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Whoever who descends from their state to lift us to superconsciousness experience & enlightenment is
This may contain: the silhouettes of people riding in a horse drawn carriage at sunset with an rainbow behind them
The Essence of Bhagavad Gita explained by Spiritual Master Pujya Niruma
Get the Essence of Bhagavad Gita as per Enlightened one’s vision through this video. #bhagavadgita #essenceofgita #lordkrishna #gitagnan #arjuna #dadabhagwan #dadabhagwanfoundation
The Bhagavad Gita and the Hero’s Journey to Unity Consciousness - Think Smarter World
हरि राम कृष्ण ॥ Hri Ram Krishn
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Srikrisna wallpaper by sarushivaanjali - Download on ZEDGE™ | de89
Srikrisna wallpaper by sarushivaanjali - 89 - Free on ZEDGE™