Visual art: line

A line is a dot that goes for a walk. - Paul Klee. An element of art defined by a point moving in space. Line may be two-or three-dimensional, descriptive, implied, or abstract. Straight line: have no curves and moves in one direction. Dotted/Dashed line: broken lines that can be straight, organic or geometric lines. Geometric line: has no curves but unlike straight line can move in many directions. Organic line: uses curves and natural movement.
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More silhouettes, this time abstract shadows from the words themselves. Love these! Papercut artwork by Annie Vought, via Design Sponge.
Kris Trappeniers continuous line. Have them draw over a portrait on a transparency.
Art prompt: Picasso drew this simple horse with one, continuous line. Try drawing your favorite animal or pet the same way.
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Catherine Truman, Australia, born 1957, Palm up, 2002, Gray Street Workshop, Adelaide, English lime, shu niku ink, 20.0 x 20.0 x 5.0 cm