
32 Pins
Infinity tattoo - this like if temporary but the soul is eternal. This is gonna be my next one, I had my sister draw it up for me.
This too shall pass. Drutsa script stacked vertically | Tashi Mannox - Art & Print Store
This too shall pass. Tibetan calligraphy, Drutsa script stacked vertically
fear not, I have overcome the world @ Juxtapost.com
overcoming fear quotes | fear not, I have overcome the world / inspiring quotes and sayings ...
10 things that rocked my world. 9.5.15 — ASHLINA KAPOSTA
"Scars & Wings" This was written for a friend's sister, who fought cancer for many years before leaving us. She was the bravest person Ive ever known. @atticuspoetry #atticuspoetry
Custom Tattoo Design Contests & Tattoo Ideas
infinity tattoo with butterflies - Google Search