
50 Pins
Finished sometime last week...I think.
Start with Jelly Roll Race quilt until you have 16 rows. Cut the long fabric and then piece together around a fabric square. This site has a link to a tutorial that the quilter put together. She also describes how she did her circular quilting. Love quilters who are helpful and sharing like this one.
How to Make a T-Shirt Quilt
How to Make a T-Shirt Quilt: best tutorial out there! All the other ones are too confusing to me
Been busy quilting for Christmas!
new look on making binding this is so cool have to try on next quilt. Cut 1 in. & 2.5 in. Sew together. Sew to back side of quilt. Turn to front. The wider fabric will show like piping. Stitch in the ditch on front.
Scrappy Mountain Majesties!
Great tutorial. CLICK onto the site for this one to see all the patterns with this one technique. Quiltvilles Quips & Snips!!: Scrappy Mountain Majesties!
Quiltville's Quips & Snips!!
Happily Scrappily Irish made by Leona Dentz. Pattern found in Adventures with Leaders Enders.