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HealthSherpa Agent Blog

We’re here for you, so you can be there for your ACA clients.

Carrier star ratings blog header

How to explain quality star ratings to ACA clients

Learn how these ratings are calculated and how they will be displayed on HealthSherpa. Get prepared.

Starting 7/1/21: Clients with unemployment income are eligible for a $0 Silver plan

Starting 7/1/21: Clients are eligible for a $0 silver plan with unemployment income

Learn the key details of this new rule around unemployment compensation, and how to get these new subsidies. Read more here.

HealthSherpa for Agents

5 top ways to use the HealthSherpa Agent Export Report

With HealthSherpa, you have the power to sort through your clients based on 146 data points. Learn how to start using the Export Report today.

HealthSherpa for Agents

What ACA agents need to know about the American Rescue Plan Act

The American Rescue Plan Act will change ACA subsidies. Make sure you’re ready to serve your clients and grow your book of business by learning more here.

HealthSherpa for Agents

Carrier Ad Placements in the HealthSherpa Agent Platform

Starting today, you may see sponsored carrier ad placements in the HealthSherpa agent platform. Click here to learn more.

HealthSherpa for Agents

What we’ve added in the HealthSherpa Agent account during 2020 SEP

Click here for a roundup of the main features we’ve added during 2020’s Special Enrollment Period! See what’s new.

HealthSherpa for Agents

Agents can enroll clients in catastrophic plans through HealthSherpa

Agents and brokers can complete catastrophic plan enrollments quickly through our application. Click the link to see the basics of these plans. Learn more here.

Step-by-step for Agents: How to sell Marketplace coverage

Want to sell ACA plans this OEP? Here are the 8 steps you should take before 11/1 to be set up for success. Learn how here.

Helping your clients navigate Marketplace coverage and COVID-19.

What ACA agents need to know about their NPN, FFM ID, and CMS password

Here’s the information on your FFM ID, NPN, and CMS password you need to set up your HealthSherpa Account and keep it running smoothly. Read more.

American Exchange Logo

American Exchange tried it all, and that’s why they chose HealthSherpa for ACA Enrollments

COO Andrew Hatzler shares why American Exchange has stuck with HealthSherpa after trying many other ACA enrollment solutions. Read more.

Easy ICHRA enrollments on HealthSherpa

Individual Coverage HRA (ICHRA) basics for ACA Agents

It’s easy to enroll ICHRA eligible clients into ACA plans through HealthSherpa. Learn key information you should know as an ACA agent about these plans. Get started with ICHRAs today. 

The Brokerage Inc Logo

The Brokerage Inc. uses HealthSherpa to empower their ACA Agents

Read why the Brokerage Inc., one of the top producing health insurance agencies, chose HealthSherpa for their ACA enrollments. Read their story.

HealthSherpa for Agents

Never ask again: Client Marketplace Notices visible through your HealthSherpa account

Agents can now access them directly from each client’s profile in their HealthSherpa account. Learn more here.

Peek Performance Logo

For Peek Performance, nothing beats HealthSherpa’s features and free platform

Hear from Clay Peek, founder of Peek Performance, about his career and the key features of HealthSherpa that his team loves. Read more here.

HealthSherpa for Agents

July 2020: Pulse of the ACA Market

Over 400 agents and brokers who use HealthSherpa shared how their ACA business is doing given the COVID-19 pandemic and recession. Click here to get your copy.

A+ Insurance Designers Logo

Even as A+ Insurance Designers grows, HealthSherpa is still the right fit

A+ Insurance Designers has been in business since the launch of the ACA Marketplace. Hear from Carson Choate, co-owner of A+ Insurance Designers, on their Agency journey and the role HealthSherpa has played in it. Read more here.

How a 1-year old agency hit the ground running with HealthSherpa

In our first Agency highlight, we caught up with Jose Santana, the co-founder of UWorld, to hear how his Agency was able to quickly establish their ACA business in a competitive market. Click here to learn more about UWorld’s story and why they got started with HealthSherpa.

New addition to the family.

You can report client life changes during SEP with HealthSherpa

See how you can quickly report changes with a HealthSherpa account, and get an email template to kick start your client outreach. Click here to see how easy it is to report changes with HealthSherpa.

more choices for 2020 OEP

How HealthSherpa helps agents safely assist their ACA clients

HealthSherpa offers agents a CMS-approved alternative for ACA enrollments. Learn how we can help you service clients remotely. Click here to learn more about how HealthSherpa can help your business during COVID-19.

