Hi there,
I recently started to somehow see if I could put all my projects into one render, hence this image, (sorry its such a big image, you should zoom out if you cant see a light bulb.)
It was a 2 week project, rendered in octane and all modelled in blender, if u want a tutorial on modelling the semi-realistic watch, although only on the body and frame, with no sound the 2 links are here,
part 1part 2
EDIT: the links shud work now…
thanks in advance for any replies,
The squidifier
it looks like a good render, don’t know if i really have anything to say about it though.
Looks pretty real, though I do have to admit I’m seeing a lot of sharp edges on objects.
The only thing that really sticks out to me is that the light bulb glass appears to much like metal while the threading on the base appears to be plastic.
Very nice DOF.
However - it screams “texture me”. The camera needs a bumpy texture on the front panels, and scratches and dirt all around. The table needs some kind of texture. The bolts need to look scratched and maybe a bit oily. Ditto the watch machanism. The back of the lenses should have a proper mount. Make the lighting more interesting, perhaps a narrow window laying a beam across the scene and part of the wall.
i agree textures are necesary in this image…(for realism)
perhaps add a point lamp in the bulb and make it translucent…
one thing that bothers me is that the lighting is neutral and there is a broken camera seemingly a expensive on so id suggest make a dramataic light setup… make it tell a story … and instead of the “speaker”, i think it is in the BG, add tools for repairing…
but if your acheiving something else… we’ll see what it will be