Sabbatical Planning

Everything you need to know about taking a break from your career in order to enjoy around the world travel. From budgeting and saving for a sabbatical, travel insurance, planning, extending time spent abroad, preparing for long term travel, and so much more! Let's make this dream happen!
91 Pins
What to Consider When Moving Abroad
Knowing what to consider when moving abroad can save time and money and prevent stress and culture shock. Whether you’re a British expat seeking new opportunities in European countries or embarking on a preferred destination, the logistics of expat life are both exciting and daunting.Numerous factors, from financial institutions to adapting to new cultures, present challenges.
Solo Travelling South America: All You Need to Know!
South America Solo Female Travel | Travel South America Solo | Solo Travel South America. Travelling South America as a solo female traveller is probably the best thing you can do in your life. Don't hesitate to go travel South America solo. Check out Temporal Globe for the best travel advice on travelling South America solo. #southamericasolofemaletravel #solotravelsouthamerica
Around the World Travel Sabbatical Planning Tips
Ready to make your travel dreams a reality? Discover how to plan an around the world travel sabbatical with these helpful trip planning tips.
The Ultimate Guide To A Sabbatical Budget
Everything you need to know about building a budget for a gap year step by step. #Sabbatical #SabbaticalPlanning #Budget #BudgetPlanning #GapYear #AdultGapYear #CareerBreak #MiniRetirement #SabbaticalLeave
Sabbatical Budget - Step By Step
Everything you need to know about building a budget for a gap year step by step. Sabbatical | Sabbatical Planning | Budget | Budget Planning | Gap Year | Adult Gap Year | Career Break | Mini Retirement | Sabbatical Leave
Sabbatical Budget - Step By Step
Everything you need to know about building a budget for a gap year step by step. #Sabbatical #SabbaticalPlanning #Budget #BudgetPlanning #GapYear #AdultGapYear #CareerBreak #MiniRetirement #SabbaticalLeave
The Ultimate Guide To A Sabbatical Budget
Everything you need to know about building a budget for a gap year step by step. Sabbatical | Sabbatical Planning | Budget | Budget Planning | Gap Year | Adult Gap Year | Career Break | Mini Retirement | Sabbatical Leave
The Ultimate Guide To A Sabbatical Budget
Everything you need to know about building a budget for a gap year step by step. #Sabbatical #SabbaticalPlanning #Budget #BudgetPlanning #GapYear #AdultGapYear #CareerBreak #MiniRetirement #SabbaticalLeave
Discover Sabbatical Leave: Is it Right for You?
Uncover the concept of the adult gap year and decide if it's the perfect fit for your life. Explore new horizons and embrace the possibilities! | adventure awaits | gap year inspiration | life transitions | self discovery | new beginnings | sabbaticals | sabbatical leave | gap year | adult gap year | career break | mini retirement
Discover Sabbatical Leave: Is it Right for You?
Answering all your sabbatical leave questions. What is a sabbatical? What do you do on a sabbatical? How long does a sabbatical last? The ultimate guide to planning your leave for your vision board. | Sabbatical | Sabbatical Leave | Gap Year | Adult Gap Year | Career Break | Mini Retirement | Travel Goals | Life Transitions
Discover the Adult Gap Year: Is it Right for You?
Uncover the concept of the adult gap year and decide if it's the perfect fit for your life. Explore new horizons and embrace the possibilities! #adventureawaits #gapyearinspiration #lifetransitions #selfdiscovery #newbeginnings #sabbaticals #sabbaticalleave #gapyear #adultgapyear #careerbreak #miniretirement
Sabbatical Leave: What is it and how to plan one
Answering all your sabbatical leave questions. What is a sabbatical? What do you do on a sabbatical? How long does a sabbatical last? The ultimate guide to planning your leave for your vision board. #Sabbatical #SabbaticalLeave #GapYear #AdultGapYear #CareerBreak #MiniRetirement #TravelGoals #LifeTransitions
Discover the World: The Ultimate Guide to Adult Gap Years
Unleash your wanderlust with a comprehensive guide to adult gap years. Get inspired, plan your adventure, and make the most of your time off. #travelgoals #gapyear #adventureawaits #exploretheworld #lifetransitions#sabbaticals #sabbaticalleave #adultgapyear #careerbreak #miniretirement
How to Get the Best Airbnb Monthly Rentals: 13 Money Saving Tips
As full time travelers, we’re always on the hunt for the best Airbnb monthly rentals. We used to travel on the go non-stop in the beginning stages of our website. However, as time went on, we found ourselves needing to settle down for more long term Airbnb stays. Here’s everything to know about renting an Airbnb for a month and tips from our own experiences living abroad!
Around the World Travel Sabbatical Planning Tips - Intentional Travelers