I'm Bunjy (they/them), part-time internet goldfish and full-time goofball. I answer biology asks under the #Cursed Biology series tag. feel free to send a bio request but BEWARE THE MONKEY'S PAW. I'm the owner of Wexter the Extreme Chompin' T-Rex, and I post updates about her in the #wexter tag. see #TAGGING SYSTEM REF for a list of my current tags. This blog is SFW.

  1. Anonymous asked:

    do you think god approves of what you have done? of what you have brought upon the world?

  2. bunjywunjy:

    good morning morning, it’s a bright new day and I have dragons to sell! this week’s offerings include a single berry blast veilspun, a flight of drowned atlantis abberations, a few gaudy glitch everlux, and a couple of lisa frank snake explosion auraboas! find them all on my For Sale tab HERE and take one or several home today!!


    (via bunjywunjy)

  3. wizardarchetypes:


    living on an island is so funny. today there was a turkey stuck in the road. it was very stressed and causing a traffic jam so I pulled over and got out and herded it off the road. It seemed injured, so caught it and looked it over (experienced bird rehabilitator disclaimer). anyway, the rest of the day, everywhere I’ve done today someone is like, “Oh hey Story. Heard you caught a turkey earlier.” Which means people in the cars going by knew me, saw me chasing a wild turkey, and it seemed correct enough that they didn’t stop to investigate.

    back home, I once spent a heroic and chaotic hour chasing down an escaped chicken in the middle of town, which culminated in my scaling the side of a CVS pharmacy to access its roof (successfully).

    that story went up on my old blog, so it’s floating around this site somewhere. that’s not important.

    what IS important is that the final ten minutes of the ordeal was witnessed by a local UPS deliveryman, who then walked into the hardware store where I worked and shouted, “there he is! the chicken wrangler!” then he told everyone within earshot what he’d seen and what I’d done. That was in 2017.

    Recently he delivered a package to my mom’s house, and when my sister answered the door, he said, “doesn’t the Chicken Wrangler live here?” It turns out he’s still telling my story, like he’s my dedicated bard. Toss a coin to your chicken warden etc.,

    (via cthulhu-with-a-fez)

  4. omtai:



    love pickles. a little pickle never killed nobody. Unless you’re in one. Then shit ain’t funny.

    Scrolled came back read it again and cried laughing

    Thank you for giving me another chance

    (via thespinesmoustache)

  5. sarahmccostumes:

    Bluesky post by sarahmccostumes that reads: >decide to run a panel at a local Anime con about how to fry rice >decide to do this in Sanji Onepiece cosplay >ie I'll want to make a few sexual jokes  >ie the panel needs to be 18+ >ffw to con: >100+ PEOPLE SHOW UP BECAUSE THEY'VE BEEN WONDERING WHY THE FUCK A PANEL CALLED "HOW TO FRY RICE" IS 18+  The post has 248 reskeets and 1k likesALT

    Not only did my fried rice panel take off in a way I wasn’t expecting but my POST about the fried rice panel also took off in a way I wasn’t expecting please let me rest

    (via greatlordfluffernutter)