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SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN July 6, 1918 20 Stop Useless Waste GASOLINE OCONOMY is a war-time ne- Ecessity. But be sure you practice sensible economy. Good health and efficiency de- mand mind and body building recreation. Motor of course. Keep fit. But don't squander fuel money. Equip your car with a New Stromberg Carbur- etor. It produces-on any car, old or new-most miles per gallon. It conserves gasoline. Enables you to motor with a "clear con- science" to employ tangible patriotism-to save and serve in a way that really counts- without stinting. Investigate. Send at once for unbeatable economy records---and free literature that explains how YOU can increase mileage and reduce fuel costs. State name, model and year of your car. Stromberg Motor Devices Co. Dept. 716 64 E. 25th Street Chicago New STROMBERG Does it! Strettols THE TOOL WITH A NAME BACK OF IT Send for free Catalog No. 21B. THE L. S. STARRETT COMPANY 3D S The World's Greatest Toolmakers ATHOL tanley Tools STANLEY No.42 Stanley "Pistol Grip" Adjustable Saw Set No. 42 This Saw Set embodies several unique and important features not hereto- fore seen in tools of this description. The shape of the Body and Handle enables the user to operate the tool with great ease and with the least possible exertion, and the saw is held firmly against the gauge while the tooth is being set. It can be readily adjusted by means of the knurled thumb screw to give a greater or less set to teeth of the saw, according as the saw is to be used for coarse or fine work. As the anvil or part against which the plunger works is graduated, the same adjustment can be easily obtained for duplicate work. The tool is so designed that the saw teeth are in plain view which enables the user to quickly adjust the tool to the tooth to be set. At your Hardware Dealers Manufactured by STANLEY RULE & LEVEL CO. NEW BRITAIN, CONN. U.S.A. MASS. 42-803 THE MIDGET SLIDE RULE The Government and the Distribution of Coal (Concluded from page 18) ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED LATHES AND SMALL TOOLS Friction Disk Disk Drill settle all disputes peacefully-or, if neces- The sary, by brandishing the big stick. labor problem would, in fact, cease to be a problem to precisely the same extent as it has so ceased in the case of the railroads. The country would be divided into zones to prevent cross-hauling, as suggested. Each zone would be supplied from a certain coal field, preferably within its boundaries. The size of the zone would depend largely upon the tonnage and location of the coal field that is to supply it. Each zone would be in direct charge of a Zone Fuel Admin- istrator, who would attend to the distribu- W. F. & Jno. Barnes Company tion of the coal produced and used in his zone. The next step would be to divide the larger zone into smaller zones or districts. Each of these districts should cover that part of the country served by a single division of a single railroad; each would be in charge of a District Fuel Administrator. Each retail coal dealer and each manu- facturer who purchases coal for his own use from the mines or from a wholesaler would report daily to the District Ad- ministrator his coal on hand, his average daily requirements, the amount and kind of coal needed, and when it should be de- livered. From these daily reports a sum- mary report could be made for the entire district, which would at once show the fuel conditions within the district. would go to the Zone Fuel Administrator, and on receipt of these documents the out- put of the zone could be distributed. The cars for each district could go from one mine or group of mines direct to the division point on the railroad of the district; they would thus come in solid trains direct from mine to distribution point. Upon arrival the District Ad- ministrator would parcel the coal according to the needs of the various parts of his district. This it at When a coal train was once made up at the mines under this system, it would not be broken except for weighing until reached its final distributing center. It might even be feasible not to weigh it all until it reached that center, when the switching for weighing and for distribution could be done together. In any event, there would be but one sorting of cars, made of metal. Adapted or shop and it would not present any problem and office use. Fits the pocket. 34 in diameter. Price with instructions will add, subtract, multiply, divide: solve problems involving even and uneven roots and powers. Also gives the Logarithms of Numbers and the Sines, Cosines, Tangents and Co- tangents of all angles. Its operation is very simple; quickly solves any mathematical problem. Durably FOR LIGHT WORK Has These Great Advantages. The speed can be instantly changed from 0 to 1600 without stopping or shifting belts. Power applied can be graduated to drive, with equal safety, the smallest or largest drills within its range a wonderful economy in time and great saving in drill breakage. Send for Drill Catalogue Established 1872 1999 Ruby Street Established in 1906 Rockford, Illinois SOUTH BEND LATHES Making Lathes over 10 years For the Machine and Repair Shop LOW IN PRICE 13 in. to 24 in. swing Straight or Gap Beds Send for free catalog giv Ing prices on entire line South Bend Lathe Works How to Run a Lathe A 64 page book For 10c Postpaid Coin or Stamps 421 Madison St., South Bend, Ind! IMPROVED Combination Lathe for