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15 Exciting & Educational Olympic Activities
Get ready to dive into the world of the Olympics with these 15 captivating and educational activities for your classroom! Explore lessons that celebrate the Olympics, engage students through fun crafts, and ignite their competitive spirit with exciting games. Don't miss out on this opportunity to inspire your students through the magic of the Olympics!
Summer Olympics Activities For Kids
The summer Olympics are coming up! This is a great way to get students or kids involved in learning! What do you include? You can include Venn diagrams, books, KWL charts, traditions, STEM and so much more to your lessons that relate to summer sports. Because students are seeing the events at home, they will be more engaged in your lessons. These are my favorite Summer Olympics activities for kids!
5 Olympic Track & Field STEM Activities
5 Olympics activities for kids that are easy to do at home. Kids will connect and learn with these STEM activities while learning about the Olympics!