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Ganesha, I shall sing Your Praise forever and lay my garland of songs at Your feet.”
Om Gananaam tva Ganapati Gum Havamahe Kavimkaveenaa mupamashravastamam Jyestharajam Brahmanaam Brahmanaspata Aana shrunvanootibhi seedhasadhanam Maha Ganapataye Namah
"If you watch the way you use speech in your own life, you will notice that most of your speech takes you out of the present moment into the past or future… Words are often used as fences to keep us from being with one another." — Swami Ajaya
Ganesha - remover of all obstacles, the deity of intellect, wisdom, and new beginnings.
Bal Ganesha as Lord Krishna!
DATTARAJ KAMAT Animation art: Bal Ganesha as Lord Krishna!
Krsna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead
"You are the original lamp. Other incarnations may possess the same candle power as the original lamp but the original lamp is the beginning of all light" Lord Brahma, in "Prayers Offered by Lord Brahma to Lord Krsna," #KRSNA BOOK, Chapter 14