fridge space

48 Pins
Bespoke Handmade Kitchens in Cirencester
American fridge freezer surrounded by handmade cabinetry by Benchwood Kitchens
Shaker Kitchens - Sustainable Kitchens
View across centre island to American fridge freezer
Kitchen Projects - Humphrey Munson
Contemporary Family Kitchen, Chelmford, Essex - Humphrey Munson Kitchens - Dark blue island, grey cabinetry, metallic lighting, american fridge freezer - french door opening.
Classic Curved Kitchen Chelmsford | Davonport
Nikki and her daughters enjoy baking together, therefore it was important to Nikki that she had somewhere to store her baking ingredients and appliances. She had originally hoped for a walk in pantry but due to size restrictions pantry cupboards surrounding the fridge were a better option.
Kitchen Projects - Humphrey Munson
Cabinetry surrounding American fridge freezer
Kitchen Accent Cabinet Tutorial and Party!
Alternative to that worthless cabinet above the frig--take the doors off, beadboard on the back & paint the interior-makes a colorful display niche
DIY Projects and Ideas - The Home Depot
Look at this gorgeous kitchen remodel! Before, it was cute, but cramped and jumbled. After new flooring, cabinets, appliances and a more efficient layout, it's a dream kitchen! Don't miss more gorgeous photos of this remarkable remodel and the complete low down on how it unfolded. It's all on The Home Depot Blog.