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𝐄𝐟𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐤â𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐭 𝐋𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐰ä𝐧𝐝𝐞 on Instagram: “Sara 🌸 Leinwand mit Namensbedeutung individuell gestaltbar💫 [24x30cm] Preisangabe per DM”
Anleitung Steckbrief A4 & A5 f
Du möchtest ein Freundebuch selbermachen oder ihr wollt eine Klassenzeitung zusammenstellen? Dann brauchst du wahrscheinlich für die Kids einen kleinen Steckbrief. \n\nMein Layout ist entspannt, unisex, für Grundschulkinder prima ausfüllbar und lässt si #makerist #basteln #diy #diyprojekt #bastelidee #bastelanleitung #bastelnmachtspaß #bastelnisttoll #selberbasteln via
Personalized Islamic Favors, Baby Shower Gift, Baby Welcome Baby Gift, Wedding Favors, Islamic Gift, Ramadan Gift, Eid Gift,Rosary
Welcome to our collection where uniqueness meets sophistication! Each prayer bead is adorned with exquisite stones, combining distinctive design with high-quality electronic elements. These unique pieces make a perfect choice for adding a special touch to your moments or gifting to your loved ones. Explore now and experience the blend of style and technology! Please contact me via message to choose the color of the electronic rosary. AFTER YOUR ORDER HAS BEEN PLACED To ensure we are creating exa
Electronic tasbeeh Gift Set| Eid Gift | umrah and hajj gift|Baby Shower Gift | Welcome Baby gift|Islamic Muslim Gift, Ramadan gift
WELCOME TO MY SHOP. Here are a few things you might want to know DIMENSIONS Electronic tasbeeh and card We prepare it in the color tones you want. If you want, we can make a personalized design. Robeistdesign offers the best quality with these eligible Party Items and Favors Since we are both a manufacturer and a wholesaler, you can find high quality at very reasonable prices from us. There are many sellers who sell at very high prices. You don't need to pay exorbitant prices. AFTER YOUR ORDER