Flexibility workout

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Karin Bensabat on Instagram‎: "Tight hips? Nagging back pain? Move with me for 5 minutes, Thank me later. Karin. 🫠 . . . . . . . . #movement #movemore #handstands #handstand #locomotion #mobility #mobilitytraining #motionha ‏#mobilitytraining #mobilityworkout #jointmobility #mobilityexercises #mobilitywork #anklemobility #spinemobility #shouldermobility #ankle #stretchtherapy #strengthcoach #strengthandconditioningcoach #strengthtraining #yogastrength #injurypreventiontraining #sportsinjuryprevention"‎
Karin Bensabat on Instagram‎: "As many of you know, for me, mobility is mostly the means not the goal. It allows me to do acrobatics and play sports in my thirties, feeling stronger than ever. I think that whether or not physical activity is something that you’re passionate about - you should work not only on your range of motion but on your ability to move through it with ease and control. Send it to someone who needs it? Karin. . . . . . . . . #movement #movemore #handstands #handstand #locomotion #mobility #mobilitytraining #motionha ‏#mobilitytraining #mobilityworkout #jointmobility #mobilityexercises #mobilitywork #anklemobility #spinemobility #shouldermobility #ankle #stretchtherapy #strengthcoach #strengthandconditioningcoach #strengthtraining #yogastrength #injurypre
Alyssa Kuhn DPT | Osteoarthritis Expert on Instagram: "Better walking, running and hiking ✅ Ankle strength is key to help prevent rolling/spraining the joint but also to help any pain or stiffness that may be present due to ankle arthritis or another condition☝🏽 These are suggestions for simple ways to work your ankles and the muscles that support them for stability 👀 Modify any of the repetitions as needed and use support to help offload bodyweight and provide balance ⚠️ These movements are not meant to cause pain. If they do- modify the exercise accordingly or substitute the movement for a different one- there are lots of options! 🙌🏼 Don’t neglect your feet and ankles- they are VERY important. Especially if you have a history of ankle sprains or injuries- it’s even more importan
Elena | movement specialist on Instagram: "SHOULDER MOBILITY | BACK STRENGTH Try these three exercises to improve your shoulder mobility and back strength. Go for 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps each exercise. #movement #move #mobility #mobiliteit #mobiliteitstraining #mobiliteitvooriedereen #backstrength #backpainrelief #rug #shouldermobility #shoulderhealth #backexercises #shoulderstrength #schouderklachten #schouder #ruggengraat"
6.9M views · 520K reactions | Are you interested in a free workout plan? 🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 1️⃣ Follow Me on IG @bodybyvina_ 2️⃣ Add a note OR Repost one of my videos on your story 3️⃣ DM me “Free workout plan” 🔔Must do all 3 to receive a free workout plan 🔔 16 Reps | 3 Sets 🤗🤪🔥 Or 24 Reps | 3 Sets 🤗🔥🔥 30 days body snatched program. LINK IN BIO 🔥 To see real results from my workouts, being in a calorie deficit is key! It allows your body to burn fat for energy, making your hard work pay off. Pairing a calorie deficit with consistent exercise helps you shed fat faster while preserving muscle. However, it's important to create a moderate deficit to ensure sustainable progress without compromising your health or energy levels. Remember, you can't out-train a bad diet! Disclaimer: Proceed with caution. Trying this workout may pose a risk of injury. Consult with a professional before attempting this exercise routine to ensure safety and proper form. #Workout #Workouts #Workoutmotivation #Gym #Gymlife #Gymmotivation #Gymtime #Gymrat #Physique #coreworkout #Ripped #Gainz #Gains #Gymjunkie #Gymaddict #GirlsWhoLift #Workoutvideos #Workoutroutine #gymshark #Workouttime #Workoutclothes #Gymfit #Muscle #Train #Training #NoPainNoGain #Trainingday #TrainHard #lasvegaspersonaltrainer #personal | Vina | Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach
1.5M views · 233K reactions | Are you interested in a free workout plan? 🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 1️⃣ Follow Me on IG @bodybyvina_ 2️⃣ Add a note OR Repost one of my videos on your story 3️⃣ DM me “Free workout plan” 🔔Must do all 3 to receive a free workout plan 🔔 16 Reps | 3 Sets 🤗🤪🔥 Or 24 Reps | 3 Sets 🤗🔥🔥 To see real results from my workouts, being in a calorie deficit is key! It allows your body to burn fat for energy, making your hard work pay off. Pairing a calorie deficit with consistent exercise helps you shed fat faster while preserving muscle. However, it's important to create a moderate deficit to ensure sustainable progress without compromising your health or energy levels. Remember, you can't out-train a bad diet! Disclaimer: Proceed with caution. Trying
Suzi J on Instagram: "Fun wall workout! 30 seconds 4 X’s! For more workouts like this or your own personalized workout check out my website BeFitSuzi.com #wallworkout #workout #fitness #fun #exercise #workoutoftheday #fyp #foryou #insta #instagram #instagood"
Ania Tippkemper on Instagram: "For all office workers and those who seat too long throughout the day. Enjoy! Fall colours by @aloyoga @alo #yoga #mobility #yogaforofficeworkers #yogainspiration #yogadaily #yogaatwork #yogafordeskworkers #yogagirl #yogapractice"