Throne of Glass

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Rowan Whitethorn
🎨: twisteddreamland
Captain Rolfe at The Sea Dragon - The Assassins Blade
They approached a blue-painted tavern … Rolfe stopped in front of the faded door. The sign above it … said THE SEA DRAGON … Perhaps this was the Pirate Lord’s headquarters. The Assassins Blade by author Sarah J. Maas ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #Celaena #CelaenaSardothien #SamCortland #bookart #SJM #SarahJMaas #ThroneofGlass #TOG #TheAssassinsBlade #Arobynnhamel #AelinGalathynius #Assassins #CaptainRolfe #Rolfe #SkullsBay #Theshipbreaker #Pirates #Theseadraagon #Fantasy #Lordofthepirates #theassassinandthepiratelord
Aedion watching Lysandra, Battle of Orynth // credit: drunk_on_ink_atx