February 15


Numbers 7

By Ron

February 15, 2025

Gen-Rev, Numbers

What I Noticed Today (Numbers 7)

Numbers 7

Numbers 7 is the longest chapter in the Pentateuch and the second-longest chapter in the entire Bible. It certainly feels like it when we read it, doesn’t it? All this repetition – 12 times we read the same articles and animals being presented. This is one of those chapters that we tend to skip over without paying too much attention to, but there are some interesting things to note.

Note: Numbers 7 looks back one month to the day when the tabernacle had been completed, and Moses had anointed and consecrated all its contents.

In verses 1-9, the tabernacle had been erected based on gifts from the people, and it had been anointed. Now the people came together to offer materials needed for the transport and operation of the tabernacle.

  • The tribal leaders brought as offerings to the Lord, six covered carts and twelve oxen. One cart for every two leaders and one ox per leader
  • The Lord told Moses to accept these offerings to be used in the service of the tent of meeting by the Levites.
  • The oxen and carts were given to the Gershonites and the Merari because they had all the heavy tabernacle fixtures to carry. The Kohathites were not given oxen and carts because they were responsible for carrying the holy things which were to be carried on their shoulders. (We’ll see how important this is when we get to 2 Samuel 6:1-15.)

In verses 10-84, each day for twelve days the sons of the chiefs of each tribe brought identical offerings forward: a silver plate and basin filled with flour and oil for a grain offering; a golden dish full of incense; a bull, a ram, a lamb for a burnt offering; a male goat for a sin offering; two oxen five rams five male goats, and five male lambs for a peace offering. Grain, burnt, sin, and peace offerings were all brought forward to complete the dedication of the tabernacle.

Note: The order that the tribes came forward with their offerings is the same order that the tribes were listed in their encampment (Numbers 2:3-32).

In verses 84-88, the gifts offered to the Lord are summarized:

  • 12 silver plates.
  • 12 silver bowls.
  • 12 gold bowls full of incense.
  • Livestock for the burnt offering: 12 bulls, 12 rams, 12 male lambs with grain offerings, and 12 male goats for the sin offering.
  • Livestock for the fellowship offering: 24 bulls, 60 rams, 60 male goats, and 60 male lambs.

In verse 89, when Moses entered the tent of meeting, he heard the voice of the Lord speaking to him from above the mercy seat that was on top of the ark of the testimony, between the two cherubim.

Note: Numbers 7:89 fulfills God’s promise from Exodus 25:22.

Some thoughts for additional consideration:

  • God made a note of each individual by name, the details of every offering that was brought forward, and received the offerings individually. God cares about us as individuals!

What did you notice in your study today? Feel free to visit the website and leave a question or a comment.

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Tomorrow: Numbers 8-9

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