Op Art

22 Pins
Rotation, rotation, rotation! Alexander Calder and his high-wire circus act
Rotation, rotation, rotation! Alexander Calder and his high-wire circus act - Tate Modern, London A conversation with Mondrian in 1930 set in motion Alexander Calder’s glorious mobile sculptures – and his balletic constellations are still breathtaking today
37 Black And White GIFs That Will Melt Your Brain
<b>The sublime world of GIF art.</b> WARNING: flashing images.
3º A - Consignas
En esta sección podrás encontrar las consignas de cada trabajo, con su respectiva fecha de entrega y en el enlace de abajo, e...
La vogue de l’optique art
Carlos Cruz-Diez, Adagp, Paris 2016/Galerie Mitterrand
Op Art and Colored Pencil Tutorial - Art 1
I love Op Art and I thought it would be the perfect lesson to teach Art 1's how to use colored pencils. We began by discussing O...
Bridget Riley - Uneasy Centre, 1963
Bridget Riley - Uneasy Centre, 1963 acrylverf op paneel acrylic on panel Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, 2012
Des gifs animés qui font mal aux yeux
Des gifs animés qui font mal aux yeux-07
Op Art Known Optical Art Style Stock Vector (Royalty Free) 114252412 | Shutterstock
Op art, also known as optical art, is a style of visual art that makes use of optical illusions
op art cubes template
Image result for op art cubes template
Optische Illusionen & Tricks
Optische Illusionen & Tricks
This item is unavailable - Etsy
variation of line op art lesson**-connection to site is not available, but this is great