Backyard Chickens’ Health

How to spot, treat and prevent health problems in backyard chickens. Step by step preventative tips you can use to keep your chicks healthy and happy while you raise and care for them. The importance of protein in a chicken's diet and how to make a chicken garden. Also discover a first aid kit checklist of items to have on hand for your flock.
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What benefits does garlic have for chickens' health, and how should it be fed? Pin for later!
Discover why garlic is a super-food for chickens. Learn how to grow, store and feed garlic safely to your flock. Pin for later >>
The second in my articles about what makes healthy treats to feed your flock at all times of the yea
All about chicken treats:pin for later.
Apple cider vinegar: do the claims for its benefits for chickens stand up to scrutiny?
Apple Cider Vinegar - is it good for your chickens? Pin for later.
7 Steps To Caring for Chickens in Winter
There are all kinds of steps you can do to take the best care of your chickens in winter. But remember, chickens can actually tolerate a fair amount of cold weather. Still, a little prep goes a long way. Learn about keeping chickens warm in winter, winterizing the chicken run and coop, what to heat and not heat and more.
How To Help Chickens Survive the Winter Cold
Come and discover how to help your backyard chickens survive the Winter cold. While chickens can actually withstand a fair amount of cold weather, most believe they prefer milder temps like the rest of us! Learn about keeping chickens warm in winter, winterizing the chicken run and coop, what to heat and not heat and more.
Chicken Pox Alert! Causes, Signs & Treatment for Fowls
Concerned about Fowl Pox in your chickens? This post explores the causes, symptoms, and treatment options to help you keep your flock healthy! #chickencare #chickenhealth
18 Best Toys for Chicken Coops: Homemade and Store-Bought
Dive into our guide for the best toys for chicken coops, featuring 18 homemade and store-bought options to boost your flock's health and happiness.
How To Make Sure your Chickens have a Well Balanced Diet
Discover how to make sure your chickens have a well balanced diet, based on their age and the time of year. Homemade and straight from the garden food is best. On the other hand, it's fairly easy these days to find commercial chicken food that’s organic, free of antibiotics and free of genetically modified ingredients. Tap the pin to learn your options for what to feed your chickens.
Add Wind Protection to Keep Backyard Chickens Warm
Did you know that adding wind protection can be enough to keep your backyard chickens warm in Winter? Discover 11 other simple, inexpensive steps to keeping chickens warm and cozy in their chicken coop during cold months. Taking care of chickens on windy, chilly days requires pre-planning. Surprisingly, heating a chicken coop is rarely necessary. Protecting against the chill and damp has more to do with taking steps to make sure your coop and run are insulated adequately.
How to Identify Male & Female Chicken Chicks + Lots of Pictures to Help!
Everyone wants to buy female chicks that will lay eggs. But how do you know you’re getting a female and not a male? I’ll show you the subtle differences so you can increase your chances of ending up with all pullets who will lay eggs for you in your backyard chicken flock! Tell Cockerel from Pullet | Select Only Pullet Female Hens