj d 

Item for mercers ffisshers Tapitors Carpentors and Tanners 
pag 1 ant howse vj s 

Item for a howse in the pagyant Grene yat dyuerse pagyantes 
standes in xvilj [d] s 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D58H(a) 

mb 2 

.. And for Beryng of Torchis the moro Aftyr Corpuscrysty 
Days uid. 


Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurriergate 

Bile Rae yivions 

f 64 

Item A parte of gloves to ye vnder clark for syngyng of Amynd 







Accustomyd to 
the common 
way tes of this 

accustomed to 
the common 
off (...) 

1543-4 YORK / 283 

off me yd 

House Books Y: B17 

£51 (15 May) 

Item it is further agreyd by the sayd presens that for the honour 
of god & worship of this Citie / The Master of Corpuscrysty gyld 
& the prestes beyng of the same , ‘gild’ with all other prestes 
that goyth procession vppon fryday the Morro after Corpuscrysty 
day shall goo in the sayd procession in Coopes of the best that 
can be gottyn within the sayd Citie / and that every howseholdr 
that dwellith in the hye way ther as the sayd procession procedith, 
shall hang before ther doores & forefrontes beddes & Coverynges 
of beddes of the best that thay can gytt and Strewe before ther 
doores resshes and other suche fflowers & Strewing as they 
thynke honeste & clenly for the honour of god{d] & worship of 
this Citie and this to be fyrmely kepte hereafter vppon payn of 
every man that dothe the contrary this agrement shall forfait 
& pay to the Common Chambre of this Cite ij s._ iitj d / 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y : C6:13 

mb 1 

Item payd to the waytes for Eister terme lj s ij d 
Item payd to the seyde waytes the morowe next After corpus 
christi day xx d 
Item payd to the seyde waytes for Mydsomer terme xx d 
Item payd to the seyde waytes for Crystmas terme lj s id 

Item payd to the seyde waytes the day yat my seyd lord mayer 

mayd his greyt ffeyst Accustomyd That is to say of saynt William 

day &c xx d 
Summa xj $ vilj d 

Item paid to William hall & his ffellos waytes of 

this City for ther Clothing Accustomyd egally XXXVj $ 

devided emong tham ageynst Cristmas 

40 marginalia {...)) -icers to the Common waites of this city. 




Rentes & farmes 
Myklithbar and 
wivbin Raton 
Rawe (...) 


284 / YORK 1544 

Item payd to Marmaduke Smyth vestmentmaker 
for makyng of scutcyons to the three waytes of 
this City with letters of gold for my lord mayour 
name Accustomyd Ageynst Crystmas 

Vilj S 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y:C89:1 
mb 1 
Item of the Skynners for the pagyant howse next the same_ xij d 

Item of the Marchauntes for ther pagyant howse of the Tofte 

grene xij d 
Item of the Tapytours for ther pagyant howse ther xij d 
Item of the wrightes & Cordyners for ther pagyant howse ij $ 
Item of the Baxsters for ther pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the Tanners for ther pagyant howse x1j d 
Item of the Cowpers for an owteshote to the pagyant at the 

laith end inj d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: DS58I(a) 
mb 2 
... And for beringe off Torches the morowe after Corpuscristy 

day} sard: 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 

fi 2 
Item Resaued of the hole occupacion for pagand mone Co) 
f3 (Expenses) 
Item payd for sheld a) 

14 marginalia {...)\ and 






1544 YORK / 285 

f 3v 

Item payd for reparacions Abowte our pagen xxj d 
Item payd for payntyng of our dyodyms XV] d 
Item spent ther\..) La d 
Item payd for torches xij S VJ d 
Item payd for playing of ovr pagend xs Vij d 
Item spent for our suppers At the paying there of xij d 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurriergate 
BI: PR Y/MS 3 

f 70v 

Item to thomas glasyng for playng Amynd of me yd 

House Books Y: B17 

£84 (17 March) 

Also it is further agreyd that my lord Mayour shall call before 
hym the Master of Corpuscristi gyld and to take an order as 
towchyng playng of the creyde playfe] as he shall thynke good 
for the mooste profett & aduantage of the sayd [cit] Citie / 

{90 (2 June) 

Assemblyd in the Counsell Chambre of owsebrige the day & yere 
abouesaides when and where it was agreyd by the sayd presens 
that for the kynges pleasour and worship of this Citie Ther 
shalbe commaundment gevyn in the kinges name to all suche 
persons within this Citie that haith harnes & wapen to serue 
the king shall them selfes or Some able person for them be reddy 
vppon Corporyscrysty day to attend appon the Shyrryfes / 
thorro this Citie honestly furnyshed with ther harnes & wapen 







Rentes & 
ffarmes without 
my klyth barr 

& within 
Rattonrawe the 
Toftes & 


286 / YORK 1545 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls vy: c89:2 

mb 1 

Item of the Skynners for ther pagyanthowse xij d 
item of the Marchauntes for ther pagyanthowse xij d 
Item of the wrightes & Cordyners for ther pagyant howse ij s 
Item of the bakers for ther pagyanthowse xij d 
Item of the Tanners for ther pagyanthowse xij d 
Item of the Cowpers for An owteshote uij d 
Item of the Tapytours for ther pagyant howse xij d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D58K(a) 

mb 2 

... And for berynge Off Torches the Morowe after Corpus cristy 
Dayiye ccd cane. 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 


Item ressawyd off fforrandars & Sandleders (.) ¢..)terleders XS 

f5v (Expenses) 

In primis payd ffor playng off howre pagand XS vil) d 
Item payd ffor one torch toppyng iil) S Vj d 
Item payd ffor howsfferm x1] d 
Item payd ffor owre scheld xij d 
Item payd ffor Nalles to the pagand & the qwelys i) d 

Item Spent at master langtons yat day that we mayd owre 7 
ssupplicacione & off[()] corpus christi day xvilj d 

38 mayd] MS mayd Mayd 





accustomyd to 
the common 
waytes of this 

1545 YORK / 287 

Item Spent yat day yat we went Abowt to gedder pagand mony 

with the marrys offocer xij d 
Item payd at cudbart at the rekynyng dynner off owre pagand - 
mastrers ij s 
Item payd to my lord marrys offessure iti} d 
(..) payd yat Nyght yat we payd the plaer vii) d 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurriergate 
Bile Reaves 


Item for A parre of gloves to ye vnder clark for synging Amynd 
of me yd 

House Books Y: B18 

f15v (12 April) 

Item it is agreyd by the said presens that Corpuscristie play 
shalbe playd this yere and that the billettes shalbe delyueryd 
furth for the same according to the auncyent Custome / 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls y : C6:14 

mb 1 

Item payd to the seyd waytes the morowe next after Corpus 
christi day xx d 
Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: €89:3 

mb 1 

Item of the Skynners for ther pagyant howse xij d 





Rentes (.) 
ffarmes without 
Myklyth barr 
and within 
Toftgreyn and 
My(.dylgate / 


288 / YORK 1546 

Item of the Marchauntes for the pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the wrightes & Cordyners for ther pagyanthowse ij S. 
Item for the Tanners pagyant howse xij d 
Item for the Bakers pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the Cowpers for a nowteshote inj d 
Item of the Tapitowrs for ther pagyant howse xij d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D58L(a) 

mb 2 
... And for berynge Of Torches the Morow after Corpus Criste 
day xij da... 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 

Item ressawyd In pagand mony off owre awne craft xij () 
Item resawyd off fforranders bowrne ledders & sandleders vj s 

f6v (Expenses) 

In primis payd to <...) plaer for playng off the pagand xs vijd 
Item payd ffor Mendyng off the pagand & the qwelys and a 
New strake to the qwell & nales to the qweles and one band to 

the pagand & warkmanschype ys 
Item payd ffor tymer tyll lym & Sand latt & nalles and 

warkmanschype to the pagand hows lj 
Item payd ffor howsterm xij d 
Item payd ffor the Scheld that mylord mare had xij d 

Item payd ffor Mayne bred & wyne yat my lord mare had xj d 
Item payd at Master Langtons yat day yat 3e had yowre 
Rekynyng deyner off owre Pagand Mastes i s 
Item payd at owre Soper yat nyght yat we payd the player viijd 
Item payd yat day yat we went a bowt ffor to geder pagand 
money & to the offeser ffor his lawbor xij d 







Accustomyd ta 
the common 

1546 YORK / 289 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Rolls YM: E1/74 MP 

mb 2* 
... Et solut Iohanni Gachet pro camera sua super portas Clausi 
in die corporis Christi iij s ili (.) ... 

House Books Y: B18 

f 69 

Memorandum this yere dyd Saynt George day fall vppon good 
ffryday and therfore thay dyd not Ryde with Saynt George 
this yere 

House Books Y: B18 

f£97v (17 June) 
Also it is agred that where as Mr dogeshon Mr dobson & Mr 
White wantyd ther Torches in the procession the ffryday after 
Corpuscristie day they shall pay every one of them iij s_ uj d 
for ther defaltes in that behalf 

And also the occupacrons of the Taillowrs oght to haue hadd 
x1) Torches in the said procession & they wantyd iiij°r torches 
of ther nombre for the whiche it was agreed they shall pay for 
a fyne therefore ij s ij d / 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y : C6:15 

mb 1 (Expenses) 

Item payd to the waytes for Eister terme lj s ij d 

Item payd to the seyde waytes the morrowe next after corpus 






waytes ofthis Christi day pre, ar 
oy Item payd to the seyde waytes for mydsomer terme xx d 
Item payd to the seydes waytes for Crystmas terme lj Ss ij d 

Item payd to the sayde waytes the day yat my lord Mayer 

5) d 

Accustomyd to 
the Comon 
offycers & to 
the waytes of 
this City 

Expensys mayd 
of corpus 
christi day 

Rentes and 
ffarmes without 
Myklyth barr 
and within 
Toftesgreyn and 


ZI OK/ COR Kea 5407 

mayd his greyt ffeyste Accustomyd That ys to say of Saynt 

William day &c 
summa Xj $ viij d 

Item payd to William hall and his ffellos waytes 
of this City for ther Clothyng Accustomyd egally 
to be devydyd emonges them Ageynst Crystmas 

Item payd to Marmaduke Smyth vestmentmaker 
for maikyng of Scutchons to the three waytes of 
this City wyth letters of gold for my lord mayour 
nayme Accustomyd Ageynst Cristmas 

Item payd for the charges & expensys of the seyd 
lord Maiour his Brederin Aldermen Shyryffes 
xx1ilj0 Chamberleyns & the common Clerk at 
the place ther as they hard the seyd play of 
corpus christi as yt Apperys partyclarly in the 
paper booke of the seyde Accomptauntes 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C89:4 
mb 1 
Item of the Skynners for ther pagyaunt hous 

Item of the marchauntes for the(.) pagyaunt hous 
Item of the Tapitors for ther pagyaunt hous 

Item of the Wrightes & Cordyners pagyant hous 
Item of the Tanners pagyant hous 

Item of the Bakers pagyand hous 

Item of the Cowpers for an owteshote 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D58M(a) 

mb 1* 
... The Butcher Padgaunt xij d. ... 

xx d 


viij s 

xij d 

xij d 
xij d 

xij d 
xij d 
ij d 







1547, YORK (291 

mb 2 
Allowauncies __... And for beringe of Torches The morow after Corpus Christy 

accustomed / Day if “xij ‘ale 
Wax Wyne . Ds 5 
2 aise Item for toppinge of Torches xv s 1jd/... 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 

£7 (Receipts) 

eee 10 
Item rescayvyd [of] for the bowers for the pagent roime —xi¥.) (.) 
Item rescaved of oure bredren tor pagent monay XV S 
Item rescaved of the fforreners “&' sandeleders & burnlede‘.)s 

for ther pagent monay vj s vijd 
Item rescayved of the weuers for thayre pagent rom\..) dettes 15 
owen to the occupacion xij d 

f 7v 

be 20 
Item <...) Lawrens sedale ffor hys pagent monay 1j° yeres xij d 
Item Nicholes wysseman for [of] one yere pagent monay vj d 
Item Ry<..) sawer for ° yeres xij d. 
Item clyffton wyffe vj d. 

mA 25 
f8 (Expenses) 

Item for «..) playing of the pagent MG.) 
Item for the shylde that we dyd gyve to my Lorde maier & 30 
hys bredren of corpus crysti day ae) 

House Books Y: B19 35 

f l6v (25 May) 

Also it is forther agreyd by the sayd presens that Corpuscristy 
play shalbe playd this yere Certen pagyauntes excepte / That is 40 

11 roime] for romme 

Rentes and 
Myklith Barr 

& within 
Toftegreyn and 
My kkylgate 


292) / ORK [548 

to say / the deyng of owr Lady / assumpcion of our Lady / and 
Coronacion of our Lady / 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: €89:5 

mb 1 

Item of the Skynners for ther pagyant howse xij d 
Item the marchauntes for ther pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the Tapitours for ther pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the gyrdlers for ther pagyant howse vilj d 
Item of the wryghtes & Cordyners pagyant howse is 
Item of the Tanners pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the bakers pagyanthowse xij d 
Item of the Cowpers for a nowteshote ij d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D58N(a) 
mb 1 
... The Butcher Padgeaunt x1 d 
Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 

Item In primis ressawyd off owre brederyn ffor paggand mone ‘..) 
Item ressawyd off the fforreners Sand leders & burnleders Gs 

In primis payd to the plaer ffor playng off the pagand xs v\<...) 

Item payd ffor owre Scheld off corpus crysty day vilj d 
Item payd at Percelvels off corpus crysty day Xvi} d 
Item payd at thomas Roger one the ffryday after corpus cristi 
Day i 

Item payd to the waytes [off corpus cristy day] ‘trenite Sunday 








1548 YORK / 293 

at Soper’ Gad 
Item payd to the mynstrels giuen the mande bred«...) ez) 
Item pay to the brygmasters for housferm ee 
f 9v 

Item payd to Iohn w<.)ssen wryght ffor mendyng off the oa 
pagand ij d 
Item payd at Steyn cokx off corpus cristi day ffor [(..)] off 
Masters schotes war gederd vj d 
Item payd at Sayd steyn cowkes to the mynstrales yat Sam 

day vilj d 

House Books Y: B19 

f 69v (26 April) 

Item it is agreyd that billyttes shalbe delyuerd to the officers for 
the playng of Corpuscrysty play / to be playd holy / excepte / 

the assumpcion of our Lady “and Coronacion of our lady’ [and] 
dieng of our Lady / as it was the Last yere / 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D580O(a) 
mb 1 
... The Butcher Padgeaunte xij d 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 

ff 10-10v (Receipts) 
Item In prymys Ressawyd off the [ho] hoyll crafte ffor mendyng 

off the pagand hows X1x $ vi d 
Item Ressawyd off awne craffte ffor pagand mone Xlllj s 
Item Ressawyd off the bowllbakers & Watterledders & 

ssandleders i 

Item Ressawyd off the Wewers 

; xij d 
Item Ressawyd off the bowers 

xij d 




294 / YORK 1549 

Item Ressawyd off the chamerlain ffor owre Scheld vilj d 

Item In primis payd ffor Reparracions off the pagand 

hows xix $ vilj d 
Item .“payd’ to the wryght ffor temer & warkmanschyp off 
the Sayd hows lll} Ss vilj d 
Item payd lattes & nalles & morter to the wall vilj d 
Item payd ffor Stons to the grownd wall ij d 
Item payd to j lawborrars ffor warkmanschype xd 
Item payd ffor playng off the pagand xs vij d 
Item payd to the players ffor thare Soperd & dener off trenete 
Sonday & corpus christi day xij d 
Item payd ffor hows fferm xij d 
Item payd ffor qwre qwell nalles & mendyng off the pagand viij d 
Item payd ffor the scheld to my lord mayre xd 
Item payd ffor drynke [yat] qwene we dyd sset fforth the 
pagand more than the pagand masters dyd vj d | 
Item Spent yat day yat we ffest the pagand hows comend at Iohn 
Huntyngtons xd 
Item Spent yat day yat gederd pagand mone xij d 
Item payd to my lord mars offesser lulj d 
Item payd to the mynstrels yat day yat we f(..)et inj d 
Item payd yat day yat we mayd mandy bred inj d 
Item Spent yat day yat we payd the plaers vilj d 
Item Spent yat day yat we put in the pagand and mayd ffast the 
dorys vilj d 

House Books Y: B20 
if 14 (8 May) 

Assemblyd in the Counsaill Chambre of owsebrige of this Citie / 
when and where it was agreyd by the said presentes That all 
_‘forren’ Butchers shall resorte to this Citie daly with ffleshe to 
sell in Thursday markett / Trinite Churche yerd in Mykkylgat / 
and at the ffyshe shamylles at ffossebrige end / frely without 

21 we] MS we we 28 and} MS and and 









Rentes Resolute 

1550 YORK / 295 

any payng of pagyaunt money or orther [D] Imposicions / 
consideryng that is for the Refuge and helpe of this Citie duryng 
the tyme that the said Citie is Infectyd with the plaige / 

£17 (18 May) 

And in consideracion of the seyd playg it ys agreyd yat the 
common offycers of this City shall furthwit) tayke in to theyre 
handes the byllettes [of] yat was delyuerd furth for corpus 

christi play And the seyd play for the seyd consideracion to be 
sparyd & not to be played this yere 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D58P(a) 

mb 1 

... °The butcher paggen> xij d 

mb 2 

... And to Iohn Stamper for pageant howsse ‘xij d° ... 
Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 

f11 (Receipts) 

Item Ressawed off the bolbakers ffor pagand mone lllj s 

Item payd to the wattes lj d 
Item payd to the brygmasters for hus fferm xij d 
Item payd to Iohn Huntyngton ffor hys payns takyng ffor hys 
plaers xij d 

Item payd at ohn Dycsson yat day yat we gad ther pagand 
mone xd 






296 / YORK 1550 

And the wewers payd nothyng ffor thare pagand standyng thys 

House Books Y: B20 

Endpapers* (12 March) Vintners 

To the honorable lorde Mayor of the citie of yorke 

and his brether the aldermen of the sayme 

Moste humbly compleynyng Shewyth vnto yowr good lordeshyppe 
and brether Thomas greges and Rychard Aynley vynteners . That 
wheras certen holsome good and laudable ordinances towchyng 
the occupacion of vynteners was established and mayde and also 
approbate and confyrmyd by the lorde mayor brether and 
comons of the sayd citie the xxijt' yeare of the reagne of famos 
memorie kyng Edward the fowrte as herafter folowyth ffurste 
that no man shold occupie as vyntener wythin the sayd citie butt 
suche as shold be admyttyd by the sherchers and feloshype of 
the sayd occupacion and also that euery man wythin this citie 
beyng admyte by the sayd serchers and feloshype of the 
occupacion of vynteners shold be frome tyme to tyme 
contributorye to the yearlye , “chargis’ and expensis of the 
sayde occupacions as well in bryngyng forth of the pagyon as 
also in all maner of thynges concernyng the sayme So it is 
honorable lorde and his worshypfull brether that a grett nomber 
of persons of this citie not regayrdyng the sayde orders and 
laudable ordinances bott contrarie the sayme to the vtter 
dystruction of the sayd occupacon of vynteners and mysterye 
of the sayme nott beyng admyte by the serchers and feloshype 
of the sayd occupacion nor beyng wyllyng to bere and [se] 
susteyne the chayrges and expensis of the sayd occupacion of 
vynteners bott at theyre awne lybertye drawyth and retaylyth 
wynes and some of theyme suche as is vneholsome and corrupte 
and puttyth the drawyng therof to vneable persons contrarye the 
ordynances of the sayd occupacion of vynteners to the vtter 
dystenction of the sayme, oneles a spedye reymedy herin be [hy] 
hayde In consyderacon wherof may it pleas yowr good lordeshype, 
that wheras there is bot fewe in nombre franchesyd to the sayd 
occupacon to appoynte a certen nombre at the dyscrescion of 

1 ffor| MS ffor ffor 25 thynges) corrected in same hand from thenges 






nota pro Sadlers / 
& glasiers / for 
yer / pagiant 

15S iO RK 52977, 

yowre good lordeshype and sayd brether to be contributorie to 
the yerly chargys and expensis of the sayd occupacion and 
forther that the other not beyng admyte by yor lordshype and 
brether may surceasse and leave of retaylyng of wynes or elles to 
dyscharge and anulle the sayd occupacron and puttyng all at 
lybertye and the sayd Thomas greges and Rychard Aynley shall 
dayly pray for yowre prosperos healthes 

£50 (23 March) 

Assemblyd in the Counsall Chambre of owsebrige of this Citie 
the day and yere abouesaides when and where it was agreyd by 
the said presentes / That the billettes shalbe mayd and delyueryd 
for the playng of Corpuscrysty play / 

Also it is agreyd that the Sheryffes of this Citie shall Ryde 
vppon Mydsomar Evyn with ther officers and a nombre in 
harnes / and at other tymes as haith beyn of auncyent tyme 

f£52v (24 April) 

Alsoo it is aggreed by the said presens that the Inholdars [sh] 
the Weavers / Drapers . Taylowrz & hosiers shalbe chardged by 
my lord Mayour to gathir vp their Pageant money accustomed 
and to bryng the same and delyuer it to my said lord to be 
further ordred by hym towardes settyng forth of pageantz on 
Corpus christi day [as to hym sha wher most nede shall be /] 
wher he shall see most nede / 

£56)(23 May) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre of Ousebrig of this Citie the 
day & yere above wrytten whan & where it was aggreed by the 
sayed presens that ffor soo moche as the Drapers of this Cite 
be dischardged of settyng forth their olde pageant called the 
Dyeng of our lady nowe layed downe the sayed Drapers shall 
therfor this yere paye of their owne costes xiij s ij d towardes 
[s] bryngyng forth of suche other pageantz . decayed as shalbe 
thought expedyent & necessary by my lord Maiour. 

Item ffor suche pouertie , "& skarsitie’ as is at this present 
perceyued in the Glasyars of this Citie it is aggreed by the sayd 
presens that they the same glasiars shall ffrom hensforth beare 






[Coblers] / 
Coblers / 

298 / YORK 1551 

the thridd part of the chardges of settyng forth the pagiant 
accustomed [be] to be browght forth by the Sadlers and glasiars 
Or elles to be equally rated by polle all the sadlers & glasiars 
togiders and to paye euery of theym in lyke / by discrecion of 
my Lord Maiour / 

Item that where by tholde ordynance of the Coblers within 
this Citie certayne ffynes & forfaytures of the same occupacion 
shold be payed towardes vpholdyng of certayne torches in 
Corpus christi procession shall be from hensforth payed [and] 
thone half to the Chambre of this Cite & thother half to the 
profit of thoccupacion / And to be contributory this yere to such 
pagiant settyng forth as shalbe thought most nede by dyscrecion 
of my lord Maiour / 

£57 (25 May) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre of Ousebrig of this Citie the 
day & yere above wrytten whan & where it was aggreed by the 
said presens that for soo moche as the sykenes hath ben latly 
within this Citie: and to avoyde , “somme’ [(..)] occasion [(.)] of 
lyk ‘[(..)]° this somar . by reason of confluence and blyndyng 
[of] togiders of “euery’ [of] sort of people at this Corpus christi 
playe with [, .....)"] long taryeng abowt it / No moe pagiantes 
shalbe played thys yere but [tenne] in tenne certayne stations / 
that is to saye 

In Mykilgate ageynst Heryson doore 

Item ageynst the three kynges. 

Item at my lord mayor doores 

ffourthly at martyn metcalf dore in Conystreet 
ffyftly at the comon hall gates 

sextly ageynst mr hartley dor in Stangate 
seventhly at the Mynstar gates 

eightly at mr Gales door 

ixly at Goodramgate head 

and last in the Pavement / 

£61 (27 June) Tailors 

Item yt is ordenide and establyshed yat the sayd searshers shall 
gether euery yere throughe the Citie thacustomed Pagyant 






1551 YORK / 299 

syluar of euery person of the sayd Craft aswell stragers as others 
at the feast of Corpus christi and make all the costes and expenses 
for the vpholdynge and mannteinge of their Pagiantes . And 
therof accompte vnto the Master wit/in ii) wekes nexte folowinge 
[t] the feast of Corpus christi vpon Payne of leisynge x s / 

f 6lv 

Item yt is ordened and establyshed that euery prentishe yat 
haith trewly seruide his maister to the ende of his terme accorded 
betwyxte him and his sayd maister shalbe admitted to be a free 
sewer by the maister soo that he paye vj d for Pagiante money 
beffore / 

ff 63-3v 

Item that Kendaill men yat bringithe wollen clothe to this Citie 
to sell from hensforth they sell in grosse in the sayd Thirsdaye 
Markett or comon hall And not to goo hawkynge and sell in 
any oyer place vpon paine of forfature of their cloithes as is 
abouesayd &c. / Provyded allwais that theis ordinancis aforsayd 
or any article of the same be not preiudiciall ne hinderinge to any 
husbandmazm or other poor creature of ye , ‘same’ cuntre beinge 
vnfrencheside yat makethe a pece or ij of wollen clothe in a yeare 
within his owne house and bringithe to this Citie to sell the sayd 
cloithe or cloithes by retaill vpon ye | Paviment or any other 
place within the Citie and subvrbs of the same thies ordinances 
or any artycle therof not with standynge Soo yat euery person 
yat sellyth any wollen cloithe by retaill or in grosse and havinge 
ouer three yeardes of broide cloithe and sex yeardes of narrowe 
paye yearly pagiante syluar vnto yefe] pagiante maisters and 
searchers of the sayd Craftes and occupacions of Drapers and 
Taillors as haithe beine accostomed of aunciente tymes 
heretofore / 

2 christi] chr spelled out in Roman letters 






300 / YORK 1551 

f64v (27 June) 

Item it is nowe ordeyned that the saied Turnars hayrestars 
syviars and bullars of the sayd Citie be contributorie and pay 
pagiant syluar to the sayd Ropers for bringynge forth of ther 
pagiant at Corpus christimas and all other aswell ffree as foreyn 
that occupie any thinge belongyng to the sayd Craftes within 
this Citie euery of theym accordynge to the quantitie of their 
occupinge witout gayne say apon peyn of xx d to be payed as 
is aforsayd / 

£67* (10 July) 

ffor soo moche as Parsyvall Crawforth and Edwarde Grenebery 
nowe Shirefes of this Citie hath Disobeyed and refused to ffullfyll 
the [ffull] aggreament and ordre [maiour & his bretherne] of my 
lord maiour & his bretherne made in this hous the xxiyjth of 
March And alsoo my sayed Lord Maiourz speciall Commandement 
to theym made sythens apon peyne of x li. . “a pece’ that they 
shold haue rydden ; apon Corpus christi day myddsomer even 

. and saynt petre even with their officers and a nombre in 
harnes , ‘to see the kynges peace kept’ [and at other tymes] 
accordyng to the laudable custome of this Citie and hath not soo 
done contrary to their dewties . It is therfor nowe ordered and 
aggreed by all this sayed presens that eyther of theym shall paye 
x li. apece for their sayed contempt & disobedyens to thuse of 
the Chambre / 

f70v (14 August) 

an that [mo] no man from hensforth shall werk any colored 
yerne but he shall paye pagiant money to the sayed craft of 
Tapitours / 

A/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20 

f292* (14 August) 

°Tapitours’ Tapiters 
Voiez plusours , “aulters’ ordynauncz de cest occupacion faitz 
xiiij iour dAugust lanne notre seignour le roy Edwardi vi synke 






SS ieO Rhee 3071 

come pleynement appiert en liure Thome Appleyard adonsquve 

In primis ordinatum est & concordatum tam pro communi 
vtilitate tocius populi domini Regis quam artificiorwm artis 
predicte quod nullus artifex artis supradicte operabitur in eodem 
artificio nisi dum lux diei sibi ad operandum racionabiliter 
sufficere poterit cum instrumento dicte artis vocato Shotll sub 
pena decem solidorum soluendorum tociens quociens aliquis 
eorum contra dictam ordinacionem deliquerit duas partes 
Communitati huivs Ciuitatis & terciam partem dicte arti ad 
sustentacionem pagine & ludi corporis christi per dictos artifices 

f 292v 

Item quod quilibet magister artificij supradictiin propria persona 
sua cum pagina dicte artis in festo corporis christi transiet & 
laborabit pro gubernacione eiusdem quousqve ludus dicte artis in 
locis assignandis & ordinandis per Ciuitatem iuxta ordinacionem 
eiusdem Ciuitatis debite fuerit perimpletws nisi aliquis eorum 
senectute debilitate seu infirmitate aut alia causa excusacronis 
legitima & probabilis fuerit impeditus / quo casu contingente 
alium deputatum sufficientem loco suo prouidebit & ordinabit 
et si aliquis eorum defecerit in aliqua parte huiws ordinacionis 
soluat communitati & arti xij d equis porcionibus applicandos 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: C6:16 

mb 1 





(des of places : : 
(..)eareCorpus Item therfor this yere nihil 

(...) pl ee 
Dey Summa nihil 

34 Marginalia| Leases of places to heare Corpus Christi play 

302 / YORK 1551 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 


Item Ressawyd off the occapacione ffor pagand mone KG? 
Item resauyd off the fforanders ffor pagand mone Cr) 
Item ressawyd off the Watter ledders & ssandledders xa 


Item payd to the player ffor playng off the pagand AOSV es) 
Item payd ffor mendyng off the pagand & the qwelys Vs 
Item payd to the Wayttes off trenyte Sunday at ssoper viyj (...) 

Item payd ffor howsstarme [to] the bryge masters xij d 
Item payd to the Wayttes & oyer Mynstrels off corpus christi 
day xvj d 
Item Spent off the players off corpus christiday atdynner xvd 
Item payd ftor the scheld to my lord Mare vilj d 
Item Spen ffor ij days goyng a bowt to the reperracions & 
thynges qwyche longyd to the pagand i) s 
f 12v 

Item Spent At Robert Herressons at hys pagand Inwyne —xvjd 

House Books Y: B20 

£87 (15 January) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre of Ousebrig the daye & yere 
abouesaid whan & where it was aggreed by the sayed presens that 
where Edwarde Grenebery late Shiref by ordre made the xth of 
luly ought to paye to the common vse x li. for his disobediens 
not ridyng in harnesse to kepe the Kynges peax on Corpus christi 
Day mydsomar even & Saynt Petre even accordynge to the 
Auncient & laudable custome yer for soo moche as he hath 
humbly submytted hym self to thordre of this presens desyryng 







ordre ageynst 
the sykenesse 

Shirefes not 
ridyng / 

1552 YORK / 303 

theym to be good vnto hym herin they therfor haue [rele] 
aggreed that he shall be released fyve markes parcelle of the 
sayed x li. And shall paye v li. xiij s iiij d resydew to the common 
vse without furder dylay / to the Chambrelaynes handes. 

And lyk ordre is alsoo made for Parsyvall Crawforth an other 
of the said late Shireffes to pay & do in all poyntz & condicons 
as his ffelawe 1s / 

£99 (1 April) 

Item that the billettes shalbe made & delyuered for playeng of 
Corpus christi playe this yer to (blank) 

f100* (22 April) 

Item that the Pagiant money of this yere shalbe receyued by 
the {said} Chambrelaynes / And by my lord maiours discreczon 
to be disposed . thone half to the kepyng of the sayed visited 
people . And tother half to thuse of thoccupacions / &c. 

f 100v* 

Item to thentent ‘the better’ to avoyde assembles of people as 
this present within the sayed Citie beyng dangerouse for the sayd 
sykenes it is therfor aggreed that the billettes latly delyuered 
forth for Corpus christi lake shall be incontynently called in 
ageyne and not to be played this yere / 

£105 (9 June) 

And for soo moch as this yere there is no playe on Corpus christi 
daye it is therfor aggreed by this presens that the Shireffes shalbe 
perdoned of their Rydyng accustomed of the same daye . And 
ffurther bycause the sykenesse is nowe . dangerouse in this Citie 
it is alsoo aggreed s that for not rydyng on mydsomar even & 

Saynt petre even accustomed the same Shirefes fourty shillynges . 

videlicet xx s a pece in name of a ffyne to the comon Chambre 

17 shalbe] MS shalbe be 27 lake) for late 
37 s| single letter not cancelled 






SO4e/ NIOR Kat 5512 

And soo bothe they and their seriantes to be yerof excused 

£106 (20 June) 

Item ffor certayne good consideracions it is nowe ordered that 
the Pageant money for this yere shall not be gathered . Except at 
their pleasures towardes the reparellyng onely of ther pageantes 

t126 (16 December) Turners and Ropers Ordinances 

Item it is ."nowe’ ordeyned that the sayd Turnars hayrestars 
syviars and bullars of the saied Citie be comtributorie and pay 
pagiant syluar to the sayd Ropers for bringyng forth of ther 

pagiant at Corpus christimas and all other aswell ffree as foreyn 
that occupie any thing belongyng to the sayd Craftes within 

this Citie euery of theym accordinge to the quantitie of ther 

occuping withowt gayne say apon payn of xx d to be payed as 
_ ‘is’ aforsayd / 

Money receyued by lord Mayour 

for pageant money to be payed 
ageyn wher most nede shold be 

XXXVll] $ vilj d 
after the rate of iiij d the grot 

Wherof payed / 

ffirst to John hall & John hudson 

paigeant maisters of the vj s 

Chandelars towardes ther charges aftre i1ij d to the grote / 
of pageant 

Item to Iohn Meltonby for 
paigeant money towardes his 

viij s , “uj d” 
aftre iil) d to ye grote 

Item to William Slater & Thomas ees 
Chaw serchars of Skynars for aftre iiij d to grote 
pageant money 







Rentes and 
ffermes without 
Myklithe Barr 
Toftgrene & 

1552 YORI / 3.05 

Item to Nyny Blythman visited 

towardes his releif & ffryndyip 

of dumbe Iohn from the xijth of ix s 

lanuary vnto . the ijde of aftre ij d the grote 
ffebruary anno vj'° aftre ilj s 

the weke 

Item to the Cowpers for [¢....)] 
gagyng tolle dysshes aftre xvj to 
the pekke for their peyment 

vj d 
aftre ij d the grote 

more receyuwed by my syd lord maiour 

Item receyued of the occupacion 

of Ropars for their paigeant 2 
‘ . aftre ij d the grote 

money j™° Januar]j 

Item payed for Isabell Ruttre of 

Conystreet fir hous dresseng & ij s vujd 

kepyng hir self in leynge beynge _aftre ij d the grote 

visited in reward 

[And soo receyving from the 
sayd Thomas Appleyard sayed 
lord maiour handes 

And soo the sayed Thomas 
Appleyard maiour hath payed 
asmoche as he receyued and is 

quyet / 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C90:1 
mb 1 
Item of the Skynners for ther pagyant howse 

Item the Marchauntes for there pagyanthowse 
Item of the Tapitowrs for ther pagyant howse 

2 his) s may be r 

SK, VIS Vill ae) 
aftre ij d. the grote Vsuhe stes 

xij d 

xij d 
xij d 







Peterlane litle 


306 / YORK 1552 

Item of the Gyrdlers pagyant howse vilj d 
Item of the wrightes & Cordyners pagyant howse js 
Item of the Tanners pagyanthowse xij d 
Item of the Bakers pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the Cowpers for an nowtshott lj d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D58R(a) 

mb 1 
... [And for the Butcher pagiant xij d] «Our 

mb 2 

... And to the Brigmasters of Owsebrige for the pagiaunte howsse 
ffarme / ‘xij d° ... 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 

f 14v 

xuijth day of Novembr 
Item pay the sayme day At Steuen Skelton hous A dynner to 

mynstrells xij d 
Item payde ther for drynke After dynner vilj d 
Item spent At Master Rogers the twysday before Candylmes day 

for drynke After denner iy d 
Item to the Waytes ther the same day inj d 

Item payd to Rychard pease laite brygmaster & hys felow for the 
A rerage of rent for [t] of the pagent hous in Mr Skeltones days 

when he & felows was Scerchers xij d 
Item payed to the mynstrels off trinite sonday at soper ij d 

Item payed to Iohn Wylson to paye for on pare of whelles —_vij s 
Item delyuerd to the sayd Iohn to the same vse xixth day of 

tune xx d 





rydyng of 
Shirefes on 
Corpus christi 
day &c. 

IDO 2 wORIK / 3/07, 

sie payd ffor howssfarm x1) d 
Item payd ffor scheld vilj d° 

House Books Y: B21 
fF* (13 March) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre apon Ousebrig the day & 
yere above sayd whan & where it was aggreed that Corpus 
Christi playe shalbe this yere played on Corpus christi day as 
hath ben accustomed And that billetes shalbe made forth &c. 

fH (14 April) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre apon Ousebrig the day and 
yere abovesayd whan and where it was aggreed by the sayed 
presens that fforasmoch as the wollen weavers was wont to bryng 
fforth A pageant of the Assumption of our lady on Corpus christi 
day yerely whiche Pageant is nowe leaft of / And soo the sayd 
Weavers haue nowe no pageant to bryng forth / 

And ageyne wher the Sledmen of this Citie haue a pageant to 
bryng forth and by reason of their [power] pouerty are not 
hable to bryng forth the same as they haue ben accustumed and 
specially for that that the same pageant is now farr in decay & 
broken / Itte is nowe therfor aggreed bye the sayed presens that 
the sayd Wollen Weavers shall bryng forth the sayd Sledmens 

And that the sayed Sledmen to be ffrom nowe fforth 
Contributory to the Cappers in bryngyng forth ther pageant. 

fMv (9 May) 

It is nowe more ouer aggreed by the sayed presens that the 
Shirefes of this Cite that nowe be shall accordyng to the auncient 
custome of the same City in peaceable maner ride with [a numbre] 
their officers and a numbre of fotemen with theym in harnesse 
orderly On Corpus christi day / And than their officers on 
mydsomar even ffor the worship of this Cite & seeing the Kinges 





Bladesmythes / 

Peter layn Litle 


308 / YORK 1553 

peax than kept / And soo to be spared on Saynt petre even / 

f16* (12 November) 

Where as certayne varians hath of late rysen betwene the Craftes 
of Bladesmythes of this Citie of thone partie and the blaksmythes 
of the same of thother partie for and concernyng the Serche of 
axes billes and other wares of Strangers brought to this Citie to 
be sold . / belongyng . to eyther of the sayed twoo craftes It is 
nowe therfor ordeined by all the sayed presens with consent of 
bothe the sayed occupacions that , ‘at’ all tymes herafter one 

of the Serchars of the sayd blacksmythes and an other of the 
bladesmythes shall goo louyngly togiders and ioyntly make 
serche of the [sayed] wares of Strangers concernyng eyther of the 
sayd Occupacions commyng to this Citie to be sold . And lykwise 
receyue the pagiant syluer & other ther dewties accustomed 
ffor the sayed stranger wares / And than to make equall dyuysion 
of the same / thone half yerof to goe to , ‘the’ nedes of the sayd 
Craft of blacksmythes & thother half of the bladesmythes Apon 
peyne to eyther of the sayd occupacions doyng in any poynt 
contrary to this ordynance to fforfayte iij s iiij d to the Chambre 
vse toties quotiens / 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D58S(a) 

mb 1 
_.. [Item of the butchers for there pagiant house farme xj d] 
oute ° 

mb 2 
_.. to the Brigmasters of Owse brige for the pageant howse farme 

‘xij d? ... 

Collation (B21, f 16 with E22, f 150): 6-10 to craftes] omitted 11 nowe 
therfor] therefore nowe 11 ordeined] ordred 12 the sayed occupacions] 
thoccupacions afforesaid 13 sayd] omitted 15 (sayed]] omitted 15 in 
left margin] Straungers stuf to be searched 18 stranger wares] waires of 
straingers 20 Craft] Craftes 20 thother] the 21 to eyther of the sayd] 
of eyther the said 22 to] shall 22-3 to the Chambre vse] to thuse of the 

Common Chamber of this Cytie 




1553 YORK / 309 
Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 

f 12v 

Item Ressawyd off owre occapacion ffor pagand mone xiilj s vj d 

Item ressawyd off the bowrnledders xij d 
Item ressawyd off the wewers xij d 
Item ressawyd off the bowlbakers lll] S 

Item ressawyd off the pagand masters yat day yat thay mayd ye 
Rekyng dynner js ij d [¢.)] 

ff 13-13v (Expenses) 

Reperraciouns mayd off the pagand hows & off the pagand 

Item In primis ffor apayre off New qweles Vij s 
Item ffor Nalles & clottes xvij d 
Item ffor byndyng off the qwheles & A strake & 

warkmaschyp xvij d 
Item beylles & nales ij d 

Item ffor mendeng the lam & payntyng off the dyadems ee) 
Item ffor lym to the pagand hows & ssand & beyiryng 

off it ij «..) 
Item for 1) C thake theyll ll] S vilj d 
Item ffor lattes & Nalles & esbordes vd 
Item payd to A teyller & hys serwand xij d 
Item ffor Nalles vil d 
Item ffor bordes to the dors lj s 
Item ffor v leghys ij d 
Item ffor 1) Crukes & warkmanschype lj d 
Item ffor makyng off the dors vij d 
Item ffor bordes to the lyttyll dore vil) d 
Item ffor Crukes & bandes to the lyttyll dore vilj d 
Item ffor loke & kay ij d 
Item ffor lattes & Nalles ij d 
Item erth & warkmanschype vj d 
Item ffor A bare ouer the dowre & A clute & Nalles vj d 
Item ffor warkmanschepe iij d 
Item ffor bred & ayll iiij d | 

38 the] MS the the 







Corpus chris¢i 
play to be 
played / 

processions / 

310/ YORK 1553 

Item payd to the plaer ffor playng off the pagand xs vilj d 
Item payd ffor the players dynners off corpus christiday  xvjd 
Item payd to the bregmasters ffor howsferm xij d 
Item payd ffor the sheld to my lord mare vi d. 
f 17v 

Item paied for the plaie [x s viij d] 

House Books Y: B21 
31 (9 February) 

Item that Corpus christi playe [go] shall (god willyng) be played 
this yere And billettes to be made fforth as hath ben accustomed 
And that theis pagiantes that of late were left forth shall be 
played ageyne as before tyme they were at the Chardges of 
theym that were wont to bryng theym fforth And alsoo that the 
xij & xxij°r and all other occupacions accustomed to haue 
torches / shall haue warnyng to prepare euery man for their 
torches ageynst the sayd Corpus christi day 

£43* (20 April) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre apon Ousebrig the day and 
yere abovesayd whan & where it was aggreed / that accordyng to 
the auncient Custome of this Cite the Solempne procession [with 
bryngyng forth of Saynt George a messe & sermon] shalbe haid 
on Saynt Georges day ./. And a messe with a sermon to be done 
at Saynt Georges Chapelle. And alsoo saynt George that day to 
be brought forth & ryde as hath ben accustomed at the Chambre 

Item that procession shalbe alsoo had on [s] Wytson Tewysday 
and prouision to be made by the brigmaisters in the Chambre 
apon Ouse brig for my lord maiour his brederne and maistrs of 
the cherche the lady maioresse with ladies and others accordyng 
to the old laudable custome at the charges of the Chambre / 

Item that procession on the morne aftr Corpus christi day 

32 George] corrected from Georges in the same hand 







pageant places 

rydyng of 
Saint George / 



Vyntenars / 

1554 YORK / 311 

shalbe lykwise made wit) torches & oyer solemptnyties 
accordynge to the old vsage at chardges of the Chambr / 

£44 (11 May) 

Item that thofficers of euery warde gyve warnyng that suche as 
woll haue pageantz played before their doores shall comme in 
and aggree for theym before Trynytie Sonday next / or elles to 
haue none And the places to be appoynted by discrecion of my 
Lord maiouwr accustomed / 

Item that thexpenses of rydyng of Saynt George in procession 
made on his day amountyng to xxij s as by a bill did particlarly 
apper to this hows shall be payed of the Chambre costes / And 
nowe it is ordeyned that the sayed Procession & rydyng shall 
be [had] yerely vsed as hath ben And certayne of thaldremen 
xxiiijor & others by the discrecron of the maiowr for the tyme 
beyng shall goe home wit) hym the same day & dyne with hym 
Lyke as my lord maiour hath done this yere / 

£45 (18 May) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre of the Common Hall the 
day & yre above saied whan and where it was aggreed & ordeyned 
by the sayed presens that suche of the Sadlers as doo selle any 
Spurres byttes or styrvpes , within this Cite’ shalbe contributory 
and paye pageant syluer to the Spurriours & Lorymars of theys 
Citie towardes suppourtacion of their pageant &c. 

Item it is further ordeyned & aggreed that suche of the Carvers 
loynars & Carpentars as occupye any turnyng in their werkes 
within the Citie shalbe contributrie and paye xvj d pageant 
syluer to the occupacions of Turnars & Ropars towardes their 
expenses of [p] settyng forth Pageantz And the sayed xvj d. to 
be gathered [of] emonges theym selfes onely by sight of their 
Serchars & iijr honest persones of their sayed occupacions And 
to be delyuered to the sayed Turnars & Ropars / 

f 46v (1 June) 

It is nowe aggreed by the saied presens that the Vyntenars of this 
Cite shall from hensforth yerely beare chardges and expenses [all 
a lyke] euery of theym all alyke for & to brynyng forth of their 







Pro Camere x s 



SHZ e/a ORV Ks 105i5 

pageant on Corpus christi day and other ther chardges of the 
same occupacron any ordynance or vsage heretofor had or made 
to the contrarie not wy thstandyng 

Item that all suche as haue ben or shall be ffranchised within 
this Cite by name of Corne merchauntes shalbe from hensforth 
contributorie to the chardges of bryngyng forth the pageant of 
the Skryvenars and text wryghters / viz S Thomas of Vynde / 

Item for that the Girdlars on Corpus christi day did not 
forthwith folowe wit) their pageant in dewe course accordyng to 
thordynance & proclamacion yerof made but taried an wholle 
hower & more in hyndrans & stoppyng of the rest of the pageantz 
folowyng and to the disorderyng of the same It is therfor aggreed 
by theis presentz that the saied Girdlars shall pay for there sayd 
defalt . x s. to the Chambre vse / 

f52v* (17 August) 

Item it nowe alsoo aggred that the mynstrelles freemen of this 
Cite shalbe from hensforth a ffelawship and shall haue their 
propre ordynances in maner & forme ffollowyng ./ 

non processit vlterius / 
£57* (21 September) 

Assembled in the Common Hall of the saied Citie the day and 
yere abovesayed ffirst all the sayd presens entred the Counsell 
Chambre of the same hall whan and where apon a Supplicacion 
to theym exhibited by the wholle Occupacions of Ioynars and 
Carpentars of the same Citie [apon] ‘by’ / reasonable *.b.’ 
consideracion and / good ‘.a.’ aduyse it “.c.’ was aggreed that 
none [ffree] , ‘free’ of the same craftes within this Citie vsyng 
throwyng or turnyng in their workes shall [paye] be contributorie 
[o] nor pay any thyng to the occupacions of Ropars & Turnars 
of the same towardes chardges of [ther] any pageant but shalbe 
from hensforth , ‘therof’ quyet ageynst the sayed Ropars & 
Turnars The late Ordynance made the xviijth day of May last 
past notwithstandyng Prouyded allway that if any the sayed 
Carpentars Carvers & ioynars , or any other’ doo throwe or 
turne bolles disshes wheeles chayers or suche lyke stuff as 
perteyneth onely to the Turnars craft than euery suche to paye 

7 viz ... Vynde) written in a different ink, possibly by same hand 





N55 4 OR he / 933 

pageant syluer to the sayd Ropars & Turnars accordyngly. 

f 63 (9 November) 

Item where by thordynances of Taylowrz drapers of this Citie 
euery one occupieng as maistr of eyther the sayd twoo craftes 
within this Citie shall be contributorie to the chardges of 
bryngyng forth of their pageant on Corpus christi day & torches 
abowte the sacrament &c. accordyng as hath ben vsed to be 
assessed [by] in the sayd occupacions / And nowe it is presented 
to my lord maiour & all this presens that Edwarde Grembez 
George Diconson Thomas Broddes / and Iohn lakson Drapers 
will in no wise paye their pageant money apon theym [sessed] 
dewly sessed but do obstinatly refuse the same [in perillous] to 
the great encoragyng of suche lyk wilfull persones ./ & disordre 
in the sayed craftes. Wherfor it is nowe ffolly aggreed by all the 
sayed presens that , ‘euery’ of [any] the sayd 1i1j9' persones 
apon reasonable demande [doe] shall paye suche their pageant 
, Money’ apon theym sessed as hath ben accustomed this xxt! 
yeres [than] or elles to be commanded to shutt vp their 
shoppewyndowes by discrecion of my Lord Maiour./ 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC4(2) 
jo) Sy) 

Leases for Corpuscrysty play this yere 
The ffurst place at the Trinitie yaites where the Clerke kepys 

the Regyster / (blank) 
The Second place at harrysons & ffareweddrs ij s inj d 
The thyrd place at the thre kynges in Mykkylgate lj s inj d 

The 1iijth place at George Whytes enenst Lory ee. 
St [G] Iohn Churche iij s iiij d 

The vth place at Gregory Pacokes at owse bryg 
end at the Staith head 
taken by mr Watson aldrman at his request 

lj s 

The vj place at Conygstrete end enenst A ewe 
Castelgate to Robert Smyth uj s inj d 





314 / YORK 1554 

The vij place to Mr Appleyerdes alderman xvj d 
The vijth place at Martyn metcalfes in Conyngstrete js injd 

The ixth place at the Common Hall to my 

Lorde Maiour and his bredren se 
The xth place at Robert Bylbowes in Staynegate ij s inj d 
The xjth place at the Mynster yaite to Anthony Dycconson & 
Robert Staynburne lj s ij d 
The xij place at [the] Mr Gaylls aldrman xvj d 
The xiij place at the Gotheromgate hed to is iii d 
Edward Rayncoke & Kytchynman owe 
The xiiij place at Willzam Marstons in Cellyergate lj s ij d 
The xv place at Mr Bekwyths at hosyerlayn end nibil 
where as my Lady Mayres & hir systers lay 

The xvj place vppon the payment nihil 

Summa [xxxv] Xxxillj s vilj d 
p 62 

Forfaites of dyuers occupacions presentyd by there Serchers 

p 69 

Receyvyd of Robert Hogg and other of Thoccupacion 
of Gyrdlers for that there players was not Ryddy at 
Convenyent tyme to play in ther pagyant [at] of 
Corpuscrysty day x s / wherof payd to Iohn [Sonny] 
“Meltynby’ for bryngyngfurth of the play of Saynt 
Thomas Avynde for the Scryveners and Textwryters 
who haith none to bere with hym in the said Charges / 
and therefore my Lorde Maiour haith geven the said 
Meltynbe for this yere v s and so the Common Chambre 
parte therof is 






ponitur ad 

IIS 4Ay VOR KS / 315 


Serchers of the bakers presentes Nycholes Haxope bakers 
for that he wold not attend vppon ther pagyant vppon 
Corpuscrysty Day beyng warnyd by the Serchers / and 
also for dyssabayng the Serchers & hole occupacon 

xx d 


Serchers of the Bakers presentes Iohn hartlay Baker for that he 
came not to attend vppon ther pagyant before my Lorde Maiouwr 
at the Comon Hall / ponitwr ad arbitrandum / 

p 104 

Rentes Resolute 
Item payd to the Serchers of the Inholdrs towardes 

i) s 
ther Reparacions of ther pagyant accustomyd J 

p 107 
Mydsomar Terme 
Item payd to Rychard Aynlay for easment of his 

howses and Chambres vppon Corpuscrysty day / vj s vuj d 
to my Lord maiour & his bredren 

Rewardes Accustomyd to the Common waytes of this Citie 

Item payd to the Common waites of this Citie 

for Ester terme Accustomyd lj s ij d 
Item payd to the said waites for goyng before the i. 
procession vppon fryday after Corpuscrysty day xx d 
Item payd to the said waites for mydsomar Evyn ; 






SG y/ SOIR 54; 

Item payd to the waytes for Crystynmes day 

and St Stephyn day Accustomyd eget 
Item payd to the waites for St Wylliam day 
accustomyd Sol. mr. Weddrell ed 
Summa x} s viij d. 
p 114 
Clothyng Accustomyd to the Comon officers 

and Waytes of this Citie / 

Item payd to William Hill and his two fellos Comon 
Waites of this Citie for there Clothyng accustomyd XXXVJ S$ 
ayaynst Crystmes 

pp 132-3 
Expences of Corpuscrysty day beyng the 
xxilijt! day of May / anno / domini / 1554 / 

In primis in Bread ij dossan ijj s / In Ale ij 
dossans & vj gallons at 11j s a dossan xilj s_ vj d / 
Item xvj peces of Beyf vij s vii d / Item xiii 
geese ill) s vj d Item for fedyng of them by the 
Space of xvj days ij s Item for xij Cappons vij s 
ix d / And for fedyng them the space of xvj days 
xv} d / Item i) dossan Chekons vij s vj d / for 
butter vilj d / Item a pekk and a half of Salte vj d 
Item ij Sekkes of Charcoll vil d / Item for j 
quarters of Mutton ij s vil) d Item a Lone of 
Motton & vj li. of Sewett xxi d / for 11) dossan 
Rabbettes xij s / Item half ali. pepper xvd Item 
a quarter of an ownce Safferon iiij d / Item an 
ownce of Mace and Clowes vij d / Item jj li. 
prones iiij d a pond Currantes [vij d] ix d half a 
li. daites iij d / Item iij li. of white Sugar iij s ix d / 
half a li. Byskettes vij d ob / Item ij dossan and 
iiij Pegyons ij s vd Item in Reward to the Bakers 
viij d Item in Reward to the vynterners vilj d / 
for egges vj d Item to Rolland Cowke xx d Item 
for the lone of viij dossan pewther vessel xvj d / 

v li. xiij s viij d 






1554 YORK / 317 

Item for vj gallons Claryd wyne iiij s_ for jj 
gallons & a quarte whyte wyne xviij d for a 
pottell Sekk vj d for a Lune of Mutton vj d for 
vj pekkes of whete flower ij s for the Lone of ij 
dossan Stone Cruses iiij d Item to Dykson Baker 
for helpyng at the even viij d_ To jj porters viij d 
Item to ij Laborers in the kytchyng viij d_ for il 
dossan Trenshers vj d for nalesvd for Rysshes 
iij d for ledyng & lunyng a Sledd of Wodd xxj d 
for Six Pykes xix s/ for burne ij d for musterrd 
[i]j d for vynagar & vergyos ij d for Mylke ij d 
for apples 111) d ob / To petty for beryng home 
the Clothes & other thynges j d | 

Expences vppon ffryday after [the] Corpuscrysty day 

In maynebrede vj d_ for half a pound byskettes 

vij d ob ffor apples iiij d ob. ffor a gallon Claryd y.s wd 

wyne viij d_ for a pottell whyte wyne iilj d 

Summa totalis of all the said expences v li. xvij s 
ij d Wherof Receyvyd of my Lord Maiour 
Aldrmen & xxiilj™ by the Chambreleyns jj s_vij d 
And so Layd furthe of the Chambre Clerely 

p 142 
Expences necessary / 

Item payd for a whyte wand to my Lord Maiour as 
Master of Corpuscrysty gyld the fryday after 
Corpus christi day 

Item payd to Iohn Clerke for kepyng of the 
Register of Corpuscrysty play at the furst place 

p 156 

Rewardes to noble men Servauntes 

Summa nibil 

v li. xiilj s vij d 

iiij d 

xx d 






318 / YORK 1554 

p 162 
Chargys and Expences mayd vppon Saynt George Day / 

Item payd to Doctor Robynson that mayd the 

Sermond in Saynt George Close vppon St lj s ij d 
George Day 

Item payd for bryngyng and Carryeng home agayn 

the Pulpytt and formes [vd] wij d 
Item payd to the waites for Rydyng & playng 

before St George and the play ae 
Item payd to thre Laborers for Clensyng away vats 
the ffylthe at the postron of Skeldrgate ae 
Item payd to Mr Thorneton for Sylver paper for sii d 
Skottchons and for oyle & varmelon to the same ea 
Item to Rychard Graves for Cuttyng the Scutchons xy d 
Item to Thomas Paynter for payntyng the 7 
Skutchons of the best sorte a 
Item payd for a great nale to St christofer hed id 
Item payd to william paynter for Stuf and 

workmanshipe of v hundreth Skotchons of the ys vyjd 
bays sorte 

Item payd for vj yerdes of Canves to the pagyant lil} Ss 
Item payd to willam paynter for payntyng the xd 
Canves & pagyant 

Item to the porters for beryng of the pagyant the viiid 
dragon and St christofer 

Item payd to the king & Quene that playd xij d 
Item to the may viij d 
Item to Iohn Ellys for Layne of St George harnes aoa 

& his followers 






Rentes & 

ffarmes withowte 
Myklyth Barr 

Ratton Rawe 
Tofte Grene 

& Myklithe / 

Peterlayne lytie 

1554 YORK / 319 

{tem to Roger walker for mendyng the dragon i d 
Item to Iohn Stamper for playng St George ij s ij d 

Summa xxviljs vd 

p 193 

Henry [Ell] Prynce pagyantm(..)ster for the Laborers hoc anno 

Bowthom ward 
Rauf hedelay pagyant maister for the Laborers hoc anno putt in 
by Nycholes paynter he last pagyant master 

Walmegate ward 
Rychard Hornebe Laborer is appoyntyd pagyant master by Iohn 
[Lyor] Lyndeles 

Rychard Hebbylthwait Laborer is appoyntyd for that ward / 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C90:2 

mb 1 

Item of the Skynners for ther pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the Marchauntes for there pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the Tapitours for there pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the Gyrdlers for there pagyant howse vi d 
Item of the wrightes & Cordyners for there pagyant howse __ ij s 
Item of the Tanners for there pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the Bakers for there pagyant howse xd 
Item of the Cowpers for an owteshott ilij d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D59S(a) 

mb 1 

.. and for the butcher pageand ‘xij d’ and for the Bowyer 
pageand ./ ‘xvj d’ 









Corpus christi 

St. George 

320 / YORK 1554 

mb 2 
... And to the Brigge Maisters of Owse ee 
ae f 
howse ferme ‘xijd° .. rigg for the pageand 

Bakers’ Account Books BL.- Add MS 33852 

P16 (Receipts) 

Item received of our brether for paidgenmony Xillj s. vjd 
whereof to Iohn huntington Xs vilj d 
f l6v 

Item received of the bowlbaikers for padgen monye ulj s vjd 
Item received of the waltir leadirs xij d 
ae Ls ag 

Item paid for the plaie [x s viij d] 
f 19v* 

Item paied of corpus christi daie ffor dynner to the plaiers at 
Iohn huntingtons xvj d 

House Books Y: B21 
£85 (2 Apmnil) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre apon Ousebrig the day & 
yere abovesayed whan & where it was aggreed by the sayed 
presens that this yere Corpus Christi play shalbe played as ben 
And billettes of euery pageant to be delyuered forth 
incontynently ./ And that procession shalbe , ‘the day’ next 
aftr Corpus christi day with torches & other solempnyties as 
was the last yere 

Item the procession shall alsoo be had on Saynt Georges daye 
and a messe with a Sermen to be made at St Georges Chapelle 
And Saynt George to Ride that same tyme as was done the last 







Sledmen pageant 

ffalter Layne 



Popo wORK / 321 

yere of the Chambr costes. 

