Earth Science, Geology etc...

A help board for Answers in Genesis Curriculum God's Design for Science
19 Pins
How to make a snow globe from Mason Jars - Red Ted Art - Kids Crafts
Gods Design for Science Heaven & Earth 3rd grade solar system idea.....Solar System Glitter Globe.....
Weather Window: Cloud Identification & Weather Prediction Activity Kit For Kids
Cloud inspector - GDS Weather
Classical Science Simplified - Aspired Living
I have found Answer’s in Genesis’ God’s Design for science to be a kind of secret curriculum that very few folks know about. You may be surprised to know that it is one of Cathy Duffy’s top 101 curriculum.
Classical Science Simplified - Aspired Living
A Classical Science Curriculum that follows the Well Trained Mind's suggested 4 year science rotation. It is meant to be used with children grades K-8th & and it's easy to integrate living books into the curriculum. #ihsnet
Setting up a science fair for your Co-op or group of friends can be simple and easy. But I know for sure it was very fun! #ihsnet
Organizing a simple science fair your co-op or your friends can be simple and rewarding. Our family participates in a small 4 family co-op with mostly Grammar stage children that does history projects, science experiments and art. We just did a simple and fun winter science fair. I know many of you might like to participate in a science fair but there isn't one available. At least that was our situation so we decided to create one that meet the needs of our family. #ihsnet
Lyrical Earth Science: Geology
Lyrical Earth Science: Geology: Songs for Teaching® Educational Children's Music
Types of Igneous Rocks
Lesson 10 (Our Planet Earth)- videos on igneous rocks - there are a bunch of videos under neath it.
{ The Crafty Homeschool Mama }: The Ultimate Paper Mache Solar System for Universe final project (God's Design for Heaven & Earth)
The Earth: Hands-on Activities
The Earth: Hands-on Activities (plus a goofy video) -