Journaling Ideas for Kids

Journal Buddies offers FREE journaling prompts for kids of all ages and grades. Find the best writing prompt ideas for teens, elementary, middle school and high school students. Find journaling ideas for kids by grade, months, holidays and seasons. Our journal writing prompts are also great for homeschooling and homeschool curriculum. Check out our free printable journal prompts for journaling ideas all year long.
1,597 Pins
73 Fun Journaling Ideas for Students
Are you ready to make journaling a more enjoyable experience for your kids or students? Look no further! We've collected 73 ideas, including journal prompts, to help students embrace their creativity and make the most out of their journaling sessions. From doodling to writing, discover the endless possibilities of fun and inspiring ways to fill your pages! #JournalingIdeasForStudents #JournalWritingIdeas #JournalBuddies
31 Simple And Creative Writing Warm Ups by Grade
Writing warm ups can help your writers start their day, be more creative, and help them write better stories. Check out our list of 31 writing warm ups by grade level today! #WritingWarmUps #WritingIdeas #JournalBuddies
30 Writing Prompts for 7th Grade Student Writers
Use these journal prompts for 7th-graders to help your students better understand their thoughts, clarify their emotions, and articulate their opinions in a healthy, constructive way! #WritingPrintables #WritingResources #7thGradeResources #JournalBuddies #WritingIdeas
34 Easy and Fun Animal Writing Prompts
This fun list of animal writing prompts will help learners (of any age!) become better writers by engaging their interests and captivating their imaginations. #AnimalWritingPrompts #AnimalThemedWriting #JournalBuddies
29 Mind-Bending Would You Rather Writing Prompts
This list of captivating Would You Rather writing prompts is perfect for kids in Elementary and Middle School and is a great way for teachers to spark creativity among students! Let's compare! #WouldYouRather #WritingPrompts #JournalBuddies
25 Fun Writing Topics That Will Get Your Kids Excited to Write Today!
Engage your child's imagination with 🎈🖍️ "25 Fun Topics for Kids to Write About"! It's not just a list, it's a journey into their creativity! 📚 Get ready to laugh, dream, and explore with their stories! Happy writing! 🌈
30 Things About Me – Fun Facts to Share
These 'Things About Me' writing prompts are your secret weapon for self-discovery! Uncover the things about yourself that you want to share with others. Through writing, you can learn more about the world around you as well as more about yourself! #ThingsAboutMe #WritingIdeas #JournalBuddies
72 Fantastic and Free 5th Grade Journal Prompts
No matter what their individual interests may be, these fun writing prompts are sure to be a positive addition to the day and inspire creativity! #FifthGradeWritingPrompts #Grade5Writing #JournalBuddies
K12 Personal Narrative Prompts by Grade
Unlock the full potential of your students' writing skills with these engaging personal narrative prompts specifically tailored for each grade level (K-12)! From captivating experiences to life-changing moments, help your students express themselves in the most creative ways possible. #PersonalNarrativeWriting #PersonalNarrative # PersonalNarrativeWritingPrompts #JournalBuddies
30 Fabulous February Writing Prompts for Kids
February Fun: 30 Prompts to Spark Joy, Love & Gratitude in Kids! ❤️❄️ Help students celebrate the good stuff this month with creative writing prompts that inspire reflection & appreciation. #FebruaryWritingPrompts #KidsWritingPromptsForFebruary #JournalBuddies
53 Black History Month Writing Prompts
Empower your elementary and middle school students' creativity and empathy for others with these 53 inspiring Black History Month writing prompts. These thought-provoking prompts not only celebrate Black History, but also encourage your students to develop their own unique perspectives on the world. Perfect for fostering a love for learning and inclusivity through journaling, these prompts will surely keep your class engaged and motivated! #BlackHistoryMonth #Writing #JournalBuddies
Self Discovery Journal Prompts and Questions for High School Students
Boost writing and communication skills with these powerful self-discovery journal prompts and questions designed for high school students. These insightful prompts will encourage your students to discover more about who they are and who they want to become! #SelfDiscoveryJournalPrompts #SelfDiscoveryWriting #JournalBuddies
Writing Prompts About Yourself
Sometimes it can be quite a challenge to get kids to write. One idea to engage the interest of children and students is to ask them to write about themselves! #WritingPromptsAboutYourself #WritingIdeas #JournalBuddies
154 FREE Writing Prompts for Students!
Come explore our collection of creative writing topic lists for elementary schoolers, middle schoolers, and teens. Creative writing allows kids of every age to use their imagination while expressing themselves. These writing prompts for students offer endless possibilities for learning and fun! #WritingPromptsForStudents #CreativeWriting #JournalBuddies
34 Quick Writing Prompts for Middle School Writers
Quick! Use one of these 34 quick writing prompts anytime your students say that they don’t know what to write about—or when they simply need a little bit of extra creativity! These prompts for middle school writers are designed to help kids who are feeling stuck move past their writer’s blocks. #QuickWritingPrompts #WritingIdeas #MiddleSchoolWriting #JournalBuddies