
16 Pins
Valentine's Gifts: Fridge Magnets - Red Ted Art - Kids Crafts
There are so many things you can make with salt dough, but I especially love these magnets! A big variety of ways you can decorate them, and as always, I'm a fan of a practical gift!
Cactus Handprint Valentines Day Craft and Free Template "Hug Me and Stuck on You" - A Little Pinch of Perfect
Cactus Handprint Valentines Day Craft and Free Template "Hug Me and Stuck on You" -
Clay Fingerprint Keepsake Ornaments – The Pinterested Parent
Salt Dough Clay Thumbprint Heart Ornament for Valentine's Day- Clay Fingerprint Keepsake Ornaments for the family - a sweet and easy arts & craft idea and keepsake that the kids or the whole family can make together
Fingerprint Art Glass Magnets Craft Tutorial with DIY VIDEO
Fingerprint Art Glass Magnets Fingerabdrücke Magnete basteln mit Kindern. DIY Geschenkideen, Mitbringsel zum selber machen ganz einfach mit Kindern. Auch mit Kleinkindern. Zum Verschenken an Weihnachten, Muttertag, zum Geburtstag, Vatertag etc. nützliche Geschenkidee schnell und einfach gemacht.