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NOTES AND QUERIES: A MEDIUM OF INTER-COMMUNICATION FOR LITERARY MEN, ARTISTS, ANTIQUARIES, GENEALOGISTS, ETC. "When found, make a note of."- CAPTAIN CUTTLE. VOL. X.-No. 244.] CONTENTS. Our Tenth Volume - NOTES:- Coleridge's Lectures on Shakspeare and Milton in 1812, by J. Payne Collier Notes on Pepys's Diary Mathematical Bibliography, by James Cockle, M.A., F.R.A.S. - Voltaire and Henri Carion. Spirit- rapping FOLK LORE: Valentine's Eve in Norwich Cure for Toothache Derbyshire Folk Lore - Page 1 2 3 · 4 - 5 - 6 Anecdote related by Atterbury, by Wm. Fraser, B.C.L. MINOR NOTES:- Phrenology partly an- ticipated The first Pre-Raffaelite Hesiod and Matt. v. 43- Anecdote of Eldon QUERIES:- Clairvoyance, by Dr. Maitland - " MINOR QUERIES:- Pillars resting on Animals MS. Verses in Fuller's "Medicina Gymnastica - Charles Povey-The Moon's Influence - Salt, Custom connected with -" The Devil sits in his easy chair"- The Turks and the Irish-Milton Portraits-The Economy of Human Life"- Robert Parsons or Persons-Orpheus Sumart the Clockmaker-"The Ants " Transmutation of Metals-Franciscan Dress-Richard Colwell of Faversham -Conspiracy to dig up Corpses - The Herodians MINOR QUERIES WITH ANSWERS: "Animali Parlanti" of Casti Con- fessor to the Royal Household-Negus - Terra Filius"-Consecration of Colours-Motto of "The Sun" News- paper-"Louvre " Boards REPLIES:- Abbey of Aberbrothock Reprints of Early Bibles, by George Offor, &c. Books burnt by the Hangman Classic Authors and the Jews, &c. Coronation Custom PHOTOGRAPHIC CORRESPONDENCE:- Mr. Long on an easy Calotype Process- Mr. Fox Talbot's Patents-Photogra- phic Paper-Substitute for Pins REPLIES TO MINOR QUERIES:-Medal - Ralph Bosvile - Humming Ale Heiress of Haddon Hall - Barrell's Regiment Aska or Asca-"Peter Wilkins"- Rev. John Lewis- Eden Family Kutchakutchoo -- Elstob Family Forensic Jocularities Divining Rod George Herbert French Refugees- Double Christian Names-"Cui bono 6 7 7 9 11 1 1223 14 15 MISCELLANEOUS :— Notes on Books, &c. 19 Books and Odd Volumes Wanted 19 Notices to Correspondents 20 VOL. X.-No. 244. SATURDAY, JULY 1. 1854. Multæ terricolis linguæ, cœlestibus una. $ SAMUEL BAGSTER AND SONS' GENERAL CATALOGUE is sent Free by Post. It contains Lists of Quarto Family Bibles; Ancient English Translations; Manuscript- notes Bibles: Polyglot Bibles in every variety of Size and Combination of Language; Pa- rallel-passages Bibles; Greek Critical and other Testaments; Polyglot Books of Common Prayer; Psalms in English, Hebrew, and many other Languages, in great variety; Aids to the Study of the Old Testament and of the New Testament; and Miscellaneous Biblical and other Works. By Post Free: London: SAMUEL BAGSTER & SONS, 15. Paternoster Row. Πολλαι μεν θνητοις Γλωτται, μια δ' Αθανατοισιν. IVY, Printed by Aldus, 1518. L' -Lost of the above Work, Vols. I. and II., bound together in old red morocco, with large and small bands alternately; beside the lettering on the back, it has also letterings on the side and leaves, and probably has the arms of a cardinal impressed either on the first or last leaf, and writing by Heber on the first blank leaf. Whoever may have the above will greatly oblige by communicating with MR. TOOVEY, Bookseller, 177. Piccadilly. This Day, in One Large Volume, super-royal 8vo., price 21. 12s. 6d. cloth lettered. NYCLOPEDIA BIBLIOGRA- PHICA: a Library Manual of Theo- logical and General Literature, and Guide to Books for Authors, Preachers, Students and Literary Men, Analytical. Bibliographical, and Biographical. By JAMES DARLING. A PROSPECTUS, with Specimens and Critical Notices, sent Free on Receipt of a Postage Stamp. London: JAMES DARLING, 81. Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. BISHOP SELWYN'S OWN ACCOUNT OF HIS MISSIONS. The JULY Number of the YOLONIAL CHURCH CHRO- NAL (being the First Number of Vol. VIII.), will contain a Narrative by the Bishop of New Zealand of his Melanesian Mission. PART I. The Christians of St. Thomas in Malabar; the Bishop of Quebec on Colonial Bishop's Titles; the Bishop of Newcastle's N. S. W., or a Colonial Bishop's Work: Report of the Monthly Meeting of the S. P. G.; the Ann. Meeting, June 21, at Willis's Rooms: the Fes- tival at St. Paul's; Home and Colonial Mis- sionary News. Published Monthly, price 6d. RIVINGTONS, Waterloo Place. Price Fourpence. Stamped Edition, 5d. AMERICAN BOOKS - LOW, SON, & CO., as the Importers and Pub- lishers of American Books in this Country, have recently issued a detailed Catalogue of their Stock in Theology, History, Travels, Biography, Practical Science, Fiction, &c., a Copy of which will be forwarded upon appli- cation. By arrangements with the American Pub- lishers, all Works of known or anticipated interest will in future be published by LOW, SON, & CO., simultaneously with their appear- ance in America. Works not in stock ob- tained within six weeks of order. Lists of Importations forwarded regularly when de- sired. Literary Institutions, the Clergy, Merchants and Shippers, and the Trade, supplied on ad- vantageous terms. Small enclosures taken for weekly case to the United States at a moderate charge. A Just published. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, all perfect and in good Condition, and marked at extremely low Prices. May be had on Application, or sent Post Free. UPHAM & BEET (late RODWELL), 46. New Bond Street, corner of Maddox Street. Just published, in crown 8vo., printed and or- namented uniformly with "Queen Eliza- beth's Prayer Book," price 10s. 6d. cloth. WIFE'S MANUAL; or, Prayers, Thoughts, and Song on several Occasions of a Matron's Life. By the REV. WILLIAM CALVERT, Rector of St. Antho- lin, and one of the Minor Canons of St. Paul's. London: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, & LONGMANS. [URRAY'S BRITISH CLAS- MURRAY'S BON'S ROMAN EMPIRE, edited by DR. WM. SMITH, will be published with the Magazines on June 30th. JOHN MURRAY, Albemarle Street. THE QUARTERLY REVIEW. No. CLXXXIX. ADVERTISE- MENTS for the forthcoming Number must be forwarded to the Publisher by the 1st, and BILLS for Insertion by the 3rd JULY. JOHN MURRAY, Albemarle Street. Now ready, No. VII. (for May), price 2s. 6d. published Quarterly. RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW (New Series); consisting of Criticisms upon, Analyses of, and Extracts from, Curious, Useful, Valuable, and Scarce Old Books. Vol. I., 8vo., pp. 436, cloth 108. 6d., is also ready. JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36. Soho Square, London.
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