mechanics, model mak- ers, experimenters and ama- teurs. Hollow steel spindle. The foot motion is of the im- proved grasshopper type. Circular saw has iron saw table perfectly adjusted. Guide and slide move to and fro readily, and are always true to the saw. Slide may be set at an angle. $45, $50, $55 and $60. A. J. WILKINSON & CO. Machinery, etc. 184-188 Washington St. BOSTON, MASS. GEARS All Kinds-Small The most accuate made and prices reasonable. We carry a complete line of gears in stock for immedi- ate shipment. Can also quote on special gears of all kinds. Send us your inquiries. Write for Catalogue CHICAGO STOCK GEAR WORKS 20 South Wells Street Chicago THE No. 51 UNIVERSAL WOOD WORKER is the most wonderful wood working machine you have ever seen. 26" band saw, 8" jointer, reversible single spindle shaper, saw table and borer all in one. Ask for special catalog describing it. Also ask for jointers, variety wood workers, catalog of band saws, saw tables, planers, swing saws, disk grinders and borers. THE CRESCENT MACHINE CO. 230 Main St., Leetonia, Ohio, U.S.A. $1.00 because no particular car would have to go WELL Send for free descriptive circulars. Your money back if you are not satisfied. GILSON SLIDE RULE CO., Niles, Mich Red Devil Pliers TRADE MARK for all tradesmen All styles and sizes for me- chanics, householders, car- penters, electricians, jewel- ers, opticians, etc. At your dealers. Tool Booklet Free SMITH & HEMENWAY CO., Inc. 93 Coit Street Irvington, N. J. Little Giant Cleveland Grindstones It's in the Grit The only genuine Berea Stone. Possesses just the right degree of hardness to put a keen edge on all cutting tools without destroying the temper of the tools. Used by majority of mechanics and Industrial Schools. Write for folder "Selection and Care of a Grindstone" The Cleveland Stone Co. 1129 Leader-News Bldg. Cleveland, 0. ECONOMY Replace the Link- Renew the Fuse AWONO renewable FUSES cut annual fuse maintenance costs 80%. Can be used over and over. An inexpensive "Drop Out" Renewal Link to any particular destination. DRILLING PAYS WELL Cash or easy Own a machine of your own. terms. Many styles and sizes for all purposes Write for Circular. WILLIAMS BROS., 434 W. State St., Ithaca, N.Y. THE SCHWERDTLE STAMP CO. STEEL STAMPS LETTERS & FIGURES. BRIDGEPORT CONN. Magical Apparatus A scheme of payment for the coal could be easily arranged so that the Government would not be out of pocket, while the mines would get the cash as quickly as now, if not more quickly. The purchaser could be required to maintain a deposit with the Fuel Administrator; the Government could include in the price a small per- centage to take care of the distribution cost. A "rake-off" of ten cents per ton 300 pages 600 Engravings, Tricks, Illusions would amount to about $65,000,000 per Ventriloquial figures, Catalogue Parlor Tricks Free year, which should be more than enough MARTINKA & CO., Estab. 1875, 493 Sixth Ave., New York for this purpose; and it would be no burden to the user of coal. It would be less than the ordinary commission of the wholesaler or jobber, and would easily result in ten cents worth of improved service per ton. Send 25c for "Grand Catalogue" TELESCOPES CATALOGUE PLAINFIELD, N.J. THE BRIDGEPORT CHAIN CO. How the Hispano-Suiza Engine Came Specialists in Small Wire Shapes & Flat Stampings Bridgeport, Conn. MASON'S NEW PAT. WHIP HOIST for Outrigger hoists. Faster than Elevators, and hoist direct from teams. Saves handling at less expense. Manufactured by VOLNEY W. MASON & CO., Inc. Providence, R. I., U. S. A. to the Forefront of Aviation (Concluded from page 7) Hispano-Suiza engines have had more than 400 hours of flight, which is something distinctly unusual in aeronautical engines. A 180-horse-power Hispano-Suiza stalled in a Gourdon monoplane has given a speed at various levels far and away beyond any other motors now in use at the CEAR WHEELS & PARTS OF MODELS. French front; in fact, it is the fastest SETS OF CASTINGS OF MODEL ENGINES SOND 10 FOR 126 PAGE JLL CATALOGUE ALSO TOOLS ATMAN & CO MECHANICAL SUPPLIES AND MATERIAL of all kinds EXPERIMENTAL AND LIGHT MACHINE WORK to order 132 MILK STREET, BOSTON machine yet flown. Exact figures cannot EXPERT ASSISTANCE perimental Work be given at present. Automobiles, motors, engines and parts. Inventions developed to completion 1926 Broadway, N. Y. C During the recent airplane investiga-Light Mfg., Serew Machine Work, Special Machinery, Stamping tion in the United States several alleged ELK MANUFACTURING CO., Inc., authorities stated that it was impossible for American manufacturers to turn out NOVELTIES & PATENTED ARTICLES restores a blown Economy the foreign type of engine in any ap- Fuse to its original efficiency. MANUFACTURED BY CONTRACT. PUNCHING DIES, LIGHT AUTOMOBILE STAMPINGS ECONOMY FUSE & MFG. CO. preciable quantities, because of the large E KONIGSLOW STAMPING & TOOL WORKS, CLEVELAND. 0. Kinzie & Orleans Sts., CHICAGO, U.S.A. amount of hand work necessary which did Sole Manufacturer of "ARKLESS not allow for complete standardization. Experimental and Model Work the Non-Renewable with the 100% Guaranteed Indicator. Also made in Canada at Montreal Electrical Instruments and Fine Machinery. Inventions Developed. Special Tools. Dies, Gear Cutting, Etc. That these statements are not strictly correct is supported by the fact that one firm in Spain, two firms in England, HENRY ZUHR, 200 to 204 William St., New York City I
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