
14 Pins
The Big 20/20 Event: Day 16: Making Your Own Art Journal Part 2
MAKING AN ART JOURNAL, PART 2 using the copic stitch by Lisa Scott
Old Book= New Sketchbook!!
Make a new journal with an old book cover, really nice instructable!
Fewer words
Mini tutorial showing the cross stitch in long stitch binding
art - handmade books and bindings
lovely longstitch bookbinding variation - Costura nova by Maria Meira Journals Art Diaries Eclectic, Longstitch Bookbinding, Handmade Book, Design Book, ...
Leather Longstitch Pocket Journal Production Photos
long stitch leather pocket journal tutorial by Ruth Bleakley
A trio of long stitch bullet journals with diagonal stitching by @paperiaarre
Cynthia Shaffer
How to make a Leather Journal for drawing, painting, and doodles (tutorial + images via Cynthia Shaffer)
Let's Make A Journal - tortagialla
This is a great tutorial and it is so simple - love it. I think that it is so great that you can teach children this method of journaling for the rest of their lives.
Awesome Handmade Books: French Link Stitch Bookbinding
Awesome Handmade Books - French Link Stitch Bookbinding Examples
Book-making tutorial - I'm thinking a book for the grandbabies about our adventures. Something for them to chuckle over in their adult years? Could be interesting. The same author also has one for binding notebooks.