Support Your Local Pollinators

Information and projects related to insects and other animals that pollinate plants
12 Pins
Butterflies and Fruit
Adding a fruit feeder to your butterfly garden can help attract butterflies. Many butterflies do not live on flower nectar alone. Some species prefer, even require, overripe fruit to feed on. Butterflies are particularly fond of sliced, rotting oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, peaches, nectarines, apples and bananas.
Bee Friendly and Support Your Local Mason Bee Population - Savvy Saving Couple
Bee Friendly and Support Your Local Mason Bee Population. #BeeBold #SavetheBees #ad
Honeybees on the water tray. I added old wine corks so the girls have something to land on.
Make a Watering Hole for Bees in Your Bee-Friendly Garden
bees drinking water at a water supply
Protect Your Local Pollinators With A DIY Bee Watering Station
Protect Your Local Pollinators With A DIY Bee Watering Station
A Year in Mason Bee Keeping
Mason bees are amazing pollinators that have a role in any organic garden. Learn how to care for mason bees in your backyard support your local pollinators.
How to Make a Safe Watering Hole for Bees
Bee water... Put marbles in water for a safe place for bees to drink!
Pacific Northwest
A collaborative effort to track and conserve the bumble bees of the Pacific Northwest