Wake Time Length and Activities

Get help in finding your baby's ideal wake window (wake time) and also in getting ideas for what to do during play time. Having wake time length down perfectly and having activities age-appropriate both help your baby sleep better at night and take better naps.
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What to Do When Baby’s Awake Time Is Before Feedings
Sometimes baby wakes up before feeding time. What do you do in this case? Do you feed right away to keep the eat/wake/sleep pattern, or do you wait to keep the correct length of time between feeds?
Baby Wake Windows things you should know
One of the most important steps to establishing healthy sleep habits and getting your baby to sleep well is to have waketime length correct. It can take time to master, but I have put years of experience and many polls into posts to help you get there as fast as possible. It might surprise you to realize there can be a wide variation of optimal lengths among babies. Below are some poll results from readers of this blog. These poll results really illustrate the fact that every baby is different. There are averages and there are most commons, but ultimately it is up to you to figure out what is the optimal waketime length for your individual baby.
How To Respond When Your Kid Is Bored
As your child gets older, you will start to hear questions like this: “What can I do now, Mom?” “I’m bored!” “There is nothing to do!” Get a simple phrase to use when your child complains about being bored. This will get your child problem-solving independently.
Sample Schedules for Babies: 5 Months Old
This post gives sample schedule Babywise schedules for the sixth month. The sixth month of baby’s life comprises weeks 22-26. Baby is five months old at the beginning of this period and moves to 6 months old by the end. 5 month old sample Babywise Schedules. Babywise Sample Schedules: The Sixth Month. 5 month old Babywise sleep schedules. Babywise schedules used by real Babywise babies. Find out how long baby should be a wake, what to do during playtime, how to do blanket time and sign language, nap schedules, and feedings
How To Time Baby's First Nap So It Isn't Short
If your baby is taking a short morning nap, then baby’s wake windows are probably not timed correctly. If the first nap is too short, your second nap will probably also be short and you will find baby is not getting enough daytime sleep. So the success of the nap is important, yes, but how? How do you time it all to get optimal sleep length? Here are some key points. The first nap of the day is the most important nap for a baby. Learn how to time the first nap so it isn’t too short and baby can take a full morning nap. Learn reasons for the short nap and what to do when baby’s first nap is short based on your baby’s age.
Baby Awake Time Before Feeds: What to do
Eat, wake, sleep. Repeat. That is the pattern we all have in our heads. Sometimes, however, that little cutie of yours doesn’t seem to have gotten the memo and wakes up early from a nap. Too early for it to be time to eat already. Of course the first thing you check when you have a short nap going on is make sure you don’t have a growth spurt or hunger happening. You try to feed the baby. For the purposes of this post, I am going to assume you have checked the hunger possibility and have been working to try to figure out why the short naps are happening. In the meantime, between now and having the issue resolved and baby back to taking long enough naps, you need to know what to do with baby!
Best Toys for Baby: Ages 0-3 Months - Babywise Mom
16 plus activities to do each day with your newborn. Best Toys for Baby: Ages 0-3 Months. Best toys and activities for newborn babies ages 0-3 months old. Ideas for waketime with your baby. #babyactivities #newbornplaytime #babyplaytime #newborntoys
How to Teach Your Baby Sign Language
When we talk about teaching baby sign language, we do not expect baby to actually be fluent and perfect in any sign language any more than we would expect baby to be fluent and perfect in verbal communication. We are simply talking about teaching baby the gestures for certain words. We might even have modified gestures of an official sign language, and some parents even make up their own! Teaching your baby sign language has many, many benefits. One of the biggest benefits to teaching baby sign language is that you can avoid tantrums now and in the future. How to Teach Your Baby Sign Language to enhance language development and avoid tantrums. When to start and the benefits.
Helping Kids Stay Sane While Stuck Indoors
Helping Kids Stay Sane While Stuck Indoors. During winter break or Christmas break, you might wonder what to do with your kids. How do you keep them happy and sane when stuck indoors? What to do with your kids on a rainy day? What about when it is really cold outside or really hot outside and you cannot go out and play?
Structuring a Pretoddler’s Day: 15-18 Months Old
How to do more than just make it through each day with your toddler. Tips to structure your toddler's day and really thrive! Thrive rather than just survive!
Preschoolers NEED Play
A consistent daily schedule is very important in your preschooler's life. Your preschooler also NEEDS play. Play is a huge part of how preschoolers learn and grow and come to understand the world. Through play, your child learns: problem-solving moral skills social skills improved motor skills logic reasoning strategy As we fill our little one’s time with the learning and lessons, we lose out on play.
Dropping the Morning Nap Transition Time Tips Graphic
Get tips to move your toddler from two naps a day to one nap a day. Toddlers drop this nap between 14-22 months old. You can shorten the morning nap if your toddler can't do just one nap but doesn't need two. You can do two naps some days and one nap other days. You can try to drop the nap and add it back if it doesn't work, so don't be afraid to try! And remember it takes time to adjust, so give it some time.
The Impact of Dropping Baby's 3rd Nap
When a baby drops naps, you usually don’t drop that sleep altogether. Sleep is rearranged, not dropped, when a nap is dropped. As your baby gets older, sleep time does drop. Usually, when you drop a nap, you will rearrange the sleep time and then slowly drop that sleep time later in the day. In this post, I discuss the impact of dropping the third nap on your baby’s day. How baby’s schedule should change (and should NOT change) when dropping the third nap. This should be 6-10 months old.
Best Toys for Preschoolers 3 Years and Older
For me, as the child gets older, they start to play with the toys I envision children playing with. Something great about three year olds is that most have something they just love. For Brayden, it was Thomas. For Kaitlyn, it was horses. McKenna loved princesses. Brinley loved animals. Well over 38 toy ideas for your preschooler! Find the perfect gift for your preschooler in this massive list of toy ideas.
Schedule Tips
Get all of the tips you need to have a successful schedule or routine. Get schedule tips for newborns, babies, toddlers, and older kids! Find out how to make a schedule so it works for everyone in the family. You can also see how to handle the disruptions that are sure to come.