Helping your clients navigate Marketplace coverage and COVID-19.

What agents need to do before MLMS “goes dark” on 7/17/20

As an ACA agent or broker, make sure you have the important 2020 information you need from your CMS enterprise portal before you lose access to it mid-July. Click here for directions on retrieving your certification.

HealthSherpa for Agents

Secure your ACA book with Two-Factor Authentication

According to Security Magazine, 58% of all cyberattacks target small businesses. Learn more about a HealthSherpa security feature that keeps your ACA book, and your clients, safe. Learn more about two-factor authentication.

Masked Man

Group Agents — how you can serve clients through lay-offs

Like many professions, the group health insurance industry is entering uncharted waters. We’ve put together a downloadable playbook with steps on how to keep your business afloat if your book shrinks. Click here to get your copy.

HealthSherpa for Agents

May 2020: Pulse of the ACA Market

More than 300 HealthSherpa agents shared how COVID-19 has affected their business, and whether client behavior is different compared to enrollments before the pandemic. Click here to get your copy.

Helping your clients navigate Marketplace coverage and COVID-19.

6 small changes that streamline your online ACA business during COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is going to have a lasting effect on your brick and mortar operation. Here are our tips on how to make remote work easier to manage and also save you time. Click here to read more.

HealthSherpa for Agents

How to handle common COVID-19 health insurance scenarios

Unusual SEP QLE’s are going to become more common due to the COVID-19 pandemic and recession. We’re sharing some guidance from CMS’s recent FAQ, so you can be prepared to service your clients. Click here to read more.

Woman anxious about healthcare costs

How to project a client’s income during the COVID-19 Recession

We’ve put together some tips on estimating income for Martketplace applications as well as this downloadable worksheet that you can either send or work through with your client. Click here to get your copy.

guide to unemployment

What should I cover with a client who lost employer coverage?

Many laid-off Americans are reaching out to ask questions about their coverage options without enrolling. Use this checklist and downloadable guide to educate these clients and save time. Click here to get your copy.

HealthSherpa for Agents

April 2020: Pulse of the ACA Market

More than 200 HealthSherpa agents shared how COVID-19 has affected their business, and what they expect to happen next. Click here to get your copy.

Many Americans are losing their jobs, and they will qualify for a SEP

My client lost their job, can they sign up for an ACA plan?

It’s important for ACA agents to know that job loss alone does not qualify clients for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) for Federal Marketplace health insurance plans. Click here to read more.

Expecting Mother and her Daughter

Special enrollment periods: what agents need to know to get clients enrolled

If you’re new to writing ACA plans or usually do most of your business during the Open Enrollment Period, here are the basics of what you need to know about SEP’s. Click here to read more.

Agents should be aware of how COVID bills could effect their ACA clients

COVID-19 stimulus bills, your clients, and their ACA coverage

So far, 3 stimulus packages have been passed to help health systems, economic sectors, and the American people battle and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. To save you time, here is the key information to know for your clients from these bills. Click here to read more.

Woman anxious about healthcare costs

Projecting an underemployed client’s income during the coronavirus pandemic

As a health insurance agent, you’re almost guaranteed to meet new clients who have no idea when they’ll be employed again. Here is some tangible information to help you and your clients guess their projected income today. Click here to read more.

HealthSherpa for Agents

COVID-19 Facts for ACA Agents and Brokers

We’ve compiled information to help health insurance Agents and Brokers service their clients. Click here to read more.

Helping your clients navigate Marketplace coverage and COVID-19.

Servicing your clients during the COVID-19 pandemic

As the number of COVID-19 cases rise, agents will field more calls from existing and potential clients. Here’s some guidance on what agents can do for their clients and community. Click here to read more.

HealthSherpa for Agents

A Message to Agents and Brokers about COVID-19

There hasn’t been much downtime since OE7, and we want to thank agents for the work they will do in the coming weeks as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds. Click here to read more.

How agents can help clients with their Form 1095A

What agents and their clients need to know about IRS Form 1095-A

Form 1095-A is an opportunity to provide year-round value to your clients. Here’s information on what you can do for your clients this tax season through your HealthSherpa account. Click here to read more.