
PinpointBodywork.com. Pinpoint Bodywork is the leading-edge resource platform for manual therapists, massage professionals, and bodyworkers.
36 Pins
Reflective moments
education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think. ~ albert einstein
Fat loss quote of the day: "The key to eating healthy? Avoid any food that has a TV commercial" - "REPIN" if you agree!
Guest Post, She is Clothed With Strength: How Fitness Saved Me - The Paleo Mama
As someone with Panic Disorder and Depression, I completely agree. Food control and more exercise won’t necessarily cure these disorders. But they sure as hell help.
A Good Laugh And A Long Sleep Are The Two Best Cures For Anything - LifeHack
A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.
Keep The Drive Alive: 20 Of The Best Motivational And Inspirational Pictures On The Web [6th Edition] - SimplyShredded.com
Keep The Drive Alive: 20 Of The Best Motivational And Inspirational Pictures On The Web [6th Edition] | SimplyShredded.com