
346 Pins
Emily Holland | Bridal Hair Artist | This is such a cool trick but here are my tips for making sure it works out great. Have fun picking your colors ;) If you create a fun… | Instagram
Kim Laughren on Instagram: "🙋‍♀️If you wish you were better at eyeshadow I’m here to help! As we get older and our eyelids become a little wrinkly or discolored we can start to question how to apply eyeshadow in a way that looks nice but still works with maturing skin. And if you’ve seen some of my other videos you know I love a little shimmer!🤩 So don’t let anyone tell you that you’re too old for that! If you like it then wear it!✨ This easy 4 color eyeshadow is something everyone can do! Whether you have small eyes, hooded eye, mature eyes… this method works for everyone!🙌 I’m using Oak, Holly , Peppa, Rome and the Eyeshadow Brush all from Seint ✅Comment “LINKS “ below Like, Follow and Save For Inspo #easyeyeshadow #easyeyemakeup #lookyourbest #hoodedeyesmakeup #matureskinma
2 Ways to Do Eyeshadow for Hooded Eyes:
This is a guide to eyeshadow for hooded eyes. Learn how to apply eyeshadow to hooded eyes using the reverse 7 technique, with this step-by-step tutorial.
An Awesome Japanese Technique to Make Your Eyes Look Younger — It Only Requires One Minute
An Awesome Japanese Technique to Make Your Eyes Look Younger — It Only Requires One Minute / Bright Side
Chelsea Bare on Instagram: "Colors used: Sedona, Crush, Sabrina, Coco (eyeliner) You can shop these shades in my bi0 under “order makeup” #eyeshadowhack #easyeyeshadow #eyeshadowforbeginners #easymakeup #seint #seinteyeshadow #eyeshadowtutorial #neutraleyeshadow #makeuptips #girlgrwm #viralmakeup"
A makeup trick that helps create the illusion of larger, more defined eyes for individuals with hooded or droopy eyelids. #HoodedEyeHack #EyeMakeupTricks #MakeupMagic
Hooded Eye Hacks "Unveil Your Hidden Beauty"
A makeup trick that helps create the illusion of larger, more defined eyes for individuals with hooded or droopy eyelids. #HoodedEyeHack #EyeMakeupTricks #MakeupMagic
MAC Eyeshadow Makeup Tutorial
Today I am going to teach you a very clean and pretty eye makeup using MAC eyeshadows. We shot this at a photoshoot for our teen model, Monica, so I have referred to it as…
Chelsea Bare | This is the easiest way to do eyeshadow if you struggle! #eyeshadow #eyeshadowhack #eyeshadowtip #eyeshadowtutorial #easymakeup #makeuptips… | Instagram