CBA12 posters

CBA12 took place in Lilongwe, Malawi from 11-14 June 2018. This album displays the posters presented at the event. CBA12 brought together practitioners, researchers, policymakers and investors to focus on local experience of climate change action. Participants identified practical ways to ensure that locally-driven climate action is supported by policy and appropriately financed:
13 Pins
E-learning Course on Financing Frameworks for Resilient Growth
E-learning Course on Financing Frameworks for Resilient Gr… | Flickr
Experiences from Zimbabwe in using Solar Powered Irrigation to catalyse adaptation in semi-arid areas
Experiences from Zimbabwe in using Solar Powered Irrigatio… | Flickr
Climate proofing lives and livelihoods
Climate proofing lives and livelihoods | This poster looks a… | Flickr
Afforestation Decision Support System Maharashtra
Afforestation Decision Support System Maharashtra | The Affo… | Flickr
Transboundary Flood Resilience in Nepal and India
Transboundary Flood Resilience in Nepal and India | The Tran… | Flickr
FLOOD-BASED LIVELIHOOD SYSTEMS | This poster looks at flood-… | Flickr
Producers Direct
Producers Direct | This poster describes the work of Produce… | Flickr
Managing Climate Risks and Opportunities in Market Systems
Managing Climate Risks and Opportunities in Market Systems… | Flickr
Relationship Indicators of Indigenous Knowledge of Weather Forecasting and Scientific Interpretation
Relationship Indicators of Indigenous Knowledge of Weather… | Flickr
Diversifying Community Livelihoods through Anukulan/BRACED Project in Nepal
Diversifying Community Livelihoods through Anukulan/BRACED… | Flickr
Climate proofing growth and development in South Asia
Climate proofing growth and development in South Asia | Flickr
Diversifying Community Livelihoods through Anukulan/BRACED Project in Nepal
Diversifying Community Livelihoods through Anukulan/BRACED… | Flickr
How does mangrove restoration empower women in Madagascar?
How does mangrove restoration empower women in Madagascar?… | Flickr