Laundry room

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Lavanderia funcional. Projeto por: Freitas Cidade - Arquitetura e Interiores. Nos siga no Instagram: @freitascidadearq. #areadeserviço #lavanderia #projeto #decor #projetodeinteriores #arquiteturadeinteriores
10 lavanderias pequenas que fogem do óbvio
4-lavanderias pequenas que fogem do obvio
The Block Shop - Oh girls, those tiles! And we loved your artwork 'Enchanted Wall' (on pre-order at The Block Shop now). #theblockshop #9theblock #roomreveals | Facebook
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Lor Limau - HDB 3 Room - Kitchen. Design by Ace Space Design Pte Ltd
12 Resale Homes With Impressive 180-degree Makeovers
12 Resale Homes With Impressive 180-degree Makeovers | Article | Qanvast | Home Design, Renovation, Remodelling & Furnishing Ideas