Devotions & Study

292 Pins
The Wrinkled Heart Lesson Plan Outline - Teachers Pay Teachers
The Wrinkled Heart Lesson Plan Outline for school counseling or for classroom teachers. Great lesson on kindness. I liked teaching this around Valentine's day or as a reminder to be kind either at the beginning of the school year or after winter break.
Rahab: A Woman Who Feared God Only
Rahab: A Woman Who Feared God Only | 1 Samuel 25 | Women of the Bible
Trusting the Potter: Embracing God's Purpose for Your Life
God is the Potter; we are the clay. He has a plan and purpose for our lives, and He made us just the way He wanted. But trusting the Potter and embracing His design isn’t always easy.
Dorcas in the Bible: Example of Friendship
Dorcas in the Bible: Example of Friendship
3 Lessons from Ruth in the Bible {FREE 10 day study}
3 Lessons from Ruth in the Bible {FREE 10 day study} - Christian Counseling
Hey guys!! I am so excited to start this new Bible study on Mondays!! I want to study the book of Ruth with you for the next four weeks!! This week we read through chapter 1 and get the setting and beginning of Ruths story!! There will be a podcast each week that goes along …