Empowering the path from education to a professional career in sound.
Our solutions provide access and exposure to the workflow of the industry's most sought after technologies. Our tools are widely used in production schools around the globe from youth programs to higher education. As the world continues to grow more connected through media and music, so does the need for the most knowledgeable and skilled sound professionals. Our mission is focused on helping the natural adoption of pro audio principles in the creative arts.
Our tools help educators deliver course content with higher personal engagement. Lessen the dependency on textbooks and PDFs. Allow students to practice the same workflows they will face in labs where ever they are learning.
- Lab Stations licenses available - Click here
- Learn about distributing SoundcheckPro - Click Here

LessonPlans & Exercises
Designed for ease of implementation, our modular lesson-plans can be inserted into any existing course. Serving, topics and milestone indicators to monitor student growth.
Format break down:
- Topics
- Objectives
- Assignments
- Assesments
- Outcomes
- Essentials Questions
- Resources
- Related Topics
- Lessonplans & Exercises- Click here
- Signal Flow Accelerator 2022 - Watch Here

EDU Portal For Schools
Offering schools with educational and administrative features
- School Profile page
- Create and Join Classrooms
- Monitor students stats with ease
- Orders and Coupon History
- Accounts & Lab Station Oversight
- More coming soon

Case Study - Classroom Teaching of Signal Flow with Virtual Simulations
"Educating students on the topics of consoles, patchbays and signal flow presents it’s share of challenges. Educators were looking for ways to provide value to the students who wanted more access to recording studios. Using both Soundcheck & Virtual studio, I taught lectures and labs on the basics of signal flow, consoles and patchbay routing using virtual tools. Every student had their own studio loaded on their own computers."
Rich Wattie, Eastman School of Music
Rich has been teaching sound the traditional way up until he got to try SoundcheckPro. Sitting by their flagship studio console, he shares his absolute favorite features and insight on how he uses our tools in his courses to make learning the console more accessible to students.
Published AES Paper
Audio Education Conference 2021
Many traditional pedagogical approaches to signal flow training were forced to be rethought at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. This unprecedented event forced educators to reevaluate curriculum and tools for distance learning. In an effort to adapt courses to online formats, educational programs revealed the growing consensus of virtual simulations being effective for console and signal flow training. The objective of this paper is to document the impact of virtual simulations in audio education amid social restrictions and highlight its relativity for post-pandemic conditions. Observing the progress of educators and students who used virtual simulations in their studio or live sound courses combined with survey and user engagement data collected over the semester to support the results.
Our software continues to improve thanks to these programs.