stuff - boxes & tins

I love boxes... Such useful things. But then, you know what Freud said.* I have a fairly good collection of boxes and tins in my studio. (But what category should these things go in? Products? Home Decor?) *EDIT: After I wrote the above I was thinking what exactly DID Freud say? - it's been a long time since high school psychology class. Here is a list from his Interpretation of Dreams: "Female genitalia are symbolically represented with hollow objects that can contain things: shafts, pits and caves, vessels and bottles, boxes, suitcases, tins, pockets, closets, stoves, ships... The same holds for houses with entrances, passages and doors, churches, chapels, castles, mansions, fortresses and even landscape itself. The material such as wood and paper as well as objects made of them: a table, a book... symbolize the same. Typical female symbols among animals are snails and mussels and their shells. Apples, peaches and fruits in general symbolize breasts." But then what about, say.. a walking stick made out of wood? Or a pillar? Or a church steeple? And yet... sometimes a cigar is just a cigar... so it would follow sometimes a cigar box is just a cigar box - and a good place to keep small art supplies..
11 Pins
nice and neat.. i use similar boxes on my worktable but because its so shallow I've turned them on their sides and stacked them to use as mini shelves.. functional, but not as pretty as this
Vintage Metal First Aid Kit by Macgill Camping Travel Medical | Etsy
well this is a good old classic (follow link to see concise typed list inside lid. somehow I think I would feel better seeing this...:-)
Tool Box Shabby Chippy Paint Blue Painted Rustic Toolbox | Etsy
a humble box (at an unhumble price, unfortunately)
Rustic Kelley Green Wood Box | Etsy
well now that is a nice box. I'd like that one. Alas I am cash-less :-(