
130 Pins
Lovett Memorial Library in Pampa, TX. I have a lot of great memories here
Old cowboy and his poodle: Note: this is Rufe Jordan...loved and feared past sheriff at Pampa, TX
Pampa, Texas Tornado 6-8-1995
Pampa, Texas Tornado 6-8-1995 I was just a little girl about 7 when this happened and remember it like yesterday
PAMPA, Texas, June 8, 1995, F4 tornado. In addition to the Pampa sheriff dashcam video mentioned previously, storm chasers Alan Moller and Chuck Doswell captured amazing footage of this relatively small but extremely violent, hyper-spinning vortex. A brief section of it is shown here. (KevinR@Ky)
Pampa, TX
Pampa, TX : THE CONEY ISLAND CAFE, a Pampa legend, opened in 1933 and still serves one of the the best hotdogs to be found anywhere.