Lia Venegas
Main | Gallery |
Lia Venegas | |
Profile | |
Race | Human |
Age | 10-11 |
Gender | Female |
Brawling Information | |
Main FactionMain Faction used by this battler
Bakugan | Pegatrix (Primary Main) Gorthion (Initial Main) Fenneca (Main in Geogan Rising)
Team | Awesome Brawlers |
Media | |
First appearance | Origin of the Species Part 1 |
Voiced by | Margarita Valderrama |
Lia Venegas is one of the main characters and a Haos Brawler of the Generation 2 series, serving as one of the main protagonists of it.
She is the female member of the Awesome Ones, doing most of the filming and video editing for the group.
She owned a Haos Gorthion as her Partner Bakugan, being replaced by Pegatrix after obtaining her. In addition, she owns two other Haos Bakugan: Cubbo, and Sairus, whom she got from Monica in Armored Alliance.
In Pegatrix's place came Haos Fenneca in Geogan Rising. Also, she uses the Haos Geogan Arachnia in the same season.
Chilean-American, Lia Venegas is as unique as they come. When Dan and Wynton couldn't turn their ridiculous stunt into a successful video, it was Lia Venegas who happened by and, with a few unsolicited suggestions, turned their whole scene around. Without missing a beat, Dan and Wynton asked if Lia Venegas had ever considered directing. Since then, Lia Venegas has been “the Director” of the crew and the newest best friend to Dan and Wynton. Lia Venegas is artistic and expressive— confident and inspirational to those around her. Her energy seems limitless— and Lia Venegas wants you in the shot – whoever you are! Whatever you do, Lia Venegas will help you do it in the best way possible... unless you're out to bring her down. Then watch out! Lia Venegas does not deal with ‘haters.' She's spent her whole life standing up to people who tried picking on her for being different— but no one ever tried a second time. Lia Venegas is as strong as she is creative and never backs down from a conflict, even when she should. Like the guys, Lia Venegas is all about the fun factor and believes that those who go with their instincts live the happiest lives. Lia Venegas is an out-of-the-box thinker who helps others find their hidden talents through experimentation, fearlessness and empathy.
Bakugan Battle Planet[edit]
Lia Venegas is a member of the Awesome Ones, a group of kids living in Los Volmos who make videos for the video site ViewTube. The other members include Dan Kouzo, Wynton Styles, and Lightning the dog. Twelve years after the Great Collision, the Awesome Ones sneak into a restricted area of Pinpoint Park, in order to film a video for their ViewTube channel on the twelve-year anniversary of the Great Collision, in a crater caused by the Collision. While the group throws a surprise announcement for Dan's birthday, the second Great Collision occurs, causing the group to experience the Hide Matrix for the first time. Lia meets Gorthion, her new Bakugan partner.[1]
Lia and the rest of the Awesome Ones and their newfound Bakugan spend their time filming videos for their ViewTube channel. This is comprised of Dan, Wyton, Lia, and Lightning, and their Bakugan Drago, Trox, Gorthion, and Howlkor respectively, training and experimenting with BakuCores. The Awesome Ones share this discovery with the viewers on their ViewTube channel.[2]
The Awesome Ones continue training with their Bakugan, to the point of exhaustion. While Dan and Drago are out getting meals for the group, Wynton, Lia, and Lightning attempt to sleep while their respective Bakugan demand brawls, and try to wake them up through various methods, such as with a loud horn. Lia and Wynton wake up when Dan and Drago return to the Studio D from their run to the local Burger Joint, and are ready to continue brawling.[3]
After Dan and Drago recklessly train in nearby field, which causes a large amount of destruction, Lia and Wynton confront Dan about the amount of destruction the brawler and Bakugan pair had caused. Dan is frustrated by this confrontation, and walks off. Lia and Wynton later meet up with Dan at the Burger Joint, where Dan brags to them about having solved the problem with the Rowdy Reds. However, a news broadcast by Veronica Venegas deconfirms this; it shows the Rowdy Reds wrecking destruction on another area of Los Volmos, Costero Canyada. Lia and the Awesome Ones head to Costero Canyada to stop the destruction, and Lia lets Dan take care of the problem himself.[4]
