Garage gym

101 Pins
Can You Have An Outdoor Squat Rack?
Want to put your squat rack outdoors? I can understand the appeal, lifting outside is great and lets you escape the feeling of a crowded commercial gym or stuffy garage home gym. The only problem is the squat racks can be EXPENSIVE. You do not want to have your $1000 dollar + rack rust away into nothing in your backyard. Let's take a look at some of the reasons you may choose to put your power rack outside and how you can keep it safe. Table of contentsWhy Would I Put My Sq...
Fitness tool, not explosive device! This was one of my first few DIY projects and it still holds up. It takes less than 15 minutes to build and doesn’t require power tools (you can cut the pvc with a hand saw) but is easier if you have them. 👉 Follow @kaizendiygym for great DIY gym equipment ideas #homegymideas #garagegymhacks #homemadegym #gymfromhome #gymgarage #diyvideo