Lithuanian Straw Gardens

Unveil the magic of Lithuanian straw gardens. These intricate, handcrafted masterpieces are more than just decorations; they are vessels of ancient wisdom and energy. Adorned with symbolic patterns and imbued with spiritual significance, these straw wonders have graced Lithuanian homes for centuries. Discover the beauty and mystique of this timeless tradition.
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viisikulmainen himmeli
Himmeli on minulle edelleen yksi joulun kauneimmista koristeista. Lapsuuteni joulut vietimme maalla ja siellä on edelleen useampikin...
4. Kokoa kuusi kuutiota renkaaksi seuraavalla tavalla: Kiepauta kahden kuution kaksi keskikohtaa langalla yhteen. Kulje kahden vaakaoljen läpi seuraavaan yhdistämiskohtaan. Lisää kolmas kuutio kiepauttamalla kaksi kertaa vaakakulman ympäri. Lisää samalla tavalla loput kuutiot. Yhdistä viimeiseksi ensimmäiseen kuutioon.
ET – Blogit | Reijan räsymatto – Himmeli on kaunis, pyhä ja harmoninen
Himmelin ei tarvitse olla perinteinen – katso ohje, jolla moderni himmeli onnistuu!
Kaunis himmeli jouluksi
The straw gardens are a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Lithuanian cultural heritage - straw gardens - is included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. #Strawgardens #UNESCO #Folkart #Lithuanianfolkart #Provincia
Traditional Finnish Himmeli. In the Book HIMMELI geometrisk halmslöjd förr och nu.(Natur och Kultur 2016 by Eija Koski, Photo Katja Lösönen)
8 Creative DIY Decor Ideas For A Fancy-looking Home
DIY-side-table-brittanyMakes-Himmeli-Table-3 It’s Saturday Morning! Celebrating the Golden Era of Cartoons 1960s-1990s
DIY Gold Geometric Baby Mobile out of Plastic Straws | Part 2: The Frame - We Lived Happily Ever After
DIY Gold Geometric Baby Mobile out of Plastic Straws
Grey Linen Table Runner for Rustic Wedding, Spring, Thanksgiving Day. Natural Long Table Runner for Holiday, Farmhouse. Various Color, Size - Etsy
This light grey dining table runner is handmade and high quality, so you will be able to use it in many different ways for a long time. It will add elegance to your table on any occasion or be your helper for everyday use. #linen #tablerunner #linentablerunner #greytablerunner #whitetablerunner #whitelinen #greylinen #naturallinen #rusticlinen #rusticwedding #traditions #lithuania #strawgardens #farmhouselifestyle #wabisabistyle #ikigaihome #farmhousediningroom #countryliving #rustichomedecor
Black Linen Tablecloth for Modern Wedding, Farmhouse, Holiday. Natural Round, Square Table Cloth for New Home, Christmas, Halloween - Etsy UK
Black linen tablecloth will make your table look elegant and modern, festive, or just casual, using accessories. With these table linens, you will be able to enrich your everyday table and decorate it nicely for your celebrations. #Linen #TableLinens #Tablecloth #LinenTablecloths #ModernTablecloth #BlackTablecloth #ChristmasTableDecor #BlackTableLinens #HomeDecor #HomeDecorIdeas #EcoFriendlyLifestyle #NewHomeGift #FarmhouseTableDecor #BlackLinenTableDecor #LinenTableclothIdeas