Max Payne DIY Costume Guide

Max Payne

Max Payne (voiced by James McCaffrey) is one of many hardboiled detectives in media today. But that doesn't mean he doesn't stand out. His attitude, his way of doing things, and the gritty style of his games have made him a fan favorite for people the world over.

Cosplaying him is more about the attitude than the clothes. After all, it takes some real grit to pull off the ugliest paisley tie you can find, which seems to be his signature! Other than that tie, Payne is all about the basics. Functional black shoes and dark grey slacks pair with a white button up and dark brown leather jacket that's more function than flash. And of course where would Payne be without his belt, holster, pistol, and badge?

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About the Author

A.C. Rodgers

A.C. Rodgers is a writer and a researcher combining her love for pop culture with her passion for storytelling. She is easily distracted by Marvel, mythology, sci-fi, fantasy, a good book, or a nice cup of tea. When she's not writing for Carbon Costume she can be found on Twitter and Instagram or working on her latest novel,

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  1. not the original max payne, the original was the dress pants and shoes, a white dress shirt, leopard print scarf, and a black leather “car coat”(hip length mini trench coat) his weapon of choice was the beretta m9, mainly see him having dual wielding them. also he had the shoulder holsters. i loved max mayne. i would love to see you do a tutorial of the origianl

  2. heres his original style if you want to try and publish a new costume design for him.

    Max has a Leather thigh length “car coat” or most would call it a trench coat, he has a white dress shirt, with a leopard print scarf, he has a nypd detective badge, he wears charcoal color dress pants with black leather dress boots. his weapon of choice is a dual-wield beretta m9. he also has shoulder holster. i will leave links here.









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