Drink Up!

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Steph Crivelli on Instagram: "Limonada de bugambilia 🍋🩷 • Vas a amar el color de esta limonada, pero amaras más SUS BENEFICIOS. • Ingredientes 👇🏼 10-15 flores de bugambilia (solo la flor) 2 litros de agua 4 limones jugosos Endulzante de tu preferencia a gusto Mucho hielo • * Lava y desinfecta las flores, yo usé ozono * Deja infusionar o hervir las bugambilias por 5 minutos con 500 ml de agua * Beneficios de la bugambilia 👇🏼 * Mejora la piel * Expectorante * Calma la tos * Combate el estreñimiento • a menores de dos años no se recomienda ofrecer infusiones. Consulta siempre con el pediatra • Si padeces de alguna enfermedad consulta a tu médico • Recuerda, TODO en exceso es malo. • #limonada #pinklemonade #limonadarosa #limonadadebugambilia #remedioscaseros #bugambilia #crivell
Sparkling Lime Mint Punch (Mocktail) ⋆ SomeTyme Place
Sparkling Lime Mint Punch (Non-Alcoholic) ⋆ SomeTyme Place
Emily x Levi on Instagram: "STARBUCKS MEDICINE BALL✨ Let’s make a better version at home that is actually good for you and a fraction of the price 🙌 ⭐️Here’s how you can make it: 4-5 lemons 3-inch piece of ginger 1/3 cup raw honey 1/2 cup coconut water Mint tea Blend together all the ingredients (except tea) until smooth. Place in an ice-cube tray and freeze overnight. To assemble a medicine ball, warm a bag of mint tea in hot water. Add 2 cubes with some raw honey and a slice of lemon. Enjoy! Follow @emilyxlevi for more content like this 🫶🏽 Thanks @kalejunkie for the inspo #starbucks #starbucksmedicineball #medicineball #immunesupport #healthyrecipes #easyrecipes #healthtips #healthfamily"
Frozen Rosé Grapefruit Cocktail {Grapefruit Frosé} - Pizzazzerie
Frozen Rosé Grapefruit Cocktail | SO delicious, my favorite cocktail! Pizzazzerie.com
Salted Caramel Chocolate Martini | 3 Yummy Tummies
Pineapple Juice, orange sherbert and sparkling moscato are blended together for the ultimate brunch cocktail.
July Fourth Is a Celebration, So Put One of These Drinks in Your Hand
This Blueberry Coconut Sparkler mixes blueberries and coconut together for a tangy treat that will transport you straight to a tropical island.
15 Better Ways to Enjoy Watermelon This Summer
If you really want to get creative with your cookie cutter creations, use letters to spell your guests' names out of melon or watermelon to use as drink markers and place holders.
Pumpkin Spice Latte better than Starbucks!
Copycat Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe. Perfect fall drink to enjoy. Plus saves $$'s on your Starbucks addiction.
Tone It Up | For Women, By Women - Nutrition Products & Workouts
Try this Beach Babe margarita! It's the perfect refreshing drink for a hot summer day! xoxo