Hidden Health

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5.3M views · 159K reactions | Smashed Parmesan Brokkoli 🥦🧀😍 Dieser Snack ist genau das Richtige für euch wenn ihr Brokkoli liebt 😍 Das müsst ihr unbedingt ausprobieren 😋 Perfekt für zwischendurch oder als Vorspeise 👌🏻 Zutaten: - Brokkoli Für die Marinade: - 1 Bokkoli - Öl - 1 TL Paprika - 1 TL Knoblauch - 1 TL Oregano - Salz / Pfeffer - Parmesan Für die Soße: - 1 Dose weiße Bohnen - Saft einer halben Zitrone - 1 TL Senf - 1 TL Oregano - 1 TL Öl - Salz / Pfeffer Zubereitung: Kocht zuerst den Brokkoli 🥦 für ca. 15-20 Minuten. Dann schneidet ihr die Köpfe ab und drückt die mit einem Glas platt. Als Nächstes streicht ihr sie mit der Marinade ein und gebt noch etwas Parmesan oben drüber 😋. Dann kommt das Ganze bei 180 Grad für 15 Minuten in den Ofen. In der Zwischenzeit bereitet ihr die Aioli vor 🥰. Dafür mixt ihr alle Zutaten dafür in einem Mixer zusammen. Und schon könnt ihr euren Brokkoli Snack genießen 😍 Guten Appetit 🤤 #teamzarrellaskitchen #unglaublichschnell #unglaublichlecker | Stefano Zarrella | hugelthug · Original audio
462K views · 6.2K reactions | 해외에서 난리난 다이어트칩 ✅재료 통밀또띠아 올리브유 토마토 양파 삶은계란 아보카도 그릭요거트2T 소금 후추 레몬즙1T ✅만드는 법 1.또띠아는 컵으로 눌러 동그랗게 만들고 올리브유 뿌려 에어프라이어에 200도 5분 구워요. 2.야채류는 찹으로 다지고 그릭소스를 넣고 포크로 으깨듯 버무려요. 3.또띠아칩에 얹어 먹으면 완성! 바삭바사삭한 또띠아칩에 건강한 찹샐러드의 조합이 꿀맛이예요💚 꼭 한 번 만들어 보세요🙌 무더위 속 물 자주 챙겨드시고 오늘도 건강하고 행복한 하루 되세요💚 | 얭느홈 | 홈쿡 간단레시피 | Global Genius · Paris '39
14K reactions · 1K shares | Crispy Rice Crackers 100g rice 80ml water A little salt 2 egg whites & add 5 grams of sugar Bake in oven at 120 degrees for 1 hr and 30 minutes #ricecrackers #ricepuffs #ricecake #cooking #tutorial #recipe #asian #food #snacks #easyrecipe #米果 #banhgao #ข้าวเกรียบ | 2day’s Delights | 2days.delights · Original audio
93K views · 6.3K reactions | This is my viral Cheesy Lentil Bake! I shared this a few months ago as a way to use the red lentils at the back of the cupboard...it turns a LOT of you have lentils at the back of the cupboard 😅 I've been making this for years - it's great hot and cold, so the leftovers are brilliant for lunch. I have converted many a Lentil sceptic with this one! It makes me so happy that this has become a favourite with so many of you. I've written up the recipe below, let me know if you've made it, or it's going on the list, A x Feeds 4 2 carrots, peeled and coarsely grated 1 onion finely chopped 2 cloves of garlic finely chopped 200g dried red lentils 600ml vegetable stock 100g grated cheddar cheese (plus extra for the topping) 2 slices of bread roughly grated into breadcrumbs Salt and pepper Heat a drizzle of oil in a large non-stick saucepan  Add the carrot, and onion. Stir and fry on a medium heat for 5 minutes. Add the chopped garlic for the final minute Stir in the red lentils, before adding a little boiling stock. Bring to the boil.  Keep adding the stock a little at a time. Only add more when the stock has been absorbed. Stir regularly so it doesn't stick. It should take around 15 -20 minutes for the lentils to be cooked and the stock absorbed.  Heat the oven to 180C Add the 100g grated cheese and breadcrumbs. Season with salt and pepper and stir until the cheese has melted and the breadcrumbs have disappeared  Line an oven proof dish with greaseproof paper. Place the mixture in the dish and gently press it down  Sprinkle grated cheese over the top Bake in the oven for 30 minutes Leave to cool and firm up a little before lifting the the baking paper out of the dish and cutting it into slices. #delicious #recipe #quickdinner #lentils #veggiedinner #picnic #pickytea #dinnerideas ##budgetcooking #moneysaving #lentilrecipes #recipeoftheday #goodfood #dinnertonight | Amy Sheppard | Cordeone · c’est pas une valse
2M views · 32K reactions | Is your little Bluey fan hungry for adventure? Look no further than this Bluey-inspired toast! It’s the perfect way to turn snack time into a fun and creative experience. Here’s why this toast is tops: Bluey Approved: This snack recreates Bluey’s adorable face with blueberries and bananas - perfect for any Bluey fanatic! Kid-Friendly Fun: Easy to make and even easier to customize - let your little ones unleash their inner artist! Healthy & Delicious: A nutritious and satisfying snack that won’t leave them feeling like a dunny bum! Ready to make snack time legendary? (P.S. Show us your Bluey toast creations using #BlueySnackChallenge We might feature the cutest ones!) #BlueyLove #AfterSchoolSnack #EasyRecipes #FoodWithFun #BlueyFamily #bluey #blueyfans #kidssnacks | Sherrean Walker | Bluey · Bluey Theme Tune (Instrument Parade)