
Munchkin Photo #1


The Munchkin is a relatively new breed of medium-sized cat with a rather unusual appearance. These cats have an elongated spine and short cute paws, which makes them graceful and very cute. Their fur can be either long or short in a wide variety of colors. A broad head with a smooth outline, a small bent nose, wide set ears, large expressive eyes that can also be different colors, a strong muscular neck, long body, and small feet-all of this sums up the Manchin breed elegantly. 


The munchkin is a very intelligent, kind and active cat, with them you certainly will not be bored, because they love to play with the owner. Despite the fact that they due to their short paws can't jump on high surfaces, and for someone it may also be an advantage, they are very active and love to run after the toys. The Munchkins are very good with children and will be a great friend for them. A distinctive quality of this breed is that they are easily taught different commands, they can even be taught to bring toys right into your hands. 


Since the Munchkin is a medium sized breed, they can weigh from 3 to 5 pounds, and height of 14 to 16 centimeters, yes, they are so low, but very interesting and unusual. They should not be overfed, because then the cat will have a lot of stress on its small paws and the life of the pet may become shorter because of problems with the paws. Speaking of the longevity of munchkins, read on. 


Munchkin breed cats have an average lifespan of 12 to 14 years, but if you love your pet and provide the ideal living conditions, your cat will live with you even longer and better. Unfortunately, again due to the short paws, this breed can suffer from arthritis, so it is very important to watch your cat's diet to avoid these problems as much as possible. In other points of pet care, Munchkins are similar to other breeds, timely vaccinations, treatment for parasites and other hygienic procedures are the same as other cats. 


The Munchkin breed has an average litter size of 2 to 4 kittens. Puberty in them begins at the age of 4-6 months, but it is desirable to start breeding later, so that the body of the animal is stronger and fully formed. In one litter may be born kittens with different colors of hair and eyes, which is very interesting. If you decide to get a Munchkin breed kitten, you'll definitely have no time to be bored, because they are very energetic and love to play. 

Breed Information

Origin:United States
Size:Small to Medium
Lap Cat:Yes
Life span:10-15 years
Easy Going
Weight:Male: 6 - 9 pounds
Female: 5 - 8 pounds
Cream tortie
Kitten Price:Average $1000 - $2000 USD

Breed Characteristics

Affection Level:
Dog Friendly:
Child Friendly:
Health Issues:
Energy Level:

Dog names

Rank Male Female
1 Toby Maggie
2 Oliver Luna
3 Bentley Roxy
4 Buster Gracie
5 Oscar Rosie
6 Shadow Callie
7 Scout Honey
8 Loki Holly
9 George Sandy
10 Boomer Minnie
11 Tank Callie
12 Benny Allie
13 Ranger Gigi
14 Maverick Sally
15 Benji Sassy
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