scalp and hair

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Because it is an Amino Acid, the hair itself is acidic. More information later, but washing your hair with products that change the pH of your hair can problems on your scalp such as dry skin and other skin and hair problems.The Sulfur is the reason why your hair smells so bad if you accidentally burn it. The three phases of hair grown are the following phases. Anagen is when the hair grows- last 7 years. Telogen is the rest phase- lasts 3 months. Catogen is when the hair falls out.
Healthy hair
The pH of hair is naturally and needs to stay within this in order to stay healthy. Are you unnecessary damaging your hair?
 DO COMEÇO AO FIM oque é preciso pra mim torna um bom profissional na área da barbearia? -além da experiência profissional, é preciso levar em consideração: as ferramentas necessárias para o trabalho, o local ou a disponibilidade de atendimento em casa, e também habilidade para lidar com os pedidos dos clientes. tópicos 1ºquais são os matérias de um barbeiro?  • Tesoura de corte. • Tesoura de desfiar. • Máquina de cortar cabelo. • pente de apoio • Avental. • Navalette/na
Ultimate Detox For Dry/Damaged Natural Hair
Having a course hair texture stems from the way It grows out of the Scalp; The more slanted the hair strand grows from the root the kinkier the Hair and challenging for the Scalps natural oils to reach the entire hair strand causing dryness, tangles, & single strand knots. Tap the photo to learn how you can combat this common issue in our Blog. #MaximumHydrationMethod
Maquete Ciclo de Vida dos Cílios
maquete ciclo de vida dos cílios, perfeita para auxiliar as profissionais na hora de ilustrar o crescimento do cílios para as clientes. Tamanho aproximado de 10cm de altura, 15cm de comprimento e 10cm de largura (contando a base). Confeccionado em porcelana fria, material extremamente durável. Saiba mais no instagram
The BIG Shampoo Review - - Understanding Shampoo -- pH scale
Understanding Shampoo & It's relevence to the pH scale... This explains everything about shampoo and it's natural reaction with your hair.