Lunch Bag Art 2014

30 to 60 minute sketches on my son's (who is now in 10th grade) lunch bag for decoration. Rules are to only spend the allotted time, using only pencil, pen, or ink, and typically only in black. Different themes each week but only of females. I use a reference when needed. The media is a brown lunch sack. School year 2014-15, added the use of color.
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#‎lunchbagart‬ Lunch Bag Art January 3, 2015 Angelic Warrior Inspired by the story of the battle for your soul. very detailed and took 2 hours to complete. video with comments is posted here:
#lunchbagart Lunch Bag Art January 1, 2015 Red Sonja For the first day of 2015, I chose the character for the graphic novel with Sonja Edwards' namesake. She has a little more red hair than Sonja does. Took an hour and thirty minutes. Those who do not know. Lunch bag art was created for Ryan to have a designer lunch bag for school lunches. However, I placed rules for the art work; had to be done on a brown lunch sack, use of pencil and pen only, any theme but had to be a female.
Lunch Bag Art ‪#‎lunchbagart‬ Today I was inspired by the song, Mary did you know. She must have had a lot of things going through her mind but I bet God was with her comforting her. 43 minutes Video being blocked once again by Facebook. Therefore, to watch it go here:
Lunch Bag Art December 17, 2014 Nothing more beautiful than the love between a mother and her baby. Reference is a statue, which I posted. So for the season, Merry Christmas. Not going to go to school due to the ARTISTIC nature of it. 40-ish minutes.
Lunch Bag Art: (October 26, 2014) Goddess of Liberty I was asked by my mom, Suzanna Els Edwards to make a Lunch Bag Art for their Retired Teach luncheon on Tuesday where Phil King and Craig Estes will attend in Decatur to have as a goodie bag. Therefore, this one will not be in Ryan's lunch bag portfolio but given away. Keeping the same rules in place I chose the Goddess of Liberty who is on top of the Texas state capitol.
My Immortal: Dedicated for Breast Cancer Awareness Month