Item that Procession shall be on Wytson Tewysday . And 
prouision to be made by the brigmaisters in the Chambre apon 
Ousebrig for my Lord Mayour his brederne & maisters of the 
cherche / And for my lady Mayores & [other] ladys with others 
accordyng as was done the last yere /. And furthr that this yere 
they shall prouyde alsoo of white Cuppes . as hath ben , ‘vsed’ 
aforetyme of the Chambre costes / 

£90 (15 May) 

Item it is nowe aggreed that all suche persones within this Citie 
as doo take profite of any gehestes or gestes horses hauyng no 
signe at their doore shalbe contributorie to the charges of [the] 
bryngyng forth the pageant of the Sledmen / 

Mercers’ Account Rolls Y:D59T(a) 

mb 1* 
... the Butcher pageand ‘xij d’ and the Bowyer pageand ‘xvj d’ 

... to the Brigmasters of Owse bridge for pageand house ferme 


mb 2 
... Item for beringe vj torches vpon the morrow after corpus 
christi daye xij d... 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 

f 20 
Item Ressawyd off our awne occapacion ffor p(.....) mone xiiij (.) 
Item Ressawyed off the bowrnleders xij d 
Item Ressawyed off the bowlbakers vjs xjd 

Item ffor the pagend hows fferm xij d 






ffalrer Layne 



322 7/ YORK 1555 

Item payd ffor Dowlyng off the pagand qwellys and other 

thynges A bowt it lj s vij d 
Item payd ffor the players dynners off corpus christi day xxd 
Item payd to the plaer off ovre pagand xs vid 
Item payd ffor the scheld to my lord mare vilj d 
f 20v* 

<....) Ressawyd ffor ij pagand ffarme xvj de 

House Books Y: B22 
£5 (3 March) 

Aggreed nowe alsoo that billettes shall be made & delyuered 
forth for Corpus christi play as hath ben accustomed 

£14 (5 May) 

Assemblyd in the Counsell Chambre of Owsebrige of the said 
Citie the day and yere abouewrytten whan and where [a letter 
vnder Seall] the king and Quenes Maiesties letter vnder Seall 
Sent ffrome my Lord presydent and Counsell in the North 
parties concernyng players and Mynstrells namyng them selfes 
to be Gentylmen Sarvauntes was Delyuerd to these presens 
whiche was oppenly Redd to the same presens / 

Mercers’ Account Rolls Y:D59U(a) 

mb 2 
... the Butcher pageand ‘xij d’ and the Bowyers pageand ‘xvj d’ 

_.. to the Brigmasters of owse brige for pageand house farme / 
serif aE 

_.. Item for bering of sex Torches on fridaie after Corpus christi 

5 pagand] p of pagand written over another letter 







5/516) YOUR 9/93i213 

daie xij'd'/' =. 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 


tem ressawyd off owre awne occapacion xvjs vyjd 
Item ressawyd off the bowlbakers vs yjd 
lem Ressawyd off the Burnleders xij d 

Item Ressawyd ffor 1) pagand sstandyng in the pagand hows xv d 


Item payd to the plaers ffor playng off the pagand x $s vilj d 
Item payd ffor the plaers dynners off corpus christi day ij s 
Item payd ffor hussffarme xij d 
Item Spent on Corpus christi day x1) d 
Item payd ffor the Scheld xd 
Item payd ffor A galon of ayll to the plaers ily d 
Item payd ffor torchys beyrryng x1j d 
Item payd to the pagandmasters ffor getheryng off the pagand 

mone off oure awne crafte & the bowlbakers xij d 

Item payd ffor the qwels mendyng [& a bowt the] pagand xij d 
IE) S}7/ 

House Books VY: B22 

£53v (15 March) 

Item that Corpus christe play shall be plaied this yere and billettes 
to be maied forth for the same 

f 66v (11 June) 

And it was nowe alsoo aggreed that the Shirefes of this Citie shall 
ride [with] with harnessed men on Corpus christi day & mydsomar 
even accustomed apon peyne of greuouse ffyne &c. 






Comon wi...) 




324 / YORK 1557 
f 67v* (25 June) 

And now Robert Husthwait by this presens is taken to [to] be 
mete to remain one of the common waytes of this Citie vpon his 
good behaviour & dyligens . And aftr he be franchised the 
syluer cheyne wit) the skutcheon . apon suerty to be delyuered 
and gyven by weight & tale / prouyded that the resydew of the 
Aldremen & Counsell nowe absent / be made pryvey to the sayd 
admyttens And theyr consent to be haid to the same / 

£68 (9 July) 
Item that [the] suche pageantz as be not registred in the Cite 
booke shall be called in to be registred by discrecion of my lord 

And now alsoo was assessed fynes of such of the xxiiijti as 

lakketh ther torches in the procession aftr Corpus christi day 

Mercers’ Account Rolls Y: D59V(a) 
mb 2 
Item the Butcher pagiant ‘xij d’ The Bower Pagiant ‘xvj d’ 

.. and to the Brigmaisters of ouse brig for the pagiant house 
farme-/) sip: 

... Item paid to Iames Best for Topping of all our Torches 
‘xxxiiij s vij d” ... Item for bering Torches the fridaie after 
Corpus christi daie "xij d° ... 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 

Item Ressawyd pagand mony off owre Awne occapacion xvjs 
Item ressawyd off the bowlbakers vs 

5 w(...)] waytes 






1557 YORK / 325 

Item resawed off the mylners xij d 
Item Ressawyd off the parchmentmakers tj d 
Item payd to Iamys best ffor toppynge off the torcheys XV S 
Item payd to the plaer ffor playng xs vijd 
Item payd ffor the plaers brakefaste one corpus christiday js 
Item payd ffor iij dyadems & the lam mendyng xij d 

Item payd ffor ij galons off Ayll one corpus christi ewyn & 
one day x1) d 
Item payd ffor huppes to the qwels vj d 
Item payd qwen we payd the plaer his mony xvj d 
Item payd ffor wyne off corpus christi day ij d 
Item payd ffor torchys beryng xij d 
f 22v 

Item payd ffor Robert Walton dynner one corpus christi day iiij d 

Item payd ffor the scheld to my lord mare xij d 
Item payd ffor howsffarme xij d 
Item Spent abowt the pagand mone gydyryng vilj d 
Item payd to the mynstrels yat day yat we ma<..) owre Rekyng 
dynner ij d 
Item payd to the mynstrelles at Robert Wyld ily d 
Item payd to the mynstreles at thomas carl xij d 
Item payd at Rycherd Awkland to the mynstreles ij d 
Item payd the Same day ffor wyne ij d 
Item payd to the mynstreles yat day yat we mayd owre mandy 
bred vj d 

House Books Y: B22 
f118v (9 March) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambr apon Ousebrig the day & 
yere abovesayd whan & where this presens callyng to their 






notandum Saynt 
Blaises day past 
27 Aprilis 

326 / YORK 1558 

remembrans the excedyng dearly of all maner of vitaylles and 
other necessaries of howskepyng whiche in theis our dayes doo 
cost duble and treble the money that in tyme past they were 
wont to doo. And herewith consideryng alsoo the many and 
sump tuouse festynges dynars and bankettes whiche the Mayour 
of this Citie for the tyme beyng must [onely] of custome make 
to the Riche with great excesse and superfluytie not onely to the 
importinat costes and chardges of the saied mayour but alsoo to 
the displeasu(..) of allmightie god ffor reformation wherof and 
[accordye] to folowe the godly example aswell of the lord 
mayour of London as of other noble men of this realme It is 
nowe condiscended ordeyned and aggreed with the wholle 
consent of all the sayd presens that part of the said festes &c. 
shalbe [clere] ffrom hensforth clerly discharged and leaft of And 
bycause metyng of neighburghes at the sayd festes & dynars and 
there makyng mery togiders was a good occasion of contynewyng 
and renewyng of amytie and neighburghly love one with an 
other therfor other part of the said festes & dynars shall still 
remayne but the costly ffare yerof to be moderated and abatyd 
{but dis(....) of the mayour for the tyme beyng] in maner and 
fforme ffolowyng that is to say 

ffirst the festes dynars and bankettes made by the sayd mayour 
to his bretherne thaldremen and others of the privay Counsell of 
this Citie &c. in the tyme of Lent / on Saynt George day aftr 
procession / on mydsomar even / the day of Election of the 
maistr of Saynt Thomas hospitall / and the day of . thaccomptes 
takynge of the same / And alsoo apon Saynt Blasys day to be 
clerely dischardged and leaft of 

Item lyke dynars & bankettes made to the ladyes / on 
palmesonday / Wytsonday / Corpus christi day / Saynt Stephene 
day & mydsomar even to be alsoo dischardged. 

Item the day of the Election of the mayour he to gyve at his 
comyng home onely maynbread beer or ale and wyne 

And Lykewise on Palmesonday the Ladyes &c. to wayte apon 
the Lady mayoresse in procession at the mynster & home And 
there to tak a cupp of wyne and soo depart 

Item at the Election of the maistr of Saynt Thomas hospitall 
and at thaccomptes takyng of the same a pece of Beif to be there 
provided for theym that take peynes & be present of the hospitall 
cost soo that the expensez therof doo not exced x s at a tyme / 

Item that the players & suche as taketh peyns ouer procession 
&c. on saynt George day to be payd for their labour of the 





“pater noster’ 
[Creyd] play 
to be playd / 

St George play 
to be sparyd 

Pageant syluar 

1558 YORK / 327 

chambr costes 

Item that the iiijor Tusticez seeth venison in Somar the ffysshyng 
day and dynar aswell to the ladies as to the men , ‘on Saynt 
William day’ to contynewe vnto further [¢...)] ordre be therin 

£120 (16 March) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre apon Ousebrig the day & 
yere abovesayd whan and where the Play of Corpus christi for 
this yere apon good and reasonable considerations is thought 
best and also aggreed to be spared & leaft of playeng [for this 
yere] the tyme instant beyng bothe trowblouse with warres and 
also contagiouse wit) sykenesse. 

f125v (20 April) 

Assemblyd in the Counsell Chambre of Owsebrige of this Citie 
the day and yere abouesaydes whan and where it was agreyd by 
the said presons That Iohn Branthwate Master of St Antonys and 
his kepers shall ffurthwith provyd for the playng of one play 
called the Pater noster play this yere / and the Charges therof 

to be borne of the money to be gatheryd by the occupacions of 
this Citie of there pagyant money / and that the ffurst bayn or 
messynger shall Ryde in dyver Stretes within this Citie appon 
St George day next and the other messynger to Ryde in like mane 
vppon Whitson Monday to thentent that the Contry may haue 
knowelege that the head play shalbe playd appon Corpus christi 
day next / Mr Holme Alderman haith promysed to speke with 
the said Master of St Anthonys for the same purpose / 

Item it is agreyd in consyderacon abouesayd that this yere 
St George play shall be left & not playd / and the provision of 
thynges alredy boght & mayd for the ffurnytowr therof shall be 
payd of the Chambre costes / and broght in to the Chambre to 
be kepte agaynst a nother yere / 

£127 (11 May) 
Item it is nowe aggreed that all the Pageant maistrs within this 
Cite shalbe warned to bryng in the half of all such pageant 

26 mane] for maner 28 head] for sead 





pageant money 

32:0 ORK 1558 

money as they gather towardes the chardges of settyng furth of 
the pater nostr play to be played this yere / 

(31 May) 

Memorandum that on “Tewisday’ [Moone day] in wytsonweeke 
it was aggreed by my lord mayour Aldrmen & xxiiij°’ assembled 
in the Counsell Chambre apon Ouse brig betwene the procession 
tyme that this yere pater nostr play beying played on Corpus 
christi day Dynar with brekfast & suppir shalbe prouyded [for] 
by the Chambrelaynes for my sayd Lord mayour Aldremen & 
xxiij°r as hath ben accustomed at Corpus christi play / in the 
Chambre at the Common hall yates / 

Item that the sayd Chambre wher my lord mayour & his 
bretherne doo than sytt shalbe semely [discha] ceeled above the 
head at the Chambre costes And furthr quysshens hangynges & 
oyer necessaries to be prepared by the sayd Chambrelaynes / 

£129 (8 July) 
And here alsoo it was aggred that Ametson paynter shold haue 

for payntenge of certayn bannar clothes for pater [p] noster 
playe liij s iiij d of the money gathered of pageant sylvar 

f£129v (15 July) 
Item ffor asmoch as the money gathred of the pageant syluer will 

above it is thrfor aggred that my lord mayour shal goe ouer 
ageyne / and ratebly gather of euery occupacion chardgeable to 
the same / the sayd somme behynde / & if the wholl expenses 
cannot be goten than furthr ordre to be taken yerfor 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C90:3 
mb 1 

Item of the Skynners pagyanthowse x1j d 






poo OK / 329 

Rentes and Item of the marchauntes for there pagyanthowse xij d 
ees Sanna urs for there pagyanthowse xij d 
aiscllich Bate Item of Tapytours pagy yl 
within eee Z 
Reon ewe Item of the wrightes for there pagyanthowse i xij d 
Toftegrene & d f h h ad 
Myklyth Item of the Cordyners for there pagyant howse i 
Item of the Tanners for there pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the Bakers for there pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the Cowpers for one owteshot ij d 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CCS5(1) 

f 52v 
Rewardes to the Common Waites Accustomed 

Item payd to the Waites of this Citie for Eyster 

terme accustomyd Bee 

Item payd to the Waytes for Crystynmas Evyn ‘is iii d 

Crystynmas day and St Stephyn day accustomyd J J 

Item payd to the said Waites for St William day d 

accustomyd a 
Summa viij s uj d 

f 53v 

Clothyng to the Common Offycers 
and waites of this Citie Accustomyd 

Item payd to Nycholas Wright and his two ffellos 

waites of this Citie for there Clothyng to be payd XXXVj S 
emonges them at Crystynmes 

f 67v 
Expences on Corpuscrysty Day 
Summa nihil 

1 of] MS of of 

vj©° Februarij 
anno 1558 / 

xvij Aprilis 
anno 1559" / 

vj"° Maij / 
anno / 1559° / 

330/ YORK 1559 

f 68 
Expences on St George Day 

Summa nihil 

tforren paymentes 

Item payd to Iohn Clerke for entryng in the 
Regyster the Regynall of the pagyant pertenyng xij d 
to Craft of ffullars whiche was never before Regestred 

Rewardes to honourable menes seruantes and Mynstrells 
Payd in Reward to the Erle of Darby Barward js uy d 

Payd in Reward to my Lord Awdelay mynstrels 

: ij s 
& Sarvantes ) 

Pagyantmaysters for the Laborers [with] ‘for’ 
the 111j° wardes of this Citie 

Lancelot wowar Laborer is appoyntyd by the Last pagant 
Maister to be pagyantmaster for thes Laborers in Monke ward 
for this yere 

Bowthome ward 

Walmegate ward 


Nycholas Avyson Laborer is appoyntyd by the last pagyant 
Mayster to be pagyant mayster for this yere in that ward / 

f 97v 

Mr Thomas Glason promysed before my Lord Maiour to bryng 






he apperyd the 
xx of luly & 
haith ferther day 
geve to the xxvij 
of June / 

fforfait money 


Rent Resolute 


Rent Resolute 

SISOS ORK) 3.33 

in the Regynall of the Inholdrs pagyant that it may be Regestred 
before mydsomer next 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: DS9W(a) 

mb 1 

Item the said Accomptantes Aunswere for money by theme 
Resayvyd this yere that is to say of ames Hall for that he Refusyd 

to stand paygon maister whyche was Agreyd by all the consent 
of holl ffellowship as a peryth in the Cowrte boyke x s ... 

mb 2 
Item for the Butcher pagyant howse xij d 
Item for the Bowers pagyant howse xvj d 

... Item to the Brigmaisters of Owsebrige for the pagyant howse 
ffarme xij d ... 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D59X(a) 

mb 2 

Item for the Butcher pagyant howse xij d 
Item for the Bowers pagyant howse xvj d 
mb 2d 

... Item to the Brigmaisters of Owsebrige of owr pagyant howse 
ffarme xij d / 


House Books Y: B23 

£10 (27 March) 

Assembled in the Consell Chambre apon Ousebrig whan & where 

it was aggreed that Corpus christi play shalbe played this yere 
with good players as hath ben accustomed Except onely the 






Paynters & 

Shirefes rydyng 

33:2 / WORK 15161 

Pagiantes of [thAssu] the dyenge Assumption and Coronacion 
ot our Lady / 

ie Fe) 

Alsoo at the humble sute and peticon made by the occupacion 
of Paynters of this Citie beyng poore men and chardged yerely 
to bryng forth on pagiant of Corpus christi called pynnar pageant 
togithers with thoccupacion of Pynnars of the same Citie / and 
are at moare chardges therin then the said Pynnars are / It is 
therefor ordered and aggreed by the said presens that the said 
occupacions of Paynters and pynnars of this Citie shall frome 
hensforth beare and paye like chardges togithers thone with 
thother in all thinges for and concernyng the furnyture and 
bryngyng forth of the said pagiant / any vsage heretofore had 
therin to the contrary notwithstandyng / 

£16 (7May) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre apon Ousebrig the day & 
yere abovesayd whan & where it was aggreed that the Shirefes of 
this Citie that nowe be shalle this yere on Corpus christi day in 
decent wise ryde with a competent nombre of men in harnes [&] 
with weapons / for the Citie worship as hath ben laudably 

f18v (14 May) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre apon Ouse brig the day & 
yere abovesaid whan & where it was aggreed that Mr Georg hall 
and mr william Broklyn Shirefes in the thyme of the Mayoraltie 
of mr Standeven ffor their defaltz of not rydyng with harnessed 
men accustomed on Midsomar even shall paye to the Chambre 
vse in name of a ffyne eythr of theym xiij s ij d a pece 

Item that mr hugh Graves & mr Thomas Harper Shirefes in the 
tyme of Mayoraltie of mr lames Haryngton ffor their defaltz of 
not rydyng with harnessed men accustomed aswell on Corpus 
[day] christi day as on mydsomar even shall paye to the Chambre 
vse in name of a ffyne eyther of theym / xl s /a pece / 






Shirefes ridyng 
in harnes / 

Lowde Shalme 

Thomas Moore / 

Ole ORK / 31315 

And nowe mr. Calome & mr. Wilkok presently Shirefes of this 
Citie haue made right humble request to my lord mayour & this 
worshipfull presens to be spared of the sayd rydyng . on Corpus 
christi day & Midsomar even / allegyng sundry impedymentes 
& dishabilities & And therwith offred to abyd the ordre & 
iugement herin of my lord Mayour & bretherne for their ffynes / 

£19 (23 May) 

Item it is agreed that Nycolas Wright one of the Waytes shall 
haue of the chambre eleven , ‘shillinges’ by hym payed & to 
willughby for a base shalme and the same to remayne from 
hensforth to the Cite vse and good furth to be taken from tyme 
to tyme of such the sayd waytes as shall haue custody & vse 
therof to be all tymes forth comyng whan my Lord Mayour for 
the tyme beyng shalle commande / 

And apon bill of Compleynt by [the] Nicolas Wright & Robert 
Husthwait ageynst [Robert] Thomas Moore the thrid Wayte it 
is ordered that the same Thomas shall haue respit to Learne and 
applie hymself ./ in the instrumentes & songes belongyng the 
sayd Waytes /. and to Leave his vnthrifty gamyng /. apon peyne 
to be putt forth of that office for euer / the seyd respecte is 
gyven vnto Michelmas next ./ 

f 19v (30 May) 

And for soo moche as the late fest of Corpus christi is not nowe 
celebrat & kept holy day as was accustomed / it is therfor aggreed 
that on Corpus even my lord mayour & Aldermen shall in makyng 
the proclamacion accustomed goe about in semely sadd apparell 
& not in skarlet / 

£23 (18 June) 

And nowe alsoo it was further ordeyned and stablisshed that 
from hensforth none of the fysshmongars or others shall exact 

or tak of any poor folk bryngyng lamprayes smeltes or suche lyk 
freyssh watir fyssh in tyme of yer to sell within this Cite any 
pageant syluar apon payne [of th] as ofte as they shall offend 
contrary this order / [thone half to the p<..) to the Cite vse] to be 








3134/7 YORK 1561 

greuously punysshed by discrecion of my lord mayour / 

£40 (25 November) 

Assembled in the Counselle Cham(.)re apon Ousebrig the day and 
yere abovesaid . Whan & where at the humble sewte & prayer of 
the goodmen of the sciens of mynstrelles of this Citie C[wlertayne 
Ordynances were deuysed enacted & stablissed heraftir to be 
firmely observed and fullfylled / by the said Mynstrelles in maner 
& forme & in euery poynt . accordyng as they be inrolled in the 
old Register of parchement with the bosses / And that the sayd 
Craft of mynstrelles shall of their chardges yerely bryng forth the 
pageant of herod Inquyryng of the 11) kynges for the child Iesu 
somtyme brought forth by the late Masons of the said Citie / 

B/Y Memorandum Book Y:E20A 
f221v* (10 April) Goldsmiths 

Item that the olde pageant maisters shall yerely make a dewe 
Accompte of the money and of the playeng geare vnto 
thoccupacion on Saynt Dunstanes even or elles the morowe 
after apon payne of forfayture xij d a pece / 

Item that neither the Corones nor gownes be lent to any vnder 
viij d a pece / And that it be paid or they be delyvered Except it 
be to some of thoccupacion and the Serchars to make Accompte 

ff 222-3v (25 November) 

Thordynances of the Musicians commonly called the Mynstrelles 
within the Citie of York devised ordeyned and stablished by the 

Collation (E20A, f 221v with B23, f 12v): 21 shall yerely] omitted 
24 forfayture| omitted 25 neither] omitted 25 before lent] not 25 any] 


9 &) MS&& 






® Iste 
Hugonis Graues 

® fforenars 

® Election 


1561 YORK / 335 

right honorable Parcyvall Craforth Lord Mayour his worshipfull 
bretherne thaldremen and Counsell of the said Citie of york at 
the humble prayer and with wholle consent of the goodmen 
Mynstrelles and ffreemen of the Citie aforesaid the xxv day of 
Nouembre in the fourth yere of the Reigne of our most gracyouse 
Soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth to be frome thensforth 
foreuermore dewly and firmely executed fulfilled and kept in all 
poyntes aswell for the worship of the said Citie as alsoo for the 
honestie weale and good ordre of the science of thaforesaid 
Mynstrelles in forme as foloweth 
That is to saye 

ffirst it is ordeyned enacted and stablished that noo maner 
fforeyner of what condicion he be occupie any mynstrelsye 
syngyng or playeng apon any instrument within any paroche 
within this Citie or ffranchis therof apon any cherche holy dayes 
or dedicacion dayes halowed or kept within the same paroche 
or any brotherhedes or fremans dynnar or dywnars made or kept 
within the same Citie or ffranchise therof Vpon peyne that every 
suche forayne Mynstrell after monytion to hym gyven by the 
Maister or Serchers to paye for every tyme that he shalbe fonde 
doyng contrary to this acte ij s iii) d the one half therof to 
remayne to the use of the common Chambre of this Citie And 
thother halfe to the common boxe of the said arte 

Item that the ffelawship of the Mynstrelles ffreemen of this 
Citie nowe beyng and theyr successours forever shall have power 
authoritie and libertie every yere at the fest of saynt | lames 
thapostle to assemble theym selfes in Saynt Anthony Hall or 
other convenyent place within the said Cities at a day certayne 
by theym to be lymyted . And soo assembled by their common 
voyces and assentes or of the greater partie of theym to choise 
three hable persones of the same felawship to be a Maister and 
twoo Serchars of the said sciens or craft for the yere folowyng 
And if any persone soo chosen Maister or serchar refuse or 
forfate the said office of maistership or Serchar Euery persone 
soo refusyng to paye xx s thone half therof to the Common 
chamb of this Citie and thother half to the behof of the said 

Item that the Common boxe of the said felawship shalbe and 
remayne from yere to yere in the Custodie and kepyng of the 
maister and Serchars of the said Craft for the tyme beyng /. And 
of all suche money as the same maister & serchars have at the 
ende of their yere or within twenty dayes next after shall gyve 











® Teachyng 

336 / YORK 1561 

and yelde vp vnto the said felawship or the greater part of theym 
a trewe and iust Accompte in wrightyng apon peyne every of 
theym makyng defalt to paye x s. to be equally dyvided to thuse 
atoresaid / 

Item that euery brother of the said science shall paye yerely 
towardes the supportacron and bryngyng forth of their pageant 
and other chardges of the said craft viij d by yere that is to say 
ij d in every quarter And that every suche freman beyng a brother 
of the said Arte not payeng the said quarterage euery quarter day 
that is at thende of every quarter of ye yere or within xv dayes 
next and immediatly folowyng after any of the said quarter 
dayes And refusyng to content the same to paye for every 
default iij s inj d to be equally dyvided in the forme aforesaid / 

And that euery ffreman or brother of the said craft present 
euery of his apprentices to the Maister and serchars of the said 
craft for the tyme beyng within one moneth immediatly after 
that any suche apprentice shalbe bonde payeng at his presentacion 
to the comon boxe of the said craft xx d And if any of theym be 
negligent and doo not present his apprentice within the said 
moneth nor pay the sayd fyne of xx d Every suche brother soo 
offendyng to forfayte for euery default x s thone half therof to 
be to the chambre of the Citie And thother half to the common 
boxe of the said Craft / 

Item that yf any persone enfranchesed in the said craft or 
brother of the same warned by any of the said Serchars for the 
tyme beyng to come to the quarter daye or to assemble of the 
Maister and Serchars of the said Craft for the tyme beyng with 
others the bretherne of the same craft And without reasonable 
cause absentyng hym selfe not willyng to come thether to paye 
for every default ij s to be equally dyvided to the vses abovesaid / 

Item that no persone enfranchesed in the said craft or brother 
of the same presume to rebuke revyle or gyve any slanderouse 
or vilaynouse woordes to the said Maister or Serchars or to any 
of theym for the tyme beyng or to any | other persone beying 
brother or freeman of the said felawship or Craft apon peyne to 
paye for every tyme that any of theym shalbe founde culpable 
of any suche opprobriouse or vnfittyng woordes to paye for 
every default vj s. viij d thone half therof to be to the said 
Chambre And thother half to the Common boxe of the said 

Item that none of the said felawship beyng a mynstrell 
enfranchesed and brother of the said Craft teache or enforme 







® Apprentiship 

® Secretes 

® Enhablyng 

® Apprentices 

® wacate 

® Pageant 

TSO AO RAG) 93/37) 

any other persone other then his owne apprentyce in any poynt 
or seale of mynstrelsie Except he be a freemans sone of the same 
craft / nor goo with any stranger to any wedding or any other 
feast onely to labour with hym within the said Citie or liberties 
of the same without lycence of the Maister of the said Craft for 
the tyme beyng fyrst obteyned apon payne to forfeyte for every 
default vj s viij d to be devided and employed as is aforesaid / 
Provided that this acte doo not extende to any brother for 
teachyng any gentleman or free man of this Citie and their 
children disposed to learne any thyng for his pleasure / 

Item that noo freeman of the said Craft take any servant by 
covenant for a yere or otherwise / Onelesse he be apprentice for 
the terme of seven yeres at the least accordyng to the laudable 
custome of this Citie apon payne to fore’feyte for euery offence 
xx s. thone half therof to be to the common Chambre of the said 
Citie And thother half therof to the common boxe of the said 
Craft / Provided that this acte doe not extende to the waytes 
of the Citie of york for the tyme beyng to hyre any man to helpe 
theym in their watche / 

Item that no brother ffreman of the said Craft at any tyme 
open or disclose any woordes or sayeng towchyng their scyens 
spoken at the common or privie meatynges of the said Craft or 
any of theym / Except it be to any of the said bretherne or at 
the tyme of their said assemble / apon peyne to forfeyte for 
every suche default vj s_ viij d thone half therof to the vse of the 
said Chambre And thother half to the said Craft 

Alsoo that noo ffreeman brother of the said Craft shall at any 
tyme herafter sett forth his or their apprentice or apprentices to 
labour in any compaynye as a mynstrell within the said Citie or 
liberties of the same before the said apprentices and every of 
theym be examyned and admytted by the said maister or Serchars 
for the tyme beyng apon peyne to forfeytt for every defalt iij s 
iii) d thone half to the Chambre of the said Citie And thother 
half to the common boxe of the sayde Craft / 

Item that noo ffreeman brother of the said Craft shall frome 
hensforth have no moo apprentices but one attones Except he 
have bene either Maister or Serchar of the said Craft or elles 
twoo at one tyme at the most upon payne to forfeyte for every 
default xx s the one half therof to the Common Chambre of the 
said Citie And thother half therof to the Common boxe of the 
said Craft / 

ffynally it is further ordeyned and by the consent of all the 







Leases of places 
to heare Corpus 
christi play 

Rewardes to 
the common 

Clothyng to the 
comon Officers 
and waytes of 
this Cite 

Spots) fh SOURIS a Sy(oyi 

good men of the said Mystery or craft fully aggreed that | the 
said ffelawship of Mynstrelles of their proper chardges shall 
yerely frome hensforth bryng forth and cause to be played the 
pageant of Corpus christi viz. the herold his sone twoo counselars 
and the Messynger inquyryng the three kynges of the childe lesu 
sometyme accustomed to be brought forth at chardges of the late 
Masons of this Citie on Corpus Christi day in suche like semely 
wise and ordre as other occupacions of this Citie doo their 
pageantes / 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls y : C7:1 

mb 2 

Item receyued for places to heare Corpus christ: play leased 
this yere XXXII} $ 

Summa XXxXIllj $ 

mb 3 

Item paid to the waytes of this Citie at Easter terme 
accustomed 1) s mjd 

Item payed to the same waytes for Christmas terme lj s ij d 
Item payed to the said waytes for saynt Willyam 
day viz the day that my Lord Mayour maketh 
his great feast 

xx d 

Item payd to Nicolas Wright and his twoo felawes 
waytes of this Citie for their clothyng accustomed 
to be payed at Christmas equally to be dyvided 
emonges theym 


Item to ohn Atkynsone embroderar for makyng of 
Scutchoons of the armes of this Citie to the said 
three waytes of the same wit) lettres for my Lord 
mayour name 








Expenses on 
Corpus Christi 

Rewardes to 
honorable mens 
servantes and 

Rentes and 
Myklyth Barr 
and within 
Ratton Rawe 
Tofte Grene 
& Myklythe 

ffor Releasyng 
of pagyant 

iol YORK / 3:39 

mb 4 

item paid for the chardges of my Lord Mayour 
Aldremen and others of the Counsell of this Citie 
hearyng Corpus Christi play ageynst the common 

Hall gates this yere as doeth playnly and particlarly 

appere in the papir booke of theis acconptantes 

Summa ix li. viij d 

mb 4d 

ix li. vitj d 

Item payd therefor this yere as appereth in the papir boke xxxvj s 

Summa XXXvVj $ 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls vy: ©90:4 
mb 1 
Item of the Skynners for there pagyant howse 

Item of the Marchauntes for there pagyant howse 
Item of the Tapitowrs for there pagyant howse 

Item of the wryghtes for there pagyant howse 
Item of the Cordyners for there pagyant howse 
Item of the Tanners for there pagyant howse 
Item of the Bakers for there pagyant howse 
Item of the Cowpers for one owtshote 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D59Y(a) 

mb 1 

Item the said Accomptantes Receyvid of Robert Hall 


Thomas Appleyerd yongar xiij s ij d_ william Robyns 

iiij d 

xij d 

xij d 
xij d 

xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
ij d 

xiij s iiij d 

On Xilj s 







Rent Resolute 


Corpus christi 


340 / YORK 1561 
ffrances Iake xiij s iiij d and Thomas Newton xij s ij d 

Summa ii li. vj s_ viij d 

mb 2 
Item for the Bochers pagyant howse x1) d 
Item for the Bowers pagyant howse xvj d 

... Item to the Brigmaisters of Owsebrige for our pagyant howse 
ffarme xij d / 

House Books Y: B23 

f49v (13 March) 

Aggreed that the play comonly called Corpus christi play shall 
this yere apon reasonable consideracion be played on St Barnabe 
day thapostle / And thystories of the old & new testament / 
or elles the Crede play if apon examinacion it may be shalbe 
played And billettes therapon to be gyven forth as hath ben 

£50 (6 April) 

Assemblyd in the Counsell chambre of Owsebrige of this Citie 
the day and yere abouesaid whan and where it was agreyd by 
these presentes that Corpuscrysty [day] play shall be playd of 
the day accustomyd viz apon Corpuscristy day / 

Item it is agreyd by these presentes That Iohn Granger 
Marchaunt shall be pagyant maister for thyernmongars and to 
bryngfurth the play therof this yere / and other that occupieth 
thynges that belongeth to that pagyant to be contrybutories for 
there pagyant money towardes the same 

It is also agreyd by the said presentes that christofer Grason 
pynner shall bryngfurth the pagyant with the paynters this yere / 
accordyng as (..) was agreyd the Last yere in Mr Croforth tyme / 






rydyng of 

fynes of 
Shirefes not 
ridyng with 
harnesed men / 


Rentes Resolute 

® Corpus 

1562 YORK / 341 

f52v (9 May) 

Item aggreed that the Shirefes shall haue commandement 
immediatly to prepare for their rydyng with harnesed men on 
Corpus Christi day & mydsomar even accustomed / 

f 74v (16 December) 

And it is nowe further ordeyned and aggreed by theis presens 
to be dewly observed for euer that at the same tyme that it shall 
happen the billettes [be] to be gyven forth for playeng of Corpus 
christi play even than alsoo the Shirefes of this Citie for the tyme 
beyng to haue warnyng given to prouyde for rydyng with 
harnessed men on Corpus christi day & Mydsomer even 
accustomed upon peyne to fforfeyt to the chambre vse eyther of 
theym x li. a pece. 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D59Z(a) 

mb 2 
Item for the Bocher pagyant howse xij d 
Item for the Bowers pagyant howse xvj d 

... Item to the Brigmaisters of Owsebrige ofor our pagyant 
howse ffarme xij d 


House Books Y: B23 

£93 (23 March) 

And it is nowe furthir aggreed that billettes yerely accustomed 
shall be gyven forth for Corpus christi playe. 

£98 (21 May) 

Item that the ffare accustomed on Corpus Christi day for my 

26 ofor] of corrected to for 







® Conrributaries 

® ffree of 
Turnars pageant 

Searche of 
fforeyne stuff 

B42 7/ MOR Keatsiag 

Lord mayour & his brethern &c. to be husbanded this yer by 
discrecion of my Lord Mayour / 

£99 (28 June) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre apon Ousebrig the day & 
yere above said whan & where it was aggreed by the sayd presens 
that 1ij s part of the money [payd] receyued of the Inholdars 
shalbe payd towardes chardges of Chandelars pageant / 

B/Y Memorandum Book Y: E20A 
ff 227-7v (21 July) 

Item that euery Citizen that engrosse or bye any bourdes or lattes 
to retayll or sell ageyne within this Citie shalbe contributorie and 
paye towardes the chardges of bryngyng forth of the pageant of 

the Carpentars &c. Soo that suche contribution shall not excede 

above foure penyes a pece in any one yere / 

Item it is ordeyned that none free of the said Craftes within this 
Citie vsyng throwyng or turnyng in their work shalbe contributory 
nor pay any thyng to the occupacrons of Ropars and Turnars of 
the same towardes chardges of any pageant but shalbe frome 
hensforth | therof quyte agenist the said Ropars and turnars 
Provided alwayes that if any of the said occupacions doe throwe 
or turne bolles disshes dublers or wheeles or suche like stuff as 
perteyneth onely to the Turnars craft euery suche to paye 
pageant money to the said Ropars and Turnars accordyngly / 

Item that all strangers and foreynars that bryng any ioyned 
stuff bourdes or lattes to this Citie to sell shalbe serched and 
paye their pageant money vnto theis said occupacions / 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D59A(b) 

mb 1 

Item the said Accomptantes aunswere for money Receyvid of 

26 therof) catchword therof omitted 




ffor Releasyng 
of pagyant 


Rentes Resolute 

1563 YORK / 343 

Leonard Hall xiij s iiij d Peter Byrkby xiij s ij d John Harryson 
xiij s iiij d And William Pennyngton xiij s ilijd for there ffynes 
for Releasement of paygyant maistershipe Summa therefore 
liij s iij d 

Summa liij s iu) d 

mb 2 

Item for the Bochers pagyant howse x1) d 
Item for the Bowers pagyant howse xvj d 
mb 2d 

... Item to the Brygmasters of Owsebrige for ovr paygyant howse 
ffarme x1j d 

House Books Y: B23 

f£165v (8 September) 

ffirst it is enacted ordeyned & stablisshid that noman shall kepe 
any Inne hostry nor take any horse wythin this Citye or Suburbs 
of the same / Onelesse he hath a Signe at his doore apon peyne to 
forfyt & pay for euery horse founden in his hous or firme hold 
xij d as oft & whan soo euer any suche shalbe soo founden & 
knowen The one half therof to be employed to the weale & 
profite of this City and thother half therof to the said Craft and 
[pageant] soccupacion: / 

f 166 

Item that the pageant maisters of the Inholders for the tyme 
beyng / yerely shall make a trewe and a dewe accompte and 
Rekenyng of their Receiptes and paymentes concernyng their 
° “occupacion’ ° pageant and play before & vnto the Serchars 
of that craft the Sonnday comme a sevenight next after Corpus 
Christi day apon peyne to forfite and pay vj s viij d to be 
employed as is aforesaid / 







344 / YORK 1564 

Item that the Serchars of the hostelars within this Citie shall 
haue full powre to make due & true Serche in all and euerye 
hostery wythin this said Citie suburbs & procinctes of the same 
of all oates mesurs that is to say busshell [peke &] half busshell 
peke & half peke and botelles of hay and that all the botelles 
kept sufficient weyght accordyng to the statutes in the Chamber / 
And he or she that is founde culpable in the premisses or any one 
therof to forfait & lose vj s vilj d thone half to the Chambre & 
thother half to the sustentacion of the [pagiant] «, “occupacion’ ° 
of the said [hostylars] °*Inholdars: 

Item the day & yere above said it was aggreed by the said 
Lord Mayor Aldermen & Consell that what yere it shall chanse 
the play accustomed at Corpus christimas to be omitted & not 
played then the occupacion of Inholders for that yere shall not 
be compelled to pay any pagiant money to the Chamber vse no 
more than other craftes of this Citie shall doo / any order hertofor 
made to the contrary not withstandyng 

{163 (6 December) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre apon Ousebrig the day & 
yere abovesayd whan & where apon a bill of Supplicaczon to thes 
worshipfull exhibited by the pynnars ./ It is aggreed that for 
amendement of the sayd Craft ./ That the tynclars & makers of 
ffysshehookes & other wares belongyng the Pynnars Craft shalbe 
contributory & paye yerely towardes the chardge of pynnars 
pageant iiij d a pece Item that all forynars . pynnars from hensforth 
shall resort to Thursday market there to sell their pynnes and 
wares openly . And none of theym to be suffred to goe hawkyng 
aboute the Cite or to mens howsez to sell their wares ./ And that 
it shalbe leefull to the Serchars . of Pynnars of this Citie to serche 
the sayd forynars wares . And alsoo to take pageant money of 
theym of euery suche forynar vsyng to sell py”ns or oyer their 
stuff aforesayd within the sayd Cite iiij d a pece in the yere / 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y:C91:2 


"Item of the Skynners for there pagyant howse xij d° 








Rentes and 
ffermes withoute 
Myklithbar and 
Toftgrene & 

ffor Releasyng 
of pagyant 
maisters this 

Toft grene 

Rentes Resolute 

1564 YORK / 345 

Item of the Marchantes for there pagyant howse fferme xij d 
Item of the Tapitours for there pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the wrightes for there pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the Cordyners for there pagyant howse xij d 
[Item of the Cordyners for there pagyant howse xij d] 
Item of Tanners for there pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the Bakers for there pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the Cowpers for one owteshott ij d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D59B(b) 

mb 1 

Item Receyved therefore this yere nichil 
Summa nichil 

mb 2d 

Item for the Bocher pagyant howse xij) d 

Item for the Bowers pagyant howse xvj d 

... Item to the Brygmaisters of Owsebrige for our pagyant howse 
ffarme xij d 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 

£23 (Recerpts) 

Item receavyd of willm bullocke and thomas nyccolson paggan 
maisters as 
Item Receavyd of them for the paynters paggayn xvjd 
f23v (Expenses) 

The reparacions of the paggan howsse 

Item for a doure on locke to it xvj d 
Item for one peace of tymber vj) d 








346 / YORK 1564 

Item to the wryght 
Item [fo] to the lockesmith for one crouke 

Item paid [at] to the mynstrells at thomas ketlandes 

f 24* 

‘Item paid to ye mynstrels 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC5(2) 

p 47 

Leases of places to here Corpuscrysty Play 

Summa nichil 

p 100 

Rewardes to the Common waites Accustomyd 

Item paid to the waites of this Citie for Eister 
terme accustomyd 

Item paid to Arthure Hodshon Wait and his fello 
for Crystenmas Day and St Steven 

Item paid to the same Waites for St Williams 
Day accustomyd 

Summa Viij s ij d 

p 102 
Clothyng to the Common offycers and 
waites of this Citie accustomyd 

Item paid to Robart Husthwate one of the waites 
of this Citie by the commaundement of my Lorde 
Mayor [be] for his dewty doyng this yere and 
for that he lieth now seke at the marcy of god 

ij d 

xx d 

xij de 

lj s 1 d 

iij s iiij d 

xx d 






1565 YORK / 347 

Item paid to Thomas ffale for his Clothyng aie 
accustomyd at Crystenmas 

p 126 

Expences of Corpus Christi day this yere 
p 162 
Memorandum the xxth day of May / arno / 1565 / Thomas 
Mower one of the Waites of this Citie haith delyveryd to the 
Chambre of owsebrige / by the commaundement of my Lorde 
Mayour / one pype or Instrument callyd a Shawme with A case 
of Ledder for the same that was geven to this Citie by Iohn [w] 
Harper Somtyme one of the waites of this Citie / 
Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 
f24v* (Receipts) 
Item Rasauede of laneslate Coupland wylyam burton pagyn 
masteres for their a Counte xvj d. 
£25 (Expenses) 

Item for farme of owr padgian hows xij d 

Item gevyn to the mynstrelles when the occupacion met at 

vynce lelomes ij d 
f 25v 
Item gevyn to Iohn Hyll for kepyng the padgyan hous lj d 

Item at lans cowpland when the padgyan dynner was 
mayd js vjd 

[Item Resaued of laneslate Coupland wylym burton pagyne 





Releassyng of 
Pagyant maisters 

Tofte Grene / 

Rentes Resolute 

Register of 
Credeplay / 


348 / YORK 1565 

masteres for thar a Counte (blank )) 

Mercers’ Account Rolls Ma. DS59C(b) 

mb 1 

Item Receyved therefore this yere nichil 
Summa nichil 

Item for the Bocher pagyant howse xij d 

Item for the Bowers pagyant howse xvj d 

Summa 1} s ij d 

... Item to the Brigmaisters of Owsebrige for ovr pagyant howse 
ffarme xij d 

Register of St Thomas’ Hospital Y: E66 
f£48v (5 February) 

Memorandum that Master Symson brought nowe in the Auncient 
booke [of the] or Registre of the Crede play to be saffly kept 
emonges thevident as it was before 

House Books Y: B24 

£57* (30 October) 

Assembled in the Consell Chambre apon Ousebrige the day & 
yere abovesaid whan & wher / the common waytes of this citie 
for their mysdemeanour / are dischardged of their office ./ 
And haue presently delyuered in their Syluar Collers to the 
Chambrelaynes and one Shalme / 








ili OF waites 

1566 YORK / 349 

£58 (19 November) 

Assembled in the Consell Chambre apon Ousebrig the day & 
yere whan & where it was [agg] Ordeyned and aggreed by 

the sayd presens that ffrom nowe fforth for the wourship & 
decentnesse of this ancient Citie . there shalbe contynewally 
ffoure waytes And the iiijth wayte to haue suche ffees & lyuerie 
of the Chambre with a Cognisans as thother ij haue ben 
accustomed to haue / And alsoo a newe syluer [aggr] Cheyne 
aggreable with thother iij cheynes to be made ageynst Christmas 
by distrecion of my Lord mayour and deluered to such of the 
sayd wayte as his Lordship shall seme good / ffurthermore that 
thaccustomed rewardes & wages payd yerely to the waytes by the 
[Aldermen] lord mayour Aldermen & otherz thenhabitantes of 
this Citie shall be equally dyvided emonges theym ffrom tyme to 
tyme And that the 1iij9 waytes that nowe be shall apon their 
good & honest behavowr haue & exercise the sayd offices / duryng 
the pleasure of my sayd lord mayour & his bredre thaldremen / 

£59v (4 December) 

Assembled in the Consell Chambre vpon Ousebrig the day & 
yere above said whan & where / it was aggred by the said presens 
that where there be a noyse of iiijot [sh] Shalmes remaining 
in mr dyneley handes whiche hath [(.)] at solempne tymes 
[haue] ben vsed by the waytes [of] within this Citie / And nowe 
are lyke to be sold forth of the same Citie [It] Except meanes 
be made for steyeng of the same still within this Citie / it is / 
therfor aggreed [as is so aforesayd] that there shall be gyven 
lyerfor] for the sayd noyse of the Chambre money x] s. And 
[so.] to be saffly kept to the Citie Commolitie ./. 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls vy. €C91:3 
mb 1 
Item of the Skynners for there pagyant howse xij d 

25 be] corrected from some other original 




Rentes and 
ffermes without 
myklith Bar 
and within 
loft Grene 

and Myklith / 

Releasynge of 
Pagyant maisters 

Tofte grene 

Renwes Resolute 

350 / YORK 1566 

Item of the marchauntes for there pagyant howse ffarme _—_ xij d 

Item of the Tapitowrs for there pagyant howse xij d 

Item of the wrightes for there pagyant howse xij d 

Item of the Cordyners for there pagyant howse. xij d 

Item of the Tanners for there pagyant howse xij d 

Item of the Bakers for there pagyant howse xij d 

Item of the Cowpers for one Owteshott ij d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D59D(b) 

mb 1 

Item Receyved therefore this yere nothynge 
Summa nihil 

mb 2 

Item for the Bocher pagyant howse xij d 

Item for the Bowers pagyant howse xvj d 

Summa ij s uj d 

mb 2d 

_.. Item to the Brigmaisters of Ousebrige for owre pagyant howse 

ffarme xij d 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 
£26 (Receipts) 

Item resaued of the paynters for ther pagyent rome 

f 26v (Expenses) 

Item for farme of our padgiane howsse 

xvj d 

xij d 








Corpus christi 


Tofte grene 

1566 YORK / 351 

Item gyvenge to the mynstrells when we eat our SV.......... Pat 
nycoles clarkes (.) in lent vj d 

House Books Y: B24 
f 69v (18 March) 

Aggreed nowe that Corpus christi play shall be played this yere 
And billettes made forth with spede & delivered accordyngly / 

f70v (4 April) 

Assembled in the Consell Chambre apon Ousebrig the day & 
yere abovesayd whan & where / apon the humble sewte of 
Robert Hewet musician it is thought by theis sayd presens that 
he is a quyet & mete man to be [one] the Cheif Wayte of this 
Citie takyng to hym suche his men or oyer three whom he 
thynke most fytt & hable / And soo they apon their good 
behavour conyng & diligens to contynew at pleasur of my sayd 
lord mayour & Aldermen 

£82 (17 June) 

Aggreed that the Pageantes of Corpus christi suche as be not 
allready Registred shalbe with all convenyent spede be fayre 
wrytten by Iohn Clerke in the [bo] old Registre yerof viz. of 
Vyntenors the Archetricline / of thyron mongars / Marie 
Magdalene wasshyng the Lordes feete &c. of the Tylars the lattr 
part of their pageant / Of the Labrors the Purificacion of owr 
lady & [of] the Cappers to be examined with the Register & 
reformed / And lohn Clerke or oyer taking peyne to be honestly 
recompensed for there peyne / 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D59E(b) 
mb 2 

Item for the Bocher pagyant howse xij d 






Rentes Resolute 

non allocatt 

352 / YORK 1567 
Item for the Bowers Pagyant howse xvj d 
Summa ij s_iiij d 

mb 2d 
... Item to the Brigmaisters of Owsebrige for our pagyant howse 

ffarme xij d 
Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 
f27v (Receipts) 

Item of the pagiant masteres remaynynge of there 

Accompe lilj s vij d 
f 28 

Item of the paynters for there Rente xvj d 

Item for the rent of the [pag] pagyant howse x1) d 
Item to the Mynstrells at Trinitie sonday at night xd 
Item that nyght for wyne vs xjd 
Item for the players supper lj s 
Item for ale that night js vyjd 

House Books Y: B24 

f104v (13 February) 

Alsoo the day & yere aforesayd it was aggreed by [the] all the 
sayd worshipfull presens . that in steade of Corpus Christi play /. 
this yere the Crede playe shalbe played . And the same to be 
provided for & brought forth by thouersight & ordre of the 
Chambrelaynes /. And first the Original or Regestre of the seyd 






Crede play. 

il syfeits). YOURS Bini) 

Crede play to be goten of the mastr & bretherne of St Thomas 
hospitall whoo haue the Custody therof And after [goo] expert 
& mete players found owte for the conyng handlyng of the seyd 
playe / than euery of theym to haue ther partes fair wrytten & 
delyuered theym [in tyme] soo that they may haue leysure to 
kunne euery one his part And the seyd Chambrelaynes furthr to 
see all [th] maner the pageantes playeng geare & necessaries to 
be provided in a readynes / And as occasion shall requyre to aske 
advise & ayde / abowte the same / 

Item it is further aggred by the sayd presens that all such the 
Craftes & occupacions of this Citie as are chardged wit) bryngyng 
forth of the pageantes of Corpus christi shall [bryng] gather euery 
of theym their accustomed pageant money and pay it to the 
Chambrelaynes handes towardes the chardges of bryngyng forth 
the sayd Crede playe / And warnyng to be gyven to euery of 
theym accordyngly / 

f106a* (24 March) 

Salute in Christo My most humble duetie remembred &c. I haue 
pervsed the bokez that your Lordshipp with your bretheren sent 
me and as I finde manie thinges that I muche like because of 
thantiquitie, so see I manie thinges, that I can not allowe, because 
they be Disagreinge from the senceritie of the gospell, the which 
thinges, yf they shuld either be altogether cancelled, or altered 
into other matter, the wholle drift of the play shuld be altered, 
and therefore I dare not put my pen vnto it, because I want 
bothe skill, and leasure, to amende it, thoghe in goodwill I assure 
you . yf I were worthie to geue your lordshipp and your right 
worshipfull brethren consell: suerlie mine advise shuld be, that it 
shuld not be plaid . ffor thoghe it was plausible 40 yeares agoe, & 
wold now also of the ignorant sort be well liked: yet now in this 
happie time of the gospell, I knowe the learned will mislike it and 
how the state will beare with it | knowe not . Thus beinge bold 
to vtter mine opinion vnto your lordshippe I committ you, and 
your brethren to the tuition of gods spirit, ffrom Thorneton the 
24 of Marche 1567 

Your lordshipps in Christ to command 
Matthew Hutton 

To the right honourable my Lorde 
Mayour of York and the Right 
worshipfull his Brethren yeve this / 







Tofte Grene 

Rentes Resolute 

354 /YORK 1568 
f 106v (30 March) 

Assemblyd in the Counsell Chambre of Owsebrig of this Citie the 
day & yere abouesaid / whan & whear apon a letter sent by 
Mr hutton Dean of the Cathedrall Churche of yorke / vnto my 
Lord Mayour and his Brethren / It appereth yat by his advise 
and Counsell the Creyd play is not meet to be playd / for that he 
seyth many thynges therein that he cannot allowe bycause they 
be dysagreyng frome the Senceritie of the gospell / and for other 
causes as by the said letter it dothe also appere / 

It is therefore agreyd to haue no play this yere / and the 
bookes of the Creyd play to be delyveryd in agayn/ 

f108v (27 April) 

Assemblyd in the Counsell Chambre of owsebrige of this Citie / 
whan & where my Lord Mayour declaryd to these presens / that 
dyverse commoners of this Citie were muche desyerous to haue 
Corpuscrysty play this yere / whereunto these presens woll not 
agree, but that the book thereof shuld be perused / and otherwaise 
amendyd / before it were playd. 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D59F(b) 

mb 2 

Item of the Bochers for there pagyant howse xij d. 
Item of the Bowers for there pagyant howse xvj d. 
mb 2d 

_ Item to the Brigmaisters of Owsebrige for oure pagyant 
howse ffarme xij d. 

mb 1d 

Peter [acobs realeasing for beinge pagenmaster Xi} S inj ds 







Corpus christi 
play / 

yren mongars 
Pageant money 

(....yng in 

1568 YORK / 355 
Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 
£32 (Recerpts) 

Item of the paynters for there pagiavt howse xvj d 


Item to the Mynstrell when we war at Mr Ketlandes at 

venyson iy d 
Item for the Rent of ovr Pagyant howse xij d 

House Books Y: B24 

£130 (17 March) 

Item it is nowe further aggreed that Corpus christi play shalbe 
played this yere on Tewisday in witsone weeke . And that 
billettes accustomed shalbe immediatly made forth for preparation 
to the same 

£131v (31 March) 

The Serchars of Girdlars are to be sent for to declare by what 
colour of title they clayme pageant money of yren stuff sold in 
this Citie . Which pageant syluer belongeth to the craft of yren 
mongars towardes chardges of their pageant as it seemyth 

fies (22Apral) 

Agreed that the harnessed men accustomed shall goe this yere on 
the day in whiche Corpus christi play shalbe playd this yere ./ 
And the Shiretes nowe beyng to be /{aesed] assisted with such 

borne the seyd chardges iiijor a pece well furnisshed 





bottellers & 

Cappers & 

® harnessed 

356 / YORK 1569 

f 133v 

Apon Supplicacon made by the Wax chandelars for ayd to the 
chardges of their pageant [ber] bryngyng forth / for that the sayd 
Craft is moch decayed . It is nowe therfor aggreed that half of 
that . ‘pageant mony’ that is gathered by the Inholdars shall be 
payd to the sayd waxchandelars & thother half to the Chambre /. 

f134v (4 May) 

It is also agreyd by the said presens, that ffromehensforth the 
Bottellers shall be contrybutories with the sporryours towardes 
bryngyng furth of there pagyant of Corpus christi any ordynance 
heretofore mayd to the Contrary not withstandyng 

And also it is agreed that fromehensforth the hatters shall be 
Likewyse contributories with the Cappers towardes bryngyngfurth 
of there pagyant of the play callyd Corpuscristy / any ordynance 
heretofore mayd to the contrary not withstandyng 

f 139 (18 May) 

And nowe apon certayne reasonable consideracons this seyd 
worshipfull presens movyng it is thought requysite & also fully 
aggred that the shewe of harnessed men of this Citie at Corpus 
christi play shall be spared and not had for this yere 

£140 (26 May) 

And nowe was appoynted places for hearyng Corpus christi 
play on Wytson[dy] Tewisday next &c. viz. the first at Trynitie 
gate / ijd¢ ageynst mr Henrisons hows iij4¢ abowt St John 
kirkstile . iijjth at mr Pacok doore vth at Ousegate cornar vjth at 
mr Appleyardes vijth at the common hall gat the viijth abowt 
christofer Willughbies hows the ixth at the mynstar gates xth at 
mr Birnand hows xj at Huttons. xijth at the lord mayouwr place 
xiijth one the pavement betwene mr Harbertes & mr Shirefes 
howsez the xiiijth betwene mr Pacoke & mr. Allen places / 
provided that if the sayd persones will not pay for the sayd 
places as the lord mayour & Chambrelaynes shall thynk requisite 
than furthre ordre yerin to be taken at discrecion of my lord 
mayour & Chambrelaynes &c. 







Pageant / 

Tofte Grene 

Rentes Resolute 

1569 YORK / 357 

Agreed alsoo that promacion accustomed for peace kepyng 
shalbe on Moneday in wytsonweeke and to begynne at 111j9" 
of the clok in thaftr none 

f140v (27 May) 

Aggred furthermore that the Cowper in Myklegate mr ffawkes 
in Conystreet & lohn Chambre in Coliargate shall haue the 
pageantz played afore their doores if they will aggre with the 
Chambrelaynes for the same / 

f£157v (26 September) 

Aggreed that mr Leonard Temple shall haue ."xx s’ of the 
chambr towardes payment of xliij s. which allegeth to haue layd 
forth for bryngyng forth of the yrenmongars pageant for ij yeres 
and renewyng the pageant . And xxiijj s residew to be gathered 
of suche as occupyeth buyeng [for] & sellyng of nayles within 
this Citie & to haue furtherans of the officers for gatherynge the 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D59G(b) 

mb 1 
Item of the Bochers for there Pagyant howse x1j d 
Item of the Bowers for there Pagyant howse xvjd 

... Item payd to the Brigmaisters of Owsebrige for oure Pagyant 
howse ffarme xij d 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 
f 33v* (Receipts) 

Item of the pagyant maisters for there Reconyng money Ml} s 

1 promacion] for proclamacion 






358 / YORK 1569 

Item of the paynters for there pagyant howse ferme xv) d 

£34 (Expenses) 

Item to William Newsome Brigmaister for owr pagyant howse 
ferme xij d 

Item bestowyd of our pagyant howse in bordes Nales and 

workmanship ij s 
Item pad for two Sheyldes to my Lorde Maiour x1) d 
Item payd for owr players Suppers js ud 
Item paid for Makyng and payntyng of our dyodemes HS 

Archbishop Grindal’s Register Bl: Reg. 30 
f 128 

ffor the laytie 

f 130v 

Item that the minister and churchewardens shall not suffer anye 
lordes of misrule or sommerr Lordes or ladyes or anye disguised 
persons or others in christmasse or at may games or anye 
minstrels morrie dauncers or others at Ryshebearinges or at any 
other tymes to come vnreverentlye into anye churche or chappell 
or churchyeard and there daunce or playe anye vnseemelye 
partes with scoffes ieastes wanton gestures or rybaulde talke 
namely in the tyme of divine service or of anye sermon. 

f 131 

All Whiche Iniunctions we do chardge and commaunde to be 
inviolablie performed and observed of all persons whom they 
shall concern within our province of yorke vpon payne of 

contempte and of excomunication and other censures of the 





1570-6 YORK / 359 

churche by the ecclesiasticall lawes of this Realme in suche like 
cases limitted and appointed. 

Yule Broadside Bodleian: vet. Al a.5(1) 

Yule in Yorke. 

Our Sauiour is come. 

Ans teares and wofull plaint, hath pierst the lofty skies, 
M with gladsom newes in glittring robe, from heauen an Angell flies, 
the clouds now open wide, & grace sends downe it shewers, 
Which watereth natures barren soyle, with euerlasting flowers. 

The ayre therefore resounds, Yule, Yule, a Babe is borne, 

O bright and blazing day, to saue mankind that was forlorne. 

Our God from mercies throne, beheld old Adams ragge, 

And how proude Sathan hath displaid abroad his flaunting flagge, 

His robes imbrude with bloud, his signes of conquest braue, 

Haue caused God, from heauen to send his sonne, mans soule to saue. 
The ayre etc. 

When mercy on her knees, gusht out a wayling floude, 

Our Father sent his Sonne for vs, to spend his precious bloud, 

He sent no Angell bright, he sent the Lambe of God, 

Our lesus sweete, to shrowde vs from Sin and Sathans rod, 
The ayre ete. 

The old Lawe which was writt in tables faire of stone, 

Could not redeeme vs from the deuill, nor yet deliuer one, 

When shaddowes would not serue, the Lambe of God is sent, 

An offering sweete for vs, on crosse his Cristiall bloud was spent. 
The ayre therefore etc. 

When sathan did outrage and Sin did most abound, 
And cruell death man trodden downe, with dinting dart did wound 
Then God from heauen did shew, the riches of his grace, 
The Lyon then of luda came, the Dragon to displace. 
The ayre therefore etc. 





