Primary Provision

English HT1 - The man who walked between the towers (non fiction, narrative, information texts, newspaper, poetry) HT2 - the tempest (play) - fiction, precis, monologue HT3 - The lost thing - letters, non chronological reports, persuasive writing, information texts, narrative HT 4 - The lost happy endings, narrative, flashback, diary Ht5 - Kaspar the prince of cats - storytelling, story writing, recounts, poetry HT 6 - Curiosity (Literacy Tree) - letter writing, poetry, newspaper reports Maths HT 1 - place value, addition and subtraction HT 2 multiplication and division and fractions HT 3 multiplication and division and fractions HT 4 decimals and percentage, perimeter and area HT 5 - shape, position and direction and decimals HT 6 - negative numbers, converting units and volume Science HT 1 - animals including humans, living things and their environment HT 2 - properties and changes in material - grouping and classifying materials and their properties HT 3 - forced and magnets - forces and motions, electricity and magnetism, magnets and magnetism HT 4 - plants (green plants) HT 5 - animals including humans - variation and classification HT 6 - earth and space - the earth and beyond Geography HT 2 - water, water everywhere HT 4 - Investigating rivers HT 6 - Changing our classroom History HT 1 - Henry 8th HT 3 - Tudor exploration HT 5 - Florence nightingale and Victorian school and work PE HT 1 - Athletics HT 2 - Gymnastics HT 3 - dance HT 4 - invasion games (attack and defense) HT 5 - net and wall games (racket) HT 6 - striking and fielding PSHE HT 1 - my year ahead, being a citizen, responsibilities, reward and consequences, learning charer HT 2 - different cultures, racism, rumour and name calling, types of bullying, does money matter, celebrating difference HT 3 - when I grow up, jobs and careers, my dream.job, dreams and goals of people of other cultures, how can we support each other, rallying support HT 4 - smoking, alcohol, emergency aid, body image, my relationship and food, healthy me HT 5 - recognising me, safety online, being in an online community, online gaming, my relationship with technology, my relationship stating safe and happy HT 6 - self, image and body image, puberty (both sexes), conception, looking ahead 1 and 2 DT HT 1 - Kapow primary unit 1 (cooking and nutrition) HT 2 - Kapow Primary unit 4 (electrical systems and electronic cards) HT 3 - textiles, stuffed toys (unit 3) HT 4 - structures (bridges) unit 6 HT 5 - pop up books (unit 2) HT 6 - digital world: monitoring devices (unit 5) Art HT 1 - fabric of nature (craft and design) - Kapow unit 4 HT 2 Christmas, Diwali, Bonfire Night, autumn current class book HT 3 - I need space (drawing skills) - unit 1 HT 4 - Easter spring changes, flowers (current class book), shapes and repeating patterns HT 5 - portraits (painting and mixed media) - unit 2 HT 6 - summer holidays sports and class book Computing HT 1 - coding main programmes - 2code HT 2 - online safety HT 3 - spreadsheets - 2calculate HT 4 databases - 2question, 2investigate HT 5 - 3D modelling - 2Design and Make HT 6 - concept maps 2Connect
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