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You had me, but the question was, did you want me? You said you did... but in a day that had all changed. You ignore me now, we don't talk like we used to, we don't laugh like we used to... "I'm giving up on you"
Everyday I fight back the urge to text or call you, telling myself that if you wanted to talk to me, you would, text you applies cause you've never talked to me. Knowing you never wanted to talk to me or see me hurts more than I can express, I feel so stupid! A old damn fool that dared to dream
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You meant the world to me, still do.I Think about you constantly and wonder what we could've had if we kept going.I talk to other guys but you never leave my mind and I keep wanting to just call you and tell you how much you mean to me.I miss our late night talks and kisses. I miss cuddling and just being close to each other.I want what we had back but I know we can't have that, you've moved on and I wish I could.The truth is I loved you and always will.You will always have a place in my heart.
Making Sure Emotional Flooding Doesn't Capsize Your Relationship
This quote makes so much sense to me. When being flooded by emotions or symptoms, it can be overwhelming. They come out of nowhere at times. I am not always aware of the triggers that set me off until much later. Although it's good to know the trigger that knowledge doesn't help at the time of flooding. It does help me to know what to avoid the next time so that I don't turn to isolation. This site gives practical advice of how to cope with the flood before it becomes a rip tide.
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Wow, this reminded me of years ago when I felt this way. Great quote.
I think we all have those people where we're like "Don't you understand how beautiful you are? Don't you understand how lost I would be without you?" But those people never know that we feel that way, do they? So maybe someone feels the same about you and just doesn't ever say it to your face. We humans, we never do.
(Images) 52 Motivational Picture Quotes For An Epic Year Of Success
If you can't take 90 seconds out of a busy day to call me on my BIRTHDAY, your love is a lie
You can say sorry a million times-----------Yeah.....it's called character and trust me I've known some with none
Daily quotes when someone is worth it, youre willing to stop flirting with other people ~ inspirational quotes pictures - Collection Of Inspiring Quotes, Sayings, Images | WordsOnImages
im the one that steps up to you, make you feel and no your wanted my someone willing to take a sec of my time to remind you that you are missed and yet you can sit there and tell me no one cares...