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Lost in thought - European Bee-eater by Jamie-MacArthur on DeviantArt
Lost in thought - European Bee-eater by *Jamie-MacArthur
Merops variegatus, Blue-breasted Bee-eater
Merops variegatus, Blue-breasted Bee-eater. Found in many central African countries in a variety of habitats, ranging from reedy lake shores to the savanna grass lands bordering the Congo basin, usually associated with open wet habitats. Diet is made up of honey bee workers, flower bees and Halictid bees. Perching song contains short trills: pip, tup-tup and trrip where as the courtship song to a mate is more expanded: turrp p’ti p’ti p’ti.
Scharrelaar - Roller
Scharrelaar - European Roller