Yule cometh 
of Yulath that 
is to say, A 
babe is borne 
for vs. 

No Citue but 
Yorke was e- 
uer hearde to 
welcome our 
Sauiour, with 
this ioyfull 

word, Yule. 

Christ is our 
Pascall Lambe 
offered vpon 
the Crosse for 
vs. I. Cor. 5 

I am the bread 
of Life. lo. 6. 
True Isralites. 

360 / YORK 1570 

O Deuill, O Death, O Sinne, disgorge your bitter gall, 

A babe is borne, the which wilbe, the ruine of you all. 

O Deuill where is thy rage, O Death where is thy sting, 

O Sinne where be thy chaines, a child, your force to ground will bring 
The ayre therefore resounds, Yule, Yule, a Babe is borne, 
O bright and blazing day, to saue mankind that was forlorne. 

The meaning of Yule, in Yorke. 

O famous Yorke reioyce, and thinke of this no shame, 

To dubble Yule with sounding voice, to the honour of Gods name. 

For Yulath Hebrew word, expresseth very well, 

That babe the which was borne to saue our soules from damned hell. 
True Isralites resound, Yule, Yule, a babe is borne, 

O bright and blazing day, to saue mankind that was forlorne. 

It was not without cause, that God gaue the grace, 

With Yule to welcome his deare sonne, who Sathan did deface, 
Triumph O Yorke, reioyce, this priueledge is thine, 

In this all other townes, thou doest, and Citties ore’shine. 

Therefore eftsoones resound, yule, yule, etc. 

The shoulder of the Lambe the man in hand doth beare, 
Doth represent the lambe of God which Iewes on crosse did reare. 
The Cake of purest meale, betokeneth very well, 
The bread of life which came from heauen in earth with vs to dwell. 
True Isralites resound, Yulatha babe is borne, 
(O bright and blazing day) to saue mankind that was forlorne. 

The Angels Trumpe doth blowe, the childrens cries resounde 

The ioyfull noyse in earth belowe, to heauen aboue rebounde 

Because faire Jessies branch, brought forth that noble Nut, 

Which being crackt vpon the crosse, did sinne and Sathan gut. 
Therefore we will resound &c. 

All haile renowned king, we thanke thee for thy loue, 
Through which for vs, thou lefts thy throne, in haughty heauen aboue 
Be thou our Iesus sweete, grant grace to follow thee, 
To keepe thy lawe and sacred word, that saued we may be. 
And we will still resound, Yule, Yule, a Babe is borne, 
(O bright and blissfull day) to saue mankind that was forlorne. 








1570 YORK / 361 

True Isralites. 

The man wrongfully called Yule, and his wife, resemble true Isralites crying 
yule, and reioycing for their deliuerance from Sathan, through Iesus Christ. 


The children crying after them, do signifie our Children and Successors, who 
shall celebrate this Feast to the worlds end, with ioyfull & triumphall 

The Shalme and musicke, resemble the mirth and melody of Angels. 

Nuts casten abroad, puts vs in rememberance of that most noble Nut our 
sauiours blessed body, springing miraculously from that beautifull branch 
of Jesse, the most pure and imaculate virgin. As it was possible (according 
to Saint Austen) for the rod of Aaron, to bring forth Nuts, against the 
common course of nature. So was it possible for the blessed virgin, to bring 
forth that most excellent nut our sweete Sauiour, contrary to the lawe of 
nature, whose sacred body (according to the same Saint Austen) js aptlie 
compared to a nut. For the Nut hath in it body a triple vnion, that is to 
wit, Testam the shell, signifying the bones; and Corium et nucteum, the 
skinne, and kirnell signifying the flesh & inward soule of our Sauiour. The 
nut destroyeth poyson, Our sauiour crushed vpon the crosse, imbraced with 
a liuely faith, destroyeth the poyson, of sinne and Sathan. 


The officers, resemble the noble spreaders & publishers of this Mysticall and 
miraculous Nut. 

Reiected Draffe. 

The reiected draffe, doth signifie the shaddowes and camall ceremonies of 
the old law, Which being weake and vnable to iustifie or saue vs, are (according 
to S. Paule) to be reiected and esteemed as dung and dirt, in comparison of 
the light of truth it selfe, which hath now shined vpon us. 







the waites 

Tofte Grene 

Rentes Resolute 

362 / YORK 1570 

Distaffe or Rocke. 

The very Rocke, sheweth that women laying aside their seruile workes, must 
make good preparation for this solemne feast. 

Thus you haue the meaning of this notable and antient spectacle, of Yule in 
Yorke, conteyning a briefe sum of verity in it. 

Soli Deo, sit honor et gloria. 


House Books Y: B24 

f217v (1 December) 

Assemblyd in the Counsell Chambre of Owsebrige of this Citie 
the day and yere abouesaid / whan and where it was ordryd & 
agreyd by the said presens / That the Common waites of this 
Citie for dyvers good causes & considracions shall fromehenseforth 
vse and kepe there Mornyng Watche with there Instrumentes 
accustomyd every day in the weyke / excepte onely Sondays in 
the mornyng and the tyme of the Crystenmas / onely excepte / 
any custome or vsaige heretofore hadd and vsed emonges theme 
or others before them to the contrary not withstandyng / 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D59H(b) 

mb 1 

Item of the Bochers for there pagyant howse xij d 

Item of the Bowers for there pagyant howse xvj d 
Summa ij s uj d 

mb 1d 

... Item payd to the Brigmaisters of Owsebrige for oure pagyant 
howse ffarme xij d 








Citie Waites 

1570 YORK / 363 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 
£35 (Receipts) 
Item of the Paynters for there Pagyant howse xv) d 

f35v (Expenses) 
In Primis spent at Nycholas Clerkes that day the bucke was 

ettyn that Mr. Iohn Vaghain gave to vs lj s 
Item the same day to the mynstryll xij d 
Item payd for the Reparacrons of the pagyant howse xij d 
Item paid to the pagyant maisters for A locke and A key xd 

House Books Y: B24 
{267 (12 December) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre upon Ousebrig the day and 
yere abovesaid, Whan , °&’ where a bill exhibited to my Lord 
Mayour by Arthure Hodgeson one of the Waites of this Citie was 
now redde before theis presens, requyryng therby that his 
honour wold stand his good Lord & frende concernyng his 
Apprentis that he might exercise with hym and his other twoo 
felawes waites one of the foure Instrumentes belongyng to this 
Citie And to haue a Cote &c. for the wourship of this Citie / And 
that it shoulde not be hurtfull to his other 1) felawes, and that he 
wold not clayme any part of wages or custommes within the 
same Cite / 

Wherapon it was aggreed by theis presens, that the said Arthure 
Hogeson Apprentice shall haue a Cote of the Citie chardges, and 
to weare one of the foure badges and one of the iiijo™ Cheynes 
belongyng to the Citie waites within this Citie and not elles 
where soo that it be not hurtfull to his other twoo felawes 
waites / and that the same Arthure shall not clayme any part of 
wages or Customes within this Citie for his said Apprentice / And 
to be allowed of the Citie chardges for the said Cote vj s_viij d 





Tofte Grene 

Rent Resolute 

364 / YORK 1571 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA. D60I(b) 

mb 2 

Item of the Bochers for there pagyant howse 
Item of the Bowers for there pagyant howse 

Summa ij s iiij d 

mb 2d 

xij d 
xvj d 

... Item payd to the Brigmaisters of Owsebrige for oure Pagyant 

howse ffarme xij d 

mb ld 

‘Peter Hall for relesinge for beinge padging masters —_xiij s_iiij de 

Bakers’ Account Books BL; Add MS 33852 

£36 (Receipts) 

Item resauyd of the pynners for pagaunt Rent 

Item resauwyd of vxor burnleder for pagaunt money 
Item resauyd of vxor Thomson for paggeaunt money 

Item payd to the mynstrell at Thomas ketlandes 

Item payd to the mynstrelles at Thomas ketlandes 
Item payd to the mynstrelles at Charelles Skayffees 

Item payd to the brydge maysters for paggeant Rent 

York Minster Fabric Rolls YM: E3/52 

mb 1 

xvj d 
xj d 
ij d 

iiij d 

viij d 
vj d 

xij d 

... Item deliuered to mr Stevenson of Durham to pay for the 







pater noster 
play / 

pater noster 

Ridyng of 

Citizens to 
skowre their 

1572) ORK / 3165 

pricking forth of Songes at London XS 

House Books Y: B25 

£6 (14 April) 

And further it is aggreed by theis presens, that my Lord Mayour 
shall send for the Maister of St. Anthonyes and he to bryng with 
hym the booke of the play called the Pater noster play, that the 
same may be pervsed amended and corrected, And that my said 
Lord Mayour shall Certefie to theis presens at their next assemblee 
here of this pleasure to be taken therin / 

ff 12v-13 (14 May) 

Item it is aggreed by theis presens that the play commonly called 
Pater Noster play shalbe played this yere on the Thursday next 
after Trynitie Sonday nexte comyng / 

{And now it is agreed by theis presens that euery Alderman 
{and either of the Sheryffes] of this Citie shall fynde sex men 
harnessed and euery of the xxiilj°t to fynde foure harnessed 
men And that warnyng to be gyven to theym accordyngly / And 
that the Sheryffes of this Citie shall ryde accordyng to the 
ancient custome] 

And nowe it is aggreed by theis presens that the Sheryffes of 
this Citie shall ryde with harnessed men the said Thursday next 
after Trynitie Sonday next comyng accordyng to the ancient 
custome, And that euery Alderman of this Citie shall fynde sex 
men wherof iii) to be in white armour and ij in coates of plate 
and euery of the xxiiijot to fynd iiijot men wherof ij to be in 
white armour and ij with Calevers, Towardes the said rydyng, 
Apon payne That euery Alderman and euery of the said xxiiijor 
shall pay for euery of their men so lackyng iij s iiij d to the 
Common Chambre of this Citie / | 

And it is further aggreed by theis presens that commandement 
shalbe gyven in my Lord Mayour name to the Constables of 
euery paroche of this Citie, that they before Trynitie Sonday 
next shall cause , “euery householdar of this Citie’ to [be] skowre 
all suche Armour as they haue or ought to haue accordyng to 
the Statut And that no Armorer of this Citie shall take for 
skowryng of any Corselett above xij d / and for euery Allmayn 






Pageant m oney 

Pater noster 


Places to heare 
the said play 

Mr Bekwith & 
Mr Harbert 
commytted to 

BOG / OY ORGS 5172 

revett not above viij d / 

f14v (30 May) 

Alsoo it is aggreed by theis presens that euery one that occupieth 
any occupacion, other than that he was Apprentice at shall pay 
il) d for pageant money as hath bene accustomed / 

£15 (2 June) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre apon Ousebrig the day and 
yere abovesaid, whan and where it was aggreed by theis presens 
that [for] the pageant maisters [of certayne Occupacions of this 
Citie] of suche pageantes of certayne Occupacions of this Citie 
as shalbe occupied in Pater Noster play or for the Shew this yere, 
and alsoo twoo other honest men of the same occupacions shall 
goo togithers with their owne pageant and attend apon the same 
and see good ordre kepte / 

And nowe was appoynted by theis presens places for hearyng of 
Pater Noster play on Thursday next &c. viz. / The first at Trynitie 
gate, The secunde at Mr Henryson hows, The thirde at Iohn 
White hows The iijth at the East end of Ousebridge at George 
Aslaby dore The vth betwene Thomas Parker and Robert Brooke 
howses, The vjth at Henry Pulleyn hows, The vijth at the Common 
Hall gates, The viijth at William Gilmyn hows, The ixth at the 
Mynstar gates, The xth at Mr Birnand hows, The xjth at 
Goodromegate Corner, The xijth at lohn Wrightman Corner 
The xiijth at Mr Harbert doore and he to pay therfor ij s ii) d 

fel Sven (oe) 2ee) 

Alsoo it is further aggreed by theis presens, that forasmoche as 
Mr William Bekwith and Mr christofer Harbert Aldermen of this 
Citie this present day haue disobeyed the commandement of my 
Lord , Mayor’ whan as he did the same day in this place 
commande the said Mr Bekwith and Mr Harbert to assocyate and 
assist his Lordship at the tyme of playeng of the Pater noster 
play, whoo than and there refused the same, and wolde than 
haue departed frome this place, Wherapon the said Mr Bekwith 






Mr Bekwith & 
Mr. Harbert 
discharged of 

Mr. Bekwith & 
Mr. Harbert 

Mr Harbert 

1517/2, A © oben 310)7, 

and Mr Harbert by thadvise and consent of this worshipfull 
presens are nowe commanded to warde / there to abide duryng 
my Lord Mayour pleasure / 

£16 (7 June) 

Alsoo it is aggreed by theis presens that where as Mr. Bekwith 
and Mr Harbert Aldermen weare in warde by the commandement 
of my Lord Mayour, for their disobediens to his Lordship, It is 
nowe ordered and aggreed that they shalbe discharged of their 
imprisonment wmmediatly 

[And further it is agreed by theis presens that the said Mr 
Bekwith and Mr Harbert Aldermen for their said disobediers &c. 
shalbe vtterly disfranchesed, and no more to occupie as ffreemen 
of this Citie /] 

And forsomoche as the said Mr Bekwith and Mr Harbert 
Aldermen beyng nowe demmanded by theis presens / if they be 
content to abide thordre of this hows for their disobediens to 
my Lord Mayour and other their offences by theym latly 
commytted contrary to (their (.....) hensforth and against] the 
ancient ordynances of this Citie, did obstynatly and disobediently 
refuse to abide any their said ordre, Therfore it is agreed by theis 
presens that the said Mr Bekwith and Mr Harbert shalbe vtterly 
disfranchised, and no more to occupie as ffree men of this Citie / 

f 16v (23 June) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre apon Ousebrig the day and 
yere abovesaid, whan and where Mr Harbert one of the twoo 
Aldermen of this Citie whoo was latly disfranchised by aggreament 
of this hows personally came before theis presens and did humbly 
submytt hym self to abide the ordre of the Lord Mayour and this 
worshipfull assemblee for his disobediens to his Lordship and for 
sewyng hym before the Lord President and Counsell in theis 
North parties, beyng a foreyne Courte contrary to [his franchesed 
(Ces ee )] the ancient ordynances of this Citie / be it by ffyne 
or otherwise, and also for admyttyng hym to his ffreedome 
ageyne for his said offenses 

Wherapon it was nowe aggreed by theis presens that the said 
Mr Harbert shalbe restored to his ffreedome ageyne and he to 

13 disobediers] for disobediens 





Mr Harbert 
restored to his 
ffredome & 
Aldermanship / 

The Lord 
Archebissop to 
haue a Copie 
of the bookes 
of Pater noster 


Citie Waites 

368 / YORK 1572 

pay therfor xl s on Thursday next in the Comon Chambre apon 
Ousebrig to the handes of the Chambrelaynes of this Citie / And 
that he shall frome hensforth kepe his place of Aldermanship in 
all assemblees as he did before his said disfranchisement / 

£19 (30 July) 

And nowe my said Lorde Mayour declared to this said worshipfull 
assemblee that my Lord Archebisshop of York requested to haue 
a Copie of the bookes of the Pater noster play / Wherapon it is 
nowe aggreed by theis presens that his grace shall haue a trewe 
Copie of all the said bookes even as they weare played this yere 
£24 (20 October) 

And nowe it was aggreed by theis presens that for certayne 
consideracions the Waites of this Citie shalbe called in / and their 
Cheynes Cognysances to be taken from theym / and not s to 
serue as Waites of this Citie / quovsque &c. / 

f25v (22 October) Locksmiths’ Ordinances 

Item that the Pageant Maisters of the said Craft shall warne all 

the Craft as oft tymes as they shalbe charged by the said Serchars 
apon payne of xx d to be payed in forme aforesaid / 

ff 27-7v* (21 November) 

Assembled apon the Counsell Chambre apon Ousebrig the day 
and yere abovesaid, whan and where a lettre frome my Lord 
Archebesshop of York and certayne others the Quenes Maiesties 
Commyssionars , ‘a lettre’ directed to my Lord Mayour and 
Aldermen was nowe openly redde to theis presens / the Tenour 
wherof herafter foloweth woorde by woorde / 

Collation (B25, ff 27-7v with BI: HC A.B.7, ff 41-1v): Heading] Decimo 
quinto Novembris Anno domini 1572 30-5] omitted 

18 s) single letternot cancelled 





Lettre ageinst 
ridyng of Yule 
& Yules wif, 

1572 YORK / 369 

To our lovyng ffrendes the . Lord Mayour & Aldermen of the 
Citie of York / 

After our hartie commendacions / where as there hath bene 
heretofore a very rude and barbarouse custome maynteyned in 
this Citie, and in no other Citie or towne of this Realme to our 
knowlege that yerely vpon St Thomas day before Christmas, 
twoo disguysed persons called Yule and Yules wif shoulde ryde 
throughe the Citie very vndecently and vncomely drawyng great 
concurses of people after theym to gaise / often tymes comyttyng 
other enormyties / fforasmoch as the said disguysed rydyng and 
concourse aforesaid besydes other inconvenyences, tendeth also 
to the prophanyng of that day appoynted to holy vses, and also 
withdraweth great multitudes of people frome devyne service 
and Sermons / We have thought | good by theis presentes to will 
and requyre yowe, and nevertheles in the queenes Mavesties 
name by vertue of hyr highnes Commyssion for causes 
eccleciasticall within the provynce of Yorke to vs and others 
directed straitely to chardge and commande yowe, that ye take 
ordre that noo suche rydyng of Yule and Yules wif be frome 
hensforth attempted or vsed / And that ye cause this our precept 
and ordre to be registred of Recorde, and to be dewly observed 
not onely for this yere, but also for all other yeres ensewyng / 
Requyryng yowe herof not to faile (as our trust is yowe will 
not,) and as ye will answere to the contrary . ffare yowe hartely 
well At Yorke this xiijth of Novembre 15720. 

Your lovyng ffrendes 
Edmund Ebor’ 
Matthew Hutton 
John Rokeby 
Thomas Eymis 
William Strikland 
christofer Ashburn 

Collation continued: 1-2] omitted 10 before said] d 11 inconvenyences] 
enconvenientes 16name] and 18 ye] yow 23 trust] trustlile 24 ffare] 
fa're'[te] HC A.B.7 ends] Maior and aldermen of yorke 




Yule and Yules 
wif not to ride / 

37,0 (YORK 5.79) 

Whiche lettre beyng soo redde, It was aggreed by theis presens, 
that no disguysed persons called Yule & Yules wif nor yet the 
Sheryffes Seriantes shall ryde this yere not any yere frome 
hensforth on Saynt Thomas day before Christmas And that 
comandement herof shalbe forthwith gyven frome my Lord 
Mayour to the Sheryffes accordyngly / 

B/Y Memorandum Book Y: ER20A 

f£230* (19 December) 

Plasterers, Tilers and Bricklayers’ Ordinances 

Item that the Artifecers of the said Craft shall goo with their 
pageantes throughe the Citie as other occupacions and artificers 
doeth / 

f 230-1 

Item that what soever he be that shall buye any plaister to burne 
and sell ageyne and is noo Tyler shall pay yerely to the Pageant 
maisters of the said Occupacion iiij d apon payne of xij d to be 
payed in forme aforesaid / 

Item that what soever he be that maketh any tyle or brick to 
serve the Citie withall shall paye yerely to the Pageant maisters 
aforesaid every one of theym iiij d apon payne of xij d to be 
payed in forme aforesaid / 

Item that every Lymeburnar beyng a forreynar | shall paye 
ij d. for his Pageant money apon payne of xij d. to be payed in 
forme aforesaid / 

Item that every Tylar Plaisterer and Bricklayer within this 
Citie shall paye their pageant money yerely before Saynt lames 
daye, whan the playe is played whan soever they shalbe demanded 
by the Pageant Maisters / apon payne of xij d to be payed in 
forme aforesaid / 

Collation continued: 1-6] omitted. 

Collation (E20A, ff 230-1 with B, B25, ff 32v-3v; E, E22, ff 145-5v): 
13 after pageantes) aforesaid BE 14doeth] doeE 23 what] what what 
MS, what BE 






Tofte Greyn 

Renws Resolute 


Item that twoo Maisters of the said occupacron shalbe yerely 
chosen equally to governe both pageantes of the said occupacion 

aforesaid / 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D60K(b) 
mb 2 
Item of the Bochers for there paigyant howse 

Item of the Bowers for there paigyant howse 

mb ld 
... Item payd to the Brigmaisters of Ousebryge for our 
pagyanthowse ferme 

Olde Dettes and Arrerages 

xij d 
xvj d 

xij d 

Item Mr Robert Paycock Lait Alderman for Peter Hall for Releas 

of his pagyantmaistership found by Audytours 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 
f 36v (Receipts) 

Item of the pagyant maisters 


Item receyved more of the pagyant maisters 

£37v (Expenses) 
Item to the Brygmaisters for our Pagyant howse 

Collation continued: 2 the said occupacion] the Occupacion B 
thoccupacion E 

xiij s iiij d 

vijs ijd 

x1j d 

xij d 






Rentes and 
ffermes within 
Myklith Barr 
and withoute 

At our venyson 

372 / YORKSIS 72 

Item to Myles Gray for makyng of a wynd as 

Item paid for wyne and to the Mynstrels at Mr. 
Ketlandes xv) d 

Item paid to the Mynstrell at Gregory Smyth ablyng dynnir vj d 

Item to Iohn Wylliamson for Lokyng abowte the pagyant 

Gear vj d 
Item to the putters of the pagyant in bread & ale vd 
Item in ale whan we went to se the pagyant vyjd 
Item for a Sheyld of maynbread to carry to my Lord 

Mayour xij d 
Item to my Lorde Mayour offycer id 
Item to the Chambre for our pagyant howse Xlj s 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y:C93:1 

mb 2* 

Item of the Skynners for there pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the Marchantes for ther pagyant howse ferme xij d 
Item of the Tapitouwrs for there pagyant howse farme xij d 
Item of the wrightes for ther pagyant howse x1j d 
Item of the Tanners for ther Pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the Cordyners for there pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the Bakers for there pagyant howse xij d 
Item of the Cowpers for one Owttshott ij d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D60L(b) 

mb 1 

Item more of lames Beckwith — x s Ralf Richardson 
— x s George Aslaby — x s and Iohn Iakson pagyant _ xl s 
Maisters — x s Accordyng to the order of this fellowshipe 







Tofte Grene 

Rentes Resolute 

Pagyant howse 

1573 YORK /373 

mb 2 

Item of the Bochers for there pagyant howse ferme xij d 
Item of the Bowers for there pagyant howse ffirme xvj d 
mb 2d 

... Item payd to the Brygmaisters of Ousebrige for ovr pagyant 
howse fferme xij d 
mb 1d 

Olde Dettes and Arrerages / 
Item Mr Robert Paycok Alderman for Releas of pagyant maister 
of Peter Hall xilj $ ij d 
Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 
£38 (Receipts) 

Item Receyved of the paynters xvj d. 

£39 (Expenses) 

Item paid to Mynstrells at our fyrst mete at Rychard Wrightes x d 
Item paid to the Mynstrells in Lent vj d 
Item spent whan we went with a wright to se our pagyant 

howse lj d 
Item paid to the Brygmaisters for our pagyant howse fferme xij d 
Item paid to the Mynstrells at william wrightes xx d 

Item to the Mynstrells at Richard Wrightes xij d 

Item paid for a pottell of wyne at our pagyant Maisters 
Rekonyng dynner vilj d 







374 / YORK 1573 

Item paid for Reparacions of our pagyant howse xxij d 
Item allowyd the pagynt Maisters for Iohn Clerck and Rychard 
Chapman two tymes vil) d 
Item paid to the pagyant Maisters that they paid more then 
they Receyvyd xij d 
134 s+ 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 
BI: PR Y/MCS 16 

p 105 

Item paid [R] to Roberte hewet for dressynge & kepinge clene 
the harnes & swerdes for one yere xij d 

E Memorandum Book Y. £22 
ff 155-5v (19 November) Tanners 

Item that ij°' Pageant Maisters shall vpon warninge gyven them 
by the said sherchers warne the whole occupacion to mete at a 
place & tyme apoynted so as the partie warned may haue one 
whole nightes Warninge before they mete And yat euerye maister 
being thus warned and maketh not his repaire accordinglie 
without a sufficient excuse and proof therof shall pay for euerye 
Detalt xij d And if the pageant maisters gyve not warninge 
according to the Serchers Commandement euerye of them 
so offendinge shall lykewise pay xij d to the Chamber and 
Occupaicion afforesaid equally to the devyded | 

Item that the pageant Maisters and all other of the said 
Occupacion shall euery yeare vpon the Monday next before the 
feast of All Sayntes Choose iiij0T newe pageant maisters After 
which Eleccion thold pageant Maisters shall make their Accompte 
to the whole Occupacron And then presentelie delyver over all 
such Money as remaineth in their Custodie to the newe pageant 
Maisters And he that refuseth soe to doe shall pay x s to be 
devided as is abouesaide And the sayme Day shall thold pageant 
Maisters prepaire in some honest and Convenient howse one 





At our venyson 

Tofte Grene 


Rentes Resolute 

mayd this yere / 

Old Dettes and 
Arrerages / 

1574 YORK / 375 

Dynner for al} the Maisters of the said Occupacion at viilj d a man 
And he that promiseth to Come to the sayme Dynner and fayleth 
shall pay xij d And if the Pageant maisters make Defaulte in 
providing the said Dynner ther to forfayte xiij s iil) d to be 
equallie paid as is aforsaid 

Item when anie leyther shalbe brought by anie foreyner into this 
Citie to be sold or sell the same and then bring it, yt shalbe 
lawfull to the pageant Maisters to tayke of anie suche person for 
pageant money for one whole yeare vj d / 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D60M(b) 

mb 1 

Item more of Leonard Beckwith x s christopher 
Consett x s William Skott Marchant x s William 

Skott Marcer pagyant Maisters x s Accordyng mus 

to the order of this felloshipe 

mb 2 

Item of the bochers for there pagyant howse fferme xij d 

Item of the bowers for there pagyant howse ferme xvj d 
Summa ij s uj d 

mb 2d* 

... Item Allowyd for Iohn Iakson pagyant Maister whiche the 
Maister Aundsveryd in his Last yere Accompte and is not payd 
ie iSite. 

Item payd to the brigemaisters of Owsebrige for oure pagyant 
howse fferme xij d / 

Item payd for Reparacions mayd of our pagyant howse xij d 

mb 1d 

Item Mr Robart Paycoke Alderman for Releas of pagyant Master 




Pagyant howse 

Of the pagiant 

Lyme & Stone 

Reparacions of 
our pagyant 

376/ YORK 1574 

of petter hall 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 
f 39v (Receipts) 

Item Receyvyd of the paynters & pynners 

xiij s iiij d 

xvj d 
Item Receyved of the pagyant maisters at ij sondry 
tymes XXvilj s x d 

t 40 

Receyved for Lyme that Left of the pagyant howe xvj d / Item 

for Stones that was Left there xij d Summa jj iiij d 

Summa ij s ui d 

f40v (Expenses) 

In Primis paid for 1j peces of Tymbre that was boght of Nycholas 

Item for one pece of Tymbre boght of Richard Clerk 
Item for xv Sparres 
Item for one easbourd 
Item for ij hundreth of sex penny nales 
Item for half a hundreth doble Spykynges 
Item for half a hundreth of latt nales 
Item for ij gallons of ale and one Lof of Bread 

vs viijd 
ij s uy d 
vijs vjd 

xj d 

Item payd to the Smyth for opnyng of the Marchantes pagyant 

howse dowre 
Item payd for ij stickes of Sex kyddes to make pynes 
Item for buyldyng of owr pagyant howse 
Item for iij quarters of Lyme and for the carrage of yt 
Item for half A quarter of plaster 
Item for A hundreth of breke 
Item for carraige of the same 
Item for ij thowsand of Latt nales 
Item for vij bounshe of Lattes 


iij s iiij d 
ijs xd 






money due for 
St Anthonies 
play booke 


Item for xx" Lodd of earthe xx d 
Item for x Loodd of Sand xd 
Item for ij penny worthe of Sex penny nales and jj great brages 
bought after ward ij d 
Item for cearten stones whiche was bought for the ground 
walles and for the carraige of the stones js xd 
Item for eight Ryge Tyle xv) d 
Item to the Tyllers for thekyng of the sayd howse ixs jd 
Item for drynke that was bestowed vpon the Tylers xij d 
Item for those days when the pagyant Maisters were at the 
pagyant howse xx1j d 
Item to the wryght for takyng downe of the pagyant howse xij d 
Item to the tyller for takyng [downe] of the teyle vilj d 
Item for 1ij bordes for the pagyant howse dowre xij d 
Item for croukes & A band to the same dore ij d 
Item to the workmen for Rychard Clarke ij d 
Summa ij li. ij s ij d 
f 41 
Item paid for wyne at William Kynges pagyant dyner xx d 
Item paid [for wyne] to the Mynstrell at owr venyson feast at 
Mr. Masons vil) d 
Item paid to the mynstrells at Rychard Wright Reconyng 
dynner xij d. 
Item paid to the pagyant maisters for A Bultyd Loof id 
Item paid to the Brygmaisters for martynmas Rent for our 
pagyant howse ferme xij d 

House Books Y: B26 
£25 (17 June) 

Assembled in the Counsell chamber vpon Ousebrig the day and 
year abouesaid Whan & wheir it was agreed that christofer 
Learmouth shall paid him forthwyth by Nicholas Haxvppe 
master of St Anthonies xx s for making ij play bookes perteyninge 





playe bookes / 

378 / YORK 1575 

the said Hospitall of St Anthonies which il) bookes were now 
Delyuered to the said nicholas to be saiflie kepte to thuse of the 
saide Hospitall. 

And wheras certayne of the same bookes ar in my Lord 
Archebishopps handes it is agreed that the same shalbe required 
to be restored agayne. 

it 27 (8 July) 

Also it was now agreed that before Michelmas next mr Allyn 
Mr Maskewe aldermen Mr Roberte Brooke and Mr Andrewe 
Trewe shall goe and requir of my Lord Archebishop his grace all 
suche ye play bookes as perteyne this cittie now in his graces 
Custodie and yat his grace will apoynt twoe or thre sufficiently 
learned to correcte the same wherein by the lawe of this Realme 
they ar to be reformed ./ And if ther leysure will serve to goe 
about the premisses before lammas [las] next / 

f34v (2 September) 

And now a Barwood lycensed to travaile abroade with the 
Quenes Beares 1s apoynted to baite the sayme vpon peaseholme 
grene this day at after none over against St Anthonies hall so 
that the pastyme be in full prospecte of the Lord Mayour & his 
Brethren. And the Barwood to haue suche Reward of the Chamber 
as my Lord Mayour shall thinke mete / 

E Memorandum Book Y: E22 
f 80v (20 October) Armourers 

Item that all & euery the maisters of the said occupacion within 
the said cyttie for the tyme beinge shall mete yearlie at ther 
vsuall place vpon the second Sunday next after Corpus christi 
day to elect and [cloise] choise ther new searchers and pageant 
maisters for the Yeare following And to take the Accompt of the 
old pageant maisters for ther yere then fynished And if anie of 
them being lawfullie warned do not come to the said eleccron 
And accompte making having not a reasonable Excuse of his 
absence shall forefett iij s 1iij d thone half to the Common 
Chamber & thother half to the said Occupaczon 






Rentes and 
fermes within 
Myklith barr 
and withoute / 

At oure venyson 

Toft Grene 

1575 YORK / 379 
f 81 

Item that euery yeare that the play shalbe plaed within the said 
Cyttie in which the pageant of the said occupacion shalbe set out 
all the maisters of the said occupacion shalbe ready attending 
with the pageant Maisters vpon the said pageant at all tyme & 
tymes of the playeng & publishing thereof vpon payne eche of 
them to forfayt iij s ij d to the chamber & said occupacion 
equallie to be devided / 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C93:2 

mb 2 

Item of the Skynners for there pagyant howse ferme x1) d 
Item of the Marchantes for there pagyant house ferme x1) d 
Item of the Tapitours for there pagyant house xij d 
Item of the Wrightes for there pagyant house xij d 
Item of the Tanners for there pagyant howse x1) d 
Item of the Cordyners for there pagyant house xij d 
Item of the Bakers for there pagyant house xij d 
Item of the Cowpers for one Owteshote ij d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D60N(b) 
mb 1 

Item more of Rychard Hutton x s Iohn Hurbart x s 
Henry Novell x s and Thomas Moselay x s 

pagyantmaysters accordyng to thorder of this a 

mb 2 

Item of the bochers for ther padgyant house farme x1) d 
Item of the bowers for there padgyant house ferme xvj d 

Summa }j s iiij d / 



Toft Grene 

Rentes Resolute 

not allowed 

382 / YORK 1576 

mb 2 

Item of the bochers for there pagyant house firme 
Item of the bowers for there pagyant house firme 

Summa ij $ iilj d 

xij d 
xv) d 

... Item payd to the brigmaisters of ousebrige for our pagyant 

houese fferme xij d / 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 

f45 (R eceipts) 

Receyved of the paynters and pynners for there paygyant 


£47 (Expenses) 

xvj d 

Item spent at william hewetsons by Conncent of the same 

Companye in making of our reckknynge for wyne that we 

had fectche by the pagyant masteres 

f 48 

Item paid to the Brygemasteres for rent 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Accounts: St Peter’s Part 
Weve B22 

Item given to my Lord Therle of Essex his men players 

Item given to my Lord Stafford men players 

Item given to Lancashyre men players ; 
Item given to the Scollers of the horsfaire players 

xij d 

xij d 


XX S$ 






Rewardes to the 
Common Wates 

Clothyng to the 
officers and 
waites of 

this Citie / 

Rewardes to 
honorable mens 
servantes players 
mynstrelles and 

At oure venyson 
feast & of the 
Pagiant maisters 

Toft Grene 

Rentes Resolute 

1577 YORK / 383 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls y : C7:3 

mb 5 

Item paid to the Waytes of this Citie for Easter terme 
accustomed lj s ij d 
Item paid to the same Waites for Christmas terme lj s ij d 
Item paid to the said Waites for Saynt William day viz the day 

my Lord Mayour makith his greate feaste 6a 
Item paid to Thomas Moore John Bawderstone 
Arthur Hogeson and Iohn Clerk foure Waites of 
this Citie for their Clothyng accustomed ageinst xlviij s 

Chrystmas to be devided emonges theym / viz / 
X1j $a pece / in all 
mb 3d 

Item paid therefor this yere as appereth particularly 

in the papir booke aforesaid ue swe 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D60P(b) 
mb 1 

Item more of Willzam ffresby — x s lames Crosse 
x s Ralf Harte x s and Marmaducke Suddybie x s 

pagyant maisters accordinge to thorder of this a 

mb 2 

Item of the bochers for there pagyant house ferme xlj d 
Item of the bowers for there pagyant house ferme xvj d 

Summa ij s i1ij d 

... Item paid to the brigmaisters of ousebrige for our pagyant 
house ferme xij d 






Rentes and 
othere money 
allowid appon 


33477 YORK 5077; 

mb 2d 

Item the Aske Allowance for x s owinge by 
Rychard hutton Laite pagyant master and othere 

x s by Iohn harbart Lait pagyant master which ae 
the master cannot have paid 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 

£51 (Receipts) 

Receyved of the pynners and paynters for there pagyon 

rentte xvj d 
f52v (Expenses) 

Item paied to the briggemasteres for the pagyon howse 

rentte xij d 

f 64 

Also it is fullye concluded and agreed by the Scearchers whiche 
is lohn Troughton Robert Nicolson & George Wilson thelder and 
the brethern assembled in the Comon Place of the vijth of May 
anno domini 1577 / that at all tymes and tymes there after / that 
no maister of fre baykers of the Cytie of yorke shall haue no mo 
prentisses but one whiche haue be Padgone maisters / And euery 
younge man newlye sett vpp in the said occupacon whiche haue 
not bene padione maister shall haue no prentes vnto suche tyme 
as they haue bene padione maister or ells shall pay to the vse of 
the said occupacon xx s. for tayking the said prentis. 

House Books Y: B27 

f 116 (22 October) 

Also yt is agreed by thes presentes that from hensforth that ther 
shalbe no Interludes playes or other devises for assemblinge of 






no plaies at 
common hal 
but by licens & 




1578 YORK / 385 

the common people at the common Hall of this Cittie played 
published or put in exercise ther but onelye at suche tyme or 
tymes as the Lord Mayour of this Cyttie shalbe present at the 
same except speciall lycense be granted therin by the full Consent 
of this Court 

E Memorandum Book Y: E22 

ff 142v-3v* (28 November) 
The auntyent Ordynances of the musicions comonlie called the 
minstrills within the Cittie of yorke diligentlie pervsed and 
examyned by the right honorable Hughe graves lord maiowr his 
worshipfull brethren the Aldermen and previe Counsell of the 
saide Cittie at ther assemblee in the Counsell chamber vpon 
Ousbrige the xxviijth day of November in the xxith yeare of the 
Reigne of oure most graciouse soueraigne ladie quene Elizabeth 
and by the said lord maiowr Aldermen and counsell at instance 
and with full consent of Roberte hewit maister of the fellowshippe 
of the said arte or sciens of musicions comonlie called the 
minstrells Ambrose [burgh] burghe and Cuthbert Watson 
searchers and other the brethren of the same arte were than 
and there dulie reformed approved ordeyned and stablished to 
be frome thensforth for evermore dulie and firmelie executed 
fulfilled and kept in all pointes aswell for the worshipp of the 
said Cittie as also for the honestie weale and good order of the 
sciens aforesaid in forme as followeth ./ That is to say / 

ffirst it is ordeyned enacted and stablished that no manner of 
forreyner of what Condicion he be occupie anie minstrelsse 
singinge or plainge vpon anie instrument within anie parishe 
within this Cittie enfranches thereof vpon anie Churche holidaies 
or dedicacion daies holowed or kept within the same parishe or 
anie Brotherheades or fremans dinners or dynners mad or kepte 
within the same Cittie or ffranchesse thereof vpon payne that 
euerie such foraigne minstrell after [maon] “moninge’ to him 
geven by the maister or searchers to pay for euerie such tyme 
that he shalbe found doinge contrarie to this act iij s iiij d the 
one half thereof to remaine to the vse of the Comon chamber of 
this Cittie and thother half to the Comon box of the said arte / 

Item that the felloweshippe of the minstrells freemen of this 
Cittie now beinge and ther successors for ever haue poore 
Authoritie and libertie euerie yeare at the feast of Saynct Iames 





quar terage 



386 / YORK 1578 

thappostle to assemble them selves in St Anthonie hall or other 
convenient place within the said Cittie at a day Certaine by them 
to be lymited And so assembled by ther Comon voyces . and 
assentes or of the greater parte of them doe choise thre able 
persons of the same fellowship to be a maister and two searchers 
of the said science or art for the yeare followinge and if anie 
person so chosen maister [(..)] or searcher refuse or forfeyte the 
said offices of maistershipp or searcher euerie person so refusinge 
to pay xx s thone half whereof to the Comon chamber of this 
Cittie and thother half to the behoof of the said arte / 

Item that the Comon box of the said fellowship shalbe and 
remaine frome yeare to yeare in the Custodie and kepinge of 
the maister[s] and searchers of the said art for the tyme beinge 
and of all such money as the maister and searchers haue at the 
end of ther yeare or within xxth daies next after shall geue and 
yeald vpp vnto the said fellowshipp or the greater parte of them 
a trewe and lust accompt in writinge vpon paine euerie of them 
makinge defalt to pay x s to be equallie devided to th(.)ses 
aforesaide / | 

Item that euerie brother of the said sciens shall pay yearelie 
towardes the cherge of the said arte as brotherhead money 
vilj d by yeare that is to say 1j d euerie quarter and that euerie 
such ffreman beinge a brother of the said art not payenge the 
said quarterage euerie quarter day that is to say at thend of 
euerie quarter of the yeare or within xvth daies next and 
imediatlie followinge after anie of the said quarter[s] dayes and 
refusinge to content the same to pay for euerie defalt ii) s ij d 
to be equallie devided in forme aforesaide / 

Item that euerie freman or brother of the said arte present 
euerie of his apprentices to the maister and searchers of the said 
arte for the tyme beinge within one moneth ymediatlie after 

‘that’ anie such apprentice shalbe bounde payinge at this 
presentacion to the Comon box of the said art xx d and if anie 
of them be negligent and doe not present [the] , “his’ apprentice 
within the said moneth nor pay the said fyne of xx d euerie 
such brother so offendinge to [pay] forfaite for euerie defalt x s 
thone half to be to the Chamber of this Cittie and thother half 
to the Comon box of the said arte / 

Item that if anie person enfranchessed in the said art or 
brother of the same warned by anie of the said searchers for the 
tyme beinge to come to the quarter daies or to thassemble of the 
maister and searchers of the said art for the tyme beinge with 












EDP fts), SCONES TP ested d/ 

theis the brethren of the same art and without reasonable cauese 
absentinge himself not willinge to come thether to pay for euerie 
defalt ij s to be equallie devided to the vses aforesaid / 

Item that no person enfranchised in the said art or brother of 
the same presume to rebuke revile or geue anie slaunderous or 
veleynouse wordes to the said maister or searchers or to anie of 
them for the tyme beinge or to anie other person beinge brother 
or free man of the said fellowship or art vpon payne to pay for 
euerie tyme that anie of them shalbe founde culpable of anie 
such approbriouse or vnfittinge wordes to pay for euerie defalt 
vj s vuj d thone half thereof to be to the Comon chamber and 
thother half to the Comon box of the saide arte / 

Item that none of the said fellowship beinge a minstrell 
enfranchessed and brother of the said art teach or enforme anie 
other persons other then his owen apprentice in anie point or 
feat of minstrelsie excepte he be a fremans sone of the same arte 
nor goe with anie stranger to anie weddinge or anie other feast 
onelie to laboure with him within the said Cittie or liberties of 
the same without license of the maister of the said arte for the 
tyme beinge first obteyned vpon paine to forfeyt [forefyt] for 
euerie defalt vj s viij d to be devided and employed as is aforesaid 
Provided that this act doe not extend to anie brother for teachinge 
anie freman or gentleman . ‘of this Cittie’ and ther childrin 
disposed to learne anie thinge for his pleasure / 

Item that no freman of the said art taike anie servant by 
Covenant for a yeare or otherwise oneles he be apprentice for 
the terme of vijth yeares at the least accordinge to the lawdable 
custome of this Cittie vpon paine to forfeyt for euerie offence 
xx s thone half thereof to be to the Comon chamber of this 
Cittie and thother half to the Comon box of the said arte / 
Provided that this act doe not extend to the waites of the Cittie 
of york for the tyme beinge to hire anie man to helpe them in 
ther wache 

Item that no brother freman of the said art shall at anie tyme 
open or desclose anie wordes or sayinges lawfull touchinge ther 
sciens spoken at the Comon or previe metinges of the said art 
or anie of them except it be to anie of the said brethren or at 
the tyme of theire said assemble vpon paine to forfeyt for euerie 
such defalt vj s_viij d thone half thereof to the vse of the said 
Chamber and the other half to the said arte / | 

Item that no freman brother of the said art shall at anie tyme 
hereafter sett fourth his or ther Apprentice or apprentices to 







teachinge of 


offeringe to 

playinge by 


hunts vps 



388 / YORK 1578 

laboure in anie companie as a minstrell within the said Cittie 

or liberties of the same before the said apprentices and euerie of 
them be examyned and admitted by the said maizter or searchers 
for the tyme beinge vpon paine to forfeyt for euerie defalte iij s 
iiij d thone half to the chamber of the said Cittie and thother half 
to the Comon box of the saide arte / 

Item that no brother of the said art beinge enfranchissed shall 
taike anie apprentice except he be able to teache him in that art 
both such tunynge and conversacion as he may be well thought 
on to serve a noble man or man of worshipp without the whoale 
consent of the Brethren of the said art vpon paine to forfeyt for 
euerie such defalte vj s viij d thone half to the comon chamber 
of this Cittie & thother half to the said arte / 

Item that no brother of the said art shall seake for anie 
weddinges or proffer himself or cawse himself to be hired to the 
same, to the hindravs of other his brethren of the said art except 
the parties so to be married [ot] or ther frendes doe send for him 
or them vpon paine [of] to forfeyt for euerie such defalt vj s 
vilj d equallie to be paied and devided in forme aforesaid 

Item that no brother of the said art shall offer to playe in anie 
place within this Cittie or suburbs where anie of his brethren is 
plainge wherebie they shalbe worse thought of vnlesse he be 
willed or sent for by the best man of that companie vpon paine 
to forfayt foreuerie defalt vj s viij d to the chamber & arte 
aforesaid by even porcions / 

Item that no brother of the said art beinge enfranchessed or 
anie of ther apprentices shall play on the night before anie mans 
apprentices or servantes after ixth of the clok at night vpon paine 
to forfeyt foreuerie such defalt vj s_viij d to be equallie paied & 
devided in forme aforesaid / 

Item that no brother of the said art enfranchesed shall play 
anie huntsvps at anie tyme except the waites of thes Cittie 
vnlesse they be sent for by the goodman of the howese vpon 
paine to forfeyt for euerie such defalt vj s_viij d equallie to be 
paied and devided as is aforesaid / 

Item that no person shall frome hensforth be made a free 
brother of the said art except he be examyned by the maister and 
whole fellowship aforesaid and be well thought on by them to 
be a fitt man for that purpose vpon paine to forfeyt for euerie 
such defalt vj s viij d to be paied and devided in forme aforesaid / 

Fynallie it is further ordeyned and by the consent of , ‘all 
the good , ‘men’ of the said art or Sciens fullie agreed that the 






Rewardes to the 
Common Wates 

Clothyng to the 
oficers and 
Waites of this 

Rewardes to 
honorable mens 
seruantes players 
Mynstrelles and 

At oure venysone ~ 

ffeast / and of 
the pagiant 

1578 YORK / 389 

said fellowship of minstrells of ther proper cherges shall yearelie 
frome hensforth when the play shalbe played bringe furth and 
cawese to be plaied the pagiant of corpus christif()] viz the 
Harowld his sone two counsellours and the messinger enquiringe 
the thre kinges of the child Jesu / somtyme accostomed to be 
brought forth at cherges of the lait masons of this Cittie on 
corpus christi day in such lyke semelie , “wise &’ order as ther 
occupacons of this Cittie doe there pagiantes / 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: C8:1 
mb 5 

Item paid to the Waytes of this Citie for Easter terme 

accustomed lij s ij d 
Item paid to the same Waites for Christmas terme lij s uy d 
Item paid to the said Waites for St William day / viz / the day 

that my Lord Mayour makith his greate feast xx d 

Summa vilj s ilj d 

Item paid to Thomas Moore Iohn Bawderstone 

Arthure Hogeson and Iohn Clerke foure Waites 

of this Citie for their Clothyng accustomed xIvilj s. 
agenest Christmas to be devided emonges theym, 

viz xij S a pece in all 

mb 3d 

Item paid therefore this yere as appereth 

particularly in the papir booke aforesaid Oe ad 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D60Q(b) 
mb 1 
Item more of William Lulley x s William Burton x s 

Robert Myers x s and Iohn ffisher x s pagiant maisters xl s 
accordinge to thorder of this ffelloship 








Toft Grene 

Rentes Resolute / 



Corpus christ) 

390 / YORK 1578 

mb 2* 
Item of the bochers for there pagiant house firme xij d 
Item of the Bowers for there pagiant house firme xvj d 

Summa lj $ iiij d 
.. Item paid to the brigmaisters of Ousebrige for oure pagiant 
house farme xij d 
mb 2d 

Item paid for nayles to the pagyant house jd 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 

f£53v (Receipts) 

Rees of paynters & pynners for padione Rente xv} d 
Receyved of Rychard Syddall for padione hous rentte xij d 
f£54v (Expenses) 

Item to the bridge masteres for padione howse rentt xij d 
Item that Iohn gryme Laid Donne for padione howse Rentte 

the whiche the Olde Seachers haiue maide Reckeninge to the 
occupacion vpon & not payed vyjd 

House Books Y: B27 

f151 (8 April) 

Also it is aggreed by theis presens that Corpus christi play shalbe 
played this yere And that first the booke shalbe caried to my 
Lord Archebisshop and Mr Deane to correcte, if that my Lord 
Archebisshop doo well like theron / 





Ordre ageinst 

At our venysone 
ffeast and of 
the pagiant 

Tofte Grene 

Rentes Resolute 

S17 OF VOR (53.91 

f 196v (4 December) 

Assembled in the counsell chamber vpon Ousbridge the day & 
yeare abovesaide when and where yt is agreed by thes presentes 
that ther shalbe comaundement geven to the searches of the 
waites of this Cyttie for the tyme beinge that they shall not 
suffer anie strainge musiczons or minstrell to go abroade within 
this Cyttie, playnge at mens dowers or in their howses other then 
such as be allowed by statute, vpon payne [ch] of every offence 
that the Searchers to forfayte vj s vilj d, and further yt is agreed 
that the Searchers of the sayd occupacion for the tyme beinge, 
shall at all tymes when anie such minstrells and musicons, as 
shalbe allowed by statute, shall repaire to this Cittie, that the 
Searcher of the sayd occupacion shall give knowledge therof 
to the Lord maior and his brethren for the tyme beinge. ... 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D60R(b) 
mb 1 
Item more of Thomas Harbart x s William Robynson 

x s lohn Aske x s and Iohn mawd x s pagiant xl s 
maisters accordinge to thorder of this felloship 

mb 2 

Item of the bochers for ther pagiant howse firme xij d 

Item of the bowers for ther pagiant howse firme xvj d 
Summa ij s iii} d 

mb 2d 

... Item paid to the brygmaisters of ousebrige for ovr pagiant 
house firme xij d 

Reparacions maid of Richard Robynson howse taillour of our 
hall & pagiant howse /+ 
Item paid for Reparacions of our pagiant howse ij d 





Certen Rentes 
allowed for 
consyderacions / 


392 /, YORK: 1517/9 

Item the said accomptantes are to be allowid for 
the hole yere rent of the bochers for there Pagiant 

howse firme xvj d And also of the bowers for js uy d 

there pagiant howse firme xij d for that the master 
& constables cannot haue them paid some 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 
1¢ SS (Receipts) 

Receyved of Rychard Syddall for padione house rentte 

xij d 
Receyved of the paynters and pynners for there padione 
rentt xvj d 
f56v (Expenses) 
Item to the briggemasteres for padione howse Rentt xij d 

Item Laid downe to the mynstrels at the venyson feaste on 

the water Layne vij d 

Those that haue the padione howse [rentte] to paye ij s vj d 


the rentte to the searchers and to the occupacon yearelie at the 

feaste Saint Martin and at the feast of penthicoste Rychard 

gaittes will geue the same graunte in the comen plaice the xiilj 

Octobre anno 1579. 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Accounts: St Peter’s Part 
YM: E2/21 

f 20v 

Item given to players 

House Books Y: B27 
£219 (3 February) 

And nowe the Commons did earnestly request of my Lord 






request to haue 
corpus christi 


Shewe of 
Armour with 
ridyng of 

Rewardes to the 
Common Wates 
accustomed / 

Clothyng to the 
officers and 
Waites (...) 

1580 YORK / 393 

Mayour and others this worshipfull Assemblee that Corpus 
christi play might be played this yere, wherapon my Lord Mayour 
[and theis] answered that he and his bretherin wold considre of 

their request / 
£246 (12 July) 

Also it is agreed that ther shalbe a shewe of Armor by the Cyttizens 
of this Cyttie on St Bartholomewe day next at one of the clocke 
after none [at one] accordinge to the auncyent vsage of this 
Cyttye and the sheriffes to ryde that day with ther foote clothes 
vpon payne °to be forfaited by theym as is expressed in thold 
ordynances of this Citie / And so frome hensofrth yerely vpon 
May day and Midsomar even / And that thofficers of euery 
Warde of this Citie shall in the meane tyme gyve warnyng to the 
Constables, that they may gyve warnyng to the worshopfull and 
other substancyall men of this Citie to be ready with their men 
and furnyture, And the said Constables to be likewise furnyshed 
in Armour /* 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls vy: C8:2 
mb 5 

Item paid to the Waytes of this Citie for Easter terme 

accustomed lj) s ij d 

Item paid to the same Waytes for Christmas terme ij s ij d 

Item paid to the said Waytes for Saynt William day, viz 

the day that my Lord mayour makith his great feast xx d 
Summa viij s iiij d 

Item payed to Thomas Moore Iohn Bawderstone 

Arthur Hodgeson and John Clerk foure Waites 

of this Citie for their Clothyng accustomyd agenist xlvilj s 

Christmas to be devided emonges theym viz Xlj S 
a pece in all 

36 marginalia (...)] of this City 





Rewardes to 
honorable mens 
servantes players 
Mynstrelles & 

Rentes and 
firmes within 
My klithbarr 
and withoute / 

Old detes & 

At our venison 
ffeast and of 
the pagiant 

Tofte Grene 

394 / YORK 1580 

mb 4d 

Item paid therefore this yere as appereth 
particla(.)ly in the papir boke of theis 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y : €93:3 
mb 2 
Item of the Skynners for ther pagiant house firme 

Item of the marchantes for ther pagiant house firme 
Item of the Tapitowrs for ther pagiant house firme 
Item of the wrightes for ther pagiant house firme 
Item of the Tanners for ther pagiant house firme 
Item of the cordyners for the pagiant house firme 
Item of the bakers for ther pagiant house firme 
Item of the Cowpers for one outeshote 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D60S(b) 

mb 1 

Vl xs vid 

xij d 

xij d 
x1) d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d. 
xij d. 
ij d. 

Item Receyved of Iohn harbart for Arrerage in his yere beinge 

pagiant master 
Summa X s 

Item More of William Wood — x s Bryan byrkhead 

x s lohn Graves — x s and Henry Banester — x s pagiant 

maisters according to thorder of our felloship 

mb 2 

Item of the bochers for there pagiant house firme 
Item of the bowers for ther pagiant house firme 

Summa ij s ilij d 

xX S 

xij d 
xvj d 








Rentes Resolute 


1580 YORK / 395 

mb 2d 
... Item paid to the brige maisters of ousebrige for our pagiant 
house firme xij d 

Reparacions maid of Iohn Criplinge house & other places ¢ 

Item paid for nales to ovr pagiant house ily d 
Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 33852 

£59 (Receipts) 

Receyved of the padione maisters for the Rente of the 

painters padgion xvj d 
Receyved of Thomas Londell for the padgions howse Rent xv d 
f 60v (Expenses) 

Item to the bridge Maysters for padgion howse Rentte xij d 

Audytours apoynted of the Reykeninge aforesaid 

Wyllam Wylson Where as the said audytouwrs 
Iohn Arkindaile gone [f(..)t] through the said 
William Langton Reykennygs and fyndeth no 
Rychard Syddall falte but onely vj d that is 
christofer Blayds behinde of padgyon howse 
Thomas Hudson Rentt 

Where as the said vj d which is founde to be behinge for Rentt of 
the padgion howse is founde to be [be] pazd by Rychard sydall 

Cordwainers’ Ordinances YM: QQ80/4/1 
fiv* (17 June) 
Item it is ordeyned that all and euery persone and persones of 

Collation (QQ80/4/1, f 1v with QQ80/4/2, f 1v): 40 all and } omitted 







subsidies & 
pagiant money 

Refusinge to 
goe with ther 

a shewe of 
armour on 
midsomer even 

Lord of Sussex 

396 / YORK 1580 

the said occupacion shall dewly pay their Subsidies and pageant 
money to the Maisters and gatherars of the same dewly when as 
the same shalbe dewe withowte any grudgyng or gevyng any 
evill woordes to the said gatherars apon payne of euery one 

oftendyng herin to forfaite and pay for euery suche offens x s to 
be devided as is abovesaid 

f 3v 

Item it is ordeyned that vpon suche tyme as any playes shalbe 
played by the Citizens of this Citie wherby the said ffellawship / 
shalbe chardged to go with their pageant that the foure Maisters 
of the said Craft shall appoynte certayne honest persones of the 
said occupacyon to go with their said pageant / And if any 
persone so appointed do refuse so to doo, he shall forfaite for 
euery suche offens xij d to be devided as is aforesaid And the said 
persones that shall goo with the pageant to haue 1ij s_ uj d of the 
said occupacion 

House Books Y: B28 

f12 (19 May) 

Also it is agreed that euerie Alderman of this cittie on mydsomer 
even next shall furnishe thre able men furnished in armor and 
euerie one of the xxiiijth two able men furnished to attend vpon 
maister Sheriffes on Midsomer even next and this ordynance to 
contynewe for ever / if yt be not altred 

{26 (1 September) 

Assembled in the Counsell chamber vpon Ousebridge the day and 
yere abouesaid whan and where yt was agreed by thes presentes 
that my Lord of Sussex men being players of Interludes shall 
play this after none at the Comon hall at two of the clocke and 
the said players to haue such rewardes as other players haue 
heretofore had in tymes past / 

6 as is abovesaid] ie, equally between the Chamber and the craft 






Lord of 
players [of 

Robert Hewit 
(waite| to be 
one of the 

Rewardes to 
the Common 

Clothyng to 
the Common 
oficers and 
Waites of 
this Citie 

isl YORK / 397 

f 26v (8 September) 

Also it is agreed by thes presens that my Lord of hunsdons 
servauntes beinge players of interludes shall play this after none 
at the Comon hall at two of the clock in the after none and to 
haue such reward as other players haue heretofore had in tymes 
past / 

f 34v (14 December) 

Assembled in the counsell chamber vpon Ousebridge the day & 
yere aboue said whan & where yt was agreed by thes presens that 
Robert hewyt shalbe one of the waytes of this Cittie according 
to a former order & he to haue such ffe allowans for his clothinge 
as other the waytes haue if he will weare his coate and apparell as 
other of the said waites of this cittie doe, And if he refuse so to 
doe then the said hewyt to haue xij s for his paynes heretofore 
taken, And to be discherged for dealing anie further with the said 
waites frome hensforth. 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls y : C8:3 
mb 5 

Item paid to the Waytes of this Citie for Easter terme 

Accustomed iy s ij d 
Item payed to the same Waytes for Christmas terme lij s uij d 
Item payed to the said waytes for Saynt William day, 

viz the day that my Lord Mayour makith his great feast xx d 

Summa viij s 11) d 
mb 5d 

Item payed to Thomas Moore Iohn Bawderstone 

Arthure Hodgeson and Iohn Clerke foure waites 

of this Citie for their Clothyng accustomyd XXXVj $ 
ageinst Christmas to be devided emonges theym 

viz X1j s a pece in all 




Rewardes to 
honorable mens 
servantes players 
Mynstrelles and 

Rentes and 
firmes within 
myklith barr 
and withoute / 

At our venyson 
ffeast and of 
the pagiant 

Toft Grene 

Rents resolute 

398 / YORK 1581 

mb 4d 

Item paid therefor this yere as appereth particlarly in the papir 

booke of theis Accomptantes 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls vy. 93:4 
mb 2 
Item of the skynners for ther pagiant house firme 

Item of the Marchantes for ther pagiant house firme 
Item of the tapitouwrs for there pagiant house firme 
Item of the wrightes for ther pagiant house firme 
Item of the Tanners for ther pagiant house firme 
Item of the cordyners for ther pagiant house firme 
Item of the bakers for ther pagiant house firme 
Item of the Cowpers for one owteshote 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D60T(b) 

mb 1* 

Item more of Iames Bland x s Robert harrison 
x s Thomas Copley x s and Anthony calton x s 
pagiant masters accordinge to thorder of our 

mb 2 

Item of the bochers for there pagiant housse firme 
Item of the bowers for ther pagiant house firme 

Summa ij s i1j d 

mb 2d 

ny OVS 

xij d 

xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
iy d. 

xij d 
xvj d 

_ Item to the brig masters of ousebrig for our pagiant house 

firme x1j d 







Certen rentes 
allowed for 
consyderacons / 

Small expenses 

Hewit minstrell 
paynes considred 
for helpyng the 
waites In 


players of 
interludes to 
play but twise 
a yere in the 
Common Hall / 

P5se MOR (390 

Item Allowed for the bowers pagiant house firme — xvj d And 
for the bochers — xij d for that they cannot haue the same 
paid ys uy d 

York Minster Fabric Rolls YM: E3/58 

mb 1 
... Item geven to the Lord Presidente his musiciens for settinge 
of songes for the quere 11ij 11. 

