Native Americans

ODE OF THE LOST INDIAN NATION You came to our land of milk and honey fair, and trampled through our woods, as if we were not there. You ignored all our pleas for peace, and marched us to and fro, and now we are scattered here and there with no place else to go... So now I humbly ask you, was it worth the fight, to scourge our village, and raid us through the night? You thinned out our bloodlines; you thought you were smart, you may take the Indian from our blood, but never from our heart.
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Peace Pipe
"The Smoke". It was made in Montan in 1905 by Edward S. Curtis. The photo illustrates Two Crow Indians sitting on the ground smoking a peace pipe
Two Moons as chief of the Cheyennes, gives a striking portrait :: Photographs - Western History
Two Moons as chief of the Cheyennes,1907
Two Charger Woman - Sicangu Lakota - 1907 {Note: In her right hand she holds a decorated horse quirt with a serrated edge. This would nomally be something carried by a member of a warrior society.}
Flying Hawk (aka Moses Flying Hawk) (1854-1931) was an Oglala Lakota warrior, historian, educator and philosopher. Flying Hawk's life chronicles the history of the Oglala Lakota people through the 19th and early 20th centuries, as he fought to deflect the worst effects of white rule; educate his people and preserve sacred Oglala Lakota land and heritage. Wiki (Photo by Gertrude Käsebier, 1898) ~Via Judy Seaman [CaliWrites]
Proud To Be Native on Flipboard
Proud To Be Native
Umapine, a chief of the Cayuse Indians. September, 1909.
US Native American Postcards (1935-Now) for sale | eBay
Apache Buck Hihlh Native American Indian Edward s Curtis
Yahoo Image Search
Red Sleeve, Cheyenne Scout
Little Bear, Cree, Rocky Boy Reservation, Montana, Indian Peoples Digital Image Database Object Description
Yahoo Image Search
Crow Scout in Winter