While resting at the Studio D, Lia and Wynton push back against Dan's bragging, until they are interrupted by Mac and Maggie of the Rowdy Reds, who ask for help in defeating Marco Chezanello. Lia and Wynton goad Dan into attempting to handle the situation by himself. Lia, the rest of the Awesome Ones, and the two members of the Rowdy Reds return to the park, finding it transformed to Marco's image, and the entrance guarded by Max. After Drago in ball form is blown away by Marco's Pyrus Cyndeous, Lia and Wynton use Gorthion and Trox to brawl Marco. As Gorthion and Trox are charging Cyndeous, they fall into a hidden pit, trapping them. Gorthion and Trox are hit by Cyndeous Sword Barrage while defenseless, even though Cyndeous originally protested against the act. While Dan and Drago are away, Marco orders Cyndeous to attack the remaining brawlers, which cause Cyndeous to fly in to a fit of rage at the cruelty of the order, and start attacking in random directions. One of the attacks is headed for Mac and Maggie, but Dan activates Drago and shields them from the blast. Despite being their opponent, Drago also protects Marco and Max from Cyndeous' random attacks. Just as Drago is about to be incapacitated by the attacks, Gorthion knocks Cyndeous off of him. Drago then counterattacks, hitting Cyndeous' shield with a barrage of attacks. As Cyndeous snaps out of his rage, he directly tells Marco that he will no longer be obeying his cowardly orders, which Lia and the others overhear. Later that day, after the brawl concludes, Lia and Wynton accept Dan's apology for his previous arrogant attitude.[5]
Cyndeous joins Dan in sparring against Wynton and Trox. After the sparring session, Wynton pranks Trox and Cyndeous, while filming it for ViewTube. Trox objects, but Wynton continues to film and post the prank videos. Later, Wynton shows these videos to Dan and Lia, who are amazed at the amount of views on the videos. They witness the argument between Wynton and Trox, and the subsequent wager. For the wager, Gorthion, Drago, and Cyndeous take on Trox in a three-on-one brawl, but Lia, Dan, and Wynton leave the brawl up to the Bakugan, remaining on the sidelines. The team takes down their prank videos, losing a large amount of views, but retaining the trust of Trox.[6]
After Kravitz makes her initial entrance into Los Volmos, she seeks to alter people's perceptions of Bakugan to something that they distrust. Lia, Wynton and their respective Bakugan are training in a park when Trox is knock out of the park's bounds. Trox recalls into ball form to avoid damage, and rolls underneath a car. Kravitz takes this opportunity to force Trox out of ball form using her technology from AAAnimus Inc, damaging the surrounding property. Later, Lia and Gorthion are ordering a pastry at a local food stall when Kravitz again uses her technology to force Gorthion out of ball form, destroying the stall and harm people's perceptions of Bakugan.
The next day, the Awesome Ones find that their usual training grounds have been cordoned off, being declared a "Bakugan-free" area. They attempt to find another location to train, but every available spot is packed with other children looking for a place to use their Bakugan. At the last available spot, the group encounters Kravitz again, this time leading a group of protesters into declaring Bakugan brawling banned. The Awesome Ones return to their clubhouse, and upon seeing their viewership drop significantly, decide to make a mock-up brawling video, using cardboard cutouts of buildings and keeping their Bakugan in ball form, in order to avoid trouble. However, Kravitz has been spying on the group and uses this to her advantage, again forcing Drago, Trox, Gorthion, and Howlkor out of ball form, destroying the set. Kravitz then confronts the Awesome Ones again, disguised as the anti-Bakugan activist, along with several members of the community, include Bill and Barbara Kouzo. The group of protesters, including Dan's parents, demand that the Awesome Ones had their Bakugan over to Kravitz. Kravitz takes their Bakugan, declaring everything "safe".