House Books Y: B28 

£39 (24 January) 

And where it was latelie agreed that Robert hewit {minstrell] 
minstrell should haue xij s for his paines taken this last winter, 
with the wates of this cittie. It is now agreed by these presens 
that the said Robert shall serve forth the watche vntill Candlemas 
next, / and to haue for the yeare than to be ended, fortie shillinges 
[th] in full satisfaczon for his paines to be paid him furthwith by 
the Chamberlaines. 

f40v* (3 February) 

And now it is agreed by these presentes that players of Interludes 
now come, and comyng from hencforth to this cittie shall play 
but twise in the comon hall of this cyttie viz: once before the 
Lord maior and aldermen &c. and thother before the commons. 

£53 (13 June) 

And wheras the nyntenth of May, the xxiijth yeare of the quenes 
maiestes Reigne that now is / It was agreed, that every alderman, 
of this cytty on Midsomer even then next, should furnishe three 
hable men furnished in Armor, and every one of the xxiiijot two 
hable men, furnished , ‘then’ to attend on Master sheriffes of 
this cyttie whiche order is now confirmed, and allowed by these 
presentes ‘to continewe still, And further it is now agreed by 







a shewe of 

13s 4d. 

certaine persons 
fined for not 
attending on 
Master Sheriffes 

400 / YORK 1582 

these presentes” that every Cittizin and inhabitant of this Cittie, 
whiche haith not bene sheriffe of the same shall on midsommer 
even next attend on Maister sheriffes in their best Armor, and 
furniture “with their servantes’ vpon “paine’ of every one 
offending to forfact vj s viij d to be paid without any mittigacion 
or forgyvenes and that preceptes shalbe maid forthwith for 
warning of them accordinglie ./ 

f 54v (26 June) 

Also it is agred by thes presens that my Lord presidentes 
Trompetar shall haue for his and his servantes paynes on 
Midsomer even last xiij s_iiij d to be payd by the Chamberlaynes 

£55 (2 July) 

Assembled in the counsell Chamber vpon Ousebridge the daie 
& yeare abouesaid when and where the constables of dyverse 
parishes of this cittie did certifie to my lord maior and aldermen 
the names of such persons as did not attend on Maister Sheriffes, 
in their best furniture, on Midsomer even last and diverse of the 
said persons did now appeare and make aunswere for their 
seuerall offences and such persons whose excuses were thought 
reasonable were allowed and the residewe whiche appeared and 
such as maid now defalt were fined by these presentes as apeareth 
vpon their heades in the billes of every parishe wherevpon it is 
now agreed that the same fynes shalbe estreated and paid . ... 

f70* (19 October) Skinners 

Item that all the gatherers of cony skinnes within this cyttie & 
the subvrbes of the same, shall be contributo‘.)’ry & pay to the 
pagiant of the Skinners 

Item it is agreed that if anie of the said occupacion of Skinners 
disturbe misvse or disobey the Searchers or pagiant maister of the 
said craft for the tyme beinge in executing ther office that for 
euery offence he shall pay vj s. viij d. to be devided in manner 
and forme aforesaid 








Colyer mynstrell 
to haue Iohn 
Apprentice / 

Rewardes ta 
the Common 

1582 YORK / 401 


Item that euery merchant within this Cyttie which doth or shall 
buy anie Rawe wares belonging to the said occuppacion of 
skinners, shall pay vj d yerelie towardes the mayntenance of the 
Skinners pagiant 

f 71v 

Item that the pagiant maisters of the said occupacion shall gyve 
ther accompt to ther old Searchers at the eleccion of the new 
Searchers of the said craft vpon paine to forfact for euery offence 
vj s viij d to be devided as is aforesaid. 

Item it is agreed, that the vestment makers of this Cyttie shall 
fromehenceforth pay yearlie euerye maister vii) d and every 
Servant iiij d to the said occupacion[s] of Skinners towardes the 
maintenance of the Skinners pagiant, if the same , ‘shall’ happen 
to be plaid hereafter. 

f 78v* (7 December) 

Also it is agreed by these presenc that Roberte Coliar mynstrell 
shall have x s for a boy called Iohn Rocke in consideracion that 
he shall kepe him as apprentice by the space of xij, yeares to be 
payed by the Chamberlaynes, And he to be bound apprentice by 
Indenture accordingly 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls y: C8:4 

mb 5 

Item paid to the Waytes of this Citie for Easter terme 

Accustomed lj s ij d 
Item payed to the same Waytes for Christmas terme lj Ss ij d 
Item payed to the said waytes for Saynt William day, 

viz. the day that my Lord Mayour makith his great feast xx d 

Summa viij $ iii) d 






Clothyng to 
the Common 
oficers and 
Waites of 
this Citie 

Rewardes to 
honorable mens 
servantes players 
Mynstrell and 

Rentes & 
firmes within 
& withoute / 

At the venison 
feast and of 
the pagiant 

Tofte Grene 

402 / YORK 1582 

mb 5d 

Item payed to Thomas Moore lohn Bawderstone 
and lohn Clerke three Waites of this Citie for 

their Clothyng accustomed ageinst Christmas to roca 
be devided emonges theym viz. xij s a pece in all 

mb 4d 

Item paid therfore this yere as appereth 

particlarly in the papir booke of theis ij li. xiiljs ij d 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls y:C94:1 

mb 2 

Item of the Skynners for ther pagiant house firme xij d 
Item of the marchantes for ther pagiant house firme xij d 
Item of the tapitowrs for there pagiant house firme xij d 
Item of the wrightes for ther pagiant house firme xij d 
Item of the Tanners for ther pagiant house firme x1) d 
Item of the cordyners for ther pagiant house firme xij d 
Item of the bakers for there pagiant house firme xij d 
Item of the Cowpers for one outeshote inj d 
Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D60U(b) 

mb 1 

Item more of Iohn Smythies Iohn Watson Thomas 

moxon and Iohn North pagiant masters euery of xl s 
them x s Summa 

mb 2 

Item of the bochers for ther pagiant house firme xij d 






Rentes Resolute 

Certen Rentes 
allowed for 
consideracions / 

viewe of armor ./ 

powder allowed 

1582 YORK / 403 

Item of the bowers for ther pagiant house firme xvj d 

Summa ij s iii) d 

mb 2d 
... Item to the brigmaisters of ouesbrige fore our pagiant house 

firme — xij d / 

Item allowed for the bowers pagiant house firme — 
xvj d and for the bochers pagiant house firme for ij) s ij d 
that we cannot haue the same paid xij d 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Accounts: St Peter’s Part 
YM: E2/21 

f 25v 
Item gyven to my Lord Staffordes men plaiers XX S$ 

House Books yY- B28 

£99v (31 May) 

Also it is agreed by these presens that the Sheriffes of this cyttye 
shall ryde on Mydsomer day next at after none & euery person to 
be comaunded to attend vpon Maister Sheriffes according to 
thorder sett downe the last yere / 

£103 (19 June) 

Assembled in the Counsell chambre vpon Owsebridg the day 

& yere abovesaid when and where [is] it is agreed by these 
presens that the sheriffes shall have xxx li. of Corne powder to be 
vsed on midsomer day next to be provided forthwith by the 
Chamberlaines / 

7 our] MS our our 






Rentes and 
firmes withoute 
Miklith barr 
and within / 

At our venison 
feast and of the 
pagiant masters / 

Toft Grene 

404 / YORK 1583 
E Memorandum Book yY: £22 

{124 (14 June) 

first it is ordaned that the maisters and free bretheren of the said 
occupacron of painters shall elect and chuse two new searchres 
yerelie and one pagiant maister on Saint Iames day or within 
tenn dayes next before or after vpon payne of vj $ viij d thone 
half to the comon chamber and thother half to the said occupacion 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C94:2 
mb 2 
Item of the Skynners for ther pagianthouse firme 

Item of the marchantes for there pagiant house firme 
Item of the tapitours for ther pagiant house firme 
Item of the wrightes for ther pagiant house firme 
Item of the Tanners for ther pagianthouse firme 
Item of the Cordyners for ther pagiant house firme 
Item of the bakers for ther pagiant house firme 

Item of the Cowpers for one outeshote 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D61V(b) 

mb 1 

Item more of christofer hewike Thomas Maskewe 
Robert dawson and Wilfray Brand pagiant masters 

accordinge to the order of this felloship euerye 
of them x s Summa 

mb 2 

Item of the bochers for ther pagiant house firme 
Item of the Bowers for ther pagiant house firme 

Summa ij s ilj d 

xij d 

xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
inj d 

xij d 
xvj d 







Rents resolute 

Certen rentes 
allowed for 

George Cowper 
elect wate 

request fora 
play / 

Master Sheriftes 

1583 YORK / 405 

_.. Item to the brigmaisters of ousbrige for ovr pagiant house 
firme xij d / 

mb 2d 

Item for the pagiant house firme in the holding of the bochers 
& bowers ij s ij d 


House Books Y: B28 
fe 137v (4 May) 

It is agreed that one George [Coper} Cowper late of ipswiche 
shalbe a wate of this Cyttie vpon his good behaviour during the 

pleasure of the lord maior & aldermen of this cyttie vpon securitie 
for deluery of his chaine / 

£143 (3 June) 

Assembled in the counsell Chamber vpon Owsbridge, the daie 
and yeare abouesaid, when and where a bill or supplicacron was 
exhibited to these presentes by one Thomas Grafton Scholemaister 
wherby he desireth that for the furtherance of Midsomer shewe, 
he may be licensed to set forth certane compiled speaches and 
also to haue one pageant frame for that purpose, which speaches 
and matter is referred first to master Sheriffes to se & pervse, 
and if vpon triall maid therof the said sheriftes do thinke the 
same matter to be worthie the publishinge then the said Grafton 
to procead, according to his request Orels not, 

f 144 (12 June) 
Also it is agreed that Master Sheriffes shall have on Midsomer 
even all suche Allowance of gone powder as other sheriffes of 

this cyttie have had any yere within these fower yeres last past 

26 Thomas} probably for John 







eittie armor 

what time ye 
shewe shall 
begynne: / 

places appoynted 
for ye play 

a banket for ye 
Lord maior & 

charges of ye 
plaie to grafton 
& others 

defaultes at 

406 / YORK 1584 

to helpe to sett forthe the shewe for the worshipp of this cyttie / 

f144v (19 June) 

Also it is agreed by these presens that the v corselettes belonging 
to this Cyttie shalbe lent to be vsed on the Shewe day next to 
any worshippfull or honest cytizens of this Cyttie that will 
require the same, And William hallay to make a note thereof and 
some of the Chamberlaynes to be prevye to the deliuerye thereof 
And nowe it is agreed that Mr Graves Mr Asquith & Mr Maltbie 
Aldermen shall have euery of them one of the Corselettes 

Also it is agreed that the Shewe shall begynne betwene iiijor 
& fyve of the clocke of Midsomer even next and to be endid by 
x} of the clocke / And than the play to begynne at one of the 
clocke at after noone / And warning to be gyven thereof 
accordinglie / 

And nowe places ar appoynted to heare the playe as followeth 
viz. first place at Mr harryson Alderman doore second place at 
Conestreet end 11j4 place at my Lord maiors doore the iiijth place 
at the common hall yates the vth place at the Mynster gates the 
vjth place at Goodromegate head, the vijth place at Mr Alderman 
Beckwith doore & the viijth & last place at the bull Rynge vpon 
the payvement ./ 

Also it is agreed that aswell the chardge of the lord maior 
Aldermen Sheriffes & xxijot &c. hearing the play at the common 
hall yates as also the chardges the lady maioris & the ladies &c. 
hearing the play at my lord maiors doore on Mydsomer Even 
next shalbe borne of the cyttie chardges and the chamberlaynes 
to have warning to make provision accordinglie / 

£145 (1 July) 

It is also agreed that Iohn Grafton Iohn Jackson and William 
Pearson, shall haue in full satisfaccion of all suche money as they 
disbursed for the late pagiant or play on midsommer even last 
and for their paines ij li. vj s vilj d. / 

f 145v 

It is also agreed, that comaundement shalbe gyven to the 
Constables, of euery parishe, to bring in the names of all suche 






billes of 
defaultes at 
the Shewe 

Robert Pacock 

billes of 
defaultes at 

at Shewe / 

1584 YORK / 407 

persons as maid defalt in attending, on Master sheriffes at the 
late shewe of Armor, on mondaie next, vpon pane of euery 
constable making defalt to forfact xx s. / 

f 146v (6 July) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre apon Ousebrig the day and 
yere abovesaid, when & where certayne Constables of dyverse 
parishes of this Citie viz. of Walmegate warde Bothome warde & 
Monkeward did exhibite billes of suche persones of their seuerall 
parisshes as did make default at the late Shewe of Armour on 
Midsommar even last, 

And nowe Robert Pacock merchant beyng one of the persons 
whiche made default at the said Shewe, personally appered 
before theis presens and was fyned by theym therfor vj s_vilj d / 
whiche he nowe payed / and had ijj s_iij d therof gyven hym 
ageyne / And than the said Robert spake and sayed openly 
before and to theis presens theis vnfittyng & vnsemely woordes 
or the like in effecte / viz. / | haue bought a halbert whiche cost 
me xx s / and it is so moche dearer by this iij s_iij d whiche I 
haue nowe payed / And I will sell it and never come at that 
Shewe whilles I lyve / ffyne me xx li. and ye will / Wherapon it 
is nowe aggreed by theis presens that the said Robert Pacock 
shall pay xx s for a ffyne forthwith withoute mitigacion or 
forgyvenes / or elles he to be ymmediatly commytted to warde, 
there to remayne for the space of twoo monethes next comyng 
for his said offens / 

£147 (8 July) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre vpon Ousebrige the daye & 
yeare abovesayde when and where the Constables or euerye 
parishe in Mikilgaitewarde dyd Certifie in their billes of suche 
persones within their seuerall parishes as did make defaulte at 
the late Shewe of Armor on Midsomar even laste. 

£148 (13 July) 

Assembled in the counsell Chamber vpon Owsbridge the daie 
And yeare abouesaid when and where certane persons of this 





Mr Colthirst 
to be called in / 

George Cowper 
waite discharged 
of his office, 

George Cowper 
& lames 
towchyng lames 
norton & Alice 

408 / YORK 1584 

cittie which maid defalt at the shewe on Midsomer even Last 
paid their fynes for the same. / 

f148v (17 July) 

Assembled in the Counsell chamber vpon owsbridge the day and 
yere abouesaid when and where it was agreed by these presens, 
yat Mr Colthirst shalbe called into this howse for that his 
servauntes and Guestes have course and recourse, into the 
common hall & the chambers and leades there, & do not onelie 
misvse the chamber, but also do hurt, the leades, And, that the 
wardens of Bothomeward the next court daye viewe the premisses 
And they to make report as well of ye Repare of the same & the 
misvsing as to gyve there opynions for the reformacion thereof, 

f157* (23 October) 

And it is now aggreed that Georg Cowper, one of the wates of 
this cittie, for certane misbehaviour by him comitted shalbe 
dischardged of his office, and he to haue xx s for his wages for 
the tyme that he haith served . / 

And now also the said Georg Cowper and lames tenniswod 
taler, did personallie appere in this court and were contented to 
paie vnto Iames Norton and Alice liuereidg spinster the some of 
iij li. in full satisfaccon of all such apparell woll & money, as 
the said Georg Cowper and Iames Tenniswodd had receyved of 
the said Iames norton and Alice, and had wrongfullie converted 
to their owne vses; wherof eyther of them to pay xx s in hand, 
before their deliuery forth of prison: And also to be bound with 
eyther of them one sewertie to paie to the said Iames and Alice 
eyther of them xx s before christenmas next, which Iames 
norton and Alice being also present in court, did willinglie agree 
to take the paymentes aforesaid for all demaundes betwene them 
and the said Cowper and tenniswodd 

£159 (31 October) 

Assembled in the counsell chamber vpon owsbridg the daie and 
yeare abouesaid when and where Iohn Clarke, and Baltherston 
two of the wates of this cittie did personallie appere in this court, 
and were examined towching their evill and disorderlie behaviour, 








Mr Colthirst to 
haue vj s viij d 
for easement in 
his hows for my 
Lord mayor & 

1584 YORK / 409 

to the discredit of this cittie viz for that they haue gone abroad, 
in the contry in very evill apparell, with their hose forth at their 
heeles, also for that they are comon druvkerdes and cannot so 
connynglie play on their instrumentes as they ought to do, and 
concerning other their misdemeanor, which disorder the said 
wates cold not deny whervpon and for the worshipp of the said 
cittie, it is agreed by these presentes that the said Clarke and 
Baltherston shalbe presentlie dischardged of the said office of 
wates, and their badges to be taken from them, and other sufficient 
men to be chosen in their places such as shalbe in this court / 

£169 (24 November) 

Item that Mr Colthirste shall haue vj s_ viij d for the Rowmes for 
my Lord maior and Aldermen, in his howse at the Shewe on 
Mydsomer even last. / 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y ; CC5(3) 

Sa gal 
Rewards Geven to honourable mens 
servantes players mynstrills and barwardes 

Item paid to my Lord of essix players that played ; 
in the [co] common hall in march 1583 ae 
Item geven to the quenes Mavestes playeres that ii vj 
played in the common hall in August 1584 pitgiseee 
Item geven in Reward to master Atherton 

barward in christenmas xij s iy d 

f 73v 
Chardges of the shewe 
on Mydsomer even / 

[Item for (blank) of corne powthere delyuerid 
to the sherifes (blank) ] 






+O ey ORK 1584 

To Iohn balderston for playinge of the ffyvfe on 

mydsomer even & when the cittizens were warnid ae 
To arther for one head for the drom xiilj d 
To lames crosbie for ij heades to the other drom ys vid 
Item for a pare of nares to the great drom xij d 
for a new cord for the litle drom vj d 
Item for dressing the two dromes vilj d 
To arther for ij dais & di. warnynge the citezens 

& on Mydsomey even aad 
Item paid to Bryan byrkhead merchant for 30 li. 

of corne powther at 13d the pound delwered to Xxxlj s vj d 

the shew 

Item paid to William Pereson John Iakson and Iohn 

Barston for & in consytheracion of ther chardges 

& payns takinge in & aboute the setting forth of ij li. vj s viijd 
the play in the shewe by the gremant of my Lord 

maiour & Aldermen 

Item paid to mr brooke sherife for one dosen 

corn powther for the shott with the pagiante gis 
Summa Vj li. xxij d 
f 74 
Expences of my Lord Maiour & Aldermen 
& Ladys on mydsomer even at the play / 
Item for Rishes to the chamber xvij d 
Item for C aples xij d 

Item for byrkes id 

Item for j li. of carrawais & biskyttes xx d 
Item for beare i)s vj d 
Item for a gallon of secke ij s 
Item for vij gallons of ale ij s vijd 
Item for iij gallons di. of claritt wyne llj S vil) d 
Item for apotell of breweer wyn xvj d 
Item for aples to the Ladys _ xxd 
Item for byskyttes & carrawys i) s xjd 







1584 YORK / 411 

Item for x li. of suger 

Item for [fyv] fyne suckett 

Item for iiij li. & iij qvartrons marmalaid 
Item for maynbread & cakes 

Item for iiij gallons & a half of wyne 

Item for vij gallons of ale 

Item paid to Thomas colthirst for Rowmes in 
his house for my Lord maiowr & aldermen on 
Mydsomer even accordinge to his lease 

Summa iij li. vs 1) d 

Sen (HES 
between ff 70v and 71 (25 June) 

A note of the Chardges laide oute for and 
Concernynge the settinge forth of the 
Pageaunte and the fforerydinge Champions 
in their apte and requisite manner 

Imprimis paide to willson the Ioyner for his 

more paid to Edward Willson the painter for his 

more to Cuthberte our musityan 

more paid to eight putters on of the pageaunte after. 
6d. pey man 

more to our two dromsters after 12d per man paid 

more to our Ancyant bearer paid 

more for our two dromsters dynners and our Ancyant 
bearers dynner ye daye of our showe 

more Laid oute for horshire to ryde oute of towne 
to borrowe certaine necessaryes and for amans 
paines to help to yorke with them 

more paid for the mendinge of our Ancyant which 
one of the two hand sworde players vnadvysedly 

more to our trumpeter 

xii] S illj d 


vs vyjd 
Vij S 

vj s 

ij s vu d 
vj s vil d 
s:. 0d 
Le aed 

4 0 

Zz 10 

ie als: 

= 9 





5 markes sol 
in maini 

Rents and 
firmes withoute 
miklithe barr 
and within 

At our venison 
feast and of 
the pagiant 

Tofte Grene 

412 / YORK 1584 

more paid to mason the loyner for boordes nayles, 
and other necessary reparacions done aboute the 
pageaunte, & for his travaile 

more Laide oute in other necessary expences from 
the fourth of Tune yat it was graunted vnto the 
24th daye of the saide monneth fully complete 
and ended beinge the daye after our showe 

paid Soma Totalis 

uj li. / 6s 8d / for all 
Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C94:3 
mb 2* 
Item of the Skynners for there pagiant house firme 
Item of the marchantes for there pagiant house firme 
Item of the tapitours for there pagiant house firme 
Item of the tanners for there pagiant house firme 
Item of the wrightes for there pagiant house firme 
Item of the Cordyners for ther pagiant house firme 
Item of the bakers for there pagiant house firme 
Item of the Cowpers for one outeshote 
Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D61W(b) 
mb 1 
Item Receyved more of Anthony Sindwith x s 
Peter Hodgson x s William watson x s and 

William Williamson x s pagiant maisters according 
to the order of the felloship 

mb 2 

Item of the bowers for there pagiant house firme 

xij d 

xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
ij d 

xvj d 








Rentes Resolute 

Certen rentes 
allowed for 
consyderacons / 

Thomas Turner 
his bill of 
charges / 

1584 YORK / 413 

Item of the bochers for ther pagiant house firme xij d 
Summa ij s uly d / 

mb 2d* 

_. Item for our pagiant house Rent xij d / 

Item for the bowchers & bowers pagiant house fyrme ij s uy d 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Accounts: St Peter's Part 

Wag WT 


Item given to the Queenes malestes men players ./ xl s 


Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 
BL: PR Y/MCS 16 


Item to Bryan Maxwell man for beringe the harnys two dayes 

& Addyson man one daye xvilj d 

House Books Y: B29 
f3v (17 February) 

And nowe Thomas Turner Goldsmithe dyd exhibitt a bill for 
newe florishinge and trimminge of the Scutchons and Chynes 
belonginge to the iiijo' waytes of this Cittie amountinge to the 
Some of xxix s iiij d, whervpon it is nowe aggred by theis 
presentes that my Lord Maior and Chamberlayns shall aggree 
and paye to the sayde Thomas so muche of the sayde xxix s ii) d 
as he shall thinke good. 






The Cittizens 

to waite upon 
Master Sheriffes 
upon Midsomer 

An Interlude 
of Mr Graftons 
preferred and 
to proceed in 
the same 

AP MORK 1585 

£20 (4 June) 

Assembled the Daye and yere aboue sayde when and where it is 
agreed that on Mydsomer even accordinge to the custome, 
Everye Cittizen beinge hable men shall attend on Maister Sheriffes 
in their best Armor and furniture with their Servauntes vpon 
paine of everye one beinge absente to forfacte vj s viij d to be 
payd without mittigacion, And that preceptes shalbe mayde to 
that effecte to geue warninge accordinglye. 

It is agreed that Mr Grafton shall proceed with one Interlude 
which he preferred into this Courte to be examined. 

ff 23v-4 (22 June) 

Assembled in the counsell chamber vpon owsbridge the day and 
yeare abouesaid when & where the interlude latelie presented by 
mr Grafton & set over by this court to be examined, was now 
openly redd over and pervsed, And it is agreed that the same 
shalbe plaid on Midsomer eve next /. 

It is also agreed that the play shalbe plaid first in miclegate, 
Item at owsgate head, Item at mr alderman appleyardes dore at 
the comon hall, at the mynstergates, at mr alderman Birkbies 
dore, Item at mr alderman beckwith dore Item on the pavement, 
And the Inhabitantes of euery place where the same is plaid to 
pay ij s ij d except the pavement, which is to pay nothing in 
respect that the Laidies are to be placed at mr alderman harbertes 
howse ./ | 

Item it is agreed that the citties callyvers shall be deliuered to 
the Sheriffes, and they to deliuer and Lend the same to whom 
they will, and that the said Sheriffes shall stand charged for the 
redeliuery of the same with all their furniture 

It is also agreed that there shalbe xxxt! poundes of Corne 
pouuder, allowed forth of the Chamber to the Inhabitantes of 
this cittie to be deliuered by some of the Chamberlanes ./ 

£25 (30 June) 

Assembled in the Counsell Chambre vpon Ousebrige the Daye 
and yeare above sayde when and wher dyverse of the occupacons 
of this Cittye were assessed by theis presentes towardes the 





1585 YORK / 415 

Chardges of the playe on Midsomer even last, and for bringinge 
for the certayne pagiantes as followethe 

f26v (5 July) 

It is agreed by these presentes that mr graftons bill of charges 
amounting to xliij s x d about certane necessaries bestowed [to 
the] vpon the players pagiantes shalbe allowed And also that 
mr wormall shall haue gyven xiij s ij d for him self & his boyes 
And that mr Grafton shall have iij li. vj s_viij d allowed for his 
owne panes, 

£30 (3 August) 

It is agreed that mr Colthirst, shall haue vj s_viij d allowed for 
that the play was plaid at the comon hall this yeare 1585 to be 
allowed in his rent: / 

ff 81v-2 (6 November) Shipmen and Fishmongers’ Ordinances 
ffirste that from henceforthe euerye ffishmonger within this 
Cittie, and all other freemen, That nowe are or heareafter shalbe 
owners of anye Shippe, Crayer, keile or Catche in the ryver of 
Ovse vsuallye laden or dischardgen at the Staith or Craine or 
within the sayd Cittye, shall contente & paye yearlye at the 
feaste of Easter for euerye Shippe, Crayer, Keile, or Catche ij d, 
And a half owner, a third owner, or a quarter owner one pennye 
in the Yeare, to the said Occupacon of Marriners or Shipmen for 
euerye the sayd vessells, Shippe, Crayer, Keile, or Katche, And 
all Straingers to paye, for euerye of their Shippes, Crayers, 
Keiles and Katches, and other their Crafte of Shippinge, as 
heretofore they haue bene accustomed, Provided all wayes, That 
if at anye tyme, anye playes happen to be played within this 
Cittye, or other Chardges growinge, wherbie Occupacions shalbe 
Chardged within the sayd Cittye, That then the sayd Maryners 
or Shipmen and the sayd Occupacion of ffishmongers, and all 
others occupienge Shippinge at the sayd Staith beinge free 
Cittizens, shalbe Contributorie and Chardged ratablie towardes 
suche playes, and other Chardges as heretofore they haue bene 
accustomed, as dothe appeare by the Regester or hereafter 






416 / YORK 1585 

otherwise shalbe chardged and he or theye that dothe refuse 

to paye the dewtyes aforesayd beinge of them | Lawfullye 
demaunded, That then he or theye so refusinge shall forfacte and 
paye for euerye denyall doble the paymente aforesayd to the 
Crafte of Shippmen or maryners aforesayd 

£53 (23 November) 

Also it is agreed that Mr Alderman Robinson and Mr Thomas 
Moseleye shall not [pla] paye anye thinge for the playe at 
Mydsomer last before their dooers. / 

Also it is agreed That distresses shalbe taken of William 
ftreesleye and Henrye Metcalfe for refusinge to paye for the 
playe before their dooers. 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC6(1) 
flv* (ii April) 

Collers and Cutchions delyverid by mr 
Andro trew Lord maiomr / of the cittie 
of Yorke / the xjth day of aprill / Anno domini / 
1585 to Robert hewite wayte of this 
cittie as followith 

Delyverid to the said Robert hewite foure collowrs with skutchions 
and foure connysayntes & wherof one of the collers haith [xliy] 
xlv lybartes besydes the skutczon And one other haith [xxxvi] 
xlvi lybertes besydes the skutchion And one other hath xlyjt 
lybartes besydes skutchion / And one other of forty fyve lybartes 
besydes the skutchion which said foure collers connysantes and 
skutchions doth weigh all together [forty] , ‘Twenty’ and 
seaven ounces / And the same is to be delyverid agayne by the 
said Robert hewite when they or any of them shalbe called for 
by the Lord maiour for the tyme beinge / surties for the same 
Ralf hart merchant & Georg mydleton tanner / 

sign Robt O hewit george myddleton 
Raphe harte 






f 50 

1585 YORK / 417 

Assessement of certen occupacions for & twowardes 
the chardges of the play on mydsoner even & day 

Receyved of the skynners 
Receyved of the cookes 

Receyved of the dyers 

Receyved of the carpenters & loyners 
Receyved of the spuryers 

Receyved of the walkers 

Receyved of the gyrdlers 

Receyved of the tilers & playsterers 
Receyved of the Inholders 
Receyved of the Tanners 

Receyved of the Cowpers 
Receyved of the Armorers 
Receyved of the glovers 

Receyved of the fishemongers 
Receyved of the marryners 
Receyved of the parchementmakers 
Receyved of Appotticaries 
Receyved of the foinderers 
Receyved of the goldsmythes 
Receyved of blaksmyths & loksmythes 
Receyved of the barbours 
Receyved of the cordyners 

Bowers [and] 


my |ners 








Cuttlers & bladsmythes 


Receyved of the [th] Drapers and tallours 

Receyved of the vynteners 

Summa vj li. xv s iiij d 

ij s ij d 
ijs vd 
ij) s inj d 
js vjd 
xij d 

xy d 

i s 

ij s ij d 

vj s vuj d 
lll] S 

ys vyjd 
ill} s 

ll) S 

il] s 

i} s 

1) S 

ys vid 

lllj s 

xij d 


xij) d 

lj s uij d 
1) S. 

etme es 

vjs viujd 

i] s 

Xilj S ij d 
vj s vilj d] 
lj s 

xij d 

lj Ss ij d 
Xij S inj d 
vj) S vij d 






FSF WORK 5185 

Leases of places for heringe the play 

Receved of christofer bekwith 

Item Receyved of william fresby & henry metcalf 

Receyved of mr alderman Apleyerd 

Receyved of mr Gilmyne 

Receyved of william dawson & ‘Io Busfeld” at 

Receyved of mr Edward Fawsett 

Receyved of mr byrkby alderman 

Receyved of mr Harbert alderman 

Summa xXxv S$ 

f 52v 

Rewardes of the common waites of this cittie / 

Item paid to them for easter day 

Item to the wates for christenmes day & 
St Stephens day 

To them for St williams day 

Summa xii} s il d 

f 54y 

lijs iijd 
js ij d 
lij s iij d 
lj s inj d 
js inj d 
lj s ij d 
ii) s uy d 


lj s uy d 

lj s uy d 
xx d 

Clothing to the common officers and wates of this cittie 

Item to Robert hewit head wate for iilj levereys 
for the wates of this cittie ther clothinge dew 
at christenmes 

f 68v 
Rewardes Geven to honourable mens 

servantes players mynstrills & Barwardes 

Item geven in Reward to Iohn pullen skollers 
which playd in the common hall in lanuary 1584 

Item geven in Reward to the earle of worsyter 
playeres in march 1584 

xlvijj s. 








1585 YORK / 419 

Item geven the Last of June to my Lord of 

oxfurd players 
Item geven to the players which played in the oan 
common hall the first of november 1585 
f 70v 
Chardges of the shew & play 
on mydsomer even & mydsomer day 

Item paid to iiijot Laborers for puttinge , “forth Ae 
& in” the pagiantes “into the houses’ at vj d a pece J 
Item to Arther dromer for ij dais’{dj.]’ goinge with 
the drome & for warnyng the cittezens to goe to xx d 
the shewe 
Item to Io Balderstome for [d] ij dais dj. goinge ; 

xx d 
withe fyfe 
Item paid to symond burdon for one staff for Lee 

the auncyent 

Item paid to the skynners that they disbursed is vii d 
aboute serten charges of ther pagiant oe 
Item paid likwise to the taillowrs for ther seta Eee 
chardges ij s vij d 
Item paid likwise to cookes for ther chardges llj s yd 

Item paid to Iohn fisher for xl li. of corne powder | of 
at xij d. ob, the li. / MSIE aie 
Item paid likewise to the Inholders for & towardes 

there chardges Vs 

Item paid to Anthony prest for his worke aboute 
the pagiantes and for nales & other thinges belonging —_vij s vjd 
to the sam as apperith by his bill 

Item paid to the dyers for ther chardges iijs vd 







420 / YORK 1585 

Item paid to Thomas mason for his workes & 

for nales to the pagiantes as apperith by [by] vjs yd 
his bill 

Item geven to grafton in Reward for his payns ae Pe 
takinge aboute the play ij li vj s viij d 
Item paid to mr Wormemall for his payns & his ee take 
boys in synginge Xl] $ ij d 
Item also for certen chardges by them disbursed ii s vii 
as by a bill doth appere xl s_viij d 

Item to the bakers for ther chardges of there 

pagiant Beton 
Summa x hi. xjs [jd] vijd 
f 71 
Expences of my Lord maiour & aldermen 
& Ladies on mydsomer day at the play 

Item paid for taking ‘dowen’ & setting vp the 

vj d 
glasse in mr colthirst house 
Item for cakes & maynbred vj s 
Item for Reshes and drissing the chamber xvilj d 
Item for uj gallons & ij quartes wyne Vs.jd 
Item for viij li. suger Xij S 
Item for xij gallons of ale ij s ij d 
Item for strawberris xij d 
Item for a potell of secke xvj d 
Item to mr colthirst for his house Rome at gerd 
the Play 
Item paid for seke & other [wis] wyne to the oe 

Ladys on mydsomer day at play 

Summa xliij s vd 





1585 YORK / 421 

f 71v 
Item worke wrought by Thomas Mason 
about the Pagantes as follow:th 

Item for iij dayes worke i s 
Item for 11) dayes worke more ij s 
Item to Richard Nicholsonne for one daies worke vilj d 
Item for ij dayes worke more xvj d 
Item for lat Nailes yd 
paid Some vjs id 

the occupasion is to paye yow of this bill 4j s vj d 

Worke wrauht by Antonye Prust as folowithe 

Item for vij hupes for the pawgand wheles xd 
Item for beles vij d 
Item for iy yron Clowtes yd 
Item for stubules for the pawgands id 
Item for ij pownd of sope ix d 
more for sope jd 
Item to wyllam stanburne for nayles jd 
[Item to wyllam stanburne for ij strokes] 
Item to wyllam frankland for one yren bele ij d 
Item to Antonye prust one exyltre for the in holder 

pawgand xij d 
Item to Antonye prust for iii} halfe days worke & ys man for 

uj halfe dayes worke [ij s] ys 
Item to Thon Vkkerbe for iij halfe days worke [xvilj d] xyd 
paid Summa vijs [v]}d 
VItimo die Iuni 1585 / Charges assessed by my Lord 

maiour & aldermen of dyuers 
occupacions towardes the chardges 
of the play on mydsomer even / 

Tanners vj Ss viljd  xSadlers [vj s viij d] vs 
[Playsters ij] xCarpenters & Ioyners ijs vjd 






227 /y ORS 15185 

Walkers xij d 
Cowpers lll] S 
Armorers js vd 
Glovers ij s [iii] 

fishemongeres [&] lllj s 

marryners [11ij s] ij s 
parchmentmakers ij s 
hoysyers & tallowrs 

drapers [xl] xij s inj d 
< Appothecaries ij s 
founderers ys vj d 

x tillers & playisterers iij s iiij d 

« goldsmythes [vj s viij d] vs 
blaksmyes & marshalls 

loksmy thes lll} S 

« Gyrdlers ij s 
spuryers xij d 
barbours xy d 
vynteners vj s vijd 

« Curyers ij Ss 
Hatters {ij s vy d] vs 
Skynners lj s inj d 
Cutlers & blaydsmyths xij d 

. bakers ij) s iy d 
Cordyners vs 
Bowers & fletchers [1 s] xj d 
Tapitours [vs] ws ud 
Lytsters js uijd 
Cookes ' is vyjd 
Myliners i] S 
paynters xij d 
bochers vs vij d 
fletchers xij d 

Grafton’s Bill Now lost. From Robert Davies, Extracts, (London, 1843) 

pp 275-6 

‘Imprimis, Father Jackson chargeth for two drinckinges that he 

bestowed on the singers, 6s. 8d. 

x Potters 

x Inholders 



ij s 

Xllj s ui d 

[x s] [vj s viij d] 








Rentes and 
firmes withoute 
and within / 

15385 YORK / 423 

More for divers other tymes that resorte hath bene there made, 

More William Person chargeth for sundry expenses he hath 
bene at aboute the matter, 15s. 

Item, I stand charged for xx!1- of prunes at 3d. p’li., 5s. 

Item, for armes paintinge aboute the hearse in the firste 
pageant, a crowne for the angell, spangells for his shirte, the 
mendinge of the Queenes crowne, paintinge of the childe one of 
y¢ furyes bare, with some other trifells, 4s. 

Item, more for Cutberd’s paines and his boyes the musityans, 
a noble, 6s. 8d. 

Item, for 5 visards wee borrowed, and with the rayne were 
rotte in peeces, I suppose at the leaste I shall aunswer 4s., and yet 
one of them was my owne, which I doe not account of, and was 
not the worste, 4s. 

Item, I am to please Mr. Wormall for the lending of the 
Queristers, and prickinge of the songes; but wat I cannot set 
downe, for he will not name ought, but stand to courtesy. 

And as for the charges, I my sealf have bene at ether at my 
howse with my players or elsewhere, I think yt well bestowed, 
and yeald my sealf to your honnor and worshipps courtesyes, 
whom God longe preserve. 

By your honors and worshippes most dutifull to commaund, 


Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Yy:C94:5 

mb 2 

Item of the skynners for ther pagiant house firme xij d 
Item of the marchantes for ther pagiant house firme xi d 
Item of the tapitours for there pagiant house firme x1j d 
Item of the tanners for there pagiant house firme x1) d 
Item of the wrightes for there pagiant house firme xij d 
Item of the cordyners for there pagiant house firme xij d 
Item of the bakers for there pagiant house firme xij d 

Item of the cowpers for one outeshote ij d 







At our venyson 
feast & of the 
Pagiant masters 

Toft Grene 


Rentes Resolute 

Certen Rentes 
allowed for 
consyderacons / 


ffynes of 
owse brydge 

424 / YORK 1585 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D61X(b) 

mb 1 

Item more of Thomas barker x s Robert hudson 
x s Georg donnynge x s and William hancoke (blank) 
pagiant masters according to the order of this felloship 

mb 2 

Item of the bochers for there pagiant house firme 
Item of the bowers for there pagiant house firme 

Item for the charges of the play at mydsomer 

mb 2d 

... Item for our pagiant house Rent xj d / 

Item for the bochers & bowers pagiant firme 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

f 4* 

lohn garth 
william waite 

Summa ij s id 

padgon maisterest 


xij d 
xvj d / 

xiij s iiij d 

ij s iiij d 

Item of the paynters & pynners for ther padgion standinge xvj d 

f 5v 


Item at the hands of the Chamberlayns concerninge our 

ijs xd 










1585 YORK / 425 

£6 , 
Item to the bridgemaisters for padgion howse Rentt xij d 
And vj d more paidd to mr pereson concerninge a 
padgion howse Rente for next yeere 

Item to mynstrells straungers at Iohn garthe Maundye 

dynner xij d 
Item to the smyth for the stroke to the padgion wheele xy d 

Some [(...)] Remayneth dew to the vse of the Fitts 

Receyved of the padgion maisteres for the padgion 

monye of the Burneleders after the makinge vp xi d 
our accomptes 

Summa totalis viij li. xj d 

Vn Receyved of this ovr accomptes vppon the eae 
padgion maisters for Rentes which is sett Some aa 
ft 6v 

paid to the padgion ‘maisters’ for monye that they hadd laid 
furthe after the makinge vppe ovr accomptes concerninge the 
playe as folow:th 

Item for 1j° Iron lamps for the padgion a 
Item for byrkes and Resshes to the padgion jd 
Item for 1j° gallands of ayle vil) d 
Item to the labores for taykinge the clothes vp and doune and 

nayles ij d 
Item to vj laborers for puttinge the padgion ij s 

Item paid ouer to the paidgion maisteres for fynes 
taiken of certaine brether that cam not to manndye vj d 
breade makinge 

Some iijs vjd 






Pagiant money 
of thaynstie 

Pagiant money 
of the countrye 

Pagiant mony 
of lorneymen 

426 / YORK 1585 

Weavers’ Account Book Y: £56 


Receyved therefore this yere ij s 

Receyved of them fore this yere Vs 
Receyved of the wevers in St laurens church yerd for the Last 
yere xvj d 
Receyved of Iohn brady vilj d 

Item of Robert hopton uj d Richard tankdale iij d martyn 
thomson iiij d abraham stosyn 111) d Io goodaike ij d Anthony 
Rusker iiij d John Rusker iuj d christofer monkhus 111) d lames 
Ryder iiij d stephen Mattis ij d Thomas ‘beke’ ((.....)] uy d 
Thomas symson iiij d Thomas Wardell 111) d William ledell 11 d 
procter iiij d Will”am Smyth ij d Thomas Rigg 11) d Thomas 
[Thomas] iiij d lo Leund iiij d Thomas sewell i) d nicholas 
Ryder iii} d Thomas lakson iiij d. ¢......) (blank) John head iy d 
Io Hewnson & son iiij d ohn Robynson ij d / 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: Holy Trinity Goodramgate 

p 105 

Item one bowe & xvij Arrowes. 

p 108 

Item geven for a drumme on the showe day ee 






That the hable 
men & seruauntes 
shall wait on 
Maister Sherifes 
on midsomer 
even ./ 

Rentes and 
firmes withoute 
miklithe barr 
& within 

1585 YORK / 427 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 
BI: PR Y/MG 19 

p 60* 

Item for the drome and the dromer 


Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 
BI: PR Y/MCS 16 

p 190 

Item to Addyson man for carringe of the hernis at 


House Books Y: B29 

£107yv (2 June) 

xvj d 

vilj d 

It ys agreed, That on Midsomer even accordinge to the Custome, 
everye Cittezen beinge hable men shall attend on Mazster Sheriffes, 
in their Best arraye, [and] armor, and furnitoure, withe their 
Servauntes vpon payne of euerye one beinge absent to forefacte 
vj Ss vilj d without mittigacion, And that warrantes shalbe maid 

to that effecte, accordinglye. 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y : C94:6 

mb 2 

Item of the Skynners for there pagiant house firme 
Item of the marchantes for there pagiant house firme 
Item of the tapitowrs for ther pagiant house firme 
Item of the Tanners for ther pagiant house firme 

Item of the wrightes for ther pagiant house firme 
Item of the bakers for there pagiant house firme 

xij d 

xlj d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 





At our venyson 
feast and of the 
pagiant masters 

Toft Grene 

Rents Resolute 

Certen Rentes 
allowed for 
consyderacons / 


ffynes Receyved 
at owse bridge 

428 / YORK 1586 

Item of the cordyners for ther pagiant house firme 
Item of the cowpers for one outshote 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D61Y(b) 

mb 1 

Receyved more of Iohn ffermery — x s Richard 
harbart (blank) henry Mud — x s, and Laurens 
Edward — x s pagiantmasters accordinge to the 
order of this felloship 

mb 2 

Item of the bochers for there pagiant house firme 
Item of the bowers for there pagiant house firme 

Summa ij s ii d 
mb 2d 
... Item for pagiant house firme xij d 

Item for the bochers & bowers pagiant house 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

f 8 

Richerd pepper 
lames allandbye 
{william sell] 


Item of the pynners & paynters for their paidgion Rent 

xij d 
iiij d. 


xij d 

xvj d 

ys uyd 


item of william Burton tyler for sandeledinge for padgion 

Item of (blank) gell tyler for the lyke offence 

ij d 
ij d 







ffor the shewe 
of Armor / 

1586 YORK / 429 


Item to the brigg maisteres for the padgion howse halfe yere 
Rentt vjd 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St John Ouse Bridge BI: PR Y/J 17 
f 4 

Item ffor drusyng of Armore 00—04—02 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 

p 195 

Item to hym that baire the Armor on the shewe daye vj d 

House Books Y: B29 

£197 (14 June) 

Also it is aggred by theis presentes, That on Midsomer even next 
accordinge to the custome euerye Cittezen beinge hable men 
shall attend on Maister Sheriffes in their best araye and furniture 
with their Servantes vpon payne of euerye one beinge absent to 
forefaite vj s viij d without mitigacion, And that warrantes 
shalbe made to that effecte accordinglye, And that the sayd 
Sheriffes to haue suche allowans theirfore they hadd the last 
yeare and to be redye at sex of the Clocke in the forenone. 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC6(2) 

f 52v 
Rewards of the common waites within this cittie 

Item to the wates for easter day ij s iijd 





At our venison 
feast and of the 
pagiant masters 

430 / YORK 15:87 

Item to the wates on Christenmes & St Steven day 
Item to them on St Williams day 

Summa vilj s uij d 

f 53v 
Clothynge to the Common officers 
and wates of this cittie 

Item paid to Iohn Balderston Iohn Clerke 
christofer dent & william Iohnson wates for 

the clothynge emongst them agaynst christenmes 
at xij/S. a pece 

f 68 

Rewards Geven to honourable mens servantes 

players mystrills and barwardes 

Item geven the xxvijth day of february to my 
Lord ot Essikes players 

Item geven to my Lord of admerale players 
Item geven in may to my Lord Shandes players 

Item geven in Reward to the quenes mazestes 
players which cam in hir mazestes Lyvereys & 
plaid in the common hall the 9 of September 1587 

Item geven to my Lord of [Sux] Susex plaers 

Item geven the 6 of october to my Lord Staferd 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D61Z(b) 
mb ] 

Item more of frances waid x s Leonard grenbury 
x s George Rose x s and of Iohn Wadsworth x s 

pagiant masters according to the order of this feloship 

lj s ij d 
so (ally/ 

xlvijj s. 



XX S. 

iij li. vj s. viij d. 


XXVj S. Vilj d. 






Toft Grene 

Rentes Resolute 

Certen Rentes 
allowed for 


(...) brotherheade 


1587 YORK / 431 

mb 2 
Item of the bochers for there pagiant house firme xij d 
Item of the bowers for there pagiant house firme xvj d 

Summa ijs iid 

... Item for our pagiant house Rent xij d 

mb 2d* 

Item for the bowers & bochers there pagiant house firmey s 11) d 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 
f 10 

william sel} 

Steven Lonstell padgion maiste res 

Item receyved of Iaimes Allandbye for Rentt of the padgion 
house ys vj d 

Item receyved of the painters and pynners for ther padgion 
Rente xvj d 

f 10v 

Item geven at Rycherd Wilsons to the minstrels by consente 

of the company there beinge ij d 
Item to mr Peareson for padgion house Rente xj d 
f 11 

Item to the mynstrells by consente att Trinitie Supper xij d 







Small expenses 

432 / YORK 1587 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 
BI: PR Y/MG 19 

p 70 

Item Bearing of Common Armur lil) d 

York Minster Fabric Rolls YM: E3/61 

mb 1 

Item to Iohn Wormall by the maisters appointment to buy 

stringes with for the choristers instrumentes KOS os) 
Item gyven in reward to the plaiers XX § 
Item gyven in reward to Hewyt for certaine songes for the 

queare X § 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 
Bila Ree/MES a7, 

ff 9v-10* 

Item paed ffor two blacke Corsletes (savinge te wis wird 
vambraces) boight of Thomas Ledall a } 
Item paed vnto Mr Aldermay brooke for two ili iis 
whiet Corsletes (wantinge nothinge) oe 
Item paed vnto Anthony Geldert for one Callever see 
furnyshed, withe headpeace, flaske and tuchebox J 
Item paed vnto Anthony Geldert for one steall sth 
Coet, to a billman ; 

Item wee Aske allowance ffor the two Callevers 

(furnyshed as is aforesaed) whiche was boight by the 
Counstables in Anno 1587 and cost fortie shillinges xls 
because we charge oureselvefes withe the recept of the 

hoile bill, wherof wee receved in money but 1iij li. xv s 







1587-8 YORK / 433 

Item paed vnto Christofer ffordayne for one 
other steall Coet for a boweman 

Item paed vnto George Greathead for two 
Armynge pickes 

Item paed vnto Thomas Coiltman for fower 
swerdes & fower daggers 

Item paed vnto [hon Addeson tor five swerdes 
and five daggers 

Item paed vnto Ihon Addeson for one very good 
steall capp vnkevered 

Item paed vnto Thomas Androwe for keveringe 
the same withe blewe Cloithe 

Item paed for 1x swerd girdills 
Item paed vnto Thomas Coiltmay for one blacke bill 

Item paed vnto lames dixson for mendinge one 
of the Callever stockes whiche Christofor Ambler 

Summa xvij li. vijs vij d | 

Item paed vnto Anthony Geldert for mendinge 
the leythers & buckils of the two whiet Corsletes 
the vj of Iuly 

Item paed an other tyme vnto Anthony Geldert, 
by Launcelot Waller for mendinge the thother 

Item paed vnto him for lyninge Willzam Marshall 

Item paed vnto Ambrose skarr, and to Christofor 
Ambler to eyther of them for lyninge ther headpeaces 
vj d in toto 

XX] S 

vjs iiij d 


xl s 

iiij s 

lj s 

lj s ixd 

xviij d 


xe (a 

xij d 






that warninge 
{for] shall be 
geven for the 
Showe of 
Midsumer even./ 

434 / YORK 1587-8 

Item paed for lyninge Thomas Richerdson 
& Thomas Addeson ther headpeaces 

Item paed vnto William , “burkes’ his man 
for caryinge one Corslet to the muster two daies 

Item paed vnto Ambrose skarr, William Marshall, 
thon holemes, [hon harreson Thomas Richerdson, 
Chrystofor Ambler Ihon dawson, Thomas Addeson 
and Thomas bowemer, everie one of them iiij d for 
ther first daie trayninge allowed by my Lord 
maior / in toto 


Item paed ffor thre [flax] flaske leythers 
Item paed for one bowestrynge 

Item paed vnto Willam Lewtie for one black bill 
the other beinge broiken, by the soildiers 

Item paed vnto Thomas Porter for gonnpooder 
and matche at the first muster 

Item paed vnto him for mendinge one Calever 

Item paed the xxuj of decembre vnto Anthony 
Geldert, for leytheringe, dressinge and keapinge 
tower Corsletes & ther 11j°' headpeaces, & the 

thre headpeaces for the Callevers: (and for oyllinge 
over the nyne swerdes & ix daggers and one oild 
Almanravet in the Chirche) ever sence the Last 
mustringe till this daie 

Somma xv s vi) d 

House Books Y: B30 

f41v (12 June) 

xij d 

xij d 

iij s 

ix d 
xvulj d 
vilj d 

viij d 

lj s 1 d 

It is agreed that warninge shalbe geven for a Shewe of Armor 
on Satterdaye before Midsomer even next as haith bene 

accustomed. / 







Shewe of 

1588 YORK / 435 

£42 (14 June) 

And nowe it is agreed That a shewe of Armor shalbe made on 
satterdaye the xxijt¢ of Iune instante by all suche Cittezens as 
are prevelye charged, And men of Thainstye as are prevelye 
chardged, And also all other hable men of the sayd Cittye to 
Attend on Maister Sheriffes as the Custome haith bene, and the 
Sheriffes are allowed [fourthe] fourth of the Common chamber 
xxx!1 of powder to be distributed at their discretion, to them 
that shall need the same ./ And that warninge shalbe geven therof 
to the Constables vpon paine of euerye person falinge in anye 
parte of the premisses to forfacte vj s viij d without anye 
mittigacron as the auncient order haithe bene. / 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC6(3) 

f 54v 

Rewards of the common waites within this cittie 
Item to the waites at ester day ij s ij d 
Item to the waites on christenmes day & St Stevens day iij s iiij d 
Item to them on St Williams day xx d 
{6s 9d] 

Summa vilj s ii} d 

t Sov * 

Clothynge to the Common officers 
and wates of this cittie 

Item paid to John Clerk christofer Dent william 
Iohnson and Thomas graves waites for there xlvilj s 
clothynge emengst them against christenmes 

f 74* 
Rewardes Geven to honowrable mens seruantes 
players mynstrills and barwardes 
Item geven to my Lord of Essix players that [xxvj s viij d] 
played in the common hall in february 1587 XKX Ss 

Item geven the 20 of Iune to the Lord of ea eee 
sussex players XXv] S vilj d 





At our venyson 
feast & of the 
pagiant masters / 

Toft Grene 

Rentes Resolute 

Certan rentes 
allowed for 
consyderacons / 

436/ YORK 1588 

Item [pai] geven to my Lord of Lassyter 
players which plaied in the common hall 13 XXX S 
of Iuly 1588 

William halley thes ar to will yow to speak to Nicholas hodgson 
& Georg watkinson to speak to the rest of ther Brethren to paye 
vnto my Lord of Suffockes men for a rewarde the some xxvj s 
vilj d 
in: Byrkby 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D61A(c) 

mb 1 
Receyved of William Marshall x s Receyved of gilbert 
coldwell x s of Willam Ienkynson x s of Iohn Granger xl s 

X § pagiant masters accordinge to the order of this felloship 

Summa xls 

mb 2 

Item of the bochers for there pagiant house firme xij d 

Item of the bowers for there pagiant house firme xvj d 
Summa ij s ij d / 

mb 2d 

... Item for our pagiant house firme xij d / 

Item for the bowers & bochers pagiante house firme js inj d 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

Iohn pullinge 
Lawrence darte 
padgion maisters 






At our venison 
feast and of the 
Pagiant masters / 

Toft Grene 

1588 YORK / 437 
Item of Iaymes Allandbye for padgion house Rente ijs vjd 

f 13 
Ajlowaunces asked by the said Searchers 
of these parcells folowinge 

Item to mr Peareson for padgion house Rente for hole yere xij d 


Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 
Beye ey AVG Sele 

f 14v 

Item for a sword & a Skabert to Thomas Coltman & 1) sword 
girdles ij s [v] yd 

Item to Iohn Addison for dressinge the Armor & swords 111] s vj d 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D61B(c) 

mb 1 
Receyved of Iohn Gowland — x s Thomas Peighinge 

— xs christofer hutton — x s and henry Thomson — xs 
X § pagiant masters according to thorder of this felloship 

mb 2 
Item of the bochers for there pagiant house firme x1j d 
Item of the Bowers for ther pagiant house firme xvj d 

Summa ij s iiij d 





Rentes Resolute 
Certen Rentes 
allowed which 
is vnpaid 


438 / YORK 1589 

mb 2d 
... Item for our pagiant house Rent xij d 

Item the bochers & bowers for there pagiant house Rent jj s il) d 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 
f 14 
Thomas Raines 

Recher er padgion muisteres 

Item receyved of lames allandbye for rentt of padgion 
house js vjd 
f 14v 
Allowaunces asked by the said Searchers as foloweth 
Item to the minstrels at Thomas Raines by consent ij d 

Item for padgion house rentte xij d 

Item at lohn goyme Reckeninge dynner to mynstrels by 
consente [x] vjd 


Item to the minstrels at Richerd Seller dynner by consentt xij d 
Item to the minstrels att mr Haxvpps by consentt viij d 
Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 


[Item receved more the same daie of our pagent maisters 

scilicet vil) s] 

38 the same daie] St James Day (25 July) 







1589 / YORK 439 


ee af) 

Item given to the Minstrills at William Maxwell xvjd 
his Howse vpon the Sondaie after St lames Daie 

Item Disbursed at Martin Arkendaile his howse xiij s. ij d. 
vpon the Swearing Daie 

Item giuen to the Minstrills the same Daie xij d. 
Item giuen more to the Minstrills at Michaell Turner a 
his Howse at the habling Dinner of wi//iam Burtons man : 
Item giuen to the Minstrills at Wilam Maxwell ie 

his Howse vpon the Sondaie before St Lukes Daie 

Item giuen to the Minstrills vpon the seacond daie 
of Novembre at the habling Dinner of Thomas xvj dj 
Thomson at mr Hutchinson his howse 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: Holy Trinity Goodramgate 

p82 (27 May) 

Cunstables Iohn handlae Edward wedowis deliverd to thame 
Item one corceleit & one almane Reveit with towe Lead peasis 
with all the furneture that belongs to thame 

Item one steilcoit wit) one skule to it 

Item one bowe and shafe of arrowes 

Item one kalewer with furneture 

Item foore dagars & thre swerdes 

Item foore swerdes gyrdles 

Item [t] towe pykes remans in owre chyrche 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 
Bile Rey (MGS 

p 74 

Item paid to Rayphe maghame in luly 1589 for that he payd 







440 / YORK 1589 

for the drume att medsomer when he was cunstabell in anno 

xvilj d 
Item payd for dressynge the armore Vilj s 
Item payd for sallett oyll to the armor lj d 


Item payd Lynynge and for coverynge of towe stele capes xxij d 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 

Ble PRO Y/MGS 37 


Paid to Antonie Gelder at one time for drissinge the armer _1ij s 

Paid to Soulgers of muster day ij s vjd 
Paid the first of August to wather Titlowe of wistoe ffor 
prouesion of armer xx d 
and for setting out a soulger vd 
paid now to him for bandes and lockes to the armer chist ij s 
f 17v 

Paid another time for swordes and dagers drissing ys iy «.) 
paid to Iohn skott for a bowstringe jd 
paid for carraige of armer of midsumber evene xvj d 

1 anno] odd abbreviation ano® inMS 





Showe of armor 
on mydsomer 

1590 YORK / 441 

House Books Y: B30 

£184 (9 June) 

And now it is agreed yat the Sheriffes shall on Midsomer eve 
next, make A shewe of Armor thorow the streetes of this cittie 
as hath bene accustomed, And yat the Inhabitantes shall haue 
warning as haith bene accustomed And it is further agreed, that 
euery Cittizin that haith not bene sheriffe shall attend in their 
owne persone with their best Armor and furniture, vpon the 
said shewe, with there servantes also furnished, vpon pane of 
vj s vilj d to be forfacted by euery one offending herein to be 
paid without mittigacion and warning to be geven accordinglie 

E Memorandum Book VY: £22 

f 109* (15 May) Plasterers, Tilers and Bricklayers’ Ordinances 
Item that fower Searchers & ij pageant maisters shalbe yearely 
from henceforthe chosen Indifferently that is to say good and 
honest men and good workemen of the said Occupacon on the 
feast Daie of saimt lames Thappostle, for to searche oversee 
and trewlie to present to the Lord Maior of the same Cittye 
for the tyme being all suche Defaultes and forfaites as they shall 
finde in the said occupacion And that euerie one of the said 
Searchers shalbe loving and honest to the other as becomethe 
them to doo vpon paine of vj s_viij d to the vse of the Chamber 
and occupacion afforesaid equallie to be Devided provided 
allwayes that they shall not haue any mo voices att Eleccion then 
they had when there was but two Searchers. 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC7(1) 


