Volleyball serving drill

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Coach Chijo on Instagram: "How to Serve Short #volleyball #volley #volleyballplayer #volleyballgirls #voleibol #voleybol #pallavolo #volleyballtraining #volleyballteam #sport #volleyballislife #sports #volleyballlife #volleyballskills #volleyballgame #volleyballtime #athlete"
Essential Volleyball Serving Drills — Best Volleyball Drills
Essential Volleyball Serving Drills — Best Volleyball Drills
Andi | IG Growth & Digital Products on Instagram: "Learn How To Jump Serve 👇🏽 ✨Jump serving in volleyball offers several advantages over a standing serve due to the added momentum and power generated from the jump. Here are three qualities that make jump serving a preferred technique: ⚡️Increased Power and Speed: Jump serving allows players to utilize their entire body, including their legs, core, and arms, to generate more power and speed behind the serve. This results in a faster and more forceful serve that is challenging for the opposing team to receive. ⚡️Varied Trajectory and Spin: Jump serving provides greater control over the trajectory and spin of the serve. Players can adjust the angle and direction of their approach, leading to a wider range of serving options, such as fl
Volleyball Serving Drills | Keys to Consistency & Accuracy