While this is occurring, Benton Dusk watches, and decides to cause a weather satellite to plummet towards Los Volmos. Back in their clubhouse, the Awesome Ones watch Veronica Venegas as she reports on the incoming satellite. While Wynton and Lia scramble to grab what they can before evacuate, Dan formulates a plan: if they could get their Bakugan back, they could destroy the satellite and repair Los Volmos' perceptions towards Bakugan. The team stops Kravitz on her way out of Los Volmos, demanding their Bakugan back. Kravitz declines, but as she walks past the Awesome Ones, her device that forces Bakugan out of their ball forms is knocked from her person, falling and activating the Bakugan in the cases. The Bakugan break free, and Kravitz escapes. Lia and Gorthion are reunited, and begin to help escort civilians out of the city. After seeing this, the citizens of Los Volmos, including Dan's parents, tear up their anti-Bakugan fliers, and return to accepting Bakugan.[7]
Lia begins testing out some new technology to film Awesome Ones videos, when she notices something calling to her in the background of some of her test footage. She runs off into the woods, coming across a shining white flower in the middle of a clearing. This flower becomes enveloped in the same goop that appeared during the second Great Collision and bursts, causing Lia to recoil. When she opens her eyes, she realizes that she's holding a new Bakugan, Pegatrix. After the Awesome Ones return to their clubhouse, and find Jenkins with a brawl offer from China Riot for Lia. Lia immediately agrees and signs the accompanying contract. After Jenkins leaves, Lia realizes that the contract has a clause in it that the requires the loser of the brawl to give their Bakugan to the winner. Pegatrix warns Lia against going into the brawl stubbornly and without thinking it through, but Lia brushes her off, claiming that she "won't lose".
Later, the team is driven to the location of the brawl: a giant stone room in the middle of a desert, and are greeted by China and Jenkins. Lia rushes hastily into battle, being baited by China's slow pace towards starting the brawl. Lia sends out Gorthion against China's Ventus Maxotaur, but is further distracted by China. Needing a BakuCore, Lia attempts to grab a Haos one close to her on the Hide Matrix, however China has a series of hidden platforms that can rise and fall on her command, which prevent Lia from obtaining access to any BakuCores. Due to her inability to grab BakuCores, and general distracted state, Lia loses the brawl, and Gorthion. Dan and Wynton step up and challenge China in order to win Gorthion back. Lia, upset over the loss of her partner, is consoled by Pegatrix, and the two of them work to help Drago and Trox. Pegatrix acts as an "eye in the sky", locating BakuCores for Dan and Wynton. With the combined effort of Drago, Trox, and Pegatrix, the Awesome Ones easily beat Maxotaur, and Gorthion is returned to Lia. However, China refuses to hand over Maxotaur, and escapes with Jenkins on a helicopter.[8]
Lia helps out with the contest between Magnus Black and Shun Kazami to join the Awesome Ones.[9] She helps to track down Bear, a Bakugan of Bobby's that Strata the Hunter had brainwashed. During the final confrontation, she uses Pegatrix to try and restrain Bear.[10] She is also among the training party when Lightning discovers Artulean, and ends up returning after Lightning breaks Artulean out of Magnus' brainwashing.[11]
Bakugan Battle Planet[edit]
Haos Pegatrix (obtained in Pegatrix (episode))
Haos Gorthion
Haos Cubbo (joined Lia in Honey Struck)
Bakugan Armored Alliance[edit]
Haos Pegatrix
Haos Gorthion
Haos Sairus (joined Lia in Haunted House)
Aurelus Goreene
Haos/Pyrus Pegatrix x Pyrus
Haos/Aurelus Pegatrix x Aurelus
Bakugan: Geogan Rising[edit]
Bakugan: Evolutions[edit]
Haos Pegatrix
Haos Pegatrix Strength Mode/Neo Pegatrix
Haos Pegatrix Speed Mode
Haos Nanogan Chrysalin
Trading Card Game[edit]
Battle Brawlers[edit]
Lia Venegas on Lia Venegas
Age of Aurelus[edit]
Lia Venegas on Lia
Armored Elite[edit]
Lia Venegas on Recycle
Lia Venegas on Inspired Brawler
Lia Venegas on Lia and Dan
Lia Venegas on Lia and Wynton
Fusion Force[edit]
Lia Venegas on Cubbo's Rules
Lia Venegas on Bakumoves
Lia Venegas on Lia, Fusion Brawler
Shields of Vestroia[edit]
Lia Venegas on Darkus Vacation
Lia Venegas on Lia, Calm and Collected
Secrets of the Geogan[edit]
Lia Venegas on Maximum Creepy
Lia Venegas on Lia, Team Strike
Gate Cards[edit]
Gate Trainers[edit]
Y4 GATE[edit]
Lia Venegas on Y4 GATE 18
Behind the Scenes[edit]
- Lia's original name was "Lia Vicuna".
- A background character that resembles one of Lia's original designs was seen in the Armored Alliance episode The Bakugan Battle League Begins.