Rewards Geven to (...) servantes players mynstrills & (..) 
Item geven in Reward to my Lord beachame plaers ~e 
that plaied in the common hall the 26 of September 1590 per ase 

Collation (E22, f 109 with QQ80/2/11): 21  workemen] workure 24 all] 

at 25 inright margin QQ80/2/1 1] ffaults to be presented to ye Lord Maiore 
25-30 And ... Searchers] omitted 




At our venison 
feast and of the 
Pagiant masters 

Toft Grene 

Rentes Resolut 


ffynes receyved 
at St Anthonye 

442 / YORK 1590 

Item to [my] ‘the’ Erle of Worster players that 

plaid in the common hall the 24 of October 1590 eee 

Mercers’ Account Rolls MA: D61C(c) 
mb 1* 

Receyved of Robert Burnes — x s Richard 
hawkeshirst — x s William Weller — x s and Laurens 
Waid x s pagiant masters accordinge to thorder 

of this felloship 


mb 2 

Item of the bochers for there pagiant house firme xij d 
Item of the bowers for there pagiant house firme xvj d 

mb 2d 
... Item for ovr pagiant house fyrme — xij d ... 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

f 16 
Bartle Applebye 

aaa J adgion maisteres 
william nicholson pace 

Item receyved of Iames Allandbye for padion house 
Rente ys [x] yjd 

f 16v 
Inprimis of William kinge for not payinge to the mynstrell at 
William Langton jd 

Item spared at William Nicholson padgion dynner of wyne and 

mynstrells monye vj d 

Allowaunces asked of suche monye as the said Searchers haid 







The Same daie 

Whitson Tuesdaie 

1590 YORK / 443 

Disbursed as foloweth 

Item to the bridgemaisteres for padgion house rentt xij d 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 

f 4y 

Item paid to the Minstrills at Miles Norton vpon the same 
Daie xx1j d 

Item given to the minstrills at lob Lunde howse the same 

daie xvj d 

f 5v 


Inprimis laid out at master arkindales house the sunday after 
St Iames Day To the minstriles xvj d 
Item to the minstrils vpon St Luck Day xvj d 
Item payd to the minstrils vpon Plough day xvj d 


York Minster Chamberlains’ Accounts: St Peter’s Part 
YM: E2/21 

f 38v 
Item to hungaryons XeS 

Item to thos that played vpon Sagbuttes & Cornittes the xvijth 
of. Novembr. 1590 5 

10 margimalia The Same daie} 8 January 
34-5 xvij"h of. Novembr.] Elizabeth I's accession day 





444 / YORK 1590 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: Holy Trinity Goodramgate 

p 121 

Item when the muster was at Knarsmyer payd vnto fower 
soulgyers ij S. 

payed to Edward Braythwhaite for the dressing and the oylinge 
of our harnes “{when they were wette]” when theye were at 
heworth more and at Knarsimyer when theye were wette vjd 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 
BER Ya NUGiomles 

f 20v 

Item paed vnto Anthony Geldert for dressinge all oure Armor 
agaynst mydsomer shewe lj s vj d 
Item paed vnto fower men for Carynge oure fower corsletes 

on mydsomer even xx d 
Item paed vnto Mr yoworthe for lenninge his drome xij d to the 
saed showe & to Archer for mendinge the same iiij d tote xvj d 
Item to leffera weddall for plainge on the same at that 

tyme vil) d 
t 20 

Item paed vnto Anthony Geldert the xx daie of Octobre for 
mendinge & dressinge agayne oure armore, against the muster 
daie xvj d 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 
BI: PR Y/MG 19 

ne that the fyrste Daye of maye 1590 theare ys in 
the handees of the cunstabelles for the tyme bynge mr George 
terre Edward Iohnson and Iohn geldarde belongynge to the 
pareshes of Sentte martenes and Sentt gregores in myckell gatte 

thes parseles folowynge — 








Showe vpon 
Midsomer even 

1590-1 YORK / 445 

Item towe corslettes and one curatte whearof [the] halfe of on 
corslett Dothe belonge to the pareshe of byshope hill also theare 
is towe pyckes belongynge to the corsletes and one halbartt 
belongynge to the curatt 

Item thre caleveres with flaxes tuch boxes and , ‘towe’ 

Item towe cottes of platte and towe stell capes and one 
blacke byll also thear ys viijth swordees and viij Dagores and vij 
gyrdelles to the swordes one bage for a sheafe of arowes also the 
pareshes dothe Lacke of thare furnetor which thaye ar charged 
with all // one morryon one bowe and one sheafe of arrowes 

House Books Y: B30 

f241v (11 June) 

And nowe it is agreed, That preceptes shalbe furthwith awarded 
to the officers, to giue commaundment to the Constables of 
euerye parishe, to warne their parishoners to attend vpon Maister 
Sheriffes on Midsomer even at Knavesmyre, at Seaven of the 
Cocke in the mornynge with their Armore, Aswell private as 
common, and to make showe theirof, according to the Auncyant 
order, And that all suche as haue not bene, nor are of the degre 
of Aldermen, or Sheriffes, Shall go in the sayd Showe, in their 
Owne persons, vpon paine of euerye owne makinge defalte to 
forefaite vj s vilj d, And that the sayd Sheriffes shalbe their, and 
Ryde in the same Showe accordinglye, And that xxxl!. of Powther 
shalbe deliuered forthwithe, out of the Common Chamber to be 
bestowed at their discrecions, and they to bestowe asmuche more 
of their owne chardge as other Sheriffes haue done, And that 
the sayd Constables Shall therin attend in their owne persons, 
as haithe bene accustomed vpon the like paine. / 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C94:7 
mb 2 

Item of the Skynners for there pagiante house firme xij d 

22 Cocke] for Clocke 




Rentes and 
firms withoute 
miklith barr 
and within 


+46 / YORK 1591 

Item of the marchantes for there pagiant house 
Item of the tapitowrs for there pagiant house firme 
Item of the tanners for there pagiante house firme 
Item of the carpenters for there pagiante house 
Item of the bakers for there pagiante house 

Item of the Cordyners for there pageant house 
Item of the Cowpers for one outeshote 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

Roberte Wiseman 

lohn Watman 

padgion maisteres 
Item of padgion house Rentt 
f 18Vv 

Allowaunces asked by the said 
Searchers of those parcells folowinge 


[tem to the Brigemaisteres for padgion house Rentte 

Bricklayers’ Accounts YM: QQ80/2/1 

f6v (Receipts) 
The padgons 



Inprimis vpon St lames day iiij s yd 

item the same day to the minstriles 

xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
iy d 

js vjd 

xij d 

vj s vil d 








1591 YORK / 447 

Item payd to the minstriles vpon The Swearing day at John 

gult x1) d 
Item payd to the mistriles at william burton man dinner xvj d 
Item payd to the minstriles at lohn herreson man diner xvj d 

Item paid to the minstreles on St Lowke Day at The Searchares 

dinner xvj d] 
f 8v 


Item layd downe the sonday after Plough day at William Robinson 
Searcher Diner to the ministriles xvj d 
Item to the mynstrills vypon Whitson twisdaye xvj d 
Item the same daye to a mynstrill beinge a straunger xij d.} 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Accounts: St Peter’s Part 
YM: E2/21 

f 40 

Item to thos that played on Sagbuttes & Cornettes the xvijth 
of November . by apoyintmt of mr Goodwyn x $ 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 
Bia PRe Ne MG SH, 


Item paed ffor one newe Callever withe flaske oe 
tuchebox & a headpeace eal 
Item paed vnto Christofor Watter for byinge & “3 
gettinge the same broight from lonndon ve 
Item paed vnto Christofor Watter for dressinge 
the same when it came home 

iiij d 

22-3 xvijth of November] Elizabeth I’s accession day 





448 / YORK 1591-2 
f 23v 

Item paed vnto ij men for Caryinge oure iiij 

Corsletes throwe the Cittie on St peters [daye] even ae 

f 24 

Item paed vnto Anthony Geldert for dressinge, 

and oyllinge 111) Corsletes ix swerdes, ix daggers, 

thre Callevers for one swerdskabert one handill for vs 
a swerd, two cheapes, [withe] and leythers & nayles 

to the Corslettes 

Item paed vnto Anthony Geldert for one duble 
hilted dagger to furnishe the Callever we boight 
Last, in consideration of that whiche was sent into 

xx d 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 
BI: PR Y/MG 19 


Item paied to Richard Whittingeton for a bowe and a shaft 

of arrowes Vs 
Item Paied to the Armorar for drissinge on our armore vij s 
Item paied to the counstables on midsomer even for a 

droume xij d 
Item paied for ij corsletes caeringe xij d 
Item paied for ij callevers carringe xij d 
Item payed to viij men for carringe on the armor lil} $ 

Item paied to the armorrar for mendinge a fluxe and maikinge 
a skourer and a scrue naille xij d 

p 82 
Item ffor dressinge the parishe armar lust = 








Iohn Watson 
chosen one of 
the Waites 

Quens players 

No playes to 
be played in 
the Common 
Hall nor in 
Saint Anthony 

1591-2 YORK / 449 

Item payd for carredge of the commone armar at mydsomar 
for the showe =4— 

Item payd to William tyssone for armar caryinge to pyssome 
gryne 4d ——4 

House Books Y: B30 

f£315v (7 April) 

And nowe it is agreed that Iohn Watson Musicione Shalbe one of 
the common waites of this Cittie in the place of Christofer dent 
disceased, And that my Lord Maior Shall deliuer to him the 
Siluer Cheyne and Scutchin vpon sufficient sureties for redeliuerye 
theirof & as haith bene accustomed. / 

£339v (24 July) 

Also it is agreed, That the Quenes players shall haue iij li. vj s 
vilj d given them forthe of the Common Chamber. 

f 340 

And wheras the doores, lockes, keyes, wyndowes, bordes, benches 
& other buildinges of the Common Hall are greatlye impared and 
hurte and diverse of the same broken, shakne, Lowse & Ryven vp 
by people reparinge thither to se and heare plays [¢..)], It is 
theirfore nowe agreed by theis presentes That no Players shalbe 
permitted to playe anye manner of playes either in the same 
Common Hall or in St Anthonye Hall at anye tyme or tymes 
hereafter. / 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls v: C94:8 
mb 2 

Item of the Skynners for there pagiante house firme xij d 




Rents and 
ffirmes withoute 

and within 


450 / YORK 1592 

Item of mr alderman mosley for a pece of ground where the 

marchantes pagiant house stod xij d 
Item of the Tapitowrs for there pagiante house firme xij d 
Item of the tanners for there pagiant house firme xij d 
Item of the carpenters for there pagiant house xij d 
Item of the bakers for there pagiant house xij d 
Item of the Cordyners for there pagiant house xij d 
Item of the Cowpars for one outeshott lj d 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

f 20 

Item receyved for padgion house rentte js vj d 
f 21v 

Allowaunces Asked by the said Searchers 
of suche somes as folowe th 

Inprimis to Richerd dixon for padgion house rentt xij d 
Item to the mynstrels aut Trinitee supper xvj d 
Item to the mynstrells at christofer hardye dynner xvj d 
Item to the mynstrells at Henrye Cowper Dynner ij s 

Item to the mynstrells at the said dynner for the whole 
cumpanye xvj d 

Bricklayers’ Account Books YM: QQ80/2/1 

f 9v 

[... . ae weer 
Resavid of the pagent masters for ther recinnge ij s ij d 

f 10 


Imprimis to the minstrilles on St Iames daye att the Searcheres 

house xvj d 






OP NAON IS foes dl 

Item laid doune ‘at’ searcheres tanner house at Dinner when we 
shulde have been sworne xilj s iy d 
Item paid to the minstreles the same daye at dinner sified 

Item payd to the minstriles att thomas Gibsonne dinner on 
St luike daye xvj d 

f 10v 

Item paid for wyne on plewe daye att Edward hyndes 

house ij s vu d 
Item the same daye to the minstrelles acd 



Item more to the minstriles the same day xij d 

Item payd for wyne att the Searcher house when lohn chawmer 
mayd his brethren dinner ij s vil d 
Item payd the same daye to the minstrelles the same daye vjd 
Item paede to the menstrell vponne wheitson tewsdaie at myles 
norttonnes js vd 


York Minster Chamberlains’ Accounts: St Peter’s Part 
Yoo R225 

f 41v 

Item the xxiiijt! of Iulij given to hir mazestes men players X'S 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 

Bil PRY Ye MGS 17 

f 26v 

Item paied to Iohn Addeson for dressinge of fower corsletes 
and for revet Nayles and oyelinge of the saide aremore lj s 






showe of armor 

+52. ey ORs S500=3 

Item paied to fower men for carringe the saide corsletes, at 
mydsomere ij s 
Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 

Bl: PR Y/MG 19 

p 84 

Item for bearing of harnis and for a drume at the sa[y]me 

tyme Vj s 
p 85 

Item payd on the munday before all Saints day for carrying of 
harnis to the common Hall to the laborers vilj d. 
p 86 

Item payd to the Armorer for drussing the armor Vij s 

House Books Y: B31 

f14v (13 June) 

Also it is agreed, That the Showe of Armor shalbe on ffrydaye 
before Mydsomer even next, viz. the xxijth daye of Iune instant, 
And that the Constables of euerye parishe shall be commaunded 
to warne the houshoulders within their Constablerye to haue 
their Armor and furniture Cleane dressed either on their owne 
backes or on the backes of other hable persons at Knairsmire at 
nyne of the Clocke in the fore none of the same daye and to go 
and attend vpon Maister Sheriffes with the same from knaresmyer 
throughe the Cittye as heretofore haith bene accustomed, and 
that suche of the sayd houshoulderes as be vnder the degree of 
the xxiiijth which shall haue others to Carrye their Armor shall 
be and attend their at the sayd hower vpon Maister Sheriffes in 
their owne persons in their best apparell and go from thence 

in the same Showe as they shall be placed, And also that the sayd 







christofer Smyth 
& Cuthbert 
Thompson to be 
two of the 


The Waites 

1593 YORK / 453 

Constables shalbe commaunded to be their at the same tyme in 
ther / best apparell to attend vpon Maister Sheriffes and vpon the 
sayd Showe with [painted] “the constabls’ staves as officers to 
keepe the persons goinge in the sayd showe in order as haithe 
bene accustomed, And to haue ther Common Armor of their 
parishes their cleane dressed vpon hable mens Backes, And to 
bringe from euerye parishe A drome and A fyfe or a drome at 
Least euerye person vpon payne of vj s vilj d, And that Maister 
Sheriffes shall Ryde in the sayd showe in their Read gownes as 
haithe bene accustomed, And that suche allowance of powther 
shalbe deliuered forthe of the Chambers store house to Maister 
Sheriffes as was the last yeare viz. xxx li. of powther to bestowe 
at their discrecions, And that Maister Sheriffes shall(.) bestowe 
asmuche powther of their owne Chardges 

f22v (8 August) 

Also it is agreed, That christofer Smithe & Cuthbert Thompson 
shalbe two of the Waites of this Cittye, And that thone of them 
shall haue the Cheyne and Conysent which is alredye made, & 
either of them a newe cote forthwith, And that a newe Conisent 
shalbe forthwith made, for thother of them and a newe Cheyne 
about Allhallowmas or christenmas when money Comethe in, 
they puttinge , ‘in’ suretyes for redelyverye of the sayd 
Conysentes and Cheynes ./ as hath bein accustomed 

f27v (14 September) 

Also it is agreed that the Chamberlaines shall pay to William 
pearson gouldsmythe viij s for renewing fower of the Conisantes 
for the Waites & alsovs . ‘more’ which he hath putt into the 
same fower Conisantes 

£45 (7 December) 

And wheras the Waites haue maid requeste to haue some better 
allowance in respecte of the paynes & service Which is knowne 
to this court to better then in tymes past hath bene accustomed 
, ther also” being [t(..)] A man & a boy more then in former 
tymes It is nowe agreed that they shall make a boke of all ther 
receiptes therof & thervpon consideracion shalbe hadde 






The Waites to 
haue [gownes] 


Wates cotes 

454 / YORK 1593 
£46 (12 December) 

Also it is agreed that all the Waites shall haue newe cotes against 
christenmas next as hath bene accustomed notwithstanding the 
two Cotes given this year to the newe waites at ther entrye 

{47 (17 December) 

Also it is agreed that the Waites cotes shalbe of viij s viij d the 
yeard And that the two newe waites shall haue either of theme 
a yeard & ij quarters of cloth for his cote 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC7(2) 

f 47v 

Rewards to the common 
waites of this cittie 

Item to the waites on easter day is iid 
& easter Mondey y y 
To them on christenmas & St stephens day iy s uj d 
To them one St williams day xx d 
6s 8d 
Summa vil} s 11) d 
f 48v 
Clothinge to the Common officers 
and wates of this cittie 
Item for iij yerdes of brod Red for ani 
Cotes for the two newe waltes 
4 li. 13s 4d 

Item to John Clerke Thomas Grave 
Iohn Watson christofer smyth & 
Cuthbert Thomson Waites of this 
cittie for there Clothynge accustomed 
{at] for viij [a yerd] [yerdes of brod] 
reed at x sx d per yerd 

iij li. ix s itij d 







Rentes and 
firmes withoute 
and within 

1593 YORK / 455 

Rewards to honourable mens servantes 

players mynstrells & barwardes 

[ten geven to my Lord Admorall & my Lord 
[burell] “Morden” players in aprill 1593 

Item geven to my Lord pembrokes players in lune 

Item to my [Lord] ‘Erle’ of Worster players 
in May 1593 

Item in Reward to my Lord of sussex players 
in August 1593 

Item to the quenes players in september 
Item to my Lord ogle & Lord darsie players 
30 november 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y:C95:1 
mb 2 

Item of the Skynners for there pagiant house firme 





liij s iiij d 


xij d 

Item of mr mosley alderman for a pece of ground where the 

marchantes pagiant house stod 

Item of the Tapitowrs for there pagiant house 
Item of the Tanners for there pagiant house 
Item of the Carpenters for there pagiant house 
Item of the Bakers for there pagiant house firme 
Item of the Cordyners for there pagianthouse 
Item of the Cowpers for one outeshote 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

f 23 
Thomas Haxvp 

lohn Harryson pagion maistest 

xij d 
xij d 
xi] d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
ij d 






ffines Receyved 
in St Anthonyes 
Hall / 

456 / YORK 1593 
Item receyved for the Pagion house Rente ys vy d/ 

f 24 

Item of William Hunter for refusinge to be the Pagiant maister 
after that he was electe xx d 

Allowaunces which the sayd Searchers askethe as followeth viz. / 
f 24v 

Item payd to the Brigmasteres for the Pagion house Rente xij d. 
Item payd to the Minstrelles at William Peteres house xij d 

Item payd to the minstrelles at Wilvam Nicholsones house _ xij d 

f 25 

Item payd to the Minstrelles at Trinitie , super’ at William 

Peteres xvilj d 
Item payd to the Minstrelles at Thomas Haxvppes at the Pagion 
dynner ys 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 

f 14 

Ls . 

Item laid downe for wyne of St Iames Daie at michaell Turners 
howse js vujd 
Item the same Daie to the minstrils xvjd 
Item in charges on the swearing Daie XV] s 
Item to the minstrils the same daie xvj d 

f 14v 


ee laid forth for wyne at Henry Lyonis howse vppon St. 






The Calyuers & 
bows being 
comon Armor 

1593 YORK / 457 

Lukes daie lj s viij d 
Item to the minstrils the same Daie ij s 
Item for wyne at laid out at Io Gels sonne hablinge 
dynner ij s vilj d 
Item to the minstrils the same Daie xvj d 

[Vpon [Saint] plewe Daie as foloweth 
Item to the minstrill the same Daie and place [xvj d] 
f 15v 

vpon whitson Tuesdaie. 

Item to the minstrils the same Daie Se 
Item for a gallon of wyne at Michaels Turners man Broothren 
Dynner lj s 
Item to the minstrils ther ij s 
Recewed for Pageant Masters vij s 
Received for Pageant money for Apprentices lj s 
f 19v 
Recewed of Gell for pageant money for his sonne vj d 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 
Bi abe Yas MiGoude 7 

f 29v 

Item paid tu those that carried armer on the schowe daye iiij s 







was accustomed 
to be carid by 

the seruantes of 
the parishoners 

Shewe of Armor 

458 / YORK 1593-4 

& for mendin a drom iiij d toto illj s ilij d 

f 30 

Item paid for drissinge ower coreslytes for nayles leathers and 
oyllynge thame ij s ij d 
Item paid for a scoringesticke iij d & for bowe stringe j d ij d 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 
BI: PR Y/MG 19 

p 92 

Item paied to the Counstables to paye the soulgers at midsomer 
the iust some of vs 
p 93 

Item paied to the Armorar for drissinge the armore Vij s 

House Books Y: B31 

£71 (7 June) 

Also it is agreed that the showe of Armor shalbe on St Peter 
Even next (viz.) the xxviijth day of Iune instante and that the 
Constables of everye parishe shalbe commaunded to warne 
the househoulders within ther Constablerye to have ther armor 
and furniture clene dressed eyther on ther owne backes or on the 
backes of other hable persons at knaresmyer at nyne of the 
Clocke in the forenone of the same daye & to goe & attend vpon 
Maister Sheriffes with the same from knaresmyer throughe this 
Cittye as heretofore hath bene accustomed; and that such of 
shall have others to carye ther armor shalbe & attend ther at the 
said hower vpon Maister Sheriffes in ther owne persons in ther 
best apparell and goe from thence in the same showe as they 
shalbe placed; And also that the said Constables shalbe 
commaunded to be ther at the same tyme in ther best apparell 







iij li. vj s viij d 
to be given to 
the Waites 

Alderman mosley 
to haue marchant 
padgeant house 
ground &c. 

Waites Cotes 

1594 YORK / 459 

to attend vpon Maister Sheriffes; and vpon ther said showe 
with ther Constable staves as officers to kepe the persons goinge 
in the said showe in order as hath bene accustomed And to have 
ther comon armor of ther parishes ther clene dressed vpon hable 
mens backes; And to bringe from euerye parishe A drume and A 
fife or A drume at Leaste everye person vpon paine of vj s_ viyj d; 
And that Maister Sheriffes shall Ryde in the said showe in ther 
Read gownes as hath bene accustomed; And that such allowance 
of Powder shalbe delyvered forthe of the Chambers storehouse to 
Maister Sheriffes as was the Last yeare (viz.) xxx li. of powder to 
bestowe at ther discretions; And that Maister Sheriffes shall 
bestowe as much powder of ther owne Chardges. 

f 87 (8 November) 

Also it is agreed that ij li. vj s vilj d shalbe given of benevolence 
forth of the common chamber at christenmas or Candlemas next 
for ther paynes towardes the amendement of the waiges for the 
yeare past & this yeare present 

f 88v (19 November) 

Also it is agreed that Mr Alderman Mosley shall haue a graunt or 
Release vnto him from this corporacron of the ground at padgient 
grene which he hath enclosed to his ground where the Marchantes 
padgiant , “house did stand’ [was latelie did] to hold to him & 
his heires for euer paying for the same xiij s_iiij d as well in 
consideracion of the fre syght of the grond as of the accerages 
clamed of him for the rent of the same / 

£96 (11 December) 

Also it is agreed that the Waites shall have cotes of such value 
price & quantety as they had the Last yeare. 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC8(1) 

f 46v 
Rewardes to the Common waites of this cittie 
Item to them for easter day & mondey at my Lord 
maiours ij s ij d 







Rentes. / 

ffines Receyved 
in St Anthonies 
Hall. / 

460 / YORK 1594 

To them on christenmas day & St stephens day ij s inj d 
To them on St Williams day xx d 

Summa viij s ilij d 

f 47v 
Clothinge to the Common officers 
and wates of this cittie 

Item to Iohn Clerke Thomas grave John Watson 

christofer smyth & Cuthbert Thomson wates of 

this cittie for ther clothynge at viz. viij yeredes ij li. ixs xjd 
brod read at 8s 8d & fordi. yallo kersey for hir 

stafes connysans to henry metcalf 

Rewards to honerable mens servantes 
players mynstrills and barwardes / 
Item geven to my Lord burrowe playeres 29 October 94 5 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

1b DY 
Iohn Brownlesse 

Peter Thowe pagiant / maisters /T 
eter W' 

Item receyved for the Pagion house rent ys vjd 
f 28 
Item receyved the xiijth daye of Maye of Iohn Brownlesse and 
Peter Thowe Pagiant maisters for their Mawndye Breade XS 


In primis payd to the minstrelles at my Ladye Richardson house 
when the old Searchers made their last feast xx1j d 







Plewe daye 

Whitsun Tyde 

1594 YORK / 461 

Item payd to the minstrelles at Stephen Lonstelles at the first 

meetinge of the sayd Searchers illj d 
Item payd to Robert Tompson and Richard Braye for the Rente 
of the Pagiant house for a whole yeare xij d, 
Item payd to the waites at John Brownlesse feast lj s 
Item payd at Peter Thowees feast , “to the minstrelles’ xij d 
Item payd at John Arkindelles to the minstrelles vilj d 
f 29v 

Item payd to Rychard Siddelles at Trenityes feast , ‘to the 
minstrelles’ xvii) d 
Item payd at christofer hardyes to the minstrelles vj d 
Item at Robert wisemanees to the minstrelles xij d 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 



Imprimis laid downe on St lames att david Thomsonne house 
for wyne lij s 
Item more the same daye to The minstreles xvj d 

The “newe’ Searcheres was sworne att martin Eminsonnes 

house XV] s 
Item Laid downe for wyne The same daye VS 
Item laid doune to the minstreles The same xvj d 

f 20v 

[Item Laid downe att the Searchars housse the Sunda after 

St Lucke daye for wyne Ll} s 
Item more the same daye to the minstriles ij s 
Item Laid doune to the minstriles The same dae [for.] xvj d 


[Item spent att the Searcheres house on whittsuntewes 
daye [6.0 s (ij d] 






462 / YORK 1594 
for wyene and suger 

Item more to the minstrelees the same daye 


York Minster Chamberlains’ Accounts: St Peter’s Part 
YM: E2/21 

t 43v 
Item the second of september given to hir maiestes men 



Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 
Bile PRY MG Sede, 

f 32v 

Item paed vnto Thomas Richerdson for mendinge a head 

f 33 

Item paed for Carryinge oure fower Corsletes on St Peter 

f 33v 

XX § 



Item paed vnto Robert dent for plainge on the drome on St 

peters even 
Item paed vnto Iohn Walker for the vse of a droume 

viij d 
xvj d 

Item paed vnto Anthony Geldert for oilinge dressinge of oure 

armor as by his bill heare to be seen appearithe 

vjs yd 

Item paed vnto Christofor Watter for mendinge & maikinge 
certayne thinges belonginge oure Callevers & musket as by his 
bill appearithe & heare to be shewed vs vil) d 
Item paed vnto Iohn Walker for one musket wherwithe wee are 

[newlye] newly cherged, withe flax & tuchebox 

xlj S 

Item that the head peace whiche did belonge vnto the Almanravet, 





Wates boke 

Showe of 

1594 YORK / 463 

doithe serve for this musket ./ & the swerd & dagger whiche 
‘was’ for the bowman ./ and wee bought a rest staf of C. watter 

as by his bill appearithe 

Item paed vnto Iohn Walker for the lyninge of oure head peace 
whiche wee should have bought & doe stand cherged witheall 

still ./ vj d 
Item paed vnto Mr wadsworthe for one Whiet Corslet wherewithe 
wee arr newlie cherged also Xxvj s vilj d 

House Books Y: B31 
£106v (12 February) 

And nowe maister Alderman Trew maister Alderman Byrkby 
maister alderman Iackson maister alderman mosley Edward 
ffawcet christofer beckith William paicock Thomas harbert gent 
Thomas Blenkarne Iohn bilbowe Robert harryson Rauf hart 
Thomas wilson Roberte burnet henry Thompson & William 
ffoxgill are appointed sessors of the waites boke for ther waiges 
And it is agreed that the sume shalbe done by them all or by as 
many of them as cam be gotten to mete thervpon in this place 
vpon friday next at one of the clock in the afteynoun provided 
that two of the said aldermen & one of the xxiiijth at the Least 
be at the said assessement 

£121 (18 June) 

Also it is agreed that the showe of armor shalbe the friday befor 
St Peter even next viz. the xxvijth of Iune instant and that the 
constables of euery parish shalbe commaunded to warn the 
housholders Within ther constablery to haue ther armor & 
furniture cleane dressed [either in ther] such as haue not bene 
sheriffes either on ther owne bodies or suche bodies of other 
lable persons... (é& tobe <3 2.41.05 ) per ¢....)]° And my Lord 
maiour aldermen & xxiii) on the bodies of hable persons At 
knaresmyre at 1x of the clock [the same daie] in the forenoon 
of the same daie & to attend vpon maister sheriffes with the 
same , ‘in the show as they shalbe directed” & that such as haue 
not been sheriffes shall likewyse be ther in ther owne persons in 
decent apparell & [also attend as] likewise attende [(.)] as they 





players reward 

Quenes players 

My lord 
Willobies players 

464 / YORK 1595 

shalbe directed & all such as shalbe ther shall go from thence in 
the show with master sheriffes thorowe this Citty to St mariegate 
[which maister sheriffes] and as hertofor hath bene accustomd 
And that also the said Constables shalbe ther at the same tyme 
[& atle] in ther best apparell without gownes or clokes & with 
[tip] constables staves [pa] or tipstaves whit or painted in ther 
handes & attende vpon the [said] same show as wiflers in such 
places of the show as they shalbe appointed vnto / And also that 
the same constables shall shew , ‘ther’ the common armor of 
the said parish , ‘clean dressed & caried’ in the said show [cleaned] 
vpon hable mens backes And euery constable to bring a drome & 
a fyfe or a dromme at the Least vpon paine euery constable vj s 
vilj d euery alderman ij s ij d euery of the xxiiijth ij s vj d 
euery such as hath bene chamberlayn jj s euery of the best sort 
of the other Cittizens x1j d & of the meanest sort vj d . “without 
mitigacons. And it is forther ordred that maister sheriffes shall 
haue the Citties Auncient & Ryde in ther red gownes in the same 
show as hath bene accustomed And that maister sheriffes shall 
haue all the said fynes to ther own vses & in consideracion therof 
shall give such gun powther as hertofore hath bene accustomd to 
be given [by] both by master sheriffes & forth of the chambre 
viz. in all lx li. vpon ther owne charges / 

£127 (1 July) 

Also it is agreed that the Earle of worsters players which are late 
commed to this Cittie and desirous to playe shall xx s given 
theme forth of the common chamber & so departe from this 
Cittie & not play 

f£130v (8 August) 

Also it is agreed that iij li. vj s viij d given to the Quenes players 

for a reward shalbe paid by the chamberlayns forth of the 
Common chambre 

f141v (21 November) 

Also it is agreed that my Lord Willowbies players shall play at 






Rentes and 
‘firmes’ within 
and withoute 

Rentes ./ 

f 32 

fines Received 
in St Anthones 

1595 YORK / 465 

ther host house or such other house or place within this Citty as 
they can get for thre or four days [but] so it be not in the night 
tyme nor on the sabbaoth daie, but not in the common hall 
[And] notherto haue any reward of this Citty 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls y:C95:2 

mb 2 

Item of the Skynners for there pagiant house firme xij d 
Item of the Tapitours tor there pagiant house xij d 
Item of the Tanners for there pagiant house xij d 
Item of the Carpenters for there pagiant house xij d 
Item of the Bakers for there pagiant house xij d 
Item of the Cordyners for there pagiant house xij d 
Item of the Cowpers for one outeshote ij d 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

ir Silk 
Thomas Bowlmer 

ileal nee pagiant maisters ./f 

Item Receyved for the Pagion house Rente i} s vid. 
f 32v 

Item Receyved of Thomas Bowlmer and William Hunter 
Pagionmaisteres for their maundye Breade vj s vil} d. / 

Allowances . which they demaund as followeth viz. / 

Item for the Pagion house Rent xij d. 
Item payd at Thomas Haxvpes to the Minstrelles then allowed 
by the companie x) d 

Item payd to the Minstrelles at Trenitie Supper ij s 







® Elecuon of 
Padgiant masters 

Sct lames da. 

The sivin daye 

466 / YORK 1595 

ft 33 

Item payd at Thomas Bowlmer pagion dynner for wyne js 
Item payd to the Minstrelles at the taler hall at the feast of 
(blank) to the minstrelles ij s 

Ite m payd the xjth daye of August at Searcher kinges house 

for wine vs uyd 
Item payd to the minstrelles the same daye xj d 
f 33v 

Item payd to the minstrelles the xvijth of december vj d 
Item payd to the minstrelles the xxvijth of Ianuarye xij d 
Item payd to the Minstrelles at the butcher hall xx d 

Bakers’ Ordinary BL: Add MS 34605 
ff 61-1lv 

Also at euery such Assemble the old and newe Searchers and 
suche as haue bene Searchers Shall before ther departure by 
ther | most voyces, chose two Pagiant Maisters of the sayd 
companye, and if anye chosen Pagiant Maister shall refuse to 
stand, he shal] forefeit x s , and an other shalbe chosen in his 
place, which forefaiture shall be, thone halfe to the comon 
Chamber, and thother halfe to the sayd occupacon: 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 

f 23 

Item more att martin Eminsonnes house for wyne att his 

dinner vj s 
Item more the same tyme to the minstreles att his 
dinner ij s viij d 

Item Laid doune att the Searcheres house the said daye XVj $ 





Plewe daye 


1595 YORK / 467 

Item more the same daye to the minstrelees xvj d 

f 23v 

[Item spent at Iohn gel howse on SSt Luke daye Vs 

Item spent at Iohn gel hous sunday after “for wyne & 
musicke” vj s 8d 

Item spent at martin arkindall hous Sunday after all St day 

in wine vs uyd 
Item the same day ‘to’ the minstri(.) xvj d 
Item for wyne att the Searcheres house for wyne vs isjd 
Item the same daye to the minstriles xvj d 

f 24 


Item for wyne on whitson Tewesda att myles nortton house iilj s 
Item the same daye to the minstralees xvj d 


York Minster Chamberlains’ Accounts: St Peter’s Part 
YM: E2/21 

f 47 
Item to William hewitt musitian Vs 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 

f 36 

Item payd to fyve men for carienge Armore of St. petteres 

{d] Eaven ys vj d 
Item payd to the drumer for that day xij d 

Item for a pynt of sellit oyle for our Armore xj d 







showe of armor 

468 / YORK 1595-6 

Item payd Christophor watter for drising the callevers vyjd 
Item for drising armore vj d 

f£135v (10 May) 

Item in the Chist behinde the Churche doer, [two] "3" blacke 
Corsletes, lackinge ther vambraces, thre white Corslets, fiue 
sweardes, fiue daggers & fiue girdells for the same ./ Item ther 
also thre Calevers, one Musket, ther flaskes, and tuch boxes & 
leythers, ther schorers, the rest stafe, fower sweardes, daggers 
& girdels therunto belonginge / withe fower headpeaces for 
them ./ whereof one did apperteine to the ould Alman Revet ./ 
one newe leather for a muskitt flax bought of mr Gelderd> 

Item ther also two newe Steall Coetes, two steall Capes well 
kevered, one shaef of good Arrowes & bagg for them the markin 
Iron & [sex] . ‘v’ oild sweard girdels ./ 

Item in the Revestre one ould Iacke, one longe Bowe, and the 
Aulmanrevet, but not the head peace ./ 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 

BI: PR Y/MG 19 

p 100 

Item payde to the cunstables att midsomar shawe Vs 

Item payde to the armorar for kepinge our armor on yeare —_vij s 

House Books Y: B31 

f£192v (18 June) 

And nowe it is agreed that the showe of armor shalbe vpon 

St Peter even next Viz xxviij die Iunij instantes And that the 

Constables of euery parishe shalbe , “commaunded’ to warne 
‘euery of the housholders Within euery ther seuerall 

constableries to haue ther armor & furniture cleane dressed vpon 






John Clark 
Wate (...) 

1596 YORK / 469 

hable mens backes ther to be showed and to attend vpon maister 
sheriffes in the same showe as hathe bene accustomed And that 
such as haue [bene] not bene sheriffes shalbe ther & attend 
vpon maister sheriffes as they shalbe directed in therowne 
persons in decent apparell throughout this Cittie in the same 
showe euery of theme with some weapon in his hande in decent 
sort from ix of the clock in the forenone [vntill] of the same 
daie vntyll such tyme as the showe shalbe done without gownes 
& clokes. And that the constables of euery parish shalbe also 
commaunded to haue ther common armor ther fair & cleane 
dressed & fully furnished , ‘vpon hable mens bodies’ [Wh«...)stal] 
And that they shalbe ther in ther owne persons in ther best 
apparell , ‘without gownes or clokes’ with constabels staves or 
painted staves in ther handes [in ther handes] & Attend as 
wiflers in the same showe as shalbe to theme appointed & to 
bring with theme frome euery parish a drome & a fife or a [d(.)] 
drome at the Leaste euery housholder vpon payne of iij s_ iii d 
& euery constable vpon payne of vj s_viij d And it is forther 
ordred that master sheriffes shall haue the Cittyes auncient & 
Ryde in ther red gownes in the same showe as hath bene 
accustomed And that maister sheriffes shall haue xxx li. of 
powther deliuered them forth of the storhouse & fynd other 
xxx li. them selves to be spent in the same showe as hath ben 

£206 (20 August) 

And wheras Thomas Graves Cuthbert Thompson & Iohn Watson 
thre of the wates and one Richard bradley whom the said waites 
haue Late takne into ther company & do entend to haue to be 
one of ther company in place of christofer Smyth gone awaie, 
haue nowe compleyned against lohn Clark one other of the said 
Waites that he is become so disordred and distemppred and such 
a person as wilbe verie oft dronk & is at diuerse tymes trobled 
with the falling sicknesse & his hearing vnperfit or almost deaf as 
that he is not sufficient to serve in his place, And that at diuerse 
tymes he hath so disordred him self in the exercise of his place in 
the playing before the magestrates of this Citty and others as that 
he hath [brought] ‘maid’ the rest of them by his playing forth of 
tvne & tyme to be asshamed of them selues and , ‘they to be 
therby” thought of the hearers to haue no such skill as is requisite 
for ther places to ther great discredit as they alledge And the said 





470 / YORK 1596 

lohn Clark being hear presente can not sufficiently discharge him 
self towching the premysses , “In consideracion wherof And’ 
ffor that his infirmyties are the most of theme knowne to diuerse 
ot thes presentes to be such as are obiected against him It is 
therfore nowe agreed that he shall from hensforth be displaced 
from his said office & place of a waite in this Cittie And from all 
such exercise within this Citty as only belongeth to the place of 
a waite And from playing of hunt ys up in this Cittye which only 
belongeth to the Wates, Notwithstanding it is agreed that he 
shalbe at Libertie to exercise his trade or facultie in this Citty 
with a boy or two with him as other fre musitions do in {this} 

all thinges the waites place & hunt ys vp excepted ./ And in 
regard that he is a pore old mam the said Graves Thompson 
Watson & Bradley . “hauing’ agreed & promised to give him 
yearlie forth of ther fee xxvj s_ vilj d to be paid to him from 
henstorth quarterly And that he shall deliuer in the holling pipes 
& instrumentes for making of the same being paid ‘at sight of 
my Lord maior’ as he paid for the same , or ells the said xxvj s 
vilj d to cease 

City Chamberlains’ Books VY: CC8(2) 

f 44v 
Rewardes to the Common waites of this Cittie 

Item to them for ther fee for easter day & easter 

ij s uy d 
mondey at my Lord maiours 
To them on christenmes day & St stephens day ij s ij d 
To them on St williams day xxd 

Summa vii} s iy d 
f 45v 

Clothinge to the Common officers and waites of this Cittie 

Item to Thomas Graves lo Watson Cuthbert 

Thomson (blank) / waites of this Cittie for there Given a 
Clothinge viz. to [mr] Robert Asquyth for vj 

yerdes & a quarter Read cloth 

17-18 [at sight ... same .] caret misplaced 






Rentes & 
fyrmes within 
miklegate barr 
and within 


f 36 
( Receyved 

1596 YORK / 471 

Rewards to honowrable mens servantes 
players mynstrills and barwardes 
Item given to hir maiestes players which played eke 

in the Common hall in Iulie 1596 
Item given to my Lord of essix mussissiens XX S$ 

Item in reward to my Lord Darbie & Lord 


Darcies players 30 september 1596 
Item given to the wates which played at the ees 
common hall in christenmes am 
Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls y : C95:3 
mb 2 
Item of the skynners for there pagiant house ferme xij d 
Item of the tapitowrs for there pagiant house x1 d 
Item of the Tanners for there pagiante house xij d 
Item of the Carpenters for there pagiante house xij d 
Item of the Bakers for there pagiante house xij d 
Item of the Cordyners for there pagiant house xij d 
Item of the Cowpers for one outeshote inj d 
Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

John Milner cena ar ae + 

Richard Litle ee ae 
Item Receyved for the Pagion house Rent i) s vj d 

f 36v* 

St Anthonies (all [tem of (lohn Milner, and] Richard Little Pagion Maisters for 




[not allowed] 

St: lames daie 

ye swearing 

472 / YORK 1596 
thier Maundye bread [vj s] ij s iiij d 

Paymentes and Allowances which they demaunde 


Item payd for the Pagion house Rent xij d 

it TAN 

Item payd at Trenitye Supper to the waytes of this Cittye by 
consent of the whole companie ij s 

Item payd to the minstrelles at Richard Litlees pagion 

dynner xvj d 
Item payd at the sayd Richardes pagion dynner for Thomas 
Nicholson Robert Nicholson and Iohn dickson thelder accordinge 
to an order sett for them by the whole consent as afforesayd ix d 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 

f 27v 

[Receyved in pageant money vilj d 
Receyved of the pageant masters Vj) S. 

f 28 


Item the same daie laid out in wyne at william Burtons 

howse lll] S 
Item more the same daie to the Minstrills at wilzam Burtons 
howse xx d 

Item more the same daie for wyne at Miles Norton his howse iiij s 
Item more the same daie to the minstrills at Myles Nortons 

howse xij d 
Item more to the Minstrills the same daie at George Hunters 
howse iy d 







1596 YORK / 473 

f 28v 

[On St. Lukes daie 
Item to the minstrills at wi//iam Lionis howse xvj d 
Item for wyne their lll} s 
f 29 

[The Sunday after Plewe daie 
ffor wyne at the Searchers dynner being at David 
Thompsons 1llj s 

To the minstrills their xv) d 

Whitson Tuesdaie 

Given for wyne the same daie at George hunters howse ll] s 
Given to the minstrils their xvj d 

York Minster Chamberlains’ Accounts: St Peter’s Part 
YM: E2/21 


Item given to hir maiestes men players XX S 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St John Ouse Bridge Bi: PR Y/J 17 
fi4v (12 May) 

Delyuered by george Rosse and lames Cristallson Cunstabiles 
of sant Ihones at owsebrigh for the year 1595 / Item sayd delyuerd 
all the parrish armor vnto the Cunstabelis this year 1596 / henrie 
bamnester and marting Led cumstabiles / as followithe 

Item iij blacke Corslettes with heade peces 
Item one whyt Corsletett with head pece 

Item one whyt alemon Reuett with head pece 
Item one curett with half earmes / & head pece 
Item one mvskett with furnetur 





474 / YORK 1596 

Item 1ij Caleuers with furnetur 
Item vil) swordes with newe gyrdeles 
Item 1) old gyrdeles 
Item [g] [d] ix dagers 
Item a blacke bill 
Item a Cotte of playte 
Item a Iacke 
Item one stele cape 
Item xillj arrowes 
Item ij pykes 

the . 12th of may 1596 

per me george Ross 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 
BI: PR Y/MG 19 

p 102 

Armore delyvered over to the cownstables for this yeare 1596: 
which is william masters, Parsavall wawle, Anthony warde. 

thre Corslettes provyded fully with thre pikes, 3 heade peces 
one Curate with one halbarde, lacke a hed pece thre Callevers 
with flaxes & tuch boxes, stringe, & lethers with one muskete, 
reste & furnetoure fully with 4: head peses, / 3: pare of mowledes / 
eyght swordes & eyght dagers, eyght girdells, towe Cottes of 
plate with skulles covered with rede a bowe, & one Caese with 
owld arrowes in the same / and one blake bille / 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 
Bilese Rei MG omer 

f 39v 

Item paed for oillinge & dressinge all oure Armor, and Callevers, 
when thoild Chirch wardens delivered them to vs vj d 

Item paed to Archer for a drome whiche wee borrowed on him 

on the shewe daie vj d 
Item paed to one for playnge on the same drome the same 







The Wates bill 

Reward to the 
Comon waites 
of this Cittie 

1596-7 YORK / 475 

daie vilj d 
Item paed to fyve men for Caryinge oure, Corsletes & ther 
furniture same daie ys vjd 

Item paed to one for Caryinge oure bowe and Arrowes the same 
daie & oure steall Coet whiche men woild Cary withowt money 
& we weare comaunded to have them ther vj d 
Item paed to Iohn Scot for a bowe stringe jd 

Item paed to Maister Geldert for dressinge all oure Armor against 
the shewe daie, & for naylinge, leytheringe, & skoringe the same 
after the shewinge daie, whiche was very raynye ./ and also for 
dressinge ix swerdes & daggers, whiche had not been dressed of a 
longe tyme before ll) s 4d 

f 40 

Item paed vnto Christofer watter the same tyme for oyllinge & 
dressinge owre Callevers & mvskett within & withowte & for 
mendinge one flax box vj d 

House Books Y: B31 

£272 (30 May) 

And wheras the Waites haue compleyned vpon diuerse cittizens 
for nonpament of their waiges whose names they haue deliuered 
to my Lord maiowr in a note It is agreed that all the same persons 
shalbe called before my Lord maiour & commyt vntill they shall 
pay the same 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls vy ,c9:1 
mb 4d * 

Item payd to the waites of this Citie for Easter terme last past 
accustomed lj s ij d 
Item payd to the sayd waites for the(.) Reward (...) lj Ss ilij d 
Item payd to the sayd waites for St William daye viz the daye 
that my Lord Maiour maketh his greate feaste xx d 






478 / YORK 1597 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 

f 32 

The same daie to the minstrils at Miles Norton his howse 

To the Minstrills the same daie at william Gell his howse 

f 32v 
On Satturday before plewe daie ./ 

At Henrie Lionis his howse vpon Sunidaie giuen to the 

Whitson tuesdaie 
To the minstrills at John Maxwell his howse 
Churchwardens’ Accounts: Holy Trinity Goodramgate 
BSP RW / Hn G 
p 143 
ro for bearing ovr harnesse and drome at Midsomer 

Item for dressing ovr harnesse 

xvj d. 

xvj d 

xx1j d. 

iiij s. 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St John Ouse Bridge BI: PR Y/J 

f l6v 

Item for the Carraige of our private Armor vpon the Shewe 

day & for Ale to theme 

5 The same daie] St Luke's Day (18 October) 

iiij s 





The players not 
to play and to 
haue xx s 

The Wates 

1597 YORK / 479 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 
BI: PR Y/MG 19 

p 110 

Item payde to the counstables at mydsomar shewe for caryinge 
our paruyshe armar vy) s 
Item payde to the armear for kepinge owr armar Vij S 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 
BI: PR Y/MCS 17 


Item paed on St Peters even to five men for shewinge oure 

v Corsletes with furniture ys vyjd 
Item paed to Mr Geldert for dressinge the saed five Corsletes, 
withe ix swerdes & daggers, after they weare shewed lll] $ 
f 42 

Item paed vnto Christofor watter for dressinge and oylinge oure 
thre Callevers withe flaskes and for maykinge a hewke for one 
flaske vilj d 

House Books Y: B31 

£337 (25 March) 

Also it is agreed that the players shall depart forth of this Citty 
and not play therin by reason of the plague is dispersed into so 
many places in the north & that xx s shalbe given theme as this 
cittys reward of benevolence 

f 345v (28 April) 

Wheras the common waites haue by a peticion nowe exhibited 






Showe of armor 

Preceptes for 
the shewe 

480 / YORK 1598 

vnto vs declared, That by reason of the statute maide at the 
Last parliamente they are prohibited to trauile abrode with 
there instramentes into the countrie as hertofore they haue bene 
accustomed to do, and therby showe without some better 
allowance or waiges then heretofore they haue hade they cannot 
Live and mainteine themeselves and there familyes, It is therfore 
nowe agreed by thes presentes that Mr Birkbie Mr Iackson 

Mr Mosleye and Mr Beckwithe aldermen Maister sherife Rosse 
Mr Percivall Brooke Mr Rowlande ffawcett and Mr William 
Paycocke gentlemen Roberte Harrison Roberte Askwithe Thomas 
Wilson and Iohn Bonsfeilde commoners shall at some conveniente 
time before Penthecost nexte assemble themeselves togethers in 
some conveniente place or churche where the saide aldermen 
shall appointe, and thervpon pervse the Bookes of the saide 
waites wages and examine theme what other allowances or 
benifyte they haue yearelye in this cittie by there places towardes 
there maintenance, and thervpon if the same shalbe thoughte 
to theme to be insufficyente to consider ,vpon’ emonghst 
themeselves and by conference with the same wates howe and in 
what manner they maie be further benifitted and holpen towardes 
there better maintenaunce and Livinge and to certefye vnto this 
courte ther opinions and reasons therin to thende suche forther 
order maie thervpon be takne therin as by this courte shalbe 
thoughte nedefull & mete: 

f 36lv (16 June) 

Also it is agreed that the showe of Armor shalbe vpon St Peter 
even as hath bene accustomed And that maister sheriffes shall 
Ryde therin in ther redde gownes [chains] & haue the Citties 
auncient And that xxx li. of powther shalbe given theme forth 
of the Chamber & that they shall find asmuch of ther owne 
charges as hath bene accustomed And that warrandes shalbe 
[(..)] maid to the constables to geve warnyng as hath bene 
accustomed in former yeares; And my Lord maiour & aldermen 
are agreed to , Ryde or’ go to knaves myre to se the people 
sett in ordr befor they come into the Citty & to se whose armor 

is falty or fowled 

f 362 
To the officer of (blank) 
Giue commaundemente vnto the constables of euery parish 








xl s to the 
Quens players 

Wates cotes / 

1598 YORK / 481 

within the said warde to warne euery householder in the same to 
be before me and my bretherew and maister sheriffes at knavesmyer 
vpon St. Peter even next at nyne of the clocke in the forenone 
with ther armor and furniture cleane dressed and trymmed fit 
and redye for her Ma/estes service vpon ther owne or other hable 
mens bodyes ther to be vewed by vs And that from thence they 
doe attend vpon maister sheriffes with the same & make showe 
therof thorowt this cittye as to them ther shalbe enioyned by vs 
and the leaders of the same showe & euery shot to provide and 
bringe sufficient powder with him for that service 

And that such Cittyzens as shall not themselves carrye ther 
owne armor especially the better sort (such as have bene sheriffes 
excepted) be therin ther owne persons soldyer lyke well apparelled 
without gownes & clokes weaponed with holbertes Callyvers 
bowes and arrowes and such lyke weapons furnished to attend in 
the same showe as they shalbe appointed & placed & that they 
departe not forth of the same showe till all be dismyssed by 
maister sheriffes & that none of them be absent vpon payne of 
Xi} s. ij d. euery person absent or makinge defalt 

Allso that euery the said constables have then and ther the 
common armor of the parishes cleane dressed & fully furnished 
vpon hable mens bodyes likewise to be vewed by vs & to goe 
therwith and to attend in the same showe as by the leaders 
shalbe appointed 

Allso that euery Constable be ther in his best apparell without 
cloke or gowne with constables staves to attend as they shalbe 
appointed for wiflers & bringe euery of them ther parish with 
them and from euery parish a [fife] drome & a fife or such lyke 
to serve in that service as they shalbe placed euery constable 
vpon paine of xx s. 

£372v (9 August) 
Also it is agreed that x1 s. shalbe given forth of the Chambre to 

William Smyth Iohn garland & Iohn Cowper the Quens players 
& they to depart this Citty & not to play 

f 391lv (8 December) 

Also it is agreed that the Waites shall haue cotes of such cloth 
as maister Mosley & maister Couret shall like of & the fe for 






482 / YORK 1598 

theme of the price that they had the last Yeare!, Vizier Sa 
yeard’ or ther aboutes at the discretion of the said two aldermen 
and that ther boy shall haue a yeard of the same to make him a 
cote of And the money to be paid for that clothe to be paid by 

master chamberlaynes forth of the Chamber / 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC9(2) 

p 108 * 

Rewardes to the Common waites of this Cittie 

Item to them for easter day & easter mondey at 
my Lord maiours 

To them for christenmes day & St stephens day 
To them for St Williams day ‘d (.) in person” 

Summa vilj s uj d 

p 110 
Clothinge to the Common officers 
and waites of this Cittie 

Item paid [to Thomas Graves I] to maister bonsfeld 
draper for Cloth to make Cotes &c for ye wates 
[viz.] And ther boy viz Thomas graves lohn Watson 
Cuthbert Thomson Richard bradley & ther boy at 
xj s the yeard bought by mazster mosley & maister 
Couret aleen 

p 136 
Rewardes to honourable mens servantes 

players Mynstrills And Barwardes / 

Item given to the players in the assise weke 

Item given to [the] her mavestes Players which came 
to York in August 1598 / who played not 

Summa ij li. 

iij s iiij d 

lj s uy d 
xx d 

iiij Li. 

NOES // 







Rentes and 
fermes withoute 
Myklegate bare 
and within 


f 41v 

ffines Receyved 
at the Common 
place ./ 

1598 YORK / 483 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C95:5 

mb 2* 
Item of the Skynners for there Pagiant house ferme 

Item of the Tapitours for there pagiante house 
Item of the Tanners for there pagiante house 
Item of the Carpenters for there pagiante house 
Item of the bakers for there pagiante house 
Item of the Cordineres for there pagiante house 
Item of the Cowpers for one outeshote 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 
f 41 

Richard Clerke 

[Clerke] pagion maisterest 

Robert Arkindall 

Item receyved for the Pagion house Rent 

f 42v 

xij d 

xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
ily d 

ys vd. 

Item of Richard Clerke and Robert Arkindale for ther mawndye 


vjs vind 

Paymentes and Allowances which they do demaunde viz. / 

Item payd for the pagion house Rent 
f 43 

Item payd at Trenitie supper to the minstrelles 

Item payd to the minstrelles at Richard Clerkees Pagion 


Item payd to the minstrelles at Robert Arkindall pagion 


xij d 

xvilj d 

xvilj d 

xij d 






Plew da 

484 / YORK 1598 

Item payd to the minstrelles at Stephen Lonsdelles vpon the 
Electio daye by the whole consent vj d 

Bricklayers’ Account Book’ YM: QQ80/2/1 
f 34 
Item payd to the minstriles the same daye xvj d 

Item more the same daye to the minstriles At Iohn Harresonnes 
howse xij d 

Item payd on St Lucke daye to the minstrilees at Thomas 
Tournor house xvj d 
f 34v 

Item more the same daye att Thomas turn(.)r house to the 
minstrill xij d 

Whitsonn Teusdaye 
Item the same daye to the minstriles xvj d 
York Minster Chamberlains’ Accounts: St Peter’s Part 
YM: E2/21 

Item the vjth of ffebruarij to players at Mr Doctor Bennittes xls 

9 the same daye] St James’ Day (25 July) 11 the same daye] Swearing Day 





To assesse the 
Waites booke 

1598 YORK / 485 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 
BI: PR Y/MG 19 

p 114 
paid vpon St peters evenge for the showe for carige [all] the 

Armore & the drume, to our Constables vys vil d 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurriergate 
Bile BR Yo/Mse2 

f 20 

Item payd to John Cresswicke for dressinge the Common Armor 
at midsomer laste vj s 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 
Joye Ieee NOU GIST IN7/ 

f 43v 

Item for oyle to dresse the Armor iij d 
Item to Anthony gelderd for dressing the Armor lj s uy d 
Item to Cristofer water for dressinge the Calivers vil d 
Item for ix men to bear the Comon Armor ij s vjd 
Item to mr geldert for a flask lether ij d 
Item to mr Gelderd for Bucles and lethers for the Armor xd 

House Books Y: B32 
f4v (21 February) 

Also it is agreed that maister Harryson maister Robinson maister 
Brooke maister Byrkbie maister Trewe & maister mosley aldermen 
Percivale broke christofer Turner william paycock lames Mudd 






Erle of 
Worsters players 

Xx s to the kinge 
of scottes 

Arrerages of 
the Wates 

To mete my 
lorde [mai] 
at barr 

27s 8d to be 
paid to the 


486 / YORK 1599 

maister harbert & maister Rosse gents shall mete in this place on 
monday next at one of the Clock in the afternone & assesse the 

boke of the waites waiges 

f10v (28 March) 

And nowe it is agreed that the Earle of Worsters players shall 
haue xxx s given them and depart & not playe / [w] which was 
deliuered to William holcrofte / 

f31v (6 July) 

Also it is agreed that xx s given by my Lord Maior to the kinge of 

Scottes Mvysitions shalbe paid forth of the Chambre / 

£38 (3 August) 

Also it is agreed that the arrerages of the Wates bill which they 
saie the inhabitantes without the barres refuse to pay by reason 
the barres wear shutt amounting to xxxj s jd shalbe payde forth 
of the chambre if the persons who ought to pay the same do 
refuse vpon demaunde therof by the officer of the ward / 

f43 (22 August) 

Also it is agreed that my Lord maiour [alu] maister Recordour 
the aldermen sheriffes & xxiijt' [shall] in ther scarlet & Red 
gownes with the rest of the best Cittizens in ther best apparell 
shall mete my Lord Lieutenant & Lord president with the great 
sword & great mace at Micklegat barre & ther receive him into 
this Cittye with the Waites playing on the toppe of the barre on 
fryday next viz. the xxiiijt! of August at his commyng into the 
Cittye / 

Also it is agreed that xxvij s viij d which the waites cold not 

get of ther waiges of thinhabitantes without the barres of ther 
Last winter watch by reason the barres wear shut so as they cold 

34 the toppe] MS the the toppe 







Quens players 

Wates Cotes 

obedient and 

1599 YORK / 487 

not go forth to play by night shalbe paid them forth of the 

f47v (12 September) 

And nowe it is agreed that xl s. given to the Quens players at 
ther Last playing at the Common hall shalbe repaid forth of the 
Common chambre 

£57v (2 December) 

Also it is agreed that the Waites shall haue cotes as they had the 
Last Yeare or money deliuered vnto theme [to be] according to 
that rate to bestowe theme selues of the same collor that they 
had the Last Yeare 

E Memorandum Book Y: E22 
£244 (11 July) Glovers 

Also it is enacted that the two officers of the saide companie 
called pagion Maisters shall at all times beinge required by the 
Searchers or either of theme be obedient aswell in ther office as 
also in gatheringe of all suche of dewties as belongeth to the 
saide occupacion and shall yeilde and give a 1uste Accompte vnto 
the saide Searchers for the time beinge of the saide office and of 
all suche money as they or either of theme shall receiue to the 
vse of the saide occupacion duringe the time of ther office and 
the same paie over to the saide Searchers to thuse of the saide 
occupacion vpon request therof vpon paine of either of them 
makeinge defalte herin to forfaite and paie for a fine for everye 
suche defalte x s to be paide and devided as aforesaide 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC10(1) 
f 58v 

Rewardes to the Common wates of this Cittie 
Item paid to them for easter day & mondey ij s. yj d. 

laid furth this 


488 / YORK 1599 

To them for christenmes day & St, Stephens 

day lij s. illj d. per s(..) 

To them for St. williams day 
Summa vijj s. iiij d. 

f 59v 


Clothinge of the Common officers and Waites of this Cittie 

Item paid to the waites for ther Clothinge to 

buy Cotes for them selves & there boy viz. Thomas 
graves lohn Watson Cuthbert thomson Richard 
bradley & [at] ther boy at xj s. the yerd 

f 73v 
Rewardes to honourable mens servantes 
players Mynstrilles and berewardes / 

Item to the Earle of Worsyters players in 
Aprill 99 per agrement 

Item the 14 of Iune to my Lord of Lyncolne 
players / per agrement 

Item given to the kinge{s] of scottes Musitions 
in Iulie 1599 

Item given to my Lord monteagles players the 
12 of november / 1599 per mandat domzne maiore 

Item to the quenes players that plaid in the common hall 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

f 44 
John Hutchinson & 
lames Cawood 
pagion maisteres / @ Tt 

Item Receyved of lames Allenbye for the Pagion house 

iiij Li, 





xl s 







f 44v 

ffines Receyved 
at the Common 
place ./ 

Paymentes and 
Allowances ./ 


15:99 YORK / 489 

Rent js vj d 

f 45* 

Item Receyved of Iohn Hutchenson and James Caward for ther 
mawndye breade vj s vi d 

In primis payd to the minstrell.) at Steaphen Lonsdellelles house 

at t(..) Reckoninge dynner by the whole co(...)nt xvilj d. 
f 45v 
Item payd for the Pagion hous rent xij d 

Item payd to the minstrelles at trenitye Supper by the whole 

consent nS 
Item payd to the minstrelles at John hutchenson dynner xvj d 
Item payd to the minstrelles at lames Caward dynner by the 

whole consent xvj d 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 

f 36 


Item the same daye to the minstriles xvj d. 
Item more the same day to the minstreles xij d 

Item disburssid att Richard maxwell house to the minstriles ij s 
Item paid to the minstrilees on martinmes daye at Iohn gell 
house at A brotherin dinner xvj d 


f 36v 
[Plewe daye 

Item to the minstriles i) s 

27 the same daye] St James’ Day (25 July) 





Whitsun tyd 

+9 OF 7/2 Ni ORK 151919 

Item to the minstrilees the same daye ij s 


Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 
BI: PR Y/MG 19 

p 116 

payd for dryssinge the paryche Armor Vij s 
payd by thomas hall to the shewe of our comon armor to them 
which caryed yt o ys 
payd by edward crosbie for the lyke lj S 
payd for amvsketes Rest vilj d 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurriergate 
Bila ER ya Nitoee 

f 22v 

Item paid for dressinge the Common Armor and furniture 
belonginge the parishe vj s 
f 23 

Item paid to the Cunstables for those that did bear the Common 

Armor to the muster v)s 
Item paid for A swoord girdle vj d 
Item paid to A Drumer that day vj d 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 
Bile Rew MiG om ley, 

f 45 

Item to Mr Gelderd for dressing the Armor ay s 
Item for oyle ij d 







My lord of 
pembrokes [me] 

The Waites boke 

Showe of armor 


A Warrant for 
The Showe 

1599-1600 YORK / 491 

Item to v men for bearing the Armor ij s vj d 
Item to A dromer on the Shewe daye . vil} d 
Item to christofor watter for dressinge the Calivers xij d 

House Books Y: B32 
f63 (18 January) 

And nowe it is agreed that my Lorde of Penbrokes men shall 
play before my Lord maiour & aldermen in the common hall on 
monday next in the afternone & haue xl s for reward forth of 
the common chambre 

£66 (3 February) 

And nowe the booke of assessement of the waites waiges latelie 
maide is confined & to be assigned with my Lord maiors hand at 
euery leaf 

£99v (20 June) 

Also it is agreed that the showe of armor shalbe on Wednesday 

, next’ after St Peter daye as hath bene [(...)] accustomed and 
that Warrantes shalbe maid to the officers to give warnynge to 
the constables to Warne [tt] thinhabitantes in euery warde / The 
tenor wherof herafter followith 

To the officer of Monckwarde 

Give commaundement vnto the constables of everye parishe 
within the saide warde to warne everye housholder in the same to 
be before me and my bretheren and Maister Sheriffes at knavesmire 
vpon wednesdaie the secounde daie of Iulie beinge the wednesdaie 
nexte after St peter daie nexte at Nyne of the clock in the 
forenone of the same daie with ther armor and furniture cleane 
dressed and trimed redie and fitt for her Maiestes service vpon 
ther owne or other able mens bodies ther to be vewed by vs, And 
that from thence they doe attende vpon Maister Sheriffes with 

20 confined] for confirmed 






iiij li. Given to 
the Waites 

The Wates for 
beif breakfastes 

492 / YORK 1600 

the same and make showe therof thorowe this cittie as to them 
shalbe by vs or the Leaders ther enioyned And that they furnishe 
everye of ther shott with sufficyent powder 

Item that suche cittizens as shall not themselves carrye ther 
owne armor esspeciallye the better sorte suche as haue bene 
sheritfes excepted, be then ther in ther owne persons soldier like 
well apparelled without gownes and clokes weaponed with 
halbertes callivers bowes and arrowes or suche like weapons 
furnished to attend in the same showe as they shalbe appointed 
and placed, And that they departe not forthe of the same showe 
till all be dismissed by Maister Sheriffes And that none of them 
be absente vpon paine of everye defalte xiij s iiij d 

Item That everye of the saide constables haue all ther common 
armor then ther in like redinesse vpon hable mens bodies to be 
likewise vewed and to go therwith and attende in like sorte in 
the same showe as by the leaders they shalbe directed 

Item that the constables give commaundement to everye of 
ther shott to forbeare to shott either in this cittie or in the 
teildes in other sorte then as by the leaders they shall haue 
direccon aswell for good order as for wastfull expences of ther 

Item that everye constables be ther in his best apparell without 
cloke and gowne with constables staves painted to attend for 
wiflers as they shalbe placed and bringe ther parishoners with 
them and from everye parishe A drome and A fife or suche 
like vpon paine of xx s of every parishe to be forfeited by the 
constables, york this xxiijth daie of Iune, 1600. 

f126 (17 December) 

And nowe it is agreed that iiij li. shalbe given to the Waites forth 
of the chamber as was the Last yeare to buy theme robes withall 
for theme selues & ther boye 

And wheras the wates haue put in a peticyon requiring in regard 
that two or thre of the aldermen do make ther befe breakfast in 
some one mornyng all at one tyme so as they cannot convenientlie 
serue theme all That either they wold make ther breakfastes 
seuerall dayes or ells that they the said waites [sh] may be 
discharged of that service, It is therfore nowe agreed by all thes 
presentes that the said waites shalbe discharged frome that 
seruice & not to attend nor play at any of the said breakfastes 







Rents and 
fermes without 
miklegate barr 
& within 


1600 YORK / 493 

onless they be sent for & being sent for by diverse thaldermen to 
be preferred, 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C96:1 

mb 2 

Item of the Skyners for ther Pagiant house ferme xij d 
Item of the Tapitowrs for ther pagiant house xij d 
Item of the Tanners for ther pagiant house xij d 
Item of the Carpenters for ther pagiant house xij d 
Item of the bakers for ther pagiant house xij d 
Item of the Cordyners for ther pagiant house xij d 
Item of the Cowpers for one outshot uy d 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 
f 47 

Martin Arkindaile 

Thomas Wilson Pagiom (7 

Item, Receyved of Iames Allenbye for pagion house Rent ij s vj d 
f 49v 

Paymentes and allowances. 
[tem payd to the minstrelles at the Reckninge dynner [xij d] ij s 

Item payd for the Pagion house rent xij d 

f 50 

Item payd to the minstrelles at trenitye , ‘Supper’ by 

consent xd 
Item payd to the minstrelles at Martin Laurence pagion dynner 
by the whole consent in respecte they were manye of them lj s 






494 / YORK 1600 

Item payd at Thomas wilson dynner to the Minstrelles 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 

f 39 

xvj d 

Item the to the minstriles on Sunday after at the Searchers 

Item spent on the swerin daye at Gorge hunteres hous 
Item the same daye to the minstrilles 

xvj d 
XX] S 
vilj d 

Item spent the third daye of August att the head Searchees 

Item paid the same daye to the minstriles 

Item spent at the Searcheres house vppon St Lucke 
Item to the minstreles the same day 

XX § 
xvj d 

vj s vid 
iy d 

Item paid to the minstreles at the searcherees house The morro 

after St Lucke daye 


f 39v 
[Plewe daye 

lj S 

Item paid to the minstrelles at martin Arkedell house when he 

maid his man brotherin dinner 

Item payd to the minstrilles on plewe daye 

xvj d 

xvj d 

Item paid to the minstriles at gorge hunters house on whitsonn 



York Minster Chamberlains’ Accounts: St Peter’s Part 
YM: E2/21 

Item the 5. of ffebruary 1599. to the Lord Sudders men 


8 Sunday after] after St James’ Day 

roe (0 









16d lakke 

1600 YORK / 495 

f 58 

Item to the Waites for their Musicke att service to the same 

Lord Imbasotour 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 
BI: PR Y/MG 19 

p 118 

Item for Dressinge the parishe Armore 

Item for mendinge our Armore againste the showday 
Item for carringe the parishe Armor on the shew day 
Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurriergate 
Bee ROY Mise2 

ft 26v 

Item . paid to Creswick tharmorer for dressinge our 

common armor and other furniture belongeinge the parishe 

Item . paid to Thomas Sigswicke and William Warde 
beinge Cunstables . for those that did beare the 
Common armor to the muster . & to one that Carried 
the Drumm as appearethe by their bill 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 
BI: PR Y/MCS 17 

f 46v 
Item payd to christofer watter for mending a flax 

Item payd to mr Geldert for dressing the parish armor 
Item for a pynte of Oyle 

3-4 the same Lord Imbasotour] the Ambassador of Scotland 

xij s ij d 

vj s 

xij d 
V1} $ 

vj] s 

vi) S 

ij d 
xij d 
iiij d 






496/ YORK 1601 

House Books Y: B32 

f156v (14 July) 
And nowe it is agreed that my Lord Shandoze players shall haue 

Libertie to playe at marmaduke gills howse till sonday next & 
then to depart & not to play in the night tyme / 

{181 (18 December) 

Chambre to the Waites to buy theme & ther boye Lyverey Cotes 
with all / 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC10(2) 

f 46v 
Rewardes to the Common Waites of this Cittie 
Item to the waites at easter lj s. uy d. 
To the wates for Christenmes day & St. stephens day 11} s. uj d. 
To them for St Williams day xd, 
Summa viij s. ij d. 
f 47v 

Clothinge to the Common officers and waites of this Cittie 

Item to Thomas Graves Iohn Watson Cuthbert 
Thompson Richard bradley & Christofer Thomson.. 
ther boye to by them cotes for ther Clothing 
against Christenmes 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 


Thomas dent Pagione Maisterest 
lames wright 

iiij li. ij s. itij d. 







St. Lucke 

1601 YORK / 497 
Item of (blank) for the Pagion house Rent ij s vj d 

f 51v 

ffines Receyved at St Anthon(.es Hall ./ 

f 52v 

Item of Thomas dent and Iames wright Pagion Maisters 

accustomed vj s viij d 

Paymentes and Allowances ./ 
In primis payd for the Pagion house Rent xij d 
Item at the Reckninge dinner to the Minstrelles ij s 
Item payd to the Minstrelles at Trenity Supper lj S 
Item payd at the first pagion dynner to the minstrelles xx d 

Item payd at the Second Pagion Dynner to the Minstrelles xx d 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 

f 40 


Item disbursid the same to the minstrils nS 
Item at Iohn gell house onthe Same daye the Searcheres was 
sworne xx1j d 
Item the same daye to the minstriles att Iohn gell howse xvj d 

Item the same daye at Iohn Chamber[(.)]s howse to the 
minstrilles lj) S 
Item to the minstrilles at John Gell man brethrin dinner vilj d 
Item paid at the Searchers housse vpon St. Cand(..)ns 

daye Xj $s vilj d 
Item the same daye to the minstriles vilj d) 

30 the same] St James’ Day (25 July) 





Plewe daye 




498 / YORK 1601 
f 40v 

Item more to the minstriles the same da xvj d 

Item for our banquit to mr Chamber’laine’ Lunde The xxteyth 

daie of tebrewearye Xx $ viij d 
Item to the minstrill the same night xij d 
Item the same daye to the minstriles ij s 


Churchwardens’ Accounts: Holy Trinity Goodramgate 
Bile Rey (el G 


Item for powder and oyle vilj d 
“Item laid out for dressing the Armour ys’ 
Item Layd out for [dressing the armour] ,souldgars that 

tyme, xi d 

Item payd to Robert commendell for bearing the armoure __ii1j d 

Item [f] payd to the armerther for drussing of the 

armore js yd 
Item payd to the drummer one the shewday vilj d. 
Item payd to ij men for bearing armoure vilj d 
Item mor payd for armore drussing and Lying up xij d 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St John Ouse Bridge BI: PR Y/J 

f 25v 

payd for the parishons armor dressenge vilj S 
Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurriergate 

Bil PR MiShz 

f 30 

Item paid to Creswick the Armorer for his stypnt for dressing 






1601 YORK / 499 

our Comon armore [this yeare] vj s 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 
Bile rae aN Seley 

f 49 

Item payd to christofer Water for dressing Caleeuers & touch 
boxes vj d 
Item payd to him ‘for’ one new touch box xij d 
Item payd to mr Geldert for dressing the parish armour lj S 
Item payd for one pinte of oyle to ye armour vj d 

House Books Y: B32 
f200v (7 May) 

And nowe it is agreed That Cuthberte Thompson late one of the 
waites for that he is gone abrode into the Contry from his 
place without licence of My Lord maiour having alredy befor his 
departure given vp his cheyne & Conysent shall from hensforth 
be displaced from that place & service for euer And the rest of 
the Wates hear present are contented to find on other sufficient 
and hable to furnishe that place 

And it is nowe agreed that iiij li. shalbe Lent forth of the 
Chambre to Iohn Watson one of the waites to buy him a doble 
Curtall withall vpon bond with sufficient sureties for repament 
therof againe into the chambre at Easter next & Easter come 
Twelue moneth 

£219 (10 September) 

And nowe Thomas Graves one of the Wates called into this court 
vpon the peticion of his fellowes to knowe whither he will kepe 
his place of one of the Waites, hathe hear promised to provid a 
sufficient boy against winter And to serue as wate as formerly he 
hath done, And that if he shall herafter be amynded to give over 
that place That he will give warnyng therof to my Lord maiour 
at Candlemas then being next before he do so give over / 





Rewardes to the 
Common Waites 

Clothinge to the 
common Officers 
& waites of 
this Cittie ./ 

Rewardes giuen 
to honorable 
men Servantes 
minstrelles and 

500 / YORK 1602 
f223v (8 October) 

Also it is agreed that Iohn Watson one of the waites being nowe 
visited with sicknesse shall haue xiij s ij d given him forth of the 
Chamber towardes his releif 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls y: C10 

mb 5 

Item payd to the Waites of this Cittie for Easter Terme . 1602 
last past accustomed lj s uj d 
Item payd to the said Waites for ther Reward at christmas . 
1602 accustomed lj s ij d 
Item payd to the sayd Waites for St William daye / viz / the 
daye that my Lord Maior maketh his great feast bo, 

Summa vil} s ij d 

mb 6 

Item payd to Thomas Graves, Iohn Watson, 

and Richard Bradley the Common Waites of ij li. ij s uy d 
this Cittie for ther clothinge. 

mb 6d 

Item payd therfore this yeare as appeareth by the sayd paper 
Booke of theis Accomptes particulerlie. ij li. xj d 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC11(1) 

f 52v 
Rewardes to the common Waites of this Cittie 

[tem to the Waites for ther fee at easter ij s. iy d. 

Item to the waites for christenmes day & St stephens 
day ii} Ss iu) d pereson 








Rents and 
fermes withoute 
miklegate barr 
& within / 

1602 YORK / 501 

Item to them for St William day xx d 
Summa vilj s ij d 

f 54v 
Clothinge to the Common officers 
and Wates of this Cittie 

Item paid the 16 of december 1602 to Iohn 
Watson Thomas Graves & Richard bradley 

& Thomas bradley ther boyes for ther lyvereys 
against Christenmes 

f 70 
Rewardes to the honourable mens servantes 
players minstrells and bearewardes / 

Item given to the quenes marestes players 
which played in the common hall 27 Iuly ij li. 

Item given to my Lord lyncolne players ij (()] 

octobris 1602 which played not before my Lord KIS 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls y. C96:2 

mb 2 

Item of the skynners for there pagiant house xij d 
Item of the tapitours for there pagianthouse x1) d 
Item of the tanners for there pagiant house xij d 
Item of the Carpenters for there pagiant house x1) d 
Item of the Bakers for there pagiant house xij d 
Item of the Cordyners for there pagiant house xij d 

Item of the Cowpers for there pagiant house ij d 




502 / YORK 1602 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

ffrancis Gryme & 

Bryan Walker 

Pagionmaisters ./ @ f 

Item for the Pagion house Rent vj s [vilj d] 
t 56 
ffines Receyved at the Common place, viz, St Anthonies Hall / 

f S6v 

Item of Bryan walker and ffrancis Gryme Pagion Maisteres 
accustomed vj s vuj d 


Paymentes and Allowances / 

Item payd at the Reckninge dynner to the minstrelles ij s 

Item payd at Trenitie dinner to the minstrelles ij s 
Item payd at Bryan Walker pagion dynner to the minstrelles xx d 
Item payd at ffrancis Grymees in like manner xx d 
Item payd for the Pagion house Rent xij d 

This accompt was Audit the xxviijth daye of September 1602, by 
Stephen Lonsdell, Richard Sellerer, Willcam Cocke, Thomas 
Haxvp, William Hunter, Iohn Harrison, & Robert Arkindaile, and 
lames Cawarbe, and they find all well ./ savinge vii) d for pagion 
Rent which must be giuen to Thomas Wilson backe againe . And 

so the stock money is nowe xy li ys: jd / 






St Lucke day 

plewe da 

1602 YORK / 503 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 
f 42 

Item the same daye to the minstriles att the ould Searchers 
house xvj d 
Item spent at Searcher harrisonn house on the {same ¢...)] same 
daye The newe Searcheres was sworne XXlj $ 
Item the same daye to the minstrills at the searchers house xvj d 

Item the same daye to the minstrilees xvj d 
f 42v 
Item paid the sunda after to the minstrills att our dinner lj) s 

St. Mathewe daye 

Item the same daye to the minstreles xij d 
f 43 

Item paid on whittson tewsedaye Att the Searcher house To the 
minstreles xvj d 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: Holy Trinity Goodramgate 
Billige Reve an: 

p 158* 

Item payd to the Clerke for ringinge when the kinge Came to 
yorke and for Candlees and Greese xvj d 

5 the same daye] S¢ James’ Day (25 July) 




504 / YORK 1602 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 
BI: PR Y/MG 19 

p 121 

payd to the Armorer for keepinge Cleane oure Armor Vij s 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurriergate 
Bile BRAY /MSe2 

f 34v 

Item paid: to Creswicke the Armorer for his stipente for 
dressinge the Common Armoure this yeare vj s 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 
Bla PRe YMG Swl7 

f 50v 

{tem paid to thre Ringers on palmson euen when the kings 

Maiestie Came to yorke ll] S 
f 51 

[tem paid to Mr Geldert for Dressinge Parrishe Armoure xij d 

House Books Y: B32 
£249 (29 March) 

And wheras it is expected that the highe and mightie Prince kinge 
lames the sixte kinge of [England] Scotland whoe now is by 
reason of the death of our late soveraigne Quene of England 
ffraunce and Ireland proclamed the kinge of England ffraunce and 
Ireland / to come to this Cittie shortlie and for the entertayninge 






1603 YORK / 505 

and welcomeinge of his highnes to this Cittie It is agreed that A 
Silver Cupp doble guilt haveinge the Citties Armes of it of the 
valewe of xx li. or ther aboutes [and] and a hundreth Poundes 
in gold in the same shalbe given & presented vnto his highnes 
at his Comminge to this Cittie 

f 249v 

And it is agreed that the Esquiers officers and Porter [shall] to 
my Lord Maior shall have newe gownes of french Russet Cullor 
maide after the Cittizens facron faced with Connye against the 
Comminge of the kinges mavestie to this Cittie the Esquiers to be 
of xiilj s iiij d a yeard and officers & Porter at xj s a yeard for 
this tyme / 

Also it is agreed that my Lord Maior Aldermen Sheriffes & 
xxiiijje with such Cittizens as shalbe appointed by this Court 
shall mete the kinges Masestie at Mawdleyn [Chapleyn] Chapell 
if his grace do come in at Bowdome barr and that my Lord Maior 
shalbe on horsebacke & the Aldermen sheriffes and fowre & 
twentie on fote / 

Tricesimo die Marci 1603 

And this daie my Lord Maior Recorder & diuerse of the Aldermen 
ther were aswell diuerse of the Comoners of this Cittie as diuerse 
other inhabitantes & straingers are no fremen of this Cittie which 
inhabitt in this Cittie which were warned to appeare, and then 
Maister Recorder declared vnto the saide comoners and others 
assembled, that the cause of ther metinge was to make it knowne 
vnto them what order my Lord Maior & his Bretheren have takne 
towcheinge the bewtefying of this Cittie against the Comminge 
of the kinges mazestie to this Citty that is to saie, that everie 
inhabitant within this Cittie shall forthwith Pave sufficientlie 
before ther dores wher nede shalbe and remove all clogges stone 
heppes trees donge hill and filth owte of the stretes, and shall 
also painte the owteside of ther Howses with some Collors to the 
strete forwardes, and that ther shold be to the nombre of a 
hundreth & more sufficient Cittizens and inhabitantes of the best 
sorte in this Cittie which are to have decent & comelie gownes 
maide after the Cittizens fashion of a sad Cullor against his 





506 / YORK 1603 

maresties comminge to this Cittie to thend they maie attend vpon 
my Lord Maior & Aldermen at the receiveinge & welcomeinge 

of his highnes to this Cittye and that ther shall be a silver Cupp 
doble guilt weighinge lx ounces or ther aboutes worth xx li. 
haveinge the Citties armes vpon the same, & a hundreth Poundes 
in gold in the same to be presented and given to his mazestie 
when he is Conuied to this Cittie, as a gift of this Cittie, Of all 
which thinges all the saide Commoners liked well of /. 

fe 0% 

And then it was agreed that a hundreth & more of the best 

Cittizens & inhabitantes in this Cittie shalbe sett downe and 

appointed [to have gownes] by my Lord Maior & Aldermen, 
‘to have gownes’ and that they shall have warneinge to provide 

the same, against his mazesties Comminge to this Cittie, ... 

f 253v (5 April) 

And nowe Mr Smith a scholemaister beinge sent for into this 
Court & talked with to se what good spech and shewe he cold 
make to welcome the kinges mazestie to this Cittie ageinst his 
maiesties Comminge to this Cittie he hath craved tyme vntill 
thursdaie next at one of the clocke in the afternone to consider 
therof And it is agreed that he shall then certefie Mr Alderman 
Harbarte & Mr Alderman Askwith what he wold do therin and 
what the matter wilbe he will vse & to confere with them of the 
same & to follow ther direccions therin & then the same to be 
forther delt in accordinge to ther direcczons 

Also it is agreed that one Rawlyns shall have x s given him in 
reward towardes his charge in Comminge to this Cittie to Conferr 
with my Lord Maior and Aldermen towchinge makeinge of a 
Cundeth to springe , “or rvne’ forth wyne & water against the 
kinges maiesties Comminge to this Cittie / 

£254 (7 April) 

Also it is agreed that , “the chamberlaynes shall’ paye vnto 
Mr Maior Vavasor Esquire viij li. for an instrument called’A’ [«..)] 
Sagbutt which the said mr / Vavasor hath lent vnto the Waites, 
& that the same shall remayne to this Cittye, & that the same 
shalbe lent vnto the Waites they puttinge in good securitye to 
have the same forth Comminge to this Cittie vse & kepeinge the 






1603 YORK / 507 

same Well in good sorte / 

ff 255v-6 (11 April) 

Also it is agreed that the waites shall play at Micklithbarr at the 
receiveinge of the kinges ma/estie to this Cittye, and after they 
shall have done ther then [then] to go over the Water at lendinge 
& thorowe the mintgarth to Bartholomew Applebyes | howse and 
so to Bowthome barr, and that ther shalbe a scafeild maide 
within Barr for them to stand and playe on 

Also it is agreed that some players shall sound [of] ther Trumzpittes 
before the kinges Comminge to the first gate at Micklithbarr 

Also it is agreed that Mr Alderman hall, mr Alderman Grenburie 
{shall] mr percivall Brooke, Mr William Brearey & Mr Henrie 
Thompson, [sh] or anie fowre or thre of them, shall Call before 
them the waites of this Cittie, & such other musitions as they 
shall thinke good and appointe what places they shall stande 
to playe in at the kinges Comminge to this Cittie, [& in what 
sorte | 

£259 (17 April) 

Also to the kinges Trumpitors, and [the] , “her marestes late’ 
sergiant Trumpitors & her Mazestes Trumpitors shall haue iiij li. 
given amogghest them / 

Also it is agreed that ther shalbe given to my Lord Dudleys 
players for soundinge of ther Trummpittes at the Comminge of 
the kinges mazestie to this Cittye / viij s iiij d / 

£276 (8 June) 

And wheras it is expected, That the Quenes Marestie will come to 
this cittye thoroughe Clifton, and so to the Manner, It is therfore 
agreed, That Master sheriffes in ther cremysin gownes on horse 
back shall receive and mete her Mavestie at Mawdleyn chappell 
and xxtle cittizens on horseback to attend vpon them, And that 

32 mazestie}) ie emended from es in same hand 






510 / YORK 1603 
Mercers’ Act Book MA: D17 
p95 Pageant Masters’ Ordinance 

Also it is enacted, That those which are or shalbe herafter chosen 
pagiant Masters for this fellowshipp shall paie everie of them x s. 
to thuse of the same fellowshipp, accordinge to the ancyent 
custome, vpon paine of the ancyent custome vpon paine of those 
which shall refuse to paie the same to forfaite xx s. to thuse 
afore said 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

Henry Smythe & 

Thomas Wright 

Padgion masters ® T 

ffor the padgion house Rente vj s 
f 59v 

ffynes receyved at St Anthonyes Hall in the comon place 

Item of Henry Smythe & Thomas Wright padgion masters 

accustomed vj s viij d 
f 60 

Paymentes and allowances ; 
Imprymis paid to the mynstrells at Reckeninge dinner js 
Item payd to the mynstrells at Trynitye dinner ij s 

Item payd to the minstrells at Henry Smyths padgion dinner i s 
Item payd likewise at Thomas Wrightes dinner ij s 

34 Reckeninge] second n altered from & 






The swearin 


1603 YORK / 511 

f 60v 

Item payd to the mynstrells at the head Searchers house vpon the 
Swering day by consent their ys 
Item payd for the padgion house rente xij d 
f 61 

This Accomptes was Audited the xxvjth day of September by 
vs Iohn Arkindall Thomas Hudsonn Christopher Hardy will 
Nicholsonn lames Lusenby & Rychard Little And {they] we fynde 
all well saving vilj d geven at two padgion dimners w/ich we do 
not alowe bycause we fynd in former accomptes but xx (.) 
accustomed & soe the Stockmony is now x li xvjs ij d 
Bricklayers’ Account Book’ YM: QQ80/2/1 

f 47 

Item to the minstriles the same daie xx d 
Item Laid doune on the [Swea] ‘daye’ that our Searcheres was 

Sworne before me Lord maior Att the Searchers house xvij s vj d 
Item the same daye to the minstrilles xij d 

f 47v 

St. Lucke daye 
Item to the minstrilles the same daie xx d 
Item the next da after to the minstri(...) att david Thomsom 
house xij d 
f 48 

Item the same daie to the minstriles att the Searcheres house ij s 

21 the same daie} St James’ Day (25 July) 
33 the next da after] the day after Plough Day 





512 / YORK 1603 

Cordwainers’ Miscellaneous Document Y.: £40 

£118* (20 July) 
Whereas of Late there hath bene some contraversies rysen emonges 
the brethren and company of Cordyners in the Cittie of Yorke 
towching and Concerning the electinge of there serchers and 
othere officers and for the Aweyting of there accomptes which 
was alwas heretofore done by the Auncyent men and suche as 
hadd bene serchers in the said trad and not by the yonge men of 
the said trad whereby the yong men fynding theme selves greved 
did . “compleane &’ exhibitt there pytticzon and Certen Articles 
to the right honorable Thomas mosley Lord maior of thee Cittie 
of the previe councell of the same Cittie wich said pitticion and 
Articles were by the said Lord maior aldermen sherifes and xxii 
referred to be considered vpon by the Worshipfull Andrew Trewe 
christofer con(...) Henrie hall and Thomas Harbert aldermen and 
they to certefie the said Lord maior and aldermen what order 
they do thynke mete to be taken allowed of and sett dowen 
towching the said pitticron and articles, which they do certefie 
order and sett dowen as hereafter followth / 

ffirst that the eleccron of the serchers and Pagiant masters 
shalbe appoynted the nyght [be] next before the day of there 
eleccion as haue bene accustomed, And vpon the day of Eleccon 
appoynted by there ordynary the serchers and othere officers 
shalbe yerely chosen and elected by the most voyces of sex of 
there Auncient Brethren which haue bene serchers of the same 
company and thre of the yonger sorte which haue bene 
pagiantmasters and not serchers to be appoynted by the serchers 
for the tyme beinge as haue bene accustomed 

ffor the second Article we refar them to there ordynarie / 

Thirdlie that there Accomptes shalbe yerely Awdyted vpon 
the day Accustomed by sex of the Auncient Brethren which haue 

Collation (E40, | 22 - p 513 14 with Q7/, QQ80/4/1, f 9v; 2, QQ80/4/2, 

f 9): in margin] The eleccion to be appoynted Q1, The Elleccion to be 
Appointed for Searchers & Pagentmasters Q2 23 [be] ] omitted Q1Q2 
27 there] the Q1Q2 28 after thre] [ere] Q2 29 after pagiantmasters] thre 
times 0102 31] omitted Q1Q2 31 in margin] Searchers Accomptes to 
be Audited Q1, Serchers Accomptes to be Audited Searchers Accoumpts to 
be Audited by 6 of ye Elder and 3 that has been Pagentmasters of ye 
Younger Brothers 02 32 Thirdlie] Item Q1Q2 32 yerely Awdyted] 
audited yearly Q2 33 the day] (...) day Q2 





60s YORK / oils 

bene serchers and thre of the yonger brethren such as haue bene 
pagiantmasters and never serchers And they to be Appoynted for 
the Audytinge thereof by the serchers which shalbe newlie 
elected as haue bene accustomed / 

Vera Copia Et proxime William Halley communem Clericum 

Andrewe Trewe 
Christofer Concett 
henrie hall 
Thomas harbert 


20th Julie 1603 

referred to the saide Aldermen to Consider 
of the first article & to [(...)] profitt the 
same & to end the same pro Ciuitate 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: Holy Trinity Goodramgate 
Bi PRY / He G12 

p 159 

Item to the Clerke for Ringinge three tymes for our kinge, for 
our parte onelye lj s 
Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 

BI: PR Y/MG 19 

p 123 

Item paid to the Armerer for kepinge clene our Armor Vij s 
Item paid tow Severall dayes for ye Caredge of our Armer to 
knavsmyre & treuelies to be shewede vs. ij d 
Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurriergate 

Bile Mise 2 

f 39 

Item paid to thre Ringers for Ringinge on whitson euen when the 







514 / YORK 1603 

Quenes maiestie & our prince Came to yorke xvilj d 
Item . paid for bread & Ayle to them ily d 

Item paid to Oswold Creswick Armorer for dressing the parishe 
Armor this yeare vj s 

The True Narration 
sigs D2-D3v 

On Saterday being the sixteenth of Aprill, his Maiestie remoued 
from maister Jnglesbeye towards Yorke, being sixteene miles from 
Topcliffe: and when he came about some three miles from Yorke, 
(the liberties of the Citie extending so farre) maister Bucke and 
maister Robinson, Shireffes of the Citie met him, & with humble 
dutie presented him with their white staues: which his Maiestie 
receluing, hee deliuered them instantly againe, so they attended 
him towards the Citie; within a mile of which, when his Highnesse 
approached, there mette !him the Lorde Burleigh, Lorde President 
of the North, with many worthy Knights and Gentlemen of the 
shyre. These also attended on his person to Yorke. Where, when 
he came neare vnto the Citie, there met him three of the Sergeants 
at Armes, late seruants to the deceased Queene, viz. M. Wood, 

M. Damfort, and M. Westrope, who deliuered vp their Maces, 
which his Maiestie with Royall curtesie, redeliuered to them, 
commaunding them to waite on him in their olde places, which 
presently they did. And at the same time the Sergeant Trumpeter, 
with some other of his fellows, did in like maner submit 
themselues, and render their seruice, which he beningly accepted, 
& commanded them in like maner to waite on him. 

Then rode he on till he came to one of the gates of Yorke; 
where the Lord Mayor of the Citie, the Aldermen, and the 
wealthiest Commoners, with abundance of other people met him. 
There a long Oration being made, the Lord Mayor deliuered the 
Sword and Keyes to his Maiestie, together with a Cup of Gold, 
filled full of Gold, which present his Maiestie gratefully accepted, 
deliuering the Keyes againe to the Lord Mayor; but about the 
bearing of the Sword there was some small contention, the Lorde 
President taking it for his place, the Lorde Mayor of the Citie 
esteeming it his. But to decide the doubt, the Kings Maiestie 
merily demaunded, If the Sword beeing his, they would not bee 







1603 YORK / 515 

pleased, that hee should haue the disposing thereof. Wherevnto 
when they humbly answered, it was all in his pleasure, his 
Highnesse | deliuered the Sword to one, that knew wel how to 
vse a sword, hauing beene tryed both at Sea and on Shoare, the 
thrise honoured Earle of Cumberland, who bare it before his 
Maiestie; ryding in great State from the gate to the Minster. In 
which way there was a Conduit that all the day long ran white 
and claret wine, euery man to drinke as much as he listed. 

From the Minster his Maiestie went on foote to his owne 
house, being the Mannor of Saint Maries, hauing all the way a 
rich Canopie ouer his head, supported by foure Knights, and 
being brought thither he was honourably receiued by the Lorde 
Burleigh, who gaue cheerfull entertainment to all the followers 
of his Maiestie during the time of his continuance in Yorke. 

The 17 . day beeing Sunday, his Maiestie passed towards 
Yorke Minster, being one of the goodliest Minsters in all the 
Land, England being as famous for Churches as any one kingdom 
in Europe, if they were kept in reparations as that Minster is. To 
this Minster the King passed to heare the Sermon, and at the 
gate a Coach was offered to his Highnesse. But he graciously 
answered, / will baue no Coach, for the people are desirous to 
see a King, and so they shall, for they shall aswell see bis body as 
his face. So to the great comfort of the people, he went on 
foote to the Church, & there he heard the Sermon, which was 
preached by the Bishop of Lymrick, whose doctrine and methode 
of teaching, was highly by his Maiestie commended. And what 
his iudgement is, is as extant to vs all of any vnderstanding, as 
the light of | the cleare mid-day, or Sunne to euery perfect eye. 
The Sermon ended, his Maiestie returned a foote in the same 
sort as he came, to his Mannor, where he was Royally feasted. 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

f 62 
Mathew Hardie & 
Rychard Scatcley 
padgion maisters @ t 

Ittem for the Padgion house Rentes / Xl] s 





516 / YORK 1603 

f 62v 
ffynes receyved in the Common 
place at St Anthonyes hall 

Ittem of Rychard Scatchley padgion master accustomed iij s iiij d 

f 63 
Paymentes & allowances 



Imprimis paid to the mynstrells at the Reckening dynner ij s 
Ittem paid to the mynstrells at Trynitie dinner lj s 
Ittem paid to the mynstrells at the padgion dynner xx d 
Ittem paid for the padgion house Rente ij s 
Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C96:4 
mb 2 
Rentes and Item of the Skynners for ther pagiant house xij d 
fermes without 
Micklegate barr *"" ; f Bi 
and within Item of the Tapiters for ther pagiant house xij d 
Item of the Tanners for ther pagiant house xij d 
Item of the carpenters for ther pagiant house xij d 
Item of the Bakers for ther pagiant house xij d 
Item of the cordiners for ther pagiant house xij d 
Item of the cowpers for ther pagiant house inj d 
Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 
BI: PR Y/MCS 17 
Item paid for dressing of Armour ys vj d 

Item paid for Carrieing of Armour vs vyjd 

1605 YORK / 517 

House Books Y: B32 

f 384 (9 December) 

Also it is agreed that my Lord bartle Players shall have given vnto 
them forthe of the Common Chambre xs 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC12(1) 

p 90 
Rewardes to the Common 

Waites of this Cittie 
Item to the waites for there ffee at easter lj s ij d 
To them for christenmes day & St stephen daie lj s ij d 
To them for St Wilam day xx d 

Summa vilj s 11 d 
p 92 

Clothinge to the Common 
officers and Wates of this Cittie / 

Item to lohn Watson Richard bradley & other _.... 

ther fellos for ther lyuereys beinge v in nomber ie 

p 119 
Rewardes to the honourable mens servantes 
players mynstrills and bearewardes / 

Item given to my Lord Dudleys players the xxth 
of August 1605 Pare 

Item given to my Lord Bartley players the ixth 
of December 1605 XXX S 

To my Lord stafford trumpiters js vjd 





518 / YORK 1605 
Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 
t 48v* 

Item lade downe att Willam longes the Same dye to the 

mintryeles xvjd 
Item lade done att Iohne harysones XX S$ 
Item the Sayme to the mentreles ij s 
f 49 

Ittem lade done the Sondaye after to the mesterelles xvj [s]d 

Item lade “done’ one Pludaye att Rowlande Gledsone to the 
mensterelles xvj d 

Ittem lade done att Edwarde Rilandes botherenes dyner to the 

mensteres xij d 
Item lade done att willam gell for wine ys vjd 
Item lade done to the mentterells xvj d 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: Holy Trinity Goodramgate 
Bie Rey Gael 

p 167 

Item for the parishioners charges in procession weke 
scilicet ys uyd 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 
Bice Ra MGs 

p 103 

Memorandum that vpon the 18th day of may ano; 1605 ; were 
vewed the Armor with furnytoure belonginge vnto Saintt Martyns 
and Gregories / by theis , ‘whose’ names which are heirevnder 


12 the Sondaye after] after St Luke's Day 








the 12th 

1605 YORK / 519 

Imprimis Iohn Whitwell 
Thomas Dove: / 
Henrye Hill / 

Two Corslytes [fuly furnyshed] thre Pickes with /3/ Collers on 
Curatte . three Callyvers seix headpeices seixe swordees seven 
Dagers fower flax & tutch boxes . two Cottes of playtt with two 
skulles . on black bill; on bowe . with a Cayse of ould arrowes. 

seixe girdles with two payre of Mowles 

Receiwed this day ffrom bushophill newer one Corslytt with 
furniter which belongeth vnto both parishes and from the day of 
the Resay(.) of the same they are to allowe and pay vnto the 

churchwarden of this parishe xij d yearly for the kepinge of the 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurriergate 
BI: PR Y/MS 2 

f 49y 

Item , “pade’ to Oswold Criswicke for dressinge the Armer 

belonginge to the parish 1X $ 
Item paid more [san] to them that Carryed owr Armer to be 
showed att Trynityes in Micklegate vj s 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Coney Street 
BaD Rea a/ MGs ete7, 

f 56v 
Item we deliuered to mr Geldard 6 Corslettes to dresse but 
he haith delivered but five back againe alledging he standes 

answerable for the other so we haue denyed to pay for dressing 
them which afterwardes was paid & the Corslet he deliuered back 

14 Resay(.)] page fragmented at right edge 





Shewe of Armor 

520 / YORK 1605-6 

Item paid for Carrieing of five Corslettes at the Citties 

lij S ij d 
Item for dressing of three Caliuers one muskett a new eos 
a vise nayle and oyleing and vnbreaching them xvj d 
Item for 1j° men for Carrieing of them at the show 1) s 
Item paid to George mashruther for his drumm ij s 
item paid to the drummer viij d 

Item paid to mr Geldard for dressing all the Comon Armor 

against the show daye ij Ss viij d 
Item paid for Carrieing of the parish Armor and furniture to 
show before my Lord Maior vs ud 
Item paid to Edward Otley for dressing of Armor xxxi octobris 
1606 lllj S 

House Books Y: B33 
£22 (25 June) 
Also it is agreed that ther shalbe a showe of Armor this yeare as 

hath bene accustomed on suche daie as my Lord Maior shall 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC12(2) 

f 45v 
Rewardes to the Common wates of this Cittie 
Item to them for ther fee at easter ij s 1d 
To them for christenmes day & St stevens day iij s ij d 
To them for St williams Daie xd 
Summa vilj s ij d 
f 46v 

Clotheinge to the Common officers and waites of this Cittie 

Item paid to Io Watson Richard bradley and other . 
ther seruantes beinge v in nomber viz. for viyj yerdes vi. 
& ahalf of fyne Stamett at 13s 4d the yerd 







1606 YORK / 521 

f 61 
Rewardes to the honourable mens servantes 

players mynstrills and Bearewardes: 
Item given to the barward of Wakefeild lj s ui d 

Item given in September to the Queen & [my Lord] 
the duik of Lenox trumpitours 


Item geven to the Quenes mavestes players which 

played in the Comon hall ij li 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

f 65 
Iohn Kiddall & 
willam Brownle\...) 
Padgion masters @ + 


Ittem for the padgion house rent paid by william wrighte vj s 

f 65v 
ffines receyved in the Common Place in St Anthonies hall 

f 66 

Ittem of Iohn kiddall padgion master accustomed ij s 4d 
Ittem of willian Brownlesse for the like accustomed ij s 4d 
f 66v 

Paymentes & allowances 
Imprimis paid to the mynstrells at the Reckning dynner xvilj d 

Ittem paid to the mynstrells at Trynitie dynner xx d 

Ittem to the mynstrells at the padgion dynner xij d 

Ittem to the mynstrells at the padgion dynner maid by william 

Browneles xvj d 







The Quenes 
players permitted 
to playe 

522 / YORK 1606 
Ittem for the padgion house Rente 

Bricklayers’ Account Book’ YM: QQ80/2/1 


Item to the Mynstrelles the same tyme 

Item at George hunteres Searcher the swearinge daie 
Item to the mynstrelles the same day 

Item at Roger Saweres dynner to the Mynstrelles 
Item to the Mynstrelles the same daie / 

Item to the Mynstreles the same daie / 

Item at William Richardsones abling dynner in Wyne 
Item to the Mynstrelles 

f 53v 

Item the same day at William Thompsons for wyne 
Item the same daye to the Mynstrelles 


House Books Y: B33 

f90v (23 September) 

xij d 

XVIlj s 
xv} d 
xij d 


xx d 

ys (id 
xvj d 

And now the Quenes Mazesties Players have maide suite to this 
Court that they might be permitted to plaie in this Cittie and 
have showed a licence from her Mazestie that they maie be 
permitted to plaie in all Cittye and Townes Corporate It is agreed 
by thes presentes that they shalbe permitted to playe [suche] in 
this Citties so as they do not plaie on the Sabaoth daies & on the 


9 the same tyme) St James’ Day (25 July) 
14 the same daie] Se Luke's Day (18 October) 
1o the same daie] 7 January 

23 the same day] Whit Tuesday 






Rewardes to 
the waites 

Clothinge to 
the common 
officers and 
waites of this 

Rewardes given 
to honorable 
men servantes 
mynstrells, and 

1607 YORK / 523 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y:C11:1 
mb 5 

Item to the common waites vilj s ij) d 

mb 6 

Item paid to John Watson Richard Bradley and 
Christofer Thompson the common waites of this 
cittye for ther clothinge 

v li. 

mb 7 

Item paid therefore this yeare 1607, as appeareth 
by the said paper Book of thes accomptes 

ij li. xx d. 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC13(1) 

p 100 
Rewardes to the comon Waites 

To the waites for there fee at easter lj s ij d 
[To them at Whitsondey per maister grenbury ij s inj dj 
To them for (St Wil] christenmes day & St Stephens day 1 s iy d 
To them for St Williams day xx d 
Summa vilj $ 111} d 

p 102 
Clothinge to the Common officers 
& wates of this Cittie / 

Item to Io Watson Richard bradley & ther seruantes 
beinge v in nomber viz for vij yerdes & a half of fyne 
stamett at 13s 4d the yerd 

v li. 







Rentes and 
ffermes withoute 
miklithbar & 

524 / YORK 1607 


Rewards to the honourable mens servantes 

players & mynstrills & bearewardes 

Item [paid] “given” to my Lord Dudley players 
which plaid not 28th marcij 1607 

Item given to the men which broght the babowns 
to this Cittie by his mazestes licens in Iunij 1607 

Item given to my Lord stafordes man which 
shewed a strange Cowe &c 

Item in Rewardes to the duk of lynnox trumpitours 
Item to them which shewed the babowns 

Summa ij li. xx d 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls y: C96:5 

mb 2 

Item of the Skynners for there pagiant house 

Item of the tapitowrs for [one] there pagiant house 
Item of the tanners for there pagiant house 

Item of the Carpenters for there pagiant house 
Item of the Bakers for there pagiant house 

Item of the Cordyners for there pagiant house 
Item of the Cowpers for one outeshott 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

f 68 


Ittem the padgion house Rent paid by William Wrighte 


vj s vilj d 

x S 

xij d 

xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
ij d 

vj s 







1607 YORK / 525 

f 68v 

ffines receyved in St Anthonies hall 

f 69 

Ittem of lohn Reveley a padgion master 
Ittem of lohn Clarke padgion master accustomed 

f 69v 

Paymentes & Allowances 
Imprimis paid to the mynstrells at Rekning dinner 

Ittem the padgion house Rente 

f 70 

Ittem to the mynstrells at Trynitie dinner 

Ittem to the mynstrells at lohn Riveles padgion dinner 
Ittem to the mynstrells at lohn [bet] Clarkes padgion 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 
f 56 

Item at George Huntees vpon St lames daie for the 

Item the same daie to the Mynstrelles 

Item vpon the swearinge daie at henry Lyonesses 
item the same daie to the Mynstrelles 

Item to the Mynstrelles vpon St Lukes daie 

Item the same daie for wyne 

ij s 4d 
js 4d 

xij d 

xij d 

xvj d 
xij d 

xvilj d 

xs vjd 
xvj d 

xix s ij d 
xvj d 

Vil} $ 





® pagiante 
Masters to warne 
the companie 

to mete 

© not appearinge 
vpon warninge 
forfacte xij d 

® pageante 
master not 
giveinge waminge 
forfacte everye 
of them xij d / 

® Electinge of 
masters / 

® Thold 
pageante Masters 
to accompte 

526 / YORK 1607 

Item to the Mynstrelles the same daye 

: ij s 
Item for Wyne the same day at Iohn Smythes 

House Books Y: B33 

LAST C7 September) 

And nowe it is agreed that Christofer Thompson waite who 

is contented to take christofer Settle a poore boye to be his 
apprentze shall have given hym by the Churchwardens & overseers 
of St Ellens in Staingate forth of the Stocke of the same parishe 
xxv} $ vulj d and the saide boye to have no more wekelie releif 

E Memorandum Book Y: £22 

£136* Tanners’ Ordinances 
Item that the fower pageante Masters of the saide occupacion for 
the time beinge vpon warninge given them by the searchers shall 
warne the whole companie to mete at A time & place appointed 
so as the partie warned maye have one whole nightes warninge 
before they mete, & if anie Master beinge so warned & doth not 
make his repaire accordinglie without A sufficyente excuse & 
profe therof shall paye for everie suche defalte xij d, & if the 
pageante Masters or anie suche of ther companie whome the 
same companie shall appointe do not give warninge accordinge to 
the searchers commaundment everie of them so offendinge shall 
Likewise paye xij d to thuse aforesaid 

Item that the searchers & pageante Masters & all other the 
Masters of the said occupacion for the time beinge shall everie 
yeare vpon the mondaye nexte before the feaste of All Saintes 
chose of the same companie fower newe pageante Masters, after 
which election tholde pageante Masters shall presentlye make 
ther iust & trewe accompte to the whole occupacion of all ther 
receiptes paymentes and expences by them made by vertue of 
ther office & then deliver all suche money as shalbe founde 
remayninge in ther or anie of ther custodies to the newe pageante 
Masters at the discretion & appointmente of the searchers for the 

1 the same daye] 7 January 








® newe pageante 
Masters to putt 
in two sureties / 

® tholde 
pageante Masters 
to prepaire A 
dynner for the 
whole companie / 

To take custome 

Rewardes to 
the waites 

Clothinge to 
the common 
officers and 
waites of this 

1608 YORK / 527 

time beinge, & he that refuseth so to do shall paye x s to thuse 
aforesaid, And also that the newe pageante Masters elected 
yearelye shall everye of them presentlye putt in two sufficyente 
sureties to answere vnto ther successors all suche some & somes 
of money as they or anie of them shall receive duringe the same 
yeare to the vse of the same companie, vpon the said paine to 
be forfacted to thuse aforesaid, & the same daie tholde pageante 
Masters shall prepaire in some honest & conveniente howse 
(beinge A brother of the same occupacion) A dinner for all the 
Masters of the said companie at vilj d. A man, & he that commeth 
not to the same dinner accordinglye (beinge Lawfullye warned) 
shall paye xij d, & if the pageante Masters make defalte in not 
providinge of the same dinner they to forfacte everie of them 
vj s vilj d to thuse aforesaid / 

f 136v 

Item that everye person not beinge free of the same companie 
bringinge anie Lether to this cittye to be solde or haveinge solde 
the same & then cause it to be broughte to the said cittye shall 
paye yearelye ii1j d to the handes of the pageante Masters of the 
same occupacion for the time beinge, & also that euerye person 
not beinge Likewise free of the same companye & vsinge to buye 
roughe Lether within this cittye shall paye yearelye iiij d for 
custome money to thuse of the said occupacion / 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls y: C11:2 
mb 5 

Item paid to the common waites vil} s uid 

mb 6 

Item paid to Iohn Watson Richard Bradley 
and Christofer Thompson the common waites v li. 
of this cittye for ther clothinge 






Rewardes given 
to honorable 
men servantes, 
mynstrells and 

528 / YORK 1608 

mb 7 

Item paid therefore this yeare 1608 as 
appeareth by the said paper Book of thes ls 
accomptes particulerlye 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC13(2) 

f 43v 
Rewardes to the Common waites 
To the waites for ther fee at Easter li) Ss ij d 
To them for christenmes day & St stephens day ij s ud 
To wates / on St Williams day ‘per scott” xx d 
Summa viij s ii d 
f 44 * 

Clotheinge to the Comon officers 
& Wates of this Cittie 

[To Iohn Watson Richard Bradley & there two servantes] (blank) 

To mr alderman Askwith for 7 yeredes & dj. of 

v li. 
Stamett for the waites lyueryes being v 

f 58v 

Rewardes to the honourable mens servantes 
players mynstrills & bearewardes 

Item the 16 of september 1608 / to my Lord 
Evers plaiers which played not 


Item given to my Lord Chauncelers [men] players XS 

Summa [x s] ls. 






1608 YORK / 529 
Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 


Ittem the padgion house Rente paide by william Wrighte Vj s 

f 72 
ffynes receyved in St Anthonies hall 

Ittem of mr ffell for coming with out a gowne to the padgion 

dynners i) d 
Ittem of Richard Sellerer for the like ij d 
Ittem of Christopher hardie for the like jd 
Ittem of Richard Little for the like ja 
Ittem of william Siddall for the like jd 
f 72v 

Ittem of Roland Swinbanke padgion master accustomed iij s_iiij d 
Ittem of Robert Pinder padgion master also li) s uy d 

Paymentes & Allowances 

Ittem the padgion house Rente xij d 
Ittem to the mynstrells at Trynitie dynner lj s 
Ittem to the mynstrells at the two padgion dinners lj s 

Ittem spent by consent at Robert pinders padgion dynner_ xx d 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 

f 56v 
Item vpon the vith of Maye at Thomas Burtons brotheringe 

dynner in Wyne iiij s 







530/ YORK 1608 

Item to the Musitions the same daye ij s 
Item at Thomas Gibsons vpon Whitsonntewsday for wyne at 
his howse lllj s 
Item to the Mynstrelles the same daye xx d 

f 60 

In prinis vpon St lames to the mynstreles at Henry ‘Lionssis xvjd 

In [primis] for the swearinge dynner at Iohn Maxfeildes KS 
Item the same daye to the Mynstrelles xvj d 
Item the same daye for Wyne ys viyd 

vpon St. Lukes day. 

Item at Iohn Snawes for wyne lilj s 
Item to the Mynstrelles xvj d. 
i [vpon O(.)] vpon the vijth of / 

lanuary 1608 

Item vpon the sunday after in Wyne lilj s 
Item to the Mynstrelles xvj d. 

House Books Y: B33 
£173v (22 September) 

And nowe vpon A peticion preferred by Richard Middleton and 
others wherin they requested that they might be permitted to 
erect A Theater or playhowse within this Citty wherin such as 
have bene borne and brought vpp therin should imploye ther 
laborious expenses for the maintenance therof which might be 

A meanes to restrayne the frequent Comminge thervnto of other 
Stage plaiers, and they would yeild x li. per annum ynto this 
Corporacion It is therfore thought good and agreed by this Court 
that ther ‘said’ requestes shalbe graunted vnto them vpon suche 
Condicions as shalbe agreed vpon hereafter by this Court 







1609 YORK / 531 

f 187 (11 December) 

And wheras Richard Middleton and others did heretofore of late 
make suite vnto this court that they might be permitted to erect 
a Theater or playhowse within this Cittie, And this court then 
takeinge consideracion vpon ther requestes did thinke good that 
before they should begyn to erect the same playehowse ther 
should be some Condicvons considered vpon by this Court which 
they should on ther parte performe, And forasmuch as this Court 
doth vnderstand that they have erected A Theater or playhowse 
in this Cittie, and have not attended this Court to have receyved 
dyreccons vpon what Condicions they might have bene permitted, 
And have drawne vnto ther companyes straingers that did inhabitt 
in the Countrie, and likewise some of manuell occupacions in 
this Cittie who do intend to give over ther occupacions and fall 
to [and] an idle Course of life, It is nowe thought good and 
agreed by this Court for that they have proceded in suche sorte 
as aforesaide that they shalbe discharged for kepeinge of anie 
playehowse in this Cittie, as they will answere at their owne 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

f 74 
Of william wrighte for the Padgion house Rente vj s 
f 74v 
ffynes receyved in St Anthonies Hall 


Ittem of Iohn Page padgion master js ud 
Ittem of william Siddall padgion master also lj S ij d 

Paymentes & Allowances 
Ittem to the mynstrells at Reckening dynner ij s 
Ittem to the mynstrells at the padgion masters padgion 

dynner xvuj d 





532 /YORK 1609 
Ittem the padgion house rent xij d 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 

ft 60v 
vpon Whitsonn tewsdaye 
/ 1609 / 

Item at william Gelles in Wyne at dynner vs 
Item tor musicke the same daye xvj d 

Item spent at Iohn Maxfeildes in Wyne the same day il] s 
Item to the Mynstrelles the same daye xvj d 
Item vpon the Sweeringe daye at William Harrysons at 

dynner XXV $ 11i () 
Item for Wyne the same daye vs 
Item to the Mynstrelles the same daye xvj d 

Item the same daye at Peter Bawderstons house in wyne a 

pottle xij d 
Item to the Mynstrelles the same daye xx d 
f 63v 

Item at Iohn harrisons the same day X1llj s 
Item the same day to the Mynstrells xij d 
Item vpon Plough day at Iohn harrisons for a pottle of wynexvj d 
Item the same day to the Mynstrells xvj d 
Item vpon St Matthies day at dynner at Rowland Gledstones 
house XXV S. 
Item the same day to the Musitions xij d 
Item at William harrisones vpon Tewsday in Easter Week Xj $ 
Item to the Musitions ‘the same daye.’ xij d 

17 the same day] St James’ Day (25 July) 
24 the same daye] St Luke's Day (18 October) 
31 the same day) Twelfth Day (Epiphany) 







v li. paid vlumo 
february 1610 / 

Rentes & 
ffirmes withoute 
Miklegate barr 
& within 

1609 YORK / 533 

Item the same daye in Wyne at Rowland Gledstones 
Item [(.)] to the Mynstrelles the same day 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y.CC13(3) 

f 38v 
Rewards to the Common Waites 

Item to them for there fee at easter 

Item to them for christenmes daie & St Stephens day 

To them for St Willams daie 
Summa vil} s ij d 

f 39v 

Vj Ss. 

xvj d 

lj s ij d 
lj s uy d 
[vs] xx d 

Clothinge to the Common officers and wates of this Cittie / 

To mr Alderman Askwith for v lyuereys for the Wates 

f 52v 

Rewardes to honourable mens servantes 

Players Mussissions and Bearewardes 
Item [p] given to my “Lord” Albany players which 
came to this Cittie & plaid not in Iulij 1610 
Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y. €96:7 
mb 2 
Item of the Skynners for there pagiant house ferme 
Item of the Tapitowrs for there pagiant house 
Item of the Tanners for there pagiant house 

Item of the Carpenters for there pagiant house 

21 forl MS for for 

(blank ) 

xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 







334 / YORK 1610 

Item of the Bakers for there pagiant house 
Item of the Cordyners for there pagiant house 
Item of the Cowpers for one outeshote 
Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 
f 76v 

Ittem ot william wrighte for the padgion house rente 

ffines receyved in St Anthonies Hall 
Ittem of michaell mosees padgion master 
Ittem of william Grenefeild padgion master also 
Paymentes & allowances 
Ittem paid at the Reckning dynner to the minstrells 

Ittem for the padgion house rent 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 
f 65 

Item for Wyne vpon St [w] lames day at william 

xij d 
xij d 
iiij d 

vj s 

iijs 4d 
iijs 4d 

xij d 

Harrisons ill] s uij d 
Item to the Mynstrelles the same day sce 
Item for the Swearinge dynner at George Huntees - XX1j S 
Item for wyne the same daye [xx d] ys ili) d 
Item to the mynstrelles then: xvj d 
Item to the Mynstrelles xvj d 







1610 YORK / 535 

Item for Wyne the same daye i) s vilj d 
f 65v 

Item the same day at Christofer harlandes in Wyne iil} s 
Item to the Mynstrelles the same day xvij d 
Item vpon whitsonntewsday to the mynstrelles xv} d 
Item for Wyne the same day ys xd 

House Books Y: B33 
£292v (9 March) 

And nowe the Maister and keepers of St Anthonyes Guildhall or 
hospitall have preferred A peticion against Richard Bradley and 
his associates waites of this Cittye alledginge therby that the 
waites have [nowe] of late devised certaine scandalous libells 
songes or sonnettes against the saide Auncient Guild and 
fraternitye and the same have publikelie sounge in diuerse places 
not onelie to the disgrace & disparagement of that guild but also 
to the discreditt of the nowe Maister and kepers of the saide 
Guild And the saide waites called into this Court and Richard 
Bradley one of the same waites beinge sworne to make trewe 
answere vnto this court of such matters as should be demaunded 
of hym by the saide Court, Answereth and saieth that he & his 
wief beinge at Lowth in Lincolneshire at Easter next shalbe thre 
yeres had the same & diuerse other songes given hym by the 
waites ther, and saieth, that he did not singe it in disgrace of the 
saide guild or in discreditt of the Mazster and the keepers therof, 
And the saide Richard Bradley / and his fellowes were 
commaunded not to singe the same hereafter nor anye such like 
filthy songes or sonnettes And it was forther agreed that the like 
commaundement should be forthwith given from this Court vnto 
the rest of the minstrells & musitioners in this Cittye 

1 the same daye] St Luke's Day (18 October) 6 the same day] 7 January 







Rewardes to 
the waites 

Clothinge to 
the common 
officers & waites 
of this cittye 

Rewardes given 
to honorable 
men servantes 
players & 

536 / YORK 1611 
City Chamberlains’ Rolls y: ©12:1 
mb 3 
Item paid to the common waites 

Summa vilj $ iiij d 
mb 4 
Item paid to Iohn Watson Richard Bradley & 
christofer Thompson the common waites of this 
cittye for ther clothinge 
Item paid therefore this yeare as by the said 
paper Book appeareth 
City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC14(1) 

f 36v 

Rewardes to the Common Waites / 

To the waites for there ffee at easter 
To them for christenmes & St Stephens day 
To them for St Williams daie 

Summa vilj s uy d 

f 37v 

vii) s inj d 

vj li. 

liiij s x d 

iij s iiij d 
iij s iiij d 

{ij s 1) d] xx d 

Clothinge to the Comon officers and waites of this Cittie / 

To mr Alderman Askwith for 9 yerdes of fyne 
stanit at 13s 4d ‘the yerd’ for vj lyueres for 
the waites 

f 55v 

Rewardes to honourable menes servantes 
Players Mussissions and Berewardes 

Given at Lammas assizes to my Lord Awbenyies players 

vj li. 







1611 YORK / 537 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

f 80 
william wright 
william Etton 
padgion masters @ f 

Ittem of William Wrighte for the padgion house rent 
f 81 

Paymentes & Allowances 
Ittem paid at the Reckning Dinner to the minstrells 

Ittem the padgion house rent 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 
f 69 

Item for wyne vpon St Iames daye at George Hunters 
Item the same day for musicke 

Item vpon the swearinge daye at william Gelles 

Item the same day for Wyne 

Item the same day for musicke 

vj s 

xvijj d 

xij d 

lilj s 
XX] § 

ij s vii d 

xij d 

Item vpon St. Lukes day for Anthonye Dodsworth at William 

for Musicke the same day 

Item the sunday after St. Lukes day at william Gelles for 

Anthony Dodsworth in Wyne 
Item the same daye for Musicke 

Item vpon Plew day at Robert Acrides house for wyne 

Item for Musicke the same day 

f 69v 

Item at Mr Chamberleyn Maxfeildes for the tyme there 


xvj d 

ll) S 
xvj d 

xvj d 

XX S$ 








Rewardes to 
the waites 

Clothinge to 
the common 
officers & waites 
of this cittye 

Rewardes given 
to honorable 
men servantes 
players & 

538 / YORK 1611 

Item for wyne there 

‘ lll] s 
Item for Musicke there 

xvj d. 

York Minster Fabric Rolls YM: £3/62/2 

mb 1 

... Item paid to the waites of yorke this yere for playinge in the 
quiere xls. ... 


House Books Y: B33 
f 313v (13 August) 

And wheras the Ladie Elizabeth Players daughter vnto the kinges 
most excellent Mazestie have brought with them his mavesties 
Commission for to be licensed to playe aswell in such howses 
or places as are appointed for them to play within London as in 
all moote halls skoolehowses towne halles within any other 
Citties or townes within his mazesties dominions. Whervpon it 

is thought good to permitt them to play within this Cittie in such 
places as they shall procure or gett so as they do not play on the 
sabaoth daies or in the night tyme. 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: C12:2 
mb 3 

Item paid to the common waites vil) s ij d 

Summa Vil} s 11) d 

mb 4 

Item paid to Iohn Watson Richard Bradley & 

christopor Thompson the common waites of vj li. 
this cittye for ther clothinge 
Item paid therefore this yeare as by the lijs. vjd. 

said paper Book appeareth 








1612 YORK / 539 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC14(2) 

f 34v 
Rewardes to the Comon waites of this Cittie / 

To the wates of this Cittie for there fee due At easter iij s ij d 
To theme at christenmes & St stevens day lij s ij d 
To them for St Williams Day xx d 

Summa vilj s ij d 

f 35v 
Clothinge to the Common officers and waites of this Cittie 

To mr alderman Askwith for 9 yeredes fyne 
stamett at xiij s ij d the yerd for vj waites vj li. 
lyuereys “per scott’ 

f 41 
Rewardes to Honourable mens servantes 
Players Mississions and Bearwardes / 

Item paid the 13 of febrwary 1611 / in reward 

to Barronet houghton his Bearward [for] which 152 8 
broght 3 beares & bated them in this Cittie 

Item given the xjth June 1612 to the Earle of 

Rutland my Lord of Oxeford & my Lord XX S 
Chamberleyn Trumpiters 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

f 82 

Ittem of william wrighte for the padgion house rent Vy s 

ffines in St anthonie hall 

Ittem of william wright padgion master lj Ss ij d 






540 / YORK 1612 

Ittem of william Etton padgion master also lij s ij d 

Paymentes and allowances 

Ittem paid for padgion rent 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 

Pageant Maisters 

Robert Acredd 

William Dixon 

Item at william Gelles on Sunday after in wyne 
Item to the Mynstrells the same day 

Item at william Longs on the sweering day 
Item the same day to the Minstrelles 


Item for Wyn at Thomas burtones the same day 
Item for Musick there 

Item the same day in ayle at the hall 
Item the same day at Hugh Gregges to the Mynstrelles 
Item in wyne the same day at his house 

19 on Sunday after] after St James’ Day 
28 the same day] St Luke's Day (18 October) 31 the same day] 5 January 

xij d 

lj s 

xvj d 

xvj d 

illj s 
xvj d 

xvj d 
ill] s 





iN) WOMENS [fac 

House Books Y: B34 

f17 (15 October) 

And nowe it is agreed that Richard Bradley one of the waites 

of this Cittie shall have xx s given hym , ‘forth of’ [by] some of 
stockes of the parishes in this Cittie towardes the apparellinge of 
Richard Ward a poore boye borne in this Cittie whom he is to 
take apprentize 

£22 (6 December) 
Also it is agreed that the waites shall have their liveries or Cotes 
as they had the last yere 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC14(3) 

f 42 
Rewardes to the Common waites of this Cittie / 

To the waites of this Cittie for ther fee due at Easter ij. s_ uj d 
To them more at christenmas and St Stephen day lj Ss lj d 
for St Williams daie xx d. 

Summa vil} s 11) d 

f 43 
Clothinge to the Comon officers and waites of this Cittie 

(To mr Alderman Askwith for waites liveries vj li. ays inj dJ 

Bakers’ Account Books BL: Add MS 34604 

f 84* 

This accompte audited by Mr Iohn Hutchinson Richard Little 
Iohn Reweley william wright which we find all well and allowable 
except ilj s vijd which the said acomptstantes saye they disbursed 
to minstrels and for wine which is not to be allowed 






542 / YORK 1613 
f 85 

Receyved of william wright for the padgion house rent 

ffynes in St anthonies hall 
Receyved of nicholas Dixon padgion master 
Item of Thomas Brathwaite padgion master 
f 85v 

Paymentes and allowances 

Layd downe at myles Rokesbie for wine 
geven to the mussicion the same day 

geven to bridgmasteres for bridg rent 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 
f 74 
Pageant Maisteres Peter Bawderston 
Dinnis Munckman 
f 76 
Item to the Minstrelles vpon St Iames day 
Item the same day for wine at william longes 
Item vpon St Lukes day at Anthony whitehilles in wine 
Item the same day to the minstrelles 
Item the morning aftr . for Mussik xvj d. & wine 

Item for wyne the same day at Iohn Harrison 

37 the morning aftr] after 7 January 

vj s 

iij s iiij d 
iij s iiij d 

ij) s vijd 
xij d 

xij d 

xvj d 
lllj S 
xy d 
xvj d 
xij d 

xy d 





1613 YORK / 543 

Item to the Mynstrelles the same day xx d, 

House Books Y: B34 

f46v (5 December) 

Also it is agreed that the waites Cotes shalbe bought and likewise 
the Tipstaffes that they maie have them against christenmas 

City Chamberlains’ Books VY: CC15(1) 

f 28v 
Rewardes to the Common waites of this Citty 

To the waites of this Cittie for ther fee due 

at Easter 1614 nis 
To them more at christenmas and St Stephen day ij s uid 
for St Williams daie xx d 
Summa viij s 1 d 
f 30v 
Clothinge to the Comon officers 
and waites of this Citty 

To Mr Alderman Askwith for waites liveries (blank) 

Bricklayers’ Account Book’ YM: QQ80/2/1 
f 76v 

Peter Bawderstone 

Pagean 11 
Thomas Burton geant Marsteres 





544 / YORK 1614 


Item the same daye in wine at Mr Maxfeldes lll) $ 
Item the same daye to the Mynstrelles xvj d 
Item vpon the swearinge daye at Thomas Gibsons XX1l]] $ 
Item the same daye for wyne i) s 
Item the same daye to the Minstrelles xvj d 
Item vpon St Lukes daye for wine at Thomas humes ij s 
Item the same daye to the Minstrelles xvj d 
Item at Robert wilsons dinner to the Minstrelles xvj d 
Item at Cuthbert Harland dinner to the Minstrelles xvj d 
Item at Anthony Dodsworthes dinner in wine ij s 
Item to the Minstrelles the same day xvj d 
f 77v 

Item the same day at Christofor Harlandes for Wine js 
Item the same day for a quart of seck xd 
Item the same day to the Minstrelles x[vj] x d 

House Books Y: B34 
f£53v (13 February) 

Wheras heretofore the Searchers and pageant maisters of the 
Companie of Cordiners for the tyme being have bene accustomed 
to make yearlie nyne feastes at ther owne chardges for the saide 
Companie, which hath bene a great meanes to impoverish many 
of the saide occupacion, ffor preventing wherof at the humble 
suite of diverse of the same occupacion, It is ordeyned and 
agreed that from hensfurth ther shalbe but two dinners made in 
the yere by the same searchers, thone of the same dinners vpon 
the day which the searchers for the same Company shalbe elected 
& Chosen and thother of the same dinners to be made vpon 

3 the same daye] St James' Day (25 July) 20 the same day] Whit Tuesday 








1615 YORK / 545 

mondaie next after the twentieth daie after christenmas at which 
dinner the same cordiners shall paie as they have bene accustomed, 
and that the said searchers & pagiant maisters shall pay ther 
Bedell as hath bene vsed, and also that the same fower pageant 
maisters shall make no dinners for the said companie but onely 
paye vnto them the said searchers on the said election daie 
towardes ther chardges of the dynner then made yearlie xiij s. 

ij d. And that if any of the saide Company shall do contrarie to 
this article to forfaite and paye for everie tyme so doeinge iij li. 
vj s. vilj d to thuse of the Common Chambre of this Cittie 

£81 (18 December) 
Also it is agreed that Edward Millington Trumpiter shall have 

vj S viij d given hym against christenmas next. 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC15(2) 

Rewardes to the Common waites of this Cittie 
To the waites for ther fee due at Easter 1615 ii) s inj d 
To them more at christenmas and St Stephens daie ij s uj d 
ffor St williams daie ood 
Summa vilj s 11ij d 
f 32v 
Clothing of the Common officers 
and waites of this Cittie 

To Alderman Askwith for waites Liveries vj li. vj s 

15 itis agreed} MS it is agreed it is agreed 





Rentes and 
fermes without 
Micklith barr 
& within 

546 / YORK 1615 
Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls y; ©97:1 

mb 2 
Item of the Skynners for ther pagiant howse farme 

Item of the Tappiters for ther padgiant howse 
Item of the Tanners for ther padgiant howse 
Item of the Carpenters for ther padgiant howse 
Item of the Bakers for ther padgiant howse 
Item of the Cordiners for ther padgiant howse 
Item of the Cowpers for an owtshott 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 
f 80 

Item at Thomas Gibsons the same day for Wine 
Item to the Minstrelles the same daye 

xij d 

xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
ij d 

lj s vii d 
xvj d 

Ite vpon the swearinge day for the Company at William 

Item the same day for wine 
Item the same day to the Minstrelles 

Item the same daye for Wine at william Dixons 
Item the same daye to the Minstrelles 

Item for Wine the same day at George Smithes 
Item to the Minstrelles the same day 

Item the same day in Wine at Mrs Pulleynes 

f 80v 

Item for Wyne the same day 
Item to the Mynstrelles 

19 the same day] St James’ Day (25 July) 

xxvj s ij d 
xvj d. 
xvj d 

ij S vilj d 
xvj d 

lj s 

xvj d 
[¢.)] iy s 

xx d 
xvj d 

26 the same daye] St Luke's Day (18 October) 36 the same day] Whit Tuesday (?) 









1615 YORK / 547 

Item at Thomas Wilsons [Abling] , “breth<..)” dimer to the . 
Minstrelles XN d 
Item at the same place in Wine [xviij] d xx d 

Merchant Taylors’ Deed Box MA: Deed Box, 1593 
f 13 (11 November) 

A lease graunted to Christopher fflambaute Tailor for xxjt¢ 
yeares of one house in Micklegate / and a garth or orcharde on 
the backside and one roode of lande with the padgiante house 
on the barker rowe payinge iiij li. x s yearlie entringe att 
Martinmas 1615 

House Books Y: B34 

f87v (16 February) 

And wheras diverse of the Ainstymen do lye manyre & dung 
vpon pagiant grene which never was heretofore permitted It is 
thought that such as have laid any ther should be Commaunded 
forthwith to take the same awaye before Ladie daie next vpon 
payne of v li. 

f 102 (22 October) 

Also it is agreed that Iohn younge Musition who is to take 
Thomas Laverock apprentize shall have xiij s_ ij d forth of 
some of the stockes of the parishes in this Citty towardes his 

City Chamberlains’ Books VY: CC15(3) 
Rewardes to the Common waites 

To the waites for ther [quarter] fee due at Easter 1616 ilj S iiij d 

1 dimer) for dinner 







548 / YORK 1616 
To them more [for ther] at christenmas at St Stephens 
To them for St Williams daie 
Summa vil} s 11ij d 


iij s iiij d 

xx d 

Clothing of the Common officers and waites of this Cittie 

Item for waites liveries 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 
f 83 
vpon St. lames day 

Item for wyne at william Harrisons 
Item to the Mynstrelles the same day 

Item vpon the ffowerth of August at George Huntees at 

Item for wyne the same day 

Item to the Mynstrelles the same day 

Item vpon St Luke dy at william lacksons 

Item at his house vpn Sundy after in wyne 
Item to the Mynstrelles 

f 83v 

Item vpon plew day at william Richardsns in wyne 
Item to the Mynstrelles the same day 

f 84 

Item to the Musick at ‘Iohn’ Henlickes dynner 
Item at the same tyme in Wyine 

Item at Mr Maxfeildes at his servantes brothern dynner * 










1616 YORK / 549 

Item to the Mynstrelles then xvj d 

House Books Y: B34 

ff 118-20v* (4 April) 

And nowe it is thought Convenient that (blank) A poet shalbe 
spokne withall to invent A short speach to be maide to his 
maiestie at his highnes passage over owsbridge to be vttered 
or acted by some of the players in this Citty to declare the 
shallownes of the River of owse. | 

Be it had in mynde that our most Gracyous and renowned 
Soveraigne Lord, the most highe and mightye Prince lames by 
the Grace of God Kinge of England, Scotland ffrance and Ireland 
defender of the faithe &c. did in the yeare of our Lord God 1617 
begyn to make A progresse from his highnes famous Cittyes 
of London and Westminster vnto Edenbrough in Scotland, And 
in his highnes said progress vpon thursdaye the tenthe of Aprill 
1617 came from Pontifracte to the cittye of Yorke, And on 
Tadcaster Bridge, on the middle of the Bridge where the Cittyes 
Armes be sett, Mr ffrauncis Wharton and Mr Thomas Lawne 
“Sheriffes’ of the said Cittye in ther Cremisyn Gownes haveinge 
white Roddes of A yeard and a halfe in lengthe beinge 
accompanyed with many of the gentlemen & substanciall 
Inhabitantes in the countye of the said Cittye, and many other 
Cittizens of the younger sort well mounted and apparelled were 
attendinge for to mete and receive his Mazestie, And his highnes 
beinge in his Carroch the said Sheriffes did vpon ther knees 
most humblye welcome his Maiestie into the countye of the said 
Cittye, And the said Sheriffes delivered vnto his Maiestie ther 
Rodes in tokne of ther duetyes and acknowledgement of his 
highnes supreame aucthoritye which his Maiestie gratiouslie 
received and redelivered them ther Rodes againe willinge them 
to attend and do ther offices, And so the said Sheriffes bearinge 
vp ther rodes did ride nexte before his Maiestie, And mr [Humfrey] 
Wharton beinge then Sheriffe of the countye of yorke offred 
to ride betwene his Mazestie and the said Sheriffes which they 
tolde him he was not for doe beinge forthe of his countye, and 
the king footemen vnderstandinge of the saide difference told 
the said Sheriff of the Countye that it was not vsed in any place 




2210)/5Y ORR 16007 

of the kingdome for the Sheriff of any Countye to take place 

of the Sheriffs of any Cittye within ther Countyes or Liberties, 
And the said Mr [Humfrey] Wharton then saide vnto the said 
Sheriffes yett permitt me to beare yow Companie and ride with 
yow Alonge, And in his Maiesties progresse to this Cittie on 
Bondall Rawe ther the most Reverend ffather in God the Lord 
Archbishop of York and likewise the Right Honourable Edmund 
Lord Sheffeild Lord President in the north partes with the 
Counsell were ther attendinge and did ther dutyes to his Maiestie 
and attended his highnes to the Cittye, And his Maiestie 
approchinge nigh vnto the said Cittie over eneinst Holgate layne 
did come forth of his Carroch and did ride in State to this Cittie 
beinge attended with the Duke of Linox Steward of his Maiesties 
houshold, the Right honourable the Earle of Penbrook 
Chamberleyn of England, the Right Honourable (blank), Master 
of horsse with many others of the Earles Bishopps and nobles 

of his Maiesties kingdomes, And the saide Lord Chamberleyn 
asked for the Earle of Cumberland for to carry the king Sword 
before his maesties which the Right Honourable ffrancis Earle 
of Cumberland at first refused, answereinge the said Lord 
Chamberleyn that his the saide Earle of Cumberland auncestors 
had vsed alwaies to Carrye the Citties sword before his Mazestie 
and his noble progenitors in the saide Cittye, which the said 
Lord Sheffeild heareinge the saide speches, saide if he will not 
Carrye it give me it to carrye And therevpon the said Lord 
Chamberleyn ‘said’ shall the king ride in state, and have no 
sword Carryed before him further sayinge no Sword no State, 
And the saide Lord Chamberleyn and the said Earle of Cumberland 
imediatlie went to the kinge to knowe his highnes of the resolucron 
therin, which beinge made knowne to his Mazestie It was his 
highnes pleasure that the saide Earle of Cumberland should 
Carry his Mazesties Sword vntill he should Come within the 
gaites, of this Cittye and ther to take the Citties Sword, and 
then laye aside his Maiesties sword, Whervpon the said Earle of 
Comberland did take the king sword, and Carryed the same 
before his Mazestie | and then the nobles did ride in ther Rankes 
and orders before his maiestie towardes the Cittye; And vpon 
the gaites of the Cittie ther were Trumpiters and waites sounding 
and playinge; And on the north side of the streate within the 
gaites of the said Cittye, ther was a great parte therof railed in, 
for the Lord Maior Recorder Aldermen and such as had bene 
Sheriffes for to stand within, The Lord Maior and Recorder 







Co I9/ NETOMRENS Tf eyes 

haveinge convenient places made higher then the rest for them to 
stand and knele vpon, and his highnes beinge entred into the 
saide Cittye, approcheinge nere vnto the place wher the Lord 
Maior and Recorder were, The honourable Robert Askwith Lord 
Maior of the saide Cittie knelinge vpon his knees did Cherefully 
say thes fewe wordes vnto his Maiestie, followinge Most high and 
mightie Monarch and most gratious Soveraigne and kinge I your 
Maiesties most humble servant and subiect with the Recorder 
Aldermen Sheriffes xxiiijthe and Commonaltye do most hartelie 
welcome your most excellent mavestie to this your auncient 
and honourable cittye reioycinge from the bottome of our Hartes 
to see your Maiestie within the walls therof, And in token of 
our Loyall Love and humble dewtyes, We render vnto your 
Maiestie the power and sword of Iustice, wherewith it hath 
pleased your Mazestie and your Noble progenitors to honor 
this Corporacion, knowinge well that as the Rivers turne to the 
Sea from whence they came, So aucthoritye and power oughte 
to returne to the fountayne of Iustice from whence it sprunge, 
And for the better declaracion of our Loyaltyes wee present 
vnto your most excellent Mazestie the keyes of your Cittyes 
gates assureinge our selves never to be more saife and Happye 
then when we are vnder your gratious proteccion whose ingresse 
progresse and regresse we allwayes praye maye ever be prosperous, 
and when his Marestie had Received the Sword of the saide Lord 
Maior his highnes delivered it over to the saide Earle of Cumberland 
for to Carrye before his Mazesties which his Lordshipp Received 
and laide aside the king Sword accordinge to his highnes former 
dirreccions, And his Maestie presentlie redelivered the keys of 
the gaites of the saide Cittye vnto the saide Lord Maior, And 
then the Right Worshippful Richard Hutton Seriant at Lawe 
Recorder of the saide Cittye vpon his knees did make A Learned 
oracion, and spech to his Mazvestie, as followeth / 

Die lovis decimo die Aprils Anno 15to Regis Iacobi, 
at the kinges comminge to yorke / 

Most gracious and Renowned Sovereigne, Yf at this your Maiesties 
magnificent and Royall approch, to this auncyente and honorable 
Cittye, the Lord Maior, Aldermen and Cittizens here assembled, 
should saye nothinge; ther silence mighte accuse or condemne 
them, of great ingratitude; And if they should by anye elaborate 
speach, dilate of thinges impertinent to the present occasion ther 








Do2/ SCORIKS tony, 

indignites might be Lyable to the taxe of indiscretion _/ 

Give them leave therfore (0 gratious Kinge) by me altogether 
vnacquainted with straines of oratorye, in A plaine and homelye 
fashion, to make some acknowledgnent, and to give some 
testimonye in ther behalfe, of the greate loye, and excedinge 
comforte, which they have iust cause to conceiue, of this your 
Mazesties comminge ./ 

When we consider the manifold benefittes and blessinges, That 
all your Mavesties subiectes have received, and do inioye, by this 
your happye raigne, over vs, we maye trewlye saye, of your 
governmente, that yt hath planted Religion, and pietie in our 
consciences, for our Kinge is Rex Religiosus, nay regum 
Religiosissimus, it hath sealled and setled a continued blessinge 
of peace and tranquillitye, in our stretes for our kinge is Rex 
lacobus pacificus naye Regum pacificacissimus, so that the 
sayinge of the psalmist is verified in your tyme, susciperunt 
montes pacem populo, colles Iustitiam for your subiectes 
commerce abroad withall fotiue nations, without suspition of 
daunger and converse at home, without feare of enemyes 
abroad ./ | 

But to make a breviat of thes benefittes and blessinges, or 
to enumerate the causes we have to give god thankes for such a 
kinge, is a thing farre beyond my abilitye, and a matter above 
the Common capacitye of men yet this I maye iustlye saye of 
the subiectes of kinge lames, O nimium fortunati si sua bona 
nouit And this shall serve, to have said of the generall; 

Nowe a word or two of the causes, that the inhabitantes of 
this cittye have in perticular to be more thankfull than others 
to your mazestie. 

When wee looke vpon the foundation of this auncient Cittye 
of yorke, builded by Ebrauk the fowerth kinge after Brute, 
made a metropolitan Cittye, graced with an Archiepiscopall 
Sea. a primate of England, And call to mynde that in tymes 
past, this was the emperiall Cittye, where some of the Romaine 
Emperors kepte ther courte. 

And that the tearmes were held here for diverse yeares together 
And some parliamentes also hither summoned and assembled, 
when we take a viewe of the ample priviledges, libertyes, 
jurisdictions, and prehemenences, wherewith all the Inhabitantes 
of this cittye have from age to age by the Charters of your noble 
progenitors beinge endewed and advanced, The cheife governour 
of this cittye, beinge dignified by the name of Lord Maior, a 








Nol7 YORK 1/ 5'3 

stile of honor derived from your (blank) trowne, from whence 
all trewe honor floweth, And this title of dignitye, attributed 
and imparted, onelye to the two cheife governours of your two 
principall and pryme sister Cittyes, of this your King\..)me with 
this also, that the honourable Earle of Cumberland and his nole 
auncessters the Lordship Cliffordes, have held it an augmentation 
to ther titles of honor, to be stiled captaines, of this cittye of 
yorke And yett more when we consider that this is the place 
where it pleaseth the Righte honourable the nowe Lord President, 
and your Mazesties Counsell established in the Northe, to make 
ther abode, and that here they have kepte ther tribunall seate, 
Called ther sittinges, beinge so appropriate to this place, ever 
since ther first establishment and erection, that by vulgar 
appellation they are called, youre Mazesties Counsell of Yorke, 

I saye when we enter into a serious consideracion of all thes 
preheminences and prerogatives, as I may call them, drawen and 
derived from your famous progenitors and predecessors, all 
which are not onelye confirmed, ratifyed and established, but in 
some pointes, augmented and inlardged, by your Mazesties most 
magnificent and ample charter, we must nedes acknowledge That 
we the Cittizens of this cittye, have good cause in more abundant 
manner, to shewe our selves thankfull to your Mavzestie, then 
anye other, of your ordinary rankes, of your Mavesties subiectes, 
or sortes of Common Corporations whersoever. 

But least we should forgett our selves, and presume to farre, 
vpon your princelye patience seinge, no volley of wordes nor 
force of phrases, can sufficientlye sett forth the inward ioye, 
and hartes content, which doth possesse these your Cittizens 
of yorke in beholdinge your Mavesties Royall person, nor 
significantlye demonstrate, the inward desire, that they have 
to be outwardlye, trulye and dutifullye, thankfull, we in all 
humilitye prostrate our selves and all we have, or hold, to be 
disposed at your Maresties pleasure besechinge your Maiestie 
with bended knees, and humbled hartes, to accept of this our 
dutifull acknowledgment, and that you will vouchsafe, the 
continewaunce of your favourable aspect and gracious protection, 
to this auncient and muche decayed Cittye, And we conclude, 
That happye was that season of Lent, which first broughte yowr 
hither [againe] and blessed be the memorye of this Lent which 
nowe at Lengthe, hath broughte you hither againe, whose 

5 nole] for noble 








554 / YORK 1617 

comminge is like the sunne in the firmament, to give light and 
Life to vs your inferiour bodyes, At your first comminge our 
Motto was Amor, populi dulcis [p<..)] , ‘victoria. It is nowe 
Amor Regis vita plebis, for no kinge ever was so welcome nor can 
any kinge be more welcome, then our dread souereigne Lorde 
kinge lames, is to thes your Cittizens, and to this your cittye of 
yorke ./ 

which speches beinge ended the Lord Maior did take A silver 
Cupp with A cover doble guilt of chaise work with the Cittyes 
Armes engraven vpon it weighing (blank) ounces with A rich 
purse and (blank) of gold therin, which purse was fastned vnto 
the Topp of thee cover of the Bowle which his Lordshipp did 
humblie present in his owne name and the whole Corporacion 
vnto his Mazestie in tokne | of ther duetifull loves and effeccions, 
which his highnes graciouslie accepted, the saide Cupp with the 
purse and gold therin was Carryed before his Mazestie through 
the Cittie, by one of the king footemen The Lord Maior beinge 
appointed to Carry the Cittyes Mace before his highnes, And the 
said Lord [Maior] Maior presentlie toke his horse beinge well 
mounted, haveinge two footemen with blacke velvett pees and 
the Cittyes Armes vpon them, and Carried the mace before his 
Mazestie next to the Lord of Cumberland who likewise Carryed 
the Cittyes sword before his Mazestie through the Cittye, The 
said Mr Seriant Hutton beinge in his scarlett Robes and the 
Aldermen in ther scarlett gownes haveinge ther foote Cloth 
horses did ride next before the Sheriffes of this Cittye, And the 
said Mr [Humphrey] Wharton Sheriff of the Countye offred 
againe to ride with the Sheriffs of this Cittye through the saide 
Cittye which the Sheriffes of this Cittye Compleyned of to the 
Lord Chamberleyn, vpon which Complaint his Lordshipp willed 
the Sheriff of the Countye not to troble the Sheriffs of the 
Cittye or ells he would take a Course with him, who thervpon 
left them And his Maiestie Comminge vnto Owsbridge ther was 
A showe and speach made vnto his highnes the speach hearafter 
followeth / 

What suddaine loy is this A greate one sure 

for nowe I do perceive I have A power 

To breake out of my mellanchollie bower 

with able nerues Oh what blest Sonne darts foorth 

27 (Humphrey] cancelled in later ink 






IL (jil'7/ MOIS Y BPS) 

suche comfort vpon me, and all the north 

Oh howe I do discerne him by his Rayes 

tis he that makes our happynes and dayes 

the first excede Arethmetick the Last 

so Glorius that we do no winter taste 

And I the Genius of this aged flood 

Who auntiente Chronicles stile great and good 
thoughe long impresond by some enuious growndes 
that have encroached vpon my naturall boundes 
and pent me so that thes sad stones do knowe 

I scarce have Meanes to ebbe or power to flowe 
do nowe putt of my longe oppressinge feares 
and here drye vp my selfe consuminge teares 
ffor well I knowe that thou the author art 

of Peace and Libertye to each greived hart 

Nor do I nowe repent I Syrens brede not 
Suche is this vertue that a charme I nede not 
to incyte the to a worke of charitye 

whose everye act is nought but Pietie 

and will I knowe enlarge my scanted scope 
Whoe hopes in one so good can loose no hope 


And so his Mavestie did in State ride through this Cittie to the 
Cathedrall Church of St Peter in York, haveinge the Sword and 
mace Carried before his highnes, where his mazestie did heare 
devyne service which beinge ended his highnes vewinge diuerse 
monumentes and the Chapter howse went to the Mannor nere 
the Walls of the said Cittye, and the said Lord President invited 
his Mazestie to dyne with his Lordshipp on ffridaie, The lord 
Archbishop likewise invited his highnes to dine with his Grace on 
Satterdaie, and the said Lord Maior also invited his Maiestie 
to dine with his Lordshipp on Sonday which his highnes was 
graciouslye pleased for to doe, And on ffriday his Maiestie went 
in private in his Carroch from the mannor vnto the Lord President 
howse which his Lordshipp then had in the Minster garth wher 
his Maestie dined wher after dinner his highnes did knight 
diuerse of the Counsell, and some others of worth dwellinge in 
the Countrye to the nombre of (blank) And on satterday his 
highnes in Like sorte went in private and not in state to 






556 / YORK 1617 

Bishopthorpe to the | Lord Archbishopp howse which A great 
nombre of the Nobles and Courchiors. And on sondaie his 
Mazestie in State went from the Mannor to the Minster, the said 
Earle of Cumberland Carrying the Cittyes sword and the Lord 
Maior the Cittyes mace before his highnes wher the said Lord 
Archbishopp preached and after the sermond ended his Maiestie 
went trom the Minster in State with his Nobles and Bishoppes 
to the Lord Maior howse in Hosierlayne at thend of the pavement 
wher his Mavestie dyned, and the Nobles Lordes and Courchiers 
at Mr Alderman Herbert howse on the Paveniement wher the 
Lord Maior had made great provision for them at his Lordshippes 
Costes and Chardges, And the Lord Maior Recorder Aldermen 
and Sheriffs in ther scarlett attended his Mazestie at dinner and 
Carried vpp the kinges meale his Mazestie beinge verye pleasant 
at dinner, and at dynner emongst manye discourses his Maiestie 
tolde the Lord Maior that he did mervaile that he had not sene 
maine bread and that he would not have it given over for that no 
other Cittye or Countrie made had or could make the like and 
did give the Lord Maior in Chardge that it should be mainteyned 
and vpholden. And after dinner his Mazestie Called for the 
Cittyes Sword which beinge laide vpp Could not instantlie 
begotten and then Mr Haburne one of the Gentlemen Ushers did 
take his sword from his side and deliuered it to his Mazestie with 
which his Maestie knighted the Lord Maior and Mr Seriant 
Hutton in the said Lord Maior howse, And from thence his 
Marestie went in private in his Carroch to the Mannor. Vpon 
mondaie morneinge his Mazestie had a sermond in the great 
chambre at the Mannor preached by docter Hodgson, the sermond 
beinge ended his Mazestie did graciouslye Cure diuerse of the 
kinges evill, which his highnes haveinge done with greate 
Solempnite his Mazestie did give the Lord Maior the Cittie sword 
againe giveinge him A Check of the Cheeke sayinge he well 
deserved the Sword, his highnes [also] withall giveinge the said 
Lord Maior, Mr Seriant Hutton, Aldermen and Sheriffes his hand 
which they kissed and so they humblie did take Leave of his 
masestie prayinge God to blesse his Mazestie with A prosperous 
and happy lIorney, And his Maiestie went from the Mannor 
through Clifton Ingges in his Carroch privately ./ 

And in his Maiesties regresse from Scotland his highnes 
Comminge , to’ the Castle of Brougham in the Countye of 
Westmor'land’ beinge one of the Earle of Cumberlands howses 

1 which] for with 30 his] MS his his 








Rewardes to 
the waites 

Clothinge of the 
Comon officers 
& waites of 

this Citty 

Rewardes given 
to honourable 
mens servantes 
& players 

TOW VOIR 55577 

[of Brougham] on the daie of (blank) was with his Nobles and 
trayne intertayned by the saide Earle of Cumberlands vnto 
which place the Lord Maior and the Aldermen sent (blank) 
dozen of maine bread and Cakes vnto his Maiestie which by the 
meanes of the said Earle was presented vnto his highnes and 
graciouslie accepted of. 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls y . C13:1 
mb 4 

Item paid to the Common waites of this accustomed __ viij s_iiij d 

Summa Vilj s ij d 

Item paid for the waites liveryes vj li. xvs 
mb 5 
Item paid therefore this yere vii. uy d 

Summa v li. iiij d 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC16(1) 

p 82 
Rewardes to the Common waites 
To the waites for the fee due at Easter 1617 ij s uid 
To them more at christenmas and St Stephens day lj s ij d 
To them for St williams day xx d 
Summa viij s ij d 
p 85 

Clothing of the Comon officers of this Citty 
& Waites of this Citty 

Item for waites Liveryes vj li. xvs 





Rentes and 
fermes without 
Micklith barr 
& within 

220 / YORK 167 

jey Lay 
Rewardes given to the king maiesties officers 
at his highnes being in the Citty 
To the kinges lester XX]j S. 
p 118 

Item paid to Mr Heburne gentleman Vssher 
which he disbursed to diuerse of his mazesties xxiij li. iij s. iiij d. 

p 119 

To Mr Penven poett (blank) 
To Mr Penven the poett vj li. xij s. iy d. 
To Acter of Speach XS; 
Given to Mr Penven XX]j S. 
To paynter for paynting the howse on Owsbridge v's. 

Summa viij li. xj s. uy d. 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls VY: C97:2 

mb 2 

Item of Skynners for ther pagiant howse farme xy d 
Item of Tappiters for ther padgiant howse xij d 
Item of Tanners for ther padgiant howse xij d 
Item of Carpenters for ther padgiant howse xj d 
Item of Bakers for ther padgiant howse xij d 
Item of Cordiners for ther padgiant howse xij d 
Item of Cowpers for an owtshott iii d 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 

f 87 
Item the same daye at George Huntees xlij s uy d 

41 the same daye] St James’ Day (25 July) 






Vole7 YORK) S199 

Item to the Musitions the same day 

xvj d 

Item vpon Sunday after St lames day at George huntees 

Item to the Musitions the same day 

ill} S 
xvj d 

Item vpon the sweringe day at Christofer harlandes for the 


Item the same day in Wyne 

Item to the Mynstrelles the same day 

Item vpon St Lukes daye at Anthony Ileyes for the 

Item to thold Wyves the same day 

Item to the Mynstrelles the same day 

Item the day after at Thomas Wilsons for wyne 
Item to the Mynstrelles the same day 

f 87v 
vpon the vijth of Ianuary 1617 / 

Item at Peter Bawderstones in Wyne 
Item to the Mynstrelles 

Vpon Whitsontewsday 1618 
Item to the Mynstrelles 
Item in wyne the same at Robrt Acrides 
Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Michael Spurriergate 
Bi: PR Y/MS 2 
Item paid to the ringers when the kinge came 
House Books Y: B34 

f157v (4 December) 

lJ Ss 

xvj d 

Xlllj S 


xvj d 

vilj s uy d 
xvj d 

lj s yj d 
xvj d 

xvj d 
ill] s iy d 

js vyjd 

And wheras Iohn Barton being brought before my Lord Maior 





Rewardes to 
the waites 

Clothing of the 

Common officers ** 

and waites of 
this Citty 

Reward given 

to honourable 
mens servantes 
and players 

560 / YORK 1618 

on tuesday when his Lordshipp was sitting in the Chequer Court, 
for that the said Barton had the night before bene playing vpon 
his instrument in the stretes accompanied with some others 
whom he wold not make knowne ynto the saide Lord maior, and 
ther had bene that night much disorder and windowes brokne 
and the said Barton being drunk when he was brought before the 
saide Lord Maior and therfore was by his Lordshipp Comitt to 
prison And the said Barton being in prison said that none but a 
drunken rogue would Comitt hym, And wheras the saide Barton 
did the same morneing walkeing by Sir Robert Askwith knight 
his doorees, in scornefull manner said I am no Alderman, no 
Sir Robert, nor no dissembling knight, Whervpon it was ordred 
by this Court that the saide Iohn Barton for his outragious 
speches & scornfull behaviour of the magistrates in such sort as 
aforesaide shalbe Comitt vntllhe find suerties for good behaviour 
and appere at next sessions 

f158v (7 December) 

Also it is agreed that the waites shall have ther Cotes for this 
yere as they had the last yere. 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y : C13:2 

mb 4 

Item paid to the Common Waites of this Citty accustomed ¢.. 

Summa viij s ij d 

mb 5 
Item paid for the waites liveryes cS 
Item paid therefore this yere ie 

Summa xX § 










Rewardes to 
the waites 

1618 YORK / 561 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC16(2) 

f 38v 

Rewardes to the Common waites of this Citty 

To the waites of this Citty for ther fee due at Easter 
To them more at christenmas and St Stephens day 

for St Williams day 
Summa vilj s ii) d 

f 44 

lij S ij d 
lj s ij d 
xx d 

Clothinge of the Common officers and waites of this Citty 

Item for waites Liveryes 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 
f 89 
Disbursments from St Iames day. 
Item for the Company at Christofer harlandes 
the same day 
Item for Wyne the same day 
Item to the Musicke 
Item the same day at Tristram ffletcheres in Wyne 
Item the same day for Musick 
City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y. C14:1 
mb 4 
Item paid to the Common waites of this Citty 


29 the same day] St Luke's Day (18 October) 

vj li. vjs 

xi s vj d 
1s oad: 
xvj d 

Ll} S 

xvj d 

vilj s ilij d 



Clothinge of the 

562 / YORK 1619 

Summa viij s_iiij d 

Common officers .. 

and waites of 
this Citty 

Rewardes given 
to Honourable 
mens servantes 
and players 

mb 5 
Item paide for the waites liveries vj li. vj s 
Item paid therfor this yere vj li. iy d 

Summa vj li. ily d 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC16(3) 

f 43v 
Rewardes to the Common Waites 

To the Waites of this Citty for ther fee due at Easter ij s_iiij d 
To them more at christenmas and St Stephens day lj s uy d 
for St Williams day et 

Summa partes vilj s ij d 

f 48 
Clothinge of the Common officers and waites in this Citty. 

Item for waites liveries vj li. vj s 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 

f 92 

fe the Whole Company at Thomis Gibsons the same day XXVIj S 
To the Minstrelles the same day xvj d. 
Item vpon St Luke day to thold wyves iiij d 
ffor Wyne ill} s 
ffor Musicke xv] d 
ffor wyne more the same day ij d 

35 the same day] Swearing Day 








1619 YORK / 563 

f 92v 
Item vpon the Sundy after at Gyles Dodisworthes in Wyne _illj s 
Item to the Musicke xvj d 
Item at christofor Prestons dinner in Wine lj s 
Item to the Musicke xvj d 

House Books Y: B34 

f 207 (27 November) 

Also it is agreed that Edward Millington Trumpiter shall have 
given hym forth of the Common Chambre against christenmas 
next Xilj s uj d towardes his releif in regard he hath bene late 
prisoner and Captive vnder the Turkes. 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC17(1) 

f 42 
Rewardes to the Common Waites 

To the waites of this Citty for ther fee due at Easter lj s id 
To them more at christenmas and St Stephens day lj s uy d 
ffor St Williams day xd 

Summa partes vilj s uj d 

Clothinge of the Common officers and waites in this Citty 

Item for waites Liveries vj li. vjs 
f 62v 

Rewardes given to honowrable mens servantes & players. 
In primis given to Players Xs 

3 the Sundy after] 7 January 






Rentes and 
fermes without 
Micklith Barr 
and within 

(....rdes (...) 

Clotheing of the 
Common Officers 
and waites of 
this Citty 

Rewardes giuen 
to honourable 
mens seruantes 
and Players 

564 / YORK 1620 

Item given to the | 

ate Quenes players 

Summa partes xxiij $ ilij d 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y. C97:3 

mb 2 

Item of Skynners ¢...) padgt.)ent ho(.)se ferme 

Item of Tappiters for ther Padgient Howse 
Item of Tanners for ther Padgient Howse 
Item of Carpenters for ther Padgient Howse 
Item of Bakers for ther Padgient Howse 

Item of Cordiners 

for ther Padgient House 

Item of Cowpers for an Outshott 

City Chamberlains 

mb 5 

Item paid to the Common Waites of this Citty 


*Rolls Y:C14:2 

Summa vilj $ 111) d 

Item paid for the waites Leverreys 

mb 5d 

Item paid therfor thys yere 

9 (...)| for ther 
24 marginalia (...rdes (.. 

Summa (blank) 

_) waites] Rewardes to the waites 

xij s iiij d 

vilj s ij d 

vj li. vj s 








Rentes and 
fermes withoute 
Micklith Barr 
and within 

Rewardes to 
the waites 

1621 YORK / 565 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC17(2) 

f 64 

Rewardes to the Common waites 

To the waites of this Citty due at Easter 1621 
To them more at christenmas & St Stephen daie 
ffor St Williams daie 

Summa partes vilj s ij d 

f 69-70* 

iij s ij d 
ij s uy d 
xx d 

Clothinge of the Common officers and waites in this Citty 

Item for waites Liveries 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C97:4 
mb 2 
Item of Skinners for ther padgient howse ferme 

Item of Tappiters for ther pagient house 
Item of Tanners for ther pagient house 

Item of Carpenters for ther pagient house 
Item of Bakers for ther pagient house 

Item of the Cordiners for ther pagient house 
Item of Cowpers for an Owtshott 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls VY: €14:3 
mb 4 

Item paid to the Common waites of this Citty 

Summa Vilj s 11ij d 

vj li. vj s 

xij d 

xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
iy d 

Vii} s iiij d 





Clothinge of the 
Common officers 
and waites of 
this Citty 

Rewardes given 
to honourable 
mens seruantes 
and players 

Rentes & 
fermes withoute 
Mickleth Barr 
& within 

566 / YORK 1622 

Item paid for the waites livereys 

mb 4d 
Item paid therfore this yeare 

Summa xx s 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls y: ©97:5 
mb 1-2 
Item of Skynners for ther Padgient House ferme 

Item of Tappiters for ther padgient house 
Item of (..)nners for ther padgient howse 

Item of the Carpenters for ther padgient house 
Item of Bakers for ther padgient house 

Item of Cordiners for ther padgient house 
Item of Cowpers for ¢...) shote 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 

St lames day 
Item the same day for Wyne at Thomas Gibsons 
Item the same day for Musick 
Item vpon the swearing day at Iohn Harrisons 

Item for Wine the same day 
Item for Musick the same day 

f 95v 

Item vpon St. Lukes day to thold wyues 

18 (..)nners] Tanners 22 «...)] an owt- 

vj li. vj s 


xij d 

xij d 
xij d | 
x1 d 
xij d 
xij d 
ij d 

xvj d 
xxvj s 8d. 
ll] S 
xvj d 








Rewardes to 
the waites 

Clothing of 

Common Officers *- 

waites of this 

M62 2) Me ORK /75'6i7, 

Item in wyne iil} S 
Item to the Musick xvj d 
Item for wine the vjth of january iii) S 
Item for Musick the same day lj s 
f 96 

Item at George [Otleyes] , “Pearson” the sunday after 

for wyne ly s 
Item for Musick xvj d. 

House Books Y: B34 

f 262 (17 February) 

And nowe Iohn Girdler was Chosen by thes presentes to be one 
of the waites in this Cittie in place of lohn Watson late one of 
the waites disceased vpon his good behaviour and dureinge the 
pleasure of the Lord Maior and Aldermen of this Cittie or of the 
greater nombre of them. And the saide Iohn Girdler is to enter 
bond to this Corporacion with suerties for the redeliuery of the 
Sackbutt & Cheyn of silver, at his departeinge from the saide 
place, displaceinge or death which shall first happen for to be. 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: C15:1 

mb 4 

Item paid to the Common waites of this Citty vil} S 11) d 
Summa Vilj $ i1ij d 

mb 5 

Item paid for the waites Livereyes vj li. vjs 

10 the sunday after] after 18 July 






Rentes & 
firmes without 
Micklith barr 
& within 

570 / YORK 1624 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y:€98:1 
mb 1-2 

Item of Skynners for ther pagient howse ferme 
Item of Tanners for ther pagient howse 
Item of (...) for ther pagient howse 

Item of Carpenters for ther pagiant howse 
Item of Bakers for (...) pagiant (...) 

Item of Cordiners for ther pagiant howse 
Item of Cowpe’rs for an owtshott 
Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 

Item vpon St lames day for Wyne 

Item the same day for William Harrison & Willm Grubes 

Item for Musick the same daye 

xij d 

x.) d 
xij d | 
xij d. 
xij d 
xij d 
ij d 

iiij s 

xvj d 
xx d 

Item in drincking after dinner for William Harrison & William 


Item vpon the swering day 

Item for Wyne the same day 
Item for Musick the same day 
Item vpon St Luke day for Wyne 
Item for Musick the sam day 

f 99v 

Item at George Pearson Wyne 
Item for musicke 

8 (...)] Tappiters 


XxXvj's xd. [)] 

ll] S 
xx d 
illj s 
xx d 

lll] S 
xx d 

10 (...) pagiant(...)] ther pagiant howse 







Rewardes to 
the (..ommon 

Clothinge of 
Common officers 
& waites of 

this Cittie 

Rewardes given 
to his Maiestees 
plaiers and 

1624 YORK / 571 

York Minster Fabric Rolls YM: E3/63/1 

mb 1 

... Item paid to George Marshrudder — — for his fea for tunynge 
the organies xx s: to him for vyall stringes ix s viij d: paid more 
to out warde for vyal stringes vij s vij d Item paid to the waites 
of yorke for playinge in the quire 2 seuerall tymes this yeare 
xij s ilijd... 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: C15:3 

mb 3 

Item paid to the Common Waites of this Cittie 8s 4d 
Summa Vilj s 11} d 

Item paid for the waites leuereyes (blank) 

mb 3d 

Item paid therfore this yeare (blank) 

Summa (blank) 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC19(1) 

f 31v 
Rewardes to the common waites / 
To the waites of this cittye dewe at Easter 1625 js uy d 
To them more at christenmas & St Stephen Daie ij s iy d 
ffor St Willams daie xx d 
Summa viij s 11 d 
f 34 

Clothinge of the Common officers and waites in this Citty 

Item for the waites Liveryes vj li. vs vid 







Rents and 
ffarmes without 
Micklegate barr 
and within 

572 / YORK 1625 
Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls VY: C98:2 

mb 1 

Item of Skinners for their pagient house ffarme 

Item of Tanners for their pagient house 
Item of Tappiters for their pagient house 
Item of Carpenters for their pagient house 
Item of Bakers for their pagient house 
Item of Cordiners for their pagient house 
Item of Cowpers for an outshott 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 

f 94y* 

for wyne 
for musick 

The [same] day that the swerng of Dynns 
ffor musick 

f 102 

for Wyne the same day 
ffor musick then 

when Dyonist was sworne 
for musick 

To William Harrison vpon St. Luke day 

ffor musick 

f 102v* 
Item at Gyles Dodsworthes in Wyne 

xij d 

xij d 
xj d 
xij d 
xi d 
xij d 
ij d 

lll] s 
xx d 

xx d 

vj s 

22 The [same] day] St James’ Day (25 July) 27 the same day] St James’ Day (25 July) 







Mow sey ORNs) 173 

Item for Musick 

Item at Robert Ellis dynner in Wyne 
Item for Musick 

Item for Wyne on Whitsontewsday 

Item for musick 

f 105 

Inprimis vpon St lames day [to thold] for musick 
Item for the sweringe dynnees 

Item for musick 

Item vpon St Luke day for musick 

Item at Churles Setterwhites dynner for wyne 
Item for musick there 

f 105v 

Item for misick vpon whitsontewsdy 

House Books Y: B35 

f2v (8 February) 

xx d. 

ill] S 
xo de 

lllj S. 
56 ale 

xx d. 
XXVIl} $ 

xx d 

ij s ij d 

xx d 

And whereas two seuverall Companyes of Players haue made suite 

to this Court to play yt is thought meete by this Court that nether 

of the same Companyes shall play nor haue any benevolence 

And now Symon holmes Musition is Commytt to prison vntill 
he performe the order of the Sessions in October last touching 
the non payment of xiij s 11ij d to walter Paycocke a poore boy 

his late apprentice 




Rewardes to the 
Comon waites 

Clothing of 
Cittie officers 
and Waites of 
this Cittie 

Rentes and 
farmes without 
Micklegate barr 
and within ./. 

574 / YORK 1626 
City Chamberlains’ Rolls vy: 16:1 

mb 3 

Item paid to the Common Waites of this Cittie 

mb 3d 

Item paid for the waites liueries 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC19(2) 

f 23v 

Rewardes to the Common Waytes / 

To the waytes of this Cittye dew att Easter 1626 
To them more at christenmas 1626 and St Stephen day 

ffor St Williams day 


vjij s iy d 




Clothing of the Common Officers and waytes within this Cittye 

Item for the waites Liveryes 

Bridgemasters’ Account Rolls Y: C98:3 

mb 1 

Item of the skynners for there pageant house farme 

mb 2 

Item the Tapiters for their pageant house 
Item of the Tanners for theire pageant house 
Item the Carpenters for their pageant house 
Item the bakers for their pageant house 

Item of the Cordiners for their pageant house 
Item of the Cowpers for an outshott 


xj d 

xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
xij d 
uj d 







Rewardes to the 
Comon waites 

M627 Oa ao 2 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y : C16:2 

mb 3 

Item paid to the Comon waites of this Cittie viij s ij d 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC19(3) 

Clothing of the Common Officers and waytes within this Cittye 

Item to Master Alderman Hemsworth for ix 

yardes of (......) Cloth at xij s a yarde for six v li. vilj s 
waytes liueryes [one] ‘for’ the last yeare 1626 

Bricklayers’ Account Book YM: QQ80/2/1 

f 107v 

Imprizms vpon St Iames day to william Harrison. i) s 
Item tor Wyne at Anthonye lleyes the same day xvj d 
Item for musicke the same day i) s 
Item vpon the sweeringe my Lord Maior beeinge absent ij S 
Item at Anthony Whitehilles in dinner for the company the 
same daye XXVIlj $ 
Item for musicke the same day xx d 
Item to William Harrison the same day xij d 
Item for Musicke 1) s 
f 108* 

Item the same day for musick xx d 
Item the same day for Musick ij s 

32 the same day) St Luke's Day (18 October) 
37 the same day] 7 January 39 the same day] Whit Tuesday 






Re wardes to the 
Comon Waites 

Clothinge of the 
Comon officers 

D710) /SXLO RU a2y7 
Item a gallon of Clarett & wyne ys vi d 

Ite vpon Midsomer day at Robert Burtons house at a 

brothernge dynner in wyne js viij «.) 
Item for Musicke the same day 2. 
Item for Wyne at Iohn Huntees dynner xvj d 
Item at Mrs Doves for the company there lj s 
Item tor musick the same day exc 

House Books Y: B35 

£57 (8 February) 

And now yt is ordered that the Tapiters shall from henceforth 
pay never more the rent of xij d for their pageant house for that 
is taken downe and the sayd xij d to be putt out of the Cittyes 

f 60v (27 June) 

And licence is now given to the players that are in towne to play 
on the day tyme but not on the night 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: C16:3 

mb 4 

Item paid to the Comon Waites of this Cittie viij s iy d. 
Summa vilj s 11) d 

Item paid for the waites liveries to Mr Alderman 

Hemsworth. vj li. vj s 





Rewardes to the 
Common waites 

Clothinge of 
the Common 

Rewardes given 
to his Maiesties 

& Players 

1629 YORK / 577 

House Books Y: B35 

f 75v (13 December) 

And now yt is ordred that the waites of this Cittye shall haue 
liueryes of new against Christmas as they had the last yeare 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: C17:1 

mb 4 

Item paid to the Common Waites of this Cittie 
Summa Vil] s 

Item paid for the waites liveries 

mb 3d 

Item paid them this yeare 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC20(1) 

f 24 
Rewards to the Common Waites 

Item To them due at Easter 
Item To them more at christemas 

ffor St. William day 

Summa vilj s vilj d 

17 Summa viij s] viij d omitted 

viij s viij d 

vj li. vj s 

iiij li. 

lll] S 

iiij s 
viij d 





Rewardes to the 
Common waites 

Clothinge of the 
Common officers 

Rewardes to 
his Matestes 
or Players 

578 / YORK 1629 

f 26 

Clothing of the Common officers accustomed 

Item payd for the waites liveryes 

f 38 

vjli fst. 

Rewards given to his marestes Pursuivantes & players 

M¢..) To the kings players 
G(..) To the kings players more 

House Books Y: B35 

f87v (13 August) 

xx [vijj s.] 

And now whereas my Lord President hath bene a long tyme from 
the Cittye and is to returne & Come hither on Monday next yt 

Crimson and [other] ‘all other’ Citizens of the better Ranke [sh] 
in their Citizen gownes shall meete him at Micklegate barr and 
welcome him to the Citty and the wates of the Citty likewise 

to be there attendant with their Cornetts 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: C17:3 

mb 4 

Item paid to the Common , ‘Waites’ of this City 
Summa vijj s. vulj d 

item for the waites liveries 

Item paid therefore this yeare 

vilj s viij d 

vjli. xs wd 







Waites order 

Rewardes to the 

1630 YORK / 579 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC20(2) 

i Wid 
Rewards to the Common waites 
To the waites of this Cittye due at Easter 1630 ilj S itl) d 
To them more for Christenmas & St. Stephen day ilj s ij d 
for St Williams daye xx d 
Summa vilj s. ij d. 
f 18 
Clothing of the Common officers accustomed 

To Lancelot scrafton for the waites liueryes vj li. x s. vj d. 

House Books Y: B35 
f128v (3 October) 

And now it is ordred that the waites of this Cittie shall goe about 
at the accustomed time and receiue the charitie , “& beneuolence’ 
of the Aldrmen Sheriffes and ffoure and twentie and of all 
others which are disposed to doe good vnto them in that kind: 
But in regard of the times of danger now being within this 
Cittie & suburbs therof, It is further ordred that ther the said 
waites shall not play as formerly for the reason aforesaid; / 

£134 (24 October) 

And now the waites are permitted to goe their night watch as 
they formerly have done ./ 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls y. 18:1 

mb 4 

Common Waites Item paid to the Comon Waites of this Citty Viij s ij d 






Clothinge to the 
Comon Officers 

Rewardes to 
his Marestes 


& Players 



i ee) 

580 / YORK 1631 

Summa vilj s_iiij d 

Item for the Waytes Lyveries vj li vjs 
mb 4d 
Item paid therefore this yeare vj li. iy s ij d 

Summa vj li. iij s iy d 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y ; CC20(3) 

f 24 
Rewards to the Common waits 
[To Edward Millington trumpiter for cloth to a (...) 

comonlie culled the Citties liuery with a Coninzant xvijj s.] 
&c bearing the Cities armes 

To the wates of this Citty dew at Easter 1631 ij s iy d 
To them more at christenmas & St Steven day lj s yd 
ffor St William day xx d 
f 26 

Clothing of the Common officers accustomed 

ffor the waites liueryes to Mr Lancelott Aine 
Scrafton Chamberleyne ; 
f 39 

Rewards to his Maiesties Purseuants & players 
To the kings Players 00.6, Pa 
To the Company of his Mazesties Reuells XX S. 
To Mr. Perrie one of his Mazesties players 40s. 

To the kings players more in luly aS! 






Rewardes to the 
Comon Waites 

Clothinge to the 
Comon officers 

Rewards to 
his Mazestes 


1632 YORK / 581 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: C18:2 

mb 3 

Item paid to the Comon Waites of this Citty viij s ij d 
Suma viij s. ij d 

om for the waites liveries (blank) 

Item paid therfore this yeare ij Wi. fj s. tif d. 

Summa ilij li. uy s iy d 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC20(4) 

Rewards to the Common Waites 
To the waites of this Citty dew at Easter 1632 ii) s. in) d. 
To them more at christenmas & St Steven day ij s 1d 
ffor St William day xx d 
Summa viljj s. ly d. 
ie lig 

Rewart.)s to his Mazesties Pursevantes & Players 

To the kings Play“...) 
To Iohn Stone ‘...) the kings tumbler ¢...) 


House Books Y: B35 

£201 (25 April) 

And now it is ordred that mr Alderman Cowper & mr Alderman 

Hutchinson & mr Iohn vaux [take Care] doe send for the waytes 
and take Care that they have convenient places to stand on 







(....n of wine 
& a butt of 

oe /ox ORK 633 

both sydes [of et] both of Micklegatebarr and Boothombar and 
to play with such lowd Musick as they did att king lames his 
last Comyng to this Cittye. 

And now it is ordred that maister Recorder make a speach to 
the king at his Comyng , “into this Citty” expressing the great 
ioy that all the Citizens theirof doe conceive at his Maiesties 
entrance, and to shew fourth the necessityes of thes Citty 
occasioned [by] for want of a Navigable river or otherwise as 
he shall thinke fitt ./ 

f 201v 

And now it is ordred that mr Alderman Cowper mr Alderman 
Hutchinson & mr John vaux , ‘and mr Abraham Hemyngway’ 
take Care for setting vpp railes and that a ‘fitt &’ Conuenient 
place be made for my Lord Maior maister Recorder & Aldermen 
to stand att Micklegatebarr at his Mavesties entrance into the 
Citty / 

And now it is ordred that the Cupp formerly bespoken with a 
purse on Crimson , ‘velvett or purple or tawny satten’ with the 
kings armes imbrodered on both sydes [be present] with a 
hundreth Carolus xx s peices therein be presented to his Mazestie 
by my Lord at his entrance into this Citty “And also” [igh (..) 
with] the keyes of the Citty gates faire burnished vpp and tyed 
in a handsome string prepared for that purpose to surrender & 
yeild upp then also to his Maestie And yt is referred to my Lord 
to agree for the price of the sayd purse & string as his Lordship 
thinkes fitting 

And now it is ordred that there be two velvett pees bought and 
made for two footemen to attend my Lord Maior at the kings 
Comyng and Cognizances with the Cittyes armes such as were att 
king Iames his last Comyng and as nere the same price as may be 

And it is also ordred that there be provided drawers and 
dobletts of redd stuff , “layd’ with redd and white lace for the 
sayd two ffootemen of as light Cost as may bee, and they are to 
haue the same for their paines vpon their good behaviour 

£204 (6 May) 

And now it is ordred that my Lord Maior haue presented to him 
one tunn of Clarett wyne and one butt of sack at the Charge of 






1633 YORK / 583 

the Common Chamber now agaynst he enterteyne the kings 
Marestie at his house 

it 205 (8 May) 

And now it is ordred that mr Alderman Hemsworth & mr William 
Wharton doe take Care that there be sand enough provided to 
spread abroade in those streetes where his Maiestie is to passe 
And that euery of the Inhabitantes in the same streetes doe pay 
their ratable proporcion for the same 

f206v (20 May) 

And now it is ordred that mr William Scott and mr Henry 
Thompson take Care and agree With Benedick Horsley to putt 
the picture of Ebrauck standing at Common Hall gates into 
Colours, and the Armes over the gates and stoupes amended and 
putt into their Colours. 

(21 May) 

And now it is ordred that there be Trumpeterrs on the out syde 
of Micklegatebarr yf they can be gotten and Cornettes on the 
insyde to sound at his Mavesties entrance into the Cittye 

And now it is agreed and soe ordred that my Lord Maior 
maister Recorder and all the Aldermen and Sheriffes doe provyde 
and ryde on horsback with foot Clothes to attend his Maiestie 
at that tyme 

And now it is ordred that my Lord Maior kneeling on his 
all other Citizens their being on their knees) doe then present 
and give vpp the sword & mace and the keyes of this Cittye to 
his Mazestie with what speach his Lordship thinkes fitt, And that 
then maister Recorder (they all still kneeling) doe make his 
speach, and after that that the Cupp purse and gold be presented 
, by’ my Lord Maior to his Mazestie 

ff 208-11* 

Be it alwaies had in remembrance that our most gracious and 
dreade Soveraigne Lord the most high and myghty Monarch 
Charles the first of that name by the grace of God kinge of 




384 / YORK 1633 

England Scotland ffrance and Ireland defender of the faith &c. 
did in this yeare of our Lord God 1633 and in the nynth yeare 
of his Mazesties most happye Reigne begyn to make his progresse 
from his highnesse famous Cittyes of London and westminster 
vnto Edenburgh in Scotland And in his Maiesties sayd progresse 
vpon ftryday the xviiijth of May in the sayd yeare 1633 came 
from Pontefract to this his Maiesties Citty of yorke having the 
night before sent mr Newe the herald at Armes for yorke to 
the Lord Maior and Aldermen of this Citty who gave them to 
vnderstand that his Mavestie intended to ryde into the Cittye 
in state. And therefore willed that some house without the Gate 
might be made ready for him to stay and repose himselfe in till 
the noblemen and others were mounted and ranked in their 
orders for which purpose mr Augustine Houghtons house was 
prepared accordingly / And the sayd herald did also conferr 
with my Lord Maior how and in what maner he and his brethren 
and the Sheriffs intended to entertayne , "& attend” his Mazestie 
att his comyng into the Cittye which was then in all poyntes 
related to him by my Lord Maior as hereafter followeth / and as 
he the sayd herald directed & agreed vnto. 

On the Middle of Tadcaster Bridge, where the Citties Armes 
be sett engraven in stone Mr Phillip Herbert and mr John Geldart 
Sheriffes of the sayde Cittye in their Crimson gownes haveing 
white rodds of a yeard and a halfe in length being accompanied 
with divers of the gentlemen and substantiall Inhabitantes in 
the Countye of the sayd Cittye and about a hundreth Citizens 
of the younger sort vnder the degree of Chamberleyns all in one 
liuerye / by the instance of my Lord Maior and his brethren 
provided att their owne Charge well mounted and apparelled 
were attending to receive and waite on his Maiestie, And his 
highnesse being in his Caroch the sayd Sheriffes did vpon their 
knees most humbly welcome his Mavestie into the County of 
the sayd Cittye and deliuered vnto his Marestie their roddes in 
token of their dutyes and acknowledgment of his highnesse 
supreame authoritye, which his Mazestie gratiously receiued and 
redeliuered them their roddes againe and gave them his hand 
to kisse. And soe the sayd Sheriffes stepping asyde putt[ing] of 
their gownes and takeing their Cloakes (the day being very wett 
and raynye) bearing vpp their roddes did ryde next before his 
Maiestie till they came neare the Cittye, and then they also ridd 
asyde a little and putt on their gownes and soe rydd along next 
before his Maiestye into the Cittye when his | highnesse thought 







1633 YORK / 585 

to have ridden in state as is aforesayde but it still soe Continue 
rayninge, as that he Could nott, and therefore kept still in his 
Caroch as also all his nobilitye, and soe entred into the Cittye 
there being s[e]en the waites sounding and playing on their 
Cornettes on both sydes of the gaite, And on the north syde 
of the streete within the gaite a pretty distance from it there was 
a part theirof rayled in for the Lord Maior maister Recorder 
Aldermen and such as had bene Sheriffes “Chamberleynes’ 
{in thier] and about a hundreth Citizens such as had bene 
Chamberleyns and all the Common Counsell to stand wit/in 
The Lord Maior and Recorder haveing convenient places made 
higher then the rest for them to stand and kneele vpon, And his 
Maiestie being entred into the Cittye, his Caroch (in the further 
end whereof on that syde next my Lord Maior his Maiestie sate 
and therein also fower or fyve of the Cheifest of the Nobilitye) 
was by the Coachman guided Close to the syde of the rayle 
where the Honourable Wiliam Allanson Lord Maior and the 
worshipfull William Belt Esquire Counsellor at lawe Recorder 
of the sayd Cittye [did] having first made three low obeysances 
the grave Citizens and Common Counsel in their back gownes 
attending there within the rayles fall downe vpon their knees, 
And then the sayd Lord Maior did Cheerefully speake theise 
wordes following to his Mazestie / 

High and mighty Monarch our most gratious and ever renowned 
soueraigne, whose sacred person is the image of the glorious God 
whose Courses are pathes of pietye and religion whose wisdome 
and goodnesse is the peacable government of this your Common 
wealth Ever happie be that day of your birth and thrice happie 
this day that brings your Mavestie hither to this your Antient 
and famous Citty of York whose royall presence as it doth 
aboundantly satifie ovr expectacions soe doth it fill the hartes of 
all vs your humble subiectes and Citizens with such overflowinges 
of Consolations, as that our toungs would but become vnfitt 
messengers of our hartes should they endeavoure to expresse 
them ./ 

Now in humble testimonye of our obedience wee render vnto 
youw all power with the sword of lustice it hath pleased your 
gratious Mazestie and noble progenitours to have honoured the 
government of this your auncient Cittye withall, Reioycing to 
returne vnto yow what wee have receiued from you and held 
vnder yow yea accounting it our greatest happinesse to lyve 






586 / YORK 1633 

vnder the Commaunde of him who is the lyght of his subiectes 
eyes he the glorye and admiracon of the whole world. | 

And with that sword in further testimonye of our loyaltye 
and obedience wee present vnto yow this Mace with the keyes 
of our Cittyes gates acknowledging and well assuring our selves 
never to be soe happie as when wee are vnder your gratious 
government and protection, whose ingresse and stay with vs 
wee humbly desier may be delightfull and happie vnto yow, your 
furth progresse and retorne may be prosperous & succesfull that 
it may bee soe lett all true hearted subiectes ever pray Vivat 
Rex god blesse king Charles Amen. Amen. 

And his Maiestie vpon the receiueinge of the sayd sword 
(being the sword given by the emperour Segismond to this 
Corporacron) as also of the Mace and keys being all new burnished 
over, and the keyes bound in a faire string of Crimson silke and 
silver did forthwith as he receiued them redeliuer the same back 
to my Lord Maior. And then mazster Recorder made an Oration 
to his Marestie as followeth 

Most gratious Soueraigne your faithfull and obedient subiectes 
the Maior and Commons of this Cittye in all humble maner 
present themselves and their bounden services to your sacred 
Mazestie which according to precedent Custome they humbly 
tender by mee, though every way vnfitt to speake in your royall 
presence And therefore I humbly begg your Mazesties favourable 
excuse of my imperfecczons and that yow wilbe gratiously 
pleased to license mee a few wordes on the behalfe of this Citty 
which is the Metropolis of these partes scituated towardes the 
middle of this Iland and equally distanced betweene your two 
Regall Citties of the same 

This Citty (dread Soueraigne Lord) for antiquitye is not 
inferiour to any other of this Realme, In former tymes it hath 
bene beautifyed by the residence and Courtes of some Romane 
Emperors and afterwardes of divers kings, Inriched by trade and 
by those meanes was greate, and more populous then now it is 

ffor in after tymes trading here decreased and that principally 
by reason of some hindrances in the River, and the greatnesse 
of shipps now in vse, ffor which neverthelesse this River by 
your royall assistance might be made serviceable and vntill that 
be done there is little hope for this Citty to attayne the former 
splendour and greatnesse 

In the meane tyme wee are supported by other meanes from 
your royall Maiestie, and more particulerly by an eminent seate 





1633 YORK / 587 

of Iustice here continued before the Lord President and Counsell 
to the exceeding ease and benefitt of vs and all your subiectes 

in theise partes likewise by your munificent Charter for 
confirmation of our antient liberties with an ample addicion 
of divers others. | 

Now that wee have an opportune tyme by your gracious 
presence wee render vnto your most excellent Mazestie our 
humblest thankfulnesse for theise Royall favours and togither 
with them for all other benefittes which wee enioye by your 
Maiesties religious and iust government which may be truly sayd 
of your Maiestie in your owne person as was sometymes said of 
the wise king that there is sapientia dei in Rege ad faciendam 
iusticiam But most especially when wee consider the happy and 
admired peace wherein wee live whilest other nations about vs 
are full of the miseries of warrs as if this singuler blessing were 
appropriated to your Mazestie alone, and soe deryved to vs your 
subiectes, then wee want wordes sufficiently to expresse our 
thankfulnesse for such protection but doe acknowledge in your 
Maizesties owne pious wordes that your raigne Christo auspice, 
And wee hartily pray almighty God that your sacred Mazestie 
may soe raigne long and prosperously and that your throne may 
be establyshed on yow and yours to the worlds end, with increase 
of all honor and felicitye. 

Which being ended [his Mazestie] the Lord Maior did take a 
faire silver cupp with a Cover double guilt having the kings 
armes molten and sett on the topp and the Citties Armes engraven 
on the bottome or foote theirof made by lames Plomer a 
Goldsmyth of this Cittye weighting (blank) with a rich purse 
of purple velvett having the kings Armes sumptiously embossed 
with gold and silver on both sydes theirof and six score Carolus 
XX s. peices theirein being fastned by the string to the topp of 
the sayd Cupp which his Lordship did humbly present to his 
Mazestie with theise wordes 

Now wee the Maior Recorder Aldermen and Citizens of this 
your highnesse Citty with all humilitye doe present vnto your 
most excellent Maiestie this Cupp with the purse and gold 
therein, humbly desireing your gratious acceptance theirof. And 
the sayd , “Cupp with the” purse and gold theirein was Caryed 
before his Mazestie through the Cittye by one of the kings 
footemen, (and afterwardes as was perceiued came to the right 
Noble Marquesse Hamleton then Maister of the kings horse as 
dew to his place) And the Lord Maior being appointed by the 






588 / YORK 1633 

Heraldes did as Grand Serieant at Mace with the Cittye Carry the 
Mace next before the king and next before him the king Serieantes 
at Mace their maces, there being noe sworde att all Caryed in 
regard his Masestie was in his Caroch and not on horseback nor 
on foote my Lord Maior being first withall speede well mounted 
on his footecloth horse haveing two footemen with black velvett 
pees and the Citties armes vpon them And maister Recorder & 
Aldermen also in their scarlett gownes well mounted on their 
foot cloth horses did ryde next before the Sheriffes of this Cittye 
to the Cathedrall Church of St Peters in yorke, and soe went in 
the same ranke into the Church where his Mavestie at his very 
entrance at the west doore having a quishon | layd did kneele 
downe and prayed, and then sitting in a Chaire nere the ffont 
was congratulated with a learned Latyn oration made by mr 
docto Wickham Chapleyne to his Mazestie and Archdeacon of 
yorke (..) his knees (the Bishops and others then also kneeling) 
and soe went into the Quyer and heard divyne service, where 
whyle the Antheme was in singing Sir Thomas Metham knight 
one of his Maiesties servantes being a speciall frend of my Lord 
Maiors and knowing his Lordships mynde told my Lord 
Chamberleyne privately that my Lord Maior was , ‘very’ desirous 
to haue his Mazestie to dyne at his house on Sonday, wherevpon 
my Lord Chamberleyne presently moved his highnesse therein 
wherevnto his Mazestie gratiously condiscending, it was streight 
by my Lord Chamberleyne made knowne to my Lord Maior 
who in testimonye of thankfulnesse did make a low humiliation 
to his Mazestie, The service being ended, his highnesse veiwed 
divers monumentes and the Chapter house, the sword while he 
was in the Church being borne before him by the honourable 
the Lord Clifford and a Canopie also caried over him by six of 
the dignities of the sayd Church And soe went to the Manor, 
nere the walls of the sayd Cittye attended by my Lord Maior 
and Aldermen as aforesayde vpp in to the presence Chamber, 
where my Lord Maior then invited all the Nobles and Courtiers 
and all other his Mavesties servantes also to dynner on Sonday 
And the Citties sword was left there, But the Mace was deliuered 
back to him by my Lord [Maior] Chamberleyne, who vpon the 
offer of his service to his Masestie then told him he should not 
neede to attend till he had notice And soe my Lord Maior went 
home having the Mace as soone as he was without the Manor 
gates borne before him by one of his Lordships Squyers And on 
Saterday his Mazestie went to hunt in the new Parke on the 






1633 YORK / 589 

fforest. And vpon Sonday morninge my Lord Maior Aldermen 
Sheriffes xxiiijti¢ and Chamberleyns went to the Court where at 
the Gaite my Lord Maiors mace by some of the Porters (by 
whose direction it could not be knowne) was stayed, wherewith 
my Lord Chamberleyne being made acquainted by meanes of 
Sir Walter Alexander then gentleman vsher attendant was 
displeased, and caused the same to be fetched, in all haiste by 
one of the guard, and gave it to my Lord Maior to bere before 
the king, And my Lord Maior then also moving my Lord 
Chamberleyne that the Citties sword had alwaies vsually beene 
borne before his Mazestie within the Cittye and not an other as 
was on ffryday in the Minster, his Lordship caused the other 
sword to be layd asyde and the Citties Sword to be brought and 
gave it to my Lord Clifford, who bore the same to Church before 
his Maiestie supported by the Lord Chamberleyne, And [my 
Lord Maior bore the Citties Mace and next] likewise at all other 
tymes when his Maiestie went in Publique into [before] the sayd 
Citty during his highnesse abode there the sayd Right Honourable 
Lord Clifford in regard of his sayd Captainship Caryed the 
Cittyes sword before his Mazestie | And my Lord Maior bore the 
Cittyes Mace And next before my Lord Maior the kings Serieantes 
at Mace with their Maces and next before them the Noblemen in 
their rankes and next before them the Sheriffes and then maister 
Recorder Aldermen & xxiiijt'€ in their scarlett and Crimson and 
the Chamberleyns also in their ranckes & orders his Mazestie 
going all the way on foote the day being ffaire and the streetes 
all strawed with sand and hearbs, and at that tyme mr doctour 
Hodgson Chancellour of the Church preached. And after Sermon 
his Mazestie went to the Lord Maiors house, in his Caroch which 
was then on the Pavement where his Mazestie dyned. And the 
Nobles Lordes Courtiers and all other his Mazesties Officers at 
mr Roger laques his house late Alderman Herbertes right over 
against where his Mazestie dyned. Very great provision both of 
meates and wynes of all sortes was made by my Lord Maior, 
all att his Lordships proper Costes and Charges (except a tunn of 
Gascoigne wyne and a Butt of Sack which was given his Lordship 
by the Cittye). All the meate was prepared and (....) ready by 
the kings owne Cookes, my Lord Maiors Cookes also assisting 
for making ready the Lordes meates. There were three seuerall 
Courses of meates the first of Cold meates which was sett on 
before his Mazesties comyng into the roome, and presently 
taken away and hott meates brought vpp and served in by the 







590 / YORK 1633 

Course of more dayntie meates, and after that a very sumptuous 
banquett At the second Course, my Lord Maior on his knees 
drunke [a health] to his Mazesties health and also att the third 
Course another health to our gratious Queene the Prince and 
Princesse praying to God that his Maiestie and his yssue might 
reigne over vs soe long as the world endured and both which his 
Maiestie most gratiously accepted, and indeede was well pleased 
with euerything. After dynner his Maiestie called for the Citties 
sword, And the little sword given by [this corporac] Richard the 
secone to this corporacion was brought him, which he then had 
drawen halfe out thinking to have knighted my Lord Maior and 
maister Recorder but seing the Nobles were not comed from 
dynner he putt it in agayne and gave it from him to be layde 
asyde ull they came, saying he wold then knight them, whereof 
the Nobles having notice made haiste and gave their attendance, 
during which tyme his Maiestie retyred into the drawing Chamber 
and at their comynge he tooke the sword & knighted both my 
Lord Maior and maister Recorder, And my Lord Maior tendring 
his service was discharged theirof and willed to go to dynner. 
And at the Caroch syde his Mavestie gave him his hand to kisse | 
And from thence his Mazestie went in private in his Caroch 
agayne to the Minster, and went vpp to the topp of the lantherne 
of the sayd Church attended by the Sheriff and some also of the 
xxilij4€ followed him vp where he tooke a full veiwe of the 
Country and was demonstrated the severall partes theirof and soe 
returned to the Manor And the next day he went privately in his 
Caroch to Bishopthorpe to the Archbishops house to dynner 
where in the way his Mavestie was pleased to see a horse race on 
Acome moore, the prize being two silver [f¢....)] fflagons prepared 
by the Citizens for that purpose, The next day being Tuesday my 
Lord Maior Sir William Belt Recorder the Aldermen & xxiiijt'¢ 
and Chamberleyns (having notice given) went betymes in the 
morninge to the Manor, where they found his Mazestie ready to 
goe to the Minster whither they attended as they did before, my 
Lord Carlile bearinge the sword (for that my Lord Clifford was 
then awantinge “being somwhat more early then he expected ) 
where his Mazestie heard both divine service and a sermon preached 
by mr doctor Stanhope Chapleyne to his Mavestie and Precentor 
of that Church, and after was gratiously pleased to touch a 
great number, as he also had done the day before for Cure of 







1633 YORK / 591 

their disease , “But his Maiestie had not beene long there before 
the lord Clifford came and gave his attendance and tooke the 
sword of the Earle of Carlile and bore the same home to the 
Maner before his Maiestie’ And soe he returned to the Manor 
where his Maiestie redeliuered my Lord Maior then kneeling 
downe the Citties sword and bad him governe yt, and soe they 
humbly tooke leave and departed. And after that at his Mazestie 
going away the same mornynge here were, by appointment of my 
Lord maior & Aldermen a great many of the best ranke of 
Citizens attending at the Manor gate who at the passing by of 

the houshold wished them a prosperous iourney and as his 
Maiestie went along with a lowde voyce prayed god hartily to 
blesse , “his Mazestie’ and send him a long and happie reigne over 
vs, And the Sheriffes did then waite on his Mazestie attended 
with about a hundreth young Citizens as is aforesayde on 
horseback his Mazestie being in his Caroch till [th] he came att 
the bridge betwixt Rocliff & Skelton being the vtmost boundes 
of the County of this Citty of yorke where the Sheriffes [s] 
with their attendantes did all stand on a rowe till his Mazestie 
passed by and then the sayd Sheriffes tooke leave of his Maiestie 
and prayd God to send him a happie & prosperous iourney where 
then his Mazestie gave them his hand to kisse and soe went on his 
sayd iourney ./ 

ff 223-4 (31 October) 

And now it is certified to this Courte by those to whome it was 
refered that [that] they thincke it fit that theis Articles followinge 
bee inserted into the Musitians Ordinary, wherevpon the said 
Articles beinge redd ar now by theis presentes confirmed and 
ordred to bee putt & added to their ordinary 

Item it is ordered that noe free brother of the said Arte shall 
serve att any freeman or Citizens weddinge without sufficient 
waiges vnder any pretence whatsoever, by which the saide Arte 
may be impaired or hindered, but that whosoever is disposed to 
have Musicke shall pay twelve pence att the least to every Musitian 
that shall soe serve att his weddinge as their waiges due & 
accustomed vpon payne of every one offendinge herein to forfeit 
vj S viij d to bee paid & disposed to thuse aforesaid | 

Item it is agreed that if any free brother of the said Arte bee 
prepaired & ready att any place whatsoever within this Citty 
to play to any Noblemen knight gentleman or other person 








Dee \ ORR toss 

whosoevere And the waites of this Citty or some of them come 
on purpose to play to the same partie then the waites to have 
place and thothers to departe, unlesse they bee well entered or 
spoken for the day or night before, Provided that none of the 
said brethren shall play to disquiett any such persons before hee 
or they bee awake vpon payne of every one offendinge herein to 
forfeit vj s viij d to thuse aforesaid ./ 

Item that, noe brother of the said Arte shall take any apprentice 
vntill hee have beene a free brother of the said Companie the 
space of three yeares compleat & that his first apprentice shalbe 
a freemans son vpon payne of iij li. vj s viij d to bee paid by 
every one offendinge herein to thuse aforesaid, vnlesse the waites 
of this Citty doe peticion to the Lord Maiour & Aldermen of 
this Citty for the tyme being & they see convenient cause to 
allowe of it ./ 

Item that noe strainger cominge or comed to this Citty 
professinge the arte of a Musitian shalbe suffered to teach vse or 
exercise the aforesaid arte for his benifitt and advantage vntill 
hee bee lycensed & allowed by the Lord Maiouwr of the same 
Citty for the tyme beinge & by the Maister & searchers of the 
said company soe to doe vpon payne of xx s for every tyme soe 
offendinge to bee paid & disposed to thuse aforesaid 

Item that noe strainger professinge the [su] Arte shalbe 
suffered to play att any weddinge or feaste within this Citty of 
yorke if any of the said company bee ready & willinge to serve 
att the same vnlesse such strainger bee allowed by the Lord 
Maiour for the tyme beinge & by the Maister & searchers of the 
said Companie vpon payne of every one offending herein for 
every such offense to pay vj s vilj d to thuse aforesaid 

Item that none of the said company shall att my tyme by 
themselves their servantes or any of their family or by any other 
frend intrude themselves or seeke vnto any to serve att any 
Marriage within the Citty of yorke or County of the same vpon 
payne of xiij s_iiij d to thuse aforesaid ./ 

f 224v 

Item that noe luggler Trumpetters, drumers teachers to daunce, 
Pipers, Tumblers, nor any such as exercise or showe wirke by 
sleight of hand, Players, or teachers of any instrument whatsoever, 
nor any such as goe aboute with Motions or showes shall att 
any tyme bee suffered to practize in this Citty without lycense 






Rewardes to the 
Comon way tes 

Clothing of the 

Common officers °° 


Rewardes to his 

& players 




1633 YORK / 593 

of the Lord Maiour for the tyme beinge vpon payne of every one 
offending herein to forfeit x lis to thuse aforesaid ./ 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls VY: C18:3 

mb 2 

Item paid to the Common Waytes of this Citty viij s iiij d 
Suma vilj s ii) d 

mb 3 

Item for the waytes liveries (blank) 

tem paid therefore this yeare vj li. js inj d 

Summa vj li. ij s inj d 

City Chamberlains’ Books VY: CC21(1) 

f 24 
Rewards to the Common waites / 
To the waites of this Citty dew at Easter 1633 lj) s itd 
To them more at christenmas & St Steven day js uy d 
ffor St Williams day xx d 
Summa vilj s ii) d 
f 36 
Rewards to his Mazesties Pursevantes and players / 

To Robert kempton and other his Mavesties Players RS 

To Ellis Guest William Elton & Thomas Lovell & others of his 
Mazesties Revells SoS 

To Mr William Perry & others of his Maiesties players XX S 

To Mr dishley a player XV S 






Rewardes to the 
Common Waytes 

Clothing of the 
common Officers 

Rewardes to his 

& players 

2947) YORK 1633 

To one of his Mazestes servantes that came 

to shew exploytes re 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: Holy Trinity Goodramgate 
Be Re YE Gated 

p 347 

paid to the Ringers the 24th of May when the Kinge Came to 
yorke ys vid 

House Books Y: B35 

f247 (20 September) 

And now itis ordred that thuse that goe vpp to London about the 
Citties businesse, doe take the copye of the kings entertainement 

and referred to them yf yt bee needfull to give it to mr Howes 
the Chronicler[s] at London to be putt in print ./ 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: C18:4 

mb 3 

Item paid to the Comon Waytes of this Citty vij s yd 
Summa vilj s ij d 

Item for the Waites liveries ee 

Item paid therefore this yeare ij li. xij s iy d. 

Summa iij li. xij s ij d 








1634 YORK / 595 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC21(2) 

f 22 
Rewards to the Common Waites 
To them for their fee due at Easter ilj s. inj d. 
To them more at christmas & St Steven day ij s ud 
ffor St Williams day CX, 
Summa Viij s. 11 d. 
f 24 

Clothing of the Common officers accustomed 

ffor the Waites liveryes for the last yeare to Mr Chater vjli xvs 

House Books Y: B35 

f 284v* (30 June) 

And now it is ordred that the Comittees f()ormerly appointed 
for to Consider of the Certificatt to be made of the kings 
entertainement to mr Howes the Chronicler or the greater 
number of them doe meete agayne & Consider what shall be 
Certified, and that the same be Certified accordingly ./ 

f285v (21 August) 

And now it is ordred that the whole matter of the kings 
intertainment be Certified to mr Howes the Chronographer and 
a letter written to him to desier him to make mencion of soe 
much theirof as he thincketh fitting for the honor of the Citty ./ 
City Chamberlains’ Books Y ; CC21(3) 

f 24 
Rewards to the Common waites 

To them for their fee due at Easter ii} s. ij d. 







Rewardes to the 
Common Way tes 

Clothing of the 
Common officers 

596 / YORK 1635 

to them more att christmas and St Stevens day lij s. inj d. 
to them for St Williams day wed. 
Summa vilj s. iii d. 

ft 26 
Clothing of the Common officers accustomed 

To Mr George Chater for 9 yeardes of Samell 
broad Cloth tor the waytes liveries att xiiij s. vj li xj s 
per yeard 

House Books Y: B35 

f307v (8 August) 

And now it is ordred that my Lord Maior & Aldermen in their 
scarlett and the xxiijte in their Crimson and those that have 
beene Chamberleynes and the Common Counsell in their Citizen 
gownes doe meete my Lord President at Micklegate barr when he 
comes to this Citty and welcome him to the same, And that the 
waites be there to play on the topp of the barr at his Comyng, 
And that afterwardes my Lord Maior and Aldermen and Sheriffes 
goe to visitt him at the Manner at such convenient tyme as may 
be thought fitting. 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: C19:1 

mb 3* 

Item paid to the Common Waytes of this Citty vilj s uy d 
Summa vilj s. 114) d. 

Item for the waytes liveries vli xvs 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC21(4) 

Rewards to the Comon Waytes o- 6) 
To them for their fee due att Easter ij Ss. iy d. 









1636 YORK / 597 

To them [for] more att christmas & St Stephens day ij s_ inj d. 
to them for St Williams day XX 
Summa vilj s. 1 d. 

f 34 
Rewards to his Maiesties Pursivantes and players 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC22(1) 

Rewardes “...) 
To them for their ¢...) Easter ii) Ss. inj d. 
To them more att (...) St Stephens day lj s. uy d. 
to them at St Williams day wa: 
Summa vijj s. uy d. 
f 20 

Clothinge ‘...) 

To [Mr] George lackson for 9 yeardes of cloth 

for the waytes liveries ee 

Rewards (...) 
To (...) ther Company of Players ROC IS 
14 (...)] to the Common waites 16 (...)] fee due att 

17 (...)} chrisumas & 
23 (...)] of the Common officers accustomed 
30 (...)] to his Maiesties Pursevantes and players 




Rewardes to the 
Common Waytes 

Clothing of the 
Common officers 

Rewardes to 
his Maiestes 
and players 


598 / YORK 1638 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Yy: C19:2 

mb 3 

Item paid to the Common Waytes of this Citty 
Summa vilj s 11) d 

Item for the waytes liveries 

mb 4 

Item paid therefore this yeare 

Summa jj li. xs 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC22(2) 


Rewardes to the Common Waytes 

To them for their fee due att Easter 
To them more for christmas & St Stephens day 
to them att St Willams Day 

Summa viij s 11) d 


viij s iiij d 

vj li xij s 

ij li xs 

iij s. ij d. 

lij s. yj d. 
xx d. 

Clothinge of the Common officers accustomed 

paid for the waites liveries [(....)] ix yeards of Cloth 

House Books Y: B36 

£21 (4 March) 

vj li. xij s. 

And that the Chamberleynes lay of every of them xx li. towardes 







1639 YORK / 599 

the Charges of his Maiestes entertainment into the Cittie and 
they to have it paid them agayne when moneys come 1n 

And now it is referred [to} to my lord Maiors discrecion to 
rewarde or give presentes to his Mazestes servantes as hee shall 
thinck fitting 

And that the lyke guift of a bowle and purse with CXxX 
Carelous peeces in it bee presented to his Maiestie att his coming 
to this Cittie 

And it is thought fitt that my lord Maior invite his Mavestie 
to dynner & it is agreed and soe ordered that my lord Maior have 
two Buttes of sack & a tune of Clarett wyne given him of the 
Citties charge towardes his Mazestes entertainement 

f21v (15 March) 

And that the former Committees for Micklegate warde take care 
to gett the Citties Walls about the Barr amended and call to them 
workemen to doe the same forthwith and to see the Kinges 
Armes sett vpp where they formerly stood and to see rayles sett 
on the right syde of the street neare the barr as was att his 
Maiestes former coming and see whoe have not amended their 
dorres or removed their manure as was comaunded 

And that the waytes of this Cittie play vpon Micklegate barr 
and on Bowthombarr at his Mazestes Coming into the Cittie and 
passing through to the Mannour and if need bee that their 
Cognizances bee new burnished ./ 

And that the Comittees for Bowthomwarde inquire what 
Sellerage may bee hadd [(.)] nigh the Courte for stowing his 
Mazestes beare and others & to charge them to reserve it for that 

And that my lord Maior (kneeling) deliuer vpp the sworde & 
Mace & Keyes of the Cittie (new burnished) to his Mazestie and 
present the Cupp and purse with CXX lie. xx s peeces of gould 
in it And that maister Recorder make such a speach for welcoming 
his Mazestie to the Cittie as hee thinkes fitt 

And that the Squiours have xiij s iiij d a peece and the Officers 
and Porter x s a peece towardes the making vpp of their gownes 
for this tyme of his Masestes coming to the Cittie soe that it bee 
noe presedent for future tyme ./ 

And that the Tipstaves have new coates provided now ./ 

And that my lord Maior provide two foot men to bee in 






600 / YORK 1639 

velvet pees with the Citties armes and that they have two new 
suites provided such as formerly they hadd ./ 

{22 (24 March) 

And now it ordered that every one sett forth candles att their 
doores when it is darke and warning to bee given by the Constables 
during the tyme his Mavestie is here 

And that all the Constables bee warned to bee at Micklegate 
Barr too morrowe att his Maiestes Coming to bee disposed of by 
the Aldermen as there shalbe cause ./ 

And that if the xx li. a man laid off by the Chamberleynes will 
not serve att this tyme to dispend for the Citties occasions then 
C li. to be borrowed and the Chamberleynes to give security for 
it and that they shalbe saved harmelesse by the Corporacion 

And that all the Common Counsell and those that have beene 
Chamberleynes bee warned to bee att Micklegate barr too morrowe 
in their best apparrell 

ff 28-31* 

Bee it allwayes hadd in remembrance that our most gratious and 
dread Soueraigne Lord the most high and mighty Monarch 
Charles the first of that name by the grace of god king of England 
Scotland ffrance and Ireland defendowr of the faith &c did on or 
about the xxijth day of March Anno Domini 1638 and in the 
fowerteenth yeare of his Masestes most happie Raigne begin his 
progresse from his highnesse famouse Citties of London and 
Westminster towardes Scotland And in his Maiestes said progresse 
vpon Satterday being the thirtieth of the said moneth of March 
1639 came from Doncaster to this Cittie of yorke attended by 
Mr. christofer Brearey & Mr. Marmaduke Croft Sheriffes of this 
Cittie whoe were wayting for his Maiestes coming on the midle 
of Tadcaster Bridge where the Citties Armes are sett vpp ingraven 
in stone (being the confynes and bounder<.) of the Wapentack of 
Aynstie of the said Citty and devides it from the Countie of 
yorke) having on their Crimson gownes and whyte roddes in their 
handes and accompanied with diuerse of the gentlemen and 
substantiall Inhabitantes of the Aynstie of the said Cittie and 
their owne wayters in their liveries to attend and receive his 
Maiestie And (his highnesse being in his Caroach) the said Sheriffes 
att his coming thither did vpon their knees most humbly welcome 





1639 YORK / 601 

his Maiestie into the Countie of the said Cittie and delivered 
to his said Maiestie their roddes in token of their duties and 
acknowledgment of his highnesse supreame authoritie which his 
Maiestie graciously received and redeliuered them their roddes 
agayne and gave them [them] ‘his’ hande to kisse And soe the 
said Sheriffes bearing vpp their roddes did ryde next before his 
Maiestie into the Cittie in att Micklegate barr where the Waytes 
of the Cittie were sounding and playing on their Cornettes and 
ther [loud] lowd instrumentes on both sydes of the gaytes of 
the said Barr And on the North syde of the street within the gate 
a little distance from the same there was a great parte there of 
rayled in for the Lord Maior Maister Recorder Aldermen and 
such as hadd beene Sheriffes, the Chamberleynes and all Such 
Cittizens as hadd beene Chamberleynes and all the Common 
Counsell to stand within (The lorde Maior and Recorder having 
convenient places made somewhat higher then the rest for them 
to stand and kneele vpon) And his Mavestie being entered .into, | 
Cittie, his Caroach (in the further end where of on that syde 
next my Lord Maior his Maizestie sate & therein were three or 
fower of the cheif of the Nobilitie) was by the Coachman guided 
neare to the syde of the Rayle where the honowrable Roger 
Iaques Lord Maior and the worshipfull Thomas Widdrington 
Esquire [Recorder] Counsellowr att Law Recorder of the said 
Cittie having first made three low obeisances did togither with 
the Aldermen and xxiiij"¢ in their Scarlett and Crimson gownes 
and the rest of the said Cittizens and Comon Counsell in their 
backgownes attending there within the Rayles, fall downe vpon 
their knees and then the said Lord Maior deliuered to his Mazestie 
the Citties Sword and Mace the said sword being the sword given 
to this Cittie by the Emperour Sigismond together with the 
keyes of the Citties gates all burnished over and bound in a string 
of Crimson silke and silver his lordshipp speaking theis wordes 
videlicet Most dread [Souer] Soueraigne / In all humblenesse wee 
render vnto you all power with the sworde of Iustice which it 
hath pleased your gracious Maiestie and noble progenitors to 
have honoured [this] the gouerment of this your auncient Citty 
withall, And in further testimonie of our obedience wee present 
vnto you this Mace with the keyes of this “your” Citties gates 
acknowledging our selves happie to bee vnder your gracious 
gouerment and proteccion whose ingresse and stay with vs 
wee desire may bee happie and your retorne prosperous and 
successefull and that king Charles may long live and prosperously 








602 / YORK 1639 

raigne over vs And his Maiestie vpon receiving of the said Swerd 
as alsoe the Mace and keyes redeliuered the same back to my lord 
Maior and then Maister Recorder made an Oracion to his Maiestie 
as followeth videlicet Most gracious & dread Soueraigne bee 
graciously pleased to pardon this stay, That wee the least & 
meanest moates in the firmament of your Maiestes gouerment 
shold thus dare to cause you our bright and glorious sunne to 
stand, Give vs leave whoe are the members of this auncient & 
decayed Cittie to make knowne vnto your Maiestie (even our 
[sun] Sune it self) where the Sunn now standes. 

In the Cittie of yorke 

Which , ‘now’ lyke an illdrawne picture needes a name. A place 
soe vnlyke it self that wee may boldly say Niobe was never soe 
vnlyke Niobe never old man soe vnlyke himself being young as is 
the Citty of yorke vnlyke the Citty of yorke. Heretofore an 
Imperiall Cittie the place of the lyfe and death of the Emperour 
Constantius Clorus | 

In whose grave a burning lampe was found many Centuries 
of yeares after; honoured with the birth of Constantine the great 
and with the most noble library of Egbert. I might goe further 
but this [were] were onely to showe or rather speak of ‘our’ 
Auncient Tombes. This Citty was afterwardes twice burnt so 
that the very ashes of theis Antiquities are not to bee found, 
And if later scarrs hadd not defaced our former glorie what was 
it truely in respect of what wee now eniloy 

The births lives and deaths of Emperours are not soe much for 
the honour of yorke as that king Charles was once duke of yorke 
and your very Royall aspect surmountes our former glorie and 
scaters our later Cloudes 

Its more honour for vs that king Charles hath given vs a new 
life nativitie and being by a most benigne and liberall Charter 
then that Constantyne the great hadd his first being here And for 
the lampe found in the grave of Clorus your Mazestie maynteynes 
a lampe of Iustice in this Citty which burnes more cleare than 
that of Clorus and shynes into five seuerall Counties att which 
each subiect may light a torch by the brightness whereof hee may 
see his owne right and fynde and taste part of that sweet and 
wholsomme manna here att his owne doore which dropps from 
the influence of your Maiestes most iust & gracious goverment 

4 after videlicet) cross mark 








1639 YORK / 603 

Soe that if the lybrary of Egbert were now extant amongst vs, 
that verie Idea of Eloquence which the most skilfull Oratour 
could extract out of it wold not bee able to expresse what wee 
owe to your Maiestie there being not any acknowledgment 
answerable to our Obligaczons 

ffor besydes all this beames & lightning of those eminent 
vertues, sublime guiftes and illuminacions wherewith you are 
endowed doe cast soe forceible refleccions vpon the eyes of all 
men that you fill not only this Citty this kingdome but the 
whole vniverse with splendour 

You have established your throne vpon two Collomnes of 
dyamondes Pietie and Iustice the one gives you to god the other 
gives men to you and all your subiectes are most happie in both 
ffor our selves most gracious king your Mazestes humblest and 
meanest subiectes Obedience [is] the best of Sacrifices is the 
onely sacrifice which wee have to Offer to your Maiestie, Yett 
vouchsafe to beleeve (most mighty king) that even our workes 
[suh.] such as they are shall not resemble those sacrafices where 
out the harte is taken and where of all the head nothing is left 
save onely the tongue our sacrafice is that of hartes and not of 

The memorie of King Charles shall ever bee sacred vnto us 
soe long as there remaine any Alters or that Oblacion is offered 
on earth. 

The most devout and fervent prayers of your Maiestes daylie 
votaries the poore Cittizens of yorke are and ever shall bee that 
the Septer of king Charles may lyke Arons rodd budd & blossome 
and bee an eternall testimony against all Rebells / 

And our most chearfull and vnanimous acclamacions are that 
king Charles may long live & triumphantly raigne and that this 
kingdome may never (..) want a King Charles 

Which being ended the lord Maior did take a faire Cupp of 
silver with a Cover double guilt having the kinges Armes molten 
and sett on the topp with the Citties Armes engraven on the 
bottome or foote therof made my maister lames Plomer a 
Gouldsmith of this Cittie weying (blank) with a rich purse 
wrought all over on both sydes with gould & silver & six score 
of Carolus xx s peeces therein being fastened by the string to 
the topp of the said Cupp which his Lordshipp did humbly 
present to his Mazestie with theis wordes videlicet 

Wee the Maior Recorder Aldermen & Cittizens of this your 
highnesse Citty in all humility doe present vnto your most 






604 / YORK 1639 

excellent Mazestie this Cupp with the purse and gould therein 
humbly desiring your gracious acceptance.. And the said Cupp 
with the purse and gould therein was carried before his Maiestie 
through the Cittie by one of the kinges footmen and afterwardes 
as was perceived came to (blank) Maister of the horse And the 
Lord Maior being appoynted by the heraldes did as grand 
Sergiantles] att Mace within the Cittie carrie the Citties Mace 
next before his Maiestie there being noe sword att all carried in 
regarde his Mazestie was in his Caroach and not on foot or 
horseback my lord Maior being first [f] mounted on [the] his 
footcloth having two footmen with black velvet pees and the 
Citties Armes on them And maister Recorder & alsoe in their 
scarlett gownes well mounted on their [footclothe] footcloth 
horses ‘did ryde next before the Sheriffes of this Citty’ (the 
Trayned [e] and in the Cittie and Aynstie being 600 in number 
standing on both sydes the street from Micklegate barr to St 
lohns Church all in compleat Armour) and soe his Maiestie ridd 
along [through] through the Cittie to the Mannor neare the walls 
of the Citty where his , “Mazestie’ was attended by my lord Maior 
& Aldermen into the presence Chamber and there my lord Maior 
made knowne to the right honourable Earle of Holland that his 
Lordshipp was very desirous that the kinges Mazestie wold bee 
pleased to honour the Citie soe much as to dyne att his house on 
what day it shold best please his Mazestie whoe presently | 
moved his highnesse therein wherevnto his Mazestie graciously 
condiscending retorned answer by the said Earle of Holland that 
hee wold dyne with him vppon the Monday next following and 
therevpon my lord Maior in testimonie of thankfullnesse did 
make a low obeysance to his Mazestie and soe departed for that 
tyme and then my lord Maior invited all the Nobles and Courtiers 
and all other his Mavestes servantes alsoe to Dynner and the 
Citties Sword was left there but the Mace was delivered back by 
one of the gentlemen vshers daylie waytours to my lord Maior 
and soe my lord Maior taking his leave went home having the 
Citties Mace soe soone as hee was forth of the Mannowr gates 
borne before him by one of his Lordshipps Squiours. And on the 
[Monday] morrow being Sonday my lord Maior Recorder 
Aldermen Sheriffes xxiiijti¢ and Chamberleyns went to the 
Courte and his Maiestie went to the Cathedrall Church the Citties 
sword being borne before him by the Right honowrable Thomas 
Earle of Arundell and Surrey Earle Marshall of England (for that 
the lord Clifford whoe is cheif Captaine of this Citty was then 






1639 YORK / 605 

absent and in [his] the kinges service att the City of Carlile, 
whoe of right shold otherwise have borne the same as att other 
tymes vpon the lyke occasions hee had done and his father the 
Right honourable Earle of Cumberland before tymes hadd borne 
the same in regarde of his said Captainshipp) And my lord Maior 
bore the Citties Mace [next b(..)] and next before my lord Maior 
the kinges Sergiantes att Mace with their maces and next before 
them the Noble men in their Rankes and next before them the 
in their Scarlett and Crimson gownes and the Chamberleynes 
alsoe in their Rankes his Mavestie going all the way on foot, 
where his Mazestie heard divine service and a Sermon preached 
by doctour Young deane of Winchester [and] one of his Maiestes 
Chapleynes; But in the way to the Church the Sheriff of the 
Countie of York ‘Offered’ [made ‘....)] goe behynde the Sheriffes 
of the Citty and nearer to his Masestie wherein hee was opposed 
by the Sheriffes of the Cittie and therevpon afterwardes the 
Sheriffes of the Citty made their Complaynt to the Earle Marshall 
setting forth their right in that behalf, (this City being a Countie 
of it self without any dependency of the County of Yorke and 
the Sheriffes of the Countie having nothing to doe there) his 
lordshipp was pleased to give this answer that the Sheriff of the 
County was then gone into the Countrie vpon his Maiestes 
speciall service and that vpon his retirne hee wold heare the 
alligacions on both sydes and make some end and determinacion 
in the businesse but uerynnes | occasions [hav\..)] troubling his 
lordshipp & the Sheriffes long absence were the causes that his 
lordshipp did nothing in the businesse) And when sermon was 
ended his Mazestie went back to the Mannour attended in the 
lyke manour as before where my lord Maior Recorder and 
Aldermen tooke their leaves and departed home the Citties Mace 
being borne before his lordshipp as it was the day before and att 
all other tymes when his Maiestie went abroad in the Cittie hee 
was attended by the lord Maior Aldermen Sheriffes xXxuyjue and 
Chamberleyns in lyke manner saving that the Citties Sword was 
borne before his Maiestie by diuerse of the lordes in their courses 
seuerally att not alwayes by one till the said Lord Clifford came 
to the Cittie (which was about (blank) after his Maiestes coming 
and then hee bore the same as due to his said place. And on the 
Munday after his Mazestie went from the Mannour to my lord 

38 | parenthesis not closed 







606 / YORK 1639 

Maiors house in his Caroach (with all the Nobles & Courtiers) 
to dynner where very great provision of meates & wynes of all 
sortes was made att my lord Maiors owne costes & Charges 
(except one Tunn of Gascoigne wyne and a butt of sack which 
was given his lordshipp by the Cittie, All the meat was prepared 
and made ready by his Mazestes owne Cookes (my lord Maiors 
Cookes alsoe assisting for making ready the Lordes meates) the 
meates were brought vpp and served in by my Lord Maior, 
Recorder Aldermen and somme of the fower and twenty and 
after that a very great & sumptuous Banquett was served in with 
all which his Mazestie was very well pleased, and soe was pleased 
to declare himself & soe were the Lordes alsoe as themselves 
expressed And when dynner was ended his Mavestie went into 
the withdrawing roome and after the Lordes [hadd dyned] 
came from dynner his Maizestie called my lord Maior and maister 
Recorder & knighted them with the sword of the Earle Marshall 
in the presence of the Nobles after which his Maiestie departed 
and went to the Mannour in his Caroch And vpon Thursday 
before Easter his Mazestie was pleased to solemnize in the Minster 
an auncient and pious solemnity called his Maundith which is 
yearly performed and that was on this mamner videlicet a great 
parte of the Ile of the North syde of the Church was closed in 
with scatfoldes of furr deales and on the North syde of the Ile 
there were seates made some distance from the ground whereon 
xxxixtl€ old men sate according to the number of the yeares of 
his Maiestes age and the Bishopp of Winchester his | Mavestes 
Almoner coming within the place inclosed did first read prayers 
and after prayers done the Bishopp taking a lynen towell which 
hee putt about him and a basin of water held him by his Chaplaine, 
washed all the said xxxix mens feet and after wyped them with 
the towell and then redd other prayers and the Quire of singing 
men standing on a scaffold neare the place sung Anthemes and 
then the said Bishopp of Winchester gave to every of the said 
poore men a peece of woollen cloth for a gowne a peece of lynen 
for a shirt [al] and a litle whyte purse with redd stringes with 
39 single pennies in it and after that gave to each of them a 
platter with fish and bread thereon and then redd more prayers 
and soe departed and on the morrow being good ffryday the 
Lord Maior Sir Thomas Widdrington knight Recorder the 
Aldermen Sheriffes and xxiiijt¢ in their scarlett and Crimson 
gownes and the Chamberleyns in their gownes went to the 
Mannour and attended his Maiestie to the Minster (the sword 







1639 YORK / 607 

being carried before his Masestie by one of the Nobles and the 
Mace borne [before] by my lord Maior [all] and all the rest 
in their Ranckes and order as formerly they hadd done) where 
his Maiestie heard divine service and sermon and after was 
pleased to touch a great number of people for Cure of their 
diseases comonly called the kinges evill and soe retorned to the 
Mannour and on the Munday Tewsday and thursday after his 
Maiestie did in [ly] lyke maner touch great numbers of people 
that were diseased And his Maiestie of his princely compassion 
and charity did by his Almoner send to the lord Maior 1x li. to 
bee distributed among the poore in this Citty which was disposed 
on by the wardons of every warde to the seuerall parishes and the 
poore therein videlicet in Bowthomwarde xij li. in Munckwarde 
xviij li. in Micklegate warde xx li. (blank) & in Walmgatewarde 
xx li. (blank) and lykwise his Mazestie did send to all the prisons 
in the Cittie seuerall moneyes to bee distributed among the poore 
prisoners therein. And on the (blank) day of May being tewsday 
my lord Maior Recorder Aldermen Sheriffes and Chamberleynes 
went betymes in the morning to the Mannour where his Mazestie 
was ready to goe away and they standing within the Mannouwr 
yarde, his Mavestie came hastily downe the stayres from his 
chamber and presently tooke horse and ridd towardes Scotland 
(intending (as was said) to goe that night to Rabie Castle) and 
there they prayed for his prosperous Iourney and safe retorne 
and soe came home 

Viuat Rex Carolus 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y:; CC22(3) 


Rewardes to the Common waytes 
To them for their fee due att Easter 14) s. ij d. 
To them more att christmas & St Stephens day lj s. ij d. 
to them att (...) day xed: 

( vilj s ilij d 

36 ¢...)] St Williams 






608 / YORK 1639 

Clothinge of the Common Officers 

paid to Maister Scrafton for ix yeardes of cloth 

at(...) the yeard for the waytes liveries Vj li. xij s. 

f 41 
Expences att his Mazestes coming to this Citty 

paid for guilding the waytes schocheons Vj s. 
To the kinges Trumpeters eS: 
To the princes Trumpete‘..) XS: 
(...) kinges musitia(..) X'S: 
To the kinges drumers xl s 
f 41v 

To th(.) (.)inges trumpeters in their retorne mx S; 
To the Earle of Essex Trumpeters VS. 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 
BI: PR Y/MG 19 

p 226 

ltem payd for Ringing the day the kinge cam to yorke about 
ye Scotch wares 020 

House Books Y: B36 
£46 (20 August) 
And now it is Ordered that my Lord Maior & Aldermen with 

their footclothes, the xxiiijti¢, Chamberleynes and Common 
Counsell and those that have beene Chamberleyns attend att 





1640 YORK / 609 

Micklegate Barr att his Maestes Coming in and his Lordshipp 
kneeling shall deliver vpp to his Maiestie the Citties Sword and 
Mace and the keyes of the Barrs and posternes and that the 
Waytes play vpon Bowthom barr & Micklegate Barr And that 
stoopes and Rayles bee sett within the Barr as formerly And that 
Alderman Cowper Alderman Hoyle Alderman Hutchinson 
maister Dawson maister Harbert master ffairwether and maister 
Walker take care to gett the kinges Armes sett vpp on the Barr 
and gett the Rayles and stoopes sett on the right syde of the 
street there as was formerly and to see whoe have not amended 
their Doores and removed their manure as was comaunded ./ 

And now it is referred to my lord Maior with thassistance of 
maister Recorder to consider whether it bee fitt to present 
his Mazestie with a guift or not and what shalbe fitt to bee 
given ./ 

And now it is thought fitt by the Courte and soe desired that 
my lord Maior invite his Mazestie to dynner on Sonday and that 
hee have the same allowance as was given the Last yeare to Sir 
Roger Jaques 

f46v (21 August) 

And now it ordered that there bee a purse and C peeces presented 
to his Maiestie att his coming ./ 

And that maister Sheriffes and his companie meet his Maiestie 
att Tadcaster Bridge 

And that the Constables bee all warned to bee in Micklegate 
to attend as they shalbe appoynted 

And that ther bee two suites of Apparrell provided for two 
footmen with pees with the Citties Armes on to attend my lord 
Maior ./ 

£49v (27 September) 

And now itis Ordered in regarde the king is here that the Sheriffes 
now Sworne shall have their Crimson gownes agaynst sonday next 
to attend his Mazestie but this to bee noe pre iudice to the auncient 
custome of having them on St Stephen day & not before ./ 

5 as formerly] MS as formerly as formerly 12 of] MS of of 






Rewardes to 

the (...) 


610/ YORK 16406 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls vy: €19:3 

mb 2 

Item paid to the Common Waytes of this Cittie vilj s ij d 
Summa vilj s ij d 

mb 3 

Item for the Waytes liveries vi} li. iiij s 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y: CC23(1) 

f 26 
Rewardes to the Common Waytes 
To them for their fee due at Easter lj s. uy d. 
to them more for christmas & St Steven day lj Ss. ij d. 
to them at St. Williams day xd: 
Summa vijj s. 114 d. 
f 28 

Clothing of the Common Officers 
To Master Scrafton for ix yeards of cloth for 
the waytes liveries eee) 
Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 

BI: PR Y/MG 19 

p 232 

Paid for Ringinge 23 Augst at the kinges Cominge to yorke 
Second tyme about Scotes wars == 

6 marginalia (...)} Common Waytes 






1641 YORK / 611 

House Books Y: B36 

f 61v (17 November) 

And now it is ordered that the streetes throughout the Cittie 
especially in Boothomeward be sufficientlie repaired and amended 
in all places where there are defectes and that they be likwise 
made cleane & all the mannure and dirt removed, now against his 
Maiestiees comeing to this Cittie and that the Waitees of this 
Cittie play vpon Boothome barr at his Mavestiees comeing into 
the Cittie and that the kinges Armes be set vpon the Barr & that 
rayles & stulpes be set on the right side of the streete there with 
conveniencie for my Lord Maior and Aldermen to stand in at his 
Maiestiees comeing into the Cittie And that maister Alderman 
Hemsworth maister Alderman Thompson maister Hewley maister 
Horner maister ffairewether maister Coulton maister Beale / 
maister Watman & maister Setherthwaite see the same performed 
and done / 

£62 (19 November) 

And now it is agreed vpon by theise presentes that there shalbe 
C li. presented to his Mazestie in a purse 

And now it is ordered that the wardens of every warde send 
the officers of the wardes respectively with the Constables to 
prepare five horses in every warde for carrying the kinges Trayne 
on munday morning to Tadcaster and that they be assured of 
them to be in [.e.] readynesse or else to take them presently 
& Carry them to the postmaster to be at the owners charg 

And now it is ordered that fees formerly given to the kinges 
officers be forborne except the Cookes which is left to my Lord 
Maiors discretion / 

And now it is ordered that the peticron for the Courte to bee 
established here againe at this Cittie be delivered to his Maiestie 
by the Maior & Commonaltie at Sir Arthure Ingrams house after 
dinner on sunday 

And that mr Robert Barwick be in aredd gowne as the Recorder 
and accompany my Lord Maior at the Barr and is desired to 
make a speech to his Maiestie 

And that my Lord Maior send for such of the xxiiijtie as he 
shall thinke fitt to make [(..)] vpp the number of Aldermen to 






Rewardes to the 
Common Waytes 

Clothinge of the 
Comon officers 

612 / YORK 1641 

waite vpon his Mavestie at dinner and that then they with the 
Aldermen deliver the peticon in theire black Gownes 

And that my Lord Maior haue a butt of sack and a Tunn of 
Clarrett wine presented to him for his Maiestiees entertainment 

And that C torches be prepared and every Constable to haue 
one in regard his Mazestiees come will be in the evening 

And that the Sherriffes meete the King at Maudlan Chappell in 
theire redd gownes & on footecloath horses 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y: €20:1 

mb 3 

Item paid to the Comon Waites of this Cittie Vilj s ij d 
Summa vilj $ 11} d 

Item for the waytes liueryees vj li. vj s 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC23(2) 

f 23 

Rewardes to the Common Waytes 
To them for theire whole yeares fee vilj s. 1 d. 

Cloathing of the Common officers 

To Iohn Loftus as per note for the Waytes 
liveryes beeing ix yeardes of WashardScarlet [vj] livjs 
at xlllj s per yeard 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: Holy Trinity Goodramgate 
Bice P Reyer Gate 

_p 384 

oe for holfe payde for ringears waiges the .20. of [n] November 
at the Kinge coming to yearke from Scoteland 00 100 |9 








1641 YORK / 613 

p 385 

Ittem paide for ringears waiges for that day the kinge came 
to yorke 00100 |09 

Churchwardens’ Accounts: St Martin Cum Gregory 
BI: PR Y/MG 19 

paid for ringinge bells when the kynge Came Nouember 20 — 2 8 

paid for ringing bells at the king & prince comeing to yorke 
18 March See: 

paid for ringing bells at the duckes comeing to yorke 
April 16th 3) 

paid for Ringing bells att the kings Returne from beuerley — 2 — 

House Books Y: B36 

£69 (16 March) 

And now it is ordered that whereas his Mazestie is to come to this 
Cittie tomorrowe that two tunn of french wyne & a Butt of Sack 
be presented to his Mavestie & that Sir Roger Iaques & Alderman 
Thompson see the same done accordingly 

And that the Sheriffes well attended vpon, attend on his 
Maiestie at Tadcaster bridge to morrowe at his Comeing to this 

And now it is ordered that the Lord Maior Aldermen xxiiijtie 
& Chamberlaynes & best Cittizens attend at the barr as they 
formerly haue done the Aldermen in Scarlett & xxiiijti¢ in redd 
gownes and the other in theire blacke gownes & best apparell & 
that the Aldermen haue horses and maister Thomas Dauson 
maister ffairewether maister Hewley maister Councillor Brearey 






Rewardes to the 
Comon Waites 

Clothing the 
Comon officers 

614 / YORK 1642 

maister Thomas Dickinson & maister Leonard Thompson to haue 
horses likewise in respect that many of the Aldermen by reason 
of theire dwelling in the Country & sicknes will be absent 

And now it is ordered that railes & stulpes be sett as formerly 
they were and such watch as was formerly and the Constables 
to be all there with their [st(.....)] stafes to see good rule kept 
and that the waytes to play at Micklegate Barr & the Bells to 

And now my Lord Maior is desired by this Courte to invite 
his Mazestie And in regard both the prince & King will be there 
[his] he is to haue in wyne threscore & eight poundes 

f69v (17 March) 

And now it is ordered that xxtie good Cirttizens in every warde 
be in theire best apparell with bright Halbertes doe this day 
attend his Mazesties Comeing at Micklegate Barr 

His Mazestie came to this Cittie this day being saturday about 40r 
of the Clock in the afternoone and on the sunday following 
dyned at my Lord Maiors house and after dinner Knighted my 
Lord Maior 

f 80v (16 December) 

And that the Common Waytes haue theire Coates bought bythe 

discretion of Alderman Hemsworth & Alderman Scott and allso 
for the Tipstaues 

City Chamberlains’ Rolls Y : C20:2 

mb 1 

Item paid to the Comon Waites of this Cittie vilj s ij d 
Summa viij s. 1) d. 








1642 YORK / 615 

City Chamberlains’ Books Y : CC23(3) 

f 20 
Rewards to the Comon Waytes 
To them for theire whole yeares ffee vilj s. ilij d. 
Summa viij s. ij d. 
Rewards to this Mazestes pursevantes and players 
To the Princes Highnesses Trumpters for a Reward XX S$ 
f 38v 
Expences att his Masesties Coming 

To 5 of his Mazesties Trumpiters xx S 




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